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1980/07/23 - Agenda Packet
tit I 2 l 1 r, 2 l ACTION Approved 4 -0 CITY 017 RANCHO CUC.,A,MONGA PLANNING COMMISSION AGE NDk WEDNEUDAY, JULY 23, 1980 - 7:00 P.M. LION'B PARK COMMUNITY CENTER 9161 BASE LINE, RANCHO C=&IONOA, CALIFORNIA I. M III. IV. CAC - Rempel Alternate Scerankn Representative, COC Ind Comm - Jeff King V. Street Naming - Dahlo Rempel Flood Control - King, :Toletay Approved 4 -0 Approved 4 -C Approved 4 -0 Pledge of 'Allegiance Roll Call Comninuioner Dahl Comminuioner Jones' Commissioner Oacranka Approval of Minutes June 25, 1980 Announcements COMMITTEE UPDATES Connent Calendar _x_ Commissioner Rempbl _ CK Conninniono Tolstoy _X (Excused A� ounce )) The following consont calendar Stems Are v.,Nocted to be routine and non- controversial and will ua onactod in one vote unless thara is discussion on any item. If anyone has concorn over any item, than it should be removed for discussion. A. pIRFCTOR REVIEW NO. 80 -15 AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSt4FNT - MOUNTAIN VIEW BUILDERS, INC. - The construction of an Induatrial Building to be located on the southeast corner of Pecan and Arrow Route - APN 229 - 171 -06, 07, 08 B. DIRECTOR REVIEW NU. aU -1U — ANU ENV- L"V14M/Mn'1' /11L C. ASSESSMENT JOHN D. LUSK - The development of 85,000 aq. ft. of industrial apace on 4.6 acres in the M -2 zone located on the northvest corner of 4th and Haven. Eli UMUNMEN'TAL AbbL0.Y1v1EN'1' UL' rAn ULU MAr nU. U112 LYLE AND ANN AE11TON - A residential subdivision of "2. 2a into four parcels within the R -1 zone located at 963.1 Hillside Bond APN 1061 -- 531 -01. July -5, 1900 Page Two u Carried Over to 7/30/80 Carried Over to 7/30/00 Approved 4 -0 V1. Public IEearingu The following items are public hoaringa in which con- cerned individuals may voice their opinion on the rolatod project. pleaso wait to bo rocoynixed by the ciwirman and addrowa tiro commission from the public nulcrophono by giving your name and address. All such opinions shall be limited t2 5 minitos par individual for each project. D. SEIDDIVIOION ORDINANCE E. IN'1'ERIM 'ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - Revinion to Rcoi.dential, PUD, Planning and Adminintration Sections of the Gan Dernardino County Zoning Ordinance an adopted by the City of Rancho Cucampnga. VII. Old Duninonn VIII. New Duninonn ir. LANDSCAPE PLANET FOR DAON DARTON - PHASE I IX. Council Deports °. Director Deports 0, EIR'S . REVIEW PROCESS it. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Xi. Public Comments This is the tbio and the place for the general public to address the commission. Remarks will be confined to those Stems not already on this agenda. X11. Adjourned at 10i37 pm XIII. to a wort: /stcdy session on Subdivision Ordinance and Interim Zoning Ordinance, Wednesday, AUguct 30, 1980, Library Conference Room, 7:00 pm. Upcoming Agenda 2-.-122-2 .m. Adjournment to a work /study scallion on the General Plan and Industrial Specific Plan. Tbq planning carmnission has adopted Adminlstrat'vrr Regulations that sot an l.lroo p.m. adjournment nime. :f items go boyond that tare they shall be heard only with the consent of the commission. 1` r�l ri{ 1.1 II 11'.^ '� '� 111,7 I''n r'{ ,1 I .,' I Ild I'...I I `I �i •I I' 1.1..1 �i!fi' /1 1 1 {^ 1` 1 1 1 ,1 ..111 1r r1 r 11 1 • I i:i1 r1 Ij.11 ' P 1.1 I 'll II 11 ''I1V, �. {!! " \i. �, 7.. 1 1117 4 d� d11 r ;•1 r ;V I1 X11 'I,�,11` .IL,, {11 Il ' fr , 1I r'rl lr r, '. 11 �•W 1111 T' it ,) A�, 1 1' ill r II I1'I� I 1 ,'!V ! •' l 1111 ��1 '�.!'1111).111 11'111 '�,/ 1111i��p' fl u, � If•I'. li�lr ,.1 �� li. , I;�I III,.1 ��11 �'1. 1'11 III yyI ,1 II 1!'r', 1 I 1 111 `. ,dfi I I Ir 1 I. 1.1'�I 11 '�,I', I`.'1 �, li'( 1711 , I '.it '•Ill,l f,l ,I 11 {: L•�,i y i� I!II ' n�. 4 111. .''1 II ,'' `( 1'; I'Llln �' �1). 1,11 '�.. r'I ii .'Y1 1' �I�.�} 'I. r•'ll `.I r1,' rt'� 1. 1r.i I 1 ll �I'.1. •111.. �:, 1'l�rl r �.II �I,I•p. I�I�''1�;1,11 :In1'II 1i �1 1 1.','�r: I Il.��l,r 11 1 1.;111 �i r r 1.' I 11 1 1 1' 7 11 � r I 1 I 2 'I 1 ) rx ('r I, ♦.I r 1 1' art 11 1, 1, ! ( 111 �i 11'' 9 "! .ri:i, {141,. 1 111 rliji�l y'I r 1 111 r I J1 1 III 1 :�' 1 1 111 II II a it •r , .. I'll .1 .1'1, 11'll. b., l ". L.11 .... "f' I 1, If{ "M 0 I 1 � 111,: 11, c "' I I ♦'I�I �.'�)I {it'll Ili1. Ir1 �.',�` I I'1`'lilrl 1'�II I I 111 II'a I n 'r i 'r1 �''' 11 1 Ir4 +1 111 rn; �� Ir 1 . I I it 1l',�il illli 11 71 If I 1 ,Iit IIY, I�rl II11 L' 1 1111')) ' I15i 1 4�'r1 jl''', ,I �1 � 1� 11 O rr r1 I r l 1 1111,1 ,11 1 � 1.11,' "V 11 ! 11 "i i1 i1, .11 rrjlr 111 Ild, 'I 111 r1:11�1'11) le"1 1 111,4.11 ltl,l„� 11, 1• 1'i1 1'11.1 : it i11 11'11 l I H ti('� III {r 11 I r 111 ul, 1 . 1e�.11y�111.F 1t.,'`'.1 1 "�' n11r1'1'� •, �il M ` 111 IVA4111 S '. „ r ,1•.1 1'�i 1, 11 •i l" i. .7..1.11 '. rrav� 1 r ri ' ��; 1►1 n 1 "1 r � , Planning Conuninnion Agenda July 25, 1900 Vage Two 0 VI.. Public Mortringn The following Items are public hearings in which con - cornod Individuals may voice their opinion on the related project. Ploaao wait to be recognized by the Chairman and address tho Ccsmiianion from the public urlcrophono by giving your name and addroan. All such opinions shall be limited to r miniteo par individual for each project. D. SUBDIVISIOII ORDINANCE E.' INTFRIM ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMi,NT — Revision to 11caidential, PUD, Planning and Adminintration Sections of the Can Bernardino County Zon',ng Ordinance as adopted by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. VII. Old Business VVill.. New Ducineoo /..'•� F. LANDIICAPE PLANS FOR DAON BARTON — P} {ASI: T V IX. Council Roporto X. Director Reportu i G. EIRfS - REVIEW PROCESS II. OROWTII MANAGEMENT XI. Public Cosanento This is the time and the place for tho general public to address the Commission. Remarks will be confined to those items not already on this agenda. XII. Upcoming Aganda 2:GO n.m. XIII. Adjournment to a work /study session ou the General Plan and Industrial Specific Plan. The Planning Commission has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11:00 p.m. adjournment time. if items go beyond that time they shall be heard only with the consent of the Commission. 4` t,i dP VI.. Public Mortringn The following Items are public hearings in which con - cornod Individuals may voice their opinion on the related project. Ploaao wait to be recognized by the Chairman and address tho Ccsmiianion from the public urlcrophono by giving your name and addroan. All such opinions shall be limited to r miniteo par individual for each project. D. SUBDIVISIOII ORDINANCE E.' INTFRIM ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMi,NT — Revision to 11caidential, PUD, Planning and Adminintration Sections of the Can Bernardino County Zon',ng Ordinance as adopted by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. VII. Old Business VVill.. New Ducineoo /..'•� F. LANDIICAPE PLANS FOR DAON BARTON — P} {ASI: T V IX. Council Roporto X. Director Reportu i G. EIRfS - REVIEW PROCESS II. OROWTII MANAGEMENT XI. Public Cosanento This is the time and the place for tho general public to address the Commission. Remarks will be confined to those items not already on this agenda. XII. Upcoming Aganda 2:GO n.m. XIII. Adjournment to a work /study session ou the General Plan and Industrial Specific Plan. The Planning Commission has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11:00 p.m. adjournment time. if items go beyond that time they shall be heard only with the consent of the Commission. 4` I; �I "I /N Ir •. ! 1 � 1 1 . �., I ' L. x II i fl U : 11 I �. �. If. l i o y'• I 11 ' 1 ;I'1 , 1( 1� 1 I! I f '':I I 1.�1 ! p,, 1 11i 11 1 I 1 I II 11 I I,• ,' ' '! ' 1 I I " , � , t I ,.i.� , ?. I, 'Ix ( 1 1 YY 1.1 1 � `f ,l t { II Irl tt� � • Ir' Ill x "i!,f 11 r/ (( .:1 I� J +•'r{' 1 141. I n l41 I I / i, I.',. (, � Il '„ I. ,,.i, i , , � { {,' I I, (I.I�, U r I r 4 I 11 �r 1411 1� IY.'.fl 1 1' ,♦ 11 ,1 .II tl' r I III'. 11 i,iy �� 1'.'I pl'I 11 '11: Ilr /�I�. iII� (.1 k'' 1`. I /i.111 1 11( I I �I I II' I1'1 I) \I hl• 1 VI I '�1 ,, 1. 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CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMIUOION MEETING June 250 1980 Regular Meeting CALL TO 011DER The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga was hold in the Lion's Park Community Contort 9161 Dane Line Road, Nancho Cucamonga, on Wednesday, June 25, 1980. Meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Chairman Hempel, who led the meeting +rith the pledge of allegiance. N N M N II POLL CALL PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Richard Dahl, Laura Jones, Jeff Sceranka, Peter Tolotoy, Herman Hempel ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None ALSO PRESENT: Barry Hogan, Senior Planner; Ted Hopson, City Attorney; Michael Vairin, Associate Planner; Paul Rogeau, Associate Civil Engineer; and Joan Kruee, Secretary N N M M N APPROVAL Or MINUTES Motion: Moved by Jonas, seconded by Dahl, carried to approve the Planning Commission mimxtes of May 28, 1980 as submitted. Jeff Sceranka, newly appointed Planning Commissioner,abotained from voting. N M w M N ANZIOUNCEMEUTS Mr. B wry Hogan, Senior Planner, announced that Mr. Jeff Sceranka had been sworn in by the City Clerk prior to the meeting and was now seated as a P1annLng Commissioner. Chairman Herman Hempel, announced that a Commendation Resolution had been prepared for former Planning Commissioner, Jorge Garcia, and read the Resolution. Motion: Moved by Jones, seconded by Tolstoy, carried unanimously, to adopt Resolution No. 80 -37, honoring Mr. Garcia. Chairman Hempel also noted that Mr. Garcia had served as vice - chairman of the Commission. ENVIRONMENTAL A013EXIOMENT OF PARCEL MAP NO. 61911 - CALUWFUrs COMPANY - An induntrial subdivision of 85.0 acres into 2T parcels in the M -2 General Manufacturing) zone generally located on the uoutlicant• cornor of linen Avenue and 8th Street. APN 209 - 271 -16, 17. Chairman Iininpel asked if there were any questions from the Commission re- garding thin item. Conmiiuuioner 'folutoy stated that he had a problem with the street layout as presented on the map. lie further stated that. he knew this wan to be an environmental assessment, however,. he would like to doe the tentative parcel map. Commissioner 'Tolntoy indicated that thud far in Rancho Cuca- monga, development has bceu piecemeal. Mr. Tolutoy'd concern wan that when final development of this property taken place, the streets that are planned in this development will line up with those that are proposed in future adjacent developments. Commissioner 'folutoy further stated that a better circulation pattern in needed. Mr. Darry Hogan, Senior Planner, asked Mr. 'folutoy for clarification. Commiduioner Tolntoy stated that tie does not wish to see this map go be- fore the Planning Commission because of his concern with traffic circula- tion and how the streets an planned will affect adjacent property. Chairman Rempel stated that for clarification purposes, Commissioner Tolntoy is requesting to see the tentative map. Mr. Robert Sundstrom, engineer for thin development, addressed the Cotnmid- uion and stated that the streets were designed for use of the property owners and the adjoining properties. lie indicated that Eighth Street and Cleveland Avenue were to be abandoned. Comnisnioner Tolntoy stated that thin would indicate the addition of two more cul- de -oaco and that he does not want to sce necessary streets cul- de-naced. Commissioner Tolntoy further stated that it was difficult for him to understand why "D" Street wan not douigned to go all the way through to the easterly property line. Mr. Sundatrom stated thut the parcel was designed for maximum utilization of the property and to provide rail service to lots 24, 25, 26 and 27. Commissioner Tolntoy stated it was his feeling that "B" Street should be developed to go all the way through to serve future adjacent development. lie further stated that as a Planning Commission it in their responsibility to look out for the overall good of the community. Further discussion took place with Paul Rougeau, Associate Civil Engineer, who stated it was not feasible to extend Cleveland to the north because of a grade separation at the railroad that would be required. Further discussion ensued relative to street circulation, private driveways for lots 26 and 27, and the possible extension of "D" Street, south. Commissioner Jeff Sceranka stated that the matter for discussion tonight was the environmental assessment for this property. He indicated that he would like to nee this item come back before the Planning Commission. Planning Commission Minutes -2- June 25, 1980 Mr. Durry llogan, Senior Plunnor, stated that if it was the Conuninuion'n desire, the site plan would be brought back for their review. is Motion: Moved by Scoranka, neconded by Tolstoy, curried unanimously, to approve the negative declaration for thin parcel map and to bring tho site pal: before the Commission for their review. N N N N M PUKIC HEARINUS CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION ORDINANCE - novinca Ordinance to be presented as per Condominium Committee Direction. Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report and indicated the changes in the proposed ordinance. lie further indicated that these changes were of a minor nature and recommended that the Planning Co:mnsinion adopt the ordinance no presented. Chairman Rempel opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to speak. Mr. .7c hn Withers, representing Lewin Ilomes, addressed the Commission ant, indicated that lie felt the requirements for laundry and parking to be ex- cessive and hoped that there would be nome flexibility in these requirements. Chairman Rempel indicate position of telling what indicated that lie has an enterprise. Commissioner Dahl stated control ordinance. i that he objected to the City getting into the private enterprise can and cannot do. Ile further aversion to government interference into private that he hoped the City doesn't get into a rent Motion: Moved by Dahl, seconded by Jones, carried, to adopt the Condomi- nium Conversion ordinance as amended. Chairman Rempel voted no, stating his opposition to government interference into private enterprise. N N N N M 011G ' %CrIIVY/LL! 11V. VV -V'. AOU GUY 111V111.1Iii, 1 /1U I \Op L'UD19 L'lYl l UIWIV V1UC\1Jl \L - The development of a truck and equipment storage, yard on 2 acres within the M -2 Zone located at 8908 Hyssop. Michael Vairin, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff report. lie indica- ted that in addition to the issue of screening the site, if the Commission considers approval of this project, it should be made clear that this use is for storage of trucks and equipment only and is not to be used for trash collection, reclaimed materials, truck washing, truck repair, and trash - bin cleaning and washing. AftL Chairman Rempel opened the public hearing. Mr. Joe Moore, representing Rancho Disposal Service, addressed the Commis- sion. He asked the Commission for permission to have truck washing and storage. Planning Commission Minutes -3- June 25, 1980 lie indicnted that thin ait•e in in the 14-2 zone and in hidden away from people who may be offended by the aight, lie further indicated that Rancho Dinpoual is necking to operate u rubbish collection company and had the underatunding that they could uperaty as such at thin nitc. Mr. Moore also stated that a major innue in the screening of thin site to obstruct the view from the nurrounding area and the freeway. Mr. Moore then rend a letter into the record which asked the Comminnion to view the screening as no innue on thin project and c'.11ow Immediate occupancy as a truck and equipment storage facility, including washing and repairing as ncr.eonary to the dispatching of thin bunincsn and allow the trailer that is to be used an an office facility to remain until completion of the free- way construction. Following Mr. Moore's comments, Commisnioner Tolntoy uuggested that thin item should go back to staff for review. Michael Vairin replied that if the applicant in asking that such uneo be allowed on thin site, staff will have to review this project again for ap- propriate conditions. Mr. Vairin indicated that a minimum four week con- tinuance would be necconary an the change in the applicant'o original re- quest would require County approval. Comnisnioncr Sccranka asked the applicant what 1:e would agree to an far as landscaping wan concerned. Mr. Moore replied that Ire felt that all this landscaping wan unnecessary. Mr. Hogan indicated to the Comminnion that the applicant proposed walls along the cast, west and north. Mr. Hogan further indicated that he had met with the owner of Rancho Disposal about the screening and what wan required. An agreement had been reached to screen along liysoop. Mr. Hogan stated that it appeared that staff was now getting two different stories, or else, Mr. Moore was uninformed. Motion: Moved by Dahl, seconded by Tolntoy, carried unanimously, to con- tinue thin item to the first meeting in August. The City Attorney stated for the record that a trailer could be used only for a maximum of two years, and not until the freeway wan built. It would be illegal to use a trailer for any additional time. 8:10 p.m. The Planning Commsioion recesned. 8:20 p.m. The Planning Commission reconvened. SITE APPROVAL NO. 80-07 AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - RICHARDSON - The development of a pre - school designed for capacity of 36 children on 0.40 acres within the R -3 Zone, located at 9575 San Bernardino Road. Michael Vairin, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff report. Planning Commiasion Minutes -4- June 25, 1980 Commissioner Jones linked if any shade trees would lie planted in the play urea. Michael Vairis replied thnt novornl large trans prenently on the site will remain and will. provide necessary Winds. Commissioner Tolstoy asked if the parking apron would be extended on parking stall number one so that earn can back up. Michael Vairin replied that it would. Chairman Rcmpol opened the public hearing and naked the applicant if he wished to make a presontation. The applicant replied that he did not wish to do no. Commissioner Sceranka indicated that lie wished to question the applicant on traffic in and out both in the morning and afternoon. The applicant, Mr. Eugene Richardsun, responded that there were 14 parking spaces and adequate turnaround room for vehi Ins entering and leaving. lie stated that lie did not anticipate any more than five vehicles in the parking lot at any one time. CommissionerTolntoy asked if children who are doopped off at the school would have to walk around the back of the cars. His concern wan that in doing no, there would be exposure to accidents. Mr. Richardson stated that ho new Mr. Tolotoy'a point, and would remedy the situation. Chairman Rempel stated that 1!e felt the chain link fence should be moved no that it would be in the front of earn parked in the parking lot rather than in back of the earn. Commisaio ner Tolatoy asked the applicant what provisions there were for draining the water on this property. Michael Vairin, Annociate Planner, stated that before the public hearing is opened, the applicant has some slides of the proposed site if the Planning Commission wished to ace them. The slides were shown and Chair- man Rempel thanked the applicant and opened the public hearing. Mra. Carmen Alvarette, 9591 San Bernardino Road, addressed the Commission. She indicated her concern was that traffic would be increased as a result of this pre - school and would add to the existing problem of her difficulty in getting into and out of her driveway. Mrs. Alvarette also indicated that there wan no problem with flooding in thin area. Mr. Dan Burns, 9561 San Bernardino Road, owner of some property to the went of the proposed pre - school, stated that lie was in the process of scliing his home and wanted to know what the preacnt zoning of his pro- perty is. Mr. Burns al.ao indicated that the current school which stated ® its hours of operation to be between 6:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. is opened from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Clients and teachers park across street frontages and traffic has increased along this portion of San Bernardino which,he said, was now hazardous. blr. Burns also indicated that the Planning Commission Minutes -5- June 25, 19 °9 I eucalyptus trion that provide nhnde are old and rotting. Mr. Ilurnn did state that druinage of water was no problem and that it flows right along Ilia house. Mr. Richardoon replied that there is rndequato parking and doors not sea park- ing nn much of a problem nn thin is a pre.achool. Working parents, he said, will be dropping off their children and picking them up. On the matter of the trees, Mr. Richardnon stated that he Ilan been requouted to remove some eucalyptus trees becuune of the necessary otroet improvmants. There being no further commenta, Chui:man Rempel cloaca the public hearing. Dincuosiou ensued relative to parking in the rcuidentu' drivcwuyo. It was dete•.•mined that n call to the nheriff by the renidento would be most ef- fective in curtailing parking in other renidenta' drivewayo. Following brief discussion by the Planning Commission, it was moved by Jones, seconded by Dahl, curried urinnimounly, to approve this nits approval, amend- ing condition No. 8 to children five years of age or younger, adding a con- dition for a concrete walkway near the parking, lot and providing wheel atopu for vehicles. GRADING COMMI77EE ORDINANCE - Revision to proposed ordinance creating a Grading Committee for the review of proposed grading pluno. Barry Ilogan, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report. He indicated that the proposed ordinance before the Planning Commission was the result of chnngco ouggeated by Commionionero Tolotoy and Rempel who worked as a special committee to develop it. Brief discussion enaucd regarding the inclunion of the Planning Comm!aoion as a reviewing body on Item 10 of the ordinance. Commiouioncr Sceranka inquired about the feasibility of topographical models in depicting grading contours. Mr. Kogan explained that cardboard models are riot longer used but that aty- rofoam in now utilized and in very effective in hillaide developments. Mr.. Doug Hone, 7303 Hellman Avenue, addrea Bed the Planning Commission and reiterated Mr. flogan'o comments relative to styrofoam modeln and their effectiveness. Mr. alone felt that such a model should be required of all developers and further ntated that in the long term, a model would reduce grading errors and be coat - effective. Motion: Moved by Tolotoy, seconded by Jones, carried unanimously, to approve the Grading Ordinance and recommend its adoption by the City Council, as amended. % If e % % ORAL REPORT - SELECTION Or DESIGN REVIEW COMMI'.PTEE Chairman Rempel asked that 'this item be continued to the meeting of July 9. Planning Commission Minutes June 25, 1980 P:LiSC'1'J0N OF PLANNINO COMMTOOTON CHAIRMAN AND VICL -; Following dincusnion, it was determined t1, 4t nomination and selection of the chairman and vice - chnirman be made by voice v>to. Motion: Moved by Jones, seconded by Seeranka, rsrried unanimouuly, that nichard Dahl be selected an Planning Commninsion chairman. Motion: Moved by Hempel, seconded by Tolotoy, carried unanimously, that Jeff Secranha. be selected as Planning Cosmmisnion vice- chairman. Following the selection of Lhc chairman and vice- chairman, outgoing Chair- man ncmpel stated that he had enjoyed being Plantdng Commission chair and offered his assistance in any way to the new Chu-,rman, Richard Dahl. K N N M N ADJOUtiNIdliN'I' Motion: Moved by Dahl, seconded by Jon .D, carried unanimously, to adjourn at 9:20 p.m. ITespectfully submitted, JACK LAM, Secretary Planning Commission Minutes -7- June 25, 1980 ti. , El C111Y 0I", ItAlsU-10 CUCAMONGA S1M F REPOK17 DATE: July 23, 1900 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Jack Lam, Director of Coi.nmunity Devolopment BY: Dan Coleman, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DIRECTOR REVIE We development of a�na'u;tr a -gu7rU n1 g t foot in the M -R zone located on the southea Arrow - APN 229 - 171 -069 070 00 1917 11V. OV -1D ITMI.11Cal tall ngfi-7 O squarCi t corner of Pecan and BACKGROUND: This review is for Environmental Assessment to determine any s gni- flant adverse impacts on the environment as a result of this project. The site and architectural design is not c-nsiderod unless it is related to environmental concerns. To detennine significant adverse impacts, an Initial Study of environmental concerns is prepared. Upon completion of that study, evidence would Indicate either no significant impacts or the potential for significant impacts. If a determination of no significant impact is made, based upon the Initial Study, then a Negative Declaration may be issued for the project. If significant impacts are found, then an Environmental Impact Report sould be required to fully analyze the potential impacts of the pro- ject. This item is before the Planning Commission for environmental clearance only and does not require review of the site plan or elevations. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: The applicant is proposing to construct a 79500 square foot industrial building on .04 acres of land located on the southeast corner of Pecan and Arrow. Following is the adjacent land use and zoning of this site. LAND USE ZONING North Vacant 1t -1 South Single Family Residential M -R East Single Family Residential M -R West Industrial Storage Yard M -R The subject property is presently zoned M -R and designated minimum impact industry on the General Plan. The site is presenity vacant, with an existing Eucalyptus windrow along Arrow that the applicant is proposing to retain. Full street improvements, including curbs, gutters, pavement, -Ind street lights will be constructed by the applicant along Arrow and Pecan. Item A i. J f tl', \ l �� 1�' 1 y iIM 11 ,if I'111 `111y' 1 , 11 IlOela 1\ 1, , 1 1 1 1' I e ,\ ?[ 1 A 1. : 1 r'I 1. I l l I .. I I f 1 1 1 r P r 1 I ��; 1 1. I U '• 1 11 r. r I l / r I:li r 1 1 'S I l l ,'i I, 1�'��1'(. ! ll1 `yl IY , 'Inl il1.R i .!r,il � I'�� ,,,(((;'Pil 1 � 111 I 1 !il•. Ilnl III. .�f 1 I f flr ,,. 11 { 1• (' 1 J ,III , � 1 r ! r r ,1 I 1 f'. ' � 1 V 1 � 11 F 1 ��I . � 1 , r (f 1 I r' 1 ! � ! i � li Yli'. All 1 lyl 5 4 (i 11'tI I YI11'�' Ij Ijl+ rw � ,r�� I II 1: }r {n 1 � li 1 �I� r• A� „�, •, L' nL A� �. jf111 fAnnD[f0 I ;I, iel UI ' 1 4•r3 ,,,�� ,I 1 1 ;t./ 1 I' r I II 1. ! ,.4 tl 1 I I 1:1 III I ', Iti f,•r 1 lln.�' Y / A 1, , I ', J., II. ' `',l, •� I 'll'If l: ,l 1111 J.i• 1 � 1' 1� II 1 1'..11 1 'il I I II (!'3 'l {,, +1 I. 1 i�1 �.) �1 pyt. 1131tYh,n "91� Nt 1'I,p f Sr I'I11 � I rlfl I /`,. I �S i. A I Ilyl a U 1 1� Y'�, l 1 1. , I A .JI V t 4• 11 { r, 1, ' 1 1 1 IYt { I 1 1 1 1 11 1 I '11 1'. 11 ,pi Il ll 1 I� 1; I 1 ,I pJI /, 1111 IIS 1J {'111 ill ( ,� IrA {I�111 1111 �S 1111._ 11 I 1 II" It I I ' {1451 1 11 ,.f 13 V. 1 31 1I ,I 1 ,1 Ilh01J1 �V !1 1 �1 3'1 11'..1. 1 11 111 1 11� 11 ' } ( 1. � 1 1 l � � 1 I f� � 1 • ' /..3, 1 1 I. .III l I i.l,q.'IS 1 ' 1,i i i �; \Jl9Y eeIJIM C 11 L� ' !1 II I I111Id1 { ' 1 1 1 1 1 / / • rl 31 '. rl r t �✓rllr , 11111.1 .%I ��I�'i�l ry, /li •I i ati.l t l l i I '•'1� fi x'11 .� -. Q! "Idr.,t'il' IV 1 y I�flr"I'/ 15A I I� 1 f1111 ,11�, 1 f111'I'115111 II II(I, Y(',Ig1�4 ,I'V1} ,�r �.�1 ,�' � 'I f'll �'1' III I) �I 1 'lil;� t 1(Ir1 ill itli 'I,�lil,,'1 �11'I, 1'' ;115,1 II'. If ,ll I.,y 111, 1 +1 11,1 '''1 i1rr11 1 �. I l il• 1 11 1 II' If 1`1 I I bbl I'1 1 1 1 4 I ,11 I 'h. 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 •.1 1 k I "' 15 ,. 11 I I ', 11 111 ( 1 11 1' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,r1 ,+ 11 1 q 'I✓ + i { 11 I 1 I I I'! i 111 1 �. 1 1 1, y 1 1 1 . "1 I 11 11 , +..1 111 \• Ifll11'Y� 1 }� I 1 '1i 111'1 le '117 + �!I 11`1 I .L LI y,l +l 11 I� 'IL 11. 15� { Iflr 1 ...i� ' 'T1: t, 1 11.\,11 1 �'(•� I 1' 1 r 1 I.{ `111111+ w 1.1 1 1 '111. k.. 1 1 ( 111 f �,, 5 r 1 1• II. ✓ •1 .1. 1 19'1, JI: "1 i1�1' .11'1 1+ 11 1 I111� (y L�i 11.1'1 1 111 Al '1 it y „y 111 .l �'. 1 1 .II 11 ' I / , I 11 11 14. 1 11 °11 I ' 1 i I '.1, Ir! 1'b.11111 IIt '.I 111! "I ' 'I j I tl! 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L M +IJS 11LWil'1 U 1' ,I1 1 y1J �f q1 I Iri t. �,,�I r11 J�II1 i� ,,1 511 1 I,'.JI Ilk Ill 1 ' +`i, I +111 I1 11 II �, 1111 C L E ' 1 1111,',11 1f 1 ♦ r j. ^.ry I y r1 1 v�` NORTH CITY OF J 1 •1 rr ,A +Illft f.:l� +t 511 i•} ♦ r ` �''i \ tt • 15, J � 1 r r1;r EXHIBIT, IYu. 1+ 1'11 1 I, f DIVISION \IL 1�1 I 1' { t+ t 1 � V'•• r 1 .i 1il 1, rf'r 1 • J 11 5 ? t� Y (1 1 I 1 7 i1C'r 1 '•5 ' .: 1 0l f l {I �" \^ .� 1 / I 'S I IW 1, ` . 1 , 1+ 1\ I .. t 1 , J I. , � V,. i1 +l t \ ♦', t.a 1 ' { 1 - 1 r 11 fl , Y I' Yi 4 !1 + i 11 A '.Ir 11 ].• I I \, 1+ "t lJ 1 + 111.1 1 1 ” ✓1 }Ir 1: ltl f 1 + 11 f r Ir 1 If I 1 �. LII 1`,Ir' I r r3 ( I1' IIS J „'.' t i 1111 11 +'I r'1 It 1� 5 i k r 1 1 1 t l .t f 1 rl 11 + v � p . I r' � \ ' t. (• ' I 1 �•' r' 1 1.( 1 � 1 `5. , CITY OF RANC110 CUCAMONCA INITIAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SIIEET - To be completed by applicant Enviro�.montal AaaoOam.ent• Review 1'cc: $70.00 01 For all projects requiring environmental review, thin form count be compinL•ed and cubmit•Lod to the Development Review Committeo through the department where the Project application in made. Upon receipt of thin application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study. The Development Review Committee will meet- and Lake action no later than ton (10)' days before the public meeting at which 'Limo the ,project in to be hoard. The Committeo will mako one of three clot- erminationa: 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have an environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or .3) An additional information report should be nupplied by the applicant giving further information concerning tho'propose.d project. ;�> PROJECT TITLE: Rental - Mr q. zone uoo APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: Mr. John Marchooi 11953 Yorba Chino CA 023 -4226 NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO DE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: Richard . "rdon 2619 So. Watorman Avo, '`'C&Ii' San 0ornardinn, CA 024 -1210 LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.)' Addroan not nooigned - Arrow Highway 229 - 171 - 06 07# 00 ` LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: Not aware of any. 1 -1 1 1•II 1 I f' V ' it 1 II.II r Il ..illlr '1 .1 '11'11, 4 14 1 i1 1 1 'r, }! I .�:• / .11 it I ,. e11� /'i l�l 1111 ;,� I it 1,1v,'.Yal 11, r 1r, ll •', 1 1 r �;1 1 rllr/� �I �o'•'.Ii.A 11. ��i'. `�11 I,•'I I li,l6 I � II,: I I� 1 1 11 I 1 r l , , I, 1 1' 1 11 • I ! ' , I r 1 ' 1 1 1 1 I U f V C •i I I 11 ( t11' 1111\ I.0 ' 1� 1 ' 1• � IL ^. 1 / ", 1 i, 1 1� 1 1 � I' 1 (r;., I 1, a�' I 1 ,0.' ! I,yl't % �.\ III 1{ 11 1 IIi,'.I I ,.i.. ,ql 1'1'.1 IY I r,l 1 1 Ii11 '•d1 II 1 1 11 1 i /' 1 1 III 1 11 Y' ;ly 1 r1 1 ' � r • � ,. 1 11A1 1 1' 1 I i ,I4) I' a �( 1 � 7 e� I f ,�./ IYI!' 1 I , 1l1 111 .1 I 1111 II r' I 1 I ly 1 ,1111 1�1 '1 .' 1 111r♦ 'I'r (,II I 1: 'I � 1 �' ". r ,J. 1, 1 ,� f 11 f 1 • 1' • I ! \ 1 1 ! I' �' 1 I 1 '' 4 11' 1 I I \\ I I D IY.•'1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '1'.1 1 ' i I 1 r 1 Y4i. ,. ,!�!. I II II''ll r' �11 X1,•,1 / I jll 11 J•!` l 1A'�Llp.1 I'I li`'n1 1�1A '/. ,ij 1 ".. .1 ,Ir '11,1 1 AI' ,11'1. 't \ 1 „�r 1 rl1 �• � I ! 1 11 1 1 1, 1 /'.liil aljll 1, 1 } y'.. t II �1�1 , i I I)r4 r 1 it III 1' I I� i 11 f I ' III "L;U yl �',`I II 1,`i II \1 1' �1� 11 I n` 1 1 'll llli {1 ;I�, /li t •''I tlU �' 11 /N�''1 1;11 A t II }A 111' 11 II ' 'J., I�i � r(l .�I{1. 1 { ' „�' 41 ILAf II I f �'l, � I 111 I, 111 � 1 rl ,_ I 1 "pj. 1ll 'I '1111(11 I 1 '•7 1 .1161''1 � 11 ) ", , 11 Ily'. ( •I. I. I I �eq�� 'l ''pal !I •i1 1 ( 1 � 1 / 'I '.I r 1 ) 111 '11 I 11 1�,1 � I.r �.I I 41 1 I'. '.l .II 1.1 '.',il I •, 1A. •. r r , r1 r PROJECT TMISCRI 11111, ION DESCRIPTION OF PRQ%TEC'T; 0110 501 x 1501 Andoroon Pro= onginecrod Stool I4rg. u nyr ACREAGE Or PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE r001TAGE•Or EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, Ir ANY: 36 750 Sir. rL. No oxioting buildingo - 7,500`q �-LI'� oi' propo0uc u ng. DESCRIBE THE 7aNVIRONMENr11T. SETTT.NG Or ITIiE PROJECT SITE • INCLUDING INFORMATION ON 'TOPOGRAPHY, PLANT'S ('TREES) , ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE .or SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION Or ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS)1 Eucn)_yntuo troo0 bordering !Arrow Ilinhwny. Chain link funco bordering Pecan St., with no troco. Lot in groan coyorod Aft Eluctric•- Sout•horn Cnlirurnin Edioon Co. Gan - Southorn CaliFornio Goo Car Water Sari Gabriel - Wotcr Co. No Sower I 41 1 I'. '.l .II 1.1 '.',il I •, 1A. / A I 0 C r' • WII.,T, THIS 1)11QJFCTs YI"& NO 'Create _• XXX 1. n nubstantial change in ground contouru? XXX `^ 2. Create n substantial change in existing noise or vibration? XXX 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, nowage, XXX q. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan deuignationn? V XXX 5: Remove any existing trees? Ilow many ?. XXX G. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials ouch as toxic subatances, flammables or explosives? 'Explanation of any Yr5 answers above: JMPORTANT: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnisyed above and in the attached exhibits present the data and 'information required for this initial evaluation to the best of m1 ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaulation can be made y the -q elopment Review Committee. ( f Date`_ / —d'�� Signature ~J�� Title"" J DATE: TO: rROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANG-10 CUCAMONGA STAF 1' REP0IVr July 23, 1900 Planning Commission Jack Lam, Director of Conmiunity Development Dan Cole.*nan, Assistant Planner ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 80 -20 LUSK - Yho evo opment of 5,000 square foot r of n us a spl ace on A.6 acres in the M -2 zone located on the northwest corner of 4th St. and Haven Avenue BACKGROUND: This review is for environmental assessment to determine any s gn fi cant adverse impactson the environment as a result of this project. The site and'architectural design is not considered unless it is related to the enviornmental concerns. To determine significant adverse impacts, an Initial Study of environmental concenns is prepared. Upon compeltion of that study, evidence would indicate either no significant impacts or the potential for significant adverse. impacts. If a determination of no significant impacts is made, based upon the Initial Study, then a Negative Declaration may be issued for the project. If significant impacts are found,th en an Environmental Impact Report should be required to fully analyze the impacts of the project. This project is the second phase of an overall Master Plan for the Rancho Cuca- monga Business Park. Phase I is undergoing grading presently, and the applicant is requesting approval of Phase II. Phase II encompasses the development of two light industrial buildings totalling 85,262 square feet. (Exhibit "A ") This item is before the Planning Commission for environmental clearance only, and does not require review of the site plan or elevations. The project will be developed in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: The site is presently rough graded and contains no significant vegetat on. The site is surrounded on all sides by the rough graded portions of the remaining Rancho Cucamonga Business Park. The subject property is presently zoned M -2 and designated major industry on the General Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: Part I of the Initial Study has been completed by the applicant and is attached for your review. The Environmental checklist has been completed by Staff and no significant adverse environmental impacts were found. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon analysis of the Initial Study, it appears that the project will not cause any adverse impacts upon the environment. If the Commission concurs, then the issuance of a Negative Declaration for the pro- ject would be in order. JL:DC:cd Attachments Item 8 1 1.. iy� i W 1 1. S p. 11 , ... +1'1 1 1. IF�....lr 1 'I,1 111r 1i" ,''' I •.j� 11, 1111': 'I 11, 1 , 11111 i, 5 I '. 1 I! 1 1 T1 1 I 1 1 'll 1 1 111 1 1 11 I v l I l I) + L11.. � 1 ,al .ill r ' I 1' ' t 1'1,1 ' .ICI wl ❑'ill I � 1 , {'. 11 1 1 �'I\ ( U,.�.� •, 1 1114 1, 1 1 II 'rl1' 1 1 1 11 ''11 it I( 1'. 1'11•'1 1 1 I ,Y i I ( h 1 .1; I Y',1' 111 1 1 1 "I, '•1 iyl l � i f 1.J +q n'' I I � ��•,li {I 1 �.''l i1, I !t,il l )a','ll � 1. fl.., 11\1 r,'I .ry 1 r 41 ,. I 1 11 Ir I I4 Fr' j, �1.�1 1� ( 1� 1', 1 1 i'1 ' 11 91 1'1 C y {l a1P )I a 111'l11r 1 �111r 1'1 1 �.I�II,y 1p'L, 1111 ' ' '1 1 II1�1� IU y Ir 11'111 II 1, 1 +1 „I• ( I'lj 1 Ij 1 1� 1'I '1 'r1111I 'I.i,11y 1 i '111 II,y1 I• Illl i' 1.. I 7 A' 1y111'1 i1111ti SyI '1� 1.'r( 51. I a1 �� 1 S y1 , (1a 511 „111. If 1 1 1 I ^r),:.. 1 1- 11 i 1{1. ' 1�1t il' y ,1 III 1 III” t,r 1i�+ 1 � b, Il.•11 II ❑ 11 J 1 I {.. 111 ,1y 11x'11`1 '.1_..1 II y 1r! I1 1�P ll 111.'1 I 111 11 1 h `1yy a 1i'I ' 1. {'.. 1.,1.1 y 111)14 1 I 1'41 r 11 71.1 ��1 1 q •.I) ' tl'.I tl i 4�'.1 1 % "1' Ir 1'11, ,1114 1'� 1 ) V, '111 1 1 1 + 1 fYl1 �1 1.1, .��'✓,' '1, I II '+1.� "111. r'�.F •1 rl 1 1!4.151, 111.'d'1 �1,1' "j. 1, ! fly 5,1. 1111.1 I,ASy� i Ili ll {�I,1 1,�,1,' 11 I) I,' I 1 5 4r '1 ryr .1111 ;�I hjl:Ir '� I1, 1'.. .1•llj ' Sly.•ili I'4I 1�� 111 1y 14' (i11j�,i�'1' I Flyll 4illi.� al , 11 .I.1 ',.+ li /1;�j Ij•. I I o 1,,111 111 1511 ;,, I III j•:" 11 / I F -.• N� 1 I 1 IV 1 il. 1� f I 1 �� P: )1 1111111, r' b 11or1F' 1 1.:71, 1'141 i1 i4 ZVI 4? gr15 i� �.�Ilr I I. 4;;'i +1i It r 1 f i A,.11 I rii';'1� , 1111: + `l r; m •. IIy `L. LI A °,M' r e) ±1 1 +1.1 1 I 1, 1 •1 ,1 l.11 11 N 111 + 5 t 1y 7 r, ,I 1 ll It Apo 2i Otto ", i I . I rll 11 '-I' "Al i, ,VA 14 Ir 1 10 1A ef, ji . Eno t if �IM� 10, 4 1- 4 v i 4' CITY 01' RA11C110 CUCAMOkA INITIAL STUDY i PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET - To be completed by' applicant EnviroiNiental Assortment Review roe: $70.00 For all projects, requiring environmental review, this form :hurt be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department where the project 0- PPIA.cation is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will pre Part II of the Initial Studv. The Development Review Committee will meet and take action no later than ten (10) days before the public meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Committee will make one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no cnvirorunental impact and a Negative Declaration will be riled, 2) The project will have an environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or '3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project, An PROJECT TITLE:. Rancho Cucamonga Duoinoos Park APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: 17550 Gillette Avenua, Irvine, CA 92713 557- 8220 I701E, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: John Alntrom or Tom Lynch 17550 Gillette Avenue, Irvine, CA 92713 557 -8220 LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS A1__.� ASSESSOR PARCEL N3.) Lots nurse, of Parcel Map 05157 — hcunded by Center Avenue, Enterprise St, and Consno� ^e Center Ot , LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND TIM AGEI2Cy ISSUG SUCH PERMITS: (none) IN I -) 017 q p wil w -1 4, g Ile, 0 -A I fi e A PROJECT DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Two I buildinyBp 52,'229 tjq.fL. and 33,03: loadiny docks, anclused yards nnci divitinbla into two tonnnvion onch. ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY: Oita no - 4.60 total bldg. vq.ft. - 135,262 DESC1 Isr' THE sNWRONMEWAT, S INCLUDING XNFORDIATION ON TOP, ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTO Or SURBOUMING PROPERTIES, A EXISTING STRUCTURES AND Timi 1) Vaunnt lots` rough grading compit I Provurry--D-1-811-UI—ar corwition. -2) This dovalopmont in part of itant duvulopml by—TIM; owner. Oil, 0 'IN • I wztr, •rtti s PROJECT: XES NO 1 X 1. Croats a substantial change in ground' contours? ^. _x 2- Create a .substantial change in existing noise or vibration? x 3- Create a substantial change in demand for municipal sorvices (police, fire, water, sewage, etc .) i X 4. Create changes in the existing zoning or • general plan designaricra? -x 5: Remove any existing tress? Now ninny ?,� X _ 6- Create the need for use or disposal or- Potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammables or erplos Ives? • Explanation of any YES answers above: IMIORTANT: I£ the project involves the construction of .residential units, complete the form on the next page - + CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnisher above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of ;ty ability, and that the =acts, s _emer.ts, and ny knowledge presented are true sad correct to the best of my knowledge and belie=. I furt::er urderstand t:'a t additional information may be required to be submitted ' before an adequate evaulat ion can be made by the Development Review Committee, Date �,/0;,dn Rancho Cucamon eit:os© Pa ignature /� . 13Y 2 f, ML homas P Lync 1 —9 Title sir /Commerical- Sndustrial const� T-13 H CITY OF IIANCh10 CUCAWX) 4GA srAFF IiLPORT DATE: July 230 1980 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development BY: Dan Coleman, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: A residential subdivision of '1.62 acres into four parcels within the R -1 zone located at 9611 Hillside Road - APN 1061- 531 -01 BACKGROUND: This review 1s for environmental assessment to determine any sign f -Tcnt adverse impacts onthe environment as a result of the parcel map herein described. To determine significant adverse impacts, an Initial Study of environmental concerns is prepared. Upon completion of that study, evi- dence would indicate either no significant impacts or the potential for significant impacts. If a determination of no significant impacts is made, based upon the Initial Study, then a Negative Declaration may be issued for the project. If significant impacts ,are found, then an Environmental Impact Report should be required to fully analyze the potential, impacts of the pro - jects. The applicant is requesting to divide approximatley 2.62 acres into four parcels, with the largest being approximatley 51,000 square feet, and the remaining three being approximately 20,000 square feet. This subdivision will create a legal lot for ownership purposes for an existing residence fronting on iillside Road, with the remaining three parcels to be available for future development. The zoning is R- 1- 20,000 which requires a 20,000 square foot minimum lot. The General Plan designates this area as very low residential, .1 to 2 units per gross acre. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: Tnerc is an existing single family residence fronting upon Hillside Road, withihe remainder portion of the site being undeveloped. There are Eucalyptus windrows on the north, south, west and east property lines. A 33 foot offer of dedication to the City for road purposes exists along Hill- side Road. The applicant will be required to construct full street improvements or bond for said improvements. A 20 foot offer of dedication for road purposes exists on the south property line, for the future construction of Peachtree Lane. At such time as future development occurs on the parcels created by this subdivision, the applicant will be required to in -,tall full street improvements for that half portion of Peachtree Lane along t :e south property line. Construction of said street improvements, both on Peachtree Lane and Hillside Road, necessitates removal of the existing Eucalyptus windrows, and replacement planting would be required by code. The following is the adjacent land use and zoning of the site. Item C Staff Report July 23, 1940 PM 6175 Page 2 LAND USE ZONING North Vacant i% -1- 20,000 South Single romi v Residences R -1- 20,000 Cost Vacant R -1- 200000 West Single romily Residences R- 1- 20,000 EirVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: Part I of the Initial Study has been camptoted by ie app cant an s attached for your review. The Environmental Checklist has been completed by staff, and no significant adierse environmental impacts were found. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the analysis of the ,nitial Study, it appears that the project wall not cause significant adveria impacts upon the environ- ment. If the Commission concurs, then the issuance of a Negative Declaration for the project would be in order. Respectfully submitted, JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL: CD: cd Attachments: Parcal Map Part 1, Initial Study 4► ®I 1 r t : I'41 : 1 Aq.lanl,'I; � I'.. .� 1 y;.:: 1� :,. ,� rr1 irrr rrr Ir ���� 1 r�� rr .,i� f f lii it ,i 1 '• 1�1 vlVwl'1'.1•I "",44 '1 /e,r�' jf r� r 4 �r'•L 1'1'� '.tl ( 1 II'r,', I 1 'LY 'Y I 'r6' l ii ll r 1. }}. 1 r,'' 1 11 I I're 11 �. n v.l .. I r 'r l 1. .r'1 •.I 1 ..tr. 1 1 r,' rl. I '1 "j } 'ti 1 1" �` r •.. 1 1 I I IJ. 11 � 5 1 1 lit' 1 1 ` � 4 l,lM1V 11 1 1 1,'. 71 1 1111 `l.� Irlf .yl 'I �•I I.I ..'ll 1{ I'r.'I vl ) it 11 f I 1 I !f `..1 LI1;1 I .`I ..)' 1 i Ilr,1 �1 i' 11 1 r,. irl ILI f r Y +r. • 11 X11 rr ; 1 1 I '��. I r 1 I ' 1 'I{ ( I. t 11 r 1 it {l\ I r ( I� I 'll "rl i rl 1' +i L1i11 1 1` i1 /,11 '11•r•'r 1 1 I r r t (I) 1 I1r' '.. �il {S7 I { 1 I,� I,' 1 r,.rl l r 1 r. {4 1! I � 1. ` �. r I I !. I'r Iri I f ril'.1 ,I �'h':I ' ri) r{ 1 �j'fd 1�11f:rh1 r'1 111' t rlil 11) 1'11, 1 I�''..I r! ,111 v ul 1' t Y j 11 >,.�' r I' r 1 11 ( I .Ill ') 1 'I I , I 1 I {1 Ivt 1r � ') I , r.. I Il i 1 I rrl1al . r , I f' ,1., il�'r , i v 4 '`. rllI; ,1��p 1f1 !4y14/',� !1111 11i 11 •ail 1 t,a 1 ��. rl 1'I ! ( 1 ',a III r ,i tl ')1% )r: �tpll f 1 i.. 'u, /1, �'1,')i. 11., t1ti'j �i'.: 1 1 l; I 1 it h ti 1 j `.�I 'I II.1 "1'1 i 111rIt 1111 1.. r rr I Ir 111r 11' 111 ,v' I'r''" Ir.: "�: Ir l / � I 1 1 rh1 �1 1 Lr I I 1,11 I 1 � �4! I� 'ri'� {�,I II•, V: I II,'r (1' 'tl ,,,: 1 tl 1. � • 'u1 i �1 11' { rl I.'I r 1p I 1 ;.I "1 11 11 it r' r11 1'' 'lll! �pjl; J�11 1 11'1 ,. rrr r 11:'1'�Ir n 11:+ Iri ly.l .. II f I I 1 1 11� U1i'1 1 y II.,.y pl I. f 1 _, 1 r f 1 'll /'{ 11111`1'1 urlli'r�1 I ' ?• CI JIr, C.,1 4M. -d •r `r� 11' �1: !.ijl II i11l1 ' q. 'r'I�I �'r Lv 1 'M1I I 1 , "lii JJJ IIII. VI '11 i'�'�, i, I,y t 11f 111 /Y1�1�41r II''.. r')PI j1111��1 IIl,r� 1 Ifr1 9111 li) '1 i ) 1 1• 111 h! „b III {,L� I, j1 _I'I,, m It _I'I,, m i V 1 4 Al it 1.� It. 41 k I ij1 111E II ;iii:; 14 1 41I'Ilt lh m m PI CITY OF ItANC110 CUCAWNGA INITIAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET - To be completed by applicant Envirolunont'al Assousment Review root $70.00 For all projects requiring onvirontnont:al review, this form must be comploL•ad and submitted to the Development Review Committee through Lho department where the project application in made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study. The Development Iteview Committee will meet- and Lake action no lator than ton (10) days before the public meeting at which time the project is to be hoard. The Committeo will make one of throe determinations: l) The project will have no envirorunontal impact: and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have an environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied ® by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: %,I-t 5 APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: L -'5r-- -T -Zi1vI !l11., I I LLII -� NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO DE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: Li`r(_r a; yh,1,JN ('3�ct.I'LZ�71J LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: /J *vQ F- Y� m - I I Nv; 0 � ,,, ( :� , ". \'.14'1 � � , . A','! , i 'J., I ."� :1 VI'l, 1, P / 'I, I 11, 1 1. 1,� i t I k i 1 j i"p 1 1, t, 11 '1 0,� I I I J, k rl twos I .1 IX g I .1 it '1 "1 I ! �1 �( r1; ., I I .'�, 1 1 ! Id..l � r r 1 i' I 1(, 1 Il�'L+, {.1„ ! ! 1. 1 11 II .. 1 1' I I I ,T I r 1 c n I 1 in X111 1a 11 1 1i I'r� 1111 ,.1 /11111 111' r ly1 jl 11 �1 tl' Li r r,r'r,l�ii 111.1 f 1 1 ie i �.:1" 1l.,ti 1 'Y'.,1 I :! �.1.�1 1'1� 'Ui ' 11.:11 II jtll �iY q, Ir �! t',' 1•..il II Ilrirl5 1f411 � 1 r1 1.1 i �1.'it '� I' �nl 1 Oi'1 ,1 l,.l r 1 1 1 I,ir 4n' 1 I r .'�. I I I't I- 1 �l � r � li I �I! 1 r. I. I I I I r n I' � I 1 , r 1" � 1 Y, ,11 rl 1 Ir o: 1'I Ii' ( i l rll, x. (1 y rr i'. r!r�Q1r111 ;� },I 1l'.Li rr�l ,1I 11'Ill lr r�I �II 1 '', I�i1 1, ii!h rr1 1l Ir1 11 r 1 i ( ll•�!1�l'III . 1 r , , 1 �1il lr �,�x IjMf fll1il 1I 1111 ill It • 1' }'1',1,'1 j. 1 '.'L;. ,.I!'ly i 1 ,` 1!*lt,� . (t'I:V\'IV +, v171 +.�Il.li'll I'�� nt1-(I 1 Ill ,i %I +` ! +y •'h .. 1. .Y... ... ir'. � :: �. t•�.'1. Wl ,y.1 r•r.y .., .... 11 r 1 1' *'_` 1 7 "Ir ,I I 11 !{ '" 5 1 .+I- �• ) '. 1•t a + °I fl l r � rl 'f 1 + i II 117 (+ 'Y ill' 1 � 1 \ { I 1 . LAI r �1' 1 1 'I '11 )' i ♦lyre' Ir, � I I�� .�I11 i '1 I`S il�'r 11 1 � ) 11 1'. 'li '� t✓ l 11 ��vr1 1.�'{; rt111� ' r, 1'1';;' + 11��1 ,} tli Its,.'. 11�iI„�.'P r��;y 1r 1rI (�, Y1 • +I .1 .) 'u 1 �'d 1 Yi` Ir1L! 1 ....' '�. I �.. t•.. +. 1. • l �•.1 i+.r 1 ? A I -':. 1 \.. .. .171 '. ....+ t i L. 0 El CI'I'Y OF ItANCi 10 CUCAMONCA STAl''1' RLP01VF DATE: July 23, 1900 TO: Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Jack Lain, Director of Community Development BY: Michael Vairin, Senior Planner SUBJECT: NEW SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Attached please find a copy of the proposed new Subdivision Ordinance. Shortly after the City's incorporation, a Subdivision Ordinance was written and adopted by the City on an interim basis until further procedures and pro- cesses could be developed that are in accordance with the State Subdivision Map Act and development of additional design guidelines that the City wants to encourage. The new attached ordinance will take the place of the old ordinance. The new ordinance incorporates the latest amendments to the State Subdivision Map Act and complete procedures for subdivision processing and approval. It is hoped that the Subdivision Ordinance can be reviewed and approved by sincetthehCityawillgbeoreviewingaandtapprovingoresidentialoprojects possible and subdivisions this fall. This ordinance is not the development of a brand new ordinance, but rather, a refined ordinance incorporating a better format for administrative procedures and other ordinance requirements relative to the Growth Management Plan and residential development policies. Resp ctful* s bmittecj� JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL:MV:jk Attach. Item D Original Poor Quality n 70NING CODE - It-1 01%irk'I 61.024A !1u'L�wk_arJct lllwl�ul,uuUUt br Shu JnuuU4r_rtllJJlJ+i / 114'AvA4 :I111I1.1hemffN4 .Jlt .atiJ3tUCh_a ttuL iJf tlJl{ wdutiNv! trw1H1111- 11rr- mrMfrrt- and ^frrfnrttntiar r. I- AV vL1w,!w.W-Alal"Wout.li►lLt. JlvwtibaJ-herol it. JaU -.. )ML1t1(.']_1(U ,:JIM" -4'NW( 144-Ar li II-"+- dVhrTr^nnccrtnhrty r;.` ll�lv.: t.' t. 4t1 lt4. luuuuLlrl. u. J. 1. u{► µrlJ�Hi .4nwht{ntirnr- Nrc-i:nnd -Hn iNrtTil't .A1 Jl)�..LLu:JiJ l�tr�lu}1.ru1u+,�lual;lt{l +l �' : -JJJ_ Xbow._ µJV ar•- beHHdnrir+- nrr-- hmIivxtrd - -n- ;gTIrtTni1n,Iwly- J)i1kUtlutI.AwJ:l:tu{1.uliw I+H wvttr .l, eitchghtrl•shn1I I m- ctnm mint il tm - vuLJuuuululut:_. ._^..,....._ J.: J _- l+►.auw11>tli+ldrd.t +n +rrrfr^ and ^r- In•rc ^n- dt<trtrr'tnnnnrrtc ' tU>: 41�s _�,.JJU. ^t1r \�.INV�INHNY -HF -, reel r^h nnndsricr- mric�'�"1n(II'i"ITt�it�nP' ttiuluulJUU- �IPub1IW�A +INnHrrr�•tMhy tnrn+l^ Net- Tt�h ^n(rtTi,ntt1}rnn"fhi� n, ,.__..____.1 a. 1... 1t' hNr.�{tn�- rnhrrhrintr•r•.��kt�- tan^ t' 1: nntlnF'('tnnttTi��'T(lrt':llTin" .tUt:r iUW- tl1aI +N'HI•km•t+l'-l+ttttntitlrirr: .__....... ...a.la..- 1Ultrr.�.,r�rnh4ir ^•+ trot -nr ^:nice ^te'�'n'fli4 :Ttt� "c :T�'lfli•il- u7�._ NMiN1MtiH11Cd�- I♦K- n•�rrfatinnraM�fic;rhit err - ears "�n�'nt'rc- ttr�-Inrh-tt-R�T�rn, wHtt N, lridr�ln-+ mh-+- rceh• cf• r +rnhnrtdnnrtF�hrctt�r'tttrt'--'- --- •tr +-- iaF,�Fki� +, -; Mar -)i {i9-H - +wh tit- CYh�tl +tl�:1t;--t'tn�"tr+nTtrd:ifT�T� %;T .HrhKN.kit1� sex- dnnrrt�nr tnc�rctittit�t l'rtrtl-thc 1 ?(LItI�Tnt;f(rQ((1TO r f"i rr 7 Jbi1L &11JaLJU:JwutJLttcuLtlJtu +tNacwl aural{ ntloi lk•tl•nnd•tlrtttoveti- nnd•1fit? Ji: L' ulJ lituu_ ltl'_ JLL�.. aluµuuc.{ un: �• culJtls.. llJU- u► u +...ttl= .lhi.- �2H1t1•,- •iKtiitN nX+:- slu u'luu_�.. J be _LJ�L L� d..lillll�i114t► -:I UIi ..I NJ�(JKM^�t- Nla+ -�irrw Ni -l4Nti N'}l itt/ttf JudlrUul:Lnutl uuu: lLr. �ti: uul. tU< r{:. r_ ut: uwrJ:.: u: JH• a{.tuWFkMwrHl'«tyl +tilrc- ircrrhr- Sb U ll il bb t: d _:u n 1 � t<i•L uc J_ u >. J u•_ L J..�•1' fu,..t -u N K u .; {l l- i;H H N •1 a h4 t t d r d �v N #Tit r •t M r . luuuuLttLss >1J::uL�U1lL4U1i'..d(i Lr1LL�lu ll4K.{{{4tK -:Irl� {� H 1111 6I.024A R•I Ili+ltirl. Tlw l'ollowhig repulalions shall appih in R. 1. Single • I;nnily itcs(dence Uislricls: Ua) (iI :NI:ItAl.IISI•SI'I-R\I11 "1'1'.1): 111 0110•falllilp dwelling on each lot. 121 UtIlA parJeninp. tree I;tnning. nurseries and greenhouses used only I'or the prop;ag,rling and culllvaNng of plank. prodded Ib:tl: 1,11 Relnd sale from the premises of such products or cum tit, diIie% raised on the prupert)' wul tuc {>h1 N}IN -IN{I WtipaWJillJg NVH {mot .5ij,UAULL --l- shall he permilled only on lots having an area of tit lens( twenty thnusaud (_1).0001 square feel. cvciudinn rotail nurner 'and solo of Iivastock 1 ll Small lhesnrck• cows• goals ant low mat tr krill un auras (it' and rabbi five 151 acres or mare I+rior III residential use. sul?ieel In the followhtg httl(lal(ons: (At Uue I I I cow or lwu (2) poah; for each t +rte (11 acre in area ul' the parcel of I;md on which the saute :rte kept• or one hundred (1O()1 rmvl for each one•ttuarter 1a1) acre in area of the parcel or hand nn whir, 11 112-31-761 O)lg)naa! Poop Rualltj - 61.024A LAND USE AND [WILDING REGULAI IONS %ante are kept; laid I'totlu•r that such anhnale or fowls be kept at least arty I I501 NO I'ronl front properly fine, and seemly (70) I'sel I'n+m bulldlop llsctl ror human hal,itatioo, puhlic parks, schools ou ad)olninit lots or parcels, 141 ('alv anal dogs, ool la eu•rrd the keepinit of Iwo 111 cols mid /or two l -'1 dope, 151 VIII'lir and private uses as follows shall he peridlled iflflc 1! •ondie on one er!nir .luuatlurr- aHHt.�luw,lt +p'fjWf0 �pintr Is approved, as prut'Ided in Section G•L.17.1•P{•LL: ' Gl , 0219 0 ' . i 'All , r or ronununity rill+%. 1111 Country cluhs, Inrhullug the locidvolal serving of alrohulie hcrerllic;. lor.elher wilh poll' courses, eseeplinl! ullolalurc courses I'd .9111111111' co it) mere lal cntcrpriees, IAIII. On►, 1-113.11-16'68) 1('1 1-11e and police stalluns. IM Sellools, encludiag colleges or universities. ; revival. 11:1 ('hurries. esrinding rescue missions or lemporary 1�1 °1 CV111ell'1'ies, i I(il \luseums, not operated I'or prol'II. 1111 Park%and plio-grouuds. i 111 Electrical dislrihwiun sul+slallonl , 1141.1. 1'16;681 1111 Social ('are Vaeilitirs I'or n Iolal of seven 171 or more prisons, excluding operator. operadois, family and!or slafl'. 1 IKI (bn1'erence ('eider, including barldental sen'ing or ulrullolio beverages. (Am, Ord. 1413. 1'16'68) I Il ►..lw�u{wt;ttu�ulJ: NN4Hi+��i1r14'111Ntir� +llµ1� tNINi►H {Vfr -for auLulGialuw ...u_fU�b.+..l,srurl�W.,t- loess•a. 1. - Flu+ �' lulaHl +rHl•.1+uirru•- .nl..'fFi�tih -Nr• 1 i « HU1r-* nNmewH- 7nrlrnnhrlt-! r•• mrawr- rmM-• r•f �- c, r- r- errntinn;rrie,n- nF�thr-s;mrc' a +, dr+•ri..t+l+naN. 1 ' '''1'''''' 1 U.... 1: wu.. Lllalw. �u'. iU4:►+ ua. �Juu +u[- ;u�c►i,!'- IJH�t�'- -r.sw� l.�ll.ulll:lU:.11'L• Lpnr...►iuu L�1.1... I. ILr_ N{ Uil:,:71:- au1l11iW�► �; ItHi4a4- IHHF•!:�7N1'- IINHtIdH1it11 jLl,f,�l•• "'��,��• ":;, �fy�, >}l}171:1LL..1114U�d1VHH- IHHI -d isiiNH 'l�k ►{i1l''dCMI`►t�p11h`fl�. ' �. Y. W:. ul'. livauuuE..lxci,;u.coupe...au�l. taw.• 11uw+ k, 1 ,�rrc+- k+IrphHHr�+nnnk+rr. -hxlr } .' L::u.l.,1llu:e- luau►s�l..ft1 X01. 1' wu- 1rHr+ r•- +ny�er(Hrr- I:iynrtll+hwr-It -is c4:. tumi, tu: ll_ by.. tbu. Uauuirilt ..L:uuuuixcuuti•Sub,�uuuHN k+�-N Hk�tti4ewtiwinrc•irrg• StciU. lu- t. t. at_ au:.tuupii+.la- 111N.{ulwrl -eN-1 hir«nt4iear.- Sigrrrth:rl#• nnf'irrtTrrrr -fight sliclul+ctf HI•Srrarl- itHrrarr HMn +. 4444 1 akes 144aie. I111 Al (TSSt1l(1' tlSl•S I'I ?I( \11'1 I I D: I I I Go"I houv Ihalhroona l+hrnlling 41111% 1. 111 Proale garage with space I'm nlaxtnnnn of four 141 cars. Ir.aoar,! 11 t, j, 4rlgInal Poor Quality 70NING C'ODI! • It•1 01 +trio) 61,024A Alraulul L• to Orel. .72 of L•hn C1t of A I,tl IloInk. occupaIlotyti {uu u► Iola ul uu ku:6,1i11ut� =1tN' lu ql! 1bu..u1'LJc�_uC 1.111u►Wuu. 1lvuti,tr41114"Vt -. - 40UµI14W -Of- 011th- 110041114 ' luuhurl�ul_ b1'_ J, ru_- k�.{> r��tk�_ 1) rWUuUNL�WU-- IIWI)IIIFf- 11'-+u•W1- Nnlw -lix- l'lUUU ll:l111. +WL J 411_�uW W}W1141'_ 1kw1IItY1� 14. -.111 �Wt�WINV4.I4s.+1 -I,H IIYIpII I• q+l'FicY- • IUC+ LItYI-• 1': n1'. 0.' 1ktrJ- 11 4- 11k+--+ 4n11HN /1Nl;h- �Il /l:•- 11NI-- i1+P -N++y kYHM•�+rlll`I�th`•; Illtti'•- ttUUuaL v.% 4v."6 11�'. l' 11 1, 4kM- 41 11?40 44 14-V A+0 N14fl eti F11M11Y11 lilt1`4144•1nMh`41_,jo."Int' t (. 4Aquak%_kuLI- 4w4PAh ltim4ntF 44o,_A 4wotlk 1UInn III 1N�1Nh- --- I.U_- It.+ar�t. lnllt- �4Hnr. -nHl - I��K!irr�tF {+w���►7xYw+rrn- w40rcmt kll,:Jrwr•prJ4UYpw.. -1+Io1- The keepinit (1l' burst•% Iprivalt, slilhlr.a) till lots n1' Iwellly Thousand (_0,0001 squ:ue feel and titer In area, the number of holscs permitted (111 wly lot or pateel being limited to onto (I) horse I'm each ten Ihou.'and (10.000) square I'M of 101 area. up 10 a tolal of %ix f(j) horses. An cduc:11 It'll III unim ;ll projeel shall be permitted as a subsNulte lot horses. The following number of animals Shall tae pernllllerl as it project: f"! DOVc10 men L• pliRMl l "1'1'b ANIMALS AIAXIMUSt NUMBER Une but lite per 20.000 sg. 141.. or ............. .. 3 Two calves per 10.000 Sg. fl.. or .. ry Two Shoop pct 10.000 %q, ft.. or ...... , ..... I .. I .. 9 'I'wo goals per 10.000 sit . ft.. or . . ...................9 ('ombinafiott% of the above - lisled animal% %11:111 he permilled provided lite lotal density shell not exceed that hvrein specitlerl, except in lite c;we of young :nlintals horn to the project animal. which ploy be kept Ill the IW District until sorb aninelk are we;uted. The keeping of;ul,rdura)fomal• animal pro.ieel %hull be subjeet to the following: A permit issued by tilt, Deimrilmt,nl ol'-Lmirtnnnrnntl colmaontty IJa11Nt�WV4iWrw a% prodded lit Tille 3 oi' file San Bernardino C'uunly ('title, The cdncalional. animal project shalt he kept only on an improved and occupied lot or parcel, provision. Shall illeall an animllimhu %bandry aclivilyllwhichlls %parll(Wall educationally oriented youth 11togrrun or organisation, (A) Such animals shall lie kept at Iea%t seventy (70) feel from buildings used I'or human llabilalion. public park. school, hospital or church building%, on adjoining lots or parcels. antl shall m;linlain a clearance of :It least tire (5) feet 1'r In Interior side and rear property line%. Inul rtflecn 115) Icct 1'runt %isle street rights of way, excepting :ol alley or bridle path, time%% 111% animal% are cr+nlined by a live (5) fool chain link fence or a live (51 foul uoud 1'cnee with horizontal members till more 111)11 six (6) inches apart. width lenu• play he Incaled till all interior side or rear lot line )till I'il'lecn (15) I't•cl 1'1"+nt a mdv sticel ritdtl of way. The area of hum;ut habitation Shall not include cab:ula %, pal(os. attached or delached private gurages or storage buildings. 13 11231.151 r. Original Poor WARY • r 61.02,11A IAND USE AND BUILDING REGULATIONS EXCEPTION; 'Those parcels of Imnd ullon which n usj, u of kcephtg and nunintninhng it hors.. or losses. bus been rslnblished prior to the little of conslruclion of m bulldlnl! used for human hubltnliun located on it 11091horing parcel. rk'g;nrdics% of any other pruvklons of this Code. shall hate alipllcuble to them it nonconforming Ilse right pursuant In Section 1 f1L0219(e). Such nuncunl'ornllnl! use ril!ht shall he only thnl n horse or hones mmy be kept Ill m mhtinnnn n1' 111'ly 1501 feel I'nno bulldings used for ' hItIIIAII IIJI)Illlllow on adiolning lots-or parcels providlog the following! are complied with; t (1) Shall mulnlmhl it clearance or III least five (5) feel from Interior .life nod rear property titles, (11) Shull 11;111(aln :n cicurance of 1•i1'lcen (15) feel front side street 1'191115 of way, exc.p11n9 an alley or bridle path, (111) Ireocing located within the seveoly ( "O) foul setback area punuvtt to Section 61.024A(b)(54A) wldch is used specillenlly for the c(nllnhng of horses %hall he lie 15) feet in height mill cnmtnteled Ill' solid wood, mumlory or other appruprlale screening nmletittls. Otherwise tltc fencing and the keeping of horses shall contpl }• with Sections 61.024A(b)(5)(B) and 61.0.-1AI611511C•). (DI Hic 10011011 of corrdq. NI1lY•(l enclosures, barns, stables. Halls atilt similar enclosures used to confine hones. shill clmlbnn In the clearances Its set forth in p:uagraph IA) above and Section 61.0211)(k). C Street Setback Itc9ulaUuns," W1,011cver Ill• words "keeping!" or "kept" are Itself in this section. It shall m1•nn and include nl;dntain11n9, pr/big. riding. lending. exercising. tying, Illtcithtg, 0nblin9. and allowing to run at large. 1'11e foregoing. hnwvver. shall not preclude the riding or leading of hones to or from Ille premkes ht littler to gain access In a bridle pulh, alley or street. ICI fences sh;tll nmintmin a height of at leas) five (S) feel and shall be ('1'.1101 cunstnt.dult as lu preclude the escape 1'1' horses. .U.el- ,(:llirel.+ era._ r: tltlul+ �uciulu= c- airoil :u_li.uil�ue.aut:ilL:wuu:►la.rwl ' tu. t:` u'+: 4L: t. lulal. uLu�u:. Ut: ua. W: wl>_. li>•: w:. l= Sl .ir�.uuu�:+;uu4wu.tg>!}:.aullh r- u+l+u},- Lk:aUliauHuu.H{u{ W.., • .1�.1...Sigu►: t;. 1- L.Sli;ua.t�u.isxx�ptlut�.ia.I L1.►y uau;.tiu•11u.u�a.pct:t:ru+iup :ul►ptlLsiuµ_Uw .uJ�.ur~Itiw' ttJ_lutx_au- atu+utaua'x. l{{ -lMp ►1- sHl�di+JaiOI44 . 4k: 1•' c4tluiLiu- a+: uuslau��ui.lta_Uu_Liuutilp.,Suba i+•+siH H �1:H.lH.�xul+jv�t- -tit -x a' e: U�. 4LL'• �d1l3:uuJ,•�µv- fJULI_.StIL'�+.1 �ll.laU►1- I�H.i�a`:4144g -tVN g1 171- 11�V- i+HHH{li1 FIM!c.�,f . tUa•._ Ji1. lLLlilJaV• LL4I +41JYS- .Ki.1�:111a41I�11'.., III: IL: k�IaYM{ Fr- �Iiiil :14MH11H..0 /;Fri1{I`•N- g?l{fi . = 11•rL1L:1- +:tlllliJ 711: 111NLLdl g_ lIN'- Y:NHW1�LlYI/{IYHMn{�- I= FINF+H•g g11�•Y4W+gf1+11•H+�!iKr)1 .ai(Wa...:u�a ppliuutiuu_ ku_ uwu( �: uti, a«} y+ aHH- «h»l�•- IK•- •Filr�l•.- wNlt -v) h�F'�++rtN %' .gel. 11741 11}.. L%; p. 141J77W1t.... �i1�% F: W' i' �{ 77.. Hg-• lFti� /•NNNIfriN•fHM- g1h�•4- HNMW -iriln Mlj rfg . .11iu:r.Ixu..►g7: 111 ..1,.uy_.;{,.►:{fH1.47�;.•1+{ , 1af 4y, 1K�1{ i+ �• F�fN- k- jKYf1Ni^•111N- h+- r!c•�Yrd 1a 4:, 1t1:. 4i,.. �uuuul7. 1' rauH- l�7 v- �l; NY. s>J:;{ g. lKrwnl•rl- +hreerttg+:nr•��prnnH. lcto �cl I i ' i Original Pour Quality ZONING CUUL' • It-1 Oloriel 61.0:4n 's kr4411Y41"Il141011 IT- %141r1-4 r rYar- yuryla, It but,rliry atG4.bu Juwr�uatwlwurgran.A4Y 1$a l'YYµ�alarlMRIrUMI a1t!1/1•- a,f -w►y II Uuw:., n 1:a:•tu+a>, June,..{, 1: aJ1uu.. 1:, H.; a. rrr: NxJHHUH•alf- lau.lw,- {- L�41H�►ra .1. uuu. tlrr:,, HI. 1. u... bu•- pMGUUaI-. b►'.•- IJrY-. IJu{ IIaJHµ- �:- ,an11H1 +.a11Nr- _SiuhYeuHNl�k�r ' +r µrrruiJA/ }s tlw.t;,JUlwJar�r- wHHUiiwla IHw+a<.1 e- • AI' idkvdian-• la> F- 1+ RItNNF11 /11- i11H1- .I,f1jN11elT1- 1/f -SHY• n,u}rur.wl -AJ 1Hµ- I; w.•• Nw KwlirJrlisllvvl- I�v1llr- llHNral -w.!', { ;f /}TrN�lh,rr,- 111119hhr•lilyd• 1 pdurlG. UIY, �w} �f+ �11NH�lll :+pv.,wrHpund}- }r4�rnlN� ' {•:•:• i••-. J�i1M.-{ It> f�I1WIH1�•-+ IIIN41-•-- fIkMY- •}I11Fh- N {rCHfTt ?I/11rCCf Il 1 +YyuH11•J11F.Y ;�4W4P i1WF4HH 1i- H#1H91 fig ylt+icf45. ' 41. 111.: 1:1►u-- JU4HTS�Hyr-- l= HfrrTinr. sir+•rr- •f;niK'inttmiHrr • .1 dut.+ a; ulluYF- ilr.+ t- 1JIo-. a+ uN+ rlw11- uRV. oM�I/ �- HIIIIIR •ww1F•fTr,lKk,mN�Hlo-n•TUlisnnrc y Gr:T4+t1J�1Mk1JNH rJ41Y iH- 1�rY -Ia F141 141{1411 a1FW: {lhiih�MK'i ('ItlMlriNflNt, 1' dila+-- HM14HNI1rt +M-- �ryNN.•- l�nw•- .{,r --wl l, rrh- f, +- arrrll �• 4NHlli.{ jMla-{ VM•{ 11N- J•'iflHHilyM�r(rinlllfN;IHM riff {KYMh1 n11��Nr'InM r'Mtlttitrr•Wlt{rlt• uitJ-.• arxuru-. IJId1-- tll- Ni+- a�+.{,irll�f•lt�• 11TH• sii• n4- wiNF••F,�ntinnw•: +- rm{- •rremivrx ru,: Jaaewl-- tG- ati..N>aHtiN•,H- Hre•r,Hrt. Nan,' r- wiNr •Ihr,- �,mvr,h+ItroF•1iTC••mm in wJtJYJr•.Ihlr, }uru•II1wNrth Icnrrornmy ,airs ol'Ifce nmy lire localcd in u aubdivisirm + dovelorcd in aceonlunce wfill the (Ktwliy Sohcdivk1oll Code. mubjeet In a tem1,ornrY !;I oc�up:ni6--permit. Said sacs office may I•,c used only I'ar coodoeling the necesetry uctivllies refaled lU tic hlitial sala: or httlial lease of the land mui!or slruchlres loealed within the SubdivWon in which the sales office is r located. or such adlacertt suhdivisiuns that are a parl of or a continuation nl' the same develul +ntt'nt. 1 Prior to the estahlishnlcnt ol'Sltr!.1 sacs ol'licr. unman , Ilir�nlion far occupant }' permit shall lie filed with Ihr<auH/t %. Planning rrn'N Nn 215 iHiot, t City Planner rr rcrclj f a sac t art Ical nn. 1 ty/(.'xuJUt}- 1JtuwiuKJ]icµt,u shall is <nc n t valid occupant )' pvrrni I I'm a period not to etcr..rd Iwelrc 112) months front tem,ornr to t a e o ;Ippros'n o I u' occupancy rcnnit:. I'.slrndons of time I'm a maxinw m of Itvelvc (I '1 orate nuntlhs arty t •,e granlyd I +y' the Rla144ftfttv Planner 4Gn1rHiRFiH1ht {}la~UIHHrj{.Iau�, providing the foliuw•iinE cnndiUuns are met: IA► .ArrlicaUun I'or rntrnsion and ;t payntcnt of the n'quind tiling I're, ns cslabNshod I+y Ihrd= /HHrI; µ,,:th{4,I HNN olllsl Citv Council be filed prior to the erpirntiuo ul' the rear ;airy � I +erlt❑ . timnornry (UI 1'he apt +licanl nntct show Ih,1.11 circuntst ;un'rc beyond his control have caused wtUSU;d delays. 1(•1 The 1'IHH1iN{! -(�Nf � Nnriak� dctcmrJncs Ihal 1 he continued use II( the Sales ul'llro will not conslilule it nuisance or be objccIionnlife Io the residonlial Uses in rho te ori• em ,aficy permit shall ohir g h1 l''nnrnhaonoedn y displa }ad in rho s nr 711L,!�' eel r notary Cit _y Planner 7 rrrmil nt :ly he SU!hic,'I to much conditions :w 1 u� uuuuµ (,uuuuwuu Sl+uwuuu{iu.'a may re- mire which will assure Ilia t u Its cepiratum. fllc rdrs ollice will be ream a land the I,remises restored IS 16 30.761 (9) Social ('urr 14icilltles Ihul will oc0annnodttt0 up to and hIvIrldlalt rix VO cored - for per:uris, excluding operator, tweralors, family . i. our) /orggl l'. Orlglnral Poor G�uallt �`"!-=(u *1Nt+1 =I IiaN,41- 1 hfi- PEkaINI 1ItF>•- irnrr4lir,n rl -'mr+ alma Im Li ituLaklu�r, klu: akl�. uC .+r- i„I- ,d�oF� »I- It,l- itMyt »It »HtNH{tH♦••rrlivfrich pr�Marlwl , uvlt�NHnuili +rnul•- r1-44.ri�rY++N1.aMenrl mtNr�-laton.+i41y d'Ivr -}t✓rl kw141 41 111. 411 v.- J, NNnd nrw• r, l:- Ihwirw�f 0.,l lie htilwrlivlfirF- ,vIII4r- t_.."t Gdhww+, ' ,- N- 1^- �+ wrlirmllr- �1wc11► rtl►. w, INrtllr� .n»tr•tilrrrrhrgnirrmchti�zr +-in ' •llla. -N•U' dJl »frlvl. ' H} F•- 1' nhlir- txuicinlrmrrr•�+•Arrrlrn -rlrcfi �nxl- de•rt•Inrrcl- n- rcgn {rttl llrl;ruliwrr�F.1- N }l -vM.l, I (c�f ) ' .611, '1.S1IGN ItLQIII It 1: Nil: Nl' ti:. 11YIYIYrI •:rM1'.prdinonY..,l(1/3;. See- got,441on Ord. 651 �- (d), .Wm PARKINti Itli0l4RIt.Ntl',NIS; Autum,,blle I,;ukinit rrrlulrcntcnls I us prneldOJ Ilt 50rllon hI,U_'I'gh), a -143, IIIAUI'I' LINIII'AllONS: IIuHJing tit strictures null the euhul!entrrtl ul' an%' huildinl!:: or suwitnes ,hull t,,' hcr0afler erveled or netintuhu'd not In 0sceed "Yo and tine - 111111' 1:'i) dories or thirty - five (.151 feet lu height. C (t) -tit) MINIMUM AREAS AND DINIMSIONS UI' 1.0 1S. t. 1, 1... a:: u4LJululur. LiLutawtuJ. aluiLlruu :��vJ1l<ul'1uu.lua�.Uuu4 ! all.: .utLu- 1i:i:t..:1!_tlu..luu4lluu v:lhu,:k..litu_.:t..rL:pili.yL' iul.Juat.tp:wa>.Iw. � 1111 nrlrwl »(.l�IGN- :i44�dN111- 11—IIY (-- HFYiMd,f -IrH (- �IYFS— NIINF• *r�Y/Nh �) lI N N 4111ttF• -(W11 Ituudrwl •4•:•.tiLllu.sh( ;,tr.�lwsF. j ( =1- k�1,:1+ +uHrrvr tut +M IuuYYI- slurp lutvu ihwirlrlrr+l u,N -Ie-t Hunt w+. v- raJ µ- 1. 7.( t• 1- 1w�r�N. Nti�J+ uiltlinl►- wlJatrlr- Itte, tiHr• t1YrFlt •r,#'tiu,r- h•s�,•ihnrt -r,rn' � lu(Ndrwl 114IL1d. f,N4, UINIr fF IIYF rMWI ti.1 =NNf iWr: NNNh•CYtir rlll,tt� tit( F 111 t1 huudrr ,t•{-= ,>llt►1r•r!H,N,, -1'r(N . l,n Size cln an. ft.). •,. ••_ = �J1_L811A1� � aSL437U5:15Q t1R T(`, `iyL.(._ Lot_Sizr corrto�rta itt.__.___ iiin, �Qnk�ldc .._S.krcet___._ltcar___Y.. WidGk��cRtJ1__Yard Xnxd_SAdr Yar. Ynrd rover. _1_A0 . ..All dimensionq- nrc__to bc_meanuf: d nfter dedicntionn hnv_e been_nubCrncted in accordance With tile adopted circulation Element Plyn mop and the zetyLnpin ry (1) 4, • Guth lot or parcel on a dead _ rod Hreel. cal • de • cac, or (,n a ' curved sile01 where the side I1110s lhetWhIre dh'erging Troia 1110 frail Ill the rear of such Io! tit parcel, shall hRS(' ;I teidtlr of not Ie%s 111;111 isrH -H,(�1 fit f, the mi imam. utrasurrd ;drntg Ihr I +wilding selhack line eslahlished hy Ih0 r0gtHrei. front wi t I equi- yard for [lie main Ivrilding :md hclween the side lines (l' such tut or parcel, 'rte' -{J•) I'.ach lot or parcel till a rurT(I slreel Where life side lines flier vol we comrrphte 1'rtint the I'ront Ill the r0or orsuch fill or parcel. shall IIacO an ncerug0 teidth fit' nut less Ill it tt.h•IV-1f4ii'ret. the minlmum width re uired: (•zt-- �}JI-- IH�ikNNp,s: -H+lxy }trryrr}h-Hrc•ir- :trcrv.r,rr-Inrihfingc-hrt11' u�} ��ik4�N.+ k`• MfiNhi�M •�Y- jkY!'t'tfr- hNi•: +n}•thr ;t�•c- rnl- ihrfiTt- (3)H +1 K'licrr if minimum acrd Ihnu,:urd . regttir0m0ni greater Ilian the seven .,1n,ur I'rrl hv!uin•d is nvµr0slyd and r r,lahli >hed in the di,Lrr.t, it shall he de0glialyd 111 a nttnther following tit(' district design,rlinn s1 urhnL nunthrrs less 1)11111 nor hundred 1 IOU: indiruling acres. and nundvrs more 1111111 one hundred (1001 indicating minimum I squ:n'r licl of arcs rctluircd pct (111. 7 ift inc and tlaor_opep.er,A• ar_e..la8 tall ed.-by the. veloper u Original Poor Quality" 'll! , v� ® ZONING caul; • u.l.uMl unlrhl nl,02411 - 6I.024c .IJ 11.• -1� ItIJAI 7:. a:a ulJ. -I t l; c� ilU C 1:11:- ti u u-Sw:t h n a.f �I, u:l U (1:1. _ _ sh wN-- . • .. 1. 11..- G�l�l;. ljfLlll,- U�. �fj,,. �,1 1;, J1. lZl; (�1,(,l1.ILl+•11r.�UlJfJW -�.1F1 M.�41F� {ti Wl- 1NIi�M ti1vlu..�d:Y:1.11.1u1 -.I l:[:I -i`µ.f Ui1..I�Y:w•.f hH1F -fN I I-i+µf V MH4 (•i{:� %: +�-{ +1 N •1Mh{(I1.11I -(ill' `� l�u_µ[u�1 Fly[ 1. U1. u.. H.: I.. IF: 1�[ 61 u[• �1 1I��- �HF11-► IHIII• u� +.1k1I•IJ"�- NnHMNIfJNie��i�N'i � .. :ULIULJII..LkUa.Lf.wYwa.{(a.�tl SLIi'41- JII- •1411[! F�1. V (�1L: 111- I>,17r'aI�.N4i[(W{ -H 1JVP44 141 4444 Wl% r ••I•= 11��•/�Ik�- tilti�'- Wlrti•HI •IMI lu,l¢[lut.Jul.rll,1l1J w'_HN.luw -• (Jf a n•I�rH•�•1 p�•t'MJ+- 1H- •w11111n -n n I�w�« y1NeN�w- to -Hrr- 1 rufc. �uFl .I�.INU�1�lwl.l+�..,wlw}I�'H IN14HII�ti- •, +r,H II ar- IlNdliwhKl•rif!h +- •c[1'-�rrrr. , .1111 '- ill- a'.1It11 kla?4-4} 444 . 4Ww- rnt4l.- Hn- mtgrhv1- rhsrll hr trc,l I k�+a:.UanF- iJJI+a�1W�t1 -I�NI- (1:1 -_y N)N -S f FiJ -N 4'- a;4N +) !i MG111F1i{�l -!;NV� firr►+rrn -h i4i"40 StcvaL S&L Uu14- 14ogolHf ofv4. G 1.02,113 Held in rN%NrvN, r 61.1L;JL -1L•J DILUlilct�l. hr+-- F)I�if =13 FFLEFC� N- Ai4i� -I1H R•I�E3?;•F= !•}I- IY- 1 {1C'1 t11�N11i�Mrt/f •(h {!+WNr {jtl}I ' hrhnYntiM- 1h« ttn« c+ F- int l��Nwulwa a.. uu[ lululuuua�lw .curJlk:ruirJ_pugw•�;�„[�Iti. It ki l►�14111:11ib'.4?K71w1Ju.U:..uc ust..!1�. HNMN1•- 1�lNi�FMi- t +[••.�1 {1.{FJr�F:IF1(I[NL -(.ul! N �. Y....' �11J•. L�'>; y{.( .1N1fjµ4F,y,ll;{11•tlil'.:IU.:U 111 ' iHwlHdr- srl{• aH��lr.•- I4n1 }s��HHFI1w�w;HH1•.a:1�kHJy.. of ..•iqJ- G.�lk[wiF[(s.�luu:ribwl. 1kPfIfIkIHH' ' •1(Y!!hHHH H- H•{.•+liM -•i H I,wauula�tF•.t>•l:.tIF.41u NHk1i1F4- 1lHY- -11:.{ 12,4 Y H.5:H4 l�a"fHiHii4MH- InNI-•1�f� -�H 11`iN'••��1 N NNhK -/H Hi•H HFNI•i1nNt1�- i�' =iti*• JL�.iGrS1111:�C%1, OfaYHH' VH4I- 0101n!-+h,&4 WNIµi1f}�•�11H�•- iH- N1t�HNFFi 1lVIF1- 4'N4nVf- aF�r,SW j{IH4e�e+ 'i "xis ^ii��'•riih4MtiHMNk4i1••Hnti �yµkYi;4•y1} kin(!••( 11N •iNNI111iIH�- 1HW41('- {j1Y -j�HF •f3rrmHVlinkk.•NHI„Mnr♦- {: k. rr+ l- d.+- mn- irrk�rxt�lhn f- wNlr•IhN- bHIHItIHy� --IAK ' bN+ wNNfk•' Snn- 8atmntlikn *vrnF•li•irrrjt<l��(- HHH +iN'r. +h +- AH�H4F�},Hlli} Hi4f(Frk�cHiF =r1- FIh- nrinhnntit- - k.IrhirlrNn' i•1,1...{ 11it�••(•i•1•- Hk{�}�MHk1MH W HHJ�iiMI1HHk4 •iH:- +.NNNt•hYl- iH•�NtiN1/HM (+- 1+0•'.•1 ��i: laLikJ• r• 1wiHril- i+-.. 1VtN11+ k+.++}. 1ktia�. fHHwvi •rwrr;llt�hi}.�FHwew,- �tkriMHnl ' ( Y.: L{ 14PIHF(• I+ HH[- FIN�IiIHt�- i�µM: IHH�/('- I�IL" 11�t' 11i+ i• tµ•'�N + +'MN�INkI-Nh`kMNtilfitt�t �: Y•{ u� {J'^('u�lN- {,HF�"'IN'- }+NHHI.1{ µ� 1a�4 -(1 � ^H�NH NCi••- I•MP'1 M M iHiNiTHH1N••tilHkiF �Y.[{..1174- i1J►N4H.1••..f _�iMMW i•.µ- Nk� -4'Hi1 Fi.r+rl,l -•F ityNnhnrn b•f II'- HMMriH�!iHHi' �.tli[3Wi11[i(L' . I�µti�t1HNHWM +rwK ^N'Y1i- r14•i1.•k4FHNH(••i%I FilikM lift!- •f✓C11h'1N- i:lt'C11!il` \tom► 1 7 It7Jr•rsl Original Poor QUaI tY C61.021IC L%N11 USE AND BUILDING IMCULATIONS -( ?t--, hll- mrr••• Enrmittcr! -•tnn)cr- SrcNon-fr(:{!'•1Atv1t= f -tlrrotlgh •(• 5a (fi1 }'(ttcicro{rrrrrclndin�•E:41td 1:i+c}:'thi. •IJ +-- NFi(iii�;l'If 1i= 1 <=At.'t'Y-i'(t(iH} N l�t' Fth -1 1 t-- Nn- E,rnnnnrnt rrridrntiah�tnntnmr�ltait -hlr'E,tTrnitru-nn -; rly�kll. t,f � ,;lrvvl- 111•NfC- itr }- I+M1I-Ni -�l rl rh -(. �+-- A44:{: l; Ma( 11-{, If:{ �ti, M1�W } }fi:E- liN(•�I�+EZM'i- Pl:it-Ml�f i'l:t�-4•mlr ;n - In- Si�N NNHw-(. }.N?- 1- �(�rlt•1!- +hnn,glr�l -?'1 nth- 1ntwyhrr-+rNfl- mclr- n'rrstirtry ut++ Wllitw- 1WN••: �Ihnfnrr- �t- rommltrti rrrn' rlrnnrmrnirrlr .- r1+,'ttin�lNlr,•;rc;rrEmrt: , - tFtiN wHI!. �• iMfi! iNlf t�• fl} y1N1-( M• t• 1• rrrt(' I' Hnr'{ nfittllC t('(- }t)tN••.rpntrfcrl- ;nvnttT IfwwwrH- wriHlNt (Ht.�I•NNI- •nnc(- vimilurtr.rc • , - 1.43• --l+• Ake•( iJ(;-- li-( iUlll�+{ �! �( M• F+ S-- tmZr- t :'1-- t,;rrknq•'^grrrr.c,-Z�:rCN �: nlrlfywlHlrMtH•- Irw- Nnnrnim� W)•+: ny- trill,-• f+ r -n(rntrt7rttH1.1'ttr'tutr}�7rn(1 • yitlt%+lOti tl•• t, fHMWH1IW- H m}' rrn•,'. r• trrlMi ,r- fS,rahZMon- Nrr-cnnr'�ttr -1411 41- 441ts- 1fIH ++{Ir(INllh"•+icr- fi�tf {rnrh +;!1 - 1)!+-- NH• I(- �} I�1�-- E-(? r( EHA�( �IE-), �1fi' �- linil, liT, t••e-- •ntct- �trtnittnr-ctr -;tnt' • w1lNftwHtrti H-., F-, utr•- Mnfltlh, r.- cm•.t nn• fnn- r•, Ir.�ih-(n-inKCatlrr•1TCrhRI-Trr IIIf1{ 1H1111h `tl- MN!�I /ft�4CtY't }}WN-InIt1' Hitt- imlH- 3' �1• stcnit ^,-c+rillfrtc +y'(t'r-t;Tyi- � 4e 1--ht- Ih irltl,-rhrt7N- 1lit, h-I+rirylrt(rrmc^Hit yratrr-trrccrr-ctrtrclTrtcr^1t AEK reflHifrd- I, r- IErr- HrrnrMhtiHz, hfitrik( inr•- rml -,,�I'rtc•- nrn- nirrn-rrryntrrrt: irc r�l erhrk>♦+�wt�NTirh-- Fi,r4;i 5)• }ny�n-In -i ghhrii Nnnrt-mi•m�r -drr!a tftrn, C i�f♦-- M+ N1? v( 1�N- A(ii=ltti-hNt }HIiH= NyEHN'rHF-ht) (�i - f- i- l-- hnirirrtcric +rintn*rNarerttfiallirnT ;ra'htttrdl'nnr'A*�'�-ih;ln ^ nx 't,- +f,H�•- +�crnrttrrfinildil>� 'ccHrrt•k- tint- 7- dc� *tirrrY- rmt•t��'�- tlt;tirtrnr Innnflcd- rHiNr-Ierr- and- a- lnh-: rrt^ rr, hnnn- hnc -tfrtn-�tRTn'tlnntt;tn'ci-T)cp� ' -Innnhrd-l-� - °_ t1H t•a�n;nT'1CC I . r IrKNrHr,�hH -Nr q+nrrt t �Ft+N- Ir..n- rt�ri:k h�tt-nc+I-Irlm-ltnn - •reti�HN� +- :4i +-1i'r I•rt- l+tr -I,u i{ liinr-+ e+ hm- k• tim- a- sfrrttrr,t•-rnH'Ic�c- Hrnr'rnm +,mn1ml -riHN1 tech ^nnr♦ ^n -mt-nnrrt -m,t ftRr- Nnn- ntCri-ttn�tnartrl^Tmr - Innnfm#i= �NH1•.grcmr -fi•rh t �i-; i-- hnrlrh+l- r+rranrtz,rf-rdrnt•rnd ctnnK- rrtl-�dr- �T..'ttl ctrt^I ! wTrvret •^Mrs- r4yehrn'••I-In- �iclr -h ne+-Nnrrnr7 n ^d hrrging-I Term -ftn� I'I'rrfrT'1'c�'T1 fC trot., l' wfrc• IrhH- nrpnm• Ir. lrrlhince- rtcnttfirnf -nrtrlt��'tttartztet�'7ttlfYYrrT. INC My1H'rtI- T}'mr -Nn- rihfin�• �rrtrn• 4.-• tim'- c�tahlt�fn •tt-t+�-tttr'nR(tttmirtmin 5W4" N-I+M1i{+IM"N(Mi1C+K eo 4it,,61t�4 Mh`4 N'Ihilli'HFttnrvt 4. �.' - �{�M1iF•- ±rN• ^H F�j NIf rMl^•NH ^N- lHffYCf! •ri t' Cty- t1•I,t•{C�1itr- 'ry(!r- ItTtrX v1•: M':• � •IAI.,:+Ft�- VUNH+!{IINU-.:HMH•• NHS- :i�N�t.{fl- Nn�- #N4H- N1- Wh"if -i, H^NI.11MhYt."t {1T(! I 4: w'• �:: ut. awraua�. �l�lt• kiaaN .l- 1r,..- EItiH1•Mi +r +f•R + +'r,He- ! ,+.+ 1i.— �i1M.. HM�iNIc` iMlfNr'•—+ N�tHt, rr- wiii :- rrR- v+r,M- ^rtnTrintrr.-�irr11 1111(- NKt7(�•�..�INMY- i{MH�i+N Wt. rfCClfl�l- i(1= .Fn1- Hn- yn`rt•r.'tin -!tdr .• i. 1r1- ..il:l:t'M•M/•MfnffHitftTrNHrM � - m1,+ frnm7rt- gtt�rtcrih•rrc-ttrr"�tn•t�r , NKU4 .:IN1J-- 1N��- •a�1Nk(f•t•t,1 --1� := NFf 1�-.' pnrr•- tttt- nnpnn- tt;-•i•.•'rrgnrzfrd-'ttn{ t u+ 1: 1. 1�li�dH•• tJ.- 11+.+ Arti N- k+ tHr+ l-. h; tll•+ �r- t+ cnnrrtcrl- hr-rnnrrti+rricrtlrnrtnF'Tfm 1 J ir. t+ i41- a. t. iuw+ 1+.+ N. w• Nt l+„ 1-H HHnl+ rr.- Fr. rthrmrnrc- I,mntrrd-1.1f)tltindn-TthrF lr�ar•�sl r t I tl /1]•JI•)51 ' Original Poor quality 70NING CODE • It•1 •IIU 1)i.trlrl G1.024C 111 ' U: IUI�_,: ll1�I-. IUUUI• Wl.,... JNlarwt ..1�HNCjNW- 11UNrtgt�l..4L IUI,.INrlkalut�,.�uluiluuJl4 .•& fl1: Ir1:. ��YY1- al('_J N':1- !�'�Illlr.�,}I.•1,4r -1�1t. till �••-• �:. llVl. V•. .4- :ul.11:ln- IVxI..:Ura:1..I�M u..l W. I l!M•tVHLIII W:.:IIUI.AY:IR -U:.' •r+��uJ u_ llJwtiJUts�llu,, ualllilu.+'_ uavl�tiuµtlu, ...',Iw1.Lu.�lJJluulJ�'c{J>u.ur t I.I .�IJa- JW.Juw.l,wul -.+wit W-4 W I.,,1wrN- rla« wN- wy }..YV1HU.t..Ja1�!- kaI.IHU►.by r4t�•llllrl Wl••1J1-- UAlt�.J•l.l••l.l H 1114- ,�I yNl!{- •+IJJ••INN:�{ IViNyul IH N1••HYWUt:NNt.F : lNYIJKVIn 411: Iii- NH: J1111- 11Ni•J11NFN- ►iNULi/�1:4.1Ntf YNIN- 1.{j1'- �- ;I.t i'�I� 1k`�IINt!•�, +!ii1N•iN+� + ii.•- 1:. ud� :d= �:�41ttN- N�•. {tl•11•{+,I,N:• 'I \' 'r t. • •i- t- 1••- 1•:�ikYe••lill•rlkM+•1 h•ithHf+W+•MH�1 -rril �- nI-- N4M'• -W �111iM+1^M1f1�M N�+ 1- Iiti N- Hr•. 1�••+r- +hrtinirrintHnr4 {+n�l^•rf Mnrk I,•r --rnn 1•Hr•IiH4•.- Nv��4FS�'frric - HwnaHav6liNrrr• +1JN- NrnkN�inr, , •1i f- ?•F- 1Nk•rr•I +lei }rtt+•i.•hxn+�til- rm•Irrclr -- nF-- „rr�rhllhn +l =mc►rr fI HH�- rt{ v} M- Ii. FN.+ rrF.- Nh *-N11t111NHtth•vlirrl- IIII rrfihtrc' }rn11- Ia�Nrrnfw}Ive�•?¢•f �4�1 -IH �ri4tN +kN�h «,.rrr* •lnll+- f•lre- h tc,l-1 Ile witOIrrf11 r r•tl±firry-riXkW -nF -win'. - NIYl11 .Hrav1- N«.H } +1+e•ernhYiinr. •II.• f- f•)-- �41nYrihe •�tnti•c�r- Imyrn- frim?n tnl•rrr>rNre- \Irrfrr•Itimr•cr1� 1iirllwlrr»,- Nk•-+ Irr.• i••+, y�+nrkwln,H- !•r••f „�'nfr..•f:rt I,r f�F•+,�,ny-�mti+,nmFFrcnn Nn^+ifknr•rit >in- tiM� -•mw -Inns tit ;IV ^ f••+ 1•-3 Nh HC- Ht<�•rrm}wnwt~•;r•nanl -r;ncr t-r11- •thr•rnhrinnnn- rfrt•[k thH• Durk- !nhtll•-log-•-hrrlrh ^- •Imp- 1•?¢i-kYl:-ttn•;�tt c•ri'•fn+ln ^ffn'-- tt'rcrFrirrd h�F- N+ ww�kNn- .1rd!••hr- nnnk-k.+r�*frny i,ttryr,�r��+mnt'tknrnntf '.II JI+ wH,'}, wNNHn- IHx••,••+ hrn4 ,rr•Nk- •»1w.�1'- •eNnl�'1,-•}ro Hn_4N4%v,4k"4.r►1.1i•r1. ^J':: NMI/ hNf•♦• WMM-•. fk` ff ••nk'+1,MYHY- •Ill• llinnh•MC`r }kNY�ttr .•.ftnelnrf+fww•lk >rrrn,YhnFl^ �+ N. Inurlr- li+ r•ti+ n• r1•• lhrrt •.nr.•,+rn.hnr- �•p �itlCe »;irrF'•1 M•rreNnndnnhrHmrcvn- • IJ�N•- Wn�rl-< trNw rck�••. hnFl•- •hr-hf4, ^- d'ivr•••fS4 -tcr :- nnn•rrrcth•frt+m -mtc . ^I•�•ferrrNr+F•iM•.erhnn-Inrt�. • .In In' +H -- i!�i rick )it- Si+it�h- tktrk+ f�lJtkhtrin- rh*rattc) rrd�onl^rcfl ^'+ iclr- nF• Tncfrinrsh: rlt -in•-mriccx- tirrrrnvrrcn ,y, ^ ^rrt rt''rtrr'�ttc'�rMth'tn`17><- Jut .tuc>tjJJuLlli u_au, li iut. cGN- cite.J .11aU„lu.lua.lYlw tJ1:N> -NNUw �.t�4w4 auil.uuiL.uuL�i�Lti>.� 1Satw�J>rukU il, '1 ;1 Ile 1. t1 L.: lt(.{. 1: 11i•,: �F..• J4 .11u11- :Li14G- a.NUJ:NaJj,..UL, )4.�NW- MIV{V:V:Ira1 -H41k1 .. lul. r.), l' i11_ LW-. tU1.± Wa:, I: 4r_ 1. MN. •!�'.+Lr(.It11.1- Io+YJ.NI+ -k%44 lli t- HNk�;w••HVtW! - i!+}}M is Y.4u rw�+auLlc pw, i�l4a.la a .1wU� Jtu�1- ab' }au�+Nk�dNt INw+w1 -lit l'1. if-wtw. .t% - ,ILL:Aj%.�•- J,�li�.- 17.i�•L}: 1111. 1! iJ,:- ijNNF-! �41f.+- HI '- Clh•{hkH- .'�IHIii-�1C•1111fn J4.1a.1j7:IN.IJ11uWl•J•i•rS J•1•Y�N.• Il'! il:: ,III t.-... S. l(.)iY�.1- i�1.1+•1- aw�{tii -i�.1 �J�l i•••i{ti•.il -CHNC7 N•1Ni�+lM+IfNFf1�'tlilnYl'. lnr)- 14�ItM1f� +'- rk?.i�F I- 1 +f' +H+C- .III A�I�RF4jE }41 }): A y�4 +1„ +- ,*+rt+•r+ilr<w}r - fmll-f,r- rt- lnirCC' •Tit rnrattt-hr 5rctitm- �+• a, 11• �I. W�NNrkwr++ nhNrlx• -Fhr.nd��l= chhylftr �nr;-rcitn•!e "11 •,1 ill! I tl /1]•JI•)51 C ' . '' '10rjl 1 original ► -,our Wuallty ZONING t'OUIi • It-2 lllarlel b I ,02411 61,11�•IU It•: Ul,iricl, he 1'ullnwlnl, tepul:rlluns 01n11 :q+1+1� M R•:. I'tvt,•I'umlly Itrvidenrr 1)Ivlrleh; Inl (iliNl:lt, \I. Iitiliti I'I:R \11'1'1'1:1); 1 I I tin,nr u� R•1 Ui,lrlrl Itieclit,n r,l •11.11, + I_I I+at,•I:uully k1wellin)•v rr ht'u tme• I'un111)' d,tellinA ,d' u l +erneu,ei,l nolure on eueU Nil. l, , (�1 I uhlh and prl,ule ustts, ns folli,ws, sh;,ll hr l,ernlilled It' 11, n ctutrlll.laitnl• anti + orroltldU 'AIasUL.cUUh,c'w1t>♦uu,�u,aattu is ul +l +ruttti at lmnldcd in Seetlun NNrN'V -HN OR44 4U., W4.• t, MfNHh•- W�lil— tr• i11i• r4iflriMNtiItYT� }t�"t,l•,'1lhrrntia•{ tmm pwr..;N• +V,-- i- i1V —LHy IIN 4— �1{�NHII Ht! -(=rt nN n Ir ieNtc --irrn l+l+nwi Nl�hr•Ic+rtrtirnr -rml- du`+'tNH n pW rl -t4c +t h— �Hit1F-+Ir�ri r,NNr- rNrlr- ftnr!'rrf- rnn <IN hnn-irt-rcnnn•rth m Ur<uN�i.tl,.�, �itiJt -r�•t It i }h,, +tt,ti- Nh4rNt +l+il.•I Nnnr- t+tnit-I+cr»Nryhr1rhir- wilfrthr Hd.6,vµrrt INH+- tl eN. I+ r-, ��iekn+ hlEtir+ rY- f4Krr�cmdiNnnr- ,rurr- inrftNh: -Mri-- H t r 1• d+a •f t H l N r tf •{rM NI•►-"l�tr-1'rHr+r hnr+-rf- rt+rnt+r,ro (,lc- Hm•1-.ctf.;rckx�kr t�+ Y+, ��+ 141iNr<+ rr; h) inr ,yrf- h•+itltiNrtrly,rnf+rrritw,• . f• N• 1-• I' tHri, Ir- R+ r- tlrr- rnttt)+ fc- tinrrYN�HcrM,rd- -t,tf�Lrcctr FrvNN •Nty;t<tiwt- tr,i,irn linF•�f*hcliriYir,rcr + N++• f4nriclr-- f 'ar- •t►rr- dhtr�nn- .r,t'- nn,Mh•I nnnc• -rari; tt» ri n n rc• n htI Y-1 i r+n r f l n -e c} t7 rr n t• mrctct niYl-ttt�•cf r,Rtt,r n tr trtrtr+ timfiiir- 1r; N�lic-T, caH�rrrm- rtrn} tj�• ,r�ccrrt- nict}ttt�ryt�Icsrhrtgnr rr�rrnnr -pntfi f 1'• t-^ tinf•- nn• trzzrrrcNHnnc- ;n-7rtif•-makr-[rrrtrrhic-rht� dct'cic,�rnn- ,rt-nF'nc�•rrr•tFl r1, tn• tn, rrtrhramnt )rrlt- ,rrtdrtrlrMnr'rrtmnmrtnnhnr eonti�rnritT -trhtt Thr-ihnntnnrtf rtlrt ,rrct ^cri`tYnrirtirTlnevrnnn-- nrl*disi�i�rr�- ni11-)ht'� ntir �hTnr t"RirhrtA n�ta�rrrrnTrtttr,7nr�ANiY Tor fu4r� ^ku ;1 +++k- aHw�NxyNa -m. „tirl,nr! r}'- nr- r- rnnfinnrrhnn -oF Ihr-artnt^ 4k4'+IWN+wk,N -- I t•H- 4y4N444- ir"*. „mhfr:r•rrrrrinnmr lm r rrf-Hrttty-'ttvu IIL. �: tl1W7�U1. 1t7w+: MUV tf+�4rh`1Hs•clih•cMirNn�nrchrf i.tnnt- hrtin, tics nPnrtTtl; t )~1,1,:1),1. �U:tt1uN}I ^t+HYMKMHI!MT.af M,t'litr•,ftM sf�u..Itu::tikur.u.iU- I+.�,.;,, �"r'c''''�rrhvnr-rrtnrtht•r�r;nlr KHdrkal- Hw„ N- irhFirix }m,l- •eHrhrgnirtrrfi�n ^imHefdn;l t' up1��•uu�L/i�.IN►:LI +HH. �, u,1.•t1MFS'i�}1hM H•��,�+r•nrr{-- !:;nd-s rl�rrs- clt:rit-h1^ lt; �a�.. u.l �• �,. t_. tRa+. L1tN H. f+ wla-;+1 FN- k� +- hr+nr- mt- ntht� "ciFtr-nnhcc'f r'h" tl uti:tulii,ca,l�ata.:a!J auuµ�,. t,;”, NHNH�•ieMr4MI+r�+mmiLh•[^t•trrt •:n'1ngn� rlrhTlr -- I?! UJ7i: I.tr: r,.: iuuuuNliJ�.. ru,. aHi+ NN-,+ F+ ki.-. cY+ ir, n-.. criem .�tr;ttt•nntim7rlh•�'fFfTl- �W�J1 .14'- :J1�►1f+�1.i131�.F*.•�HN Nn. - t• t• t•- •{irr-•-crntlt ?�ttm °nr—rtrr,� ,TtTcflu�R <� :it;:7riu isle. ,iur ii�iacl uL:. ttirJuu4l iuµ�_l: rwu•-'. i++ t', k�-,+ W »rrFrrr�•to- mntt�+lt^-nrtmT�'i np "Tt�P" [.1. L], 0 6 GI.O'blp IANI) USE AND 111W.UING REGULATIONS tiQontlts oil oil nnr- pnryltnct -ttr -pn vidrd-in+-1'Marttnr-01tuctor1t'tlm-nnil- IyfpfnvpLnrprwith�tlfn •firrlion-hh0e•1`I hr °) (h) ACChS SORY USES ITI MITITl): Ynnr :n nrt privnto enrnnn with mince -r;)r ntnx�nntm nE 4 cn ,. .to a valid tcmporory. occupancy_permit,__txnld. aalca_PLUCEL-may_ne-utlu.L ,only :> v 'vitie�rc]r11�u!o_Clu:_initJnL_ male or initial lnnfig of tltc laI _jLnsiLSLC Il.L'TJA91M",a -lusiL CLH.it1LA-W -J4.. au6divlo4on iu wlt.lch.r.b n_ +}.�:4N_9U),Qp LG RSl1&S'd 1�DStSdL{IS L!t�_ yubdiyAu.(gjia..Jilwt _arn n Dart• of or n cantjn"11 inn Of h)UL-Wm azcL 1PME (U) • Tho _applicant_muiit _ a __.hnvn._cnuped unuoual delaym_ (c) The City Pianner dot saleu, office Will not conptiCUt rgp,idential upon in the nolghba as Cne G1Cy rlaal tion, the saleu.i its expiration, restored to a co lone in which it occuppncy.�� ma�rec uf.re ce will be anlep offi lon �in comp located. ce d e Orlglnal Poor Quality (e) 'I'RANSIIIONAL USES III: R111'I'IED: •11v111w14 {+HHIi11N ^NrQIIIN -IN' �pY HHIttMll -w IlaFt`-• 1I11`- �+ I+ IM •ylI'••11- iMI•- 11IHNti�n• -IMM•i k- sr- It�w- rtwlr♦rNrr•- rH�kity . IpH/ vldt' tl- Vtll` II-• 4MIrrrNit +fY,ll- t1'N`•YMK•Iy1114 -�' 411 '1+1i•111HrC- Htirtl'�i�iY ^'}tYt �h,5} 1;;`tH- +NHn- Nn��IHn,minry -teF •Illy- irr�- rrnlrli l lute- r4 {�frirl- wlrirlr- it- snljnlnx -nr ii11INN�t1•- +�•Z<•- •S,n1111'- 11!r•R- i••1?iti li`IMIr - +ol• -••{ 411fr- I•kH1I�wy1 W rIl I111!- NYNr•I II1�- 4111111`•111141- h`It11{h'1riCrt I!f•111•�ir •:: -e�-i� I�:1Iµl -tilNfi l-IIM •(W!•111:Na4I.• h� /+r,•fa H A dr4l•; / «4.r.1- t'Ill•- PARKING 141;QUIRESII {NIS; Same as R -1 I)Islriet, d 1+r1 HEIGHT L IMITATIONS- Smm: as R•1 I)Istrlt•I, -+N MINISIIIM AREAS AND DIMENSIONS OV 1.0 I'S. 70j 1 I 1 liarlf- ItNrNnr lot I +r pored shall have n width ill' nut IV, s 11,111, 1 feel Of tire hulldine selhack Ilse, it depth or nut less Ih;un tine — 110 umilnl t WIM I'rel.:nn,l I net area of nnl less Ihan stirs t t-tit titer o rl t 8 000 :It+k 1,I 4{ItN square fart• the nnmo +4)- 4 trc4n Qttner lti1nor l+arcel shall have /a widlh of- m7t-1, vth;rrr •I,ettklrrd- rHllli- •frrlr -nn} ; r' r, rt- nv; rn, f•• rmt- leieYhTT� !.r «- rr-tirrrr+;rrtd -nc�rr •Itekkl , rcit4-?(fl�i- tenmrct'ctH , _(?L td+ Each Itil or parcel on :, dead • end street. cal - de - sae. or un it curved street where the side I1,104 Ihereot'an' dh•rrghip from the I'runl to the rear ill' such list or parcel. shall hate :1 tt Idlh of nut less 01an M-ATF-IFI Iv nevon measured :dung the buildlnit setbm•k line eslablis1,ed by lire required 1'runl yard I'm the main building and beNven the slde liras ill' such lot or pan'el. SAY tt Bach I11t or parcel tin ,I curved %sect when' the side lilies Ihctetil' arc converging Iron, the 1'riml It, the near ol'such fill or parcel. shall have an atwrage vv idlh of 11111 less Ih;uh' • -n tl ret� event 70 �•rx+ All hu{Idings- inclutling archstir)' buildings. tin :any lot, sl,sil occupy nuI nutrc IhonI4'I1tr•1mwlrt- 4;•1µr -) of the ;ura oC %Iwh It it. forty pore ent (5)441+ Where ;I nni,inn11n an'a requirement greater than the "m o- ipht _0.000 11,ous-711t hvm-4mm+tri+ { «, (uU square I'eel requirc,l is requesied and established in Ibis distrill, it shall I +e tic*11:1101 by it number I`oilowing'Ihe district desig11aliun syn+bul. numbers less Ihan one Mashed 11001 iulic;uing acres. and n11mhers more than one hundred 1100) Ind{caling minimum sgwur I've, nf:trea hvluired. (6)131- 11i'l,v,r :t lot has lµ., NtH> -Itwr tholl%and file hmndlcd (•1, 500) or lonb '�frrrn'- 'jt`cl- rrl-tT,; /:utd pt;,s "I',tcnld v the lime the ordinmice ad11pt,ng Iiis section homille rllectite. said fill 111.1% he otrupicd by a one • family dwellilig and accesso, % huiltlhngs tinly 1�4-141,w•`�- k+ -1++ lw•- tary t -Nrnr hie htin mri- +mm-mrt-h�� 11f:1f+.1•'uitb•F11HH'.1 kkl• R+ r• Fkknriptii • +•1rf�111H•..nrmr +'rrl- r,ntr -n •rif= rrenrtt�t't h�- 1Gu W- I:k'- HN:HVHH tlN- tk{t/(pt 11114 -4 i i� -•K•t4 ie nr4peratttr -r Iii rNrc- cm- s��tttitt t"tT;l� -- lG•.4Q 7G1 p p , t t lU and ZONING CODE • It -3 UI>trict Original Poor Quality 61.02.1 F bw•us.v Sualwl.lu_w�++N., {wuwrHr••1�} -lam IH��.1•rwli 14 -IHI• n n I}�hrr+rrn rfrcl-hri�r I111Ui1I�s..;uHLa Il- luill!4iµ.�. {la U- „v42►,µ- HEN- tm�t,�ihes r1�FFwrrnrttt•I�0N -►vf- 1 U."Li ,4411: UuLla,s. (g) FRONT YARD REQUIRED: Bee- Seet4on- 614219E1t} Bbreeb- Bebbnek- Ile &u4nt!4onn. 25 foot, from the ultimata right -of -wny. (h) INTERIOR SIDE YARD REQUIRED. 5 font an one 111do, 10 foot en the opponito aide. (1) R1:AR YARD REQUIRED: 6eme -ae -R- - N4ebr4ab. 20 feat from din ultilnnto right- of -wily. (j) SIDE STRECT YARD IICQUIRED1 U”- Bectlon- 61r0219W Bleeeb- Sebbeck- tiegn�ob4ono. 15 foet from the ultimate right -of -wny. (k) DISTANCE RCQUIRLD BC•fW61iN between main buildings on tan (10) feet. 1 MAIN BUILDINGS: Tho distance the anme lot shall bo at least Ili �} hr- li+ flmring• rc• Ftrhtmr2�nhaM- 2�rtcirt' It•-; i- Mrttt (iK''-1`,fh7tic"1t��.7i %'lfii' I . FS}vltlelvr -+ ttl-- H�- i�1- k� 'rl- t�t1=`t4`Ht!t1•►'t'•i`fi7 -- i �. ��t 1+► mrTSrcrtrrrt'Srl-t1 ::tr727'• r vs H#41�IMH.44HJ44M t? III OIK4 . 1,:+-^{ rNNrh�- +I+rrHitryyr- nr- Hxrc -Hnr ^f nnH��dtvttiirttyZ21` r . III . �•; ti••^ 14e+nnHng- rmr- knixisr}�•hnner.. . III vs ul tr 1� II i. .... t• �l_ (;ulL:Fl:a- :+uJ..susiu;s�:itiu_ 00- 44'tiw0.04IS- LI.}J.2•It�wsawl4., � �.. :�: -��•{ I12 A H iI as+yH «�.1 H 1i ti�,Af N H (+{t� -1/ M I1 +H FI t+H � _{. I_ �...a{us «:4'— MiN{+a•I't{HSIH2�— f+ of k. , ^Nnd ^- Serrt•II +Kns:rl�rrhieh� .. 41: �. 14.+ 1« I��H- H•{,i,- {t+H.Hdrnhel- Ihr+im v±- tmr-hL- eHndnrhsh^ c (t♦ r...{. 11•:, cwuvuw+ a. y-« S: abr-• h�Kk�tN•«, 1=+ hr• •IMrihFin�7+rnrirh-d- •Nnrtc-i�•Sm �� uµk: uaw•, 2�+-+. u• �1,--t, 1, �« v-+, FrkH+ inrr. r• rtti- iH- Fn +rn- tirc- imich-oF'hc-inrihtingr �pa12t2aiRua ++,iNl.ti.I+.u{�{I�...H+.id r- nFvrNi.i nr,.n ch•htnnn��- (* 23 117 30-161 '" ltll Adlk 61.0241: R -3 District Tile following reg Ulntrict ar ulation" "hall apply in R -3 Multiple - family Ilunido,ice (a) CBMSIIAL USLS PERMI'i" ED3 •(1) linen permitted in the It-1 District an listed in subsoc- tioua 61.024A(n)(405). (2) Multiple dwallingn, ne_tluctvu~~tarwil.Sug>.I,�� ur u permanent naturo on•cach.lot.f ,ror onle or runt, (3) Uonrding and lodging house. (4) Public and private uses 110 follows uhall be permitted 'f t1w. n cnnditionnl to lerfiit lnt•nhlnn niti( �i !Lr_ 1 pwa gr],i►n.lu approved as provided in SecCion,G1.0219( -L-}.. o , (A) Colleges and univeraitieo. (11) Private schools. (C) Fraternity and.norority hounoo, lodgen and private_ clubs except those whoue chief activity in a service customarily carried on no a business. C' •6W-- 61inr+er -ucKF} SUL .44,17hilanthrople slid charitable institutions. �l - 6141.Mobilehomo pnrks. -(development tmiot_be_in'necordnnce with the -6a-�- TItAttC+ 1.'t iUfJAi.- U6{, G-- iiC, IiM• �FF�{> r-= Frm�crit` ioncrb- uecn•- •hso-l- l-- be•- pertTMkttcd•- -. wl N++ u�- N�o•- r} icte- u•�- o-- lotrtirbc+tw•- n• -1v1�- gym• -n•- ���p�l��lvr- dralritt`•grrovhlzc}- �t+ia14- t,�nno-Jt�io�u�- c +nrdoun naN- cete�nd mime -N+ oar- ei�cly- Eivr-(65 } -fect- from -Chc- - .IwunJt►xy� -oE• -taw -. 1• eoncr-;-.=- �=- i• �- t:• ivr- d• �etrle• r- wfrFeh •- tr- adjairro••ea-Fml.1•u�e•r- L 6.1- }- -6limo-- air- {i- 2•- i>in•t••rimt Original Poor Quality 11. :a1J to Original Poor Quality 61.0241: LAND USE AND [WILDING REGULATIONS dW- :l:wuuu ,.. ... ._.,..� -.._.....«..f.•.lcrla--+wa,N-MNCPHiuW{rHl'-- �U�: II.- iuU: lt` uilJu► wuuilc_ u>V.: uu. u..{ uuL .ul:.ur..u.vuuillriwut,lf -uF- 111 -Mllwr 11L- .liwr..Gltwlµuuul tJa•u aui►tiuuullFllrt•HtiN=FI/iNy—Mm- 1. 1111 .:L'll,:.allull..clr.x1111111 Wt t•- +►lK,vrr- r/+nr•w11Hr- hr•nddi firnr- au- tL4•• Itwi�4�J :1Lu {ksul.>♦uuw/t.alf►w�ikrf I�. �, ml- Ilhfnn�y�h +•ttrrdcrclnpmrnt; (CtlL` 111 _I�n:ulclOU_nrt.•.1- . ........ .....• •1... .... ,.• ....,,— „,•,nc,rnc— �TttI- ,ITLTn —N or r1• l w;: Uu�. rl..: u: l�: l-. tUrw. �luNkArd-( zt(!( 1)- 1' rrt- Fmnr- cnrl- otfrmrign- mrt�tis-It'1c A+:.ta:.cul4uJ..kK.11ru- 1'lafur kfl►•4yfnmk;nknr6nhrormnit h•�Nrrt-rclt�rrRrrt'frtg itii.U- LcLLct.awwuplir.N -t uu- I +rlwN -o1= -I h i4-hrl knr.-SirnTrh�ihmnirrrTr,HI -sI Rht 11151 ruu:.aLslwu�4�kcu�a�N:vviitWlh. l cL--1 aL1• �1. 11- t; 11. 1. V, A�„•.• ll .Sl;,C..lt!«I� #LIaN•trHr =i�ttmr H n�rrf -nm�cf of t-hc' .- 11►'LUILLLL'tL..1I:14'1ti.. 114- at1t,'- `1i- 11- aHf- �1i+N�'.'M -k H- kY1t^}rvr- rTrhtt'fTr't♦Ti iiCr i1:r:�L.I�.JUr- lL.1f.:11 W11Y1M{.•N W- +1hk`�.•iN�F-t'h�Cliti•YIMh” NYTit'Tf�•tT'r"LtR"i fl� i'- lu: L. J: w1u ..U1wluuuNkla;a:- urJAr- k«« -tr.f rirfirr- c}Htric}- rrltirh.ri.- nl�ottnac' lutluux:... 13L- a'cNwif! -HH4N. t+ l'- ny+ in. irinrrdcrtHst -nrnthrrTlrnittclMfft Lk:tillFt;tU4N- 4.1.H1.:�4�,ir41 1 r!NIr,41;~- F�- hr/h5} Izn--rn�a- rrrrnTrnrt�n-raT�- ' (. l,-_ �tau4. pLU.�- aa<y.- v�.��tiKNI�x- �wcr -( �►-�rinnn- dirt- }Ir-'rrt� U313iy1J11U µ— tl>L- ..u11uu- ;11161- t4�tHiIH: INN- t.H- Nn�- �xre+�r n t-z+H•1 he --�ntr krs, Illt slit tluu -uNu► +LL>l- u+.wu�lill }r4wrNN• {rH },rynnrrFcetirr -rte forhort•1c• iJtlhs_Iu, . �uuNild1.,. NM1i1NNtH w,. tn*< �- r,Ntt�r- �nnil+r-tcnnittcrt'aRR' - -- -- - -. •. ••.•••„�.,.. n,cn uncalfCTli- $jFn-I0r' ucuursl�k :utLa1.11w�..��i+wa_�1NNkwa W, r- Nrr- Phmrrirrg •i.iiR-tht+T'and•-t`crtrmt-t1f;n Llu.11 w: alia4t+ wl- tN- NN��'If,r,� *rl%Ntc`hcritdrrtg ck>c�1-rmrscnr-i1ntlmnllrlt' p1u}uuu- SaitLl.ltlH -btM; �Mwt. 4Knrn+ rhk- wHfrMrrm�fihhcrrinnnt .'lnas'tlir'rr(sla- L1Wn11.'. �Linu _t_.Lit.:........._c._.. :.. .._ .. __. __... ...� • /.••, .•, ...,� ,m ncn- 011 "1IIp JIGil5ll ll' fiLlst.: x. U'1+^t'a=uhd++t'�h+r•-++'itrx•a hr• s- trrri- i�icrrnrrl-tnr:r�flhri"itl`-R3 p^ v: i11�111-++ f•- W113- �r4r- IAr- rninirnttrmrtrrct- tcli�rrk-slrrith*c"'iiryr'TTttTTi I' ?i?__ ;uklitiuu, ua ,Nk�l+»I +- 11= H +Irr- +rkfth -rrf r}tr- r�ixHnF- rfFitr Th-� ts"In Tgrra- I L W AL ilJ�.4.u1 iia� +if I h' . 10 PARKING I(LI)1'II(I; \IIf1'IS: Srr Srclinn ($,.()'1111111. (1) LOADINC; SI'•\( I I(F.c )HI(I \11 NIS: I nailing ,pclrr In hla plovillyd in ;IrrunLlnr,• aiIIl 51'rlil,tt (11.11:111111, Igl III I(;II I I IMI l A l IONS: `;uu�,� --- •••.•'�_•;•�*.�� •'uuulncninnN ner �45) (45) feet i u.hp�lh aoet.hu.. ..C3- 1L2L1a5ecie.�or_foscty�ivs feet in hntnl.,• tf,.......__ ._ the City of ,Rancho Cucamonga.,, ZONING ('(11)1': • It••1 Uhn1c1 Original Poor Quality (11.0241.1 m tr ir Ih1 AIINI(tillpl A111fAS nNU I)I!tlliNSIUNSOI' 1.U1'ti, V (1) L•:aeh interior lilt ur parcel shall have it width ill' ttnl less 11,1111' el. ht 80 ii.UV -Uiw I'eel ill the buildinp setback Hite, a depth tit' nul less 11,1111 one 1 hundred 11001 fel,l• anti it net urea ill' nil IC44,1111111d+3:W 11111114alld tim 4l44R4vlL43„0W square I'rel, .�,3BI1C -(0,000) 11 • the 'name 4:1- JI1:4t O+rner I+,yur parn'chshall fhvee a tt' 1 Ih tti' uuLL rt:dhuq -ii1, I' +MWHM3 -{ 11 vvl-;ll Will,, 111e hulldT c innnlrtd- fNflihHccM -ntt{ rind ,the. nn_ me It ;rrrrt- rmz,}�m,f -krr Ihttn- n+rn- flrnn.trnd -twee 1 innnhcdt�-'tikF-.Irrm•i'cc(. "I Buell fill ill parcel tm a drud • end street, col • de • sae. ur nn it ` 1 curved slrl•el %there the side lines Ihcrenl'ale dbelpiap I'mm the 1'runt In the rear of such lilt w parcel. shall lane a width ill' nut 10%% than alx 44%.11), feet. eiBhtY 80 measured 1111ng till, building setback line estiIbIi411e11 by Ihl, required fruit ymd Air the main Imfldinp and belween till, side Imes o1' such lilt ur parcel, 141 Fach tut ur parcel as to vilmed strcl,l %there the %file line4 Ihereul' arc comwightp fain the I'mm 111 the rear 10' such lul I+r p;ircel, :hull hate till average wIdfh Ill' 11111 Ie4% Than s{zuauU)•1'el,l. ett;hr. 80 t 151 :\II itIIIt II g,, hrcl till i11p acees,iI hI i I ps j 1111 arty ill, s 111 and atructuron occupy nut nitre than wA4!•percett14140� 1 ill' the area of such 1411,• rout Arm) 0 000) (ol Whole a minimum urea redo tvinenl prenler limit le w+xu - NnMrmnd- (+,e.- lttf +„ {tr,{- 1�,�41111 square I'eet regnhed Is requesteil uud eig It VSkililished lu the district. 11 .hall be d01911,11ed by n uuntber InIlming the C Aistriel designatilm yy111b1 +1, numbers ICES Matt one lilmdred (1(1(11 indleatinp oars amt nu11lbers more tlitln 41111• hundred 1 100) ittdiculinp n11nt11nnn vlunrr 1'eet ut'area required. 1'71 11'11cre n 1411 ha.- Lu.lhakl'uur thnus ;utd live hundred (4,500) or lerin mquare I'l,et ill arcaPid was ill' reeurd at the tittle 11x• ordinance adopting 111is seclinn hecuute ell'ectbe. %tlid lilt 11my he uccut+icd ht' lilt m1+ • 11 , 11 IJII INi1 -1 - QuuUk• +- family unit(u). �• - xvu..F ui. r:url.a�.asu;l.. than- u ,:.r�itaau}uuul..buL.rutil.kay. U+:ua_. lour ._rauw.tuva.J7v.+- lluudruL,(.l S11l1Luµr: u�: J ;:ut.�uuJ.ac:u:.ul:s1:.:.tuaLal 444�- 414 9 0.4 4 444444444,4 1,,4- ,tel4 +lulu11111 .w V.UuajWvatouwJ lug trw. -tN -.del laLhas W- {,U- i'ilirllilY�.•: 1111- N(:. 7i11i :/�IN(I�..Fh:l(1..1.16'�u}1L. 111► 1.• nlLlt4 •.t•ht4Ll.Ab:lA7- }itir�4N( -.• ' M-04- Ilse inli11mtce creathip (ir e% lending an it•? I)ishiel luay iinlil 1 to den,ily ill residential unils. A figure in I+:uenthrsi4 bel'11re III: dislricl desipna611tt ,%ntb411 shall ❑x:ut t11;u the I0141 I'll mete in Ierm4 ill' squ.ne feel (1kidetl bl 11x• ttuml+er 411' dwelling unils placed therein .hull Ile nil lesv Ihvt .,till licurc 1,\nI. 11% Ord. 1 -'ti. Ad •1'_h9,51 It) IWAI 1:\111) Itl'.(1L'1 RFD, .i/w_Si «I+NNn -a SkVV(- Svll+x4- I1vtiMln + r.11s- 25 feet from ultimate right -of -any lit IXII111(II( �II)I' \11) 1'.11 .111 i) Interiir.ide),Ird,uneaih aide of each tot sh;tll be 11111 Ics. Owl) test IHKrlwl -( u� _+r.l +pr�vi,{}k�,}�h� (NkyH,uil{ly�• :!!M- �.Mh�iMtiklN -MMrt i•tiit�tl{�•F`c`-nhlhit+v. -1 {.11tH- I�Mt•e• {� ;1• F,'t•(Mnk(- nel�ll• f IH♦•'l'4t'14Y+ ;iti• -IS•)4 i•wFIlrNirlM r =5 /c,7arcl AM Original Poor Quality 61.024E LAND USE AND WILDING REGULATIONS W IWAR YARD RVOLIMED: Rear yards shall he III Lwori I'vel In depill _± 20 _( (1) DISI-ANC E IMQUIRIA) 1.11:11•LEN MAIN BUILDINGS: uuuj4j1tsw ffeet., oir_q11 lie 1151 • 11Y111dilitis from to orraiwed oromid oil tipull 75tiru/111irly 1301 1'ec1. . r.111( i 1m) SIDE STREET YARD REQUIRLD: 15 feat -Qom tho -tilt ininto'-rimlit-of -wny. ', ul -OPEN 'SPACE 1tEQUTTt1?Di :P olift shirill zl n egoylaod i4l t ji guic of '200 t: of 'open b .!!qunro,fcbc Ll 0 J U Li Y ILI, Y I I :k A."'. k Original Paor Quallty rlrg7t• ZONING CODE • Ittt O141vict C 61,0241' J nl' [,.ht12.JJ+. ^.INi- hltilrirk r Io I:l,��.F�rllrl�rFntr -rrl nhMlatrr- xlMl--Mill Ir --tn- ttk- -knrtti +- tr�idcnttlt- nl' • JJictriw}; W.1- ,•L:Ji�All +li,i 1: -llf; HA- 14= H{�1�- F =FFtA- 101 I F _;+ffnn• H+IZ -M Ia;,trtrFrt�rrr: I*e Ein1-•I*li a _"'n'trrtr- 4�1 :�,N+•fnn4 dr+>•.- nnhi, rrrntrhthr •kt•t•rtnlr'trt`tfnrt!1 t1•iT1T� iru� lk+r_Wfrvw +aa�F.rl,•,- ML+rr. �h�HnFrf•FI•i- ?h'rrrtr}Fi- .. 441-- +�l:Ra F:1.4- 1- NIZYI�F: •I.�,SN!i•Ic1�2 4H•f= 1i�Hr•• uls• 4!•>•- ,�inr«ariw.:r•�rntit♦nnr�r -- h�lnHmntr- -ITnn•hrTT tttiRFifCT�`itif' f.f1LWL�V_L•u•..I..L1.. _.......1 ...... ....... P• 'ell I I1-- 1.IH »kkl-- livitif »rFr - fircnting- Frith -fl rc^-tbihmitiir-nnxrninu nc+ iffariwfi, IH» N, r} Irrrr�^ nn- t+ nrcrlw- nf•- 1rn- Nmumndi- FU;HHiI }�nnttrt t'rtK ;nnf• -- I +A +-= I�w +-1 �l- �cKN. :- nrtrrcr- fll- dn•rr- •s,r- nnritar ;nrinrrfcYnr MHVF }.Fa1M +lil +nwffnl-}• Ids; HNH+ wgIfKR- F'cY +r+f'- frrrcrl- nrttrrrr �N +- •Farri n nnkrd- I�tlUf- rhirkrn t•rrc- nMnn�nr- �hrril;trttnrT' �ifffJcNnF•. kH K• nrlr- lrn- lfn+ n+ nrrc+ t+ H:l lHlt l•�crpnrrfrt•1-r,rrTrtrt:tn;r, •rfr tF+- 4im`ti ► i+rn hrr-nn ;r7+anc f-trrttt3hrtnir rn•rntr•t tin ncnrt N�F11F>♦»- lrynrin FiKyhNl+;ntc•M,•rrt�-rr +H+- +tnnhhrrfirnrsrtt-Ific• ri,tnr- ttrtirnric mtt-Yrm1 �nrrrllh'it- FhcMrokrF•clrmhr•vhn;: Inn* t- trntrif-tfntir¢t•cm-�Tmrttltnt: Lt+ f- ihrihFinF.-; rnrll- rrcic+ anrry' rrrtnn• t •tn"Itrt2;rrC1--tiTrt;rltnTtn'�r- phnY, t- r+ n,mr•Thrn- F*,,iYrhnr'- I;rrrdrel ndf-I*F•krrr n7nhrinnnnrot`.'Crrn nr TTOr' 1a�H- hmrr• cmt- rFrrc-• �rrrrl•• t. 7r- fnnn ;rn•fnirt(nrtrnr;7rrrFdrt'�t�'; ct•h'rntr'hTrSitn: it or••c9�nr•rlr• +mTMrrr�- rRr�ri ft+infitir� n. irrrtics- rtnr' <7rtt"?'J1:T;-~':n7n1Cf ` Ic►--•, 1(•[- f-! iti(- Nt- YitNtht• Nk` ifii•- 1; i1• f-t!!Ft'.;1''t't'iiliCil't*iT•` • tFt- tittntc-,r-krt'fftrnh'1- . t }1• -t hrrnhnna- :rrtrtnn-fntlTflnT1't�•, t?•►• ^•f:t,•rl+►c-rnrmf:-r*cn rn rrnn f- t+H-- htr�.rar- hmtrtir,�rit�trtr-rlrcnr -'lht innritp- Ir• 'Tf t I+ nrMi, �s. c, h, l+ i+ r• Ir, r,• rrrd, rt- tcttsrriFrc- r.'• t1 •rttrrTnnn-rirr-17nrtrrrtl-IrT� - tcFf- ^!;fti?I'r-ti;nnr-r�iM�Hf�•trirh trl-^ �', Ht• Fi+' dt;-• ft• 1K�f-. 4ftf-' rli ='�`f'.r,- �Frt ^!Srcrinn'rrl-n: tnftrr- 1-H-- +H- FEi+11- hNil�r1-I1EY. t4-4;rrrm-;n-tt-t-f'riRrttT- th i-- i= i2tf?J- }=- �r1•Ftt9- Itt�Htlti'i f-- Sir-gccrinn-nl; t•1^�n fi7-- -Sfr� firN+:n•A^ Itrrrrtrrirms- t• H-- tNai�• It• H• fK-! rHrF-- Y •h•rC•1 ?itt'i-jtnitl«»- �InTirT: K'f7r,:fri��' tft- t'mmt- tcrtn•+ncr.tr, tnn�- �z�t•1-nT.Tn,r.-- tkh- !itHt ^'ttitt t'H` Y Rit17 ^kt cyarnh.ir,-�,� ^i�rilfiili i-rn'Tnri; f 6trcrt 4rthnirttrpnr nnnr< 1122741 "f•p: f n Original poor quality id LANIJ USL• Uf/If.UIN fn) PU /tf 1'lannrd•Urrif frUL,1110NS . supt'Nur / U51;; o ceftt , to rlurf It 11 Ihr Innrnrl l)trf `t'cHt'nfh'nm► tfcv, Whit-11 ten infcnf1�hlt <<'!s r &•f'fomb l�iv i n mre; Nol'nU• t be srrfivi intn f1) sf :uWrnds. 5 (tl throlip Nttt, det,, C.r lot nc t t rlir „Went I he cncrr pt tllTc :ell t1't' tlo /'rrtVII (ct)srmrrtlrtrtlt, Irnrgettle of ) flit ml'r'llc +tflu„ of Nuns, lbrnfc design llc ptrr]'rrsts of fills r rrdndnlcfr,flt.c 11.. xlbllif (.t) A /i,rlrrrUrrr Y fl,rutr('lr file 11 St. ul' rrsourt'rs. • ' "evil dlcnq'fln,t nnrl 111:1's Yin rrvlrtvinlr tier r Gr r Coll ]Ttc mlloty rrnce irtttrr "refill /• llrrtrrf t rict• 7ht• of nrl,Yty1 I:rrrtl tflorr nfrr:rfrrr:rlsifp r rnrrgess) etwour;t Usty ifrslgn�rrRF�} 'fin "7rt btnrtnf ofdlvtq�itt• Irt tt'Irrn• desirable mrrtf fiMTt-phnn 'rnrttling -bt_ hou�ln(t fv r (b) n' °ximu m s f rhrRn m� e r ::r t rr lii)'tU •''ts J y- ;ie d' rn �.iSfh (b , } r O,• h r�-It li Y1 . r 1,- etnrrli ( I I /.l � r, r ` �tttd lY N.l, lnrycr r ! !t-t4i , tprrttylm H �Udh fi rttllotr r1l tiefunttr nllov I rig 1t'v "o„itr // U � t :'t Ut 'erytt h hvy•u'h't fttn at, T e o Rt f •ti - ItVlitr rr 7 tr rrn rt n 4RM . nrll ht. t r 4nr Le . up,rtt lot s lnlcndetl V oIf tilt iononrlucfrd ' hrrkhrirr onhuls: dit rN l , r 1 ht7 sd fIn s Vlr rn rntl ret• i , ,ry.lrtw, gta t tvtd slnrd shrl/ (x t/ t t'tfit`t"Ih Vrrniutrl rnlr nwfm, umrr'' , sr r rf>yIfr'Prt/t' itt r'e ts f t em a nn'DTd o hRc l ry n rn/� trl, t, 14 - (4 - . o Ictrrr s y e t �r%V dov�1 tIl mnr rrtls�rf Zone Dlatr tcc *1riettiieKN r�ntfrIN- ' hrmr'Irfirrr w ,lr l,r� l/o'ele,nry rc il od n low -I"rrr-h171 F n 'n�f � tprrPnJtt y t n f rr i Sh AR-11 7200 IR 11 100pp_1 Opp Flnximunr dennitY /n�w�rr "t" Rrmrr Sits s R- 1_10p00 Sroao peter R-1 8 '. It- 7 G 4 • rcrnrptm't'ttle) rrht'''urryrrrrr }• 10 ('n Union. t rl"A •rt`Ilou'I Iht' t /rvcln t 1 , c (4J shad! l mcnf , ('nrrrrh` nrdir (IrNr+•s xht.t.ilir: deft• nr • Gr Uevrlol'nrrto ranre•s. ,tf; rlly tlu Whined ht. u4nl rh '('i'n'rh`f r f l irt!irt t n'daril t r"grd Ilit• I'l:uUr! t, - n•hrrt" nerml pl. irrtluditt, ' nt/ pulitircrhin Iltis .sccfin �tirt`'nh•rrf -Hny,, rrr-'fth..ptrn I I loVv ,tt.t lit •rplrly In a r', dl mdm T,r, }r^r�*nirm.Yhr -rr Rn17- F�r'nnn 1 rrh in (it - 1Urt.d ' t�rndt)I •�% �'r�* ��d vf? h" TnR -,Tfr Td., Y rTrtn • t tvr'rdt, `I Nrir, nd,rt cr-, h V; ir+rr.- fifitnr, l'� lint r - Hr. -mot t dr-)11 It'ttl nr fire put u'. n "adMRrrfl,Tr7k my nnRr1 n�`Yrrrc°nr7nrrl tt ref this tt.. fir nett evnT 1 unlit' ;mrrf ' fin,t .uLU r i�4� +ll��4u }lt�.� 1 mere- telnfln]fTR'RTt ' nPTr7 t f011otving 2 N�lL'Jll jyyµ 4Gu d_t+L 4f_k'ti 44sq liri(77ilrm"77n- .1 NNMrr�'NH/- NF�Mryhy_ h y_ c Orlglnal Poor Quality CZONING CODE • PUU(1'Imllml -unit Developalent) INIIcl 61.0216 11011100wnorn ' residenh within lice nmcd !lanih- Ue^ch1>Innenl(�i rojl.c'ItlwldchirnmYeowil ' common property and shall b" responsible ror the nudnlenimce and In;lnnitenlcnt ol'conunotlly owned properly. «IM- ^- ''Ai�INV 1== 1�+ i111+4(K`IhNrnfihe•Plnnm�(F{tnf N•)crekq,rnrnl- "Upon (Sl ,pure : The loll" lire;' of i"nd and /or water wglllin buundurlcs of n f'i,innrd 1arr14- UevrioPnlcilt desifnled and hilmded for use 11"d l•ilj(Iy IIIC Iit 11.5 opelt • stiller' "fells. C) Ile" -silave Ineltides: (A) Area or ate she nol covered by butldhigs, ptivcd areas• or accessary Structure: vuelit rec,r"tioUUl slnlctures. .1111 Land which is accessible and available to till occupants of •Iwrlffilp units I'm whlrll Use the Rpact' Is iolcnded, "0I1Cn Sparc" does not Include; JO,Z -6A Proposed nod cXIMIhlg street rightR of way and private RI'l•CIR• 44)- Open parkinp areas, driveways, C. k�>• 5rhonl sites, d) -I-P4, Commercial. Induslrhil, or orfirC areas. told file till i lit iugs•:iecemol ?' boildhlps• parkinp and Ioadiog flcililies thervol. Development ovviled. (leoptled "I11115et ror ose lalllloceull+anls of lisIde fly tlhe 1 Tanned 041• DevClapntrnl or by occupants ul'r, dcsignah'll ix,rlinn of file 1'Luulcd•dhliE Urre ►opnuvit, Conunon open sl'.1ce Is not dedicated to cite public cold Is owned and nntintained by" private orpill;,UlJon made tip of the opl•rl • spare users. (7) "Open space, private ": That open stlace directly adJnhiing the living arras of dsvclling unllc. •,vbich is irlrnd,d fill the private e njoylllelll (if file tresidellis 111 till' dvi;V1111111 toill. Private opell space Sllall III Some manner be drlined sued thill Its boundaries "n• evident. ' L�t'-- '�'1�''�'V'�"- �N' -�Nn Ui1N p N�.tklfhHf -iMH i�l(MT'M}� tt -htttl {- {'H,nnTt�}• ' L!!dI_11L'4.'�apa tort^, 1uai�ttiJ. J4: Iljl:{ 1.- I�-{ il+ yejHlK'( i�. W- 1F- 1F� : {4••1r1 ^tltt"1•'1,71C'hrTll' pcciad�uullu t�lti.: bill.ruitul:ukuu;- 1.4.N1(�Gla�, level- (anel- Hrn•Inpntcttl:rrp}p• 1O1 " I 'IannclLl0.tlt- Decelol +lilelll ": Ali area of land• controlled by file applicant. to lit- developed Its a single• unified project w•hicl, mats the Rlun(bmis reltublti0o%. critvri.i end hltent sel r(11111 In this aection, (lo) "I'rojrrt": the lolal i'I:uU1ed Uuil INWAIprllent area. with boundaries aR del'ilied in IhC.iucliuu ay p ;at• dev010 ,meat (I 1) 'I'rhalc Srrrcls ": Shall nleall the streets anti roads within the project, uu•d for fsnor,f timel• nol dedicated to Ill• puldic. and shall not he construed In mean drivewm S• alleys or• parking lima%: (d) AI'1'1.1(',VII I I I 1 ; III In omking an ul +plir,lliun I'm a Phil lit, d- AJ411- Development• the appiictnli 11111,, Shot ,ht' lolloting. (A) 1 hC properly in lids"" ll Shall IV comprised of five (5) greys c0otigll(1115 a,'rl•-4 or morL- A [yI�{Iil4- pMN'li inNY- (h- tkYCk>pLy{ -m -(- . Original pinal PoorQual ttyV �� hLUab LANINSE, DUILUIN(i ItEGULAYONS ; .11:uu)uL_Uull_.l ) mrlu, �!�.• tit.._. Iuut; t�411..1 Lt:- upplll ::uLL.auu_iluLt14,11Ld�µl:l1 .IuuNuwJ.l7;uu wi4.L4/lt- l�uwlul unu a 4��: 111• IIIYV� •IIIl4FUlt111:1:ia,11t:Nnt:•I n1Ur1I.1.Vlr.- .l'urtlHin. !:: �► .r.�u:itutwJUuHF1..IF1�Ui?� -fu• ilia.{ all, lluJllwlUti..alulu�anJ- wul[u.�4� h I Gl:,NCRAL USES PERMIT] Any me shall lie permitted in life I'lunn!'.I JJtti4lk'vclopnn'nt District which Is indicated by Ilte•pwlural phut fur bnnr. dint .ih41.411 1• for tho' nub ect iLrapa_r_ty (f) 1lZTT-M0lti �1'I:I1�111IT:C): bnno (1) All accessory uses ptymitte'd In IlieXT- I)kIricl Shull lie ier111III vi in Iha- 4"khUat4:t.) I' Ll fill e !1- UHN- llrtelnpincn1.•11rk.4 ulinp- (how -wivo •wl +It'aI- Ills+- •ilh�itlM n H1I-Nl k�•- I+a41a'��t'illi -if M-I IIC- pranHM� -�f+t� r�- Ilfr•'•Ind.• �I heir ' •111h1111Hn11I•(INt�!.- 4111111•- • } /!•- )+WNfi• 11141- Hf11M- �1- 1i1t�!hillt'•i /YllewHri�•I l +• �iNnnitM= •trK- imlktiNrd -i +wf hry! rttrnrl- q+ lnnrctn�rrnn :rrllwu�ed••li)�Nf�rtwii. 1 +<tF -lltr- f . Ulmmrt4- NnN-• I) e+' rbti+ mrnl•-( rre+j rc�lcti lmi•- Inwc�• mimtnnl- ,tcirrr.+r- rrl'rrl� -•on- � -nffttNNNlinf••1r+fttl•iMt•'h- ittr- dcndtr- Irl= n-}' htmrd- Htri1 -'F)cn <Iftlnnrnh•I.mjt•�•f- dcns inct-rncctliTrtrri•liihn -(ling tnritrpermir,jjurses shall he permitted an tnls Iwenly Ihous:uul 110.000) square I'M or greater %object to the regulalioms of Ihv 11.1 zoning district. Whcte lots arc less than twenty I thousand (_0.0001 squ:oe feet. hones shall be permitted subject to the followhil '. coil Ili Ilona: (A 1 I losses shall he clustered oulo ctimmoo lots' fill 'I'lf• maximum dei sity of horses shall cool exceed three nod two- IVnlhs 13,1) hotvcs per grass acre. ' 'Still '136rnnrdino ICI All %lamdards and regulations of thdMp.ulincnl or iinvirmouenIM Ilvalth Servives I:f app y. end no city of Itnncho Cucntnot�_ 1111 Maint: metre and nsningcncenl of Iltr r uslerrt foci i-'� Iics shall he provided h) It Ilomeownern Annoeintion. Igl CIRCOI.AHON: (1) 1'hv u•hiculm circulation pallcm .hall hr dv %ilmed such thal : IA1 II provides adequate whicul;u accc.s to and within the prttivm in accordance wit It adopted C =w+Mly sl;mdards. City (11) It is cuonlimiled w'illi external transportation networks in leans a1' I11calion and loads. (C') It I% integraled with life nalural.land%rlpr..nnd -when -rHrwihk 1,mwNrh 1+tctinrle+rnF- drnim+l rwyshtinr (1)1 It is designed such that ifoise levels hom vehicular traffic shall comply with file Noise quality Standatds of Ihe•1rrrrHmrrrdnnr'City of Rnncho Cucamonga F'cmntr(lvnrial ifot. ' II'1 the I'l llovd -Hnr1 I)etrtopunvtf pfoik.d. and each phase lherenl. 11.1% I wo 121 1111111(% of %vilicolm inpivss and vgrv%% hoof %otrounding %trevis. our I I I tit which oma be emergency oiil)'. When the applicant ran Show Thal thi, IN .1 vll)sical imIp,ls%;HhI%. fiu.rcquircmv111 mm% hr%%'JhVd.'b the Rol Cotmninnion, III I'riv.ue %uvet% are .tcerplahlr it Ihv) :ov buiil li +rµµti City - '— '— ""- 1'J:uuuuL.l: LLit_1L:culry>ru�LL4�.►: loci ,r�aua- ;uv_iuwlu�ctw4- !r•!:.- taw- 4 +HµHy+. 14wcu�luLllal_u.ti tilt. tiLuuL. iw.; u: cupiw4by. llwl� +u• +u- uuF+.Ja:+l4f+►•H'Hta «- yIlYL' 17�L.u�J�u:1 LL *d.1LLk11t1k.i..W LL4l l...t u;FltH.11iN'i4t1A:lFI -M+1W n.• 1630751 Vii •' \1 M tu)►ll' Original Poor Quality CZONING CUUE • PUU If1mm d.Unll Ucvclnpmrnl l Ubltirl (11.0216 AM (2) The p0destrian • cirruhglon ImUent `hull lie daIgned such Ihat, (A) 11 is sepanlled I'Mill vehicular tial'lie where possible till designed to disvounl1w petlestrian classing of the vehlclQar network, except nl Controlled polms which are designed l'or pedesttlon safety. flit Ilurd• murfaced, safely Iiglfted pedestrian access to ct +nunon ol,en spare. recreational areas. conlunmity IhcHilles and olhcr loglCIII (MIIIIH1) pohlts Shall be pros•ided. • (.11 All common oir. shed putkin): un•as shall be designed such that: IA) 1110 pntvlde udegunte. Convenient. well • niarked.'mid snlbly HhhteQ pnk -Ing, IUI WIIh the exceplltni o1' building- enclosed parking slruclurm They shall conlahr appropriate landscaping to ioltilotit:e the el'fcel of large areas of asphalt or ctn`ciete. (4) :�uu.L`.Lp VG±:jn�7.l I, IiV4.IyF (�VrµUH/t Nn►(- tiiNr :l- I +I�iVrHMiVlellr» Alra.LtuJcu>_ {utt itttt_k puuuUau�i ++cv { +1- itt_lnttin "it itHItA4H. 0101 -Ihit rhtr cuu u,trl u {4s rwarr4:+{rwNNin( -r+Hµw Pnrk_ in), roiu(rementn tire lintel iu Section Ihl OPEN SPACE: 61.0219(1) enidetitinl l 1 'Ilit 1'1 110( 10111- Develuptuent project shall tune It Ininimutn afx u u ti Tperrcnl 23 Inivule and rotnnton open %pace. nol InCludinp h:dcany arra. 60. ) 121 Puc 1 t we htg 111111 Shall have a ntinhinun ronliguous privale open • space ilea ns I'olimvs: Feet. (A) Ground floor • two hundred lwvntN' 225 • five 11 sgiaae 1131 Uplia • Story dwelling unil with no Ground Ilonr r4-s+µ- one hundred (100) ditA,lsguarr I'crL ( 3) Provisions I'm the maintenance ;11111 m:mngent0nl 01' the Cununnn open space ;ofd rn111111nI, Iltcililies shall be renewed and approved by the Planning Commisdon. Such approval shall be based on the following Criteria: Homeowners (A) The applicant shall establi.h dili7intrs Associalinn prior to the selling nl'amy Inl or necup:utc)' ol'any dss•ellinit unit. • 1• IN-- FFn- �h�fttct• r1• anci: ftic+ rrhrFncrreslrirt�tmt -'rrtti';ITtiCh't` rrl= if`rt+r} »HHlinn- »Irtlf inrhnlr fhe- rtriYCrnrTCgtd 1hrins rcrltrtrcd-in--ThC' �. -(` lYiIWHI- i• hNftiHfL` 7�tittttftt '1Fi`n{'rt'Kt"(�kil•T"lt �TrIT1;1R{\ Trrn-ttC-Tlgtttrst'd - iry'ihc . - IyHIVHh/I!- ('- HMMMNM++}Y (1) SI I1 I(I :SOURI'I: 1.(1'11.1%A HON. (1) 1110 Plamfcti -dnrt Ues elopnlent shall be desi(med and develolw(I in such .f nmuter as 111 ntinin,i /v the rtfllinc of tree%. the �: dislurhanrC nl' pounfl rose". cal • null • fill work, dwhiiisw :dlcouittn ;ofd hillside devchq +nt0n1• All tree remnvalS shall lie io accnrthlice willi Cl-ifiN' City tree permit prorcdmcs removal n . ,I. K 5 1630 751 m 'Ii H I . - 61.0214 Original Poor Quollity LAND USE, BUILDING AUGULATIONS •++ uw-.+ Ur. t.. wurJ::.: uul���u. �: d_slr►lu�- uti�11��.:ittlUtltlK- r4nhill r.ed- irrHr7r,n hf nrr-wl Nf- i;er►IHn!+•- (,Ji,U l • l- tl+ ru► +(+ll- I�KA:.•l- .v,l'_tI+�L5au.. - llrrttnreline+ --C�n n My-- H, +dvr- ,tirltrn•+1•- uH+l -� r++ � .iNn- -i,runu•..ruiu+�..xhalt -lw wtnhilirrcihvi 'th7lrtnrrriulr•rinHllnit, (3) A dulnuge analysis shall be prepared and shall accompany lift I7rrlimimaryDevclai +au'nl flan. (1) SITE AND 5'1' IUCTUM: MIA'I'IONSIIII` (1) The spocing of buildings %hull he l.merned by the !equltemenls I'm udcquale light to d air. luoper access. lim nymlalipns, and the need for vNial and;nhlllory prlvary. (21 11'hentur possible, dwelling mthly shall 1w arranged to take advmflage of' view-. and visim with cuaviderallon given to:;�ukru' .aJlrurtu_ wn tul.attcL pleming rclalionshiPs of building of :ISS. (3) 'file 1'Lirfncll.lbaDevelopment slfull be designed to Inlnlmize the Iikelihood of crinlnal tic Ikil)' hy: (A) 111nindring those areas that tire ru'ilher dually pebale 11r public. 1111 1'Lnllinl! lundsruping sucli 111111 nlaailimm (111servalion is ublalned while 1411%WhIg 1110 ;I;;:ifcd degree of aeslhelics. (4) Iluildhll height, bulk. and '.m4v44i' coverfge are regulated dintrict , HniM (1111:11rIN�:1 .k iaN1 -11K lk I171� iK FI11rH1.NH e+r�1�41 hMa ✓.iIFL d>r+L e.. 15) No .Inu'tufe fur human hahilalion Shull be placed in an environnfelftally ha7ardoos. I•ragile, or unique area. Setbnckn required nhall be thane of the brine dintrict nn shall be landscaped except where utilized for driven or ncccnn. NrUi ammW1- .•l.lnll- 11ovAop#IK4A. ifFig• -.., f11'..{ �rL, lytv{{..frYnl•.Idi,4.KN.�tlU1lN NKb. I�C�{: I�Ij H�INH{I.•1lMVirbNll4i/11t1 -re�I l,4Mllhi --• ♦ 1L a1: 11 •}:.lU�L11/A•L'f�N1I�1a�Lf.11K- 41.1:1 ;YnllNL. -W j�l�;N+f:K.� :1111- :HHd- ir,:e.lur;t4rHrl..- _.•L�L_1'u11uk7IY F.id:lN 01147 -:1Nlf -� 111N�Ii1i:7t jNIF -ta M- N`�1il+h4i- �f+•- 114.HF� -_ �unl- lallUJ1 --1 N-: i1V•- i• 1+ 13711HNil1ti._ I: k'.'. 1: ��- :1n�l- wNFali�w,•�{- :W- ilj�i�{ ItWHI•.+:I kFli - -_ �IuNU,• rH: lf: 4�M•- LI1: 4r- �IM4rlW' Y1/ �1s IHMn1-- 14a�whMl- a411��- Ih�111iC1111Hrt�fM�k '1'Ve1i�•b1' �•HIINNNnl1 }' -1:1V illli,�:.;aN i- tiµl�'N444•N'jii/NN r•HHtIMNyM dd h�C"r1N`Illlil+;rct.- _{- �1.- .l'•IiHHhy{- -�i1F1 (-- •lilNili,HNHC ni--1M HH4' +�- +,v11ICIf•-- IMC- •+ri+h hr- �.. i{ 1{ fif} h�-( HM^- II :M,McIH1f1•i1�.H�- kirliHt�di11• file' ritMFi{ Crinlydflrlhi�tkftT }Y•(ityteftl{�- 1•'l.l+l- �h;d1��I��rNO+ -peril nrN Cr-H 00th- ir�uvti4 nelunrrivi +h- 44nmi,H'c4�f•- x' +-frr H r m- _CLI__11L1lill,t:i. LLL>•Lt:_ 1-- ww-.•- lu+ utluuL. 1>< u: 1: uL- 1J11L�:. L. 1c, af� .('Nr- .+�1-- Ih.�.rJw++iF•++�- i:a.li..7t,uL�w...Uw. 1 .07.14' +H.7fiUuu- r.:HUUra -1:W7W :7 Laq,na- is.{waHi+t,4l -wN hNr �lllll'fA1..:JJL':U:.U� -:•I NLp4/114�1. j1rNLlll�' 1L: iIf�Y:: 7W-{ iY {•iHH11i1nH«61:MFI;FHfi� -HN�in 1, a.1- ..U�•- Y11VU._\11:1�L_allllf I:tf_141r- LtYUl111� -k.IN I:lh'F- nNKi�.•1.1��•- .cW 11737Un�a7.isa%14/{�7�:.•_ 11 L 111711 U U L� -.L'J, N 1a. -�lLL lM� {• �'�•1�1.x11.1 U.� L1. �l M {�4 H 1630751 Sh bn C C ZONING CODE • I't.1U 11'lanntd•llnif (lrrclnpureol l UINIIIrl .•A►wpJ VapJ• -- .mu J1111LLL,. - Nwoll• ttpd{nll. Uemily Original poor Qualliy' 1 rt•oilt+ (► -_ ----------------- 4+U••llwolli sr.- WilloAtoe '�--- --- ----------- .44)weilt 414Jnllohie y -- -- ----------- _hl>•'Iwrll• pl' �n {►incrt� A1><;- Hrint+ ne------ •- ••----- --- �- ,�- I�wrll rtft•kln{Wnrrc _43 J.- .U:•- I�I.111 H4t:- Ui}i1- •l1N�e1 H1+IIle H I•- I+fi�{JV:1.1i+WY 11+}h4�••{I�11rN114- •wl ttu J- 11xt••aVJ I.I IW- >:k+pJ- •i�••il+tic -Ii 1NIM- IY /l•- j W K441{ -{•11 �';.�.fnuy- eruocv{•• +Ik�- Coo i4 rul- d'1;N1• -r rv} HnHfN Hdwl- .IJ1wiN+- •I'H�- tlwe1111111- 4111411- I+y- liFleeH ptityNnl • Fd+-, M�- fnkFiti++ne11-- Inrnlf4- •{H -<4w� 11{n>_•• -411/1 !•KltvtritMrMtr-dfr•lrrr- tvrwtiN- N11;.1,1bHer 111H1 11n4irt11+k1 ifr lhr (;rntirll Aoirli+rNfr- menrmnwFr^ isn11t1�• rl- hy- 111x•{ 31nn 1r} n>:•( �+ ntnti..�ilnlynHiQivl- Hne +rl'.t{ nM<�IMwin�iYNcrin -iv inrf•t -- - fr'. d-,' �•- t' nl+ lirl��- wllnrl,lr-•ilt•tn- i� - -►+r It�r#cnl•: •rrr�MYrth -or enhnrtrrd•• witirh- wHnitl- e+S•In�ri,r•rrgnirr- limwixtirdif rr'r- t+hpr+i+lir•tnenh�r -4114"V-1" till ctuu.r-- i+ul +lk• iktm -h ymwitk�t4 n4Kwc -nnl hrrnnd- I�trtinmmrl- rcrymrcnnyri,. . -•IEi- aM-- nmrttrM -- tic+ nrrn{ encr- nt'rc� rrlh7nr-i�r- imnickll^ Y+j+r+vr•nnd- IKy'ennl•nnnnn♦•er rrrintinmr , • f�l�-• In- rife enn• �- fhc- rnrrrtntirofilrn ,ilr- hen++�r+-tnml-fnrlhcrtim • rnnrr+ �• s- nnd- nHcnt•- rF- Iftc- F't:rmmi- t)rrrl-- [�wcll+rmt• H•- Im+rir{nm- trf-fitie - yrrfienr • .�kj - 4u►1- 5U91llT1*AI. ITEMS: The tippliennt Shull su milt till inrormallun required on Int nl'lit•ial cherklM wilt any addilioflru: determined by like suwuLnduut+u 4,LUk_pra'apµll. aUuu uua'urwxu tha ( ity Planner to bn neceenary to duL I JLG,11'1'11L.1I lld?I LUN1�4li1:'J4 G- dellncoto the provonal. 111_.: l: lu^- apNlluuu_.r:haU- .•ewer.- wiU}.T - =+ .u} 11.- �w�- : lialuutill. x_ pdiu�ar. liluw_ a_ I_ ue11u}uulxv..JJau_:t:ttc- :tp{>' w;:}+14•�1►:tiJ- zltluvlt -1t• sic L i-pLuwLL Nov lup•1t,•auc; 1. 1J-. A_ U. C4« S .rar- t:icxUar- tlu► {>••W9�t+ -h1u k:lavw- llw- pw+1xK�M- lxHUUl: uk.; uul.: 11L{ uup• v- l; •_uiU11u- Ulw..luuxAvd- I,S(1(11- �r.y- u{:- Iper�x.leriHr• -- luuuuLuu_- - i• ti- I-••, 4H•• a• KIti 41Np�NN1- •}HNIIHI:I+ /i••INIH� --IK �- HNlt�- 11N'i!1!i Ml(!•ni {- . juupu}t�,�av+U1iH- liw- aH+�}«kwl •(54111}- li'eh ++F- ��IrldHrhlnt xknic-l-4hHwing4nr- • I u wali u V }.t rF.twi W x:11.1.1 H t4 -t Ke+..l H t{ •{ N N 1.j 1y!• 1!ty +,••: - -- - Iw+- 1-- 4�Mt•-(- 1lelir• 111fIH—++ F- 14K- 4414 -tk1•thlt+n-4k- %4rM— (= HHnnrit(1 iH+Jwc} to-_ u1,.. y1,^• Iwt, 11-+ Irt�tyN ,14+{IiH�,.1= •4kr- pnq «rrt{• -nn 1•�i1nN- etr(otm -•f hr- tlty+ii.wN4•- «.1:- 1M,..; 111x- t• r.+ l• kntti-- lnrci-- ttc•c•d,- Fi+r- rrfrr;r� rn}- rnnrtfimt{rtrr' AdtlilH+ IN11N •,- Nre- (•�llniti+rnt•�knH -i.+rn Hrr-+Pr4ir.•mt-nn- �ft+nn;rNnn1 *rt'lct•t -- IHNN.11rHMf! -t4+f Mr•.- e}- t. reknnnnwehry •{hYC,- tlnel- tcjrerinhr ffITL'lr'TriN-rrrnl:rtC-- 111Y- 11141r)tM.ty},{t• M rF�•ry+}tn`trt- - (�{- �.IruNe, tH=t1� rrm+Irr1+ -w {{Ftrr-k�1rl-rrnt mgift•-r:-iiahlt••n*Tlt-- - i1l4.Hrr:•k1+t.l+,•r 1•r- H" Id 3a 151 Y1 . 1. Orlglnal Poor Quality c40 City t-.1 (01.0216 LAND (1nli. IIUILDINC YUGULA ?IONS 11 -to)-1'ii1+t.M11NAti1. UIiVL'LUI'�1I:N'1' I'Li \N: '(1► The ul,l,llc;nit slulll Cllr m Ordinlinam- Davlopntent 1'1;111 which %hall Include such inl'ormalion its will citable the Phulnlog Connuls%loll to judge whellter (lie prol+osal meets the adoplcd criteria milt rwri is the purposes set out In t1114 seelion. Such till application %hull constitute a request I'm m r.onr cb;angcJFtr- remrrinnra r-ir rrrrrmrr. (2) Such itl'orntaliun shall Include, but not tie Ihnited to: that informn�a - FA• 1-, 0.-- twrll- lrn- �hNrmrnt- nF- Mrntf tr�ltirrtr;-ri }nitOrTSlilr`tU' neR nr adupt+al pt+NlSrtnte141R %ur,tncerR r,Fp'.rhilc slniccrnncfi'arilitica,. n,i ttal - «�- T\- •atnllF�rrcFira MttF -1!rnc tnl- stn•c�til +ratrc+rrc � +m}rr•rtrttfinttt 111: Nrn- •tIN +INr4O- 4+1011lilnta• -HF- h+rilctingr- nitlr-- trotrdnr --1} rr�-ntrtclY.-�nrit 4:01114 no 11 .._1...... ... 4 1N••projlv�'+•- City Council 1;11 A processing rev established by Ihc•Brrtrd cthSt7jnTrht,rs•shaII be charged when n 11I:nulr(I -Unit Develolnnrnt al +pliratla» I% made: pttr -. SNrNe+ n-- I+: H? F�-<. r- ihr- 'ian-tie�nanrino-t'ertmte-tYiity- A 9'MitifrIlmy* Developolcnt 111nr n{q,liralion %11:111 he filed when all inl'oromll••n requested N %ubinitled. 141 'Ills 14artning Commisslon shall held a publit- hrorhig on the - irrclianirarr Dcvelopnn'nl Hall. Upon contpictian or the public he:lrilg. the 74"immm" Drvrb+pmlent flan %hail he rel'enrd to the 11LmLd.LmSSutvrsiraM City Ca with a revommendation to approve. or approve conditionally. It the Planning C'Oimltis %i.,ll denies the application, file matter shall rate umle%s;t ,p�alyd to Ihr t)rrardnf tittimttt:nrc- City Council in nccoruance wit h Section 61.222. I'" The I'lanninls Cnilll11INSI011 may alter the 1'rellminary Developna'nt I'I:m and i,,lpose such restrictions and condll{ons as it may, deer,, necessary to insure Iilal the drvelopntenf will be in harnumy wil11 the intent and purpows, of this welion and with the adopled plans at)cl policies . _ of Ihr,Q,l1UJgL Lmullnr puilldill" its approved by the Planning ('onuni%%fon. • t• Ll. l... t1-- 1, lll�i': �1N1�171H! l..I,�•4Nit>INrlt'11(�•t'•iiMYN V•-TN K- HtlpfYr'C'd-- ! lu:.: µµtliunLs4aUJx ;..luclu.J+uLx:iUa.,,•.% aft {kvl- �NnrHtN11•+tiR1= Nt<�xmsan *Ter '. .11is:4µupx:lLuLtlu : pau.- . .11.J -./! u>: �. I! ruliuuuar�- lAwvkN >1nNN1•_�'�NF- wIMNIr- rr -rrHF .:µµuu:�:lLJU:..1111_ L'Lus 11uµ. l�. uuuiaa: iwi_ Ht: u�lw- ;�+waN.l•- 1�r +tk�- tt,h11d -a F . 1411. 11' 1] L1LL�1.: 1�'. V3raLl1l�4. 1J. �. lh- 1t1� ..Ftt�1L'n.7UH4iir•�.1+�'{I1Hf -Iii - 'rs�tiN -H k��rMl Ill.�.ua•tiliLtlluuut.l:.(.'uJc- I L1J�111,_:,}, uli4aut- �l1aU. 1�•• 1w, Jil��l •++itiMt)-np�rnlr- txe+nkh(•- IS) If the I'I.uuling C "'Moi% %tit, apprnsrd the 44rtintinnry Developntt-nl Phil and mar change. Ihr p�+,lN)- 1.1- l:Mrrrvi,rMY�h.dl hold a'City Co public healing till lilt- L'r, luauuu} Ur,clopolvill Pint :old lone change SLµuLraluu,ll:. 'flat- t.w %hall dpprnve or di%:Ipprove the City Council /Fan�sl SI; 7 .' Original Poor ouptYty CZONING CODE 1' 11Ult' lvnnvl •11n1111rcclnpmrntllthlllct 61.0216 June Chant!r jtuL_VtAhu{u.lr•K. I)e+rlul'nu'nl I'hNl, It' Ihr +104tdnnrr- Ucf-001 mull 1431, Is nnl approved, the Board %11:114 nt+Ur)' the 31+11 ICUnt In W0111l;uba:Uu -Nt 111 -W{l!t nNNIF�Ii!`p1A+'I� {nllNC +t7 An Ilpproved plat! %11344 be C11115ldrrd A putt ur the urdhlunve upprnvinl! the Ju1,C ch3nt;e, _1Ll _lu- Ulu.*Vul Who1• 4 - i•' relil+tl, mry- Ikwr;- + {xnrttf -f41,r it ITOinI uµNtuul_utd UlurvallvrrHN1 1MI,+r44f- 1, I'll 8" i-fI -t annhi)ttrhrptrtrttt - i'hm JAIC ..thC.tUt�lJ- {lr(I�l>4I..pF. {111 �- t�i1i14P -HF• I IYe•'I+TH{ee^t -Nx' -7 pp h rmt'•drrt hrlroRCt� Lu. alruukus_wlJ+l 1'rN111,1Intlr4-- })eye {t , p!Ttrnl - I'Inh -rtrttf -ilrrt4-�n-nntity-titlf_ .1'l ulnintt- f'uuuulxFlwtiln• �Mritfntt <+r- vhar{I -Iiril 1r c.ittnnrapprm rt nl`rr1`Intt1 Jau• Nh+ pluuud•1' Ju1F+ vlUthW+ w+•4?}•Yr,m.+1'ilrr- i'rclinrinar� t)t•�rtnlnncrtrt`19If upNuJf:1J.- UruJ'fvJhWo y- Nr+ rlrnr:,; rrt- I' IrmrtrcFi 'tatrmrhtFMrrkTC'ITgltrte•1rr xuuu clfavpv- RINdLJ,e- wJNkknwn-nnlc�r -srM, lie -ltitrrT-tortttt�tctOti'1C(K !irif ua uk.u> ur>d�lpprwwvt HY- lire- 43rtfnl- ++FSnrerri.rr�^ _ 4•,•1.1- a4ltvtrtt- itrc•il nrin rcrr}) rrrlrTprnrttt -Ht;m-;nnt'1't;nntt�tt'tlnTT" 1) u' ukiluuuwl- ai> rK�M tluflty�- Ht.tx< +rari- •i'r•,r9Nrcirm1,r: a4h-Mnt-{nn�hnrTtt-tife N�e�Gkv .u:lalvaF�1•l�iH,l4.1•)tw rk+pinrtTl- Nlrtrrh;r. -mTt-h n-rr yhrmggrmc;tl-�11:rtf 1, u_ ifi bJ L' I: J�. tN- 4�{ 1�M�-. f1r11M14{INTYt1i- •Hrc- •>•rmirry- ;rmhtnhrr'�•1rr(ttt'rz-nt-t1R''- u�.aww•a;WaNliN:Vri' -NM Vf4f+ pfiTlYT4 ••Ntlln•mTchr.,rrrc- rh;rTrFe, � �• � - ... -- h�— F+,+1,Jr1 -tN : F h:+.�t�it�- N•'Ni'L'�t'td ( ��' �"_` ��' I�"^ uhu+-=+' �uFWu�J•+ �l�a- f <INaJ•1Je +vMH,iNNN11t- FANFnky'- 11e.1JL:J -Jiu_a 11..Uu:1:U1,1t.•1111:111tJ�/1,- 111- :l -UI:N F!W li -i�N ii- :�Y4M4tNHlfl4H- H� {nf•'tt- Nhasa.Uuxwl'. 1 �1._ 1' ba- L' uua- U� •.u:Juplauu►t- l'.kuF- �tF1iJ.�N« IMdr-•Tkh-hNrNnN►irrt- -: el;. wNlitiell .11 }•JJJLJ�auµhw.l:uµµµi+: ►141{1 -I {let jlytilHt!r -) I µ t•HH44WW ei t•) H (.•' 11�•..:._J IN111-- 1:11NWi71}F- �iHf11- »fINWfjt#IfI YFi •--tM't>ItMY{1-'fiTiti- LUuUuUuuc__ tL1> - a-- te4uuNly— sNHdH+.iNn- tnnt+-t,f=+hr--Ktjvi"h-+nii- L4:.:acAyuw: nl.�r.- phaw�_u1wvH F;- •satitl•- HT+h+• -r{nt{ H_mihrrr- it+- iitr- ��rrrr- uuµuuuucut+_us vilv�t_v+ -ai 47.LI411eJ(J 1 NirHnrlr 11y► r>i= Hn -5trn iirrnarjiTm - �' t�iJAJ .1e•:�lµtettll {1J•NN }-t{µN k�i41HYH dHK'rT41•t h r1Y`4H -- - 4. 1L_ �:{ u,,; w ,1ua,,N4.4>r.wJfirlltlrr•h�r,ih nn•I'it�piifll:rcns••in -trrT :mt1• WituJJ•.!♦: k' M- Nf+�1- HHM- 4.1- 1••t,HNye�•iff- lift- nnrirrt -•mr� .n►,K.;ti..�l_:..r...,..._u� fi +Wtt'•4441MHte .. ,..,'.. �, ��•,- ���rr-. �rnr-t*t- -tntmr,- tt- nr'-h1�-tfl- uQ": tuN. N;+ t- twit, �lrnx• r- wiHr- tfrc- i'rclnni'Irrrc- t•)rsrkq+rrt,�T; 1'rnr,-Rrtn•t17nf�- :u4}`.IN ",Ji4M4,fi . aFAv-N„` rrl+li•r: 1,r{- nFthci' rrtinrinTrt- th�ttt)rinClTrf'hnt:":Iv •- 1" ��- I+ xyr< r. c- ihr- n •c•r•;r}•t-i:nnt'r-tRr- jn•T,+R, -11, rt0- 11�1T,'1tV'itl- �' 1•-H* �"' �+' rtr •rr'c}m•1nm,r1-1'In- •;rrc;r•zr r :,�ittT�rrnr•rnnnnl�r� X1) lG JO J5/ Original Poor Quality Ge 61.0216 LAND USG, BUILDING ItEGULA -rIUNS • �• sr i- 1--} 11- N• IIINN{ 4{- IINVY 1l1INNN{I{�.I:iIINHINlr41�: •I::7:IU- :>11.tUHN1{ W4�t1.1ilY 441rNF -H1 - Vi{}Y1111NII N{..1{({/{{ I�- 41F- {+ti1W- iHllll{I�trllWitK- •lilt.- G11W14�- 1711{ILY- rc4 4u1F4v{{ wFt, :.lhut- M111.{lrutvNl- tlw- Iutupr tt�u,;:1Jw- tul:{!•�uujevl.- I�a- • :FbN•IU:uu {k1p -Cu mnll.,:iw{. �!{ul I.v U4 wr:.u}4�ulw• �u.411r;{1,puu'N- .•U{4•_kI{{u441N4w11,1,1nw{t Rhin. .4.1.1• -IJ:•a AN- i% ;HI{1- :%14'Y111I1111NN (••1•'iN N- Iw- IIH4- :{1111n1YYti� -ti1N L114 41 1111V1}- C +4111IIIA 4441a+hNU•laoii1lyl-Nw•41111111MHH1.41►-W441411I4- 1410 - h'H4(11FWIIV -iI- 4, c -rNN4n- N41114NPH14111vN•wi4l +4 lw P4 Nil mi twpF - 14"Ol+/i mmt -NMHr r (11 -1--I I)AIIV-VWM- 11r;4Id1,- kit- ll6-ille -ol IOlkwitt-11111y- rvf1le. Iv. r111t{!N 14d4F•1`i1H1i•I�rw4.+rrintiN -µ1n nr •- F�- 1- -N =hr-I hr�+ rinl4+ rt-(+ M14n-• µkrn4Nnr- (�(mtmi~.Innr•rnn +FrnrHc++r• lvrNrinY •igh?crn- 1- 141- •rrn,rtN►s•er- Inn- Imrr•n4mndonrd r-f he••}+n•{imirmrr -mnl rr:ggrrnrtl- -in-•t hc- �; nnr- m; nnn• ras•• trr- ttrt -ilrsr'fmrrrrrr- "1'tnr'IM;tn n Fonnntnirnrnrn- •tntcrttt - ttrr - prrintl- ftn- httttetln >;z'tnictnrt•thnrTnrttvcr'f*r- nsr-1'nrRnnt ^t1rNt2•thttr-l-t t; r9-• rri- nt�snrttntrmn`nrQr7C"i'1" ?i - 141„,4• nH1t. -rl n11I- I, r+' iln�inrrnrrlilnnt- wilh••5tti•ihnr +•F�+hS -- • -t•a +- µrig+ r- ie+••nticrre4nliHn- nFlix- Front -nr;tTr•Nn- F'erlhnvirrgitem - sIn11W�r• 4' i4rcl�rNk •Ihr•1ry+i'�•rr+rrintc•- n1Ktin•y- -!• H--+ kx• tmntiHetirnr -(+f-•cmm�rnty- -cnnnrrtrtc: ticCdr, - Hnd•111 +rnr�r�wnrin li.+n- hrM + +nr mltrir fil+nr-mcl-�ntich-mf-irlmf•Rnr•Hitnt'- •+ Mi- SHrrli rv-- mc1-• rrr• fcnn'rnnrtnYrldc-crm•rhgr•�rTmn htinr- nK• e+. rdrdierh- (4.1mhlir- nttrnh'rnnnH�rancf zttfirr�n•rtrc•asZh'tcnrthtCtf- -F1Y -t Orr- µkrn»ist}.- �'.1rlttni•1silnr. �hrnnnnnH- af= Nn• -ilcrl'c+mm�cctmmts'stlnft•17t" - µkm- -ix•4ixr. - c} �rrinrrror- nttrr- thrrnn�t• rncNnn- 'vt- -lhr-i'f,'mrnRt-thltt--- - Hrvrl4�+rrtt -r+l -r errl+l- t., n rrrHcsNrrr-1?r- tin -; Mhc,,nn-hrYhc^mT'r►t7(+nlRr 111Y` inwrm} rrHn- rnnrcFnrrrrrrn-idccl'fccMcr- -- F- hi'••i rF�nrn•- nc�mt• c�- rnch- n- �n'- tltt ^iRC;ntrnr^nnt•'ttrtn(;`6f- -hHil d'nryr- cmcl-•�tnn•l nmr•�trrr-in - -nN fitri7Cd -hC- iii- -1'1:f tlnfrt�trTCthnT'7f-° ' - nKrlin•( hf+ T- rnginrcrinF��r- otlnn- rirrtrmst: mCrc •nm-itlTrst'Mr'nrrinrnnTi'nnr F+ rrrl- Hrvrl.+ rnn- rH- Wn11- m. e; r�rrnerd;= fhca^ elrttll .Tt'eh:tlt'1tC'mlilt•1TThT1 ^lit Nn- finnF+nl+c}irri+�rr•rrrrin- ^ t• H+- i4, rj' rrr-- cinn�c• �;--, inir- rc-- t•►r,'rrt4s•s-- hr --tn� mrrrHr�c mt�N- z,i-tntc - -hk c1�-- nnhincihtinF nc-th:rnTrs 'tn -nrtr- rtewi .inrrx+l= rntmnnn-%,j,Ln - srtRt - mtt�tt -fltfTCt- Mirlliri"ITtRIS- gr•TIT 1�' Hrrnmrl-' hc- rhr- f' h+ mitrtrf• nnnnh�hrn-- tinrNl ;mntR(rt'i� ?Rn17.Z7r�TiiT,it' :'il�ir" ^ c+ rrirnr.- •}rntd- a- -rlrMir-hr:rrtn[•-trt:- ; rqt, ht�T- to'h- ?R,tlnr-TRT17Tir•,-- )<ii"- -+1H h"14k1{li+t4- HM!+- Nr- }1TMt4 H- iH- i:N�il t+j1 HN4•fl- 1•flTt/i- iaNFl`iH NH H`11{ � H- mtit'"1\ . :4{t+Ki{+1•-^}i H�A1 F1ti*• 4h+- h4ttHk4i-; 4j- tiMHlt. 4'• 1- In- l• IMnilHMtiv- ii1Hi"}MYr'1n•C'l7TKRI' le 10 7M1lS/ 00 'j� 1 I�J1111 1.1IYI'i Ir� I'1 r fl '�:' rl X11 r� I�'li.I 11 1' . , I r I.L. 1(1(I .I 1 1 i 1. '.1 rlr•If l � +1'.I + ri' 1� i li+ ;fit I I 11'1 In 1! pla y �! 1' 1 ,, p1, 11' � 1•.1 11111 i , (I���,'�1 1 � II .�'. �� r ir{ � Igi1' �rI1 � ✓t I � rl IC �1�.1 �'l it II +,'+rl I I ;�'1I� 1 I'4'1 r 11114! .1 11 rl; I., I hVrl r" r I• fir': I�r 11, r t I i ( 111.r ,Id ,r'.I ,.I. II/� li li'f .� ;t .�'11 { 11, I'I� {1j1 f � 'dil L, •. f'1 f t J 1 �� //111114 fr Y,lj li•�',nr 1, 1L,1y it i'�'f; !�!' 1 'tn .'.1 hl "1�1 r IN m rim 1 !�.• rll Itl I ;t ( 1'.ir I�I f. Ir Ili � r r, � f �• 1 .411,1 +._� ' 1• f r 1 f'+.I!i 'III I IrrY '1 r ,4� 11.11 111 �, {,�'r l' I �' 11'.' 1 1 1 ,. (�.✓1 1 ' 1' i r _. �y � Or (il )+ I'1 �'; r1'/ 'll� r1{ I r. '' I�1 �r''��1 � 51'''• 1,�' ir� I1,.1� (1,l` f I1 �I�''li �'ITI�.� r +i1j / 'n I I ,�'. �•! 1f 11 1� • �:I11i + I '•I �I t !.. �I i11i1 1 S 'I (r',I I X41.: I ..t• , •iM drlpinal Poor Quality C� h1,112141b1 LANI1 USE AND 111JI1.UING REGULATIONS El --Itm•ftTmlr, ��' ttnnr- tbnrmrn -7t4r1^.rh�lnhR-�II�s•-rtnnrin� • cl; rtr- n1= n�rit +t- hFihr•wrlthrrnnnlir•Nnvrr: Nn-f�+rvirmmrctrhtinri++mcmnrt- A Mn �htrtFriHrcr- trrr+ errr+ mlbnppnxc- tln-mrn�t- fm- Inr+hil�nvnn -nR -- --I tit -•itr Writ -I9r1Ti:rt- N�itlrtn•1Trcrr rttnr-t•hYrratr ntl,rrthlfs•�t'ttT- �rcript• Trl'- nntifirhHnnn+ t- ttrt^ ctctthlhvl�nctr ;rl+T+NraHnnrttn ^rr,lntt ;l��ttt;rtrt' - •N%•1-•13ftq+ lent,- {rr- Nitmtinr. -.0immi"inn -rnr hprrnl- -T�re- nniwhnt•• rtr ry-+ rpim+ vrrdrnyr •rx- nttnll 1i-- 1t+r- rrl+rlircrj imr-+f nrr Lire Ht+n-tt n d- l:irinlr-litrn rplirmH-•ttrr-�rmrt+mitp- hr{,c -h t^mt-a t•�rtrh i+r++rinr- l4evrt}�} - h�vrn�r -tht+t-ifihr- NMnninr f'orrrmimc+n ;+Mrrnrm'"d- n1+ 11 ficatirni-• if•-+ nrrH- m; rin- a- lit,+ dmr• ihht"1hr- rl+Tr}Irntirrrrrnnftrrmti wiHr;lll -• Ihr•pmvisitnrxrrFtf+T�tin>Ytcr. hny-- onirr.- �cgrrirtrm�rrt :-- ehlisinn-- -ilcHrnnhrrttrnr.--• -°inadr-trq••-tf tr-C�rrmrt}-- k'f;mrrirr(' iirr- t1tl:+rrf ro!--`itrt+rrvr<nrt-1n n�+rmt-in- -Sn�^+rrvrr- - - .. •.11-,.. -. vY U11� rttt •-nr-.q.Tnry- nf-dm- .LZJ__1hc.luau LaluaLUL. tLt�st :�llcut:slt:tll�u>,t�ecauttlt u�tl1 v.lLuit_ ur..iutuliz:_ae1L�.- us.►_�> cur: J�ulU�_ uuucJ _IUVL�uaUil�iru.4Llty_Lu..IA 1� - _{81 - -�' ley +r.>~+c{enc <rF'- Hw'��Ite+rr�hn Ntix+1- Itrr+on�,HKCd- ler-limi t - Fix'• NN NNN'fiN'- N{:yw!,elNN�! rjkM! NfiMr t- H�i1MMriH•(/TMMttiC-tt•nx �!„!e! ttM11r'1ti C'lnl- tit.iNk,ly+rttl�rN� -4ww Nt.�pH1 jte+ w`' k+ l- HHNyin}:- Iwrrr ,NM•r+r- rrrtiHn!FC1rry+IHYed-l��- - Nn�dit+ Frirh+ w- twwn+ rlt+ Nxn- e+ r�en4NkrhefF9rlx +e+Fy+n>fxYly�e+rrir4•wrnly -Fe trr- 1111 PARKING ItP.lt l' Ilt I'M 1:1, 1S.' IhovteltnlaIit ins arvotablished -to prrnide hir thr 1at•sile 11.11king ill ' nuH,a sehi:lrs lliat ate allrarled he the list, to 11SO rn Utz• 1 it-111 srs. the I'arilttiv% n•iluirrd.l+y This %eclitm I'm the parking :uNl m.uu ulvt ing ul nullnr cehirle. ;ut, ;tssunred 11, hr the mininnutt need fill sorb I.I;iliitrs ;tratrd by vadi parlitiihr Imid usr. It is iutrndt,d 111,1 lhesr repuktutnts 11111 insult in pil,llerh drsntut,d 11.0mig arras ill atlegtctlr ra11;161 > that will rrducr ual'Iir conprslil,n. 11rnnNltr inclv.l rd husinrs.;uul t,nh;nlre puhlp sildn 1 1rr% neon usr ill Ihr land ut rler% wain building ia. r,u,Fl t1(1 OrIgInAI Poor Odallty TONING COIlii • 11nrldug Ilnlalreme °l� 61.0219(h) 110realter enrlcd or sunrWnlll� allOnvL s11:111 hl provided %%Jill 1111nil01n0. ol'I'•xlred parkhlg urconun,ulnllons 11% lilllotvs: 111 (ienend('onlhlilms: IAl (111•%Ircel 11arkinl! Ioe :oio11• IIle requked Ilarkhlit sl1ac0s ,hall hr loca led till the s,un0 site with the main use or holldhlg: oil pl0olisl's coollguous IhrrOlo, or IH it localtoo. ,till developct to ;Ireunhuu'0 Willi it plan, appalled 11v Ihr L'�wutt;l uuu(1igltut ,tlu, IlloI1e11) Ivllhin Ilu 11111111:II1• lil!111 • of • N'a)' of ,I slit-vt 11t hl0i%%':I1• shall n1,1 he ll�l'll Ill 11111ville •nvluited ptukfog or In:tdiol! lucililics. 1111 l•1lange ht Ow. Nhro the occullauc> or use of any prellikes is chapped lit a dill'en'11l lfse, parking l0 11.001 the relluireHlrnty of this section .11111 he I1n•slded I'r1r tire Hell use or orell,;,o l . I('t hu•rcjue Ill Use, Nheo 1110 occupjuly% or use III' low pr0ndses is altered, cohoged. evl,:onlvd. or intcosilicll. additional parking In 111eel the requhenn'nls of this section s11all 110 provided IM 1110 enlarged. MIlaod0d, altered. or lit 1em%iIi0d portion only. 11)1 It' Icr0 Ilex I]1 or more likes ore loeat0d ill a single hullding or a single prondsr. required parklog shall he provided 1'or eaeh sl,ecil'ic list,. C11 1 ht caw oil' a praclical dillh•ully or hardship, a fo(oor d011 -11ion mjn b0 w(loesled in accordance with 1110 ^rv%kions of Section (11,02 14)(1)f 1 11111. •. 1' I.. L• �' r-;►-(.'• aNNrNl4lii }- %iVNMFII- i= 1NH- i1:V=- N�4+11• �I rIN}+Zµl{•.K�I11µ11 iNCt+clwl:N W.- a�yty. l: d�- r�4aNHNWNIiH: 1HH4- IL�t! Hhhfl}!« tM} 1�11ij!••�{lNhilHflr,�1•+ralte- I:131H HN Ni114rwM- N141N+ F- dd4. 1, FFlNH- ilAr•4•- �+p'- pt,yrK'!liNti•- 111- Hh•rMrtkhkk`- •wi111+- . - pHN'+ NHH�( 7i��+ da�i1MH- t�•i- L1_.)114i•11•i�if�•ir- 121 Mil olloo 11,•sigo SI.unLods applic,Ihle Ill Molli • residential. \lhninislrative • I'nliessiunal• comolercial. Industrial and Gtucaliooal INV4: I • \1 I wh p,nkinp shave .11.111 Ile nol less 111,111 Ililte (41) teel wide by nineteen I I'll feel Iring, %vith ,Idequale 1,losislinls I'or hlgres :old Ogles% Isy ,1 %land,od Alocri,•.nl pa.x'ogcr lehiele. '1'111% sl:uHl,lyd is applicable to all ores. incholinc single I',nnih• aiul Itsu - I' :unit) le,idculial. 1 111 1 hie tle� access driwe Iv ;Ithog lit .dslt,s t1 Ilhin a parking ava .hail IV :1 unninnnn aidlh nt lsvelee 1 111 feel I( I 11'hete I,sn • sl,n Ir.01 is desilyd, .lisle ,sidlhs jolt oen omerm:! me.l..It III Iti a minnnum Ilidth ul mean 't 6 t l t l I he ,,ok in : arc,% shall lie tcsh, six I ! Hell .,"1%u e car entering the iarloog .n •'.1 .11.111 I,.,, he re,llloell 11, ,•Ilh'I .1 %free) I1, foji%e IrNlll ollc 11,1,11„11 h, ,I L\ ,Hhrl 1.1k.111 ml t1'llloll Ibe paI1,111g atea „I pretiows, 41� /fi.•r5 /7lJ Cit PlHttltet:' qP C� `1J M ,,. Original Poor Quality b1.021411or LAND USE AND IIIIILDING REGULATIONS Ilil 1'111kin(t and millw1 ship. areas shall br su anauged that anvi celdl.•le cnlerhrp it eehieuhtr riphl • of • way can do ml Iraeelinit In ri I'urtt;trd direction 11'1 Where eurhs and gullets' to nut e%ht and when• eellleulm access In the privale pmpety is 'lilt restricted h% barriers, head•in parking which would necessilule full 1'natt+uge access to the street or lilgilwav sh:dl not he perntilled. . • • • . I(il All ol'I'•suret Imrklap I'aeililicv shall be so desipned as la limit access lit the 1,rivate property from slreels aild hlglneays to a ntiltin 'lun number o1' s lit nd:ud commercial drit•ew•ays per the +ivmt(;r•— R-tmtl Ci -i1mvttnrtttt t loealioas: "I specil'irut(uns• Cu 1111 Any lights PI'MAIed It, Illumlliale such parking areas shall be su arrntped as to ielleet the lie-lit aw:tt 1'rom ad►oining residenllal premises :uul public Ihunnlghl':nrs. (Anlendrd by (Irdhtanec 1413. 111 individual parking shills shall he cle:Irly striped and permanenlly nellnt:Ihted Willi duuhie or hairphc lilies lilt lire wrhivc ill' the Imtki 'lg I'acil ty• With the two 121 lines being located an equal nine 1 11 inches on either aide or Ilse shill sidelines: arrow, p:iinted on paving .hull huliealL• direction ill' Irall'ir Ilmv 1.11 >lini'lnnn Akle \ \'111th thr I'wo • te.uc I tall'Ic! For Iwo w:tr Ii;11'I'ie. aisle widths mud m:memering areas shall he it minhntun of NVIlly • 4 -.ir.L;l1 I'eel Ili width. oi:r 12G .Iinitnum \isle Width I -or Me • way 'I'roflie: _ Stall Stoll \\'idth — _Length _I': rklug Angle / .Msle Widllt I c1.1l It. 30'!I 2 1'I. 45 '11411. r.(1 ; L••LI I, 00°4a 1't. (3) Patkingmid Loading Alva Requiretla•nls: I'eert• pared ill' land heretiller to.•I or Inaint :tined I'nr roidenlial packing, Imblic parking, private ImIkii:11, ne\e 031' sales lots. used ear s:c1e% Iola. lilt, ill camper or Irttlar .ales lots, Hu.cl .:des lo(%, or nlltec uses of a %imil.cr n.tnce. �I1;111 he imprllwd as 1'tillows, cneludim loading spares and acres dcoes' 1 \1 I,eI% Ivcsnmss. eocntn.•I,ia1. hotel. ho•oital. institution. indasUial. r,c sia•,ial use hereiaallcr established nr ererled tin Lt1ul which ahuls upon a street ur .nc .Ill-\. shall how title I I I perimmoolh maintained loading .pace id no, Icss Ili•uc tell I lilt Ieal in width• 1;111 feet in Ifi;15,7J/ y,,l A " original Poor QuAlity ZONING cOltli • Ihlrkhm Itetplkellicills 61.0219(6) Ivor III• and f III lleeII 11.11 1veI clear 111 Ilt•Iphl, hit c;ILII Hit' Ihoun;DUl ISA)tl(ll. stiluue feet of buihlinp IIor,r ;trcu IIrotldetI however. IItai nun more than I'nur ($) litivh %pint't•% %h;lil he required Per nse. _- 1JtL.L �1:. dk. �_ wLw1w .L:uc:�ti_1ltt�rs,JUltu1_ul:l:_ �Larl 1 uuk lrgt .uua.luaJlu{t.:u+uuuLl.uuuwi;.t Wiw. LlirU1 >a:.,rulau:.4ulUr.:►aullLLuuuu ul:. 1LL' LL. 1��L. 111�hL.%. lll_ d. �. C.'._ I>: u. hlli_ au_ pluul.. �rl.>.. rucliu'.lul:•.,C'uuul>:.ILu:ul_ I,laP :tUUUU1. 5µu: iGuaLluu _,1.1u...i'J_.(.lutwJu.,lpu 1:;dks:auuuluu.:u�:ra.- lluuc.. s1wU�w..uu.l.tltGw'iliu.riuNll lwucu L_ uruLu- ur- u+; NJ,- 6i1V.. H4F1NH41• Y�J-_ �NVMI- {�.IrJ.iH}r•iHNI•�+i11U11 w,Y•�w.a�..1•�+.+aVN 1J1. 1�N ti- wJHII±•- IW- .1 +r.:'HW41 -�L�i IaN,Wr}1NhHNN1- N{:.ItK�r•'.1 -/I N�JIVw�>J -N N{-.. mJ N 1 INJ•: 1t�i11FF .- 4ttN11t4- IZIM /J•.I�Ly4N 4111V 111- �i)Wt'U�V1Fr J•NH�:Ih�L� �i'.IIJ k+- �IIWJN{•{aF Ftillt'4i-- .I:NH•t_MH -•1 N /J4H V d- +;lit'4 {-- Nr-- is>`;NJ�«r it V ht-- �iN4Jl-- i+tt•- r1F�MN:'IN?iNY HV JFHH4INHN+l�yNW I /J /N (•i+4.1.1HJ1 HHNJV -i•:� �1ra:•:/a��11. J.,- ......-_ � •- �- •��- •�_-•+.._V «hVNYMYAt.;l7 t./i+- :NYIt ►.1 ►�:I�a+I.+.I. lout. ur•. luaa,. thu.. cv�lllrwlrN' 1:.... ts,' a1. 1> alkUu :.uufl.luaaurµ_ar.'af::lNtl.._ . ..l�.L;L•�.►.el+iL'.L'A- nil: lU -LM. RNLI. N�1J_ L�JUI-: WNUNHH4N- UI:.1- wua„a- iiwlru,:- uC.la.ul n11kwJ•_ MN1aVJNllr•• iy+ 1NN�1'_• I' �. i� 'N:•- Ii¢I1:Ir.:,KW111- }iltfylf IaV.V{iNN_lut„u;T- t�.�tyLltl- ' n1'•• whr( Vllr-«- IilHllil:•{ V�JtJ. u11Ji1J•-+ Iwf.- a1N. Jyt, cy) l' �t41! Il: t+lM►•;•IINNM /IN4.1•J•.�r�(1{jJ M {INK4- :lV� -H� - INF} N�Fr• iN�N�J1: Nihy41KV ••1ilt�- HNj1rJh4i- 41i�{-- JiJ}tW j..INHiiJ111!•ilfiti-- ( t4Ni1} fIMNt•N4•M }Iti- rlrLkw�..yMj.VtW •• �Illlii• �Y- IJNWt1PNNll4{- •IVIN1•- INI11lN tlrl!F•1Vi}it'J1•• NNf%^11iN1 NdN•!.ii14ti -}YNV t`i- HP- t#{}�y.+;jlN jlfl f�HN,'FIYf itfi!h- ;� {1t' It•1ik'- iNi- M�•IttKt'Ni'- r1i+Mh1+:•^HII� N N PMt,tiJ- ��ItV"+- fdl•- {HHtirtW - iN- ��14I! {IJt�q hr- I�twrr I••�N+bnrk.;:�r�Kr:r. . NN�re- �. hHJJ- 1.L••INrw+MH�p.H<+}Iti�L•tNtH N..- neck Icrtnhmk or %ardi and nN,loi tellicle %tor;ll:e ; impound th 1litlr. "L he provided %%Hh ;1 duslproDl'cd - imprepn;tted %hip. clu.hed rock oregoivalem if approved surfuee of uil bv' the'>?lanninP'Comminoion U�l,iLV ' U_ «(C - LU„(! 1 {.LI)ILIriL1ts.�;diutl,roPrrtt' h>,uri�dlin . IU--L J- J- =U_,iu.it{ DkIrir Itll,lltl`,�R•t� Oz l.. Ihr� I +r �cP;r :nld Ihcrclrnm solid fence t,r.nlannui >' wldl Silt Inn 1'cet in heiphl, 111e;InNred I +v a (mill finished pride DI purl.ful! lot, prmide,l nuch I'enre or tve1L Ilom the line 1'nml Properly lu ;t del,lh eyN,11 to the lequircd I'nnll y;ml nn the cl;l%- il'ied ;11,111tiop "k.. propcij%. nh,tll he I'rtnr 141 Iee1 in heiphl, nu'awred +LLUL lilt' tibLtL *LLU1' ptidt. ' I'mkiil I'nan finished L_list �.j-Ll. LLI t: tl.: 1�U1. 11;: 11LU1 :11:,:(�',d�jJ1.1L�;•;W,1'- Lur1�.vLluui,:r_uuLlu.lb.ILL �i.>..IL.Luu' Lis. u. Lllcutluva ..u_..l_ILU�ILUU..+.iuuit:k_ sud.lu:Liul:iilu+L •''�U.l�•L:L.uaclL..b>,al:dluL (D )- 4-I:.)_ I hr Ic lntred 11;11;, lot- ;ue.l .11;111 Ill., Inrd for any lairy.ov ni Ilt,n, Ihr hvnp.'rnc p,ukin� ••I nu,nUr cehirlen. ;urine the litnt• the a <c IhM regml, -� the p,ul.11,r in in ol•vraln.n, (E) All parking, areas shall be Paved with aesthetic concrete or concrete to the standards of the City. Additionally, all parking and access areas shall be separated from and _landscaping, area by the six (6) inch high six (6) inch concrete curb. r (0 , Orlglnsnl Poor Quality M1I.(1:141h1 LAND USE AND IIIJILDIN "1 IMCULA11UN5 - U1L_L• IJ-I ai4 LUU11�u .uutluiuLuwldu�u„1,aNwrad,,11 � w.� «uuN�yJ:.1Lti,1 LaLLt�L}:. ill, 1r1,;),,; t111LLt ,,�1)Yruu:UtLr,U.,al:a},,r � /:Wparua_ 4tLOL- UUUr:U. -JU A):_J: UUWu_ IILt__ u: uuu_ U1LULL•_tuw1U_IJL_U"ljiAwa.01_Uw -µu�luuu_. uuLuu►- .i+urlJaµlaw�.,l +lrr J.+IJ« nN- wr,r,J.ylM l• wwrrJ+ti tinh : I':uldup -I! III J k4w-I iit�- Llar.�,. JMt(+omvo,4 1,4 -I )��a«N I;rr e r,•,ti1+ry>r•Ihiwrtt, I'LLUUe..r'UAIWttW...rlltlr,__ 141 Ifaslnl'ss :11al ('omnluvci:d llsu%: 1,\I (icllelal hrsl11ess• escelpt as herein autifh'd: ()nr III parking. space for vile II 1\% 41 hunJrell ( 2(1(11 sgaarc feel I,I' hrlhliIIg floor nre :I, A mhllnulm of Ihrr 141 pmkiiiit slp :lvo. sIl ;III l,e provided, 111) Anm.caa•nl culerl,ri.cs, c4jaa11ctcial rerle;llluo aUd simil;u' uslw.uell as Sill till ing ranl:es, rare Ir :Irks. rllnialate pill, cmn.es, pit ell "MI bull copra'.. Lurks 4111d /oos: One (I) parking space I'or each four Id1 1per.o11s os11ap or :Ilh•nding Ilse hicillNcs, If'1 Aohaaohilc sales. nl,at Salk-.• lilt 1pilt, III ,llle .1111., r imr.rries .Ind other oprn usv . 1pci in a f+alldhll. or structure One I I ) parkllp Space till each 1"41 Iht,u•.nul I .11111)1 sgwlre feel of open err,l dreuled to displal• or sales, l,r„irl.d. holsrrer. 111x1 where such area c\ceeds ten Iho11sand I IIL1111111 .yuu:e feat, onQ•onr 1I1 perking.pact. IIved lie litmided for cac11 (ire Ihous :Ind I 5,11111)1 sluare I'et,l 411' such area in wens', of the 111.1 fell thoas:11ld 1 Ill 0001 .Inane feel contained in such area, II)l 1141%p iillp ;Ille) s ;11111 (pilliard halk Pile 151 l,•Irl,iug spaces for each 11(m ling lime :ol(f two 12) parkllg spaces Im each hilliarl whle. 11.1 Chapels and nlorloaric` :: One ( I ) pinking apace 1'or each I111ee 01 l'iscd ss'dl% and fill ever ) laenly (_( .111101 feel of willing area where Ihcrc my no 1'iscd %c,llr. all t(1 he w•ilhin the nwi11 chaocl. and one 1 I ) pinking apace for c :lrh four hu11drrd I•JUI11 squ•ur Net of I'loor arc :1 owsitle the 111;1111 dwild. I wenlr • liar 124) Ihlear inches o1' 1enc11 or pew sianll 1e considered a lined •o:rl. 1111 Child care cenlcrs: One f I 1 puking sl +arc I'or each calp111,we or leachcl ,Ind one 1 I 1 l,arkh,g spare for each n %v 1511 cllildretl the kwilO i, dcsit:n1-41 L, ac;ouan,,,LUr. ofit ( hihhca'. h411liv% Onc :Ind pas• belt 11':1 parking sp;lt,l'.I,ue :k IIvlI1pI4, \tae4111lilt, I;Itge,l s1d1. Ill% ( hol,11cs Oplc a I I l,,ut.inc •I,a,c log ve.h Inur 1.11liscd .pals nl for c%V1% a OO\ ._WL. J. aluelt, Ic.•I ,41 srutinl� elt,e ,vilhlu the t,1 ht(28 Illaln .1 „111oI1U111 plh,'Ie II,;It, •Ire Ip, II \IYI _L\L6LUU_djUULL.2AI lilleat' C_ ighteen in, Iles nl hen4 h 4 v pt,,..11.111 In• crinsoicic,l .1 I iscd .cal. /r/ 15 N/1 'l.ONIN(I C011t? • 1'nrkll,p Ittgnlrrulenln Original Poor (duality Orlgh,w. dVl Quality (11.0219(h) slluare lecl of 11nn00l11001' ll(V:lMidttitle I l l llp ail ;1111 :tspu0tr li +lr r; �1h0thiee lul lked WON and frlr each twenle 1:01 squt'le feet of sealing: an;l tehcrc there lne 111 tired sell". ntlni;lluh pnll''tinr Gill' '++In II ,ott, and Illvilq! ranges. loin NM- iti Inelnde :11111 nnr 1 1 1 ll, +, ,; I 1 I l I r lithe alt •III bull cuulses I 1 I icc per lee ,nr dUt Inp rntl:es, (K 1 Iln,l+llul: Unr f 1► p;ulahl: sl +;ler'I'1r rnrh twn 1') p;Uienl I +ell+ ;"Ill tine 1 I 1 p :ukhtp ,litre Im each ,iall: ntet'tbt•r 111111 engdm'ec tin the "• I,ul :e"l ,hil'1 111 \lelh0al 11'I'ice,. clinics. crterinal> la„piLlls: Dice (5) l+;ukinp space, I'm 01101 dl,clm 1r drnlba, 1 11 :It'll prnle„ Imwl nN ,011(1ne III 1jarlling sp. 1100 her vaeh`t,tirthtnnlred(t00(%)) syuule I'rrI of I'Itttir :1e :1, A minimum of fnur 1.11 ,m'It Imrk-lifl! "Laces .hall he llruci let L IN1 ()rpani7 :u it'll 0,11111,,: ()ne and tine •hall' 11':•1 parking: sp;tccs flit each 0:111 111011111.1 dnd tie:1111 +Iletvr, I 1(11 Rr,l;nu;ml,• inrludinl: drit"e•in,, cafes. nipht 'elulls. i,ttern, 'Ind lelhvr sinllkn ldarr, where Ihrld and'tir rcl're,hmeni arc day +rn,rd: ()t' :111 l+alfing ,parr I'm r;1011 filler 111wals and I'uretrrot• 1'11'1% 0+111 „luare 1'001 ill" littler area tt heir ,c;ll, 11:10 I,r placed. A mminaun ttl' fen 1 101 l+ar 1, inc ,l'.lre, ,11,111 lee lirm idcd. (l +t S1,011tlp rinks. ire tir 111101 Otie I I 1 p;ukinl: spare (tit each Olive 01 fired .eats Auld Itir each 1::111) 1'0I elllary feel 111' ,ctltinp a1':t whvh• Ili; re :Iry nn fired ,cal, and title 1 I 1 palkinp ,parr I'm ench lt%o hundred and fill) 1 -,511),Iluare fief ill' si Aitip area. I \vrlh • lour 1'•11 linear' hn'lu, tit' 110101 ,11,11 lie considered a I'i\0d ,r,u. 111) SnOhtl ruc I ;Wililics: (htr I II parkhig .pace 1'tir ea011 flare I it rc,idenl, in arrnrdan0e with the rt',ldent Dal +aril)' toll' the home as li,Iril ,111 Ihv requilell IiOrn,e lee permit. glue trite 111 11.11 i,np spare I'tircach stall member mid rnlplttcrr Int Ilse larpe,l ,11111. IItI S+t•inuninp 1111ols. clvnuu'lcial and ,wiunntnp srhulle: One 1 I 1 111111.11111 ,11:11': for each I'ite lilt tdred ( 50)111 ,Iluare feel tit' water surhu'r area •\ nt0nilnunt ,+l' It'n 1 I lit 11 :1111111 spact „hall he prt+cidcd. vilth a,ljr (and`, I 111 it %,utpLl00,u1' pldllirul.i„linhh `(1)nr1011 r hark +it'l1vat -v I'm ra01t I'uur 11) I'tsr,l ,r;u, ;Ind for ctrl) Imrnl) • I'ttur 1 `•II ,yeah• feel 1I' � Nvalinp mv.I ttlu•1t. 1111 h ,Iry 111 Ii\rd j' ! .. Al, 107rl 1 \) ti111ni11," Ihnnllal ; :I.nlr •nn, Onv I ;Iii r \'ill led 1•r 1IV 1:II rnt l ll 11111111, klgdl'I :Ir II'll 1 t110 111wr. ,Ind Onll,ll,t t l,;ukinp ,1 +,1rc fnr each •1.111 lilt let-r. 111011110 I 4 :Ill ti.hnttl,. Ihrntlph httbr..1'I,,.. arurdtlyd pr1 Ural 1nrr101111111. laule it'll t, ,Ind 11111 +t'r,ui0,. I, I,utr„ ,It'll lire it•% %inn,d ,0htittl,. 6'�F 1 111 j' ! .. Al, 107rl Original Poor Quality 09 (11.0211)(CH(I le) LAND USK AND IIUILDING I(I'AMI.AllION% One 1 I 1 pa16ing sp :Ile It+1 e.lrh (he 01 siudellls 11111. tent• III pillLing spare Cot cuch still 1. niv1111 ; lacull% na•nther, and emplo %ICo. 1(•) `pedli srlomis ar Irmle srlo ok Otie 1 I I Imrkinl! space for each hire 111 students 11111. tint it) pml,ing sp:iee I„r oach stall• mcilillm I'tirully 111cn111er. 11nd t•InpltI.ee (111 Intlimlial I ws (I\ I,Intl(1••uiul uses ill till l Iles, iodoilinl! % %alehouses or Iutildblgs used e\tlusi%cic for slnlotr•jnl wholt•s.11V houses nail dkflillillols, null (11111hr ulilitl f.aciliti0% f11cl11dhlg I1111 nol linlihvl to t•Ieelrie. pas, wales. lelep(alne, and Iolvecllllt 1'.Irillliv% not Jim Ing btlstnes% ol'Ilees on the prenlI%V %: (1nr 111 palkiug sliuc I'm e;lrhenlplo\ee till Ow Impost still or tint• III p;11kinp %hate Il,t ollrh tine Ihnusantl I (.11( 101 .ywW:e Ieet of hour ,tell . %% It ithe\er 1% pwmer, and one 111 Imil hip spare for each eehlele opetaed or kept in enoneetioo %%lilt the 11a. 17) Itc%idvittiall•a•.: Si_n1le VP mil 1 \I htrludinp unilliPle tlaellinps:' Iwo 121 In n gCnR� tic ca HIP lid• sl,ace. nn thr smile silo \%1111 the main huihlin> 11n e;lrh d\\, 1111111 port if n, rovrd Iyottit. tiueh p;n imp .p.l.e..hail he lue;tled to the tear of the 1'111111 .elh;lrk the Plannin• - line, r\.+\ yN- NHM- i+ t- MM, f1 +NMhhM1\MW�1Irt*jNfli1�f11��+M e', 1flnhf'e- I�+ctfhhi- N1iil�lf- ninnion 41w. e+l4m4t rtrwts. I•.tolem ImIkhlg .11.111 he prohibitetI, ra.rrl -Tfr tnral +111111 ,twtw ---• (11) Multiple family dwallinpnt 'file (2) mpnceo per dwelling unit, nt,e mince nl+nll he in a HaroRe or cargo ^t. plutt ore open un- coverer apace Lor every rive t7) uwyuiinp lln"H, C Sa; HN+• (•luh., conference wiler.. Iratoitidy sorority 11o1ses. ronnung ;Ind hoarding! houses. and ci1oflar slrtlt'(Iltes (lacinp pled I III ma: (lac (I I p:nkine spare I•t+r each Ihlee 13 ) 1!uest roosts. In dtirndlories. each one IIIIIIIIled 11001 square feel shall be considered equk,aient to a gttesl nnur. (D )-W4- 11t,hilehomc parks: INo 121 pdrkinp sl,aresl \ %'ltich slay be in Imli entl tin cech lilt bi It! holae lilt. 'I'lim. shalt also be established and el.tilltained willtin :All utldlilt hoate park, tine 1 1) 11,11 kill-,, spare for each ten 11111 spaces or IlacIilit Iherer,I Ni Ill lit Ilse muWIoliomo park. fur \isitor nee. - +P4 \Iotek, 1101ek. and ❑n11or hold.: (1ne 1 I 1 parking spare I'ur t;n•h tout let (I)elrtrd) (d) Molelvdl tot X(1 \('()\l(MMING III'111)1 \(is . \ \I) I'sl s the follo\cing regulations shall apph to all 111111ronfonuillp buildings :Ind 11st•s c\isting on the el'fecti %e thle Ill Ihls l tde: I I I I'sts a \isl lilt! 11llder \tllltl I.Illd 11,1• Ili., ,lit% 1Ns111.11 111 .roil l l rinl.nlrc• \%1111 the Jill 1%kiou. ol', the /o11 till! ('otlr ••11.111 be ctatsidercd omk 11 till lip II,t'�. .,\ kVI'l 111.11 1111% %lull In11 I11 och 111c Illt•II Ih•t•11111111g Ilt,lli nil ltl 1111111• It 111' lit I%•% 1.1•s It it . A It 111111 /l lllc♦ ondi 1 IIt I+ ( 11111•. (2) All 1111111 Im I III m ille bliddille 111.1\ be t', Ill l lllllt•11 :Mill nm ill laioall pr•1%ill. J I Ilk, It' ere lilt ,Ir it, 111r.11 itiorm It* 111. e\;.•I11 .1, p : ilk lde(; below in •stillsch it r t 1. 1(11. 1 1 1 1. 11 -1 1. 1 111. , till 11 -1 1 (11 \11\ of tit till I )l mill,! Iht' 111.11 lit. t'vlllllllllell 11111 %idetl 1114.11• is Iltt hit-reaw tit Ill!• sll.l. t• doolt•d 1•1 %ttch llw loan 1071/ 10' C c :b ail'Orl c�lnpl POor �?ualiey • ZONING CODE - Inulllml & Deselnptneol of Petntltled Vvl 61.021911) - 1.4'1• - Ali' {•N �{i l�• 1= 1- k- i'i�- 1S:- li•l +l•{�l:l�.Ju _lUl,:_G'LU4:_ 1U:►L.lucs �v� {: -1>4: - Ih�PINI•Flivl- IN- rl- Ili1.N 1v1.'i i�•:11Y-- lHYAUNH- {ill /l -dJ4ll NNIIkuU.{>l:w�.:r {yuuial.,:ls., 1NwJl {l4I•.11l -•.i�W 11t7µ- .i�i•.G.�..l.Si{.l��.lrtuK.. arc... llL'. �illul.- LILJ><:.:4.IL'LL'J...L11,.,.ILu_ ti l�vv�IHl�nlvNi•- �rl:- tlrss• 4 %wlvr:rl- Uall•ur- U.s•Ybjw•lt+'L c. ullrl .r,lLtU�:rllrlu�raiUu.rr:4L A- IrrYlrNNl1-:r rr d•+ lviMk�arw++• t-}, I: ut-► 1r ;ril.lw.luakt.swJ.:uuLruluvwlsu lrlsil.•!u lh, �rPlK` lylrlft'!+- IIfNi• 4r114F1N ••wN:N11WJ• +IG.IHIIurtJ:;• -.• , _!r W auuu- lruaJr. iuµ. ru. uc. ll+ a�auuulsl. awuually» ruHuiw .:a♦s{1rly:al.ui._a_l {w,tU4ur. _auli ., � wvJrrluucut,. i ,l:+u._Uu.+4uuuts;- 1!Luurtuµ.Ui ru.: tuwu :u;.rulllruut..►rutt.•,+./rr._ .Iwar��µ,,.a}your:u•..},Lru.. Air_.. Jlru. u• �{ �; Nt+ lwa•.•u!:- .suvb.slw,s+luNuu'1r1 -µ'1W N -iJ. uuuyrl i,.sauf.tU..JI..Uru -G►1 Uru:iu 4:.uruuU U'•urc:.. - 1. A1- 1411kUuµ_ aud;• las_- uus- w{> ,utsluu•- i�...lus'J�IvNt:►1. --I rr- •cur -- _lULalw_uuillJiu {t•.auOr „. uw•. u.+: 4lausiuN- Iluv+:•uut- �vt:rrl41ri.1►- r:lrauµl: ul:wc. ,.,lt:l_.14rt11liuu. -aud:u �.. w�'..d'.1.ltaN/:114L- lirl:Yl�.Y I:_lW:4Ur:rr4.iM -_ ln,:. ut�.. lls. �.}ur- wr.t_L;S:.:.L.iutu' -uv..1 u_µuuuuLaw:r- iNSU.vaJ_L }.-r:t uarluiv� - -,• rl::su.i:r4d.u:ilL.aaLlual:, .1W'.14t111Uu u..;ruJ:uG.. urv:...u.s}u uskut- .tl1u'1._NU�_irux,l4r.�ur -- luuuasu. D41 1ru. u ► asc . all.atl r s.l.sLJlw . ulu. -•r ' .l- L.t_.l:lrllllllr �i..: lrl{ 1.: �1r-. UW-- W. lLNN• IINI ••lN_�N�••4� {rlN11UM.11l- UIU• -' d: J_.{ tllil�liN14-. a1Nt%+ 4- lIW-- UT.{ 4µ1w N111 ••l4NH�lN1�.- :Wl1Jtti4ilaHr{�••• • rMt{ HIr- VN1VN: �•- iNNI••ir1!MNFIv4- •lr:r4Ir11F )V4rIHIN�1 J1a 11-- INNI•iNN�- •1NHt�F+111�)IHI1 ri�I F�� �M IN{! NI: 1JHr11-.f r�YHl= 4.. H�:- 4{ N• r!' fNr11�W1--• I+ M'•'- 1{ i' N�- NH!' t `{1�r- •^r��l1t'HiiHN�F•itN -4ih" . �N4rlW:i{�llr- 1W!Mii YH-( NNi- rIM►• MiHl�11N4N- t-... Ir-• IrNi{-1 N�11NtriC •YN{• +HM11!1'•t+MHMIt{et{, sNlysti4• IH •+T- I;ti- �+�r- r•.4nHli4lkcl -I+ri HrdM hN d H+1��.r+lar•r•+r•� - Ilre- +Tlahw- -'1r•�rihrd- rrFlcY nr. -I ltt•��m+tM�µhmxirrr'ilirce•f I +r.h:rlhnnlrnn -tin• yry/1.}lrH Hl•'1 H-I rlr-crkKrr 4irm-rnril•IIt+.�1 HrN>tyN-l+i7rc-ry + riirnhnn-I + rmrrmhhrttn^ 1H Hv 1�fHHY'HF•jier4inlrf*I -H ii- UH�1F�'1•+r1-�1-- •la'1 --1 rI: 1µN1 N /!- ill•fN+i{l�hi1. VIM` T�- i• i1Y•- i2 i11NIT11M�I •iNCc`i1H111HM- ft'VK�N' : r1 1+ 1-: r��{'.{ uv- 11. �- V- •/r{y�Ii\.1•tM•4M:•JWW:iM -{+ 14µN• tFa4i- NW"•tir1•iih'- NYtlf4lfiNH1•/lth - • rG�r AM: i�•.- U11i1i1♦•- L14I111k1-•• t11r4- 1iIi11N•- N:-- .4•iHt+:FkHN- HN1l- .tlt`ti': Hrµ ltyH�••t1l�Nh l u lrau:url -Lu.1J 11+ -raal k� i11} t- .r1 L--:• lt, H- IINYHN7l4W1i• M.- ffHI- NMMMiMhhi•i�4 ^`:tr��•Fn•u� -Nr I:rIY -1 �I;1Wilt1}1 -w+ µµµ1+ µHµ- ��{ �l: rN++il#�•GMyN11fY.4fIMF•!�NiMHM M M N Jt4'•hM•hHV T• .l1Lt- 1.1+•+ t- tlN+- y+ v' wa4• i+• Nwl. •4Nt+.wrr:i.ta.•- l�K- �IrryK..rr' ,1>!_Ulli.• lµ1: N« lLM' �-.. uN4K1b+ +4NAl-- NN41N�..1N- �iT }11y -µ1�� F- Nh�t'e*+Ih!•NVk1t'l nrrr .1>L�v iliaµ .- .+µ}+wuuµ..Yr-- I►��IVd -pN W*+N,.�>l�hn�IHNrw+41r i+r•f hr-lmi-FirrtS'1'- �1�1L1_ _,r1U.r_Lla.:!-A+a-i.1 Hi1�a- i�•- 1�.- •ek +i+riNe•n =�-r Nrn +FrrrrFr =� r- rus- lr ruullly_ LI+ 1. l ..uu.11u►NrNta1- .lu:a•I }+i, -t•1 N•i+i�N- hT- hm��- r- m+rni{7tifrr :rn t-- 1:11L.;11:r•1�1/Lr' NLILYNNWJJI- Ill" IG•�07F/ Ash qw Original Poor Quality (0 61,0:19If) LAND USE AND 11t1I1.1►ING REGULATIONS . 111: 1_ 1:1 1: t1 -.11r� �: atu.- ilLCUUaLJat:.hc....A_.iLtul _Al..l�l�.., i:J4µl1,I�11NNV:- u1.1111:. L�clu :rulJ:luu�rJls.uhl�J•�'13c....- � a:> -_l:l u tt _ U N� �I1.. J u A 4•� tuL lu_ 11 u- ala:u:lup�+:1 tl.{sL't u J Y _ rckhn; th•- iir�lirz -aml••rhul+r••11r+ntr,tttntrKh, le- 1Hr• i�rHl• aMV {- H•,�.•+u,�4•alll- y�ll,lr..- - ;r;lct^r.-,rnih- -Fc•„i rt.- hnlrkh, t�-• I,+; n1i,, rr- II, In14e :IpInI +- en,l- +nNNr-- Cvak+ws I,rr grin hq:-tcr thr•ttrrlir•Nit•,n. •1'WIi=h1rM~nnr- intl'mvr nnYll,•- ov- �In11veF,v{ - -Hn --the tltncltnnnrnl rMran ic+c+lyd-i1T nnlrr-+nmmrrnr•IH F��tNHI1MrIM- rel11tod4o Zncicting nntl- 1 +mTmcc,tchrch-:nn1•hit�inYm'v. -- 1' 11Htth :rt-- •1hc-- nnrmn7ncttl. - -n r- wlnHwr- •- ,Mr --111e drt' ct tlj+mrnrThnran- rnrtcicttnrt�vith ; ttl- nhT1 *trd'rinndnrlhtirn,F- In,4irieM. �,tN } }HMN -- lilt -•1H•M r•- 1N-- ::IY- •UII1111�a14..N1-- U�JLL1ll hlE� -Hirer trn-rrr+ni,t fmvrmrsn4,•rrx�eF1'rr1•HNti IlH N NnY- {Ir„ty +lk.- -- }iai•}•�F'i,r, htiP- it- e{renn�t{- �,t-Ir �a-rt! IIw•IHIWa•vxdw>r:iuu -UJ' c.ritctinrzh•crhnnncrct• rtttlrr„Y•hr11n-nnslr (- tt-�tr.,t•- Ihr-Hx �„„+ 1• lKw- wiNr•r+c+�•IIH {F+wllArwuuu {,:- :rtrtt-nP-N,r"�'MTnh--rcn1••t�t• •:,grn rir�- 1lttrinl: -�{If rti111k 1iM11- HHt1- Illy- .111V,v -;;,1;i,�lililT,T1i i�L:R1;ITtSI� *IIj!.'15i'� ( f5' t1�riT nitnCttyn ^Iln ^I'f7,TTTrttq'tlin�lor:-, - nl+e,rt�- Yl,�rriMrt4- rrih�r. u,-• NwiH- u1t�+rWN+uu- ol�.Uu:.1= l:wr�W: -.ISµ' .. . ........_� 1... nv..l.• 11L!_�L�CttlllllL.iUlJ.l. - �iM1,rHHlln�llCt:. --411 +- }IilHN /l n g -uir u4 W r -A.:t 4uLJ:til�lil:.!Lll IL:�I't�w1111,1CS...lt1.. -. 4t: rlF�er• n�fiNc- 4: n-, ntl. ar.- �HN- I4HHHH11)- w +,'r,r«•......•....- .._____._._ - -• I, f-- lhr- nrrlirNie+ lr- t�MrwINH4- N+- �w:• liuw- G.L.117.J9L1:11il]l..tl._T4u..' , {)inzlnrrhr ,dd'Ni,++r�e, -Ntr KVNHr.v1 a,14 .. ......... �L! i� uuw tuul -ut •tn,tH tt •rticm: _ I{ n-- I�kn, nhh•. ali�t�. �t, u- I.lial4,1 {�iuui4.uL..uuuliUuu uU)' ;rf*I,rnrrihr -ri Mir .,lr++r.- ihTl- �,n44w�1Hk -wNv+- is l- i +1- Sw:1i. +u1J_[1_U1W(�L�1.1 -• :Irrtt-thrR ia•-In'rt- *�t`t'n''Hh »r -+11' der-- fwNF tivw- t•W4.�lwul.u_ai}ruL.waUctl �mhlirhrirnm ltmrr hart ^. -1'T:nnnnF- tlhrrnq-, -WTrt nor- -for -Ow 1: ,+L 111, �N,'a.1�:1 fJ 1 tl JUJL11LLti�111LL........Osed l oil 1I I -L 1 M'Ls l+ l�'• FF1W- riN1�+ f• ��• r4/- 1, »f+�+rl.+- ••r +- •.-- ._�_____._ -. , '! t{ nfii- i�r' i' ��' 1M- 11N�•= •t,Fll14�-- 1/ji/N1.1111�. 11117 1{ t• U14: 11: 11J .11}1:11.:11JUU.ILt.:1{7}1111 - - e+ F+ kr'• ItwN ++ «,•�1++.1- t1e��aHPHtv+1+ -{>Ja w- J4u- tl t++.{uu{,w�:uL.r4l�yiuE.uepuuu• s i,xr kti N n F• •1 r- N n�•j"f H r,h V 11 H �.. -1.11 W l � 4 N 411..1= 1.117N111{L S it Lu�:l u LJ 111U.1':Ul� lam. W.. Ill YMnit 1F1t�rMYn' �HMr1H� 'H•,+i- i.it'Y.•:IHaFIH14uN- Ilk'.: t{ 1{> J11:.UNt1L'1\.11'J.11 {µuLllG:.. nklY•,MH')' -H 11,+rHNI�MNI- •iH•.l WLN� U1:11 -4I HL.i4U11U��14i:14I1.>LLLI _lyyiliulilut"ia.. e�+ r,+ i, lrnb-+ rl+• I,- Itle- H+ LrrrV-. IH.I- W++ i••,•• M- �+ 1- t1++ w.1M}�1.:•a- .'ua.:t}4Jil::liiuu �1ta1L t Orlointal'Poor Quality 7ONIN17 ('ooY • I,NCiIINn k Dorlopmem of Prun111rd Um-s h1.1121VI}) . lw•. ruNur�lul- a ti.•d4:+>_l+ll4.lwuu.11lu�! -uutl L tUwd' uu• at; 4lu +1.:41+r,�:v'- ,Julll- l+avwlwun' Ju {w41l.uLu1t14•law.(uuu4� 1'J.lu44}nN4 3ulsm41uwt4L- .. U'; u4t'. IU. Iluµ. uu. 4u�U.+ 1{ t} dl.ulU�.44•i�•:+ }yvulwLl�u4µluH t•JH _ llt�pw >;ltlurra.ul:S,:�:ItauLb.l.l '1,.: ,1,.:4•ULu.1'w•► Hall. bµ .{t;lJ�l�lualp {I�v+l.4h:4Jl.bv u:}s+tJaLuJtuluwJu tr_ gQuluullllW-W a4A4u"twUu,,wo;omiNsoW44&.L -++- ILcL0l•4,u'ulu tU:uwu:.u. uSw'tuu4 t�l.lL" I- `IIl'JI,UI,�? wl1HIIJuwo - lk+;+ 1. ticµuLiluLwlU►. ilu :.l:uuulyc.IJutu4Ju}r.laul>:4r1 uwa4t.- : H4+ e11HM++ 1 +k�- J�rtikHwlnil- Hkx4k+ +- K -FI +r Ignnni +rr- (�nnnnh +hnrHr- 14mm}rrg 4= Hnrn+ i• r~}T ar}; nkrt�nn+>r+ k�i>t K+ ppmrinrKr- kKnNr+ n- +nnhr}r•n•Inpnrc�rrt•}+Inrt•cr,• . ra+ xlflklTh t} �- Mw�-{ �t�+ nNHrinn�r- +N- il�-r+}+Nnn ^cnnr}nc! -nnr :rdrrrimc}-'rcrh}ir- I+ rinini�,- nixl'. hHll- t4ry+iy nNr-+ nrh- inw}' nl- rnnd }lihm-hrtinnnrrtinrt-li;rn-vriih :+4-^ Sri}}- �m- }M+- r}+}rtit+�rc• -rrcnn •+ nh�trntin+ 7r�+ trriit�nr -ic*r- Mrc- pnfiFir-In:r1Hr. ^- wra' rly:- rnt++} nr1-• tYnr 'rn}ttircr- nm }- 1.•t7xrnhnrff:rr�: +inr}••r}n}}-nrr}.rlindnrtc-- {. Hrwi+ nn+• ir+•! �rr}1c+rH *hF>:L}+If1= 1t•da1�INr ' .- {.�1_1= cuuu.la41'•v'.:�.0 u N+41 H{? - -L:/ N M M�J vwu,....T1�- •}4NrreTin�! -- _ Cawutilrakut. SulwHUUUU1w ..lY4lttlul.0 {+{�liwN J1,MC.lir+ -Il w- :Hipru +l >Lr+FI} Il+ -HPiw- 41L1A7t1L'�L.1Y -fN- ill} r..+ J41jHM.•/: IMI} I- JrM- ii }M1J- 11MN1t�- �NIJ+}It�- 111- }ft�' -1�i•T illti�fNNH1" I= L4tUll44I4. 1�1:{ 4141JlIVUi•• I4} L41. 1U1: {MC{�1U��1iF1•lW1I- }41F- i}I /I{• j�H1 I+tMilVl�r•4}fr {�1HnHy C { �:: INIIJIILi. i- lNUN1} MlHI1r-?: 1/ t+ uiNr. FH+ MJiMK- cMf►•+> ♦krrllri+wwHN�frl.{krrrinriNcrt^ H-1N 111i.H H- 1�1�rH�- M+ IHJ+} I!• I114}- J+ �- FJIa�- }1MMt}- H{- :11+ }�CNYwtN!'wktFl} iK "yltt}t}'it�`�IIr (- i�N11�• 4- ii{ �1M1•• �i1M•} I} 111��- Hi�tY1 t'k•fl{t{�}}tY+�k�Ml- }ttt -ff itrPix' t }'•t�}•1}tl"� ":1CYlinitKitit} -" 1} d�HiH{ HIk4N- }+}eNM;•Mh•�FkC- {MMt/tY,IC- 111- 1iC }H1111t{;'•rflrCnh•� ^}tir{t}t 1�171I`it7•'}}1r•- jif i> k/ 4' 4} 1HjC•'•-- lih�' �' JIMMIIHj !-- �= t11nN1}'.'MMn- �1{eCitt ry nit �frr-- alm1 }- K�{f7rrnCC•'' 4+0 M1I VIJH+ N {+rrvw- t'T •;nnm1}rdrnr «n- n•''�r :' 1t�+ f+liratic+n•t}ircti-1}s•t�-t}tc- �IIH1nfI1N_ (- HNT1H1• «i1Mh- •}t'!- ftYyCw}th` rtKlt- •.+ha}1- rnr.,c- tt'r`lu nnn(1.- •nrrh- H FIHFI1M+ kNM+ H« h+ nf�"• Nhr4 •i�}it- thH1rKYTKT•rlTliT"ttTr}r :t('1"fT: ?hn1;- r"T.1•i�"tCTrin - vviNr•1kr- inh'+H- ;nn +rnrr�'K- cif= t} ri. rh; rrtrr••► rir; r��tir�tiY +rrshil!•hc•trFT'rthll uw�• FIN1• khrl�rrtr• 4HrdnrMr }- thrlrr'aYnrt}-r}anr-r}ni� irnr-1�trn-t�'}nntttT}'R171r' +I+t -F *hnH y-14 nnnirrg- Hr{+crN nic,rlr - +F-;rrtranHnF•mrnr: I r�+�kr:rtmrrlr-�t ;ticltTtttmt:rttt-In" Nn•- {+arras icKn- nl- !;rrlmrrfirl- tl }lx -rti# r-t'resh:rN'f+r�r:ri ct- t'?tr,�*t^,t}Zhs}t hr,- — rC{ YMI }Ct�- e1- hrinr ^IKtnrtih-if••rmt N-ihr- h:•r -cia hth-+hnrr',^T•PInR}*.TniCd-tn'1^- li.!•ol-{mry •cash- •rnrm-i�- rr�rt- ii�rtfi-hry Cc•1rnrt-trt-ti't'+PY1rtn 11T�ini1'finT hrrrctkr,xit cc}- tt; th• thl-+' h, rmin�i' c-)* rrcmrntTR 'itiT.nrin�t"Srtp,�ntti'tttr -�rtrr Y+Ir -r�*tr +nrn -irrs- rnrm'—r+Trj'Tnrtf' - hr; rnnr-; r- liinr- rtrthrtrtr- �irr}}-hryrn�F'trtrth[rTrtrt+tr,:• rr�*;n11r { *, ^nrt�iiiili�i' tkrrll•}+ cZ; is• t• rrnY�++•- Irfir .'mrtr,'hrTh�TnhnRTrt}.*nrnnrtT-^ .. .• �-- uu4j1: �•-,. il.•. IM': IFiit}'-. WNH.1HHHr- •1kM- MNnh••.HF-.fi1r- :11= UI14'.LIlL.11:1111t��1L1�. �•' Nl..- LL:. A4YL4u1- �L1t•{ Lti :�•- .1H1L- HHW- NH1i- {�ft4`•IH- ' I14:, 1UU1�•- SI1: �L17u�i1JL .ila{utLY1L.(11µ.( -NuW1 S1HIa4- HHMi;.HrMµTNNrCHY•+*N'nCtr r it1UL1 1.. u1LL' L'— LLL1�ta: iL. 1j. LLLL_ 1/: 11— NI-..I IlY— M�.i,NH+1- �}MHHMM1Mh- HI -'Ittt - •nrtci -- lJcutil�ul. lu- tJ�..yt}tll�.r.uuu_.w.La4.Nw! -11..- Ire- 11 Tr- '.+rlMrrl- r}- t•}rr•hrrrinF- v1N1 16 30 IN Aft Original Poor Quality bl,lpl�gl) LAND USE ANI' IIIIILDING ItrCULA'1'IONS - I.>►u►ui►J►Ip- ul. {uupuu }� ll:►ll.uc.xJu14uu4u;iLb�'�.: .u'ttuL.tu- lJu.'Ja�.l_;uluµ4uL_ t: UG- N, IL :1�•U- t4:VlI,:441..UN•_Jaiv.uf w�4U'w:►tUu; -uC.'„ u.11�kkw�lku«�„wr�u.. 11...wxU t wa..Nyuut.- .u4_llw. lu�J�lu►..ud:..ilu•..d:luuu tl► {►, - C: wulul�. kuti. �► l>v a. uu• Ii. Uuu..�,1..L•,.w,11+:.J= LulNk1 {► ::.uuullu.iuu.rlulll- J+u- t1Hul. ultJ►.- +IlN.lival +l -a>a: tiuy ,wal►�,��.au>J- I:Nv- a..lbuu -k luiwul-1.J.1J•.'uluurklx..►IkyF- :►J:iw- +ul+l -aw: lei. ul- ilu..lwNU.ruuvkwl- A- ►IUUw - +a �/+:l 1- a+wl,:Jwl.+:!►ull- l+u.+;lrlat- bu... uvFUUua-► Ia: liL- uti- Nw_a {,pllvaHt•.!{4- Iw::►NI aH- �uub- +Aw:vlu {uiwKi -pla►. u{, puu��ll.-+ uN- uuuN- Uuu ►.abrw>_1�11- alul.�.;rllur -wu Il+aupu►1.1r;,.Jllwl wUlw /h►' !l�,.li'+:- Nl..�N l {>.4>~N.N W.- i- lH�kli IIKM- NJ- 1JK�•aINW �:1 NN..IN N::iVl +l- 1.44IN•,t u.l uuly�N u►- !%►>:1F►!.(,I- �N{,4H J }CUa- :1J11,F.t Ii4 -w►1 NJIC *INN- ul..l 11V- NII .I,u4.- I11WIN1It ►.V:II:IU.dK��- NGVNt•: IW- 4NJl: IJ11t-„ J- 4IW .;I�:Ik,IM- l�IN7- 1I�JtikH1 -'.lH4 i- kW4NNMNN.{W4!'.1'- I1411:WN1- i- JELL.v:II'�N�I:►NNI:► }V.- Ira, ul.UJU•ilull,�.tku.►411LIVN•ikt µNlll Vl:uku►.I+�.a+►u►Iu..A{I+wul fral ► ►- 111Y•/lC till: l'. iN�11: V1L. IW. 1: li :MN.:IF- tNN4l1l+4�I7V- �Y�tjN11. ";... ' • •- 1• U�- � !'iH{1k1 +1.- INNl- �1xNl1NNH -{�N� A{ 1 { +f+44V:.4�I:{M�{V�:1NHN'(IINI- ii+W M IVIINNVd►t- 4I:KI+ • F +�1--= 4�JnN- Nrt�kN..•- IiH�llti�.. KHNHxwI•al�w'.�wuI,INNIII��IIt �rrr- anc +- Ylrrry+r- ►rll♦r4T-+ImlI- ile "V- 40- th't4W M 64". IkI - TI�� -NIHJ alll- yxnly. v{+rn-- s{mrrr:- �rNKtr+r�l': - WMIiYwHNr- IM11tw•VI' -}III IiIIIFIF.• tfh `11xr- •IHNVIi11(!�- •Iff!`tH:, • '+ Inrti'` tYIJ�HV}!; nMNI. 1NJI�F- iMNNNMI.- CN,INiCM+J -k4 -UN 4. W� :t1NN- t+,.:1�I,kN::.1�Ikl.bU:W Zvi +l +- nFxt+N n gaNlrtltlHd- iH.,w- iTT.tJI V •1>.�irkJ,�uJrtMr:l, •t +F►-= FIHN- +kr-41 T.+-- J:�r -NTV- .n+{+I+w'+J- H��•Iluw- IhktilTxMr - �rrrrr.r- Whig• Ir••,+ mJl- ynrmr- NIN+- Mrr'- �+ih�- rrl,He �- tir- xl+rt+1!rrnxl'- ItigHr'nyY •{ KOrrr♦ y- dc�irrm +- n- lr- h•klNrnnd•im+ +rcwrnmrf �+{+r-Irrtinny-Nh�ryt+nn+itY- - rml- kimMFh -rf Fi r• grnrr.rlyd- Ih- Nh�{+n'rI'xm-rltirn • . I�Na= L1+;N- 1J+++•- {Ki+}+Hxr4twe• Wiii- +1NW+•ikrxdW4!h�'�'i�i'c`ri•- 1 ill- �+ kNN1H�' IKHI�MNM• VH�t lrt�- I+NYiT►J+hxl•H•.�•- NH!iC1 +I rWlliC�ll•x?Hr♦{•Hhwn- ItHI +•1hC r. acv-++ �NI-++ i+ E•{! w+ tMtr- �w�k' r+ w4rti Nriwti-+ �ikHNic rt- +nHir•+�- r+1�Kr <li+lnrhtmr- 111J_L'l+:N-- t- 4w..iKwjVW41� -uw �_Iti- •i'+41�I�4vITi..JwNk -4kr • �: Y7LW: 11-• J�. IH.- �N- JN�k- �iHVi :- iNWKl-- tk {V+- •:Hlfi- Hl�a� -1�: �4NMJ'.iW+:- �N'JNF•iiw•IINVtIr {><, ui...{ uaivi<, �,.: KNt•+ u1N ►INr+l�:H4 +IT►�cN4w+NJ- Plurlr- .t�I.�Ck;N- �k�- .1�►N�µkYN,rdN++ Iw- .kHrd.J,rNh�Hrrr++rlrf- Ih•/IINr.-wNkyyrre+mfaM;- d'. 1u1N4' r1 1+ bK' 4-: UNl. �IJNw�► I•- ,W+Ii:KVr- N�I11d{1�:I1N:JiN!`NT i lllTt- lrr4Ft++•t +1C'Jtl+iHWlr11; d:G 111LI1�lUU4�11:41:.J.fµ.{NV{Nl! MVirKN'•:H:i11VI.4- Ilt-- �C{x4a:l!- •+.Y�kN.- J.+r -� ilf.+w:- •+han-- +{NtrCr'rnntF - .111a --I:w i+ru.;KNI -Nil tt �n .11, -1_ �.,H1�1VNH4- �- M;+�.t� yy-ywrkirt>•-•rrlt{-hhnhnl-- - .lxl....11ur}uitµh�_.,K,'M + -� W{irxti,+Hr- �nnl-- -�fnrt -^ . 1L1I1fU�UUtLL1l .L.lUN.111J.- I1u�ljil}{.i �I- kNN:l..1- u�t +rHk,'I lH- k.•Nh «�+:w1 rr•++hnrrrf� I jJ1li1�: 4{ �_ Al ti: JLL, llil, Lx'. itiJ` N. tN. VVJ.- :iH1I�:FJ:Ni�.•1+'= Nh/ -j,l Ih`Ih'Mt:_- c6 /C "M 1 111 c C ` -i.1i � , '. Original Poor Quality ZONING CODE • Lurnlhn+ 14 IMvrinpnlrnl oI 1'rrndllrA U +n h1.1t119111 ..(ail _ lil: �: llI: 1111LL1. 11�_:= tlll ll>, 11 +�- 1;1�.1<luilnc.lL�1•..s.aud_,. ... 1� :i�— I:Vt!Hiil�ilMFHI•,:it'HM� • .�I�ulti� -lt.� rH A+{ 4+v>•H F•thrn�+'HrrrrNlhr- .xy�+i ---44 Ai AiX— It*wNNrkg!- -4miAl rephryr-- mid-- •nnl}ntctirnrtc•r -- I;kvrHH-- ' •- S- x- 1-- keelHiri +r�nxrinittinnrrr- H{'��c+nnsirr -{- ��+- IieYHh+ tl< Hr- c+f- rtHi.c�- rihrnfinnrrochltt: -dtt�h- __i,lt4 -- G•r{N -�Fi tnr- prriHr}- w{{{ rin�rhh •Ir'thr-}�mT+n<r•ct-•rra- - -sltnl hhr•cicwrkgrrd -� . - �• tiN• FA-- Ih Ht< h•{ cw- rrmc »rni-- c+f- �nclr-nvr-•rrithhrn- - +p�vtiRrt�q+rrinchrFtinr� ' - H{ +h+�- nepk•�hfHrn•rhe7.lrtn i'nr'rttt'pnn..nFtt-vicn• -^ ..xukl.lt w}>J:ul• +4 •l x�.rrl � +H N furl- �y- t {+r- +r17.} n•+nt Yr^ • - r• �+• 1•••+ �mF-- wk• Ft-•- nHn •r- Y»ndrtir+nr�;rv- •m'iIF-rtrtrAr- ' pu, �: iWv- UHurl�Ha.+ pHw+ µ��1= Nk�f- cKlntr- in- nr•Hrrlrrir- nnhrhticmnY'msnnn�- a+ul.lis•+: a�rp+ ra HN}- u: Nlr- 1• Irr- in{ c++ tl�nxi• rnrprrn •- +c•1-+'nrtlrhrtiri�sccrinrr--- -- •H�1- t -•Fftn f•-i l�•.;t n hnr}-•+cnv:+Fr- ctt<rrrs:d •is•t n-ht^Trrn rtttetl °- I+}••!.r+wxw -H k -:*1� } +l {r+trrt d nrr- n- Irfh•r- ITCCrrr;mhntin^rint1• tr}+mR- rnatrcc'trf-thr - r+rFit!rex�11t11kM w{riclr -+rHl prnriek- rmirctrnhan -�rvr!pc�rrritc'rRnTlttp- - HI! H- !+In4rrHHIr•m-r•;Ynrr•�ntmnrcrF ntiN -ntc• porn -ttnTmc;rhrcc^r}m•��ctrr -mCU' - Hn- latr- Ircnc}i rrrrhti• r. m. ick+,;t?- n- rfh�ihr-irnprtnrnrnri' . _ iJa.u{i<iu!t.- lwkl_a�r+a>ti. -1r v.utHµ a r►- ilti- ewlwillrMN II /I�MI- 4hd•{c+He+wnitr nnc•in rl �.l u�. tiGrw�. avJu�u- Ilw�. aHa•- pH IJti1 +H.�t1- l�••Ihi�4= HCirtinxl -nn r :!nntnhncrtt�- U1a'. rL' 1�i.. 1L' Ilac .= +H�:IL- rvw- Hrl��l!"rHk4i --t ., r�4NH1I— H��{twry•;t{,}t- yrr•Hn ^•Ircrtrfir c:.u�u>fata cu- u',�11'as,. ;HHJ - Ilrr -iH ItHnHHr!r -wi Hr thr-rrritnn-rhmt tn-- Ou j. u'.tu'cc++4•Ik�1.:�Mkva1- FI,H+- 1+aa- .+ti+yM�rfKwtir;r<YnH -Mnd inrfirhh7nrtclic- nntTm"t -- F•Rh- t•1r{.�.Hti•r�rN Mnn{-cmd•1mMrrz-ttnt+x-- ---- Ilr> - -1-'r nrrlrri r+.- IHrhnFi n�rrtccnrtcrirc - t. u+- 1• k +rkknlmH- K+1=- mrfnrd-n- •rmrcr� -tttprHtrr-'trtYlr`Tlte- Hw': u`+:: H-}= AHi1rIMM �•. ,••�n•►en•.rkr,- nrrrrnrtcnancrr •nnittrm-ttnnt•ta: •htt'itrdtTf�- uu 4.rx>♦•JI+HNed- I«- i+�+nHM�.i hwr,,'rm{'wn d- I.rrrci�rit�:•r{t rrtrircn'cmk ^'cmthfTij; pl: HU1 .,.;uHt- HiJ-- tiw•It•drNFilyr. -- I- t�l - -Itt, r 4irh� -nr -r ri.tth-1 e- mcrtrrh- arrtt- r,rrrnrtt -Tn hh lth--" - t- 1- r -..PHN Itch-- Hr- prit:rtc•tr-tnrrnrt t•- rrnt- nrrrn'Y-TRh t! Rll r+ rrp!-+ hH- Nn. tirrnMtimr- lr: rtFrmr --,rph-nrhnnn^ht'."fiurnTax — uu. ulal ri, .lraH�waw!.K�+�.nl•+�y- 1- rr.im- '+ten- im{n•rhr•�1-ITr+rtc- -- - - --- . _- u.; a._ 4. IHrrNHnnF-- i•ntNHMTnrt- rninrihnr-rrtt*tr� ^nnt•- (rftc;n� u:luurl�SulvHa.:rN w w,- i�H/ i'. o-- 1tx�lr,.: mchl rrn} t- rr{ n ,r,{.1- rnkcFt-- mtrnrthrT!:tt1(�c- -u-I t-- u,lrlir +rr•Frk +i+xar +rrcnnn Ft- -rzt:Hn�rn—nrh�tcr•rr--- �I.1-- 1•rMh4a hrrn•I�Ir• dr•T+tritr— r{rtnr- III /r��;rrr�e/ t'I'r 1S; Original Poor WOW LAND USI;. AN11 IIUILIIING ►:i (iUl.AT1pNS 6I.0219191 •rnnl- 1'nrnn- �M►re++•iurl><I vl�uiuruQ. ' ,'„ . _.....t..., Ila•e ttt elruglurl!a curl..:., � t'la�. ••-TI {- 'fY'ft'M1 /i1Wr -It4r NIINN}1_.14a11L1:- -.-•'1 uy,;tLyl.tl UkLC7..^ •-- 1N1111111rNr1ti H1JNN��t11"1��1 ^��� ^�;� �u lvt_.. ' �-( t11.__ L' l: tuucJ ..iwi1::11u'�:L.tWnl:ua`t..iUN uNH j�wa{�aN�I�NH +K __ �- rr�niTCnnnN 'rr+cfh;rr{c+•rgl +ir•r+nrnWs HN ,��;�Nr- 1lIwINN}wr�^ -- Nn- Ttislrict- in- niriclr- 1lTCr- mrh +rcMrc4rJ{trikµnr'- wu'a�wM '���Ir:tlt•+N�i- iw-k>, -- hnTrtct•1F"in•'Nn �+ ppNr'' ITnttrr�cchnNn�- rnti^cwrxY-Ituikli+h -- c�cresTrt `I'Trrty^TT'rt'�{'I(� -- -tkt - itrrr'1rt`'k' °rtrnVianr. ` 11 ;1 S'I I2U('fUli;�1, I11'.I(ilfl' RI'(?l'II(I(611.y1�• l l t l irncr;ll Uuihlnl�^ or etruciltrce :uu: tl,c cnlallxutcnl o►' :m }' tit Ialihling ar slrurtlll't' Willi lhri,llll Ihniltrel lbh.httllt'ot th! allicl\Olere only in cunl'onttaucc ,1 ae 1l0C1111 r Inl tidcd. each builtlinp or etntcuuc is IacalcJ, c�crl tS lu+t hrteht (a I•ecclllit•N`: G�CJ....1.�,•- • ^.._,.. -- +- r1. 1_. I. sIN... lauril. � .- Ja.cllitu.'c.iuJl7iT.',>,'�•• NJlrn -V+m+ - -- rrrnccTrrTr' +�^^nTCncr1-iT -kciThta"`nei +r.4n tltt m�lr nt it I- 'W", -_ ^t?t-'t'rr4c'it�s- rtF'-rnM -Ic+� -Ntnn ^4i+Frrt': 'r4-. 1-+n --- iFm- l4int: �:' lnnrc' nY -•Frr1Fm +FtrrrttM +kn'e- t�':+�+t Ir•- ilrkrit�k►. 44lt- STriJtr- 44riWy ±a .l.M- .+ri+r�rNH ,+n�rr►k�iwa�irrl+vbk -° iniF1et- nT •r1••r�ct<.ii,TSrfnnr+4 +- •4-rcnx M- rn•- mJelif 'rNkrlW+rr• +{•1°�~�1'•INF+'Hrlr ^^^.{' � *rT1-•.•riTic-t•n- rrn- *:rnhrrrn � , �" t^ tJe+ t }�•4J++rN- ^J•i+r.1i$.1•Fw�i•' -• ,ctiTF,+F.nr{rJxKk4;ir�� r ^ nl' (p- -1 +, I'rnlbnu.c• ul rnt+l' eh u;lun� It +r.the houeutp nr Ir:l +; 1 „•:111.. ek�'liphtit rlr%alure, el,ntu,l�e, t:ull.e. tcntilaling lane uT eimil;n c1luilmlt•nl rrquiTCt to nlee. rhtnuu•�'e, •.u,ol relar{;e, a'inleee m:lele I,r up:!ratc :uul ntaint;titl the building•, uu( lirr I � 1 Nit Ill) It"OtIu•.r,nlrtml inlcllnlce1ltit3M eh1lccllitliv etlu1heilhl +Iitnille1h�111 he .IIll) p!I G +r thr I +url t +�t al' prmidinl: athhlioll,lt 1100T cp.we I1' �� If: LiL)GI . .. _ ...i .:.r.•I:n 1 ..•:p•.y5:� T•l i'!; �.i.�S.�.�.111'F� .(Il li if ^'t� �' .\' (:!� ,...y 17 t/. � .. C C 7.ONIN(i CODE • Area Itell111rrn1elih Original Poor Gl.uality (11.0217(h) vao1l;lic �lc`vrlh. %lik"ll le lIaliulnv Illav lie Inndil'led !,r drlrrtuilled 11.4 provi lei i 1111 AIMA RI:QIIIRF.N :N1:5; n t l tl Irul l rnwthh(it shurliles henaller oci.ltwillvrl tl,llnt i the area re {ul .1iun htIunlu.hul cunlirrtn here iullcr u s l l the 1111 is located, vuel,i 41k; 6_ud"ti iuu.wJ1:_II _xu, I.Wuuul :tr rur.LUr au rvr i.Ivutla♦! llrHli�111!{hllllt{ ftf,'fj� __ lu_ atx ,w{"Llulwa,a.thvir- avaxisavuir ukv�u{laHh! }r Hllw! 1hv+hlt�Mnrv{ el =4hc- _- JuL4It=irluLUu_1i,1hiw4y uuul:u• mw,.itrv.wu If) I+wl.%1 44h -- -411 - lH-Nn - ere- r+FmlNrhrrn+l l�ds+t flit? m.. -.Tm. rhnr rrt% - I W,.ualJ.,.u+u- �+vvNIH {w, .,�ei!!N(-Yn,r�.r F chw{Fing�nn tnrinr�rnn -- ill! tA v. -tvtrrr-vmTir --- u{out- lJ+v«i�1r- µ+re +i-- ,rrk�+rnr<t�n Fie•rr�t-I H►•f' ref- sh; r(t•1r�rtrrttrt:rirtt�th-1t`ht•n• -- .aua..la,ua:uH �-i. -p I+ Ktielrll:- lr( �i+ v�h.► 1- f' rn+ t- rh7r�rm- �Irrit•tm•�mrhrhlrn�t: -'Yh,- _ ............. .•.,. ,.,��,.. �,�,,.,c, -inn- antrnnn -or _... tllul�:-{•. 1( u_ I ;� +- iH- rd.ew- whrh- +hr•Y�h•r -r+f nnH�iiterr -rt•hn�•hrr'rCrrm ^,nr" tllt_1'anls Ibr in +IIIIIIIUII+. churches. cic.. in "W'Distriele: 111 A11 in+liluljn11, husl,ilal t,r similar use li utilled under 1110 use rv.eohij,41 t,l Ilris %ectinn +11o11 he located al least Mehl)• • five (25) 1'001 1'rnnt all)' 1111 ,4 br,u11darq lice I,I' adi„ininr pinl,crl)• in o11)• "it" Disrliel. No nvluiled ilunl )arli nr side street ):Ird is ,I/ he used All the parkin }. nl' R"4" 1,- ",A1,4t`N- {l1MFMrlhri TiM{ -{lttr r- nft}{}rnF __1�u,_Uwa.uuaJuuH I+va.l�s:4N y— .p!•d -.{.{ t¢• 1.{' rrl- tinn{- „- r.•trrh�romkr•+c7*.rintr __1�11'LLl:. lilt{ Lf. 1G- 1:-. M.. �1{- �MH�r�I- LFt•• ihl�: IHh�• N+ r +wn�nHnnrhrrnnr•r4't'ecthr -ttn• __.Uuuu �;� Lraul�Nl.v,wl+1 aH <4N1rr+Kt.�.+Fnnr.rnh- lhrikNery rtre hr rrrlarch Wy++ta- par..++;.. }:41 --1 rl-+ ht�wiei +k +,�iifrie+l-hnl- irrn�z rn-hsrfharrYCrr 121 -11W, It clnuch. lilimil,. rr Inuceunt .11.111 i,,, howled ul least fit lc0n 1 t '"t`t 11,411 +Ill,•, %jlle slice1 illt,1 mir Lit 141!•x• (3) -t +N( In Ihr rase 1,1 .1 church. lil,ran it utu.ruln a.I, Iv +nrh instilulil4l+ ;ur in "It” 11j+Ui.h, 1110 parkinr. of aoll,molliics shall be perlujlled in lilt, mtrn r si,1e ,111,1 rear vaids lilt,%j,4•,I such parking is h,cirt0d II I a i6 3076/ l:i; u • I I i, , Original Poor Quality b1.0 "14(11) LAND USE AND BUILDING ItLCULATION4 ,tall got al Ira.�lGu-(...mm floill the .Idv lilt Iitiv of ;111 inlelhlr lot. In no 111SHIlce tvlll the palking ill' aHlonulhHcs liv pernlilted In life fe(IlIhed fnml }•urd or side street yard, Stich tlul (it It, hi1v I Ink lnl: artws and IIII%m l ..h ill I I,e tltive I with ;m asl,haltle Or conerele surlaviog Ill it nllninlunl depth ill' Iwo 121 fnehes mud shall halve upl,rtlpriale Immper gumd. Installed. . �- U.�l.._�a+, +pJ..•.,1- 1tNNl --► 1111}'- Nnrl�4 •-- Irl+,ffrlfr•�c++rrrrr+ltryr �t -tl rr .._Unu.- �Ju�.lurlv.lwwn r.� +- a�l'1vvHvn• -» hull• + NH�- I�� ••nti:tf�t4hhr;nwTmrmnK- Ix•Inw- __ tlae- ulluiluuNl- 11111r4HNfIMHF�l�If4r111H11FN4tfriretl -HMi(IYf'K`e1 - I.61�- a•+++- 11hM�- »Irnll- tin+ f-- ln- �'.r+ -RZM rccdr- rFimim�lrcch -mtt-- __u►aJr4t,4iuutl 1 HHf +Orr �ylf rlmn +Hfrr -Hmn -mote p rm.-r rtr+f r4ic+t -1n�r. ;hnflim -.- vua: tU. v:.. thwH- prr�lrt ••lHrt1•- IH•- Mrir- srrNmr. Ttc+r- �Ilmf( -Nn dcrtdtrrN-tml'n•rhthm -- UI►.. H>. �va f« vd- iH- IfNN- rnmr+ trr- rrrty+ t- Krr- ctimfcnnritr- h•rltt-thc-rrgn Y.rihnn - _hlslaluaf tNr.r!+IHH11�1h4I+ -� (lf ) _44"Yartls or ocher open si,oces required motimi till esislirll! hullo nl 1E itr which are hereafter Itrodded around um- Imildhlg I'or the horpose of conlplyhq. wilh 111e prmisions of this section, slydl nol he runsidered as providing if y:rd or open slave I'm tin) other Hoihling: 11111 •hall ;my yard or other regaicd open space o11 an adjoining IOI he consitlered as pnlvidiug :1 yard or olim spare on a lilt whereon it hmldhlg is In He ereeled. (:) f..celvIOns. 1 \1 \\'here the area, yard and street sell +ark regolaliona ev11mt he rr :l.rnahh complied %eilh. or their uppliealion docrnlioed o11 loll tit' peculiar shape• loemion or lopography. •uch reguhllimin may he modified or delormlaed m plovirlc,l in Section (I I.11'l IhU. 4u.1.- �:iN -- ill, } IHij�4WF .H1- ••:11:N- YHN(- 4t'�ltfi If NNH+: Nh„ 14Dt+M'4i" __ aJaulliuw.. tci11 ,_wHUrwH_Na+l�- +w;t!!e- +IHIII•a 4s- ev.H«hk'rn�- rl- r++d-�+�t♦dnr� - .ralcupl titµ u�r_ Hy'- y,{ f�j��lfyHµ( Hy. t- t�µ�HH�- FNH— Ali Nti+'- t4%Vyitp%_.1M1 -- .._ 4tWallAtllU..- l: Wupa tstwlHH1F� •NHti�*,+41•HpaN+Ht4v4*' _ -,, i.tutr i,uGuL 4�ruuutuLwu.}:;uJ- (+ W Ht•.I H N kwl i H.l hw' -_ 11)) 1 omliq spare provided in areortlaner with illi% Code 111311* Occupy o rolniled open rear y;lyd. Ii l \n atrrs.ory building nOl e.ceedin� One tll .Ivry or fourteen 11.11 feel m helghl mrludiug heatine and roniing tolils uuilw►yu: 11111 m Fri. 111111 tll.•IIII . 1:........,.,,.. 1 I lG" 1 ..1'.L.. - .. . �,owLUlw4,,,,tiL.u,Fll,i,M.n 10,1,1 It'll I I()) I'Vot lion the nr :nrsl poilr of Ihr m,lin hollding \tall e\c111thill! erne overhang and Ilrree Ltl I'crl Irum the side properly line. In no case, howl -wr. •hall a11 tQ 30 /G/ 114 C ZONING CODE - Arco Itnluirnnrnle Original Poor Quality 61.0219111) accessory 111111th, a ho located hl au)' earl of a m1iiiied from yard, interior side yattl or side slrcel y;nd, nor shall a 1%%o - slor)' accessory huiidinit occupy ally pall of a letluhetl tear yard llHrdM�AhvtktilmnKr-ItrrtrtivC7�T .1 CCl 1 t11111.11l1W h + lrMilr.14,NrFittl.t liittl Hrrhtlr rmr-%nitrltttiltm. jl44L41,ll -WW -1441 ii .a -W-AL Wh-id 4 044t144I- 041L ___iu.lNU W..1UM�h•tNH+-- {MJJ -- IIIt•- �MItIiI♦`�1i�.lr� hurl{ ry- t+ r- dliy:'.- nrH }- I�t�HweHtxttl -J«+ ((i) (ill"Itcs. calls, belt enures. sills tut other .imllor atthlteclural ulyandogcs mii% proJecl ton point nn- h.rNrm- fwn -t-ti licl I'IOU1 inlcrior_ti iroperly lines. NnM- rthtiNl arhti�+jttf- irMr+tr-Ironl }art. nide it-m yard or Yitk- +Yfrrl %;11(1 "tit . 111111-- fhrm- Ii+miJ�i'ret -11111 m n-1*rw7tcct dNkatirbNNdln{�,�y.rHatiesn -rmtt tnM- nKxr- NmrrNrrrei;f Irct- prodded such appcndal•es arc supported only al, or behind. the huildinp selback line or Iron) the main huiidhllt or sIttiviitre. 1111 Fire ocapes Intl% ""end or I+tt±iccl kilo ;my reiluired 1'ronl, side street or rear yard nol more than I'our 1 -I) lvvt, i- more than three 3' 111 Open, tim-mclosed \tairt%a).. or ladconics. lull cowered by a roof or Limop) may v.%tcnll'or project into a nvluircd Ironl7dtc itmk r street eido or rear )-mil not mare Ih;ui lour 1.11 feel. 0) llnco%ewd porches. pL111'ortm. or landing plaices which dm not c \lend above 111e level of Ilse ground Iloor 171' lilt- huiidhip or do nil e\eeed a height ill 11+11% - OvIll 14S) Indio Mime %lade. elm e\Iend into any El ide 1'r' III l mnl nnnC Ih :nl %I\ (El) /eel and In ally intcriur sift' . -Intl ma) pinicet tit ;I point no Ies. Ihnn Iwo 121 feel Irom inlcrior side 11111111 rty lines. Sorb I�•;rutcs tlnl)' not e\lrnd into a courl more Ihnn twetll% perecnt 120;1 0l Iht' widlli of !;Ad coutl and in no cast, more Than si\ (ill feel. Au) opemwl'rk railing not more Ihnn fom 141 Icel in hcighl nlay he hutalled or cmn.tluctt,d 1711 any Much pLlll'orm or Loolinit glare. IAm. Oni. 12211. 4, _(ilosI • I K I Openwork Tenet,•, hedges. wall, or similar Landscape architectural Ivallito. and Board railings for %:i1oy pioleclion around depleswd rangls, it nut mme (Iwo four 1.11 Ivel in height, play Ile loeatcd In ml\ front lit side strt.el %ant. I I t I,n R (ham trio%. ;I Iola or wall nil molt, Theo .i\ lit) Icel ill 116011 oI ,I Iletl'•t• Ilmillt.11llt -d %0 As Iittl lit l' \t't't•d .I•. Ihl I'VCI ill livil'Ill IICI \' be localod on lilt' .ale nr Ival lot lull. prootIvd .itch bare, wall tit hedge tlors Intl e\It,nd unit' the Ic4111hod I'n'nt calif ur.Nt.�iHY4- a,Hd_- �� L_ 1..- 1. 1). IUUaYI ♦:..ILLl)_1U11.._1i.✓•_{�t..iJW J-- HM�MH' --f Y t� tiHYrl- �.1111LJ_'L`L ulL�.a..LLLI_.1LLil..r'1_2L -iL�- ltd_ ll_ 1. l_ UJ. I1ut. W.�L�,.- iH- tYMt:�YHHF4-- N'MIt�- II; ,i,;l. Original Poor Quall -ty AI A2141q LAND Utili AND WILDING REGULATIONS _,.i>;�U1'lLr:.111LLat1 -tLc.. S: ur- 11 uulAJ{ UNU•. L: HNNW- f •�'1�r- Ntt��- ttHt- nrrrcmin��7rr� _r.lUl'C�1U. nrnlIlip pools Shall n11t lie localed In wry nvluired front yatd or vide slnvt J1110 In' 11. .11 11:Uu1�v1I1a1oltai':Je1u lion In the rear pmperly Hilo, q.�, b): L �srhnminp-pnnls l it lu�ua�l -il�u tw {Irlrwl t+NH- wnvi-K(h+rckc+r _- atlll>,lr<I.Gw..t.:. 1. lu, r1•..t:,Nl!,- ••rwi�tinti�•,kk� -H myTtlrnhnrits�nnhR� 1tnTTlr'f itt* IN) Allacl1ell. unem•losed Imlllt I11ol's 111;1% he localed In the flue 5 requited near %md. I+rutiided %:ilil patio roof shall lie al Iea %t'rftI1TTt.f'111 Ihel S-2 . I'nnu the rear I,roperl) Ihie and, further. pnreillell Hurt the :ue,l ol'sald polio tool' in the rear card .11:111.110 included a. :I p.Hl Ill' the total lot wwrare, 1111 1)11 1omer lots &llr amidi'd + +r delacln•d Ilarlllte 1111% locate in Ithe rear �atd tcilhin live ISI Il'el of IIIe rear property line if Ioealed Lit least lwclll� 12111 feet 1111111 Ille side sheet line. - ••t� +- .i�trr rrrrrr.;4 -c'c. tactic+ 11-711- rlt•rcln•cl-�+rztrtninah�;n :rrr --+ Inw- IHrH4r-++ r•! hr- rrm•-Kttnl--+w. +him4"r•r•1�r i'c•rMt'-t4tc'-mr� *mrr ttt- tinr'it` --• iHwHKtI• rH- IrH-. 1- i4nYHr-- Itn- f-?�41-hr+ +'n+m-titt^ritlr� hrt•Ytint'c.r _.{1,1J_ I'irrl +Llre slruelun's ,11111 pl:ultiup Ia,�e. 1111% he 111r:ned in a regl�rrr�ed ) mil. pmtided Ihec do iiot reduce %aid yard by name than IK•o I'I feel Il{?J 4r� :t:M.1N►'.V+Nd.ir+�lillMf^FIHt t�f +{r1M"tit"t111i1�T I11 Comimlai io :uds; IA1 11' any f'nlury riphl • Ill' - way Ilnr has I +ten esluhlishrd by pmci.hms 111' .I %pceilic I"ItCo uu'e. the Adoilell- MiP-kw I'I:rr1 -HI LUuI+K'HVwor' mly Adopted Precise 14:111. the me.lsuremcnl of the yard hall he made from the folutc Hplll • ill • a n• line or Iulure property lino: - I�ik -- Ilk• 4> i• E= 4�N- t�;- .a?+la•!ri- itFF.- 1 -i?rl♦ iii +lrf•'•!+f�F-'�-i _rtt+ {11•:1.11 i- ai+- ?:•I•!i- .1.1.1 ula.+ H-1 wU. lilw. i+. KHNI+-.: Hr- kMtwL.tw•- HMriHr♦<�•trHdrnNnh- _... uuuuwi.: i. td._, Illuliul .t+.Itiw...tu+ar..i.+Hlrlr� NFiH+ I• rhF ✓••IMNI- �kFi�iM'- H,r.- irr -rftr- r..,,W 3iilr�li.i�Uf.ItW�IFN:M -+� I- BAH •i:�4HNMiiNM•(- HHHH-- IHltl•-Fi h�cYMhl Mh�i?Mftt/i•Ii1C -- __. a14U.,. 1. U1�:.. Nr... 1H1} �F« �WNrH�•- tA�rr .V:IHrI!- rilt�- lkltlttlN�•�KM tttt�"Y- "T�ttt`tF'1W 1tYiti- _...t4aull_itl.•i+J..r� H.��- ++F.NiNNrt! r-Hlr rriHrH itN-M HH h- �nrir -1 ♦t n t-t h r-c hthr,MntlrT>♦r- _ ...:ukliliuuaLl+ilril,w,.� - +i}4 H_-«.I--Nw4-i«++rrr,•mrr+nr4ftt-rnrrna-nFpn+frc•ting- __•uk�µlrlsl�_NHI+11 ►- .11iµ+ H+.11trHNir -A. rr trwtl +��l= �ririinrn-nt �n�Irrnrrin- __.�:�dll,:++l.r u.r++11i.�- Fihr•eirlil[M FMMr-++I-YldelMiMM+i-hMhrn-r•p'flt-td-•-n•nr-mec-- __. J�,+., r.:.} uuwl- l- �+ l�,-, �s+ rr +t- rlrrr•,+rny- M- rrc♦,ntir -rrtr4 �nn•rm.r- c•nrrtrnrtFmrt-r' - --I+r. wr•.i� H � «L.I H� -?^•! r r+ n-r• h h 11.1 n rr• „'I ti rk •F r.+� r� r. rF SFr. h rot -rtt n n tr r'rett t•• z K'- --- __.w,14- 1NN�••1Lt.rr.� Hrnr-- I- ltrrknce.+irrt:--�irt•: -thr�c,7rtrttni�h'itr: ,nn nr�tLtlfif � _- .;ti +NH��a�41a -{ ««, yl�n�} I{ rlirnn• crnhriinein• tfir� -rttrr- nrtF-ttr.Crt:In ^tt^tt-r _-- :IH��. Ike+ kl• 1Hrei- in�nt•rirntti +- FF_Li•'ki:t -ctI: "-Ifnrrm-\7T rrtrITMti T'itt',1M7- l6 M Irl I P, r F C C 1 _ �1J•r � I(.t tltit . . ZONING CODE • DAnllf{1nllonr /A111nK I)r0minnt Original Poor Quality , 61.0219(l) .0 U1111tuu:.Uiu -.tauw - +,r- !'rvvw: »- k�dnclirnfiti4 tnrthe .... -.i` lit.`, �S. L. I.' 1at1, t31_ 1. 11t: 1i>, 1:: I, �S ..ttac.alwui.•M.tb:rul�- �.hxl! • ha4w+•nlM•- Fivc-h'�*1-Fcrt ' .....,tuc;w rep +l•1'r.•t ll- ISM -F'trl rl rr•rn:ht+•rrf�'tv:rr'ttnr^ ^+- IkNiAWrrrt^-11Ttr- nnr(hvTr jr- T- T,"tnT"T-aC-6livrnr -75 - .,- rule► iNlu+ n- 41ttA- •»,yl,nck ^ -if ern- tn-' trtTntr- -l1vr',`!Tri7eT'Irv;-I%iin'i1-f iititi ilia- - -.-.r VA-4"44 k4t Wit .W+trrtHN+tr, ..-..d Iw�.!'ve b�Irt�n�Mh46•- ITnnr-- .mir•,rrtir+rr ^nrrr(ttart rr -veer irm-'I htt�:"t?m7nT ... � .IuNUicicuN�l+kµ- ►k�nnrek -k+r -. rite' tyT+ cmtnnreem -rnn ^ *�f�tct7nt,TlytnTT� i'iifTit _--. IhN+ �... tkNrN N+ r- Hh�• cfrcri- nM• I. rlrk- xhnll- t* r• iHi; r+' t 'nT-,:�'`n- Ircrnrr;ICrtnZrniIT1T� ° ...,- .+al��+.+WH� -.rriti HK•rHlt•1 •I •� 1•h rnlM rr+trNnrc^ - 44.4 -4k (ti .1 -n +crrhT'rn:r+rr- %•rlrarr•th ln-00,Mt,jVnniten^ ' ....- .1uu4u:u.l�l:ru.�i H N�Nn+ N.• i ,+- Mtr- rnwtrk+n.-rh•firrtlnn -n4 .. Mluuluauu _- ca'- .r1+v- L «.aiYNnn•+H- •(�cnh : -�F,�n nr- ;nir+I*tirtn 1= M++rri++g••�hy+n r H nrn h-- .4ka_.t:1 �y� +h,nle -li nrr.- rizhiirrc�mrt •t,n^rir�tlnitettnnc,'�TITrr ...._, tau.. wuuut-- Kµt.dvl,.- r+Nhnh•c••� -mnrin rte- nrr -tftt^^1*r.,1rCrr\ °�rMItIT'nrcr TITir +H 1- 14►K- Fttttttr t it 111^ trP * R;Ij iTRi'� ITTi''ItTiTIrF+I'uri ITTiTiT'- _ .1, +_a Juµkvl-- I4eri,r^ Phan- thrM•rcc- 1—,rtirtor i hrv",. min'-ni•" :i:; ilil7r ;,,miT r. 111 hl( aJ1l�lFr41{(iYf,-- }Nittt4't'ltt -MINOR DEVIATIONS •- ..1J.+1�IAi A1L...l�Fli•! -(•�# f• >4t• -•• I I 1 Nulwilhstunding any other provisions or thin scetion; whra in the public Inlerest. the (MnnHr -i'f mrrirt(•-Hht•crttr plat• wilhout nuliee or City Planner lulltltc htartu approve. .onQitiunully approve. deny or rcl'er to the- (�NMMFY Phalling C'(1n ill issicm_Sulxuuwtktuu, requests to utc,d,l') the following requirements nl' this <retion. JAJ_ S"U- iruyuuu4trw�t .ac4i flrtlhYr4lt+t►N ytl- rt�priMrl'nnllCr- - - 1 iiDU L l cL 1Ltl'u_ Ten (10) pe ;cent reduction in1 f- ;irlR rnt:.�4Mr� Hklpq!> T. ace tvcluiremcnlc --nnf .1µ117tp�Giiypis :I's set l'orlh in Section 61.021901),when' it to proven that it will not result ,.,1L1 Srteet %vIlm%:k requireotenrs, in a. traffic hazard or reduce neceanar, -11U lard requirements. pnr)anp� for the Line, •. I.. JN�I17 ilYNN411!. a•+it•ifkilnr•i,'rh71'�rrrgnjrr n -ltjT. ' 1L1_11.aulaLr.uN+i1.4HrHh- (D) Fence height may be increased a ma:K:;mum of (2) I'rniedule. Writ(eo x111- liedtio11< I'l,r swh nunlitie:11io11s ehull - -- Ill Ihel%r+rrrtte Phollinl: Hrr- rNnr,Yrt uPlm fornte Division he like in Ibc II,. a. 41 t4 City pruvic,vQ h) III,. %uHHN' 1,11 Ihia htul „+. Nc�t+ri111,tamlin): ;m) olhcr pnn isiullc of Ilv, u, lion. a uni111nn I've. a'• v-,ldhh.hed by the 4)TMtf -aF City Su}waLiwte, shall h, Council I -Ad to thr.f-�+tNHa• 1111111 tilt, lilinc ol1 ^Lh:tpplie;ltion City AMIL ON MW 111 /a .10 Tel I „ ! i. ,If I Original Poor Quality 61.0:19(111) 1.A.ND 11SIi AND 111111.DIN(i Rl CULA'I'IONS IL . for mot ilieation, fit the putptise ul'- tit! lr :g9tit, e,penses I, It: Wenlal la the procrrdingi. Clty 111nnner 'i'lie {+4+411. }_ .l�iwskx shall cause to be made. such h estig:11t11n tit' facts hcalic,: till [Ile apl+licalion a0 mill provide neces5:11y htl'urmntinn lo assure Ihal the action tin each such apliNvali11n is runslstenl Willi the h11e111 and pull +ow of Ihts sccliun. No applientinn shall he «y:arded us Navin@ bccn Ilird until the I've staled nhuve'11101 Iunr been 11.00 It) Ihr City r:.+tu�t�l'Iunninl :A� +lull ansnh -' Diviuiml. �„rt-- �t��tt�t�•;r�t�tclNS -- -t r�vr�t: �•• tt +(�- �+�NFi�-- +11= �:w + +eN, - -F>t� - liit9MF,' 4NI- 44,555 4il4N- 0IFNE;'ANI +1'rA4- M +N. - -Nvi%r tact, antlerrvrt)- •c*tfirrrmcf�h m-ti `ttttrWt*lhnrmhcnTIn � :hr- puhhr- ir+l.�rr�h-Nrc FtanHM- HnNr♦* ttr• �tn0- 5+He1r- tairrrlrr-+nny- wNhrnt t+n- ^rune {:+11tH-- wiMr- •I+rerrrhm * ^-+�r•- Srrlic+rr-' tit, elt44- flee- kil It" 0 inc- rcnnrrcnnhHYrlihi+•rc•etiem:- 411tlnt 1ittrr-1tttd•0 -ttt pt -- ye. ltlr +hltinreh•ittl:•iwr+i�9•rx-tnrm pnnt•Is, - i•rtit--yrKcrt-mf h:rrkTrcptirctrm+h:, -- (4 ii-- Yen4•mriin -inrnt m -- K- -f- -An .rn cpritt-mrrrts- -n- hT0irqHrtt-trc^rnxPriml1 V rM -- H3h- Firrl.•t.t•rr,•gnitrnrrrrts. - --11' :1--Rrcidrn N:tFp:rrktn F•rcRtrttrttlrtrtm �uUlu:gllun. u1_ctial.��Uuuutl u. 11 w .L:+wrw- 1'.l:rrutiuµlliw.+�1Nr, (7) For appro%hlt: such nxuliliralluns, the C wuru_UuilOur{r uua CitV Plnnner Srlil }.J]irc4tsu- pursilmil lu Scetion (11.0210(m), or the ('ounly Planning Director. pontwill to Scclion (11.(1'111111. 01:111 &%igmile such lawhil coil dititills as will .tctirr suha:tntial ptoleelion For Ihr public health. Safety'. :md penerat wcllnre. :md 011:111 lied as I'ullow.: (A) That such mod ilir :uionr will oat hr iueonsi0h•ni 0vith the intent :11111 puttaise of this section andltir any Adopted Master 1'1:111 tir 1'11 rise flan. (141 i hat shift rom1,1611ce Willi the 1,111%sions of Ihr svetitin would m-Me an Immm -s,my len0•hip or urtreamit thlr ••illmli1111 tilt the 1,;mictilm pn+peltl . due to unusual or eNtwme lupo(:raphl . tim mull shape of the property, 111 the prev:letwe of sinlilm conditions in the immediate vicinity of the prol•rrt} . ((') '111.11 .mh moditicalion will 11111 Ile nmtcrially detrimental to Ihr ahuttine property or the permitted tine thrreol. Vnnl 132 JIM 0 OT191nal Door Quallty ZONING CODE • Ultcoor Iteslew & Approsal (11,021911,) 11)1 HIM the lawful condilbms slnled In file approval are decided Ilucc%sllty to I,roteet the pui+lic health• safety and genet:d well':me, which condititn .; nlcr% include: 111 A hand to aswre the removal td' it structure within n sl +ecll'IrJ period of Ilnu , (2) "U.1 -A lime period within which the proposed sltuetute shall be tree et . 1111J.1teiyuirhlg street •dedicalluns ;Ind sttcei inlptovellientts, (or the pusthlg o1' hondsl to conform to Cireulntion Plan 41-V44teptimlons of points ' 01' vehicular inihess mud cFres%. . 4VA- Itclluiring hildscaping and the mullnlenmuo•e Ihen•ol'. . +3 I17•367171 iWYi.• J • - -4-N4+ Retlulliui: file surfacing of off • street parking rend loading arras. su11•icct to slieeilieations. 7 - 4- N4 +IAod such other conditions as will lnmke 5. � , possible Citx the (Iminpment of IIIv-G+nni)• in an orderly fwd efficient rnnnacr and in eonl'ormily with the intent and purlltlse set rorth III this scellon. Ally I approval under this section shall 11e suhJecl Io the terms of the com111Uons JcSig11mled in connection Iherewilll. DEyELPMEN'f OT457R. 111 �J+ ;8 Itl VIL•11'ANU APPR11VAI 'All II) • llphemion: 14itrtn�+rr- i+i� -Mnkal it+- Nrr+�rrFiMrt- 41Hµ /usis' and conditionn t Ileimilted in ,1 df%Wo me suldcrl to n•\,ir%\' mill ;q,i+to%:d by Ihe.hitrHlkm, lul '0itr city :11'11fiemil1t1 provided by life c:"WtIj: Shan lie filed a—LIW-4 : in Wi i Diviniona,44i4w► of wilit a developmenl ^_th I limn and Swh outer 111hirimitil,ll us may be relluhcd. I nnlke Ci_y Planner such inwe%ligalinn of Ihcl% henrini: on the ;lppliealion u% will provide the ., iivi:"%:II,v i lll'olllldllon. lot a%%Ilry life action oil C:ISII Such .Itlplicatioll I% 1 coil kleol %%ilh fill, inlenl ;11111 purposes of Illk section. Cir-y Planner 1'I 1111% of f1w luw.uur: It %11.111 he file (1111\ of Ilit- AuaW +r to City Pldnrter re%ic)v Ilie de%clopnw•nl plan to ascerwin Al I ilk Isgel'fhmil to the pr,posed use :Ind in w•rili11g omc apl+nwal. disappru%'al of malice of lefrrr;d In the 1'l.oming Olilmuis%ion. I„ecihrr will, the lindings a11d remoos hir such action. %cithiu Ibirl) 1301,;donddl days.ifter Ihep'ilingol'%och re,fuc,I. "aeeentnnce 131 Rrl'eral to the I'lanmhlg ('mnlnissfnn: Al hi, disco lion. the City Plgnne_rLU"lw m.n rvter Ih% rcync%I I'M d0641tneal Man n•%iew :nut iipprw;J �Ioecilt 111 Ill:• I ""MOsion fill' decf,ion. file Coomik%tmi %IwIl render a decisilnt within 1111ven 1 15 %alvitthr tLos alter the tefcl't;ll City Planner 1•II Il11di11l" of r11, 99irrekn. lu :Ipp1•nine a dc:wlolvncnt l,I,u1, E C ILy Planner lilt. -13rrectra• -.11 111 1iI'll 111.11 .111 1111: ti41owi111: cumlilion, e\f%I or my made r auliliona of hi• .itq +1,•%.11 (AI 111A talc ,fle imdic.11"d by lilt: drsrlopntenl plan iS adr(luatr in sill' .11111 •h,gnt to arcon,n +Dial% the l +ll•pnsdd u,c.:nld ;III v mds, . +3 I17•367171 iWYi.• LJ City Planner City Planner City Council Original Poor Quality 61.1111910) LAND 1151: AND II1111.l!ING REGULA'I IONS .hates, \%ails. Ienees• 11arkh1l!, Inadlnp. haul >c,111iu1: :Intl other fcawn'� n'quiletl Ili• thi..rrlinn. 1111 ILaI the Inlpnl\enlenl, us Indle:llt'll 011 the IlvvviIIl,lnrnt +Lu1 are loruled nl suth a nl;lnnel as hl Ilk' 1,1o11c11\ u'Lllell 111 e.,i,Iiug :Intl , +I 1,11U,1'll .111'1'1, .11111 (Ileh \ \.1\,. II 1 I11,11 1 h inll,rou'u1en1 • ,1, ,11,1\\11 1111 Iht- de\t•In11nu nl l +l,w a1e eouslslcnl \vil11 all adoplt'd s1.ulll,ut1s.11111 111Mvies,Is ,el I ill lh'in Ills% section. (D) -That the proposal Is conulntent: with the adopted General 1' an IIIIJ any u opte( spec c 1 u'nu: - 151 Nolicv: hl the even) ,In :llillieation is allpi++ted 1 +1' the 0tvvit,r, Iliv aigdic.ull sll,lll lit. 11olil'ird in \\ Iillnl! ill, Ihr th',:isi,1n (Ili AIIIIV.11 N,1 Recision ,d Illy I\irrrl,+r••.II,111 la' vIIv livc till Iit a 1,eliull 111' toupees 1141 c;desdar lots has ela11,ad Ioll,1\\inl! the \\rilleo notice 11, the .1111111k .1111 of Ilk drrisiiul. Itulinls Illh 1,e11011..I11l pelson or 11rl,ons alil'ticd. or the applivanl nlal lily .ul a1+11r:d to Ihr 611111ut„it III. :\m ,11111e;11 shall lit- Well in \\Hlinp ult,luuua. %t :,.tiled ,loll shill set hill, lilt. W0,on lilt silt It a11r,d the Coln Ill i, 011 shall tonsi.lrr such .ipliv,il -vilion ft,lll 1401 t•.11vild.0 da�, allrr the dale tit lilt- titan: of dl,•h a11ca1. the (•14111111„1 ,111 ,halt lender a deei,ion \1'ilhlll Ill levil 1 I51 talclld.11 41,1), Nile. Ihr hearing of suth ul,l,e:ll. the appliranl ,hall hr 11tllillyd n: \\Iilinl:of tilt- (•ollllllls,i,1ll•, ilt•t W4111. 1110 CtIIIIllli„IIIII', Iles :,1141, vilhtI 1+11 :1111e +11 or 111,1111 re fella��. lA. 111�1LItjt ;tL1LLLJU�t'�;�LL11ll_U_ LIJUu,ll..jll I11.1) he ,Illlivaledl to Illy UwltLal'_Supcuiuu+ in Ihr manner set brill ill \t-i.111111 it 1.022—' of this r title (7) Time Limit: If this approval is not activatetll,y iasoan O u u ug perm t or the project 14 clvAl T T INCLUDING Iii1 ((1`Itlllll��l l'til'PII:�II ti _41 ,(lcr,'1'I�(ic1'NIIItti. lilt All previous 1111111,1,,• t11 till, s;rtnit is tit ,n1\idr .1 llu,rrtluu \t hrn'hil:hlu4ho141 and condition) oca- u,nuuunul sill, y +n @'. ..stet s. NCr u µa'_a y_y X14 -U1.L 1µ,1C LIA_�LL11LUL LL'�I tions 6 develop- - rlty4lMrl?h•11H -+1 Fy«47µHµH1k•• µK1.; I�' 'nµ�Lt'a41UL11_ULJL:It�'thlt�lu ment an aggro- r Jlk' p ttklir- ttiMM,'M'tHH:- •4- t1Yi:,Irµ; �aµLa,:iK�uull�al_uGuL {saaili,_1y utiul _ill vale shall be sub- dt,Hirh- -1++111 - Nllr- 41Hw-- .lrL- i,r.,Jiiluk'.L_l» -1hi+ .JLt11�uL_uud -_uU cct tO the pro- - ntlMlt tH +iitYh l..- iFI14Y- Nh-(FW 314 IL�+�.rl rat u( au�JLUUU IIluuhuutl. LLLLI visions of this section upon trttttltMMhfY- _Ik.ltt tl M!'- l•t'{}1t'{y- .IfJ -,I Fa a1LN -t ll i .JN_.1t31y�j,4tL1u;14:11LL'1;µL S1L:11 the - rnnrlNH�ht♦- ft-. r- l+, yihµ.. h, il{.),. I, H, I>, 41t-, kl. uurllt :.tl.u�UK•_ULlit:uLlauJ_L',w. ' effective do Of this o_ rdina_ca })i,lih4 yHt }r.��y- }M'- (HµH:4 rhh'�Ii X111\ -lJ1 tt rlau 341uµ_tj ilya.aJ�ILL PytLij.t, . III 1'1•,:'rtlwe: llriltrn .Ily,lii.lUttns for lilt' .Ipl,lotal of the uses reft•rred h, in Ill,% %,tliun shall ht• liltd ill Ihr )aihlit_„Llaw "lJ1L_(uuui} with the F 44.t1HHHY,-14 "4f4441i 1111,111 (UIIII, as deemed necossnryad.l 11re,i1114'd 11tr III'; 1,1111,'I,t'. I,1L'1'lhl'f \v 1111 Division ;i,1l:.11 iufolnl,uunl,ls wl1uN13 ilyUdts�Ctiuill Il 1J 4,t11 t.It1 by tho City Plan ner to delineate 1,I \\1,l,nitnle an) other 11to\sUi,= lns ch:y +ltr. a the proposed r, ,Is . Ildishrd 111% the lt..a.+l_Sup14A4..4, .:' I Ill I4' 11airl I,1 lilt-city Counc 4 t•,HHti a 1(41 11. I Illm;' r ,1I each alydl,aU„n Inl Ihr 11ui1 "sr ,1I Ilrll.l)in}!City rv11tasts ilitsit'111a1 n, lilt, I'll 1%:VV hog, Ihr t +HH1L 1'1.111111111' l,1nunisslon 1, ,11.111 tall,e t0 I,. II1.1 tic ,ntll 1111 r,11!:.111t .11 III •' I t-.ninl! tm lhr ,q,l,litalitnl • Is \till pl'I,\Ilit' Ilt'1 c.,.11\ 1111,g111.I1U,11 It, 1.,1.1'• 111.11 the .Ikllnll 1111 tilkli N 1ch a1,1111t.11 it tll•I, .' +11,1•It111 t \Jill Ihr 1111,111 .Intl l,llilht••' 111 1111, 111.1111tt. Nil It 111 hp - .Ip),Ili.11 •11.111 It 1';II11c11 .1 +11.1\Ilit! 14•;11 111,11 lltllll lilt' Ice ,I,Ilell.1141 \r ,11111 II,I1l' l4'; 11 11; 1'•,,11': t1 \ \1111 Ills R• 441k- Phil1'IR!' (- ,+HHHL..443. 11 :ill \Division ,, T T c L , Original Poor Quality 7.(1NING COD I! • VomlItlonnl Use 1'rrndte, Shopphryl C'rntms 61,0219(n) C .t y Council filling on such npplicalioll is a(q,euled 10 1he414*4tat + 11jiri- ,i�a >rA(�Ur \U,tnl to the prot'Idon% ill 5ectlon (,I.(1:'_.. it like I've shall be p:dd to tllq('Ictk or a Cucntoon nthe JAL-4 V -L. L,SL4u'auf wA. No appeal ,hull Ise rep:rrded a% having been Illed �"unlil the I've 0tated above. accompm11ed by it Ilst of piopetty tearer, as set forth in Seerion (if 02'1'4101 Hill) shall hove been deposited with Iht✓Clerk �nFtitr'iimrrfc,faltry,rrrisnt s. o CucnmonYn (!pun receipt of ;lit ultltlfcvNou I'm condilionnl use permit. ry to tilt the ('nrmrF, I'Innninp ('onunissiort,11 ;111 fix it tittle and place of public hearing I eteon. No Iv >s Ihan ten 11111 calendar days bcl'nre the d;tle ol'sucfI pul11it: hearing, a notice shall he given ol'surh.hr ;ulul ht tits I'oliatt•ing mm mm (A) One 111 public :lion ul :t netvepaper of gellvlal CitZ rhrulation in Ihelauuua ;md publi%hed Ihert•in. Such notice shall slate the name of tilt applicunf. a peneral expLmatinn of the m;tllcr to hr cau%idered. legal dcscliption and localion of property to he considered, a general description of the well :111'ecled, and Ibne mill place of heating. C C_ ity City_ 1111 \ notice of hearing crntaininp the %ame iofonitalion mviii1oned iu whputngraph 1.11 ahoer,hull be •rnl fluoorli fire hulled Slates mail to all properly utvnrr %tvilhin Illree hondted 1111111 I'vet ,tl'thee\lerior boundaries of tite area de %ctibed In the :gq+hrnllon. %o slated In he the sul?irct of the hemiug, or by po%lingsaid nmice in con.picuou% phVe'. on the %uhlecl propene mill in 'lie area %urmuadiug the prtqu•tly. (lvenetship of properly shill' Iv delerntined by rel'eretwi: to the I;rl equaliic•d a %ar•snunt roll or from such other records (it' the Counly A%%o%or or Comity Fax ('ollector ;% contain nuoc reeenl udder %%t•s. 11' all properly vv ilhirl the Iluee hundred 110111 I'not ruthus as herein ;d,„ve referenced, is under the %amv oa'netshi(t as the propetty involved in flu• herein conditional use permil application, the owners 411' all property adjoining Ihr pnya'rly so owned. Shull he nulil'ied in the m:untc'r a% herein pr,villcd, lye notifying much ncner. will11n Iluee hundred t iflol Ieet of Ihr relerior hnunduties of the pogarly �o aemed. A nNice of the decision of the .Cauutl Y 1'1anninp ( ouuni%%ton 01.111 he %tent h) t .;14Wal -hall In the applicant feu conditional use permit. The decision tit' tile A;4mt4 AA- I'lartning ('onnnis %ion under this seclion %11:111 bcconrc elfectite l'ourleen 11.11 calendar day. from the dale the written detotmo,rtion k made. Appent from file do-.1mon t,t lhe4kit l-of Suµ eyiau►m :,y he fal.en as provided ill Sectino 61.0"2 - r(-H- A- r• rrttfrtitnrrtTnr- prrrttirnrn ^hrtnittrtrtt-rrt��tiriTirit' - F.r- tt- rr+nr- cleaner ^+rc - the -- tin .mF'trt-tinrrmn.;�- nr-tfir-t'r+r nt\"t'I:Trtrtflq� • �ourtni•,•, ie nr „4 nTr.' rNn 'r-++rnirilrirrrrtittre- itm -rm�rt rrr}'inT-I :' jOCTth C(f':tT111 -NnN a�,r -.•.n n h N- m- Fn -rprnn h- isrtrtnrt-�prrrgrtrrt r-Ifin n-rcirrt nT�rt`nn1P”' .." CI'1 City Council 1 `1 14"Illite1r; nt% file Al'I'llt'4111 IV La 4'- l4JPJatai.A,Liv4aw4t1wNd-.H- �n717J1 °i'11SL'_L:'LFLL_ uLtL %11.111 pte %enl %urlt.dafa I,,\% ill vtwIdv the ('ounly - Ilholling ('onnnh-,hat 10 mite ;1 I'indiolt 111.11 the lit Ill, lW11 V4444r -i.-im soy use is compatible ..ILLL'':ll. mil .:IL�11111.1jW.iii•Ii::J(iHIL IK/(rMH�li -nI file mea % %hich It is*,tirvrdin located. with 135 in an IN Original Poor Quality C6LfR171 °) LANDUSE AND IMILDINf: RliGlll..\ flONS rtr,t••jtMrlirrrslrMr, 1, rmtirl -nl= fin- qtr- rntl•r•'rlrnhl,rn;1nn•rh•!: rHrj+•rtn•,10l- Br,•4,nlrr ' I. r1.1•-• 1-- Inr+ iiltinnrr-. rh-- I+ hrm -I,trr� »nnl-- h+••.r,•r}r -••alrt nrhrp- alt' trrtrlrh •- red- n• rHr• rnnrrl+- n- •rimn•Irnc,^r.•n'rf•IRrihhnr•�; �tnrttnlr�-�iFn� -nH� +1 nti- 1-f+nrkinrr^I;rml,c- ri*ink;-rr, 111- nnh• thr- In' rint��ll -irrrrc•�- ;rrtrt-t��cc�--In-- 314" lih,•n -- 1-"M1- r- htlrTrrtnit tir'tn- rir- rli"lrth"ti -mmntird-tnr-r*16-tii - I'rch+r•rh -dni I•hc-i nrhrtlrtl ^-- M+t - thr -rl�rflrinr'm:rrrrthrrrtrnr•thrt tllnnnp7rclrnTrr%r'1-- -I- N-- IJ..•Lwa H17ti71 U l lH- uL_Ua�l a_;7 n.+:�'_.1�1:,I lJ�- }rtaaµuu'd �h++Ih+inr- cYn1,ti . - Na +- }i,.FrldH 7kHNHa ul- .I +u1N - u++a_{IUNu1 uL u ..ill V.0 U rtnd•f'nttm,. FN�1 i1. Nr74uHrlHi. HF- ul.,lariu..ti+,�iyu.l7+uuµ_luU�L u ln_ tt;alr- ern•. -•- tnirrlm—m-A-rmttY 1' . - +4'- t- •!+crc+r•„Nlrr•sh+ +rtr, tH,,� -1•t•i kti'�+,.,7 +�•1w..7H'}l«'r• t -117v. :1�rtir,•rtinn- (? *-itrn-h *7*nrt`r rt --- !;- hnt�+nn1�!•--F- F+r --I:+I I•NF1F1�_- 111/NH+H171h_ ttr ertl�mn�rt -,t nnf nde -.}t r+F 7rr+r �rr�hr-N tiy}IJ+.,hIM•,> �nMhi - NI4 4 44 M641 -i al7u }p},17,7t.uuunl- :,}1{pt„t.,:,Lu V tIa: L11 L:NU•L11�I111L11UJ1LLi�I:.l1LJL' 7t+. i; 7vl .,u__U�.ill.'_lllwiva}I_Liuuuuu iuu�L a1LJe _wij :7A:,"uu_1 +� _,lltar iuupurl�_„uuot+_ , I14J__YuwLlwlltuurl_�LuJ�uL1� uullcti aILyJItI --UNIJ .`Ll1L i11H7iH71HH- MV.1•/,� -Hu I.. I�t. la. ua_ 4+ 7,r^ �LLUU,.. a, ;i,,;,,�,;;i�uuµuuulJU.�itxul,. - ri«{t+,- ,+1=- wn�,vHtHli„r.i -� •yHHNI/i{44allupr7111t1 .w11♦A`Ju,,,l.ld:l7lUpui&"A: - trot, nftlfifh• ttlYfl- ,+i- ,1N +4 r.•,- 14 owo- k41.44.0 i -pka". {w 4I,U,:7t.laL�iL�:l:1 - ri�lrtr- I�Ih -M m -1rlHr +tiles IrdH,IJ1 . 7w. UNLpI w� lulJ�,u.uu ,uaiutc.L �nHi•tH}`Mt,HIM}MhhrH4'MH h4hl-• �1- 4N7:, �Ni17 r,. 1u11+,' i�, i1+.. 1. t4141k 'aJ1- t„�'IJ�.I1Jl:..t1:11't' - rr +Httr+iwlrnl- IeJ�,H «•w.{Hr -I w- t• lw�u ,u-- :al�,l�u,w.l- ,ku44,{uar�'.0 I._ l al t'nnuni..il +l1 I indinv•' I hr (uuur_I'I;unloll! l I,Innli %iml in apprminp.1 rinnlili1H1,1111W (+l'rulil .hall lieda%lnllo%% (•\ I 111 II I IIl• Wk+-_• i�_Ju_- liu�a7a:ll,lu_.lyuaiuuti . I„_„L - Hrej'i11.e.h1,.+•- • rr-- I, M» M, 1+„ i+ b•-, I,.+ t+ t, µH+-ti MHku_ .,�._.Ju+ua_ +uL- uL.11t.l+..:iaL - A4tj4t•+44Hl..4n1-41r,7.and 1ny applicnblc npecif1c plane. 11{ 1 l 1011 Ills• 'itP I'll 1110 Jiro II ,,_v tFi % ,II ,'Illl;lll tll ♦I /l' Mod X11;114' I,1 di l'I ,1111111 H1a I,' s:Ild ll••t• :11111 Al .% 0111N. Illicit .11:I1't'�. wlll;wk, . "'ll.nlc All','• 1,,Idloh'•1 .I. 'lll.1i atl'd h,uu Mit,11 i. 1,111.11114.11 n1,1Pn pin uun 111 IIM 01111111111111^ V;l I �,ll.l•. "' 11,Y'l'.�,q\ I••r \Il'hl\ UI I'll, 41 ul till' ]l1U lll,ul�' iClt h'f '• c f i a 1 Original poor Quality ZONING CODF • C'osdiUnnil Ux I'tYndN, ShnppL,r ('enters (II .0219(o) walls mid relive., µm01111! moms, hwilhil! iirems. In11dsemphlp nil other CvMmes „ CC. t11111�; tLllirNrit�ret• inntirr• rtctimr�attl- erae-• cvtllratnrnnilrCmzt;nnTn'�^rrri art'' �nrirhhcxhemc4^ ICI I lot the site lilt the proposed uw Ivl.IIvN to stlects mid hilllnvovs I'rnl,elly JcJpried as to witl(h mui inquowitivnl 1% lie to earry the rluanllly 411111 0 1111 111 ItAllc genewfed I +v the pnq,owil Inc. 1111 111111 the pnopo,ed ow will have ni ailversto CINCI on al )it IIiul! 1114111e11) ill the Joel milled im lhcret'I'• - (13) That appronrinte conditions have WA11 Cunu Ce CO,I,Inrrllulil Cy w.tun Cne nurrounuing area. I$1 (•ondithnls ill' Approval: 'I' lie .0nuux•- I'Imnninli ('r)Iinti>sion, in appno%hip. a eondiliomll 11x• perntil. ,hall desipmllc 011th Llwrul conditions in eonnecliun thercwilll a. will 'Iwlal• the proper d,'crluhmclll of the µlr,µerh ;Ind will sck-mv whamnlial prolveli,al 1'111 Ilse public 11CAI11, kmcty, controt'I, c01lccn6•r:C10 mull I:cocrid welhire. Such eondi11n11s nimv include: IA) Slit-0:11 crlhar0 >, ysrtls. illicit spaces and hurlers. 1151 Velices and walls, I('1 Lildllinl:. - 4I�i •- +}ihlh%tk'�I�I}•- NI-- HN —•!.F WY�4.- �Nlhitlfll :- •n1hi-- IHitdintrnrcrnv- •- wulahV t{••k�wp W�l�le'Ha- 1+Hw.. ..- ri-• rnrrtnr,. �r.. r. �wY- Ml�NN4Nr�MM ^HNN- !•1 ?M.H- •fMItMHKi }1rn1� ..( saw.- lil4- pN1�(. IN14- �+(- .(,fuNl�+i•- {�}-- VhN1iNHH -iH -N hr••1.itW(t'hi}InM -Hr••i �illlt Nylj' \, _ ii +�:luJUtlwus•i.N- rw+�l�end.t�{ Irk «�vl}w r• rF;Md xti }L- "�D�4L�1•- ItchuLtlimis nl' pninic r,l' vcldrular inpnvs ,11111 egrces. (c�hN►- Itctlulalit'n or little lit' cerl,Iin dctio,ilim I hu-- I(cquirinp Inndseapinp ,Hill In;Iitncn,tnvc Ihcreil'. -F {•t- _�(c'cl'rir vine- rn,�tttt(rn;nx•r- r+Ernnnn I.. $!a94- •ItepulatitIn of nni•e. , i Jim I inn, oJ„t%. dull. eh•. fl +^-I irm -T+c rirnf -r itfrin �.frirfi -tin- -I.rc c rf -mr-�h ell Lc "f?�t� -ah'* 11111" 'Htc- w}tt,misei*+n-nd ^•t•1rrr1 i��n- •}71`�naitr -nnl'- Div' II tNl An l .uch either cronditi,ulI Lt,- U4- mul:u_µnuiWa_UH that the city _SIL'�'t li'L'Uy tU_1d_ lilt (iiL1Ll _l1L:lL- L11dt;11L "� yJL4'L ill- JJ7;Nlnktt_;r4}j_i }I deems necessary - 3',?UL771lllly_U'i11Lll}� iUW1L tud.)uu{tcasa 111.Gillh iu- Uti�+wt�/ua�Aru -HSt' to ensure the _L'SLLLSIC(L_1uuk+_api r •� 1�,��I_t,�1�x_nnd_rfrnhth-irr health snfety and . wuliuliiilu_aLilla _LIr.4 1.r., N�_Nn� a4HH1 +ti « » +- dr.irKatrd- rr- ttinnnctirm Wel fare of the our _1LuAyiUa rounding area and Mnr- ttlr-Nr7rrrTffm7 m-rttrc- riI(7rtrrttttr'ITI� "t(j it ltiTFu ?Itv ill the city. - '+n•iiiH� iw- hNhN- tfr- nr7nrrrrl- ram}, tn• me -,n- cry- {n N{}- firnirt--tnt1-prinr-ttr - arc -++t +,shy -7 ti.,+- ,rr1++ -N rc- E„nntrnd- !::nrHrrn;ndrmT.:r t;ntht•rrf 111Th nmmnttt• - r.'triT- i+.Y}TI- nr'trt'n min- nrinnnnrf -t�7rrT}- hr7firZ+;hnrrtrdl•rKt•7 rt'�['IjnjTj C}- . -n n - ri( r-y nrtYnrrmrnt •r- n-.t- y-trM{r.'}••r- c -7rfnc- Ira- rr- rtrnl-rH1'= Y.-tirr7Ttl - 7MMtMNY.k,•}+}•I+r••trrr,T{ ash• r!- rtrrc} Trrrl •;,hztrm- nranrrn.+t-t*,nT.. _ I- 1= 1._ J. t-. t( It'- t( e' Ml` iM( 1MhYN ^M•- i.r_t•C•��!fI'trrl'Mtl"M. t LrMT - -►L: vii..). d: k' 1L. �1: 1NM •.�J.lu.ty'- •w�Ni/HHh''i -I{hH• -tilt' Mt'etMnrnKYNr.1 art i41r•r01•TTInA, 11' /f ,7a 7G1 w (I1.11:14(o) city Council �;�:, Original Poor quality L, \NI) USE AND IIIJILDIN(i 111AWLATHIM $ uLL; tu•-t l' r:: 1�. tL1LL� >,IL4'4- r:i��ul+- uuu�+uuWlu.w 4ui 4�ul:rt u uw ..141 -1 ?lu: ill' luu._ li_ Uu::+ µµ1r �. lUNu- Gu_µ+wlri4u,.11.+lw.lwrrnia .iw >Il.rU.�u'T4J{ 1114 :1L{)�i,- u..ul.11L:•b•.u:lwu.0 (- LuiI11+++{t -NMN N11.- I�a•111r- tNK1+N•n'� 11f ... .,. _... ... .1... 1 .,•:•.,. PI, n, Ju.,_ L'. uw111 ..1J14..•.aVN1,114KNK -NI• -� _ 1; �yl. arwll .ul...:lu.uuµ.lrwul.- aua -rl irNNN.I.�n + -N F.rcr+++r -nnrF- :1L'tJ- VIIC,,:1 >11ll�111L'.a.• ..1LI1 -,I ut.::LLUUI,_:tu.t NwNN.+u I..:NN1• -, (IN NNrMM /• -��4 -m MrnnrMrlr +wtL1+4:- +.Wl��•.�uulllr.. 11 ..u.luw.- uirlllrrf- l+u�.,•+KwJ� NFi+- 1rk'r+lx. .t I.' 1... 1uu: tii. uH�ur-. NrfNaxm++ l- ,nr�tiHnntil,i,nwrl•tirnrl- hrlchrt� .�uJ.luilua�l4uti- .{wut.+. a1N1aN+.a.,- ++r.�l nd r+�rfl�l»Ir- .K+rnrr- +n+:r.r- -, t, J11...1 aN, 1+I.NFHIIfl�ilnhywi„n.- rl�h+rrk �►*rnrrntrmccn•�'tt<: J. V: 111.'r:ILIlI.1L.tii.�,4iN -••-- . A�- t+•- I•+hi+iNNMMiri- ti�InrT h, llrhf •'•1Y�1T1'ITITI'CTTrRRC�'�CCn� auJ.rlciw+•. NN,II•,ihllnl;:t ,r.lrrcr. •- {(- rl-- I -IhMFh MhflMti •rtt:11T'1.1'T�'rr•f•f1'Ti{<� ' ..{} H-- 1- ,nnhrnrhrK- ;nnl-fimhFrnlinr. T�•rlr.- .. {{.►--- I�h- Nnnr, -ntr. irrt}• fn�Tmt' -+rrn'tlr•ITmrrnP ^.TIY�hl1R'TRr7 (7) {�P_ Itti!4t4 {- 41+x-*♦- AllprALS C ^nmtiooien {rH- 1 hi Ilrri.ilnt ul Ihr d`innT1T I'Lunlinl: Mnrrnn-nl;ly he' Iplhub•11 to Ilit •4; hnH +- phrm*irclrhnn nil cdnr Ili .nr; lunnn•11Eri,,ed. Tli:' 1 1.11.ilu'_uL.lu..H>i+.ti11..i;N. - NHM�aW+ IN. e• �- K1r1iN�++ rrr4rrnf•rr+lrr!•+tnnrnnt�l-thr _ 1171.. 11u :u��'.:aL.a4aLLJY_1iL:�l•F'a�w LiN }�- ,u„1 -NrnH N � kM4`..irr 1UC:: 11L: c- u1.Jlu:�uuuL�1'Lurliu}:- 11uµ:W uN;t4 ..up+aw -J.N wr�+llrrryH++r itlrrl . 1v1.t.�itL�.ili�. 111• i1L11j1. 1.? I- Y'�Jl.'1C� 1.. 1. N.: L11 .IL.1114.15.1.1N.+NF•ii1�N�• -1, •M- aM }Mi"1•M"tfhl'I�l^ 1' 1J1 1��IS1. LL: LL��11.. 1i1i4 .11�.t.L}I- U4_LI�.,.I +1�N1 -.+l• • 111M•• i-,+ HKIA- 1�i:lrittttTl!'�'hTL'l•1nT W1 1�J _y'1JiulJ�..1L1:�LUli,:u;:uat> 1, u.;. ui.- t tra.t+u,+Jal�++4Jrrmrh4•y�{n+mf khnrrct•- S'tJ�liLlsuiLLl:L.:uuuu;:'�ualu� lw- JiWr_NUµ1.HVI•,v+rr.4rtl.h h- ir+rl+,rncl°1+� -thc- 1',J.�llL}1LL' J- uuuU.i;,aitu- lw�iupauartuµu. iii: l.+. tllw+ tt 'Nf'H' ^t♦•,+1 -Hrc-c,+mfiticrtnl - iL.i- -lu;la 1�w..1- «Ir,r11•l,r -tile• • 1- N •+11tin- +,- rrh-e�rr4- FHr7kntinr j1Ji:•- r%- Llutu: tuliUuu- iruwwr ira }a.- t1N- «Ir�ti.i«+e- n}�{k'cr4n' fmrmT+rrt•Tha1h 1' iaLulu>.+ is�L1v.. 1Jv :- L'uwut.dl•.+a+++a}t1�+++ +K, i.w.,n. ..+{- 1+-{ �«+ rr- r•• cril« 1- T* t-' ihr• �1*T*,�tl-;tlr�tT�.nTiTi.:'TIS: Tiilnl� . I' J..+ NtiH}�- 4- «�nH+rn�^n"drr4Fn�t ^Hrc cl: tr t-' nrtn'- TntTnT „�R ?S•T�ir'T•rT�iNi:lil�•i li1N- INHHM�•- 7MMI•' ��TF+^' n^- T* „>'rrr-,Tf"rnnc'm't1n- �rj'i*ITSi i•r".Ii,T"lir".irT� iilTi:•r �; tfµ-, N- NHrh�r••, r• Ir+ M- r�mrn�tc�trrr •�'rTirtt'Tni��arnc•TPir,•,I. •. rnn*1TC"Y'iTnrllil: L'u.ttultiuuul.Ja.aL..+u . i.IrrNh r�- �YHr♦- nh1••+ n- 1rncFrlrtnnrA -Trt:'tr•r•:tc"InaC'1r*' 16 it) 117h; . I.-,A A � 1 70NING (pI1IS • (A11:1I A1lllMlt)' (•111111111111',• Orlgil lal Poch Quality 111,0219(p) - H11Yfr11•`11/h{- 111• M-- 1N�nnrrttiYn�rr •+HH,IN��IIN�vI1HIr,N• 'nrpnN- '111�11Criahlir " 1111 IlMdrd-{ '1n11l�wHHHrt1•- 1 PIN "Pitll -Aliti Nllf hti•,I lt'IhnNlt f-11 �•{III1I1(ftl,ltl{'IICCMIHtt- - Hr-+ I, yrtHli,+ ll�.+ lr-, t ,41- 40ttr- fithl- m,rnhNr,l -hHder ilh - rr,- rl.irnh; eF -Hri�• •- rl,^ 1'+.'*"' lah- 4:., MHr- Plnrtmr ,t- i;HhnH.nnn- ,I,nN- I.nNnl itfrN•nttrlttthn- >•Iqr�� -H�� { +r•tkrl+i• + ++1.+d llr •sry+t+r lln n 1--• Illl I inlc I inul fill, I)ok Il,pntrul 1 hr Ihu limit fur .girt of runstturlttn :Ind , :I,mptlyinn 411' the do t-IL11 unl nr drvclnpntcol luu hr .,tlh.�te�tiniN� uI :u�g ht ,h the ulnmixril,rt crone- enr from tho .11lw l ul:S111wui.ul., hallulc kl nh l•I col h tintr limit sail! 'nv;tlidatc Ihclfate on n roam rnndilimial osc I,crnul. 1, \1 I'Ih inlNal time limit 111'" he cvlrnJcd fora jlcrioll 11ol� It, c\rccd onr 111 ,ulditlHnal >cnr, h. suhntillinl: it rcyucsl lu Ih0•(A1tttm- I'I:mnlnR ('oulntk%ion Im review and nl)l,ruval prim In II c cvl,iruliun•dac ul' the Initial lints lhuit. Ih,• ;Ippli'aal nutsl show that ci hcpund his contrlll IIa% -v caused ndllsu:tt dcla }. in the pu11t1'anl, 1111—. I. Jlll•- 4. 111HN4-- u{IIHI/IIN4...(yN11H11W HII-- HM1•- •II1H1 /d- ,•MI� -• «aii}44Ll+yl•.,,,,;1 �' �•{ I�t�4 '.HU1.1,:4�1NFt.IN1i+ih4hN :H1H .1Y +H111 hi_;+4ta• -{ 4411J 4L{ �1t.• HIa1�H�N1I+: 1. INrM�IN +i1H4ti�'- :ih�+IHN : / :MNh -i :H hN 11+M1•�HFlik• ( L', 1.. t1J= 1N�- .�16...+Nn /iNH+lw- ..H✓:-- Nw- -ti wI- -MIHrK-- HH -tl!r - 41`. L1;. Ia1IVN1lIN-1 1. 1W-1 wvH- INNt- �H- (1w.,+11N�,k- 1•N44++4411r4 11 MNNH�- ("HMHHIM•NHHr -: tH. 1. tI1. LGv. t�lJhMa•.. l- t1w. d, NVAHW a♦I�NI- h,�..1,.rH.,.IH,1;1.�1. riH- wmlt/(,Hedr4{+r• - 1(. INNH!.' �I. INHH1!{- ��NNHN�. IIM}. IN- Nkl- ue41Hi•.+1�•}i /V(k,+IMpHI ►MItt4.1Mh�IH�1f�YMW} - +HH tIHN- IH11��iY- I+ NhM` a' f: NhH.: 11- f.h�laM•N•1- NH�rHlth•Ilrf.l• Hr,y/lych+rhl+r�l;ynl�- ,. �N• wila �•Nhl- rI.MW11M111•INN.•NiNl -� -1 �. 1. 1Md, 1h1,-- Ir1rHr�N- F4r♦r•} :AU�1(m,1Yli•- r \'J 2 r Original Poor Quality ZONING CODE • Var6lncr% 6I,0220 61.0220 Vnrlances I (u) II HPOSF: The purpose 111' a varlance 011111 he to Inmtt• that tiny property, 11t.c:nlse of s11ecial rireunl%lunCes uppncalde In 11. sueh as site, 01:1110. lopognl11hy. loealion, or surronndillp. shall he acco,ded privileges eonununle enJoved by other pral,ertie% in the some ,'Icinlly and Ilenlical tune. when oppro%vd ty' the G'tuullyc I'Ianning ('unuulsslon�Gd+utmnnlNve� Ih) VAHIAN(T IN 11511 is 1,1tolI1Ul1'1:1): In no else ll n Variance he )trolled l0 110rnll a an' other than if use peln11110d In Iiot di':Iriet lior%utulI lu Seelion 6$906 of the Governnlenl Tole, (c) I INUINr5; 'the 111nInIi1)i ('oonnissiondNd.wanmlllte %lion 1111ve the Inllhority. sul+leel to the litoadllres set forth in this seellon, to gtlult varlances fuan ;oly 11tol+erl). dt.v0lopn eat standard of Ihis Zoning ('ode when all of flit. following corldilions exist in refervilvc to Iht. Property tieing considered; 111 HIM life granting Ill' snell vari:uu'e will not 110 nlalerhlly detrimetilat Lo properly hl the neighborhood ur the use fhereol'. (:) 1 hal the guult11l)! ot'such variance will not advt.tsely:ll'1'eel in a Inalerial way 1110 General Mall or 11'. objectivi•s. ()) Thal there :ire :•u'eption:l fir extraordinary eiIclomlanees or :ondiliuns apPlie:lblt' to the Properly' or to the inleude(i use 111,11 do not I generally apj +l)' to olhef Properties iu uses in the %ante %ieilttl)• anti mole, 1.11 1'11,11 Buell %afitulee is of a 11CCON:r v I'm the preervalion and Ilse sul+slonlial i PlolmIN right pme.seli Ii)olhcr 11rolimies in I11e avne %icinity and tune lislrict and which Is requested for the property in gncstion. I (d) I'ltO1'l l URI I I 1 7 \Pplie,lnnns, •Application. for vati,lnves shall he made In the Planning Connnis %ioll S;UL%:umwitlt:,:.io w'riiinp on form% provided City Plnn by llleliuuu} for Ihi', pulhlxe. and slulll set I'utlh in detail such informalion tin Diviuion as nuly he required by %aid U ;Is ILI\• fe:lle ill flit! littltllg% %peciliell in seelion 61.022010, NotwillManding ally other pruvisinns Ill' 3 City Ihis Code. a uniform lee, as established by the �u LULuL' r4u lisut5, shall he paid to Ibe.CuuuL;t upon the tiling City Council it Plnnner of each application for a Varlance. The Cuuut.),: ._19tuuulg_iiuuuuawi=_SWcAuuuli t %h;rll l: Cause to,bc ruude sue II inve%lilmlion of I,I%I% hearing on the applic:llion as will provide oecessury MI'urncltion to :%sure Ih;u t11e action on each such allpfivalion i %cousislenl Willi the Intent :uul purpose of Ihis ('ode. No applicalit +n %11:111 he regarded as acce tel io�r Pilin l;oul): +ev "I until 111c fee rel'0rred In al +nve shall h;nr hero lcluisiletl Will, the CUUIJL)_ City, I ilr:llnl! on Vari -nive / \plllir;uirnl• U11on rec'0ipt of an Illf ' ,1111111 ,I11n❑ l,lt L111,t. the LyLL1A1#.,J!1aLULLLi.Wuu" uluSlltLlLUUlI1lL'�:� D11: 111.:1,( 111. 1f1L, 14y��.,, l�yy .�;L�u,yyyly;ty,;�;Li,•, :LU,w .SecrettI L'V t0 tl)C %l'r :I IIIIIr ;till pldll' 1 +1 11nbhe hr:ninl: Ilanon. \oltlir :Ilion %hall he Planning Co`Mlthe given nn ir%% Than 1'4111rleell (1.1) calendar t!ay% 1 „'fore the lrte of wt h heari1w. A nook,v of hearing eonl;Iiuing yp the l"'lle 111 .!a, ,nnl;, ,Ili r, II;IIIIIt' I,1 reglle%I. Im'.1 on tit propell \' and flrlle C. C City Council ry l . ' , Original Poor Quality (11.1220 LAND USC AND BUILDING ItCGULA1IONS mill ldare of h0ating. sh:dl lie sell Ihrougil Ihr (hided tildes mail lu 1111, pnll,crly owl1w; wilhill Ihrev iltntlred 13001 1'ecl of the e\leriur houndari" Id the ule:l descrihrd III flit- :Iplllication. so slab-. In br the %ul,iccl til' file he,ulnl!; (tanctshii+ III' laoprrly Shull Ile dclermillol h\ witunrc to the Iusl adopted In\ roll a\ It feats tilt the tlalc tit cerlilivallon tit' Ihr Ilst by the � \su`swr, 111 hildingS, Within I'm 'r 1,1111 day.; Iim111 the conrlumlutl 'd' the 1,u11,ic IIoIhip. Ills J.JL\lutl, I'htnn I g ( 'o III nlicstllII +hr j'�Ilul(?1'LIUU(11 L1111111j1J1UU U'- rMI.4Ak44hUN>:+A, \IIa11 reluh•r il\ th•elsim, II hl Ilse ovillinn of said $.u�t;uuuu Wv tit ('ommisshm, Ihr neu'ssary Paris atnl vondilions sel li,tih i11 Seclitilt 61,112a110 a1110y in Karl tr, II10 111o1,rlty relviied ir1 in Ihr ;11q,lirulion I'm \:Irianrr, Ihr \ariamv ma, hr graiflvd, 11' much 1'ucis and conditions do not uphly, the 4 +4144!� 1'I,uulinp ('on11111Won $ul�uuu4L11wutl:Luuuuµ Gwuualti\INN \11,111 deny the a111+lic ;ltfnn. lal (•ofld0iolls of A111,11161. • \11y Idrian0r prullcd e11a11 Ise mublrcl Io such -:nndilion, as \\ill assure 111,11 the adiwAllivill thrteb\ aulhoriirll .11.111 ntll om%jilule 11 grunt ol'\iscci;ll Illkileres in0onsislrnl teilh the Iinliietion ulaml ether 1+1operlir\ in Illy \icinily and lone in \%11X11 such Islnpeily Is situal0d. 1110 f+erl+ ..... 'omtnis,ion %liall wt I'mill Snell coed lim1% as it t100n1s n0ressary all. Iv.1sonuhte In 1,roted Ihr I,csl inlereslm tit' the smroundmg l+misa•tty tic neighhmhuod. the l4,110ral 1'1:111 or the inlenl 111rrrol'. Slid ronditim 1% play include Ihr dediralton and dr\rloltnlcnl ill'•arr0ls.1thisininp Illy laltl,rrly. alnl olhrr imlao,rnlrnl.. 151 Notice of Dvclsitin. ,\ mitre ol'such de6sion shall 110 sent I "ij"l4wtiLit, file allillic:uil 1'or voidance in a timely nmillier. 1lie decision %11,111 isrctilie 0II'crli \0 ImirIven 11.11 ca It, 11dat days bolt) I r dale Ihr \vIIIIen drlerimimlion is lit tile. Ir,l Algn•al. , \n� d0cisil+n o1' Ihr'(=\1mh- I'Lnuling l'onnnission Suhwuuutuw• t.an hr alslvidcd to Ilie , nnty- Wannhr} ^t'tnnntic\ynn',IeMY Council i+ro%ided iu Serlion nl.l1::Z, 171 \'oidim! of \;lriances. hich \alian0r dallied under the lilmkions tit ' Ills sr0lion shall Ileclanr 111111 and void. 1,\1 l'nirss all rondilions have been coluplied with. ;old the ocrulvllcy or use Ill land tit r\isling sUurtures ;nithoriirll by such variaii" has taken I,Lwe \%Hhin tine 1 11,seal afler tilt: gr:ultiol! tit sold \vlmlev. ( Ill \\ IIrI\• 0Ircunlst:nl0es lteyond Ihr cow ,)I of Ihr algsltcam cause dt'Lns Mli \h do not permit comitliant:V \\ilh Iht• liter Ii IIIII'llioll r• 4a14i.h0d nl flits secto,n. Ih0 4 nTi4v+nmlmn- filer\ print :Ill' evrn.ion Ill Ilnn• Yore I,rrimd nol Ill 0\rrctl an ,Iddillonal one 111 \car llrlit'd. . \Itlt11d:lll,`IIt It,I �Il, ll r \IeIlNttll tit Illlle IIII1�1 v1 Im1111 111 1\1111111` lhr reavills II,1 Ihr c\Iril %itIll Mill 'hall lie filch. lltgrlhrl \\ilh a lr0 ;ls 0stahlishr\I 111 Ihr UN,kh.l -sNr r+ +.., /n, \0111 ills ( 1111111) I'L1lnlinl! DcJtalUnrht Ihitt� 1 i111 l';de•Iltldt 11,1\. lh'1o4' Ihr r \I,ILllloll tit J,�:1..- 1:_11LLa ti4ri- :�- �-- 1•i�tt•- \-�'i-1"ft -^ 11`11 "i'1Cth"I' ^'1•i1'-C'?i'1'� l i�S NUW i111at uul�ul . wN-- wMrr7n. ri.n+ln -fit the- r „Ynnr -rtlry't'nTinT� 1?.TIiITiA�• ( �auuuia,i� wSHI, -«.. ,+h�• ern- it•tt-mvrh"% -. -rTZnrT1Tt*T:IT,T\CiIny C%1-11l1sili- !v!: 111! 1 1 Commineion i ZnNfnv: t:•nnr • virltin�•,y Original Pp or Quallty "1-�t�ubliu••IIIvIrAr ti ef•n, b k:AfrllelauLl.... � fl!F.ilyf111rm1_i.. .. -GIJN I+NIII I-N- (tA'fry.yl�If. ^waft ll zriY/•11 11 Wl HIMfkll7 /(!.y,r,llfllllh't' -IM�Ir I�r�flh"M� '`- R'cfuirtch �f�'li•t -yrr ^'S�Wiu1��+,5.+:*ctlr�l:I{r�� ' f Iccf_♦, ny�Nrtrnnim i''+tTl'.�-'1A1�HV. �" ~`•r•nnlrnl•(•Yhlr- �- I) "+ttrf -n� '`'c4h,•rte,rTatt7npnRny uar�re�- Jn- •irn.�Hdknrrnf-n- Ykr�hrrr n -- fIVWNN11H1 hr �f,f- �nrstnnr7n- -Nlrlur- 11141 r,f,h•,Irlvn e�fn•'dner- m1JnaP„RC RtfrriR•rrr k na+ reylw,�l��rlrc�Y�•n- Ihrifcffn� „. ant-- rn- frn-ih�- ��bi'rr'lnrtvftf �r - ^Icuc -lrr- {'' �►-- Ailr�-• Fhr• ctintMfrct }�htthl;rrd.h�n�ryfrrl�nr`��+1i1 � ;'sSrrr +•7D N4,t, -{ 'Maotrtirfrn;ft, a }Th R1T9ttP- ..-- ..pyHilk4NWIHir.. nt'nl' ''r*7- , - Gl�.._ tF"ahr�rhicfr.n�}•7h�r*r� inn nr•lr�'r1'tilr , - - -- Ul.u��k�. Arr..{{ {,f,;+•.HrW- r1�N11 n'ncrrrfrn nC crl 1'W +HNlurf•'Nf+ctillrty /. tit��4):5 -.. n�Prrn— fTr•;y- th+elrr �r"`•ir /- ,rrifrnr_h,. • ifrr- ;rRt+nnfrr RIlIfN�l! rvnlr,reyh`rr nnd�,er h hfi nln�nrtiirhr�r ,���nh- �tf7e- �r�n.�ti_ -14r4 4 y�1� Fhnnrr fT{ p�Li nn- _ 'tn`Y 7tm1� �rrl�Ni "-rrrscnt-h►t1<% �Trnt -nr. nrttPrrrfl"im7a,i{-- /lnfrfidl.•.._ , nli*rm t11ft- 1,R....�... t*.ctlmnrti.__. 1.1.1 ,i I ��1.J1.• . _ ... �. . rte... �. C, City Original Poor Quality G1,11221 LNN11 USIi AND 111111,I)ING IttrGULATIONS 01,0221 Anivin mrnt and l'Itanges of hlslricl ClImifirnliulr. Ili) INI'I'In'I'IUN (11; I'IZO('I'I'.I11N(iS Ity CONI\IISSIUN AN'i) -IIfrAlttttlr t'rt'hiCc I'K�It'S; I I)r'tlrttYtl-nP 4trrercfmn 111ay from line, to CitY Council time aotentl, sulgl6eau•nl or ch•utpe 1111. l'uth• 111111 the nyallmlons and malls :gga•t1•lininp ,Ihelt•It+ 1,� proecet11lips in co41111n1111) +c1111 the Slule ('un.ercalinn an+l Hititnlup Act, ('It•lptcl Sit 1. Slallite% 194". as anrt•nded. or any. S1:1(Ittes snprrNedhtp the c,Jld Art, An a11u•11dnleal ur cluutge h, dishicl clasxll'Iealbul nlay he titillated by Iliv IIInittl••nr :(tgmrrmnrs or the (lmarr Cif Council I'I:nwhtp ('onnnfsslo11. (I+1 01AM& OF 111S'IRR'i' ('I.ASSIH( A'1'll)N BY PROPERTY MYNE.It: \ \'helirter the owner 111' •u1y 1x1111 III hnNding desires it terlassll'Iralhm of Ilk ploperly or a ch :u)l :e In the Ielallallons npplicuhle Ihcrel41, he nury file %%'It11 Isle -•t4ltnrte i'la11nhtg ('oqunf.slon on I'Mills prot•141rd Ity the Orrmrt't' 1'411 lilft purpose. .1 petilto11 du1� • :iprled mal verified by him rcqursti11g x1111: :1111cndnu:111, ur chmlw 411' dishicl classiflcallon prt'scril,ed I't +r such properly. Icl hII IN(i 1111.11' A unil't+rnl Ice. as esl ;lhNshed Itl• the 41tarrd -al: City Council. - a;tgmri.rn• x11:111 he pied lit the ( tt mtH- up,t11 the IPhil! of earl) prlilimt fur Cif Ihr pulposc,d delf.1 illp e\penses incidental b, the pet +crr41htls•'I lie ( -NUnbw City rinnner -- }tlrrmit)p- li+rmtnsrrtr x11:111 e :nlse to he 111ade such imestignlit,n of farts I+earhtjt on such petition :r. Will pnttide 1111tir1na1111n lit assure than the aclitm 4111 r :1011 such pelitit,tl is eo11xixtent with the i11lenl and purpose of Ihte ('o I. Idl III MtIN(iS ON I'I:I II I(tN I OR ('IL1ti(;I' UI' 11151'Itl('I • \,I1ON 141' ( () \I \IISSIO`, Ihc- a'- +irate I'Llmnng ('ttmmission shall hold i1111lie healing. upon Ills utattcts tel'eneJ la in such pelitions ,Is required h) said St:dr ('11mcmilton :11111 111mmiult Ao. or am, slalule wl,ersrdinp salt) •it'd. :utd thrrcup11n utahe reports :ltd n ronnnen,lalions (o City Council ptmided. let ill Altlti(i BY ()V I'I.I II l()N I•()I {City Council CI IANW OF I)IS I RIC I t\ 11e11 the ('41111111 Illalming Commission has rev, Ili n,emled an :u11r11d11trn► 11+ Iht. ('tide, inriuding 1 change in llislrirt ila,sHir•tlion. it publii hearing x11:111 he held by the IbTnehCity 0ouncil nt"! rjrrrricnr+ Ihr Ihr pulp,tse of .1011m, upon the pngtt,sc41 amend111et11 ar change in dhlriel cl.tssil'irtlliun after ptldit• nolire as prodded by the Stale C11nerrcali,m and Planning Act ur any slaultes supt•r.rdiliv said Act. When Ihr n•commentLo ,•n of thc- *1rRrrrte I'Luuti11c ('onunixsiori is not in I'mor of a 111op11,rd tar n,ltn: nt ,u rh:11lpe in disUit•1 11:1 "illt.t111rt1. Ihr matter shall 11111 be sel felt 11111 ht healmp .11141 no lilt liter aeho11 rc1:artli11g .and matter shall la• tal.en u11h•., .111 1111rn,1 :•d p:trl% sh.tll 1e,lur.l .1 lit-mine ht tiling it tcrillen C1t;, retplesl \titIt 1111' /(T.tt „I Ihr r1MM -�'( �M11'IYxM ri on ItNnls prrnidrd. 1„gelht•1 atilt 111e tetp111101 1're. as :,tt•Inhr41 I•t iltr Council within Iumlr.•n 1111 ca1kinim dots •alit Ihr reudmmn in ttriliiw. 411 the d.•risit,n •1111n• rl;tl 111,111. tt1 nnlc,s or it, uu•atbrt•CitY Council City shall din•1•I lh•.•/ 11(, rl-+hr•}�h ut,rt Iht• nr.tller lilr Imlllic ht•armp and 10 1 r L YI II'1'.1 1 11 1 I ; . ii ,a 1 -1 Iv Ih { 11 t lnl; ' a Ij f i� 1 I'1` i .1 ' I J 1 1 •'4 I /1 1 1 11 11 � 1� .nl 1 n' ' "Ir '1 11 ' ✓r 1 i' 1 I,. alll ,'Y 11 �r 1 '�! 1 'IJlrh�y 5 `' 111, Y 11 y Ir1 11,. 111 i,t 11'11 . 11 Ir 1'lli II ! I'.Il rl 11 i 1. y •; 11� 1 p.r nlll 1 1 a !II 1 1'r P. 1/1 , 4' 1' ` 1 I � Irk 1 11a1, "k,,, I 1 I li h \II l 1 r 11 I 1'i 111.. 1 j.. 'l • �W.t .( 1 Ila 11' �l'y �11j •I I''�,i 1' I�itll Ilrl�rl '`J1, 11 lai �rJ 1 r y., 111 1 ,'rill a rl 1 111r)j1� i 111 I ` 11.1'1 I/I 1'j1i 111' 4, ilk J,I ,I i'1 11/111 'l Jrly� j'1 alI 1ri r I 11 '� rnl 11/ + 1 rl/ l 1 fr 1 1'nl llrt r, 1111 r It rV I111t / i, l•I 11 111.1j1t, 1. •1 1 rl ulr' { rll .Y111 ', 7111 Ird .1 t!1 r .1, ( r 1,11 r 1( ! a,i; 41. i1 / irfy r• 1' 11 X111. Ip IY:'Iti , r'I 11 1. 1'.1 1 1 J,• t 1 rvrY it r''�I II Ir ,11111 1 -� tll it �l {i �r I I1� Irn , 1 1 I r ,1 :1 1 { y 1 a I I I l a 1 1 1 1 i 1 itl' )'� 4 1 'rl" 1 , }rl);: lh• cl,� 1'�'•• I�1 ^ ,1 r' i ✓�. IL I .b ,�'j�4�1. � i''u41d I i �tf',•'i I!h m 1 MIT El r,,1 CITY Oh ItANU-10 CUCAMONCA J I,AFI' 1 4 PUR1, DATE: July 23, 1900 TO: Planning Co:mmission FROM: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development BY: Michael Vairin, Senior Planner SUBJE%.T: DAON /BARTON PHASE I LANDSCAPE PLANS - DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 00 -13 BACKGROUND: lecently, the P'lenning Commission reviewed and approved the Master p an for the Da,i /Barton Industrial Business Park. In addition, the Planning Commission revi(naed and approved Phase I of the development. As a condition of approval for Phase I the Planning Commission required that detailed landscape plans be submitted to the Planning Commission for their review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. The Planning Commission was concerned about the amount and F.;;yle of landscaping that was going to be proposed for Phase I and was therefore, interested in seeing such plans before approval. We he.ve reviewed the detailed landscape and irrigation plans for Phase I and have them in the office for your review and consideration. We will also have the plan avai'l'able at the Planning Commission for your review, ANALiSIS: The landscape plans indicate ample amount of landscaping, mounding, shrutiary, ground cover, and trees. The plans are exceptional and indicate high quality landscaping technique., and a significant amount of landscape material. In addition, the developers are proposing to landscape other street frontages where development is not occuring within the first phase in order to provide a better entry into the project area. The only comment Staff has on the plans is that spine of the single lot developments do not contain a landscape planter in front of the screen wail of the storage and parking area. In some cases, there are landscape planters shown in fron" of the wall, and in other cases, there is none. Room is available to provide the planter and it is recommended that such planter be installed as has been shown on the other parcels. The types of trees that are shown throughout the plan include London Plane Trees, which is a variety of Sycamore, in addition to Alders, and some Pines. The mixture of the tikes provide a very nice effect because of their fast growth and compatibility. In addition, mounding and meandering sidewalks are being provided throughout. On the major and secondary streets of the project, a significant amount of speciman size trees are being utilized in order to provide some feeiing ui nmLul'e growth at the onset of the project. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission review and con- sider the landscape plans and approve them by motion sub,`ect to the inclusion of landscape planters in front of the screen walls indicated on the landscape plans. JL:MV:cd Item F El CITY 01: IIANG-10 CUCAMONGA s,rArr ivE4 ix>Rr DATE: July 23, 1980 TO: Planning Commission 1977 FROM. Jack Lam, Director of Community Development BY: Barry K. Hogan, City Planner SUBJECT: DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS ABSTRACT: In the near future the Planning Commission will have Draft Environ- mental Impact Reports coming before your review and certification. We have prepared,o brief report on E.I.R.'s for the Planning Commission's information. More detailed analysis will be presented at the time oil cacti D.E.I.R. review. DISCUSSION: California Environmental Quality Act doi'ines the Draft Environ- mental Impact Report as an informational document which when fully prepared in accordance with the CEQA uidelines will inform public decision -maker and the general public of the environmental facts of a project that is proposed to be carried -out or approved. The information in an E.I.R. constitutes evidence that a public agency shall consider along with any other information which may be presented to the agency. As part of the review process on the Draft Environmental Impact Report, the City solicits comments fPom various State agencies, departments with the City, and the jurisdiction having control over developments. The comments from the agencies chasing to respond are included In the appendix of each Draft Environ- mental Impact Report. The appendix also provides a detailed listing of those agencies contacted. Should you have any additional questions or continents, p'liase call. Respectfully submitte , ....] aL Jack Lam, Director of Community De'ielopment ,)L:BH:cd Item G 11 DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCI-10 CUCAM(A-1CA SrI'AF1' REP01 :(F July 23, 1900 Planning Commission Jack Lam, Director of Community Development Michael Vairin, Senior Planner ABSTRACT: The month of August will be the first filing period for residential projects subject to Growth Management review and assessment. Aa the Commission will recall, all residential projects will be reviewed on a tri- annual basis and will be subject to the point rating system, Planning Commission review, and mandatory criteria. The ctovuse of this report is to discuss the role of the Planning Commission on thi% process and how the proposed General Plan may affect the reviews. Planning Commission Responsibilities If a residential project obtains threshold as required under the point rating system, then it will be scheduled for review by the Planning Commission at a regularly scheduled meeting. The Planning Commission will be ultimately re- sponsible to either approve, conditionally approve or disapprove the project. Staff is in the process of developing standard conditions and criteria for residential development which will be presented to the Commission prior to reviewing any residential projects. The Commission will be reviewing several different kinds of applications; total development applications which includes all design aspects, custom lot and tract subdivision applications which is only a review of the subdivision, excluding review of structures, and multiple family projects either in the form of planned developments, clustered housing or apartments. Review of multiple family developments will be similar as in the past, i.e. site plans, elevations , landscaping, etc. As always, Staff will prepare a report on the project and provide recommendations for conditions of approval. We anticipate that two thousand dwelling units will be submitted during this first period. Assuming we will have many applications to process, we plan to bring projects to the Commission in several groups. Since we do not want to get involved in the issue of priority, we recommend that the Commission review the projects in each group and concur on the decision of approval or denial and conditions of approval. Similar to the same process as with the General Plan Amendments. After all groups of projects have been will prepare all resolutions for final meeting. In this manner, all projects reviewed by the Commission, then staff adoption by the Commission at one will be technically approved at the Item H Staff Report July 25, 1900 Gro. Management Review .... Page 2 ,1 same time, thus no one has priority over anyone also. Tile Design Review Committee of the Commission will bu involved in rating the design of the projects in accordance with the design sections of the residential rating system. Prior to the Cnmmittee beginning the first round of ratings, Staff will sat up a special meeting with the Committee to review tiie specific review process. Tile Commission may also got involved with Growth Management by reviewing and acting upon appeals of point ratings. Therefore, at some point in the near future staff will review the point rating system with the Planning Commission In detail. Staff is preparing a flow chart of the entire Growth Management process and will distribute to the Commission as soon as it is available. If the Commission has any questions, please feel free to come by the office to review the process. General Plan Consistency One of the mandatory criteria under the Growth Management Ordinance, is com- pliance with the General Plan. Since the City is nearing the final stages of adoption of the new General Plan, it is necessary to set some policy guidelines for determining consistency. Prior to August, a proposed land use map is ox - petted to be completed. It is recommended that the proposed land use element be used to determine consistency with a proposed project. If, for some reason, a clear determination can not be made or controversy is involved, then final review and approval of the project should be continued until the matter is resolved or the General Plan adotped. Without final drafts on the other elements such as housing and urban design, it will be difficult to determine consistency with the proposed plan. However, we feel that the development of standard conditions and criteria will help provide the necessary guidelines for desired residential designs. As staff continues to gear -up for Growth Management, we will continue to inform the Commission of the issues and procedures. Respectfu ly�s�ub�mjitl ed, JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL:MV:cd 0 ,n N1: CITY Oh RANCID CUCAMONGA SWIF IW4.jP0IVF DATE: July 23, 1900 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development BY: Tim J. Boodle, Senior Planner SUBJECT: OVERVIEW OF THE GENERAL PLAN ABSTRACT: The intention of this report is to provide a broad overview of the General Plan process and its relationship to the community. A strong desire during and after its incorporation was to develop a process for local planning which met the relevant needs of this community. After almost two - and -half years since incorporation, the process towards adoption of the complete General Plan is now culminating. It is the intention of this report to provide a recap of the history of the General Plan, and to review the legal mandates required of this community which are associated with the General Plan. HISTORY OF GENERAL PLAN PROCESS After incorporation, the City engaged the services of John Blayney and Associates, General Plan consultant, to prepare an interim Land Use, Circulation and Com- munity Facilities Element. Tugether, these elements represented prime issues dealing with the widest public interest. Upon adoption, the interim General Plan became a statement of the City's ovorall policy for physical development. The interim General Plan was adopted in February 1979 following several study ses- sions with various city groups and public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council. The nature of the adopted interim Land Use Plan set forth policy options which would have to be decided with the completion and adoption of the entire General Plan elements. Some of these policy options include the 0 timate location of a regional shopping center, detailed plans for the industrial area, and future study area designations for the northern planning boundary area and parts of Etiwanda. In October 1979, the City engaged the services of Sedway /Cooke, planning con- sultant. to cover all areas of the General Plan and to prepare a draft E.I.R. Also, the Chamber of Commerce provided funding for Sedway /Cooke to complete a specific plan and draft E.I.R. for the industrial area. The consultant hold numerous workshops during the preparation of the General Plan. Most workshops have been held with the General Plan Citizens Advisory Committee's, however, some workshops have been designed to specifically include Planning Commissioners and City Council members. These workshops have covered numerous topics including the following: - Overall Community Goals - Alternative General Plan Concepts - Land Use Alternatives Overview of O.P. Page 2 - Park Planning - Housing Element Once complete, the draft plan will include all required elements in addition to the optional Park and Recreation Element, Urban Design Element, and Energy Con- servation Element. All elements will be organized in three so- called "super elements" as follows: 1. LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT - Included land use, circulation, pull c facilities and urban design. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE ELEMENT - Includes open space, conservation, scenic highways and -par- s and- recreation. 3. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY ELE14ENT - Includes seismic safety, noise and safety. Upon completion of the draft document, now anticipated for the early fall, ppublic review and hearing will be scheduled for both the Planning Commission and tho City Council. PURPOSE OF GENERAL PLAN Simply stated the purpose of the General Plan is to provide policy guidance for physical development in a community. In addition, once the plan is adopted it represents a formal expression of the community's goals and desires over a broad range of issues. These matters are brought together through the analysis of opportunities and constraints to development. Public participation and direction is a primary function of preparing goats and policies. Essentially. the plan allows the community to consciously consider and shape its own future in such matters as: - Land Use and Development Relationships - Maintenance of Open Space - Provisions for Parks and Recreation - Community Appearance - Provisions for Public Service The plan set: forth policy guidance by establishing broad community goals, trons- lating these goals into specific policy statements and specifying implementation measures to accomplish the objectives of the plan. The plan is for both public and private properties within the planning area. This would include not only those lands in the City limits, but within the City's sphere of influence. City adoption of the plan is a step towards completing the process of es: fishing a consistent development policy between the City and County juris- diction of lands wi•::hin our sphere of influence. The very nature of the plan requires a periodic review of its policies. With the passing of time, the plans goals may have to be redefined to more accurately reflect community needs; therefore, for the Tian to continue to be a useful document, Overview of G.P. Page 3 40 it must be periodically revised to respond to the changing conditions. REVIEW OF LEGAL MANDATES OF A PLAN All communities, by the California State Low, are required to prepare and adopt "a comprehensive, long term General Plan for the physical development". (Gov. Code 065300). Tho General Plan shall consist of nine mandated elements and other possible opitonal elements (Gov. Coda #65302). Those olements are described as follows: - Lcnd Use - Designates the proposed general distribution. Vocation and extent of uses on the land. - - Circulation - Conclsts of general location and extent of existing and proposed transportation routes and other public utilities, all related to the Land Use Element. - Housing Element - Consists of standards and plans for ip, improv anent of housing. The plans shall make adequato ppovlsions for the housing needs of all segments of the community. - Conservation Element - r -' -i for the conservation, development, and ut zat on di natural resources. - Open Space Element - A plan for the designation of open space land %.,ahT protection thereof. • - Seismic Safety Element - Consists of a pian for inentifying and ap- praising s�ing seismic hazards within and adjacent to a com- muni ty. - Noise Element - Quantifies local noise sources and contours for both existing and long term levels of noise growth. Such noise exposure information shall become a guideline for use in the development of a land use plan. - Scenic Highways - A plan for the development, establishment, and pro- . tection of scenic highways. - Safety Element - A plan for'the protection of the City from hazards such as fires and geological features. OTHER OPTIONAL ELEMENTS - Recreation Element - A plan which shows a comprehensive systen of areas and public sites for recreation. - Urban Design Element - A plan consisting of standards and principles recommending design for community development. Ile Jilt I 10, 6 A If I j 10 .4 'It ot it It It 1, 1 1 tit I it II Y 1p It u` 11 It It 4f Ill' fi� 1 t M. 41 k�ft op� It tj 114j' It It rk tip W, 11; N!iIIN . If, ij ?! k- 'x tv . If, Overview of O.P. Page A Also, other elements which in the judgment of the community is necessary such as an Energy Element. Vic law has provisions for newly incorporated communities to allow a transition period prior to adoption of a plan. The community should adopt a complete pion within 30 months of incorporat9on or be grunted extensions (Gov. Code #65302.6). During the transition period, +:his community has utilized their interim land u:e plan to review commercial and industrial projects, no residential projects have boon allowed approval. Decausia the proposed plan is sufficiently c:omplate, the community shall find that any projects receiving approval has reasonable pro- bability that it is consistent with the proposed General Plan (Gov. Code 65302.5). Ultimatoly, all projects both public and private, prior to their approval must be found by their approving body to be consistent with the General Plan. In ad- ditiun, the zoning map shall also be found to bu consistent with the General Plan. (Gov. Code 65060). Respectfully sOmi t e JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL: IUD : cd cc: City Coun C.A.C. Me \� u 11 J I It I po It 1p. l I,O: X m 1 6 1 II ` ', II. It 1: hot ot too i'AU LI ...I if., �.0 41 1p 14 v If Irt" I It I po It 1p. l I,O: X m 1 6 1 II ` ', II. It 1: too i'AU LI ...I if., �.0 14 v It