HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990/12/03 - Agenda Packet - Spec AdjCL~MO ~~' ~~ crrr OF ~ RANCI-10 (,LCAMONGA `~ CITY C0i1NC'II. ~ '= o 0 ~ AGF,NL14 1977 Adiourned Siiecial Meeting December 3, 1990 - 7:00 p.m. council chambers 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California A. CALL TO ORDER 1. pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Huguet _, Alexander _, 5toct __r Brown _, Wright 8. ITEMS OP HUSINR38 WITB RETIRING COUNCIL APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION COMMENDING DEEC RAH N. BROWN. PG. 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA COMMEND INE DEEORAH N. RROWN POR HER SERVICES AS A MEMBER OP YN6 CITY COViiCIL ':HE 2. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION CEATIFYINGIAINICIPAL ELECTION RESULTS. PG, Z RESOLUTION NO, EO-456 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA RECITING THE PACT OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTIDN HELD IN SAID C1 TY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA ON THE 6TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 199C OBCLARING THE RERULT THEREOF AND SVCH OTHER MATTERS A:. ARE PROVIDEC HY LAW C. ITEM9 OF BVSIMEHS N~['y'$ N69 Ef.ECTED OFFICIALS PG, 8 1. A37HINI8TEAING OATHfi OF OFFICE - Oaths zf Office will be adminieiered by Ghe Honorable Kenneth C. Ziebarth, Pree,.ding Judge, San Hernard ino Ccunty superior Court. oaths to be adminietezed to: Spacial Adjourned Meeting of the City Council December 3, 1990 Page 2 Dennis L. Stout, Mayor Charles 7. Buguet II, Councilmember Diane Williams, Courtcilmember SELECTION OF MAYOR PRO TEMPORE. SELECTION OF APP~NTMENTS TO CITY COUNCIL SUECOMMITT'n5. Pf,., 9 D. PN6SBNCATIONs SPECIAL PRESENTDP ION BY GNYNN FROST. 6 C0101UNICATIONS FROJ_1 TH6 PVALIC This is the fife and place for the geaeral public to addren the City Council. state law prohibits the Citp Council frog addressing say issue not previously incladad on the Agenda. The City Council up receive tesiifoay and set the fatter for • suhsaqusnt oaring. Caffeats sn to M lifibd to tiva fiautea par individual. y. aIATOVANMBNT I, Debra T. Adafe, Citp Clara d ~.. ,.__ ^f Raneho Cucefonga, heiebp certify that a true, accurate copy of tAe foregoiag agenda was posted on Novefaec , 1990, seveaty-two hours prior to the fasting par Oovernfent Code 56953 st 10500 Civic Curter Oriva, Aaocho Cucaoongq, Gliforaie. RESOLUTION NO. 90-~~ A RESOLUTION OP THE CffY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALDnDRNIA, COMMENDING DEBORAH N. BROWN FOR HER Sk7tVI(FS AS A MEMBER OF THE Ct1'Y COUNCIL WHEREAS , Deborah N. Brown was elected to the city council in November, 1986; and WHEREAS, City Cuuucllraemb:.r Deborah N. Brown was elected 6y her colleagues to serve as Mayor Pro Tcmporc from December, 1988 to Decembeq 1990; and WHEREAS, during her tenure as a member of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council, Deborah N. Brawn wes instrumental is creating the Environmental Management Commission, promoting regional cooperation through her efforts as the City's representative to SANBAG, and supporting the establishment of rail transit in our area all of which wilt have a lasting impact on the quality of life for Aancho Cucamonga and its residents; and WHEREAS , as a member of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council, Deborah N. Brown was instrumental in improving the economic and social well being of the community as well as continually providing her colleagues and the citizens of Rancho Cucamonga wish outstanding leadership, dedication and competenec, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on behalf of ita citizens, does hereby commend Deborah N. Brown for her outstanding leaduship while serving as a member of the City Council and extends best wrsnes iur cwuL,uui ,..c...a.. .a ~^ !^!^~^ .nAr•avme. - CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 3, 1990 To: Mayor and Members of the City Cou iqp 1 J \ , , (/ / FROM: Debra J. Adams, CMC, City Clerk I,U ` yf"' -`, uY " SUBJECT: APPROVAL O} RESOLUTIO N CEATIPYINO NUNSCIPAL ELECTION RESULTS It is recommended that the City Council agprove the attached Reeolutlon in order !o certify the municipal election zeeulLe of November 6, 1990. Attached to the Reao lotion (Exhibit "A") ie the Certlf icate of Registrar of Voters along with the Statement of Votes Caet. If you have any queatione, please feel free to contact me. /~J> Attached ~{5~ RESOLUTION NO. 90-µ A RESOLVTION OP TAS CITY COUNCIL OP THB CZTY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECITING THE PACT OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION NELD IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA ON NOIBHHER b, 1990, DECLARING THE RESULT AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS PROVIDED EY TH6 PROVISIONS of LAW WHEREAS, a general municipal election was held and conducted in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, California, oa T^iesday, November 6, 1990, ae required by law= and NHEREAS, notice of the election was duly and regularly given in time, form and manner ae provided by law; that voting precincts were properly e9tabiiahed; that election officers were appointed and that in all respects the election was held and conducted and the .rotes were cast, received find canvassed and the returns made and declared in time, form and manner as required by the provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California for the holding of elections in cit iee; and WHEAF.AS, the Registrar of Voters of the County of San Bernardino canvassed the retucne of the election and has certl£Led the reeulte to this city Council, the reeulte era received, attached and made a part hereof ae Exhibit "A" NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, dose hereby resolve, declare, determine and order as follaae, SECT TON 1: Thnt there were 69 voting precincts established for the purpose of holding eeid election cmmie Li..y Hof c_..c^'+a•t~~ne1 of the regular election precincts in the Ciiy of Rancho Cucamonga ae established for the holding of et ate and county elections. SECTION 2: That said regular municipal election was held for the purpose of electing the following officers of ea id City ae required by the laws relating to cities in the State of California, to wit: A Nayor of said City for the short term of two years; Two members of the City Council of eaitl City for the full term of four year e; SECTION 3: That tAe number of votes given at each precinct and the u..a..-r o'. vetee given in the City to each of each persona above named for the respective officers for which ti.a yarso,^.c :.___ c?ndidates war6 es listed in Exhibit ^A" attached. 24, 7,3N. BECTION 4: That the whole number of votes cast in ea is City was Resolution No. 90-~~• page 2 SEIITION 5: That the name of the person voted £or at said election for Mayor of the City Council of said City ie ae follows: Dennis L. Stout That the names of persons voted for at said election fot Menber of City Council of aaid City ere as follows: Cnariee J. 'nuquat II and ^iane will isms That the number of votes given at each precinct and the number of votes given in the City to each of such persona above named for the zeepect lve offices of which ea id parsons were eandidate9 were ae listed in Exhibit "A" attachetl. SECTION 6: The City Council dose declare and determine that Denni.a L. Stout was elected Hayor of the City Council of Bald City for the short term of two year e; Chezlee J. Buquet II was elected ae Hember of the City Council of said City for the full term of four years; Diane Williams was elected ae Member of the City Council of ssid City for the Eull term cf four yeatsJ $ECT ION 7: The Clty Clerk shall enter on the record of the City r..nnnil of the City, a statement of the re salt of the election, showing: (See Exhibit ^A") (1) The whole number of votes cast in the City; (2) The names of the persons voted for; (3) For what office mach person was voted for; (4) The number of votes given in the City to each person. SECTION e: Thai the City Cletk shall immediately make and deliver to each of each persons eo elected a Certif LC ate of Election signed by the City Clerk and duly out hentiaatedt that the Clty Clerk shall also administer to each arson sleeted the oath of Office preacr ibed in the 6t ate Conet itution of the ...i be t.. ir. and file It :^, the State of California and shah have i - ~ -....___ office of the City Clerk. Esch and all of the persons eo elected shell than be inducted into the respective office to which they have been elected. 86CT IOy~: That the City Clack shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution and enter it into the book of original Reeolutiona. exNlslr "a'• 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CH$1'IPICATE OP BHCISTYAS OP VOTERS STATH OF CALIFORNIA ) se. COUNTY OP SAN HRBNARDIND ) I, Tffi BELLY, Acting Begie tray of Voters, County of San Heresrdino, '~, State of California. DO NHHISBY CHRTtPY Chat pursuant to [he provia ions of 'I Section 17080 et seq. of [fie California Hlectiona Code, I did canvass the ~ returns of the votes teat for each elective office aqd/or acasure iv the I~, CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA at the General Nonicipal Hlection consolidated with the General Hlection i, held on Noveaber 6, 1990. I PIIRTRBR CHBTIPY that the Sta[eaene of Votes Cart, to which this ~'I certificate 3s attached, agora the total ouedrer of ballots cast in •aid City or Die triet, and the whole n0her of votes east for each candidate and/or a~eaeure in said CLty or District in each of the respective precincts therein, and that [he totals of Che respective cola®a and [he totals ae eho~m Eor each candidate and/or aeaeure ere full, true and correct. NITNHSS ry hand and Official Seal Chia 26th day of Novesber, 1990. TIM RHLLY Acting Registrar of Votera ~ ~ i Ry , SNAHON RHRINGSON De y .~; M ~• O• V= O• 2 `pm i•• 2J Yr m2 LO <u W Sh _rY nViV hW YD JW WL J ( W VI F e n¢ O hi t Y `I V q< WU ou >L OY GO V F LO WS LV WL Y< F¢ tlLL J ^Y Yu 4 Y• O• a pnwNngnrn-w!lwlhwwrrNef <Fngr-ewf of r<pnegfgwlsM! WJ<rZW < N<LO¢< fMN!lVYlehtttNMt-VffofVfVFhNYNMWNNhnllnNnWlfrnfY CWLYW¢ url-> YO72UrJ YeWp<ffwwgwwYwhwolMP--nhgnnWgnwgeYwawN-pwhNlew! J<IW L L <hm7Z0 Oq NI•q egOf afaVaf e-VVVNMOVPOPafNOMgwhPhffhrpnNaffY CWLYWY ur!-> YO~ZVwJ ~~ - nVfn4nn---VhnVYPeOenweY-wYO-blYYaeh-e0en--wnhf rw JWJrm Y F¢OVF fMNnfnYnnf YYfYYY-nnNYfnnnfnlnnnnnnf Yn-YYnnYYYYN LWSeW6 Ury.y UO7ZYrJ Y-eYq-nepYYNOYNnrfntwN40n-eYYONVeNf--YV t~A iR US<¢JWD •YS7YY~ DDOJWM N O -- -------- h_n!_Y_f_e_NefY_leYathNVVNh<VYh nPPn_VhPOh Pf_N /-n ~. 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Wilh the revxganisativn of the council, it ie necessary to revise the membership 1Let as wail as evaluate dissolving those subcommittees which the Council feels ie no longer neceeenry. JL/U0:6a2 ., =~hmente: Description of subcommittees 1 List ox ra ...: __ ~M7 Aseignmenta2 Attachment I. Naveanber 21, 1990 The follo~ing is a brief syrx~sis of each of the Couroil Caa¢ittees, ittees and Conmissiors: BAFDY VI67 p[ffiSC PRIVA4E WAISf1IIi P.-;^: ~ a liaiscm with the developmnt mMemity atd the City. 'Ihe BIA and the City conduct bi-ironfhly lz~ns to disco-cs ite~s of rmitnal concern. `the luncheon costs are rotated between the 3IA arcl the City. Mayor' is Delete clmsr sa~rxar mtnmla the City selectioh Calmittee is made up of all of the Mayors for San Bernardino County arc] its purpose is to select elected representatives to various bodies which include: Iaal Agency Formation cUmnission (lI~FN) , Air Quality M~*y~ ^* District, R®mte Aoce,s Network Board (RAN), etc. 'Rie regular meeting of the mrmittee is held m the last working day of April of every even numbered year. No GarB t4~Yot is ~esadative [m~[unu. AIEt Qa+rsrr ffiHffi7P SOB00lM'FPBE ~„~ U,~,;ti u..... .:~~ a.N tM Ci tv Council's 15 cities of the County within the South Ooast Air Quality Management District agreed to jointly riYlad and produce a rryional air quality element. 'ihe purpor..,e of the element is to resporcl m tl~ local jurisdiction of raguirenients for in¢~lementation of the air quality management plan. This Subcrnmittee meets the second Friday of earl: month. No ot~ Delegate: Stmt Alternate: Bran ANIIRIL ORTIIiH. S~l4'1TFE Rhis o><mcil Stiilxrnmittee provides liaison for the buildircj of tk,e animal control facility aml monitors mutual items of interest. Dn ^~~i No Wes ~yi _.~,~.ton: Start and &[pet *No Dues eeais that the City ~ Rar~dn CuL~c~ does nfot pay any dues to participate on these ai6oomittem. (~ AIIi QID1L17Y 14flAC~ffi7f DI3IIiLCf (M7~) The Camcil Subcannittee provides a liaison with the South oust Air Quality •; _-'-gement District regarding air quality issues. an mll No Iale_s Delegate: Stout Alt~te: H[UiE~ CAL'L[~3IdL~A (7l1IFACf CLTIIS A.S~CATIQi The original purpose for the City participating in this asswiation wzs to participate in the Proposition 11 litigation d~allenging some of the provisiore of Proposition 13. Currently this litigation is in appeal. Also, the Association provides a netwvrkirg with other contract cities for services. On Call Drs eased m ~.+lar;~. nele~,te: SYnut Altmmfn; Alermidc+r CHiDiAi. PAFaC RPP'S 'R~e Council Sulmmuttee provides liaison for the development of the City~s Central Park. Cn (.17t No Dues Delegate: Stout ..... ~'~' ...,.uwn aRY~1MfTrvft The Council Sutcrnvnittee provides liaison for the discvssicns regarding City entry monuments. Cit Call No Dues M~ P: sYnut Alt...,~.ro: Alm~cler CMC CFNID2 SDII~lRTfPE 'Ihe Council Subornmittee provides liaison for the construction aril monitoring of the Civic Center. Olr Call PMj ll,ina Oele[gte: Smut Alt.~..mr>: Alamrder F~ 'lfie Council subcaanittee provides a liaison with the Finance Department. On (~11 Nryo~~D~ae~S.~ DelegatE: start Alr...,,,.re. Almm[der Films D731Si1C0 'II~flbT1IQ7 'Rie Council suhcatmittee providsl a liaison for the transitionirg of the Fire District to the City. Qf loll lIO Dues Delegate: Stoat Alter ate: A100tfder PARR AiD RH12[+ACIQ7 FACQ II'II5 Rhe Camcil Sul]CaallittPe provides a liaison for the oonstrtictiai of park and recreation facilities atd items of mutual interest. tr~ (`~77 No Dam Delegate: stout Alt~+whn; idi9ffi RB~IQAi. Imu S~ORl~T1PE 'Rie Council ~+~~ittae provides a liaison for the construction of the Regional Mall. Qt Call No Dui Delecpte: Start Alte[fHte: Buluet RLTiSCA Pild' PSL~6 S~lQT1S~E 2fie Ccamcil ~+~m+tteL provides liaison for proposed legislation dealing with replicas and realistic replicas of fire arms. Dn Chll No Qrs Delegate: start Alternate: Baguet /a SLAG is an association of County and City grnrerrmients and is a Ccwicil of Govetimrrts (mG) . The purpose of such oxuncils is to provide a form where members can r'eaCh agreem.nt on issues of conmon concern and forge a regional rather than a local approach. Cri Call. Base Dues of $500.00 phs a penoa~tage of m.,iatim noncmto: strait Altecnatt: B:uef SY[iFI~ OP IIIIZDENCE S~i'II'E The Council subconmittee provides liaison for those issues effecting our sphere of influence. D3 Call No UL+s nel ~.tps; stout aid 9xpet AB 939 90TID YD1b'18 TA.4C POME ;his is a state mandated task force created lry San Bernardino County and is made up of the Boan3 of Supervisors, elected representatives fzYm each City within San Barna*+i;m and 10 nonelected representatives. The purpose of the task force is to coordinate the developeent of the Camty and City's Source Reduction a-d P.ec;'cling Elements and to coordinate a cost effective regional solid Waste management system. !!eats, the Third aausday of Fddn lYarth from 2 p.a. to 4 p.m. in San B¢n~dim i1o Qlaa Delegate: ffi91d~ AltamaFc; A10Onde' 1i00s17~ SEC ASIDE S~4T14E This Council submmnittee reviews affordable housing needs and works with the cammanity task force to propose strata7y and programs for agency set-aside ~ (733 tb Ales Delegate: B[aan Alter7ate: Ale7mndr2 ItIIAlD X1128 TFNUE OP Cl~LIFD1d7A CCPIEiS The league of Caiifurnia ._v_~;ati(m raj irur.,arata cities ar.1 functions as an "arm" of cities.,' The J~eague provides training, legislative trackixl arc! research for associate cities. On 0811 Stately Wes Based m PCp2~atim and a Plat Divisim Pie of 550.00 per City Delegate: H:ae2 Alt¢r-itc: Alelmrder /-3 r~ 'ihi.s Council srbmrt¢nittee revieded the Request far Proposal (RFP) for the Police study aryl mrducted interviews of the consultants who participated in the RFP's. rn Call No Ones fie: Brvar Alternate: Alardnder LAW X71' SOBODI91't7; 'Ibis Council Sub~nmittee provides liaison for review of th=_ law enforcarent study. trr (~77 No Ale, Delayate: Btum Alra.,r.ra: Ale>wd~ ~u~ HOH6 RQ7r R8Vffii 'this Caurcil Subcaartittee provides a liaison for the City's Mobile Home Aocmtl and participates in the crntract ne9otiatiais for the Acmr[i. the Accord is a contract between the owners of the City's mobile home parks arcl the City and addresses rent control for the mobile hrne parks. Ot Cdll No dues pr`n~.t~: ~j~ vd ~.aYm ]11t~te: 117.~dec TI7a)T(: iT71S 411R1~PIT1'PR lhi.s Council submimittee provides a liaison with the residents livitg within the Nordic Woods developmnts and the City. an (311 No Dues OeI~ •,ur~: ffiam aTd axp~et sAHeAc SANBAG is the regional plannug authority of which the city participates in through a Soint Powers Agreanetrt. '12rese meetings aze held the first Wednesday oP $7chomonUi in San Bernardino arcl begin at 9 a.m. 'Ihe City's delegate is paid per maetirg plus mileage. A~ ffised on Populatim and Asseeued Value Delegate Hrwn /~ QMTPCRANB is a Joim Pvders Pgreenent which coordinates the busing needs of its associats3 cities. 'these meetings are held the first Wrll~„day of each month in San BserarduLO and begin at 8 a.m. The City's delegate is paid $75.00 per meeting. Ho Dues Delec~fe: [frown I~CVII~1ffiif ?NlII~CIt~, S~Q'1.03. 'Reis Cwncil Subcaanit+~e provides liaison for the marketiYq of the City and reviews agency marketitg fit. Gh call 21o RIEs Delegate: H[own Altrrnatc: Yh'iglnt 5ffi.ID SP\41'P./REl:1(Cfi21G This council subovemittee provides liaison for issues regatY3irrg solid waste and recycling. Qn call !Io Dues n,i..s~r...c: ~t a~ B<ua~ wrn~c ~~E i~o l~[,ve or ow>Faam~ cites o~x~ 'ihe Votiig Delegate votes on issues within the Inland Ffipire Division of the League. The vctinxl delegate votes on various F.ESOlutions that cure up throughout the year. On Call !io Additiaal Dum l~ociated with Votug Delegate for League Delspte: Benem Alta....w: Alet~der UffiE 'ffiEV7SIOti/P[~2C ]IOC6S '1'1PE Rhe purpose of this SUlrannittee is to provide a liaison far the cat~le television franchisees and to develop the public access portion of the franchise ayta-re,~t. Ot (all tIO Ones hat _~.ns~ha: Bli]Uet and A1041i1d~ f~ P<ffiSC WadCS St>8R2!'IIT1PE 'The Cauicil S>bcaimittee provides a liaison for public crorks projects thrax~i the city. rn ta] ]. No Dues Delegates: 9quet and Ale~o¢der BDII, fl706IQ7 9(te(~14TifE This is a San Bernardino Cavtty Suboamni.ttEe established for the Soil FYosion District. The city participates on this SUbcamiittee and provides liaison for the soil cotditions within the City an3 also mmitors the prevention of soil erosion durirq hick winds. m Call No Dues Delecyrt8: A~+~ lllt¢nate: Wricflt (H!1!ffiR ~P Q~!ffiS8 Rl+pit(~71%'IV6 Zhis Ca;~ICil i,elegate provides the liaison between the Chamber of CMrerce and the city of ~icho CYa2ecrx]a in oootdinatiig projects and items of actual interest. Duna: Plat Pee of $1, 000/ID. Deletlate: Almratdec Alta.,,ar.,: 8uluet lson[ ~extvtrsalar oP ~ 1>l~~an 'This Coimnittee provided a liaison for the Sesquicentennial celebration oo~>d<ictad in 1989. On Call. NO Ills Dplcad'aa; -~i~t and Bc~apn OU~[NPPY PQH11LL'1Q7 i.TAra'N ,~ ilxu'ti.ii si.t~r.,ittQe ^.c!+_to_*s the activities of this Board and itare of nutual interest. ~ Chll ib Ules aa~ T.r..n; i~Kir~t and ~~d¢ !~ 'ihe Council Sutcanmitte~ provides a liaison with the IIresgency Preparedness Department in Ue mordination of its projects and disaster preparedness planning. Q~ (al,l No Dues Debates: Wricjd and Aln~der P!]1LHII7C QI4~IISSZCN, FNVAiHffi7PAI. I~A2~7P O~M.ffiQ7~ F1B[.IC SAFE14 crwaresrIN, fQSRQiIC PI~VA7.ZQ7 Ca2R~lLSS1RI ANS P/1IaC A!D ftH1II71TiCN O~IlR7 ~e Council Stnbcsnnittees for these Cormiissions conduct the interviews for the expired teens and vacancies as they occas azd provide liaison for itoms of mutual interest. On Call No Ales p]~F tTnmi Lriat fblt~: $tls.~t drd Wrlc)ht kMC Delegates: iit3<jlt and Alo0rdt2 Public Safety Dela~ates: @Rm and l10ol7der ~" Ile7amine: StOUt atd I~iSQt Pc+Nc ~ Idecxmtion uwla~.lm; Start did iQCit,~t. ~/ Attachment 2 COVNCIL COMHITTSSS/SDBCOMHITTESS AND COMMISSIONS Stout Ba1dy View Public Private Coalition City Selection Committee Air Quality Draft Animal Control Subcommittee AQMD Adv Seory Committee cal ifornia Contract Cit iee Aeeociatlon Central Park RFP•e City Ent<y Monument Subcommittee Civic Center Suhcommittea Finance F.'.re District Trans it ion HietorLC Preservation Commission Park 6 Recreation CommieeLmn Park 6 Recreation Bacilitiee Planning Commission Regional Mall Subconmittea Replica Pirearma Subcommittee Southern cal ifornia Associated Governments (SCAC) Sphere of Influence Subeommittes Brown AR 939 Solid Waste Taek Force Housing Set-gelds Subcommittee __ e~~ Rmn ire League of California cities Law Enfo[c amen[ Steeling Committee Law Enforc =_ment Subcommittee Mobile Homa RenC Review Nordic Heo is Subcommittee Omnitrana/3ANBAG Public Sanity Comm!ea iov Retlevelopm+nt Marketing Subcommittee Solid Waet~e/Recycling Subcommittee Voting Delegate 1990 Leaque of Cal Lfornia Air Oualit)~ DYaft AQMD Adviecry Committee Southern Ce llfornia Associated Governments Cities Conference (SCAC) 8-22-9b MAYOR UAYOR bSLBGATs DSLEGATB DELEGATE DBLSOATB nELBGATE DBLEGAT: DBL6611TE DELEGATE DBLEGATE DELEGATE DELEGATE DELEGATE DELEGATE DELEGATE DEIEGATE DELEGATE DELEGATE DSi.SGATE DELEGATE DELEGATE nELE0AT6 DELBGAT6 DEL66AT6 DBLEGATE DELEGATB DELEGATE DELEGATE DSI.ISGAT6 Alternate Alternate A lternata roDNCIL COMMITTEES/SUBCOMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS 8-2Z-90 Eucuet Animal Control Subcommittee -ELEDATB Cable TV/Public Access Subcommittee DELEGATE Nordic Woods Subcommittee DELEGATE Public Works Subcommittee DELEGATS Regional Mall Subcortrnittee DELEGATE Replica Firearms Subcommittee DELEGATE Soil Erosion Subcommittee DELEDATH Spher¢ oI :.- losses SubCO.T;:i flee DELEGATE Ba1dy View Public Private Coalition Alternate Chamber of Conmerce Representative Alternate Environmental Management Commission Alternate W~ioht 150th Anniversary of the Rancho DELEGATE Community Foundet ion Lia ieon DELEGATE Emergency Pceparedne ee Dffi.EOATB Environmental Management Comnisaion DELBDATE Historic Pre9ervat ion Commission DELSOATE Mobile Home Aent Review DELEOATB Park & Recreation Canuni eeion DELEGATE Planning Commiae ion DELEGATE Redevelopment Marketing Subcommittee DBLBOAT6 Solid Waate/Recycling Subcommittee DELEGATE Soil Erosion Subcommittee Alternate Alexander Cable TV/Public Access Subcommittee Chamber of Commerce Repreeentat ive City Entry Monum¢nt Subcommittee Civic Center Subcommittee Community Foundation Liaison Emergency Preparedness Environmental Management Commission FLnance Pire District TraneiG ion Housing Set-aside Subcommittee Law Enforcement Steering Committee Law Enforcement Subcommittee Publ is Works Subcommittee Alternate Voting Delegate at 1990 League of California AB 939 Solid Wasto Task Force California Contrnct Cit lee Aeeocletion Inland Empire League of Cal ifo[nia Cit Lee Mobile Hama Rent Review Nordic Development DELEGATE OBLEGATE DELEGATE DHLEGATE DSLEGATB DELEGATE DELEOATB DELEGATE DELEGATE DELEGATE DELEGATE Dffi.EGATE DELEGATE DELEGATE Cities Conference Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate