HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995/09/07 - Agenda Packet - Library Board of Trustees LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETING First Thursday 7:00 p.m. September 7, 1995 Civic Center Council Chambers 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 City Councilmembers William J. Alexander, Mayor Rex Gutierrez, Mayor Pro Tem Paul Biane, Councilmember James V. Curatalo, Councilmember Diane Williams, Councilmember Boardmembers Robert Howdyshell, President Laura J. Muna-Landa, President Pro Tem Rebecca Davies, Boardmember Gina Gregory, Boardmember Edward E. Swistock, Boardmember ii1~ PAGE Board of Library Trustees Agenda I Regular Meeting, September 7, 1995 A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Roll Call: Howdyshell , Davies ~., Gregory Muna-Landa __., and Swistock B. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Boardmember or member of the audience for discussion. 1. Approval of Minutes: August 3, 1995. 1 2. Approval of retention of existing fees in Schedule A, unchanged. 9 Approval of State Library report. 12 3. C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1. Library status report: oral report presented by Library Staff. 2. Budget report: presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. 23 a) Closeout of 1994/95 b) Budget amendments for 1995/96 3. Approval to accept $5,000 grant award by the Weingart Foundation: 31 presented by Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian. 4. Approval to participate in two joint grant projects: 34 a) Joint Project for Linking Public and School Libraries in San Bemardino County: presented by Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian (proposal attached). .~ PAGE Board of Library Trustees Agenda 2 Regular Meeting, September 7, 1995 b) Joint Project to Preserve and Collect Local History: oral presentation by Deborah Clark, Library Manager (due September 15). 5. New fines/fees proposed for review and approval/denial as outlined 38 in Schedule A: presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. 6. Publicity Plan: presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. 42 D. BOARD BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the Board of Library Trustees for discussion. They are not public hearing items, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1. Follow-up on goals distributed by President Howdyshell at the March meeting. 2. Report from staffon progress on Defining Basic Service: oral report presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. 3. Report from the Fundraising Task Force, including the Donor Wall: oral report presented by Boardmember Swistock. 4. Update on Literacy Grant: oral report presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING This is the time for the Board of Library Trustees to identify the items they wish to discuss at the next meeting. These items will not be discussed at this meeting, only identified for the next meeting. ,~ PAGE Board of Library Trustees Agenda 3 Regular Meeting, September 7, 1995 F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC This is the time and place for the general public to address the Board of Library Trustees. State law prohibits the Board from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. 1. Request from Charles Richards, representing the Rainbow Praise 46 Center, to use the Community Room for five consecutive days in September (his letter attached). It. ADJOURNMENT I, Vivian Garcia, Library Administrative Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on Friday, September 1, 6:00 p.m., 1995, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54953 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DATE: September 7, 1995 TO: President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR AUGUST 3, 1995 RECOMMENDATION Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees for August 3, 1995. BACKGROUND Minutes taken and compiled by Library Administrative Secretary Vivian Gar¢ia. ect fully submitted, Deborah Kaye Cl,,a~ Library Manager 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES A..~__CALL~ The regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, August 3, 1995, in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. and the pledge of allegiance was led by President Howdyshell. Present were Boardmembers Gregory, Muna-Landa and Swistock. Also present were: Mayor Bill Alexander, Diane Williams, Councilmember, Jack Lam, City Manager, Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, Diane OqNeal, Management Analyst II, Susan Stark, Finance Manager, Paul Williams, Friends of the Library, Rebecca Davies, Deborah Clark, Library Manager, Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, Renee Tobin, Children's Supervisor and Vivian Garcia, Administrative Secretary. B. PRESENTATIONS/ANNOUNCEMENTS B1. Administration of Oath of Office - Oaths of Office were administered by Mayor Bill Alexander to Rebecca Davies, new appointment to fill term vacated by Jacqueline Bolda, and Edward E. Swistock, reappointment. C. CONSENT CALENDAR Cl. Approval of minutes: July 6, 1995 C2. Approval of proposed bylaw for the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Board of Trustees. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Swistock, seconded by Boardmember Gregory. Motion carried 4-0-1 with Boardmember Davies abstaining. D. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS President Howdyshell stated that Item D5 was requested to be pulled because the information was not available at this time. Library Board Minutes August3, 1995 Page 2 D 1. Approval of proposal to allow all schools in the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library service area free dial-up access to Magazine Index component. Deborah Clark, LibratT Manager, stated staffis proposing to allow schools free dial-up access. This supports the formal education program that was the number one role selected by the Board earlier in the last fiscal year. Robert Karatsu had GTE perform a survey on the use of the dial-up ports and access to the catalog, there also, appeared to be a low period of concentration of calls during peak school hours. President Howdyshell asked if there would be any additional cost or expenses that the library would have. Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, stated that library already pays for this and there would be no additional costs. MOTION: Moved by President Howdyshell, seconded by Boardmember Swistock. Motion carried 5-0. D2. Library status report: oral report presented by Library staff. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, reviewed Handout D2 with the Board. The best news for the month of July was when the State passed their budget, they also passed our Literacy grant. We are fully funded - $94,000 for this fiscal year, $84,000 for next year and the following year, and then a 75 percent grant in the fourth year with 50 percent grant in the fifth year. The program will begin in October. Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, stated that "hot" topics thus far, (6) computer books, (5) books on psychology, (4) medicine, (3) books about drawing, (2) books about travel and the most popular, cookbooks. President Howdyshell pulled Item D4 out of order to be addressed by Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager. D4. Budget Report Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated that staff is setting up a meeting with the County to analyze receipts. The City Manager's office is committed to ensuring a high level of service. The first step is to meet with the County to find out what has happened and to see if we can resolve it. If resolution does not occur, staff will be looking at options and making recommendations to City Council. 3 Library Board Minutes August3, 1995 Page 3 Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that handout D4 is a memo stating historically how the Library Budget was formed. Column A represents the revenues staffexpected and budgeted for and Column B represents what staffhas received. Column C shows what the percentage difference is. Staff has been in contact with the County Accessors office. Boardmember Swistock asked when staffwas planning to meet with the County. Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated that staff was planning to meet next week sometime around August 9th. Staff's recommendation is that the Board allow for more time to resolve the issue. The City Manager's office is closely watching the budget and the situation. D3. Summer Reading Program update: oral report presented by Renee Tobin, Librarian II. Renee Tobin, Librarian II, stated that there are approximately 1,600 children signed up in the Summer Reading Program. Support for incentives and prizes have been received from the Friends of the Library, Mrs. Nelson's Toy and Book Shop in La Veme, Carl's Junior on Base Line, Scandia Amusement Park, and other local businesses which have given coupons to the children. Wells Fargo Bank paid for printing of all the folders, bookmarks and buttons. Staffhas received additional help with the Summer Reading Program from a federally funded summer youth employment program, JPTA. Four high school students have been working in children's 20 to 25 hours a week. President Howdyshell asked if staff has any recognition planned for the businesses that contributed. He stated that he would like staff to include the organization which funded the program for the students. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that staff will send a letter to the JTPA Program, and also have Nina Cole, Library Assistant I, create a poster that would highlight all the businesses that contributed. The poster will be displayed at the major event at the end of the Summer Reading Program. Boardmember Swistock asked that staff send "thank you" letters to all the businesses that contributed. President Howdyshell asked that staff recogn/ze businesses at the end of the progrmn, by requesting a representative from each business to be present for a group picture and have it appear in the Grapevine or the newspaper along with remarks on the success of the program. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, went back to the second part of Item D4, appointment of special fund-raising Task Force. Staff is asking the Board to approve the appointment of a group which will address issues right away, and can work on the mail-out campaign, the establishment of the donor wall, help staff with the promotion of the business friends, planning of one major fund-raising event for the year, brain storming ideas for fund-raising and to indicate a list of potential members for the 4 Library Board Minutes August 3, 1995 Page 4 future Foundation Board. Why the task force instead of the Foundation Board? Staffis still filling out the paperwork on creating the Board, tax status has not be given yet, and at least a four month period will pass before the Foundation begins. Staff would like to create this Task Force with people who are excited about fund-raising, willing and anxious to get to work on things right away. Boardmember Swistock and Boardmember Muna-Landa volunteered to be on the Task Force. Boardmember Swistock requested staffto approach the Community Foundation and to have two of their members on the Task Force. Deborah Clark asked Paul Williams if any of the Friends of the Library would like to be on the Task Force. Paul Williams stated that two members will serve on the Task Force. MOTION: Moved by President Howdyshell that formation of the Task Force to be composed of two members of the Community Foundation if two are willing to accept, two members of the Friends of the Library, the two selected by the Board to serve who volunteered, the Library Manager and the Principal Librarian as staff support be approved, seconded by Boardmember Gregory. Motion carried 5-0. D6. Report on Telecirc dial-out function and proposed consideration of elimination of term "Interim" in the official library name. Presentation by Library Staff. Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, stated that the use of the word "Interim" which is in the catalog and Telecirc, tends to confuse patrons. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Swistock, seconded by President Howdyshell. Motion carried 5-0. E. BOARD BUSINESS E 1. Follow up on goals distributed by President Howdyshell at the March meeting. Report on the progress of developing the Business Friends of the Library: presented by Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian. Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, stated that in a meeting with Boardmember Swistock and Deborah Clark, staff developed four classes of Business Friends. The Business Friend for $100 a Library Board Minutes August3, 1995 Page 5 year, Patron Business Friend for $500 a year, an Affiliate Business Friend for $50 a year and a Lifetime Business Friend for $5,000. The Business Friend would receive free on line access to the Library Catalog, $10 worth of photocopies, computer printouts and personal computer access, the Check-it-Out Marketing Library Card, a quarterly Business Friend Newsletter, invitation to one introductory orientation workshop introducing them to Rancho Cucamonga Public Library services; attendance at one specialized workshop that the library will put on; $20 worth of Rancho Library dollars which can be used for videos, audio books, cd's, book holds; 10 pement discount on fee based custom research; a special library reference hotline-phone number-for business friends only; invitation to participate in service resource selection focus groups and a waiver to the start-up of the Intemet access. The Patron Business Friend would receive more of the photocopy use, more of the Rancho dollars and their name on the donor wall. The Lifetime Business Friend would receive much more of everything and an Affiliate Member would receive less of the Rancho dollars, less of the photocopies. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, asked that the Board approve the concept and staff will keep working on this and develop a finished product. MOTION: Moved by President Howdyshell, seconded by Boardmember Muna-Landa. Motion carded 5-0. E2. Report from staff on progress on Defining Basic Service: presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that staffhas had eight meetings. Most of the area covered and completed was the Children's Services. Staffwill be presenting their idea of basic service to the Task Fome on Basic Service. Staffis currently meeting on Reference and Information services. E3. Follow up on the joint meeting of the Council and Board, Wednesday, April 12th. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that an item City Clerk's office was tracking, the parking issue. Does the Board want staff to bring parking before Council? President Howdyshell stated that this was an issue brought before Council in the joint meeting as a concern for "down the road." However, there does not need to be any immediate action taken, but he would like this continually brought to their attention so it is not forgotten. President Howdyshell had Deborah Clark read a letter from Kevin Start, California State Librarian. Library Board Minutes August 3, 1995 Page 6 E4. Update on local history grant application: presemed by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated the Board directed and in the long range plan there is an agreement to apply for a local history grant this year. Staff is proposing that the library apply this year. Staff reviewed handout E4 with the Board. The first step in the creation of a Historical Advisory Committee of residents. A list of those who have agreed to serve on this committee except those in bold was attached to the handout. Staffis asking the Board to direct staffto continue the application process. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Swistock, seconded by Boardmember Gregory. Motion carded 5-0. F. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING F 1. President Howdyshell requested an update on the Donor Wall. F2. Boardmember Swistock requested an update on the budget. F3. President Howdyshell would like the Task Force to look at, along with Robert's and Boardmember Swistock's comments on the Business donors, to create an advisory group fi.om those donors to have a schedule meeting of their input. Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, stated that any business friend would be invited to serve on a £oeus group and asked for their input on the selection of materials and resources the library selects. F4. Deborah Clark, Librau Manager, stated staff will have a publicity plan for the Board's review. F5. Boardmember Gregory requested a progress report on the Literacy Grant. G. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC No communications were made from the public. Library Board Minutes August3, 1995 Page 7 H. AD JO RNMENT MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Davies, seconded by President Howdyshell to adjourn to September 7, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried, 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Vivian Garcia Administrative Secretary Approved: 8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 7, 1995 TO: President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF RETENTION OF EXISTING FEES IN SCHEDULE A RECOMMENDATION Approve existing fees listed in Schedule A without change. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS A survey of surrounding libraries shows the fees in Schedule A to be aggressive, yet fair. No changes are recommended at this time to raise existing fees. FINANCIAL IMPACT No impact. _ _~ ~ectfully submitted, ~ Deborah Kaye Cl~g,~ Library Manager 9 Item B2 Schedule A FINES AND FEES FINES: Fines are based on item rather than patron. A child borrowing adult materials will be assessed an adult overdue fine. Per Day Maximum Fine Overdue Fine: adult $.25 $10 Overdue Fine: children $.10 $5 Overdue Fine: video $2 $10 Overdue Fine: magazine $. 10 $1 FEES FOR RENTAL Charge Loan Period Limit of Items Video Cassette Loan fee $1 7 days 4 video titles total Business Video Series $2 per tape 3 days .... ,, Best seller videos $2 per tape 3 days " " ,, Audio Cassette fee $.25 per tape/S2 max 14 days 4 cassette titles CD fee $.25 per CD 14 days 4 CD titles Best seller CD $.50 per CD 14 days .... Read Alongs $.25 per Cassette 14 days 4 Readalong titles FEES FOR SERVICES Charge Interlibrary Loan $2 Marketing Library Card $3 Lost Library Card $2 for regular card; $3 for marketing card Collection Fee: $15 per account Test Monitoring Fee: $10 per test session Access to on-line magazines $35 LOST MATERIALS Cost of Item Processing Fee Books Original cost $5 Media Original cost $6 Paperback books Original cost $2.50 Magazines Cover price $1.50 DAMAGE FEES Charge Bar Code removed $2 Books: List cost in computer Cover damaged $5 10 Plastic cover damaged $2 P~/ge tom $1 per page Compact Discs: List cost in computer Broken Jewel Case Singles $1.50 Doubles $3.00 Loss of liner notes $5 Loss of book/paros $5 Video Cassettes: List cost in computer Shell replacement $5 Storage case damage $5 Audio Book Cases Double $5 4 storage $6 12 storage $7 Cassette boxes $1 OTHER Charge Test/Deposit books: $20 refundable deposit charge; checks allowed CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 7, 1995 TO: President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF 1994/95 STATE LIBRARY REPORT RECOMMENDATION Approve filing the attached report with the office of the State Library as official record of the fiscal year past. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Each year the State Library requires the filing of a document reflecting library services performed at each California public library facility. The year for 1994/95 was more complex than most years due to the inability to make comparisons, having had no prior year's operation and the co-mingling of Library funds with Redevelopment Agency Funds for remodeling the new library and purchasing the collection and equipment. FINANCIAL IMPACT No impact. ~ecffully submitted, Deborah Kaye ~1~ Library Manage'r---~ PLEASE DO NOT California State Library FOI.D OR STAPLE Federal-State Cooperative System for Public Library Data I CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REI~ORT 199, [ REPORT YEAR equals Library Development Services Due Aumast 3 I. 1995 Fiscal Year 1994-95 P.O. Box 942837 1,1877 DCR._B~.SE ending June30, 1995 Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 Rancho Cucamoncja Liz Gibson (916) 653-6752 Code: p Table: 2 Type or Handwrite Changes on this page. DIRECTORY UPDATE 1. Library. Rancho Cucamonga Public Library 2. Director. Deborah Clark City Librarian 3. Street Address. 4. Mailing Address. ~n~C~vicC*nter-Dr. 7368 ^rchibald t05~O Civic C, nter~Dr, 7368 ^rchibald Rancho Cucamonga CA 9~ 72 9 Rancho Cucamonga CA '9t-7-29- 91730 91730 5. Public Phone. (909) 948-9900 6. Reference Phone. (909) 945-9900 ext. 500 7. Library Director's INTERNET Address. 8. Library's INTERNET Address. if applicable. 9. FAX Phone. (909) 98-7-6499- 989-8966 10. TDD for Deaf. 11. Size Sq. Miles. 0.00 37.8 12. House Dist. 42 13. State Seaate. 3I & 32 14. Assembly. 61 & 63 15. Affiliations. Member: Inland Library System 16. ILL Period: # Weeks. 0 17. ILL Photocopy free up to 10 pages? YES 18. Copy fe~. ONLY if answer to/117 is No; otherwise, leave blank. 19. Schedule of Main Library Service Hours. [~,onday: 12-9 Tuesday-Thursday: 10-9 Friday: 12-6 Saturday: 10-6 Sunday: 1-4 Deborah Kaye Clark r-~ (909/ 948-9900 ext. ~020 NAME OF CONTACT FOR Qt~ESTIONS REGARDING REPORT DATA (Type or Print) Phone # of Contact 13 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M877 Rancho Cucamonga l For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding I Response for Type Response for Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, I FY 1993-94 Avoid other marks/comment~ on page. 1994/95 in box below. 100. 877 100. 877 POPULATION and OUTLETS 201. Pop. Children Age 0-5 201. 201. 11,340 203. Pop. Children Age 6-14 203. 203. 16,276 205. Registered Borrowers as of June30. 205. 2o5. 39,167 206. Children Borrowers Age 0-14 206. 206. 13,061 207. Main Library. 207. 1 207. 1 (if open for public service) 208. Branches. 208. 208. 0 (at least 1400 sq.ft. 7000 vols) 209. Sl~tlons. 209. 209. 0 210. Bookmobiles. Vehicle count. 210. 210. 0 .1. Other Outlets, Deposits. 211. 211. 0 212. Hours per week Main Library is open. 212. 212. 59 LIBRARY STAFF 251. Total count of persons anployed. 251. 251. 38 full ~nd part time. (PERSONS NOT FI'E) 252. ALA Librarians.(Full Time Equivalent) 252. 252. 5.25 who have accredited ALA Masters. 253. FTE Total Librarians 253. 253. 6.25 (ALA or other.) 254. FTE Special ProfessionaLs 254. 254. 0 255. I"IE Lib. Tech. Assistants. 255. 255. 2.5 256. FTE other. 256. 256. 10.~5 257. FTE Volunteers, 257. 2s7. 3.10 Average FTE per week (not hours) Page 2 QST_STAT DCR STAT 14 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M877 Rancho Cucamonga lFor OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding I · Response for Type Response for Type Responaes in indicated area ONLY, I FY 1993-94 1994/95 in box below. Avoid o~her marks/comments on page. I 100. 877 100. 877 INCOME Report whole dollars only, omit cents. Enter funds for operational expenses, and for capital outlay. 3Ol. Local Government: 3Ol. 3ol. $5,936,261 taxes and allocations.('mcludes $'s from 305. & 307.) 302. State funds: 302. 302. 20,304 CLSA and PLF. 303. Federal funds: 303. 303. 0 ],SCA or ot~et. 30&. Other Income. 304. 304. 92,000 (includes $'s detailed ia 306, bdow.) 305. Special District Augmentation 305. 305. 0 funds for counties and districts. 306. Gifts, Fines, Fe~s 306. 306. 9;) , 000 and local fund raising. 307. Contract Payments. 307. 307. 0 from another jurisdiction. 308. CapitalOutlay. 308. 308. 3,069,157 Page 3 QST_STAT DCR_STAT 15 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M877 Rancho Cucamonga ?~ll~ For OCR Scanning: Hease Avoid Folding . Response for Type Rsponse for ~ Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, FY 1993-94 1994/95 in box below. ~'] Avoid other marks/comments on page. 100. 877 100. 877 STANDARD OPERATING EXPENDITURES Local, State and Federal funds. 4ol. Salaries. 4ol. 401. $ 429,660 402. BeheSts. 402 402. 117,700 If paid by Library. 403. Print Materials. 403 403. 1,600,000 404. Current Serial Subscriptions. 404 404. 14,000 405. Microforms. 405 405. 8,000 406. Audlov/sual materials. 406 406. 98,000 407. Other materlals. 407 407. 100,000 40S. All other Operating Expenditures. 408. 408. 387,440 )9. Capitalouflay. 409. 409. 3,069,157 Include sites, buildings, vehicles, original equipment. Page 4 QST_STAT DCR_STAT 16 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M877 Rancho Cucamonga A or OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding [ Response for Type Response for ype Responses in indicated area ONLY, I FY 1993-94 void other marks/commen~s on page. 1994/95 in box below. 100. 877 100. 877 EXPENDITURES - Detail S01. Postage and Delivery. SO1. 501. $ 6,000 $02. Telephone and Other 502. 502. 12,000 Telecommunications. 503. Contracted Computer Services. 503. 503. 20,000 504. Online Database Searching. 504. 504. 0 505. Preservation. 505. 505. 0 506. Expenditure for Children's 506. 506. 448,000 Materials. 507. Adult Literacy Program. 507. 507. 0 508. Transfer to City/County divisions 508. 508. 0 for services: maint, accounting, etc. 509. PaymenL~ for Contract Service 509. 509. 68,000 to another jurisdiction. 510. Estimate of Services & Supplies Sl0. 510. 0 benefiting the library that were paid for by other City/County Division for report year. PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND 5 ~.~.. Amount of PLF funds included in 511. 511. 20,300 Total Operating Expenditure. S 12. PLF expended for Library Mater/als. 512. 512. 0 513. PLF expended for Personnel 513. 513. 20,30t~ 514. Hours of service provided by 514. 514. Sunday 1-5 PI.F-paid Personnel. SIS. PLF expended on General Operating 515. 515. 0 budget. 516. PLF expended on Special Projects. 516. 515. 0 517. PLF difference from Allocation. 517. 517. Page 5 QST_STAT DCR_STAT 17 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M877 Rancho Cucamonga For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding i ResPOnse for Type ResPOnse for Type ResPOnses in indicated area ONLY, I FY 1993-94 1994/95 in box below. Avoid other marks/comments on page. 100. 877 100. 877 COLLECTIONS. All entries are annual for fiscal year, and are ia uaits or items. 601. Books Added Cataloged. 6Ol. 6Ol. 86,900 602. Books Adult/YA Added Cataloged. 602. 602. 1,964 603. Books Added Uncataloged. 603. 6o3. 0 60~,. Children's Books. 60~,. 604. 30,268 Added, Cataloged. 605. Children's Books. 605. 605. 0 Added, Uncataloged. 606. Books Total Held as of June 30. 606. 606. 86,900 60'/. Books Children Held as of June 30. 607. 607. 30,268 608. Books Adult/YA Held as of June30. 608. 608. 56,632 609. Lensed Books. 609. 6O9. 1,015 Inventory on hand. ~10. Govermnent Documents 610. 610. 0 in separate collections. 611. Microfihn (reels). 611. 611. 0 612. Microforms(notmicrofihn). 612. 619. 119 613. Children's Audio Materials 613. 613. 640 held as of June 30. 614,. Total Audio Materials. 614. 614. 3,055 615. Films. 615. 615. 0 616. Children's Video Materials 616. 616. 1,030 held as of June 30. 61'/. Total Video Materials. 617. 61'/. 2,683 61a. Numbor of Current Periodical 61a. 618. 190 and S~rial Sub~riptions. 619. BookTitles Added (Cataloged) 619. 619. 86,900 620. CD-ROMS Data disks only, 620. 620. 22 not Audio/Video or public catalog. 621. ~ Volumes 6:'1. 621. 0 held as of June 30. Page 6 QST_STAT DCR_STAT 18 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M877 Rancho Cucamonga  For OCR Scanning: Pl..e~.e Avoid Folding I Response for Type Response for Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, FY 1993-94 Avoid other marks/comments on page. 1994/95 in box below. 100. 877 100. 877 NON-ENGLISH LANGUAGES Print Materials ADDED as of June 30. 701. Armenian 701. 701. 702. Chinese 702. 702. 703. French 703. 703. 704. German 704. 704. 705. Hmong 705. 705. 706. Italian 706. 706. 707. Japanese 707. 707. 708. Korean 708. 708. 709. Laotian 709. 709. 710. Ruasiaa 710. 710. 711. Spanish 711. 711. 269 712. Vietnamese 712. 712. Print Materials HELD as of June 30. 751. Armenian 751. 751. 52. ChJaes~ 752. 752. )13. French 753. 753. 54. Germa~ 754. 754. 755. Hmong 755. 755. 756. l~alian 756. 756. 757. Japanese 757. 757. 758. Korean 758. 758. 759. Laotian 759. 759. 760. Russian 760. 760. 761. Spanish 761. 761. 269 762. Vietnamese 762. 762. Page 7 QST_LANG DCR LANG 19 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M877 Rancho Cucamonga ' For OCR Seanniog: P~ease Avoid Folding R~pome for Type Response for ~l[~Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, FY 1993-94 ~ Avoid other marks/comments on page. 1994/95 in box below. 100. 877 100. 877 LIBRARY SERVICES, ANNUAL. aOl. Total Public Service Hours. 801. 801. 2,419 802. Attendance in Library. 802. 802. na 803. Reference Questions. 803. 803. 76,249 Omit Directional. 804. Online Database Searches. 804. 804. 0 805. Circulation of Children's Materials. 805. 805. 203,666 806. Circulation Non-English. 806. 806. 477 807. Circulation Non-Book. 807. 807. 33,416 8o8. Total Circulation. 808. 8o8. 424,305 809. Children's Circ as Percent of 809. 809. 48% Total Circulation. 810. In-Library use of Materials. 810. 810. NA ,1. ILL Ioans to others. 811. 811. 0 812. ILLloansreceived. 812. 812. 30 813. Pre-School Programs. Number. 813. 813. 85 814. Pre-School Programs. Attendance. 814. 814. 3,292 815. School Age Programs. Number. 815. 815. 13 816. School Age Programs. Attendance. 816. 816. 1,055 817. Adult Programs. Number. 817. 817. 0 818. Adult Programs. Attendance. 818. 818. 0 819. Total Programs. Number. 819. 819. 98 820. Total Programs. Attendance. -820. 820. 4,347 Page8 QST_STAT DCR STAT 20 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M877 Rancho Cucamonga For OCR Scanning: Pique Avoid Folding I Response for Type Response for Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, I FY 1993-94 1994/95 in box below. Avoid other marks/comment~ on page. 100. 877 100. 877 SALARY SURVEY. Survey is of monthly ranges for selected classifications. Leave sections blank if inappropriate. But do not divide sections or add new ones. List monthly ranges, whole dollars only, omit cents. 901. Director (monthly rate) Begin 901. 901. 4,727 902. Director (monthly rate) Final 902. 902. 6,702 903. Assistant Dir. Begin 903. 903. 3,435 904. Assistant Dir. Final 904. 904. 4,408 905. Chief Lib. Div. Begin 905. 905. 2,842 906. Chief Lib. Div. Final 906. 906. 3,647 907. Branch Libn. Begin 907. 907. N^ ,08. Branch Libn. Final 908. 908. NA 909. Librarian Begin 909. 909. 2,547 910. Librarian Final 910, 910. 3,268 911. Lib. Tech. Asst. Begin 911. 911. 1,692 912. Lib. Tech. Asst. Final 912. 912. 2,598 913. Clerk Non-Pro. (Beginning) Begin 913. 913. 1,650 (general clerical; no library skills requirement) 914. Clerk Non-Pro. (Beginning) Final 914. 914. 2,118 915. Mgr. ofSpec, iService. (non-MLR) Begin 915. 915. NA (e.g. Literacy, A-V, or I&R Specialist) 916. Mgr. of Spec. Service. (non-MI..S) Final 916. 916. NA Page 9 QST_SALR DCR_SKLR 21 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M877 Rancho Cucamonga ~l~ For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Response for Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, FY 1994/95 in box below. Avoid other marks/comments on page. 100. 877 Special Report, 1994/95 ELECTRONIC SERVICES INTERN'ET ACCESS FOR YOUR LIBRARY 851. Library has access ta the Internet for electronic mail? 851. 0 (0 = No; 1 = Yes) 852. Library has access for other lnternet services as well as e-mail? 852. 0 (e.g. Telnet, gopher, ftp, WWW, etc.) (0= No; I = Yes) INTERNET AVAILABILITY (Answer 853-855 only if your answer to 852'is 1 (Yes)) 853. lnternet available ONLY to library staff?. 853. (0 = No; 1 = Yes) 854. Internet available to staff AND to patrons, but ONLY through 854. a staff intermediary?) (0= No; 1 = Yes) Available to patrons for their own direct use as well as to staff?. 855. (0 = No; I = Yes) OTHER ELECTRONIC SERVICES 856. Is direct patron access to other electronic services available? 856. (e.g. bibliographic & full text database~; multi-media products) 0 (0 = No; I = Yes) ONLINE LIBRARY SYSTEMS 857. Library uses an integrated, online library syste~, with at 857. 1 least 2 of the following modules operational: opac, circulation, acquisitions, serials control? (0 = No; I = Yes) Page 10 d95elect CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DATE: September 7,1995 TO: President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: BUDGET REPORT FOR CLOSEOUT 94/95 AND CURRENT BUDGET 95/96 RECOMMENDATION No recommendation. For information only. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Schedule A, titled "Library Budget Revenue Recieved 94/95" shows an income of $906,693; expenditures of $843,028 and a carryover of $63,665. Schedule B, titled "Library Budget t995/96" shows two columns: one, the approved budget, shows the figures passed by Council in June of 95. The second column shows the amendments proposed by staff to balance the budget in the face of the reduction of property tax income. The amended budget, currently in operation but not to be voted on by the Board until it is officially reviewed and recommended by the City Manager's Office, would result in an anticipated fund of $74,200 at the end of 95/96. Schedule C, titled "Library Expenditures 1995/96" is simply an accounting of all funds expended so far this fiscal year. ~(~tfully submitted, Deborah Kaye C~ Library Manage}'.-.-~ LIBRARY BUDGET REVENUE RECEIVED FY 94/95 1020 Library Property Tax $773,822 O2-3901 1504 Community Room Rental $70 O2-3901 1505 Direct Mail Solicitations $7,567 O2-3901 1506 Library card sales $872 O2-3901 1507 Library Fines & Fees $65,741 O2-3901 1508 Media Rentals $24,670 O2-3901 1510 Private Contributions $3,100 O2-3901 1511 Public Library Foundation $20,304 O2-3901-7910 APS Copier Fund $3,614 O2-3901-8520 Other Revenue $6,934 LIBRARY REVENUES $906,693 IBRARY EXPENDITURES $843,028 '"=~ARRY-OVERS $63,665 24 LIBRARY BUDGET Approved Amended % 1995/96 Budget Budget Change 1100 REGULAR SALARIES $378,010 $378,010 0.00% 2% increase COLA $7,560 Removal of FT Clerk ($24,668) 1200 OVERTIME SALARIES $1,000 $1,000 0.00% 1300 PART TIME SALARIES $178,930 $178,930 0.00% Library Assistant (1 FTE) Librarian (.15 FTE) Clerks (4.65 FTE) Pages (4.675 FTE) Page II (.45 FTE) 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS $143,440 $143,440 0.00% 2% increase COLA $2,869 Less FT Clerk benefits ($9,374) TOTAL PERSONNEL $701,380 $677,767 -3.37% OPERATIONS 00 TRAVEL & MEETINGS $3,000 $2,500 -16.67% 3300 MILEAGE $3,500 $3,800 8.57% 3900 MAINTENANCE/OPER Office Supplies $16,000 $16,000 0.00% Printing/Postage $6,000 $6,000 0.00% Special Program Supplies $4,000 $3,000 -25.00% Advertising/Promotions $1,000 $0 -100.00% Library Materials $85,000 $85,000 0.00% Magazines/Publications $3,000 $3,000 0.00% Training $500 $500 0.00% Bindery $600 $500 -16.67% Collection Agency $1,000 $2,000 100.00% County Payment $0 3912 MAINTENANCE DEPT Janitorial Supplies $4,260 $4,260 0.00% Facility Maint. Supplies $5,630 $5,630 0.00% Graffiti Removal Supplies $200 $200 0.00% Landscape Maint. supplies $1,300 $1,300 0.00% Water/Fire Service $440 $440 0.00%  3156 DUES Amedcan Library Assoc. $450 $450 0.00% California Library Assoc. $500 $150 -70.00% 25 Professional Publications $0 $0 Library System membership $1,500 $1,500 0.00% Class $100 $100 0.00% GENERAL LIABILITY $3,880 $3,880 0.00% 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES Offic Equip/Maintenance $4,000 $3,500 -12.50% CD Rom Maintenance $5,000 $0 -100.00% Book Processing & T.S. $20,000 $19,000 -5.00% Computer Tech Services $30,000 $29,000 -3.33% Self check maintenance $5,000 $0 -100.00% Technology maintenance* $0 $7,000 6032 CONTRACT SERVICES Janitorial Services** $37,400 $37,400 0.00% Security Service $3,360 $3,360 0.00% Elevator Services $6,160 $6,160 0.00% HVAC $14,410 $14,410 0.00% Electrical $6,160 $6,160 0.00% Plumbing $450 $450 0.00% Pest Control $670 $670 0.00% Fire/Life Safety $670 $670 0.00% Structural/Roof $2,910 $2,910 0.00% Exterior Grounds Maint. $19,450 $6,500 -66.58% ONE $18,000 $18,000 0.00% 8021 WATER UTILITIES $3,300 $3,300 0.00% 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES $73,390 $73,390 0.00% TOTAL OPERATIONS COST $392,190 $372,090 -5.13% TOTAL LIBRARY COSTS $1,093,570 $1,049,857 -4.00% LIBRARY REVENUES $1,060,392 LIBRARY CARRYOVERS $63,665 ESTIMATED LIBRARY FUND $74,200 LIBRA~.XPENDITURES JUL AUG SEP SPENT PE FUNDS % % OF 1995/96 CATEGOR REMAININ SPENTYEAR PERSONNEL 17% 1100 REGULAR SALARIES $360,902 $27,073 $13,274 $0 $40,346 $40,346 $320,556 11% 1200 OVERTIME SALARIES $1,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000 0% 1300 PART TIME SALARIES $178,930 $14,690 $12,725 $0 $27,416 $27,416 $151,514 15% 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS $136,935 $11,411 $11,411 $0 $22,823 $22,823 $114,113 17% TOTAL PERSONNEL $677,767 $53,174 $37,410 $0 $90,585 $90,585 $587,182 13% OPERATIONS 3100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS $2,500 $0 $2,500 0% Conferences $0 $0 $0 $0 Forum for Entrepreneurial $0 $0 $0 $0 Karatsu-workshops $0 $0 $0 $0 Meeting Supplies , $0 $0 $0 $0 Shelving workgroup $0 $0 $0 $0 Inland Empire Library Assoc. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 3300 MILEAGE $3,800 $0 $528 $3,272 14% Auto Allowance $3,000 $250 $250 $0 $500 $500 $2,500 17% Reimbursement $800 $6 $0 $0 $6 $22 $778 3% Gamia $0 $22 $0 $22 Hood $0 $0 $0 $0 Tobin $0 $0 $0 $0 Corwin $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 3900 MAINTENANCE/OPER $116,000 $0 $28,799 $87,201 25% Printing/Postage $6,000 $0 $1,204 $4,796 20% Printing $0 $1,197 $0 $1,197 Postage $6 $0 $0 $6 Patron Bar codes $0 $0 $0 $0 Book b~1""codes $0 $0 $0 $0 Library cards $0 $0 $0 $0 Office Supplies $16,000 $0 $9,996 $6,004 62% Cataloging Supplies $889 $659 $0 $1,548 Farrs $0 $62 $0 $62 Photo House $0 $26 $0 $26 8 Ave. graphics $0 $0 $0 $0 Data Mailers $0 $0 $0 $0 Eastman $8,194 $0 $0 $8,194 Demco $56 $0 $0 $56 Hardware $7 $0 $0 $7 Reimbursements-office $10 $17 $0 $27 Petty Cash $0 $11 $0 $11 Cash Drawer $0 $0 $0 $0 Computer supplies , $0 $0 $0 $0 Stationary $0 $0 $0 $0 Federal Express $0 $0 $0 $0 Board Supplies $66 $0 $0 $66 Xerox supplies $0 $0 $0 $0 Special Program Supplies $3,000 $0 $393 $2,607 13% Children's Supplies $89 $263 $0 $351 Software $0 $0 $0 $0 Summer Reading Program (FR) $1,393 $267 Volunteer Supplies $41 $0 $0 $41 Advertising/Promotions $0 $0 $0 $0 ERR National Library Week $0 $0 $0 $0 Books/Materials $85,000 $0 $10,491 $74,509 12% Bookstore rush $915 $810 $0 $1,725 Childrens Books $0 $1,268 $0 $1,268 Adult Books $0 $7,498 $0 $7,498 Large Print Books $1,799 Video $500 Magazines/Publications $3,000 $37 $14 $0 $51 $51 $2,949 2% Training $500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $500 0% Bindery $500 $500 $0 $0 $500 $500 $0 100% Collection Agency $2,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,000 0% 3912 MAINTENANCE DEPT $11,830 $0 $0 $0 $5,940 $5,940 $5,890 50% dies $4,260 $2,000 Facility Maintenance supplie $5,630 $57 Graffiti Removal Supplies $200 Landscape Maint. supplies $1,300 Water/Fire Service $440 3956 DUES $2,200 $1,279 $921 58% American Library Assoc. $450 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $450 0% California Library Assoc. $150 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150 0% Professional Publications $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ERR Inland Library system $1,500 $1,279 $0 $0 $1,279 $1,279 $221 85% CLASS $100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100 0% 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY $3,880 $3,880 $0 100% 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES $58,500 $21,906 $36,594 37% Offic Equip/Maintenance $3,500 $2,760 $0 $0 $2,760 $2,760 $740 79% Computer Maintenance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ERR Book Processing & T.S. $19,000 $0 $1,971 $0 $1,971 $1,971 $17,029 10% Technology Maintenance $7,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,000 0% Computer Tech Services $29,000 $17,175 $0 $0 $17,175 $17,175 $11,825 59% 6032 CONTRACT SERVICES $78,690 $0 $50,384 $28,306 64% Janitorial Services $37,400 $2,782 Security Service $3,360 Elevator Service $6,160 $1,500 HVAC $14,410 $751 $438 Electrical $6,160 Plumbing $450 Pest Control $670 Fire/Life Safety $670 $670 Structural/Roof $2,910 Exterior Grounds Maint. $6,500 $413 8019 TELEPHONE $18,000 $0 $831 $17,169 5% Service $0 $0 $0 $0 989-8277 (Rotary line) $161 $0 $0 $161 181-1185 (T1 line) $214 $0 $0 $214 $456 $0 $0 980-0871 (EMS & Security) $0 $0 $0 $0 980-4361 (Elevator) $0 $0 $0 $0 989-2036 (Telecirc) $0 $0 $0 $0 987-3271 (Irrigation Sprink,) $0 $0 $0 $0 989-6904 (Public Fax) $0 $0 $0 $0 MC~ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 8021 WATER UTILITIES $3,300 $0 $0 $3,300 0% Inside Use $0 $0 $0 $0 Landscaping $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES $73,390 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $73,390 0% TOTAL LIBRARY BUDGET $1,049,857 $151,324 $89,592 $0 $240,915 $240,915 $808,942 23% CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DATE: September 7, 1995 TO: President anal Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF WEINGART FOUNDATION GRANT IN THE SUM OF $5,000 FOR MULTI-MEDIA COMPUTERS RECOMMENDATION Approve acceptance of the Weingart Foundation grant for the sum of $5,000 to purchase two (2) multi-media computers for the Children's Department of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Weingart Foundation: The Weingart Foundation in Los Angeles provides grants to worthy organizations throughout the United States. In May 1995, the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library submitted a grant proposal requesting funds to establish a Children's Electronic Learning Laboratory, which would include two multi-media computers, and educational software on CD-ROM specifically for children to improve reading and math skills, assist with school assignments, and to give parents another example of the kinds of technology available at their public library. Although the Weingart Foundation has a general policy of not funding grants submitted by public agencies, they made an exception in the case of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. It was the feeling of the Weingart Foundation that the extraordinary support of this City's government in providing a new public library to its residents merited special consideration. Although the Weingart Foundation did not offer full funding (of $9,000), they did provide $5,000 towards the project. The Rancho Cueamonga Public Library Grant Application: 1). Initially, the grant proposal requested funds to purchase three (3) multi-media computers and software for an electronic learning laboratory to be located in the Children's Library. Funds received will be enough to purchase two (2) multi-media computers and software. 2). Library staff will work with City purchasing and information services staffto get the best available equipment and software with the funds available. Upon acceptance of the grant, we 31 would like to establish October, 1995, as the date to introduce the Children's Electronic Learning Laboratory at the Ranch6 Cucamonga Public Library. Recommendation to accept funds: On August 15th, 1995, Library Administration received a check for the sum of $5,000 from Weingart Foundation. (Attached is letter of approval from Weingart Foundation). Library Administration strongly urges acceptance of the grant to establish the Children's Electronic Learning Laboratory in the Children's Department of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. Respectfully submitted, Robert Karatsu Principal Librarian 32 WEINGART FOUNDATION 1055 WEST SEVENTt4 STREET. SUITE LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90017-2305 TELEPHONE. (213) 6~&-7799 ~x ~O~s~s~, 1995 File No. 96CS 015 Mr. Robert Karatsu Principal Librarian Rancho Cucamonga Interim Library 7368 Archibald Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Dear Mr. Karatsu: 1 am pleased to transmit a check from the Weingart Foundation in the sum of $5,000 which represents a grant to Rancho Cucamonga Interim Library, to be used to establish an Electronic Learning Library to provide students K-12 with homework assistance. Enclosed is the Foundation's "Recipient's Acknowledgment of Receipt of Grant" form, the original of which t be executed and returned to me as soon as possible. To help evaluate your program, and as a condition of the grant, the Foundation requires progress reports at intervals of not less than each six months during the period that grant funds are utilized, and a final report, including an accounting for expenditures, when funds have been completely employed See the enclosed page for reporting requirements Your first report is due February 29, 1996. It is the policy of the Weingart Foundation to discourage beneficiaries of its grants from sending plaques or memorabilia expressing appreciation or thanks for the financial support provided. The Foundation prefers that the cost of such items not be incurred by a recipient agency. The Weingart Foundation Directors are pleased to make this grant, and convey their best wishes for the success of your program. Sincerely, John G. Ouellet President lGO:vj Enclosures: Check Receipt Form Reporting Requirements 33 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~ STAFF REPORT DATE: September 7, 1995 ~ TO: President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF GRANT APPLICATIONS RECOMMENDATION Approve proposed grant applications for two projects: 1) Joint Project for Linking Public and School Libraries in San Bernardino County (September 2) Joint Project to Preserve and Collect Local History (September 15) BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The State Library, under the directorship of Kevin Start, has again emphasized the importance of joint projects to achieve resource sharing and result in the best service gain for the greatest population. Under such guidelines, individual grant applications are discouraged. Therefore, we have partnered in two applications for this round of LSCA (Library Services of California Act) proposals. Application for grant I is attached; an oral report will be given by the Library Manager for grant 2, due September 15. FINANCIAL IMPACT: No matching funds necessary. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Kaye CI ~a~C I Library Manager ~ 34 AUG-29-1995 10:14 FROM SBPL 714 888 5171 TO 9898966 P.02 ~alifomia $~at~ , .. Libr~'~ Services and Construction Act · ;. : Fimal Year 1996/97 . Title I and PROPOSAL (LSCA $) Submit i~ four copies by 5:00 p.m., S~ptember 1, 1~)$ lo Attm Barba~ Will, IA'br~7 Development Services, California State L~rary, P.O. Box 942837, Sacramento, CA 942374X)01; street add~.~$: 900 N Street, Suite 500, Sacramento, CA 1. !Project tide: Joint Pro)c~z-~ for IXnkim/Public .ar, el ~a:x>l Lihraries_.in San 2. Applicant jurisdiction: San Bornaz'O.ir~ Coune7 IA.brary 3. Address: 104 W. 4th bt:. ,..San ~, CA ZlP+,I: 92415--0035 4. Applicant contact: F,d FJ. ecz~ Phone: 909-387-5721 5. Type of Library: System , Public x , Academic x , .Special State agency , Fetteral agency , School. X (California: Cities 6. Population: Client 1,591,900 To~I 1,591,800 1995) 7. LSCA Prog~J~l Activin: Planniu~ of cooperati%~ librar~ ~etw~rks: T~_hnolo~ical capacit~ of libraries for irf~-rl~br~_~-y Coop~r&t. io~ an~ ~$o~rce $' Pax*dciPanL$:colton Public Library, Rancho Cu~m,~fr~3~ Public Library, ~an Bernardino County S~5~ols, Sa~ Bernardino Public Library, San ~ County Library, Enterprise for Fx~onc~ic Excellenoe, Copper ~ O&,,~nity college. 9. L$CA ~mount re~uest.~d: 304~242 Space belo~ for Advisory Council use PJJG-29-1995 10:14 FROM SBPL 714 888 3171 TO 9898966 P.03 36 AUG-L~9-1995 18:15 ~ROM SBPL 714 888 5171 TO 9898966 P.04 10. Pmj~t Sum~: condnu~- Comple~ ~ ~ce p~; ~ no~ a~6h addifon~ ~. 1 I. Budget Summ~tT: LSCA Other funds In-kind Total O) (2) O) (4) a. Salaries & Be~¢fit.s 46,742 15,000 61,742 b, I..ibr~ry lvlat_~'_~]s ,6.o,ooo 60,000 ~20,000 ¢. Operation 20,000 120,000 14otO00 d. Equipment 162,500 67,500 . '143,250 373,250 .... -e. Indirect Cost iS,O0O 15~000 f. Total · 304,242 127,500 278,250 .?0%~J2 12. Signature: , . TOTAL P. ~ 37 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 7, 1995 TO: President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF THE PROPOSED NEW FEES FOR THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PUBLIC LIBRARY RECOMMENDATION Approve adoption of the proposed new fees in Schedule A as proposed by staff. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The proposed fee/fine schedule reflects a philosophy of entrepreneurial fee based services, and the overall city philosophy to recoup costs for services. Rational for proposed fees are outlined below: Current Fee Proposed Fee Fine Threshold $10 $5 Reason: Currently a patron may owe $10 in fines or fees before the computer system blocks Ms/her ability to borrow. Many of our patrons pay their fees down to that limit and let the remaining $10 remain on their account. The lowering of this threshold will eliminate a patron who has lost an item from relying on this method to "cheat" the system. It will also encourage payment of overdue fines that are currently permitted through the use of the threshold. Current Fee Proposed Fee Rental Books: NA $1 for a 7 day loan Reason: Staff is proposing the use of rental books to help accommodate high demand for bestsellers without purchasing multiple copies of books that will "shelf sit" after the peak interest period. Reserves: Current Proposed $1 $.50 Due when Charged when reserved picked up Reason: Presently, individuals place holds "free" and only pay when they pick up the title. This has resulted in many useless holds and materials trapped and held for a patron that never arrives to borrow. New Dynix software allows us to automatically "bill" patrons for hold. The lower cost will encourage the placement of more reserves. The automatic billing will keep the reserve income at the same level we currently experience. Single Sided Discs: New fee $.50 Reason: Reference Desk Staff proposes selling these discs for individuals who wish to download information from CD Rom tools. The discs are supplied free of charge from a vendor. The low cost encourages patrons to use our discs, which we certify as virus free. Fe~s for Research: New fee Reason: This service is being provided as a "value added" package. While the information remains free, the fast access, to-the-site delivery of the requested product justified the fee. See Schedule B for description of services offered. Budget impact: It is not anticipated that any of these fees will substantially effect the budget, but what impact occurs will be positive. Impact on the community: Since these are "value added" packages, no negative impact on the community is anticipated. In fact, the reduction of the reserve fee and the introduction of a rental collection of bestsellers as well as "Fast Facts" for business should be viewed as additional services. R~ectfully submitted, Deborah raye Ql'/fi~k ) Library Manage~:'~--~'~ 39 Item C5 Schedule A FINES AND FEES - CHANGES/ADDITIONS FINES: Borrowing thresholds Current Proposed Adult $10 $ 5 Children $10 $5 FEES FOR RENTAL Current Proposed Loan Period Limit of Items Best Seller Rental Books New $1 7 days 4 books/no reserves FEES FOR SERVICES Current Proposed Reserves $1 $.50 Single sided disc: New $.50 FEES FOR RESEARCH/ NEW SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES Business Locator Services: $5 per business, no charge if business is not located Brief Business Profile: $10 per business, no charge if not located Each additional profile $6 Business Lists on Demand: $.05 cents per record, $10 minimum On line Data Base searches: Cost on online connect time plus $5 4O CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIVIONGA 1VIEMORANDUM DATE: August 29th, 1995 TO: Deborah Clark,Library Manager FROM: Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian SUBJECT: Fee-based business services Rancho Fast Facts: Information on Demand for Rancho Cucamonga Businesses Products and Services Price - Business Locator Service. $5 per business, no charge if business is not located. - Brief Business Profile. $10 per business, no charge if is not located, each additional profile $6. - Business Lists on Demand. .05 cents per record,S10 minimum. For Business Locator Service and Business Lists, company name, complete address, phone number and line of business is included. Business Profiles will include the above-information, as well as company officers, basic financial information, business size, product lines, and credit ratings where available. - Online Data Base Searches on Demand. Cost of online connect time plus $5. Via DIALOG service, the Library has access to over 400 online data bases, including many Standard and Poors, Moody's, Donnelly Demographics, and medical in_dexes, plus over 500 magazines and 60 newspapers from all over the United States. All information fcoced or transferred to disc (ASCII) with the following options: Picked up by requestor, faxed (up to 5 pages) or mailed at no charge, or delivered by overnight courier at cost. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIVIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 7, 1995 TO: President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF LIBRARY PUBLICITY PLAN RECOMMENDATION That the Board approve the attached publicity plan for the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS With the completion of a year of service, staff feels better prepared to respond to the uncertainty of prograrmming and service demands in a new community. In an effort to increase the visibility of the library within the community, to promote library services within groups/individuals currently not aware of the services and to generally reach a wider audience, the library has devised a publicity plan. The publicity plan will guarantee a certain level of effort to expand coverage. It will not and cannot however, guarantee a particular increase in visibility. The editors and publishers of local publications retain that final power. FINANCIAL IMPACT None. X'p~ctfully submitte~l, PUBLICITY PLAN FOR THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PUBLIC LIBRARY NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES Weekly Releases: Weekly releases will be sent to the following media: The Daily Bulletin 1) Childrens: Children's Staff Weekly release on storytime and events and 2) Adult's: Reference Staff Brief articles with the potential to be used for "filler" or 3) Literacy: Literacy Staff Brief articles with the potential to be used for "filler" Monthly Releases: Monthly releases will be sent to the following media: The Daily Bulletin The Rancho Cucarnonga Chamber of Commerce News The Rancho Cucarnonga Magazine The Sun Claremont Courier Fontana Herald News 1) Childrens: C_hildren's Staff Calendar of events 2) Adult's: Reference Staff Business resources update or new services or materials that have arrived 3) Litemcy: Literacy Staff Special programs or sessions, updates on progress, solicitations for students/tutors 43 Quarterly releases on special interest t.opics will be sent to selected appropriate media based on suitability for topic. Example: Business resources to Inland Empire Business Journal. Spanish language program for literacy: La Voz :and Hispanic News. 1) Children's: Administration Coordinates Review of special new ?ervices, success of recent programs/events accompanied by photos 2) Adult's: Administration Coordinates Review of special new 'services, new technology, specialized business sources, highlight to special interest group, ie. seniors, students, business, multi-cultures, etc. accompanied by photos 3) Literacy: Literacy Coordinator Special human interest stories; progress of the program; tutoring training and special events coming up RADIO & TELEVISION Calendar Items and Literacy promotion Usc of media in the promotion of literacy is critical. Obviously, those who cannot read, rely on media providers for their news and information. Releases announcing programs and special events as well as promoting literacy services will be sent to thc following community calendars: Television: Marks Cablevision Comcast Cablevision Radio: KCKC/Community Calendar KDUO/Community Calendar KFRG/Community Calendar KLFE/Community Calendar KNSE/Community Calendar KOLA/Community Calendar KSGN/Community Calendar Spanish: KCA L/Community Calendar NEWSLETTERS FOR THE PUBLIC These publications are created by staff for specific Library audiences and are scheduled to be produced quarterly: Business Friends: Principal Librarian Volunteer Newsletter: Reference Librarian/Karye Hood Patron Newsletter (new): Children's Assistant/Nina Cole PROFESSIONAL JOURNALS AND PUBLICATIONS Announcements, special services, highlights of events or other items of interest will be regularly targeted for the following publications: Administration Library Journal American Libraries Administrators Digest Longer articles (minimum of two per year) will be created, focussing on unique service or technological capabilities for the following publications: Administration Public Libraries California Libraries 45 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DATE: September7,1995 STAFF REPORT TO: President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST TO BOOK COMMUNITY ROOM FOR 5 CONSECUTIVE DAYS RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial of his request that the Board waive the restriction limiting Community Room use to one day per month. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS While recognizing the value o£the service Mr. Richards offers with the Rainbow Community Praise Center, staff recommends denial of his request based on two factors: 1) The disruption of routine library purposes that occur with a large group meeting in the Community Room, a space unable to be separated from the main body of the library. 2) The impact on parking such a 5 day group meeting would represent. The dates chosen will be heavily used by students, as our past history in the beginning of the school season has demonstrated. Staff strongly urges the Board not to allow any use that will further impact parking at this critical season. FINANCIAL IMPACT Loss orS10 per meeting or $50 in meeting room fees. De, ore,Ct fully submitted. .~ aye C lar~X~- Library Manager ~ DATE: August 20, 1995 TO: Rancho Cucamonga Library Board of Trustees FROM: Charles Richards RE: Use of the Co~nunity Room I am representing the Rainbow Community Praise Center, one of the Seventh-day Adventist churches in the Rancho Cucamonga area. We are sponsoring a 5-Day Stop Smoking Class. We would like to have our meetings in the Community Room. We are requesting that you wave the one time use only'policy for a group, and allow us to utilize the room for five consecutive days. We are aware of the Library's other guideline/policies in regards to the use of the Community Room and we will gladly comply with them. The requested dates/times are as follows: September 24, 1995 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. September 25, 1995 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. September 26, 1995 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. September 27, 1995 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. September 28, 1995 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Please reply to me at the address below. Thank you so much for your consideration. Sincerely, ~, ~ . Charles Richards PO Box 1135 Loma Linda, CA 92354 Phone: (909) 829-7929 Fax: (909) 829-4557 47