HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985/11/25 - Agenda Packet - Adjournedi QTY OF RAN KM ///L--ry�--JC�rnMOMA LL CIT 1 �� �u. s ACXNE. 1917 Noighborhood Center 9791 Arrow P.ighvay Rancho Cucamooga, California November 25, 1995 Adim,rned Mewling 1. C1LL TO ORDmt Roll Calli Wright _, Buquut _, Mikels _, Dahl _, and King 2. CYIT MaRACRl'A ATdF7 RRKR19 A. DISClp$LON RB:A_MUh p/.6M9 PQj; PERMANENT CITY PACrmTg. - Cultural Center - Malotenance Yard - Pu:lie Safety and Civic Facilities D. DIES f Wji.SW FINANCINC ALSIIi2fAIi= C. ACTIONS a. Authorize Staff to prepare a contract with Fieldnam- Rolapp for financial consultieS uarvicss Doceaseq to implement certificate of Participation financing prograr. b. Authorize staff to continue searching for potential site for City Maintenance Yard. x�:�l:til C. Authorize staff to =plate feasibility of establishiag Rancho Cucamonga Son- Profit Foundation to help finance future Cultural Center. d. Authorize staff to contirvr studying feasibility of establishing tontrcnt equipxcot ■aint.eanca prograa. ■ t Ir� =" t y City Council Ageuda -2- November 25, 1984 t i D. DR= 8. ?K-w ,u UPORT COIICSHRIEG DR4IG11 OP PQRT.Tr R SSI7 CIVTC Clmrn. Mr- Charles Oakley, representing John Carl Warnecke, Civic Center 4tt archita:te, vil: be in attendance to review the status of tSe project. i" P. $1CCVarProm y:if.T.tlO -DP 4CII9S8 ^r Ir is to oosended that City Council refer altsrutive design ccureft+ to the Plsoning Coadssion for its review mad coaaent regarding farther 1 rafineoant of a preferred alternative. 1. anlODa�r a 5 F i, A• n, r- f y !i. I t w{ ti. 1 1 ` J° 1 �':r`:SiS'.: 4i x'40 *i::s.ri�,1`: C1Ty OF 3ANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE% Mwember 25, 1985 TO: Mayor and Memers of City Council FROM: Lauren M, Asssarma, City Manager SUBJECT% - 1'" RMODUMION- for the city-owned pfacilities for law etoreeva tePersonnelg , construct wall as tbar vital public servieva such as Adniuistration, Admi esndet ices. Pllopneut Engineering, SuLldiog 6 Safety, %)onmaity Services ditioae are wholly inadequate and affect the •,gapcy . Present office con aSeacy to provide efficient, coat eifeetive service to the public. The City was adequate land; design of the facilities is now under way; and we can ow finance the construction witb the asrietanca of the Redwolopmut Agency by atilising a combination of City aad RDA funds which will be avail- able in 1986. The sapanditure of these fends will nor adversely impact guy current or proposed City programs or project',- 1 It I m ue m • . r=O lice e4 chi. arolwet eaa ,��tea�l?i� ill be a-- -- _ Piaaneing will be aaereplLhod with wr existing` revenue Sources. In feet there will b a a "uniegithaesubstane ganeral food, since the Radevelopmat Agency tial portion of way financing obligation. It is now appropriate for the City toocecdiotrate its coaeedsttuctionoothe fu- ture growth of Our commuity by pr S mcb- needed pernawnt facilities- Ao Rie51%i °- �'1'•'�. ily��.i��4..riln � s'r.,..:k t:Y. - _ :Yb . • , i. —2— n !i DESCRE iiON OF PRESM CrrY FACMffMS T 3; City Offices ,< City offices currently occupy apprcaimtely 18.000 square feet of space, in- �' eluding all office, racord retention, and storaaa areas. Custoner services are provided tbrougelout nine (9) separate office buildings Neat of tbich are converted industrisilvarebouse buildings. She Adaisistration, Connunity Developwav, and CosuunLey Services offices are located in differ- ant buildings vitbia the center. She City shares apprasimtely 100 parking spaces vitb all other businesses located in the center. .� Le as agretaents vitb A. S. Hefter Development for all City offices within the business center aspire at the and of June, 1987. r' Sbauem Depa Safi QlfieiA'y _.`'_ The Sheriff's substation, located in a e- onvertai varshouse buildieg at 9333 9th Street, bouses all o7erstions of law enforceaant. The substation has 6.000 square fact of space, including all ctlice space, storage areas, and holding areas. The Sheriff'a stntion boas ^s 4.' deputies.end on additional 24 civilian exAoyees, for a total of 67 Yor c)L patrol shifts. According to the lease virb the Seams Company, the Sbsriff'o substation is entitled to the use o5 27 puri.ing spaces. a recility lasses with essur Coapup will expire at the end of Jane, 14:6, on- less otherwise reacted. r' r' -3- SPEMC PROM PROMME It rIH F"TING FACMIES The following is a suaaacion of the conditions and efficiency 01 our current city offices. Those summations include several of the comments Snout the City Hall receivtd from residents and busineaw patrons. Pack of Cantrl.lix" Onvlces Gam of the a,c:e critical concerns eerrounding tbo inadequate facilities of both City 0411 'Ad the Sheriff's substation to that departmental offices e.o segregated from each otbn. Tor several years, the City bas been criticized by the public and by our business clientj becsuse va lack a esutrelized of- fice building in which to conduct business. Ius tend of vesitin$ one centralised counter, our clients nuat make several trips from one Win* building to another in order to cb.sin a parent pay fees or gsthor other inform -ion relative to their butineames. For errsp.s, to order - Obtain A bnildim.g permit, the resident or client mat first visit the 3ullding b Safety Department in the North heildinl, than pay fora with the casUer in +be Adainis oration Depar eat in the Si nth building, than walk be-k to the North building to submit a receipt to the Building A Safety Department. Customers view this as An unueeea5am7 tai time cosuaing process, and are often furious after takLeA a bit -or -star approtch to finding the right dw- partmeat. Iuclamat weather fir:hae .osplieaten chit problem asking dieratified clientr more irritable and lttaleract. The City presently Intone nine &operate -if Loa areas, aerregated by four separate buildiagr. Some foginearieg ser.'imaa operate is the Covarolty Da- velopment Dapartmeat, while the traffic and dea.gn functioas gondact bnel- MHa in the evo-story boilding scroer the packing lot. Sieilcrlr, white tha City KAu&ger'a office and hdaLdctrative Services Dapartmeat share one building, other - dai4fotrstivu services Including the Comauaity Services Dc partasmt and the geValIDe AasaOsnenL 7une:10as. are located to other build- ings. Because the City Offices are located several blotka from Liens Canter mad =to than two adlee from the Ndgbborbood Csatur white aeptiage are often 'andncted, staff time is vasted raveling iv�a Ott Win* to another to var- 1032 wer4ags Pricr to each meetings staff met tr.aaport files, reps, and other documents. After each meetings those uca_.a:e Oust S& returned to •! the City Offices. x �'.'.'.:If<; '•i� . - - .��. __sjl, me Perhaps the most crucial concern saluted to segregated office, is that the Sheriff's auostation in located nearly two miles from the C' v Ball. Resi- dents often are frustrated to * &sit the City 9411 on a public safety matter and find the Sheriff's Department elanwhare. Space Constraints At presser, there is 18,000 square feet of office space for 100 CGU employ- ees, with a ratio of office grata to employees far balm occep-el_e space standards. As the ratio of office space to employees continues to decline. employees are and will be sharing smaller work *Pecos. Additionellrs the increased office equipment used by new employees has created a greater epee, deficiency, which has led to even more inconvenience to employees and to thw visiting public. There is no elnator to accommodate clients is the xvo story complex housing Comu,mity Services, Beginesring, and Reven•te Assess - meat. There are no public restroom, and in tha rastroom available to er plcyees, coat are without hot running water. Space coestrciate am ftrtbar complicated by the fact that equipment is improperly stored in lioness areas. This commercial- industrial office apace was neither intnndec nor de- signed for public service. The Foothill Faro District bas cnntimucusly pointed out numerous safety hazards which cannot he corrected in the existing offices. Space is to critical that employees have been located in eauka -do• office areas located cant to auto mechanic @hops mad warehouses. Problem with noise and rraffic a versely affect the work euviroment. The City also suffers from u lack of special facilities. Many of the rented city office* are not readily acccesible to the bandieappb• Chile the staff prvaides personal ,ervics■ to those seeking assistance from -be Engineering Division or Conaomic; Sarvices, our goal is to fully comply with State and Federal mandate "o Formal, complete access to the handicapped. Today, we cannot provide adequate access to the handinaoped. The Sheriff's acbacetiun i, a ;so experiencing severe apace constraints. For example, the only squad room in the substation cannot accommodate all par- anneal for each daily briefing. Similarly, administrative officers and otb- er parsomal gnat share constrdieed orifice space. The substation bas virtually no lobby area for clients, and the reception arse must accommodate both the dispatcher rnd computer facilitiao. Additionally, the substation has on19 one interview room because the second interview room ban been converted to accommodate deputy lockers. Anotber problem with the building is chat security is poor in the lolding area for prisoners. Because nearly every parking space is eccuyisd by either City employees or clients doing bush -ss with the City, no spaces are available fox employees or clients of other tenants in the co�.elax. N I -s- Colleera for Pabw, Safety "%tlo .;cce .oestraints, civic identity and other concerns 1..10 the inadequacy of tti• current City facilities are Important, the war ^rirical concern is for pnbiLc safety. In the past, the Sheriff's s.,bstar oo has encountered problems securing criminals in the holding facilities. porma- nest voiding cello are essential, and a securel parking area for patrol units and employee vebielae is also needed. Safety is also a concern within the City offices. Because ve have ac:aaded the normal capacity for office space, there is £nadequmte electrical airing to operate telephones, computers, and other electrical equ£pmeat. She excessive number cf circuit breakers or well as hazardous electrical astea- aioe car!- b=e increased the concern for file safety eve the generrl val- faro of our employees and clients. Parlour Wile the City shares approximately 100 parking vpncen with all other buai- tesses in the Base Mue Center, the actual parking need for em;leyaec, resi- dents, and other clients is substantially granter. Because of this factor, most of the time we are uuable to provide parking for the tremendous number of customers and clients visiting the city offices. Often employees and customerg slat double park or block access ways ereetind a hazardous eondi- rion. Nearly arep p, rking space is occupied by eitbcr City employees or c_ioute doing hominess with the City, which leaves no space available for empl,yees or clients of other tenants in the complex. Complaints from bott customers and neighboring businesses are on every day octurxeocm. Wile the Sheriff's Substation is entitled to 27 parking spaces for employ- ees and cliwts, the actual parking requirements exceed 70 spaces during martial working hours. Sh£i does not include parking for citizens mod customers, nor duet it include porting spaces for patrol and detective units parked It ttu atat£on. Owners ea ad;acent basinaoees are ccnateatly eor plaining oecause the sheriffs are using a disproportionate costar of parking spaces. With the present facilities and the anticipated increases in serAces and public contact, the problem will become more critical in the future. i•i; 4;. -6- Employee kroductivity Employee productivity is adversely affected by the overcrowded Condition[ fit City gall. Tor trample, employees spend a considerable amount of tire wal iog from out offica building to anotbe, in order to fulfill the reoviromects of their jobs. Additionally, eaatinji taom are too few and not frequently ava,lable, causing delays IL caotiu. with customers. While our employees take prida If, providlog accellect pabllc services, it is difficult to do so with limited office opeee which wa.t dasigmed to ae•onmodare mixed -use lucus- trial buildings rather than public service facilities. Br 'oyao productivity at the gbarlWa substation is also declining out to the coudi tionm of the facilities. The Adni•istration Division cuntiaues to respond to cemvots of chaotic eouditioes and the difficulty of Coecmutrst- ing on work 4t a +eas wbere may saployeas share offices which are located too close to beavy traffic areas. Like the em¢iloyaas at City gall, the , ployees at tha Sberiff's sobal.atlon find it very Disruptive to work in such an environment. Productivity would improve with a proper working acviron- mvnt. WugAztenance Costa Another very important condderatioL is the that the cost for leasing and maintaining these iuidequate facilities is rising astronomically. / indi- cated by the following figures, not only has the cost for leasing office space ineraased by nearly 762 vitbie the last two years, but also the coal Of utilities, building repair, scd maintenance continues to increase as well. Moreover, these costs do DAL lac!,de expeaditures for faci:ity it provmmauts made for ear office space which viva necessary as the City offered acv services. In the futuru, these costs will coutinu+ to increase at an even greater rate. The primary concern is that City "Facilitates for the rectal of of- fice space, utilities, building repair, and maintenance and facility le. provemeat are made to a privately -caned lessin; company which will not bear fit the City in the fature. The costa outlined below are for rent, •repair, and improvementa during the put three years. _ra ? . � ° ' < Y�FM t)- wt L -7- $^AVER RFPORL -- HERIFp'R STAINS AAD CM MI CM ACTUAL A", 4L BUDGET TS -93'A4 FY 94-9% 21.93_.84 Rental - office apace $108,048 $138,014 $179,109 NitcalIaneoar Repair Facility iaprovewats TOIAL CL31.+ To PROVIDE F02 SU7AM SI.TIOU ABD CITY OFFICES Community IdaDtjty 1,529 6,205 20,000 _1 M1 _44..81!1. _53.noo $113.030 $194.061 $262,109 The iuteri■ pit- Hall does not adequately sane As a focal paint of coaosi- ty service and civic identity. A perosient civic complex provide us that Opportunity. Staff he received web criticism because the City faciliti at arc difficult to locate in a miaod use industrial complex. Is fact, the Barton Business Plana is frequently mistaken for the new Civic Center, video that building looks ptofessionai and is adorned with the C.S. flag. The Sheriff's subaiseion also lack* an image of "conmsity spirit" and civic ddectity. Like the City Bell, the Sheriff's substation is constructed of industrial rarehouse building materials and does not look like a public safety braiding The location of the Sheriff's substation in an indurtrial + area it not conducive to project.ag a professional service image. r• Unrrateeted ksonda nsd Bvideace - t nge The Stuca law require that the City maintain and store all City records. o At pretcntG records are not stored 10 a ■fours, fireproof are. City and Sheriff's Departmat racotds sbauld b! stored an a fireproof vault. (lone of our current offices has a secure vault. While we maintain additional storage areas for re -cords and evidence, a lack +• of storage space at the Sheriff'• atstaen requires that police records La % transferred to another storage oito vithia six motbs after a document he L been created. TSij bar created probl eau in locating coaled records in a L timely roamer. go apace is Preaeatl7 hwerar, $vurathas becngt+.aecledtini the dasignbofy.athe available bistorieal records, acv civ_C facility for this Purpose. She facilities at both the C:ty offices sod at the Sheriff's substation era inarequste to provide aceaptab!C ablic ,ervices. Space Coustraints, inada- v ewnca ecsts, and publ >c safety Concerns here to Parking, rising aiote created an at, rpbers in vbiCb the ity +u- °YeregitL lutarekincreases ineear t7 rid s r eduction in eeployaa prodt:etivity. vicaa, additional offieu spree will be vequird. So additional office space available at the Sheriff's he ri Baseline ffabguslness Cater.to unlikely that space will be vlable �'UMM,�►RY OF RE�J�' _ AVAH AM TO FINANCE PRO= Because of the grwtb oY our raderaloPneat services, the gedevdlovaeat dgen- ry ens sow the Sr a seat our sole in financing the PACiliry. Staff has developed a realistic, fisca laarly 1986. byv using otbdafcllwingtSe reeebl of revenue: 1 yv t T _rnerernt - Since the facilit.es are within the rede- velopreat project area sued serve that area as vall as the bar�aio:daterfOf the coneoalev a portion of redevelopaeat t" intreant mar the project. These funds are restricted and are not legally erailab'a for notepthat previous CGICIttantaofort toe rregional shopping acenterfand soth- be nvailabla is Vial: bens[ tosauener9 :cdtvaloP "at prioritiesea [wall. to 2, get te.a a dirnree - The City Currently spends in ""as "es of aP- proriastelf $260.000 annually for rental and saintensnee of taaporary Quarters. Those General funds may be redirected to finenre 9UMMLL92" city_ wood facilities. MM 3. Prwi ... 1lt P.a; gee tad Caeit 1 gas - As a portion of warhead costs, the City has for $moral years, iacluded annual budget appropriations _ for permaeut facilities. These rererve funds have also seemed inter- est during this period. 4. Revenue. from grevicamly 2R2 1019d bOnd.RX22zANA - The City .urreatly re- ceives a em11 Amount of revenue for administering nine bond program. This money my be added to other revenues to help met annual Imie payments i' needed. 5. Prsrehiee ?sea: In August, 1935, the City approved franchises for re- fuse collection and cable television. These am revenues may also be used to finance a portion of the construction costs. PROMED MMOD SOF FINANCING Council ban previously reviewed a ember of option' f,.r financing ;ermmat City facilities The most effective and least costly a these nptio>s is the iaa.ucce of Certificates of Participation. Isouaace of "Certificates" or C.O.P.'s is a to =Q=Pt alternative which permits our Rancho Cucamonga citizens Sod investors to participate in the City's future by owning shares Of the project. Interest rates arc very favorable for this type of financing at Cho present time. If we proceed am acboiule, we will nave a considerable aweuat because of the favorable economic eondieions and favora- ble interest rates. The issuance of Certificatea of Participation ary be accomplished as fol- Iws: The City my either mail or lease its land to a third party such to the Redevelop e,at Agency. ibo RDA will build tba building and mks mca- aary Ott improvemuts. Rwever, the City will be designated as the a.•enc•, responsible for construction, supervision and building inspection of imp, ovemots. The RDA will then lease the improved site back to the City ft, an amount equal to mmral bond payments. payments will be mda to a trnetee who will Oversee the program. It is significant to note that debt service will remin constant and will not increase during the 30 year program. Once certificates are retired, the Ownership of the buildings will be tramfered to the City. Local citizens end investors my invest in and wn a part of their City's offices by purchasing to erampt certificate, as interest bearing investmcts. a;:* e" S':., P W05100.5 T I DQJ- : Y b xi SP.ce architectural secvicas art nearing completion, it is recommended that .a. City proceed with the arrangeaants for financing of permanent public safety—civic facilities. 1La City'a team of Bond Counsel, Financial Advisors, and Bond Underwriters are now available to complete this project. LW cbas y IL _. �' +yzt r= .�, �,a r= SP.ce architectural secvicas art nearing completion, it is recommended that .a. City proceed with the arrangeaants for financing of permanent public safety—civic facilities. 1La City'a team of Bond Counsel, Financial Advisors, and Bond Underwriters are now available to complete this project. LW cbas y IL _. �' +yzt r= CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: November 25, 1985 T0j city Council FROM: Lenten H. Wesser.sn- City Manager SUBJECT, Corporate Facility Attached in a memo from Lloyd W,bbs, City Eagineer, regarding the need for e corporate facility. We have known about this need for several years, but financial constraints have precluded any iaaediate solution to the problem. With the rapid expansion of maiutenance services, especially fleet maaagr meat and park maintenance, ve need to give consideration to the acquisition and construction of an adequate service facility. A combination of msiate- aacce funds and redevelopment agency funds should be explored to accomplish this. LMW,baa attach. g •.b J�lkl: j �•yr•h. CPIT OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 25, 1985 TO: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Englnee SUBJECT: Acquisition and Construction ct City Corporation Yard INTRODUCTION• At a recent meeting with City foui•cil the staff requested authorization to negotiate the acquisition of land for the purpose of future .instruction of a City Corporation Yard. As you know the current City Yard is on a 3/4 acre site at Grove Avenue and Ninth Street. With the recent increases in maintenance and inspection staffing we have reached the capacity of this fa.11ity. with the construction of Red Hill and Heritage Park, and the assumption of maintenance of Church Park, Windrows Park, Creekside Park and Terra Vista Park our maintenarce staff will nearly double. (See the attached work program) This significant addition o7 staffing and eq, p*•nt will tax our current facility beyond its capabili'ies and at the time increase the need for a more systematic cost effective approach to a Anent maintenance. We are currently operating a signif cant construction operation in the backyard of a single family home. With the proposed park construction it makes this situation intolleroble bu' also provides the opportunity to significantly enhance staff productivity through Improved facilities. P11T IS A CORPORATC YAR31 A City's corporation yard is the base of all those ;iousekeeping operations required to maintain and operate the City's capital investment in street.,, flood control facilities, parks, parkways and iin some cases water, sewer and sanitation. The yard needs to provide room for the storage of vehicles, t1ulpg_nt and the supplies required to keep the capital plant operating. It %n •view our yard and others you will typically see such equipment as st:•ei - ,cep ^rs, backhoes, dumo trucks, tractor mowers, trenchers aid pick -up trucks. materials commonly sLored are traffic signs, barricades,irrigation supplies, fertilizers, sweeper brooms, sandbags, ,and, gravel, asphalt, cement ani miscellaneous plant materials. continued... City Council Staff Report Re: Acquisition /Construction Corporation Yard Page 2 A significant aspect of the City Yard is vehicle matinenance. With the geometric expsnsion in City vehicles and the significant investment in the maintenance of Sheriff's vehicles, we can no longer ignore the economics Involved In Providing OLr own vehicle maintenance operations. This means the rrovislon of a shop facility with roum for vehicle records,holsts, fluids. parts a,id t:,ols. The City currently utilizes contract services with dealers and servic stations. This practice 's becocming extremely curtly as our fleet expands. A small city fleet and space constraints have preventad our aettina into the business of vehiciw maintenance to date. We can no longer A final consideration in City Yard apace requirements. wMen is coamionl,/ overlocked by cities, is provision of employee parking. One of the major problems that we are currently experiencing at the Grove yard is insufficient parking for the maintenance and inspect'cn sti. ' orivate vehicles. Each employee working out of the yard muse ha.d pa x .; apace for their personal vehicle, during working hours. lath a craw of 2b to 30 space requirements for staff parking are significant. Inadequate parking is a problem experienced by the Ctty of Upland which has resulted in parking overflowing onto city streets and tke accompanying potential security problems. LAND REQUIREIEM In developing land requirements for a new city yard we have survsyad severe. clues of various sizes. As you can see from the attached sueaary, requirements ents vary from to 15 acres. Cities at our current population of 50,00ti to 70.000 population with full services including water, sewer and trash generally require 3 to 7 acres. Those at the lower end all complain of space constraints. Cities wit'- population similar to our ultimste population general y fall in the 10 to 15 acre category. Because the City does not deal with sewer, orate or trash a yard 7 to 10 acres in size should be adequa.e. Factors to be considered that would Effect the ultimate proparty requirements are: - Would the City ever assume water, sewer and trash col.ection7 - Is some 'oint use with Foothill Fire or C.C.W.D dcsirele and if so to what extent? In the past there has been some discussion with both the Water District and the :ire Dist,-ct concerning various forms of joint use. If the Council authorizes proceeding with acquiring property these discussions should be finalized and precise site requirements developed. continued... y �,, City Council Staff Report Re: Acquisition /Construction of Corporation Yard Page 3 SITE LOCATION: In our init'al survey of potential City Yard sites we instructed our agent to look in the area from Haven Avenue to I -15 between Sixth Street and Arrow Route. It was our desire to locate in an area of heavy industrial character close to City Hall and near the center of the City. A centralized location has the effect of reducing travel time to any part of the City for work crews and emergency response. The areas east of Haven are generally flood free which will enhance access during flooding condition. The heavy industrial character of this area is more compatible with a construction yard type of n potential west of fl i Haven tend land uhaVe a much more mixed character involving continu3d... aoaaa�N� 7 SURVEY OF CITY YARD FACILITY SIZES CITY SERVICES PROVIDED YARD SIZE Chino Mater, Sewer, Streets, Parks 2+ acres Claremont Streets, Parks, Sanitation, 2 lit - 3 acres Aut• Maintenan:e Corona Streets, Parks, 2 acres Auto Maintenance Fontana Streets, Sewer, Pinks, 2 1/2 acres Auto Maintenance Glendora Water, Streets, Parks 2 3/4 acres Anaheim Full Service 10 -12 acres Irvine Full Service 10 acres Ontario Water, Sewer, Streets Sanitation, Auto Maint. 14 acres Riverside Streets, Sanitation, Trees 13 acres Auto Maintenance Upland Streets, S-ver, Trees 5 1/2 acres Auto Maintenance SITE LOCATION: In our init'al survey of potential City Yard sites we instructed our agent to look in the area from Haven Avenue to I -15 between Sixth Street and Arrow Route. It was our desire to locate in an area of heavy industrial character close to City Hall and near the center of the City. A centralized location has the effect of reducing travel time to any part of the City for work crews and emergency response. The areas east of Haven are generally flood free which will enhance access during flooding condition. The heavy industrial character of this area is more compatible with a construction yard type of n potential west of fl i Haven tend land uhaVe a much more mixed character involving continu3d... aoaaa�N� 7 1 i' e City Council Staff Report Re: Acquisition /Construction of Corporation YarJ Page 4 Probably the overlding consideration to yard placement should be proximity to City Hall and the police facilities. By far the largest potential economic impact will com- in the frequent need to fuel and shuttle vehicles between City Hall and vehicle maintenance facilities. Routine servicing of Sheriff's vehicles and other City vehicles will tie -up two people for the period of time It takes to deliver and pick up vehicles from the yard. The further the facility is from City Hall the more manhours lumt to this type of activity. At full operation a poorly placed City yard could cost hundreds of hours in lost productivity. This prnblem is currently extreme due to the fact that our current vehicle maintenance and city yard are scattered throughout the west valley. We are currently loosing hundreds of hours to fueling and maintenance of vehicles and ,lust pla+r not doing ai 74equat2 Sob of vehicle maintenance. DECENIRALIZATIOM VS. MITIMIZTIOM It has been suggested that the maintenance function be decentralized and more than one facility provided. This alternative is not viable with regards to vehicle maintenance. This fact presents a serious obstacle to decentralization. With vehicle maintenance centralized any peripheral yard would be required to shuttle back and forth between the main yard for vehicle fueling and mafntenance. Ouplicate office and fuel facilities would be required and centralized supply storage would be made difficult. In terms of site development two sites would involve duplicate development of the curbs, gutters, water and sewer, gas, electric and telephone and landscape buffers. The centralized location would result in many economies of scale which in the absence of some significant off setting benefit in land prices makes two or mare sites economically suspect. If one further considers decentralization you would want the satelite facilities to be dispersed from the main yard and pushed generally towards the northerly - residential areas or the city. One might think of a satellite faclTitiy in Alta Lcma•ard Etiwanda or Victoria. Site selection in either of + these locations given the character of a maintenance yard would prove sensitive and likely controversial. It would be staffs recommendation that the corporate yard be centralizes -lose to -1ty Hall. LAVA VALUES Attached for Councils Information are the findings of Stephen- oaniels Coamercial Brokerage within the prime area of consideration. As you can see continued... I r: City Council Staff Report Re. Acquisition /Construction of Corporation Yard Page 5 land values vary from $3.00 to $4.50 per square foot or $130,000 to $195,000' per acre. The variation in price relates to the level of site development. In consideration of land values one must consider the costs involved in servicing and developing the site. Generall; those sites which have complete street and drainage improvements with all utilities readily available will garner a higher price. The converse being that the cheaper sites will be much more costly to develop. In the industrial area one must also consider the impacts of City assessments for drainage and flout control. The value of lands in he Industrial Assessment District and The Day Creek Mello -Roos District have unique economic circumstances which must be considered. EXISTING CITY YARD The existing City Yard located at Ninth Street and Grove Avenue ir. Upland is a 3/4 acre site with a residence on the southeast corner. The yard was the old County Road Yard and was acquired when the City assumed maintenance responsiibilities in 1980. The purchase price was $127,000. Since we acquired the site we have rennovated the office building, added a locked tool room, modernized the gas pumps, added a eiasel fuel tank and material bins. The house is curently rented to o,ie of our maintenance men who acts as caretaker and security guard. The land is currently zoned for a commercial use. We estimate that its value to be $150,000 to $200,000. If we are unable to develop a new facility in the near future we will hava to attempt to octain addtticnal parking n arby or will have to review polices allowing employees to take vehicles home. We will also be severely restricted In materials storage which will hamper our parkway beautification efforts. Finally we may have to look seriously at development of maintenance and storage facilties in the city parks. FACILMY DEVELOPMENT AKD FINANCING Staff has been in contact with DAVE Systems concerning the design, development and contract for ongoing vehicle maintenance. DAVE Systems is very active in transit planning and operations, and they currently provide contract vehicle maintenance for numerous Transit Districts. GAVE Systems has offered to give US a proposal or the design of a facility and a contract to maintain city vehicles. If the proposal proves attractive they could design and construct a maintenance facility and provide a vehicle maintenance operation under contract. The yard could then be ,cquired through a lease purchase or other suitable financial agreement. We will exple -e this option further with the Council when we receive the DAVE System proposal. continued... City Council Staff Report Re: Acquisition /Construction of Corporation Yard Page 6 e L - r ,0. RECWEMATION: 5` It is recommended that Council authorize staff to actively prusue the acquisition, design and development of a city corporate yard in the vicinity of the City Hall. Respectfully submitte , LSH:bc :1 +s' r . a• t J /Acres 4,6 10.46 6.6 3.05 41.4 2,69 44.00 5.0 8.0 (7.78 125.8 •� 4e�11 S t . �Nr•.\ flvFa sn•AR. �`Nw �.i�u. `T�� VCAi S��•�Ir•AY�i �.: CC. iN'_ �{O �� .: „� n. . fit• • ' TI 1 PARK MAUP04EN RMIRFIFIRS ,'. (Based olrExistin9 Service Level) s Site f Hrs % Person " Bear Gulch 1045 0.52 Beryl Park 1930 0.95 A Church Park 1379 0,68 L Creekside 1061 0,52 Heritap 8313 4,12 Lions Park 700 0.35 1 Red Hill Bas!n 7972 3.95 Terra Vista 1399 0.69 Victoria 1733 0.86 Vineyard* 1677.0 0.83 25,532 144 *included in Red Hilt Basin i; I Person /9.95 Acres t J /Acres 4,6 10.46 6.6 3.05 41.4 2,69 44.00 5.0 8.0 (7.78 125.8 •� 4e�11 S t I'll k14 %1b a a a ��9� mn go fill ........ ----- oil 19 ur 1. ` November .5, 1985 CIS! Of RANCHO CUCAMONGA : CIS! COUNCIL MINUSES � adlevenaa Meeties V :C 7 An adjourned mating of the City Couccii of the City of Rancho Cueasoega mat on Monday, November 15, 1985# in the Lions Park Commniay Canter, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga. The meting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by Mayor Jam D. Mikela. Present rera Conneilmsbesa: Charles J. squat II, uichard M. Dahl, Jaffrey Kicg (left at 6:35 p.m.), and Mayor Jam D. Mikels. Also present vats: City Manager, Lauren M. Wassarmal City Clerk, Beverly d. Authelat; Aemistsnt City Manager. Robert Bisect administration analyst, Mark Lorimar; Community Development Director. Jack Lou; City Mannar, Brad Buller; rs City hgioeer. Lloyd Habbs; Buildiag Offic.al, Jerry Grant; Community Services t- Director. Bill Holley. t: absent: Councilwoman Female J. Wright (we@ ill). I e a e a e -' 2. CiSS Mafaa E2'R SSM 4RDRTa 2A. DlscoBel01 RNC (1601 -04 CIVIC (1) CENTER). Mr. Waeaesman presented a report on the coca fors Culural Center Maintenance Yard - Public safety and Civic Pacilitles s s a a a a TB. rIRCUSRId aw F1MCImC AL?11N1T19iB. (1601 -04 CIVIC CENTER). (2) Mr. Massersec went war the sources of revenues available frr the projects and matbods of financing. Htma i bream was called at 6145 p.m. The mating reconvened at 6:55 p.m. vatb Coun- cilmobers Inquat, Debt and Mayor Mikels present. Councilman Ring left for on- other appointment at 6:30 p.m.). Heee i MMr. Waesvtman introduced Duke Oaklayr awbitse p vbo presented revised site Plane and throe elevations of the now public safety and civic center facili- ties. p' After revieviog the tease, Mr. Buquet stated that he had not had an opportunity 4. to review these before and would like to have the Council have nor* ties to re- B, vim these. Mayor Mikels stated that what we wanted wee to hue the Planning Cosadssioo re- view all three of these and thee bore them coma back to tla Council. Mr. Vassorman stated that there wets five actions on the agenda for considers - ties by Council. If Council felt uncomfortable in taking say action, he would" mast with Mr. Ries and Kra. Wright to fill them in and then put the item on the Best Consent Calendar for approval. it r :r mat .. ; ,y c. "City: Co'aaeil Mom as •tr��'• ... IM, i� N ?Y''1orerbec'2S�ti 1lCS '�'� �;" Fni Mr. Daqust stated that he would like to sae the City and the Fire District con - tinue to "plate the possibility of sharing uses. NOTION: Moved by Dabls recorded by rluquat to authorize staftl r ` To continue searching for potential situ for the City Xainteeance Yard; To erplota the feasibility of vtahlisbiog a Rancho Cucamaga Dom- 7rofit Foundation to help finance a fatura Cultural Cent"; and To continue studying the feasibility of establishing a contract equipment meiatesaacs program; and To refer the design concepts to the Manning Commission for roriw and nor meat to further refine a preferred alternative. Notion carried by the folle tug wotel ATZ0: Zuquet. akels. Dahl - - 10=1 Noce AISIXT: Vrlgbt. Zing ACTIM Council coucorred to place the following on the seat Conant Calendar (3) in order to give tb4 City Manager time to meet with Councllmembers Wright and King who veto absent: Authorisation for ftaff to prepare a contract with Yieldman- Zolapp for fi- nancial consulting services neceaur7 to implement Certificate of °•rtici- pation Financing program. aaaaaa a_ LOWNUM NOYi03t Noved by Debt, secolded by Zuquet to adjours. Notion nettled 3 -2 (Wright and King abwnt). The meeting adjourned at 7130 p.m. Zaspectful.y submitted. Beverly A. Asthelst City Clerk Approved: December ld, tUS