HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-03-19 - Minutes Design Review Committee Meeting Agenda March 19, 2024 FINAL MINUTES Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 6:00 p.m. A. Call to Order The meeting of the Design Review Committee held on March 19, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Jennifer Nakamura, Staff Coordinator, at 6:00 p.m. Design Review Committee members present: Commissioners James Daniels and Vice Chair Al Boling. Staff Present: Sean McPherson, Principal Planner; Bond Mendez, Associate Planner. B. Public Communications Staff Coordinator opened the public communication and after noting there were no public comments, closed public communications. C. Consent Calendar C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2023. Motion carried 2-0 vote to adopt the minutes as presented. D. Project Review Items D1. DESIGN REVIEW – ELECTRIC PICKLE - A request to construct a 14,678 square-foot building for a restaurant/bar with outdoor patio dining; 10 pickle-ball courts; and a 1,771 square-foot building with a coffee bar, restrooms, and storage within the Urban Neighborhood General Plan designation and The Resort Specific Plan, located at the northwest corner of 4th Street and Resort Parkway - APN: 0210-102-07 (Design Review DRC2023-00248). Staff presented the item to the Design Review Committee. Following staff’s presentation, the applicant, Paul Frederick, gave background on the development of the project and how he has worked with Staff to provide the proposed project as presented. The commissioners discussed the three design items as requested by staff and provided input regarding the fencing and walls, the building elevations, and the shade structures. Regarding fencing and walls, both commissioners agreed that the placement of the solid walls would be supported and encouraged to reduce noise from the site and use of the outdoor stage. They also agreed that the wall with the water fountain feature would be supported as a positive design element. The commissioners discussed the building elevations, particularly the west elevations of both buildings as both have less articulation to break up the overall massing. After additional discussion, the conceptual landscape plan was determined sufficient to help break up the massing in consideration of tree placement, and the distance of the smaller building to Cleveland Avenue would not make the massing seem as prominent. The commissioners appreciated the applicant’s response to Staff’s comment requesting shade structures in the outdoor recreational area. They agreed that the inclusion of shade structures over the courtside seating areas would be a positive design element for the outdoor use. Vice Chair Boling asked about the location of the on-site bike racks and Staff clarified the location had been revised from being placed the street frontage between the east parking lot and the primary structure. He expressed his appreciation of the change as the effort is to reduce potential for theft of personal property. The Committee took the following action: Recommend approval to PC. 2-0 Vote. D2. DESIGN REVIEW – FOOTHILL LOFTS, LLC – A request to construct a mixed-use development comprising 385 residential units and 6,216 square feet of commercial lease area on approximately 8.41 acres of land at the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Elm Avenue. The project area has a General Plan land use designation of City Corridor – High. APN: 0208-961-05, -06, and -07 (Design Review DRC2022- 00162). Staff presented the item to the Design Review Committee. Following staff’s presentation, members of the applicant team (Foothill Lofts, LLC), including their architect and legal counsel, gave additional background and detail on the project. Following the presentation and the applicant’s initial sharing of additional detail, discussion ensued over various aspects of the project. Staff sought the Design Review Committee’s recommendation on differing iterations between city staff and the applicant on Class IV bicycle improvements along the project’s Foothill Boulevard frontage wherein staff recommended a 7-foot bike lane and 4 foot raised median, and the applicant proposed a 5-foot bike lane and 4-foot raised median. Notably, staff’s recommendation necessitates improvements to the center median within Foothill Boulevard, whereas the applicant’s proposal involves no such improvements to the center median. At the meeting, staff sought feedback from the committee in the following areas: 1) Did the DRC prefer a 9- foot or 11-foot frontage configuration area; 2) a preference on the bicycle median configuration (bollards/raised/movable planters); and 3) whether the committee members recommend prioritizing the width of the bicycle lane or width of the bicycle median. After much discussion, the committee members were comfortable with a 9-foot frontage configuration area, a preference for a raised median, and the prioritization of the width of the bicycle lane over the width of the bicycle median. Aside from this topic, committee members also brought up various topics such as the location of the dog park, the linear roof line, and a preference for another material other than perforated metal where it occurs throughout. Committee members also expressed that the project seemed to provide fewer amenity spaces when compared to other recent projects. In response, the applicant and their architect highlighted the “Southern California Contemporary” design theme and explained how these design elements are all intended to work together, providing a linear design aesthetic throughout. Regarding the dog park, the applicant cited site constraints for the reason of the location of the dog park. Lastly, in response to the perceived lack of amenities, the applicant cited market trends. The Committee took the following action: Recommend approval to PC. 2-0 Vote. E. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Thornhill, Executive Assistant