HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978/01/04 - Minutes January 4, 1978
Regular Meeting
CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the City Council was held at the Community
Service Building, 9161 Baseline Road, Rancho Cucamonga, on
Wednesday, January 4, 1978.
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor James C.
The pledge to the flag was led by Mayor Frost.
ROLL CALL Present: Council members Jon D. Mikels, Michael Palombo,
Phillip D. Schlosser, Charles A. West, and Mayor James C. Frost.
Interim City Manager, H. K. Hunter, and Interim City Attorney,
Samuel Crowe.
APPROVAL OF Minutes of December 14 and December 21 were presented for
MINUTES approval.
Motion: Moved by West to approve the minutes of December 14
and 21. Seconded by Palombo. Motion was unanimously carried.
DONATION OF The Cucamonga-Alta Loma Junior Women's Club represented by Mrs.
PLAY EQUIPMENT Reynolds, presented to the City Council $900.00 worth of play
equipment for Lions Park. This consisted of two climbers and
two jumpers. This project was originally planned to go elsewhere
but it was their desire for it to be placed in Lions Park for
the younger children. The equipment was graciously received by
the Council with a special words of thanks from the Mayor.
INSURANCE Mr. Edward F. Barnes from the Barnes Insurance Agency in Cucamonga
PROGRAM FOR spoke regarding the City's insurance program.
He voiced his disapproval that the City went out of the area
when, in his opinion, there were agencies that could provide
such services locally. He recommended that his firm and
Henry Wilson from the Alta Loma Insurance Agency be considered
to share our insurance business.
PRESENTATION Mr. Charles Nation from General Telephone made a presentation
OF NEW' TELEPHONE on the new telephone director. He presented the problems of
DIRECTORY listing the three separate communities of Alta Loma, Etiwanda,
and Cucamonga under the one city name of Rancho Cucamonga at
this late date. His suggestion was to leave the three cities
listed as they were, but adding Rancho Cucamonga in its
alphabetical position in the main listing on the cover and intro-
ductory pages. To do a mass change would be in the 1979-80
Directory or else delay the present directory considerably. This
pertains only to the white pages. The yellow pages would be
changes as the customer placed his ad and how he wanted it listed.
He did agree that the Telephone Company would do its best to
comply with the wishes of the Council.
The decision was made by the Council not to do any mass updating
at this time.
City, Council Minutes
January 4, 1978
Page 2
This ordinance was introduced for consideration and proposed
to be in effect April 1. The ordinance was discussed
briefly. There were some questions from the audience.
Motion: Moved by West, seconded by Palombo to set a public
hearing date for February 1, 1978. Motion unanimously
ELECTION 1980 City Attorney, Sam Crowe, explained that all five Council-
men must run again in the election of March 1980. The two
with the highest number of votes will have four-year terms.
The other three members will have two-year terms. This is
an amendment of Resolution 77-298 from the Board of
ORDINANCE TO The City Manager presented the need to establish a Planning
ESTABLISH A Commission. This will be presented at the January 18
PLANNING meeting. A draft of an ordinance was read and discussed
COMMISSION by the Council. Mayor Frost urged everyone to submit
their comments in writing to the City Council before the
next meeting.
ZONE CHANGE Mr. Stephens from the Planning Department presented the
EXTENSION need for a zone extension at the northwest corner of 19th
and Ramona. Reason for this request; there was a change
N/W 19th Street in plans. Part of that area is commercial, the other R-3.
& Ramona The original plan was for a subdivision; the new proposal is
to build a large-scale housing development.
Motion: Moved by Palombo, seconded by West to approve the
extension to July 2, 1978. Motion unanimously carried.
APPROVAL OF The following were presented by Acting City Engineer,
Tract 9521: Motion: Moved by West, seconded by Palombo
to approve final maps. Motion unanimously carried.
Tract 9590: (all conditions were met). Motion: Moved by
West, seconded by Palombo for approval. Motion carried by
the following vote:
AYES: Palombo, Schlosser, Frost
NOES: Mikels
Tract 9426: Presented by Mr. Crowell who explained that
heavy rains had caused a lot of debris to wash down onto
Turquois Avenue. Ail conditions had been met, except
the final letter from the Edison Company. Mr. Bond from
Edison Company assured the City Council that such easement
had been agreed upon.
Motion: After some discussion, it was moved by Schlosser
seconded by Palombo to approve the plans. Motion unanimously
City Council Minutes
January 4, 1978
Page 3
MORATORIUM During the discussion involving approval of the three tracts,
DISCUSSION questions were being raised regarding: Sewers, Schools, and
Planning. The City Attorney was asked if the final maps could
be delayed? The City Attorney had no example to cite where
this had been done once the builder had met all requirements
for the final maps.
Final approval was given to the three tracts on the agenda.
However, members of the Council were concerned about future
building. There was a discussion by the Council regarding
future building and how they could get a handle on the
situation. The City Attorney said he could have this prepared
as an item for the January 18 agenda.
There was a discussion by citizens and builders. Mr. Stephens
said he would have a full package ready to present to the
Council at the January 18 meeting, showing the status and details
of all permits and subdivisions.
There was consensus by the City Council that the moratorium
issue will appear on the January 18 agenda following the status
report and depending on what information the Planning Department
RECESS The Chair delcared a recess at 9:20 p.m. and at 9:30 p.m.
the meeting reconvened with all members of the Council present.
STREET CLOSURE Mr. Shone requested permission of the Council to close Sapphire
Street between 19th and Orange to through traffic only for
19th & Sapphire sewer construction.
Motion: Moved by Palombo, seconded by Schlosser to approve
the street closure. Motion unanimously carried.
EMPLOYEE The City Manager requested the Council to authorize the Mayor
RETIREMENT PLAN to sign a formal resolution, prepared by the Public Employees
Retirement System, which would show an actuarial cost to the
City of 8.225~ as notification before an ordinance could be
Motion: Moved by Mikels, seconded by Palombo to authorize
mayor to sign the resolution to show intent in the Public
Employees Retirement System. Motion unanimously carried.
LEASE AGREEMENT The City Manager introduced the lease agreement with the
METROPOLITAN Metropolitan Water District for approximately three acres
WATER DISTRICT at $100.00 per year.
Motion: Moved by Palombo, seconded by Schlosser to approve
the agreement with the Metropolitan Water District. Motion
unanimously carried.
STORM DRAIN The City Manager requested that the Council refer storm drain
REQUESTS. requests to the City Engineer before bringing them to Council.
Council unanimously concurred.
City Council Minutes
January 4, 1978
Page 4
CHINO BASIN Mayor Frost asked Mr. Lloyd Michael of the Water District
MUNICIPAL WATER to speak briefly on the policies of the Chino Basin
DISTRICT POLICIES Municipal Water District. Mr. Michael pointed out areas
of problems, but the communities were working together to
do their best to resolve them
PERSONNEL The City Manager recommended the establishment of the
SELECTION position of a Director of Finance at a salary of $1695
per month.
Motion: It was moved by Palombo, seconded by Schlosser
to approve this position at a salary of $1695 per month.
Motion unanimously carried.
Mention was also made that at the next meeting a recom-
mendation would be made in regard to appointment of a
City Treasurer.
Mr. Harry Empey was introduced as the new Finance Director.
AIRPORT Mr. Shone presented a brief report regarding an extension
EXTENSION of the Ontario International Airport runway. This will run
into Archibald Avenue causing a detour around the runway.
A proposal is being made to put a tunnel under the runway
on Archibald. Funding would be federally funded with some
local sharing of costs.
MUNICIPAL COURT Mr. Ray Trujillo asked the support of the Council in
IN RANCHO keeping a municipal court here in Rancho Cucamonga. The
CUCAMONGA plans at present are to consolidate in Ontario.
Motion: Moved by Palombo, seconded by Mikels to have a
resolution written and signed by Mayor Frost to present
to the Board of Supervisors at their next meeting on
January 17. Motion unanimously carried.
STREET NAME Mr. Roger Bush representing homeowners on Kirkwood Court
CHANGES spoke requesting the name of their street be changed to
Regency Circle. The reason being there was another Kirkwood
street within the city.
Chief Billings spoke that this was quite a problem for the
Emergency Services Department since so many streets,
circles, courts, etc. did have the same name.
Mr. Hunter suggested that before the Council approved the
changing of name for this street that a research be done
of other problem areas with the help of Chief Billings
and his department.
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Chair entertained a
motion for adjournment. Motion: Moved by Schlosser,
seconded by Palombo and approved unanimously. The meeting
adjourned at 11:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Beverly Authelet
Deputy City Clerk