HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002/03/27 - Agenda Packet • • "~~' ~~' CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA -'- - PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA WEDNESDAY MARCH 27, 2002 7:00 PM Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center Council Chamber 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California I. CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Chairman McNiel Vice Chairman Macias Coin Mannenno _ Com Stewart _ Com Tolstoy _ II. ANNOUNCEMENTS III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 13, 2002 IV. NEW BUSINESS A DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRCDR00-49 - JAMIL SAMOUH - A request to construct a 5,235 square foot single family home on 1 22 acres of land in the Hillside Residential Distract, located at 3500 Skyline Road -APN 200-441-66 B TRACT 15915 - BELMONT EQUESTRIAN ESTATES - A request by Brynda Fryan as a representative of the Belmont Equestnan Estates to amend the CC&Rs for Tract 15915 to allow full height pnvate gates across local feeder trails where they intersect public streets -APN 1089-081-01 through 14 and 1089-071-01 through 22 C CONSIDERATION OF SUBAREA 18 SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT -CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES - A request to initiate an amendment to allow Public Storage as a permitted use within Planning Area VIII of the Empire Lakes project V. PUBLIC COMMENTS This ~s the hme and place for the general public to address the commission Items to be discussed here are those that do not already appear on this agenda VI. COMMISSION BUSINESS VII. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Commission has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11 00 p m adloumment hme. If items go beyond that time, they shall be heard only wdh the consent of the COmmISSlon. THE PLANNING COMMISSION WILL ADJOURN TO A WORKSHOP IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING IN THE RAINS ROOM TO DISCUSS PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW DRC2002-00178. 1, Gail Sanchez, Planning Commission Secretary of the Cdy of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on March 21, 2002, at least 72 hours poor to the meeting per Government Code Section 54964 2 at 10500 C~v~c Center Dnve, Rancho Cucamonga ~~~~ • • Page 2 Planning Commission March 27, 2002 Hill B~ Vicinity Map 'Nilson • CITY HALL Subarea 18 City of Rancho Cucamonga Q RANCHO CUCAMONGA StaffReport DATE: March 27, 2002 TO Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Donald Granger, Assistant Planner SUBJECT. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRCDR00-49-JAMILSAMOUH-A request to construct a 5,235 square foot single-family home on 1.22 acres of land in the Hillside Residential District, located at 3500 Skyline Road - APN• 200-441-66 ANALYSIS: A Applicable Regulations The Development Code regwres Planning Commission Rewew when one or more of the following activities are proposed• natural slopes equal to or greaterthan 15 percent on all or part of the subtect site, fills or excavations exceeding 5 feet in vertical depth, and fills or excavations that result in earthwork quantities of 1,500 cubic yards or more The subtect property has natural slopes that range from 10 percent to over 50 percent, 9 feet of fill m certain areas, and earthwork quantities totaling 1,000 cubic yards B Backoround The site is a 1 22-acre lot within Tract 10210, a 33-lot subdivision that was recorded in 1986 To date, there are approximately 9 vacant lots left within the subdivision The lot is located on the north side of Skyline Drive, near the north boundary of the subdivision, and slopes northerly (front line to rear lot line) This property is severely constrained by slope and fault setbacks, hence, it is one of the few remaining unbudt lots within Tract 10210 The lot commands a spectacular view of the valley due to its prominence above Skyline Road Existing homes within the subdivision are single and two-story, with architectural styles and features similar to the applicant's The existing homes utilized contour grading, stepped pads, and slope plantings to meet the regwrements of the Hillside Ordinance. C Proposed Proiect• The applicant is proposing to bwld a two-story, single-family home within the Hillside Residential District The lot is generally triangular in shape, and slopes are variable, ranging from 10 percent to over 50 percent. The proposed protect is under the maximum allowable limits for bwlding envelope, setbacks, and lot coverage An improved Local Feeder trail exists along the south property line. A 15-foot wide Local Feeder Trial will be required to be installed as a Condition of Approval, providing a link between the existing Local Feeder Trail on the west side of Skyline Road and the existing Community Trail that borders the easterly lot line (Exhibit "B") ITEM A PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DRCDR00-49 - JAMIL SAMOUH March 27, 2002 Page 2 Staff believes the proposed design is consistent with the goals of the Hillside Development Ordinance because it incorporates techniques that allow the house to follow the native terrain, thus minimizing grading The proposedtwo-story house is designed with 3 stepped pads that have an overall grade difference of 2 75 feet The house has one three-car garage oriented away from the street All budding elevations are well articulated, utilizing various architectural features including turrets, balconies, and variation in the building footprint Architectural treatment to all sides is accomplished with stacked ledgestone evenly distributed on all elevations and window surrounds on all elevations. The architectural style of the house is compatible with the surrounding area. D. Grading Committee: On February 5, 2002, the Grading Committee reviewed the protect and did not recommend approval The Committee felt that the interceptor dram should be moved to the north side of the trail, a culvert should be provided to accept the drainage along the north property line, and the concentration of flow along the retaining wall to the south of the structure should be reduced with an energy dissipating device. The Committee recommended that the applicant revise the protect and re-submit for the next available Grading Committee. On February 19, 2002, the Committee reviewed the revised protect and recommended approval. Though the protect exceeds 5 vertical feet of fill in certain areas, staff believes the proposed design is consistent with the existing homes within the subdivision and meets the guidelines of the Hillside Development Regulations Staff believes that the proposed grading has been adequately mitigated through the use of mature landscaping and contoured slopes. The Landscape Plan, including slope design and plant palette selection, will be reviewed by the City Planner prior to budding permit issuance E Design Review Committee On February 5, 2002, the Committee (McNiel, Stewart, and Fong) reviewed the protect and recommended approval, subtect to staff's recommendation that graded slopes be rounded off and contoured to blend with the land and intensified landscaping (trees and shrubs) be included to soften and vary slope planes. The Design Review Committee's recommendations have been included in the protect's conditions of approval Technical Review Committee. On February 6, 2002, the Committee reviewed the protect and determined that review by the Planning Commission would be regwred because the protect's natural slopes are equal to or greater than 15 percent. The protect is consistent with all other applicable Hillside Regulations and Development Code requirements. G. Trails Review Committee: On February 13, 2002, the Trails Advisory Committee reviewed the protect and recommended approval, subtect to the following conditions• a separate drive approach shall be installed for the trail, the 2.1 fill slopes shall be planted with appropriate landscaping, and fenang shall be installed adtacent to the south side ofthe v-ditch The Trails Advisory Committee's recommendations have been incorporated into the protect's conditions of approval. H. Environmental Assessment: The protect is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, pursuant to Section 15303(a) of the State CEQA Gwdelines ~~ PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DRCDR00-49 - JAMIL SAMOUH March 27, 2002 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Development Review DRCDR00-49 through adoption of the attached Resolution of Approval with Conditions Respectfully submitted, Brad Buller City Planner BB:DG1ma Attachments Exhibit "A" - Site Plan Exhibit "B" Exhibd "C" Exhibit "D" Exhibit"E" Exhibit "F" Draft Reso r1 L._..J - Grading Plan - Elevations - Floor Plan - Roof Plan - Information Sheet ution of Approval for Development Rewew DRCDR00-49 3 GYF11 Fllt t~Aff ,r u a a w e w ~~<4~ ~ ~ ma" i z ~ o~ ~z i a ~ a: Z FF 1 ~J 1?' ~ Q ~~Q'. ~ ~~ rR y ~ ¢~ ~ ~ ma j I I- q E A A R A ~~~ /Vf\ i ~ U~oA z ~ d d ~ d I ~ Z~ 7 vl Q ~s ~~ ~~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ i~~! g gg g pp~pp aa i ~~P~E~~~~~€€~g~a~~6f6~~ Q S ~ ~ y~~N ,~QQj, 9g fuAl 6 §p~i~ 7 I~~Iq ~y9~~~te epee ~!.Sla~~~~ a~~26~1~ -~6 reaa! a; @~ a (~ ~e~ ~ ! 6 a~ ~ ~ ja~~~~ [~9€ ~j~~ 1~! ~ a ~~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@~ ~;~3 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~' i~+ 000000000®0®®0®~®© ~ ~a e a € ~ Qa ~ ~ 3 $ e ~~ ~g° x gg~~ E~! ~~ 6~ ~~ ~ a6 Q ~~ ~ ! ~ a '~ as A 1 d ~ 51 a y C g ! ~tl e ~ ~ i~ ~ ~~ €~ 1 j~ Ba~~ ep~~ py~~~ €_~ ~~t §e~ j~~ ~ ~~ j~ ~6e ~~ 4 ~~ ~ 6g¢B~~' ~9I "~ p sy ~9 ~~ 6ppa~pp~ ~qpR €~~~ elt ~qe pgpi a' ~gy~ ~yga ga ~e y{~ ~ R8€ ~ ~~pka ~8F ~ yyy9 ~~'d d d d d .~ w~~ •~ .~ ~B ~f ~i .6!611q [~!'~ ~B a!f ~t~ !i Ti T~ !~ !! t !2 s Nab F ~ tl~ 5~ Exhibit ~~i~~ 9 @ itl ~j]azi°a~ I L (V ~ ~ 1~~'~ if r r ee ZU ~\\ 1~~ ~i/' 0 0~ ~ '~ a °o~°m 1 h • \\ \\ \' \\ II \I~1\~\`R~\~~\\\\\\ ~ I I ~( l~ ~l~l I •N~' i,/, ''/ i~ t~ta \ \ \ ~ "`II 1111111111 1 I ° %~ ;~ my- li , i i ~~~\\\1 i ~ IIj~~~llj~~~lj111111 X11111111 X11 ~/ ~~ ~I ( `~!:%' %'/ %^ ~ r., 8~ ~~11 iillliillllllllllllll IIII1 ~1'1~„/ 1~y„ ;` ~ @~E'~ I~ ;I Illjlll~1111111111111i1~111~~~11111111111j11 ~\ ~'~+. l~i ~l`~/4 '1~ '3 ~~•: ~z.i_ I ! 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Z ~y Yj a y ~ ~~i ~ z~ ~~:~ a a a a : R A S °i ~~ ~~ A A xhibit "B_2» ° a a a a a e a a a a a a e A A A A A A 't 49 A A ~'Y ~ ~~' z.0- ~~~ st q4 s} tl4 \Ig =xhibit "B-3" d d d d d d d d d d d d d -, A A A A n i ~~ xhibit "C" x- a n J/ d ~~ tnST ELEVAT[pN ce ~xcxrtet~s ~.. ~. ~. .~..~ r 1 L_J r ~J :xhibit "D" ~ i 1~ 4 d~ ~~ s ii~ ~~J_ o~i 8 `~o z a' t~ ~ ~:: a a 0 0 ~ J V N .. ¢y q ~~ d i r= : 4n e 9~~ u~ ~ O S u. O Y O ~ Eq~ j F A h m ~ to I 1 YiN p w ~ Q < ' Q I j@p j ~4h i ~; i ~ i ~ i i ~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~,~ I i i {L "--- •- ~ ~~ w _ ~ +1 ~ ~ ~' ° 6 i f h Y ~ d m a m a xiw ~~ 'xhibit "D-1" X Q :•- m -' •--'L"""'-"'-'--- ~ ~,r ..~ ~ ~-----------.~------ ~,x , ~ .~ ~------ T ----_ EXIST GRADE / ~ ~ ~` l ~ SECTION B-B ROOF PLAN ' -._..._._._~ ~ i '•,`/y -..1./ SECTION A-A EXIST GRADE SECTION C-C CB ARCNITeCTS smsrr ws ® _ INFORMATION SHEET DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRCDR00-09 FILE NO DRCDR00-49 PROJECT NAME SINGLE FAMILY HILLSIDE REVIEW APPLICANT MR JAMIL SAMOUH LOCATION. LOT 31 OF TRACT 10210 FLOOR AREA. 5,235 LAND USE CLASSIFICATION OPEN SPACE EXISTING ZONING HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL EXISTING LAND USE VACANT GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION• HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL ADJACENT ZONING/LAND USE• ZONING LAND USE North HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT South HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT East HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT West HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT VACANT VACANT VACANT SINGLE-FAMILY HOME SITE DESCRIPTION: The lot is generally triangular in shape, and is severely constrained byslope and fault setbacks, hence, it is one of the few remaining unbwlt lots within Tract 10210 The lot commands a spectacular view of the valley due to its prominence above Skyline Road. The lot is located on the north side of Skyline drive, near the north boundary of the subdivision, and slopes northerly (front line to rear lot line) Slopes are variable, ranging from 10% to over 50% SITE SIZE 1.22 Acres PARKING CALCULATIONS No of No of Type of Use So Footage Spaces Rgrd Spaces Provided Single Family Residence 5,235 2 car garage 3car-garage ~~ I LJ Fvhihi- "F" RESOLUTION NO 02-38 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRCDR00-49, A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A 5,235 SQUARE FOOT SINGLE-FAMILY HOME ON 1 22 ACRES OF LAND IN THE HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, LOCATED AT 3500 SKYLINE ROAD, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF-APN 200-441-66 A. Recitals 1 Mr Jamd Samouh filed an application for the approval of Development Review DRCDR00-49, as descnbed in the title of this Resolution Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subtect Development Review request is referred to as "the application " 2 On the 13th day of March 2002, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a meeting on the application and concluded said meeting on that date All legal preregwsites poor to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B Resolution NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows 1 This Commission hereby speufically finds that all of the fads set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct 2 Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dunng the above- referenced meeting on March 13, 2002, including wntten and oral staff reports, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows a The application applies to property located on Skyline Road, lot 31 of recorded Tract 10210, with an approximate street frontage of 385 feet and lot depth of approximately 221 feet, and b The properties to the north, south, and east are vacant, there is a single-family residence to the west, and all properties are located within the Hillside Residential Distnct, and c The application proposes the construction of a 5,235 square foot single-family home, a permitted use within the Hillside Residential Distnct, and d The subject property has natural slopes that range from 10 percent to over 50 percent, 9 feet of fill is proposed in certain areas, and earthwork quantities are proposed totaling 1,000 cubic yards The Development Code regwres Planning Commission Reviewwhen one or more of the following activities are proposed natural slopes equal to or greater than 15 percent on all or part of the subtect site, fills or excavations exceeding 5 feet in vertical depth, and fills or excavations that result in earthwork quantities of 1,500 cubic yards or more e The application proposes asingle-family home that is designed moth asplit-pad design that includes three graded pads that have an overall grade change of 2 75 feet, which meets the goals and obtectrves of the Hillside Development Regulations by utilizing design techniques that reduce grading and allow the structure to conform to the natural landfortn, and ~ 1~ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO 02-38 DRCDR00-49 - JAMIL SAMOUH March 27, 2002 Page 2 f The proposed architectural style of the single-family home, vnth stacked ledgestone, window surrounds, and strong vanation in the bulding footpnnt, is compatible with the surrounding development, and g The proposed application includes contour grading and slope plantings consisting of clusters of trees and shrubs, thereby meeting the goals and objectives of the Hillside Ordinance by reduang the impacts of grading and softening the appearance of manufactured slopes 3 Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dunng the above- referenced meeting and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and conGudes as follows. The proposed protect is consistent with the ob~edrves of the General Plan, and b The proposed use is in accord with the obtectives of the Development Code and the purposes of the distnct in which the site is located, and c The proposed use is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code; and d The proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be • detnmental to the public health, safety, or welfare or matenally intunous to properties or improvements in the viGnity 4 The Commission hereby finds and determines that the protect identfied in this Resolution is categoncally exempt from the regwrements of the California Environmental QualityAd of 1970, as amended, and the Gudelines promulgated thereunder, pursuant to Section 15303(a) of the State CEQA Guidelines 5 Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subtect to each and every condition set forth below and in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference Planning Dnrision. 1) Approval is fora 5,235 square foot home on Lot 31 of Tract 10210 2) Front yard landscaping shall be installed In addition to the vegetation required by the Hillside Ordinance, mature landscaping will be required to be planted on the site to soften the appearance of the protect, to the satisfaction of the City Planner Pnor to building permit issuance, a detailed Landscape and Imgation Plan shall be submitted to the City Planner for review and approval 3) A minimum of 30 percent of the plant matenals shall be large size (24- inch box trees/10-gallon size shrubs) \ I ~ ~p PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO 02-38 DRCDR00-49 - JAMIL SAMOUH March 27, 2002 Page 3 4) Graded slopes shall be rounded-off and contoured to blend with the land, avoiding straight, uniform slopes, to the satisfaction of the City Planner Pnor to bwldmg permit issuance, a grease Grading Plan shall be submitted for review and approval 5) All walls exposed to public view, including retaining walls, shall be decorative masonry Decoratve shall mean stucco finish, split face block, or slumpstone 6) Retaining wall height shall not exceed 4 feet upslope from the structure and 3 % feet downslope from the structure and adjacent to dnveways 7) Beginning at the nght-of-way for Skyline Dnve and terminating at the existing Community Trail, trail fencing shall be erected on both sides of the Equestnan Trail for the entire length of the trail Fenang on the north side of the trail shall be erected adtacent to the south side of the v-ditch Trail fencing shall match the existing lodgepole fencing within Tract 10210 and shall be constructed in accordance vwth approved City Standards 8) Pnor to occupancy being granted, the Equestnan Trail, as indicated on recorded Tract Map 10210, shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the City Planner The Local Trail shall/oin the existing CommundyTrail that is located adjacent to the east property line The trail shall be constructed in accordance with the City's Trail Design Standards and the approved plans on file with the Planning Diwsion 9) The Equestnan Trail shall have a separate dnve approach, per Standard Drawing No 101, Type R-1 The dnveway approach shall have a medwm broom finish 10) The equestnan trail and the pnvate dnveway shall be separated by a concrete curb or mow stnp, beginning at the nght-of-way for Skyline Road. 11) The large fill area Huth the 2 1 slope design in the 45-foot wide equestnan easement shall be landscaped to the satisfadion of the City Planner Pnor to bwldmg permit issuance, a detailed Landscape and Imgation Plan shall be submitted to the City Planner for rewew and approval 12) Where fieldstone is used, it shall be real nver rock Other forrns of stone may be manufactured products Engineenng Division . 1) Construct all improvements not completed month Tract 10210, per Gty standards, including new dnve approach, street trees, and parkway/trail under drain(s), to the satisfaction of the City Engineer 1'] PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO 02-38 DRCDR00-49 - JAMIL SAMOUH March 27, 2002 Page 4 2) Existing dnve approach should be completely removed and replaced with a concrete approach, no more than 24 feet wide per Standard Drawing No 101, Type R-1 Use a medwm broom finish for a PCC approach to be used by horses 3) Provide a culvert for drainage blocked by the proposed north boundary retaining wall, easterly of the house location (Section F-F) 4) Obtain permission from the property owner to the north for culvert headwall and off-site grading purposes, or move the facility completely on-site and swing the trail around it 5) Place the interceptor drainage ditch adjacent to the north boundary retaining wall and/or along the north boundary line and size the fatality to accommodate off-site flows from the north Provde the interceptor drainage ditch at all locations which are non-tnbutary to the culvert 6) The cross fall in the Pnvate Trail maybe away from the north boundary line ditch (southerly) at a rate of 2 to 4 percent Connect the ditch vwth public fatalities (Community Trail in Lot "A" and Skyline Road) Use under sidewalk-curbside drams and/or trail drainage facilities, whichever is applicable, to accomplish this 7) Dnveway line-of-sight shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with adopted policy Walls, signs, and slopes shall be located outside the lines-of-sight The City engineer shall approve landscaping and other obstructions within the lines-of-sight. 8) Pnor to issuance of building permits, revise existing Public Improvement DraHnng No 796 to reflect construction in the parkway to the satisfaction of the City Engineer Show regwred dnve approach(s), street trees, under traiUsidewalk curbside drains etc 6 The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 27TH DAY OF MARCH 2002 PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY Lany T McNiel, Chamnan ATTEST Brad Buller, Secretary ~1g PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO 02-38 DRCDR00-49 - JAMIL SAMOUH . March 27, 2002 Page 5 I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planrnng Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planrnng Commission held on the 27th day of March 2002, by the following vote-to-Hnt AYES COMMISSIONERS NOES COMMISSIONERS ABSENT COMMISSIONERS ~~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENI~ STANDARD CONDITIONS PROJECT #: DRCDR00-49 SUBJECT: SINGLE-FAMILY HILLSIDE APPLICANT: MR. JAMIL SAMOUH LOCATION: LOT 31 OF TRACT 10210 ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DIVISION, (909) 477-2750, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. General Requirements coin letion Dat 1. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, ~~_ its agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relingwsh such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorneys fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be requved by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition 2 A copy of the signed Resolution of Approval or City Planner's letter of approval, and all ~_/_ Standard Conditions, shall be included in legible form on the grading plans, bwlding and construction plans, and landscape and irrigation plans submitted for plan check. B. Time Limits 1 Conditional Use Permit, Variance, or DevelopmenUDesign Review approval shall expire if ~~_ bwlding permits are not issued or approved use has not commenced within 5 years from the date of approval No extensions are allowed C. Site Development 1 The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which ~~_ include site plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, sign program, and grading on fde in the Planning Division, the conditions contained herein, and Development Code regulations ~b sc-oz-oz Protect No DRCDR00-49 Completion Date 2 Prior to any use of the protect site or business activity being commenced thereon, all . Conditions of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Planner 3 Occupancy of the faaiities shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Bulding Code and State Fire Marshal regulations have been complied with Prior to occupancy, plans shall be submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety Division to show compliance The buildings shall be inspected for compliance prior to occupancy 4 Revised site plans and bulding elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval pnor to the issuance of building permits 5 All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for consistency pnor to issuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment, building, etc) or prior to final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, or approved use has commenced, whichever comes first 6 Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community or Speaftc Plans in effect at the time of building permit tssuance. 7 If no centralized trash receptacles are provided, all trash pick-up shall be for individual units with all receptacles shielded from public view 8. All ground-mounted utility appurtenances such as transformers, AC condensers, etc., shall be located out of public view and adequately screened through the use of a combination of concrete or masonry walls, berming, and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the Ctty Planner For single-family residential developments, transformers shall be placed to . underground vaults 9 All building numbers and individual units shall be identified in a clear and concise manner, including proper illumination. 10 A detailed plan indicating trail widths, maximum slopes, physical conditions, fencing, and weed control, in accordance with City Master Trail drawings, shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to approval and recordation of the Final Tract Map and prior to approval of street improvement and grading plans Developer shall upgrade and construct all trails, including Penang and drainage devices, in contunction with street improvements a Local Feeder Trails (i a ,private equestrian easements) shall, at a minimum, be fenced with two-rail, 4-inch lodgepole °peeler° logs to define both sides of the easement; however, developer may upgrade to an alternate fence material b Local Feeder Trail entrances shall also provide access for service vehicles, such as veterinarians or hay deliveries, including a 12-foot minimum drive approach Entrance shall be gated provided that equestrian access is maintained through step-throughs c Local Feeder Trail grades shall not exceed 0 5% at the downstream end of a trail for a distance of 25 feet behind the public right-of-way line to prohibit trail debris from reaching the street Drainage devices may be requved by the Building Offiaal d Provide a 24-foot by 24-foot corral area in the rear yard Grade access from corral to trail with a maximum slope of 5 1 and a minimum width of 10 feet 11 For single family residential development, a 2-inch galvanized pipe shall be attached to each support post for all wood fences, with a minimum of two Yx-inch lag bolts, to withstand high winds Both post and pipe shall be installed in an 18-inch deep concrete footing Pipe shall extend at least 4 feet, 6 Inches above grade sc-oz-oz ~ ~l 2 ~~- ~~- ~~- ~~_ ~~. ~~. ~~- ~~_ ___/~. ~~- J~- ~~_ ~-~- ~~- D. E. F. Prote ct No DRCDR00-49 Completion Dete 12 Wood fencing shall be treated with stain, paint, or water sealant _/_/_ 13 Slope fencing along side property lines may be wrought iron or black plastic coated chain Ilnk ___/~~ to maintain an open feeling and enhance views 14 On corner side yards, provide minimum 5-foot setback between walls/fences and sidewalk ,_/~_ 15 For residential development, return walls and corner side walls shall be decorative masonry. ___/~_ 16 Where rock cobble Is used, it shall be real river rock Other stone veneers may be ~~_ manufactured products. Building Design 1 All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners and other roof mounted equipment and/or ~~_ protections, shall be shielded from view and the sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets as required by the Planning Dvision Such screening shall be architecturally Integrated with the building design and constructed to the satisfaction of the City Planner Details shall be included in bwlding plans. Parking and Vehicular Access (indicate details on building plans) 1. Multiple car garage driveways shall be tapered down to a standard two-car width at street ___/~_ Landscaping 1. Existing trees requred to be preserved in place shall be protected with a construction barrier / / in accordance with the Municipal Code Section 19 08 110, and so noted on the grading _ _ plans The location of those trees to be preserved in place and new locations for transplanted trees shall be shown on the detailed landscape plans. The applicant shall follow all of the arborist's recommendations regarding preservation, transplanting, and trimming methods 2 All private slopes of 5 feet or more In vertical height and of 5'1 or greater slope, but less than ~~_ 2 1 slope, shall be, at minimum, Irrigated and landscaped with appropriate ground cover for erosion control Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent Irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy 3 All private slopes to excess of 5 feet, but less than 8 feet in vertical height and of 2.1 or _/~_ greater slope shall be landscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as follows one 15-gallon or larger size tree per each 150 sq ft. of slope area, 1-gallon or larger size shrub per each 100 sq ft of slope area, and appropriate ground cover In addition, slope banks in excess of 8 feet In vertical height and 2.1 or greater slope shall also Include one 5-gallon or larger size tree per each 250 sq ft of slope area Trees and shrubs shall be planted in staggered clusters to soften and vary slope plane Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent Irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy 4 For single-family residential development, all slope planting and irrigation shall be ___/~_ continuously maintained in a healthy and thriving condition by the developer until each individual unit is sold and occupied by the buyer Prior to releasing occupancy for those units, an inspection shall be conducted by the Planning Division to determine that they are in satisfactory condition. 5 Front yard and corner side yard landscaping and irrigation shall be required per the _/~_~ Development Code \ t ~~ SC-02-02 Project No DRCDR00-49 Comoletwn Dete .G. Other Agencies 1 The applicant shall contact the U S Postal Service to determine the appropriate type and location of mailboxes Multi-family residential developments shall prowde a solid overhead structure for mailboxes with adequate lighting The final location of the mailboxes and the design of the overhead structure shall be subtect to City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION, (909) 477-2710, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: H. General Requirements i Submit five complete sets of plans including the following a Site/Plot Plan; b Foundation Plan; c Floor Plan, d Ceding and Roof Framing Plan, e Electrical Plans (2 sets, detached) including the size of the main switch, number and size of service entrance conductors, panel schedules, and single line diagrams, f Plumbing and Sewer Plans, including isometrics, underground diagrams, water and waste diagram, sewer or septic system location, fixture units, gas piping, and heating and av conditioning, and g Planning Division Protect Number (i.e., TT #, CUP #, DR #, etc) clearly identified on the outside of all plans. 2 Submd two sets of structural calculations, energy conservation calculations, and a sods report Architect's/Engineer's stamp and "wet" signature are regwred prior to plan check submittal 3 Separate permits are regwred for Penang and/or walls. 4 Contractors must show proof of State and City licenses and Workers' Compensation coverage to the City prior to permit issuance. 5 Business shall not open for operation prior to posting the Certificate of Occupancy issued by the Bulding and Safety Dvision Site Development Plans shall be submitted for plan check and approved prior to construction All plans shall be marked with the protect file number (i a ,CUP 98-01) The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Title 24 Accessibility regwrements, and all other applicable codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of permit application Please contact the Building and Safety Dvision for availability of the Code Adoption Ordinance and applicable handouts 2 Prior to issuance of budding permits for a new residential dwelling unit(s) or mator addition to existing unit(s), the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate Such fees may include, but are not limited to City Beautification Fee, Park Fee, Drainage Fee, Transportation Development Fee, Permit and Plan Checking Fees, and School Fees. Applicant shall prowde a copy of the school fees receipt to the Building and Safety Division prior to permit issuance sc-oz-oz ~3 a ~~- ~~- ~~. ~___/- ~___/_ ~~_ ~~. Protect No DRCDR00.49 Completion Data 3 Street addresses shall be provided by the Bulding Official, after tracUparcel map recordation ~___/_ and prior to issuance of building permits 4 For protects using septic tank facilities, written certification of acceptability, including all _J~ supportive information, shall be obtained from the San Bernardino County Department of Environmental Health and submitted to the Bulding Offiaal prior to the issuance of Septic Tank Permits, and prior to issuance of building permits 5 Construction activity shall not occur between the hours of 8 00 p m and 6 30 a.m Monday ~~_ through Saturday, with no construction on Sunday or holidays. J. New Structures 1 Provide compliance with the Uniform Building Code for required occupancy separation(s) ~~_ 2. Roofing material shall be installed per the manufacturer's "high wind" instructions. ~~_ 3 Provide draft stops in attic areas, not to exceed 3,000 square feet, in accordance with UBC ~~_ Table 5-A K. Grading 1. Grading of the subtect property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City ~~_ Grading Standards, and accepted grading practices The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved grading plan 2 A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to ~~_ pertorm such work. 3 A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at ~~ the time of application for grading plan check. 4. The final grading plans shall be completed and approved prior to issuance of bwlding ~~ permits 5. In hillside areas, residential developments shall be graded and constructed consistent with ~___(_ the standards contained in the Hillside Development Regulations Section 17.24.070. 6 A separate grading plan check submittal is required for all new construction protects and for ~~_ existing buildings where improvements being proposed will generate 50 cubic yards or more of combined cut and fill The Grading Plan shall be prepared, stamped, and signed by a Cahfomia Registered Crvd Engineer APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, (909) 477-2800, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: L. Security Hardware 1 A secondary locking device shall be installed on all sliding glass doors _/_/_ 2 One-inch single cylinder dead bolts shall be installed on all entrance doors If windows are ~._/_ within 40 inches of any locking device, tempered glass or a double cylinder dead bolt shall be used 3 All garage or rolling doors shall have slide bolts or some type of secondary locking devices ~_/_~ \~~ SC-02-02 5 Protect No DRCDR00-49 Completion Date WIndOWS 1 Ail sliding glass windows shall have secondary locking devices and should not be able to be lifted from frame or track to any manner N. Building Numbering Numbers and the backgrounds shall be of contrasting color and shall be reflective for ntghtttme visibt6ty APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE FIRE SAFETY DIVISION, FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING SERVICES AT, (909) 477-2770, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: See attached Ftre conditions. ~~~ ~~. ~~. SC-02-02 6 Pore Dtstrut Condmons Compknon Date Page 1 of4 '.~~~.~ - FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT FIRE SAFETY DIVISION STANDARD CONDITIONS FD PLAN REVIEW#: FD-00-0231-A PROJECT #: DRCDR00-49 PROJECT NAME: Samouh Residences DATE: March 5, 2002 PLAN TYPE: SFR Very High Fire Hazard Seventy Zone/Hillside Distract APPLICANT NAME: Juan Baires-Adair LOCATION: 3500 Skyline Dnve FD REVIEW BY Steve Locati, Fire Protection Planning Specialist PLANNER: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE FIRE SAFETY DIVISION, (909) 477-2770, EXT. 3009, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: The following conditions of approval represent the minimum standard for approval of the protect as submitted These conditions are based on the plans submitted and may not include all Fire District regwrements for the proposed protect Changes in the protect may result in additional or changed Fire Distract regwrements Please make the necessary changes or corrections prior to resubmitting for review Prior to approval by the Planning Division compliance with all conditions andlor corrections must be completed All Fire District conditions and comments must be addressed for construction permits can be issued Contact the Fire Safety Division to schedule an appointment to verify compliance A. Water Plans for Fire Protection 1 Prior to issuance of any building permit, the applicant shall submit a plan showing the locations of ail new public fire hydrants for the review and approval by the Fire District and the Water Distract 2 Fire flow requirements for this protect shall be 1750 gallons per minute at a minimum residual pressure of 20 pounds per square inch in accordance with Fire Code Appendix III-A, as amended The required fire flow shall be delivered by fire hydrants located in accordance with Fire Code Appendix III-B, as amended 3 Existing fire hydrants and mains within 600 feet of the protect shall be shown on the water plan submitted for review and approval Include main size 4 Prior to the issuance of any building permit, the applicant shall submit construction plans, specifications, and calculations for the fire sprinkler system underground Completion Date / / / / / I l~ ~~ F~rc District Condmons Page 2 oC4 B. Water Availability 1 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide evidence of adequate fire flow The Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District Water Availability for Fire Protection Forrc shall be signed by the Water District and submitted for approval by the Rancho Cucamonga FirE Protection District If sufficient water to meet fire flow requirements is not available, an automatic fire extingwshing system may be required in each structure affected by the insuffiaent flow C. Automatic Fve Sprinkler Systems 1 All structures which do not meet Ftre District access requirements (Section E. Fire Access), shall be protected by an approved automatic fire sprinkler system. NOTE• Due to grade and impaired s>tte access an approved residential automatic fire sprinkler system is mandatory 2 Required Note Prior to the recordation of ANY map, a note shall be placed on the map stating that all commercial structures great than 7,500 square feet, all Group A or E Occupancies with an occupant Toad of 50 or more persons, all multi-family residential structures, and all structures which do not meet Fire District access requirements (Section E Fire Access), shall be protected by an automatic fire sprinkler system meeting the approval of the Fire District 3 Prior to the issuance of a bwlding permit, the applicant shall submit plans for any automatic fire sprinkler system Fire Construction Services for review and approval No work is allowed without a Fire Construction Services permit 4 Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the fire sprinkler system(s) shall be tested and accepted by Fire Construction Services D. Fire Access 1 Fire Distract access roadways shall be provided for every facility, building or portion of a building constructed when any portion of the facility or any portion of an exterior wall of the first story of the building is located more than 150-feet from approved fire district vehicle access The distance is measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility or bwlding 2 Fire District access roadways shall include public roads, streets, highways, as well as private roads, streets and designated fire lanes 3 All portions of the exterior wall of the first story shall be located within 150 feet of Fire District vehicle access, measured by an unobstructed approved route around the exterior of the building Approved access walkways shall be provided from the fire apparatus access road to exterior building openings 4 New residential buildings shall post the address with minimum 4-inch numbers on a contrasting background The numbers shall be internally or externally illuminated during periods of darkness The numbers shall be visible from the street When building setback from the public roadway exceeds 100 feet, additional 4-inch numbers shall be displayed at the property entry E. Hazard Notification -Fire (State Law) 1 Protects located in the State Responsibility Areas (SRA), or the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFHSZ) are within the "Hazardous Fire Area" as defined by the Fire District State Law requires notification to be made Prior to the recordation of a subdroision map, the subdivider shall place a note on the map stating the protect is IDCated within the State Responsibility Area or the Very High Fire Hazard Seventy Zone, as appropriate, due to wildland exposure The note is subtect to the approval of the Fire District and is based on SRANHFHSZ maps produced by the California Department of Forestry and Fue Protection 2 Hazardous Fire Area Development Prior to the issuance of a building pennit, the applicant shall meet all requirements for development and construction within the Hillside District, the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFHSZ), and the State Responsibility Area (SRA) This may include Completion Date -~-~- -~-~. -~-~- -~-~- -~-~- -~-~- -~-~- -~-~- -~-~- -~-~- -~-~- Pire Ihsinct Coodmoos Page 3 of 4 increased street widths, on-site water supplies, fire-resistive construction, Class A roof assemblies fire sprinklers, etc ,contained in the Fire Safety Overlay District Standards F. Fuel ModificationMazard Reduction Plan (Required Note for All Maps and Plans) 1 This protect is located in the "Hazardous Fire Area" based on proximrty to or exposure urban - wddland interface Mitigation measures are regwred The building(s) shall meet the construction standards contained in the San Bernardino County Fue Safety Overlay District, Area FR-1 or Area FR-2 2 Prior to the issuance of a preliminary grading or bwlding permit, the applicant shall obtain the Fire District approval of a preliminary fuel modification/hazard reduction plan and program 3 Prior to the issuance of any grease grading or bwlding permit, the applicant shall obtain Fire District approval of a final fuel modification/hazard reduction plan and program The plan shall indicate the proposed means of achieving an acceptable level of risk to the structures by vegetation 4 Prior to the issuance of a building permit or Certrficate of Occupancy, the developer shall have completed, in cooperation with the Fire District, that portion of the approved fuel modification/hazard reduction plan determined to be necessary by the Fire District before the introduction of any combustible materials into the protect area Approval ~s sublect to final on-site inspection. 5 Prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy, the remainder of the fuel modification/hazard reduction plan shall be installed The Fire District shall inspect and approve the completed fuel modification areas Further, the installed fuel modification plant pallet shall be established to a degree meeting the approval of the Fve Distract The CCBR's shall contain provisions for maintaining the fuel modrfication zones, including the removal of all dead and dying vegetation sublect to (annual) triennial inspections 6 Phased protects or temporary fuel modification plans must meet the requvements for permanent plans and be approved by the Fve District 7 For asingle-family dwelling protect located in the Hillside Development District, a simplified fuel modification/hazard reduction plan may be acceptable. The Fire District can provide a single page sheet of standardized notes for inclusion on the construction plans Call (909) 477-2770 to obtain a copy, and to determine rt your protect ~s eligible G. Combustible Construction Letter 1 Required Note Prior to the issuance of a bwlding permit for combustible construction, the bwlder shall submit a letter to the Fire Distract on company letterhead stating that the minimum water supply for fire fighting purposes and the all weather fire protection access roadway that meets Fire Distract Standards shall be in place and operational before any combustible material is placed on-site The roadway shall be maintained at all times H. Architectural Bwlding Plans 1 Prior to approval of a site developmenVuse permit, or the issuance of a bwlding permit, whichever occurs first, the applicant shall submit plans for the review and approval of the Fire District. Call the Fire Construction Services Unit at (909) 477-2713 for the Fire Safety Site/Architectural Notes to be placed on the plans prior to submittal I. Fire Distract Fees Due 1 Fire District fee(s), plus a $1 00 microfilm fee per "plan page" will be due to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire District as follows ' $132 for Single-family Residential Development $66 for Vegetation Management/Hazard Reduction Plan Completion Date ~-/_ ~~- -/-/- ~~- ~~_ ~-/~ ~_/_ -/-/- __J_/_ ~~~ ~~- ~~- '~ ~8 Fln- District Conditions Page 4 or 4 Completion Date 'Note Separate plan check fees for tenant improvement work, fire protection systems (fire sprinklers, alarm systems, fire extinguishing systems, etc ), and/or any consultant reviews will be assessed upon separate submittals of plans J. Plan Submittal Regwred Notice 1 Plans shall be submitted and approved prior to construction in accordance with 1997/98 Bwlding, Fire, Mechanical, and Plumbing Codes, 1999 Electrical and RCFPD Ordinances FD15 and FD32, Gwdelines and Standards NOTE Separate plan check fees for tenant improvements, fire protection systems and/or any consultant reviews will be assessed at time of submittal of plans K. Other Requirements/Comments 1 NOTE The impaired access and site grade mandates the installation of an approved automatic residential fire sprinkler system Fire District Conditions of Approval- Template SL 7/24/01 Revision i -/-/- -/-/- ~~°~ T H E C I T Y O F RANCHO CUCAMONGA Staff Report DATE March 27, 2002 TO Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM. Brad Buller, City Planner BY Brent Le Count, AICP, Associate Planner SUBJECT TRACT 15915 - BELMONT EQUESTRIAN ESTATES - A request by Brynda Fryan as a representative of the Belmont Equestnan Estates to amend the CC&Rs for Tract 15915 to allow full height private gates across Local Feeder Trails where they Intersect with public streets - APN: 1089-081-01 through 14, and 1089-071-01 through 22 REQUESTED ACTION The applicant wishes to amend the CCBRs for Tract 15915 to allow Local Feeder Trails to be gated off While not included In the request, this would also necessitate amendments to the Conditions of Approval for the tract, the General Plan, the Trails Implementation Plan, the Development Code, and the Etiwanda Specific Plan BACKGROUND This request was reviewed by the Trails Advisory Committee on February 13, and 27, 2002 Refer to Exhibit "A" of this report for the history of this request The Committee views the issues raised by the residents of Tract 15915 as a crime prevention problem, not atrail/gating problem If the claims made by the residents, including children stealing construction materials from the backyard of a home enclosed by a 6-foot masonry wall are true, it is unclear how the installation of 6-foot high wrought iron gates across trail entrances will impact crime, vandalism, or trespassing. The more appropnate solution to the problem is to utilize Police services including the Neighborhood Watch Program Note that the Police Department held a Neighborhood Watch meeting with homeowners within the tract in June of 2001 Since that time, the Police have not heard from any of the homeowners within the tract wishing to implement the Neighborhood Watch Program. Please refer to the attached Trails Advisory Committee staff report and action agenda for further details. Note that the Trails Advisory Committee report of February 13, 2002, contains its own set of exhibits RECOMMENDATION The Trails Advisory Committee recommends that the CC&Rs for Tract 15915 not be amended and that any gates Installed within the tract shall meet the City's approved gate with step-thru design per Standard Drawing 1006-C After the Commission hears testimony and deliberates on the item, the decision will be recorded as a minute action ITEM B PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TRACT 15915 - BELMONT EQUESTRIAN ESTATES March 27, 2002 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE This is not a public hearing item, though as a courtesy, notices were marled to the indiwdual homeowners within the Belmont Equestrian Estates Respectfully submitted, Brad Buller City Planner BB BLCUrta Attachments. Exhibit "A" -Trails Committee Comment Sheet Dated February 13, 2002 Exhibit "B" -Trails Committee Action Agenda Dated February 27, 2002 Exhibit "C" -Petition by Belmont Equestnan Estates Residents Exhibit "D" -Excerpt from Preliminary Title Report Regarding Private Easements \~~ . TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE COMMENT SHEET February 13, 2002 II. NEW BUSINESS B. TRACT 15915 - BELMONT EQUESTRIAN ESTATES - A request by Brynda Fryan as a representative of the Belmont Equestnan Estates to amend the CCBRs for Tract 15915 to allow full height pnvate gates across Local Feeder Trails at the intersection with public streets. APN~ 1089-081-01 through 14, and 1089-071-01 through 22 BACKGROUND: Woodside Homes constructed the Belmont Equestnan Estates protect located on the west side of Etiwanda Avenue, south of Victoria Street The tract is within the Very Low Residential Zone (1/2-acre lots) and subiect to the provisions of the Equestnan Overlay District and was, therefore, required to install Local Feeder Trails and Community Equestnan Trails The tract lies at the intersection of the planned north-south Community Trail extending northerly to connect with Wilson Avenue and the planned east-west Community Trail in the abandoned rail corridor as part of the Rails-to-Trails program. During construction, Woodside Homes installed several wrought iron gates across the entrances to pnvate equestrian trails within the tract at the request of . homeowners and in violation of the CC&Rs and the Rancho Cucamonga Muniapal Code Evidently, the homeowners were concerned that without the gates there would be insufficient security because the general public would use the pnvate trails that go across their rear yards. The gates installed by Woodside Homes did not match the City standard design for equestrian trail gates insofar as no step-through or step-over provisions were included. Therefore, the rider of a horse would have had to dismount to open the gate (assuming it is unlocked) in order to use a trail Prior to completing the protect, Woodside Homes removed all of the substandard gates per staff direction with the exception of three gates. One gate is located at the northeast corner of Lot 1 (David and Angela Lowhee) at the intersection of George Court and Grape Place, and a second at the north corner of Lot 4 where it intersects the Community Equestrian Trail along the west tract boundary. These two gates were retrofitted with aCity-approved modified horse step-over to allow unimpeded access for horses. The third gate is located at the northeast corner of Lot 32 (Bob and Brynda Fryan) on the south side of Saddleridge Drive lust west of Etiwanda Avenue (Exhibit "K"). The Fryans installed this gate and, therefore, Woodside Homes could not remove it. The Fryans received a nonce of violation from the City's Code Enforcement Division in Spring of 2001. The Fryans responded by addressing the City Council during oral communications Planning staff was directed to attempt resolution of the matter to avoid further Code Enforcement proceedings. For several months, Planning Division staff attempted to negotiate either removal of the gate or installation of a step-over to allow unimpeded horse access to the trail with the Fryans The Fryans requested several delays to ascertain whether open trails within the tract would in fact lead to problems and whether start of the school year at the funior high school on Etiwanda Avenue would result in students passing through the trails and causing problems. Staff inspected the trails on a weekly basis during the months of discussions with the Fryans and on no occasion found evidence ~xy/~~T ~-A ,. ~ TRAILS AGENDA TT 15915 - BELMONT EQUESTRIAN ESTATES February 13, 2002 Page 2 of any vandalism other than some construction debris in one trail that was related to a remodeling of one of the homes in the tract. In October of 2001, the Fryans stated that regardless of the lack of problems with any of the trails in the tract, they had no intention of removing then gate The matter was brought before the City Prosecutor in late October 2001, and the Prosecutor agreed to delay making a final deasion on the case to allow the Fryans one month to attempt to amend the Development Code to allow for installation of gates across horse trails. The request before the Trails Advisory Committee is the Fryans' first step towards this attempt. The Fryans have removed the westerly half of their trail gate, but wish to re-install it. Please note the attached chronology of events dated November 8, 2001, (Exhibit °F°) for further details. ANALYSIS: The applicant has maintained that the reason for their request is to prevent school children and potential miscreants from entering the trail and somehow harming their property They also claim that Local Feeder Trails are private and that, therefore, they are free to construct gates across the trail All of the trails within the tract, other than the easterly most trail traversing Fryans' property, are open or have step-throughs installed. Staff has inspected the site on multiple occasions over the past several months and has never found any evidence of trail vandalism, trespassing, graffiti, or any other supposed problems claimed by the applicant. The trails have been consistently maintained in a pristine condition. This has continued to be the case even for the trail traversing the Fryans' property after they eliminated half of their illegally installed gate to conform to City regwrements. According to Police records, there have been seven calls for service in the past six months within the Belmont Equestrian Estates. All seven calls were false alarms from a single residence. The applicant is correct to a degree in that Local Feeder Trails are private property as opposed to public. However, there are speafic trail easements that are recorded over the land to allow for unimpeded, continuous access to the trails for the purpose of accessing rear yards where horses are kept and to allow all owners within the tract to access the pubic Community Trail system It appears that the homeowners within the tract deny the existence or validity of these easements. All property ownership is simply a bundle of property rights, and the Local Feeder Trail easements are part of that bundle that apply to all owners within a tract, they are not exclusive to the individual properties that they traverse. The applicant claims that the easement over their property is not a Local Feeder Trail because the City has violated the Murnapal Code by building a drive approach across the trail As shown in Exhibit °K,° the drroe approach has been installed within the public right-of-way, not the private trail. This is required per Condition 11 b of Tract 15915 The applicant is apparently referencing Development Code Section 17 OS 080.6.4, regarding prohibition of construction of structures within or across trails (Exhibit "G°). This does not pertain to drive approaches in the public right-of-way, but to those constructed within trails by private property owners to ensure safe passage of horses ~~ TRAILS AGENDA TT 15915 - BELMONT EQUESTRIAN ESTATES February 13, 2002 Page 3 While not included in the requested modification to Belmont Equestrian Estates Tract CC&R's, the request for gating Local Feeder Trails will regwre an amendment to Development Code Section 17 OS 070G-4, which states, °construction of any structure within or across the trail easement, including walls and fences, gates, planters, sidewalks, drive approaches, or similar structure, or installation of any vegetation, irrigation system, device, or obstacles of any kind are prohibited.° If this section of the Code were to be amended, it would apply to the entire City, not lust the Belmont Estates tract The request will also regwre an amendment to the Etiwanda Specific Plan (within which the subject tract lies) that regwres the implementation of a °continuous system of...equestnan trails consisting of...privately maintained Feeder Trads.° The Development Code and Etiwanda Specific Plan amendments necessary to accommodate the applicant's request would be contrary to the intent of the General Plan and Trails Implementation Plan to provide unimpeded, continuous and convenient access to the Community Trail System Therefore, these documents would also have to be amended to accommodate the applicant's request. The request violates the Conditions of Approval for Tract 15915 and assoaated Development Review 99-01 Therefore, in addition to the Development Code and Etiwanda Specific Plan amendments mentioned above, the homeowners would have to process a Condition Modification for the tract and assoaated development review subject to review by the Planning Commission at a public hearing Staff sees no Iustifia~tion for amending the Conditions of Approval for the tract related to trail improvements, as this would conflict with applicable rules as described above and there is no evidence that any problems exists to be mitigated by such a modification. The Trails Implementation Plan has a provision for trail abandonment. To abandon a trail within a tract, 100 percent of the homeowners within the tract must approve. The Trails Advisory Committee then considers the requested abandonment and a recommendation is forwarded to the Planning Commission for consideration at a public hearing. If the Planning Commission approves the requested trail abandonment, the homeowners then must prepare an amended Final Tract Map for consideration by the City Counal and ultimately recordation. Staff does not support abandonment of trails within the tract as the Equestrian Overlay District provisions of the Etiwanda Speafic Plan apply to the site (Exhibit °H°), and there is no fustrfication for speaal treatment of this tract as opposed to other development subject to the Equestrian District provisions. RECOMMENDATIONS• Staff recommends that the Committee discuss the proposal, keeping m mind that the Belmont Equestrian Estates tract is not an isolated island of development It fits into the overall community, including the elaborate Community and Regional trail system that is a key component of the heritage of Rancho Cucamonga and enjoyed by many thousands of residents The requested gating off of Local Trails regwres modifications to overall City regwrements that would apply atywide, thereby, undermining years of consistent effort at creating the trails network. Even if the tract could be treated individually to quell the homeowner's concerns, this would set a precedent that could be used by others m the community to argue for additional horse trail gating, again undermining the community-wide trail system There arady provisions m the regulations that TRAILS AGENDA TT 15915 - BELMONT EQUESTRIAN ESTATES February 13, 2002 Page 4 allow for gating off of trails so long as astep-though ~s provided to allow urnmpeded equestrian access. This has proven to be a reasonable and safe method for securing vehicle control of Local Feeder Trails throughout the City's history. Finally, there is no evidence to validate any of the secuniy concerns raised by the applicant. Therefore, staff is unable to discern any value either to the Belmont Equestrian Estates or the City at large to gating off Local Feeder Trails. Staff Planner. Brent Le Count, Assoaate Planner Attachments. Exhibit 'A° Exhibit °B° Exhibit 'C° Exhibit °D" Exhibit 'E° Exhibit °F° Exhibit °G" Exhibit °H Exhibit 'I° Exhibit 'J" Exhibit 'K° Applicant's letter dated January 16, 2002 Letter to City Council (no date) Letter to City Prosecutor dated November 19, 2001 Excerpts from CC&R's for Tract 15915 Location Map Chronology dated November 8, 2001 Development Code Excerpt Etiwanda Specific Plan Excerpt Conditions for Tract 15915 Step-through Detail Photos ~~ Robert & Brynda Fryan 7055 Isle Ct. Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91739 (909) 463-0939 January 16, X002 City of Rancho Cucamonga ATTN: Brad Buller 10500 Civic Center Dr. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Dear Mr. Buller: As requested, I am sending to you the demand in writing in order to be placed on the Trails Advisory Committee agenda on February 13,2002. We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Benyadino, Ca. Thank you again for assisting us in our efforts. Sincerely, Brynda Fryan Belmont Equestrian Estates Representative cc: Larry Henderson, Principal Planner Trail Advisory Committee Brent I.e Count • ~xNieir "A" C~ij%~> ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA JAN 16 2002 RECEIVED -PLANNING Mr. Mayor and council, My name is Brynda Fryan and I reside at 7055 Isle Ct. Rancho Cucamonga. I am representing myself and the majority of the Belmont estates homeowners. The issue we are addressing is the right to erect fences across our private equestrian access. I live in lot 32 and have already, with the permission of Doug Norton the housing superintendent, put gates up. I was sited by a municipal code stating that Construction of any structure within or across the trail easement, including walls and fences, gates, planters, sidewalks, drive approaches, or similar structures, etc. are prohibited. (RCf1AC 1 T.08.070GA) First, let me point out that this private access is not a 'local feeder trail.' If it were a feeder trail then the city would already be in violation of the municipal code due to the drive approach in front of every access. However, ff you read our CC&R they clearly state that Safd easement is for private equestrian purposes No where does it refer to the easement as a community feeder trail. Therefore, one can only denote from the action taken by code enforcement that they are trying to enforce a municipal code on a private access thus changing said access to a public access. I also feel that by allowing the city to use my land it would eventually change my easement from private to prescriptive and thus causing adverse possession of my land. I would only be willing to let the city take over this easement if they are willing to take on the liability, maintenance, and taxes that I am now required to abide by. That would require the city to buy the property and reassess the access as a feeder trail instead of a private equestrian access. Knowing full well that the city would not be willing to do this, 1 feel that ft is within my rights as a private homeowner to fence and or gate said properties in order to protect and secure our families and properties. Therefore, all I am asking for tonight is to be placed on the agenda so that myself and all parties of this action will be in attendance. • LAW OFFICES OF FRED J. KNEZ Ho ~~GPMpNGF `J Ph (909) 789.1832 Rp,NC 18493 Halter Lane C\~ OF P. o. sox ~ooso NpV 21 ~~ RIVERSIDE, CA 92513 p`PNN\NG GECE\VEp - Fax• (909) 780-6377 VIA FACSIMILE/ 909-477-2847 ORIGINAL BY MAIL November 19, 2001 Cynthia W. Blaylock Deputy City Prosecutor City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive PO Box 4807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 RE: My clients: Brenda & Bob Fryan Dear Ms. Blaylock: As you lmow from our meeting on October 30, 2001, I represent Bob & Brenda Fryan with regard to their dispute with the City of Rancho Cucamonga concenvng the easement referenced in your of October 16, 2001. By your letter of October 16, 2001, and the statements made at the aforementioned meeting, you have threatened criminal action against Mr. & Mrs. Fryan unless they remove what you describe in your letterof October 16, 2001, as a "structure" which you claim is, "across a trail easement" and constitutes a "unsafe and/or non passable obstruction" on their property: 7055 Isle Court. At the meeting of October 30, 2001, you agreed to a thirty day extension before initiating any criminal action. Since that time, Mr. & Mrs. Fryan have tried to work with the City to reach a reasonable compromise regarding this dispute. However, the City has refiLSed to even allow Mr. & Mrs. Fryan to even appear before the City Council regarding this matter. Since an informal resolution does not appear possible at this juncture, Mr. & Mrs. Fryan have taken down the "structure" (gate) on their property at 7055 Isle Court under protest and witt- a reservation of all rights. Mr. & Mrs. Fryan dispute the action of the City and contend that the City is violating their rights. As you lmow from our meeting on October 30'", no one in the Belmont neighborhood own horses; there aze no barns, horse corals• and the residences Lire all landscaped. Mr. & Mrs. Fryan have EXNI~/T ~~ a ~ a/i3/oa~ ~j `~ Cynthia W. Blaylock November 19, 2001 Page Two previously submitted a Petition to the City by the residents of the Belmont neighborhood clearly expressing their opposition to the actions of the City. All of the Title documents to the Fryan property cleazly indicate that the easement in question is a np vate easement, not a public easement. The Belmont neighborhood is ~ a gated community. Therefore, the action of the City constitutes a conversion of the easement from a private easement to a public easement. By forcing the Fryans and others in the neighborhood to take down their gates, the City is converting the easement to a public easement for use by anyone. Yet, the City has not agreed to be responsible for maintenance of the easement or assume liability for any damage to the property of the residents. It is our position that during the pendency of this dispute and until a Snal resolution, the City is responsible for maintenance of the easement and is also responsible for any personal injury or property damage resulting from access to the easement by the public at large. Sincerely, I{NEZ • FJK/mlk cc: Bob & Brenda Fryan cc: Bill Alexander, Mayor cc: Larry Henderson, Planner v l" ti . •, , Recorded in Off al RaeordR. Col+rtY W r•• PEA„°s, ^° San Bernardino, Urry IJalker, Recorder , • - •. , . ~- .~ Doc No. 20000289615 t...~q~-~- 08:00am 06/11/00 WI~NRECORnED MA>z To: first ~erica~ title 8 ~ 681 Woodside Behnont Sales, Inc. ~ ~ _ ~ ~ s ~ ~ s ~ ~ 23121 Antonio Parkway, Suite 120 re r¢ rn ews nl crr aT wr woo aw ru ra nsa Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 '7 D 03 - 531 s_ B1 aoa m u m moo Taus Tu a sale DEt~.ARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS ~~~~Q~~~ FOR BELMONT EQUESTRIAN ESTATES AU6 2 22000 Woodside Belmont Sales, Inc. (hereinafter called the "Declarant'), is the owner in B Y ---------f~ssimple of real property located in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bemazdino, Califonva, described as follows: Lots 1 to 36, inchusive, of Z}act No. 15915, as shown on a Subdivision Map, Recorded on SEPT. ~I-F. 1999, is Book x.15 .Pages ~Z in er.~ inclusive, of Maps, in the Office of the San Bernardino County Recorder. For the purpose of enhancing and protecting the vahtq attractiveness, and . ~~ desirability of the lots and tracts constituting the subdivision, Declarant declares that all :,; of the real property and each part of the property shall beheld, sold and conveyed subject ;- to the following easements, covenants, andxestrictions, which constitute covenants ••, running with the land and shall be binding on all parties having any right, title, or interest in ffie described property or any part of that property, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner of the property. ARTICLE I 1. Definitions. Unless otherwise expressly provided, the following words and phrases when used herein have the following specified meanings. 1.1 S~IY• City means the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, and its various departrents, divisions, employees and representatives. 12 Close of Escrow. Close of Escrow means the date on which a deed is Recorded wnveying a Lot. 13 CovntY• County means the County of San Bemardiao in the State of California, and its various departments, divisions, employees and represe~rtatives. ,~ ~~ ~.T//~/D a~ (~~ I TFHS IN57RUMENT HIED f0R RECURp BY FlRE' A-7ERIG -~cN~/3 /T' D °`/ TITLE CO. AS AN ACCOMMODATION ONLY. IT H/a NOT SEEN EItAMINED AS TC ITS e'7fEGlT10N 4F. AS To RS 42 equestrian Trail Fences. Each wall or fence which is built as a part of the original construction of the Residences upon the Properties and which borders an equestrian trail (as depicted in the Recorded subdivision map) (an "Equestrian Fence's shall be maintained and repaired by the Owner of the Lot a~n which the Equestrian Fence is situated Except as otherwise allowed by Section 4.4 of this Declaration, such maintenance and repair shall maintain and restore the Equestrian Fence to an appearance that is substantially similar to its original design 4.3 equestrian Trails Each Owner grants an easement to the public for an Equestrian Trail over that portion of Owner's Lot as depicted is the Recorded subdivision map. Each Owner is responsrble to keep the Equestriea Trail easement over that Owner's Lot in a safe and passable manner which does not detract from the use or appearance of the trat7 and in a maffier consistent with the following standards: . 4.3.1 Scrap lumber, junk, trash, storage, ar debris is prohibited; 43.2 Abandoned, discarded, air unused objects as equipment, such as automobr7es, automotive parts, finmtrae, - :.,, stoves, refrigerators, cans, cont~inets, or similar items, ate .~:; r~ ~ Prvlu'bited; =n. 4.33 Trail surface and proper grade shall be continuously maintained for safety and ridability, including removal of excessive size rocks, filling ofpot holes, removal ofweeds, sad refilling ofruts caused by erosion or other disturbances. The trail surface shall be continuously maintained with B materials consistent with (Sty standards; 43.4 Construction of any structure within or across the trail easement, including walls and fences, gates, Planters, sidewalks, drive approaches or similar struchues, or installation of any vegetation or irrigation system or device or obstacles of nay kind are prohrbited; 43.5 Trail fences and gates shall be kept in good repair at all times, including replacing damaged members and maintaining plumb, This shall not preclude the property owner from replacing We existing trail fence with another fence or wall material 43.6 Drainage swales, curb and gotten, or similar i drainage structures, shall be kept clean and free of debris, trash, soil, vegetation, or other material in a manner drat pemvt9 proper anrinas°• ~ 1 ~, 4.4 Wall and Fencine Replacement. In the event any thvnet chooses to erect a wall or fence that entirely replaces any of the fences and walls that ere originally constructed, the replacement wall or fence shall meet the following requirements: 4.4.1 In the case of the equestrian-type fencing bordering an Equestrian Trail, the original fence may be replaced only with a fence of substantially the same equestrian-type design. An Owner may construct an additional fence air wall inside the equestrian fence, provided such additional fence or wall is constructed of wrought-iron orwrought-aluminum materials or masonry block, and provided that such wall or fence is similar in design to other original construction in the Properties. If a masonry block wall is wnstructed, the wall shall be a split-faced design and should be similar in color, type and conslruction to the masonry perimeter and sideyard block walls originally constructed in the Properties and consistent with plans and specifications attached as E>~tt "A". Any wrought-iron orwrought-aluminum fencing shall be consistent with the plans and specifications attached as Ezhlbtt "B". The additional wall or fence shall be constructed twelve inches (12'~ inside the equestrian fierce Tina The replacement wall or fence moat not block the Equestrian 7Yar7 easement. the .w additional wall or fence must also provide access from the Lot m ,;, the Equestrian Trail that is ten fed (10') in width. Regardless of , :• any additional wall or fence that is constructed on a Lot, each Owner shall remain responsible under this Declaration to maintain that portion of the Equestrian Tnril that is on the Owner's Lot 4.42 Ia the case of a sideyard fence or wall, any rephu;ement must be substantially similar in design to original construction and made of wood (consistent with the phms and specifications in E~iblt "C"), or must be of masonry block conshuction as descnbed in 4.4.1. If a sideyard fence or wall is a Party Wall, then both Owners must agree regarding the proposed improvement. 4.4.3 In the case of the wrought-iron return fencing that is originally constructed in the Properties, any replacement must be substantially similar in design to original wnshuction and made of wrought iron (consistent with Ezhlbit "B'~, or must be of masonry block construction as described in 4.4.1. ~ 13 J S LE E a: - w, U = w ~ F an Gate Location a •:: rrea tssu men Future Replonel TreO `~n, "` E?iF~"'';i~s `~ ,,, Uw'"'~~'S£s ^`L a < ,~ wrs;:?. CommuNly Tta1 o F`* n-s'u`m 1 a > '""' v ~'ZS.'a'"~'u'i`' seder Trails •i'w' ,x ~' ~F.,'' sY> EA»~ ~ sw~ R a as :,efs M, ~rr.YU Psoela.sAD TRACT 15915 LOCATION MAP 200 0 200 400 Feet T H E C I T Y O F RANCHO COCAMONCA Memorandum DATE November 8, 2001 TQ Brad Buller, City Planner FROIVk Brent Le Count, Associate Planner SUB.IECT: Bob and Brynda Fyran Horse Trail Gate Issue Chronology Spring 2001- Bob and Brynda Fryan install a wrought iron gate across the opening to the private equestrian trail traversing the rear of their lot at the northeast comer of Lot 32 of Trail 15915 (7055 Isle Court). The gate has a lock mechanism but has been unlocked on the occasions staff has tried it. Soon thereafter, Woodside Homes installs several similar wrought iron gates across the entrances to private equestrian trails within the tract at the request of homeowners. Evidently, the homeowners were concerned that wdhout the gates there would be insufficient security and the general public and potential miscreants would • use the private trails that go across their rear yards. April 2, 2001 -Code Enforcement notes Bob and Brynda Fryan that the gate they've installed violates Code Section 17.08.070 (G). May 3, 2001 -The Fryan's come to the Planning counter and talk with Brent Le Count who explains that while their trail is private it is an easement over their property for the enjoyment of all property owners within the trail. He reminds the Fyrans that they own a home within an equestrian community and that they are required to allow unimpeded access to equestrians. He provides them with a step thru detail. May 7, 2001 -Bob Fryan tells Code Enforcement that he will not remove or modify his gate, that he and the City will have to agree to disagree and that he'll see us in court May 22, 2001 -Staff notes Woodside Homes In writing that the gates will have to be removed or mod~ed to allow step thru provisions. June 6, 2001 -Brynda Fryan speaks before the City Council on the issue. Brad Buller is directed by Council to work with the Fryans to resolve the matter. June 7, 2001 -Planning staff nofrfy Code Enforcement to put the case on hold until further notice and that Planning will work with Fryans to resolve the matter. June 19, 2001 -Staff reminds Woodside Homes that gates must be removed or modified • T fags 2 November 8, 2001 Bob and Brynda Fyran Horse Trail Gate Issue Chronology July 12, 2001 -Brad Buller meets with homeowners within the Belmont Estates Trail at Bob and Brynda Fryan's home to discuss the horse trail gating matter. Brad explains the City regwrement for unmpeded access to horse trails, that while the trials are private they are meant to be used by every homeowner in the trail, and that to his knowledge there has been only one court case challenging the existence and function of privatehorse trails in the City and k was fumed down. Brad suggests a compromise in which the gates remain in place but a 42-inch wide, 14-inch high step thru/over is cut into each gate to allow unimpeded access to the trails by equestrian users. Brad tells the homeowners they can also install "No Trespassing" or "Private Property" signs on the gates. July 19, 2001 -Woodside Homes refuses to install the gate step thrus and states they will either leave the gates in place or tear them out. Staff has Woodside remove the gates but requests that they make provisions for homeowners to keep the gates in case they wish to modify them and re-install them later on. July 24, 2001 -Woodside Homes removes all of the gates from private horse trails with the exception of the gate installed by Fryan and the gates along the south trail boundary separating the trails from the abandoned railroad right of way. David and Angela Lowhee modify two gates wffh step thrus (those on the east and west ends of the northern most private trail) and re-install them consistent with staff direction. Staff discusses the matter with Bob Fryan, he requests that we wait one month to see how things work out with the modified Lowhee gate. . August 22, 2001- Staff contacts Angela Lowhee to see H the step-over has led to arty problems, and axording to Angela k had not. Bob and Brynda Fryan are unavailable to discuss the matter but staff talks with Bob Fryan Jr. who states they are adamant about keeping the gate installed as is regardless of Lowee's experience. September 4, 2001 - Mr. Fryan said that he is not ready to make a deasion until school starts. He wants to wait unt11 the end of September to see if school kids cause problems wRh Lowhee's trail. Staff agrees to contact Mr. Fryan at the end of September. October 1, 2001- Bob Fryan states that he does not intend to remove or modify his gate in any way, that there is graffiti on other trail fences in the trail, that he had found 45 empty beer cans piled up on one trail, and that several linear feet of trail fencing had been removed by Junior High School kids on another trail. Staff visited the site within an hour of the discussion wdh Mr. Fryan and found all of the trails to be in pristine condition with the exception of one private trail that had a pile of lumber in ft related to construction of a home remodel in the trail. Staff contacted David Lowhee who stated that there have been no problems with the trail and gate step thN, even with school in session. Early October 2001 -Staff notifies Code Enforcement that Fryan has refused to cooperate with staffs request for gate modification and that the Code Enforcement process should proceed. October 30, 2001 -The matter is brought before the City Prosecutor. It is agreed that the Fryans take one month so see if they can convince the City Council to change the code requirements related to horse trail access. `~ Page S November 8, 2001 Bob and Brynda Fyran Horse Tralt Gate Issue Chronology November 7, 2001 -Brynda Fryan tells Brad Buller that she is willing to tear out half of her gate now and in the future seek a code amendment to allow pnvate equestrian trails to be gated off. I:~brentltractslwoodsidechron. mem -._J ~l~ Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Section 17.08.070 ~, 2. Recreational vehice parking'shall only be permitted within an enclosed garage, carport, or a similar structure, or if outdoors, in an authorized off-street paved parking area. All other parking or storge shalt be prohibited. 3. Authorized parking areas. Authorized outdoor parking areas shall be limited to the locations and conditions described below: a. Recreational vehicles may be parked or stored in side or rear yard areas, provided that such areas are screened from view from the sVeet, public right-of-way, and adjacent properties by a legally constructed fence, wall, or egwvalent screening material at least 5 feet in height; b. Recreational vehicle parking areas within side and rear yards shall be limited to 5 percent of the total lot area or 500 square feet, whichever is greater, unless constructed pursuant to an approved Minor Development Rewew; c. Recreational vehicle may also be parked within public view in authorized parkng areas within the front yard, or comer side yard abutting a street, for temporary periods of time not to exceed 48 hours, except as noted in paragraph d below. d. Time limits established in paragraph c may be waived for a specific property when all of the following conditions can be demonstrated: (1) Current owner. or resident has resided on said property since prior to December 3l, 1991; and (2) Current owner or resident has owned a recreational vehide since prior to ~`" - December 31, 1991, while residing on the property; and (3) Property in question cannot reasonably accommodate recreational vehide storage in the side or rear yard; and (4) Recreational vehide may only be parked or stored on a paved surface __ located between the driveway and the nearest side property line: and (5) Property in question is NOT located within the Planned Communities of Caryn, Terra Vista, or Victoria. 4 Parkino area maintenance. All parking areas within public view from the street, public right-of-way, or adjacent properties shall be surfaced with a permanent pawng material. Such areas shall be maintained m good usable condition, free of potholes and broken sections to prevent the accumulation of mud, dust, and weeds, and shall be kept free of debris, dirt, and other loose materials. 5. Violation of any provision of this subsection shall be punishable as an infrect~on. Local Feeder Trail Maintenance. All local feeder trails shall be maintained by the property owner m a safe and passable manner which does not detract from the use or appearance of the Vail and in a manner consistent with the following standards: 1. Scrap lumber, funk, trash, storage, or debris is prohibited. ~tN/e/T "~'~ ~a/~3/o a),~.08.42~ ~g 3-0, Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Section 17.08.080 ' 2. Abandoned, discarded, orunused objects or equpment, such as automobiles, automotive parts, furniture, stoves, refngerstors, cans, containers, or similar items, are prohibted. 3. Trail surface and proper grade shall be continuously maintained for safety and ridablity, including removal of excessive size rocks, filling of pot holes, removal of weeds, and refilling of ruts caused by erosion or other disturbances. The trail surface shall be continuously maintained with surfacing material consistent with City Standards. Construction of any structure wdhin or across the trail easement, including walls and fences, gates, planters, sidewalks, dnve approaches or similar structures, or installation of any vegetation or in'igation system or device or obstacles of any kind are prohibited. 5. Vegetation shall be kept cleared from encroaching into the trail to a height of 10 feet and to the full width of the trail. 6. Trail fences and gates shall be kept in good repair at all times, inducting repladng damaged members and maintaining plumb. This shall not prelude the property owner from replaung the existing trail fence with another fence or wall material. Drainage swales, curb and gutter, or similar drainage structures, shall be kept dean and free of debris, trash, soil, vegetation, or other material in a manner that permits proper drainage. Section 17.08.080 -Performance Standards t~ A. Intent. The intent of this section is to protect properties in all residential disfids and the health '" and safety of persons from environmental nuisances and hazards and to provide a pleasing environment in keeping with the nature of the residential character. The performance standards set maximum tolerance limits on adverse environmental effects created by any use or development of land. B. Administration and Measurement. The standards of this section shall be enforced by the City Planner. Upon discovery of any apparent violation of these standards, the City Plannar shall investigate using such instruments as may be necessary. If a violation is found to exist, the violation shall be abated as a nuisance as prescribed in the Munidpal Code. C. Exemotions. The following sources of nuisances are exempt from the provisions of this section. 1. Emergency equipment, vehicles and devices. 2. Temporary construction, maintenance, or demolition activities between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 8.00 p.m., except Sundays and National holidays. D. Noise. No operation or activity shall cause any source of sound at any location or allow the creation of noise on property owned, leased, occupied, or otherwise controlled by such person, which causes the Ambient Base noise levels to exceed the following standards, and as contained in Section 17.02.120. ~l~ 17 nA-43 3/01 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Section 17.08.090 Proper grading techniques that are sensitive to natural conditions must be utilized for reasons of public safety, maintenance, aesthetics, and environmental protection. The following guidelines are suggested. a. Minimze the amount of site grading needed for development and utility consWction through proper sde planning. b. Grade land and landscape in workable increments to avoid exposing vast expanses of bared earth at any given time to minimize sod erosion. c. Development in the foothills should relate to the slope in order to preserve the integrity of the hillside and minimize disruption of natural ground form. Adapt all structures in such areas to natural ground form through the use of split pads, built- up foundations, stepped footings, stem walls, etc. d. In hillside areas, development to be designed to preserve open spaces, prated natural features, and offer views to residents. e. Roadway alignments and gradients to be designed and located to avoid excessive grading and to reflect the existing land forms. L Round off and contour all graded slopes to blend in with the existing terrain and present a more natural appearance. g. Establish proper soil management techniques to reduce the adverse effects (i.e., erosion) of grading. h. Provide driveways with a maximum slope of 15 percent. i. Provide an 18-foot area in front of the garage that does not exceed 5 percent j. Minimze slopes between lots to preserve pnvacy. Where slopes cannot be minimized, mitigate concerns through other means, I.e., landscaping, fenGng, etc. k. Minimize disruption of existing natural features, such as trees and other significant vegetation, natural ground forms, rock outcroppings, water, and views. I. Undulate berms to screen parking areas. 10. Fire Safetv. Development should be designed in accordance with Fire District requirements for two points of safe and ready access. Areas designated as high fire hazard areas should minimze fuel buildup around residences through greenbelts or cultivated fuel breaks. 11. Transition of Density. The site plan should consider compatibility with surrounding neighborhoods through providing proper transition of density, particularly on infill sites adjacent to lower densities. Comparable densities, open space buffer zones, increased setbacks, and architectural compatibility are encouraged along common boundaries to provide proper transition of density. Clustenng units can prowde large open space areas . as a buffer. 12~ Trails. The City of Rancho Cucamonga places significant emphasis on the development ~~ of regional, community, and local feeder trails. The General Plan establishes a trail system to provide an interconnected neyyork of trails linking to parks, shopping, and 17.08-50 ~~ 6/99 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Section 17.08.090 employment centers with residential areas. To this end, the following gwdelmes should be considered: a. All new developments are to be designed in accordance with the Master Plan of Trails and adopted trail standards. b. Maintain tra11s on natural surtaces p.e., no grading) and locate along natural features whenever possible. c. Considerexisbngbicyclmg,pedesVian,andequesVianaccessandtraditionaltrevel routes through the property, particularly routes to schools. d. Wdhin the Equestrian/Rural Area, provide trail connections through easements in order to conned disconnected Veils and for needed access to reueation activities. e. Provide local feeder Vans on the rear of residential lots for equestrian access and related equesVian service access within the Equestnan/Rurel Area. _ f. Provide a means of public access to regional trails wdhin subdivisions. g. Wdhin subdrvlsions, provide an mtemal loop trail system of local feeder trells. h. Plot houses to provide reasonable rear yard opportunity for the keeping of horses and other animals wdhln the Equestrtan/Rurel Area. i. Provide a 24-foot by 24-foot corral area in the rear yard of all residential lots within the Equesfrian/Rurel Area. J. Grade access from the corral area to the trail with a maximum slope of 5:1 and a minimum width of 10 feet. 13. Street Design. Vary street pattern to reduce sVeetscepe monotony. Curvilinear streets, cul~e-sacs, front yard landscaping, and single-loaded sVeets are encouraged to provide streetsgpe variety and visual interest, particularty in the Low-Medium District 14. House Plotting. Clustering houses around common space, zero lot line, reverse plotting, angling house to the street, and side entry garages may be permitted ff they provide sVeetscepe variety and visual interest, particularly in the Low-Medium District 15. Multi-Family Develooment. Well thought-out site planning is crucial in the development of successful projects In addition to other standards outlined in the Development Code, the following should be considered: a. Relate the location of site uses with adjoining properties to avoid possible conflicts and take advantage of mutual potentials. b. Consider sharing curb cuts with adjoining properties. c. Buildings which are skewed m relationship to each other can ueate a variety of view orientations and streetscape interests. . d. Provide adequate common open space, including recreational facilities, tot lots, and large open lawn areas. ~~ I 17.08-51 6/99 Etiwanda Specific Plan PaR ll, Chapter 5 - The proposed use or pro/ect meets the intent of the CS/OL District and will enhance the casual and historical character of Etnvanda Avenue and its immediate surroundings 405 Parking: Off-street parking shall be provided as prescnbed in the Development Code, and as follows. (a) All parking areas shall be located behind required street setback lines (b) All parking areas shall be screened from Etrvvanda Avenue by carefuly designed walls, fences, berthing, shrubs, trees and other landscape elements consistent with the design character of Etiwanda Avenue (c) All parking areas and lighting shall be carefully buffered from ad/scent residenbal uses. 406 Signs No sign, outdoor advertising, structure, or display of any type shall be permitted, except as prescnbed in the residential section of the Sign Ordinance, and except that the following signs may be approved in contuncuon with a Conditional Use: (a) Wall or attached signs, limit of two per building, one per use (b) total sign area not to exceed 1/3 square feet for 1 linear foot of budding frontage, but no more than 20 square feet total, per budding or 12 square feet per any one sign (c) All signs shall be designed to enhance the casual quality of the structures. Interior illuminated signs shall not be permitted 500 EO/OL - Eouestrian Overlay District 501 Purpose. In addelion to meeting the provisions of Chapter 3, the purpose of the EO/OL District is to provide the opportunely for keeping horses for personal use in residential areas. 502 EO/OL District Boundaries. EO/OL District provisions shall apply to all residential properties located north of Route 30, and to all residential properties abutting a Community Equestrian Trail. ;, .503 Equestrian Uses Permitted Keeping of horses in con/unction with a residential use, sub/ect to the IimitaUons of this article. As used in the EO/OL District, "keeping of horses' shall mean and include maintaining, grazing, riding, leading, exercising, tying, helching, stabling, and allowing to run at large. When Master Planned and developed under Optional f~^I7tl~~I ,rr~ /I C°2/~'3/O.?~5-23 ~J °~ 4/96 • Et~wanda Speck Plan Part 11 Chapter 5 Development Standards, an equestrian-oriented residential project may include accessory equestrian uses such as riding rinks and academies, and feed and tack stores, and the like. .504 Keeping of Horses m Protects Developed under Basic Development Standards Minimum Lot Su:e 20,000 sq ft No more than one horse/10,000 sq ft of lot area up to a total of six horses. .505 Keeping of Horses in Projects Developed under Optional Development Standards Up to one horse/10,000 sq it of total proled area, provided however, that no horses may be kept on individual lots smaller than 20,000 sq R .506 Feeder Trails Feeder Trail easements shall be regwred as a condition of tract map approval or development review, to provide access to each lot or sde intended for equestrian use As a minimum, each development, including non-residential uses should provide at least one connection across the project sde, with the intention of providing a contiguous system of Feeder Trail easements, in accordance vwth ArUGe 5.33 300. 507 Fenced Enclosure: Enclosure used to confine horses shall maintain a height of a least 5 feet and shall be of such construction as to preclude the escape of horses 508 Setbacks. The location of corrals, fenced enclosures, barns, stables, stalls, and similar enclosures used to confine horses shall conform to atl street setback regwrements Such encosures shall be kept minimum 70 feet away from residences on adloming lots. 600 SS/OL - Soecial Studies Overlav District 601 Puroose It is the purpose of the Special Studies Overlay District to implement provisions of the City's General Plan Public Health and Safety Element relative to seismic safety regwrements mandated by the Algwst-Pnolo Act. 602 S~eaal Studies Overlav District Boundaries The provisions of this article shall apply to all land identified m Figure 5-4. 603 Soeaal Provisions r All development within the Special Studies Overlay District shall be subject to the provisions of the Alquist-Pnolo Speaal Studies Act 5-24 ~3 4/96 PmIeU No Tr 15915 C. Site Development Comoletlan Drta The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include _/ / site plans, architectural elevations, extenormaterialsarad colors, landscaping, sign program, and grading on file in the Planning Division, the conditions contained herein, Development Code regulations, and the Etiwanda Specfic Plan 2 Pnor to any use of the pro/ect site or business activity being commenced thereon, all Conditions _/_/_ of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Planner. Occupancy of the facilities shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Building Code and _/ / State Fire Marshal regulations have been complied with. Pnor to occupancy, plans shall be submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection Distract and the Building and Safety Division to show compliance The buildings shall be inspected for compliance pnor to occupancy. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be _/_!_ submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. 5. All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for _/ / consistency pnor to issuance of any permits (such as grading, Uee removal, encroachment, building, etc) or pnor to final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, or approved use has commenced, whichever comes first 6. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, _/_/_ all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community or Specific Plans in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 7 If no centrel¢ed trash receptacles are provided, all trash pick-up shall be for individual units with _/_/_ all receptacles shielded from public view. 8 All ground-mounted utilRy appurtenances such as transformers, AC condensers, etc., shall be _/ / located out of public view and adequately screened through the use of a combination of concrete or masonry walls, berming, and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the City Planner. For single family residential developments, transformers shall be placed in underground vauHs 9 Street names shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval in accordance with the adopted Street Naming Policy pnor to approval of the final map. 10 All building numbers and individual units shall be identified in a clear and concise manner, including proper illumination. 11. A detailed plan indicating trail widths, maximum slopes, physical conditions, fencing, and weed control, in accordance with City Master Trail drawings, shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval pnor to approval and recordation of the Final Tract Map and pnor to approval of streetimprovementandgradingplans Developershallupgradeandconstructalltrails,including fencing and drainage devices, in con/unction with street improvements. a. Local Feeder Trails (i e , private equestrian easements) shall, at a minimum, be fenced with two-rail, 4-inch lodgepole "peeler' logs to define both sides of the easement, however, developer may upgrade to an attemate fence material b. Local Feeder Trail entrances shall also provide access for service vehicles, such as vetennanansorhaydeliveries,includingal2-footminimumdriveapproach. Entrance may be gated provided that equestrian access is ma tamed through step-throughs. _/ / / / / / „ i S~_~,~ Ex~~esr Ns" c~/~~~o~.~ ~~~ RokaMo rr~svu Comoletlon Dab c Local Feeder Trail grades shall not exceed 0 5% at the downstream end of a trail fora _/ / distance of 25 feet behind the public nght-of-way Ime to prohibit trail debns from reaching the street Drainage devices may be regwred by the Bwiding Offiaal. d. Provide a 24-foot by 24-foot corral area in the rear yard Grade access from corral to trail _/_/_ with a maximum slope of 5 1 and a minimum width of 10 feet 12. The Covenants, Conditions, and Restnctions (CCB~R's) shall not prohibit the keeping the equine _/ / animals where zoning requirements for the keeping of said animals have been met Individual lot owners in subdivisions shall have the option of keeping said animals without the necessity of appealing to boards of directors of homeowners' assoaations for amendments to the CC&R's. 13 The Covenants, Conditions, and Restnctions (CCBR's) are subject to the approval of the _/ / Planning and Engineenng Divisions and the City Attorney. They shall be recorded concurrently wdh the Final Map or pnor to the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first A recorded copy shall be provided to the City Engineer 14. All parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by the properly I _/ / owner, homeowners' association, or other means acceptable to the Cdy. 15 The developer shall submit a construction access plan and schedule for the development of all _/ / lots for City Planner and City Engineer approval; including, but not limited ~, public notice requvements, special street posting, phone listing forcommunity concerns, hours ofconstruction activity, dust control measures, and security fencng. 16. Six-foot decorative block walls shall be constructed along the protect penmeter. If a double wall _/ / condition would result, the developer shall make a good faith effort to work with the adjoining property owners to provide a single wall Developer shall notify, by mail, all contiguous property owner at least 30 days pnor to the removal of any existing walls/ fences along the pro/ecPs penmeter. 17. For single fatuity residential development, a 2-inch galvanized pipe shall be attached to each _/ / support post for all wood fences, with aminimum oftwo'h-inch lag bolts, to wdhstand high winds. Both post and pipe shall be installed in an 18-inch deep concrete footing. Pipe shall extend at least 4 feet, 6 niches above grade. 18. Wood fencing shall be treated wdh stain, paint, or water sealant ~ / / 19 Slope fencing along side property lines may be wrought iron or black plastic coated sham link to _/_/_ maintain an open feeling and enhance views. 20. On comer side yards, provide minimum 5-foot setback between walls/fences and sidewalk / / 21 For residential development, return walls and comer side walls shall be decorative masonry. / / D. Landscaping 1 A detailed landscape and imgabon plan, including slope planting and model home landscaping _/ / in the case of residential development, shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and submitted far City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building pennds or prior final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision. 2. Existing trees required to be preserved in place shall be protected with a construction tamer in _/_/_ accordance wdh the Muniapal Code Section 19.08.110, and so noted on the grading plans. The ~~ sc-vmae POST TO CHAIN GATE GATE WITH STEP THROUCH~ SEE BELOW (18' BACK FROM P.L) CONCRETE HEADER PVC FENCE TREES METAL PLATE TO THE GATE FROM INTO THE PUBUC BLOCK WALL PRNATE LOCAL FEEDER TRAIL 15' SPLIT RAIL / ~ ~ SOIL SURFACE RADIUS OF 6' EACH SIDE OF BARRICADE 0 0 / ~ BLOCK WALL ~ ~ I rMOW STRIP N TRAIL I I I ~n PARKWAY 0 6' CURB APPROACH 12~IIN. STREET PER CITY OF R.C. 51D. DWG. 101-A 15' DP INGING O.W. MEiA1 PLATE WELDED TO UPRIGHT PIPE ALLOWS GATE BLOCK WALL PIPE TO SLIDE UNDER q• 3'-3• STEP THROUGH 4 1/2' SEE STD. DWG. 1007 5 ~.~ ~' ~i i~~i ~~ N~'f~ ~ '(urn ~oa~~aa w a~~,~o ~ NOTES: ~~(1-~ MoOiP~ R'~ Cx~~l41~lE~iC 1. GATE CONSTRUCTE OF 2 1/ GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE. 2 HINGE CREATED BY WELDING CROSS MEMBERS TO A 3• GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE SLEEVE WITH CAP SUPPED OVER 2 1/Y UPRIGHT GATE POST. 3 SINK POSTS 40• GATE SHALL NOT SWING INTO PUBUC R.O.W. 4 CHAIN SHALL BE 3/B• X 1 3/q• X 1 1/q• MILD STEEL Ai 18• LONG. 5. LOCK SHALL BE PROVIDED 8Y THE C11Y. /2 q 6 SEE TRAIL NOTES STD N0. 1001 ~J°l CITY OF APP /~ Cliv_E Gi EER__ TE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA ~ ~a~/ ~ R TRAIL: 15' ~µoARD PuN VEHICLE GA F u'•ITH SIDE ACCESS USE WITH STANDARD SPE6n7CAlIONS FOR PUBUC WORKS COMCTRUCTIflM 1006-C ~~ wfi`a f`y (~ ~~' ~' ~ s ~ ~~i~~tii-"` ~ r F.n li. I 3>~:~~I ~ ~6 5-'~k'a i yp iJ'~ ~~ i i ' t',. ~ s i~ ~~ ,~ ~~ ` ~ ~t ~~~ Td" 1 S'rc ny.J.~ fi4 i'~ ~~~111fff ~ r '~t ~ti .41Va'~.~~^',ii~k_ e u` ~ . iil iP~i~ ~ 'a5•n'y,'11 S _ rAn}'~ r ~ t ~ ~~n~~y°, fit. - ~M , ~,, - " '' , ;;'k ~~~~._ - _ ~~ t'IA -* p i ;~i• "~IIii' ~',*"~ i„'"' o''~~' ~ fi •'~~ • k li~lf ~N~~{' u • ii,~, ~~l~,~w,"kr,~~.~z • ;~~,~~~~t ~ ~, ~ra,•,ua «~ ;r ~u., ~.y •v ti~r;,~ fld:~~'v~} R~ ,:~ 1 ~~ !~' ~( V CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2002, ~ 6:00 PM TRI-COMMUNITIES ROOM 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE ACTION AGENDA I. ROLL CALL: X Carlson X Stewart A Clopton X Tolstoy X Buller X Dickey (Alternate) X Jarek _ Mannenno (Altemate) X Mitchell _ Zupke (Altemate) II. OLD BUSINESS A. TRACT 15915 - BELMONT EQUESTRIAN ESTATES -A request by Brynda Fryan as a representative of the Belmont Equestrian Estates to amend the CC&Rs for Tract 15915 to allow full height private gates across local feeder trails at the intersection with public streets. APN: 1089-081-01 through 14, and 1089-071-01 through 22. (Continued to February 27, 2002). ACTION: The Committee views the issues raised by the residents of Tract 15915 as a crime prevention problem, not a traiUgating problem. If the claims made by the residents, including children stealing construction materials from the backyard of a home enclosed by a 6-foot masonry wall are true, it is unclear how installation of 6-foot high wrought iron gates across trail entrances will impact crime, vandalism, or trespassing. The more appropriate solution to the problem is to utilize Police services, including the Neighborhood Watch Program. The Committee recommends that the CC&R's for Tract 15915 not be amended and that any gates installed within the tract shall meet the current gate with step-thru design per Standard Drawing 1006-C. III. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. QTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONL- The collective owners of these properties purchased from EB 13 2002 Belmont Equestrian Estates petition the right to keep the ~e~i~b _ p~gNNING their private trails. These gates ensure security against potential perpetrators, including those who would vandalize the trails and/or dump trash. These fences provide safety for others and peace of mind for the homeowners. ,) 2~ 2 `~" ---- Lod' +~. 4) DoT ~ 24) ~.Ll XJ(~/ / ~X~La~ I/' ' s) ` `'df33) zs> ~ ~ 3 6> lra-F= 2~1 z~ ~ ~~ G~ T ~ ~ • ~f ~6 2,, G?u~ DoT z 9) ~~ 29) 10) ~'e ~'~ 30) I1) l...O Z 12) ( ~--~~Q~/ 9 32) 13) ~,17~ ~ g 33) ~L/it~ 14 ~'~~y~ 34) IS) ,v ~ % ~`~ 35) 1 Wr ~ 36) ~,~ ~, 17) (9 37) 1 19) zo) ~x H/ ~3 !T ~,e ,, ~_ ~ 38) :Y~ 3T 39) Lo-r Zg ~> 36 We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. I in agreement of this demand. Signed ~Ld lot /~y~Zvo2 ~3) ~J We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, aze requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. I, ~NI ~ ~~/~ ~~ui agreement of this demand. .,~' ~ Signed G lot ~~ We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. I,~Axc~5~~~i,9-am in agreement of this demand. Signed ~~ lot ~b /1753 G-~d~C~ L~ ~r ~ve~-, ~'-~- q ~ ~z 3 9 ~ ~3 t~~ ~ .~ ..~,. s ..-.. _w . w .. .. .,. ~ -_ / 1 We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. v~ ~G~ ti L~ C~~ I, , am in agreement of this demand. Signed ~.r/' lot ~- ~ 3'~ `.J We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, aze requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. I, M~ c~g~l ~~s, am in agreement of this demand. ~Aul i NfF ~e7"sS ~~~~ Signed ~ ~ ~~ lot ~/ ~~ .u,. ..~.~~-...... _, .. -- _. We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. . We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. ~J I, ~a4i^' Nov~~ Nfl"~am in agreement of this demand. Signed ~^~ lot ~a" 3~ We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. I, in agreement of this demand. Signed ~~L~ -u~ lot l.3 37 r~ u We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. I~~ ' am in agreement of this demand. Signed <iri lot /5 ~ 38 • We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. c.[.I./~o~/ /`1 I, y~~n.C , am in agreement of this demand. Signed lot ~ S ~3~ We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga,. county of San Bernardino, Ca. l~ I, ,~.-~ ,5 ~ am in agreement of this demand. Signed ~~ Lot ~~~ ~ y We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. !f~/STD~ff~2 ~ ~~/i- ~ ~ am in agreement of Signed lot ~~~ _. ...-~,v.-a~..w+}bs~'~t ` - - - ;~..r dw.~~ i.....r a.»,„ . _ « ~.....aw.a..r...w.,.: - .. _ .:. ,c. .. _. -.~...., _ _ .:......_ ._ ... ,~ r • We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. I,°~~a-mow; am in agreement of this demand. Signed v ~~-~ lot ~ ~ n ~J ~ ~-. We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. l~ LrSCt~c~it , am in agreement of this demand. Signed lot ~l a-(3 ., 4r..:.. y-«.. - _~ ~...-L.af~ECne.~.rs. ,..ew.v»c ...Aa+..~+F.....M.... .a. ~~is..uz. ~, .a. m.n -~ _ _a. ...«.-._~._ We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, aze requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. I, ~~-a~ii in agreement of this demand. Avg a c,~.» ~. Signed lot ~~ ZZ We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. I, e,~ ~n \l D ~i rl am in agreement of this demand. Signed /! L lot ~ ~~~ . ~ . ~._ . ~....~.f.~a u,. _.. _,....., . _,.. ~ _, ...... _. n LJ We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. ~~ I, •~ am"`~ agreement of this demand. Signed ~ ~ G'f'~ lot ~~i ~'-~~ .w • .~..._ __~__~,.._..,~_. _ ._. , _.. _ We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. I,~~,~,..- Gower, am in agreement of this demand. i Signed , ~~~~_ ~ % ~ lot 7~~ ~-'~7 We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. u 1, ~ Q~ in agreement of this demand. Signed lot 2 ~ yg We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. I, , am in agreement of this demand. Signed lot ~~~ • We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, aze requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. I,-,~~~-, am in agreement of this demand. Signed lot ~~ We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. I, C1 t~yN ~ b~~ am in agreement of this demand. Signed lot Qsl .o w ..c~e ~ .. ].e._W4..x~~~+v~4~e.~wH.n:s...~..~._ .v •~.....r.~.4. ~~4.~ :. u~ ~ r ~ e -~ ~ • a _ ~~ .~ We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. I, in agreement of this demand. Signed nn~~ lot ~ ~ ~ ~s~ r~ We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. (l,,L~ I,`~ ~d~~ ~ am in agreement of this demand. Ica-lout c~i~~ Signed ~c,~ a~ •~~`„~~~- lot 3~- ~s3 .~`ri ~,~ . ,.a.,.a.. .....~=...i.....-_ - v.+:.wr...Y i+as....~+...W,~.~ .., -w ... ~ ..~..._.w.- ..e.. _ _ ~., ~ ~ _. ...~ _ .,< <, _~., ~ _ We, the residents of the Belmont Equestrian Estates, are requesting the right to be able to erect across the openings of our "private equestrian accesses" as stated in our land title, full height private gated fences. We would like to do this by amending the CC&R's for tract 15915 in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, county of San Bernadino, Ca. ~d~~ ~-I~rz~ I,~y~N~.~~l'Uam in agreement of this errand. cJ~%~ Signed lot ~~ 'WE IIER88Y ALSO DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCA~fONGA FOR PUBLIC USE; TE(E STORM DRw-N fiASEMENTS, AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP THfi VEHICULAR INOAESSfE0RE33 RIGHT TNROUGH THE PRIVATE EQUESTRIAN EASEMENTS 1N LOTS 1Z THROUGH 17IN0.USIVE, AND W$ HEREBY GRANT LOT'A' 1N FEE SIMPLE FOR COMMUNITY TAA11 PURPOSES. AND GRAM LOT 'B' 1N FEE 9IA(PLE FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND PHDESTRIAN ACCESS PURPOSES, WE ALSO RESERVB TO OURSELVES, OUR HEIRS, wND OUR ASSIGNS THE P A LOTS 4, S. 11, 12, L8, 19, 10, Z4, 25 AND 30. AN THE PRIVATE EQUESTRIAN PJISEMHNTS SHOWN ON S )-fAP.' 15 - \1 AN 6ASBMEAT POR TH$ HEREINAPTER SE7 FORTH SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, A9 SHOWN ON THE MAP OP SAID TRACT, I~SAlO EASEMENT 13 FOR PRIVATE EQUESTAI,W PURPOSES ~Q~ ~ f} C (AFFECTS LOTS 1 TO 18 INCLUSIVE AND 21 7'O 36 MCLUSIVE~ / 36 AIQ EASEMENT FOR THE HEARNAPTBR SET FORTH SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF SAH) TRACT, 9AIp EASEMENT IS POA COMMUNITY TRAIL PURP08ES, (AFFBCT~ TS~A•~ ~n~ 2a~~~~ ~; ~; AN EASHMENT FOR ?HE HEREINAFTER SET FORTH SPECIFIC Pl7tPOSE AND INCIDENTAL j9 %;r PURPOSES, AS SHDWN ON THE MAP OF SAID TRACT. SAID EASEMENT 79 FOA PUBLIC UTILITY AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS PURPOSES (AFFSC7'S 1„07' ~ry~ ~ ~IRtkJNG 7 `~'L ~/ts~-rn~' : tJN~~~ Y/cTD,ei/~2 /i. Prelim(nary Report `'~/ ~ f~/•'~ .' LrG:l~'I' ;;,~vL.S, PAGE 5 CITY OF RANCHO ri~rpP ~ONGA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA F E B 13 2002 Cc 487 A PUBLIC CORPORATION OF THE STATE OF cAI1FS~~fAvbROAN1ZE~ DCyS-I•fN6 UNDER THE FE AtR~'YQvj~tg~u wwrzn aio'eR~er ncr or-oic ssnTC ur a.~~irua KI'S. 1St69, C$. 109, AS RMENDBB~/L AND PEARSON FAMILY TRUST (LANDOW,yER). RECORDfiD AUGUST I1, 1994, INSTRUMENT NO. 94-940570, OFFICIAL RECORDS. RECEI~F~P~If~1~EBY MADE TO THE RECORp OF SA1D DOCUMEN? FOR FURTHER AND OTHPA PARTICULARS. NOTE: SAID DOCUMHNT WAS RECORDED W1TH NO LEOAL DESCRIPTION, e / 14. ~,/ 'f(!E OWNER'S CERTTPICA7'6 OF TRACT MAP N0. 1 S91s RECITES, 1N PART: ~iTV dF RANCHd CUCAMONGA ~7AR 13 2002 ~~~ _,,~~ `-'CANNING "7n ~5'S~~ ~~- ~' °1~7~~ 3~lzln~ ~~~ ~\~ ~ p ~ e ~ ~~ ~e ~ ld ~ ~ o `l S S~ ~-e~ Co ~ ~Y ~° ~ ~ ~ ~~ ss ~ Co~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~8y ,o~i -oi ~-~ 1~ a-~ o ~~1 ©7r-O~ r~ ~ • T H E C I T Y O F RANCHO CUCAMONGA Staff Report DATE March 27, 2002 TO• Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY. Dan Coleman, Pnncipal Planner SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF SUBAREA 18 SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT - CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES - A request to Initiate an amendment to allow Public Storage as a permitted use within Planning Area VIII of the Empire Lakes protect. . BACKGROUND: The Subarea 18 Specific Plan, commonly known as Empire Lakes, defines the development concept for amixed-use protect and applicable development regulations. The centerpiece of the 378-acre development is the Empire Lakes championship 18-hole golf course There are 11 planning areas surrounding the golf course. Planning Area VIII is 21 acres located at the southwest corner of Milliken Avenue and 6th Street (Exhibit "E°). ANALYSIS The purpose of the Subarea 18 Specific Plan Is to "provide for a broad mix of uses, including recreation, hotel/conference center, retail, restaurant, and entertainment, as well as office, research and development, Ilght industrial uses, and multiple family housing.° Therefore, this Specific Plan Is designed to be flexible and many different land uses are permitted or conditionally permitted (Exhibit °C°). The list of permitted uses within Planning Area VIII includes, but is not limited to, Custom and Light Manufacturing, Light Wholesale/Storage/Distribution, Office, Restaurants and a variety of business support uses. Conditionally permitted uses include, Medium Wholesale/Storage/Distribution, Churches, Child Care, Fast Food Restaurants, and Automotive Service Station. Public Storage is similar to Light Wholesale/Storage/Distribution The applicant believes there Is a strong market for public storage in the area In particular, there are over 1,000 luxury apartments under construction within Empire Lakes that would benefit from having public storage nearby. Surrounding businesses would also benefit from storage opportunities. Public storage facilities are commonly located within the City's industrial area, between Foothill Boulevard and 4th Street CORRESPONDENCE Staff received a letter of support from a developer, Fairfield Residential LLC, who is under construction on two apartment protects next to the Empire Lakes golf course (Exhibit °B"). ITEM C PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT SUBAREA 18 SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES March 27, 2002 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission, through minute action, agree to initiate an amendment pending submittal of a formal application and fees by the applicant. Respectfully submitted, Brad Buller City Planner BB:DC/Is Attachments: Exhibit °A° Exhibit °B" Exhibit °C° Exhibit °D° Exhibit °E" - Letter of Request - Letter of Support - Land Use Summary - Public Storage Definition - Location Map C~ Charles Joseuh Associates PUBLIC/PRIVATE SECTOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES February 28, 2002 Dan Coleman, Principal Planner City of Rancho Cucamonga P O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729-0807 Re Subarea 18 Specific Plan Amendment Request -Planning Area 8 - Public Storage Dear Dan This is as a follow-up to our meeting with you earlier this week at your office concerning the referenced matter on behalf of our clients, General Dynamics Properties and Creative Communities This correspondence is to request that the Planning Commission initiate and amendment to the Subarea 18 Specific Plan to allow Public Storage as a Permitted Use within Planning Area 8 of the Empire Lakes Specific Plan It is our understanding that this matter will be scheduled for the March 27, 2002 Planning Commission Meeting. As you are well aware, the Empire Lakes Center is amaster-planned mixed-use development comprised of various industrial, office and residential protects surrounding the Empire Lakes Golf Course Discussion with a number of our developers and clients has determined that there is a need to provide their customers and residents with convenient public storage opportunities that are not currently available within their respective office and residential protects. Our experience has been that Public Storage is very compatible with adtacent business and property owners and is a low impact land use due to the limited hours of operation normally associated with this type of business. We appreciate your continuing professional courtesy and assistance with this matter on behalf of our clients. Please feel free to contact me at your earliest opportunity should you have any questions or need of additional information conceming this matter. Sincerely, Charles J Buquet Charles Joseph Associates Cc' Chuck Beecher, General Dynamics Properties William Cerone and George Baker, Creative Communities Office 909.4814822 800~240~1822 Fax 909~481~1824 CIty Cearez ~ 10681 Foothill Blvd, Score 395 ~ Rancho Cucamonga, CA ~ 91730 A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION 1-~~I c ~ ~i~ FAIRFIELD RESIDENTIAL LLC Mazch 4, 2002 Planning Comm>ss>on City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Development Department 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 RE: Empire Lakes Center Deaz Planning Commissfon: CITY OF RANCHO CUCgMONGq MAR p 7 2002 RECEIVED _ a~ANNING w It has come to our attenrion that General Dynamics ~s proposing a public storage facility on Lot 7 of Parcel Map 15350, within the Emp>re Lakes Center Fau~field Res>dent><al encourages the City and Planning Commission to favorably review this request. We have found public storage facfhUes to be compatible neighbors and provides our res>dents with an additional storage opportunity not otherwise available on-site Please phone me if you have any questions, as we look forwazd to seeing each of you at our grand opening for Fauway Palms and Ironwood later this yeaz. Smcerel ,, Ed McCo V>ce President, Development cc. Chuck Beecher, General Dynamics • 5510 Morehouse Dnve, Smte 200 C.1 / 2045 North Highway 360 Smte 250 San Drtgo, California 92121 7 Grand Pretne Tezas 75050 (858) 457 2123 Fax (B58) 457-3982 (817) SI6-9400 Fax (817) 640-9474 Rancho Cucamonga /ASP Sub-Area 18 Speahc Plan n L.J ~~~~~ TABLE 5-1 SUMMARY OF LAND USE TYPE BY PLANNING AREA - ~ -~1': Y t .1~F - _ y.~ .. -r" a „i.~,rs~ .t-:.s'~ -^ .T~ ~~ ,~lt?i-/- _ ~~3 ^=~z~~.a.-N _' ~_~ .. J,t~. ._C A'a.` Y.(TT3y1'jGp. -i.TM'KIy'^~Y t~iL.'°-'~ -; +rit .Y_ 1 ~~^YyAl r~ ~ U~tl. a-.u ~ =.t ~~~. a - a ~ .~ ~i4' Y 1.L~f-"Y ' aEai~- .: ~L,-{F~..~,~.r -eT--^-?~S°F3~ -~`^ira ^a~ -}:x ca,..~:s ~r.¢~ ?£. ~~7~v,~~~~w.x~r_ _-_ ,.- ~., =w~~-- '-''z- 1 ~_ ~ _ f_ i.~~ Z_ _`~~.. .~ ,.~~ ..~(p A~y~~~~~ ~j+y+ y~ . VX.I~ P ~ L~1N- ~'~l~r A~1~,4: ~y ~~pp~~j X~!((U'~ y}II~~I qN~'t ' YY~ MANUFACTURING Custom p p p C p p p p Lght p p p p p p p Medium p p p p p W HOLESALE/STORAGEIDISTRIBUTION ' Public Storege Qndoor) C C Light P P P P P P P P Medum p p C C MATERIALS RECOVERY Collection FaahGes C C C C C RESEARCH S DEVELOPMENT (RSaD) Research 8 Development (R8D) p p p p p p p p p p OFFICE ORice P P P P P P P P P P CMC Admmuatratnre Cmc Semces p p p p p p p p Guttural p p p p p p C p Public Assembty p p p p p p p p Public Bwldmgs (library, post office, etc.) P P p p p p p ~ P Public Safety 8 UtdRy Sernces C C C C C C C C Relgious Assembty C C C C C C C C PUBUCBEMI-PUBLIC USES Child Care Faalttres C C C C C C C C C C C Clubs/LOdges (Prnate and Publik) C C C C C C C C C C C Convalescent FaalttresMosprtal C C C C C C C C C Edupuonal Instrtuhons (Pinata and Pubhe) C C C C C C C C C C Trensportabon Faairtres p RECREATION Gott Couree p Golf PreaiceJrreimng Faaltty P p p Recreational Faahtres (indoor/outdoor) P P P P P P p P C P C ENTERTAINMENT Arcades C C C C C C Entertainment Faalttres (1) P P C P P P C C C C Family Entertainment Cemer (1) p p p p p EATING 8: DRINKING ESTABLISHMENTS Eating antl Dunking Establ~shmeMS (1) P P P p p p p p p p p Restaurant-Fast Food (mrJUdmg Drive-thru) C C C C C C C C C C Sports Bar (1) P P P P P P 0.~ProjQfU~O°~ $°m0" Somsor "p° C S 5-3 Deveopment Gwdehnes end SfarMards Rancho Cucamonga IASP Sub-Area 18 Speafic Plan TABLE 5-1 (continued) SUMMARY OF LAND USE TYPE BY PLANNING AREA _-•~•xc~A: '-` ~t~'+•' -~-a=-= ^->~=.. Yt L .rJ •Y/tP•'.Il~t'~i.Y•,~~~$~1ft~,y~.~ _.si~ ~";,~r~~== iype~'.~ ~.-;-;~ pz~ ~. ~ r..r-_:e:~'` r" „~` 1ar~•~^... 7:n+ Snit _{^. ~1•.rI' -~~•^' ~ ~=v11~VU1!4S~~N^'_ 3•riC11~~1~.lYW#.Y~ Yi a%vCr~~Y:Y't,.~ °;°I`. fair" ~m~; ~:ni • ~3~ =Vi; Prv_ n4 ~vui : ~~.~x<. ~~r-•? iati~ TRANSIENT ACCOMMODATIONSICONFERENCE CENTER HoteVMotel P P P P P P Conference Center P P P P P P P Corporate Trernrng Center P P P P P P MIXED-USE COMMERCL4L Mrxed-Use Commerpal Center P P P P P P P P PERSONAL/BUSINESS SERVCES Business Support Services P P P P P P P P P P Funeral 8 Crematory Servxres C C C C C C C C C C Personal Sernoes P P P P P P P P P P RePau Services P P P P P P P P P P AUTOMOBILENEHICLE SERVICES Automotive ReMaVLeasing P P P P P P Automotive Service COUR C C C C Automotive Semce Sfabon C C C C C C C Speaatty AutolMotoreyde SaleslServrce C C C C C C C C RETAIL-BUSINESS SUPPLY/SERVICES Business Services Retail 8 Sernoas P P P P P P P P P P RETAIUCONVENIENCE RELATED Convenience Sales 8 Servxxs P P P P P P P P P P RETAIL-FOOD 8 BEVERAGE RELATED Food and Beverege Salsa P P P P P P P P RETAIL-GENERAL Retatl-Ganeral(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) 14osk rn ParWrg Lots P P P P P RETAIL-HOME IMPROVEMENT RELATED BurklmglLghbng Equipment SuPDlres & Sales P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) Fumrture/HOme Fumrshvrgs/Antiques P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) Home ApplranceJElectromce P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) GENERALCOMMERCULL Business SuPPh-Re~r~e~'~ P P P P P P P P P P Communrwbons Services P P P P P P P P P P Parking (cemmeraaq P P RESIDENTIAL Multiple Femry Dwellings (3) P k;EY P =Permitted Uses C = Corrddronally Pertnrlted Use Blank Box =Not PertnRted Use (1) Where Irve entertainment r3 present, such uses are sub)eU to a city entertainment pertnk. (2) Pertndted as part of a morel use commernal or retail center (3) Resxlenbal pertndted vMhout rndusNal in the same planning area rcwaa+UPnrao+ s.mo, saxaso+.ya C (_ so DevebpmeM Gwdebrres and Sterrdards Rancho Cucamonga IASP SufrNea 18 Specdc Plan b• r1 LJ • ~~ ~l4 TABLE 5-2 LAND USE TYPE DEFINITIONS MANUFACTURING Custom Manufacturing Activities typically include, but are not limited to manufacturing, processing, assembling, packaging, treatment, or fabrication of Custom made products These types of business establishments do not use raw matenals for their finished products, but rather may utilize "semi- finished "type of manufactured matenals for their Custom made-to-order products The finished products from these business establishment are ready for use or consumption and may include onsite wholesale and retail of the goods produced Such uses may include, but are not limited to tewelry, household furniture, art obleds, apparel products, small instruments (musical, electnpl or photographic), stationary, and related products. signs and advertising displays, stained glass products, leather products, and assembly of bicycle parts The uses do not produce odors, noise, vibration, or particulates which would adversely affect uses in the same structure or on a same site Where 24 hour onsite surveillance is necessary, a pretaker residence may be permitted when approved by a Conditional Use Pernit Llght Manufadunng Activities typically include, but are not limited to labor intensive manufacturing, assembly, fabncabon or repay processes which do not involve large container truck traffic or the transport of large scale bulky products, but may include limited rail traffic. The new product may be finished in the sense that it is ready for use or consumption or it may be semi-finished to become a component for further assembly and packaging These types of business establishments are customarily directed to the wholesale market, inter-plant transfer rather than the dared sale to the consumer Such uses may include, butarenotlimitedto eledronicmicrochip assembly, printing, publishing and allied industries, commeroial bakery, candy and other wnfectionery products, bottle, canned soft drinks, and carbonated water, apparel and other finished products, paper board containers and tmxes, drugs, small fabricated metal products such as hand tools, general hardware, architectural, and ornamental metal work, toys, amusement, sports and athletic goods The acUwties do not produce odors, noise, vibration, hazardous waste matenals, or particulates which would adversely affect other uses m the structure or on the same site Where 24 hour onsrte surveillance rs necessary, a caretaker's residence may be permitted when approved by a Conditional Use Pernrt Medwm Manufacturing ActiwUes typically include, but are not limited to manufacturing, compounding of matenals, processing, assembly, packaging, treatment, or fabrication of matenals and products which require frequent large container truck traffic or rail traffic, or the transport of heavy, bulky rtems The new products are semi-finished to be a component for further manufacturing, fabrication and assembly These types of business establishments are customarily directed to inter- plant transfer, or to order from industrial uses, rather than for dared sale to the domestic consumer Such uses may inGude, but are not hmded to: canned food, textile proauds, fumiWre and fixtures, converted paper and paper board products, plastic products made from purchased rubber, plastic or resin, fabricated metal products made from sheet metals, electrical and electronic machinery, equipments and supplies; office, computing and accounting machines Actiwties may produce noise, odors, vibrations, illumination or particulates that atfed the persons residing in or conducting business in the vicinity Where 24 hour onsde surveillance is necessary, a caretaker's residence may be permitted when approved by a Conditional Use Permit WHOLESALEISTORAGFJDISTRIBUTION Public Storage Activities include mini-warehouse or recreation vehicle storage facilities for the rental or lease of small scale enclosed storage units or partung spaces primarily to individuals ratherthan fines or organizations Adrvities to store household items other than storage operations are not allowed on the premises Where 24 hour onsite surveillance is necessary, a caretaker's residence may be Rwgetf~uPnpo7 S~man SOE1307 WpE ~ ~ 5.5 Development GuMeLnes and $tendelds Rancho Cucamonga IASP Sub-Area 18 Speafic Plan TABLE 5-2 (continued) LA SE TYPE DEFINITIONS permitted when approved by a Conditional Use ,RESEARCH and DEVELOPMENT Perrot Researoh and Development Light Wholesale, Storage, and Drstnbubon d anal sis Activities typically include, but are not limited to wholesaling, storage, and warehousing services and storage and wholesale to retailers from the premises of finished goods and food products Activities under this classifigtion shall be conducted in enclosed bwldmgs and occupy 50,000 square feet or less of building space Retail sales from the premises may occur when approved as a Condlbonal Use Where 24 hour onsite surveillance is necessary, a caretaker's residence maybe permtted when approved by a Condlbonal Use Permd. Medium Wholesale, Storage, and Drstnbutron Activities typically include, but are not limited to wholesale, storage and warehousing services, moving and storage services, storage and wholesaling to retailers from the premises of finished goods and food products, and distnbution facilities for large scale retail firms Activfies under this classfiption shall be conducted in enclosed buildings and occupy greater than 50,000 square feet of budding space Included are multi-tenant or speculative bwldmgs with over 50,000 square feet of warehouse space Where 24 hour onsite surveillance rs necessary, a caretaker's residence may be permtted when approved by a Conditional Use Perrot MATERIALS RECOVERY Col/ect~on Facilities Activities typically incude the acceptance by donation, redemption, or purchase of recyGable matenals from the public for sorting and storage Such a faality may involve aggregating, weighing, and stonng large amounts of matenal onsde, mcludmg boding, compacting, or similar packaging operations for shipment Outdoor storage may be permtted when approved by a Condlbonal Use Permit Collection faalities shall comply v~nth standards of the IASP A use engaged in study, testing, esign, y , and expenmental development of products, processes, or services, including incidental manufactunng of products or provision of sennces to others OFFICE Office (Commercial) A use where the affairs of a prnate fine, business, professional, service, or industry are conducted in such actrvit~es such as administration, management, consulting, professionaUpersonal services, clencal, and data processing/storage Uses typically include, but re not limded to, administrative offices; corporate headquarters and branch offices, financial, insurance and real estate offices; medical/dental health serncesl laboratones/clinics, professional and design offices, and research offices CMC Admmishabve Cwrc Services Activities typically include, but are not limited to. management, administrative, or clencel services performed by public, quasi-public, and public utility administrative offices Cultural Activities typically include, but are not hmded to those performed by the following institutions • Public and pnvatenon-profit museums and art gallenes, • Public and pnvate non-profit libranes and observatones Public Assembly Parks, botanical gardens, and open space areas of a passive use character, Activities typically include, but are not limted to those performed by, or at, the followwng institutions or installations 0.1RgsCaUPh1001 Saban 5@0507 rpE ~ Sb Development Gu~deLnes and StarMards afeuo t~ F2rltrical Sa6snNoa a u ` C II Stith Street ~ -l, IIiII IIIIji1, Area II 28aa ~~ Aeea )ry ~I adweasot 16 ae y._ / ~' ~ ~~/~ „ ~~, ,~ ~\\\ ~ % \~~ ~~` ~ ~J. -is ~ _ _ - ,L~/ "'~~ Plaaning J.7/ Area % ~ 1 ~; Ir ~`~~.~ ~ \~,'~ 9 ~~ Atea RI 18 aG ~ i A ! 170 T (' 1 Plannlr~g J Area DL I 19 as {) tiZi ~ ._ p~OII~ I ~ ~ ~'y~ ~ T plaaning Area ID 11` I i Arc VYII 19 ae. I , ~J ~/y j- D I 21 as 1 / planni°g / Tir ~ ,,,,~ ,~~ k 1 ~ t7ub Hotue%- ~i7/ ~ i ~ ~~ r ~ ~ /, ~ Y ~~ /, "---~ Ares'v ~~ ,~ ~ ~b ~5 . .N h e ~ ~ 29 ae ~ a .'~-T-' ~ ~ 28 ac z4 ae. ~ ~1 .-. ~ {~ ~ r- ~ r- p~S Note: This figure represerrts the current proposed Conceptual DevebpmeM Plan for Sub-Area 18 and mey be subject to tubas refinements and/or moddu;aboru. eotr aolr a eolr fguro / _3 Conceptual Development Plan ~~ Soury~c RTIa Aaeoaa~e. lne.,f994. C °I G! ~