HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988/06/08 - Agenda Packet/0701-02 o 6-8-88 PC Agenda l of 4 ru CgCn'4��r MY OF MON Y a AG' ? 1977 WEI�NESD ky "c TAO PiRii' ��*4At iN CENT= 9161 R 14 ;, R"CI3O COC.dlM'ONGA, CAWOYtN A L Ple(w of A isncf It -UGH Cau Commissioner Blakesley. "Commissioner Bmerick Commissioner Chttiea. Comanissioner McNiel ComipWonor Tolstoyl EL Amumneeme: is r May 25' 198a _ I V. (r'Dnt .n c the ' lfowir► CoMSe »t C[tlen �p t« � o ex iected to tss rr �ttiAO and non�cpretversiui. Whey wftfxk�td ors iry the Cammssfort'at' one- time wftttAttt discussion. I1�rdP�� ^n�e.��s co6cern oven any item, ft= � should be �trtoved for discussiot4;` ` ' ;� tl. IattYiRC AI�YIENTAii A83rSS�VIEi+t * i {OR I)EVEI.OPRgENT REVIEW 41 8x07 - SitTA N I'f?Q - 'T:veIopment o ,2 acre intrial Master Plan consisting of t industrial buildings end hp I n s development consisting of ,s 1,409 sq are foot_ building t a contractor's office, yard, warehouse usw on 0.5 .acres of .land y in the General lY�ivatr�el �t�triotn nth 13 of the Industrial Specific. Plans 1004tedcin theieast side of Rochester Avenue, south,, of 6th. Street APN: 229-283-03. YL Fubli�� H }le ollO fIi items �tre t f qv y pubttc heaMn fn whf..�lx condeMed Wividuala ! , Malt vofde their opinion of the related pro f�t.- P'iea3s wait tip i e � reaogtptxed by the Cizatrrran . and ti dress the Ccttnrrk"wlon by stat ( Yom' nom a and address. ti scch o�iaions shall he liMited $0 5 rr incr� per bulividual; for ikzzch 44v , c $. E YiIit3l€t�FEI+I *'� z#$$ESShI T wily LtitYi i`Tti}AAL USE ° P Mi'C Ii"Li' E f. RO EC ON DISTJUCT --A, ;, w'queat to the lustaRatiott a a tee tporaryl mom st seture to serve✓.as a multi p �aciiity 0 be located in tip iftdium , P i3ersity hesideatfal istciat (8-14 dwelling units Per ire), located at 6627 Amethy ist end APNr 202 - 101 -1.1. Catttinued men AP 13 1968 Z C ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND ` VESTING 'PENS TRACT 13 0 - ACACIA r A' resident #al subdivision and design j .r review of4 06 single family lotillon & roxI late{y 40 aer of Is ° they Low- Medium (4- 9,dwell#ng utit�s r , krel d 14Ied it (8-14 dwelling emits per afire) Res#deneYa: f3istrio ' �a fed :t the' north ; ° 4 side of''HigWAnd< Avenue, sout:1 of Banyen west of beer • taS$e�t channel.- APNt 20f �k2 and Lot 110% D. ENVIROVM1�I�lTAL ASSESSMENT ,AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT MERCY AM- BULANCE - Ttle,request to establish sw: mbulnnee sere #se substation Ri A leased space of 2,000 square f'et within an existing, ttsuit #- tens�t industrial party on 5.22 acres of in the General Industrial -- nistriGt (Subarea 1 ), located �• south 4f Arrow Route, on the west side of.V#neyard ,� K: 207 - j 262 -rig. H. ENMONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND ORAL USE 'r �t P ^E�il�tllT $ I PACIFIC PHYSICIAN §g3ac`, H �ftie'�equesi ;La ° estabisst edical Offices In a leased space r;: "1,856 ware feet within an existing industrial "on 1.57 acres, of iagnd iri Ybe Industrial: Park District (Suba 7), located at 1091Z Laurel �trset - AM 209-351-57. F irA�`4 O gM11 `NTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE 4 dACH ON - The request to establish a heir salon ,des e ace o ,1 square feet within an exi \� st#aig multi - �etraatt iti+tl iM iii park. on 7.63 aeret cif land #n , e Industria: Park L trlet, lie ad on tae northeast cornef of haven .Avenue and . aria Street APA1: 209- 401 -01� VI6L Old G. �1�lwA'NDA EYkCIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 88 -02 - CITY RANCHO C�UC IMONGA - ,fi regciest to' amend a EtiWanfa Speed ic` Plait toles ablsh a community; Equestrian Trail on tlt West side of Easttivenue from a'point roughly 1,400 feet north o� ghland Avenue to 24th at. H. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMEi7T REVIEW 'DIVE.it IFI - The development o �s, axe° ice, neighborhood commercial shopping center consis ',hv of two retail buildings totaling 14,800 .square feet on JM96 acres of Land within r' an approved shopping tenter In the Neigi:borbood Commercial District,, located at L'ae northeast )corner of Haven and Highland Avenues APN 201; 27f-6S and-71. (Continued front May 11, . , 1988) VUL NeW Bminew } L DESIGN' E FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 13566=: cARYN - mite # design re iexr ' i Ming eleXStians gttd detailed site plan of $4 y s ,let °faznilyV lots f prea! %usly approved tentat0i, tract -map 9 „ consist lr of 154 le !rutty lots an 67.85 acres ot'land lit the LOW Ddrzsity_ lei ntiai istriet (2-4 dw " , ellitrlj units per acre), "j aced art tide south side t►f i 4th trea east of Wardman Bullock load - •.A�Na 2�6- xi1-G2 w L OR, DEVP 0P-4 ENT AEVIEW '�87 -61, '' - 4fx3RRIOT O- RPORATION - An appeal of staff's decision .to deny a M0d1jfi cation of the building eleutions of an existing .restaurant ; wi ,i40e < Nei,T33borhood Commercia District located on ttae northwest corner 'of 19th Street and Carnelian Street - APN. 231- 811 " ad. G IX. I1ire -Aw R"Ort % K AA,., N;AMEN3}MF.1gT TO `T-ig VMTING TENTATAIV, MAP SECTION CF THE CITY N ORDINANCE TO, INCLUDE THE RilGsitLA`TfttN OF NON-RESIDENTIAL SU DIIVISF NS, Bmthmm XL Mae ,Comments i This is Liza tfrrae dtt,i place for the general public to address 69 CommUsimu itards . tar bo discussed 3¢ere am those Which pia.. not already appear an this agenda« 77ae PL -Hnwg i `gm'musion befs adopted Adinin strai ve Rog4lad that set an 11 p.m.'a4l40nment time. If items 90 beyond that tfine, ttaey shalt b heard criiy with the consent 4,'the` Commission. j Le � r; J ;0._ z. } pt,ANNil% C�1ISSI0M STAFF REPORT" DeveIopmeejt Review 88:07 Swan 'Pools dune 8, 1.9118 page 2 . H. ANALYSIS "_ A. Banc round: The protect (CUP 84-$0? was _prIeviously approved by ! zning Commission on,,- February 23 ((1985K The Condi=tional <` Use Permit was necessary" at 0ai` time;. because of the, significant amount of ' office use #n the ,tbexzanine of each,' buildings an February 15,1;.1987' this p�p3eet expired and .- subsequently the developer ,z6 ubmittedr,a meW. application for the same protect:; j 4F ` The level apex ,is requestin9 for an entilrormiental,assessrent 1 av- the construction: of phase I t4eve700ment consis -i'tiq of a 7,400 square foot bull-ding for .a ,contractors' office D yard, a .d d n warehousing use. Upon approval of a Negave Declaration, the City Pla ner will grant approval of the pr634ct'based upon the recommended ,conditions :Of= approval front the, Design., and Technical Renew Committees. B. Design Review - Committee The Design Review'Comittee (Mc1(iel, Toil V, o man rev ewed this projtct on two ocassions April 21,. 1988 and May 1, 19„8c'i, and recommended approval with the following. condition-. c I. The col or of 1Ehl- PrQof shall be of a subtle shada and samples shall'' be submitted for Design Review Committee r New and approval prior to issuance of. building pev it. C. Environmental \sesw. .nt: �� SiAff has completed the Environmental ec, s an ,has determin�`t.�at no significant adverse impact woulii -�pe_u IL' a result of this oroject. if the Commission concurs, issuance of a Negative Declaeation would be appropriate, III. �RE -OMEND TIaN: Staff reeonmknds issuance of a Negative Bell artat-lion for Develgfnnt Review 88-07, (Respect subm , ted, Brad BU71 v 1 City Planner Attachments., Exhibit "A" Location Map Exhibit "8" - Detailed Site plan Exhibit "C °' - Conceptual Grading Exhibit "!J" - Conceptual Landscaping Exhibit ''E° - Elevations Exhibit "F" -�'F'loor Plan to :3 Q (36. AV-15 Ul SU B1i-ilRI EIE � » i=ti1 i kr Ilif i� N CIRCULATION Y, 120' R.O.W, � 100, R.O.W. I.' SR' or less R.O.W. • • i aa' th RAIL SERVICE Sobers - r-s- -r- -�- existing '-+++ +++ Proposed TRAILS/ROUTES Q O Pedestrian 0000 Bicycle �+ , :• multti°tisis swib . Special Streets" pe/ * Landscaping' .. «:7...:..M. Power Line/ 4- Utility Easement t Access Points j �; aubaree � NORTH _ RANCHO .1� AMONGA "dip P]�ANMING bI i TITLE pS A( RR EXHIBIT. 9+Cu�L�. . anr.o_ ttetb �'rrawv�ea � 1 tli.1l9K9bi.9�K- +iu:wri.sw .''� t 1 49oee avri.,` ,s - � • �F.c..r1s.L c�c a �� � � �d 1``� c _�f � �..,.. � . L l ca �r- i , 8 11110 ifs" x j «►tam; � r— F� � �i�9�,�����I����i :. iqy�°• �. ♦Mar.• � }�� L; a RTH t CITY O "RANCHO CUC Tol M a SDITYO'F UCAMONPA T' 1 , I IO EXI I, 6 , IIT. L SCALE:... .., a --�-- `- ---- -- - CITX OF RANCHO CLtCAMONGA �`STAFF RE f) ATE dune_8, 1488 ,. TO: "ChaiMnan an Mier, of the Planning Comnissi�, FROM; ,` Brad Buller, City 'Planner, � `s BY: Cindy ,ilorris, Assistant klantlar SUBJECT; GON`s2ZT CHAt, RISE PERMIT T37-36 - FGOTHIL FIRE DiSfiI} tT_-,A reques a s OW a ns• a s on a s emporary mo ulrai stF4 ^tUre to serve as it' multi-pur ase facility to be loeatrd in the liedium- Density Residential Oist,:*ict (8 -I4 dwelling units per acre) AtVG627 Amethyst Avenue' w APN: 202 - 101 -I1. `ls 1� - � PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIP A, °Action Requested: ' Approval of d- 11M.4onstr�tction Conditional LI se er5n r Ask S. Surrounding LandIlse and Zoning: r vacant; Residential {844 dwelling units per acrd) South - 'Office /ComercialoCenter; Office /Professional East -� P+ lti- Family Residential; Wi 'ium Density (4�14 ° Willing units perw,ac,re) West - Multi Family Residential.; V3dium De itty ResUmIti4l ?i (8-14 dwe'ilin9 iiRits, per acre) � G: General Plan Desi 0ati6nse 1�ro, ec te - "T+edi- ty'Resotial (8- 14:defling,.an its per acre) North - Medium Density,.;Re'sidentialji( 1,4 duelling, uc►_3ts per acre) ; South t- `Office /Professional.. East . - Med %um Density Residential:($ 1� dwelling units per acre) West - Medium Density Residential (8 -14 dw ling units per .acre) . „ . D.-- Site Characteristics: *gect site is 'a. pre -a sting�'non- con orm nQ s e a h been developed :�itkt an existing station house„'and an -idK nistrative office building _The P. roporty to the north is Currently vacantrand�^� the east is a recently constructed M6,) ipl0 family :proji�ct. 0 r PLANNING C"ISSIi3h STAFF REPORT oz's_ Page 2 t' C;` iicable Re uiattons; The Qevelopment Code permits the "'us6f r l or tempoavy s ryEures for use as 'interim Offices subject to a CUP process. F. parking, g,Calculat ons- Nober k- � MI, er �' type' care pas-king Spaces Spaces, nit' Use 1oCa4e Rti'o ' Rat, iied;� Provi ftl Office 2 700 1/260 .. 11 Ass ly� _ 594��z 1 %35 17 Total $ .7r r_r Number, of spaces to be added ;- g 11. dmYSISz " NI r, A Geh rat• As a result of Code Enforcement a � 4he Ft�� �iZ1 ' re s riot is requesting approval fat- an ex�nt,918 �.. square - foot modular unit which is located at, thoi.r i7 s=trict faci'iity on Amethyst Ai6nue. The it _ u provides an �t ii?tit work 33ut area as tell as additional ci�assroomia�id conference spate.' the arpiicpnt proposes to have tt:e; unit air the site far - period of `years.* two at which time station No. 4 should be constrVilk. The unit is 1o�ated approximately 85 feet from the curb.face t1d' # ippar tfsi�y- ;screened by an existing four .t4) , foot block 71�e a Jkant,wfll have adequate parsing avoilable,on- ;tee . pith addition of 8' parking spaces. 8. Cesi/n Review C ittee.'a ll The project was reviewed by -the Design RQView Camwgtee on June ., 1988 0- outilY E",rick, Chitiea). The Committee- ,recommended appro}Cal subject to the followitig co€id #bans: (1) 'That if Possibli3, tall ,1i—%;- obscuring lardscapingy, s� cFr as the Ptalian cypress, he 1 t. the � rD ad rear of ti;` ex sty;: storage units in order to sc een`�*eWs ;iato the site,,, addition, landscaping should be added" around the sic3 � r4. to the front of the storage units and should include fast = U .g�►awing .evergreen trees and shrubb- in a permanent ' p�,anto area ,ar large brixocontainers..� Eft landscaping be added '�74�'1out`least �orn�, of ,tQ< -iihiv (� site ;tc screen 'viWS f+ "the existing multijfaatily = 'project to the eiist. 114 landscaping should °include_. ct PLANNING COMMISSI IN °STt+PF CSPORi CUP 8746­ fi'_11re District 3une 8 ,_198$ rowin95:2vergreen trees, planted a minimum of 16, feet aft" Center, arzd' shxubbe►~f. _ ?1anter wells should be added around each of 'the trees rotect.- them from sand` -which may '_be places in thin area. <� (3) That the 1;'pdscaping with:,, the" front sAback area be upgraded, cailsistant with Cfty,StandarO to include street trees, the Jagz6ese Zelk&& Olantee: ' feat center fore a toil of to! � ree (4) n addition to street trees, jandscaping.j.zhall ,be added to the area north "of the, soLq,t:' 1yy drives >ais e, a .astFOU1d include ��lditiona7 .,.?4 tp('86 ifid box size trees 'for sc►eeniny= gurposes fast rowingrt, evbr raen 'shxtlbbe r and appropriate groundcover. Tf, thi!7south -of the drive:- aisle,. additional finds aping should fie. ad'dad,, adjacent to the existing wall. The -landocap ng which is iadded for.. G i reeding purposes should `bs <> planted in a , vc* dense l dFnner. (6) KAdeck with. -a decorative railing '=sh(Uid b'added "'to ti:e south and West,,41evatf6ns; of the modul *r unit. In addition, a trs1lis structure should be added to the west' ee eleww n wMt plimbing,vines added for further Scroeni.ng, (6') potted 1-an4scaping should be added on or adjacent,ta the deck which should include trees,hhmbs AM climbing *nes. (7) The trailer should Won si%e for a period not to- excaeu two years otherwise the, trailer malt.be s4k3ect to 1or..thEr design a rodi'fications. (a) The trailer, should be painted to match the .existing buildings on -site and a darker color bard, be added in('a manner Similar to; the existing ;trailer. C. Environmental Review: U,00n "-vfea ef° part_*k of the Initial, u au_ co!mPie an of Part Ii of the Environmental Checklist staff., 4is, found no significant environmental Tracts as a resull.of 'this proNosal.: III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: ?hAt the prapasod use is in accordance;_ -wit,5 4e Hera xn� a o0ectivps ,,df the Dxvelopmefit code, atid the ,, purposes of the District in which it is located, 4s evidenced by the Cnnditiona7 'Use, Ptnait prt�visis �: €or a fl► station, YhaiK the proposed use, together with ;ate conditions applicable Oweto, :Will not be detrimental to the publir health, safety: er'welf'ara ry'�r materially. in uric +as_, tp tide properties or improve Ots,Irf, the , ` mzm6.RANDUM TO. Board of Directors - FROM: Training & 0perations`ti 'ti $UBc7EC s Temporary >rlasbtoom Lease or Purchase < Y' f' DATE: October 2f 1986 With the reeds of`:An expanded fire safety division movi.ng into the existing classroom, it htts become.neces.sary for ,staff to n 1pok for a replacements several opt orss were fionsi eyed. (1) leasing "apace- in tGjj industrial area (2) 'using 'existing .c tunity facilitiew, (3) i obtaining a.,• "modular unit and placing it on nistri^t property.. `r leasing space in the industrial, area prove to<,be toot. ex ensive. Mcst facilities offered were o n iRtuch to y► urge a scaler for oar needs or budget, There was little ac oz for the parking o fire apparatus in the smaller facilities. F7eing existing facilities will do until this' sit- ation'.; is resolved.. There are often 'sohedu2.ijjg conflicts wl- gthiar' growls and the security for app arlktua partied in ihesp , areas is cot the most desirable. gbtaining a modular, unfit and lociating it on 'bistict property seems to be the moat satisfactory approach tc.this problem: sta- tion I appears to bjr the most sutpable 41a 8- for 'a ciassr" I in: „ multi - company drillsr boazd meeting,%,. meetings with the, develop- ment community and even ,in- k�s~w��' , physical training would `be well suited at this location, _ i i Enclosed is a proposed site plan. The need ifrs t his temporary facility would exist until station IV could be constructed with„ a classroom cn site, This would be approXimately two yoars.. These moi�lar units are.available th ough either lease or outright purchase. There is no buy ba "rk option.. Enclosed with. `the site plan are the bids. One written bid is still ffoithc4riirzgr and fell into the 5600 + range, At this time, staff xe�ommenes, lease with the lowest bid,. The advantage Of "the iT,0.ae is if the ongoing ;maintenance protection inolude4 in the lease, Purchased units are - -un an "as -is" /� as3a.' There: wall, die ,pictures available for your review at the b rdleGiYrc� -_ i 1 +� S7 r I?f)+A7 AVFNUF, P i6 1 2Gr tsAa uoec � u Pay 1 ua/t ., i ass -c i aLk r+, 101 KJ. YA3 Aa �r n • rf, ,y�r�^ It At y 47 ►A24449 2 6 Par, 2 �, I 1' i� I OFD NOOT ITEM: CAMONGA ^'. M ?'i . i J 1• i i II 1 i` ADMINISTRATION & STATION S _a. PROPOSED SITE AMETHYST AVE. ; NEW LANUCAPP Q NEW PARKING hfa' o'N 1**24' 0.04 -) 7f 0 0.^- ---• 30, 0_, 24 0 +. w �I 29!0.3 r � nag ufir "1 ii 34, o, -1a 30' 0'-1'� 25. 0• ST O` i� ANETNYST 1� AbMINI5TRATl N � 45' 0•OFFICE m ( resat �A/ANYST ta• 0. STATIMON 1 20' 0• 95` 0' a UINtV ut. NL tai 56 1. J to NS F ti 4 Nti V tit�Cw NWCAP 06 a4N Pi14iKMKi e { 125' 0• STORAGE I BUILDINGS i " j UMPST PAOPEPTY LINE f a E I r. 192` 0• f Ty c, OF I ITEANC M.. 40 CUC, AA TITLE: ;r EXHIBIT: _.r .. _ .. — I— .....I ADMINISTRATICYii' 3 t— .J STATION Y I Cc' PRRPOD£D 61TE AMETHYST AVE, NEW 9 N�Vf E,gNey,�ma� PARKING ft ►9' 0•N f,24` 01-01 t r a• 2w p• 24' d• S! _ s t GAS ro'av •�si 0 �, f 37 Q• 6623 AOWNt57RATT3 GOT 4b a' N OFFICI JIMSTH109Y, sYx�aw � p, 20. O*bi 010. r 3B 6" I .a 125` a- c`f - NEW E�t/t)��/ Ne .• rr ► � r I' 1 StYgNOW iIfUlLOiflOi r a r i; 8 " PWFURTK OF ITEM AMONGA i M �'1�MRwwswy�. E0.PLi a M yVDI ( SI qqq t °' < XHIBIT.,,.Z!_�. GALE: �•.•.•.....:.....s i! n REsow.ION NO A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING tONO,TIONAk,. USE PERMIT "NO. 87 -36 FOR THE FOOTHILL FIRE OXSTRICT LOCATED NORTH OF 19TH STREET,, EAST OF AMETHYST IN THE MEDIUM s ?EiiSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT A. Recitals. (i) a Foothill Fire district has filed an application for the issuance of the r,. ditianal Used ermit No. 87.36 as describein the title of this Resolution. 's reinafter i5 is Resolution, the subjec. Conditional Use Permit request is :thgth red to a; �_the;applicatian "r (ii) On of dune, 1988, the Planning Co mission the City. of Rancho Cucamonga �(iucted a .duly,naticed public hearing on the application and concluded said �eaj ng on that-date., A11�06's'i1 prerequisites to the ; have occurred. lion of this Resolution G B. Resolution. � - t11 NOW � THEREFORE, it is hereby found „ - determined and resolved be Planning Coasxission of the City Of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: ,.. 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds thatoail jaf the facts set forth in the Recit�is, Pa .A, of thfs.Resvaution at* true and correct. 2.., caked -A1 an su4stantial' evidence presented to this Com�p4 sign during the above referenced 'public hWj,1n;_,on June S. 1988, including Outten and oral staff reports, t4`3Other with °� I 0 testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as foi ows (a) The application applies to property located at„,6627 Amethyst Avenue with a street frontage of 19$.46 feet and lot depth of 229 fee #,and is presently 'mproved with parking lot and a fire station and (b) The proper�4 =tfie north of the! subject site is Medium• Density Residential ($ -14 dwel %;,rcnits per acre), the property to the south of the. site consists of Office /Professional, the property to the east, is Medium Density Resideaisi Q8-14 dwelling units per acre), and tae property''to the hest is Medium, Pensity Residential (8 -14 duelling units per acre); and fc) That there is suffYc ent parking available bn site for the proposed use. 3„ Based upon the substantial evidence presented-to this Comkission during the above - referenced public hearing and upon the spe;1MI ind'Ings of facts set forth in paragraph 1 and 2 above, this CoimaisSion'erei finds and �� concludes as 'fellows: a ; PLANNIN' coi�insim REsoLUTioN No,�' CUR 87- 6 - Foothill Fire District June 8,119$8 Page 2 I tai -,That the proposed use is in accord with the C° Gi 8eneral Plfin, the objectives of the Development Aode, and the purposes of the district in whisk the site +s located. (b) That the proposed use, together WO-h the conditionsiplicable thereto, will n`Z be detria the public health, safety, or welfare, ff �,Jtotfirlally injurious � prope n s or iapravea is in the vicinity. I `�� (c) That lire, prop( ed use complies with ear ;of e applicable provisions of the Development Code. 4. This Co!mwi4ion hereby finds and certifies they the project has __beenevfend and considered in compliance with the °Califoreio Environmental Quality ,Act of 1974 and, further, this Commission bore" issues a Dative Declaration, S. Based upon e findings and toncl'asio set forth%in paragraph„ !, 2 and 3 above, this CoWssion hereby approves IOU �a application subject to each and every condition set forth below and 'the attached' Standard Conditions attached hereto and incorporated herein reference, Planning Division n 1? Restripe the parking lot consistent with City Standards to provide thk additional 8 spaces needed ort site. Z) if passible, _tall, view obscuring landscaping, such as the Italian cypress shall be added td,the rear of the existing stcrag# units in ordaro to screen views into the site, 3) `In addition, landscapinoL shall be added around the sib -Jand to the front of the storage units which shalt inclx de festgrowing evergreen trees and shrubbery in a permanent pienter area or ' large box containers, 4) Landscaping she'll be added. to the soufheas� corner of L the site Which shall include fastgrowing evergreen trees planted a minimum Of 15 feet on center and shrubbery. planter yells shall be added around each Of the trees to pretect them, from sand Which may bt, placed in this ,ar a. 5) That landscaping within the front setback area shall be upgraded consistent with City tandards to include stt trees -the u Japanese Zelkova planted 20 feet oft -.enter for a total 4f 10 trees, � W PLANNING COMMISSIOM RESOLUTION NO, CUP 87.36 - t<oothill Fire District 1 June ' 19$A 3 Page 3 In addition to street trees,. landscaping shall be added to the area north'of the southerly drive aisle to include additional 24 to 36 inch I)ox size trees for Screening purposes, fastgrowinq�, evergreen shrubbery and appropriate groundcover. To the iouth of the drive aisle additional landscaping -shall_ be added ad$acent to the wall. Landscaping which is added for :cr�ening purposes shall be p7ante4 in a dense manner. 7) A deck with decorative railing shatll'be added to the south and u nest elevations of the modular unit. In addition �a trellis spupture shall be added to the west elevation with climbing vines added for further screening. e a 8) Potted landscaping shalt be added on or adjacent to the deck and should include trees, shrubs and climbing vines. ` 9) Revised elevations shall be subject to review and approval 11\1 the City Planner. 101 The trailer shall be painted to match the existing buildings on- {� site and a darker color band added in a.aanner similar to the j existing trailer, �s 11) Landscape and i"rigation plans shall be submitted to the City Planner for review and approval prior flo the 4ssuance of Any Permits or Within 30 days frost the date of approval. All landscaping shall be installed within 3 months from the date Of approval. 123 :,`may atodificatfon, .eximnsion, �OP other change in the use�r�' Qf the site shalt -require a revision to the Conditional Use P. -ftit. 13) fie 0-A unit shall be removed within 2 years from the date of a val of this application, subject to extension.- if an exten on is requested, the trailer will he subject to further design ifications. Engineering Division 1) 4 The . ect is located within a`Floodd(lHazard Zone. --fiaerefore, fioo± . p The Measures shall be 4:- ,)y1d0d as certified by a registered Civil rginoer per the 4� y of Rancho Cucamonga Ordinance No 329 and approved by the City Eaig veer, Building_& Safet, division i Provide access for the physically handicapped in accordance with California Administrative Code, Title 24` . o' o ¢n PLAmshNa G ISSF{ g RESOLUTION N4. } CUP 87-35 = ,anthill Fire `District irune 9, 1988 Page rl 2? Provide state approved plans for installation of the modular building At this facility. 3) Obtain "permits and in.pections for installation of "the�m6dular �i bui 70ng. O. The Doputy Secreiary to th is ''ommission shall certify to the adoption of this Ret6>tlom PROVED; W AWPTED THIS iiil'i DAY OF j-URE, 1988. PLANNING COWJISSION OF _THE CITY 'bF RANCHO CUCAMONGA OY: arry T. mcgial rrnan r, ATTEST: (" o .13rau Isul er, Deputy re ax3r , Brad Bulled, Deputy Secro'4arj of #e Planning Oooisaion of the City- of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certg 'l foregoing °Resolution eras duly and regularly .introduced, passed, a adopte4 by the Planning Coniston of the City of Rancho ,Cucamonga, at a regal -ar meeting of the Planning COMISSSon held on the 8th day of dune,. 3988, by fhe fo lcwipq vote -to -grit AYES: CGPT�iISSIOa�E . CSFONERS: A3EN!': Ct1FM4I�$IIl1€OS: - Ali}; .T - �_ ssi-, 411 xq- .Ti g lZ IV in v W T gyp' tl «�� iii S .,.. _ ~- ,¢ id 1 �bywa 3 - 11 !X 7CI art IB i w 4131H � 1 w » M All Uri �.+_ � fill 0 room WHIT µ. «L' '� .+W IT Alftv- If Ti Q t r =2 � a. R_ $'� ' mss _ : v. -1.8 e,.i K �6 His .. .:+`n. puP �'b �[ ♦l� '�s Y�g� ,a i "All If L 16 t °�•4a..': �i e" 1. w' �.. - $ a`• w" .,s,, Vr K a kj yL a -a PM.AYl:. ^ y. 'iwnNa — P.ur OM �[ twiG All KAZ I 3 M +� a €� Np ar m A6 = L • �i isWi is ° kYy -Are �j t A ss N i ! fit azz vs, ' a A 17 s_';_. 7� ou �, i�c I ^gib p X71 wPr �, @ Ow•a�!R !. @ a,� ��.�Qyi e =l!.._ t•j,�z,E.__c ■pN 2i s+�i a�i. • }� +�cn a pypp S�4 q ((p�� . ^pC�.�4 �. ."~ ' w w ^��p+ 1 �Y Q y �� ps _ 6y uO� Y V Z "Out �p t� ) ) c `s.s w�i1#�fi« pN.,`is' �I I i[ - N . 'rocs, oavnw Ll- C= to Y', 4a$� ;;'Ti ^V4 j AC C tL CVRY C � � 4 cif 'af Q' . �- G(C. -s 6 arS.0 � ~ ■ i�:� O vp t� m 1 w,. r q4O� g' r� ° L" f3 J wow u ♦� ugai * r�S twr'&.away ., u ♦„•+ °"C J a.w ^a ;,t wo °•N•'a �� ts, - 41 u ip`9 �5L'• «YNN �" ��e'N`°o��Z'b�� '�' a .� ,�.. ru °.. �R wN Q�w yl �j `ww NN�Si1.A ►A '�' 1�' bN y� +w! N X94 y a'V y,MN.KgN'.y r, 6A 041111 yl �y�� � 8.x° �� wM yap ~aP f1 W104'7 43 6V152 {„�� �M P'SN �6 R M• M w �f q« l�y"� V.'ygm'.� M N Qy,..ac�+Z' w4mA'r.^�g ��1..,`n IY9 spa. lgNp a�. AKf6 rylrL: oM� , �-�_� Q�NF G:7T- �q♦+�tpp Ls.i}. 77YYC'IyE �. 11 ups pp �y1f,ykk,,, SNt a'1\1 ._ iry ♦a�^ min a°. CIDS s'wo ig l y 9 fq1 �1 Y p¢0 M y p w '` c'L' a.t 4 a fff re = U" Wyib : Ui M Y Rey O �i 0. M'C � A � y my � •_t ?�_ -"', TTP R,V �b „ ply p%w gam. ! _C6 gpN,N bcRWP B LA Y M g64'b Tfa yyW °r �w..C� _IT y lM u 4.�� R IN - pf ptl 4n A _LM G1fi CCC .•w LrN6 S 24 VV 3 p f wl NC YT C b.4s Y •. .' MMM �� i tai •♦N b au :+♦fig.° �w y L W YI♦r 'p Y +O %� wy u�u pY}y�H D N ,Y C mw ®1 y 'w �'n a� t°.1 ivi. (} ■■ .. x.�$ w a O�LUbw :r41-3 ts �o AS eCti 8 e te. i J' `I+ilN .R °c��t�i.94.. (;,l - 4 nhiC Cam. -•. ,�. �y r r q il� 1 !t �� 4 O� +.i,�yl,�' ttpi yam., L Y Wt:: � 6f tl •~ N Q ^"` \n. r kf a, �¢$jM\ .�CqW O'k�' - n✓�iq -i� �• �w -St s:.��' �g.� r�_ tiyy N .915% VN awo ZI lh 8 ,� '. V5aa rq v ;, �NQ Y7 j4 r' , ICY Uzi f ' 110 R { e Ley •w szj! ii L ,C arty figs �9 P r R 4 asaa . � u N �^ s ue^ ��•» °s y1 = ft l�yFAl :✓ a it L� alla" bg 4s 3Y s. c Sic, fizz XT a p T'x S t j aqz 6 g�s M_� SIC yME aaw r a 12 u y�yp w' Ny1+• G It sit „4,e V �� k+~i r@w� M }w1 _w ��i VS+ �•sh G [k� C; Y.4 1+ m4M T'" V3 1y V W L wsi t$' " yy� 'y O 31,ghn .� t. A a`ss4. rr�r. w«r w$ Y s,ayisu4gyV -- yq 4 w�ti• ~, r"h+ 1'�NO U C ♦M "L nN+J, A L �'.O.N L p �0 _11 NVr�p t _ 7 r v� PLANUM COMSSIOW STAFF RiPORT TENTATIVE TRACT 139913 " i r� Soutwr � t� ,.air -1 died Density Residential' O "S dwelling units- East ?� Flood ntrol /UtilIV canitor. � test - Low- t3eatum and Medium High density _Residential , /The WE acre site'is prOsentl'y vacant and shapes uniformly to ` -the ,southwest at 8 to 6 percent. Vegetation ,or, the site is; ,v1 united to 04tive brash and 'grasses, vitf, anWl life conxistinq,of rodentx and native birds II , IL ANALYSIS. .1 f A. General : - The`'���applicaint is _ praosing �to develop " ir6 lots �a rang tag 3;rt xe front , S,357 to 1S,700 sgcrare feet 'Oth an ' Vt averags net size; of 7,717 square feet-, four floor: =plans ` are being $roposed Faith each;:hovtog- ;three elevztibns, All of ` the floor Plans *ill be" Pr vided with thm carjarages. Plan A is Erovided 3g tides an is 1,605 square feet.'., ;Plant 8 is Provided 33 times AM i,s_1,900 $quart feet. .Plan 0 i5 provided 49 times and is 2,1352 sgCtsre feet. ,Plan- 0 is p`}�ov ded 45 times and i; 2,.1 &2 'two ANk squarerfieet. All -flaw plans are story exc0t for Plan A, which one story.(( On Tway 25 1988, the planning :C '�i s io�t approveQ Genera l Plan Amendment W'10 A and Develbppe rr istric:Lt Amendment 88 -01 changing the 'area of, the pro3i.+ct sire south of Avenue from Mediuk to Lew? Medium Otiosity. At this nweting the' Plannirr oa iesiori voiced thei .c�rrcern that the Lows Medium Density s itgle Family residential �.ttea be screened and /orr, buffered froat the Mediurn-[iigh �idential' area to the west. 3. Traits Advisory Cowwoittee. The Trails Advi "y Conniiitee MY ewe the pro tic itrt : Aril" 2A, 1988 and, recooWnded, approval. sub$ect to the following ,conditionb_ n 1. A fifty foot expanded parkway along t31e soUtF side 'iii' Banyan at the 'east tract boundary should be. provided in order tv sre easily, accommodate the CoNOUniiyr Trail, and to provide a'smooth transition from the west tract boundary° where a parkway of 62 feet "fat its, widest ppofntl has been provided. P 'the expanded parkway Would also, be consistent 3 tip. with General °Plan policy which calla for the "preser*ttiair "character" 'the of open in areas surrounding Chaffey fol ie9e. n PLANNING COK#YSMN STAFF; REPORT June a 1988, Page 4 2Y Material sa ples�� "gram �rsplitface# and 'flintstane ";a� were d4pla if and approved for tine elevations, - 34 TsWa- by4our�stu o, trtWaround sect►r�d a "r ows pit all . elevations. is �� ,well as ., a 2 - x � s elly tucc billy band" was provided. Qne ;story madels� were OoOded Frith stucco detailing around the bay windows, ,sliding doors and windo�es on the rear arA aide pl vatiarns.. . Q A perimeter±%aso* rya #1 W4s a7sa 1'ii6brp4rated. The applicant agreed 9 reed provf i;, Uoother, parkway transition fron.'L,at ion teftil Avenue to. t multi - family project to =the Est c►j± .changing the ; location of the perimeter wall. It was agreed Ahat the rear tall of Lot L . ;would be inset frorA <the property IIfie approximately 25 f eet E aAJ would ietO`rsect the corner side , an yard wall at approximate :30 +#agree angle. . Tire same toatmen wilTV be f provided on Lot R {across the st ei. from Lot I} in order' to achieve consistency , The Comittee approved `the project with the above modifications. Huttever, the applicant provided only a 23 'foot JI 7 f inkway on Banyan which wWWOt, acceptable to the ,Comm! ttee ", i�hich 'that in turn! suggested this issue be, forwarded is ,the, ful -l' Planning Commission for dfsrussian. j i Finally; on Fgay lg, `3988` 09 Co ittii AChit €ea,'' neric9tF Kroutil) reviewed a revised i nyan.Avenue parkway design. The applicant provided'--o 36 foot expanded parkway for the eastern portion of . 3ar►yatn AvenU4. ` the Co i ttee then approved' the . project witWthis �eadifieatian.. "--� -- ,--- ^�-.�- D. Grading Co+ap►itl " / The)'project eras d iginaliy mieWd,by the Grading Cowittee on April la, 1988. At that AF-V, the Co ittee 41d not recoffift"d ' approval due to lack of info ration aitd the a istenCe of a. sump condition at It" and "l" 5tredts, A revised Grading Plan was then Submitted aatd °reviewed with MembArs of theArading Cointittee and tha applicant on May 5,. 298$, This revised plan was not approved slue to- 1) inadequate fiat drivable area over"i% storm drain pipe or the suede yard of Lot 14, 2} substandard cul - &msac on Street %rw, and,< a} lack of clarity as to the height cf walls and slope t` percentages aiitltg Leman Avenue, In a6dition, further info.mattonI needed fn order to verify that dweilings.on,the was r - .. 8.,... ... �,Irgre +wtrr IrilartY •..✓' r+ �•- !v+ 'Fast �. Gcwarnw4 ..f +falirf �'.'.°"• ..' / 5 F "}r ' Y;wtMflG bli f �. +wr'. oS i MTafW 4Y/iff f ` - (141 tff•1M .. _ �. A Q �.` ,�' Y ~ F. 'i` _.� �` � fib...... wiviaw poor QUAut y W �+/r14.reN.� ✓.V4 RNi�IW. � yFI �4~ 6 �� '7/�. jj� ` \. „1 Rae.4R..fr ~ f.fr YlYgy .. swi4D.awir(w Mawrs..ypy�s <I+YY11rr�yyy{{��yy Aa j(t / M1..ww 4Yarp�4r�slwrw. !mow } - �- f CITY OF L T ms tS ,yam - � ?� � � �•.� ♦ � am Im Sao � -40 A •,`~� �' i 4w am o Pon ST r 1 ,i%iF+il. SS NOM Crry ii'E.M= C138�t + V�'"+ii �, EXHIRT= '" Sca "� tt - - { U..rerw.. - t h � --- N., MY OF MEK KA EXH 1_....! r--- -, a 0 'Ell tN ' � t cl TY RANO UC,► �, 1 , L I EXHIMTr- ' (-1 7-P Ix .x � 1 k a IFF 4t aoer- „ --____ ..� ■ if I _ 1 CI'`� . C,' ' ) }a t ? nQ r� A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNINfv, COMMISSION OR THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAWAGA APPROVIW.• VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 13890 LOCATED SOUTH, OF BANYAN._1-JORTHOF HIGHLAND AND - NEST OF. DEER CREEK C4, ANNEL IN UE "MCOM AND LOW -MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL. DISTRICTS. - APH: 201 -271, 13, 14, 13, 34, 41, 42 AND`LOT "O" A. Reci tat 9; <, (11: ` Acecia Constructi'tn has filed an app'l;icatioW,for the approval of Vesting Tentative Tract Mapla, 138,5`/e's described' in the title of this, Resolution, hlareinafken in th►� Resolt:ti?3n tW)- subiecir Tentative Tract Map;. request is referred td;as "the app7icait -on ". l (ii) On the 8th 'of June 1988 the 'Manning Comission of A% ,4''City of Rancyil1 Cucamonga conducted ,a duly notfted ablic hearing on the `��iplicatign and concluded said hearing an that date. . (iii) All legal ,prerequisites to the, of this Resolution' haee occurred. \\ 8. Resolution. 1 NOW, THEREFORE, f -j is he�by found' deterkined and i,*solved by the Planning Commissitin of t he-ti ty.,of�l�a.1cho Cu4.amonga as follows: . • `this C'Omission hereby jspecific4l7y� fin(, 'that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, cf this Resolutioq re true and correct, tt ' c. Based upon substantial evidence prey::,. 4d t to ,.this Coomission during fihe'8bove- raferenced public hearing on.jupe 8 11,7 f4cluding written and oral staff reports, t�gether with public c � �aemissian hereby specifically finds as follgws: (a)' The application applies to)�.?perty ,located on the south I side of Banyan, north df Hirghland with a street f 1060 fleet alonj { Banyan., and is presently vacant; and , =� g property () The ra er to �lhtet� ice is vacant an t sltg is Chaffey College the to he sow d is designated for the Route 30 Freeway,: the nroparty to.,. the east 'is Geer Creek Channel .and the property to ttuF. west �y,�designatcd for single tamily :residential in the northern portion and mul'i- family residential aiongthe 'southern portion.,�� 3. Based upon th,. substantial,; evidence prtsented''`to this"Coftission during the a ve- referenced public hearing and upon -the jecifid'findingsj�f facts set fo tr'in ,paragraph 1 end 2 above, ixfs CoraaissWon hereby finds Ai,,4 bncludes as follows* = :, v. 71 V, PS.AfdEi1�'B`'COt�Ft SZON RE`&OLUTYON NO � r -- °}!E,SqTR��T3;N7.A'L�C tOCTv13890 Page` � e- a (4) T *lt '+.entWve tract ?.s ronsisty. t w30h the �,. e►� rat' PTrri,�_ Devi lo`- :.' .it Code`, a ` ,specific % d,11%1� car+ �iAprovemetits ,: � ,"the - 'ten'_latfVe t l t � -`;s OWUtent wit the Ameral Plan, tin 1qp� nt ; dat, ,arid- #oc fic plans,; and �r A r �Ae site- �s p +Vsically i table for the type of .� 6 ZYfllo n\\ p rgposo and 60 le�ipn d 4,O 610division ?s not likely to', l caOvd substaxial twit oA►aehtal dama, and a , a i�ia�tle in r� !�f hu► { s: ant- 1141 e or tat" ,rK Te) 'Tiae. ant YVe t► ►`<t n*t, yikely 1,,i cause seti -iaas puheic heal tb ,probleat (; and (f j of ft) ntative tra tti vill ­not'' conflict with any V*a tit" acouxreat by" the r p.cbl 10 a$ >=irge, now 4F `'rri,cord21 'for GcCM through otin 'Ui!P of �;0 Projertty %itliin vli !; .1 proposal subdiwisiu'�t ;�' . e, Thi>; C6iimi s for ert y e fO l certi fi e that—the project been` reviewed arld _c6.1 iered in =cnmb ce 4,;th 'th. Ulifornia Eovimm_ -4 'i i Quality Act =Cif= 1970,4 ;ac a;° iurth ►, th C ai �sia�t aerahy, issues -a Ne gatiNe >aeclaratLlon n 5: Based -upon the hi dings,api coric'lua9on$ s4,� 'forthiih Tarots t 1, 2 and 3 above, thi- CaaissiOu bee-by &�rpripves' tiie a I l,efi en;: s� t ` each and= every condition set... forth be _ .> �,'1nd �tlt `^ Conditions ettached hereto and incorporate t?? a�in bj tliis,a^dferen e. _ Vesting Tentative Tract ,,Map, 13890 r" I 1. An= in lie;t „fee as contribution toy {It!id fut1� .iAQ$ergroundjrjg a tF� eilsting, overheads l� �a. %sties a e4tr{:cal and tell "nicatim) locatil : on tine northside a4� �4iyis��tnd avenut' shad' be �t'atd to the .Cit prior to troproval", the Ihal map”, The fee shah be one-haxi he c:t� ?opted urt�i<.sa�gount ti lAe° thou \ „ IenitiG f,the o$g t fro if�ge. ^. „ 2. `' TnrprOV nts Ito Le o,� Av*Mae ° &hall 'b provtdad to j� �,sat� fatian of the.`C = E4 1i as` fol laws ; a. Obtain nPe sary ,ri -way a c ght hitrrj an �ruL' ' full icitii. t , ° 'ImproQO-nts Oon - tip east ptoldct baulfary J I'ng, to .. u , itgtvet4ue`. �� = 4' bic' i�rleer `:shall tike ,� good% faith effort to - acg4i►T , �0, 6 t San Beroardina Court 14M ootr*l Distrf ai a Cal trans ar<�d o f he 4hodld' fai to as the< ' T►.A kl G * F 1155 t RESQLli�t 'NA. VEST14 IENTATIVE �ACT 12D I' C n devela r slt41`l +ConstrUCt retainia wads- at the 11ito, `. 3.snyrt Street shA11 bw; constructed d�nd, ded� atediscl witn� in61uding comjar;ity eq�� $triap tejil ! T►ae ", cesso ry dedi ti 0ns sno iMpro)Va is for Hi ghlah -Avenue shall be provided - V the' OtisiCxlon ;of `'the City Engfne.er• as fol °]nws: r'eat itepr0+ral ents 'She 1 ' be, ca str4,•r d opt v the fry the westj yract ;►�autiaarar . eastiy tsf <<tl y r r bri eat r Creek Chan a.{ a b. 1 Va truci a gh4,aid ,left�turO ,jane� at ukvn'AvenueK�, "\ C. The bridge 6'40 Daer,'UCreek Chanhei Id, nq to G' tcRtiiaat ,�ldth >;., . 5yste s etiala ae }i r 'fees'. #^o� 't:Ke_c £eat ky be_ cm,dited toward the�`cost of-, struction m so a(t rove by, '' Ci ty Council x., �� �? ;, � Corsi ruct c6b v gutter .and = fi So ,h side of gighland Avonue 'acras 4rcel located mast of the Deer Creek Channel (Arm. 4 X39 }.` 7.1* ,developer shall = be eligible to enter ie , alab4rsr nt age;`ment �o � recover ,"his Bost upon t ,, -1 opment, of sa�1 ,parcel S. She f6at Sec`ali of the star>r draiA base r�`t `iv thtti Lot .14 ,shall bi deteAwAid priorL to flytg [;ap Appraval , to the satis�f��,rtion df by ity -ft neer base( Ut, Vp telto:,atign of the r�hl7,✓ � onrttvd with ,TegtaVve Try t' f-3823 located tv�he \ 6, Sl',Op¢e J,ae�d within` City Iandi6ape• easements along Lemon - 4i4iie slisl'I be A,N of 3,i and shall be akdscaped to'tlk Cl- ;at 'sfactiac "of the C ty Engineer v %. The ion,':of Na;ster- Plan stom Drain One-No. -be cens-4vtted from A.eer Creek- Channel to the ',Ogto tractz bw t a "y. A ebr"{ , basin 4h, 11 6g ° pro4idedc,at ttse:. westerly, or S o a herwisg, ap> 6,#vad �'� the' City' 6girleer. The -, �. r�, nfev cli Me is urr rt'o "hire ,CO�rJ of (= g� 1Ln''- ttY,:,pew irzty Orifinasice'Nn.5., �l t shall W . protected fray'. iows,_)entarjag he the norSh f pgerally; h3arn i th3; :pre icalmy 4 '" a z 1r to t�� sati,,;h on of eer.� g. prior t '.tial xap'approva%, k, deposit $hall �q posted rvS h ttte City c t� +nag tide lsi�jp6tfted sest'ofapai^iior�il}S; tli assessment 35- 2,. ionD.,�'= J"�`�reated;;i. PUANNING C", ISS104 RESOLUTION NO. VESTIMG TERTATI J ACT 13890 June 8t 1988 10. A star dram' system shall be',�roaided: to convOr flaws /`hoo the_ Lem a1Y tnd:,kighland' Avenues tnte`rsec'iion -.to DeeKCreei✓lsttUnr'e1 The system stralrt be sued ;r� brcoMWodatf the ijlture;, /.le;eXop9 n+ izf the 'pan. Bernardino Wahij flood Conn l- ;.district propert f�� t e t - - -h eas. - � :- Design Reyiew ;i. The perimet{er` ara11 shat i ^' e 6patible a��t co�s3ster�„ °i�ith��att. v 11873 to - the i s TPs s sfWl be �4ndicated o.1 the final ' landscape plan whi4.j shoo ire re ;iewedi4nd apprgyed by the ty t.: Planner. 't 2. The,rear ra0l of Lot .1 sha'1 l °be ii6t appr.cil ieatety 15 fret fr` "om+ the properly tine and shall intersect the corn ( :r side yard ra1T at an 40oximat*: -34 degree angle. The sa_treatment st ab apply to . Lot 52,4,' The ves;�'it� nt tridrguiar . d land edjace,, . td— the' y+�rb shaliT yP+� annexed into a' landscape_ MaIpUQ ii District. This son 'be indi�,aW,_on, the f #� 10314ndscape plgn whizh!sha 1 "be reviewed and approved by the City Pla7mr, ?4 The Eimari Avenue parkway steal l be e*alked feet 4t the eastern�tract boundary. 4. Architecteiral materlat utilized on frznt ,410_vatiors ,shall be brick veneer,."�E1in* and granfte sptttace" as smificdlly approvl�d by .xte esigW Roviet# Co tritfiee. This tF, ll be ;fated on t4 #inat plans winch sEralil bo reviewed nd L ; app ved by the City Planner. /� t.., �i S. 'Architectural detal"Ung'Aall be providtd on all elevatflonS.�and shall consitt of the fb1.1'awinfr: two by fours stucco trim around second. story °wjndow3 6F :fit eie atiors and a two by four stuccc- *bell,y side 4nu�,'rear Elevatens of tim story models. C -one story w4el s .,001 -be grovi dep *,J,fih stuaco detailing around sliding �g, "' ,doors arrd windows ton `the rear; -sand sidg- eieva -Manx, This shall be noted on fibe°,'fi -1 plans and ieviewed 3. and. a proVed, by : the C t ia:ESea�. 4 C. The, °-,b,iilder 1 shil"k° construct hose plant 'approved with the Yetting Tehtative Tract:�Mals'or a building type in substantiai comp #ante to those plane as app:!oked by the Ryiew% -ry Caa"i ttee. 4 7,, -=; The Deputy See, tar :ta this' � ssi�n shale_. cer�tif� #o the a k.ptloft of Oft Resolui�$on.� , ^ ^' lload' feQdpq exposed to p614c �iew sha lr.be ,tread r ed y th, x air«, paint a3tr avatar siOvl.° = > _ Lots a�V'�e tsr� the Vkiu� high Raside��ttial pro eot"to the nest `u" to bq �kr'ee` t f: om it clWith a dense "I nt~ingj ereergreen v �4� trees ato`�g Yha asfiern sidc of; the .periraE;er, waf This, as, 1 o C p N l "l ® ty .;aC{•py 0�04�r.��. S.�QM �`AT GM�•rCe d� �Y' .Y Y`Y , ae4.L:�.e � -r �� ■ga�'Y_"`�s`° g>44 --. - - - -V. q�CE a� a�6cA 4o Z w Y gx u Y O _ � �a.V. +tea �w..�1 YVy �N p�� v °� �t ♦iV ��.V ice+ i4 V0r $'� �i��MQ.y�{` YM!!•'�b '^�MVV fN.�YG � YyT,1�. y4 77Z X-I V y� P p"�"+�yV!s y °P`i•��-a�5 .. RC yew ..l�(¢"yT� "' ye sA S, goe - ��4 °�RO LitV'•�� ^> jaM�C� ,��.il i��Y �� i�i79 *��j�. �BV�:rl � °6 d� �D �iT pp ����. � ��MSV ii� . Y��� • :�w �� '� • N. a R I- All a}„ .a`,q S 7,M w + �i �� °_7 e� _ L # _ °. a. b 4w N w _ Y V Y y°j$ . � Now fir.• S MIR Q Lu .rti =5 im .v Y�«aa u 3 1 it's Ab Ed yy. �aoe 4i ," _ 4 S ©� J �� ~�� �.�sal : ��s it a� ^My��NN 1~Vi�btlLF �N • �'EId'Y. Y .. SrTp,y: MN }�� i _� $�rc•t`y� JV.,Y•Y � ZZ lit Wig ��" . /'f' .$ .r8�x - yP'~% 'MM� ±•3 V b 4Ya y�4 ` .r 1'¢l ,'� ,n•$- ',112 N� g Y Y ��'ss �ry+ji � A���+�.... KSI. tA'S'.l)r© g r ^Rp Ni�6� ws l�fv _ el R �r R M 45p 111 „ ` Z�' : g+ • It y. ' ell ISO Mjg jj ts II 7wi e v Y� �Ti df4w YYcY '�:.'�i` -�_9. �4Y ��,K �•. y�'. 'fw."� ���' ,�y@ y6�..�Pe�.� Q��b. �}.. y R JJy +IYL •1mitl�' 4r 6a1.l� V O dam. tz 4iT,er•jgY Y iah f% Ni i do g" �$�' ® ~' ►� ; c g ' '� El 11N° Mv 24 Jk- fa :rip P. \ pr,iSFgJY18 wiq L..T0 �5Y', +ISIJ Jil ~qp .,�,.wr lY1!4 ^(�•a•y 7. i _ ap �7 �t 1, ffi f� VN�� �M d �pl` -•, Ji.� �tlV!^y}V.�w�i•fj�� p���ryY � w�� !/l � ya.•.`�i. #.,q8 .csSwt'i3'� ,•, 1' '�:: NY �YP .�^L �• r U. Ji1['.y ^g 3yu `3' YLSN+• yCQ ! �•yA ajar �:m c «�, �� iw. N N.i4. �.lY �A r4 W �. � �, ap ` � p�` '� �s g. oY' .'9Yar. a�e�. �g ''�. � "&g Aa .•. °�� S'�aA, L, i � a4� a'` �' -�$ o� „�� �1$L $��l$ �l•ii ~S: �c �°di�� ' " � e ffi s � Y � '.f...e. • w P `�.. M g ~--' e'! g,� Y $ +� +�! y $,!� N, � �� V�1 - eur°r �� ar�ii ��M wq FM V•Y��11iY �wai ,'�r�„��r v Ear •girds �r .W is • t� ±�a' 'NNE u P -41 .11J w.w. +. - .�ca OF Zi lZi.•r .C..r...w �. svr;r� +Y ie® ,..ui• it �..P. �. Yi'y, pw w OH^ �A� �.�b'w.. �y�r1� �y s.r � �µ+' qY rYi' N #�� ' r, �,. ww • .1tl� M:+d �14,s ~i � WOR�ARJ if a4� —tl y�►tli ���'�' l: g�YI Jj yi'Atl tly. �� . `i� mss d�,53 w it 7t � 4 ' ") 'a � IL Mpg ��°i' .... �1� w,� �n I� 'r °_',��i`Y ,.�y�i `�:,, �$' {j� "��• a!�' Vrm rag 3� _ allots 1 i �°Ar • rqi .,".d w� y,,"� «r i`,a, n yw w �. �p Y �Yg a�µS�tr ii4 egg °`ax�v —Lot "m I's OV 'Jug rE6 At& U~ '�i �. air a.' «�.4a �lr. �' ir.� "s` �a• 4�1 w qs 11f w �Gw 4y a 4+iy��'.W ?�'J`�{ .%1 3 .. R�t.$�F t tli QU 44, - .- .- ._._._..._.,_- .7- owl 1:0 jK i : � ��" �'S' _.. �� Q ._....��'�- .� =°�.,� � � a�t � � � y Os y�i•ffi _ _ w Ad.�.��^ Vr- .•- ....•.....__.,.W: $�Yj p �11ap M {s3� SW p : aPi w, w QCs` wi LT US all P y L1L BC Iw 14T4 0.✓ L'�9 N N ,+y��GjC ��W+'4� �M +RM M. iW v� 'Ti':s�e gw.� fy 1 -4 ,NN �nw. N, M gals fi pip Ism 3, Gi w� Yom. � \ y .g�: r a [ �5 o2g, , x`13 zu g ' `� I U ' L 43U, .� f P+°M Y .f f it!., VY x ®max . of / gs I=a R, :r 7-.,; tLA JL y+"g++fyryv �!,p' ►% d�'q��, x$60 y'�,> -�r (�_� ®WY ++'LM@ �b WI at c� iqur� t 4 i st 04 H 92 ( wa_ wM '. ,' , ti"'",a .s. `'^ waF 9� w `i�`ti''`• f,,aw a `. - �4 p w-J 'q +`y tr ft >'"" ,iy i. �6nRw �rn�a 116 Qb' fi f.Q fill M,� r 9 I „ 7! � 7 .Y��r N�~ et V 33 qq. E$' .•»off it ' MUM Zu F CC PZ ej bsgig tl LL, fig" If as a LM 4 w� 513 All_ Y €, k° gip. �c Am » ! NMV w� it YEN '!�� w�. �r"R �. /••/±J� 'yam, {�yi,,lgyy .i�l,OlppL� W e4la � �N ii 7�' M u » e f ;y C rte. wE,. '� i y°z k 4 W H� w u .,3 `� i•° (��''.� � � -ate �S'�'� �,7 � u0 �a. �!.e say � a.•n "{,� -`aY °w o N 0 ibu C 1z Zia H� - AM ° E ■{jam p ! ry� Tt• V {. ° qV �'. y ®p .� L..¢N. O!��Y � - es f� �` �^y Y`�yg} • •� Qp y��Oy,.�Yg fa SIC _ s+° .,Sig � ��..e N NYCY'r • y WY Yy. M1L N L. ��•� sa° Y 1. M y�'1 • J3 {YN� � C jy^�e v L N A... 1j. yp -,e.i_"l Eli Al TL 21 «.011 �� N� rye _ g� q y •4 R M"' b� �NTY '�NG' 444f '� _ ,��j^�,�.FjjF�� �C 1.i iy {pew h •j H.Y. V `a y.- `w `• �1 \'S�� w;� �.�� Yh_M. w l pp If C `���.CCCt_ �s `. a°" 9w°i ; ` �• .� !1 m�`�1�{ AQ.Y4y '�._� e � � t_ � lJ � M N C,y 9• �_�� rii lM. �t p biwlL O it IK- s tt I i! f t j S I4 i f.'yYL 'a V ^� 1f �'Y '.. � Y pwt� I a' Qy�• \JAYY q. y�O V s .gt.y� ww° ��g�ip 111{{iiii e i VaCC. o r ANN. IIVff a w �jY� O » d1 T .� O V. , I , C 2` O �' ;p ^ - z all sR' a r 'S3 13 All 1-1 e 11 tvs 1, 'g .►�_ ^mow u�rN iyN6 MYN si�l Va. M� qw .}p L 1.. A 4. sL 4.0 `N C a� OU Q^ 0-0- 3 fig If alit N Y V i M _ OC L i M. ,j • C Tyr 3M p �yf� 0�1 V 4M ti�rl �01yp M: �� `}p ^i» wLi NY yam. Yl QNT� wY~ N'n���2j K.Y Rbs 6yy'upp. _NL Yr.'U h N Y +L'1LiG iQ{1a hAA j v s -- - r—` ary Or RANCHO CUCAMONG� DATE: tune -8;; 1988 TO 'Chairman and ers,of the Planning"Cowission Ft(0 ;; Brad Buller, City Manner o �= 8Y: Cynthia Xft er' Assistant Planner SUBJECT:_ WIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 88 -2f;/= Y1� ,,- - Ine request, ` es s an u anc) 1 sere ce.su s a on in a lensed 'Space of 2, square'feet within an existing multi tenant industriapar on 5.22 -� acres o; (Ind irs�he General Industrial Disl�ir. ��SUbarea 13 lodAte south of !grow Routi, ori, the west side of dinej64d Avenue - APM; 207- g%2 -49. S. PROJECT AM SITE DESCRIPTION:. A. Action Requested; ;Approval of a non - construction Conditional Use Permit to,. estabTish an ambulanco services; substation within an existing multi- tenant industrial` park; located, at 8550 Vineyard Avenue, Suite - 4084. B. SuProunding Fand Ute and '3onin :. or th Con n um-s. t !Ui-um Density Residential (8 -14 d�;+eiling units ,per acre) South - Vacant; General Industrial _ East - Industrial Baildiag General ,Industrial West - Vacant; Mood tontrol " Q C. General Plan Designations: Prrbject"Sive = e�neral Industrial North Medium Density Residential' t8 -14 dwelling units per � c acre? South General industrial East =, General Industrial West c Flood Control D. Site 'Characteristics: The proposed use is located within an' ` u existing en i p industrial park which is p;rtiallY �t occupied. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT a CUP 88 -23 - MERCY, AMOULAKE June 8, 088 4 Page, 2 41 E. Pnrkim,Calculations; Number of Nunber cif, Type Square Parking Spaces Spaces of Use S Foote Ratio Rewired- Penvfded ' ---- f,-- -- n CPA _ pt. „r r� G40, 1/25o 'i 3 Nigh Spee( C'uit Tec%haiogy�Inek ; 2,000 1/430 Dresselhau - ;Computer ' Products 2,000'' 1/400 5 5 Big Eagle fieal Estee E40 I /250 Cornerstone Fellowship 1 -,1 Genesis Counseling 640 1 100 2 Transtar Companru 2,000 T 400 5 5 Vacant 1,80 1/40p 5 5 Mercy Ambulance 2,10 * Proposed TOTALS 33 33 , F. -Applicable R_ ulatioris. 'The, Ind�stjrial Specific Plan (`hsre��a�� � a u � um 'b`l'tic . e and Utiliti $ervices, sub�ect�J �h (" approval of a Conditional Ilse ?ermit by "fihe pi^5ning Coea� 'lion. Adftk II» ANALYSIS: A. General: The propose opera t /24 hours -�� a "�y, seven digs a':0ek. There will be Cwo aa6ujance 4ss ggnu \\ to this substation, ach being manned by two ftsld,pers 1 is" Exhibit "A"); 4*:_ D Issues: one primary �- issues mai' tto lecA�,�ng t16o --We of'use Vlthln an industrial setting W4 c mpatibility With surrounding Ousinessss 'and parkiFig ,availability. There are .a=:,variety of uses cur, ntly in t`a center and compatibility probieh ; associated r4itk an ambuirnaO SON= could be pa►.king and siren noise. The Development Code res ;res one arks sorr��d�� per, X50 sgnart' feet of boil ding area, this resulis in, 'I far eight parking spaces. The c+ri+ent on•si'i a pJrking-„� -.Zj fight S004 for= this unit would therefore 'be ade ate to tccoi a v the use. ` M�wever, the aabulances are f wide and fees` ion x ., g. sfrd parking sta d sd ze is 9 eat by L9 The 'an�iulances th�rtifore aro 3 feet longer«th ;. thr�tauArd stab. Staff - there €are reca ends Wt,,the Wli4anre-r� stripe two ov*rst d parking star along the ,,rear.. of the buf4 ding, to adeoiate y S accaamgdate thv�aebttldnceS�f4 j PLARKIWV COMKISS109 STAFF REPORT V MERCY AMBULANCE l� �LL'. � 2986 f% i' Q ( _ •. Pag+ R7 �� r d onmd t oniStaff Mul e iigrt` se 'ached prchtb t sigh' _ use 4iih.in this igdus�trial park. the Foothiail Fire Pratection District has revie+vad this a tplication and his no tome t T; Exhibit "B"). , III. FACTS Fad FINDINq G „1. The proposed use is< in accoHike 'nth :the tiene *41 `> Plon„° thef, obdectty; , of the ejelop* n't*" C and the pur#Dses of to Indu ;:rigi s"pecigic _�lan Subarea In which tt!e,''site fq jeatted. �1 p bt heir h osaf ty, for;. welfare � ateria �e _* ` inJurious ° to, properties - r ;; Wtrgj,' ents to the vicinity4 o + 3. The proposed'. caeip'F:ies 'Witham ,4&ch of tlic applicable uroviai4ns of thf - specific ��Pian. Id: C4RRESPL'rlidF.fiCE� Shit" item has beerv,,"vertfsed_as a public heating ri'—TFie Doi f newspaper, the praper posted; and notices sent to all i?Prcer ore rs within'3m,_feet of the prat. Y. RECrMEkATIrN: Used un the ab a . llrsis of51'ac ertd findings, s. _ recp ►as # y�� Punning ;' *4si4" �epprovC ��diti al Use 'trm 8 123 a th, ',��' h adop is 1 ��st olkition and ? issu ;pce o a. Negative Decia►ration ,-- GI espe l�Engitt c= �• J��. ' u = `� ``� ,mil CiG Brad Suite,-U � 'City 8B•CK:te is Attachments `, RxWbit NA' Lette lft�i Applicant { Exhihit "�- ;�ndur iron► Fod#i1i irict 'Exhibit ,. -Location gap 5 - = 0 c - Exfsibit :" < Floor pl n� Resolution of Approval" �° 7r ` C _ 7Q �-42 � 6- -88 PC Agenda 2- of 4 .� o _. _ aT'PL CATiCN FQR Ct? QNc�,i, LiSE #�AIT P K1 T PR0,7ECT DESCI#MON: �1 This agrol icatl on x"or - ConditionWI\ -Use, Permit in X6 the re- r' � location of our.,ambulance sub- statiiln to the Vineyard hest Bu inessnPark fa4 Vaueya8 ev<s<,ite ?ioS, 8aich6 ucamo a. °= ln_ February of .1. 66, „Conditional' tafse Permit 85-29 at ranted an'',ambulanre station at 8 �o Foa;�h�;.11 Blvd„ "11%. Rancho , i$gite Guoamepga t8eru1h ttllage� « Sine, then, othill :''gvd. ,;has become an inoreaslna2y heavily traveled. street. our statran w if location has only mpe exit which it onto' the maan flow,, of tr21F1C on Foothill )BIVd. :., T' , proposed location in the °vineyard iftst `Susiness Park' provides access onto .two road thoroughf:jkres„ V n4lVard Avr,< -and Arrow ' Route. Additionally, the busir�esmr park has foi3� ,passible exit points ontAtthese t" streets. ' ' This request, for Ithe are - location of ouzo ambulance cub 'stgtion is , to improved out accessibility t6 e4i.n str �tV ar►d facRx� ate *he i:aee a» movement when resisondang to en►er «• *� Palk J � � edlis City of Rancho Cucamonga`.. This is in 46cr !,e �xth the city' 61~ Aar�»ho Cucamonga Ordinance Noe 269, Seot Cn 8.1� 0 20t61r ° 't'Fie rAj3C98e+C1� Location nips t4 be S36ed_ as >�` �T.'�J,it?5���.nce✓ station for c the puhposeM of assigning emergency'�ehirq, .ka�zfbt lances) tos .re :spond to 0-Mer9enCX Cal' 8. '`he`2lL ojberl t+b f, i3 ?�1�3�r1ik44�� `'4iPS�1C�8iL'CZ -tG ' the' tatioa will -be two, each staffed tl ftrld persibnnel , (paramedic and BM ^s ) r tot,%,k personnel 'to be assigned to the statl.on gfou>t . ; Due to the natures of our business, the hours of opperattx, n . is i;t hours a`' day seven bays a. week. � 1 U �ti4 rr 4i Alto& r f � O � � 1 :� G�r•t 1� Q 4 or 1 ,,iii t(.,I m Milk ll,lli „�,8s', �(ff1111Jfzll4�iiEri;; ` 1 It.AI ♦• (i la ,��F ! Irry �, jA ll. i �1�! �l: l.lt a 111♦ aWith tr Its Il�ttt 1. tl�l��ltii �t 1, If 1„ 11 „fir 4tt,tratit �TRCQ� at,_ rr ,a,� y „�( It ,•fill , , ,lli ht „ ��t+,(ti iii,rt��lf,ltt3rlltltii fi,sntf��, � t�,�� ��l i�i r���i��.if� �.,��� dear ��3� •�� px,Q�` tt ll,- rlllkl� t. �(b�Ylt It i I tills,,, xll,_ ". T „lii,f ti iJ�� `r,�S �� 4 Ct� ; ii..cil 2`11b , , • e•1 iii t tiit7t Itli.l,t,,,tti \ „e.,ttk „ir 1 ,� , , ,I } RESOLUTION Nq, A RESOLUTION OF THE% ANCHO UCAMONGA,,PLAONI COM41fSSION APPROVTNG CONDITIOr�1E, USE PERMYI "1dtf. "88 -23 FOR "AN AMBULANCE SERVICE !WS- STATION LOCATED. PTT 8560 VINEYARO IN {{ THE GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DI YCT - APN 207-262-49 I A. Recitals' ✓j �{ T Ffercy Ambulance has fill -d acs application for, the issualcd'of the � Canditional. ` use Pe it , Nts; 68 -23 as described in tki titli -, of this Resolution. Here'nafte } in this ftSolutian, thiL, SUbiect ConditiAnal >.USe Permit request iS r'tsferr to ,as "the application". i (ill On. the S" June 1988,° the Pranriing Commission' of the Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duty noticed public hearing on t.",,applicat art and cong4Crd said: hearing on that''date (M) Ail legal prerequisit4s to the adoption of this iesolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORC, it is hire by� found, deter mi � �ed and resol a+ed by the Planning CMission `or' the ty of Rancho Cs�camongf AS f:�hloWs. Ak 3 This ,to*isston hereby specifically fin That.; all of tote, facts' set forth in the Recitals, Part A .of,, this 1lesolutiort' are true and coirecta Z. ,`Based upon su starrtia3 evidetrce ppesontr,'� to this Commissioh during the above- referenced public ilearing on -June �,, Wi,�-Includtw written and oral staff' reports, together with public iestimq,4,•this Corm fission h e specifically .finds'as follows,. (a) The application - applies -to property wctcated:at 8564 WYMY' and is prespntl icproved with a m1t 46na t-- #0$trial park; and„ (b) The p pQrty to thto north"of the site is condominiums, the proper; ,to the Sout�? of that site;Cansist , of vteant�laind, the property to the! east ` is fndustrial buildings, and the property tar;tr cFt�t�s�t is vacant. r ; 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing and upon"', the spr?cific.findi�rgs,of foots set forth in parranaph 1 and 2 above, this CommisslOn btreby funds 0d concludes ?s follows: (a) That the proposed use is in accord L witri the . General Plan, the objectiVes'of the Devolopment Code, and the purposes of the''distr ct In which W site i$ laoated u � 41 PLAN�iT►�iG._CQ�lIS5TQM `RESQLt!'�I4Pl lJQ. rf . 'MERM CUP 8323 - AMOULANCC 1 t dune 8, i98A __._ Page �z ib ?~,That the proposed use, together` with the 'conditions applicable thereto, =will not be detrimental to the. public hcalths safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or i�srovnts: in .F`�r° vipinity. (c) That the proposed use 'complies with each of the `applicable provisions of the D,evelopme"t code, 4. ' tb'<. Commnis!4n hereby finds and certifies that the p:Oject 'has been, reviewae, -and considered in compliance W—, ;,the 'California Environmental Quality Ai*' '/'of 1g7A, and, further, this'' Commission her��y :issues a Negdtive, i)eclarai,;,�t.. f� S. 'Based upon the OW 6§s and. conctusions' -(set foirtS; s[ O�+'_ .`i•HO¢�n!c�•J�iV/+�,'....i3i�% R.—(. jjj�. �s DATE: ,i ,ie 8, 1986 TO: Chairman and Members of tine Planning Ca�ffission,ti . FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner, Tom 'Grahn, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRWRENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDYTIWI&. USE PERMrt 88 -19 e request o es, a'tiS erica I off ces I a a ease space of 16,856 'square feet within an existing, [nd�astr{al fisark on 1,6: acres of Viand " in-,the Industrial Park District (Subarealllj located at 10837 Laurel'' Street • APN 208- 351 -57. ,l Y. PROJECT ARO SITE DE SCRYPTYONu A. Action Requested* Approval of a Conditional Use Pevvit for a +1; med ca office, and the issuance ofll'�egative Declarat'On. B. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning. cant, arry: s es*aur'ant, 1a u�t:•ial 3�aak South - Vacant;. Industrial Park East - ;`Vacant- Industrial Park , West - Coun Y Law and lusiioe Cantors Industrial Part: . General Plan Des_ gna tot�n�s,+: Project e - n us. r aF" Park North - industrial Park South - Industrial'Park East - Industrial Park Meat Industrial Pare - 13. Site Charaeteristicst 7110 proposed use is located within an ex s ng office .Pa •. There are currently three, out of an eventual six, one and two-story garden office buildings on the �! Project site. There are no other tenants, withid? is office . park at this time. E. Parking Calculations: 'Number of timber of Type, Square , Parking Spaces Spaces of Use FootaC'e Ratio Required Provided Medical Office " 16x966 1/200 Office 16,$56 I /25O 68 68 . r? _q1TEM Z .. p 1� P�IAMnzw_ °C06�iISSION STAFF REPORT ,. C�P'BB�i - PACIFIC PHYSICIAN' SEt 2CES June 8, 1988 t f i F. Aificable Regulations- The Industrial Area Spncific Plan con , ona�'ly perm s .. dical /Health :Care �er*1iceS '�sithin the Indust _3a1. Park D1str1ct1(aub4r�ea 7),,, : II. ANALYSTS: A. General: Pacific Physician., Services is proposing to use one of { e rlree existing buildings (appr�ximatCly 16,S56,square filet) within fire Laurel Aspen' Execu r e�Office' Park (see Exhibit , 'The proposed facili� ai k hotse . obstetricians ,`° o pediatricians, faMily practitioners, I and 6iseveral other specialties. The t tal number of employews will not exceed Q persons and the hours of operation will be X;i, to '5:30 P.M., Monday through °Friday# however, after hours services can be made by appointment only'. In assessing the availability, of parking, a large discrepancy ; was noted between the number df= parkin$,5paces required versus the number of parking spaces provided ?hey" Laurel Aspen Executive Dffice pkrk proposes a total of six one and two -story . garden-,office buildings and etas perked �GV office standards -at a" ratio -of „one., space ,Per each 25D square ft of gross floor area. Baled on a Roar area pf 16,S5S square feet; a total of. 68 parking spaces were„ rav4derl fo, �Ah; s tenant space. , The pro osed medical office requires a ratio of one space per. 200`sq, re,.feet of gross floor area, or a OUT of,;85 space3, thus leaving a discrepancy of 17 parkfing,�spaces., Staff is concerned with this discrepancy. and to mitigate the potential parking problems that may arise, � a condition has been included 1 in the Resolution that additional phases withJ4 this office park will be decreased ,in floor area. equal in area to the additional parking requiremenfi� for this use { B.. Environmental Assessment'. Par -. I of the Initial'Study has been completed uy We app '$'cant 'Stiff has completed Part 'II of the ti Environmentai.Checklist<,add has found eto significant impacts on U6 environment as a result of this project. 4 III. FACTS Fr)R FINDINGSa 1. That the pro used use is in accordance with the „ General Plan, the obj' Lives of the Development Code ,i and the purposes o, ,ne Industrial Area Specific Plan Subarea in which to site is located. SERVICES wam ucan l4l. a:h may is, 1988 ' 44 2319,88 � L►irector of Planktig W n 14 City of !jncho Cucamonga ar , Rancho CU4, cMo O , 4A 91734 Qn RE: CUP Processing 168,57 Laurel Street Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91'T36 Dear Sir: Pursuant to your request,, tbis letter is submitted in support of the request of Apsen medical Ifuildingv for a CUP at this particular location in order to utilize this previously constructed building, for medic . purposes, The building at tbi: "ration is ideally designee ad suited fox meditanl use&. It is unique, in ti #ate its style ci_ Ears substantially from other office buildings in t'he. areas and lends itself to "a more pleasing, relaxed nature aejo� ^ ciated with the medical prr 'ctice. The facility will house Qbstetricians,,,, ed aa4'ns, farm /1 prac p Patric l, fiitioners, and 4everal btuar, specialties, le iar' antsciPitd that the total number of empl-Yee$ shall, not be greatsr uthen. 35 40#re '!� srd the .ass of operat:i'�atv*) will be 8:30 a.m. tO:5z3G p.m *, Mo tday ttV ough Friday# with of r6"hours aevvLoes by appointment Only. Also enclosed, per yot-z request, are floor plans for the first and second floor of the; -- fa,oility for your revilw, We look forward to VZtzentino our project to you an dune 8, 1988, at your next ,planailg meeting,. In, the vaantime,, should you;, have any questions, pleases .feel' free to contact me di3'agtly. Thank you for youtr consideration. r Very cordia y your RO Losaett _ RDLf En urot 5 ;Copies of Floor plan ` cc virginie, LaRosat -Jack Corrigan Lp c44aspen r �� 12 North fifth Strew a itedtsndsY+&1(f*MJ& 9 13 a (714) M -4464 r 11 i PARCEL. MAP' 40, 9lo3 M! TMIC CITY or, MdMCpp t {hpp34- � ea t7ee foeMMuxI ,n �rtfn.e' fe re u � loas U .4 - o a ► all fm u�lA! n° rfr�t"`e r r Y �I. .. eJMt qfA t.0 two. wMtlMMe S�OWtat -R 1 t, _ _._.i.__..� _.�� ee■c ewer L..�. �.r .......o....« it (J n. S er It 4 Q Y r0RTTkH My OF RANCHO CUCA GA TITLE,5 Bli EXHI ;LL�-I- Scxw �......� i I !__. zI, y wf �t �t J4 �s CITE' OF 1: T 9 : -- �ANCHO, CUCAMTONGA Tz"TcL' 9: PLANNING bIVISION * im T_ ;r 1 T ' III I 1l yl� LA> '. y -•. I f -- n,a •a r A. L-Y Li AML 19� OI •Si ,GI �� �, •Ill u9 -.,� � L „s ® — �1 � a O 4 ITEM.. ' CU CAMONGA TiTLIAL" PLANNIN OF AA lit fin Ex SCA A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCA+iOMCA PLAN4V4 .00WISSION } APPROVA CONDITIONAL 'USE PERMIT RD" - FOR r1 MEDICAL OFFICE LOCATE AT 10837 LAUREL. STREET .19 THE IWUSTRIAL PAW OISfiRICT, SUBAREA 7: ApHs 208 - 351 -57 « � Ncixa i_s s , (i) Pacific Physician Services leas` filed an application for the fissteamce of the Condit)anal i)se permit No 88.,.19 as described in the title of this RESO.IutiQnb„ Hereinafter in this'Resolu on, the'subject Conditional Use Permit request is :referred to as "the -. appl icaii4jO,, ` On, the, h of June, 1988, the "Planning "ComesSion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga ydnducted 4 duly, noticed public hearing on h'a ?gplication and concluded sai�hearing on that dat,Q �� a Citi) tilt legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution 1 have ocomered. y B Resolution; I NOW, THEREFORE, It is hereby found, deternp .1ned and resolved by the Planning Cauais inn of the City of Rancho Cuca*onga.as follow 1 This ComMssion hereby specifically finds, that "all of the facts set forth- in, F the Rocitals, Part A of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upq-. , substantial evidence presented to this Commission during tie oh or 4eferenc public hearing w4une 8, 19H8, includingi written and oral start reports,, togew,4*r with public tif estimonyi this Caraaiss qn hereby specifically finds as follows:'" (a) The application applies to 15,855 ie are` feet ot�Aeasable space 0 property located.at 108317 Laurel Street. Se dlproperty is' developed with three buildings and associated parking; and rb) ilte .apFlicant proposes tc operate'a medical office Monday throug Friday frost. 8:30 X6.14. to 5:30 P.Xi . with ,!Mr, hours ,services by appointwent only: 3. Based upon the substantiat i idec�se presented to £his' Comission during the above - referenced public fearing and upon the specific findings, of facts set,forth in :paragraph 1 and 2 above, this omission hereby finds and concludes as followsa to} That the proposed use is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the 0evedopment Code, and theapurposes of the district finhich the site is located. r t,< PLANHII'!G csxMlSsloN ii?riJ7`1oN � CUP 8&49 PACIFIC PW . TCI� SERVICES June 8, ig88 ,` Page 2 (b) That the proposed uses together with the f: conditions applicable, thereto, will not be detriviintE3 to., #e public health, safety, or , s,elfare, or mateFialiy injurious to propertf. or° improvements in the vicinity,.r (c) That the °proposed use complies with each o "the ap licatfl� provisions of the Development Code, 4. This 'Cowtss an hereby, finds and cehifies ttat the project has been reviewed" and considered in 0mAiance with the CaMfornia gnvironmental Quality Act bf 1970, and,' further, this .Commission hereby issues a Negative Declaration. S. Based upon the finds "ngs and can+lu53ons.set forth in parag "aph Y, 2.and 3 above, this ,_Commissi`on,hereby appro "s the application subject to each and- every condition set` forth below and in the - ,attachedi St *ndard ,. Conditions attached hereto and incarporated herein by this reference. (1) Arty modification, 'expansions or other change in''- operation will require"a revision ta. the, Coodj;tfonal,; Ilse (2) Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections "cf ills Industrial Area Speciflc Plan, and all ott& City Crolinances. !� (3) If the operatii»r of "the, facility causes adverse � effe^ts upon adjacent bust nesAes, or uperations, the GonditiaIal use Permit 'shall be. brought before the planning4, Commission for,9the consideration and possible "teminati6o of �4. use. (4)` Occupancy of the facility shall not comnco'tntil such time as all Uniform Building Codetand State fire - *rhsal.l s regulations have been- complied with. Prior to Occupancy;' plans shall be submitted to the Foothill Fire Protection district and the Building and' Safety Division Ito show compliance. The building 'shall be inspected for cccflp lance prior to occupancy,. °. (5) AVW signs proposed for the facility shall Ve.,`'` designed in con?'orw�nce with the -Comprehensive Sign Ordinance, any Unifom Sign Progrank for the complex, and shall require red few and approW by 'the Planning Division prioT,PeMtt i �o instaTtatir — (Y This Condition` "i's.' approved for , a `r maximum of forty ti)��ersonst p ti Pt,ANNING cOMISSIOR STAFF REPORT CONOITIONAG USE PERA�CT fl8 2 June s, 4 SJ iSsB ° E. Parking Calculations: / Number, of Number of Type square Parking Spaces Spaces of Use . Faofiage 6tatGa Re uiro Provided; IJ Building A 24 000 1/250 96 _ Building '8 vacant 35,503 1/250 143. Hair Salon 2,.Ig * g L, Building C 24;000 " 11400 60 Building D 14,400 11400 36 * i space per beautician station: and L space per barber chair - F. Applicable Neghlationss The industrial Specific Alan (Haven avenue xer is ), al`#ows Personal Services ;,sobldct to the approvaj of a GO ditioval,; Vie Peraait by Planning c: Commission. Hi thin "--the j)htaven " Avenue `Werlay District, ancillhry uses such as sPersaOal Ser ves are not .to- exceed 20 percent of the °floor aria for-an y Master Planned ,Devel000ent. i A� 'General ;r ' The proposed Bair talon wilt operate 4 days a, week' 4 r —AFi to 6 PH and 2 days a week ,from 4 M to a p" (see r Exhibit RA "). The business operation, will include hair cutting ; { and coloringk nails and skin care, B. Issues: The primary issues related to locating this tyre of use w thin an office park setting gyre cdatibili with Surrounding businesses and parking—availability. The iaajority of the center is currently vacant. Compatibility, with. surrounding business, however, is not expected to be a problem due to the na(t�lre of the .use'. The . Deve1 opiae ;t Code requires 2 ,parking space. per barber chair and 3 parking spaces per beautician station. The applicant proposes to have 3 beautician stations 4nd`'8,ieanucurist /fashion chairs. This results in a requirement for 15 parking spaces. The unit is currently allocated g spaces, however,, there are 15 rf extra parking spaces on the site of which the applicant could I utilize 6 spaces. ,based upon the adequate parking4' and corapatibfliy of the use, staff steels that it is not necessary,-" 1, j to restrict the �rours of operation. j PLANNING COMISSION STAWTEAFORT _ �} CONOITI�►NAL ,U5E #�i;RMIT �" -24 ,' Page 3 The Foothf," Fire Protection .ai5tric- haste reviewed this appiisat n has no ca�ent (see Exhibit "B" ); 111. FACTS FOR FI DINGS' \ L That the 'proposed use,is in accordance' wAh the General Plan, the Qbjectivos of the pevelop*ent code; and the purposes of the Industrial Specific Plan Sub$res in which the site is located,. Z. That tlt�le proposed use will not be detHmntal to the pubic heatthi, saftty, welfare, or ek�fierially injurious to properties or improvements in thel ac, -SF A 3. Thet,the prooso.ad use complfes with the e h of the applicable 1 provisions of the Industrial Specific Plan. p IV. GDRRESPONOENCE: This item has been advertised °ds a public hear g n ae a ry-Re art new►spaprr, the property prsted, sand nati es sent to a proper. y owners within $W'feet of the project. , W. RECOMENDlkTIOti: Based ; upon the above analysis of facts. 4or zags, /s aff rec ds the Planning 'Cofission approve Conditionally use Pern►iB�74 ihroggil issuance ,of a' Negative o Declaration and adoption he attached R ®solution, h R jspect . °i%� sutq d, 0grit u)ler J City PXanner 8B- Ck;tng - Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Letter #'roes Applicant Exhibit "DO - Memorandum from FQQthill Fi I)istrict Exhibit "C" - Site Ptah Exhibit "0, - Floor pl.a. Resolution, of Approval t, 1 t. t; LL-, (�,;��aeC�k�' t35fr�gSS`��Y�3P.i'3t[i1i iCC YJYb1A studio: will be a high tech, Professional hair salon. The services are going to concentrate on total look, including personalized hair cutting ;and hair cars separate coloring department, nail department specializing in custom air brush art, and possibly in the - future a skin care department. The salon will be fully computerized. The owners intention is to provide an open, airu, modern feel, rnai,� comparable to ,tharL-to the r, traditional image of tli�� beauty salon. The theme is perta6itity; styling equipment will \s storedjggirlerl in movable work stations. Each station is set off . the others, affording privacy and preventing distraction .�dm the rest of the salon activities. Adjustable, easef• Ilk:,, krors allow stylist end clients to judge flair proportion td: the "�*fof the body and in rotation to the overall "look" The salon will empoy about 10 people, whet fixity operational. The business hours will be front 9;00 AM to 6;OOPM four times a week, and from 9,00 AM to 8 :00 PM two times .1'a week, Occasionally " the salon will be open on evenings and Sundays. The rapidly ntoog ,Rancho CucaMonga area is highly sked to this type of service given that it is a growing, upscale community. This will provide an exc0lont pool o clients who value their professional and personal appearance. Haven Executive Park is .' perfectly suited for the high tech, modern salon described above, Clue to its. unique architecture and location, Ms. Krystyna Jackson bas over 15 years of experience' in the beauty industry. Her credenti �—_,iiiclude t,2 years with Vidal $assoon Beverly Hills , and *In .Francisco $alons, starting as an assistant and marking her way up to the position of the Director. She was also employed at the Vidal Sassoon Academy in Westwood as a manager. Her experience includes work with models for T.V. shows, like Mery ,r`ffirt Shaw- AM C_ag Anct` I m an Eangisra, magazines like lw=. *Qm2n gWwrw.Dai v, numerous fashion shows and E �f lnternatlo-naI7 contests. In the last three years she has worked as, a r consultant in advanced haircutting and business management. ill �•ll T �i i G1 G2 C-3 ' i t f ° e j . a i $.2 i' C-4 f B -4 8,11 a w.. � 4 ° C.s 810 B-3:<. C.7 ¢ C-9 • sa t i ' ♦ / ✓�'' // ° 11.3 @-4 1 0 0 1 . � s NORTH eITY OF r ITRM CUP $&Zq RANCHO CUC `ONGA "UT LE: r PLANNING DIVISION EMBIT: so..,y fire exit _ ' staff room rest office room manicur t entrance nw- changing rooms rout desk shampoo /color' dept. nutting Proposed floorpian for unit BT area 10532 Acacia St Rancho Cucamonga, -7 NORTH CITY OF i IIANCIRO CU �. EXHIBIT SCAM RESOLUTION' NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING; COMt9ISSION APPROVING CONbITIOW USE PERMIT NO.'8$ -24 FOR A }FAIR SALON LOCATED AT 14532 ACACIA IN TK INDUSTRIAL:' PARK DISTRICT APN: 201401.01 A. Recitals. (1) Kryst a Jackson has filed an application for the issuante of the Conditional Use Permit, No. 88.24 as described in the title of this Resolution Heret..;Xter in this Resolution, the subJftt Conditional -Use Permit rQest is referred to aso the application". r (ii) On the Bth of June, 1988, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted A duly noticed public hearing.. an the application and concluded said hearing ,44 that date. (iii) All legal Oerequisites, to the adoption `of this Resolution have occurred. / C7 rtiL \L� B. Resol'ution.�: n �r N4N� THEREFORE,, it is hereby ,-ound, determined ants- resolved by the AOL Planning'Camnr�ssion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission irr�e rfy iifificaily finds that all. of the facts, set forth in the Recitals, Part, A, of this Resolution are true and correct. Dase4 uppq,z;ubstantial 4�idence presented to this 6ommission during theYabove- refe'ren'ced public heat 'ing on June 8y 1988, including written ,,#nd oral staf€ its together with 011lis testiWAY, this Commission hereby h*ci €icaT w as follows (a) applies to The application a - p.- operty located at 10532'Acacia is presently impf� ved with muliC - tenant industrial park; and (b) The property to the north of the subject`sit, i s vacant, the° property to the sourth of that sita consists of office building, the property �7y' to the east tsJnddttriat buildings, and the property to the vast is vacant. (c) The applicant proposes a beauty ,salon, including hair cutting and coloring, nail and skin care"' A total of 3 beautician stations rl and 3 manucuristlfashion stations whiChi'!wouU require 15 parking spaces. There: are 15 parking spaces available for the leased space. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above - referenced public hearing and Upon the specific ffij- of facts set forth -4p paragraph 1 and 2'above,,this Co ission berry €inds and ;, concludes as folljwS. T Q, PLANNING, COMMISSION hEsdilLutiom No. CONDITION& USE PEFMIT 88 June 8 (a) That the proposed use is fvk' ascot` .eft '�je *general , •P►au[, the objectives of the 66-i0opisent Cole, and the purposes of the.eistrirt in which~ the $Ito ts.located. � r (b) That the proposed Uia, together -With the'! conditions applicable %*reto, -,jjtli n`ot be detrir*ntrl to the . Ulic, ,health, safety, or;i, welfare, or s,lateria" inj4urfious to prop er0e\� ",ji, ,.or *roveaem�s in t vicinity, (c) That the proposed use x6WIi wi 1 oe`;h bf the( ., applicable provi'si one of the vel went Code. ter` 4. This 01"iision h reby finds and''eartifies that the !oroject 'bas been roviewed .eta,�onS**red II coa�lia. , with the California Environa�ental @uaTi.ty Act of t;'�4: furo r, th 4 fission' hereby :issLes a negative Declaration. y v S. 2 and 3 above, Based upon sigfriher�yand pra OS th ap0Iicatior sub ectqtopeaclt , and every condition sat forth below and in ihe,atta:ched StaMexdji Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this; refezence. ,1 (1) Approval of this request shall not valve compiian4e with all sections of the Industrial Area Specific „Plan, and all other City4rdinances. IfF`the operation of the faEci`li'ty tausES ad4_-0Qe effects upon adjacent businesses or AIoper-ations, : including, but not limited to poise, ' the Conditignal Use 'Per i : >Shail: be brought before t1WPlanning 6NWssibn Vor the -co"nsideration and poss ble termination of the use. (3) Signs proposed for the facility shalI be - desfgaoa to conformance with the Oo"rehenSive Sign ordinancei any. Unifor_ -.Sign Prograo for the complex, arIl ' V4611 regu.re review ,4nd approval_ by the Planning 04isi�on prior to inst�riatioli. 6. The Deputy Secretary to thi Comission;,shall cirtify to adoption of this Resolution,_ c Y a .r, 1T \ ITS . cu.010 rrT -_ . STAFF REPORT p DATE: o TO ;x Chairman and Ymbers of '-the Planning Commission ` FROM Brad 0 a I a City Planner`'. ,z BY: Scott Murphy, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ETIWAVDA SPZCIFIC FLAV fiHENDMENI 88,•02, CI` y OF RANCtN1 recites o:aRmen a E "�randa " p3 ecT ic�"1�i o o. es sh a Co e0ity Tquestrfaii Trail on the west side of East Avenue from a poet r ";,u�ghly,-,1'400 ffizet -north Of Highland Avenue to E4th,5treet 1. BACKGROUND: On May la, 1988, the, -Pia6iwig Comsstsslgp considered` a reques to establish a Community `Trail on the rest side df East :^ Avenue from a point 11,400 feel north of 1iighlaiid Avenue extending north to 24th Street and to establish a cb'nsistent Wall design and z setback for East Avenver ,After receiving all public, {nput on' °thy` propom, the Planning Commission a pr'ovo, the Wall design, and setback: for .East "`Avenue. The ; C �ission,' , orrelrer,'� expressed reservations about a Coaerxtnity Tram on East .A nue., ^4ith ta)e anticipated traffic reayhir4 "20,000 to RO,000 aaerage daily trips by the year 2010, the Co:m nission expressed c6ncepri about irhe safety of equestrians; ustiig.. the ",trail . ' As a result, tht, Comanissioti referred this item to the Trails AdviSrry Committee to ;review j possible alternative trail lWations. II. ANALYSIS: A. Trails AdvfsorS- Y,- _go=fttee: on May 18, 1988, the Trails ei a revieW proposed alternatim to a Community Trail on East Avenue.. After considering the various T options, the Coftittee recomended the following: 1. The preferred alignment for the north -south Comte unity Trail is in ,the parktiay, aloegg-�_the west side of East ,Avenue,fsee Exhibit ". "8°j. the Committee felt'':th &t the C ounit Tra it %an Eas ,.. y t Avenue would not crLate an unsafe sitl##ation: The Co mittee referenced the cities of Fullerton' and, San Viraz where, &'Vestrian trails; are located alo6q Moor arterial road The fencing between the trails and the streets pr�Dided adequate separation between the two uses; In order o accommodate a tram: at this „ location, the f trail/pmrkway design could be ��Modified - acioks the �4 17 TEN S 1 .STA& t� pr"M88 0lXSSxON liPiRT t, City of Ran,cha cuca�or�sa u�cu; 1988 Page ,1! „not a pact" TO of Tentative Tract 1!3808 to mini iza ' the impact "s On the existing residence, The par�(r�>7 could be designed with a °ten (10 foot trail ami _ four (4) foot ,50rb adjacent si&Wafk'. Ibis would ' require ortiy,'twa (2� addit orjai,-fe #t of44pd1cation 2. If the 'al'lgnmefit of the Community. ,Tral 1, Nang east Avenue is .not desired, an 4te rnative .would be., provided two: (2) ntnit Trai'ls,, one -on oaeh- side L of East Mono, that wo(gi�# li�''located i nally with {nte. l .7 any, future dev: tit riir ,[. ,. S. $Ta7 ! 4.oi�%nR., aIs As ryas noted at the prey %us Planning ; W 3r%g `staff had 'soap, n erns about the CompatibIlIty dt,- a 0o unity Tx11l 41000 .govt Avenue, With the:' anticipated txaific reaeh3%g s`hi;lr,as BtI,OTiO average lafly trips and Yebicbi ,� s�Zaeds btt aet� 40� and , 5tt miles ' perI hours a CoWj4i1t .j aiI' +ay not 6e adPr ©priate. r' In e'vaTuatis tl e' proposed paelkw d/` r�` fo the "not part" `Tots staff -dotes that the City ��standaxd. for a curb- " -adjacent sidewalk= calls for a `ig ni %isn. six .fd }; foot wide.. 4not J', Z, includir the, =curb).` This would ftH salt in (iniMuO "Qarkway tedtlr "Of 16 feetP 1'1e situ (6) foot _ , #dewalk, howover,, offers a very sma7't safety margin for pedestrians. 'With the , anticipated i raffi�,, ; vo'lutrte and ' Speeds along Fast,Ave,,aes�'`a six, foot! lk could be t� Utilized if there f s. iarndscaped area drat could a used., ' tO avoid vehicles* this.t veht of -an rvency. with the-' fires,- tail PVC fence at the flaI< C of t4 ide al6.'s a wnfWm eight (o foot W16-6 _sid��alk should be provided i adjacent to the curb to allow NO -4 "" omfort zone" for Ij pedestrians (see Exhibit qt "i 111. BfC �'lElllbATii?!l: Staff rQC ni a,_ "� + "`' 0A the Planning Commission ` CGVa era a t SerrtS of, rihe pr9P T and provillQ Ore Gtidrt " a 1'11t4 staff On the desired - Alto rnO ive`SO ��;. ro er advertisement of the . srraft3r trail location tan be made<'` proper Will then be schedu ted for f he,Tar�rr3rag �;ap�nsaian as .a` public heaping, f5�7,(k li1lYwsi' C' PUkNNIW COMISStOW STAB REF6E1 l I ? (� ESPJ 88 -A2 - City �f Rancho �ea�rs:�2�t w }. `JyUO8 p get ted; rF_ c ti c aB:5�9;vc AttachmWk Exhibit - "A" E.xfstM9 C pity Trail: Plan `7`r Exhibit 2 000 ad C�nunit�y Twai1. Plan �. f ;A1terAative ' - '% Exh- ibir "� PrOp6 unit: Tram At��natfve 2 � �•.�, Exhibit "R" -.A opd�s - fit �v�r�0e`�caian. Exhii "S" - "`t a Fart" Est Sec.tic #modifiedarkarz�r , �L � v* —ANAL Iwo r, 0 a r% K v z e" fit.... -. AMhL r` PY F f *� f LLI MY OF RANCHO CUCA.MiONGA t DATE; June it; 1988 .4 Y TO :. :.` airman and liember, -M the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City P7°aane BY: Nah�Y 6hq. Associate Planner d SUBJECT: EIiVIRONFtENTAt, ASSESSMEMT AM DEVELOPMENT REVI(M. 68 -10 1}�r - e eve opMen o ase a �ne g o out cc Mial shOP.0h4' center,, consisting of two ratan : buildings to -talln 14,$00 ',squara feet on 12.96 acres'df land within an Approved shopping center in the Neighborhood COMercial District located at the flortheast corner of Haven ^and Highland Avenues' APN 201- 271 -65 and 71» c 1, PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: = ` A. Action Re ested.' Approval ox Detailed Situ Plan a �. e"9eva� qns, an ssuarce of Negative Declaoiti n B. Surroundi g Land Use and Zonin . "SiTngteyow Residential District (2 -4 dwelling units per acm-1, South - Vacant! Low Residential 4istrict,(2 -4 dwelling� units per acre), East - Apartments; Medium -Nigh Resid%ntial District (14-24 dw��llin units per acre), . West - Vacant,- Condominiums: Gas_tatien,'! Offic Professional Mow -Medium Residential Dict (4 -8 c4aetling- t►riis ps�,acre), ,Meighborh Commercial. . C. General Plan besi nations�� 9 eC w 5604 Carrenercidt �- North - Low:Density Residential (2 -4 felling units per acre) South - Low - Density Residential (2 -4 dwelling units per acre) East - NedicP-liigh Density Residential (14-24 dwelling units" per acre) Wes - Office Professional, Low,*dium Density Residential (4- dwel I ing,unittper jCwe), Neighborhood," Crcial e D. Site Characteristics: The site is rough graded with turf as -eros on con ra » ; utih If the.,$roject site is the future ` Interchange of the propdsediFoothill FreewaY. PLANNI14 MISSION STAFF REPORT DEVELOPMENT° RWEw 88 -1O - RvERSIFI_£6 June 8, 15$8 = Rage 2 _ E. parking CA ulationsr Type .s' Square Parking t;iberof Number of Space., r Spaces of Use n Footage s1. Ratio Required Provi &d Retail No. 8 11,20+ 11250 - 45 46 Commercial Pad 3,600 1,!250 14 14 Existing Center minus pro ed �0onald `s 1,13J 50 444 ' 497 " LF Union 75 27 3 per bay 11 . " 1_._ 1 _., �4 TOTAL 44 ra67 II. ANALYsis: I� A. General'. The site is Phase 11�� of the Raven village Shopping U emirs °On %ptember. 24, 1986 ,` the Rldnniing fission conditionally approved this Phase�$I, r411 Conceptual Site The 'developer is now requesting dign revie"r of the Detail` i Site Plat :and elevations for °c two retail buildings as shmi,,16 Exhibits "B" and 00% The `"fires (i�Donald's has submitted a separate Conditional Use Pe "which will be reviewed by the Planning 'eMmiss'iog at a la er date when the project has completed she Technical and Desisrt' eview process. The existing siggnalifaed driveway onto Haven�11 will be- wi'dened -with the future development of MCDonaId\I and Unocal, B� Design Review Colerittee: The Committee (HcW �) Tolstoy, o eman ) revi_zW'Tffft_'ProJect on 'April 21, 1983 and Yecommended approval subject to tWfollowing conditions: 1.o Continuous pedestrfarf, connections should be provided from the west elevation around to the east elevation for proposed Retail No. 3. The same ciansistent textured material for tke W, Pedestrian walkways should ; be Pedestrian ameaties such as benches andf standfnktrellitwork should be provided._ 2. 11he storefront design for Retail No 3 should be consistent °with the theme established in the J center that is " " " w " y *Pop outs and recesses...: 3. Additional architectural details such as river rock 'treatament�, should be provided to the south a, \ and-west elevations of the cercial pad. Al PLANNING COMMIS SION ON STAFF REPORT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 88 -I0 - DIVERSIFIED June -B, 2988 Page 3 �\ low 4. Vint pockets should be prodded aionji the east and north elevations of the commercial pad. S. River rock treatment should V: provi4ed to the ° 'south elevation of Retail No. .3,, ; 6v The landscaping work G& the °zaitransji r09h -of- way should be completed prior, to issua;lce oV any permits. ii Ca Environmental Assessment: Staff has completed Part �ill of e nv ro-Men a ec s and found that wsigt .it adverse environmeptni imrpac s will ocsfi� as result f th s.pro ect, Further, a Negative Dec7aratfinn was issued fa the previously approved Conditional use Permit fir this shopipirrg center on April 24, 1986, i{ III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The projgct ,ft consistent with the General a e o ec vet of the Development Code, and lithe purpose of the' district in which the site is located. The proposed use and Site Plan, together with the conditions applicable t� —to will not be detrimental to the pudic hea`�,tn,, safety, o 41fare or materially injurious to prope�rtims or improves is ins the vicinity. The proposed and Site hlani, tog �!'her with the recommended conditio,s of approval„ are in comp iancl wftk each of the ,,Applic�b7e provisigAz. of the Development Mde and City stanZiids. IV, .,REC.DMEMDATION: -Staff recownds the Planning Commission approve ve oPmen Review 88-2D and issue a Negative Declaration. Respec I IY /t ubmitcted, Br• d'Bu ler City Planner BBaNF :te AttactKents: Exhibit "A" = Previously Approved Exhibit or - Detailed Site Plato Exhibit "C°' - Landscape Pla.*_ ( :. - Exhibit "D" Elevations d: Exhibit "E" - F7o6r Plan ',f Resolution of�Approval with Standard Conditl ns 01� `J J ' �:�, � r �`�' .�' - ` "'_"— �' *•ate iw ", , '.- `llil� Aff-i t � �I•r i �" �l t � rB —i E-1 IL i t 5 act i A I w Lb , Z. W o l-4 'f �t Adak mg \ m a.>'rwr S. �!err�pmy✓�s. g�wmes.�a�aa�y' �`y= ^'., -+ — - 1 ae -per•. a-n. ••suca mac:— .s.;� _ Zr"- a� • "c+cv + f . y t it NORTH w -s�M1Y 6 •.RM r1f ral ae�y. Mw� j' _ S rrnr _ .Al %R 1 — a.M (`� fa 't••.S4w'�t'+.y, �' ` _ '� iii. r. S 4 , - tea /t..yp � - •� �.7• �— .a�arl.o���`%�a•�we� �'.�.�A � ar - N'!a•� l L..r •mow.- _ITY TITLE ' EXHBIT: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING :DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO, 88 -10 FWr WO RETAIL WIWI- 5 TOTALING 14,800 SQUARE. FEET WITHIN 11 tiAVENd VILLA SHOPPING CENTER LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER v OF HAVEN AVENUE AND HIGHLAND AVENUE IN ENE �NEIOHBORHOOD COMRERCIAL DISTRICT - APN,. 2T;;.271 -55: AND 71 A. Recitals. fi) Di'arsified - Properties fans filed .act applicdtion.-for the approval of netie?:Amen"t Review Ito. ­88-!C as described in :the bile of this Resolution, Herei *i'(after 'In this Resolution, the Abject �evelopd,�efs� Review request is referred)Nto as *the application*� (ii') on e' 11th of Play,. 1988, :the`Planning �ommissiort i f the City, of Rancho Cucamonga4 oiducted a meeting oil the appl ca ion and co9tinued the project to the June ?.38 regular meeting at the request of a applicant.. �. s (iii) 04 the 8th` of June, 1,996, the Planning Commission, of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a public hearing on the ;application and concluded said hearing an that date. (iv) Ail legal prerequisites to the adoption of toss Resolution have occurred. 8. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga As folT�rsa 1. This Commission hereby specifically f14S that all I of, the, facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A,.of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. ' 8(se `dJaapon substantial evidence presented to this COWS ISion during, the above�,�ferenced meeting ;on . 11, 1988r including writttljN and oral staff reports, this Commission herWyj specifically finds s,,follows.. (a) The application applies to property located at the northeast corner of Haven and.14ighland Avenues with .a street frontage of 830 . feet and lot depth of 445 feet and is pYesently unproved with a 91,191:sQuare foot shopping center; and;;' fb) Thy property to the north of the'subject si,s{is single family homes,: the property to the south of that site is vacant*, the property to the east is apartwnts,.and tt property to'the west is vacant as -Well as existing condominiums, and �1 (c). The proposed Detailed Plan and elevations com p ly °with: the Mastar Plan and architacturai theme established for this center.. PLANNING COMI$SION RESOLMON NO. ° DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 89.10 :- DIVERSIFIED Page 2 . 3: Based upon the substantial evidence presented`to this C fission. during the above- reference, meeting and upon the specific findings of facts r "t set forth in paragraph 1� and 2 aboxe,�th.is Commission herb 'Finds and \Gconcludes as fol7&i ;,� ` Ja1 That h .,proposed project is consistent with the objectives of the General Plan, and l t6J „That, the" proposed use is In accord with" the 1 6bject1ve of the Development Grade and ',the: \� p urposes of the district in which' the site �s located; and (c) That the proposed use is in compliance with ,y . each of the applicable provisions of the ' Development Cade; and (d) That the proposed use, together faith the conditions applicable the",to, will not be '. detrimental to the 'publiC. healthy safety, or welfar , or materi ly inju:Ious to properties. ;s or is,p� +dements in�.h vicinity. 4: This Commission hereby AOL finds��and certifies that the: pro eeehas `6een'vt- eviewed and considered in caapliance "Yi�th the CalfforniA f-, ironmental Quality Act _of 1970 and, further, this Common_ h re - soes a Negative Declaration.` , 5.- Rased -upon the findings and conclusions set forth in oaragViph 1, 2 and 3 above, this, Commission he �+ approves the application subject to each and every condition set forthIlotu and in'' the attached Siandard Conditions attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference j Pla_ nning Division` �1 r U) Continuous pedestrian connections shall.be provided that lead, from the west elevation to the south and wrap around to the east elevation for the proposed f Retail No. 3. Pedestrian amenities such as benches and free standing trellis work shall be; provided within this area. Detailed design shall be Q subjected to City Planner review and approval. (2) The ,stare ,,front design for Retail No. �3 shall be consistent with the i�neate ap rowed in the center, 'pop i.e. outs* artd "�� esses" i� (3) Additional architectural details such as river rock treatment shall" be prpvided to the south n west 4 elevations of the coiwr�rcial pad. " tc OLANNING COMISSION RESOLUTION N0. � CEVELO°MEWr RVIEW- 88-Iq DIVERSIFIED June 8, 1988 i ii C> (41 Vine pockets shall be provided along the east and north elevations of the commercial pad. (5) River rock- Areatmen'� -. all be pe.ovided, to the south elevation of Retail No. 3._ i;(6• The landscaping work fur the Caltrans right -of -way Shall be completed prior to issuance. q any permits. 171, All color and material used shall be the same as in ' the existing shopping center.., (S) All future signs shall, confom to the 64or" sign proa6im as e4tablished in tho Haven Vi age �opaing -; Center. (9) the site be d�jveldped and r;aintaini) irr`'' accordance with 'the aFR fed ite Puns Wch includes architecturaI77 elevations, exterior materials A�.d colas, ndscaping, and grading) on file with t i Division, the conditions contained herein, and D %Yelopment Code r�egulatipns, . Ena3neering Division (I? A traffic study and implementation o6 the study shall;; >be - requ.red prior- to the issuance of any building permjts for the 11,200 squire foot retail building,, The ;study shall include, but not be;. 1imited. 'to _ the following. 11re appropriate widths3' 019ninent, �radfius, Mid right turn appro#ches for both , ys on ",. a east , side of Wt #n Avenue between Lemon, and Highland Avenues. In"' addition, the drivoWay aisles shall be studied for sufficient width and capacity.` (2) Amin- lieu fee for one -half the cost of the future 11 cons:- action of the median island within Haven Avenue from Lemon Avenue to Highland Avenue shall be paid to the City prior, to the issuance of building permits. ;.. (3) The easterly.Side of Haven Avenue shall'he improved Southerly. to High -and Avenue. t¢) '' The existing overhead Utilities ( iecommunica� ions and electHtall on the protect side of Haven Avenue Shall be undergrounded from the existing terminus South of the southerly driveway,;te the first pule on the south side of highland AvenueNprigr to public" improvement acceptance , occupancy, whichever occurs „first. The developer may request a' s. �t t`}f J . i�L. ppNwM+2Q,yygMD�R AMU .'1C t1.°.AS•*'..ito�sv _a� 3Y�� ,`s"'a..° .`' fo rFwzN' N dYw �� ,CM.M�V� N4 w'L•ry CY�Y ��y�r �i ■R'1+4 as qs vC bt �w •s,. a ' r tea• wQ S♦ yip '�° ., �$'+• 7r Af v; jr JrVlj s xl. � � � . O � � �, iii�Ei � ■ ` L� .Ti g , 7P `i M we IL T•• r � � � Mw �4 9Yw�.�y 10 Jr64. -1 - - ild 1pP •yy � ��_vssl � C �' q � rp :,l�A �vN B�R �i•Y.r�. j yrr J N, i9 ��•' 1fi. i <�� 3'2uy:°I ...�._._.__.YL4 4ww..____ t:... R uw -�.�� "" _5 L._.__.dFxjg�:L-- .�•g•_ . 2 A-.:.._._ is „mss -b gaze -u Y �% ".'...� � Ls 1 Nei N y y N Yp • X y�,` ,�� �NM~ O O 6 tr, o��.r d ¢Yi1M 11.3a iV, .. L��` { Am M4M. �1 N 3 q to Y 'q .°."'K'p+�r'4�a WyYy�ot -ax c ' ir ��� � •' � 4�N8'��� {s.N ppl. 4 �1�;�y�� -'re' GS ,t$ '' ++ � `# Y i Ise 14 .5 Mimi ~® u ,Ya ^ q 4frz I� 12 RVAN Iii` 11- 11 � ;b, m a. s rig w�yyy 2y ;_p .31 il"� � &V Gwx' Vs �y5 M �C VC �_ p� iA��/w., it rii7 �y+yp+y,Q .ni...s� s .�; a.�,IJly mA '., i �g •�'4. ��w� w�'��Q$ a` a 0 CY May «�NN.O ywNaI�S 1. �S_24, ,p Yy yW. GGGGG R L. � yw�6y C $ 4\ ��. tv a -vc» ���x i {1Gy� ..0 s..�v U6•°. '].may, 6 '� a'a�a �+ y s °jai r : j, U QWjty c°..c►rig�r+.ti r�a5 c.h N i acS ,tm&S~Liw'�3�Sr'��►y,. u'a�a C Cy a 1 ~ Sq RµJ = �'"`«YE3Q 8 !lam V wN N S yY6 V` #�•„y.V It aesQ wu:fpyT'.�:.�µ {ir .'sH.=�6 k-f� 4`♦p'•iL = Vpp vNN Mytl YO rfYYYYY=��t l�p11M N. >_ MY S M(�VY r Y' M.N. ^M Cam+ Jt a C• ■N 1� ®Ili O� .YS V� M .1a Y•t'OgGMMlY E y NY^!'s IN Y� ~{ lv 1.. •,�, Cai LN _ °per r3i^� aX P $ .�'��� r �� $�� 1-6 y pp M�me. 2 j�j� yp N .OpYp y. 12, Y. Q-��i, ^P �� Y�,�y�•j CN.�, E�4i l�ry 0. � • ✓� r;u 'q .2 �' � ~I^ i r] .per a+a ►ylN L''♦aN ma,:Fl�w ^`$tom o +�� os care. Yi 'wZ� ?�iL.�Iej". 1�'i ffi arV 11Yy LK :M Y�`f 5���peyiLMy,; X`wy.♦ l�p� fl y•' !+� YsYYa«pS};O ■L �!' f4 Nyy @ley, `$OPL�'��� Tr'•12cai LNf. RYSw - •+CL R+C� y Oc �g $CY Hw.NOM ale Nr <N �M +D hiri �7V4�PN•���V14 �. x 'C iw � f•E' ���OM '! A' TS +c cam" cc Y Op Or •may It N Y ¢aa j�j I R¢ L,Pa+ E L w Y y KN�E a-s p.y • g¢ L s a_ �� Fv M��. +q � (I 8I $'rY. r. s N L �� � e- 12! aiS CC a � yw JS tT yY� 46��r,1. y (E[ ' ;b 0 3— e a'I,��`qY .G�!if •. p .uU yy -Fla S� w+ N � V b> /N� }ra� }gip 1♦�C Va Yp�w Y N� ♦ I N :', �Pmi 04rfwN• .t 5} C^ tt. I{/i4M T ae Y."� ape c$.:... '^qo yal � ti, �"�� "("' �r- `•.�L'N., .+��a�af�� `N9 @EO `. r�R'y V6� �y1' Yk Gi µ '40 i9ywy ML �!s 6 k• Ji w• y. y 'O. N MV ACS ~rM EM Yy NWT N `teaa NyO , TCa yya NL'� •Y�Oi+. _.+�V.# Xy ai1i Y K4 L C Y N~ b4i4 yE1 bN".� K O•SpN Y� gppp4t +T mr 6 O!c'�+yw. ; .R yy[�. ys +`4 .�` �}f }�w.. »yN,4piy Li yN kC. 6iT: .FQ0•.ei +ii .ft 13 W'4 'y�i iY ■¢�tY`� !!es._., �■c'O� ti-A .5. uri` � Y.}�� LL flYYC.•.YC. �. ��a� y! YWr4 Lx�� � �� _ (.i w-i3 TiY Gi�G LZ`� � � Lr�Y4K� V�Ay���il�r1 ,YY yY. its Y.YoM air C.M� -YjH �w � i tar/• M��"n. rMr f$4 �.x .r .�`yQ��S 1 3H 1Wir Tj Ua+ .1 vs2z'i ad F am �j :sr � rR. M dry Te � x"�c"�.. 101�.,.1 �d• r �;p wee g all Alm p_ dg LeW g N V':M • ,....W i� Y� TN •A i tipr+�4 M.PI �Yy �Yg= �•�j3�3�}{ V �' `• � Gy �Y% ��CIM. �� r. i71 ��1". Y ey��a.K� �.ly Gyj'+i�. � � �.Y�l Y atilt is Aft I � s 6 Y. '!`3 t Y YVi/ Yp f O� N 1Jq Y �O r�rC qq � � _~ Y US a COS tit ' '�^ �' � �' i4 +��y�� •Yi3 �. ��� �,,, �.yr rum ;;M �. �`�`. "K .11 LA' Ass EPA iN 8 1-N .{DIY e iY ,y i[ 3y,u $- •. .- r_tYMu.,.� r YN ^'6 +:+ �� -O �A� ^ 01�Cy4 ■y y S u M a U f w w i "mil Y ui'D t ab s y yVa Y L Y N L N V US ii F"a Y� yy• C ��`� V Y # N • 4 o�M NwDaTi aw$i ) µ, wr yn. FR g'..:. o" L m`° = ° "far i o$��.,M'$ S �A o�_M>> °bpi e q _nag -cwt VNw Y•�.� �� �M �': -� E Vi��• Q 051 34$ :yayy�� F N 1J, Z W O S N •i 411y. S 31 L jr me- tag .1 bra IL 1 4 � i 2a 2C »' 4S Ox i 7 w y'. 1C U:�. rLQy/.pM al M. tsl.RL i� i� y �q[ psis • r �+ ySii% `1.Nii wqw ^• ,91 ,✓fit L�'�fDpi•,,�_S \��0� .. WN ILI Lo o �o °i L t reel o + t L ® ju p � ��� Y ssn! �� CMYY Qt 1lyQ J $i .ao .x.5716 Y f i iw S.- L. N yc N ,5 Q{WWWWW mi " 1.- O Y, �M VN ti M i i i>r 40 awl ri LA 28— to f. �> �y.N �� 1�LxSt ',� � ®'J�,�,m•'�r "«' 9 a+�'-` _� ,its s�' e _ ^a � Ag � �,<: 1.r'L M, ���� s "` N #�,� c'f•,° �.`m. o - ���e�r^�'•3 1 wia y MV � 17 M fig$ fl Y L w Ki fi . N .: gyroµ. � N. M ,@� � A q � - Jf yy Yr y y vy I if'�✓tli`; why,; I -TI `L LL15 i � v r L a ST q e�M. yVyy r YYV 2 Yp ®M s � C ' r ar ,o.ar y4 p Y � ry. .O O M 7 Cf y > 'A Co � � gCr• {� H v o s Al > o -Z g z C fl f p ya V K A f qI� „Y�,� N WE -it � --s �.,.a 4'qL 6L' °, a • Q�,y�5 �. z fi YM'1 �' .1R QO !yqM VYY., +�� -• Lam' Yl�i, mp F Zw `u $uy c ►y a „ l°y0. Jw� Nom, �Au �i'41 3' �� E ,'a t�7 /w4� -p• S +i� ate,, Y 11 tt Ir c. R E c.: '�'.', j.. U W Caw . �i } _" •Ci H:.'yi l.. �Ca .:^ s�3'a :.ac irA - t :• SQ' M A 1 , - Q VIC OF RAItiG�� ©�o�ICAIiiOONGA L -� ✓ �� ns DATE: Jpne 6, 1988 -: TO Chairman .ard Ft fibers of the tPlanning rq6 ssfon f , n r _ PROM: _ _BrrLd''4ulle.r, City Planvfr f . SY: Cir;ty' Harris, ; Assistant Planhe`r' j SUBJECT: DESIGN REVIEW .FOR ."FENT4IVE TPJkC.T�'566 -: CAftYN -� The ~ «y et sign review, o u , l gw eleevation fist -an - W a � d ;a "tte Pla,-O` of W sin r6�' ily -'ptt Qf .a previously �ioproved tentative; tiract� map Ms $ Wka 6VA4 single f. ily: lots on 7:e -6 acres, o land in 1'tih Loa trensity R dential'' I District (t- 4;fdt�elling unite Per. acrL)�,�yncatod' on the r south side �i24th Street, i of` .4irtzifi Sullocie Road - F 226 -ZII: Z, J R�LJ�ETEQ FIDE` Tree R�mvali. ennit `B8•S4 4 I. PROJECT AND SITE DMP'tPT:ION: < A. Action Requested: Arporval of building elevations, tiftLeptuai gra ne,an �p o fplais_arid issuance of a tret'.removal permit. B. Pro3ect Gen, Sity `x.27 ellin unff2f per acre C Sur cur in` Laltd Use and zonin . rt.'!',. "- acaa oun y !UT 5a n err,ardi`no 4,'Qent a'f 2,, Re entior, Basin,, , open Space Easy, ?Retention Basins, *dr Space Ne ' - 'Vacant; Low Density_#esictlnti64 (24 dwelIIng units ';per acre) D... General. PlanDesignations a -_- ro ec —S a - "scow= uf, nsity, i,.dsfdentiall,(2-4, dwelifn'l unfits per Aceg) / L North - .very Row Donsity, Resi Chtial (Less than 2 dwert ng units per,A,6re'a South - Flood :Bontriol East flood C trll,. Kest Low Denxiiy Resident ial (2 4 *sdling units per acre) r' Site Characteristies, "The ite�, is 'currently+ aaiant with an avert+je slope o ;�"rom norf eta sQUt°� There j an, existing, windrow+ .on the north properk 1ine"'Opd a .cord o oiiY� t along tt9tr =a l �p rtv 1ina,.` Th 'proje is bo ded I t om rtclrt[l r y R" rar J it -' Stme , to the 04# and soutfs by _5an l $ernardir�� .�nnEy ;i-'Toad Control dr.straicV'�etention basjjts and j to- the `roast „by a Eucal�(+¢.aat wtidrnx and vacant property; ) ° Y 4 �TM #, .z?a i7 . . p A4 ` KG�� 4iS I0M SiAFE ItCPOIIi } « , C7" , C 3 - £aryA f ' �'8, , 19$$ ° IT ANALYSIS., 7,1 Plz A Beak rotirtd: Ten tiv �fira N � 1356ti on - � r+s oriinatly approved by � a VIA a Cs1oniss�on onx'guly 2�, 188 as­ a cunt�sr,' lot �r su6divi for 261 single ¢aiai.lr lots. „ In order` to achieve tht min and ,average„ lot sizes reg4lred >for this) district, ° r( <P?F' the; Conditions of approval, ilje applicant has reduced e "total "huOtber of lots .,to I 154 ereby ,reducing, the pro +. t « c�� �6en,sity fvw 2,4 to ��.27' dwey_ . units per acre. ?.ot sizes for tract tange'in sf2i ft 9m 10,067 to 31474 sgdare. feet w1th, an average size of 15„027 t.' s.. Setierar the applicant is PC ,00n a total;` o $ floor p an ` < �.tilu8es t^evers pfans'� eachfyhvatio »s..,�.ihe unit design Is_ fair jy ;. contemporary ° 0th,,. xter1or, "ct$�ta Ling .reswhling , 4` basic architpcturalli, styles: Country ° Esiate, v C liforni 'Ranch, Bungalow, .and- l�itctorlan. `Plans 1 and ;1 are single story,�antf plans '3 and 4 t!re`66 story...- *floor plans range tai size from^ 2,35Q,s�u M fee'b td 2,945 Sq4, re feet.,t:. 1 �_. Dust n Review Comkittee: 6n Ja nary 21 19813 C7olstoy, �_ r "auk an'Aprl ,rick, ,Chiiea, � Kroutil ) -the Design Reviear .Cm r .rt wed the, project and rpc\ ensted auprpval t5u r`t to ttte fall ngf L Th aw the _ 11p of ica r"�t", sut pit a ieiter' to, . the Pl a »ni�ng %� ,C si n �`confira�%n that verification of ''the =high dater �! Tavel ,, i` O : adlAcent to then eastern property 'line is required prior to recd, '4ation ,�.�f the aka and further -: confi rming tisa t h: eye t-mf a deviation the property will require red �hi As 3 and K}. 2. �; Th �{ae� a `� h�� � ' {� r� pp alt shcull?� an arborist s �e port r prepahed o.19vestigate t 'f4asibilitysof relocating the existinq '014ve .,ruts -along the east pre erty line, _to the,° upper` sl0k.of th+a, -flood eon�7, t levy *,, as „prdpQSed. Note • After` a '&v +ew AF the 'tir'ee. arboriit`s reports subMhted A�� ,'Faul�'< `A:- pagers'��4 �Y -Palyf and, ;�ls$=iaktes (EAlbit � ; staff recc, nds ti�at of tl�s” fees be preserved end transolantem,(trose lasted In'Vroups i -and ZD 2)' and thaat. the raining 2g trees ,be' removed. Staff ,,. "suggests that those trees which arr "wad _ sltoulcl be replaced with 15- 94110n size olive U,4s.on a:i -to-41 basis and that their shct04 be planted on t�e roost_ slope of tt:� flood "Control ittdt d off -siie e4sojn s _jequtre4 €r6A .flood, control _; st aid be obtatined prior tQ recordati ► of the final vap. U O.`�r PLANNING C4AUION WAPf REPO;ZT f TT 13566. - Caryn � June 8,19�a—• 4. That the we.a let r of authorization from the property owner to st 7-41`11d be received prior, to sch dating, for the ' Planning. Com'rission and ; sho"O"d' state .a prokai of the proposed 'slope - easement,, potential main epance of the slope and tide yaj of any tF'ies (Exh a i Li In addition; the Committee expressed can rn' with regard to the maintenance of the Of-site elope cement. Staff suggexts that the slope be Olanted for erosion control artid ghat the developer maintain a t nrkiy it� igi�ttion of the . slope f #r period of 6 months coclsi tent w3tir the standard requirement for °slope' planti�e or custom Tat subdivisions.. S. ` Thp Committee, found the idea -or an,, ante treatment on Susmit AvenuO attractive but eat ressed cc n regarding maintenance (Exhibit H). The following rec', �hdations were lade subject ta,,the Planning Coi►iaission r ew:- a. That this area be included_ its part ,of thk* City's J Landscape and X31ftt nano,pi rictl and , b. If a portal .design is `to be d use the treatment should . be consistent on both sides of the "�9trekt (PBk) including sidewalks; and c. That C4 natural' rock Werial be ed rather than manufactured -stone veneer;_ andt�,It similar decorative treatment be provided th l lower loop intersection. , Staff su est� that if a � � r gg n Pntyrtreatmen>~��.Tecended ' by the PlannrIng Ommission that a canditiOn be" add#, such that., the design of the entry.-monuments be suba2ct to review and approval by the Design Review Committee prior a� to issuance of building permits. ) 6. That a permanent wall treat* (rasher than 46W fencing f - should be utilized along the western property line- unless a map has been approved :ors the adjacent 06stern' property 1J at the time this praiect is to constructed, in,.Aio`t case a' % ;w¢od fence mq be 'utilized. ' Re wooe4gnging�would thous - reVeive a consistent paint or stain treaialt, : o T. The Committee r?Sorwended that a naturIIl�sip..e be #ilizedv for MY fieldstone veneer. _kktwever, fair, 'other typed of ' St�ne, m3nufaetured veneers may be cc sidered subject to furtherl( design �revie�i prior to iss ance of building f permtt%, Ix ~ C ILAtlIaENG,C iTSSE �4 SiRF REPORT � TT 135 Car ai' June., 1888 Page' 4 t. 4 8. That color;. sehme #3 should t13� revieayet�fi by the �ia3ign jj Review Co mitten prior to issuartte of building'pe!rmit . 9. Perin *ter walls tin4luding wAls' along Street anci_ of r{ = cor�ser sideyard walls shoal be required and should be } designed witlV`deora3ve tre�ni<.; i0. That w_4150 architectural d6taflini, shall be rov4ded ott a2i. sidend�;raari ele�itioss. �'1 il. arplysl4# on type probl, o�y a3 c�nyfii>rts }TThatp % >tyhe ;yap�a ,0¢a�t }(. 4-10, with �Vi; � �i 3 7'�;IF i/5 't kn4S1 7 91n � ®A yltli� °'arr The #Hvemys shall, not exceed a dt�ki of &� tftrough' the ^ .public: right -wrdr ,, o , 0. Tee-, foal .ReVi �caWttee: ft, - 'aIuar, 19, M and Aprii .5 1988- F was reY ,,wec# by the Techzaical (R€vi , Comg a ttp� approved c e, iP iiffpiftioai, listed im the' Resolutio if Ln n � E. gratiia °. Cottee The plan was' rwwed by -thewadis9, u s¢vera l: asiota i nuary 1 1388 Nbruany '1�, 19hls, February, 88x�Ana`fl w., 3988M Z, 193 :and Zip 1988) aFpraKed 44 ect 'the t4, cap ditlons li tesi an >he,,' ResoluVP . F. ira.ls tiso f o t et �. ebrii r 1r; #.985, the jrails HFi4� Q k:Q li reviewed Oe� proposed $1'$� ea Et ��3t1�' bi* r A,r . �l'I,tt tisiei! Oe applicant ,, prA %ted ihl ormati oW , redentl,y 6btai�� " frm a 5�,ftrur4,46 C'oi �nty .rood Cont-1. . `the helet,,.df �tl 'ttigli'wttt suI:el irL) Otfin 'the 4 F_�*vire Spreading 8asint phi 00 edC " "the house .pads Xlk= -to -, tke raSt 'Property line hav AT fe be raised . ' . appraximatejy S�1Q fret ,,&Oat .nntlaral padii« This MUM Mel tV4 rOmval of v the exiosting alive trees and ' le ie -- %ei g to a ilae# control wy vrhicbcal7ows for a:.leael trail s +;:'dace, Y. 4, The apt�licant'ls Propos ng t� F'�4r_t� s Eucai tut, within YF „)Ondrow the ,trail easnt Adjacent tq 2tae Fer,�aeter, waft fob bh the, Reuel -lea and easterlyy equeSti'iere traiis, Atiditdnal lanlSCa#atsag;, ° a will also tfe adder�i ta. the west side of the food $rol „ ,r co levy. ilro 4 a ittee rq`r tided aFpr y E of Elie trs 'E ` sign :part y ttia the � i ,cif the.:trali,;'taidsc�apin9� C 0 r`�tUj#4,j x1�apet aft ' iith taaadard sat,� 35et_ wid h -hoo d be, a ajn n ;f 17' free anid cletr , c °3 t� tib o- PLANKING CQIN USI0N`,#AFF REPORT TT 136666. - Caryn June 8, 14$5 Page 5 _± G., Tree Removal. st.a re =ui of the offs .te slope ;:'easement Propose a ang the west p'ropel'ty line portians {of thez`eff -sfke_ Eucalyptus taindroi ,144y have. to Fe reMoved. Hors "ter, the exact ` deign and extant 'df this slope easentnt .is su sett to change. the flood zone dgs gnatien' on� the FUM We eral Este; envy :j, Mana9ement Agent?, p is' - changed, and the 'flood redesigned. Thlrrefor? Staff retbon6nds that a .condition be added thaV-the� e��plise�stybe °required to submit a ttYee'_irdmoval , �, permit te,, recordaziono of thP`, fina7i {vip in -ordp to: address the. proposed, remo�i �] Of any portion tit'`this windioi al'd any replacement plartiietg; t �tA Landscapi'�Pursuant - to the requr_�e�t ,of ,the�c'ti�r�nda ' p� c an, t. ke applicant, , required 61i%$ ilI street:; side landscaping, which is defined; as,��;;,landae, ping in .tk�e Front andfor sidr~yrds abutting' a street* `, ard� shall include" at a minimum one 15- 901017 Vze trf*, one o6-gall on size tree � seeded groundcover .,and' a peter nt irri�itien' system, Ihis reguiremern applies ifi` al 2Qfi h6 dfstricts ex cept tho estate residential (ER) f D The inteni Itehfihd' ttee; >requirement :for, street, Side: 1'andsi: pin el is evidenced ; ,n .the policies of the; £tiwivtda 5pecificjr- laa; ,r t�iFtich indca that in order td reinforce c pity.. idNttitit�^l; '~ k and: to cr, a+e a -sense a #, coq tipltity with,n as ar a, - approp�iate . landscaping should e utilized.'- shogld pr9mote and enhance �ther rural 'character of the, £tlWanda aria contrf'bute= to a i .fit, gjatity e;tvirot meet / TFter; apirligant .its$ expressed conFerr with_ this ;� gwirement'at,7d has asked th4if the. Planning %tx fission' c6irsIder removing it !fur some of the, fuliowing reasons, That lots within., .thfJdiatrict average 15,000 squareee� \t" !stih a taint t of 10,000 square feet and that prov dfpg lar� ,cr�pfing for ?,xis of this "size or. 1 -Irgar Weald present w� anf ? t 1y, large' 4xpense � > tta'!�',;atest hemeeowners whEx puttchape lots uf' tart$ size,wou2d tt prefer install',.their own land,i apit;g, , 3. That the landscaping �,Oequire o' is, rjot censistet t ;with �Jhe Dovelo}xae1tt Code;arhich r quirts frbnt,yard landscapSnr , only ynder Site tionai sta7d'ards for the' .ow, Lovr- Xodiu;o, ; dAedium tKedium -1 `ghn and, High RPst`c nteal Dist? the ` way` Of bticdtgrouttd, s fi siou d l i ke`` to ; hole that the orig,nal draft of the .£ti�hda ` an called ,for` J �rSpecifit# P; streetsfde landscapingi° undei+ the Cpt4�jnal 'Standafdsr tlnjy,. , nd that the lancisr,; rpquir�eme0i for, projects developed =under h � MIL.,r WIT­ t. r, PLANNING - CtiMISSION STAFF REPORT TT 18566 ` Caryn June 8, 1988 " Basic Standards was added `ands adopted at the recd ��3i, off ;the Penning Gotnission. Shauld the Pta Commission. Teel "that street side :a lap Icapint is not appropriate within t�lis district,; an amen ent to the;Etiwanda Specfic'Plan would bn necessary. :FACTS FOR FINDINGS: This Project � s 4vns ten x� th the. �= C ve opmen" ' a n tine General Plan. This pru oCt .0 It not be .4 detrimental to, the adjacent - properties or , ;cause significant envirnr ntal impactsR Ir±` additioft, the proposed -use and si ;plan - together Faith the recomended coriditions ,a 'approval-, are in 11 compliance Wth the applidtole .previsions -af the UE�elspment taode and City Standards.. _ n V. ' REOMENNDATION., Staff rec nds S;�ne hat 'the P9inning CorQssiori _ j approve, es gn revieW of the tt<il&i g elevatiotNs and pla Alerts 9fo the'" lots I through the adoptien of the attached -Resolution mod, L'on�ite r of Approval. `R sage lye° u6it ;d� Jf . BradAu er Cit,} Fxaner' o 'At tachmed�s.� &'xhiblt "9" 41te apiaa�ttt�€, map F_ �5y . Vxh bft °C" ' Subdi0sion NO 94hibit 9V Landsc-jAs n b' tx'kibit "E" Gradinga'Plan „ , r 'jExhibIV "F - El e`tatf ons Exhibit "b - Floor P74ns. -hibit "it" - Eh# P t t sign Fxhib.i" Estr art Detai'�Jrt ProPerty�ine Exhibit "J" - Letter fkw ,Applicant y Exhibit; ;l�" - ,:Totter 000 bvf t0-er> , Exflbit "L" ;.�, Lettee from ProperWTuners to .he W05t E iibi €o -W Tr4'Reatovil h iQPlah, E�thi &tea �tio�#t i2e[5oe ^tS a y `� f,� *Solution' and ont itions of Appr&,ai I �U i woo�ad Ex nC I 'Af, 1. µwori0u• h rd .EXISTING CASIN. No.1 �.1•!m ' ,L. 1 - -�•( / ` ,: ISTINO.®A81N - No. 2 • : :4. _.:-•. . 1 "' •• _ v ti5 \�: (.......... �' —� J. FX12Tlt4G BASIN No. .3 1 P »HMIs -1 � .•• }. -� 222/// \ \\ — .. ` ���..���� • � .7 TiA.q , extarA f ri ts' ~ �`�" �• /' �`' t'' J'"'a"r `~ �. � 1 " /f' � � 1 , !!- ✓' � _ �' � .�. -��'; ` it �YAPMA I SAN m" AAIMM AREA ST1J0�{ ' r (E.• ,:. y ' ...� � t+ S.IdTUaE' &N6Ag9�MiNY Df iASiN No.y6 a _ TITLE' PLANXI�NG DIVISION 6. Re11 ,Ui' i:!t lot t NORTH CITY ITEM..- :$ ,le. . y v ..r L r� r (t u -n Ace= { _•rte ���/ {r ip J� rY } _ <f.St"� -.. � li .'ate' s� r "� q• Ali jY ut'.. +1 ee,p °�"r� __ +� _,a.,,.�„ '�� .� pry f �•� n ev �•y i Jii +oC= 5 y`°'o"� - ..^ "i'..w�,+yr'� ♦�'�g41 Awordo �ew.rayt. y ID � i X04 -H TEE r. `H M"C A TITLE: c IaJi*: ALE; :, r �� �... } ggro r%;{ diTym _tom r l � � d2 ie'�Prif N CAMONGA _ 'TITLE. � r rn n- w sm t9 0 SO r fill., P a O' RANCHO �CV�Am? ITEM. __ 0701-02 a 6-8-88 PC Agenda a. of 4 Jq- left NORTH MY CUCA IV � ITEM, TrrL E- DIVISION, EXHIBIT-SCALE: t R > eiP Y calIl. .yP' 1 ni��'. 4. 3 ado � �f ��' � • } k �� �� � z � _ ; i a V r II �� ate• � � �.... �� C � � CA t { e ,. ❑ ❑ E� - I > 1f i rw t<• '' r i All j R" p pn�, OP nn OLi M tv IT Y OF MANCHO ITEM CUCAMONGA,, TITLE: -- 9 jQV1 � �' PLANNING DI14SION. EXHIBIT'- t � � 6' _ r Ei CITY OF ITEM., ' c . tt} ONG..� TITLE.- _ y+f� r t L` `'i if �: �' •r.,•.. 7tiSr�— , �� +. AMMk J. ` U, i ri T . Jam- . is r A ` s�_ s .Ia f'ATXYCPH�0 ITEM c..� TITLE:.�.,,.� D'�E7' �'PLANNING DIVISION, N ,, ".: EXHIBIT , 'l�SCALBtr k t rm; t �.� � -•� Wit; � � qq 4i of r-•.:_• � , i= i � .e •+7f � .mow � � _�� t: CITY OF MHO W , r. A TIMM. .1-81-L-i W5 HIM SCAL& .......:.�,., I � I - � 3 $�lt:':t... se � i � J i � usMeCAnfYr ( k1l (c tr,jh'V�lt 3) U P. �c AItjk RANCHO CUQAIWONGA IJ G4 I I it 1 � pit t­"t M0 7 !f !►�oI[�1 � � it Ili Vil' It�141lrII I` O - CT WCAMONG A ITEM: TITLE: LINDGREN r.T s.ldT �, �� , .. may 27, 1988 (d ?t f it C4ty Rancho Cucamonga r ' Planning Commission -9520 ,Aaselihe kancho Cucamonga, California.` 51730 $ubject`9 FFaA ,�er Level forrIthe San Sevaine Spreading` ;� dIn East. of `Tract N"o. 13566 Gentlemen: Tract Na. 1356.6 has., bee,�;36deg foot above the ' preliminazy =° high water level. (H L) 61f the fan Seva�ne Spreading; Basins as �yi31anssocates calculat8dl The' firm of. Fuscde, .Williauls, Lindgren 5 short J (RTES ).`o in rassoci .4. z r. with 9i11 bland & Associates is c_ Brent -l.y vetifying the high water level to t?te�atisfactiRr�of the sari Bernardino County Flood `Cantrcrl ' District." verification &Z the high water level will occur, prior to recordation ,.i,» _ order to satisfy �h6 cbnditi�on of approval. Tn the event there is � major deviation from the previouslu cal.cq)Lated,; high water, level kiie site ;(w, ll be-redesiSned to the satisfaction of the c14, Eng,ineer. Very truly your,=,} "USS"OE, WILLIAM t GRV &`r SHORT. Raymond All d, , P.E ,4, Project Manage b l Div cc: Joe Diloz of -The Caryn i 4tmpany Tim Ung2 , Rc5dkfield_ iv opt;,ei°t i3i11 Mare , Bi�kj Manz �, A'st0ciates Jess -dar fib, Land /Plan/ Des's n, Group. Cindy No-rit, City of Rancho CjsasmUga,.Planning Department h - G v �, ..r• l:" fz 1, A'ttex•xdc grfvl,.� /f JLwrrly "t`101Ot0W.1�/ gg;; o n 2 1 ` O F C 47 City of Rancho Cuoamq... f 9320 Baseline 'Road y ~ Rancho; Cua;aytionga, 091ifornia 917.x'0 .Atitentitz Air n�,�1\nose Engi.neering,,Depg - tt ent Subject: Grading•Agreement, Tentative Tract'Na 135 6=. Dear Sir: ^x:, Please be advised tnat� 1 hereby Consent 'to and agree 'to perm.1t the necessary gradi,xnq, tree rempval, sIC` Cohsti'uct an and laid- - s�ape installation and maintenance ove atfOortioa of my property adjacent t9 the t ,abnYe refcrena'ed projec -,.as shown on�,the Grading Plan prepared by Fuscoe,'Will4rist Lindgren & Short, Inc. At a future dj f , :gab %lam- semgnt for the fnreVitg imptovements and maintenante„pt� �c c ill Lie i, .� prepared, �Xecuted .and recorded, said easement s hA ii cord concurresttly r�r th the ;approval o f the Grading Plan. Please .f t free to Oontacey either Mr. Joe Dilorio or myself if you have• y questions., 4 er truly yours r >„ i'ctL M- 'JGHNSON7i Owner o Zucam City of � t� � a Tr s emovatlf `,?Iermlt EVELOPMEN Nx Ordinance No. 276, pertaining to the preservat(6n d0rees on'j9rivate property, requires that no person remove or relocato any woody plants in excess of fifteen (18) feet In height and having a single trunk circumference of fift,vn (15) finches or more and mufti- trunks having a circumference of thirty (30) 'Inches or more ( rhe4,iced4,taentyfour` +24) nc, -;e zar�r grvurra [eves), wlthaut first obtaining a Tree Removal Permit from the City. �nrr�a,m® LOCATIONOFSUBJECTSITE: South o/ Sumit Ave !24th Street? East of Ntardmanl8uJlock ltd. NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OFAPPi_ICANT, Land /Pl gn Grouts 230 N u,port C n +mow grim 5uiite.200 NewQOrt�eaGh, CA 92560 f714) 7204198 NAME,ADORESS% fELEPHON90 PROPERTYOWNER (itotherthanapplicant): The_Carvn Company 'I �1 —'Ry4 T.Qr= Road aguna Beach CA 9 651 x714) 494-7597 REA r; NSFOR REMOVAL (attach necessary sheets): bite (flee +;�•+e ra���ired to meet «" F1nnd Untralrmen'tc n naaci+a+ r moyal PROPOSED METHOD OF REMOVAL -Cut, hill doze and t- em'ova fUlivPC may 6sr boned and relocated, but will be removed if relocation is not feasible. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: PATE: A!?i1 4. X88 This application shalt include a plot plan Indicating locatiion of all trees t7 be removed and re 'led, The species, number, and size of the trees to be removed shall be so desigipated. if a tree is di ,eased, then a written statement from a licensed arborist stating the nature of tht ,,disease shall be/equired. CTION ❑ APPROVED By: 0 DENIED � t _ Rea ions, - Y Date: Zz 1&tification of application shall be given to property owners Within a three hyndred toot radius ten days prior to approval. If no appeals kre received, then the permit shall becf me effective ten (10) days from ;the �? date of action. This approved tree removal permit is valid for 90 days from the date of final map te�orda?sn or building permit lssuari� whichever comes_first. Should applicant fail to rer>tovu "t °t;I Withih dab" 7 expiraton period, f new permit shai �+r.��requfred, unless. an extension is requested fourten (14y days prior td the expiration of the permit. Nag ?. .1988 1, /S IAA TAX c . Steve Kelly Land Plan Design Group 230 Newport Center Drive Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 926$'0\ A Dear Steve: Q 1tiJ � Re; T.T. 13566 - Olive Trees As you and the C uca' mcnga have \requested,, X reinspected the above trees recently with respect to selecting those Olives that would be candidates for transplanting. The resules'of that inspection fallow. There are currently 57 olive trees on the tern border o the pxbperjy. The approach r took an ;his napect�Ean eras to "select only the best treks Of this group that could be transplanted_ This selection was based On trees' health, appearance, and the t'easibility of such a transplant. ` As a consequence, I;#ound 34 trees that are possible candidates for trans - plantCv. I have grouped thew in priority of transplant, as follows: GROUP l - These trees are, the best candidates :for transplanting as tti*y are in pood c04 -'tion and appearance, and their trunks are not tOO''2ar9e; Nos. 12, 22, 13, 240 22, 24, 25 29, 30, X42, 42, and 43. - GROUP 2 The follows ( c n9 tfi ' are your :next best randidat;es for trans- planting: Nos, 4 '` 22, 26, 28, 32, 32,� 34, 35r and 49. GROUP 3 -The trees in :1218 group are not as good as the others In appearance or health, Or they have the large basal woody ( growth (burlvi that would limit the =rasibil3ty of transplant, - : 3ng them, as Vidanced by the ,enclnsed two pictures of tree #38, �? which has a basal burl of at ,twat 8 .feet. The trees in GioupC.) are numbers 1, 2, 3, 9, 48, 27, 37, 38, 39, 40, 30, and 52. Shculd there be any questions on this report, please give me a c423. e , Sincerely, a `Paul A. Rogers Yembar Amexican Society of onsulting arborist con #ulting Arborists Land 1 Pla � I Design Group C �F sea, �o C Of ANNiNQ X"-Mu TRANSMITTAL The City a Ran .h , a nga a�tl Rae ine Roams _..$anch_�I��i2mcin�a o- �`81?S L , ATTNr C7ndV MGYMs. _ o I fir Tract 13566 j --- ,,--.- .— Job No. : , ETW 741 iii one Photo of tree #3 • �r o �1A ' y Mr. Steve xell'u L404 Plan esi n r � Ctti a`0 Newport Center brive Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 boar Steve, Ide: T-1"-13S66 olive Tree Trans ZaKts In accordance IhIith Jour reque�st, T am submitting ` {'foe fs+Zicsm,- ing data as i,6 the ,, oasibilit . Of *runs ',he sahe a the j alive trees,,"'* the above site. , 1 $i: -led upon saw report a `^ which we locat�ct in � Apr S, l�is � count 9 , #Z ive tr. et s summary of this you easterly row on the,zrt`y, group o trees shawl the Xotix,wingi--:%fiorusation: t trees ors, gossibte Band£ dates for trarasptantire 'O'th 22 of these treys in better—, rza a g' J appearance or conditi" ca C+ i xn ai?�b 9 etter). df #Y "esa, 22 trees there are l2zJas. 21, 22-* 24, 39 42, t#2: "$�; cxncF S2? Zl, 1�2, Z3� 14� [ the fs of chaises for rranslstkrctsta i`Tko wc+uid be 10 tr` ~4sp cal �,au 5�* lfte a°smaini>tg canal-- ,�, have tavereag& in appearance ax gin, ar � grfe+th "Ift tar - basal burls 6, card arge auaa -, try nks, is n consequent$, this condition caould strEcxa:sZg tfee''praspeots o f tranaptarttincf these,' SAau::d you be desirous Of trarss these 12 tre+ese l mould theta p�'atttihy mare. than consider the x� s,ggot that you than 4-era ,j`oi- wuring S trees which are siaa less ge condition, but do 'It appear to osa, have. and 49). transplant probltm Zn order to aexlita# this transplant operatona ,waecld recammetta that au e2araider the falleauii>ng apractns. pre-dig the hem i'acatan prepare the selected f'ra4:s 'or transplanting by r Out their dead wood and "rdxwingi exstitagcslia n`nc v one - third. Also, pre,sacsFrnn � prior to trans�+xnt would rtr�Ipthttse trees? „tac)€s ENVii ME4 D CAPE CONSidt.7`AN'� : # - OJAI _ t! Steve X&I t 2 5:+ April I+,, 198's J trans plant the 'triles immooiatetV tip thesir aawt location: ✓ place . natarinq berms arourtd the base v,f runt _the ball area an, soak- isiaasdF titTs « Subsac�t ;�ertt aaccterRte�rs' - sh4� ut4 fie on is wecklq bays -fj. H` be sure thero is a4wquate dxair�a .t on 4,j ft tzees as olive trees do hot Ti*4 a to7j, of nst at their;s = base* �'Vou matj want to plant them on a�quadta becu��e of,thi :' « Hopefully, this letter will 'satis,fy sour t**za qte T&etls Please -, oall sae " if the ro are any � t :s'tions on 2aise` ° f "`�� ' Siztcarslyti< haul A. Rogers ,> � �on�ttEirty .�rlior:afi a Member., American Socie:+y G� y Gon,sutting A�LSt3 c P,AR; eb G 1; 4y ^a - C/I c U U Mr.. Steve Gard$ r �" gg Land Elan De d;r91s Grout '30 N. Center Dr., Suite 200 h�wport- 8eacii, Cep 92660 F H1E #�2' 3fi 11C8�LypiG 1ss Trees c Dear Steve: x i c r1S you requested, Z did iaq�c at a wadro' of trees of fire tIV£✓ ulesterlu side of tis s propexty a ttiy fzndings Were .as� follows; � fete are approximately 250 trees it1 tha.s �tindrow w�.tn`'Clue tj= ' a «,c ed cum eu alypCtis most dominant. The ;trees arI. not part = cs' ar' 1, tail and a °aeral,l a ppie, t0 rte These tz'ees ac;:aa�Iv haxse han._:they ,axe as their fo].ic�q�� 3:s y�.itE T� i:t due, � tv r -' -r.~ wind aaae$a. I7r �� ii "for to :rake t,"i],s w%ndYOW Sa'Qee -I, see A, _ ;` 4ead treks (very few) egad tops a need fcs tar reTeva`k d thaw ..roes fret s 'e as a�' regrowth : £zom st —.,Ps Lthe�e at ttter trees .exist ost southerly, e d Of the windrow) Pr. _ h,= w 1� be n a o :_ _ te 1ea r� _ .. ainformatxa: re an u st tars a i f Paid ews y: U f ry s 5 1, T�i ASSs i.►TESr "�. Acil a, 1987 IV f N.r. Steve Garcia Land Plan Design Group 2110 N; 'Center Drive, suite 200 No�port Beach CA 32660 T.T p, }� wl Dear Steve:�rt' F' 1 In accordance with o"rrngetnents, X have just dompleted 'St suc3y of the tree situation at the above Rancho Cucamoaiga etc. ,fly report, a map showin the tree locations, 1 f. and some tree Lorms are enclosed �s,{:djalow, g A total Of 16 trees were evaivated 1#11 of Chess hav � e "been numbered trunks, o their as indicated.on,the tree map. ThP,tre�4,S &eoiea q�tecl were S2 large olives (olea eurcpaea), 22 blue -gum euca2yptua (Eucalyptus glzshu�h�� =, and i Texas umbrella tree _'JAf,, iia Az.ederach ). Overall, =y found these trees �o be in less Than ay.arage condition, ' Tn paiticular, many bf trta,r�iive :,trees had some 'upper strurtueal iranch damage which;ap� ears to be the result of some heavy recent.- -,dsids. �' 1 hort. culturally inspected; all of. :these gees with ,:expect to selecting card - I g datES for preservatio °rt as gall. As`_those tries that "'be a >Ld bes=t retpo for health and szfary reasons.. The re- Its cE that iovesfajation.follpw., KOVALS - I am recommending that 9 of the 16 treesstrdl be retroued health or \' for safety reasons. The cause for removal, detail of each tree ie ".shown in -on the enclosed tree " 'it xe:tjvei form.:`" A summary Of Giiil shed,:: that .­3 trees are but regrowth £rom, �- stumps while 4 f4tea, are haxgrdoU_. � kieca e a heavy trunk damage or cavities. The remaining. 2 'Rees do nod haVe`anp valxe�,as are u% the=n is broken midway up 'its trunk while the Other 'free" has been 'uprooted, and lays on the - ground. All of these trees have had 'X's pa nted'on' their., trunks atd are so identified on the tree map, T' believe that; the cause faz - these removaas is evident, but would be pleased to answer any auestion�'o" them Should they arise =:" rx_ C1P;:,'CnTts ' Etizl r`e2E& 84n Vr,:J -. The remaining 67,,trees c' d be core idy,rt . 7 s a ai date s for rescruati3.tailis on all of these ' trees are shoo F alll, three r� "ims,,have ;� *ice 5;, j •� ? v l AM. 7 :sue _ `�� •�e rata . ^s �r vdlu'z .�;: '•'-�•` tl \ nt.4. `� � r vt Ino NV31� 1 t i _ r_ — SJ 53sw l / . mmall O 3AOI t '::qtr* ?v •' j t I � '�ev�i , ,>.. ♦ '� 4 .. ' jjjjt � z �cie�X 3S'm'IS H9d .. �.;4ti'a � t.k 1 �_ ii3mC1'� - 9At�9i'3k1 � mtIft O 34*.t u fi 3= *U c e t • r -to 5 r , C7 Q � 39tti'tilG '3b 4 O. 4J i Aat111:0 r N W O8£ifBlPiAGi ° LtJ: r 1 mss �� C17 1 �n� _ Si_ •. �. s � '�t !'iV � •. 321!1! ?N iitkt Q .• �`.�.'.., ��y �►- r .�Yi� :: ��y`N ��, ��` r „���� N�� cam. � @ @ CL Lnn LN ?i . F ' Z L.J Li M S U V .� j.. _� SS 33SN t J.if3M3 l `r i .3ZY"1� = 1 - `" 39M Ntt310 �� 5 ,C ` -t. +�.. n 4: 211 , v►i ! civno 0j, a 6 4 M ti ®Fq't * t4lil y tl ma W CX3q 4 4 a 4 r t 4 e 3rACNi!/ IP e i If C 11 _ S* v CD H,'jv3H f ,` r 39MhryCr �rarl,! 4 W F-- 03ClAlC U YC G �. � �1PtsIYp Li "mac. '� ;+ } "r AVD ~ , LU r. W*"S 10 CIO � r,• �13CWCS9S iaJ t C e#g3.�tC! j; hNCti i JfQc 3 cw3wjs Ambism fir NI; if., CC Ln i Zj I . { ,1 •a i 4SL S333SUt 4V341 t tt n a r u 32V91 NY3.`i3 t j j i f p UsA44Y 3ACKcA;i Li :�orr� � 10 o CV302AMIGH Ov3O SAM ,. 8 e S Q S CD 4a � 3HQN t -, (� r U r } t ` 3lanw o mils All et3a�oa�� n o cc t�is u �II3sY35 r q f,.5 -+- � G� �llpi�p9t4? O L�1 uj eor O. v is M" Now � 2¢# tI3CYti INO - -L•r 3X44 Haltlit3. {t3 Ile a k wt..t4J a. \ > \\ _ 01" stasHe zv� £1 j 1 3 t a rAtn' 3AOWMI JnA V-1 a r r r t idol t a p k CV30 U01am PA. I t • i! OW20 _1A011%i!1 � • C p C i � � i � R i i SO 7a`33Y v c) r � • � s�asu t, _ �" a�aasoaa ti i4 Li CiS uj 03SV3510 77 1 C> w LLI a t d" C"Q Li I HIH3 r MCA "Ood u twee 'g9a15.3K * i v yr Mme . C L"1 1 Ln Z w �• uj x r f If �^ Alf 9#vwl Ino MY31* r �xSfoal a i S.RQ3SN 1 .tv3k l -b 3H t N, E l's u 3$" l+11r'3'10 Uh b3AO T 3AMOU s - '0 iSE d!� oY3N aNno m Q.L, nD1 M s o r; +- avzo mom Q. 4- i a ♦ f ♦ A, i k I1 t CY30 3A�1ia , ! • • 1� 3NOa �yv3o-� 3 e''] } i 3aviVYa 3ut# \� ... u 51a3s#1 r a 3�inWp . +Lt 1 AW* UJ A_ g3sv3sla r' � fib n Q11oaQ16fi'+ O LiJ E � twos A �ilmd It AM .mats -3No 't7Y3 -ds < "'< ♦ r CL W Z V Va �— u J tiL l In Z � ,t iJ "Li l yn✓ kLi A RESOLUTION OF -THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA P,RKING COMISSION' APPROVING DESIGN REVIEW FOR TENTATI9" TRACT NO, 13566 LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 24TH STRt EAST OF WAROM SUttOCI, AI€)AD IN THE LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTJ^ -4 DWELL r, UNITS PER ACRE) 'i A. Recitals. fi) Caryr(- --Nvelopment has, filed an application for the Design Review of Tentative Tres.;t No. 13S&6 as described in the title of this . Resolution. Hereinafter, JAet subject Design Revtkw request is referred to as 1 "the application" j ' > (ii) ,On June 8, 68,8', v the Planning Commission of.,the City of Rancho i, Cuca ;nga head a zoeting to' consider the application. {iii} All legal pYerequisites to the adoption of this Resiplutionr have occurred. r,� v i B. Resolution,, it NOW, THEREFORE, t­-ft h reby found, determined and' resoly by the Planning Commission Zaf$,�it'w th ity o Ran c,�o Cu monga as follows. 1,' , �tiris hereby 5pLt ificall finds that_ali'of a fcs set forth in the Recitaisr; Part A, of this Resalut n are true'and �c�rrect. during the above - referenced�.�ea . Based ,upon spbstantia3 evidence prey ted "':7 Commission `,' ting on June 8, 1688, - -,� acting written and oral staff reports, this CoaNr`ission hereby spectf�ca�ily finds as follows. 1: That the proposed project, is consistent with ,the objectin of 1the,General Plan; and �J 2. Than the proposed desi i, is in accord with the objective af. the DevP:loparent C;01 and Etiwanda Specific Plan !and the purposes o6 the district in which the S00131 tocate4,ri and' 3. That the propoi�eo design is in compliance, with each ] of the appli+cab provisions of the Develo;aent Code and Efiiwanda Sp',eoific Plan, and 4, -Th at thl', ro used design, together with the conditions %splicable ,thereto, will not be ; detrimenW twr the public health, 'safety,, or welfare, or materially injurious to ,properties or improvements iri ttt'nty. F ll _ a s PLANNING CdwUssra RuownoH, No. 11 TT 13556 - Caryn Development June 8, 1988 Page 2 L~ Based upon the f+4ndings and conclusions set forth in paragraph 1? and 2 above, thy$ Commission hereby, approves the �:+ i appL.�at. sub3ect to each and every condition set, forth below � and�� `� the attached Stan++a Conditions attached' hereto and .�. ir1 or�porated, hereik bye this' reeference. ?� Planning Division J= 1) i4rification 6f the high water• level (HWU of the Can Sevaiczo spreading Basins adjacent to the0east property boundary is required prior to recordation of the final , map. rn the event there is A major deviation from the Previously ealsnlated high water level, the site sha?T be redesigned to the satisfe.eL4on of Zity Planner and _the City Engineer, JV 2) That r off -site easements required frna'County flood Control shall be obtained prior to recorda tion. of 'the r#a fina p• f\ �4 3} The off -site slope ease'ent adJaceht to thp��'western property line shall be planted for ei4sion Control and that a­ temporary irrigation system shall ,be maintm ed__.�t K fora period of at least 6 months by the develo �an'd consistent with the standard requirement for plantfng for tustom, lot subdivisions. A landscape irrigation plan shall be rewiewed and appro�Ad x ht by ��� Cifij� Planner prior--t issuance of any permiU. t7 4) That 22 '+ f the exis'hini Olive trees are -i o °be preserve: and transplanted to tie western slope Of�,the flood control Levy adjacent to the Community 'Trail. The remaining 30 trees shall be rMoved, and replaced with IS- gallon size replacement trees -4;t 4 o(ra- t0-1ne basis to he i , planted ,ors the . we st side of the flood control levy. A landscape and irrigation Tan illustrating tree relocation and replacement shall be reviewed and approved by the t ty Planner and City Engineer prior to rgcordatirns of the final mad. All Planting on the levee is SubJec't.to approval-by the San Demardino, Countv'Plood Control.4istric,c. ? 5) Tile, applicent shall submit: .tie removal permit to address 19*'Oroposed remonal of my part of the off -site windrow �'Uacent to the western property line, prior to recordat'on of the final mag. -( 61 The design of the -traot's entry rrt6nuientatio1v s'ia -be .subiect to review, and approval by the Desi ,,r,Revtev _ C�v Itta a and CfVy Inginta,, to issuance- building ,prior of pemits. to 7- o �. r Tr 13so caryn 'pevelcPment M.�. Page 3 {. 7)L That ''a permanent wail•° treatment shall , 't u iliaed -along ll the western property line unless,a map ,has teen approved on the ad3acen°t property , t tie time this project is to be constructed, in whia` case a wood fence may be c utilized, subject to the 'City., PlannWs approval, The wood fencing shall' then receive a C's sistent paint or stain tmatme?►t, A-) A natural stonie shall be utiiize�'� for any fie tone uener. However, other, hypes. of : stand ; Mantured veneer, may be. cons1deM,1 subject ti, further tAgn reVied, prior to issuance of building permits. 9) That' perimeter galls (ificluding walls-. 11 Ong, street "T) and corner sideyard wales shall'ro, requ,ed avo 11✓_be designed °r,� +h a.; decorative treat, '�nr Final. dejn of the wall 'Weaticlit along S v'�Avenge 001 be subject to review by the Desjgn fdView`',CeMittee prior' . to uance of buil'ding�it5. 101 That 36Go` architectural detailing +shPi")1 be prvi`eed on all side and rear,Alevations`wig an anhar,ced treattAent provided lOr those'i� is whichlit4-g *on to Sunni Avenue or the Csxa�unityt�1' 11) Driveways snaliaf neat exceed -4, Width ' of 16' "through the public right- of, -w&y,. 12) Final. design of the equestrian trails Uenrfrlq, -- ,airdxcaping, aradino "nil an equestrian trails dart l hilo reviewed end-- aoprovesd by the Vty�hlanne� prior to recordation. of the final map, The trail +"idth shall be a ,, miaiodo of 12' free and` �lear,and slopes adga^ent to the trail shall not exceed a s 1 ratio.- 143) Add tlonal -Nand doing, including ground covers shrubs and addi ,.3na1 traes Shall be added to the west slop% of the flood control libiv3D, Oxtails shall Le-provided, on final landscape and irrigation peons and ail he subjett, to review :by the Gity planner and City �ideer prior to re: ordtian of the final map. - .All planting on the levee Is subject to approval by the San Bernardino County Road Control District, f l'll Lots 90 and 91 shall be 'meet the_ minia�i width' requfremen, of 8' as measured . at the required 'front', setback., Afti it PLA�i�lINQ C 'Fa��tQiS ESO UTIou X. IT 13566T�--- @tatyn Developiqent.. ; Page 4 15) Fifty' percent Wof all .of., he hoaxes shall 'have , side -in B Eight additional units shall be have"�side -on stages, garages for, a total of 42. ii 7f` 6) The unit, on lot #46 shall be raver-4_in order to prevent car Iighte from shining ,in " the'liv;ing;raco areas. unity equestrian trafxsJ T con5truc�te and r improvf 3 at the time of street constru ^t3o7, 18) Anal design of the grading and drainage for the western 1 propeety "Vne shall be ,resolved °prior to recordn ;of the Final 3p. wo . Yg) , X71 -condf'03nsj ' from the, previous tentative . tINIct 'Map. �ap roval sham - Apply,,' F�f Engineering Division y 1) "All;off - site easements and agrents for the maintenance of t!he Ce+aewdM4 Trail 'shall W'-- stained from , the Sat: i Bernardino. rnu ty. Flood` Control Dino ict prior ,io final f _ mar approval. 2) Final design M.3, #,he, portals- locaied within thii public right -of -wV shall be, subjeci to .approval of the Design Review Cosmittee and the City Engineer. 3) Driveway locatloos shall be revised at Mows: a; Lott shall access as close -to VW west property line'7as passible. T b, Lot 57 shall access from Streeet "B' 4) A 12' aide, s' twat drsin easement to (.the Cit *t of R�gta ja i a Cucamn§a shall be provided on lot 27. � t� 5) Communii,� Equestrian .rail . t:pra}r' eat Plzn's shat) be 1< c. subjectsU the approval bf the Cil� Engineer. 4. The Deput", Secretary „ta this CoAeoi ,stun shad certify: 'to the adoption of this Resolutiorb , 4 AP"r”" AND AbOPTC6 TH S STH DAY OF JUNE, 1M, ISSION OTHE CI PLkNNIWG COW r Y Ri4tdCi$D CtiCANkfi A c= AML gyp _ r 1% arry► T. M a rpsan r, 5 f ^ ✓� - — �.-- y } I v O p. fir' ��r�it Q pp yy y + � o+.�- ':-__.. _ r __'-_._"_'- '-.' � , , i;,; wY "Cb` • _ . {spy ° b }tea �`uN. 'n; �+ ,a� Y .+ r� ,s M Eli U" 'S p Ti� C tVa �... �� 'a,; �.� N-2 .`f Ca r'a O Lw M 6E I� iikk ,�pw Y • .i,';xC Na'�,r Y�q 'a« �. �t,p y$di pit �{ kit 09-11-30 Z" a 1 N�Or.�=.���'� TM y"f�� p�Q ff.�Y �!•� Ii�q�ai 'ffi ��Y �:O �� V,,-, J Z EN i tJ G P I �b iI 1 AAL r. tNU Y a ta��. ois ¢$ § °x $ V. 5" p b N om. Mme+ a i' S A -.R Al VI N � . �s ,_ � -� � '- ; � a �� a �,• c, �i � .fir L 'A ^"rtl y •. .q p,eNi w f �E ff YS y1 �p 0•yY ' m RIC, ■ yi s C Vt' �• a ,e. U IC Q Yom— •'" Yr oil .....1 rOL q ii p-.N 1t• ML�Y �/► J_44 uat 16 �G M�.i sR blpq G� C R'QYt� �y 4� M �M Q, Lw :1 All !J J=s Im ix 7 `,[+6 AUY g. VAT �a� ��K� Li��N+U��� �� � �� xi'�•� Lett N i °lot =mss 's r� (rS, Ham.. sEll -I� �� Aa ISIT N <1 Zf N �i Z1 4 '4a %is p U� YWy 1043 '.. 5 13 11 4 fix �'trw� or zz R- vto it, 3 Nib lin a n wa ye p C p ph ': oS yY 7� V• N u 'm v 71 ,,. �4p QI N i "s _° `- "Not d g�w�a�„w 4p+v ,�� agr,.•u /t� J _ Yg g �•«+i .Sr. ii.:!�. $ s+$,•'. ,,� :.fr�+`v«L. '«�'i *" N+-� 4��� +aHwvna+. �i.Ec.►yq.,'�a°Y"�"gj. wO�Qa� NQ 'S.w'N Yf Y i tl" qq M' 4 y igipw,c N 4N 'E y,+4 K IL rti 4 � 4` C a�%4. O C= C NK,�t 000W4 4 MTri t �y` L a• V V'yCYj� L\oG+'•'A A yC M . b tl !T {Y� V ' V LA Vb. Y'OI> s. Yy Jll�w .VC �NY'6 ' *ate wt ^QO Y�iCµaiY YPw N or{ �id� SL ie�N «wwNN °Se'u � uratl`e y w �' ft t,, "pp`� Yom` � ; S �^� }mq w�yy�[w®�,�• � 8'"����ys: VpnLO 0, -1 I-c q° "R N 'L'• a� •� 'd.. CM dtT �fw NLO ;Sc w� . wed o l ft. Sapp a�ty�4.Yp�y }�9o�ao»� p, ' Ltd �; { qp�,7 �fpy.�Lw p. M 4 C�Jt p1y.. yLN CMy NAY �4 pir d IC4 d6. .�CGGP..I.LP u. T3. .r`y' Egg �i L� ►0..4�G' `�s�`' M�R *ro� 4 C b C VO N 6P tf g e.oa. e ' a m Y���SSSiii aN 'r4s s+s.'�sL 7�rLrw ^' P =g1. r � L T- r em 976 q �+ b H �a °y 6 C^ N1eg7 +►S tly. YN 3 �. 1� Tu � ►� 4� C N� 6 y � p O r p. ` a P at ' : Ertl 8o p P O • 9�` Ing y CQ N p RG IT j w1; a ..ice }a�. Asa ua4+ to " a�am b. lz in a«, till sg 4> MM� .. . a,43 iii Qm ` a.2 V. 16 L�b ~Z ieb�4 t o, w e c,.. O L l�z ;C{(Ly. Ns µ4 .4 1.L., �C 0� uw N V r wwr M��1 _� 1'4 Obi• V �d xi fj i't4w.. w, R W t r aY VvNO �+y11 °� f. eCS tJr y. \fP G{K� u YV �_, ;12" i6 sit.+ y +6CM9 yq. i. LGT N:VV MYat' ai0 ►�fwQ® 7C. ,Y •+. OI. C:7 Va y�^" y■ v a's.+ u°►awyi $..h x� u.��os �'"� - ry"� ^t� a ®.�^°,n a .+'rAW �L4�y ay 'yr® '`KOrt Pa py NlOi'wq�,t1. {�3wp '�tgwui } 6CN Ma.N 4ti:.�,CCaVI+c7a C tN.l�: Wlp.ViMV .p CT'�G �y a CS Y Lp .O I• C O.� 4 4 gy( A'si..�.� (f gY -ppot $�M§ yR,� {= allom^ 'A' ZF � m`pa�r .YT E ypf Y H � yL — ":Ai . �YQp Yi f �i47YiiM N ilk ID OidN � N Y }Y r r ox '19 �j0y yea l - ey Y 4 X11. ahl; .tC'511 5113, Z. 9. N � � E� w ��iii''� H] Jr- His�7. ,rtoi �� �K � 6 iA L yyy �p$p' c. y9� 4 b •�.4t T1 Y'b. y k yy. f M M.'ry' • 0 '\ V 8. i 2,=74 � 11 Z _Z ,3� if aC} Igo I i fa S fig" �£s'. rarr t Li, y6 iR L} ti$ pgig H L Is ' La ^�sy r4 y�aL CN NS da asJO IT .',t w a^. -~� .+ Vie. ° i° '�t','�� &.-- � '�' E dl'�I+ali Np oc 4 pqc My.h H ^.`I av Z.=. Y. � � 4��� aCp�Y 7� y hm w� ��tB #•ys C�• yp tb ~ I irT. » ~ O '".. � v," ,^ _ .h r » ~i1f-AA -11py —NfW aC S �NtxyY J ' ..� x iM � t' ,;�� C� M .'�'�.'c 6^i wYM.Z L �6 { ���Ppa= ��!. .s�w. ' y � � � r M ^ ��66trI' ,.\^ ii �SM cc N S=a4A{: +V$�'� ' �y�Sa � ��.M 1qM. C. . � �4 ��C .w GCGC�I. r .n� a■ r.. y , O y yy o ,Y o N y �' ' '�� !� _ � � 4�G�6�y 'I r �tlL W Q O '' - � 4 �4i8t ' N �µ"{iLff i VF a 1 Win 1 .. ia I p `ES C r,J LU. aas� r •R�p -Ma a ca .BYO rF A s gam' 12 ,1 a .m�sw . I }j I �y a�. .N .2 alpq ;ar ( K �. �y. - p� � � a gq � o:�$ a is' •�� >� ig�° 3.ri e CC pp yL p • up N 4� u'x f y A \r C ^ ✓VC .O �t�s ISN �- �1 Cam. p C� •.� J R� yQg�! @M:GY 1•:� 0. L p� �ys. '6Y. Y CLYMC Na i bN'r_TyY y ^Y'U' y. �'Y pr�[', ry1C �Ge y� �C $iQ!N �� .. a��{ $� �g1� Lsi yyRa4:tr �1 { i� �p9 >CW aN tlH..�{Yj �pppAl���§ ■) wmy V �Yi y}rJ b ',gam Y t~ Hsi B `yi. • NYy. �� s is at! Ci$ a'Y ®. Nye 4 N 'M 16Y y._p '; -abi 8° CaI Y r 4 O Y�w .CI YG CM � B qa' ^�' M Y .C.,C4 i• Y N e1� OpN w. N �y;�n p p�J t pY {>rV 9 � 4G 4.p pY'r . �Gg q./Ty� ®l+.pLy, pba �. 2 :rq .. l0 ai1i A. y, qil `Y CtOa iyn �y {f� �pF,..*b�ay�^ gLggy,.gCCq 6ay�NSNµ { ply - T! L LY OI Y ^ A V f 1. Y � cl ,�.�..'p q � M }� tl1 C E i d u y yyyy 'C ,3r •qY iM L1► Yt`Jppa S y N� W`Y dm VY.q Sr Aka= CIgY 4 7 ��VfA� pi�? LN�l =y �•.,; �. del Ftpi R LLl C l -S w u x x 'ScL §l two r� YgPt°Ti y g a +� a ° °•` ell ii $&N- `gip 1 p� "i's z��QCs T ; � � w5 � „ ..I ' C.a IS YC.c �yYCY L Ce Y °�.. VN qq�l■ cc°O MOYPg 2 °nWY Og. L g a$' $7 a AMq 1 " r C ffiffi Mgt' Y oO. Ofw. fib. ° +qV OM c `SM # gY 1,86 �p� I� 4! f'C qq 6 ii ZIP! C. b. Vl LVh O +llr '�A,yr `i LG5,8 N1 ° yy ta- e s`GV 25Z 115 n }. I.a{ab.°FL O.. ! " �Sd.8� �' •� �_�� ��"� aO�YC +fir' � \� yYt�G. NY u1 YYY ^:. N°n J9 i46�t LAS icy. da�i Y A. ■Gy �4\t C „VjY� .�Y: 'V � ��� C,y Rp to4{ Qr lkV:yv it e : "'� Baca yowaR- cow c sR?$ C. t NN ILI LU CL r - r L ., 1 IIY,� yy st LIP z :3 .oS Y. OyY u w°si�'a P. lyr H Elio ya Y m q M -. fi ~S Y �Y A y¢ �'i LET i 6 ML p p � i �YY.�Y� YO ��. 4i� '`�iL] s. w. Q � �■ AM'y0 My p.p UF y1..MLO yM ` q1�1 {L1 NO tg C MC ■N i a t L Y413 O N A CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMCNO-.Q, z q DATE: June 8, 198E \ \ TO. Chairman and Members of the Plarnin; Ce issi ? _.FROM, grad' Buller, City Planner f BYE Cynthia S.`Q-sers Assistant ,Planner 1 _ SUBJECT "MINOk DEVEL13PMENT REVIE6t 87.51 -- MARRIOTT CORPORATIO�)- An dPpa • o s .alai -t dec s on o en as moc ifica ono the buii'din 9 elevations :,of an .existing r4stauran °t within t,5e Neighborhood Commercial District located,.pp the northwest corner of 1St Street and Ca. "r.+elian Street APY.. 2qi- 811_ -55 �1 I, ABSTRACT: An appeal of staff`s, decision tai deny a modification of 0 the -Ming elevations to cover the upper windows on the east, i, west and so;ath elevations of an existing restaurant located at 8578 19th` street. f I,', BACKSROND: bi, March 9, 1988, the a plicaht filed s modification ian o n::I_�Mevetopmert R ,-view 87 -61 requesting modifications to the builiting elevations. The applicant ",-uses to cover the upper windows on the east, w st and south elewilons,yefth '1111 siding _or, i x 4 ljoritdntal l? siding painted to match �ZQ building cnlor• The pacpozed modifications were referred to the Design Rev;ew E Car�aittee by the City Planner. On March 19, 1988 the Design Review Coamcittee reviewed .::this application and rcc nded'the windows remain uncovere& ='The Cespittee found the proposed coverings .: inconsistent with ,Wt existing architecture. III. ANALYSIS: Earlier this year a greenhouse addition was added to the, Ies auran . 3s m art of the building addition, the ceiling was lowered to 8 15". ljh upper`windows on the east west and touth elevations are now opep., inside to the attic. The applicant is therefore requesting that the windows be cov;red, f'- t On May 19, 1988,` the Desir n Review Committee rr�riewmd another rin i material fcr, ;cov g the upper windows. The appiicat:�t proposedo that the wiriQ4^ws be covered with sto. 1-I., ainted to match the colora,:� Of the existing building. the Comml-�,_ ;gain Maintained that the � ? proposed modiffca,Jon ways]; inconsis�eftt with the existing architedt;re in fi At the ,change would create an incompatible apPeal6t or imateri�ls on the elevations The Committee therefore :. recomme id'ed that thd7 windows remain,, uncovered. � L 1 STEM J y �PLAWXI , C i� tON Stl4Pfi REPORT Ma iott corporation < ' E� Page 2 - - - a - { f ttCnQr eV pmenty Rgviewr 87y �� +aa therefore denied based ugon, the followin'g fiRd�ta _ 11 The proposed ateri:tl ch lw,e would not amply wifil�Jfi a building design quf6lines of a aevelopmant Code- (Se Lion '57 10.060C.E.(c)),which specify r t4i colors and• materials should ba . coordinated to ve, total . fatibility of design. fief. should bleP r ll with tK( .,surrouoinq' 3 envirormerot and not ,cause aoru y c$an es. zY. RE "`J staF roiafids tt Planning Camr deny this ; appeat o minor Desrelopmeat, Revie�r 81-61,throug?h ad< tion of the attached Resolutior�, If how Over `� ne �Cop�sa�ssion detersi "tot 04t th proposed modificatjons are acoeptable,, then staff should b f �.••� prep a Resolution with findings for,ado ttion at you! t ; espec ll sutrs'ttedS * Brad B4 � ep City. l anti? rf >; a BB'CRsvc Attachments} Exhibit "A. - letter of Denial 1 'Exhibit "B" - Letter of Appeal Exhibit 004'. Ong Etevatio} _ Resolution of Denial oe�. ', 1 � n i) • tidy / �)))� , � : �;' tt J C "+ 1 •« 5 f r a tea, tY city of RANCHfo cuci oNoA Port offte Box Rol. Rsndre Cuomo Cstltaaia 901 April 6, 1988 Ne$ Litz"' er Marriott Corporation 1111 Town and Country Road, Suite Orange, CA p, " ; SUBJECT;. MWIFICATIOW OF NIOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 87 -61 Do 11 Dear Mir. Litzinger; The Planning Division has revifted your request to modifiy Minor Development Review 67 -61 to include covering the stained 13i3s windows, at the gable ends and entry with painted harizonal lap siding. The Planning Division hereby denier yours request for the' reasons �. discussed herein. in order to approve the y w-'- exatOpment Review request, certain findings in the affirmative must be substantiated by facts to support those findings. The findings include the following. Fi nps 1. That the proposed use is in accordance with the objectives of ii the Development Code, the purpose of the district in which the sits is located. 2. That the proposed use, together with renditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the paiblic health, safety,, or welfare, or materitily injurous to pnpei tiez or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use wii't comply with the apolicabla provisions ` of the Development Code. 4. That the proposed use is cpnsi tent "With the objectives of the General plan, On March 17, 1988 the Design Review Committee reviewed the above ' described project. The Committee f Jnd the prapOSed painted wood .sliding Inconsistent with the building. elevations. ,.It was tl , Committee`3 Agcrh recoNT— ndation that the stained grass windows min ors ioh� � he w indawrs to he replaced with spandrel glass S`af.,f, thet4fore, determip_d that , --facts to Support finding 3 Ctfiiiot ba made in the;,posttive fors the falTtwing reason. ` { T o aa,a' [kDar N &pun ,Itffrey Kin; Ch V.M N Ir" Dennis L Suwt ChArk�d (itiQrtf.l Pu 11I' —U4 �....�_,. r a .April= 6�1 . " "I MDR 87 -b: L�t-� -- V P,xge { ^� L. Than' proposed material change would not ceeply wit ,the<�w design guideiins of the 0ewalo pnt.S $ction p.10. 02C specifiits:. that color$a anti Matt4rials s-hauld k rood tt�t+tgd to achieve total � co"at�bili q �rrsn. well kith #ha � surround #rsie t►nriortMen nd not cause dhrupt , r chan9ts. 1„l pF This decision will �e o* fi t �tltless ne at .;iS 31ed r�fihtn tan flq ' calendar +;oys f tha Akt�;?,Of'tha. lattter. The 9�peitl 1:atSt be filed with the IAignirr `Ctmdjsion secrattarr irt`�ri i 462.--appeal fee; ita you s#tould ravtt a furC� rte';. R rU+ has3tai sioc 1rse dog,; f � contact Cynthia kjns #r of thfj or" f, ca a� {7i4� Omit pIYI �> GI ti.. BB`CKojs Q r� ^ v r o O, w, c a CO#�tisik?�1Ci, �, t I �t tt� AM Z'Q t�i1'?gWfl.1lFY'iA`s'fi7troyROAd :'a OMACC OFOCE RE f Ctitlty4 Crtlif�Ya� yznte6 .�° � � ; c Apps 14 9g 4 �;t G � ii .� CommUv.lity DVW!4rmetst fit. ' arttnent r� ion y >Ci r sxf 4 ticitii; '1.amc i 432 Bageline "S2a3T^cho CUCs31SICy3t ray `31£1i :��f & 1 1 �'/ �- k `STENTr4 e` Ci Brad = Buljer REF 7"I'Mu Bob! Big��oy ',�`�S�J '� � �`• � CarueZ ,an M nue .Ra#ic�kt� :uc ittoriy� to f ice V'bn of Ni. rn Deg vdo �r a � v J .cl x De 4i mr. e vall In rasponse!,,,; .Your, fetter `of APr-1 .';61 I P f�zt. Mt'. enclosed please find a chs(jX ;n ;fir ;� t amrturtt, 6 -- of ttne appeal xe� ' � a = �. We ash tai' submit aFxothpr finish 'material y ; altexnat ve thsat may be mutlktoL 1 sa4isffw�i 5incere'y, � f���/p/^`/ � pew � ♦,` L ` HaPA' Se cc* 2ck Powors i»Bir o o rvt o Ek ART Y cT'ttCfl ►tY4:!}r;tt41a�`CS& 'jltFt! @7�AfSPAt��.». ,;, <-) 31.wI.� li � • �, u . , pry". !r .� k•. `fir ` i P r; yr ,- Yi' UK {5ippCCtTt," + �0 1 J Am 71 r ;'-RcSt3itUTi6hS ir0' t S ' A RE SOW_T.ION OF THE RP4CH0 CJ%AMONOA" PLANNING :.Ot IISo ON DENYING MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVI£N NQ: 87 -61 LOCAT�J1 AT � THE NORTHEAST LOANER' OF 13TH STREET AND CA NELTA.Ll rf71EET; �\ M, THE NEIGHBORHOOD COWEP ^1AL DISTRICT Sfi A. Recitals. ?. an applica�i �1e Marriott 'Corporot, on has f�t o.� f��r the appr�al of Minor Development Review 87 -01 as dcecribed in -th '� Resolution..,,,) Hereinafter in thf� - esclutio the suh3eci;; -De el�atlent Rcviea request is . >.ref�nre7 to as `the application ". "- t On the`>`i,.f $tt't of dune, 298.5, the P7� nnihs Caaxrissidn ,�►f. �e City of Rv:ncho Cucamnq�) conducted a rgeeting on the application and r:pncIt slid meeting on that dam). _ All ��gal prerequisites to the addipt:ion of hi Resoict;ork have ocrurrew. i B. Resrletion. W)0 THEREFORE, it is hereby. - fotia'd, determined rend resolved k the Planning Cowiasior of the City ,of Rancho Cvm sonsa s,.fallat�s 1:' - This Coamission hereby specii:ically ffncstiat all of tfie facts set forth in the Recitals, .Bart A, of this Resolution, are t'r?tte and correct. ' 2, Based upon( svhn� t=ial eVidence'prasented to flits ,v ; is ion dur ing the .above - referenced mee;Tj3g nn dung D, 1988$, includir rar it�en ".and _ oral staff reports, this ii;"i.ssion 7�erebX specifically finds as f0 lows: l (a) The applicItIon applies, t6 property Tocatad' a 8.687 th Street is presently improved Wfth a restaurant and, Cbl Tiyr` p{ --rty to the north of tie subject sits is Neighborhood Comnercial .Cehtdr -,i the praporty to the south "6f that,' s �ir consists of Neigb orh000 Comertial Center, the prope�^ty„ to the easit i R siGent a d Cor�_rcial, Center, and the property `to the west is Sid I Flat - ; ic) ihe..proposed materiaT change -,would not, (7,)uply riit#s tEe, building guidelines of the Devel:opsnant Chile (SCtion which spctifies that colors b,ld' materials shcuid be codrdlnated''to aChi eve total Cosytatibi }ity af; design. °iTW shot —J blend wa11; pith the �urrtunding environment acid not causc)abruft,.changes. , 3.' < Based up tiie si stantiaT e�,Jden6e pretjlited :to J�h #s C0"Ission deri tbi ,move- referenced meeting and upbA ;the specifid iitadin of ;acts sap* or�:h fit paragraph '3 and ':above, this;rCow ssibn'hareby finds. and vieS a$ follows; o ��Y PLANNING d�*ISSION RESOLUflON ''No. � 44ZtR,57 - Marriott -61 Corporation Ju'ttz B, 1988 , �- (4) ihdt ,the raposed '6 ff p^ pro�ecV' n6 43nsistent ylth the 3e�tives f�f the General Pian, ono \„ (b3''That the propcsed use 'is not ri aelord with the obJPCtiue of. the Deve709ment Code and the eurpOses of Y �+ the distiict -in which the site is located -,, and ' (c) -'Tha* the proposed use is not in cpmf�� #ancpa avith each- ' G u�e applicable prgviiiorts of the Develop Coae; and ).ent (d) . That tY,e proposed use, tooethetctiith the conditions !'applicable 'th6vtq,)'�ill be detrintdntai to she p✓hlic, _ health, tasety, ar welfare, 'or materially injurious to ' peoperties,or improvements in -the vicinity. 4. This�Comnission hereby finds aid-'certifies that the project has been reviewed and con 'tidered in compliance with Ca' t`pe *"�rtia Envirpnmantal Quality Act of 1970 and, further, ty,ts Cormrissiat r hgF`eby isAues a 3 eiegrY�ive Declaration, =S. Based upon, tl,e fipdings ;and, conclusions.• set) forth iit mnioriagh I, 2 and`3.above, thia Ccw tstly;A hereby dciles` be application, 6. roe, Peputy, Secretary to 'ibis,. Conmmission shall fertify `�a' .the adoptl`on of this Re�rrlution. APPROVED A . <:, ADOPTED THIS �T ## DAY OF 3U� €, 3988 PLANNING COt !))S' ," 1i of THE ti i t OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA tit - Bye Urr�y ier; �I ATnS7v a u . erg ep _ re 1, Braio ' 3u`iler, Ie ut y Sc retary of the Pl annijg COWissi oi of---the Ctty} of, Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the il6re6oin4 Resdldtiart /was i �� duly and regularly introduted, /;tasiedi and adopted by the �Plan�qing Coal ;,ss ;oii of the ry„ City Of Rancho Cucamonga;; at a regtller Meeting Of the Planting > COMM S ion .held an the 8th day of June, 13$8, by-the follovtng Rote -to -pit: } AYES: ti41A#ISSIONERS: a �r.�yy�k� G�y��y �+p ,r -Ci�'ih#ISSIInUM. `ABSENT C0�#IS:�a'k1NE11$: J yr 0 � n ,f � F' uITY. c, �a cz o t DATE: June a, 19e8 � d. ifl Chairman and,,Membera o, the Plaoning Commission FROM: Barrye R L Hanson, Sen� or Civil Engineer Suaj? T: AN AMENOk NT TO TQE VESTING TENTATIVE' MAP SECTION OF -THE CITY- SUq(3IVISIQV OR INA�'CE TO INCLUDE ,THE REGUtATIOPi OF NON- RESI'DENTIT SUOD I TONS BACKGROUND- The- City adopted its vesting tedfat ve map ordfldnce, (No. 280 Copy ` �ttachedt for residential., subdivisions on November -2C, ig88,. `to he in fe effect by January .1,' W6„, as re. irdd by" $t a4 lase, State "Iaw now � requires that Developers' be'aliond t;a`vfile` a vesting.�tentatfive map for non- residential subdivisions, Therefore; staff has-prepare& the attached ordinance which will .amend existing ordinance.; to govern the 11 processing of non- residentiai'in additiois tp Nrk1denflml subdivisips. `- DISCUSSION; . Bri.efly,� a westing tentati'Ve map`gives a subdiv1rner, the right to'oevelop a subdivision in' accordance with the`'City TegOitldne in effect at the time that.the vesting tentative' =map was approval!_ arid, no,inew or;thanged; i ' re °!rents can imposed by he City during tlfe approval perfod, „ In addition, that same ;right exten 0 for ot;e year after recordation of the final map. As stated, this ordinance modlfiretio �� rel changes tIEOSr; .sections of the previous ordinance that refer'ra,;, 0 residential_subdiviiiotis only to include non- residential,uidiviSion;r, l The existing ordinance °essentially restated the ;rte- quires! State law; J Where the City was given options,, the most restrictive option wad' 1 f chosen. A listing of thole options'-teferenced ,,,by 'ordin nee section number is as follows r _ 16,49.060 (b) All discreiionAry it�ns shall be`i' 704 tip the « vesting tentative reap versus at alaterdate asallld,by the State law. 1 16.49.080 The vesting tentat0a, map inftitl approval shai.l'expiz .., ,�. in two years, versusthe'"tft'rk�%.ayc ,"r opt�otf all �i by Mate daw A. t, s � iN+� � i3Pt .5 D�Z!MyCE �Oy? TRZ CITY colmCI ; Q{�" 'ni'n� , .c" MCJi' ollax F+ -q�, - SzC— z-zXON 7- lFt CUCAXbMGk MVffZMPAL C , Ptkj( .L'4IXG To TIC; a ' `PRO SSING, d� #F�S'i'xAi#r !��NTATIyt r 'caj it k �'M- fii CITY $QU I , :F H CZxY c QB" Ci? S�RLtl I2�" AS , XIOLL-Otid '' ) 3 = SgGtiAtri�.4S.63L'��t) of the k a_ftho Cucamonga Murt icipal Cade za ;herelb3r atmettdeci ,tn �* riy in t�ts�rd znd figures, ,as fo�ovys: fir, ilerteve '"R p e ovi�i o Of the ,scba; v on H r. Irp .tact, as E#$t C#hd sup? s�tsriLed tfl► the , Subd 'trisio:6 rdaQ4napp, �4a . of a fiiAA o7f a �r k tentat3Lva map ,ar, te4- kktiva pmrce tap, U vest'lu 1> tdotat�ve °fs�s �a�r =Pig" b fit in 'aeco i +z ce witia 15. 43,044 {a� of- the ��axncho / C.upatonga Municioab rode" ,is , ereisy, t test ed u, ready in figures s ati ft?3 } ota5 aii� .A tv�3��`SYitfil'.EE$.?Vti� RlXtf iihd T�lAtB�Ak I ktftntti9G$. Ytl r P or a arai dar�t� �s�" -- * ?an- rasid�ritial �u ivia on, sz d+aian rx a eu m- ssn ordiatn�e. f arisl which is. thereafter VrQcdesed °in a ordance vith` the. w i WL+L.R. obaptaw'� JiF, certify tO the a ' adep zAtt of th.;s Ordinance and tshall .Caus tine "Zo to �VUblished wit �,'fifteen z15� days, after i�i�� 4 adoption a a:eas� once s n 3t rt a nevapd1pe. of eh��at o' rCd I pu�,lzsh ®d ,i�'teie City, o €,Ontarlo; and. c rcula est in they t f f l LJ ;;Rancho Con Q ~ 988. PASSED ANa A' OMD Minis of i yy � =t1.._ � [•x�l`. �. a ['�3, .����� Gs+l1��P'�l V.��r f� 4�' jjl � c a ai 4. Y x or�inxnce -stn, ` -I 8�`�MRLY A. 1�UTH9 +� F l� city C+Ir $ `'t7$ F city- Rancho Cucagongar Rio hereby ceirtify that the fnroggin Or a�tt x�nhce was intro at a regular mesti;tkgr:x�g the C ter C�su�a� i, tams= = or City of Rancho Cucamonga heid on the day Qf `- 1988, and zias 91nall r ' paai�etl 3t . re�1a YdeSt�in�j n t2 City 4t Council a the, ty a�f�: RaTi s 7aQ3� qa �e;d an- t CU *a xta ^� ref • . _ .� — 19$8,r by t1 s air n vita. AYES: 1't MUNCILUDOmp i dBS2; *Rpm a ' rl y NNdT AH�� : ♦ a . t37NCIL ERS. ay ABS IM.D tir aC i ERS� 1 '6.1iO tidy °. ^d 4 ;4 Utah Cucaxanga - . i 1 , a - - t -. i il. Jj ry 4 r TOM P AN ORD ANCF or %h Cxm Co cllI or T*L C2Tr Of Rmulld ttTCn, y A� CALIF919�filie APOW CHAP%IR 16.49 ` TO TR9 e. ,;� SU iPlSIOld Oi19I3iR7fC . tITLS 6 Or TsR . Cog cAXMA � wNcIPA6 'COM Pilho l4C TO -#A To$ CITj caOwc)L OP Tam iarg OP jApCgO Ct?CAl�oNGA ✓OOiS6 9RIlAAC AS FOLtCSiS: � au- Ti Y4 o£ the Sasaho Cutsion;a Malt' :pal Code 44-_q da Cl i is- harebf as +64. to hat tad,,, in vbrd* add fitutes: as Yolloutz t �.^krers�lLC +i9 r t� 1� �G ct ibfd:�ceYdsakfy v� ;„ # *+O Tarps* -404 #+at . n` 9 . bpplitsi�nm ciE1� @Zllra " 16.ia9: � Dsiia #bidaa. <, 14. 49.030 Cousiom, aitb;s #ty rsdabreiQas. ld, 9.060 T.iiej aad- noaa:aisp.• 16.4t. Aftsi �.�.ti 16.A�7.UE0 `'.3eP4Cai3�p54m. .> !Q. &9 090 Pttbte forted on dAPtdssi of aoog. 16441-100 lac}raa�attisAr Vwl Soti,ftc;- Coa�EsUbeal appTOW4. 10.49, id` +Rlssgtisas isssesistYet Vitk.Car; sat polio #es., o '2 a to be agChorY r • 5�• Tbi* ChOptar it,GM ttad pdrsu�tlt~ c tg txaatid b7 ,ckoti ' >a t .�dtneisi�g3sQ with baocion 6649sa) oil cta AuIl+taraih Cere[rn r CO�v i6a+rs i tAr Trat4tiTe ,MaP xt.!Ato. ,Al al A* cite r. a$ s:fwwt Aa to at esnbtasr.ivPee oL£bt i 04 patPose of" tb#o ebsptO ca eserbt> D Rr4nree oxaas�aag # the aaeab�asctdC ai th7szoTsaasti�a ltAp atatuea. Ytaevt the T tbi0" cbsPtar, A4 nthutina s+vt torn *a for provisiaaa ,of tbim A- mbdlrisiea ;;;ird #aesde s shall applg _ d Tthe ; reatia ; .: � eaeeec #v4 aap.eredi�asnesn I` It pal• -r.�_, iseilea "cb� �e��lSt; ` _ j� `, s Tb1eM - ChAfter shalt .apply- csYT<, to *.*dish l dbCelcbpi�nCrt„ tibec9ssr a vicririos of the pd' d4itist„ iLp 4s�r as implsiantsd � by ties a+vwxisibar tiayl3soseaE rstuirils the #;,lies of a to *ts £was"= t4rF ss 'tert�tivrs pars,AX ORp #ar, A , Ottidsetia Ooolo"Mac► v .arss #i.e rr ptativre i p ,bgm,essi be ii in oclordsws w4tb the a��ir€aaa, siat. ., If s sob,! #bi[der daps not sli thtt ci ;b,�'a coaf tt-r by this C3QpteQt ,tbeOtbarar38Y aRV$iCabe PrOR'$s$,ORB Qi�' thM' Dfi� ,'Fa+F{oitA'tS�iRi�tAt * "1{hall yPplg�: t }� r. 'pie) 'vtasai crts�itis _IQs eslse'�i " ta$idpsciirl svuadir #clan, IsQ of 4406(�fi )lb�..e�►�_V$ss �sdia�a�s� avail t �bralr�a V tidasr t *€ pra.+�ei ia•extatd rriab tflr `� X5!5 " �}sa+ri�i`bas+i a�• whir tbaptar, #rsepk e& SwAfqc&,A a i4tbu rtsbqz« s tpier in the a adiv ;ae & f aFa I �t r, sa �6 •ti�: C �,�a .. y, ,..�h+'l�i " %lF �'� Oi.I..%F M +.'"'" �Ordinance Na. 2SO File 2 i i-Pr • l _ 6inw h itibdivided cad dstrala '^ S ;e��, lta Laa@ she ba developed Put usnt Sa a,vaatidg tt tstiva asp for 407 plat t S ahsah V"l4ucaasiateat . Vito the So r.,411 Pia4 az aay 3Pplieabla c.Psc :c plea nr c*saani Plan " and vbiey f,a at petaittad by ebe davelapesnt�de as otbsr aAAiicabla pzavzafoaa of :this calla. A xsatids tsotarle cap.,sbaYl be filed is tba eaMea fare 'asd ipave ^$a saaw cpnttats, act* i report• .? sad shall be �`9t dlta mild Pxotessad q _ the sawn :- iasoar ea set lattb is the aubdivissbs ordinrn*e for a trt:tcsXXe <;at3V -tOPr .aa 4erain Star fravido the.tiep a vesti!j 6eotstivR sad is fit ad it shall ''bava Printed ccnrpi.u¢asly of #ss fats tho words wasting tentative sap., "(b) 33asitasyssc �iL4t. or prier for tCe tio; s Sdasbira, °tentativ6` eta 1' it filed, -a subi?�xi€�ar -)s6sll as¢ply y` cmpleCalf. =px *ieaLiesa far; P •eutio%4 'cause cntitSssatats aadessaey._for Me Preje i 3asibdisd. bxt not U' :r Plea ox- • $era#ta, r, elavralapt gtldasigs Xsvitah, ao atq tc. the $*Data!' a7 rPPYicable apaoiFie„ plan z�z "tc�ramity ,pisp a Changes, ensadsatett3" to shy d, ratapnsrr �Cod*.� etC., tp�ot&ar £i�farsatiat nr3grax7f xa � - 1 � aaooYeea taceps„ as awl %til: t a beaa tre declaration or droll , envixoseYescat 36v"zv . report purpu:�E CQ the Eexsa� of tie �als!*ssia taviro M tsl Quality Act. , "Ct� ' k TP4 rid�r may ION** a cesplate aPplioqttioa for a ba£Zdinf pa`zait ae� he time ii3ioy� s gzyri+l+M4 ilk, this; rattle# ry►arairar�. yeller an c, aircueataaxsa_ehall aucb pervit, if #asued'. ,rate vaar #tyl ri�hsa - ar`;r10dar an Apos �iI al vesting z:+ subdi�id ^ ^ar 1l " tastctive a rP.. the PaY h14 laid z u# eat tblE rfeoution of 'the city 04nocil j ..fcr the fiki the proc :slap of ::= tentative i�p � - ^iss4.c veer y e` approval or comaitiotal a vesting'testotivq !pap shall sap#taAv' Q (9) $ream from the! date of £ a adoption by rtaplutitc lc +lasicuo of a -143W4 zoetativa asp s +ill ba anbjaet to Ebasa Atotobaraa as tk* saf�dix -lam ctd ;rt,�,-�gq ' aPPlitablp , to the anttssion of 11 tentative crape y '4 r h. .. �~�n' �B�x1Pw swyww_ 3 e^�yti i'�v �t ==• .. r "(a) 2°Ma pPrcvai ax coodit#aasl tppxorat of a viespiq tsstttiva step _ shall spatez a vd�;s9 right to pt'!xtew a#cmal ssl Csd ^" is aubpE�sar #aL t p p7oce" vit@ dnsimpewat; aarpliaroa v ;tE the ordiraauad * r gl#&latb. , art9 .04r.Aa&d !j +ieseriba+i im QaRytEa�iee faAe section " + ..iE tsot:ios 6dAi�4: of the Covots"d %; ode is sapaslod the, apCrcare% art towtlnsal approval . a! a VC- gIRS -tentative trap that' saefar A +astsd r4it to pt;oaess a flat! ae@ roortiaorwoe -rid the isad ase ,rdiij aevs. 3 'tlt5t ri el�►p�yast iq a atantial' the rive the vastiq ��stallve" �ta a Po er. aad "atsaisrds In aflett at pprwai or eoaditiomilly approved. 'Pti� 3istvithaLatadi `aatitlow"t we't ba Ajda�� ego "3tsars `ooir�daaiad$i E� ap hE aaseassioa. �' detera#aads mil of tko tollatiK� at "(tl 6 subdivisiou or. the i p L a' to o ap sjomtd }lace ihe, .,7gsir�aA,Eh a! . e" 5 their beslth at jUt%fy el aitp. qi bath. is a raaditiea deugaraua "(z) s -COM41ties or.drmiA is rettrfi� state or iadatal is order to is;r.p y ;l » `` Aedxnacta t a U 3 ira 1 The T10ti re:svredE to fn iiiL 's section shall' cet>•ue only` st, Anti at the tit*. a #£tx1 imp isaPprarsd hq Project. Soc3'tiIIhts referred to < �i, S aapire sf as l rtal pis ot• approved &v£or,ta the ri,iciraq of'` tine veoCirtr`'ckatatitea r►t ^+ Rj +rgvira 3 �3set£oa 26.4%0 §0,=',- "t d? tf the f3ai1 Jiasp is �� psoya�t, ehrse ri hi MdMLI resurfa vested fee the scilcoaii!a' Ffrr�ode a taster r An -itial 1ak£ae� Parsed of t�alwa _�Iai Wcrbe< where s4zy1 r$. al, asp aT_t+saxtiisd ,�yn variav3i Phases q# kr> eject aoy!Qrad by a a£ I 4s;ia 'ten aszva Sep. th34.. nitial tiaw Parted shall begin fee r-at fiaa'i•,mP For -tbnt p4goe 1s 15ia aLe �j, \ ✓. *CY ? The initial tLmt) pirie+ic}atte #oreh is ddl C2 ylaAt 6� auxaeari.4ll . arrG�cd by aaf tiva sad for processing a comilata app igll ba > #er -af Sr i pacait its got tae pn ov ar4biteetural raviar.- if $454� ctdsein$ asaaadr 30 ddTa# froaCvI)w data late ipplieatiox is #ilia "CSI k urxbdigidtlr appl} to the $i Caacw t1 f /fc aaa -pear sets mg it fit A y tip hafara eira jimitisl �iw AVIV not fovth( in (d) Elv atPfros< (( = Oft Oubdivi4or, ��rettioaapa p l.ie�eF e rio(10 for ) & bnildx of pa,44 durlrgz�,,tbe pariada a# ti6 s oes, , at rights- r read 'ta bomr-in nisi ee-eYt etatfll t6gyN.�iraeipa of tear Paruit. o> aa�c1se of tta4t §exit Ca ?; whersasrr a aubd�'itar file* a vsua4 ,�ltanq�atiwa map far a I ` subdivision as iate"2t dew *at- In ixaaaaistie4t ` eii, the detralcpsegnt ( each ia, *4tacoa at that tPow that metatir..eebai 0,111 VVImotad aa"the .cap. l3a pity sb 1I11 a14lj 4401k 0 vostiat toAtstive amwtai approve 4-62 iiioaad an the ®u6d e£dase ,1 as sir beer dasipe i.- lAkO i the r}Oars�etp p�ha is is the devr�iopeaR�;na�e td ,e1 «:}64try the iac. ieta>r� Ff theiah�a is the davelopaaat ndd4= is "ebtait d - the epPTW- at Or eoaditisa�sal$ v'hBPrcrcrd cresting tantativa map shall o'ntaitbstatNi,og V15 ,; to 'Process ,t #feel, sap grad PS kr; , he dasalopsdb �� anbat edtial ces giawa vita t3Ga cla"k With Us cLamvx, i:t 6ba sleselopsaat 5.oda and eha >tiop. erase« f/ "Cb3' She rISbta ansdoraad bY' ebia seattea shaR.rl bt fee klbe tits ptr�ods eat forth is beot3F� li.Z! <0l1Cd� l ? � tn'11 "td.i %.di3�+�GaffiP_a - fazs�;�,e ""S nr� a e$ataer[ n9 any provisrion # tbig cbApta-t. 4, 1! *WtY avant of his ar tear ci�aibaag sad saw ppgrotaet.. ? >a for davala� rat vhicb tjpast� fro* 'the or�in4aFSa a 24iloit4 and ito tar#a iaaaribaN i '�Psttsoas > 16.+19. 30Cn) 4ndu` 49.100 Z ioc* �'Wi - �btamt tba:•g oPprovxla or iaaua ai9sae pstaita ,a the as 4ae. t8at stirs d�psitn•ah; reauti�os€iiad under aptlita►bla lev. 91EC�°tCla 2� xb`y pYSOriaset€f►' �q MaalYor A$ of SitU 16 shall bscort� lllVlll oparatir ®w of. lan to 1. lf4. G l4Qclw On. soft a aaetian, the (!it- C ktavissaa. ;, P.rsgr4.yta ar ward, a# e�iA �i344da #a taodar4nt err declared +ra3ia br" 4ay :iaay radars elate t 7 it <ae aa�tr`a sa# a C. mask" of ems, �r`:av-ptewa lesi,ai4ems the to"-" r+'PrC Jurisdiction, coo or blr par ra tea. sacasc6rr, awl.wearda a# this t7row, i y: a Dana.. r- aadAaifist. +srglirr�vy1,.A r3� 3a Eel ferrca ri taa4itarp" 163. 240 The Q16T, shall situ tbin Qxdiaaatr sad eba Ci4y Ciaxk %� ahsxl cauaa the- $laaa to be pubtisbiA xikbio fifteU 1151 days afkl�ite .pi�atar ' r at Is A Omit 44 Us t lX Sraer r +€ aeropaptr of toner al eizt'R %ub iobatd is thPity of tatio. f a p alifotaia. a e! oirculaeat',_ sa ebJ'! t, �'leaebo ° o. cuca"oss. Califorai t, ry , �' lA83Rtk, A1'thGNsJI. 404 ADO"Im tbia kbth'�K:4 oa! movesbor; OW ' _ W Nritbt. 94uaiet Kikolow 31ebl. tia= y ttClfs Note Magic f ., 26ikel rl. or ATTUT- Owrody'x twteelret, C t , C gilt �� T, StrMT L It TK" cxn of thl• Cate± au #4 Gaaaueioafa, Caiifoataiak do hera9y Catstify that t foresaiod iatsata t ea las';cdarai at a ragular swear; of the Co4aail of the ity of use C, cif AMSasa'baW 'td oa tbik.6tib dal of Woaasher, "1965, s;ad was fiaall a f P3af� � at'e ra6aiex resa:irrR of the City C4w4ail of the City of 14600 44ana4a aald as tk< _20;b day of jaeaubt2r. it$$ Caetiforar;JkOcuted WsO 23ae day, GL' 174raaber. 1933 at Rauh* !440aeaoalsit, p i u I y awW Y A. " tR0taPy 4tta y Cl e:L y t TH ►5 .3 G"CrP3 % •'i r tL 'Jj. a' qtr (: alp i4 i in ALI 't 7h city {,y cpl t p .•. r s - BY; 4'r3 a ter „ O ¢. i Ill - -tv'�,tl� �s�I�ICr +� X14WKS"Qs 54,,.tf9w14•(916)848.5994 11!111 Ala WOr4 TO�,Tffler ��iiii • �• IMPLEMENTATION INFORMATION ON SB 1664 (Montoya) f iiE "VESTEI3 RIGHTS °' BILL., Chap. 1113, 1934 Statutes f February 1 835 Senate Bill IASP (Montova ?,Chapter lri3 a# the lg7lr in di , ana recomes ea eetdve January Stnxl.tes was O�acted by the Legislature subdivision m *:�, called a "v s n tentative 1936. The 411 - creates a new worm of tenta��ivc df provaer that he or s1iL wilt be ab ooced �s3h v+hieh, Wen approver', ,uarantew� a approval _ �Ir�velopnseRt in aXarR' ,;ce with nts paper addresses the most common references are to the questions o1 d;o offie 813 C California Government Code unless otherwise noted SB 1 664. All Sections 66424.5, 66423, 66452, 66432.$ and 664ta3.F through 66493.8, mends ,and adds Sections 66413 d ,�+d' 65493..1 !. UESTION: TO tVFie rXiNDS OF DEVELOPMENTS 065 % THE 1,vESTING TENTA%' E fAA " L W PPLYi AcdStZtERs R 66493. 7), esidential devedopme"s f� only (f;ovctnMent Code Sept. r p UESTtON• BY \ You must s" TO nply ar D DATE UST TE "COMPL'Y aVdTH 1f N� and ur►a;odiRed y January 1y 1936, but Y*u may dLAW? o ANSWER- 66498.s F� sec. 10 the bill). MA QUESTION: 1�HA'i° IS A "VESTING ., ES TENTATIVE MA AND DOES ONE OF TFIESE AN"f D1Fi =E2ENT €ROM AN ORDINARY TE(. TATIVE MA:�� . "vesting tentative r,1ap" 13 ba3l all y tkr saaae us au: otdi�ti;� tentative m `ANSWER- A diYferena:e the state law rRqulres is than' ken artrr tai these "vesting" ,naps is filed the city or, county, the map must have conspicuously *oft ;printed in " , facer fil words "vesting tentative nia d with P" (Sec-'L 6ir4i4.3 atndr 66132). R UESTION: HOW DC+ES TI'1 31L'L AFFECT CITIES' AND COUNTIES, POWERS TO RE ULA..r UBDIVISYO, or deniel. Tither the bids 1itgAs— "�piEFty° to chanEC,.anditions after tiler • ' UP i'o the tim. the is approved s• UESTION- point. THE CHANGES MADE BY SE 4660 AFFECT t9RDIh�AY TENTATIVE MA No. It is an oCternative> 6• UESTIC3N. 13 THE!t: ANY DIFFERENtE.tei THE PROCESSING OF .TH�.SE M I'' A 113 i, AY TEN 1ATIVE MAPS? ANSrdE;�: Gavecn.�ient Code Section 6641, does whic the bid -dots nLi amend, MAPS, �ixnds on you;tocal ordnances, design and improvement ;af subdivisions in rouiil <andsrds. *,',4,n encted by the 6+111,Irasvides i'1at "vetin€ tentative rasaps" "ate to t: cot�trss? of ate a of supervisors. Sec. 56432; saale as tentative maps, �xe as otherwise provided by state tasa� or local grdinance. be P 3c�ged the '. vl_ssroN: PRIaR a DEV 'L 7,,l APPRov�wG A '`v O SUr^P1.1t " �E37INM MAP, CAN AVE R`E4'JiRE 'A a THAN WE typ ON AN ORDINARY Y �V�TH MO. DEY... r►1LS ON A DEVELOPbii:hlT F -require - or permits. MAp, 6,NSWIIP: 9'e \ i your Local or4linance sa a r SU 2 (Y� {K iGt1,Is O APP l0' o F A VZgh15,V, `fit:? AkS G THE i?tause the r, TO _ ,- •�= .3. i•iAT 14lI�HT t CCU p ien thrjlVG" Mckp AM5`.irERa Because the sgRts • approvals m�* : be conaistCnt S Y lr'tc±i,oi lme, ages because subaequerst tamin of the it tha Map as ap�ovtdr YOU msy wish to change the , 3 procexsin ..sot i`tiost or alk dis<jre iota s +rnultpnrsiy with rn�p approval. Conse�uentl t approvals occur before or developer r supply 'With map Tnfirrr tatton ycKr may wish to e�xnaider (Miring the determine the impact of tla3 that your city or county needs to as: Ikoiect an your tty Or county over: a period of years, such - height, size, and location of auldinga I - sewer, water, starpi drain and road 4ctails, _ - information on th i V3" to w;slch ft buid:g ag$ -.* t be put - - : stalled grading plans • geological studies r+ - flood control in€armataon - arcNtectural plans - any other studies yow city l S +r� rshmJly defer; s,d i tt;� ulldin >I 140m% ,3 " PR M,E TIONt ' ThVIN ` C�3L1i 0SSlGAI= RSV ,MW 6CCtIR �C1R`� '4�rST1NG" `1v1Ag h or prior f'th (nay wyouro'toasider doing daslgr' revamw'sitnultanaousiy with c prior $o d other disc maps Your Cliy'or cOmty should probably review the Order J in which this and other dascTetaorary.- approvals 0", Wild c�g� tl:e ordrr �o mat some discretionary approvals rrc p'Messed with or pt* do,,, the ma so that l approved, the details of the � oiect arr iaiowm P when thtr map is de .bF,t_T WHAT" 'RIGHTs DOES tolls SILI, viVl A OLr1�fR.O1EitR THAT THE ClEV L ES-NOT HAVI U�.O'ER CURRENT LAO RN t tJn�`� the lairs `. once the "v"'prig" map is approved, the Cleve► development 16 substantial compliance with the ocd rsancM y genera;dy pro; eed wi;� effect -a the t;n a developer tiled a complete, i Policies, sr►d sta �sGtrds ��, Exceptions are rr11de Where oc YdjV5e Ith � 4 - Ration with the city or comty .4 hzatth or Safety, or (!s) violate ��' 3 � 'Feder door t ` atnmr t dCQefe endtn Sacsger woT i i� 66,493.1, d6os 61.i;' - j a} ME5TIONs iF CIR'r� " y CY*S CAN H OUNTy ca,�2i y EM'i i6 t A *V RL MAP R a Ii. MST` ! IaERAw': AN5 rdERt only vrh(tit It niti_S cio ito to prat#ct public health �r safe2yDIN o tompl}r with i�±'i Qr hdiia11aw` ;Sacs. 6 Sg:1� mtt !2. tll"S 1cFNz CAN A CIrt Olt' COUNTY ANS l '' is ,"rCLELY L3.�1 HE MOUNQ THAT THE MAP � A 'NVE5 LIS+tC"TY �Rp�. ` c ANSWEl2sb1y'riot. _9NS NOW i.6TVv WAS, TAjE "KES T INN" COI*i it E ONCE �'FT EN' #'TV MA l5 A t 6VEZ, Ai S E1� ", plus t'rr r: V. to ,'hrea car`s Tug n ie of tgherig t' s l W--;t l a oral 3»x ccdanai, y p ; �rt►COtdtdt extensions, in pri yetssih tarns ti-s pt'•ixTs« rig "ot! :loepl dutirrs.4I;1ch tnaa'atkrT�( art to effect or 'law 44 (plus zhy tip 30hbdule% f } rr 0701 --02 o 6 -8.88 PC Aae da o. 4- of 4 i _ n a) Atltentative maps,, including "vesting" maps last from,two to six yeses, depending on v? 1ocaTaru! Ances and gxteasions (Sec. 66452.6)f plus b) depending on local o. »'aces, the develfppek has either ors or two. years after the final map Is "recorded to apply for a building, perm it, and the county or city ,nisy extend that 4rc one mo -e year to a total of three ye,prs= (5re• b6�i32.b(g)) and C) if the developer has filed a' complete application for (. bc: (ding pernttt; the rl t. continues through the life of the building peemit (usually six inonthz), plus only extensions the city gives on she he tim permit, plu'F processing tune for architectural rsview or grading permits, if the time for prtoccssing those permits „exceeds. 30, days (Sec. tJE371ON: lffYkT HAPPENS IF ,,n► DEVELOPER` LETS Cr!�d Of THESE TIt4j& fiERlt� S ?CFIRE? ANSWER: The devplo r is +v.re an ordinary applicant t � hoot the;U ghts giventby they vest s a e me as if he or she iS. QUESTION- Hi5>V f1t� 1'HE TIME PI:RIt7DS DESCRIBED M 6�i ai? (Sec." b6 #9$,1). PHASED DEVELOPMENTS? ANSWE U The time peiathatQrunSafter a firsat /ma TO 66452.6( commence on each p a' Me why the final map far that � _ P is { 66aS2 b(g�). „ phaz4( girded (Sec. SUP UESTION• SECTION bb #+fll,T: PRpV1I3ES \_ SUPER-ArMAY CONDITIO-NALLIf APPROVE AAVEOUNGL MAP BOARD AS INCONSISTENT WITH `LOCAL i:ONING, AND MAKE THE "VESTING" MpA PItC1Vq �i CONTINGENT,.UPON THE REZONIWG i)CCURRI G. }IOW WE THIS APi;ECT pL; i C JRREIVT PRACTICES? ANSWEV: Probably rest at all, A few jurisdictions process maps that WI& Inconsistent avi z,"uning, conditioning approval of the neap on a later rezoning. This .provision was inserted to accommodate sinose jurisdictions. 1T. UESTION :OUR CITY t1 AFP' OtivCIL OR BOARD OF StlPritVISORS HAS DELEGATED COMMITTEE!, BUT ZONING ORDINANCES AIiST BIESAPPROVµa BY�THE REVIEW s E 80ARI� OF SUPERVISORS OR COUNCIL. WILL ;THIS DILL REQUIRE Us TO CHAINGE? THAT- Process URIr ?" t No, But since you may be u3Ing a d'sftertint - procedure to Process vtstYnll snap, yov ensY wish to consider whether the caurcii or not delegate approval of "vesthir maps. board Wishes to ►S. UESTION• HOW DOES THIS LAW RELATE TO THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMEh f LAW? AN W R: This bill was Conceived as an alternativt to development t l pnmar: y or emaller projects. Because it is no, s ctsntract, bocci agencies wi$rhaveCless discretion to deny applications or extract comes c ns from deveiaenci Also, unlike a C = development agreerrent, a vesting map is not ref.reenda4de, 19. tJESTY r CAN WE REQUIRE A DEVELOPER TO ENTER INTO A DEVELOPMENT` ttEMr not. AS A CONDITION OF APPROVAL !�F �► "VESTING- Probably I�iAP? AYV�SWgf� «= f E ZcT. ` UESTYt�N: WE HAVE HAD tCl C4fANGE OUR DEVELOPMENT 5iAldb CC)MPLY %Vl H CHANGES Ih! STATE OR FEDERAL I:At1t. IF WE STANDARDS llti able to requ're redesigns, or you may need to stop th HAVE TO DO THIS' 6b #9$.6ibl2i 0roject iSecs. "4983(c), and ik r��5ricl�a ''THIS t-N �TAf'� MANt3ATEq Gfi�4T« :> NS Ira "IO wE ajk�r n u try W . ti xi:'g, a uncod1fied Sac, lt, q;i tj4 btli C# c li a�!!'�,tt et c ear cull �#o %, rV +s�;,�eloperx who �FxHe "v ttn " rfix *e � r�� Coyer the cost Of earaeting � iactil ,oe d,a a� tb �C ice: A � tt�«nt x:�£td�rer �t as a+zd to �york,ta,it rcinst�trs�e:twed t �t with (, Y Wish $a 4attemintt; post CXfxt�, first severaA builders M+ifp. 1• YAK ltsr�}�tiidttt 'ass iikittra air v ah the 22. r1ESTiar�r: UNDER 4t RftE1V t, ,oq ' VE�IV� sEi°: CODE SE , / 5594 'et g.R -. lLi ?- t i '�t 9' � dk �6TY i�iSus -s' UP LY t�p� � �S WITH r R PE at tOpUtNT RAND MUST dl�P'L1i M +# � Y LLE phi �� DAYS SON AN J3PPLIC!iT16aN 15 ,FILER ,1R1itil ft TtiAr At PLIC,+iz'4..t� IS COMPLETE. # ow,5 ' DOES THIS i�iiy,L� ,-AFF ,Cyi��`y T. I, itt+ N v Ittxdoa mi, iki3t yo zs w rs+�yrd c Opdato yotx lo�d'ti. asgfi ij you, y � ��!{`�.ij i Wr y '# ;may m *' 23. K CsuES"iicii;Tx 1`i wS RNA CCy%1 , ICTIOUS 524 t I'd deli, p.goVIoj �r n�°' � i x ► 'I ie� RA= A "V tAla r u a OR SHE F`ILMS,�, "CC►ik�P►.EY��tt* t1AP1n1CAXRom POAI l�tl`lT.oit i+ P MIT °itl'tNIN .A. CiwkThlN ,TIMM PERIOD AFTVR :,TH�_l�iNA**. MAP SS AP OVW, cant-Okal RIGHTS REW4 Fixio'Wlvu T'HA'T S RMIT`'i5,1�� i� 1 M011 T+m NOW D4 'S Ci T ,ittntt� WHETHER 44 e S S'i..YCA +# !4i iSL ktN 1 iNdi`x „+ CPL 7E"7 ANSI his . Si law do" nat us lR r is x fir* count , � cities to Sist „ „ whrr. ?s rat, irt:cR ar i4o ` P J* be ►p *, You y wish rear � cit)eo or CoNum" 4i�t b 16d r, Por; pass rtt►3t opliCation z i +trhima 4nd ;. the rtecittirett#ttt, .fit itt tad Sbr eeltertt+r BSst of b!' bo�ri � #t9f .atrd icy` jrmj:F, y #. t1R:a ,I+lSttii �c$ IZE AC bAvZLoPtRT0 APPLY EXPIRE, AND" � . 1� A, :OCAL AQZNCY itJJ :� � GR i* �45� CHANGES. 9f# ,'E SiTION1� MAY '' E r�.'i"1'"�'4CWl ,, � Li A d1�'PL1��►Rit?i'st ANA !rO4 *&y mirth' %a M41de Scarab atttatdar�3 WW oC bppltcattartn,, P4tr'lutP ,sdIxtln1uW*j ,b#ty stA%tuat%igt j stn t specifyirt ivhethet� t„ hart "SenXftn,or do r+ * 1ett tlttRSt And 23. tyStIrkw TNT VtZS E CHARGE OMVELnptK5 ChtihaCE FROM 'TjMF�To TW14 130 N1l IditE 'Al•Io A11f 3 At S`. N WZ A�"1F�S' QVZ TI°iL° 1AAP SN A` -4 THi�T, 1ir1LL d►LLQ'iRt �,tS Tai >r�E TR�S PEES IN I:FI:C'd 4'S`HE T+llr i�� I PIRMIT t5 l,� upao, RA'Tkk THAN *MEN THE M 1S APPRov i'47 ��t1�G ' ds, wi r rs axci far ?ihe �s of ' r,Saa' tee ! _ jffi- h teohtaln a caoWltS+set * t t� 1ittT:9W1t t tC VW- ,,�taSe. Howlt�ee!",� ,?�tt At'tsb�xly ��,b� sdded�'t tlta,�buS��at �tS.ding i+e�i ~. for public IfWth of xrfetig rem 10 ,amply WAll stttte iit►9RI +1�C� +il1CI ��.� ?. Yi C 1 0,