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1985/11/20 - Agenda Packet
i c. 4 C1 MY OF /W����� \tea]. 1L1C Gtm � G .. 4m Lions Park Coumunity Center 9161 Lave Lino Road 3euchu rucamnga. California 'Swesber 2J, '985 All It deadline for enbmittimg throe itmu laeilDO il Agonda -mat be in mriting. The meeting. lUe City Clark's Offiee reveivea all as a the %bilumday prior to the I. CrT yn Mm A, Pledge or Alle,;iatee to Plea. -. Roll Call, CrigLt __, Buquet —. Mikelo Debt __, and King C. Apprwai of Minutest None Submitted, 2. Asmmm US UKj A• Thursday, November 21, 1985, 7430 p.m. - PARKS ADVISOR! COMMISSION - Li... Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road. B. Tuesday. Nweuber 26, 1985. 4t00 p.m. - 7.00 AORKSM? ON ARCKMALD AVf1108 BCAOTIVICAT11e PROCR" - Noigbboebood Center, :791 Arrov glgbray. C. Wednesday. Nweaber 27 1985, 7:00 p.a, - pLA"lRG CCNMISSICN, Lions Park Cwannity Center. D. Thursday, December S, 1985. 7:30 p.a. - ADVI808V COMMISSION - Lions Park Coaauoity Center. 9161 Base Line Road. (Combined Moved ar- U -CembIr Meeting.) R. Thursday, December S. 1985, 7t0o p.a. - gISTORICAL PRK88RVATION COMMISSION - Lyons Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road, P, Presentation of a Proclamation to Mr. Roger rill fnr his heroic efforts in saying the lives of tvo young 8aeeho Cucamonga residents. .e +R i t , • Y �� aY 1 . 1 1 Cat` Council Meeting -2- November 20, 1985 The following Coesext Caladar items are expected to be rooting ad aoa- sattrovorsial. They will be acted upon by tke Commit at 039 tiam withont discussion. A. Approval of Warrants, Register No's. 11 -20 -05 and (1) Payroll ending 11 -10-85 for the total amount of 9938,428.16. B. Alcohol 53verage Application (AB85 -021) for Barash P. (5) and Hyatt H. Wacg, China Alley, 8270 Foothill Boulevard for Oa -8sle Cnn ral Baring Plane license. C. ' alcohol Bevar �.: Application (AM-022) for Diana R. (7) and Zt.ard A. Coed*. the Craps Break, 12892 Yoortill " Boulevard, for On -Bala Cassral Eating Place license. D. Approval to furs" Application to pile a Late Claim (9) (CL85 -030) against the City to insurance carrier by Michael Thaaysou for personal injuries on February 5. - 1985 at a construction site at Fourth St.-eat vest of the Cocanoaga Fiord Control Channel. •` B. Approval to forward Claim (CL35 -031) against the City (14) • to the insurance carrier by State Farm Insurance for a collision of Bcancacio's and Freessn's auto& at Hallman - and Devon. r F. Approval to forward Claim (CLBS -032) &&*just the City (15) Y. by Estate of Room Wrigbt; Larry D. Wright, automobile acciaaat on Aagust 5, 1985, on Red Hill Country Club Drava, to City Attorney and Insurance carrier for heudliug. G. ' Approval of Ccatract (CO85-118) vitt L. ). 1inS, Ioc. (17) for the widening of Atchison, Topeka A Beats To ,�- Railroal (A.T. 4 B.F.1616) crossing an Rochester Avenue a± at are Street. Contract amount not to exceed $33,500.00, to be traded by Gas Tex. H. Approval -: .untract (CO85 -119) for Engineering (36) Services for Payment Rvaluation and Construction Plano the Rehabilitation of Certain City Streets with �� Norris- Rapke. Inc. for a fee of $35,450.00 to be paid from SB 325 funds. Y I. "� Approval of Parcel Map 9409 located on Arrow touts (54) between Utica Avenue and Red Oak Street submitted by D&oa Corporation. Lfor , ��i.YJl�ir6`l L.MRL��.PTti�i ;MME 1: •2°X•.' •..�4 •w+i - ' Z •:,tw4 1"«M�. City Council resting -3- November 20, 1.83 f� ' IEEOLOTIOM NO. 83 -307 (36.) K - ,• A RESOLUTION OF THE CITr COFNCII OF TEE CITY OF WORD COMMA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING { PARCEL NAP 9409 (TNITATIFI PARCEL NO N0. - 9409) r r J. Approval of Parcel Map 9144 located batwaen Aim Avenue (31) 1i, and Arrow Route on the north and south, and between C Maple and White Oak Avenue on the east and wet submitted by Dean Corporation. § s PMMUT109 90. 83 -309 (59) 'vY A RESCLOIILu OF TBI CIT1! COO'JCR. 0Y THE CRT! OF RACSO CUC&MONCA, CALIFORNIA. APPROMO ='.q °t PARCEL MAP 9144 (THITATIVS MAP 9144) r 4 I. App:..0 of Improvement Agreement &.ansion and (60) Impcovescaat Security for Tract No. 12040 located on the oortbrnst corner of 'Turner Avenue and Arrou Route submitted by the Auden Croup. RESOLUTION D0. 83 -009 (63) n A RESOLOSIOR OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCUO CUCANONCA, CALIFORNIA, APM071NG ' IMPROVEMWT SIMSILN AGRPEMENT AND -4 !- IMOVEMENT SWURITY FOR TRACT 10. 12040 • , L. Approval of IaV.rovameot Agreement and Improvement (66) {*' Security for D. D. 83 -19 and 83 -20 !orated on the ^: rortheast corner of Civic Center Drive and Utica 4 Avenue, Lots 11 and 13 of Tract no. 12.76 submitted by j '1 Forecast Mortgage Corporation. c RESOLUTION. NO. 83 -010 � A RFS0I,OSION OF TIR CISY COUNCIL 07 2a6 CITE ?; OF RAICIO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA. APPIOVIECw` IMPROVEMENT AOIZENT♦T AND IMPIOYMENT C� SECURITY FOR DITELOPMLWT REVIW 83 -19 AND 83-70 M, Approval of scraec name change from 7th Street to 6th (71)• Strait batvem Rochester sod Icivaoda Avenues. ��i.YJl�ir6`l L.MRL��.PTti�i ;MME 1: •2°X•.' •..�4 •w+i - ' Z •:,tw4 1"«M�. +1; City Couuril Meeting -4- November 20, 1983 RESOLUTION N0. 65 -311 %73) A RESOLUTION OP THE CITI COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, FINDING THAT THE NAME Or A STREET SprOlyleALLT SET FORTH HEREINAPTER SHOULD BE Ca0GED AND DESIGNATED A Not NAME FOR SAID STREET (71H STREET TO 6TH STREW N. Approval to release Bonds and a Notice of Completion (74) for Tract No. 12305 - Daveloper, Charles Roy Construction, Iue. Faithful Performance (Road) 024,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 85 -312 (76) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 50. 12305 AND PILING A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE VOS 0. Approval of City Manager's recommendation to create the (77) position of Director of Administrative Services and to eliminate the classification of Director of Pimento. P. Approval to authorise submittal of so application and (78) project agreement for Historic Preservation Grants -in -aid funds for Historic Resource Survey. RESOLUTION 80. 85 -313 (79) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY UP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE APPLICATION AND THE PROJECT AGRQENENT FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION GRANTS -IN -AID FUNDS FOR THE HISTORIC RESOURCES SURVEY PROJECT t Q. Approval of a Resolution of Daniel for General Plan (CO) ' Amandwat 85 -047 - Dochartar Avenue Associates. Ameadwet was reviewed and denied on November 6. r RESOLUTION NO. 85 -300A (81) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA. DERTII^, ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT N0. 85 -04r, RDCM2Q AVENUE ASSOCIATED. RNQOESIMM AN AMENDMENT TO TQ LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA GENERAL PLAN FROM HEAVY INDUSTRIAL TO GENERAL INDUSTRIAL a 45.6 ACRES OF LARD LOCATED AT F THE, SOUTHEAST COANER OF ARROW SIG BEAT AND i„ ROCHESTER AVENUE - APNt 229 -121 -01 14 ��S�i�'.'n�:Te�4.os�'f�, l'i't iX�i -: b��r�- �i'Ti.ii: ?, '• :,: 0 City Council Haeting -5- November 20, 1`95 ` R. Set public haa%ing for December 4, 1995 for appeal of Resolution No. 05 -112 by C/A LWtad. ��, aL►HT.LBD TEBLiC 10 •LT>rE A. APPEAL 07 PLANEI4C COMMISSION- DEN.M OF A TIME EASIDSION 701 TENTATIVE TRACT 11997 - I.",=a Located on the southeast corner of Hillside Road aol Beryl Street. B. zm=mug MEN AL A- 9BEEPNZSS AMD CEIISIAL 7J -A8-- ( w= 85-044 - POILOA. Located on the Boutb aide of Foothill Boulovard, vast side of Cucamonga Creak, vast of Vineyard Avenue. RESOLUTION NO. a5 -314 A RESOLUTION OF SHE CITY COUNCIL 0? THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA, DENYING CEMERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 85 -04B. POE.SA. REQUESTING AN WMIDMENT TO SHE LAND USE ELEMENT OF SHE RANCHO CUCAMONGA GENERAL PLAN FROH HIDTCH AHSIDENTIAL (4 -14 DO /AC) TO OFFICE OH 4.85 ACRES 0rl LAND, LOCATED OB THE SOUTH BIDE OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, WEST SIDE 02 CUCNONCA CREIK. WEST OF VINEYARC AVENUE - APR 208- 211 -20, 21 ,�(Yjn'VWMTAt. Aa9C9SME2IS AMD OP.VdOPMENT J1,(1147CS AHCKDMflT 85 -07 - FORST.A. Located on tL3 mouth side of Foothill Boulevard, vest Bids of Cueaeouga Creak, vest of Vineyard Avenue. C. ffi 4OIMENT r. ISM, SMUT AND CPRELAL Z(" ANUMMiai 93 -04C - M& MAC. Located pt the southvnet corner of Foothill Boulevard and Turner Avenue. RESOLUTION 110. 85 -315 A RESOLUTION OF T28 CITY COUNCIL OF IRS CLTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DEKYINO f.MIERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 85 -040. MEL MSC, REQUESTING N AMENDMBI SO TER LAND 089 ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN FROM MEDIUM rMSITT RMIDERTLAL (4 -14 DO /AC) TO MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY RMID=T.L1S (14 -24 DO /AC) FOR 18 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON SHE SOUTHEAST COMM Or FOOTHILL AND TO.VMER r ](02) (107) (190) (107) (192) (224) ' � ^ N J i Y,5•Ftp .� w , November 20. 1985 r City C .... il ;aeting -6- n_ at to the or D. yr CCALMA3LL• Aa ssubjM • Of real Property aubjeet to e¢ epzearnt dsacziPCioa Is ^cbo Cucaawaga sad Cal -project it (atree¢ the C. a¢ .Tdico a senior aitinn bda5 Project IeeorPorated rK at the terainus o! to¢ita located .rat of Archibald. Court. ycaxMA PAIL - r a9 a xmtIta Z. pro consists o! the dereloPrnt a! a l0A acre rk oa the stet sid• Of Bernie Avenue batveen Victoria Screat and! l9tb iog street. strrcturesP "Id ythe a play Prelude reaavai initiation• a child •araivai Provision pie ie deimNrwerato vallvays. i¢Prweaeata. and a nine etatioa esercisa worse. � �Au nr VICT•)LIA3A3L1�� M 5SiA9L= -� ayLiaiia� --- IPANCE H0. 279 (second readicg) THE CITY AH OtDINAHCE 01 THE CITTCALVOISIA, ADDING 01 gAE'NO COCAMWGA. 07 RA8 21 AND 22 SO 3ECTIOM 10.20.020 SO THE RIGAIDTIG REECHO CUCAMONGA MGSIOIYAy�CO CERTAIN CITT MA PRI FACIE SPEED LIMITS STHEETS vrral SO t� 7 ray t0 6. ��'� -- 0�"�- nYyTt1�EtST�IL �rttlP�l d Q[ETIE( c r a DIVISIfd18 P. rim 0gDIIlAI10E EO. 280 (veered zm ading) :3r CITY COOK" 01 THE CITY r &• AS OMCHO1Cg OF THE CALI10101IA. ADDING at REECHO C0CAM0lCA. CHAYttE 16.49 .0 IHI go CUCAK19G MI%C"A. +, OF TE IVE3T G 70't90A NOIICIFAL Tim ' 16 . TO VESTIlO TY'tAIIVE MAYS 6s ^DDt. FEM:..OII3G - .�, t•.w�t.r -iZWII ordinance to C. Jai wa D[iY_Ot1�L.l�i�fCitT Coondl at its ~�•` • icplWat credit sPP roved by October as 1935 rating. gt (226) (251) (267) (270) r :z vn t•w� '�T8 City Council Meatla3 '7- Raseeber 20, 1985 90 ORDINANCE NO. 291 (second reading) -(275) ' "'• .1, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITT COUNCIL CF TOL CITT _ {i CY RASCRO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, AFFORDING TO TAN DECK CIM COMPANY A CRWIT APPLICABLE TO SYSTEMS DEVELOPMNIT PEES � 5. RI2[ NANACQ't tTANf t120tTg A. we-- DATE FOR FIRgT (276) .�^ MErrm Or T1tOANT :986. S. A RTDOE3T B THE COC1N0•CI CITIZENS' C6ILITI,7_ TO (27') �': ADDnESS cix covNCn. .4 C. CONSIDERAnON OF CLUITT SOLID vASTR I AST?M PLAN. D. REDDEST P20M CANT (276) RDnr TRN DISPA SOP EMERGENCY AMBULANCE RESPONSE C1.I8 VITNIN TBe CITY. :r :r f�h go item edbtitted. 7t'• A. Meeting to adjourn to Monday, Nasrsber 25, WS, 3.00 'w r p.N., Maigbborbuod Crater, 9791 Arras Rigbvay. �+ ,k f5' 4 r �• u' Y� 1• 1. i. vrr ft`�Li�l.a"!`;••r ",tad ✓•._A ,w xii y �y(l � • YI•• •* ter' I �'J" ,CU Ye• WNY � OJN •/ PNi H� Oru r.' NuP M b n r•` CWmI11^''V'�,p� PV � J ' � ``. ; ` �-" s•s�r ziTfLi..� mrse <.°z.P 1 m 1., •>.z °p� �K= >"'""^ I m -NT Nnaa •voabr^i• L>z } z> y>' za> f� °,: an;n a s }N O_l�}7I° i I N S'2• YmQ N >II•y \NA O (tT ti >9•YiHr' y [t O m 1. tJ_` or T '1 �-us a. N \r• z MCr- z0 ol z n P 1 T i.i S l�0 tN•� 1 mirnP� NAY V^^ i � a r, •�? i III w�i� � ` � , '-"�l.R't� � m « • +zA nn\, iT3MM'• '° i ' � C N<R„o < _� I y � O 1 NHS 1 I Sm IINI•' �' � ' � .Y• i w w n. ' I S I Na av`m'.I°I.2.1>.I z•„ ° r: ' I NCICCN•n> M�OY I•ae '^ �•y � YMS TN °oars.° Q Vat O> 1 1 r } .z T^•TTIII�,Iw a= ai`o.> Inn^ \• }�r� n .. r>.nn � Nn> aT °T IIIa NZ n ',,'11.N°°er -" r si i i Ilzlrsr x\°.o s 1 y 9 zp�T n «ow° r`oj� y y� DZN4� a. ,1 nlj 1111 m i �: Iz,fsr an iii: a_°�9°u eaa° aI�:�F°z I �^ ? <i aenz Iz "y 9Y s n ��• 1 •.� I z a I 1a ^na °<gQ a x R ss_X�� m I I �i s�a�`n�.n• 1 m "' } prw 1, n�O'yLl MN n a 1 IyM2l n o \• ` � n 1, n,: C '9 IJ, I I 9N• �- IJ _a T aL. �' � P r �D..• �'� �� •Yi rl � NrnYn4J� � i � 1 1 I N + JNANr �1! Y 21 I 1 � Oi \I ' '�+ 1 MVPYI nulP i °I�Wng00 MO OO �O VIp I�n 1 1 I nn IIyypp� N N 1�Yy OOn QI• p j i I bOCjj•O>� IIP°P <b :IPJ Wib Ye�•°ro y:�lr Oy COn COOnnC I< OOn Om AIA°•3,N PPPP T P PPYO � n I ,�,YV.I N OnN "•O�' >1���J ON•� P: I 1 •.�1'� ♦• �� >OCiO V: P:N•. P.1 ;9 YO tit IN IS O A41 1 '1iJI• I, r In� {LL NIY• I/•v � J'JrYN �i P 1 'I NHY.JPP y ti °tJP'I tlIrp OTYP• 111 p I D O if _ �}mV•�� W O INn I PO �O Y!•'IIOP P•O�b.yOmiYYYYYYF OCn� •ia i <� ° OOI O Ja.CNDO aNO� }��"'"'y1111A OPM• sPCINI�A Y Iy f� 1 y 4iy ♦•I •I... ; L i6 �tln i:s,.�1;,/ - i •' �xl'' 41 1 �411 e �. ti -` r Y � a I ` N I f 1,4 I � T TI I1M � N TT� a >< a �I i ul v n r m a� I ' I 3 0 i e.� 1 E� m 1 y 1 �M INti .f A IY e• T C N n n o � 1 1 y 0 1 I(y 1 Y 1 •7 1 1 11 ,e I I i ul v n r m a� I ' I 3 0 i e.� 1 E� m 1 y 1 �M INti .f A IY e• T C N n n o � 1 1 y 0 1 I(y 1 Y 1 •7 1 1 11 ,e 1 W } =f1 t r)F'�. -•now ^ivn� • �ypm' CY N �QyTY ��M} INL` SC IT Fmn T FC Cr y R I°i IY�^• p y ° jl `� •� mm 2� : r� TAa TI a.< pa �a pa a•2+ as YT � N N y r ANobun 0000e oonab N \[1NNp WN p1 r NNeNNNNNNN •NN M \y �•> L�. prM1py°P V�V 00 r` aa.MiW 1 I Y a•O' N MlyMM I � WE PYnOW v � +�• d On��y NO W �r W• MMM ^ O e ` P OJPJON 00 O� V1 y°i� +. t k /3:M I i j• . i I •ji 1 f 1 ML-- w s `"' r i Llk- F ; 'a"'•"i° N�oi ` 1 wy �Y N sm9�nfa 1 m.,siL ' a ''a ° 1 �••r. ar m F 4 P I ' 11 Isi• a ' 1^. aA Z. =�I a _ Y y I 1� 1 s•�' vl o_��•M� I� II xn I - • �PPBW 1 p I i j• . l� e, copy..�... AFnICATHM rot AICOW2M VVUAIU LKD6gt1 T. C-pawl N AkO.0 rY.wnW C." ITOI YYYf.q Sin 1frl r. a fm..wY. CdL W.tlt ___ rfa.ri /wlMwwM1.r..o.... w..... 1. W01 W lKDtlttsl ru -AB .....! ::ctr ...1 /r! -1r, rr:'s.. oww«r Lc T,iGA ❑ "b7l No, < C1lOOfA/W(.al -- CtAt - MW 1 N (S) W AAUCANTM b F... ua.d.. oW« 1 IItNi7 W TlAHSAC K$) f" IK. 2r ! ci t. anle r 3 lsWeel N 4.wa. -aN.Mr W IYYI Ciyjy.GrM._!., a C.wy l..c 10VA ! .t SM. irgd WYer _ _ .J:1 11! •x ey6rtl.tll ww 1 l ilwdp A3Lm W dAfwl Fw r.�1.aM1 a.d SpYw n..i n..r 1 Nen TY Yww lwf aaeMef dfl.4.TT r 1nW.Y l4 Y.. wWbf rTd Mpewluwdf•AlmlYYl tY•YrryY Cr+N b ti ntY4fYw d M hp'YMM p. tau.7 r M b/ � 11 rpI.AYRti•.nwwY�T�icrrtlm 4r Mn WacM llYwf ysrld YlYp:nM\ 1, 11 AWr aywa lYl rAd r1 Y�pr SmOnW e. YfYYIY 4YmYd P'Y�ra Y0 \tl. b Aa eIYYlrtY{MI d • 9W airV 4 wi rI NYIYr r rwY r wnn b W AYIYrYd i d M Nrwiw d M AtldwnY tYwrgY Cored b 11 STAR W CA1pOO11A CYwn N 1W. 16Y rrYe � /YPw. Y �w •� .rwti rY�...Y.. rW rY r.. �L M \ r wY� . w M r rrwYw r r •�. .� e1 r ir/ .rww Yw1 Y r 4�Y rrrw w wrYwY w Y Y gf.wr r r I..YI, W r Y I.w .rY w Iw. s . rrrr r ...wr . r.r rr Y r Y.a�ee ..nYrr' I� w r wrwY .wr r r r rr •.r `. Iw w r wrl. Mme. r wr.wY wrb w r .Y w .rN` w w� I Y Iw . Y W r Y.�Y rw.1 uw �e or.w.e �ti • Yw /.rMS Y w r wW \ wrY. rlww• Y W � r Ywrw.. r r...rM.w Y ..Ynr w . y re wr• I wN.. Y Y/iYeY r r+1 w-1we ee eaY. W Y Y wr. ywr w. r M..e y. r wrr . M kr M r .waq Yq r eww S1rd1 Imt! , AwUCAT10N BY ttANSMOX S VAM W CAWOWA 4.wry N Dw L . Irr Y Yn AW Y.rr YW IFw rY Y r..y r r r Ww �. �r Y/.yI .. w T rre M rr..r Irw Y ...r Ywl.. Y y...Y M r �w W Y r wwb rf.rr r r.�Y wO.r Y w rr Y rwpe r rrrY I Y Ir wY w� Awe ^wl r rY rw r M +Y-Y h rr r .wf r �.Y. r/.ww w YY w r tiw.r r r A. rrYr` YM.�Y w 1. r. �r / w1r. Y rY...1 ...Ye w wfw / r..4.w W r r .rM ww .r Y ..Ir.• M w. 19. tilarYf Na.W Ymd CYT Cd ZN CtlfY r. ^ -� ! Oe Nd Warr Gfee TAlY flvl ia+Mpvr +nl Uw O.it _yF 13 comis AV= jLr`y,,.y _❑tr.wl, r «N rdfw, r.r. oaWr tY.N)1 N.`,,, T'Y4r. %�`;: �T- �{ .Yi r.inY - - - �• a 71RY »TINYTi. 1 •J'a.Yy� .:^16471' •1. J�� . �f.V M W / �j r :LJIG�f 1 • r 4trtt ��` •m _. `1 <r� }� y` f Wit. m CIO o �,��< s e -r `.:� ti —cam• .. ` '' '�� ' r %'�iva RLIeJ I&S-z-AvieAAur is Ler -ATP o4 •&.e A)aiwb ls,ne meJ r4 a' SouLeuAtn T.A4T vjevr DC t.At nQeAim wte =.Jw► A?u-D Wr:h,n/ -9ie Sf+iL G u(at6 CO,MOW-C,Ai. CrA)re e . 91zok rt CjO..UATLW GC—GRAMMLcammexcAc C'unQec;T �N „y16 of i2D�y^i't1aPl�r1�5 a �1a2TF4 �6WS2A•L �e»tnfd�w'l �rrsr / 1• �' ScurN• l +� �� WEsr p„� .1'3f A"VIe„k�:..S�in,...is;'.. .yY. •.' :;.T..a^�:a ayi:?�._, S I It copy".�W. LKWAR TO D4� of Akohlk ft� C�W 1141 ."� 3��Mll 34n Sqr"�dlw 1. rvftm Or �ftm "CUPF 270324 ON SALt CENERAL CAT ING PLACE 13 COOR 3615 OF AfftlCMM GOEDE, Didn& A Ed�4cd A, Per. Taf. 8:290.00 47 CT 20 L �afb� GRAPE I STZA E-Z- d 12992 FOG 3IVd thill 39 TOTAL 1'1250.00 -I' cvy "Wr . . — -�. --pb7" It � � � 0 " � W . Ag� w W P�" Ul� Wf � � "� I � Ak�,% 9� C� A!�L_ STAR W 000� c."w San A*rpaFAAoq Am=Ti6N Lv meamon It. STATI OF CAUFON" C..-j w —clo 4�4 A- Aft6" v ;..*a k r4-&,r -cwn xumim oL.. itims—s., Aft6" v ;..*a k r4-&,r -cwn xumim oL.. itims—s., C.a��. -K ES9 uw ANDO LrV � I SBxeyl ;; Ala¢TFI•wEST CN1w.le�L OF Ft.►�7�.+GL BLaD. 4AJD rTi w&uDA naeome. i �QAPe2i� Cuea�Nr(� 3�Nen : �.s P. Cr=TrwkuDi4 SodlFG LQC7 Oda oactredr,2iTS;n metec G eu¢rZAC RPAl 8 SAme AS ,A-60ct fizrAee,u'f 16petria o ri(a1LrfF��eS���sTtrL s %Rr2e fa sr! wes-r/ / eA31.1P1C1ievee �9ft9MlQca 60uT74 /-TS ? CTa,7DUSV/ O'W- SRfGFIC;?ft ` IMUSTO /+L " JW- 6ejo2A• C. buG S Same A6 Corr. C', Co�P uJm�nan uw orrtca JAMES ioe w.IIrTN srncEr, sutra tm - cN[AW% G PSIar TzLinoNs (Ito 933XM ATrOWEY Volt Michael Tho_.� mos_n BEFORE V9, CITY COONWIL CITY OF RANCHO COCANONGA CLAIM NO. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION APPLICATION TO FILE LATE l OF MICHAEL PERMISSION PS FILE LATE CLAIM CLAIM AGAINST PUBLIC � OF MICHAEL T.HOMPSON� � AGAINST THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ; ENTITY 4 lies to the City of Rancho 1. Michael Thompson hereby applies 5 Cucamonga for leave to pceAe itocSectlon against the of the l6 City of Rancho Cucamonga, Y ucsuant L7 i6 California Government todc. , 2. The cause of action of Hicbael Tbompson as set forth 19 � trie proposed claim attached'heceto, accrued * n Pebctilcation. 21 a period within one year from the filing of ti. Ii 3. Michael Thompaon's reason for the delay in presenting - 22 23 claimant's claim against the City of Ranr`o Cucamonga a ae just come to hie attention t 'It the conetz6ction follower It has 24 work at ti.e s:ena of his accident 25 . 26 27 ��� 1 .i h 1 was within the City of Rancho Cucamonga. ; 2 3 JAMES HICUAE 4 Attorney for Claimant 5 Send notices to: JAMES MICHAEL GUNN ' 11A P&OPESSIONAL CORPORATION 7 1047 hest Sixth 6treet, Suite 107 _IlOntaric, CA 91762 ohm SO r, `[ 8 12 S. ula" 13 14 15 its 16 �• 1s' . 20 21 i 22 23 F 28I '£;'i r: Sig .) 4J.`: _ 'o " _� °.Y. =•'3 I LAW OMCe 1 )Aims MICHAEL GUNK - 2 1m.7 W. WrrN SMUT. 9= ne DAMAale, CA 21M o TIIZlHONz (no usxw 4 5 Arrom Y FOR Michael Thompson BEFORE ':HS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA El •• IN THE MATTER 0'+ THE CLAIM OF3 ) CLAIM NO. 12 MICHAEL THOMPSON$ ) ' 13 AGAINST THE CITYOF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ) 14 -------- —`) 15 1R' The undersigned claimant hereby makes claim against the City 17 of Rancho Cucamonga In the sum of $1,000,000.00 and in support of 19 said claim represents -a■ follows, 19 1. The damage happened-on February 5, 1985; 20 2. The location was Fourth Street 68 feet west of the 21 Cucamonga Flood Control Channel Bridge, Rancho Cucamonga, —11 California. 23 3. The omission on the part of the city employees wan in , 24 approving a provision for detouring traffic at the construction site located on Fourth Street 68 feet west of the Cucamonga Flood 28 Control Channel Bridge, Rancho Cucamonga, California, which did. 27 not have sufficient lane delineation to warn motorists of the-), ,.: 28 construction equipment ahead. ,,'r i 1 4. The damage occurred as a result of the negligence >F� 2 city employees in that the 1 ack of sufficient lane delineation 3 for detouring traffic and yarning motorists of the approaching 4 hazards caused a dangerout condition which caused claimant to 5 drive into a catapillar dirt entrencher scoop located within the b; construction cone. 7 5. The city oaployees =d officers are unknown. 8 6. The claimant received substantial injuries which 9 includa5, among other things, so^.eral fractures in his spine and 10 pelvis and lacerations. 11 z -riErv� <e 5 14 J �? o 15 04 16 ^`a 17 19 J$!F41S CHAEL CONK elf of claimant MICHAEL THONPSON notices tos MICHAEL GUNN PESSIONAL CORPORATION West Sixth St., Suite 107 is, CA 91762 20 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ea. 57 COUNTY OF _San Bornardino ) 22 James Michael Gunn, being by mo first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the attorney for claimant above named, that he ha 24 foregoing claim and knows the contents thereof, that the same is true of his own knowledge except as to those mattere therein �s i Istated on information and belief, and as to those matters that 27 28 //1 • � •�'� 'try • ye a' 1 he believes it to be true. Y,• 3 JAMES MICHAEL GUNN _ 4 Subsarib d to and Scrorn befor me >< th!a day of October 1985, 1'y`~"`_ (/— wnrwwrwatiauxwwwnwweuwet Not4V Publd�o in an: for the County of unwiwu 7 San ernar nae State of California. a PATRICIAA.TEAI • - tlOTMY NPdVAUReWA 8 nevear�anaw s we aurwneeocawn 9 we eeerewwlerleweewwlbww111 c ;� 21 x e 12i . z °• s SO 14 14 2 15 <<� < 16 ^`a 17 21 26I 27 ' <z 28 CL 95-03/ CLAIM M DAMM on Mm" • 1. Claims for death, injury to person, or to Personal property rust be filed no later then 100 days after the occurrence (Gov. Code, Sao. 911.2). _ 2. Claims for damages to real property must be filed no later than 1 year the occurrence (Gov. Code, Sec. 911.2). Tot CLTT or Umm �CD7CM MA - x�»,i a nmutt , PO 80�166� _ZIP Fbcne 3/ Age tlase of Clalsmot (tom' tbas Q, Ztp Phane Age .WCresa GO orlon GL Yt'1 did damage nr injury F i�t did d aaage or injury did damage Gr injury L WT particular motion by the City, or Its employees, caused the alleged damage or Injury? (IuoLude namle of MPICyees, 1f known). ) L ggz6Q1.1 : It may be known at the bSme of th s n p aon ohia claim, tOge.her with thebasis of Computation of the Cr=nt claimed. (Attaoh sstimntes or bills, if posoble). _BAl'QC'GG3 GC!? t t .,2 /ZQ G G9tlf� Total Amount Clalmedt = UMW and addresses of witnesses, doctors, and hobpita.o: ADM)NISTR47 I ' Dee NOV 1.4 S AM 'f An 7j%9 -r t FN A uC7at./m �e�iai�G �dt, f �Ce.iist �/LQ. � C?,ADI (0[ oAMIC[ O! IIy0[1' �� «•e, C(.�is'o 3, 1. Clain for death, injury to persor, or to personal ro r than 100 days after the occurrence (C". Code, Sec. 911.2). at be fill no jar r 2. Claim for damges to reel property most be filed no later than 1 year' the occurrence (Gov. Code, Sec. 911.2). Tot CITT OF RUCUD CICAV0KA Estate of 1024 Orchard In. .one Wrights Larry D. Wright Ontario, CA 91764 (714) 986 -0162 12/21/46 Nam of Claimer Adorns ZIP Yhoos 2* c/o fdelbrork 6 Martin, 7365 Csrnelian St., Ste. 238, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 917301 Address to Which Claimat wishes notices cant. (714) 987 -4707 YlOa did dam`s or injury occua7 Insured August S. 19851 died August 6. 1985 , On Red Mill Country Club Drive, approximately 1000 feet Ymt did dsagm or injury oeenr?eauth of Alra r, .r -nga C of 1101 and under What circumstances did damge or injury "cur? -,%Fr ATTACHMENT t IL! particular action by the City, or its employees, caused the alleged damage or injury? (Include uses of mployees, if known). What sum d2 you claim? Include the estimated count of any prospective loss, insofar es it my be imam at the tie, of the presu�tation of this claim, together with the basis Of computation of the amount claimed. (Attach ustimtm or bills, if pc:slhle). u.-pi U1 N„n,..1: A mh,d n r i rb t S 5.771.12 of Sorvlre. $ SOG.000.00 toes nt 1 •e oenion Alps comfort. affection, sccl y, $ -- solace, care — Total Amount Claimed: $_5.505.771.12 IANU gad addresses of witnesses, doctors, and hospitals: arrarhed ore a rnor of the rp a t f the can Bernardino County Sheriff and of bills fADFAINI'rTRAVO tiny n wmw U� lL Date `•` Ff 818tti1U1VIIA31415 Q Attorney for e 7 �f claimnt��N l � ti•Y=3 IN s ATTACHMENT 1 Claimant's son, Larry Dale Wright, was a passenger in a car driven by Bobby Roy Hatton. The car col to ded with a truck on Red Hill Country Club Drive causing the injuries to and later the doath of Larry Dale Wright. See attached report of San Bernardino County Sheriff !1336845 -11 which 1s attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. ATTACHMENT 2 The City negligently, carelessly and recklessly designed, engineered, constructed, maintained, and controlled Alta Cuesta Avenue, Red H111 Countr•• rlub Drive and adjoining city property so as to cause the collision and the injuries and death of the •- claimant's son. The city also negligently failed to pot' adequate signs adequately warning of the steep grade, the need to reduce speed.nand the sharp curve. Names of responsible public employees vtu.• K. iii ■ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT �3 Gf .tifp� _x a ti =Z GATE: November 20, 1985 To: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd 8. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Riciiard Cot &, Associate Civil Engineer V1BdECT: Approval of Professional Services Agreement for the widening of Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad (A.T. & S.F.R.R.) Crossing on Rochester Avenue at 8th Street The design firm of L.D. King, Inc. has prepared and submitted to the City a proposal for the above subject design services on Rochester Avenue. Their proposal (attached) includes a basic fee of $17,500.00 for the preparation of Plans, specifications, right -of -way descriptions and initial railroad company and Public Utllitiee Cosmissian applications for a construction agreement and federal funding, respectively. In anticipation ce federal funding, right -of -way acquisitions and assessor nt proceedings, the following optional services are included: a) Highway Safety Act Funds Federal Section 203 - $3,000.00 inot to exceed) b3 Land Yetue Appraisals - $9,000.00 (not to exceed) c 1911 Improvement Act proceedings $4,000.00 (not to exceed) Authorization to proceed with each of the above option&? services shall be set forth in writing by the C14y Engineer. This project will serve to widen Rochester Avenue from its existing 24 feet width to its ultimate 72 feet width at the railroad crossing. The total not to exceed fee for the consultant's services is 5 3,500.00 and will be funded from Gas Tax as per the City's 1985 -85 Capitil Improvement Program. t CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT iioveniber 20, 1995 Page 2 _ RECC#WJ=TION It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached Profesiienhl '. Services Agreement with L.D. King, Inc. provide the aforementioned design services for the widening of Rochester Avenue and the A.T. & S.F.R.R. cntssing • at 8th Street for an amount not to exceed $33,500.00 plus 10% contingency. Res ertfu11 sub�ted, LBN: :de Attachments w 0 0 F! PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and entered into this 20 th day ' of November 1985 • between the City of nancho Cucamonga, a Municipal Corporation (hereinafter referred to as •CITY•) and L. D. King, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as 'CONSULTANT'), A. Recitals. (i) CITY has heretofore issued its Request for Proposal Pertaining to the performance of professional services with respect to the preparation of design,eonstruction plans, contract specifications and cost est; mates for the widening of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company railroad crossing and apprcaches on Rochester Avenue at 8th Street Cross— Crossing No. 2 -95.0. ( "Project" hereafter), (ii) CONSULTANT has now submitted its proposal for he performim:e of such services. (iii) CITY desires to retain CONSULTANT to perform professional services necessary to render advice and assistance to CITY, CITY's Planning Camrissle9 r+ty Council and staff in the preparation of Project. (iv) CONSULTANT represents that it is qualified to perform such services and is willing to perform such professional services as hereinafter defined. ' NON, TNERLFORE, it is agreed by and between CITY ano CONSULTANT as r follows: F B. A recsrent. 1. Definitions: The following definitions shall apply to the following terms, except where the context of this- Agreement otherwise requires: ' 7131,35 H z I Project: (a) : —� _ The preparation D P of desi nconstnrction 3 , contract specifications and cost estimates for � said protect as described in Exhibit W Scope of Services hereto including, but not limited to, the preparation of maps, surveys, reports, and documents, th^ presentdtion, both oral and in writing, of such plans, maps, surveys, reports and documents to CITY as required anu attendance at any and all work sessions, public hearing; and other meetings conducted by CITY with respect to the project as outlined in the Scope of Services. (b) Services: Such professional services as are necessary to be performed by CONSULTANT in order to complete the project. (c) Completion of Project: The date of completion of all phases of the project, including any and all procedures, development plans, maps, surveys, plan documents, technical reports, meetings, oral preser.tations and attendance by CONSULTANT at public hearings regarding the project acceptance for construction is set forth in Exhibit •B• Project Schedule att =_ched hereto. 2. CONSULTANT agrees as.follows: (a) CONSULTANT shall forthwith undertake and complete the project in accordance with Exhibit •A and applicable with Federal. State and CITY statues, regulations, ordinances and guidelines, all to the reasonable satisfaction of CITY. (b) CONSULTANT shall supply copies of all maps, surveys, reports, plans and documents (hereinafter collectively referred to as "documents*) including all supplemental technical documents, as described in Exhibit W co CITY Within the time specified in Project Scheduled, Exhibit , -2- . v �• • e: e .0. Copies of the documents shall be in such numbers as are required by Exhibit "As. CITY may thereafter review and forward to CONSULTANT comments regarding said documents .urd CONSULTANT shall thereafter make such revisions to said docunen *.s as r• deemed necessary. CITY shall receive revised documents in such form and in the muantities de• ^,nisi "erejsary by r," The Lire limits set forth pursuant to this Section 02,(b) may be extended upon a written approval of CITY. (c) CONSULTANT shall, at CONSULTANT's sole cost and expense, secure and hire such other persons os may, in the opinion of CONSULTANT, be accessary to comp!y with the terms of this Agreement, to the event any such other persons are retained by CONSULTANT, CONSULTANT hereby warrants that such persons shalt be fully qualified to perfarm services required hereunder. CONSULTANT further agrees that no subcontractor shall be retained by CONSULTANT except upon the prior written approval of CITY. 3. CITY agrees as follows: (a) To pay CONSULTANT a maximum sum of $33,500.00 for the performance of the services required hereunder. This sum shall cover the cost of all staff time and all other direct and indirect costs or fees, Including the work of employees, consultants and subcontractors to CONSULTANT. Payment to CONSULTANT, by CITY, shall be made in accordance with the schedule set forth in Exhibit W. (b) Payments to CONSULTANT shall be made by CITY in accordance with the invoices s•boitted by CONSULTANT, an a monthly bas's, and such invoices shall be paid within a reasonable time after, said invoice: are received by CITY. All charges shall be detailed in Exhibit sC- either with resfect to hourly rates or lump sum amounts for individual tasks. In no I event, however, will said inioices exceed 95% of individual task totals-- described in Exhibits °A9 (c) CONSULTANT agrees that, in no event, shall CiTY be Y* required to pay to CONSULTANT any sum in excess of 95% of the maximum payable hereunder prior to receipt by CITY of all final documents, together with all supplemental technical documents, as described herein acceptable to form and content to CITY. Final payment shall be made not later than 60 days after presentation of final documents and acceptance thereof by CITY. (d) Additional services: Pay -ments 'or additional services ' requested, in writing, by CITY, and not included in t-hL Scope of Services as set forth in Uhib!t W hereof, shall be paid on a reimbursement basis In accordance with tha fee schedule set forth .n Exhibit •C". Charges for additional services shall be invoice+ on a monthly basis and shall Z?e paid by CITY within a rea• ndolo Lice after said Invoices are received by CITY. 4. CITY agrees to provide to CONSULTAW. (a) Intormation and assistance as set forth in Exhibic °A• hereto. tb) Photographically Feproducible copies of maps and other information, if available, which CONSULTANT considers necessary in order to •`. croplete the project. (c) Such internation as Is generally available from CITY • files applicabl, to the project. Y (d) Assihtan:e, if necessary, in obtain!.q information from other governmental aocncies nd /or private pirties. However, it shall be CONSULTANT's responsibility to make art initial contact with respect to the 1} OON gathering of such informat an. v�.:a-..�;_ :.4 5. Ownership of Documents: All documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs and reports prepared by , CONSULTANT pursuant to this Agreement shall be considered the property of CITY and, upon payment for services performed by CONSULTANT, such documents and other identified materials shall be delivered to CITY by CONSULTANT, CONSULTANT may, however. make and retain such copies of said document: and materials as CONSULTANT may desire. Any use or reuse of the plans and specifications except at the site intended or any alteration or revision of the plans or specifications by the CiTY, its staff or authorized &gents without the specific written consent of the CONSULTANT shall be at the sole risk of the CITY. The CITY agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the CONSULTANT against dll damages, claims and losses including defense costs arising out of any such alteration or revision, or use or reuse at another site by the CITY its staff , or authorized agents. " 6. Termination: This agreement may be terminated by CITY upon Y+ the giving of a written •Notice of Termination' to CONSULTANT at least fifteen > (1') days prior to the date -of termination specified in said Notice. In the - event this Agreement is so terminated, CONSULTANT shall be compensated at " CONSULTANT's applicable hourly rates as set forth in Exhibit 'C ", on a pro- i rata basis with respect to the percentage of the project completed as of the date of termination. In no event, however, shall CONSULTANT receive more than IT the maximum specified in paragraph 3 (a), auove. CONSULTANT shall provide to .' + CITY any and all documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, oiodels' '? r'r,a' photographs and reports, whether in draft or final farm, prepared by ,.. , �•i CONSULTANT as of date of termination. CONSULTANT may not terminate this: Agreement except for cause. 7. Notices and Designated Representatives: Any and all notices, demands, invoices and written communications between the parties hereto shall be addressed as set forth in this paragraph 7. The below named Individuals, furthermore, shall be those persons primarily responsible for the performance by the parties under this AgreeMentpouglas H. Hays, Vice President for the consultant and Blane N. Frandsen, Senior Civil Engineer for the City. Any such notices, demands, invoices and written communications, by mail, shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee forty -eight (48) hours after . deposit thereof in the United States mail, postage prepaid and properly addressed as set forth above. 8. Insurance: CONSULTANT shall neither commence work under this Agreement until it has obtained all insurance required hereunde. in a company or companies acceptable to CITY nor shall CU.YSULTANT allrw any ` subcontractor to commence work on a subcontract until all insurance required of the -subcontractor has been of •ned. CONSULTANT shall take out and l'e maintain at all times during the term of this Agreement the following policies of insurance: (a) worker's Compensation Insurance: Before beginning work, CONSULTANT shall furnish to CITY a certificate of insurance as proof that it has taken out full workers' compensaton insurance for all persons whom It may employ directly or through s,bcontractors in carrying out the work• 4 spec tied herein, in accordance with the laws of the State of California. J.. • in accordance with the provisions of California Labor doA f Section 3700, every eipioyer shall secure the payment of compensation to his e employees. CONSULTANT prior to commencing work, shall sign and file with CITY a certification as follows: "I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Cede which require every employer to be insured against liability for workers' compensation or to undertake self insurance to accordance with the provisions of that Code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this Agreement ". (b) Public Liability and Property Damage: Throughout the , term of this Agreement, at CONSULTANT's sole cost and expense, CONSULTANT • shall keep, or cause to be kept, in full force and effect, for the mutual benefit of CITY CONSULTANT, ' and comprehensive, broad form, general public liability and automobile insurance against claims and stabilities for personal injury, death, or property damage arising from CONSULTANT's activities, providing protection of at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for bodily Injury or death to any one person or for any one accident or occtrrence and at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for property damage. r� F�'• (c) Errors and Omissions: CONSULTANT shall take out and maintain at all tines during the life of this Agreement, a policy or Itollcies of insurance concerning errors and omissions ( "malpractice ") providing iq protection of at least _ _ $250,000.00 for errors and omissions ( "malpractice ") with respect to loss arising from actions of 1 CONSULTANT performing engineering services hereunder on behalf of CITY. •+ a in (d) General insurance Reguirementx: All insurance .� required by express provision of this Agreement shall be carried only, in responsible insurance companies licensed to do business in the State of California and policies required under paragraphs 8.(a) and (b) shall name as additional insureds CITY, its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents. All pclicies shall contain language, to the extent obtainable, to the effect that (1) the insurer waives the right of subrogation against CITY and CITY's elected officials, officers, employees, and agents; (2) the policies are primary and noncontributing with any insurance that may be carried by CITY; and (3) they cannot be cancelled or materia'.y changer except after i thirty (30) days' notice by the insurer to CITY n- ertified mail. CONSULTANT shall furn'sh CITY with copies of all s,,.n policies promptly upon receipt of them, or certificate evidencing the insurance. CONSULTANT may effrc. for its own account insurance not required under this Agreement. 9. Indemnification: CONSULTANT shall defend, indemnify and save harmless CITY, its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents and employees, from all liability from loss, damage or injury to persons or property, including the payment by CONSULTANT of any and all legal costs and attorneys' fees, in any manner arising out of any negligent or intentional or willful acts or omissions of the CONSULTANT I,, the performance of this Agreement, including, but not limited to dli consequential damages, to the maximum extent permitted by law. 10. Assignment No assignment of this Agreement or of any part or obligation of performance hereunder shall be made, either in whole or in part, by CONSULTANT without the prior written consent of CITY. 11. Independent Contractor: The parties hereto agree that CONSULTANT and its employers, officers and agents are independent contractors- under this Agreement and shall not be construed for any punose to ben` nn 8 _ ♦i.yi f, employees of CITY. 12. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be 3overned by !hd construed in accordance with the taws of the State of California. 13. Attorney's Fees: In the event any legal p ^oceading is 1 is I; instituted to enfo -ce any term ;,r provision of the Agreement, the prevailing party in ssid legal proceeding shall be entitled to recover attorneys' fees and costs f•om the opposing party in an amount determined by the Court to be reasonable. 14. Entire Agreement: This Agreement supersedes any and 411 other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties with respect to the subject ratter herein. E•ci. party to this Agreement acknowledges that ` no representation by any oarty which is not hntodied herein nor any other agreement, statement, or proalea not contained in this Agreement shall be �i valid a.-.d hinding. Any modification of this Agreement shall be effective only if it is in writing signed by all parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first set forth above: CON.� pp SUUL�LTANI L.0. King. Inc. Oougl s H. Hays. Vice Pre ids Pnt CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Jon D. Mikels, Mayor ATTEST: Beverly A. Authelet, .y er Oate: Approved as to form: rney , .. Exhibit 'A October 2:, 1985 SCOPE V SERVICES A140 FEE to provide Engineering Services for the Preparation of Construction Pians, Speciflcations and Engineer's Estimate for the Widening of the Atchison, Topeka b Santa Fe Railway Company Railroad Crossing and Approaches on Rochester Avenue, at 8th Street, Crossing No. 2 -95.0 Task 1. Survey services to establish: ` a, centerline control and stationing b. topography from right -of -way to right -of -way c. cross - sections a o0' maximum intervals d. mapping of pavercat failures to identify possible removals . e. field notes to N delivered to the City for rocord Task 2. Utility research and coordination per Utility Notification procedure, to include: a research and obtain file copy of utility maps within the projtrt 11m.ts '- • b. plotting of such facilitic:, plan view on the constrLctica drawings c preparing and transmitting plans with utility notices (blank notice forms to be provided by the City to all utilities d. monitoring response to such notices, making recacaendations for mitigating conflicts e attending coordination meetings, if required, regarding adjustments ' and relocaticns Task 3. New pavement structural section an., resurfacing requirements to be providrd by the City: Task 4. Prepare CEpA Initial Study Parts I and 2. Task S. Railroad Crossing. Y r a prepare and process applications /er construction agreement with the a•chison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, inc'..ding the preparation s of all exhibits such as plan and profile, right- of -,vv, etc., for the widening of the existing at -grade crossing on Rochester Avenue. P ' Y1. '- Y'tlAt; 1 of �d�� October 25, 1985 b. prepare and process the Notice of Proposed Intention and Request for Authority to Construct Ps set forth in General Order No. 88 -A with the PUC for the widening r the existing at -grade crossing at .n. �.stv^ Avenue (City to provt,.:, traffic data required for appli,at,.n, c. meetings and coordination t.: monitor progress of appiicatior far Agreement to Construct with the Atchison. Topeka and Santa 'e Railway Company and the Authority to Construct with the PUC for widening of said railroad crossing and effecting design coordinatio with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, Task 6. PreFare complete construction plans in accordance with City Standard Drawings, including the following. a. Plans and Profiles with: L topography between street 'ght -of -way 2. right -of -way licit lines 3. tr-ct and lot lines with ,, berings 4. utility location plottings S. construction limits and 1n,rructicns 6 existing centerline and to;, :f curb or edge of pavement 7 Proposed centerline and tops of curb or eege of pavement S. drainage inlet and pipe under the AAhison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company tracl:s On the east side of Rochester Avenue. 9. Widening and reconstruction of approximately 250 LF of the westerly half of Rochester Avenue, south of the crossing, including the intersection with 9th Street and widening and reconstruction on approximately 500 LF of the easterly half )f Rochester Avenue, narth of the crossing, including the wirentng of the railroad crassing and storm dtain under the tracks Task r, Right.of -way engineering. a. Prepare legal description for right -of -way acquisition on Rochester Avenue for Assessor's Parcel No's: 229- 251 -30 -8910 Rochester Avenue 229- 121 -21 -8833 Rochester Avenue 229 - I11-14 -8889 Rochester Avenue 229 - 121 -01 -8809 Rochester Avenue A preliminary title rtport will be obtained by the consultant for the Properties, and recorded doctanents referenced in the title report will F be reviewed and legal eescrlptions prepared from record data. ,r, „{, Page 2., of 6�.;111,; , 4 1 Page 3 October 25, 1985 Task 8. Prepare and maintain desi n files for transmittal to t "e City at the completion of the project design. Task 9. P Ilare detailed construction quantity and engineer's cost estimate. a Task 10. Prc;are cowolete contract specifications using "boiler plate' specifications provided by City, including: a, boiler plate by City 1 notice inviting bids 2. instruction to bidders 3. contract proposal (by ; onsultant) 4. bidders information 5 agreament L bands and insurance forms 7 general conditions b. special previsions by consultant Task 11 Attend coordination meetings with staff for design review and project coordination. Task 12. Attend preconstruction conference and provide design coordination during construction. , 4 1 Page 3 A Octrber 25, 1985 motional Work if requested by the Citv Engineer task 13. Highway Safety Act Funds, Federal Section 203. a Assist City in the nomination process by preparing application letters, sketches, assembling accident and traffic data, and coordinating meetings, and maintaining contacts with the various agency staff, including preps- ration of Caltrans Field Review Form. Necessary sketches and accident and traffic data will be available from the work effort required for Task S. Railroad Crossing. Task 14. Obtain land value appraisal for Assessor's Parcel No's: 229- 251 -30 229- 121 -21 229- 111 -14 229- 121 -01 for the necessary right -of -way acquisition for the widening of A-- r+hbetrAvenue. This report will assess the value of the property as -is, value of part taken for right- of-way purposes, and value of the remainder. The extent of documentation detail required will vary and is directly dependent upon whether or not full condemnation proceedings are required. )ask 15. Prnpa,,e documentation and perform assessment engineering to support Short Form 1911 Improvement Act proceedings for right -of -way acquisition and street improvements for Assessor's. Parcel No.'s j' 229- 251 -30 229- 121 -21 229- 111 -14 229 - 121 -01 t ' A t till Page W W r yV r7 p October 25, 1985 3' _ n COMPENSATION ' r.: s Fees for professional engineering and suv-ety rq services for the Scope of Airk provided for herein are listed below: ;? Estimated Cotc f Task 1 f 1,900 .ask 2 700 Task 3 Task 4 400 Task Sa 1,500 Task Sb 1,000 Task Sc, 2,000 Task 6 4,500 Task 7 2,000 Task 8 _ . Task 9 450 r Task 10 1.700 Task 11 750 - Task 12 500 Total $27,500 Y The actual cost of each task may vary somewhat from that sham above, Zoxever, ° the total rot to exceed cost of all tasks is a maximum cost to the project of $17,500 for professional engineering services. Compensation will be at time and material in conformance with the consultant's Rate Schedule dated August. 1984, Exhibit *CO. �R Y ,y „•; � v::•- ^- `;'a ` � � Page 5.01`44, �s`E. , October r 25. 1965 2� Authorization to proceed with etch of the following tasks shall be set forth T in writing by the City Engineer: Task 23 Es.firated Lost $2,000 to $3,000 r Task 14 6.000 to 9,000 Task 15 LSDO to 4,000 Compensatinn for these tasks shall be at time and material In confommnce with the cOrlultant's Rate Schedule dated August, 1934, Exhibit 'C-. tyy P1 , e Exhibit •8• Octcber 25, 1985 Tasks 1 thru 11: except Sb, Se and 10 Tasks 5b and Sc: Task 10: Task 12: Task 13: Task A: Task 15: SCHEDULE 3 months 12 to 18 months 12 to 18 months -r 2 months 18 to 24 months 1 to 2 months 4 to 9 months • 0 ,11 a • t va�a� X Page 1 ofa•.jr� s. In -House Reproduction ............ ............................... Cost Printing and Haterlals ............. Ccst + ist Express Hall /Courier..... Day.S ary t c..._ .......................... Mileage ••r•• Cost 30d /wile = Special Consultant Services ry........ ............................... Cost + 15% !b NOTE: Hourly rates are subject to increasa bugust i, 1985, due agreements, salary adjustments, and Increases to labor ' in operating expense. s EXHIBIT °C' RATE S�Y,EOULE August, 1984 - Hourly Rate Principal ........................... .�AJyv Project Hand er ••'••• S 80.00 Project Engineer .................... ............................... 67.00 Survey Coordinator • 60.00 ................. ...................•........... Designer ................ 60.00 ............................... Associate Engineer "••••••••• 60.00 c- , labor .......... ............................... Senior Drafter$Calculator sa.oC .. ....... ............................... Drafter a:.00 . ............................... Assistant Engineer 40.40 �c ................. ............................... Junior Eng!neer .... 45.O1% �. .................. ................. ....... Engineering Aide 29.00 ........... ••�••••••�•" Adcinlstrative Assistant 20.00 Production Typist •......• .•...•........••.•........••.•. 2s Do .................. .•............................. 20.00 3 -Nan Survey Crew .................. ............................... 2 -Man Survey Crew ............................... 142.CO .......... Travel Tice (Men In excess of 8 Ars work time For day) i15.D0 r; 344an Survey Crew ................ ............................... 2 -Han Surve,- Crew 76.00 ................ ............................... 52.00 In -House Reproduction ............ ............................... Cost Printing and Haterlals ............. Ccst + ist Express Hall /Courier..... Day.S ary t c..._ .......................... Mileage ••r•• Cost 30d /wile = Special Consultant Services ry........ ............................... Cost + 15% !b a A NOTE: Hourly rates are subject to increasa bugust i, 1985, due agreements, salary adjustments, and Increases to labor ' in operating expense. s Pagel' of V .�AJyv a A CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA �- STAFF REPORT � of , DATE: November 20,19n C� 147 I ?4• City Council and City H:.iager KLM: 00yd B. Hubbs, City Engineer Rv Ulan-- 11. Frandsen, Senior Civil engineer 3J£CT: Approval of Professional Services M eement fm £nginenri:ig Services for Pavement Evaluation and Corstru:tton Plans for .he Rehabilitation of Certain City Streets with Norris- Renke, Inc. I An eng4ncer :d prope -al has been received from Norris- Repke, Inc, tc conduct structarai and subsurface testing Lf various local _trtets to desigrrte needed pavement mplacevionts or pavement rehabilitation protest r., me-P srch streets and to prenare plans, specifications and estimates for such work. The first phase of the ag- etinant will loci_" -e the pavement condition ±. evaluation, t000graphic survey and utility r search and recormendation for r pavement reconstruction or rehabilitation for a not to exceed mount of $15.400.00. The second phase will irclude any final survey and the prepe,ation of final plans and specificaticns and engineer's estimate. Due to the unknown nature of the specific construction, requirements for the protect untll the completlon of Pbase I, the fees for providing Phase II serviced as outlined in Exhibit A will to de:ermined at the coon. letien of Pliase I. However, it is agreed that the fee will :at exceed $29,000.00. A reduction of this fee is anticipated. I RZWOOR.4ITTQN it is recommended that the Professional Services Agreement with Rgrrls- Repke, Inc, for an amount of $35,450.00 be approved to perform engineering services for said agreement. Respectfully s bmitted, 4;T L8H NF:Jaa Attaciment N �y. I PRGiESCIONAi. SERVICES AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and entered into this day .y of 19__.., between the City of Rancho Cucamonga, a Municipal Corporation (hereinafter referred to as 'CITY") and NORRI.r,- REPRE. TNC. (hereinafter referred to as °CONSULTANT°). A Recitals. (i) CITY has heretofore issued its Request for Proposal - pertaining to the nar•armarce of professional services with respect to the preparation of Ea ineering Evaluations and Co- struction Plans for the Rehabilitation of Certain CSL7 Streets. (•Project• hereafter). (ii', CONSULTANT has now submitted its proposal for the perior"ance of such services. (iii) CITY desires to retain CONSULTANT to perform professional services necessary to render advice and assistance to CITY, CITY's Planning Cooraissiou, City Council and staff in the preparation of ;rrojeCt. (iv, CONSULTANT represents that it Is qualified to perform such services and is willing to perform such professional service., as hereinafter defined. NON, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between CITY and CONSULTANT a; ,m. follows: 41 B. Agremient, ( r Definitions_ The following definitions shall apply to tan ; '< �. following terms, exc3p: where the context of this A3retsent DV ;arwiie; rewires. $ 7/31/35 ! • 1_ .r ur; ■ , > (a) Project: The preparation of Enoinanrinn rvalnat,en_` • and Construction P1anm Per Certain City Streets r described in Exhibit 'A' Scope of Services hereto including, but not limited to, the preparation of maps, surveys, reports, and documents, the presentation, both oral and in writing, of such plans, maps, surveys, reports and documents to CITY as required and attendance at any and all work sessions, public he •ings and other meetings conducted by CITY with respect to the project as outlined in the Scope of Services. (b) Services: Such professional services as are necessary to be performed by CONSULTANT in order to c.. .ete the project. (c) C=pletion of Proje.:t: The date of completion of all phases of the project, including any and all procadures, development plans, maps, surveys, plan documents, technical reports, meetings, oral presentations and attendance by CONSULTANT at peblie hearings regarding the project acceptance for construction is set forth in Exhibit •B• Project Schedule " attached hereto. 2. CONSULTANT agrees as follows: (a) CONSULTANT shall forthwitll undertake and co.olete the project in accordance with Exhibit 'A and applicable witn Federal, State ono CITY statues, regulations, ordinances and guidelines, all to thr• reasonable t satisfaction of CiTY. i' (b) CONSULTANT shall supply copies of all maps, surveys, L. reports, plans and documents (hereinafter collectively referred to as "documents") inctcrting all supplemental technical documents, as described in Exhibit 'A' to CITY within the time specified in Project Scheduled, Exhibit t S i a 'S'. Copies of the documents shall be to such numbers as are required by Ex)lbit W. CITY may thereafter review ano forward to CONSULTANT comments re ardfng said document- and CONSULTANT :hall thereafter make such revisions to said documents as are deemed necessary. CITY shall receive revised documents in such form and in the quantities determintd necessary by CITY. The time limits set fcrth pursuant to this Section ii2.(b) may be extended upon a written approval of CITY. (c) CONSULTANT shall, at CONSULTANT's sole cost and expense, secure and hire such other persons as may, i.r the opinion of CONSULTANT, be necessary to comply with the terms of this Agreement. In the event any such other persons are retained by CONSULTANT, CONSULTANT hereby re vzg"W. that such persons shall he fully qualified to perform services required hereunder CONSULTANT further agrees that no suh.ontractor shall be e retained by CONSULTANT except upon the prior written approval of CITY. "a. CiTY agrees as follows: (a) To pay CMULTANT a maximum sum of (See Exhibit C) tar the perfomance of the services required hereunder. This sum shall cover the cost of all staff time and all other direct and indirect costs or fees, including the work of employees, consultants and subcontractors to CONSULTANT. Payment to CONSULTANT, by CITY, shall be made in accordance with the schedule set forth in rxhibit "CO. (b) Payments to CONSULTANT shall be made by CITY in accordance with the invoices submitted by CONSULTANT, on a monthly basis, and ` such invoices shall be paid within a reasonable time after said invoices are received by CITY. All charges shall be detailed to Exhibit 'C• either with',. r respect to hourly rates or lump sum amounts for individual tasks: In no )' _l. event, however, will said inva:ces exceed 95% of individual task total% described to Exhibits W end 'C'. ' (c) CONSULTANT agrees that, in no event, shall CITY Ee required to pay to CONSULTANT any sum in excess of 95% of the maximum payable hereunder prior to receipt by CITY of all final documents, together with all supplemental technical documents, as described herein acceptable in form and content to 'CITY. Final payment shall be made not later than 60 days alter presentation of final documents and acceptance thereof by CITY. (d) Additional services: Payments for additional services requested, in writing, by CITY, and not included in the Sco1v of Servic_s as set forth in Exhibit 'A' hereof, shall be paid on a reimturseaent basis in accordance with the fee schedule set forth in Exhibit 'C'. Charges for ad ,11cional services shall be Invoiced on a monthly basis and shall be paid by is CITY within a reasonable time after said invoices are received by CITY. 4. CITY agrees to provide to CONSULTANT: (a) information and assistance as set forth in Exhibit 'A' hereto. (b) Photographically reproducible copies of maps and other information, if available, which CONSULTANT considers necessary in order to complete the project. C•' (c) Such information as is generally available f -om CITY files applicable to the project. (d) Assistance, 11 necessary, in obtaining information from other governmental agencies and /or private parties. However, it shall be ? A4 r CONSULTANT's responsibility to make all initial contact with respect to the gathering of such information. v 4naF 1: 4i ! A rv� is i4R ^� S. Ownership of Documents: All documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs and - eports prepared by CONSULTANT pursuant to this Agreement shall be considered the property of CITY and, upon payment for services performed by CONSULTANT, such documents end other identified materials shall be delivered to CITY by CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT may, however, make and retain such copies of said documents and materials as CONSULTANT may desire. Any use nr reuse of the plans and specifications except at the site intended or any alteration or revision of the plans or specifications by the CITY, its staff or authorized agents without the specific %ritten consent of the CONSULTANT shall be at the sole risk of the CITY. The CITY agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the CONSULTANT against all damages, 40 claims and losses including defense costs arising out of any such alteration or revision, or use or reuse at another site by the CITY , its staff or authorized agents. 6. Termination: This agreement may be terminated b) CITY upon the giving of a written *Notice of Termination' to CONSULTANT at lust fifteen (15) days prior to the date of termination specified in said Notice. in the event this Agreement is so terminated, CONSULTANT shall be compensated at CONSULTANT,s applicable hourly rates as set forth in Exhibit "C`, on a pro. rata basis with respect to the percentage of the project completed as of the date of termination. In no event, however, shall CONSULTANT receive more than the maximum specified in paragraph 3 (a), above. CONSULTANT shall provide to , 0 CITY any and all documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs and reports, whether in draft or final form, prepared by, 1� r<a CONSULTANT as of dat, of termination. CONSULT&IT may not terminate this Agreement except for cause. - 7. Notices and Designated RepreswiU'tives: Any and all notices, demands, invoices and written communications betwc-en th„ parties hereto shall be addressed as set forth in this paragraph 7. The below named individuals, furthermore, shall be those persons primarily responsible for the performance by the parties under this Agreement: MR. WARREN W. REPRE, NOR4TC -n P.Pwr_ too.. 507 a °IRST AT SUITE A, TUSTIN, CA, 92680 Mg prANg env ENGTnERING nr.PT. CITY OP RANCHO_ CUCAMONGA, v n 00x 0.Bj_ gANrHo CUCAMgNrA CA 91730 -08n7 - Any such notices, demands, invoice! arl written communications, by mail, shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee forty -eight (48) hours after ' deposit thereof in the United States mail, postage prepaid and properly addressed as set forth above. 8. Insurance: CONSULTANT shall neither commence work under this Agreement until it has obtained all insurance ,equired hereunder in a company or companies acceptable to CITY nor shall CONSULTANT allow any subcontractor to commence wort on a subcontract until ail insurance required of the subcontractor has been obtained. CONSULTANT shall take out and maintain at ali times during the term of this Agreement the following policies of insurance: (a) Worker's Comoensaton Insurance: Before beginning work, CONSULTANT shall furnish to CITY a certificate of insurance as proof i� that it has taken out full workers' compensaton insurance for all persons whom 7ti it may employ directly or through subcontractors in carrying oft the work ,4 specified herein, in accordance with the laws of the State of California. y2; eJs "r, ,*V C In accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code Section 3700, every employer shall secure the payment of compensation to his - employees. CONSULTANT prior to commencing work, shall sign and file with CITY a certification as follows: J •I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which require every employer to Oe Insured against liability for workers' compensation or to undertake self insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Cod:, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this Agreement•. (b) ublic Liability and Property Damage: Throughout the term of this Agreement, at CONSULTANT's sole cost t:,d expense. CONSULTANT shall keep, or cause to be tept, in full force and effect, for the mutual benefit of CITY aid CONSULTANT, comprehensive, broad form, general public liability and automobile insurance against claims and liabilities for personal injury, death, or property damage arising from CONSULTANT's activities, providing protection of at least One Million Dollars (51,000,000.00) for bodily injury or death to any one person or for any ono accident or occurrence and at least One Million Dollars ($1,00t,,DOO.00) for property damage. (c) Errors and Omissions: CONSULTANT shall take out and maintain at all times during the life of this Agreement, a policy or polities of insurance concerning errors and omissions ("malpractice') providing protection of at least $250,000 for errors and omissions ('malpractice') with respect to loss arising from actions of i CONSULTANT performing engineering services hereunder on behalf of CITY. (d) General Insurance Requirements: All insurance required by express provision of this Agreement shall be carried only In J responsible insurance companies licensed to do business in the State of California and policies required under paragraphs 8.(a) and (b) shall name as additional insureds CITY, its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents. All policies shall contain language, to the extent obtainable, to the effect that (1) the Insurer waives the right of subrogation igainst CITY and CITY's elected officials, officers, employees, and agents; (2) the policies are primary and noncontributing with any insurance that may be carried by CITY; and (3) they cannot be cancelled or materially changed except after ' thirty (30) days' notice by the insurer t) QTY by certified mail. CONSULTANT shall furnish CITY with copies of all su:h policies promptly upon roceipt of them, or certificata evidencing the Insurance. COSSULTANT may effect for its own account insurance not required under this Agreement. 9. Indemnification: CONSULTANT shall defend, indemnify and save harmless CITY, its elected aid appointed officials, officers, agents and employees, from all liability from loss, damage or injury to persons or property, including the payment by CONSULTANT of any and all legal costs and attorneys' fees, in any manner arising out of any negligent or intentional or willful acts or emissions of the CONSULTANT. in the performance of this Agreemdnt, including, but not limited to, all consequential dama;ps, to the maximum extent permitted by law. 10. Assignment) No assignment of this Agreement or of any part or obligation of performance hereunder shall be made, either in whole or in part, by CONSULTANT without the prior written consent of CITY. 11. Independent Contractor: The parties hereto agree that CONSULTANT and its employers, officers and agents are independent contractors c under this Agreerent and shall not be constr^^d for any purpose to be k .J employees of CITY. ` ' 12. Governing Law:' This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 13. Attorney's Fens: In the event any legal proceeding is instituted to enforce any term or provision of the Agreement, the prevailing party in said legal proceeding shall he entitled to recover attorneys' fees and costs from the opposing party in an amount determined by the Court to be reasonable. 14. Entire Agreement: This Agreement supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein. Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representation by any party which is not embodied herein nor any other agreement, statement, or promise not contained in this Agreement shall be valid and binding. Any modification of this Agreement shall be effective only ~ If it is in writing signed by all parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first set forth above: ' LONS ANT 7 Date: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMNGA Date: on Mikels, Mayor x ATTEST: ever y e -t, y Clerk Approved as to form: ; City Attorney . 0 �\- F\ E%ZHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES REHABILITATION OF CERTAIN CITY STREETS PROJECT DISCUSSION The requested services would be provided in two phases as follows. Phase I consists of providing a detailed analysis o£ the streets listed below to develop specific rehabilitation conalpta. In general, this would include preparation of a pavement evaluation report for the streets and development of project elenents for each street and the alley. Also included in Phase I is the topographic survey. Phase II consists of additional field design survey and preparation of construction plans and specifications. SELECTCD STREETS 6 ALLEYS • Malachite Ave. - Devon St. to Foothill Blvd, Leucite Ave. - Devon St. to Hampshire St. xlusman A.e. - Devon St, to Hampshire St. Jadeite Ave. - Devon St, to Hampshire St. Devon St.. - Malachite Ave. to Archibald Ave. Hampshire st - Malachite Ave. to Archibald Ave. Alley s/o Foothill Blvd. - Malachite Ave. to Hampshire St. PHASE It EVALUATION AND CONCEPTS A. Orientation Meet with City staff to hold "kickoff" meeting. Our approach ' would be discussed and necessary criteria established. - Information required from City would be requested. B. Pavement Condition Evaluation A field and laboratory evaluation of existing pavement ' conditions for all the streets would be prepared. This would include obtaining, tabulating, and evaluating pavement deflection data, field observation data and core samples. Various rehabilitation methods would be reviewed, and a report prepared including engineered recommendations. COrca would be taken (12 maximum) to determine existing structural ' sections and subgrade material information. we propose to : use the firm of La Belle Consultants to perform the soils and pavement a ^aluation portion of the project. <' , C. Perform Field Review Field review each location to determine the '.al7wings 1. Curb and gutter and concrete intcrsection reconstruction areas. 2 Local pavement failure areas in streets recommended for surface treatments. 3. Limits of various rehabilitation. D Perform Topographic Survey Due to the required project timinq, the topographic survey would be performed during Phase I The following would bo performed. 1. Establish centerline control and stationing. 2. Establish vertical control from local City benchmark (where required). 3 Topography within curbs plus location of driveways and pertinent topographic features (where required). 4. Cross - sections at some selected locations (2 -3 per e street) from right -o£ -way to right -of -way (where required). E Develop Proja:t Elements Utilizing the pavement condition evaluation and fielO review a recommended project would be developed for each location A recommended concept plan would be prepared indicating the recommended project elements. The City prepared 1"-100' plan would be used for thin purpose. Preliminary construction costs would be developed for the concept plan. A meeting would be held with City staff to• discuss the recommendations and reach concurrence on the final project concepts. P. Determine Construction Document Needs Upon approval of the concept plan the type and extent of construction plans and documents would be discussed with the City staff. G Perform Utility Research Due to the required project timing the initial utility research would be done during Phase I. This would consist of contacting the utility companies and obtaining utility location information. DA - PHASE II: CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS The following is an outline of the anticipated scope of services for preparation t' the construction documents for the project. The ' extent of each task will depend on the results of Phase I and be agreed upon prior to the start of work on Phase II. A. Field Survey Additional field survey irformation suitable ftr final design would be obtained. This could include additional topographic information and cross- seccions or other elevation data as needed. B. Prepare Topographic Base Sheets Construction plan bane sheets at a scale of 1 " -40' wild be prepared and show the following: 1. Street right of way and lot lines from Assessors Maps and existing plans. 2. Lot linas and tract and lot numbers. 3. Existing curbs and intersection improvements 4. Location of existing driveways. S. Utility locations. 6 Location of topographic features within street curbs and other pertinent topographic features. 7. Profile of existing top of curb and centerline. grades (where required). Thesc glans would be plotted on City standard sheets suitable 4 for use as construe on plans. C. Construction Document Preparation ' 1. Prepare project Title Sheet c ^' 2. Prepare plan and profile sheets or plan only sheets at a ? scale of 10-40' for each street and alley showing construction to conform to the approved concept plan. Construction elements would be clearly defined. r Proposed new centerline grades and new curb 6 gutter grades (where required) would be shown. 3. Plot cross sections where appropriate for design purposes only Showing existing condition and proposed �f construction. 4. Prepare bid proposal and spe:dal pr.rvision section of project speci`ications using ^seer Book a-' Sta- ] " specification. Project information would also .:a placed on "boiler,plate" provided by the City. _ t r 7F�4 s , KA! a 5. Prepare itemized construction quantities and cost estimate. D. Construction Document Processing 1 Upon completion of the preliminary plans, specifications and cost estimate, submit two (2) sets of each to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for review and coaanent. 2. taut with City staff to discuss results of City staff review. 3. Make agreed on revisions and corrections to the plans, specifications and cost estimate and re- submit as above. 4. Upon final completion, acceptance and approval of the plans, specifications %nd estimate by the City provide the City with t: original plans, specifications and itemize cost estimate. E. Utility Coordination 1. Plot utility location and informitLon on the plans. 2 Prepare preliminary utility notices and metal preliminary plans to utilities. 3. Review conflicts and reccmmend mitigating measures. Attend meetings regardinc adjustments a.id relocations. Additional designs required are not included in this proposal. 4. This proposal in based 'on the final utility notice beinn handled by the City. P. Construction Phase Provide the following services during the construction phase of the project: 1. Attend pre - construction meeting. 2. Clarify plane and answer questions regr. -ding the designs and specifications prepared. This doeE not include redesign due to unforeseen conditions or field visits. 3. Provide construction survey under separate agreement. 1 0 . r• CITY RESPONSIBILITIES The City shall assume the following responsib4lities. 1. Make available and provide all existing data and information relevant to the proposed project. 2. Provide environmental document c-ocessing. 3. Provide plans and specii.cations for bidding. I 1 1 1 1 I I t' 1 1 1 µ I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 • N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I t 1 V I 1 ^ I 1 V1 1 v I 1 X 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I dy (y I 07 1 1 4 I t 1 I w ata»ii D y O O 1 :. :. 1 G � w « x.. .. 1 1 1 .. F [[4V1 uu0 V G7 V w 1 I 1 W M O X 6Z n Y y I i N .• a. i i A i i uw i am4HU I 1� CC a 1 y U G Fp I I l Y -Ia CO nc i~i a i i o,t I 1 m i e i ti I C G N 1 M M ti w 1 n 1 n a i u e i ex° I tl 0 M 1 C M do mtl55 r 0 lu Pl ❑ Gl m x C v c C I mu b 1 y 1 N N I n O M W m u u u 1 tl e r I M U 4 a O a 1 Ott C C 9 w C i e� I C Q m O m U O O > C O 1 O, OC I O L M M »+ M .< O U O u M I �I 1 f: - O, J 4 u 1 c F I q C It: d y m 7 7 6 C O I M M I N 4) O W N 4 K w Y 1 > It t C I tl EE W 41 u W G a -•�i j�� ��1H?�i!!-�r ¢1�K�"�kl.Ol,h. a= �_W.. -O a F u u a W u l j�•�l`.4r•:_!�!'^;'"al`;y • � _ �4 EXHIBIT C PEES Phase I Provide Phase I services Exceed- Fee: outlines in Exhibit A for Cite following " set 1• iacludingCcoring,',solll evaluation.• 4,550.00 ,ct ` ection S testing and engineering analysis. 7,500.00 hic Survey•.••••••••• " Z, Perform Topog ra P 3,000.00 • ;, Develop Project Elements ..:::::::•::::::::.. 400.00 4. Utility hesearch........ ........ Phase i 5 15,450.00 Phase iI ic Due to the unknown. nature of the ipthefcompletioncofoPhase I, the requirements for the project •, fees for providing Phase II services as outlined Exhibit A will ` be determined at the completion-of Pha se I. Howevvee r, it is agreed t, that the fee will not exceed ;20,000.00 r . �v All fees would be invoiced monthly at the following hourly rate schedule. e r- V 4M, V SCHEDULE OP STANDARD HOURLY RATES Project Hanager /Registered Engineer . . . $ 60.00 Licensed Land Surveyor. . . . . . . . . . 56 00 St. Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.U0 Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.00 Sr. Drafter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3R.00 Jr. Designer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.00 Drafter /Technician. . . . . . . . . . 32.00 Jr. Drafter /Technician. . . . . . . . . . 26.00 Clerical . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 Survey Crew (3 -man) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136.00 (2 -man) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108.00 (1 -man) . . . . . . . . . . . 76.00 Expert Testimony. . . . . . . . . . . . 120.00 The above rees will be escalated 64 on each August 1 beginning August 1. 1985, for any work uncompleted at that time through ao fault of Engineer. 5-3 DAIS I0: i'gOM: IT SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT 5 < rf c A Z_ November 20, 1985 �i-� -- -' um I City Council and City Manager Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer !Inds Beek, Engineering Technician Approval of ^arcel Map 9409 located on Arrow Route between Utica Avenue and Red Oak Street submitted by Daon Corporation Parcel Nap 9409 was approved by Planning Commission on �eptendter 25, 1985 for the division of 2.99 acres of land into one parcel in the Industrial specirie Plan Davelopment District located on Arrow Route be .Teen Utica Avenue dnd Red Oak Street. Improvements are to be constructed at the Lille of building permit issuance. RECO14LTP nTION It is recoanended that City Council adopt ti.d attached resolution aoproving Parcel Map 9409 and authorizing the City Clerk to cause same to record. Res ?ectTly ,u itted, I i i i ti= 1 aittiiy tbis lordrr are atisll I ctCIT V OF RANC''HO CUCAMa%,'CA e 3 ENGINEERING QiViS10N ' VICiNITY MAP N page • �r RESOLUT :ON 00. q S — 307 - A RESOLUTION. OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RXICHO - CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL NAP NUMBER 9409 (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 9409) WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map Number 9409 submitted by Boon Corporation and consisting of one parcel, located on Arrow Route between Utica Avenue End Red Oak Street being a division v7 of Parcel 1 of Parcel Nap 8106 as per map recorded in Bock 86, Pages 81 and 82, in the State of California, Office of the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino; was approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Ranche Cucamonga; and �. WHEREAS, Parcel Map Number 9409 is the final cap of th6 div Sion of lard approved as shown on said Tentative Parcel Map; and WHEREAS, all of the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the final map by the City Council of said City have now been met. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESrn vED by the City Council of the City of kancho Cucfmongc, Californ N= be- that Bali Parcel Map Nbe^ 9409 be and the same is hereby approved and the City Engineer is authorized to present same to the County gecorder to oe filed for record. PASSED. APPROVED, and ADOPTEn this 20th day of November, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT, Jon D. Mikels.—Ra—"r a I DATE: TO: FRS4: BY: SUBJECT: - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT I a t � c November 20, 1985 um City Council and City Manager Lloyd 8. Hobbs, City Engineer Linda Beek, Engineering Technician Approval of Parcel Map 9144 located between Elm Avenue and Arrow Route on the north and south, and between Maple and White Oak Avenues on the east and west submitted by Daon Corporation. Parcel Nap 9144 was approved by Planning Commission on June 12, 19BS for the division of 14.8 acres of land into 12 parcels in the Industrial Specific Plan Development District located between Elm Avenue and Arrow Route on the north and south, and between Maple and White Oak Avenues an the east and west. Improvements are to be constructed at the time of building permit Issuance. RECiMl1 nATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution anproving Parcel Map 9144 and authorizing the City Clerk to cause same to record. Resp qj submi ted. LOH Attachments r' y, M� ttai �•_ �•t• S/ d tiY K 0 f i r Yr . ;Y r 9 �s y Jw \ 1\ ;C w I • • • is, s' . RESOLUTION NO. -E•i} =2"3R ` A ..!SOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL KP NUMBER 9144 (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 9144) WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map Number 9144, submitted by Dion Corporation and consisting of 12 parcels, located between Elm Avenue and Arrow Route on the north and south, and between Maple and White Oak Avenues on the east and west being a division of Parcel 11 of Parcel Map 6725, as per map recorded in Book 67 of Parcel Maps, Page 4 thru 7, records of San Bernardino County, State of California was approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and WHEREAS, Parcel Map Number 9144 is the final amp of the division 0 land approved as shown on said Tentative Parcel Map. and WHEREAS, all of the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the final map by the City Council of said City have now been met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that said Parcel Nip Number 9144 be and the same is hereby approved and the City Engineer is authorized to present same to the County Recorder to be filed for record. PASSED. APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 20th day of November, 1985. AYES: NOES: ' ABSENT: R Ae�?�s5lsl�• tie ,:S'.,_. °,. ` . ,._- . . Jon a s, ayor ■ ,M lFi?"C �1 U ,� tT h CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA cA%fq 5T_AFF REPORT, �'� DATE: November 20, 1985 1y� ' TO: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Nubbs, City Engineer BY: Linda Seek, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension and Improvement Security for Tract No. 12040 located on the northeast corner of Turner Avenue and Arrow Route submitted by The Anden Group Tract No. ;2040 was alpro%id by the City Council on November 3, 1902. The developer, The Anden Gr-:up, submitted an agreement to guarantee the construction of the off-site imaprovements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: $212.500.00 Labor and Material Bond: 5106.250.00 At this time, he developer is requesting approval of a twelve -month extension on said impro%ement agreement to November 20. 19ai. REC019ME1DATI06, It is recomaendea that the City Council adopt tie a:tae::ed resolution, accepting said agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign faid agreement. Re ctfull s it e LB :L e Atta ants 7 CAM DEPOSIT MXREHftNG FND Addlaonl Cash Deposit: FAINTTd1ARCE GAAAXTIEZ Am Principal Aim tt to to posted Dr for to acceptance of the projert by the City. ewe ««•.......w•N« ere..... e. e.• c.. hr•..., ..•.•.rs..«....ev.rr...ee.meeti. in aeon Came. a aeneevl CITY OF RANCID OXAMWA KMOPER aertvrshi r pa LA.' IFOGIA. a auniclpul corporttim aT e peeutlm: n: : F r • yee 'h�_ y _ ti 5 t e. ♦yor sti S. ar Assists �•"'y '; YMi iLLCbael O'amurte. Tfte h•ttdait,' y every A. AUthelat, City er *Mt M1E101EVS SIFMIInE NEt RE NOTARIZED y CITY OF RANCHO CII ) OKA - INFRNIXIR EXTMIN ANEE XT FOR TRACT NO. 12040 ` GOY ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That this agreaent Is aide end entered Into, , In COnforaanCS With tM PrmtSf n of the Subdivision Rip Act of the City of RNNa Cuu.enga, California. . wnlnpet cbrporatl between the said Ceriycrand Cfly' hereinafter Warred to ts the City, and ' referred to as the Developer. YITESHTH: -. TWAT. NRAEAS said Developer entered into N lopravent aprtaamt NN the City Al A neoufsite to Issuance of buildings omits, and 101EAM. said Developer desims at ectemlon vf tin to coeolate the terns of tM said Ieprovnant sgrteeent. ROY THERUOU. It Is hereby agreed by the City and by sold Developer as folim s: 1. The coepletlon data of the teras of the said lamovfment eireeaent is he-asty utended by a period of 17 _ booths fret tM data of espir..t-on of Syr10 lent- 7 new bte of esWatlw of ufd egma t IMU bo Na,.%1U 2. Itarease In laprovesent aeeurfties to rtelect current feproveaeot costs shall be furnished by 04 devalopm YIN this agraent oral shall be f approved by the City Attorney. S. ttsr rMired bond ind the additioril principal upunts thereof are it forth on tM att&&ed sheet. 4. All Other lira; and conditions of the said lrarosnteAt agrement shall reaain the sin. As evidence of understanding the provisions contained herein. and of Intent to cbeply NN same, the Developer has tumltted w balm described teprovetrnt saNHty, and has affixed his signature harem: ' ' FAITHFUL FERFORIIANCE CAD ` .v Description: Additional principal Mount: p Ct1 Surety: e Address: IOTERIAt AHD tASCal ENO -- -i Dtien: Addl tinAccost: el principal Accost: Svec i A ddross: Address: CAM DEPOSIT MXREHftNG FND Addlaonl Cash Deposit: FAINTTd1ARCE GAAAXTIEZ Am Principal Aim tt to to posted Dr for to acceptance of the projert by the City. ewe ««•.......w•N« ere..... e. e.• c.. hr•..., ..•.•.rs..«....ev.rr...ee.meeti. in aeon Came. a aeneevl CITY OF RANCID OXAMWA KMOPER aertvrshi r pa LA.' IFOGIA. a auniclpul corporttim aT e peeutlm: n: : F r • yee 'h�_ y _ ti 5 t e. ♦yor sti S. ar Assists �•"'y '; YMi iLLCbael O'amurte. Tfte h•ttdait,' y every A. AUthelat, City er *Mt M1E101EVS SIFMIInE NEt RE NOTARIZED ;t A `+ i ti !- Y; 1 , s Ltn• or amom tDLV KA UcAOAaoD -r rm= Trz saltAll.B clusc4 to "t..r¢1.r'. con -) DeteDer, 1932 'y �' { 0 a, OAnt_ T19t1: Sa.� cqD*, .t'ID jT ' Iglnuertnq _ rig. loureoc. Tr Tzc o Cltr Dr. -in; Ao.• MUS W94 wt In.lnd2 terronc r.. for Ot•Itlni rttnit or p.Tenfot Gplaee• .or e.po.tt.. �V oo.TSre9alafysr r�cun �.' t roAT ry 1 212,AS2.)0 " - rA1nOT1L rtATOLYAACA MAO (LOOS) z12.5?0.00 J% UM AM PATatIAL SAD (MS) L 106.250.0D R;, rwuuAnlc IXSP=tm TA P C. i.PM1 enl• Gr. (t2L SCR=uw ,p emmu -AnOA MAD (am) S13so.00 A L. In. N nt nt •" a i•., t. fa. a To. 71, . .' n.1N •eeinren f.r. .a .1 •- . e e c ,. d ur 1 uN C2 S. r. L t9 , twertre w•ne.te r r• • e It Ub".. S.I. Q.IA Tm • 1 fe ) <en 1111 rn•M1I TDV • ♦ 111. n • c. a.n t• S. r, M V•t :fur L.O. • 1 • V•[• V vr�j •1. [A. -M1 •n B fP f Pr, pin G. [ ur G. •N ne.off if a0 A n avteerc A p• a 1 B 4 ••v G n Bt to Y • 1 n t V LOL! fONtr101 N. ra e fc true > eanoa lur. •cuN aktSiSVC[Sm LAfT _. 193.1)7.50 CMIMC CT COSTI 19314. �< Taw. N.9+r1== MS -3,_, 212,AS2.)0 " - rA1nOT1L rtATOLYAACA MAO (LOOS) z12.5?0.00 J% UM AM PATatIAL SAD (MS) L 106.250.0D R;, rwuuAnlc IXSP=tm TA `S9'12S•QO iw (t2L SCR=uw emmu -AnOA MAD (am) S13so.00 a J a r: v. ■ RESOLUTION NO. -ETr --,, =MR a S 3Zi cJ _ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO ' CIICAMONG.0, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT ECTENS10N AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT H0. 12040 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Extension A3reement executed on November 3, 1982 by The Mden Group as Developer, for the improvement of public right -of -way bdjacent to real troperty specifically described therein, and generally located at the northeast corner turner Avenue and Arrow Route; and WHEREAS, the installation of such impravenencs, described in said Improvement Extension Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said real property referred to as Tract No. 12040; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Extension Agreement Is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreemant. NON. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. California, that said Improvement Extension Agreement and said Improvement Security be and the same nru hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvument Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Cle.k to attest thereto. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 20th day of November, 1985. AYES: HOES: ABSE4T: on . r e s, ayar CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: November 20, 1985 ash T0: City Cou "cil and City Manager "'IM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Englreer BY: girds Beek, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: .ef of Improvement Agreemen- and Improvement Security for D. 95 -19 and 85 -20 located on the northeast corner of Civ +c Center fve and Utica Avenue, Lots 11 and 13 of Tract Ho. 12178 submitted by Forecast Mortgage Corp. 0. R 85 -19 and 85 -20 were approved by the Planning Comaissic en August 14, 1985. The Developer, Fore -::t Mortgago Carp., Is subm(ttiag an agreement and fo`lowing amounts: security to guarantee the construction of the off -site improvements in the Faithful Performance Bond: $7,1600500 S7,0DD.0p0 labor and Material Bone $3,8110.00 $3,500.00 RECOMIOMT1011 It is reconnended that the City Cocucil adapt the attached resolution approving D. R. 85-19 and 85 -20, accepting said agreement and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agree,--,At. Rasp ctPully subm tad, L ON: I� jaa Attachments ��.rhf�l#YAcY -4v!I �.GX�:•p[!`.''ti .� Y:ii.',(ax`t..� _ i~ CITY OF AARCMO CUCAMONGA IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT 1 FOR DR SS -19 6 20 AMOW ALL MEN 6T ThESC PAESIOTS That this airaemen! Is made and entered Into, In - 3afor:ance with the proms On$ of env Mun lc tpal Code and Regulations of the City of Reecho Cuamonga, State Of Callfarniw, A adnic1pal corporation. Aerelnafter r11 %Kr ad to as the City, by add between Said CI'y aid Carecast MatLeaalle C6rporattone ha +alnsfte+ r4re"00 to as -DeeTporr. the TRAY, WHEREAS, said Dove Ott• 4es,res SO develop rerlala real property in said City lac At" 0. [nw mr[hC+tt comer o/ CIVIC _ ran e_ Drive And 0tica, left If i ti of Trace (r IS. area YNEREAS, said Cite he: estabit +had certain reewtremints to be •,et by said Developer at 0. erenulstio to gr.ntin9 of final approval and WNEREAS, the ere :tt An of th't agreement and posting of implovemeor security at he+atnafter cited, add approved by the rity Attun,Oy, are deemed to ba equivalent to ,,,•r .a11 + I.•, a of said requir,44ats ter the P .. ofa of ftcurin• sold approval MOW, THEREFORE, It Is 111111)1 agreed It and between no lit/ and the aviloper as follawf I The 04.410pa, I.ervaj agreis to construct at developer's rip,'$, all IMDr o•enen•I de•rNbc, + aage d hVaef wit 'in 12 4ont11V 1104 ere date hereof 2 This tgrettent she 1 he effect Hr CI tht date Of no resolution Of it.. town C I tf said Cit) appraving this agreement. Thit agreement than bt 'n dLfautt On the day fo,low- Ing the first Annlver,ary data of said approval nnless an eaten. of time has bean ,rant:d by said rity as hva �aft4r erov'J. ad. 7. 111 06101,014+ May request additional [lost In which t0 camplmtt the provisions o/ this agreement, In writing no! :u2 than 10 days pr tar LO the de'em1t date, o.Od coqq a st atenant of alrcumstsnces of necessity far Addttl and CLe. In vsslden- time tied of Such rogues t, tho Cit. raaarves the right is +4vlaw the provif lens hereof, 1nClu4109 construction stanJards, do ft @sit4ate, red solff ctency of t.s Improvement security, end to require adjustments thei4t0 when warranted by fu bit. nl,a� cnanges there In d, :f the Developer Palls o- neglects to comply wit4 the traw/tlops it this agreement, the C'tY 24611 hart the right at any t, sit to ruse sale p-artslens to bs eoeple :ed by any jam . ful Means, and theremron to recover from said OaVtI OPer And /or his Surety the full cost aid uptnte incurred In so de ing, . Construction permits shall be ahtalhsd by the Tavel. Ober fro: 5 the office Of the City 09100tr prior t+ start of an> work within the public right -of -say, We tht delwloper 11,14111 - conduct such work In full COMP' :antc with the +t9ulations Sri contained theecin. Pon- OOOplfanee Jay result In saopp'09 of'the , work by the City, and assessment of the penalties provldoi. ..•a, CJ4: 6 Public right-of-way improveiant work reamired :hilt} be constructed In conforAanca wild approved improvement. plaAS,�� Standard Specifications, and Sundard Draw-ings and'any spa :lol;, a+ -x -9717 Base Lim -I' •,� •� d -`,Pa1Ktp taamod". CA 91731 r'3 •r 9 E. D R'v' Wet- 'P.q.'.[Up / A' r, �SLw��•.�k�']�'AI�3�S'1 °.+t _ "rr.+eA:irxi4l+. • w.w "Fs� r td «- L��"•.:': 7, ■ amendments thereto. Construction shall include any transitlon7 and /or other Incidental work deemed necessary for 4ralnate or public safety. Error or amnisslans discovered during coastvvc- tlon shell be corrected apon the direction of the City Engineer Revised work due to 5414 plan modifications shah be covered by the provisions of this agreement and secured 1y the surety covering the original planned works 7. York done within existing %truss shall he diligent. ly pursued to completion; the Cl ty shall 'lava the right to complete any and all work In the event Of u\JustlHed delay in completion, and to recover all cost and expense Incurred from the Developer and /or his contractor by any lawful means 9 The Developer shall be responsible for replacement. relocations. or - emoval of any component of any Irrigation water system in eonfli.t with the required work to the satisfantian of the City Engineer and the owner of the water system. 9. The Developer shall be responsible for removal of all loose rock and other debris from the public right -of -way. 10. The Developer shall plant and maintain parkway trees as directed by the Community Development Director 11. The bpr•ovewent security to be firnishod by the Developer to guarantee completion of the terms of thlt agreement $hall be subject to the approval of the City Attorney. The prin- 'pal amount of aid Improvement security shall not ba lets than tee amount $horn: 1 i - 1( le +r' ..el ] Y 'R,I.S:t L� :�14t 11tA+3 :'3�' :v�`IV1 hei2%'al�il �•�'ze ; +. � :;ti,; :T?`: :'.k. :r ?r• _ .,..�.�t,. •i FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE(2) Type: Principal Amount: S 7,600,00 CA 85 -1 7,000.00 OR ES -2 %a,, and address of surety: MATERIAL AND LABOR (2) type: Principal Amount: S 3.800.00 CA 85 -1 1,500.00 OR 85 -7 Rama and address of surety: CASH DEPOSIT MOIUMENTAtION Type: Principal Mount- N/A hue and address of surety: TO 51 POSTED PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE Of THE CITY IM WITNESS HEREOF, the part Hs hereto have caused these presants to be duly 118CUI ad and acknowledge with all foraall•les required by taw on the dates set f h o Ooslte thee' Signatures. Date ,n..l[ti� by raw Developer gna ure ,1<w.7 iN�. 0 r n a Date Ogg- by & g&ray wrl Developer na care 'CA Cwar✓.N Accepted: rity of Rancho Cucaaonga, California A Municipal Corporation By, _, Mayor AEtaat- tr Clark Approved: " -- Fit, s ernar_ Rv,rw 1 •• Dawnw��+ rMCnardlne ° JJ,, pt Hayrmbr a. IjaS awwew ar«npY„rry Neelwwlr '`'1 ewsrw +weee.wr enee_.p. Drovltl _r Joe Caraue ww,wreeew,wwwrwwrwNew �1 E Wee, «e✓ad•eeMewelrYhWYYMYyeaM-Y.— �y4 iy poraeent Merraege r� rwewaw«eerww,«rawweweawrwww I ww wew ewewwwa err+wre " ..'1 f,� Vhf.• ".44 ;- z. ., DJ lyn A. eve rc All • Y >� 5 "C` a d arr''�� ,aYi :�E;W�rk- µ •-y," la. � 6.4/ ` 7 ■ • • , CITY OF RAMQUO CUCAMONGA - ENGINEERIAG DIVISION EMCROAOMEIIT PERMIT FEE SCIIEDME .........L.." tat U R 12176 MOPE: Dais not Include mvrent fee for writing permit or Pavement deposits dam, N OMIT ITEM PRICE A40UMT L.F. D.C.C. Curb - 12• C.F 24• gutter 7.2S _ L.F. P.C.C. curb - 6• C.F 24• gutter 6.00 L.R. P.C,C, cure only 5.50 L.F A.C. parts 4,50 S.F. a• P.C.C. sidewalk 1.75 7777cu- ___ S.F Drive approach 2.50 - "760:VT S.F 80 P.C.C. cross gutter (inc. cure) 3.40 C.Y. Street excavation I.SO C Y. Ieported emoanknent 1.50 S.F. Preparation of sub rare 0.15 S.F. Crashed agg. Due spar inch thick) 0.01 TM A.C. (aver 1100 tons) 27 00 l.xo.00 G. Adjust sewer 0aMOli to grade 250.00 U. Adjust sewer clean cut to grade 150.00 CA. Adjust water valves to grade 75.00 T EA. Street lights low 00 L.F. esrrICadss (Intersec. $500 min) 1,00 L.F. 2 a a• redwood hetdar 1.75 _ S.F. Amoval of A.C. pavemant 0.35 _ L.F Reaoval of P.C.C. are 1,10 L.F. Rcwval of A.C. berm 1.00 EA. Street signs 200.00 EA. Reflectors and posts 35.00 L.F. Concrete bloat wall 25.00 S.F. Retaining wall 20.00 TOM Aggregate bass 7.00 C.Y. Cenarate structures 425.00 _ L.F. 16• RCP (2000 0j 29.00 L,P, 24• A D (1500 0) 35.00 L.F. 36• RCP {12000 0 49.00 L.F. 48• RCP 1200 0 76.00 U. Cattle basin V • a- 2000.00 EA. Catch basin u . B- 2SOD.00 -1- EA. Catch again Y • 22' 4500.00 EA. Local depression V 500.00 EA. tae) depression 12' 1000.00 EA. Junction structure 5000.00 EA. Outlet structure, Std 2506 1500.00 �- EA. Outlet structure, Std 0501 500,00 U. Guard posts 40.00 L.F. Guard Panel (wood) 25.00 L.F. Sawcut 2.00 FA. Headwall (a8• wing) 4000,00 L.F. Redwood header 1.73 t_yloo S.F. Landtcaplapp t Irrigation 2.7. L.F. Roll curb {P,C,C,) 7,50 ENGIREERINO 1ASPECTICM FEE SUB TOTAL ' _ •RESTORATION /DELIMEATIOM CASH CONTINGENCY COSTS f„r OEPOSIT IRE HUNLE) FAtTNM, PEgFORNSIICE SOHO (IOOS) MOIWERTATIOR %RE;T (CAM) LABOR AND MATFRIA BOMO (505)' !PUr =t to L 4 Of Rancho Docwma Mun(etdal Ccdo. Title 1_ rha.ter I.nA_ r l.xo.00 r� 9 t. t,p",tment: r, C11T OF RANC110 =a,414,4 SNGIKEERING DIVISION S ENCRONLIPIENT PEntdlf FEE SGIEDLLE PpFEi jots mitto 1Pzv�c deposits p ur ttng 'arm S1B TOTAL tMINEERIIIG INSPECTION FEE CONTINGENCY COSTS (133) •RESTORATIGNTDELIbU110N CAV FAITHFUL PEPFOPAOICE BOND (1 A2+. ;, DEPOSIT (REFUNDABLE) LABOR AND NAYERIAL'BOMO (501 xrr .lC' MONtSRNTATiCR SURETY GASH) A a PRICE m10N? UAMITr OMIT ITEM 7 25 L.C. P.C.C, curb - 12• C. 20• gutter B• C.F. 24• gust S'ro L.F. L.F - P,C.G. cure 5.50 A.0 C. enlY 4,50 ,_.- -- L.F. - S.F. A.C. Cain m 1.55 4• P.C.C. sidewalk 2.50 .55- S.F. Dr1ca approach 3,40 S. P.C.C. cross gutter (Inc curt) S.F. C.Y, 1.50 Street extension 1.50 C.I. Imorted etbinkment 0.15 S.F. Preparation of sub rada 0.03 Inch thick) S.F Crushed 499• We Par 27.00 1300 tons) TOY TOM A.C. a•er 35.00 A,C. OU to 17110 Cana) 45.00 WA A.C. 500 t" 900 tons) 60.rA �- TON A.C. ender 500 toss) 0.55 S F. -�- S.F. A.C. 3• thick) 1.75 Patch A.C. ltrcnsh) 0.17 S.F 1• thick A.C. Oetrl4Y manhole to grade EA . Adjust serer Adjust star Mina. Out to grade 1250.50 75.00 EA. EA. 013mt Water mire to grad• 1000 00 --� EA. L.f, Street lights 1,00 Barricades tinte-sec. 5500 min) 1 75 L.F 2 A a• redwood Leader 0.35 _ -,F Ramcal of A.C. Pavement 3.30 curb ate.eo X72- L.F 'emo`a1 of p.C.0 7.00 R Oval Of A.C. berm 200,06 �- L.F EA. Street sills 35.00 Reflectors and posts 25 Olt F.A. Concreta black Wall 20,00 Retaining Wall 7,00 .�-- nk Rlgrc9ata base 425.00 C.Y. an etc Itrvcturas 29.00 L.F. l . PCP (2040 Oj 35.00 L.F • 0.Cp {111500 0 49.00 L,F. 35• RCP 2060 0 76.00 L.F FA. as. 0.Cp 1200 0 2000,00 Catty basin W a' 2900.00 EA. Catty basin W • 8' 4500.07 • 22` �SIAC6D- _ EA. •--�' EA. at bast" N 500.00 LOW 419 union 4• 1000.00 EA. La..I depression 12` 5000.00 �- _ EA. 0wrctlan structun 1500.00 outlet ttncture. std 4505 500.00 ` �iO•0° EA. �I -• EA• outlet structun. stn p507 40.00 �'- EA, --� L.F. guard posts MOO Euard 9 ene1 twood) �- L.F. L. �- .F arcet 4000.00 7i m,"all (46• ring) 1. , L.I. Redwood header 2.T5 B Irrigation 3 ate. r a ice_ S.F. LendSCAPinyy 7.50 L.F. Roll Cum (P,C.C.) .� S1B TOTAL tMINEERIIIG INSPECTION FEE CONTINGENCY COSTS (133) •RESTORATIGNTDELIbU110N CAV FAITHFUL PEPFOPAOICE BOND (1 A2+. ;, DEPOSIT (REFUNDABLE) LABOR AND NAYERIAL'BOMO (501 xrr .lC' MONtSRNTATiCR SURETY GASH) A a RESOLUTION NO. 141- 28-868 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RkNCH0 CUCPMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 85 -19 AND 85 -20 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, ralifornia, has for its consideration To Improvement Agreement executed on November 20, 1985, by Forecast Mortgage Corp„ as developer, for the improvement of public right -of -way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the northeast corner of Civic Center Drive and Utica Avenue, Lots 11 and 13 of Tract No. 12176; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, 'escribed in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conji,nction with the development of said real property as referred to Planning Commnis.'on, Development Rev;. 85 -19 and 85 -20; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said improvement Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that said Improvement Aareement and said improvement Security be and the same are hereby approve rid the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. -� PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 20th day of November, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: won T.-ff a s, ayor ATTEST: Beverly A. Authelet-,-Ury-ZT&FT 0 a •4 DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF'V.N '.10 CUCAMONGA STkfi F REPORT n ''1 < g November 20, 1985 1977 City Council and City Manager Lloyd 0. Nubbs, City Engineer john L. Kirtin, Assistdnt C" Engine-er Street Naae Change from 7t- is .tm Street hetweer. Rochester and Etiwanda Avenues The section of realigned 6th Strop• east of Milliken Avenue presently intersects 7th Street at Rochester Avenue. There has arisen some confusion regarding this four -way intersection and the continWy of street alig:rxnts (see sketch). There are presently two buildings vhich use a 7th Street address, both are presently unoccupied. The owners have been contacted and have no objection to the name change, RECM44 MMTIDX It is recommended that Council adopt the attached resolution, prepared by the City Attorney, approving the subject street name change of 7th Street to 6th Street between Rochester Avenue aid Etiwanda Avenue. Respectfully subm tted S� 11T LBH:J e Attachments . ,9r r, kyti „err, CITY OF RANCHO C.'C\ \10XGA I.� } ENGI' EERING DINISIOV a_�3, VI,CI%11TY MAP 1. y� q RESOLUTION NO. f- 9- 20.e4R- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY x RANCHO CUCAMONGA FINOItiG THAT THE HARE OF A STREET SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH HEREINAFTER SHOULD BE CIWiGED AND DESIKITING A NEW NAME FOR SAID STREET A. Recitals. M California Government Code Section 34091.1 provides, to pertinent part, as follows: "Whenever the legislative body finds that the existing na *e of any city street should be changed, the legislative body may adopt a resolution designating a name for, or change the name of, such street." reference isia mmap aindicatingfthe sl cationtofAthat certainpstreet ocatcd 1n the City of Rancho Cucamonga presently named 7th Street (hereinafter referred to in this resolution as "said street -), along 6th Street, east of Milliken Avenue, 6thiStreet noes intgersects activities with said street at Rochester Avenue. ( of street nam es l eswithin e desire this y Council to the City of RanchoCucamongaIn maintain order to continuint y confusion with respect to street names. have occurred. All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution B. Resolution. r NOW, THEREFORE, be it found, determined and resolved as follow:: 1. In all respects as set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution. 2. This Council hereby finds that the ex +sting none of said ' street should be changed w .th Street. a 3. The name of said street hereby is ch.,nged from 7th Street to 6th Street. /% i �.j.✓ -fly g r i '7 Y _1 2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Novembar 20, 1985 TO: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion Tract No. 12305 - located at the Northeast corner of Hellman & 19th DEVELOPER: Charles Roy Construction, Inc. 3401 -A East Chapman Orange, California Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Road) $24,000.00 The read improvements for rict 12305 have been completed in accordance with the approved plans and it is recommended that Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and autnorize the City Clark to release the Faithful Performance Bcnd in the amount of 324,000.00. Res ectfuily su witted, LSH:bc ■ r 1 RECORDING REOIILM ST: CITE Of RA" COTi7FR,.1 7. 0. Boa $07 RVvhQ Cudetnnga. California 91730 WHM RECOROEII HAIL TO: CITI CLERK CITY if M1rot0 Ct1CAMMA F. 0. Boa 807 Rantht Cucamonga, Calffmnla 917,0 NOTttE Of C014KETioa NOTICE Is REREBT cim THAT, 1. The understgnod ti N omcr of an Intarett of site a in it* IhorolnKtS described reel property, the net" of Well fntoult r Wkta TRACT 12306 UXM CI CMMGA tuyj20.'Ba� Line Road. F! 0.�kA �, �e`1s� CI�AgOF altf.mfa 91730. 3. On the 20th day of Roreeber, 1985, ifxre ,, Cv;leted on the �r Nrofnafter described rest property the tort of IagoseaNnt set farm fn the CeutrKt dooaents fef: TRACT IZYv, A. IN name of it* 01191nal contractor for the tort of leororeaot as a ,kale ns: CIME5 ROT CO SMLICTICN, UIC. s. The roil yrcocrty referred to herein Is situated fn the City of Rancho Cofoax"9a, touaty of see Bernardino, Wifomil, end ft described of fol lm: NORTHEAST CCRM Of K LUN AYENOE R 1918 s1RER 1 City O VJCW CLGVIONGA, a oamfcfpal corporation, cx, r •— _ or s. y eery Z- ^w�;jY. �ppq ` �,. t>KS.rH_. JAt 4\wi• 7 _ +,1 .I•r, 3\ i a v= i i' 1 t i RESOLUTION NO.—Ell -20 -0511 CUCANONGAION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO F09 TRACT.12 05FANDIAAUTHORIEZING THE 71LINGPUBLIC OFIAPNOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 12305 have been ccmpleted to the satisfaction or the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required M be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to s 4n and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of So Bernardino County. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 20th day o•' November, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: —Tcn a s, ayor ATTEST: Beverly A. Autholet, City Cle.k 1, BEVERLY A. AUTHELET, C11Y CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, - California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution w;; duly passed, apregular (sPeciai Council of the said City Ccun 11 helduon�thea20th day of November, 1985. Executed 'his 20th day or November, 1985 at Rancho Cucamonga, California. t - e .,• aa' ,# Beverly A. AUthelet. MyyeerV ' 'i;i • .? 40 . CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT c 4 DATE: November 20, 1985 U f T0: City Council FR08: Lauren N. Nasaarman City Manager �.,,,y� SUU]ECT: Creating Pcsitioa Director of Administrative Sarvic.s It is racom nded that the City Council approvo a minor reorganisation of city rasponsibilities. AS Council is Were, L:e City has a need, for a Risk Manager as yell as a Director of Fiance. It is recommended that the rev clasciflcacion of Administrative Services Director be approved and cr••t the position of nlrector of Finance ea eliminated. It is anticipated that the rosponsibilicias of the Administrativa Servicat Director mill seclude at a minimum: a. Managencot of finance responsibilities as previously assigned to the Director o_" Finance b. Risk manegoment and insurance program mana2emaat C. Administration of employee safety program It is probable coat as tiae pones, the respousibi l f ties may be increased as our naLds change. It is nticipataA that the salary range for the Dirr -tor of Finaaca so it LW asiat■ is a: .uste therefore, no adjustment in salary is recommended at this tine. ZY&WIIa.DATI7N. It is recommended that the City Council approve the crea- �{ tion of a nw classification, Director of Adsdaistrativa Ssnicus, and that the clan ificat on, Director of Finance, be eliminated. ?' LMYsbea � ���� ' ` ) � U0. � /� k \`. � g U0. � /� k \`. � g J "'ll, k. - -14,79 .4 4 =' .. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ' APPROVING THE APPLICATION AND THE RWECT AGREEMENT FOR HISTORIC PRISERVATICI' GRANTS -IN -AID FUNDS FOR THE HISTORIr RESOURCES SURVEY PROJECT. WHEREAS, the United States Congress under Pu'olie Law 89 -665 has authorised the establishment of a Hationil Historic Pressrvatton Grants- in-Aid Pregram, providing matching fonds to the State of Calif.rnia and its political subdivisions for historic preservation, survey, plarming, development and ° acquisition projectst and WHEREAS, the California State Department of Parks and Recreation is responsible for the administration of th! program within the State, 4 establishing necessary rules sad procodures goverraw application by local agencies under the Progreso and WHEREAe, said adopted procedures establishcd by the c Ate Department of Parks and Racreation require the applicant to certify by resolution the approval ct ayol!cationa and the availability of local matching funds prior to aubmisaion of saic applications to tho State) NOW THEREFORE, WC IT R35OLVED that the City Cauncll of the City of Rancho Cucamenga herbyt 1. ApprOVne the filing i.f an application for the National Historic Presorvatic, Craats- iu -Ai.! "xistanee for the Historic Resources survey projccto ani 2. appoints the Director of Community Services or his authorized designee as agent of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to coordinate, process and execute all contracts, agreements, amendments and e ancillary documents within the scope at the attached application, and J. Agrees that all required local matching, funds will be provides for the project. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED. this 20th day of November, :985. AYES. HOPS$ : ABSENT, ATTES':'! Beverly A. Authelet, City Clark r` 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA STAFF RRPORri DATE: November 20, 1985 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner SY: Curt Johnstcn, Associate Planner SUBJECT: RESOLUTION OF DENIAL FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 85 -04F XVEWUT_-9SUMTES request to amend the General an an se p rom Heavy industrial to General Industrial on 45.6 acres of land, located at the southeast corner of Arroe Highway and Rochester Avenue - APN 229- 121-01, 14, 19, 21 through N. BACKGROUND: The above - described General Plan Amendment was reviewed at t e Novi er 6, 1985 City Council meeting and determined to be inappropriate. Staff was directed to prepare the attached Resolution of Denial for formal adoption by the City Council. Respectfully subWte Brad Buller City Planner BB:CJ:ns Attachment ~ �Q S f V j�NT.1 • tY : VJ w vt RESOLUTION NO. 8S -300A t A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 85 -04F - ROCHESTER AVENUE ASSOCIATES, REQUESTING AN ;,MENOMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA GENERAL PLAN rRON HEAVY I1IDUSTRIAL TO GENERAL INDUSTRIAL ON 45.6 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ARROW HIGHWAY AND ROCHESTER AVENUE - APH 229 - 121 -01, 14, 19, 21 THROUGH 26. WHEREAS, the Planning Coamission held a duly advertised public hearing on September 25, 1985 to consider all comments on the proposed General Plan Amendment No. 85 -04F; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly advertised public hearing to conflder all comments on the proposed General Plan Amendment No. 85 -34F; SECTION l: The Rancho Cucamonga City Council cannot make tLa following m ngs: A. The Amendment does not craflict with the Land Use Policies of the General P'an. B. The Amendment promotes coals of the Land Use Element. O C. The Amendment would not be materially injurious or detrimental to the aijacent properties. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rancho Cucamonga City Council hereby denies General Plan Amendment Mo. 85 -04F. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this * day of *, 19*. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: on D. a s, r ATTEST: ever UY u e et, yMerTc ck r iG� d , 3: DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: u CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT November t0, 1985 Mayor and Members of the City Council Brad Buller, City Planner Dino Putrino, Assistant Planner �O_)CA o -3 1977 TIME EXTENSION FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 11997 APPEAL - LANDCO - custom lot su v s on o 19 lots on 9.75 acres o and in the Very Low Residential District located an the southeast corner of Hillside Road and Beryl Street - APN 1061- 621 -01 I. BACCGROUND: On October 26, 1983, the Planning Commission approved en ii L{ve Tract 11997 for a period (,f two years to expire on August 26, 1985. On September 25, 1985, the Planning Commission denied a two -year extension request for Tentative Tract 11997 based on subdivision design. 11. ANALYS•S: A. General: The applicett is appealing the Planning Commission's d ec -ism of denial for the two -year time extension request. The Planning Commission raised concern with the lot sizes and the lots fronting onto Beryl Street. The approved average lot size (20,250 square feet) does not meet the current Development Code required average lot size of 22,500 square feet (adopted December 1983), thus, the average lot size is substandard by approximately 2,250 square feet. The Commission also raised concern with the possible unsafe traffic situation due to the configuration of seven (7) lots fronting onto Beryl Street. The Planning Commission feels tbtiat the potential traffic conflict between the increased access from these seven (7) lots and the day to day and future traff:c on Beryl Street is an unsafe condition. A redesign of the trart map was suggested ny the Planning Commission to order to address the above concerns III CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertized as a public hearing n—TF- ily iFeport newspaper, the property posted and notices were sent to property owners within 300 feet of the project site. IV. RECO?DIENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Covncil uphold the an_n ni g Eamission decision, thereby denying Tentative Tract 11997 Time Extension Appeal based on the substandard subdivision design. t• m .. is V .i r 93 er� €; CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT g. TT 119P7 - LANDCO : }` November 20, 1985 Page 2 ; Respectfully s xnitt , Brad Buller City Planner ti a 88:OP:ko Attachments: Exhibit •A° - Location Map ` Exhibit 08• - Tract Map September 25, 1985 Planning Commission Staff Report September 25, 1985 Planning Commission Minutes October Planning ' October 26, 1983 Planning Commission Minutes Affidavit•of Mailing m .. is V .i r 93 er� aw• I _ r A M•1 AIM I- 0 A • 71 t�t] • I.I•N hwN i r LwrR�I YOY( t • \ I i .! t�DRCy CITY Or TT ►ra,l ;RAxaiD CLY'AM0�rGA �- I�g47 TTrtEl PLAT \TANG DIVLSM EYHIMTS "A° »,t SCpLDITS J n N •.nn F« — •l•t• l0 Ml I I i IMA 0 /ll.1l �.V..V •• � 1 1 I 1 • I I •' i `sb/ YI 1 is S � R • •' 1 � aio Y. 1{ M J 1 - 1 • `t � R r� i. 91.ID� 1 •Wry. ^..•t, • .veu.w r.ln ..... ti-a lam Nom CITY 01 RANCHO CL'CA.M0, \'GA Tnu, 4 a C CITY OF RANCHO CUrAbIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 25, 1985 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Jack Lam, AICP, Community Development Director BY: Dino Putrino, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: TIME EXTENSION FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 11997 - LANDCO - A custom lot subdivision of ots on 9.7S acres of and in the Very Low Residential District located on the southeast corner of Hillside Road and Beryl Street APN: 1601- 621 -01 I. BACKGROUND: On October 26, 1983, the Planning Commission approved entat ve ract 11997 for a period of two (2) years, to expire on October 26, 1985. II. ANALYSIS: The applicant is requesting a two (2) year time exte�un for Tentative Tract 11997 due to economic reasons. The Planning Commission may grant up to thirty -six months or time extension, not to exceed five (5) years from the original approval Ate. The approved plans and conditions of approval were reviewed for consistency with the current development standards of the City of Ranchn Cucaaonga DeveioPWn-FZ'ode. The only inconsistency is that approved lot sizes average 20,250 square feet. The current Development Code lot size standards require a minimum net lot size of 20,000 square feet and a minimum net average of 22,500 square feet; thus, tha average lot sizes are substandard by approximately 2250 square feat. The San Bernardino' County Flood Control District required an additional 14,338 square foot of dedication that resulted in the loss of lot area. Durino the original review process Staff recommended that greater variation in lot width and size be required. This would have most likely resulted in a loss of one lot. In response, the Comrisslon approved the tract with conditions requiring variations in building layouts, such as side and front entry garages, variable setbacks and architectural variety (see October 26, 1983 Minutes). Q ITEM 8 Y PLANNING COMMISSION TOFF REPORT 25, 1985, l September IT 11997 - Landco Page 2 C 'a III. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of a two (2) year time ez11t--ension 20 October 26, 1987. Respert ully suW tted, Community Development Director JL:DP:das Attachments: Letter from Applicant Exhibit W - Location Map Exhib :t 'B" - Approved Tract Map Resolution No. 83 -135 with ccndition Resolution of Time Extension Approval IF i r 1 ,s'� 97 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman f out requested an amendment to page 10 of the July 10, 1985 Planning - Commission meeting to reflect that the school districts prefer to have screening which does not lend Itsel' to graflttl. - ` Motion: Moved by McNiel, seconded by Stout, carried, to approve the July 10„ 1985 Planning Commission Minutes as amended. Commissioners Barker and Chitiea abstained from voting because they were not in attendance at that meeting. Commissioner Chitiea requested the following additions to the August 0, 1985 Minutes: page 7, 7th paragraph to include the statement "Commissioner Chitlea considered the feasibility of substituting a landscape barrier in lieu of a block wall; and to page 14, 3rd- pparagraph, to include the statement "Commissioner Chitiea asked Mr. Garnella of Central School District if an architectural firm had been selected and whether the design would be similar to any other school in the district". Motion: Moved by Barker, seconded by McNiel, carried, to r-prove the August 14, 1985 Plannina Commission Minutes as amended. a • r • a CONSENT CALENDAR A. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 84 -38 - FOREM - Review of outdoor /indoor employee luncheon area. . B. TIME EXTENSION FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 11997 - LANDED - A custom lot SUb v s ono i ots on acres of .an n t e ery Low Residential District located on the southeast corner of Hillside Road and Beryl Street - APN 1061- 621 -01. C. TIME EXTENSION FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 11932 - EJL - A proposed custom lot subdivision o acres o an m e Low Residential District (2 -4 du /ac) into ten (10) lots located on the north side of Finch Avenue, west of Haven Avenue and south of Highland Avenue - APN 202 - 191,15. Chairman Stout requested the removal of ifem "BI for discussion. Motion: Moved by Chitiea, seconded by Barker, to adopt items A and C of the Consent Calendar. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CHITIEA, BARKER, MCNIEL, STOUT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ° ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL - carried i Planning Commission Minutes -2- September 25, 1985 ov 1 i•- 8. Time Extension for Tentative Tract 11P91 - Landco Chairman Stout stated hu voted against this project in the beginning because be • the lots fronting on Beryl create an unsafe situation; therefore, would not in favor of an extension. ' Commissioner BarW agreed and further stated that across the street is a park - which added to his concern with the design of this project. Commissioner McHiel agreed that there is a traffic problem, but was concerned ' that a tremendous amount of wall is being constructed along 3eryl and was more opposed to walling -in the street than having the lots front on Beryl. the than the standard be app and felt aeredesignaoftthedproject would opriate�.11er Motion: Moved by Stout, seconded by Chitiea, to deny the time extension for 'tentative Tract 11997 Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: STOUT, CHITIEA, BARKER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: MCNIEL ABSENT: COMVISSIONERS REMPEL -t. tied PUBLIC HEAPINGS Commissioner Rempel arrived 7:10 p.m. Chairman Stout announced that the following items were related and would be heare concurrently by the Ccmmission: ASSMND PARCEL MAP 9409 - DAON CORPORATION - A single D. ENVIRONMENTAL SSEENT A parce o acres o iana suumitted for condominium purposes in the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7) located on Arrow Route between Utica Avenue and Red Oak Street - APN 208- 622 -05. E. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESStit .4T AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 85 -37 - DAON CORPORATION - norin hase eve opmer.c�' g t n ustr a con an n umY: ocat °ereSe side of Arrow Route bet-hben Utica and Red Oak on 2.tN in Industrial Park (Subarea 7). Joe Stofa, Associate Civil Engineer, review.�d the Parcel Map staff report. Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner, reviewed the Development Review • *aff report. Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. s' Planning Commission Minutes -3- September 25, 1985 � • .� KKitt r' s 1, - -- CITY OF RANCHO CUCLIONGA c�GS�a STAFF REPORT •� '�,, CJ Li 3 P Z U, 1S DATE: October 26, 1903 19'7 TO: Chairman and Members of the Pla::ning Com.laston FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Frank Dreckman, Assistant Planner _ SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AMD TENTATIVE TRACT 11997 - cus om o res en a su v son Of ots s on acres of land in the R- 1- 20,000 zona located on the southeast corner of Hillside Road and Beryl Street - > APN 1061- 621 -01. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: i� A. Action Re vested: The applicant is requestinV approval of a en at ve ractmap for the above - described tfo act. s B. Purpose: To create 19 single family lots i C. Location: Southeast corner of Hillside Road and Beryl Street D. Parcel Size: 9.75 acres C.1 F. Existing Zoning_, R -1- 20,070, Single Family Residential " §, F. fExlsting Land Ilse: Vacant parcel 1°. G. Su"oundinq Lard Use and Zoning: or - 5ingle Family 4estaential. zoned R- 1- 20,000 i South - Vacant Parcel, zoned R -1- 20.000 East - Single Family Residential, zoned R -:- 20,000 Nest - Vacant parcel, zoned P -1- 20,000 ;. H. General Plan Designations Project to - eryLow Re'sfdenttat, less than 2 du /ac North - Very Lox Residential, less than 2 du /ac South - Very Low Residential, less than 2 du /ac East - Flood Control Corridor West - Heritage Park I. Site Characteristics: The project site consists of a 9.75 acre 4 -1 parcel used as a vineyard. The site slopes uniformly from F`T north to south at approximately an B percent grade. Presently there are no existing structures located on the site. - e ITEM N <k _ PLANNING COMISSIOC fAFF REPORT Tentative Tract 11997 /Landco October 26, 1983 Page 2 It. ANALYSIS: A. General: The applicant is requesting review and approval for ih-e—ldevelopment of a 19 lot single family residential subdivision of 9.75 acres of lano located at the southeast corner of Beryl and Hillside Streets (Exhibit 'A'). The project has been submitted as a custom lot /tract subdivision, thus precise dde111n3 unit locatio•, or designs are not required. 4owever, should the applicant decide to develop this tract, precise designs will be required to be approved by the Design Review Committee and Planning Commission Presently, the project as proposed indicates that all lot sizes are a uniform 20,000 square feet (Exhibit 'B'). Project density equates to 1.95 dwelling units per acre. General Pler density (Very Low) allows for a maximum density if less than too dwelling units per acre. Access to the project will be provided via Eastwood Avenue which extends southerly into the tract from Hillside Ruad. In addition, various lots fronting the western portion of tre site (facing the proposed Heritage Park) will gain access via Beryl Street. B. Desi n Review Committee: The design Review Committee was generally D easewi i�E:e subdivision design and indicated That the present front -on lot configuration adjacent to Beryl Street is priferr ' over other configurations. Staff still has some concern over the subdivision design and would like to mate them known to the Commission. Although the overall lot orientation and street design is satisfactory, there is no variation to lot size or width. In the past, thv Commission, has tried to achieve some variations in tract subdivisions .in order to dilute the 'tract look'. The lots along Beryl Street are the same width, 92.6 feet, and just barely 20,000 square feet in area. This tract design has provided the absolute ,aaxtmu^ number of lots that could be created in this zone and as a result the rural and non -tract look intended for this area of town 1s not achieved. Staff recommends that the Camission give serious consideration to requesting the applicant to modify the design to incurporate more lot width variations and sizes. This would most likely W. result in the loss of one lot. If the Commission moves in this �- direction, we would ieconmtnd continuance to the following meeting to allow the resubmission of the revised design prior �• ' to approval. n PLANNING C"6SIGL TAFF REPORT f - Tentative Tract 11997 /Landco 1 October 26, 1983 Page 3 °y k4a'- C. Development Riew Committee: The Development Review Committee was pr mar y evconcerne with slope protection and recommended that slope protection aid channelized improvements be required contiguous to lots 14, 15, and 16 in order to assure flood control protection. In addition, the Development Review Committee recommended the installation of full street improvements along Beryl Street, P.iliside Road, and the newly created Eastwood Avenue. Improvements will include curbs, gutters, pavement, drive approaches, and landscaping where appropriate. D. Growth Nana ement Committee: The project has been reviewed by t��row management committee and has been assessed a total of 35.7 points under the Residential Assessment Syftp�m, thus exceeding the threshold limit and can be considered by the Planning Commission for approval. E. Trails Committee: The Trails Committee has reviewed the Tint—ative su v lion map and recommended that the 10 -foot equestrian trail adjacent to the southerly property line be extended to Beryl Street. This action will allow for (1) , increased police surveillance, and (2) equestrian accessibility to the future equestrian - oriented park (Keritage Parkl located to the west, F. Grading Committee: Cue to the nature of the project, a custom o tram. su v sion, grading will be minimal consisting primarily of street grading. Dwelling units with related building pads will not be provided with this development. The Grading committee approved the conceptual grading plan Subject to appraval of a final grading plan and all requirements for custom lot subdivisions. 0: Environmental Review: Part I of tha Initial Study has been cow eted by Me applicant. Staff completed the Environmental Checklist and found .o significant adverse environmental impacts related to the development of the proposed subdivision. If the Commission concurs with these findings, issuance of a Negative Declaration would be appropriate. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: r•-is Item has been advertised for public hearing an end vir•onme—nlal review in The Dail Re art newspe the property posted, and not aces worn son a property owner. within 300 feet of the project site. To date, 'lo cm respondence has been received either for or against the project. ? .Rj PLANNING C"ISSI0( JAFF REPORT l Yr+T Tentative Tract 11997 /Landco q "'•` October 26, 1983 J " Pave 4 •'s - yl V. RECO}CiENOATION: it is recommended that the Planning Commission " con uc-t a public hearing to consider public input and elements of �+ the project. If after such consideration the Commission concurs with the findings and - onditions of approval as recommended, adoption of the attached Resolution with conditions would be , appropriate. • Resp tfully submitted, Rick God City Planner ^ 1 RG:FO:jr Attachments: Exhibit •A• - Location Map Exhibit •B• - Site Plan Exhibit •C• - Grading Plan a Initial Study, Part I Resolution of Approval Sri 'r .:f r I �L ✓i it yr`r,,:�Le ?13 W. a•"-"�"Fic �YYSi'.iQfh 4iL•A�Kn.J R�.� �''i' S _ r -efl. C RESOLUTION NO. 83-135 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COK41SSION OF THE CITY OF M RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT HAP NO. 11997 WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Nap No. 11997, hereinafter •Map" submitted by Landco Development, applicant, for the purpose of subdividing the real property situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of Sar. Bernardino, State of California, described as a custom lot residential subdivision into 19 lots, regularly came before the Planning Commission for public hearing and action on October 26, 1983; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has recommended approval of the Hap subject to all conditions set forth in the Engineering and Planning Division's reports; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission h, recd and considered the Engincering and Planning Division's reports and ua: considered other evidence presented at the public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does resolve as follows; SECTION 1: The Planning Commission makes the following findings In regard to enTv—e Tract No. 11997 and the Nap thereof: (a) The tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan and specific plans; (b) The design or improvements of the tentative tract Is consistent with the General Plan and specific plans; (c) The site is physically suitable for the type of dexaloptent proposed; (d) The design of the subdivision is rot likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; (e) The tpnt,dive tract Is not likely to cause serious p:+11 health, problems; (f) The design of _he tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now 'of record, for access throe3h or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. (g) That thls project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and a Negative Declaration is issaed. (h) The final design of the development shall include variations In building layouts that will include such things as side and front entry garages. variable setbacks, and various architectural treatments. r� Resolution No. 83 -139?. Page 2 SECTION 2: Tentative Tract Map No. 11997, a copy of ghicM is i -' attached attached Ss hereby ytondroved subject to all of the following conditions a _ PLANNING DIVISION 1. equestrian be extended s d to Beryl Street for the purpose of equestrian access and police protection purposes. ENGINEERING DIVISION 2. Adequate slope protection and /or channelized improvements will be required along the easterly property lion to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and County Flood Control. 3. All lots or circular type drivewayysquired to have APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26Th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1983. 'camisSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA s Motion: loved by Retpel, seconded by M1NL01, carried, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the lesolution up6roving tentative tract 11997 with a .. _ _...I __ -. ..-..0 .n... ♦111 mntstiens in AYES: CO?0=IOHzRS: NOES: CoMI.SSIOHERS: ABSENT: CIXLHISSIONERS: Chairman Stout voted M:s for Planning Commission Minutes RFNPEL, MCNIEL, BARKER, JUAREZ STOUT NONE -carried :revio-,j3ly stated reasons. .1 _16- October 26, 1983 j -k33 ?ins .s s' 'r 3=.k 1=9 s38 M a3 3=8$ Mg3 ;s: s €; "! a& 3: Ni _,� ;e ie 3S s. IEEE �5: rev =3is s Lsk `3 r: - ai x =e a.y gee r _e -aII 9s'= az �. y aIIs i - 3 =a- it 11M RE' se A: sE =?k ee'a -s �3: i 3 _ cc J°�� �; `II Yg. k g �.Fk EYRS d^ �� E1E8 z:3s r s .e 38 t . ❑:s <k i cs 114 n32 S.sa a e �9f I = i IIe � eo i 851 M $ e.; -: �4xRx Sx OS� 3A k� 5i. .. ti'" FAQ ; 54 =kB 0?2� a3 =2 da xe Bas Ag _L a? 6A3 Iie - zz = a3-a- 710 X093 �:i Ea �° �s 8g3 �• 'A t� M y m 0 O �Y 9g d E SEEE 3 ' sYi �C =r t e 3 s 353s L SE [�. -r s^ Eg =<Z3 .r -T 5 =a: :.s JET eB 1 +I � oil � SCE �_ oEE'��S•Fe 8r AC y�yE =�ll a -3 •$ 3 ?2'�33SEYL BUZZ 9�Yd ^3 E$-a 3+ 7�Y gE � ;esYx� �g8 �8 a E 5• e 7r3rga- E��i�s= r °y cc Cr !c �Eu, Eag•'� ,9$3 fled+ B "��55 3�yy ya a = ° =F - 3 r3 j328s? far' ar3':r °=j all; n3o`s�i ani MM: :i3S � y y 3 3 3 a sit ea a EB -3 9 j lip. s l� _ b v =s a -.Cg is Iz iE3y 3 =3- ay 1% -3 s i2 ��3 Ts &' as YS_S • .0 SCE �_ oEE'��S•Fe 8r AC y�yE =�ll a -3 •$ 3 ?2'�33SEYL BUZZ 9�Yd ^3 E$-a 3+ 7�Y gE � ;esYx� �g8 �8 a E 5• e 7r3rga- E��i�s= r °y cc Cr !c �Eu, Eag•'� ,9$3 fled+ B "��55 3�yy ya a = ° =F - 3 r3 j328s? far' ar3':r °=j all; n3o`s�i ani MM: :i3S � y y 3 3 3 a sit ea a 9 lip. F =s a 3 aB 9 Q ::1 'si a!E- Ts &' as YS_S • .0 ,• • LJ I m 3 T ' •Ya 3 i9 e3aFgsa S; -a£a za i E- a 3+' a_o 3sYES y E N qtr ?�g� a 3?aSt a5 3; Jun Ets; 23E`as = 3z g3S11 pi �te is R an it s 6 a s -'air js g a "- .'.?x.`7 PaS`d':s§? x S$r .ia =9 y9� as a$ 3 g��gyy99E 3a �A � ;Ryy•g¢J S as ,� ,� sepsis L +� .� gC C : •LLB' •� -_'�4fl fj` M r L 1 _ iFa�h E• es S_Y r3 sot SW ' xI 8 3 3�a� tisha �C = � g�T�S •9: °� -8 - 'U = s t_ya- :p _S :� �Eet L3 , Xa yggE $S sE 3 gg =9 y9� as a$ 3 g��gyy99E 3a �A � ;Ryy•g¢J S as ,� ,� sepsis L +� .� gC C : •LLB' •� -_'�4fl fj` M r L 1 _ iFa�h \ !} _! : \ � ! ! , � / \ � q � ) | ! . j ]: \ ! �! � 2 _ i l\.i ga = 4 S� � : �& /hz `lh JS •'! \. !} _! : \ � ! ! , � / \ � q � � � . � \ �t !q| /t � | #w \/ . §� ! |_ E is ) | filli j ]: \ ! �! � 2 _ i l\.i ga = 4 S� � : �& /hz a JS •'! !!! gs )e » Rfl |kG # §q qd`�� § .■ If \I � � . � \ �t !q| /t � | #w \/ . §� ! |_ E is £ { E / } } k � | / j � r t ! k# 2 - | ®j \ . \f23 � of \�k H ! \ H } � 2/# \ SH < a | j \ § P! ! T ! i rrill q a ! # \ q k } : it �� f _ ` HS / -C § \i .., v. /§ !� - / \ lam a is ; = 3 ®/ § & \ / �/ .J I&II �£ - / » # |I { � So .. Z— - _ , \ \!\ ;- ! 5 =.0 ON ' r t ! k# 2 - | ®j \ . \f23 � of \�k H ! \ H } � 2/# \ SH < a | j \ § P! ! ! ! i ! q a ! # ,b q } ! ; �� f _ ` HS \! -C § \i .., v. t■ | ; / f §§ § b% }� � { � k ; k ! ! � M P 6 a ?' A3 a :i& s yS a3 a c; _ ;s 3= _� "�^ 3#se 3 _- ca bL a -a pp te a rz a a w ell a y$ 3 Ya_ s a arias s S a ° di fill! aii e d i�sse s a s . }aC .asaa a t� rai 4: 1 -'s= i 3 r Ea s a s= rjes -IF -s i%: of i =a^ a ur sat ;s = • a' 3:Z a ^Bs s fi=r E4A!y 61 ljiE s ec; S' r -_ :1 :. Zs y: 1 El 'N it n 5 £ 3 y�sY it a;ap "a [b' '� '' gya °a �s r rtl. SsESr Y.E 8 -13 a as? sy "s ;tea �aesa �o a t. e5 as ai a sad a s a=a d 1= ..h8 °a= 3 .Y °? 3 i? 'es e3 a cea a �aa -x .d2 a:s:...a ri3 r e3 Z_:¢c:. is �a C � . / . I � � �� \ \� f IL / l yl � _ \ N. E!iYIflO!1NE7TAL ASSESSM.SmT lM TENTATIVE TRACT 11997 - LANDCO - A custom lot ` i residential subdivision of 19 lots on 9.75 sores o[ land in the fl -1- 20,000 - A zone located on the southeast- corner of Hillside Road and Beryl Street - APN 1061 - 621 -01. Rick Gomez, City Planner, reviewed the staff report recommending that - consideration be given to direct the applicant to vary lot widths and sizes, per previous Commission policy. Chairran Stout opened the public hearing. Don parobeck, 150 S. E1 Fblino, Pasadena, representing the applicant, addressed the 0011e3lon concurring with the conditions of approval. He addressed the issue or the lot width* on Beryl and stated that there are owner measures that could be taken to mitigate the vpostagt Stamp- appearance, such as types of fencing separating lots and builAing eluvations, which would not financially impact the applicant as web as eiiminatdng a lot. Joe Gordon, adjacent property owner, raked wdwt type of fencing would be used along the equestrian trail. Michael Vairin, Senior Planner, replied that a Spli rail fence would be required per Equestrian Trail Guidelines on the north in arior property lines. There were M f.rther cowents, therefore the public hearing was closed. Commissioner bar'rer Stated that the design is not veri ureative and would like . to come up +Sth Some alternative to having the driveways all coming out onto Beryl in • straight line. Commissioner Roopel replied that this concern could be rltigated through Desytn Review by alternating garages and placing driveways placed on different sides. Commiasioner VaNiol agreed that this could be mitigated through design. Goomiesioner Juaraz agreed with Commissioners Rempel and FbHlel. Chalrnan Stout Stated concerns with a large number of lots fronting on Beryl and cited the problems on Sapphire as an exaeyle. He additionally stated that he realized that economies come into play, however the project looked as if it were designed by a computer and Chet one more lot couldn't have been squeezed r out. Further, he understood that size constraints were placed an the project; however, the design could have been reevaluated to come up with a compromise which met with approval of all concerned. :;r. Gomez tormented that if the Commissi.n desired to approve the project with no changes, additioral conditions of approval might be proposad to addreas the deviation from the tract look, such as location of driveways and geraSeS. Plsmind Commission Minutes -15- October 26 „1793- r''"• ./(. ; • -ti ( 63 wY Planning Commission Minutes -16- October 26, 1983..' �'%ti. �''•,� may,. �,R��.. . _ 'Y `. ! ' .y,ni r.' :.�� vas. �,ra�ls 1`1YI.4 i.•W''a l,. �tl-Ti � , CLY�LV'. :u'.�. • Chairman Stout stated that to was unhappy with the project; however, if it was r the Commission's desire to approve St, he would recommend circular driveways only rather than hammerhead driveways. - Y • Commissioner Hempel disagreed and stated that hammerheads could be an ; ` Innovative Idea. Commissioner M:Nial agreed that hammerhead drives could be innovative when " mixed with others and stated that tracts with only circular driveways do look cookie cutter and are without Imagination. ` Chairman Stout replied that the problem with hammerhead drives is circulation and the Cant that people don't use them bet tend to back oat instead. Motion: Moved by Hempel, seconded by MoNial, carried, !o issue a Negative Declaration and adopt tie Hosolution approvieg Tentative 71aat 1'797 with a condition added to the Pesolution which would n.ate that variations In building layouts would include such things as site and [rent entry garages variable setbacks, and various architectural treatments. AYES: CONH SS10NEHS: RPAPEL, HCNIEL. BARKER. JUAREZ NOES: CO'VISSIONERS: STOUT ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: N09E - carri :d Chairman Stout voted yo for previodsly stated reasons. a a • a a ., 0. AME%WlSNT TO TRACT 12090 =.M PROPERTIES - An a_andment to the various seller condominium lots to thn larger Wd!. and s :.,,:.t eodiflcations thereby to the open apace. This is an approved project in process of development on 9.2 aort= :t the na ^- :.neat corner of Archibald and Peron ' Boulevard - APN 209 -551 -01. Paul Rougeaa, Basic, Civ.1 Engineer, reviewed the staff report. Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. There were no comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Barker stated that the City may be see,lg more asendmshts of this type as developers are discovering that smaller units are not selling is well ' as anticipated. , p� s„ wY Planning Commission Minutes -16- October 26, 1983..' �'%ti. �''•,� may,. �,R��.. . _ 'Y `. ! ' .y,ni r.' :.�� vas. �,ra�ls 1`1YI.4 i.•W''a l,. �tl-Ti � , CLY�LV'. :u'.�. AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING • I.�GI i- f� 1 d , mail clerk for the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby swear that on b( _, 1985 at approximately � _ o'clock ! (a.m. p.m.) I deposited in the Cu :amonga Branch of £he United States Post Office located at 960' &,siness Center Drive, a letter addressed to and regarding eC HEARING 11/20/85 /:30 PM APPEAL OF PLANNING COWSSIOH CEAIAL OF A TIM EXTENSION FOR TT 11997 - LANDCO EEE ATTACHED LABELS dcf Signed: Date! (return to Plan.,ing Division after signing) G; ;;r \ J 1lancari. HLchael A (j\ 5488 Eastwood Avenue "^ Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 91730 1061 - 371-44 San Bernardino Co. flood Control District 825 F. Third St. San Evsnardino, CA. 92415 1061 - 371-45 Buahrle, Douglas A Jana 9125 Camellia Ct. Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 91701 1061- 371-46 Cameron, David J S Hargot ,•••• 6387 Topaz Alta Loma, CA. 91701 1061 - 381 -14 .. ............................... .p ..., 1 � ' J 5J @CT PROPEATI Lawson, Hewitt E. 1 Dorothy ndc"1 corporation 9072 Hillside Road 30 S. 61 Molina Avenue Alta Lava, CA. 91701 Suite 101 1061 -761 -02 C SandSand i,,f A. 91101 3 .... ................... .. 4irrison, Hlchnal 4 Kimberly Harquas, Francis A S Rosemary Stir Rt. Box 172 9058 Hillside Road fuleeland. CA. 95549 Alta Lem, CA. 9t701 1041- 611-u1 2061 -761 -07 Cucaaonla Development Co. Chandler, John K 6 Mary E 700 .Mountain 9085 Camellia Ct. Uptcad, CA. 91786 Alta Loma, CA. 91701 1061 - 611 -12 1061 - 361 -10 Cordon, Ju sph B & Joe J L Esporance, James E. 6 Trudy . 9221 Hills de Road !489 Eastwoad Avenue 'Rica ..oma, CA. 91701 Alta Loos, CA. 91701 1061 -621 -0: 1061 -371 -02 San Bernaroino Co. Flood Dygert, Steven 'Control tistrict 5477 Eastwood Avenue Thi••d St. wancho I icamonga. CA. 91701 inE. Bernardino, CA 97413 1061 - 371-03 1061 - 621-03 , W. K. 6 Lucy Schickert, Thomas E .Wallace 9255 Hillelda Road 5476 Eastwood Avarua .Alta I.oma, CA. 91701 Rancho wweamonga, CA. 91701 "'1061- 621-04 1061-371 -04 ....... ....... .. .. .... -City of Rancho Cucamonga ....................... . . San Bernardino Co. Flood P.O. Box 801 Control District ,,Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 917 ?0 825 E. Third St. „1061 -671 -0I San Be-•,ardino, CA. 92415 1061 -! -34 6 1061 - 371 -79 .............................. ;.San Bernardino Co. Flood .. ......... ....... .:. ... Painter. John H 6 Zieen Control District 9111 Camellia Ct. @ 5 825 E. Third St. Rancho Cucamonga. CA. 91701 x'San Baraarilno. CA. 92415 1061 - 771-40 1061 -641 -06 t .................... ............................... ........................ City of Rancho Cucamonga Son Bernardino Co. Flood y.P.0. Box 807 C Control District St. Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 91730 825 E. Third -641 -07 San Bernardino, CA. 92415 �61 ' 1061- 371-41 & 1061- 371-43 .................... •Nancy •Etelvtna "x•Lafc�teis, ).esb A.6 J. T•.' Farlas,•Abel 0•A ..;9046 ML'iaida Road 5460 Esstwood ;it Loma, CA., 91701 Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 91701 rl = 762 -01'`, �, .1061 -71-42 a /O! \ J 1lancari. HLchael A (j\ 5488 Eastwood Avenue "^ Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 91730 1061 - 371-44 San Bernardino Co. flood Control District 825 F. Third St. San Evsnardino, CA. 92415 1061 - 371-45 Buahrle, Douglas A Jana 9125 Camellia Ct. Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 91701 1061- 371-46 Cameron, David J S Hargot ,•••• 6387 Topaz Alta Loma, CA. 91701 1061 - 381 -14 .. ............................... .p ..., 3 CITY OF RA14CHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 20, 1985 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner B`: Curt Johnston, Associate 21anrer SUBJECT: ENV1ROIIM =NTAL ASSESSMENT IWO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 85 -048 — PORLSA - Ti— W -4uest to amen t e enera an and sa Tap —from medium Residential (4 -14 du /ac) to Office (1n conjunction with the de�telopment of a sc for citizen congregate living and ca -e facility) an 4.85 acres of land, located m the south side of Foothill Boulevard, west side of Cucamonga Creek, west of Vineyard Avenue - APN 208 - 111 -20, 21. EN�'rRONmskrAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT ORLSA - request to amen the eve opmont s r cis ap •ram Medium Residential (8 -.4 du /ac) to office /Professional (in conjunction with the development of a senior citizen congregate living and care facility) on 4 58 acres of land, located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard, west side of Cucamonga Creek, west Of Vineyard Avenue - APN 208 - 211 -20, 21. I. SR'AWROUND: The Planning Commission held a public hearing on 3epteao�re 5, 1985, to consider the above described items and recommended denial. The specific purpose of the land use change is W allow construction of a senio- citizen congregate living Office/Professional naly District eguT Lions. The attachednPlanning COtmisslan Staff Reports provide detailed information relative to the land Use Amendment and proposed project. 11. PL.UiNfNG Ca%t4ISSION ACTION: Planning Cmmission review of the prnposa ocuse on t e suitability of trr site for senior citizens. The Commission felt that development of a senior citizen project uo the site 1s premature and that com:ercial and service uses were not within safe waik,nq distance, since commercial land to the east is vacant and no side,vtlks exist. Vehicle access W ttw site by senior citizens was also stated to be a major concern haeed on - otential conflicts created by heavy cross traffic, 'Wited visibility to the west, and the high traffic speed on that portion of Foothill Beulevard. Planning Co*raission minutes from thu September 25, 1985 meeting are provided for your review. /07 i' is r` C 0 J f CITY'COUNCIL STAFF, GPA 85-018 and DDA November 20, ID85 Page 2 1 - PORLSA Ili. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission enera an endment and Development D City Council concurs, adoption of th Amendment Resolution of Denial and d District Amendment by minute action would 1 recommends denial of the istrict Amendment. If the e attached General Plan enial of the Development be appropriate. Respectfully Brad Buller City Planner BB:CJ:ns Attachments: Planning Commission Staff Reports, September 25, 1985 Planning Commission Minutes, September 25, 1985 Correspnndence from Applicant Affidavits of MaiYnq city Council Resolution of Denial • 414 I- I , i:ht44 i�_ il��A. t�..\•� 1 , ., -• s•i����r Ffa��i" r�..�j(�::- +:.lal.t- 0 STAFF REPORT o t3 � tvn ' DATE: September 25, 1985 TO: Chaircan and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Jack Lam, AICP, Community Development Director BY: Curt Johnston, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSE',SIIENT AND GENERAL PLAY AMENDMENT 85 -048 au•is o amen t e enera an and use atom H&Iluo Residential (4 -14 du /ac) to Office /Professional t,n conjunction with the development of senior citizen • ongregate living and convalescent care facility) on 4.85 acres of land, located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard, west side of Cucamonga Creek, west of Vineyard Avenue - APN 208- 211 -20, 21. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT N request o amens t e v n from Medium Residential (8 -14 du /ac) to Office /Professional (1n conjunction with the development of a senior citizen congregate living and convalescent care facility) on 4.85 acres of land, located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard, west side of Cucamonga Creek, west of Vineyard Avenue - APN 208 - 211 -20, 21. Related File: Preliminary Review for CUP 85 -25 I ABSTPJICiI A General Plan Land Use Amendment and Development Ufflce /Profess onnal onsa 4.85 requested site asMdescribedsabo above. The specific purpose of the land use change is to allow construction of a senior citizen congregate living facility (i.e. hotel) and convalescent hospital as permitted unner the Office/Professional District regulatiors. Since the project is located on Foothill Boulevard, preliminary for the si r 2IS also on ths agenda nshouidbeconderedeorcurrently. At the August 28, 1985 meeting, the Planning Cocmission required additional traffic information which is presented in the report. Also included is an analysis of the amendments as they relate to the General Plan, Development Code and suitability of the site for seniors for Commission consideration of the amendments. /67 9 ITEMS H/i r� :•1' PLANNING COM„YISSION'STAFF REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT & GPA 85 -048 - PORLSA September 25, 1985 Page 2 II. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested., Amendment of the General Plan Land Use Map an eve epment Districts Hap from Medium Residential to Office /Professional. 8. Pur ose: Development of a 112 -unit senior citizen congregate living facility and 60 -bed convalescent care facility. C. Location: South side of Foothill Boulevard, adjacent to ua Creek. 0. Parcel Size: 4.85 acres. E. F.xistinq Zonine: Medium Residential (8 -14 dulac). F. Existing Land Use: vacant. G. Surroundinq Lam1 Use and Zoning: North - Vacant, real estate office, designated Office /Professional. South - San Bern ardino County Labor Association dousing, designated Medium Residential (8 -14 du/2c). East - Cucamonga Creek, historic house, vacant, d -isignated Flood Control and General Commercial. West - Mobile home park, designated Low Medium Residential (4-8 du /ac). H. General Plan Designations: Project Site - Medium Residential (8 -14 du /ac). North - Office. South - Medium Residential (8 -14 du /ac). East - Flood Control, Commercial. West - Low Medium Residential (4 -8 duiac). I. Site Characteristics: The site slopes gently to the south with no unique an orms. Vegetation is limited to indigenou: weeds and number of trees scattered throughout the site and along the south boundary. III. ANALYSIS: A. General Plan Consistent : The General Plan states that the ntent o tme 0 ce Land use category is to prevent the proliferation of individual isolated offices. R.ther, 0 • is PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT & GPA 85 -048 - PORLSA September 25, 1985 Page 3 intergrated complexes shall be encouraged to provide areas where related and support office uses can be located. In addition, a land use objective of the General Plan is to restrict intensive uses and activities n areas where natural end /or man -mach hazards may threaten irfe, property, or sense of well- being. Considering that the site is nearly five (5) acres and office and commercial property is located to the north and east, it appears that this site could not be construed as isolated. Reggarding potential hazards, the site s located in the Red H111 Fault Zone. A complete fault investigation will be prepared prior to Commission consideration of the CUP and any hazards will be mitigated to the extent possible, including relocating or redesigning the buildings. In addition, office development on the property Mould increase the volume of traffic generated by the site and thus add to potential circulation conflicts. Combined access with adjoining property is not practical since a mobile hoax park is located to the west anJ Cucamonga Channel creates a barrier to the east. Traffic impacts are discussed further under the Environmental section of this report. B. Develu went Code Pr,"Islons, An Objective of the Development Lade is to promote and encourage office and commercial iocations and designs to be conveniently accessible by bicycle and foot, as well as by automobile. In additon, the Development Code states that site development regulations and performance standards are designed to make office uses relatively compatible with residential uses. The proposed land use change from Medium Residential to Office is proposed to accoamdate a senior citizen, congregate living facility (1.e. hotel) and convalescent hospital. Earlier this year, the Commission determined that such uzes are appropriate In the Office(Professional District. A full description of the CUP o85 -2S. pr The benefit ofel the n Office /P ofesstonalpoversus Medium Residential (8 -14 du /ac) is that the number of units is determined through the Design/Technical Review process. The 112 -unit congregate living facility on approximately 3.85 acres of the site has a density of 29 units per acre (see Exhibit •B•). The convalescent hospital an the remaining acre at the south end of the property would have 60 beds. If the proposed senior project was not constructed, other uses in the Office /Professional District which could be developed include offices, financial services, medical services, health club, automotive sales, restaurant and bars, fast -food restaurants, and hotels. V. PLANNING CC14MISSION STAFF REPORT ENVIRONNENTAL ASSESSMENT 5 GPA 85 -048 - PORLSA September 25, 1985 Page 4 C. Suttabilit of the Site for Seniors: To determine if the site is adequate or propos senior project, a review of the locational criteria contained within ti:e Senior Housing Overlay District (SHOD) 1s useful. The Overlay District, however, will not be used in this case since it applies only to projects targeted for low and moderate income senior citizens and when development incentives /subsidies are requested. Ad agent Land Uses /Compatibility: Land uses in the immediate v c pity o? a senior housing project must be free of health, safety, or raise problems. The proposed project should be compatible with the mobile home park to the west and farm labor camp to the south. Also, noise levels along Foothill Blvd. will require mitigation through project design. Public Improvements: Public Improvements such as sidewalks 5505 connect the site with surrounding shopping, service, and recreation uses; however, land to the east is vacant without full street improvements. In addition, crosswalks at the intersection of Foothill and Vineyard are not yet provided. Site To o ra h : The topography of the site is fairly level an ems y traversed by persons of limited mobility. Proximit of Commercial /Services: When property to the east aegis developed asplanned, the site will be within easy walking distance to offices, commercial establishments and services. San Antonio Community Hosptial and surrounding medical offices are touted to the west approximately 1 112 to 2 miles. In addition, public transit stops are available along Foothill Blvd. However, the site does have short term disadvantages since the commercial property to the east is vacant and lacks full street improvements, thus inhibiting pedestrian access to services. D. Environmental Assessment: As discussed to the August 28, 1985 Staff efort, a has identified three potnetial environmental concerns in the areas of geology, noise levels and circulation. Regarding geology, the site is located within the Red Hill Fault Zone which requires a detailed study In accordance with the Alquist- Priolo Act. Noise levels at the site along oothill Boulevard will exceed 70 CNEL, and an accoustical analysts and sound attenuation for interior and exterior areas will be required. Both of these studies will be accomplished during the Design/Technical Review process. Regarding traffic and circulation, the applicant prepared a brief study to review and traffic impacts cf the proposed /! Page REPORT & GPA 85 -048 - PORLSA 25, senior project as well as residential and office devolopment on the site. In summry, the study indicates that the proposed senior project would generate slightly less traffic than a vmr day). at 14-units (s0 4ersus 450 ehiclespe If the sS eisdevelopedaoffices, the amount of traffic would more than double that of a multi- family project (1160 vehicles par day). According to the City Traffic Engineer, vehicle trips generated by office Aevelopment would create short term traffic conflicts near the rntry to the site. After construction of the median island, traffic impacts would result at tnO tions of Baker caused by a ditionalSU -turns of vehicles tra elingato and from the site. E. Devele went A r�butlf concerned Commission Kith supportive ttv proposed son or pro ec J_7 _but zoning, a development agreement could be required. Such a document could allow development of the senior project only under the Office zoning. In the event the t project isRe not constructed, the property would be changed back o Medium The advantages of a development agreement for the City would be to another projecten whrichromight abede ininoemnatibileaswith tthe surrounding area or create substantial traffic conflicts would not be developed. Processing of a development agreement requires City Council approval, so action on the Land Use Mendments would havb to be deferred to allow concurrent processing of the agreement and CUP application. ap IV. FACTS catOons FINOoIBOomissioniomust find pt at lthe of the proposed distriee changes are in conformance with the General Plan, and that the subject property is suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed district in terms of access, size, and compatibility with surrounding land uses. In addition, the Commission must make the following findings, a) thet poposdctpp in property is for th permitted redistrict in terms of access,si and compatibility with existing land use in the surrounding area; and �i :i Ke,,Vtfuliy submitted, • Jack Lam, AICP Director of Community Development JL:CJ:ko Attachments: Exhibit •A• - Location Map ' Exhibit 084 - Proposed Site Plan 4 Co• respondence from Applicant Initial Study, Part II and Addendum General Plan•Amendment Resolution of Approval Development District Amendment Resolution of Approval N � V PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT ' { I ENVIROW0TAL ASSESSMENT & GPA "85 -04B - "PORLSA September 25, 1485 Page 6 "i r i b) The Amendments do not :onflict with the Land Use Policies of _ the General Plan or Development Code; ani - c) The Amendments promote the goals of the Lend Use Element; and d) The Amendments would not be materially injurious or detrimental to the adjacent properties. V. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised as a public hearing "< ni _afTya T-- keoort newspaper, the property posted (4'x 8' sign) and notices were sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the site. VI. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recoonends that the Planning Commission eonsider a material and input regarding the Land Use Amendment a-id proposed project. If She Commission concurs with the findings, adoption of the attached Resolutions recommending approval to the lity Council of the Amendments and Issuance of Neqative )eclaration: would be appropriate. If the Comais ^.ion determines that a development agreement is appropriate, the public hearing should be re- advertised to alive concurrent processing of the Ke,,Vtfuliy submitted, • Jack Lam, AICP Director of Community Development JL:CJ:ko Attachments: Exhibit •A• - Location Map ' Exhibit 084 - Proposed Site Plan 4 Co• respondence from Applicant Initial Study, Part II and Addendum General Plan•Amendment Resolution of Approval Development District Amendment Resolution of Approval N � F Dt DNT.• OP � -0p /CG PeiofLiSrjV� i !\ I aYe�, 1 , I . " I Pf�C.C7Y/ hn�•tiL' �A.a6G I 1hs•,D.s4M ftaau 4Q.LHL / CH/wtQt. V�nvr — xvvxk$LIL`f F n+an Hn.le Leo Asn. rw.c 44a.•r4.:v nt � v�Bn/J9c 9y40!/h?c 9wwny VACM r � KmIS fi ✓ V NORTH CITY OF s �, � z,+e�o� >:RAN D CLU&.NjONT4GA Tfii.E- /a- �rrra+/ .eta✓ 'r FI.L4MM DPASUN omw A SCALD -- `'�:.,.:,:; r 5 _ d " I Pf�C.C7Y/ hn�•tiL' �A.a6G I 1hs•,D.s4M ftaau 4Q.LHL / CH/wtQt. V�nvr — xvvxk$LIL`f F n+an Hn.le Leo Asn. rw.c 44a.•r4.:v nt � v�Bn/J9c 9y40!/h?c 9wwny VACM r � KmIS fi ✓ V NORTH CITY OF s �, � z,+e�o� >:RAN D CLU&.NjONT4GA Tfii.E- /a- �rrra+/ .eta✓ 'r FI.L4MM DPASUN omw A SCALD -- `'�:.,.:,:; r 1 �f►�d i = CITY OF RANCHO CGG"UN'&1 PLANNINU DIVISUN e 11711.1. jfA 6s -0'160 Dn+es' -o7 7'1'j'1E: • SITE F%,1W HIPIT, SCALE# y. 'A ■� J S TO: Planning Commission, City of Rancho Cucamonga t' rtr RE: GENERAL PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT JUSTIFICATION (Requirement B,2 0! Application Forms) By amending the land use for this parcel, the City of Rancho Cucamonga will allow the developers to build an elderly congregate care and nursing facility who's land use more closely fits the office /professional development criteria, for the City, than the F' residential criteria which presently exists as zoned. The City should benefit from this change by allowing this trana)tfonal land use to buffer the residential units planned to the south of thin parcel and by keepping this parcel more consistent with the general comvmoreial properties to the east and the office /professional designations on the north, which all border Foothill Boulevard. The proposed project, considering its low traffic generation potential and characteristics of focusing activity inside the buildings, should minLmi're traffic and safety problems along this �• transportation route, and therefore, be a welcome land use along the developing Foothill corridor. 0 RRAa< /cr ,� '•, r � t vim. i CITY or RANCHO CUCAMONGA S PARS II - INITLAL STUDY ENPIRMESTAL CNEQMIST - DATES ,Af�ptr -r �� _� "CBS AP2LICANr:_�-gUc�j r7o FILISr DATE:. VYL•Y Lr = LOC NID�ER:.�P.o $� -O'f8 tZryq 8S-G71 PROJECT•�,y� ''a'`k/ tawtaat�w1J'- dEH`.i. •."C�nN_N[Fl .•... �.-._ _ / —= T�CT'AM6v��1J' PROJECT LOCATION:_$�5� I. r IRO`ACTS tt' (Explanation of all "yoa" and "maybo" answers are required on attached sheets) ,I sea YES MAYBE NO ■ 'a I. Soils and DloleeY. Will the proposal have sigaiticant results in: a. Unstable groundcoaditions or in changes in geologic ralationzhips? b. Disruptions, displacements, compaction or burial of the atilt C. Change in topography or ground surface- contour intervals? L d. The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? e• Any potential increase in vind of water ' erosion of soils, effecting either on or off site conditons? f• Changes in erosion silta.•on, or deposition? R• Exposure of people or property to geologic �- .{ hazarda such as earthquakes, laudslides, mud- slides, ground failure, or similar hazards? L h. An increase in the rata of extraction and /or ,. S use of any mineral resource? 2. RYdralnay. Will the proposal have Significant reculta ins , ,I sea z 3 YES MAYBE No +• Chargrs in currents, nr the course of direction of floutng streams, rivers, or aphemeral stream channels? °� b• Changes in absorption rates, drainage _ -- patterns, or the rate and amouat of surface wate- runoff? c. Alterations to the course or flow of flood _ -- f/- Waters? / d, Change in the goonnt of surface water !n any body of water? —Y Z ° e, Dischar-e into surface waters, or any alteration r —_ of surface water quality? /� f. Alteration of groundwater ebaraeteristles? • /G. g• Change in the quantity of groundvatets, ers, f- either through direct additions or with- aquifer? or through interference with an aquifer? Quality? Quantity? h. The reduction in the amount of water other - wise available for public water •G supplies? i. Fspasure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding or s _ches? 3. Air Quality. W111 the praposal have signilicanc re -ults in: a• Constant or .:!odic air emissions from vnbile or indirect sources? Stationery sources? b. Deterioration of ambient air quality and /or •= _ interferaoef with the attainment of applicable air Quality standards? C. Alteration of local or regional climaci: —_ a conditions, affecting air mo movement, isture or temperature? 4. Biota —_ Flora. Will the proposal have significant results Sae i� a. Change In the characteristics of species, .^ including diversity, distribution, or number of any species of 'Plants? , -- LJ } b. Reduction: of the onshore of any unique, or endangered species rare , of plants? �� •sAY._ .. II / ,'C �: ��49ti.Y•i- _ '1. S I •E� a( z 3 Page 7:*�' 3, .'s - YES YES MYBE NO ' Cc. Introduction of new or disruptive specias o: plants Into an area? d. Reduction in the potential for agricultural production? Fauna, will the proposal have significant results — -- in: A- Change In the characteristics of specie,, including diversity, as.:r16uc1on, or nu =berg species of any species of animals? — ' b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare -- or endangered species or aalrals? J L C. introduction of new or disruptive species of animals Into an area, or result In a barrier b the migration or mvment of animals? d, Oeterforaticn or removal of existing fish or wildlife habitat? / S. POaulation. Will the proposal have significant results Sot Ca, will the proposal niter the location, discri. burian, density, diversity, grouch rate of human the human pope�atloa of an area? — b will the proposal affect existing housing, or —_ create a demand for additional housing? �y !r. Soefo- Economic Faeeors. Vill the proposal have algnlficant teaults 1n: A, Change in Iocal o- regional socio- economic characteristics, including dcohnmlc or alues? dlvecsdty, tax race, and property values? v-- b. will project coats be aquitably "stilbuted among 1 e., buyers, payers or project users, tax payers or project users? 7. Land Use and Plannina Considerations will the — — proposal have significant resin to In.' the present at a. A anned Planned land use of an steal and use of an a ea K b. A conflict with any deal Snatlons, objectives, 'y xc or adopted plans of any gavarnmeacal F Policies? e. An impact upon the qulaitY or quantity of t• .., ke existing consumptive or non -cons umptive recreational opportunities? \ �� ,� C ��L]F`�Z Page a r YES NAYSE NO _ S. Transnortatfon. Will the proposal have significant Ysaulca let . a Generation Of substantial additional vehicular b. Effects on exiectng streets, ..r demand for new street cnnstruttion? C. Effects on existing parking facilities, or L demand for new parking? d. Substantial impact upon existing transporta- _ -- tion systems? / a. Alterations to proven', patterns of circula- _ _ _ tion or movement of people and /or goods? _ f. Alterations to or effects on present and _ - ntia vatar- borne, rail, wt• transit or air traff air lt? S. Increases in traffic bato.as to motor vehicles, — -- bicyclists or pedestrians? 9. Cultural Resources. Will the proposal have — r� significant resulea in: a. A disturbance to the integrity of archaeological. Paleontological. and /or historical resources? _- 10. Health, Safetv and Nuisance Factors. Will the -- proposal have slgnificant results Sat a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health )i hazard? / z, b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? • /C .c- e. A risk of explosion or release of hazardous substaasos in the event of an accident? d. An lncrcasa in the number of individuals .' or species of vector or pathenogenic cs organtc or the exposure of people to suc?. organic=? / —_ FS r. Increase in existing noise levels? L �_ y f. Exposure of people to potentially dangerous noise levala7 / � — ?� S. She creation of objectionable odors? 6. An increase In light or glare? 11 1 Page C S T =5 NA79E NO 11. Aesthetics, Will the proposal have significant results in: A. The obstruction or degradation of any scenic vista or vim? % b. The creation of an aesthetically offensive _ —_ •G site? ,— / c. A conflict With the objective of designated or potential scetic corridors? L 12. Utilities and public Services. Will the proposal -- have a significant need for new agates,, or alterations to the following: a. Electric power? / b. Natural or pack& d Sant —_ •__ /L C. Communication, ry,t=? _ _ • /G L/ d. Water supply? ' WastowdEar facilities? I. Flood control structure? g. Sold Waste la'llitiaa? •�. f b. Fire pn•teetion? /e. i. Police protaction? / J. 0011010 14 le k. Parks or other raere%titnal facilities? 1. Naintensdea of publie EsefU ttas, including toads and flood cant o P4dlifflid? M- Other Bova rrmsnral setvlcsS? e. IJ nerey and Scarce Resources. WEl: the proposal eve algnificant resin -- ing a. Use of substantial or excessive fuel at energy? L b. Substan.1al Joerease in demand upon existing started of endrty? c. An increase in the demend for development of lieu sources of energy? • d. An Increase at perpetuat�oa 01 the consumption t penviyt i o inergy, _ __ 1 infk6 (p When feasible tanevab}a suilrees'of inargy axe available? l —_ Y Pags AYES wAYEE MO a. Substantial depletion of any nonrenewable or ' scares na :u.al resource? - 14. Handatory Findings of Slallfleaaee. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the enviroruent, substantially reduce the habitat of fish or wildlife species, cause s fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to elimtnate A plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or Animal or elialiats ehistory of the a.jor periods of California Clifoi history or prehistory? �- b. Does the project-have the Vote, _181 to achievo Short -term, -o the disadvantage of long -term, sn{vimnmental goals? (A short -tem impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively briefs deflaltive period of time while long- term impacts will endure wall into the suture). c. Does the project have impacts which ore irdividually limited, but cumulatively considerable? (Cumulatively conalderabla means that the inmr ... ntal effects of an individual F oject are considerable when viewed la col with the effects of past prajeees, Pr end Probable fu•ure projecros) -- d. Does the project have environmental effects wh-:h will cruse substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? II, DISCVSSI01 OF L',V?QO`.`EW. AL EVALVAT?O`i (i.e.. of affirmative the above answers to questions plus a discussion of proposed mitigation measures), e,eYC '1'TJ�tLuG1J' .i a I 1� ,iii • -� r�•� L - �LyJJ�L�`p��j.��Lt '• ,'y .. •y V 1 p r -v :' S liY, 696-,7 'M III. DETEAM24ATI04 °�>• � On the basis of -this initial evaluation: it O _ 7 find the proposed ptojact COULD 4OT have a significant affect 001 I° on the unviraocen:, and a 6iCA21VE DECLIRAYI04 v111 be prepared: — ✓- I find eSar, although the proposed project :meld have a •IgnlffaanC- ,'_ t effect ea the ea;Aronnent, there will not be a elgniolcarit affect in this esse because the mitigation measures described an an attached sheet have been . added to the project. A NECATIYE DECLIAATIO14 WILI BE PREPARED. +'t„ a 4 ❑ I find tSe proposed project MAY have a algniflcaa. effect on the d envlzaxat, and an E:NIRO:.^CVT L`[PACT REPORT 1s raeL -ad. Ilat6 — � � a i vy -• IN S ore Iitla - -�`' i Y 1 t r 1' S1 rL Y l 1� ,iii • -� r�•� L - �LyJJ�L�`p��j.��Lt '• ,'y .. •y V 1 p L ^u��:,f v }`n a �' i';.t. . ' _ q .i•, ';" `,fir_' f1 i p ATTACHMENT TO INITIAL STUDY, PART It, GPA 85 -048, M GS -07 - PORLSA Exp1anatton of "Yes ' and •Mayoe "answer on caecklist l.a.g. Geology: The site is within the Inferred locatioi. of the Red Hill Fault Zone Identified in the GeNtr'Al Plan. A geologic fault investigation, In accordance witn the Alfuist- Priolo Act will be required prior to approval of any specific development proposal. Mitigation measures will then be .;� applied to the project design, including relocating or reconfiguration of structures, if necessary. 8.a.g. Transportation: is A brief traffic analysis was prepared by the applicant. In summary, with the change to Office /Professional, an office project could be develcoed - which would increase traffic generation from the site 2 1/2 times to 1,160 _ vehicles per day. However, the specific purpose of these A-a,.taents is to allow devel*unt of a Senior Citizen Congregate Living Fatility and Convalesce:it Hospital which should Venerate substantially less irafffe (400 VPD) than an office or even multi - family project (4SO VPD). 10.f Nealth. Safety an! Nuisance Factors: • The future noise contours along Foothill Boulevard will exceed 70 CNEL. to mitigate the potential impact, an acoustical analysts of the future project design will be provided and interior and exterior sound attenuation required. 4 TRAP ^`IC ar4GINKRINI: ® $rman CONSULTANTS Kimmel and Associates, Inc. 3300 411V141! AVENUE SUITE 160. NEWPORT eEACK CA 92460 ••.` nlueerewn ' September 17, 1985 R.L. Simpson S Associates 17291 Irvine Boulevard, Suite 445 Turtin, California 92680 Attention Mr. Richard R. %ndrews Traffic Land Use Comparison Job No. 85 -99 Foothill Boulevard Project City of Rancho Cucamonga Dear Mr. Andrews; Tile inte;,t of this traffic analysis is to compar^ traffic i.npnets of three (3) alternate land uses on an approximrtely five (5) acre situ, along Foothill Boulevard. The three land use alternates include; 1 Medium density residential (0 to 14 units per a•re) 2 office /Professional 3. The proposed Concregate Elderly Residential (114 unite and a Convzlesr_ent No3pitn• 50 units) SITE DESCRIPTaCN The approximately five acre (4.85 acres) vacant site is located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard, west of Vineyard Avenue and west of the Cucamonga Creek Channel. Adjaeont existing land uses includes z mobile home park to the west, commercial office building opposite the site, and strip commercial east of Vineyard Avenuo, odor art,as are vacant. The area immediate- ly east of the site and .,sat of the Cu 3monga Creek Channel is vacant and is designated as office professional land use. EXISTING TRAFFIC :ONDITION& doothill Boulevard is a m9jor arterial with four '.hrough lanes, with a two -way left turn lane modiun allowing access co ad�lyent sites. `P It is carrying about 26,060 vehicles per day (: P.D.) As a four lane dividee. street, Foothill Boulevard can carry 30,000 V.P.D. at a TU-1914 City Traffic Volume C .nt `4 ROADWAY CAPACITY VALUES* Freeways Freeway Sizes At Level of Service D 4 ,anes 65,000 6 Lanes 115,000 8 Lanes 145,000 10 Lanes 175,000 Arterial Highways ! 6 Typical of Arterial Level of Service A D C D E 6 lanes divided 36,000 40,400 45,000 49,500 54,000 4 lanes divided 24,000 27,000 30,000 33,000 36,000 4 lanes (undiv) 16,000 10,000 20,000 22,000 24,000 2 lanus (undiv) 5,000 7,500 10,000 12,500 15,000 F •Haximum average daily traffic (ADT) These roadway capacities are "rule of thumb" figures only. They are affected by such factors as intersections (numbers and con- figuration), degree of aceesa control, roadway grades, iesigtl geometries (horizontal and vertical alignment standards), s'nht distance, level of truck and bus traffic and level of pedestrian and bicycle traffic. _ TI11I,k` HermaU�r�Mrs n coMSCMTANTS 0 F Mrt l and Asaoelates.tm. i C C SUMMARY OF TRIP GENERATION RATES Land Use/Suliding Type General Office Building• ITE Land Use Code 719 Independent Variable —Trips per Acre Avenge Trip Rafe Maximum Rafe Mtn'mum Rate Correlation Coefficient Number of Studies Average Sizeof Independent Vartable/Study Average Weekday Vehlcis Trip Ends Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic A.,.I. Birween 7am-'? of Erdt ToW P.M. Enter Between Exit 0 and 8 Total Peak Hour of AM. Ester Exit _ Total Generator P.M. Enter Exit Total Saturday Vehie/a Trip Ends Peak Hoar of Generator Enter Exit Total Sunday Vehicle Trip Ends Peak Hour of Generator Enter Fail Total Source Numbers 19, 88, 89, 92 ITE Technical Committed EA-6—Trip Generation Rates Date: 1979 r_ xn t ��8 a, a 1 .y. C R N I C C SUr "ARY OF TRIP GENERATION RATES Land UselBuilding Type Single-Family Detached HoualDglTE land Use Code 210 Independent V.Aable— Tripsper -- iSlling Unit Averaga Trip Fate Maximum Rate Minimum Rate Conalation Coefficient rrrmber I 7e Sire of W .,70ndOnt Studies , dddbteiStudy Average Weekday Vehicle Trip Ends Peak Hour of A.M. Between 7and9 Enter Fait TOW Adjacent Street Trafac P.M. Between 4 and 8 Enter , Exit Total 1.00 3.0 Q.4 711 ?' Ptak Hiur or Generator A.M. Enter Exit TOW P.M. Enter n. 6A 1 rut Tobl Saturday Vehicle Trip Ends Peak Hour of Generator Entr Exlt ToW Sunday Vehicle Trip Ends Peak Hour of Generator Enter Exit Total Source Number _1�L,S... 6. 7- 8. 11. "I-11-11L-16, 19 _ 20. 21. 24. 26 'AP- 40. 71. 72. 91. 90. 100, 105, 108, 114, 117. ITE Technical Cc% ^attee 6A4—Trip Generati" Rates Date:June 4, 1975. 1979, Rev. 1982 , ' r• r-� 1 SUMMARY OF TRIP GENERATION RATES Land Use/Building Type 1,ow Rine_.Anarrrn -.t ITE Land Use Code Wallendent Variable —Trips per Dmel71nyH01t, _ Average Trip Rate Mcx,mum Rate Minimum Rafe Correlation G +efficient Number of Studies I Average Size of ependent V®dableStudy Average Weekday Vehicle Trip Ends Peak Hour of A.M. Between 1 7 and 9 Flaler Ett Total 0.99 P4 Pnq Adlicent Street Trallic P.M. Between 1 and S Enter 0.4 Exlt b Total 0.6 0.0 Peak Hour of Generator AM. Enter Exit 0.23 Total A.M. Enter p iAt Total Saturday Vehicle Trip Ends Peak Hour of Generator Enter Exit Total Sunday Vehicle Trip Ends Peak Hour of Generator ' 0j LTF!a' 1 l Source Number 11 21. 71. 9S. 110 ITE Technical Committee SA•6 —Trip Generation Rates Date: 1982 Y i C I SUMMARY OF TRIP GENERATION RATCS _ Land UselButung Type apartment RE Lend Use Code ..220 Independent Varlable —Trips per nh to line tjwt: Average Trp Rate Mezlh�um Nato Minimum Rite Correlation Coefficient Number of Studies Average Size of fndependenf VoriableiSWdy Average Weekday Vehicle Trip Ends Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic A.M. Between 7 end g Enter Exit Total P.M. Between A and 8 Enter Exit Total Peak Hour of Generator A.M. Enter Exit Total P.M. Enter Exit Total Saturday Vehicle Trip Ends Peak Hour of Generator Enter Exit Total �f Sunday Vehicle Trip Ende Peak Hour of I Generator I Enter Exit 177otal Source Numbers s2 s,_5 6 A +c 33,-32,-33 +b +A ,o an eh oe hnr 79 Ina- Ing ITE Technical Committee 66,6 —Trip 0enera don Rates 'r Cde:...JjW" 1975, Rev. 1982 /;3/ .tea.° � ... .ti. �. .. ., _ �.• - . g,i J C. C SUMMARY OF TRIP G:NERATION RATES ' Land Use /Building Type Retirement Corraunity ITE lend Use Code 250 Independent Veoatle —Trips per ae iiinrz Unit Average T,,;2 Fate af'timum, Hate Minimum Aare Correladon Coefficient Number Of Studics Average Sited lndependert VeriableiSludy Average Weekday Vehlela Trlo End! Peak A.M. Enter Hour Between Exit of 7 and 9 Total 3.3 0 —y q 5 914 Adjacent Street Trafllc P.M. Between a and 0 Enter Exit Total q 0114 Peak Hour of AM Enter Exit _ Total 0.4 0.6 r Generator P.M. Enter Exit Taal _ Saturday Vehicle Trip Ends Peak Enter Hourof Exit Generator Tot Sunday Vehicle Trip Ends Peak Enter Hour of Exit 3enerator Total 29 a :e Souse Number ITE Techrlcal C wn TjIte. OA -S—T0p Generegon Rates ; cl�i1t IDate: tey5 _ — — .�.'•y$ Zli •1i�'t.'•.;Y,d:o.- 31i,iT,. „..� '- r r; •�;D "�44Yfl n' r �AY i C 11Y 1 Y'd - YNi'tM�v�lf�l��i�lri- CL�n11 ^- v � %��ni =•l � r1.�- e�J..-efJ..� Y Y� •J 250 — Retirement Community.,," Retirement communitles— restricted to adults - or senior cltlteru �maln roldentlal units similar to apartment, or condomhrluma and v •a are usually self- contah.ed villages. They may also contain special services such as medic i services, dining facilities and sorm_ limited suppNting retail acllltics. Only Ove studio conducted In the San Fran- cisco Bay Area contained trip generation for these communities. The average weekday m We trip generation rate measured entering and leaving the communities was 33 vehicle - trip ends per dvvliing unit. Set the followhnr table of rata. n' r �AY i C 11Y 1 Y'd - YNi'tM�v�lf�l��i�lri- CL�n11 ^- v � %��ni =•l � r1.�- e�J..-efJ..� Y Y� •J ' level of Service "C" (stable floe, condition' and 33,000 V.P.D. at a level of Service "D" (unstable flow condition with sporatic peak hour congestion). FL'TURE TRAFFIC ;ENERATION Alternate 1 - Medium Density Residential The medium density residential land use can vary from 8 to 14 dwelling units per acre. Traffic generation rates for residential use vary from 5.2 trip ends per dwelling unit for condominium projects to 10 trip ends per unit for single family detached dwelling units (See Attached). The medium density residential use would most likely compare within a condominium or luwrise apartment project category, or 5.2 to 6.6 trip, ends per unit. If a maximum density yield of 14 dwelling units per acre and a low rise apartment project occurred, total site trip ends would result in about 68 units generating an average daily traffic volume (ADT) of about 450 V.P.D. Alternate 2 - Office /Profeesional An office /professional land use designation for the site would yield about 1,160 V.P.D., based on a traffic generation rate of 240.1 -.rip ends Ftc a;;re or the 4.85 acre site (See Attached). Alternate 1 - Retirement Community The proposed congregate elderly - esidential and Convalescent Hospital , land use would contain 114 residential units with a 50 unit Convole- scent Hospital. i Attached is a deacription of existing retirement communities studied to determine average traffic generation rates. It is mLed that these projects contained medical services, as well as llritedon -site support retail facilities. An average traffic generation rate of 3.3 trip ends per unit would occur for these type of projects. 1+ Considering that the proposed project would contain a conreisscent R( Pospital, a rate of 3.3 trip ends per unit would be reasonable. {, V is rate would yield about 380 V.P.D. for the 114 dwelling units. i�jd�r�`, it is anticipated that the 50 unit convelescent hospital would prim- 'j�( {�: arily be used by residents within the project, a minimal increare P in daily traffic would occur due to employees of the hospital. Therefore, Lhe total site traffic g- nciation for proposed land use-vll. n9 wou1R be about 400 V.P.D. '_ice Ri 3� ;-�,',{,�� :�, ate..' `,,.r (•l� ...,•,j �` i Sr SUrD1ARy The three alternate land use drstgnations would generate A.U.T. _ volumes ranging from a low of 100 V.P.D. for the proposed elderly residential project to a high of 1,160 V.P.D. for an office/profess- ional land use. Another factor that should be considered is that an elderly resident- ial prnject would have peak traffic, although minimal, occurring generally during non- street peak hour traffic flow conditions. Other alternate Ian use wou -=Fve pa-sk iiours occurring during street peak hours, 1:00 to 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 to 6:00 P.M. Some elaerly : esidential projects provide pan type shopping and doctor visitation trips Est residents at selected houty and days during the week. This factor can further reduce tratiic gonerntion for elderly residential projects. CONCLUSION The proposed elderly restdential and convelescent hospital project would have the least traffic impact of the alternates reviewed, both in daily and Doak hour tra:fic volume level and occurrence. If you have any questions, or need addlticnal data relating to the project, contact me or Mr. Dill Dickson of our office. HK: 11 Respectfully submitted, 'H�RYAN /KIIL� S ASSOCIATES, :NC. /yid �k�>� z tman immell P.E. RTE 153' Attachments: Location Mao Traffic Ganeration hate Sheets, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Third Edition ��t. � `.,.i*�Iv'{�4'{`�',,1��tust�l: :�'9Y :ii�'i;..'1^i�nY.': ". ?.. t t. 4r•4''a.�.d�:1.t�'�r .V VAC YAC ftiTf w WC PACK it RF5 COMM • COMMERCIAL VAC • VACANT • EXISTING TRA.-FIC SIGNAL ND S4L <�E) ILL SL (R) MOM LOCATiON,--',l' Nll WWO 1';imw q = 11 Jt.. N CITY OF RANCHO CM vIONuA •Y. STAFF REPORT „S � U $ c � U DATE September ?5, 1985 W. TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Jack Lam, Community Development Directoe BY: Nancy Fong, Assistant Planer SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY REV[Eli FOR CUP 85 -25 - PORLSA LIMITED - A cons stency eterm mat on etween t e mot Corridor Interim Policies and the proposed 114 -unit senior congregate living facility t3getner with a 60 -bed care facility and other services provided such as meals, transportation, and huusekeeping, located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard, w3st side of Cucaa:nga Creek, west of Vineyard Avenue - APN 208- 211 -20, 21. - Related File: General Plan Amendment 85 -048 and E Development District Amendment 85 -07. I Iomat'�'ssssion t Thdetermineethef consistency i rof this proposed pproject .,� with the Foothill Corridor Interim Policies. i. /l. BACXGROUNO: A. enera • Related to this project is the request for a General imam Development District Amendments from the designated + Medium Residential District to .iffice /Professional •District which will also be considered by the Planning Commission ,'•+ tonight. The purpose of this proposed land use change to ,is allow the construction of a seniors congregate llving facility 4, and convalescent care facility. Earlier In the year, the Planning Comnissiea made a use determination that a seniors congregate living facility it conditionally permitted in the �• Office / Professiondl District aq a case by case basis. Also, the convalescent care facility is conJitionally permitted under • the Office /Professional District regulations. Since the '- proposed project is located an Foothill Boulevard, the Planning • Commission will have to review the project and d: ermine its consistency with the approved Interim Policies. A. B. Pro ect Discriotiom The proposed prr.isct consists of two (2) r° two u dings where 114 u�;cs 'or the senior congregate living facility is located to the front portion of the site j while a 60 -bed convalescent f4r.ility is located to the rear.. portion of the site. Open space :ria and recreatior f.cilities ITEM '��,: . i �Y7 t• +`Tid<"aL'i:`.^rldf� ?., -'�: }I J�,I ` n � • PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT PRELIMINARY REVIEW FOR CUP 85 -25 - PORLSA September 25, 1985 Page 2 are concentrated within a large interior courtyard for the _ • congregate living facility. The service area, the dining room, and the reception area are orientated towards Foothill Boulevard. The main access for this proiect is through Foothill Boulevard with an emergency access located towards the eastern sia of the property boundary. The number of parking spaces provided is 74 spaces. The senior congregate living facility provides housing for s +niors that are 55 years or older and are independent and can uiorate on their own. Other services provided for these residents will be meals, housekeeping, and transportation. 'lso, an on -site manager will be provided 24 hours a day, seven ,7) days a week. The convalescent facility provides housing for seniors who require supervision or light rare and who cannot live independently. This facility will be under separate management and control as well as owned by a separate entity. III. ANALYSIS: On August 28, 1985, thi Planning Commission approved ni terim7olicies for Foothill Corridor with as overall goal: To establish a high quality, attractive, and u:rrying design i•aage reflective of community heritage, and provide a viable setting for a balanced mixture of residential and commercial activities with safe and efficient traffic circulation and access. The f Ilcwlnm anal vsis adQT�les —consi stencv of this pro toot with the Inter m Po toles• A. Land Use /Site Plan: According to the Policies, all land use and eve opm3�T ent proposals shall be compatible with ultimate uses on surrounding properties, particularly residential uses, and mitigate potential conflicts to the ex�ent practical. Mitigation measures may typically include, but are not limited `o, Master Planning, transition of building height, architectural form and density, landscape buffers, sound attenuation, reduction of wind turbulence, visual barriers and /or grading conditions to disrupt line -of -sight concerns, and alternative circulation and access. The Area west of the site 1s an existing mobile hone park. South of the site is a housing camp for a Labor Association. East of the site is Cucamonga Creek with vacant lanA designated for future commercial use. Therefore, the proposed use is compatible to the surrounding uses. However, it is critical to require a development agreement that stipulates the land use will revert back to Medium Residential if the project is not built. If the land use designation for the site is changed from Medium Residential District to Office /Professional District, the site plan' should be designed to provide a setback of 100 feet from the cast and the .south propert boundary for any proposed two -story building %:,' The' 'service area / delivery area should be relocated away from public , PLANNING C"!SS1GN STAFF REPORT PRELIMINNIY REVIEW FOR CUP 83 -25 - PORLSA September 25, 1985 Pago 3 view %long Foothill Boulevard. The drop off lozation is inefficleot and could create traffic hazard. The -Pason is that drivers may b2 on the wrong side of the lane as well as no turn around 1,.,e for the driv+sr. Staff has suggested to the applicant that a loop street deshgn may resolve the on -site circulation problem. B. miss an stye architecture with terra cotta barrel tile roofing, canna window awnings and exterior plaster. The building design appears repetitive and rigid with its alternate roof height pattern on the south, east and west sides. Overall, the proposed elevations do not provide the necessary design elements such as: river rock fieldstone walls, exposed beamwork, vine arbors, curved parapet walls, and covered walkways or arcades. C. Pedestrian OrientatiogLublic Transit.: The site plan must provide mate a estr an connect ons an vehicu al r clrcu at on. e deeRuper z ou prom e stronger pedestrian connections o future commer:.tal and service areas on Foothill. According to the developer, most of the pedestrian amenities are located within the large courtyard ror security and privacy purposes for tha residents. Also, the developer should consider providing public transit facilities such as bus stops for the site and use. D. S_ tr eetscape Landscaping: The proposed conceptual landscaping plan s au ncorpora a such design elements as intensifying landscaping, mounding anti berming, rockscape, and street furnitures. Overall, landscaping should be designed to create visual interest and variety to the streetscape, enhance building architecture and buffer views of automobiles, screen utility and service area and distinguish pedestrian spaces from vehicular areas. IV. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission review the propos pro ect and make a consistency determination. If the Planning Commission determines that the proposed project is consistent with the policies, then the plans will be forwarded to the Design Review Committee. If the Planning Commission determines that the proposed project is not consistent with the policies, then the applicant should be ditected to work with staff on revising the entire development package. submitted, Community Development Director JL:NF:ko Attathments: Exhibit •A' Exhibit •B• Exhibit 'C' Exhibit •D' Foothill Coi - Location lisp - Site Utilization Map - Site Plan -.Elevations rider Interim Policies :;•+ ` A j' � CITY OF RANUiO CLr-AlMaNGA :.R. NMNG DfVMN L El WW la, t r�.J ... qo- .10 Tq, ki r. m6l�" If. i r I 1 �I ----- - - - - -- , 0 rill -- - -�..o nr►x �w ; CiTy OF RANCHO ;(,'CA11Kh \'GA rlrl�[ O�D�Ei y •° PLANNING D!V'SM-. EXHIMT- SCA e�Y'A'St;[y��1°.fJ'.s�J�. barJ� _ 1 'F ^•[�.: V•�'�[.ti`:w.`SVTI�'-. ".t'.i'Y�f�t ... •:v�. .:ti r�ME;r HOUSM krkr" ELEVATION ELDERLY HOUSINO SOUTH ELEVATION ✓NORTH. ,7 OF NCM,C,UCAMaN'GA TrrLE. NMNG DIVISION Extmrr,-�j /so� (1q 1 EXTENDED CARE FACLITY NORTH M"ATION SOUTH ELEVATION SPA. EXTL40M CARE FACXVV Ems]' ELEVATION LN M4. iM HO CMAMa'C& VG MOON, EXHW,- .e 0 , � "j•� in r. , T} - FOOTHILL CORRIDOR IMIN POLICIES °s InTRCCLCTION _ • The following Goal Statement and Interim Policies are _- decision waking provided W guide Sha g process during preparation of the Foothill Boulevard Corridor Study. The policies address basic land use and urban design issues unique to i, the Foothill Corridor, and are intended to be applied in conjunctim: pith the Development Code, whichever is more restrictive. The boundaries of the Study Area include cmrrrei.il, office, and residential properties along Foothill Boulevard, ranging from the west city limit at Grove Avenue to Deer Creek Channel, and from the Devore Freeway to the east city limit at East Avenue (Exhibits A -1, A -2). GOAL STATEPENT `Y Goals define community .aspirations and Intentions. the following Goal for Foothill Boulevard attempts to synthesize a complex set of Issues dealing with land use. urban design, traffic and circulation, and economic viability into a compretensive, understataiable and achievable statement. To establish a high quality, attractive, and u0fying design image reflective of community heritage, and provide a viable setting for a balanced mixture of residential and camiercial activities with safe and efficient traffic circulation and ?� access. Based on this goal, the following Interim Policies are provided to address W development related issues during preparation of tie Foothill Corridor Study. .t F vt . %Y t �• - a jai'. /•.t`�''v'yP` Ak, < (`��. - :j.,i�:J' ' , is --• >.. - /;'7` ,/' - y., °: "©�: .�+�y�S YSj,`4�. � "`" i�vj�t�zy���r„_'�, ( Yj ti �,� -• ' ^. t, Y a .tl � "v'9. �:,y °t_���ia K y M� A. General Reouirements: Preliminary Review Time Limits /Extensions .i , r. The proposed 1, d use, project design, and conditions of aPercival comply with all applicable provisions of the Foothill Corridor Interim Policies; b. The projs ^t is consistent with the,-':, policies, standards, ' and;` , requirements to effect at' the, tlme of the extension. r'r V.4 e IN r"S'i ♦ y.l ✓ - ♦ X11, '.. �.ip'nkii ^`1 4 INTERIN POLICIES A.1 Prior to processing Development /Design Review applications within the study ° area the Planning 'omnission shall conduct a Preliminary Review to determine consistency with the Interim Goal and Policies containLe herein The intent is to provide direction to the applicant and staff early to the review process and avoid undue time delays or expenditc ris. A.2 Submlttn: requirements for a Preliminary Review shall inc,ude a Site Utiliza•ien Map showing the relationship of the site to surrounding property and improvements. a conceptual Site Plan, and a description of the proposed use. Addlticnal information may be requested as deemed necessary by the City Plannir. A.3 Approval of development proposals, except subdivision maps, shall lapse eighteen (18) months from the date of approval. The intent is to allow early re- evaluation of projects not yet constru.ted for consistency with the adopted Foothill Corridor Study or other then current City standards. A.4 Time e.ctensions for any development proposal within the study area subject to• a taus^ of approval may be granted, in twelvn (17) month increments a& not to exceed a toial of four (4) y.,ars from .the original date of approval, subject to any inconsistent provision of State law, and the following findings: r. The proposed 1, d use, project design, and conditions of aPercival comply with all applicable provisions of the Foothill Corridor Interim Policies; b. The projs ^t is consistent with the,-':, policies, standards, ' and;` , requirements to effect at' the, tlme of the extension. r'r V.4 e IN r"S'i ♦ y.l ✓ - ♦ X11, '.. �.ip'nkii ^`1 n- c. The grantini of said time extension will not be detrimental to the - public I. -alth, safety, or welfare, or materiall, injurious too properties or improvements in -the vicinity. d Current eccromIc, marketing, and inventory conditions have mode it p unreasone�le to develop the project prior to r1s time. Compatibility: A.5 411 land use and development proposals shalt be compatible with ultimate uses on surrounding properties, particularly residential uses, and tritigate potential conflicts to the extent Practical. Mitigation measures may typ4cally include, but are not llmtted to, Master Planning, transition of building height, architectural fo, +r and density, landscape buffers, sound attenuation, reduction of wind turbulence, vislal barelers and /cr grading etnditions to disrupt line -cf- slght coarcerns, and alternative circulation and access. B. Land Use: The intent of rL 'ol iowing policies is to provide a ,le setting for a balanced mixtrre of residential, commercial, office, ar thar activities of cawnity We significance compatible with surrounding land uses. General Plan :amendments B.1 Applications for General Plan L-ad Use Amendments are discouraged. Prior to approval of ally such amendment, however, the Planning C=Ission shall • make the fallowing findings: a. The proposed amendment is :learly !. consistent with the intent and purpoee of the interim yolicies for the Foothill Boulevard corridor. b. The proposed land use I!, compatible t: with ultimate uses o-� surrounding c property. b'. M. c. The proposed land use will not S create significant traffic ;or circulation Impacts. <<° r •� JY �, ',y�i 19 4 Development Districts Amendments B.2 Land Use 6.3 d. The proposed land use will not be detrimental to properties or imnrivements in the vicinity. Development District Amendments boundaries n"v be considered if - consistent with C.e General Plan Land s Use Element and Interim Policies, and where necessary to achieve .:re logical and efficient laid use and sit - planning patterns The intent is to allow flexibility during the Master Planning process and provide a tool to achieve the objectives of the Interim Policies. Current Land Ilse regulations within the Study Area shall remain in effect. except that the following limitations shall apply during preparation of the Foothill 8oulevard Corridor Plan. The purpose is to avoid land uses which may have adverse aesthatic impacts, until such time as design guidelines and technical standards are established to deal with specific areas of concern. Existing or previously approved busineaaas and buildings shall he allowed to continue under current requlatory provisions of the City. The following land uses stall not be esta5'-ished in the Off•ce /Professiona' and General Commerciai districts withIft thn Study A is - Animal Care Facility with exterior kennels, pens, or runs - Automotive Repair including major engine work, muffler shops, painting, body work, and upholstery (except where accessory to automotive sales) - Cemeteries - Contractors Yards -i - Equipment Rental Yards - Ic- Machines (outdoor) — 1, �3r - Minn- storago for public use 1 q4' C. Master Planned Development: The purpose of this section is to provide for integrat -d development at the earliest possible time in the review process. Master planning of defined areas will s...id development of single parcels of land In a manner which - Recreation Vehicle Storage Yard - T:re Sales and Service _ r - True and Trailer Rental, Sales, feasible. The specific intent is to rerognize and solve problems before they and service - Vehiculer Storage Yard-, The fallowing land uses may be established in the Office /Profess tonal r and General Commercial Districts within ' the Study Area, subject to the approval e of a Conditianal Use Permit. ' - Carpenter Shop or Cabinet Shop - Drug Stores and Pharmacies proposals wherever necessary to assure Integrated development, enhance (CUP in OP Distr,ct only) - Nurseries b Gard!n Supply Stores - Plumbing Shop and Supplies mit +gate site constraints an adjoining - Second Hand Stores and Pawn Shops - Spiritualists C. Master Planned Development: The purpose of this section is to provide for integrat -d development at the earliest possible time in the review process. Master planning of defined areas will s...id development of single parcels of land In a manner which prevents or precludes future development ut adjacent parcels in the best way feasible. The specific intent is to rerognize and solve problems before they occur and take advantage of opportunities wnile they exist. Master Plans Required C 1 A conceptual Master Plan' shall be required for Planning Commission review in conjunction with development { proposals wherever necessary to assure Integrated development, enhance harmonious and orderly development, mit +gate site constraints an adjoining property and maximize laid potential. k% Boundaries /City Benefit C.Z The a•ea of Master Plans shall not be .` confined by individual lot lines, but determined by logical pplanning -fi boundaries and site condtilons- as ?' required by the Planning Ccmaisslon or City Planner, ; Master Planning beyond the boundaries of specific project I 1 Or Or sites iz intended to benefit the City = ze �4 a a' i by coordinating land use and site _ - planning to enhance opportunities for •„ quality developmpnt consistent with -the W standards for Foothill Boulevard, de- emphasize "strip - commercial" _ by creating organized groups of : tructures and uses, and provide for efficient utilization of land. Content C.3 At a minimum, Master Plans shall indicate conceptual building locations and orientation, overall circulation, points of ingress and egress, parking lot layouts, transit stops, landscaped areas, and pedestrian nodes, and circulation. In addition, the City Planner may require other Information < as deemed necessary to assure _ consistency with the intent of these policies. D. New Development: The intent of the following policies is to establish a high quality, attractive and unifying design image w5ich promotes a sense of ldcatity and reflects community heritage and to provide for safe and efficient traffic flow and optimum vehicular and pedestrian access within the corridor. Arcnitecture 0.1 The architecture of new construction shall be sensitive to the heritage of Rancho Cucamonga and relatt to nearby structures of cre+munity significance. Design elements may include, but are not limited to, river rock/fieldstone wails, exposed beam work, vine arbors, curved parapet walls, and covered walkways or arcades. 0.2 All applications for new development within the study area shall include a written statement of architectural intent indicating how the project is ` sensitive to the heritage of Rancho Cuctmonga. Pedestrian : rientation 0.3 Site planning, including building orientation and parking lot configuration, shall enhance pedestrian connections on- and off -site. A continuous pedestrian system is required in all new projects with connections between buiIdings,'' park i%g,q ;t areas, street adjacent sidewalks�,andP transit stops. Amenities_ shall' b�!f • i provided such as plazas, shaded seating alcoves, expanded walkways with surface treatment, texturized pavement across drive aisles, raised planters, trash receptacles, and drinking fountiins. In addition, outdoor eating areas are r encouraged. Combined Access 0.4 Through the master pl,rn:n -v process, driveways onto Foothill Boulevard shall be coordinated for consistency with existing City access policies (i.e., 300' driveway separation) to the extent practical, ragard'ess of parcel width. Public Transit 0.5 Public transit facilities shall be considered within all master plans. Convenient pedestrian access shall be provided from designated transit facilities, such as bus stops. Streetscape Design 0.6 Streetscape design elements for all new projects shall be coordinated for consistency with the guidelines for Foothill Boulevard in effect at the time of development, including intensified landscaping with specimen size trees, berming, and meandering sidewalks. In addition, street furniture and alluvial rockscape and monument signs may be required where appropriate. Landscaping 0.7 Landscaping shall be designed to create vi:ual interest and variety to the streetscape, enhance building architecture, buffer views of automobiles, screen utilities and service areas, and distinguish pedestrian spaces from vehicular areas. E. Hon- Contormine Lots /Structures: ' The purpose of this section is to allow continuance of existing uses and buildings under Current conditions, and promote consistency of design and i technical standards throughout the study area at the time o' development, } conversion, or redesign. 4j Master Planning E.1 hiw development and /or conversion of e fisting residential buildings to a new use is permitted on non - conforming ;- it's, provided such development 1s °an x, lip integral part of a Master Plan:',' development consistent with the Interim' •b t 0 4:, till, f ,. +z<(���.� &>(i`?•..�i7. _af:;.il =_S .'a.�.9n!` °`r�'4` . .f:... A�" Policies fo- the Foothill Boulevard -^ Corridor and Oevelopment Code _ standards. The boundaries of _such tea. • Master Plan shall be determined by the t °,•; City Planner per policy C.2 above, ;nd should provide for consolidation of ' substandard parcels. ° . Landscaping P 9 E.2 Regardless of parcel depth, all new ` development shall provide a minima 45' �. building setback and average streetscape landscaping (measured from the ultimate curb face location) on Foothill Boulevard. '• E.3 .Streetscape landscaping and irrigation i, shall be required to the extent practical In con unction with substantial reconstruction, renovation or exterior remodeling of existing structures along Foothill Boulevard involving the issuance of a building "`. permit. 0 4:, till, f ,. +z<(���.� &>(i`?•..�i7. _af:;.il =_S .'a.�.9n!` °`r�'4` . .f:... xr •;:aa�: •O s1 a v 0 i s CITY OF _ —... .� 1 - , rrc\i• RAi\CHO CUCAMONGA Tm EfMWJMffA ftA frANNING DIVMN EXHI61Tr A -/ ALE VV MRTH 1 r &Mw Ave. lw.I ro < t I I ,-M I Ko1m i ' CITY Or. rrF-N1. Macmfoe.L grvvr ; .Y RANCHO CUCAXIO\GA TrrLE, x i� /a. X-W is PLANNING Di%rMV E\111 _SCALD '�' :• S + a Section 19.10.030 f)eveloament Code interim Use Re¢ulatlons - - �aowu_ Wuteyard CoRldoe Stu dy Area i listed In Indicated in the co' -u.7 bbe ath each commeralal district` Where Indicated with the letter "P ", the ust shall be a permitted use In that district. Where Indicated wit.`t the letter ^C", the ` n, shell be a conditional use subject to the Conditional Use Permit process. In the event there is difficulty in categorizing a given use in'one of tre districts, the procedure outllled In Section 17.02.040 shall be followed. ' i�. , J USB OP N4 OC A. Offices end Related Uses r I. Administrative and executive offices, p p p . 2. Artist and photographic studios, not p p p Including the sale of equipment or supplies. 3. Clerical and professional offices. p p p `r 4. Financial services and institutions. p p P S. Medical, dental and related health P p p a services (non - animal related) including laboratories and - 'lnles! only the sale of articles clearly incidental to the services Provided shall be permitted. G. Prescription pharmacies, (also when P p located within a building wntalhing the P offices of S or more medical practitioners) 7. Pub!Ic buildings (Iibr tY, city and county P P P buildings, special districts and post , office). r 8. Public utility service offices. p P P 9. Public safe.y facility (police, fire, C C ambulanco and paramedics). C i�. , J R# USE OF HC CC 10. Related commercial -uses (blueprinting, p p F' • stationary, quick copy, etc.) when incidental to an office building or -• ` complex. - 8- Oenerai Commercial Uses I. Antique shops _ p p 2. Adult business (see s, ao1al requirements per Section 17.10.030) - 3. Animal Care Facility (animal hospital, veterinarian, commercial kennel, grooming). a. Excluding exterior kennel, pens, or C p p runs. b. Including exterior kennel, pens, or runs. ' 4. Apparel stores. _ p p 5. Art, music and photographic studios and C supply stores, p p G. Appliance stores and r ^pair. _ C p 7. Arcades (see special requirements per Section 19.10.030 F.) C C 8. Athletic and Health Club, gyms and weight reducing clinics. p p p 8. Automotive services (Including motorcycles, boats, trailer aad cam ?er) a. sales (may have repairs as aneilary C use) - C b. rentals - - c. repairs (major engine work, muffler shops, painting, body work and _ upholstery) < d. Cain-op washing C C C e. Automatic washing C C C t . . sr - .• _ . i Section 17.10.070,•' , . , d USE Op NC OC (f) Service or gasoline dttpenring C C a stations (including minor repair py, such as tune -ups, brakes, batteries,' tires, muffler) ^t - (g) Parts and supplies - P P lo. Bakeries (retail only). - �•" P P It. Barber and beauty shops. P P P 12. Bicycle shops. �'.,. - P P - , 13. Blueprint and photocopy services P P P 4 1•: 14. Boat and camper sales and services. _ _ C • IS. Boot, gift and stationary stores (other C P p - than adult related material). ` = lo. Candy store and confectioneries. _ P p 17. Catering establlst vents. P 18. Cla.eing and pressing establishments. C p P 19. Carpenter shop or cabinet shop. _ _ C 10. Cocktail lounge (bar, lounge, tavern) including related entertainment. (a) Operated Independent of a C restaurant - C _ (b) Accessory to a restaurant C C C 21. Commercial recreation facilities. ` (a) Indoor Imes such as bowling, C C P theaters, biilards, (b) 'Outdoor uses such as golf, tennis, C C basketball, baseball, trampollnes, C ? etc. 22. Contractor yards (screening of outdoor _ storege required). - �'+' - 22. Dairy product stores. _ P t Ar -loo - ww "s c• jt i W W to Y USE 2t. Department stores. 25. Drive -In businesses, Including theaters. (ot}er than fa: r food restaurants) 26. Drug stores and pharmacies. 27. Equipment rental yards. 28. Fast -food restaurants. 29. FeedlTace stores 30. Florist shops. 31. Food stores and supermarkets. 32. Futniture stores, repair and upholstery. 33. General retail stores. 34. Hardware stores. 35. Home Improvement centers. (a) Material cored and sold within enclosed buildings (b) Outdoor storage of material such as lumber & building materials 38. Hotels and Motels. 37. Ice, Machines (emu' door). 38. Janitoral services and suppiles. 39. Jewelry stores. 40. Laundry- self-service. 41. Liquor stores. 42. Klosks for key shops, film drops, etc. In parking lots. 43. Locksmith shop. 44. 6flni- storage for public use (no outdoor storage). l -lot- P p • C C _ p C p P P p P p P p C C P P ; dH j_ Section'1710.030 j �: < tip HC CC - P C =C C P P C C P - C p p P p - P P - p p - P p - P P P p • C C _ p C p P P p P p P p C C P P ; dH j_ s Section 17.10.030• t - . 4. c : USE OP NC CC �! S • 45. Mortuaries _ C -- _C ' C 46. Motorcycle sales and service. - ,C is 47. Newspaper and magaxine stores, printing - C and publishing. p 48. Nurseries and garden s.,pply stores; provided, In the NC dis.rict, C C (` y,. all equipment, supplies and malarial are kept within an enclosed area. 3 ;l' 43. Office and business machine stores. C P P ` P 50. Parking facilities (commercial) where fees C are charged. P 5; 51. Political or phllnrehroplc headquarter. C C P 52. Pet shop. - P p u 53. Plumbing shop and supplies. _ 54. Photocopy P _ C P P 55. Printing shops. _ •. - P '`. 56. Restaurants (other than fast tc,od). '< (a) With entertainment rnd /or serving C C of alcohoUa beverages P (b) Incidental serving of beer and wino p p but without a cocktail lounge, bar, P entertainment or dancing : 57. Recreational Vehicle Storage'Yard. S8. Shoe stores, sales and repair. - P P + 59. Second -hand stores and pawnshops. - - 80. Shopping Canter subject to provisions In - C �- Section 17.10.030 -p.5. C C r , 6t. Spiritualist readings or astrology forecasting. - C 62. Sporting goods stores. - •` . P P - 83. S ,mp and coin shops. + _ P •-KK + -102- • <? �+ .r, t- ',la4ii __ � :r %�•ya �b -y4iN1 _ t ` ,tiF i:4�d, OF HC USE 64. Swimming pool supplies. 65. Tailor. 66. Taxidermists. 67. Television, radio sales and service. 68. Tire sales and service. 69. Toy stores. 70. Towing service (without vehicular storage) 71. Travel agencies. 72. Trarsportatlon facilities (train and bus, text depots). 73. Truck and traller rental, sales and service. 74. Variety stores D. Public and semi-public uses 1. Day Care Facilities 2. Convalescent racUtles and hospitals. 3. Private and public clubs and lodges, Including YS1CA, YWCA and similar youth group uses. 4. Educational Institutions, parochial, private (including colleges and universities). S. Libraries do museums, public or private. S. Parka rmd recreation facilitles, public or private. 7. Public utility installations. S. Vocational or business trade schools. 9. Churches, convents, monasteries and otner religious Institutions. OF HC GC - p p - F R- C P - P P - P P - - C P P P C C C P P C C C C - C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C i l�` .x;;i. � -� ":fps.,. •ti-�. r � -S • �- - '` �, .,41, , iry.:. �j�� Sea Lion li 10.9]q • - "= w IISR i D. Access_ oes •, _ OP NC CC , ,R 1. Acessor y structures and °-' was customarily Incideata! to a Permitted p P P •..� wa and contained on the same .. Accessory structures and uses = customarily Ineldental to a conditional C C C we and contained on the same .k. site. 7. Caretakers residence 4. Amusement Devlces, per Section C C P 17.10.070 -p. p 2 " E. Temporary uses 1. Temporary uses as prescribed fit Section 111.04.070 and subject to those provisions, p p p 7. Temporary office modules, subject to prov siors In Section 17.10.070 -p.4. C C C r- Vy� i r,Y _ Y a11 i..j@. h bpi �+ yii apl ,Yw' al; "A - y t YY °a..]::�..:J.•.�u . {a'1.•. �J.:� a l —a t 1 . 2''t N fi. l � RESOLUTIONI NO. 85 -151 A RESOLUTION Or THE PLAN-NING ..FISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIrORNIA, RECOMMENDIMG DENIAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 110. 85 -048, REQUESTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE R.4NLTI0 CUCAMONGA GENERAL PLAN WHEREAS, the Planning Cc aoission has held a duly advertised public hearing to consider all comments an the proposed General Plan Amendment 85- 046; SECTION 1: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission cannot make the following nT di 59s A. The Amendment does not conflict with the Land Use adlicies of the General Picn. B. Tte Amendment promotes goals of the Land Use Element. C. The Amendment would not be mate•ially injurious or detr' mental to the adjacent properties. NOW, THEREFQIE, BE IT RESOLVEO, that the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission does hereby recommend denial to the City Council of General Plan Amendment 85 -048. APPROVED AND ADOP!EO THIS 9TH DAY OF OC'fOBEP., 1985. SSION THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA I, Jack Lam, Secretary o' the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was July and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 9th day of Cctcher, 1935, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL, CHITIEA, BARKER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MC NIEL, STOUT 1�3 .i 'J -f 'J, i RESOLUTION NO. 85 -152 - A RESOLUTION' OF Th'F RANCHO CUCAMGNGA PLANKING COMMISSION ' RECOKMENDING DENIAL OF DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT NO. - 85 -07 REQUESTING A CHANGE IN THE DISTRICT DESIGNATION - FPOM MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL 10 OFFUE /PROFESSIONAL FOR 4.85 ACRES LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, HEST SIDE OF CUCAMONGA CREEK, HEST OF VINEYARD AVENUE - APN 208- 211- 20,21. WHEREAS, on the 15th day of July, 1985, an application was filed and accepted on the above - described project; and WHEREAS, on the 25th day cf September, 1985, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing pursuant to Section 65854 of the California Government Code. SECTION 1: the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has made the following tn�'Ti: 1. That the subject property is not suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed district in terms of access, size, and compatibility with existing land use in the surrounding area; and 2. That the proposed district change would not promote the goals of the General Plea Land Use Element and Develocment Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commis I,n does hereby re :ommend dental to the City Council of Development District 'daandment No. 85 -07. APPPOvr.D AND ADOPTED THIS 9TWr OAY OF OCTOBER, 1985. PLAT: 'n>ZD•41ISS! . F THE CITY OF RAaCh0 CUCAMONGA By. Eid�1�� -rrA4 av d art l er, di - Chairman Jack \\ Lam. ecretary �'��_ W° -'b- i r• +. 7 a ! N r Mr. Lam advised that the Commission would not be foreclosing the option if they asked the property owner on the south to provide an irrevocable offer of oedication for half of the street. Further, that if and when the prope,ty to• the north Is developed the opportunity would still be there to take a Eook at what dedication issue might be necessary for that property. - C Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by Barker, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the Resolution approving Parcel Map 8318, with amendments to require landscaping and meandering sidewalk on Haven Avenue consistent with the east side of Haven Avenue, an irrevocable offer of dedication for one -half of Acacia Street, and sidewalk construction on 7th Street deferred until time of development. Motion carried by the following vote: •,' AYES: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL, BARKER, CHITIEA, MCNIEL, STOUT NOES: COMBMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE - carried A ` Chairman Stout announced that the following iters and item •Q' were related. Therefore, item •Q• would be heard out of regular order, concurrently with the following amendment request: H. ENVIROM MENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 8S -048 PORLSA - A request to amend the General Plan Land use Map from ea um e—A sidential (4- 14 du /ac) to office (in conjunction with the development of a senior citizen congregate living and care facility) on 4.85 acres of land located on the south side of Foothill Blvd, west side of Cucamonga Cre_t, west of Vineyard Avenue - APN 208- 211 -20 & 21. I tNVIROXMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 8S -07 - PORLSA eq to a mOen a eve ent7 slut). lap from Medium Residential (8 -1- t o ffice /Professional tin conjunction with the devel. pment ) of a senior citizen congregate living and care facility) or 4.85 acres of land, located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard, west side of Cucamonga Creek, west of Vineyard Ayerue - APR 208 - 211 -20, 21. • Q. PRELIMINARY REVIEW FOR CUP 85 -25 - PORLSA - A consistency oetermtnation between the Foothill-Corridor interim P o ties and the proposed 112 unit senior congregate living facility together with a 50 hed care facility and other services provided such as meals, transportation sjd housekeeping, ;�. located at the south side of Foothill Boulevard, west of Cucamonga Creek and west of Vineyard Avenue - APN 207 - 211 -20 and 21. Related File: GPA 85 -04B; DDA 85 -01. Curt Johnston, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff report relative to the General Plan and Development District Amendment. •' Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner, reviewed the staff report relative to preliminary review for CUP 85 -25. Planning Commission Minutes -7- September 25, 1985 '. M � ! �..:a�fl� 5� I.'•:s•i:,7: 4 �._.tii i...,c .',a s. i <��°: Commissioner McHlel asked staff If Information was available from Caltrans regarding a signal at Baker and Foothill. - ' Paul Rougeau, Traffic Engineer, replied that at this time a signal has not been scheduled for Installation at this location; however, it a project was approved for Baker and Foothill it would be necessary for Caltrans to place that signal on its priority list. Commissioner Rempel asked if staff had information from Caltrans regarding the median island on Foothill. Mr. Rougeau replied that the concept of a median has been approved by Caltrans, but that further stud; is underway to &•termire where the -edian breaks should be located. Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. Rick Andrews, re,- tenting the applicant, gave an overview of the project. Kenneth Srimes ga:u as overview of the architecture. Chairmin Stout advised that the Planning Commission had recently completed a study of Foothill Boulevard and forwarded Interim Policies to the City Council for its approval. He askc.' the aoplicant if they had reviewed these policies with respect to architecture. Mr. Grimes replied that he had obtained a copy of the Interim Policies; however, the criteria had not been utilized as the project design was completed 4 -5 months ago. Chairman Stout referred to the Interim Policies section which requires applicants to make a statement of how a proposed project's architecture can conform with the desired theme for Foothill Boulevard. He asked if this would be realistic for this type of project. Mr. Grimes reolled that he 'oculd like to have more specific information on the goals of this requirement and h000d that this would be possible during review of the CUP. There were Ito further comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Barker stated that 0..3 of the primary considerations for senior citizen projects is the proximity to services that senior citizens need; however, there are no services within safe walking distance to this project. Commissioner McNiel disagreed and stated that van service is not an uncommon method of transportation for senior project. He felt It was not a bad location because it is buffered by surrounding development. as Planning Comemission Minutes -8- September E5, 1985 iy'CL �d'::h'wFi'ti�i •Y.'k1i�.. . a�,',�: � y. Fa' i /� � r . ' 4s_r � •��'�'Y••'C�7 'x Commissioner Chltiea was concerned that the senior citizens would not be able to walk to support services and parks, but would have to drive or rely on van • service. She stated that it is-not to say that it may not be appropriate 1rr the future, but the project at this time 1s premature. Chairman Stout stated that eventually the support services may be provided• within walking distance of this project and agreed that the location is premature for this type of use dt this time. Further, that it later may be C possible to resolve the technical issues and advised that an egress In addition to Foothill Boulevard was necessary. Commissioner Rempel was concerned with the driveway location on Foothill, and stated that another driveway should not be located on Foothill until the median Island is constructed. He further stated that other issues associated with the project could be mitigated, but the trfffic issue far outweighs all others. Chairman Stout stated that based on these comments, it seemed the consensus of the Commission would be to deny this request. He asked the City Attorney to clarify the appropriate action. Andre. Arczynsky, Assistant City Attorney, advised that since a Resolution of Denial had not been submitted for Cownission consideration, the appropriate action would be to direct staff to prepare a Resolution recommending denial and place it on the consent calendar of the next agenda. Further, that it would then be at the applicant's discretion If he wanted to withdraw his Conditional Use Permit application. Motion: Moved by Barker, seconded by Chitiee, to direct staff to prepare a Resolution recommending denial of :nvironmental Assessment and General Plan Amendment 85 -048, Porisa. Notion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARKER, CHITIEA, MCNIEL, REMPEL, STOUT J NOES: COMMISSIONERS: BONE i" ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE - carried Motion: Moved by Chitiea, seconded by Revel, to direct staff to prepare a Resolution recommending denial of Enviromaental Assessment and Development District Pmendmeat 85- 07,'Porlsa. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CdITIEA, REMPEL, BARKER, MCNIEL, STOUT '[ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE !± ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE - carried y a Planning Commission Minutes -9- September 25, 1985 __�.'i'Rbw .{i`f•2a`�4{y-�n'•.:1.1• a ",.S,Y:v+ r !{; =i t�^ .]�d i C � September 25, 1985 Hr. Otto Rroutil, Senior Planner CITY OY 4WRA tS*BBp.C. Planning Department P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Re: PORLSA, LIHITED rroject Dear Hr. Eroutil: The Project proposal consists of two (2) faeilites. One complex • will consist of a two (2) story, one- hundred and fourteen (114; Unit Ederll congregate living facility, and the other, a two (2) story sixty room intermediate care facility /convalescent home. The congregate living facility will be full service Retirement Apartments for active Elderly Adults. The residents must be ambulatory and able to function SndependenPty, 8c Red on our pact experience, the majority of our tenants will have fa. -tly within a 15 mile radius of the facility. The average age of theba residents will be between 75 and 84 years old. The buildinq, has been designed to include 114 living anits with private bath and kitchen. The kitchen is designed to include a two - burner hotplate and refrigerator so that the tenants can, on occasion, entertain in cneir room. The facility will also have a central dining room, central kitchen, lounges, library, beauty shop, private laundry facility, and a craftroom. These apartments will be staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Staff will prepare j, at least 2 meals a day, and provide activity programs, and a van �,• for transportation of the residents. The van will be used to carry tenant* for daily shopping trips, outi:,gs, doctor office' } visits, and my other tripe required for the convenience of the } residents. The staff will also do laundry, weekly changing of p linens, daily trash service, cleaning of the individual units and ,c other duties for the convenience and comfort of the residents. 4 C Mr. Otto Krontil, Senior Plauner September 250 1985 Page 2 We expect that the facility will be fully sprinkled, as well as, have smoke detectors and fire alarm system. All units will have an .mergency call system which is monitored by the project staff. If a resident has a problem, a pull cord will be located in the bedroom and the bathroom of each unit from which an emergency call can be sent to the main panels in the Office and Manager's Unit. The employee who is monitoring that panel can reepond through a two -way speaker system to confirm the emergency, and respond to tenant's problem by calling for help, such as the paramedics, or merely by responding directly to that tenant's room if they're capable of handling the problem immediately. We will not have any medical personnel on our staff as we do not house any residents who require medical care supervision. The residents must be able to function on their own, such as dress, bath, come to the dining room for meals, and participate in activities. In tbo event that a resident can no longer be independent, we will work with their family to find the proper facility where the resident can receive the necessary care. On the rear portion of the site, an approximately 1 acre parcel., a sixty (60) room intermediate care facility is proposed to be constructed. This facility would be for those elderly persons who require intermediate care and supervision. Generally, this is in the realm of special diet and /or regular medical attention; however, generally, intermediate care tenants are ambulatory and somewhat able to be responsible for their own lives. The primary difference would be that the care facility would be staffed by licensed medical personnel. The faci.ity would also have it's own fully equipped kitchen for food prepaiaticn and special diets as needed by the tenants. Also, medicat on would likely be on hand at the site in order tp administer to the tenant's needs. The construction and subsequent operation of this facility would be accomplished by a separate enity from the owner and operator of the congregate facility. At present, Nestern Medical Association has expressed a desire to own and operate that facility. Western Medical Association has extensive experience in the operaticn of senior housing and hospital services. Uowever, no contract has been concluded with Western Medical and .egotia *ions are continuing. ( f l • Mr. Otto Kro-:til, Senor Planner September 25, 1985 Page 3 Finally, I would like to addreas some concerns we had regarding the traffic study and recommendations that were submitted to the city. we would like to emphasize the fact that raw data for projects of the ntture contemplated in our pr :,rdal are not available, and Mr. Kimmel indicated this in his report. He, therefore, used a "retirement community as the basis for his traffic study, since that was the closest hard information that he could obtain. Alto, he noted that the information was derived from the San Francisco area. As you are no doubt aware, a *retirement community generally contains single - family, apartment, condominium, and congregate type uses all in a large project area. Such communities will generate much more traffic than would be generated by the use completated in our proposal. In discussions with ouv proposed management company, it was pointed out by the management company that traffic is very light for this type of project. In futher discussions with the on -sight managers and the mangement com ?any it was determined that traffic, even during peak periods of advertisement for rent -up purposes, is generally less than 200 ep rsoro per day. Deliveries and service calls generally occur between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. and, an the average, occu- three days s week. In one typical project with 117 units, twelve of the tenants had their own care and used these t cars once a week on the average. The maaocitp of the tenants use tho bus line and the project van as their means of transportatira. Regarding bus usage, it was the consensus that the vast majority of use is of the Dial -A -Ride service. A typical project of 117 units would have a total. of 58 spa,�as for parking including guest spaces. Even with such a limitFA rumhur of parking spaces provided the management personnel have indicated that they have never experiencid any stacking of care entering or exiting the project site. The above information was derived from disauaaions with the proposed management company regarding five projects located in the Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. Lastly, you will note in the traffic report, Mr. Kimmel has indicated that the peak traffic times for a project of thla type are at the non -peak hours of the day for the street (i.e., mid- morning and mid - afternoon); and, therefore, even when traffic is peak at the alto thin will not significantly impact the traffic for Foothill Blvd. /7b i iii ,_J Mr.Otto Xroutil, Senior Planning September 25, 1985 Page 4 Should you have any questions regarding this lettec, please don't hesitate to contact me Increly, Richard R. Andrews RRA#4/pb 4;� mail clerk for the City of i. Rancho Cucamonga, do he eby swear that on _ ni /, 1985 at <. approximately o't'uck (a.m. er p,m.), I deposited in the • Cucamonga Branch of the Nnited'States Post Office located at 9607 Business Center Drive, a letter addressed to and regarding PC MEETING 11/20/85 7:30 PM ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AIENDMENT 85 -048 — PORLSA _ SEE ATTACHED LABELS dcf �/ i Signed: i h ( /iyh Date: V— , (return to Planning Division after signing) ti Ikm aV� l.' .1 v` C c� t? Y 5, A l I IM :._y, 1G - ,-- r-- ct -v, -o •.eJ7 2= :.,:vim: -2 -.; SAN BEROARD CO. FLOOD '' '' SAN BER:iARC6FN'0 CO. FLOUI CO:ETROL DIS . T CONTROL /lYI5'I`i�P�i C \ 207 - 101 -32 207 - 101 -32 MIKFSELL, DANIEL D. MIISESELL, DANIEL. 811 W. Granada Ct. 811 W. Granada Ct. Ontario, CA 91762 Ontario, CA 91762 207 - 101 -33 MOGA, THOMAS W. P. 0. Box 452 Mt. Baldy, CA 91759 207- 10L -39, 40 SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO 207 - 101 -43 CTICAMONG4 COUHTYyWATER DISTRICT 207 - 201 -35, 36 DOWNEY, H. H INC. 4751 -A State 1t. Ontario,_ CA 91761 207 - 211 -01 SAN ;ABflIEL VALLEY LA90E ASSN, P. 0. Box B Cucamonga, CA 91730 2DT- 211 -14 & 15 STEPHENS A. D. P. 0. Box 1014 Lomita, CA 90717 7.3 207 - 101 -33 MOOA, THOMAS W. P. 0 Box 452 Mt. 941dy, CA 91759 207 - 101 -39, 40 SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. i 207 - 101 -43 CUCAMONGA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 207 - 201 -35, 36 ` DOWNEY, H. H. I\C. All 4751 -A State St. Ontario, CA 9- -761 207 - 211 -01 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY LAE ASSN. P. 0. Box B Cucamonga, CA 917301 2D7- 211 -14 8 15 STEPHENS A. D. A- P. 0. Box' 1014•'•r •,'� Lomita, CA 90717 tim- MOBILE HO':E PARK VIII, Boulevard CASA VOLA'IIE MULE HOIIE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard CASA WLANTE IOBILE HONE PA Space 1 !s 8651 Foothill Boulevard :5mon9a, CA 91130 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Space t Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173C' RE MOBILE HOME PARK CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PARK CASA VOLARTE MOBILE H014E P; till Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space e IS Space 8 :Wnga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucaunnga, CA 91730 .aq Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173C' ITE MOBILE HOW PARK CASA VOLAIRE MOBILE HOME PARK CASA VOI.AHTE MOBILE HOME P; till Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space d 14 Space 1 2S- 5aaonga, CA 91730 i Rancho curamonga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173C' I RE: MOBILE HOIBE PARK CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PARK CASA VOLAIRE MOBILE HOIIE PA till Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard Spice i IS" Space 1 2c, =nga, CA 91730 I Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173["- 1 ITE LABILE HOME PARK I CASA VOLAIRE MOBILE HONE PARK CASA VOLAtRE MOBILE i101jE pA 311 Boulevard 86551 Foothill Boulevard Space ill- 8651 Faothil' Boulevard amonga. CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Space dad Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91736 TE IYJBILE HOME PARK CASA VOLAVE MOBILE HOME PARK CASA VOLAIRE NUBILE HOME PA- .ill Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 117 Space t-d amonga. CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 97130 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 TE MOBILE H014E PARK 111 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PARK CASA VOLAIRE MOBILE HUIE PA Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard e6S1 Foothill Boulevard :pace 1fd I Space 1aq 4510119a, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 TE MOBILE HOPE PARK ill Boulevard CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOMEE PARR 8651 Foothill Boulevard CASA VOLAIRE MOBILE HOME FA;. Space 11) 8651 Fa'th111 Boulevard unnga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Space 1: o Rancho Cu. gong , CA 91730: MOBILE HOME PARK CASA VOLA;RE 6ORILE HOME PARK CASA VOIARE MOBILE HOME PA, Boulevard I 8651 Foothill Caulevard Space 1 & Space ot 8651 Foothill Boulevard 0 nga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, G4 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730, i FOBNLE HOME PARK CASA VOLAHTE MOBILE HOW PAPv CASA VOLAIRE MOBILE HOME PA-- ;Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard': Space /af Space 12. 1195; ^,CA 91730 I Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 I Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91130? NOBILE:HOW PARK ! CASR YOLA'RE MOBILE HOME PAPx CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME pA 1i Ibulavard-t X51 Foothill Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard .. i 6'i" �Spaxat :sa:.�: Space 113 M4+91730 y Rancno:Cuuaonu;. CA ,91730 /. Rancho Cucaminna. CA 4173 r Space 1.51 Rancho Cuca onga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE IOBILE HOM PARK C651 Foothill Boulevard Space Y.3$ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE rOGILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f34 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HWIE PARK 8651 Foothill Beulevard Space f3q Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOUVI.'E i•OBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Ooule,ord Space f 3J Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLA11TE MOBILE HONE PARK 8651 Foottill Boulevard Space 031/ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 I CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOLY PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f tto Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAI(TE 140BILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f H/ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 ` CASA VOLAtITE MOBILE 40M PARK 8551 Foothill Boulevard Space f qA Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 VOLANTE MOBILE HOHE PARK Foothill Boulevard a Ns o Cucamonga, CA 91730 `•CASH V'OLRITE MOBILE HOIOE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space ! HS' Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE 11011E PARK 0651 Foothill Boulevard Space f qt: Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLPI(TF IOCILE MOM PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space a 41 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f 4I Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foe hill Boulevard Space i N9 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLkrE MOBILL HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 0 s Rancho Cucamonga, CA 97130 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Fcothitl Boulevard Space f S1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space #.T>. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 I CAM VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f S3 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE 1`O 1 PARK 865; Foothill Boulevard Space f sy Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HC11E PP 86;1 Foothill Boulevard •i Space •sit Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730, CASA VOLAMTE MOBILE HO *A, 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space #.T11 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLA11TE 140BILE HOME PA 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space ? Sa Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE MORE PA 8651 Foothill Coulevard Space f 57 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBUL HOIIE PA 8651 Foothill Boulevard Spae t B too Raac to Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PAI 8651 Foothill Boulever� Spacc f1al Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLMITE MOBILE NOME PAI 3651 Foothill Boulevard Soace f br Rancho Cucamonga. CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PAF 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f 63 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOMO? PAI 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space t by Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE 11OOILE NOM F 1 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f t,S- Rancho Cucamonga, CA -94 s' -q MOBILE HOME PARK, CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 1 CASA LOLAI(iE MOBILE HOME P Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard 8651 Fdothtll Boulevard •, Space•f� 't pace f 44 ` Boulevard . ng-at,,gCA; 917,30 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 /7�R acho Cucaaonoi.,$Gi, 9173 c NW:E PARS;, CASANOLkITE MOBILE HOME PARK evara 8651 Foothill Boulevard CA 91730 Space elS Rancho CucAmonga, CA 91730 • CASA VOLAMITE MOBILE HOME PARK ty U&at Foothill Boulevard Space s Bg Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MBILE HOPE PART 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space v4q Rancho Cucumonga, CA 91730 ! CASA VOLA11TE MOBILE HOt1E PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 9-I,- Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLA11TE MOBILE HOLE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 0 -11 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 USA VOLANTE M081LE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill 8ulevard pace / T x �7ancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 w CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 8'73 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boule•rard Space / 74 Rancho Cucamonga, Gl 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space /`7S' Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173C CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Spaca M Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 MOBILE MOME,PARK 1 Boulevard , it oe98 ?' Ch ,.91730 M CASA VOLAtITE MOBILE HOLE PARK 0651 NOW], Boulevard Space /-)q Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE 11OBILE HOME PARK C651 Foothill Boulevard Space /3n Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE Hb< DARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space /9'1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HONE PARK 8651 Foothill 8culevard Space / gx Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HONE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Spite era' Rancho Cucamonga, CA 97130 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 865' Foothill Boulevard Space 194 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE NOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space /gr Rancho Cucamonga, -CA 91730 CASA VOLANTS MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space m4 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 01730 CA;,A VOLANTE MOBILE MOM PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space /.r-1 j Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 I} CASA VOLANTE M031LE ROM1E PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space /gE Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAtITE MOBILE HORE 'P;" 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space v M Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173C CASA VOLANTE HOBP E HC ; pp 8651 Foothill Boulevar I Space v qO ; Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE 140BILE HOME PA' 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space / c(I Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PA 8651 Foothill Coulevard Space ; A:� Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730 CASA VOLA11TE MOBILE HOIIE PA 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space P qS Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PA 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space /9.J Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PAI 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space / q$ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE NOME CAR 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space /qr Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE NONE PAi. 8651 FOOthill 3oulevard Space t 4'7 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 = " -r CASA VOLMITE 11001LE HOME PA'� 8651 Foothill Boulevard e Spaca 19,F = ,, Rancho Cucamonga, C11;- 91730 CASA VOLAiiTE MOBILE, HOME;PAR:I 8551 Foothill goulevard',: Space / yq Ranch Cu2amonwi r r`^ a. Spacs 'loo Rancho euctmonga, CA 91730 i CASA VOLANTE I -OBILE HOLE PARK 0651 Foothill Boulevard Space •tot Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CAST. VOLANTE MBiI,E HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space t k+:. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOIIE PW, 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space o 143 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOdILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space / Ieq Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE 11011E PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space It IQS-� Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE IOBILE HOME PAar. 8651 Foothill Coulevard Space fM(e Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE IOBILE HOME PARK a651 Foothill Boulevard Space 11 Q,-7 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 1 i CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space I Icy i Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAtITE MOBILE HOLE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard ; Space D IoM I Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 VOLAMTE MOBILE HOME PARK Foothill Boulevard ° CJc4=n9a. CA 91730 VOLAtITE MOBILE HONE PARK Foothill boulevard sill o Cucamonga. CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOIIE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space d ll;, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAITTF. IEIBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space / III Rancho l.ucamanga, CA 91730 CASA VCLAIITE KIBiLE HOME PAFdt 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space / by Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILC HONE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space J IIt- Rancho Cucamonga, CA 917,0 CASA JOLNITE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space It n4 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 97110 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PARK 6651 Foothill Boulevard Space I In Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAMTE IOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space D Ihf Rancho Cucamongr,•CA 91730 CASA VOLAHTE MOBILE HOIIE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space It 119 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLI4TE MOBILE HOPE PARK 8651 Fcothlll Boulevard Space I loo Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 I CASA VOLNITE MOBILE HOME' PARK 8651 Foothill Bed'evard 1 8651 Foothill MBoule and Space D Mao 8651 Footh +tl Boulevard Rancho Cucamonga, iA 91930 Space D IS'o Rancho rurrm,nn, r. rA 41 CASA VOLXITE IOBILE HOVE P� 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space s loo. ., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE H�� 8651 Foothill -Roglevard Space 1 1.%,I Rancho Cucamongar CA 9173 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HONE P 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 1 124 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOLE P 8651 Foothill Coulevard Space I I:L ' Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOIOE P, 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space D lay Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173, CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HO'" 1 8651 Foothill Boulevar Space DIa1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91731. CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME It 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 0 1a,T Rancho Cucaronga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PA 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space I a) Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173(• CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME P1 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space D 12� Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAHTE IOOILE HOME 8651 Foothill Boulevard. Space 0 121 Rancho Cucamonga, CA ;pall_ HOPI Boulevaro CA 91730 'CASA VOLAUTE 1176ILE HOPE PARK US1 Foothill Boulevard ,,Space i 131 •Rancho ^= onga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANITE rOeILE HOME PARK 8631 Foothill Boulevard Space f 13S" Ranc�o Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PARK, ' 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f 11 %, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOLE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard I Space 913'1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 •, CASA VOLAIRE MOBILE HOME PARK '8651 Foothill Boulevard 'Space f Ile Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 I i CASA VOLAITE MOCTLE v,OME PARK 8651 Foothill BouievaM I Space 1131 IM Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAITE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space fhlo Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA vOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 4.8651 Foothill Boulevard Space #w, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 I VOLANTE MOBILE MORE PARK Foothill Boulevard If NX o Cucamonga, CA 91730 Gtk- VOLANITE MOBILE HOHE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Soace f 1`rq Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOUVITE MOBILE HOME PARK 0651 Foothill Boulevard Space 8 115• Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAl1TE MOBILE HOME PARK 8551 Foothill Boulevard Space f lav Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE MOBI1 E HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f 1a-1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f lyy Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevdrd Space 0149 Rancho ucmonga, CA 97130 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 6651 Foothill Boulevard Space #I < Q Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAMRE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Spate f 151 Rancho Cucamonga, CA •91730 CASA VOLA14TE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f Mss Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space IIS3 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAITE 1108ILE HOiIE -PAM 8651 Foothill Boulevard V Space a IS!, Rancho Cucamonga, CA, 9173C,' CASA VOLAIRE MOBILE 11011E PA 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f IS4 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE IOBILE HOME PA 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 1 15-7 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAHTE MOBILE HOIE'PA 8651 Foothill Coulevard Space f 1$3 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173C CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HONE PA 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space #)S9 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PA 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f 1%* o Rancho Cucamonga, C11 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PA 8651 ,anthill Boulevard Space f Ao1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PAr 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 0 ) V � Rancho Cucamonga. CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HONE PAS 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f 14- -. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOIiE I 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space NtrL/ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 917; MOBILE HOME PARK CASA VOINJE MOBILE HOME PARK CASA, VOLAHTE MOBILE HONE 1 Boulevard 1 8651• FouthiJI Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f IS Space f IUS! °q9a. CA 91730 �., Rancho Lucamonga. CA 91730 Rancho Lucamonaa. trl 91 M» 3[Lc dO::E,7AiJ: 8651 Foothill Boulevaro CASA VOLAl1TE IOBILE.HOIE PARK CASA VOUDIE MOBILE HOME Pa `Spaced L, 8521 Foothill Boulevard Rancho }Cucamonga, 8651 Foothill Boulevard Ranch Cucamonga, CA 91730 CA 91730 RanchonCucamonga. CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOIE PARK CASA VOLANTE 110BILE HQ101' C651 Foothill Boulevard 0651 Foothill Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 4 1'a'1 Space 9 1-11 Space d 189 kincho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Ranch Cucamonga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, 1;A 9171 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PARK CAS; VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HONE PI" 8651 Foothill Boulevard E651 Fuotfi'l Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard Spa:e d It,Y Space d jig Space P )qo 'Rancho Cucaaonga, CA 91730 Ranch Cucamonga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173( CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOSE PARK C%S,A VOLIUITE MOBILE HOME PARK CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME P1, 8651 Foothill Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space ' "" Specs R ISO Space d Iq Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Rancho Cuccmnga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9113( CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK C45A VOLAHTE MOBILE HOME PARK CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME P1 8651 Foothill Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard 8651 Foothill Bnulevard Spare ! 110 adRancho Space dcmRanrlo Cucamonga, CA 91730 RrehoCucamn a, CA 91730 Cuaonga, CA 9173( CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK CA.A VOLA:ffE MOBILE HOME PARK CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOP PI 8551 Foothill Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevar Space a 1-11 Space d 193• Space 0 1y3 to Rancho Cucamonga, CA 51730 Rarcho rucamonga, CA 97130 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173( CASA VOLANTE 'MOBILE HOME PARK CASA VLI.ANTE MOBILE HOME PARK CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME P1 865. Foothill Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard 8651 Foothilj Boulevard Spa -:a d 1-?x Spacu t *z Space i IA Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamnga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga. CA 9173E CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK CASA VOLA:eTE MOBILE HOME PARK CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PA 8651 Foothill Boulevard 86m1 Foothill Boulevard 8551 Foothill Boulevard .Spice 1 hg S-,-cc !Jaq Space ! /ys Rancho Cucatonga, CA 91730 i R : -¢ho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173(•, G19A VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK CASA VOLANTE 110BILE HOME PARK CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME P/ I. Bf.51 Foothill Boulevard I 8„5l Foothill Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard ' ';pace / )—Iq Spared MSS" ) Space d 1% 7ando Cucamonga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173(' 5� •CASA VOLAI MOBILE HOME PARK '0651 WA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HONE Pt- Foothill Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard.:.;? Space 11-T I Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Space 0 � tf Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91130 I tl Space / )9'7 Rancho Cucamonga, LA , cyw CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PAN: CiSA L'OUNTE MOBILE HOME FARK CASA VOLANTE M SILE,HOHE.PA,' Slt • Foothill Boulevard t' t'IV ' 8651 Foothill Boulevard Spact ! IY^ 8651 Foothill Boulevard '"l a, Space 11�,�, +:�,n eSpec cho;Cucamonga) CA 91730,' i Ranch CucA6nla, CA 51730 ,9 Rancho Cutamnea „_CA'9173E6 CASA VOL:.RTE I•bBILE HO`E PARK d651 Foothill Boulevard Space • 1e I Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 USA VOLAWE MOBILE HO:•E PARK USI Foothill Boulevard Space 4aoa Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 VISA VOLAi1TE r1OBILE HOME PARK 8631 Foothill Boulevard Space /20 1 Rancho Cucaanga, U 91730 CASA VOLAI:TE MOBILE HOIE PARK 't651 Foothill Boulevard ice a acY Rancho Cucamonga, U 91730 -�° /go ■ AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING i • 1' 2 mail clerk for the City of Rancho Cucamonga, de hereby swear that on 1985 at approximately <� _ o'clock (a.m. p.m. . I deposited in the Cucamonga Branch of the United States Post Office located at 9507 Business Center Drive, a letter addressed to and regarding PC MEETING 11/20/85 7:30 PH EVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 85 -07 - PORLSA SEE ATTACHED LABELS dcf t/ Signed: ivfi�l / Date: (return to Planning Division after signing) • rte, Xa � � a �I -3 , 3 f��s�. maw. ..i J((� `�• 5. R. I Y a,, N.. 207 - 101 -33 MOU , THOMAS W. P. 0. Box 452 Mt. Baldy, CA 91759 207 - 101x-39, 40 SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO 207 - 101 -43 CUCAMOM COUHT WATER DISTRICTX� 207 - 201 -35, 36 DOWNEY. H. H. I9C. 4751 -A State St. Ontario, CA 91761 207 - 211 -01 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY LABOR ASSN. P. 0. Box B Cucamonga, CA 91730 207 - 211 -14 6 15 STEPHENS A. D. P. 0. Box 1014 Lomita, CA 90717 207 - 101 -33 MOOA, THOMAS W. P. C. Box 452 Mt Baldy, CA 917'i9 207 - 101 -39, 40 SOUTHERNt PACIFIC CO. P07- 101 -43 CUCAMONGA COUNTY WATER. DISTRICT `i 207- 201 -35, 36 DOWNEY, H. H. INC. k- 4751 -A State St, r,*, Ontario, CA 91761 207 - 211 -01 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY LAB61` ASSN. P. 0. Box B '< Cucamonga, CA 91730 t 207 - 211 -14 & 15 STEPHENS A. D. P. 0. Box 1014 ;x Lomita, CA 90717 x k 147-301- -; >L SA;t BERitARD ro. FLOOD rAN BERn COaTROL DIS"' T CO FLO CONTROL frIS ICT 207 - 101 -32 - 207- 101 - -32 - MIKESELL, DANIEL D. MIKES -ELL, DANIEL D. 811 N. Granada Ct. 811 W. Granada Ct. Ontario, CA 91762 Ontario, CA 97762 207 - 101 -33 MOU , THOMAS W. P. 0. Box 452 Mt. Baldy, CA 91759 207 - 101x-39, 40 SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO 207 - 101 -43 CUCAMOM COUHT WATER DISTRICTX� 207 - 201 -35, 36 DOWNEY. H. H. I9C. 4751 -A State St. Ontario, CA 91761 207 - 211 -01 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY LABOR ASSN. P. 0. Box B Cucamonga, CA 91730 207 - 211 -14 6 15 STEPHENS A. D. P. 0. Box 1014 Lomita, CA 90717 207 - 101 -33 MOOA, THOMAS W. P. C. Box 452 Mt Baldy, CA 917'i9 207 - 101 -39, 40 SOUTHERNt PACIFIC CO. P07- 101 -43 CUCAMONGA COUNTY WATER. DISTRICT `i 207- 201 -35, 36 DOWNEY, H. H. INC. k- 4751 -A State St, r,*, Ontario, CA 91761 207 - 211 -01 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY LAB61` ASSN. P. 0. Box B '< Cucamonga, CA 91730 t 207 - 211 -14 & 15 STEPHENS A. D. P. 0. Box 1014 ;x Lomita, CA 90717 x k : OBILE HO::E PARK 6651 Foothill Boulevara Space -1 Rancho C.:among., CA 91730 i CASA VOLANTE 110BILE HOME PARK 0651 Foothill Boulevard Space r Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MULE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space r,3 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA V-ILAHTE MOBILE HONE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space i 4 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE 11OBILE HO:E PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space r S Ra.,cho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE W3ILE HOMO' PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space I(e Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HONE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space Ph Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 VISA VOLAM1TE MOBILE HONE PAAC 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 13 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space /q Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space /la Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK Foothill Boulevard il A�CUCamcnga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAHTE MOBILE HONE PARR 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space a l7. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE NOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space I MS Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLA14TE 11OBILE HONE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 0 14 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space I JS— Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MULE H014E PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space JIB Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLA:ITE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 1117 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 97130 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space I/1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PART( .8651 Foothill Boulevard Space Il'7 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PARK 6551 Foothill Boulevard Space I ato Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space Ial Rancho Cucannga, CA 91730 CASA VOLA.11TE MC7iLE HOrE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space I ax Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730/' CASA VOLANTE 11OBILE HO :tE Pp 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space -2s Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9 73C CASA VOLANTE MOBILE 40t� /' 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 9 a4 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173( CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME Pl 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space j? 2r Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9113( CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOLE P: 8651 Foothill Coulevard Spate I'.MG Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173( CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME P/ 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space Ia-1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173C CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOSA 8651 Foothill Bnulevar Space /-I6 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173C CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PA 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space /ay Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PA 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 1 ?0 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAMITE MOBILE HOME PA 0651 Foothill Boulevard Space ISI Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE IOOILE HOME 8651 Foothill Boulevar� Space I ?� Rancho Cucamonga, CA, 91 CASA VOLAIRE MOBILE HOME 8651 Foothill Boulevard 3 Space 113 - �,Sn :OLA:,iE ;OB(LE e..ORE PARK d651 Foothill Boulevard Space 431 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA' vOLaviE ( OBILE HOPE PARK 0651 Foothill doulevard Space f 3g Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIRE ;iV U HOPE PARK 8651 Foothill BoulevarO ! Space a34 Rancho Cucwonga, CA 91730 i CASA VOLARTE MOBILE HOiE PARK 1 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space #3a Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAMITE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space i SJ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 19CASA VOLAnTE .`IOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard I Space f3`/ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 ' CASA VOLANTE POOILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f4o Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f q/ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f /A Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAMTE HOOILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f y3 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE ; OBILE HOItE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space a HS' Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLA11TE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f y4 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIRE IIDBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space d 41 Rancho Cucamonga, C4 91730 CASA VOLAUTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f Y! Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HONE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLA;I'E MOBILE HOIIE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard I Space #5c Rancho Cucananga, CA 97130 1 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 869 Foothill Boulevard Space 1.5) Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAMTE MOBILE HOME PARK 6651 Foothill Boulevard Space f S'>, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAHTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 9 S3 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PAFX ; 8651 Foothill Boulevard I Space is,/ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 - s CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PA 8651 Foothill Boulevard ` Space -5(,Z Rancho Cucananga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAHTE MOBILE HOIIE PA. 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space fs,I Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173C CASA VOLANTE MOBILE MORE PP 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f S$ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173C CASA VOLAIITE 110BILE HOME Pi 8651 Foothill Coulevard Space f S4 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173( CASA VOLAMRC 1103ILE H01E P/ 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space floc Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173( CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME P1 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space E aM Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173C CASA VCLANTE MOBILE H014E P/ 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f (rr Rtrcho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAHiE MOBILE HOIE PAt 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f 4r3 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173C CASA VOLkITE MOBILE HOME P1 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space / by Rancho Cucamcrua, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOW 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f DS' Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91' MOBiLEMOME PARK ' CASA VOLNITE MOBILE HOlE PARK CASA VOLA11TE MOBILE H0:£; Boulevard SpaceFf SStll Boulevard a 8651 Foothill Boulevard / Yt/J Space ' 44 "- i nga;'CA;,91730 ;Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 1101JJrrr Space 0Ctlanonga. C4 -917 C.S.. 101..:1i� :451Lc r10::E P..Rn d651 Foothill Boulevard Space !(a-1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLA:ITE I1OBiLE HOME PARK C651 Foothill Boulevard Space #tq Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOW. PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f(,7 Rancho Cuccaong -, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HONE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f-(o Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOT PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space #-I/ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE H014E PARK 8651 F.,nthill Boulevard Space f -IX Rancho Cucamonga. CA 91130 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK $631 Foothill Boulevard Space f'7d Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE 140BILE HOME PARK $651 Foothill Boulevard Spate 074 1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space "r E Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 I VOLA11TE MOBILE HOME PARK Foothill Boulevard fTr o Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLA:ITE IOBILE HOIE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f'1$ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLATE MOBILE MORE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space i'Iq Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAHTE MOBILE HOME PARK 6651 Foothill Boulevard Space f$c Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLA,MTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space fgl Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE H014E PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space i6x Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLE ?ITE MOBILE HG(IE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space fS, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 97130 CASA vowa MOBILE HOME PARK 865' Foot�111 Boulevard Space Is Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAHTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space Iga' Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f84 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 I CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f r-7 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 MOBILE HOME PARK . CASA V'OLAINTE MOBILE HOME PARK Boulevard, 8651 Foothill Boulevard Spnce fSl ^Z9.�, i i• 91730 cal Rancho, CCucamonga, CA 917:1 CASA VOLA:ITE IOBILE HONE P/ 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space . gq Rancho Cucamonga, CA3( CASA VOLAHTE MOBILE -HONE P/ 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f qv Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173( CASA VOLANTE MOBILE H0ME P/ 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f ell Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173( CASA VOLAHTE MOBILE HONE Pi 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f qa kancho Cucamonga, CA 9173( CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HONE P/ 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space I % Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173( CASA VO'JViTE MOBILE HOP/ 8651 Foothill Boulevar Space f gq Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173( CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME P/ 8651 F00t'. °i1 Boulevard Space f q$ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA YOLAHTE MOBILE H01E PA 0651 Foothill boulevard Space f?(e Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173C CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PA 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f 4'7 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA vni e,ITE iOOILE HO:F. F 8651 Foothill Borlevar� Space fyg Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9174 I :11aILE HVE PARK '- d651 Foothill Boulevard Space 41b, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 ry CASA VOLANTE MOBILE MORE PARK 0651 Foothill Boulevard Space 3101 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLARTE MOILE H014E PARK 8651 Foo•Nill Boulevard Space f I�>. Rahcho Cucamonga, CA 91 /So CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PARK 6651 Foothill Boulevard Space f 1�3 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HONE PARK 86 °1 Foothill Boulevard Space Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAATE MOBILE H014E PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f IoS� Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HONE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space fide Ranchn Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f Io-1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOLE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f /c3 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLARTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard I Space f 107 I Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 MOBILE NOME PARK 1 8oulevard i gga' CA' 91 730 CASA VIILANTE IABILE 4ME PARK 8651 Ioothill Boulevard Space Rancho nchoCucamonga. CA 9173C CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 0651 Foothill Boulevard Space f IIP, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HONE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f 11; :'3nCha Ewa�rA9u, CA CASA VOLANTE LABILE HONE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 9 wj Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MBILE H014E PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space i Ilr Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOWITE MOBILE HORS PARK 8651 Fddthill Boulevard Space f nV Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9, 0 CASA VOWITE MOBILE ROM PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f 11-1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLII'TTE MOBILE MORE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f MIS Rancho Cucamonga, CA 917 ?0 CASA VOLA, .F MO6ILE 11UK PARK 0051 Foothill Boulevard Space f 11.1 i Rancho . ucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space i 1 ao Ranchn Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE ROM PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f 1a4 �{ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173 Y4 C45A VOLA7TE IA81LE HOnE P 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space n 17.0, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173, CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOIBE p 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f Ili Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE H014E P 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f IAq ,wu6170 weamonga, CA 9173 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HC41E P 8651 Foothill Coulevera apace #I xr Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE ROM P 8651 Fcathill Boulevard Space f Ixt, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE ROM P 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f lal Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME P. 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space f j.lg Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLA"IT1: MOBILE HOME PA 8651 Foothill Bov',vard Space #I w7 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME P, 8651 Foothill Boulevard - Space f /7 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173( CASA VOLANTE MOBILE Nfr t, P1 8631 Foothill Boulevar. -d Space f 171 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91731 CASA VOLAI?TE MOBILE HGK- 8651 Foothill EoVlevard _ Space Vl.—IL NJ61LF HO:E.PARJ: Foothill Boulevara °F " >3 o Cucamonga. CA 91730 'CASA VOLA14TE (WILE HOME PARK "651 Foothill Boulevard Space i, 131 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAHTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 1 13s- Rancho Cucmmonga, CA 917 ?9 CASA VOLANTE FIOBILE HOVE PARK 8551 Foothill Boulevard Space 1 13 w ' Rancho Cucamonga, Gl 91738 CASA VOLANT"L JOBILE HOLE PARK 8651 Foothill Coulevard Space 113-1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 ! CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HONE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard ! Space 8 130 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA 70LAIITE IOpILE HOME PARK ' 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 0139 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK Foothill Boulevard f)qo o Cucamonga, CA 91730 VOLAHTE FpBILE HOME PARK Foothill Boulevard fi i f o Cucamonga, CA 91730 VOLAHTE MOBILE HOME PARK ! Foothill Boulevard ! 1144 o "Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLN4TE MOBILE HONE PARK 8651 Foothill Ooul.vard Space 1Ilq Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PARK 0651 Foothill Boulevard Space )4v- Rancho nchoCucamonga. CA 91730 CASA VOLAHTE 1108ILF. HONE PARK &651 Foothill Boulevard Space B W%# Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HONE PARK 6651 Foothill Boulevard Space 1 1 ,4-1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAHTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space J 14y Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 1141 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 97130 CASA VOLAITE MOBILE MOM PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space #I$= Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAHTE FpBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space. 1 is 1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAMITE MOBILE HOME PARK. 8651 Footldll Coulevard Space 1JS a Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 115s Rancho Cucamonga. CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE ItOBILE HOVE p,, ! Space F 5,1,11 Boulevard Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173• CASA VOLAIRE MOBILE H #, 8651 Foothill Boulevard ; Space 1 1SL, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HONE p 8651 Foothill Boulevard SPacf 1 15 -7 Rancta Cucamonga, CA 9173 CASA %OLANTE MOBILE HOME P 8651 Foothill Coulevard Space 115 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOIE P. 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 1 IS9 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9175, CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HO / 8651 Foothill Boulevaw Space / 1%,o Rancho C1-r:npnga, CA 9173( CASA 8651 Foothill FBoulevard Pi Space a Aa 1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLE, TE MOBILE HOME PA 8651 FoW 11 Boulevard Space 1 liter Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91736 CASA VOUdITE MOBILE HOME pp. Oo51 Foothill Boulevard Space 1 IV-C Rancho Cuamnga, CA 9173C• CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME 8651 Foothill Boulevard' Space 1Jt,�/ Rancho Lucdmonga, CA MOBILE HOME PARK CASA VOWITE MOBILE HOME PARK I CASA VOLARTE MOBILE HOME Boulevard ! e651 Foothi 1 aoulevard 8651 Foothill Boulevard I Space 1/5 /75Dace 91730 i Rancho Cucamon a, CA 91730 ✓ a;1 ^ "• °� .r.n 9 Rancho Cucamonaa. CA 91; - ' v6 ZL..,TE : OBILE H02:E Pnn,: 3651 Foothill Boulevara Space • �� ((,, a Rancho Cuca nga, CA 91730 AD CASA VOLAhTE MOBILE HOME PARK r C651 Foothill Boulevard Space r 1v'1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 roothfll Boulevard Space 0 1421 Honcho Cucumonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space s mby Rancho Cucamnga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME DARK 8651 Fnothtll Boulevard Space d I, o Rancho Cucamonga, CA (10-9 r CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Fwthill Boulevard Space ! 1-11 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 "ASA VOLANTE MOULE 01 NE FARE 86S1 Foothill Boulevard Space 1 1-I2. Rancho Cucamongc, CA 91730 CASA VOLOffE I.OBILE HONE PARK Space F0 1ji,3t1 Boulevard Rancho Cucam0n9a, CA 91730 CASA VOLAHTE VOSILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space i )-j Ranrho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOIIE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 11-7f Ranch" Cucamonga, CA 91730 VOLAHTE MOBILE HOME PPRK Foothill Boulevard iy I Cuc monga, CA w91730, CASs VOWTE "10BILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 1 1-1-1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOrlE PARK 0651 Foothill Boulevard Space 11-11 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE IOBILE NOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space I I-)q Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space IISo Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLPIRTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Forthfll Boulevard Space 4 13 1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAHTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space d )q ) Rauho Cucamonga, CA 97130 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space I l ;T� Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLAIM MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space P Ma,) Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 115g— Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space Its%, Rancho ucamonga, CA 91730 CASH VOLAtTE MOBILE HOME PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 1 187 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730tly CAS? lOLANTE MOBILE H021E P, spaceFOO18311 Boulevard Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173 CASA VOLVITE MOBILE MORE P. 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 1 1.3q Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173, CASA VOLAIITS MOBILE HOME pM 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 111, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173( CAS? VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME P, 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 1 191 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173, CASA VOLAnTE MOBILE HOME ?, 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space fjgx Rancto ucamonga, CA 91731 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PI 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 1793 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173( CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME P, 8651 Foothil Boulevard Space f Iq q Rancho Cu:gcong?, CA n1730 CASA VOLAHTE MOBILE HOME 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space I /9S" Rancho Cucamonga, CA 911 CASA VOLAIITE MOBILE HOME PF` 8651 Foothill Boulevard , Space I !qk Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173C CASA VOLAIITE 11001LE HONE M 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space 1 1-1-1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 9173 C4SA 8651 [� Y f CASA VOL;I;TE NOME HOLE PARK 4 J651 Foothill Boulevard �••+� Space lrrl o Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 =+ i f � CASA VOLAHTE 110811.E HONE PARK :.6651 Foathfll Boulevard Spac e t aoc •„ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 _ MA VOLAIfTE MOBILE HOME PARK I 6651 Foothfll Boulevard + Spare tl3o l Rancho Cuc+naonga, CA 91730 f +CASA f • VOLAHTE WBILE HONE PARK 8651 Foothill Boulevard Space i Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 .9� i r' S" o ' +k 019-N—W Pal .?., t I I M RESOLUTION NO. -M-M— Mr A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA, DENYING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. ° 85 -04B - PORLSA, REQUESTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA GENERAL PLAN FROM MEDIUM RFSIOENTIAL (4 -14 OU /AC) TO OFFICE ON 4.85 ACRES OF LAND, LOCATED ON THE SOPTH SiDE OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, WEST SIDE OF CUCAMONGA CREEK. WEST OF VINEvARO AVENUE - APN <^ ^08- 211- 20,21. WHEREAS, the Planning Cemmi -sion held a duly advertised public hearing on September 25, 199 to consider all cn ments on the proposed General Plan Amendment No. 85 -04B; and WHEREAS, the City Coin., 1 held a duly advertised public hearing to consider all comments on the proposed General Plan Amendment No. 85 -048; SECTION 1: The Rancho Cucamonga City Council cannot make the following nii—a ni g. A. The Amendment does not conflict with the Land Use Policies of the General Plan. B. The Amendment promotes goals of the Land Use Element. C. The Amendment would not be materiallj injurious or detrimental to the adjacent prope ^ties. Wdi, TPEREFOPE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rancho Cucamonga City Council hereby denies General Plan Amendment No. 85 -04B. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this * day of t, 19 *. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Jon 0. Mikls, a —yogi ATTEST: Beverly A. Authelet, City Clerk i � 6 4 CITY OF RANCHO CXCAb1ONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 20, 1995 TO: Mayor and MembL.'a of the City Council FRCS: ;rad Buller, City Planner BY: Lisa Nininger, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 85 -04C - MLL KA1'KArequest to amend t e Land Use Map of the General ral Plan froc Medium Density Residenmal (4 -14 du /ac) to Medium High knsity Residential (14 -24 du /ac) for 18 acres of lard located at the southwest corner of Foothill and Turner - APN 108- 321 -24 1. BACKGROUND: Tne applicant requested a General Plan Amendment from eum tensity Residential (4 -14 du /ac) to Medium Nigh Density Residential (14 -24 iu /ac) for a 18 -acre site in order to develop a 340 unit apartment project with a proposed density of approximately 19 units per acre. The application was denied by the Planning Commission on September 25, 1935. The attached Planning Commissior. report provides more detailed information relative to this item. !I. PLANNING COMMISSION 4CTION: The major issue; which the Planning onn ss on cons er. d at th a September 25, 1985 hearing were land use compatibility, consistency with General Plan goals and policies and significant environmental impacts. A. Land Use atibilit : The Commission indicated that e pi ropos project could adversely impact existing Low and Medium Density developmen, to the south, oast and west. The Co aisslon stated that the existing Medium Density designation would allow for a multi - family project similar to that proposed by the applicant at a slightly lower density. B. Consistent with the General Plan Goals b Policies: The amm ss on state teat t e proposed ins ty Increase would not allow an adequate density transition between tho site and surrounding Low Density uses. The Connission felt that the Medium Density range established by the General Plan was a more appropriate designation In terms of density transition and provision of a balance of housing types on a city -wide basis. r/'C;L sr t I i CITY COJNCIL STAFF REPORT + G ?A 85 -04C - MEL IWCK November 20, 1985 Page 2 r 1 LJ C. Environmental Outetnination• Potential Impacts exist in the areas o ro oyv, �culation and land uie. Since I he Comaissiou recournded denial of the amendment, an enviromental determination was not required. Approval of the proposed amendment would require an environmental determination by the Council. The September 25, 1985 Planning Commission minutes relative to this item are attached for your review. III. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends denial of the General an nt. If the City Council concurs, adoption of the attached Resolution of Denial would be appropriate. Re fu11 submit , Brad Buller City Planner nB:LN:ko Attachments: Planning Commission Staff Report, September 25, 1985 Planning Commission Minutes, September 25, 1985 Resolution of Denial r u C CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 25, 1985 T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Ccmmission FROM: Jack Lam, Community Development Director BY: Lisa Wininger, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENtIRONNENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PL,` AXENDMEMT 85-04C request to amend the Land Use amp —o- Eire enera an from Medium Density Residential (4 -I4 du /ac) to Medium Nigh Density Residential (14 -24 du /ac) for 18 acres of land located at the southwest corner of Foothill and Turner - APN 208- 321 -24. '. ABSTRACT: A General Plan Amendment is requested, from Medium enU sfty- Residential to Medium High Uensity Residential for an 18 acre site located on the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Turner Avenue. At the August 28, 1985 Planning Cclsslon reeting, It was determined that � additional environmental study may be required prier to consideration of the General Plan Amendment. At this meeting, after public input, the Commission will determine the scope of any further environmtal study if dee^rd necessary and make a determinat.ton regarding the General Plan Amendment. 11 BACKGROUND: The applicant, Mel Mack Company, wishes to develop a 3Mm:it roelti- family project on the site, with an average density of 19 du /ac. The current General Plan and Ueve)opoient District designation; do not permit the proposed density. Therefore, the applicant has requested a General Plan Amendment from hediun Density Residential (4 -14 du /ac) to Medium High Density Residential (14 -24' du /ac). The purpose of this meeting is to determine the scope of environmental 1mp3cts of the proposed General Plan Amendment and consider the General Plan Amendment application. I11. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Mend the General Plan Land Use Map from um Density Rwsidential (4 -14 du /ac) to Medium High Density Residential (14 -24 du /ac). B. Location: Southwest corner of Foothill and Turner. C. Parcel Size: 18 acres ��� ITEM J PLANNING C"ISSIO" TAFF REPORT General Plan Amendment 85-04C - Mel Mack September 25, 1985 Page 2 IY. u. Existing Zoning: Medium Density Residential E. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: North - Commercial building, bars, vacant land, designated General Commercial. South - Apartments, designated Medium Residential (8 -14 du /ac). East - ilai - s ar designated Law Resdentl(24du /ac)andOffice /Professina. Nest - Mobile home park, designated Medium Residential (8 -14 du /ac). F General Plan Designations: Project Site: Medium Density Residential North - General Commercial South - Medium Density Residential East - Office Professional and Low O^nsity Residential West - Low Density Residential G. Site Characteristics_ The site is locat.a immediately eAjacent to a mobile home park and is bounded on the other three wall. located The site slopes very gently to the south with a small drainage channel running along a portion of the eastern boundary and emptying Into Turner. ENYIRONMEIRAL ANALYSIS: The Initial Study prepared by staff en ree areas of concern which were considered by the Commission on August 28, 1985. The areas were land use and planning considerations, hydrology and circulation, ar.. discussed below. A. Land Use aid Planuins Considerations: The project area is current y es gnate a um ens y along with the existing development directly to the south. The increase in density would allow up to 10 additional units per acre, fray 4 -14 to density davelopmentlto the west (mobile bounded ome park) and relatively the east (single family homes). An increase to Medium High Density would represent a significant change to the land use patterns in the area. B. Hydroolo 9evelopment of the site at Medium High Derslty Tn—steea or Medium Density could create greater surface runoff due to an increased amount of impernenble surfaces such as PLANNING COMMISSIONC17AFF REPORT { General Plan Amendment 85 -04C Mel Mack. September 25, 1985 Page 3 streets, parking and building coverage. Additionally, a portion ,f the site along Turner Avenue is located in a 100 Year fined plain, with a small drainage channsl running north to south along the northeast corner of the propnrty line and emptying onto Turner Avenue. C. Circulation: The site is located adjrcent to Foothill r aB-i Ind Turner Avence. The proposed ii.crease in tensity could result in a substantially increased nu—Ler of .riyi generated from the site. Localized circulation patterns on Turner and Foothill could be impacted, particularly at the intersection of the two streets. In addition, private streets in the mobile home park end at the dividing property line and Portions of the project site are used for turnarounds and access to other streets, since no cul -de -sacs exist. D. Analysis' Staff feels that additional tnm foation on the t reh a areas listed above may be necessary prior to final consideration of the General Plan Amendment. if the Commission concurs, the applicant may be reluired to submit supplemental information such as traffic or hydrology studies In order to provide nnre information on potential impacts and Proposed mitigation measures. If the Commission should dotomine additional areas of concern through the public hearing process, Cle preparation of a focused Environmental Impact Report may be considered Y. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT ANALYSTS: In evaluating the application or a enera an 7 Amendment, t :s necessary to evaluate the appropriateness of the existing land us4 designatioh as compared to the proposed designation. Both the :urrent jMedium Density) and proposed (Medium High Density) uses should be considered in terms of land use compatibility and consistency with the o_oals and policies of the General Plan. In addition, the proposal use must be evaluated for additional environmental Impacts. Medium�enDensity. The existing designation of Medium Density R es id teal is part of a larger Medium Density District which extends south to Arrow Highway end, In part, east to Archibald. The range of 4 -14 du /ac allows for a variety of residential densities, from single family to multi- family attached residential projects. Since the residential densities surrounding the site range from low (mobile homes and single family) to medium (1 and 2 story apartments), the Medium Density range allows development at a density compatible with surrounding uses. PLANNING COMIISSIOA aTAFF REPORT General Plan Amendment 85 -04C - Mel Mack September 25. 1985 Page 4 Tha General Plan descrltes Medium Density at the low end of the range as appropriate aJjacent to low 9ensity development while istomsity at the higher and of the range would be appropriately located near parks, activity centers, and major and secondary thoroughfares. The General Plan also states that Medium Density residential development also serves as u buffer between Low Density development and areas of higher density, corniercial activities and areas of greater traffic and noise levels. Medium H1 h Be�nsit The proposed designation of Medium High onD , Res�dentia1permits a range of 14 to 24 du /acre. The typical product type would be a two story multi- family apartment or condominium project. The General Plan states that Medium High density is appropriately located in proximity to major community facilities and major thoroughfares. Hhile the project site is located adjac mt to Foothill Boulevard, it also is locates in proximity to low and medium density development, thereby limiting the desireblllty of development in the higher density ranges. Additional) , the Initial Study has identified three areas of environmental cmicern assiciated with the proposed density Increase vnich must be evaluated prior to any land use change. _Ma�l semYis. In evaluating the two land uses, it appears that the 1�ediuS44nsity designation is appropriate in terms of the location of the project sito and the potential impact of devalopment in the range span surrounding development. The Medium High density range appea -s less appropriate considering location and site constraints. The GPA application as submitted does not provide adeaaate justification for ammiding the General Plan based upon the considerations listed previously. VI. FACTS FJR FINDINGS: Should the Commission, upon examination of Lae icier aT N— Amendment, decide that the change from Medium Tensity Residential to Medium High Density Residential would promote the land ute goals and policies of the General Plan, would not be materially detrimental to the adjacent properties, or would not cause significant adverse environmental impacts, the following are the findings necessary on approval. a The Amendment does not conflict vlth the Land Use policies of the General Plan, and b. The Amendment does promote goals of the Land Use Element, and c. The Amendment would not be materially injurious or detrimental to the adjacent properties. 07 • PLANNING COMiiSS104'.AFF REPORT General Plan Amendment 85 -04C - Mel Mack September 25, 1985 Page 5 VII. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised as a Public Hearing em In esil ReDo_rt newspaper and notices were sent to all Property owners within :t00 feet of the boundary of the proposed project, in addition to other, interested area residents. In addition, a 41 x 8' supplemental notification sign has been erected on sitf. VIII. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above analysis, the Commission has severs a ternattves regarding the General Plan Amendment application. The alternatives are: 1. Deny the amendment with no further study. 2. Request the applicant to submit additional environmental information, either in the form of detailed studies or a focused Environmental Impact Report, with the scope to be determined by the Cmrdssion at this meeting. 3. Approva the amendment as submitted. Shouid the Comamissidn wish to act upor the req.est tonight, a Resolution recommending approval of the General Plan Amendment and issuance of a Negative Declaraticn to the City Council and a Pesolution of Denial are attached. liy,submitted, Jack Lam Community Develo;knt Directnr JL:LN:ns Attachments: Exhibit ^A• - Vicinity Map Initial Study, Part it Resolution of Approval r_solution of Denial 7 m .a •° rt M�/TLSrtYb]tq/ i-0N ivole YLO/ J 8•/i ON/AG Z R/AG .� Oev. LLSG, M 's0.: L r 1 T,,7MEA'J3 SNgLaa AA41 ASS= LAL4V,r J-� 6oJ J fae rf-fn..�syr/ DPP/ DE <; SUBJECT ``' '• a PLiOPERTY' Y PAQK ` %A44hT !L RG4L 1� �GV O /sG M 'GLv, OiSt -�M 2 � rMtQRes+da:fio,� hkd. lSmiabyNO/ S Lon/ Maf f�jgH Ra. " IXv. 47t, L � VAL/vyr 4.51GtY Mtd IV 64/ 64/ av Oi,:t i I.'SSYI� OP • M PLII 0 GE1t Sf NORTH Scala: 1°- 000' Data: 1 July 86 Oanreral Plan Amendment The RtMfft CtMronmiMo GmW Site Plan w- --- -�•°-- •— NOM r; ^ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMO \'GA Trr., o,�°m/ �, n PLANNING DIVISION ECHIMT,�$CALF, I 1 I I Crry or EARCBo CUMMONCA ' PART II - INITIAL STUDY - - EMRON'=" ..'HCCM.IST 4 DATE: APPLICA;T: FILING DATE: —._LOG MMER:_,6 7 Ali �f? PRO.TECr: n n ' PROSECT LOCATION- wi �1.YAP // G I. E.NPIR0'-SNTAL IMPACTS (Explanation of all "yea" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets). �,•� TES MAYBE 1. Soils and Ceolocv. pill the proposal Lave algnificant No results in: �•1�` a. Unstable gtnnv) conditions or in changes in geologic relationships? r b. Disruptions, displacements, compaction or burial of the soil? _- ` i c. Chang% in topography or ground surface` contour intervals? ' 4 _ d. The destructl:n, covering or modification of any uni4us geologic or physics, features? Ok i' _ _ e• Any potential increase in wind or water l N- erosion of s site condiconaelIs, affee clog either on or of[ t tjtf f. Changes In erosion siltation, or deposition? ✓ { it _ S. UFO uro of people or prope rty to geologic r haul such as earthquakes, landslides, � . i cud - Allies. ground failure, or ■lmilar hazards? _ h. An increase In the rate of extraction and /or use of any mineral resource? �.' 2. Nvdrel=- p111 the proposal have significant + results in: a�irylC4�f 1 I ol✓ i � Y �'k �•s<; kc r, Page 2. I- Changes in truants, YES LAM SO or the course of direction of flowing streams, tlyera, or ephemeral Phe =oral stream b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage pacterna, or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? i c. Alterations to t•• couraa or tlm: of flood water*? �— d Change in the amount of surface water in any body of water? A. Discharge icto surface waters, r ey o a alteration of surface water quarcn f Alteration of groundwater charaecattm titer i Change In the quantity of groundwatara, either through direct _ additions or with- drawals, or through Interference with aquifer? an Quality? Quantity? h. The reduction, in the amount of voter other - vise available for public vater supplies? _ 1. Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding or aelches? _ 1 �. Atr ■li . Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Constant or parlo44t air emlsslons from mobil. or Indirect sources? Stationary sources ? b. Datetioratlon of ambient air quality and /or Interferenca with the attainment of applicable air quality standards? c. Alteration of local or regional climatic conditions• affecting air movement, colsturs or temperature? i. Bi_ to Flora. Will the proposal have significant results TM_ e ? a. Change in the characteristics of species, including diversity, distribution, or number ti• r� Of any apacfss of plant:? _— *• t' b. Reduction of the numbers of any t.nique, rare or aadaugered species of plants? a - C C Ct. Introduction of new or disruptive species of Plants Into an area! d. Reduction in the potential for agricultural production? Fauna, W:I1 the proposal have significant results in: A- Change In the characteristics of species, including divorsity, distribution, or numbers of any species of animals? b. Reduction of the n=bers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? C, Introduction of new or disruptive species of animals Into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of animals? d. Deterioration or removal of existing fish or wildlife habitat? b, Population. Will the proposal have significant results ins a. Will the proposal alter tha location, distri- bution, density, diversity, or growth rate of the hu-an population of as area? b. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a d ass ad fur additional housing? 6. Socio- Economic Factors. Will the proposal have significant results in: A- MOMS& In Iocal or ragiooil socio- economic characteristics, including economic or cocaercial 4lverslty, tax rate, and property valuas? b. Will project costs be equitably distributed among project beneficiaries, i.e., buyers, COX payers or project users? ?. Land Use and Planning Considerations, Will the proposal have significant results in? a. A substant sl alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? b. A conflict with any designations, objectives, Policies, or adopted plans of any governmental entities? An impact upon the qulaity or quantity of existing consumptive or non - consumptive -�' recreational- opportunitiea?�•� Lyd 'rFr,:,':�s'r C +;.. ' +' <: ,Ya.., .. cr c+vo•- 2a ;s.7 YES )CtYSr ,r_ :Y - Pcye 6'�' 8. Transportation. rill YES rA_ Y9E No •, .• the - proposal have significant results in: a. Generation of tubstantial additional vehicular movement? - b. Effects on existing streets, or demand for new street constructl.n? c. Effects an existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? d Substantial Impact upon existing trans,orta- clon systems? e. Alterations to present patterns of clrcula- tion or rmve -fit of people and /or goods? f Alterations to or effects on present and Potential water- borne, rail, mass transit or air traffic? _ _- / g. Inefeaves in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, _✓ bicyclists or pedestrians? 9. Cultural Resources. Will the proposal have significant results in: a A disturbance to the integrity of archaeological, palwatological, and /or historical rescurces? 1G. Aealth. Safeto, and Nulaance Factors. Will the proposal rove slgnif lca¢t xcsutn Sn: A. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard? / b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? -�- C. A risk of explosion or release of hazardous ' substances in the event of an accident? d. An Increase In the number of individuals or species of vector or pathenogenic organisms or the exposure of people to such organises? - 5 a. Increase In exloting noise levels? �- f. Exposure of people to potentially dangerous 2 noise levels? 9. The creation of objectionable odors? ' h. An increase In light of glare} � a: s4i; -•�� �: ?� v A'�Pt;� A � K'. �i b✓ 11. AesthetLes. Will the prcvosal have significant resultt Sw: A. She obstruction or degradation of any scenic vista or vitwl b. She creation of an aesthetically offensive site? C, A conflict with the objective of designated ce potencinl scenic corridors? 12. Utill•ies and Public Services. Will the proposal have a signifi =sot nned for new sy.ltetu, or alterations to the following: A. Electric powar? b. Natural or packaged gas? C, Co=-nfceilcns systms? d. Water supply? e. Wastewater facilities? f. Flood control structures? g. Solid wasta facilities? h Fire protection? I- Police protection? J. Schools? k. Parka or other racreatioAal facilities? 1. Maintenance of public faci:itias, including roads and flood control facilities? o. Other governmental services 13. EnereY and Scarce Resource A. Wi11 the proposal have significant results ins a. Use of oubstantial or excessive fuel or anorgy? b. Substantial increase in deeand upon existing sources of energy? C. An increase Sa the demand fo: c'evalopaant of new sources of energy? d. An increase or perpetuation of the Consumption of non- rantuable fetes of energy, when feasible renwabls sources of energy are available? Page S YES :,AYBE NO i 4 I I t 4; fe `I ` Page 6" YES e. Substantial dapl anon uj_ypE No of any nonrenewable ur starts natural rssoutce? 14 Ifandatoty Findin a of S;¢ntficance. _ 1 s. toes the project have 'he potential to degradu MA quality of the enva,•onmenq substantially reduce the habitat of f!°'t or Wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife below yopulatlon to drop " self susts"Ing 1cve12, threaten to e1Luln4te a plant or Animsl community. reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or 401=1 or alimimAte Important examples of the major' periods of California history or prehistory! b. 'foes the project have the porentlal to achieve a.tott -tem, to the disadvantage of long -term, environmental goal.? (A short -tam impact on the en ironmeat is one Which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time vbllo long. term Impacts will endure veil Into the future). _ c• Ices the project have limited. Watch are Individually lmited, bit cumulatively ransidnrable? (Cumulatively eumidera rable .leans that the incremental effects of � on Individual project Ate considerable when vlevtd In connection with the affect' of past projects, end probable future projects). d. Does the project have eavfrar .meal effect. which vi11 .-� a se substantial adversa effects an human baisgs. either direttly or indirectly; ' _ II. DI ab"*017 OY 11,Z IAON!tEyTAL EVALUAT101 (i.e.% of affirmative The shove I answers to questions plus a discussion of proposed nl cl arrow g measu:ee). �4 r4 �J `w n tt �' ?age 7 + 1 - y On the }eaL of thlo lcltial nvatuArlen: I fird the proposed p-rojeat COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environaent, !rd a bY=11M DECLUVON will be prepared. I find that although rho proposed project co-.Id have a significant Offset or, the onviro=er.t, there utll .,,r be a significant effect in this case beca,.se the nitigatior, , eaaraa devcribea on an attached sheet have been added to the ptolecc A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL RE PREPARED, QI find the propes i project NAY have a significant effect an he envirnxnt, and an E.YVIRO -'O� L%WAfS IMPORT is requiaed. ! s, Signacure Title .y- M t. . :y T U , PIN s �A ATTACHMENT TO INITIAL STUDY PART II FOR GPA 85 -04C The proposed increase ir. density could result In an increased amount of 1c,.ermeable surfaces such as buildings, streets and parking area, causing a higher volume of surface runoff. i.and nse & Pla -inina and Population: The proposed Increase in density represent, a significant thane in the planned dens -y of the site, which currently cnnflict; with the designated , density in the irea. TrarIg2!tation. Increased traffic volumes generated by a higher density project could impact existing patterns substantially. In particular, access to Foothill Blvd. from the site and lack of traffic signals in the area could pose ` hazards to vehicles, pedestrians and bicy,.lists. Utilities and Public Services: The increased density will result in an Lureased demand on public services. The Amendment could result in additional 180 unite above the currently planned levels, with related impacts on schools, police and fire protection and other services. r, ,43 a6 1oee - /►h°3C'oe?.0 aF' rJ/? ~NN /NF Li�M/ /SCCi .GSST evCi✓iNfs rc^a'.� ar) OV.7 cdise s- y .StT >dNDEtD /F PrByG Nc fear' n vs Ldt Gale ,gs ir`raRe.=A s- Cavcc�Wey OA; i � 4l a, /R irD�K(6�'N �,SAv P� 1 �9�i ..✓Aroe ar Z /<.FD 15;4J 7-e S+p2R /G niy Y/aB6 ''4!f6T on.4S Ve4es 'VeALIaat %/v q A Arc uc. T• Sr/4-" ZRAVAC/NG �AI7-C A y Ale e Z 11W D /N rI"NAaD Jv -vx R/d.PT' F .+1T TW y BRI((av 4, /• Gv/t )- •v oF �oiiX.v�• OTiYaGt GEC o(�/OriJ — WnocD !Owe Tri T•0 °.17.� • �R TiK6 /�y�BLUHT%�iG NRtS >r Lour y�i vjE � /N T.aPCICL✓.vG: cfdoR �.s /may 7�'�KS �� OvlZ �HAr'st� C /Tf' •• �.s�o rA?s Tis/ /r 7n d'S t,. ev�sry Ti�� 10:1 NGkJ ^AzLf e;-' rO'crrs ��; s.►SQ�c /anD /s �airf /t�r� . ,a �1 ,43 a6 1oee - /►h°3C'oe?.0 aF' rJ/? ~NN /NF Li�M/ /SCCi .GSST evCi✓iNfs rc^a'.� ar) OV.7 cdise s- y .StT >dNDEtD /F PrByG Nc fear' n vs Ldt Gale ,gs ir`raRe.=A s- Cavcc�Wey OA; i � 4l a, /R irD�K(6�'N �,SAv P� 1 �9�i ..✓Aroe ar Z /<.FD 15;4J 7-e S+p2R /G niy Y/aB6 ''4!f6T on.4S Ve4es 'VeALIaat %/v q A Arc uc. T• Sr/4-" ZRAVAC/NG �AI7-C A y Ale e Z 11W D /N rI"NAaD Jv -vx R/d.PT' F .+1T TW y BRI((av 4, /• Gv/t )- •v oF �oiiX.v�• OTiYaGt GEC o(�/OriJ — WnocD !Owe Tri T•0 °.17.� • �R TiK6 /�y�BLUHT%�iG NRtS >r Lour y�i vjE � /N T.aPCICL✓.vG: cfdoR �.s /may 7�'�KS �� OvlZ �HAr'st� C /Tf' •• �.s�o rA?s Tis/ /r 7n d'S t,. ev�sry Ti�� 10:1 NGkJ ^AzLf e;-' rO'crrs ��; s.►SQ�c /anD /s �airf /t�r� . ,a Wi/c7,vre O/i,sOT s.)s A6�{ee .J,7/f dGl. _ � + c r�4 71 r•L'/S /ih'1 /T //0 09 /j,7E tJ PDX— _ /'LBlitsd, ON $'Br6�P,.N'L G �SC'A1/ a v c 70 31T /N T //6 Rv?j /BNC�S fhf!/� FyeAt�y /?�i?.Q ✓t ^tom r4T 7if�e• K�isDo.ry �J.a� ,�j6D/GA ✓Tit►✓ W,PP c; sc�i�t. o� u/iftDt yov atE //✓ D/Y svftiuG� v r'a P�7AL +/s�J ruw/7 eoainvac /TE w YJ 7y1V /tS //B yi ✓ FiN�roc.) R£.+trplpi te.¢f 4L ad C/sio,J svc cw Awvr- CA7PCIC7&Yf go�Ree o .o. rT /f Prof, IjBG<'F TiN.a T' /P ,(cY /fad ?L,ad soeRe St//3/►/ /77at7 aovl aR.y//r�L % ?) "17,Y t�a v/(, /.tPFQ£C.•/uTide' / / /s.� S'TiR.�I.1? of T/KE Gr ry *A+D eve' 4/or /A!. U GUS' /rAJ �J•b�KR? CONS ?T1,JG:T/Dn� oJj• .4F�LO6i0'T /RRF.f s — t�tT LJdF- A14v% Te �• 6(t'S /l,�' /s�aRs .e /Tr/` av6 S /Df' o.� avitf ' ^; S772PET Gd ♦)'.f� /4,t� t /A /6/�r� LOALL�GNtY '; S/ of //iDdicc 4"Ays ms s) /,cvJ VA,) X09 _z,�,:4� --� .Wu.i�'ir�. :n �i.3k7:`,4r t -.1: �sR. E n' AI- ""04'4- al�T /N� .srS �K R /v�,� .f�Tir /✓. A bD 7U -7W19 7-A4-- FiVe7- rle o7— C pe u 0774!i Imk?e 051L R/D ?,�1IFPiG L9dff7' 9 17VAr/Od IN /V nl .RRarR of N�M6iL0 ✓t �OCOM6N7£p /$LC�°j�6.v7'"S /fva Sn�o J.t4L D,5r/A77/.r �vaD -)'S of V ,-7*oe7;,'OAs WV&PAe 6.0,0- OWARPe47ft .fo,vv i dYCAL /itl 6.. / Nu v R G• v e- IiF,97 F d,E/d G /.V/N 4. s✓p �'ST -V X Oqe /S 'q,�✓BXTT/st jDAA o a, dp/Zos ar- Y wv A, T ✓ReJSg- Arary yol/ ^ t-t- eaWV2aa -e /7- .N /v I e9 6-'OOD Tc..st/d L- /-Y2o,q^AA7t N. ✓BRY OOTAlvaBd /VWD VS wscc� 19C 11Nd 161,e7Z 7 /N ft ate V si 4l enJ %mT/Y S/bi:!r oT /6o rhllz+v /3tr- TD4.tle�C. '04WO /5 441 ejfOs.A1l 1v6 C1AfA&Ar.RS(4FN6. ke //Rile aAfav4j� oAR.�c ,cotlA 4 f r: N 7I m r • cx _ - %RAlG"r�T Ti",�iRT wa v a p /,ra cP /h Art1a. SISt�+t /$t �64J i7'n.QC LJVO'� ?j 7X!' S+R•y T /�jB &eMdl2J7 PRoec rtsy �PAiva*c.'r "a) coZP4-4) &qbY17 v //{c` R 7aa ✓ate c oar 7a I pty A � aiKoPost7io/rl Od= DR The � DRN�. J. 96e' s ySTa'iY/ �r LyEZ a . /M/ RAUo TYR�7s/L is.�'D �aTif /u. rowv /YO aou8� //6�P Tl' G'�YC�oo4Ae1� /�jos"G j)Bva�l�oOnTb)•t)T C!= 7'�C1 /vaRm= S/Dar J Mr,3e1L pIAC£C7r�O A9 c 4¢s1f 7WA' -c?W rr7- W11-*44 ' 77W,'W /,iA<Sr S7/G a' u 13NilRl7" , , wAF Amer - iYS 1M sc� as /li p,v y armor xt smear T�sr r.R �'�.s�v v /N� �a�.ysxicul If $MWAV, �sZ aroma' o"Op"' G/7 . ��bv ,y,Z „• »wr.VG. hL "*,*7- 09WP JO`• ovr $sLy G�Of�S /1��C /n/f�IC�/If /NG• 0.7� iq,ljs'/9- S'oi±BLti � = =`'P° 004- lAof GO/t�ti , _ 0 r • cx _ J f` w —S f'ov�G, DaDiC,Rr,�or! ✓s��vD Tine c�,r4 , Ci T y .-- errs 1�d6✓N/!� /.✓�' 77J CNd�sJ� of /v h�n�/fJI�SH /�Ce r�l 6ji.+ys7Cifd CUt'�I1/DA16� " i I 1� Yl :ertF'ii��f:'HE'�F:.jit ,c +;J,;:R��+i d.�:� /C.% �. \..:• iv.r �4�+ ?Mi 8:20 - Planning Commission Recessed 8:30 - Planning C%rmission Reconvened with all members present ®' J. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT A ✓O GENERAF. PLAN AMENOMENT 85-04C - MEL MACK - A request to M-tnt The dna Use Map the General Pllfl�tRm M um ensity Resider, 'r' t•1-14 du /ac; to Medium High Density Residential (14 -24 du /ac) for 18 +.res of '.and Located at the southwest corner of Foothill Blvd. and Turner kv wa - AON 108 - 121 -24. Otto trout!', Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report. Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. Paul Edwards, representing the applicant, 9ive .r, overview of the project. Mr. Edwards stated that a mobile home park had bees approved for this site in 1969. Chairman Stout asked if an approval in 1969 would still be effective. Andre# Arcycnsky, Assistant City Attorney, advised that logic would dictate that the approval is no longer in e'fect, '•oweve) Without seeing the actual approvals from County he could on y guess that and approval would have e ip i; ed. Mr. Nagel, Rancho Cucamonga resident, %as concerned with the project's impact on traffic and drainage. 4e also stated that a flooding problem exists on Turne•, and was concerned that more water would be generated as a result of this project. Russel Jay, representing the applicant, advised that this applicant is a + long-term investor and maintains ...d operates a high quality project. There were no further comments, therefore the public hea,Ing was closed. - Commissioner Chitien was concerned with the transition. of density. She pointed out that in the past the City has a!ways been crnsistent that the transition of density between -single family low density and high density projects. Further, that increasing the density on this site does not prnvida ' that transition; therefore, would not be in favor of this request. Commissioner HcNiel stated that the density was too high and would agree that this request should be denied based on the inconsistency with past decisions to providt for density transition ,i Commissioner Baiter stated that ha didn't see a need fir an increase in dens' y in this site. He was concerned with traffic impacts generated by 7ncr as',ng the d malty by 96 additional units, and compatibility with the, y! iunovnding area.d)� lanning Commission Minutes -10- September 25, 1985.7 5 a i r i Commissioner Repel stated that he was not concerned with the hmsity, aid was sorry the applicant decided not to develop a mobilehon park. is advised that one thing that is needed in the City is more mobile 'some parks to provide coapetiticn for the few which currently exist. Further. tha amount- of transition is there to allow the higher density. Chaln•an Stout stated in the last few months there has been a lot of disa,ssion abut multiple family housing in thi City and that the Beueral Plan has horn religously been defended] in its atta:7t to make a balanced type of housi.j available throughout the City. He advised that he suit see no reason to increase the density if that balance establisIvA by the General Plan is correct. Further, that if a piece of ground could to found which w s properly zoned for 1t, this project wunsid be an asset to the City. He additionally stated that because of sensitivity of transition areas to south this project could be structured to provide high density to the north and lower density to the south, which vauld be very close to the tensity range which exists on chat property ncv ana have the %w:e ,ur similar •ype of project. Commtssioner duel statA ' that this a aufice -t would not increase the overall density of tt:e City. Fa. L.z -, that the orueral Plan advises that high density projects shou.d be plsced akvug major thoroughfares; however, the density has been considerably reduced north of Base Line. Notion: Moved by Barker, secended by HcNiel, to adopt the Resolution reco®ending denial to the City Council of Environmental Assessment and General Plan A mdment &544 C. Mel Hack. Motion carried by the following vote. AYES: CI' M:;t•Qm: BARK :R, N.'CNIEL, CHITIEA, STOUT HOES: CONWTSSIOKELS REWEL ;BSENT: COMMISSIONERS; NONE tarried Commissioner Respe. stated that he thought the amend~ient request Would not Increase the overall density for the area. K. ,. %-- uuiap zo neaium uensity wesidential (4 -14 du /ac) for is of land located on the south side of Feron Blvd, between aid Turner - APN 204 -055 -02, 03, S 14. Lisa Hininger, Assistant Planner, reviewed the staff report. Tracy Tibballs, Covington and Croce Attorneys, representing the applicant, gave an overview of the request. Planning Commission Minutes -11- September s< 1T. Prigr�i�xtt�i- f�'':Mr'�+�w.•a�+'`c.'.iti - _ T .+.i1. - ".S�Ii+:��Cti� mail clerk for the City 0 Ir Rancho Cu, do hereby swear that of )fm ISSE at approximately o'clock _(a.m. <— DM I depositL-A 4o tba Cucamonga Branch of the Unitai states Post Office located at 9607 Business Center Drive, I litter adjrpssed to and regarding PC HEETING 11/20/GS 7:30 PH ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESMNT AMD GENERAL PLAN AIENCM14T BS-04C - M IIACK- SEE hTTACREO IAELS dcf Signed: Date: (return to Planning Division after signing) \ N I* i• Xt9k 10 *at No. 'roldarc Frederick J Jr and Mary Houe 11 Christ on V _and Debra L 6226 Matterhorn Ct 10123 Devon Sr Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 0208 - 851-43 0208.851 -02 Aooltcant, :iel Hack Co. 3971 -A Lincoln A,, Boone Park, CA 9C620 Subject Prooert,: Anderson John F and Pauvetce E 1971 -A Lincoln Ave 3uana Park, CA 90620 Anderson John F and Ftuvecce E 5971 -A Lincoln Ave 3uena Park, CA 90620 0208 - 321 -24 Turnor Terrance 78 0 Y. Euclid Ave Carlo, CA 91762 Board Thomas A and Christine 8236 Matterhorn Cc Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91710 0208 - 851-44 . Molina David W and Jane-: J 8240 Matterhorn Ct Cucamonga, CA 91730 0208451 -45 Murphy Lyle F and Nat- U 10127 :iatterhorn Cc Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91.30 0208 451 -46 Cuina David N and Alma .1 10132 Cavan St Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9130 Manno Robert A and Jeanette A 10133 Devon St ^ ucamonga, CA 9 730 0208, it-C. Thomas Harry ^ .W Barbalra 10133 Hampshire Rancho Cucamonga,CA ^1730 0208461 -17 0208 -861 -03 Svlharc James A 10122 Hamph .t Sc Cucamonga, CA 71730 0208- 861 -18 Nagel Harold A and Frances H 10112 Hamphire St Cu.amcrga, CA 19730 0208 - 321 -36 0208-831 -51 0208- 861 -19 5ndorsun and Anderson 320 Y. Euclid Ave � Chaldez Joan and Teresa Terra Associates Onr rio, CA 91761 : 10122 Devon St : 723 Ocean Frent Valk Cucamonga, CA 91730 t Venice, CA 90291 '0208- 321 -37 '. .•.. .... 0208- 85t -52 '• 0208 -861 -01 Jbit Covina Croup 629 Covina Blvd ... I ...... . . darker Steven P and Hare• ... . : Ramsey J Chris and Patti J D[maa. CA 9:773 8227 Matterhorn Ct : 8468 Loma P1 ,San ? Cucamonga, CA 91730 : Upland, CA 91786 - ,3208 -951- 43,44,43,56,.7,48,50 651 ........... 0208- 831 -38 '+ : 0208 -06I -02 w ,donor Linda H 62319 Whtcef teld Rd No. 5 . .. .......... ... ....... Marshall Micht•' P acd garen H : 8213 Matterhorn Ft .......• .. .. _ Chlappinl Luis Band Ana N .` Pasadena, CA 91107 Rancho Cucamorga, CA 91730 1633 Canyon Dc : Fullerton, CA 92633 - 3208 - 811.53 l7? 0208 -851 -39 8208 -38 -03, 04 1F� . ............ 40berg Arnold W & Ober& Brtgctce H• Blume• Cary H Etal �...••.� ....... Cimarmo Tmas and Llber_c 11. 1,^ 3206 Matterhorn Ct 8205 Haccer:.orn Cc : 16534 Braes Lanternp ",, ybo Cucaoonga, Cn 91770 ",. RaaaOo Cucamonga, CA 91720 NKada, C .. c 09- 851 -41• . 0203 - 831-40 ............... ...........:................... 020 q:..:t- os �i'........... Ml�. M �aarar,Tarranoe L & Vicki ...... ............. Rolepo Associates ,• '= S C.Sgli'Nabterborn Cc : :,19390 Harley Anderson ]oho F -aed;F uviit� Job, :d = iduicA'a CutCAon Ba r'CR•9t73 _�:'' -% tiveratda; CA 92306 + Q •?' 1 t f''�a•'?`a3 'ail:• iYi... _. 1+� --_:K .. r.'1ii - 7 6971- A'L(nenl,'Ave•a •o;7Y!{ Buena park CA•906 •3 - -. _ • -i •.-.r= a.?',l�h'.4i ......... ...... . . ............ .:..... ... ........................ ...... ....................... ��{Y"t4 °art -E ':+- .iT..,.L "�, l,fi. �,� •��J� �/j :' :: -�'�,R yq,,S 5 `M, Y�1 Y•, •`ti. EA,, C'J/ / "r -'l, t'�r :tal lo ' Nichael J'S Coffee Shops Inc. C 642 S Second Ave STE 1 ' Covina, CA 91723 '. ±• 0208 - 331 -27 . Lakkees Samir A Ecal and Robin • 10134 Foothill Blvd Cucamonga. CA 91730 ,, „ 77- 601 -0T, and 09 10 i Farmer Jacks Nursery ° 246 N Indian Hill + Cl- tcwr..c, CA 91711 ,c. 1077- 621 -33 Blacnick Anton J Ecal and Nary P.O.Bor A B Cucamonga, CA 91730 r 1077- 621 -20, and 21 • '• ' Ibod Donald E and Debra J .0a0 wedding Way _ Upland, CA 91786 621 -22 and 21 ,1077- Gilbert Kennech U 910 Juniper -,Fontana, CA 92335 'r- 1077.621 -24. and 25 , Bout Robert J and Nnry C ,252 W. 19th Street "?I1J land, CA 91786 1077- 621 -26 and 27 1 c ......... ...... . . ............ .:..... ... ........................ ...... ....................... ��{Y"t4 °art -E ':+- .iT..,.L "�, l,fi. �,� •��J� �/j :' :: -�'�,R yq,,S 5 `M, Y�1 Y•, •`ti. EA,, C'J/ / "r -'l, t'�r :tal lo sident t Resident 99 Foothill Blvd Sp d 1 9999 Foothill Blvd Sp.; 12 ncho Cucamonga. CA 91130. Rancho Cucamonga, a 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp ; Z Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Bl,d ,Sp.e 3 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.0 4 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 1' Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd ,Sp.#S Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd ,S,, 5 6 Rancho Cu- zaonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd ,Sp tf7 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident .. 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp,1 $ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 9-sident 9999 Foothill Blvd Sp./!:l �- Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 `Resident '9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp.B -O Rincho,Cucamonga. CA 91730 �t ken Ra1� Fo�Cutcamnga,dp{Sp91730 -- Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd ,Sp u 13 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9959 Foothill Btvd.,Sp 11$ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd ,Sp.i.15 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd., Sp PIG io Ranc' Cucamonge CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp 011 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd. ,Sp 1 JS Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.0 19 iancho Cucamonga. CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd „Sp, / 20 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173n i Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp./ 2.i. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Fecthill Blvd. Sp. 2? Rancho Cvcaaongap. CA 9730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd .,Sp,3, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 917 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd Cite , So I Rancho Cucamonga, 917 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp Bz Rancho Cucamonga, CA 977 Resident 9999 Foothill elvd „Sp Sc Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 917: Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp,® Rancho Cucamonga, CA 917: Resteent 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp f £- Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp,/ G Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp.0 3 Rancho Cvcamonga, CA 9173t Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd „Spar 3 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91731 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd..Spf Rancho Cucamonga., CA j9' L Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sj.i Rancho Cucamnnm _ ra , r.., Went •Resident piles 9999 Foothill Blvd S 634 . Rancno Cucamonga, CA 91730 �• gggg Foothill Blvd. 5 j45 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 99,1730 Resident 9399 Foothill Blvd „Sp rC, Rancho Cucamonga, CA gi73 Resident 1 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp.9' S Rancho Cucamonga, LA Resident 9999 Foothill BIvL.,Sp.l4fi Resident -0-'i 9999hootucanoa Blvd, . 91; 0 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 +Sp•! S ga, CA'• 9173 Resident 9999 Foctnill Blvd S d34, Rancho Cucamonga, CA p9171G Resident Resident ` RanchooCucamonga,dCASP91 30 RanchooCucamonga,dCA5p9173 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp 1'3'1 Rarth o Cucamonga, CA 9173! Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd. ,S P !�}g Resident ' 9999 Foothill Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 9 aSp9l5 Rancho Cucamonga. , C CA 9173 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd Sp d T8 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91710 Resident 9999 c oothill B1vd.,5p.949 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.d6• Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 4ancho Cucamonga, CA 9173, Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd sp.13`� Residents 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp 9J5� Rancho O..ca•.1ng:, ^jl 91733 Rancho .ucaaonga, CA 91730 959dFgoth111 Blvd.,5p,'Ro Rancho Cucamonga, Cn 9173t Resident 9999 trill Blvd ,59,640 Rancho G rP.monya, C4 91 %i0 dostdent 9999 Foothill Blvd ,SP•l5..� 999d Foothill Bivd.,Sp !6_{ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Rancho Cueacen a 9 . CA 91136 Resident 99SO Foothill B1vd.,Sp,! 4•L Ra mho Cucamonga, Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd „Sp.! 52 ' CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 9999 Foothill elvd.,Spjo:,7 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730• Resident 9959 Faothil d - Rancho Cuca. Resident 9999 Foot),ell B1vd.,Sp.! S3 Retident oancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 9999 Foothill 81vd.,So:! G °3 - Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730} Resident '1999 - Foothill Blvo.,Sp,! 4'3. Rancho Cucaoorga, CA Resident Foothill Bivd.,Sp.! 54 ' "a Resident ` 999 Foothill Bivd.,Spa.•��i, 91730 Rancho Cucar ^a . CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, ^Atg�7 iesident ig99,.Foathtll'Blvd.,Sp.# 44 Re.iden3 9999 Foothill Residea 4nrJo Cucammonga', CA 51730° - ohs r _ k ,. •, r. Blvd, S ! 5 S p. Rancho Cuca 91730 mango, C/t 9999 Foothill Blvd ,Sp�l G Rancho Cucamonga.- mnnga.' CA 917 3G 34S.�P`rt51i�.�( j R;f °.;y- Iyyn�`= / • . v�i'.i�t�Vtt w- .1 .. ,'+'�A�'.u�l �=1 Redden[ � '" -9999 Fa•th111 D1rJ. S� aG9 - Rancho Cucamn a, Ch (• 3 JI73Q r •'° Resident sp. +� RaMho .#1 +^ - _ i • " _ - 9999 4 CA C4�nga, Foothill Blvd.,Sp.A: Rancho Cacamrga. CA 917' Resident 9994 Foothill Blvd.,Sp•! G$ Rancho Cucamonga, CA Resident• 9993 Foothill D1rd.,Sp.i' -79 Resident 9173) Rancho Cucamonga. CA 9:730 9999 Foothill BIrA: �• •ip•F_. , panU.o Cucamn 43 Cg 93j Resident 9999 Foothill Bk,d..Sp. dG9 ' Rancho Cucamonga. CA Resident 9999 Foothill 9lvd.,Sp.F� Readort 917.10 Rancho c6camon9a, CA 91730 4999 Foothill BTvd.,$ +< p•. _ Rancho Cncamn9a. CA 911.: Resident ' 9999 Foothill Blvd.•Sp.F'70 Rancho Cucarnga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.i8I Rarcho Residimt 994 Foothill ° Cucamonga. CA 51730 Blvd.,Sp.#-! Rancho Cucamon9a, CA F✓sident 917', 9999 Foothill Blvd..Sp.9 q Rar�m Cocamon9a. U Resident Foothill OIYd. Resident - 91730 Rancho Cucamnga, CASp91�0 9M W�ln9a.d.,Sp917g_'- , Resident Resident 1.9999 Foothill Blvd.,SC. /'72 Resident Rancho C+•:amhnga, CA 91730 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.1 9999 Foothill BIe4.,Sp.F Rutcho G¢amor,ga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga. Cl 9173 Resident Resident •9999 Foothill g,, .S9•!� 9999 I"oothfil F.vd.,Sp. jr- 9999 Foothill Rancho Cucra�a7a. Jl 9173) 1lanctxl Cueamnya, A 914. \ 9ancho WU�nga -0 'Sp91730 Resident 9999 Foothill B1rd.,Sp.i'l4 Resident Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 9999 Foothill B1vd..Sp.985 Resident Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp.FW Rancho Cucamooga. CA 9173C ,Resfdes,t Resi »nt 9999 Foothill 61vd..5p )'T5 .Rancho Cu"Mr.9a. CA 91730 9999 F9uthill Blvd.,Sp.#)E° Rest Amt h Rancho .:ucarnnga, CA 91730 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.#,3 -z la,tiho Cucatnga, CA 91730 h ?esident nr -ro 9999 Foothhill B1vd..S FrT6 Fesident p• 039. Foothill Blvd. S F�rT Res Idea, Rancho Cucamonga. CA 91730 Rancho Cuwmnga, CA p91730 9989 Foothill B1vd:;Sp j,91j Rancho Ct:nongt, CA, %-9'17'3'0"' 4 Resident ,. i999,Foathill a1vd. Sp,,i�t Resident Restdwt ti echo C1+cxonga, Gi 91730 Foothill A1W. S F� 9999 Foothill Alyd. �. 93; i Ranch j , k*- ,,' <:tit ., ;, o ��gf] � p91730 �nUO Cutaocr.•ga. C 'W30 Resident i Resident 9499 Foothill Blvd., 5 'JCD 9944 Foothill Blvd. Sp.t -Li] Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 RanchG Cucamonga, CA 9173(L Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp.#jM Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd. Sq.fJO2 Rancho Cucamonga, CA, 9i730 Resident 9999 Foothill O1vd.,Sp.110j Rancho Cucamonga. CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd .SD.fjOeT Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resldt.•. 9999 Foothill B1vd..Sp.jM5 R3nchn Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd ,Sp.f14t)G Rancho Cucamong3. CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Bivd.,Sp. /lb'i Ranam Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp. /.1C$ Rancho Cuc imonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Bivd.,Sp.1109 %Rancho Cucamonga. CA 91730 Foothill Blvd. Sp.i -uO o Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp.f112 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9993 Foothill Blvd.,Sp.0113 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd.-Sp. /114 Rancho Cucwonga, CA 91730 Reside it 9999 Foothill Blvd Sp.l1.L5 RanchO Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd..Sp etmr Rancho Cucamanga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Fcothill B1vd.,Sp.t1.1.q Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Fnothill B1vd..Sp LUB Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Rusidant 9999 Foothill Bivd.,Sp #.119 Rancho Cura onga, CA 91730 K- sident 99.9 foothill B'vd.,Sp.F.tM RancLO Cucamonga, CA 91.30 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd. Sp.t- lc'�•1.. Rancho Cucamonga. U 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp.. Rancho Qn:,.4,mga, CA 9' Resident 9999 Foothill 8lvd.,S6.!_ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 917 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp.0 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9i/ Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.O Rancho Cucamonga, CA 917- Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.41. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 917: Rzsident • 5999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.OJi R3ncho Cucamnga, CA 9173 Resident 9999 Foothill Bivd.,Sp. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd.; jjj Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173c Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd. Rancho Cucamonga, C Resident g 9959 Foothill B1vd.,SPA RarUo Cucamonga, �A Resident 9999 Foothill 81v Rancho Cucamonga, } Resident , { 9999 Foothill Blvd._ Sp.4JBZ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill O1vd.,Sp 4133 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.aI3+ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.L1•3S Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd ,Sp.p135 r Rancho Cecarjonp. CA 917:0 Resident 4. 9999 Foothill Blvd. So &143 CA Fdncho Cucamonga, 11730 Rasident 9999 Foothill Bivd.,Sp.4144 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.LJ45 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91,30 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.JAZ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp.4J4`7 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Residcnt -•, 9999 Foothill Blvd „Sp;ij Rancho Cucamonga, CA' 9-17 Resident 9999 Foothill ylvd.,Sp.11 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 917 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp.#4 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 917. Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.41' Rancho Cucamonga, CA 917: Fesfdeot S999 Foothill Blvd. ,So #1! Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173 .,�Resident Resident 9999 Fnothfll Blyd.,SD.L13'( 9999 Foothill Blvd S Resident Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173( Rancho Lucamon a P.L148 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp.p 1 Cucamonga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd. ,Sp.9133 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp,/1.39 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 ,v Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.0140 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident S999 Foothill Blvd.,SP.1441 `'Rancho Cucamonga. CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Slvd.,Sp.649 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill G1vd.,Sp.L1SO Rancho Cucamonq,. CA 91730 Resident 9999 FooLdIl B1vd.,Sp."rx Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp Rancho Cucamonga. CA );730 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp, /-f4 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.f1C Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp,, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill BIvE:;Sp'.114w Rancho Cucamonga, CA 917366 enc Resfdcnt .o 0 Cucamonga, a, Spl730 R9999 Foothill Sp 1153 9999 Foothill Bivd.,Sp.Li 9 . CA:.91730 9 CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, CA -,917. Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp.) Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9399 Foothill B1vd.,SO.f Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.f Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd. ,Sp.f Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 I Resident 9999 Foothill Bivd.,Sp.f Rancho ' ucamonga, CA 91130 V• I Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp.f Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp.f . Pascho Cucamonga, t4 91730 ' I Resident X9999 Foothill Blvd „Sp.f �Rancha Cucamonga. W 41730 Resident 9999 Foothill Olvd.,Sp.i Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd ,Sp./ Rancho Cucamonga. CA 91,730 k Resident ' 9999 Foothill Bivd.,SpJ , Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp.f Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident 9999 roothiil B1vd.,Sp.0 Rancho Cucamonga,,CA 91730 i Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp./ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Resident ss Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.0 rancho Cucamonga, CA 91'. Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp•f ' Rancho Cucamonga, CA 911 Resident 9999 Foothill Blvd.,Sp f Rancho Cucamonga, CA 917 Resident 9- 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.f Rancho Cucamonga, CA 917 Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp,f Rantha Cucamonga, CA 9T, Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp f - "Cho Cucamonga, CA 917: Resident 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.f Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173 9999 Foothill B1vd.,Sp.1 I 9999 sluent Blv Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, Resident . ^,astdant �- 9999 Foothill Blvd. Sp.f 9999 Foothill Bivd:,Sp.f Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91130 , Rancho Cucamonga,: CA 917: man a s, Piyor ATTEST: .'u Beverly A. Authelet, City Clerk A, � s Vhf �y` 1 i1 •� S i R41OLOTION NO.'R4-L0'A%A ••�°C� - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THF, CITY OF RANCH, CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DEHYIP.G GENERAL Y AH AMENDMENT :10. 85 -04C - MEL MACK, REQUESTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND g USE ELEMENT OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA GENERAL KAN FROM MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (4 -14 DU /AC) TO MEDIUM HIGH '= DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (14 -24 DU /AC) FOR 18 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF FOOTHILL AND TURNER WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly advertised public hearing to consider all comments on the proposed General Plan Amendment No. 85 -04C; SECTION 1: The Rancho Cucamonga City Council cannot make the following n irgs: i = A. The Amendment does not conflict with the Land Use Policies of the General Plan. t B. The Amendment promotes goals of the Land Use Element. C. The Amendment wuuld not be materially injurious or detrimental to the adjacent properties. ° NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED, that the Rancho Cucamonga City Council hereby denies General Plen Amendment No. 85 -04C. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this * day of Y; AYES: NOES: ABSENT; man a s, Piyor ATTEST: .'u Beverly A. Authelet, City Clerk A, � s DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ��cAaroi� , November 20, 1985 o r nayor and Mergers of the City Council Brad Buller, City Planner S Dan Colaman, Senior Planner OL'1ELOPHENT AGREEMENT - CAL - RANCHO (CALMARK) - An amendment to the legal description of —reAT— properk° subject to an agreement between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Cal- Rancho, Inc., regarding a senior citizen housing project located west of Archibald, at the terminus of Lomita Court. I. BACKGROUND: The frty entered into a development agreement with C'1a�lancho, Inc., (Calmark), for the development of the Heritage Park Senior Apartment project. Attached to the agreement, and a part thereof, is a legal description of the property covered by the agreement. The recorded agreement incorrectly identifies the property as Parcels No. 1 and 2 of Parcel Map 7827. This has the effect of including the market rate portion of the project on the north side. Cal- Rancho Inc., has requested that the agreemert be amended to amend Exhibit 'A• to the agreement to only cover Parcel No. 1 of Parcel Map No. 7827, which is the senior portion of the property. The City Attnrney has reviewed the proposed amendment and drafted the atteched Amendment No. 1 to the Development Agreement for your review and consideration. This amendment will seoreoate tha ceninr I1. RECOX4ENDATION: The Planning Commission reviewed the amendment at their Nov :r 13, 1985 meeting and uananimously recommended approval to the City Council. Respectfully submitted, �/ ' Brad Buller City rlanner BB:OC:dv Attachments: City Attorney Memo Amendment No. 1 to the Development Agreement Development Agreement Y/ I� , .,l r WNLCII ON[ CnK CLMV CIIKIt _ 'OUR'. 110011 1_ J..YL[IM.L.M.N /.0[0]10{. .hoot. J (PC]TN {PI [P[.�Gl1IOPN4 08MR1I069 GVN ....N {ON /OW MO.0101 O CPJ.0 T[I VNOx(/ N1PTN.JJ Oels [I {1C11 WOI t[I•]LN 4 -fi MEMORANDLH TO: Dan Coleman, Senior Planner, City of y Rancho Cucamonga? FROM: James L. Markran, City Attorney _,,/ v �/ DATED: October 22, 1985 RE: Amendment to Cal- Rancho, Inc. Development Agreement , Attached hereto please find the above - referenced Amendment which I have drafted per our discussions. As you • ?' can see, the amendment is rather simple and merely amends the legal description of the property to which the Agreement applies. ' Pease call if you have any questions on the attached document. 1 ,i JLM:sjk e - Encl. i } Y1 ' � •hd 4 `APlA Gl'wi ,tit M, aS® ,77 - AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT This First Amendment to that Development Agreement entered into on February 15, 1984 is entered into by and between CAL - RANCHO, INC. and the CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. •t' A. Recitals. �? (i) On February _ , 1984, the parties hereto entered into a Development Agreement concerning -ti a senior citizen housing project (hereinafter referred to as *the Agreement "). (ii) Through inadvertence, the Agreement was made applicable to property which is not the Subject matter of the Development Agreement. (iii) It is the purpose of this Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement to have the Agreement made cpplicablo only to the propar parcel of property in question. B. Amendment. . 1. The Agreement hereby is amended by amending Exhibit "A" to the Agreement to read as follows: "Parcel No. 1 of Par;el Map No. 7827, in the City Of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San. Bernardino, State of California, as per Book 90, Pages 47 and 48 of Parcel Maps, in the office of County Recorder of said County." 2. Other than as specifically amended hereby, the Agreement and each and evert term and provision thereof shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto huve entered into this Amendment No. 1 to this Agree_ent as of the dates set forth below opposite the name of each such party CAL- PANCHO, INC. r % i. Dated: — By; ' Name T t e j� CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONG,I Dated: By k ��. Dated: By= i, Cy:l ¢¢^py -6 p y STATE OF CALIFORNIA sa. COUNTY 07 SAN BEMUMINO ) On , 1985, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Publ ci U anT74_r sad County and State personally appeared and _, proved to me on the basis o Hatisfactory evidence ence to o e persons who executed this instrument as Nayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, a municipal cor- poration existing and organized undrr the laws of the State of California, and acknowledged to me that the City of Rancho Cucamonga executed it. Notary Public in and for said State STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) as. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO } On 1985, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Publl-c-M—and for said County and State rorsonally - appeared , proved to me an the basis of satisfactory ev ence to be the parson who executed this instru•- ment as on behalf of Cal- Rancho, Inc., and acknowledged to me that t e corporation executed it. Notary Public in and for eaid State S; -2- 'k DID 91 ift After recording return �o: 'ity Clerk's Office - y of Rancho Cucamonga P 0. Box 807 - Rancho lucamonga. CA 91730 < � OEVELOPMW AGREEM'NT THIS • CAL-RANCHO, INCA. N(•Property tnis 15th the dC1LyfofebRanche Cucamonga, between municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California (•City %) RECITALS := This Agreement is predicated upon the following facts: 1. Government Code Section 55844- 65895.5 authorizes the City to enter into binding development agreer•.t•. w.'h persons having legal or equitable interests in real property for the - � . +nt of such property. 2. Under Section 65865, the City has adopted rules and regulations establishing procedures, requirementi and administrative guidelines for consideration of development agrawent. 3. development agreement and proceedings dandihavetbeenotaken innaccordancetWill City's ruses and regulations. 4. City has found that the development agreement is consistent with the General Plan. S. On February 15, 1984, City adopted Ordinance 217 approving the development agreement with Property Owner and said action was effective on February 15, 1984. NON, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree is follows: ' 1. Definitions. In this Agreener• • -nless context rtherwise requires, the follow 59 terms shall have the foil j44 -.leanings a. `City' is the City of Rancho i::,,monga. b. •Project• is the development approted by the City, described further in paragraph 7 h2reinbelow. c. •Property Owner• is Cal- Rancho. Irc. and inCluder all of its successors in interest and assigns. d. "Real Property is the real hereinbelow. Preporty referred to in paragraph 3 e. *Senior tiousing Ove-lay District" is the zoning category created by City Ordinance 193 adopted April 20, 1983. at �i•�i+"���•`?"ii4, r: .... _ ��O r ..S:ail,.S 0 <� c years old.or, older. or married defined householdlisyfift _(55) (55) years old alder. Y fiv; Individuals orrCouplese earning equal8totor essgthanweilhty affordable to th• current County of San Bernardino median income as determined(by the Of Federal Department of Housing anlessban eDevelopment, which rent shall on an percent (80X) of the current median income!. For pu Orposes ofthisfdefinition,� rents charged for all one (1) bedroom units shall be subject to computation based upon eighty percent (80X) of the median income for a two (2) person computation based upon re eighty Ofothe) edian�income sfor allll households (4 or more persons). 2. Recitals. the recitals are part of the agreement between the parties and shaTi� enforced and enforceable as a,1v other provision of this Agreement. 3. De5er1 tlon of Real Pro ert . The real property which is the subject of this dement rs —described more fully in Exhibit W attached hereto end incorptrred terein by reference. 4. Interest of Property Omer. full log- a t t e to the reams prperi into this Agreement, that there is other interest in fee ownership to persons and entities who may hold leg agree to be and are bound by this deeds of trust on the real property Development Agreement, the holders of terms of this Develorm -Ent Agreement provisions hereof. Property Owner represents that It has that is has full legal right to enter other person or entity which has ary he real property, and that all other or reeme t.talf interests In the any holdvrsrof ich may be senior to the lien of this uh deeds of trust have assented to the writing and agree to to borad by the S. Blndin EffEffeet of A reement. The burdens of this Agreement shall run with the real property an s.a ind, and the benefits of this Agreement shall inure to, the successors in interest and assigns of the pa.•ties to it. 6. Relationshi of parties. It is understood th7t the contractual relations p between y•an roperty Omer is such that Property Owner is an independent contractor and is not the agent of C'ty for any purpose whatsoever. 7. Cit 's royal Proceedin s for Project. On April 20, 1983, City approve • Or nonce treat ng a n or uoR use- fNerlay District. On April 20, 1983, the City adopted a zoning eesignatior of "Senior Housing Overlay District` for the real property. The record or the applications by Property Omer proceedings before the Planning Commissian and the City Cruncil of City on file in the office of City and ail of the files and records in these matters are incorporated herein in f.rl by this reference as though set forth in full. Property Omer proposes tr construct 233 apartment units, recreational and common area facilities, and 16S parking spaces and other amenities on the subject property, all Ps are set forth more fully in the site. -2- ,;x5/ T' C t plan for Planned Oevelopment 83 -01 ("Site Plan-) submitted by Property Owner and approved by City, 3 copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 08• and ofcapproval dwhichnare of changed, altered Plan InclLdes by various Developvent- Agreement unless specifically set forth herein. 8. Chances to Project. No substantial change, modification, revision or alteration may --6e made in the Site Plan approved on Ppr•I 20, 1983, without review and approval by City. date 9. Term of A reement. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the occupancy of theefl stttenantinsanlaparxtme t unit tin the)Projject, but after inthe event later than twenty -five (25) years after th .omnencement of the tern of this Agreement, subject to the annual review described in paragraph 13 hereinbelow. 10. Restrictions on Rental Units. Except as set forth hereinbelow, all tenants, cccupants, an rem ents of-apartment units in the Project shall be Target Tenants. Said apartment units shall not be rented, occupied, leased or subleased to tenants or occupants who are not Target Tenants without the City's prior written consent, except as set forth jelow. Person persons not a Target Tenant s an a ito e toccupies the apartment unit with a resident occupant bo s Target Tenant and if any tf the following conditions are met. a. in an emergency, and for so long as the state of emergency exists; b. on a temporary basis, not to exceed three (3) months ou• of any calendar year (grandchildren, blood relatives); and c. medical support personnel or private nurses for resident occupants who are Target Tenants. 11. Rents and Rent Adluttments. The Property Owrotr shall establish and maintain affordab a rents for seventy percent (70X) of all apartment units to the Project. (Said senventy percent (70X) of the apartment units are hereinafter referred to as •Reserved Units.") For purposes of this provision, rent shall include both the amount charged for occupancy of an apartmert and any utility charges if utilities are not separately metrred. If utilities are separately metered, they will of be considered in the affordable rent computation. (It is speciffically agreed that said restrictio.. on rents shall apply only to the Reserved Units, as property Owner would have rot entered into this Agreement or agreed to develop the Project if said ri•nt restriction or any rent restriction applied to more than the Restricted Ur.il.s.) In the event that rents are increased for Reserved Units, A minimum of sixty (60) days written notice of any rent increase stall be provided to all affected tenants in Reserved Units and to the City. -3- Pi C C extensiansi slnki e agree to, as Renapartment units 1n term the project dshall remain rental units. ilo apartment un t in the Project shall be eligible for • conversion from rental units to condominiums, townhouses or any other cocmBn interest subdivision in which some fee c:nership in the apartment unit would be granted to a pe•son cr entity other thar, the Property Omer or its Permitted successor or assignee or to which ownership of the Project would be transferred to a rorportion ( "Co -Op ") or other entity which would then sell stock or save otter cooperative ownership Interest to a prospective owncr or occupancy of ar, apartment or dwelling unit, provided that nothing herein contained shat, preclude the sale of the entira Project to a single purchaser other than a Co-cp. 13. 5uhmission of Materials and Annual Review, a. Prior to the execution hereof. the Property Owner shall submit to the City the following inforaation. ' (1) An analysis of the cost of the Project including land cost, construction cost, financing cost, and so forth; (2) Tenant salt Lien procedures which shall detail the methods of that Property Owner shall ase to advertise the availability of apartments In the Prcject and screer,ng mechanisms that Property Owner intends to use to limit the occupancy of ;he apartm ?nts to the Target Population. b, The Property Amer shall file with City an annual report calendarnyear Information annual reports; hallsbecfiied with for the no laterethan March 15 following the previous calendar year. The report shall contain such information as City may then require, including, but not limited to, the following; (1) rent schedules then in eftect; utility charges (if any); u!rc oieo Including ns characteristics of residents, nmbof autmoblsownedbyProjctresidet (total); (3) listing of subs,antial physical defects in the Project including a description of any repair or maintenance work undertakes to e reporting Year; and h (4) a description of maintenance of the project including the condition of apartment unit., landscaping, walkways, stairs, and re.reattonai areas. Project shall be allo shall deem n u a necessary hysical insections of the inspections do of unreasonably interfere with the normal operations of the Project. The City shall in ordereto assets their satisfaction wtthste pProjectresThensur en the contain, but shall not necessarily be limited to, questions regarding mangement /tenant relations, maintenance of the Project, design features, general attitude toward the Project, and so forth. •„ -4- C � 1. 14. Tenant Selection. Contracts and Rules and Reaulations. On receipt ot- 1 an appl cat on or occupany n a eserve t, r4'r Owsncr shall determine the Aligibility of the occurany under the terms of Uiis O+nelopnphC: Agreement. Property Owner shall be entitled to rely on the information contained in the application sworn to by the applicant. All agreements for rental of all apartment units in the Project shall be in writing. The pPproposed rental agreement or lease farm for the Reserved Units shall be hereteeaso•Exihtbit 10"sand�herebydapprovd�, aSuthyruleshof is onductcaed occupancy shall y. given to each tenant of an apartment on t prior to such tenants' occupancy. be term part --w tr outd�t termination nation Tenants. ng tenancy a n evictions under the following eircumstarces: a. death of the sole tenant of the unit, b, by the tnnant at the expiration of a term of occupancy or otherwise, upon thirty (30) days written notice, c. b) abandonme.nt of the premises by the tenant. or d, by failure of tenant to maintain income eligibility pursuant to the provisions hereof, prodding that Property Owner gives tenant sixty (60) days written notice of such termination, or e, by failure of tenant to execute or renew a lease. termination of en Reserved it other rt those listed in s subparagraph shall nstitu a an evict onppey Ownershallnnly evict in compliance with the previsions of California law and then only for material non- compilance with the terns of the rental agreement, lease or rules and regul,tions of the Project. Property Owner shall establish appeal and /or grievance procedures and rules and •egulatlons for use for evictions of tenants of Reserved units, which shall be submitted to aid-approved by the City prior to the occupancy of any Resawed Unit in the Project. The rules and regulations a copy o" which is attaWed hereto as Exhibit •C• is hereby approved. 16. Local Residency. Preference shal be given where possible to applicants to t e Project ,dio hase been rokrdents of the City of Rrncho Cucamonga. This factor, however, shall not Ee given any priorty over the s other elements of tena.1t selection in paragraph le hereof. 1 rovementsrt ereonannsured atpall t me% against keep oss oredamaage by and ireaor ( other risks covered by a standard exte,.ded coverage e,•dorsement acid such, other risks, perils or coverage as Property Owner may determine. Ourinj the term tea- •14r C C hereof, the Project shall be insured to its toll insurable value. City shall have the right to review insurance coverage maintained by Property Omer or Its successors and assigns and the pover to require additional inirrsnta to pe car -led in amounts required by the City at the City's sole discretion so that the provisions of this paragraph are complied with. City's acticn or inaction hereunder shall not subject it to liability to any third persons ur entities. 18. Maintenance 5uarant order to insure the; maintenance of the protect is per oru n acwr a, pith the maintenace plan a o'rtlined in the Senior Housing Overlay Distr administrative guidelines drd in this Davelupment Agreement, Property Jwner shall either ustablieh a landscape maintenance district pursuant to State law and City ordi:,ace or regulation or, at Property Owner's option, Cost a maintenace deposit or other legal security Property ownerpshall fail to a used Vey?re.lect asenherein required. The parties hereto agree that a maintenance uepost of $12,000 is acceptable, which maintenance depost may be in the form of a letter of credit, certificate of deposit, bond or comparable instrument. 19. Specific Restrictions ort Develt of Real Promart . The following specific restr cc o a r so cover opmen ns s a use Of e rea property: Project. A. only residential uses of the real property are permitted in the b. v ximum density of residential dwelling units in the Project shall never be g -rater than :8 dwelling units per rcre. feet. c. the mat+mvm height for each of the pr000sed nuildings shall be 35 d. ksuimm r'i. tar all of the buildings and the proposed squire footage fe- each e4 0 a apartment types located therein is set forth mr•e fully an Exhibit •8• c *Ach'w here.o and ir.-orporated herein by reference. e. provisions for reservation or dedication of lard for public Purposes are contained in the conditicd:s for approval of Parcel Nap 7827 and are incorporated herein by this reference. 20. Hold Harmless. Property (maer bgreas to and shall hold City, its officers, agents, emp ogees and representatives harmless from liability for damage or claims far damage for personal injury including death and claims for property damage_ which may arise from the direct or indirect operations of Property Nm•.er cm those of his contractor, subcontractor, agent, employee or other person acting on his behalf which relate to the Project. Property Owner agrees to and shall defend City and its officers, agents, employees and representa•ives from actions for dar•ages caused or alleged b) have been caused i, by reason of Property Owner's activities in connection with the Project.- This hold harmless agreement applies to all damages and claims fcr damage suffered or alleged to have been suffered by reason of the operations referred Loin this Development Agreement regardless of whether or not the City prepared, r% k: s�Jlliied or approved the plans, specifications or ether documents for the, -r -6- r i 21. Affect of Development Ageement an Land dse gegalat ions. Rules, regulations, official poltetes governing perm ttr real - property, the density of the real property, the design, Mprovement and contt-uctiop standards and specifications applicable to deve opment or the- retl property, are those rules, rcgulations and official polices in force at_ the time of execution of this agreement. It is understood that My may grant Proeprty Owner a dwelling unit density beaus, may reduce its roquirements for on -site parking, may waive ics requirement for covered on -site parking and may red-ice and /or waive other fees as an incentive for Property OVier to construct the Project and for both parties to enter into this Development Agreement. 22. Develoom_t Incentives. Pursuant to paragraph 21 of the Development gretaent, t� he ity will grant property owner the following development incentives for development on the subject property: a. The Beautification Fee levied pursuant to City Council Resolution 79 -1, Section 7.0, will be waived in its entirety. b. The maximum de sity per acre on the subject property shall be increased to 37.5 dwelling .sits per acre. c. The maximum comber of required off street parking spaces snall be lowered to .7 parking spaces per dwelling unit. d. The requirement for covered parking spaces will be waived in its entirety. e. Payment of both the Drainage Fee and Systems Development Fee by the property owner will be deferred and will b_ payable concurrently with the occupancy of the first unit on the subject property. The fees will be based upon the Ordinance, and schedules in effert as of the date of submittal of the project and will rot be effected or increased by any increases taking effect after submittal of the project. *Date of submittal• of the project will mean the time that plans are submitted to the City in order to have the City issue building permits for construction of the It .*ovements on the subject prooer.y. f. The property owner will be reimbursed for certain off -site construction costs set forth below from the City 'of Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency Affordable Housing Set Aside Fund. Those off -site construction costs will include the following: (1) Construction costs for Installation of a storm drain line along Archibald Avenue to Base Line Avenue approximately 390 feet; (2) Completion of off -site improvements an the west side of Archibald `LB Avenue including street widening, pavir.3, curb and gutter from Lomita Court to Base Line Road. 0 t -7 Property owner will provide for City review bid estimates with such documentatian as the City may rc.4uest in order to evidence costs incurred by property owner for installation of tnese various off -site improvements. Property owner will and does hureby assign to City any right of reimbursement which it may have, whetner by law, or by any approval first granted by City on the subject property, for reimbursement from adjacent property owners for the off -site improvements, the costs of which are being reimbursed to property owner by City in connection with this Development Agreement. Property owner acknowledges ano agrees that amounts co)lectti in the future by the City which would have been reimbursed to the property otaer at some future date will be retained by the City by reason of this essignaknt and the City has expedited and accelerat•a the reimbursement process to t.re Development Agreement and has advanced City armies fat reimbursal, which City monies will be reimbursed to City by future property owners. 23. Enforcement. In the event of a default under the provisions of this Agreement y roperty Owner, City shall give written notice to Property Owner (or its successor) at the Project, or by registered or ar'cified mail addressed to Property Owner at the address stated in the Agreement, or to such other address as may have been designated by Property Owner, and if such violation is not corrected to the reasonable satisfaction or City within ninety (90) days after such rwtice is given, or if not corrected within such reasonable time as may be required to cure the breach or default if said breach or default cannot be curr.d within ninety (90) days (provided that acts to cure the breach or default must be commenced within tart ninety (0.0) days and must thereafter be delinquently pursued by Owner) then the City may, without further notice, declare a default under this A9 ^cement and, upon any s_ -ch 6.0araticn of default, the City may bring ary action nccussary to enfc,<e tha obligations of Property Owner growing out of the operation of this Devi ppment Agreement, apply to any court, state or federal, for specific performance of the provisions of this uevelopment Agreement, or for an injunction against any violation by Property Owner of any provision .)f this Agreemant, or for such other relief as ray be appropriate, it being agreed by Property Owner that the injury to City arising from default under any of the terms of this Development Agreemnt would be Irreparable and that it tn)uld be extremely difficult to ascertain the amount of compensation to City to afford adequate relief in light of the purposes and policies rdvancerl and satisfied by approval of the Project and by this Development Agreement. 24. Event of Default. Property Cwner is in default under this Agreement upon the appenng i o%e n or more of the following events or conditions: a. if a warranty, representation or st3:ement made or furnished by Property Owner o: City is false or proves to have been false in any material respect when it was made; b. if a finding and determinbtinn Is made by the City following an annual review pursu.nt to paragrap), ' herei•rabove upon the basis of substantial evidenc, that Property Ot— 1.3s net complied in pond faith with any of the terns and conditions ol this Agreement, after notice aid opportunity to ure as described in Paragraph 23 here'nabove; Agreement, after notice and opportunity to cure as provided in Paragraph 23 hereinabove. - 25. Proceedin U on Default. Crty does not valve any claim at defect in" performance y roperty ner i on periodic review City does not modify or- terminate this Agreement Nonperformance by Property Ownor shall not be excustd because of performance by Preperty Owner of the obligations herein contained mould be unprofitable, difficult or expensive or because of a failure of any third party or entity, other than the City. All other remedies at law or in equity which are not otherwise provided for in this Agreement or In the City's regulations governing development agreements are available to the partie. to pursue in the event that there is a breach of this Development Agreement. No waiver by City of any breach or default under this Development Agreement shall be deemd to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach thereof or default hereunder. 26. Aiahts of Lenders Under this reement. Should Property Amer place or cause to e p ac any enc rance or en on the Project, or any part thereof, the bereftciary (•Lender•) of said encumbrance or lien, including, but not limited to mortgages shall have the right at any time during the term of this Agreement and the existence of said encumbrance or lien to: a, do any act or thing required of Property Owner under this Agreement, and any such art or thing done and performed by Lender shall be as effective as if done by Property Owner himself; b, realize on the security afforded by the encumbrance or lien by exercising foreclosure proceedings or power of sale or other remedy afforded in law or in equity or by the security document evidencing the encumbrance or lien (herein called the 'Trust Deed*), and to: (1) transfer. convey or assign the title of Property Omer to the Project whether foreclosure pursuant'to or be conducted court order F rsuant to power of contained in the Trust Deed; (2) acquire and succeed to the interest of Property Omer by virtue of any foreclosure .ale, whether the foreclosure sale be conducted pursuant to a court order or rursuant to a power of sale contained in the Trust Deed. 27. Notice. to Lenoer. City under this Agreement shall give written notice Of any eau t cr rem under this Agreerr_nt by Property Owner to Lender and afford Lender the opportunity after service of the notice to: a. cure the breach or default within thirty (30) days after service of said notice, where the default can be cured by the payment of money; D. cure the breach of default within ninety (90) days after service of said notice where the breach or default cm be cured ly somMing other than the payment of money and can be cured within that time; cr c. cure the breach or default in such reasonable tim} as may be required where something other than money is required to cure the breach or default and cannot be performed within ninety (90) days after notice, < -r° -9- ;'jlF provided that acts to cure the breach or default are commenced within ninety (90) Jay period after service of said notice of default on Lender by City and are thereafter diligently continued by Lender. 28. Action By Lender. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, a ender may orestall any action by City for a breach or default _ under the terms of this Agreement by Preprety D.mer by commencing proceedings to foreclose its encumbrance or lien on the Project. The proceedings so commenced may be for foreclosure of the encumbrance by order of court or for foreclosure of the encumbrance under a power of sale contained in the instrument creating the encumbrance or lien. The proceedings shall not, however, forestall any such action by the City for the default or breach by Proporty Owner un'ess: a. they are cmvaenced witnin thirty (3D) days after service on Lender of the notice described i,sreinabove; b. they are, after having been commenced, diligently pursued in the manner required by law to completion; and c. Lender keeps and performs all of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreement requir.ng the payment or expenditure of money by Property Owner until the foreclosure proceedings are cwsplete or are discharged by redemption, satisfaction, cr payment. 29. Liahilic of Lenr. No Lender shall have any liability under the terms of ci s greemendet unless it acquires title to the Project through foreclosure or a deed in lieu of foreclosure in which event, it shall hold title to the Project subject to the obligations of a successor to the Property Owner as herein provided. 30. Rent Control. In consideration for the limitations herein provided, the City agrees that it'. shall, during the tem of this Agreement, not take any action, the effect of which will be control, determine, affect the rents for apartment units located in the Project; the parties herein agree that the controls or limitation of rents on the remainder of the apartment units in the project. 31. Attorneys' Fees. In any proceedings arising from the enforcement of this Oeve opment greement or because of an alleged breach or default hereunder, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover the costs and attorney fees incurred in the proceeding and :uch reasonable attorneys' fees as may N. determined by a Court in any legal action. 32. Cumulative Remedies. The respective rights and remedies provided by ttiis Development Agreement or by law or available in equity shall be cumulative and the exercise of any one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude or affect the exercise, at the same or at different times, of any ottier such rights or remedies for the same ar different defaults or breaches or for the same or different failures to perform or observe any term or provision of this Agreement. -10- e 33. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall bind, and the benefits and burdens Rereo sha inure to, the respective parties hereto, their legal - representatives, executives, administrators, successors and assigns, provided ' ho%ever, that it Property Owner sells the Project and the purchaser assumts .� Property Owner's obligations hereunder accruing after said sale then - Property Owner shell have no ohligations hereunder after said sale is consummated. 34. Recordation. This Agreement shall, at the expense of Property Owner, be recorded 1e7U1 official records of the County of San Bernardino in accordance with pruvisiono of the Government Cade. 35. Miscellaneous. This Agreement shall Fe construed in accordance with and t gnvArne y e aws of the State of California. The provisions of this Development Agreement stall be liberally consrued to effect its purpose as set forth here n and in the attachments hereto. Wiranevrr the context so requires, the singular number includes the plural, the plural includes the singular, masculine gender includes the faminina and /or neuter, and the rte er gender includes the masculine and /or feminine. The time limits set forth in this Agreement may be extended by mutual consent of the parties in accordance with the procedures for adoption of a development agreement. 36. Partial Invalidity. If any previsions of this Agreement shall be invalid, aga or unen orceable, the validity, legality or enforr=prlity of the remaining provisions hereof shall not in any way be affv_ced or impaired thereby. IN WMESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by the parties and shall be effective on the day and year first above written regardless of the date of actual execution hereof. J PROPER1Y V BY: /lf/,[�F_ Le,-TA' Y /C` HwcS. ame e CITY: i CITY OF RANCHO CUC4<iONGA BY: 1 BY: . L x� w: F, di e s STATE OF CALIFORNIA as. COUNTY OF SAN EERNAP,DIVO ) On , 198y, before me the undersigned; a Notary Public in and for said County and State personally ° peared and y proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persons who executed this instrument as Mayor and,City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, a municipal corporation existing and organized under the'laws of the State of California, and acknowledged tame that the City of 'Rancho Cucamonga executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) as. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDI170 ) .Pyp11is Ohg6 , 198Y, before me or s faid County and the undersigned, a Notary State personally appeared VW `M and me on tho basis of satisfact ty vid -�_ , Pr"ed to ' nc to be the pegs who executed this �. Fwae t a and =$ on behalf of aeknowle'- aa, that the corporation executed it. �e DFRCLkL � CAROL mini maw rmYo- 10TAAY PUBLIC Nos Haan cauwrt COUNTY i F. Nw r`• Y'�F. '+•' X11 'J 6%F 'l -/ / •l,A�j�pl'y 4,: r -t, l�iz•_ C/U '4.. ::+1.`: "i ;Iri =:..'; ; •'.�'.'"t'- `i °.43G ^eiAn �, EXHIBIT 'A' (Legal description of the Project) Parcel ilo. 1 and 2 of Parcel Hap No. 7627, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per BOOY.5J-1 Pages M andZi of Parcel Maps, in the office of County Recorder of said County. N �T .L G •1• ^ _� _ ,• 0 T ;9 r- C..�7I817 B C_ c • •a9 a i- � •'f_ • II' � IUII t6 n.t0 � m t.T ti �1 a PC IA{I.NCNO CUCAYpNCA mp 61N LLOKIII.X�pOTY(•TA CALMARK DMJELOPMENT y -i j� e� f P EXHIBIT C C - ,,M,,.,,,,,,,, CALMARK REALTY MANAGEMENT, INC. APARTMENT LEASE INNS LG3c\MMN MY Inn � w\f W And wfwYw .nwWbw MU, roa Y II.L.tJptl men �_- . eYNMNY tY41 ••iY.Mr IIJSSLO. T1114 O WIC[A YY W I\ \M T(NJNT IN4 fI1T ll1\ OMIILR.IY INIMIYI YY tNY. W tH1NNt YIIIw Il MJ41Mwt Y _ . W IIwwY. (F W fMM 1f sMNM YYw ,I,�YWIMLY II -�LwM OwAN IL Iwo N11Yt than. Mgt INC II Ytn IM MIy MY1In IWN1 YU Neft I. ws lnl' TIII I {rfln IM It Mow L CIWh[N IMMwIKTY.01 At" TLNYJT oft" YY of YL YtNIry WML MMYfw iwl .OWN[L WII.IWMII T[NNhTInINpKI NCV1411:11CIt NIA mUmmUll YC."mon'" no IUnAW r INVI. ..... IMNI Cw1ww111 WL to WN YINKtIL tM LHINIY YV W a, qC TLMAHi wyN.1111MIry wYC aN iM1.f1�Yam. �11/ T WyITs' CMW4t In of Me tWwtT. ". amNn, 1Y0YI 4 N111w N14wt1".1 N teoMn YI.w11nah" In ..6O 1 Ww NC.wIY1Vwn N".. !I.w VtllC}yYIwJY YIwIq h4wlgCICHw At qb IMFw TM"TI 1fN MCywN WEN. Na.,CMILw fee CKY4111CW oft Yi w IM N tHN IC MM WiM YIN11 new OYIMCR 1 Wen NNIt4N U, N,.a J VMI IwYVM INIK4 NI MUTARh0 wry4uCWn UMnfP wN IL T[NYII T IvK{ U IWINM..OWN[4J. CfY1 wlM IM OWhL11 NI YIYYC �w ICn.1I1N, WCII YNIIry wLYY4 N to. bVMM Wlwf. to IY TCHAN,. i. WMtMWCM1N{.II fdM Nlnlwl \MM YN11wIMY1WUt Yb NMK L T[NNKT WywK YYC4 MTINwN111414MM pY YY 11 gICf1.n1YC. MINI wJIUY MIYYL JMI/. InMYLNMCYfM_IMlw11I TNIMN WpYN. TENANT MMIINY IMtMwp, Mq MYNY /UY.IIMI. KJI4YNI want \NY IMYYMIIN nMIK I1N.rywuq. TCNw MM111MwV AAa -aI t1tS YMw11MY NIn0.'•YNYM T[NwNT 011W Tn4ry CUMIFCNA wHNM wCINn 41Yq. MJnUy IML N11.M1 JN IYYMM nn1101N 10 N TWwN YW 0. L TCHAU411 tn. T 1.4MNtIw4w.N.UYYL LKM11YnCM WnnIYnI MItl NIMn wILICN OWMLR11up wHILY1CNNw1. L TL'NLNTI.UMIMtI4MLN,"a MenKYMY MI wYbn.M1.1111N.V \WCNM {/WIg. awUA:4YNY1MY. Mtbn \.n1., To M nl... JIIAUAT nUIw41Ml MI Wllllto tY"WK MM1MWI..ml-. UnMtV n4 \KINN40.M4tYlnnl YlWIC10110 /TI MVIT. V WY T[1JNNT nY M WiN. M NIIML t1 W CMVCry w NMM Yn IRI.f.N V NniM Ir YNw In4 C\M.wML L. TLNNNT CITY II Y W M\ 41M/UY dyw. WIICH. MI N Iw1 CtM1 Mt IYJI qIN, q\ IMn !1 M41MMty. W JI Nlrlwlnr Mn YN. T. NAN MYN.,#An MIltU UIWIN. T. TLNAHT4N NI IN tM IWSwMYwIUY NryI L. T14 YMIIYNN T[N /NT>. MIJIMI !t nIl W IRYJ. InW WM A L1n tItTIYL 1In I4NIN tn1 MIMJYI YJMn 111 W ,MI MpI /I4 4YI. lYY N MIn JW.A.1n1 NMI YIMa111 W IYYIM tty14 w LJmu4N 4Y TLNLNTS. q1 V NYY IM YMIYt 11W 11NII IbN �IAYYI4alI Rl`Np11nw(�LOIIIW AtO.IU yWn.W.,.MOCN 11 qlC wYNIMnI. MnNNCiMC \tNY MY Ytwtl.lw CINI MI., Tn OWNCM Iw411Mit /MYIYNMt41MIM!L MVI �MIIYAN w4 MIY W PII I0. MIM N YY 11 M JInY iYnK Yrv.[nt 1\ U N MMt YNY q 14 L OIM4Y 1! IMYM IMI N AMU lV1MUNt I....1L nan" N NUI CPat 4gNNMY. 1. N1N nKnCYN wnM ilnaw.Y MI1110. W OWII[R "I Ann TLNACJT IwM W tY . ywaa WI 1 I.Mh owlT. U•IwI IJtI own JFCMC nN4L MI ARM..,. N11.L nNMM WIN IL AN AAIAA.tUUINnAYI1 Me'" M4Y tMwMM MAIL I'M., YKwI.". M10MVMNW,nNtrtIL 11 M1.I I"NN 1l RL AIyNt IL Tn16 LYN AMC NwNIN WIwtrYl tlwYlWKMn nMN AINInMI wlwwNgn NNltt T\Yt M \n0 •nINYMIZNI MIt111nWpntn M OWNLA MAY M M wN w YCM Il MICyL w\ ICVII If OWNER. qn NY1V W YI VI w L4MIN Ywn <O wIrYMMU111 y10. 1w qU W W TZJRU, i1Mt W41w11 VntY YIL 111�`w.n. IN An N YANI W. 14 It11. TT4MMIN MIO"YNM M.UNWw, YWNUHI fINna UM McIM. at NI1Ynt IS. It Mn T[NAMT hwM1 MrCnna"1N4NMt.g11NY wnhnl. vltt gn(Myq dowOWN[R.CNT.W NYwNMt WM6nln MM. an InU wPR MIY.Ant wIttYM, I MMf.MIJAIJTOI491!CN YMMIIII, me wY,nlUouldUlMNM.."Ns 4M NIN a VI I4NYItY Isla AN MMIYN wLY111Ngl tMN TLNANTfWt M/. MM\ 11RUg11n InMN1pC11NW WIAUInMn\bU MMMf.InWWlMMnM IINbtC 11 h wltl An MI I IlO VMI.Iww3 IyIl t MNIIL M M. M YI.In W NIINMU OI Wt ee *W ' u nAw[y M)wtYMln, Ia An Me a..1f1 .1, IMIMYN6, MN4U NANCNA Y1MW1 YIN W.\UNIwA \NCI. lL. LKn IM M N11 hh"N NI MM M am AKIS Of AN MN 9 And, vVm Ne U,", at CYWMCt CpMwlt4t erred RAN N CY1tMCJ OWCJL4. MI Ml NVL JCKytMt MI I \wY.4YAKN YI T(N.LNTI JM VIM N\ IWw1 \/ TENANT 4 MY CWLNnM( wY IYn MY wIM O.YNLIIZ wI11iN WIMt IT. If fall W U CMMMY am- qM M AMC NUN at qC w4wlw. Y.I MAL w Mrt1LL 11 tN IYN Ur 11 M Mll MwL1. IL. ON CAM., nY wNM111 TENANTN YNINL 11CMNa1C.1Y Iw1 YNIw. MtDnYNlwnt YpA1M wYn IIy14NMIwl Ad1 tI w. YMnCI LMTWML NOM KCYMNACIW mom wILWtAN, Mn LYwC CC OUANMNCI CYACMI a CNY(yWC W\ M.F lgtrt YMWIan O\ [R 411YN IYICnyLN WINV\ W Wllnt MMMM 1148 IR Iw MC AVAwI W1 IAN AICMIMI'AMU URIC T[NAMT in\ 4P111 YM A CNIMI AI1t W q MII w yyL Y.NY NC Mtly M nen'a OAt IM It NI M WC Of CM IWMY \I uIVUMf IKAYI IC wM JNIM UMt M\ nitlY�T MYY t W11 fM IM NII CYAwNMIwII..l14[lry WNMY11TO1ANTMW WIMNMIlIVA1 wIVYN OM qC NM4Yt MJNMaIfq.MUIIN, SL WChY W OWIYCR 11 CM PUMP, II MT IIrM N NMIYM If Mb AMNM W MW not CMIYIVIA C MwU of W \N w", steAC ML. 11 IIM \Y OWN CA ANII CM AAfAUI N NYM wM111 man MI 1l C C IINAI t11.Nw AM IIMI of OWNER \I.NM MI "Wo N UCY IIK. MC UMYMW MYA41I tlMln *MM.WL 411YN.11Wo6 -10.11 M WNM. twt OWMLR nl /prAN tow , YMIVa. Ann M.AanMI 0Wh94 Y sane YUt MA M of tM foaW IwuM/ N 1 TM sv hot.. to IA1 MM w GUN MCI 14t W Inn OWNER". UInIMnpA, M VN, RY OAINMI VA WM wNW IM YLP Me M<b. MM IN We AIn1.Iwt U WI41 M ql name hU qo IUIW LAIMwt IY. Tan NA.nW MN1oNYMYIt. VWMIVnCnw I WIIIIYAN� MYNL SL AMI O WNLAY 11.40 w14tM .NUM N WL IMMUL. Y Nt M,4 IN LYI M WIwl1 Y M INYI YU NWYL INrnl {YCI. Iwt1 NM C IRA wndlw v1M to YTA 4'.. wlltM.atYL SL TChYaT ryV n11,YFIYWNCIYT Y, WN w4 MUIM N 1-1 Ulm.."Out W am, .1•. U.,,nNnt \1M1 WN R. 1 RIWHWCM WIMNIwI MIR NIwMNCCtYWf11 C11)ttnN. O R AMnYnl tl IN WITNESS C0 ,LA LOi, we "MM, MK NYYI,1 ON AMNNMI MA Ylo IV4 JIM MAUN.. OwwV itwPl � Callas, `�• CALMARK REALTY MR/ GEMENi', IYC. f" HOUSE RULES 1• Tfe ntleenl t' /sfaly as guests shall nave due rrypA for tee Cate of all aloe. I0n0ent3 In the eartetnt e~,ty. I, epytRnt R fro• Ntirhrt•oce iron tt,"Q"At. rs �' T °ey"m Stereo van and Adnbt Shalt ymtate Order 1, .001ir.t tsoll,,t i,.14, .,.:N.•h stereo mt[s In0 wslul ton t tat persms to a,,, 4l),.4a NORIZZ Shalt rot be played .• a ".0%. teat ae.gia• 2• Randaels an agree set to Congo w after )acts At any tire, unhn ••darn penhsl Rl It gi„n Iron tynagm,c. .. S• ocNPents am 1141ted to m1 I 1 i folly d o on -, '. 4• ADilt thin t- (2) Perim% ear bad aan, Oladb7n You do not fey g• holing and ale emdltlenlnq; ptule cMet rim h4. 9 rat "t 4e to gat the altlryte pa,fasynde r4tq.thts, leasll.tW .111 ad, 'an ro. ofrnann is Nnoan as "an are seen. S: ►let3e Iuft", Serllct, amYana114519AAfterlhoursso1 16101 ]2S•16n, during baess, 1 b0u Include I[rt Stan aafagt Mai end Ater da"S,, a nVgea•.f mlyt tone 6• ADartrent a.ellen should fare totem+) Tent t fire Inlorence. Our bull Oingt are . e01frl0I but your personal btlo.gings such a cloth 7. e,. furnitun, etc.. are nn. 5r1oRin9 ooh,$ aM patio are are for all rnldenta end tnalr 9utlto. Since toe pooh pun being Y..a by may apinfent units the residents JUST it CO'"Idfntt of t fun hirlbslnt, oneldentlm~dttte tb vase ol9tiwett. at tot resident, living her. rasid nos 9110 Careful thftot to lnrl MI . It Is sug9nted tat tin tot heavy ufe. all WEST$ should be n9bterte ueltstdurt') hurt teat tM pool is to .hove to the peel 6. "lost 4caofpieted by Sht resident ee ,tea slat be The clubhmst 1, for She u30 of ALL e[Slotu.S, daring wen hen, She• ter Jun Abel• 10 41so fir residents to vast tee ,ftgA •tent pit club ter pelota paltles� /' Rot Oe aaO•derl enrTo, Mntyentet as Y V rill of mlOmllbit fa: dlel and na af! also mlDonsible for any Of ytyt gYa3n 114 ray 11, ingaShe teglry LM root divulge ourloq tM Nrq, cause 9. all can an ",$'ad to hi1f a life Park pail fttcter to 1 tubYnt to G toed .1 to this the all Wndtr, tticaeq pet ors`' 10. ►laatf DO f0T pan Your qr by the building It You teals bnare a A.R. Into a welt g tpatf by tot youalar Rt•e, sack = bus long, as tae fonts ,a tat, the aprtaenti dap trot! 4 tn,ors. Itote enp et to h Your Ur nAtnY to ay to "to tbf let. Your lots clean. MEN deep 11, plane, say Your •GccdbYt:• to Your quest inside Rotor ab,reee+K if tboy turf dlgnt. h cmaiderste of Your at9hban 32. - AT ALL TIES. at plated ass • in Wield# to the bull parting spins• loving the 1NCU close,,, lifers tt tenet 13. Visitors Should net bring PETS still ill". If ` the office. 7ou aavf t prt N,ItI 14. ^9. o:ele at q Shall Alone: Stan or t ;�� ` the unit. Turn m SAO !fie &be,* the 401St Nil not hurt'YOy art t vrllaswellee or the ,tfM or Pone. g. this will help to IS. rllnla[: Wa9enent rfdabu that ally Mite bactln colon, printt or ftoren should be All g a Prtai +s be 411aed 14 rindort, °eo•, resom,lbll•, to put a tmUln,r , 1' Plena• if Yee have ph4ts, It ft Teo rill n hold nipmnblf Ida 1 piYgf %h t:.Y 16. eta.:`' tA4LtgtflalrY dp LO NL Ranagernt loll are. ibi 11 . • •htr,• right to Dale Such otter IY4mnabti rvlii'f•p• tier`{ I 4% Choy Judge nttntary to OrCaMf LM elunlinKf Ind ordtrl tat 'ad safety and'coafart lnetfbLt {Ate pep Df Occupant, oI the buildings. Ration of anY addle by rlgu sat lea slit te giro to Me residents I e1 1' in .,file,, - PRATE READ THE A30YE "ES i T Sam %T TIE 1U,4rptKT a R[RITAOC IN, A2" TO Alto[ 11 TISCH At ALL . s -y •_ MM9tlnt • -,'4 V HOUSE RULES :. 1YY41L04 1..fl 1<NOYVo MtN emot N1fW Mo64Mtl. t Y/Iwfal Wf pImY4fN W f WrWf N NYIYNf rYI1Nt IM LIMY fNA1NY1 f1 Nl NNgIMt NMl N1111nH NIwY fYML NwYrN � = YW pIVY NY. II NMbV If IM LMrI.4L3iLC MM MI NIIW IpTIIIVI. YIpr bµL pLNLYNN rfNMYV1 /P fYnIN f(�JlMlf fvw, IN3lM MAIM INIwY M 1pintf N g1.Mak," 1. YVI.Lf InY tlLnlN f /IINrY ..l4�fv1 M1nl i QnNMNInN tf NwN aYM1Yw11f Wool. as to...fTLft LrinNYl VI4 J, Ynpa4 IYTMMM f/! a M• "N., f OI Ia4MMll 111Mf MI fVp11NnT nfl.f 111N.It IfY M/YfNptlAywW,rtV1dlOf- MIIII tWlo iLYff nllfb ktlN Mnlll IwfNIIf ONP N3.v/w<ti/Y tlNN1YwYYWItMQYtb MfY1M11 M/IMp NYC /N•L Ff y..f 1, L T)n IlI1MY141VYrlR RIhrIT1 Nf f WI Flfllf N W M NW VN Of fN1I1111K W LL33L[3 p qW fyNtl. N nYtl fY ry.MI If• lr.T f L fpMfnN If WfpnlMM If11t IfVKl1YflftlllMllLL � 3. T." ,,so MtWN WYnN MNYN a'f WrNf Y1fN. 4fi [' NNwf YlW f�irtNNMi•nf 11•YLIN.VIYYM IM ruwf.fy • MflkwwlYMYM YNYW. VfMnMYANLYNW {f NY Wf4nlN le WINL L f/f Yf\ lfMlYnlflk. MILL{. ffN.plif p fYYI ptltlY ffYtf NW M NW /W. NMIOL KVlffi plMIM if a" fM N IM NYK INNf p Wf pfwlN4 owt,mo1M fIwl fVV11W p•Yry fMIM ofmaoslwfl NY1 NN IIYwwfO M{Ib TIy M1YM lNMItYL IN {YyNY1hy INYfNl LI N /1. L w "IM of LIMN V VAf fT lM two,, 131ffNY1L UM /twom & pn1N Ilnfvfl f111V.N Matta. 11 L=Ws AM M Y. w T Y N fKwNtl If lNrVfn ff N1 f Nffl o4t M L W3(O M M NT tN NNM. dMay" N IrMW I Y11M1 fM IN NALM nYIN {f W fYyryf. IYYINIYL Iywllytf IM MvYVwM Iwr` .11YI NfI141MIM LNrIn.MpNfgMYff4 :t .;j3{Ctl•.N MI Mr11NwYf'l IN tpLN Wfpry N4fi:LL3 NINM W/I N f4NNMY lNlf1�4L33�L tlnl KllNV.3 NY'wGV N11Wry M mttVAt StLg YMVMIVIYn.N MYftM111Yn•nYl1YYnI NnY1NMNYW IM fi 1 LLSiOtl. mao 31QM71 wt p Vf nYIY lM WY M/ N nwMf \/ w1 L 32(0WYMNgIMIfL+n11Y Nf w.rW NLf W M of tmenau . INgIM L aaM. .L(330 MrNWYMAKl W to do, L (b(CMaY<jN33(LNIInMKNNY I Vw4,f.!wnoft 1 too Y<fwfNYl ILMaNpN If W NIIf11' M f1 •lM 4044 N 1nWfY 1. Lwl. MIV o aOrIMN rN11N f/ Nf f1M INIVMwt W rNrw' ay nNNInL W I W —_ LILY w f.flYl M If1fl" Yllf MIN M qtl ff W MwL W 4 a Mnf WNW <W y W I \Yp N Owrr /4Nwl TMlnt r S , A I EXHIBIT E �- GHI�'l_ ANC vR0 rn[+R,c, 1. BIi'i.i' T T4 E RrART!jr _ Upon filing of a written request as providea herein, a complainant shall be entitled to a hearing before the Hearing Panel. }. DEFINITIONS a. Q=Pr is used meaning owner or his Authorized Agent. b. Complainan! is defined as any resident whose rights, duties, welfare or status are or may be adversely a,fected by Owner's action or failure to act and who f lea a grievance or complaint with the Owner with reegec- to such action or failure to act. e. SstV as used herein shall mean the City of Rancho Cucamonga. �f d. Grievance 2rConglaint is defined as any dispute with respect to Owner's action or failure to act in accordance with lease requirements, or any Owner's action or failure to act involving interpretation or application of the Owner's regulations. policies or procedures which affects the rights, duties, welfare or status of the complainant. 3. RROCSMURe PRvO =A R.ARTNr a, AMY VZIMYA= p= an -slain[ mut! Im je_rynnal)•y preen ed to the Owner's office or to the management office of the project in which the complainant resides so that the grievance may be informally discussed and settled without a hearing. The grievance or complaint must be signed by the complainant and filed in the office by him or his representative within S days of tte Owner's action or failure to act which is the basis for the grievance. It may be simply stated, but shall specifiye ' (1) the particular ground s) upon unich It is based: and (2) the action requested. A copy of the complaint shall bt retained by the complainant and a copy should be filed with the project manager. All complaints and /or copies must be date- _ stamped at time of receipt by the Owner. b. Am answer is writing in gygh cenplain-. dated and signed "?•; by the project manager, or other appropriate official,: shall be delivered or mailed to the complainant within a - reasonable time (generally within ten working days). A copy of the answer shall be filed with the complaint ` in' - r- r, M, 1 Dal �• 5 \ the appropriate project office. The answer shall ' specify: The proposed disposition of the nomplaint and the speci`ic reasons therefore; ' 2. The right of the complainant to a hearing; and 3. The procedure by which a hearing may be obtained. c• u isp th8 osition o rnnn18f h18a8L 13 UZZAti rind with the proposed dis complaint, as stated in the project manager's or other Owner official's answer, he may management offs it foi sae hearing.thThis Owner written i,quest shall be made within a reasonable time of the date of tAe answer to his complaint (generally ten working days). The written reouest for a hearing must be date- stamped and filed in the appropriate Owner or project management office along with the complaint and answer. The Hearing Panel shall be advised promptly of the request by the appropriate official; shall schedule the bearing as promptly as possible for a date, time and place reasonably convenient to the complainant; and shall inform Us complainant thereof in writing. d. L` the gMZ21 Amon A= = "Up" 8 hrfaq within the time period allowed in Subsection c. above, he waives his right to the hearing, and the Owners proposed disposition of the grievance will become final. 4. coUelola my AM cE7.FS=M 9Z THp AURI 0 PAUL- Tne hearing Panel shall consist If five ambers; two selected from a lis. Of tenants; two appoint -a ay the Owner; and one impartial and di3interested member (tcgother with so alternate) chosen by the Hearing Panel members. In the event that the four Hekriag Panel members cannot agree on the fifth impartial member, then much fifth member shall be appoJnted by the City. —Ile Chairman of the Hearing Panel shall be elacted by the membero of the Panel. Three votes shall be required for any decision by the Panel. a. 7ltsrs ahs11 IIQ really �� QQM22ALM=t On the Panel which hears his complaint; nor shall any officer or employee whose duties and responsibilities involve him in anyway with the grievance at issue, sit as a member of the Hearing Panel for that particular hearing. MIS BLUM t. ,Thee parlyea shha11 hn rn"t'" tp d 1811 hnr1ne a before 1 the Hearing Panel and may be represented by counsel or z, an4L(,er person chosen as a representative. ^' L• '�8 hearing Jih&U h9 privaln. 2 r • '4' C. 11 Lhn 3lisAUtt 1s n2= 1212 amount rl rent or other _ charges which the Owner clatma is due, the complainant shall deposit the amount in dispute in an escrow account ' f;nding settlement of the dispute by the Hearing Panel. ' the complainant falls to do so, it shall be determined that the ccmplainant bas waived his right to the Hearing. d• Sf A "Un- ULDInt faLl9 SC ameeer yt a new -+na, the Pane, Qay postpone the Hearing for five working (;eye, or may make a determination that the complainant has waived his right to the Hearing. e At =C heaziag She hu-Aen of ornn is on the complainant to prove bis case_ The complainant way present evidence and arguments is support of his complaint. The Owner may confront and cross - examine all witnesses on whose testimony or information the complaint relies. Hearings conducted by the Hearing Panel shall be inf�r.sal, and any oral or documentary evidence, shall be limited however to the facts and issues raised by the complaint and answer, mu3t be receivar: by the Hearing panel with regard to whether that evidence would be admissable under rules of evidence employed in Judicial proceedings. 6. n TSTOVC DZ = arggyNn P9llEL A. Tb: decision a 11ie g_artno Pa.n-J. shall be based solely and exclusively upon facts presented at the hearing. To the exte:r tb:t the decision is not inconsistent with State law, and to the extent provided in Subsection c. below, the decialon of the Hearing Panel shall be binding on the Owner and Complainant. b• ThC E&azi^a Pan PI Ah31.1 arnoara l s vrjt nn decisfen, includtng a statement of flndin3a and conelusionsr as well as the reasons or basis therei r, upon all material Lagos raised by the parties. This shall be done within a reasonable time after the date of the hearing. Copies thereof shall be mailed or delivered to the parties and /or their representatives. c. 'U "M decieron L. In Pevdr 101 111Z C =lAiAabt, the Owner shall within a reasonable time take all actlans necessary to carry out such decision or refrain from any action prohibited by such Decision unless the Owner's counsel determines and notifies the complainant in writing within 30 doss that the Hearing panel hat acted arbi,trarily).or exceeded its authority. In such event, the Hearing Paual -s decision may be Judicially reviewed. 7• Sir VACATE PIEM15ES a. U tJu Tens" WLS r221LMAI`d A near+na on the propoae.i I jz eviction and the Hearing Panel by its decision upholds the Ovnei s or projectmanagemen. - mroposal to evict, an action to regain possession may , t be commenced until after the Tenant's right to use and /or .•ccupy the Premises has been terminatad by lawful notice. Such notice to vacate may not be given prior to the date on which the Heating Panel's decision upholding rho Proposed eviction is delivered or mailed to the Tenant. b. Hh_n allrh aatian tC 2ACa11 Ss 9i = = Lha Tenan • he be mus, informed in writing that, (1) If he fails to quit the prtaises within three days, appropriate legal action (dependent on stare law) will be brought against nim, (2) If suit is brought against him, he may be required to pay Court costs and attorney fees incurred. 4 'a *k ,•i xa. w AN c bete. To, Prom, Subject, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM , o ?C *01 November 14, 1985 O > 1977 ^_ity Council and City Manager Bill P0110Y. Dirac<or, C'csmunity SarvlcAeat Approval of the Conceptual Plan, Negative Declaration, an! AuuAri ation to rdvartla: for proposals for the Hermosa Park Development Project 64CKCRODND, Attached it the conceptual plan for the Hermosa Park. v,111 the assistance of a 7 member design task force, arda up of local re a, the 10 acre Part site has been designed to include a ballfield z overlay (to be used ?or either soccer of foothall), a 9 station exercise courae, approximately 9,000 square feet for a tot lot/play area, restroos facilities, open turf area Ath picnic tat!" and barbecues, and a $0 Stall parking lot for the user's convenience. The park site plan has been rovieved by the Park Development and Planning Commistion wllo recommend that the City Council review and approve the plan. A Negative Declaration indicating that the project will have no significant effect upon the environment is ales a,tached for City Council approval. RECCHM'DITIGN, 1. That City Council approve the Conceptual Development P1", Z. Authorize the Community Services Department to seek proposals for engineering services to implement the adopted site plan which has been budqeted in the Program of Services 1985 -96, and 1. Authorization by the Mayor to the Community Services Department to eze"te a Negative Declaration, as a result of the P.nviroamentel Assessment, and to file it with the appropriate agency. Attachment BN /]s �vmar 1 IN ' f � ' I s� o it �� •�, •�C3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCA>17tM NEGATIVE OECIARATIUN :'- Zkof Description of Projectr Project involves the developawnt of a 10.l- acre parksite to include n restroom, • lai.dscaping, hardscara, a children's play area, an open play area, picnic area .;,,•improvements (including 2 picnic shelters), a nine station exorcise course, and a SO stall parking lot. 'i i, 2. Nam and Address of Applicant City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 91730 3. Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environments/ Quality Act of 1970, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has determined that the above project wtll not have ' a significant effect upon the environment. An Environmental Impact Report will not be required. 4. Minutes of such decision and the Initial Study prepared by the City of Rancho Cucamonga an on file in the City Clerk's Office of the City of Rancho Cucamonga S. This decision may be appealed to the City Couicll of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. A written appeal and filing fee must be received by tho City Clerk's Office no later than 5:00 p.m., fourteen ;:s) calendar •lays from the dats of the City Council's decision. 6. This Negative Declaration is subject to the inplementalor, of mitigating measures (if any) as listed on the attachments. 1 Tto • •a t e _ • 2t t J t, :p t 4 ti i- Fj n- 7 4, t+ CITY or R)uicso cUCANONGA • ; 114ITM STUDy PART I Envizc=cetal Assessment Review Feez�let$87b00aPPUr -IIEt For all projects ziquiring environmental review, tzhir fors must be completed and submitted to tha Development Review Committee through the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of this Part Ci of1the initial oSt dy. The lDevelopment wRavis pa_o w committee will meet and take action no later than t� the (10) days before the public meeting at project is to be heard. The Ccm=ittee will will have one aigni- ffiaant environnmentalzimpact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The proje�t will have a signi Re ntt environmental impact and an Environmental Zap P will be prepared, or 31 An alieantnal iago=&tier informs should be tion concerning ithe proposed projectgiving PROJECT TITLEz�_ WY. -- fi.Y17. ►- ii . NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE of PERSON TO 8E CONTACTED COMCERNING THIS PROJECT:_ "+• 1L(4k A �j LIST OTHER PEANM NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, TSzATE AND ve vvnr. n[:t^:CTFS AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUQ ��� I -1 . - -5v- I 1 :- '4 7 1 l r7 PROJECT DLSCRTPTICN . ;C-P —X E OF PROJECT AREA AND. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ERPS'PICL� Ft7D• —' PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY14*931IM u r •�L"! "�'!'!' .n 1tr< F_F_+t� -0OH lti�itS1� /� 4 7•c .. .SR Ir. A•_/�:1�/f M OESC3iBE TEE 1"IVIAONMENTAL Sz •TING CF THE PROJE= SITE INCLOD -vr INFORMATi0:i ON TOPOC— .ZAP�H . PLANTS (TREES), ANZN.A2S, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SO.POUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY EXIST=G STRUCTUPES AND THEIR. USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS)t Is the project part of a larger project, one of a series of cuaulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have sigtificant anvironcental impact? #D I -2 i i mFORTANT: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the fora on the nest page. 0 1A CERTIFICATION: I herety certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best; of my rbility, and that the facts, statemerts, and information presented :to true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional lnferatior, may be required to be submitted befcre er, adequate., g evaluation /can he made by the Development Revie: Ccmaittee. .• Date�Signature Q �w e Title �12�-L / 4" 1_3 r i ,yiii .. .. .6 ... .. - f� x�1 WILL THIS PROJECT: YES NO 1. Create a substantial change in ground ' —' contours? 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise or vibration? K 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (pol..ce, fire, water, savage, etc.)? i. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations? 5. Remove any exiating traea? flow -any? 1.',L 6. Create the need for use or disposal of pctent. ally hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives? mFORTANT: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the fora on the nest page. 0 1A CERTIFICATION: I herety certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best; of my rbility, and that the facts, statemerts, and information presented :to true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional lnferatior, may be required to be submitted befcre er, adequate., g evaluation /can he made by the Development Revie: Ccmaittee. .• Date�Signature Q �w e Title �12�-L / 4" 1_3 r i ,yiii .. .. .6 ... .. - f� ��:�.e4' :I C:•;Er: °-%n a'Y .. ... ; T. `\ lei. -/, -'vr .Y:M� RESIDENTIAL CONSTROCTIOC, he following information.ihould be pstvided to the City of RanchesCucstanga - sfPlanninq Division in order to`ai3 in assesaing the ability of thenschool "district to accommodate the pr6&bed tesidential development. d. _ Nam3 of Developer and Tentative Trart No.: ++ Specific Location of Projhct: f Y PHASE I PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 TOTAL i '1. Nusber of single family units: 2. N=ber of multiple - 1 family units: t 3. Date proposed to begin cons•raction: Earlsest data of �4. cccupancl: Model f and i of Tentative S. Bedrooms Price Pangs •- _ µ. ..y; . I -4 e 1 t DATE' FILLCG CUT OF RANCHO CUCA24ONGA PARS II - INITIAL STUDY EN7IROM924 AL CHECKLIST NUNBERs say-: VIA •I PROJECT L?CATIONs �07�i L�rM '2Y'• 'A1LwJ�d.L���a./� �, GZ. 1. E74IRMIENTAL IMPACTS (Exp ?anatioe of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets) YEs AAYRE NO 1. Soils and Geoloxy. Will the proposal have significant results Is: a Unstable ground conditions or in changes in geologic relationships? _ b Disruptions, displacements, compaction or v burial of the soil? .— _x c. Change in topography or grau -d surface contour intervals? — x S The destruction, covering or modification features• v of any unique geologic or physical — __ A e Any potential Increase in wind or eater erosion of Soils, affecting either on or off site conditons? f. Changes In erosion siltation, or deposition? _ __ Ix S. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mud- ' slides, ground failure, or similar hazards? 3' h. An increase in the rate of extraction and /or use of any mineral r =nree? 2. Hydrology. Will the proposal have significant , results in: I i J'M° e • _vl vn� �_ N. o- _ TES MAYBE NO a. Changes is currents, or the course of direction of flowing streass, rivers, or aphenaerai stream ' channels? -Y b. Changes is absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface water - runoff? c. Alterations to the course or flow of flood esters? _ Z( d. Change in the ascent of surtua water in any body of water? e Discharge into surface waters, or any alteration of surface water quality? f. Alteration of groundwater characteristics? S. Chango in the quantity of groundvaters, either through d'rect additions or with- drawals, or through interference with an aquifer? Quality? Quantity? h. The reduction in the snemat of water other- via- available for public water supplies? 1 Exposure of people or property to water hazards flooding related such as or selches? 3 Air Quality, Will the proposal hr:e significant result- In: a. constant or periodic air missions fro°a wblle or indirect sources? Stationary sources? b Deterinraciai of anblent air quality and /or Interference with the ettaiemndt of applicable air quality standards? C Alteration of local or regional climatic r conditions, affecting air movement, misters or temperature? — v •P 6. alota Flora. Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Change In the characteristics of species, e Including diversity, distribution, or Lvmber of any species of plants?, b* Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare = j Orenlaageredspecles of plants? �. ^� YL W YES MAYBE NO ' c. I,trodt:tion of nev or disruptive species of v plants into u area? 11 -- s� d. Reduction in the Potential I" agticaltural production? — .--- A- Pauva. Will the proposal bave significant results in a. Change Sv the characteristics of aPeeias, including diversity, distribution, or nsabers of any species of anlmsla? ' b. Reduction of the nuabers of any unique, tare v 1 or endangered species of nnlmels? — —_ 11 a ' • c. lntrods,Uan of nM or diar,Ptive species of anicals let, as area; or result in a barrier r, to the sagcacion or cove=t of salmis? d. Deterioration or rmoval of existing flnh or ✓ vildllfe habitat? -- P S. Population Will the proposal have significant results in: a Will the proposal alter the location, distri- bution, density, diversity, or grwth rate of f the human Population of an area? P b Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? — —_ 6 Satio—Eaononic Factors. Will the proposal have significant raaulta !n: a a.ange !n local or regional aoeio- etomttic charactoristies, Including Cconomic or commercial diversity, tax rate, and property y valuts? — -- 1� b. Will project costs be equitably discribucad among ptoject beneficiaries• l.a., buvers, ' tax payeta or project users? —_ S ) Land 1's, and Planning Cnnaiderations. Will the j proposal have significant results in? 2� or a. A substantial alteration of the present v -_ planned Land use of an area? — -- A b. A eoc[1lct with aw designaciuna, objecclvn, policies, or adopted plans of any govaronentcl J _ X entities? — — c. An impact upon cho getaiG7 or quantity of W existing aonsampttve or non- eonsuypelve .r, reereatienal opyortualtiest _ ` Y" YES NATEE NO • S. Transportation. Will the proposal have significant ' renultr in: a Generation of substantiaj additional vehicular - movement? b. Effects on existing arrears, or demand for new street construction? c. Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for nau parking? — _ d. Substantial impact upon existing transporta- tion systra�s? e Alterations to present patterns of circula- tion or movesen- of people and /or goods? f Alterations to or effects on present and potential water- borne, rail, was transit or air traffic? g Increases in traffic hazards cc actor vshicless bicyclists or pedestrians? 4 Cultural Resources. Will the proposal have significant results !c: ' a A disturbance to the integrity of archaeological, /or historical paleorcological, and resources? 10 Health. Safety, ana tante Factors. Will the Proposal have signit t results in: a Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard? vv b Exposure of people to potential health h.ta in? c. A risk of explosion or release of hazardous substances in the event of an accident? -- d Ar increase in the number of Individuals or species of vector or pathenigenic organisms or she exposure of people to such organisms? e Increase in existing motto levels? X _ f. Exposure o1 people co potentially dangerour noise levels? -- - g. The creation of objoctionable odors? • h An increase in light or glare? 1Y1�, YES MAYBE NO 11. Aesthetics. Hill the proposal have significant results in: - ih 6 t- ctio or de tadation of arc atonic a. sa s. a g vista or view? b The creation of an aesthetically offensive - Oita? C. A Conflict with the objective of designated or potential scenic corridors? _ �( 12. Htilitias and Public Services. Will the proposal hewn a slgnificant need for new systems, or alterations to the following: a. Electric power? b. Natural o: packaged gas? c. Eocmunicatiocs systeru? d Water a•:pply? •A a Wastewater facilities? _ Xj f Flood central structures? _ [] a solid waste facilities? h. Fire protection? I. Pollee protection? j schools? k. Parks or other recreational facilities? L 1. Maintenance of public facilitias, i eluding roads and flood control facilities? — -- m. Other govaru -ental services? 13. Ener v and a Resources. Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Wet o! substantial or excessive fuel or energy? b. SubstrntiaL increase in dema::d upon existing sources of energy? '- C An increase in thw demand for a•.•al. omens of new sources of energy? d. An Increase or perpetuation of the cancw -ptioo ' of non- renewablo foty of energy, when faasibts renewable sources of energy are available? v;, x t<' r a, i. .i �s YES MAYBE NO .. Substantial depletion of any nonrenewable or starts natural rasourcal -- 14 Nandatory YindinRa of Significance. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the envirment, subscancially reduce the habitat of fish or wildlife epecies, "uqa a fish or cildWe population to drop below self sustalning 1"618, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number tr restrict the range of a rare or ardaogared plant or animal or eliminate i,porcant erasuples of the major periods of ca:tfn:uia history or prehistory? _ b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short -term, to the disadvantage of long -tem, auviromsncal Tools? (A ahort -term impact on the anviroment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of Lima while long- v tem impacts will enAum wall into the future) . _, _— A c Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? (Cumulatively considerable mvins that the incremental affects of as individual project are considerable when vieved in comcction with the, affects of past projects, and probable future projects). _ �- d. Does the project have etviro." oral effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? II. DISC1.55ION 0Y ENVI.iO \^GNTAL EYALDATION (i.e., of affirmative mitigaclon answers to measures). the above questions plus a ALCUaaion of proposed .SfQ G tzatLr d -S&4_4' Page ` ILI. DETERMINATION = i on the basis of this initial evaluation: ' find the proposed project COYJLD NOT have a slgnifiu nt Offset OI on the an iroomant, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATIW. vill bi prepared. r E find that although the proposed project could have & significant - affect on the environment, there will not be a signlfA sut afieet in this ease becausa the mitigatiel a,atures described an an •- attached sheet have baan addad to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. I find the proposed project NAY have s vlgnificanc affect on the anvirment, and an EMkOIDOW IZSACT REPORT is required. r• Date_ 3 ,sY f� 4 •� 9 s +` Explanation to yes a'+d maybe answers to Part it, Initial Stud Je Plnre 'fTie project will involve the removal of many of the existing plant materials from the park site. These will likely include several fruit trees, 2 magnolia trees, pale, sycamore and silk oak Ines. Additionally, the domestic plant materials around the residential structure will be removed. 'this plant removal is necessary for the following reasons; 1) The fruit trees must be removed to eliminate stained sidewalks and the potential for fruit being thrown within the park. 2) The sycamores appear to have been -oorly maintained and are now shaggy and brittle; 3) The domoatic plant materials are primarily shrubs which would be difficult to transplant and are situated in a very poor spot for park usage; and 1) None of the above p]snts are rare or endangered species, nor are they unique or one of a kind specimens. Examples of like plant materials are abundant within the City of Rancho Cucamonga and surrounding areas. The park will be extensively landscaped and the existing magnolias and mat of the palms on site will be incorporated into the park design. No other mitigation measures are required. Tr�ansp nattion a. a paT� zee devalopment is designed to pmride recreational services for the surrounding neighborhood and will essentially be a "walk to" park Street improvements along the frontage of Hermosa Ave., and the extension of Hamilton Street, will direct traffic to minimize conflicts In traffic patterns in the area. No mitigation measures are required. b. The park improvement will require the widening of Her.»sa Ave, and the extension of the existing Hamilton Street to include the area in front of the park. Adequate safety signing and road stnping will bo provided to direct motorists into the ono -way school parking lot and the two -way park site pe king lot. With these improvements, no mitigation rasures are required. c 'rho park complex will generate the nee& for Additional parking on the site. A SO stall parking lot will be constructed on the park site primarily for the sports facilit- •_ - - -s No further mitigation measures are required. d. The development of the park will generate sane additional traffic, but it will likely occur during periods of non - school use and should be minimal in numbers The additior of vehicles into the traffic presently grnerated on Hermosa Ave will not br significant in itself, but will contribute 30WWh2t to additional traffic slowdowns at the intersection of Hermosa Ave. and Hamilton Street. Signing and striping pavement may relieve this condition somewhat, but permanent mitigation for the Intersection slowdown will occur with the widening of Hamilton Street to its 1411 width t,. Hnrrzsa Ave. This is part of a project occurring simultaneously in tho Engineerl•ug Department mad thus is beyond the scope of this project. No additional mitigation measures are required for this project o Pedestrian circulation in rho area surrounding the park wil' charge slightly. To accomodite this change, sidegalks will be prrvided alarg the park frontage of Hamilton Street And Hermosa Ave. Crosswal4s will be striped. With thest improvements, no additional mitigsti -m met.sures rill be required. - • 4• g. ?he street improvements and increase in daily vehicular trips will _ slihtly change fzrom the nom. Driver awareness mist be increased to prevent traffic incidents. Thezefore, while the proposed improvements my create the potential for increased traffic incidents, signing and street striping should increase driver awareness to aitigate the changes inherent ' to the projact. Therefore, no further mitigation measures art required. g IOe. Health Safsty and Nuisance Factors to s'i a Itevef: azo ant c patireaso slightly as a result of the project Children playing on the softball field /soccer overlay will tmembtedly provide for a slight Increase in noise Suring daylight nouns. The field will not be night lighted $a night time noise levels should remain szmilar r` to those at presrnt. No additional mitigatis+ measures are required. t� 7 +y r- .r ORDINANCE N0. 219 AN ORDIRLTE OF THE C:T'T COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RAMB) CWAVOnA, CALT:VRNIA, SECTION 10.20.020 OF THE RANCHO CUC240NUA Cl'Y CODE RMAMrW FORM FACIE SPLBJ UNITS !PON CERT,IIY Cir STRIETS A. 1+31tal'. (1) California Vehlcle Code Section 22358 provides that than City Ccuncil mey, by *"O nano+, set prim facie speed limits u any street not a state hlghviy. �'a any portico of (L1) Th' Clti Traf:lo Engineer has oondurted en engiOeering and tmffio survey, of certain atr »t3 vithin the City of Rauebo Cucamonga whiIh at.bots are specified in Part B of thi+ Ordinance. (111) The deter.olnations concerning prima Laois speed limits set forth in Part 3, below, are based upon the engineering and trtffia identlfled in Sootion A (ii), above Survey B. Ordinance HOW, THEREFORE, TPE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY C^ RIVCHO =cARO.VOA sOES H34M ORDAIN AS FOLLOWSt SECTION 12 SeOtion 10.20.020 hamby 13 amended to the Pancho Cucamonga City Code 'a [bad, ir Words and f1gu^e3, as rollovst 10.20.n20 Dearease of state lav maximum a xed. It Sr determined by City Couuc rer»lu ca up0o !Y e a 0 an enulne+rim and traffic re inasonablvestlga.ioa that Its Speed permitted by stets lAw iS greater than In e or safe under the conditions fowd to exist upon such attests, and It 13 deOlsred that the prima laOle aped 1121" shall be as set forth in this Mention On those stibets or parta of Stres =s &319ftated In :his section when signs are erected giving notloe hereoft El. Rene of Street or }nrtiom L'fected Leelared prima Fast, Speed Limit (M) 1• Archibald Avemue_,Fourth street to Banyan Street 45 2. Arrow bouts —Baker to Steam 3. Eaven Ave -jue— Blghlsnd to Wilson 45 4• 5. Hvllman 1.vmue__FOOthlll to Alta Low Drive Hellman Avenue -6th to Foothill 50 35 6. H+llatn Avenue -5001 north of Nem: snits to 45 70 Valley View 7. 0. Beryl Streat -80' bvrtb of Lama to Ba Bervl Ssrset— Banyan to end aTan 9• Anse Lin+ Road --Best city limit to Carnelian 45 44 El. :41W 10. Base Line Road— Carnelit- to Bevan 40 11. CarnelLan Street -- Foothill to and 45 12. Eigh, Street —Grove to Raven 45 13. Rwanda Avenue— Fouthill to glghland 45 14. Highland avenue- .'sethyat to Archibald 15. Grove Aven�e— Righth to Foothill 40 16. Turner Avenue— tighth to Foothill 17. Sapphire Street --19th to Lemon 40 18. Sapphre Street — Banyan to and y5 19. Vineyard Avenue — Church to Base Line 40 20. Vh1ttram Avenue— Etiwands to east city limits 40 21. Victoria Park Lanv 22. Banyan Street —from vest city limits to 4W' 40 asst of Archibald (Ord. 169 Section 1 (part), 1982, Ord. 39 Section 5.1, 1978). Rancho CL"m=ga 5/82 124 (i) Both sixty -five (65) miles per hour and fifty -five (55) miles Per hour are ap+eds which ere w • than are masoneble or safe) (11) The alley per hour as stated are the prima facie speeds which arc x03t appropriate to r30111tate the orderl? movement or trafflo and are speed limits which are reasonable and safe on sold streets or portions ® Chereofl (111) The miles par hour stated are hereby deola -*d to be the Prima fad11 speed limits on said etreetsl and (!v' The Director of )(aintetutn0e Services is hereby authorised and Airooted co install appropriate Cigna upon said at" ca giving notice of the prim fade speed !Salt deolared herald. SECTIOR 21 Ttw Hbyor shall sign th-'s Ordimuce and the City Clerk shall -ause the cams to be pub"shed wlthln fifteen (15) days after Its Passage at least MOP in The Dn Ily Ra t s newapaper of general circulation tublisned in the city of One • o, omis, and circulated to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. California PASSED, iPPROVU. and ADO"M this day of ATESt RDESt AB3l:9Tt Jon D. M1kM liayor AT ZSTt r ORDINAIM.E NO. 250 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY CT RANCHO COCA.(ONCA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER 16.49 TO ThE SWOIPIbION ORDINANCE, TITLE 16 OF THE W. Ch'0 MCAMONCA RUNICIPAL CODE. PRRTAMVG 70 PESTYIIC IM MTATITE MAPS THE Clfr COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA DOES OFDAIN 'r9 FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Title 16 of the Rancho Crcawo2a Puuicipal Code Is hereby mended to add a acv Cbaptdr 49, to be read, is werds and figures, as follows: "C'aeorar 16.49 y Kft ca: . "fieeii9ng: 16.49.010 Citatiot sad authority. 16.49.020 Purpose sal in -eat. 16.49.030 Application of chapter. 16.49.040 Definitions. 16.49.050 Loaistency with city ragulacidas. 16.49.060 Pilrcg and proceaeing. 16.49.070 Pees. 16.49.060 Expiration. 16.49.090 Rights granted on approval of rep. 16.49.100 Inconsistency with Zoning — Conditional approval. 16.49.110 Applications inconsistent with currant pnlioieL. "16.49.010. Citation eat Wthorits. ILLS chapter is reacted pursuant to tbo autbority granted by Chapter 4.5 (ciwucing with Section 66496.1) of the California Coveraaeut Code (hersinsfter referred cc as the Testing Tentative Nap Statute), and say be citad as the 'vesting tvatative up ordinance.' '16.40.020. purpose end ieeeet. It Is. the purpose of this chapter to establish procedures necessary for the iepleeeatation of the Pasting Tentative Nap dtatute. txcept as otherwise set forth in the provisions tf this chapter, the provisioaa of this subdivision ordinance shall apply to the vesting tentative cup ordinance. "16,49.070. Anplleetlon of cbeotar. '(a) This chapter shall apply only to residential developsuate. Whenever a provision of the Subdivision Nap Act, as isplesunted and supplemented by the subdivision ordinance. requites the filing of a t %cutive nap or tentative parcel cup for a residdatial development, a vesting tentative nap coy instead be filed is accordance with the provisions herein. t' • "(b, If a subd :eider does not sect the rights conferred by this chapter, the otherwise applicable provisions of the subdivision crdianuce shall apply. - �'t ^;.49.040. netsnicioes. e(a) A 'vesting tentative map' shall oaan a 'tentative map' for m residential subdivision. as defined in the subdivision ordinance, and which is thereafter processed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. '(b) Except es specifically sat forth in this chapter e11 definitions In the subdivision ordinance will be applicable herein. "16.49.950. Cmaai ataepy watb view figgl.tions. No land shall be subdivided and developed pursuant to a vesting tentative map for any purpose which 1s inconsistent with the general plan or any applicable specific plan or community plan and which is not permitted by the development code or other applicable provisions of this code. "16.49.060. 7111nt anA procsaeieg. A venting tentative map shall be filed in the same fore and have the same contents, accompacyiog data and reporto and shall be processed in the same manner an set forth in thr subdivision ordinance for a tentative map except as hereinafter provided: "(a) At the time a vesting tentative map is tiled it shall here printed conspicuously on its face the words 'vesting tentative map.' "(b) eimultancous with, or prior to, for time a vesting tentative map is filets a subdividar shall supply completed applicatLocs for all discretionary use entitlements necessary for the project, including, but not limited to, use permits, deselopment /design review, axndr., a rc the general plan or day applicdtic spa ..fic plan or commuiit7 plea, :sae ehsogea& amendments to the deselopmac code, etc., todetber with all complete information necesaary to process, as applicable. a negative declaration or draft environmental impact report pursuant to the tern of the California Environmental Quality Act. "(c) A subdivider say sutmit • complete application for a building permit at the time of filing as provldei in this section; hoeeser, under no circumstances shall inch permit, if issu*d, grant ve,,timg rights a specified in this chapter. "16.49.010. vaag. Upon filing a vesting tentative map, the subdivider shall pay the lees required by that resolution of the city council for the filing the processing of a tentative map. ^16.49.060. E:"Ir&tipn, The approval or conditional approval of a vesting tentative map .hall expire two 11) years from the date of its adoptioa by resolution. Extensions of a vesting tentative map *ball be eubjeec 1•o tboss procedures in the subdivlsioo ordinance applicable to the extension of tentative maps. '; t "14.49.090. wr ..t g • t '• "(a) She approval or eonditiorgl approval of •a resting tentative .hap @ball confer • vested right to Process a final sap and proceed with daeglopaeo: in substantial compliance with the ordinauces, poi teia @, and sbndatds described in Cavernreut Code Section 65474.2. "Cwever, it Section 66474.2 of the COle"mst Code is repealed, the approval or conditional approval of a vesting tentative x1p shall co"fr. a vented right to Process a final MAP and proceed with development in substantial compliance with the land use ordinances, Policies, and standards in affect at the time the voting tentative asp is approved or conditionally approves. h or antitlement may be "do !conditional ioor(deniedPif gay of determined pthaa following lore "(1) A failure to do so would place the residents of a subdivision or the lmeediete coaanity, or both, in a condition d their health or safety, or bath. dangerous to "(2) She condition or denial is regnired• in order to coyly with state or federal 1". "(c) The rights referred to in this section Shall sterna only if, sad at the tt ", a final map !a approved for the project. Such rights referred to t r hetaln sball @spire if a final me p is ao_ approve4 prior to the aspiration of the vesting equtativa map ns provided iv Section 16.49.000. 1 "(d) If she fintl mop is approved, thou righte shall !aria vested for the followi4a periods of tisnr "(1) An inttia: tins Period of twelve (12) moths. Shore #• several final amp are recorded on various ). single vests tentative me this initial tiPhase$ of a project covered by a ag p' Period shall begin for each Phase @bon the fine, meP for tbat phase is recorded, "(2) She initial tip period set forth it (d) (1) shall be utcwativslly extended by any time used for processing a complete application for a grading permit or for assign or architectural review, if such processing exceeds 30 days, from the date a complete application is filed. "U) A subdivider may apply to the City Council for a ona -year astensicm at any time before the initial time period sat forth in (d) (1) expires. "(4) If the subdivider submits a e,gplote application for a building permit during the periods of time epecifi.t subsections (d) (1) -(3), shwa, the rights referred to berriu shall continue until the expirstiou of that permit. or any extension of that permit. _� sl6.49.100. TntenaatemeW LeF i t — [ --att{ 1 e e 1. �. "(a) P.eeever 4 subdivider films a Wasting tmtative amp for .m subdivision •team intended devolopeeat in inconsistent with the revalopmeai code in olstance at that time that ineoosisteacy shall by noted on the esp. The City shall deny such a vesting tentative map ar approve it coeditioead on the 2abdivider, or hie or bar designee, cbtainieg the necessary change in the .. development coda to eliminate the inconsistency. If the chaep is the development code is %braised, the approved or conditionally approved vesting tentative map shell satvithstsmOLig Section 16.49.090(a). coafer the vented right to process a ffnat mp wed proceed with the development is substantial compliance with the chaege with the uL.t4t in the development code and the art, as approved. N(b) She rights conferrd by this section shall be for the time periode set forth in Section 16A9.090(d). ' 49.110. aaeliCALL=I-- to aa•{d[mt riN earraet mt{eiaa. Notwithstanding may provision of this "Napter, a property omser or his or bar designee mtj meek approvals or permits for develop which depart front the orliusmes, policies, and stamdsrds dmerabed in Sections 16.49.090(x) ed 16.49.100 ad local agencies my grant the%a approvals or Soma these permits to the extent that the depareures era authnisad uder applimhl• law. Sgf.OV 2: The provisions of Cbspttr 49 of Title 16 shall becoee operative as of January 1. 1996. 4_ SjU;M ant The City Comneil darter" that, 4ovld any provision, section, paragraph, seeteeee or cord of this erdinsare ba rendered or declared invalid by any final coact active in a court of coweteat Jerisdictioe, or by res son of any preemptive legislation, the remtmir provisions, sections, paragraphsj sentences, and words of this ordinance shall reacts is full font and affect. SKMON 4: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance met the City Clark *ball cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) dqs after itc passage at least once in Th. nail. Ravart, a aevspmpr_ elf general eircalatios Published in the City of Ontario, California, and tirculated in the City of Rancho Cueeaouga, California. Yd98ID. 1YYSU ®. and dDOPTEtI this *day of *, 19R. Q 7.3 x A ;'we i NDn: t AHSZITt ` - -Jon D. Mlkala, Mayor drrMT: v loverly M luthalet, City Clark t. Is DET=LT A. MTHMIT, CITY CLERK of the CU, l of Rancho Caumnga, California, Jo bereby certify tbac the foregoing DrdL"wa was introduced at a " a regular zracing of the Council of the City of Raocbo Cuumega bold on the Gth day of November, 1963. and was finally passed at a regular meting of the City +. Council of tho City : Rancho Cocanonga bald on the a day of a, 19sa. t:acutau this * day of a. 19aa at Rancho Ca4aongs. California. t ' Beverly A. dutbaleq City Clark • V i s 4 ORDINANCE NO. 281 - .D1 ORDINANCE OF SEE CITY COUNCIL OF Spa CITY OF RMCRO COCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, AFFORDING TO SEE DEER CREEK COMPANY A CFEDIT APPLICAELE SO SYSTEMS DEVESOPMERT FEES A. Recitals, (i) Chapter 3.28 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code requires the payment of System Developmemt fees in eonjumetion with approval of rubdiviefoas and in accordance vice a fee ecbedule adopted by this Council by resolution. (if) As a condition of approval of Tentative Tract 12601, the Doer Creek Company lies been required to provide a City standard cul- de-sac on Opal Street rather than constructing Opal Street as a through street. ((ti) In addition to the condition specified in Recital (ii) above, Deer Creek Company has been required by the City's Planning Commission to provide pedestrian access to Alta Loma Junior Sigh School. (iv) This City's Planning Commission has recommended to this Council that the Deer Creek : +�15 �s° ' � c ».r!,aYI'A'$M� " ?,:. W>'� . � i` s ;•sus tw_ .. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM a Tc� FDaT22 November 20. 1985 tCi 5 TOe City Council FBAtit Beverly A. Autbelet City Clark SUBJECT: Heating Date tar First Heating in 1986 The first City Council meeting in 1986 falls Be. Year's Day. Questions have been received as to what Council will do since the eeting data falls on a holiday. In the pest. Council bas reacbedulcd the meting tc the day followiar which in chi* case would be Thursday. January tad. 9iece we do nor base an ordi- nance which gives direction as to what occurs when u holiday fails on a reb- ularly schedule' meting data; we. therefore. request direction from Coun- cil. be �s 1 .v� i' •eS'} C� � _ r t; 42 sue' November 12, 1905 Memel N. IYkommy 9130 Kirkwood f Rancho Cucamonga, Cl PAnoho Cucamonga City Nall ATM: Ms. Beverly Autbelst laseline Road v Rancho Cuumngas California Dear Ms. luthalte: 1 would like to repuost that the Cucamonga Citlzace, Coalition be placed on the agenda for the November 20th meeting. 1 We would likc to discuss with the Council #am pandinC petition being circulated regarding the assessment district. k Thank you for your assistance. ''f 91na ahlei R. P �� Csairaau Cucamonga Citizens Cowin 0n - PAC t"ft� 101W= - Y } ,4 .pi: IZY e - nt i� J' �F -u, Canyon ifedical. Inc. has requested to address the City Council regarding the dispatch of awrgency ambulance cello distributed through the Foothill Fire District. To date. Canyon Medical has arcured a conditional use permit for an ambulance base ate4.oa located on the south side of 8th street, just nut of Arcbibald Avenue. Guyon Medical has sl,a obtained a business license from the City, and is apparently ready to prcvloe service. Canyon has addreaed the Footbill Yire District with its request for emergency service dispatch. The district is psaseatly reviewing Canyon's regrest to gain additional information regarding this matter before Any determination is "do. Attached for your rev_w is a copy of the letter subuitted to the Ciq, by Curt Latipov. President of Canyon Medical, which describes the corpany's concerns relating to this mutter. Staff is available for further discussion about this tatter at your convenience. / as :aSN e?'�^W+�?i!V:��'16�din. — C[TY OF RANCHO CUCAM'1NOA Val 4 MEMORANDU�N � � , c 3 _ 4 a V _z ' tan I� `t DATgs Mm•eaber 15. 1985 TO' City Cnnnttl and City He ajar 'j FAOMt Mark Lorimer. Adaiaistrativa Analyat " S08JECT: Con, -- Me41ral a...ceat for rb1—Dieaeteh LA%kalAa1e Service *a Canyon ifedical. Inc. has requested to address the City Council regarding the dispatch of awrgency ambulance cello distributed through the Foothill Fire District. To date. Canyon Medical has arcured a conditional use permit for an ambulance base ate4.oa located on the south side of 8th street, just nut of Arcbibald Avenue. Guyon Medical has sl,a obtained a business license from the City, and is apparently ready to prcvloe service. Canyon has addreaed the Footbill Yire District with its request for emergency service dispatch. The district is psaseatly reviewing Canyon's regrest to gain additional information regarding this matter before Any determination is "do. Attached for your rev_w is a copy of the letter subuitted to the Ciq, by Curt Latipov. President of Canyon Medical, which describes the corpany's concerns relating to this mutter. Staff is available for further discussion about this tatter at your convenience. / as :aSN e?'�^W+�?i!V:��'16�din. e i. w ,i 1' 1 rr a 11 - ' Nee",, t" 800 North 131h Avenue Spland California 91788 'P (71.'1948.86M October I8, 1985 City of Rancho Cucamonga 9370 lasaline Road Rancho Cucamonga Attn: Hr. Haedetma.'1 Dear Hr. Wasserman, Due to the fact than the ?00ttill Fite PmteCtlon District has chosen t-, delay taking action or. art request to to plA�ed on emergency call rotation in the City Of RanC11e Cucamngar i find it necessary to request from your office that our tegr.est be sub%tLted to the City Cou cil in hopes that they night unAerstacd ear [.[cation. During the numerous hearings on the rrcpOeei sobulance ordinance, it had become very apparent that rt 'as rho wash of the Council thar ambulance providors in the City be ab1C to proalde P...amedlc aarvico. In rho months that followed we aggresairaly pursued the right to proviJe Paramedic sarvicn and were granted the permit in late Hay. On July 3, 1985, Canyon HOdical Service vegan provtdi.ig ffiorgency Paramedic service m the City of Upland on a roWJv; basis olth Trans - meAical Ambulance. Approraaatoly one yeak later we added an additional Paramedic unit .rith the intent that as soon as a third Paramedic snit could be added, our nucxr two unit could be at ergned to Rancho 0004- monga. woll, now that we ate propared to ari the t.iird Paramedic unit and commit a unit to Rancho Cucamonga, we are enrovotoring me delay after atatha.. rW. Wasselman if my memory served me correctly, a rep- resentative of Trda=,dical and at least One member of the Council felt that Canyon was at :emnting to -Oim the gravy- while not Wing willing to share the, burden of pra•iding morgenty Paramedic service to the City. I r O, 7 Mr. waeserman I submit to you that Canyon Medical S "ice has leaned an office L, the City, hired additional ==over, pucxhaeed add - '�' itie sal equipr:a,t, and L,cend to comfit a Paramedic unit to the City for cho purpose of responding to amsrgsicy calls in H,s City of Poncho Cucamonga. Fitwlly, we are mote than willinw to accept our responsi- bility of provid. g £meigancy Paramedic service to the coa mnity, and each and evory member of Canyon Medical Service Could cons,dar it an e hcnor and a privilege to be allowed emergency call rotat an in the 'Uty of Poncho Cucamonga. In closing, I would Like to invite yourself, the Cuuncil, or any member of your sta!f to check with the upland Fire Derartmenc as to our i parformanee as a provider of cmer-jeocy care to their clt.j. Thank you for your time and patience. `.c sespectfelly, , a• Xurt Irtlpcv •:1 President 9i r' a 0 ORDINANCE NO. 9174 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUC`.MONGA APPROVING AN AMENDIIENT TO A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT SPECIFIED HEREIN. The city Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does hereby ordain is follows: S?:. ^ION 1: That amendment to development agreamant, a true and correct copy of which is attached to this ordinance as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference, hereby is approved and the Mayor and City clerk hereby are authorized to exccuto said amendment on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. SECTION 21 The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City else s a 1 cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The Daily Report, a no- .spaper of general circulation published in' a Ccrty of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. PASSED this _ day of 1985. Mayor I, BEVERLY A. AUTHELE:, City Clerk of the City of Raneno cuzamongh, do bereby ccrtify that -he foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of nancho Cucamonga held on the day of , 1905, and was finally passed at a regu —Is meeting o t�T ti y Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held oe, the _ day of , 1985, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: 0 NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAINED: COUNCIL MEMBERS: i ATTEST: ; AuC o et, City Clark City of Rancho Cucamonga ^, i G CA.II24 My or RANaiO CUGAWNIGA - REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY M*b AGENDA 1977 Lines Park community Center 9161 Ease Line Road Rsncbo Cucamonga, Calit.rnia November 20, 1995 A. Roll Calls Vright _, Euquet Mikels Dahl - -. and Ring _.• E. Approval of Minutes: None submitted. A& The follwiag Consent Calendar itar ere expected to be routine and moo- eontroverslal. They will be act@4 upon by the RDA at me time sitbout discuaics. A. Approval to receive and file current Ieoastneat Schedule as of November 14, 1985. No items submitted. AA 9UEL11f= A. $Ei POELILMAIIM DATE OF DEC?wn 10 1993 P L-= �.�vaerN OP EIDB ET TRp ACEYCY prs move PIAADCINO P$OpOSAL PORXA!Y RATTER AND A990CI1=. _ - - - RESOLUTION N0. AA 85 -16 A RESOLUTION 07 TEE wmL9ELCPMENT AGENCY 08 THE CITY OF RANCHO CUL.MWWA. CALIFORNIA. PROEIDIEC FOR ISSUANCE JP $3.100.000 2ANGHo CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPIIEUT AGENCY COMMERCIAL DSPELOPMENT REVENUE NOTE S. AAIODIO[<T Attoucn to Thuroday. Nousaber 21, 1981, 8:00 p.m.. Lions Pack Cor:oity Center. (1) (2) (3) e rJ is 1 — CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: November 20, 1985 T0, City gouncil PROK: Pamela Nrisht SUBJECT, Requested Amendments to Tree Ordinance T Q 0 � s 1911 9 L I SECTION 19.08.020 A. 1. (And) Palm, Oak, Sycamre aed Evergreen 2. (Md) or (in first line after "A11 woody plants in escess of fifteen feet in height sad /= ... " e' fr E. 1. (Add) or odssiou (in first line after "2eeova" shall include any act /er RXLL1W..." I I'd lire a stetf re9orc addrusing the m9a to 'lave an appeal fee as required in Section 19.08:100. 2'd den like ace[£ input regarding alternative solutions to requiring the public to have to pay to bave their e.sc ted reprasentativen consider a request. Question: Is it legal to require a fee for an appeal on the denial of a pstdt sad not charge a fee .r for an appeal on the issuance of a perdu SECTION 19.08.010 Coop first paragraph es is. SeconJ paragraph - delete all but first sentence. S Keep Wed paragraph as is. ,t E PN /d;a not Jack Lou j Brad Boller Dan Coleman qq "N1 ,t E �_ -- — CITY OF RAN':HO CUCAMONGA c %4W 10A MEMORANDUM n `� ZDate' houember 17, 1985 - 1977 To' City CcicciI and City Manager Frew 8111 Holley, Director, Ccamunity services Sys Mary Hhitney, Community 90• ices Coordinator subject. Grant Appiication - Historic Resources survey Itnm -4 Noverbet 20, 1985, Cooncil Meeting - A;cnda that Council survey be avare the to identify thercity's Commisilon has aoueetod rescar e The purpose of thin •.urvsy is to aSalyre buildings, objects, street, xces and community featu as of patential architectural, cultural and /or historical he tom unity- past and e•, aidentifyi the also contributions document this periods of the community's p community has made toward the developmrnt of CAS region- In order •o assist public agencies with this Identification process, the Federal Cnya has mado lue n o is ampetitlavailable to catching and administered by pvrioa e 7sn grants Are c the States Departeent of Parke and Re..rcation through the Office of Historic Preservation. in recent. conversations with the State Office of Histor c proservation, we have learned that Rancho Cucamonga cotld favorabl} onpete for grant funding to assist in the survey of histortc rcaources within our City. we request authorization to s•.boit a grant request to the State Department of Parke and Recreation in the anouot of $9,950.00 for financial aaaidtancc In the above mentioned project. Hatching funds will be in the form of in -kind services. Recommendations It is re,vamanded t Council approva Resolution NO- 85-313 the tiling for National Historic preservation Grants -in Aid assistance for the City Historic Resources Survey projects. If I can provide any additional information, please give " a call. Am a aide note and for your information' A detailed Brant appl'cation will be sent along to (cm open coupletlon. .t -t �•�o °� fy\ Nov. 16, 1985 �pI1 AV \C' Raicho Cucamonga City P3anninq Commission 41&0 Basq Line Road, Unit B 8.. ic,to Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 fLb;eCt: Environmontal Assessment 6 Development District Amendment 85 -07 - Porlsa Gentlemen; facilitylontFoothill Blvd. west e westcfVineyard Ave Ii an was appalled that anyone could be so insensitive to the \re'!aro t of the elder citizens as to plan a facility of this typo in such an inappropriate location. My reaction has been to \' wonder if the profit motivq overrides anti other consideration., 1- Tre fact that the proposal includes a 60 bad medical care unit does not tend to alleviate this wonderment. The Planning CC=iseion gave this proposal a unanimous no vote in September of this •oar and their reasons for doing so are well documented I'm sure. I can only add that I would be very much opposed to having any member of my family placed in that particular location. I sincerely hope that the decisions of the City Council will coincide with the recommendations of the Planning Commission. Very Truly Yours, Water A. Locktiooa 8651 Foothill Blvd. 1111 Rancno Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 S r t rr 'fxVr41'�•�tkT RESOLUTION NO. RA _ 4 A RESOLUTIO14 OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO RA 85-12 WHICH PROVIDED FOR T14E INSTALLMENT SALE FINANCING OF A COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROJECT BY A. H. nEITER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 6 The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby rcsol••es as follows: I. Resolution No. RA 85 -12 Is hereby rtsc!Med unless prior ro the close of the buslr-3s day on Friday November 22, 1985 the A. H. Reiter Development Company Pays the outstnnding fees to the Agency which we outlined on page 5 of the Bond Fliancing appli• -atlom 2. In oddition, should the fees not be remitted to the Agency by the close of the business day on Friday, November 22, 1985 then Agency staff is directed to contact and Inform all State, County and local entities which are Involved with the proposed Installment Sale Financing Program of this octlom This Resolution shall take effect an November 22, 1985 unless the outstanding fees are paid which are specified hereinabove. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 20th day of November, 1985, AYES: NOES: ABSENT: on . • e s. _ 0 rmon ATTEST: Guren iascrmmcn Secretary RESOLUTION NO. RA _�%1? A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF Ti-c CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO RA 85-12 WHICH PROVIDED FOR THE INSTALLA'ENT SArE FINANCING OF A COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROJECT BY A. tL REITER DEVELOPMENT CO,%PANY The Redevelopment Agency of the _Its of Rancho Cucar., .Igo hereby resolves as follows: I. Resolution No. F„ 85 -12 is tereby rescinded unless prior ra the close of the business day on Friday November .2, 1985 the A. H. Reiter Development Company pays the outstandirg fees to the Agency which are outlined an page 5 of the Bond Financing aPPlit ation, 2. In crtditlon, ,Would the fees not bs remitted to the Agency by the close of the business day on Friday, Novemoer 22, 1985 then Agency stnff Is directed to ,ontoct and Inform all State, County and local entitles which are involved with OP proposed Installment Sale Financing Program of this action. This Re 1„ Nun shall take effect on Ncvember 22, 1985 unless the outstanding fees ,.• pcld which are siecifled hereinabove. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 20th day of November, 1985. AY ABSENT: ATTESL auren , asserman Secretary Ti >. W1 e s, a rman Sa �J -� .. r•At.uai' 4' November 20, 1985 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL M13p7e43 $ag.L� Muri2. .f A regular meting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga mat on I Wednesday, November 20, 1985, in the Lions Park Coaonnity Canter, 9161 lose Lino Road, Rancho Oucamnga. The meting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Jon D. Mikele. Prmselt were Couacilmambers: Psmla J. Vrigbt. Charles J. Buquat II, Richard r M. Dahl. Jeffry King, and Meyer Jon D. Mikele. Also pressor words City Manager, Lauren M. Westerman; City Clerk, Beverly A. 'I Authelet; City Attorney, Jams Markmal Assistant City Manager, Robert Rirao; 7 Community Development Director, Jack Lam; City Manner, Brad Butter; Senior Planners Dan Coltman and Otto Irwtil; Associate Planner, Curtis Johnston; City Engineer, Llcd Pubbs; Community Services Director, Bill Roliey. Mayor Mikels valeemed Boy Snout Troop No. 640 who led iu the flag allots. s s s s a s 2. ANmODNCRMST•i PN1S1ATATIOm 2Ae Thursday, November 21, 1985, 7:30 p.m. - PARIS ADVISORY COMM:SSI" - Lions Park Commodity Center, 9161 Base Line load. 28. Tuesday, November 26, 1985, 4 :00 - 1:00 pees - WORIBBOP ON AICDLNALD AVENUE BEAUTIFICATION PROGRAM - Neighborhood Center. 9791 Arrow Rigbaay. 2C. Wednesday. November 27, 1985. 7:00 p. m - PLANNING C0.QTBBI01. Lioaa Fark Community Crater. 9161 Nssm Line load. �•I 2D. Thursday. December 5. 1985, 7:30 p.me - ADY100KY COMMISSION - Lions Park Comamlry Center. 9161 late Line load. (Combined November- Decamber matting,) 2E6 Thursday, December S, 1985, 7:rA p.m. - HISTORICAL PISSERATION COMMISSION - Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Ass* Line Road. lye Prteeatatlan of a Preclamatiod to Mr. Roger Hill for his berate efforts is saving the lives of two young Ranebo Cueaaongm residents. s tease 1. CMSENT CALADAR (� (Mr. Wasserman requested that Item 31t date be chaaged to February 5, 1986. X !his was vith the concarreace of tte applicant). a 3A. Approval 01 Warrants, Register No's. 11 -20 -85 mad Payroll ending 11 -10 -85 for the total *moot of 9938,428.16. 38. Alcohol Beverage Application (AS85 -021) for Heueh P. and Nyun 8. Wang, (1) ., China Allay, 8270 Foothill Boulevard for On -Sala Central Eating Mace license. (0409 -04 ALCOHOL). 3C. Alcohol Beverage Applicatioa (AE85 -)22) for Ulnas E. and Edward A. Coale, (2) the Crape Steak, 12892 Foothill Boulevard, for On -Sala General Rating 21acs It- dance. (0400 -04 ALCOHOL). 7aenme P:te 2 (3) 3D Approval to fa: and App4catioo met Pile a Is.* Claim (CLBS -030) against the Citti 10 insurance ! ,xiea by Miebasi )humps 3r for personal injuries on February 5, 10 at a eenott triau site at Potrtb Street vast of the Cucawaga Flood Can. 1 Chanel. 111"6 CLAIM). (4) 3C. 1ppeoval to forward Clef (CL33-031) against the City to the insurance car- riot b, state Fora Ioaursaeo C)r a salEr - tOa of Draneaeio's and Preaman's autos at doll&= and Devan. (070406 CLAIM). (5) 37. ApptovoL to forward Clat.m (CAS OD2) against the City by Estate of suns Aright, :rrr7 D. Wright, automobile .rem dont on August 5, 1985, on Red Hill Caantry Glob Drive, h city Attorney tad Iascraace carrier for handling. (0704 -06 (6) iJ, Approval of Contract (COBS -116) with L. :. King. Inc. for the widening of ltcbison, Topeka A Santa Fe Railroad (A.T. A S.F.R.R.) crossing on Rochester ,lTanug at St4 strut. COEttACt- duount not ro emceed $?3,500.00, to be funded by Cu Tan. (0602 -01 CONTRACT). (7) 39. Approval of Contract (COBS -119) for gouiaaa,.ac Services for Pgmsot Evalu- Ation and Construction Pl,,ns for the leballl(tueion of Certain City Struts vitL Norris - Repko, Inc. lot a fee of $35,450.00 to be paid from SR 325 rands. (0602 -01 CONTRACT). ' (8) 3E. Approval of Pmal Map 9409 located oe know Route between Utica Avenue and Red Oak Strut submitted by Dead CorporsPita. (102 -09 PARCEL MAP). RESOLUTION 10. 83 -307 A RESOLD.a,V OF CITY COOMr OF TEE CITY OF RASCao CUCAMONGA. CALIFO. APPMJI iCEL W.? 9409 ( TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 30. 9409) (9) 3J. Approval of Parcel Map 9144 located baser: E1■ Avanta and Arrow Route on the north and mouth, and between Maple and khite Oak Avenue or the east and vast submitted by Dean Corpnration. (1002 -09 PARCEL MAP). RESOLUTION 10. 85-308 A RE30LMON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEN CITY OF RANCHO COCLNLVGA. CATATOENIA. APPIOVINO PARCEL NAP 9144 (TENTATIVE MAP 9144) (10) 32. Approval of Improvement Agreement Ettonsiun and Improvement Security for Tract No. 12040 located on the northeast corner of Turner Avenue and Acrw Route submitte•' by the Auden Group. (0602 -0) A211E IMPROVEMENT). RESOLUTION NO. 85 -309 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 2gE CITY O7 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPOYOIA, AP-ROVING IMPIOVr11ENY EC=SION AGRELYEI AND LMP1072UUT SECURITY FOR TRACT ND. 12040 (11) 3L. Approval of Improvemept Agreement and Improvement Security for D. 1. 85 -19 and 85 -20 located on the northeast corner of Civic Cuter Drive and Utica Ave- nue, Sots 11 and 15 of Tract No. 12176 submitted by Forecast Mortgage Corpora- tion. (0602 -01 ACR31 IM2IOVENRT). RISOLOYICH 10. 85 -310 A IESOLOTIOE OF IHE CITY COUNCIL 0? TIM CITY Or RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CnLIFDIN!A, APPROVING IMP1ovdM0T AGIS MR5T AND IMPROVEMENT BECORITr FOR DEVELOPMUT REVIEW 85 -19 AND 83 -20 (12) 3.4. Approvel of street name change from 7tb BtrceC to 6th Street between Rochester and Etivanda Avenues. (1110 -15 ST NAME CHANCE). i N City Council Minutes - November 20, 1985, Pugs 3 - a' u RESOLUTION 30. 85 -311 A RESOLUTION OV THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CA1,170RNIA, FIDDING THAT THE BANE OF A STREET SPECIFICALLY AET FORTH REIEIDAFTEI SHOULD EE CHANGED AND DE:-auNATED A NEW BANE FOR SAID STREET (7TH BraisT TO 671 STREET) 3N. Approval to release Bonds and a Notice of , uplation for Tract No. 12305 - (13) Developer, Charles Roy Construction, Inc. (0602 -01 BOND RELEASE). Faithful Performance (Road) 924,000.00 I RESOLUTION NO. 85 -312 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF Tax CITr 07 RANCHO ' CUCIJIONCA. CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING PUBLIC IIRIO9EVINTS FO1 IWACT NO. 12305 AND FILING A NOTICE OF COMPJ•ETIC; Y0H THE - WORK 30. Approval of City Manager's recommendation to create the position of Direc- (14) for of Administrative Services sad to eliminate the classification of Director ' of Finance. (0500 -00 PERSONNEL). 3P. Approval to authorise submittal of an application and project agreement for (15) Historic Preservation Grants -in -aid funds for Eist�is Resource Survey. (0402 -05 GRANT). RESOLUTION NO. 85 -313 A RESOLUTION OF TEN CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMMA. CALIFORNIA APPROVING TAN APPLICATION AND THE PROJECT ACHZEMEUT 701 HISTORIC PRESEE7ATION GRANTS-II -AID F71DS FOR TEE HISTORIC tISOURCEE SUIVV PROJECT 3Q. Appr*vLJ of a Resolution of De01e1 for Coastal Plan Amendment 85 -041 - (16) Rochester Avenue Assoniates. Amendment van ravievad and denied on November 6. (0203 -03 GP AMENDMENT). 1 RESOLUTION 10. 8` -300A A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL OF TQ CITT 07 RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA. DOTING INTIRONMINTAL ASEESSKANT AND GENERAL PLAN AMYDMINT 10. 85 -041, IOrILUT'1R AVIDCE ASSOCI- AIED, RMURSTING AN ANINDMINT TO TIN LAND DEN ELEMYOT OF TEE RANCHO COCAMONGA GENERAL PLAN FROM HEAVY INDUSTRIAL TO CBS- . EkAL INDUSTRIAL On 45.6 ACRES OF LAND LOCATID AT THE SOOTS - EAST COReg1 OF A72M HIGHWAY AND 10CBISTR AVENUE - APE 229 - 121 -01. 14, 19, 21 -28. 3R. Sat public boating for February 3; 1986 for appeal of Resolution No. 85 -112 (17) by C/A Limited. (0701 -06 ApraAL). MOTION: Moved by Xing, seconded ay Wright to approve the Consent Calendar as amended. 110tiln carried unanimously 5 -0. s ♦eeeee i 4. ADVEMSID PUBLIC ""JIM 4A. APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL Of A TIME RITPNSION PON TmNTATTVE TAACT 11991 - TAVDCO. (18) Located on the souLLeast corner of Hillside Road sad Beryl Street.. Staff report by Dino Putrieo, Assistant Planner. (0701 -06 Alt- PEAL). 4+• Mayor Mikcls opened the mating for public bearing. Addressing Council veto: rY m� C Ey "ywn_i1 Mimtw , — • November 20, 1985 PA.> 4 Don Bareback, representing Landon Corporstioa who in turn represents tLe Owners, stated that at the time the tract was originally improved, they had ai the street cceg off Basel as opposed to having lots frantic$ on it. A1- torastr designs were reviewed at that ties. All altoraatiias rare seplord at the acdga review stage. Tt was decided that this vu the Last comfigu- ration. The lots are rids enougb go circular drlvas can be implemented s,> that cars Are not backlog nut onto Beryl. They mould be willing to have this as a condition. Other concerns were addressed 10 their appeal latter. Councilmaa ling asked if they rare villlmg to have no gtrmote Accessing off Beryl? Frock Williams, Associated fngiasars, etAttd they had tried different eoAfiguratious. They felt the plan praaeatd was the bast coafiguratioa. Councilman Dahl asked if they were opposed to the idac of shared driver4y accesses? Mr. Willi:me responded "ne ", that is a possibility. Cary Mitchell, Mitchell, Lang and AAsociatmt, representing Mordick Develop- meet Cogany vbieb is eusre0tly is aserw x1 apply to this property, urged Council's approval of the mateadoa for the tract at it vas spprured by td• Pl•Quiet Commission subject to the followles cbaagest Will be an equeutriaA subdivision, will not be any prohibition in the C41J. Restrict the number of curb cuts for each of the lots which front &1002 beryl. He felt the circular drives arculd create about 14 curb cuts and would ptaeat a problem for rasiteuts entering god laavimg Heritage Part. It might be o^asible to reduce this to about 4 through Boas shared dt lvways. There being no further public response, Moyer Mikola closed the public hearing Councilmen lie; UPrmasad that tke plasaiug Coatmisslon'a d0sial o! the two yaw mxtsedon was seusesblt. 1zw a dad,& poior of vim, be would eoeeut with their declaims. If theta 'a another sseigs which to appropriate, he would hctt to set the applicant cotta b&ct and pay all the fame Again, If tbey wished to come back with a am design that they should not bare to go through all the fi- asoeial espanditurac for a net subaittal, Councilam Dahl did not sea any another way for it to be designed, There is a drainage problem. no felt tba problow could be limited with shared acmes, u and ro this point %Ie can condition the tract, but would rcoormend that we allow the extension. Mayor Alkeim stated he noticed that is looking through the report the sly inconsistency ie the approved lot signs vase per the previous Dnsalopwat Code. We hwo bad a touyle of tract$ which have cos» to rbeze this has bse• an liked. Be homes did mot va0t to see Daryl bete&* a vslld -in @Crest. ge i liked tht homes fronting over the street, at fait the min entrants to the Park was just south of this, so the Craft &, woad be midmel at this point. Staff recommended approval of the mteeeica on September 19 So the applicant had worked vi t9 staff and had t ' onated a lot, docated an additional 14,0oo sauare feat for flood castle: purposes. Be felt Chat there mot be some war to bandit this uicLcut hwieg is p•• :a a rudgaign. Canatilwnm" Wtigbr stated mdc an both sides and was not convinced which one was the cverridiog zoo. bOTloot Moved by Duluet, aocoaded by Debt to arSold the appeal. Motion car rite by the follcgiq, votes Mt ATCSt Duauet, Mikels, Debl RDPSt Wrigbt, Ping IIBUTt Memo +w +met M `�'].°.�e'`.- '- '�':•'.�4'�'n�w tT.`7'+�',bi'va�"�)r', �-ZV"'n""• � .. - `•j;, '• ; - `•' 'y�5.';s :: '•' S ' m; City 'Council Ninutis i ;, a November 20, 1985 PKa "3 awtwntmr a+ ^�a P ., a 43. i01Y801rQIAL aszLaMSr smn COavn. se .. Lo- (19)' steal os the south side of footbill boulevard, vast side of Cucamonga Creak, vast of Vineyard Avnue. Staff report by Curtis Johnston, Associate Planer. 0203 -03 OF AMODMIDT). Cmucilra Ling asked Mr. Johnston it he felt this would have any significant Impact on the foothill boulevard Study. Mr. Johnston reopoadad that be felt this would On have a significant iupcct on the footbill boulevard Study and that It could , dealt with later. Mayor Mikels opened the mating for public bearing. Addrossied Council worst Richard Audraws, representing !oral&, presented slides of s similar project in Riverside. Wilma Brenner encouraged Council's approval of the project. - R11. 9EF° indb���oLF4jQ�1�aE68P1 'itippiSbSPta resident, concurred wlt6. 14! pros[ felt that there vu a tremendous demand for this type of fgcili•• Phil perdue, Can Volento rt:ide °t, felt this was a great project. Mr. Lockwood. Casa Volaote resident, was cot in favor of the project. Thera being to further response from the public, Mayor Mlkels closed the public hearing. Councilwoman Wright "pressed she was in favor of the project. Councilmen Dahl stated he had boon to the Kivetaide project and felt it was aaedod in the City. ga did have two problems 1. Under the Op analog, the staff and nanoiog Commission had datersined that thin fall under the category of hotel. _� felt this was not a hotel. Wa would need a policy from Council on using a senior citizen complex using the OP sonnng. 2. Its hat problem with the tospitel. Couneilmeu buquat was io support of the concept, but would qualify support for a well defiued developmaat agreement. Councilman Dahl felt Council sbmld have a policy that a change in me Op sons to a senior citizen project be covered by a development agrasaant. Cie; Attorney, James Markman, stated that it Council wanted to approve this in concept than Council has two choicest either &mad the Resolution to approve thin tonight which would give them a Central Plan change witbout the possibility of daveiopant without a zoos change. Or, bare a development agreement which replaces a son change. This is processed with a ten day no- ties, public hearing before the Planning Commission and then again before the Council, two readings of as•urdieance, ud a 30-dr waiting period. A davalop- mat a2reemunt takes about tour to aix mouths. Councilmen Ring also concurred that we should have a development agreement and that everytbing coma back at the sam time. MOTIObs Moved by Ring, seconded by Wright to continua to the next meeting in order give staff and the applicant ties to work out the details. Motion carries or .oimcusly 5 -0. e r,+ ' RESOLUTION 10. 83 -314 A 1 30LOTICN OF THE CITY CCONCIL OF THE Cl 7r OF IAMCR0 COCAMQM'A, CALIFORNIA, DENYING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT - 83 -041, PORLEA, 117118II10 AN AMENDMENT TO TO LAND 011 11.1 - MOT OV, T1t.IAECR0 CDCAMMA CORB/L PLAN FROM MIDIOM RESI- DENTIAL (4 -14 DU /AC) TO OFFICE ON 4.85 ACIEI OU LAND, LOCAT- ED ON TO SCUIN SID& 07 700TRIIL BU7LETAID, VEST SIDE OF CUCAKWA CRIME, NEST 07 VINETAID AVENUE - AIN 208- 211 -20, 21 c (20) STtmmlYe:T�.. tnaservww ,en ewm. n�,lEN7 DIaSR7CT aMawDMdi 15 -07 YOngl -t- Located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard, vent aide of Cucamonga Creek, vast of Vineyard Avenue. 0203 -03 DD AMENDMENT). 1 araaa - - Mayor Mikels called a recast at 9:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9122 p.m_ with all =share of Council prsasat. xaawa a c a a a a (21) 4C. rwSA+ a1 e9NA:T c5D CENR1Ar- arL KRIDNINT 85 -04C - MIL MACE. Lo- cat at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Turner Avenue. Staff report by 0•co Croutil. Senior Planner. Planning Coarission recommended denial of the Central Plan Amendment. (0203 -03 GP AMENDMENT). Mayor Mikels opened the meeting for public bearing. Addvasaing Council were: Paul Pdwardo, in charge of planning for the Reynolds Eavirousental Croup, stated they are aware of the City,a eaoaitiviry to attached housing. They felt their project would be an erampla for other developers to e=late. The Mal Mack Company bas wood the Vince Mobilabome Park cdjacent Lo this for a number of Tears. They are • landwnar vbitb retains their projects as long term investments and are concerned about landscape tad building ap- pearance. Be encouraged Council's approval. Russell Jay, 1101 Dolphin Terrace, Corona Dal Mar, stated that he had two partners in Not Mack Company. They hoo been developing properties for meal years, but only for themselves - they do not develop for anyone aloe. They would like to develop the property. Arnold Anderson, Realtor, requested reconsideration of Planning Commia- sion's denial because Footbill Boulevard was wall suited for such use. Pat Powell, recidoet of the Pines Matilebome Park, bad amoral concerns, but was basically disturbed that this project eight and up act being card for as %as The Pined Mobilebome Park which yes also owned and maintained by the Mel Mack Company. There being no furtb- public response, Mayor Mikels closed the public bearing. CmuceLl.mn King requested that the General Plan Amendment be denied. go felt that before making any Coastal Plan imeadmeuta, the 7ootbill Boulevard Policies should be completed. Councilman Buquet e:pruead concern about the requect for 19 dwelling units per acre instead of 14 which would put bin into a lower desigastiou category. X` S1 City Clark Authalat red the title of Resolution No. 83 -315. . Y, IiN +a F.14.'. i _ ^'^ Vt `jyt, - +u _ city Connell'NicutesU" _ ,�• November 20,, 1983a(„4�"$, ' Page 7,` r RESOLUTION 10. 85 -315 - A BENOLUTION'Or TEN CITY COUNCIL f9 IER CITL OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING GENERAL PLY AxnDMENT 85-04C, MSL MAR, MUESIING AN AMENDMENT TO TEN LAND 081 ELEMENT OF IEN GIVIRAL PLAN FEOM MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (4 -14 DU /AC) TO MEDIUM NICE DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (14 -24 DU/AC) FOR 18 ACk1S OF LAUD LOCATED ON THE 8007CAST CORNER 0? FOOTHILL ijD TURNER , Mr. Markrtaa stated that the State law was clarified recently so that all genar- I d plan amendments vill coma to the City Council for approval. MOTION: Moved by Wight, seconded by Ring to approve Resolution Va. 85 -315 denying the General Plan Ameadment 85 -04C. Mctioa carried by the following votes ATLq: Uright, Mikels, Dahl, ging Noes: Euquat = ASSENT: Scup see., es 4D. DFJZO`dIST ACIFYKET MitebMtoT ( MI-0 7) r r r r,:ag�, 14 (22) amendment to the legal dtoer_ptioa of sad pr opy subject to an agreeveet be- ert tween the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Cal- Rancbo, Iaaorperated regarding a me- aior citisen bouaing project located west of Archibald, at the tertsinum of Lomita Court. Staff report by Brad Duller, City Planner. (0602 -01 ACRES DE- VELOPMENT). Mayor Mikels opened the meeting for public bearing. There being no response, the public bearing was closed. City Clerk Autbdet read the title of Ordinance 110. 217A. ORDINANCE NO. 217A AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE eir2 Op RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROV13G AN AMENDMENT TO A DEVELOP- MENT AGREEMENT SPECIFIED MEIN. MOTION: Nomad by Buqusts eccooded by Ring to naive lull reading of Ordinance No. 217A. Notion carried unanimously 5-0. Mayor Mikels set second rending for December 4, 1985. s s e s Or s 4E. '- ?IEaNi!r1r. qg ASSENT - M=AfD MMKM ➢ K pt r eq. PTOjaet consists (23) of the development of a lot ¢:e perk ea the soot side of Bermosa Avenue be- tween Victoria Street and 19th Street. Development Kill iuclude reveal of az- istiog structures and the provision of laudsupiog, irrigatico, a children's play area, Pinola improvements, walkways, drainage improvements, and a nine station setcise course. ,Staff report by Bill Holley, Community Services Di- rector. (1404 -05 I-ARK). Mayor Mikels opened the meeting for public bearing. There being ao raspoase, the public hosting vu closed. - MOT!ONs Moved by Buquet, sgcouddd by Dahl tot i 1. Approve the conceptual rlan; r.� 2. Autborise staff to seek proposals ter engineering services to ieple- the d soot adopted site plan which has bona budgeted in the 198586 Pro- t;Y gram of Services; end .y . Y, (24) : r `S (2S) r (26) �`_�City,°�Ceeaeily iartir;�r}�.• - , . ^ "�� , 3. Authorise the execution and filing of a Negative Declaration. Motion carried nnaniecnsly 5 -0. f f e f f f SA. RETA1LI ygzsT Ctr arson LLIIT'e a VICTORIA rL LAIR A1D EAM71I 6 aET Zees 1141 CITP SPEED LIMITS). TC IT ELT CR AKWAID &VINCE. No staff report given. 1141 -10 8lLID Mayor Mikele opened the meting for public bearing. There being no response, the Nayor closed the public hearing. City Clark Authslat read the title of Ordinance No. .79. ONINANCE NO. 279 (second reading) AN OEDIMAXCE Or TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY Or RAXCRO COCAMOECA, CALIPONNTA. ADDINC NUMEEND 21 AND 22 IO SECTION 10.20.01( TO TEN RARCRO COCAMONCA M6RICIPAL CODE EEDANDUC PERU TACIE SPEED LIMITS ON CERTAIN CITY STREETS NOTION: Moved by Euquet, saeocded by Iing to waive full reading of Ordinance No. 279. Motion carried unani nsly 5 -0. MOTION: Moved by Euquatq seconded by Dahl to approve Ordinance go. 279. Mo- tion carried euaoimusly 5 -0. f f f a f a 5E. 201 UWnZITIAL 6MMU11=. No staff report given. (1002 -09 MAP TOTATIYE). Heyde Nikals opened the meting for public hearing. Thera being no response, the public bearing was closed. City Clark Authelat read the title of ordinance No. 280. ORDINAICZ 80. 261 (second readir-' AN OIDr9ANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF IRE CITY 07 RANCHO OUCdMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ADDIRC CRAPTEE 16.49 TO THE SUEDIVI- SICA OIDIMAHCE. TITLE 16 OF THE RANCHO COCAMOCCA IWICIPAL CODE, FEATURING TO VESTIIIC TENTATIVE NAPE MOTION: Moved by Xing, secooded by Wright to Waive full raiding of Ordinance No. 280. Motion Parried uneniwualy 5 -0. NOTIONS Moved by Euquet, seconded by Xing to approve Ordinance No. 250. Mo- tion carried unsaLmu ily 5-0. q 1 a f f f f f 5C. ORDTMAECN r10VIDIIC TO TRE DAB CIEE1 COMPANY C PDIT TOM esS SYSTEMS DgVrr- OPMENT PEES - Ordinance to ieplamat credit approved by the City Council at its October 18, 1985 meting. No staff report given. 0401 -12 ISIS). Major Nikels opened the mating for public bearing. There being no response, the public bearing was closed. City Clark Authelat read the title of Ordinance No. 281. • �lti i4ct•Ari3a'y +::r, y ��fY`'4_: tix= E,IT..jT.' o.I _� � W, Iry r • 14r "S� "'$i .c' •�° City Council Mieu[alN o{f �' , November 20, 1985 Page 9 ORDINANCE 20. 281 (eacood reading) . p;. M ORDINANCE OF' INS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCEO ZY? CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA, ATPORDINO TO THE DIED CRBZ COMPANY A CREDIT APPLICABLE TO SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEES MOTIV. Mood by Dahl, seconded by Iiag to naive full reading of Ordinance No. 281. Motion carried unssisossly 5 -0. aCouncilman King stated that he fait the credit was inappropriate and Should not be given. Further that Council would be setting a precedence. MOTION: Moved by Dahl, seconded by Buquet to apProve Ordinance No. 281. Mr tion carried by the following vote: AYES: Suquets Whale, Dahl _ NOES: VciSbt, King ASSENT: M0il a - e e e e Or e 6. CITY MANAGER ^e STOP ersmva 6A. CONSIDERATION or CHANGE IN MSETIM DATE 90I FI ST NEEt ISO Or JANUARY 1986. (27) (0100 -00 ADMIM). MOTION: Moved by King, seconded by Dahl to t Thursday, January 2, I986 for the regular Council meeting. Motion carried unaoisomely 5 -0. feeeee 65. A RMD ST ST TEE CD -1wORCA CITInus, COA7.ITIfE TD ADD:IgS CITY S2MM- . (28) Addressing Council from the Cucamonga Citizens' Coalition meta (1180 -10 RE- QUEST). Michael Mahoney Charlotte Carrie Marianne Renner Chuck Horton Councilmen King, it just, Dahl, and Mayor Mikels each expressed that they would vote the save way again as they did at the public hearing on the Pack and Rec- reation Assessment District bold on May 17, 1985. ACTION: None. eseee Mayor Mikels called a recess at 1Ot40 p.m. The meting reconvened at 11x03 P.m with all aomberw of the Council praaept. e+a A a • : • a • e 6C. COM8111rRAT1111 np COONTT SOLID WASTE W..111 PLAL Staff report by Robert (29) Risen, Assistant City Manager. (1170 -09 BASTE SULID). t:eyor Mikele opened the meeting for public comment. Being none, the meeting was closed. City Clerk Authelat read the title of Resolution No. 85 -316. r- RESOLUTION 110. 85 -316 A RBS@OTION OF IRS CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF 2ANCH0 FN CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, &MOVING M PRINCIPLE TEN IEFICID ox SAN BEIRAIDINO COUNTY SOLID WETS &AgArZHUT MASTER PLA-E es (((___j.....N4'wPN ��;.c«..,`yYyYyY L•"y'sw'M., ..w.... .� _r _.. _ ^.t_`! }K.. ago— S.. M0LI6M: Moved by Kicg, seconded by Debt to approve 2aeolution Nn. 8s -31f and waive full reading. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. r'. # a r w # a (30) 61). manDNtT Fefw rleTp waniGAL NRYICe LeC._T:1 ADDmrea Try GLU rp UL ![F S71iC1N0_ 1'Q DL9P1rC■ Q_lo[OalYCT Lw!Qj L_L LMo App rTr Miehul Lsight, attorney for Ca "Yon Medical, rgnnted support from the Council so tb2y could be put on rotctLoo to receive arrgeucy Calla. (1206 -01 VaD- LANCK). \• Mr. Markman stated that cities who contract with ot'ur agencies would have the right to request or dictate, but there is no similar type of ralationebap be- twean the City and the Fire District. 90 knew of no authority which the City could use to =Orcir.n such power over the Footbill Fire District. Mr. Lvight felt that it would help than if they couid race < -ve approval from th' City than that wooed De satisfactory for consideration by the Fira District. ACTION: Council felt they should not be involved. aaaaa# 7._. COURCM gOglOZaq r No its= subraittad. b # a • # a a P., AWDU�NUT i ti l:OTIOl: Moved by Dahl, secooda: by King to adjourn to Monday, November 25. 1985, 6:00 P. m.. Neighborhood Canter, 9791 Arrm Nighwty. Motion carried unanimously 5 -0. Respectfully anbnitted. eavarly A. Authe lot City Clark F Apprwed: December 18, 1985 1 J- id `�d