HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991/05/01 - Agenda Packet CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA • AEGULAFt MEETII~TGS 1st and 3rd Wednesdays - 7:00 p.m. May 1, 1991 Civic Center Council Chambers 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 •rr City Cousscilmembers Dennis L. Stout, Moyar William J. Alexander, Mayor Pro-Tem Charles J. Buquet, Councilmember Diane Williams, Courscilmem6er Pamela J. Wright, Councilmember rrr Jack Lam, City Manag¢r James L. Markman, City Attorney Debra J. Adams, Cily Clerk II City Office; 989-1851 ~ ~ City Council Agenda , y, r ' ~ lrJ Hay lr 1991 1 All itara subtitled foc the Citp Council Agenda rust be is writing. The deadline for subritting thane itps is S:DO p.r. on the Wadnadep prior to the rating. The city CUrk•• Office receira all auth iLae. 11. GLL TO ORDER 1. Roll Call: Buquet _, Alexander __, Stout _, Williams ,, and Wright Q. ANNOONC610a1TE/PRE8m1'PIEj"FON6 1. Presentation of Proclamation Deaignating May ae Mental Health Honth. 2. Presentation of Proclamation Dee ignating the Month o£ Hay ae Water Awareness Month. 3. PxeeentntiOn of PYOClemation to Vora A. Arthur £oY Oedicatetl Service to the Community from 1975 to 1991. C COMNUNIGTTONS 17tON TEE PUHLIC This is the tits sad place for the general public !o addra• the Citp Council. State law prohIDita the Citp Council iror addrasaia9 avp iuue vot previously included oa Ybe Agada. The Citp Council ay rapiw Lutiwnp and at the utter for a subeaquevt native. Cerrevte are to Da IiaLkad to five tivutea per individual. D. CON6BNT_GLENDAR The following Conaeat Caladar ilea era ezpaclad to ba routine sad non-coatroveHial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one toe without diaeuasioa. Any iter rap be reacved by a CcuvciLatber or rsadra of the audlenee for diacuazioa. 1. Approval of Minutes: March 20, 1991 2. Approval of Warranter Register Noe. 4/10/91 and 4/17/91; 1 and Paytoll ending 4/11/91 for the total amount of $1r5dRr36C.65. 3. Approval of Assolut inn No. 91-O1PD to extend Comca et 9 Cableviaion'e Franchise. r..~ ` +' ~ City council Agenda ~ ~( Mey 1. 1991 l~ 2 ABSOLVTION NO. 91-012D 1p A ABSOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, BXTENDING COUNTX OF SAN EERNARDINO FRANCHISE LICENSE WITH CONCAST CAELB T.V. POR 30 DAYS UPON EXPI MTION OF CURRENT LICENSB WITHIN TH6 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 4. Approval to utllire approximately sixty Thousand Dollere 11 156n. nnn nn. f___, _--_~ o lime nave Dean levied end ' collected for community Facilities Dietrlct No. 88-2 (Etiwanda North Drainage Dietrlct). Th¢ss funds will ba used for payment to consultants for ongoing aervic¢a Sn the formation of Bald Dietrlct Lhrough to the Bale of the bonds. 5. Approval of Time Sxteneion for designation of a portion 12 of Cottonwood Way aB a private etY00t and ax¢mptinq the abutting properties from requiremante set forth in Chapter 11.08 of the Municipal Code subjeet to certain specific conditions. 1h RESOLUTION NO. 91-111 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI FORN TA, APPROVING TIME EXTENSION POR THE DESIGNATION OF A PORTION OP COTTONWOOD WAY AS A PRIVATE STREET AND EXEMPTING TH6 ABUTTING PROPERTIES FROM REQUZAENENT9 gET PORTN I:i CRAFTER 1<<".Oe OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE SUBJECT TO CERTAIN SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 6. Approval to vacate a portion of an alley, located east 17 of Ramona Avenue and south of Feron Boulevard. RESOLUTION NO. 91-112 18 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA. SUNMAR ILY OADBRINO THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF AN ALLEY P ry City Council Agenda May 1, 1991 3 ,. Approval to execute Program Supplement No. 4 (CO 91-026) 21 to Local Agency - State Meetsr Agreement No. STLPP-5420 for the State - Local Transportation Partnership Program between the Ctty of Rancho Ncavwnge and the state of California for the construction of 19th Street from Archibald Avenue to west of Maven Avenue eoneieting of street widening. The Supplement Bate the State reimbursable portion of the project at $76,614.00 and the City•e portion nt 5275,267.00. Reimbursable funding frao the Supplement Agreement shall be daooeltad to the Syetema Development Account. 23 RESOLVTION NO. 91-113 A RESOLUTZON OP THE CITY COVNCIL OF TH& CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHOA22INC THS EXECUTION AND SIGNING OF PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT NO. 4 TO LOCAL AGENCY - STATE MASTER AGREEMHNT NO. STLPP-5420 FOR THE STATE-LOCAL TRANSPORTATION PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM FOR THE CONSTROCTION OP 19TH STRBET PROM ARCHIBALO AVENUE 1b WEST OF MAVHN AVENUE 6. Approval to ezacute Progzam Supplement No. 17 (CO 91- 2M1 025) to Local Agency - State AgreemenC No. OB-5420 between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the State of Cali tarnia foz Ptal Lnlnazy Engineering of the Arrow Route Bridge Widening at Cucamonga Creek Project - the Supplement sate the Federal portion of the project at $i2,966.U0 and the city's portion at $2,034.00 with the pravie ion to increase the City's portion should the need arise. Funding foc the Supplement Agreement shall be from systems DevelopmenC funds. 25 RESOLUTION NO. 91-114 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXHCUTION AND SIGNING OF PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT NO. 17 TO LOCAL AGENCY - STATE AGREEI~NT NO. OB-5420 POA PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING OF THE ARROW ROUTE BRIDGE WIDENZNG AT CUCAMONGA CAS&R PROJECT ~~ City Council Aqendn ,~K y,~" May 1, 1991 5 RESOLUTION NO. 91-116 34 A RESOLUTION OP TNB CSTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ORDBAINC THE ANNEXATION OF CEATA SN TBRAITOAY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCB DISTRICT NO. 3 AND STASET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR 5786 NAVEN AVBNUE 14. Approval io sxeeute Improvement A9reemant Bxtenaion for 37 Psrcel Map 3350, located on the nortAeaat corner of Baca Line Road and Milliken Avenue, submitted by the William Lyon Company. 39 RESOLUTION N0. 91-117 A ASSOLUT ION OP TH8 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CSTY OF RANCHO CUCANONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVSN6 IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT BYTSNSION ANO IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POR PARCEL MAP 9350 40 15. Approval to accept Improvements, Asleaee of Bonds and Notice of Completion for CUP 88-38, located on the west aide of Naven Avenue between Hillside Road and Carrari Street. Releaes: Faithful Performance Bond (Street( $74,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 91-118 Qi A RESOLUTION OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THH PVBLSC IHPROVENENTS FOR CUP 88-38 AND AUTNORIYING TH8 FILSNG OP A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK 16. Approval to accept the Rochester Avenue East Sida 42 Patkway Beautif icet ion ImpYOVemeni Ptoj act, Cont sect No. 90-050, located between Poothill Boulevard and Base Ltne Road, ae complete, extend the Faithful Performance Bond for one year in lieu of a Maintenance Bond, release the Labor and Material Bond end authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion". p, !'~ ~~~ CLty Council Agenda May 1, 1991 6 RESOLUTION NO. 91-}39 49 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAHONGA~ CALIFORNIA. ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR ROCHESTER PARAWAY BEAUTIFTCAT ION PROJ6CT~ FROM FOOTHILL BOULEVARD TO BASE LINE ROAD, CONTMCT NO. 90-OBOE AND AUTHOAI ZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COIIPL6TION FOA T!iE 17. Approval of Preliminary Engineer's Report and Setting a 44 Public nearing far June B, 1991 to levy the annual aseeaemante and approve the Preliminary Bngineer'e Report for Park and Recreation Improvement District (PD- 85). RESOLUTION NO. 91-120 44A A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA~ CALIFORNIA, DECLARING TTS INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS NITNIN THE PARR AND RECREATION SMPROVEMBNT DISTRICT (PD-BB) AND SETTING A TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEAR ZNG THEREON RESOLUTION N0. 91-131 44C A RESOLVTI ON OF TH6 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RPNCHO CVCA.YOYCA~ CA:.Z FOR1iZA~ DECIJIRING ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN THE PRAR AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (PD-BB) AND SETTING A TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARING THEREON E• CON86NT ORDINANCE The following OrdiOaaces ha•e bad public beariega et the tine of fiat reading. Second raadiega are sapeetad to be routine and non-coatrorsrdal. Thq will be acted upoe by the Couaeil aY oue ties without discus doe. Tha Citp Clerk will read the title. ADy itee ua be reagred for diacusaloD. 1. O B SH S LIM O 4 O U O P A i~~~i bizy councii Agenda r ~~ May 1, 1993 4 27 9. Approval to award and execute an Agreement (CO 91-026) with Investment Property Advisors to provide an update appraisal for Assessment District No. 89-1 (O'Donnell, Armstrong and Partners - Milllksn south of Arrow), in the amount of Pive Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). Funding will be advanced by the developer. 10. Approval to execute an Agreement (CO 91-027) with 28 Investment Property Advisors t0 provide an updated appraisal for Community Facilities District No. BB-2 HRH wanA• u...~„ .i__-_ _ _-_~, ~ ewwuu~ or Thirteen Thauaand Dollars ($13,000.00) from Fund No. 76- 3903-8520. 11. Approval to amend Contract No. 87-209 with NBS/Cowry to 29 perform aseseemsnt engineering for Community Facilities District No. BB-2 (Etiwanda North Drainage District) for the additional amount of Twenty-Six Thousand, Eight Hundred Dollars ($26,800.00). Pundi.ng will be advanced from Assessment Fund No. 76-3901-8520. 30 12. Approval to amend Contract No. 89-049 with David Tauesiq Aseoctates, Tax Coneultante, for Community Facilit lee District No. BB-2 (ECiwanda North Drainage District) for an additional amount of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000.00). Funding will be advanced Erom Assessment Fund No. 76-3901-8520. 31 13. approval to execute Improvement AgzeemenC and Improvement Security and ordering the annexation to Landscape Haintenauca District No. 3 and Street L_g.`.tiny^ Haintenanca District Noe. 1 and 6 for Parcel 3 of Parcel Map 7451, located on the west aide of Haven Avenue, South of Wilson Avenue, and release of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security accepted by the City Council on November 17, 1982, both submitted by Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of ,Issue Christ of Latter-Day Sainte. AHSOLVTION NO. 91-115 33 A RESOLUTION OP TH8 CITX COUNCIL OF THE OITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IHPROVEMENT AGRBEMENT AND I1(PAOVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL HAP 7491 AND RELEASING THE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND SECURITY PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED a."~:' P ~, ( }~ City Council Agenda '~~" Hay 1, 1991 7 OADINANCS No. 446 (eaeond reading) 45 AN OADINANCB OF THS CITY COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 30.20.020 OF THB RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY CODS RBGARDING PRINA FAC IS SPESD LIMITS ON CSRTAIN CITY STREETS [. ADFRRTI86D PDELIC EEARIMOS The following iteNa heron been adeertiaad and/or poetad as public hearings as required by lew. The Chair will opera the acting to reoeiva public testiaony. 1. CONSIDERATION OF COADIVNITY DEVSLOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 48 APPLICATION PROGRAM YEAR 1991-92 - The adoption of the Final Statemens of coamunity Developaent objectives for program year 1991-92 and the preliminary selection of projeeta based on a grant of 5918,000.00. RESOLUTION NO. 91-122 ~$ A Afi30LVTTON OF TH8 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AANCKO CUCAMONGA, CALI FOANIA, ADOPTING THE FINAL STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES AND PROJSCTBD U3fi OF FUNDS POR THE COHMVN ITY DSVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM FoR PROGRAH YEAR 1991-92 O. PUBLIC EEARINOS The following itua have ere legal publication or psailag requireuats. The Chair will open the eeeting to receive public tutiway. No Items Submitted. R. CITY NANAOER'S STAFI REPORTS The following itaea do not legally require any public betiaonp, although Lhe Chair nay open the Netiog fos public input. 1. O V C $~ x p r ~'r1, ~`(T'Y.SH Clty Council Agonda ~~~'Y° YY Hay 1, 1991 S I. COOMCIL 6DSIYE68 The folloring iteu haw 6eaa sequeated by Laa CSty Council for diaouuloa. They are rot public hearing item, although Lha Chair nay oqn Lhe relirg for public input. No Zteme Submltied. J. ID®ITIPICATION OY ITSMB POR N6IT NS6TIN0 Thin L the tine for Cily Council to ldeatify !aa itwa that' rLh to diaeun a! xae nazi Hating. These ilea rill not M dissented at lair eating, only ideatifiad for the aert uetiag. R._ COIWUNICiTIONB FAOM TH6 pDai.rn Thin !t tan tine sad platy for the general public to addrao tan City Ceunsil. Stab lar prohibits tan Citp Council iron addreuiog any Lsus poi previously included oa tae Agsada. Tae City Council uy rsceivs Eutiaony and sst tae ratter for a tubtequsat weting. Corents are to be Baited to five ainuGa qr individual. L• ADJOOANMSNT NS6TIN0 TO ADJOVRN TO 6ZSCDTIVE 8688ION TO DISCV38 PA'aSONNLL 1DITTSYS. I, Uebra J. Adams, City clerk of the city of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was postetl on April 26r 1991, seventy-two (72) hours prior Lo the meeting per Government Code 54953 at 10500 Ctvic Center Uriv0. March 20, 3991 CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTBS A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga waa hold on Wednweday, March 20, 1991, in the Council chambers of Lha Civic cantor, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting waa culled to order at 7:05 p. m. by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. PYebent were councilmembere: William J. Alexander, ChaYlee J. Buquet II, Diane Williams, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; William Curley, Deputy City Attorney; Lintla D. Daniel e, Deputy City Manager; Jerry B. Pulwood, Deputy City Manager; Rick Gomax, Community Development Director; Olert Jones, Sr. Redevalopm~ent Analyst; Otto ]Crouiil, Deputy City Planner; Joe O•Nell, City Bngineer; Paul Rougeau, Traffic %ngineer; Robert Zetterberg, Public Works Maintenance Hanaget; Mika Olivier, Sr. Civil %ngineer; Honte Preacher, Public Works gngineer; Joe Stof a, Associate gngineer; Carlos Silva, Rehabilitation Specialist; Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director; Jim Frost, City Treasurer; Ingrid Blair, GIS Supervisor; Dunne Bakst, Resistant t0 the City Manager; Diane O•Nenl, Management Analyst II; Susan Mickey, Management Analyst I; Chief Dennis Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Pire Protection District; Capt. Bruce Zeiner, Rancho Cucamonga Police Department; antl Debra J. Adams, City Clezk. f M • • • t H ANNOUNC6lOSMLS/PRg68NTATIONe B1. Mayor Stout read n ptoclamat ion to commemorate community Development Block Grant week. . . • • • . Cy COMMUNI GTIORS PROM Tog PUHLIC No communication was made from the public. ~ • • a City Council Ninutee Nerch 20, 1991 Paaa 2 O1. Approval of Minutes: February 20, 1991 February 26, 1991 D2. Approval of Werrante, Register Hoe. 2/27/91 and 3/6/91; and Payroll ending 2/20/91 for the total amount of $962,930.57. D3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule ae of February 28, 1991. 04. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On Sale Beer a Wine eating Place for B a J•6, Baroere Doreen and James John Gorter, 9653-55 Base Line Road. D5. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On Sala Beer 6 Wine Bating Plece for Star Restaurant, John Chao Jun Liu and xhen Cai Wu, 9638 8ae6 Line Road. D6. Approval to authorize the advertising of the "Notice Inviting Hida" for the Arrow Route Bridge Improvement Project, located at Cucamonga Creek, to ba funded Eras Syeteme Development Fund, Account No. 22^4637-8738 and FAU Fund, AccovnY No. 24-4637-8775. RESOLUTION NO. 91-073 A AESOLVTION OP THH CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "APROW ROUTE BRIDGE INPROVBMENT PROJECT", IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERA TO ADVHATISE TO RECEIVE SIDH D7. Approval to reject all bide for the Banyan Street Improvement Project, located from Baetwcod Avenue to Hellman Avenue. D8. Approval of Workers' Compensation Coverage for Volunteer Workers. RESOLUTION NO. 91-074 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR WORSERS' COHPHNSATION COVERAGB POR VOLUNT&ER PBRSONNEL D9. Approval to authorize the receipt of proposals for Maintenance of Traffic Slgnale under the provisions established by the Streets and Highways Code for Public WorY.e Naintenance. D10. Approval of the Sports, Senior and Bilingual Advisory Commi[tee appointments ae approved by the Park and Aecraat ion Commission on February 21, 1991. D11. Approval to award and execute a contract (CO 91-015) to Albert A. Webb Associates to do an assessment study of the Victoria Lekee Project in the amount of four thousand dollars ($4,000.00). Punding will be prov'_ded by the developer. city Couneil Ninuto Narch 2D, 1991 Faga 3 D12. Approval of the Mnexetion of ease Line Median Lnndscnpinq located between Milliken and Rochester Avenues to work program areas of Lendacaps Maintenance District Nos. 2 and 4. RESOLUTION NO. 91-075 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TRS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPOANIAr ORDERING THB ANNEXATION OP CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 2 AND d POA BASE LINE MEDIAN LANDSCAPING D13. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and ordering the Mnexetion to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and atrwt Lighting Maintenance District Noa. 1 and 6 for DR 90-OSr located on the northeast corner of Hellman Avenue and Ninth Street, euhmitted by Ruaeall D. and Marjorie J. Jeter. RESOLUTION NO. 91-076 A RESOLUTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEl~NT AGREHMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECVRITY FOR DBVELOPM%NT REVIEW NO. 90-OS ABSOLUTION NO. 91-077 A RESOLUTION of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO C:ICAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TH8 ANNEXATION OP CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LM'D SCAPE HAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 POR OR 90-OS D14. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 12835 Undezgrounding, located on the east aide of vineyard Avenue 600 feet north of Arrow Highway, submitted by Park Vineyard Joint Venture. RESOLUTION NO. 91-075 A ABSOLUTION OF THE CZTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALL PORN IA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 22835 UNDERGROUNDING D15. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13304, located on the northwest corner of Terra Vista Parkway and Mountain Vlew Drive, submitted by Lewis Homes• RESOLUTION NO. 91-079 A RESOLUTION OF THE CTTY COUNCIL OF TF[B CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMHNT E%TENSION ANB IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOA TRACT 13304 city council Ninutaa March 20, 1991 Psge 4 D16. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement 6xteneion for Tract 13666, Yoeated on the east •ide of Haven Avenue north of Church street, audoittad by Lawie Haman. RESOLUTION NO. 91-UBO A R6&0LVTL0N OF THB CITY CWNCIL OF THE CITY OP AANCNO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INPROVENBNT AGREEiQNT 8%TENSION AND IMPROVEMBNT SRCURITY POR TRACT 13666 D17. Approval to Releaee sacurlty for Piot Plan 86-83, located on the south aide of Foothill Boulevard, neat of Baker Avenue. Release: Faithful Performance Cart ificate $ 8,000.00 of Deposit D18. Approval to accept Improvements, Releaee of Monde nntl Notice of Completion Eor Tract 13444 located on the south aide of. Pairmont Wey between NL11 Lken Avanua and Fairmont Way. Releaee: Paithful Performance Bond (Street) $SOe, 125.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 50,612.00 RESOLUTION NO. 93-OB1 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IHPROVEM&NTS POR TRACT 1344b AND AUTHORIZING TH6 FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOA TH8 WOAR D19. Approval to accept Improvements, release of Maintenance Guarantee Bontl fox Track 12952, located on the south aide oY 39th Street between Haven Avenue and Deet Creek Channel. Releaee: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 5 95,000.00 Maintenance Guarantee Bond $ 20,900.00 (Storm Drain) 020. Approval to accept improvements, release of Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Tract 13563, located on the west eitle of Netherlands View Loop south of Vintage Drive. Releaee: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 11,200.00 D21. Approval to accept the Nineteenth Street Improvement Project (CO 90-137), located between Archibald and Haven Avenuesr ae oomplete, extend the Faithful Performance Bond for one year in-lieu of a Maintenance Bond, Releaee the Certificate of Deposit snd authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion". city Council Minutes March 20, 1991 Pace 5 PESOLUTION NO. 91-OH2 A RESOLUTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IUINCHO CUCAMONGA, CI1LI-0RNIA, ACCEPTING THS PUBLIC IMPROVEMHNTB POR NINETBENTH 9TRBST IMPROVEtBNT PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 90-137, AND AUTHORISING TNB PILING OP A NOTICB OF COMPLETION FOR THE NOAA D22. approval to accept the Btiwanda Niqh school Pleld Improvement Project, Phase one, Laird Construction, constructed under the annual Citywide Emergency and Routine Psvement Repair contract (W H9-132), ae complete end authorira the filing o[ a "Notice of Completion. RHSOLUTION NO. 91-OB3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CWNCIL OF TNB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAIgNOA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THB PUBLIC IMPROVEtlCNTS FOR THE HTIWANDA NIGH SCHOOL PIHLD IMPROVSlBNT PROJHCT, PRASH OMB, AND AVTHORILING TN6 PILING OP A NOTICB OP COMPLBTION POR TEDS WOAR MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Buquet to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. • • • + + 6. CONSENT ORDINANCES E1. O D NCE H CO S N A W D RM N 0 DL Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of ordinance No. 443. ORDINANCE NO. 443 (second Yeadinq) AN OADINANCB OF THS CITY COUNCIL OF TXE CZTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFOAN IA, AMBNDING CHAPTER 1.12 OP TH6 RANCHO CUCAHONGA MUNICIPAL CODS AND ESTABLISHING A NEN UNIFOPM PARRIN6 CITATION HAIL SCHSDULB AND PROVIDING FOR FUTURE MODIPICATIONS eY RESOLUTION MOTION: Moved by Nright, seconded by Baguet to waive full reading and approve Ordinance No. 443. Notion carried unanimously, 5-O. + + + + + + P- ADVHRTISND PUBLIC BEARINGS No Items Submitted. + • + + + + Clty Council Ninutnn March 20, 1991 Page 6 Q__ PUELIC HEIIRINOn G1. HERMOSA AVENUE TO FI11gEN_ AVBNVS AND 40 NPH ON BPRVCE AVENUE lAOM FOOTRILL BOULBVARD TO ELN AVENUE Staff report presented by pnul Rougnnu, Traffic Engineer. Mayor stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing wee closed. Debra J. Adams, City clerk, read the kitle of ordinance No. 444. UNDiNANC6 No. 466 (f irat reeding) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Ol p11NCN0 CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTSON 10.20.026 OF TFIB RANCHO CVCAMONGA C2TY CODE RBGAADING PR2MA PACIB SPEED LIMI TB ON CRRTAIN CSTY 6TAEBTS MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded Dy Nright to wn1Ve full reading end net second rnading of Ordinance No. 444 for April 3, 1991. Notion carried unanimously, 5-0. • R • • G2. CONSIDERATIO pP CORRECTION OF CONFLICTS IN CITY OADINANCB NVNHBR 417 BY ADOPTION OP CITX ORDINANCE NfIMBER 417-A DHLETING TANLR III-J fTINB LIMITS FOR COMPLIANC81 Staff report presented by Jack Lam, City Manager. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of ordinance No. 417-A. ORDINANCE NO. 417-A (first reading) AN ORDINANCB OF TNB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, DELETING HIHIBTT "E" TABLE III-Jf TIME LIMITS POR COMPLIANCE REPHRASD TO IN OADINANC6 NO. 47.7 ENTITLED "SARTHCUAHS HAZARD RE-UCTION IN UNRHINFORCED MASONRY EVILDINCS" MOTION: Moved by Nilliams, seconded by Wright to waive full reading and set second reading of Ordinance No. 617-A for April 3, 1993. Notion carried unanimously, 5-0. • • • R R f H. CITT NANA66R'B 9TAPF REPORTS City Couneil Minutia March 20, 1991 Page T N1. C0NS I06RaTI0N TO APPAOV6 8%ECL ION OF I ROL NT A R NT 8%TEh ION R TRACT 12662 DETENTION BASIN T D ON TN O TX IDS OA SUlDIIT A -NVE BETW66N MAST AVENUB AND 6TINANDA AVSNUB S BMITT60 BY FIRST P Y HOM_S Staff report praaentad by Joe O'Nefl, Clty Engineer. Councilmember Buquet suggeetad that this be modified to be extended 360 days instead of one year, and then First Family Homes could come back at that time for another review by the City Council. RESOLUTION NO, 91-OS4 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP AANCFI0 CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPAOVINO INPADVEleNT AORBEMENT B%TBN870N AND INPROVBMENT SECURITY POR TMCT 12462 DETENTION BASIN NOTION: Hovel by eucplet, seconded by Wright to approve Resolution No. 91-084 to modify the time frame for this agreement to six monihe, and to come back at that time for further extension coneiderntione. Motion carried unanimously, 5-O. f • R R H2. CONS IDBRATION TO ENTER INTO A JOINT POWRR A RR 5 TN8 COLLECTION OF BODRING PEES AND PROPERTY TA SAlI BE u INO COUNTY ANO TO FILE A COMMON LEGA' CLa N Staff report presented by Jack Lam, Clty Nanager. MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Alexander to approve the Joint Poware Agreement in order to file a legal claim regarding the dispute over the collection of booking fees and property tax collection fees by San Bernardino County. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. • • • • • R Items H3, H4, and HS were considered at one time. H3. CONSIDERATION OF COST ALLOCATION AND VSER PE Jack Lam, City Manager, introduced Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director, who would lead the City Council through the discussion of these items. Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director, introduced Brad Wilkes of DaVtd M. Griffith and Ae9ociatea (DMG(, who distributed a handout to the City Council. Brad Wilkes, DMG, explained the fectore considered in preparing the study and how they determined the coat information. Mayor Stout stated the report contained information on current planning fees and future planning fees, whereby it stated future planning did not have n direct influence on inmediate development. He stated he disagreed with that informatian and asked if it could be adjusted. City council Minutes March 20, 1991 Pegs 8 Brad Wilkes, DMG, explained how the torrent and future planning fees ware developed. He stated !f the City Would like him to further investigate this tot Aancho cucemonga, he would need that direction Pram the City Council. Councilmember Buquet stated he did not want the recreational Ease to appear too mercenary from the City's standpoint, that it should be affordable for everyone to part LCipate it they ao desire. Brad Wilkes, DMG, stated they have designed the report to include elasticity and that all fees do not get increased at one time 1001. Councilmember Wright clarified that this would ba an enabling tool for the wuuu ii w increase programs when approprlste. Brad Wllkee, DMG, stated yea. Ha added they hays tried to give the Council a cost for aomsthing to be ae law in the scheme as possible. Jim Hark, Administrative Services Director, stated the plan for thin meeting was to present the information to the City Council, and that it would be up to the Council to make the policy decision ae to what fees they wont to charge Sn each of the service areas, and determine the level of fees they want to charge in each of these erase, and at what percentage, and advise staff of this. Mayor stout suggested a decision matrix be formulated regarding this issue to assist the Council in making a decision for each of the areas to eimpl ify things. Councilmember Wtight stated she would like the pu611c to have Lnput on the information and policies to be dectded on. Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director, suggested the possibility of a workshop to discuss this fee study only. Xaytr Sto::t suggested pi,as iuly the Fark a Recreation Commission also have input because of the community services aspect. Counc ilmember Buquet asked for cost information on what it costa for a comsleeion to operate. Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director, stated staff could communicate through memozandws what information ie to be followed up on after tonight's meeting and make recommendations ae to when another workshop could be set for iurthet discueetona. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated he felt the City Council would want this back in 30 days. Mayor Stour, asked if a workshop would be set for April. Jack Lam, Clty Hanegar, stated yea. ACTION: Council concurred this item would be discussed further at n workshop during the month of April. City Council Minutes March 20, 1991 Page 9 # # • # Hd. WNSIDBAATION OF PARR DEVELOPMENT PES STUDY Jlm Hart, Administrative services Director, stated the park Development Fee Study would be presented by Sill Henderson of David N. 6riEf ith 6 Aeeociatee (DIf0). Bill Henderson, DMG, presented informer ion on the park development fee study. Jim Hart, Adminietrat ive Services Director, stated 1f the Council has no more questions, this matter would be advert Lead end come back to the council in an ordinance for adoption. Mayor Stout asked that Jim Hart notify the Building Industry Association to provide their concerns antl comments in wrtt inq to the Council prior to the publle heating. ACT IDNi Council concurred this item would be advertised and brought beck on the April 3, 1991 Council agendn. • # # # H5. ~9, I_OBRATION OF TRAFPIC NEXUS PEB STUDY Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director, stated the traffic hexue study report would be presented by Paul Rougeau, Traffic Hngineer. Staff report was presented by Paul Rougeau, Tratf Lc Engineer, on the [ref ELc nexus fee study. ACTION: Council concurred this item would be advertised and brought back on the April 3, 1991 Council agenda. + # # + R # I. co0NC1L BvslNESs I1. CONSIDBAATION TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF LO'^ 11 TRACT 13930 FROM WINBROOR IN THE AMOUNT OF 5141 000 00 POR TXE RELOCATION OF THE LEDIG HOUSH AND AUTHORIZE THE PREPAAAT ION CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND PLANS FOR THE MOVING AND AHHABILITATION OP THE HOUSE Staff report pre aented by Joe O'Neil, City Hnq sneer. Counc ilmember Duquet asked if it was explored with the developer that instead of making a deal on the lot the developer hoe of Eared to the City, and with looking at the potential of ultimately selling the residence once Lt was moved to a new location, that he might posaioly be interested in going into a partnership with the City where he pate up and land, the City pate up the house, and aC such time the house ie sold, both part Lee could divide the profits, Joe O'NeLl, City Hngineer, etaied this was not something the developer hsd mentioned, but that staff could certainly discuss this with them. Couneilmembez Williams felt this was an excellent suggest ion. City Council Minutes Much 20, 1991 Page 10 CouneilermWr Baguet stated ha would like this option explored. Joe o~Neil, City engineer, stated staff would further investigate thin option and bring it beck et the next Council meeting. Councilmembar Alexnnder concurred with Councilmember Baguet end felt there ware other options nvaileble that should be looked at. ACTION: To coma back et the April 3, 1991 meeting with the suggested option explored with the developer. f• f k i f Jl. Mayer Stout asked if the eeble Subcommittee could come bnek with Information regarding a report received by Alta Loma Elae:sntary school regarding the cooperation the City hne been receiving on getting cab]• teUOision installed. Ha Eelt the cebla company should be invited to attend the aretinq to inform the City ae to why they haven't done what they should have done. • } h f el. Nark Gutglueck, resident of the City, stated staff has been asking him to get a business licanee for hie publication and did not feel hie publication should be considered a business. He stated ha would get the business licenser but hoped that Ihera would not be other coats Lnvolvsd that ha had not been Informed of. He stared he would like to find out what constitutes getting a bus ineee licanee, and what ie a business. : a : a < . MOTION: Hoved by Williams, seconded by Alexander to adjourn to executive Seeeion to diecuce personnel matte re and pending litigation regarding the Horrow Caee, with Executive Session to adjourn to a joint meeting with the Public safety Commission on Wednesday, Harch 27, 1991, 7:00 p.m. Ln the Tri-COmmunitlae Confaronce Aoam located et 10500 Clvic Center Drives. Notion carried unanimously, 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:24 p. m. Respectfully submitted, Debin J. Adams, CMC City Cletk APProved: _NP ?io < w VOI S} V O ui i i \• •Y• OY} < Y O• 7t m• z • O • \ •zo. ~S• X •L• +zi b POO NrmoNOTggoryNgqmNPTeqeeomoNeNqwl.gggooomoeoa hONmm6NOON•pNNO.•ON000PNONOO gNNO10000Mn00 mPmOm TiryrP m~TN0000wOhbNTNhhMNNOOhmOmTmwO00Nmiw•NO• w mTtlNT TNN NNTwNnNiTM„ary' NVTNNNmTTT:TO00N„PTINn a N T N T M O N w M ..• N n A A i! !!!a! ¢TTTOOpNOOOwwwwwwwMwwNNNNNNNNNNTTTTnNNnTTOrNTinl±mM1Mn SI•IIViliiliaaliliialaiiiaiiiii111ii~.I ~.I1~~1~111 >aliVii111Vi1iia11i1i1i1i1111a1iiii1111i1i1Vi11ViV11 ONNNNNNrNNNNNNNNNNNNMNNNNNNNNNNNNNnNNNNNNnMrMNNNNNNN LL • W I 1! ! J \ \ m • m UrP M W_O OOm O S S N p{ Z \ N •P W V m r Y N\ + \ ¢ • h • 1 M W N n S O W m •Nh N <N O• N r • ie • O • 6i nN m~0 U' • !• y O J r W N N W W m P N h 2 i Nh W r N s W ~ Iw TP LLPPNY NMNITNNOa Om Tr0>~LL LLr2 by V N W O\ 1LTNTV NWr OSO N VS PN2 JN N V OS P <'NNN OW hhmfh ¢ •\hWY• ~ o V y N: h N P Nn LL N 2 a h 2 N L W O h h O i S N ! 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O oti2NWNVwp ZWO pJ~:Np JSi NV >u Ni NAIL if M6JViV0 i~ZLOO NSMWwOWp~W• jJ >W`ZM NiOWZiYO •WZ n~06iM i ~OCyW~JiMU hWViYZ nW NWi VY > uVWOMVi >i~OZNph ZO ieUVUiY.4 nyZWpN pi hn h C> NW J i Z VN» JhN>Y<Vi h2MW6i 20 YN YyYW~~V MO >tNiWhW O•>OOOONNW>WOWYNJJWM >O>OZ ZUZ• J iOS>iJWi<WJUh6<ONWSySS Ski h0>OW tiJJO\JW20 OWWW W\eY IWfJYrHMFCW7N\H<iN`i:2:::INl2<wuiiV Vf{WMN=:ZUNNYYfN[NNJ• 6Z6Li>ZZZZOOOiZ06i6ii6i¢lNNNNNNNNNNhOp» » » >j ~`Wj ~M wwOO «hNVah«NN«f<wNPPONhhIOhaONmN O~whPmNhNVPNh«nNNO NNwwNNNNN NNNNa NN nNNVNNwmNNNmr.IN Nx aNh N1Ni,0aiaNVMNN M V CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REF49RT DATE: May 1, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Susan Mickey, Management Analyst I enn.TVrm. R]t47SNBIOM 07 COYCIIET CAHLE T.V. 7RAECHIEE Adoption of Resolution 91-012D extending Comcaet~s Franchise License for 30 days. Hackarouad 'the City staff would appreciate the opportunity to continue with the negotiations with Comcast to insure that every opportunity has been made available to Comcast to obtain a Franchise License. DO/tlr SM:419 Attachment RESOLUTION NO. 9}-012D A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TtD3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNTA S%TENDINO COUNTY OP SAN BERNAADINO FRANCHISE LICENSE WITH COMCAST CANLB T.V. POA 30 OAYB UPON E%P IAATTON OF CURASNT LICENSE WITHIN THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA WHEREAS, the Psanchiae License granted to Conx;aet Cable T.V. by the tr ,. Ja waaaruino snw grendratherad Lnto Ghs City of Rancho Cucamonga wlll expire on Nny 10, 19911 and WFIEREIIS, nmgot tat inns nze ongoing Aetwaen thw city of Rancho Cucamonga end camcast Cable T.v.~ and WHEREAS, all terms and contlitione of the current Licenaa wtll continuo the same. NOW, TNBFtHPOAE, 88 IT AESOLVSD, that the City Council does hereby extend the Franchise License for 30 days after the expiration of the currant County of San Bernardino License. / v Uf'1'Y :VysN'•tiyA~pN~U 5ri~~rUS~CTU~U,~A` *MUN IiA 1111' 1` 1\,l`ir Vl~~l, DATE: May 1, 1991 ~ TO: Mayor, Members of Ctty Councll tY Ctty Manager FROM: Jerry B. Fulwood. Deputy Clty Manager BY: Ingrid Y. Blafr, C.I.S. Supervisor SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO UTILIZE APPROXIMATELY SDt1'Y THOUSAND DOLLARS ($60,000) FROM ASSESSMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN LEVIED AND COLLECTED FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-2 (ET[WANDA NORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT). THESE FUNDS WFiL BE USED FOR PAYMENT TO DISTRICF 1HI2OUGH TO THE SALE OF THE BONDS Stalf recommends that City Council approve the utJllratlon of appnudmately sixty thousand dollars ($60.000) from assessments that have been levied and collected for Community Facllltles District No. 88-2 (Etiwanda North Drainage Dlstrlctl• When Clty Council approved the formation of Community FacWt/es District No. 88-2 IEt]wanda North Drainage Distrlctl, a reimbursement agreement was also approved for the developer to deposit funds wdh the Ctly to cover the costs of all consultants working on the disMCl w]th sold costs being rlmbursed aRer the sale of the bonds. However, the anticipated sale of bonds was de]ayed because o(constlveilon opportumtles that needed to be resohred. Assessments for this district aze being levied and collected even though bonds have not been sold. Therefore, the developer has requested that the City utilize apprmntnately sbrty thousand dollars (560.000) of those funds to cover the ongoing convultants costs as long as eonstruetlon Is completed within a reasonable amount of time. The consultants that are referred to are NBS/Cowry and Uavid 'l'ausalg Associates tar amendments fo their contracts for a total of thirty-three thousand eight hundred dollars (533,800). Anew appraisal report 1s needed and stag has selected the firm of Investment Property Advisers to prepare said report and their cost is ihhteen thousand dollars (513,000). Stafr has consulted with F. Mackenzie Brown, the bond counsel (or this district and he conftnned that this can be done within the consfrahris of the Mello-Roos Act. E;especttu0y submitted, (~~' `/, `3 ~ ~.W~d - erry B. Fulwood Deputy City Manager JBF:lYB:Jmf CiTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF P,EPO~T DATE: May 1, 1991 T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer e SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF TIME ExTENSION FOR DESIGNATION _OF A PORTION_ OF WIIViYI1VW NNI NJ N YNI MIL JI NGLI NNU GAtmrIlNh InL ANU 111NA PROPERTIES FROM REQUIREMENTS SET FORTN IN CHAPTER 12.08 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE SUBJECT TO CERTAIN SPECIFIC CONDITIONS AECOMEMDATIpI It is recommended that the City Counctl adopt the attached resolutlon accepting the time extension fraa July 2, 1991 to December 31, 1991 for the deslgnatton of a portion of Cottonwood Nary as a private street and exempting the abutting properties from requirements set forth in Chapter 12.08 of the Municipal Code sub,~ect to certain specific conditions. BACKGRWND/ANALYSIS Cottonwood May was presented to the City Council on January 2, 1991 for declaration of private street designation. The resolutlon adopted declaring the private street designation also placed certain conditions to be performed. The property owners are stating that they were not aware that the private street deslgnatton was subject to arty conditions. They thought that the City Council action of January 2, 1991, completed the process of making Cottonwood May private. Based upon their misunderstanding Engineering staff scheduled a neighborhood meeting en Nednesday, Aprl1 3, 1991 to clarify any concerns the homeowners may have. An explanation of the resolution which designated Cottonwood May a private street, sub,~ect to certain conditions, was given. Then quest!ons from the property owners were responded to. The property owners were aware of the approved general guidelines for conditions which are to be placed upon streets for a designation of private street. One of the general guidelines states that: ~d' CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT COTTONUOOD NAY May 1, 1991 Page 2 "Waivers - any or all of the above conditions nqy be waived by Lhe Publfc Safety Commission and/or the City Council when, after a consideration of the totality of the ciroumstances, it reasonably appears that a waiver M11 not adversely affect public safety health or welfare of adjacent properties." Cottonwood Nay property amers being aware of this particular guideline have stated that they wish to have their conditions reconsidered for a waiver. They were Tnstrutted if they M shed to make this request tt should be done in writing to the City Engineer. They should Include lwe~r wn anww. .wA •^Y yre Y'V ~e ~. ~ii6i~ e41 CC L. a1AII eauC m0 commitment of support for their request. Upon completion of review a City Council agenda item M11 be scheduled. Also discussed at the meeting was the 6 month tine period that the original conditions needed to be comglete Mthin. Due to the misunderstanding, the property owners requested that a time extension be granted. Staff is recammnding the time extension be granted until December 31, 1991 to give the property owners ttne to submit their request for waiver to the conditions or to comply M th the conditions. Respectfully subm ' ~~.~--E Wm. Joe O'Neil City Engineer WJO:DJ:dlw Attachment ~~ RA `ICHO CUCAbiONGA TITLE: ~~ ry ~GLYEII2LaiG DM.y'ION EXh'IDTT: f~ ~~ CITY OF 1TF,bt: Corrov~.tiool~ WA Giiginai Poor ~u:.!;ty 1061 0 a~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ rr ss ' " j I ~~~ ~ n ~ ~.1 9 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~S~ rV ~ ~ i) ~ b+[ OO to H 10 e J ~, O M j P i ~.uc ^ ~ r art P Q I •f.f a: Per i n I b 1 ~N ~ i 19 ~a • 2 I von ! Par ~ , ~ ~ I I` n.. ,..i - 'o u' 10 ~ rw. .~fOJtSlm ee noN! le ss PR.vw J>R'iFT t~ vo. ~ va. J Pw 2 oar i ~ Por 81k 10 __ _ _ ~ '___ . `,e O, ~ ~ I am gym. ~ O i 1, ~~ ~ , o z ~a6 0 e i 9035 7~ q9~' ~ T "S ~ ~ i tr 9a tJ r N CITY OF TTEbi: COrraNr~YOO,O rr/r 1Y RANCHO CUCAMONGA 11TLE: ENGIIIEERING DIVISION ~ ~ EXH[B11~ uB'~ RESOLUTION ~l0. ~~- ~ jl A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROYING TIME EXTENSION FOR THE DESIGNATION OF A PORTION OF COTTONMOOD WAY AS A PRIVATE STREET AND EXEMPTING THE ABUTTING PROPERTIES FROM REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH 1N CHAPTER 12.08 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE SU&IECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS WHEREAS, designation of Dortions of Cottomvood Way as a private street subJect to certain specific conditions was approved by C1ty Council on January 2, 1991; aM WHEREAS, the Cottomrood May residents has requested fora time extension of deadline from July 2, 1991 t0 December 31, 1991 that will provide them sufficient time to submit a request for waiver to the conditions or to comply with the conditions. NOM, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, HEREBY RESOLVES that above said time extension 1s hereby approved. ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA g`i'AFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SOBJECT: May 1, 1991 Mayor and Mambers of the City Council City Manager Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer a"~3 . Willie Vaibuena, Assistant Engineer VACATION OF A PORTfON OF AN ALLEY - A request to vacate a por ono an a ey oca eas o Ramona Avenue aM enurh ,.s rerun ooui evaro RECOMMENOA7ION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached resolution ordering the summary vacation of a portion of an alley. BACKGRWI~/ANALYSIS The City has received a request from a property owner on the southeast corner of Feron Boulevard and Ramona Avenue, to vacate a portion of an alley. The sub,i ect alley is approximately 20 feet Mde and 100 feet long and 1s located east of Ramona Avenue and south of Feron Boulevard (see attached ex hlbits "A" and "B"). The portion of the said alley is presently unimproved and has not been used for vehicular travel for mare than five consecutive years. The property owner is now requesting the vacation occur. On Apr11 10, 1991, the Planning Commission determined that said vacation would conform to the General P1 an and recommended the vacation occur. Section 8331 of 4he Streets and Highways Code states local agencies may sunmarity vacate (by resolution) Public Service Easements if the street or alley has been impassable for vehicular travel for a period of flue consecutive years or more and no public money was expended for maintenance on the street or alley during such period. Respectfully sub ed, i ~~~~c-~ Wm. Jce O'Neii City Engineer WJO:JWV:jh Attachment 7 ,. ;, RESOLUTIO&~NO. ~~~ ~ T d-~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUMMARILY ORDERING THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF AN ALLEY WHEREAS, by Chapter 4, Article 1, Section 8331, of the Streets and Highway Code, the City of Rancho Cucamonga is authorized to summarily vacate a portion of an alley herein more partlcularty described; and WHEREAS, Lhe City Council found alt the evidence sudattted that the portion of an alley 1s unnecessary for present or prospective public street ourooses hnrauen i[ q,~ ~_. g_c- ••- fc. pv~e i.nan live Iii consecutive years and no public money was expended forVaialntenance of said alley during such period. NON, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as foilows: SECTION 1: That the Ctty Council hereby makes Its order vacating the porttono ai n ~y as shoim on nap V-097 on file 1n the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga which has been further described in a legal descr/ptton which Ts attached hereto, marked exhibit "A`, and by reference made apart thereof. SECTION 2: That the subiect vacation shall be subiect to the reservations andexceptions, 1f ary, for existing utilities on record. SECTION 3: that from and after the date the resolution is recorded, said port on o e alley no longer constitutes a street or public easement. 5ECTION 4: That the City Clerk shall cause a certified copy of this resolut}on~ e~offtce of the County Recorder of San Bernardino, California. SECTION 5: That the C11y Clerk shall certify t0 the passage and adoption oT^ffifs` resolution, and 1t shall thereupon take effect and be in force. (. EXHIBIT 'A' THAT PORTION OF AN ALLEY AS SNOWN ON TRACT MAP OF THE TONN Of HEST CUCAMONGA AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN BOOK 13 OF MAPS, PAGES 1 AND 2, RECORDS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, DESCRIDEO AS FOLLOWS: ALLEY ALL THAT PORTION OF AN ALLEY 20.00 FEET HIDE ROUNDED AS FOLLOWS: ON THE NEST BY THE EASTERLY LINE OF RAMONA AVENUE; ON THE EAST BY 1HE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATSON OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 21, BLOCK 6, MAP OF THE TOWN OF NEST CUCAMOMGA ~t ovo vier xrnonrn ru n~~r..3 C' MAPS, PAGES 1 AND 2, RECORDS Of SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY. ~'2 ~~ ~ , > ~ ~ Nle~r a 0 F TRACT MAP OF THE TOWN OF WEST GUGAMONGA SECTION II, TIS,R7W,S,B.M. M.B. 13/18,2 -r -`"--FERON m ;z - - - B LV D.- -~oo' I I I , I _ ¢, yn. I .... I I I i ` ,.;; .. I I I I ~ I .. I I I I I ~----.~ - LOT 4 LOT 3 T R N0. 5955 °; M. B. 74/20 i i MAIN-ST.-~; m :-;~C o '. •';. ,~.= - ~o L ~; -I.00 WIDE RC40 ECSEMENT .~ ,t:. .;~.~::. i A-T- - &- S -F ~I I ~~ F`V IV I' = 100 ~/:... EXHIBIT "3" VICINITY '7,? /3-3 Slit fA .^. .- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPCrRT t DATE: May 1, 1991 ("~ T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council v City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Jerry A. Dyer, Associate Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL AND EXECUTION OF PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT N0. 4 TO LOCAL AGENCY - STATE MASTER AGREEMENT N0. STLPP-5420 FOR THE STATE - LOCAL TRANSPORTATION PARTNE RSHiD PR(Ir.RAM RFTYFFu THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 19TH STREET FROM ARCHIBALD AVENUE TO NEST ~' HAVEN AVENUE CONSISTING OF STREET NIDENTNG. THE SUPPLEMENT SETS THE STATE REIMBURSABLE PORTION OF THE PROJECT AT 576,614.00 AND THE CITY'S PORTION AT 5275,267.00. REIMBURSABLE FUNDING FROM THE SUPPLEMENT AGREEMENT SHALL 8E DEPOSITED TO THE SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNT. RECONENDATION It is hereby recommended that the City Council approve and execute the attached Resolution that authorizes the execution of program Supplement No. 4 to Local Agency - State Master Agreement, STLPP-5420 for the State - Local Transportation Partnership Program and a certtfted copy of said Resolution along with the executed original copies of said program Supplement be sent to the State of California for their execution. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Attached herewith are the duplicate original copies of the above subject Program Supplement No. 4 to Local Agency - State Master Agreement STLPP-5420 for the State -Local Transportation Partnership Program. In March 1989, 4he City applied for State - Local Transportation Partnership Program thru Cal trans to help construct the subject project. The Project was field reviewed by Cal trans and City personnel, and an application for matching the funds was accepted in May 1989. This program supplement provides the reimbursable funds for the Construction of 19th Street from Archibald Avenue to west of Haven Avenue which consisted of street widening. The supplement sets the State reimbursable portion of the project at 576,614.00 and the City's portion at f275,267.00. Reimbursable funding fray the Supplement Agreement shall be deposited to Systems Development Account. ~' LITY COUNCIL STAFF AEPORT E%ECUTION OF PR06R4! SIPPLEMENT N0. 4 19TH ST May i, 1991 Page 2 Respectfully submit,LeA, Wm. Joe O'Neil ~ `~' ~`~ City Engineer Wln ~~lA0~1 v Attaciments ~~ RESOLUTION N0. `~~" ~~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGII, CALIFORNIR, AUTHORIZING THE EAECUTION AND SIGNING OF PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT N0. 4 TO LOCAL AGENCY - STATE MASTER AGREEMENT N0. STLPP-5420 FOR THE STATE-LOCAL TRANSPORTRTION PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 19TH STREET FROM ARCHiBALO AVENUE TO WEST OF HAVEN AVENUE wcocsc •w Nty rmmril of fhn rliv of Ranrhn rucamnnaA (hereinafter referred to as "Local Agency"), has for its consideration and execution the Program Supplement No. 4 to Local Agency - State Master Agreement No. STLPP-5420 for the State-focal Transportation Partnership Program authorizing reimbursement of State Share Funds for the construction of 19th Street from Archibald Avenue to west of Haven Avenue; and WHEREAS, the State of California, Department of Transportation, District Office 8 (hereinafter referred to as "State") processes and monitors State funded protects; and WHEREAS, as a condition to reimbursement payment of State Share funds for said praiects, the Local Rgency shall approve and execute said Program Supplement No. 4. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve to: 1. Authorize the Execution of Program Supplement No. 4 to Local Agency - State Master Agreement No. STLPP-5420 for the State- Local Transportation Partnership Program for the reimbursement of State Share Funds far the construction of 19th Street from Archibald Avenue to west of Haven Avenue in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County. 2. To authorize the Mayor to sign said Supplement and direct the City Clerk to attach a certified copy of this Resolution, as well as type in the Resolution number and date in the blanks in the third block of said Supplement and for the return of the original copies of said Supplement to the State of California Department of Transportation along with the certified copy of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 1st day of May, 1991_ AYES: NOES: ABSENT: `1 2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA iVIEIYi~N.Al~i I)li M DATE: May 1, 1991 ' T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Nenry Murakoshi, Associate Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL AND EXECUTION OF PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT N0. 17 TO LOCAL AGENCY -STATE AGREEMENT N0. OB-5420 BETNEEN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR PRELIMINARY [nlal nttWlRli Uh IHt ARMAI NUU TC BRi DGE WIDENING AT CUCANONGA CREEK PROJECT - THE SUPPLEMENT SETS THE FEDERAL PORTION OF THE PROJECT AT f12,966.00 AND THE CITY'S PORTION AT (2,034.00 WITH THE PRDYISION TO INCREASE THE CITY'S PORTION SHOULD THE NEED ARISE. FUNDING FOR THE SUPPLEMENT AGREEMENT SHALL BE FROM SYSTEMS DEVELODMENT FUNDS. RECOMENDATION: It 1s hereby recan~nended that the City Caunctl approve and execute the attsched Resolution that authorizes the execution of Program Supplement No. 17 Lo Local Agency - State Agreement for Federal Aid Protects No. 08-5420 and a certtfled copy of said Resolution along with the executed original copies of the executed Supplement be sent to the State of California for their execution. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Attached herewith are the two (2) original copies of the above subtect Program Supplement No. 17 to Local Agency - state Agreement for Federal Aid Protects No. 08-5420. This Drogram supplement provides for Preliminary Engineering of the Arrow Route Bridge Widening at Cucamonga Creek Protect. The supplement sets the Federal portion of the protect at f12,966.00 and the City's porttan at f2,034.00 with the provl5ton to increase the City's portion Should the need arise. The Federal portion 15 to be limited to the amount shown. Funding for the Supplement Agreement shall be from Systems Development Funds. Respectfully s ltted, ~~~ Wm. Joe O'Neil City Engineer WJO:HM:sd Attachment RESOLUTION N0. 9~- ~~`( A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND SIGNING OF PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT N0. 17 TO LOCAL AGENCY - STATE AGREEMENT N0. 08-5420 FOR PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING OF THE ARROW ROUTE BRIDGE WIDENING AT CUCAMONGA CREEK PROJECT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga (hereinafter referred to as "Local Agency"), has for its consideration and execution, the Program Supplement No. 17 to Local Agency - State Agreement No. ~o-~42J iur Preliminary engineering or the Arrow Route Bridge Widening at Cucamonga Creek Protect; and WHEREAS, the State of Califcrnia, Department of Transportation, District Office 8 (hereinafter referred to as "State°) processes and monitors Federally funded prof acts; and WHEREAS, as a condition to payment of Federal funds for said protects, the Local Agency shall approve and execute said Program Supplement No. 17. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves to: 1. Authorize the Execution of Supplement No. ]7 to Local Agency - State Agreement No. OA-5420 for Preliminary Engineering of the Arrow Route Bridge Widening at Cucamonga Creek Protect in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County. 2. To authorize the Mayor to sign said Supplement anA direct the City Clerk to attach a certified copy of this Resnlution, as well as type in the Resolution number and date in the blanks of the third block of said Supplement and for the return of the original copies of said Supplement to the State of California Department of Transportation along with the certified copy of this Resolution. DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Local Agency shall also comply with the "Speciai Covenants or Remarks" attached to said Supplement including: 1. All maintenance, Involving the physical condition and the operation of the improvements, referred to 1n Article VI MAINTENANCE of the aforementioned Master Agreement, will be performed by the Local Agency at regular intervais or as required for efficient operation of the completed improvements. 2. The Local Agency will advertise, award and administer this protect and will obtain the State's concurrence prior to either award or refection of the contracts. ~~ CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. ARROW BRIDGE WIDENING AT CUCAMONGA CREEK PROJECT MAY i, 1991 PAGE 2 - 3. The Local Agency agrees the payment of Federal funds will be limited to the amounts approved by the Federal Highway Administration 1n the Federal Aid Protect Agreement (PR-2)/Detail Estimate, or its modification (PR-2A) or the FNM-76, and accepts any increases in Local Agency Funds as shown on the Finance or Rid Letter or its modification as prepared by the Division of Local Streets and Roads. 4. In executing this Program Supplemental Agreement, Local Agency hereby reaffirms the "NOndiscrtmtnatlon Assurances" contained 1n ..,a s.mz~aLloa~J .".as.~r Ayra~~~. Imo, F~J~,o7 F~J .,~y,a,n. 5. Whenever the Local Agency uses a consultant on a tost plus basis, the Local Agency is required to submit a post-audit report covering the allowabillty of cost payments for each individual consultant or sub-contractor incurring over 525,000 on the pro,{ect. The audit report must state the applicable cost principles utilized Dy the auditor in detenalning allowable costs as referenced to CFR 49, part 18, Subpart C-22, Allowable Costs. ~p t;I i~x yr n.Arv~nv ~:ut.tunvivve+ s~~~~ ~~~~~~ DATE: May 1, 1991 TO: Mayor, Members of City Council and City Manager FROM: Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager BY: Ingrid Y. Blair, GIS Supervisor SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH TNVRRTMFNT oonn_+>m., AU VISORS TO PROVIDE AN UPDATE APPRAISAL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 89-1, (O'DONNELL, ARMSTRONG AND PARTNERS - MILLIKEN SOUTH OF ARROW) IN THE AMOUNT OF FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5,000). FUNDING WILL BE ADVANCED BY THE DEVELOPER. REC0~41ENDATION: Staff recommends that City Council approve the execution of the agreement with Investment Property Advisors to provide an update appraisal for Assessment District No. 89-1, (O'Donnell, Armstrong and Partners - Milliken south of Arrow) in the amount of five thousand dollars. The funding will be advanced by the developer. BACKGROUND(ANALYSIS: ,:ay 1., i9o 9, City Council approved an appraisal report to be done for Assessment District No. 89-1, (O'Donnell, Armstrong and Partners - Milliken south of Arrow). However the anticipated sale of the Assessment District bonds was delayed because of unforeseen construction issues. 1'he funds for payment of this appraisal will be deposited with the City by O'Donnell, Armstrong and Partners. R pectfully s~ubmji~t te_d~,~/j~" e rry ~lwooC'~ Deputy City Manager JBF:IYB:de a~ la'1'YwrU~tN'pftANC: yH~V~sGyU~CAMaUr~NGA A3 ii3~~ 14LY ~ltl DATE: May 1, 1991 T0: Mayor, Members of City Council and City Manager FROM: Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager BY: Ingrid Y. Blair, GIS Supervisor SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH INVESTMENT PROPERTY REALTORS TO PROVIDE AN UPDATE APPRAISAi, FOR COMMONITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-2 (ETIWANDA NORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT) IN THE AMOUNT OF THIRTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($13,000). FUNDING WILL BE ADVANCED FROM ASSESSMENT FUND NO. 76-3901-8520. RECOMMENDATION• Staff recommends that City Council approve the execution of the agreement with Investment Property Realtors to provide an update appraisal for Community Facilities Assessment District No. 89-2 (Etiwanda North Drainage District), in the amount of thirteen thousand dollars. The funding will be advanced from Assessment Fund No. 76-3901-8520. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: An appraisal. report was previously done for Community Facilities District No. 88-2 (Etiwanda North Drainage District). However, because of drainage facility construction issues, the anticipated sale of the District bonds was delayed and as a result, the appraisal report needs to be updated. The developer has requested that the City utilize the funds from assessments that have been levied and collectetl for Community Faciliit es District. No. 88-2 (Etiwanda North Drainage District) to cover the costs of the appraisal report. Staff has consulted with F. Mackenzie Brown, the bond counsel and he confirmed that this can be done within the legal constraints of the Mello Roos Act. spect fu l lly7Y,°su~¢b/m~ei~yt-tYe/J~d'", erry B~FuIwood eputy City Manager JBF:IYB:de t;ri Y Ur 1tArvunv ~;U~AMVrvt:A STAFF RE~OR',~ DATE: May 1, 1981 Tb: Mayor, Members of Clty Councll d City Manager FROM: Jerry B. Fuhvood. Deputy City Manger BY: hignd Y. Blair, G.i.S. Supervtsor SUBJECT; APPROVAL TO AMEND CONTRACT NO. 87-209 N77T1 NBS/COWRY TO PERFORM ASSESSMENT ENGINEERING FOR COMMUNITY FACILTT7ES DISTRICT NO. 88-2 IETIWANDA NORTH DRAINAGE DIS1I21C11 FOR THE ADDITIONAL AMOUNT OF TWENTY-SUC THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS ($26,800). FUNDWG WIIl. HF. •nvsurnc~_ -"^C`.: :, ::av..iiinuivl TSwv rvv. /u-SW t-1i57A StaII recommends that C1ty Councll approve the amendment of Contract No. 87-209 w1W NBS/Cowry to perform esaesement engtneering for CommuNty FaCllltles DJStrlct No. 88-2 (Etlwanda Nonh Drainage DLatriM) m the amount of twenty-abc thousand eight hundred dollars ($26,8001. The funding wID be advaMed tram Asaesanunt Fund No. 763901-8520. City Councll approved NBS/Cowry to perform assessment engmeering for Community Faclhtles District No. 88-2 (EtMaMa North Drainage Dlstrlet), However, the antlclpated sale of tht bonds was delayed because of construction appartunifies that nceded to be resolved. Additlonally, the scope of services for NBS/Cowry changed sigcilfieantly as it pertained to assistlng [he Clty with the monitoring and auditing of constrvctfon costs. The developer has requested that We City utWu We funds from assessments that have been leveed and collected for Community FacWtlts Distrkt No. 88.2 (Etlwanda North Drainage District) to cover the addltlonal costs associated with the assessment engmeerlry{. State has consulted with F. MackenrJe Brown, U:e bond counsel for this district and he confirmed chat this can be done within the constraints of the McBo-Roos Act. spectfully submitt/e~d~J}~ 4B' ~i-it-U'+'n any B. Fulwood Deputy Clty Manager JHF:IYB:Jmf -J UlT'Y U!•' 1SH1Vl:riU UUUAMVNUA STAFF R~Pt'~RT DATE: May 1, 1981 TO: Mayor, Members of Clty Courtcll & Ctty Marteger FROM: Jerry H. FUlwood. Deputy City Manager HY: IngNd Y. B)alr. G.LS, Supervisor SUBJECT: APPROVAL. TO AMEND CONTRACT NO, 89-049 WITH DAVLD TAUSSIG ASSOCIATES, TAX CONSULTANT'S FOR COMMUNITY FACIITI7ES DISTRICT NO. 88-2 (ETTWANIM NORTH DI7AINAGE DISTRICT) FOR AN ADDITIONAL AMOUNT OF SEVEN THOUSAND DOIlARS (747,000). FUNDING WILL BE ADVANCED FROM ASSESSMENT FUND Nn ~s-Toni _ocnn ~ S[aU recommends that Ctty CouncU approve the amendment contract no. 89-049 with Davis Taussig Associates, lax consultants Community FaclbUea District No. 88.2 (Ethvanda North Drainage District) In the amount of seven thousand dollars (87,000). The funding wdl be advanced frwn nae.csn~rnt Fund No. 76.3901-8620. City Couned approved David Tausel8 Associates to work as tax rnt7aultants for Community Fac8lUes District No. 88-2 (Etiwanda North I)ralnage D17;tAct1. However, the anUclpated sale of the bonds was dtl~yed becausr, of consUvMlon opportumtlea that needed to be resoked. Therefore, the services of David Tausslg Associates D sU8 required. The devebper has requested that the C1ty u'.ilfze the funds from assessments that have been leveed and collected for Community FacWUes District No. 88-2 (Etlwanda North Drainage D1sMet) to cover the addlUor7a1 costs associated with the assesmmed engmeeAng. Staft has consulted with F. Mackenzie Brown, the bond counsel (or rhea district and he cor7Urmed that [his can be done within the constndnts of the Mello-Itooe Act. spectfuliy subml red, ~~ Depuly City Manager JHF:TYB:jmf 3a CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: May 1, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council City Manager FRC.vi: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer 8Y: Millie Yalbuena, Assistant Engineer ,, SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY AND ORDERING THE ANNE1lATION TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 3 --~~. ~rr.~trrnr, MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 A 6 FOR PARCEL 1 NnU .,, w-~ nt ~,hC nF N OF PARCEL IMP 7451, LOCATED UN Tni ww, AVEN AVENUE, SWTH OF NILSON AVENUE, AND RELEASE OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ANU IMPROVEMENT SECURITY ACCEPTED BY CITY COUNCIL ON NOVEMBER 17, 1982, B01H SUBMITTED BY CORPORATION OF THE PRESIDING BISHOP OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, RESPECTIVELY AECOMNENORTTOM It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the subfect agreement, security and ordering the annexation to Landscape Naintenaroe District No. 3 and Street Lighting Oistrict Nos. 1 b 6, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to release the agreement and security accepted by City Council on November 17, 1982. BACKGMWND/ANALY5I5 Parcel Map 7451, located on the southwest corner of Haven and Nilson Avenue was approved by the City Council on November 17, 1982. The said map subdivided the 2.79 acres of larM into 2 parcels, Parcel 1 is 5782 Haven Avenue with an existing building and Parcel 2 is vacant. The Developer, Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is submitting an updated agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements fronting Parcel 1 and requesting a release of the existing agreement and security currently on file to the City Clerk's office in the following amounts: ACCEPT RELEASE Faithful Performance Bond: 517,700.00 52,700.00 Labor and Material Bond: 8,850.00 51,350.00 CITY COUNCIL STAfF REPORT 5782 NAVEN AVENUE Nay 1, 1941 Page 2 The current Agreement and Security was accepted by the City Council on November 17, 1982, Copies of the Agreement, Security and Consent and Waiver to Annexation form signed by the Developer is on file in the City Clerk's office. Respectfully submitted, =~~~/ r Wm. Joe O'Neil ~ City Engineer NJO:WV:JAR:,lh Attachment 3~- aESDLUrioN No. yJ- l%~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CULAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROYEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL IMP 1451 AND RELEASING THE IlMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND SECURITY PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED WHEREAS, Parcel Map 7451, located on the southwest corner of Haven and Wilson Avenue was approved by the C1ty Council on November 17, 1982; and WHEREAS, Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-DAy Saints Aas off•wA rM [.~.~;•:-,„;;t •y~~a„L au'M1LCea nerewi to ror approval and execution by said Lt1 ty, together with goad and sufficient Improvement Security. Sa1d Iaprovement Agreement and Improvement Security repiaces Improvesent Agreement and Improvemant Security accepted at the Cfty Counctl meeting of November 17, 1982. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: 1. That said Improvement Agreement be and the same is approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute same on behalf of said City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and 2. That said Improvement Security is accepted as good and sufficient subiect to approval as to foem and content thereof by the C1ty Attorney; and 3. That the Ymprovement Agreement and Improvement Security accepted at the City Council meeting of November 17, 1982, are hereby released. ~~ RESOLUTION N0. 9/ - ~!' W A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE IANINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAP 7451 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Californta, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", befog Dtvision I5, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance n+~+~+~a u„_ g °t .ct Lty;t;;;y ;;ainixnance uistncc No. 1 arM Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and WHEREAS, the provisions of Artttle 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance D15tr1ct; and WHEREAS, at this Lime the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and Incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, ail of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice arW hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION is That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: Thal thts legislative body hereby orders the annexation of the property as shown in Exhlblt "A" and the work program areas as described in Exhlblt "6" attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including tTie Tevy of aii assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. 3~ .A. ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LAN[3SCAPE MAINTENANCE DiST~iICT NO. 3 STREET LKiHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 5782 HAVEN AVENUE Q ~ STATE OF CALiFORN~A ALTA LPMA INSTIT EXtiiBii '8' PROIECT NAME: 5782 N. Haven Avenue (Alta lanes institute) N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: .885 ac N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 1.77 assess units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT _ No, of Lamps to be Annexed District No. 58QOEl~SQO~IH~-0001i,0~- 27j500 1 ___ 2 --- .__ _-- LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Cowtnunt ty District No. Street Name Trait Sq. ft. 3 Naven Ave. 3792 Turf Ground Cover Sq, ft. SAC . Ft• Trees Ea. -0- JAA:,jh 5/1/91 3~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DarE: T0: FROM: 8Y: SUBJECT: May 1, 1991 Mayor and Members of the City Council City Manager Wm. Joe O'Neil, Ctty Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Publfc Works Inspector II e~3 . APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR PARCEL MAP 9350, LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF BASE LINE ROAD AND NTI t rvCU ~wuur rim ~...r. .. ,,., ., ui,,.u ui Tri[ e1LLiM1 LTUN GIXYANY RECOMNEN011TI(NI It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. AINLYSIS/BACK6R011161 Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Parcel Map 9350 were approved by the City Council on October Z0, 1988, in Lhe following amounts: Streets Storm Drain Base Line Rd. Faithful Performance Bond: (383,131 5502,515 f616,155 Labor and Material Bond: E192,566 5252,25E (308,678 The developer, The N1111am Lyon Company, 15 requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement in order to place the final lift of paving on the streets and to coarylete the landscape and irrigation. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submt ted, //// ~~ ~~l.L C~ Mm. Joe O'Neil City Engineer WJO:SMG:sd Attachments •=y1~ WILLI:LI~I d,T,'OiCT ~trr~.ii.~~C 4490 VON KARMAN, P. O. BOx 7510. NEW~RT BEACH. CA 9J058 -7580 ~ VI41 dJ9 7600 ~ fpX 1714) d76 •a60d April 4, 199E City of Rancho Cucamonga tosnn ct.,a~ ~~~.,- ~- - Rancho Cucamonga. California 91729 Attenciont Steve Gilliland RE: Request for extension of Improvement Agreement PM 9350 Dear Mr. Gilliland: rY The William Lyon Company hereby requests an la month extension of the referenced agreement. The requested extension is necessary due to a slowed housing market, resulting in rough graded and partially improved lots. The delay in building upon these mentioned lots has delayed our efforts to place a final lift of asphalt concrete on the streets and finishing the landscape and irrigation at common area joins. Should you need additional Information, please contact me a[ (714) 476-5451. Sincerely, Do`--" J k _~ Construction Manager 38 REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT RESOLUTION R0. ~1~~1I ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGl1, CALIFORNIA, APPROYING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVElENT SECURITY Fat PARCEL IMP 9350 WHEREAS, the Ctty Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on May 1, 1991, by The William Lyon Company as developer, for the Improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described thereto, and generally located on the northeast corner of Base Line Road and Milliken Avenue; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, 1s to be done in conjunction with the development of said Parcel Map 9350; and WHEREAS, sold Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufftclent Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and Che same are hereby approved and the Mayor 1s hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. l DATE: Mqy 1, 1991 T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REFORT t Mayor and MaMers of the C1ty Council City Manager Wm. Joe O'Ne11, Ctty Engineer Steve M. G11111and, Dub11c Works Inspector It ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE OF BONGS AND NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR CUP 88-38, LOCATED ON THE NEST SIDE OF HAVEN nrtnut utiMttN HILLSIDE ROAD AND CARRARI STREET I RECOMENDNTION The required street Improvements for CUP 88-38 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that Ctty Council accept said improvements, authorize the C1ty Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Perfornance Bond in the amount of f74,000.00. BACKGRiNIND/ANAL~S I S CUP 88-28 - located on the Hest side of Haven Avenue between H11151de Road and Carrari Street DEYELOPER: Hillside Community Church 5354 Haven Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 574,000.00 Respectfully submitted, Wm. Joe O'Nett ~~~~ City Engineer WJO:SMG:sd Attachment ~~ RESOLUTION N0. yI' ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR CUP 88-38 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the construction of public Improvements for CUP 88-38 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and MIiEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucanronga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer 1s authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. ~' ------- CITY OF RANCHO Cl'CAMONGA ~T~FF iZEPURT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: May 1, 1991 Mayor, Members of the City Council and City Manager Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer Linda R. Beek, Jr. Engineer /~ '~ +' .,_ ACCEPT THE ROCHESTER AVENUE PARKWAY BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT, FROM FOOTHILL BOULEVARD TO BASE LINE ROAD, CONTRACT N0. 90-050, AS COMPLETE, RELEASE THE nouns eun p^.~C"I.C iiiE Clii GrlIW1NCtN ro FILE A "NOTICE OF COMPLETION" RECOMMENQATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the Rochester Avenue Parkway Beautlflcation Project from Foothill Boulevard to Base Line Road, Contract 90-050, as complete, authorize the City to file a "Notice of Completion, retain the Faithful Perfornmnce Bond in the amount of f315,346.50 to be used as the Maintenance Bond, and authorize the release of the retention 1n the amount of ;34,120.53 and the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of 5157,673.25, 35 days after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received. Also, approve the final contract amount of 5341,205.25. BACK6AOUND/ANALYSIS The subject protect has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. itle final contract amount, based on Drojett documentation, 1s 5341,205.25 which includes one contract change order for changes of miscellaneous irrigation equipment. Respectfully subm C~ ~Zx. ~~ Nm. Joe O'Neil _i City Engineer NJO:LRB:Iy Attachment cc: Purchasing `~ c~' RESOLUTION N0. lr~~l A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEIffNTS FOR ROCHESTER AYENUE PARKNAY BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT, FROM FOOTHILL 80ULEVARD TO BASE LINE ROAD, CONTRACT 90-050 AND AUTNOR[ZiNG THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK. NHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Rochester Avenue Parkway Beautification Protect, from foothill Boulevard to Base Line Road. Contract No. 9U-U50, have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino. ~~ C1'1'Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA .~S'TI~~''F FCEP'f~~i'.~' DATE: May 1, 1991 TO: Mayor. Members of Clty Council & Cfty Manager FROM: Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy Ctty Manager BY: Ingrid Y. Blair, G.I.S. Supervisor SUBJECT. APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORT AND SETl]NG A PUBLIC HEARING OF JUNE 5, 1991 TO LEVY THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS AND APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR PARR AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (PD•85) RF~OMMENDATfON• Staff recommends L`iat City Council adopt fhe attached reaolutmns seUlnB a public hearlrrg of June 5, 1991 and giving pnltminary approval of City Englaefs report, declaring Its Intention to levy and collect assessments within park and RecnaUan Improvement District (PD-851. BACEGROUND/ NAI.y IC• Pursuant to tht landscape and lighting Act of 1972, each year the City Council must adopt resolutions, griing pnllminary approval of the C1ty Engineer's report and declaring Its mtentfon to levy and colket assessments for Fiscal Year 1991/92. The asaes~em rate wlll not change from Fiscal Year 1990/91. Sing]e Family Residential g yr.00 Less than 1.50 ac:cs $ 17.50 1.51 acres to 3.50 acne ~ 5249 3.51 acres to 7.00 acne $122.48 7.01 acres to 14.0 ayes x,44 97 14.01 acres to 25.0 aces $489 93 25.01 acres and larger $874.88 Residential property with more than ont dweWng umt Is assessed for an amount equal to $35.00 tlmes the number of dwelling uruls. specllullyj/s(Jubmitted, ~~J~J'~ V-~^Y Jerry B. Fuhvood Deputy City Manager JBF;IYB:fmf Attachments: Resolutions EnglnceYa Report 44 taseotvaorf ~. ~ I - I ~- ~ A RESOI.ITRON OF THE CITY COUNCR. OF THE CDY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN THE PARR AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (PD85) AND SETTING A TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARING THEREON WHEREAS, the Cfty Councll of the Cfty o[ Rancho Cucamonga, Caltfamla, has previously Cozened a special assessment district pursuant to the terms oC the 'T.andscaping and Lighting pct of 1972", being DivLSlon 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Cade of the State of Calltornla, in what fx known and designated as "PARR AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARES), WHEREAS, at this three the Clty Council is desirous to take proceedings to provide foi the annual levy oC assessments for the ne# ensufna tlsral year in n...vbin r th. .....~....w ~.._..___ ______._.._ pay debt service on the bonds issued and coats for annual matnteriazrce tar the Assessment District; and WHEREAS, at this Ume there has been prosented and approved by th18 City Councll, the Engineer's Report, as required by law, and thfs City Countll 1s dextrous o(continuireg with the proceedings for said annual levy. NOW, THEREFORE, ft IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLIAWS: RECITALS SECTION 1: That the above retltals arc all true and correct. DECLARATION OF INTENTION SECTION 2: That the pubhc Interest and convemenct requires, and tt fa the intention of this legislative bode, to undertake proceedings for the annual levy and collection of assessments for the payment of costs and expenses for the following designated Improvements, including debt sernce on bonds Issued to assist in thrancing sold lmprovemen[s. Construction of park and recreational Improvementx in Heritage and Red HN Community Pazks, Including but not ]lmfted to, land preparatbn, Including grading, landscaping azrd irrigation systems, together wl?h appurtenant norlc That no new improvements or any substantial changes in exLsttng lmprovemenls are proposed as a part of Lhese proceedings. BOUNDARIES OF MAINTENANCE DISTRICT SECTIUN 3: That said works oC lmprovementa are of direct benefit to the properties within the boundaries of sold Assessment District, which Asaea~ment DLStrlet the ]eglsiative body previously deGarod to be the area benefited by Bald works of improvement, and for particulars reference 1s made to the boundary map as previously approved by [his kglslathe body, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the Cfty Clerk and open for pubhc inspection, and designated by the resent of this Assessment District. REPORT OF ENGINEER SEC170N 4: That the 'Report" of the Engineer, as pmllminartly approved by this IegislaUve body, is on Ills with the Cfty Clerk and open for public Inspection Reference 1a made to sold "Report" for a Cull and delalled description oC the eidating works of Improvement, the boundaries oC the Assessment Distrito and arty woes therein, and the proposed assessments upon assessable lots and paroels of Land within the Assessment Diatrlct. 'T~ PUBLC HEARUiG SEC170N 5: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WEDNESDAY, THE 51St DAY OF JUNE, 1991 AT THE HOUR OF 7:00 O'CLOCK P.M.. IN THE MEEiSNC PLACE OF THE CITY COUNCIL IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBF.R.9 AT 10500 CMC CENTER DRIVE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, Gi1FORNIA, 19 THE TIME AND PLACE FDQ:D 13Y THIS LEGISLATIVE BODY FOR HEARING PR01ES15 OR 0B,IEC'110NS IN REFERENCE TO THE ANNUAL LEVY OF A53E33MENT5 AND 1'0 ANY OISH:R MATTERS CONTAINED IN THIS RESOLUTION. ANY PERSONS WHO WISH'I'O 061E(TTO THE PROCEEDINGS OR 1HE ANNUAL LEVY SHOULD FILE A WR17'lEN PROIES'T WIISi THE CRY CLERK PRIOR 1tD THE TONE SET FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING. NOTICE SECTION 6: That the Clty Clerk H herby autharfud and dlneted to give notice as causing a copy of this Resolution to be pubRahed in the Dally Report, a newspaper of general circulation within the City; Bald DublicaUon to 6e comoleted not leav than fen ftnl rlnv,o nrlnr r,. rh..tsr...r o...r.....,>,u.. hearing. _...__ ,. ____ PROCEEDINGS INflU621E,4 SECTION 7: For arty and a9 information nlaliog to these proceedings, Including 1ntolmation relating to protest procedure, your attentmn >s directed to the permn designated heknr. City Clerk CIty of RanrLo Cucamonga 10500 C1vlc Center Dave Ranrho Cucamonga, G 91730 Telephone; (7 141 999-185 1 ~$ psetarul,olr ro. Gt I -121 a RESOUmoN oFTr~ crlY coltNCa of THE CiIY of RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAI~FORNIA, OF PREiAfINARY APPROVAL OP CITY ENGINEER'S ANNUM, REPORT FOR THE PARR AND RECREATION Ibi?ROVEIdENI' DISTRiCf (PD-85) RESOLVED by the Clty Coutatii of the Cily oiFtancho Cucamonga that: WHEREAS, Pursuant to the Landscape erld Lfghting AM of 1972, the C1ty Engineer 1s required to make and file wlitr the City Clerk d the qty an annual report In wrltbrg for whkh assessments are to he levied and collected to pay the costs of the maintenance and/or improvement of said Park and Recreatlon hnprwemenl Dblrfct (PD-85). WHEREAS, the Clty Engineer has made and filed with the City Clerk of eatd City a remrt. attached hereto. br wrlHna as raI1M tnr rrraier nM n.v.m.nn1 fn ~w ~.N dH~ti hoe >,.... presented to thb Conned for consWeratbn; and WHEREAS. sahi CourrJl has duty com/dersd Bald report and each and very part thereof. and fhrds that each and every part of safd report b suliklent, and that said report, nor arry Part thereof. requires or should be madiBed m any respect. NOW, THEREFORE. h b ordered es follows: 1. That the Errgtoeer'e Cathnate et ttemhed coats and e:pmsee of 8aW work and of the Incidental exPensm In connectbn themvlih, contained m said report be, and each of them are hereby preliminarlly approved and cwnltrmed. 2. That the dbgrama showhrg the Aeaeadmmt Dbtnct referred to and described N said report, the boundaries of the subdivisions of land within said Assessrrmt Districts ere hereby prelimirmrily approved and cordlrarcd. 3. That the proposed asaesamenta upon the subdlWelona of land In said Assessment Dlshict m proportion to the estlmated berrIli to be received by sold subdtvbton, respectively, from sold work and of the incidental expenses thereof, as contained m said report b hereby prellminarlly approved and corrtfrmed. 4. That said report shall stand as the Clty Enghreeer'e Annual Regort for the fiscal year 1991 /92 for the purposes d a0 wbaequent prueedtnga, 44L Ciiy of He^~-*.o Cu~NUOnga Annual Report 85-PD f7sral Yeaz 1991/92 A[7CHORf1Y FOR REPORT 7hls report for the 1991/92 fiscal yeaz is prepared pursuant to the order of the Clty Coundl of the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga and In compliance wtth the requlrcments of Article 4, Chapter 1, I.andseape and IJghttng Mt oC 1972, lxing Divlsbn 15, Secuon 22500 d the Streets and Highways code. Provlslons for this annual assessment are Included 1n Chapter 3 of the Larldsrape arul Llgtttlng Act d 1972. The purpost d this report is to set fnrrn fln.+!.~+- ;,;,,; we aaaesamea[ analysla for the armual '-.~ ~: a~ovaawenrs for the Parks and Recreatbn Improvement Dlstrlct No. 85-PD, thereaRer referred to as "the Dlstrkt". Thla Dlstrltt. using dtrect benefit assesammts, has been created to provide funds to ilnance the oust d constnrctfon, maintenance, opemtlon and debf payment d Hentage CommuNty Parts and Red H81 Community Park m the City d Rancho Cucamonga. FINDINGS Section 22573, Iandsrape and I~ghting Act d 1972, requlrcs assessments to be leveed according to benefit rather than according to assessed value, The section States: 'The net amount to be assessed upon lands wlfhm an assessment dfstrct may be apportioned by arty formula or method which tatrly dlstdbutes the net amount among all assessahle lots or parcels m proportion to the estimated btnefits to be melved by each such lot or parcel fmm the bnpravements." The means of determining whether or not a parcel wlil benefit tmm the Improvements is contained In [hc tmprwement Aet of 1911 (Division 7, commencing with Section 5000 of the Streets and Highways Code, State d Calitornla). The 1972 Act also provides for the classl8catlon d'vanous arose withm an as-4essment dLStriet m[o benefit areas where, by reason of variations In the nature, location, and eaten[ d the Improvements, the various areas will receive dllfering degrees of all territory rece:lving substantlaL'y the same degree of benefit fmm the Improvements and may consist of eontlguous or noncontiguous areas. As the assessments are levied on the basis d benefit, they art mnsWemd a user's ice, not a tax: and, therefore, are not governed by Article ]CC07A Pmpertka owned by public agencies, such as a city, county, state, ar the federal government, are not assessable without the approval d the paruculaz agency and, normally, are nat assessed. Certain other pamels used for railroad malnlme rlghFOf-way, pubhe utWty transmislon right-o4way. common areas, and non- profit organiratlons Il.e., churches. clods) are also exempt from assessment. The assessment for mobile home parks wN be based upon underlying lot acreage DISTRICT ANALYSIB A. Improvement District Boundary 7'he lmprwement dlstrtct Includes all of the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga with the gen~~a! e~epttoa of land cant of Deer Creek Channel and the V1etoNa ffi Terra Vesta Planned Communltks. AIi parcek of mat property affceted are mom particularly described m maPa prepared m accordance with Section 327 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, whkh ati on flle m the o91ce of the San Bernardino County Assessor m the Hall of Records, 172 West Third Street, San Bemardmo, Cahforma and which arc hemby made a part hemof by re(emnee. B District Name Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga Pazk Improvement D1at11M No. 85-PD. C. Facilities The existing works of lmpravement am generally described as follows: 1. The eonstmetlon of Heritage Community Park Including, but not limited to, grading, planting, irrigation, onsite roads, sidewalks, parking lots, lighting, restrooms, equestrian taclllties, playground equipment, picnic facIDttes, athleuc facih0es, and walking. Jog$kig and equestrian trails. 2. 1fic constmctton of Red Hill Community Park Including, but not limned to, grading, planting, lrtlgatlon, onsets roads, sidewalks, parking lots. lighting, waterscape, restrooms, sensor citizen tacdnles, playground equipment, plenlc facllltles, maJor Itghted athletb facdltles, Jogging trail, underground storm dram system, and adJaant public street Impzovements. ESTTMATE OF WORK The I.andscaping and I.Ighting Act of 1972 permits carrying forward surpluses or recovering de0clts m subsequent fiscal years. Costs for the district wlll be reviewed annually. Any surplus emdlted against assessment or any de0clts shall lx Included m the assessment for the (allowing fiscal yeaz. 1991/92 Fiscal Yeaz Esilma'.ed Costa & Bu dget Summary i3ttiaru~e Lrom 199U/91 Budget $ 25,000 Contnbutlons (Interest eamedk Redemption Fund/Limited to ray Bond Debt Service $ 30,000 Special Reserve Fund/IJmited to Pay Hond Debt Servce $ 15.000 Total Fstknated Avallable Funds $ 70.000 County Special Charges $ 6,157 AdmlNStratton Chargcs $ 123,140 Consultant's Feea $ 0 Debt Service installment (1/2/92) $ 240,1'100 Debt Service Installment (7/2/91) $ 5BD,000 Operation & Maintenance $ ?W.l100 $1 ,149,297 Balance to Assessment $1,079,297 MET7{OD OF 9PRFM - Thc Lmdeceptpg and IJghdtig Act of 1972 hfdketeb that eestaemente may b! aPPort»ned by arty formula or method which falrty distributes coats among all lots or parcels with the Dlstrkt 1n proportion to the estimated bentOts received. A, De0mtlons The District fs dlvded mto three categories for the purpose of detemmung the asaessme..te as follows: CATEGORY A - Ltcludes parcels based on the number of exisling esWenttal amts wlthm certain ranges of parcel s@e. CATEGORY B - mcludw ell parcels not de0ned m Category A or Category C. CATEGORY C - hrludee eampt Panels OxmPt PTV wee dtecoveted by ~mg the County Assemor'e computer tepee for those parcels that are ]feted as ezempt try the Aesesaos or which have an assessed value of -ees than 11500. Ir conductlop the search, several parcels were fnetuded es exempt that show panel sins m excess at l.s acres and type codes of, for esample, resldemtlal or agriculture. These pamis were added back Into the robe and assessed. & Formula The assessment formula fe based on actual land use lmormetton comained m the current San Bemmdlm Assessor's computer Mee and AsaeaeoYs panel maps. Category A AlI panels crontahdng exlsttng eatdenttai dwelling units and meeting the following conditions. Numbrs of Existing Res Parcel Sfu Range Dwelling Units/Parcel Ilbs tl~.an t.5 arms and I or mote dwellmg amts 1.51 to 3.5 acres and 2 or nwre dwelling amts 3.51 to 7.0 acme and 4 or ewe dwegh~g amts 7.01 to 14.0 acres and 8 or moe dweNog amts 14.01 fn 25.0 stem and 15 or moo dwegurg amts 25.01 arses & huger and 26 or more dwe0arg amts Category A B based on the number of exlatmg residential amts, The actual assessment for Bond Debt Service per existing resldenttal dwelling amt may decease each year as moe rosdentlai amts are bull[ wlthm the improvement dLVtrict. Maintenance costs, however, are uptcted to mcreax annual)y and a01 somewhat ollset the antlclpated dwease m assessments due to new developmem. Category B: All parcel not defined N Category A or Category C. Category C All exempt parcels as droned below 1. M propenlee cucraitly taz exempt: 2. All public owturahlps; 3. Railroad mafnllne rights-d-way; 4. Mq~or ut8lty tran®ISeWn rights-d way: 5. Mlrteral rights: G Paretk so small thry currently cannot be bufk upon: 7. All normally asseaeabk parcels within an assessed valuatkac d kas than j500 and 1.5 accts ar kss: and 8. Non-profit organizations (l.e., churches). C. Su>rmary d Preltmtrmry AsaeaemeM Amount Category A: The preliminary estimated assessment rate which w01 be levied during Racal year 1991 /921a $96.00 per dvrelllog tint[ for those parab m Category A. Category A parcels contatiung mon than one residential dwelling unit wN be assemed for an amount equal to $35.00 [Imes the number ddwdllrcg untls Category H: The assessment whkh mQy be kvled for parcels wltltln Category B during Bscal yeaz 1980191 shall be according to the followlcrg schedule: Detinltlon Aaeessment Per Parcel less than 1.50 acrrs j 17.50 1.51 acres to 3.50 acres $52.49 3.51 acres to 7.0 avea j122.48 7.01 atzre to 14.0 acme j244.97 14.01 acres to 25.0 aaev j489.93 25.01 acrev & larger $874.88 Category C: The assessment she8 be $0.00 for Category C parceLv. PRQ7ECIED 1990/91 ASSESSMENTS Single Family UNts 27279 at $35.00 = $ 854,751.94 [ass than 1.50 acme BBBat j 17.50 = $ 15,730.50 1.5 suss to 3.50 eves 374 at j 52.49 = j 19.89128 3.51 aceea to 7.0 eves 219 at $122.48 = j 26,82,9.12 7.01 scree to 14.0 acres 148at $249.97 = $ 35.786.fi2 14.01 sues to 25.0 eves 51 g $489.93 = $ TR.988.43 25.01 aces or large 27at j874.88 = j 23821.78 $1,101,309.63 xmrae Per Resldenual iseacez 133.50 Vacant Lantl 1.5 stns or ksa !16.75 Vacant Land 1.51 to 3.5 acres 650.25 Vacant land 3.51 to 7.0 acres 4117.25 vannnf Inn~i 7.01 to 14.0 acres 4294.50 Vacant IalW 14.01 to 25.0 scree 4489.00 Vacant land 25.01 acres or larger 6837.50 433.60 6,33.fio 6ss.5o s3s.oo 435.00 61&75 518.75 516.75 417.50 {17.50 450.25 450.25 450.25 652.49 $52.49 4117.25 4117.25 4117.25 4122.48 4122.48 4234.50 #.34.50 i234.5U >waa.ai iutie.ui 4489.00 4469.00 4468.00 4489.99 4489.93 4&47.60 4&97.50 4&97.50 4874.88 4874.88 ChZSilv7rNC>; NO. 446 AN C4mII~NCE OF '140; CP1Y NCiiCII. OF Zf1E CPM OF RAN(}b C[)Q~1NGq, CALIFY%ClIA, A!4?IDING SECfICN 10.20.020 OF ItIE RANCSD COCN4JN(',A CITY ~E RFY,i1FiDlNG pRBW1 FACIE SPF.FD LIMPiS ON CE{QAII4 CITY 5172EEf5 A. Recitals, (i) California Vehiele Oslo Sectim 22357 Pmvideg that this City council may, bf oxdinanoe, set prima facie speed limits open arty portim of arty skreEt not a state highway. ;ii, ~.~ .:iiy ~arazxfc Ergirreer has oordtxtad an traffic ~7~'r~9 and survey, of certain streets within the City of IWrdlo Qrcamaga which streets as specified in Part B of this ordinarrc. (iii) 7l~e rlar>.,~,:~tions oonoernvg privy facie speed limits set forth in Part B, below, are based upon the engineering and traffic survey identified in Sectim A (i.i), shove. B. (hH'rrirw, NOW, 14BREFpRE, the City Council of the City of Farrho CucaveyxJa does hereby ordain as follows: SECIICN 1: Sec.-lien 10.20.020 herehy~ is avwlided to the Fanejp arcaaorga City Code to read, in words and figures, as follows: 10 20 020 - Decrea_ of state law ma ' >tn Q~ Zt is deta++•;,~w py City Caurc>.1 resolution and upon the basis of an enginoerirg ardtraffic investigatim that the spend permitted by state law is greater than is reasonable or safe wider the caditions found to exist open :,.:c3r streets, and i*_ is dc~lare3 that the prima facie speed limit shall be as set forth in this sectim m those streets or marts of streets desicyrated in this sectim when signs are erected giving notice hereof: Declared Prima Facie Name of Street oi' portion Affec.~ted Sneed Limit lME4i1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. b. 7. 8. 5. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Archilvld Ave. -Banyan St, to north end 50 Archibald Ave. - 4th St. to Banyan St. 45 Arrw Rte. -Baker Ave. to Haven Ave. 45 Baker Ave. - 8th St. to Foothill Bled 35 &~nYan St. fmo Beryl St. to Lmdorr Ave. 35 Banyan St. Fran west City Limits to 8exy1 St. 40 Base Line Rd. -test City limits to Carnelian St. 45 Base Line Idl. -Carnelian St. to Herngsa Ave. 40 Base Lirre Ihl. - Hermosa Ave. to Spruce Ave. 45 Beryl St. -Banyan St. to end 45 Beryl St. - 800 N/o Lavur AVe. to Batryan St. 40 Carnelian St. -Vineyard Ave. to end 45 Center Ave. -Foothill Blvd. to church St. 40 Chturh St. fmv Archibald Ave. to Elm St. 40 ~{5 OrdilHnae No. 446 Page 2 Oeiclated Prima Facie xaim of Sr„mt .rr portion Affected $~fled r.)Mtt (1477) 15. 8th St. - Gtove Ave. to }tawazl Ave. 45 16. Etiwalda Ave. -Foothill B1W.. to Summit Ave, 45 17. Fairmont Ur. - Hilliken Ave. to east erd 35 18. Grove Ave. - 8th St. to Fbvthill Blvd. 40 19. Haven Ave. - dth St, to Wilson Ave. 45 20. HelLlalt Ave. -Foothill Blvd.. to Alta Loma De. 35 21. Hellman Ave. - 500' N/o Manzanita fem. to Valley View 40 22. Hellman Ave. - 6th St. to Foothill Blvd. 45 23. Herninsa Ave. -Base 7.;.e lid. t4 Wilson AVe. 45 24. Fiexmnea Awe. -Wilson Ave. to Sun Valley @. 40 25. Hermosa Ave. - 8th St. to roan r.:ro o+._ :u 26. Nic~llard Ave. -Sapphire st. to Carnelian St. 40 27. Hic~tlaM Ave. -Amethyst st. to Hermosa Ave. 35 28. Ftic~lard Ave. frrm Itermoea Ave. to 800' west of Haven Ave. 45 29. Hillside I31. - Rai)Cll Cate to Amethyst St. 35 30. Hillside lbl. -Haven Ave. tO ~^+~+~~ Ave. 35 31. Lemur Ave. - n+ri+i Mir) Ave. to haven Ave. 40 32. I,PmoSl Ave. -Jasper St. t0 Beryl St. 35 33. Nanzenita @'. - tIm'm'~ea Ave. to Haven Ave. 35 34. 9th St. -Baker AVe. to Atdtilnld Ave. 40 35, fled Hill Country Club Dr. - Ftolhill Blvd. to Alta Qrsta 35 36. Roc7)estrx Ave. -Foothill Blvd. to 1'-^^ Lire IZ;1. 40 or 45 37. Sall BerlNTdillO )~. fmo lllreyaid Ave. to Archilxld Ave. 35 38. Sapphire St. -Banyan St. to eld 45 39. Sapphire St. - 19th St. to Linn Ave. 40 40. 7th St. -Hellman Ave. to ArdLl~+)r4 Ave. 45 41. Spavice Ave. - Phothill Blvd. to Base Lire ldi. 40 42. 1~alsa Vista Par3:xey - Qss~ 5'. to Belpire Pl. 40 43. Victcuia St. - Ardlilxild Ave. to Ramona Ave. 35 44. Victoria St. - Etiwalda Ave. to ltt. 15 40 45. Victoria St. -Haven Ave. to Nrsldocino P1. 40 46. Victoria Park 111. - FaizmRlt Way to Base I.itle Idd. 35 47. Victoria WiYCh'v.5 Loop (IYSth & earth) 35 48. Vineyard Ave. - Qvurh St. to Base l,1ne 13t. 40 49. Vineyard Ave. - 8th St. to Carrelian Ave. 45 50. Vintage D.. -Milliken Ave. to east eld 35 51. Whittram Ave. - Etiwenda Awe. to east City limits d0 52. Wilsm Ave. - Amethyst Awe. to Haven Ave. 54 53. Wilson AVe. - Ffaven Ave. to 200' east oP ranistel Ave. 40 (Ord. 16S Seokim I (part), 1982; Ord. 39 Sectim 5.1, (1978). Rancfio Q)camonga 5/82 124 ~W Otd.v~atx:e No. 446 Page 3 (i) Both sixty-five (65) miles per has std fifty-five (55) miles par has are epeals which are more tlmn are reasotnb].e ar safe; arcs (ii) the miles par has as state are the prima facie speeds which are most apprgsiate to facilitate the orderly motet of traffic and are speed limits which are reasa~able and safe m said streets ar portions thereof; aryl (iii) 'II~e miles per has stated are hereby declaz-ed to be the prima facie speed limits an said streets; std (iv) ~e Traffic Dsjinaer is hereby authorized std directed to install appropriate signs upon said streets giving ncrtiae of the Fsir~ facie SF~~liii z: Dte City Clerk shall ceatify to the passage of this ordinance arcl shall cause the same to be ~,•*~ishecl as repaired b~, lew. SF7CPIQ7 3: the Mayor shall sign this Otditfance arcl the City Clerk shall cause the same to ba published within fifte~ (15) days after its passage at least otz~ in the ?strr.j Vallev Dailv BLletin, a of general circulation published in the city of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Ratrlq CummoRg. ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF' REFOI~T DATE: May 1, 1991 T0: Mayor an3 Membors of the City Council FROM: Hxad Buller, City Planner BY: Iarry Denderaon, Principal Planner au au av l': t'UIMUNiTY ODVELOYMENT BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION PROGRAM YEAR 1991-92 -The adoption of the Final Statement of Community Development Objectives for program yeez 1991-92 and the preliminary selection of projects bneed on a grant of $518,000. RECOMMENDATION: It Se recommended that the City Council take the following actions: A. Receive Eoz discussion and public input the Final Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds (Final Statement) for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program year 1991-92; H. Adopt the attached Resolution approvlrg the Final Statement, making all findings, determinations, and certifications, and adopting all policies therein; end authori Bing the Mayor Lo submit the Final Statement, and any amendments thereto, and to act in connection vi th the submission of the Final 9tate~ent and to provide such additional information as may be required. ABBTAACT: The Citisens' Participation Plan provides that the City Council hold an advertised public hearing prior to approving the Final Statement for the CDDG program. Notice of the public hearing was published in The Inland Valley Daily Bulletin. Pol lowing the public hearing staff will amend the Final Statement, iE necessary, ae directed by the Cr ty Council and submit the Final Statement to the U•S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). BACKGFOUND: On April 3, 1991, the City Council held a public hearing to discuss the community's obj ectivea for the Community Development Block Grant program and to set priorities among the projects suggested by City staff, community organizations, and residents. Fol low inq the public hearing the City Council approved the Prel iminazy Statement of Community Development Objectives and directed staff to prepare a Final Statement of Community Development Obj ectivea and Projected Uee of Funds which includes the following aetivitiea: C TTY COUNCIL STAFP REPORT CUBG FINAL STMT. OF COMM. DEy• OBJ. 1991-92 May 1; 1997 Page 2 PYO9iam Administration Street Aeconatruct ian Sidewalk Grinding Wheelchair Damps Neighborhood Center Historic Preservation Home Improvement Program Graffiti Removal ...,..w...u~Ial1a11L neerauon FY 1991-92 Carry Over Total f Estimates) (Estimates) (Estimates) $ 43,598• $ 60,002 $103,600 78,000 193,454 271,454 12,172 -0- 12,172 11,410 -0- 11, d10 67,777 -0- 67,777 120,000 40,200 160,200 160,043 -0- 160,043 20,000 -0- 20,000 ~,uuu -o- s, oao 5518,000 5293,656 5811,656 ` In eludes $7,791 for Fair Houeinq ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: All of tha proposed actl vitiee ate exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review. All projects are also Categorically excluded from the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA), contingent upon the implementation of mitigetlon measures regarding flood insurance and historic preservation review previously adopted by the City Council. CONCLUSION: The actions recommended above are ade9uate to meet all presubmiaeion requirements fot the CDBG program in order for the City to receive its 1991-92 CDBG program year entitlement. Upon the submission of the Final Statement the funds will be made available io the City on or about July 1, 1991. Aespe lly sub~i,#ted, ~" ~~ Brad oiler City Planner BB:TE:sp Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Final Statement of CommuniCy Development Objectives Reaol ution of Approval -1' I FINAL STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES AND PROJECTED USE OF FUNDS FOR THE 1991-91 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MAY 1991 ~p E xh'. b', t P I, STANDARD APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE II. INTRODUCTION 1 III. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN 3 IV. STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES 4 v. PROJECTED USE OF FUNDS 6 VI. POTENTIAL IMPACTS TO FLOODPLAINS AND PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES 11 VII. STATEMENTS OF POLICY 14 A Citizetu' Participation Plan 14 B. Relocation Assistance Plan 15 C. Residential Anti-Displacement Plan 16 D. Criteria for Substantial Change 17 VIII. CERTIFICATIONS 19 02928(0412(065 wldn\rpt\rp61 s! APFLIGATIOR FUN aNnawrmm ADyYfrInlNNmi~ FEDERAL ASSISTANCE g_91-MC-Ofi-OSSfi i. T'ii dr illa,llaalDla x~Ta aa6iDGiL iT:. aUb AppkaeNl tlNNAM 4 A N A ~ r. Nn raNMD ar reNaAL ADaNDY r.e..r 1]]IINN ® Nur[pNl,uCibn ~ ^ NonColNhuClbn 4 ArrLICAMT airDaWnON CNN NNM. QyY11411MM UM: Citv of Rancho Cucamoc a P1ar.n ir. Divis ior. ADDIw /Ww elN. wYDM. ]IrM NIE ND DDDrI: NNr MD NNNNDa nYnCN d tlN pants b M NIIIaCNd an r4nN. wdvun P, O. Box 807 nw wp~r+lan fpw Nw a0r1 10500 Civic Center Drive L.7. Hel:dersor., AIGP, Prir.o ipal P1anr.e Rar.c ilu Cuc amo::ga, CA 9173 0 (714) 989-1861 4 aMrWYaN ID0lINIG110N NUNNR NNR T. Tyra MAIILNJNF. IanMrpprvprrM NNMMDaI 5 - 3 2 1 3 0 0 2 ~~ N. RbpNMYnt 9NDd aa. 9 e. tDl.aY L BYb CawaaNl bNDNDpn d N9Nrl Lrraq -..~w.~ e. ..v.. ullwl.n ~.:: r.~..Ywwlw~ 0. TDNDN$ K YWnTMa Y.® Nar ^ CMM1YNDm ~ Rwbl]II E al1RINaY L RNNiaW F. IIDRIarrY~al Y. DrdN OrpaNNtlrn Y Rrvbbn. Nnr aaoroplala VIWN) N DD.(Nh ^ ^ O SDriN OuY;d N. Otlr IapaeM~ ~ A,olana .aNW a. 0.nrN ANND C. YlNrar OlraDOn o O]eraaN DuraSm ODn. fNNUNk .. Nr]NanaaA. ADaweY: U.S. Dept. of Housing & L'rbar, Dev. +a eA~ooNNTID 1 4 2 1 8 11• NauNrlm Trna or ArrLeum npwar . 1. Housing Rehabilltatior. ~E: Commuui tv Deve lopmer.t Block Grar. 2. Sidewalk 6 Street Improvement " Ce Ca r.t Mediatio r. 3. Lard to rd/ u. AauiAANnD aYwWaDr(C/DN. cNnINr.NparN.l, 4, Historic Prese rva[ion Lace r.[ives 5. Commur.i Cy Facil i[ies Imp rovemer.fs Citv of Rancho Cu camor.ga 6. Graffiti Removal Ir r DrlgJ[M~ 1,. C M]IIIIDIL slut 0.n Endrp 0.b . ADdifrDl ~ D. DIDIaLI 7/1/91 6/30/92 '15 17 .a utwATro ruxdx¢ IanArn.KATaw auaxcTro Nraw ar nAn aaawmaoaoaN.aY] Nbcun r. FaDNN 0 0 0 .W t 518 • YE9. TNn PRFpPPLI[ATIONAPVllr~igN WA8 YiDE AVMA4E r0 THE , STATE EYECUfNE OROER t]]T] PROpESa fOR REVIEW ON. e ApDrunf i .W DATE c SIN. t QO D NO. ~ PROORAY n NOT GOV6IED 9Y EO. ,]]T] e Lau a W ^ OR rROaRAU NAS NOT aEEN SELECTED N STATE FOR REVEW • p1Nr i DO I. Praaram NKpw i .00 II. nRN ANUGWIp6MD11BYT ON ANYYNAaLD0T1 YN M'Yaa'.IYCll M1 u101NYD01L ®ND aTOTAL a 51 E, 000 .W .1. TO INa Nai N W RNDYILaDDa ANO NLNI. ALL NTA M INN ANUDLTgNN14rrCID111NN1 AN TRUa AMD DDIIIIaCf. Tlla 0p511YB1T MN NaN DULY NYINOa1a[D aY TNa DDYDMINq aODY Dr 1N ANLMi1N! AMD TNf ArrINJIIT HILL CDNr1.Y YIITM M! ARADMW ANIIaYCaa • 1Na ANnlulca nl AY/rDDa0 a TTDN NNIIr d AYIIW W iNDI.Nn1.IM D T14 C TWDIgn. ~umDY Dennis L. Stout Ma or 714 989-IFi; a S.y~Nw. d AYn1auN RNY.NnINM r aN sp~.a ` ,J YJ NDI UNRIa SINbr~D Fwm .,. wLV I .a E.NCriND w Oue . ,.,, v • ;r LIST of FIGURES re No, Description ~,~ Floodplain Boundary Map 13 53 The Final Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds is the primary document intended to provide the residents of We City of Rancho Cucamonga with an opportunity to review and comment upon the ways in which funds from t}te Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) progmm aze to be used to support neighborhood improvement aMivities throughout the City. This document establishes a comprehensive set of long-term goals and short-term strategies which will most effectively target these important resources to meet the community~s needs. The Finat Statement is specifically designed to encourage parti«pation by aU recidnntc nS thn ltie,:n:.inm:6d.... a.e ......._.._:..+_i_.. _:__ __.. .. ___~ -_____~_..e .... ..............y ....,,,,.,u,6, w....~~... ~. ~y ucvcwpwcuy and public service needs, and in evaluating the strategies which are proposed to meet these needs. Upon approval by Ute City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, City staff wtill incorporate the statement into the City's appliption for funding from the U.S. Department of Housittg and Urban Development (HIJD) under the CDBG program for fiscal year 1991.92. THE COM TtvlITV nFVFr rIpMFnrr nr rv+u r~aer.*.-nn....,,.+. The CDBG program is funded by the federal government through the U.S. Department of HUD. The program provides federal funds directly to cities and counties for a variety of housing, community development and public service activities, The amount of funds which may be received by each eligible «ty and county is deteanined by a mathematical formula which measures the community's population, the age of the housing stock and extent of persons living in poverty. Each «ty and county decides for itself how the money can best be used to meet the enique needs of its residents. ~'Vithia the guidelines established by the program, each «ty and county evaluates its own needs, then designs and operates activities to meet those needs. The primary goals of the CDBG program are to improve the living conditions and economic opportunities of lower inwme persons, to prevent and eliminate community blight and blighting influences, and to meet urgent needs for which no other resources can be found. A minimum of 70 percent of the benefits of the CDBG funded activities must be dvected to activities which assist lower income persons; either by providing benefits and services directly to lower income persons, or by improving neighborhoods which aze occupied primarily by lower income persons. 5~ _,_ THE CDBG APPL[CAT10N - Each year, communities wishing to receive CDBG funds must provide to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development an application, along with an evaluation of the wmmunity~s needs, long-term goals, short-term objectives, and proposed activities for the coming yeaz. The applimtion also includes several statements of poti~y regazding how CDBG funds will be used to m;~imt~e displace- ment ofresidents, provide relocation benefits where necessary, and evaluate the need to receive additional community input prior to amending its proposed activities. Finally, the application must also include a series of certificatioas by which the community agrees to meet the requvements of federal law in carrying out its CDBG funded activities. ('OM tNITV P R'(gCfPAT10N IN THP. CD >'P .t ATION PROCFSC In preparing the CDBG application, each community is requved to establish a Citizens' Participation Plan that provides the public an opportunity to review and comment upon the proposed uses of CDBG funds. The Citizens' Participation Plan for the City of Rancho Cucamonga is included in this document. In accordance with the Citizens' Participation Plan, the CDBG program staff solicited ideas for projects to receive CDBG funding during the upcoming yeaz. Letters were sent to all community groups and agencies which have previously submitted suggestions, as well as to all city departments. An advertisement was published in the local paper inviting additional suggestions. The City Council approved the Preliminary Statement on April 3, 1991, and directed staff to prepare the Final Statement. A public hearing on the Final Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds is a requi-red part of the Citizens' Participation PLttt. Notices ut the public hearing to be held on the Final Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds were published in the local paper on April 19, 1991. -2- 55 In order to integrate the projects and activities undertaken through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program with older housing and community development activities undertaken by the City and to inordinate long-term goals and short-term objectives, We City Council of We City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby adopts the following Community Development Plan. THE nip aN The General Plan is the primary document establishing We goals and objectives of ~hr hnncinn en.l .. ., a_.._~___-_. _ "••'•"'~o ~~•~•~rW~~• r7Jjo.,u auu acmiues ru oe undetaken by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. All projects and activities undertaken through the CDBG program aze to be fn compliance with the General Plan. fn addition, fn selecting projects and activities [o be undertaken through the CDBG program, the City will first consider those projects which most directly serve to implement the goals and objectives of the General Pian. COMPREHENCivF HO IN FFO Rir1TV aTEGY The Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS), which is prepazed each yeaz for submission to the U.S. Department of HUD, is the primary document establishing the goals and objectives of the housing development, mortgage and rental assistance, and residential rehabilitation activities to be undertaken by We Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga. The CHAS is to be prepared N compliance with [he Housing Element of [be General Plan. In developing the CHAS, the City will first comider those projects which most directly serve to implement the goals and objectives of the Housing Element. COMMUNITY RFnF p NT A nt[^v crs+~t>:rr vt nt c The Specific Plans adopted by the Community Redevelopmont Agency are the primary documents establishing the goals and objectives of the Community Redevelopment Agenry funded activities to prevent and eliminate blight and blighting influences in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In selecting projects and activities to be undertaken through the CDBG program in lower-income and Community Redevelopment Agency target areas, the City will fast consider those projects which most direMly serve to implement the goals and objectives of the Specific Plans. / -3- tP IV STATEMENT OF CO~riN-TY DE nvMFNT ARrGr`TiVFc In order to establish long-term goals and objectives for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby adopts the following Statement of Community Development Objectives: COMM INITY D P NT ORrFfTIVFc 1. To revitalize and stabilize deteriorating neighborhoods, to prevent and eliminate blight and blighting influences, and to eliminate conditions detrimental to the health, safety, and public welfare. 2. To upgrade the City's substandard rental and ownerroccupied housing stock through various forms of fmanaal assistance for residential rehabilitation. 3. To provide improvements to public azeas and public facilities which make them more useful and attractive, including developing and improving parks and recreational facilities. 4. To fund public services which improve the quality of the living environment and complement physical development activities being conducted iu the City. 5. To fund public services which improve the quality of life for lower-income persons, including senior citizens and handicapped persons. 6. To assist with the expansion of facilities and public services which improve the quality of life for senior citizens. ?. To p:ovide incen8ves for the preservation of historic properties through the elimination of stmctural code deficiencies. 8. To provide information and affitmaGve support towazd the goal of ensuring that all residents Gave access to a decent home of their choice in a suitable living environment. 9. To provide the administrative capacity to implement the Cil}ls CDBG program, fair housing, and landlord/tenant mediation services, and to coordinate the reseazch, planning, and implementation of General Plan and Housing Element revisions. _ -4- `J 7 CP IFT COM iN1'1'V D trnr p NT nC In order to provide for the development of specific activities in support of the goals and objectives described above, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby identifies the following specific needs to be met through We CDBG program: 1. Financial assistance for owners of single-family residences occupied bylower- income households to enwurage housing rehabilitation is needed to improve the quality of housing affordable to such persons, and to prevent the deterioration of the housing stock which otherwise might result from a lack of resources for housing tttaintemnce available to owners of housing affordable to such households. The provision of such assistance also wuuiourra w the %iry's generai eiiorts m promote nousutg quality standards and eliminate structural code deficiencies aty-wide. 2. The provision of incentives for the rehabilitation of historic properties and the elimination of structural deft©encies is needed ro prevent and eliminate blight, blighting influences, and conditions detrimental to public health and safety. 3. The continuation of the City's ongoing efforts to design and construct street and sidewalk needed to improve the livirtg environments and prevent the deterioration of the transportation infrastruchue in low/moderate neighbor- hoods. 4. The provision of landlord/tenant mediation services. 5. Provision of expanded recreational facilities serving low/moderate income areas. b. Elimination of the blighting influence of graffiti from low/moderate-income neighborhoods. -5- 5$ V - pRO.fE(TED UCE OF [NDS A. B. t~I?MBdISTRATION Description: This program will provide for continuing the adminis- tration of the CDBG program, including activities to coordinate the implementation of the CDBG program with Ote City's other rntnmunity development and planning activities. This project also includes the Fait Housing Program. "---- ...... y..,b.aua nuWU pwviUC 1Vr me aUnllnlsVaden OI the CDBG program city-wide. Eligibility: This project is eligible under Section 570.206 of Ute CDBG regulations. Benefit: This program provides for benefits to the persons and neighborhoods to be served by the above-described programs, Fiscal Year 1991-92: Project Funding: CDBG Program Administration $ 35,807 Fait Housing Program S 7.791 Subtotal: $ 43,598 Cazry t7ver: $ 60.(XYL Total: $103.600 SO RT tt~e ~,tnnrrA STaFFTt,. Description: This projeM involves the design and construction of streets, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks for specific sveets in the Southwest Cucamonga neighborhood. I.ocarion: The project will be undertaken at the following locations: 1. Construction of improvements for Sierra Madre Avenue, from Ninth Street to Chaffee SVee[. 6- s9 2. Construction of Improvements for Calaveras Avenue, from Ninth Street to Chaffee Street. 3. Design of Improvements for Calaveras Avenue, from Arrow Highway to Ninth Street. EligibiliTy: This project is eligible under Section 570.201(c) of the CDBG regulations. Benefit: The streets to be improved are located in an area 51 percent or more of whose residents are lower income. r.:___, v___ ,nn~ m Project Funding ~Y S 78,000 Carry Over: 5193.454 Total: 5271,454 C. SIDEWALK GRINDING Description: This project involves the grinding of displaced side- walks caused by trees. Location: The project will be undertaken at approximately 500 scattered sites. Eligibility: This project is eligible under Section 570.201(c) of the CDBG regulations. Benefit: The sidewalks to be repaired aze located in lower income azeas. Project Funding: 512,172 D. WHEELCHAIR R AMPS Description: Tlils project involves the retrofitting of wasting curbs • to aa:ommodate handicapped persons. The project will be done in three phases over three years. Location: The projeM will be undertaken at 75 locations ciTy- wide. Eligibility: This project is eligible under Section 570201(k). ~ ^-7- E. Benefit: The project will benefit the handicapped who are presumed by HUD to be low and moderate income persons. Project Funding; NEIGHBO uOO $11,410 D Description: R This project will provide emergency handicapped access from existing rooms through existing patio area [o Malvern Street and enhance existitg landscape around handicapped pazldng and access azeas, and yr %•.~.~ ~~ vi.uibLL ~i wl VLLWWI 6GLLVlly ales, patio, and additional pazlcing. Location: Rancho Cucamonga neighborhood center 9791 Arrow Highway and adjacent lot 9807 Arrow Highway. Eligibility: This project is eligible under Section 570201(c) of the CDBG regulations. Benefit: The facility to be improved services a predominately low/moderate income azea. Project Funding: 567,777 HISTORIC PRESE RVATION INCEN'I'IVSS Description: Historic Preservation grants and loans would be procidcd to awvers of historic properries for the eliminator of conditions detrimental to public health and safety as defined by local codes and health ordinances. Location: The program would be offered city-wide. Eligibility: TLis project is eligible under Section 570.202 of the CDBG regulafions. Benefit: All loans and grants would be used for the eli©ina- tion of conditions detrimental to public health and safety, in order, to meet the eligibility criteria of preventing or eliminating spot blight. Project Funding: 5120,000 ~~ -8- G. HOA2E I'~iPROVF Description: There are three proposed components to the Housing Rehabilitation Program: ]. The Low-Interest Loan Program would provide amortised low-interest loans of up to $20,000 to owners ofsingle-family residences occupied by lower-income persons. 2. The Deferred Loan Program would provide non•amortised loans of up to 515,000 to senior citizens, households heariP~t >,; ',.a-yi;:,yyou persons and very-low income families who are owner~ccvpants of single-family residences. The loans would be due and payable upon sale of the homo, 3. The Homc Rehabilitation Grant Program would provide grams of up to 55,000 to lower- inmme owner-occupants of singlafamily resi- H. deuces. Location: All programs would be available city-wide. Eligibility: This projeM is eligible under Section 570.202 of the CDBG regulations. Benefit: Ali loans and grants would be used for the rehabilita- tion of residences occupied by lower-incomc howe- holds. Project Funding: 5160,043 GRA>'"f'I'PI REM OVAL. Description: This project involves the removal of graffiti from single-family residences. Location: The project will be implemented on an as-needed basis at various eligible locations. Eligibility: This project is eligible under Section 570-201(ej of the CDBG regulations. -9- Benent: The projeM will eliminate blight causing influences from low/moderate income neighborhoods. ProjeM Funding: §20,D00 L LANDLO N NT D AT10N Description: This projeM will provide landlord tenant dispute mediation services and provide information and referral to City residents. Location Services will be provided through Inland Mediation }hard d9n 11ii.r~h t.mn.. n....,.._ i.-..___ .. ::: : - .... ara o 91764. Services will be available City-wide. Eligibility; This projeM is eligible under Section 570201(e) of the CDBG regWations. Benefit: This projeM will service a limited clientele at Least 51 percent of whom are low or moderate income per- sons. ProjeM Funding: § S•000 Grand Total: §518,000 -10. (p3 L7 - FOTFN7'itil IMPACTS TO r r rz y erNC snrn PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES Under federal Executive Order, the Ciry of Rancho CLcamonga is required to protect tloodplains and to reduce the risk of losses from floods by not conducting, supporting, or allowing activities to take place in floodplalns unless the activities constitute the only practical alternatives to meeting community needs. Although most of the water courses in the City have been channeled to reduce flood hazards, there aze some azeas which are potentially subject to flooding in a 100-year flood. As indicated on We map attached as Figure i, several of [he proposed activities are to be undertaken in floodolain areas at mar f^r .1^^ --_ _ . .. r.w uouii. Tnese ^ct;.;G~, aae designed to alleviate tha deterioration of public and private property already located in the floodplain. Therefore, these activities do not directly or indirectly support development within the floodplain. Staff of the Planning Division of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has assessed the long- and short-term risks of undertaldng the activities within the floodplaias, and has assessed mitigadoa measures which may be included in the design of the activities. Public notice of the intention to undertake activities within the floodplain was published in the local newspaper to provide citizens the opportunity to comment upon the activities. Notices were also provided to interested public agencies. SOUTHN'FST J AtitON A STRFF'r rr.mnnarcA.rc~rm Staff considered in previous years altematives to providing public improvements in areas of Southwest Cltcamonga located in identified flood hazazd Zones, Ali street improvemenu proposed for funding through the 1997.92 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) have previously been reviewed and approved by [he City Courcu. The Council has previously made a &zding that the street improvement activities which are proposed for the 1991.92 CDBG program aze the most practical and desirable alternatives, and that adequate mitigation measures have been identified and designed into the projects. The design, location, and size of [he projects have not changed subsequent to the fording. Therefore, no new fording is required. HOME IMPROVEMENT PRO txnM HIcTORI PR SERVATION INCENTIVE - _ '11te Council has also made a previous finding that the Home Improvement Program and Historic Preservation Incentives Program aze the most practical and desirable alternatives, and that adequate mitigation measures have been identified and -1t- cP designed into the projects. However, adding addidoaal funding to these ongoing programs requires a new Ending, Staff corsideted alternatives to undertakitg these activities in the floodplain areas and found them impractical and undesirable. One alternative would be to exclude properties in these areas from the programs. This would leave residences in these areas which aze occupied by lower-income persons unprotected from the deteriora- tionwhich may otherwise result from the deferred maintenance likely to occur where financial assistance for home improvements is unavailable. Excluding historic properties from the program would similarly [ail to protect such properties. The other alternative, removing the structures from the floodplain, is clearly impractical. ~- -- --- -- -_e-•_ ~~~-• •••••-••~ •.•.Y.ww.J• euu~iuaca wwcu arc w oe rehabuitatea under these programs, Ute City may require that owners of properties located in flood hazard areas show evidence of federal flood insurance coverage before rehabilitation assistance is provided. FINDING In order to approve operating the Housing Rehabilitation Program and Historic Preservation Incentives Program within the floodplain the ~ty Council must find that: It is necessary to undertake the activities in the floodplain in order to protect residences occupied by lower-inmme persons and historic properties from the deterioration which may otherwise result from the deferred maintenance likely to ocwr where financial assistance for repairs and improvements is unavail- able. 2. .Adequate measnres designed to nii[igalc the risk of property loss which may result from undertaking the activities have been identified and included is the operation of the aMivities. 3. The activities conform to applicable state and regional floodplain manage- ment standards, -12- `yt 'rJ ®~oo rug noon ~ouro~r CITY OF RArK,'I-IO CLJCAMONGA PLANNING DIVtSICxV ~~ V ~1 NORi1i ~~ Tom, Flood Channel F'IGURS: ~ SCALE: None VII .STATEMENTS OF POLICY - A. CITIZENS' PARTICIPATION PLAN The City of Rancho Cucamonga encourages and solicits the participadon of its residents in the process of identifying projects for funding througb the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. The City will, in conduMing the CDBG Program, follow this Citizens' Participation Pian. Outreach' The City of Rancho Cucamonga encourages citizen participation; with a particulaz emphasis on participadon by persons of .c..- :...d n;:,:;,:.at~-iuwwc auu ~esiueuu ui neighborhooas wmen are experiencing physical deterioration. in order to reach as many residents and community groups as possible, letters will be sent to community organizations and individuals who have participated in the program or suggested projects in recent yeazs. In addition, a display advertisement will be published in the Daily Report at least a month prior to consideration of the preliminary statement. 2. Notice• T7te Ciry of Rancho G\tcamonga provides citizens with advanced notice of all meetings related to We CDBG program and makes copies of all related materials available for public review as soon as notice is given. Notice of the hearing on the Preliminary Statement of Community Development Objectives will be published in the Daily Report at least 10 days prior to the heating. 3. Te~hmcal Assistance. The City will publish the names and telephone numbers of staff familiar with the CDBG program who are available to answer questiow and help residents and community groups package a proposal. 4. Public Heatines. The City of Rancho Cucamonga uses public hearings to obtaia citizens' views and to respond to proposals and questions at all stages of the program. A hearing is held on the Preliminary Statement of Community Development Objectives at which the Ciry's housing and community development needs aze reviewed, past policies and programs are discussed, and each proposed project is explained. A preliminary selection of objectives and programs is then made and published for public review and coi:.ment. The hearing on the final grant application is held a month later. All hearings are duly noticed. Agendas and staff reports are available in advance. The meetings are held at City Hall, which is fully accessibie to the handicapped. / -.-7 -14- UJ 5. i~^gi`age Accessibiliri Several neighborhoods have substantial hispanic populations. At meetings where it is likely that the attendees will not be bilingual, the City will provide an interpreter to ensure that residents can understand and participate in the procedures. 6. Re~pnnsiv~enec~. Once projects Gave been funded and are tinder way, the City is committed to ensuring the satisfactory execution' of each project. Staff provides a timely response to aB written complaints, usually within 15 working days. B. RELOCATION PO .i .Y o. .,1... .~- -.~-emu ~ ..:.~:..~r to u ,. ~vbWYNVYJ ~V~V\\ui\e WG GAIICUWIW G Ul <.LDV lanLL1 require that the City establish a polity governing the provision of relocation assistance to any family, individual, business, non-profit organization or fain that results from implementation of its CDBG programs. It is the polity of the City [o avoid displacement of all families, individuals, businesses, non- profit organization and farms in carrying out its CDBG programs. No displacement is ezpeMed to result from the activities proposed for the 1991-92 program year. However, in the event that operation of any of the CDBG funded activities results in the voluntary or involuntary displacement of any family, individual, business, non-profit organization or farm (whether owner or renter) the City will provide relocation assistance in accordance with the standards and guidelines set forth in the federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act, Section 7260 (et seq.) of the Slate of California Government Code (Title 25, Chapter 6) and the guidelines issued by the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development, as applicable. The City will meet its relocation responsibilities through the use of iu s',yff and consultaaU, supplemented by assistance from local real[ors, social agencies, and civic organizations. It is the City's objective that all displaces be relocated with a minimum of hazdship in accommodations which are decent, safe, sanitary, and suitable to their individual needs; located in areas not less desvabte than their current location in regard to public utilities and public and commercial facilities; and reasonably accessible to their customers or places of employment and priced within their financial means. The City will handle those cases requiring relocation which result from implementation of CDBG activities on an individual case-by-case manner. Services provided to eligible displaces shalt include but not be limited to: Providing information on project activities, rights, benefits, and options open to them. / -15- (o • Maintaining liaison between displaces and agencies of fines with resources to assist them (e.g„ Chamber of Commerce, Small Business Administration, Office of Local Economic Development, lending institutions, realtors, etc.). • Locating, inspecting, evaluating, or stimulating the producKion of accommodations to meet the needs of all displaces. • Assisting displaces in obtaining financing. • Assisting displaces in securing priority consideration for rental assistance, public housing, or other housing assistance activities. • Malting referrals to appropriate social, Cmmunity, and welfaze agences. • Keeping records, maintaining files, and coordinating all relocation activities. • Providing all families, individuals, businesses, institutions, and farms which are displaced by CDBG funded activities with wri[ten notice of this polity, the types of services available to them, and the amount of relocation assistance for which they maybe eligible. (Payments will be in the amounts established by state and federal guidelines.) City staff and coasultanis will be available to atuwer questions and provide information, and, by their eazly involvement, to see that relocation proceeds with a minimum of hardship. C. RECID 'v'TLat ti*7T DICPi ~r`t=ti>;ti°r m py Section 104 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 requires each grantee to adopt, make public, and certify that it is following a residential anti-0isplacemen[ plan providing one-for-one replacement units in cases where residential units aze demolished as a wnsequence of an acivity funded through the CDBG program. The plan must include steps that will be taken to m~nim4e the displacement of persons from Weir homes resulting from any activity funded under We CDBG program. It is not anticipated that any demolition of residential structures will occur as a result of any of the activities proposed to be undertaken during the 1991-92 program year. However, in accordance wiW We Act, We City of Rancho Cucamonga establishes this Residential Anti-Displacement Plan. -16- ~9 The City of Rancho Cucamonga will replace all occupied and vacant occupiable lower-income dwelling units demolished or converted to a use other than as lower-income housing as a direct result of activities assisted with funds provided under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, as described in 24 CFR 570.606(b)(1). 2. .411 replacement housing will be provided within three yeazs of the commencement of the demolition or rehabilitation relating to conversion. 3, Before obligating or expending foods that wW duectly result in such ucuwliiiuu w wurL:3:J.-., 2.`.C rty ~f °_ .!`^ n!^a...nnoa will make public and submit to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development the following information in venting a. A description of the proposed activity. b. The general location on a map and the approximate number of dwelling units by number of bedrooms that will be demolished or converted to a use other than as lower-income housing as a direct result of the proposed activity. c. A time schedule for the commencement and completion of the demolition or conversion. d. The general location on a map and approximate number of dwelling units by number of bedrooms that will be provided as replacement dwelling units. e. The source of funding and a time schedule for the provision of replacement dwelling units. f. The basis for concluding that each replacement dwelling unit will remain alower-income dweiling unit for at least 10 years from the date of initial occupancy. D. CRITERIA FOR SUBSTAIaT'LAI CI-LANGE Federal regulations for the CDBG program require the City to notify affected citizem and provide them We opportunity to comment on any proposed activity which is added, deleted, or substantially changed in terms of purpose, scope, location, or beneSciaries following the submission of the Final Statement of Community Development Objectives and Projected Use of Funds to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The -17- Z~ regulations requve the t3ty to adept and make public its defirdtion of "substantial change." The GSty of Ranebo Ghcamonga shall rnnsider a "substantial change" to have occurred under the following circumstances: 1. The amount to be allocated to any activity is proposed to be increased or decreased from the amount in the F'mal Statement by more than 25 percent. 2. The la:ation of the a~.Kivity, or the target area or eligibility criteria of the program, is changed from that described in tha Final Statement. 3. Ao activity not included in the Final Statement is proposed for fimdino 4. An activity included in the Final Statement is proposed for elimination or cessation. Should the City Council cronsider a substantial change in any CDBG funded activity, the public will be notified and provided an opportunity to comment upon the proposed change. -18- ~/ L'III - CERITFi 9TT - Nti In accordance with the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, and with 24 CFR 570.303 of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) regulations, the City of Rancho Cucamonga certifies that: (a) It possesses legal authority to make a grant submission and to execute a community development and housing program. (b) The City Council has duly adopted a resolution authorizing the Mayor to submit the final statement and amendments, thereto, and all understandings and asSUrances Contained therein and d:rurti.,...,..a _...u_._:__ .,.. as in connection with the submission of the final statement and torprovide sucL additional information as may be required. (c) Prior to submission of its final statement to HUD, i[ has: 1. Met the citizen participation requirements of $570.301(b). 2. Yrepazed its final statement of Cmmunity development objectives and projected use of funds in accordance with §570.301(c) and made the fatal statement available to the public. (d) It is following a detailed citizen pazdcipation plan which: 1. Provides for and encourages citizen participation, with pazticular emphasis on participation by persons of low- and moderate-income who aze residents of slum and blighted areas and of aeeas in which funds aze proposed to be used and pro~tides for participation of residents in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods as defined by the City. 2. Provides citizens with reasonable and timely access to local meetings, information, and records relating to the grantee's proposed use of funds, as required by the regulations of the Secretary of HUD, and relating to the actual use of funds under the Act. 3. Provides for technical assistance to groups representative of persons of low- and moderate-income that request such assistance in devetoping proposals with We level and type of assistance to be determined by the grantee: 4. Provides for public hearings to obtain citizen views and to respond to proposals and questions at all stages of the rnmmunity development -19- 7~- program, including at least the deveiopmerd cf needs, the renew of proposed activities, and review of program performance, which hearings shall be held after adequate notice, at times and locations convenient to potential or actual beneficiazies, cad with accottunoda- tion for the handicapped; 5. Provides for a timely written answer to written complaints and grievances, within 15 worling days where practicable; and 6, Identifies how the needs of non-English speaking residents will be met in the case of public hearings where a significant number of non- English speaking residents can be reasonably expelled to participate. (e) The grant will be conducted and administerea m compuauuo with: 1. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Public Law 88- 352, 42 U.S.C. $20004 et a.). 2. The Fav Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601-20), (f) It will affirmatively further fair housing. (g) It has developed its final statement of projected use of funds so as to give maximum feasible priority to activides which benefit low- and moderate- income families or aid in the prevention or elit[ilnation of slums or blight; (the fmal statement of projected use of funds may atso include activities which the grantee certifies aze designed to meet other communiTy development needs having a pariculaz urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to Ute health or welfare of the community and other financial resources are not available); except that the aggregate use of CDBG funds received under section 106 of the Act, and if applicable, under section lOS of the Act, during the 1990.91 through 1992.93 program years, shall principally benefit persons of low- and moderate-income in a manner that ensures that not less than 70 percent of such Funds aze used for activities that benefit such persons during such period, (h) It has developed a community development plan, for the period specified in pazagraph 7 above, that identifies community development and housing needs and specifies both shoe and long term community development objectives that have been -20- 73 developed in accordance with the primary objective and requirements of the Act. (i) It is following: 1. A current housing affordability strategy which has been approved by HUD in accordance with Section lOS of the Cranston•Cionzalez National Affordable Housing Act; or 2. A housing assistance plan which was approved by IIUD during the 180 day period beginning November 28,1990, or during such longer period as may be prescribed by the Secretary in any case for good cause. (j) It will not attempt to recover any capiuu c;.aW ^f nnfilic improvements assisted in whole or fn part with funds provided under Section 106 of the Act ar with amounts resulting from a guarantee under Section 108 of the Act by assessing any amount against properties owned and occupied by persons of low- and moderate-income, including any fee charged or assessments made as a condition of obtaining access to such public improve- ments, unless: 1. funds received under Section 106 of the Act aze used to pay the proportion of such fee or assessment that relates to the capital costs of such public improvemenu that aze financed from revenue sources other than under Title I of the AM; or 2. for purposes of assessing any amount against properties owned and occupied by persons of moderate income, the grantee certi5es to the Secretary that ii tacks sufficient funds received under SeMion 106 of the AM to comply with We requiremenzs of subparagraph (a) above. (k) Its notification, inspection, testing, and abatement procedures concerning lead•based paint will comply with $570,608. (1) It will comply with the acquisition and relocation requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Yoliries Act of 1970 as requved under §570.606(a) and federal implementing regulations; the requirements in §570.fi06(b) governing residential anti-displacement and reloption assistance plan under Section 104(d) of the Act (including a certification that the grantee is following such a -21- 7~ pl^a); *~e relocation rcquiremen*s of §570.606(c1 governing displacement subject to action 104(k) of the Act; and ilta relocation requirements of §570.606(d) governing optional relocation assistance under Section 105(a)(11) of the Act. (m) It has adopted and is enforcing: 1. A policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individuals engaged innon-violent civil rights demonstra- tions; and 2. A policy of enforcing applicable state and local laws agaiui Nu~;,~.~:.."~ ~`='^^o ^nrrance t0 OT exit f[Om a facility or location which is the subject of such non- violent civil rights demonstration within its jurisdiMian; (n) To the best of its knowledge and belief: 1. No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of it, to a~ petson for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement; 2. If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Membe: of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congers in connection with this federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperativc agreement, it witl complete and submit Standazd Form-I.f.I., "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instmctions; and 3. It will require that the language of paragraph (n} of this certification be included in the award documents for a1 subawazds at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative _22. 75 agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclox accordingly. (o) [t will or will continue to provide a dmg-free workplace by: 1. I'ubl'ah=ng a statement notifying employees that the ' unlawful manufacture, distribudoty dispensing, posses- sion, or nse of a conholled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibi- tion -^, w°.-,L,1' 1,` ., d.. G. nm~em en infnem employees about: a. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace. b. The City's polity of maintaining adrug-free workplace. o. Any available drug wututling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and d. The penalties that may be impoxd upon employ- ees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace. 3. Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy cf the statement required by paragraph 1. 4. Notifying the employee in the statement requited by paragraph 1 that, as a condition of employment under the graztt, the employee will: a. abide by the terms of the statement; and b, notify the employer of any criminal drug statute corniction for a violation occurring in the work- place no later than five days after such convic- tlnn. 5. Notifying the agency in writing, within ten calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph 4(b) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such -~- convicdou. );mplcye:s of aanv;~~ted employees must provide notice, including position title, to every gent officer or other desigtee on whose gent activity dte convicted employee was working, unless the federal agenry has designated a central point for the receipt of such notices. Notice shall include the identification number(s) of each affected gent: 6, Taking one of the following actions, within 30 calendar days of receiving notice under subpazagaph 4(b), with respect to any employee who is so convicted. (a) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up W ailu wwua..:.^p ~_!!^t*~Afiftn. consistent with the requirements of the Rehabili- tation Act of 1973, as amended; or (b) Requiringsuchemployeetoparticipatesatisfacto- rily in a dmg abuse assistance or rehabilitation progam approved for such purposes by a federa4 state or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency; Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of paza- gaphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. 8, The gantee may insert in the space p*ovided below the site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with the specific gent: Place of Performance: Rancho Cucamonga City Hall 9320 Base Line Road and 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Check X. if there are workplaces on file that are not identified here; and (P} It will comply with the other provisions of the Act and with other applicable laws. 11/90 -24- 7~ PESOLUTION NO. 9/' /~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COVNC IL OP THE CL'ft G7 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTZNG TNB PINAL STATEMENT OP COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 00JPGTIVES :ND PROJECTED USE OF FUNDS FOR THE COMMUNITY OHVELOPMENT BUOCK GRANT PROGRAM FDA PROGRAM YEAR 1991-92 WREAEAS, the City Of Poncho Cucamonga ie as Entitlement City under the regal ations govern ing the Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, notice of the availability of funds for eligible pxojecte aaa pubs ished in The Inland Daily Bulletin newspaper and mailed to interested community groups; and WHEREAS, the City staff nos w~~_,_ :znooeals for projects and programs from vox ioue organisations; and WHERBA3, on April 3, 1991, the City Council heard public testimony and received all pu611c input regarding the City's Community Development Block Grant Program for the 1991-92 Yiacal year; and WHEREAS, the City Councll has considered the potential environmental impacts of each project and hoe reviewed all possible alternatives and mitigation measures included Sn each. NoW, THEREFOAE, the City council of the City of Aancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve and take the Hollowing actions: 1. Adopt the Final Statement of Community DevelopmenC Objectives end Projected Use of Funds (Final Statement) for program year 1991-92 and make all findings, determinations, and eertif ications, and adopt all pol ides therein; and 2. -. -..t the following projects end programs to be funded aut of ihe~City'a 1991-92 Community Development Block Grant award: Project/Yrograa Adminiatratlon Street Reconstruction Sidewalk Grinding Wheelchair Ramps Neighborhood Center Historic Pxeeerv at ion Home Improvement Program GYaf titi RemaV al Landlord/ Tenant Mediation TOTAL Amount S 43,590 70,000 12, 172 11x410 67,777 120,000 160,043 20,000 5, 000 5510,000 7~ CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. CDBG FINAL STMT. OF CONM. DEV. OBJ. 1991-92 May 1, 1991 Page 2 3. Determine that the proposed projects are the moat environmentally desirable and that adequate mitt gation has been included in each to avoid significant environmental impacts under the Nnt ional Environmental Protection Act (NEPA)L and 6. Determine that all of the proposed projects are exempt from environmental review under the Californ la Bnvironmen tai Quality Act (Section 153D1 of the CEQA Guidelines )j and 5. Authorize the Mayor tc sign the application for the City's program year 1991-92 Community Development slack Grani Entitlement Allocation, to eu4ofr rho Ft..t c _ Amendmen to thereto, and all wderetandinge and assurances contained therein, and to act in connection with the aubmieslon of the Final Statement and to provide auch additimal information as may be requirtmi. 79 - CITY OF RANCHO C[ICAMONGA STr~FF ItE~'UKT DATE: May 1, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager (~'- SUBJECT: STATUE RBPORT OM CABLE TELEVISION iNR7'1r.1,am?nv .m _°~'.."-'Y, wix'nin NANCNO CQCAMONGA eackaround in the City's continuing effort to insure ^-bla television franchise compliance, staff contacted, by letter, the five school districts that serve the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The purpose of the letter was to remind the districts that, as a requirement of the franchise agreement between the City and cable companies, the local cable television operators are required to provide one free drop and free basic cable service to all government and public buildings within the company's Initial Service Area (ISA). The ISA is the geographic area of the City identified in the City's Franchise Agreement by a map. The letter asked the superinten- dents to check with their respective schools within their districts to confirm whether or net the schools have cable service or wish to have the service. Pollow-up telephone calls were made to each district and letters were received from each. A factor that has complicated insuring that all schools receive cable television, is the line extension issue. If the schools are in excess of 200 feet from the cable television line, then the cable company is not required to provide cable to the school. However, the schools still have the option of paying the additional cost to extend the cable line beyond the 200 feet to the applicable school. Additionally, the cable companies have the other option of providing cable television service as a community service to the school, even though the school is a distance in excess of 200 feet from the cable lines. Exhibit D of the franchise agreement provides the following information about free drop and free basic cable service. Cable TV Installation at Schools May 1, 1991 Page 2 Grantee will provide one free drop and free basic cable service to all government and public buildings within the ZSA. Grantee will provide more than one drop and internal wiring at Grantee's cost. Exhibit A of the franchise agreement provides the following ---a--a- -••v ~ ..ua.. awo ua v~. ~uae ax btl~~tl lUfl. When 20o feet or more of cable is required to reach the entry point of a dwelling Prom an existing distribution cable, service will be provided pursuant to the line extension policy. When a dwelling unit requesting service ie subject to this Line Extension Policy, the owner of the dwelling unit may, as a condition of receiving service, be required to pay all material, labor and overhead costs associated with the construction required. Analysis Staff has been in contact with the school and the cable companies tc determine which schools have cable connections and which ones do not. Staff believes that the attached table is accurate, and can be used to facilitate any questions concerning any school site. A letter was mailed that notified all of the school districts about this item being scheduled for the May 1, 1991 City Council meeting. JBF/tlr JBF:431 Attachment V CITY O7 RA7®O COCA710NCA CARL[ TELiVISI011 LISSINO Ot BERVID AND DIISRIVED BCNDDLB APRZL 2N, iS91 INITIAL NERVICE DCA 8t14anda Sduc. Center Not SBrvad -CA Baet Avenue Not Served DCA Summit Elementary Not Served DCA Windrows Elementary Not Served DCA 6tiwanda 6lementery Served Alta Loma School Diat. DCA carnelian Not 9erv0d DCA Jaernr Rlamanta r_v ae...en CCA Victoria CroVae Sarved DCA Deer Canyon Not Sarved DCA Alta Lama Blementaty Served Central School Diet. DCA Seat Gulch Served DCA Cucamonga Jr. High Served -CA Coyote Canyon Not Served DCA Central Not Served DCA Dona Marcel Not Served Cucamoncs school Dlet. DcA Cucamonga Elementary Served DCA Rancho Cucamonga Middle Not Served Chaffee Joint Onicn 6ehool Diet. DCA Etiwanda High School Not Served DCA Aita Lena Sigh Schccl lJot Sarva3 S~NOOLS_SENVSD BY SIMMONS Par DCA will be installed within one month Served by Simmons Par DCA excaede 200 ft. line extension. Simmons may be willing to work out a deal with DCA. Sarved Dy Nimmons Line Extension 200 ft, Awaiting eenetruct ion of new wing. Alt Lama S hoof Diet N immone Hermosa Served SSmmone Alta Loma Junior High Not Served S immmone Stork Not Served S immona Vineyard Junior Nigh Served Nimmons Caryn Elementary Not Served Pending SCNOOLS SNRVED BY C-lSCANT 4~O!ltral Sehool Diet. Comcaet Valle VS eta Not served Cucamonga School Diat. Comcaet Loe amigos Serves V I yr xwrvuxu uuuwm~rvuw ME~O~N~UI~~ DATE: Hny 1, 1993 TO: NayoT and HambBrs of tAe City Council vvnv. ,; ~.-. „~~~ ..• u~pucy ui[y C1YZ~kkk//// /IM~~ SDBJECT: j$em^D33VOn_COnsent Calender~May 1._1993 Council Asenda This memo ie to edviee that in the title shown for Resolution No. 91-116, Item D13 on the Consent Calendar, the last line should read "for Farcel 1 of Earcal Map 7441", ineteatl of ^for 5786 Haven Avenue°. Tae Iieeolution in the package itself has Lhe correct wording on lt. /m CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA :~E~ox~:~~u~a Date: May 1,1991 To: Mayor, City Council and City,Mgnager J / 7 By:~ Mike Long, Supervising Pul~ic~Vorka Inspector Subject: Acceptence of the Rochester Ave. Parkway Beantifirntnn _ __ _ Project, City Council '§ ` Staff respectfully requests that the subject item om consideration at this evening's meeting. The project has not been completed per the conditions of the contract.