HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002/03/13 - Agenda Packet
WEDNESDAY MARCH 13, 2002 7:00 PM
Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center
Council Chamber
10500 Civic Center Drive
Rancho Cucamonga, California
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Chairman McNiel _ Vice Chairman Macias
Coin Mannenno _ Com. Stewart _ Com Tolstoy
February 27, 2002
Adjourned Meeting of February 27, 2002
The following dems are public hearings m which concerned mdiwduals may voice
their opm~on o/the related project. Please wad to be recogn¢ed by the Chavman
and address the Commission by staling your name and address. All such
opm~ons shall be l~mded to 5 minutes per md~wdual for each project. Please sign
~n aRerspeak~ng
SUBTT16264 - KB HOME - A proposed tentative tract map
consisting of 1 lot for condominium purposes (63 single-family
detached condominiums) and 3 lettered lots for ingress/egress and
recreation purposes on 7 53 acres of land in the Medwm Residential
District (8-14 dwelling units per acre) of the Terra Vista Community
Plan, located on the south side of Mountain View Drive between
Milliken Avenue and Terra Vista Parkway - APN: 227-151-32
Related File Development Review DRC2001-00380. Staff has
prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts
for consideration.
DRC2001-00380 - KB HOME -The review of detailed site plan and
building elevations for Tentative Tract 16264, consisting of 63 single-
family detached condominiums on 7.53 acres in the Medwm
Residential Distract (8-14 dwelling units per acre) of the Terra Vista
Community Plan, located on the south side of Mountain View Dnve
between Milliken Avenue and Terra Vista Parkway -
APN: 227-151-32 Related File. Tentatwe Tract Map SUBTT16264.
Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of
environmental impacts for consideratlon
SUBTT16263 - KB HOME - A proposed Tentative Tract Map
consisting of 1 lot for condominium purposes (204 multi-family
dwellings) and three lettered lots for recreational purposes on 14.06
acres of land in the Medium High Residential Density (14-24 dwelling
units per acre) of the Terra Vista Community Plan, located at the
southeast comer of Base Line Road and Ellena West - APN. 227-
151-34. Related File: Development Review DRC2001-0379 Staff
has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental
impacts for consideration
DRC2001-00379 - KB HOME -The review of detailed site plan and
budding elevations for Tentative Tract SUBTT16263, consisting of
204 multi-family dwellings on 14.06 acres of land in the Medium-High
Residential Distract (14-24 dwelling units per acre) of the Terra Vista
Community Plan, located at the southeast comer of Base Line Road
and Ellena West - APN. 227-151-34. Related File SUBTT16263.
Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of
environmental impacts for consideration
This ~s the fime and place for the general public to address the commission Items
to be discussed here are those that do not already appear on this agenda.
The Planning Commission has adopted Admm~strahve Regulations that set an
11.00 p.m adloumment hme. If dems go beyond that hme, they shall be heard
only with the consent of the Commrssron.
Page 2
1, Gad Sanchez, Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Rancho
Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certdy that a true, accurate copy of the
foregoing agenda was posted on March 7, 2002, at least 72 hours poor to the
meeting per Government Code Sechon 54964.2 at 10500 Civic Center Dnve,
Rancho Cucamonga
Page 3
Vicinity Map
Planning Commission
March 13, 2002
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City of Rancho Cucamonga
Staff Report
DATE: March 13, 2002
TO• Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
FROM: Brad Buller, Clty Planner
BY: Debra Meier, AICP, Contract Planner
- KB HOME - A proposed tentative tract map consisting of 1 lot for condominium
purposes (63 single-family detached condominiums) and 3 lettered lots for
ingress/egress and recreation purposes on 7.53 acres of land In the Medium
Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre) of the Terra Vista Community
Plan, located on the south side of Mountain View Drive between Milliken Avenue
and Terra Vista Parkway -APN: 227-151-32. Staff has prepared a Negative
Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration.
- KB HOME -The review of detailed site plan and building elevations for Tentative
Tract 16264, consisting of 63 single-family detached condominiums on 7.53 acres
in the Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre) of the Terra Vista
Community Plan, located on the south side of Mountain View Drive between
Milliken Avenue and Terra Vista Parkway -APN: 227-151-32. Staff has prepared
a Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration.
A. Project Density 8.36 Dwelling Units Per Acre
B. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning -Terra Vista Community Plan
North - Low-Medium Density Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre)
South - Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre)
East - Low-Medium Density Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre)
West - Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre)
C. General Plan Desicnations
Project Slte - Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre)
North - Low-Medium Density Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre)
South - Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre)
East - Low-Medium Density Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre)
West - Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre)
SUBTT16264 AND DRC2001-00380 - KB HOME
March 13, 2002
Page 2
D. Site Charactenstics• The project is located m the northeast quadrant of the Terra Vista
Community Plan Surrounding land uses include Tract 15492 (Low-Medwm), approved
January 2001 and now under construction, which lies south of Terra Vista Parkway, the
existing Monteato Apartments (Medwm) along the west site boundary, an existing smgle-
family residential development referred to as "Rosecrest" (Low-Medium) along the east
boundary, and vacant parcels (Medwm and Medwm-High) on the south side of the
Greenway Comdor Trail.
The north boundary of the site is formed by Mountain View Drive and the south boundary
is formed by the existing Green Way Linear Park and Trail The east boundary will be
formed by the development of a Trail Type 'D' along the west boundary of "Rosecrest"
(Tract 13303), and the east boundary is adjacent to the Montecito Apartments
(Tract 13273). The site slopes gently from north to south at a 2 percent gradient There
are no trees or significant vegetation left on the site due to years of disking and weed
E Parkrno Calculations
Number of Number of
Type Number of Parking Spaces Spaces
of Use Umts Ratio Reawred Provided
3 Bedroom Unit 63 2/unit 126 126
Guest oarking 63 0.25/unit 16 46
TOTAL 142 172
A General The proposed project incudes 63 detached single-family condommwms,
designed using the zero-lot Ime concept. Each of the four bwlding types are two story,
ranging from approximately 1,488 square feet to over 2,000 square feet m size. The front
doors of the dwellings face either a common green or a street frontage, and each umt has
an attached two-car garage Private open space is provided on the ground level between
dwellings with a minimum size of 10 feet by 25 feet
The architectural theme is characterized by a craftsmaNbungalow style Each unit
features the use of a front porch, wood-lap siding, and an array of details including window
shutters, wood corbels, decorative knee braces, and brick or stone veneer
The common open space and amenities include a pathway with various resting points, tot
lot, a BBO/picnic area, and a turf play area. The east boundary of the project includes the
completion of a Trail Type 'D' that provides a connection from Mountain View Drive to East
Greenway Comdor
~~$ 2.
SUBTT16264 AND DRC2001-00380 - KB HOME
March 13, 2002
Page 3
B. Design Review Committee. The Design Review Committee reviewed the project on
November 6, 2001, (Stewart, Mannenno, Fong) The Committee approved the building
elevations and site design The Committee recommended deletion of the "Hollywood
Dnve" parking spaces between the garages The Committee also recommended that the
porches used on the enhanced side elevations should be proportional in structural support
to the overhead element. This has been included in the revised plans, and no further
Conditions of Approval were required.
C Technical Review/Gradin~c Committees. The Technical Review Committee reviewed the
project on November 7, 2001. All requirements of the Committee are included as
Conditions of Approval The Committee requested that a noise study be preformed to
ensure that potential noise impacts from Mountain View Dnve would be mitigated
accordingly Gordon Bncken and Associates prepared an Acoustical Analysis Report,
which concluded that no special mitigation was required to comply with City noise
standards for the units that face Mountain View Dnve.
The Grading Committee conceptually approved the project at its regularly scheduled
meeting of November 6, 2001 The Grading Committee identified the need for
modification of the grading design along Mountain View Dnve, in order to ensure that the
Trail Type 'E' be graded at 2 percent toward the street This has been modified on the
revised plans, and has been included rn the Engineering Division Conditions of Approval.
There were no other outstanding issues or extraordinary circumstances identified by either
D. Pnvate Ooen Space: In accordance with the Park Development Agreement, pnvate parks
and recreation can be given one-half credit toward the provision of parkland, based on the
cntena established in the Park Implementation Plan The open space shall be
a) Exclusive of required yards and setbacks, b) Pnvately maintained; c) Restncted for
recreational purposes by recording covenants, which run with the land and cannot be
deleted without consent of the City Council, d) 50 percent active in design and function
and be reasonably contiguous in nature, and e) Usable for recreational purposes or have
other recreational improvements that will meet the needs of the residents
The Open Space/Park Credit Plan (Exhibit "H") identifies those areas for which park credit
is being requested. The total amount of private open space included in the request for
park credit is 22,913 square feet (0 53 acres), 50 percent of this total, 0.265 acres, will be
credited toward park development obligations within Terra Vista Staff recommends
approval of the areas identified on the Private Open Space Exhibits
E. Environmental Assessment An Initial Study was prepared for the project In addition, an
Acoustical Analysis Report was prepared to address potential noise impacts along
Mountain View Drive. Mitigation is included in the attached resolution to address impacts
• to air quality, traffic, and noise
CORRESPONDENCE• This item was advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Vallev Dailv
Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners
within a 300-foot radws of the project site
A1i'~ 3
SUBTT16264 AND DRC2001-00380 - KB HOME
March 13, 2002
Page 4
RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve
Environmental Assessment and Tentative Tract SUBTT16264 and Development Review
DRC2001-00380, through the adoption of the attached Resolution with conditions
Respectfully submitted.
City Planner
Attachments. Exhibit "A" - Location Map
Exhibit "B" - Site Plan
Exhibit "C" - Landscape Plan
Exhibit "D" - Grading Plan
Exhibit "E" -
Exhibit "F" - Elevations
Floor Plans
Exhibit "G" - Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16264
Exhibit "H" - Open Space/Park Credit Plan
Exhibit "I" - Design Review Committee Minutes dated November 6, 2001
Exhibit "J" - Initial Study
Draft Resolution Approving Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16264
Draft Resolution Approving Development Review DRC2001-00380
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,' 6:00 p m. Debra Meier November 6, 2001
tentative tract map consisting of 1-lot for condominium purposes and 1 lettered lot for
ingress/egress, on 7.53 acres of land, within the Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per
acre) of the Terra Vista Commundy Plan, located on the south side of Mountain View Drive between
Milliken Avenue and Terra Vista Parkway -APN: 227-151-32. Related file. DRC2001-00380
DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2001-00380 - KB HOME -The review of detailed site plan and
budding elevations forTentative Tract 16264 consisting of 63 single-famdydetached condomirnums
on 7.53 acres in the Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre) of the Terra Vista
Community Plan, located on the south side of Mountain View Drive between Milliken Avenue and
Terra Vista Parkway -APN: 227-151-32. Related file: SUBTT16264.
Desion Parameters: The project is located in the northeast quadrant of the Terra Vista Community
Plan. Surrounding land uses include a vacant parcel that is the site of Tract 15492 (Low Medium)
approved January 2001 and now under construction, which lies south of Terra Vista Parkway; the
existing Montecito Apartments (Medium) along the west site boundary; and ewsfing single-family
residential development referred to as "Rosecrest" (Low Medium) along the east boundary, and
vacant parcels (Medium and Medum-High) on the south side of the Greenway Corridor Trail.
The north boundary of the site is formed by Mountain View Drive and the south boundary is formed
by the existing Greenway linear park and trail. The east boundary will be formed by the
development of a trail type D along the west boundary of "Rosecrest" (Tract 13303); and the east
boundary is adjacent to the Monteato apartments (Tract 13273). The site slopes gently from north
to south at a 2 percent gradient There are no trees or significant vegetation left on the site due to
years of disking and weed control.
Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee
The project features a single-family detached, zero-lot-line, condominium concept. Each unit has
ground-level pnvate open space located along the side of the home, with a minimum area of 10 feet
by 25 feet. The front of the dwelling faces towards ether a street or a common green space. Each
unit has an attached 2-car garage, and most units also have the use of a parking space referred to
on the plan as the "Hollywood" Drive (see issue identfied below). Visitor parking is disthbuted
around the project site.
Common open space and amenities consist of common green space including pathways, a tot lot, a
picnic and bar-be-que area, a turt play area, and resting nodes distributed along the intenors
pathways. All pnvate dnveways will be scored or other decorative pavement texture, and walkways
vwll be lead across intenor streets using enhanced concrete patterns.
The architectural theme is charactenzed by a craftsman/bungalow styling All units feature a front
porch, wood-lap siding, and array of details including window shutters, decorative wood corbels
some inctude a decorative knee brace, brink veneer will be used on a percentage of units as
Desion Issues: The following broad design issues Hell be the focus of Committee discussion
regarding this project:
1. The Committee should review the "Hollywood" Dnve concept. Staff believes this creates a
`` '~ street scene dominated by parked cars and garages. Further, it creates an unattractive
entry to homes. A I
TT 16264 8 DRC2001-00380 - KB HOME
November 6, 1002
Page 2
2. The Committee should consider requiring the use of the bnck veneer "option" on a minimum
of 20 percent of the units within the protect.
3. The applicant should clarify for the Committee the treatment proposed along the 5-foot
setback on the west property boundary In many cases the existing garage within the
adtacent apartment protect has been built at the property Ime; this condition will regwre
adaptable landscape material or canes to soften this condition.
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Committee discuss and resolve the issues
identified by staff and forvvard the protect to the Planning Commission for review and approval.
Design Review Committee Action:
Members Present: Pam Stewart, John Mannenno, Nancy Fong
Staff Planner. Debra Meier
The Committee approved the project as submitted with two conditions:
1. The enhanced side elevations where the porch element is used shall have a post that is
proportional m dimension to the overhead structural element.
2. The Committee recommended that the use of the "Hollywood Drive" be deleted from the
plan concept and replace Nnth landscaping.
~, ~ 2 1
Gy of Rancho Cucamonga .1u1 03 2001 (Part I -Initial Study)
Planning Oiv~.sron
(909) X77.2750
The purpose of this form is to inform the City of the basic components of the proposed
project so that the City may review the project pursuant to City policies, ordinances, and
guidelines; the California Environmental Quality Act; and the City's Rules and Procedures
to Implement CEQA. It is important that the information requested in this application be
provided in full.
WCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED Please note that d is the responsibddy o/the applrcant to ensure
that the application is complete at the hme of submittal, Crty slafrwill not be avarla6le to peAorm work required to provide missing
Application Numberrorthe protect to which this loan peRains• Tentdtl VE TrdCt No. 137'96 ~~p2r!Oy
Protect Tile
NameBAddressolprotectowner(s)• KB HOME Greater Los Angeles Inc. _
801 Cor orate Center Dr., Suite 201 Pomona CA 91768-2641
Name 8 Address of developer orprotect sponsor Same d5 dbOVe
Contact Person & Address Mr. Jary Cockroft
Telephone Number (909) 802-1133
Name & Address of person preparing this roan (d difrerent from above)
Telephone Number
~~.' fi~~ A~ 30
INITSTDI WPD - 4/96 Page t
Information indicated by asterisk (J is not required of nonconstrucban CUP's unless otherwise requested by stall
'1) Provide a lull scale (8-7/2 x 11) copy o/the USGS Quadrant Sheetfs) which inGudes the protect site, and indicate the
mte boundaries.
2) Provide a set of color photogrephs whrch show representative views info the site Irom the north, south, east and west;
views into and Irom the site from the primary access points whrch serve the site: and representative views o/significant
features from the site Include a map showing location o/each photograph.
3) Protect Location (descnbe)~
Located east of Montecito Apartments on Mountain View Dr.
4) Assessor's Parcel Numbers (attach additional sheen/necessary) APN 227-151-60
'S) Gross Srte Area (arJsq. R) 7.53 acres
'6) Net Srte Area (total site size minus area o! public streets 8 proposed dedications) 7.53 dCres
7) Describe any proposed generel plan amendment orzone change which would affect the pro/ect site (attach add~tronal sheet
it necessary.
8) Include a description of all permits whrch will be necessary Irom the Cily of Rancho Cucamonga and other governmental
agencies rn order to fully implement the pro/ect.
1) Tentative Tract Map approval 2) Design review approval
3) Grading Permits 4) Building Permits
Page 2
9) Descnbe the physical setting olthe site as it exists belore the prolect indudrng rnformabon on topography, sod stability, plants
and animals, mature trees, trails and roads, drainage courses, and scenic aspects. Descnbe any exrshng structures on site
(mcludrng age and condition) and the use of the structures. Attach photographs of significant features descnbed !n adddion,
site all sources of rnformat~on (i e , geological and/or hydrologic studies, brobc and archeological surveys, tre(Tc studies):
This site made of over 7 acres bounded on one side by an improved roadway. There_
is a gentle 2% slope of the land from north to south without any significant __
changes in grade. The soil is made up of coarse sand, gravel and cobbles. The
site is covered with scrub vegetation and native grasses and does not have any
trees within its bounda
10) Descnbe the known cultural and/or hrsfoncalaspects ofthe site. Site all sources ofrnformatron (books, published reports and
oral history)
No know cultural or historical elements have occurred on this site.
11) Descnbe any norse sources and therrlevels that now af/ect the site (arrorett, roadway norse, etc) and how they will affect
proposed uses
Measurable levels of roadway noise are present along existing perimeter
roadways. Construction of sound attenuating perimeter block walls will
mitigate the affect of existing roadway noise to adjacent homes built with
this prolect.
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INITSTDI WPD - 4/96 Page 3
13) Descnhe fhe proposed pro/ecf rn detail Thrs should provide an adequate descnphon o/the srle m terms olulhmate use which
will result Imm the prosed protect Indicate r/there an: proposedphases lordevelopment, the extent of development to occur
wdh each phase, and the anticipated completion of each rncremenE Attach add~honal sheet(s) rl necessary:
_ The project consists of 63 single family residential units on a single lot condo
map Internal local drives will be twenty-six feet wide with off-street
_ parking The local drives will provide access at two locations to Mountain View
Drive A continuation of the Terra Vista trail system is to be build along the..
east side of the project which terminates at the Greenwav Corridor. _
13) Descnbethesurroundrngpropertres,rncludrngrnlormatrononplantsandanrmalsandanyculturel,hrstoncal,orscenrcaspects
Indicate the type olland use (residential, commemral, etc), intensity of land use (one-lamrly, apartment houses, shops,
department stores, etc) and scale of development (herghC frontage, sethack, rearyard, etc)
This project is bounded to the north by a fully improved street. Across that
street is a 33 acres undeveloped parcel with an approved tentative map and design
review for 139 single family lots; a developed tract with 2 story homes at 6.9
DU/acre exist on the east side of the project. To the south is a large undeveloped
parcel zoned M & MH and to the east is Montecito Apartments, a 2 story apartment
(cont. on separate sheet)
14) Will the proposed pm/ect change the pattern, scale or character o/fhe surrounding general area of the pro/ect~
'~ 33
INITSTDI WPD - 4196 Page 4
13. (cont.)
project at 19.1 DU/acre. All developed tracts meet the Terra Vista
Community Plan standards for heights, setbacks, etc.
~,i~ 3~-1
15) Indicate the type o/shoR-term and long-termnorse to be generated, rncludmg soun:e and amount. How wdl these Horse levels
aBect adjacent propertres and on-srte uses What methods of sound proofing are proposed ,
'16) Indreate proposed removals and/or replacements of mature orscenrc frees:
Trees of this nature do not exist on this property.
17) Indicate any bodes o/wafer (mcludmg domestic water supplies) into which the srfe drams
This site drains into City of Rancho Cucamonga Master Planned Storm Drain
18) Ind~cateexpectedamounto/waferusage (SeeAttachmentAforusageeshmates) For/urtherclartficatron,please contact
the Cucamonga County WaterDrstncf at 987-2591.
a Residential (gal/day) 600 gal /day Peak use (gaUDay) 1200 gal /day
b CommercraUlnd (gal/day/ac) Peak use (gaUmrNac)
19) Indicate proposed method o/sewage disposal Septic Tank x Sewer If septic tanks are proposed, attach
pen;olatron tests 1/discharge to a sanitary sewage system rs proposed rndreate expected daily sewage generalron (See
AttachmentA/orusageeshmates) FortuRherclartficatron,pleasecontacftheCucamongaCauntyWaterDrsfnctat987-2591
a Resrdentra!(gal/dayJ 270 gdl/ddy
b Commen;raUlnd (gal/day/ac)
20) Number of residential units
Detached (rndreate range oI parcel sizes, mmrmum lot srze and maximum lot srze
63 detached units on a one lot condominium mao.
A,a 3s
INITSTDI WPD - 4/96 Page 5
Attached (mdreate whether units are rental or for sale units):
21) Antrwpaled range o/sale pnces and/Or rents:
Sale Pnce(s)
Rent (permonfh)
22) Specrly number of bedrooms by unrf type.
flan 1 - 3 bedroom
Plan 2 - 3 bedroom
to S
ro a
Plan 3 - 3 bedroom with optional loft/bedroom 4
Plan 4 - 4 bedroom with optional loft/bedroom 5
23) Indicate antiupated household sne by unrf type•
Plan 1 - 3: 4 - 5 person household
Plan 4: 5 - 7 person household
24) Indicate fhe expected number of school chi/dn;n who will be residing wdhrn fhe pro/ect Contact fhe appropnale School
Distracts as shown rn Attachment B.
a Elementary• 63 x 0.66 = 41.58
(K-5) 63 x 0.21 = 13.23
b. Junior High.
s(6-8) 63 x 0.20 = 12.60
c enror High
25) Descnbe type of use(s) and malorluncbon(s) of commercial, industnal orrnshtubonal uses:
26) Total floor area of commercial, industnal, or rnstrtutronal uses by type•
A,S3 3~
INITSTDI WPD - 4/96 Page 6
~7) Indicate hours of operation:
28) Numbero/employees. 7otab
Maxrmum Shrft:
Time of Maximum Sh+R:
29) Prov+de breakdown o/anf+c+pated/ob class+ticat+ons, +nclud~ng wage and salary ranges, as well as an +ndicat+on of the rate
o/h+n; for each class+~cat+on (attach additional sheet d necessary):
30) Estrmat~on of the number of workers to be h+red that currently res+de +n the C+ty
~31) For commercial and +ndusfnal uses only, md+cate the source, type and amount o/ a+r pollut+on em+ssrons (Data should be
venlied through the South Coast A+r Quality Management D+stnct, at (818) 572-6283).
32) Have the water, sewer, fire, and flood control agenc+es serv+ng the pmlect been contacted to defenn+ne therrabJ~ty to pmv~de
adequate service to the proposed pmlect~ Ifso, please md+cate therrresponse
A, Q 3`~-
INITSTDI WPD - 4/96 Page 7
33) In the known history of fhrs property, has there been any use, storage, or discharge of hazardous and/or toxic matenals9
Examples of hazardous and/or toxic matenals include, but are not limited to PCt3's; radioactive substances; pesticides and
herbicides; fuels, oils, solvents, and ofherflammable liquids and gases Also note underground storage olany o/the above.
Please list the matenals and descnbe their use, storage, and/or discharge on the propeRy, as well as the dales of use, it
34J Will the proposed project involve the temporary or long-term use, slordge or discharge of hazardous and/or toxic
matenals, including but not limned fo those examples listed above? If yes, prowde an inventory of all such matenals to be
used and proposed method of disposal. The location of such uses, along w~fh the storage and shipment areas, shall be
shown and labeled on the application plans.
I hereby certify that the statements lumrshed above amt rn the attached exhibits present the data and information required for
adequate evaluation o/fhrs protect to the best of my ability, that the /acts, statements, and rn/ormatron presented are true and
correct tot he bell of my knowledge and bel~el. I further understand that additional rnlormat maybe required fa be submitted
be/ore an adequate evaluation can be made by the Crty o/Rucamonga.
Date 7/3/01 Signature•
rne• (/Executive Vice President. Land
~~~ ~
INITSTDI VVPD - 4/96 Page 8
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Project File: Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16264 and DRC2001-00380
2. Description of Project: The proposed subdivision of 7.53 acres of land into 1 lot for
condominium purposes and lettered lots for ingress/egress and recreation purposes and
the review of detailed site plan and building elevations for 63 units within the Medium
Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre) of the Terra Vista Community Plan,
located on the south side of Mountain View Dnve between Milliken Avenue and Terra
Vista Parkway - APN: 227-151-32
3. Project Sponsor's Name and Address:
KB HOME greater Los Angeles, Inc.
801 Corporate Center Dnve, Swte 201
Pomona, CA 91768-2641
4. General Plan Designation: Medium (8-14 dwelling units per acre).
5. Zoning: Terra Vista Community Plan - Medwm Density (8-14 dwelling units per acre)
6. Surrounding Land Uses and Setting: The protect is located m the northeast quadrant of
the Terra Vista Community Plan. Surrounding land uses include Tract 15492 (LM) which
was approved January 2001, and is now under construction, which lies south of Terra
Vista Parkway; the existing Monteato Apartments (M) along the west site boundary; and
existing single-family residential development referred to as °Rosecrest° (LM) along the
east boundary; and vacant parcels (M and MH) on the south side of the Greenway
Corndor Trail.
The north boundary of the site is formed by Mountain View Drive and the south boundary
is formed by the existing green way linear park and trail. The east boundary will be formed
by the development of a trail Type D along the west boundary of "Rosecrest° (Tract
13303); and the east boundary is adtacent to the Montecito apartments (Tract 13273).
The site slopes gently from north to south at a 2 percent gradient. There are no trees or
significant vegetation left on the site because of years of disang and weed control.
Lead Agency Name and Address:
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Planning Division
10500 Croic Center Dnve
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
8. Contact Person and Phone Number:
Debra Meier, AICP, Contract Planner
(909) 477-2750
~t6 ~1
Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga
Tentative Tract 16264 and DRC2001-00380 Page 2
The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this pro)ect, Involving
at least one Impact that is "Potentially Significant Impact," "Potentlally Significant Impact Unless
Mitigation Incorporated," or "Less Than Significant Impact" as Indicated by the checklist on the
following pages.
()Land Use and Planning (x) Transportation/Circulation
()Biological Resources ()public Services
()Population and Housing
()Energy and Mineral Resources () Utilities and Service Systems
(x) Geological Problems
()Hazards (x) Aesthetics
(x) Water
(x) Noise (x) Cultural Resources
(x) Air Quality
x Mandato Fmdin s of Si nificance ()Recreation
On the basis of this Initial evaluation•
A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared.
(X) I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the
environment, there will not be a significant effect iri this case because the
mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the
project, or agreed to, by the applicant. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION
will be prepared.
Debra Meier, AICP
Contract Planner
January 30, 2002
Pursuant to Section 15063 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, an
explanation is required for all "Potentially Significant Impact," "Potentially Significant Impact
Unless Mitigation Incorporated," and "Less Than Significant Impact" answers, including a
discussion of ways to mitigate the significant effects identified.
Irtpnd Less
Issues and Su ortin Information Sources
PP g aaentwnr
$ipnfi®nt unless
MlOgatlm 71tan
I tl In lM 1 tl I d
LAND USE AND PLANNING. Would fhe proposal:
a) Conflict with general plan designation or zonings () () () (X)
b) Conflict with applicable environmental plans or () () () (X)
policies adopted by agencies with Jurisdiction over
the pro)ect~ ^ , ~ ~~
~ J
Initial Study for
Tentative Tract 16264 and DRC2001-00380
Cdy of Rancho Cucamonga
Page 3
Issues and Supporting Informatton Sources
Pamwoy IrtpaC
UNess Less
SlgNfiwnl AUU~tlan 9plvAeant No
1 cY In tact I c1 I
c/ ae tncompauote wttn existing land use to the () () () (X)
d) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an () () () (X)
established communtty~
a-d) The proposed protect is designed in conformance with all applicable standards and
guidelines of the Terra Vista Community Plan No increase to bwldtng density or
Plan Amendment is proposed.
Issues and Supporting Information Sources
Paenmlly Inpeel
uMess less
Siprcfioenl AUUQaUOn 90vfIgM NO
InmU I tM I
~. t~vr-uuatnmwvurlVUJ7IVG. wowdtheproposal:
a) Cumulatively exceed official regional or local () () () (X)
population projections?
b) Induce substantial growth to an area either directly () () () (X)
or indirectly (e.g., through protects In an
undeveloped area or extension of major
c) Displace existing housing, especially affordable () () () (X)
a-c) Construction activities will be short-term and will not attract new employees to the
area. The proposed single-family detached subdivision for condominium purposes
will result in new residents to the area, however, the proposed density of
development has been anticipated since the adoption of the Terra Vista Community
Plan to 1983 The site is void of existing structures and will not impact existing
housing units
Irtpetl Lens
Issues and Supporting Informatton Sources P°`°"~"y u"'~ T^e^
Slp,vfl®nt AUUtietlaf ~IYUflWnt No
1 h In led I d I
3. GC-OLOGIC PROBLEMS. Would the proposal result ~n or
expose people to potential impacts mvolwng
a) Fault rupture? () () () (X)
b) Seismic ground shaktng~ () () (X) ( )
c) Setsmtc ground failure, including liquefactions () () () (X)
d) Seiche hazards () () () (X)
e) Landslides or mudflows~ () () () (X)
p~,4 yl
Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga
Tentative Tract 16264 and DRC2001-00380 Page 4
Inpaa less
Issues and Supporting Information Sources P°'°'~Ilr uNm '"°"
Sigrrfi®nl n+,omnan Signngnl No
I m t[d I a I a
f) Erosion, changes in topography, or unstable sod () () (X) ( )
conditions from excavation, grading, or fill
g) Subsidence of the land? () () (X) ( )
h) Expansive soils () () () (X)
i) Unique geologic or physical features () () () (X)
a-c) No known earthquake faults pass through the site, it is not in an Alquist-Pnolo
Special Studies Zone, nor is it in the Rancho Cucamonga City Special Study Zone
along the Red Hdl Fault. The Red Hill Fault passes within approximately 1%z miles
north and west of the site, and the Cucamonga Fault Zone lies approximately 4%z
miles northerly These faults are both capable of producing Mw 60-7.0 earthquakes.
Also, the San Jacinto Fault, capable of producing up to Mw 7 5 earthquakes, is
approximately 14 miles northeast of the site and the San Andreas Fault, capable of
producing MW 8.2 earthquakes, is approximately 15 miles northeast of the site. Each
of these faults can produce strong ground shaking The site is located on stable
soils, which are typically not subject to liquefaction Adherence to the Uniform
Building Code will ensure the geologic impacts are less than significant on
residential construction
d) The site is not located near a body of water.
e-f) The site has a relatively gentle grade, so landslides or mudflows are not likely to
occur and grading will be required only to create proper drainage and development
of appropriate budding pad areas.
g-h) The General Plan (Figure V-3) indicates that the site is located within the Tulunga-
Delhi soil association. These soils are typically excessively drained, moderately
sloping soils formed on alluvial fans This sod association may have soil beanng
capabilities that could limit some development Structures proposed on this soil type
are permitted only after asite-specific soils investigation has been performed that
indicates that the sods can adequately support the weight of the proposed structure.
Standard Conditions of approval will require asite-specific soils investigation prior to
issuance of building permits, by the Building and Safety Division The resulting
impact is not considered significant.
The site contains no unique geologic or physical features
Inpaa Las
Issues and Su ortin Information Sources
PP g Po4nUallr
Slgetlfi®nl u""a
MNpanon Than
I d In teE I cY I q
4. WATER. Will the proposal result rn.
a) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or
the rate and amount of surtace water runoff?
`fL ~ Z
Initial Study for
Tentative Tract 16264 and DRC2001-00380
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Page 5
Inpetl Lees
Issues and Supporting Information Sources Patenfieuy uNess Then
SlgNficsN NLepetlon SIBNfi®rIl No
I cl Inc tetl I cl I q
d) txposure of people or property to water related () () () (X)
hazards such as flooding
c) Discharge into surface water or other alteration of () () () (X)
surface water quality (e g ,temperature, dissolved
oxygen, or turbidity)?
d) Changes in the amount of surface water in any () () () (X)
water body?
e) Changes in currents, or the course or direction of () () () (X)
water movements?
f) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either () () () (X)
through direct additions or withdrawals, or through
interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations, or
through substantial loss of groundwater recharge
g) Altered direction or rate of flow of groundwater () () () (X)
h) Impacts to groundwater quality? () () () (X)
i) Substantial reduction in the amount of groundwater () () () (X)
otherwise available for public water supplies?
a) The prolect is expected to result in changes in absorption rates and drainage pattern.
The north side of the site perimeter bound by Mountain View Dnve, an improved
street including curbs and gutters, and the south site penmeter is bound by the east
Greenway Corndor Trail The site slopes gently from north to south at approximately
a 2-percent gradient A drainage study indicating how storm water will be directed to
the existing storm drains in the immediate area must be approved by the City
Engineer prior to issuance of grading permits.
b) The site is not located within a 100-year flood plain
c-e) The prolect site is not located near a body of water.
f-Q The prolect will not alter the course or direction of groundwater, nor have any contact
with groundwater which would impact groundwater quality.
InQact Less
Issues and Su ortin Information Sources
PP g Palen"ally
Sgrrficenl u"less
Mitipetlan Then
I cl Inca tad 1 tl I d
5. AIR QUALITY. Would the proposal.•
a) Violate any air quality standard or contribute to an () (X) () ( )
existing or protected air quality violation
b) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutant^ `~ ~~ () (X) () ( )
Initial Study for
Tentative Tract 16264 and DRC2001-00380
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Page 6
6ryad Las
Issues and Supporting Information Sources ygnifi®Int MW~tlan Sip,tlfi~M No
I d mw teo I d I d
c) Alter air movement, moisture, or temperature, or () () () (X)
cause any change in climate?
d) Create obtectionable odors? () () () (X)
a) The proposed project was screened using Urban Emission Model 7G (URBEMIS7G)
prepared by Jones 8 Stokes under the guidance of the San Joaquin Valley Un~ed fur
Pollution Control Distnct, the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District, and the
South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). The program generates
emissions estimates for land use development protects. The cnteria pollutants
screened for included reactive organic gases (ROG), nitrous oxides (NO,), carbon
monoxide (CO), and particulates (PM~o).
The operational mobile source emissions were calculated using the Institute of Traffic
Engineers (ITE) Tnp Generation Manual 6th edition values programmed into the
URBEMIS7G model In order to reflect the purely residential nature of the proposed
project, the default fleet mix was modfied to decrease the number of medium to heavy
duty diesel trucks and increase the number of light passenger vehiGes. The project
operational emissions do not exceed SCAQMD thresholds of significance (Table 2).
However, since the South Coast Air Basin is in non-attainment status for ozone and
suspended particulates (PM,o) mitigation measures will be used to minimize the project
contnbution to regional emission of cntena pollutants.
Table 1
URBEMIS7G Construction Emissions Summary
(Pounds per Day)
Source ROG NO^ CO PM~o
Unmit Mit. Unmit. Mit. Unmit Mit. Unmit. Mit
Gradin 3 75 3.75 50.02 47.52 - - 24 64 10 31
Worker Tri s 0 19 0 19 0.26 0 26 0 50 0.50 0 05 0 05
Stations E ui 0 34 0.34 0.27 0.27 - - 0.02 0 02
Mobile E ui 1 82 1 73 17 88 16 99 - - 1 32 1 25
Arch Coatin s 62 21 59 09 - - - - - -
As halt 1.31 1 24 - - - - - -
Totals 69 61 66 15 68 44 65 05 0 50 0 50 26 02 11 62
SCAQMDThres 75 75 100 100 550 550 150 150
Si nificance No No No No No No No No
~, i~ y`~
Initial Study for
Tentative Tract 16264 and DRC2001-00380
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Page 7
Table 2
URBEMIS7G Operations Emissions Summary
(Pounds per Day)
Source ROG NO, CO PM,o
Unmet Met Unmd Md. Unmd Met Unmet Md.
Area Source 0 04 0 03 0 48 044 0.20 0 19 0 00 0.00
Mobile Source 8 28 8 28 6 03 6 03 66.23 66.23 3.15 3.15
Totals 8 32 8 31 6 51 6.47 66.43 66 42 3 15 3.15
SCAOMDThres 55 55 55 55 550 550 150 150
Si nificance No No No No No No No No
Generally, construction of a protect this size will not exceed SCAQMD thresholds dunng
grading actiwties for PM,o and NO^, nor SCAQMD thresholds for developed condition
(operational impacts) for NOx. Tables 1 and 2 show protect impacts before and after
mitigation measures have been implemented. Sensitive receptors in the area include
apartments adjacent on the west boundary (Trail 13273) and single-family residential
on the east boundary (Tract 13303). Durng grading, fugitive dust (PM,o) will be
generated However, the proposed protect will be completed in one phase and, any
impacts to these sensitive receptors from generation of fugitive dust can be mitigated
by the following measures•
1. The site shall be treated with water or other soil stabilizing agent
(approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) daily to reduce PM,o emissions, in
accordance with SCAQMD Rule 403.
2. Streets surrounding the site shall be swept according to a schedule
established by the City to reduce PM,o emissions associated with vehicle
tracking of soil off-site. Timing may vary depending upon time of year of
3. Grading operations shall be suspended when wind speeds exceed 25 mph
to minimize PM10 emissions from the site during such episodes.
4. Chemical soil stabilizers (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) shall be
applied to all inactive construction areas that remain inactive for 96 hours
or more to reduce PM,o emissions.
b) During construction exhaust emissions from construction vehicles and equipment,
and fugitive dust generated by vehicles and equipment traveling over exposed
surfaces will increase NOx and PM,o levels in the area Table 1 shows a summary of
construction emissions with and without mitigation measures Additionally, without
mitigation, architectural coating (paint) will exceed the SCAQMD threshold for ROGs
The following mitigation measures will ensure impacts are at less than significant
p~,6 ys
Initial Study for
Tentative Tract 16264 and DRC2001-00380
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Page 8
5. The construction contractor shall select the construction equipment used
on-site based on low emission factors and high-energy efficiency. The
construction contractor shall ensure the construction grading plans
include a statement that all construction equipment will be tuned and
maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
6. The construction contractor shall utilize electric or clean alternative fuel
powered equipment where feasible.
7. The construction contractor shall ensure that construction-grading plans
include a statement that work crews will shut off equipment when not in
8. Contractor shall use low volatile organic compound (VOC) coatings and
asphalt. Structural painting shall be spread out over a period of 40 days or
c-d) The proposed protect is not of the size, scope, or nature to generate emissions that
could cause climatic changes or objectionable odors.
Irtpetl Lea
Issues and Supporting Information Sources• ~,~tl80j,,, ~ ~~, e~ ,,, ,~,
i m ~ a i
proposal result in:
a) Increased vehicle tnps or traffic congestion? () (X) () ( )
b) Hazards to safety from design features (e g., sharp () () () (X)
curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible
uses (e.g ,farm equipment)?
c) Inadequate emergency access or access to nearby () () () (X)
d) Insufficient parking capacity on-site or off-site? () () () (X)
e) Hazards or barriers for pedestnans or bicyclists () () () (X)
f) Conflicts with adopted policies supporting () () () (X)
alternative transportation (e g., bus turnouts,
bicycle racks)
g) Rad or air traffic impacts? O O O (X)
a-f) The proposed project of 63 multi-family dwelling units will generate approximately
378 trips per day (an average of 6 trips per day per household) The land use is
consistent with the Terra Vista Community Plan, including the required master plan
street improvements and related facilities in the immediate area, including
installation of a pedestnan-activated signal.
1. Install apedestrian-activated, in-street flashing crosswalk at mid-block
trail crossing on Mountain View Drive.
/~ , b y~
Initial Study for
Tentative Tract 16264 and DRC2001-00380
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Page 9
At the time of building permit issuance, the applicant is required to pay Traffic Impact
Fees as established by the City Council to offset the incremental increase in traffic
as a result of the protect
g) Located over 3 miles northerly of the Ontario Airport, the site is northerly of the flight
path and will not be dangerous to users or aircraft.
f` J
u"D0 `
Issues and Supporting Information Sources raenmlly i° ; T
siBniflnant MNgatlon SlgnlfitaM No
I a into lea I a I a
7. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal result
~n impacts to:
a) Endangered, threatened, or rare species or their () () () (X)
habitats (including, but not limited to plants, fish,
insects, animals, and birds)
b) Locally designated species (e g., heritage trees, () () () (X)
eucalyptus windrow, etc.)?
c) Locally designated natural communities (e g , () () () (X)
eucalyptus grove, sage scrub habitat, etc.)
d) Wetland habitat (e g., marsh, npanan, and veinal () () () (X)
e) Wildlife dispersal or migration con-idors~ () () () (X)
a) The site is not within an identified habitat area for any endangered species Native
vegetation was cleared from the site in 1984 and annual weed and erosion control
measures have been undertaken annually since that time.
b-c) Although previously in vineyard cultivation, the site was graded to a "super-pad"
condition in 1984 when much of Terra Vista was rough graded There are no
existing trees or structures on the site.
d) There is no npanan or wetland habitat on-site.
e) The site is undeveloped However, development in the vicinity has eliminated any
wildlife corridors that may have occurred in the past
Ilya 1x95
Issues and Supporting Informatlon Sources Paenwny unless Than
SBnifi®nt Abbpabon 9~sflonl No
I d In tea I a I a
a) Conflict with adopted energy conservation plans () () () (X)
b) Use non-renewable resources in a wasteful and () () () (X)
inefficient manner
at6 ~~
Initial Study for
Tentative Tract 16264 and DRC2001-00380
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Page 10
Issues and Supporting Information Sources ~
~'~ µ
^~ w
~ a a
l ~
I a m lea I 1
cl nesun m cne loss or avauaowry or a Known mineral O O O (X)
resource that would be of future value to the region
and the residents of the State?
a-b) The project will be required to conform to applicable City standards for energy
c) The site is not designated by State Aggregate Resources Area according to the City
General Plan, Figure IV-1 and Table IV-1, therefore, there is no impact.
Inpea Less
Issues and Supporting Information Sources P°'n10a°y u"°~' TMe^
sBafimm ~mngabm SptlM1®nt ra
I a I lee I a 1
9. HAZARDS. Would the proposal involve:
a) A risk of accidental explosion or release of () () () (X)
hazardous substances (including, but not limited to:
oil, pesticides, chemicals, or radiation)?
b) Possible interference with an emergency response () () () (X)
plan or emergency evacuation plan?
c) The creation of any health hazard or potential () () () (X)
health hazard
d) Exposure of people to existing sources of potential () () () (X)
health hazards?
e) Increased fire hazard in areas with flammable () () () (X)
brush, grass, or trees?
a-e) There is no evidence of commercial or industrial uses other than the prior vineyard
cultivation. No evidence of discarded drums, containers, hazardous wastes, or
discolored soils are observed. There is no indication of underground storage tanks
or illegal dumping or refuse on-site
I Irrysa Less
Issues and Supportin
Information Sources Panbatly uNees .nen
g SprYfi®nl
Idea ALbgdbon
Incbva,atM Sgrvfignt
Ilmae No
10. NOISE. Will the proposal resu/t in
a) Increases in existing noise levels () (X) () ( )
b) Exposure of people to severe noise levels? () () (X) ( )
a) The primary existing noise source in the project area is transportation corridors. Traffic
along Mountain View Avenue is the predominant source contnbuting to the ambient
\~ ~~
Initial Study for
Tentative Tract 16264 and DRC2001-00380
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Page 11
noise level in the area In addition, construction of the proposed protect would
potentially result in relatwely high noise levels and annoyance to the closest
residences The following measures, as requred by the Development Code, would
reduce short-term construction-related noise impacts assoaated with the proposed
1. During all project site excavation and grading, the project contractors
shall equip all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, with properly
operating and maintained mufflers consistent with manufacturers
2. The project contractor shall place all stationary construction equipment so
that emitted noise is directed away from sensitive receptors nearest the
project site.
3. The construction contractor shall locate equipment staging in areas that
will create the greatest distance between construction related noise and
the noise-sensitive receptors nearest the project site during all project
4. During all project site construction, the construction contractor shall limit
all construction related activities that would result in high noise level to
between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
No construction shall be allowed on Sundays and public holidays.
b) The proposed on-site residential dwellings would not be exposed to traffic noise
levels at the property line that exceed 65 dBA, Ldn (A-weighted sound level,
day/night noise level) standard in outdoor actmty, or 45 dBA for intenor areas, along
Mountain View Avenue, as analyzed in the Acoustical Analysis prepared by Gordon
Bracken & Associates Therefore, no mitigation will be required.
~~ ~~
Issues and Supportin
Information Sources Votemm~y un~ea rn.n
g 3ipNflainl Mitlp3tlm SIpNfl~snl No
i a m lea ~ a i a
11. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal have an effect
upon or result m a need for new or altered government
services in any of the following areas:
a) Fire protections () () () (X)
b) Police protections O O O (X)
c) Schools? () () () (X)
d) Maintenance of public faalities, including roads? () () () (X)
e) Other governmental services () () () (X)
a-e) Fire Protection -The site, located on Milliken Avenue at Terra Vista Parkway, will be
served by a fire station located near Base Line Road east of Day Creek Channel or
Milliken Avenue near Banyan Avenue Standard Conditions of Approval of the
Uniform Building and Fire Codes are placed upon protect approval
~ ~ ~~
Initial Study for
Tentatwe Tract 16264 and DRC2001-00380
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Page 12
Police Protection -The proposed residential subdrvision will incrementally increase
the need for routine police protection services, consistent with the City of Rancho
Cucamonga General Plan and Development Impact Fee schedule adopted by the
City Council
Schools -The proposed prolect is located within the Terra Vista Community, which
has agreements with the affected school distracts to fund school construction
Parks -The proposed pro/ect is located within the Terra Vista Community, which has
a Park Implementation Agreement approved by the City Council, through which park
sites are developed for the entire Community Plan area.
Public Facilities -The proposed residential subdrvision would incrementally increase
traffic on adjacent streets, consistent with the City of Rancho Cucamonga General
Plan and Development Impact Fee Schedules adopted by the City Council.
InV>ta LEii
Issues and Supporting Information Sources ~ eAOa°''
BNnam `""~
numm~m 7T8"
i a i tcd I i a
proposal result in a need for new systems or supplies or
substantial alterations to the (ollowmg utilities:
a) Power or natural gas? () () () (X)
b) Communication systems? () () () (X)
c) Local or regional water treatment or distnbution () () () (X)
d) Sewer or septic tanks? () () () (X)
e) Storm water drainages () () () (X)
f) Solid waste disposals () () () (X)
g) Local or regional water supplies? () () () (X)
a-g) The proposed residential subdivision will include the construction of 63 single-family
detached condominium residences The proposed development will extend as
necessary existing utility into the site as a condition of development. The proposed
project will not require major modification or alterations to the existing utility
infrastructure in immediate area
Inpea Less
Issues and Su ortin Information Sources
PP 9 PotMmOy
Sig,ufi®nt u"°~
MNpatlon '"°"
Inpaa Inaxpnatetl Irmaa leroaa
13. AESTHETICS. Would the proposal
a) Affect a scenic vista or scenic highways () () () (X)
b) Have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effects () () () (X)
c) Create light or glares ~ ~ () () (X) ( )
Initial Study for
Tentative Tract 16264 and DRC2001-00380
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Page 13
a-b) The proposed residential subdivision is located adjacent to Mountain View Drive and
must be developed in conformance with the landscape and streetscape gwdelines of
the Terra Vista Community Plan. The proposed residential structures wdl be
reviewed and approved by the City of Rancho Cucamonga Design Review
Committee prior to Planning Commission approval
c) The proposed project development wdl increase the number of streetlights and
security lighting used in the immediate vicinity. Because of the nature of existing
residential and commercial development in the area surrounding the site, the
impacts of IighUglare will not be significant
Inpaq Leis
Issues and Supporting Informatlon Sources P°'°"'~I'y u"°~ '"'^
Sipnlfiwni MNpetlan Smtlfl®nl No
I q In teA I q I
14. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal:
a) Disturb paleontological resources? () () () (X)
b) Disturb archaeological resources? () () () (X)
c) Affect historical or cultural resources? () () (X) ( )
d) Have the potential to cause a physical change that () () () (X)
would affect unique ethnic cultural values
e) Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the () () () (X)
potential impact area
a-e) Although no cultural resources have been observed during previous grading and site
maintenance, additional grading on the site may expose or unearth historic cultural
resources As the site is approximately 7.5 acres in size, and much of the
surrounding area has previously been developed, the likelihood of unearthing
cultural resources is minimal and impacts are, therefore, considered to be less than
significant In the event that any such resources are discovered, the contractor wdl
be required to contact the owner of the site and the San Bernardino County Museum
for the proper recovery, removal, or documentation.
Irryeq Leu
Issues and Supporting Informatlon Sources rmentlelly
Signifirant u"'°"
Mltl(ptlen "'°"
1 q In IeE 1 q I q
15. RECREATION. Would the proposal
a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or regional () () () (X)
parks or other recreational facilities
b) Affect existing recreational opportunities () () () (X)
a) The proposed residential subdivision of 63 single-family detached condominium
homes wdl incrementally increase the use of existing partcs within Terra Vista
~t~ s`
Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga
Tentative Tract 16264 and DRC2001-00380 Page 14
However, a Park Implementation Agreement was adopted by the City Counal, which
sets standards for park development within Terra Vista.
b) The proposed subdivision is located westerly of the Terra Vista Park and easterly of
the Milliken Park, both of which are within walking distance of the proposed
development The proposed protect will not negatively impact the use or enjoyment
of any of the existing parks within Terra Vista or the City of Rancho Cucamonga.
Irryea less
Issues and Supporting Information Sources P0'°'"~'y uMess TMen
$iPitlmnl MIUQatlen SIpMUmM NO
i m yea i a i a
a) Potential to degrade: Does the project have the () () () (X)
potential to degrade the quality of the environment,
substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife
species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop
below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a
plant or animal community, reduce the number or
restnct the range of a rare or endangered plant or
animal, or eliminate important examples of the
major penods of California history or prehistory?
b) Short term: Does the project have the potential to () () (X) ( )
achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-
temt, environmental goals? (A short-term impact
on the environment is one that occurs in a relatively
beef, definitive penod of time Long-term impacts
will endure well into the future )
c) Cumulative: Does the project have impacts that () () () (X)
are individually limited, but cumulatively
considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means
that the incremental effects of a project are
considerable when viewed in connection with the
effects of past projects, the effects of other current
projects, and the effects of probable future
d) Substantial adverse: Does the project have () () () (X)
environmental effects that will cause substantial
adverse effects on human beings, either directly or
a) The site is not within an identified habitat area for any endangered species Native
vegetation was cleared from the site in 1984 At that time, the vineyard was
removed and the site was graded to a "superpad" condition Annual erosion and
weed control measures have been undertaken annually since that time. There are
no existing trees or structures remaining on the site.
~,~ ~a
Irntial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga
Tentative Tract 16264 and DRC2001-00380 Page 15
b) The project site is approximately 7 5 acres in size and grading will entail establishing
proper drainage and residential building pads suitable for future single-family
development. Although the short-term construction activities may result in dust and
noise, which may be noticeable to existing residents in the immediate area,
significant impacts are avoided through implementation the mitigation measures
included in the Initial Study
c) The site is within the Terra Vista Community Plan, which permits residential density
in the range of 8-14 dwelling units per acre at this site, and the proposed protect is
consistent with the City of Rancho Cucamonga General Plan that was recently
adopted along with the certification of a Program EIR, Findings of Fact, and a
Statement of Overriding Consideration for significant adverse environmental effects
of bwld out in the City and Sphere of Influence The City made findings that adoption
of the General Plan would result in significant adverse effects to air quality, the
acoustical environment, library services, and aesthetics and visual resources.
Mitigation measures were adopted for each of these resources; however they would
not reduce impacts to less than significant levels. As such, the City adopted
statements of overndmg consideration balancing the benefits of development under
the General Plan Update against the significant unavoidable adverse impacts
(CEQA Guidelines Section 15092 and 15096(h). These benefits include less overall
traffic volumes by developing mixed-use protects that will be pedestnan friendly and
conservation of valuable natural open space. With these findings and statements of
overndmg consideration, no further discussion or evaluation of cumulative impacts is
d) The proposed development on 7.5 acres would not cause substantial adverse effects
on human beings, either directly or indirectly. The site is located on a Medium
Density Residential parcel along Mountain View Dnve.
Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tienng, program EIR, or other CEQA
process, one or more effects have been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or Negative
Declaration per Section 15063(c)(3)(D) The effects identified above for this protect were within
the scope of and adequately analyzed in the following earlier document(s) pursuant to
applicable legal standards, and such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on
the earlier analysis The following earlier analyses were utilized in completing this Initial Study
and are available for review in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Planning Division offices, 10500
Civic Center Dnve (check all that apply)
(X) General Plan EIR
(October 2001)
(X) Terra Vista Planned Community EIR
(SCH #81082808, certified February 16, 1983)
(X) Acoustical Analysis, prepared by Gordon Bracken & Assoaates, January 2002
f~ , 6 53
Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga
Tentative Tract 16264 and DRC2001-00380 Page 16
I certify that I am the applicant for the protect descnbed in this Initial Study I acknowledge that I
have read this Initial Study and the proposed mitigation measures. Further, I have revised the
pro)ect plans or proposals and/or hereby agree to the proposed mitigation measures to avord
the effects or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no significant environmental effeGs
would occur.
Date: ~ ~ 0 ~
Print Nam and Title. r
to ~ ~ s`~
City of Rancho Cucamonga
The following Negative Declaration is being circulated for public review in accordance with the
California Environmental Quality Act Section 21091 and 21092 of the Public Resources Code.
Project File No.: Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16264 and Development Review DRC2001-00380
Public Review Period Closes: March 13, 2002
Project Name: project Applicant: KB Homes of Greater Los Angeles, Inc
Project Location (also see attached map): Located on the south side of Mountain Vew Drne Between
Milliken Avenue and Terra Vista Parkway-APN 227-151-32
Project Description: Proposed subdnnsion of 7 53 acres of land into 1 tot for condominium purposes and 3
lettered lots for ingress/egress purposes and the review of detatled sde plan and bwlding elevations for 63
condomunum unds within the Medwm Residential D~stnd (8-14 dwelling unAs per acre) of the Terra Vista
Commundy Plan
This is to advise that the City of Rancho Cucamonga, acting as the lead agency, has conducted an
Initial Study to determine if the project may have a signHicant effect on the environment and is
proposing this Negative Declaration based upon the following finding:
~ The In~6al Study shows that there 5 no substantial evidence that the project may have a stgmficant
effect on the environment
® The In~hal Study identified potentially signficant effects but
(1) Revisions in the protect plans or proposals made or agreed to by the applicant before th~
proposed Negative Declaration was released for public reviewwoukt avod the efteds or mrtgate
the effects to a point where clearly no sign~icant effects would occur, and
(2) There is no substantial evidence before the agency that the proled as revised may have a
sigmficant effect on the environment
ff adopted, the Negative Declaration means that an Environmental Impact Report will not be required.
Reasons to support this finding are included in the attached Initial Study. The projectfile and all related
documents are available for revrew atthe City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division at 10500 Civic
Center Drive (909) 477-2750 or Fax (909) 477-2847.
The public is invited to comment on the proposed Negative Declaration during the review period.
March 13. 2002
Date of Determination
Adopted By
I `, C~
A Rentals
1 KB HOME filed an application for the approval of Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16264, as
descnbed m the title of this Resolution Hereinafter m this Resolution, the subtect Tentative Tract
Map request is refereed to as "the application "
2 On the 13th day of March 2002, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho
Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public heanng on the application and concluded said heanng
on that date
3 All legal preregwsites pnor to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred
B Resolution
NOW, THEREFORE, it ~s hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission
of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows
1 This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth m the Recitals,
Part A, of this Resolution are true and corcect
2 Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dunng the above-
referenced public heanng on March 13, 2002, including wntten and oral staff reports, togetherHnth
public testimony, this Commission hereby speafically finds as follows
a The application applies to property located on the south side of Mountain View Dnve
with a street frontage of 505 93 feet and lot depth of 772 62, feet and is presently improved vnth curb
and gutter along Mountain View Dnve, and
b The property to the north of the subfect site is Tract 15492, which is under
construction, the property to the south consists of the Terca Vista Greenway Trail and proposed
Tentative Tract 16157 on land that is curcently vacant, the property to the east is existing single-
family neighborhood known as Rosecrest, and the property to the west is existing apartment
dwellings known as Monteuto, and
c The protect contains 1 lots for condominium purposes and 3 lettered lots to identify
land reserved for trail and recreation purposes, and
d The project will generate traffic tnps, which can be accommodated through public
street improvement upgrades as conditioned herein, and
e The protect is consistent with the General Plan Medwm Density Residential land
use designation (8-14 dwelling units per acre) with a proposed project density of 8 36 dwelling units
per acre and
1 ~ S~
March 13, 2002
Page 2
f The proposed protect of 63single-family condominwm dwellings is in accordance
with the obtectives of the Development Code and the purposes of the Medwm Density Residential
Distnd, in addition, the proposed protect is in accordance with the Terra Vista Community Plan, and
g The proposed protect conforms to the standards and regulations of the
Development Code, as well as the Terra Vista Community Plan, in terns of setbacks, budding
separation, parking, and the provisions of recreational amenities as noted in the staff report, and
h The proposed protect and the intended use, togetherwith all Conddions ofApproval
will not be detrimental to public health, safety or welfare, or materially intunous to properties or
improvements in the vicinity The protect proponents are regwred to complete all missing parkway
improvements adtacent to the site
3 Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-
referenced public hearing and upon the speafic findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2
above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows
a That the tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and
any applicable specific plans, and
b The design or improvements of the tentative tract is consistent wrath the General
Plan, Development Code, and any applicable speGfic plans, and
c The site is physically swtable for the type of development proposed, and
d The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental
damage and avoidable intury to humans and wildlife or their habitat, and
e The tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems, and
f The design of the tentative tract will not conflict v~nth any easement acgwred by the
public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed
4 Based upon the facts and information contained in the proposed Mitigated Negative
Declaration, togetherwith all written and oral reports included for the environmental assessment for
the application, the Planning Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the protect
will have a significant effect upon the environment and adopts a Mitigated Negatve Declaration and
Monitoring Program attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference, based upon the
findings as follows
a That the Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared in compliance v~nth the
California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the State CEQA gwdelines
promulgated thereunder, that said Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Initial Study prepared
therefore reflect the independent tudgment of the Planning Commission, and, further, this
Commission has reviewed and considered the information contained in said Mitigated Negative
Declaration with regard to the application
b Although the Mitigated Negative Declaration identifies certain significant
environmental effects that v~nll result if the protect is approved, all significant effects have been
~ , 6 5~-
March 13, 2002
Page 3
reduced to an acceptable level by imposition of mitigation measures on the project, which are listed
below as Conditions of Approval.
c Pursuant to the provisions of Section 753 5(c) of Title 14 of the California Code of
Regulations, the Planning Commission finds as follows In considenng the record as a whole, the
Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project, there is no evidence that the
proposed project will have potential for an adverse impact upon wildlife resources orthe habitat upon
which wildlife depends Further, based upon the substantial evidence contained in the Mitigated
Negative Declaration, the staff reports and exhibits, and the information provided to the Planning
Commission dunng the public heanng, the Planning Commission hereby rebuts the presumption of
adverse effect as set forth m Section 753 5(c-1-d) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations
5 Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above,
this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below
and in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference
Planning Division
1) In accordance v~nth the Terra Vista Park Implementation Plan, TentaLve
Tract Map SUBTT16264 shall be credited 0 265 acres toward the
overall obligations for park development within Terra Vista
. 2) Lots A and B shall be noted on the title sheet of the Final Map as lots
reserved for common open space trail purposes
Engineenng Division
1) Missing frontage improvements shall be installed, including but not
limited to curbs and gutters, pavement, streetlights, sidewalk, signing,
stnping and street trees Mountain View Dnve is aCity-designated
"Collector Street "
2) Provide a Class II Bike Lane on both sides of Mountain View Dnve from
Milliken Avenue to Terra Vista Parkway
3) Provide a pedestnan-activated, in-street flashing crosswalk atmid-block
trail crossings on Mountain View Dnve
4) The proposed Trail Type 'D,' on the east boundary of the project, shall
be pnvately maintained in a sidewalk easement for public purposes
5) No portion of the site shall drain into the Greenway Comdor Capture
all site flows in drainage facilities
6) Sight-line area at both dnveways shall be in accordance v~nth Gty Sight
Line standards with no slopes or plants within these sight line areas of
7) Property Hnthin these "Clear Line of Sight" areas shall be dedicated to
the City n ~{]~
CS t ~ JV
March 13, 2002 .
Page 4
8) Dnve approaches shall be 35 feet minimum, per City standard and
consistent with the dnve approaches, which serve the development to
the west
9) The proposed 6-foot additional dedication along Mountain Vew Dnve is
to provide a Trail Type 'E', therefore, this area shall be graded at 2
percent towards Mountain View Dnve
Environmental Mitigation
Air Quality
1) The site shall be treated with water or other sod stabilizing agent
(approved by SCAQMD and RWOCB) daily to reduce PM,a emissions,
in accordance with SCAQMD, Rule 403
2) Streets surrounding the site shall be swept according to a schedule
established by the City to reduce PM,o emissions associated vnth
vehicle tracking of sod off-site Timing may vary depending upon time
of year of construction
3) Grading operations shall be suspended when wind speeds exceed
25 miles per hour to minimize PM~o emissions from the site dunng such
4) Chemical sod stabilizers (approved by SCAQMD and RWOCB) shall be
applied to all inactive construction areas that remain inactive for 96
hours or more to reduce PM~o emissions
5) The construction contractor shall select the construction equipment
used on-site based on low emission factors and high-energy effiGency
The construction contractor shall ensure the construction grading plans
include a statement that all construction equipment will be tuned and
maintained in accordance with the manufacturers' specifications
6) The construction contractor shall utilize electnc or clean alternative fuel
powered egwpment where feasible
7) The construction contractor shall ensure that construction-grading
plans include a statement that work crews will shut off egwpmentwhen
not in use
8) Contractor shall use low volatile organic compound (VOC) coatings and
asphalt Structural painting shall be spread out over a penod of
40 days or more
1) Install a pedestnan-activated, in-street flashing crosswalk atmid-block
trail crossing on Mountain View Dnvne ~ q
1't t ~ .~ `
March 13, 2002
Page 5
1) Dunng all protect site excavation and grading, the project contractors
shall egwp all construction egwpment, fixed or mobile, with properly
operating and maintained mufflers consistent with manufacturers'
2) The protect contractor shall place all stationary construction equipment
so that emitted noise is directed away from sensitrve receptors nearest
the project site
3) The construction contractor shall locate egwpment staging rn areas that
will create the greatest distance between construction related noise and
the noise-sensitive receptors nearest the project site dunng all project
4) Dunng all protect site construction, the construction contractor shall
limit all construction related activities that would result m high noise
level to between the hours of 6 30 a m and 8 00 p m ,Monday through
Saturday No construction shall be allowed on Sundays and public
6 The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution
Lany T McNiel, Chauman
Brad Buller, Secretary
I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby
certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the
Planrnng Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning
Commission held on the 13th day of March 2002, by the following vote-to-~nnt
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Project File No.: Tentative Tract SUBTT16264 and Development Review DRC2001-00380
This Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP) has been prepared for use in implementing the mitigation
measures identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration fortheabove-listed protect This program
has been prepared in compliance with State law to ensure that adopted mitigation measures are
implemented (Section 21081 6 of the Public Resources Code).
Program Components -This MMP contains the following elements:
Conditions of Approval that act as impact mitigation measures are recorded with the action
and the procedure necessary to ensure compliance. The mitigation measures Conditions of
Approval are contained in the adopted Resolution of Approval for the protect.
2. A procedure of compliance and verification has been outlined for each action necessary. This
procedure designates who will take action, what action will betaken and when, and to whom
and when compliance will be reported.
3 The MMP has been designed to provide focused, yet flexible guidelines. As monitoring
progresses, changes to compliance procedures may be necessary based upon
recommendations by those responsible for the program.
Program Management -The MMP will be in place through all phases of the protect. The protect
planner, assigned by the City Planner, shall coordinate enforcement of the MMP. The protect
planner oversees the MMP and reviews the Reporting Forms to ensure they are filled out correctly
and proper action is taken on each mitigation Each City department shall ensure compliance of the
conditions (mitigation) that relate to that department
Procedures -The following steps will be followed by the City of Rancho Cucamonga
1. A fee covering all costs and expenses, including any consultants' fees, incurred by the City in
performing monitoring or reporting programs shall be charged to the applicant
2. A MMP Reporting Form wdl be prepared for each potentially significant impact and its
corresponding mitigation measure identified in the Mitigation Monitoring Checklist, attached
hereto. This procedure designates who wtll take action, what action wdl be taken and when,
and to whom and when compliance will be reported All monitoring and reporting
documentation will be kept in the protect fde with the department having the original authority
for processing the protect Reports will be available from the City upon request atthe following
City of Rancho Cucamonga -Lead Agency
Planning Division
10500 Civic Center Drive
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91/73-0
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Mitigation Monitoring Program
• SUBTT16264 and DRC2002-00380
March 13, 2002
Page 2
3 Appropriate specialists will be retained if technical expertise beyond the City staffs is needed,
as determined by the protect planner or responsible City department, to monitor specific
mitigation activities and provide appropriate written approvals to the project planner
4 The protect planner or responsible City department will approve, by signature and date, the
completion of each action item that was identified on the MMP Reporting Form After each
measure is verified for compliance, no further action is required for the speafic phase of
All MMP Reporting Forms for an impact issue requiring no further momtonng wdl be signed off
as completed by the protect planner or responsible City department at the bottom of the MMP
Reporting Form.
6 Unanticipated circumstances may arise requiring the refinement or addition of mitigation
measures The pro/ect planner is responsible for approving any such refinements or
additions An MMP Reporting Form wdl be completed by the protect planner or responsible
City department and a copy provided to the appropriate design, construction, or operational
7. The protect planner or responsible City department has the authority to stop the work of
construction contractors if compliance with any aspects of the MMP is not occumng after
written notification has been issued The protect planner or responsible City department also
has the authority to hold certificates of occupanaes if compliance with a mitigation measure
attached hereto is not occumng The protect planner or responsible City department has the
authority to hold issuance of a business license until all mitigation measures are implemented
8. Any conditions (mitigation) that require momtonng after protect completion shall be the
responsibility of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division The Division shall regwre
the applicant to post any necessary funds (or other forms of guarantee) with the City These
funds shall be used by the City to retain consultants and/or pay for City staff time to monitor
and report on the mitigation measure for the requred period of time.
In those instances regwring long-term protect momtonng, the applicant shall provide the City
with a plan for monitoring the mitigation actmties at the protect site and reporting the
monitoring results to the City Said plan shall identify the reporter as an individual qualified to
know whether the particular mitigation measure has been implemented The
momtonng/reporting plan shall conform to the City's MMP and shall be approved by the
Community Development Director or City Planner prior to the issuance of bwlding permits
!~ ~ ~ l02
Project File No.: Tentative Tract SUBTT16264 and Development Review DRC2001 00380
Initial Studv Prepared by Debra Meter
Applicant: KB HOME
Date: January 30. 2002
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Air Quality -~ ~`- ; ~ _ ; ,..~.~;F °'~
1 The site shall b
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with water or other sod stabilizing agent
(approved by SCAOMD and RWOCB) daily to reduce PM,o CP/BO C During censWctlon A q
emissions, in accordance with SCAOMD Rule 403
2 Streets surrounding the site shall be swept according to a schedule CP/CE C
established by the City to reduce PM,o emissions assoGated vnth Dunng construction A q
vehicle tracking of sod off-site Timing may vary depending upon
tlme of year of construction
3 Grading operations shall be suspended when wind speeds exceed CP C
25 mph to minimize PM,o emissions from the site during such During censWcfion A q
4 Chemical soil sfab~lizers (approved by SCAQMD and RWOCB) CP C Dunng construction A
shall be applied to all inactive censWction areas that remain 4
inactive for 96 hours or more to reduce PM,o emissions
5 The construction contractor shall select the construction equipment CP C Dunng construction A
used on-site based on low emission factors and high-energy 4
etfiGency The construction contractor shall ensure the consWCtion
grading plans Include a statement that all construction equipment
volt be tuned and maintained in accordance with the manufacturers'
6 The censWction contractor shall utilize electric Or Gean altematlve CP C During construction A q
fuel powered equpment where feasible
7 The censWction contractor shall ensure that construction-grading CP C Dunng consWction A q
plans inctude a statement that work crews will shut off equipment
when not in use
6 Contractor shall use low volatile organic compound (VOC)ceatings CP C Dunng censWction A 4
and asphalt SWctural painting shall be spread out overa period
ci 40 days or more
~TransportationlCirculation~ _ ,~". ~;, .~.~~.„r"
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1 Install a pedestrian-activated in-street flashing crosswalk at CE D Plan Revlew C ~
mid-block trail crossing on Mountain Vew Drive
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Noise" ~ .M ~ t ,~ ,j1.l~.w L
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unng all protect site ezcevation and grading, Ne protect
contractors shall egmp all consWction egmpment, fixed or mobtle CP C Dunng censWCtion A q
vnN properly operating and maintained mufflers censlstent with
manufacturers' standards
2 The protect contractor shall place all stationary consWchon CP C Dunng consWChon A
egmpment so that emitted noise is duetted away from sensitive q
receptors nearest the protect site
3 The construction contractor shall locate egwpment staging inareas CP C
that volt create the greatest distance between consWchon related Dunng censWction A q
noise and the noise-sensitive receptors nearest the project site
during all protect construction
4 Dunng all protect site censtruction, the consWction contractor shall CP C
hind all consWction related achwties Nat would result m high noise Dunng consWction A q
level to between the hours of 6 30 a m and 8 00 p m ,Monday
Nrough Saturday No construction shall be allowed on Sundays
and public holidays
~ Key to Checklist Abbreviations
;:Re`s onsible Person : ~ "°"~ s;~ `•~'a
P ' ~ ' ~. ., 'a„~ : MoNtoitn "rxr~~>t""
, ~,,~ ~p;Pieguency ~d,"r+g'~' ~.
~4 '~''' r ~' ,,b~~, ~,,r K~- ~~-~~r•
Method of.Verlfleatlon ~ r ~*,c~ {
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~ Sanctions •s t.~+ ~,
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CDD -Community Development Director or designee -
A - WiN Each New Development r
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A - On-site Inspection t
1 -Withhold Recordation of Final Map
CP -City Planner or designee B - Pnor To ConsWCtion B - ONer Agency Permit I Approval 2 - W iNhold Grading or Bmldmg Permd
CE - Gty Engineer or designee C -Throughout ConsWCtion C -Plan Check 3 - Wihhold Certficate of Occupancy
BO -Building Official or designee D - On Completion D -Separate Submittal (Reports I Studies I Plans) 4 -Stop Work Order
PO -Police Captain or designee E -Operating
FC - Fue Chief or designee 5 -Retain Depositor Bonds
6 -Revoke CUP
A. General Requirements Completion Date
r~ 1 The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its _J-/_
agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to
relinquish such approval The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or
employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or
employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action The City may, at its sole
discretion, partiapate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation
shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition
2 A copy of the signed Resolution of Approval or City Planner's letter of approval, and all Standard ~_/
Conditions, shall be included in legible form on the grading plans, building and construction _
plans, and landscape and irrigation plans submitted for plan check
B. Time Limits
1 This tentative tract map or tentative parcel map shall expire, unless extended by the Planning ~~_
Commission, unless a complete final map is filed with the City Engineer within 3 years from the
date of the approval
C. Site Development
1 The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include ~_/_
site plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, sign program, and
grading on file in the Planning Division, the conditions contained herein, Development Code
regulations, and the Terra Vista Community Plan
2 Pnor to any use of the protect site or business activity being commenced thereon, all Conditions ~~_
of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Planner
3 Occupancy of the facilities shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Building Code and _/___/_
State Fire Marshal regulations have been complied with Prior to occupancy, plans shall be
submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety Division
to show compliance The bwldings shall be inspected for compliance pnor to occupancy
SC-01-02 1 ~ `(Z ~J
Protect No SUBTT76264
Comoletion Date
4 Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be
submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits
5 All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for
consistency prior to issuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment,
building, etc) or prior to final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, or approved
use has commenced, whichever comes first
6 Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code,
all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community or Specific Plans in effect at the
time of building permit issuance
7. The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CCBRs) and Articles of Incorporation of the
Homeowners' Association are subtect to the approval of the Planning and Engineering Dwisions
and the City Attorney They shall be recorded concurrently with the Final Map or prior to the
issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. A recorded copy shall be provided to the
City Engineer The Homeowners' Association shall submit to the Planning Division a list of the
name and address of their officers on or before January 1 of each and every year and whenever
said information changes
8 All parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by the property
owner, homeowners' association, or other means acceptable to the Clty Proof of this landscape
maintenance shall be submitted for City Planner and City Engineer review and approved prior to
the issuance of building permds.
D. Parking and Vehicular Access (indicate details on building plans)
1 The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shall restrict the storage of recreational vehicles on
this site unless they are the principal source of transportation for the owner and prohibit parking
on interior circulation aisles other than in designated wsltor parking areas.
E. Environmental
Mitigation measures are required for the protect. The applicant is responsible for the cost of
implementing said measures, Including monitoring and reporting Applicant shall be required to
post cash, letter of credit, or other forms of guarantee acceptable to the City Planner In the
amount of $ 719 00 prior to the Issuance of building permits, guaranteeing satisfactory
pertormance and completion of all mitigation measures These funds may be used by the City to
retain consultants and/or pay for City staff time to monitor and report on the mitigation measures.
Failure to complete all actions required by the approved environmental documents shall be
considered grounds for forteit
F. Dedication and Vehicular Access
1 Dedication shall be made of the following rights-of-way on the perimeter streets (measured from
street centerline)
33 to 39 total feet on Mountain View Drive
G. Street Improvements
1 Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to
SVeet Name Curb & 0.C. Side- Drive Street Street Comm Median Bike Other
Gutter Pvmt walk Appr Lights Trees Trell Island Trail
Mountain View Drive X X X X X X X
SG01-02 ~ R,
Protec t NO SUBTT76264
Completion Date
2. Improvement Plans and Construction
a Street improvement plans, including street trees, street lights, and intersection safety lights ___/_/_
on future signal poles, and traffic stgnal plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil
Engineer and shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer Security shall be
posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City
Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public and/or private street improvements, poor to
final map approval or the issuance of bulding permits, whichever occurs first
b Prior to any work being pertormed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and a construction ~_/_
permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office in addition to any other permits
c Pavement striping, marking, traffic signing, street name signing, traffic signal conduit, and ~_/_
interconnect conduit shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
3 Street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, shall be installed per City Standards in ~___/_
accordance with the City's street tree program
4 Intersection line of sight designs shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with -/_/_
adopted policy On collector or larger streets, lines of sight shall be plotted for all protect
intersections, including driveways Local residential street intersections and commercial or
industrial drveways may have lines of sight plotted as required
H. Public Maintenance Areas
1 A signed consent and waiver form to loin and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting ~~
Districts shall be filed with the City Engineer prior to final map approval or issuance of building
permits whichever occurs first Formation costs shall be borne by the developer
2 All re
scaping an
irrigation systems shall be continuously maintained by the ~~_
developer until accepted by the City
I. Utilities
1 Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water, gas, ~___/_
electric power, telephone, and cable TV (all underground) in accordance with the Utility
Standards Easements shall be provided as regwred
2 The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary ___/_/_
3 Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the ___/_/_
Cucamonga County Water District (CCWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the
Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino A letter of compliance from
the CCWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first
Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval
in the case of subdmsion or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential
J. General Requirements and Approvals
1 Anon-refundable deposit shall be paid to the City, covering the estimated operating costs for all ___/_/_
new streetlights for the first six months of operation, prior to final map approval or prior to building
permit issuance rf no map is involved
S~-o,_02 3 R,Q ~~
A Recitals
1 KB HOME filed an application for the Design Review of Tentative Tract Map
SUBTT16264, as descnbed in the title of this Resolution Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subtect
Design Review request is referred to as "the application "
2 On the 13th day of March 2002, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho
Cucamonga held a duly noticed public heanng to consider the application
All legal prerequisites pnor to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred
B Resolution
• NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission
of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows
1 This Commission hereby speafically finds that all of the facts set forth m the Recitals,
Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct
2 Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dunng the above-
referenced public heanng on March 13, 2002, including wntten and oral staff reports, together vnth
public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows
a The application applies to property located on the south side of Mountain Vew Dnve
with a street frontage of 505 93 feet and lot depth of 772 62 feet and is presently improved vnth curb
and gutter along Mountain View Dnve, and
b The property to the north of the subtect site is Tract 15492, which is under
construction, the property to the south consists of the Terra Vista Greenway Trail and proposed
Tentative Tract 16157 on land that is currently vacant, the property to the east is existing smgle-
famdy neighborhood known as Rosecrest, and the property to the west is existing apartment
dwellings known as Monteuto, and
c The protect is located in the Medwm Density residential distnct (8-14 dwelling unds
per acre) of the Tema Vista Community Plan
3 Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dunng the above-
referenced meeting on March 13, 2002, including wntten and oral staff reports, this Commission
. hereby speafically finds and concludes as follows
a That the proposed protect is consistent with the obtectives of the General Plan, and
A ~4 (~
DRC2001-00380 - KB HOME
March 13, 2002
Page 2
b That the proposed design is in accord with the objectives of the Development Code
and the purposes of the distnct m which the site is located, and
c That the proposed design is m compliance with each of the applicable provisions of
the Development Code, and
d That the proposed design, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not
be detnmental to the public health, safety or welfare, or matenally m~unous to properties or
improvements m the vicinity
4 Based upon the facts and information contamed m the proposed Mitigated Negative
Declaration, together with all wntten and oral reports included for the environmental assessment for
the application, the Plamm~g Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the protect
will have a significant effect upon the environment and adopts a Mitigated Negative Declaration and
Momtonng Program attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference, based upon the
findings as follows
a That the Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared incompliance with the
California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the State CEQA gwdelines
promulgated thereunder, that said Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Initial Study prepared
therefore reflect the independent tudgment of the Plamm~g Commission, and, further, this
Commission has reviewed and considered the information contamed m said Mitigated Negative
Declaration with regard to the application
b Although the Mitigated Negative Declaration identifies certain significant
environmental effects that will result if the protect is approved, all significant effects have been
reduced to an acceptable level by imposition of mitigation measures on the protect, which are listed
below as Conditions of Approval
c Pursuant to the provisions of Section 753 5(c) of Title 14 of the California Code of
Regulations, the Planning Commission finds as follows In considenng the record as a whole, the
Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the protect, there is no evidence that the
proposed protect will have potential for an adverse impact upon wildlife resources orthe habitat upon
which wildlife depends Further, based upon the substantial evidence contamed m the Mitigated
Negative Declaration, the staff reports and exhibits, and the information provided to the Plamm~g
Commission dunng the public heanng, the Planning Commission hereby rebuts the presumption of
adverse effect as set forth m Section 753 5(c-1-d) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations
5 Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth m paragraphs 1,2, 3, and 4 above, this
Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and
m the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
Planning Division
1) All pertinent conditions contained in the Resolution of Approval for
Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16264 shall apply
2) All retaining walls throughout the protect shall have a decorative
surface to compliment the building design
n \~7 lP 1
DRC2001-00380 - KB HOME
March 13, 2002
Page 3
3) Provide a reduced set (11 by 17 inches) of the entire development
package for the Planning Drnsion at the time of budding permit
4) The garage entrance depths shall be dimensioned at either less than
8 feet or greater than 18 feet Depths less than 18 feet regwre an
automatic garage door opener
5) Recreational amenities (and the related points given) in accordance
with the Development Code, Section 17 08 40 H are as follows Tot lot
(1 point), BBO/picnic area (1 point), turf play area (1 point), and on-site
pathway with seven resting points (1 point) for a total of 4 points
Enaineenna Drnsion
1) Missing frontage improvements shall be installed, including but not
limited to curbs and gutters, pavement, streetlights, sidewalk, signing,
stnping, and street trees Mountain View Dnve is aCity-designated
"Collector Street "
2) Provide a Class II Bike Lane on both sides of Mountain View Dnve from
Milliken Avenue to Terra Vista Parkway
3) Provide a pedestnan-activated, in-street flashing crosswalk atmid-block
trail crossings on Mountain View Dnve
4) The proposed Trail Type 'D,' on the east boundary of the project, shall
be pnvately maintained in a sidewalk easement for public purposes.
5) No portion of the site shall dram into the Greenway Comdor Capture
all site flows in drainage fatalities
6) Sight-line area at both dnveways shall be in accordance with City Sight
Line standards with no slopes or plants within these sight line areas of
7) Property within these "Clear Line of Sight" areas shall be dedicated to
the City
8) Dnve approaches shall be 35 feet minimum per City standard and
consistent with the dnve approaches, which serve the development to
the west
9) The proposed 6-foot additional dedication along Mountain vew Dnve is
to provide a Trail type 'E', therefore, this area shall be graded at
2 percent towards Mountain View Dnve
K~~ lV
DRC2001-00380 - KB HOME
March 13, 2002
Page 4
Environmental Mitigation
Air Quality
1) The site shall be treated with water or other sod stabilizing agent
(approved by SCAOMD and RWQCB) daily to reduce PM~o emissions,
in accordance vnth SCAOMD, Rule 403
2) Streets surrounding the site shall be swept according to a schedule
established by the City to reduce PM~o emissions assoaated with
vehicle tracking of sod off-site Timing may vary depending upon time
of year of construction
3) Grading operations shall be suspended when wind speeds exceed
25 miles per hourto minimize PM,o emissions from the sile dunng such
4) Chemical sod stabilizers (approved by SCAOMD and RWOCB) shall be
applied to all inadrve construction areas that remain inactive for
96 hours or more to reduce PM~o emissions
5) The construction contractor shall select the construction egwpment
used on-site based on low emission factors and high-energy effiGency
The construction contractor shall ensure the construction grading plans
include a statement that all construction equipment will be tuned and
maintained in accordance with the manufacturers' specifications
6) The construction contractor shall utilize electnc or clean alternative fuel
powered equipment where feasible
7) The construction contractor shall ensure that construction-grading
plans include a statement that work crews well shut off egwpment when
not in use
8) Contractor shall use low volatile organic compound (VOC) coatings and
asphalt Structural painting shall be spread out over a penod of
40 days or more
1) Install a pedestnan-activated, in-street flashing crosswalk at mid-block
trail crossings on Mountain mew Dnve
1) Dunng all protect site excavation and grading, the protect contractors
shall equip all construction egwpment, fixed or mobile, with properly
operating and mamtamed mufflers consistent with manufacturers'
A,~ ~\
DRC2001-00380 - KB HOME
. March 13, 2002
Page 5
2) The project contractor shall place all stationary construction equipment
so that emitted noise is directed away from sensitive receptors nearest
the protect site
3) The construction contractor shall locate equpment staging in areas that
will create the greatest distance between construction related noise and
the noise-sensitive receptors nearest the protect site dunng all protect
4) Dunng all protect site construction, the construction contractor shall
limit all construction related activities that would result in high noise
level to between the hours of 6 30 a m and 8 00 p m ,Monday through
Saturday No construction shall be allowed on Sundays and public
6 The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution
Larry T McNiel, Chairman
Brad Buller, Secretary
I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby
certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the
Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Plamm~g
Commission held on the 13th day of March 2002, by the following vote-to-wit
A, 6 ~-2
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Project File No.: Tentative Tract SUBTT16264 and Development Review DRC2001-00380
This Mitigation Monitonng Program (MMP) has been prepared for use in implementing the mitigation
measures identified m the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the above-listed project This program
has been prepared in compliance with State law to ensure that adopted mitigation measures are
implemented (Section 21081 6 of the Public Resources Code).
Program Components -This MMP contains the following elements
Conditions of Approval that act as impact mitigation measures are recorded with the action
and the procedure necessary to ensure compliance The mitigation measures Conditions of
Approval are contained in the adopted Resolution of Approval for the protect
2 A procedure of compliance and venfication has been outlined foreach action necessary This
procedure designates who wdl take action, what action wdl be taken and when, and to whom
and when compliance wdl be reported
3 The MMP has been designed to provide focused, yet flexible guidelines As monitonng
progresses, changes to compliance procedures may be necessary based upon
recommendations by those responsible for the program
Program Management -The MMP wdl be in place through all phases of the protect The project
planner, assigned by the City Planner, shall coordinate enforcement of the MMP The protect
planner oversees the MMP and reviews the Reporting Forms to ensure they are filled out correctly
and proper action is taken on each mitigation Each City department shall ensure compliance of the
conditions (mitigation) that relate to that department.
Procedures -The following steps wdl be followed by the City of Rancho Cucamonga
A fee covering all costs and expenses, including any consultants' fees, incurred by the City in
performing monitonng or reporting programs shall be charged to the applicant
A MMP Reporting Form will be prepared for each potentially significant impact and its
corresponding mitigation measure identified in the Mitigation Monitonng Checklist, attached
hereto This procedure designates who will take action, what action will be taken and when,
and to whom and when compliance will be reported All monitonng and reporting
documentation wdl be kept in the protect file with the department having the onginal authonty
for processing the protect Reports will be available from the City upon request at the following
City of Rancho Cucamonga -Lead Agency
Planning Dmsion
10500 Civic Center Dnve
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
A,b ~3
Mitigation Monitoring Program
SUBTT16264 and DRC2002-00380
March 13, 2002
Page 2
Appropriate specialists will be retained if technical expertise beyond the City staffs is needed,
as determined by the project planner or responsible City department, to monitor specific
mitigation activities and provide appropriate written approvals to the protect planner
4. The protect planner or responsible City department will approve, by signature and date, the
completion of each action item that was identified on the MMP Reporting Form After each
measure is verified for compliance, no further action is required for the specific phase of
All MMP Reporting Forms for an impact issue requiring no further monitoring will be signed off
as completed by the project planner or responsible City department at the bottom of the MMP
Reporting Form
6. Unanticipated arcumstances may arise requiring the refinement or addition of mitigation
measures The protect planner is responsible for approving any such refinements or
additions An MMP Reporting Fonn will be completed by the project planner or responsible
City department and a copy provided to the appropriate design, construction, or operational
The project planner or responsible City department has the authority to stop the work of
construction contractors if compliance with any aspects of the MMP is not occumng after
written notification has been issued The project planner or responsible City department also
has the authority to hold certificates of occupancies if compliance with a mitigation measure
attached hereto is not occumng The protect planner or responsible City department has the
authority to hold issuance of a business license until all mitigation measures are implemented
Any conditions (mitigation) that regwre momtonng after project completion shall be the
responsibility of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division The Division shall regwre
the applicant to post any necessary funds (or other forms of guarantee) with the City. These
funds shall be used by the City to retain consultants and/or pay for City staff time to monitor
and report on the mitigation measure for the required period of time
9 In those instances regwring long-term project momtonng, the applicant shall provide the City
with a plan for monitoring the mitigation activities at the protect site and reporting the
momtonng results to the City Said plan shall identify the reporteras an individual qualified to
know whether the particular mitigation measure has been implemented The
monitoring/reporting plan shall conform to the City's MMP and shall be approved by the
Community Development Director or City Planner prior to the issuance of bwlding permits
A, c3 ~y
Project File No.: Tentative Tract SUBTT16264 and Development Review DRC2001 00380 Applicant: KB HOME
Initial Study Prepared bv: Debra Meier Date: January 30. 2002
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1 The sde shall be treated vnth water or other sod sfabdmn
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(approved by SCAOMD and RWOCB) daily to reduce PM C During consWChon A q
emissions, in accordance with SCAOMD Rule 403
2 Streets surrounding the sde shall be swept according to a schedule CP/CE C
established by the City to reduce PM,o emissions assoGated with Dunng constmcllon A 4
vehicle tracking of soil off-site Timing may vary depending upon
time of year of consWchon
3 Grading operations shall be suspended when vend speeds exceed CP C
25 mph to minimize PM,o emissions from the site durin
such Dunng consWcbon A q
4 Chemical soil stabilizers (approved by SCAOMD and RWOCB) CP C
shall be applied to ail inactive consWChon areas that remain Dunng censWcbon A q
inactive for 96 hours or more to reduce PM,a emissions
5 TheconstruGion contractor shall select the consWCbon equipment CP C
used on-site based on low emission factors and high-energy Dunng construction A 4
efficiency The consW cUOn con W ctor shall ensure the consWCbon
grading plans inGude a statement that all construction equpment
vnll be tuned and maintained in accordance vnth the manufacturers'
6 TheconsWCUon contractor shall utilize electric or Gean altematlve CP C
fuel powered egwpmenl where feasible Dunng censWcUOn A q
7 TheconsWGion contractor shall ensure that consWGion-grading CP C
plans InGUde a statement that work crews wail shut off equipment During consWcUOn A 4
when not in use
8 Contractor shall use low volatile organic compound (VOC)coahngs CP C Dunng construcion A q
and asphalt Structural painting shall be spread out over a period
of 40 days or more
Trans ortation%Circulatfon ~ ~ - "'+~- `~- ~ ' - ' ~ - -
1 Install a pedestrian-activated in-street gashing crosswalk at CE D Plan Rewew C 7
mid-block treil crossing on Mountain View Drive
- ~
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1 Dunng all protect site excavation and grading, the protect
contractors shall egwp all constroalon egwpment
fixed or mobile CP C .ea
j vG
During consWctlon A [
tA .i•
~. LpJ~fia
v ~
with properly operating and maintained mufflers consistent with
manufacturers' standards
2 The protect contractor shall place all stationary consWction
equipment so that emitted noise is directed away from sensitive CP C Dunng consWctlon A
receptors nearest the project sde
3 TheconsWction contractor shall locate equipment sfagmgin areas CP C
that will create the greatest distance between consWction related Dunng consWction q
noise and the noise•sensihve receptors nearest the pro/ect site
during all project consWchon
4 During all protect site consWCfion, the consWctlon contrector shall CP C
limit all construction related actiwtles that would result in high noise Dunng consWction A q
level to between the hours of 6 30 a m and 8 00 p m ,Monday
through Saturday No consWction shall be allowed on Sundays
and public holidays
Key to Checklist Abbreviations
~ -
Responsible,Person~,.a'~;-,.~?~;~r;:~° ""`g,`g
- x.'~5'r ~Nlonlto~inpFre"uen~' °
'q,mrvanxrr~w..,,.,..,oo9gw~~ ~ g"-""""'"'""•" r
~ r.~><~~s.--r,..~., ».cs, ~r•,x•n,.,
x1 `^'r>''
CDD -Community Development Director or designee
A -With Each New Development ~
A - On-site Inspection ~v
41`1G trl ~°'1 F
-0d`C ~ .'i 2fY Y MiuJ r+'
CP -City Planner or designee
B - Prior To ConsWction
B -Other Agency Permit /Approval 1 -Withhold Recordation of Final Map
CE -City Engineer or designee
C -Throughout ConsWction
C -Plan Check -
ithhold Grading or Bulding Permit
BO -Building Offiaal or designee
D - On Completion
D -Separate Submittal (Reports /Studies /Plans) 3 -Withhold Certificate of Occupancy
k O
PO -Police Captain or designee
E - Operatlng -
FC -Fire Chief or designee 5 -Retain Depositor Bonds
6 -Revoke CUP
PROJECT#: DRC2001-00380
~. General Requirements Comole6on Date
1 The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its _/_/_
agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternatroe, to
relinquish such approval The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or
employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or
employees may be regwred by a court to pay as a result of such action The City may, at its sole
discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such partiapation
shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition
2 A copy of the signed Resolution of Approval or City Planner's letter of approval, and all Standard _/_/_
Conditions, shall be included in legible form on the grading plans, building and construction
plans, and landscape and irrigation plans submitted for plan check
B. Time Limits
1 Conditional Use Permit, Variance, or Development/Design Review approval shall expire if _/_/_
building permits are not issued or approved use has not commenced within 5 years from the date
of approval No extensions are allowed
C. Site Development
1 The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include _/_/_
site plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, sign program, and
grading on file in the Planning Division, the conditions contained herein, Development Code
regulations, and the Terra Vista Community Plan
2 Prior to any use of the protect site or business activity being commenced thereon, all Conditions _/_/_
of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Planner
SC-01-02 1 ~ ~~ ~~
Protect No DRC2001-00380
Comolefron Date
3 Occupancy of the facilities shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Bwlding Code and _/
State Ftre Marshal regulations have been complied with Prior to occupancy, plans shall be _
submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Bwlding and Safety Division
to show compliance The buildings shall be inspected for compliance prior to occupancy
4 Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be _/_/_
submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits
5 All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for _/_/_
consistency prior to issuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment,
bulding, etc) or prior to final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdroision, or approved
use has commenced, whichever comes first
6 Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, /
all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community or Specific Plans in effect at the _
time of budding permd issuance
7 A detailed on-site lighting plan, including a photometric diagram, shall be reviewed and approved _/_/_
by the City Planner and Police Department (477-2800) prior to the issuance of budding permits
Such plan shall indicate style, illumination, location, height, and method of shielding so as not to
adversely affect adtacent properties
8 If no centralized trash receptacles are provided, all trash pick-up shall be for individual units with _/_/_
ail receptacles shielded from public view
9 All ground-mounted utility appurtenances such as transformers, AC condensers, etc , shall be _/_/_
located out of public wew and adequately screened through the use of a combination of concrete
or masonry walls, berming, and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the City Planner For single
family residential developments, transformers shall be placed in underground vaults
10 Street names shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval in accordance with the _/ /~
adopted Street Naming Policy prior to approval of the final map
11 Ail building numbers and individual units shall be identified in a clear and conase manner, _/_/_
including proper illumination
12 The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CCSRs) and Articles of Incorporation of the /
Homeowners' Association are subject to the approval of the Planning and Engineering Divisions _
and the City Attorney They shall be recorded concurrently with the Final Map or prior to the
issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first A recorded copy shall be provided to the
City Engineer The Homeowners' Assoaation shall submit to the Planning Division a list of the
name and address of their officers on or before January 1 of each and every year and whenever
said information changes
13 All parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by the property /
owner, homeowners' assocation, or other means acceptable to the City Proof of this landscape _
maintenance shall be submitted for City Planner and City Engineer review and approved prior to
the issuance of building permits
14 Wood fencing shall be treated with stain, paint, or water sealant / /
15 For multiple family development, laundry facilities shall be provided as requred by the _/_/_
Development Code
16 For residential development, recreation area/faality shall be provided as required by the /
Development Code _
17 Where rock cobble is used, it shall be real river rock Other stone veneers may be manufactured /
products _
Protect No DRC2001-00380
Comole6on Date
~D. Building Design
1 Standard patio c
Planner and Buil
E. Parking and Veh
1 All parking space
a bwldmg, wall,
2 All parking lot la
contain a 12-inch
3 Textured pedestr
throughout the
recreational uses
4 All parking space
and exits shall be
5 All units shall be
from back of side
6 The Covenants, C
this site unless th
on interior arculat
~. Landscaping
1 A detailed landsca
the case of restd
submitted for City
final map approva
2 A minimum of 45
the protect 10
3 Within parking lots
4 Trees shall be pla
tree per 30 linear f
5 All pnvate slopes o
slope, shall be, at
control Slope pla
installed by the dev
6 All private slopes i
slope shall be Ian
follows one 15-ga
shrub per each 100
m excess of 8 feet
• larger size tree pe
staggered clusters
include a permanen
7 For multi-family res
the continual matnt
over plans for use by the Homeowner's Association shall be submitted for City _/
ding Official review and approval pnor to issuance of bwlding permits _
icular Access (indicate details on building plans)
s shall be 9 feet wide by 18 feet long When a side of any parking space abuts / /
support column, or other obstruction, the space shall be a minimum of 11 feet _
ndscape islands shall have a minimum outside dimension of 6 feet and shall /
walk ad/scent to the parking stall (including curb) _
ian pathways and textured pavement across circulation aisles shall be provided _/
development to connect dwellings/units/buildings with open spaces/plazas/ _
s shall be double striped per City standards and all driveway aisles, entrances, /
striped per City standards _
provided with garage door openers if drroeways are less than 18 feet in depth _/_/
walk _
onditions and Restrictions shall restrict the storage of recreational vehicles on /
ey are the principal source of transportation for the owner and prohibit parking _
ion aisles other than to designated visitor parking areas
pe and irrigation plan, tncludrng slope planting and model home landscaping m _/_/
enttal development, shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and _
Planner review and approval pnor to the issuance of budding permits or prior
I to the case of a custom lot subdivision
trees per gross acre, comprised of the following sizes, shall be provided within _/
- 36-inch box or larger, 10 % - 24-inch box or larger, and 80 % - 15-gallon _
trees shall be planted at a rate of one 15-gallon tree for every three parking _/_/_
Hied to areas of public view adtacent to and along structures at a rate of one _/ /
eet of building _
f 5 feet or more in vertical height and of 5 1 or greater slope, but less than 2 1 _/_/
minimum, irrigated and landscaped with appropriate ground cover for erosion _
nting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be
eloper pnor to occupancy
n excess of 5 feet, but less than 8 feet m vertical height and of 2 1 or greater _/_/
dscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as _
Ilon or larger size tree per each 150 sq ft of slope area, 1-gallon or larger size
sq ft of slope area, and appropriate ground cover In addition, slope banks
to vertical height and 2 1 or greater slope shall also include one 5-gallon or
reach 250 sq ft of slope area Trees and shrubs shall be planted in
to soften and vary slope plane Slope planting regwred by this section shall
t trrgation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy
idential and non-residential development, property owners are responsible for _/_/
enance of all landscaped areas on-site, as well as contiguous planted areas _
P~~ S~ ~~
Project No DRC2001-00380
ComoleGOn Date
within the public right-of-way All landscaped areas shall be kept free from weeds and debris and
maintained to healthy and thriving condition, and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing,
and trimming Any damaged, dead, diseased, or decaying plant material shall be replaced wdhtn
30 days from the date of damage
The final design of the perimeter parkways, walls, landscaping, and sidewalks shall be included _/_/_
in the regwred landscape plans and shall be subject to City Planner review and approval and
coordinated for consistency wdh any parkway landscaping plan which may be required by the
Engineering Division
9 Landscaping and irrigation systems regwred to be installed within the public right-of-way on the _/_/_
perimeter of this project area shall be continuously maintained by the developer
10 Ali walls shall be provided with decorative treatment If located to public maintenance areas, the _/_/_
design shall be coordinated with the Engineering Drotsion
11 Landscaping and irrigaton shall be designed to conserve water through the principles of _/_/_
Xenscape as defined in Chapter 19 16 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code
G. Signs
1 Directory monument sign(s) shall be provided for apartment, condominium, or town homes prior I _/_!_
to occupancy and shall regwre separate application and approval by the Planning Division prior
to issuance of bwlding permits
H. Environmental
1 A final acoustical report shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the _/ /_
issuance of bwlding permits The final report shall discuss the level of interior noise attenuation
to below 45 CNEL, the bwlding materials and construction techniques provided, and d .
appropriate, verify the adequacy of the mitigation measures The building plans will be checked
for conformance with the mitigation measures contained in the final report
2 Mitigation measures are regwred for the project The applicant is responsible for the cost of _/_/_
implementing said measures, including monitoring and reporting Applicant shall be regwred to
post cash, letter of credit, or other fonns of guarantee acceptable to the City Planner in the
amount of $ 719 00 prior to the issuance of bwlding permits, guaranteeing satisfactory
performance and completion of all mibgation measures These funds may be used by the City to
retain consultants and/or pay for Crty staff time to monitor and report on the mitigation measures
Failure to complete all actions required by the approved environmental documents shall be
considered grounds for forteit
I. Other Agencies
1 The applicant shall contact the U S Postal Service to determine the appropriate type and location _/_/
of mailboxes Multi-family residential developments shall provide a solid overhead structure for
mailboxes with adequate lighting The final location of the mailboxes and the design of the
overhead structure shall be subject to City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of
bwlding permits
J. Dedication and Vehicular Access
Dedication shall be made of the following rights-of-way on the perimeter streets (measured from _/_/_ •
street centerline)
33 to 39 total feet on Mountain View Drive / /
5~-0,-02 4 ,~ ~6 ~'0
Protect No DRC2001-00380
Comolehon Date
Street Improvements
1 Construct the following perimeter street Improvements including, but not limited to
Street Name Curb & AC Side- Drive Street Street Comm Median Bike
Trail Other
Mountain Vlew Drive X X X X X X X
2 Improvement Plans and Construction
a Street Improvement plans, Including street trees, street Ilghts, and Intersection safety Ilghts
on future signal poles, and traffic signal plans shall be prepared by a registered CIVI
Engineer and shall be submitted to and approved by the City Englneer Security shall be
posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Englneer and the City
Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public and/or private street Improvements, prior tc
final map approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first
b Prior to any work being pertormed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and a construction
permit shall be obtained from the Clty Engineer's Office in addition to any other permits
c Pavement striping, marking, traffic signing, street name signing, traffic signal conduit, and
interconnect conduit shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer
Street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, shall be installed per Clty Standards In
accordance with the City's street tree program
4 Intersection line of sight designs shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with
adopted policy On collector or larger streets, Imes of sight shall be plotted for all protect
intersections, including driveways Local residential street Intersections and commercial or
industrial driveways may have lines of sight plotted as required
L. Public Maintenance Areas
1 A signed consent and waiver fonn to loin and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting
Districts shall be filed with the City Engineer prior to final map approval or issuance of building
permits whichever occurs first Formation costs shall be borne by the developer
2 All required public landscaping and irrigation systems shall be continuously maintained by the
developer until accepted by the City
M. Utilities
Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water, gas,
electric power, telephone, and cable N (all underground) in accordance with the Utility
Standards Easements shall be provided as required
2 The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary
Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the
Cucamonga County Water District (CCWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the
Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino A letter of compliance from
the CCWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first
Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval
in the case of subdivision or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential
/ /
SC-01-02 5 ~~~ n \
Project No DRC2001-00380
Comolehon Date
N. General Requirements and Approvals
1 Anon-refundable deposit shall be paid to the City, covering the estimated operating costs for all _/_/_
new streetlights for the first six months of operation, prior to final map approval or prior to building
permit issuance if no map is involved
O. Security Lighting
1 All parking, common, and storage areas shall have minimum maintained 1-foot candle power _/
These areas should be lighted from sunset to sunrise and on photo sensored cell _
2 All bwldmgs shall have minimal security lighting to eliminate dark areas around the bwldmgs, with _/_/_
direct lighting to be provided by all entryways Lighting shall be consistent around the entire
3 Lighting in exterior areas shall be in vandal-resistant fixtures / /
P. Security Hardware
1 A secondary lockrng device shall be installed on all sliding glass doors _/_/_
2 One-inch single cylinder dead bolts shall be installed on all entrance doors If windows are within _/_/_
40 inches of any locking device, tempered glass or a double cylinder dead bolt shall be used
3 All garage or rolling doors shall have slide bolts or some type of secondary locking devices _/_/_
Q. Windows
1 All sliding glass windows shall have secondary locking devices and should not be able to be lifted _/_/_
from frame or track in any manner
2 Security/burglar bars are not recommended, particularly in residences, due to the delay or _/_/_
prevention of a speedy evacuation in case of fire
R. Building Numbering
1 Numbers and the backgrounds shall be of contrasting color and shall be reflective for nighttime _/_/_
2 At the entrances of commercial or residential complexes, an illuminated map or directory of _/_/_
protect shall be erected with vandal-resistant cover North shall be at the top and so indicated
Sign shall be m compliance with Sign Ordinance, including an application for a Sign Permd and
approval by the Planning Division
3 All developments shall submit an 8 %" x 11" sheet with the numbering pattern of all multi-tenant _/_/_
developments to the Police Department
S. Community Facilities Districts
1 This pro/ect is subject to the requirements of the Mello-Roos Community Facilities District /_/
Sc-0,-02 6 P~~~ ~b2
Protect No ORC2001-00380
Comole6on Date
.T. Water Plans for Fire Protection
1 Prior to issuance of any building permit, the applicant shall submit a plan showing the locations of
all new public fire hydrants for the review and approval by the Fire District and the Water Distract
2 Prior to the issuance of any building permit, the applicant shall submit construction plans,
specifications, flow test data and calculations for the private water main system for review and
approval by the Fire Distract Plans and installation shall comply with Fire Distract standards
3 Fire flow requirements for this pro/ect shall be 2500 gallons per minute at a minimum residual
pressure of 20 pounds per square inch in accordance with Fire Code Appendix III-A, as
amended The required fire flow shall be delivered by fire hydrants located in accordance with
Fire Code Appendix III-B, as amended
4 All required public fire hydrants shall be installed, flushed and operable prior to delivering any
combustible building materials on-site (i e , lumber, roofing materials, etc) Water District
personnel shall inspect the installation and witness hydrant flushing The bwlder/developer shall
submit test report to the Fire Safety Division
5 All private on-site fire hydrants shall be mstalled, flushed and operable prior to delivering any
combustible building materials on-site (i e , lumber, roofing materials, etc) Fire Construction
Services representative shall inspect the installation and witness hydrant flushing The
bwlder/developer shall submit final test report to the Fire Safety Division
6 For the purpose of final acceptance, an additional test of the on-site fire hydrants shall be
conducted by the bwlder/developer in the presence of the Water Distract or Fire Construction
Services, as appropriate The builder/developer shall submit the final test report to the Fire
Safety Division
7 Existing fire hydrants and mains within 600 feet of the protect shall be shown on the water plan
submitted for review and approval Include main size
8 Required Note If the system is private the applicant shall do the following prior to the issuance
of the bwlding peranit
a Submit proof that provisions have been made for the annual testing, repair and maintenance
of the system A copy of the maintenance agreement shall be submitted to the District
b For developments with multiple owners, they shall establish a reciprocal maintenance
agreement, which shall be submitted to the Fire District for acceptance
9 Prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy, all fire hydrants shall have a blue reflective
pavement marker indicating the fire hydrant location on the street or driveway in accordance with
Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and City of Rancho Cucamonga Engineering
Standard Plan 134, "Installation of Reflective Hydrant Markers" On private property these
markers are to be maintained in good condition by the property owner
U. Water Availability
1 Pnor to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide evidence of adequate fire
flow The Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District Water Availability for Fire Protection
Form shall be signed by the Water District and submitted for approval by the Rancho Cucamonga
Fire Protection District If sufficient water to meet fire flow requirements is not available, an
automatic fire extinguishing system may be required in each structure affected by the insuffiaent
V. Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems
1 Required Note Prior to the recordation of ANY map, a note shall be placed on the map stating
that all commercial structures great than 7,500 square feet, all Group A or E Occupancies with an
occupant load of 50 or more persons, all multi-family residential structures, and all structures
which do not meet Fire District access requirements (Section "E" -Fire Access), shall be
protected by an automatic fire sprinkler system meeting the approval of the Fire District
_~ /_
sc-01-02 ~ A ~~ 4`3
Pro~ecl No DRC2001-00380
Comole6on Date
W. Fire Access
1 Residential Prior to recordation of a subdivisionltract/parcel map, the applicant shall obtain _/_/_
approval of the Fire District for all Fire District access roadways and fire lanes All roadways or
fire lanes shall comply with RCFPD Ordinance FD32 and other applicable standards
2 Residential & Commercial Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the applicant shall submit and _/_/_
obtain approval of plans for all roads, streets and courts, public or private, from the Fire DisVict in
consultation with the Grading Committee The plans shall include the plan view, sectional view, and
indicate the width of the street or court measured flow line to flow line All proposed fire apparatus
turnarounds shall be clearly marked when adead-end street exceeds 150 feet or when otherwise
required Applicable CC&Rs, or other approved documents, shall contain provisions that prohibit
obstructions such as traffic calming devices (speed bumps, humps, etc ), confrcl gates, bollards, or
other modficetions in fire lanes or access roadways without prior written approval of the Fire Distnd,
Fire Safety Division
3 Street Signs A note shall be placed on the site plan indicating that all street/road signs shall be _/_/_
designed and maintained as either internally or externally illuminated in a manner meeting the
approval of the Fire District
4 The minimum width for a Fire District access road or fire lane is 26 feet The minimum inside turn _/_/_
radius is 20 feet The minimum outside turn radius is 50 feet The minimum radws for cul-de-sacs is
50 feet The minimum vertical clearance is 14 feet, 6 inches At any entry median the minimum
width of traffic lanes shall be 20 feet
5 Pnor to the issuance of any grading permits, the applicant shall submit and obtain the Fire District's _/_/_
approval of the construction of any gate across required Fire District access roadways/driveways
6 Gated or restricted access requires the installation of a Knox rapid entry system Vehicle access _/_/
gates shall be provided with an approved Fire District Knox Key Switch Additionally for vehiGe ~
access gates, an approved, compatible traffic signal preemption device will be regwred to open the
gate The gate shall remain in the open position until reset by Fire District key switch Contact the
Fire Safety Division for specific details and ordering information
7 The installation of gates and restricted access to residential developments may necessitate _!_/_
installation of approved automatic fire sprinkler systems This condition applies when the Fire
Distract determines that such gates or other means of restricting access or delaying response exists
8 Trees and shrubs planted in any median shall be kept trimmed to a minimum of 14 feet, 6 inches _/_/_
from the ground up, so as not to impede fire vehiGes
9 A building directory shall be required, as noted below _/_/_
X Lighted directory within 20 feet of main entrance(s) to the site
10 A note shall be placed on all plans which clearly indicates the follovnng Emergency access, a _/_/_
mirnmum 26 feet in width and 14 feet, 6 inches in height shall be provided and maintained free and
Gear of any obstructions at all times during construction, in accordance Hnth Fire District Standards
11 Pnor to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit plans and obtain approval from _/_/_
the Fire District for fire lanes on regwred Fire DisVict access roadway less than 40 feet in width The
plans shall indicate the locations of red curbing and signage A drawing of the proposed signage
that meets the minimum Fire District standards shall be submitted to and approved Contact the
Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District at (909) 477-2770 for a copy of the "FD Access -Fire
Lanes" standard
12 Prior to the issuance of any Cert~cate of Occupancy, the fire lanes shall be installed in accordance
with the approved fire lane plan The CC&Rs or other approved documents shall contain a fire lane _/_/_.
map and provisions that prohibit parking in the fire lanes The method of enforcement shall be
documented The CC&Rs shall also identify who is responsible for not less than annual inspection
and maintenance of all required fire lanes
SC-01-02 8 , ` \~ ~~
Prgect N o DRC2001-00380
Comoleaon Date
13 New residential buildings shall post the address with minimum 4-inch numbers on a contrasting _/_/_
background The numbers shall be internally or externally illuminated during periods of darkness
The numbers shall be visible from the street When bwlding setback from the public roadway
exceeds 100 feet, additional 4-inch numbers shall be displayed at the property entry
14 In multi-unit complexes approved address numbers, and/or bwlding identification letters shall be _/
provided on the front and back of all units, swtes, or buildings The Fire District shall review and _
approve the numbering plan in coordination with the City of Rancho Cucamonga
X. Combustible Construction Letter
1 Required Note Prior to the issuance of a bwiding permit for combustible construction, the bwlder _/_/_
shall submit a letter to the Fire Distract on company letterhead stating that water for fire fighting
purposes andthe all weather fire protection access road shall be in place and operational before any
combustible material is placed on-sde
Y. Architectural Building Plans
1 Prior to approval of a site developmenUuse permit, or the issuance of a bwlding permit, whichever _/
occurs first, the applicant shall submit plans for the review and approval of the Fire District Call the _
Fire Construction Services Unit at (909) 477-2713 for the Fire Safety Site/Architectural Notes to be
placed on the plans prior to submittal
Z. Fees
1 Fire District fee(s), plus a $1 00 microfilm fee per "plan page" will be due to the Rancho Cucamonga /
Fire Distract as follows " _
X $132 for Water Plan Review for Public Fire Protection
X $132 for Private Fire Mains or Fire Sprinkler Underground Water Supply
X $132 for Single-family Residential Tract (per phase)
"Note Separate plan check fees for tenant improvement work, fire protection systems (fire
sprinklers, alarm systems, fire extinguishing systems, etc ), and/or any consultant reviews v~nll be
assessed upon separate submittals of plans
AA. Plan Submittal Required Notice
1 Plans shall be submitted and approved prior to construction in accordance vnth 1997/98 Bwlding, _/_/_
Fire, Mechanical, and Plumbing Codes, 1999 Electrical and RCFPD Ordinances FD15 and FD32,
Guidelines and Standards
NOTE Separate plan check fees for tenant improvements, fire protection systems and/or any _/_/
consultant reviews will be assessed at time of submittal of plans
NOTE A separate grading plan check submittal is regwred for all new construction protects and for _/_/_
existing buildings where improvements being proposed will generate 50 cubic yards or more of
combined cut and fill The grading plan shall be prepared, stamped and signed by a California
Registered Professional Ciwl Engineer
Sc-0,-02 9 A,S~ ~S
Staff Report
DATE March 13, 2002
TO Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
FROM Brad Buller, Clty Planner
BY Debra Meier, AICP, Contract Planner
- KB HOME - A proposed Tentative Tract Map consisting of 1 lot for condominium
purposes (204 multi-family dwellings) and three lettered lots for recreational
purposes on 14 O6 acres of land in the Medium High Residential Density (14-24
dwelling units per acre) of the Terra Vista Community Plan, located at the
southeast comer of Base Line Road and Ellena West -APN 227-151-34 Staff
has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for
- KB HOME -The review of detailed site plan and building elevations for Tentative
Tract SUBTT16263, consisting of 204 multi-family dwellings on 14 06 acres of
land in the Medium-High Residential District (14-24 dwelling units per acre) of the
Terra Vista Community Plan, located at the southeast corner of Base Line Road
and Ellena West -APN 227-151-34 Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative
Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration
A Project Densltv 14 5 Dwelling Units Per Acre
B Surrounding Land Use and Zoning -Terra Vista Community Plan (unless othervvise
North -Single-family homes, Victoria Community Plan/Low-Medium Density Residential
(4 to 8 dwelling units per acre)
South - Single-family homes, Low-Medium Density Residential (4 to 8 dwelling units per
East -Residences, Medium Density Residential (8 to 14 dwelling units per acre) and
Low-Medium Density Residential (4 to 8 dwelling units per acre)
West -Shopping Center, Neighborhood Commercial
SUBTT16263 AND DRC2001-00379 - KB HOME
MARCH 13, 2002
Page 2
C General Plan Desionations
Protect Site - Medium High Density Residential (14 to 24 dwelling units per acre)
North -Low-Medium Density Residential (4 to 8 dwelling units per acre)
South - Low-Medwm Density Residential (4 to 8 dwelling units per acre)
East -Medwm Density Residential (8 to 14 dwelling units per acre) and Low-Medwm
Density Residential (4 to 8 dwelling units per acre)
West -Neighborhood Commeraal
D Site Characteristics Tentative Tract SUBTT16263 is located in the northeast quadrant of
the Terra Vista Community Plan This tract, along with Tentative Tract SUBTT16264,
make up the last remaining infill parcels of this quadrant of the Planned Community.
The site is bounded on the north by Base Line Road, the west by Ellena West, and the
south by Terra Vista Parkway. All bordering streets are improved including pavement,
curb, and gutter, and the Base Line Road frontage includes meandering sidewalk and
landscaping The site slopes southerly at an approximate 2 percent gradient There is no
significant vegetation left on the site with the exception of a cluster of three mature
eucalyptus trees located lust south of Base Line Road This site is used by KB HOME and
has two modular trailers for construction staging and storage
E Parkino Calculations
Number Number
Type Number Parking of Spaces of Spaces
of Use of Units Ratio Regwred Provided
2-bedroom Unit 102 1.8/unit 184 204
Regwred in Garage 1 0/unit10 102 204
3-bedroom Unit 102 2.0/unit 204 204
Regwred in Garage 2 0/unit 204 204
Guest Parking 204 .25/unit 51 78
Total 439 486
A General The proposed protect includes 204 units, consisting of three lwo-story townhome
style floor plans, and two single-story floor plans (flats), arranged in one building type,
containing six units each Unit sizes range from 1,065 square feet (two bedrooms) up to
1,957 square feet (three bedrooms) All units have access to an attached two-car garage
from within the unit The townhome-style units have private ground floor yard space .
(minimum 10 feet by 20 feet), while each flat has two balconies per unit for private use
(minimum 6 feet by 8 feet)
C, fl 2
SUBTT16263 AND DRC2001-00379 - KB HOME
MARCH 13, 2002
Page 3
The on-site amenities include a pool and spa, two age-appropriate tot lots, five BBQ/picnic
nodes, a large open turf play area, and an on-site system of walkways around the site
Development of the site will include completion of a Trail Type "E" (a 6-foot wide sidewalk
within 6 feet of additional dedication along the right-way) along Ellena West, connecting
from Base Line Road to Terra Vista Parkway
B Design Review Committee Design Review Committee reviewed this protect on
November 6, 2001, (Stewart, Mannenno, and Fong) and November 20, 2001 (Stewart,
Mannenno and Fong) At the first meeting, the Committee recommended approval of the
budding elevations with stipulations that the applicant incorporate additional details within
the courtyards using a variation of color, the use of stone as entry accents or as
wainscoting, or other trim details and elements or combination thereof The Committee
also suggested that the applicant analyze the location of the pool/spa along the Terra
Vista Parkway street frontage Not only was the Committee concerned that the proposed
location was not centrally located for all residents in the protect, but it seemed to lack
privacy and present an attractive nwsance for non-residents in the area
At the November 20 Committee meeting, the applicant presented revisions to the bwlding
elevations, pertaining to courtyard detailing, and modifications to the Site Plan, relocating
the pool/spa to the interior of the protect site and revised placement of the tot lots All of
the proposed revisions were found to be acceptable to the Committee, and all revisions
have been incorporated into the revised plans, therefore no further conditions of approval
are regwred
C Technical Review/Grading Committees The Technical Review Committee reviewed the
protect on November 7, 2001 All regwrements of the Committee are included as
Conditions of Approval The Grading Committee conceptually approved the protect at its
regularly scheduled meeting of November 6, 2001 There were no other outstanding
issues or extraordinary circumstances identified by either Committee
D Private Open Space In accordance with the Park Development agreement, private parks
and recreation can be given one-half credit toward the provision of parkland, based on the
criteria established in the Park Implementation Plan The open space shall be a)
exclusive of required yards and setbacks, b) privately maintained, c) restricted for
recreational purposes by recording covenants which run with the land and cannot be
deleted without consent of the City Counal, d) 50 percent active in design and function
and be reasonably contiguous in nature, and e) usable for recreational purposes or have
other recreational improvements that will meet the needs of the residents The Open
Space/Park Credit Plan (Exhibit "H") identifies those areas for which park credit is being
requested The total amount of private open space included in the request for park credit
is 51,645 square feet (1 18 acres), 50 percent of this total, 0 59 acres, will be credited
toward park development obligations within Terra Vista Staff recommends approval of the
areas identified on the Private Open Space Exhibits
• E Environmental Assessment An Initial Study was prepared for the protect In addition, an
Acoustical Analysis was prepared to address regwred noise mitigation along Base Line
Road Mitigation is included in the attached resolution to address impacts to air quality,
traffic, and noise
~,n 3
SUBTT16263 AND DRC2001-00379 - KB HOME .
MARCH 13, 2002
Page 4
CORRESPONDENCE This item was advertised as a public heanng in the Inland Valley Dady
Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were marled to all property owners
within a 300-foot radius of the project site.
RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the issuance
of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and adopt the Resolutions of Approval for SUBTT16263
and DRC2001-00379, subject to all Conditions of Approval
Respectfully submitted,
Bra er
City Planner
Attachments. Exhibit "A" - Location Map
Exhibit "B" - Site Plan
Exhibit "C"- Landscape Plan
Exhibit"D"- Grading Plan
Exhibit "E" - Elevations
Exhibit "F" - Floor Plans
Exhibit "G"- Tentative Tract Map
Exhibit "H" - Open Space/Park Credit Plan
Exhibit "I" - Design Review Committee Minutes
Exhibit "J" - Initial Study
Draft Resolu tion Approving Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16263
Draft Resolution Approving Development Review DRC2001-00379
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6'00 p.m. Debra Meier November 6, 2001
Tentative Tract Map consisting of 1-lot for condominium purposes on 14.06 acres of land, within the
Medwm High Residential Density (14-24 dwelling units per acre) of the Terra Vista Community Plan,
located at the southeast comer of Base Lme Road and Ellena West - APN: 227-151-34. Related
file: DRC2001-0379.
DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2001-00379 - KB HOME -The rewew of detailed site plan and
building elevations for Tentative Tract 16263 consisting of 204 multi-familydwellings on 14.06 acres
of land in the Medwm-High Residential District (14-24 dwelling units per acre) of the Terra Vista
Community Plan, located at the southeast comer of Base Line Road and Ellena West- APN: 227-
151-34. Related file: SUBTT16263.
Design Parameters: Tentative Tract 13272 is located in the northwest quadrant of the Terra Vista
Community Plan. Surrounding land uses include Central Paris Plaza (Neighborhood Commeraal)
located on the west side of Ellena West; a vacant parcel that is the site of Tract 15492 (Low
Medium) approved January 2001 and now under construction located on the south side of Terra
Vista Parkway; existing single homes (Low Medium) referred to as "Sorrento",and an existing town
home development (Medwm) referred to as "Northview" along the east boundary of the site; and,
lying north of Base Line Road, existing single-family homes in the Victoria Planned Community (Low
The site is bound on the north by Base Lme Road, on the west by Ellena West, and on the south by
Terra Vista Parkway, all street are improved including pavement, curb and gutter. Sidewalks, tnals,
and landscaping will be regwred with protect approval. The site slopes southerly at an approximate
2 percent gradient, there are no trees or significant vegetation left on the site due to years of disking
and weed control.
Staff Comments• The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee
The protect is an attached town home-style project. Each dwelling has access to an
attached 2-car garage. Pnvate open space is provided through a combination of balconies
and pnvately fenced ground-level rear-yard patio (minimum area 10 feet by 20 feet). The
common open space is provided throughout the site Hnthin large open green play areas,
walkways, two children's tot lots, bar-be~ue/picrnc nodes, and a pool and spa (referto issue
descnbed below). The applicant has not proposed penmeter wallsffences along penmeter
streets (except for patio privacy fencing, which is set back form the streetscape), which
allows on-site landscaping to flow month the parkway landscaping and maximum the
landscape and open space opportunities.
2. The structures are designed using a European styling. The front and side elevations of the
structures ncude a stone wainscot, and some windows include shutters. Additional
detailing should be incorporated (refer to issues identified below) in order to more fully
express the design theme.
,~.ry/.~/T- T /
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TT 16263 8 DRC2001-00379 - KB HOME
. November 6, 2001
Page 2
Design Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion
regarding this project.
Staff has discussed with the applicant the potential for relocation of the pool/spa area to a
central location within the protect The applicant, however, has determined from marketing
research, that although the residents of simlar projects enioy the availabilityof the pool/spa,
the units immediately adjacent to the pool/spa area are the least desirable from a resident
perspective. For this reason the applicant proposed the present location forthe pool/spa to
limit exposure to individual dwellings, and they like the open space window created along
Terra Vista Parkway.
The Committee should review the setting of the pool/spa and consider the appropriateness
to the location for this particular pro/ect.
2. The architectural theme picks up elements that reflect a somewhat European theme;
however, detailing should be expanded to incorporate all sides of the building and the entry
courtyards. The design could incorporate mid-level banding details thatwould allowforcolor
vanation on the elevation, incorporate a more interesting vanety of window trim details that
are incorporated on all elevations; in some instances expand the use of the stone vertically
on the elevation to create more dramatic entnes columns; and other similar architectural
design features.
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Committee discuss and resolve the issues
identified by staff and forward the project to the Planning Commission for review and approval.
Desiran Review Committee Action:
Member Present: Pam Stewart, John Mannenno, Nancy Fong
Staff Planner. Debra Meier
The Committee approved the budding elevations Huth the conditions that the applignt incorporate
design details within the courtyard using vanation in color, the use of stone as entry accents or as
wainscoting, or other trim details and elements or a combination of them. The applicant shall
address these items to the satisfaction of staff, pnor to Planning Commission.
The Committee agreed with staffs comment pertairnng to concerns with respect to the location of
the pool/spa. The Committee suggested that more information was necessary to analyze the
location of the pool/spa in the proposed IocaUon,such as across-section of the site wdh Terra Vista
Parkway, and a street scene along Terra Vista Parkway. Besides the issue of being centralized on
the site, the Committee expressed concern that leaving the pool along the street frontage created an
"attractive nuisance " The Committee suggested also that the applicant examine alternative
locations, such as near the open play area and tot lot in the central portion of the site. The applignt
shall work with staff during the site analysis and return to the Committee with the results of the
recommendations and/or results.
~XyiBi~- r2 C , n ~`~
Gry o! Rancho Cucamonga
Plannm9 Omsron
JUL p 3 2001
(Part I -Initial Study) •
The purpose of this form is to inform the City of the basic components of the proposed
project so that the City may review the project pursuant to City policies, ordinances, and
guidelines; the California Environmental Quality Act; and the City's Rules and Procedures
to Implement CEClA. It is important that the information requested in this application be
provided in full.
INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED Please note that rt rs the responsrblldy o/the applicant to ensue
that the application Is complete at the hme of submittal, Clty staHwlll not be available to peAorm work 2qurn:d !o proade mrssrng
ApplicationNumberlortheprofectlowhichthlsloanpertarns Tentative Tract No. 13232 10213
Protect Title
Name 8 Address o/protect owner(s) KB HOME Greater Los Angeles Inc.
801 Cor orate Center Dr., Suite 201 Pomona CA 91768-2641 •
Name 8 Address o/developerorpro/ect sponsor Same d5 dbOVe
ContactPersonBAddress Mr. Jary Cockroft
Telephone Number (909) 802-1133
Name 8 Address of person prepanng this form (~l different from above)
Telephone Number i
INITSTDI WPD - a/96 ~ ~ O \ v Page 1
Information indicated by astensk (') is not required of non~onstructian CUP's unless otherwise requested by staN.
•1) Provide a lull scale (8-72 x 11) copy o/the USGS Ouadrent Sheet(s) which includes fhe pro/ect site, and indicate the
site boundanes
2) Provide a set of color photogrephs which show representable views into the site from the north, south, east and west;
views into and Irom the site from the pnmary access points which serve the site, and representative views of significant
features from fhe site Include a map showing location of each photograph.
3) Pro/ect Location (descnbe)•
Located at the southeast corner of Baseline Road and Ellen west.
4) Assessors Parcel Numbers (attach additional sheet it necessary): APN 227-151-58
•5) Gross Site Area (ar/sq R) 14.06 acres
• '6) Net Site Area (total site size minus area of public streets 8 proposed dedications)
14.06 acres
7) Descnbe any proposed general plan amendment orzone change which would af/ect fhe pro/ect site (attach additional sheet
it necessary
8) Include a descnption of all permits which will be necessary Irom the City o/Rancho Cucamonga and other governmental
agencies in order to fully implement the pro/ect.
,~ Te..r~+,~o Trait Mao aooroval 2) Design review approval
3 Gradin Permits 4) Buildin Permits
INITSTDI WPD - a/96 ~ ~ 1J \- \ Page 2
9) Descnbe the physical setting ofthe site as rt exists belore the protect including infonnahon on topography, sod stability, plants
and animals, mature frees, trails and roads, drainage courses, and scenic aspects. Descnbe any exrshng structures on sde
(including age and condd~on) and the use of the structures Attach photographs of signdicant features de3cnbed /n addition, •
site all sources of rnlormabon (~.e., geological and/orhydrologrc studies, biotic and aroheo/og~cal surveys, trefTc studies)
This site made of over 14 acres 1s bounded on 3 sides by improved roadways. There
_ is a gentle 2% slope of the land from north to south without any significant
changes in grade except a slope exists on the north side of the site adjacent to
Baseline Road The soil is made up of coarse sand gravel and cobbles. The
_ site is covered with scrub vegetation and nati~ver4rasses and does not have any
trees within its boundary. - --
10) Descnbe the known cultural and/orhrsfoncal aspects o/the sde Sde all sources of ~nlormahon (books, published reports and
oral history)
No know cultural or historical elements have occurred on this site.
11) Descnbe any nose sources and theirlevels that now affect the sde (arn:rett, roadway nose, etc) and how they will affect
proposed uses
Measurable levels of roadway noise are present along existing perimeter
roadways. Construction of sound attenuating perimeter block walls will
mitigate the affect of existing roadway noise to adjacent homes built with .
this pro,7ect.
INITSTDI WPD-4/96 ~~ ~ / ~ Page 3
12) Descnbe the proposed pro/ect ~n deta~t. This should provide an adequate descnphon otthe site in terms o/ultimate use which
well result !rom the prosed protect. lnd~cate d there are proposed phases lordevelopment, the extent of development to occur
with each phase, and the anhupated completion o/each incn;menE. Attach additional sheet(s) d necessary:
The project consists of 204 attached-condominium units. Internal local drives
will be twenty-six feet wide with off-street parking. The local drives will
provide access at two locations to Ellena West. Vehicular access is not proposed
to Baseline Road or Terra Vista Parkway. A type "E" Trail will be built on the
east side of Ellena West, to Terra Vista Parkway.
13) Descnbefhesurround~ngproperties,Intludrngrnlormahononplanfsandanimalsandanycultural,h~stoncal,orscenicaspects.
Indicate the type ol~and use (rns~denhal, commeroral, etc), intensity of land use (one-lamely, apartment houses, shops,
department scores, etc) and scale ofdevelopment (height, /rontage, setback, rear yard, etc )
This project is bounded on three sides by fully improved streets. To the north
are developed single family tracts with one and two story homes; to the east is
127 unit two story townhome project at 11.2 DU/acre density; to the south is an
- undeveloped 33 acre parcel with an approved tentative map and design review for
139 single family homes and to the west is Central Park Plaza, a single story
(cont. on separate sheet)
14) Will the proposed protect change the pattern, scale orcha2cterolthe surrounding general area o/the prolect~
INITSTDI WPD - ar96 v ~ Y ~\ Page 4
13. (cont.)
retail center. All the developed tracts meet either the Terra Vista S
Community Plan or Victoria Specific Plan requirements.
C ~ 0 22
15) lndreate the type olshort-term and long-term norse to be generated, rncludmg source and amount How wdi these norse levels
affect adjacent propertres and on-srte uses What methods olsound proofing are proposed? ,
'16) lndreate proposed removals and/or replacements of mature orscenrc trees:
Trees of this nature do not exist on this property.
17) lndreate any bodres of wafer (mcludmg domestic watersupplies) rnto whrch the srte drarns-
This site drains into City of Rancho Cucamonga Master Planned Storm Drain
• iB) lndrcate expected amount o/wa(erusage (See Attachment A Iorusage estrmates) Forlurtherclanfrcatron, please contact
the Cucamonga County WaterDrsfnct at 987-2591
a Resrdentral(gauday) 600 gal/day Peak use(gal/Day) 1200 gal/day
b CommercraUlnd (gaUday/ac)
Peak use (gaUmrNac)
19) lndrcate proposed method of sewage disposal Septic Tank x Sewer If septic tanks are proposed, attach
peroolatron tests 1I discharge to a sanitary sewage system rs proposed rndrcate expected daily sewage generation (See
AttachmentA/orusageeshmates) Forlurtherclanficahon,pleasecontacttheCucamongaCountyWaferDrstnctat987-2591
a Resrdentral(gal/day) 270 gal/day
b CommercraUlnd (gaUday/ac)
20) Number of resrdenbal unds
Detached (mdreate 2nge of parcel saes, minimum lot srze and maximum lot srze
C ~ ~ ~~ Page 5
Attached (indicate whether units are rental orPor sale units):
204 for sale units
21) Anbcrpated range o/sale prices and/or rents:
Sale Price(s) S to Y
Rent (per month) S to S
22) Specrly number o/bedrooms by and rype•
Plan 1-3: 2 bedrooms
Plan 4-6: 3 bedrooms
23) Indicate anticipated household size by unit rype•
Plans 1-3: 2-4 person household
Plans 4-6: 2-6 person household ,
24) Indicate the expected number of school children who will be rnsrdmg within the pro/ecY Contact the appropriate School
Districts as shown rn Attachment B.
a Elementary 204 x 0.66 = 134.64
(K-5) 204 x 0.21 = 42.84
b JumarHrgh
~6-8) 204 x 0.20 = 40.80
c error High
25) Describe rype of use(s) and malorlunchon(s) olcommercral, industrial orrnstrtutional uses'
26) Total Boor area oI commercial, mdustnal, or rnsbfubonal uses by type
INITSTDt WPD - 4/96 C ~J 2~ Page 6
• 27) Indicate hours of operation.
28) Number of employees• Total•
Maxrmum SMtt:
Time of Maxrmum Shrft
29) Provide breakdown of anticrpatedlob classrficatrons, including wage and salary ranges, as well as an rndicatron of the 21e
of hire for each classrficat~on (attach additional sheet r(necessaryJ
30) Eslrma(ron of the number of worlrers to be hind that curtently reside in the Crty
.'31) For commercial and industrial uses only, indicate the source, type and amount of air pollution emissions (Data should be
verified Through the South Coast Air Qualdy Management Distncl, at (818) 572-8283)
32) Have the water, sewer, fire, and Rood con(rol agencies serving the pro/ect been contacted to determine therrabd~ty to provide
adequate service to the proposed prolect~ Il so, please indicate them n:sponse
INITSTDt WPD • 4/96 9e ~
33) In the known h+story of this propeRy, has there been any use, storage, or discharge of hazardous and/or tox+c materials?
Examples of hazardous and/or toxic materials +nclude, but an; not l~m+ted to PCB's; redioachve substances; peshudes and
herb+c+des, fuels, o+ls, solvents, and othertlammable I+qu+ds and gases Also note underground storage of any o/the above.
Please l+st the materials and describe fhe+r use, storage, and/or discharge on the property, as well as the dates o! use, +f
34) Will the proposed protect involve the temporary orlong-term use, storage or discharge of hazardous and/or tox+c
materials, includ+ng but not l+mited to those examples listed above II yes, provide an inventory of all such materials to be
used and proposed method of disposal The location of such uses, along w+fh the storage and shipment areas, shall be
shown and labeled an the application plans.
I hereby certify Thal the statements lumished above and +n the attached exhib+ts present the data and inlormalion required for
adequate evaluation of this protect to the best of my ability, that the /acts, statements, and in/ormation presented are true and
correct tat he best of my knowledge and belief I further understand that additional info ati maybe required to be submitted
before an adequate evaluat+on can be made by the C+ty of Ralr ehmCucamonga ~~
Date July 3, 2001 Signature
C. O 2~
City of Rancho Cucamonga
1. Project File: Tentative Tract 16263 (formerly 13272) and Development Review
2. Description of Project: The proposed subdiwsion of 14 O6 acres of land into 1 lot for
condominium purposes and three lettered lots for recreational purposes and the review of
detailed site plan and building elevations for 204 multi-family condominum units within the
Medwm-High Residential Density (14-24 dwelling units per acre) of the Terra Vista
Community Plan, located at the southeast corner of Base Line Road and Ellena West
APN: 227-151-34
3. Project Sponsor's Name and Address:
KB HOME Greater Los Angeles Inc
801 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 201
Pomona, CA 91768-2641
4. General Plan Designation: Medium-High (14-24 dwelling units per acre)
5. Zoning: Terra Vista Commurnty Plan -Medwm-High Density (14-24 dwelling units per
6. Surrounding Land Uses and Setting: Tentative Tract 16263 is located m the northeast
quadrant of the Terra Vista Community Plan Surrounding land uses include Central Park
Plaza (NC) located on the west side of Ellena West, Tract 15492 (LM) approved January
2001, and now under construction located on the south side of Terra Vista Parkway,
existing single-family homes (LM) referred to as "Sorrento", and an existing town home
development (M) referred to as "Northview" along the east boundary of the site, and
existing single-family homes m the Victoria Planned Community (LM) lying north of Base
Line Road
The site is bound on the north by Base Line Road, the west by Ellena West, and on the
south by Terra Vista Parkway All bordering streets are improved including pavement,
curb, and gutter The Base Line Road frontage also includes meandering sidewalk,
landscaping special comer treatment Sidewalks, trails, and landscaping will be required
with protect approval The site slopes southerly at an approximate 2 percent gradient,
there is no significant vegetation left on the site due to years of disang and weed control,
with the exception of a cluster of three mature eucalyptus trees located lust south of
Base Line Road This site has also been used as a KB HOME information center, which
was recently removed, and has two construction trailers and a fenced construction staging
area that was used prior to beginning construction of Tracts 15174 and 15492
7. Lead Agency Name and Address:
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Planning Division
10500 Ciwc Center Drive
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 C ~ ~ 2~'
Initial Study for
Tentative Tract 16263 and DRC2001-00379
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Page 2
8. Contact Person and Phone Number:
Debra Meier, AICP, Contract Planner
(909) 477-2750
The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this pro)ect, involving
at least one impact that is "Potentially Significant Impact," "Potentially Significant Impact Unless
Mitigation Incorporated," or "Less Than Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the
following pages.
()Land Use and Planning (x) Transportation/Circulation ()public Services
()Population and Housing ()Biological Resources
(x) Geological Problems ()Energy and Mineral Resources ()Utilities and Service Systems
()Hazards (x) Aesthetics
(x) Water (x) Noise (x) Cultural Resources
(x) Air Quality x Mandato Findin s of SI nificance ()Recreation
On the basis of this initial evaluation:
(X) I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the
environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the
mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the
project, or agreed to, by the applicant. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION
will be prepared.
Signed G~~'~ (/
Debra Meier, AICP
Contract Planner
January 30, 2002
Pursuant to Section 15063 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, an
explanation is required for all "Potentially Significant Impact," "Potentially Significant Impact
Unless Mitigation Incorporated," and "Less Than Significant Impact" answers, including a
discussion of ways to mitigate the significant effects identified
Irtpaq Less
Issues and Su ortin Information Sources
PP 9 Pofentally
Significant unless
MN~bon Than
I p Into led I C I tl
LAND USE AND PLANNING. Would the proposal
a) Conflict with general plan designation or zoning
O O O (X)
~,fl ~
Initial Study for
Tentative Tract 16263 and DRC2001-00379
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Page 3
hryad Less
Issues and Su ortm Information Sources Polenbally unless than
PP g Sipnifipnt MNgaYOn Slgnifimnt No
I C Into tee I ct I d
b) Conflict with applicable environmental plans or () () () (X)
pollees adopted by agenaes with lunsdiction over
the protect?
c) Be incompatible with existing land use in the () () () (X)
d) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an () () () (X)
established community
a-d) The proposed protect is designed in conformance with all applicable standards and
gwdelines of the Tera Vista Community Plan. No increase in building density or
Plan Amendment is proposed.
bryecl Less
Issues and Su ortm Information Sources
PP 9 Pa°"any
Slpnlfitbnt unleea
Mib~tlan Than
I a m tee I a I ct
2. POPULATIONAND HOl15ING. Would the proposal
a) Cumulatively exceed offiaal regional or local () () () (X)
population prolections~
b) Induce substantial growth in an area either directly () () () (X)
or indirectly (e.g , through protects m an
undeveloped area or extension of major
c) Displace existing housing, especially affordable () () () (X)
a-c) Construction activities will be short-term and will not attract new employees to the
area The proposed subdivision for condominium purposes will result in new
residents to the area, however, the proposed density of development has been
anticipated since the adoption of the Terra Vista Community Plan m 1983 The site
is void of existing structures and will not impact existing housing units
Impact Less
Issues and Su ortm Information Sources
PP g Potentially
Sipmfignl unless
Mitlgabon Than
I C In tee I I C
3. GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS. Would the proposal result m or
expose people to potential impacts involving.
a) Fault ruptures () () () (X)
b) Seismic ground shakings O O (X) ( )
c) Seismic ground failure, including liquefactions () () (X) ( )
d) Seiche hazards () () () (X)
e) Landslides or mudflows~ () () () (X)
C,fl ZA
Initial Study for
Tentative Tract 16263 and DRC2001-00379
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Page 4
Inpan Lea
Issues and Su ortin Information Sources
PP g P°"niw.ly
Signifi®nl u"lea
MNga4on Tian
I n Inm tea I n I n
t) Erosion, changes in topography, or unstable soil () () () (X)
conditions from excavation, grading, or fill
g) Subsidence of the lands () () () (X)
h) Expansive soils () () () (X)
i) Unique geologic or physical features () () () (X)
a-c) No known earthquake faults pass through the site, it is not in an Algwst-Paolo
Special Studies Zone, nor is it in the Rancho Cucamonga City Specal Study Zone
along the Red Hill Fault. The Red Hill Fault passes within approximately 1'/2 miles
north and west of the site, and the Cucamonga Fault Zone lies approximately 4Yz
miles northerly These faults are both capable of producng N1w 6.0 to 7.0
earthquakes Also, the San Jacinto Fault, capable of producing up to Mw 7 5
earthquakes, is approximately 14 miles northeast of the site, and the San Andreas
Fault, capable of producng Mw 8.2 earthquakes, is approximately 15 miles northeast
of the site. Each of these faults can produce strong ground shaking The site is
located on stable soils, which are typically not subject to liquefaction Adherence to
the Uniform Building Code will ensure the geologic impacts are less than significant
on residential construction
d) The site is not located near a body of water.
e-f) The site has a relatively gentle grade, so landslides or mudflows are not likely to
occur and grading will be required only to create proper drainage and development
of appropriate building pad areas
g-h) Sod type on-site and in the vicinity is Tulunga-Delhi soil association These sod are
typically excessively drained, moderately sloping soils formed on alluvial fans They
are relatively stable, but are not subject to liquefaction when the water table is
relatively shallow Prior to issuance of budding permits, a sods report will be regwred
by the Building and Safety Division The impact is not considered significant
Q The site contains no unique geologic or physical features
Inpaol Lea
Issues and Su ortin Information Sources
PP 9 Potentially
SiB^~fieanl Unlea
Mitigd4on Than
I n mm lee I n 1 n
4. WATER Will the proposal result ~n
a) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or () () (X) ( )
the rate and amount of surface water runoff
b) Exposure of people or property to water related () () () (X)
hazards such as flooding
c) Discharge into surface water or other alteration of () () () (X)
surface water quality (e g ,temperature, dissolved
oxygen, or turbidity)
C, D ~o
Initial Study for
Tentative Tract 16263 and DRC2001-00379
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Paoe 5
I~aa Less
Issues and Su ortin Information So
r Polmbally unlea Than
PP 9 SIBNfi"anl MibBabm SiBeuficanl No
I a Inw lea I a I a
al ~nanges in the amount of surtace water m any O O O (X)
water body
e) Changes in currents, or the course or direction of () () () (X)
water movements
f) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either () () () (X)
through direct additions or withdrawals, or through
interception of an agwfer by cuts or excavations, or
through substantial loss of groundwater recharge
g) Altered direction or rate of flow of groundwater () () () (X)
h) Impacts to groundwater quality? () () () (X)
i) Substantial reduction m the amount of groundwater () () () (X)
otherwise available for public water supplies
a) The protect is expected to result m changes in absorption rates and drainage pattern
Three sides of the site perimeter are bound by improved streets, mcludmg curbs and
gutters. The site slopes gently from north to south at approximately 2 percent
gradient A drainage study indicating how storm water wdl be directed to the existing
storm drains m the immediate area must be approved by the City Engineer pnor to
issuance of grading permits.
b) The site is not located within a 100-year flood plain
c-e) The protect site is not lopted near a body of water
f-i) The project wdl not alter the course or direction of groundwater, nor have any contact
with groundwater which would impact groundwater quality
Irryaa Less
Issues and Su ortin Information Sources Polmbally u"'«~ Than
PP 9 SiBNfiGaa hbbpabm SiBNRmni No
I a m lea I a I a
5. AIR QUALITY. Would the proposal
a) Violate any air quality standard or contnbute to an () (X) () ( )
existing or protected air quality violation
b) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants () (X) () ( )
c) Alter air movement, moisture, or temperature, or () () () (X)
cause any change in climate
d) Create obtectionable odors () () () (X)
a) The proposed protect was screened using Urban Emission Model 7G (URBEMIS7G)
prepared by Jones & Stokes under the gwdance of the San Joaquin Valley Urnfied
Au Pollution Control Distract, the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District, and
c, ~ ~~
Initial Study for
Tentative Tract 16263 and DRC2001-00379
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Page 6
the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) The program
generates emissions estimates for land use development protects The criteria
pollutants screened for included reactive organic gases (ROG), nitrous oxides
(NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and particulates (PM,p) Default values were used
where project speafic information was unavailable Though not regwred,
construction emissions are screened and quantified to document the effectiveness of
control measures (Table 1)
The operational mobile source emissions were calculated using the Institute of
Traffic Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual 6th edition values programmed into
the URBEMIS7G model In order to reflect the residential nature of the proposed
project, the default fleet mix was modified to decrease the number of medwm to
heavy-duty diesel trucks and increase the number of light passenger vehicles The
protect operational emissions do not exceed SCAQMD thresholds of significance
(Table 2) However, since the South Coast Air Basin is ninon-attainment status for
ozone and suspended particulates (PM,o), mitigation measures will be used to
minimize the project contribution to regional emission of criteria pollutants
Table 1
URBEMIS7G Construction Emissions Summary
(Pounds per Day)
Source ROG NO. CO PM,o
Unmet Met Unmet Met Unmet. Met Unmd Met
Gradin 3 75 3 75 50 02 47.52 - - 24 64 10 31
Worker Tn s 0 60 0 60 0.85 0 85 1 62 1 62 0 16 0 16
Stationa E ui 034 0.34 0 27 0.27 - - 0 02 0 02
Mobile E ui 3 12 2 96 28 80 27 36 - - 2 23 2 12
Arch Coatm s 70 76 67 22 - - - - - -
As halt 1 60 1 52 - - - - - -
Totals 80 17 76 21 79 95 76 01 1 62 1 62 27 05 12 61
SCAQMDThres 75 75 100 100 550 550 150 150
Si rnficance Yes Yes No No No No No No
Table 2
URBEMIS7G Operations Emissions Summary
(Pounds per Day)
Source ROG NOx CO PM,o
Unmet Met Unmet Met Unmet Met Unmet Met
Area Source 0 12 0 11 1 54 1 43 0 65 0 60 0 00 0 00
Mobile Source 23 19 23 19 16 36 16 36 179 73 179 73 8 56 8 56
Totals 23 31 23 30 17 90 17 79 180 38 180 33 8.56 8 56
SCAQMDThres 55 55 55 55 550 550 150 150
Si nificance No No No No No No No No
C, fl 32
Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga
Tentative Tract 16263 and DRC2001-00379 Page 7
Generally, construction of a protect this size will not exceed SCAQMD thresholds
during grading activities for PM,o and NOx, nor SCAQMD thresholds for developed
condition (operational impacts) for NOx Tables 1 and 2 show protect impacts before
and after mitigation measures have been implemented Sensitive receptors in the
area includes both single-family residential and town home development on the east
boundary (Tracts 14407 and 13304) and single-family on the north side of Base Line
Road (Tract 13260) During grading, fugitive dust (PM,o) will be generated, therefore,
since there are sensitive receptors east and north of the site, and since the state is m
a non-attainment for PM,o, fugitive dust will be mitigated by the following
1. The site shall be treated with water or other soil-stabilizing agent
(approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) daily to reduce PM,o emissions, in
accordance with SCAQMD Rule 403.
2. Streets surrounding the site shall be swept according to a schedule
established by the City to reduce PM,o emissions associated with vehicle
tracking of soil off-site. Timing may vary depending upon time of year of
3. Grading operations shall be suspended when wind speeds exceed
25 mph to minimize PM,o emissions from the site during such episodes.
4. Chemical soil-stabilizers (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) shall be
applied to all inactive construction areas that remain inactive for 96 hours
• or more to reduce PM,o emissions.
b) During construction, exhaust emissions from construction vehicles and egwpment
and fugitroe dust generated by vehicles and egwpment traveling over exposed
surfaces will increase NO, and PM,o levels in the area Table 1 shows a summary of
construction emissions with and without mitigation measures Additionally
architectural coating (paint) will exceed the SCAQMD threshold for ROGs Mitigation
measure No 8 will decrease ROG emissions by 3 96 pounds per day, however,
emissions will still be 1.21 pounds above the SCAQMD threshold The impact is not
considered significant, as emission from painting will cease once these activties are
complete The following mitigation measures will ensure that impacts to sensitive
receptors will be at less than significant levels
5. The construction contractor shall select the construction equipment used
on-site based on low-emission factors and high-energy efficiency. The
construction contractor shall ensure the construction grading plans
include a statement that all construction equipment will be tuned and
maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
6. The construction contractor shall utilize electric or clean alternative
fuel-powered equipment where feasible.
7. The construction contractor shall ensure that construction-grading plans
include a statement that work crews will shut off equipment when not in
. use.
8. Contractor shall use low volatile organic compound (VOC) coatings and
asphalt. Structural painting shall be spread out over a period of 55 days
or more. C 1 ~ ~~
Initial Study for
Tentative Tract 16263 and DRC2001-00379
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Page 8
c-d) The proposed protect is not of the size, scope, or nature to generate emissions that
could cause Gimatic changes or objectionable odors
I,ryan Less
Issues and Su ortin Information Sources `°""'~"y ""'~ '"a"
PP 9 Signficant Mibgabon SipiYfi®nt No
I n Inm leo I n I n
result ~n:
a) Increased vehicle trips or traffic congestion
b) Hazards to safety from design features (e g ,sharp
curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible
uses (e g ,farm equipment)
c) Inadequate emergency access or access to nearby
Insufficient parking capacity on-site or off-site
Hazards or bamers for pedestrians or bicyclists
Conflicts with adopted
alternative transportation
bicycle racks)
Red or air traffic impacts
pollees supporting
(e g., bus turnouts,
(X) ( )
() (X)
() (X)
() (X)
() (X)
() (X)
() (X)
a-f) The proposed 204 multi-family urnts will generate approximately 1,224 taps per day
(an average of 6 taps per day per household) The land use is consistent with the
Terra Vista Community Plan, including the regwred master plan street improvements
and related facilities in the immediate area, including installation of a traffic signal:
1. Install a traffic signal at the intersection of Ellena West and Base Line
At the time of budding permit issuance, the applicant is regwred to pay Traffic Impact
Fees as established by the Cdy Counal to offset the incremental increase in traffic as
a result of the project
g) Located over 3 miles northerly of the Ontario Airport, the site is northerly of the flight
path and will not be dangerous to users or aircraft
Impan Less
Issues and Su ortin Information Sources
PP g Polenbally
Significant unless
Mibwbon 7nan
I n Inco lee I n I n
7. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal result
m impacts to
a) Endangered, threatened, or rare species or their () () () (X) .
habitats (including, but not limited to plants, fish,
insects, arnmals, and birds)
b) Locally designated speces (e g , heritage trees, () () () (X)
eucalyptus windrow, etc )~
C ~ fl ~~
Initial Study for
Tentative Tract 16263 and DRC2001-00379
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Page 9
Inped Less
Issues and Supportin
Information Sources Potentially Unless Than
g Signfi®nl MNgabon Significant No
I cl Inco tetl I n I n
cl uorauy cesignatea natural communmes (e g , O O O (X)
eucalyptus grove, sage scrub habitat, etc )~
d) Wetland habitat (e g , marsh, riparian, and veinal () () () (X)
e) Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors () () () (X)
a) The site is not within an identified habitat area for any endangered speaes Native
vegetation was cleared from the site in 1984 and annual weed and erosion control
measures have been undertaken annually since that time
b-c) Although previously in vineyard cultivation, the site was graded to a "super-pad"
condition in 1984 when much of Terra Vista was rough graded There is a cluster of
three mature eucalyptus trees located lust south of Base Line Road, therefore, a
Tree Removal Permit wdl be necessary prior to the issuance of the Grading Permit
d) There are no riparian or wetland habitat on-site
e) The site is undeveloped, however, this site has been used as a KB HOME
information center, which was recently removed, and has two construction traders
and a fenced construction staging area that was used prior to beginning construction
of tract 15174 and 15492 Development in the vanity has eliminated any wildlife
corridors that may have occurred in the past
Issues and Supportin
Information Sources
P°'"^'°ilr Imrecl
unless Less
g $ip,afi®nl MNgatlon Slgnflrant No
I d In toE I ct I d
a) Conflict with adopted energy conservation plans () () () (X)
b) Use non-renewable resources in a wasteful and () () () (X)
inefficient manner
c) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral () () () (X)
resource that would be of future value to the region
and the residents of the State
a-b) The protect will be regwred to conform to applicable City standards for energy
c) The site is not designated by State Aggregate Resources Area according to the City
• General Plan, Figure IV-1, and Table IV-1, therefore, there is no impact
C, fl 3S
Initial Study for
Tentative Tract 16263 and DRC2001-00379
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Page 10
Impoa Less
Issues and Su ortin Information Sources
PP 9 P°'""~"y
Sipnifirant u"""
MNpab°n '"e"
I a Inm lee I a I a
9. HAZARDS. Would the proposal involve
a) A nsk of acadental explosion or release of () () () (X)
hazardous substances (including, but not limited to.
oil, pesticides, chemicals, or radiation)
b) Possible interference with an emergency response () () () (X)
plan or emergency evacuation plan?
c) The creation of any health hazard or potential () () () (X)
health hazard?
d) Exposure of people to existing sources of potential () () () (X)
health hazards
e) Increased fire hazard in areas with flammable () () () (X)
brush, grass, or trees
a-e) There is no evidence of commercial or industrial uses other than the pnor vineyard
cultivation No evidence of discarded drums, containers, hazardous wastes, or
discolored soils are observed There ~s no indication of und erground storage tanks
or illegal dumping or refuse on-site
Inpaa Less
Issues and Supporting Information Sources ~m°„ ,~„"~°e „ ~,~ an, N°
I a I lee I a I a
10. NOISE. Will the proposal result in
a) Increases in existing noise levels () (X) () ( )
b) Exposure of people to severe noise levels () (X) () ( )
a) The pnmary existing noise source in the protect area is transportation corndors
Traffic along Base Line Road is the predominant source contnbuting to the ambient
noise level in the area However, construction of the proposed protect would
potentially result in relatively high noise levels and annoyance at the closest
residences The following measures, as regwred by the Development Code, would
reduce short-term construction-related noise impacts associated with the proposed
1. Dunng all project site excavation and grading, the project contractors
shall equip all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, with properly
operating and maintained mufflers consistent with manufacturers
2. The project contractor shall place all stationary construction equipment
so that emitted noise is directed away from sensitive receptors nearest
the project site.
C , 9 ~~
Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga
Tentative Tract 16263 and DRC2001-00379 Page 11
3. The construction contractor shall locate equipment staging in areas that
will create the greatest distance between construction related noise and
the noise-sensitive receptors nearest the project site during all project
4. During all project site construction, the construction contractor shall limit
all construction related activities that would result in high noise level to
between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday.
No construction shall be allowed on Sundays and public holidays.
b) The proposed on-site residential dwellings would be exposed to traffic noise level
potential exceeding 65 dBA, Ldn (A-weighted sound level, day/night noise level)
standard in outdoor activity areas, or exceeding 45dBA in interior areas, as analyzed
in the Acoustical Analysis prepared by Gordon Bncken 8 Associates Therefore, the
following mitigation will be required
5. Minimum 5-foot high sound barrier above the pad grade must be
constructed along Terra Vista Parkway.
6. A minimum 2-foot high sound barrier above street grade shall be
constructed along Base line Road.
7. STC 28 glazing shall be used in all second floor windows with asight-line
to Terra Vista Parkway.
8. STC 32 glazing shall be used in all second floor windows with asight-line
of Base Line Road.
InpacY Less
Issues and Su ortin Information Sources P°ten~Ily uNess "'°"
PP 9 Si9~fimnt MNgsOOn Sipnlfi®nl N°
I ct In tetl I cl I cf
11. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal have an effect
upon or result in a need for new or altered government
services m any of the following areas
a) Fire protections () () () (X)
b) Police protections O O O (X)
c) Schools () () () (X)
d) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads () () () (X)
e) Other governmental services () () () (X)
a-e) Fire Protection -The site, located on Base Line Road at Ellena West, will be served
by a fire station located near Base Line Road east of Day Creek Channel, or Milliken
Avenue near Banyan Avenue Standard Conditions of Approval of the Uniform
Bwlding and Fire Codes are placed upon protect approval
Police Protection -The proposed residential subdwision will incrementally increase
the need for routine police protection services, consistent with the City of Rancho
Cucamonga General Plan and Development Impact Fee schedule adopted by the
City Council ~ `~ ~~
Initial Study for
Tentative Tract 16263 and DRC2001-00379
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Pape 12
Schools -The proposed project is located within the Terra Vista Community, which
has agreements with the affected school distracts to fund school construction
Parks -The proposed project is located within the Terra Vista Community, which has
a Park Implementation Agreement approved by the City Council, through which park
sites are developed for the entire Community Plan area
Public Facilities -The proposed residential subdivision would incrementally increase
traffic on adjacent streets, consistent with the City of Rancho Cucamonga General
Plan and Development Impact Fee Schedules adopted by the City Councl
Irtpatl Less
Issues and Su ortm Information Sources
PP 9 Potentially
9gNflwnt u"'°'
MNPdban "~"
I tl In tetl I tl I tl
proposal result in a need for new systems or supplies or
substantial alterations to the following uhld~es
a) Power or natural gasp () () () (X)
b) Communication systems? () () () (X)
c) Local or regional water treatment or distnbution () () () (X)
d) Sewer or septic tanks () () () (X)
e) Storm water drainages () () () (X)
f) Solid waste disposals () () () (X)
g) Local or regional water supplies () () () (X)
a-g) The proposed project will include the construction of 204 condominwm residences
The proposed development will extend as necessary existing utility into the site as a
condition of development The proposed project will not regwre major modification
or alterations to the existing utility infrastructure in immediate area
Inpatl Less
Issues and Su ortm Information Sources
PP 9 P°'""~"y
SIBMflwnt u"'~
Mitigation """
I C Inw tetl I atl I tl
13. AESTHETICS. Would the proposal
a) Affect a scenic vista or scenic highways () () () (X)
b) Have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effects () () () (X)
c) Create light or glares () () (X) ( )
a-b) The proposed residential condominium project is located adjacent to Base Line
Road, Terra Vista Parkway, and Ellena West and must be developed in
conformance with the landscape and streetscape guidelines of the Terra Vista
Community Plan and the Base Line Road Beautification Master Plan The
residential structures have been reviewed by the City of Rancho Cucamonga Design
Rewew Committee for conformance with residential design guidelines
C ~ .Y 3~
Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga
Tentative Tract 16263 and DRC2001-00379 Page 13
c) The proposed protect development will increase the number of streetlights and
security lighting used in the immediate vanity Due to the nature of existing
residential and commeraal development in the area surrounding the site, the
impacts of IighUglare will not be significant
Inpacl Lm
Issues and Su ortin Information So
rc P°"nhally u"'~ Than
PP 9 Sigrufimnl MNgahon SiBnifiont No
I cl Inv te0 I cl 1 C
14. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal.
a) Disturb paleontological resources () () () (X)
b) Disturb archaeological resources () () () (X)
c) Affect historical or cultural resources () () (X) ( )
d) Have the potential to cause a physical change () () () (X)
which would affect unique ethnic cultural values
e) Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the () () () (X)
potential impact area
a-e) Although no cultural resources have been observed during previous grading and site
maintenance, additional grading on the site may expose or unearth historic cultural
resources As the site is approximately 14 acres in size, and much of the
surrounding area has previously been developed, the likelihood of unearthing
cultural resources is mammal and impacts are considered to be less than significant.
In the event that any such resources are discovered, the contractor wdl be required
to contact the owner of the site and the San Bernardino County Museum for the
proper recovery, removal, or documentation
Ir,pact Less
Issues and Su ortin Informat
n S
r Potenhally unbaa Than
PP 9 Slgnifitanl MlBpahon siBNfi®nt No
I N In teE 1 N I h
15. RECREATION. Would the proposa/•
a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or regional () () () (X)
parks or other recreational faclities~
b) Affect existing recreational opportunities () () () (X)
a) The proposed protect consisting of 204 multi-family attached condominium homes
will incrementally increase the use of existing parks within Terra Vista However, a
Park Implementation Agreement was adopted by the City Counal, which sets
standards for park development within Terra Vista As an attached residential
protect, on-site amenities have been provided in conformance with Development
Code Section 17 08 040 H
• b) The proposed subdivision is located westerly of Terra Vista Park, which is the park
nearest to the proposed development The proposed protect wdl not negatively
impact the use or entoyment of any of the existing parks within Terra Vista or the
City of Rancho Cucamonga
C~fl ~~
Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga
Tentative Tract 16263 and DRC2001-00379 Page 14
Impact Less
Issues and Su ortin Information Sources
PP 9 FelenWlly
Significant unless
MNgabon Than
I tl Inco letl I C 1 ct
a) Potential to degrade: Does the protect have the () () () (X)
potential to degrade the quality of the environment,
substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife
species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop
below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a
plant or animal community, reduce the number or
restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or
animal, or eliminate important examples of the
maior periods of California history or prehistory
b) Short term: Does the protect have the potential to () (X) () ( )
achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-
term, environmental goals (A short-term impact
on the environment is one which occurs in a
relatnrely brief, definitive period of time. Long-tens
impacts will endure well into the future )
c) Cumulative: Does the protect have impacts that ( )
are indrndually limited, but cumulatively
considerable ("Cumulatively considerable" means
that the incremental effects of a protect are
considerable when viewed in connection wdh the
effects of past protects, the effects of other current
protects, and the effects of probable future
protects )
d) Substantial adverse: Does the protect have ( )
environmental effects which will cause substantial
adverse effects on human beings, either directly or
a) The site is not within an identified habitat area for any endangered species. Native
vegetation was cleared from the site in 1984 At that time, the vineyard was
removed and the site was graded to a "superpad" condition Annual erosion and
weed control measures have been undertaken annually since that time There is a
cluster of three existing eucalyptus trees that will be removed during construction
The temporary construction trailers will also be removed at the time of protect
b) The protect site is approximately 14 acres in size and grading will entail establishing
proper drainage and residential building pads suitable for future residential attached
condominium development Although the short-term construction activities may
result in dust and noise, which may be noticeable to existing residents in the
immediate area, significant impacts are avoided through implementation of the
mitigation measures included in the Initial Study
C \~ ~O
India) Sludy for Gity of Rancho Cucamonga
Tentative Tract 16263 and DRC2001-00379 Page 15
• c) The site is within the Terra Vista Community Plan, which permits residential density
in the range of 14 to 24 dwelling units per acre at this site, and the proposed project
is consistent with the City of Rancho Cucamonga General Plan that was recently
adopted along wdh the certification of a Program EIR, Findings of Fact, and a
Statement of Overriding Consideration for significant adverse environmental effects
of build-cut in the City and sphere of influence The City made findings that adoption
of the General Plan would result in significant adverse effects to air quality, the
acoustical environment, library services, and aesthetics and visual resources
Mitigation measures were adopted for each of these resources, however they would
not reduce impacts to less than significant levels AS such, the City adopted
statements of oven'iding consideration balancing the benefits of development under
the General Plan update against the sigmficant unavoidable adverse impacts (CEQA
Guidelines Section 15092 and 15096(h) These benefits Include less overall traffic
volumes by developing mixed-use protects that will be pedestrian friendly and
conservation of valuable natural open space With these findings and statements of
overnding consideration, no further discussion or evaluation of cumulative impacts is
d) The proposed development on 14 acres would not cause substantial adverse effects
on human beings, edher directly or indirectly The site is located on aLow-Medium
pensity Residential parcel along Milliken Avenue at Terra Viate Parkway
Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA
process, one or more effects have been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or Negative
Declaration per Section 15063(c)(3)(D) The effects identified above for this project were within
the scope of and adequately analyzed in the following earlier document(s) pursuant to
applicable legal standards, and such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on
the earlier analysis. The following earlier analyses were utilized in completing this India) Study
and are available for review in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Planning Division offices, 10500
Civic Center Dnve (check all that apply).
(X) General Plan EIR
(October 2001)
(X) Terra Vista Planned Gommunity EIR
(SCH #81082808, certified February 18, 1983)
(X) Acoustical Analysis, prepared by Gordon Bricken & Associates, January 2002
I certify that I am the applicant for the project described in this Initial Study. I acknowledge that I
have read this Initial Study and the proposed mitigation measures Further, I have revised the
project plans or proposals and/or hereby agree to the proposed mtigation measures to avoid
the effects or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no sigmficant environmental effects.
would occur
• Signature
Date: ~ ~~ Oar
to d ~ ~. ~ ~ / i w A ~a / ~ ..
Pnnt Name
C ~9 y\
City of Rancho Cucamonga
The following Negative Declaration is being circulated for public review In accordance with the
California Environmental Quality Act Section 21091 and 21092 of the Public Resources Code.
Project File No.: Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16263 (formerly Tentative Tract 13272) and Development
Review DRC2001-00379
Public Review Period Closes: March 13, 2002
Project Name: Project Applicant: KB Home of Greater Los Angeles, Inc
Project Location (also see attached map): Located at the southeast corner of Base Llne Road and Ellena
West-APN 227-151-34
Project Description: Proposed subdmston of 1406 acres of land into 1 lot for condommwm purposes and 3
lettered lots for recreational purposes and the review of detailed site plan and bwldmg elevations for 204 mullF
faintly condommwm unAs wRhm the Medium-High Residential Densely (14-24 dwelling units per acre) of the
Terra Vista CommunAy Plan
This is to advise that the City of Rancho Cucamonga, acting as the lead agency, has conducted an
Initial Study to determine if the project may have a significant effect on the environment and is
proposing this Negative Declaration based upon the following finding:
^ The InNal Study shows that there ~ no substantial evidence that the protect may have a sgnficant
effect on the environment
® The In~6al Study ~dentfied potentially sgn~ficant effects but
(1) Rev~ons m the protect plans or proposals made or agreed to by the applicant before thus
proposed Negative Declaration was released for public reviewwould avail fhe effects or mitigate
the effects to a point where clearly no s~gmficant effects would occur, and
(2) There is no substantial evidence before the agency that the protect as revised may have a
significant effect on the environment
ff adopted, the Negative Declaration means that an Environmental Impact Report will not be required.
Reasons to support this finding are included in the attached Initial Study. The projectfile and all related
documents are available for review at the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division at 10500 Civic
Center Drive (909) 477-2750 or Fax (909) 477-2847.
The public is invited to comment on the proposed Negative Declaration during the review period.
March 13.2002
Date of Determination
Adopted By
C, D '-'~2
THEREOF - APN 227-151-34
A Recitals
1 KB HOME filed an application for the approval of Tentatwe Tract Map 16263, as
descnbed m the title of this Resolution Hereinafter m this Resolution, the subject Tentative Tract
Map request is referred to as "the application "
2 On the 13th day of March 2002, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho
Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public heanng on the application and concluded said heanng
on that date
All legal preregwsites pnor to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred
B Resolution
NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission
of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows
1 This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals,
Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct
2 Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dunng the above-
referenced public heanng on March 13, 2002, including wntten and oral staff reports, together with
public testimony, this Commission hereby speGfically finds as follows
a The application applies to property located at the southeast comer of Base Line
Road and Ellena West with a street frontage of approximately 492 feet along Base Line Road, and a
street frontage of approximately 841 feet along Ellena West, and is presently improved with street
improvements, including curb and gutter along Base Line Road, Ellena West, and Terra Vista
Parkway, and
b The property to the north of the subject site is single-family residential development
within the Victona Community Plan, the property to the south consists of single-family residential
development (currently under construction) within the Terra Vista Community Plan, the property to
the east is a combination of single-family residential along the southeastern edge and townhomes
along the northeastern edge of the protect, both within the Terra Vista Community Plan, and the
property to the west is the existing Neighborhood CommerGal Center referred to as Central Park
Plaza, and
c The protect contains one lot for condominium purposes and three lettered lots to
identify land reserved for pnvate open space and recreation purposes, and
C~ v ~~
March 13, 2002
Page 2
d The project site is subject to noise levels of 65 CNEL along Base Line Road, which
can be mitigated to acceptable levels per the Noise Study prepared for the probed, and
e The protect will generate traffic tnps which can be accommodated through public
street improvement upgrades as conditioned herein, and
f The project is consistent with the General Plan Medwm-High Density Residential
land use designation (14 to 24 dwelling units per acre) with a proposed probed density of 14 5
dwelling units per acre, and
g The proposed probed of 204 townhome dwellings is in accordance v~nth the
ob~edives of the Development Code and the purposes of the Medwm-High Residential Distnd In
addition, the proposed probed is accordance with the Terra Vista Community Plan, and
h The proposed probed conforms to the standards and regulations of the
Development Code, as well as the Terra Vista Community Plan, in terms of setbacks, budding
separation, parking, and the provision of recreational amenities as noted in the staff report, and
i. The proposed protect and the intended use, together with all Cond~ons ofApproval
wdl not be detnmental to public health, safety, or welfare or matenally in~unous to properties or
improvements in the vicinity The protect proponents are required to complete all missing parkway
improvements adjacent to the site
3 Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dunng the above-
referenced public heanng and upon the speafic findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2
above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows
a That the tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and
any applicable speafic plans, and
b The design or improvements of the tentative tract is consistent with the General
Plan, Development Code, and any applicable speGfic plans, and
c The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed, and
d The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental
damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat, and
The tentative tract is not likely to cause senous public health problems, and
f The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the
public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed
4 Based upon the facts and information contained in the proposed Mitigated Negative
Decaration, together with all wntten and oral reports included for the environmental assessment for
the application, the Planning Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the protect
wdl have a significant effect upon the environment and adopts a Mitigated Negative Declaration and
Monitonng Program attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference, based upon the
findings as follows
C~~ -\\
March 13, 2002
Page 3
a That the Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared m compliance with the
California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the State CEQA guidelines
promulgated thereunder, that said Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Initial Study prepared
therefore reflect the independent tudgment of the Planning Commission, and, further, this
Commission has reviewed and considered the information contained in said Mitigated Negative
Declaration vnth regard to the application
b Although the Mitigated Negative Declaration identifies certain significant
environmental effects that will result if the protect is approved, all significant effects have been
reduced to an acceptable level by imposition of mitigation measures on the protect which are listed
below as Conditions of Approval
c Pursuant to the provisions of Section 753 5(c) of Title 14 of the California Code of
Regulations, the Planning Commission finds as follows In considenng the record as a whole, the
Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the protect, there is no evidence that the
proposed protect will have potential for an adverse impact upon wildlife resources orthe habilat upon
which wildlife depends Further, based upon the substantial evidence contained m the Mitigated
Negative Declaration, the staff reports and exhibits, and the mfortnation provided to the Planning
Commission dunng the public heanng, the Planning Commission hereby rebuts the presumption of
adverse effect as set forth in Section 753 5(o-1-d) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations
• 5 Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth m paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above,
this Commission hereby approves the application subtect to each and every condition set forth below
and m the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference
Planning Division
1) In accordance with the Terra Vista Park Implementation Plan, Tentabve
Tract 16263 shall be credited 0 59 acres toward the overall obligations
for park development wnthin Tema Vista
2) Lots A, B, and C shall be noted on the title sheet of the Final Map as
lots reserved for recreation purposes
3) Construct bus shelter, outside nght-of-way, to serve bus bay on Base
Line Road
Enpmeenna Division
1) Missing frontage improvements shall be installed on all three street
frontages, including but no limited to curbs and gutters, pavement,
street lights, sidewalk, stnpmg, and street trees Base Line Road is a
City-designated "Mator Divided Artenal," Terra Vista Parkway is aCity-
designated "Secondary Artenal,"and Ellena West is aCity-designated
"Collector Street "
• 2) Install east bound bus bay on Base Lme Road, east of Ellena West
3) Provide Class II Bike Lane on both sides of Base Lme Road from Ellena
West to Mountain View Dnve
C ,p ys
March 13, 2002
Page 4
4) No median island opemngs are permitted on Base Line Road
5) Install a traffic signal at the intersection of Ellena West and Base Line
Road The developer shall receive Transportation Development Fee
credit m conformance with City policy If the developer fails to submit
for said reimbursement agreement within six months of the public
improvements being accepted by the City, all nghts of the developer to
reimbursement shall be terminated
6) Access from Ellena West shall be designed using either a standard
dnve approach or street type project entry
7) No median island opemngs are permitted on Tema Vista Parkway
8) Provide a Class II Bike Lane on Terra Vista Parkway from Ellena West
to Mountain vew
9) Provide a Class II Bike Lane on Ellena West from Base Lme Road to
Terra Vista Parkway
Environmental Miliaabon
Air Quality
1) The site shall be treated with water or other soil-stabilizing agent
(approved by SCAQMD and RWOCB) daily to reduce PM,o emissions,
m accordance vwth SCAQMD Rule 403
2) Streets surrounding the site shall be swept according to a schedule
established by the City to reduce PM~o emissions associated vnth
vehicle tracking of sod off-site Timing may vary depending upon time
of year of construction
3) Grading operations shall be suspended when wind speeds exceed
25 mph to minimize PM~o emissions from the site dunng such episodes
4) Chemical soil-stabilizers (approved by SCAQMD and RWOCB) shall be
applied to all mactrve construction areas that remain mactrve for 96
hours or more to reduce PM,o emissions
5) The construction contractor shall select the construction equipment
used on-site based on low-emission factors and high-energy effiuency
The construction contractor shall ensure the construction grading plans
include a statement that all construction equipment will be tuned and
maintained m accordance with the manufacturers' specifications
6) The construction contractor shall utilize electnc or clean alternative fuel
powered equipment where feasible
C, fl y~
• March 13, 2002
Page 5
7) The construction contractor shall ensure that construction-grading
plans include a statement that work crews will shut off equipment when
not m use
8) Contractor shall use low-volatile organic compound (VOC) coatings and
asphalt Structural painting shall be spread out over a penod of 55
days or more
1) Install a traffic signal at the intersection of Ellena West and Base Lme
1) Dunng all protect site excavation and grading, the protect contractors
shall egwp all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, with properly
operating and maintained mufflers consistent with manufacturers'
2) The protect contractor shall place all stationary construction equpment
so that emitted noise is directed away from sensitive receptors nearest
the project site
3) The construction contractor shall locate egwpment staging in areas that
will create the greatest distance between construction related noise and
the noise-sensitive receptors nearest the protect site dunng all protect
4) Dunng all protect site construction, the construction contractor shall
limit all construction related activities that would result m high noise
level to between the hours of 6 30 a m and 8 00 p m ,Monday through
Saturday No construction shall be allowed on Sundays and public
5) Minimum 5-foot high sound bamer above the pad grade must be
constructed along Terra Vista Parkway
6) A minimum 2-foot high sound bamer above street grade shall be
constructed along Base Lme Road
7) STC 28 glazing shall be used m all second floor windows with asight-
Ime to Terra Vista Parkway
8) STC 32 glazing shall be used m all second floor windows with a
sight-line of Base Lme Road
6 The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution
C ~ fl `~'~
March 13, 2002
Page 6
T McNiel, Chairman
Brad Buller, Secretary
I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby
certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the
Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning
Commission held on the 13th day of March 2002, by the folloHnng vote-to-Hnt
c , fl ~~
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Project File No.: Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16263 and Development Review DRC2001-00379
This Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP) has been prepared for use m implementing the miUgaUon
measures identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration fortheabove-listed protect This program
has been prepared m compliance with State law to ensure that adopted mitigation measures are
implemented (Section 21081 6 of the Public Resources Code)
Program Components -This MMP contains the following elements
1 Conditions of approval that act as impact mitigation measures are recorded with the action and
the procedure necessary to ensure compliance The mitigation measure conditions of approval
are contained in the adopted Resolution of Approval for the protect.
2 A procedure of compliance and verification has been outlined for each action necessary. This
procedure designates who will take action, what action will be taken and when, and to whom
and when compliance wdl be reported
3. The MMP has been designed to provide focused, yet flexible gwdelines. As monitoring
progresses, changes to compliance procedures may be necessary based upon
recommendations by those responsible for the program.
Program Management -The MMP wdl be in place through all phases of the protect The protect
planner, assigned by the City Planner, shall coordinate enforcement of the MMP The protect
planner oversees the MMP and reviews the Reporting Forms to ensure they are filled out correctly
and proper action is taken on each mitigation Each City department shall ensure compliance of the
conditions (mitigation) that relate to that department.
Procedures -The following steps wdl be followed by the City of Rancho Cucamonga
1 A fee covering all costs and expenses, including any consultants' fees, incurred by the City in
performing momtonng or reporting programs shall be charged to the applicant
2 A MMP Reporting Form wdl be prepared for each potentially significant impact and its
corresponding mitigation measure identified in the Mitigation Monitoring Checklist, attached
hereto This procedure designates who wdl take action, what action will be taken and when, and
to whom and when compliance wdl be reported All monitoring and reporting documentation wdl
be kept in the protect file with the department having the original authority for processing the
protect Reports will be available from the City upon request at the following address
City of Rancho Cucamonga -Lead Agency
Planning Droision)
10500 Ciwc Center Drive
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
~ ~ D `~~
Mitigation Monitoring Program
Page 2
3 Appropriate specialists will be retained if technical expertise beyond the City staffs is needed, as
determined bythe protect planner or responsible City department, to monitor specific mitigation
activities and provide appropnate written approvals to the protect planner
4 The project planner or responsible City department will approve, by signature and date, the
completion of each action item that was identified on the MMP Reportmg Form After each
measure is verified for compliance, no further action is regwred for the specific phase of
5 All MMP Reporting Forms for an impact issue requmng no further monitoring will be signed off
as completed bythe project planner or responsible City department at the bottom of the MMP
Reportmg Form.
6 Unantiapated circumstances may arise requmng the refinement or addition of mitigation
measures The protect planner is responsible for approving any such refinements or additions
An MMP Reporting Form will be completed bythe protect planner or responsible City department
and a copy provided to the appropnate design, construction, or operational personnel
7 The protect planner or responsible City department has the authority to stop the work of
construction contractors if compliance with any aspects of the MMP is not occumng afterwntten
notification has been issued The protect planner or responsible City department also has the
authority to hold certificates of occupanaes if compliance with a mitigation measure attached •
hereto is not occumng The protect planner or responsible City department has the authority to
hold issuance of a business license until all mitigation measures are implemented
8 Any conditions (mitigation) that require monitoring after protect completion shall be the
responsibility of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Dvision The Division shall require the
applicant to post any necessaryfunds (or otherforms of guarantee) with the City These funds
shall be used bythe City to retain consultants and/or pay for City staff time to monitor and report
on the mitigation measure for the required period of time
9 In those instances requmng long-term protect monitoring, the applicant shall provde the City
with a plan for monitoring the mitigation activities at the protect site and reporting the momtonng
results to the City. Said plan shall identify the reporter as an individual qualified to know whether
the particular mitigation measure has been implemented The monitoring/reporting plan shall
conform to the City's MMP and shall be approved bythe Community Development Director or
City Planner prior to the issuance of budding perrmts
C,~ So
• • i
Project File No.: Tentative Tract SUBTT16263 and Development Revtew DRC2001-00379 Applicant: KB HOME
Initial Study Preaared bv: Debra Meier Date: January 30, 2002
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i The sde shall be heated with water or other soil stabilizing agent CP/BO C Dudng censWCtion A q
(approved by SCAOMD and RWOCB) daily to reduce PM,o
emissions, in accordance with SCAQMD Rule 403
2 Streets surrounding the site shall be swept according to a schedule CP/CE C Dudng construction A 4
established by the Gty to reduce PM,o emissions assoGated with
vehicle Vackmg of sotl oH•sde Timing may vary depending upon
time of year of construction
3 Grading operations shall be suspended when wind speeds exceed CP C Dudng censWction A 4
25 mph to minimize PM,o emissions from the site dunng such
4 Chemical soil stabilizers (approved by SCAOMD and RWOCB) CP C Dudng censWction A 4
shall be applied to all inactive (AnstrUChon areas that remain
macbve for 96 hours or more to reduce PM,o emissions
5 The consWchon cenVaclor shall select the consWCLOn egmpmenl CP C Dudng consWChon A 4
used on-site based on low emission factors and high4nergy
effipency TheconsWCtion centractorshall ensure the censWc4on
grading plans inctude a statement that ail consWCtion equipment
will be tuned and maintained In accordance vnth the manufacturers'
6 The censWCGon cenVactor shall utilize elecVic or clean altematlve CP C During censWcGOn A 4
fuel powered equpment where feasible
7 The censWCtion conNactor shall ensure that censWchon~rading CP C Dudng censtruction A 4
plans include a statement that work crews will shut off equipment
when not in use
B Contractor shall use low volatile organic compound (VOC) coatings CP C Dunng consWction A 4
and asphalt SWctural painting shall be spread out over a penod
of 55 days or more
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7 Install a traffic signal at the intersection of Ellena West and Base CE D Plan Review C 1
Line Road
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e excavation and grading, the project
contractors shall equip ail consWction equipment, fixed or mobile CP C During censWcflon A q
with properly operating and mamWmed mufflers consistent with
manufacturers' standards
2 The protect contractor shall place all stationary consWction CP C
equipment so that emitted noise Is duetted away from sensitive During consWcgon A q
receptors nearest the protect site
3 The consW coon contractor shall locate equipment staging in areas CP C
that volt create the greatest distance between consWCtion related Dunng censWcflon A q
noise and the noise•sensitive receptors nearest the project site
dunng ali project constroction
4 Dunng all prgect site consWction, the consWcdon contractor shall CP C
hmd all construction related achwtles thatwould result in high noise During construction A q
level to between the hours of 6 30 a m and 8 00 p m ,Monday
through Saturday No construction shall be allowed on Sundays
and public holidays
5 Minimum 5-foot high sound barner above the pad grade must be CP D Review Plans C
consWcted along Terra Vista Parkway 2
6 A minimum 2-foot high sound barrier above sVeet grade shall be CP D Review Plans C
censWcted along Base line Road 2
7 STC 28 glazing shall be used in all second floor vnndows vnlh a CP D Review Plans C
sight-tine to Terra Vista Parkway 2
8 STC 32 glavng shall be used in all second floor windows wrath a CP D Review Plans C
sight-line of Base Line Road 2
Key to Checklist Abbreviations
j•ResponsiblePersdri `~,'-.••a~,-"' ~"~~Y~'~r•
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Method Of~Veriflcatl0 ~
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CDD -Community Development Director or designee R
A -With Each New Development
sat.awcixnrKU~ 3k~ m'+easao-cs~Y.~ .
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A - On-site Inspection
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ld R
CP -City Planner or designee
8 - Pnor To ConsWCtion
B -Other Agency Permit I Approval -
ecordation of Final Map
2 -Withhold Grading or Building Permit
CE - Cdy Engineer or designee C -Throughout ConsWction C -Plan Check 3 -Withhold Certificate of Occupancy
BO -Building Official or designee D - On Completion D -Separate Submittal (Reports /Studies /Plans) 4 -Stop Work Order
PO -Police Captain or designee E -Operating
FC -Fire Chief or designee 5 -Retain Deposit or Bonds
6 -Revoke CUP
• s s
~. General Requirements Completion Date
1 The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its ~_/_
agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to
relingwsh such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or
employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or
employees may be regwred by a court to pay as a result of such action The City may, at its sole
discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation
shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition.
2 A copy of the signed Resolution of Approval or City Planner's letter of approval, and all Standard ~_/_
Conditions, shall be included in legible form on the grading plans, bwlding and construction
plans, and landscape and irrigation plans submitted for plan check
B. Time Limits
1 This tentative tract map or tentative parcel map shall expire, unless extended by the Planning ~_/_
Commission, unless a complete final map is filed with the City Engineer within 3 years from the
date of the approval
C. Site Development
1 The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include -J-/_
site plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, sign program, and
grading on file in the Planning Division, the conditions contained herein, Development Code
regulations, and the Terra Vista Specific Plan
2 Prior to any use of the protect site or business activity being commenced thereon, all Conditions ~~-
of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Planner
sc-ol-oz , C. , D 53
Project No SUBTT16263
Completion Date
3 Occupancy of the facilities shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Bwlding Code and _/~_
State Fire Marshal regulations have been complied with Prior to occupancy, plans shall be
submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Bwlding and Safety Drvislon
to show compliance The buildings shall be inspected for compliance prior to occupancy
4 Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be __J-J_
submitted for City Planner review and approval poor to the issuance of building permits
5 All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street Improvement plans shall be coordinated for _/_/_
consistency prior to issuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment,
building, etc) or prior to final map approval 1n the case of a custom lot subdivision, or approved
use has commenced, whichever comes first
6 Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, ~~-
all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Communlty or Specific Plans in effect at the
Ume of budding permit issuance
7 The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and Articles of Incorporation of the _/_/_
Homeowners' Association are subject to the approval of the Plannng and Engineering Divisions
and the City Attorney They shall be recorded concurrently with the Final Map or prior to the
issuance of bulding permits, whichever occurs first A recorded copy shall be provided to the
City Engineer The Homeowners' Assocation shall submit to the Planning Divlslon a list of the
name and address of their officers on or before January 1 of each and every year and whenever
said information changes
8 All parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by the property _/~_
owner, homeowners' association, or other means acceptable to the City Proof of this landscape
maintenance shall be submitted for City Planner and City Engineer review and approved prior to
the issuance of building permits
D. Parking and Vehicular Access (indicate details on building plans)
1 The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shall restrict the storage of recreational vehicles on _/~_
this site unless they are the principal source of transportation for the owner and prohibit parking
on interior circulation aisles other than In designated visitor parking areas
E. Environmental
1 Mitigation measures are required for the project The applicant is responsible for the cost of ___/~_
implementing said measures, including monitoring and reporting Applicant shall be requlred to
post cash, letter of credit, or other forms of guarantee acceptable to the City Planner m the
amount of $ 719 00 prior to the issuance of budding permits, guaranteeing satisfactory
performance and completion of all mitlgation measures These funds may be used by the City to
retain consultants and/or pay far City staff time to monitor and report on the mitigation measures
Failure to complete all actions regwred by the approved environmental documents shall be
considered grounds for forfeit
F. Dedication and Vehicular Access
1 Rights-of-way and easements shall be dedicated to the City for all interior public streets, _/_/_
community trails, public paseos, public landscape areas, street trees, traffic signal encroachment
and maintenance, and public drainage facilities as shown on the plans and/or tentative map
Private easements for non-public facilities (cross-lot drainage, local feeder trails, etc) shall be
reserved as shown on the plans and/or tentative map
SC-01-02 2 ~ , ~ `,
Protect No SUBTT16263
Completion Date
2. Dedication shall be made of the following rights-of-way on the perimeter streets (measured from
• street centerline).
60 to 70 total feet on Base Line Road
44 to 62 total feet on Terra Vista Parkway
33 to 39 total feet on Ellena West
3 Corner property Ilne cutoffs shall be dedicated per Ciry Standards
4 Easements for public sidewalks and/or street trees placed outside the public right-of-way shall be
dedicated to the City
G. Street Improvements
1 Construct the following perimeter street improvements Including, but not limited to
Street Name Curb & AC Slde• Drive Street Street Comm Median Bike
Trail other
Base Line Road
x Bike
x x lend
Terra Vista Pakwa x x x x
Ellena West x x x x x
Notes (a) Median Island Includes landscaping and Irrigation on meter (b) Pavement
reconstruction and overlays will be determined during plan check (c) If so marked, sidewalk
shall be curvilinear per Standard 114 (d) If so marked, an in-lieu of construction fee shall be
provided for this item
Improvement Plans and Construction
a Street improvement plans, including street trees, street lights, and intersection safety lights
on future signal poles, and traffic signal plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil
Engineer and shall be submitted to and approved by the Cdy Engineer Security shall be
posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City
Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public and/or private street improvements, prior to
final map approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs fvst
b Prior to any work being pertormed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and a construction
permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office in addition to any other permits
c Pavement striping, marking, traffic signing, street name signing, traffic signal conduit, and
interconnect conduit shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer
d Signal conduit with pull boxes shall be installed with any new construction or reconstruction
protect along mator or secondary streets and at intersections for future traffic signals and
interconnect wiring Pull boxes shall be placed on both sides of the street at 3 feet outside of
BCR, ECR, or any other locations approved by the City Engineer
(1) Pull boxes shall be No 6 at intersections and No 5 along streets, a maximum of 200 feet
apart, unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer
(2) Condwt shall be 3-inch (at intersections) or 2-inch (along streets) galvanized steel with
pull rope or as specified
e Handicapped access ramps shall be Installed on all corners of intersections per City
Standards or as dvected by the City Engineer
SC-01-02 9 n t ~ ~~
Protect No SUBTT76263
ComoleUOn Data
3 Street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, shall be installed per City Standards to
accordance with the City's street tree program
Intersection line of sight designs shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with
adopted policy On collector or larger streets, lines of sight shall be plotted for ail protect
intersections, including driveways Local residential street intersections and commercial or
industrial driveways may have Imes of sight plotted as required
H. Public Maintenance Areas
1 A signed consent and waiver form to loin and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting
Distracts shall be filed with the City Engineer prior to final map approval or tssuance of building
permits whichever occurs first Formation costs shall be borne by the developer
I. Utilities
1 Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water, gas,
electric power, telephone, and cable TV (all underground) in accordance with the Utility
Standards Easements shall be provided as required
2 The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary
Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the regwrements of the
Cucamonga County Water District (CCWD), Rancho Cucamonga Ftre Protection District, and the
Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino A letter of compliance from
the CCWD is regwred prior to final map approval or tssuance of permtts, whichever occurs first
Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval
in the case of subdivision or prior to the issuance of permtts in the case of all other residential
/ /
SC-07-02 4 C , O J~
A Recitals
1 KB HOME filed an application for the Design Review of Tentative Tract 16263, as
descnbed in the title of this Resolution Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subtect Design Review
request is referred to as "the application "
2 On thel3th day of March 2002, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho
Cucamonga held a duly noticed public heanng to consider the application
3 All legal prerequisites pnor to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred
B Resolution
NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved bythe Planning Commission
of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows
1 This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals,
Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct
2 Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dunng the above-
referenced public heanng on March 13, 2002, including wntten and oral staff reports, together with
public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows
a The application applies to property located at the southeast comer of Base Line
Road and Ellena West with a street frontage of approximately 492 feet along Base Lme Road, and a
street frontage of approximately 841 feet along Ellena West, and is presently improved with street
improvements, including curb and gutter along Base Lme Road, Ellena West, and Terra Vista
Parkway, and
b The property to the north of the subtect site is single-family residential development
within the Victona Community Plan, the property to the south consists of single-family residential
development (currently under construction) within the Terra Vista Community Plan, the property to
the east is a combination of single-family residential along the southeastern edge and townhomes
along the northeastern edge of the protect, both within the Terra Vista Community Plan, and the
property to the west is the existing Neighborhood Commercial Center referred to as Central Park
Plaza, and
c The protect is located in the Medium-High Residential Distnct (14 to 24 dwelling
units per acre) of the Terra Vista Community Plan, and
DRC2001-00379 - KB HOME
March 13, 2002
Page 2
3 Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dunng the above-
referenced public heanng, including wntten and oral staff reports, this Commission hereby
specifically finds and concludes as follows
a That the proposed project is consistent with the objectives of the General Plan, and
b That the proposed design is m accord with the obtectives of the Development Code
and the purposes of the district m which the site is located, and
c That the proposed design is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of
the Development Code, and
d That the proposed design, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not
be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially mtunous to properties or
improvements in the warnty
4. Based upon the facts and information contained in the proposed Mitigated Negative
Declaration, togetherwith all wntten and oral reports included for the environmental assessment for
the application, the Plamm~g Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the protect
will have a sigrnficant effect upon the environment and adopts a Mitigated Negative Declaration and
Momtonng Program attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference, based upon the
findings as follows
a That the Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared in compliance with the
California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the State CEQA gwdelines
promulgated thereunder, that said Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Initial Study prepared
therefore reflect the independent tudgment of the Plamm~g Commission, and, further, this
Commission has reviewed and considered the information contained m said Mitigated Negative
Declaration with regard to the application
b Although the Mitigated Negative Decaration identifies certain significant
environmental effects that will result if the protect is approved, all significant effects have been
reduced to an acceptable level by imposition of mitigation measures on the protect which are listed
below as Conditions of Approval
c Pursuant to the provisions of Section 753 5(c) of Title 14 of the California Code of
Regulations, the Planning Commission finds as follows In considering the record as a whole, the
Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the protect, there is no evidence that the
proposed protect will have potential for an adverse impact upon wildlife resources orthe habilat upon
which wildlife depends Further, based upon the substantial evidence contained m the Mitigated
Negative Declaration, the staff reports and exhibits, and the information provided to the Plamm~g
Commission dunng the public heanng, the Plamm~g Commission hereby rebuts the presumption of
adverse effect as set forth in Section 753 5(c-1-d) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations
5 Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above,
this Commission hereby approves the application subtect to each and every condition set forth below
and in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference
Cep S4~
DRC2001-00379 - KB HOME
. March 13, 2002
Page 3
Planning Diwswn
1) All pertinent conditions contained in the Resolution of Approval for
Tentative Tract SUBTT16263 shall apply
2) All retaining walls used throughout the pro/ect shall have a decorative
surface to compliment the building design
3) Provide a reduced set (approximately 11 X 17 inches) of the entire
development package for the Planning Division at the time of building
permit issuance
4) The garage entrance depths shall be dimensioned at either less than 8
feet or greater than 18 feet Depths less than 18 feet require an
automatic door opener
5) Recreational amenities (and the related points given) in accordance
with Development Code Section 17 08 40 H are as follows Pool and
Spa (1 point), tot lot for 2- to 5-year old children (1 point), tot lot for 5- to
10-year old children (1 point), five BBQ/picnic nodes (1 point), and large
lawn play area (1 point), for a total of five points
6) Construct a bus shelter, outside the nght-of-way, to serve the bus bay
on Base Lme Road
7) A Tree Removal Permit application shall be submitted for approval poor
to issuance of grading permits Approval of DRC2001-00379 is granted
subtect to approval of a Tree Removal Permit
Ena ineenno Diwsion
1) Missing frontage improvements shall be installed on all three street
frontages, including but no limited to curbs and gutters, pavement,
street lights, sidewalk, sloping, and street trees Base Lme Road is a
City-designated "Mator Divided Artenal, Terra Vista Parkway is aCity-
designated "Secondary Artenal," and Ellena West is aCity-designated
"Collector Street "
2) Install east bound bus bay on Base Lme Road, east of Ellena West
3) Provde Class II Bike Lane on both sides of Base Lme Road from Ellen
West to Mountain View Dnve
4) No median island openings are permitted on Base Line Road
5) Install a traffic signal at the intersection of Ellena West and Base Line
Road The developer shall receive Transportation Development Fee
credit in conformance with City policy If the developer fails to submit
for said reimbursement agreement within six months of the public
improvements being accepted by the City, all nghts of the developer to
reimbursement shall be terminated
C, fl ~
DRC2001-00379 - KB HOME
March 13, 2002
Page 4
6) Access from Ellena West shall be designed using either a dnve
approach or street type project entry
7) No median island openings are perrnitted on Terra Vista Parkway
8) Provide a Class II Bike Lane on Terra vista Parkway from Ellena West
to Mountain View
9) Provide a Class II Bike Lane on Ellena West from Base Lme Road to
Terra Vista Parkway
Environmental Mitigation
Air Quairty
1) The site shall be treated Huth water or other sod-stabilizing agent
(approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) daily to reduce PMio emissions,
m accordance with SCAQMD Rule 403
2) Streets surrounding the site shall be swept according to a schedule
established by the City to reduce PM,o emissions assoaated vv~th
vehicte tracking of sod off-site. Timing may vary depending upon time of
year of construction
3) Grading operations shall be suspended when ~nnnd speeds exceed
25 mph to minimize PM~o emissions from the site dunng such episodes
4) Chemical sod-stabilizers (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) shall be
applied to all inactive construction areas that remain mactrve for 96
hours or more to reduce PM~o emissions.
5) The construction contractor shall select the construction equipment
used on-site based onlow-emission factors and high-energy effiGency
The construction contractor shall ensure the construction grading plans
inGude a statement that all construction equpment v~nll be tuned and
maintained in accordance with the manufacturers' specifications
6) The construction contractor shall utilize electnc or clean altemaUve fuel
powered equipment where feasible
7) The construction contractor shall ensure that construction grading plans
rnclude a statement that work crews will shut off equipment when not in
8) Contractor shall use-low volatile organic compound (VOC) coatings and
asphalt Structural painting shall be spread out over a penod of 55
days or more
C,fl ~o
DRC2001-00379 - KB HOME
March 13, 2002
Page 5
1) Install a traffic signal at the intersection of Ellena West and Base Line
1) Dunng all protect site excavation and grading, the protect contractors
shall egwp all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, with properly
operating and maintained mufflers consistent with manufacturers'
2) The protect contractor shall place all stationary construction equipment
so that emitted noise is directed away from sensitive receptors nearest
the protect site
3) The construction contractor shall locate equipment staging in areas that
will create the greatest distance between construction related noise and
the noise-sensitive receptors nearest the protect site dunng all protect
4) Dunng all protect site construction, the construction contractor shall
limit all construction related activities that would result in high noise
level to between the hours of 6 30 a m and 8 00 p m ,Monday through
Saturday No construction shall be allowed on Sundays and public
5) Minimum 5-foot high sound bamer above the pad grade must be
constructed along Terra Vista Parkway
6) A minimum 2-foot high sound bamer above street grade shall be
constructed along Base Line Road
7) STC 28 glazing shall be used in all second floor windows v~nth a
sight-line to Terra Vista Parkway
8) STC 32 glazing shall be used in all second floor windows v~nth a
sight-line of Base Line Road
6 The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution
T McNiel, Chairman
~, , fl le\
DRC2001-00379 - KB HOME
March 13, 2002
Page 6
Brad Buller, Secretary
I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Plannng Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby
certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the
Planning Commission of the Gty of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning
Commission held on the 13th day of March 2002, by the following vote-to-vwt
Ct~ 1^~
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Project File No.: Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16263 and Development Review DRC2001-00379
This Mitigation Momtonng Program (MMP) has been prepared for use m implementing the mitigation
measures identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the above-listed protect This program
has been prepared in compliance with State law to ensure that adopted mitigation measures are
implemented (Section 21081 6 of the Public Resources Code)
Program Components -This MMP contains the following elements•
1 Conditions of approval that act as impact mitigation measures are recorded with the action and
the procedure necessary to ensure compliance The mitigation measure conditions of approval
are contained in the adopted Resolution of Approval for the project
2 A procedure of compliance and verification has been outlined for each action necessary This
procedure designates who will take action, what action will be taken and when, and to whom
and when compliance will be reported
3 The MMP has been designed to provide focused, yet flexible guidelines. As monitonng
progresses, changes to compliance procedures may be necessary based upon
recommendations by those responsible for the program.
Program Management -The MMP will be in place through all phases of the protect The protect
planner, assigned by the City Planner, shall coordinate enforcement of the MMP The protect
planner oversees the MMP and rewews the Reporting Forms to ensure they are filled out conectly
and proper action is taken on each mitigation Each City department shall ensure compliance of the
conditions (mitigation) that relate to that department
Procedures -The following steps will be followed by the City of Rancho Cucamonga.
1 A fee covenng all costs and expenses, including any consultants' fees, incun-ed by the City in
pertorming momtonng or reporting programs shall be charged to the applicant
A MMP Reporting Form will be prepared for each potentially significant impact and its
corresponding mitigation measure identified in the Mitigation Momtonng Checklist, attached
hereto This procedure designates who will take action, what action will betaken and when, and
to whom and when compliance will be reported All momtonng and reporting documentation will
be kept in the protect file with the department having the onginal authonty for processing the
protect Reports will be available from the City upon request at the following address•
City of Rancho Cucamonga -Lead Agency
Planning Division)
10500 Civic Center Dnve
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
C , ~ lP3
Mitigation Monitoring Program
Page 2
3 Appropriate specialists will be retained if technical expertise beyond the City staffs is needed, as
determined by the protect planner or responsible City department, to monitor speafic mitigation
actvities and provde appropnate written approvals to the protect planner
4 The protect planner or responsible City department will approve, by signature and date, the
completion of each action item that was identified on the MMP Reporting Forth After each
measure is verified for compliance, no further action is regwred for the specific phase of
5. All MMP Reporting Forms for an impact issue requmng no further monitoring will be signed off
as completed by the protect planner or responsible City department at the bottom of the MMP
Reporting Form
6. Unanticipated arcumstances may arise regwnng the refinement or addition of mitigation
measures The protect planner is responsible for approving any such refinements or additions
An MMP Reporting Form wdl be completed bythe protect planner or responsible City department
and a copy provided to the appropnate design, construction, or operational personnel
7 The protect planner or responsible City department has the authority to stop the work of
construction contractors if compliance with any aspects of the MMP is not occumng afterwntten
notification has been issued. The protect planner or responsible City department also has the
authority to hold certificates of occupancies if compliance with a mitigation measure attached •
hereto is not occumng The project planner or responsible City department has the authority to
hold issuance of a business license until all mitigation measures are implemented
8 Any conditions (mitigation) that regwre monitoring after protect completion shall be the
responsibility of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division The Division shall require the
applicant to post any necessary funds (or other fortes of guarantee) with the City These funds
shall be used by the City to retain consultants and/or pay for City staff time to monitor and report
on the mitigation measure for the regwred period of time.
9. In those instances requmng long-term protect monitoring, the applicant shall provide the City
with a plan for momtonng the mitigation activities at the protect site and reporting the momtonng
results to the City Said plan shall identify the reporter as an indiwdual qualified to know whether
the particular mitigation measure has been implemented The monitoring/reporting plan shall
conform to the City's MMP and shall be approved by the Community Development Director or
City Planner prior to the issuance of budding permits
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Project File No.: Tentative Tract SUBTT16263 and Develoament Review DRC2001 00379 Applicant: KB HOME
Initial Study Preaared bv: Debra Meter Date: January 30. 2002
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1 The site shall be treated with water or other soil stabilivng agent
(approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) daily to reduce PM
a CP/BO C Dunng consWCtion A 4
emissions, in accordance with SCAQMD Rule 403
2 SUeets surrounding the site shall be swept according to a schedule CPICE C Dudng consWction A q
established by the City to reduce PM,o emissions assoGated with
vehicle tracking of soil off-site Timing may vary depending upon
Ume of year of construction
3 Grading operations shall be suspended when rand speeds exceed CP C Dudng construction A q
25 mph to minimize PM,o emissions from the site dudng such
4 Chemical soil stabilizers (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) CP C Dunng consWCtion A 4
shall be applied to all inactive consWction areas that remain
inactive for 96 hours or more to reduce PM,o emissions
5 TheconsWction contractor shall select the consWChon equipment CP C Dunng consWCUOn A 4
used on-site based on tow emission factors and high-energy
effciency The consWction contradorshallensure the consWction
grading plans include a statement that ali censtruc0on equipment
volt be tuned and maintained in accordancevnth the manufaGUrers'
6 TheconsWction wntractor shall utilize electric or Gean altemaWe CP C Dunng consWCtion A 4
fuel powered equipment where feasible
7 Theconstmction contractor shall ensure that construction-grading CP C Dunng consWctlon A 4
plans Include a statement that work news wall shut off equipment
when riot m use
8 Contractor shall use low volatile organic compound (VOC)matings CP C Dunng consWction A 4
and asphalt SWctural painting shall be spread out over a period
of 55 days or more
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1 Install a traffic signal at the Intersection of Ellena West and Base CE D Plan Review C 1
Line Road
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e excavation and grading, the prged
contractors shall egwp all consWCtion equpment
fixed or mobile CP C Dunng consWction A q
with properly operatng and mamtamed mufflers consistent with
manufacturers' standards
2 The protect contractor shall place all statlonary construction CP C
equipment so that emitted noise is daected away from sensitive Dunng consWctlon A q
receptors nearest the project sde
3 The construction contractor shall locate equipment staging in areas CP C
that wall create the greatest distance between censWCtion related Dudng wnsWcdon A q
noise and fhe noise-sensitive receptors nearest the project site
dudng all protect consWCtion
4 Dudng all prged site construction, the consWction contractor shall CP C
limit all constroction related activities that would result in high noise Dunng consWcflon A q
level to between the hours of 6 30 a m and 8 00 p m , Monday
through Saturday No consruction shall be allowed on Sundays
and public holidays
5 Minimum 5-foot high sound bawler above the pad grade must be CP D Rewew Plans C
consWCted along Terra Vista Parkway 2
6 A minimum 2-foot high sound bamer above street grade shall be CP D Rewew Plans C
consWcted along Base line Road 2
7 STC 28 glazing shall be used in all second floor windows vnth a CP D Review Plans C
sight-One to Terta Vista Parkway 2
8 STC 32 glazing shall be used in ail second floor windows with a CP D Rewew Plans C
sight-line of Base Line Road 2
Key to Checklist Abbreviations
:Responsible Person - ~~ ~`~'~ ~ :`~ .~~~t;
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CDD -Community Development Dvector or designee F
A -With Each New Development Nag~.iV ih'~Nv °t&M~r'S
A - On-site Inspectlon ~
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CP - Ciry Planner or designee
B - Pnor To ConsWdlon
B -Other Agency Pertnlt /Approval -
ithhold Recordation of Final Map
ld G
CE -City Engineer or designee
C -Throughout ConsWction
C -Plan Check -
rading or Bulding Permit
BO -Building OffiGal or designee
D - On Completion
D 3 -Withhold Certficete of Occupancy
-Separate Submittal (Reports (Studies /Plans) 4 -Stop Work Order
PO -Police Captain or designee E -Operating
FC - Fre Chief or designee 5 -Retain Deposd or Bonds
6 -Revoke CUP
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PROJECT#: DRC2001-00379
~. General Requirements Completion Date
1 The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its ~ _/~
agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to
relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the Crty, its agents, officers, or
employees, for any Court costs and attorneys fees which the City, its agents, officers, or
employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action The City may, at its sole
discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation
shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition
2 A copy of the signed Resolution of Approval or City Planner's letter of approval, and all Standard ~~_
Conditions, shall be included in legible form on the grading plans, bwlding and construction
plans, and landscape and irngation plans submitted for plan check
B. Time Limits
1 Conditional Use Permit, Variance, or DevelopmenVDesign Review approval shall expired _/~_
building permits are not issued or approved use has not commenced within 5 years from the date
of approval No extensions are allowed.
C. Site Development
1 The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include ~-~_
site plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, sign program, and
grading on file in the Planning Division, the conditions contained herein, Development Code
regulations, and the Terra Vista Specific Plan
2 Prior to any use of the protect site or business actively being commenced thereon, all Conditions ~~_
of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Planner
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Protect No DRC2lK)1-00379
Comoletion Date
3 Occupancy of the facilities shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Bwiding Code and ~-/_
State Fire Marshal regulations have been complied with Prior to occupancy, plans shall be
submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Bwiding and Safety Dtvtsion
to show compliance The bwldings shall be inspected for compliance prior to occupancy
4 Revised site plans and bwlding elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be -J~-
submittedfor City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits
5 All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for __/~_
consistency pnor to tssuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment,
budding, etc) or prior to final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, or approved
use has commenced, whichever comes first
6. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, ~~-
all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community or Specific Plans in effect at the
time of budding permit issuance.
7. A detailed on-site lighting plan, including a photometric diagram, shall be reviewed and approved ~-/-
by the City Planner and Police Department (477-2800) pnor to the issuance of bulding permits
Such plan shall indicate style, illumtnatton, location, height, and method of shielding so as not to
adversely affect adjacent properties.
8 All ground-mounted utility appurtenances such as transformers, AC condensers, etc , shall be ~~_
Located out of public view and adequately screened through the use of a combination of concrete
or masonry walls, berming, and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the Ctty Planner For single
family residential developments, transformers shall be placed to underground vaults
9 Street names shall be submitted for Cary Planner review and approval in accordance with the ~~-
adopted Street Naming Policy prior to approval of the final map
10 All building numbers and individual units shall be identified to a clear and concise manner, ~~~
including proper illumination.
11 The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and Articles of Incorporation of the _/_/_
Homeowners' Assoctatton are subject to the approval of the Planning and Engineering Divisions
and the City Attorney They shall be recorded concurrently with the Final Map or prior to the
tssuance of building permits, whichever occurs first A recorded copy shall be provided to the
City Engineer The Homeowners' Association shall submit to the Planning Divtston a list of the
name and address of their officers on or before January 1 of each and every year and whenever
said information changes
12 Ail parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by the property ~~_
owner, homeowners' association, or other means acceptable to the Ctty Proof of this landscape
maintenance shall be submitted for Ctty Planner and Ctty Engineer review and approved prior to
the tssuance of building permits
13 Stx-foot decorative block walls shall be constructed along the project perimeter. If a double wall ~~_
condition would result, the developer shall make a good faith effort to work with the adjoining
property owners to provide a single wall Developer shall notify, by mad, all contiguous property
owner at least 30 days prior to the removal of any existing walls/ fences along the project's
14 Wood fencing shall be treated with stain, paint, or water sealant _/_/_
15 For multiple family development, laundry facilities shall be provided as required by the ~_/_
Development Code
16 For residential development, recreation area/facility shall be provided as regwred by the ~~~
Development Code
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Protect No DRC2001-00379
Completion Date
17. Where rock cobble is used, it shall be real aver rock Other stone veneers may be manufactured
D. Building Design
All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners and other roof mounted egwpment and/or
protections, shall be shielded from view and the sound buffered from adlacent properties and
streets as regwred by the Planning Division Such screening shall be architecturally integrated
with the bwlding design and constructed to the satisfaction of the City Planner. Details shall be
included in building plans.
E. Parking and Vehicular Access (indicate details on building plans)
1 All parking spaces shall be 9 feet wide by 18 feet long When a side of any parking space abuts
a bwlding, wall, support column, or other obstruction, the space shall be a minimum of 11 feet
2 All parking lot landscape islands shall have a minimum outside dimension of 6 feet and shall
contain a 12-inch walk adlacent to the parking stall (including curb)
3 Textured pedestrian pathways and textured pavement across circulation aisles shall be provided
throughout the development to connect dwellings/units/bwldings with open spaces/plazas/
recreational uses
4 All parking spaces shall be double striped per City standards and all driveway aisles, entrances,
and exits shall be striped per City standards
5 All units shall be provided with garage door openers if driveways are less than 18 feet in depth
from back of sidewalk
6 The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shall restrict the storage of recreational vehicles on
this site unless they are the prinapal source of transportation for the owner and prohibit parking
on interior circulation aisles other than in designated visitor parking areas
F. Landscaping
1. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan, including slope planting and model home landscaping in
the case of residential development, shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and
submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of bwiding permits or prior
final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision
2 A minimum of 50 trees per gross acre, comprised of the following sizes, shall be provided within
the protect 5 %° - 48-inch box or larger 5 % - 36-inch box or larger, 20 % - 24- inch box or larger,
and 70 % - 15-gallon
3 Within parking lots, trees shall be planted at a rate of one 15-gallon tree for every three parking
4 Trees shall be planted in areas of public view adlacent to and along structures at a rate of one
tree per 30 linear feet of building
5 All private slopes of 5 feet or more in vertical height and of 5 1 or greater slope, but less than 2 1
slope, shall be, at minimum, irrigated and landscaped with appropriate ground cover for erosion
control Slope planting regwred by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be
installed by the developer prior to occupancy
6 All private slopes in excess of 5 feet, but less than 8 feet in vertical height and of 2 1 or greater
slope shall be landscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as
follows one 15-gallon or larger size tree per each 150 sq ft of slope area, 1-gallon or larger size
shrub per each 100 sq ft of slope area, and appropriate ground cover In addition, slope banks
in excess of 8 feet in vertical height and 2 1 or greater slope shall also include one 5-gallon or
SG01-02 3 (~ \ ~ ~G~
Protect No DRC2001-00379
Comoletion Date
larger size tree per each 250 sq ft of slope area Trees and shrubs shall be planted in
staggered clusters to soften and vary slope plane Slope planting required by this section shall
include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy
7. For multifamily residential and non-residential development, property owners are responsible for ~.~_
the continual maintenance of all landscaped areas on-site, as well as contiguous planted areas
within the public right-of-way All landscaped areas shall be kept free from weeds and debris and
maintained in healthy and thriving condition, and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing,
and trimming Any damaged, dead, diseased, or decaying plant material shall be replaced within
30 days from the date of damage
8 The final design of the perimeter parkways, walls, landscaping, and sidewalks shall be included ~_/_
in the regwred landscape plans and shall be subtect to City Planner review and approval and
coordinated for consistency with any parkway landscaping plan which may be regwred by the
Engineerng Droision.
9 Landscaping and irrigation systems required to be installed within the public right-of-way on the ~._/_
perimeter of this protect area shall be continuously maintained by the developer.
10 All walls shall be provided with decorative treatment If located in public maintenance areas, the ~~/_
design shall be coordinated with the Engineering Division
11 Landscaping and irrigation shall be designed to conserve water through the principles of __J~_
Xeriscape as defined in Chapter 19 16 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code
G. Signs
1 The signs indicated on the submitted plans are conceptual only and not a part of this approval ~_/_
Any signs proposed for this development shall comply with the Sign Ordinance and shall require
separate application and approval by the Planning Division prior to installation of any signs.
2 Directory monument sign(s) shall be provided for apartment, condominwm, or town homes prior ~~
to occupancy and shall require separate application and approval by the Planning Division prior
to issuance of building permits
H. Environmental
1 A final acoustical report shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the ~_/_
issuance of building permits. The final report shall discuss the level of interior noise attenuation
to below 45 CNEL, the building materials and construction techniques provided, and if
appropriate, verify the adequacy of the mitigation measures The building plans will be checked
for conformance with the mitigation measures contained in the final report
2 Mitigation measures are required for the protect The applicant is responsible for the cost of ~~_
implementing said measures, including monitoring and reporting Applicant shall be regwred to
post cash, letter of credit, or other forms of guarantee acceptable to the City Planner in the
amount of $ 719 00 prior to the issuance of bwlding permits, guaranteeing satisfactory
pertormance and completion of all mitigation measures These funds may be used by the City to
retain consultants and/or pay for City staff time to monitor and report on the mitigation measures
Failure to complete all actions required by the approved environmental documents shall be
considered grounds for forteit
1. Other Agencies
1 The applicant shall contact the U S Postal Service to determine the appropriate type and location ~___/_
of mailboxes Multifamily residential developments shall prowde a solid overhead structure for
mailboxes with adequate lighting The final location of the mailboxes and the design of the
overhead structure shall be subtect to City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of
budding permits
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Protect No DRC2001-00379
ComoleUOn Date
J. Dedication and Vehicular Access
1 Rights-of-way and easements shall be dedicated to the Clty for all Interior public streets
community trails, public paseos, public landscape areas, street trees, traffic signal encroachmen
and maintenance, and public drainage faculties as shown on the plans and/or tentative map
Private easements for non-public faculties (cross-lot drainage, local feeder trails, etc) shall be
reserved as shown on the plans and/or tentative map
2 Dedication shall be made of the following rights-of-way on the perimeter streets (measured from
street centerline)
60 to 70 total feet on Base Llne Road
44 to 62 total feet on Terra Vista Parkway
33 to 39 total feet on Ellena West
3 Corner property line cutoffs shall be dedicated per Ctty Standards
4 Easements for public sidewalks and/or street trees placed outside the public right-of-way shall be
dedicated to the Clty
K. Street Improvements
1 Construct the following perimeter street Improvements Including, but not limited to
Street Name Curb 8 AC. Side- Drive Street Street Comm Median Blke
Trail Other
Base Lme Road
x Bike
Terca Vista Pakwa x x x x
Ellena West x x x x x
Notes (a) Median Island Includes landscaping and Irrigation
reconstruction and overlays will be determined during plan check
shall be curvilinear per Standard 114 (d) If so marked, an In-lieu
provided for this Item
on meter (b) Pavement
(c) If so marked, sidewalk
of construction fee shall be
2 Improvement Plans and Construction
a Street Improvement plans, Including street trees, street Ilghts, and Intersection safety Ilghts
on future signal poles, and traffic signal plans shall be prepared by a registered CIVII
Engineer and shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer Security shall be
posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City
Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public and/or private street Improvements, prior to
final map approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first
b Prior to any work being performed In public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and a construction
permit shall be obtained from the Clty Engineer's Office In addition to any other permits
c Pavement striping, marking, traffic signing, street name signing, traffic signal conduit, and
Interconnect conduit shall be Installed to the satisfaction of the Clty Engineer
. d Signal conduit with pull boxes shall be Installed with any new construction or reconstruction
protect along major or secondary streets and at Intersections for future traffic signals and
Interconnect wiring Pull boxes shall be placed on both sides of the street at 3 feet outside of
BCR, ECR, or any other locations approved by the Clty Engineer
/ /_
/ /
/ /
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Protect No DRC2001-00379
Completion Date
(1) Pull boxes shall be No 6 at intersections and No 5 along streets, a maximum of 200 feet
apart, unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer
(2) Condwt shall be 3-inch (at intersections) or 2-inch (along streets) galvanized steel with
pull rope or as specified
e Handicapped access ramps shall be installed on all corners of intersections per City _/~_
Standards or as directed by the City Engineer.
3 Street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, shall be installed per City Standards in ~~_
accordance with the Citys street tree program
4 Intersection Itne of sight designs shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with ~~_
adopted policy On collector or larger streets, lines of sight shall be plotted for all protect
intersections, including driveways Local residential street intersections and commercial or
industrial driveways may have lines of sight plotted as required
L. Public Maintenance Areas
1 A signed consent and waiver form to loin and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting ~~_
Districts shall be filed with the City Engineer prior to final map approval or issuance of building
permits whichever occurs first Formation costs shall be borne by the developer
M. Utilities
1 Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water, gas, ~~_
electric power, telephone, and cable N (all underground) in accordance with the Utility
Standards Easements shall be provided as required.
2 The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary _J_/_
3 Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the _/_/_
Cucamonga County Water District (CCWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the
Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino A letter of compliance from
the CCWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first
Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval
in the case of subdivision or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential
N. General Requirements
1 Submd five complete sets of plans including the following ~~_
a Site/Plot Plan,
b Foundation Plan,
c Floor Pian,
d Ceiling and Roof Framing Plan,
e Electrical Plans (2 sets, detached) including the size of the main switch, number and size of
service entrance conductors, panel schedules, and single line diagrams, •
f Plumbing and Sewer Plans, including isometrics, underground diagrams, water and waste
diagram, sewer or septic system location, fixture units, gas piping, and heating and air
conditioning, and
sc-ol-oz s C `Q ~Z
Protect No DRC2001-00379
Comoleaon Data
g Planning Division Protect Number (i e , TT #, CUP #, DR #, etc) clearly identified on the
outside of all plans.
2 Submit two sets of structural calculations, energy conservation calculations, and a sods report ~-J_
Architect's/Engineer's stamp and "wet" signature are required prior to plan check submittal
3 Separate permits are required for fencing and/or walls ~___/_
4 Contractors must show proof of State and City licenses and Workers' Compensation coverage to ._/_J_
the City prior to permit issuance
5 Business shall not open for operation prior to posting the Certificate of Occupancy issued by the ~~_
Building and Safety Division.
O. Site Development
t Plans shall be submitted for plan check and approved prior to construction All plans shall be ~~_
marked with the protect file number (i a ,CUP 98-Ot) The applicant shall comply with the latest
adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Unform Plumbing Code, National
Electric Code, Title 24 Accessibility requirements, and all other applicable codes, ordinances, and
regulations in effect at the time of permit application Please contact the Building and Safety
Division for availability of the Code Adoption Ordinance and applicable handouts.
2 Prior to issuance of bulding permits for a new residential dwelling unit(s) or mator addition to ~~_
existing unit(s), the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate Such fees may
include, but are not limited to City Beautification Fee, Park Fee, Drainage Fee, Transportation
Development Fee, Permit and Plan Checking Fees, and School Fees Applicant shall provide a
copy of the school fees receipt to the Building and Safety Division prior to perms issuance
3 Street addresses shall be provided by the Bulding Offiaal, after tracUparcel map recordation and _/___/_
prior to issuance of building permits
4 Construction activity shall not occur between the hours of 8 00 p m. and 6.30 a m Monday ~~_
through Saturday, with no construction on Sunday or holidays
5 Construct trash enclosure(s) per City Standard (available at the Planning Division's public ___/~_
6 Submit pool plans to the County of San Bernardino's Environmental Health Services Department ~___/_
for approval.
P. New Structures
1 Provide compliance with the Uniform Bwlding Code for the property line clearances considering ~_/_
use, area, and fire-resistiveness
2 Provide compliance with the Uniform Bulding Code for requred occupancy separation(s) ~~_
3 Roofing material shall be installed per the manufacturer's °high wind° instructions _/~
4 Provide draft stops in attic areas, not to exceed 3,000 square feet, in accordance with UBC Table _/~J_
5 Provide draft stops in attics in line with common walls ___/~_
6 Roofing materials shall be Class °A ° _/~_
7 Exterior walls shall be constructed of the required fire rating in accordance with UBC Table 5-A _/~_
8 Openings in exterior walls shall be protected in accordance with UBC Table 5-A ___/~_
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Project No DRC2001-00379
Comoletion Date
9 If the area of habitable space above the first floor exceeds 3,000 square feet, then the _/~_
construction type shall be V-1 Hour
10 Wails and floors separating dwelling units in the same building shall be not less than 1-hour ~_/
fire-resistive construction _
Q. Grading
1 Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Budding Code, City _/~_
Grading Standards, and accepted grading practices The final grading plan shall be in
substantial conformance with the approved grading plan
2 A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to ~~_
pertorm such work
3. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the ~_/_
time of application for grading plan check.
4 The final grading plans shall be completed and approved prior to issuance of bwlding permits ~~_
5 A separate grading plan check submittal is regwred for all new construction protects and for ~~_
existing buildings where improvements being proposed will generate 50 cubic yards or more of
combined cut and fill The Grading Plan shall be prepared, stamped, and signed by a California
Registered Civil Engineer.
R. Security Lighting .
1 All parking, common, and storage areas shall have minimum maintained 1-foot candle power. ~___/-
These areas should be lighted from sunset to sunrise and on photo sensored cell
2 All bwldings shall have minimal security lighting to eliminate dark areas around the bwldings, with ~___/-
direct lighting to be provided by ali entryways Lighting shall be consistent around the entire
3 Lighting in exterior areas shall be invandal-resistant fixtures ~___/_
S. Security Hardware
1 A secondary locking device shall be installed on all sliding glass doors ~~_
2 One-inch single cylinder dead bolts shall be installed on all entrance doors If windows are within /~_
40 inches of any locking device, tempered glass or a double cylinder dead bolt shall be used.
3 All garage or rolling doors shall have slide bolts or some type of secondary locking devices ~___/_
T. Windows
1 All sliding glass windows shall have secondary locking devices and should not be able to be lifted _/_/_
from frame or track in any manner.
2 Security/burglar bars are not recommended, particularly in residences, due to the delay or _/_/_
prevention of a speedy evacuation in case of fue
U. Building Numbering
1 Numbers and the backgrounds shall be of contrasting color and shall be reflective for nighttime ~_/_
(~ fL
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Protect No DRC2001-00379
Comvletion Date
2 At the entrances of commercial or residential complexes, an illuminated map or directory of
protect shall be erected with vandal-resistant cover North shall be at the top and so indicated
Sign shall be in compliance with Sign Ordinance, including an application for a Sign Permit ane
approval by the Planning Division
3 All developments shall submit an 8 Yz" x 11" sheet with the numbering pattern of all multi-tenant
developments to the Police Department
V. Community Facilities Districts
1 This protect is subtect to the requirements of the Mello-Roos Community Facilities District
W. Water Plans for Fire Protection
1 Prior to issuance of any building permit, the applicant shall submit a plan showing the locations of
all new public fve hydrants for the review and approval by the Fire District and the Water Distract
2 Pnor to the issuance of any building permit, the applicant shall submit construction plans,
specftcations, flow test data and calculations for the private water main system for review and
approval by the Fire District. Plans and installation shall comply with Fire Distract standards.
3 Fve flow requirements for this protect shall be 2_~ gallons per minute at a minimum residual
pressure of 20 pounds per square inch to accordance with Fve Code Appendix III-A, as
amended The required fire flow shall be delivered by fire hydrants located in accordance with
Fire Code Appendix III-B, as amended
4 All requved public fire hydrants shall be installed, flushed and operable prior to delivering any
combustible building materials on-site (i e , lumber, roofing materials, etc ). Water Dtstnct
personnel shall inspect the installation and witness hydrant flushing The budder/developer shall
submit test report to the Ftre Safety Division
5 All pnvate on-site fire hydrants shall be installed, flushed and operable pnor to delivering any
combustible building materials on-site (i e., lumber, roofing materials, etc) Fire Construction
Services representative shall inspect the tnstallatton and witness hydrant flushing The
builder/developer shall submit final test report to the Ftre Safety Division.
6 For the purpose of final acceptance, an additional test of the on-site fire hydrants shall be
conducted by the builder/developer in the presence of the Water Dtstnct or Ftre Construction
Services, as appropriate The bwlder/developer shall submit the final test report to the Fire
Safety Division
7 Existing fve hydrants and mains within 600 feet of the protect shall be shown on the water plan
submitted for review and approval. Include main size.
8. Prior to the issuance of any bulding permit, the applicant shall submit construction plans,
specifications, and calculations for the fire sprinkler system underground
9 Regwred Note If the system is private the applicant shall do the following prior to the issuance
of the budding permit
a Submit proof that provisions have been made for the annual testing, repair and maintenance
of the system. A copy of the maintenance agreement shall be submitted to the District
b For developments with multiple owners, they shall establish a reciprocal maintenance
agreement, which shall be submitted to the Fire District for acceptance
10 Prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy, all fire hydrants shall have a blue reflective
pavement marker indicating the fire hydrant location on the street or driveway in accordance with
Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and City of Rancho Cucamonga Engineering
scot-o2 s (J\ 9 ~
Protect No DRC2001-00379
Comolehon Date
Standard Plan 134, °Installat~on o/ Reflective Hydrant Markers ` On private property these
markers are to be maintained in good condition by the property owner •
X. Water Availability
1 Prior to the issuance of a bwlding permit, the applicant shall provide evidence of adequate fire ~/-/_
flow The Rancho Cucamonga Fue Protection District Water Avarlabrlifv for Fire Protection
Form shall be signed by the Water District and submitted for approval by the Rancho Cucamonga
Fire Protection Distract. If sufficient water to meet fire flow regwrements is not available, an
automatic fve extinguishing system may be requred in each structure affected by the insufficient
Y. Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems
1 RCFPD Ordinance 15 or other adopted code or standard, regwres an approved automatic fve ~~-
spnnkler system
2 Any modification or remodel to a fire spnnkler system requires Fire District approval, and a ~~_
permd NO WORK is permuted without a permit issued by Fire Construction Services
3. All commercial structures greater than 7,500 square feet, all Group A or E Occupancies with an ~~-
occupant load of 50 or more persons, all multi-family residential structures, and all structures
which do not meet Fire Distract access regwrements (FP5), shall be protected by an approved
automatic fue spnnkler system
4. Reqwred Note Prior to the recordation of ANY map, a note shall be placed on the map stating ~ /_
that all commercal structures great than 7,500 square feet, all Group A or E Occupancies wdh an
occupant load of 50 or more persons, all multi-family residential structures, and all structures
which do not meet Fire District access regwrements (Section °E° -Fire Access), shall be •
protected by an automatic fire sprinkler system meeting the approval of the Fve Distract.
5 Pnor to the issuance of a bwlding permit, the applicant shall submit plans for any automatic fire ._/~-
spnnkler system to the Fire Distract for rewew and approval No work is allowed without a Fire
Distract permit
6 Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the fire spnnkler system(s) shall be tested _/-/_
and accepted by the Fue Distract
7 The fire spnnkler system monitoring system shall be installed, tested and operational immediately ___/- /_
following the completion of the fve spnnkler system Monitoring is required with 20 sprinklers m
Group I Occupancies, or 100 or more sprinklers in all other Occupancies
Z. Fire Access
1 Residential. Prior to recordation of a subdiwsion/tract/parcel map, the applicant shall obtain ___/~_
approval of the Fire Distract for all Fire District access roadways and fire lanes All roadways or
fire lanes shall comply with RCFPD Ordinance FD32 and other applicable standards
2 Residential & Commercial Pnor to issuance of any grading permds, the applicant shall submd and ~~_
obtain approval of plans for all roads, streets and courts, public or private, from the Fire District in
consultation with the Grading Committee The plans shall include the plan view, sectional view, and
rndicate the width of the street or court measured flow line to flow Ime All proposed fire apparatus
turnarounds shall be clearly marked when adead-end street exceeds 150 feet or when otherwise
regwred Applicable CC&Rs, or other approved documents, shall contain provisions that prohibit
obstructions such as traffic calming devices (speed bumps, humps, etc ), control gates, bollards, or
other modrfications in fire lanes or access roadways without prior written approval of the Fire District,
Fire Safety Diwsion
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Protect No DRC2001-00379
Completion Date
3 Street Signs A note shall be placed on the site plan indicating that all streeVroad signs shall be
designed and maintained as erfher tntemally or extemaily illuminated in a manner meeting the
approval of the Fire Distract
4 The minimum width for a Fire Distract access road or fire lane is 26 feet The minimum inside tum
radws is 20 feet The minimum outside tum radws is 50 feet The minimum radws for cul-de-sacs is
50 feet The minimum vertical clearance is 14 feet, 6 inches At any entry medtan the minimum
width of traffic lanes shall be 20 feet
All portions of the facility or any portion of the exterior wall of the first story shall be located wrfhin
150 feet of Fire District vehicle access, measured by an unobstructed approved route around the
exterior of the building Approved access walkways shall be provided from the fire apparatus axess
road to exterior building openings
6 A Knox rapid entry key vault shall be installed prior to final inspection. Proof of purchase shall be
submitted prior to final building plan approval Contact the Flre Safety Dtwston for specrfic details
and ordering tnformatton
7. Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the applicant shall submd and obtain the Flre District's
approval of the construction of any gate across regwred Fire Distract access roadways/driveways
8. Gated or restricted access regwres the installation of a Knox rapid entry system Vehicle access
gates shall be provided wlth an approved Fire District Knox Key Switch Additionally for vehicle
access gates, an approved, compatible traffic signal preemption device will be regwred to open the
gate The gate shall remain in the open posrfion until reset by Fve District key switch Contact the
Fire Safety Dtwston for specrfic details and ordering information
9 Trees and shrubs planted in any medtan shall be kept trimmed to a minimum of 14 feet, 6 Inches
from the ground up, so as not to impede fire vehicles
10 A building drectory shall be regwred, as noted below
a Lighted directory within 20 feet of main entrance(s) to the site
11 A note shall be placed on all plans which clearly indicates the following Emergency access, a
minimum 26 feet in width and 14 feet, 6 inches in height shall be provided and maintained free and
clear of any obstructions at all times during construction, in accordance with Fire Distract Standards
12 Pnor to the issuance of a bwldtng permil, the applicant shall submit plans and obtain approval from
the Ftre District for fire lanes on required Fire District access roadway less than 40 feet In width The
plans shall indicate the locations of red curbing and signage. A drawing of the proposed signage
that meets the minimum Ftre District standards shall be submitted to and approved Contact the
Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District at (909) 477-2770 for a copy of the "FD Access - Ftre
Lanes" standard
13 Prior to the Issuance of any Certrficate of Occupancy, the fire lanes shall be installed to accordance
with the approved fire lane plan The CC&Rs or other approved documents shall contain a fire lane
map and provisions that prohibit parking in the fire lanes The method of enforcement shall be
documented The CC&Rs shall also identrfy who is responsible for not less than annual inspection
and maintenance of all regwred fire lanes
14 New buildings other than dwellings shall post the address with minimum 8-inch numbers on
contrasting background, visible from the street and electrically illuminated during periods of
darkness When the butldtng setback exceeds 200 feet from the public street an additional non-
illuminated 6-inch minimum number address shall be provided at the property entrance
15 In multi-unit complexes approved address numbers, and/or bwldtng identrftcation letters shall be
provided on the front and back of all units, suites, or bwldings The Flre District shall review and
approve the numbering plan in coordination with the City of Rancho Cucamonga
SC-01-02 11 ~ ~ ~ ~~
Project No DRC2001-00379
Comoletion Date
AA. Combustible Construction Letter
1 Regwred Note Prior to the issuance of a building permit for combustible construction, the budder ~___/_
shall submit a letter to the Fve District on company letterhead stating that water for fue fighting
purposes and the all weather fve protection access road shall be in place and operational before any
combustible material is placed on-site
BB. Architectural Building Plans
1 Prior to approval of a site developmenUuse permit, or the issuance of a building permit, whichever ~~_
occurs first, the applicant shall submit plans for the revew and approval of the Fire District Cali the
Fve Construction Services Unit at (909) 477-2713 for the Fire Safety Site/Architectural Notes to be
placed on the plans prior to submittal.
CC. Fire Alarm System
1 An automatic fire alarm (and detection) system is requred by RCFPD Ordinance 15, based on use ~~_
or floor area, or by another adopted code or standard
2 Prior to issuance of a bwlding permit, plans for the fire alarm system shall be submitted to the Fire ~~-
District for review and approval. No work is allowed without a Fve District permit.
3. Prior to any remodel, modification, additions, or exchange of devices, Fire District approval and a ~~-
permitare required Plans and specrfications shall be submitted to the Fire District
4 Prior to the issuance of a Certrficate of Occupancy, the fire alarm (and detection) system(s) shall be ~~_
tested and accepted by the Fire District ~
DD. Fees
1 Fire District fee(s), plus a $1 00 microfilm fee per "plan page" wdl be due to the Rancho Cucamonga ~~_
Fve District as follows "
a $132 for Water Plan Rewew for Public Fve Protection
b $132 for Private Fire Mains or Fire Sprinkler Underground Water Supply
c $677 (per new bwldmg) for Mufti-fatuity Residential Development
"Note Separate plan check fees for tenant improvement work, fire protection systems (fire
sprinklers, alarm systems, fire extinguishing systems, etc ), and/or any consultant reviews will be
assessed upon separate submittals of plans.
EE. Plan Submittal Required Notice
1 Plans shall be submitted and approved pnor to construction in accordance with 1997/98 Bwldmg, ~~_
Fve, Mechanical, and Plumbing Codes, 1999 Electrical and RCFPD Ordinances FD15 and FD32,
Gwdehnes and Standards
NOTE Separate plan check fees for tenant improvements, fire protection systems and/or any _/_/_
consultant reviews will be assessed at time of submrttal of plans
NOTE A separate grading plan check submittal is regwred for all new construction protects and for ~~_
existing bwldings where improvements being proposed wdl generate 50 cubic yards or more of
combined cut and fdl The grading plan shall be prepared, stamped and signed by a California
Registered Professional Crvd Engineer
12 ~ \~ 1 v