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1999/10/06 - Agenda Packet
CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA iREGULAR MEETliNGS 1 st and 3rd 'Wednesdays - 7:00 p.m. October 6, 1999 Civic Center Council Chambers 1050(i Civic Center iDrive Rancho Cucamonga,. CA 91730 City Councilmembers William J. Alexander, Mayor Diane Williams, Mayor Pro Tem Paul Biane, Councilmember James V. Curatalo, Councilmember Bob Dutton, Counci'hnember Jack Lain, City Manager James L. Markman, C~!ty Atto.rney Debra J. Adams, C'~!ty Clerk City Office: 47%2700 City Council Agenda October 6, 1999 All items submitted for the City Council Agenda must be in writing. The deadline for submitt:ing these items is 6:'00 p.m. on Tuesday, one week prior to the meeting. The City Clerk's Office receives all such items. Roll Call: A. CALL TO ORDER Alexander __ , Biane ...... Curatalo. _, Dutton ....... and Williams~ B. ANNOUNCEM ENTSIPRESENTATIONS Presentation of a Proclamation proclaiming October 19, 1999, as National Catholic Daughters of the Americas Day. Presentation of Appreciation Awards to the Sponsors and Steering Committee members for the 1999 Summer Performing Arts Academy. C. COMMUNIC:ATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC This is the time and place for the general public to address the City Council. State law prohibits the City Council from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The City Council may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual. D. CONSENTCALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Councilmember or member of the audience for discussion. Approval of Minutes: August 23, 1999 (Special Meeting) September 1, 1999 S, eptember 15, 1999 Approval of Warrants, Register Nos. 918/99, 9/15/99 and 9/22/99, and Payroll ending 9/16/99, for the total amount of $2,935,299.11. Approval of Alcoholic Beverage Application 'for Off-Sale General for Albertsons, Albertsons, Inc.. (transfer of license), 11428 Kenyon Way. Approval of Alcoholic Beverage Application for Off-Sale General for Albertsons, Albertsons, Inc. (transfer of license), 6351 Haven Avenue. Approval of Alcoholic Beverage Application for On-Sale General for Mai Thai Cuisine, Sukul Kassara, (transfer of license), 7890 Haven Ave., Unit 15 and 16. 16 18 2O City Council Agenda October 6, 1999 10. 11~ 12. Approval of the plans and specifications for the Rancheria Drive Street Improvement, and authorize the advertising of the "Notice Inviting Bids," to b.e funded from Community Development Block Grant funds, Account No. 28-4333-9923. RESOLUTION NO. 99-214 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "RANCHERIA DRIVE STREET IMPROVEMENTS"' IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO, ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS Approval of Mills Act: Agreement - 99-02 (CO 99-085) - Katherine Davis - A request to implement the use of the Mills. Act to reduce property tax on the Huber Ranch/Kalbach House, an historic landmark, located at 5991 Hellman Avenue - APN: 1062-232-2'1. Related file: Historic Landmark Designation 99-03. Approval of Historic Landmark Designation - 99-03 ~.~ Katherine Davis - An application to designate the HubedKalbach House as a Local Landmark, located at 5991 Hellman Avenue- APN: 1062-232- 21. Related file: Mills Act: Agreement 99-02. RESOLUTION NO. 99-215 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA., APPROVING H~STORIC LANDMARK 99-03 TO DESIGNATE THE HUBER RANCH/KALBACH HOUSE AN HISTORIC LANDMARK, LOCATED AT 5991 HELLMAN AVENUE AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 1062-232-21 Approval of authorization to purchase computer hardware and software for the Citywide Downstream Pro9ram Upgrade and Replacement from ,Jadtec, Unitek Tech,. VLSsystems, and PC System Design as the lowest responsible bidders in the amount of $267,800 from Account No. 74-4225-70,47 as approved in FY 99/2000 budget. Approval to reappropriate $13,840 in funds awarded by' the United States Department of Justice Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program. Approval to sell eight surplus patrol bicycles to Ontario Mills Security. Approval of DARE Memorandum of Understanding for Fiscal Year 1999/2000 (CO 99-086). 22 24 29 29 46 62 63 64 66 City Council Agenda October 6, 1999 13. 14. 15. Approval to appropriate $23,000 from Fund 74 (Computer Equipment Replacement and Usage) and to award and execute a Professional Services Agreement with General Electric Supply (CO 99-087) for an amount not to exceed $23,000, to provide Y2K complaint Touch Pad Lighting Controls for parks sports lights to be funded through A/C 74-4225-3950 ($4,600), and 74-4225-7047 ($18,400). Approval to release Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement for 5291 Sapphire Street, located at the northeast corner of Sapphire Street and Vicara Drive, submitted by James A. Brown and Joyce Brown. RESOLUTION NO. 99-216 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO, CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RELEASING A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT FROM JAMES A. BROWN AND JOYCE BROWN Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security, Agreement with Flood Control District, Estoppel Agreement (CO 99- 088) and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. I and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2 for Tract: 13951, located on the east side of Beryl Street north of Manzanita Drive and west of Hellman Avenu~e, submitted by CCRC 30, LLC. RESOLUTION NO. 99-217 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TRACT MAP NUMBER 13951, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY RESOLUTION NO. 99-2:18 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY O'F RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA., APPROVING AGREEMENTS WITH SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT AND THE DEVELOPER REGARDING THE TRANSFER OF EASEMENTS FROM THE DISTRICT TO THE C~TY WITHIN TRACT 13.951 69 70 72 73 76 77 City Council Agenda October 6, 1999 4 16. 17. 18. RESOLUTION NO. 99-219 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY' COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRI:TORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND STREET UGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR TRACT 1.3951 Approval of Map, Improvement AgreemenL Improvement Security, and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 7 for Tract 14381, located on the north side of Wilson Avenue west of Etiwanda Avenue, submitted by Mastercraft Homes and Gen, era~ Electric Capital Corporation RE:SOLUTION NO. 99-220 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA., APPROVING TRACT MAP NUMBER 14381, ~MPRO,VEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPRO.VEMENT SECURITY RESOLUTION NO. 99-221 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND '7 FOR TRACT 14381 Approval to award and authorization for execution of Contract for the Haven Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation, located from Lemon Avenue to Wilson Avenue, to All American Asphalt (CO 99-089), in the amount of $323,906~00 ($294,459.77, pllu$10% contingency) to be funded from Measure I funds, Account No.. 32-4637-9808. Approval to appropriate $70,000 from Fund 21 - Beautification (A/C) 21-4647-9813 and award and authorization for execution, of Contract for Construction of Landscaping and Irrigation for the Metrolink Corridor Beautification Project, between Archibald and Haven Avenues, to Nature Tech Landscaping, inc. (CO 99-090) in the amount of $250,423.00. ($227~657.00 plus 10% contingency) to be funded from Community Development Beautification Fund, Account No. 21-4647-9813 and Prop. 111 Fund, Acco,unt No. 't0-4637-9813. 78 81 83 84 87 88 City Council Agenda October 6, 1999 19. 20. Approval and execution of License Agreement between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and San Bernardino Associated Governments (CO 99-091) for the installation, operation and maintenance of improvements for the Metrolink Corridor Beautificat:ion Project between Archibald and Haven Avenues, Approval to award and authorize the execution of the Professional Services Agreement (CO 99-092) for the Construction Survey of the Foothill Boulevard (SR 66) Medians, Phase I, to the apparent low bidder, SB&O, in the amount of $16,115.00 ($14,650.00 plus 10% contingency) to be funded from Measure 'T' Funds, Account No. 32- 4637-9824. 90 91 E. CONSENT ORDINANCES The following Ordinances have had public hearings at the time of first reading. Second readiings are expected to be routine and non- controversial. They will be acted upon by' the Council at one time without discussion. The City Clerk will read the rifle. Any item can be removed for discussion, DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 99~03 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to require wireless communication providers to install facilities that would not interfere with the City's 800 MHZ public safety radio communications system. ORDINANCE NO. 609 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF' THE CITY' OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 99-03, AMENDING TITLE 17 OF THE RANCHO C:U. CAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING A SECTION TO CHAPTER 17.26, EST'ABLISHING PERFORMANCE STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITI ES CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE REGARDING THE CITY_ SEAL AND LOGO ORDINANCE NO.. 610 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE: OF THE CITY COUNCI, L OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA,. CALIFORNIA, REGARDING THE CITY SEAL AND LOGO AND AMENDING THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE 92 94 City Council Agenda October 6, 1999 F. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required by law. The Chair will open the meeting t:o receive public testimony. No Items Submitted. G. PUBLIC HEARINGS The following requirements. testimony. items have no legal publication or posting The Chair will open the meeting to receive public No Items Submitted. H. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the Chair may open the meeting for public input. No Items Submitted. I. COUNCIL BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the City Council for discussion. They are not public hearing items, although the Chair may open the meeting for public input:. UPDATE ON ACTIVITIES AND PARTICIPATION AT THE SPRUCE AVENUE PARK SKATE FACILITY CONSIDERATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL PARK AND RECREATION SUBCOMMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION FOR CURRENT VACANCY ON THE COMMISSION (oral report) 96 J. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING This is the time for City Council to identify the items they wish to discuss at the next meeting. These items will not be discussed at this meeting, only identified for the next meeting. K. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC This is the time and place for the general public to address the City Council. State law prohibits the City Council from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Council may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual. City Council Agenda October 6, 1999 L. ADJOURNMENT I, Debra J. Adams, City C~erk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on September 30, 199.9, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. August 23, 1999 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Special Meetinq. A. CALL T'O ORDER A special meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council was held on Monday, August 23, 1999, in the Td Communities Room of the Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 4:50 p.m. by Mayor William J. Alexander. Present were Councilmembers: Paul Biane, James Curataio, Bob Dutton, Diane Williams and Mayor William J. Alexander. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; James Markman, City Attorney; Rick Gomez, Community Development Director; Diane O'Neal, Assistant to the City Manager; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. B. ITEM OF DISCUSSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF INITIATION OF LITIGATION PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (c) (1 case) Mayor Alexander reported this item would ~oe discussed in executive session. C. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC No communication was made from the public. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m. to an executive session to discuss the initiation of litigation per Government Code Section 54956.9(c) (1 case).. It was announced at the concl,usion of the executive session that the City unanimously voted to file a lawsuit against the County of San Bernardino over their decision to amend the. County General Plan to remove important cooperative language concerning planning and development within the City's Sphere of Influence. It was reported the suit was filed to protect the City's interest:s while the City engages the County in meaningful dialog to alleviate the City's concerns. Staff was, also given direction to begin dialog with property owners to negotiate suitable annexation agreements. City Council Minutes August 23, 1999 Page 2 Executive session adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Approved: * Respectfully submitted, Debra J. Adams, CMC City Clerk September 1, 1999 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MI!NUTES Regular Meeting A,, CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council was held on Wednesday, September 21, 1999, in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order' at 7:02 p.m. by Mayor William J. Alexander. Present were Council Members: Paul Biane, James Curatalo, Bob Dutton, Diane Williams, and Mayor William J. Alexander. Also present were: Duane Baker, Acting City Manager; Mitch Slagerman, Sr. RDA Analyst; Rick Gomez, Community Development Director; Brad Bullet, City Planner; Joe O'Neil, City Engineer; Dave Blevins, Public Works Mtce. Manager; Kevin McArdle, Community Services Director; Jenny Haruyama, Management Analyst I; Sid Siphomsay, Information Systems Analyst; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. B. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS It was announced that the proclamations would not be presented until September 15, 1999. B2. Mayor Alexander presented a proc:lamati.on and certificates to representatives of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints for their volunteer efforts regarding the Haven Avenue Improvement Project. C. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC C1. Dennis Green, Caltrans Public Affairs and Construction Liaison, stated they will be hosting a town hall meeting to be held on September 16, from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the County Government Building. He had fliers which were distributed. D. CONSENT CALENDAR Duane Baker, Acting City Manager, stated the Quakes have requested that item 13 be removed and that it will come back at: a future meeting. D1. Approval of Minutes: August 4, 1999 August 10, 1999 (Adjourned Meeting) City Council Minutes September 1, 1999 Page 2 D2. Approval of Warrants, Register Nos. 8/11/99 (98/9.9), 8/11/99 (99/00, 8/18/99 (99/00) and Payroll ending 8/1/99 and 8/15/99 for the total amount of $3,222.393.12. D3. Approval for authorizing the advertising of "Notice Inviting Bids" for the construction of landscaping and irrigation for the Metrolink Corridor Beautification project between Archibald and Haven Avenues, to be funded from Account Nos. 21-4647-9813 and 10-4637-9813. RESOLUTION NO. 99-194 A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA., APPROV,ING. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE METROLINK CORRIDOR BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT BETWEEN ARCHIBALD AND HAVEN AVENUES IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS D4. Approval of the plans and specifications for the Vineyard Avenue Bus Bays (4 locations) and authorize the advertising of' the "Notice Inviting Bids," to be funded from Measure I funds, Account No. 32-4637-9926 RESOLUTION NO. 99-195 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "VINEYARD AVENUE BUS BAYS (4 LOCATIONS)" IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS D5. Approval of revised banner policy eliminating limit to number of banners to be displayed annually per location. D6. Approval of street banner applications and schedule for Fiscal Year 1999/2000. D7. Approval to appropriate $109,920.00 for Fund 23-4637-9120 for General City Master Plan Drainage Reimbursement Agreements for FY 199912000 and to appropriate $12,970.00 for Fund 19- 4637-9120 for Eftwanda Area Master Plan Drainage Reimbursement Agreements for FY 1999/2000. D8. Approval to appropriate $65,000.00 from the Fund Balance 82-1R to be placed in AD 82-1R, Account No. 93-4130-6028, approve and authorize the execution of the Contract Change Order No. 1 for the Fourth Street Pavement Rehabilitation and Storm Drain Project adding pavement grinding, AC paving and traffic control between Utica Avenue and Haven Avenue. D9. Approval of a request to summarily vacate a 6' wide easement for drainage purposes, V-165, located between Seventh and Sixth Streets, along the east side of the railroad spur crossing for 10401 Seventh Street and 10404 Sixth Street - APN 209-262-16 and 15. RESOLUTION NO. 99-..196 A RESOLUTION OF THE-: CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUMMARILY ORDERING THE VACATION OF 6' WIDE EASEMENT FOR DRAINAGE PURPOSES FOR APN: 209-262-16 & 15 City Council Minutes September 1, 1999 Page 3 D10. Approval of a request to substitute cash with a bond as security for utility undergrounding for Tract Map No. 15798, located south of Highland Avenue, east of East Avenue, submitted by Ryland Homes of California, Inc. RE:SOLUTION NO. 99-197 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REQUEST TO SUBSTITUTE CASH WITH BOND AS SECURITY FOR TRACT MAP 15798 Dll. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3B and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6 for Parcel Map 15234, located on the north side of Seventh Street between Utica Avenue and Toronto Avenue, submitted by Joy's For Us, Inc. RESOLU¥1ON NO.. 99-198 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 15234, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY RESOLU'rlON NO. 99-199 A RESOLUTION OF THE CI'T~,' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA,. ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3B AND STREET I..IGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR PARCEL MAP 15234 D12. Approval to award contract to Pageantry Productions (CO 99-077) for services for the 1999 Founder's Day Parade in the amount of $7,958.11. D13. Approval of an amondment to Section 25 of the 3mend'od and roctatod leaso agroomont (CO 92- 06'1) botweon tho City of Rancho Cucamonga and V'alloy Basob311 Club, Inc. relating to socurity (Amendmont No. 1 ITEM REMOVED FROM AGENDA. D14. Approval to award and authorize the execution of the Contract (CO 99-078) in the amount of $1,566,969.58 ($1,424,.517.80 ptus 10% contingency) for the construction of the Foothill Boulevard Medians, from Vineyard Avenue to Haven Avenue (excluding the portion between Hellman Avenue and Archibald Aven, ue) to the apparent low bidder,. Terra-Cal Construction, to be funded from Prop. 111 Fund, Account No. 10-4637-9707 and Measure I Fund, Account No. 32-4637-9707. D15. Approval to release the Faithful Performance Bond and accept a Maintenance Bond for landscape improvements for Tract 14534-2, located on the southeast corner of Victoria Park Lane and Rochester Avenue. RESOLUTION NQ 99-200 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 14534-2 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK City Council Minutes September 1, 1999 Page 4 MOTION: Moved by Dutton, seconded by Williams to approve the recommendations in the staff reports contained in the Consent Calendar with the exception of No.. 13. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. E. CONSENT ORDI:NANCES El. CONSIDERATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AM:ENDMENT 99-02 - CURRY BRANDAW ARCHITECTS - An application to change the Development District: zoning designation from Low Residential (2 -4 dwelling units per acre) to Low-Medium Residential (4 - 8 dwerling units per acre) for approximately 5.1 acres of Iand located on the southeast corner of Hermosa Ave. and 19 Street - APN: 1076-111-09. Related files: General Plan Amendment 99-02, Conditional Use Permit 99-.08, and Historic Landrn:ark Designation 99-02. Staff has prepared a Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance Nos. 607. ORDINANCE: NO. 607 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 99-02, A PROPOSAL TO CHANGE THE DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DESIGNATION FROM LOW RESIDENTIAL (2-4 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) TO LOW-MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (4-8 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE), FOR APPROXIMATELY 5~1 ACRES OF LAND, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HERMOSA AVENUE AND 19TM STREET, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 1076.-111-09 MOTION: Moved by Biane, seconded by Williams to waive full reading and approve Ordinance No. 607. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. F. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS CONSIDERATION OF FORMATION OF CITYWIDE COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT FOR THE FINANCING OF A PORTION OF CENTRAL PARK Staff report presented by Rick Gomez, Community Development Director. Council Member Biane asked about the mitigation measures.. Rick Gomez, Community Development Director,. stated there may be no mitigation if there is no habitat or species found. Council Member Dutton asked which species are being checked. Rick Gomez, Community Development Director, stated the kangaroo rat and the knat catcher. Mayor Alexander opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the City Councit was: Nancy Brinkley (989-9904), stated she was contacted in the survey regarding the park, but stated she has never seen the results of the survey. City Council Minutes September 1, 1999 Page 5 Rick Gomez, Community Development Director, stated the results have been in the newspaper and the Grapevine. Mayor Alexander stated she could contact Mr. Gomez for more information. MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Biane to, continue the public hearing and the item to February 2, 2000. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. No Items Submitted. No, Items Submitted, No Items Submitted'. G. PUBLIC HEARINGS H. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS I. COUNCIL BUSINESS J. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOiR NEXT MEETING Council Member Dutton stated he would like a report on the newly proposed high school on J1. Milliken and Banyan so the public can hear about the traffic circulation and public safety issues. K. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC No communications were made from the public. L. ADJOURNMENT MOTOIN: Moved by Dutton, seconded by Biane to adjourn. meeting adjourned at 7:19 p.m. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. The Respectfully submitted, Approved: ** Debra J. Adams, CMC City Clerk September 15, 1999 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Regular Meetin.q A. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council was held on Wednesday, September 15, 1999, in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center~ Iocated at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Ranch Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Mayor William J. Alexander. Present were, Councilmembers: Paul Biane, James Curat:alo, Bob Dutton, Diane Williams, and Mayor William J. Alexander. Also present were: Jack Larn, City Manager; James Markman, City Attorney; Linda Daniels, RDA Director; Jan Reynolds, RDA Analyst; Rick Gomez, Community Development Director; Brad Buller, City Planner; Joe O'Neil, City Engineer; Allen Brock, Plan Check Manager; Larry Temple, Administrative Services Director; Jim Frost, City Treasurer; Dave Moore, Recreation Superintendent; Paula Pachon, Management Analyst II; Deborah Clark, Library Director; Duane Baker, Assistant to the City Manager; Chief Dennis Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District; Captain Rodney Hoops, Rancho Cucamonga Police Department; and Debra J. Adams,, City Clerk. B. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS B1. Presentation of a Proclamation to the Allta Loma Little League Senior Division congratulating the team on becoming the District 21 and Sectional 6 Champions. B2. Presentation of a Proclamation to the Alta Lorna Little League Junior Division, congratulating the team on becoming the District 21 Champions. B3. Presentation of a Proclamation to the Big League Division congratulating the team on becoming the District 21 Champions. Mayor Alexander, for items B1, B2, & B3, presented the proclamations and introduced Doug Morris, the coaches, players and team members. B4. Rancho Cucamonga Police Department National Night Out Presentation and Contest Winners. Chief Rod Hoops, Police Department, talked about the National Night Out event and made a presentation to the contest winners. B5. Mayor Alexander presented proclamations to Betty McNay and Bob Dutton for their service to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Rancho Cucamonga Community Foundation. City Council Minutes September 15, 1999 Page 2 Councilmember Dutton also commended Betty McNay on the service she gave to the Foundation and the City~ C. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC C1. Jim Frost, City Treasurer, pointed out there are many opportunities for service clubs to make contributions to the community. C2. Carole Olson distributed a letter to the City regarding a notification they had received from the City stating they are in violation of the code. She read the letter into the record, which is on file in the City Clerk's office~. Mayor Alexander stated her concerns would be addressed.. D1. D2. amount of $2,479,858~66. D. CONSENT CALENDAR Approval of Minutes: August 18, 1999 Approval of Warrants, Register Nos. 8~5/99 and 9/1/99 and Payroll ending 8/29/99, for the total D3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule as of August 31, 1999. D4. Approval of Alcoholic Beverage Application for On-Sale General for Buddies, Guarnierii, N&L Nitar Corp., 8153 Aspen Ave.. Lawrence P. D7. Approval of a Resolution adopting the. Five-Year' Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 1999/00 through 2003/04 and Twenty-Year Transportation Plan beginning in Fiscal Year 1999/00 as required for Measure I funds and approval of e Resolution amending the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 1998/99 through 2002/03. RESOLUTION NO. 99-204 A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEARS 1999/00 THROUGH 2003/04 AND TWENTY-YEAR TRANSPORTATION PLAN BEGINNING IN FISCAL YEAR 1999/00 FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF MEASURE "1" FUNDS RESOLUTION NO. 99-202 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA,. AMENDING THE FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEARS 1998/99 THROUGH 2002/03 D6. Approval of Sheriff's Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Schedule "A." D5. Approval of Alcoholic Beverage Application for On-Sale Beer and Wine for No. 1 Again Restaurant, Tongshen Chen& Mei Ling Wang, 8270 Foothill Blvd. City Council Minutes September 15, 1999 Page 2, DS. Approval of a Resolution Ordering the Vacation of the south 33 feet of Victoria Street fronting the northerly boundary of Tentative Tract 15915 west of Etiwanda Avenue. RESOLUTION NO. 99-203 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TO BE VACATED THE SOUTH 33 FEET OF VICTORIA STREET FRONTING THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF TENTATIVE TRACT 159115 WEST OF ETIWANDA AVENUE D9. Approval of the Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security for CUP 97-03, located at the southwest corner of San Bernardino Road and Red Hill Country Club, submitted by Ralph Olivas. RESOLUTION: NO. 99-204 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR CUP 97-03 D10. Approval of Map and Ordering the Annexation to [.andscape Maintenance District No. 3B and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6 for Parcel Map 15268, located at the northeast corner of Elm Ave. and White Birch Drive, subrnitted by Smith Associates. RESOLUTION NO. 99-205 A RESOLUTION OF THE C~TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 15268 RESOLUTION NO. 99-206 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3B AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR PARCEL MAP 15268 D11. Approval of Map, Improvement Acjreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 2 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2 for Tract 15915, located south of Victoria Street west of Etiwanda Avenue, submitted by Woodside Homes of California, Inc. RESOLUTION NO. 99-207 A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TRACT MAP NUMBER 15915, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY RESOLUTION NO. 99-208 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 2 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS.. 1 AND 3 FOR TRACT 15915 City Council Minutes September 15, 1999 Page 4 D12. Approval of a contract with Brown, Diven, Hessell & Brewer, LLP (CO 99-079) for legal services in an amount not to exceed $8,250 ($7,500 plus 10% contingency) in connection with the dissolution of Community Facilities District 91-1 and Improvement Area No. 1, to be funded from Trust Fund Account No. 70-276-522, established by developer funds specifically for CFD 91-1. D13 Approval of a Resolution of Consideration initiating proceedings to dissolve Community Facilities District 91-1, to terminate the authority 1:o levy' associated taxes within the District boundaries and to set the time and date for public hearing. RESOLUTION NO. 99-209 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACTING IN iTS CAPACITY AS THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES Dt;STRICT 91-1 (VICTORIA COMMUNITY) OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, TO TERMINATE THE AUTHORITY TO LEVY SPECIAL TAXES WITHIN SUCH COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT D14~ Approval of a Resolution of Consideration initiating proceedings to dissolve Improvement Area No. 1 of Community Facilities District 91-1, to terminate the authority to levy associated taxes within the District boundaries, and to set the time and date for public hearing~ RESOLUTION NO. 99-210 A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY C:OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACTING IN ITS CAPACITY AS THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT 91-1 (VICTORIA COMMUNITY) OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, TO TERMINATE THE AUTHORITY TO LEVY SPECIAL TAXES WITHIN IMPROVEMENT AREA NO. t OF: SUCH COMMUNITY FACILIiTIES DISTRICT D15. Approval to authorize the City Er~gineer to ente~' into an Agreement with Associated Engineers, Inc. (CO 99-080), and Norris-Repke, Inc:. (CO 99-081) for public works construction inspection services in the amount of $40,0,00 for each firm to be funded from Accts. 01-4641-6028 and 10-4637-6028. D16. Approval to appropriate $85,595 from Fund 46, award and authorize the execution of the contract for the Adult Sports Complex Soccer Fields Rehabilitation Project to the lowest bidder, Opti~Gro (CO 99- 082) of Highland, California, in the amount of $155,595 ($141,450 plus 10% contingency) for the installation of new hybrid bermuda grass sod on the two soccer fields at the Adult Sports Complex, to be funded from Fund 46 Appropriation ($85,.595) and Fund 46~.4130-9929 ($70,000). D17. Approval to appropriate $28,410 to Account 74-4225-3950 and authorize execution of a contract for the purchase of a Replacement Fuel Management System from Milligan & Sons, Inc., (CO 99-083) in an amount not to exceed $28,410 ($.25,822 plus 10% contingency). D18. Approval of a Professional Services Agreement with SB&O, Inc. (CO 99-084) to provide Topographical Design Survey for proposed street improvements for eight different locations (see Vicinity Map) throughout the City, to be funded from the following account numbers: 10-4637-9907 Milliken ($5,005); 10-4637-9906 Base Line ($2,695); 32-4637-9928 Arrow ($880); 10-4637-9314 Carnelian ($4,015); 10-4637-9904 6~:h Street- Haven to Milliken (154,950); 10-4637-9905 6~h Street - Milliken to Hyssop ($6,325); 10-4637-9903 8th Street ($3,960); and 22-4637-9511 Etiwanda ($5,049). D19. Approval to authorize the execution of a Lease Renewal Agreement (CO 99-085) for temporary debris storage on Caltrans Property at Beryl an, d Highland Avenues. City Council Minutes September 15, 1999 Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. 99-211 A RESOLUTION Of THE C:ITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A LEASE RENEWAL AGREEMENT WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION D20. Approval to accept Improvements, release the Faithful Performance Bond, and file a Notice of Completion for improvements for Parc;el Map 14022, located on the northwest corner of Rochester Avenue and Foothill Boulevard, submitted by Lewis Development Company. RESOLUTION NO. 99-212 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 14022, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILliNG OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK D21. Approval to accept the Windrows Park and Paseo Walkway Li9hting Project, Contract No. 99-045, as complete, release the Bonds and authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final contract amount of $201,188.80. RESOLUTION NO. 99-213 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR WINDROWS PARK AND PASEO WALKWAY LIGHTING PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 99-045 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK MOTION: Moved by Dutton, seconded by Williams to approve the staff recommendations in the staff reports contained in the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. E. CONSENT ORDINANCES No Items Submitted. F. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS Fl. DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 99-03 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA- A request to require wireless communication providers to install facilities that would not interfere with the City's 800 MHZ public safety radio communications system. Staff report presented by Donald Granger, Planning Technician. Councilmember Biane asked a question about the City being compliant with the FCC. Brad Bulter, City Planner, stated the FCC has regulations that could immediately require the shut down in an emergency situation. He stated this only augments what the FCC already controls. City Council Minutes September 15, 1999 Page 6 Duane Baker, Assistant to the City Marlager, stated all the existing cell towers in Rancho Cucamonga currently cause no interference problems with the system. Councilmember Williams asked if we really need this ordinance because it makes sense that we would not do anything to cause interference. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated it is not uncommon to have communication towers once in awhile interfere with other systems. He stated althou;gh we do not have that happen in Rancho Cucamonga, we do know that from the WECA experience and other situatiions there are conflicts and that all of the providers try to work with each other to resolve t:hose. He stated in this case, having an ordinance on top of the FCC regulations gives an extra measure of protection for a community before it approves a tower. Councilmember Dutton asked if' we could really enforce this. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated yes we can. Mayor Alexander asked if we are within our legal jurisdiction to approve this ordinance. Jim Markman, City Attorney, stated yes we are. Councilmember Williams asked how we would know there is no one that would interfere. Duane Baker, Assistant to the City Marlager, stated there are periodic tests done through WECA and they ensure the system is operating. Mayor Alexander opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 609. ORDINANCE NO. 609 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 99~03, AMENDING TITLE 17 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE BY' ADDING A SECTION TO CHAPTER 17.26, ESTABLISHING PERFORMANCE STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Biane to waive full reading and set second reading of Ordinance No. 609 for the October 6, 1999 meeting. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. G. PUBLIC HEARINGS G1. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE REGARDING THE CI'FY SEAL AND LOGO Staff report presented by Duane Baker, Assistant to the City Manager Mayor Alexander opened the meeting for public hearing'. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. City Council Minutes September 15, 1999 Page ? Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 6t0. ORDINANCE NO. 610 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REGARDING THE CITY SEAL AND LOGO AND AMENDING THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE MOTION: Moved by Biane, seconded by Curatalo to waive full reading and set second reading of Ordinance No. 610 for the October 6, 1999 meeting. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. H. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS H1. CONSIDERATIION OF A RECOMMENDATION FROM THE PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGARDING THE SITE FOR AN OFF-LEASH DOG AREA IN THE CITY AND THE PROPOSED TERMS OF AGREEMENT W'I!TH THE FRIENDS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA POOCH PARK Staff report presented by Kevin McArdle, Community Services Director. Mayor Alexander opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the City Council were: Jose Callero, 7955 Layton, thanked the Council, Park and Recreation Commission and staff for the development of this project. He distributed material to the Council for their information. He presented information what they have done to get this as far as it has gone. He told about the tee shirts they had made and the money they collected by selling them. He talked about upcoming meetings they have set for further discussions. Harloc Jackson Associates mentioned materials he has found on the Internet regarding this subject and stated he has given this in[ormation to Mr. McArdle. He continued to comment on some of the information they had found on the Internet. He stated they felt this is a long time in coming.. He added that RCSPOT is wil,ling and able to support the Central Park ballot issue. He stated they are asking that five to six acres of Central Park be ,designated within the Central Park project as a pooch area. Councilmember Dutton asked what the reason was for the expanded area for Etiwanda Creek Park. Jose Callero stated the dogs need a long., straight stretch for running. Councilmember Dutton stated he liked their idea for Central Park and felt possibly this should be explored. There being no further response, the public hearing was closed. Councilmember Biane stated he supports this project and felt tile community needed this. He commended everyone who worked on this project Councilmember Curatalo stated he highly supports this also. He stated his only concern is the dogs running loose in the pooch park with the ,children also present and for their safety. Councilmember Willianns stated everyone who uses these pooch parks is very responsible. She suggested Curatalo go to the park in Claremont, City Council Minutes September 15, 1999 Page 8 Jose Callero stated they will have signs with regulations in order to keep the park safe. He stated they will have rangers in the parks also to make sure the rules are followed. MOTION: Moved by Curatalo, seconded by Dutton to approve both of the recommendations as suggested by the Park and Recreation Commission. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. Mayor Alexander felt they should work towards the Central Park site also I. COUNCIL BUSINESS I1. REPORT ON NEW HIGH SCHOOL AT MILLIKEN & BANYAN Staff report presented by Rick Gomez, Community Development Director. Councilmember Dutton stated his major concern was the traffic and the stadium. He stated he would like to see the site plan to see how the parking will be handled. Brad Buller, City Planner, explained the master plan and the layout, and added they have increased the campus parking. He explained how Milliken will be designed going into the school. He stated the school district is working with the City on the parking requirements for special events, but that the City has not seen this plan yet. Councilmember Williams asked if the soccer fields could be used for parking. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated this is what the City is proposing. Mayor Alexander felt the City needs to work towards legislation for requirements for parking at the high schools. Councilmember Dutton stated he has called the State Architect's office about these concerns. He stated he did not feel the school district had given enough information to the community and that is why he brought this up to make sure people in this area are aware of what is going on. He stated he has told people that the school district is willing 1:o hear their concerns. He stated he was also concerned about the lighting at the stadium. Brad Bullet, City Planner, stated the school district has told, him they welcome any comments about the design and also the naming of the high school.. ACTION: Report received ;and filed. 12. PARK AND RECREATION FACILITIES UPDATE A. PARK AND FACILITIES UPDATE 1. Etiwanda Creek Park 2. Central Park 3. Windrows Park 4. Ellena Park: 5. Bear Gulch Park 6. Church Street Park 7. Various Parks City Council Minutes September 15, 1999 Page 9 8. Lions West Community Center 9. Rancho Cucamonga Senior Center 10. Rancho Cucamonga Adult Sports Park B.. COMMUNITY SERVICES UPDATE 1. Seniors 2. Teens 3. Youth Activities 4. Boxin9 5. Youth Sports 6. RC Family Sports Center' 7. Adult Sports 8. Trips end Tours 9. Human Services 10. Facilities 11. Contract Classes 12. Community Wide Special Events 13. Ranch, Cucamonga Performing Arts Academy 14. Park and Recreation Commission 15. Rancho Cucamonga Community Foundation 16. Epicenter Mayor Alexander stated he would like a report at the next meeting on the skate park situation and activities. Councilmember Williams felt it should also contain information on the usage of the park. Councilmember Biane stated he would like information on who has used the various programs. Kevin McArdle, Community Services Director,, stated they are in the process of completing an annual report and that this information wou~d be included in that. ACTION: Report received and filed. J. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING No items were identified for' the next meeting~ K. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC K1. John Lyons talked about the traffic on Banyan and how it will affect the new high school as well as Rancho Cucamonga High School. Councilmember Williams fe~t this was a very good point to make to the School Board. Mayor Alexander felt the City should also tell people the dates of the school board meetings. City Council Minutes September 15, 1999 Page 10 L. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Biane, seconded by Curatalo to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra J. Adams, CMC City Clerk Approved: ** ! ! VENDOR 2682 6037 5548 21565 31864 5699 1244 6348 2732 6011 7 4347 6226 17 1430 5658 6318 2437 4343 21565 21566 6310 4735 68 6052 3118 74 6022 6215 4301 643 2362 5621 930 21567 21567 85 239 31869 839 4881 977 5767 CIIY OF RANCHO CUCAMONQA LIST OF WARRANTS FOR PERIOD: 09-08-99 (99/00) RUN DATE: 09/08/99 PAGE: NAME UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE TESTO, JR, EDDIE HIGHLAND GARDEN CENTER, INC. ~EST IRON ~ BRASS HAIR PHASES INTERNATIONAL HARALAMBOS BEVERAOE COMPANY HAVEN BUILDING MATERIALS 3-D/FASTENERS PLUS ABC LOCKSMITHS ABC SCH0OL SUPPLY, INC ABLETRONICS ACCURATE SMOG~ AUTO~ TRUCK & ALLIED STORAQE CONTAINERS ALTA FIRE E~JIPMENT CO AMERICAN BUSINESS FORMS AMERICAN FIRST AID & SAFETY APPLE ONE EMP[.OYMENT SERVICES ARROWHEAD MOUNTAIN SPRIN~ WATER ASSOCIATED ~ROUP, THE BANK OF AMERICA BENKELL, BERNARD BEST IRON ~ BRASS BONALDO ENGINEERING CADET UNIFORM SERVICE CALOLYMPIC SAFETY CENTRAL CITIES SIGN SEHVICE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS CHINO HILLS TRANSMISSION CITY RENTALS CLAYTON CONTROLS CO. CM SCHOOL SUPPLY COMPUSA~ INC~ COMPUTERLAND COMSERCO, INC. CONCEPT COMMUNICATIONS CO. CORONA CLAY COMPANY CPRS DISTRICT Xlll CPRS DISTRICT Xlll CUCAMON~A CO WATER DIST D & K CONCRETE CO DALIA'S PIZZA MARKET, INC= DIETERICH INTERNAIIONAL TRUCK DOSKOCIL INDUSTRIES INC. E S R I, INC. ELITE PERSONNEL SERVICES, INC ITEM DESCRIPTION WARR NO ** CHECK# OVERLAP POSTAGE METER MONTHLY SERVICES <]<>~] 140903 RECREATION REFUND ~<< 141380 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES <1<< 142088 BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND <~< 143374 BUSINESS LICENSE RECREATION SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES <<< 143430 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES RECREATION SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/SUPPL!E~ RECREATION REFUND SERVICE/SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EMPLOYMENT SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES MONTHLY MAINTENANCE SERVICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CLAIM SETTLEMENT BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND UNIFORM SERVICES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES ADVERTISING FEE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT RENTAL/SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES RECREATION SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES COMPUTER MAINTENANCE/SUPPLIES SERVICE/REPAIRS SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REGISTRATION REGISTRATION %<< 143567 MONTHLY WATER BILLINGS STREET MAINTENANCE BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES SOFTWARE SUPPORT FEES PERSONNEL SERVICES 140902~ 141378 1413'79, 142086 142087- 143372 143373~ 143426 143427 143428 143429 143535 143536 143537 143538 143539 143540 143541 i43545 143543 143544 143545 14354~ 143547 143548 143549 143550 143551 143552 143553 143554 143555 143556 143557 143558 1435&0 143561 1435&2 143563 143564 1435~5 143566 143568 143569 143570 143571 143572 143573 143574 143575 WARR. AMT 4,500.00 700,00- 37.71- 7~ 4~- 10.58= 389.85- 35 21- 226.36 3&61 27.48 144.81 230.75 13,3~0.11 373. 76 889.36 4~8.1b 85 7& 1,615.00 24~7200© 1.00000 79.42 48.90 210.45 266 41 1~57.56 39.71 1.214.18 1,378.85 39~03 ~7.08 513.53 3.777.35 1,389.35 26.16 94281 20.00 20.00 30,913.42 10013.39 46.00 70.92 1,56~80 806 70 VENDOR NAME 21568 EVANS, JENNIFER 22V EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS 31870 FARWEST POOL'S & SPAS 5917 FASTENAL COMPANY 123 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 21571 FIELDSTONE COMMUNITIES~ !NC 155 FILARSKY & WATT 4371 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 1144 FRAME-ART 1082 FRANKLIN COVEY CO. 6232 GADABOUT TOURS, INC 21569 QIQENA, LUCY 3827 GREEN ROCK POWER EQUIPMENT 137 OTE CALIFORNIA 6325 OUNSKI, OREO &577 OUZMAN, LESLIE 4525 HAAKER EQUIPMENT CO. 31864 HAIR PHASES INIERNATIONAL 56~ HARALAMBOS BEVERAOE COMPANY 1244 HAVEN BUILDING MATERIALS 735 HAVEN CAR WASH 46~ HCS-CUTLER STEEL CO ~233 HERZO~ ELECTRIC, TERRY 158 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO., INC 4033 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICE 4414 HOOD, KARYE 123~ HOSEMAN 1~1 HOYT LUMBER CO ~ S M tg42 HYDR. O TE~ SYSTEMS~ INC 4~5 HYDRO-SCAPE PRODUCTS, INC 4254 IBM CORPORATION 1~18 INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTION GROUP 908 INLAND MEDIATION BOARD 2315 INLAND WHOLESALE NURSERY 5193 INTERACTIVE DATA CORPORATION 3452 INTRAVAIA ROCK & SAND 318~7 ISLAM~ MASUDA · 12 JAESCH½E INC., C.R. 58~4 KELLY, KRISTY &OVO KONG, SOPHA½ ~1~4 LASHER OMC/DODGE 849 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. 10&D M C I TELECOMMUNICATIONS 47~7 MARSHALL PLUMBING ~170 MICROAQE COMPUTERMARl 74~ MITAC ALARM COMPANY 318&8 MILLER, MARIA 4374 MOBILE STORAGE GROUP, INC. 84~ MOUNTAIN VIEW SMALL ~N~. R~MAI~ 30072 MT BALDY UNITED WAY CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIST OF WARRANTS FOR PERIOD: 09-08-99 (99/00) RUN DATE: WARR NO 0~/08/~9 WARR. AMT. 75. b40. 1,140 107. tt,450 170. 535. 81. 80. 111. 248. 140. 1,989. 10 508 1,35% 1~,475. 13,077 ITEM DESCRIPTION RECREATION REFUND IRRIGATION SUPPLIES BUSINESS LICEN8E REFUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES DELIVERY SERVICE REFUND DRAINAQE FEES MONTHLY SERVICES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES RECREATION RECREATION REFUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MONTHLY TELEPHONE BILLINGS CASH ADVANCE CONTRACT SERVICE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES BUSINESS LICENSE REGREATION SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FIlL SERVICE CAR WASH BOOKS EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES EG~JIPMENT MAINTENANCE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES LANDLORD/TENANT DISPUTE RESOL MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES RECREATION VEHICLE MAINTENANCE RECREATION BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND REFUND BUILDING PERMITS MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES REHAB, PROGRAM 1994 CTE DUES ALARM SERVICES RECREATION EGUIPMENT RENTAL,, MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES RECREATION CHECK# OVERLAP 143576 # 143577 143578 # 143579 # 143580 143581 143585 # 143583 143584 # 143585 14358~ # 143587 # 143588 # 143589 143590 1435~1 # 14359~ 143593 # 143~94 143595 1435~6 143597 143~V8 # 143599 i43&00 - 143600 # 143601 143602 # 143603 143&04 143&05 # 143&0~ 143&07 # 143608 # 143&09 143610 143~11 143~12 # 143~13 # 143614 143~15 143&l& 143&17 143618 # 14361~ # 143~22 1436~3 143~2~ 1,628 40 259. 15~. 98. 687. 38. 564 1,549. 21. 84. 280 135. 5~7. 50. 408 18,700 ~0 1,&85. ~03. 2,195. 1,140. 85. 140 oo 51 O0 78 O0 O0 O0 42 78 84 O0 00 44 41 O0 O0 58 50 40 O0 16 19 ~3 84 75 31 18 76 18 98 O0 O0 43 O0 O0 47 O8 15 5~ O0 O0 13 78 O0 PAGE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA LIST OF WARRANTS FOR PERIOD: 09-08-99 (99/00) RUN DATE: 09/08/99 PAGE: 3 VENDOR NAME ITEM DESCRIPTION WARR NO - · .... WARR. AMT. 31865 NEEDHAM, KELLY *~ CHECK# OVERLAP RELEASE OF FEES 143627 <~J~5 143628 - 14362~ 523 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE SUPPLIES # 143629 4,447 02 3429 ON CALL COMPUTER SUPPLY MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES # 143630 737 O1 818 PARAGON BUILDINg PRODUCTS INC. CONCRETE SUPPLIES # 143631 159. 91 6205 PETERMAN LUMBER EARTHQUAKE PREPAREDNESS KIT 143632 I~888. 05 ~987 PHOENIX CROUP iNfORMAtION SYSTEMS MONTHLY SERVICE 143633 5t6.36 ~089 PITTS, LISA RECREATION REFUND 143~34 156.00 693 PO~ERSTRIDE BATTERY CO., ~NC VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 143635 63.52 ~01 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION, INC. E~UIPMENT RENTAL # 143636 43.09 3500 PRECISION DYNAMICS CORPORATION RECREATION SUPPLIES # 143637 580. ~4 3186~ PREMIER RC77 LTD. RELEASE DRAINAGE FEE5 143638 10,554 46 2533 PRENTICE HALL OFFICE SUPPLIES 14363~ 38.41 &5 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 143640 106.49 4335 PUBLIC ACENCY RISK SHARINg AUTH CA. 2ND ~UARTER PREMIUM DEPOSIT 143641 7~466. 50 11754 REGISTER OF COPYRIGHTS COPYRIGHT FEE 14364~ 30.00 5665 REGULATION COMPLIANCE, INC TRAININg SERVICES 143643 ~,~1.25 5914 REXEL CALCON ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL SUPPi_IES # 143644 t,503 30 626 ROBLES~ RAUL P ~ SR. TIRE REPAI~ # 143645 145 O0 553U SAN ANTONIO MATERIAl S MAINTENANCE ~UPPLIES 143646 22,2~2 51 581 SAN ~ERN COUNTY CAL-ID PROgRAM # 143647 118~ 145. 30 5029 SAN BERN COUNTY FIR~ DEPT~ UNDERGROUND TANKS 143648 301 SAN BERN COUNTY SHERIFFS CONTRACT SHERIFFS SERV!CE 143~49 i32 SAN DIEQO ROTARY BROOM CO~ INC MAINT SUPPLIES I43650 4~1 84 11755 SANCHEZ~ LYDIA DEPOSIT PERMIT REFUND 143651 250.00 11758 SBA~ INC PLANNINg FEES REFUND 143652 296.00 11756 SCHMIDT, PAUL RECREATION REFUNDS # 143653 455 00 1105 SEAL FURNITURE & SYSTEMS INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 143654 111.00 1829 SHARED TECH. FAIRCHILD TELECOM, INC TELEPHONE SERVICES 143655 266~051~ O0 351 SIgN SHOP, THE MAINT SUPPLIES !43~56 61.96 i327 SMART & FINAL DAY CAMP SUPPLIES 143657 184~73 11757 SMITH~ KIMBER RECREATION REFUNDS 143658 37.50 143665 143666 143667 143668 143669 # 143670 # 143671 # 143672 !43673 143674 # 143675 143676 # 143677 # 143678 # 14367~ 143680 55.00 · {'0~i 143659 - 1432 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON MONTHLY ELECTRIC BILLS # 29,050. 71 1373 STERLINg TRUCK E~UIPMENT VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES # 544.58 4733 SUNRISE FORD AUTO SERVICE & SUPPLIES # 196.04 62~5 SYMCAS-TSg, INC. BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND 1,452.50 54!0 T & D INSTALLATIONS SUPPLIES 221.10 2958 UMPS ARE US ASSOCIAIION UMP SERVICES 1,~32.00 3437 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORM SERVICES 62.42 4206 UNIQUE CREATIONS 1ST AID KITS 40.56 1226 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UPS SERVICE ~ 17 3141 VAN TECH MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 403~ 89 1103 VISTA PAINT MA!NT SUPPLIES 6~2. 58 213 WAXIEo KLEEN-LINE CORP MAINT SUPPLIES ~631.01 212 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4,90~ 1'7 675 WYNN'S FROSTEMP/MAXA!R VEHICLE MAINT SUPPLIES 164.48 6~83 ZOLEZIO, MICKEY ROCHESTER/LARK DR RIgHT-OF-WAY 400~00 TOTAL 734,717.81 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIST OF WARRANTS FOR PERIOD: 09-15-99 (99/00) RUN OATE: 09/15/99 PAEE: 1 VENDOR NA#E ITEM DESCRIPTION WARR NO ~ARRo AMT. 6297 OARMAN, mEGAN AUTO SPECIALISTS CASH ADVANCE 3-D/FASTENERS PLUS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 6Z6 ROBLES~ RAUL P., SR. MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 63H8 3-D/FASTENERS PLUS TIRE REPAIR 2682 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 4635 A & K PHOTOGRAPHY 1098 A G ENGINEERZNG I AA EQUIPMENT RENTALS COo~ INC- 2732 ABC LOCKSMITHS 6011 ABC SCHOOL SUPPLY, ZNCo 7 ABLETRONICS 6309 ADAMSONw RONALD 211 AOT SECURITY SERVICES, 4782 ADVANCEO ENVIRONMENTAL, iNC. 6352 AFTER FIVE LIMOUSINES 21580 AL-SOLEZMAN~ FAHD 17 ALTA FIRE EQUIPMENT CO. 2i5a~ ALVALA, LETITIA 1430 AMERICAN BUSINESS FORMS MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES ((( 143682 POSTAGE METER MONTHLY SERVICES PHOTO DEVELOPING & SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES RECREATION SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES INSPECTION SERVICES ALARM SERVICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND STORM ORAIN REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE/SUPPLIES RECREATION REFUND OFFICE SUPPLIES 21574 AHERICAN CUSTOM CYCLE & ACCESSORZES BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND ~ CHECK# OVERLAP 142855o 25.00- 1H2856- 143369 143370 1,373.82- 143371- 143535 143536 226°36- 143537 - 143644 ~ 143645~ 1¢5o00- IH3646- 143680 1436810 226.36 143683 143684~ 143686 # 143687 116o74 # 143688 452o94 I Z~3689 214o53 # 143690 1~547.27 143691 25o61 143692 84.37 ~ 143693 143694 ZBZoO0 143695 5e12Zo60 143696 143697 3~617o72 143698 105o28 143699 200-00 # 143700 2~676o51 143701 93.1Z 143702 152.76 143703 711.03 ~ 143704 996.33 143705 713.60 143706 160oZO 143707 909°95 143708 333.50 143709 96°09 1H3710 - 143710 # 143711 1,290.33 143712 368.52 143713 43.40 143714 60.00 143715 275.98 e 143716 lw159.48 143717 54.77 · 143718 3,197o99 ~ 143719 1~602o90 143720 88.36 1~37~1 200.00 143722 100o00 143723 69o7i 143724 25o00 143725 5.00 5658 AMERICAN FIRST AiD & SAFETY 4436 AMERITECH LIBRARY SERVICES 2693 AMTECH ELEVATOR SERVICES 6318 APPLE ONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 3831 APPLIANCE MASTERS 5807 ARCHZTERRA DESIGN GROUP 1291 ARCUS DATA SECURITY 2299 ARRO~ TRAILER SUPPLIES 21573 8URNSp JOHN SUPPLIES SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE MONTHLY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES MAINTENANCE REPAIRS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DATA STORAGE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 667 ARROWHEAO CREDIT UNION 4669 ARROWHEAD MOUNTAIN SPRING WATER 3957 ARTCRAFT~ IMCo 2437 ASSOCIATEO GROUP, THE 402 AUTO RESTORATORS 4102 B & K ELECTRIC ~HOLESALE 33 BASELINE TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 4323 BELLSOUTH WIRELESS DATA 444! BEST BUY CO.~ iNC. 1247 BLAKE PAPER CO.t ~NCo 2158Z BLANCO~ XZOMARA 6357 BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO 5525 BOWERY~ ROBERT 21575 8UDD NOVZNG SYSTEMS VISA MONTHLY BILLINGS OFFICE SUPPLIES RECREATION SUPPLIES MONTHLY MAINTENANCE SERVICE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES COMMUNICATION CHARGE OFFICE SUPPLIES RECREATION SUPPLIES RECREATION REFUND 8US~NES$ LXCE#$E REFUND REFUND-BUSINESS RELATED EXP. BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND CITATION REFUNO CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIST OF WARRANTS FOR PERIOD: 09-15-99 C99/00) VENOOR NAME ITEH DESCRXPTZON gARR NO gAAP. AMT. 21572 C A L A A 1512 C M T A 6310 CAOET UNIFORM SERVZCE 5369 CAL COVER PROOUCTS I851 CAL WESTERN PAINT 4412 CALIFORNIA ELECTRONIC ENTRy 97 CALIFORNIA PARK & REC SOCIETY; INC. 97 CALIFORNIA PARK & REC SOCIETy, INC. 4735 CALOLYMPZC SAFETy 21579 CARRET, MICHELLE 5439 CARTER CONSTRUCTION 21576 CASCO CONSULTING 21586 CASTRO; NAZOA 3002 CENTEX HOMES 68 CENTRAL CITIES SIGN SERVICE 488 CHEVRON U S A; INC 21585 CITROgSKZt GLAOTS 73 CITRUS MOTORS ONTARIO~ INC. SS14 CZT7 NATIONAL BANK 4349 CLARK; DEBORAH 4641 CND SYSTEMS; 430! COMPUSAe INC. 130 COMPUTER SERVICE CO 21584 COOK; OOROTHEA 930 CORONA CLAY COMPANY S713 CPRS 21577 CRYSTAL CLEAR 4422 CUCAMONGA CLASSIC OESIGNS 85 CUCANONGA CO WATER OZST 239 D & K CONCRETE CO 4282 D 7 CONSULTING 1NO. 41030 OALY daD; ROY E. 2478 OAFPER TIRE 6145 OAVXS; SAN ZZ90 DEER CREEK CAR gASH 5534 OIAL COMMUNICATIONS 5809 OZETERICH-POST COMPANY 5744 01RECTV &1025 EOUCATORS 2000 3364 EIGHTM AVENUE GRAPHICS 5767 ELITE PERSONNEL SERVICESt 1258 ELLISe daNA 5937 EMPIRE FLOOR COVERING 2349 ESGZL CORP. 3806 ETZWANOA SCHOOL OZSTRXCT 41026 FALKEN TIRE CORPORATION 5917 FASTENAL COMPANY 41027 FIRST HOTEL INVESTMENT CORP. 4762 FOOTHILL FAMILY SHELTER 1082 FRANKLIN COVET CO. 6232 GAOABOUT TOURSt ZNC MEMBERSHIP DUES C.N. ToA. MEETING UNIFORM SERVICES RECREATION SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES/SERVICE REGZSTRAT~ON REGZSTRATZON MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES RECREATION REFUND MAINTENANCE 8USXNESS LICENSE REFUND RECREATION REFUNO OVERPAYMENT REFUNO MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES GASOLINE CHARGES RECREATION REFUNO VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/SUPPLIES LEASE RENTAL TRAVEL EXPENSES REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE ~ REPAIR HAINTENANCE SUPPLIES SIGNAL MAINTENANCE/SUPPLIES RECREATION REFUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REGISTRATION BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND OFFICE SUPPLIES MONTHLY WATER BILLINGS STREET MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE REPAIRS/SUPPLIES OEVELOFER REIMBURSEMENT VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES SUBSCRIPTION BUSINESS LICENSE REFUNO OFFICE SUPPLIES PERSONNEL SERVICES REIHBURSEMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSZONAL SERVICES FACILITY RENTAL 8USXNE$$ LICENSE REFUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES DEVELOPER REIMBURSEMENTS FAMILY SHELTER OFFICE SUPPLIES RECREATION CHECKI OVERLAP 1437Z6 75.00 143727 225.00 143728 70015 143729 125.00 143730 134o69 143731 93.23 143732 IZOoO0 143733 100.00 143734 27.19 143735 80°00 143736 143737 I0o00 143738 30.00 143739 5;843.06 143740 315o06 143741 131~25 143742 16o00 143743 Z;997.46 143744 30.646.20 143745 54.00 143746 160.1 3 143747 1 ;714.29 143748 53;301o25 143749 16.00 143750 942o81 143751 120.00 143752 10.90 143753 437.90 143754 182o72 143755 501.04 143756 1;125.00 143757 7;126094 143758 2;424o60 143759 450°00 143760 101.50 143761 454.95 143762 296.80 143763 z7.g9 143764 6o16 143765 1t634o30 143766 5;437.12 143767 300.00 143768 3;447.00 143769 21;484.11 143770 1t470.00 143771 45.71 143772 238°75 143773 ~7~619o79 143774 250o00 143775 145.89 143776 13e102o90 CiTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIST OF WARRANTS FOR PERIOD: 09-15-99 (99/00) RUN DATE: 09/I5/99 PAGE: 3 = VENDOR NAME ITEM DESCRIPTION WARR NO WARRo AMT. 6297 GARMAN, MEGAN 5288 GARRETT CONC. CORING ~ SAWXNG~ INC. 41028 GE AMEGO, FLORENCE 41029 GE#MEL PHARMACY 4632 GLOBAL TELE-OATA CORPORATION 3388 GOLOEN BEAR ARBORISTSt INC. GREEN ROCK POWER E~UIPMENT 137 GTE CALIFORNIA 6277 GUZMANt LESLIE 6236 H R S USA 4724 HX-UAY SAFETYt INC. 31877 HILLSIDE/SAPPHIRE VENTURESt LTD. 158 HOLLIOAT ROCK CO.e INC. ZZ55 HOLT°S AUTO ELECTRIC 1234 HOSEMAN 161 HDYT LUMBER 31873 HUTTONt BARBARA 495 HYDRO-SCAPE PROOUCTSt INC 5133 ! A A M 5882 I C M A REXTREMENT TRUST - 401 103 ! C M A RETIREMENT TRUST-AS1 4188 ! O BURR 42S4 IBM CORPORATION 1218 INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTION GROUP 4718 INLAND TOP SOIL HIXES 2315 INLAND WHOLESALE NURSERY 3452 XNTRAVAZA ROCK t SAND 1471 IRON AGE CORPORATION 171 JACKSON-HXRSH~ INC. 1941 JACOBSEN DIVISION OF TEXTRONt INC. 612 JAESCHKE XNCot 31874 JAGUSHt DORTHY 4128 KELLY EGUXPMENT 3102 KNOTT*S BERRY FARM 6090 KONGt SOPHAM 4242 LAIDLAW TRANSITt INC. 321 LANDSCAPE WEST, INC. 849 LAMSON PRODUCTSt INC. 315 LEAGUE OF CALXF CITIES 6327 LE~XS OPERATING CORPORATION 31884 LIS XNVESTXGATXONS 6039 LOS ANGELES CHEMICAL 5662 LOS ANGELES COCA COLA BTL. CO. 3156 LU°S LXGMTMOUSE~ INC. 31681 # a HANNA RESIN DZSTRXBUTZON 31458 MACRO PRO 31878 ~A$TERCRAFT 5300 MAYER~ COBLE & PALMER 3~880 NENDEZ~ MANUEL Mo CASH ADVANCE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES RECREATION REFUND BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND PARTS & INSTALLATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES ~~¢ MONTHLY TELEPHONE BXLLXNGS CONTRACT SERVICE BUSINESS LICENSE REFUNO MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MASTER PLAN STORM DRAIN REXMB. MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES RECREATZON LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MEMBERSHIP OUES 01 DEFERRED COMP HAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES SAFETY SHOES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAXNT SUPPLIES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE RECREATION VEHICLE SUPPLIES KNOTT°S TICKETS BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND TRANSPORTATION SERVICES LANDSCAPE #AXNTENANCE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES INLAND EMPIRE DXVo MEETING RECREATION REFUND PROFESSXONAL SERVICE RECREATION REFUND RECREATION SUPPLIES OIL ANALYSZS 8USXNESS LXCENSE PROFESSZNAL SERVICE REFUND OVERPAYNENT ON PERMXT$ PROFESSIONAL SERVXCES RELEASE OF OEPOSXT ~ CMECK~ OVERLAP 143777 150.00 I 143778 395.00 143779 30-00 143780 22.75 # 143781 100o00 # 143782 36,613.00 143783 - 143783 J 143784 2,008.82 143785 - 143785 ~ 143786 lt813.S5 143787 70.00 143788 161.46 # 143789 1o997.14 143790 23t599o52 # 143791 lt481.79 143792 156.24 # 143793 947.23 # 143794 36t.27 143795 32.00 8 143796 Z~004o33 143797 275.00 # 143798 5~767.68 143799 842.00 143800 768.26 143801 10645000 143802 1,308.00 # 143803 112o06 ~ 143804 114o22 143805 120.00 # 143806 3t971o73 143807 214.88 # 143808 301.94 J 143809 664.06 143810 30~00 143811 372o43 143812 721.50 143813 468.00 143814 620.00 143815 6~439~74 ~ 143816 461o6Z # 143817 125o00 # 143818 38.00 143819 65.00 143820 598.26 143821 106091 # 143822 2,376.69 143823 80207.89 143824 107o20 143625 0080 143826 1,250.00 143827 500000 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIST OF OARRANTS FOR PERZOO: 09-15-99 (99/00) RUN OATE: 09/15/99 PAGE: VENDOR NAME ITEM DESCRIPTION HARR NO WARR. ANT. 31882 MEYER DISTRIBUTING 2198 MICHAELS STORES ZNCo ~3019 6170 MICROAGE CDNPUTERNART 149 MIJAC ALARM COMPANY 5885 MORITA, DUANE 1020 NOUNTAZN VIEg GLASS & MIRROR 6047 MSZ IMAGING 31871 HUNZZo CLAIRE 744 NATIONAL OEFERREO 6346 NAVIGATION ELECTRONICS 5568 NET lO TECNOLOG!ES 3600 NIELSEN, NETTIE 31875 NIELSON, LUCILLE SAT3 NIGHTLINE SECURITY PATROL 5719 NORCAL/SAN BERNAROINO 6048 NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT CO. 5314 NRPA 513 OFFICE DEPOT 3429 ON CALL COMPUTER SUPPLY 31885 ORTHOPAEOIC SURGERY 235 OWEN ELECTRIC 5452 PACIFIC UTILITY E~UIPMENT CO. 5409 PARTSMASTER, INC. 31876 PATELD VISHNU 31883 PEPE'S TOgZNG SERVICE 31871 PEREZ, ROSEMAZRE S597 PHOTOMAX SUPPLY CO. 6206 PLANNING CENTER, THE 255 POMA DISTRIBUTING CO 3952 POMONA ZNL VALLE? CNCL OF CHURCHES 583 PROTECTION SERVICE INDUSTRIES 65 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 3679 QUEBLO IMAGES 251 R & R AUTOMOTIVE 2705 R H F, INCo 264 RALPHS GROCERY COMPANT 11759 RANCHO CITZLAND DEVELOPMENT 6058 RANCHO SCREEN PRINT& EMBROIDERY 6329 RANCHO TRANS#ISSZON SERVICE 4130 RaM LOCK E KEY SERVICE 545 RED NING SHOE STORE 5914 REXEL CALCON ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 276 RIVERSIDE BLUEPRINT 626 ROBLES, RAUL Po, SRo 59Z4 ROGAN BUZLOZNG SERVICES 11760 RUVALCABA, MARZA Do 11761 R?LANO HOMES 1292 S : S ARTS AND CRAFTS 5745 SAFELITE GLASS CORP. BUSINESS LICENSE RECREATION SUPPLIES 1994 CTE DUES ALARM SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES NAXNTENANCE SUPPLXES RECREATION REFUNO RECREATION OEFERRED COMP RECREATION REFUNO 2 ON-SITE CLASSES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES RECREATION SECURITY SERVICE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES BUSINESS LICENSE REFUNO MEMBERSHIP DUES OFFICE SUPFLIES NAZNTENANCE SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES RELEASE OF STORM DRAIN FEES BUSINESS LICENSE RECREATION MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES RECREATION REFUNO BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND VEHICLE MAXNTENANCE & SUPPLIES ~EST ENO HUNGER PROGRAM PROTECTION SER¥ICES-LZONS CNTR MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES RECREATION SUPPLIES ¥EHICLE MAINT,SUPPLIES~SERVICE ¥EHZCLE MAINT SER¥ZCE&SUPPLIES RECREATION SUPPLIES REIMB MSTR STRM DRAIN RECREATION REFUNO BOND FUNOZNG MAZNTENANCE SUPPLIES SAFETY BOOTS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES PRINTS TIRE REPAIR JANITORIAL SERVICE RENTAL REFUNO REFUNO SECURITY OEPOSIT RECREATION SUPPLIES SER¥ICE AND SUPPLIES CHECKa OVERLAP 1~3818 13.35 143829 113.77 143830 1,244o51 143831 65.0O 143832 10794°00 143833 1,810.10 143834 1,834o07 143035 33.00 143836 20191°00 143837 101.00 143838 80400°00 143839 41o67 143840 16.00 143841 925.00 143842 180.00 143843 ?06°32 143844 1,125.00 1438~6 ))) 143847 '3,209°20 143848 1,114o14 143849 l,ZO0.00 143850 1,656.73 143851 744.18 143852 89.57 143853 2,887°88 143854 16.20 143855 36.00 143856 1,135o00 143857 2?6.00 143858 23,661.98 143959 130012.29 143660 580.50 143861 94.64 143862 456.77 143863 117075 143864 10385.92 143865 137.46 143866 7Z.OS 143867 6o314.14 143868 140013 143869 2o049.11 143870 32.33 143871 400.04 143872 164o87 143973 90o51 143874 100.00 143875 6~846o50 143876 200°00 143877 3790140°00 143878 29.07 143879 346°60 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIST OF WARRANTS FOR PERIOD: 09-15-99 ¢99/00) RUN DATE: 09/15/99 PAGE: 5 VENDOR NAME ITEM DESCRIPTION WARM NO WARR. ART. 5538 SAN ANTONIO HATERIALS 300 SAN BERN COUNTY 5029 SAN BERN COUNTY FIRE OEPTo 5239 SAN BERN COUNTY, DEPT OF INFO SVCS 5338 SAN BERNARDINO, CITY OF 1105 SEAL FURNITURE & SYSTEMS 1829 SHARED TECH. FAIRCHILD TELECOM, 351 SIGN SHOP, THE 4513 SIMON & SCHUSTER 1327 SMART g FINAL 11762 SMILORs WlLLIAH E. 317 SO CALIF EDISON CO. SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 1432 SOUTHERN CALXFORN[A EDISON MAXNTENANCE SUPPLXES REXNB PARKXNG CITATIONS UNDERGROUNO TANKS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TELETHON SUPPORT OFFICE SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES MAXNT SUPPLIES LIBRARy SUPPLIES OAY CAMP SUPPLIES CLAIM SETTLEMENT MONTHLY ELECTRIC 5ILLINGS MONTHLY GAS BILLS MONTHLY ELECTRIC 81LLS CHECK# OVERLAP 143880 143881 143882 143883 143884 i 143885 143886 143887 J 143988 # 143889 143890 143891 - 143891 a 143892 ~ 143893 143894 - 143895 # 143896 11763 SOUTHLAND OEV CORP STORM DRAIN REIMBURSEMENT 6315 SOUTHWEST AERIAL g CRANE INSPECTORS RECREATION REFUND 902 STATE OF CA,DEPARTMENT OF TRANS 3017 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 2919 STATEWIOE RENT-A-FENCE 3632 STEELWORKERS OLDTIMERS FOUNDATION 363Z STEELWORKERS OLDTIMERS FOUNDATION 6059 STEPHEN COOPERAGE, B. 4733 SUNRISE FORO 11764 SUNTAMER CONSTRUCTION 5410 T & D INSTALLATIONS Z344 TARGET 4114 TAYLOR-OUNN 1151 TECHNIC 6159 TECHNOLOGY SERVICES CONSULTING GRP 11765 THOMAS COt CHARLES E. 1919 TOMARK SPORTS XNC. 4067 TUCKERs THOMAS E. & JOYCE A. 4067 TUCKERs THOMAS E. ~ JOYCE A. 2737 U C REGENTS 4558 U S GUAROS CO., INC. 4788 UNDERGROUND SVC. ALERT OF SOD CALXF 5601 UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. 1226 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 489 UPLAND, CITY OF 474 VERNEER-CALZFORNIA 1103 VISTA PAINT 5870 YLSTSTEMS, XNCo 21578 WALTER BAREXSSj USUFRUCTUARY OF THE 11766 WANIS. HIAM 478 WARREN [ COo, CARL 213 HAXIE, KLEEN-LTNE CORP 4577 WELLS FARGO GUARD SERVICES TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE TEMPORARY FENCING OLDTXMERS FOUNDATION OLOTXMERS FOUNOATXON MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES AUTO SERVICE ~ SUPPLIES BUSINESS LICENSE REFUNO SUPPLIES YOUTH PROGRAM & DAY CAMP SUPPL ALARM SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLXES BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND BUSINESS LICENSE REFUNO MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES DEPOSIT REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND POCKET GUIOE SECURITY GUARD SERVICE UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT MANAGEMENT SERVICES UPS SERVICE MONTHLY MATER 8XLLXNG MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINT SUPPLIES COMPUTER HARDWARE STORM DRAIN REIMBURSEMENT RECREATION REFUNOS ¢<¢ 14392? LIABILITY CLAIMS ((( 143929 NAXNT SUPPLIES SECURXTY GUARD SERVICES 143897 143898 143899 143900 143901 143902 143903 1439O4 143905 143906 143907 143908 143909 143910 143911 143912 143913 143914 143915 143916 143917 143918 143919 143920 143921 143922 143923 143924 143925 143926 143927 143928 143929 143930 143931 130051 1,250.00 10.70 786°00 600.00 36,166o69 225.61 37.29 177.39 341o30 125.00 84.466.25 1,123.47 1,725.54 9,487.95 570.00 6.039.08 3,210.00 61.13 623.62 708°33 155.16 54.38 9.00 974.54 180.93 56.06 245o00 11,446o98 14.30 22,349.07 Z,176o59 13,878.86 3,375o00 Z,895.80 425050 445038 110.92 3,786.00 IZo49 22.37 Z,000000 5~728o43 39.00 1,541.00 50171.85 3~31T.31 CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA LIST OF UARRANTS FOR PERIOD: 09-15-99 (99/00) RUN DATE: 09/15/99 PAGE: 6 VENDOR NAHE ITE~ DESCRIPTION ~ARR NO ~ARR. ANT. ~ CHECK~ OVERLAP 11767 gEST COAST COHPOSITES BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND 143931 17.80 1968 gESTCD BUSINESS LICENSE REFUNDS 143933 6.00 3587 WOODRIDGE ESTATES. LTO ~ASTER PLAN STORM DRAIN REIN8o 143934 4~133o34 11768 gULEt LAVZNXA RECREATION REFUND 143935 10o00 509 XEROX CORPORATION COPY ~ACHZNE SUPPLIES/SERVICE ~ 143936 483.81 348 ZEP HANUFACTURING COHPANY VEHICLE NAINT SUPPLIES # 143937 1.155.00 6183 ZOLEZZO. #XCKEY ROCHESTER/LARK DR RIGHT-OF-gAY 143938 300°00 TOTAL 1.038t916o76 C:TY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIST OF WARRANTS FOR PERIOD: 09-22-99 (99/00) RUN DATE-' 09/22/99 PAGE: 1 ......................................................... ;;~ .............................................................. .. .... VENDOR NAME ITEM DESCRI WARR NO WARR. AMT. 6145 DAVIS, SAM 5121 DE VOOGNT, SCOTT 545 RED UING SHOE STORE 6364 APU/BSNUG 3901 3-D CARPET ~ DRAPERY 4635 A & K PHOTOGRAPHY 962 A T & T 1 AA EQUIPMENT RENTALS CO.~ INC. 2732 A3C LOCKSMITHS 14 ACTION TRAVEL AGENCY 6309 ADAMSON, RONALU 4782 AOvANCEO ENVIRONMENTAL~ INC. 1826 AIRTOUCH CELLULAR 4207 ALERT CO#MUNXCATZONS CO. 6172 ALTA L OMA CHARTER LINES 6172 ALTA LOMA CHARTER LINES 6354 AMAZON.COM 1430 A#ERICAN BUSINESS FORMS 5658 AMERICAN FIRST AID ~ SAFETY 4450 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION ~Z AMERICAN PUBLIC ~ORKS ASSOCIAT:ON CONTRACT SERVICES PRCFESSIONAL SERVICES SAFETY BOOTS RECREATION REFUND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PHOTO DEVELOPING & SUPPLIES MONTHLY TELEPHONE BILLINGS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES AIRLINE TZCKETS INSPECTION SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ~ CHECK~ OVERLAP 143682~ 600.00 143S834 390.00 143684- 143870 ~ 143871 400.04- 143872- 143938 t~ 1439390 520.00 1~3940 ~ 143941 e 1~3942 3,878.75 · 143943 89.86 143944 3.55 ~43945 257.99 e 143946 ~15.59 ~ 143947 764.64 143948 I~280.00 143949 1~407.81 143950- 143 950 e 1439~1 1~161.03 143953 1*800.00 143954 1 143955 669.ZZ 143956 Z 4691070 143~7 235.11 143958 165.82 143~9 201.00 143960 143961 ~69.ZS 143962 46.00 143963 43.50 143~4 ~ 1,3965 Z~947.54 e 143~6 25.7~ 143967 143968 31.00 ~ 143~9 1~278.59 143970 160.95 e 143971 2~981.62 143972 24.00 143973 356.14 ~ 143974 91.76 1~3975 ~8.00 143976 284.15 143977 1,107.1 143978 ZO.00 143979 20.33 1439~0 16.17 143981 31.00 143984 143985 5~961~30 143986 25.00 143987 CELLULAR PHONE BILLINGS INSTALLATION/SERVICE DEPOSIT DEPOSIT UNIFORM APPLICATION REFUND OFFICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES APWA M~M~ERSHIP 6365 APX FUND FOR PAYROLC EDUCATION. INC RECREATION REFUND ARCHITERRA DESIGN GROUP ARROd AuTO MAGIC ACCESSORIES ARROW REALTY E MORTGAGE SERVICE 667 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 6207 AUDIO EDITIONS 5756 AUDIO REPLACEMENT TAPE SERVICE 21599 AVENOANO, ELOIS~ 4102 B E R ELECTRIC gHOLESALE 2908 B N 21587 BACKTARO PROOUCTIONS 21594 BANKS, SUE 4475 BARNES ~ NOBLE 6142 BASSETT-SMITHt TERR~ 21590 BENCHMARK ENTERPRISES 2820 BERNELL HYDRAULICS, XNCo 4441 BEST BUY CO., 1NC. 21596 BLACK, DANA 1247 BLAKE PAPER CO., INC. 4833 BOOKS ON TAPE~ INC. 21592 8RAZEAU, SAN:I 4369 BRODART BOOKS 21597 BROY. GWEN 5341 BUCKNAH ~ ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND BUS:N~SS LICENSE REFUND VISA MONTHLY BILLINGS BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES RECREATION REFUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PUBLICATIONS REFUND RECREATION REFUND LIBRARY SUPPLIES RECREATION REFUND BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES OFFIC~ SUPPLIES RECREATION REFUND RECREATION SUPPLIES LIBRARY SUPPLIES RECREATION REFUND ¢¢¢ 143982 - LIBRARY SUPPLIES RECREATION CONSULTANT SERVICES CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIST OF OARRANTS FOR PERIOD: 09-22-99 ¢99/00) ! t t t ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! RUN DATE: 09/ZZ/99 PAGE: VENDOR NAME ZTEM DESCRIPTION WARR NO WARR. AMTo Do CHECK~ OVERLAP 2161 BUSINESS ~ LEGAL REPORTS, INC. SUBSCRIPTION 143988 4949 C L 0 U T REGISTRATION 143989 S712 C R R A ANNUAL CONFERENCE 143990 2159~ CALDARONE, LAURA RECREATION · 143991 31911 CALIFORNIA DEBT ~ INVESTMENT MEETING 1,3992 S164 CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CALIF LIBRARY ASSOC MTG. 143993 S164 CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CALIF LIBRARY ASSOC NTG. 143994 5164 CALZFURNIA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CALIF LIBRARY ASSOC MTGo 143995 516~ CALZFORHIA LIBRARY ASSOCiATiON CALIF LIBRARY ASSOC MTG. 143996 S16e CALIFORNIA LIbRARy ASSOCIATION CALZF LIBRARY ASSOC MTGo 143997 4735 CALOLYHPIC SAFETY MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 143998 1223 CALSENSE OFFICE/HAINTENANCE EOUIPHENT ~ 1~3999 2159~ CARABALLO~ HIGUEL RECREATION 144000 68 CENTRAL CITIES SIGN S~RVIC~ MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES ~ 1,4001 6052 CHARTER COM~UN[CATI3NS ADVERTISING FEE 144002 74 CITY RENTALS E~UIPMENT RENTAL/SUPPLIES I 144003 4349 CLARK~ DEBORAH TRAVEL EXPENSES REIMBURSEMENT 144004 6197 CLASSIC STITCH ~HBRO~DERY COo BUSINESS LICENSE REFUNO $ 144005 430! CO~PUSA~ INC. MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES * 144006 2362 COMSERCO, INC. SERViCE/REPAIRS e 144907 4S93 CONGRESSIONAL ~UARTERL~ PUELICATIONS 144008 21593 CONN~LLY, RONDA RCREATION 144009 4370 CORg~N~ dAMES A. MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 144010 97 CPRS DISTRICT XII~ REGISTRATION 144011 Z1588 CPRS SUPERVISORS SECTION M~ETING 14401~ 21600 CRABTREE, AUCREY RECREATIO~ 144013 6366 CRAIG °N CO. RECREATION REFUND 144014 ((¢ 144015 - 14401S 8S CUCAMONGA CO WATER DIST MONTHLY ~ATER BILLINGS ~ 144016 ~39 D E K CONCRETE CO STREET MA:NTENANCE 144017 2512 D A R E AMERICA D.A.RoE. MATERIAL 14,018 284 DAIST ~HEEL RIBBON COe ~NC OFFICE SUPPLIES 144019 61~S DAVIS, SAM CONTRACT SERVICES 14&OZO S121 OE VOOGHT~ SCOTT ~o PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 144021 4366 OEMCg~ IMCo OFF~C~ SUPPLIES # 144022 10~ OERBZSH GUERRA & ASSOC. CONTRACT SERVICES I 1~4023 5138 O[ANOND FENCE CO. SUPPLIES/SERVICE 14402~ 4S44 DICKe ERIC EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH e 144025 839 0!ETERICH INTERNATIONAL TRUCK VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 14&026 3130 O[SNEYLAND OISNEYLAND TICKETS # 144027 41032 OOM[NGUEZ L STRONG INVESTIGATIONS BUSINESS LICENSE REFUNO 144028 41033 OYMERSKI, ~ICHELLE RECREATION REFUND 144029 4Z05 DVNAM~C GRAPHICS, INC. 3F~ICE EQUIPMENT 144030 4937 OYNASTY SCREEN PRINTING RECREATION SUPPLIES 144031 41034 EBEIGBE, JACQUELINE RECREATION REFUNO 144032 3364 EIGHTH AVENUE GRAPHICS OFFICE SUPPLIES e 144033 41035 ESTRELLA, CARMEN RECREAT~Oq REFUND 1~&034 41037 EUGENIAS-GONLALEZ~ LINDA R~CREATION REFUND 14403S 5521 EXPERIAN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 144036 4103a E~ON~ INC. $USIN~SS L~CENS~ REFUNO 144037 2121 FARR°S - RANCHO CUCANONG4 OFFICE SUPPLIES 144038 a34.95 80.00 187.50 50.00 125.00 100.00 67.00 1SO.00 45.00 100.00 240.01 3,328.42 60°00 3~980o96 1,00t.25 127.64 26.40 B~015.23 1,791.32 703°79 170.92 90.00 20.46 60.00 175.00 27.00 2,125.00 11,049.55 513.43 760.00 343o23 622.50 360.00 70.21 19t940o50 6S0.00 75.00 150.00 l,J20oO0 35.00 90.00 58.95 ~,063.52 40.00 754.26 30.00 bO.00 50.00 17.14 7.50 CiTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIST OF OARRANTS F~R P~RIO0:09-22-99 C99/00) VENDOR RUN DATE: 09/22/99 PAGE: 3 ITEM DESCRIPTION WARR NO WARR. AMT. 5917 41039 41043 2840 41031 6074 6232 6070 5737 41044 3356 4X036 ~1012 5955 650 3827 41040 41041 5387 137 A1042 6277 5699 6217 31902 5909 462 31900 6000 158 2255 4033 3633 4414 1234 3634 4964 4188 92 2315 S193 6367 31887 J1897 31~98 5654 31901 FASTENAL COMPANY FLOCKERp RO~£RT FLORES, ANNETTE FORO OF UPLAND, INC. FREDRICKSEN, CHRISTINE FUKUSHIMA~ JUDITH GAOABOUT TOURS, INC GALE GROUP, THE GAME ROOM GALLERY GANGZ, BERNACETTE GARC~A~ VIVIAN GARXBAY, MIGUEL GILLEY, DANNI GOLOEN gEST DISTRIBUTING GRAINGER. G~EEN ROCK POWER EQUIPMENT GROVE PROFESSIONAL PLA~A GROYEUNOER~ LEEANN GST TELECOM CALIFORNIA GTE CALIFORNIA GUXLLORY, TANE SHIA GUZMAN, LESLI~ HARALAM805 8~VERAGE COMPANY HARO ENGINEERING HARRXS~ SANDRA HASTY AHAR~S HCS-CUTLER STEEL CO. MECKER, DONNA H~GHBRIOGE COMPANY HOCKEY ~EST HOLLIDAY ROCK CO., INC. HOLT'S AUTO ELECTRIC HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICE HOMELESS OUTREACH PRGMS ~ EDUCATION HOO0, KARYE HOSEMAN HOUSE OF RUTH HUNTINGTON HAROWARE I O BURR INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN INLAND ~HOLESALE NURSERY INTERACTIVE GATA CORPORATION ISIS PUBLISHING JACOBS~ DEBI JENOMAM, INC. JOHNSON, VIVIAN KANGe HANNAH KAPCO KATLORw JENNIFER MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES DEPOSIT REFUND RECREATION REFUND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REIMdU~SEM~NT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RECREATION LIBRARY BOOKS R~CREATION SUPPL~ REC~EAT~O~ REFUNO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT O~POSIT R~FUND RECREATION REFUND RECREATION SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND REC~EATION REFUND INTERNET SERVICES MONTHLY TELEPHONE BILLINGS RECREATION ~EFUNO CONTRACT S~R¥ICE RECREATION SUPPLIES BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND RECREATION RECREATION SUPPLIES E~UIPM~NT MAINTENANC~ RECREATION RECREATION REFUNO R~CREATXON MAZNT~NANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MONTHLY SERVICE& REIMBURSEMENT MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 93/94 COBG CONTRACT MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES SUBSCRIPTIONS MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES RECREATION REFUND RECREATION MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES RECREATION RECREATION LIBRARY SUPPLIES RECREATION CHECK, OVERLAP 144039 144040 14404! 144042 I44043 ! 44044 I4404~ 144046 144047 144048 144049 1440S0 1440~1 1440S~ X44054 X44055 ~44056 ~440~7 X44058 X4405~ X44060 144061 144062 144063 144064 144065 144066 144067 144068 144069 144071 144072 144073 1.~07~ 1.~075 1~080 lk4082 144083 X44085 144086 ~44087 144088 144089 548.BZ 500.00 36.00 1,144.05 02.02 1,080.00 1,413.00 233.66 39.75 55.00 lB.60 ZOO.00 86.00 49.96 1,855.00 259.98 16.00 40.00 1,060o00 8,875.70 90.00 140.00 84.75 3,500.00 110o00 10071.68 1.ZSZoZZ 45.00 39.72 1,037.18 154066 134.69 1,344.88 1,295.00 41.97 63.8Z 633.00 711.49 143.68 ~,679.30 30.17 84.24 6.75 90.00 207.00 20o00 56.00 S66.06 40.00 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA LIST OF BARRANTS FOR PERIOD: 09-ZZ-99 (99/00) VENDOR &128 KELLY EQUIPMENT 31907 KODIAK CONSTRUCTION CS 6090 K~NG. $OPHAK 4242 LAIDLAW TRANSIT. INC. ~49 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. 31888 LICEA, HZRELLA ¢861 L:TERACY VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA. INC 31893 LJGSDON, MARY L~U 1455 L3NG'S DRUGS S66Z LOS ANGELES COCA COLA BTLo CO. 31906 LOS ANGELES ENGINEEYING, INC. 31S6 LU°S LIGHTHOUSE. INC. 31908 M O STAINLESS SERVICES, 31890 HACALZNAO, WENGY 31903 MACAM, 3ERNIE 31889 HAZe JACQUELINE 5~9 MARIPOSA H~RTICULTURAL ENT.INC. 31910 #&SI COMMERCE CENTER PARTNERS 537S MASTER BUILDING SPECIALTIES 3871 MATT°S HARDdARE 31909 H&TT~RN CONSTRUCTION ~I892 HEIDL, Sa52 M[DWEST TAPE 318~! HITCH~LL, ~EONDREA 31896 MONTANE;, RUEEN ZZ48 NAPA AUTO PARTS 5~28 NOLO PRESS S975 NORTHERN ~UAL~TY PROUUCT$ IZ11 D'NEALt OIAN~ 4853 OCLC, INC. S23 OFFICE OEPDT 365 OLD QUAKER PAINT COMPANY g3Z OMNITRaNS 3049 ONTARIO FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO. Z~10 ONTARIO, CITY OD 5461 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE S&61 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 31894 ORGP~ZA, LISA Z3S OWEN ELECTRIC 31d99 OdEN$~ MARY 6Z81 PACIFICARE OF CALIFORNIA 1823 PAGENET 31895 PATRONITE, AMBER 7S7 PEP BOYS 31886 PERRY, LISA STZO PERVO PAINT COo 6089 PITTS, LISA 31~05 PORTLANO HILTON 093 POWERSTRIDE BATTERY CO., INC. RUN DATE= 09/ZZ/99 PAGE= 4 NAME ITEM DESCRIPTION WARR NO WARRo AHTo ~* CHECK# OVERLAP VEHICLE SUPPLIES 144090 166.05 BUSINESS LICENS~ 144091 ZS.00 BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND 144092 480.00 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 144093 ZSZ.00 HAINTENANCE SUPPLIES lB&094 ~ECREATZON ~ 14~095 85°75 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 144096 54.Z3 RECREATIO~ 144097 80°00 FILM PROCESSING 144098 9.69 R~CREAT~ON SUPPLIES 144099 ZIS.IZ REIMBURSEMENT 14~100 1S.00 OIL ANALYSIS 1,4101 99~.86 BUSINESS L:CENSE 14410Z 10.00 RECREATIOq 144103 161.50 RECREAT~O~ 1~alOe 31.00 RECREATID~ # 14A105 IZOoO0 LANDSCAPE M~INTENANCE # 144106 13,131o63 R~LEASE F~ES · 144107 ltIlO.00 HAINTENAN£~ SUPPLIES · 14&108 T,ZO¢.00 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 144109 68.99 BUSINESS L~CENSE I~4110 RECREATION 148!11 60.00 LIBRARY SUPPLIES d 14811g Z~9.89 R~CREATION 146113 IS.00 RECREATION 146114 ZOoO0 ((< 1.1115 - 144116 >>> VEHICL~ MAINTENANCE ~ 164117 719o?? LIBRARY SUPPLIES 14~I18 ZZOo~6 MAINTEN~NC~ 144119 43°86 CAS~ AOVANCE 1441Z0 300°00 COR~ SERVICES CHARGES # 14½IZ1 OFFICE SUPPLIES e 144122 3,014.58 MAINTENANC~ SUPPLIES 1441Z3 80°29 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICES I 144125 18S.SZ QUARTERLY BILLING 14~126 60,498.S0 <<< 1~1Z7 - 14,1Z7 MAINTENANCE SUPPLZES # 14~1Z8 2,381.32 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES ~ 144129 RECREATION 1,4130 10o00 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES I 14~131 1,101o51 RECREATION I4~I3Z 30°00 RECREATION REFUND 144~33 32,587o65 PAGING SERVICE # 1&4!34 546.T3 RECREATION 144135 &OoO0 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 14&136 45°53 RECREATION 148137 115o00 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 144138 ZZ6oZ8 RECREATION REFUND 144139 ~Z°00 ICMA ME~TING 148140 ~1S.Z9 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 1481k1 1ZSo87 CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA LIST OF WARRANTS FOR PERIOD: 09-22-99 C99/00) RUN DATE: 09/22/99 VENDOR NAME ITEM DESCRIPTION WARR NO WARR. AMT. PAGE: ~ CHECRN OVERLAP 758 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION, INC. MAINT/RECREATZON SUPPLIES · 144142 100.91 583 PROTECTION SERVICE INDUSTRIES PROTECTION SERVICES-LIONS CNTR # 144143 181o68 65 PRUGENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY HAZNTENANCE SUPPLIES J 144144 11.13 5699 dUALITY ONE ENGRAVERS OFFICE SUPPLIES 144145 32°33 gSl R g R AUTOMOTIVE VEHICL~ MAINT,SUPPLIES&SERVICE g 144146 461.38 £600 RANCHO CUCAMONvA FIRE DISTRICT SALARY AND BENEFITS 144147 66.00 2600 RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE DISTRICT SALARY AND BENEFITS 144148 693.38 11769 RANCHO OEFENOERS EUCLID LAW CENTEa BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND 144149 50.00 5513 RANOOM HOUSE~ !NCo LIBRARY SUPPLIES I 144150 29.20 3821 RE-PRINT CORP3RATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 144151 79~82 545 RED WING SHOE STORE SAFETY BOOTS 144152 261.74 S45 R~D WZNb SHOE STORE SAFETY ~OgTS 14415~ S~I& REXEL CALCON ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 14~S4 lb60 REYNOLDS & REYNOLDS OFFICE SUPPLIES ~4~55 1,155.62 626 ROBLES, RAUL P., SR. TIRE REPAIR e 144156 136o00 5~2~ ROGAN BUILDING SERVICES JANITORIAL SERVICE 1441S7 63~7 ROSEN PUOLIS~NG : POwERKIDS R~CREATION R~FUNb 14~156 83.94 1~770 ROSSELLO, j~NNIF~ R~CREATIO~ ~EFUND$ · I~159 45.00 11771 ROYAL ROOF CO BUSINESS LICENSE REFUNDS 144160 36°00 S105 RUSH, CHRISTIN~ INSTRUCTOR PAYMENTS 144161 Z3SoEZ 1292 S £ S ARTS AND CRAFTS RECREATION SUPPLIES 144162 318.57 21, SAN aERN COUNTY SOLID ~ASTE MG~T MONTHLY SERVICE 14,163 1~2 SAN DIEGO ROTAaY &ROUH CO~ INC MAINT SUPPLIES e 144164 896°49 11779 SARPY~ NANCY RECREATION REFUNDS 14416S 11780 SCOTT, PHYLLIS RECREATION REFUNDS 144166 20.00 1105 SEAL FURNITURE & SYSTEMS INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES a 144167 6,186.S0 1!772 S~CURZTYLINR FROH AMERITECH, INC BUSINESS LICENSE REFUNOS 144168 614.37 1829 SHAREO TECHo FAIRCHILD TELECOH~ INC TELEPHONE SERVICES 144169 76.00 11773 SHILLING~ LAURA RECREATION REFUNDS 144~70 11774 SILVA, NINA RECREATION REFUNDS a 144171 1177S SLATTERYt JENNIFER RECR~A[ION REFUNDS 144172 48°00 1527 SMART ~ FINAL DAY CAMP SUPPLIES 144173 16o00 1327 SMART & FINAL DAY CAMP SUPPLIES 144174 46o01 36 SMZOERLE, eEa PETTY CASH - COMMUNITY SVCS e 144175 7ZeEZ 319 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY HONTHLY GAS 8ILLS I 144176 Z8o93 135 SO CALIF MUNICIPAL ATHLETIC FED,INC REGISTRATION 144177 10.00 (¢¢ IA~178 - 144186 ))) 1432 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON MONTHLY ELECTRIC B~LLS a 144187 14,296.71 11776 S~ANOARO PACIFIC ZNO, INC BUSINESS LICENSE REFUNDS 144188 10203.55 11777 STARRE, dAYNE RECREATION REFUNDS 14,189 1177a SYEDMAN, ZELMA RECREATZON REFUNCS J 146190 107.50 b300 SHANK NOTION PICTURE. INC. ADVERTISING J 144191 Ie09&.Z3 11781 T.M.C. BUSINESS LICENS~ REFUNDS 1,4192 95.56 11782 THOMPSON, SARA RECREATION REFUNOS 144193 11783 TIM°S AUTOPOTIVE BUSINESS LICENSE REFdNDS 144194 5.89 62~0 TITAN INDUSTRIAL FOOT~EAR CORP. RECREATION REFUND 144195 148.64 &OS1 ~OBINe RENE~ RECREATION REIMBURSEMENT 144196 60.65 1919 TOMARK SPORTS INC. MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 144197 4738 T~INITY OIVERSZFIED, INC. SUPPLIES e 144199 4873 TROPHY CENTER ~F ALTA LOHA RECREATION SUPPLIES ~ 14&199 1~641.68 11784 TURNER, DELOZSE RECREATION REFUNOS e 144200 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIST OF WARRANTS FOR PERIOD: 09-22-99 (99/00) RUN DATE: 09/22/99 PAGE: 6 VENDOR NAME ITEM DESCRIPTION WARR NO WARR. AMT. ~ CH[CK~ OVERLAP 1950 TdENTZ~TH CENTURY PLASTICS MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 144Z01 76.50 2956 UMPS ARE US ASSOCIATION UMP SERVICES M 144202 1~8~2.00 3437 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORM SERVICES e 144203 692°08 4206 UNIQUE CREATIONS IST AX~ K~TS ~ 144204 234.66 5601 UNIQUE MANAGEMENT S~RViCES~ INC. MANAGEMENT S~RVZCES 144205 33~.85 1226 UNITED PARCEL S~RVICE UPS ~RVICE 14~206 35.65 881 VANCE CORPORATION BASELINE ROAD WXOENING # 144207 227e204.75 11785 VINTAGE DESIGNs INC BUSINESS LICENSE REFUNDS 144208 JT.50 1103 VESTA PAINT MAINT SUPPLIES 144209 590.64 5870 VLSYSTEMS, INC. COMPUTER HARDWARE # 144210 18,531.93 478 WARREN ~ COo~ CARL LIABILITY CLAIMS ~ 144211 132.68 · 002 ~ASTE MANAGEHENT WASTE HANAGEMENT · 144212 1e989.95 213 ~AXXEe RLEEN-LINE CORP MAtNT SUPPLIES I 144213 4~736o19 11750 W6~SEL~ TAMI RECREATION REFUNDS 1,4214 60.00 5526 ~EST GROUP PU6L~SMING I 144215 116.11 11786 NESTFALL~ JANET RECREATION R~FUNO$ 1442~6 30°00 11788 W~LLETTE & ASSOCIATES BUSINESS LICENSE REFUNDS 144217 51.10 11787 WXL$ON~ CARX R~CR~ATIO~ REFUNOS 144218 31.00 11789 W~LT~ PATRICIA R~C~EA?~ON REFdND$ 144219 37.50 509 XEROX CORPORATION COPY MACHINE S~PPLIES/SERVZCE 371 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE RECREATION SUPPLIES 14~221 38.36 6283 ZOLELZO~ MXCKEY ROCHESTER/LARK DR RIGHT-OF-WAY 144222 ~75o00 TOTAL Stfite of Cal/¢ornta Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE(S) ABC 2II (6/99/ ' ' TO: Department of Alcohoiic Beverage Control Fite Number: 357~,3 3737 Main Street Receipt Number: Suite 900 Geographical Code: 3615 Riverside, CA 9250I Copies Mailed Date: August Issued Date: DISTRiCT SERVING LOCATI'ON: First Owner: Name of Business: Location of Business: County: is premise inside city limits'? Mailing Address: (If different from premise address) Type of license (if premise is Transferor's names/license: RIVERSIDE ALBERTSONS INC A LBERTSONS 11428 KENYON' WAY RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 SAN BERNARDINO Yes P O BOX 20 ATTN: LICENSING DEPT BOISE, ID 83726 ~icensed): 21 295931 / LUCKY STORES .i 20, I999 RECEIVED 3 J. 1999 City ot Rancho Cucamon~c P~anning Division Dropping Partner: -Yes No License Type Trans,qcti.on Type Fee Type 21 OFF-SALE GENERAL 2407I TRANSFERYF[DUCIAW NA 2l OFF-SALE GENERAL 24071 TRANSFEP,/F[DUCIAR' NA 21 OFF-SALE GENEILAL 2407[ TRANSFERYFIDUCIAR' NA Fee 08/20/99 $74.00 08/2 0/9 9 $74.00 08/20/99 $74.00 Total $222.00 Have you ever been convicted of, a felony'? No Have you ever violated any provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, or regulations of the Department pertaining to the Act? No Exp~a,n any 'Yes' answer to the above quest~on~ on ~n attachment wh~c~ shall be ~eemed pan of ~s applica~ioo~ Applicant agrees (a) that any manager employed in on-sale licensed premise will have all the qualifications of a licensec, and (b]:: thaz he will not viulate or cause or petit to be violated any ot the provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act. ' STATE OF CALIFO~IA County of SAN BERNA~INO Date: August 10. 1999 Under penalty of pcrju~. each person w~o~e s~gnature appear~ below, ce~ific~ ~d ~ays: ~:1} Hc is an applicant. or oac of (hc ap~Jicaol$, or ao wh,~c$ ch~s apphcat~on ts ma~e: {'4) ~ag Ihe c~a~fer apphcataon or pro~ed transfer ~s hoe ~de to to,l/fly the paymenl of a loan or to fulfill an e~gabh~h ~ preference :o o,r for any creditor or transferor or Io defraud or' injure any cre4J~or of Irans~eror; (3) that the transfer apphcaclon may Applicant Name(s) Applicant Signature(s) ALBERTSONS INC SEE 2 1 1S IO Hortton Iroct No, f52'79, M.B. ,0225 . , F7L~'O' ,'.'.' 203/98- I02 AvEnUE Ctly o! Rancho Cuco[nor~o To~ Role Area i5054, i5fl6 i I"-' IOCF Pat tt Parcel Map No t2265, PM 151/54-58 Application: Type 21 (Off Sale General) Apphcant: Albertsons Inc Description Existin, business ( : '-' g ' ; tansfar of license Site and Surrounding Zoning_.' Site: North: South: East: West: Village Commercial, Victoria Co~nmunity Plan Village Commercial, Victoria Community Plan Village Commercial, Victoria Community Plan v magc ~ummerc~al, Victoria Community Plan Village Commercial, Victoria Community Plan State of California Department of .Alcoholic Beverage Contro~ APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE(S) ABE TO: Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control 3737 Main Street Suite 900 Riverside. CA 92501 DISTRICT SERVING LOCATION: First Owner: Name of Business: Location of Business: RIVERSIDE ALBERTSONS INC ALBERTSONS 6351 HAVEN AVE File Number: 357538 Receipt Number: Geographical Code: 3615 Copies Mailed Date: August Issued Date:: County: Is premise inside city limits'? Mailing Address: (If different from premise address) Type of license (if premise is licensed): Transferor's names/license: 191021 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 SAN BERNARDINO Yes P O BOX 20 ATTN: LICENSING DEPT BOISE, ID 83726 20, 1999 /LUCKY STORES ' Dropping Partner: ~ Yes_ No I.icensc Type 21 OFF.SALE GENERAL 21 OFF.SALE GENERAL 21 OFF. SALE GENERAL Transaction Type Fee Type Master Dup ~. Fee 24071 TRANSFERA=[DUCIAR' NA Y 0 08/20/99 57-1.00 2.4071 TRANSFERJFIDUCiAR NA 5' 0 08/20/99 574.00 24071 TRANSFER/FIDUCIAR' NA '( 0 08/20/99 $74,00 Total 5222.00 Have you ever been convicted of a felony? No Have you ever violated any provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Conuo[ Act, or regulations of the Department pertaining to the Act'! No E*piam any 'Yes" an~er to the above questions on an a~t:achmea~ *'hich shall be deemed par! of rh~ apphcanon. Applicant agrees (a) that any manager employed in on-sale licensed premise will have all the qualificatioos of a licensee, and (~) ~hat he will not violate o~ cause or permit to be violated any of the provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (2ounty of SAN BERNARDINO Date: August 14, 1999 Under penat~y of perju~. each person who~c signature appea,r~ below, cemfie~ and *ay~ (11 He :, ~m 4pphcanL or one of the apphcam~,, or an executive officer of the applicaa~ cor~ra~on, .amed in the fortgoing apphca~on. duly aulhonzed ~o make ~s appltcauoa on ils behalf; (2) that he has read INc foregoing and knows the ,:omen~ thereof and ~l~al e~cb of the above ~tatemcn~s the~e:n ma~e are true: (3) that no person other ~han the apphcanl or applicam~ has any d,~rect or I, ndirec~ mlere~ m the apphcanl, or apphc~n~s bu~mesl co be conducted under ~he ticeuse,~) for ~lch ~hts apphcatmn ~ made:, (4) that the ~,nsfer ~pphc~ion or propo*ed ~ran~fe:r ~ ~o~ made ~o :~an~fv the payment o~ a loan or ~o fulfil/ an Applicant Name(s) Applicant Signature(s) ~BERTSONSINC SEE 211SZG S.i/2 Sec.25, T. IN,R.7W.,$.B.B~M. Application: Applicant: Address: Description: Type 21 (Off gale Albertsons, Inc,. 6.351 ttavcn Avenue Existing business; transfer of license, new owner S_itc and Surrounding Zoning: Neighborhood Cmnmercial Neighborhood Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Site: North: South: .... East: West: 'tOZ6' P~ Foothill Frosttess Fruit Co Sub No ~ ,MB ~0/34 91 '1 Rancho Cucomongo City Tax Role Area 15007, 15075 Assessor's Mop 27 State'of California APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE I.,ICENSE(S) ABC 211 (6199) TO: Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control 3737 Main Street Suite 900 Riverside. CA 92501 DISTRICT SERVING LOCATION: First Owner: Name of Business: Location of Business: County: Is premise inside city Mailing Address: (If different from premise address) limits? Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control File Number: 358069 Receipt Number: 1248594 Geographical Code: 3615 Copies Mailed Date: August 30, Issued Date: RIVERSIDE SUKUL KASSARA MAI THAI CUISINE 7890 HAVEN AVE UNIT 15 & 16 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91731) SAN BERNARDIN() Yes 1999 RECEIVED $£P 1 4/939 City o~ Rancho Cucamon.,c Pranrl, ing Division Type of license(s): 47 Transferor's license/name: 208503 /LAU MICHAEL T Dropping Partner: Yes No License Type Transaction Type Fee: Type Master l)up 47 ON-SALE GENERAL ] PERSON TO PERSON TRANSF P40 Y 0 47 ON-SALE GENERAL' ANNUAL FEE P40 Y 0 47 ON-SALE GENERAL 1 STATE FINGERPRINTS NA N I Have you ever been convicted of a felony? No Date Fee 08/30/99 $1,250.00 08/30/99 $695,00 08/30/99 $39.00 Total $1.984.00 Have you ever violated any provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act,' or regulations of the Department pertaining to the Act? No Explain any "Yes" answer to the above questions on an attachment which shall be deemed part of Ibis application. Applicant agrees Ca) that any manager employed in on-sale licensed premise will have all the qualifications of a licensee. and (b) that he will not violate or cause or permit to be violated any of the provisions of the Alcoholic' Beverage Control Act. STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of SAN BERNARDINO Date: August 30, 1999 Under penalty of perjury, each person whose signature appears below, certifies and says: (1~ He is an applicant. or one of the applicants. or an executive officer of the: apphcant corporatmn, aamco in the foregoing application, duiy authorized Io make this apphcation on Its behalf; ~2) that he has read the foregoing and knows the contents thereof and lhat each o,f the above statements therein made are true: (37 that no person other lhan the applicant or applicants has an.~, direcl or indirect interest in the applicant or applicanfs busmess to be conducted under the [icense(s) for which this application is made'.:: (4) Ihat the ~ransfer application or proposed transfer is not made to satisfy the payment of a loan or to fulfill an agreement entered into more than ninety (90) days preceding the day on which the transfer applicalion is filed with the Department or to gain or establish a preference to or for any creditor or transferor or to defraud or injure any creditor of tr*msferor: (5) that the transfer application may be withdrawn by either the applicam or the licensec with no resuhing liability to the Department Applicant Name(s) SUKUL KASSARA Pot:. Cucomongo Fruit Lands, In $ec. 2,T. IS.R. 7W.,MB. 4/9 Par. Tract No. 220~ M.B$4/67 Rancho Cucamonga City Tax Rate Area 15009, 15049 AVENUE ~ ', Assesses Map ~r SE.I/4,Sec. 2 B~k 1077 ~ge40 I S., R. 7 W. Son Bernordi~ C~nty REVtSEO 12/~0/97 ?/28/95 ~S 3/'3/'99 ~;D Application: Applicant: Address: Description: Type 47 (On Sale Gene:ral) Mai Thai Cuisine 7890 Haven Avenue, Suites 15 & 16 Existing business; ;~ransfEr of license; new owner; continuation of existing use Site and Surround_ing Zoning: Site: General Commercial North: General Commercial South: General Commercial East: General Commercial West:: General Commercial DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANClIO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT October 6, 1999 Mayor m~d Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager William J. O'Neil, City Engineer Jerry A~ Dyer, Associate Engineer APPROVAL OF' THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE RANCHERiA DRIVE STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZE THE ADVERTISING OF THE "NOTICE INVITING BIDS", TO BE FUNDED FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS ACCOUNT NO. 28-4333-9923 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the plans and specifications for the Rancheria Drive Street Improvements, and approve the attached resolution authorizing the City Clerk to advertise the "Notice Inviting Bids." BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS:: The project will reconstruct Rancheria Drive with new asphalt concrete pavement and install the missing curb and gutter, sidewalk, drive approaches and street lights. The project limits are Grove Avenue to Tapia Via. The project will be funded from Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from Account No. 28-4333-9923. Staff has determined that the project is Categorically Exempt per Article 19, Section 15301(c) of the CEQ. A guidelines. The project plans and specifications have been completed by staff and approved by the City Engineer. The Engineer's estimate tbr construction is $202,000 including a 10% contingency, plus $5,000 for the SCE street lights, and an additional estimated amount of $4,000 for construction survey, and soils and material testing. Legal advertising is scheduled for October 12 and October 19, 1999, with a mandatory pre-bid meeting on Thursday, October 28, 1999, and a bid opening at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 9, 1999. Respectfully submitted, Will i, m~e i~l City Engineer WJO:JAD:ls Attachments: Vicinity Map/Resolution EXHIBIT "A" F~thill Boulevard !~eheri~. ~ve PROJECT LIMITS Arrow Highway N.T.& 'a Drive ~3 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "RANCHERIA DRIVE STREET IMPROVEMENTS" 'IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to construct certain improvements in the City of Rancho Cucamon. ga. WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cuca:monga has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of certain improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT' RESOLVED that the plans and specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for "RANCHERIA DRIVE STREET IMPROVEMENTS FROM GROVE AVENUE TO TAPIA VIA DRIVE". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that: the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law tbr the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for doing the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to 'wit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS" This project is Federally financed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (24 CRF, Part 57) for the purpose of providing improvements pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act and is subject to certain requirements including the payment of Federal prevailing wages, compliance with "Section 3 -. Affirmative Action Requirements". Executive Order it 11246 and others. The aforementioned are described in the "Special Federal Provisions" section of the bid documents. Additional infbrmation pertaining: to the Federal requirements is on file with the City of Rancho Cucamonga's Community Development De.partment. Pursuant to a Resolution oft:he Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that said City of Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the Office of the City Clerk in the offices of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on or before the hour of 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 9, 1999, sealed bids or proposals for the "RANCHERIA DRIVE STREET IMPROVEMENTS FROM GROVE AVENUE TO TAPIA VIA DRIVE" in said City. Bids will be publicly opened and read in the office of the City Clerk, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. Bids must be made on a t:brm provided tbr the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, marked, "Bid for Construction of ILANCHERIA DRIVE STREET IMPROVEMENTS FROM GROVE AVENUE TO TAPIA VIA DRIVE". A mandatory pre bid meeting is schedulecl for T'hursday, October 28, 1999, at 2:00 p.m'., at the City RESOLUTION NO. October 6, 1999 Page 2 Hall, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. All Prime Contractors are required to have a representative attend and sign in at the pre-bid meeting. Failure to comply with this attendance and sign-in requirement will result in the Bidder's proposal being found non- responsive to the required bid procedures. At the pre-bid meeting, Section 3 requirements will be explained to facilitate completion of the: required Section 3 documents in the bid proposal. Award of the project will be contingent on the content on these Section 3 documents. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: The City of Rancho Cucmnonga hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin, in consideration for the award. MINIMUM WAGE RATE: Notice is hereby given that this project is fi.mded with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development timds and that the rate of wages fbr each craft or type of workman or mechanic employed under this contract shall be not less that as specified under the U.S. Department of Labor General Wage Decision in the locality in which the work is to be performed as modified within ten (10), days prior to the bid opening date as required under the Davis-Bacon Act. Notwithstanding the conditions hereinabove, the C:alifornia Labor Code Division 2, Part 7, Chapter I, Articles 1 & 2, stipulates that not less that the general prevailing rate of per diem wages tbr each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute the contract in the locality in which the work is to be perfo:rmed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work as determined by the Director of Industrial Relations of the State of Calilbrnia shall be paid to all workmen employed. Where a discrepancy exists between the federal and state prevailing wage rates, the policy of the Cal:ifornia Department of Labor is to require that the higher of the two prevailing wage rates shall apply. Copies of such prevailing rates ofp.er diem wages are on file in the Offiice of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucarnonga, Califbrnia, and are available to any interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy of such determinations to be posted at the job site. Pursuant to provisions of Labor Code Section 1775, the Contractor shall fbrfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, not more than fifty dollars ($50.00) tbr each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day or portion thereof; if such laborer, workman or mechanic is paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages herein befbre stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code conceming the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprenticable o.ccupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public work's project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade for a certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to journeymen that will b.e used in the perfbrmance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen in such cases shall not be 025 RESOLUTION NO. October 6, 1999 Page 3 less than one to five except: When unemployment in the area of coverage by the joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request of certificate, or When the number ofapp, rentic. es. in training in the area exceeds a ratio of one to five, or When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or When the Contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an mmual average o.f not less than one apprentice to eight .journeymen. The Contractor is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship progrmns if he employs registered apprentices or journeymen in any apprenticable trade on such contracts and if other Contractors on the public works site are making such contributions. The Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices.. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work tbr all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with and be: governed by the laws of the State of California having to. do with working hours as set forth in Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California as amended. The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each laborer', workman, or mechanic employed in the e:xecution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon any of the work herein before mentioned, f~)r each calendar day during which said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours in violat:ion of said Labor Code. Contractor agrees to pay tra, vel and subsistence pay to each workman needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreement filed in accordance with Labor Code Section 17773.8. The bidder must submit with his proposal, cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, payable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least ! 0% of the amount of said bid as a guarantee that: the bidder will enter into the proposed contract if the same is awarded to him, and in event of f:kilure to enter into such contract said cash, cashiers' check, certified check, Or bond RESOLUTION NO,, October 6, 1999 Page 4 shall become the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. If the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the lowest bidder's security shall be applied by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the Iow bid and the second lowest bid, and the surplus, if any shall be returned to the lowest bidder. BONDS: The amount of the bond to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shall be 100% of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond in an amount equal to 100% of the contract price fbr said work shall be given to secure the payment of claims for any materials or supplies furnished for the performance of the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, or any work or labor of any kind done th:ereon, and the Contractor will also be required to fhrnish a certificate that he carries compensation insurance covering his employees upon work to be done under' contract which may be entered into between him and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work.. No proposal will be considered t¥om a Contractor to whom a proposal [brm has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. On the date and at the time of the submittal of the Bidder's Proposal the Prime Contractor shall possess any and all contractor licenses, in form and class as required by any and all ap.plicable laws with respect to any and all of the work to be performed under this contract; Including but not limited to a Class "A" License (General Engineering Contractor) or a combination of Speciality Class "C" licenses sufficient to cover all the work to be performed by the Prime Contractor in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 7000 et. seq.) and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. The Contractor, pursuant to the "Call fornia Business and Professions Code," Section 7028.15, shall indicate his or her State License Number on tile bid, together with the expiration date, and be signed by the Contractor declaring, under penalty of perjury, that the infbrmation being provided is true and correct. The work is to be done in accordance with th.e profiles, plans, and specifications of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on file in the Office of the City Clerk at 1050,0 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California.. Copies of the plans and specifications, available at the office of the City Engineer, will be furnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and payment of $35.00 (THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS), said $35~00 (THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS) is non refundable. Upon written request by the: bidder, copies of the plans. and specifications will be mailed when said request is accompan!ed ~' ': ',',":,':n,-':: stipulated above, together with an additionaI non reimbursable payment of $15..00 I.I I..I .~ ........:... N D,.',2, LARS) to cover the cost of mailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a coreract satisfiactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the requirements of Section 9-3.2 of the General Provisions, as set forth in the Plans and Specifications regarding the work contracted to be done by' the Contractor, the Contractor may, upon the Contractor's request and at 'the Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute authorized securities in lieu of monies withheld (performance retention). RESOLUTION NO. October 6, 1999 Page 5 The City of Rancho Cucamonga, reserves the right to reject any o.r' all bids. By order of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. Dated this 6'h day of October, 1999 Publish Dates: October 12 and October 19, 1999 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, this 6"~ day of October, 1999. · William J. Alexander, Mayor ATTEST: Debbie J. Adams, City Clerk I, DEBRA J. ADAMS, CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was; duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 6t~ day of October, 1999 Executed this 6'" day of October, 1999, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. Debra J. Adams, CMC, City Clerk ADVERTISE ON: October 12 and October 19, 1999 o17 DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF R A NC [10 C LICAMONGA "1 ~ "I "~ 'D '71 ' ' r ~ S IAI REPOR I October 6, 1999 Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager Brad Buller, City Planner Cathy Morris, Planning Specialist HISTORIC LANDMARK DESIGNATION 99-03 - KATHERINE DAVIS - An application to designate the Huber/Kal~bach House as a Local Landmark, located at 5991 Heftman Avenue APN: 1062-232-21. Related file: Mills Act Agreement 99-02. MILLS ACT AGREEMENT 99-02 - KATHERINE DAVIS - A request to implement the use of the Mills Act to reduce property tax on the Huber Ranch/Kalbach House, an Historic Landmark, located at 5991 Hellman Avenue - APN: 1062-232-21. Related file: Landmark Designation 99-03. i RECOMMENDATION Approval of the requests by resolution land minute order, respectively.. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Historical Significance: The subject residence was constructed in 1887. The Huber Ranch is significant because it is the earliest continuously owned residence within the community of Alta Loma. Originally established by Charles and Jennie Huber in 1887, this property has been in the Huber-Kalbach families up until 1990, when it: was purchased by the current owner. Although Mr. Huber never live.d in the house, he was active within the community. He served on the Board of Directors of the Upland Lemon Growers and had a financial interest in the first packing house built in Alta Loma. Charles Huber"s daughter, Anna, married Warren Kalbach, of Iowa. Her son, Huber Kalbach, often visited the ranch while he was growing up. In 1927, after leaving college, he took over the citrus operation. In 1930, Huber Kalbach married Margaret Cunningham and moved to the ranch. They became the first members of the Huber-Kalbach family to make the ranch their permanent home. During the time that they lived there, the house was. remodeled and added on to several times as the family grew. In 1953, Huber Kalbach pl~anted the last commercial lemon groves in Alta Loma. The residence is a single stow wood structure of irre.gular design. The roof is a high hipped design with wood shingles. The eaves are an enclosed: plain box design. The exterior is wood clapboard, with quoins at each corner. The house has two. separate interior chimneys. Windows are double hung with molded trim lintel, wide sides, and molded trim lug sills. The door is centrally located, with multiple panels of wood construction. Full length shutters are located on either side of the door. A red brick veranda extends along the entire length of the front with straight, red brick stairs. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT LD 99-03 & MA 99-02 - KATHERINE DAVIS October 6, 1999 Page 2 Porch supports are wrought iron. ThE; house has had major additions over the past 60 years, however, each appears to be of similar material and workmanship as the original structure, see Exhibit "B." Other designated landmarks located within close proximity to the Huber Ranch/Kalbach Home include the Goerlitz House located at 6156 Hellman Avenue, the Warren/Thorpe House located at 6112 Hellman Avenue, and the Palmer Ranch located at 5708 Hellman Avenue. To the rear of the structure is a free standing cardage house, of similar construction and style. When the first citrus trees began to bear frui,t, this. barn was built to be used at first as a packing house for the citrus. On August 25, 1999, the Historic Preservation Commission unanimously recommended approval of both the Historic Landmark Designation and Mills Act Agreement. The Historic Preservation Commission Staff Report is attached for reference. Landmark Designation: The subject site and structures qualify for landmark designation based upon the many criteria from the City's Historic Preservation Ordinance. The historical and cultural significance are outlined in the Facts for Fin,ding section. (See Exhibit "A", Planning Commission Staff Report, Facts for Finding). The requested designation area includes the subject lot and residence. Mills Act Agreement: In accordance with City policy, the owner has requested a Mills Act Agreement. The Agreement has been drafted and reviewed. Staff estimates the annual property tax savings to the owner could be as much as $1,565.00 and the reduction in tax proceeds to the City would be $53.2t .. The exact amounts are dependent upon the County Assessor's property valuation based on income potential and the capitalization rate at the time of assessment. CONCLUSION Approval of Landmark Designation 99-03 and Mills Act Agreement 99-02 continues to be important in our efforts to provide the preservation of the community's rich cultural heritage. //~B'ra~ City Planner BB:CM:Is Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Historic Preservation Commission Staff Report dated August 25, 1999 Exhibit"B"- Historic Preservation Commission Resolution 99-04 dated August 25, 1' 999 Exhibit "C" - City Council Resolution dated October 6, 1999 Exhibit "D" - Mills Act Agreement dated October 6, t 999 _,I1¥ OF RANClIO CU ..AMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: BY': SUBJECT: August 25, 1999 Chairman and Members of the Historic Preservation Commission Brad Buller, City Planner Cathy Morris, Planning Specialist HISTORIC LANDMARK DESIGNATION 99-03 KATHERINE DAVIS An application to designate the Huber/Katbach House as a Locar Landmark, located at 5991 Hellman Avenue -APN: 1062-232-21. Related file: Mills Act Agreement 99-02. MILLS. ACT AGREEMENT 99-02 - KATHERINE DAVIS - A request to implement the use of the Mills Act to reduce property tax on the Huber Ranch/Kalbach House, an historic landmark, located at 59.91 Hellman Avenue - APN: 1062-232-21. Related file: Landmark Designation 99-03. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: ANALYSIS: Historic Significance: The subject resMence was constructed in 1887. The Huber Ranch is significant because it is the earliest continuously owned residence within the community of Alta Loma. Originally established by Charles and' Jennie Huber in 1887, this property has been in the Huber-Kalba:ch ramlilies up until 1990,, when it was purchased by the current owner. Although Mr. Huber never' lived in the house, he was active within the community.. He served on the Board of Directors of the. Upland Lemon Growers and had a financial interest in the first packing house built in Alta Loma Charles Huber's daughter, Anna, married Warren Kalbach, of Iowa. Her son, Huber Kalbach, often visited the ranch while he was growing up. In 1927, after leaving college, he took over the citrus operation. In 1930, Huber Kalbach married Margaret Cunningham and moved to the ranch. They became the first members of the Huber-Kalbach family to make the ranch their permanent home. During the time that they lived there, the house was remodeled and added on to several times as the famiily grew. lrl 1953, Huber Kalbach planted the last commercial lemon groves in Alta Loma. The residence is a single stow wc, od structure of irregular design. The roof is a high hipped design with wood shingles. The eaves are an enclosed plain box design. The exterior is wood clapboard, with quoins at each corner. The house has two separate interior chimneys. Windows are double hung with molded trim lintel, wide sides,. and molded trim lug sills. The door is centrally Iocated, with multiple panels of wood construction. Full length shutters are HPC STAFF REPORT LD 99-03 & MA 99-02 - KATHERINE DAVI'S August 25, 1999 Page 2 located on either side of the door. A red brick veranda extends along the entire length of the front with straight, red brick stairs. Porch supports are wrought iron. The house has had major additions over the past 60 years; however, each appears to be of similar material and workmanship as original structure, see Exhibit "B." Other designated Landmarks located within close proximity to the Huber Ranch/Kalbach Home include the Goerlitz House located at 6156 Hellman Avenue, the Warran/Thorpe House located at 6112 Hellman Avenue, and the Palmer Ranch located at 5708 Hellman Avenue. To the rear of the structure is a free standing carriage house, of similar construction and style. When the first citrus trees began to bear fruit, this barn was built to be used at first as a packing house for the citrus.. Landmark Desiqnation: The reqiJested landmark designation is for the Huber Ranch/Kalbach House, barn, and property. The subject structure qualifies for landmark designation based upon the criteria from the City's Historic Preservation Ordinance, including such significant areas as historical and architectural setting. Details concerning these areas follow: 1. Historical Significance: Finding 1: The proposed Landmark is particularly representative of an historic period, type, style, region, or way of life. FacEs: The house and barn identifies the historic: period of the early 1900s when grove and vineyard :production was at its peak in the community and the region. The residence and barn are examples of a working ranch, which were common at the. turn of the century. Finding 2: The proposed landmark is of' greater age than most of its kind. FacEs: The landmark eligible property is 112 years old and is an example of modified "Bungalow" style of architecture and a common barn. Finding 3: The proposed landmark was connected with someone renowned or important or a local personality. FacEs: The house and barn were built by Charles and Jennie Huber. Mr. Huber was on the Board of' Directors of the Upland Lemon Growers and had a financial interest in the first packing house built in Alta Loma. Finding 4: The proposed Landmark is an example of a type of building which was once common, but is now rare. FacEs: 'The residence is indicative of the styre and design used by the once prevalent, but now rare, rural grove and farm houses. Finding 5: 'The proposed Landmark is connected with a business or use which was once co, mmon but is l~ow rare. HPC STAFF REPORT LD 99-03 & MA 99-02 - KATHERINE DAVIS August 25, 1999 Page 3 Fact/s: The residence is indicative of the style and design used by the once prevalent, but now rare, rural grove and farm houses and barns. 2. Historic Architectural and Engineering Significance: Finding 1' The overall effect: of the design of the proposed Landmark is beautiful or its details and materials are beautiful or unusual. Fact/s: The residence is a single stow wood structure of irregular design. Roof is high hipped design with wood shingles. In general, the architectural style further enhances the historic character of the buildings in the area. Mills Act Aqreement: In accordance with City policy, the owner has requested a Mills Act Agreement. The Agreement Schedule List of Improvements has been drafted and reviewed and is attached for reference, see Exhibit "C." The total annual amount of property tax to be saved b,y the applicant by approval of the Mills Act Agreement is estimated to be $1,565.00,. The total estimated loss of property tax revenue to the City is $53.21. The exact amount of tax savings to the owner is dependent upon the County Assessors property valuation based on income potential and the capitalization rate at the time of assessment. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exempt under Class 3.e of Article 19, Section 15308 of the Guidelines for the California Environmental Quality Act. CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners within a 300-foot radius of the project site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Historic Preservation Commission approve the attached Resolution recommending approval of Historic Landmark Designation 99-03 to designate the Huber Ranch/Kalbach House as an Historic Landmark and recommend approval, by minute action, to the City Council for the Mills Act Agreement:. Respectfully submitted, City Planner BB:CM:mlg Attachments: Exhibit "A" Site Location Map Exhibit "B" Photos Exhibit "C" - Agreement Schedule, List of Improvements Resolution of Approval Landmark Designation 99-03 5991 Hellman Avenue, APN# 1062-232-21 :.~ ........... I · . ....... ?_~-. ' ~ !.~ :/'.:'k~,. ' ...'~: .: ' ....~ ..". '" · '" i ::'..; ;:'. ~-~;~' ' L.......-..:....;.. ':' ...........f'','"' '- ' ":.'' '" ! .....:"' ..;'', '-' - ~. ' - .~-. · .~ ' .:....: ........· .......::;.- ~~-'.""-,:4-....-...;..-;---..,.~ " :' ~ ....... ~::~ ! ' ' · '. ~ ": ["' :.". ' ." ~ ~ "I.' ~' ~ ' I I [ . :. I · · : i:"'"'"::;~ ..... .L.'__' ;~>~ · .: ; ; ' .'Ir ': ......:..· :;~':...'."' ~." Ti '~'~ ' ! .. · ':" · .:':. ' ..;1~- ~ - . ; ,_... _..-. I · .......'~ ~,.. ~ .................... .,_._....~...._...., ...........~~ ~ ................................L ..................................... · · .........::. , ......,L .............1, ..',~ ......~i ...............:...-.......~ ................~ .....................1 ...............~ '· · " i . : ............. ;, '.:' .~~............'. ...............· ...............~'", %...." '".' "'""'~ ..........."...' . [,:_.._l...........'...._._._J..._....~...,.....i ........... · ! . ~ ..................:.,' ~ ....c f "" ..............: '" "'' " ~ .' .... ~ ' ' ". ' I ' :' 0.2 0 0.2 Miles /%/Street Centlines ]',4 POTENTIAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS for Huber Ranch/Kalbach House ,5991 Hellman Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737 The following is a list of renovation projects the applicant plans to complete. Future projects proposed by the applicant or by the legal inheritors of this contract will be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Commission's staff. ITEM 1. 3. 4. 5. o TASK Swimming pool to be filled in and prepared for garden. Upstairs of barn to be completed for office~ Repair barn doors. Paint exterior of barn. Paint small structure (forrner farm workers house) located adjacent to and north of barn. Replace and/or repair,. missing vents on all elevations of exterior. Ongoing landscaping of p;operly. 2000- 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005- 2006 2007 2008- 2009 EXHIBIT "C" RESOLUTION NO. 99-04 A RESOLUTION' OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF LANDMARK DESIGNATION 99-03, DESIGNATING THE HUBER RANCH/KALBACH HOUSE AN HISTORIC LANDMARK, LOCATED AT 5991 HELLMAN AVENUE AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF -APN: 1062-232-21, A. Recitals. 1. Kathleen Davis has filed an applicalion for'a Landmark Designation as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Landmark is referred to as "the application." 2. On August 25, 1999,. the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application. 3. All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resorved by the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Rancho Cuca:monga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that arl of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part "A," of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. The application applies to approximately' 1-acre of land (40,000 square feet), basically a square configuration, located at 5991 Hellman Avenue. 3. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing on August 25, 1;999, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony,. and pursuant to Section 2.24.090 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, this Commission hereby makes the following findings and facts: a. Historical and Cultural Siqnificance: Findin.c] 1: The proposed landmark is particularly representative of an historic period, 'type, style, region, or way of life. FacFs: The property identifies an historic period of the early 1900's when grove and vineyard production was at its peak in the community and the region. The residence is an example of a grove house, which was common at the turn of the century. Findi:nq 2: The proposed landmark ils of greater age than most of its kind. FacVs: The landmark-eligible property is between 112 years old and an example of modified 'Bungalow" architecture and a common barn. Findinq 3: The proposed landmark was connected with someone renowned or important or a Iocai personality. HPC RESOLUTION 99-04 LD 99-03 - KATHERINE DAVIS August 25, 1999 Page 2 FacVs: Findinq 4: The house and barn were built by Charles and Jennie Huber. Mr. Huber served on the Board of Directors of the Upland Lemon Growers and had a financial interest in the first packing house built in Alta Loma. The Huber and Kalbach families have a long estabt~ished involvement in the community. The proposed Landmark is an example of a type of building which was once common, but is now rare. F a__._c V_As: Findinq 5: The residence is indicative of the style and design used by the once prevalent, but now rare, rural grove, and farm houses. The proposed Landmark is connected with a business oruse which was once common, but is now rare. Fact/s: The residence is indicative of the style and design used by the once prevalent, but now rare, rural grove and farm houses and barns. Historic Architectural and Enqineerinq Siqnificance: Findinq 1: Fac~: The overall effect of the design of the proposed landmark is beautiful or its details and materials are beautiful or unusual. The residence is a single story wood structure of irregular design. Roof is high hipped design with wood shingle. In general. the architecl:ural style further enhances the historic character of the building.,; in the area. c, Neiqhborhood and Geoqraphic Settinq: Findincl 1' The proposed landmark materially benefits the historic character of the neighborhood. FacVs: The proposed landmark contributes to the variety and historical continuity of the neighborhood. Findinq 2: FacVs: The proposed landmark, in its location, represents an established and familiar visual feature of the neighborhood, community, or city. The residence and its mature landscaping represent a significant identifiable feature along Hellman Avenue and thereby contributes to the entire neighborhood. 4. This Commission hereby finds that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmenta~ Quality Act of 1970, as landmark designations are exempt under CEQA, per Article 19, Section 15308, Class 3. 5. Based upon the findings ancl conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1,2.3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby resolves that pursuant to Chapter 2.24 of /he Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, that the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approval on the 25th day of August 1999, of the Landmark Application. ,/,/ HPC RESOLUTION 99-04 LD 99-03 - KATHERINE DAVIS August 25, 1999 Page 3 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 25TH DAY OF AUGUST 1999. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF' RANCHO CUCAMONGA I. Brad Buller, Secretary of the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced. passed, and adopted by the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission held on the 25th day of August 1999, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS" MANNERINO, MCNIEL, STEWART, TOLSTOY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: N0¢iE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MAC [AS RE:SOLUTION NO. ~q"'.,~/5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING HISTORIC LANDMARK 99-03 TO DESIGNATE THE HUBER RANCH/KALBACH HOUSE AN HISTORIC LANDMARK, LOCATED AT 5991 HELLMAN AVENUE AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF APN: 1062-232-21. A. Recitals. 1. Katherine Davis has filed an application for Landmark Designation 99-03 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Landmark is referred to as "the application." 2. On August 25, 1999, the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and recommended approval. 3. On October 6, 1999, the City Council held their meeting and approved Landmark Designation 99-03.. 4. All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga a.s follows: 1. This Council hereby specificaity finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part "A," of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. The application applies to approximately 5.86 acres of land, basically a rectangular configuration, located at 599'1 Hellman Avenue. 3. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Council, including written and oral staff reports, together withpubli,c testimony, and pursuant to Section 2.24.090 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal CodE,, this Council hereby makes the following findings and facts: am Historical Finding 1: FacVs: and Cultural Significance: The proposed landmark is particularly representative of an historic period, type, style, region, or way of life. The property identifies an historic period of the 1900's when grove and vineyard production was at its peak in the community and the region. The residencE; is an example o'f a grove house which was common at the turn of the century. Finding 2: The proposed landmark is of greater age than most of its kind. CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. LD 99-03 - KATHERINE DAVIS August 25, 1999 Page 2 Fact/s: The landrnark-eligible property is 1t 2 years old and an example of modified "Bungalow" architecture. Finding 3: The proposed landmark was connected with someone renowned or important or a local personality. Fact/s: The house was built by Charles and Jennie Huber and lived in by Warren and Anna Kalbach, for many years. The Huber and Kalbach families have a long established involvement in the local community. Finding 4: The proposed landmark was connected with a business or use which was once common but is now rare. Fact/s: The residence is indicative of the style and design used by the once prevalent, but now rare, rural grove and farm houses. b. Historic Architectural and Engirnee, ring Significance: Finding 1' The overall effect of thE; design of the proposed landmark is beautiful or its details and materials are beautiful or unusual. Fact/s: The modified "Bungalow" style is preserved and artfully ircorporated into the residence with such features ,as clapboard siding, hiigh hipped roof and double hung windows. Neighborhood and Geographic Setting: Finding 1' The proposed landmark materially historic c~haracter of the neighborhood. benefits the FacFs: The proposed landmark contributes to the variety and historical continuity of the neighborhood. Finding 2: The proposed landmark, in its location, represents an established and familiar visual feature of the neighborhood, community, or city. Fact/s: The residence and its mature landscaping represent a significant identifiable feature along He~lman Avenue and thereby contributes to the entire neighborhood. 4. This Council hereby finds that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as landmark designations are exempt under CEQA, per Article 19, Section 15308, Class 3.e. CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. LD 99-03 - KATHERINE DAVIS August 25, 1999 Page 3 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1,2, 3, and 4 above, this Council, hereby resolves that pursuant to Chapter 2.24 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves Landmark Designation 99-03. 6. The Mayor shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. RECORDING REQUESTED BY and when RECORDED MAiL TO: City Clerk:, City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 HISTORIC PROPERTY PRESERVATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this Sixth day of October, 1999, by and between the CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "City") and Katherine Davis (hereinafter referred to as the "Owner"), WITNESSETH: A. Recitals. (i) California Government Code Section 50280, et seq authorizes cities to enter into contracts with the Owners of qualified Historical Property to provide for the use, maintenance, and restoration of such Historical Property so as to retain its characteristics as property of: historical significance; (ii) Owner possesses fee title in and to thai: certain real property, together with associated structure..; and improvements thereon, commonly known as the Huber Ranch/Kalbach House and generally located at the street address 5991 Hellman Aveflue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737 (hereinafter such property shall be referred to as the "Historic Property"). A legal description of the Historic Property is attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "A" and is incorporated herein by this reference: (iii) On October 6, 1999, the City Council of the City of P. ancho Cucamonga adopted its Resolution No. 99- thereby declaring and designating the Historic Property as a historic lan,dmark pursuant to the terms and provisions of Chapter 2.24 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code; and, (iv) City and Owner, for their mutual benefit, now desire to enter into this agreement both to protect and preserve the characteristics of historical significance of the Historic Property and to qualify the Historic Property for an assessment of valuation pursuant to the Provisions of Chapter 3, of Part 2, of Division 1 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code. B, Agreement NOW, THEREFORE, City and Owner, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, do hereby agree as follows: 1. Effective Date and Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective and commence on October 6, 1999, and shall remain in effect for a term of ten years thereafter. Each year upon the anniversary of the effective date, such initial term will automatically be extended as provided in paragraph 2, below. 2. Renewal. Each year on the anniversary of the effective date of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "renewal date"), a year shall automatically be added to the initial term of this Agreement, unless notice of nonrenewal is mailed as provided herein. If either Owner or City desires in any year not to renew the Agreement, Owner or City shall serve written notice of nonrenewal of the Agreement on the other party in advance of the annual renewal date of th, e Agreement Unless such notice is served by Owner to City at least 90 days prior to the annual renewal date, or served by City to Owner at least 60 days prior to the annual renewal date, one year shall automatically be added t:o the term of the Agreement as provided I~erein Owner may make a written protest of the notice. City may, at any time prior to the annual renewal date of the Agreement, withdraw its notice to Owner of nonrenewal. If either City or Owner serves notice to the other of nonrenewal in any year, the Agreement shall remain in effect for the balance of the term then remaining, either from its original execution or from the last renewal of the Agreement, whichever may apply. 3. Standards for Historical Property'.. During the term ofthis Agreement, the Historic P~'operty shall be subject to the following conditions, requirements, and restrictions: a Owner shall preserve and maintain the characteristics of historical significance of the Historic Property. Attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "B," and incorporated herein by this reference, is a list of those minimum standards and conditions for maintenance, use, and preservation of the Historic Property, which shall apply to such property throughout the term of this Agreement. b. Owner shall, where necessary, restore and rehabilitate the property according to the rules and regulations of the Office of Historic Preservation of the State Department of Parks and Recreation and in accordance with the attached schedule of potential home improvements, drafted by the applicant and approved by the City Council, attached hereto as Exhibit "C." c. Owner shall allow reasonable periodic examinations, by prior appointment, of the interior and exterior of the Historic Property by representatives of the County Assessor, State Department of Parks. and Recreation, State Board of Equalization,, and, the City, as may be necessary to determine Owner's compliance with the terms and provisions of this Agreement 4. Provision of:Information of Corporation. Owner hereby agrees to furnish City with a, ny and all information requested by the City which may be necessary or' advisable to. determine compliance with the terms and provisions of this Agreement. 5. Cancellation. City, following a duly noticed public hearing as set forth in California Government Code Sections 50280,. et seq., may cancel this Agreement if it determines that Owner breached any of the conditions of this Agreement or has allowed the property to deteriorate to the point that it no longer meets the standards for a qualified historic property. City may also cancel this Agreement if it determines that the Owner has failed to restore or rehabilitate the property in the manner specified in subparagraph 3(b) of this Agreement. In the ~._.vent of cancellation. Owner may be subject to payment of those cancellation fees set forth in California Government Code Sections 5028.0, et seq 6. Enforcement of Agreement. In lieu of and/or in addition to any provisions to cancel the Agreement as referenced herein, City may specifi,cally enforce, or enjoin the breach of, the terms of this Agreement. In the event of a default, under the provisions of this Agreement by Owner, City shall give written notice to Owner by registered or certified mail addressed to the address stated in this Agreement,. and if such a violation is not corrected to the reasonable satisfaction of the City within 30 days thereafter, or if not corrected within such a reasonable t:ime as may be required to cure the breach or default if said breach or default ca~nnot be cured within 30 days (provided that acts to, cure the breach or default may be commenced within 30 days and must thereafter be diligently pursued to completion by Owner), then City may, without further notice, declare a default under the terms of: this Agreement and may bring any action necessary to specifically enforce the obligations of Owner growing out of the terms of this Agreement, apply to any court, state or federal, for injunctive relief against any violation by Owner or apply for such other relief as rnay be appropriate. City does not waive any claim of default by Owner if City does not enforce or cancel this Agreement. All other remedies at law or in equity which are not otherwise provided for in this Agreement or in City's regulations governing historic properties are available to the City to pursue in the event that there is a breach of this Agreement. No waiver by City of any breach or default under this Agreement shall be deemed to be a waiver of any other subsequent breach thereof or default herein under. 7. Binding Effect of Agreement. The Owner' hereby subjects the Historic Property described in Exhibit "A" hereto to the covenants, reservations, and restrictions as set forth in this Agreement. City and Owner hereby declare their specific intent that: the covenants, reservations, and restriction s as set forth herein shall be deemed covenants running with the land and shall pass to and be binding upon the Owner's successors and assigns in title or interest to the Historic Property. Each and every contract, deed c,r other instrument hereinafter executed, covering or" conveying the Historic Prop,,,~rtyl or any porti'on thereof, shall conclusively be held to have been executed, delivered, and a~ccepted subiect to the covenants, reservations, and restrictions expressed in this Agreement regardless of whether such covenants, reservatior, s, and restrictions are set forth, in such contract, deed or other instrument City and Owner' hereby declare their understanding and intent that the burden of the covenants, reservations, and restrict:ions set: forth herein touch and concern the land in that Owner's legal interest in the Historic Property is rendered less valuable thereby. City and Owner hereby further declare their understanding and intent that the benefit of such covenants, reservations, and restrictions touch and concern the land by enhancing and maintaining the historic characteristics and significance of the Historic Property for the benefit of the public and Owner. 8. Notice. Any notice required to be given by the terms of this Agreement shall be provided at the address of the respective parties as specified below or at: any other a~ddress as may be later specified by the parties hereto. To City: City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Attention: City Planner To Owner: Katherine Davis 5991 Hellman Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737 3LAN2 PAG 9. General Provisions. a. None of the terms, provisions, or conditions of this Agreement shall be deemed to create a partnership between the parties hereto and any of their heirs, successors or assigns, nor shall such terms, provisions, or conditions cause them to be considered joint ventures or members of any joint enterprise.. b. Owner agrees to a, nd sha~l hold Ci, ty and its elected officials, officers, agents, and employees harmless from, liability for damage or claims for damage for personal injuries, including death, and claims for' property damage which may arise from the direct or indirect use or operations of Owner or those of his contractor, subcontractor, agent, employee or other person acting on his behalf which relates to the use, operation, and maintenance of the Historic Property. Owner" hereby agrees to and shall defend the City and its elected officials, officer's, agents, and employees with respect to any and all actions for damages caused by, or alleged to have been caused by, reason of Owner's activities in connection with the Historic Property. This hold ~armles. s provision applies to all damages and claims for damages suffered, or alleged to have been suffered, by reason of the operations referred to in this Agreement regardless of whether or not the City prepared, supplied or approved the plans, specifications or other documents for the Historic Properly. c. All of the agreements, rights, covenants, reservations, and restrictions contained in this Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties herein, their heirs, successors, legal representatives, assigns and all persons acquiring any part or portion of the Historic Property, whether by operation of law or in any manner whatsoever. d. In the event legal proceedings are brought by any party or parties to enforce or restrain a violation of any of the covenants, reservations, or restrictions contained herein, or' to determine the rights and duties of any party hereunder, the prevailing party in such proceeding may recover all reasonable attorney's, fees to be fixed by the court, in addition t:o court costs and other" relief ordered by the court. e. In the event that: any of the provisions of t:his Agreement are held to be unenforceable or invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, or by subsequent preemptive legislation, the validity arid enforceability of the remaining provisions, or portions thereof, shall not be effected thereby. the State of California. This Agreement shall be. construed and governed in accordance with the laws of 10 Recordation. No later than 20 days after the parties execute and enter into this Agreement, the City shall cause this Agreement to be recorded in the office o.f the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino. 1 I. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended, in whole or in part, only by a written recorded instrument executed by the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Owner have executed this Agreement on the day and year first written above. CITY OF: RANCHO CUCAMONGA Dated:__ By: William J. Alexander, Mayor Dated: By: Owner Dated:__ By: Owner Exhibit "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION for Parcel No. 11 of Parcel Map 9420 A K.A. Assessor' Parcel No, 1062-232-21 (Katherine Davis 5991 Hellman Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9t737) Exhibit "B" THE SECRETARY OF INTERIOR'S REHABILITATION! STANDARDS Every reasonable effort shall be made to provide a compatible use for a property that requires minimal alteration of the building, structure, or site, and its environment, or to the use of a property' for its originally intended purpose. ,¸ The distinguishing original qualities or character of a building, structure, or site, and its environment shall not be destroyed. The removal or alteration of any historical material or distinctive architectural features should be avoided when possible. All buildings, structures, and sites shall be recognized as products of their own time. Alterations which have no historical basis and which seek to create an earlier appearance shall be discouraged. Changes which may have taken place in the course of time are evidence of the history and development of a building, structure, or site, and its environment. Distinctive stylistic features or examples of skilled craftsmanship. which characterize a building, structure, or site, shall be treated with sensitivity. 6. Deteriorated architectural features shall be repaired rather than replaced, wherever possible. In t~e event replacement is necessary, the new matedal should match the material being replaced in composition, design, co~or, texture, and other visual qualities. Repair or replacement of n~issing architectural features should be based on accurate duplications of features, substantiated by historical, physical, or pictorial evidence, rather' than on conjectural designs or the availability of different arctqitectural elements from other buildings or structures The surface cleaning of structures shall be undertaken with the most gentle means possible. Sandblasting and other cleaning methods that will damage the historic building materials shall not be undertaken. Ew;ry reasonable effort shall be made to protect and preserve archaeological resoumes affected by, or adjacent to, any acquisition, proteotion~ stabilization, preservation, rehabilitation, restoration, or reconstruction project. Contemporary design for alteration and additions to existing properties shall not be discouraged when such alterations and additions do not destroy' significant historic, architectural, or cultural material and such design is compatible with the size, scale, color, material, and character of the property, neighborhood, or environment. 10. Wherever possible, new additions or alterations to structures shall be done in such a manner that, if such additions or alterations were to be removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the structure would be unimpaired. Exhibit "lB-1" PROPERTY MAINTENANCE All buildings, structures, yards, and other improvements shall be maintained in a manner which does not detract from the appearance of the immediate neighborhood. The following conditions are prohibited: 1. Dilapidated, deterioratin9, or unrepaired structures, such as: fences, roofs, doors, walls, and windows; 2. Scrap lumber, junk, trash, or debris; Abandoned, discarded, or unused objects or equipment, such as, automobiles, automobile parts, furniture, stoves, refrigerators, cans, containers, or similar items; Stagnant water or excavations, including pools or spas; Any device, decorati~on, design, structure, or vegetation which is unsightly by reason of its height, condition, or its inappropriate location, Exhibit "B" THE SECRETARY OF INTERIOR'S REHABILITATION STANDARDS .¸ 10. Ew.~ry reasonable effort shall be made to provide a compatible use for a property that requires minimal alteration of the building, structure, or site, and its environment, or to the use of a pro. perty for its originally intended purpose. The distinguishing original qualities or character of a building, structure, or site, and its environment shall not be destroyed. 'The removal or alteration of any historical material or distinctive architectural features should be avoided when possible. All buildings, structures, and sites shall be recognized as products of their own time. Alteration,,; which have no historical basis and which seek to create an earlier appearance shall be discouraged. Changes which may have taken place i,n the course of time are evidence of the history and development of a building, structure, or site, and its er~vironment. Distinctive stylistic features or examples o,f skilled craftsmanship, which characterize a building, structure, or site, shall be treated with sensitivity. Deteriorated architectural features shall be repaired rather' than replaced, wherever possible. In the event replacement is necessary1 the new material should match the material being replaced in corn:position, design, color, texture, and other visual qualities. Repair or replacement of missing architectural features should be based on accurate duplications of features, substantiated by historical, physical, or pictorial; evidence, rathe~' than on conjectural designs or the availability of different architectural elements from other buildings o,r structures The surface cleaning of structures shall be undertaken with the most gentle means possible. Sandblasting and other cfeaning methods that will damage the histodc building materials shall not be undertaken. Ew;ry reasonable effort shalt be made to protect and preserve archaeological resources affected by, or adjacent to, any acquisition, protection, stabilization, preservation, rehabilitation, restoration, or reoonstruction project. Contemporary design for alteration and additions to existing properties shall not be discouraged when such alterations and additions do not destroy significant historic, architectural, or cultural material and such design is compatible with the size,. scale, color, material, and character of the property, neighborhood, or environment. Wherever possible, new additions or alterations to structures shall be done in such a manner that, if such additions or alterations were to be removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the structure would be unimpaired. Exhibit "B-1" PROPERTY MAINTENANCE All buildings, structures, yards, and other improvements shall be maintained in a manner which does not detract from the. appearance of: the immediate neighborhood. The followin, g conditions are prohibited: 1. Dilapidated, deteriorating, or unrepaired structures, such as: fences, roofs, doors, walls, and wi~qdows; 2. Scrap lumber, junk, trash, or debris; 3. Abandoned, discarded, or unused objects or equipment, such as automobiles, automobile parts, furniture, stoves, refrigerators, cans, containers, or similar' items; 4. Stagnant water or excavations, including pools or spas; 5. Any device, decoration, design, structure, or vegetation which is unsightly by reason. of its height, condition, or its inappropriate location Exhibit "'C" POTENTIAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS for Katherine Davis 5991 Hellman Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737 This is a list of renovation projects the applicant plans to complete Future projects proposed by the applicant or by the legal inheritors of this contract will be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Commission's staff. YEAR 200'0- 2001 2002 2003 2004 200:5- 2006 2007 2008- 2009 ~MPR~)VEMENT Swimming pool to be filled in and prepared for garden. Upstairs of barn to be compl, eted for office. Repair barn doors. Paint exterior of barn. Paint small structure (former farm workers house) located adjacent to anct north of barn. Replace and/or repair, missing vents on all elevations of exterior. Ongoing landscaping of property. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 6, 1999 TO:: Mayor, Members of the City Council and Jack Lam, AICP. Ci.ty Manager FROM: BY: Lawrence I. Temple, Administrative Services Director Robert Bowery, Information Systems Manager SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR THE PURCHASE OF COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE FOR THE CITYWIDE. DOWNSTREAM PROGRAM UPGRADE AND REPLACEMENT.., FROM JADTEC, UNITEK TECH, VLSYSTEMS, AND PC SYSTEM DESIGN .AS THE LOWEST' RESPONSIBLE BIDDERS IN THE AMOUNT OF $267,800 FROM ACCOUNT 74-4225-7047 AS APPROVED IN THE FY 99/200 BUDGET. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the mplacem.ent purchase of computer hardware and software for citywide downstream program upgrade and replacement of computer equipment from Jadtec, Unitek Tech, VLSystems, and PC System Design in the amount of $267,800 from account 74-4225-7047 as approved in the FY 99/200 budget. Background/Analysis: In the FY 1999/2000 Budget, City Council approved the purchase of replacement personal computers as identified in the budget document. The Purchasing Division solicited proposals for the replacement of personal computers that has exceeded their service life. Purchasing mailed out 15 request for proposals on September 13, 1999. Bid specifications were also posted, via the City"s Web page. Afi:er recei[pt and careful analysis of the responses, Jadtec, Unitek Tech, VLSystems and PC System Design were selected as the lowest, responsive and responsible bidders. Respectfully submitted, Lawrence I. Temple, Adrrdnistrative Services Director DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCt-IO CUCAMONGA ,' STAFF iREPORT f October 3, 1999 Mayor i:~l]d Members of the iRancho Cu~camonga City Council Jack 11,am, AICP, City ~Manag~r Roctnt:y }'loops, (?hie:f' of Police: lIEQUEST TO REAPPROPRIATE $13,840 IN FUNDS AWARDED BY 17HE UNITED S, TATES DEPARTM~ENT OF JUSTICE I,OCAI, LAW ENFORC~EMENT BLOCK G~NT'S PROGRAM RECOMMENDATI!()iN Approvt2 the reappl:opr:iatio. n of the $13,~g40 rcce:ived :fi:om the Department of Justice k. ocaI Law E. nlk.)rccmcnt 13lock Grimt in Fiscal Yetif 1998/99 into the Police lD¢~'partmcnl Expenditure Accotrot 141-445.1-3!)00 in the Following mat'inet: 3900 Equipment $13,840 (including 1/9 match) BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The United States Depttr'tment of Justice: Local Law Entbrcemcnt Block (}rant Program awarded tl~e Police l)epartmer~t $92,313 during Fiscal Year 1998/99 for equipmelat and special needs. As o [ June 30, 1999, tl~e Police Department had only cxp<mded/encumbered $78,473. ha order to utilize the remaining grant funds, an appropriation in the amount ot'$13,840 is needed ii)r :t~scal Year 1999/2000. The reappropriation is Ibr the balance of'the g:rant t:imds not yet expended. FISCAI~ lIMPACT q'hc f~tta~ts in the amount o:f $13,840 would be: rcappl'opriated and used tbr pre-approved ecluipmc:nt purchases. Rodney t-?ps, Ct7" of Police DATE' l'O: FROM: S U B,IE(_ ~: C1TY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT October 6, 1999 Members of the City Council ,lack Lam, A.I.C.P, City Mmmger Rodney Hoops, Chief of iPol:ic¢ Sale of Surplus Bicycles to Ontario Mills Security RECOMMENDATION Approve the sale of eight (8) older pat:rol bicycles, wlnich are slated to be replaced by newly purchased bicycles, to Ontario iMill Security Staff. The money tkom the sale, $1000, would be reappropriated to Police Department account #1-4451-3900. BACKG ROUNiD/ANAI~YSIS The iPolice Department cm'rently has six (8) patrol bicycles thai: are over 6 years old, have seen heavy usage and are m need of replacement. Recently replacement bicycles have been purchased through a federal grant and the question of what to do wittn the older bicycles came up. Members of the Ontario M ills Security Staff leanned of the bicycles and requested to purchase them. FISCAL IMPACT None. The older bicycles had to be disposed of and the sale generated some revenue which might have otherwise been lost. Rodney Ho~ ,¢ O N T A~ R I 0 September 2, 1999 Mr. Rodney Hoops Chief of Police, Rancho Cucamonga 1051.0 Civic Center' Dr Rancho Cucamonga Ca. 911730 Dear Mr Hoops: As per our conw~rsation with Paul Kellner. We have requested to purchase all 8 Police Bicycles at the ,quoted price of $125.00 each. Should you have any questions , you may contact me at 909 484-8301 ext. 245. Sincerely, iMike Papatsos As.sistant Director of Security DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT October 6, 1999 Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager Diane O'Neal, Assistant To The City Manager CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE DRUG ABUSE RESISTANCE EDUCATION (DARE) MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000 RECOMMENDATION The City Council approve the attached MOU between the Alta Loma, Central, Cucamonga, and Etiwanda School Districts, the County of San Bernardino, and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for the DARE program tbr Fiscal Year 1999-2000. The MOU reflects a $112,102.92 contribution from the four School iDistricts with a matching amount: of $.112,102.92 from the City of Rancho Cucamonga. This activity is budgeted in Account Numbers 01-4451-3910, 04-4451-3110 and 04- 4451-6;030. Background The DARE program was first implemented by the City Council as a pilot program during Fiscal Year 1990-1991. The DARE program for Fiscal Year 1999-2000 includes two DARE Officers and provides drug abuse education and training to all public 5th grade classes. The DARE program budget is $224,205.84 with the respective School Districts contributing $112,102.92 and the City of Rancho Cucamonga contributing $112,102.92. The Coumy of San Bernardino is currently in salary negotiations with the Sheriff's Department and anticipates finalizing those negotiations in December of 1999. Staff anticipates a salary increase for the Sheriff's Department and when those negotiations are finalized, any ;additional salary adjustments would be s, hared betwee, n the respective School Districts and the City of Rancho Mayor' and Members of the City Council/Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager DARE; MOU October 6, 1999 Page Two Cucamonga. The respective School Districts discussed this issue in detail. at the City's Quarterly Superintendent's meeting held July 27, 1999 and agreed to share in those anticipated costs. As indicated in the attached MOU, necessary modifications to the MOU will be by mutual agreement of all parties and will be honored. 'spectfull b ~ ed, D'mne O'Ne~l ~_) Assistant To The City Manager Attachmere: DARE MOU MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding is entered into by the Alta Loma, Central, Cucamonga, and Etiwanda School Districts, along with the County of San Bernardino, and the City of iRancho Cucamonga for the purpose of jointly" sponsoring. and continuing the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program. In order to accomplish this goal, the agencies listed below will contribute the following dollar amounts to be used for the continuation of the D.A.R.E. program:: Alta Loma School District -- $47,367.30; Central School District -.- $29,999.29; Cucamonga School District -- $9,.473.46; Etiwancla School District ~- $25,262.56; the City of Rancho Cucamonga -- $112,102.9::2. The County of San Bernardino will provide two D.A.R.E. officers in accordance with the terms and provisions of the contract for police service between said County and the City of Rancho Cucamonga to be shared between the fi>ur school districts on a proportional basis based upon the dollar amount contributed by each district to the program (Alta Loma School District -.42% of the officer's time; Central School District- 27% of the officer's time; Cucamonga School District - 8% of the officer's time; Etiwanda School District - 23% of the officer's time.) This shall be effective from July 1, I99'9 through June 30, 2000. If modifications are necessary before or at that time, they will be added to this Memorandum of I Jnderstanding by mutual agreement of all parties involved. We hereby agree to this Memorandum of Understanding and certii!:y that the agreements made here will be honored. Signature Alta~ Loma School District, Superintendent Signature Central gcho.ol Signature Cuc~//~e~ hool/~t~dTt, S?¢ri ntendent Signature ~' ~'~ ~' ~ntendent iEtiwand~ District, Super' Signatuxe C. ounty of San Bemardino, sheriff Signature City of Rancho Cucamonga, Mayor September 1, I999 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: October 6, 1999 Mayor and Members. of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager William J. O'Neil, City Engineer APPROVAl., TO APPROPRIATE $23,000 FROM FUND 74 (COMPUTER EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT AND USAGE) AND TO AWARD AND EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH GENERAL ELECTRiC SUPPLY FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $23,000, TO PROVIDE Y2K COMPLIANT TOUCH PAD LIGHTING CONTROLS FOR PARKS SPORTS LIGHTS TO BE FUNDED THROUGH ACCOUNTS 74.-4225- 3950 ($4,600'), AND 74-4225-7047 ($18,400) RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the appropriation of $23,000.00 from fund number 74 (computer equipment replacement and usage) and the acquisition of Y2K compliant sports lighting software and incidental hardware from General Electric Supply for an amount not to exceed $23,000.00 to be funded through accounts 74-4225-3950 ($4,600) and 74-4225-7047 ($18,4(}0.00). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS During the process of' identifying Y2K non-compliant systems, the existing vendor for our sports lighting tough pad control system has been unable to guarantee that they would be able to make effective software corrections to prevent failure of their system. Therefore, staff has developed a contingency plan to retrofit the old system with replacement software and some incidental hindware that is guaranteed by General Electric Supply to be Y2K compliant. Respectfhlly submitted, William J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:ju DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: October 6, 1999 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Mayor and Members. of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager William I.. O'Neil, City Engineer Willie: Valbuena, Assistant Engineer RELEASE OF A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT FOR 5291 SAPPHIRE STREET, LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAPPHIRE STREET AND VICARA D[UVE, SUBMITTED BY' JAMES A.BROWN AND JOYCE BROWN RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution releasing the Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement, and authorizing the Mayor to sign said release and the City C:lerk to record same. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS A Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement was approved by the City Council on December 4, 1991, and recorded on December 23, 1991 as Document No. 91484074 in the office of the County Recorder, San Bernardino County, California. The agreement was for the future construction of the missing public improvements fronting 5291 Sapphire Street. The property owner has installed said improvements and fully accepted by the City. Respectfially Submitted, William J. O'NeiI City Engineer WJO:WV:dlw Attachment J CITY O'F RANCHiO CUCA:MONGA ENGINEERING DIVISION ITEM: .~2.~/,~A,M?/Yi,4=_-=' ~,r TITLE: EXHIBIT: -~ '~" 7/' RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMO'NGA, CALIFORNIA, RELEASING A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT FROM JAMES A. BROWN AND JOYCE BROWN WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga adopted Resolution No. 91-370 accepting a Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement from James A. Brown and Joyce Brown; and WHEREAS, said Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement was recorded in Officiial Records of San Bernardino County, California, on December 23, 1991 as Document No. 91-484074; and WHEREAS, said Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement is no longer required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby release said Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement for 5291 Sapphire Street and that the City Clerk s~hall cause Release of Lien to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: BY SUBJECT: October 6., 1999 Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack L. am, AICP, City Manager William J. O'Neil, City Engineer Betty A. Miller, Associate Engineer APPROVAL OF MAP, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY, AGREEMENT WITH FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT, ESTOPPEL AGREEMENT'AND ORDERING THE ANNEXATION TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANC:E DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR TRACT 1395:1, LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF BERYL STREET NORTH OF MANZANITA DRIVE AND WEST OF HELLMAN AVENUE, SUBMITTED BY CCRC 30, LLC RECOMMENDATION' It is reco~nmended that City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Tract 13951, accepting the subject agreements and security, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. I and Street Lighting: Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to .sign said agreements and to cause said map to record. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tentatiw: Tract 13951, located on the east side of Beryl Street north of Manzanita Drive and west of Hellman Avenue, in the Very Low Residential Development District, was approved by the Planning Commission on August 14, 1991, for the division of 22.6 acres into 30 lots/parcels. The Developer, CC:R.C 30, LLC, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond Labor and Material Bond: $1,403,500 $ 701,750 Copies of the agreement: and security are available in the City Clerk~s Office. In addition, the San Bernardino County Flood Control District will agree to convey its exi,sting easements across the Developer's property to the City for purposes of installing and maintaining a master plan storm drain. The District has requested that the City execute the agreement first. The Develope. r has also submitted an Estoppel Agreement consenting to the transfer of ease:ments from the District to the City. Copies of these agreements are on file in the City Clerk's office. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TRACT 13951 October 6, 1999 Page 2 Letters of approval have been received from the high school and elementary school districts and Cucamonga County Water District. C.C. & R.'s have also been approved by the City Attorney. The Consent and Waiver to Annexation form signed by the Developer is on file in the City Clerk's office. Respectively submitted, William J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:B~vI:sd Attachments II II - BAI4-YA ~1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ENGINEERING DIVISION' - NORTH 1" = 1000' TITLE: Tract 13951 EXHIBIT: _Vicinity Map RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO C:UCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TRACT MAP NUMBER 13951, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND 1]VIPROVEMENT SECURITY 'WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Map No. 13951, submitted by George Chou, and consisting of 30 lots located east side of Beryl Street north of Manzanita Drive and west of Hellman Aven~ue, was approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on August 14, 1991, and is in compliance with the State Subdivision Map Act and Local Ordinance No. 28 adopted pursuant to that Act; and WHEREAS, Tract Map No. 13951 is the final map of the division of land approved as shown on said Tentative Tract Map; and WHEREAS, all of the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the final map by the City Council of said City have now been met by entry into an Improvement Agreement guaranteed by acceptable Improvement Security by CCRC 30, LLC, as develope:r; and WHEREAS, said Developer submits for approval said Tract Map offering for dedication, for street, highway and related purposes, the streets delineated thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY O.F RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES, that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security submitted by said developer be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest; antd that the offers for dedication and the final map delineating the same for said Tract Map No. 13951 is hereby approw,~d and the City Engineer is authorized to present same to the County Recorder to be filed for record. A RESOLUTION OF THeE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AGREEMENTS WITH SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT AND THE DEVELOPER REGARDING THE TRANSFER OF EASEMENTS FROM THE DISTRICT TO THE CITY WITHIN TRACT 13951 WHEREAS, the conditions of approval for Tentative Tract 13951 (Planning Commission Resolution 98-81) require that existing San Bernardino County Flood Control District ("District") easements within the iproject site be deeded to the City for purposes of installing master plan storm drain line 2F; and WHEREAS, staffof the City and. the District have negotiated an agreement to convey said easement deeds, at no cost to the City or the District; and WHEREAS, CCRC 30, LLC, as property owner, has executed an Estoppel Agreement consenting to the transfer of easements. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES, that said Agreement with. the District and said Estoppel Agreement submitted by said owner be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Agreement and Estoppel Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 .AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 .AND 2 FOR TRACT 13951 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 1, Street Lighting: Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lightir~,g Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory. to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintemmce District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMO. NGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative body hereby orders the annexation of the property as shown in Exhibit "A" and the work program areas as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including the levy of all assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. ASSESSML, NT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. I AND 2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA NORTH COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 1" = 200' STATE OF CALIFORNIA Tract 13951 EXHIBIT "B" WORK PROGRAM PROJECT': TRACT 13951 STREET LIGHTS: Dist. 5800L SI --- S2 21 NUMBER OF LAMPS 9500L' 16,000L :22,000L 27,500L LANDSCAPING: Dist. L! Community Equestrian Trail D.G.S.F. 19,200 Turf Non-Turf S.F. $.F. --- 25,,000 Trees Ea. 198 Tract 13951 * Existing items installed with original project. ASSESSMENT UNITS: Assessment Units. __.By District DU SI S2 L1 30 30 30 30 Annexation Date: October 6, 1999 CITY OF RANCHO (.,[.JC.A.~ 40N(JA S T A FF RE.P O RT DATE: TO: FROM: BY SUBJECT: October 6, 1999 Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lain, AICP, City Manager William J. O'Neil, City Engineer Betty A. Miller, Associate Engineer APPROVAL OF MAP, IMPROVEMENT' AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY AND ORDERING THE ANNEXATION TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. I AND 7 FOR TRACT 14381, LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF WILSON AVENUE WEST OF ETIWANDA AVENUE, SUBMITI~D BY MASTERCRAFT HOMES AND GENERAL ELECTRIC CAPITAL CORPORATION RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Tract 14381, accepting the subject agreement and security, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 and Street Lighting Maintenance: District Nos~ I and 7, and authorizing the Mayo,r and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. BACKGROUND/ANALySIS Tentative Tract 13527, located at the northwest comer of Etiwanda and Wilson Avenues, in the Low Residential Development District, was approved by the Planning Commission on September 28, 1988, for the division of 88 acres into 252 lots. The first two of five final maps, Tracts 14379 and 14380, were approved by the City Council on November 6, 1991. The subject map, Tract 14381, will be the third final map. The Developer, MasterCraft Homes and General Electric Capital Corporation, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond Labor and Material Bond: $305,500 $152,750 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office~ Letters of approval have been received from the high school and elementary school districts and Cucamonga County Water District. C.C. & R.'s have also been approved by the CiD' Attomey. Tl~e Consent and Waiver to Annexation form signed ]by the Developer is on file in the City Clerk's office. Respectively submitted, City Engineer WJO:BAM:sd k,.Attachments _ff CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ENGINEERING DIVISION TITLE: EXHIBIT: NORTH 1" = 1000' Tract 14381 Vicinity Map RESOLUTION NO. 9q'" ~:J~d[) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO cuCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TRACT MAP NUMBER 14381, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY WHEKEAS, Tentative Tract Map No. 13527, submitted by Terry Melcher, and consisting of 252 lots located at the north west comer of Etiwanda and Wilson Avenues, was approved by the Planning Commission of' the.City of Rancho Cucamonga, on September 28, 1988, and is in compliance with the State Subdivision Map Act and Local Ordinance No. 28 adopted pursuant to that Act; and WHEREAS, Tract Map No. 14381 is the third of five final maps for the division o,f land approved as shown on said Tentative Tract Map; and WHEREAS, all of the requirements established, as. prerequisite to approval of the final map by the City Council of said City have now been met by entry into an Improvement Agreement guaranteed by acceptable Improvement Security by MasterCraft Horn es and General Electric Capital Corporation as developer; and WHEREAS, said Developer submits for approval said Tract Map offering for dedication, for street, hiighway and related purposes, the streets delineated thereon. NOW, THEREFORE., THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ()F RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES, that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security submitted by said developer be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest; and that the offers for dedication and the final map delineating the same for said Tract Map No. 14381 is hereby approved and the City Engineer is authorized to present same to the County Recorder to be filed for record. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 'NOS. 1 AIqD 7 FOR TRACT 1438 t WHEREAS, the City Council of the City o.fRancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972'", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 7, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 7 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and WHEREAS, the: provisions of Article: 2 o.f Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional. territory to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO C UCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: · qECT!ON t' That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative body hereby orders the annexation of the property as shown in Exhibit "A" and the work program areas as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including the levy of all assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. EXHIBIT "A" ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM' LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 7 2~ 27 45 44 43 42 4? 2! 29 30 31 32 EXISTING LMD AREAS: Frontage and median in Wilson Avenue Frontage along Etiwanda Avenue Community Trail along east boundary of Tract 14379 Lot A at northwest comer of Wilson and Etiwanda PROPOSED LMD AREAS: Lot A at north property line of Tract 14381 Tract 14381 is third of five final maps fbr Tentative Tract 13527 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO STATE OF CALIFORNIA NORTH 1" = 300' Tract 143 81 EXIIIBIT "B" WORK PROGRAM PROJECT: TRACT 14381 STREET LIGHTS: Dist. S1 S7 NUMBER, OF LAMPS 5800L 950.0L' 16,000L 22,000L 27,500L 16 ............ LANDSCAPING: Community Equestrian Trail Turf Dist. D.G.S.F. S.F. L7 ....... Non-Turf S.F. 7,500 Trees Ea. 159 * Existing items installed with original projec't. ASSESSMENT UNITS: Assessment Units _~ By District Tract DU S 1 S7 L7 14381 34 34 34 34 Annexation Date: October 6, 1999 Form Date 11/16/94 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 6, 1999 TO: Mayor and Members 'of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Linda R. Beek, Jr. Engineero~ SUBJECT: AWARD AND AUTHORIZATION FOR EXECUTION OF CONTRACT FOR THE HAVEN AVENUE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION, LOCATED FROM LEMON AVENUE TO WILSON AVENUE, TO ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT, IN THE AMOUNT OF $323,9.06.00($294,459'.77, PLUS 10% CONTINGENCY) TO BE FUNDED FROM MEASURE I FUNDS, ACCOUNT NO. 32-4637- 9808 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council accept all bids submitted except for the bid submilled by Laird Construction Company, whom shall b.e relieved of their bid and award and authorize for execution the contract for the Haven Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Located From Lemon Avenue To Wilson ~Avenue, to the lowest responsive bidder, All American Asphalt, in the amount of $323,90&00 ($294,459.77, plus I0% co.ntingency) to be funded from Measure I Funds, Account No. 3~.-4&~7-9808. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Per previous Council action, bitIs were solicited, received and opened on September 8, 1999, for the subject project. All American Asphalt is the apparent lowest bidder, with a bid amount of $294,459.77 (see attached bid summary). The Engineer's estimate was $372,560.00. Staff has reviewed all bids received and found them to be complete and in accordance with the bid requirements. Laird Construction Company has submitted a request to be relieved of their bid due to a clerical error as provided for under Chapter 5, Relieve of Bidders, of the Public Contract Code. Staff has reviewed their request and has determined that a clerical error occurred in the bid. Therefore, it is recommended that Laird Construction Company be relieved of their bid. Staff has completed the required background investigation and finds all bidders to meet the requirements of the Nd documents. RespectfhlIy submitted, Will-im~n J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:LRB:Is Attachment October 6, 1999 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA S T AFF RE PORT TO: Mayor and Members of the: City Council Jack Lain, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J.. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Mike Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO APPROPRIATE $70,000 FROM FUND 21 BEAUTIFICATION (A/C) 21-4647-9813 AND AWARD AND AUTHORIZATION FOR EXECUTION OF CONTRACT FOR. CONSTRUCTION OF LANDSCAPINGAND IRRIGATION FOR THE METROLINK CORRIDOR BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT, BETWEEN ARCHIBALD AND HAVEN AVENUES, TO NATURE TECH LANDSCAPING, INCORPORATED, IN THE AMOUNT OF $250,423.00 ($227,657.00, PLUS 10% CONTINGENCY) TO BE FUNDED FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BEAUTIFICATION FUND, ACCOUNT NO. 2.1464%9813 AND PROP 111 FUND, ACCOUNT NO. 10-46!t7-9813 RECOMMENDATION: It is racommended that the City Council approve an appropriation of $70,000 from Fund 21 - Beautification (A/C) 21-4647-9813 and accept all bids submitted and award and authorize for execution the contract for the Contract for Construction of Landscaping and Irrigation for the Metrolink Corridor Beautificatio.n Project, Between Amhibald and Haven Avenues, to the lowest responsive bidder, Nature Tech Landscaping, Incorporated, in the amount of $250,423.00 ($2.27,657.00, plus 10% contingency) to be funded from Community Development Beautification Fund, Account No~ 21-4647-9813 and Prop 111 Fund, Account No. t 0-4637-9813. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Per previous Council action, bids were solicited, received and opened on September 21, 1999, for the subject project. Nature Tech Landscaping, Incorporated is the apparent lowest bidder, with a bid amount of $227,657.00 (see attached bid summary). The Engineers estimate was $195,000.00. Staff has reviewed all bids received and found them to be complete and in accordance with the bid requirements. Staff has completed the required background investigation and finds all bidders to meet the requirements of the bid documents. Respectfully submitted~ William J. O~eil City Engineer WJO:MO:Is Attachment DATE: September 21, 1999 item item Unit of No. Description Measure I Clearing and Grubbing LS 2 Import Class A Topsoil LS 3 Metal Pipe Gate EA 4 6' Chain Link Fence LF 5 4' Chain Link Fence LF 6 Install Mulch LS 7 Automatic Irrigation System LS 8 Backfill Amendments for Shrubs & Trees LS 9 I Gal Shrub EA 10 Liner Shrub EA 11 PCC. Mow Strip LF 12 Exc Plant Pits and Liner for Trees EA 13 Exc Plant Pits and Liner for 5 Gal Trees EA 14 24" Boulders EA 15 30" Boulders EA 16 36" Boulders EA 17 Traffic Control LS Estimated Quantity. 1 1 1 3,665 246 1,509 1 1 697 462 138 250 31 28 33 36 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA SUMMARY OF PROPOSALS METROLINK CORRIDOR BEAUTIFICATION ARCHIBALD AVENUE TO HAVEN AVENUE Nature Tech Landscaping, Inc. Unit Prices Price ENG1NEERS'S ESTIMATE: $195,000 S & M Landscape, Incorporated Unit Prices Price Divemiffed Landscape Co. ~Jnit Prices Price $ 12,000.00 $t2,000.00 $23,00Q00 $23,000.00 $20,500.00 $20,500.00 $ 60,926,00 $60,926,00 $10,000.00 $10,00Q 00 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 $ i ,22500 $1,225.00 $600.00 $600.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $ 13.00 $47,645.00 $8.50 $31,152.50 $9.40 $34,451.00 $ t5.00 $3,690.00 $1t.00 $2,706,00 $12.00' $2,952.00 $ 18.00 $27,162.00 $20.00 $30,!80.00 $18.50 $27,916.50 $ 58,264.00 $58,264.00 $113,403.00 $113,403.00 $122,000,00 $122,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $ 7.00 $4,879,00 $10.60 $7,388,20 $8.00 $5,576.00 $ 5.00 $2,310.00 $5.70 $2,633.40 $5.00 $2,310.00 $ 6.00 $828.00 $10.00 $1,380.00 $6.50 $897.00 $ 4.00 $1,00000 $6 00 $1,50000 $6.00 $1,500.00 $ 32.00 $992.00 $30.00 $930.00 $30.00 $930.00 $ 3800 $1,064~00 $44.00 $1,232,00 $52.00 $1,45600 $ 48.00 $1,584.00 $46.00 $1,518.00 $54.00 $1,782.00 $ 58.00 $2,088,00 $4800 $1,728,00 $58.00 $2,088.00 $0.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $227,657.00 $236,851.10 $236,958.50 DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CLCA. IONGA STAFF REPORT October 6, 1999 Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager Williron J. O'Neil, City Engineer Mike Olivier, Senior Civil Engineer APPROVAL AND EXECUTION OF LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND SAN BERNARDINO ASSOCIATED GOVERNMENTS FOR THE INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE METROLINK CORRIDOR BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT BETWEEN ARCHIBALD AND HAVEN AVENUES ,,% RECOMMENDATION: It is recmnmended that the City Council approve and execute a License Agreement between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and San Bernardino Associated Governments for the installation, operation and maintemmce of improvements for the Metrolink Corridor B eautification Project between Archibald and Haven Avenues. BACKG, ROUND/ANALYS IS: The landscaping proposed for the Metrolink Corridor Beautification Project is within the non-operating right- of-way o1~' the Metrolink Corridor owned by San Bernardino Associated Govemments (SANBAG). The agreement permits the City to construct fencing, landscaping and irrigation facilities, and to maintain said improvements. The agreement also provides provisions from Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA) that the City's contractor must adhere to during construction of the proposed improvements. All license fees are waived by SANBAG. Respectfully submitted, · O NeiI City Engineer WJO:MO:dlw DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT October 6, 1999 Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lain, AICP, City Manager William J. O'Neil, City Engineer Joe Stofa, Associate Engineep-~ inspector.,~,~ Michael D. Long, Supervising l~ublic Works AWARD AND AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION SURVEY OF THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD (SR 66) MEDIANS, PHASE I, TO THE APPARENT LOW BIDDER., SB&O IN THE AMOUNT OF $16,115.00 ($14,65000 PLUS 10% CONTINGENCY) TO BE FUNDED FROM MEASURE "I" FUNDS, ACCOUNT' NO. 32-463%9824 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council award and authorize for execution the Professional Services Agreement for the construction survey of the Foothill Boulevard (SR 66) Medians, Phase I, to the lowest responsible bidder, SB& O in the amount of $16,115.00 ($14,650.00 plus 10% contingency) to be fimded from Measure 'T' funds, Account: No. 32-4637-9824. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Proposals were solicited and received September 2, 1999, lk~r the sub. ject project. Staff has reviewed all proposals and found them to be complete. Respectfully submitted, City En,gineer WJO:JS/MDL:Is Attachment ORDINANCE NO. 609 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 99-.03, AMENDING TITLE 17 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING A SECTION TO CHAPTER 17.26, ESTABLISHING PERFORMANCE STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES. A. RECITALS. 1. The City of Rancho Cucamonga is a partner in the 800 MHz radio system operated by the West End Communication Authority that provides essential public safety communications during or after emergencies or natural disasters. The West End Communication Authority has requested participating cities to incorporate language into the permitting process to ensure that wireless communication networks within the City would not interfere with the 8(:)0 MHz radio system The Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has heretofore conducted and concluded a duty noticed public hearing on July 28, 1999, as required by law, with respect to adoption of this Ordinance and following the conclusion thereof, adopted its Resolution No.99-76 and has recommended adoption of this Ordinance as set forth below. The City Council of tlqe City of Rancho Cucamonga has heretofore conducted and concluded a duly noticed public hearing on September 15, 1999, as required by law, with respect to adoption of this Ordinance. 5. Alll legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this ordinance have occurred. ORDINANCE. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby find and ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council hereby finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this. ordinance are true and correct. SECTION 2: The City Council hereby finds and determines that the adoption of this Ordinance is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the Guidelines promulgated thereunder, pursuant to Section 15061, (b)(3) of Chapter 3 of Division 6 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations. Ordinance 609 Page 2 SECTION 3: The modifications to Title 17, as set forth herein, are in conformance with the City's General Plan. SECTION 4: Section 17.26.075 is hereby added to Title 17 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code to read as follows: 17.26.075 - Performance Standards No wireless commu~nication facility shall interfere with the public safety radio communications system, including, but not limited to, the 800 MHz trunking system. If such facility is found to interfere with the public safety radio system, it shall immediately cease operations until such time as the problem is resolved to t:he satisfaction of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. SECTION 5: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published as required by law. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 6th day of October, 1999. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN ED: William J. Alexander, Mayor ATTEST: Debra J. Adams, CMC, City Clerk US Code: Titl= 47, Sectiota 151 http://www4.1aw.comdl.edu/uscode/47/l$ l.texr_html Sec. 151. P'-q~)oses of chapter;, Federal Communications Commission created Code as o~ 01/26'98 For the purpose of regulating interstate and foreigu commerce in communication by wire and radio so as to make available, so far as possible, to all the people of the United States, without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex, a rapid, efficient, Nation-wide, and world-wide wire and radio communication service with adequate facilities at reasonable charges, for the purpose of the national defense, for the purpose of promoting safety of life and property through the use of wire and radio communication, and for the purpose of securing a more effective execution of this policy by centralizing authority heretofore granted by law to several agencies and by granting additional authority with respect to interstate and foreign commerce in wire and radio communication, there is created a commission tu be known as the "Federal Communications Commission", which shall be constituted as hereinafter provided, and which shall execute and enforce the provisions of this chapter. I 9/16/99 12:57 AM US Code: Title 47, Section 152 http://www4.1~w.oomell,edu/mgode/47/152.text. html Sec. 152. Application of chapter US Code as o~ 01/26/98 (a) The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all interstate and foreign communication by wire or radio and all interstate and foreign transmission of energy by radio, which orisinates and/or is received within the United States, and to all persons engaged within the United States in such communication or such transmission of energy by radio, and to the licensing and regulating of all radio stations as hereinafter provided; but it shall not apply to persons engaged in wire or radio communication or transmission in the Canal Zone, or to wire or radio communication or transmission wholly within the Canal Zone. The provisions of this chapter shall apply with respect to cable service, to all persons engaged within the United States in providing such service, and to the facilities of cable operators which relate to such service, as provided in subchapter V-A (b) Except as provided in sections 223 through 227 of this title, inclusive, and section 332 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section ]_01 of this title and subchapter V-A of this chapter, nothing. in this chapter shall he construed to apply or to give the Commission jurisdiction with respect to (1) charges, classifications, practices, services, facilities, or regulations for or in connection with intrastate communication service by wire or radio of any carrier, or (2) any carrier engaged in interstate or foreign communication solely through physical connection with the facilities of another carrier not directly or indirectly controlling or controlled by, or under direct or indirect common control with such carrier, or (3) any carrier engaged in interstate or foreign communication soleiythrough connection by radio, or by wire and radio, with facilities, located in an adjoining State or in Canada or Mexico (where they adjoin the State in which the carrier is doing business), of another cartier not directly or indirectly controlling or controlled by, or under direct or indirect common control with such carrier, or (4) any carrier to which clause (2) or clause (3) of this subsection would be applicable except for furnishing interstate mobile radio communication service or radio communication service to mobile stations on land vehicles in Canada or Mexico; except that sections 201 to 205 of this title shall, except as otherwise provided therein, apply to carriers described in clauses ('.2), (3), and (4) of this subsection. i ofl 9/16/99 12:58 AM Code: Title 47, Section 30 i http://www4 .law. comoll.odu/uscode/47/301 .tox't. htm[ Sec. 301. License for radio communication or transmission of energy Code as ~ 01/26/98 It is the purpose of this chapter, among other things, to maintain the control of the United States over all the channels of radio transmission; and to provide for the use of such channels, but not the ownership thereof, by persons for limited periods of time, under licenses granted by Federal authority, and no such license shall be construed to create any right, beyond the terms, conditions, and periods of the license. No person shall use or operate any apparatus for the transmission of energy or communications or signals by radio (a) from one place in any State, Territory, or possession of the United States or in the District of Columbia to another place in the same State, Territory, possession, or District; or (b) from any State, Territory, or possession of the United States, or from the District of Colulmbia to any other State, Territory, or possession of the United States; or (c) from any place in any State, Territory, or possession of the United States, or in the District of Columbia, to any place in any foreign country or to any vessel; or (d) within any State wh~m the effects of such use extend beyond the borders of said State, or when interference is caused by such use or operation with the transmission of"~ii~:h energy, communications, or signals from within said State to any place beyond its borders, or from any place beyond its borders to any place within said State, or with the transmission or reception of such energy, communications., or signals from and/or to places beyond the borders of said State; or (e) upon any vessel or aireraf~ of the United States (except as provided in section 3_0_~3(t) of this title); or (f) upon any other mobile stations within the jurisdiction of the United States, except under and in accordance with this chapter and 'with a license in that behalf granted under the provisions of this chapter. loll 9/t6/99 1:07 AM http://www.fc~.gov/cib/Ne~vs_R~loa~e~nrapco.html NEWS FEDERAl, COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 News media information 202/418-0500, Fax-On-Demand 202/418-2830, Internet http://www.fcc. gov or ftp.fcc. gov This is an unofficial announcement of Commission Action. Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MVI v. FCC. 516 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974) Report No. CI 98-12 COMPLIANCE AND INFORMATION ACTION July 17, 1998 FCC ANNOUNCES JOINT AGREEMENT WITH ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS OFFICIALS (APCO) FOR THE RESOLUTION OF INTERFERENCE COMPLAINTS The Federal Communications Commission announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understandine (MOU) with the public safety industry that streamlines the resolution of interference complaints that affect public safety communications. The MOU is between the FCC's Compliance and Information Bureau (CIB), in conjunction with the FCC Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, and the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials International, Inc. (APCO). This is the second recent Commission/industry agreement aimed at improving the Commission's compliance and enforcement processes involving public safety radio services. In April, 1998, a similar MOU was signed ~with the Industrial Tetecommuvfications Association, Inc. The agreement's main objective is to facilitate the Commission's certified Frequency Advisory Committee's (FAC) work in concert with CIB to protect the technical and regulatory integrity of radio communications. Under the agreement, APCO will follow an FCC technical and administrative sttmdard to collect all information relevant to process a compliance or interference matter. This allows the FCC to rely on APCO to research and verify the substance of a complaint. APCO will only refer a matter to the Commission when it cannot solve an interference problem. The MOU greatly supports the Commission!s mandates under the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and will conserve the Commission's resources it would otl~erwise expend in: the research and verification of a licensec-filed complaint. According to CIB Chief Richard D Lee, this agreement will provide the public safety industry with a sense of confidence that their communications systems will be vigorously protected from interference caused by non-compliant and/or unlicensed operators. The agreement also seeks to educate operators and licensees in the public ,safety radio industry on compliance with FCC rules, policies and procedures. I of 2 9/16/99 12:08 AM http:llwww.fcc.~ovlci!~Nm_R~l~eslm~p~.htm! -FCC- News Media Contact: David Fiske at (202) 418-0500 Compliance and Information Bureau Contact: John Winston at (1202) 418- ! 100 2 of 2 9/16?99 12:08 AM http:lt~vw. fe~.govl¢iblapool JWarninR! This is :ira I1: 'M!, vet.~ion of a printed leller and does not ~p~ent the Idte~ead a~u~tely. ~::~`~::.~:~r.~:~:.::~:..~:.~:~.:~:~:~:~:~.:.c:~..~:::::::::::::::::::::::::~:...x..:~.:....:.~:r.::...:.~:.:::::.:::::~:::..::.::::::~.~:~:::~:~:::.::::.:~:::~:~:~::::.~.:.:. June 15, 1998 Mr. Richard D. Lee Chief, Compliance and Information Bureau Federal Communications Commission 1919 M Street, N.W., Room 734 Washington, ]D.C. 20554 Re: Memorandum of Understanding - Frequency Coordinator Assistance in the Resolution of Interference and Compliance Reports Dear Mr. Lee: The Association of Public-Safety Communications Offidals-Intemational, Inc. (APCO) and its subsidiary APCO Automated Frequency Coordination, Inc. (APCO AFC) hereby respectfully submit for your consideration and approval this Memorandum ofUnderstandin8 (MOU). The execution of this MOU between the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and APCO should streamline the FCC's compliance and enforcement processes in the resolution of interference complaints in the land mobile communications industry. By taking advantage of the resources that the FCC-certified frequency advisory committees may provide in the resolution of compliance and interference complaints, the Compliance and Information Bureau will significantly support the mandate of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, by protecting public safety and other land mobile operations fi'om harm~l interference and by promoting fair competition in the land mobile communications marketplace through the expedited enforcement of FCC rules and regulations. The execution of this MOU, and the adoption of an enforcement complaint standard, will provide the land mobile communications industry with a sense of confidence that their systems will be vigorously protected from interference caused 'by non-compliant and unlicensed operators. I. Objective 1. The objective of this proposal is to forrealize an arrangement whereby APCO, a certified frequency coordinator, will work in concert with the FCC's Compliance and Information Bureau ( CIB ) to protect the technical and regulatory integrity of the !and mobile communications environment. As discussed in detail at section III infra, and attached as Exhibit A, APCO will follow a technical and administrative standard for the collection of all information relevant to process a compliance or interference matter. With the adoption of this standard, the Commission I of 6 9/16/99 12:13 AM htt p'.//~vw. fcc.gov/cib/apco/ 2 of 6 may rely on/LPCO to research and verify the substance of a compliance or interference complaint. When APCO cannot solve an interference problem and refers the matter to the Commission, the Commission will be in a position to act with dispatch to resolve disputes relating to non-compliance with the FCC's technical, operational, and regulatory requirements in the land mobile communications industry. a. Protection of public safety communications 2. The Commission has committed its resources to the promotion of public safety communications. APCO fully supports and commends the Commission's efforts to revitalize a responsive compliance initiative that will serve to augment the agency's overall spectrum management objectives. The goal of this MOU is to prevent licensees who intentionally corrupt the spectrum environmere and licensees who operate beyond the technical or regulatory limits of their license authority from operating at the expense of compliant licensees. b. Con.qervation of Commission resources 3. By adopting APCO's proposed standard for the resolution of compliance and interference complaints, the Commission will be able to conserve its own resources. By agreeing to grant considerable weight and deference to an APCO prepared compliance and interference report, the Commission will conserve the resources it would othen~se expend in the research and verification of a licensec filed complaint. 4. A joint FCC/APCO compliance and interference resolution process will also serve to educate land mobile communications users on compliance with FCC rules and regulations. Once put into practice, a standardized s~stem for direct APCO involvement in interference resolution will permit APCO to notify non-compliant licensees of their obligations under the Commission's rules and regulations. As users become aware; that a Frequency Coordinator interference report is granted deference by the Commission, we anticipate 'that a clear majority of interference complaints may be resolved through negotiation., obviating the need for Commission action to stop such interference. IL Legislative and Regulatory Authority a. Legislative Authority 5. The formalization of a procedure for Frequency Coordinator reporting and resolution of compliance and information complaints is fully consistent with the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, ( the Act ). Under section 1 of the Act, the Commission has an obligation to promote "the safety of life and property through the use of wire and radio communication." I[L] Under' section 332(1))(1) of the Act, the Commission, in coordinating the assignment of frequencies to stations in the private land mobile services ·.. shall have the authority to utilize assistance furnished by advisory coordinating committees ....". 2[~ The resolution ofc.ompliance and interference complaints is a component of the coordination of frequency assignments. 6. When an entity operates without Commission authorization, o.r beyond the scope of legitimate or necessary technical authorizations, the radio spectrum on which it: operates becomes un-coordinatable. This results in inefficient spectrum use and unfitifiy burdens legitimate operators and applicants. Under a plain language interpretation of section 332(b)(1) of the Act, the Commission is well within its authority to accept the assistance of Frequency Coordinators in the resolution of compliance and interference complaints as part of an efficient frequency assignment process. 9/16/99 12:i3 AM httpY/vnnv. fcc.gov/cib/apco/ 3 of 6 b. Regulatory Authority 7. Under section 90.7 of the Commission's rules, frequency coordination is defined as: The process of obtaining the recommendation of a frequency coordinator for a frequency(ies) that will most effectively meet the applicant's needs while minimizing interference to licensees already operating within a given frequency' band (emphasis added).[3] 8. As discuss~l above and highlighted here, the process of frequency coordination is, by its very definition, an analysis of potential interference. The Commission recognized this fact when, in the Order designating the several FACs, it required FAC participation in the resolution of post-licensing conflicts: Several reasons persuade us to require coordinator participation in post-licensing conflicts stemming from frequency selections and recommendations. First, the coordinator, with its specific: knowledge of user requirements and local conditions, is in the best position to resolve such problems. Second, we believe that the coordinator should be made aware of such post-licensing problems as soon as possible since knowledge oftbese problems could affect pending or future coordination requests. Finally, as an organization representative of the affected licensec, the coordinator is uniquely qualified to provide objective and informed assistance regarding post licensing problems (emphasis added).[4] 9. Because the Commission not only contemplates, but requires the participation of the Frequency Coordinators in the post-licensing interference resolution process, the instant proposal would require no rule making action by the: Commission. All that is required of the Commission is the commitment to act upon compliance and interference complaints that are accompanied by verified information. III. FAC Initiated Interference Resolution Process 10. Under this. MOU, APCO will field initial interference and/or ¢x>mpliance complaints from a licxmsee or its representative. Each complaint will be processed through the completion of a standard Compliance Request Report ( CRR ), and assigned an administrative CRR tracking number. IA eoov of the orooosed standard CRR ~'orm is attached at Exhibit A,1 Based on the information reported on the form, APCO will be able to make a determination as to whether the source of the complaint is educational, technical, or operational in nature and propose resolutions accordingly. a. Educational Problems and Resolutions 11. It has been APCO's experience that many interference problems are caused by licensees unwittingly operating beyond the scope of their license authorization. In these cases, resolution of the interference problem may be achieved simply by notifying the offending licensee of its obligations under FCC rules and regulations. By educating unsophisticated licensees on sharing requirements (i.e., monitoring use of call signs, etc.) all parties may institute an equitable resolution to the interference without the need for Commission action. 12. In cases where an unlicensed or improperly licensed operator is identified, APCO may assist in preparation and application for proper FCC authorization, including the resolution of interference through standard coordination processes. However, in these cases APCO will immediately notify the Commission of the unlicensed operator notwithstanding the resolution of the matter. Resolution by the APCO will not: preclude the: Commission from taking further appropriate action. 9/16/99 12:!3AM http:/^~vw.fcc.sov/cib/npco/ 4 of 6 13. Upon the resolution of an "educational" interferenCe problem, APCO will summarize the problem and its resolution to all parties in writing. After a period of 30 days, APCO will initiate correspondence with all parties to verify the resolution of the matter. Upon a determination that the matter has been satisfactorily resolved, the file will be closed but kept on record and made available to the FCC upon request. b. Technical Problems and Resolutions 14. In the large majority of technical interference cases, the offending party is readily identifiable. However, when a technical interference complaint of unknown origin is filed, APCO will attempt to identify the source of the interference through local monitoring conducted by the complainant !icensec, its service representative, or an independent provider. Only when all attempts to identify the source of the interference are unsuccessful, will APCO solicit the assistance of the local FCC field office. 15. Upon identification of the interference source, APCO will notify the offending licenseeffoperator that the problem exists and recommend technical solutions available through. APCO or independent service provider. These technical solutions may include but are not limited to: reducing power, lowering antenna height, antenrta pattern reconfiguration, or the selection of an alternative 'frequency. 16. If an engineering or technical resolution to. the problem is available, APCO will summarize the problem and its resolution to all parties in writing. After a period of 30 days, APCO will initiate correspondence with all parties to verify the ~solution of the matter. Upon a determination that tile matter has been satisfactorily resolved, the file will be closed but kept on record with APCO and made available to the FCC upon request. c. Operational Problems and Resolutions 17. In addition to educational and technical interference cases, there are also operational problems that may not be causing interference, but are negatively impacting the competitive environment. Specifically, operational issues concern instances where a licensec operates a radio system in non-compliance with its license authorization, e.g., a private system providing a commercial service. 18. Because of their specific knowledge of local conditions, the APCO's Local Frequency Advisors are often made aware of suspect operations by the adversely affected Commission licensees. In these ,gases, the APCO is able to research the license terms and authorized operational parameters of the non-compliant system and request documentation supporting the service in operation. 19. If, through negotiation with the non-compliant licensec, APCO is able to resolve the operational problem, APCO will summarize the problem and its resolution to all parties in writing. ARer a period of 30 days, APCO will initiate correspondence with all parties to verify the resolution of the matter. Upon a determination that the matter has been satisfactorily resolved, the CRR file will be closed but kept on record and made available to the FCC upon request.. d FCC/CIB Participation 20. If, despite notification and identification of an interference problem by APCO, the parties are unable or unwilling to pursue the recommended educational or technical solutions to the interference problem, APCO will submit a report to the CIB field office with geographic jurisdiction, and to the CIB offices in Washington, D.C. The report will identify all parties to the dispute, provide all background information 9/16/99 12:13 AM http:/ lw~tw. fe~.govlciblapoal (i.e., call signs involved, identified non-compliance, location ofunlicensed system, etc.) as well as the APCO-recommended resulatory or t~hnical solution (i.e., system modification, license modification, FCC enforcement, etc.). 21. Upon submission of the report to the appropriate CIB field office, it is recommended that APCO be notified of a single point of contact within that field office that will manage the resolution of the matter. By identifying a single point of contact, APCO will be in a position to quickly update its report with any information that becomes available after filing and remain readily available for any negotiation process. Upon notification of resolution by the CIB, the APCO file will be closed but kept on record with the FCC. IV. Implementation 22. APCO requests the Commission confirm its agreement with this Memorandum of Understanding by letter to the President of APCO, and by issuance of an appropriate Public Notice. This agreement may be canceled at any time by either party upon 30 days notice. This agreement may be modified at any time upon written agreement of the parties. V. Conclusion 23. APCO believes that this proposal serves the public interest, convenience, and necessity and comports with the stated policy objectives of the Commission. By conserving Commission resources, streamlining administrative processes, protecting public safety operations and promoting fair competition, this proposal provides the FCC with the opportunity to enhance compliance and enforcement procedures for the benefit of both the Commission and its licensees. Respectfully submitted, Joseph McNeil, President Association of' Public-Safety Communications Officials-International, Inc. 5 of 6 Footnotes: 1.47 U.S.C. § 151. 2.47 U.S.C. § 332(b)(1). 3.47 U.S.C. § 90.7. 4. In the Matter of Frequency Coordination in the Private Land Mobile Radio Services, Report and 9/16/99 12:13 AM http://www. fc~.gov/~/alx~ Order, PR Docket 83-737, 103 FCC 2d 1093 (1983). 6of6 9/[6/99 12:13 AM http~/www.fcc.sov/cib/Ncws_Reizaseslrxci9010.html NEWS FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20.554 News media iJ~ormation 202/418-0500, b2tx-On-Demand 202/418-2830, Internet http://hnvw.fcc. gov or ftp.fcc. gov This is an unofficial announcement of Commission Action. Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official aredon. See MVI v. FCC. 516 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974)' FOR IMMEDIATE RELF, ASE March 22, 1999 News imedia Contact: David Fiske or Rosemary Kimball at (202) 418-0500. I of 2 Report No. CI 99-15 COMPLIANCE AND INFORMATION ACTION FCC HANDLED OVER 1200 INTERFERENCE COMPLAINTS FROM FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL PUBLIC SAFETY AND EMERGENCY OFFICIALS The FCC said today that its Compliance and Information Bureau responded to over 1,200 calls duxing the past year fi'om local, state, and federal public safety and emergency officials seeking assistance: on radio frequency problems, many involved with life-threatening emergency situations. The Compliance.and Information Bureau prov/des around the clock assistance to public safety and emergency organizations that are experiencing communications problems. The bureau will alert and dispatch local FCC field office agents to locate: and resolve the interference problems, giving priority to emergency situations involving potential harm 'to life, and property. Categories of,calls to the FCC's Compliance: and Information Bureau include the following: State and Local Public Safety Emergency Services:: Local law enforcement, fire and other public safety entities made 674 requests for assistance. In some instances, police communication channels were being jammed by unknown sources of interference that prevented dispatchers from communicating with officers. In some instances, police officials complained of intruders on police communication frequencies masquerading as official police dispatchers, causing law enforcement units to be directed to fictitious emergency locations. U.S. Coast Cmard: The U.S. Coast Guard sought assistance almost 400 times. In some instances tl~e FCC used its direction finding network to help the Coast: Guard locate lost or disoriented boaters who needed Coast Guard assistance. One particular "lost" vessel radioed that an individual on the vessel had a heart attack and needed immediate medical attention. Information from our direction finding capabilities 9/16/99 12:18 AM htW-//www. fcc.gov/cib,tNew~_Releases/ntci9010.html allowed the Coast Guard to locate the vessel, and then transport the heart attack victim for immediate medical attention, thus saving his life. Many of the Coast Guard contacts concerned interference to ship distress frequencies severe enough to prevent real distress calls from vessels getting through. Sometimes individuals deliberately broadcast false distress calls that had resulted in costly and time-consuming Coast Guard air and sea searches for non-existent vessels. The Coast Guard asked the FCC to use its electronic direction-finding capabilities to locate individuals who. had broadcast false distress calls Federal Aviation Administration: The FAA requested assistance 75 times to address such matters as unknown sources of interference on air traffic control frequencies and locating and silencing unauthorized transmissions on frequencies used for aircraft radar identification systems. In a few cases, individuals were intentionally jamming communications between the tower and aircraft, thereby jeopardizing the safety of landing or departing aircraft. Satellite Search and Rescue System Operators: The Department of Defense and the National Oce~,nic & Atmospheric Administration, operators of the U.S. satellite search and rescue system, asked for FCC assistance 60 times,. Search and rescue satellites would receive unknown signals which could mask true distress signals coming from emergency radio beacons carried by most aircraft and many marine vessels. The satellite system rescue operators needed FCC help in detecting the sources of these unknown signals and deactivating them. In the majority of these cases the FCC found that emergency beacons had malfunctioned and were enxmeously sending distress signals.~ - FCC - Compliance and Information Bureau Contact · Pamera Hairston (202) 418-I 1 O0 2 o£ 2 9/16/99 12:18 AM Srafil Mail Li~. http'.//www. fem.$ov/eib/dd~dd.html Federnl Communications Commission Compliance & Infomarion Bureau Field Office Mailing Addresses I of 2 ATLANTA OFFICE (AT) Federal Communications Cormmission 3575 Koger Blvd., Ste. 320 Duluth, GA '~10096-4958 BOSTON OFFICE (BS) Federal Communications Commission 1 Batterymarch Pk. Quincy, MA ,02169-7495 CHICAGO OFFICE (CG) Federal Cormwunieations Commission Park Ridge ()fflee Center, Room 306 1550 Northwest Hwy. Park Ridge, IL 60068-1460 COLUMBIA OFFICE (COC) Federal Communications Commission 9200 Farm House Ln. Columbia, MD 21046 DALLAS OFFICE (DL) Federal Communications Commission 9330 LBJ Freeway, Room 1170 Dallas, TX 75243-3429 DENVER OFFICE (DV) Federal Communications Commission 165 South Union Blvd., Room 860 Lakewood, CO 80228-2213 DETROIT OFFICE (DT) Federal Cormnunications Commission 24897 Hathaway St. Farmington EliIls, MI 48335-1552 KANSAS CITY OFFICE (KC) Federal Communications Commission 8800 East 63rd St.,. Room 320 Kansas City, MO 64 [ 33-4895 9/16/99 12:13 AM Snail .Mail List, http://www.fee.gov/cib/ddadd.htmi LOS ANGEl. ES OFFICE (LA) Federal Communications Commission Cerritos Corl~rate Tower 18000 Studebak~ Rd., Room 660 Cerritos, CA 90701-3684 NEW ORLEANS OFFICE (OR) Federal Communications Commission 2424 Edenborn Ave. Suite 460 Metarie, LA 70001 NEW YORK. OFFICE (NY) Federal Communications Commission 201 Varick St., Suite 115 I New York, NY 10014-4870. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE (PA) Federal Communications Commission One Oxford Valley Oftice Bldg., Room 404 2300 East Lincoln Hwy. Langhorne,. PA 19047-1859 SAN DIEGO, OFFICE (SI)) Federal Communications Commission Interstate Oftice Park 4542 Ruffiaer St., Room 370 San Diego, CA 92111-2216 SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE (SF) Federal Communications Commission 3777 Depot Rd, Room 420 Hayward, CA 94545-275.6. SEATTLE OFFICE (ST) Federal Communications Commission 11410 NE 122nd Way, Room 312 Kirkland, WA 98034-6927 TAMPA OFF'ICE (TP) Federal Communications C. ommission 2203 N. Lois Ave., Room 1215 Tampa, FL 33607-2356 2 of 2 iLast updated on Wed Dec 31 11:10:51 EST 1997 9/16/99 12:13; AM ht~://www'£cc'8°v/ci~ews._Relcases/nrciS004,html NEWS I of 3 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET N.W. WASHINC, TON, D.C. 20554 News media information 202/418-0500, Fax-On-Demand 202/418-2830, Internet http : //www.fcc. gov or ftp.f cc. gov This is an unofficial announcement of Commi,~ion Action. Release of the full text of a Commissi(m order constitutes official action. See MVI v. FCC. 516 F 2d 385. (D.C. Circ 1974) Report No. CI 98-3 COMPLIANCE AND INFORMATION ACTION March 20, I998 FCC CLOSES DOWN UNLIC:ENSED RADIO OPERATION THAT 2]-IREATENED AIR SAFETY AT SACRAMENTO AIRPORT; FOURTH AIRPORT INTERFERENCE INCIDENT IN FIVE MONTHS The Federal Communications Commission today announced it had located and shut- down an unliieensed radio broadcasting operation in Sacramento, California, that was reported by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to be causing interference to safe air traffic control communications at Sacramento Executive Airport. The FCC said that after investigating FAA complaints about interference at the airport on four different frequencies, it: identified the source as an unlicensed radio station operating on 107.2 MHz from the office of Dollar and Sense Productions, 2251 Florin Road, Suite 128, Sacramento. FCC investigators informed the operator of the interference yesterday; and shortly thereafter the station shut down its operations. In a letter to t;he FCC on the incident, the FAA told the FCC the unlicensed radio operation was "creating an unsafe condition in our National Airspace System." This is the fourth time in the last five months that FCC investigators have had to make emergency-response investigations to locate illegal unlicensed broadcast stations which were interfering with air traffic communications. In October 1997, the FCC obtained voluntary shin down of two separate unlicensed operations interfering with air traffic control frequencies at Miami International Airport and West Palm Beach International Airport. In February this year, the FCC and Office of the United States .Attorney for' the District of Puerto Rico obtained a court order to confiscate transmission equipment from an unlicensed operator who was causing interference at San Juan International Airport and who refused to shut-down voluntarily. FCC Chairman William Kennard said, "Unlicensed radio operations such as this pose a threat to critical air traffic communications and a risk to safety of life due to the interfering transmissions. I am concerned that we have now had multiple incidents of interference at four airports around the country. We will continue to inform the public of these dangers and to move swiftly to eliminate these potential hazards to 9/16/99 12:25 AM http://www. fcc.gov/cib/News_Rel~ases/nmigOO4.html ' air traffic conununications." In the Sacramento case, the FCC's San Francisco office was first alerted by the FAA on Wednesday, March 18, tlutt aircraft over Napa, California, were rec~ving interference to their radio communications and that there was a radio station signal being heard on the pilots' air traffic control radio channel. The FCC began an immediate investigation, but was hampered by the fact that the signal was only being heard high in the air and the possible location of the source was anywhere in a 60 mile radius of Napa. On Thursday, March 19, the investigation foa~sed in the Sacramento, California, area when the FCC was notified that the FAA radios at Sacramento Executive Airport were receiving interference on several channels (119.5, 122.2, 125.0, and 126.8 MHz.) from a radio station. The FAA reported that the station appeared to be drifting or changing frequency. Two FCC investigators were immediately dispatched to Sacramento. FCC, technical measurements showed that t]he transmitter of the illegal station was not only sending out the intended broadcast :Ration signal, it was ,also sending out numerous other spurious signals on aviation frequencies. When notified of the interference, the operator of the unlicensed operation voluntarily shut down the transmissions. Unlicensed radio transmissions, in general, can: create a danger of interference to important radio communications services. Such illegal transmissions, using equipment of unknown technical integrity, raise a particular concern because of the potential four harmful interference to authorized radio operations, including public safety communications and aircraft frequencies, as in this case. Unlicensed broadcast stations are of particular concern because they operate on channels directly adjacent to those used for sensitive aviation communications and air navigation. signals. Under federal law, radio stations may be operated only upon the issuance of an FCC license covering such equipment. Unlicensed operation may subject the violat:or to serious penalties provided for in the Communications Act of a civil fine of up to $11,000 and/or seizure and forfeiture of the radio equipment by court: order. Violators could also be subject to criminal fines imposed by the Justice Department of up to $I00,000, and/or imprisonment for up to one year or both for a first offense. In addition, interference with a government communications system, such as the FAA air traffic control or air navigation systems, is a federal felony and violators can be punished under the federal criminal code. -FCC- News Media Contact: David Fiske, (202) 418-0513 Compliance and Information Bureau Contact: Joseph Casey, (202) 418-1100 2 of 3 9/16/99 12:25 AM hltp://w~nv. fcc.gov/eib/News_Releases/mcigOO4.html :'.9~ x street, c=~'~:cat~.ns :de~ied you :: : ::: :: ~ ::: :: ~anage~e~t 3 of 3 9/16/99 12:25 AM http://www.fc~.gov/cih/Nzws_?.eleases/nmi9712.html N ,EWS I of 2 FEDERAl, COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 News media information 202/418-0500, Fax-On-Demand 202/418-2830, Internet http : JTwww:fcc. go,,' or ftp~fcc. gov This is an unofficial announcement of Commission Action. Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MVI v. FCC. 516 F 2d 385 (I).C. Circ 1974) Report No. CI 97-12 COMPLIANCE AND INFO ACTION October 24, 1997 FCC CLOSES DOWN UNLIC'ENSED RADIO OPERATORS THAT WERE THREATENING AIR SAFETY AT TWO FLORIDA AIRPORTS The Federal Communications Commission has located and shut-down two unlicensed radio broadcasting operations that were interfering with safe air traffic control communications at Miami International Airport and West Palm Beach International Airport. Both cases were referred to FCC investigator's for help by the Federal Aviation Administration in Miami. * FCC investigators identified an unlicensed FM station near Miami International Airport: illegally broadcasting on 105.5 MHz in the FM broadcast band and frequencies in the 118.1 to 125.85 MHz band that FAA officials told the FCC were causing harmful interference to Air Traffic Control frequencies and adversely affecting tower to pilot communications in a four-mile area southeast of the airport. * FCC investigators also discovered and closed down an illegal broadcaster who was completely disrupting control tower communications at West Palm Beach International Airport control tower. Operating less than six blocks from the airport control tower, the station Was illegally broadcasting on 106.5 MHz in the FM band, and frequencies between 120.7 MHz to 121.9 MHz in the commercial aircraft frequency band and causing interference on aviation emergency frequency 121.5 MHz. Richard D. Lee, Acting Chief of the FCC Compliance and Information Bureau (CIB), said, "There is an increased problem for public and aircraft safety' because of unlicensed FM operations. Hopefully we can eliminate this problem before a catastrophic accident resulting in loss of lives occurs due to interfel:ence on the airwaves." Lee explained, "In some cases, we have achieved much success with on-site inspections during which we warn unlicensed FM broadcasters about their illegal operations and urge them to cease operations immediately." He said that based on information from the FCC field investigators, the FCC has successfully identified and shut down numerous other unlicensed broadcast operations via warning letters, on-site inspections or court actions since September 1997.. "We will move as swiftly as possible to prevent the proliferation ofunlicensed broadcast operations and the danger to public safety and 9/16/99 12:26 AM http'd/www. fcc.gov/cib/New~_Rolom~es/nmi9? I2.html interferenee with other communications products that these unlieensed operations create," he said - FCC - News Media Contact: David Fiske, (202) 418-0513. Compliance and Information Bureau Contact: Magaiie Salas, (202) 418- ! 1 $0. 2 of 2 9/16/99 I2:26 AM ORDINANCE NO. 610 A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REGARDING THE CITY SEAL AND LOGOS AND AM!ENDING THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE FOLLOWS: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ORDAINS AS SECTION 1. Title 2 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding a new Chapter 2.56 thereto to read as follows: CHAPTER 2.56 USE OF THE CITY SEAL AND LOGOS SECTIONS: 2.56.10 -, Declaration of Intent 2.56.20 - Prohibited Acts 2.56,30- Definitions 2.56.10 - 2.56.20 - Declaration o'f Intent. Prior to the adoption of this chapter, there was no mechanism by which the City could prevent confusion on the part of the public if the City's seal or logos are used without authorization so that members of the general public would reasonably believe that a document bearing the seal or logos was generated by the City or that the person or entity responsible for creation of the document is employed by or affiliated with the City. In the absence of the adoption of this Chapter, the public could become confused, deceived or misled by such documents, which is detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare and the effective operation of the City. Prohibited Acts. No person who is not an officer, employee or agent of the City shall place any limitation or replication of the City seal or logos on any document so as to cause another person to reasonably believe that the document bearing the seal or logos was generated by the City or that the person or entity responsible for creating the document is employed by or affiliated with the City. Any person, who violates the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to the penalties specified in Chapter 1.12 of thiis Code. Ordinance 610 Page 2: 2.56.30 - Definitions. For the purposes of this Chapter, the following words shall have the meanings set forth below: "Document" means any handwritten, typewritten, printed, photostatted, photocopied, or computer' generated form of communication or representation, including letters, words, pictures, symbols or' combinations thereof. "Person" means any natural person, firm, association, organization, partnership, business trust, corporation, or limited liabili .ty company. "Seal" means the seal of the City of Rancho Cucamonga that are displayed on official City- approved proclamations, resolutions, the City website, and other documents. "Logos" means the logos of the City of Rancho Cucamonga that is displayed on official City- approved documents and stationery. SECTION 2. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, portion, or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a decision of any' court of any competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, portions, or phrases of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each and every section, subsection, sentence, clause, portion, or phrase without regard to whether any other section, subsection, sentence, clause,. portion, or phrase of the Ordinance would be subsequently declared invalid or unconstitutional. CI'I"Y OF RANCHO CIJCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: October 6, 1999 Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lm:n, AICP, City Manager Kevin McArdle, Community Services Director UPDATE ON ACTIVITIES AND PARTICIPATION AT THE SPRUCE AVENUE PARK SKATE FACILITY RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council receive and file this update report on activities at the Spruce Avenue Park Skate Facility. BACKGROUND The skate facility at Spruce Avenue Park was constructed during 1998 and was opened to the public on December 3, 1998. The original goals for constructing the skate facility were to provide a place and an opportunity for skateboarders and in-line skaters to practice their sport and to reduce the level of inappropriate skating by youth at local shopping centers, public areas, etc. The skate facility has been in operation for approximately nine months and has experienced a high level of participation. At the City Council meeting held on September 15, 1999, Council Members directed staff to provide the City Council with an update on activities taking place at the Skate Park. FINDINGS/ANALYSIS The initial nine months at the Spruce Avenue Park Skate Facility have been extremely successful in meeting the original goals. The attendance has exceeded all expectations and has involved skaters ranging iin age from pre-teen through young adult. In terms of attendance, staff estimates that there have been approximately 30,000 skating visits made to the park in its first nine months with an expected amaual attendance of over 36,000 participants. This equates to an average of over 100 skaters per day throughout the year. The Skate Park has also been successful in meeting its second goal of reducing inappropriate and illegal skating in other public areas. Discussions with retail merchants and Police Department officials have indicated good success in Illis area. MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CIIT COUNCIL SKATE PARK UPDATE October6, 1999 Page 2 Another' success of the skate: park operation has been the development of positive relationships and partnerships. The City's Community Services Department has had the opportunity to have its program staff get to know a large number of teens at the Skate Park who would not traditionally be a part of the City's Teen Recreation Program. The Community Services Department has been conducting quarterly special events at the Skate Park which includes contests, demonstrations, and education regarding skating safety. These programs have also been used to encourage park users to appreciate their unique facility and take pride in it. These quarterly events have involved an estimated 1,200 teenagers. An unanticipated success associated with these quarterly events has been the development of a number of community parmerships associated with the Skate Park. These programs have included invaluable cooperation and assis 'tance by Active Ride Shop, JERS Board Shop, Cellular Skate Shop and Grace Community Church. The Police Department has also been pro-active through their Solution-Oriented Policing Program and their bicycle patrol program to establish face-to-face communications with a particular segment of the community which has traditionally viewed their experiences with law enforcement as negative. The Community Services Departrnent is now initiating a new program which will provide pro-active and positive rewards such as skating helmets, fast food certificates, etc., to those skaters who are found to be acting in the most responsible manner o:n a periodic basis. As can be seen, operation of the skate facility has involved many thousands of visits by local youth in a positive recreational activity and has generated a number of indirect benefits as well. It is estimated that attendance at Spruce Park has increased fi'om 3,000 to 4,000 annual visitors prior to the skate facility, to an annual attendance expected to exceed 36,000 this year. Given this ten,fold increase in attendance, :it is normal to see an associated increase in police related contact. During the earl)' weeks when the skate facility first opened, City staff and Police Department officials identified the surge in participation and[ initiated a pro-active policing program which includes specific site attention by the Solution-Oriented Policing Team and the bicycle patrol team. Based upon the tremendous usage, and pro-active police presence, 'the Police Department statistics relating to Spruce Park have also increased since the skate facility opened. The Police Chief has analyzed the most recent data relating to Spruce Park and prepared the fbllowing summary: The calls for service at Spruce Park significantly increased once the skate facility opened. By March of 1999, the calls for service at the park had exceeded the entire number of calls ~r 1998. MA YO~'. AND MEMBERS OF THE ('/IT COUNCIL SKATE PARK UPDATE October6, 1999 Page 3 ~e addition of the skate facility changed Spruce Park from. a passive recreation facility to an activity driven park. Thereti)re, a strictly statistical comparison relating to calls for service do not portray a completely accurate picture by comparing 1998 to 1999. This is particularly true when approximately 30,000 more visits have been made to Spruce Park during the past nine months. A review of the calls for service at Spruce Park since the skate thcility opened indicates that approximately 50% of these calls were minor disturbance calls, m'ea checks and minor incidents. Of these, almost one-third were self-initiated by members of the Solution-Oriented Policing Team, the bicycle team or regular patrol officers. During the first nine months of 1999, a total of" 34 police reports were generated at Spruce Park. Of these, 22 were associated with minor disturbances. The other reports involved fights, drug allegations and petty theft. In order to accurately evaluate Spruce Park based on calls for service only, an additional year would be required for a proper evaluation. While there has been an increase in Police Department calls for service, a careful analysis of the statistics indicate that the volume and significance of the calls are within the parameters of what should be expected based upon the tremendous usage. Staff feels that it is important for anyone attempting to interpret the iPolice Department statistics to take into consideration the positive recreational aspects of the facility and the high usage. When the skate facility initially opened, the Community Services Department staff received an estimated ten to twelve calls of concern from community members. After that initial level of concern, staff' has not received any similar calls lbr the, past few months. Even though the Police Department lew,q of involvement at the skate facility can be considered within expected levels, the City' Council may wish to evaluate other alternatives for skate park supervisiion and/or law enforcement. Depending upon the level of City Council concern, the following options may be considered, now or in the future: Appropriate the necessary funding and direct staff to install wrought iron fencing around the skate park and provide staff supervision/control during all open hours. The City Council s]hould keep in :mind that providing this supervision will subject the City to increased liability. Existing state law basic, ally exempts the City from liability for skating accidents as long as it remains an unsupervised park. MAYO~ AND MEMBERS OF THE CIIT COUNCIL SKATE PARK UPDATE October6, 1999 Page 4 The Council could consider closing the Skate Park, either on a temporary or permanent basis, if it is felt that the concerns outweigh the benefits. There has been limited discussions about the potential of developing a second skate park in the City. Staff would recommend that any such consideration be postponed for a minimum of one to two complete years of operation at the existing skate facility in order to best determine the benefits and concerns associated with this program. Of additional significance is the upcoming development of a large, private skate park being constructed at the Ontario Mills Mall. It is possible that this facility may lessen the impact. on the Spruce Avenue Park Skate Facility and may serve to fill the remaining needs of the Rancho Cucamonga skating community. City staf£ and the Police Department plan to continue pro-active measures to ensure that the skate park pm~icipants abide by the all laws and regulations while enjoying their sport. Staff would appreciate any additional thoughts and/or direction regarding this issue from the City Council. Respgc~y submittep,7/9. Kevi~i lVlcArdle Commtrni- ' 'ty Services Director KM/mam citycoun/sk~eparkupdate.99