HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-05-21 - Agenda Packet If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the Planning Department at (909) 477-2750. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. MAY 21, 2024- 6:00 P.M. DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA RAINS ROOM CITY HALL 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 A. Call to Order Roll Call: Vice Chairman Al Boling Commissioner James Daniels B. Public Communications This is the time and place for the general public to address the Committee on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. The Committee may not discuss any issue not included on the agenda but set the matter for a subsequent meeting. C. Consent Calendar C1. Consideration to adopt Meeting Minutes of April 16, 2024. C2. Consideration to adopt Meeting Minutes of May 7, 2024. D. Project Review Items D1. LOCATED AT 13938 DECLIFF DRIVE – LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE – A request for a Tentative Parcel Map, Design Review, Tree Removal Permit and Conditional Use Permit to allow for the development of eight buildings for the operation of a Buddhist Temple for the purposes of worship, living quarters, and related administrative or support uses on certain property located at the northeast corner of DeCliff Drive and Ambleside Place. The Project site consists of portions of four parcels; APNs: 0226-061-47, 0226-061-73, 0226-061-74, and 0226- 061-76. Primary Case File No. DRC2021-00187. E. Adjournment The Design Review Committee has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11:00 p.m. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, they shall be heard only with the consent of the Committee. I, Elizabeth Thornhill, Executive Assistant of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California and on the City’s website. Design Review Committee Meeting Agenda April 16, 2024 DRAFT MINUTES Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 New Time: 6:00 p.m. A. Call to Order The meeting of the Design Review Committee held on April 16, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Sean McPherson, Staff Coordinator, at 6:00 p.m. Design Review Committee members present: Vice Chairman Al Boling and Commissioner James Daniels. Staff Present: Tabe van der Zwaag, Assistant Planner; Adam Pisarkiewicz, Senior Planner. B. Public Communications Staff Coordinator opened the public communication and after noting there were no public comments, closed public communications. C. Consent Calendar C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of March 19, 2024. Motion carried 2-0 vote to adopt the minutes as presented. D. Project Review Items D1. DESIGN REVIEW – WESTERN SPIRE – A request for a site plan and design review of a mixed-use development consisting of 176 residential units (including 2 live-work units), 7,870 square feet of commercial lease area, and 1,400 square feet of live-work commercial lease area on 1.8 acres of land at the northeast corner of Red Oak and Spruce Avenues in the Center 2 (CE2) Zone. APN: 208-353-18 (DRC2023-00154). Staff presented the item to the Design Review Committee. Following the staff’s presentation, members of the applicant team (Western Spire), including their architect provided additional background and detail on the project. Following the presentation discussion ensued over various aspects of the project. The Committee was complimentary of the project design and amenities and was accepting of the proposed reduction in the square footage of the non-residential floor area. They stated there were adequate commercial and office uses adjacent to the building and that creating housing was a priority. The Committee raised mild concerns about the requested reduction in on-site parking. The applicant stated that they have a parking management plan to ensure adequate on-site parking. The Committee asked questions about the location of parking spaces for guests, customers, and delivery trucks and whether the roundabout would require modification of the existing drive approaches for the surrounding land uses. The applicant outlined the parking and staff stated that the drive approaches are not expected to be impacted by the roundabout. The Committee recommended that the project be forwarded to the Planning Commission for their review. The Committee took the following action: Recommend approval to PC. 2-0 Vote. D2. DESIGN REVIEW – FORE PROPERTY (FOOTHILL AND GROVE MIXED USE) – A request to construct a mixed-use development comprising 308 residential units and 14,704 square feet of commercial lease area on 9.15 acres of land at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Grove Avenue in the Center 1 (CE1) Zone. APN: 0207-011-35, 36, 41, 43, 44, and 45 (DRC2022-00379). Staff presented the item to the Design Review Committee. Following the staff’s presentation, the Committee made the following comments: • Commissioners concerned with the on-street parking along Foothill Blvd and Grove Ave. o Concern that parallel parking along Foothill Blvd could be dangerous given the speed of vehicles. o Concern about the efficacy of back-in, angled parking along Grove and that it will force drivers to travel north into the residential neighborhoods of Upland in order to circle back to Foothill Blvd. • Commissioners would like the applicant to consider a masonry block wall along the northern property line instead of the tubular steel fence that is being proposed. • Commissioners concerned that the retail entrances only face Foothill Blvd, rather than also having rear entrances which would make it more convenient for residents of the development to access. Applicant explained that there are no rear entrances because the area behind the retail building is a private area for residents only and the area in front of the retail building is for the general public. • Commissioners requested that the applicant accurately depict the proposed back-in, angled parking on all renderings that include Grove Avenue. • Commissioners are in favor of the architectural style and associated materials/colors. The Committee took the following action: Recommend approval to PC. 2-0 Vote. E. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Thornhill, Executive Assistant Design Review Committee Meeting Agenda May 7, 2024 DRAFT MINUTES Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 New Time: 6:00 p.m. A. Call to Order The meeting of the Design Review Committee held on May 7, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Sean McPherson, Staff Coordinator, at 6:00 p.m. (Deputy Director Jennifer Nakamura served as Staff Coordinator for Item D2) Design Review Committee members present: Commissioner James Daniels and Commissioner Melissa Diaz. Staff Present: Adam Pisarkiewicz, Senior Planner. B. Public Communications Staff Coordinator opened the public communication and after noting there were no public comments, closed public communications. C. Consent Calendar C1. Consideration to adopt Meeting Minutes of April 16, 2024. C2. DESIGN REVIEW – ELECTRIC PICKLE - A request to construct a 12,074 square- foot building for a restaurant/bar with outdoor patio dining; 9 pickle-ball courts; and a 1,771 square-foot building with a coffee bar, restrooms, and storage within the Urban Neighborhood General Plan designation and The Resort Specific Plan, located at the northwest corner of 4th Street and Resort Parkway - APN: 0210-102-07 (Design Review DRC2023-00248). Item C1. Commissioner Daniels stated the minutes have duplicate verbiage and requires correction and recommended that the April 16 meeting minutes not be adopted at this time until corrections are made. Item C2. Motion carried 2-0 vote. D. Project Review Items D1. DESIGN REVIEW – BISHOP VENTURES – A request to construct a multi-family residential development comprising 145 residential units on 2.72 acres of land at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Lion Street in the Corridor 1 (CO1) Zone. APN: 0208-632-47 (DRC2022-00354). Staff presented the item to the Design Review Committee. Following staff’s presentation, members of the applicant team (Bishop Ventures), gave additional background and detail on the project. Following the presentation and the applicant’s initial sharing of additional detail, discussion ensued over various aspects of the project. Design Review Committee Draft Minutes – May 7, 2024 Page 2 of 2 Committee members raised questions about parking. Staff informed the Committee members that parking will be discussed at the Planning Commission as part of the public hearing process. Committee members also asked about project amenities, including the use of public open space and plazas. The applicant responded that the plazas and public space areas are intended for passive use. The applicant further stated that they anticipate many of the residents of the project to be young families. In response, Committee also questioned what type of amenities will be available for young children. The applicant noted that the project includes a pool area. After discussion between the applicant and the Committee members on this topic, the applicant stated that they will look into the possibility of including additional amenities catered toward young children. Committee members were complimentary of the design theme of the project. The Committee took the following action: Recommend approval to PC. 2-0 Vote. D2. DESIGN REVIEW – LONE OAK-RANCHO, LLC– A request to redevelop and expand an existing beverage distribution facility over two phases to include production, bottling and distribution operations on approximately 30.11 acres of land generally bounded by Haven Avenue to the west, 7th Street to the north, Utica Avenue to the east, and 6th Street to the south in the Mixed Employment 2 (ME2) Zone. APN: 0209- 411-002, -003, 004, -023, -24, -32, -34, -35 (DRC2023-00067). Staff presented the item to the Design Review Committee. Following staff’s presentation, members of the applicant team (Lone Oak-Rancho LLC), including their architect and consultant, gave additional background and detail on the project. Following the presentation and the applicant’s initial sharing of additional detail, discussion ensued over various aspects of the project. Staff sought the Committee’s recommendation on 3 topics: screening of the ground water well infrastructure at Utica Avenue and 6th Street; additional facade improvements along the project's west elevation (Haven Avenue); and additional enhanced paving adjacent to the sidewalk along Haven Avenue. The developer and their team discussed these topics and shared that the Cucamonga Valley Water District may have requirements which preclude the city from requiring screening of the ground water well infrastructure. The Committee asked additional questions including the type of architectural material used and general operational questions about the use. The Committee expressed general support of the project, commenting that additional screening for the ground water well infrastructure would be beneficial if permitted by the water purveyor, and expressed a desire to see additional enhanced paving along Haven Avenue. The Committee took the following action: Recommend approval to PC. 2-0 Vote. E. Adjournment Deputy Director Jennifer Nakamura adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS May 21, 2024 7:00 p.m. Kirt Coury, Contract Planner LOCATED AT 13938 DECLIFF DRIVE – LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE – A request for a Tentative Parcel Map, Design Review, Tree Removal Permit and Conditional Use Permit to allow for the development of eight buildings for the operation of a Buddhist Temple for the purposes of worship, living quarters, and related administrative or support uses on certain property located at the northeast corner of DeCliff Drive and Ambleside Place. The Project site consists of portions of four parcels; APNs: 0226-061-47, 0226-061-73, 0226-061-74, and 0226- 061-76. Primary Case File No. DRC2021-00187. Site Characteristics: The project site totals approximately 35.1 acres and is bound by vacant land to the north and west, vacant land and a utility easement to the south, and Dawnridge Drive, Enright ranch, Cucamonga Valley Water District tank reservoir, and vacant land to the east. Additionally, several unimproved access roads traverse the Project site and provide access to surrounding properties and facilities owned by LADWP, Cucamonga Valley Water District (CVWD), and San Bernardino County Flood Control District. The site is relatively steep in areas with onsite elevations ranging from 1,740 to 1,975 feet above mean sea level. Figure 1: Aerial Photo Including Project Proposed Campus and Boundaries DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2021-00187 – LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE May 21, 2024 Page 2 The Project site is partially developed with a 6,800-square foot (SF) temple facility and associated driveway and parking lot in the northwest portion of the Project site. The existing temple facility also includes ornamental trees, an 8-foot-high wall, and a private access road. The Project site has an existing General Plan land use designation of Rural Open Space (OS) and General Open Space and Facilities (OS). The proposed Project is also within the Etiwanda Heights Neighborhood Conservation Specific Plan (EHNC-SP). Within the EHNC-SP, the Project site is in the Rural/Conservation area and under the Rural (R) regulating zone. The existing land use, General Plan, and Zoning designations for the project site and adjacent properties are as follows: Land Use General Plan Zoning Site Existing Buddhist Temple Facility Rural Open Space (OS) and General Open Space and Facilities (OS) Etiwanda Heights Neighborhood Conservation Specific Plan (EHNC-SP) North Rural Undeveloped Land Rural Open Space (OS) and General Open Space and Facilities (OS) Etiwanda Heights Neighborhood Conservation Specific Plan (EHNC-SP) South Undeveloped Land and Residential Neighborhood General Open Space and Facilities (OS) followed by Suburban Neighborhood Very Low (N) Flood Control Utility Corridor (R- FC/UC) with Equestrian Overlay and Hillside Overlay per Ordinance 628 within the Etiwanda Heights Neighborhood Conservation Plan followed by Very Low Residential – Etiwanda Highlands 14000 (VL – EH 14000) West Rural Undeveloped Land Rural Open Space (OS) and General Open Space and Facilities (OS) Open Space (R-OS) and Flood Control Utility Corridor (R- FC/UC) with Equestrian Overlay and Hillside Overlay East Undeveloped Land, a Water Tank, and Enright Ranch Rural Open Space (OS) and General Open Space and Facilities (OS) Open Space (R-OS), Flood Control Utility Corridor (R- FC/UC), and Hillside Residential (R-H) with Equestrian Overlay and Hillside Overlay Project Overview: The applicant proposes to subdivide the project site into four new parcels to accommodate the construction of eight buildings totaling a cumulative 93,313 square feet on a 35.1-acre Project site. The proposed development footprint would encompass approximately 11.5 acres of the overall Project site as all eight buildings would be developed close to one another and near the center of the Project site adjacent to Dawnridge Drive and DeCliff Drive as a clustered development primarily used for assembly purposes. DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2021-00187 – LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE May 21, 2024 Page 3 Figure 2: Project Site Plan Generally, the proposed project comprises three buildings for worship and assembly, two buildings for ancillary administrative and support uses, and three buildings for group residences. The proposed project would also include associated infrastructure and improvements such as landscaping, hardscape elements, water features, plazas, parking lots, fuel modification, open space, roadways, and utility and stormwater improvements. The various eight buildings proposed are described in further detail below: Building 1: Veda Hall and Maitreya Hall Building 1 would be developed as a worship center used primarily by tourists with a total building area of 1,050 SF located at the south portion of the clustered development. The building would be one story tall and have a height of 24 feet and 7 inches. Additionally, the building would have an occupancy capacity of 28. DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2021-00187 – LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE May 21, 2024 Page 4 Figure 3: Building 1 Elevations Building 2: Administration, Visitor Center, Classroom, and Library Building 2 would be developed for administration and supportive uses with a total building area of 18,334 SF located east of Building 1 adjacent to Dawnridge Drive. The building would be two stories with a height of 27 feet and 3 inches. The first floor would have a building area of 5,715 SF and would include three classrooms for studying Buddhist teachings and philosophies. The second floor would be 12,583 SF and would include an administrative room, offices, and a visitor center. Figure 4: Building 2 Elevations Building 3: Buddha Hall Building 3 would be developed as a worship hall for special assembly uses (not open to the public except during certain ceremonies) with a total building area of 20,000 SF located in the center of all the proposed buildings. The building would be one story with a height of 49 feet and 10 inches. The building would also include two storage areas, each with an area of 1,600 SF, and the main Buddha Hall would be 16,800 SF. Additionally, the Buddha Hall would have a maximum capacity of 500 people during events. DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2021-00187 – LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE May 21, 2024 Page 5 Figure 5: Building 3 Elevations Building 4: Dining Hall Building 4 would be developed for administration and supportive uses, specifically as a kitchen and dining hall, with a total building area of 19,654 SF located east of Building 3 and adjacent to Dawnridge Drive. The building would be one story with a height of 28 feet and 10 inches. The building would also be separated into an upper level, dining hall with a building area of 12,412 SF and a lower-level kitchen with an area of 7,242 SF. Additionally, the upper level or dining hall would have a maximum capacity of 500 people. Figure 6: Building 4 Elevations Building 5: Nuns Living Court Building 5 would be one of two living courts for female monastic residents developed for group residential uses. The nun’s living court would have a total building area of 4,900 SF located west of Building 3 (near the parking area). The building would be one story and have a height of 22 feet and 3 inches. The building would also include four common sleeping areas, shared DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2021-00187 – LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE May 21, 2024 Page 6 showers, a reading room, and a lavatory. There will be an outdoor courtyard accessible via exterior hallways. Additionally, the building would have a maximum capacity of 10 people. Figure 7: Buildings 5, 6 & 8 Elevations Building 6: Nuns Living Court Building 6 would be developed identical to Building 5 as a nun’s living court for group residential use. This building would be located south of Building 5. Building 7: Chanting, Wellness, and Memorial Hall Building 7 would be developed as a worship hall for assembly uses with a total building area of 19,575 SF located north of Building 3. The building would be one story and have a height of 50 feet. Building 7 would include a Chanting Hall in the center portion of the building with an area of 14,375 SF, a Wellness Hall in the east portion with an area of 2,600 SF, and a Memorial Hall in the west portion with an area of 2,600 SF. The Wellness and Memorial Hall’s would be open to guests, whereas the Chanting Hall would be used for daily services by monastic residents and for follower retreats. Additionally, the building would have a maximum occupancy of 500 people during retreats. Each hall would be used for a separate type of worship and assembly purpose. DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2021-00187 – LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE May 21, 2024 Page 7 Figure 8: Building 7 Elevations Building 8: Monk’s Living Court Building 8 would be developed as a residential living court for monks with a total building area of 4,900 SF located northeast of Building 3. The building would be one story and have a height of 20 feet and 11 inches. The building would also have the same interior and exterior amenities as the nun’s living court with a maximum capacity of 10 people (see Figure 7). Architecture and Site Design Theme The proposed Project’s use of landscaping, building layout, finish materials, and accenting on the Project site would create a quality architectural presence. Buildings would utilize muted and neutral color schemes with surrounding courtyards and gardens to create a tranquil and peaceful atmosphere. Finish materials for the buildings will include white and medium grey stucco finish, cultured stone accents at the lower level of the Building 2 tower, reddish brown and black metal column covers, dark grey concrete tile roofs, and enhanced concrete within the courtyard hardscape areas. Additionally, the proposed buildings would be setback from the existing and proposed private roadways. The front building setback for the Project would be approximately 127 feet and 6 inches from DeCliff Drive; 37 feet from Dawnridge Drive; and 103 feet and 4 inches from the northern private road. The proposed project complies with the applicable development standards for the EHNC-SP as shown in the table below: DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2021-00187 – LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE May 21, 2024 Page 8 Parking: Development of the proposed Project would provide seven parking facilities throughout the Project site and would include a total of 449 parking stalls. It should be noted that a Parking Study has been prepared for the project (prepared by Ganddini Traffic Consultants). The parking study determined that a maximum parking demand of 402 parking spaces would be required for the site at peak time (Chinese New Year, occurring once per calendar year). As can be determined, the project exceeds the noted maximum number of parking spaces determined for the project. Fences and Walls: The proposed Project would include the construction of a new 8-foot-high screening wall along the perimeter of all proposed buildings within the clustered development of the Project site. Additionally, a low wall with a height of 3 foot and 6 inches is proposed within the clustered development and 8-foot-high wall. The low wall would surround the Veda and Buddha Halls, both plazas, and the entrance to the Chanting Hall. Landscaping: The proposed Project would install new landscaping, gardens, and hardscaping throughout the site that would cover approximately 497,844 SF (11.42 acres), of the total Project site, as shown in Figure 10, Landscaping Plan. Landscaping would be situated throughout the Project site including around buildings, parking areas, and along private roadways. Additionally, two ponds are proposed on the east and west side of the Veda and Maitreya Hall. In general, the Project’s landscape design would enhance and support the proposed architecture through the use of trees, shrubs, ground covers, and appropriate hardscape elements, with the goal of reinforcing and emphasizing the architectural hierarchy while accommodating outdoor uses of the site. Landscaping would also be arranged to screen and direct views as appropriate; provide shade for parking areas; incorporate applicable water conservation and fire protection measures; and generally, beautify the site while conforming to applicable City requirements. The Project design incorporates a 100-foot minimum fuel modification zone around the Project site, consistent with applicable requirements, to reduce risks associated with wildland fires. Additionally, three types of landscaping and planting zones would be incorporated throughout the project site based on distance to buildings, slopes, and detention basins. Development Standard Required Proposed Complies? Building Height Maximum 50 feet Buildings 1-6, and 8 are below 50 feet: Building 7: 50 feet YES Structures must be clustered into a campus-like environment that is as compact as possible Clustered Campus-Like Environment Clustered Campus-Like Environment YES DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2021-00187 – LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE May 21, 2024 Page 9 Figure 9: Landscape Plan DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2021-00187 – LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE May 21, 2024 Page 10 Figure 10: Overall Campus Image 1. Staff Recommendation: Staff requests that the Design Review Committee consider the design (building architecture, site planning, etc.) of the proposed project and recommend the selected action below to the Planning Director / Planning Commission: ☐Recommend approval of the design of the project as proposed by the applicant. ☐Recommend approval with modifications to the design of the project by incorporating revisions requested by the Committee. Follow-up review by the Committee is not required. The revisions shall be verified by staff prior to review and action by the Planning Director / Planning Commission. ☐Recommend denial of the design of the project as proposed by the applicant. Design Review Committee Action Staff Planner: Kirt Coury, Contract Planner Members Present: Staff Coordinator: Sean McPherson, Principal Planner Attachment: Exhibit A: Project Plans D r a w i n g No. : R e f e r e n c e :P r o j e c t N o. :D r a w n B y : C h e c k e d B y :P h a s e : D a t e : C D A P r o j e c t N o.D r a w i n g T i t l e : S t a m p :C l i e n t : P r o j e c t : R e v i s i o n s :JAN. 2022Copyright ® By Creative Design Associates, Inc.CDALING YEN MOUNTAINTEMPLE13938 DECLIFF DRIVERANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739LING YEN MOUNTAINTEMPLE13938 DECLIFF DRIVERANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 917391815PLANNINGCOVER SHEETECA-000PROJECT:LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE13938 Decliff Dr, Rancho Cucamonga, CA917390226-061-47, 73, 74, 76 & 77ADDRESS:LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLECLIENT:CREATIVE DESIGN ASSOCIATESARCHITECT:PARTICIPANTS:APN:Exhibit A D r a w i n g No. : R e f e r e n c e :P r o j e c t N o. :D r a w n B y : C h e c k e d B y :P h a s e : D a t e : C D A P r o j e c t N o.D r a w i n g T i t l e : S t a m p :C l i e n t : P r o j e c t : R e v i s i o n s :JAN. 2022Copyright ® By Creative Design Associates, Inc.CDALING YEN MOUNTAINTEMPLE13938 DECLIFF DRIVERANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739LING YEN MOUNTAINTEMPLE13938 DECLIFF DRIVERANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 917391815PLANNINGSHEET INDEX,GENERAL NOTES,& PROJECT DATAECG-101CODE SUMMARYVICINITY MAPSHEET INDEXABBREVIATIONSDRAWING SYMBOLS13938 Decliff Dr, Rancho Cucamonga, CA91739APN: 0226-061-47, 73, 74, 76 & 77LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLEPROJECT DESCRIPTIONKEY MAPPARTICIPANTSFIRE DEPARTMENT NOTESBUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTES D r a w i n g No. : R e f e r e n c e :P r o j e c t N o. :D r a w n B y : C h e c k e d B y :P h a s e : D a t e : C D A P r o j e c t N o.D r a w i n g T i t l e : S t a m p :C l i e n t : P r o j e c t : R e v i s i o n s :JAN. 2022Copyright ® By Creative Design Associates, Inc.CDALING YEN MOUNTAINTEMPLE13938 DECLIFF DRIVERANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739LING YEN MOUNTAINTEMPLE13938 DECLIFF DRIVERANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 917391815PLANNINGRENDERINGSECG-102KEY MAPSCALE: 1"=200'12VIEW FROM SOUTHVIEW FROM SOUTHWEST D r a w i n g No. : R e f e r e n c e :P r o j e c t N o. :D r a w n B y : C h e c k e d B y :P h a s e : D a t e : C D A P r o j e c t N o.D r a w i n g T i t l e : S t a m p :C l i e n t : P r o j e c t : R e v i s i o n s :JAN. 2022Copyright ® By Creative Design Associates, Inc.CDALING YEN MOUNTAINTEMPLE13938 DECLIFF DRIVERANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739LING YEN MOUNTAINTEMPLE13938 DECLIFF DRIVERANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 917391815PLANNINGRENDERINGSECG-103KEY MAPSCALE: 1"=200'2VIEW FROM SOUTH (END OF EXISTING COLONBERO RD)VIEW FROM SOUTHEAST1 五觀堂 儲藏室 EXIT #4 EXIT #3 EXIT #1 EXIT #2 EXIT #5 D r a w i n g No. : R e f e r e n c e : P r o j e c t N o. : D r a w n B y : C h e c k e d B y : P h a s e : D a t e : C D A P r o j e c t N o. D r a w i n g T i t l e : S t a m p : C l i e n t : P r o j e c t : R e v i s i o n s : JAN. 2022 Copyright ® By Creative Design Associates, Inc. CDA LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE 13938 DECLIFF DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739 LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE 13938 DECLIFF DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739 1815 PLANNING BUILDING #4EXITING PLAN G-014 BUILDING 4 - EXITING PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" KEY MAP SCALE: 1"=200' LOADINGLOADINGVANVANVANDAWNRIDGE DRIVEDECLIFF DRIVEADMIN / VISITORCENTER / LIBRARYCLASSROOM客堂行政區GATEBUDDHA HALL大雄寶殿DINING HALL五觀堂CHANTING HALL念佛堂男住眾寮區MONK'S LIVING COURTKITCHEN彌勒殿MAITREYA HALLVEDA HALL護法殿23478NUN'S LIVING COURT 261女住眾寮區 2NUN'S LIVING COURT 15女住眾寮區 1K-3654PERSUADETOILETSVITREOUS CHINAK-3654PERSUADETOILETSVITREOUS CHINA K-3654PERSUADETOILETSVITREOUS CHINAK-3654PERSUADETOILETSVITREOUS CHINA K-3654PERSUADETOILETSVITREOUS CHINA K-3654PERSUADETOILETSVITREOUS CHINAF.F. = 1,845.7F.F. = 1,834.7F.F. = 1,834.5F.F. = 1,863.7F.F. = 1,864.5F.F. = 1,852.7F.F. = 1,841.72ND FL F.F. = 1,832.71ST FL F.F. - 1,822.7F.F. = 1,845.7F.F. = 1,839.7PLAZAPLAZAWELLNESS功德堂消災HALLWAY迴廊廣場山門MEMORIAL功德堂超度HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊廣場POND池塘POND池塘HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊迴廊HALLWAY迴廊DROP-OFFHALLWAYPARKINGNOPARKINGNOHALLWAY迴廊PARKINGNOVANVANEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEPARKINGNOVANEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLELOADINGLOADINGPARKINGNOD r a w i n g No. : R e f e r e n c e :P r o j e c t N o. :D r a w n B y : C h e c k e d B y :P h a s e : D a t e : C D A P r o j e c t N o.D r a w i n g T i t l e : S t a m p :C l i e n t : P r o j e c t : R e v i s i o n s :JAN. 2022Copyright ® By Creative Design Associates, Inc.CDALING YEN MOUNTAINTEMPLE13938 DECLIFF DRIVERANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739LING YEN MOUNTAINTEMPLE13938 DECLIFF DRIVERANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 917391815PLANNINGPLUMBING FIXTURECALCECG-020PLUMBING FIXTURE REQ'D & PROV'D CALCSCALE: 1"=30'PLUMBING FIXTUREREQUIREDPLUMBING FIXTUREPROVIDED LOADINGLOADINGVANVANVANVANVANLOADINGLOADINGVANVANVANVANVANDAWNRIDGE DRIVE WARDMAN BULLOCK ROAD DECLIFF DRIVEADMIN / VISITORCENTER / LIBRARYCLASSROOM客堂行政區GATEBUDDHA HALL大雄寶殿DINING HALL五觀堂CHANTING HALL念佛堂男住眾寮區MONK'S LIVING COURTKITCHEN彌勒殿MAITREYA HALLVEDA HALL護法殿OVERFLOWPARKINGOVERFLOWPARKINGPARKING23478NUN'S LIVING COURT 261女住眾寮區 2NUN'S LIVING COURT 15女住眾寮區 1F.F. = 1,845.7F.F. = 1,834.7F.F. = 1,834.5F.F. = 1,863.7F.F. = 1,864.5F.F. = 1,852.7F.F. = 1,841.72ND FL F.F. = 1,832.71ST FL F.F. - 1,822.7F.F. = 1,845.7F.F. = 1,839.7PLAZAPLAZAWELLNESS功德堂消災HALLWAY迴廊廣場山門MEMORIAL功德堂超度HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊廣場POND池塘POND池塘HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊迴廊HALLWAY迴廊DROP-OFFHALLWAYEXISTINGBUILDING(NOT A PART)OVERFLOW PARKINGPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEPARKINGNOHALLWAY迴廊PARKINGNOPARKINGNO PARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLECLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EV VANVANVANVANEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEPARKINGNOVANEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLE EXISTING WATER TANK(NOT A PART)LOADINGLOADINGPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLE2111421 131417128111919202020217982520258865317200 0 0 0 0 000000 0 0 0 130 014 2231623TYP TYP TYP 7150 022161800150010 10117227150 0 1700 7160 0 2400 KEYNOTESBUILDING NUMBER AND NAME12345678D r a w i n g No. : R e f e r e n c e :P r o j e c t N o. :D r a w n B y : C h e c k e d B y :P h a s e : D a t e : C D A P r o j e c t N o.D r a w i n g T i t l e : S t a m p :C l i e n t : P r o j e c t : R e v i s i o n s :JAN. 2022Copyright ® By Creative Design Associates, Inc.CDALING YEN MOUNTAINTEMPLE13938 DECLIFF DRIVERANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739LING YEN MOUNTAINTEMPLE13938 DECLIFF DRIVERANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 917391815PLANNINGOVERALL SITE PLANECAS-000OVERALL SITE PLANSCALE: 1"=70'LEGENDSITE PLAN OVERLAY EHNCP SUB-ZONE LOADINGLOADINGVANVANVANVANVANLOADINGLOADINGVANVANVANVANVANDAWNRIDGE DRIVEDECLIFF DRIVEADMIN / VISITORCENTER / LIBRARYCLASSROOM客堂行政區GATEBUDDHA HALL大雄寶殿DINING HALL五觀堂CHANTING HALL念佛堂男住眾寮區MONK'S LIVING COURTKITCHEN彌勒殿MAITREYA HALLVEDA HALL護法殿OVERFLOWPARKINGPARKING23478NUN'S LIVING COURT 261女住眾寮區 2NUN'S LIVING COURT 15女住眾寮區 1F.F. = 1,845.7F.F. = 1,834.7F.F. = 1,834.5F.F. = 1,863.7F.F. = 1,864.5F.F. = 1,852.7F.F. = 1,841.72ND FL F.F. = 1,832.71ST FL F.F. - 1,822.7F.F. = 1,845.7F.F. = 1,839.7PLAZAPLAZAWELLNESS功德堂消災HALLWAY迴廊廣場山門MEMORIAL功德堂超度HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊廣場POND池塘POND池塘HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊迴廊HALLWAY迴廊DROP-OFFHALLWAYPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEPARKINGNOHALLWAY迴廊PARKINGNOPARKINGNO PARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLECLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EV VANVANVANVANEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEPARKINGNOVANEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLE EXISTING WATER TANK(NOT A PART)LOADINGLOADINGPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLE 1417128111919202020217982520258865320 0 0 0 00 00 02 7150 022 10101172271700 7D r a w i n g No. : R e f e r e n c e :P r o j e c t N o. :D r a w n B y : C h e c k e d B y :P h a s e : D a t e : C D A P r o j e c t N o.D r a w i n g T i t l e : S t a m p :C l i e n t : P r o j e c t : R e v i s i o n s :JAN. 2022Copyright ® By Creative Design Associates, Inc.CDALING YEN MOUNTAINTEMPLE13938 DECLIFF DRIVERANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739LING YEN MOUNTAINTEMPLE13938 DECLIFF DRIVERANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 917391815PLANNINGFOCUSED SITE PLANECAS-101KEYNOTESFOCUSED SITE PLANSCALE: 1"=30'BUILDING NUMBER AND NAME12345678 LOADINGLOADINGVANVANVANVANVANDAWNRIDGE DRIVEDECLIFF DRIVEADMIN / VISITORCENTER / LIBRARYCLASSROOM客堂行政區GATEBUDDHA HALL大雄寶殿DINING HALL五觀堂CHANTING HALL念佛堂男住眾寮區MONK'S LIVING COURTKITCHEN彌勒殿MAITREYA HALLVEDA HALL護法殿OVERFLOWPARKINGPARKING23478NUN'S LIVING COURT 261女住眾寮區 2NUN'S LIVING COURT 15女住眾寮區 1F.F. = 1,845.7F.F. = 1,834.7F.F. = 1,834.5F.F. = 1,863.7F.F. = 1,864.5F.F. = 1,852.7F.F. = 1,841.72ND FL F.F. = 1,832.71ST FL F.F. - 1,822.7F.F. = 1,845.7F.F. = 1,839.7PLAZAPLAZAWELLNESS功德堂消災HALLWAY迴廊廣場山門MEMORIAL功德堂超度HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊廣場POND池塘POND池塘HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊迴廊HALLWAY迴廊DROP-OFFHALLWAYPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEPARKINGNOHALLWAY迴廊PARKINGNOPARKINGNO PARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLECLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EV VANVANVANVANEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEPARKINGNOVANEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLE EXISTING WATER TANK(NOT A PART)LOADINGLOADINGPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLE 1417128111919202020217982520258865320 0 0 0 00 00 02 7150 022 10101172271700 7D r a w i n g No. : R e f e r e n c e :P r o j e c t N o. :D r a w n B y : C h e c k e d B y :P h a s e : D a t e : C D A P r o j e c t N o.D r a w i n g T i t l e : S t a m p :C l i e n t : P r o j e c t : R e v i s i o n s :JAN. 2022Copyright ® By Creative Design Associates, Inc.CDALING YEN MOUNTAINTEMPLE13938 DECLIFF DRIVERANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739LING YEN MOUNTAINTEMPLE13938 DECLIFF DRIVERANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 917391815PLANNINGFOCUSED SITE PLANW/ FLOOR PLANOVERLAYECAS-102KEYNOTESFOCUSED SITE PLAN W/ FLOOR PLAN OVERLAYSCALE: 1"=30'BUILDING NUMBER AND NAME12345678 LOADINGLOADINGVANVANVANVANVANDAWNRIDGE DRIVEDECLIFF DRIVEADMIN / VISITORCENTER / LIBRARYCLASSROOM客堂行政區GATEBUDDHA HALL大雄寶殿DINING HALL五觀堂CHANTING HALL念佛堂男住眾寮區MONK'S LIVING COURTKITCHEN彌勒殿MAITREYA HALLVEDA HALL護法殿OVERFLOWPARKINGOVERFLOWPARKINGPARKING23478NUN'S LIVING COURT 261女住眾寮區 2NUN'S LIVING COURT 15女住眾寮區 1F.F. = 1,845.7F.F. = 1,834.7F.F. = 1,834.5F.F. = 1,863.7F.F. = 1,864.5F.F. = 1,852.7F.F. = 1,841.72ND FL F.F. = 1,832.71ST FL F.F. - 1,822.7F.F. = 1,845.7F.F. = 1,839.7PLAZAPLAZAWELLNESS功德堂消災HALLWAY迴廊廣場山門MEMORIAL功德堂超度HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊廣場POND池塘POND池塘HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊迴廊HALLWAY迴廊DROP-OFFHALLWAYEXISTINGBUILDING(NOT A PART)OVERFLOW PARKINGPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEPARKINGNOHALLWAY迴廊PARKINGNOPARKINGNO PARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLECLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EV VANVANVANVANEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEPARKINGNOVANEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLE EXISTING WATER TANK(NOT A PART)LOADINGLOADINGPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLE BUILDING NUMBER AND NAME12345678D r a w i n g No. : R e f e r e n c e :P r o j e c t N o. :D r a w n B y : C h e c k e d B y :P h a s e : D a t e : C D A P r o j e c t N o.D r a w i n g T i t l e : S t a m p :C l i e n t : P r o j e c t : R e v i s i o n s :JAN. 2022Copyright ® By Creative Design Associates, Inc.CDALING YEN MOUNTAINTEMPLE13938 DECLIFF DRIVERANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739LING YEN MOUNTAINTEMPLE13938 DECLIFF DRIVERANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 917391815PLANNINGFIRE DEPT. SITEACCESS PLANECAS-103SITE ACCESS PLANSCALE: 1"=50' LOADINGLOADINGVANVANVANVANVANDAWNRIDGE DRIVEDECLIFF DRIVEADMIN / VISITORCENTER / LIBRARYCLASSROOM客堂行政區GATEBUDDHA HALL大雄寶殿DINING HALL五觀堂CHANTING HALL念佛堂男住眾寮區MONK'S LIVING COURTKITCHEN彌勒殿MAITREYA HALLVEDA HALL護法殿OVERFLOWPARKINGOVERFLOWPARKINGPARKING23478NUN'S LIVING COURT 261女住眾寮區 2NUN'S LIVING COURT 15女住眾寮區 1F.F. = 1,845.7F.F. = 1,834.7F.F. = 1,834.5F.F. = 1,863.7F.F. = 1,864.5F.F. = 1,852.7F.F. = 1,841.72ND FL F.F. = 1,832.71ST FL F.F. - 1,822.7F.F. = 1,845.7F.F. = 1,839.7PLAZAPLAZAWELLNESS功德堂消災HALLWAY迴廊廣場山門MEMORIAL功德堂超度HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊廣場POND池塘POND池塘HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊迴廊HALLWAY迴廊DROP-OFFHALLWAYEXISTINGBUILDING(NOT A PART)OVERFLOW PARKINGPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEPARKINGNOHALLWAY迴廊PARKINGNO PARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNO PARKINGNO EV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLECLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/EV VANVANVANVANEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEPARKINGNOVANEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLE EXISTING WATER TANK(NOT A PART)LOADINGLOADINGPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLE TYP TYP TYP TYP TYP TYP TYP TYP TYP TTTTT TTTTTT LOADINGLOADINGVANVANVANVANVANDAWNRIDGE DRIVEDECLIFF DRIVEADMIN / VISITORCENTER / LIBRARYCLASSROOM客堂行政區GATEBUDDHA HALL大雄寶殿DINING HALL五觀堂CHANTING HALL念佛堂男住眾寮區MONK'S LIVING COURTKITCHEN彌勒殿MAITREYA HALLVEDA HALL護法殿OVERFLOWPARKINGOVERFLOWPARKINGPARKING23478NUN'S LIVING COURT 261女住眾寮區 2NUN'S LIVING COURT 15女住眾寮區 1F.F. = 1,845.7F.F. = 1,834.7F.F. = 1,834.5F.F. = 1,863.7F.F. = 1,864.5F.F. = 1,852.7F.F. = 1,841.72ND FL F.F. = 1,832.71ST FL F.F. - 1,822.7F.F. = 1,845.7F.F. = 1,839.7PLAZAPLAZAWELLNESS功德堂消災HALLWAY迴廊廣場山門MEMORIAL功德堂超度HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊廣場POND池塘POND池塘HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊迴廊HALLWAY迴廊DROP-OFFHALLWAYEXISTINGBUILDING(NOT A PART)OVERFLOW PARKINGPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEPARKINGNOHALLWAY迴廊PARKINGNO PARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNO PARKINGNO EV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLECLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/ VANPOOL/EV VANVANVANVANEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEPARKINGNOVANEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLE EXISTING WATER TANK(NOT A PART)LOADINGLOADINGPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLE TYP TYP TYP TYP TYP TYP TYP TYP TYP TTTTT TTTTTTLOADINGLOADINGVANVANVANVANVANDAWNRIDGE DRIVEDECLIFF DRIVEADMIN / VISITORCENTER / LIBRARYCLASSROOM客堂行政區GATEBUDDHA HALL大雄寶殿DINING HALL五觀堂CHANTING HALL念佛堂男住眾寮區MONK'S LIVING COURTKITCHEN彌勒殿MAITREYA HALLVEDA HALL護法殿OVERFLOWPARKINGOVERFLOWPARKINGPARKING23478NUN'S LIVING COURT 261女住眾寮區 2NUN'S LIVING COURT 15女住眾寮區 1F.F. = 1,845.7F.F. = 1,834.7F.F. = 1,834.5F.F. = 1,863.7F.F. = 1,864.5F.F. = 1,852.7F.F. = 1,841.72ND FL F.F. = 1,832.71ST FL F.F. - 1,822.7F.F. = 1,845.7F.F. = 1,839.7PLAZAPLAZAWELLNESS功德堂消災HALLWAY迴廊廣場山門MEMORIAL功德堂超度HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊廣場POND池塘POND池塘HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊迴廊HALLWAY迴廊DROP-OFFHALLWAYEXISTINGBUILDING(NOT A PART)OVERFLOW PARKINGPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEPARKINGNO HALLWAY迴廊PARKINGNOPARKINGNO PARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLECLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVVAN VANVANVANEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEPARKINGNO VANEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLE EXISTING WATER TANK(NOT A PART)LOADINGLOADINGPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLE TYP TYP TYP TYPTYPTYPTYP TYPTYPTTTTTTTTTTTLOADINGLOADINGVANVANVANVANVAN DAWNRIDGE DRIVEDECLIFF DRIVEADMIN / VISITORCENTER / LIBRARYCLASSROOM客堂行政區GATEBUDDHA HALL大雄寶殿DINING HALL五觀堂CHANTING HALL念佛堂男住眾寮區MONK'S LIVING COURTKITCHEN彌勒殿MAITREYA HALLVEDA HALL護法殿OVERFLOWPARKINGOVERFLOWPARKINGPARKING23478NUN'S LIVING COURT 261女住眾寮區 2NUN'S LIVING COURT 15女住眾寮區 1F.F. = 1,845.7F.F. = 1,834.7F.F. = 1,834.5F.F. = 1,863.7F.F. = 1,864.5F.F. = 1,852.7F.F. = 1,841.72ND FL F.F. = 1,832.71ST FL F.F. - 1,822.7F.F. = 1,845.7F.F. = 1,839.7PLAZAPLAZAWELLNESS功德堂消災HALLWAY迴廊廣場山門MEMORIAL功德堂超度HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊廣場POND池塘POND池塘HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊HALLWAY迴廊迴廊HALLWAY迴廊DROP-OFFHALLWAYEXISTINGBUILDING(NOT A PART)OVERFLOW PARKINGPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEPARKINGNO HALLWAY迴廊PARKINGNOPARKINGNO PARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLECLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVVAN VANVANVANEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEPARKINGNO VANEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLE EXISTING WATER TANK(NOT A PART)LOADINGLOADINGPARKINGNOEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLEEV CAPABLE TYP TYP TYP TYPTYPTYPTYP TYPTYPTTTTTTTTTTT LEGENDBUILDING NUMBER AND NAME12345678D r a w i n g No. : R e f e r e n c e :P r o j e c t N o. :D r a w n B y : C h e c k e d B y :P h a s e : D a t e : C D A P r o j e c t N o.D r a w i n g T i t l e : S t a m p :C l i e n t : P r o j e c t : R e v i s i o n s :JAN. 2022Copyright ® By Creative Design Associates, Inc.CDALING YEN MOUNTAINTEMPLE13938 DECLIFF DRIVERANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739LING YEN MOUNTAINTEMPLE13938 DECLIFF DRIVERANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 917391815PLANNINGSITE PLANDIAGRAMSECAS-110SITE PLAN DIAGRAM - BLDG USESCALE: 1"=100'SITE PLAN DIAGRAM - LANDSCAPE, PLAZA & WATER FEATURESCALE: 1"=100'SITE PLAN DIAGRAM - ROAD ACCESS & PARKINGSCALE: 1"=100'SITE PLAN DIAGRAM - ADA ACCESSABLE PATHSCALE: 1"=100' D r a w i n g No. : R e f e r e n c e : P r o j e c t N o. : D r a w n B y : C h e c k e d B y : P h a s e : D a t e : C D A P r o j e c t N o. D r a w i n g T i t l e : S t a m p : C l i e n t : P r o j e c t : R e v i s i o n s : JAN. 2022 Copyright ® By Creative Design Associates, Inc. CDA LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE 13938 DECLIFF DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739 LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE 13938 DECLIFF DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739 1815 PLANNING OVERALL SITESECTIONS/ BUILDINGELEVATIONS EC AS-201 WEST SITE SECTION J-J WITH BLDG ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1"=25' KEY MAP SCALE: 1"=200' CENTER SITE SECTION G-G WITH BLDG ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1"=25'3322BUILDING ELEVATIONS FROM DECLIFF DRIVE SCALE: 1"=25' 1 1 D r a w i n g No. : R e f e r e n c e : P r o j e c t N o. : D r a w n B y : C h e c k e d B y : P h a s e : D a t e : C D A P r o j e c t N o. D r a w i n g T i t l e : S t a m p : C l i e n t : P r o j e c t : R e v i s i o n s : JAN. 2022 Copyright ® By Creative Design Associates, Inc. CDA LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE 13938 DECLIFF DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739 LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE 13938 DECLIFF DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739 1815 PLANNING OVERALL SITESECTIONS/ BUILDINGELEVATIONS EC AS-202 EAST SITE SECTION H-H WITH BLDG ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1"=25' KEY MAP SCALE: 1"=200' CENTER SITE SECTION G-G WITH BLDG ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1"=25'3322BUILDING ELEVATIONS FROM DAWNRIDGE DRIVE SCALE: 1"=25'11 護法殿 彌勒殿 D r a w i n g No. : R e f e r e n c e : P r o j e c t N o. : D r a w n B y : C h e c k e d B y : P h a s e : D a t e : C D A P r o j e c t N o. D r a w i n g T i t l e : S t a m p : C l i e n t : P r o j e c t : R e v i s i o n s : JAN. 2022 Copyright ® By Creative Design Associates, Inc. CDA LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE 13938 DECLIFF DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739 LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE 13938 DECLIFF DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739 1815 PLANNING GATE & BUILDING 1 PLANS ANDELEVATIONS EC A-101 BUILDING 1 - FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" KEY MAP SCALE: 1"=200' BUILDING 1 - SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING 1 - EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING 1 - ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" GATE - FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" GATE - SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" GATE - CROSS SECTION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 行政区域 客堂 客堂 办公区域 办公区域 办公区域 教室 教室 教室 D r a w i n g No. : R e f e r e n c e : P r o j e c t N o. : D r a w n B y : C h e c k e d B y : P h a s e : D a t e : C D A P r o j e c t N o. D r a w i n g T i t l e : S t a m p : C l i e n t : P r o j e c t : R e v i s i o n s : JAN. 2022 Copyright ® By Creative Design Associates, Inc. CDA LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE 13938 DECLIFF DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739 LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE 13938 DECLIFF DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739 1815 PLANNING BUILDING 2PLAN ANDELEVATIONS EC A-102 BUILDING 2 - SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" KEY MAP SCALE: 1"=200' BUILDING 2 - LOWER FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING 2 - EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING 2 - UPPER FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING 2 - ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING 2 - WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 仓库 大雄宝殿 仓库 LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE EC A-103 BUILDING 3 - SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" KEY MAP SCALE: 1"=200' BUILDING 3 - FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING 3 - EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING 3 - ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 五觀堂 儲藏室 D r a w i n g No. : R e f e r e n c e : P r o j e c t N o. : D r a w n B y : C h e c k e d B y : P h a s e : D a t e : C D A P r o j e c t N o. D r a w i n g T i t l e : S t a m p : C l i e n t : P r o j e c t : R e v i s i o n s : JAN. 2022 Copyright ® By Creative Design Associates, Inc. CDA LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE 13938 DECLIFF DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739 LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE 13938 DECLIFF DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739 1815 PLANNING BUILDING 4PLAN ANDELEVATIONS EC A-104 BUILDING 4 - NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" KEY MAP SCALE: 1"=200' BUILDING 4 - LOWER LEVEL PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING 4 - SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"BUILDING 4 - WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING 4 - EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING 4 - UPPER LEVEL PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING 4 - ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" K-3654PERSUADETOILETSVITREOUS CHINA K-3654PERSUADETOILETSVITREOUS CHINA D r a w i n g No. : R e f e r e n c e : P r o j e c t N o. : D r a w n B y : C h e c k e d B y : P h a s e : D a t e : C D A P r o j e c t N o. D r a w i n g T i t l e : S t a m p : C l i e n t : P r o j e c t : R e v i s i o n s : JAN. 2022 Copyright ® By Creative Design Associates, Inc. CDA LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE 13938 DECLIFF DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739 LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE 13938 DECLIFF DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739 1815 PLANNING BUILDING 5, 6, 8PLAN ANDELEVATIONS EC A-105 BUILDING 5,6,8 - SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" KEY MAP SCALE: 1"=200' BUILDING 5,6,8 - FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING 5,6,8 - EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING 5,6,8 - ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING 5,6,8 - NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING 5,6,8 - WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 念佛堂功德堂(超度)功德堂(消灾) D r a w i n g No. : R e f e r e n c e : P r o j e c t N o. : D r a w n B y : C h e c k e d B y : P h a s e : D a t e : C D A P r o j e c t N o. D r a w i n g T i t l e : S t a m p : C l i e n t : P r o j e c t : R e v i s i o n s : JAN. 2022 Copyright ® By Creative Design Associates, Inc. CDA LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE 13938 DECLIFF DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739 LING YEN MOUNTAIN TEMPLE 13938 DECLIFF DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739 1815 PLANNING BUILDING 7PLAN ANDELEVATIONS EC A-106 BUILDING 7 - SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" KEY MAP SCALE: 1"=200' BUILDING 7 - FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING 7 - EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING 7 - ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"