HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005/08/02 - Agenda Packet ACTION AGENDA
TUESDAY AUGUST 2, 2005 7:00 P.M.
Committee Members: Cristine McPhail Pam Stewart Dan Coleman
Alternates: Rich Macias Richard Fletcher Larry McNiel
This is the time and place for the Committee to discuss and provide direction to an applicant
regarding their development application. The following items do not legally require any public
testimony, although the Committee may open the meeting for public input.
7:00 p.m.
- LEWIS INVESTMENT COMPANY-A request for a single lot subdivision of 9.68
• acres for 99 condominiums, located on the north side of Foothill Boulevard,east of
Etiwanda Avenue - APN: 1100-161-04. Related Files: Development Review
DRC2004-00268, General Plan Amendment DRC2004-00269, and Development
District Amendment DRC2004-00270.
A request to develop 99 condominiums on 9.77 net acres within the Community
Commercial land use designation of the Foothill Boulevard Districts, located on the
north side of Foothill Boulevard, east of Etiwanda Avenue. Land use amendment
applications to change the zoning to residential categories are accompanying this
application - APN: 1100-161-04. Related Files: General Plan Amendment
DRC2004-00269 and Development District DRC2004-00270.
7:30 p.m.
to construct a new 78,140 square foot church sanctuary and related facilities,to be
constructed in phases, on 3.8 acres of land in the Low Residential District (2-4
dwelling units per acre), located at the southwest corner of Haven Avenue and
Banyan Street - APN: 0201-821-51. Related File: Variance DRC2005-00278.
- A request to allow height of 58 feet in lieu of the maximum allowed of 35 feet in
conjunction with construction of a new 78,140 square foot church sanctuary and
related facilities on 3.8 acres of land in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling
• units per acre), located at the southwest corner of Haven Avenue and Banyan
Street - APN: 0201-821-51. Related File: Conditional Use Permit
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7:45 p.m.
SUBTPM16767-CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES-A request to subdivide 7.74
gross acres of land into 10 lots within the Community Commercial District(Subarea
4), located on the north side of Foothill Boulevard, approximately 600 feet west of
Etiwanda Avenue - APN: 0227-221-03, 07, 22, 23, and 24. Related File:
Conditional Use Permit DRC2004-01128.
DRC2004-01128-CHARLES JOSEPH AND ASSOCIATES-A request to develop
a commercial center on 7.74 gross acres of land, consisting of ten freestanding
restaurant buildings and one retail building totaling 51,200 square feet within the
Community Commercial District (Subarea 4), located on the north side of Foothill
Boulevard, approximately 600 feet west of Etiwanda Avenue-APN: 0227-221-03,
07', 22, 23, and 24. Related File: Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM16767
8:00 p.m.
00068 - RED HILL COUNTRY CLUB, INC. - A request to demolish an.existing
clubhouse and replace with a new clubhouse totaling 35,176 square feet on 120
acres of land in the Open Space District, located at 8358 Red Hill Country Club
Drive - APN: 0207-101-03, 23, and 35. Related Files: Lot Line Adjustment
• LLA601 and Tree Removal Permit DRC2005-00486.
VARIANCE DRC2005-00527 - RED HILL COUNTRY CLUB INC. - A request to
construct a building above the 30-foot height limit and construct a retaining wall in
excess of the 3-foot height limit, located at 8358 Red Hill Country Club Drive —
APN: 0207-101-03, 23, and 35. Related Files: Conditional Use Permit
DRC2005-00068, Lot Line Adjustment LLA601, and Tree Removal Permit
There were no comments from the public.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
7:00 p.m. Larry Henderson August 2, 2005
INVESTMENT COMPANY - A request for a single lot subdivision of 9.68 acres for 99
condominiums, located on the north side of Foothill Boulevard, east of Etiwanda Avenue -
APN: 1100-161-04. Related Files: Development Review DRC2004-00268, General Plan
Amendment DRC2004-00269, and Development District Amendment DRC2004-00270.
develop 99 condominiums on 9.77 net acres within the Community Commercial land use .
designation of the Foothill Boulevard Districts, located on the north side of Foothill Boulevard, east
of Etiwanda Avenue. Land use amendment applications to change the zoning to residential
categories are accompanying this application - APN: 1100-161-04. Related Files: General Plan
Amendment DRC2004-00269 and Development District DRC2004-00270.
Design Parameters: The site is basically flat and is located approximately mid-way between
Etiwanda Avenue and East Avenue on the north side of Foothill Boulevard. The entire block is
currently zoned commercial and office and is included within the Foothill Districts (Subarea 4). The
project site is also within the Foothill Boulevard Historic Route 66 Visual Improvement Plan. Major
• issues and constraints that affect the design of the project include a MW D right-of-way adjacent to
Foothill Boulevard that limits tree placement within the required setback, noise impacts to proposed
residential units, land use compatibility with remainder undeveloped commercial designated land to
the west, multi-family apartments to the north, future office commercial to the east, and existing
single-family detached neighborhood across Foothill Boulevard to the south. The proposed
condominium development utilizes a uniform triplex floor plan design with each unit having a 2-car
garage. One unit is located over the garages. There are three architectural treatments proposed:
Spanish, Craftsman, and Traditional. The project exceeds the required number of recreation
amenities. A 12-foot high noise wall is required along Foothill Boulevard to mitigate noise levels to
City standards.
Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee
Major Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion
regarding this project:
1. Architecture - The proposed dwelling units are designed as one building plan with three
architectural styles. No indication is given as to what style will be used for each building. One
architectural style, such as Craftsman or Spanish Revival, may be more appropriate on
Foothill Boulevard. There are already two large Craftsman style residential projects in the
neighborhood; therefore, something different would be encouraged. Since the property is
zoned for commercial, the Foothill Districts and Foothill Boulevard Historic Route 66 Visual
Improvement Plan are not responsive to the introduction of residential uses on this section of
the historic street. The Commission,therefore, should examine similar situations such as the
• Laing Homes—Main Street Route 66 Project(motor court design with units fronting on Foothill
Boulevard with a Crafts type architecture) may be more appropriate to the intent and goals of
the relevant plans.
. August 2, 2005
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2. Foothill Streetscape—The noise wall and building orientations may not be appropriate for a
residential project on Foothill Boulevard, and given the MWD Water Line restrictions, could
further limit the desirable scenic look for Route 66. Rather than using building designs and
plotting to act as sound buffer, the applicant is relying upon a 12-foot high wall between 40 to
60 feet behind curb face. A Variance will be required. Sections indicate a flat wall. The
applicant should explore alternative Site Plan arrangement and building design for sound
attenuation rather than a 12-foot high wall. If the Committee disagrees, then at a minimum,
the height of the wall should be softened by introducing 3-foot high raised planter beds in front
of the wall. Although a "bird's eye view" rendering was provided,the applicant should prepare
a perspective rendering of the frontage as it will be viewed and experienced by pedestrians
and motorists.
3. The Foothill Boulevard Historic Route 66 Visual Improvement Plan designates a "Suburban
Parkway Enhancement Area" (see attached) at the southwest corner of the project site,
featuring colored pavement emblazoned with the Route 66 logo, special sidewalk treatment,
artwork, and a historic post and cable roadway safety barrier (to discourage people from
crossing Foothill Boulevard). The applicants'proposed desired secondary emergency vehicle
access at the southwest corner of the project conflicts with the design of enhancement.area
and would require mountable curb and eliminate the historic post and cable. The applicant
wants to move this enhancement area 600 feet easterly to be at their southeast corner, near
the Cornwall Avenue intersection. Staff does not believe this to be an appropriate location
• because a) it would be within the left-turn pocket, and b), if the bus bay is put there, as
proposed by applicant, then the historic post and cable must be eliminated to provide access
to buses.
Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the
Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues:
1. The decorative block walls are limited in treatment and could benefit from more variation in the
plane, the use of additional pilasters, and, perhaps, integrated light elements.
2. Private open space should be enclosed by decorative walls in a design that will work with
three different architectural styles.
3. The transition from the existing apartments to the north should be examined in cross section
since there is a significant grade change between the two sites. The submitted cross sections
do not show the locations of existing and proposed buildings.
4. The garage sides of the units are relatively plain and do not adequately carry the architectural
styles in conformance with 360-degree architecture. It is recommended that architecturally
styled garage doors, windows, doors, grills, and plant shelves be used.
Code Issues: The following items are City standards and shall be incorporated into project design
without discussion:
1. Provide a 25-foot minimum building setback from the rear (north) property line per
• Development Code Section 17.32.080.D.8.e.
Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be
incorporated into the project design without discussion:
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1. The pool building architectural style should be designed with one of the three styles proposed
since the attempt at blending all three into one is not attractive.
2. The use of individual waste recycling bins should be incorporated into the areas shown for
storage by drawing to scale the required containers on the floor plans.
3. Windows should be provided in all garage doors to allow property management to survey for
parking enforcement.
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends design modifications based on the comments
contained herein as determine appropriate by Design Review Committee.
Design Review Committee Action:
Members Present: McPhail, Stewart, Coleman
Staff Planner: Brad Buller
The Committee directed the applicant to redesign the architectural elevations and Site Plan and
• return to the Committee for design review once revisions have been made.
7:30 p.m. Vance Pomeroy August 2, 2005
SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS LUTHERAN CHURCH - A request to construct a new 78,140 square
foot church sanctuary and related facilities,to be constructed in phases, on 3.8 acres of land in the
Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre), located at the southwest corner of Haven
Avenue and Banyan Street - APN: 0201-821-51. Related File: Variance DRC2005-00278.
allow height of 58 feet in lieu of the maximum allowed of 35 feet in conjunction with construction of a
new 78,140 square foot church sanctuary and related facilities on 3.8 acres of land in the Low
Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre), located at the southwest corner of Haven Avenue
and Banyan Street - APN: 0201-821-51. Related File: Conditional Use Permit DRC2004-01058.
Design Parameters: This application is for a new religious assembly campus to be constructed in
phases on a vacant 3.6-acre site at the southwest corner of Banyan Street and Haven Avenue:
• Phase 1 A is the subject of a current Minor Development Review request (DRC2005-00530)
and is for the parking lot only. The parking lot is designed to accommodate the
• assembly/worship space for either phase at 172 spaces;
• Phase 1 B is for the two-story multi-purpose building, which will contain worship space until the
development of the next phase;
• Phase 2 is the Sanctuary Building, which is provided especially for worship space;
• Phase 3 is a final one-story multi-purpose building.
The proposed grading of the property would place the building pad grades approximately 16 feet
below Banyan Avenue, approximately 3 to 8 feet below the rear yards of the houses to the west.
Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee
Major Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion
regarding this project:
1. Architecture-Allowing religious assembly as a conditional use in almost all zones allows great
flexibility for such uses to find appropriate sites and to integrate the uses in different places in
the community, while on the other hand, allowing for a case-by-case review to assure that the
use is compatible with the neighborhood both operationally and physically. In review of the
architectural design aspects of the project, the architecture is ostensibly patterned after the
gables of the existing church building, across Banyan Street, that echo the peaks of the San
Gabriels beyond. However, the steep roof pitches on a building of this scale present a
massive structure in this largely single-family residential neighborhood. A Variance has been
requested to allow the 49-foot 6-inch height associated with the roof gables that exceeds the
35-foot height limit of the zone(see attached). The impact of the additional 14 feet 6 inches of
height is slightly reduced by the grade of the building pad of approximately 3 to 8 feet below
August 2, 2005
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the rear yards of the houses to the west. More importantly, the height impact is significantly
addressed by plotting the building 100 feet away from nearest home to the west. A building
separation of 100 feet is ten times the 10 feet of separation expected in the Low Residential
District. If the church property had been developed with single-family homes,the required side
yard setback would have been 5 feet; therefore, a typical 2-story home would have had far
greater visual impact upon its neighbor. As viewed from Banyan Street,the additional height
is completely offset by the pad grade lowered 16 feet below street.
Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the
Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues:
1. There will be no crosswalks across Banyan Street between the existing church location and
the subject property other than the one at the corner of Haven Avenue; and there are no
entrances on the north (Banyan Street) side of the proposed new structure; however, some
concern remains for pedestrian safety at the driveways which match up from the existing
parking lot to the new parking lot.
Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be
incorporated into the project design without discussion:
1. The parking lot landscaping requirements of Sec. 17.12.030.A.11 are for "at least one
15-gallon minimum size tree for each three parking stalls." There appears to be enough trees
on the site, but the minimum number of trees from this calculation must be placed in the
• parking area rather than at anyplace on the development site. Dimension for verification.
2. The parking lot screening requirements of Sec. 17.12.030.A.10, RCMC are required for
screening regardless of whether the stalls point out toward the street. The requirement allows
for alternate and combinations of screening materials, including berms and planting. See the
code section to determine which will work best for this situation.
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the Design Review Committee continue this item to
allow the applicant the opportunity address the concerns of the Committee.
Design Review Committee Action:
Members Present: McPhail, Stewart, Coleman
Staff Planner: Vance Pomeroy
The Committee recommended approval of the project subject to the following:
1. Add windows to the two flanking masses on the east elevation of Phase 1 B.
2. Revise the Landscape Plan:
a. Match the plant palette with the north side of Banyan Avenue;
b. Increase the variety of shrub types away from the ubiquitous ones (Rhaphiolepis, etc.)
• shown on the plan;
C. Re-consider the use of both the Lombardy Poplar trees (invasive roots and high water
need)and the Chinese Wisteria ground cover with substituting more appropriate species
for their application.
7:45 p.m. Emily Cameron August 2, 2005
JOSEPH ASSOCIATES - A request to subdivide 7.74 gross acres of land into 10 lots within the
Community Commercial District (Subarea 4), located on the north side of Foothill Boulevard,
approximately 600 feet west of Etiwanda Avenue-APN: 0227-221-03,07,22,23,and 24. Related
File: Conditional Use Permit DRC2004-01128.
CHARLES JOSEPH AND ASSOCIATES-A request to develop a commercial center on 7.74 gross
acres of land, consisting of ten freestanding restaurant buildings and one retail building totaling
51,200 square feet within the Community Commercial District(Subarea 4), located on the north side
of Foothill Boulevard, approximately 600 feet west of Etiwanda Avenue-APN: 0227-221-03,07,22,
23, and 24. Related File: Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM16767
Design Parameters: This section should be used to explain the site context and those major issues
or constraints which affect the design of the project.
The project is located on the north side of Foothill Boulevard,just west of Sammy's Liquor store and
• east of Sacred Heart Church. Existing multi-family apartments are to the north and Foothill
Boulevard is to the south. The property is relatively flat with sparse trees; therefore, the applicant
has submitted a Tree Removal Permit.
The applicant is proposing a 10-lot subdivision, which will include 10 freestanding restaurant
buildings with 2 retail buildings totaling 51,200 square feet. The applicant is proposing a uniform
design theme for all buildings, which includes stacked stone and stucco as the main materials and
will include tower elements on each building, cornice trim, awnings, and large color palette. The
applicant intends to incorporate features on Foothill Boulevard to include low walls,a large fountain,
trellis feature with a Route 66 theme, and decorative concrete at plaza areas and at building entries.
The landscape palette will be consistent with Foothill Boulevard, incorporating Palm trees and
accent trees such as Crepe Myrtles and relocation of two Olive trees on-site. The project also
incorporates decorative drive aisles at Foothill Boulevard and nine flagpoles as part of the
International Restaurant theme.
Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee
Major Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion:
1. Buildings A and D have no dedicated areas for truck unloading; hence, trucks will have no
option but to stop in drive aisle blocking traffic. Experience in other shopping centers,such as
Terra Vista Town Center, have shown this to be a problem whether retail or restaurant. For
Restaurant Building D, one possible solution would be to swap it with Retail Building E which
• has a small parking lot on the north side.
• August 2, 2005
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Secondary Issues: The Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues:
1. Relocate the tower on the south side of Building K away from the trash enclosure or relocate
the trash enclosure to the north side of the building.
2. Extend rockwork height,on all buildings to 6 feet, instead of 3 feet as proposed.
3. There is too much hardscape, and not enough landscaping in some areas, particularly trees,
such as the north side of Building L, the south side of Building K, and the north and south
sides of Building F. Trees are required at a rate of 1 tree per 30 linear feet of building. To
accomplish this, planter areas should be added next to all buildings that do not meet this
4. Planter areas at the base of the buildings should be a minimum of 5 feet. Planter areas at the
entries of Building A, D, E, and F are required to soften the "pavement to building"transition.
5. Buildings A, B, and C: Tower elements viewed from Foothill Boulevard should project
horizontally a minimum of 48 inches from the main portion of the building.
6. Revise the perimeter wall to provide a minimum pilaster width of 24 inches. The wall detail
calls out all existing walls with the same materials. A field survey determined that the north PL
• wall is tan split-faced block, which is acceptable. All other existing walls shall be tan stucco
and rock pilasters to match the elevation provided.
7. Sidewalk shall not be curb adjacent along Foothill Boulevard unless at a right-turn/deceleration
lane or bus bay.
8. Provide a metal picket fence through the middle of the planter along the west side of the
parking lot between Buildings C and D to discourage customers from taking a shortcut to
Building D and crossing a busy entry without a defined crosswalk.
Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be
incorporated into the project design without discussion:
1. No tables or outside dining will be allowed because no parking has been provided for this.
2. Planter fingers shall have a minimum 6-foot width (outside dimension).
3. All awnings will be approved as shown. Stripped awnings or awnings with logos are not
4. If the applicant intends to have restaurants which are primarily take-out (i.e. Starbuck's,
Pick-up-Stix, Subway, etc.), the project must be brought back for review of the parking
requirements. The parking requirements for this type of use is considered "fast food."
5. Trash enclosure shall include overhead trellis feature and roll-up door.
• Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the project be approved subject to submittal of
revised plans to satisfaction of staff prior to scheduling for Planning Commission.
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Design Review Committee Action:
Members Present: McPhail, Stewart, Coleman
Staff Planner: Emily Cameron
The Committee recommended approval.
8:00 p.m. Emily Cameron August 2, 2005
HILL COUNTRY CLUB, INC. -A request to demolish an existing clubhouse and replace with a new
clubhouse totaling 35,176 square feet on 120 acres of land in the Open Space District, located at
8358 Red Hill Country Club Drive - APN: 0207-101-03, 23, and 35. Related Files: Lot Line
Adjustment LLA601 and Tree Removal Permit DRC2005-00486.
VARIANCE DRC2005-00527- RED HILL COUNTRY CLUB INC.-A request to construct a building
above the 30-foot height limit and construct a retaining wall in excess of the 3-foot height limit,
located at 8358 Red Hill Country Club Drive — APN: 0207-101-03, 23, and 35. Related Files:
Conditional Use Permit DRC2005-00068, Lot Line Adjustment LLA601, and Tree Removal Permit
Design Parameters: This section should be used to explain the site context and those major issues
or constraints which affect the design of the project.
The project proposed is demolition of the existing Red Hill Country Club(built in 1965)and rebuild of
an entirely new facility, including the administration building, golf shop, changing rooms, golf cart
• storage, dining room, banquet room, lounge, snack bar, lockers, pro shop, changing facilities, and
administration support offices. According to the applicant, the proposed new clubhouse and all
facilities will be part of Phase I. The construction of the Cabana, swimming pool, and a portion of
the parking will be provided with Phase II; however, no Cabana elevations were provided.
The new Clubhouse facility is two-story: the main level consisting of 25,065 square feet and the
lower level consisting of 10,111 square feet (35,176 square feet total). The lower level will consist
mainly of cart storage, along with the pro shop, snack bar, and utility storage. The main level would
incorporate all other main uses such as the ballroom, restaurant, administration offices, and men's
locker room. The facility will be slightly larger than the existing Clubhouse currently on-site, and will
be located in approximately the same location,with a similar footprint. The new facility is proposed
with Tuscan Style architecture with a clay mission tile roof and stacked stone and plaster as the
main exterior materials. The building incorporates new detail such as wood trellises, terraces,
archways and columns cornice trim detail, and arched windows. The entry incorporates a
porte-cochere, shutters, and tower elements.
According to the applicant, there will be a phased Development Plan, starting with the southwest
portion of the parking. Once the lower parking lot is complete, the members will use the existing
entrance of the clubhouse to gain access to the to the temporary facilities. All temporary parking will
be on the property of the Country Club; no shared parking off-site is necessary. During the time of
construction, many of the facilities will be provided in 12-foot by 60-foot trailers. Additionally, one
catering truck will be on-site with shade structures, as well as the golf cart storage, which will be a
4,000 square foot tent structure. Temporary power will be provided by a generator or transformer
In addition to the development, there is a Tree Removal Permit application for the removal of 37
• trees on-site. These trees are directly within the scope of development, the applicant is planning to
provide a total of 110 new trees, and relocate some trees. Many of the existing trees have too large
of a root system, and will not be relocated.
DRC2004-00068 AND DRC2005-00527 — RED HILL COUNTRY CLUB, INC.
• August 2, 2005
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Variance: The property has existing slopes greater than 8 feet in height and is within the Hillside
Overlay District adopted by City Council Ordinance No.628. The new clubhouse facility is two-story
and exceeds the 30-foot hillside building envelope(see Sheet A-7). The project has been designed
to "tuck into"slope as encouraged by the Hillside Development Ordinance to minimize grading. The
clubhouse is a one-story structure to the north and east. The two-story element is limited to the
downhill sides (west and south elevations) of the clubhouse. Since the clubhouse is over 600 feet
away from the nearest residence to the west and south,and the golf course is surrounded by dense
landscaping, there will be no visual impact to the surrounding area.
Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee
Major Issues: None - The applicant has worked diligently with staff to resolve major issues.
Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the
Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues:
1. Provide a minimum of 5 feet between the proposed crib/retaining walls and parking lot trees to
provide adequate area for the root systems to grow. Use deep root watering system and root
control barriers. There are three areas of concern: 1)the edge of the golf course south of the
clubhouse, 2)the east side of the tennis court parking lot, and 3)the 2-foot retaining wall down
the middle of a planter in the main clubhouse parking lot.
• Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be
incorporated into the project design without discussion:
1. All new walls constructed shall be constructed of decorative materials. This includes any
retaining walls facing public view.
2. All metal overhead doors should be painted to match the exterior wall stucco color.
Code Issues: The following items are minimum City standards and should be incorporated into the
project design without discussion:
1. All parking lot planters shall be a minimum of 6 feet in width (outside dimension)with a 6-inch
curb on either side and a 12-inch curb where the last parking space adjoins a planter area.
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Design Review Committee approve
DRC2004-00068 and Variance DRC2005-00527and forward the projects to Planning Commission
for approval.
Design Review Committee Action:
Members Present: McPhail, Stewart, Coleman
Staff Planner: Emily Cameron
• The Committee recommended approval.
August 2, 2005
There were no public comments at this time.
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brad Buller