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1988/05/11 - Agenda Packet
0701 -02 Q 5 -11 -88 PG Agenda o. I of 5 LIP Co - ENVIWot 'FMENr AsSiSSMENT A'KD"VARjANQ'V� CUCAMONGA COUNTY�,W ATER Ace the -required, m fift um lot a acriji& I . " \tr%.y for 0 _� and V. aat�6 for Parcel I jo tn� a the-- #00Y 4LRL�l SOWfic Plan loc gt and San Berntrd 0 P 1 '20-- 51.�1914. � iCQ vil 927%1988). at D. RENVIRO EN ENV AND TENTAUVE PA�c iv 0 1.13 acres' of llinnd\" -N A Subdivi var cifle Plant Wbarea located a the 14"st �co of min, Avanoe and Son a ;� A] 0ee, .(Continued from April 27 E. CONDIT110 1P PERMIT 8 - 6 MODMCiMOO - AIRCO -A E-j-difnigHt prov 5 -r-A- $S 3 V V niighborhoc -iffekh C'Wted at the so 0 uth",N1.dorftei f III a nue In SUba"A'A' P�iih .1 �C_r, I ,lot th, Foothig on 3.245 209- 01 1 ntintiod front ADril 27T, il%g) land -15, 7 F. VA]Et� ",\E' 8 8,e,05 - I PARdG - A reques . t- tA,allo . w a reduced re�r rdtall center' Se r an Provod. -at 'fa—rcrb 1�, area of' locc , at the 86athWeat corner,,,vf 'J�ootbm Mona, e Aveno Jh Subi�rea 3 of the Foothill' "o e Marv- Commurity Commercial - APR-. 208"� 30iftV51 Wontlnued from April 27, 1998) "0 G. EXTAL_ ASERMP&ENSI-AND GENERAL PLAN,` ICK PROPEW-W - A. Develop mlwp7af: A&aenient req"st to amin—d the UR un Elem ant of-the General Plan from Office to Ne%P,*orhood0Dmmero1alf;4r 3.68 aci t.of,UM, loosited-on the southwest corner of Lomita Court and 'o-,hiba1dA:vanu*-AFN-. -151-33", 202 H. F."ONMENTAL -�ASSESSMENT AND DEVEI. OPPIE ME T DEMOT AMENDMENT _V ICK OPEIRMIMS, Ddvelqpment��Apeemant and a raqv*aW�,,ndend ffFe Offil7opment District, 'from "Op" (OfoaslWoressi"Aly to "!,va, We rhnarl C4)mMjV-ria1) vo, located on,�,tho southwest corner of Lomita Court -dnd,.U%h1bW Avenue 4PW L IKVIRONMENTkL- 'mrmMuT AND C2NDMON,&L USE' 87-29, � Wj�alx A PROPERTIES - A Pr000ma tz�dRilia a I center idQi—ah offiet buildhq am F4 to, plaet Sj��gtra' toot fast "ta taling,304988'sqatre an 0 Office Profaast6w.� 4 a0m of land, located at the southwest, cornev" Of I $no Archibald AVjn(tQ0_�APX._ 0RESQI.UTION NO. A RES06TION QF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION', G APPROVING THE TIME EXTENSION FOR PARCEL MAP 9349 WHEREAS, a request has been filed for a time extension for the above- described project,.,pursuant to Section L501.8.2 of Ordinance 28 -& the Subdivision Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the`Planning Commission conditionally ap)aroved 'the above-described, tentative parcel map on March 28, 1986� SECTION Is The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has made the 11 fallowing in�gs: � A. That current 'economic, marketing, and inventory conditions make it unreasanabl� td build at this time.' v 8, That strict enforcement of the cond3tioA of aoftoval uL regarding expirations Mould not be consistent with the intent of -tbe Development `ode. j C. That there has been no sianificant_ch es r,tha character of the'area in which the proSect is located that mould cau3e,-,the project to become conforming or inconsistent with current standar�, SECTION 2;' The Rancho Cucamonga I tIng Cowi;sion hereby grants'a time extensors fprs 1 Project licant =� Ex it 9349 Smith : {.Z6 =89 y, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 111-}i DAY OF FLAY, 1988. PLANNING COWISSI s QN OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAls19NGA 6fi: r; Larry T, McNiel, ChairmQUI ATTEST: Brad Buller, v 7i sen ru ary . 4 t l Q. j 0 � - �1 I - _- — - r/' � �aw�rs�arraoarsrr�suasaras�wee�bw�se �,,� re i RTRAN6+1. e`. _ SIU. SID T ;� 4E ca fJAAIVOAI H sFiM .�MY:r' .VIM G JI' ,1'r.' 0 I 'f I `� f1 rti �1Ap�'fA/.9YB�i!!Myy�f.. �i am PMhQW Jill — C Q� ��� CTC♦ul1b ONGA v ISTAFF REPORT DATE: May 11, 196 Chajrn n and t9� era of the planning, Comnis�ibn FROM: Brad CO Planner BY: Dan Colpman*, Semi Planner SUBJECT;,, ,ENVIR Ms" NT'AND SIGH! ORDINANCE !AMENDMENT 88. ar ous ame n 0 a, gn . Hance r�y� +W9r,neon signs, _window signs, and temporary si9Ri for Ci y sponsors d special etirents. I. BACKGROUtdl: This i tall -Vg contin�md at the' recp at- of the Camber` of C' lgrce to allow thfa time to evfew^q address the proposed amendment. In their a peal, the ��iamb�� pp � ►rtes that �,he proposed changes are s�'bstcntiaily differen fry ,- ose requestr:d by %he:> Chamber. The proposed changes were �vIe> `�y the y council at their sting of March 16, 1y88. The, City Council ecte staff to prepare the attached Ordinance accor`dingiy, Staff has not received any counts to Bete from the Chamber. Ii. R €COb9NENo ION: Staff recOmends that the Planning Comission" ZUTUR, a PubTic hear-ing,, review and consider any co�aents from the fihamber of Commerce and othitr public testimony. If, after such consideration, -ke CONXiss on determines that the , proposed -amenevents are dceiptable, than adopt °ton of. thrr attached Resolution on recommending ap -Mval �o the I -'ity Council would be in order. fell l y subta i t Brad Bullet City Planner BB :QC :ko Attachments: Apri'i I30 2988 Staff Report: Resolution Ordinance ; i �� ITEM, is i ^---- CITY V-V tCHU CUCA VNGA STAFF ]REPORT DATE; April 13, 198$ TO: Cha;t1an sad hers of ttv Planning Commission FRO : Brad Buller, City Planners BY: Dan Coleman, Senior Planner SUBJECT, ENYTROM#ENl'AL A;.SES9ift#1' AND- SIGN ORDINAME AMENDRturi ` =ng. r, gn r nance regar :neon signs, + ndQrr ` signsz temporary signs for City sponsored special tevents, .. z• ABSTRACT: Ibis report presents certain changes to thy: Sign Wdinan ce ,s directed by the City Council 1 in response to recomrnend� ions from the Chamber of Commerce.�3 11. BACKGROUND: The sign Ordinance prohibitz- signs with exposed u + . such as neon tigns. rn response_ to the growing proliferation ofi these signs, the Planning Division conducted a survey in Juaa: of 1987 and determined that fifty (60) businesses had illegal neon signs. Moost of these signs were smll signs advertising "Open ", "Coors", "Pizza ", etc., that hung in the storefront window. Lettem wtM Sent _. _out ir,for^ming these businesses of thr,r viol atiOn 'Qnd die need ` to Comply with the' sign regulations. several businesses ce tnted the - Chamber of, Commerce. The Chamber of ComwwKe greatc- -d a .task'force to review the City's Sign, Ordinance and to sake re;;osgarndatians fOr possible changes in the Ordinance. The City Plenrser and staff participated in several meetings with the task "force between July, 1907 and October, 1987., The Chamber of Comerce recomamendations were 'presented to the Planning Commission on January -27;� 2988, ThA Chamber's recommendations, together with the comarents f th V e. Planning Cnaamiss #otr, were presented to the City Council for direct- jon,.or,, i 'February 17, 1988, The City Council directed Stiff to prepja alternatives to the Chamber recommendations and highlig'nt sections of the Sign Ordinance, that may warrant changes.. Sta f presented concepts to allow neon signs and modify the windq''i sign regrlations for the City Council's consideration :n March 1,G' 1588 The city fD Council concurred with Staffs MMIendations and directed stelf to prepare, :this amendment atcordingly. R ; a �I tt�t;t�lSrQ o April 13, 1908 Pap 2 Q)<D L .. _ •- - .._� J ,--. ._ - ....._ _._ ..-�., r.. _.. _. . -. a ..� � .... _ - urO ANA MS: ,fie acttachod 01 S.Wf v000 s iri x ; the awn ffs icy °tho sib ordi &l. IY RECOWMATI(wo Swf recowands that A Pl ning C�a�nis`iion adopt i'e ' a'�.iacW, , Resolution mete 4 g ag royal . sign Ordinance �rDt *.qj, Res idly it "I `City PI nnew' o _ BB:DCtko o Attachments: o Resolution E Ordinance _ r r ( u r . � � n 4 GIiYtiOUHG`aL Si,tc%�" 9EPOR'f' ,_r , RE; S16 4R(3Y March 16,'190g < a• the 5matt dusinrbss aside Wing', prepared by the Chagtber of Ca rce kpiainx the CiWs,_Sign � c process... and should be %Ada available to theirs tste+ssbarship,' Part#culas-iy new members.;,. "ihe Ci*.y,.Cousscit could irrrease ,Sigh, permit fens by Sg oti in order to provide 'A copy of ., the �;,S191v Okinaice - to, #tl buSiI!!SS(IS4jvi them application package, �r r'r b. Shopping center �Qera :ancl�tlsa�lser of - Coledsercn' sold rtaks,a PraaC%� e,PRroAs�1ity educating their aberS /sanansdproper nanagars concerning promotional cWag nd advortiing the, practicils _to let residents know of their good$ arA services and rshare 7st find Lheeo, ' A shopping disn$er- &M And or manager should. srordt wl�tk his tenants in dEVelatf,: a Joint 'jdvertiAisig ansi'rS ci41 sales or ummotij) nal everEts F� the tena r s workint �;agether' swans 3a advertising 'benefit at Ainiasua cast. Staff a record that a Cautious ApRroach be taken in — tfding,. ft Sign Ordin:e e.1 Changes to; ." Ordiname should be ceasidartd ;as, 'fine tuning• ratNe, then a j ° or overhaul'. ' Aesthetics Yf iSSUes relative to types of allowable- s gns a s$ for alixo arts# design are best;. addrossand. catt'4 OUS approach. Staff ri�c, ends a ft, `00 s Sign Ordi oafe 60 ' rult$ oanit<ored to 5, ee if the changes add g careeer�ss. <�af the'_ Council xndli the Ch+°teibeP, x"�EO � txt `seCtiola of this `..report highlighter areas of `.ho Sigr's iird #Hance; wham, my be appropriatOt, `. a. Potentfil ts: a St �. Jmnding,,tf� Sign 0r.�in to s naM ust a Sf IAP 4 satt� t i fti y,.. . of g � .ban cnaprl. are ttdp Major etrcerns ragardi� tho sSe o iatxposed; Haack ,> tubing: 11 Aesthetics AM 23- safety. SAff'-�seliAsfeS, that tom' aesthattics or "quality" of neon: y �..._. ignt Can be a � .j yy �} y�i'�t:�_: cantrpll,�i.: ehrat� �� .Sigh' prs�f�rltss, ai; _: L. : 1� 5� %f �. 31vidi and, b Rer+eanleAt signs, 5�,adoptisr deSigia +uidelines. _fly'iasue.S.af Safety mot. ralIOU, to +� rid* or other rA6a 0965 Suppers at in i rktterior ar8i1 -Mq etad, end neAn �4iget` itfs. . ,l�� r z dpgn, ePosed t4bny. G,�(eraly sgirkissg, esxpo a;ts�;s,' fr4.3,Iv 14: Can be bvok� 4 by � #gh . ieir�ds contacts' l psC=ar insaallitiai•,can also rcS r,p L. r t 7 CITY COUNCIL STAFk R, ,Rr t R; ` SICIUid2I PJ t fr I6n I988- Past 3 f ?ot�e�tfM., i#Se- iaSUe,of sofa�ty., 4iscsassad 4� the attache It b, the CV4 Of ;fi at Caatr• „4SaE CAI s P nth ' �. ilt in s shd?fr�ds�,� be hs der si far a;��arhe 'no" Si9ns� � ; , t. Aimit it `L' r1l w�at°a st a�r3 0 i:mwecf al ass R49ianal �,o t a04' bF.::Rt Ira �"311y enclast4'." lostal Yatiloft c. wivafn Sbdppf7 waters �Ell�`�'fC a Slgri l ira ► pat!r 't tef a Upti�f ;�rsi J` d. Busin033 ifthtlificitl6fi ciely . � SUPW Foal- siPng; l��a�sll fn' _. ''�•_ f; aesf:haiics �`nst - 'sal`��t sR �eatar�i�1 t,, 1 - Y>tt�ted tasran %. ` r 'sign In ad4ftlh9 'tire t# ctl�tcala=aa"`gs�dialr : t htataktR�' °aaa PiQAh 3iga�: C ®RCit>�S a�E�;` 1�ki4t 'recClel�d �' . = folic aing # i AArds rR fir; is dered 'for hataat p+i* gnss a.sit thei r useF# ctrcis egr. Vie, oa�ly b• Ri t �_ tbta'II 4"Clol" fhstalldti t 1Kxiaw, si I* s a tit. d.. Parr busiaie�s r' u•' , -' `' paro cf a,�,sri�is4`ai�t cr. us ato :o nos t,. must be' uku as "tor ar '!p"nit- , z 3. Yia S$ . ' ilow bras v"Q4'a x* :f hj .41 1 for rare+ rt nd Sighs forLLGe in. 'Pe;l ,�f baisiis aa#.ar°ftita P f t ;'Sala %, , 'kilo ' 0i +tft sigh via ' �tiaste are *gar4, -14 tho sixl , J if�altatioel in iri' t 44 t �imti s Which tt$j'- �br Mosel to ` el.i na ; <, additloov Council Ar Cc�issioa hati.fresa- ec>feh pith th,eahtt �3f a�in ys<igha aEad`'i; t 10i n ORDINANCE NO AN 0 I E. OF THE CITY GOOD.. M 'M THE CITY HO CU C ;� , CALIFORNIA, AE�PRG,'�ING` N^ORDIN!U� AMENORMT 88 -01 iN6 TITLE 14 (1F li�1Ni E �j CitCkG�lfit�l Ml1NIOIPRL CODE TO t IFSf ` REGGi�4TIONS,. �R NE�9N AND WINDOW SIGNS ANO ADDING PROVISION FOR TEMPOLARY SIGNS FOR CITY SPONSORED SPECIAL Emu u a isle City follows: Gouhci'l of the Ciiy of Rancho Cucamonga does ordain as SECTION 1: SeciJ61 U ".030 o` Chapter 14.08 is amended to read as fol l ws, niwar�3s and t1raphi"cs. 14.08.030 'Area, of sign. "Area of sign" shall: be computed by I Including the err re area dingle,_ continuous, rectilinear perimeter of not more than eight straight Ines, cr_a circle o, an ellipse, enclosing the extreme liraft of the writing, representation; 4flbleW, or other displays together with a4'14aterial or color forming an Integral 'part,of the background of the display or used to dii"ferentiate the sign from the badkdrgp'of structure 4uainst which it is placed, but not including any supporting` framework or bracing that is Itlearly incidental to the display �tsa :lf..- In the case of a two- st- ,ed;,,multi- sided, or three dimensional sign; the area shall be computed as including the maximuq[ single display Surface which is visible -from any ground position at ondVme: ; rr7 �1 Il - � ��.N6'3eo NiONdiYli -• `! ®�III�YY�N OIL IN It alv" Al. Lam "Gai , {} C-0441814" Wolin" , s \ .� tf J Sias wli`�AIR,6'i17 J 4J CITY AOUNCIL ORDIP E N0. RE. IGN ORD. AMENO.: 88 -01 Page 2' SECT104 2. Secti, k 14,08.3 &O of Chopten,*.08 is tended to react as li follow$. ° 14.08.030 Window sign. "Window sign" means &'sfgn*paiuted attached glued, or o serve sa affixed a a �rindow or located within three feet of the s interior.side of the window or otherwise, easily, visible fro fh exterior of the building. SECTION 3. ',Section`14 .116.020! subsections H, of Chapter 14.16 „is. amended to read, s follctwi H. i Signs in thc- public� r t -of -wa . except � are re^'Mi�ed °by a governmentTagenq�'6rroWerwnse parmjsxeo fn thiS.title SEC 102 4. Section 14.SS.07it i ttdded'to Chapter 14.16 read as follows:' U 14.16.070 Si ins withinA, f-way. `The us(' of tai orar fja8g, a banners, s gni s�a'nd pennah .s must conform to the foild ing provisions. A. Limited to special events sponsored by t�Ie`City of Rancho Cucamonga; 8. The placement shall not create potentiaiiuublic safety hazard; if - f` C. The signs must comply with the Califorola trehitle Cade,. D. 1'he approval of the City Engirteer or hii dasigne� is recpIMd ,prigr to installation. SECTI6�a. I = section 14.20,070 of �Chapter'�1 *,20 is amended to,-read is fol l ows c .”` . ((�\\ Neo�n si�n�j . ��rior. 'Neon abing may be permitted as a s gn mater.a n ex .er or n gnsr grid wall_ signs spbject. tt the following provisions._ A. Pe only, to thLa m3r�e intense co rcial zones; Co=u ity Cq ercta i Regional Related Commercial Regional t�eerrial; B. Exposed to ing is prohibjtedd Neon ;tubing shall be fully °enc s� in a metal <irranae and coffered- with plexiglass. ti C: 9il ±thin shopping centers,, neon signs jt"be allowed only _aS.part of vunlform Sign program. i c q !i CI'T'Y CCINCIL 6RDINRNOC, No. (j r RE SIGN oR6, ANIEN4. $ �1 Page 3 ..t c 0. Such signs shall be limited to business identification only '..and may include graphic symbols. if SECTION 5: Section °14.20.071 is added to Chapter 14.20 t4, reA As follows: ° Y f' 14.20.071i6on si ns - interior.', Neon tubing be permitted as a sign rater a or n er yr w aw signs scb3ectito the owing provisions: A. Permitted In cammef -c a% zones only* a. E�p$sed tubing is prohibit., Neon - tubing shall be fully enclosed in a metal frame and covered: with plexiglass. C. No more than one neon Window sign shall be Permitted a per business. D. The sign area shall not exceed two squ4r(04eet�6hd� shall not exceed. 20 feet in height Above,-' % grade. A �. Such signs shall be limited to generic messages, such as "OPEN" ar "?i , ", i o_pJ~.wlict advertising` or business identifj attoa�ail� red. r SECTION 7: follows: -" °"""iony420.i)80 of Chapter 14.20 is, aru'Lhded to rea& as 14.20.080 Perrr<e si ns - Residential Zones. rne_ following signs may be ,pe`rmitted i0, res su ect to"tTe. provisions listed: (Chsri 1remains unchaie ed) `' follows: SECT — I01t : Section 14.20,100 of Chapter 14.20 fist #amended to read an 14.20.100 Pemitted si ns - Commerc 0�ftfc—ezones,,subjtct VMS. The ' followings gns Play a perm t n. .e c to the provisions listed _ o (see revised chart attached) SECTION 1: Section 14.&.110 of Gli3 fol l INS: pter 14.20 is amended to read as 34.20.110 Remitted s rte - Industrial Zones. tha,foalorting signs may he perm n e n us. r a aflnes su ec to the tarovisionslistd: (chart reins unchanged) SI:CTIIM 10: Sectton,14.24.090 is Added to Chapter 1$„24 to r- ad as a U C r'�' y♦p y � p wpr¢ yy >p .7Qi Zza r Cy y tit tq s3s lot e8 ssi ixa�� fi<eE�! .$si. a (0 � • d o tt 4V oga� off.. E w a U C f: all 3 ff s W `v sit 06 -�S . rEa�$:lg Igo I � 3. $ .8 a 8 S it N y ` Js 13-c off. �n v a S yak pill '}4y �j :��r� LQ S��F Y \�C� �•� �$�` asp �. 3 &g g �. 3 v T y UT''3?`_OEBA +ICHt2..- CUCAMONGA FF REPORT FDATE: May 11. 1988 Chairman 6d t hers of the,. Planning Coniission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner 11 B'i: Nancy Song, 'Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONtaENTA ASS AtaV VARIBEE 88 -01' - CUC toNGA - reaps., ro. reduce the re�u re mt(lime— I ot"sive- of -T acres to 0.29 acres for_ Par_ el 2 and 0.89 acres. for Parcel 1 in the Mixed >Use'A strict of the Foothill boulevard Specific Plan locates at !Uie --Qu west corner of Klusman: Avenue tnd San Bernardino Road: - APN: 208- 151 -24.,. RELATED FILE: PARCEL. MAP 1104 is PROJECT AND SITE DRIPT�oN� A. Ad *.fog Re stedr Approval of the —sr awe � 0 reduce the m n et of size or Parcels 3 and 2. B. Surround' 'nng,Lan� lht itnd Zoning. North S 3n le' m1lY"l oS ;71'a;r?pensity Ra:- identlal District (2 1 dwelling units par acre) South - Yinryar'` Hatt 1 Brim; Con nity Commercial District j East cax=W9 Mater District, Nan- Confot%ing - ��� ng ee Family s; Utility Dist )40,, Coawunity Comma ial. Distr ct. " West Proschoo?: singe Family Residence; Nlxed:-Use District C. General flan Designations: _ t rth LOW Density Residential- (2 -4 dwelling units per acre) South - Com►MUnity CONVertial East - Utility, Community Commerdial *st - `Mixed Use, CoMunity Codwercial D. Site. Characteristics: The China Rouse, a Wstoric Landmark 'it oca . a � a sou west corner of aura, Bernardino Road and glusman Avenue. A sizeable portion of the site towards the p south is vacant, Saveral �4ture. trees ;which include a 48 inch d ameter, Pepper tree are located immedf.1teiy south of ee ? 0 PLANNING C"ISSION STS REPORT v 3 VARIANCE 8641 CUCAMONGZA, CrEJ W" k;$`. �. May 11, 1988' . r s © II. ANALYSIS: A. Generaft T14 China House was construci®d in 1920 and used ' , as � '#l'ou'sing ` for Chi".se agricultural workers as wall commercial store for th#aselvs. I was deSignated`as a.C#ty _ `i{istoric Landmark by the City Council on August. 21, 1285. <Th2 portion of the site Immediately south -of- the str=,�ctgre has, ire" the past yielded valuable artifazts of the Chins Jet fiorca that helped build the western railroads and to in the community's ;O)wins agricultural industry. Ij w B. Reduction. of Lot Size: The minimum Aot size required # the° xe a use District -is a acres.: The lot size for prdpoged Parcel 1 and Parcel; 2: are 0.29 acres and 0.89 acres r respectively. The owner (Mrs. Nivarette) of thi�,„,, site has requested to parcel off the China Horase,from the vgalit portion of the property to the south for the pu^po;* o ei�ing i t The Cucamonga jaunty {later District is" current7, in> escrow with -.. Mrs. Havarette to purchase this vacant porti t,;. They .have no plans for improvament et this brae. firs. Noyaret WTI retain r y r' owner, :,ip of the Chain HouW as a residence d has„ n R intention of improving the residence or the.proper�}!.� E Irk reviewing thec osal, sfaf`f finds that the site is�r i�ue and different, frssn,thE neighboring properties. The yeas �!is 1 ' that the site contains an Histor3_� Landmark Chinar_.House. creating a parcel (Pa� 1) for China Koine with surfi'-_�i n area to acute f re p;fting _4paces, it will have an opportuaiW to b adapted to a non- residential use sac�h as e museum. it will protect China Clouse from being encroaeh_d ky,a conflicting use. Parcel 2 is vacant tend crucial to future development of -the block between Hellman #venue and Xb :. Avenue. the reason ix that the foothill 8oulevnrxt,_ rfi ` 1 Plan requires n IiWrior eastlwes�t circulation,spine�,aren thd- bloc!► "af F60thill etwlevarst and San 8ernardina mad to as to relieve traffic off these tw© 'Aftetaq By creating Parcel 2, the �*- will faORAitaie level Ad1j of this parcel and the interior east /ioes�✓�irculation'Pres otly, CCND intends to acquire the parAl for f'mtu I parking needs,, which would provido coopatibility of use to the Chime douse: Ev tho CCND may decide not to pursue this propdsa , tiiey'. g7Wld elf off the parcel. It would then allow dekvoloper quire it and assemble all Cher parcels in order to develop a Mttar 'Plan that achievesbast use fors the area. — U 4 tea✓ `i CL > % !F PLANNING 0fMI55ION'(STAff REP49 VARIANCE 8801 CtU`Am" Codh WATER DIST. May 11, 1988 �r Page:;. - 1 � C.. Historic reserve Sian G01xnis'sicni Ahe Conerisf40m reviewed ttwa,.: !? related arc p, , ot? a ruary 4.1 198E an approved d the Landmark Alteration Pdr�iit sub3ect to the following conditions* That a protective Co .eq an't be recor 9 with F rceis fi%� y and 2 'of-Parcel. Flap: 11J44 to'proNide 'the: folIo�dng :�, a: That all mature,- trees 'on the site shall,; be retained unless tire- c'removal in approved'thrttagh the Oesi`or: Review pri ss and issuapo� of 'a T� ' Removal Permit,- and fl That any, site work. performed on, Panels I and Z.— fie performed, under the supervisibn; `of -an ar haeollsist . approved by the - Ciity "' for thc� =`- V.,.; purpose oy,, saving all variable chi stor artif4, s,. which � may be discovered during such site " veto d r.fi' pment. The ab ve conditions have bee added .,to the solution °of Approvk for the Parcel Mapf d. Environd*ntal Alriessmenta "Staff has complat��d.Part r�o�the'�� n onmen ec rx nd determined that -there gill�)ot be significant- impacts as a result of this proposed. Uria cle and they related Parcel Ma '. If the Planning Cowaisst�on Abncurs , with there `findings, ssu AC.e Of _j *Fative Declaration wool¢ _ be appropra 1 < >ti. FACTS' FOR PlFili S:: n order ,for i; a Planning Co ajssiort to.. approve Variance -01, fa !fs to' supT�Qrt the fo lowing findi.rgs must be made: 1. That strict or literal interpretation and enf'brtment Of the specified regulation would result in practical -- difficulty or unnecessary physixal{ hardship co innsistent with _ the obJ%tives of Oe Foothnll Boulevard Snec3fio Plan and erral,b pment Code; ,and at with',~ t 04e ariance, ,.I the site could n# -be subdiv ed n when I Parcel l i is'{ ni6dud t_ protect the ' Eli storic Land ark, China. tiousa. �. Inc . share are, exceptional or 'Jextradrdloar ciwcerm 4nces or �sondittons appllcable °to the property - seef thinvol Ved or to the if property tha1� neg not apply generally � to ot�iar pwrParirias � in the ' - same gstr,ti, 'in that the site contains a N,storio; i andmark, rand requires sensitivity frr� any ° future development around it. Al 1 C l� „V PLAFt f N SSit�R T ;REPORT VA91CA - CttCltAiA GOkPlilY idATER tllSl: �gt38' Page -4 3« „That stri&t literal Interpretation and ✓ebforcaent of the specified`regulatian Mould deprive the ap #licatt of prix ieges enjoyed' by the owners of other, propprt;Tos in '06 'Some distri -ot: 1 p that,'witho ut the VaOdnce, G the applicant "4 not subdivide the.'site, 4. That the granting of the Variance wduX not- 6onsti,tu a grant of special Privilege, :Incousfs� ant nth ieitations other - pkbperties cle$s�,ffed in .the sari x �i 8istri ws n that -,the existing rots - Within,'the` block , b0tbp OW the M &Cint of "SAn Bernardino 40a ft 91us n . are -Ion -canfo ing being' undor a a, and .the lots 'Are, landlocked, `Whe ttt� fro t3€i� .• 8au ivard Specific P?an oncouragea, lot consolids�i`on fnr t t i devel y 5, That", t, ;; " granting of the Variance ,i dot be detrimantai to the pub'iic healtiv safety, tkel�*i°e; dr 'au+.terially ^'in�urioass p�operttas €ir iovea�en� in �. the vicinity. r O V:r Tie appliGai�t _h4 suhstiitted a, IMW "p' ov ing.,certjfication for the Variance request (Sae- attac"hed) iV- `L RRgSPb� MCE1. This itemr has been 40vertised in The Dal-(y_1 Ra ort nempape�r as a +public neariag, the `pf+perty posted,,, f were sent to all, property rnmers �sithin 300 f t Of tkq project f site, " �f Y. REf; lMDATI6N — Stdff hwolinds, that the Planning CoWJ$sion ,c approve ear ance 8841, and issuance of a Negatiae Dealar�fEion,, Res p ally fitted, Bra g City antra n 88:NF:ta ? %ur Attachments: Letters :from Applicant Providinn Justification for Variance Request �� Exhibit "A" - Location t Exhibit "S" - Parcal Ma p F� Exhibit Ution P,. ;9np tuai taster, Ptatl yt V .j 1 5 ] riiai`'�!► �4' i�s}Ytw'` t' { NT ' WOE 01' "M « a441 ea<aaats FjQf4a 07- SAk NCa « Cucaa ONw A �KS1N, 1�+is ~� ( fr TO= mtr cDf Kaneito Cucamonga Planning iiopirtm!E1itt v . t " `Eagiaoerga�} laeliasrEment SttperVi or a Jainuary, 1.1 e' 1985. SCEJECT: Varcea trap o. lfi� = - Requeot fo Va f m Minimum lot-Stile , Ij ti <r 15 , Tie Pz€pdrty_owner is de -4irolts a csbta4Et na s, p reel map off,tiae'`1'' htlbleat property fear.. purprsses , "selli ' q tkiatr` p�3rtioa� of property "that tine .orWerty ha:at detorminal -tai au�cpi M + their. ` ,owner future i4 deoa. The Proposed., parcel `split wiles separate cut for ', fIxtur use' -,'Sat . . PC xtiOn Of prQPert,y that Jy �- E . contains a ztd t This will Alloo the property owner best r `flixjbij.ity 4n Future when handling >thi's p � iece of proems Although the' pucel map will be Cratingc`10 ts atal3w = 'titan dot, `£Or signated this Undy�use c -"Ory# iZha surpfUs lot creaited %c . as larger if not larger, th'art Qme q idea within Subaxea °3 cseyxist O!> the 'C'filr'� ll s�Clliri®iiatd SooioAfic JCl�ina' llsoby establis"jipq cl separate iota i, s ll o 36w for greater flexibility in'detj? - Mining PutUe uO'di and t- Gmpa�iit utl y with sitaliar 'lots direatly`�? to the west, that= -esthlox have or ;will- hags; "t2ie saari��i�i�velopmet�s� , . ; requiients, Y -. till t ,\�i• .� ! .,yam .+ ht � «� ., t `.';.:'7;�. �- . d A s�{r T y ��` _ ....1`iY w�� �w ,. »�� ...1 �+A�+ia1.4w. ..i..n .. �.. v..._. .r .__� t ro .• -� ♦i y.1 ` 'i��i_ � }. Tom, �,.+� � 1.... L+... A4 C% _C =_U Uk* - W ll'i 9 6 41 e[ ' TOz City of - Rancho- Ca-- amon0a �:• plo"Inin trepan e$it Fnom% James B. Clint , Jr. ' l'. s agineering D apartment supervisor DATE: January .11, 1988 ''• 0RJ9CT: parcel. Hap Ito.: 11044 raster, pjan Requireatent The Cucamonga County hater Aistr ct', as applicant of the above referenced parcel maps, has performed some research jY E4 ti2� pre- limtoary sire mastic: plan an submitted .by Dalmau ArchLteots and finds that the only.vacent area not covered by the site plan are, the three parcels cif land ksetween 3�iu'nan Avenue and ,the tlaljsau': site plan. These three parcels, one of which is Navrarrette's property, were left out of the �ite 'master playa `.beL °isu;e these! ` easterly three parcels cou.id~ rant, \,'be :effectively incorparatad into, the 22 acre master plan, because of their l9catiar with respect t I other %copecties'� t The District agrees with-that philosophy + Sid believes t:hq f,;\ proposed access roadt incorporbted in the Dalmau site; ?a3 be sufficient to serve the ar ". A westerly extension of.ESkaciza from Klusman _wo+uld seriously 'affect the three properties im- 1nediately west of ttlusmanr would Create an awkward'apnaearance altng the south side of fstacia becskese of" they etistit�g.• lxsinesses that front Foothill Boulevard and would impact the ezEiating parking lot Of the bank and /or create an undesirable offset intersection, urthermore, if �vstacia were to be connected to the mastaz r pl&tarea site to the, toast, the traffic fldwr generated 'would Severely impact $Xi ting ESLaCia and xluaman Avenues, as they are narrow streets designed strictly for local resident x usey The two :properties to the west of the Naevarrette proOerty ;are carrently being utilized fez gorps+ses other than residential and !!dose do uses not'l-regmite any additional acoesa requirements.. The Only problem that male Occur in the future WOU14 be stutm water runcsff and the District wooid have nq problem providing an easement 010ng the south side,of parcel 2 for hat purpose., 1- In conclusion, the District feels tttab the: m st ar plan , rpgtrirer» '> men should riot be :applicable because of the above rgt4rencest concerns and that this p4rce9 map submittal be conditioned based, UPOn itself .arid the' t:wa paExcels to the west. ' 4 r.' PLANNING COPINISSION STAFF REPORT Navarette+- PM 11044 F. Sitp.Characteristics: The existing ;jingle family residence en`the proposed ?arcej I is a designated Hisiscric Landmark, Chime, * n House, with soveral mature trees; surroundthg it. The proposed Parcel 21s vacant and sloes to the south at a 2:5 percent, grade._ " , r -II, ANALYSIS: A. General: ,- The purpose of';this Parcel Map is `tq create (2) separate parcels to that _the' owner of the' developed parcel., Parcel 1, can,, S611 the- vac t" patrol . Parcel 2. , The , Vuoaanon j < County .W er' District (CM) is currently in e9cro90 to purcha Parcel 2 for future District use. There Are no specific -devel oment')Olans at this time for Parcel 2, '41thopgh .;CGWO has indicated that tb f intended future use would °t� ,:�,as:: a parking. lot. A request fee- vViance on minimum lot sizes'is,_On tooightt agenda as VAR-88 -01. The public streets adjace tr to'the parcel map area 'read�'improved, with tfiie'exception., ofd; parkway improv,"60ts on 1ltismart Avenue. - Completion t�. parkway Impr6vements, do Parcel 1 will be required with the Fina Parcel trap. Those p, Parcel 2 will be required upon development 0! Parcel. 2 8, Historic Frt'servawion: the existing Chilatown douse on Parcel 1 is ar :desi,9nated Histori Z Landmark. The'tlistorie Preservation Comi'ssi6n conditionally Approved Historic .t�ndmark - Alteration .Permft; $8O1 at At §s February 4, 1988,' Matinug The *e �onditioo,h6ye h n rye i od as Speefial Condition S of the att��hed'Resbiiition. s : C. Proposed Master Plan: . The Parcel flap is located withitAubarea 3 of till-4-600 II Specific Plan (Exhibit "C"), The site is in :the iiel ?man�klusman block, which is slated for circulation improvements (Exhibit "d ") -Tina Specific 'fah requires 'a circulation master Plan. and a detailed trafficici iat on analysis for any develoomert proposals within the.block. The purpo &es;of the Master Plat are to determine the number, and location 0 access" points °:on Foo�hi 11 $r�ule,•var�d .and 'San „ '�Serhardiuo Road and the , alig.rnent of `interior circol titan within I the block. As Exhrtbit "�iu shows, access to..luxventee is specifically ragr;irQri, either 3' public stt�eet,`priv ystreet cr private, driveway. G PANNING CDM'MISSION STAFF WORT NAvarette FM 110e4 May 11, 1988 The applicant has prepared a circulation Master Plan (Exhibit -Er} for the eastern portion of the Hellman- Klusman block. S%ce there is no developmetFt proposal at this tiane, the'applicant has provided a 26 -foot wide re0procal access easement fldjacent to the south oproject boundary in consideration of future davelopment west of this site. Staff 'h4s, agreed to this approach, with the undarstanding that the lrcation and aligrsnent of # easement' may be revised upon submission of a detailed traiPicfcirlaiinn study, at the time of .devela t revie'4' H ver, staff is` concerned that al>l .future accesstions,!rntludi g <botis publih and private streets„ Hoed to be P ery per t�Foothill Specific plan. Therefore, the applicant. will be required to provide art Offer of Dedicntetx for a'pub street (Special Condition ) on the final Parcel trap. The City will not accept the offer at thi "- ime. D. Future Parking 6hf atovr House: _ F The applicant provided a conceptual site master plan for Parcel 1 (Cxhioit "f ") to demonstrate that sufficient apace would, be available to provide parking on -site if the Chinatown House were to � be adapted for note -ros oentlal uSe, 'sstcii as a muse . Staff is satisfied that �;: aaeguate mumbor of parking spatts9can Oe ovided while preserving the mature trees. Any future converOo of the Historic landmark will require Klanning Comission 'approval` throgh the development review prucm and another alterations p~r Tflrom the Historic Preservation Commission. E. Future Parkina, .Parcel As''mentioned previously, CCWD is acquiring this parcel for' 0 ble use as additional employee paraietg. The Development Co allo►es "off -site parking within -300 feet of the structures onuses served, subject to pity 'Planner approval, Since public utility uses acre E not permitted within, the Mixed Use "Dcve4opment D�,, trict, employee parking it the'only option available to 'CCWO on this parcel, When k CCWD is ready to propose a parking'lot, a- fiiinor Development Rev tv• { will be required , 112, ENVIRONMENTAL P.E'VIEW. The appl cant cdVleted Part 2 of the Initial Stu"3y, to "con ucted a fieldt nvettigation and completed Part t1 Of th , Initial Study. No adverse impacts upon, the environment area t� an�ricipatad as a result of this project.. Therefore, issuance of Negative noels: anon is appropriate. ,' , _ z .«_ o a PLAWING STAFF REPORTn Navarette - PM I1044 May1 1988 IV. CbRRESPOMO£NCE� Nttices °of �ubllc Hearing have beeho sent to surrounding" °°mars 4 property owners and placed.in the Daily Report N"spap @r., Posting at the site has also butt completed. 1 V. .RECOMMENDATION,* a It is, recommended that the P;a tifxg Cos scion consider an sal n ;, of the Tentative Parcel,` Map. If .after C.� cons ide%atton, the Coh"ission can recommend appFo r 4h "then an >x �tdop qt 6f the attached Aesolution and issuance of a Ne dove D•claratione ld be appeopriate, �, � o l espectfuliy submitted, I; Li 3arrye R. Hanson" Senior Civil Engineer BRH:BM sd i Attachments: Vicinity Map (Exhibit uAK) V � entative Map (Exhibit *a*-) �tt� -Foothill Specific Plan: Subarea 3 `tExhlbft I C "} f FSP Circulation (Exhibit b0,)� Master Plan (Exhibit bt"`; (Parcel Site P '4n (:Exhibit Resolotiand iI Eecomnend�d Conditions of 4,3roval .1 (f II O '� f7 MI ARE EnN7n;G,; �t" i .�• ""'- --yr— "a°L.afal -•-� -fit} PART V= Tl t 1 I i :sr,#c4A cr. 1oo ol CITY CAE lk Ei 7 IQ ' 7 r Q M UJ NO .. ,r t a -y as a ca � ,� 0.2 a 0& 1.. 7 � r \ ' rZO- I o r ae� o maw Ica w Is i It 1 - 9 •'� m o � Q td W i t 61 b. i �^• 1 �ri�~ W . IG S d X- ., Ilt lly"r t �' e 6 PA W `�� E 'a.✓ Ul '6 ' i " a At:` rots ;�� c w �_.•.i:�- nYta- �;criczi. z_.�a ��.��: ___ :^ P crtttq micas$ fI° are shown in ardor to limit access !onto F(vthil! &nd Klus*an and ar A ' circulation mAsto7 plait lad conj .AJOn, 4acateat at fsoin4 • aPPosito a�cistin w'ti7 a detailed trafficic,3rW at on analysis roadways or futuri traffic ,s gatals. shall, be. dardall_ol�adowith Wfy futM ro doveloriinent `�'paxals for the +entire a lnt Irloo �irc sa ion black itr' ardor io determinsd'the folibaring 4gg+rstpd ntsr �r,csrculstion issues �,'$mttvrn -i' . t ustirgeted by dashed ltn #t is riot t4'0 Intent td ecoss t pert iw�arrsli R �s :slw It is t e "' -":ublla sfijots taut rather to e' +alt stt' : th s psci c Plan stfat�a a' s©et"Ptua! asil'gnment, which to dl,scaurags die -oc+ 4CciSs sod- may bu-In of ri�sata 1 throurgFl n4—r4, ldttntial traffisa from, drivesfa�lslgs and strexts. ` a Foothill pr, ;an site to $aa Sornird#na; Road. Tho altimsts V eireulatianimaster plim must siww , the necasasity for bona a 3 r Sars+wdlna R�* ind 04i ,;cltlmite on IM tia sits# s»�. �:a8a�tidn .ralefiRur�titae► astsl - . = ,, ' ,; i ' i lK,,,.�„,-- i9n OmvMaO- 'q6`""°'�w. +r�w�- �+.�+�. _ •;i ' pQ_ f 4 <, E eso ®ec pseetat Ic ,gyp F t l.f� �i V•.(I ` � � JCA ' ;A � BS C fCULI, T -fib t G t?�i D 4 3 o r, O r RESOL!lTION NO; A RESOLUtT10X OF THE PLANNING.COMMISSION of THE Cily OF, RANCHO CUCANDMA, CALIFORNIA,, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCCL NUMBER'11044 WHEREAS, Tentative'Parcel Flap Number 11044, submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Navarette, applicants, for the purpose otsubdividing into l, parcels, the real Property situated to the City V Rancho Cucamonja, County, 8errt�rdina, St;..z of California, identifie as A'PN 200451= 4, located at the southwest ` corner of Ktusman Avenue and San Bernardino Road; and 'WHEREAS, on,tly 11,1988,'the Planning cow ission held a duly advertised ppblic hearing far the 0ove-described ap. N1*,'. THEREFORE, THE.` t�ANCHO Cue ,,� JGA PLANNX?G COMMISSION RESOLVED AN ; } FOLLOWS - SECTION 1: -That the following fi#dings have been made. � ri 1- That the reap is consistent with, the General-Pian, upon approval of Variance 95-01. f 2. That the Improvement of the proposed subdivfsion is -_ consistent with the General Alan. 9y That the site is physically suitable for the proposAd.deveopment. 4. That the proposed, subd10- sTo"----d improviiients will not cause substantial envi ranmeental damage, pub 4c health problems or have at d4erse affects on abutting property C: ° ''SECTION 2:1 This Cq� dssiory 'finds; and certifies that the- protect beg been reviewe an corside in, oom�rliarice with the- California Enviransaental Quality Act of 1970 andk,fortherf this Comf ssion,'14ereby issues ar gatave. Declaration. SECTION 3: That Tentative Parcel. Map No ,11044 is hereby approved subJect to'°p— Mached Standard Conditions and the following Speciatl Conditions: la Storm 'drainage facilities to Intercept cross-lot drainage from Parcel a, to parcel 2 shall ba- bonded rFr for prior to recordation of the Fina, Parcel maps or �as otherwise approved by, the Building uffficial�� w Said facilities shar.1 be installed upoO efther; L') Development o; parcel g„ or � b) RedevOoporkt, of Par^cal f, whichevo urs.,- fi rst 6- �� •° _... _ .. o C) i REMUTION A. 'Me owner of the Not A Part parcel'to the orth of .he Opp tun proposed Parcel �, shall W , _9 nity to, acquj,re the ort-A roposed pVtO, 240catto a Ir t bound 'Y Of :Said Not A Part parcel prior xo'�-__Grdati on of tte Final Parcel Map. If $aid. portion of proposed PfkrCel 2 is SOIO-,tD thC, *VM0 of said ki A Parti_,.� C) parcel adjustAe& raf lecting the land, transfer wfR be required prio recordatfon -of the,Ffnoil Parcel Nap.. 3. Utilities underg a,,�. The, existing overhead utilities (telecommunications and electrical) on the� proJect, side of Klus*411, Avenue shall be und rq rounded for, the entire len gth along r"VOMO b6tween'�F*Othill Boulevard ande San Bernardino Road prior V Public i t, acceptance or occupancy for Parcel occurs first. The Developer mAy'requett reimbursement agreements to - recover one-half- the City adopted cost for undorgroundin4 froin future 43 redevelopment as It occurs on the opposite s�',Idez of the street 4ndfrom the proparty ower to,,,Oe� b) An in-lietf fee as contribution ta the future- undeiigrpundin e? Of the WSLIng overhead Ottlities (te 4COMPILMicatt S.And electrical) on #e.oroject side of San Be r_dino Re" $hall be Paid to-the City prior to.approval of the Final arcel 7, :* ee sh*l I be the ful I 'City 4opted n til '6ulflt times the length from, the r f it us kil.11 Avemue to thcwest project ar bound tftti�e covwantt for PArceli I, and *2, '0"" '0' Pro C1 Irid shall be requ approved 3t*ren*Y In f - - O�tj th Fi Al Parcel Map. , The ®r' PI fol to ryft protectivo c shall-provide: a) That all mature trees -,on. the sjt*-I��Shal I .be retained unless their removal is approved through Oe Design hview Process and-,iss4r ;ie:V41 permit; a nd Te A kk. i u e' �L ° • RuOLUT1014 rt r n �. :ri PW 4 Brae BulIe'r, Depug SWI 6-tary of the Planning x0mission of thy' City of Rd�R}Cghyb Cucamonga, '. thH,44 the ertifyY, fo fl��gtyt� ReSiSl�{t�ti�l�7ppW+�S „y��iti1� �yCJ�t�dy �ynn��``��.iEff1[ i regularly N+4i�ulY�9G V.�.. �Se , Ci SA 4'L31 _ i'f ping Com s an if the ontthe 17L�h day, of, MAY, �v '88 *ths�fo sawiB o�jtr�inB Won ��7d AYES: CFl�CSSEdtS: = �Y AS SENT: s: - � r 4 t] r t } o , l o F .4 n - h it b CITY OF RANCHO ;CUCAMONGA - - �� - } DATE: May 4, 1988 t Chairman and t+. -abers of the Pjatning >COtatlisston PROM: (� Brad Bullet', City Planner o BY: Chris Westman, Assistant P�* er SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT,-,06-1 9 MOOIFICATIDM - PARCD - A ca on o an approve s e'p an arm s (taro ' foot tAeighborhood retail canter located- -at the south west 'I corner of :�Foothilt;.Boul vard,and Ramona Avenue in Subarea 3 of the <PoothiiIA`� Bo' levi�dx, Spocifl Plant Cora titty Ca ttercial, on 3` 45 acres of land APH: 208 1- 1;i,I6,17'� I RELlT'� W flLt: 'VARIANCE 88 -05 I. PROJEC r�.A SITE i2ESCRIPTION.- j an a es . " pros�al of amdiff ations to an approved `an 'arcch fteci ural elevations. B. Surrouno n Land Use and %nin Nor a oMWa /Office South - Single Family Residential; Lear Res8ential (2 -4 East - DUbile to a I.trk, tAedittm Residentiat {8 -i4 gUiAG} Vest Retail:, Cota�ceenity Cot�tterq,ial . 7 , C. General {'tan Deessnat_ions: ro ec = Zoimercial'°' - i North - Cotattarciai E sh desnl- -t v4ium Ridetia(8 -1 K bid! %AC) west - Coaeaercial g. site- Characteri�, , es: The proJe;t site is currently vacant and as a - It ., percent slope to the south. A frontage road runs along the 'forth proPWtV line that has been vacated r� by > Cal-Trans (Exhibit , 8).. The frontage road will be incorporated into the o?drall t'tte plan (Exhibit 'C). The site,,, has no significsn« land fonts o k cultural aspects. Parking CalcVlations: J \ Number of lumber of Y #Pe Share Puking Spaces, Space$ ofRfae footage Ratio °a; Re- Provided General ,Retail 35f700 1J25O. 143 151 u t" !f " PGt�NNItaG Ca!!4irsSIOli :r REPORT CONDITTOM' USE PE 85- 19- MODIFICATION -� PARCO o ,> Page 2, �' ''. 11. c9ACKGROUNt' The pro�ict was ar finally ap rir .twa ears on 'R gust- 1958. The project was granted a arse year'-time ektension . with an added condition of i» -ilea fees as d occ�trutfion tit t4�e future utilities <a Ondergrounding of on Foothill Sautev and I ona ; Avenue. _The expiration date is.now August ', 1988f `' a l:ooxhill Specific-,flan has since beer► adooted< II%, A ?IAa,YSIS. �� ; • 1 A. Gen atal: IMe new site pta provided Or a smoother;:circui.ation sys'is mare its a4nf4r!eae with the newly adopted, Foothill Boulevard Specific _The Flan. proposed use is .appwoprlate foie 'the zoning designation. The site plan =,and elevations bAve bean ' revf'eWd by Technical an&, Design Rev'72w i aittees and they rec. ended spacyfic corOi_ ions of approval. \, B. Design RaVfea Cowdttee The committee iBlakesley, Tolstoy, oreinan re c, ewe e, a NITicatians, an April Ts 198& and �aade - ' c the i:oilowinj,r oa ndaiians fcr c'' Oltions aftapprovarl: { 1. Plata areas, ` millar to tlt oriq hal: propaN'I* should ?b proaidad at the eastern en the vAin' building and at the f Satellite building (see Exi obit, °C "). Pedestrian futn' tore and. trash rcteptacles should be provided. , The design of V these= plazas should bt reyiewo* b; : he IM-s_ign Review 4 C=Mttee prior to the i5,7Aace of building penkfts. i 2. The final ca?pr scheme should De reviewed an¢ approved bpi "Review the Design Comittee prior to occiV ncy of a9yl1: buildings. y 3. The taweP el met ;ts should, not "be "teller than th#'maximw, height li►aitatiasr_ and the eastern tower element should be de4mphasizM to xOntain the westerly tarter as the center's gain entrance focus' 4. The arcik an trellis. feature 5bbuld be continued at the eastern ends rqf, the mift bni sing a(d, fi the =sateli _ v �Q building, _ ,. 0 5. The COMMtttee preferred thei'Ue rectangular window element be continued onto the north el tions of =the 'tate7"lite - san ding ( tts.3) and Building K0.1, - ' C. Env ronme tat ,Assessment: Parts I 'iS ' of the initial stOdy �� aye een: c � e 4-W significant impacts have been fas»^nc! '� �� related to 'the conx'tructioO of tfii pro3ect. = .ROITIORAi...USE PZMIT $6- 1944WIFZCIpIOW - PAttCg ; ° 0 IV. Fi%Ts FOR MOWS-, OWS- The ' proposed use : is consiste.� �tii' $ate Is^ t 1� nera n a thill Boulevaed Specific Plan. Jf€uW buf-xdi. des=ert and site plan, together, xfth the r#cpm leaded conditiehs' o prova are in 9 COP pliancy with the Fbothi7� Specific Plan and al r applkcsble City standards. ;c ' HIV. REC A itft: Shmuld the �ssiOn grant the related vari `+ re�qu . staff 4bule recom� end that.the Cowssipn approve thr modificati; to C4lP 86.19 through ad�s�ti6j of the �chod resolution of appa�oval with °codditions, end issue "a negative . 1+ declaration. r, Re 1, ully submitted, gra idle t City Planner c �gBiN :3s G�1 1 At tt nts hibit � `,Location p Exhib€t Approvod �sfyte Exhibit "C iflod �it�t i EAIbit ,' . Araved Addition E'�t�pns �, ° 1' Exhibit '� of - LajOsc a,bpg Plans ;�i ' R�seltition of Approvil`vtith Stendard Cdno.tions r .� " �ti'J ,+•f l^' ti� i x It "j � � c >~ �� _. i �. C 11 i !/ rn w �E 1 1TR ft it it z •ate : �y sit i ! { - as Ile AAAF 't y t aeseaitNth i (YY Y Jawuis R 'l4 tVYal[� w ��Yw.afrw e LA e tr•, to to W4 1, je- ---hu- CAN ". t aw•tiw Ys ^may M•ww +Mwa..• ., w .nra.•• na.. n.• •.ea ...�,a}�:_.v.r.._.,..v. .. ._..�.�._� �_ , -___�_ t _ _ e..a..r rcros �. mM YtYe•t! rn .. .. 11 •' 5 - M,/&UW •� ;� � t �U- �r �J ��_, � F r t• � , ��.tt1!� ?C�'�$SNdiFt.did. „ Y r } RESOLUTIQR NO.. k,, A . REMLUTION -W'` HE` RA 6V 0, C!PCA"kGA-,:PLMIgIP OMAiI$SION. - , � -, • A'?PROtlrNG POCiIFICATrONS T� coml'ifroic P'se `Br A T mo. O5= 1 FOR A IGMORRM RETAIL, CENTER” •LOCATEix A>` THE S' MEST <7G�i NIM OF FODTHILL- BWLEYAt) Ait. RWmA A%NuEj� = z , Y I'x THE `C JNITY COMMERCIAL OTST IACT, SUSAREA 3 OF TPF€ FOOTHILL Bti ..EVAP#D SPECIFIC;,PLAN, APN 208x3 1mi5,i6,17r Yi1 Paroo '3evelop�sent` as f'ied`an apptfcatiaA for the modif9'ca ion of 4he • Cond'itional, use Petit No. 85Q19` as describe d,�In the .title of this, Resolution. ;Pereinaftier iri. this Regu(ution, 4he ect` ConditionploUse pernt3t request isefert to as "fie app�,cat#n ". Efi3 On the 13th rf n 198$y tPP+e irlanni J- ;ComIss%ft of the• City of Rancho CGCamonga conducted a duly noticed p Pslic hearf6i on tie appiYCation and concludect•-said hearing ah'tk4t date: n - Ef� Okla legal.. pr�re_quisies to'the adoption of this Reso1'ia,�i ' X11, he.ve occurred. B Re6l ut on `, iIOF? THE EFORE, At-is, P e bv, found. dete�lised and' reso lved by, the i�iddtiing Comn�yrvn 6 the:. City of Rancho CU40, anga� as f T ?mss. I This Coafes6n hveby specifically ffn4s thaj 111, of the facts set forth vw• th2 Recitalsq Fart A of this• Resolution lre.,trpe arid correct.' ? 1 Based, upon subs �i 'etride�r;. - presented to this Got aiott during the above- refdrenced ' ubl Z- ,�. , �; 9 and oral staffv ports, togetph� with � 7f; tes phony ith Co+dntts5 onwhereby 1 r speci., i� My' finds as f0lo": 'D x �tr (a) Thee ,a plida ' a a ies � to pP� Rip$ "ty 1 oca ed at �, e sou2hwatt earner of Foothii -i a=id ROona; a ri d u. s north , 4 M sub$ect site ft existing commercial uses, the 'Orb per th tite south Wt, site consists , of cin le family residential h* -P. ;, the property to the oast is '40 ex #Ming restauraII t, arm the proWty to fhe west is existing con. ;rtiia'1. use.,, 3 "ed upon the substantial evidotoe pros, this Commission c Auring the above referenced public Bearing at4 ,npon•fie-,sp Yfie ffudingt� of facts set forth in parap;ph 1 and 21 above, thjF Coe aniss�on hereby, rid concludes as follows: it a u - • •f " PLANNING COWISS €ON CSQLUTIoNA0. , CONDF. OM' ti$E R£ T $5-39 q: P11 "A - Page 2 911 - - - - >- - .at= #ar£;snssd..t�dr= iaitF�td�- - General Plan, kiss obectives of the' Deeve%bpment , Code and Foothill Boulevard, Specific Plan, and the,pui*4ses of the .district ik wh ch the situ. ° is located: i (b) That the proposed ,use, tether wi the 4 conditi* applicable thereto, will, t be ° detriasentaba the public eal`th safsr lfare, or ailAterially 1; �loses to pro 'irtie�, L1r improvements.in tine vicihIty. U Cc i That the proposed use com plies 4iii each f "Lhe applicable provisions of-the Footkill Sou evgrd _ Specific P1anw,, a1 4 (d} That the architectural desgn',is apprcpriate'1 f 61 the specific. lo;catipp .a►id ,t„he Ca unity f C4meeciai Mistrict. u , 4t This CommIs's +on hereby finds and certifies that th , project "has ",? been revie d and considered in com�sliance ;i�€fi ,the California, Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Coitiissign hereby+' ssuas.^a Negative t, Declaration. Sr, Dase4 VV6 the findings and conclusions se's fo th Ift-pa agraph 1, -=and 3 "above Ahis Cam hereby approves tha> app�ic tir�n .tb to Qa h' anal every- - conditioF. set forth be and in' tie attached S 1R�, f� Conditions ate dOed hereto �snd incorporated by. Werence . f c{ Planning Disr si.> 1 ,{ 1. Provide tekturized connections ftom the pubic 04P�4 1i s to -theme ? interior of the tenter. Pi z. fibs tilt treatment; on the parapet malls shill continue around all corners visible frm pedastriasi traffic areas. t 9a Plazai *rm similar to the original propoial shall be proat 4ed a'i the eastern end of the mail %but ?ding and ales the s$t� > to building Us fer to hibit "CO). Pedestri s� fursritute and trash• ,„ 4 receptales shall be provided. Tae design jand terial's of r+ these plazas shall be reviewed by the-, Design Rev s ;CoWttee PHO to the issuance of building pt -nits. n _... Fl " 110 -1 color scheme 4nd material sa�si,es" shall be revfot -` and approved by' a Design Review tommittee �,p ids^ ta o Qf, and buildings. ti t F�ANlilf G"# S IQt RE5 UROM No.` CONDITIM �lLtSE P k R�iI F M btali► tl�i9$8:: � � t :} Page, 3 0 �-- --� _ ----- �.- _-- ��`i�= .`�'�t�►`` " seF�I,E1" n0� �bz�' yes the �aci�un��th�tgh� -� z� - "limitation and -the 443tern t r elemr stlal ' be de -emphasised tr' oMV, to Mal"Wrt the w0stO(at 4�f the "as �th� ee tern`s in entrap a �focus;F DesigMx> Re .'�-Cf> liti a app va'i r�, l l regu #.red prior to, the issuance of butldtng p r'rstt Cs of r.svisK elevatians.:. ;. . -f rt 6 end of the ma,"fldin� and a fithe? ati 1continued f iadin a eastern Vie rectangular window el ertrent sisal be' coot ittttos~ on o ty`te rror%�* elevations, Of #e gatellite building (No. 3) a�d��etil ctg itr� . 8, i?t•ov3de extensive 114a dscap png at the, intersecii` rr , of, `Foothi? 1 iloule {art,,and parsta avenue. � 4 reotscape ' imprav rstsau inG]u rtg y'iandscaping end wtre.t nitu e, shall bt provided In a�ca. farce whit tha Fosithi�l o Q' Sdu9, vard Spec=i fic i4, E4inering 014iton - 1. 'ihe pgrtl4n of ihe:, fri ntao rn r i?:hi n °,tote 0014 ;t shall be vacated. p icr f6. t"ne issua006 of bvil ft,4 pormiRs. ;7, h5*gest - 9et er aM apprd�ltiate 1`4e%, Will belle fre - to- in'1tf tPt process,:,,):. n0 2. .lit' lines ri�rg (i;G,..csr t dtt a the 4sti C n paraal',sito -31r o one arcet shall : c j+�tPJ prlar to the, issuance�f buff iti; . 3. S�lhe �±o tictt <ti" tit x stilt ?Tey adjacent Wthe site sii �'j be reccnervcted as 6p00,6 ed by the Ct r,bgW01% 4. .°.On$ rUCi. a!! ccess canna. i+srt fro the termite lF pf 'the r xi5ting fr nt.age , •?1 rau ��l l ward. , Provide a sytst ;to convoy- dr � fA a6e'from the easteel teminu- of exist�n fr ti road tc a location atcepta 64, to tire_ City ire ry, Thy, 5y� shall WAkated lit a public rtght� y of��r ► "k sR' Q>gEhFetrr$ p�a�t It +rityw 5 �w Unde roktnd Utilities a. a �oo i i ou evard . An in i;aeu fee, is n rib ` f an to thl Witure ode e+ sting mi'd h.0 ".utilit as Cleaanicacrs?� 'm ` the" ot Fattlevarrt .shall bz paid t) Mita - .�ior fib', the isu sance of be Oin g p &' s e sha3,l p e~ aif ti , dopted ,U* t aMQ6ni;..,t s the `let g�th fra+s U� y� == Yenue : th oiea�t Ay V! M -jus, <, �yj,l 1 t c: � .R.1,'MOnC +f41enu �* ��t ik- �p � o '� S CQ71 r�f� On, to D#* ' f turge under 04ndi ; of i ho exi n cvar€te�ad qti l i tits a C Meal) pan ). t anr# Y91104 all �e n b OLMNIMICI IUION RESO 0(146. CDWI ITIO! L I IT E6-11 ptticl`" 0 06 Cif ����fifiar��aayt the issuance nab frtIdi�V <, - 7 be si�exhafi fibs City.¢ope y�ni t h e t f from t Q tenter of thva ley narther�at�a�n�z:a� .,r a� � 5 t, Refiru oe {�th1 Coisian sht ceri#ate l 0 A6uptio" 14his Resolutions'\ - r APPROYP AW., � � <5 S ) J. OAY OF li�.y 1!;#$. {.ANNIt G COMMISSION CF itf ZI i a' , CUCAkgGk c ;f % 6 ; Lf3� "tif Y e S74F1i' f., y �K�\ ATTEST: Ott i! r3 lil I LR", Oran Su ler� 'Depot of � Jann* fi issloft of t4i zity aF Rancho Ct!' da r;6y cc`r lily -th4t the f0*0�r�, Iu ow, VMS anf regularly itrcdis P. sg adapted t, Plr1nttq `the t City of. an�ha Cu( *Wfe�` A rsgula taae<c n i�,;the Piarsrilny < ,?E a+���Ehe 11 dam. o�,$,� n by the f4llotiOg r t _art g I! n 4 a 1t .0 v,r if o 5 Po V{ by FJ r� �l'� 1 C.ir� (r-% V -. F, o i7 c ✓ n i ,y,,. 'fir a 4 r7 "i ti � fp #ryyly. j ! 'v 1 1 IMP o that Ar Hut tzi 'I JI ju ue Its„ %4,;;sill n y' ®�yie �pn _ �.. yam' "�j wit Iv st q, Z ttttFFF �� HE risk Its rF a��:G;# HIM ii 1 � /!1 ' = To. _ 1yyy y « rt { >~� ji� uz 77 t` a» Hai -3 26 az it AN i- HN 3t u'r�. �. Mir �p.�j✓,..,_s fill Jig um 24 , fl. Y 'iu" (]� yR 141 bill 41 Wit \• `id�0°y s. iY.�� S `A f "l Yy� `4 °R diGw .I �y J t q °� -i Y:y�R 6D:, i�:L �t e M C ` f + vis VS, L y� u. w L x3 ' •e Y#A i ■Ep�ryry(� ,''Jyj��� y Yr Nip} i±Y TiCk MIC Led Rk A;� syA•`�pg V S �y�$i t '' •#• ai9 %■ » ;.'y°. '+'..w ^� { CN 1 L wV JIB d'�.b .C.Yj� S b L:.w�wd,CrwTt,[j. q � ,� gW/. {_t� �. ���000 S' Qr✓� �Jt^" . tSi t 6� s4 it ?" R` O A A 44 ° H N Y R L. �,rx p �•t ` tal�rg yw] Al it 4'3�'r�,,y stNe�YI 1M4 et ,2"w` W 41 46,o4__ I In do's H « $P�i' w stirs. 8 s �r all Y n e sXy,, ter:; a w�$'�r:_,�; 3� =• lI {a{ate� IX I 'i'g.�.iii�. �..ff�.� Till.. at st Is tA.A !p lei A-1 122ji di�.yII 3 fYJ y�=1 M: w ` � 1 ,. jill sit e g ~ a� fig JOS w �. !� 3 w S`„ 'S '' 3 � .. � 191 iM ILL 21 In AFI E r..•• QQw �, :.%.po .`r .s �l�Rp,yyw� N3 .��u,f5°i z um "M - J V + w� \) •: all A V L � ,y rw NY "V11 Ly Y� 112= 1j,11 +'^ t DIY. y l y k M�ww.LY Y _', ' /fit pi'il 'day' O 4 IS ig •N Me -; fly 0 �.� Ali ,-N w ofu II i Inq � AD 9 43 �- r .4 $ Aso s r:OV YY �y� —°" jpz; y ,tea tat °'' ur as A ~ M isv� � *�R '�' •1 Ow � f .t yy{{ yt ,ig O i+ a.:. .yy., + f ' Shpt ,a' �►�, `'w�' ' Sj L-- j'" � "Im yy .V4i ai[ 'A 013}kAA Vw E66 M1 N dl tlMy v CS' � � RG �¢iii��� ync rC 1`,, •' `t i�.. 18 .°`p Wii MU � u4.; px..�e�e I.a w G. R4Ll' tq;f ilCw � dF' VF tEFa l'�I Q v vii ap y �. Fa r as .�. X� ?r -w% .K{ �.�. +.�.�., ww. iii v;! ' 4, t'F 4 E, _ y�.�� tL' .. •-tea, w4■• � j V X ' I N om .. dM ' N �] �� �. • J�� Y x a � I� al Jill mail J[ M 4 r ( _ t 3 s A 16 UZZ ir SAW N 9 Ny « .yy yq i . \ yT LI m4a _ ag d I..S Y yyy��y s ■j '1� .Q� .,l�Y t �!iit *4 N.s�..�y.�jh,r d'+��r aw -*g'�v. •;'1MM W`+ -� i \g L q s■ 4 ^ ate � its ~ , !r ~ It 3 of b� bw V It y ; yap :' I Ilk 1� g Alit f Al qp 1 Y yy � pu u .•,l arc �!w • Sit �f 1 K� t l" it dS3 i y 1 r l Eta _ s l As M � d -p `\ 111V3 r �Mu y -Mg M w god H; , Eta _ s l As M � d -p `\ 111V3 r �Mu € P .s w yga� H- all ' M • lti 4 1'�Q 11 � a � J m L y IT, Nis �. - 7 �w. V .�. y -i� .� RX N - 1k iii AM y I i`"f rN���"5�� �•—� ,, Z jig Ell rN 0.: u 0701-02 o 5-11-88 PC Acienda � Z Of 5 U I r, -- CITE"` OF 11ANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Hay 11, 198 � To: Chairman and Members'of the Planning t:rissfon. FROM., Brad B,,Aler, City Planner BY: Chris Wstman, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: dARIANCE 88- 45 - PARCO » A request'to allow a reduced rear yar u "R se acx fbr an approved neighborhood retail center on 3.245 azres of land located at thb. southwest corner of Foothill .Boulevard and Rarna Avenue in,Subarea 3 of the Foothill Boulevard Specific, Plant Cetmunity Commercial APN: 208- 3o1 -15, 16; and I7, RELATED FILE; tONDITIOUAL.USE PERMIT 85 -10 14001FICATION -' PARCO I. BACkOROUW: The applicant is requesting a. var1ancti ft- , the rear ya- u ng setback as a result- of the adoption of i' c 'Foothtll AOL Bou`evard "`Specific Plan. 1I, ANALY�NS: The project, was originally approved in 1 ' Z' mcder the ilevw oF�merit. Cade ;,tandards, ilia Site Plan was appro wlvi a 20 foot retgr yard setbas:k from the aroperty' line as' stipulated irf'the Code. t r er. when a FvuthilT Klan wats.adopteo, fie- setback etas increased to 25 feet.: Because the. project has not Essen btailitp it has become subject to the jIm setback requirement As shown in Exhibit the building has a 10 foot landscape areas adjacent to the building, a ten foot distance, to the centerline o({ the alley whick is the property line, and an Wi-tional 10 feet tU'' ss the fences or tails for the rear yards of the adjoinlOq 4.esidential properties. The 'COmbination of all of these effectivelg provide a 30 foot distance frame -the residence fences to the building faca. Although the setback provided does not meet the letter of the plan, the physical circumstances;- meet the intent of the setback requirement. III. FACTS "Foil !WINDINGS: Befone granting a Variance, they( fanning won s ma ez >all of the following requir�2d fipding� A. That strict r 1itsral inter'retatfan f.;b�tt enforcoent of the sp ified ,regulation *cvjld resul t fn practical ifficu ty : as" usi►re:sary ' hySical �,ardsii inemnsistant " with the obj;+ctives of this tiode; f ca r i fill Its 4 • r. - j .IL r I�j irh.��t j l a CC, #CY710:fid `I raR1 r� s�lN il/Mir� .rrl�e pre tx r i fill Its 4 • r. - j .IL r I�j irh.��t j l a CC, #CY710:fid `I raR1 r� s�lN il/Mir� .rrl�e r p �A RESOLUTION .OF ' HE RANCHO CUCAMOWO) PL'ANNIk CC�Ff�" iSSIOFB! ?I APPROVING , VARIMICE XO.' 88 -05 70" AUAd A 'REDUCTION IN THE 3 REAR YARD ;BUILTA Na SETBACK FOR ; -A RETAIL BUILDING" LOCATED:` ON THE st}tiT}RIESP CORNEnF OF FOOTHILL, SOULEV,!n , Aft RM O A AVENUE N 114E . CO"*I'^f `COK4ERCIAL .�SMICT OP' THE FOOTHILL BOULEVAb SPECa nc PLAN - ARN� �2O8,SCi_I6y 16; AND 17 +> A.. Recitals. ' ;t (il: Pareo Develoo"Vlnt''hz e�an applicai on fbw the issuance of j the" Variance No. 88-OS .as `described fnl tht title of this Resolution,. 1 Her�ina €ter °in this L�esolutian, the sabject-Varia the -- -application" nce request is r'e €orred to as " (fill On J y 11, -1988, the Planning.Comissi A of the City o€ Ranc�io ' Cu�:atnonga conducted a' duly noticed, uhllc hearing on tkO application and concluded said hearing owthat date. f � If) All --legal tars c U 9 " have occurred. 9- � P q_4?sULM to' the adag'tion of this R lutton B. Resolution._ 1 1 HOW- THEREFORE, it,is hereby fouild,•deteMjned ad reseivel by the Planning Cot�lissfop o€ the City, of Rancho Cucaw- -,sqa as fuTloHS; L This 6MI lion her,'4y specifically rinds that all of "t ;Fad`s set forth in the Recitals, :Part A ,o€ this Resolution tire.tr4a and rrecti. 2. Based ,upon substantial evidence �peesente t tip` ahis, _Got isSion dy,ring the above- reirerenced public hearipcl on .14 .198 , includin written any oral staff reports:, iugefiij e; ribs public : stisranY t Cc issi n' hereb specifically finds as €ollowsa" (a) The application 'Relies to property ,lacated ,alt the scluthwest corner of Fobthiil Boulevard urtd Raw ha Avenge pith -.`a street €rlcrutage of aPpro iwtel,.,'v a6O feet :_and lot th , of 'approif mat0i ' ,,275 feet; (b) The pG *operty to the north ,of the subject site �,s exacting a c(Nmercial, the property 'to the soutA�ntK that site consists of" singt fa i y 7' Noes, the property, t6 .•thfr east fis a ra, rant, and the property i the ,test 11 o ill existing. co�erciel; aR!l f" (c),� An a €j''et:tive 3O foot setback .is being provided by a ZO of landscape buVfar and CO fool, :e1?+eyY apd Tie int*n 'the! setbac4r requirement, is being' exceeded, vARMWE R-106' iY�S�tyi��ktfi+�i,iJ°f'1tQdl u - LPARCS [tElfi»E�t� , `` MW 1I, 298`t aI Page 2 r o Wj _ (e) The moposed Site Plan' dons#stent wii,�t previous diti � approvals. i3d5Et# upon the substant.,lal q%Yidan6;e pres.,anted,� this Caaeniaiae :, during the a6 sre- rei`erericed public` hearing add upon the spec fic find#nigs of t facts set firth fiY4 paragra§h 1 ' 2 above, thi�i rmmission. �Iereby flv�ds and concludes as follows: (a) That strtr!'t ors t i «sr al ter pre` at3�n `� , rf enforc€nt«ft` the spec # #ad regulati��n woul, in practical fiiificult or unnacti'my I ieal hardship iGnsisttt txith° the, ctirras;{o 06velopment Code. - o. W That there are, OXc stional o e traor.�' car circ�xstince� or,, co"d,%tions apps# � o .the a �lroperty involved or to; ache i t A cse o the �{ proppKI tha's do,, not Apply -geftl `�, to then properties itn,th��s district.' � � �� (c1. That r��St"°i' or. „ltterax rote ii'etat �gR i'"� "' i �enforce"6t of the specffled ° �ivlatio ; ° '04 14 deprive `'tie.. applicant of >priv#legds Onjoyed ° W the owners af-'ethae properties in the sills distri That he ":{ of a the' - gra6ti ' Variance w, not ronst#t grant Of s #al privilege inch stent With the 14t9 tations, 0 other ProFartlet cla. if#ed #n the sa4e,;d'#strlet. 'Mat the granting of the Variance (will t bd detrimental toe plcbl i�. health, safer . or ))welfare, or mterially inj�r#ous. to,_ptdper [es or <, improvements in the,vicinity. 4,,. Based upon the findings and conclusions set tdrth in pare raph, a. 2 and 3 'aaova* th #$.t issian hereby approves the app cation toll Orr a 20 fart rear yard seack along the south property► line r Conditional tlsa Perm tt 8S -ig, Aria= 2t38� -flS, sCz, and ii. 5. The Deputy secretary to this Comission sh 11 certify to' the adoption of this Resoluticrt. n Lc� ' Pwn.. ��. _ v C T 'U ` RANCRQ CUCAMONGA REPORT a OATE: its. 1$8$ TO: Chairman 'and Members of the PliOning Comissfon FPM.* Brad 8u2ier, City, Planner` t NY: : Alai Warren, At sociate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIROWPtTAL ASSESSWRT DEVEL&NiNT AGREENENT ANB GENERAL eve DPss;r► agre a o .an r"e;s�j " ena sa""t� Use lk element of G*neral Plaisa to Neighborhood Coa trcia�l for 3.58 acres oi�land loca c. at the southwest ' corner 3 1 3e of, Lomita Court and Archibald avenue - . PFi. 2021 t ENb�$RONt�"rJit A�`SESSNENT iiEY£L►6i{' i,rGREE;ENI0{Ii UK C eve tipnlien rert. a rques aye devo xecltr �tistrict *A frog SOP" �0ffice;Cprofess anal} to INC f;i�ighborhand CoerReat) with 3. acres of lartd ' located at td a so utf nest corne L ti Court and Archibal<% Avenue ,APN: 202.151 -33. I. ABSTRACT: The hpglisant, Nairictc Properties, has initiated_ a neral -Flan Development District. J0Aert*erit trr change the existing office designation to Reighborhood .Co>aLarcia'[ for 3.58 acres of land . on the southwest cortrsr I Of 1001ta 1,oUet and Archibald Avenue~ Staff has c aplef d an ervir& entaf assessment analysis and the City Council has directlyd that the thevelopment. Agreement Prop9sail actarapany the subject adplicatiof►s and, request the Comtaission's dir+ectior,. 5 It. �tOJECI' ANSI SITE DESCRIPTIOV.- i f . Sureo9ndin i.arrd Use and 20 nin °. ro ess MA South- Rai ghboroaad Comercial East- tiled UM }3igh., -,4 t Neighborhood Cdiercial West- Nigh (senior Housing Over'Ay District) J II. BAUGR : Atr ,September 1967, the plapinq Ccr rission revit d xS` proposal to "thange this site, at the southxw�stt owner of Lomita Court ' and Archiba�l�d Avenue � fr office to COMmeroial Ust tlesigna ion. yhe C0.wission detfrrained that suot A change rasrutd be 4 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT � J CUP $7 -046; ODA 87 -03 - WEIRICK MAY 4 1988 9e 1 _ i inappropriate and recoMnded denial of the application to the City Council. t On October 21. 19U, City Council suggested that the land use l changws might be appropriate with the 3'�--ak�,,��eentatton al a development for Agreem�ert- the purpose of providi�Cg more specific development controls on the site. This d_;irWtion ,�sultid from %public input that, suggested retail uses which. catered to the !Needs' of the Senior Citizens residing to the west Height be appropriate. D One feat-are which was the key ele nt in�the Council's receptivity for the concept was the potential of a .full' service restaurant within the site. With this direction staff drafted an Agreement for. the Planning C6Wissions. consideration pursuant to Government C(,,d Sectfpn 65857 :: (Exhibit !V). The Oevelopae.it - .Agree nt p;o'coss is a . Orm o. `esrgtr act ° zoning which aspects, including prectlO,;'site Olanning, of 'a - encompasses, many proposed project.: On ,April 21, 4988, Design eview- Comamittee reviaked sand favorably received a conceptual site':,plan for the site. After : -view of the previsions of the DeVeloPftnti,,Agregment and 1Y recoomended for iaproval b the Pla%yining Comaission• it would-, be then "appropriate „ for the Planning Comrmit`,5io6 to review the final conceptual, design ;plan foie incorporation as part of therDevelepment.- Agreement. IY. DISCUSSICiY: As previbusly mentioned the City Council`, c nsa erg, lbn'of the application revolved around the development of a full- service restaurant and the inclusion of certain specifi retail uses at the' site. The Oevelopment P.greement "as a result provides thin following: U .Require the development of a full- service restaurant (Section 11:8, of 5000 square feet as shown on the Conceptual S3,+e Plan) ' a forty percent of the site for Office Space iCont- 10 te 2) Requires the attraction of busis:e�s tenants which caters to the needs of Senfor.Citiaens (Sectiolf 14). 3) Constr lion is to be "inFOnformance with a approved development Plan which will be part of t Agmemer't (Seci,,ion 9.$). 4) Completion of. , the project 2ikiififn six years (Section 7). The applicant reviewed the: draft Agreement and rlas forwarded his concerns to staff in the aitohed` letter of April 22, 1988. The _ general- direction of the .applicants concerns revolve around the iL restaurant d0eiopment requirements and how they relate 'to the l} = devel.op nt schedule of retail towercial .uses. Jhe applicant's_; substitutions -request some sort of defy in satisfying the ° .- r ' t PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 87-04D, DIA 87=03 WEIRICK May 11, 1988 Pago 3 requirements of restaurant develaprae�t. Staff �dcet not believe the majority of the requested agreement tubstitutiohs are in the best interest ( the City, td insure a restaurant "at this 'site. This ' view is the result of the following considerations; 1) Any delay does,:not insure that ,a restaurant tenant will be located. If this is the case, after six years the City Would end up With a retaillcommercial site :without the :desired restaurant. 2.' It is stuffs interpretation that the prime interest of the City Counct, ;,far retail development is the inclusion of a:_restaurant facility therefore staff believes the restaurant should. develop Only in the first phase. 3) The cpplicant feels that the restaurant first scenario 19-a „ ,; financial hardship and %imfore `.staff believes this view m '. substantiate our concern that`the site may not present a via ble ay location for ,restaurant operations. e;, which case, and at the end of six years a retail lco.werOial centar withbut a restaurant would result if the retail uses being allowed , to develop prior to restaurant development. 4) Staff understood that it was the, City Council'sPintent to consider changing; the land usidssignations only in conjunction wi-th the development of a restaurant. Substitution Na: 1 of the Applicant's letter.. dated April r, 1488, would tie accept ble if the second sentence of the provision reads as fallow "Fes' the '`purj se of this provision, failure .-,to complete tenant improvements, .except those tenant imp nts required for a fully operating restaurant, - 'shat) not be deemed a failure to :complete the project." Staff therefore recomeends that the Development in the form which insures the applicants ability to develop oret�f1 commercial uses only upon the development of a restaurant firsi. Without such provisions the Agreemtnt does not benefit.thi City. . V. RECOMMENDATION: if the Planning Cowissioz. believes -that the Development Aqeement as drafted and the accompanying site plan ' resolves the Planning; Cordaission's concerns when the applications where initially reviewed, the Planning Commissi�n should roCOMOnd approval of the application and Development Agreement io the pity Council. If however, the Planning Commission's 'previous concerns are not resolved, the previously r��econded denial should be reaffirmed and forwarded to the City Council. _ t. ^� PLA,F 9190 C(*"r N i1�FF REPORT' ;f „CUP' 87 -046, LN�a1 03 - WEIRICK �,° `✓ May1; 1998 o 1 cl Qv- O ' i7! €^� If �h_Gf�l4v�r' vm'�Plannins, cowl. ssidn'S ,prmeous; �Qhcerns p rescr der.ial re td, A; previously rec( ended shaulc� be d and rwar°de4. to the 01ty Council . f��affirr Res p ully fiu , Q r!J Yf(t Bra B city .R annex AirUGlr--nt.s� ' POvel,,. 1",t a Uatt oil Sri# 22, 1088 j* "Alan 6- i1iir'Ick y? -P.eaolution Gen. , ai, naF: Awndment oF'Approval c Deveiaps"t Oistrtct ndmaent ibe ��si4tiort of Approval P3aninossionerts ) •• : � �, a ° e , a i il a i y_ 4t G+ t }of.'#T1V AT :+;" SOV=NX E.4 COT�i' RI or ARCHIXA= -.. '*m, A= 10RX -2A - 'COURT, UUM t tTi,7ilM� aX, CAL17OR A THIS AO RZXENT is entered intc ass , of 'Elie "Effective Date" set forth ilerath by aand-- beatweear Wt7ilicx P*or st73:rs,LZXxTXg, a California partliorship ( "Deve],op2r "' "'a the CITY or �c� CDC7lK+DbTG1,A, a municipAl coirpQr Lion orgn ai{zeed and existing der tha laws of the state of California J'Cttt "�. WX- r A. :, 1 {4 Cali& is Government Coda'S:ectioni 65864; at sgsl. authorizes cities to enter irato binding d%xjtspment agre"eents 1 with persons h4ving legal of equit.,a3sle intefests in r 4 itroperty for the davelopaent of such proparty. r, Developer Est all interest In and to trait real } property ,located entirely within City, they' ceamxaan and legal ,01escription of which iss set forth in Exhibit , "A," attached hereto and incorporated herein ray�thise ref veancea and hereinafter is 1 q � {iii} The Site is now zoned. Heighborhood Covztrciaal pursuant to�,�ha provisions of City's Dovelopsant Code aandk�, Development' ?,strict Mrp, gas nd*d, toVdgte hor+aof` Daveelopex e}nt� City desire to 'provides through t? is Wvaa�.a�+%ont A►graeaeu't moue spl!ific de'velopm*nt coiitrolst an 14%* Site Vhich +. 3i `provide for TAaxi efficien# utilization of the Site �n a cdord ancea with sound ening principles. _ ., can 198 $dapte =itea Ordivancse No. ; trYekresb approving this Davelopount ,Agreement with Dsyslopear and said ordln".ce,vaa eaffteii gee on NOW, 'THER1,4MPM, the par't*ss hereto :agree„ as follows: ry 7L. alriniji * In this Agrawaont, unleiss the cont!'4"M, otherwise requires, thte, -tor *s tos ahalll hAvg .the fhjclowj.Aq meaning: u A. "City" is the City 'of Rancho Cucaaion a. �\ II a b. "Developer0 is Weirick Prop" ties Libra te;d, a Cmlifornia partnership comprised cie partnerp. ALAN C. WEIRICK acid WEIIkICK HMAG NT CORPOR24'.�IOr7- _RJt'HARD C. 1IWEIRICK, gesntkral ,� President. C. I#DevelopmSle t PI anO, are those {plans'Iand Specifications attach eea re�ta9, as ; NBw M-elrked Exhibit and incorporated herein by' this r {item;ance,. and, comprised of the documents including, brat not limiired to, am final sits; an flocl izc ing design 61*V!WtIons) , sign plan, Site utilizatt'on rap, final le ndsc�jpa and grading plans, std. Tha Development Plan, a� t ach !d hereto �vr•..l _ includsa ,v -irious gonditions "of ap�r wrlach .are not changiA,, altered or x�',odifiead by this Developmernt Agm;eement unless specifically set f�►rth H4esre�i� The ; �e�volloptr, the g includes ci eedirmgt 7eb° z : ti aaPloknninionn lay Commission aner City Counci7rl, eaind all such rsools and films in these matters amr*e incorperat*d kierain by this refemreance as though seal; .forth In ; :ull. d. "Project" is that development- Approved fol; the Site as provided in this Develdpement Agreement, comprised of a mixed uss of of ice a7ild Neighborhood Conpne oial uses {4nclu4 ng provision , 'pn) for a full °semrvici restaurant J'Qcat: , 411 as reflected in tho pevelapanent 7P Jan a !tachad hereto mica Exhibit KD a e. "Effective Dates* 211all mean thiil 3'1501 oalee7edax day folior ing adoption cf the ordix!,4ance 3�ppm cuing this Agre"ant by Citytu')�it-y Counc3<l: ii 2. iil.SiLtWa. The reecitalp- .it part .or the ra�ggreemeant between the parties and small be to teed anct enfiore"Olee air, any other this provision of Agar :n 3. tnttXgjt 91 Im"Onert'e► 2MM. DaveltSfaer. crant;e and represents that it has faall legal tiale J.o tlt site, that it has full legal right to Mter into this Agroa want, and that the persons executing this Agreemmsnt on bohal.f of,Deveeloper haves been duly aisthoriaed to do eats. 4• DARAIDS XUM& it UMMUt. 'The Adavealopeer tmereby suh'ects the Project and the land described in Exhibit "An ljeratu te5+ the ; c covenants, remeer7ationle °And restrictions as sett forth in this Agreement. The City and the Developer hereby declare their SPOCitic ,intent that the covenants, "reexervationi and restrictions as set forth herein shall be deemed covenants runntna. wit-k the Aft +; 9 r land and shall pass, to ate' s bin dung upon the Developer's asucceeoors and assigns �zl ti, tle ar interest to the Project. , Each and every contract,, dead or other instr! Int hereinafter_ e;!aouted, covering ear conveying the Proyaut or any portion t`, *rsof shall conclusive a*,-be head to,. have been executed, delivered And accepted su4oct to the covenants, resexvationss and restrictions expressed in - is Agreement, ro,jfardless of whether such cevena:xts�) reservations and restrictions are set forth in 4. such contract, deed or other instrument. r Il city and Developer hereby declare their understanding and intent'that,the Burden of the cotenants, reservations and restrictions sweat forth herein touch ind concern the land it th_�t the Develo eras I i_ p algal interest in', t2iir, Project is xendersu less z s' valuable thereby,. Thlr city and Developer hereh_;• farther declare their understanding and intent that °ths Nentfit of such covenants r torh and concern the land by enh4*6,100 and increasing the anjoyment and use of the Dsvelopmart by Developer and the future occupants of th!,ck P- toject,., that intended beneficiaries of such covenants, reservations and restrictions, and by furthering than public purposes for whieO ';this Agreement is adopted. Further, the partica. hereto agr -'that such covenants, reaaervations and rostr_c -tiona benefit all other deal property located in th,& City >1 of Rancho Cucamonga, .. d. 7telaticambilo 22 R&WAm. It is understood that the contractual relationship between City and Developer -is such that I Developer is an independent party and is not the avant of City I for any purpoiso whatsoever and shall not be considered to be the R agent of City, for any purpoase whatsoever. 6•. ZM 21 a0tM aent. The term of the Agreement shall commence on the effective date rind shall !expire on D_*cember 31, 2009, so long as Developer remains in material Oompliance =with this Agreement, as from. times to tim+a ,muii sditd. 7. Co +strtsestieaan The Developer shall complete const uction" work.for thee'Project on than Site, and all phases there6 , including, but not limited to, landscaping and all off -site improvements, pursuant to a building permit or permits issued by City within six (6i years following they effective date. a. ass Wit., Developer shall have the right to a4l, mortgage, hypothecate, asasign or transfer all or any portion of this Site (as miy be subsequently subdivided), to any psrson off" entity at any time during the terms of this Development Ag"m2nt. "Any such transfer shall be deemed to include an assignmen ilof all rights, duties and obligation created by this Dy elopment Agreement with respect to ali air any portion6,#f the Sit*. The assu*:',tion of any or all of the Ibligations of Developer under 3 U i C/ this AgraCtent Pursuant to any such transfer shall relieve Develop4z, without arms. -)ant or concurrence by the City, of it* Xegal duty to porform.''thuso obligations except to the extent that ,bevoloper is in default vith respect to any,fand all obligatlions A tha timer of the prciposaad' transfer. X119. 9AUX" lE "stuastri etiaas s` �" s "K► lttelitp&�ent :oil the Site. T1;1a fol3oviYsg oPecific resastriations sball apply to the use of the t5ite pursuant to this DevelOpOnt Agreement; a. Developer aahall hays the right. to develop the Project sn the Site in accordance wit terms ans - 1j oAdition.% Of this Agreement and'City shall have.the rigat to control d'evelopmant of the Site in acc ►r $ nc¢�I Vith the provisions of this Zgreoment. . b. `%* density and nt city of use, t * us e$ all oved;, the ,,1 e p r size of proposed .bui -dita go, provisions -�o reservation or cleditic»x of land for '�li� ses, maxillas he . ht of proposed buildirwo and , ocatian of public i74r esents, togeth*r with other 4 xas and conditions of development rapplica blaa tc� the, t , shall be OR not forth in this Developmaht•-AVreesendr and the attached Development Phan. , is ?. xlict 21 004+w 44tt�! 4rteaoa� seat Except as expressly provided in this Develop n k ent, all substanttve and proc�Urxl requ ,, ntm and. pro,is�.ons:I2on jIned in Ctyds ordsnaAxsceas, specific �p r rules andgulation, including,", not l#mitad to, thw Developaent Code, ill efg'ett as _ of the effects a date =of this Devezopmont jagreesont, shi4l apply to thn oonstru tion�land (Uwolopment of the Site. a. The provisions-or this paragraph , -10 shall n L preclude the application to the dsvolop%ent of the Site those cha atD in City ordinances, regulations, ;plaanaa, or specit'icationsa which are specifically mandated and required by- changes in state or feder&I laws o regulations as provided in Caeliforniat Governsaefit Code Sectign 65669.5. b. The paysent of fens associated with the _Constructio.t Of th!- Praject, iW;judinq laird nue approvals, t, dovelopasent fees, building p*Udts, eta. Mall be pursuant to those fees in effect at the time application is made for sgch approrzas or permits. C� City many apply any and all now ordinancev,,,, rules gz� , relations, plans specigicatsonas to :than ,r development of the Site aaftez, than affective data 4 , provia&d asuctNxntaw rules and reolotions dlo`'not- . ` Goa(anflipoyt with, trhe tte=s at thii, s~v*lOpWAirrt 'dote. ., Agreement IRV'�`V ii' °i_Ir. Ofoctive c1,. `Nothing herein shall prevent-the, application of health and safety, rasgulOidns' ��.�; a �ir�►�° , bdildingR� t5*ismic ;t plumbing and electric codes) t bapct 1 t,'�a aaae a+pplii q_ m .to the-city as "'a, wholae. i . ZWM tW [+eras. tho8e uses allowed on ftiq , Site #hall be as I follows. That building atpaaoaa located on the "nosh"' st , ,+ corner of. the sits- oat aft et Q, i�a rhea 53te 'Pan" I " ix:oluded withtn' Ex obit, * i. }statol shall be deVeloped { exa:lusively" for off #4 space, l b That builditq sgaos located on thaKi = 1 soueaaa coaacrs cite (as raR�1uc�: "� i� fibs Sitar plali iucljlli3 within Exhibit si :wey�jaed - wi!',�s full-service siL��ioxtsa turak��[�r,:64i de uant to y a Ltiilk Q h* v raoxoxof this- a�P i t. Agreasont, fuXZ *v ico reastagrAnt aa,n*I bag d:as° ci to be a sit-down ;r iauraant wbi provi�ss breakfast, lunch, a1n4 dirmaer torvU* •" Thee raeasaindei of -tire bui,ldsn pa:ca available 424 the sitar (A�t refleetod ixr t~yde Sitae plan "8" tq sta) shall #a dtreie d i=144ed within fxhlbiti those - for "aighborho� co�,�rci*l" uses at 40n i raeci ±n section A7,10 * 01 ijof`�it-y'd s D4velopmen't ct#sia� a p the cm ae is aameai hod from. tim e,to time. ' Sucft --, iei jhb_6thtod Commercial tasom`s all, "paeraittaad� or, oczecli 3.�} a�H ipproval (i.o., subject. to ,�4aae of Ae cbndftlonatl rVi* porititJ Pursuant t4b the ,teams of said ' Sacti.orr. r� . 27.10.030,, Notwi.thstandin4l the foregoing, tha follovirA mass are,4*zibited within sucf; oomiaesci4 areas o the.Yp� oua,�rl o ti Aniia Ora e facilities,, 2w U441daz 3= Autamobil se�miae* (excepi parts And.- . sugpli*tt Wtinesses of ,any kin Inc l ix9e u: o fa*t food. restaurants) "ice 1 Y. u A, o { tea. Feed and tack stores; o 6. Ice atachir,e 1, � 7. Mortuaries and cesneteriO t S. Lands4Pe I;urxeri ies; 9.' Gutdo „os” ,cosaf rcia recr t;iortai facilities; <� e r 10., Recreati�inai vBhicJ a -atarz e; 11. Service stations'. � { 12. Pr.QJ#gt The piojact may b��de pcs ,rs one or more 'phases of construction: how�nveri at, 'situa ,, the office uses designated for the nor�heast corner Qf t.) Site ;shall be -� developed within the `first puss of consstxucItion. Notwith- standing the foregoing, until .a certificate of occupanoy is granted for the rertaurant, no othser,;certi- ficate of occupancy- 0 shall be granted for arty other, devele�p>denc' On the Sita excegat the office' uses,., 13.^ e 4 Ths Planning Corsmi.ssiors of "the City may, upon ,showin o`f 14064 cause by 'tisas Developer :lezaste the requirement ofc aa�(restaurant as part of the lVoject. For the k qW purpose oa this `` fiction, good caW a sthal l be deemed to include, but not list`itcsd 0,. ^the pres i ntA ex�.,rof written =rresfaprndance, from a minTaees,mt esf aeven (i) a�a�qr rrrataaura<nt devsalopara, indicating a refusal or until t mats tca develop the ro quix*d i reataurant. - If the.- ,rasitaurr� s '' doled dv" urtuant to the provisions of this naragraisi's '" aurasin ?'c�:a:tioae. as ssisown on '4 the S3Jkis Plan- ,inarl k�eraato, shall 'be . s' developed eas:clusit• ly for a ti sa y ouch i devolopumerft of .the restautran ` sait!� f� �s kfice ,space' shall be �! E subject Co the thane applicable Ci` eta darda for di4ign aIlmd- dessvelopment "reviow* 14. &ttsasgtJM 2C moecifie !ld 5 part of this c ,s Deerelopmant Rqceem t, it is sagr �j tcci between the, ` parties hereto that certain cosawraial, uses are more di aabla� as l tenants within the ject to asset th* 'neads of these son. � citizen residents in�`J t iemsdiits*, .'vicinity of t-he Prrajec l%rvoiopar sssh'all usss :Atsss beat *ffeAsss to encourage tenatntiu 44 r } : ocupancy v thins th4 c4zAarcial psartions of that Project which - :cattsr to then ,1R +ssdeti.; s3f the sssstioz"' i; Zen comaunity, ...ipseludinq, at c` ��misaisau , the i&iowing Specific use > e J6 « ti v s a. Shoe storm*,, incladng exile aand saix "� i b diwajxy stay r. c _Variety d. Boutique at e. Yeas and p� �." �gh�p`s. anti dii r+tiu3 , , 4t loamst' OighpY 'parcr, Uf tho suds sped die �commercial u > x .- sra not i:hcludi Od w�thir- tte �. Prajesc�t or otiiear sat:i'^ a� tixan oxi, n e x*W* Developer. sh�ll ' propara a IAAiket ntl piIn,.;-ta th",*,ttistsf, z,�Iox n oi thm Ci vlannvncludine,tt n ot laeia aa ty , �;nt'saniar+iw czeaea' ci#*� advertising program with roam r4ductionx, �J;s*ther ,jncerft wsat f,;; for suc4 speaifiod comoae cial .�:ena ntx. { /r iS." turiVII tease ti j'+E�' V this Developimet!t Agxeemano y *hall annually ravieiw the extsht;,of good frith ; , c�omplicnq y °4vilopor with the � *X*a of this- eva� o µand Agreement n0olQper stual m filie, i annual rapOirt wit1f) the City. J, indicat'�` o� atioh ;ragari otz qli ticea tri the Of i� this cVJ Cad, ��nt 'Ag're+miftt nar lato r � th en March xV of ac�x Calen� zas: . Pa fi Developer, x�gro ��'to, and *hall, hold city and t:a ,alaect*d officials, offi4ors', ae onts and aaapioyaos . haramlipsi, fro* "liability., for dasaga mot, cttjimai foz ':�a t> qs fez^ p incli4*ng demtbr and oa ;aims fox ;urcpaerty da aye Vhi.ch away axize _fras„ that direct „nr indirect opara►t -Ions of Devels`p¢r ear t�toAa bf iiis a ntractor, suboontractor, agont,, employees or e► sr pr}r acting ooa hii „,io half " °whiuh relate sto the constructio x* ope►xhtion of , W* `Project. '154veola_per acirmi to, <, and shall, +�f City an�i ito ilectad officials, offiessr�� agant-_ anc3 -, �plog,eem ,with respect, to acti6hs for daikageee mamsed' or allegao to- �sav,1� been caused b 'Veason -of `DOV4�10parrs activities in conr4ctiohsmith thlo Projces t'. `'1`hij %014 #h'aml 'tts provision applies to "ill da"gms and ciaima for damage gq�fe�rec4. ox alhaua�9! to apve'ba in souffarrm -d by Amon ^off hw�,; opera, lone r, roferr#4 to in thin „13+votele+pa tt Cg>ke ies et ragm I *xo of Uhliwh or not the City prepared, auppi;i ".,tar appr&if o* the plans, aapecificutimns or Q � \Q?': dccu%ot1t�f 04°, t 91 Project. r;l t . This-, q ae mi 7,7 e as or canc*ie6, "ire f►ho3� ;or its part, eonly by AUtUakt. written' consent of 'thoe ,parttez and thafh in the et%.nngr iparovided fob in'Cav- ini.a aeveaa°nr Ca41 tesct4ons 6a 66 et` 7 �>> V AWL- Ia UM IR �� , upon the, written arpplfcaaticn of;D�ivissloper, ainor modifications and changes tp the palopoont Mn may- be -approved by Lhe City Planner pursuant -to that. tarms of ,dea✓tion 17.02 a70A (ItsSatnor Ra#viuia:naa -� Adbini,stzative" of Ciity°s Develop**M, Code, 190 th *, -Avent of a casefauit1uusder thesiproais ors , of this Agra�tawity by . Aevelopor', City shall ajive written notice to Daweloper, for its, xucq sor) by -` oaisteted or certified mail addressed at tht'a'ddr sir staetea<d in_thias Abt�traeesaant; and if such l �r violation is not corrected to ilia reapsesna le sartia�fact;iesn of City" e / within thirty (10) days after auch notice is�s4iven or if not [�� corraeaected withiA • such r�,rssonablo `ties@ �s ray , be required to cure.,,: the breach pr default if sasiid We4ch or default cannot be ourod, ✓-� thisi thiAy (30) days ('pr4vb404- that', %eU to cute the treadli' or default meia t; be co'ISRa3�aa, within 'AaCid � r)rty; (30) days: and must i thereafter) be diligently puras5'aad Tay 1ppe r) , then City zay, without fiurifser t oti e,e {rieec aar* a fault under this Agreement and, upon any au ft City uqy bring any action naaeoedix-aavy to _aatpsesifi' �' `'�y onfa� ca thle obli�itiona of Dovoloper 4roVing out o." Mei' OperattiOA of this Deyelop*lxat Agreement, apply n, as >btrtt ;sa to ar- f0aral, for injutotive ,r relief .a airiit all- atlA, bj iaevsl4por of an provision of this Agre nt, , a5 % i'or assc3r sat`saer relief as sway be• appropriate. 24 +r &Ait 2A 2jZAuU, .-Developer is in default under this Aqt** *At upcsx they happ*rsing of cane, or more of the following evarts or. condlt*onats ' a. If a Masterid • rv�variyjjt xapreeiowltax��ion od rte# etaent is ,made or .tarnished b ' . elf ar to'-,z ity and is false:" ,br prov ®e3. to haa�ta9 b*an false is any material rolopedt polft ,it vas m adi'T ' b• It ai flndding and 4atai aUlation is mad4 by City • � 1 followit1gAn annuhl`.revigv purwA4nt to pAragraph 15 ', IaareginabdVi upon, tfiiW balaaizI Of it, bstanti:al eviftnoe:, gat: vel A h#as not ccup ^,it in good faith v' ith any skate'ri f_terail and ocind `tionis og this Agroavont, a tter noticl! and oppQrtUniter to c� 4rs - air dectri.head - in palara3graapi '.,1D hareinabova v* or C. A bsr *90h by Dsvelo!:_r of any oil the` provisions ear terms of this Rgraeaa�aant, .after notice and opportunity -19 hevoinabovs, to cur*, es roci3ad n pars rp F 21« City de %os not vitiva any claim o� 4 011 ° do e in pokfo ncae' by T rvRlop r f on periodic raview a:ity does not enforce this Agreement. Nonperformance; by, nQvoloper ID Cl- 0 t n _ µ t, c u4 1 t, r shall "6k be excuaeed because - perfoxmances~ by' Deveic� <'r of the Obligations hereafn cdaatained would be unprtrf'3.�CAbloo' difficult or expeensive or because a a failure of any third partk 6r antity, iother 'Chan. city,, All other remedies at law or which { are not otherwise provided for in this' - Agreeemtean are 4,r table to the paatiee� tt puraue in the *Mont that t�Aire'' is a ):kra�ath: of this 1 Development Agr WA*nt,. ltd sai�t'e � by City of, any brel�dh or �I default under tai! lav610pXont'Agkeaneent` ahal; be de4ied to 'be a waiver of any otbok� subs diqusnt'bre3ach thereof or default hera3tt17$tTr. u n I' N, , ,i _ 2_31- .fi r Chou] d t evelopar encusect, or enyl�a staaereot, the benof'yci.ary frIender ") 6f said places or cause to be lsl tka�dA1 thee�rh�at any lts�eodu�n the g term Of thin Agreement anti the existinha of said eil.fiduzbrancp Qr lien tot t h. Do any act or .thing thing requiread of Zave ,opeer under this Ac9r¢ ient, and any such acct or thing clone or performed by sheep be as offactiV* As if done`by �FeTa�E; b« x�al xe on t#ae Xedurity asffordd;" by the o4pcumbrance or 7 ion by exeero#sinq t'oreclosura . par_oose dings ;ar over of 'sales or oth4;r r± b. cur* the breach cr default within' sixth,` (60) d t ` __ WW attar:��a+rrvi�a of �aid notice 'where thals� xrrtg���ji r . ;, i \ \04familt can bee curse by s metl�'n at2�s'� tha�'f tfZ0 PAym+CZ...._lt AtRa�eync� csta fixed with that = °I tsrms r . or "• �i co cur* the bre ach or de vault in ;� ;4h. x>aiasai�abie. time a n� *y be required whore some�Aq 6ther.than • paya�.r�t of Vii!ey is roquired 'tq era the breach or default and cannot be, part to;,^ od within. sixty � (0) nays after said Ootica, pravidod 'that acts to curs they -bVOach ,or ftfault are (cOltmented, within as .Six -.etc) t°y - 'afte service af said not '` d t #fit ozr nd �r, by CRty and are " tho4akft�St iligeantlli cantinusd by Leander., p �i 24. _1„� eiatta hzstanding any other rlirovisich of ' this`AoraeRenti a Londii nay fgvestall any action by City for a breach or default under tb.* =tsx of-this F Ord*xe ;:t fry. Developer by comendinq pace. a�3na lil tcs faicaG3oaae itax`a rrarlca,,,or lien on the Project. . the! t_ tod adiASra so cs z ariedad a be for foraollosure of the ancusbre.race Eby ` order of c,,ougt mr for , raerdlosur a of -,the a�,rumbrance under a power of sale ntai -a6d foin ths- itist umikt. f creating tha "encusbrancae or lion, The proti odings shall not., hCatevar °., forasta iL hy, such atcticin by the City for the defa It or ;tibrabh by Dave3c�per`tle¢>ess, �I a. They axe coaranc#d within siAy (64) days after. ' ` marvi vn l? val4er ct the notice, dosa,ribed herein ,, b. They are, ®r °having boon coremence d, diligently Pursued in t � a.annar, required lay laer Ito ` complettion: and �C C. Lendax Iao And! Ptrfarme elk o2 the tonne, coveenaxats d conditJttrns asi� this, Agreement xee;uirine th"a�ymen qV `,oXpQriiiftura of ;,mcnav by l *v>e3 a er until the , xeecloepura pto+ oadingW. "ir+$ cti npl+ete are dim6ch t geed by r�deieption, T,gatisfaction, or ' P4yi*nt- J l f f 25. i1.r►y n t c e`�kogtirod t€' "lea `given by the cues tai.. this Agro n.'t- shal prOVided by °'co ti f tel:; �ai3 , raiturri receipt r4quretted, t the address of the "iisp&6tivo parties az J r�aci fled below ar t an�r ether such add*�ereaea aa�*ay b+e imtaer $ ecitied by tlsae'pta i.ese haretcea cny CF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING OMSIOM April 22, 1988 APR 2 ;1998 AN City of Rancho Cucamonga 7 819101U3 1516 9320 Baseline Road P.O. Box 607 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attn: Mr. Larry Henderson RE: Development Agreement #87 -113 », Alta Loma Village Bated: March 28, 1988 -Dear Mr. Henderson: On March 29 we received a revised draft f, -a ,development. agreement from Bruce Cook, Assotiate.PIanner ,�1.His setter siAr�4d this version was tine final one, that the staff w,), 11 present to -11the planning commission for initial review. We ap.;reciate the changes made on our behalf but respectively request the remaining changes, as defined in this letter, be, I included also. They were transmitted and discussed on February 3, t 1588 in a meting with Otto Krontil,;and Bruce Cook, cnd followed up with a proposed paragraph 13 revision; .on FQbrdary 10, 1953 in a revised draft•and meeting with Lee 'b As', es. Only four of the changes have bp.en included In the revised draft "so we have reviewed and modified our original requests: to ;thy, essential.;,; - remaining requirements defined in the following paragraphs. i - SUBSTITUTION 1. Construction (Paragraph 71 pie 3) The developer; shall complete construction wdrar the project on the sire, and all; phases thereof; in .--sIng but not limited to, landscap;3ng vd all offsite Improvements pursuant to a building permit or permits issued by the City within six (6) years following the effective date. For the purpose of this provision, failu -re to complete tenan't–� m rovements shall not De deemed a failure to c mp ere the Project. The completion of consfrucT"ifon o6Ti shill be, even a an period within wn'z the developer _s prevented, rolm tlmely completion, by "Force -Na sure lrr the OT' - event the er sFiaST tal I to commence cons ruc .ion°' e ProJect witti.in e s ec e t� �er o, the alI �me ave a .o S B �on n ep�.ro— erg o he z�onin effect on anuar ce ro ess .o►al�P and`a� lY other matters a . ec ng t e" p► °oiler as are create Y Ali` V agreement Snail De extinguished. > >.µ: _ REASONS FOR PARAGRAP11- -7 5URSTITUT -10 -.. _. . Extension of the me frame to six, years is.a benefit but Our legal council advj that our legal exposure rust bp understood and defined to a grater extent. Tenant imp,ovements and "f9rce Majeure" are a part of what was not defined along 41th'What happens 'If a default occurs.- We submit, these- auditions are a reasonable= extension of the agreement to help-'prevent future misunderstandings. ADDITION: 2. Permitted Uses Restaurant (Paragraph 11b.,p 5 }. o pon writtek request to the City from a, prospective restaurant operator or developer,`the site (Ilan may be modified to shorn a restaurant site of 3,004 instead of 5,000 sq�r_�_es of „fluor area, resultingein. a proportionate increase n neighborhpod Commercial or the qua ifying restaurant uses; REASONS FOR PARAGRAPH 11b ADDITION: J;- R,v } We n wa t a o quality ua it restaurant an the s p q h ite. or y An der to get one, our leasing .agent has advisedtha't several desirable operators said the 5,000 square feet size -s too large, We `�aquPst this ch nge to accommodate one of them and, as a result, either increase-'the retail $'pxc-e or preferjible attract another small restaurant operator resulting, in two restaurants. Staff had agreed to thfs - concept in our meq/'Ing. This provision was proposed as a part of a change to paragraph 13 but should be an addition to paragraph 11 instead. SUBSTITUTION: 3, Project Phasing (PCB81raph~I2, Pane 6) O The Pro3ect may. -be developed in one or more phases of cons�Tuctfon; however, at a minimum, the office uses designated for the northeast corner of the site shall be developed within the first Phase of construction. U REASONS FOR PARAGRAPH 12 SUBSTITUTION This paragraph is in accordance with the Mayor's directive at the October 21, 1987 City Council meeting. We Cannot agree that an extension of this directive to include the restaurant sit* ini, the first phase is appropriate. Restricting the use of tfie r6taii7 buildings until a restaurant user is found is a potentia't economj�c penalty on us and, may force us, to accept l es.s than a toga quaff i ty restaurary, PtMNNING Qf APR 2 t98J AN 'Yxi(t� rrragraph 11 of this agreejent and the site plan serve to protect a site fora sit down restaurant use. SUBSTITUTION: $, Deletion of Rest.uratiC (Pera�grephtd, Fs�e G) As art of this devel vent°a reement it is ` - -= P g o . expressly uncierstood between parties here -6 that a sill.down restaurant is desirable to meet the needs of the,citw:rena residing in the area. The, developer shall use its befit �i efrort to encourage this type? 'o£ 'use. An a,ntense mar%etang effort shall, be undertaken for a thtec year period including the expenditure of 4,O0c) for xfstaursnt advertijti,ng and promotions. �I Three years after the dote of this sgteemanl: or or-two years after notice of cohpletion of Phase I and 4 restaurant owner has :not, agreed - to`,use the site, tine Manning Commission' of the City ab,611, upon `'showing of:;good cause by the developer, delete the'requirement for A sit4own restaurant as a part of the project. For the`pcdipose of this section, good cause shall, be deemed -Lo be the documentatipn by a local brokerage firm, of an unsuccessful marketin',b effort. TE'th€ restaurant use is del;et:ed.t pursuant to the ;�vx�avisions of this paragraph the restaurant tocati.vn as shown { ;n the site plan included. with Exhibits S hereto, can be deval,�oped to the Aye most in demand, eith6t office space uses or 'retail commercial uses as restricted by Paragraph 11. Any suS�h development of the restaurant site shall be subject to the "then applicable City standards for design and de"lopmeht r�rui,ew. REASONS FOR PARAGRt?'H 13 SUBSTITUTION The new paragraph describes an incentos'ta obtain 'a _ restaurant more in keeping -with the direct' oc the City Council �e regarding the land use and the site plan. have reviewed an audio'tape copy of the October 21, 1'357 meeting and made a transcript of a portion of it. The mayor and the Council indicated no problem with a revised site plan shows� 0% retail and 40% office as there is not enough of£ ice ,csse de►is'ind for rao� Chan 40Z office. The present draft..of the,proposed developmen. agreement prepared by the staff has a lane use requirement Eoi more office space in lieu of a restaurant; if a restaurant use is" not found, the site plan would r�iange to '532 office space. In addit~ipn a petition was submitted at the October 2 pub'li8 hearing. One hundred-and thirty six (136) residents of adjacent ; Heritage Park signed it in support of 60% commercial use and 401 office use. ., o{rP- R #-0*20 i i t- �� fz a These 1parsgrraphs ar4t improved over two previous drafts of paragraphs we sent to the -City staff, We feel they are very- reasonable ai►d present the best opportunity to get a siitdown restaurant to meet the needs bf the City Council, the Senior. Citizens. in Fieritaga Park,, and the citizens in the surromodirg area, a Yours si »ceely, ` o l aw4 Alan U. Wejr;kOk* gnera artner l Wairick Properties v ccs Hardy 1$t-roz *er, Flarinibg Associates, - William Herz, Attorney Gary UmphressiCharles Witter, Lee and Asso8�ates ix Bob Alfieri, Architects 04*nge OCAMOW� AR 27198.8 n , I RESOLUTION No. bk` RESOLUTION OF .THE PLANNING Cotsron 6 'THE CITY OF RANCHO COCA"". CALIFORNIA. RECO"ING APPROVAL OF 3 DEVELOPMENT VREEN:ENT AW GENERAL ;PLM MqMWq NO. '�7- r G 048, MEMOING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF TqE RAKHO CUCAMONGA GENERAL�PLM. WHEREAS, the Planning Cowission has hAl& a 441Y advertlsg public hearing to consider all comments on t .e proposed Develop"11t, Agri? -Mont, and General' Plan Mepdment No. Nil. 87 -048. SECTION 1: The Rancho Cucamonga 'harining 'Ca issi�S"hej�,by� makes the follbw t� g TTMT gs. A. .-. The Development Agreemeot and Amendment dues not �I conflict with-- the Lsnd Use Policies of Genoral Plan, B. The Development Agreement and, Amendment promote goals of the Land Use Element. C. The Develapemeret Agreement and Amendment would not be- materially `Wuri,WS or detrimental to the cgacent SECTIOII 2; The C*neral Plan Land Use Map "shall be amended . at folIt4s: Assessor's Parcel No. 20 - 151 -33 aPp. xi�ately 3.58 acres of 'land located on the southwest c 'e of L to Mau and Archibald venue shall be changed frm Office - f+iei� rhood tomercial. _ - SECTION" 3- A Negative Declaration is hereby rocomaertide.d for adoption b�i'ie""Ci� Councit for this D#vet nt A regimen - and GeneralJl plan,,, Amendment, based :span the completion and find gs of the Initial MO. MR, YHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rancho Cucamongk Planning mission does her+ebyl,recMand" approval of the Development A reement and hb.87 -03 and General ;Plan Amendment No; 87 -041 e pity Council, - APPROVED AlGI AbbPTED T% 3TH DAY OFFS JqM. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE Cll 4F RANCHO MdfAMONGR 0 LaTaRy, rmcmin, a r�nae o ATTEST. _ n t drad blMer, pu t. G 7_7 A RE95, -OTION OF 'THE.. RANCHO CUC,AMONGA PLANNING COMISSION v r APPRQVINGQ -�KELOPMENT, AGREEMf;�4i` AND DEVEiA!MENI tiISTRIGT' CHANGE. NO. -87 -.03, REQUESTING A CHANGE IN` THE DISTRICT' DCSIGNATIOU FROM OFFICUPROFESSIONAL (OP) 70 NEIGHrlORHO{:D ,z COMMERCIAL (NC) CoCA7D AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER 'OF LQM TA .COURT AND ARCHIB&Z. A. Recitals. (i) Weirick Properties.,has fried an appl9cati =for t(ie Detieloiament District Ghango_ No, .8703 and_ D'avelopment Agreement as,4escrlbed in the=tit3e of this Resolution. „`H&einafter in.,this Res:luti -sn the suh3ect 'Development; District. Change request Is referred to as "the application ". (ii) on, jl y '110 1988 the Planning tomeai si on of the efts Cucamonga conducte& a duly 'noticed public hearing �oat�the .appl.ic` �sn and concluded said hearing on tU date. (61) All legal prerequisites to ,the a4ption of this` Resolution have occurred, j B. Resolution., NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found; 6terikined anal reso `3d by the Plann4n4 Cnmission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga a olihivs: 1. This Comiis=sior hereby 'specifi al ty finds that all of the' facts set forth in the Reci tai s Part A,' of thi c Rescl utionr are true and ra aect, . 2. Based upon substantial `�evidenc presented- to this, `6wfssion during the above.,referenced_ _public hearing on May,11, 1888, including written, -' and oral staff reports, toa§ r with public testimony, this Ct"ission hereby', specifically finds as followts (a) The application 'and Development Agreepeot ,applies �to property located -it southwest corner lof Lomtyta Cour and Archibald Avenue Faith u a street frontage of 620- feet and lot depth of 398 feet-, and, is presently ,. unimproved. - (b)_. Thee„ property t j ,. the ' r-Orth of the sula3eCt . si to is . office /Prof(tsional, the property to, he south of that sit. >, consists of Neighborhood Comerci,tl, the property to the east i3 jjjdju0 High and Wghbai'.+004- ,Zommercial, and the' Proper to the- wrest is High ► nicr Pousing Overlay bistriLt), t = 3._° Based upon the substantial evidence presented to t� s Commit2ion �> during 'the above- referenced public hearing and u n the specific -findings 0 facts set foirth,.in paragraph 1 and 2,? above, this omnitsion hereby finds and ,concludes as foilo�vs: } + �J 71 o PL.A G. ISSIcl.N eESOLUTIG3N -~ ` DDA _81 �D3j May; %1, 1' 88 Page 2 ; 'That= r , for :the uses permitt d in the proposed district in terms of access; - size; and coi�atibij ity �h oxfiting 'land use 4. the surrounding area; as _ = (b), .Th t the proposed" d stric c�tns�e �aosild�rguld impat <no hate significant_ on thd,et��tirra ertt r; nor #.e' surrot"tng proper ds; iii (c) ;that the prop ®sed d(stcti, change isi5atx in conformando.Witk theGenerasl #UnA° 4. ThisCOissian heresy i5r da. dnd` certifies that the pro�er:t'l�as been reviewed, aad cbnsidisiod in to i$ance with the California Enyfiror�aental Quality Act' o€ 1970 an<y1`furthor, thid,. Coinissi6ei ;,erelv ;recomen4 isYraance of a; Regative tteclAration. [ S. Based upon <tM findings-and can `kr tj. ►s s arch in Paragraph - p 1, 2. and 3 abova,, this Commission hei°eby resolves (a)"., lip tt oursua$rit 10. Section 65850 to 65855 of the California Cover► nt, 1,ode; ;ahatR tom' Planning Cow scion of tS�ti;.C14 asf Bens ho. C camongaa hereby, " _ a recommends approval do i he Ilth d° of. 14ay X988, District Change No,, 47 -94,;kl ' (b.} T3'.e Planrri►i� �toisaaissiotr hereby rec=aeaids that t City Counci7 approve and. adopt District or Ho. (c) That the Planning oCooaission rea�aaeads ghat tfie; ti Ciiy '.Council approve the acca;�any Developiaent Agree. nt lhlp ,87 03. (d) That:a Certified Copy of this Aesolutioki (d related material , herz0y adopted by the P1onjpin4;Coftission shall be, forwarded to t Ci4.g* Council: ;r N-:O. The .Deputo- Secretary to this .Commission shall cartify to the adoption of this -'R solution. S APPROVED AND ADOPTEEV,7 iA� IITH DAY OF MAY 1987. PLANNING C t13� 10N OF THE Ca il9ctl; RMCH01 CUC A" A ! ti BYE r arry .,.'M'tir ifs , Tfiii Agri r $ P ATTEST: ra - pu r e Fy A PLANNING CIISSIC 9TAFF REPORT- it 6PA 87 046 /DDA 87 -u3 - k'EIRICK PROPERTIES _ September-23, 1487 F. Jurrauncio�ri =ilse and Zonings r, North - vicantlaffice; Office /Professional South - Heighborhead Shcpping Center; Neighborhood Coasne�rcial �' ., East Senior, HourJg; Nigh Density Residential : (Senior " - Hausf Overlay District) '` Best - Apart. °nts, Neighhorhood Com:rciai. Medium -High CensitI Residential (14.24 dwelling; units per �5 acre), i)leighborhood Commercial G� Surrounding Genera,) Plan designiatlons: ' North Office . °. South - Nefghbor;`hood Commerpial East - High Density Residential (14-24 dwetling.units pay, acre) Nest - Adiurx -High Density. Residential (`14 -24 dwelling units pai? acre) H. Site r;haracl,.4iristics: This site is vacant with no significant veg4 a'tion,"i`i a drops in elevation from the north to the" south 18 fee��at,3 percent, AML o III. BACKGROUND: I In �Nov er of T986, the City Council reviewed a ann n' ommissfon recommendation on potential City - initiated General Plan Amt!ndments for selected :Office /Commercial sites throughout the Cilty. This site was "Viewed by the P1anni,ng Commission fora change from Office ,to 'Neighborhood Cotemercial. The Planning Commission recommended that the site remain in the Office designation, V ' At the tfty _Council weeting, representatives of the p�q arty owners spoke fli favor of _ the Neighborhood Commme al destaiiation. The City Council discussion on' the platter was continuid at the r.'equest of the property .owners until ad£ "�ional market information' could be provided to the City. Council by the property owners. n May of 1987,"Punning Associates, consultant to the property owner, prepared a market analysis of the site, and asked that the matter be brought ,back to the Ci¢y :Council for consideration. When the Planning 06mmission initially.rbviewed the matter (Office 'to Commercial), their decision not to recommend 'a change centered around a desire to ,provide a site for office services adjacent to ` fihe nearby senior housing development. IN addition, the 4ommission was concerned with the expanding of the already numerous Neighborhood Commercial uses in the area. `?he marhet, study concludes= that 'Office uses only are not viable in today's =rket., ll:e study does not address future needs of the area or. City-widor demand for 'commer6ially. zoned land. Ak r' PLANNING COkUSSI( ;TAFF'REPORT � GPA 87- 048 %DDA $P -Ua - WURICk PROPERTIES _ -Pag y l� In 4 of 1987, after review of ,:she Planning Coarpi�si ©n's conens and the market anelyMs, the titsy Council indi they i were concerned with the proposed retail co erciaV a + ndi that they would only consj�-,P some type of c nci, and a icy mixed uses there if their concerns were success ils,rlved, It was noted that some fore of a mos;jr elan was it ede�t that wool d consider rein 3 uses at first corna',�Pon the following; 1, Retentia+ of a significant roan of the site for oficb:'and office related uses; and 2. Planning Gommissi "on < }aJ`Iroval of a devel�opmeot plan Ifor e'ntire1 site) to, promote a mikid use cOoncept and n 3– A significant portion of the proie0, be devoted to pure ppffice with no store fronts or parking directly in front of #11din s �) (offi;a); and 4. That. the design be co paatiblo ith and sensitive to the residential character (the m u rA project teed 'not be of a VotiOntial, char o sonfor housing, complex to the west, and:.n S. Project phasing' -be i4cluded whtch;cfAs for timely �developeeA of officf ,services to, insure that aT'�'the retail co ercibl is not c* cted first and -the; offices are never developed, The proper y owner was also told by,the council that «o pursue the matter a foal, applicacion for a "General Plan and Development District Amendmefit should be submitted for: consideration 'by the Planning Coaaaissiort �- The, property owner/applicant has subwr ed thus General Plan and , Develoaeent District,Amen q requesting a change of the existing designition from Office to �igh�4rhood Comercial. s In Addition, �( n development plan tste ixhibit ajm througlf -Fal 1G��P 87 -29) has been submitted for the site. The plans have been reviewed by the Technical, Grading, and Dent r Review COMItteas. All, three Committees identified $ea* 1 NZO vedr issues that warranted �, further revisions prior to the p��' being recommended for „ 'i `;approval and forwarded to the Planning Comi$$fon. r The Technica <,,and- Grading ,Rej,tew C tteas hav x ifewa th+l submitted site plan. I The plan indicates," the southWesf corper-0 the site will be raised' to prol4te a ;split ,, oel office I. building, This will. create a 2;1 slope between the„proposec±,sfts UL the ihoppiq, center _ the south. The applicant hai bee*.'' requested to revise the site >plan 'to, minimize tbxe� mount arf3 U necessary grading. ° - °4° 4 9 Gt)ryArISpS iy; kTAFF___RgEPOORT Anw \ Page 4 = ` The = Design Reviev _ C ittee had �4J,e following,, concernsy in reviewing the site ,4p�lar The site plan has a fast !bbd. the x „pad.in rror;theast corner of th r site, e� a the elevation f'tb land at ,pad, ors fast f od driv- titre. would be irr (full view, of �!r'kAbald, Aimee att Lomiti 'Court if not prop,Jljr screEred. Further, that the f at food restaurant'144yr not have appropriate � stacking- distance, for the,. drive -thru. . & strott g�, pedestrian :"rink should be developed between the propaspd project and the senior housing project. • `ilia �rchiterture - 2�'hould , t1��,av,e an authentic ' ,n structural appearance and design =features shaulti'be continueda p alT sides oaf °the iuilding. Further,'concerns regarded a strohdOr. pedestrian orientation to"Provide an inviting, convenient, And- a, safe ciculatiox system and with F_1 .sub- circulatfon system and• - parking spaces for tht proposed fasfood' restaurant. r. M ENVIRONMENTAL AS�6�MENT: The .lnttiai � Study has 6eeu' r lc6d by s a an :.� s, gn cant:. adverse „envim"Ontal ioRpacts ware w Identified to as5ociated.�iith the proposals 6 v _ Y. 6F.#iUX PLAN ARE NT MALI . There is develtTpirtent on all four sTides of e $ ee 3a ., the south is tna Alpha Beta"comorcial center, of which the rear loadi?ng area of the ca# er is adjacent to the site. To a west 0 a senior housing , M deopment with a block wall t ai:' s aratos the two sites.' Ta the north across Lomita is a vacant 'tot which has a master plan , approved for the expansion; of a retail hardware store and office building. To `the east across Archibald is an apartment cowplex and a retail W4640rhood whopping center. There lan4 use aeondMents"m0A be reviewed-'for their :consistency ,1 era „. to the Gehl Plan, the witli surrounding 'land uses and the need for commercial uses In, the area.. ottsisteiscgr: Acctlyd €na✓ -� the raenpral ” Plan, Neighborhood ' Commercial desi4nation cUdes conve�lep" co erciai clusters. This�signatiora is in ended. for. sauj; local tied retail, and/or service businesses that provide.goods and merchandise of a day�to day convenience treed fow the residents of the' immeMate_ ° neighborhood. A triteM&,, is that these convenience clusterr should be within easy walking or b €king distance of the intended user. - The subject site is within walking distance of a senior �hotising develpp�aent on the west and two apartment s,coaplexes, one to'the northwest and the other to the east across Archibald. "6ica''jite if appropriately, designed could provide for the speoifiq - reeds of the l aCal residents. P 6 , P; AWUNG - C0MI3SIL .TA'F REPDRT` C' Z� /AttA "S7,t►3 EIRICR PROPERTIES Page S. CaSpatibility. ,The site is north 61 the, ,case Linn and r0ibald � intersection which contains neighbo -Wha ^ commercial shoppin centers on the northwest (AI,Oha 1 e6ta) arid- southwest (Albet- tsonsi w z corners and oonvenience, colnercial centers, OW the northtWl�c {Stop N Gc) iKC,, southwest lftskin•Robb *slTaca Eell corners. General Plan' supports clustered` devalo t, r.!t her =tnah -strip commercial devetopacent, the s �L,ear =site :Quid ' Continue commercial development Fran€ the Air h,bald /Base Lfine intersection up to in l� Qr I;s€�rt. More is an existing ,senior dousing $ect adjacent to',' the west of ,tye subject. site. The Senior H+su �g dverlay District ( ) requires that is dior Oi dects be ? loci d in proxiMity to needed goods , - services, and aRenities such as groce:fes; banks, � {�aij " dental, publy transfit, open _S, etc -,; A couimercia office center en the subjec site 00414 'provide *any of\these goods'and services needed by ' ±e seniors and o ,r adjacent residents and would compliment the, existing land uses: } �7 rJ (psi: The Gen�ral Pl at %tends,.thet' cQWAeMiil, land uses should be established based, upon as need for tha_ goods and sery ices to be p�avided. A nracrlcet study h s been prepared,,in conjunction with ti�is project ,to- ascertain � need for,, conierciaUU:ties at this.. I0cration, The mtu�r tonciude� that crokerciii :uses are necessary at thin location for a successful Project. Office adl would not be,a viable useA !' Site Specific Rssues In adait�on to the abave analyzed criteria] issues' usually analyyzed ,i4th G,lnsral 'Klan Aaendeent:.. 'rhe 'City Council has also �3 141shed situ- specific criteria to address specific concerns raised by tNe Cps�neil when they first considered Co rcfal deslgoati.gn for the `tie In duly af,thisd year, An analysis of the stags of .the five site specific crite a$ establfshed by the City Council .is As.falIows: 1. RtientfM of C'signifiCant portiotc of ire site for office and office related uses a The'subg%itted site 'plan indicates ,.,that 60% of the proposed square footage is devoted to retailICOMnercial and to ofmce. Staff requests i direction'as to Niiether is ,-9'significane, 2. - Planning CoMMission approval of a deveTopgen?t plan (for entire site) to L prMte a mixed use concu'pt, ` o ,�, All the! issues regarding. they 5i,te plan have not been resolved, however the proposed plan does in +.. t0mrcial and Office developioent for the site. � �i � .; Zj t KMNING COMISSIX 'c;TAI F' MPORT -- =qua w? r$ac�nat wxsua+19dG ,7rK. Sepier 23, Fagg � f �a S. A signtfl ant portion of the project i7@ dwvoted to pure" - office with, no storefronts or parking directly in f roni of buildi,loa ( offioe). �~ a Thk . site pldr dots indicate tb4t ra shore €ants or pairking will be directly, to fronts of the, ''nfftce �= building from Archibald Av�,nuew I 4. That tha design '-�e coarpatible Witt#; and soositive to the residential character (the afxed use project need not be:� Of a ftsidenti4l character) of, the (" Ior housing -,cca lex to tht West. \ I a The -site Ian, In its current siOh not , "does I joe ognize the sepior h"sing 4087.040t to the However, the applicant has indicated that he will work with the senior housing deveiop"nt. to create a pedestrian link betwedd th.o two ;s develdpments. S. project phasing be included which "calls for timely developunt of office services to insure that ali the retail cos rciail is not constructed girst and the offices ark never Yelo#ed, a o , At this time we do not have any information as, to " the possible: phasincq of finis plant YI. DEVILO ~4ENT DISMICT At+lF.lit}AIW AtMLYSM state law 3 equires that e eve .oilmen srr C jj ' 4.e. W9 g QCdinanee, be consistent with - the., General Pea a. S-tion GrS5GD, Government CodO.. if findings cannot be, de to warrant the WOW Plan Amendee t, ` similar 'NO.Ongs should also be .add r�egardjng the levelo} nt District Amend"Rt. VII. FACTS FOR FINDINdS: ` In order t4 apprnve the General plan < rd eYfi p nC `DINUTct Moments, the Commission would have 0,, determine that the change would promote the 14. use goals, and Policies of the General Plan, would not be materially d0tri'mentet to the I aCpnt properties ar wou8d_c uje significant; adverse environWntal _ im> aaets, the follWAg are the findings that are' necessary; A. The Amendments du not Conflict With the Land Use policies of - the Genera) Alan,, aha, n 8. The Amaendments,,to promote goal of the Land Use lyje��� { j and or The Amendments would not" be material) injurious detriamental to the adjacent properties, and F s PL ttIM6 5 3 ;TA:F D 87- bA 7�i WE REPORT �rC� P U�EF61.3 RTIE$ D.. That the sab,�' p' Y, is suitable fv , the uses p0mitted i# the proposed district~ in Lem of a ;cQss,',,i s1,xet ,� Art! copatibi ity xrith, existing lanai use surrouns�g arrs�asr Mr. C RRESIaQdd#iM: This its has-4 era ertised as cspublic rea 0011, rt" `R�oPt neWspeper. 7h roperfi�Y s posted.. and not we s� . all ;prop"' owOrS With h $W feet the y project, site. Jx. RECOt t,R aro�i "tea #f LMWId recommend one of ai nat vas for,, to and Gt�iat ssion�- . r j Deny, ' thaett prounce* ,� tkte r u st, anu ; {23 Continue the request to. resoTire site darve10084t issues. If the CoWs'sion concurs with optja- adoption of the o� a$tack� i 4t s lutxons .troa:id be in order ,4-. option #2 ft the 1 desired alternativo, then the CoaoEiysion should direct staff ar;d Vie app',icat!t in, resolving specifio itsuesi. Res utly fitted, Dha y 3' anner BB:CK.te o Attachments: Exhibit mAw,, ,, 6enerei Plarr cnd rphve Exhibit *B" Location pmeot D1trkV -Ict map Exhibit "C" Site Plats }' Exhibit �°�" t3ffiice ,�til .yeti Exhibit "E°�- ycN ereial guil tffn ' evat$tri s Exhibit "F" .. fast FOQ Building :t'evIat tms Draft gesolutions 'off oori,al J e 4! G 0. � • +'•'i �t • ••Y �{'f ••WIalaalr� +� •s•srw•lyR • • ♦ lit•v! •aa jo ia. Y•tu•ab° •r•ix•s•t•! R • ••! a • t ! • _ •rsRR "s•!aa• ie0iii fa•s a •r•a ieeAiii iei 4faa•4 •. a- • 4 i 60 ♦•••at •f •f. � .iii •as•• • r ai •A Y••.dA °•. ^. rrry •• f•.rR I ., General OlfG n r r t i • �• •i + a °�is•srrsi • • �� • � • • Are ♦ ►•••• • • •.• �� sA•r •••R •!t•t� R•A4' ♦• .......... \� O i . • f 1 ! • • • � i a i •;! r • A • R r s • f r• +• • f • 7 • • R a • 0 R00 1f LIM • r h o •" • f • o' ••••s•a " • f6 A 4 f ♦ 6•si••4••f••..s• fa t• � 4 t••!• e f ! \1 l 1 IRiY as +v'. i M' FU 7 1ow Development; D:3tficts -„ OP tic r wig "ti #� �► NORTH OF ITSIM: 9 PA 67 AIIAC era DMSION d -' #u If it r 'M`--t �• Mti471MJW awr / �• t, �.w,+ikaS. I �'..^. rte. t MWlyd �• . :,GTLt v �sx tt i a � 1 � Alm I Iii i { ���~e' 1� ppy�/��y4•b1�4 ...., I q ��� +M�MJOteMt ~ate � •rLltTyt' +t. ttr;tt t 666M 6 ^fe" s wMtk%M - _�_. VAA t� t rwwrWas�tw -� fs tMM��M4art .j6-r' 1 r rr v N n w in .. d ,yy �A Ti vsa Ngtawr0. tint tarut�arc twctlo r voc `lfesa apt $* man Meit tew WOW WEIRIC . � ' .� y�+ cta.` t►' ► ' ' sw ra»aunc cn` r ar r e wt04W..: , « � iC�i 1C i1tA t 'r"t� , ..iM"lR rp,W;@cgyl�+w yYJ il. i '•�, Ahrowy e,cc�� RH p �rrG, J�C�e r! w.� Lw � t41k'Mdtltl4 7.N,Sq '+fRMYJM!!M! �alygl9c� R,iM.i�ri14..,�,.•.. :5 la u �r 4rt M rt r.,,' �, y �'.% � �,: �� �> ;;, � M h ��k jj1 �ka�: -.7': ��� ���4� '' �"�� .� I o =� - -� —;�` idESt3CUTIQtd fdQ ` _ a A Rr4,. .1TION OF THE RRKHO dtAMONGA PLAMMING COMISSYaId bENX1 A REQUEST TQ AMEND THE LAW USE .ELE(WItT OF THE r� 1 6Ek£R�Sl, ki.P 1, AWj4*ENT No. S7- 1tEQ`�S «?T#fi� fK' Ci{ANGE Iii {! ,•: I THE LW USV DESIGNATIOR FRg" OFIFICE xlr 'F9EIOHBflRH000 GOWERCIAL FOR 1:60 ACRES LOCATED O' THE SoUTftiCKST Ct1RliER' Of L04ITA COURT-ANp ARCH SALD AVENUE ARM"' 4t16143' 16143' A. Recital s. 0 1 J'eirick Piperte; has fi'ed an a,+lplicstion` for the General Plan Aaaendaaent i6. 07 -048 as described in the 't1t7e o f Uls-Resolutidn. Hereinafter in this Resolat #on, the SMb ct General Plan Aaaeadraent request is refe:1re to as I'M application "; l (f i) Ort;;Atte 23,. 190i�, .aSae P)ann#ng Qoaatiss #on aF' tag ,`i of P.anelao Cucaaw"ga con(Wa tet a duly, noticed publ #c heaving an the �P1 ion and concluded said hearing on that date. (iii) All legal prere(pisites to t1ie adsbpt #cn of this Resoi�at #oc► have occurred. B. Resolution. M. THCREFORE, it is hereby found, detero.ined and resolwad -by the Plannirg 6a fission of the City Of Rancho Cucawnga as follows: 1., This Coaaaission i reby specifically f#nds that all of the facts set forth #n the kcital�, Part A, of this Resolutien are true and core d. 2. Based �Vm .Sab$U"tl&l evidence presented to ,th4e Ca�ai siorb during the - above ore- refe "-nc� public hearing nee Septe: ber 23, , 2981 including cer°is;ter, and oral . staff reports, together *itR paabl,ic testi�tony, CONS Won. hereby specifically finds as follOWS: (a) The - application applles to Property, southwest Corner of�tomita Court .and Archibald Avenue with a street fronfi 9e of 623 feet and yot depth of 299 feet and Is presently vacani;-and (b) !be pr'oert ►the a�orth of the. sub ect site i4 vgcant, the property to e�ae south of that site cdaasits of a neighborha4d ercit4l canter, the property fin the east is atpaartatat`s and neigh5orhoad coaaeercial center, anal the property to,�he west is Sen#tit''r�o{IS$nga Based upon e sub4.tantial evidence pre3eaatad„tb this Coaaaaiss on daring et � orth r re�e nGgt! public hesr #4 end up the specific fiudin s facts set forth ib r+a gra e 1, end atsdve, th #s Co"ission hereby find a K XConcludes as follows; LZ s„ PLARNIRG 1ISSR m''RESOLUTION NO. <4EBER& PLAN ANEMNT 67-04B 4 WEIRICK �, *ptember 23, 1987 -- •PRge (aj That' the Subleot proper `rds not suitable flirt ` the usas pemitted i 'the ;:proposed ariendment in °Cep access, ns e, and cm a �tj �, wig► sting Iano,use in the surrounding 0;kt; and ,the =pra $ed amendment chang.�j ax�uld liars "0 'sloffiWant ,` mpact enn "thee anvir nt. and tha, ),5urroUndtng properties, and (c),!." That the propo ed Wndmnt change i4Lgt i*— ' cdinforsance, wi Oe"11"T Plant s `4. This Comi5sion hereby ,finds and certifies , that the prodect has beep ,revieged and conaideod in coropiiance . ith the C491fornia Environmental qual1ty Act of 3970 .and , f ur° thaK, this` Cceaa1ssion hereby ricomsends issuance of a Negative Declaration -. > Q, S. Based, upon the fihaings and conc'lusiPps selF.fpt3i in paragraph 1, 2 and 3 ab. this C~ tissfos� hereb,Y resolves as farm i (a) That pursuant -to Section 668SO to 65855 of, ie W fornia Gov e t Code* t�1at "''the Planning ` y c�tigon of temty, of, Rancho .Cucammga hereby rec=wnds; denial on the 23rd day:, of Septoeber, 2987, Geral Plan J4aendnt Xo« 87-t. (b) The %Plannietg Caftiss'ion:: hereby recaa��nc's that the City CounCii derv, 'Qenerat plan A"-,It nt (r)' That a Certified Copy of this Resolution and related ateriai hereby adopted by the' PZAnning Co"ission shall be forwjj4ed to(" City Council.. I 6. The Deputy Secretary to this Com- sissio»� Shall certify Lo, the adoption( of this Resolutiol. , J IePMVED ANB ADOPTIM THI5,, at DAY OF SEPTEMBER, EF18ER, I907. ' i r7 PLANNIN6 comfsSi0N. OF THE CITY.bF ill NO Ct)CI N&11 t,- `� n BY: arry T, e FkT—'.M.11 rertn ATTEST: re rry x ii t RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION 05 THE RIWGHO CtlC� , NC�14 PLANkI1�; COMMISSION DENYM dEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Cy A CHEF THE Ox$iR tY HO, $703, REQUESTING I T ' DESICNATIOai ' F�,OM lj ` 9FFICa/PROFMIO #AL TO NEIGHBORHOOD COi RCIAL v:BB AgRES LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOMITI! COURT RWO j ARCHIBALD AVENUE - AP91r' 202 151733 ,r A. Recitals. Weirick Prtip� a as filed lication for the Devolopment District .Change No. 87 -03 as described in �,_ title of U. is Resolution. Hereinafter, in >this Resolution, the s gb4ect Development District change request is referred to. as the application till On September 23, I987, the Planning Co=ission of the city of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a dul�i noticed public hearingl-gn ,the application and concluded said hearing. on that date (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this "solution have occurred. t, B. Resolution.. = AWa THEREFORE, it is hereb y fountl,, determined acrd_ resol ved by the Ptannf,-4 Comerissioo of ere City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: I. This comission hereby 'specifically finds that 411 of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this�Resolution are true and correct.,. 2. Based upon substantial evidence pm, sonted to thin Co +ssion during the above- referenced public hearing on September �3, 1987, including written and ;oral staff . reports, together with Public t�atinrony,; this CemmIsaion hereby specif'icaiv, finds as follows. (a) The application applies to., property. located at the southWest corner of tcafta Court and Archibald Avenue >rgith a stpeet fronta4e of 523 feet and lot degth`of 298 feet and is prc=ently eacant;And' (b) The .property to the north of thi^ Z4 ject site is �radant, the property to the south of that situ cons %Sts of a 'rteighborsaosi coammmrercial center, ttd the petty to the east °is apartments and neighborhood commercial center, amid the prope� y to the west is senior horsing. 3. �aased' y,�on the substantial evidence presented;iar this during. the above- referertcod ,public hearing and upon the specific �fnddiingsiof facts ptt forth in paragraph k and 2 above, th #,s Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows. , J 1 ) y' ,TIT OF RI.ANCHO CUCAMONGA n C v t DATE: JOY Oa Mayor aii members obi the Pity Council FRt3N« Arad Buliex.`l:ftY Vonn ;> o BY !,.Alan Marren, Associate `Planner s"U63ECT: EtiEit�i! PLAN ARSMENT'» ARCHIBALD AYEMJE MD LomITA COURT y oun �r eons er ra erring a ann fig Coa,.lissfon a potent,4l )and , use change from Offite desT��aticn .to C r�ciai fox a "vacs t 3.8 acre s_te at 'the, southwest coo"Ormof Archibald.Aven` and LoMta Curt, ;. I. REC '!ENOATION: `Staff recommends the Cit�4 Council advise the owner e s, M property td initiate a C04ral Ilan Amendment/Zone Change �-PyWicati0n ,f& 1'9*4 cQnsideration of.., tho matter by the Plannin�'Coamfssion, 1_ 1I4 BACKGROU ,t, In. November of I986, the dCitr 90uncil reviewed a 777-3-n-M-F-CoMminion recommendation on potential City- initiated General Plan Amendments fern selected Office /tomwreial sites throughout the..Cic . One site, the southwest cortyar of Archibald 1i Avenue and Lomita court, was unwed by the plano%q Commission fora change from Office to We. borhood Coakircial. The planning COMMission recoolmended that the site remain in the, Offic4 'designation. At -,the City Council meeting, representatives- of the property owners spoke in favor of a Neighborhood Commercial designation. The -City Coune it discussion ion the Matter, was corttinded , at the request of the property or+ners until eddi'Jonal market informatton could be provided to the City Council; by the property owners. in Nay, iii ,1887, Plannl�q Associates, consultants to the property owner, ,prepared a revised urtet analysis of the , fie, and asked that the MtterL matter be OrOught back to them City Council for consideration. Th* City Council Is requested to direct the f Planning Commission to consider the GePeral Plan Amendt>ent -and Zone I a- Change to allot, the developmt of "a combination office (taedirai I relatedl and caernerciat retail ur-e for the site. IJI I x ,n _ a 7 v .. (�l e CITY COURZIL STAB 4, PORT ` Ot" C IM DISCUSS16: -teen the .Plan"n4v CoWssipn ink ilinri3 reviewed the ° ter" Mfice to Carr Miat ), theft; decision. not,,to recd ersd a. change centered around a desire to �rovi-de'tt` s to - for _offide services .,adivent to the ° nearby senior ;housing lopment. In addition, thO Comission was Jancerged, +dith the expanding of the alreWnumorqus Heigiborhoo& Coaar mial uses ,in #� a area. The new _ ►narket analysis prov!Zoas soatn, us,#41 (nfora�a Sian n tie Vta�+il 6 Gy of this site; far' �rarior s uses, and co6ekdes "that Office Haas only ; �'. are not vial in toraeyI rke�. ° The study �s not acidness '�, future needs of th# area or> ty- tde demand- for camercially teqgd _ land.' Since this -is not' an actual General :'lan :�uendartec►t, fhe .i Coa�ncil' has the following options CI�'YNOF RANCHO CUC Q�TGA Aft DATE; MAY 11, 1988 Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, C z' Planner /.Chris Westman, Assistant PI- Finer^ J) r' SbBJE'CT: T ENVIROPlkNTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONALr,,,USE FEINT 87 -29 proposal ave op a neighborhood commercial center with an cffic6� ing uild 31d 5,000, square foot, restaurant'totiAing �35g square feat- in an Office Professional District on atres of land located at the, southwest. corner of Lomita Court and ;)Archibald Avenue'- APR: z 202 - 151 -33y !,RELATED FILES,, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 87 -046 -� DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MENDMENT'87 -03 r� ROJECT 66 SITE S61ilptION: Actio(';�r ested:„ Approval of Site Plan and elevations, and ifie��tssu�ncueo�__ a ^ - --ia Negative Declaration. B. Surrwdi n ta_n_d_V; a and 12oning . Ro l a�canio ',if c Professional (OP) - Southt .$tetait Center,,,t fghborhood Commercial (NC) East - Retail Center; Neighborhood Cowercial (MC) West - Senior AnariAents,.High Density Residential District (24 -30 �_ oee7ling units git acre) /Senior Housing QverlaY Dfstrlct tSHODi C. General Plan Desi nations: Project site �'tilf: c- Pro essienal North Office :pro ssional South Neighborhood Commercial East Weighborhood,Commercial West - High Residential (24 -30 dwelling units per acre) „D. Site Chara»`3risti::s: The site is vacant with no sipificant vege p�:__ "iWe , sTVe drops In el eva4ion_ f row the north to the south 1'3 feet at 3 percent' The r*-, d,��elopm3ent on all four sida-s of the site. To thy, south is an Alpha Beta commercial center.,, , 'Tne rear loading urea of that center Is adjacent to the strb,�) ji t site ate therefore °very visible, To the crest is a 1� senior n+�using pt3ect� Chere is a Mock sral7 vnhIch separ &tee �� the tr+a $ilea. ;North of Loetitt Court to the west is anotne,- � � apar'anent pra3dot; and directrtracross the 3troet is a vadans !ot which has Master plan approved for eSpansion of a retail harare stoFe acid a�k'ce building. "East' pf' Arehibal�# is ar / I k `?LANN2 CONDIT May 12 i N STAFF REPORT RMIT 437 -2N - WEIRIdt fL aparteenf�`compiex and a retail (t fighborhood' shopping center. Street %provements, have been 4ompreted on Archibald Avenue and Lomita Court exgept for drivai s and sidewalks, E. Parking Calculatirns:.., Mter of Flambe» of Type Square P ' a „king Spaces . Spaces :of Use Footage Ratio � :ite fired Provided Rd'tail 15,166 1!250 :65 65' Off 6j!00 1/260 2rr 25 Pestaurjant 6,OD0 1/100 50 ,50 :;Medical 7,000 1/200_ _ 35 _ G Total 175 w18i II. ANALYSIS:. A. Background., The "Site Plan and elevatijns were ,first reviewed �y a ,ec nical and Design Review Committees on, September 1, and, 31 1987 respectively. 1� The related.. Gene ail Plan and Development District Amend,;ts were revived by the Planni Comistion on September 23, 1957 and denial was recommended t the' City Council.. The resulting ,City Council action brought the project back tc� the planning Ommission but with a rebated Development, Agreement. It is the revised set W Architectural and Site Plans which are being proposed as part of the Development Agreement that are .being reviewed at this time.- The General Plan and Devela;ta�ent District \ensk _nts are also active and are being heard x ;Lracurrently. 1,�1\JJJ B. Analysis The site has been designed as•a neighborhood retail center providing a SAW aquam -i 4- restaurant,, a two -stm-Y s 23,200 squary foot officel5ui1diag, jand 161�6b s _feet of f retail space. The Site Plan and inlevations 'e favorably recogmended by the Technical and Design Review Committees to the Planning Comm ssion. G. Des3 a Review Committer The Committee (McNiel, Tolstoy;” Colemani rev the project oa April 21, 1M and made thoi following reco+mpendati "s for conditions of auproval: ;\ V .j 1» The " `service -area foKkjhe restaurant ,should, a) Provide a service tuck loat,ng zone, b) Be reorganized 40 w_. relvca! ,Che trash enclosure out' o: the no:»th drfvi s" r . entry lie of sight f- nd c) Be px•Jperly screened. , t 1 �2. The panting lot 1 . f ng standards should be 1sf metal t / t B enc. hes o integrated seating should be ` provided �` throughout the ,project.,, V PLANNING ,C", ISSION STAPhc�POR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 87 -29 WEIRICK ° Page 3 ° Jqw 4. Enriched wing should be provided at p6i"Ats of ingress End egress* 5, Sufficient area for service truck turn droUnd should be Provided for_Bui- lkdings ",B" and 6. The Archibald streetnape (should be consistent with the :1 concepts fO'the Arohlbald beautification pru3 ct. f X.. F4r•k ng ,cot trees should be lows residual maintenance and canopy wype. r S. ''The Archibald entry shijjJd be designed with stronger landscape statement. 9. Special landscape considerations should Le ;made to ? buffer the south property pine elevations, 1 r` 10. - All revisions should be subjtnt to City,Planner review and approval. O. Environment&'P Assessment: Parts I a�i,azsi 0t the Initial' Study nave been coa constr P a an no significant impacts have beery found related to the uction of this jroject. III. FACTS FOR FItlOIN`The -t?uiIding design and Site Plan, tggether with e recciwn conditions of uppruval, are in compliane.e with the Development Code and other applicable City standaMs. WYwever, the proposed general retail use is not in conformance tth the current Office ProfesSiont _IL design,ation. <s IV. RECOMMENDATION: Should the"Planning Commission act favom1bly an LL e related- Weneral ...Plan Mendment (87 -0481, Development gJstrict Amendment (87 - -03), ind Development Agr. irt, it would be appropriate to approve the 41te Plan and elu4 ions for Conditional Use Permit 87 -29 through tirn of the atta0ed Revolution of . Approval with conditio", and isaue a Ftegative Declaration. le tful a d,' . Br u11er C; City -,Planner J _ BB:C ite i AttacF ts: Exhibit "A* Laation /Si�4 l tilizaf3on tap Exhibit "B" - Siteplan Exhibit "C" E1e�ations F E Re er t uti4 "B - Conceptual Landtcapo Plans l,,t n 0 Approval with Coalitions -�� 51`t"C- uT'il-lZAIrk:p'N MAP .x � q � ~ "1' ;" ii. t�w4:� � :��•1!'! �a! i „� � oe �•, q � '�•s`lfl��i3y�•1+,�w v� l \�� " T i' ' • ^'�. : � •'tea. � •.us � .t,, r ;'°�F i'• K"11iai!�1 nom,. �•. "� •.... � ...rei 4'y r . w r .► ' ••w . a1� =Y.r. _ .�_..� t."'..... ty .•� r,� �e .r .r. +.. rte... a !"1 � � , �� �.s.•v.,.r —�' '4�.i 'ati�, phi. .L.� - �1�,��.�•,�,� :r.•s.. V, y -- •�:a�, J/ j t � ,�1"'"' iii �aw. -«� •t. ,r . h- � '( VI ok f t • t•` Iy��. t �Fe • ar f, :i i1 � ' f,. k:•i�r i-'i'i�,._ iYt! t:• rr4•!ft°� `+aw_ '4�•, r f!' - t • .! � •' � '�i � T ',. - %xy�- yam. ��� tl "�`�R its ��- i �• .- R %'e l�•'�'ti_ ►t•��IRr '• I�..; : � T =2' �% ."�". dR r "` • It r � � R.y y. +' y �t „*.. � � ;,sue`" a• �i�_'` � 1:... w� , » 4 i +w t•i w� �`« "•4'�Tt�r .: t „ ��. ,."�' '°7= � !'� " t 1L ,�, `.y�"j'_ ...$L +� "'i�= `mil � RL. S; ��.'. ;�___ ` 1 h• � Y R a .�.'F- ��..''}_"�� *� T`�.j t . • y't . • ,. � t R"� . ^A'afLa" , i . ,...+� a �1 r: '�' t . �S�• '�jR G �•K�e4r.,E :1!� 'Nj i� ., t Y !f j' y'` � -, c *y` �� ..,.q R'L a,R Aviopidlw ,� � �. rid �;� .}r. ,aj �. •� ., ' .bV4.:5nt f�`'T,4a",��q,5,•I L.,,�%Ji �!~ '1 - t^! a N' .i TZ + . � ♦ • +. 3 5 jT F- t.. .. n �� .�. { .!U ]f 1 ! J .iTJ gi 4'•5yy '� A t _ i t [7 11 ! 0 2 ! �� L��„ � .r ,. `� T�� ID�"l d '�'�Mi lam' .. �di „!C >1i'•�. .� � ��� _l 12ESa�tFT- loll- =:11; � - 1 A RESOLUTIOM OF THE RANG00 CUCM314GA PLANNIta CRl�NISSIOtd "' APPROVING COWITIONAL USE PERMIT 110. `, 'ST -?9 FOR A = I� NE Mli'BORHOOD RETML CERTER LOCATED. ON , TNE, SOUTH4iEST CORNER ,OF j ARCHIBALD AVEN UE- AND tOAITA C P2T IN iNNEIGN80RH00 c f N: 2 3 A. Recitals (i) Weirict< p�Qprrties hasp filed an applicati6h for the issuance of l the Condi tiopal Use o Permit Ho.. 87.28 as descr,16ed in the °ti 'e = of his , Resolution.',;` Hereinafter, in this Resolution, the sutrdect on ional Use' Permit requakt,is referred to as 'the app%icatons. f tii i ,On "`the lltii ?of May, 1988, the Plant -! `tomissic►t cif th}�city, of Rancho Cvcamongd conducted a .dul, vo iced putriiO tt��eaq�ing on the appii, fjon and concluded said hearing kin that date. (iii) All legal prereOisites to the adoption of this;ReSOilutio►i have occurred. 8. Resolution. AOL NOW. TNEft FORE, ; it is hereby found, detemined and resolved by ;:the Planning CoOgistfo� of the City Ofd Rancho Cucareop�o as Follows.'' . 1. This Commission h reb y sp iiically finds that`" �(,l of the facts set forth .0 the R��Itals, Part s of this Resolution are true W.coreect 2. ,based upoa substantial. evidence presented -.to this Commission during, the above - referenced public h�arfaq on J,*V i1, 1988, incl ct f6g written and oral staff reports, together withl public testimony, this COMIlssion'hereby spe�ifica!Jy finds, as fol togas: , The application applies to property` located at ''-.the southwest corner of Lomita, Court and Archibajd Avenue- and } (b) Fhe. property., to the north of the abject _s4te is Vacant, ~} the pr6pe0y to �,V south of that' site consists of atj exirsting` retz T center,' the property tab the east is an existing retail center, and the, property. to tl e west is a senior housing - project. 3. Based ypuev the - ubstantial evidence presented to,1 isJCommissi0n during the above - referenced public hearing and upon the'spVci�;c,.� itding� of facts set forth in paragraph 1 and 4 above, this Comission hereby finds and concludes �s follow-. i, PLANAUHG C "ISSION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT'8749 - VEIRICK may it 198 8 , "age 2 l (a) 'That the proposed use is in aceorilwfth t" ryeneral.Plan "e, 003ectives of the Development i tee And, purposes of the district in whici I the=-site is Tsated,. 7�. db) That the proposed use;- together yith the Sandfitipns applicable thereto, wit 5 not be detribwntal to, the, public stealth, : sa'fety� or, ;t afar: or, materi�4iy tr4urious to properties - or improvements in the, vicinity. s,.i P',?p ted use camplips With'eac if the +ruble prav3sians of the Develo +�' fade. 4. This Cotes won Urebyo,�finds�And certifies. that the pra�ect has been reviewed fad cont�t- in complidhce with th4' alIfornia thVironmenta) ' Quz ';ty Act of 1971 aa4-, further, this w— pissfan hereby lssuasya t ativ DeclaP`�3Obn, c< cased upon the�fib4ings `�nd'�nci�sicris set forth- • in par Mph Z, 2 and 3 above, thi, - missii hereoLipprrye tits appT, #r et{ n e�b ect o j each and every condition. left o orth "Wow, and, In the ett «chad Standard " '! Conditions, attached fie et�t and ittcorpara edVhe€ in, by th , roferen e, R R Planning Dtvisicsrr� \, �i- (1 }- The serve ar a far, the restaurant shall #'ravine .a �servfte t[ 1C'0 loadin zone, be , reao11 zed tv; relocate the-��sh enciasurf� out of- the ,nort4 drtve. entry 'line of sight and be properiY� ,screened (2) e pa�^kino 7a� Ung staniards 'shill be, of ; ti - j metal, _ 0. (3)", benches or 4:rtegret�d ; seati _ng . shalt' be provided throughqut tk project, (4) enriched. pavfnff, stall be provided at paints of ingress and e�rass; $5) Sufi:icient 4rea ,for seMce tr 10 turn a. nc e�tali ,I i be, Provided for Shcidings "g" and (6), the Arc , ba'id streetsca a shall be � ,Cr sf� tent Whk „ the can }opts far the Archibald- besutifiraton f7,. of frees Shall be Icue sldttal L, And can' � S The, `tx C bs iver et Sh all be desigrd tit ', strattgorar s"aow I 6 1 ItL�I'iINsQ�IFiIslCi�l RESDI.((il�QU�tiD.. er ' 1� CD�tOe IDNRi USE ' YIT 8 -29 « 1WEYRIG`K c 988 Page 3: t9I Special Ta dscape consi eratf6s ' shall be, made to wbufFer the south properlij 1ine.eleva�fons. (16). Ftpal�aite and Landscapa p .Jan:' sttali be, reYihvred any approved by the, City Planner prior ie issuance of permiit, 5ngiheering OiViiion( —� Il t�l) Existing, and fuii m stoem drafh i�acil,ities along the � south project boun,0 n Via) �trr overi`I: cl§nne, to coat t lei floats thaf7 'be dostis4ned and 4-fnstPucted to too satfsfactionr df the, #trt #r�eer,�, (b) Ilse buildi,nq? tnotiing l be exlw *d as } rtecessaa�. +o allow; fEtr #epi�dnts of .� the storm drain .pin0r (c) Trees, shalItI be •pT -teedA Miri OK0 Of, � faet rfroof, �. the okfsido ti e* drain piper a3;o-otherwise eratio'd °fie city Epgineeir ", (d� An eatfti t ,oY4i%,0.j internal drive 31s:gS shall 61 provided to the City for reai»t panes vehf;-0 e acces,,,_L o the ;ity stone •`Gain Y' eateieeltL: t ,;r 4) 04sit+e 0OWi shall be, directed 'td the ;stings stoma drain 'ipt: n c27 The dove7opee shall_ ��sponsi(tle for= M1 the r afntemna6 of fhe averftw ehAhnel and t'he". reply eeaentS��nc!, repair, of fencing jad Uftd$capfr#g ` Within the , ;Lit dry a, ir�g%asert. i4t1 aont efinin r 'se esp sib #1;1t# s Shah •bk,0k fide# o ft- n+r for g isS�uanGj bbildi pititei (3) The 4t!�ffilopOr shall r@4u6s -,4-ri abord6 nt' of i0 _ feet. of,, s�xistiny � foot - feet, eat nt a�itgr s r to igsdanc� off bull liq �perelits. � (r, ldi prior to ;lhui:idi09 tai, i�su nee, t veloner ' steal c P7 .with a reftebursopen� .$0�e�nt for " frontag*� i rov ntt peo City �`fi ►unei Re Q utf r i!a 85-30 for the c6ristr.6 ct tort str eit Omprov+errts on ke ;,,baAd Averi��� _ �? r '� � •���?� +` �i ~i RAF tl 4 YY19 i J a Y 1 Poor TE V�'q :. ` •�' alt GY�i N.. W vat s 1p x ^rNk - t� m¢ ® .fit ,v, i falk list,_ N'e s Clio al isi ae 'Oil In ice• 7; R d yam. R t: _ �`l in fig El soil i° if it 1 ^ I's YT w M 1 R► ry a 3-,L. da.SAW gg �CM� y 4 9 ' ,'� .lJp1[[t, Jr "- Jr, �( 11 Y i �. q gtt 41 Y � d�y T➢4'p Jv 41��1M.N �fe.���.•'�'� _w� lea 1 `s,Ssi` LMy . gi g'_' rivi . ra y/ a if S as Yy31 `� • '�LY` ���y ��K��' {ti.•'�l � �o I tit Y�g W MYyy{ IS'�F� YQ'4 1< YM e� _ �tYrti '•4 +� Q gei �+Y 4 9 ° ,eyy� 11j His @ja # ill mow �A . 0 X .. i# 4 P ec k a �_ pmr 3 � � jpd p• C �� piy$�a�or���,js� ��. °Nr. ��•�:y ��/ i• N N I M`� y� tiY i yf9 Ad. Q• 7�711> +' Y M� Zg l iy • "��� /t-�i �n`^a'Q �L• 11$$`` ��P ;_ r lei a° _ =�_� ��• �I ry $ y $ nt Al is wall 2g. ZI W !„ i 3 p. � i1 q y � �- � a : ��.(� N.. ! •1�Q{ .�r � "' A ✓t�- fed " �%P =win 29 CQ N N� >�'M• a'4`rO q .1 ^ -^ •.rte y � ►..° ��� -�$ ,.s .. y uO .r< Ye.o °.65 LO $ " -iii -MO A °{#� i7'14�}�p{'i(� w •+�s�. Q'ub K °vO t'R�� rii <7q P�e.m •�y..°$V �!blt�.{L q °3 ��w .q.�49`sa4 - A r� +v e biji MA �r \{ a 4 om}$1 pp �� � g ri e"yy -r .•!� ^nr�� Y. ! �•,,jj���1 - 14 u y 11� hill ar Yr ci l :.` a I +9 i . ,. It'll q Si IfiR IOU IL fir. +J �iP (d wf bb 3s a it i Inn IRIS a � ;� N Y i a i -°'ads g` ;: • it's � + Is r VAS 'Q Myn } x b � i _ r g g t _ IS As y�4 ` r C dig yC' Ir9 a -�fi�' 21 La �aa�a �.� � YN~ Q yt �7 �N� 'g $» g +" a ' i 4" D9 SSW b-1 It Oil oil, qg Fr���RRR� W t `'~y� a.. •� a '11� ��® + N ao' e,ry Vim' it� Rl p,ypii� ,`A1pe pL .�1i I Z T d nWQYH V..� � .47M .y�4� /�•.` �.+a �6y �� �'!1q � _�Gy 46a�i 'rw��_ _ J • aiy �� -.. t_ lJ � +`cam \\ N ' ,;;; �'� 4 G 4 ? Ilk- � aft _s �- y e� Ya g�w i 1(, � a 14 43 Lw . ,;0 b p w i 9� 'gy1 i�a r ^o ;sip mail "<SUCH % "� ••_� �. � w Z� r� o at bg w � m g c g g # ju �. �� Qya Lyi (� �yy�' �pgv �+�'` M iTY u s all ga3E1 Y_ Y �� � ����, tJ `� � �ifp� �\� 'fin i �p"�� ?- a'�g'i y,�''�Y4�♦r'� is y Cow l. 41 i:.�e 4lry`i1� �i1A^ W4M ...K �� �t �..��• N� L CF i0 '�fi `fit � y��YY� i��. OI►��+f�+.�l ±t emu✓ t` fm`�$s yF�W r'f �} vw fq �{ i ( N_ r� � 2 ' «M o 1� y� q lit zg ka "' d w _ h i4Y IS Fip y yF.it! er it I it a_ 1, I =�Sj 1 s i 1 7 J Q -. ^.� li J t — Div is ¢Yy000.w.u� L i jr i► de -- Yr4°. T _ • (y y { w ...yi i A6 L' _.. j; .1Z �A W■ L �MR L.1� �. W. _�^tr � ,t�W' 1M1 �� J.�12 �P ��g -.� '�l.�.- ... ,� ^C ` ,G •. � ? � -. � � _ #� lP _ , ern z` ?: `''. a _ 701 -02 o 5-- 11-88 PC Agenda 3-of 5 j -or ° Y' Y^� QQ pp pa V ` A f� ,a -'Mt IS N ,3". N6 .N. VNM� Yom. YL� `m��y,�R4 T) �y.. a6u � � u'y! •a; _ � .e1if� Alf, iSayy v t ° 3' ) R '" Y � �g `q1 ° L : YM r.N•i �' �f s... ,r {y�Nygyl.s Q �Y, M �Y' g��a (e(��� ►�_: ���= ` gli as- as li 4N \Cp C a33 O P° Yr = Z ~ tlVs V4 irp a IL PLANNING Ca MMISSiON STAFF REPORT 1 PH 11410 Carney Theodorau s tiny lix 19$ - -s �.. Surroundf General Plah and tt4;�e? nt.Corte Designations: North - 6Werc141 (ISP SuWirea 7) a Ha en Overlay District ,r South - Industrial Park (ESP Subarea .b) A :Haven Overlay Aistrict V fl ?I Eas . mineral Industrial (ISP Subarea Sk. West industrial park (ISP Subzerea 61 ,Haven overlay district -' rte' F. Site Charahteristl s; The sit Is yak nt and slopes to the soi��tt' at percen � ,> iI. ANALYSIS: The puMpose i�f this ParcoT Nap s to creai* six (b) separate' parcCs that could 'be developed separately, or In groups. A development review for , -the area covered by this Alp Is on ,tonight"s agenda As DR 88 =04. --The developer has prepared a master plant ! r the area ;bounded Have- Ai ik%, Arrow Route, Utica Jsvanue and,--the, _W °Tub Center,. `chat. master,,plan�fncTudes a Not A part. parcgi at the `s east c0ner of Haven Avenue'.9nd Arrow. Route. The developer proposes to; evelop Jn.twn phases, starting salt;:' =the t4ta plarceis fronting on Fisven Avenub. The six parcels will share a centrally►` locate harking a € =ea accessible from a common drive aisle. This central It . tion spine will connect a driveway at the tauth'o,rOperty line, which is shared with the Haven Tech Center, .to one `on A&& Route opppkite the X -Mart drivew**;r Its final design shall"be approved by the Ci Plonntr and that Citynginieer. There will be two driveways on Haven Avenues ohe on ArrowAoute, and two on Uti: "a, Avenue. Reciprocal access,` drainage easements are! maihtenance , agreements will bq established by CCaR`s and wilt 1:hclude the Not A Part corner parcel. 1 The developer��w!jl construct atica, Avenue full width, -complete: the southern half of Arrow Route `between Haven and Utica Avenues, and complete the eastern half-of Haven Avenue . fro ' Arrow Route cto the south .property line,'indludi'1 a right- turn-Iane and upgraded traffic signal on the Not A Part corner =parce%. $101larly, exis=ting overhead utilities -. will be undergrounded Malang tire. ilaverO(venue and . Arturo RAute projeol frontages, iircluding enter Not At,part parcel, ;upon development, . The developer MAY request, reimbursement ,agreements for off -sits, improvements. If, alternatalyr, the parcels are developed individuals , `i full frontage it rovements 011 be r4quired of the- first to plop, on each street, with reimbursepentirom the other parcels. A 11 y o RESOLUTION No. A RESOLUTIOU OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUtg4ONGA, CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONALLY 1APPROONG TENTATIVE 9STING PARCEL (dlEP MWER 11410 WHFREAS, Tentative Parcel Flap Number 114 , submitt 5r, Carney - Theodorou, applicant, for;Iha purpose of subdividing ik a 6 parcels, the real StL perty situ ated in the City of Rancfio Cucamonga, Coiunty of San Oernardino, rof California., identified as APN 204- 142 -17, rotated at the; southeast r' of Haven Avenue 4nd,;Arroty Route; and NHo6s, on . may `11, IM, t'i-,e Nanning, Com lssiort h' d d duly' advertised public hearing for the abovd- d�scribad map., 'NOV, THI��EFORE, THE RANCHO CUCARNGA PLANNIt7G COWVS)SFON RESQUED M FOLLOWS , ., SECTION 1:: That the following findings have been made: I. That the reap is Consistit with the Gene►*l Plan. 2. T#ta'the irov ni: of thepropased subdivision is consistent with the General Plan. ') S. Twat tht site is proposed devela phi+si:CallY suitable for the pment. 4, That the proposed subdivision and iVrovements will notVcause substantial .4nv0VnWenta7 damage, public health problems or, have adverse affects on abutting property. SECTION 2: This Commission, finds and certifies that % �rojeot has _ been reviewe rn consideaed in Compliance with the California EngT'ronmental Quality Act of 19741 and; f`urther;_,this Commission hereby issues a Negative Declaration. c�j SECTiON`j: That Jentative Parcel Map No. 11410 is hereby approved subject to t e a�:achad Staprdard co Conditions. ,- nditions and the following Special 1. A contribgtipn in aid nstruction for the medi-sn island within Haven Avenue shall be paid to the ej.ty ` C ?rior to recordation of the Final Parcel Map. The amount of thel fee shall be the City adopted unit amount for Phase 11 (495),omes the linear feet of property fronting on Haven avenue (455 t feet), per " µ resolution 57 -587e 2. drainage easement in Favor of tfie of thn Not A Part parcel shall be provided. K� ii 4 Y v w. RESOLUTION 3, e Developer shall pay. ,'a relrbul"se *n: %es per city ttmcil . Resolution as *32-8 executed by the 8aon Tooporation for the construction of �mprovements on Arrow Rau rior+`ta approval of.the )nal Parcel Utica Avenue °shalt be`soerstrUCted full width (except " for off -site parkway iaprovoonts) frog Arrow Route �> to ftet the existing impprovowts to the south- S. the Arrow Route ,,ftreOt i0proveMents (except_ for parkway Improvemetrtsl shad be extende0 across the Not A Part ,parcel to the rest. \j i &. ##even Avenue s6il widened aci oss the got ,� Part parcel to the north to provide a right turn let_.`for emstbounti traffic onto Arr jw-- P%ute, *hiCh ,shall Include modif'ying and upgr44ing, the eatistGin2 traffic r y( G signal. t 1 7, me Developer may . guest ref*urseoint agreeants. 0 to rdcover the costs of constructing fire 110provoments fronting on the , pert parcel - upon - its *veiopeent and thane east of centerline of, tctiNe Avenue from the, prpper o `er o „t 1 east t ;.upon its deveUp"rant. Yt U: if the re irtd s at es improveMehts.',1ltd »" Condition ; 8.3D are not 6*1eted prior to „approval 'of iae . _ Final Paftel Map an improve wt 6ertificate s� 11 ` be plamd, �n e- Final ;Parcel Map. S-utin,g that r't tip+ will be coeplet� d° upon devejopw*Wt :1of 4,acri l pat�Grsl as foltowa (app'1iCa�kle speclakl °conditions in , a) .Part l 4ndl /or 2: 1) Navea Avenise fret the south property l ifio to Arrow Rout#, (• "0ecial Condi tioar, 6)i � � �.- 2) Informal north -south drive aisle; and r 3) Arrow Route batwjeen Haven avenue and the north-south drive aisle, Includi n the drive U approach (Special' Conditiap 6). t b1 parcel 3 Arrow Routs bettaeten 4vej atri Utica Avenues (Special Condition SDr o ` , e 71MOLU FGH 11 4!A- 0), ParceV 4: Array Amite. oet�� Haven and 04c-a % between M 'ROUtO and 06 south property line (Special CoMftfon 4). ij d Par . a l H. Mid/or 6:. 11tica Avenue between' ArrW' property line (Specirjl f Condition 4} `end the par to of Arrc�!ar go %, ' f franttng,tl€i� �u rset �. ity Underarogl0f t,g ; a3 Arrow Route v e sting vers ad utilities (teleCOMMUMCktioris a0 - electrical) din" the l P 006t sides ,4f � Arrow " ftarite shall he :, urr c- rgrout d frt� � tt* fi,!At pr'le an the West`" M $I of Hoetr lYd1;Gll. to the first po �k! �f�c n z. r 1, sirfe,af uir`a Avenue "upon developnt. af..- Orcel 3 andler 4» Thj' D*volopep �gtrdst l V- 00bursamat a hts to 'r�ecoves� �sne�hai'4 th# �4`{g}�ar�" City adopted AL/llr f'or Rpdor$roundfng;frm future � deVATop nt (hedevoorrKent) as it oc:urs On the op�► osi to 00 of the�.stmet :and jVm r64;0s er the full cost of und- $raundinq': across; tfw Hat A part p elf. . the st:ypon Its *-v41 Pont „ it, Arrt r € straw, i grove +eras precede 'Haven . Avenue un*r9roundUg' `\ .a taridu3t shall be placed across ArpQw R "-te" C) Haven Ay n #ae the WMItiny everhead'util tits k0mmnf catf a?� for tha; 660 el ti.r, "E y. oft , the c project ,, s%m , of Haven Av quo shad be under1j,'oun4d " f Y% first: pole south off. tit* pralact south hdumkq to the (41rsiepolf on the north44fde of Arrow .�auta" ups�n deMCtap�r�t of a Parcel and /or 2R 'she Deveiope� ?j` request a- n re1V*tir9ea*nt agent to t*CVer,the full crisp of ;ohdot rounrEing ac1*d$X,, the ;Aot ,� Part parcel to ff he ninth upon its 4elopa sAti' d) V Haven: Avenu* street ix'' roVea*nts precede Ara Route andergrounding, 'a conduit shalt he t, placed across Ha"a Avenueo e) ttavera Avenue -Art im4�ju fee as contribution to ' thW future underg"roupdfng of utilities, , ttelecarrfCatiotts a;r elticaT on the` apt# site 4fde of Haven hehue shall be paid to z ' �j gESl3WTION !J PAGE 4 4 �! I the MY prior to the issu4nc:k Of fiuilding �PO lfts for Parcel's 1 arid /or 2. „ The f" shall e cute -hal f the df fference btt�4- Ott the ndergro;'nd4ng cost of the ".utilities j tel eOO nications ',' and hl ectOfcal) ' an the - �,efte 5344£ of �`mvenr, 'Avenue minus those ! p;a�ttnIcftion fpr , 6KY electrical') on the 1 P side 'times the 4ength of t! roject fk' ntaO. 10. The parcel lines shall. be adiustied' so �tha�t ,suff� lent parking is cootaf,ted t�itain vlach parcel, as 014oved by City Pla "Mee, prior to approva% r a1. Parct3? map. �w U. An Baal nt for Joint use of all'.driveway ;, in favor of the =,fiat A Part parcel, shall tie ;nsot►�dad. `.� i -r. APPROVED AND ffllQ TEI) T$IS 11TH'DAY,,W My 1998. PLANNING "ISSIO OF Tiff I !/TY OF R HO CK*NGA 8Y: arty - � ATTEST.\ li o \�Ur—a u art, , UOOUU SecirefaFy c; I, Brad Beier DI �� t1 Rancho Cucaatlon,,'` Secretary of t„he Planning 'IC asiort''of the City of q Ada hdnby certify that the foregoing solution teat +dulv* xttd regularly introduc�d passed, "and: adoptad by }he plat ct'ng; CoawtfSsion of 0AY of Rancho Cucauiriga, at a regular feetfng of �h±� Pla� Wing Com�issfaa held on the 11th day of ley, 198,, by xha foljoerfng Ypi$..io•wi 1 AYES: C€144ISSIONENS: NOE$: ASSENT: CONNI'SSION9,Rra; APlr U h Pool Q1 i wi� R�® L y; `" 9 g ST r�S Me yj 11 Op �A $ Sltiwirr, °,off rT .1 M t "VI Vie= =p U� lit CI III 11�N ip J,t i L:ty j: XIS Z. ZZ y »� Y n e n p., i M y y i'it r N A,y q4 4 �i l�rt�. t gts Jt RMy.. w !: Eli N ty� «. •� s�.; �.a gu �s gold S gm bs »+ sy Eli, •zf A �• vat r8 U SPASM tl -1 ` r Pa 41 -f Y fit m�- • sa N'" in. ��►n sus. t `t w �$ cart 41 0 1►l/�.FQ ^M 4a6 r.Fwi Fall yy L �- -- Y- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAUOXGA� Amok. _.w DATE: MAY II, 1983 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Braq Buller, City Planner BY: S'14i,*rphyr, Assoaiaie Planner SUBJECT; ENYIR4MtEMT�iL A5SE ;SMENT AND ETIii ., A SPECIFIC PLAR _ reques amend, " the ec c ah o es t4sh a Co anity Equestrian Trail on the Vest side of East Avenue front a point rougnlyr 1,400 feet north of 'Highland Avenue to 24th Street an¢ ti establish a consistent = 'wall: des n'^ and setback fd East Avenue, I. CMNITY TRAIL: A. Back round: On April 2O� �, the Trails Advisory fo oittee; rev ewe entative Tract 13808 located ,,t the southwest corner of East and Sumit Avenues. Blaring the course of the "' Viaww the COW aittee detemined that adequate north -squth cti Community Equestrian Trail conneons had not been provided by the Etiwanda Specific, Plan. The- Comaittee ,noted that nc, 6°.r»soutb Community Equestrian Trails were pl -anned for Etiwanda avenue and a section located 2/1'of a mile east of East Avenue but no intermediate connections "re, proposed (see Exhibit , "A " ). Therefore, the Cesamittere recommended ttet the Planning Comission initiate an amettdnrent to the Etiwanda Specific Plane ' to provide a Community Equestrian" along East Avenue. -y On .April 27, 1988, the Planning Coftissfon considered, thee: n recommendations of the Trails Advisory;= ittee and input on' u resident adjacent to Tentative tract 33� Based on the t stimoaf,Y presented, the Planning Gommissi , it ted staff he initiate they aMdment and return to the ' anning with detailed infa mation, including the impacts- on-the existing single family residence identified as the "not a pait" zF lot of Tentative 71 Oct 138W (see Exhibits "E'k and "f "). J D G o ITEM Xa`. PLANNING C ISSION STAFF RepoRT ESPA 88 -02 - CITY Ol, RAWCt10 GI UMOl A ` may I11 1888 page 2 = Yi. _ E3. Analysis• I 1. Trails Ia reviewing the tlszjble locations for .the Community ' Equestrian Trail, d Vaijs Advisor, Committee felt that the trail would be more apprdpriate on the -west side of _ East Avenue. On the eA$t side ,of, East Avenue: there are Mx ' sln�le family residences between: the east -west Ci!T.M;i y Trail and Summit :Avenue. Between Summit Avenue and .24t ,> Street, there are existing Ir�rovements (curb, .gutter,. pvrkway, 4a�td: 3idesdalk) , that here installed with t e construction,.0 the srbool located at the northeast cor;11r of Fast and,St"it Avenues. On the Oest" side of East,-, Avonue, there is only one single family reside ce between the east -west Gorrpunity Trai'! and Summit Aviaus�r Borth of , Summit Avenue, ,there I is,an existing h=e on the0orthwest - corr,6� of East`'4`1�A-+j Sumit Avenues and a few hTnes �lpersed alodg this stratcli of� „Edst Avevjue. With th ,4';e�xcep lo# Of the dwel I i n j.! on the c hor, the other. homes , are set back a - substantial., distance ,off East Avenue. As a. result;. f” , Committee felt there would be less impact with Ithe trail 0� the west side of the street. 2. Staff Conceris y �r East • , Avenue ..Is the an1y7 w4h -south secondary arterial ` street ; planned nor o, Base YTT Road between; 'D,ay Creek 'Devore Boulevard Land the Freeway TP;e ttivrbnda ; Specific Flan indicates, both ]united access And special boulevard treatment Jor East Avenue. It will dltit[aastjry provide access to the Route 30 and Devore fir- eeways. TW61/ y thousand to 30,000 vehicle trt s per day are gr!ojected-a East Avenue,.' north HighlanT Avenue, of by the _year 201.0;; That volume, is equivalent to. the traffic presentl _ experienced an Use Line Road or Foothill Boulevard between Archibald and ftaen Avenues." Anticipated- .- ;zpeeds Will be- between 40 ar'd 50 miles per hour. The Engineering Division ,��Z is concerned1,hat a Coamunity_ Trail may be 1,1 ccmoatibld With high volume ` %ehicrutar usage. u An ''additional concern. with `heavily traveled . secondary ,1 arterials is pedestrian safety. The Etiwanda SiM "Flan =' urrently calls for sl4ewalks on both sides of.4 ),st Avenue {see Exhibit - "C " }. Since =there is a school site at the northeast comer of Suit do� East RyenLes, ttre Engineering,Aivinions feels . that �0 sidewaWpolipx should , not be revised. if, a Ga tnf ;: ?rai E to 'lbcated�on East, - Avenue, it should be in addition to the sidewalk The prdposedd , sect"ron would include a sidewalk similar 20 tine " _ . des n section for 24tL t',eet recently approe�edf by "the Comm, ssion (see Exhib% D_ )� ,, = nr RLANNINd 0 �lssipu Rage 3 3. Impacts on Existing Resi'eences Staff _I$ currently'veviewing Tentative Tr cc, 23608 located -at the southwest corner of East, and Suait Avenues ,(sea Exhibit "E ") 0n� . o� the conditions, ,af" approval-, fdr° the , a tract rsi77 be" the . ah"nt of E�st't�venue to provide' a four -why intrsectiarr �frsva7 cif` thy, ex'istieig jogs at Summit Avenue. This ,c.n:iition will impact an existing,, "not a part" lot 'shover on Exhibits "E" and "F". 'ire existing lot is c arriefitly ,E95- squ , f - __irr��weA.' .. Witb the realignment' of East Avenue ih perty wil 1 reduced to 20,147 square feet in area.. Thel p�`gposo right- bf -wa,y will be 15 feet -. frm the existing fiI use at ; j closest pplat withoat a�frjil. If an Will al, &feet of dedication is- required for a Community Equestrian 'Trail, the trail_ will come "within 7 feet of;, tht . house ;and; probably. require a retaining wail to tomplete Y��te -im��o�� his. Ttse`resuttnnt lot would be roughly 1 8? sgU3re feet in area, 41ch is ' :non- oonformii t,;,;' At. tf 6,planning - commission meeting f ; Apr�12? � �®, �Zverr `ihe ComisMor indicated that the improveements would tot have to, be installedl on this lot ti { 'until, the parcel was* reaevelopadFc' Without this trail sectfpn, riders would rAe-' forced out onto. -the street Pay- Ont to go- arowid *jtls„ 1(,t. The Eng'ineering p r4 m will be- requesting City Council approval_, in cone$ i• `'. i usO of, passible zande�nnation proceediho to Obti r a�essary_�fi =Stt�e street rights- Of-Way ,J : front of a` p `d lot at i is N 18, 1988 iI. THEME WALL AW SETBACKS; Cn duR� i", 198,7, the Planning comission revi evie-3 an I approved- entai`ive Tract 13a63 located on the -fast side of East Avenue, south of AHigbland Avenue, As a condition of approval for the tract, a decora t4ye masonry wal l . was, regtli.M :along East Av "ue. Alsu, adei;��t�pol landscaping was �e�uired between the sidewalk and the- 'Wall to soften the Impact' W� the` wall. The final ,Tans for° the Mall and , landscaping were revfie s. and approved by t „� planning i sion an 3anuary� 2i, 19oa e design consISUl' -.Of a stucco " wa 1. with rock planters and'' r� k pilasters (see zxhibit� %11).. In addition!, the_ design of they Wl required an additional 5 to Tt} 'i� =fit ,of. -?,as' nt aria to ai ?siMr additional- 'Landscaping between therfsidcr��lk -acrd the 6 f' 6- high n portion of the will. At this tImee,'' ft is staff'sr intentlon to have the theme wall for East ' Averlas f?mely adopted, in#td” thin da tad i '- _ t �l i s lt u W s. r, C.S A � 4i ca c, CITY OF s� RVOD, N 94/ TITLE, zc 4' �• f..a�"ri.(if ; � � Y �s 1,,,_ M 1 1i �1� Tj '� �j� J ��.: i. • - �1) �n♦ re -`1 lq- r r • I • • �� i.i'-"�V . "C.� ��'_,���� l.-- `fir �i 1 <�j •n��r .rte r`� 1 u i • J { � v ' � ' � rte^ 1 x ✓ >A CITY CF �I A TITLE, '" RESOLUTION _NO, A R�ION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION REC ING APPROVAL OF ETT "WANDA'SPECIFIC PLA4 AMENDMENT 88 -02 TO ESTABLISH A COMMUNITY TPA 11\ ;ON THE:WEST SIDE OF EAST AVENUE :j FROM A POINT ROUGHLY '1,400 FEET NOR1rH OF HIGHLAND AVENUE TO 24TH STREET AND 'TO ESTABLISH A CONSISTENT WALL DESIGN AND SETBACK FOR EAST AV,lE A. Recitals. (I) The City of Rancho Cucamonga has initia -an application for Etiwanda Specific 1an Ameijdme 88 -02, as .descrl4d ifi the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter, in this Resolution, the subject Specific Plan Amendment request is referred to as , "Ithe applicati(�t ", (ii) On l am" 14M the:, 'canning GamiUsi on of the City of Rancho" Cucamonga conducted a duly noticod 11 ublic hearing on the application, and concluded said hearing on that date. � t (iii) All' legal prerequisi es to the a Lion of this Resolution have occurred. � .�p ) B. Resolution. N63, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of RanchooUcamonla as follows; 14 This Commission he;4by specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based" upon substanwt,,'i evidence presented to this Commission during the .above- referenced public �r aring on May 11, 1988, including written and oral staff reports, together wwiitiii blic testimony, thug Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: i (a) The Community Trail recommended applies to property located on the W)st side of East Avenue from a point roughly 1,400 feet north of Highland Avenue extending north to 24th Street; and n (b) The CoNtUnity Trail will provide a necessary 'north /south link between existing and proposed Community Trails; and (c) Locating the Community Trail on the west side -of East Avenue will directly impact fewer individuals or disrupt existirg imr!rov4nents; and (d) The wall design and setback "applies to all i� operty located along East Avenue; and (e) A uniform wall design is necessa� to establi;6h a consistent, aesthetically pleasing streets`cape; and 1 PLANNING COWIS$10# RSS T?T.oN .W, -Fa8= - -- (f j" The additional five (5) to `ten (10) feet of landscape recomended is necessary to treat* a mo re rural 4b"here as intendC4_ by the u Etiwanda Specific Plan. c) 3 cb ^v x 3. Eased upon the substantj evfdetie presentee to this Cofssion dur,n.9 the above -refer ed public h� 11ng upon the specific finefngs of farts set forth it paV- agraghs 1 anc(t above,, ! Hs ' 1, issipn hereby finds and concludes as follows- (B), That 1r{(e7.lSiyebj p"opirt �gk I�i7t�Eii r the uses. perarttted within, istrict in terms of access, silo, ' and c if ty With existing land uses in tho !Wr ndi area, and (b) That the sV osed Specific an dmeent Mould not hay, - fOffftant fmpac� n the �nvtrorMnt nor the s4,;;unding proper_es; and (c) That the proposed Specific Platt hoeh4nett is in conforaance Stith the 4eneral Chian. 4. This, Comission hereby finds and Certifies that this= Vraject "has been reviewed and considered, in compliance with ��, �alif4rnf�a Enviratunental Quality -Act of 2970 and, further, this C isSion' hereby re ccaesend5 tsSUanae of a Negatfve „teclaratf n. 5.. Based up” the findings and conclusions set forth 110 Paragraphs I, 2, and 3 above, this Commi,ssi"' hereby resolv4s as follows. (A) Pat pursuant to . & tfon 66850 to-4S866 of the � -California Govertrment ode, -that the Planning CoWAfsSiort of the City of Rancho CUC"Onga hereby rocom nds 4p ly the 11th., day -of '1988. ;Etimranda i?p c Plan Amendment 88- (b) l'fte Planning fission hereby recomaends that the City Council, approve and adopt Et1wanda Speti ff C Plan hwidm "t'"O. (C� That a Certified CoprA f this ReSOluti��rt raleted material tiereby adtrp�qd by Me Planning COWSSfian $hall be forw►araed to, the Cfty Council, n r n a o y. PLANNING C ISSIItt�N MOLCy7(I& No* 1, VkOIVED ANt AWED 'HIS 1ITFO DAY OF .1888. _ MG C"ISSIOU OF THE CITY "b1 RAiR:fiD tBMtjGA BY z VY7, T. Vel a man o ATTEST Is Brad Buller, Deputy. Secrm,4ey of Oe �lanning fi isaion itte City of Rancho Cucamonip, da hereby certify that �e foregoi*t Resolution was oily end regularly intr ucacS, passed, and amt' &-t'j by tite Platting COM4SSIon of the City, of Rancho Cuca+eonga" at A regular,,*Ating of the lxinniOnoXomi 4on held on the 11th day of MAy, I988, by thkti foiTowing vvter�P -wits (Cr- 1 ., AYES: CISSItRtERS: ��. �r 94QESa c"<"rSSIONERS: r ABSENT: COMSSIONERS d o z r ° a Fd STAFF AEPOW DATE: may Ill 1984, �. to: Chairmn "members of the Pianntng Coms+ission FROM:: Brad Buller, : ity Planner t `' BY Tom Grahn, Assistant Planner SUBJECT:. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE' ' . ft'87,40 - UERRITT re es es ., s an a a.Y program n , u 4 esseea 'x lace of 2,910 square feet within are P-M, �g 1 co rcial 4�uildinR in the Comity Comercia, ° l4strict (Subarea S) of the Foothill Boulevard Spocific Pljn, located at 9350 and 95R Foothll 4ou'le"rd - APR.- 1BZ =15. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Renuested: :iNpproval of; a Conditional Use Permit €car art adu �a - 'pragra arcd th* issuance of a Regativa DeclaratitM,, B. Surrounding land Use d Zoning. Tar io c � an ui a 3i ` Re ! i ti a . mixed Use South - First Trust BW; ,t AM,— I Comomial Office East - Vineyard National ank, Oak,pity C trcial West ShNT Service St;ltion, Coe�f"' Commercial C. General. , Plan Design_atfi_on$: ro er STi"e _' uo"mormai 1y� Residential t8-I4 dwelling units P aeyra3 South - Ceet East - romercial West - Cor+mmial. f ' D. Site Characteristic i,.. the proposad use It 'located iithin t �'� an exis i"ngctzneerc a cegter. Tire" are twr�� buildings .a'1� tht, site. Wandy s RestaUttnt occupies one building. Th, lather building:= contains sevipn tenant 0tes, flour of Ntj1% are occupied by the ItnteW ri kadeW, and one is o,; (xp led by t$oon r' Accupressura. '`The s ' ping two suites will be occupf ed by � l3irect is, the pro ectu ap +l icartt. n - n j- I-ItR �u tii PLURING � �SSIOIi STAFF 3tE°OR7 CONDITION4 1.!t PERMIT 87.40 a flERgII'I May, 11, 196.$ I 'age 2 E. Parking jCalculations: ?� $er of Num$err of Type =,, Square Parki►`" Spaces Spaces of lase Fao Ram Re fired Prove- Weno's 2, 35 123 23 ' ' MOntesSori 7,1CD ',"115 students 15 ,. Academy ; .+ 1 /i," faculty Moon Accupressure 1,460 ^, 1/250 6 6 New Directions 2,9107 :115 students 5 ,. 16 1/1 faculty 8 t 63 In order to clarffy any, discrepancy from current Code requfremen these parking to reflect shat was required,at the `time prf"�- project approval. F. Applicable Re u?ations: The Foothill Doul vard SpeFifio Pl!.aa con on r� y pens a day ,care centers Withi'l the Co*61ty Zommerc�[al District,of Subarea 3< II. ANALYSIS• '' A. General • Kaw Direction; is proposing t use approxtVtlb,1,u `squareleet �;9I thin of tenant Space wi a J�uilding t?ot I has }J ttnui ,floor area of approximately 11,400 square feet Need Exhib"h,41i ?. The proposed usE inv l'ves the estabtish:ront of a, day program for persons age ,18 - to 55 for the' PoPpose of develop;ag age appropriate, actsvitie5" and providing wo:%rt experience for individuals who have been :identified as hnvin developmental disability (see attached letter from appl$cant�, Suite 9550 Will' be useO,,exclusively as an of 4 for cerpapaate needs including personnel, storage'of recgrds,;bookkeeping; and other related functions � s- Dffice `hours are 900 A.M. to 5:110 7r' P.M., Monday through Friday, Sgitc 9552 will be utilized as a comsasnity based adult day program . for persons with developmental disabilities. Nouns` of operation are g *00 A.M, to 3:30 P.M., Konday through Friday. The_ total nuaber of students in the day' program will not exceed twenty-five persons:,and there will be a total of eight staff hers, The staff 1in�el i based on a 1t4 staff: student ratio, plus One Staff f-`oaten and one supervisor. Y Thin centgr, Wendtiy's ?laxa4 was developed, with a total "of e6ki:W'iing spaces, however, due tu'tha construction of the- p_laygrnd for the i!pntessarfi kadew only sixty- thr�eeparkirip, spaces ire now s t available. •A typical commercial tenant;loasfng, M9 j square fit and parked at a ratio of 1/250 would require ; twelve pa!*UT spaces. The day program's re ,Jr "At nine one Parking ,space for each five 'students,. 4 for plus o Bath staff, park �rK Based on this rki rage a t r�a1 of thirteen parking spat s7 are require. thong 'tire s a fscrep?ncy c y v j k (�` j G p Pf f'AFF gEPOR tl CONDTTt6MnIL 1USE' PERMIT %140 DEROi T " ' .Is,stF Speak for #.h Ives as�q tc� xn,.rac as /Y.sr2.I a Client Euter&= Criteria.,v 1. x�x7ava c1ual a must be • is ent f i 3, by the Dios+. ai 4ehtar as isavii�g a cat �rQ , ( mental, 3 ail ty . _ z. T r "musk be xe y Old tlae aorrec 4ve dav ks : v i n or{. I*a4bv. <J 4. Must be bab3.t 1` ,{ h' 5« My, e*atiewe zibbr �k�oZ paa 7. ; to (be� conslft 3 on an irdiv;d * f. May be wk ulatoxy {ifi nC371°� tt�Ek Ott it �- 7. Sisatici be able to tr ns:,!e .if -Z= vnsajrlML, Wtth m dw, assista,a. s; may eoqx-xs": e simmes, c1a axes at ! Ied bY,reOicatipn �c l ~t1 9. May be verbal or nor-- berbia Auk T// 1 ix, witYaun, but11rt be AIxI r,to^t V7�teiY Ok'S tz' Cf 1g tx3�ili 7 tilt � in agrew krr wiel C4�i[R11UttiiY iY4 ) t�{t$w'TY�BkiC� s11X Yt-. p ive 6 1 « Must be able ; atsd 3ra a i Went witi's participaa,ti(M its +�rKmaao Ity iqtgg,at_ O ion and suppoxUve eVloym?nt: ("Vhft ropriate) . 23. Must be dressed awrcvrl� Iy« ;:fcw ti , program CtiOth,4 coozd cateOIt wall gr c acid dreS&a to Vftt tt* new t7f d�igr•� ed i�C�i��� 1�3 } f4ew Directicns, IM. Mst b° . ' dl*ioa of the Pero ..:, Iw, Muat be free fro r any agtl':m Ot• M.mtargiws3 desieame *,;ch mayf bps of }er,: t4 clients and staff. Indivi&a14 caho Meet Meetthe a. bv �cr��r?� 'Will i�I be Into- rie Prg4rat and µoi , id t Jetvites. �Adhe # LS pqr d i k into thA roram r 23GE, 'oreed)l color, se Lvyreliglon, ei ;�CcSjJ or n-atiottil origin, - 1 New 'Direct']i'pv , f=- is Win. rgwl cPPOrtunity. Dsy�Pzc yra.„ 4ROA _AO X RESOLUTION Of 'ME R'lNCilQ 'I'UCANDMA PLAN�TNG C�1FI�S�TO�t OPROVINO ;COk!PITIORAL USE fIEWIT NO. 87 -40 FOR M ADULT DAY CARS RRQORK f11R NEW, DIRECTIONS A AT '1'+550 AM 9552 FOOTHILL �,BO LEVAAD. IN THE C RTY cOMOCT'A1 DISTRICT, SGIAM% 8 � APF1,1' 2il X51.15 R. i#ecfitals. New Direction s, Tnc. has filed *I Opoicatloy0for theAssdanee of the Conditional, Use Per�pit'No. 87 40 as described in the title of this . ! Resolutiotri hereinafter in;, this, ResolUtion, t e"`' Ubitct Con 'litional Uses, Pemit rust is referred for -as *the applications (i i) tit the 14 of iAy, MS. tie pl ank ag O_Mfssiott of the Cy ty a of Rancho Gucapronga COOdu4ed "t, duly noticed public he *a�aat ern the ipo fra ior�` 1., and concluded sa j�"ffng on tkat date. Mll Ail 'legal prerequisites to Wa Adoptiof of this'ReSolutfin have occurred. B: Resofution. NOW 'MEREFORE, it is hereby found, dot nnined..and resolves ' by the Planning, ConmiSgion bf the City of Rancho Cgcai5ngas follows* C} ` -' - 1. This tomillision hereby $pecificamy finds that X11 of -the facts sot forth in the-Recitals,Part A, of this Resolution are.trueland correct, 2. Based upon substaglal' evidence presented to ti.jis - r Go isSion during the aboveeforenced public hea�s� on fts ', 11; 19M, inrcluding written and oral staff reports, togeth,� with p�iblic testimony, this Co3ss?:n hereby specifically finds as follms; (g) The appt#dtfon applies to property Im. at 9554 And . ., 52 dathill Boulevard within, a iul %y avelQD ' cahter s s of and Seven ,tenant suited,- ,,and (b) The ap plicant - proposes to operate a adult doy iprogra �.. •1�londa through Friday, 3.Oi1 L.fl._�to 3.1;0 P.14 1, office � iurs Moody tt�k,ttgh Fridays 9;tiU A.�4. to SWO P,%.', V 3. ,Based upon the Vibstantial evidence presented "'to this Comrttij;sfon during the above - referenced public hearing and upon`fhe specific rtindingS'.of i facts set forth in paragraph 1 and 2 above, this cv.mis$ion hereby finds and cgncludes as follows: (4) That the Tiroposed wise 4s in accord vith; the AWL Genera] Platn,, the obldctives of the _OevelopAmt Code, and the, OprpaseS of the district ita which the site is pleated. s , 4 4 . PLANNUG tOMlM ISS1 R i!`Ci4i i�O 11,�8i' Aft W That °the proposer a e, together athe con0it1ons,, appli�ca�thbreto, gill nct� be detrimental to the public health 'r safety, or, welfare, = or, materially irnjuriads Jo _"p0operties <, or j4 proveinnts itt tine ihity, (j That the proposed use C*4,lfes,,with each of the applizat:le r►rrovisions off the fNeveloixaen,Code. �t - 4. This Comemis0on hereby �`inds and certifies ath t Ahe r [ie,,t has =-A n reviewed and considered.., n a73aace�,wjth tha Califorzria °briYi,6nm ntal Qualify Act oe 19iCN td,a ftrs'ih6,`1 this O i$sion - hereby issues a 'Baer Declaration. a S. Fused upon,thi findings and' rttttu�aiaris'3e "t -forth in paragraph 1, 2 and 3 aiboite�; -this ssiioa hereby apprtNyes *e application subject to each and every conditioO set forth ;below and in the attached` Standard Conditions attachedAerbto and intorpo_lrated herein; by this rdfe"Q4C, ri Planning Division ° (i1 Any ^modification, expansion, or other th4oge in',` operatf*n wilt roeiuiro a roevisiaxr to the Coridi iaracl Ilse s�t�it. 12} 'Approval Of_ wist�retubit shoI neat waive c sI ance�' Vita al`f sed tions of the f'oo'thill ftilavarM- ecific Plan and "alt other-City Ordinattces. U (3) If the otperatf of�, the facil'itk" causes adverse=, effects rapoo adiacent Usinesse€b or operations, the Conditional Use Pemit shall be ,brought before the '.Planning LomfCkion. , for'- told conif'deriiforf,a and / possible terx1rration, Octhc, use. (d) Octupar7a► of =the fgriliiy;shainut eaemenoe trri�C� such . bare -ars all Uniformr S#1L -113g Lode ail to Fire :*rsaal l sreintiP fs eFava been led with, Prior to occupancy: Plans 'shall b i itt to the Foothlr Fire Protection Biatrict and ci Building and Safety Division to show Compliance, The dirg shall be inspected for q *fiance Prior to oc " ahoy. r ARY sigmrge pr�aposed for.. the i`acil x shall be ° designed,,in conformance with the Comtprehensivea Sign. Ordinance', arty UnifcM sign Program for the cmvlex, x andshtrll ' rcriire review -anti appeal by the Plenn$ng,ikiv sign prior Ica instaTrlatian. �;° i >" A 4iti : Rytyt'• P2t�ig1at WT�y'T 7.4 +-4l } b rpo�k t 1988 Page a (d) This Conatioaral 4se,r ,�rarit s approved` to a aWaazar of eight mpltyee$ and ti, ty -f +re sUVCnt$. p Shuttle srattt SO iCts $hall burp { ti+idad to ii ti9a the shosrtaga of -site garkinV Ij y� fd. The prt Y " tart' s Usion shall CtAffy to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND AOOPT;ED IS UTR DAY OF *Y0 IM. \, 11Y Am t } rarff Wig' ATTEST. � o � Brad erg a r 1 Sul I , Depp ;: Sctktary of dire PlatMng EowssiowOf the, City of Ranotra) uca nga, du t roy certify that` the foregoing alai wax duly , and )/N `"''ter y introduced, ' passed; and Adopted �� the Plant ��i�sian of >$3re o / t� !"Cbq Cucawoga, at a regular omgl: of the Planrrire'�ission held on the - ai y of MAyr, 1998: by tfto follw Vote-to-wit: AYES'. fS/yy� *f y��jg o � a U[�'IC1jM��113TwASS�} HOES. CQi�f�SSZQNER�: AOS 1N1 cowitSIVNERSR r . H � jI 1 I 1, .. r s. CITY OF fiA2� CHQ �� ` 0 GA , STAWARPORT DATE;, TO; Chai } , arA Members of thglannirrg E:omarfssiarr FROM4 Brad fuller, City Planner 8Y, Otto Kroutil, Deputy City Planner SUBJECT., 14INIMM UNIT .SIZE FOR MULTI- ';AMID PROJECTS Cxty Council IntUatea s r o rex ew m n mt 5 requlJr sgenis' far multi - family dwellings. ` I. AACKSROUND. On two PreVIOUS occ(isibns;' the Planning %nissfan scKussed .� request by the City Counc+jl to revile the 'tack of= existing s�indards for atinimart uni* sizes in multi-family E pro3ects. On April 10, 1988, the Conmis�kion condorted a field trip and reviewed actual Projects in the City�.land in a' ge Cosjnty, The City Council directed that the iNsrmission study" and make recommendations in two areasb 1, .Criteria for minirmm* unit siie by unit types i,e. studios, one - bedroom, 'two - bedroom units, etc., to " assure adequate 1117 ng space in each type'of dwallingr-`a kind _ r� 2. Critir!,� for!,3 an appropriate nlix of units, to avoid overconcentration of smaller urilts in a0y one project# In addition; the Commission ft also revl,,ting multi-family setback regji,- ements for the planned Cownities (al,s +Q on tonight's agenda as a separate but related topic).. I1. AN MIS: the attached floor plans end tables (Exhibit$ "A" t1'i 9W"'V) illustrate the dwellings' reviewed by the Commi'ion during the April field trip. Wiry of the dwellings were relatively large, and4 in staff's view* quite adequate for their': rpose, At issue are the smaller units andz the g4estion the Commission has to address is Partly a matter of subjective judgement; _At *dch point does a dwelling become inadequate die to 'limited floor space for that Particular type of unit? The tour included a -•625 square foam "Junior" one - bedroom 61t `by the William typo Cenrpany, des{gna =d for Otto adult. In asttralitY this is ;art efficiency unit wi,Ch a bedroom are4 that can either be closed off or opened jt;�,for jj rm6 spacio; enlitmg. This was a well thought out design] Diver toe very limited floor - area , ITEN � v Pi.Afiflltlt,' C0,4OSSION STAFF RONT C! u INYff uHIT SIZE » 1Kt1t.T1AMI :Y t J x , 1988 cr f ge 2 Another smaller unit on the tour was a more traditional 61�square foot one- bedronar unit in Terra Vista. This unit, would t fcally, be intended for occupancy by one or two persons t'lxh%it Virtually identical, exc t for an additional bedro6m, was an 811 square foot tyro- bedroov u t typical occupied' "by two adults with ; Or without child tExhit8"), with all the units, the number of persons actually living in each dwelling is not regulated, by . �u "CoC >s�r r!tl ' Ciiiy codes. In apartment`' cmploxes, the Huber of-., persons, in each dwelling is controlled by the Management, and ownership units Such as t r"dominivas-.— Ors are generally no controls at a11. (Please note this is no different from single family= residences. 'tire only regu�aticns whi�i�ay affect occupancy in any dwelling are tealth and public softy codes). 0 a of'this, is that the choice of unit typek far the renter Dl buyer �r buyer is very much ;a private to tte_I in the rental's d and entry U u level hdusing market, people general,,y tend to rent or buy the largest dwAline they qpn afford;,;; /rmrdloss of"" the intended occupancy o the —dwelling."\ \1' III. Af.TERNATYYES• Based on pawl; discussions. City^.�ouncil direction, a.r rev ii field cond4tions, it wood appea t some standards be 'S nece.rt. y to meet the Cit; Woalsr affiuggests that the s development tgulations ha modified to include minimm unit size requirements as well as provisions to ,avoid large proportion of smaller unit types. The following altrirnat ves are suggested D " - fdr discussion purposed poly. D WIT SIZE ALTERRATIYES* Unit Type A B C E�,ficiency /Studio 500 0 600"0, } thie Bedroom 606 Two Bedroom i; TW BOB 850 Three Bedroom 90b �, ?950 1000 (Or Larger) Pleased >Owe. 1) J Senior prgje" is should be exempted from minimum _ size reipuirewients: r 21 10M square feet is 'the recently established minims for single family *,111ings.., " 4 G �� e E ciencyB tud r i s rwi a ai Units): .IQ percent One 0eftom-(majimm nu r` of emits)' 2$ percent �I IV. IOW Staff is "— Ouesting initi ,41 direction cirm the ann ng�`C i'sriorr� with the intention of $Crhefa:Xing �►lic hearings an the potential aftn nts�' to the DeWopk*n"Ut Code � the near future,' Res s Bra City 1 atnnwrw � tt n Atteohments: Wxhibits -9 through V Woof 'Nans and 'Size Fables 0 1 .r% G wa++13 4OMMIS.Xi ON STAFF W"j \ \ c UNIT 141X CRI'MIA: To assure: that smalieir units ay� not c �OttC&IltY ate or project* staff mould suggest that a r rt perce6 $ timitAti'on be pla�:ed on efficient and possibly acne, bedro un€ts. j E ar discussion purpa the fc 1o+,�tng Yi its t+ms � �� t 1 4 , I I 7�7 co HEM!- P. in) IUL) ONY mm rx, 7- PARKVIEW PLACE 9, SedrqoW?� 'Bath 'If rl vl c Ego AMR lt" r.. tl X9117 -�1 a Jt E�UNItT vjYPIMS SUSS, AND PROJECT +4MEPYI�Z�a PMPl,ET d R 3ECr iVO. TYPE G! T. Ah1ERJrTI£5 v TR 19448 Parkvlew, P_I& (lz2. units1 ` -: 32 Efficiency 475 Bar"Y cue area, Ltndr�y '40 1- BR /1• -14A 619 " room, pool y pmts, spa, 40. 2- Rig -BA S11 tenria� courts fu1 40 2- MS,Et /8 -HA 885 j F z TR 12365 - Moyinta i nv ew : jt' TerrA' V1 gta tad units t 1 o 68 - EF(r`1 -BA d!ie' �5 ° barbecue, areas (31 # �' 6E3 8- B�tlH- i3R 811 laundry rooms IS), 67. S 9 do It Mi spit 67 3- f3€ilc I/2-BA T!N'q 1,16 n - _C TR 12672 `Sycamore Tev-rar�! flea tend ; 48 1- BR/1 -BA;; 648 Barbecue area, eattach l 40 < 4P z,- BR/2 -pA 89a garages, 1aundry�crom;� J c= tfi3�t /2�HA 1 yd19' Pool, spay wisgfl' room d . TR _12b73 - everoreen (39.4 un� its 1 ` 76 1 Bit /1 -BA 619 04`,,�becue areas iS3td " 7$5 b,askel.ball court, 68 c�-*HF,l2 Hxt;; "� "01i ine(ividual Washers and 108 o`85� dripers fin starve ursi -ts7, ° 11 2°gRl2 1l2 --BA TH `� - -� IaKandnPr rains t83, G 58 3 -HRi 2 11 SA 'C T11s�8 ppolis '(3f spas (7), tot lots (4:) , uvoliayk 4a11 court PUiUpE PRd7ECiS_ (PLANNING (L�QMMaSSONPP#Zt1l�Ak�S) . i ND.` 'TYflE: ; ,5 ;FT. AMENITI gs fJ PTR 13270 , Hioty Stvlt (384 units) is ��" 15,E 2 -P( 13- iA "70th Individual washers and, ? 967 dryers in all units- •'xt� 2 °BF2l2-HA 974 pools t), recreation 1 `• ill t E -MBR B °HA 3- BR /2 -BA 1, 177 bui 14619 epat A3? � �1 t0�01s courts �I ^a Zz it FUT R G EC; S (Rf- ANNING CLAM 5 Ti1N `�iRPRf2�a�1L3� . crrx %racy t NO. TR 13H73 Exeuive YI, units? _> Btu i -SE?�` �HEI BD --$FT/ �k' 4132 = -� Barbecue area, 96 - MBR /w Y9t 898 1,437 individual wash Or% and dryers in all urjits,, ' 14 Pool, : recr4uT)ia building; ' s "de structures tS) , sP.4% sport Court,-tat o FLFWRE PROJECT 0 ,> { N0, TYPE` Q..FT ` AME;JI TR 134717= ' +(412- Units)., - BED /E�3F 4 9 Garages, indNit'iu3l. 2 -BRIP- 1/2 SA 3- &Ri2 1Q4 - wash r- 'arst! _�(r r y�rs in -HA 1 #070 all units, ppols t1ek, 3 -SR /2, 1 /2-BA 1,,250 , ,, Yecreat'3,or{ bull din,g, 0 D 3 -Siis2 ll2 -BA 1,354._ spas t2), lots (3)1) a 3 -Bf2 /2 1!2 -Rf! 1,414 wading pool j TR 1327H (?�Wurns) ! 54 2- BR /2-BA- 851 Barbecue areas, 102 a- BR /e -BA 918 Individual washers and ' 84 1,109 4dryers t i rt sarna Units), recreation ding, i shade. struci *, spas (2), I! c sport sur* t at tat ° r32 0 r o, CKF-.czc /diy 7998 Q Aft " C fY" OF RANCHO CUC,AMONGA o DATE: May 11, 1988 TO: :_ Cf irman and YAwbers of3he Planning cra ; ssien FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner EY: Debra War.- Associate Planner ;) SUBJECT: MULTI- FAMEi.'f BUI;.DGIBEiBXtKS frdlt# =F.AFI D COFiMttNTTTES BACKGROUND: The planning Cq�issian had previousty requested Staff esna'rch r�.o the building setbacks for Multi- Faalj' land uses within the Terra Vista and Yictorie pienned comWn- tiPS, The Cosmissioi�is concern' was that multiple family str"tures tend to be larger., and ;:. that this mass ,is accentuated =by smalter�, setbacks�°,creating" an unattractive., dense feeling - streetscape. On PArch 9, 1988 the Co0ildssion was presented .witty a chart wVaring the multi- fapily land user ~:Mediums, "Meth ±�- i#ighr. High: fo� acwstre�t type cat' Terra Vists „,Victoria and the'Deve Codia(lje° Exhibit 'W' The %wnt- },. to planned, Co�rmunitiesy while ='cons st art with each other, have setbacks .that are about NtI =of thaso re' wfeedt by the Developwt y As a- resuf , of the Larch 1% 1988 discussion many of the Commissibners�'' ,attended a field trip on April 1C, 1988 t', visit s WI Ttipte famil ,,projects and see setback examples first -hand. exhibits and si*ad information discussed on the field trlip is atrached for furtb6r -rv, erg. The projects used Afjle;aaaples a� %: those existing within _..,� V'Jsta. ALTERNATIVES, ” ;, As a`. result of previcusiscussic:n and on si'ie ana ys s, . ree altera?ves"dray be considered: �� A. Setbacks remain as Vey cti��rantly exist within Terra Vista and Victoria; .Ca° \1 B. }Setbacks within Terra ' "'Vista end'Victoria?,,ale brought` into ronforraance with specs fi dkiti, E9; of the Development Code, c,� C. Setbacks withsn Terra Visit, "n Vittoria are increased,;, but c, tailorad to meet .specific peeds. and�detign cefier�ie f0 . the PlAned Communities.' Critei4a within' `this aiternativd must address the fo7 ior{ing soie ,Ific streets, to be ; addressed, Ainitraaa ietaatks for 4ruilriing ;, garages, ark` nq etc. � �. -And average latidsdipid setback. , �'?D .. o May II, l9as - �t If the �r sr on., is desired, staff teal 145dl siirecti r; -ass to which Strati cl Assi ficaRti cats : xhouJX„A be stuai io and vKiether� setback averaging would baa Appropriate. Ys. Rased on information ve4iewad hus far .,a, that ` -rac » ' %rya vas outlined 'fie staff is requesting _direction ' fv the %Planni;� Co1aa #ssion wit"Spaet to this issue. „ ju� `y o Res 'lly �4aI Sr aw '"0 Attachments Exhibit "A",- Planning *xmission RoPOOt of March 9,,. z1 with exhibits a MbCti) ;Terre Yisia4arkvfew Place Apatt eats hihit w ^main Yiiew �Apaiwtmeni xhibit I'D � -. 41, ct I2672 txhibit -.V - £40*rean Apiart 6`. U f. L { l p»0. ' CIV t ht � a ftAFF REPORT O d � z DAiE" h1bt Ch ii, I$ , r TO: Ghaiand ie the Planning Commission t97 FROM Brad City pilani Oebra Meier, tisocfi to Plann` < SUB3Ec '.. TAU1.7I4mW SgTBkXS WITHIN iNNQD Ct o \ " I. BA KC�IigUi�O: . As r`e;�� steel by th#' J .plaftni towasieo: stab bas prepare = die attach'€ charC coarp'rin se�+eks . fors; multi- f4t�ily land uses witnie► Vic ca .Exhibi " 1{1 atnd° Berra' Wsta (E*Ibit "G°) with those of the Devel opulent Code. 2 The setbacks #��e #� deTineated by street rAlassft'jtt!!..On (i,j. ao aF, Col e tor, Secondary Artarial and Majors Arterial) 6ia , the iteius, Hedivaa =Nf�h and High Residential fend use There are sfgnificant differs 's in setback- reoulr,° pts 4t er, C:::) the Planned.Dbaleknities and the Dev IOp�at t,ode, � two piahned_ co+r�nuri"NIes are,fairly consistent wig ea +ether, except oM for arterials. Exhfbfts "O' and", "C" graphicatg iljustrate'tht setback { { comparisons for Major and Sec ndar� Arterials and collectors, 11 e fu1 ty " tied, ^' -1 ,. Git nner� "BOOM, 1Y Attachments: ` ; €xhibi' Comparative Setback Chart r.�hitiit "B" - GrachiC RepresentaiyionslMaiar Arterials ) Exiii it "G" - GrAOIIc RePresenWions /Steondary Arterials - !�lleCtors Exhi tii t " If" - Unt',yel ope'd Parcel g, of i4, MI, i NI thi n f Vi ctor-' a' �1 Exhibit Unde4topec;'Parcejij of M. tai f H tiittxin rra vis ta N 7 ✓ F� t r with sfteick}LaeifVred fn* 'Ij'r,��i x_�..1444 r�iN�•O:44Y Will 124' -1 a The typfcdl setbaft from L/rD fi�CYe`i5 tmt 75, } • tS' two- story. GO L4 3- a r i3cteaoks.giYe+i � � � � ,', ° U in fNtt f.*Ae1. U ` rtxki3:inq�- "�- +raylf% "B�kfiy � � ny gjriptPTtarkin+,}� ,;�' '-'v p T4rri 'Yisti ' , ," WWI, J ( C COO }- scs#t SS ) � T. YKttOtfisLt 2t' r r frlwttt� / 1 1411 fftf1 3 32 r, 3 32 i : : �.r.Seworrnl COde 45' 49" 2S'' i if' .i' K K' 01° 254 Q Q (Avg. La"_ Sol" 41 `S -Al . .� ,. ° - Tlrri YfstA 22' .,_' - WcteMe4 22' - t ti•' i 7 L.1 r i` 7 Ce6i �d4 ° 4Sroc6`' 4 4d` L 4!i' 4$' 45- G� iAvf Land• ,-� h h scope 4ir S Terra.Yi ;4 to. i i5r 'c Itl`� tD' t t3` 3tl r4 0°i` k 1 10' LRdO 42' 4 42' 4 42" w .y e ei ° 3 3, Addietin4l sft0icks ref,�ired' for struttpres of 3rstoas Rr4pre, 3. dditiaiT tdxck! n t r 3e fV CbVrr Sfrett :ihd Tim ttilti PRr'kihS1�.,gn� far ;tYlptLVrte Rf 3•StoMaeers,r` \ \1 3. t1is4Mtiint sey4., 4f* in *we" s4th `}e\ ,t4 of *00tion41' 4041101sk4t stindirdf. A 37-fact ;Yer#" Set6ja is R Ra50 t F 0 � i wictl ftt AVOI is W Y {r,kaY - " thf ridh ox.te r r,, ien 14' i, $. Sicterf4PiM�, i AV- t _ y , Al Coo it r r lt ,� 1 � �r r �'• i� f lr. �!i a d Il o y c ` t lAr rte' KA ¢� r �`+ • ��� St1 C, ., hhhh �i , hl �;` iSn,.y W :� �} I�L �I G.t,' C •l it ,�� ,�� ``� � rj ji A +r ju A, , r r • • r� IS W "won MR.M t I L11, - ,k4 Zjf ? i r {} ow Is 11 c� ;Fc �.,�t„ ^J)i.�.:,� .• T•-.,t24x 00- .µ. f � M1 •'.P!'.Y `« v 7 }�� � ` 1 f N•F tt � O• �' +e' �y_ O reyg i x 4 a. 3 i� 6�„ 5 � � y sZv t ,� •' , ie ILI Tt li+E R g C S ii C n tr _`�' ) e . *y±^- •a"'as ^".n} �t� a,�. �r -?�.rt � �' �r aA J.. � �. ;��`�' .��, � i s Jill i,,wQt Lb v Li M N N f+KikL^ to u'f ` uj f@ Q ` ra � ij � � en ns r� ew sa H. �► � ife so. .$a `sa uj ,n+ in Lu ..I �C is �wA �th� NM .c {i •� 'off n"r y`? i3 t :m Mai+ tar M.. 1'y,•N r� ry b O.% i¢�yf GA - { m ut y} j .19 r9 •° � Srl ,i,. ry �. 3u � •a CJ1 CT1 6t ch p cn 20 ra ..F rvy to a r t/'J ri I ;ri r t it. ii. � i z ►r i'. r �.�. SPRUCE wVENut -- �- rI n No I ryg '* , - • Y »ate`. 3 Iv 004 w o , tr w 1 h s "v. r f4 t. c b Y A.• .,, YF"�. .� r t. .,mot � ,, s• .�.�, AL7410L, Lil AM' 1p 00 in eF,, F O 1 , AF Aid pl \ s f v ~�'�.. �,+? L _ r G) ��`, t'` '� p .rte v � lfi •�, n`' Y AF Aid pl \ s f v ~�'�.. �,+? L _ r G) ��`, t'` '� p .rte v � lfi •�, n`' cm Jt CIA ij�` if , w �6 , r, 1 de �y WO lAMJ( O1Nkx1t&Y . � y f ,{ 2 n uwh'fDUtwaeY .. px.6i//!O/.. a/ Y. 1 rOJO OdL!!006 Vol N C 0 01 xZ YbUtilEr�CmLMlNk14d dMES. „ tS Mot its Al , . � Vol 411, OtK71e {r KRt i \ `+W @'M fxR ndde Rt 1 Rx a,ta. «"t'Rtiu!° °t1 tC1illfli iERltA il�TA, FA�tSYVAi QAwOA .i aeuxrtw Rsf�i�Mrr�e6•N•r,` 'noaR w* �ym,CRr dtCOR: A$GWi9iD;BETBiL +K, FVR ':IFACE TO IsI- ILDING , rss at .4 :C ciSC7i3A1.;3$iDRG7t +iW1l #dtCE tC lLN6CiNS ^� R F R► + wiYxx�gnx�xntxrryR 19 STOPIV) : r k +tltkG7W`ftObRfO eKi4x1,UY „ � "5,;,...� � +: RROxrtRtc�1F j\.,t �ti v. ++wcwsvdt +twx f ACTLIA� S�TMItCit, VV"P fACA fa (IA *AQV.+CBRRQRT Ak iY : LP EO ~� �n .x � � ,ti ��,�,+'• � �. 'tea / '�` tt � •� 1� � L--j Ir4 � '"✓/ � �� to 1 s t` VIC IA IF k .� _ .' ;k:1'. ►' (: --"7" � `J 5C � rye a ! �1 �. �! -- r. ... -_... Ic�1 tw'iS; - tJ a a) An ul alip 4c f% Ga s s C7 art �` 1 • Q �Y S� ' ✓f��\ � Apt � ' * !f: �� w r W � n 4. r "k �-- — �– CrTY OF RANCHO C dkMQNGA : F DATE: Mfay 11 :C.19B T0: Chairman and M�berz �f the Kreing _ } commisgion FROM. Brad Duller, pity�[r. CJ BY: §;oit Mturp'rty, Assccfate Planne PBJECT: T,� SAT VE TRACT 13748 FREEWAY WALL, Rev'1 _ '�"`d` qn, or a sour era u ee in he3Ehtl along a south boUndary of a previously a aPproKed tract •, located "at the northwest' corner of Highlns# and M:II #ken Aven*s. Y. BACK6RD @PD. On Dec"er 9, IM, the M�dd�f� Comriissiou reviewed;, an a"- 3"approved Tentative. Trams .3748. 3n� the .,discussions for tha project, the Plannin I Commissio�a expree sad e '� ' p �'rL� xo Cr"E'ate a ' uniform wall theme �;l ong th.! Foothill Fete "C+ jrf dot Asa �y result, u condition of approve + reWfred that the derrig��, of the c w tbi along the .,Dexter bouiadary be r rriewed aKd A proved �t �`, e. Pla,:�ing Ce,ission prior_ 'fib the rfssuatrcr of Subsequently, the Planning Comnitalon adapted a Resolution on April � lot 1988 stating. their desire ��o` .,create ; a consistent, vist +al o appe!arake Aong We future Foothil -Fr ra, Corridor and ghat :all new devoTopment adjacent to the Coiti4dor shall , desip their walTr,;, treatments to be compatible with the;arrourrdinq area. t ANALYSIS., Wee the Past' several ,maths, the applicant ha�been�r wor ng with s ?,_f to arr4i at an acceptable t .�t,a for itthe ound wa11 wFrieh►;�`. ;Lctha Tuturey Ott 1dor, bJr;�g Mfrs riaieir`$i of the revier *Aff "has ` ad Zhat tb* -,,e casting Car�rrr._ de *lament to theaat r(a the axis ,n3 rynnNnt'Ier i�odoiri to the have stuec !ails along�ttre #r stiterrr periraEeter. #n audition, Bentsen .Phi ,Ae 11 (Hunter's Chas:) was approved with a s o wklI to,mntch° l nnenairen Goazdoolniurms-, 9sacated adja�erdt to t! t. {see Exlr�hii��'A ). Staff' expressed concern, hwwever, about f a'. df onlyt�scco material ?« a SAS foo }ai,, �wait. It was fl ` s ,, additioral� elements xhoufid' to I trfouuctd to puce ho�T� 'Nal emphasis on tip' °,wAjl as opposed to,fihe uertjcat. A� a� res \�h N. the. aPpl $ri � Za provided a design of ih�. :aru1 C�: t inc*� 46, stucco o �W ' upped pgrtion of the wat, and, jpl t� �lock', n��the lower p ion of',�thw ataxy -: ff f s tat U#—use _�of mr;er #als will Vie in with those eAs'tlog walls and R fled o wilts ln,i the general area and also` breaks) V the raxsing _ wall) c, % r. tt7 �'". • n ,yam V ©Ca � __ _ PLO41M t+txwi � tY`~a� - ° TT 13748 L— � K-;,: 1988 'Page 4 ? �*} �{�r+ � L.� ry I ■I+2�y�y�l�: ry���p :F, y �- IIL E- LlWe'1�f ICW-. +7 Aff "Comas? hit Wi' .511 'X� 1i� .`'i�IiN[7 .fill lMii c - p propol4 i _ d0ign "' nnd, , if,, .ppf riate jor< the aria, c ` spp7ove till► wall del oft thma4ty Rinut* acct iQn. e RIOS ' ttAd 1 k ;a�✓ err �I Bra an �ttsct atsr - ibit- 4P - lootion p fir, �J c n --s:,,. t, • c�- ID C ire q < P /,0701-o2 ,5-11-88 PC Agenda a, of 5 Sam � 1 _ ♦ �+, 3 G VIN �A IZN IL •� (f „Fy, .��• �� .�, tl• `gyp �� ( :.� a ' T i y�]',1/y.ITY 4 .! A 11� 1 T L' ry A Pi.;A-NNIN. Gr Divis1w, E X i- ltiatV ' �v .... .. CITY OF RA.NORO G''ESCAIbIONGA, � �tt i DATE-,,, �,) } a, ` TO: Phairman and fibers of the planning cb,i, siQ ! FROW -Brad'BtiljOr . CIty Planner n OY: zt x1n ser, Assistant Planner. !f '} Sl�BaECT: `Miles COr€ *tVT R i�! „D8��� SEIFElt'F � I app "l ,fig s,a °s _ • on 0 r ; 0 a _n Of Mali f.4r Q' "th0 +eP��ttions of ate `'0 ting offil� builds within the. ;# fice , rofessiwal, Oi rict local ed Qn i�.he east ide of Fit arr Are nu ,, south 0f' D o- no 4ad APN; Staff has r .kved a'- .Iefter f nose ttr . Applicimt' req�te *1-# a ontinuanco of this ;,,TW"".0 &,je .Exhibit A ' ems appiiroarit ;Wir t t of state _ .l during the MOY14i lrlanniv� cauaaissich eting. �, f' tbs'ofoft i - reco earls �iter� bit conti�ed to tie @lay 04 ads comissidn� -4,;m t Ftesp �i�r S its rad er City F nn�� 4z BB•cKete, 1 " Attuchotents; Exhibit w�p - letter frr Applicant h QJ CC: City Sid } Lautu ffe ~ ' j �s � Mon ts�fort.- G A)- t, i . t o';`t`213i,St�l�11� 1iG��,�;�171: IRd�'N�HQ K,; j, �G' �1��`` r�G�i��Cl�" 9173f1�f311 #,iEE��`kE1kE'#�t+�jf 5�0•tfl7A " °� MANNEKINO ' ' SAL @RiGUSUO r it WAf a 0` y 5. �1 S yy � City of: -Reachal Gcticam 9320 llae toad < � ; r� �• yit ..., �t,.°" ; a , y. yea, L■�aiurer t SW %''C�1��i�l,C & iYi3m�yom ary$Q�ii B rseut' eWile�r bear Mr. BuR r Request 13,herebv raadk, r. F�Cho c, � scheduled for May 11, t95E, lies 00t4rsue�d'�o to , xUa ,� CUrasr�� pd� f T Ttaanlc you for your coaperaleioet' tlds U U 1 �t f V V, iy t' ` 4 C 0 ` r ST ! 4�� DAIS;: may 1 15838 L {}i ¢� Phdjn and Era 9$ltlk Planning, Cow 9ssit! FI3Dhli , #rad Huller, City. P,I,nn _ AY: Chris Westran, SUBi G.I EWIRONWE pit E_]�`S IEud `.i D 9fE1.0i'Nl£tiT EViE oB -D$ �- a ve cspreen o. anr, acre tter P"l,an consistfn ai y i . artsli.ng ii;.5 7i0 ght bL idings guars itt.:the,lndtis rival Park and Have Avenraer Districts Yocat at. the �ouilaeast t> Corner. of tkVer� A� @�u�and row Route APti: 209- 14 -17. RELATCD FILE: , PA Get M 11410 , I. PRWECT AM SITE MCI A. AaM Re •�sted Approval �� 8 �lastea� a� #� Pea and e eve ons,;ap " ssuancl. of a gative,Declaretion. D Sureoundin Land Use anii anin : °r s ng � "aT �eneral'Ca er ial f Subarea 6 South' - 1401.strfaT Fa "k; industrial Park, Sa bane 6 Vacbnt,.PHni* tae :t Heavy I�d�pstria', Subarea 8 West Vadantr. Indus,' #a7 Park. 'Subarea 6 C. Ceaeral Plan Desi nat i ns: ro flc � e°= T rusri; storkti CorciaB Smith Industrial Park -East - General Industrial Wet - Industrial Park_ Site Characteriskics: The site_ is generally flat, alas a. 2 percen s o�ie"`"o""`the_ south, and has no signific4nt vegetation. 'tide project has two special boulevard' fr.,ontages; to t%e west is Haven Avenue, , and to the north iV Arr� R te. At the northwtest cot;ner-ft _ an outparcei which is also prop develop nt. This project�'is reliant oh the outparce. ed have to its inter ►41 circulation pattern. Street Improver" nts have rim been conaptated slang. Arrow Route or Haven Avenue. ° 7 J ` t H 4 wi j i�I COWISSY0f STAFF -MRT D �+� MOMENT REW" 88µb4 � WNEY..THEt,�3gP.itt1 f' may 1980 Pa e12 , g E. Parkin �Lcalcli la *ions .,quare Parking Type .. g $#aces S� +aced of Use fiGAt i " ate u d PrLVI4e�d f ; iY A Office 5,7511 1125b 147 Ci 8 Office, 85,7.E 11254 14T` 140- _ C Office . 26,250 1/256 IW } 4 Office ,; 29,250 11250 'l41 E Manufacturing:'. 8,460, v600 - F if J P 14,nufacturi00- 8,000 ids . G Manufacturing ` 8,004 31544 I6 16 h •MS iYV* 01' II. ANALYSIS: A. General The p�opdscd project is covep## not oatJYJ %Yb ; SuEsa104 8 o e nd;tr:l Specific Plan but,�so pardly by the ftven Avenuevewayistrict� lbe pry �,c.ad meets the, #ntcnt of the n` #�uerty 4.istrict in ttdt thosta(rbuitdings along the Raven Corridor ,are intended for use '� ada�ir�istrativelprdtessional° etad o€ €ice `ese and proaatc a etps -like setting, The other, uxes also satisfy the criteria of a Indust al Specific Plan, 5" The project hai been reviewed by th- ue�t and Technical -qn Re Ce i'ttees. Major rhasis tIas placed on the overall r interior circulation. Based, on x previously approved Master, r Plan, and the Haven Tech Center to the south, a strorg oontral - transportation spint was desired. The Site Plan has been modified €rte the original proposal accordingly. Another element o€ concern to the Committees ' was the ' coordination of the ci,rculWOO elesent with the outparcel at, . the northweWcorner c€ -the site. R traffic shady was prepared for the outparcel project, Cup 8c*�%3, and 'both on -site and off- site design :modifications -were implemented in the Sftj plans for both projects as a result. Although these concerns :bare been fitigated4 staff-is requestfng as a condition of approval,, the flexibility of final Site Plan con €iguration approval for this project to Tie based on 0 coordination effort with the One t outparcel once it .has gone through Design and,lechnicil Review Committees Irefer` ;eta Ito. 1 }. T " '- F "RitPi)RT 1 it�Li3i i ll�i f t 04 o!! f " . 1988 gaga' 3, U. Masi" a The appitiicont has submitted ^a Parcel Map apPlicatton. w"i� Ch s = run¢tt_8 c rre�7�r fifth thn _ Peveiopment Review tie. EaCh of the i r"Wice buildings is proposed' to be or a separate patcely, 'Buildings "E* and G" and "F" and "N" are praPoaed to stsat "e' parcels. parking counts far "each parcel s�rttsf „the regW44nt for `each proposed building. A Phaci� t'' plan O,ias been submitted v�hich ' ,cal3s far' the constrk of Bill idings ""A*' and %K °in the f'irst� phases and ehe �othe .144 x�lat r 4&, ,isee� Exhibit "C" ?., The advsntaue•of construct:; g fire office- - building$ On Haven Avenue fjrst is that once they ' a buiy�.j A4111 help to screen can$jruCtion of Phase I I' Haven. Avenue as that begtirs. A partrf Phase Y, al the- TUII pieta` t+ the bast should be coWleted and measui" s should be � in to ,asVrre of soork. per edge tr*atnt for the limas C. Dent ra Peiaie�ittaa.�� 'me �Comittee8 ?isle loistoy, aacr revs efi�"'proectn April 1988 and a� 'tare f..ailowin rec�!Prseods►tiarls as conditions of approvo! site Plan 1 1 1. "The gn,. of the, parking lot eirculati . the a gnment of the main circulation spine Z hoer i� irsttrrfaces Frith die "not- a-part" „p;arcQR shoal be subject to ire City Piar her and City Ens air revie*,and appraval. 2. Co new d{Wgn of the platy area-, and 'pedestOian r. conngcl�G far" this pro44ct along :tire south Vie 1 properly bofinda should integrate e existing half o1� .the elms for the Havin Tech i+enter• sc as to achXeve comp?etenesr, and caottnufty. Final I design should., be subject ta�C s Pianre review and; aparova7 , [ 3. Textur6d payfng ,should be consistent and, used at all Crosswalks and.ry pedestrian Walkways. Final approval of materials should , be given b thy, Design Review Coaraittee 'priur to issus ze of permits. 4., The service entry drives at''8utldin s`� "E" and "F" should be narrowed and incorporate adettt,"F landscape area as $E own on Ux1or5it "8 ". Architecture ° I, ,samples of all the proposed mAter Ia s" for the �= project shall be submitted to the e i jn 'Reviews 1 C+ +rittee for ,r;evie ' and aorova3'.. prior to the issu�re� of a�xild�tng FIAI NO COWISSI Si T REVIEW" CA�7- T#a»OCgRE "a 4 4 page ] MiZr i E 5K 1 ✓` _ W` t rlhrtr n2o►i M ,r`7 R�Pi Y+ q rs ��, -- re TA, FLAW mqt ,2 t .. 1t. ,3 i x`C f ryJ.. s6 �'a7C�+I5Nii� t11r1 �I ,� � 7� kpFWilfJ �d4k "�� � 3ss'.8rspa wy;w K41 q •••f X.:� WIR"Of 1Y as u; � "TZE �? ailKYittiC_ N� 2vrn n r o - iF Adak 9 __r.�Sii1 tM `f11 1 £ ..t' +� �^w�T�'!�r�+�++r.+4 ?' r.Yw.�.t�. tiT��.I•iX _ tANC;tp CJ^AR40NP.# n r0a o C.S7R&Ur1pNCEN�k'Ai ar 77i LP . F 4 , rf�j • ,��.r ' q .: N'� '� s � b..�f.� ��. �� i � � .. ° P:;. t� �:. }` �., q t " ,'` M > t 1 -.: �, . �,. d � C °�r / ;I � T. �Vm Amwjmm *.I 'UN41M. IF-%-. Ml Vow sl ...,olm . 'Emig errs am 31MM am= ■ swim Not,. Mal Em I Jim Ina tx ��� °� g . J S.i 4. 1 av L ' O cE T _ f3 ii i, x ai RAP �iJG� PLMMI C"ISSI N, APP;tb9(tii QEVEii)ti `iii i« Ii a. € WEN AT TH S:it WEST CORM W MRGW HI MAT AM WEN AVEWUE Iii THE' IEDdi MAL PARK DISTRIGI'v,. SUBAREA S ` ai'(' \\THE "I9sDUSTRXAL SPE IC PLAY AM 2ti9 �U 4V A; Recitals. F {i) Cam �aiheoObr .has filed vv application for the . -jppr6 al of ;'level opme nt Revi ew No. 88 -04 as described in Mi iMe of this �Aesolution. Hereinafter �`?s�thfs i�esolr�tiop�.'ttise. subject 7Avelopeent Review °�eques� {s.., refereed to as the a�plicatf, (ii) " . on the, ntYs`:;r #' s he Pianrl:�#g Cot i sion r t the 61ty 4; of Rancho Coca�nga 4titducted � - s�t�ti►�i� -� ��i,ap LiGatioer and .oneiuded saicF,_ meeting on that da�.e, , {iii) All legal ''risim tii�tr3ion -of: this, "Resolution have occurred, .'S. Resolution iiow TIO -ZAk"' it 's hereby found, determined .,and resoly' i by the » plarining G ;fission of the tity -O Rantbo, ducar+ranga ;�s fol iasr�• �f " a L lbfs �°wi iS ff3 srehv,e �$€3rR 1 finds ,# a nit e:al. tat forth in.the Recital of; this Res 1ution are true and correot. ra 2. iyas c#; iron suir�,', V eYidessce ese�ted ta' this C Liss o;�i , r during the above-ref erenced including Written and ore ;toff ret, , hG issi ;� finds s follows: ry p (a)' The - plicatfon applies, to pr44rty located at then ' southeast corner` of Arm i {{ytWay -,end iiAV n Avenue; an llllll f (b) 'The pwjajr�y %d the no2th of `the subledt site is an ettistir�t .retail center„ the property to thew se+uth of thit`.site cgrk�ists of'an industrIal profect* :%e, ,PrPPirty thr� east is vacant, and the =,proptwty =.to the Wes# is vacant. 3. Basel ulsbn tine tubstantial eviQende presented to �thfs C. W$,s.fon during the ahoveAre ererscs�d rs>ae firs and �u n the specific findings,, of fact: set forth in paragraph I ` ar;ri`' R' abbve� ,, thfs ios>masission 4tereby ;findsi, e9r�i conclue es as fdllfms i, {a ih t the proppoaed,Mro is consistent with the ObJettives „cif 16O.Uneral. plan; :anct U - Pi,Ali� DO c. Sat RESOLI rXOK NO. // ^ Y , E R.. E9 VUW 08-04 M CAAkeY -1 ODoRoW , ib? That the ^ proposed use' % in accord with the OJective of the DeVelopw nt Code and the purposes" Of the district' ir., w� ch,`'t o site `,is 1ocateti; and �I r (ci `iiiat the proposed 2 -use is in complianca pith , each of: the' ,applieable provisions' of, the ant Code, and f,. 4) That the proposed urw e, tookhar with the conditions appi cabl' threreto$ . wi IT not be detriarental to the poblic-111 health, safe+tYf or-, welfarf ;p or materiali�, ierii�ra�2s to Pr-op 'artie�' Dr' i�r�tvnts: i� the vicinity. !' i. i } That the proposed project is y'in accord r ith W goals and rent of the) !liven Avenue Wertay ` Dfstrict. 'ih?is Cowision hereby finds.. and certifies that ire project 'has beer considered in coMliahce iaitr the Cdlifomia. Fxviro' n'sai Quality ' of 1M ands ,further, this .4 fission hereby issk'es a Relative Decl artifil'n A: based 1u on the findings and conclusions snt forth In paragraph `< x, 2 and ,1I above, thfi Comission hereby approves 'tie rpplicatitm_subject for Bch and °sl vc y ditluw , aWi forth bel(* :pid , o the attachid Standard Condittons�f attacbed.h€reto and ,,ncorporated hee in by this reference. �ffinning Bivisic - t;t ) The final design of the parki, 1d ci► ulat or�,A. 0 r ent of the, stain circulAtion spine ono ow it I interfaces with the 'tot-b -f art" garcel shall be subjeet to the` amity Planner "and City Engineer "view I, and approval. tr 7?rc design. bf the plaza area : .. , and pedestrian II connection for this Project along the south property r << boundary shal'1 integrate the ex9sting hif, of`the plaza `for, the Rave;s„ Tech Center so as 10 .achieve ' completeness 4"4 continuity. Finel design shall be E subject to City PIanner"rev "iew and.,. approvat I (31' . Te4brid paving fl be consistent and usedi nt_ all Ord poaesrlaoalkays. Final ap�faval _ k of r;els� .;rk rl be given ffi( the Desfgn, - . view cr.`'.or�rsit� prior to issuance of peraita >,� ,r %f r \ ' n Pt~A f�tx (4V' CC/i'R IS$10* . RES4L UTIOI 174!. ,� �. - CApl�EY T�iE4Qd3R8!! May 11, ' 1,8138 page 31 .. (4) 'the service entry dri:� atdluildin s 11 E" and "P", "G" 'and 'H" s al W rr ed , incur crate additional 18MOscape a4a as st.pnt on Exhibit 81. ., (3 Samples of all the` proposed oolors for .- _,, the prodeot shall be submi d to the Design Review C epittee for review and opprsval prior. to the y issuance of any buil4ing pamits.' (6 ) , mitigatiolt, . shall be conSiiered for wind at _the �i s ot1\ the office 4jtlTding�s. Sliding doors attdF�: Deg '03111 Yes -'` be considered, Final a�3t$! at n shad be revi4igd' acrd-, approved by the City Planner for to # i6< 45, i Pw'� :�� id nes 'permits, 's. r by i q I (7) Enlarged details of all '�Ihckstrian Vaces shall =.be . SO.'sitted for reviews and` approval'' by the Design -building pe Go ItO. prior io the 4snuance of any �si�. � , I • . (8) T� l A ndscape ttOft'for they entire Taster Planned ae,4_ ail consideyt,,Nind K mini anon.. � ,. �� ' (4) %rra� ad plc ter-wal_l_s, m�t�%e trees" ar�d or / Other ",arslras shalil be o Nsv"rii �u at the north, sine of swouth 0 of 8ufTd1nq,'*A*, (10) Phase Lcahstruction;-shall Include the full to, plaza the, east to the .eistersppost northrs r th sidewalk and edge eatment "by as p �Frr( shall be vx tpd at :fie l i used the -cil v,,Plarner wi is of wore � t11) 8uildin setback..I'or Buildln determi �ed at, aso,�ing drliwIngs . 1 's "A* and "g ";,shalt be •sand shall, be, in conformriawitf� =,the InWstriit tp6Cifi6 Plan stand. rg for building s exceeding $5 feet", In t� En ig neeritzi Division I/. S1i �hc driv in 'drive aisle 'cinrtecisrg on Haven Avenue to x.'he. southerly ithe u`rrow Route driveway �.'. shad drive be constructed with , Phost iA -, including the jr approach on Arm* Route, �, Ve, drive aisle disig media. shall be approved by11`the .City Engineer. The v enin rmarost to �� p Arrsr Route within the [rive Dais k, "'," an will I)elly be peretitted if the sit a pa "Z `We5t; 101 tv thi absolutely needs it u IP due to radp cdns mints rs ouired for subterragea'rt PA�kfng. The opening shall of be constructed until /1 . 4i1 nbt x wr:+Nt eras ;.hays k:y. >.e.....s. y "Vrading ,or, fiui tiling pasrapid t, ` °i 4�4FK41l,M.SL „O') ,e' a Q' t �✓ 1 DEVeLD W3` . RIEYIEi# %44., . Page lift = i imprpvement acceptance , Or QcCupancY for.. kr Tit whichever OCCurs first,` Thy' develcpjr _y ,, r request , reii ur s nt Agr aents to . ^e&over, on9461 f t'he 'Cf $fir � adopted oast For, undergrounding`' f1Vm- future d6val4me t ;��°edavelopmot� as ft Ixftrs, on �� t�p�c -I te Shit of the stmt -and Eft t oYer a LT cast �tSf underg ending across tie , 'In' rA part" to taarcel to ;the West upon its developlotbtA .l b* #even Avenue _ lire existing;oaerheed utilities r' (coi�anirat9'O =for the 66 KH electrical)-, o,a the ; prOe sib Of Have# 'Avenue shall be { -underaMnod a f#r p t ywtl't of tra proj ecils south bOundOY th,tae frst<, pole` orb° - the no±Meh $ide` of Arrow Rgt�U Prior to public iMraVvh nt icceptapct of oc'CUpancy, fcrz, 0 "hase, I, whichever occur&- Jirst. 11W developer gay' 1° request a#aabitrset�t ags� to reerbYer the fell 6A of undergraundingi:r 'ss t, 'snow 11, .m. . Ner w� �ar�eo � �u T,ne no►�itw up�n development. v Cl. If IfAvon venue Ji>€}irovtsi`ecd Arrbw �� U ros�nc�ing� cor:tiuit shad E b� vv dfl Hav Ark Hoer - An ins i l�etr fee`s ir[zel�libption toa futut o'undergrou0inj of the ��A- Ilftiee t! ec00*01 ications and eldctrfzal) !t are the 0 0, site side of Havers Avenu shall b�! jai �9 to #� City prior to the° iss Oct pf r,�iliiing r - /r its far Phase I: The ffe *1411 be ,i �-h1alf , the difference �� en� the u of the util f ti es n �ert n dos G Itele; oMPAi cati :. 4 ' 4nd eieorical j on the oppo to �. 400 q l ,teas • �, Avenue minus those do I tfgn. eler trice t o" r the pro �ct, '' t de ti � l the len0th of the Pi`aWtct fro Wge. e, If the Arrow �gi�te street i r� a nits ,�i ,ede h the Haven Avenu' uneiergroudd ny„ conduf ' k k11 # �t be placed across�Art Rotate �41 6.., the Deputy Secretary is thfis 1,aiaeiaisSIto slsai`�i 4certif� „ of rte F „1 adoption ' this Resolution. ° � ji 1C• I` �r�' � � 'j yyd�{t bill- IL sl a 'jig w tV4' SL AN, yu. �����"� 3;i JJ is NIX " s Ava i � # �. U lit ff Vj� I A 1d yyyyye.QN p�N"' ll � vp " JAL-- a. it =� {gyp y sit- hEr Z x '. Rif � 1!#Fli Big zT sow_ ! " f a —=v . -1 "a -war «art 4 V b7ffi� to His) Sys Vii° a 11- « 0s� ro r a• x�i g. slit, it _,1 "` �' � ' iii JAI '° a -" . qr$» ' C,��Iyy f ill \D V -1 .: ��� ig - l ilia iR .f kS/M y�4wi Ge Jly�1 lk $��' �'�' -4741U. ° M l`i1 Y •.:p term ilk IL j YR� IOW fe P� ?4 tile w.. --- j s•I�U ,eft IS flak it �"[ x id- $ r � � � � .� it ��j i � S Zile - CIA r ca� _ _ N pk"T _ a� w � fill Ash, $ a fli- to ail Ltz h r 91 e. 'O $.3 ►. YN G$G8 mZ�. ,'°e `r l•L, fob six ,.•.2:3� 't���`�11 Yy - "'.�i'n, X �.w w.�sV1 agpKa a:s �1y����` ���fwpya'y�111e�� t.iq wR °tl!• Y <71 •t 1w QH 0 VA tea+ Z=! ' a lit 11K -1 hif r Iff NE As i$ }q���4y1.tr q y g#LLL `yr ��y1 K �Y. itl+4i T I N . I�B ' Rp �` +i HIM ZIA R x tit w r. TMC �F hi I � fo Ott �~n.. Ht 9 MA 14 ors - ,,,, � j l vtzlW M M It(�� i• 8�VO� M !t VL. t76 tr 4 .ill • Y � ��. �„ � ++ 6.� a+ M W _�� Ire— it ma is Ell MIT lk e� s y tal y 1. s rr Wil nil ulls•.. ice. �µ ..;3�t^ytii.. • °�ssi4 �� ,u� A� � .�y';� ����r « G t+7t�.$} it I i s p y�t7.ts4,�YArp 1 «p ,I tR�� �° L4+i tt66S�.� ��Mfi ilk•�sya �3�� `�}�• -gig � u t R44 -as r• i,. ,.. , . w I St 't . �� �sli 4�i �; '�` s,N �`�`3�ss' ,� .'pa*�i ➢C �p��.. 'i"� Ran �a� It 1p. ttia Iii tY Tar wV/.! � ti Ll tiE <� A�O�ti Ka�IV �11. \.iFC •� � LI _ � u f ye b $yrW w V HYia �,+� #$�wg � ti7�: _�yp•� y ,r�N 4� fib' M izz A Y .' � .�. W Nr`4; a Ito IT -lit -I _w r t-+ G be" 6 ..r' {�"' .. W� N� fiY N -7 fV`� {/Ytl iiiss ,g� g � � Y ��Yr AAAA � "\•4; LF `,�' Jv H Cal ga ca kl� l ..`� Y 3 a K 4 C i�6p au ,Yp ' tl+.. Yy � 11�yy] atlp'�� �,2y�•� ����e �p jy��� �, a O y A( S"Giiv jjQQ$ii Yw St C A - ✓"•`,' $p M pS LCNA dapy M a` �1. 4�',s iJjU`, La �� sBg' ,DC - „tt�.i � 00 * \\ •C �'i ,may Y�° �� YJ� MH ybq Y � � '•a8 �C V �I. ® p r ryY 1 lit 6'g p Cpi :rte, �i�,. 1G Ur Al INit ra j� SA fjz � .�” � 4pw 76 ,ppiit - _w^ V4+t1 ,_ .�'��a �Hi ab, Y,p, •Y¢ }.� .'q�:/y: ?ass'ii 9F i g �.�R�.r �W�» 1Bga�. �1 ID a W r( f r�Ltu'NTN' I AO rnISSILi}i'`REPGIii y . N!� Ep iiTAL ASSESSA NT MD OVELOPME W. IEW; 87 =56 -DAVIS r a II. ANALYSIS it A jai -� !�ie*ica- Defam fnktt^O 1M,. `zndu trial.-Area Spe6 fic- Plan l " Teti d o5 v ar` 7C !'S 'surd c fdC'F^p3d$, ;_with deYlfniR ProPoaai 9fi";it' adjoiu exist�8ttg ,fir ltropos €4. lead /spu' -, ii , l�rnec, unlea5 is fission Monifisa- t �e rail scry ce to ' �� ktrg tf IvOn `�4eter *tnattons. ' n, , a: " Intel �a�a�i? ' . of; d � 'iead orr s�rr lina•- c: r�no� �� - �� 5 con Strant or adlAcelft 3 i - �f'ir�r xisting or, poteritiiia' rail sere > � %o° rya wY l a. PFd� Ale", ,.: &:-I adcomoddte rail servike activity 4 as • � resl�� t ¢#` - .atavwc.raa -; The PY.p L 'Si U is Aestoat d for ra� the .. Industrial _Area S eybii (See�,Exhibiti '!�..),; iticd also ; ,i m.�Iact:, tu�� ri6 t Siervicv f-or tre, aa�. cen� pardel. noreit she,. site.. Shur rapkitge ciferenti�r xists, un t1t� ' arcaT S dGh " of vhe••piop6ted,.project, which f� t� 7O�tB� if$�`�t Sib i3e@ and -; dfstribdifott, buildings. . '6 The Atckson; Topeka 'AM' Santa'. "M;t rail road ,That ,'vi. s� the" site's Potential; f' ` rai3 st?rvice and tie>reriitat£ that' rafl serXice could, h'e, pr >ovidvd to V* site, ,iid'Jr_ vtd or y on e° "ca' r. sPA 'csu�d .be•: ,rialized' to' slppe ras fct&ns f0, rai'4 1ipes (See attached let+er ,film t+atimar3, .damd "Decfmbot, 18, 1087). Also. noted mis the fU4 that-lbe, existing spur vtt the Lincoln Prtl�SO � es M tz 1-so ot"', Of the. project) kould, ned to be Ned to , ,.extend track' s, further `,north to the ;' pr posed �PrAlifct, causing disrt�Pi<itil: r#f existing parking and dri�aerddyS rnwed. by j soln,A�P�ryop�rlytiies Tb�hpus�j while trackage could ld- 6. -.-a phyt, "",11 /cLa coY° stfucted � & t� projects t wouj j nti/j `6i RwLWn 1� 6G a ci f Site reconstruction of tha drz� sting tracks. . The ,second: issue,, tptst must be constd� red ,bj .th -.Gb issfani .''` (before modifying Grain- sarvice sta4,dard)zs how the e�ddifi•d " 1 standard wiII affect other, properties. siesfgtt d filar rail ;, service. �; � lf� ,tbe Cc issfon < reouirev that rail sarvice `fie extended ftroa $h4 L�tcoln, ProRrtids- facility to'rthe Pr t, the parcels north of the- Vroj t Sf�t to joss ft ure 4 mosey Boulevard) will be predlWed from develdap g rail '"SerY�ce due- to the diffpr°ential � grade c ased bet ien�he nprtE�r if y 'pa��el "o and the construct td pr eat. pail sdrvi °e utd arts +rrtat k l " be constructed sacross °the *r 4ed`t..: site, , and an .4t4 rada�,K' � i o f,;. e+r. DAVISJ February city of Rancho Cucamonga comf pity O4VO1qPMMt AopartSAMt Planning Division Pa l�ly.. Box 009 (� Rancho Cucamonga, c& 9173(1 Subjects DEVMPt S7-56 Davis rovelopar"nts Rail darvide Gentlemen: This letter is in response to %teax :1 (1) --Rail 6+er�rico --of gour cOMPlatensss comments dated �Tanuar y 2.5# 19th . We have reviewed With Greg atolares, field W' ginaaer wi 'h�son, Topeaka and, Sant&, re Railway, Coupany, the eng eeriraq �%'rerson, t provide rail s ervice per your °^rent policy. Toe results are detailod ire - the attached cross so an drawing.. In order to � P+°av ge ae sirsg'a Car sgot, Er Colas* rOCOMended extending[ the current rail to Pr�,perty line,, begin t vertical cur -'Q to a MMi*U* 2e slaked oonti=* the 24; slope to a second vertical curve to as 0.54 Slope whit Will oxt*r4 to Abe north building wall. The rsnultir4 elevations bave the floor of the " rail car 6.83 test (l' -incheo) below the dsvf finieeh the building, �► �3bor of The const dints in providing rail service an detersin*4 by this st'tdy are its follows: I- AssUMilig a raaaonable ggradiert of #t' For „ a loaded forklift to rang down to the railcar from the xtuilding Would, rraqutire a : asp of :bout 20.75 fedet. 2. A single car $00t can be located at the nort�h6rn .acet corner of tho building at a .paint Osast to the office ;p area which is a distinct nogatsvo to the ueie and, narketing of the building Space. � 3. Using the grades' del rfbad above, the rail will be too stow to avoi, cra" zsaxaay Blvd. ' it :the► rail., is do* igr� - to cross Jersey Blvd, '.aconstant It slope will beg necessary from the south roroearty ling to the {7 t eaouthexly Rol' line at Teas !arY # 12 have conflicting grades" to provk, ion. r > shown. s Ya US, o t fL To� � Fas f j(i �t iiia Ibird ftt e Sm c ' aardina,- _fA 1q2dX0.lii9 F110- rt5,197 n SW2120 16 C Mr Al � ., 11�ttla�rtd v 14,00 Bristol. Street nth t Beach, GA 960 w� �.,8t I Dear Mr. �t1ww'- / Ibis letter is wrf2t64 to chi the passibility of ptoViding n t ��� facility to be 1ocaitedi at the sou P1 a AYCASIC aind', propd tic` coTaupr of..e l Tr&Ck&96 Cxa physicel,J,, be soastructed to t ,site' E Bay not bee ec0a0mically justified, dtae to tha fact th industry ~c* d lead track a 'tK�i` to be raised. 'ibis would,: disrupt L ricaiza Mica 'old ham 1 Lincoln, ptrtiars, t tins_ Pates'" a� driveway o€ )� xe iTia� Oxtwsir�e t work,.. Using aEJT 1fWX1W* 'percbnts of grade, only Me tats ,Spot could l Tealixd�3 ceritedt itY sewing iluildiagf +r,� \ 3 if ytke iaat�C any questions or Head f this subject natter, � "essis� involving at (714) 357 -1255: cities cmg ct Office Pa slow Jerry citing ter iaicatad abawa, 1 i Ye y, eruiy a"'4xti".�� J. ,F Fields , s�ssri�te�dent�� , i, 0963d, t _ a pa �i 4 Y .•1 ,. IF 77 —7 �r� g, a, c r_ TLANMING C" ,�Slog REPORT HVELOPMENT h. _ RAV, :Ej 8$ -15 - Nk A 1988' v Pare 2 11, RlVAl ftM l t A. gackground.6`�L. :Jdn;tary. F1, the °PSanninq 'Goiissia�o �� industrial a approve�a untt condomfijium for this. s;te, Phase I cop xla�� a, a phase II wasl inadvertently aalor �d to ... expire b ttje' velrsper.; The some prbjectw —ms #en resubn�itted to the... p a i I3iy4sipn apprx'4d Q j ite Comissidn on 4 with Auglts* ,25,E 19615 alc±ng with �'� e' assac�iited Farcel f!ialrri9� Qg#• r3 the Pagel ,Map'asp later'rKorded an November i In FOP- 1113„) F 1a ;t annin i1iv3 =it rc had.'d feted :plan° ? 'heck process on„ the Opmva_ pro, te_ do won prepaired_ to sipst - off_ buildfng - pef*fts• ha ver„ nei er <1bu Y a- rinr grading 'thy pemits'were pallid for project until Septater_41, 1987. At this �� r : ,,tim,, the 4,mielo,,,r r�+;�ived �t�y u ading .pek�stit. The isdve� "tentlyl '.� -- lsrae<:t e,gis1' agir� on 5pemtitr 2, I987 since building per�it were, not i�sudd or extension =; ,.an' _ requested` - C OtS t es ,BOA 1987��, plan `check fees were renewed by, the - deevilaper and tin tar ia, 17, .198$ the grao n _;persait. was t , On March 18, 1988, -the Ptonning Division receiver! a request -far a tsodificatisth. tee,: theHg1na`t project., Havip�' noted= that the project h &d expired, 'it was determiMd Mot the original Ty approved project along 'with\, -the proposed modification, Wst C return back to the ,Planning Cbkmissfon -e for{xeview. - B. Proposed Pro ect: e life prepos d Je6t currently before the =; oma ss on ` s' , den to `that`ti� was ' approved in 985, except for' an > „addi � of aN irixi6kiil.�` Z,;5vO square feet., '�°nis addition �Es pr paseVt the'po*hrrn en-d Hof Buiiding-,"F -4}° „ ind `at the eas`ern 4nd of 8unding "Ga2"1 The proposed a addition takes the place of,tek ; parking spaces The proposed industrial 6.Aminiuio project is tonsils r t with „ the surrounding ' iI tdustrial condominitmis in P7jasg I -of cne - ,p:a ect> -1n addition, the project has,. been ,r"dvie%md ,, ford cons stenq with the current Industrial �pecffic Plan An(I msetS. all the prdseni day standards, _ Oho buridre�i I; spver� t G7 Y' p irking _'Oces have heeir ' rovf dad (122 require�l.,based upon the multi -tenant ratio pf'1MCt ;'Cho, ' f Landscape Plan meets the 16 percent zproposed 1 ' dscape coveraaeo require"nt,within Subar 7r , 4 9 � r J 1" f c7 y' 14 � r t u Ol IGF {���}ra, � 1 •r` , f ip%�% �T V8 .L d t rmi fr+� 1g6 .O � --. , ,StXHllX A "" "`""'c^°...w S+AL& Ili 4 / TOLUTION NO. c t 1) A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMOW' 0 ALd4fit i�NG C�IIS §X01t APPROVING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. 880,16 ` PHASE TI � n DEVELOPMENT .O A LIGfiI Iia.'USTRIAR. 1117. ON .; THE WORV SIDE Off'' ARPA ROUTE BETWEEN UTib% ft ; Ols� s �1 IN Ch USAREA 7,07 THE INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC'PLAN AP � ' Qi) Gi.lbert43a said Asociates has filed an, appticall on for the approval of Development Review biz`' 88 -16 as des ^ibad in; the i —06,, of this ej Resolution. Hdreinafteri in this„ Resolution, the subject Duel nt Review request is referitd to as "the " licstiontl. c ±) 5� (ii) t `the IItFr'of 1388; he lm 'Com�issiun of the City �[ d ancha.Cucaraonga;.conoucted a meeting on he "appTi tio;, and concluded said 4ing oil that date. 1, fill }. All legal` prerequisite's to the adop 'on of this' Resolution ] h have occurred. o 'B. Resat ion. THMREFCE, ii< is hereby found, determined and resolVed by the Pt6-ning -6atii3ssiora of the .Eity -,af Rancho Cuca anga as folio ; L , I; ."t'h'is Com';ission�hareby %ecificall r_1 s t�sat -� o�fo e facts ' set forth. inj the Recitors, Part A. of Haas Resolut �xt:,rlre true and corr�t... 'Based upon substantial prese►tted to I this omission during' the above refe�twced meeting Q6 I sy fii# 1388 ' including "written sand oral staff re�orts, tt4s-- uommisston heftbyR specifically finds as follows:, (a) '�he�_applfcation applies to property, located on the north side of Arrow Highway, between Red OAk and Utica; and (b) Thy �F apased project is ct,apatial`' wit". ;surrounding laid oxes. 3. Based, upon the substattial evidence prasented to this'Comeisslorr a (during the love4efer"enced meeting and upon +he spe`'; is I;#irsdings of felts xet forth in - p'sragrap,': I and above, this CommissiantJ)ereb fir and c.oncl>ades as,. ,yowg :�` y` Q` ,- �t '(a) 10t the pro osed prof eat ,Is conaastent the fbjectiv of the General Flan; and 1'tb) Teat the proposed use is 4n—accord' with the , Otjectivvu of. the Devolopteant Lode and the uobses" of the district in which the site is ocated7,p, and � o rr RLANNIWM 'COre+lIS3I0N RESO TabN NC,. , cz PEVELOMENT �tt"ftW 66,.26. AjA I-, 29`31 Page 2 t3 ( % (c) ;lhatk' the pr+OPos�, use is in compliance with s` < - 4„ each of tit applicable provisions ','of the Developprent e; and T`m t J. (� aW,;the use,.`togeiher iWth the conditions applicable thereto, will not be `7deViOeOtal to the- pblic health; saf&ty, or welfaro,, or materia in3urious to:propsrtie t , €tr, irs� t'a nt_ in =V;I t c.inityt ��'> yfiis to�i3eton he 6 i finds and certifies thxt the RroJect Etas, , been revs -wed and considered in compliance with- the,Ca,xforria OnvirbnW ntal G Act QDeclarati + of 1970 n x fur, her, w; #s Ct+araissi�an 'he reby issues at. Negative E 5; 6atsed upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraph,, , 2, 2 and 3 above, this Cetissop`E�Rreby approves the a ticatio li each and every conaitit�n set f6r�h be, and pp n sub3ptt to j n the attached Ftandard Conditions attached hereto and incorporated',herein by ,this reference. Planning Division #� (W i'is pro3ect "shall.,bia developed identical to Phase r and Mt Moll the e0stinq product in tears of loaterials, color-, and tev (2) 0tailed Landscape and Irrigation. Plans are required prior to the $ssuance of uitd permits. Landscape tateri ' Khali`be cc intent with Phage (3) Acid an addi± io. a, .I-as enclosures ; L,\ Relocate the directot sign to ,.the plan et r directly! 5 across from Building 64 (Fi Additional landscape materials, such as box size trees and shy, uh�, massing, should be provided alotij.,,, the ends of the building expansion on-the south side)j � off Building "F »4" and the past side of Building., "g Engineering Jivisi�it`f U �AW' in -'lieu t as zontaibu ion to tt�e. future 5tndergroundit �rf the 6- vlitinq ,overhead utili,t es J i j �$e$ Cfltp�7t�n ons d eiectricil) 4n ,the op os to �v Ar�,5 route shall be paid to th& -Cites -Prfior J 1 to Oe fs uance' of building permit . Yfte fee shall the Oiig ado_ ted unit a:aunt dimes °,;tKte� be,� f : pp ✓ . 9 the ere pr i0 ct` boundary to the :last protect bound#ry'>(a 2 fee 1. - , Q F Pun ter' WEL REVIEW A4h 6. She -Uty, 4mta to this t adoption of thfa olr#ti0M. on shah ,� i y < th ' AP'PR A* JUG' A- D TKIS pTH aA ' F Y, 2988.. PLANNING COh6 ISSIDK ( THE -OF RAKM CUGMOM 1 9Y:, a rnsan ` Brau ct ara °a'e ry r, Brad Buller, Dep�y— � planning miss.On of the Syr of ' 1l Rancho Cmaanga. d% koroby carts �Uat -tho Fti ra Uldr�ly, inter - wing RMTutfOn DIES daly d s Ci' y of Rap6o Cta ^aa�in sod, and sp _� '�Er�.�i nine ti�siur #i �ha f � at s regular �ianni ftists hd �4 on the Iith. day o '" a►j 1988, by ft l g vote -t,. -wit; �} AYES: coossIow'.. WOES: Ab N3 COWISSIONsts: a OAT b flat I �sgM s ". Ix Al I P1 v:�,q� vL !�, its _ Man r r c w d 4 rr _ ' "1 )il., �. � �xi�i ,:. ! • sit. ���i � y°�� � r,: o ; Ali "Ali ft WS 1- . ? � t jj- nlv • �tF. •.5 =s �U.� � 4M{� .wprr Till, ma 'vSe� �{wraa }s�' � 9911 Pj +ffi �S i8 p If y.. t I 2i " 8 AC 2 p-11 i 9 M ZM p yA� p ea�� U yy e IJ aI n _ a° S. " Pins �IS��N �� +�� '�g;;�i4�► �'a` 4royyt �'..�,. " � pi a _ F y� t' #`w Lb p4�..Yy +0. NNO- 1R- k, 1! 5 r l Ill °�"��Y.7. .,"•.�.9'N r: Yty {n(Yyr.� l •,?!� }l `' Sf EM xYAL "%' Co AP • qy � S� ii .._+ t /•a3O al' F-v'.. ,rF N "r A �i O GZ.�. yf '�; ~B �qY • V �``wl Y� __ JI Sim lea AI •N �I! q .Ty. U a• .y • _ [� xyti Ss v a R� � i � Ifi1' � • i Iw X1 x ol zl cl r�._.'� 1 ~lJa M • i✓1 ��i � 46'1. J. E aid �+��� �,�" � �� ����. p� 'L s n«�. Zo a! 6u� {y y ti IN i1:Iilil` 4 WWW .; 4D •M fY aa/ 6��d 1 JY ye� � � Ef ,rim.. ,H' •yy}� --,^, � " 1 /f1 yypl � "" ..�� !�'7� � � ? D r a Aw r, 7:g lr2 ! 127 9 Ulf .. gx i n°mi °"• �r i d6 �F .. 11 li 1 •' :�» , W ✓ he _ r t ° cam ,.A i i\ ^.�y,• � •� .dil A..M P ���i4 aYC.nUU�/ q� '�i. .�n�V. w '+,� �' $ .. ii -"', Q, ►' 'es �p.�1t `y""�. tea$ 7 w ve F. g (� µ� n, ®� .'�.. a•���y.$�;� � ��y "�- "' � `+$�F'T " @N`F� } 4 '� yi� liti t ` Y • ��j/ �{yy�� ^qQ� i'` J ,.W �{ 44Lr e i if6_ "' ItO �'�..i �'i R Je •�� N Vti� 4r�r q �L6, w' _ � r•y+�cx.': .� " a �,q,Si ��..�+ i... C+��r,ae �Si�� :�� �.:�c�t iy ,�. .}� jup r 'rn u ti i< t ri .q 7 7 t ly Ali d LP Z4 xJ4,F� Ty *�1.- r06s "M��• ��. � '� � ij]f•, 'eY0(_�: �p '•;: f� OJp ti .r . d J.,� Al Pi l} if pi- Al S 't• SSS •o a° 1\ 4 J�j 3 ; T. fil I it IS `�?� n.c► r` 6®5 �,4 '' vJC � � �u-r ^Q'•'' i. �' ��� �btya��• y.Y 3` ��L ✓`. ,� l I= {tt r !Yt t7 M 11 Oi0 0 W 4�e{yj yy La4b`9•f ti �. Ott' p�, ate'. P �j� �11d paw:.__.....,.. - +. .,..._.. Roe I �wpw IL •.' w wr M d GIs sf$' 2 5y$ it Ag MO l` +J•j�p �y ■q�W may! INq ' 4111 I4 ,LLLiii(G 'a i� � u•Y�••� �M Oi . w o s wiiw4Sy $> tiSe�- «Pi's°a $ g ati Gi Fj K �• L l �� Zwo s 4m V_ -. g it t• � ,a Les t �i i� g y d 7-11 y q gZ Q y �w p M 11i an �yy @ p k. _ ♦ �r ydT, N,r�; `••p$$•�� ~. WK� �' ��r t��q PaKyi.t d�Y ,fin 1+01♦ '`� �- 1 {Q y. y w N Q 1y, �, � W � Y 4► ^.Y� � 4d li.o K. fV1WC 1 IF ;`647 a ' 7� C> —ol M L t i V' W Azi da Tj WT 1� \F r � •� as r� ��� l�-.. j, bs OL t w - y , *4 B f ► 4 Y V 51 a'a � ami ry„�• 4.� t �.. a g� OP +D .$ �..r a „?"q1 r%ii� wQYp 4yl�O w tN' wt3' vl1`. may` l, ti � � f��y. N 4D)• ' - ^� s� � 0� ~ 4a N +4+ N�,y W. tl � `�� Y� ��tK .Y�k �� � � � - ^�"Y O Vni� _edw wl�N1y�yqq p�.�M w. {I //fV dyAYp g � �i�.+Cb �.` `�CaNil3 ��wp4 I°N �4' -,�A L� w "'! ' + �aAir� •�UI.� ,��� a �y A FLt w d1KG a Ar <•1 DQ. $�( w. y��.. .${{� ffpGi �i#�1 1►' ■� �M� .�6.Ib ��� ^a`d',Cp, � Zo J ( t '' cl, fl CITY OF R�yA�y-�+iCt�����IC�lyii���tGrA DA78r It ll 1 T0, Ckain _ tmbe^s ca,(e PtictiY #ngnl�stor y FRCtR 8raa mailer, �ttk T nner BY: �rtc jj ;i Assaciate Planner, .f 1 SilaJ CT SY '" t; �(F1 �SSM ttt AtRt � �i:LOaME ;R u ` 88 -10 1� ne .nuo corciai iHopping cn$er c�pniistit df6 t�et _ buii ings t�;'tottci inn. X14„ 800 acres f I . d within an - iporgved shopping center ;art tie Veighl� Mroo Coar Mfat District ISot�d at fire �►Pii�,eas� 1' COMWW paver)4and "Ifioland Ave9��s APt►- � 26f 2i� -�:�t � and f .Rt#: ii , .A�t�„ SYTI: iiSFtiPi101t; A. Action i, go qui•stet'i: Apsrovai, oil be �gii�d bite Plafl acrd . eva 4nW�1 an" SS �fr,•�"rabiare1ara$iortb`` I. Surroundin' � "Land'Use and Zonin�g� 'ingTg_ a,a Y s;Lo`Resicnrgtiai Aisrirt {2 4 y y , dwelling uri'its per Scu4h Vat:,ant; LW Residen fa�i.Gis$rict'r� -� d�ell�ng:unit� per acrd} cast » Apt ► hts-I 4-000 ugh RerjOntiai Diitr tot x3.4. -24 y, ' dr�rel'lt�tg unitx >per xa:re�. West'-,` Want, tondominiups, Gas SUtiQn; - fice 7,3 Pro is lana"l, Lair -Kedl. Reif �3istr� -t (A Owq?jfrgg units perla6ra,A Heighbc rhood Cck rercia4 { Gen4a"t plan be It �ratittrrs ro i' acx! Cs'r rciai titAh 4 Lcr Denisity, #es en tail 124 4h*711ng.unfsts our :�� Scwickr ». --,De rtsitfts deri;� a3 t42�4 t %fn ,,rarrYtst per a�r"e,r` lr s, �Ie}dfiu pNigh Tiencity, esidentiai (U-!, 4 rPw airy uni " West' Of Pr' fessicna y� T,$r�- t$edira�a CarrsttY Resfideat�c( (1 (4 -g'ii l irtq un3Ct POr acre), tiei.14�{tarboad a ., Cosec D. Sid CI' a racteeftUcs:.'`M -4 site is arablr`', -grad d rvi$h,) tCt ,as' ;( c 4` eras orr cony, �ou$h Uai' !i'}c$ Sit8 i $h "f fnteK� hanp!' =of ton pr i ed F+oottriii i.4 e : #irk rr 1 >� Al :l ( PL MMIW Gt;W19SI04 STAFF RRPORT a DEVELOPMW REVTEW 88,10 -- I)IV£RSIFIBO toes q May Ix Page 1 ;r Park,ang Calculations'.,` N er;oP Type = Squara ; Parking braces Spaces �� rr FoAta� Rader �. : Re�guired�t�roded - _ Ret4il. 3 �� 11,,200 1/250 °I 45 45 C+o T �6 � erctil Ad 14 , - mirags proposed WDonald's , 41,101 y2so 443, (, , i1 Union 75 27,-000 per tiay I 1I y TOIA 514 607 II. lI xysiss ' 4 A. "Gen4al . Wi site is Phase iii: or' th" Savth w iago shaWng <t en tan `Septerber 24, I9G6, �e Planning iii iion conditionally apprsvad_ phis ,P #rase x$I., Concaptual Site ;pls'r. t lire developer is 00w ftqueWtincf ec5ign'�review 6v� the 'Detailed J 'Site Ut end ''elevations for,-them - retAil �buildi l s 4'q' ' shown ( Exhibit ` "0'' d „""� "; Zite proposed Mctlilreld's;'is not :} parr o this lle l"n jji . *D6sTd`5 has subtg'�`�ted a separate, 1;aeditiolal Itse �Persait which will be ny reviled' the i�lanning C issi ,.at, .a star date a n ;the pro3Wt ' has c or �pletod the lech`h�c�rt: a� Tesigrl- Retfi+ + pros €s.�; o The- exiting signalised de^iv Ponta Na en °Aven. a iil'ia� widpaed with 'xhe fy,'iuie d.«velrrpate� .. McOora�i's an�tlnt+oa't.�t .. DeI n Review - Csito Ita� `�Et+a1:r� „ tQistx,'. 'fir pro, e ct� . r 5 21 d aOr , c +o ors d � r approval skfbi the following i3Ondft#o 1 Continuous 'pedestkian onnections• tre k r f, provided (roar; the west4:�ievatianund „o the , asst . el evatlon for prop swf Re 11 s . x ; , the (' saaw consis ent tgxtug�a teAi11 , r the " 'be f ' ped6st, Man Val & shou? df" ' Pedestrian 4menities sugh as beeches ah4 .free• sYagdi g trellis work should -be 0�vi, &o' 4 2. The storefront ,de0gn. fmr Retiif , s;Eould 'be, .onisieniw, �eiti► =;xadi die centers xkitikt is '`pop outs" Gercireceses. arc iri�, ura �detailS "rock: ,tre tones s Id be provrd�d", � i and st ]evatio of the,co n s 4.. 1Cirre pockets sil*Uld be provided �FT�Qit tiie ebst gird 44Y'i`ik 40'atims o €;,the it U r Am ca* DEYELOPMEit REVIEW, 88-16 - qe'ER pim _ ^ may 11, -199, 3 U ° fir. Aiver rack tredt2ent shomd., a �rdvWad ift - fdoscap3ncar is°�r+� CAI trs r riht -cf Q ?; Way xuuld 15i' 1 tleted rlror to�� ittpp nc� of Any, C ►�+ � l %sass S6iff has'co pleied Aare ly`,a e , `i f }� apt, renr€ n ec B and wand that nca f9n fica�et "ad*0 i eit�€irot trt t it ct u" ecV r ja 3�es:rl�, of this pr ect. Fuysr4th r�N #(7 ax' i�,e e t ar��t pn wasf�tss�,u+ed. tors the p04fously 4 ti apitt ?r,. e' H'iT Wris '�Fit'P7?ljng �i,�(f,4 .r '{u '�✓� i P,. i ACTS" FAR I F9ibINGS• 'Me, -prg Is ad"SUtertt witty: the •�nor°al an,� e o ec.e,attf.:t,�e i�: n ahc, fine Fkeee�f the district in r "�ch Ague , x loa*w. -The proposed nsd and Site ` idr ,. tai Fthe: _�r #th�' n tinny a�;,t feawa theretq Will, 4n6t, be 6tv -ilwr to t is the "PU41 h, fefiy, fft� wet are,: r� ,� �:f = "�tepi3arloca�ratiS `ra pss in 06, vicizR#t Th ,grupaMed du and Sit* �"V *athir Af -,?the re&:; �endeti canditiWs of �pproyai #rV n t liarce Vath each Ion the' ag li:ah7e" protri tan of-, the ftVoleppeg Edda_ and `: -city, r XY� p Ct SEt�i1A :iit SttR F r csr#r�endS he''�Y nn;c� r+ issi'an approv eve cpnr€n 88 3 arrei is :ue "W ve"DecTard , F? ��t sly l�✓ ' �a ty cr.. rad City `t7 a you 1,Cv �I a R!"ate Attaciodnts: exth�k -V Prea�i rus y ►prc��t i faster PEan �l iwxhi�ait ° _ Detai - Exhihit yip'" Lana % d� ' Sian &t *tt2 Efi #hit i'�rt n 4 Rei on •�f. A '" '���ith Stardat^�3 Ccnditl�S ' x, h - l� __ liz it r t a t .:,fir *i { c ti � t Y♦ M44 rz 11R, t } �t Q 94 y vNli..µ. W p. Cl 1 '�.. »":,".�sr.� .'"� - r.:x -_•asa -'�—T —'ate a— a� -i;��" ...nw ..:.w �wr�. •r+ i ,. +...rw aar. .�'. T � J � �._I. It ��. Wa ^ 5T Ea L gv,^Tl CPS re+ r tk Fa' r o _Y_ r..•7s4lt. w tab a•,7r 9rlloTVw -, MR,'...%' � yt�+•ly,r.•p� ,' lr� .� d •1f ' ate.•., s S,{�:n>e"'. ..._� '- 'er��`�-_��' �#i �t �-, - ka7^" •fir+ `�, � a. � ��r• �� .!M !,. �!•�kD�L.� T�tVV'�"f�fl TY��L3N'GK �:,•��'IDf •M"!NF b Tai Sw•Iy •Jf7M Yr'K ^nai W fi�lT ALS%V^'i'IGrr_ l ►.�� --tea — �.s'w IITLa q you -r, �_�v.- .��csn �... w <ar �� �,�-"'�"- ,�:r =• � ,,,;�. y RXHIBI`. � ��' Pty± y{�± � n•�J ,� s Al r•' M y_ i rQ �t c ti ah fn`s • � I.. w mt J i r7�3yr[7raN Lv- �. .� '•►-- � ^�'•`_` �,;. • ��� . _ :r ir,.ri� F,t;sr. '„'�Mt,�.t lVi� }„�y _. � .a`�" 3 —s �'�"` Cv� - i ? � ww.+...w��,,,•t � is e i �`• AIM MIT &RAW,014 Oi; , ,r c A y;�— 't8A•�.� .. CUIQAM ~4 6gaA, r� � U o4 {Q ��d[ y KJ: � ,�{���.'3d�'�Lr�&����� •4+'"�•,�', yyJ.� a ,� \ / 0701 -02 o 5-11' 88 PC Aaenda o. 5. of 5 r+e .x►x� ,r a,,. �: � , 9•'X as i� a.ra���m _ � f�sM � � �s, r i F°�'i4 - -r;. - »3�=- �`:'�,. -"yam �� _-_L t� .,. -`dry' e, ._ _�f"�._...'- '.1"y�'�"y^„'_ �` e•-` 1 l .. s.. -f r z �_ .�. '- ..a^r..•�r i , Y{,ya -�. +paetu+. �.� wca+.rr LL at:. 17 OF ITL RANCRO CUCAMONGA TITLE° 0 'I RESOLUTION � Si - — A RESOLOTYON -_OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROYIR.G :DEVELOPMEhT REVIEW ,tyjQ. f#8.10 ,FOR TWO RETAIL BUILDINGS TOTALIHG"14,800 St%l tE,�irET NITHIN THE HAVEN ht r" TIE SHOfPAING CENTER 100#0 iyE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HAVEN VENUE `AND HIGHLAND AVENUE IN THE NEIGHDORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRfCi' AQN: 261 -271-65 AND ii f> A. Recitals,,i fjl fit ' GCS, sy- yt}rrrs.3cs ASCSD ettCiF .'4im am3p8Cti2Li6 fI �.'Cii tine. appi +oval of Development.. Revie4 tai, 58 -10 a s described in the tittle of this`•` Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, \the subject ;p6velopment Review r eeq(teyt.is referred to, aS Pati isn ". (ii) ' . On'_.the i1ih of May, 1980 ,the the R�� nning� Commit of .the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a meeting on the application . and concluded, said mee0ng an that date. MO All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this' Resolution have occurred. B. 10,501 ution r ~ AlAb �s NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby fouHd, ,determined, and 'hesol ved by the Planning Cowisston :of the City,of Rahchrl Cs rmronga as follows.— 1, This commiss ion hereby .sp ificallr rfir Fis that `alt -T the facts SO forth in the Recitals, Fart A, of this Resolution are true and correct, 2. Based upon substantial -zvidence presented to this Commission durf'ng the above - referenced tweeting on Flay. ii, 198x, including written and ' oral staff, reports, this Commission hereby specifically finds `as Oferlows: (a) The applicatiod applies to, pr.,oerty 166atel at the nori*ast corner 9f Haven and Highland Avenues with a -7street frontage of 830 fe,K, and lot dept' of 445 feet and.is presently improved with a 91,191 square foot: shopping; center; and (b} 1 a property to the north. of the subject site is single family'bOmes, the property .to the,.south of that site'is vacant; the property. to the east is apartments, and t er property to the 'West is vacant as well exiPting coadommminiums; .and t, ; tci .the proposed 'Detailed Site Plasm azd elevations cdmply I! th the Master Plan. and architectural themmme "tablithed for this Center. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this; 'miss art CIO during' 'the above - referenced meetino, and ; upon- '`fie ,'-specific findimfgs', of, facts , (� Set forth in paragraph 1 and 2 above, this ~ "Com issian korebj finds 4nd {�4 Gs concludes as f0lowj,. - PLANNING LisWISSION �FSOLO ION W— 4 iVELOPMEW REVTW 88=r D iIYVER IF7 q ft 119, 1,988 I ii Pale 2 ,FI. (4) That +VthA. proposed y ject in .consistent wifih( e Objective; �f- toes General 3�ia� , and !1 ;xbl That thy+ ;�rarposad use is A Accord wit4 the J, o91e�,tipe of "die Deve'i'-r{ant Code- and thi�. purposes 'of 00 dis riot in V#hMclr the site" is` 16cated' .end c+' W That 'tide Tp"op ")Si( see is 'itt c�mpl ancc +-. wir,, `- +i ii c (i2ICC3.'Fi£, j?itiif€ 6b a th, gevelopmOit Code; c- f (d� That the propdse use* ;'together with thy, cdndfti ins., `A�plfcabla thereto, will not U5 , dffiri ental, to the public h a�th :.safetY, q� wel Ore, or mat6Hally injurfo t'c propertidi or" improvement n the vicinity. �{ . 4. This;Cmmission he W finds and certifies that 6 projent;haa been reviewed and considered i d p`iia�ce with,the allfo;fa i' ?Vir4menwy Quality Act of 197ol;� 1d further; " this: C ssion hereby issu i !egative Declarations 5. Based upon the f dfngs e►ld conclusions {set f,04 ( "para rape ' 1, 2 and 3 above, this' Ct iesfor, heNSy, approves the °spPlicat an subjeei to i each and every condition • set forth -helot and fir,- the at :shed 5iaicr ar d Condition s attached hereto, and incc�tporated henein.bY'Vkts 'refe Ingo. Planning`Diyisidn {1) ' C�ntfnuous pedestrian connections shall be' "`pGVis� that lead fr= the west elevatoop to Oe south 90 wrap ,. rood =:WU' ithe eastt AleOtf A forL=i�,hraposed Retail Nv 3: Pedestrt -n amenitiest such as iietrc' s '' f and free standing �tMl1is work si }111' he rdVI�d within this area, dfgn +all Abe: } suNecfied to Mi Manner mview and approval. (2) The .store front 4sfg�;; for Retail Na. 3 shall ;' e f consistent with the G,,em approved in tt�ite cenfiE I e. "pop guts" and ",eace35eS*.' { 3 ) Aiidt t onal i►mqhitel: ufg! detai l s such as ri ver~4 rsck i r' treat me" shafI be pi, Wed to tire,, south and � ?st elevations ,pf the saercial ,pad. n, (4) f e �aqckeU -hall pbe pravidj along the east ignd Hattie, elevations�s -f the co rcfat per: r i5} hiver� tod' tr'ea et fail 1 pr videci to, s ±r e ►R. efevatior� off' ReCaf,}' loon.' n , K, PLMN1w O11SS1ON REST L61IM Nth. ' �! aEifEQPEE REV1T Yt BS.ItS - DYYERSIFIE6 ti MAY 11, 190�1 f; / �j Page 3 C6� Tate l_�ndscap n-2 wore for the Gal trans" right -,af- �y . a shall'be ca leted''prior to issuance of any PaMJ'Es. Ally, cc lo . and material used shall be t in ` the +existing "shoppng centew. (8) All future signs shall conform to tisc.6 onffor��► sign^ U prior as estabTJ,�`� d in the�i!Oen Village .1 oppin9 r- center t9`7 Ine site A ne develotd and ' mnUfhed IT atcordrance `xfith the approved Site Pianil` ±i rh c Vii. fncluoes ` archit tural .;, 27e?ations �j, teriO f materials and col'Or ,, landscapinjg;' ,and gralding3 �)sn a file with the rlanndng D1v1si0n, the cruadi ±inns contained herein, and development Co,.da reguttit.t#s. Engiireering DivisIth it ! A traffic study and impj teft 4, of tie study shall be renuiredi,, prio r«. to the fssuanceli of `-t— .' buildi ^g permits for the 11,200- 'squrare> fort 'etti bufldi'ng. The study' shall fiptwlude, bui!''not b.a lfimiteri P,;o the fdlloWing: The appropriate Widths,. alignments radius, -and right tern approawhes for both driviway "'Oft "the east side of [Avon 'Avenue between Lewn and- ,1ighland "Venues. in irddition, the driveway afsles shall be studied for sjcfficient width and capacity, C�! in Tidu fee foi- one -half the "' a t `of Vie future construction of the median';: islaisd wiltio Haven Avenue from Le*n Avenue to Highland Avepua, shall be I j paid to the Pity •prior to .,tfte issuance of permits. d building _ i Cpl the easterly side of tiaverr "Avenue: shall be improved sautherly to Highland Avenue. (a) The a i'tsting overhead utilities ttelecommt�nice ions and eldctrical ? on the, project side f Hai en Avenue shall be un4ergrounded fradr the existino, terminus south of the"soutberly driveway to thw -ffrti t pole on the south; side ,of Mghiand , Avenge prior j��o prablie impi�nV nt acceptance or ., oc6pincy, ]f whichever occurs first'. tire' devel'aiaer My i o es a rt:irr iursemeit WeaVnt to recover ooe -N the City aao, ted , cosh for - undergrounding ` fkd future' deve1oPn nt (redeve7opment) as %tt ticcuJr on the opposite side:. of the street. oll E��z 4 "� u t PLANNI CO a D DENELO MENY Play i ^ i�I ER IP B J J 1988 ry 6, , e DeO ' Se&-^� ry to , this COMMission , shall' cartify to' the #Option ,of this; Resgluti6ml", A ?PROVED AND :;WPTED, THIS IIITH DAi Ofd tPAY; 1988. ° ° PLANNIW. cQfitn s o ° sldN C?!0' _r - array T. Mcniel, una'Irman {{ (y� 1Y % w%i P r9 N Y .y sec eYNtl it ' Al )! CY ` ✓!1� I . .. I. Brad Oull.er, Deepuf* secretry of the Mannino rowissi �f e, City' of Rancho Cucamonga, do° horehy certify t-at the for its Rtsolution wds duly `M4 reguYarly introduced, patstd :' az+ti toed icytPlaiD #sxon Of tY , i1 a City of Raitc-ho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of IAOD i�g eissios� p�e1d , �' A - NOES: SIONERS: (1/` ,,v ASSENT., u i {k� Q1�yu ��iM;i� cN gQ y �ypy +y__.. q C i Y'• NV _\i O. w.-�.. ___ r^ r _ r ory u r 'd B3-0 ; i r e• Y M N M j-1c 14 .� 4„ Ears Eli mix f 1 � K 1p@y'.up /_ .i1My lit" 91: L 'Y �•°y F�'t w' ;mss �'®� 'fit 9r P TT qq � }} rl 4 dNMy r� M1, �j �}� Y Mina . K . kJA =. ., W; g �Gi' in •e� i � rM� y� . s �+ �4 11 � "x' �,i,e"� t ' pg+ s if r3 wBi'a�i`�g gt. i AML f V1 ya y8 y fib.+wCM�[.w. no jfi j I kY j f jo IF- ks syot ^y +�R'R �g+++���� r���� Y� a � ai ��•� �11M� ....«. ^ :� �7i� •;. 4yA ... ,� y# � ,. ... wok a .' Jy a ft IS IL 21e a TL Y1 i G Al ;?e' [lc.Q:S SMr'�Y �r1 y M ~ big W M!4� r'"� • ,' O� ACM 1II� v. � W '�I \P S (6 ij ' " '" =M lot 1 . iz ;gar 1ya _ if Vb t g� IYw y� Zia M C VC x i! •°. N ., j 'Fo`°' (TLe03£g�' �iGr '� wvg =alit O�+ Y - w� lye., �`Y. .yLi�OP O y�.,YR. �I. A)(f1. 14 w NM RM- �p. � C 4 Y 1 �YY Yi » �'� ai aiw�6SA .�:viY 4. 4c "« 2 14F cAs = w gyOI eN Rp 0 to .^ , gy 4 11�A G.i Y 1R N R � ®N. M"1•.. � Q.M 1� y� "' R. � 9Li. g �'1' ?1 he 4A Y f1)y ryY 43 ®61Q`�2 #ypt « S*SpLY ��3„l�+jLN`LiRFw'O yr@is'y ?I rkr M 4! C ma an..w+rliw <ie.°. �Cw �Fim6 <���rA.P�.. °p,i� S21 All Y1 a4 c p W \� '.O2 Lill Cyy". :tl Y., RA a .WR +!G r.i, ip� y'r.�6d,� � � VR��i4 g a �, g P Y 8% yQr PRO.- 1..w y�Y� ('.,1� NP ya,� wry swc 21 1 {I `R�6 , 7 �- �t.i(/ � '� Ms` $ P q �igy 1. has LM1.�a ��� +� yy��y4 µra �a Seq�� �o'A`��yn j• 11dd � � M 1414" T lag a!N e� rww •.W� N �gRls a i A9 ism � d Y S M Rp w b i >^SM .rt y0 p..0 • V rp Y Y �M �p Q (1 .L OP CC°q y ity10.. _pB a4y: W •.. w.w PyR�'10 it - - AMP V.. M7y. Yya 7ty1. V.�. � �O^ i1� tl� .�^� M•r��I,y� v � p��� Y;} Y `��"�w1i�� I{ II "Ms ��W[ _ q✓.p�j +V M� YQa ^Y'�A a~ RE ° G y j14 r.4w P�2 KO .CM »p 4AW� Y �' 4b 1ry 6�R -` '1T y' w ar ll y i � �� Y • d r� ��.. � y � `O CY Y1 � � 1 w ,�� `th\ All �y A:ff A 4 17 .2 V' tl � o yg'� ¢ q�, ,g$ fyy, a +��� was we �tli.�c. �jf54� -1 �3 ar y fg" A Vi as at :eA Y -xi't •r .r�y _ y'•� 4i .IwIA44Awl r}Cj s ffi Ma Fftf lo, sill, •=rd ,5 `�g'''Ib'+1�Ga .:TKOR_M r°L , It a+��,'3 M iL�re Yes &- jig �. C)!l M H.li �Q+rR Y N .: -I= •� him �� Fla ( y. 3'w CW K V 1 KMf V 1� C r. as "� G K.M u 5 N ,� «- y v s c -, '" u .:S � �y[ NK V N .9 S_w . 4yyC 1+. ,6"l6"- i. �Nw f^ K 1.�gyry,�•,., tv of Az,_- GAL LL pp Y y� 1G y 6 qLO t i yNNL wwO4� `p�11! Q �qMt j y� Op Ory. ®' ■N� Ili N u M�[s y , 4 Iy A E v0 g,4�wg ,p} ANSM '*' @ NK i jiliY. « F A +4 „INaa +Y. .4f:� ,. ` q Yy m t113�@ iif�ri == yg it ANt3_: 'R c erg file fits _ g� $�s _. spa tl� Iry .'F i w is S go As_ ^«+ Vl'� C4 YC{lY`p «G� Lip �w RC�pA{, N'ly may` �LF,lyp w� R 15 all, A cm v YJ .. 9dit . pI'� ^yy^��T O�q.. P oo'O ` �iOi '�' NT`�W�'.� O 9 +pi AN a'r �a g Sj a � N ' a � z J I ' 4' fit 2v a i P As .� �y r�Y3 IiiJ 7 US I la C. pare ti itle�w er� �'� zr " ~� za aft _ p,'Ry +pp rieir N 6? a'H � a N�v t pN�- 3 O,Ls K Y Id l y w r �v YC. - +CnIIv Na4 i Nyt, ay� ]b w p v i' i �y r�Y3 IiiJ 7 US I la C. pare ti itle�w er� �'� zr " ~� za aft _ p,'Ry +pp rieir N 6? a'H � a N�v t irk r IT p,5 NN4 OY / a 1y y by z « All In :.s lit rs Y Y sy� N i p ,W4e•'l��^ •ate �.4 r-Lyam N • Sb. _ IR y xy� a,p. y'� Q 6„v. �$'•• mea {yy�� ,n... ii .¢�� ■c!.''�S q� ,th 3 �y!t r�.:M V• °' Ifgal, <W4l i� Im� All 7 Yq +KJ •4rNV M: f••7 3,p YJF 6.iV � 11 "* o I� CITY CAF RANCH CUCAMONGA S i.A F - _ DATE r' 1 F, Mary 1, �. TO: Chairman and Members of ithe Planning Coumissf," FROG: Brad Buller,, City Planner ` BY: Debra Meter, A- soctate Planner r� SUBJECT:. USA Ol_TERMINATION1 88-02 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAtd MGA - A requea o car y e`7uutomotive an 6- "G' p"Air Minor defi�i4tion of the ihdustrial Spec fic n I. ABSTRACT: Staff is re es In that the Planning COMMSOon .review car a n aspects of the definition for Automotive and tight Truck Repair Minor of the iiOidustrial Specific Plan. 11.. AHALYSis: Within the Industrial Specific PxAn,, "AUtofkive and tight Repair Minor ", is permitted in ,Subareas 1, 3,, 8,, 11, 13 and 14, and conditionally permitted in Subareas 2, a, and 5. The corspleta deffinitibn is attached as Exhibit„ "B ". In suwary, this category alloy the following activities: A. Automotive and light truc��rE�ar, B. Retail -sale of goods and seNices foraautomotive vehicles and light truclts, and 6 ~` C'. Cleaning Ord wW-ing of automoti, ,,e vphic�les. From that definition, the specific issue 4hat staff is requesting the Planning Commission to +consider -is with respect to it e- "Bl'. it has come to our attention that this portion of the definition is, subject to Conflicting interpretation. Does the phrase "...retail, sate of "goods and services fete ;automotive vehicles and ==tight- o ' trucks... permit the following; 1. A retell auto parts sfiOrt (00 rc aVr services offered) with -in s ,;multi -fit indgstriA grwect or an a to s nvfcc c Ater? Would t ;fa increased trip generation Of the retail, activity Oversely impact other industrial auto repair :us � can fire si teT t?r� wou'�d > the Ioto parts stare, pa icy €lar ' with4n aff, auto se,it tenter, z. � y serve hearbk, repai 'busindsses as well as th general 0 Public;, m$hJhg th activities a convenience to o neighboring i�usinesses? � �� , Q , c ° PLAWIM, COWSSIGN SIFF 'REPORT ` tfSE DETERMINATION 88 -u2 - CITY OF R.C, may' 1988 ' l( - - �°�� k kkal D As a generaI.ule, retail sales actii ;ties within, the Indus +* al Specific= Plan area have been 1irnited to businessds, that area support net roc for office or industrial uses in the area. Does the provision for as auto parts store provide that kind of support? or, is auto parts sale ;,,different- from - other retail Sales'. activifi.l ; 4 such �l_that rte& Wouljd consider them an a ■ ■pprop�iat } w 9gpart�sy }..star*y���g(no L pLRWNG CMISSION STAFF 4EPORTr USE DETUR NATTOFt $$� CITY Page S cj tustorm, Manuiecturina y The finished, frog �these busi►ta5s G _products ,M is s s4;re rear far use ar tsumpt n acist, es .a^�, _ site 461esalo jand re*1 of the goo `praduoed. Light Whq esalej Strom, , any! Nitrjbectim Ati #itits Wet this< s `i' o »' s�ip"tT be oad�T� e " n Vic` osed bull df"s and -orj upY " „ 50,140 soars feO or l a bt�fldit�p.- pa:f�es. "` i solos frt t the prftise4 acCUr Nho 1` pA fasted a conditiona l usi *> Haven /avenue 04erlay . Mt Ict, fthi*) the "ourlayr distric fib` 3I star h�a ar�ci lery ° very, C ear y s a s rc c vii . to a ini%trativo end rofessio6il offioe uses., Ancillary ,the define6 as 20 excel' '+. floor are* within "any <master planned �\ devotcprnnt." cr � I is staff's opinion that the Ut ;wive and 1i ht Tm k Repair the intent jY r uses definition Y!il�S do velo�asd y. tIthout`F re3.ricting the ratan activities ass sated ..with autt ti a repairs and that aw, of the « foup, eiol� lei of. reta�l automotivf sales woul4 be permittod under this land. use dofinitlii- RECOMENDATIONt The Planning Co�aaissiok shwld consider the issue a_ r�aa� �' as presented it the staff rerport and: direct staff as to which inter�pr�etation the 'C iSSW does most appropriate. Rasp 11 su teed; Ora a r` City P nne h r� Attach nts � ..exhibit kAd1 — �n of i,.„a�_� ,,'w by Submrea. aei�a l.igh lrttok Exhibit Y. fge��tt+tive and tiJ a J P44 i ii SUMMARY OF LAND USE TYPE BY SUBAREA ` ! PERMITTED USE + CONCIT10HALLY PERMITTED USE NOTE: Won - marked Uses Not Permitted 1 ,k C USE TYRES I Land Use' IP Gt GI GI GI GI IP IP GI Kt Gi GI. IP Gl GI ':a 1P 1^ Sabarea• HO 1 2 3 b 6 B 7: $ 9 1•® 0 1# 1• 2 1s$ 1.• 1 1• 6 7 1,+.• MANUFACTURING Custom : a R a &- L a 0 • e . Light • • • • • a • Medium + f o : • Heavy 6 Minimum m pet Heavy • OFFICE PROFESSIOiAL s DESIGN & RESEARCH � Adminletrative a Ott + . �4 e Prodesslonal/Design Services + + + • Research Servloea 0 • • �3 • .ti a , '• • Y WHOLESALE, STORAGE; Y- DiSTRIB iON ' Public Storage + I + • , Light • • 0 • a Medium # s o ie >q4 • c Heavy + s + a COMMERCIA. Aaricultural/Nwaery Supplies 3 SwVcss s Animal Care + i c + 6 9 ; Autom6llvb Fleet Staage + $• , ; Autmoti_sntal /LZA31sg • • j L + {«• YA;iltomotive /Lght Truck Repair -VAw } i • :• o ' a : . Automotive /Truck,Repair -Major Y + p $ • W L ?�uaaotive sales + } . Automotive Serviq Station + + j ; +t + + + Building Contract&* Ottiee a Yards +s s 0 • Building Cbntractoi Storage Yard ` • Building Maintenance Services Q1 • `s w • e R • ! s Building &Lighting Eqt, pmsnt SuppliesaSatea • e >f • + ®, a + a + s Business Suppig Retail a Service# e;• a s . -: • • ;• -. • • • ..' • s+ Busireas Support Services ! • s Communication Services r'F •- ! • "et' • C; • + 0 • 0.. • $ • • Convenience Sales & Services - + 4; it + + +- + + + .6; ... t .. . Eating ,% Drk*ing Establishments e . s A. • .ta o, 0 e !, • s � a te c :S e Enterta'imGit w, + +L+ ... + + +f+ +}, Llltamw 4 iG -t Commercial 1.t ' V Fa'at Faid salves d+ + +L+ + + + $ + + + FUtanclsl; Insurance S Rest Estate 5s+vlees w ., $ • • !, + +}+ • _ to • Food ,& Beverage Silas +i+ i+ + $ +P+ i+ + �9+ +F + + * + } + $+ + +L• Fun" A Crematory Servtea# Heavy Equipment Sales a Rentals n + , + � irr •+ a � {.. + + +¢+ $+ Noted *I -: , $+ - a s .0 % • s !s Laundry Service# e e o i • • • • eAedteal/Keam care Service 0 +b+ + ` + + + + +1+ • + Perronal Sm+vlces + +4+ + + + +i+ +!+ +!+ + +2+ +F + Petrals(u t Pro"116 Storage 'Ir y+ +} } Recreatlon&l Faciiltlee +L+ + .L. +t+ +}+ +I+ .¢+ n fi+ + +3+ u • • s • R*pA i'siervices 0 +:. 0 w e ql w 6 ! • �... Scrap O erailan + avic Adminietrative Civic Services a !+ ai s • • a 0 • 0 • + • s Cultural i i t + + + . Eztem** Impact Utility Feoltittes ! s 0 Ftood Contr"tHty Corridor 0 e A a • a e 0• 'public jesembly + + s + + + $+�+ +L+ , + Public at #ty a 11111ity Ser '.ices + +3+ + iii+ +F+ + +9+ 4N +L+ + +i+ +is. °' +4- t + + (P-In strdal Park GI- G4nerat industrial Mt /Ht- Minimum Impaet Heavy industrial HO=Haven Ave. Overlay District Hi -Heavy Indusir.Al i * � ,..- ..+ice_.._• ,_.. t . __ _ "^ p.._...�� � ...:...a,._....._. =-- - - -„.. — - '�U� � _ _ a4 7�•,,p ,y,p qq 3�, ,} y14} y include but �,- RutOmotivi, Wet: zvykt�8 L9�� a e: �lZi� l tif{i d{i�� 2t�M �t IJ 'itali$"e Mspjaft, rotaiju sa�Cl \er =' i se`- n"—vn% a tits ar�44n 0moilles, minor -- ga"p,0M 1 *�*P frt automotive body war o 464,-Instamlatfto of .accesSorles.. As Bo ive,. acrd i Ott tr ick Re aarRfPbr; Activities and light, ° trod repaie, ttm- retaf sale of grads and "ser ices" or :4 atrtc otiae �arehicles a iot trucks {'less tha 6th 1b7, and s cleasaing ',and +xashi#rg an t3ve y�y.. y��s ±yy�¢� y�ry� g H �^�y ���,y yam. ,.y, ,�,.,y �. blrak *, ouffler' and titer shags stare ue- tha°ou car wa`lres. Heaarfer W. pair ch as' tran$�fssion and ere tr - repair are not Chided.' disabled vehicles .shalt be screened front blic ai3td. o = Automofiso and " Truck p, ar Major: ia� t ca y nc u , qt e not m ed to: thmy autnmoWlo and truck repair -such as" transmission and C ,engine repair, the Painting of automop ive vehicles automotive body work, and the: installa n of major accessories.' Disabled vehicles shall be eened from public •,viow s 'Stat 4q: Activist f . , nc u U, are no Ei ml to. the ale from the premises of gods and the provision of service ly ' rewired in the clay- toaday operation of motor V ides, including the princi7aal sale of petroleum,pr6du' s, the incidental sale of tires, batteries, replacement sterns, and lubricating serrlices, :and theperfortnance or mitttP tepairs, such as tine -up, ti re change° any! brake wcr?c, , o Building 04tractorafs -Offices and Yards; Activities !' gyp— Flail ° y'Vftc t"'"`,a ces a storage of esluipment,�- materials, and vehicles for contractors who are ir.. the t trades involving co+tstructfon activities which. ,Includo, r put are not limited to, plumbing, painting, elrctrical, ffng, carpentry, and other services. Screening of lam` ?%utdocr storage is required as peas Section IV, A.C. i {Storage Area /Screaaing)t Bu %Cbnt "ctor °'s storage Yard: A:tfvities "include e ma n antsnce a au , oor storage of large J;. constrktfoi ' fit such as earthmovhg egaip rat, cranes,, ana oast ot< storage of building materials: Ili, atn unscreen+ed I 4� n ... 4 s ... ill _�`�•�,./lE. l: 7 l X�� - � _ .a'AY� a _.. .. _ ifiFFIEPORT DATE, 9!0 1!x IS88 , ' v To< Chairmw nd:Members of the Planning Commission FROM:. Brad Buller, Qity Planner v -� BY: Nancy Fong, Associate 01annet• SUBJECT: DIRECTOR'S' REPORT ON BUSINESSES .WIT�I DIVE THRU f�CTLITIES TO cons era eso u on or .os a "liingrcresign goals and interim policies for business= with drive -thru facilities. r I. BACKGROUND: On April 13, 1988, the Planni`n +mRission reviewed e proposed development * Aze -rds and design gu elines fcr, drive -, thru ;facilities. The tfiiWssion generally ound them to, be accen able. However, the Commission raised concern regarding the 1oca itneI criteria that required a SOO foot separation from drive- thrti facilities rvand ; IQO foot separation from resident,ral districts, The concern was how adequate this loc4tio0al criteria would be. - Staff then indicated that any .f4rther:,3tudy ,would require additional time. The Commissior;; decided not to delay the implementation of #zse; design guidelines and standards. 4nstead of 01ikteeding wita.- a Development Code Amendment,,, the ComMssion directed staff to prepare a Resolution is establish design goals and interim policies for drive -thru facilities. °The purpose is to apply and implement these design goals and policies and determine how well they work with drive -thm facilities `prior to formal approval *of the Code Amendment. ....... RECOMMENDATION• Staff recor gilds that the P annin ssion approve 5e Solution to estaolish design goals and interim policies for businesses with drive -that facilities and to be reviewed after a period of twelve (12) months., Re full _ # Fd, Bra er _ City P nee„ ?.BB`NF"s e Aft ttachmtents: ° lkesolutlon`of Approval { 'cl o ITEk V' c r A' RESOLUTI THE PLANNING COHMISSIO�, OF THE CITY OF W%. R Czz ESTABLISHING Itd ERIM ,DESIGN GOALS' AFRf 4 POLICIES FOR BUSINESSES WITH ,DR Y'k =TkRU FILiTIES IeHEREAS, the Planning Commission hascexpressed name ;tub concerns with food businesses that have drive -thru „facilities including,,but no united to,'iast food rests. rants. Tte concerns. are compatibility of use, rculation, and vt'suaI and aesthetic appearance, Previous projects haves not adequately a addressed these concerns', especially in the screening of the �i -thru lane, WHEREAS, there is a need to establish a desig goal for businesses with drive -thru facilities to guide future development; d WHEREAS, developmeni::sWffaards a4 design guidelines,are necessary to implement the design goal for businesses with drive -thru, facilities and U WHEREAS, such development standards and design�idelines are needed .:o provide clear'airection and guidance to developers an�taff alike, NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission does hereby establish interior polinies for businesses with drive- : facilities a; follows. Section i, Goal Statema of The intent of the guidelines is to assist the designer in undsrstanding and or lying with the City standards for building and site design. Th+,oal is to -- provide high quality design, compatibllit�k -of ,'use, and mitigate environmental and aesthetic corms” that are createO,by this type of land its. rite follow ng design standards nd guidelines small Qapply to uwCA5 with drive -thru facilities j typically including, but not limited to, fast food restaurants, banks, minf- markets, dairy, plhoto kiosks, or auto service. �.e o ,} section 2e Development `Standards A. Location - Uses with drive -thru' facilities shall be 300 feet away from any intersection and fry another drive -thrw facility on the same side of the street, except within a shopping center or Master+ plan. Restaurants with drive- ttrrt' facilities shall he a minimw of 100 feet away from any residential use or district boundary, - is ` PLANNING C"IS$10H RESOLUTIGN �� o .40. DRIVE 1FtRU INTERIM DESIGN PALS /POLICIES May 11"1988 Page 2 B. Site Area Uses with drive -thrt facilitie�,�shall have a minimum 1 acre net land area. "This iniaium land i area may be �ftdiff'ed when the, drive -tliru facility is within a Mastfl- Plan or ar integrated shopping enter f r through,the Oesi'gn Revie4- ccess. C. The minimum floor area for drive+thru facilities hall be 2,500 square feet. he-mini floor area for a „ drive thru facility than other a fast food restaurArt may be modified through the, Dtsf(nl`jeview process. D. The maximum site coverage shall be 40 percent of the ' net • lot area. The mt-nim on -site, landsc6ping, ►,rich Includes ''articulat'd p`iazast courtyards„ and patios, shall be 15 pert t of the net lot area exclusive of - pubxi�,right•of -w�., E.- Parking and the drive -thru lane shall be setback, 45 feet from the ultimate card face.. Greater setbecks may be required as mentioned in the Specific Plan and as deemed accessory during the Design Review process. Section 3: Design Guidelines A. Sitax Planning /BuildingC*ientation - Future drive -tthru facilities In a Master Plan or shopping center shalt be identified early in the review,, process to avoid retrofitting the uses at `"later date. ' The site design shall minimize pedestrian /vehicle conflicts and avoid /, locating driveways and service areas which, inter'•fere with the flow of the' circulatfon. Build ng placement shall be done nner to crimte e'te new pedestrian "spaces and plaza aBuildings shall orient the public entrances d. Cite street. Building layout should he oriented to screens the drfve-thru lane., Drive -thru lanes shall be smened through building orientation, the use of a c -olieiatlon of low screen walls, heavy landsgaping, and trellis work,. Separate pay windows° and ps -up windows should be provided. Stacking Distance /Parking - The erive -thru lane shall be a sufficient length. tq accommodate the necessary stacking of cars.. The stacking distance- shall be determined through a parking study as stated in Section .. 11.12.040C, Special Requirements of the Parking Ordinance. Each drive -thru 'lane shall %o separate frft -" the circulation route necessary for ingress and egress from, the property or access to any parking "spacres within the site. o PLANIIINa cowrssiou RESOLUTION NO. -D� IVC -THRU Xh'TERIK D£SION GOALS /POLICIES Nfay 11, Ig�t^s Page 3 -• C. Parking The parking requirements for drive -thru facilities shall be according to Section 17.12 of the ^ Parking Ordinance. The gross floor area for outdoor. seating shall he subject to the game parking - requirement. D. Pedestrian Orientation - The Site Plan shall c41te r opportunities for courtyards and plazas and of er landscape open space to Fromote safe; and convenient pedestrian <maveftrit with 'continuous landscape pathway between buildings.: The design should discourage a, need for pedestrians to`haee to crass a drive -thru , wherever, possible. E. Architecture - Standardized 'torn-orate architectural stxies �assaciatecl ui_. ,:iraT11:. is prohibited. ariva- thru facilities-Athin an integrated shop�-'-A5 center \ or * s4er" Plan must have ,. architectur style (� consistent with the theme esta §lished n'the center. Architecture must provide compatibility to surrounding uses in four, materials, cola". scale.: etc. - wilding planes shalt have variation n depth and angle to create variety= arld t1rterest in its basic fa.�► silhouette of the building. Articulation of building surface shall be encouraged through . --the use of openings and recdjss , which create to rse and shadow patterns. Wild ng entrances slim be wei'1, articulated and rroJect a format entrance through variation of arc tectura°�p1 pa esaent surface, treatment, and 1-,�1,V gape plax F. Signing - All signs shall conform/Mitch the prrisions the Sign 8rdinance. Dcive =that �� of facilities within an integrated shopping center or luster Plan must comply with the ,wform Sign Program as established #n the center. , Section 4: Pew nce Standards,, A. Special performance standards for restaurant i w ih G 4 ••' ,� drive -thru facilities: The use shall be operated in a nnner which does not interfere with the norttal use of adjoining properties. If, in the opinion of the City Planner., the provisions of this paragraph are teing violated, the violations shall_ be grounds,, for shall- reopening Conditional Use Permit and, adding = conditions to control the vialatiarrw Perforatat ce standards include, but are not liafu''d`l to, Ire following) considerations, which, mere appropriate* shall be'incorporated as conditions of approval in alY ti use permits as determined by the Planning 4owissNn or' Cite ncil: ,_ - .-- 0 G� `5 PLANNING qOMMISSIOA REsotbilON NQ. ! DRIVE -THRU INTERIM DKSIGN GOALS/POLICIES May II, X sq, Page 4 11) ftise levels measured,,.at thi'propertY 'line shall not exceed the levai ,;bf background noise. normal? o found iq the area. /`:, (2) The preimises shall be..,kept, c'rean,'° and the operator sh I ana� i all 're4sonabl e , efforts to see that no trash or / litter originating frc* the use is deposited on properties: ° For drive- 4 Oru restauragt�s or other uses, which, typically 1 generate trash or Utter, adequate trash � containers, XA determined by the City Planner` `. Shall bt re 4Ired and Wlpyees''sMll, beOrequireU daily _U pia'k,up trash or litter -- originating from the S5%e .�_ r+_ ns1 a .i1 h D!! -2(iil <fOt1 ►4. Q f the rd(�Un uIe Ji P. ti q., -I , _ perimeter t�f the property. _ j (3) All geafftti shall be removed witain MbbiaCs. 1 (4) No uncle irable 'odors shall be,g0herated on the Site - (5) The omisite mrnager ,of, the ease shatIl take - whatevej� steps are deemed necessary to assure the orderly conduct of eMloyees, pwoni, anet visitorjs on the premis +'s, (6) A ct' of these- perforraancs standards ar,d all Conditional Use Permit conditions of ,approval shall !be posted .�4_ 9 side the necessamy business, licenses and be visible at all tunes to i empl oy'aes. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS IITH pA� DF i�U4ird 1988. PLANNING COA issION' OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAb ORM �a ,y17WcAi ,TMal r+aan ATTEST., Brad 8u11&,,_DePuW, -- re 7,_ T, Brad Buller, Deputy Secretar + of the P?arpning, Commissi -01 of tho Ci o Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby 'dertify that the iXdf going Resolution Was d!rl' An�_a regularly introduced, pas mid, and adopted by the Planning, C&arission ,0 the City of Rancho Cucamonga,. at -a regular,�teotinq of the Punning CwMission hold on the Ilth day of lay, 1988, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES; "`CfliIISSIr"Rc S; . NOES: G01hfISSIONEi3S; fl SSUT -COMISSIOI Z0. j _ 10 G