HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-08-20 - Agenda PacketIf you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the Planning Department at (909) 477-2750. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. AUGUST 20, 2024- 6:00 P.M. DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA RAINS ROOM CITY HALL 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 A.Call to Order Roll Call: Vice Chairman Al Boling Commissioner James Daniels B.Public Communications This is the time and place for the general public to address the Committee on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. The Committee may not discuss any issue not included on the agenda but set the matter for a subsequent meeting. C.Consent Calendar C1. Consideration to adopt Meeting Minutes of July 2, 2024. D.Project Review Items D1. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DESIGN REVIEW – LEWIS MANAGEMENT CORP - A request for site plan and architectural review of 99 multi-family units located on approximately 4.9 acres of land within Planning Area N-15 in the Village Neighborhood (VN) Placetype of the Resort North Specific Plan, located north of 6th Street, south of the BNSF/Metrolink right of way, and west of Milliken Avenue; APN: 0209-272-20. (Design Review DRC2023-00406). Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City certified an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (SCH No. 2015041083) on May 18, 2016, in connection with the City’s approval of General Plan Amendment DRC2015-00114, Specific Plan Amendment DRC2015-00040, and Development Code Amendment DRC2015-00115. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, no subsequent or supplemental EIR is required in connection with subsequent discretionary approvals of the same project. E.Adjournment The Design Review Committee has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11:00 p.m. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, they shall be heard only with the consent of the Committee. I, Elizabeth Thornhill, Executive Assistant of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California and on the City’s website. Design Review Committee Meeting Agenda July 2, 2024 DRAFT MINUTES Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 New Time: 6:00 p.m. A. Call to Order The meeting of the Design Review Committee held on July 2, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Sean McPherson, Staff Coordinator, at 6:00 p.m. Design Review Committee members present: Vice Chairman Boling and Commissioner Daniels Staff Present: Bond Mendez, Associate Planner. B. Public Communications Staff Coordinator opened the public communication and after noting there were no public comments, closed public communications. C. Consent Calendar C1. Consideration to adopt Meeting Minutes of May 21, 2024. Item C1. Motion carried 2-0 vote. D. Project Review Items D1. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP, DESIGN REVIEW AND MINOR EXCEPTION – ARROW 6-LOT SUBDIVISION - A request to subdivide an existing 0.83-acre lot into six numbered lots, one lettered lot, and one dedication lot, and to construct six new single-family dwelling units within the Suburban Neighborhood Low General Plan designation and Medium Residential (M) Zone, located at the southeast corner of Arrow Route and Madrone Avenue - APN: 0207-262-05. This item is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CEQA Section 15332 (SUBTT20616, Design Review DRC2023-00111). Staff presented the item to the Design Review Committee. The DRC liked the project design overall and asked for clarification on a few items. Committee member Boling asked for clarification on the washer and dryer location for one of the unit types. Boling also requested that the development standards compliance table include the lot width and depth information. Committee member Daniels asked for clarification on the intent of placing the two-story units at the street fronting lots instead of the single-story units. Staff clarified that the two-story design is in keeping with the surrounding development patterns and the placement of the units intends to transition better between the adjacent single-story properties. Regarding fencing and walls, both committee members agreed that there should be a condition of approval to prohibit new walls or fencing from blocking the viewshed corridor along Arrow Route. They both also agreed that the project include a condition of approval requiring maintenance of the private shared driveway. The Design Review Committee voted to move the project forward to the Planning Commission with a recommendation of approval. The Committee took the following action: Recommend approval to PC. 2-0 Vote. E. Adjournment Principal Planner Sean McPherson adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS August 20, 2024 7:00 p.m. Tabe van der Zwaag, Associate Planner ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DESIGN REVIEW – LEWIS MANAGEMENT CORP - A request for site plan and architectural review of 99 multi-family units located on approximately 4.9 acres of land within Planning Area N-15 in the Village Neighborhood (VN) Placetype of the Resort North Specific Plan, located north of 6th Street, south of the BNSF/Metrolink right of way, and west of Milliken Avenue; APN: 0209-272-20. (Design Review DRC2023-00406). Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City certified an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (SCH No. 2015041083) on May 18, 2016, in connection with the City’s approval of General Plan Amendment DRC2015-00114, Specific Plan Amendment DRC2015-00040, and Development Code Amendment DRC2015-00115. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, no subsequent or supplemental EIR is required in connection with subsequent discretionary approvals of the same project. Site Characteristics and Background: The project site is part of a 160-acre property that was formerly developed with the privately owned and operated Empire Lakes Golf Course and within the Empire Lakes Specific Plan (the “Specific Plan”). The golf course was closed in mid-2016 following City Council approval to develop a new mixed-use, transit-oriented Development (The Resort) regulated by two separate specific plans, Resort South Specific Plan and Resort North Specific Plan. The Resort North Specific Plan is located north of 6th Street and south of the BNSF/Metrolink right of way and has been rough graded with a combined area of approximately 91 acres of land. The subject project site has an area of approximately 4.9 acres of land with the Resort North Specific Plan and is Parcel 12 of Tract 20440. Land Uses: The existing Land Use, General Plan, and Zoning Designations for, the project site and the surrounding properties are as follows: Land Use General Plan Zoning Site Vacant Land City Center Village Neighborhood (Planning Area N15) North Vacant Land City Center Village Neighborhood (Planning Areas N18 and N19) South Vacant Land City Center Village Neighborhood (Planning Areas N14) East Apartments City Center Center 2 (CE2) West Vacant Land City Center Village Neighborhood (Planning Area 12) Project Overview: The project is for the development of 99 for sale multi-family townhouse units. The Resort North Specific Plan is divided into nineteen (19) planning areas broken into 4 Placetypes. The project site is within the planning area N-15 and the Village Neighborhood (VN) Placetype. The site is also partially within the Mixed-Use Overlay along the 7th Street alignment. The specific plan provides flexibility in location of the non-residential land uses as long as the target square footage of non-residential land use is met. Architecture, Building Plotting, and Site Layout: The Specific Plan encourages the use of multiple architectural design themes throughout the Specific Plan area. The Specific Plan provides standard characteristics that should be incorporated into the architecture to ensure that the proposed design is consistent with the selected design theme. The applicant has chosen three architectural design themes: Heritage, Prairie, and Spanish. Design elements include tile roofs, lap siding, stone veneer, and stucco to reinforce the specific architectural style. The materials are carried to each elevation to emphasize the chosen architectural theme and building articulation. DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2023-00406 – LEWIS MANAGEMENT CORP August 20, 2024 Page 2 In turn, each architectural theme is distributed throughout the plan area to create a varied street scene. Heritage DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2023-00406 – LEWIS MANAGEMENT CORP August 20, 2024 Page 3 Prairie DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2023-00406 – LEWIS MANAGEMENT CORP August 20, 2024 Page 4 Spanish DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2023-00406 – LEWIS MANAGEMENT CORP August 20, 2024 Page 5 Architectural Theme Distribution The Specific Plan has a stated goal that building massing and design should reinforce the pedestrian scale of the adjacent street. The proposed three-story buildings are all below 40 feet in height and are of a size and scale that does not overwhelm the adjacent public streets, pedestrian pathways, or paseos. The building massing includes extensive wall and roof plane articulation, creating visual interest to each building elevation. The front entrances to the individual units and the second story balconies face either the public street or a paseo, helping to activate the adjacent public spaces and providing an extra level of security (i.e., eyes on the street). The project consists of 32 three-bedroom units and 67 four-bedroom units that range in size from 1,893 to 2,244 square feet and are within 3, 4, 5 and 6-unit buildings with optional flex ground floor spaces that can be used as a bedroom, home office or workspace. Each unit includes a private balcony with the minimum required depth of 5 feet. The units are generally plotted with the front entrances either facing a public street or a paseo interior to the project. Trash collection will take place in individual trash bins in fixed locations throughout the project site. DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2023-00406 – LEWIS MANAGEMENT CORP August 20, 2024 Page 6 UNIT SUMMARY Residential Unit Type Unit Size (SF - Net) Number of Units 3 Bedroom 1,893 32 4 Bedroom 2,000 to 2,244 SF 67 Total Number of Units 99 Consistent with the requirements of the Specific Plan, the project will be an “open community.” All streets within the interior of the project will be private and maintained by a homeowner’s association. These streets, however, will be open to the public. Access into the project will be provided by private street connections from two adjacent streets (Streets B and D) and from non- gated pedestrian access points. The center spine of the project will include a “Woonerf” designed for both vehicular and non-vehicular traffic. Pedestrians and cyclists use this space for circulation, social gathering, and recreation. The Woonerf includes traffic calming measures to ensure safe co-existence of vehicular and non-vehicular users. Landscaping features, including enhanced paving, planters, trees, bike racks and benches. or bollards, may improve pedestrian safety and use. Decorative paving is provided at each of the main pedestrian crossings throughout the project site. Woonerf Layout DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2023-00406 – LEWIS MANAGEMENT CORP August 20, 2024 Page 7 Compliance with Development Standards: The project was designed in compliance with Resort North Specific Plan for projects within the Village Neighborhood (VN) Placetype and shown in the following table: COMPLIANCE TABLE Development Standard Required Proposed Complies Residential Density 16 to 28 DU/AC 20 DU/AC YES Street Setback 0 to 10 Feet 10 Feet or Less YES Building Separation Across Drive Aisles 26 Feet Minimum 28 Feet YES Interior/Rear Yard Setback 10 Feet 10 Feet or Greater YES Building Height 70 Feet Maximum Less than 40 Feet YES Open Space 150 SF/Unit Minimum 358 SF/Unit YES Parking: Section 9.3.5 (Parking Requirements) of the Specific Plan states that residential development with a density of 30 units/acre or less are required to provide parking consistent with the requirements described in Table 17.64.050-1 of the Development Code. The project has a proposed density of 20 dwelling units per acre and is made up of 99 units. The project is required to provide 232 resident parking spaces and 20 guest parking spaces, for a total of 252 overall parking spaces. The project provides 252 resident parking spaces. The Specific Plan allows for street parking spaces to be counted towards required parking spaces. The following table summarizes the required and provided parking spaces: DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2023-00406 – LEWIS MANAGEMENT CORP August 20, 2024 Page 8 PARKING ANALYSIS Number of Units Square Footage Parking Ratio Required Parking Multi-family Unit (Three Bedrooms) 32 N/A 2 Per Unit (2 in Garage or Carport) 64 Multi-family Unit (Four Bedroom) 67 N/A 2.5 Per Unit (2 in Garage or Carport) 168 Guest parking 99 N/A 1 Per 5 Units 20 Total Garage Parking Required (Covered) 198 Total Garage Parking Provided (Covered) 198 Street Parking Spaces 35 Total Parking Spaces Required 252 Total Parking Spaces Provided 252 Open Space and Recreational Amenities: Individual projects within the Specific Plan area are required to provide 150 square feet of a combination of private and common open space area per unit. The project provides private decks along with common seating and recreation areas that when averaged across the project total approximately 358 square feet per unit. Common open space areas include the Woonerf and 4 pocket parks (activity lawn, dining, play and dog run) totaling approximately 35,431 square feet. In addition to the project-specific open space amenities, the larger Specific Plan area will include common recreation facilities including pools/spas, fitness centers, parks, walking paths, and common gathering areas that are designed to meet the recreational amenity requirements that are generally required of multi-family projects within the City. These common recreational facilities areas are generally designed to be within close proximity to each of the residential developments throughout the larger project site. DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2023-00406 – LEWIS MANAGEMENT CORP August 20, 2024 Page 9 Landscape Plan Walls/Fences: Onsite walls include street facing 36-inch-tall patio walls/fences along Streets B and D, 6-foot-high fences around the dog park, and a combination freestanding/retaining wall along a portion of the south property line due to onsite grades. A stairway is provided along the south property line creating a link in the larger pedestrian network that will connect the project site to the larger Resort North Specific Plan area. Staff Recommendation: The project complies with the intent and development requirements of the Resort North Specific Plan and the Village Neighborhood (VN) Placetype. The buildings are placed close to the street, creating an urban street scene consistent with the standards set forth in the Specific Plan, pedestrian connections are provided throughout the project and the Woonerf creates public space shared by pedestrians, bicycles, and low speed motor vehicles. Open space areas are dispersed throughout the project area and low-walled patios are provided along the adjacent streets. The buildings are well designed and varied in architecture including carrying materials to each elevation creating a varied street scene. Staff requests that the Design Review Committee consider the design (building architecture, site planning, etc.) of the proposed project and recommend the selected action below: ☒Recommend Approval of the design of the project as proposed by the applicant. ☐Recommend Approval with Modifications to the design of the project by incorporating revisions requested by the Committee. Follow-up review by the Committee is not required. The revisions shall be verified by staff prior to review and action by the Planning Director / Planning Commission. DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2023-00406 – LEWIS MANAGEMENT CORP August 20, 2024 Page 10 ☐Recommend Conditional Approval of the design of the project by incorporating revisions requested by the Committee. Follow-up review by the Committee is not required. The revisions shall be Conditions of Approval and verified by staff during plan check after review and action by the Planning Director / Planning Commission. ☐Recommend Denial of the design of the project as proposed by the applicant. Design Review Committee Action: Staff Planner: Tabe van der Zwaag, Associate Planner Members Present: Staff Coordinator: Sean McPherson, Principal Planner Exhibit A – Project Plans EXHIBIT A Due to file size, this attachment can be accessed through the following link: Project Plans