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1988/10/12 - Agenda Packet
0701-02, o 10-12-88 PC Agenda o I Of 5 CITY OF RANCHO Cf JCAMO.NTGA. PLANNING Gom[I M DN AGENTS LI tV EDN -T ;SDAY October 12, 1987 7:90 P.M. d 7dONS PAS CotMiMi my CENm 9161 BASE LINE I RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA L Pledge of Affiance 1L Roll Call Commissioner Blakesiey _ Commissioner Emerick Commissioner Chitiea _ Commissioner Memel Commmsioner Tolstoy III. Anmoum�ements RV. Approval of Minutes September 28,1988 I V. CoMent Calendar The foI2aw.ng Consent Calendar iter -►s are expected to be routine and nun - controversial. They will be acted on by the Commission at one time without discussion. If anyone has concern over any item, it should be removed for discussion. A. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMEIPI` FOR DEVELOPMENT R1+ViEW 88 -22 - ALLSTATE RECYCLING SERVICE - The development of an office end warehouse building totaling 5,000 Square feet on 1.7 acres of land in the Heavy Industrial District (Subarea 15) of tae Industrial Area Specific Plan, located oir -the south side of Whittram Avenue, east of Pecan Avenues -- APN: 229- 192 -10,. B. DESIGN REVIEiN M' TRAUT 13440 - RHOADES DEVELOPMENT - ?Decggn review of building .elevations and detailed site plan foi, a previously approved tract ,asap consisting of 1I1 single family lots on 24 acres of land 'n the Low -Mr vm Density Residential District (4 -8 dwellxns':units per acre) Within the Victoria Planned Community, to "cater 1n the northea`t corner of Kenyon Way and Lark Drive - AFN.. �, 227- 01Z -67, a. L ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSME --r AND VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENwi, T" 88- 7 - WILLIAM LYON COMPANY - A request to amend two sites of the Victoria Co Amunity Plan Land Ust Map, located on the south side of Highland Road at Milliken Avenue .)n 9.2 acres to the west of Milliken and 12.9 acres to the easy of Milliken. Vie request Proposes reducing the Medium Hig;t ttzs'Aential designation (14-24 dwelling uints per acre) to a `'dedium Residential designation (8 -14 dwelling units per acre) and switching the designation of the two sites to Neighborhood Commercial on l' the southeast corner and Medium Residential on the southwest corner - APN: 227- 011 -22 and 202- 211 -48. J. .ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 87 -33 TURNER A request for a "blanket" permit to allow administrative and office uses within an existing industrial complex located at 9375 .Archibald in the General Industrial District (Subarea 4) of the Industrial Area Specific Plan. APN: 210- 072 -47 and 48. VIL I K. MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 87-71 COMMERCIAL CARRIERS. INC - An appeal of the Conditions of Approval for the grading and paving of approximately 12 acres of land for an existing site within the Minimum Impact /Heavy Industrial Specific Plan (Subarea 9), located on the south side of Tersey Boulevard between Utica and Vincent Avenue APM 209 - 243 -7, 9, and 9. (Continued from September 14, 1988) VUL Mew Budnm 4 L. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT l REVIE 88 -31 - DICKER- WARMINGTON -The design review of site plan and elevations for a 7,200 square foot retail building (Pad "E ") within the approved Terra Vista Village Shopping Center, located in the Neighborhood Commercial District located at the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Base Line Road - APN; 202 - 801 -36, VL DircetorOs Reports M. USE DETERMINATION 88 -03 - SAN ANTONIO HOSPITAL N. REVIEW OF THE CONCEP DUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN POR THE "VICTORIA VINEYARDS SOUTH" PARK X. Commission Business SL PubHe cr`mi-,quts This is the Nme and place for the general public to address the Commission. Items to be discussed here are those which do not already appear an this c.�enda. VICINITY" MAP, I , tlrotI1110 INURN010114t dntd011C CITY OF RAY Cho CUCAM014CA � r DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAL ONGA STAFF REPORT ,x October 12, 1988 Chair:an and Members of the Planning Commission Arad Culler, City Planner Chr',s Wes tman, Pasistant Planner ENVY DENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 68 -22 angvcrare Ouse —�iu i3#n�q d aling 5,000 quara feet on 1.7 acres of land in the Heavy Industrial District (Subarea 15) of the Inda�triai Arva Specific Flan located on the south side of Whittram Avenue, east of Pecan Avenue APH: 229 -- 192 -10. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Issuance of a Nega"'VP ^eclaration. B. SurrOUndinr Land Use and Zon3n Worth - TruWs orage yax s; eneral Industrial (Subarea 8) South - Kaiser Steel; Heavy Industrial (Subarea 15) East - Auto dJsmantling; Heavy Industrial (Subarea 15) West - Auto dismantling; Heavy Industrial (Subarea 15) C. General Plan Designations: Fro ec e = Tie'avy n us riai North - General Indus- ial South - Heavy Industrial East - Heavy Industrial West - Heavy Industrial D. Site Charact ,-ristics: The sita is currently being operated as a recyc ng cen err. Existing improvements ircluds a residential structure being used as office, perimeter fencing, and an 8 foot masonry screen wall paralleling Xh;ttram Avenue. Full street improvements have not been completed. E. Parking Calculations: Type Square Parking Number of Spaces Number of Spaces of Use Footage . Ratio Re aired Provided Office 450 1/250 2 4 Warehouse 4,550 I /IOVI S 5 TOTAL -1 ITEM A PLANNING COMISSION STAFF REPORT OR 88 -20 . - Allstate Recycling Service October 12, 1988 Page 2 II. ANALYSIS: A. General: The proposed use is consistent with the Industrial plc Plan and with surrounding uses. The project has been -- viewed by Design and Technical Review Committees. Both. Committees have forwarded recommendations for conditions of approval. After environmental determination by the Planning Commission final approval of the project will core through the City Planner with special rind standard conditions. B. Design Review Consnittee: The Committee (Emerick, Buller) revievied the project on gust 4, 1988 and recommended *_hat the applicant work with staff to revise the site plan and elevations to create more interest. The project t;:en returned to the Design Review Committee (McNiel, Tolstcy, Coleman) on September 8, 1988 and the Cavittee made recommendations for conditions of approval: (1) A split -face veneer with pilasters should be used as treatment for the existing screen wall on Whittram. (2) A split -face block should be used consistently throughout the project as a uniform accent material. (3) gemming should be used along the Whittram Street frontage to reduce the height impact of the screen wall.. (4) All gates subject to public view should be of a view obscuring material and design. (5) A list of building materials and examples of materials and colors should be approved by the City Planner prior to building permit issuance. The applicant and Committee spoke of earth -tones and tans. (6) Desigr. details of the screen wall should be submitted and approved by the City Planner prior to building permit issuance. (7) There was a general consensus that the building design was acceptable. C. Technical Review Committee: The Committee reviewed the project and Made recommen a ons as follows: Add v PLANNING cowrnION STAFF REPORT DR 88 -22 - Allstate Recycling Service October 1 %, 1988 Page 3 (1) A license for acceptance. of surFace drainage shall be obtained from the AT &SF (Atkinson, Topeka, and Santa Fe) Railroad prior to issuance of any building permits. (2) A for 15 foot stor'i drain easemeist with a right -of -way entry tr boundary adjacent� to se the lo AT &SF a Railroadlyshal l �rbe provided Crior to the issuance of any building permits. (3) An in -lieu fee as contribution to the future (teiecarmunicati of and the electrical)gon the Opposite site of Whittram Avenue shall be paid to the City prior to the issuance of building permits. 'be fee shall be one - half the City adopted unit amount times the length of the project frontage. (4) The existing overhead utilities serving the buildings on the sauthside of Whittram Avenue shall be placed underground from the existing pole on the north side of Whittram Avenue to the existing buildings on the south side of Whittram Avenue and the existing service pole shall be removed prior to public improvement acceptance or occupancy, whichever occurs first. (5) An in -lieu fee as contribution to the future wdergrounftg of the existing overhead Utilities (coMunication lines) within the Atkinson, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad right -of -way adjacent to the southerly property boundary shall be paid to the City prior to the issuance of building permits. The fee shall be one -half tho City adopted unit amount times the length of the Project frontage. D. Environmental Assessments Parts I and 11 of the Initial Study ave Zen comp e e an na significant environmental impacts have been determined as a cause of the proposed development. 111. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The proposed use is consistent with the Gene ra an an n ustrial Specific Plan. The building design and site plan together with the recommended conditions of approval are in compliance with the Industrial Specific Plan. The project will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare or materially injurious to surrounding properties. IV. RECOlM9ENDATION• Staff recommends that the Planning Comrmission issue a' ga iv`e Declaration for Development Review 88 -22. q- 3 PLANNING COWUSSION STAFF REPORT OR 88 -22 Allstate Recycling Service October 12 1988 Page 4 OdBul lly tte ner BB: CW:vc Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Location Map Exhibit "B', - Site Plan Exhibit "C" - Elevations I .Bier r� r➢�W r 4 —_'�' . II r r i CITY CF . �. 11.1. ♦- Li J - C- vv E� CITY CF llW RANUM CUCA,NKI�Gk TITLE- PLANNM DIVISK)LN EXHIBIT: `CAL AT w- 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAM ONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 12„ 1988 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Comnissipn FRS: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Brett Horner, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: DESIGN REVIEW FOR TRACT 13440 - RHOADES DEVELOPMENT - Design review of u ng elevations an e a e site plan for a previously approved tract map consisting of 111 single family pots on 24 acres of land in the "Low- Medium Density Residential District (4 -8 dwelling units per acre) within the Victoria Planned Community, located on the northeast corner of Kenyon Way and Lark Drive - AFN: 227 - 011 -67. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Approval of building elevations and plot T1 ans. B. Project Density: 4.63 dwelling units per acre. C. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: Nam: - vacant; roposed 1 --210 Freeway and Low - Medium Density Residential (4 -8 duelling units per acre) South - Low - Medium Density Residential (4 -8 dwelling units per acre) East - Low - Medium Density Residential (4 -8 dwelling units per acre) West - Vacant; Medium Density Residential (8 -14 dwelling units per acre) and Elementary School site D. General Plan Designations: Fro ec e - LOW-MeOlUM Density Residential North - Low Density Residential South - Low - Medium Density Residential East - Low - Medium Density gosidential West Low - Medium Density Residential Ii. ANALYSIS• A. Background: Tentative Tract 13440 was reviewed by the Planning omnC— ission on May 13, 1987, and was approved for subdivision design and conceptual grading.. The applicant, Rhoades Development, is now submitting plot plan and building ITEM B PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT T 13440 OR - Rhoades Development October 12, 1988 Page 2 r elevations for design review approval in order to proceed with construction of 111 homes. B. General:, The applicant proposes four (4) floor plans frr the project, with all but one of the plans having four (4) ^levation design schemes. Plan 1 (1,800 square feet) is a two- story unit as are Plans 2 (2,000 square feet), 3 (2,300 square feet), and '4 (2,600 square feet). A floor plan similar to Plan 3 was approved for use previously' in Tracts 13060 and 13444 differ inini architactu alv styles elevations for the Plano 4 acs was previc,asly approved for use in Tract 13444. The elevations for this plan type are somewhat similar in appearance. Of the 11 lots, 58 have recreational vehicle storage areas. This number exceeds the minwum Victoria Community Plan requirement. Also, 73 of the homes have three car garages. C. Design Review Committee: The Design Revi" Committee letakes ey, Tt ea,-- routil) reviewed the proposal on September 22, 1468 and recommenda'. approval subjEct to the following conditions: 1. The design of the sideyard fencing visible from the street should be of a decorative material. A stucco wail with special gate design and color scheme was recommended. 2. The left side elevations of ;1oor Plans 1 and 2 should be enhanced with a band board (stucco over) or similar detail. Note: The above concerns were addressed in revised plans which were reviewed and approved by the Committee on October 6, 1988. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The project is consistent with the Victoria anise ommun y and the General Plan. The project will not be detrimental to adjzcent properties or cause significant environmental impacts. In addition, the proposed use is in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Victoria Community Plan, the Development Code and City Standards. IV. RECOMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning CUmmission approve e e ign review of Tray; 13440 through adoption of the attached Resolution with conditions. M L] I PLANNING COMISSION STAFF REPORT T 13440 DR _ Rhoades Development October 12, 1988 Page 3 Res eqfully tted r 8 d B Ter Ciiy anner BB:BH:vc Attachments: Exhibit "A" Location Map Exhibit "B" - Site Plan Exhibit "C" Landscape Plan Exhibit "D" - Building. Elevations Resolution of Approval with Conditions $- 3 F1 /i7T F ,-IM 1►T/ 1 -r of I a A L4- 11 ITEM. —_QR TR 1344m DID TS;.. .. ' EXHIBM ... SCALD: nano L Y4M � W N1lrtl, Mi,..U, �' 4Y NORTH 3440 CA1_F IPLAN SCALD: Laee ITEM ®R TR 134440 TITLE: ELEVATIONS - PLAN 4 EXHIBIT: 11 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING t"ISSION APPROVING DESIGN REVIEW FOR TRACT NO. 13440 LOCATED WITHIN THE VICTORIA PLANNED COMUN17Y AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF KENYON WAY AND LARK DRIVE IN THE LOW- MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT - APN,. 227- 011-67, A. Recitals. (i) Rhoades Development has filed an application for the Design Review of Tract No. 1344a as described in the title ,,e this Resolution. Hereinafter, the subject Dia ign Review request is referred to as "the application ". (ii) On October 12, 1988, the planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held a meeting to consider the application. (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adontion of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: l i Commission , f hisi Resolution specifically forth in the Recitals, Ao t ae treand- orrct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced meeting on October 12, 1988, including written and oral staff reports, this Commission-hereby specifically minds as follows: 1. That tie proposed pf ^oject is consistent with the objectives of ti)e General Plan; and 2. That the proposed design is in accord with the objective of the Development Code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; and 3. That the proposed design is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Development. Code; and 4. That the proposed design, together with the conditions applicabt'e thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or imp -ovements in the vicinity. PLANNING C"I'SSION RESOLUTION h0. Tract 13440 DR - Rhoades Development October 12, 1988 Pago 2 and 2 3. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraph 1 and every vcondition s et$forth below nand I nstheeattachedtStandardoConditions attached hereto and incOrporated herein by this reference. (1) All conditions of Resolution No.. 87 -68 approving Tentative Tract 13440 shall apply. (2) The developer shall provide each prospective buyer with written notice of the potential Fourth Street Rock Crusher project in a standard format as determined by the City Planner, prior to accepting a deposit on any property. (3) The design of the sideyard fencing (including gates) shall be of a decorative material. The final design of the fencing details shall be submitted for review and approval of the City Planner. (4) The left side elevations of floor Plans 1 and 2 shall be enhanced with a band board (stucco over) or similar detail. 4. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF OCPOBER, 1988. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry T. WNiel, CRairman ATTEST--- er, gecretary i, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly in }eoduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning C*mmission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 12th day of October, 1988, by the following vote- to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COWISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: -8' w n b- M N 0 a ►_:_J L,^ 6 L .�YwY.� �O iYO qq+ J o N01 Yq..aY4 .O..LN NYO^YLp p.a` R + + Y pA�Oy �GNrt 0 .4iO.�OY '�4p°. 4+G.M6 Lfi � �G M .■ LC L�1f ��arYCe.•°••rt +•eN '°'coo co °n ^'gu��� �uY y`Y. � °a :: =at 'a yy°CYLYrrY Yp� +Y L�r�r�_�� N�yC�+�4 YiOCV O.M 3Y.� YC�i.Gd � `yr�� 0 O-C �i« 'c aoS3 yi =o �wOpSK LO yGVy�$CyN .�.ci 'LY Y�.6itOY.o Yy�y uo�nCQ �.aC6 p�.0 Y NO e-%ZC TAN' 55 W~� G i wo Y1�0 kcW 114.-1 i2- qN {ail /i.Yt E"3 +dr�uo ^NN C{, 4i +.C`. +�Y it C- t" qp iN.Y N 44 C- +MIL 9 4 i 24-28 2.2 L �+_ _� YN �40'n. iCCiii a yy!! V + p q` N 2 a u G ^ ra u Y O q 1 Y •. a` H� N. `O ` v V $ Y� { ■GEC �v"Y O NAG■4c YYYY NM' °L YYpYa y.YYGCt �`•� Y° N Cd Gy M ^SN,p: 4.5A ` � V 1 40 Pi N L � 7.G• yr. Y .. + > � Y ... � Y V � � +. S N N .Yn y ^M N i W O V i a W: i S V- a 4J W u 0 Ln Z W cz O in LIJ W hV V. Q W t 4 O M �p G Z W ppV (Vi1 ( ■�p■ �`���'+Op p�p F• �C � p_ 3 O .. O�MNYw�...NL O yGn►.G Y �6p ^ ■p Y{gl iL y�u����s OY �. BAR 6 Vim. •6YVr�y `yi +Q y p�p GM > P aG p �• M .G rl �Ly1z 4G Hs+ a a— 1,7 O Z V W a �p pw yp Y ''l'r``'.�iJ�lyMglaw t ii�aS' ' ��t�fwy.C�:,`��yY�z��'��° C YNY U�0 ^� COY `OM M��� a M�.b LWLU D.tY?Y! L Lt's O �61Z �GU�ye� V CCs ill O. L y•� GYw O — h 0 YC �pq 4 N4 OJQ mNG - e C &,.: ti n 1- --IG rN! a cal s o Cav.�.��'�. 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Cip L w OD¢� N�I� LN G Oam bqM Q/ ww 4 d.H.d j ;I AUS u;I 1 ELF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ;• a OATE: October 12, 198$' TO: Chairman and Members of the P1ariinC Commission FROM: Brad Buller, _City Planner BY: Tom Grahn, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: TIME EXTENSION FOR TENTATIVE TRACT '12669 - NEWTON REALTY s ential su v s 6H of 135 s ng a family lots an d-3 common lots on 67.67 acres of land in the Very 'Low Residential District (1 -2 dwelling units per acre) of the Etiwanda Specific Plan, located at the southwest corner of Etiwanda Avenue and 24th Street - APN: 225- 011 -35. I. BACKGROUKD: On 13, 1985, the Planning Commission or g na y reviewed and approved Tentative Tract 12659 for the development of 135 single family lots and 3 common lots. The Planning Commission approved a one year time extension on October 28, 1987, which is due to e4-ire on November 13, 1988. According to the subdivision Map Act, a Tentative Tract may be extended up to five years from the date of approval. Therefore, the Commission may grant time extensions extending the map until November 13, 1990. The applicant is currently requesting a one year time extension to expire on November 13, 1989. I1. ANALYSIS: Staff has analyzed the proposed time extension and has compared the proposal with the development criteria outlined in the Etiwanda Specific Plan. Based upon this review, the project Teets the optional residential development standards of the Etiwanda Specific Plan for the Very Low Residential District. Staff has also determined that the tract map IS in compliance with the objectives of the General Plan: e PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TT 12659 NE14TOM REALTY October 22, 1988 Page 2 111. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the planning Commission gran a one yeai� extension of time for Tentative Tract M59 through adoption r!f the attached Resolution. Respectyully su '4, A Bra r City Punner BB:luzmlg Attachments: Exhibit "A" b Letter from Applicant Exhibit "B" -- Location Map Exhibit "C" - Tract Map Resolution, of Approval r { TA T� SANFORD NEWTON % O ID WAYNE 0.BLANTON. 1297 NORTH TOWNE AVE. + POMONA, CALIFORNIA 91767 • Telephone (714) 623 -6555 n September 13, 1986 Mr. Brad huller City Planner City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 -0807 Re: Tentative Tract #12659 (-Js-v Lots) Dear Mr. Buller; This letter is requesting an extension on Tentative Tract #12659 that expires November 13, 1989. As you are aware presently Phase 1 should be before. the City Council on the 21st of September for approval and hopefully Phase 2 will be on the Council Agenda in October. unfortunately, Phases 3 and 4 will follow more than likely after November. This request is due to our ignorance as we thought when we filed Phase 1 it would cover the other Phases. Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely Wayne D. Blanton Partner Etiwanda Estates WDB(jlb 1 L' 1 e;' 1 rw 1 CITY OF RX: CHO rCJ:C-�,,K), PLANNING L7vasim ITEM. -w TITLE: EXHIPAT: f - SC ALL; � I NC)RTlI 11 CITY OF . c RA: R- CUC -�,V jo - PLANNING DJ%IISM G,r , TITLE= A /Gli1 EXHIPAT C SC -\LE,• Alt)RTI I RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING CMINISSTON APPROVING A TIME EXTENSION FOR TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 12669, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF ETIWANDA AVENUE AND 24TH STREET. APR: 225- 011 -35. A. Recitals. Tentative( Tract Newton 12659 Lash de described in application title of extension Hereinafter 1,1 this Resolutirn-, the subject Time Extension request is referrea to as the application. (ii) On Novemrer 13, 1985, this Commission adopted its Resolution No. 85 -168, thereby approving, subject to specific conditions and time limits, Tentative Tract No. 12659. (iii) All legal prerec;uisites to the adoption of thin :Aesoluticn, have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancha Cucamonga as follows: I. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part; A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based and oralsstaffnreports, evidence his presented n hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The previously approved Tentative Map is in substantial compliance with the City's current General Plan, Specific Plans, Ordinances, Plans, Codes and Policies; and (b) The extension of the Tentative Map will not cause significant inconsistencies with the current Generav Plan, Specific Plans, Ordinances, Plans, Codes and Policies; and (c) The extension of the Tentative Map is not likely to cause public health or safety problems; and (d) The extension is within the time limits prescribed by state law and local ordinance. C _� I-M PLANNING C"ISSION RESOLUTION NO,. Tr 12555 - NEWTON REALTY October 12, 1988 Page 2 3. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby grants a Time Extension for: Tract jaehcant Expiration 12659 Newton Realty November 13, 1989 4. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1988. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RA.4CHO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry T. McNiel, Chairman ATTEST: Brad Buller, cre a y I. Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hcv'Qby � - tify that the foregoing Resolution was duly .and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the Zty of rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 12th day of Octc -,,er, 1988, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: D CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE. October 12, 1988 r TO: Chdir'nan and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Barrye R. Hanson, Senior Civ:l Engineer B1': Joe Stofa, Jr., Associate civil Engineer SUBJECT: ENVIROTT?ll�etFAL RSSESSMENi AND PENY''�iTVI PARCEi. MAP 11852 - BARYON su v s an o acres o an nto pis �h`enera7 industrial District (Subarea 8 }, Tgcated east of Utica Avenue, approxir�ately 3q0 feet south or Arrow Route (APN 20g -14z -341 T. PROJECT ANN SITE DESCRIPTION. A. Action Re uested• Arproval of the proposed Tentative Parcel flap as summ on x a '8 T3. Parcel Size: Various sizes ranging ftm a Minimum of 0.324 acres to a maxim)) of 2,539 acres with the maJOrity of the lots between 0.400 and -.5013 acres, C. Existing Zeninas General Industrial District (Sub4r d 8t 0. Surrounding North - Vacaflt South Industrial Buildings East industrial Buildings West - Industrial Buildirigs E. Surrounding General Plan and Development Code n.si naiians: North - Genera" Industrial, Subarea 8 South - General Industrial, Subarea. 8 west - General Industrial, Subarea 6 ITEM 0 TENTATIVE PAPCEL MAP 21852 OCTOBER 12, 2588 Page 2 I F. Site Characteristics: The site is vacant with the land South. sloping approximately 2% to the II,. ANALYSIS: The purpose of this Parcel Map is to create 22 separate parcels for the previously approved Rancho Cucamonga Business Park II. Seven of the 22 parcel;; (16 -22) are for Phase IV, which was approved as DR 88 -u7 by the Planning Commission on September 14, 1988. The re". iring 15 parcels (1- 15) are for the future development of Phase V. The parcels in relationship to the approved protect (Phase IV) and the future project (Phase V) are shown on Exhibit "C". The improvements for Red Oak Street were completed with an earlier phase of the development. Edison Court is currently under construction, ptica Avenue. Pullman Court, and Fulton Court av-a rewired to be constructed full width upon recordation, of the Final Parcel Map, III. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The applica:'ot completed Part I of the Initial Stuay Staff con acted a field investigation and completed Part It of the Intitial Study, No adverse i4acts upon the environment are anticipated as a result of this project, Therefore, issuance of Negative Declaration is apprspriate. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: Notices of ?ublic Hearing have been sent to surrounding property owners and plated in the Daily Report Newspaper. Posting at the site has also bee:. completed. V. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission consfder a input elements of the Tentative Parcel Map. If after such consideration, the CM*ission can recommend appr-bval, they the adoptin'na Of the attached Resolutica and issuance of a Negative Declaration would be appropriate. Respectfully Submitted, etvpW Barry Hanson Senior Civil Engineer BRH:JS:dlw Attachments; Vicinity Map (Exhibit "A ") Tentative Map (Exhibit -48") Approved Master Plan (Exhibit "C ") Resolution and Recomame,lded Conditions of Approval 1 ;. E t YONVAIII Wow P�f sc�a 6d% r., ,tal ']AV N31YR ']AV elTOIN38V� -- -� cm f an o ® 0 s L -� kn D-.?, W Ln } cl e a I Z 97-11/,VZF v CL CE _j W, Z CL CE _j W, ci , U. cc uj a -!g, i "Wow S. t •� .-•gyp 1 � 1 $ 3 y f rC C� SI 1 '1 • � .ve•tu i i• 2 Sti rat e 1� no tl t Y- ti► ci , U. cc uj a -!g, i "Wow S. t •� .-•gyp 1 � 1 $ 3 y f rC C� SI 1 '1 • � .ve•tu i i• 2 rat no tl I i I I I i I I� I =# v nuw AM• M N - �- s B .Ln u m nuu �w A w O +s n i H rm a =r n n «:-6D a TTM=. T tuuu m.mennm�ddn 11 iJ z La � d 7A 4a a u n I~ ( a � Ic z cr ►-N cn -s MM� P�+K RE uj v nuw AM• M N - �- s B .Ln u m nuu �w A w O +s n i H rm a =r n n «:-6D a TTM=. T tuuu m.mennm�ddn 11 iJ z La � d 7A 4a a u I~ ( a � Ic z cr ►-N cn MM� P�+K uj C � u' 1 U z ,I a C EMA RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CONDITKNALLY APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NUMBER 11852, LOCATED EAST OF UTICA AVENUE APPROXIMATELY 300 FEET SOUTH OF ARROW ROUTE (APH 209 - 142 -34) WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map Number 11852 submitted by Barton Development Company, applicant, for the purpose of subdividing into 22 parcels, the real property situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, identified as APH(s) 203- 142-34, located. at east of Utica Avenue, approximately 300 feet south of Arrow Route; and WHEREAS, an tober 12, 1488, the Planning Commission held a drily advertised public hear�:ng for the above- described map. FOLLOWS: NfW, THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVED AS SECTION 1:: That the following findings live been made: 1. That the slap is consistent with the General Plan. 2. That the improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan. 3. That the site is physically suitable for the prop.ced development. 4. That the proposed subdivision and improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage, public health rroblems or have adverse affects on abutting property. SECTION 2: This Commission finds and certifies that the project has been revfe—we—d--a-nT considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this 'Commission hereby issues a Negative Declaration. subject to the ttaehed Standard Parcel Nand l the following approved Conditions: PLANNING COMAISSiON RESOLUTION No. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 11852 OCTOBER 12, I988 PAGE 2 Special Conditions: 1, Sidewalk and parkway landscaping may be deferred until development of the adjacent property for all streets. 2. Utica Avenue shall be constructed as follows :' a. Fu;i cuOh to curb width from the existing portion to the south to Arrow Roue. b. Pavement transitrnts shall be provided on Arrow Route ::t the Utica Intersection as approved by the City Engineer. c. The Developer may request a fvimbursement agreement to recover the cost of the improvements west of the centerline from future development on the west side of the street. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1988. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONG`. BY• Larry T. e , a rman ATTEST: Brad Buller, Secee tary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meet3eg of the Planning Commission held on the 12th day of October,. 1988, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: f� r r ,r l E tai N PRA E a °a e L M .e ': z3'' '. Ste. ro w•� �. � �Ze L •� r �o YN .v .. c y d 41 - 1Y M' ` Ldp &-= „L E lei Zm HENyy Yy p Y GGv y t OL _ CC fli 44 s r g 6q= a.`S Nye sev ^MV Md a O )a ByBf 3 +� 222i r = -° M "i �� LNYy 1 y$u r ► ij N _ M �� � v - �a s •b s�i N =�E: «: M." 91p I.S. w1tl1 ®y.` 1 Y I 3 +� 222i r = -° M "i �� LNYy 1 y$u r ► ij N v N =�E: «: M." 91p I.S. w1tl1 ®y.` Cc of _a Z. yy Y N YY {N{� � O ^� �4 c aC§ Chi. i Y 'E 44 Qs �� ems, � L aw �u ti � 01 Ml" 4 �w iy CG a�A 4 V WE �Vi QV I �W vt� � iu C� N b y Q G T� oa �$ Y Ir `Y �y y �q �v w Y w w�LS wq► GAL Kl v ui L = s� fill �"Iy ►{ pp L1ypx M�1t RE. �M1ti yy n1 N oil ' O� Y y 4 M O eL ll ,a o R � r s�rMY� M1 I/t ND LAY a w AL wO ML lO �8� ,�,u �a ►'�„agi v rr IYYi W u ar 4O� Cy y. d� w�Y N�q� -0.y ll ,5pf� ^G. Qr �C-L"•Y Oy a it m Kg E t SL L yOti iwC M VE ii an Z= fp� aQagi. �M N Zia K Y4 iLi i� CC Y1I1 �YY w »O L� 4YV b iG L A i.JK i' � Y SLY � O ^� �4 c aC§ Chi. i Y 'E 44 Qs �� ems, � L aw �u ti � 01 Ml" 4 �w iy CG a�A 4 V WE �Vi QV I �W vt� � iu C� N b y Q G T� oa �$ Y Ir `Y �y y �q �v w Y w w�LS wq► GAL Kl v ui L = s� fill �"Iy ►{ pp L1ypx M�1t RE. �M1ti yy n1 N oil ' O� Y y 4 M O eL ll ,a o R � r s�rMY� M1 I/t ND LAY a w AL wO ML �M Ea Yw OC * C 4 ��C1I it m p y E t �Y iwC b Z= fp� aQagi. �M N Zia K Y4 iLi i� 11 EI — CIT`I OF RAPICHO CITC MONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 12, 19Eg TO: Chairman and Mez .3rs of the Planning Cemnission FRGII: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Chris Westman, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: MODIFICATION TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 87 -17 - CONTINENTAL HEALTH - e eve opmen o a u ng me ca o ce camp ex totalling 197,000 square feet on 4 acres of land In the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7) located west of White Oak Avenue at Spruce Avenue. APN: 208- 351 -25 RELATED FILE: DEVEWPMENT'REVIEW 88 -28 I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Approval of modifications to an approved mas er an. C. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning North - Vacant; Harry C's, Industrial Park District (Subarea . South - Vacant; industrial Park District (Subarea 7) East - Vacant; Industrial Prrk District (Subarea 7) West - Vacant; Industrial Park District (Subarea 7) D. General Plan Designations• Project Site - Industrial Park District North Industrial Park District South Industrial Park District East - Industrial Park District West - Industrial Park District E. Parking Calculations: ber Type Square Parking Spaces of Number Spaccee of Ss of Use Footage Ratio Required Provided ided Ph I Med. Office 54,000 1/200 270 270 Ph. II 49 bed t!R,DOO 1.75 Per 86 86 hospital bed — Total 356 ITEM E PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 87 -17 — CONTINENTAL HEALTH October 12, I988 Page 2 A II. ANALYSIS A. Background: The Master Plan was reviewed and approved with con offs by the Planning Commission on July 8, 1987. Approval was for a 14 acre master plan concept and specific site approval for Phase I, a 54,000 square foot Medical office building (see Exhibit "B"). Environnental clearance was given for Phase II at the Planning Commission meeting on September 28, 1988. Construction has not begun on any phase. B. Gei,,:al: The applicant is requesting a change to the general building configuration of Phase II, vehicular circulation at the southeast corner of the site, and the central plaza concept. 1) Building configuration: The building shape for the 'Phase TI- pion of eve opment has been refined through the applicant's internal design process involving the building users, owncl,-s, and compliance with state requirements. For example, tle state requires all patient rooms to have windows resulting in the "finger" building design. Other areas which have been defined are a service area ari emergency operation area. The building design has been through the development process and has been modified through 'esign Review Committee to vreet City design standards. actusl approval of this Phase II building will come from the City Planner with conditions should the Planning Commission approve the Master Plan modification request. 2) Vehicular circulation: a result of the building foot- er n c..ag; he vehicular circulation pattern was also modified. The pattern has not been changed in any way to hinder safe vehicular movement. A secondary emergency access to the southerly parking area is proposed along the west side of the building through the plaza area (this is discussed further below). 3) NhstRr Plan Concept: The original Master Plan concept es gnated a a centralized plazc area which would be common to X11 four phases of the development. The Master Plan did not specifically address service areas. The applicant it therefore requesting to reduce the plaza area from approximately 14,400 square feet to approximately 9,600 square feet, using the southerly 4,800 square feet is for service truck access and loading. An architectural PLANNING COMISSION StAr"F REPORT CUP 87 -17 - CONTINENTAL HEALTH October 12, 1988 Page 3 screen wall is proposed along the south plaza boundary to separate the service and plaza areas. Considering the other possible options for service area locations at the outer adges of the buildings, this centralized location is the most logical.. The internal site location also offers the greatest possibility for screening. C. Technical Review Committee: Phase II of the Master Plan was rev ewed°on September 6, I988. The Foothill Fire f)istrict noted that a temporary paved access might be required from the back parking area to the main, drive aisle to provide tw3, points of access. In an effort to satisfy the access issue, the applicant contacted the adjacent property owner and has stated that they were not able to acquire the necessary off -site easements for the secondary access from that property owner. As an alter °ate solution, the applicant has proposed a tempos +ary emerge,gcy access which would use a portion of the central plaza a,.rd service area. The proposal was discussed at length at Desfgm Review Committee. (See Exhibit "E "). 0. Design Review Committee: The Committee OtHiel, Tolstoy, Gul I er scusse a - ;aster Plan revisions on September 22, 1988. 1. The Committee accepted the overall changes to the Master Plan with regards to circulation, building configuration and plaza /service area location. Mitigations to design concerns were established during the review. of Phase II, Development Review 88 -28, which was reviewed on September 8 and September 22, 1988. 2. The Committee had a great concern for the proposed emergency access within the plaza area. The concept was accepted subject to the following conditions: a) The access will be considered temporary. The access should be removed along with construction of any projer", to the west. b) When the emergency access is relocated, the screen wall south of the plaza should be completed for complete separation between the plaza and service area. tim PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 87-17 - CONTINENTAL HEALTH October 12, 1988 Page 4 c) P 'barrier should be designed which will prohibit any access through the plaza area other than emergency (Fire District) access. d) The emergency lane should be designed to be fully integrated into the plaza. Different ideas discussed inc' led common paver materials and subtle grade sep;cAtion similar to a rolled curb. e) The fina't design and materials for the plaza/service area should require Design Review Committee raview and approval prior to the issuance of bui%ing permits or Phase II, (Development Review 88-28). E. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: A Negative Declaration was issued for the project when originally approved. The original Initial Study hpr---,,',een reviewed and this amendment does not present any negative iMDacts nor does it affect the previous environmental determinat6n. Therefore, If the Commission concurs with staff findings, a KeSativp Declaration should be issued. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The 'proposed use is consistent with the General Plan an. -Ir—dustrial Specific Plan. The use, together with applicable conditions will not be detrimental to the health, welfare, - safety or materially injurious to properties or improvements In the vicinity. The site plan is consistent with the Industrial Specific Plan Design Guidelines. IV. RECOMMEM,4TION: Staff nwc=ends that the Commission approve the modificaff—cn-'K-, Conditi-o6al Use Permit 87-17 through adoption of the attached Resolution of approval with conditions,, and issue a Negative D,:cl&1*atii)a. Respe 4 Ily fitted, Br, City ann�eg BB:CW:mlg PLANNING cOFMISSION STAFF ",EPORT CUP `)7 -17 - CONTINENTAL HEPL T'; October 12, 1988 Page 5 e� Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Location Flap Exhibit "B" - Approved Master Plan Exhibit "C" - .Proposed Master Plan Exhibit "D" — Phase T Site Plan E:thibit "E' - Proposed Phase I1 Site Plan Exhibit 'r" - Resolution of Approval 87 -110 with Standard Conditions Resolution of Approval KI AVENUE COMM o r '° a NN, AM AK A a•tio.�. ff I H -1 1_ (11 \ ".• ✓ RED UAK STREET SUAim" Pith t 3 SiUNY:$p� OFflCd: i AA�tRA7DRY C£1itE7t •MWE= PKI% 7 15 T PHN 48=J C Gm ALUM TOM TOTt4 mr mm pP7Ovm ?OTAL PARW is RML* o 00.0003li 2!.' Sa,000 QSF SOt 59.000 45F. 3.9 7V7AL 1401. 958 9TA4. am smv" a -� t - rarer �J :vcH w cAK La a�!.'�;ti4ARY y� -AND 4,00 i F R WLILATORY C INTER 1880Q Ci 1 ,J M:AICAL QFFlCES 35200 G F TOTAL 54000 Ca. f PARKING FvAoVtAE0 276 STA1 STANTYARD 179 STAL xCc CQN�A::T ;34%) 93 STAE hVwor-4PpEp 3 STAI'. PAP_'.WG REQ'O. 270 STAN r� LANOSCAPE PROVIDED 22% Aft ' , , / / LANDSCAPE Ai cWIREA 1 ,s9r. Y Igwwq M C �r�gno'�t wacaJ lag �--�M j'• r MCI � '! ' a D C izLv L SLOMAARY LAND %88 ACRES= HOSPITAL 45,000 G.S.F. PARKING PROV OM I" REGULAR sce clowAcr (34%1 ts8 HANDICACPED 6 PAAKNG REaD Ruse I 27p pKkwz 66 TWAL 356 L"MCAM PRO MW 20% LANOSCAtr A99-4 15% ,. �.. • E - /�) v.� s ri , vi . r 40t .", .. Ai RESOLUTION NO. A RESb�UTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION kPPROVING A MODIFICATION TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 87 -17, A 14 ACRE NEDICAL /OFFICE MASTER PLAN LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF WHITE OAK Air SPRUCE AVENUE IN THE INDUSTRIAL PARK DISTRT "T - APN: '208- 351 -25 A. Recitals. (i) Continental Health MeO cal Services, Inc. has filed an application for the modification to Conditional Use Permit No. 87 -17 as described in the title of this Resolution,. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject modification request is referreA to as "the application ". (ii) On the 12th of October, 1988, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the.f4cts set forth in the Recitals, wart A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing on October 12, 1988, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds -as follows: (a) The application applies to property located at the south intersection of Spruce Avenue and White Oak avenue, and (b) A Master "!an was approved as Conditional Use Permit,87 -17 on July 8, 1987 by the Planning Commission; (c) The modifications proposed will not significantly change the original design concept of the Master Plan, Conditional Use Permit 87 -17. (d) The modified site plan will establish a central service area which will be convenient to the users Cod screened fm.. public view. movement. (e) The ;modified vehicular circulation promotes safe vehicular ? Plan concept. (f) The project architecture is consistent with the Master PLANNING CCM9IISSION RESOLUTION W. CUP 87 -17 October 12, 1988 Page 2 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above - referenced public hearing and upon the specific flndings of facts set ferth in paragraph 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the proposed use is in accord with the General Ilan, the objectives of the Develo;mvmt Code, and the purposes of thL- district In which the site is located. !b) That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or m;�terially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. (c) That the proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Codc, a. This Commission hereby finds and certifies that the project hits been reviewiA and considered in compliance wit. the Callfornia Environmental. Quality Ac;: of 1970 and, further, this Commissicn hereby issues a Negative Declaration. S. `Based upon the findings and conclusionk set forth in paragraph 1, 2 and 3 above, this Commmission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set Forth below. Planning: 1. All medial and standard conditions as found on or as Mast of City of Rancho Cucamonga Resolutioea 87 -110 shall bA applicable to the approval . of this modification. 2. Detailed design of the central plaza /service area shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Cozmittee prior to the issuance of building permits on Phase II Meveloprrfnt Review 88 -28`. 3. The emergency access provision Mrough the plaza area is temporary and shall be completely removed with development of adjacent property west of Phases I and II and the plaza area reconstructed. (a) The access will be considered temporary. The access shall be vemoved along with construction of and project to the west, (b) Vhen the emergency access is relocated, the screen wall south of the plaza shall be ccmnleted for complete separation between the plaza and seevfce area, (c) A barrier shall be designed which will prohibit any access through the plaza area other tan emergency (Fire District) access. PLANNING COMISSION RESOLUTION No. CUP 87 -17 October 12, 1988 Rage 3 (d) The eW_.,gency lane shall be aesijaed to be fully, Integrated into the plaza. Difrerent i,���s discussed incliirded common paver materials and subtle 3rade ;;paration s'n3ilar to a roiled curb. M The final design and materials for the plaxalservice .araa shall require Des!gn RevIeW 'Committee review and approval prior to the isrtu;nce of boi ?ding permits for Phase 17, (Development Review 88 -28). a s. the ;secretary of this Resolution. to iw 3s Coamission s9mall certify to the adoption APPROVED AND RDOPTc3 THIS 12A DAY OF OCTOBER., 1988. PLANNING COMIS3I9N nF THE CITY CF RANCHO CUCAKIUNGA BY: Larry T. WRIel, ., a rman ATTEST., Brad u er, re rY I, Brad 80 ter, Secretary of the Manning Commission of tha City of Rancho G::camonga, do hereby certify that itha forEgoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, sn� 'adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of tht, Planning Comissismn held on the 12th day of October, 1988, by the following vote-to-wit: f AYES: COWISSIONERS: NOE`_:: Ct>hi assroms: ABSENT: COMI ISSIONERS: C< r i f G • a E L= J RESOLUTI06 ,1. 87 -110 A APPROVING OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING comMIS3I0ii APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 87 -17 FOP THE 14 ACRE MEDICAL CAMPUS ANG PHP,SE Y DEVELOPMENT CON SxSTING OF 54,OdO SQUARE FOOT MEDICAL OFFICE LOCATED ON THE SOUTH INDUSTRIAL WHITE D ST�RICTREET AT SPRUCE AVENUE IN THE APN 208 - 351 -25. WHEREAS, c.:; the 23rd day of June, 1987, a complete application was filed by Barton /Continental health for review of the above- described projec,,• and WHEREAS, on the 8th day of July, 1987, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission held a public hearing to Consider the above - described projr;c,r,, follows: NOW' THEREtORr, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission resegil ied as SEGT____ I-N-i: 1, That the following fln�iin9s can be mat: That the proposed use is in rccord with the Gen£ra1 objectives Of the Plan, and the purposes of the district rin which the site is located. 2• That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the Public health, safety, or weifarp$ Qr materiplly injurious to properties or im, ruvasH•nts in trig vicinity. 3• That the PF'oposed use comply with each of t4esite plan and building design Devclo applicable ria provisions of the pment Code and the induserial 4pecif5o r1 SECTION 2: %- fiat this Project wil`, not create adverse Impacts on the environrtte�� an at a Negative Declaration •,s issued or; Jul SECTIOH 3: Y 8, 1997.. subject to a That Conditional Use emit Ho. 87 -17 is approved ►ol%�rin� conditions: PL.UVNING DIVISIOX an. A conceptual design of the large centralized plaza area including a phasing plan for the construction of t araa should be sub$4itted for 3esi n this plaza approval with Phase II the Design Review CO' ittee submittal, development 2• Safe and convenient pedestrian treatment shall he provided thraughouththessite. textured A- - -I " a Resolution No CUP 87 -17 Barton/, A.'nental Health July 8, 1987 Page 2 3. Texturized pavement, such as i►iterlocicing brick pavers, exposed aggregate, or a combination of both, shall be provided at the two circular driveways. 4. The patient pickup area shall be designed to provide a safe, efficient an& pleasit-iy environment through the use of special landscape treatment to alternate winds and addition or porte cochnre. Detailed design shall be submitted for Design Review Committee review and approval prior to issuance of building hermits. 5. The landscaping theme and the density of the landscaping material shall be consistent with the approved Rancho Cucamonga Business Park and the 0 ty Standards. 6. Convenient pedestrian connections shall be provided from White Oak Street to the building entrance plaza area of Phase I development. ENGINEERINGG DIVISION 1. Notice of Intention to form and /e ;loin the Lighting and Landscaping District shall be filcd with the City Council prior to recordation of the map or issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. 2. The main driveway approach or. Red/White Oak (extension of Spruce Avenue) shall be aligned with the centerline of Spruce Avenue and shall be constructed to its ultimate width of 50 feet including two 20 -foot drive aisles, one on each side of a 10 -foot wide median, with the first phase of development. In addition, the on -site dr'dve aisle shall be constructed full width southerly from Red /White Oak Street a sufficient distance to include the first east /vilest drive aisle south of Red /White Oak or a lesser distance, as approved by the Design Review Committee and City Engineer. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 8th DAY OF JULY, 1987. PLANNING C"ISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMiONGA BY: ATTEST: Y� Ya. i1 � we ,. .. w,r— J v +� + � +• �/ � ^ y 5 7 Resolution No. CUP 87 -17 Barton /Continental Heallh July b, 1987 Page 3 lie i, I. Brad Buller, Deputy Secretary of the planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regu" ^rly introduced, , assed, and adarted by the planning Commission of the City Gf Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the 'tlanning COMission held on the 8th day of �lulys 1987, by the following Vote -tip -wit; AYES: COMMISSIONMS: TOLSTOY, CHITIEA, BLAKESLEY, EMERICK, MCNIEL NOES: COMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMISSIONERS: NONE �4 p�w YO�tiL I :io. v4muri� his �� N gg.. 4Y OiT Q�9r hvi pQYQY 8.Nr G. Z.vim §E six MMtli^�SSa Y{Y�y�Yi �yq Ypy YLY ?s QL3t�C LOjj�yy}}' ■L{{��OGC Ir ;NppMvif qQC O88 YA ^p M �y� qr 4� 60 C �� Yr ry�l !Q y Y1 C C �Pr V L y N C A pl W I.i 0 1Ui ZR O Original poor i a my 7AyYa pp> S� 'il4w Y CCppQ pspwa CoC'� ,w �w •�-C� 'b C.Yrr Rc VA LL�lll`gYr MCpY' O bpptyt. �V.Y VtlGe 9y1�Q ww?11` -Ili -N YYJ�r,:� Ypp�VyV O N $~ ab �. C O NO NN ». �/wV. ti�MM99 Y a ^Yyy C Mpp c@ O d. y y1 e' T N VH N.tl X04eNq fah. Y V N Nrc 6�� ♦ Y Y Y 8 e I m O L W ty N ®eY _ews e e tlq� d H N�� i-H ail vL Np Z g p� Y tl py i �u11 s *� F` gL I �S s4 Y 1 Y _s 6 Y 9 � A _ ® q � i 1 4 Z' _ i -7 0 u e� a.0 s ar oc oy0 a Y q gr pp�L4+gi C��y�rM A Qi�YYi Ci..O N q Y > q � Y X40 � !4 KG r3ur°•r�iG �3q`* i-•i BL�� Nt El 13 tau 1 qtr' �.ssx a3.. uL 6 a u e exG� yi�CR V a � CLL�+ "In LOG 9 ®� V r4 Y � Y r p arV. 3 r r z V6 w�ye Y w C1rp.'Q de »� c CA�■ ± __Mgt M R M V 9• Y L .82IR 1 \ \!4 !Oy 1� a S � M s`p`a aQ�ri 6 Y ryc39333 #'� `� v N ® p 4 C ~ Q .„ I Y 4 A y �, L rC�y :o »mat Y L w p 3 .L 4 N•-. 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L�o' °fi e 8 4aY 3 §'! ■Y�! € 3� �Uf c Cs at Y# i 3 S a2 Y daQ i�� �ci ��� �.•"'•� � �'e r "+ 3$���0�' ��"a g� $'' rs. ur yiwN aAi V ? MMMN " N U'° .N.i���M ..ei'��� pV� Q� °cpY °y yy gyjl g NIA Ct" L Vy NCCu sNL sY'vQge�4q `c ]TY�. �(�ry_ ea - hV `� AN Alm �iV�Oa t�.t ��ii��. IR ln¢ ��.".71 I� O V N • N 'uN 1 uto; 2u� Lo CIE y�r c y vv_ VwpQ ..•y ' pY 6i a -12 121-1 ag� C 3 b`t g " ° V C `' e� _ -0 r t��tjj '%'• �� rw 6w L QN ^L1-4 Nw• v° _� Y� ~mot ` QQ '} Y Y $� 3 t iso3ES 3�g ±° y CL ' t w L. QQ R aY Y ST e 4:142 V �+ NL = r'�O 3TL. 'D'`i �y'ti` AoJ C v 0701 -02 0 10-12 -88 PG Agenda o 2 Qf 5 ;g C + q w � n rw O� L Q >Y Zs a �. v i N N NGJ hi _p N K v 6 �cc O Y e� �g Y�9 Y p N ®` C� LT Cv ° ° N a Ny6 Ya Yy` $P SLR °[°LA Y V �O � x :be Vwa° >c4.��"$ V$ at dr b ' •r7 •�C +• u'i • d yq N `N sS 4 O C c C $ L > N Y �°rC T q Xq V ^ C � • s� N_ L O soov`ot9 -0s O• ;g C + q w � n rw O� L Q >Y Zs a �. v i N N NGJ hi _p N K v 6 �cc O Y e� �g Y�9 Y p N ®` C� LT Cv Y O J C 4 q y ; C Cy NN C O 4 ffiu a 'e OlIV L$ NrO q` yVy �N` CQOLn C • _c COyG • V 4 CC9 �� OY V. p C i L VO — 66 y V y M G9 C PSgwy �gR+ iN �13 0 6 a, a 'd q Y �� • Y O O� gg OYw L v L L M w Y • Y Y q{ C Y FYI p6 O. � 01NOy ���Y ZHiV gall IL 2y. L � u�YO � w C � • G y t {, O�: � .� ° rr�'� �° •ge�a ve S NCNO r n� S .i 3 Y �,eNr RYCY> �:T� �r`� • �O� .�9 4 � "' M$ a N« >� Y �pp`pp• +kt .2. N � aS? ri� "� �'� ki 'S' ' a eqve 2 gas s � rN _ .N. •n E • a It = gYg 4• �1w tlO1O�L •C. 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AL6 L L6 m` J• COL CV � yyb i A p b I O C � O ✓ L 4■ �CC�e e pp �6 t9y 4 N -jig C.wei y a Qw A o yZ yS m OGA ^ +6 e:N �NM yi _ 1 � I �a H cay.: M P` s MOB y O O _q� Y y C L n C 9 OI G pcp y^ N C ,e ~ N L O y O � p pY _N ggm $dy A O p L Z U.9 U.9 . w l� Y O Y Fao e � -8 OL 30 fir Jig'* usq I i Oyu 311pe, POW, 3Y� Y Y Y Y• NVN N 8 # m N p Q 6 aL� 6t� N 0L� • 01� Y Y yY p Ys r tj gyp• Y Y O� .iaV Q Q� M M6. 5 p '^pp'rp Y YY m m }! -No YY ps s Yp tl1 v ao y sIN N NAB P $ Yx ���a •.� e g" �3 �Ya p ,+e pp■ Y o a .Y. w• N e M S-2-3 6M� Y Y Y Y Y• Y e e Q 6 ZO! . 6t� Cpa 0 0L� • .CCY gyp• Y Y O� .iaV Q Q� M M6. 5 p '^pp'rp YY m m }! fib �e y sIN N NAB 0 � �i 0 -- CITiY OF RANCHO CUCAlY.LONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 12, 1988 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City planner BY: Chris Westman, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 14063- AYOUB i - e eve opmen t of two up exes on d14 acres o a- n the Medium Residential District (8 -14 dwelling units per acre), located east of Hellman Avenue and north o7 19th Street - APK: 201_- 474 -12. R!<LATED FILE: Tree Removal Permit 88 -57. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Approval of the :ubdi ision map and the -a issuance of Negative Declaration. B. Pro3ect Density: 5.79 dwelling units pe. net acre C. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: or - Attached s ng a am y; Medium Residential (8 -14 dwelling units per acre) South - Detached single family; Medium Residential (8 -14 dwelling units per acre) East - Attached singly _affi71y; Medium Residential (8 -14 1weiling units per acra) West - Detached single family; Low Residential (2 -4 dwelling units per acre) D. General Plan tzsIgnations: ro ec ite— M3ium'Residential North - Medium Residential South - Medium residential East - Medium Residential West - ,ow Residential E. Site Characteristics: The site is surrounded by existing eve oilmen an as an existing single family residence, out buildings, swimming pool, and landscaping. There is an existing perimeter block wall to the north and east. Street improvements, curb and gutter have been completed. Parkway Improvements including sidewalk will be conditioned to be completed with approval. f ITEM F PLANNING UMISSION STAFF REPORT TT 14063 Ayoub October 12, 198L Page 2 II. ANALYSIS; A. Background: The project was presented to the Planning ZF_., S� sTU once before as Tract 13579. Cn January 27, 1988 the manning Commission denied Tract 13579 without prejudice on the basis of the proposal exceeding an appropriate density. B. General.: Tile - applicant has resubmitted for the site with a much over density than previously proposed. The number of units requested has been reduced from nine to four. ITe current proposal has 5.79 units per net acre which provides for a reasonable transition between Development Districts east and west of the project site. The site plan az,,d architecture have been revised to take comments from the previous tract proposal into account. The building height has been reduced to approximately 25 feet and increased landscape areas have been ti- vovided, specifically on the south side of the easterly building. A Tree Removal. Permit, TRP 88 -57, has been submitted requesting the approval to remove natur® cedar and pine trees. Because of the size of the trees, both are in excess of 50 feet, it would be infeasible to relocate them. The cedar is located within the pad area of the westerly building and staff recommends removal and replacement with the largest nursery -grown specimen tree available of a species which is compatible with the landscape plan. The pine tree appears very healthy and at this time does not propose a threat to existing or proposed structures. It is not located within, a building pad area but the trunk. comes to approximately 8 feet from the building face. Pine trees do drop needles and landscape maintenance could be a problem underneath the canopy. However, the skirt could be trimmed up to reduce the aount-of needles dropping and compatible ground materials could be specified for the landscaping at the base of the tree. Staff does not recommend removal of the pine tree. C. Design _Review Committee: the Committee (Chitiea, Blakesley, KroutiI u er rev ewed the project and made the following recommendations to the Planning Commission: 1. The interior facades (facing alley) should receive articulation similar to that found on the "outer" elevations. 0 PLANNING COhMISSION STAFF REPORT TT 14063 - Ayoub October 12. 198F Page 3 2. The landscape palette should be simplified. Accents should be designed to identify space. The final landscape plan should be reviewed and approved by the City Planner. 3. A textured paving treatment (interlocking pavers) should be provided at the project entry and guest parking area. 4. The concrete vehicular circulation area should have some degree of color consistent with the overall color scheme. 5. On -site ground lighting should be provided in some decorative form. Design approval should be through the City Planner. 6. A complete sample if materials s:iould be presented to the Planning Commission for review. D. Technical Review Committee: The Committee reviewed the project Ra made the foll owl ng recormndations: 1. The dri%,2 approach should be constructed in accordance with the City of Rancho Cucamonga Standard Drawing No. 306. 2. An in -lieu fee as contribution to the future undergrounding of the existing overhead utilities (telecoh.munications and electrical) on the project side of Hellman Avenue shall be paid to the City prior to the approval of the final map. The fee shall be the full adopted unit amount times the length of the project frontage. 3. The sidewalk along Hellman Avenue shall be constructed adjacent to the property line. E. Environmental Assessment: Parts I and I1 of the Initial Study have BEEF comp e e and`no adverse impacts have been identified as a result of the project. Should the Planning Commission concur with staff's findings, it would be appropriate to issue a Negative Declaration. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: In order for the Planning Commission to approve a su v lion, facts to support the following findings must be made:: 1. That the tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan, t Development Code, and Specific Plans; and F -3 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TT 14063 - Ayoub October 12, 1888 Page 4 3. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; and 4. The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage, and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or the habitat; and 5. The tentative tract is not likely to cause ssrious public health problems; and 6. The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdWsion. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised in The Daily Re ort newspaper as :public hearing, the site has been posceT, an no ces were sent to all property owners v,,Ithin 300 feet. V. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that < he Planning Commission consider a T public input and approve Tentative Tract 1406e3 and issue a Negative Declaration.. CRe fully s tted, Br i City P anner i BB:CW :vc Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Location Map Exhibit "B" - Site Utilization Map Exhibit "C" - Subdivision Map Exhibit "D" - Illustrative Site Plan Exhibit "E" - Elevations Exhibit "F" - Landscape Plans. Resolution of Approval for Tentative Tract 14063 Ll OF RANCHO CSI A GNGA NNING DIVISION - s ITEM: TITLE: EXHIBIT: -A- SCALE: _ gyp: ��.i NORTH 4.y I El I NORTH ITEM.- ► FXHII In-b- E 11 XORTM OF NINE DIVISION , M TITLE: EXHI'DIT.- .r. SCALE: ,J o U AMOly A 'PLANNING DIVISIOjt I T E V TITLE: EXHIBIT.'--V an A T r,e A � »! m � y : • :2 k .. kA� ^ §� _. ` nAA WIV CUCAMONG TITLE, IPLANNING DIVISION. F '�' EXHIl PLANT LIST Si ty+�•%•capannae' �«Mw�o tZo W4,1&A<Vy 0.4YJ" " .Wr&b <.n+w ' bslw �Kn 1M M4" {paK4 <wY:1cA� <rAR .q rfrr w o, W. iaow taw fu1. NM'fPm7t� w mor► �Mi[pM "�•+°•rs�r.wfa. rum "'W ftar +pyeYlp nWVeY re~ •♦4. e"�i4'...a c1A'i "¢ Arlf�tl6MM MNHI pF'9M so.* y I M. pC'M 6 ♦ :;ax � w. "a tN♦. k4 gtfif!! wa0 <aMsgfrf It.RtrtNal!•!G. 4 :;ax 6uI crap hummm S *mom M1tw. wMr� tm +o3G - + taw n�at•�t<t M,+<jy .fMr riq lo$s. lam ar, zo V NORM! 0 CUCAMONGA TITLE: DIVISION F -' EXHIBIT:.." RCAT.r. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 14063, AND DESIGN REVIEW THEREOF, LOCATED NORTH OF 19TH STREET AND EAST OF HELLMAN AVENUE IN THE MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT . APN: 201- 474 -12 A. Recitals. (1) Richard Ayoub has filed an application for the approval of Tentative Tract Map r4o. 14063 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Tentative Tract Map request is referred to as "the application ". City of Rancho Cucamongat C ducctted ea' duly ,aoticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. S. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows.- set forth in the iRe Recitals, art A, of thisfResolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission ethe abrestafedpr o ' testimony, writtn dOral f reports, together witOctober public Including thi Commission hereby specifically finds a, follows: (a) The application applies to property located at 6694 Hellman Avenge with a street frontage of 133.28 feet and lot depth of 198.00 feet and is presently improved with curb and gutter and an existing single family residence which will be removed; and (b) The property to the north of the subject site is townhomes, the property to the south of t4at site consssts of single family residences, the property to the east is townhomes, and the property to the west is single family residences, and (c) The project density and design is appropriate as a transition between the Med ;um Residential District to the east and the Low Residential District to the west; and (d) The architectural design of the project is compatible with existing surrounding land uses, PLANNING comisSION RESOLUTION NO. TT 14063 -. Ayoub October 12, 1988 Page 2 �J 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above - referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of ,acts set "orth in paragraph 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes z'S fnllcws: (a) That tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and specific plans; and (b) The design or improvements of the tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and specific plans; and (c) The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; and (d) The design of tht� subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to human- and wildlife or their habitat; and (e) The tentative. tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems; and (f) The design of the tentative tract will not co.. "ict with any easement acquired by the public at large, maw of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. 4. This been reviewed and onCommission dered in hereby compli compliance thefCaliforniaf�e pitonmeental ARV; Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Commission hereby issues a Negative Declaration. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraph 1, 2 and 3 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the attached Standard Conditio:,s attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Planning Division: (1) The interior facades ifacing the allev) shall receive articulation similar to that " at f�un� an the outer elevations.. (2) The tree palette shall be Simplified. Additional shrubs dnd vines trorned to trellises shall be provided in the alley planter areas. The final landscape plan shall be reviewed and VW approved by the City Planner. PLANNIP6 COMMISSION (RESOLUTION NO. W 14083 - Ayoub 0cto;:�r 12, 1988 Ahk Page 3 (3) A textured paving treatment (interlocking pavers) shall be provided at the project entry and guest parking area. (4) the concrete vehicular circulation area shall have sump degree of color consistent with the overall color schemer (5) 0n -site low level ground lighting shall be provided '-r, some decorative faun. Design approval shall be through the City Planner, (8) Removal u2,00 mature cedar shall require replacement with the largest nursery grown tree of a species which is consistent with the landscap palette. The pine tree shall be preserved in place and protected with a construction barrier. The location of the replacement tree shall be determined by the City Planner on the final landscape plans. (7) A71 trash enc'osures• shall be provides with overhead iattico work or similar shade.I structure to Whe sati, tion of the City Planner. (8) Perimeter malls and +ences shall be decorative and shall match existing walls. Final design details of th!., perimeter walls shall be included as part of the landscape /ix-ricgation plans, subJewt to the review and approval of the City Planner. Frei standing mail boxes shall be decorative and /or be ln :'porated into a structure which is compatible with the YJOct arciiitecture. Details shall be included in the instruction drawings subject to review and approval of the Planning Division. (10) tIeters and ground equipment shall be enclosed or screened to the satisfaction of the City Planner. anginee ing Division: (1) The drive approach shall 4a constructed in accordance with City of Rancho Cucamonga Standard Drawing No. 3118. (2) An in -lieu fee as contribution to the future undergrounding of the existing overheat utilities (telecommunicatiL..s and elictrical) on the pr*,ct side of Hellman Avenue shall be paid to the City prior to the approv�ll of the final reap. The fee shall be the full adopted unit amount times the length of the project frontage. (3) The sidewalk along Hellman Avenue shall be constructed adja'ent to the property line. i PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. TT 14063 - Ayoub October 12, 1983 Page 4 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12rfl DAY OF OCTOBER, 1988. PLANNING CGMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Lk'.': _ Larry . e , a rman ATTEST: a3°Du er, ecru ary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Comission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify t.at the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed; and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at - regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 12th day of October, 1988, by the fallowing voce -to -hit: Alk AYES: COKM!S5XZNERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: V 0 �Cyy))LV af.+M.Lyf Cl OLIN pp -.-A! f°. Vr� LBY ..Y OO V d +GYM �CStyE �SLOL °> O~ p N,Y. J! 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YEA D SU ^�NC Li N S N c V w + � p C P C a c ^v n~ �^ t ym a, N ao Y p p ^a I�ro� 0�4L < A C D ?L 2, n I=n^ Y fm po L ya L + + Y N .T � G M V �.c. L i V eCC] �=A N OM C Gi V C q � =m a s�� Q GQ =rte °ae �C+ ^ V N « V + O bti p a M ` O y N= N R N � V Y� u a N I- N p Yi SO O- S 5. r N O yC N V O ji O as m � Qa a0y + � � O ..aNa �r.Y+ QCi'�5 =V `e C_ NO ci C + i A aS Y ty u°a Y ae E O. R O Y U11° �yy" UN H � $ A x M� iO O M ! V �M o hA + v tit �M °9 Ma C L � 6 C w C� + YY V C M N y C V D L •� W QY 40• NS ad d N C i N YY� 1L' f } S r v ~LCCpL "' A +� Y� CE Nr Y O�• 2Y �s. y�w�V gig ^CS�iti�6+ C L > C Q Imo. �W.' jf.. _+ 01 V a p a l i p py. yyyyy+ O +�II N 4 L pbb ' L ti ^ YffY�� CCCY N d y T M i is s C C p C pN Y NS O�LI C ^YM V C i A ct� w + N el a va•°4 +L N M i O Y NM M O Y N a Y N �SiSNGN OtlMpi' No V 6 S~ a t O�v A M N O y g�8 y�ef�y� p arix40� 5b _� N C 6i1 L i ti O• I E LI in «ao c�{a o A-' ve A o.�.uo La 3+ nu =N Y G +. '—o- sY aC6 y9N^ SN�y 0+1 ^. �4 Vt4Y YYN ,M.Y O�OM CIO G�.��A p LOS Y 3. M�4N OO '0 1g. du. LM` `�CC 034.11 ■pY yA�vp p6 nC1 Nq� LC d' e qC y OO6S =Y yL N�O1 pNi W NG+ OG ��'� N` Y A Y Y S �. L. N yq pq �. C,L. 6o N°L CuS1.ML Y°• =W` ^O°. Ly nNNY >Yll LNp L N =fCL -Rig rTyO Qt�,C�IC� wSo CO"_■(a�'x0 Vpi�oOfV NyNe w =yL r3. Y0. O_w CpC -OCO 0..G 'Ou4C L OI.y OLA G�M.� VYM �Lp �3 �.• ?Mq� NyO L ��W�OSsy r^,O N q L° C. ^O �^ iff°iiYC YNVVFCN i Yr. �.^ 6n'p YYY$� CYC • LCIM COI + L° a6C d a C_ 4 S Y C sO Y C � C�@Q N N S Y .54 S '� C N rte. 9 wlr rn^ gz I.ql! i -ca O}g$}t� OCIYCI�■�pa _aCsUU LN>•i 4� ■ COOL S� palQy �91.iY Y CON Y Ii. O CIO. LC •. i��G �. 445Cyy KM Y mp _�9 {gN4� (O(��LLL yM NMLS qY(� U 9 +T ®OO.O��VpyOm O.s o'g �i LS 'j�C�I .p �= ^Y� i fz� L O ^Y°c�� CAS .. Y M— W H i O Q L l V� N 6 C �I N � A• I V v _ec + p Y ^9 Y. YEA D SU ^�NC Li N S N c V w + � p C P C a c ^v n~ �^ t ym a, N ao Y p p ^a I�ro� 0�4L < A C D ?L 2, n I=n^ Y fm po L ya L + + Y N .T � G M V �.c. L i V eCC] �=A N OM C Gi V C q � =m a s�� Q GQ =rte °ae �C+ ^ V N « V + O bti p a M ` O y N= N R N � V Y� u a N I- N p Yi SO O- S 5. r N O yC N V O ji O as m � Qa a0y + � � O ..aNa �r.Y+ QCi'�5 =V `e C_ NO ci C + i A aS Y ty u°a Y ae E O. R O Y U11° �yy" UN H � $ A x M� iO O M ! V �M o hA + v tit �M °9 Ma C L � 6 C w C� + YY V C M N y C V D L •� W QY 40• NS ad d N C i N YY� 1L' f } S r v ~LCCpL "' A +� Y� CE Nr Y O�• 2Y �s. y�w�V gig ^CS�iti�6+ C L > C Q Imo. �W.' jf.. _+ 01 V a p a l i p py. yyyyy+ O +�II N 4 L pbb ' L ti ^ YffY�� CCCY N d y T M i is s C C p C pN Y NS O�LI C ^YM V C i A ct� w + N el a va•°4 +L N M i O Y NM M O Y N a Y N �SiSNGN OtlMpi' No V 6 S~ a t O�v A M N O y g�8 y�ef�y� p arix40� 5b _� N C 6i1 L i ti O• I E LI in Poo OvaNty AOA. f, C'� L1 OC OI UQCQ 6Y CN aL43 TCtgoY fT N y g a � O C� y� O� 4 V O 1� V d0 yN M Of qn°. To Q1�a:.1aa GYL CC ^YC �'i..c w = L a c.O CtMSY� rip �' MMYV N (a °�Cq N LM �V L4..y LOgY.. 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Ly MY 43 YO pY Ck 'f~J� qO M q /rte vV,Sy'O y_s� 1� tY .Nw i" O °� a YNw T T� �( � OCV 4 gar_o } y .•. �"Daa qqj q i6 r •� O� Y L �I a y N q r V Isr'i '(yN11 ^�G L° °Iy V ck c 6 HG Etc + 0.�Sy. a YS _=i ^lSi� aG V t°i ja D Mb. II3M L4 N V yS 07.Yr 9a1 IDMw >Q qMyY� Y q N,o L M N Y �j O q Y V M q i� M _A 4 Q N 2—e- YIttS yC 3 l �v Y,•N. ~, ~� y9�� qNM Y4a�. rNbN _N °v 7> Y D 00 OC �12Z. g93 .0 aow p ay� //N OM V qu-K y,�a y> Cta• Y M N y �QY� C. N.�p L CMA N ! �•IDV N OVd+ �� qVY. pOg N 3� y� -.?'L �Ya1 4 tti w Y N P^. Y_ y'jy'j O L DM Da� bry Or `� 6a dr qr-++a N ° �` OI ~bG tty pa°�� °°1` V O•a1 ^N 1aV -`Sg� US G •w y,6 YO YO of VY q qMV ICM'Y s. a ui G�r� Lt q� V �Crr• pN C SqJJ� V Y a u ~4y1 q i� N ii u < N O a■ 4 L` O ^ M �•�.V p}uT V. L 4 r N n> uYYLN' L� M q N� > Y��� b O gM.ID } ~ <°N YON. <Li 6D cY FO Nam Ci jrp K.1r C mya -tv MM 0 �adl•3 Yw 6rMY t d3 aN a dlw yY�L M]�� Nwa ■80 z at a `d yC� Y Ya B L V G 4 �4 q zz% —, y °v3 . Y y. 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Y. / G O Ctlpp`� pIJB �v1 xpn MY jy[ p00 4 TflG^y{ CLtyyM ry Lbgi V« Sq.,V U, C« Q'`^�W« 94 »Ldr O Y O {T.4 V4y i.M. ICW CI O0.. «■� . W W V V �O V' �Ow t O pYW�C�M i pppp1���� E LA rr 1 li n N'°� i,`cy� day �r♦L Nv v 4«'c3 u• uw � 'rT +a 71 O iVic�q vrw �4� � �hyy Y �M ,p N y � =q41 V MN4 C�� LLr• Cb ��Cy p444G aF ���jO.OI� 3 ppyey C VCS R 't��atSL Oaf Lw °Mff V V 2 o�uo ��yy ggyy (p� Q � "CC f: Ri i N¢ ti R i Q � 4 0 V w y w L w. p 6 C y�N!� NL LPG r YNA Q,Gb d qV OL OS 0= N� 4y94�. .yLC 7y1NY e4.1.ya a. u �m� y sail w.°yr r�.LL M t' ,�C� S� C•.;d8 s� VQ O� s 4.� L YNt 46. vt ip qt� L L n; v u .s •, v •. c Apo a Sib . L w p ip L x Os Y G Y� 4 T Y 1 Isy.° yft. s �t+tf1 yp.Y =eat. f— • C'� C Q. f— iA0C1 ®fViyt My <YL ?i pV m N 4s r_'. i' E' y po J3 NC}• V+1 Tom` YL' O. V v �t ��-0 ° G �9h'Y•.Gy�Y �4 1TTajC i. u HO Y\• YL °wN wM' » F�L g 916 8 Y. A 4 4.0 Zee +vi'a �•w .ru a G iui. 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Vyt a L {i N41q i O6 39M ECY ayY < _. w�E g GJM <% of 'e iy'a is _ yt WM y` 4L N1.i N mth 1T rn .Y; 6Yt Ell G7 �I CIC `�-II J C2 H W S' a L O LL °Y u� Or IVY. p �1 _E N P agY ° CLO OI � nor ^ j U tL ,Cdw.� N Y C �C CVN i 0 C V s' 'off va rf^ r Y ^ O U p. y�Y CST n4Y. qy0 qaQ YLa iw�i ++atl �o I O ' R O NL�u nlaz pcYt ���A L .�. tlM O i = • y a� 0 p Y yV CC �� NN r L Y Y ��yp ° yr -rC ati �aNY ° ==C N' `I V L M d '� Y • C C Y 01y N =Y �Cav N Yi M YL 6^ Gt ±T j`Y\ p it a �Q N L O Y pY L Oq' aN� r Y�� F p b y v v� yqV ug N °K 6 r p�mA V CO. b" pp ;es OM 11 �00C M C Yom' rrY O q Y Y� tl M C Ot L O� ew PN P�?"(A7 rzoany t HaNi e � n �'+Y ■gg M. � a N V tl °e wN Y N up e w 4 c' 6 ypary w rj0! yjy C L�'� Y ^� YyO YN {J� L ��� pOx L y ^ p "�> 41 = Y 'ice' ,+cam ^■c {vY�. YtlL a tl Y O V� 4 a � u� P 1T ►L 'fPA NNq a Npyyc� cNO `� V YY pp° V 3 0.s °.U.2 � [ of I N �' N ^ w L ^ b. � ■ 38 H \INu1{ Qm N 1 � YOM y Y 9 Mpc� rj0! YO y ^ p "�> C y = Y 'ice' ,+cam ^■c {vY�. Y 41 a tl Y O V� par3.9 P 1T ►L 'fPA cNO �VpC �g�a V 3 0.s °.U.2 � [ of I 1 11 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 12, 1988 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Comnissinn FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Cindy Norris, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL SESMENT AND VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT 13851 GROUP - A rest en a subdiv s on an FEW- . rev ew o s ng a family lots on 38.92 acres of land in the Very Low Density Residential District (Tess than 2 dwelling units per acre), located east of existing Tract 9582 -1, west of Deer Creek Channel and north of Wilson Avenue APN: 201- 121 -18 and 21. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Re nested: Approval of a vesting subdivision map, plot p axis, a eva ons, conceptual grading plan, and issuance of a Negative Declaration. B. Project Density: 1.57 dwelling units per acre C. Surroundin Land Use and Zoning: NO r _ - Flood Control — South - Proposed single family; Low Density Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) East - Flood Control Ilest Existing and proposed single family; Very Low Residential Density (less than 2 dwelling un'Zs per acre) D. General Plan Designations: Project site - very LOW Residential Density (less than 2 dwelling units per acre) North - Flood Control South Low Density Residential (2 -4 dwelling units per acre) East - Flood Control West - Very Low Residential Density (less than 2 dwelling units per acre) E. Site Characteristics: The site is vacant except for scrub and cMaparra vege'£atten -and has an approximate slope of 8% from north to south. The site is bordered to the west by the existing and proposed Deer Creek Development, to the north and PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT VTT 13851 - R & S Investment Group October 12, 1988 Page 2 east by the proposed Hillside and Deer Creek. Flood Control Channels and to the south by Wilson Avenue. II. ANALYSIS: A. General: The applicant is proposing a total of 61 lots which rangeinn size from 20,100 square feet to 35,592 square feet with an average lot size of 22,706 square feet. The proposed architecture is a contemporary mediterranean style. A total of four floor plans, each with three elevations are proposed, varying in size from 2,657 square feet to 3,232 square feet. Tiro of the plans are one story and two are two story. All plans offer both front -in and side -on garages. The applicant and staff working with the committees have identified and made recommendations to vesolve design and technical issues related to subdivision design and architecture. However, two issues which will require Planning Commission consideration involve the design 07 the Community and local equestrian trails and related landscape treatment as discussed below. B. Design Review Committee: The project was reviewed by the ussign Review omm ee 'oleman, Chitiea, Blakesley) on August 18, 1988 and again as a consent calendar item on September 22,' 1988 (Kroutil, Chitiea, Blakesley). At the F?ptember 22, 1988 meeting the Committee recommended approval subject to the following: 1. On Plan 2A, the height of the central tower element should be redticed. Also, if possible, the left side of this el(iexion should be designed as a single plane. In response, the applicant has revised the elevation by lowering the tower height and by modifying the trea rient of the third -inflow on the left side of the front elevation to create a balanced appearance (Exhibit H -2). 2. Simtlar elevations of Plans A and B should not be plotted adjacent to one another. 3. Variations in garage door pzttern•; between elevations should be provided. 4. Where possible, drive approaches should be narrowed to a two -car width through the right -of -way. 11 PLANNING cowissI-4 STAFF REPORT VTT 13851 - R & S Investment Group October 12, 1988. Page 3 so 5. A decorative, masonry perimeter wall should be provided at the rear of rots 21 -26 as well as along the north, south and east property boundaries. 6. Decorative, masonry corner side yard walls should be provided. 7. At least three roof tile color variations should be provided. The Committee directed the applicant to work with staff in choosing roof the colors. C. Technical Review Committee: The project was reviewed by the Technical view Comm tee on August 16, 1988 and approved subject to conditions listed in the attached Resolution of approval.. D. Grading Committee: The projtv;t was reviewed by the Grading CarffittFe on gust 15, 1988. The Committee recommended approval subject to the conditions listed in the Resolution, provided the trail system is approved as proposed. If the tv4il systeal is not approved as proposed, then the grading should be redesigned, E. Trails Advisory Committee: The Trails Advisory Committee has reviewed re ropose su livision design on three occasions: April 20, 19F% August 17, 1988 and September 21, 1988. The Committee expressed concern with the proposed "front- loaded" tram design and made the following recommendations: 1. that the local equestrian trails should be provided at the rear of the lots. 2. That the Community Trails should be provided ca the north side of Wilson Avenue and the south side of Hillside road. The trails should be designed to current. City Standards to include the three rail PVC fence, decomposed granite trail material, etc. 3. That a Cmaunity Trail bridge (separate from the vehicular bridge) should be provided over Deer Creek Channel. Regarding the proposed "front- loaded" trail system which is patterned after the !leer Creek estates, the Trails Committee noted that General Plan policy states that "whenever pssibl'e and fea,ible, the City shall require that atI residential lots in the equestrian rural area have local Fe' tier Trails on the re_, of the lop. "Further, Municipal Code- Section 17.08.060E T requires local feeder trail access "to the rear of all PLANNING ComrssIoN STAFF REPORT M 13851 - R & S Investment Group oct)ber 12, 1988' Page 4 lots ". These recommendations were also a result of the Co,m, ittee's concerns with the potentially unsafe situation created as a result of the horses crossing the drive approaches, slipping on the concrete, etc... The applicant Indicated that the "front- loaded° trails were intended to continue the streetscape character of the Doer Creek estates. The Committee felt that a similar parkway treatment could be achieved through landscaring and fencing, without designating the parkway as a trail. Should the Planning Commission approve the trail c <ncegt as proposed, the applicant should comply with the other recommendations of the Trails Advisory Committee. However, should the Planning Commission determine that the project should be re- designed consistent with the Trails Advisory Committee recommendations, staff suggests that a condition be placed on the map requiring that the final design of the trails be subject to review by the Trails Committee and approval by the City Planner and City Engineer prior to recordation of the final map. F. Landsca in : The landscape concept proposed is similar to that used in the Deer CreeK project and includes an expanded landscaped parkway and a plant palette consisting of White Alder, Liquidamber "Festival ", London Plane Tree and the California Sycamore. Jacarandas are proposed as accent trees. However, the Planning Commission should note that the trees proposed are not consistent with the rey�:ired street trees for Hillside Road and Wilson Avenue which are the Brisbane Box and Camphor tree, respectively. As with the trail design, the applicant would prefer to have the landscape pallet; consistent with the existing Deer Creek project to create a continuity of appearance between the two. G. 3eighbbor . �hood Meeting: A neighborhood meeting was held on April Z5 1966 with the adjacent Deer Creek residents. At that time the residents p)xpressed some concern with the recommendations of the Trails Advisory Committee and the possibility of the elimination of the landscaped parkway. H. Environmental Assessment: Part; I and II of the Environmental Checklist ave been completed. Staff has determined that there will be no significant environmental impacts created as a result of this project. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The project is consistent with the Genval an an eve op:!en Code. The project will not bp detrimei4tal to the public health or safety, ur cause nuisance or significant C-._ 3 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT VTT 13851 - R & S Investment Groins October 12, 1988 Page 5 adverse environmental impacts. In addItion, the propo5ea use, subdivision map and copceptual grading plan, together with the conditions of approval, are in compliance with the applicable provisions rf the Deveiopaiient Code and City standards. IV. CORRESPONGCNCE: This item has been ad :ertised a,-,.a public hearing in The Gaily Report newspaper, the property posted and notices sent to all property wners within 300 feet of the project site. f V. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends t:lat the Planning Commission issue a ega� ve Declaration and approve Vesting Tentative Tract 13851 through the adoption of the attached Resolution with the ' conditions of approval requiring trails on the rear of the Tots. Res uliy s tted B d er City nner i BBtCN:vc Attachments: Exhibit "R" - Site Utilization Exhibit "B" - Phasing. Map Exhibit "G" Vesting Tentative Map Exhibit 1101, - Sit6 Plan Exhibit "E" - Equestrian Cverlay Exhibit 7" Conceptual Grading Exhibit "C-11 - Landscape Plan Exhibit "H" - Elevations t atisns Exhibit "I" - Floor Mans Res--lutiun of Approval with Conditions r I i- _'L.. L; -- F- 1 x 'n e� i i s na 1 i 1 _ I I 1 1 ---------- I!. ... _ . .. i ..7- , _ .. �L...,1. NORTH InrTv V Me% ITEM PLANNING DIVISION TITLE: C--6' EXHIBIT: - ... SCALE: I - i IL I U., I ITEM TITLE: EXHIBIT. --& , SCALE: + • o 0 1 E �� _. y Q .s. +ew • j i 0 e i j��q• 1. ems.' ITEM TITLE: EXHIBIT. --& , SCALE: ....... ... . "N SEE SHEET NO. "N Ql- -A- 1 10 tz lhf it LA-A NORTH Clrry OF ITEM: RANCHO CUCAMONGA 'T'I'TLE: XHIB Yk 4.4, �Lr 1 7 1 - PLANNING DIVISION E "o IT: UL SCALE: I ..... 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OMCR !M I•JPII•ribrRM. pIw ♦'.'qLL 'j{ AWOL pa„'t,m= !W[tYY!t. ...� _ .. -. ... .. •L d` <�.7F i1ST :t yi Q�n�glt p4•4 � +f ! •7 t u cr 42 K.. 4. ,t N' aJ H tiq .. i11J11N 1 • { :' � t � � R1'X1l$E.M �+ . .. __ ,f ,. . SLR SS .f... � ^i+22. s .. .=r4 l r• ai. -....; . - � •s HP \\ r J -t i " E NO 4 ` r � 'CS' l NORTR �. OF Of (°, ITEM; TITLE: �. PLiWNlNG DIVIS .t fit~ • "' . �e _ w ear uo ys • ca.rro °���':a; -� yi� ��� TWMCA& lk=9;q lifUSME [OAS 12 NORTH CITY a RANCHO CUC.c, `O.i'�' A Tea: PLANNINTG DIVISION `' EXHIBIT.. SCALE: r; � I � , 't. ; .. a LA r ' r �♦ W i•a��i, NORTH CITY OF ITEM M. PLANNING DIVI IO : i CAMo- AFAR ELEV411011 • PLAN A. ELEVAIIEq I 4 �lie e LEFT SIDE ELEVATION - PLAN -A- ELEVATION I RIM SIDE ELEVATIM PLAN •!• ELEVATIDN I AFAR ELEV411011 • PLAN A. ELEVAIIEq I 4 �lie e LEFT SIDE ELEVATION - PLAN -A- ELEVATION I 30_E3 E30 O D D°U E3 E3E3 00 ORE3 RIGHT SIDE ELEV<TIW - RN -A' ELENTIM 2 Y- ELEYYTICA - EWI'C- [L[YYIIn1 E LEFT SIDE ..EVATION - PLAN 'A' ELEVATION 2 FRONT ELEVATION - PLAN -A' ELEVAT107 2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCIA PLANNING DIVISIO�W E.- ITEM: i TITLE: 'T /4�ff i EXHIBIT. " l SCALE; _ H� 0� IYlEI �_�I -- Y- ELEYYTICA - EWI'C- [L[YYIIn1 E LEFT SIDE ..EVATION - PLAN 'A' ELEVATION 2 FRONT ELEVATION - PLAN -A' ELEVAT107 2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCIA PLANNING DIVISIO�W E.- ITEM: i TITLE: 'T /4�ff i EXHIBIT. " l SCALE; _ ;� 9130o O0. Il�l�ll. -0000000 0000 RIME SIDE ELEVATION.- PLAN •A• ELEVATION T as iaa� f iI■� ®�'��I� ®I —181 � ®98l REAR ELEVATION - PLAN •A- ELEVATION 3. Ell LEFT SIDE ELEVATION - PLAN 'A` °-LEVATICN 3 FRONT ELEVATION - PLAN W ELEVATION 3 ` OF RANCHO y CUCAMONG ITEM ELM TITL3b: G -3� EXImIn &L SCALE: IT AIGNF SIRE fLEW18" • PLAN •8• fLEVAfIOM Z I LEFT SIDE ELEVATION - PLAN 'S' ELEVATION I E FRONT ELEVATION PLAN 'S' ELEVATION I MANCHO ITEM: mtl C O A TITLE: MANNING DIVISION -S-5�- EXHIBIT: SCALrill! AMIL 2W ELEVATI" • Ptl- -5- ELEM10. 2 Ef RiCHT SIDE ELEWIM - PI -8- ELEWIM 2 1.01 LEFT SIDE ELEV ;04 - PLAN -G- ELEVATION 2 FUN? ELEVATION - PLAN -8- ELEVATION 2 6 ff OF ITEM:- RANCHO CUCAIVION(lull TITML4-MrZj&� PLANNING DIVISION (,-� -a i, EXHlBlT:.L--5F(3Al;Pu.- s I ^.N:(:L:I !I ti il, :a: NIGHT SIDE ELEVATION - PLAN 'S' ELEVATION 1 min f7ml NEAR ELEVATION • PLAN •N' ELEVATION 1 LEFT SIDE ELEVATION - PLAN '8" ELEVATION 3 FRONT ELEVATION - PLAN '$` ELEVATION 3 00 CUCAMOITGU INN DIVISION Cr, - -s? ITEM, TITLEa � x"Ji4l� EXFBIT: SCALE: c E. 1 1 pi4 N14Ni SICE. ELEVATION - " 'C' ELEUTIM 1 n C NEAN ELENAtl1w - RAN •C' ELEVATION 1 LEFT SIDE ELEVATION - PLAM 'C' ELEVATIM' E 0 FRONT ELEVATION - PIAN -C` ELEVATION 1 UrY OF PLANNING DIVISION C---3g E&II A1GM1 SIDE ELETATIDN . PLAN `Z, Ete ATIRR 2 NEAR ELEVATI W • Pty -C- ElEYRTHA 2 LEFT SIDE ELEVATION - PLAN -V ELFVATION c FRQNI Ei— VATION - PLAN "C' ELEVATiQN 2 ITEM P.AlkifO CUCAMONGA TITLZ: „ VO4 _IV nnanae - nw r nn,u,w 3 1plmxll n i■ n uw nomm - run IV n"Allm 3 LEFT SIDE ELEVATION - PLAN ' ^.` ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION - PLAN "C' ELEVATION 3 J CM OF PLANY-ING DWISION - ,.....` vsar six [ romm - nw w- e.er+tIa t Ll LEFT SLOE ELEVATION - PLAN "O' ELEVATION I FRONT ELEVATION - PLAN 'O' ELEVATION 1 ,-CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA TtrLE: PLANNING DIVISION. G w �i ! EXHIBM SCALE.__. R:" 21:E %L- -V ELEYLTIgN 2 IEUI EILIUM • T4�Y •D• ELE1.11(k 2 'E- LEFT SIDE ELEVATION - PLAN 'T ELEVATION 2 FRONT ELEVATION - PLAe` '0' ELEVATION 2 CRY O I� ^E�BT RANCHO CUCAMONGA nTLE: ;PLANNING DIVT S ON Ce EXHIBrf: 3C,ALE: _ +tCWT !R! ULVATUM - ICY -p- ttt,ATTtlA El �lrl`lljll„ H0 ]-�-i,ANNTLNG LEFT SIDE ELEVATION - PLAN 'O' ELEVATION 1 FRONT ELEVATION - PLAN 'O' ELEVATION 3 ITEM:,. ill A DIVISION G-" X diBIT. g � �0-65 .1" rra Ld JL fr -24:590 ,fide -0/7 ITEM: TITLE: A J7 EXHIBIT **,-.2..2..'../,. SCALE: 4 maow = w< ar» _ 4 .nw anla MA 4 I' .IroU aaa= c L. �J r wU� - 14" r' "� 1 ungn . ' � ae.aa = aria •� , W r "Alv -6 CITY OF ITEM: PLANNING DIVISION G —44s EXHIBIT: SCALE: ' 5;de Bea rl .......... FIRS', FL Of7 um A de - C If G �Mnf • • Y.I.C. d " •��� 7 wnk ratty I 5 Q LJ ECON 0 FLOOR PLAN r �� �Yplm1 Iullk q!1 f l� l I ,} P � ..... � CCU r • 1 iJ i� ° f FIRST FLOOR PLAM u "'AND 3 f ,CITY, CAF ITEM_ 4 LA.NNING DI VISJOIJ G'-47 EXFIIBiT. E: SCALE: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COi I ;ION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 13851, AND DESIGN REVIEW THEREOF, LOCATED EAST OF TRACT 9582 -1, WEST OF DEER CREEK CHANNEL AND NORTH OF WILS% AVENUE IN THE VERY LOW RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT - APN: 201 - 121 -18 and 21 A. Reci ;di S. (i) R & S Investment Grcup has filed an application for the approval of Vesting Tentative Tract Mr,p No. 13851 as described in the title hf this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, thr9 subject Tentative Traci: Map request is referred to as "the application ". (ii) On the 12th of October, 1988, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said "learing on that date. (iii) Ally legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby f=ound, determined and resolved by the P11"•ning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga az follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above - referenced public hearing on October 12, 1988, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) This application applies to property located east of Tract 9582 -1, west of Deer Creek Channel and north of Wilson Avenue with a street frontage of 762.53 feet on Wilson Avenue and a lot depth of 2550,26 feet and is presently unimproved; and (b) The properties to the north and east of the site are designated Flood Control, the property to the west is zoned Very Low Residential Density (less than 2 dwelling units per acre), and the property to the south is zoned Low Density Residential (2 -4 dwelling units per acre); and (c) That the application for a vesting tentative map has been filed as a total development package and as conditioned is consistent with current Development code requirements; and & -,-� g PLANNING COMISSION RESOLUTION NO. VTT 13851 - R & S investment Group October 12 1983 Page 2 (d) The proposed subdivisiorf has minimum and average lot sizes of 20,100 and 22,706 square feet, resp €ctively, which are consistent with the requirements for the district in which it is located. 3. Based upon the sub.,'�antial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraph 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That vesting tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and specific Plans; and (b) The design or improvements of the vesting tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan, Developme:it Code, and specific plans; and (c) The site is physfcaily suitable for the type of development proposed; and (d) The dit ign of the subdivision is not likely to causrl substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; and (e) The vesting tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems; and (f) The design of the vesting tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, Tor access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. 4. This COR ission hereby finds and certifies that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Commission heresy issues a Negative Declaration. S. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraph 1, 2 and 3 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the attached Standard Conditions attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Design Review L Similar elevations of plans A and B shall not be plotted adjacent to one another. G -y9 EI 11 U PLANNING COMFfISSION RESOLUTION NO. VTT 13851 - R & S Investment Group October 12, 1988 Page 3 2. Variations in garage door patterns between elevations shall be provided. 3. Where possible, drive approaches shall be narrowed to a two car width through the right -of -way. 4. A decorative, masonry perimeter wall shall be provided at the rear of lots 21 -26 as well as along the north, south, and east property boundaries. Desigo and location of the wail shall be subject to review and approval by the City Planner. 5. Decorative, masonry corner side yard walls shall be provided. Additional landscaping and irrigation shall be provided between the sidewalk and wall. 6. At least three roof the color variations shall be E provided. The Committee directed the applicant to work E with staff in choosing roof -tile colors. f 7. Provide private drainage easements and an improved drainage li device to handle crass -l-ot drainage from all lots which are tributary to Deer Creek Channel or gain approval of the County Flood Control to drain to their right -of -way as shown on the conceptual grading plan prior issuance of permits. 8. If the trail system is not approved as proposed in the conceptual grading plan, then the grading should be redesigned prior to the issuance of permits. 9. Street trees used for Hillside Road and Wilson Avenue should ,e consistent with the species required per the City's Standard Drawings. 10. The unit on lot 42 should be shifted 15 feet to the east. Conditions: Tract Map 1. Local feeder trails shall be relocated to the rear of the lots. Final design of the trails shall be subject to review by the Trails Committee and approval by the City Planner and City Engineer prior to recordation of the final map. 2. Lot 40 shall be re- designed -to meet the minimum lot depth of 150 feet. G J PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. VTT 13851 R & S Investment Group October 12, 1988 Page 4 3. Lot 9 shall meet the minimum corner lot width of 100 feet. 4. Dedication for the rights -of -way on killside road shall be 75 feet from the west project boundary to "A" Street and 68 fee. from "A" Street to "0" Street. Construct a Commurity Trail on the south side of Hillside Road. 5. Construct a Community Trail on lot A with a trail entrance at the Hillside road kruckle. If approved by the Flood wontrol District, construct a regional trail connection at the easterly end of lot A. 6. All Community Trails shall conform to current City standards. 7. The triangle of land at the southeast corner of lot 61 shall be shown as a dedication to the Flood Control District on the final map, as approved by the Flood Control District. 8. Construct the Wilson Avenue crossing of Deer Creek Channel. The design of the crossing structure shall provide for separation of vehicular and Community Trail traffic to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City Planner. The developer shalt be eligible for reimbursement from systems development fees if approved by the City Council. 9. Provide a 58 foot pavement width on Wilson avenue from the west project boundary to beer Creek Channel. Right -of -way shall be dedicated, as shown on the Standard Conditions. 10. Construct the portion of the City Master Plan Storm Drain No. 3 -I from Deer Creek Channel to the west project boundary as justified by the final drainage study and approved by the City Engineer. Standard drainage fees for the site shall be credited to the cost of the facility and the developer shall be eligible for reimbursement of costs in excess of the .fees in accordance with City Ordinance No. 75. 11. The sump condition in Hillside Road shall be moved to the Hillside / "D" Street knuckle. Lot A shall be graded to accept overflows from the public street in the event of blockage in the catch basin or storm drain such that no overflows will enter private property in a 100-year storm. _� r a i PLANNING COMMISSIONA SDLtrrj'6 LLNO. VTT 13851 - R & S Investment Group October 12, 1988 Page 5 12. If additional dedication is required on lot 61 other than what is shown on the subdivision and grading plan, the � applicant shall verify that the tots meet the minimum and 1 average lot sues as required by Code, I E 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 127H DAY OF OCTOBER, 1988. i PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry e , airman ATTEST: Brad a er, cre airy I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that thf,, foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly y egulari„ introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planting Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regulGr meeting of the Planning.Commission held on the 12th day of October, 1S83, by the following vote -to -wit: I AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS• 4. r,, Er r yy original p0cw QuAtIty. l,j� L YY f]CL a�rn� AN °�. ^C GOi ,+T�J NG� YT�YY _ `C Q.� V=�11+i�N NiL1 N1L a +`Gp �u MCC YY �Y G vrWO py° . Gamti.VG NV' CY RCy6Y CCL N Y�� w LM0 C CW a O `on'�uL �GYO T >Yy�CY I-pid �6 N. IIay V4V�CY Lai P G ° BI +YN _ Y 0 6� 12, Y C V V a� y u- M. C Y R'� ° cV y r war w7 a e.N G r Y '.L sw {���L H. °pue aC�`a,L u..� F �■.0 . O G W � p�µ■ N9 'E. CVs Y.0 Y4 gas, L a ^iyeiO G'w�� OY ^�u Gd �j{iFM .tMyO °9�VC G��N 902 �,0$aY> ,XOS G CG N9gCJ�O L ! V Y Y 'Cngvw.+.� =.aN °ao�t.uC aaE aiu N +p�. Y Cam:! >Gq N +> 'O^ KO.C. L w�V +w per a 1L - YVY ^g. 4�.a C w 0 :: .. 4RI wa. NcLk dr � ,+c� «ug .''''. °o� wo'1y a•" � .�T^ � o v1i 1 L +mY NBC CR Y. N.N+ dL a. OV 1v�Y�{ y�4 �ir L uu Yy pC _ r u Y O. Y �l 4��■CNNQ CCM •'. ^�MG S1.�nR «uY� Ni °�Ll Y1. `+ �C � 03 '.Y C l�OY rL V4 5~d NGYtN,`..� LO.aiN w .G. o Co. �� oYC i v c �_I S«a n 0 0 f' 01 Y1� M VAN wat,�G �> a �Li L d Lt V #`Ni°.V +. 7O:GY.z y L 9.Y yM � W� ll __ �� � O Y � w N • b M �� y N O. Y ¢, n .C.j ' {'_j .'gyp. c �-' qN� � °'•�+r$7_M�� Ji 0 r i0w. pi p>p �F� LL, G.yeCOYC f_M. � �•� S� M w w 2 N �w N t$ M L, U UP "I J. ` .. H J er N fA e N yM I ' d �3 LA p original P�� O.,my Rr I! utl�p --. p>tgit q. a L� GAGa cY>LfOrMpup O.N c Or uC 01.0 Mi 6Y ~ YMn My O..yNN.wN +O N'L .y4 LNwYN+ D6 Np UM� VCY^ OM O•+.YOY Y� UL ■pC Y� O � �° k YEY\� aV _ 7pu0 8L \. 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GL o N � u i• rY� i @ 4 Cy@ O -E >M ipp■1 ppa N y L L is I ` O y L N ♦1 V 4 � L H r QN _CY M O GjOP �� N L VV 10A JCL U d N pl J �O 4 V NMC V G!y yaY y, cu NB��q plw .q S L ^ M61 plop @d4N6 ...T ^ ... yO G> O Y C v ilGl uL j^ VA Y a Q P G p Y. de Y Y CYC VyR C C W me a O `y Y per. S. L LL Z; '3LO,pyy� ®Y. '1gq0N � LV{YVIGYI N OZo 4T. r1. °yt -, a p O ^� C Vr^ OYY L4�01V yy.. MLOI ix V G. N V N p IrGJ A 1s 4 6 W a �s ib dCl V w d , CIO O �� no A� L V N J yOy � v d � L nA dY•- 5= Tp OVN d O L� LV e N C d R L 4 C W 309 o x v N d L Y pie COL ^vLiL � O Y O " > N -0 ov L e ri f W 0 4 I Z� C 0 0 Cy G M � Y `Y■L U{�O � i-~ � Cam. � _Y O L td� � Nf~A+ W � � + pfJ aM CN y yq 's TT C 1r a S AoW a.N fga -ta AS 9 V �•` Cye ^ —x O. d ` YV AV't�aV V�YOy.1 AOi Y {Y�{A�]'. LM�Y r M^n.� jO'. YN ,Y, d� °.yyyyyy°. G Q p0.' r +'�'�' � N GL� � O $ L `► w OdO c �M pO.V ^'-'rites,. G6 Y` _ d L W� e d j. i B L Y G d � q CoL�ri $ O N tl G 'rd M j� V yy Y Y a 0.i y N. O .N, U�. ■ G C Cp C ad LL ZC �O,YG ep p Y Y N QCN Y T N O O C -p` `.�2Q OO LL� N Y Y Olt d t�y y Y q.Y 9 Y Y N 0. yu � d O e N d O p �. _�d�L A� 'T C A L , L C a. d C G Od A MAO C L NOtLt" VA 00 Y w N. 7 A' ^ +N p�p L ^'O. yY T ■ O LY 0 V G^ �M GAN T6 �0•AL 'Q'4 L `Y pPL �LyaC CJ; V • �J� ■ Y CY yOyyV.�d,GY L-A �� ;RM■! yw.T C d'6 9 yYjN GL CS N p {GD1 mV,rL N �Or 6 �+G.8 ' 9� L LC' Y�� Q2 c 4 9 O M A�qq C C 0. L G Y 0..L d CGJ M N C A w �N NY Xr' y�y �'W 6T 4N dNVN �.'3 O S6 C �. {� HWE MOW Y Q 0 � 10 lD m X j _ • N ! Yf �: o f W I L DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: I. CITY OF RANCHO �LTCAMONGA STAFF REPORT October 12, 1988 Chairman and Members of the Manning Commission Brad fuller, City Planner Cindy Norris, &sistA..3t Planner — b-41ti ra@l1y )o-cs on id.ut acres of land in the Very Low Dcns ty Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre), located north of Wilson, east ;o$ Hermosa, south of hillside, and west of Mayberry Avenue - APH: 201- 1.11 -6, 11, 13, and 32. Associated with this pro3ect is Tree Removal Permit 83-5E, PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Approval of a subdivision map, plot plans, e el v�'ans, conceptual grading plan, Tree Rwoval Permit and issuance of a Negative Declaration. B. Project Density: 1.56 dwelling units per acre C. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning North ---off-sting single am y: Very Low Density Residential Density (Less than 2 dwelling units per acre) South - Existing single family; Very Low Density Residential Density (Less than 2 dwelling units per acre) Ecst - Existing single family; Very Low Density Residential Density (Less than 2 Owelling units per acre) West Very Low Density Residential Density (Less than 2 dwelling units per acre) D. Get,eral Plan Designations: Project site < ery o' w Resid al Density (Less than 2 jwelling units .er acre) North - Very Low Residential Density (Less than 2 dwelling units par acre) South - Very Low Residential Density (Less than 2 dwelling units per acre) East Very Low Residential Density (Less than 2 dwelling unity ;per acre) West - Very Low Residential Density (Less than 2 dwelling units per acre) — -1 , ITEM- N PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT f TT 13877 - Johnson ! October 12, 1988 Page 2 E. Site Characteristics: The site is vacant except for a few 1 apt a e s ruc uses including a single family structure located at the northwest corner at Hermosa Avenue and the Schowalter Rock Pile which runs north to south bisecting the site. There are six (6) eucalyptus windrows existing on the site, d running east to west and 2 running north to south. The project is bordered to the west and north by Hermosa Avenue and Hillside P.oad, respectively, to the east by Mayberry Road and a Cucamonga Cointy Water District tank and to the south by four . single family homes. The site has an, approximate slope of 7% from north to south. II. ANALYSIS,, A. General: The project is a private gated community oriented nwa and is served by a private street system which has a single interior street with several cul -de -sacs. Lots range in size from 20,000 square feet to 29,897 square feet with an average size of 22,531 square feet. The applicant is proposing a total of three floor plans, each with three elevations, which range in size from 3,071 square feet to 1 ,3418 , square feet. Plan 1 is one story and plans 2 and 3 are two story. All homes have either Side, - oriented or rear- Oriente, garages. A perimeter wat will encircle the majority of the project site except at the southeast end, at the lower north boundary and along the west boundary south of Hillside 'where there will be an open equestrian trail at the perimeter. Also, in accordance with the recommendations of the arborisr's report, the applicant is proposing removal of the majority of the windrows on site; however, replacement planting is proposed consistent with the City's Tree Preservation Ordinance. As a result of the Project, the Schowalter Rock pile, which bisects the sit4, will be removed. To commemorate the feature, which was designated as a Historic Point of Interest on June 15, 1988, the applicant is proposing to use rock from the pile in several project features including the perimeter wall, a stone monument in the parkway at Hillside Road and a rock monument in the sidewalk along Beachwood Road. The applicant has provided Master Plans for the adjacent properties northwest and south of the subject site. Several alternatives utilizing both public and private streets havr been provided for the southerly parcels. PLANING COMISSION STAFF REPORT TT 13877 Johnson October 12, 1988 Page 3 B. Desi n Review Committees The project was reviewed by the lres gn eve ew omm • ee rcutiI, 81akesley) on AuQrtst 4, 1988 and again on September 22, 1998 (Kroutil, 8)akesiey and Chitiea). At the September 22, INS meetings the Design Review Committee recommended approval subject to the following: 1. Provide windrow replacement planting along Hillside road, Hermosa Avenue and Mayberey Road. 2. Provide a landscape easement adjacent to the wsil on Hermosa Avenue which would allow for a 4 foot sidewalk and S foot parkway. 3. The wall height shculd be reduced to 5 feet from highest finished grade along Hillside Road. 4. Provide additional detailing to the perimeter wall at the trail entrances along Hillside Road. 5. An acfual fired brick veneer should be used rather than a stucco brick veneer. The Conilttee requested that the brick samples be provided at the Planning Comzission meeting. 6. The design of the monument sign at hillside road should be simflar in shape to the City's entry ui numentation signage. In addition, the brick banding she ld be eliminated from the base of the sign and the monument be incorporated as part of V4t, perimeter wall design. 7. Provide fast growing evergreen vines and irrigation to screen the retaining wall on the east sida of the trail on lots 21 -23. 8- Native fieldstone rock should be used on the decorative perimeter wall. 9. Revised drawings, which address the Committee's recommendations should be provided at the Planning Commission meeting. C. Technical Review and Grading Committees: The project was re,,iewed Dy 5oth the Technical Review an Grading Committees and approved subject to conditions listed in the attached Resolution of Approval, t1-3 PLANNING COWISSION STAFF REPORT TT 13877 JohnsoM October 12, 1983 Page 4 D. Trails !dvisor, -+ Committee: The Trails Advisory Committee rev ewef the "propose su vision on July 20, 1988 and August 17, 1988, The Committee recommended approval subject to the condition that the train on the south side of lot 19 be eliminated. E. Tree Removal: in conjunction with the tentative tract the applicant a`s submitted Tree Removal Permit application 88 -56 reydesting the removal of the majority of the windrows on the site (Exhibit I -1). An arborist's report by Knapp and Associates recommends removal of the trees due to the questionable hearth of the trees and the proposed design and grading of the site. A question still remains regarding the removal of the windrow which runs along the lower northern boundary. Staff suggests that a condition be added that prior to the issuance of grading permits, the exact trunk location of these trees should be plotted and those which do not obstruct the trail and are not in poor 4iealth should :e preserved. In addition to the windrows, S trees (one Italian stone pine and 5 washingtonia robusta, Mexican fan palms) are located adjacent to the existing on-site residence. The arborist has recommended that the Italian stone pine be preserved in place with specific protection measures while the f¢ve (5) palms may be pruned and relocated and /or preserved in place. F. Environmental A,esessment: Parts I and II of the Environmental Checklist ave leen c(n;) eted. As part of this review the significance of the Schowalter Rock Pile was reviewed by the Historic Preservation Commission and an arborist's report was prepared. Mitigation measures are proposed as discussed above. III., FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The project is consistent with tine General Plan and Deve-ro-pm—efft Code. The project will not be detrimental to the public health or safety, or r..,-se nuisance or significant adverse environmental impacts. In addition, the proposed use, subdivision map and conceptual grading plan, together with the conditions of approval, are in compliance with the applicable provisions of the aevelopment Code and City standards. IV. CORRESPONDEWCE: A notice of filing was sent to all property owners wl n a JOG-Toot radius and the site posted. in addition, this item has been advertised as a public ha? -ring in The Daily Report newspaper and notices sent to all property owners w1 6ee of the project site. H- PLANNING GWSSIOd STAFF REPORT ` TT 13877 - Johnson October 12, 1988 Pae5 9 i 11 V. RECOMMENDATION• Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve eive tract 13077 through the adoption of the attached Resolution with conditions and issue a Negative Declaration. Res tfully i s Bra er City Planner BB:CN:vc Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Site Utilization Exhibit "B" Master Plan Exhibit "C" - Subdivision Map Exhibit "a" - Site Plan Exhibit "E" - Conceptual Grading Exhibit "E" -= Equestrian Overlay Exhibit "G" - Landscape Plan, Exhibit "H" - Perimeter Wain Exhibit IT' - Tree Removal Plan Exhibit Ili" w Excerpt from Arborist Report Exhibit K Elevations Exhibit "L" - Floor Plans Resolution of Approval with Conditions i T as am ' FA !LA JL I alga rl an 16 j y I NIL iCkI ._ �.• t' .: .. .. _... _ -• •IYINW i NORTH i ICY OF I RANCHO CUCA TITL ►'.t�►NG E%, PLANNING DIVISION � .� EXHIBIT SCALE: AM qp i i SCALE 4%! q. HERITAGE LANE FUTURE SIRE wW AVENUE J7 m POPLA* rrwl, Z� \3 NORTH CAT IF ITEM. ANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE: 4d9,'W'P9 *PLnAl PLANNING DIVISION H -1 EXHIBIT: SCALE:*-� asp —w-.rj t WILSON AVERM STARaaLNT OF �SFd LAUD CITY OF RANCHO CU Go—Tt ma N. x. • NORTH ITEM: TITLE: EXHIBIT..Ac--/ sakym, w ar —w-.rj t WILSON AVERM STARaaLNT OF �SFd LAUD CITY OF RANCHO CU Go—Tt ma N. x. • NORTH ITEM: TITLE: EXHIBIT..Ac--/ sakym, El cow —w-.rj t WILSON AVERM STARaaLNT OF �SFd LAUD CITY OF RANCHO CU Go—Tt ma N. x. • NORTH ITEM: TITLE: EXHIBIT..Ac--/ sakym, E Ll l CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION 1+9 L-m ITEM TITLE: V Al MAD E3 HIBIT :-C:, - SCALE: �w C 3 %A ilk i a l co l CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION 1+9 L-m ITEM TITLE: V Al MAD E3 HIBIT :-C:, - SCALE: kERMOSA AVWUE CITY OF :,RANCHO cucAmoNGA 'PLANNING DIVISION wo ITEM TITLE: EXHIBIT: SCALE: Em L -2 a r� ZO \j •M i ci 4 Jl- W � 1 tt q 'FANNING DIVISION; •�., ft -------- r.�.._ , r[ EXHISI i i t SCALE: 1111 .�. =..�, Ef s DSA AVENUE Amer 4 SULE 1* 40 lo a /AD. Mi Ae —SIET 31 -r—Ml M616 CITY OF ITEM RAN%3SO CU- 0- AMONGA TME: Awl PLANNING DIVISION EXHIBIMA-L SCALE: J PAJ o 133 is s Q OWN _` ,,z � 4 __ yr, a i.S _ •+�, ` .. $ � . ' � r � • : �. �. L � ,�`,. TFt a � _ ���dt�, '�] � tea.. t �• �t r 1 .-AMY 2t A 7� H. dig � �•"�.1�V..!/ /� � r � NODry1R �-+d — c per--' .,,1 •,.,.,.� f F � � PLAN1�ING DIVISIG" - - - 3 '.EXumm- SCALE:____®® ..r, e....: 4,. _ Id •r v ;rLTe e,._er,ot PP•nr, SEG7lQlit £' -E 'wxe�r. mr �•F gyy���-��.,��-��Sf .. _ -�P: L —rte-.- i _L�•i%ii m w .r.r M.7r •.cs•+•.� 7 i/"Pr�rrs�, 'Y�t� .rrs i.� -_L 16/14Y- i..;`,�. ,r ,�t... S:w•gs.x .s.r.0 ( ` a � d6®Oi PrT'.'i "'� 'ifW�� �ir P %:•%�� � y��rs� .T�'���'��• � ra•wer.+s �r rr,P.- ,+r-- �-�'°� CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMOINGA PLANNING DIVISION E ITEM TITLE:1.rtco' ` or4 g B i°r:.+ �. SCALE: DA PfRMOSA AVENUE thft..Nw,m somm 4d—".* wwLwj* OMEN-13W A.W *000,vomme — e ftA ITEM: TJTLZ-FUA4f4 EXHIBIT: f-.::L- Lsom At till ® I'll NORTH ITEM: is TITLE: LIZ ;o EXH IEiIT':. . 8C AX, E: �M L-� 4� (n1 9 Full- NORTH y ITY OF'+ ITEM RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION ITLE. H-17 EXHIBIT: i-, SCALE: �_. f t(. 000 e i Y3 E t -- I :ORTH ITEM: TITLE: EXHIBIT:1:76- SCALE: ,_.o,_._,._..,_ fff F �f �77Qa e i Y3 E t -- I :ORTH ITEM: TITLE: EXHIBIT:1:76- SCALE: ,_.o,_._,._..,_ El f"t, !QRlS�i GATE !LIVATM muss* X'.Jcco ovn BLOCK %TY OF CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVI SION WROMW mama sv ITEM: TITLE: EXHIBIT: -. -- SCALE: r M1 d q: IMP milli A 11"M ® JAW z lk tY at •- t ' �� 1. 0 wcsa✓ _ _...L_..i__ i _ ®is IL a r e F ..i — PROPosEP Fag FffmaVA4. 4:0� NORTH O ITEM: 'C HO CUCAMON A TITLE: SM5 -�ytr KING DIVISION f 190 EXHIBIT:;C:LSCALE: L ( . OF RANCHO CUCA ONGA PLANNING DIVISION NORTH ITEM: � TITLE: %i�� a Z sv 70i L EXHIEI A f -O �i� • 1 °y The existing residence located east of Hermosa Avenue has one (1) Italian stone (pima), I would recommend that this tree be perserved. The tree is approximately twenty feet (20') from the proposed residence. We can come within ten (101) of the trees base without using any underground watering or irrigation system. Ir we come i closer to the tree we will need to install a wagon wheel type arification system for the trees roots. This should be done throughout the entire dripli.ne of the tree, if closer than ten feet to the tree. Then concrete can be installed over the top of the wagon wheel. The driveway may have to be alter,:-4. The way it looks right now it is difficult for the drive -way aad tree to work. This could be a very beautiful dome, if the tinte is taken to be creative. Please see enclosed map,. The existing residence also has five (5) Washinatonia robusta, (Mexican fan palms). I would recommend that these trees ) e pruned and re- located., They are appros.imate?y 30 feet (30'' from the proposed residence. However., the,, palms could remain rather than relocate t4en,. A group of Balm trees work good together. Again, enhancing the b _dty of the proposed home. LIST OF PLANT MATERIAL LOCATED AT THE EXISTING RESIDENCE t� �a Citrus Carob 'I 1 \14 ,' f wy¢ J rAri �II y, 00 i a4 firt. Q4, 11 f '' � ,� i r�' .`.� r�;;; op m Ilf;{IS'Jy3r .0 ii3- :s:-?- i i a� R. : i:3''?T si < I ? .:. n .:s.a�_ ___.__. �:c33335: a:__:a � = .c•'` =s: i55 ?ia.' <3_.°:___.' � _ _ _ _..._ _._ - :r:::_ - .� i__acx_. _- -::.• : E .'c':S:c523__:-v::5'vs- :2:L::?� �'Sr_ }i °_ s::- 35a`�:rx:�rr :_-axs .._ x ,--a .�• x:z_ °3c :: •- "s --:aa _s:_ : _ i?is �'e �Ti ?i_ :: - . a-•_ . ra_3 i•>,-- s__.a_: °"" - -- 3so3? ".: ' - -__ :c— .'"i.._._e_..a:: -war ._e_.:i' -yt.. . H �6P4 tlti MYA7Ni R47 f�• MAN 61lt1ATNp R...& I O RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION P,3� TTEM: TITLE: L, VA710 EWSM- - SCALE: 11 'I,;. - mill , I ,I I I, � - I z " - 1 .zw r Tinse k• [!!T �ttVASloq Kai �•t RIW LLEVATME ruu" key` ytro�rev�.e (CITY OF T "V P T�.aixG CUCAMONGA DdVISION Mid: EXHlSff: SCALE �� �Y.- . .Sri.- .._.1 ;� R4 E -1 ull G P,/A/V.1 10'7+t�( CUCAMONGA DIVISION ITM. nTl,v,: RM"SIBIT: 4.:/-- SCALE: i I I- i f Hops..' f� f Mn jy ' 4pf1e Ct /WMt 1 I t/'Sr �foOl° r OF CHO CUCAMOINVA KING DIVISION 11-,q ITEM; _ EnIBIT:. SCALE: ..� _ lu I i t i I i i i i I I I . I i I � i LITT +I�I !�1 13 L_ I .I_ 1 I , �G ncl 8,001- f I� (jITY O ITEM RANCHO CUCAMONGA, TITLE-.-e �. PLANNING DIVISION I r, t-2 EXHIBIT: SCALE: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF 11HE Cl',Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 13877, AND DESIGN REVIEW THEREOF, LOCATED NORTH OF WILSON, EIiT OF HERMOSA, SOUTH OF HILLSIDE, AND WEST OF MAYBERRY iN THE VERY LOW RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT - APN: 2OI- 111 -6, 11, 13, and 32. A. Recitals. (i) Johnson has filed an application for the approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 13877 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Tentative Tract yap request is referred to a -, "the application". NO On the 12th of October, 1988, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga ,:onduc ed a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Restlution have occurred. B. Resolution. !NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of uie City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Reciti's, Part A. of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon sibstantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced pu?:lic hearing on October 12, 1988, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as folltds: 00 The application apl;lies to property located north of Wilson Avenue, south of Hillside P*x,d, east of Hermosa Avenue and west of Mayberry with a street frontage cf -approximately 329.53 feet on Her; „ ,Jsa Avenue, 636.67 feet on Mayberry Avenue and 662.72 feet on Hillside Roaa and is presently unimproved; and (b) The properties ,north, south, east, and wes: of the subject site are zoned Very Lori Res'<dential Density (less than 2 dwelling units per acre); and Permit for .he propos d removalcoft six has (6)filed windrowsafr from sub Tree ect property based iepon arborical survey and grading impacts; and p p Y PLANNING COWISSION RESOLUTION NO. TT 13877 - Johnson October 12, 1988 Page 2 IM (d) The proposed subdivision design has a minimum and average lot sizes of 20,000 and 22,331 square feet, respectively, which are consis ant with the requirements for the district in which it is located; and (e) The proposed subdivision design and accompanying maps have been reviewed by the Grading, Technical, Trails Advisory and Design Review Committees and approved subject to Conditions contained within this Resolution. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Conn issian during the above - referenced public hearing a;�d. upon the specific findings on facts set forth in paragraph 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That tentative tract is consistent with thq General Plan, Development Code,, and specific plans; and (b) The design or improvements of the tentative tract is consistent wit. the General Plan, Development Code, and specific plans; and (c) The site is physically suita3le for the type of development proposed; and (d) The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to 'humans and wildlife or their habitat; and (e) The tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health proble s; an! (f) The design of the tentative tract will not Conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. 4. This Commission hereby finds and certifiL.s that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental 091-Ity Act of 1970 and, further, this Commission hereby issues a Negative Declaration. S. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in ara ra h 1, 2 and 3 above, this Cortmisslon hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the attached Standard Conditions attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. PLANNING c"ISSION RESOLUTION NO. TT 13877 - Johnson October 12, 1988 Page 3 Tentative Tract 1. All slopes about the tank area that are steeper than ?c1 and that lie on this property require ret'�idial work to make them 2:1 or flatter, This may, require redesign of the trail and shall require approval of the Trails Advisory Committee, the City Planner and Cucamonga County Water District prior to recordation of the final map or Issuance of any permits. 2. isle applicant shall obtain approval of the property owner west of the project site to remove any off -site windrass or rocks which occur on the adjacent site pr;ar to recordation of the final map. 3. The Alta Loma Basin, located to the south of the site shall bp excavated to provide sufficient storm water retention to off -set the increased runoff generated by the development. 4. Overhead Utilities; a. Hillside Road - An in lieu fee cs con',;ribution to the future undergrounding of the existing overhead utilities (telecommunication and electrical) k)n the opposite side of Hillside Read shall be paid to the City prior to approval of the Final Map. Ilia. fee shall be me -half the City adopted unit amount times the length from the center of Mayberry Avenue to the vest project boundary. b. Hermosa Avenue The existing overhead utilities (teiecoin.unication end electrical) on the pivject side of Hermosa Avenue shall Je undergreunded along the entire project frontage extending to the first ne.re offsite (north and south), prior to public improvement,. acceptance'nr occupancy, whichever occurs first. Ti.e developer may request a reimbursement agreement to recover one -half the i,ity adopted Cost for undergrounding from future development (redevelopment) as it occurs on the opposite side of the street. 5. The street improvements on the west side of Mayberry Avenue shall be extended 'to include the County Water District (APR: 201-111-3l)- owned by 6. Developer shall construct an inlet structure to the Alta toms Basin Hermosa Avenue to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. i. t Vt PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. TT 13877 - Johnson October 12, 1988 Page 4 7. Dcveloper shall construct a storm drain Inlet structure on the northeast corner of Herma_a Avefde and Kilson Avz%que with the storm drain extending ai-,d O';ylighting south of the intersection. 8. Items #4 and #5 shall receive credft towards thr: storm drain fees as part of the MaStey,#r plan of Storm Drains. 9. The street improvements incTuutig sidewalks on the east sidA of Hermosa Avenue shall 'oe extended southerly to include the curb return on the northeast corner Of Hermosa Avenue and Wilson Avenue. The develor,r may request a rembursment agree,!ent for the portion sotath of the tract boundary from the adjacent property upon its development. 10. An on -site storm drain system, may be required depending upon the results of the Final Drainage Report as determines by the City Engineer. tlesil►i Rev q% 1. Windrow replacement Planting shall be provided along Aft Hillside Road, Hermosa Avenue and MRA'erry consistent with WF the planting requirements Of the City s. Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 276. Replacement planting shall be shpwn on the final landscape and irrigation plan. 2. The exact trunk vocation of the trees located on the lower northerly boundary shall be plotted. on the grading plan. Those which do no ; obstruct the lw:al equestrian trail shall be presti red. A revised Free Removal Permit application may be necessary. ''he exact determination shall be made prior to issuance of aly permits. 3. The applicant shall follow the recommendations contained in the arborist report in order to pre:;erve the six trees located on lot 2. 'Me preservation methods and/ 01; relocation shall be indicatcd on the grading plan prior to issuance of permits. d. Provide a landscape easemenm adjacent to the wall on Hermosa hvenLe. 5. The wa'ri height along Hillside Road shall be 5 feet f1-orz, highest finished gradev 6. Provide additional detailing to the ,perimeter wwall at the AM trail entr«ntes. Ortails shall be provided on the final JW landscape and irrigation plans. PLANNING COM ISSION RESOLUTION NO'•. TT 13877 - Johnson October 129 1988 Page 5 7. M Victual veneer shal'i be used rather than a ctual fir�'.d stucco brick veneer. n ot, Hillside Road shall e of the monument sign City's entry mOnum;ntatibe S. The design a design of the brick banding should d as similar ton addition, the a monument incorp 0 siimi the base as s 9n• eliminated from wall and irrigation to Part of the perimeter Provide fast,-growing evergreen on 9' screen the retaining wall on the east side of the trail scr decorative lots 21 -23• be used on the 10. Native fieldstone sh °uld perimetev i the front Setback arty line, unless the 11. On lot 9 the house shall be oriented front lot line Qn the measured from the southerly sated paspthe property ling is tract map• tion ortanisson shall 6. The Secretary to this C certify to the adoption Of this Resolution• ADOPT THIS 12TR DAY OF OCTOBER: ApQROYEO AM PLANKING COMM ISSION OF THE CIT''t OF P.ANCFIO CUCAPiONGA c e , . a Fm'' BY: arrY an ATTEST:- __j,,_� u er, acre art' r � City of Rancho 'Of the Planning ConR°'asioRneS, �� on was duly and Secretary the forE9oinq Comnissic, of the I, Brad o -iler, certify that b dye Planni','Q. Commission held do hereby asset, and adopted Y or the planning Cucamo. ga° iItroduced, p regular meeting vote- io`wit; regularly az19B8,gbY the fallowing City cfIRahcday +of October, on tac - -t COMMISSIONERS* AYES: NOES; COMISSIONERS ABSENT: COMISSIONERS: 6 �M 0 Z w a - %..� r7TO4iy o4x� e � w aq�` --tea orial qN aY •'ny. xi �Y MM Y�LN V gD 4AyO 4 ilp q2 Mom!lfi C Q �qM Yf1I .Y n`N O. YYO�VL ` p G p> Q M L V0��1W CVQYa qL},Y. y ■y CCCC F qyy y. aw ors= N� M Ci L4 Y�yM. 7A ~N Nlly~ YD pp_ 16`L:� , N.�Y It:�.ap a f9 ��.q itC qar Ol`+�ayC.a± C=y`n 1N 41Y �r!qV ...�Y gq�04 6lQi N. t.��C LC"«� �y�Ai: qv,Y Ca.�ula. - %..� r7TO4iy o4x� e � w aq�` --tea a+q' .�...q. ',,t'q�, qN aY •'ny. xi °yWO� u°IZO �3w ^L �qM �Y�Ld Q CL yf+Cy=yi4 j..ud� L'•.N awMU7F ^� V0��1W CVQYa V V O YYO 4q Ti .a. p V� A 1 uQ YdV Yq� i �Mft'f IL 4 s��C 0.71�+N+o`r nwuvSEu y, �iaQ� +� u"�. N .,iN ars g4�aig iI� o fp G', ^'M V� q Tb e'CO Ma$a. ilw Fi�� qeN. �yI «L C }¢�Gw .p+O �:b'� QON 4y ■C1wT CN CL V O . a C6 V' yf YG }` y 6L! ^� pp �« ^N'pGpC tC4a« YN�J1tY}�yy.�.O NCCM Y ^NI.� yy yC MY rO iL fJa C - S�i'�YIHO ^' N tiL_� YW >yNq ��9i1 Wilms qY ayIAi1C LOI f N � N Y Nub yo sN«.� Y I VG gIN4 a j�!N VL`i M ,iS IYiI tS. L.�o �MIpp+yC YY All, lli $a $ c�q> ow ztz- 4 e y q 9 tl Y q L M N V Y iy��aaw�. .E�jyaL�� FEE !R q f+I Ify iN'E.IM C Q O O O�YS1 N: F. w. ig j1 oz u Y3c «gip yyY N.0 50� q «I t� U V .a q L Y N� O 4,. Y A O w a Y I gY11+ CIIa �a v 11 11 =tl $ wpa� tlat�y6 pc tl <-0 a Z Ui ° «uq m fl L L pLNf�6 �+ } V y1a ZN. M 049 A >4. Q Op.Ag1 q C^ tpN a^° ` Q V4 Nw 4.M ^41bV4G LN d by A �' �. ro� M�w� ! V Vri VDeVGi�y^ � L N�o � V uN fY.. ay='3'iC4y rJ tl ,&p iOStl« G��.O �fw"Gq �Cti �GWwRYW �C� wC rO,M S� q6 i. Y Y' V -0..pa V N L u.G;S. ~ O E C t. V LM^ aAi. roNf"� N H 0. COL l= :; 'L— YyI�6NYY� AONO uNNE Mj.0. C^ ~LM 4Nw C'w�� LN��Y r N��^YL roa Q y Y n T O ro tl Z-4- q -og v. x u'S ro.NrN. w; tlw� ViiL 1 ^yg � ~� itCG♦ r �, 6WM V v c� Y..MR `�y ptpMN r�PU ,off �'a nfo '240> y 4 O a 4 C "«� ^ yj y w ^� i ��. � A � °' Y b 4 A Gw ! ti Y • e� t C c .o„a GNNpG Z^:M Vi. e,f btV CC GQLY tl�GwL N�..n. pw NN�VQYy QN` V GbifNp per. uc p. ~S"' 'oaiaNHMU+�.n. pr7vw` ,o$ cg2 L °c •qa i" 3r'�p -"� �N o o(��� a`YiM.95>� „yL.' "cr aQ 4'uroo a° tl C _v! ■ �I '& p CA p+ q ^A V C sL yw tytl i w tpM ^ E y 4LU�a .nUp�0 L .YuGS�p CY L ' ppa��Y ;NVeI . ^��~G++ . «N i �1yNYO t �� y a U ` YV t z • � i :4`O O L _y_G ^ ass i 1 wqN CC� OYVYti p a lCCC pC IlD � E k ^u LG> cGN % 2 � <i�bGM1 fICNV Vw' Nar:MN L�M.Uy L ;4M WF�p O VG4a ^a. E�yy O 1► �C iL p. M.q NG6 vj C u My1 yam' 4.UC �.M ' Sf NNwcctl�_NL yV'tlN Y. =-Yi O N p.s G N7y N Q� O Y OIl p r w N Y N y N t vY CL Iva l O I4. V LV µ b V aG. M1 `e �w^ " ,,2 C�i WspO V� C gpa ,y ,ac666 s".e J� =Nf► ..Gp•�" Y`C, �■��L G-0^l.,.4�c"yL Y>p L M tl u N L N V M 1~ e ; B ptl 5 a y ME! M+V VV 0116 AaNIO N1 aCyy fy 0"N�t. .•O, b' ^z q`r�p Z ^.V bq ~ql;6 MHbfv NC Vq �NN1 �o ii al�i'fr 4�•3�[4 'i .pXJV.?� tpu 04zuw ,y yu fLt gy�/V P y Y p0�`C. Y A 6 L"Lro N 01 YtY' v� YVii"�N p L;Cw V� w"41Vw �a v `� '°,... 40■L �'" u W 6�.,w� ., °`"N`oq, °`Q�Q' e°'COMe TC{ tl' "6 ^Nd V^MiN � . r KC zlqL a M : �5+. Of Vpr+"� C an y pE A 1. N' O i lL4.; � CN. 4wpC . CW^rO NVV{fp VVC uVlL p� _ � S � .. ry wp� ` yyVY 4 .NV°.�G 4Y± ~ ■ ^�~{��iy ` iOGVCVrw. l w >CCQ µ +Nw! CNC O C>0pw pL w Y1V ` 1 -=.i 11P .c 124, �C �M4 a Q q VA �p CY ttY/ V 4.rop VY �. [f46Mwy 7 Veil$. V'q��..r F�X y�jCV �aG.rR44� t N 1 AN F 9 CL .:° a,°O�.a o�.E'hip s�+ ia•Lb t N4�Y L P al ''w. r•4YY 4 ° � Mso �{ O'O wy R ^ -0 y; L C Y u t .'w. 4'' iw Y° U tl. U aw w` n�m„`YC G wCCOp V�: C9 J7. N 1 Otl yJ Y ti^ N��6 �eiUy z NO'Yw wYN b d YN u.° uq UCAOI Gy> »y ���J1L A���. i.�pJ Oii^ aJ AMA G CNYL 4 �I EwN A tigXyy1�M�b bq Ea." x^ "sT -Y. �. _CpNf1�� ^VJ.t ri°,41^ " 9N't'S L�Aa4H JC2—j pawL y L'� N IZF c q a�w7+ +ObY.. pphi 1.99 S. .L C'4., is `�r i Opal wM�O M�3C y��� uu"yl+Yi 4� y'L G G L Y^ J[ F���� � x L Y "+ SSE C« °Y D• N I ,il °.4 .,+Lyy Iyy. yGYGGCCN Qi�l... 7 �� 4x-.,s M G h ^M L yi j(O �Y R YG CL 'J NaVi �C CN aii n�, pIM�Yl td {IS $ i Y�V O�n.~ per. C�iy �k4 �a�ttt�Nrfff�N ��t +yL {qM » �Yy GNeY:� y AN Y YY GyYN "yyY .C°G .C'Lw 4.� 1Ny erMejYl3�O.�V�%J� �NID1Q Y v^ a U. VMLwL ANL ■Ey YN y�L (iii riC1�. L.'�L OO y 'J: V. G 2v �+SY CY p. L pV {1q {1y fV7 Y1wM�K t'N ^. C'M. .�Ja I�NlL <N N..~.S ♦ >al��{GO Cy • ^. C. d1�p�.`� C SYw Nom. f2 i70.N 5" VLN �aL�l �6. NJiYJ A M M.C47 c^ rJ' VON� N! ^ ■q!,� jz a41�e 25 ^ �n v1� 4^ ^ OVA �LL�' A NA �4�9�` _ C 4', T �y M L L 111 L yG$ wa ~�L .. t'i at NN� v -0�. NCj.I J1R Vlu$ Cam, q NC NAM p ag€ L CL-8 -9 go �aC , }Y q m - � '2 O Y ! b ^C � ^ G N �alp" ■44 NON; � Nn.+ �pV { �� T� � Y� w'�y N ^NCO Ul.� L O SD My ®,J C ~ O tic V ✓LR N M A L q Q 1O A'U o A o M � Q YT �w 7 Y L� y N C b. L q w C 3 N =m--k Nyyy pp CgQp L�CtL3U; vb IVM'V HCC �M�O. te nMOa ow Y+X ca CaU VY 1 J`Iq �N CY�16.V �ttti ^' µ VVizJG G nY µu. aN! Uzi bN G' =v YyLaa 4=t0iy1� ^NMf Ww 5. y44,�.Y. ^Y!Y G� �S f°l`uy� MVL• �L^ �w��aYL LLR yJ Y ^M C L iT0 <N4 <bN 4C '� `� c �CyrriM 4/4 t�w�VZ ws G^11. A acv xe v$"� eNc:: +. °�.� c-5 al" M° y - yVr p jyt Y J° C Y w V. J L L L a ~� al Y, U. O C� p V ■ C C y_ Nuli�C V JQ! ■ '�N UJ "° `■''�$ cNAv " o q`v� i s . o' > p L M Y za xIs iv- <d ♦o �. 'o 'k.Mgpp �w �wY Ait R w9V X I. L■ C�i df-n O �W L' Sx� .riY� N�ac'Y""' wb+a � '� ° «'o a°'�+uti'' TT..■aw ^+, Y YQ � 'Y ■SLY ^ev ° L L � �C, ■ � �w o"C ` °{Y��Q i M O� q� �'C° 6YMt0 Y •!°u � ^{LU�QY y.." ■r1 �. dGVYwA r� TNy■s�1 L`q .+ ■ ■Vppa,CS N■i { ■�� V���u Y G ^ N YW G' ICl ewC {Y{,,1�.w 6i GOwC. aw�� aAk V wIs- w- C^ G V Bbl QCL Ct CY � ®. ��yN '� wnn� ■y!yy N.�N4♦ }¢� 6�. LLY YC A p0G09 4 ■tlf NL1a- `G7ie � w G �� {�`.N�Va♦LI y�^ ��,h�W ■ y yu�i jai r C�•'!K � "'.V qm�°` tr` Y( ■ J^ 0. =9■ O LMi �C a M. Lo � YaY H m .r v.- L a♦ c v i v 4,^�� � ♦+Y �C.'L We=. ■ AA o N 6 w�L1 bile -� �Q^ Y a~ o� ♦�.y- ��yyn�iu 1�y{ w0 ■ V� y�i' � sCre.� A O VV� ■y 6 CCLa ^ QCC a• Y 91 C V O p C M • N {Q Y V � ■' A� w` 6 Y■ Q C C ■ ^'•. AC CC C ._.. °r�yU iL�LY'/d� Ao YY 6. 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Rop4 cj Yy Ly1 tlVi i9it+ V,N^AY+ O� d{L NpN G "� 4 6� ` d A H� q �d p Y •Q � b. iiR NN.Myy 43 IL � �L N ,�Nt '� p1 V � � N � uN � y�� wyN uyJ q � '�°!r � 4 4 �r. ■ r' a h tC '+ty� • t�,t � �, r' 9L 4w� N O -0 S fQ N Aw ti V ((Y' lN Cyl may 0�4 $uud c }q s•p V q Q ta'�u iv Cwy wc1Y_} CY .NV iiL�� wC EN. r C O "rpr'a 4 v ;4r(• aC Z$m i A 2L E � f MY JQ+ G' - 0S L Z p •b..M Q� � �P� y`t ��qv i?Cg t � �• C f1uiU. pq�Ctw gi ar°.°� 00 o r W � y CN jYj iy Ya Y� r\am d r�r.... R ,� s W•..0 a .o�c rat is abw.CY �� f .s 9 jta+A. ± 4 q !O �. �� •�•.j.N�. �'^ '@C 4 �N. ,�N, O.�Q HIS iv ■� tip A` tx..LtiV 'R� 401 C Q V M-5 61 y pr � pr . Cbs a9�4 V�u.N.M. �DN nyq p4 Y W N • y.,wt'�. ��T� c °14„N, waco. �s va $ �vcv q �►c5 pi+ ° "'o3�F'go .�,`� -c't .2 y� S u Hal a CS; 7i'iw C� Q GVy4 6� !pAC ►M Mp h4. pq` YMU `DlaYi wwWN CwH (L "y. ZTw rM Ct KY� y"vf C1Y � � .�iLi pw•� Y �.��•y,.N �1.G' NL��. +' ' a aS ti5 vwv a yg'"'$vVVVC�{..aAas►..$'G` WNV' W.LZti3 t•-. vat k� N W - a« 'u�i2 att'a q A +j 1 i T � ^ t� V W y L w+ L � O. S.s� � O •• Qp {{{ ■yyy N V 4 L Z y am O V qWi � C 2 Y a Y C N N 7 ^. C.L V N : V YY° WE q W C E 4� K arN O U� O a � O n Y ^"' aw v yY wcCt d V•� � C ` K Q O O Q ^_ O G a y� YY cj' L G .CV �wp py V Nr � y T Y L wC A N' �C W CN ywy Lw C a Lbu G Y y K 4MVO v^a. y SQ'I U :s v y.r v VwtV OI sMc w CM. �"i YrY N■.GnN V -COW tp Gt/NV LIY 4YNC Lt OC CCNw L4' ^ `O yc rig-�sa0 C'O'RM, C� Oy Hy^ �C t"trs QY 4QwN `fy�» i � �Y� b� � ND Y;.`Y 9L OISV C4�i N Y lam' A y LAM° � C ^� 9L O'•• iV.� �J ZI COQ L � O Y �a V^ ! L i L u^ E V 8 ^ Y 9 y £ L y q yv NQ Vw O{�MjyY�' G YS y:L V i U1i� YwhhC Q� CYMYVW ABM � VOpp Y O��i`N V> y: LNL/ N� >7 �S as yNV Ni ^.7>♦ �N CN OC �C L� .001 RC ���` CYp � G :L t ocCf v ru Z m us '.tw �v` ,iG° Q I MHVJ �6N eYGgs .. j - r ° a- V ' aMC � r 4 • N w� L..o� V �'� Ol� y O aw I Y LJ a .G •oC` •� Y� AR^ C C_ Y O� .. 1`. «b MO V V CVO wP Ci C1 w O � pp 6�A LVV V ENO CC MV V `y VM♦ l�4M� Vy �.r3 L+Q O••N �^ ^yyJ � � Y" *L* Yu� sL'"Co �+ . F 91i rY.� yD LYppp '^ f1 Q S � V � G� O �� 4N ■ CL'titi `,y� p ri y!N} V COY Y CM _2" o ^^ {�'Y. ciG O Giib a v a or kOTR ^: L^y� 6 QQ C p S 1 C 40 O i+'... rd �q N A L gg CC YV 1•�� °nn ^2 N N a1i�aT ff LZ �Kwt .�r'.{L°� �C `�• 4 y:/� N 0 tl _ ii N Y Y C 6 ra HE Y ry yy w� N C m N ' a.— `t i T 0701 -02 O 10 -12 -88 PC kenda of 5 \ Y Y Y Y Y O A Y Y tY1 `tl L L M M t LW ^ ^ 4 4 O N N a V V ur goo SY ° °mod z� a a.aE �n o O O Y A C YL A VM1.:J 4yN• O � h �w 4 ' b b 4JT ' 'i0'tifl Me � �Lpp 4pGQY G V 2E A M u 66 _O 4i K V wz A V y'�CO C yy 4 ¢r 6 R .°�'Y b ° o c Y`�a dx40 Y L Q O Y 4 G jf x� A x L yVMC. C C V OSY N x 4w Ni a� RY °a�:jQ YL v� ku°i iFina+.ir- 1 Ll 9 Ma� L 4°• Nq� j 6k V f. v L u M L1,.CC L 6 M r'44 b tiA �'d i N ` w x:/. f=ilms k L,d t"yR lift � ■� N Q L d�� lvN Q �MYN Me. W. 01 C N 41l a Pacy MY N Y ca A c y • O b .17 L {� YEN O 4t�1 -0 G� 4M f YY O yaQi d4 Be •JnY Vyy� W r' L 4 L A N A M Ya Are >w w N y06 C Yw .c+rY Q C bM V V MC yW L 'V YM G 1pr yy OP1t CM Y,O 4 y i p � O Y byy C rotip�N uw R » y 0 CC R x a Qy aQ`� C 4 Oww +s G G Ywx bVm QO 2LA• sa VC V O V N �O ^� ;• Q NF. uOuy t`•u c.$ p ryry4 MIL O4 LyL1 � Ob CC �MYq�. x„a.M1 WNL" Gqw wwva ignu. au 11 Ll I G 1pr yy OP1t CM Y,O 4 y i p � O Y byy C rotip�N uw R » y 0 CC R x a Qy aQ`� C 4 Oww +s G G Ywx bVm QO 2LA• sa VC V O V N �O ^� ;• Q NF. uOuy t`•u c.$ p ryry4 MIL O4 LyL1 � Ob CC �MYq�. x„a.M1 WNL" Gqw wwva ignu. au 11 Ll I 11 Ll I I — CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF RFFOM DATE: October 12, 1988 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Jeff Gravel, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: E:NVIROWENTAL ASSESSMENT AND VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN es o e c or a Community request o amen two s y Plan Land Use Map, located on the south side of Highland Road at Milliken Avenue on 9.3 acres to the west of Milliken and 1?.9 acres to the east of Rili,,<en. The request proposes reducing the Medium High Fesidential designation (14 -24 dwelling ,units per acre) to a 'Medium Residential designation (8 -14 dwelling units per acre) and switching the designation of the two sites to Neighborhood Commercial on the southeast corner and Medium Residential on the southwest corner - APN: 227 - 011 -22 and 202 - 211 -48. I. 9ACKGROUND: Tire General Plan Amendment 88 -03E portion of the a c e tatif Report for Planning Commission meeting on September 28, 1988, wan heard and acted upon. The Victoria Community Plan Amendment 88 -07 needed to be rescheduled for October 12, 1988, because of n error in ;advertising that request. All facts remain the same, see attached Staff Report. II. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt a affached Resolution recommending approval of the Victoria Community Plan Amendment 88 -07 to the City Council and issue a Negative Declaration, thereby altering the designat;ons to switch from Medium Residential to Neighborhood Commercial between the two sites. Respectfully submitted, Brad Buller City Planner BS:JG:vc »tachment: September 28, 1988 Staff Report (GPA 88 -03E) Resolution of Approval ITEM I� CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Ad STAFF REPORT Airr DATE: September 28, 1988 TO: Chai-iman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Jeff Gravel, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ANR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, 88- --WILLIAM 133r LYON COMPANY - A request to amen3two sites of e land use map or the General Plan within the Victoria Groves (west of Milliken on 9.3 acres) and Victoria Vineyards (east of Milliken on 12.9 acres) Villages of the Victoria Community Plan. The request proposes the switching of Medium High Residential to Neighborhood Commercial between the two sites. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSf'1417 AND VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT AM. LYUN . - A request to amen tfie land use es gnat ons, within the Victoria Groves (west of Milliken on 9.3 acres) and Victoria Vineyards (east of Milliken on 12.9 .acres) Villages of the Victoria Community Plana The request proposes the switching of land uses designations from Medium High Residential to - Neighborhood Commercial between the two sites - APN:227- 011-22, 202 - 211 -48. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: North - Existing Highllnd Avenue, future Foothill freeway corridor South - Existing vacant land zoned for Low Medium Residential,(4 -8 dwelling units per acre) to the west of Milliken and Mediwn Residential, (8 -14 dwelling units per acre) to the east East Existing vacant land zoned for Medium Residential, (8 -14 dwelling units per acre)/Community Facility West - Existing Single Family Residential, Low Medium Residential,(approved at 5.5 dwelling units per acre) Y PLANNING COMMISSION TCAFF REPORT GPA 88 -03E - WILLIAM LYON CGHPANY September 28, 1988 Page 2 a 8. Genet-al Plan designations; Project Site - Neighborhood Commercial, a 9.3 acre site to r►.p west of Milliken Avenue and Medium High Residential 12.9 acres, (14 -24 dwelling units per acre) to to east. North.' - Foothill Freeway Corridor, just North of Highland Avenue South - Medium Residential (8 -14 dwelling units per acre) East Y Low 14ediut Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) West - Nedium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) C. Site Characteristics: The oroject sites are currently jacent an so are the 'se ?rounding parcels except to the west where single family dwelling units have been developed. Both sites ha,a frontage on Highland cnd Milliken Avenues. .According to the Victoria Community Plan, both sites will have street rf"ht of ;gays on-all sides. II. ENVIRONMENT;' 1, ASSESSMW: Staff 42as. ,ompleted the Initial St,,dy and '— revvT"weo' ron -entai Checkllttt, ,-art 11 of the Initial Sw4r, and has found no significant &,verse anvirono.intal impacts to occur as a result of the proposed General Plan Amendment 88 -03E and Victoria Oonnunity Plan Amendment ".8 -07. It is anticipated that any potential of vehicular impacts may be successfully mitigated at the development project level. III. STAFF ANALYSIS: The requested General Plan Amendment will only swifcg a" and use designations between the two parcels. However, the proposed Neighborhood Commercial site will slightly increase the intensity of the traffic ` calation in th4 area, approximately 22 percent or 1750 trips. This increase is insignificant to the total number of trips generated by the two sites according to the City's Traffic Engineering Division. Therefore, staff fee's chat it is unnecessary for the applicant to conduct a trip generation traffic study. The following analysis summary shows potential outcomes of the General Plan Amend2ent versus existing land use: designations: ,Uedium High Residential Existing 12.9 ac. *245 dwelling units 14 -24 DU s Requested 9.3 ac. *177 dwelling units per acre *NOTE: Assumes an average 19 dwelling units per acre 1.`3 a i PLANNIW -. COMMISSION STAFF REPORT GPA 88 -.3E - WILLIAM LYON COMPANY September 28, 1988 Page 3 Neighborhood Commercial Existing, Requested 9.3 ac. *93,000 sq. ft. Leasable area 12.9 ac. *130,000 sq. ft. *NOTE: Assumes approximately 23 percent site coverage As shorn in the previous summary analysis the potential residential development will be decreased alloying the commercial leasable area to increase and become more marketable for development, according to the applicant. Furthermore, it is a generally accepted land use principle that a Multiple Family Residential designation is a less intensive land use than most Commercial. In �, descending order of land use intensity a Medium High ResidentiaT designation would be more compatible, than commercial, adjacent to a Low Medium Residential designation. On Tuesday, September 20, 1988, 7 -00 p.m. e. the Neighborhood Community Center, a community meeting was conducted by staff and attended 5y representatives of the William Lyon Company. The attendance was good `th approximately 24 residents present. All residents spoke in opposition of the General Plan Amendment. Their main concern was the potential of apartment development being located closer to their neighborhood and the problems such as related crime, school impacts and traffic circulation. Residents in Victoria Groves and some in the surrounding area have signed a petition containing 472 signatures all of which oppose the requested amendment (See Exhibit "C "). Following the community meeting, William Lyon Company stated that they are willing to reduce the residential, density from Medium High (14 -24 dwelling units per acre) to Medium (8 -14 dwelling units per acre). According to the Victoria Community Plan, flexibility in managing the plan allows the land res to be redesigned by one degree of intensity, whether increased or decreased. Any and all variations shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Committee. Also, the applicant has indicated that the site will be developed with for sale townhouse condominivas and not rental apartments. IV. FACTS FOR FINOItiGS: General Plan Amendment 88 -03E and Victoria Community a— endment 88 -07 will not be detrimental to the adjacent properties or cause significant adverse environmental impacts. Should the, Commission determine that the amendment would promote the land use goals and purpose of the General Flan, the following findings may be made for approval: ,7 —q 11 0 r y., m w I'I ENI- GPA 88.03, WILLIAM L'You ^0. TrrU-SITE ISiiA� EXHIBIT' SCALE -AO—NE 4. 7 lo, 12 13 )4_ ig Ili 17 _ 18 IA PET_ IT (MOM11 Poor Quality We the residents of Victoria Groves-a master planned (single family dwelling )community , adamantly oppose the petition by William Lyon Companv for a general plan amendment regarding a change in land use designation; specifically the proposed multi - dwelling apartment site at or near the south- east corner of the intersection of Fairmont Way and Highland Avenue. We cite problems concerning the overcrowding of this residential area, over taxation of city services( fire acrd shegiff's dept.), traffic congestion, the possibility of increased crime due to the nature of non - permanent residents (non - property owners), school overcrowding and a possibility of a depreciation of existing home values in:Victoria Groves. The aforementioned problems already exist in the community. Allowing this proposed amendment for apartment dwellings in a residential- neighborhood will already compound he rasults. ------------------------------ NAME --- ---- --- ----------- -- -- -- -....I ADDRESS 'J y ( r,. LA T — --- �� V4L /c 4Z L `Y ?s:� QA -. � J� -I�,. -r u�. �- , a 9u <'. 9 — Y 'J y ( r,. m E 2z ZF .24 2-1 f, 'O"91nal Poor Qualty - ------ - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !--= - - - - - - - - - - ---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - e --EL -r pL AiA t &-T PETITION PAGE We the residents of Victoria Groves -a master - planned (single family dwelling) community, adamantly oppose the petition by William Lyon Company for a general plan amend- ment regarding a change in land use designation; specifically the proposed multi - dwelling apartment site at or near the southeast corner of the intersection of Fairmont Way and Highland Avenue. We cite problems concerning overcrowding of residential aria, over taxation of city services, (fire, and sheriff's department) traffic congestion, possibility of increased crime, due to the nature of non - permanent residents, s- .^wool ov,,r_ crowding and possible deprecation of existing home values :.n Victoria Grcves. The aforemention _u.w, ems already exist in this Awk c Rp ommunity. Allowing this proposed amendment for apartment dwellings in a residential neighborhood will only compound the results. ------ ------- - ° - - -- ____ -------------------- ----- - ----- - -- - -- ME DDRESS PHONE# _ _ ---------------- ----------------------------- 7iu1 �O/.n,.rU EN t ri t 1 / r � �� • S )a � r � it /,�.t/C.&.Es'TF..,e .$•�. `j /7�/ 9y/�/ - � 3 °A Rio 14 399-7 r, EN ``% g - -- r''r'' ------------ _____ __ - `_ —__ J1PPl2F ^.S. .._____. ---------- tq c�f� �' r 1 ���5�i 4:4'ell;t•i lr•, ;i J { `r r • 077 37 1 b - {'fdi+d `,�,� 1. '� �'` •� � :x t� . c (T f n`. ;�.' J� it : L \ \�n . l l� ��11�rb1 (r`.�t �(t1 � 1 �•Y�( �"� �, �� Y- �.� — % `,�. rte•' =,, .•� ,,,.,� -, . , ' -:., _ .fin ���• �3 Y �- � t �f�. �.. _ _ � . � � r•, fPf' r .7�'- � 'f-' (f;'S /'i f �' ? < /.( try f`. 51 S, QV -.- - - - -- - - - -- i iiY �- - - - - -- x xf•1TTG+JY 1 too Ataci s- ALW 0 2 11 11 PETITION) g r(lw l ►Ai f. 3 Jr. 7 g !1, 1z 13 l 14G�5 16 1) 18 e the residents of Victoria Groves -a master ;Manned tsinyle family dwelli,.j )community , adaman mot): ot.00se the petition by William Lyon Company for a general plan amendment rL'16vd1:;.a a change in land use designation; specifice,lly the Proposed multi - dwelling apartment site at or near the south-- east corner of the intersection of Fairmont Way and Highland A-.enue. We cite problems concerning the overcrowding of this residential area, over taxation of city services( fire and sheriff's dept.;, traffic congestion, the possib 4.1ity of increased crime due to the nature of non- pernanen; residents (non - property cwners), school overcrowding and a possibility of a depreciation of existing home values in Victoria Gro -yes. The aforementioned problems already exist in the community. allo%'ng this proposed amendment. For apartment dwellings in a residential neighborhood will already comD_ound th` zcs.. ..tJ. ------------------------------------------------------------ ADDRESS i � i r V M �..1 - �� �,rrn� � � r I` c. 7 .7';.- PETITION _--� - -" -- —�= r .,- - -- ----- - - - - - -- b1A _ ZI � I i l 7 23� o �5 -i o3G v dep cow R7 ucr us .. w ` -`( as G. L�nC, 6?9 / .. ........... 32 1-5 3o L p // e,( Z3rs}�, // S�. /�Swg — r� �3 s U 5T IL t c I -WIV4V' LT4/ t RVA/ At —19 G `�:� � wz. m 0 0 ■ N�- - - - - -- -- - annxzss -- ' - - -- - - - -- - ._ -t' - -- �� -- -�- � -- ------- - - -• -- - - - -- .Haag-- - (EO 'Ass 7�`•4•.J ' .�cl :, - � �- • �� -(_. �f Y �/ •mac; � fol �tP rte• �2ec� e .t ! fot) AI (103 27 0 I�A M __ t•ET ITS ION - We the residents of Victoria Groves -a mastet ita ?.j (single famill. dwelling )community , adamantly or�;ose :he petition by William Lyon Company for a general plan ?mendment regarding a change in land use designation; specifical.r "he proposed multi- dwelling apartment site at or near the south- east_ corner of the intersection of Fairmont Way anO Highland Avenue. We q-?te problems concerning the overcrowding of this residential ,irea, over taxation of city services( fire and shegiff's dept.), traffic congestion, the possibility of increased crime due to the nature of non - permanent residents (non - property ovners), school overc,owd;- and a possibility of a depreciation of existing home valr in Victoria Groves. the aforementioned problems already exist in the community. Allowit-q this propo5_,' amendment for apartment, dwellings in a residential reign -jorhood will already compound the resUitc. ADDRESS - - -- • -3 37- to, �� S qN s - o R3.? IZ Z6 S 44- _U 4d _LLI t2 IV& Q 17ry.v PAGE PETITION 10"9117a, poor . ge I ------ -- --- --- --- - - - - -- NAME - --- ------------------ -- AL, rrk4' 24/ / •- i .i/ . ----------------- -- - - - - -- - DDRt:iS-------------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- PHONE__ _ r� T,�,, �•. / y'il... /may Al At �` C•� 31c�c14.: i1r�1i ��'' r— ' " "�' ���• I I 2& - 11.,r t ? tom: k��. 29 i ��tt -t, l._.!�l .`c 000 3► •.. i r+�ti \Q'i�lclf +i . �14ML �,5� (719e, — r7 5'4cJS t Ti 1 6; 5 L ` q_�a ael v Al yq ©. 41.5 7 j •T 50 '� %�� •f �l1)(•`��' � 171 " -r r_ . ! ±'• dam" � —�Y� r � 1 ���4�— ;;+ d,' 53 '514 57 58 lw 4-4 &I 61A 67 7.7 73 '75 .75 77 -7S -fi, go( sr 94. 86 Qh QwMitg ----------- ---- ----- - ADD.� R ---------------------------- ?4iQuz#---- 7 �7& 1^ A IZ-O 3 9LI Y -/V//. F.?y 4,- ae 5-11 t Pyeig IqE2 6 / -- h'y - I/ is (Pf 61 StRIO sT. gyv- 110(.j Sha,. St IF44 &4 ifOL I xf- Ilo Zc/ S 7- /o79 CC z 4' ip Y- 9q9 1/0 Yy-kne �v Ag* dd3 f e_&44, W. 1103:2 J&2= cil". svn3Z.- �e- i JL2= AtA, /1()S§O FQ eA4,4-,J 0,-r T,4AIA-L— 2Agraf,,z g N D-91:5± -513 17L s:-02 91 /2 Aj 9L r 71-C '7 ri //0 r 5 E., C QCR 93 94 a5 qb 9,l qI PETITION p/ f(( NAMP 8 t r r ---L-- -- - _� - -- 1 a/ I - q _' -- - u 11 ` A !J (lilt -7 s f �• o q : �yt L n T -J *»`} We the residents of Victoria Groves -a master planned {single family dwelling ;community , adamantly oppoz5e the petition by WillizIm Lyon. Company for a general plan amendment regarding a chanc.a in :Land use designation; specifically the proposed multi - dwelling apartment site at or near the south- east corner of tha intersection of Fairmont Way and Highland Avenue, We citia problems concerning the overcrowding of this residential area, over taxation of city services( fire and sheriff's dept,), traffic congestion, the possibility of increased crime due to the nature of non - permanent residents (non- property ovners), school overcrowding and a possibility of a depreciation of existing home values in.Yictorfa Groves. The aforementioned problems already exist in the community. Allowing this proposed amendment for apartment dwe!lings in a residential neighborhood will already compound the results. NAME .,______M__..__..---- ADIIEES J -------------------- ....__.__PHONE# _ PET ITION Grigipal `P06r WaUty We the residents of Victoria Groves -a master planned (single family dwelling )community , adamantly optsose the petition by William Lyon Company for a general plan amendment regarding a change in land use designation; specifically the proposed multi - dwelling apartment site at or near the south- east corner of the intersection of Fairmont Way and Highland Avenue. We cite problems concer,'ing the overcrowding of this residential area, over taxation of city services( fire and sheniff °s dept.), traffic congestion, the Possibility of increased crime due to the nature of non - permanent residents (non - property owners), school overcrowding and a possibility of a depreciation of existing home values in Victoria Groves. The aforementioned problems already exist in the ti community. Allowing this proposP::; _uiendment for apartment dwellings in a residential neighborhood will already compound the results. 1 3. b. 7. tj ------------e----------------<--------------- NAME -------------------- ADDRESS DC]f1. - �IC6� v , 7 r tc ? r 1 cr `r _T S r� ---------- ---------- - - - - - °- - - - =- -- Ixf " .H 6 69 �� �.t 7 1 cr `r _T S r� We the residents of Victoria Groves -a mastet :;canned (single family dwelling )community adamant iv at}'cS� the Petition by William Lyon Comanny for a general plan amendment r.egaroing a change in land use designation; specifically the proposed multi- dwelling apartment site at or near the south- east corner of the intersection of Fairmont Way and Highland Avenue. We cite problems concerning the overcrowding of this residential area, over taxation of city services( fire and sheziff's dept.), traffic corges *_ion, the possibility of increased crime due to the nature of non - permanent residents (non - property owners), school overcrowding and a possibility of a depreciation if existzr,: home values in Victoria Groves. The aforementioned Problems already exist in the community. Allowing this prapcsed amendment for apartment uVe-lings in a residential ne� ghborhood will already cc apound results. ------------ T- --- -- s-*- �r-�ADtJ}2ES3 --------- - -- --- -PHONE IQQOJ ay.1Z7Z a_. Q .z YAqb� T� R.C. CA. 90nI -�� 3. 9/741 7 RAT $ , U ��.� Qf1� 1470 lo. X30 /d. - � strtwi- 917b ¢ _q 13. y P � 14. S' `i I5 , 090G /ham 17, l5 C, f / PETITION � `lao -- -- - - -- .------ - - - - -- .- 8-- ���'�� ----------------- - gnus L �� f § 44 as ak C. _ 7 I - -�V7 V7 logz? cY1��, ¢5k� S R•e- 9YY -1-2 z � � G4Gr • �. f � � - /79tf 3i - /690 �t�.+c✓% ��. , e �� —6 S'? a . o /990 ��.?y, lC.c. ?Clq-4TIa �r JA44 T e i�i� ria� A 11 s/ met / l �L• ��1 lI / � // , � ..r MOM Pl. WIFIEWN, �I RrNI IA ILI IIICI pill L NE 5 .o 5 S L l 1.� r NE 5 .o 5 S L PET. , ii3N 1L A ' I c ak S We the residents of victoria Groves -a master planned (single family dwelling )community , adamantly oppose the Petition by William Lyon Company for a general plan amendment regarding a change in land use designation; specifically the proposed multi - dwelling apartment site at or near the south- east corner of the intersection of Fairmont Way and Highland Avenue. lie cite problems concerning the overcrowding of this residential area, over taxation of city services( fire and sheniff's dept.), traffic congestion, the possibility of increased crime due to the nature of non- permanent residents (non- property owners), school overcrowding and a possibility of a depreciation of existing home values in victoria Groves. The aforementioned problems already exist in the community. Allowing this proposed amendment for apartment dwellings in a residential neighborhood will already compound ' ::c =osults. ADDRESS y T r / tin )(0 r 7411 i'�-�`lrsi`1 L'KM .�• < -,L E+r''J /Q Y j t. n 1 11 E ac 01 01 a. Zlo 4/ 4.3 4-; 44 l4s 4(- q7 149 4f 1z• PETITION dki dift poor ------------ NAMR - ----- ---------------- - ------------- --------------- l7c,7t-1 '--)0 grgl'& h 7,10t I el)e Vlt -v, Vyl MU- W A4't 3) J) Pi 1�. 4. 1�. 13 1q. 'S Ib 17 If. 11 PET,.. ITION _ We the residents of Victoria Groves -a master planned (single family dwelling )community adamantly oppose the Petition by William Lyon Company for = oral plan amendment regarding a change in land use designation; specificatl� the proposed multi - dwelling apartment site at or near the south- east corner of the intersection of Fairmont Way and Highland Avenue. lie cite problems concerning the overcrowding of this residential area, over taxation of city servi,es( firz and sheriff's dept.), traffic congestion, the ;possibility of increased crime due to the nature of non- perma;ient residents (non - property owners), school overcrowding and a possibility of a depreciation of exiRti.ng home values in Victoria Groves. The aforementionek problems already exist in the community. Allowing this proposed amendment for apartment dwellings in a residential neighborhood will already compound the results. NAME....____.,.._,...___.._..., AA DRESS,. _..T_�_..- ._,�_,.__�..___..___� _ 1 / Jrf 1 C 1 T/ i r 1 / Jrf 1 C 1 T/ m LtEY r- -: --- - AAIDDRE.S S - -- ;`J. aa. a3 . -f. �6. a$1 o, 0 04, - -.-I i A,4 Ile 7�2 .44- a 9/19/66 Dennis stout, mayor City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91703 Suae I to 10350 Connr.,�ce Cent =rpnve R"". Cucarrkxu a. CA 9 730.S833 11141914-,908 t 80032i't.114 01 ���� ASidraI'aryof VV@;WnSavmq,ofArizona 4 To Whom It May Concern, I recently purchased a home in the Victoria Tract of your city. Before I bought my home: I spent a full year looking at hones and areas in which to raise my family. I had previously lived in Rialto which was experiencing an upswing i criR* and I desperatly needed to find a family Orientated neighborhocr xch also reflected pride of ownership. When I found the Victo ,&.set tract I was very pleased with the depth of planning the city had done. Secause I am a cautious buyerrSl called the city to inquire atout this city plans for the property south of:Nighland Avs. between Milliken and Fairmont. toy final decision to buy at Vif toria was based on the fact that no multi family or apartment dwellings were to be built on this site. I have recently learned that the William Lyon Co. has requested a change of their original plan for low ccxnnercial to a large apazant complex. If this change shou�.d tj approved we would all suffer from its adverse effects. The Proximity of apartments to my home and the over crowding of the elementary school is not scmething I had planned on. We would all feel the effect of increased traffic as well as over crowding of our park. I have lived in neighborhoods with apartment cOmPlexes surrounding it and have never seen these areas have a pos'' .ve growth effect or even remain the same. I intend to make Victoria my permanent how and hop- that yo�tc�i11 consider my concerns with the William Lyon proposal. please keep this area zoned as it is - low commerical, Sincerely: Nancy P. Rogo 4 11024 Shaw St. Ak Rancoho Cucamonga, CA 4__ PEG °sr1` °G CITY OF r st M1 c>rt� SFP 04-0 11333 4 AM�:9�lptut�t�124�t�� 8 5 A� ts 8V-4-z, (ZOL( 0 Qr) LaL, 4,c Aj A rz Lfz wiuc#L —XZ oc At tRfjs t3ifC . ��a ot,�. a�•s�. era �,`� �*Wl ��� 1�,� V f Tva d, sa� Sum t yl t SO4i.IJ cry. ft 4 -( POOP' Cruality f lrf3� S n CCIY p 4tA C11v �r 4.1 SEP a AS BB Dear Mayor Stout,;. My husband and I have been residents of Rancho Cucamonga for more then 7 years. We moved into the Victoria Groves Community for specific reasons and now we find our interests are in jeopardy. We are strongly opposed to tYe proposed zoning change located on the south -east corner of Higb1and and Fairmont from low - volume co -imercial to high density aparcments. If these apartments are allowed to be constructed the trrffic will increase tremendously. The proposed proximity of this complex is within our school br<undries and will further endanger the children who walk to and from sc;^rool as traffic is already high in this community, we do not desire or need this extra burden.. Right now over 95% of our children walk to school and an apartment complex will bring in several hundred mcre cars and " a commercial site will not. We chose this community as the school is located within walking distance for our children with little traffic to contend with from our location but there are many more children who must cross Fairmont and walk longer distances, it's these children whom I'm concerned for. Let's stop a disaster before it happens. Our choice to stay in this city and live in this community was also based on living within single family horses only. The density of this community is high already apartments would only add to the problem. I do not desire t° live near apartments, this is transit housing, and for this reason , Dple do not tend to take care of the propertiev within and surounding their apartments as they do not have a financial investment ae risk. These apartments would be surrounded by single family homes, would you pay $180,000.00 for a home to look out your window with a view %i an apartment complex? No, I can not imagine anyone making such a choice. Now those of us that already live here and were expecting a small commercial site may now na?< have that choice. Believe me we would not have chosen to live near apartments, that is why we choia, this location and not Terra Vista. Mayor Stout,we have several apartment complexs already within the surrounding area. Terra Vista has several, the are more behind Lucky Market with more Neing built there as I write this letter. Why should we be forced to have them constructed within Victoria Groves? This is a single family home community and Chats why we as homeowners chose to invest here. There are many reasons we oppose this zoning change and it would take an ettremely lengthy letter, but I'm sure you understand why we are asking for yours, the city council and the planning dept. support on this issue. We will be attending the meeting sponsored by William Ifon and Hughes Development on the 20th of Sept. and the council meeting on the 28th. We hope to hear from you at these meetings with you supporting those of us in Victoria Groves, Respectfully, .1j, * CITY OF RA CFO CUC : OMA Mr. and Mrs. John S. Haston ADNF.IN!STS'!!CN 9/18/88 c.c. Planning Dept.: Brad Bulleh Homorable City Council SEP 1,91988 �!1 7i�tstl�, +l�t�t�st�a9 0 Date; September 21, 1988 Tor Brad Buller, City Planner; Cats. Dean rrom, is Stout, Mayor; Honorable. City Council 0'G I ar, opposed to the proposed apartment site at the southwest corner of Highland and Milliken. Please a!low that corner to retain commercial designation. its current neighborhod Lyon Company has proposed 185 units for the 9.3 acre'aite. Their represen- tatives have advised us that Leon Company rental developments are geared toward single adults who earn approximately thirty three developments goners per year. Unfortunately, their data was gathered at County. The circumstances which force a single d at projects t income level to live in a 400 square foot rentel unit simply ad no at th t this level Lyon any tenants will not be - single adults. will ng people who mesh to live in the attractive environment provided Tile prospective tenants by single - family homes with a neighborhood school. Apartments will introduce a new set of problems to Victoria GovJ.s, and traffic will increase. Enrollment will increase at as alreedy filled elementary school. Creme The added use of the park adjacent to the elementary school will compromise the current use of that park as the school's playground.. My husband and I purchased -a home In the Victoriin January of this year. We felt confident that our homeewasoaa good invest- ment because it is located in a prime residential area of single - family homes. .Medium density apartments in Victoria Groves will very the character of our neighborhood and lower property to refuse Lyon Company's likely change. request for a zone change. y 'slues. I urge you Catalina M. Johnson 7055 Chicago Ct. Alta Loma, CA 91701 6 i o�pp 1-0 ; GRAD rSUL M, CA-Ml PLANNc'2 OcNNLS S�;Ti M.4•Nr7IL L Fo�uo2P1f34E C.c ry COUntct i_ ! VhYI WR MNG T-0 LC- t^ PULj KNOW T). A ` 7 ftf'1 b ?POSi~C? 'rO R PROFDSLM 2vwtNG - 14Aav68 A-r ,fte `'aOUtTiWESi �AR��` ClP" ltl�itL+4n lkNA lY1ILL(K6NO a4 �ltE UtGTC,R.IA GRD1� =5 :''toK7sr,LN� 'i`2�Q,. -?co FbA (+An mc;R.�C�(A I- ��'i��i�i 5c°K Ta C, ANGw f Ire zopj" oesle- nvt'�c�N To mi~ttlUM ^ttt6H AEYviSt'rN RESlpsiv't'•r�C.�'i�i62t -x3y ALLOW(" cc�ws,���L>I�1 OIF IT ,5 Re►-rq. +9pRRrn�vz� CA.) 9.3 ACAP —M. THE OA)fT'S (,xtpUL.p 8E :,5mAf.L taiwoi3s are 4Ntr i mJvO wo SeWU ^0N �gAM2T�r1 ►"iS. G l'1{rS LS Nd7� AC-C- -PrAeF 6- RO& 'i a -POU-010chl4 I (��^ SONG : rl f%i� t�L%'.loE (ntcREf}6 Ini fop,,C*i7oni Lot LL Pv4' R POA rT tsg S T A4iN cri OUR Re<e -,L pPirNbA APO ALRM),t c.=...zeo Utc-Te),Q(A zRoU�S SCdtoOC . F n rl eD zi Rc'1v+xkL U�f v'$ r 6SPSCI +LL.4 iF(E SMALLER'' ^,.to (_oik YL ever ur)f7s PROFoseo j WILL ,j-rrrtij-eT VIUSAVop l T?—"N 'fJ-tS 71f7S wtLL ELSE ArJ 1^3CA :ISG !H eR(m P- LH- lieS r r{vk r PRoPo-Z DAYnofCaE 7'ite PNc5 Cu0l02A--TSZof OVA INPV6 hBop -noclo Os: Z^LL)":>-}, -- CC+Ct�Pf StNGe (.E r^4�Iff L4 Ffa✓Mt5. T�?AFFft LEUQ � fN TetE A Qeri W(LL t VCA6Ptr6E, dAoVv-% P.)Ag wf e L aecome oJ.*CRWXEo. ISEV 46 7}fE N09774Sroeop >ALONG HtaGftr�la.1 �iER+�! Fi�ttBn► .}NA n'1rLU�iEN 19tl�S « _ :{�f�ir. c»al�E u,�,rs cacao c•ka�� f� �R�i'nl6vi' S4cr't; T-He E6GT7'0f» LfnyE IS LLforJ Co faro Nc(-- Pty THE U'se OF 7-nE Sc7L= WerL ++ o A)cw 56EKS �cZ �RE�t?t_v( r 4sE -! H E �XPL -ASS of oolc: Cr�PAG'1�E .. RL.Ct7tvrnlia 7 ffE zo vE CL1rh.vGE t afl,�. GRc?—SE iR'riCPrW��6LC- O►hvlrgEC , F n rl eD h9 3%3 ft600F 4'75 ep mH jQe7C�(ESO25 "AUL' S(6sJeO A P i7nn� 57R7�N6 D�2 Rt�lrmArv7 GP(bScTiOr�1 Ta 7W r ZOA)I — Ci{dkN6E, t Astt.T S' �lo�✓ P+�tRTt�7�i773N Tb T7119 NEf if aPPos1i74N kaRE^�5 p act ME Mkt NEI6Et= 25 A-NO OGn3Vlf 1'r4z; 2Ek�YNE E iju rM cGtk� � G TogjoSo,,J '706' C UC4Ca C.ocj1. —, Ft--"A LomA CfT ctt'70r i vinol POOF Quality RECE Ili a: t y C. iY =`` ;AMCHQ Ci:i:.r.r� , 1 " + j.. <:.. �� rt 1�•l�. l :� SEP 2 U 1988 -IT 1YL %t-ct rn j // r u• /ac.t2� t 6ILS pr( jes c` �a `I /Lo 4Scgk 'rp• =1�, ,�� r�ct ,�tt1� �i Ott' okn A4U.r4vtlz- �t2ea5 \ ttft Ov�tL `.0 may. lifw� 06 t..th�..s. K.. c, a. -d6` ,, •a id c�IQbl,� q co 11 - wa2� A iS Sexes Q�`cc a Vw'r..4L. id Ate. A.LJ IL AL 0-Irt. 1 ig - - { 13 J�'e7A�asrz/� .444. ' '�� I.a -rtc � � tr_ r►rdr..r 1s,7 aas i� L ae,�a.....�,q < �94� ��TcS� SiZt25 00uzC',Cac ! %�..` r`�{ c W VicT +,e%. roiJ�Ss i�l �ftdc 4I5 .,j( �oa 60.2 t�6c,�� c1��,t teSSa \4)4- 6ca �rJtSt. CC �-� V-4 ; t, VVILI.1AM LYON�1!r��r ea�drr 8540 ARCHIBALD, SUITE 8, RANCHO CUCAMONGA.. CA 41730 - (714) 980-2244 September 22, 1488 BY MBSSEPVM Mr. Brad Buller City Planner City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Dear Mr. Buller: Reference is made -to our applicatoa- dated July 14, 1988 for a General. Plan Amend-mart con,em -eng Highland and Milliken I\Teigtlbor-. iod Canmrcial and MH Residential Properties. Please consider, thie letter as 7he William j,yo,j CmPany'n recXest that you modify the above mentioned application by Changing the residential use designation fray MH to M concerning the parcel located West of Milliken Avenue. . The result of this modification of our proposal would be the elimination of approdmately 385 "rental'; apartment units and instead provide for approximately 100 "far sale" tour; house /condominium residential hates. Clearly it is our desire to proceed With the modified amendment without delay. Ver�f truly f,,> Senior V:ice"Presi ; cc John Markley, The William Lyon Company John Potter, ,.�ughes Davzlncraarb t REAL ESTATE DEVE`- 0PMtNT C NVUAJA M Ilk ON ` daaa�ran JAMES F BAILEY SENIOR MEPRESMENT September 22, 1988 rQr. Brad Buller city Planner City of Rancho Cucanrlga 9329 Baseline Road RA J o Gti��mga, "--*' ifornia 91730 Dear Brad: dlosed is my request for modifying our PrbPas^d General Plan arrenchient as we discussed. we certainly-,, grd from thf:'ccrnm city loud and clear that they did not wan- an apartment project located wia-iiZ�in 'Ihe Groves neighborhood of Victoria. 'I hope this change in our Proposal- is seen as a strong indication trpt our cacgany does listen ami is very mach ccn, me i frith the need z.id desires of the Victoria Ca mmity. Sincerely, James F. Bailey 8540 Archibak! AVantmk SWfO 8, Rancho Cucomwg(4 CoHt 91730 (714) 980.224+0, PLANNING C"ISSION STAFF REPORT GPA 88 -03E - WXLLIAH' LYON COMPAA'Y September.28, 1988 Page 4 ` A. The subject properties have both been found suitable for intended use proposed, by the amendment. B. The intended -used have been found compat hle with the surrounding areas in tRrms of access, vet, le /fedestrian circulation, and intensity. C. The proposed amendment will not have any adverse environmental impacts that can not be mitigated. D. The amendment is in conformance with th= goals and objective of the Genera; Plan. V. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised as a public hearing in the a y,epo�r_t newspaper, the property posted, and . notice:: sent to all -pro- perky owners within 300 feet of the projL .-t site. VI. RECWENDATION: Staff: recommends that the Planning N Co*,nis,�..11 aa z op ;e a ached Resolution recommending approval of the General Plan Amendment 88 -03F and Victorit, Community Plan Amendment 88 -07 to the City Cauncil and issue a Negative Declaration, thereby allowing the designations to switch from MAdium -High Residential to Neighborhood Commercial between the two- bs. Respectfully submitted, 1 Brad Buller City Planner BB:JG :js Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Genera% Plan Map Exhibit "B" - Site Map Exhibit "C" - Fwtition Exhibit "D" - Letters Resolution of Approval for General Plan Amendment j Resolution of Approval for Victoria Community Plan Amendment RESOLUTION NO. A RESOD 9TION OF THE PLANNING C"IISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA REC"ENDING APPROVAL OF THE VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 38 -07 TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNAMN FROM MEOIUM -HIGH RESIOEN IAL TO NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL FOR 12.9 ACRES OF LAND AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MILLIKEN AVENUE AND HIGHLAND AVENUE, AND FROM NEGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL TO MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL FOR 9.3 ACRES OF LAND AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF MILLIKEN AVENUE AND HIGHLAND AVENUE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APNz 227- 011 -22 and 202- 211 -48. A. Recitals. (i) The William Lyon Company has filed an application for a Victoria Community Plan Amendment No. 88 -07 as lipicribed in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, t,�Ie subject Victoria Community Plan Amendment is referred to as the application". (ii) On October 12, 1988, the Planning Commission of the City o{ Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as fol%ws: 1. This Commission hereby Specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A. of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substar`.ial evidence presented to this Commission during the public hearings on September 28, 1988 and October 12, 1988. including written and oral staff reports, together tvi�h public testimony, this Commission hereby spec-ifically finds as follows: (a) The appli,sation applies to approximately 12.9 and 9.3 acres of land, basically rectangular configurations, located at the southeast corner and southwest corner of Milliken and Highland Avenues; and is presen.iy vacant. Said properties are currently designated as Medium -High Residential to the east and Neighborhood Commercial to the west; (b) The property to the north of the subject site is designated Very Low (2 dwelling units per acre) and Low (2 -4 dwelling units per acre) Residential; however; bisdcted by the Foothill freeway corridor which is vacant. The property to the west is designated Low Medium Residential (4 -8 dwelling units per acre) and is developed with Single Family Homes. The property to the east is designated Medium Residential (8 -14 dwelling units per acre) /Community Facility and is vacant. The property to the south is designated Medium Residential (8 -14 dwelling units per acre) and is vacant. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMEND. 88 -07 October 12, 1988 Page 2 (c) This amendment does not conflict with the Land. Use Policies of the General Plan and will provide for development, within the district, in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development; and (d) This amendment promotes the goals and objectives of the Land Use ElemQnt; and (e) This amendm� would not be materially injurious or detrimental to the adjacent properties and would not have a significant impact on the enviornment and /nor the surrounding properties and tha± a Negative Declaration be issued. 3. Based upon the evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraph 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the subject property is suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed district in �I terms of access, size, and compatibility with existing land use in the surrounding area; and J b) That the proposed amendment would not have significant impacts on the environment nor the surrounding properties; and (c) That the proposed amendment is in conformance 'i with the General Plan. 4. This been reviewed and considered in complianceawith ethe fCalifornia h Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Commission recommends a Nega i ve Declaration to the City Council. t f 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraph 1, 2 and 3 above, this Commission hereby resolves that, to pursuant Section 65850 to 65855 of the California Government Code, that the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approval of the Victoria Community Plan hnendment No. 88 -07. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. f Vl . Y PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION No. VICTaRIA COWUNITY PLAN AMEND. 88 -07 October 12, 1988 Page 3 APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1988. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCtn_ �UCAMONGA BY: Wry T. McNiel, a rman ATTEST: Brad Buller, Secretary- 1. Brad Bulle", Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by -the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting ;?f the Planning Commission held on the 12th day of October, 1998, by. the follow)ng vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Adak NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA SC STAFF REPORT DATE: October 12, 1988 TO: Chairman and Memhers of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Beverly Nissen, Assistant Kanner SUBJECT: EMilRONMENTAL. ASSESSMENT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 87 -33 - 'I'OAAER = i ques or a an a on ona se erm o aTTi adminstrative /office. uses within three buildings of an existing industrial complex located at 9375 Archibald Avenue the General Industrial District (Subarea 4) of the Industrial Area Specific Plan. APN: 210 - 072 -47 and 48. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action RRe_quested: Review of a "Master" Conditional Use Permit to allow w office /administration and office medical within Buildings 100, 200 at;d 300 (28,202 square feet) of the ArchiCenter I complex. B. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: North - Southern California Edison Substation and 6th Street; Industrial Specific Plan (Subarea 4) South - Existing Industrial Park; Industrial Specific Plan (Subarea 4) East - Industrial; Industrial Specific Plan (Subarea 4) West - Vacant; and Archibald Avenue Industrial Specific Plan (Subarea 16) C. General Plan Designations: Project Site - General Industrial North - General Industrial ° South - General Industrial East - General Industrial West - Industrial Park D. Site Characteristics: The site is currently developed with eight buildings on 4.65 acres. The entire site is currently provided with 175 parking stalls. The five buildings Cn the eastern portion of the site are industrial in character ITFM 3 PLILINING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 8733 — TURNER October 12, 1988 Page 2 and appearance while the three buildings on the western portion of the site adjacent to Archibald Avenue are more traditional office style in appearance. E. Back rcund The Planning Commission approved the ArchiCenter proNec on December 13, 1978 under Director's Review 78 -31. The approval was granted for both professional office space and industrial space. At the time of approval the area was zoned M -1 (light manufacturing), as the Industrial Specific Plan had not yet been adopted. F. Parking Calculations: Number of Number of Type Square Parking Spaces Spaces of Use Footage Ratio Re ired Provided Proposed: Industrial/ 32,800 1/500 66 175 Manufacturing Office/ 24,492 1/250 98 Administrative Medical /Health Care 3,751 1/200 19 7.�tal 1U i7S 1I. ANALYSIS: A. General: As indicated above, the ArchiCenter complex was approve in 1978 for hoth professional office and industrial space. At the time of approval, the area was zoned M -1 which permitted office use tis a matter of right. The Planning Commission has previou;tly stated its reluctance to grant "Master" CUP's; however; staff is of the opinion that this request is reasonable for the following reasons. The complex was designed and has been operating as garden offices since construction in 1979. The three office buildings (100, 200 and 300) are situated in a campus -like setting with extensive landscaping. The three office buildings are inter - connected by extensive pedestrian connections. The office buildings are constructed of a wood siding and no roll -up doors or truck loading areas are provided. It was not until 1981, with the adoption of the Industrial Area Specific Plan, that the zoning regulations changed to require a Conditional Use Permit for office type uses. In this case approval of the "Master" Conditional Use Perm;t would provide the City with control of tie entire center rather than just Individual tenants. In addition, the range of uses which the ,'M PLANNING COMINISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 87 -33 - TURNER October 1'K, 1988 Anik Page 3' E applicant is requesting (see Exhibit "B ") is consistent with the original approval and existing tenancy. However, it should be noted that the site would be eight parking spaces deficient if the proposal was approved. as presented. The applicant has been notified of this condition and has agreed to a two week continuance in order to prepare a parking study and work with staff to resolve the parking situation. B. Environmental Assessment: Part I of tt Initial Study has been ' comp e e y e'app can . Staff has completed Part ll of the Environmental Checklist and has found no significant impacts on the environment as a result of this project. III. CORRESPONDENCEz This item hap been advertised as a public hearing in The a Ty—R_eport newspaper, the property posted and notices sent to all prope�y owners within 300 feet of the project site. IV- RECOMMENDATION. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission gran a wo week continuance so that the applicant may work with staff to resolve parking issues on the site. Res Ily s meted, 8r 8ui city nner 88:BN:mlg Attachments: Letter from Applicant Exhibit "A" - Location Map Exhibit "B" - List of Requested. Uses Exhibit "C" - site Plan. -T-1 CORDOVA & RUZICKA RON CORDOVA ATTORNEYS AT LAW OF GREGORY V. RUZICKA 3S9 SAN MIGUEL CALVE ROBEROT L. LINO SUITE 301 N.EWPO: ° BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 (714) 7S9 -(O60 September 16, 1988 City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Development Department Planning Division Re: Justification for granting CUP Application #87-33 Initially, the party requesting this Master Conditional Use Permit did not construct the building that is the subject of the pending application. The building was constructed as an office building and was designed for e;itry level and middle size businesses.- The property is currently zoned for research and development. The building is currently only 39% occupied, prcdoninately due to the fact that no Master Conditional Use Permit is in place, The application once granted shall create no negative impacts on the City, but will in the alternative enhance the business climate desired by the City by facilitating full utilization of a modern up -scale business complex, with the concurrent bL - ficial impacts on local economy and other businesses the area, plus enhanced tax revenue from the project. The Archicenter is the perfect locale for clean, small entrepeneurial enterprises, the image the City would reasonable wan: to encourage. It is therefor respectfully requested that the application foi toaster Conditional Use Permit be approved without delay, S me ly,, TURNER er Properties I J/ 13 Ll El (PRC'A7A CUCAMONGA PUNNING DtVI ? rrEm,, COP &j --3.3 TITLE= 1-04A I),!y JIArP --EXHIBIT: -� SC.LE= Bide. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 10' 100 Unit 101 102 103 104 105 107 110,111 112 114 Total Building l: Total Occupied: Total Vacant: 200 201 200 202 200 203 200 204,206 200 205 200 208 200 209 Total Building 2: Total Occupied: Total Vacant: 300 301 00 302 300 305 300 307 300 307 100 310 -312 300 314 303 315 Total Building 3: Total occupied: `total vacant: Summaries: TURNS; BUSINESS CENTRE i2.-Ft. 3;750 1400 400 350' 400 2,354 950 600 1,396 10,600 3,496 7,104 5,75' 300 550 1,150 450 380 500 7,080 2,950 4,130 1,875' 1,837 2,000 1,847 475 1,150 410 928 10,522 3,882 6,640 Tenant Vacant Presbyterian Min. Fund Vacant Berkman De., kin Vacant Nafra Vacant %L. WilIiarns Vacant Eck Miller Advanced" Transport Matrix Clenton Vacant Golden. State Vacant Vacant Vacant Southland Bath '01 Magic Terminex Sage Vacant Existing, /Propos,2 Use. Office /Medical Office /Administrative Office /Administrative Office /Administrative Office /Administrative Office /Administrative Office/Administrative Office /Administrative Office /Administrative Office/Administrative Office /Adm inist,ative Office /Administrative Office /Administrative Office /Adtninistrztive Office /Administrative Office /Administrative Office/Administrative Offic, i /Administrative Offict Mdministrative Office (Administrative Off ice;'Admk►istrative Officer Administrative Office /; Administrative Office /i administrative {Occupancy: 36.62% Vacancy: 63.38% Parking: Existing Stalls: 110 After Re- Stripe: 123 .�:jtl2 -ks -1 O Building i Building 2 Building 3 Total Total Square FootagQ Occupied Square Footage: I0,600 3,496 7,080 2,950 10,522 28,202 Vacant Square Footage: 7,104 4,130 3,882 6,640 10,328 17,874 {Occupancy: 36.62% Vacancy: 63.38% Parking: Existing Stalls: 110 After Re- Stripe: 123 .�:jtl2 -ks -1 O 11 NOT A PART A 1...1► IIWnlI 111111111 j, 00 ! 0 ), r 0 Q T U 1Z: Q lam` -tivo : 1 800 1 ' 700 IFIT I iI tT I I I I Q tl � soQ c r q WHIM 1110 400 �141PI.IIIlII1! W- J00,0 cjwvo, Do NMTH CITY OF RANCHO C� rr�t= —�'3► MANNING >cxv T� �+�� 9 EXHIBIT-. SCr'4a; : r CITY OF RANvt ,!O CUCA1ViCM;A STAFF REPORT DATE: October 12, 1988 TO: Chairman and Membeis of the Planning Commission FPOM: Brad Buller, City Planner= BY: Cynthia S. Kinser, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 87-7I - CtRfRCIAL CARRIERS. 1NC. An appeal of e an ions o APP r 93-1 for a grading and paving of approximately 12 acres of land for an existing site within the Minimum impact /Heavy Industrial Specific Plan (Subarea 9) located on the south side of Jersey Boulevard: between Utica and Vincent Avenue - APN., 209- 143 -7, 8 & 9. I. BACKGROUND: Ti us item was continued from the September 14 1988 ann ng ommi!s+c.-, mcc.,!rj to the October 22, 1988 meeting, in order for the applicant to work with staff to detentine driveway locations. On September 27, 1988, the applicant requested this item be continued to the October 26, 1988 Planning Commission r4eting. This continuance has been requested to allow the applicant and staff more time to resolve the project issues (see Exhibit "A'). II. RECOMMENDATION: Staff retow"ids the Planning commission continue this i em to Mtober 28, 1988. Rest oily fitted, /City Ier 1 enner BBtCSKrmlg Attachmeni:s Leiter of Continuaw e - September 27, 1998 I TtV K 27 September 1988 C�tv nr As. ^.oho Cucamcnsa -EP 81iii'Q Post Office $ox 807 Rancho Cucaml -; iga, COL Ornia 91730 Attn. Cynthia S, Kinse:v fie. Minor Development RHvicu 87-73 - Dear ..y. Kinskar, As discussed yesterday, WO 'wish to tontinue this it'M to the October 26 Planning Commission me#yAng in brde�, to have sufficient time to meet with Staff and hopefully rehalve :hp issues on this project. If you have any questions or ^M,,i3ra additional inforMatian, please Contact this orrice. Respectfully, .. «�.nffa.� wwiA1 d.:t: �.rtl�uJ•�u�`�N i. �♦ . T Grant Socklund Civil engineer W085-55 i CITY OF RAXNCHO CUCAMU-4GA STAFF REPORT 1 , DATE: October 12, IP88 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City l=_3ner By: Brett Horner, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: UEVELOPMENt REVIEW 88 -31 - DICKER- WARMING70N - The design ae e s e pan ror _2 a„^poe -ed review a e eve ons an retail satellitie building tntaling 7,190 square feet within a 15.3 acre approved shopping center, in a Neighborhood Commercial District of the Terra Vista Planned Comnuhity, locatee at tie northeast corner of Base Line Road and Haven. Avenue - APR: 202- 801 -$6. L. PROTECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Approval of the detailed site plan and a Eclat ons. I S. Surrounding La d Use and Zoning: ' °=— c.511d rare center, s4- residences, Medium or Density Res dential (8 -14 dwelling units per acre) South - Vaunt, single- family residenkxs, Medium Density Residential (8 -14 dwelling u n is per acre) Single family residences; Medium Density Residential East - (8 -14 dwelling (its per acre) West - Single family ces; ow Low Density Resident °:f(l (2- re::ide 1 C. 1111 General Plan Designations: �roj to - g 01` 60d DoNderci al District c: .e North - Medium Density Residential ;;outh - Medium Density Residential East - Medium nensitj Residential 'west - Low Density Resident al D. Site Characteristics: The building pad site is vacant and —' "rdm to south. Vegetation consists of `stapes era-rly north gen' PLANNI14G COMI$;aON STIFF 2EPORT DR 88 -31 Ci 7,er- Warmington October 12, 19118 Page 2 E. Parking Calculations: Type of Use Retail Shops II. ANALYSIS: Square Parking Footage Ratio 7,19u 1/250 Number of Number of Spaces Spaces Required Provided 25 29 A. General: The project site is located within the approved Terra VTKia �hilage Vopping Center, as rhown in Exhibit "B". The major portion of the shopping .enter h.-Is been completed. Currently, three of the six satellite retail pads are under constriction. The proposed. site Plan and the elevations are consistent with the approved 3hopp'ng center. B. Design Review Committee: -o.. Committee UtNiel, Tolstoy, CO-", an rev ere a proy project on September 22, 1988 and recommended aparaval .., r 'he following conditions: 1. A pedestrian walk s,, -,Ald be added to link the wa 1-Yay on the east side of the building to the Base Line Road 'sidewalk. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The proposed project is consistent with the objectives o ,:e General Plan and the Terra Vista Planned Cony: rilty. The proposes? use, building design, site planL, together H't', tale rece.,.:ended renditions of approval, are in compliance with eaci; t+f the ;: Iilicable provisinns of the Development Code and the Terra Vist? Pianned fa",m:unity. The proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public, haalth, or welfare, or materially injurious to prc ;;erties or imrrevements in the vicinity. IV. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recarsmends that the Planning Ccmm;;sion approve eve,apment Review 82-31. i.u11y subs ed, f tA DB- .BH:vc E N ME 4 PLAN'"Na MISSION STAFF REPORT DR 80 -31 -, Dicker -warm- ';Teton Olatober 12, 198E Page 3 Attachments: Exhibit "A" Location Map Exhibit "B" Approved Master Plan Exhibit "C" - DQtatled. Si`,e Plan ExM bit "D" - Conceptual _andscape Man Exhibit "E" - Elevations Resc.`utior, of Approval with Stancird Conditions SITE L3 CITT OF ITEM �D3 83 -31 NORT RANCHO CUC MONGA, Tenn- PANNING DIVISION L` .., 11 ........... MORTH OF ,RANCH0 CUCAMONGA TITLE: - APPW i-.-D SITE PLAN PLANNING DIVISION L-,5 Fammism a . SCALE: i..02ne CITY O RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVITS10 L 4-, �. PEDESTRIAN WALK TO BE LOCATED HERE ITEM OR BA -21. Tr,r E: SITR PLAY. 401 NORTIb i B4 p. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. 88 -31, LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BASE LINE ROAD ANO HAVEN AVENUE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT - APN: 202- 801 -36 A. Recitals. Development) Review RNo.W88 -31 as described in application titlen of this Resolutiof Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Development Review request is referred tc as "the application "`. (11) On the 12th of City of Rancho Cucamonga conductzdtabmeeting8ont thepapplicationnandjconcluded said meeting on that date. (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resel!rtin have occurred. B. Resolutioei. NOGG, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved 6y the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. -This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part e:, of this ReSalution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above - referenced meeting on October 12, 1988, including mitten and oral staff reports, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The application applies to property located at the northeast corner of haven Avenue and Base Line Road with a street frontage of 860 feet and lot depth of 855 feet and is presently improved; and care center and (b) db singleefami rey theopropertyhto theisovth oV that site consists of vacant land and single family residential, the property to the east is single family residential, and the property to the west is single family residential. 3. Based during the above referenced meetingtand upon entherspecific findings oComm ifacts set forth in paragraph l and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows. (a) That the prenosed project is consistent With the obje:tives of the General Plan; and E PLANNING CMISSION- RESOLITION NO. DR 88 -31 picker- Warmington October 12, 1988 Page 2 (b) That the proposed use is in accord with the objective of the Development Code and the purposes cf the district ,in which the site is located; and (c) That the proposed usw is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code; and (d) That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public h __-rxh, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 4. This Commission hereby finds and certifies that the pPOject has been reviewed and caysidered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Aty of 19 70 and, further, that a Negative Declaration was .issued on August 13, 1986. S. Based 1, 2 and 3 above, this Commissionfindings ereby pp oves thew plicationnsub;jectato each and every condition set forth below and in the attached Standard Conuitions attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Planning Division (1) All pertinent conditions of approval contained in Planning Commission Resolution 86 -119 shall apply. (2) The site snail be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved site plan, which includes archite4 Ural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping and grading on file with the Planning Division, the conditions contained therein and the Development Code ^+agulations. (3) A pedestrian walk shall bq provided to link the walkway on the east side of the building with the Base Line Road sidewalk. Building & Safety Oit'ision (1) The :irMpage ant` :-ii:e layout shall conform to the approved conceptual grading clan for CUP 86 -05. (2) A detailed grading) plan showing the perimeter and the limits of requirad on -site iMpr +ovements; such as sufficient improvement3' to establish drainage and traffic circulation, shall be submitted for plan check prior to issuance of grading permit, (3) An on -site storm d "a)n shall oe installed to release of building occupancy. and functioning prior 11 a 9: PLAN!JIN6 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. U 88 -31 - Dicker - Warmington October 12, 1988 Page � i4) Detailed cross sections at all site boundaries for Pad °E" shall be provided for plan check, E_n_gineertro Division (1) Condition=. of approval for CUP 86 -05 as contai,ied in Planning Commission Resolution No. 86 -119 shall apply. (L) Notice of intention to form and /or join the light *ng and landscaping district shall be filed with the City Councts pr,'-)r to recovdation of the map or building permit issuance, whichever occurs first. 6. The Secrets v to this ''orim sir,or shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1488: PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry e , Chainisan ATTEST: Brad Buller, Wretary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho- Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregcing Resotution,.was duly and regularly intraduced, passed, anti adopted by the Planning Commission of the Cit, of Rancho Cucamonga, at a rtitular mee�ing of the Planning Cortraission leld on ehe 12tt day of October, 1988, ay the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: CWK- SSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: �QQ Original Pew" IuMItY O YO JL 6 ._YL !�.r iiiQ y. • MO ?V �� vw pw CV A g • )L�O�T ;;L'� °y 2`�i�w^ VC4 YOL L JN au /a CCCw LCi _• ■yAY Y;; TYY ~q wM OCgo A.. O:C �'"CY _Ypw �"'��� OE^'i. � . $Yeai�Na= qw "�•r�� . ro 4{°GY+ W'm �55 a§ qt ; ^o P = 11 alCoV�= Ni Cw e Y pe Y�E 'Ws- ° C q b'S y.'. E•u ^aa `o `75� q 3 woi rd aG.r Y.SA qY (tq NV q�C Co b Yt wN qNY` y ■p ?:s p Y Q C�w1 . C. �' Lw)• f q. pz !jl VC���'�yy! pW.CN� ^4 y� !AN .C.Xaz .1�NLw�i..°. FrSSaw e°.�$ tug a4o w ° °� s° Lau u � a N M � 1 e y M Y y V C A pp¢C1 N d � q N i� ai W Q N t V Yv0 1 Z. 6 at w y a �OM �, wA 'y. c° Mi ° L C s. c a r r� a �. w w *A- L=Lj _ cn H • S! W t. {�,,� �i ' Y N $�.•r; > G �Y `. U. pM. ~ D H : ?.0 C O O OO wv J ^^ Y 4 N � � G__ (�I M W W d E ^ r S `'ZS�+ bw� C >Y' Cd y W A Y L�.4 1V fly HK = L yNb d 0=3 010 �a.�l�e °a °c.• q ���app a °M^ C4Y= �.YVO. y0^ ♦•qL Z;.: R Y (G '+ q i'! .Y+ N± OY.� G.CY Q�GOLM Rinq ^�NN CSC D Oq a4� {{p{{al���� OA q 60 LN N LLar uCG� y�i?�yP' O9 }.;j N% f! uL NTS�i® sd a.%_ I O.I :'; N�Yjjj•`Y YNO 6 al C1i A.Gu�C u NY` WtW Cdr +.O =MY SC�•Yd .^� ayR � O�CI• Y�N� RLq C-u�Y~+ OY g0. i`Y ""uAu mci lGIC V Y . O~, L2C4 L '`' � M v OWN . Yq C Vy� O.YO CCOi Y.� Y Lygq pjg9 %2 cnN Y o �.LLI Y]� Ns{� Y V N � Q .5 2 4 q Z Z M • N V =� = C. Mu- Y d`G �;Yp YN„1 ^YYCOO ~CC NLo Y.:Y'ZO �N..�y 4 C ••N�� y1'�. q y` D Vy w•' n G..04 Mao N YNO� ^Aa �' y M 3 -00 a. 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'N .M M` O �� wig. gL1NY� wV M a po yyR� v9 4 LR ^_ Yt.j k Rv i .r w tl C b.O R mg who. dgM qL � Nr"Tda� A lT b°♦� r� cc ^� ws Y C� KN �NI..Y Lc +! `f.► LiZN OC/ r r. Rp F.� fYirYY� sY,i �°yy"f$ S Le VL'CA Yv 'ov u°• r� �iu C. �Y �tli' '� R.c.:.Ii� C f�'� YM §L � OO �� ]I.ei! •yw ^NN �NN� � wC tw r T"r �CLwtb �Q 01Rs� OCYp �ySM i yyV Ny YY CC [{ Sao, RQrii ohoo �.o l� Lw. X, s. CYV. of4 PC >M�O C Ria .\ Ow Kw Y SM All ^coRj �� Y�� ?3 f�t1 Ml �V> CErY� NNO as V•G �`a^ aM`.NO nYr y 3 as Y !1 > C j! .n N L V Y m y C __V . L �ENo ta. r$ a ^coa t-n pia ioL FcoM.=a t`o <ynIIL o'S�L°c5 iF «w 1� c N wf 4 Ii " " N `�� d �►1 �1 ZI I i � •� I E . o �..^ a � s��N T's� ""/'0701-02 0 10-12-M.88 PC Agenda o . I 0 �e v A• Quafi ETe C d Y1r.06 iY �l Qw V N yyY.CL N wJi N L G pp.cV I V Y gqp 11 La +. wNd �O uw C�■/$, YP'O i' yCNgV�b.G 4t. 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G a w z g as JJw�h v� M � _ n o w L T {yywl a V V ewe oL+Lpp q. v `ax N C q N • '� yiA Oi r�V .f aT J� 7yyNN Yu OT!� Z w a` N a 6N 513 +Gi i 7sa. L ;off. 6 tdY 1+9� r.G. 'C4 a a? W ��,�s 0.r t w A C O oN. 0 c� }$c �ac uw d r d L aT "sue 1e a Mr3 u � N R m awdl NJVie �w N o�r C �F L w rd a N GsuNt M '� wu cnc c wL u V w as Md V Tc ��C V .c Cy� bI u« yC YVii.N a`^ r go YCC7 �N4 yE SwM'L. v �Q YL��s� T�Sti�d d t t �JJII �I V W O ty 5u'C4Y�ORYY 4 C Y 08C v ■. C 0 O.`i]� OQ L VO A A b YD. Cv, �O L S� C + D ��p O a N E M O V jn Y y, C 0 d .Y q 4q.� 4 D Yi N L is L ao N Y ^ Z: K 0 T ^.DYrgNL c Lq f L uYiN qq fZl.Y-oa'i ! S YgNq SS N N4ccYL O ytL U 3 M V qN,` �. U _a6AJ ^e�iq O. q. Ir yYe� O 4 Q �p '6 tlV Yn ^uOS C �Nn V` YY yVLV.iL p� QJN OG��IL4yC ,C�C %O01 ^6 G. d >Y.L 4Q C C YV N Y CyCway gYII YNCI q 9q4 L "Yty'd OyL U_A C Yq.yi... ALA V'Y ■N�� ■N Y TL � ~ yeC� 'qpA !J`O_C�rj yC f' ^CCY ^Yy q Op. L O�Q YL OVU' CO9 Opp N ^tyyLLL+Y +■ELI .CV C.CWC 4.T�aw^. 14 ^.Ir 60Y�.y` Y MgCL U 6ODU0 Olq _� � gAvY q A G o E u w UD. .i N etw0. qyY, Ct b q 9 ^ N Y v Y L Ol 01 qo va � OF vr� T C O � G m C ^ p C 6 yi�0 OU yLV 9 w A w ^ Y V N $ ry t4 M w aY � EE �tY +tia m� LL qM ^ N� Zia 7 A Nw�e Y� Y C y�yN Cy N OV 4 rt O U Y q Q 41 N VVV W Y LI z p, M Pi' 7 S=; .pe !'Ara w L� tl Cu p o'Or o yaaN N Y N Y1lt w a V c c Ac� u cES M _ O $L c 'G N N M q q Y y-ii qy oa0+a �Q LCNY EfV�Lp aq�$. •,�i acd°ICq IF Vqw�I. C Cat , ,C w.y MM q q- O O �. Y Yli� O ONLY �t C �+LY. Y- NNg6 � C ^E � ae V VO O O yyC C CS N NYCO�` I CgCI � �N g -• G G U U. ^ ± ±NY � ��.�N 0 01 O O r TIY k MN y w »U31 GG^ f�. Wi N ,CG Y Y i 1 j Lt7 M.. y O t 4 9 Z. Original ality L A�"�✓M OIO act yMQN .p'L L O C V � if Ca G 6 f 6 Y "a— �J �yy ny. C ;� Y NO e"■�' G Ca v L N G Y'S •i GG O .. 'T OCp ve yV1i tlC \r 'p Y N A O ' CW O N N D G�. N == O g o Y dNw yy M0"E O ~� YY A p NCL/CO j0 pi 6iN Tn. Ny,a N. G« LLY W M °� J.f.� Y o C4 Z�CNTY 9. �+.. qi Yq G Nw^•d ^Y i°��gy i�iic YA C.�`cwr1 c aN. Ci YAb G C O. C'L 1 . y NC =C a ¢GyOL^ +C� CG CU O. �M Q. td/ 0�4 UaI ~ ia• �-° y 4 N A Y OLey C LGT i.� .•. V U W yO 'yT y.A -56 ,5 ^fl y OI o'i0yt y gyp+" 4O4N CYO nw4 ,LGD NM p ,GO �'C >'•' C' Y COY. N .a[ t. {�� p � V p 9 �9 ypYLny G' C SAG O✓ C ■. 6� Y LqN� ■'. � c ll a L ax Yg.•. Y1�..• � C4pV Qom. Y ^ \O GAOL C1 ry $.QU ` C Ly tYX ° 'G^G DO '. '14 � pppa �a bf ~�"" � L L i� yL• Vq�.e�OG HCN Ny14 Y p G T.0 y N y N� 4yp1 `Yi ffCO ~q C AM �.+ O ...�L� L OIY ` ppA�� CY �a 1-t V V 4ti ii t41 jjy L> N G41 Yr Y `W N L �cOp�. -yyJ C. CVCV G y O O. ^C 0.Y FLY OGI u V ii�.l.' C q u o , WYMVL� A ioiO tYp. y YOVC �NYW O0o. A 6.LL0M AMtk S I aY �N Y L 6YY � C LNN L C Y A W p y A� i.. fl VVL Sy � 6 O C� Nti Y ' i n v ° cw n� T N L L N d N L Y g y Ny �9 V pL N 7Ne Nayy Wye y sC 3 j�9Y CN C6 _O M M ` yyC y �n �N a€ C q r Y Y .1 axle w� ° CYL _Gq G Na 9^ y A C N E4 c N C O 1 Y C (J—z X- p, E.ag 4^ P �V Iu a Y yY G vas f 8 w w V m A O Cp dcc �� y N41 M u K J G L V O y C +L n1 L u..vVv C� q` L M N all 29Y W Xzr �•d q C B a?�s ei w n O u^ � C N u�r 4 G pV/ C -z .tali V Y y O t 4 9 Z. L A�"�✓M OIO act yMQN .p'L L O C V � if Ca G 6 f 6 Y "a— �J �yy ny. C ;� Y NO e"■�' G Ca CW ^nom Y'S •i GG Mr y„iiq la.� � Y� ■ %I.�e _CY ve yV1i tlC \r titaw "W O Y y ~� RIZy YryLry OI. �N{y NCL/CO <QW' N b I � I i 4 a r- W s L air ° co Lu a� ° u . i �� qo e . e mow•. v b'i " E �d o,s8 va V a pLb' Y G , _o dQm' q7 yr. YV t C $ G 1 TO L..O YY V Yf O � L a ^o 'ems e:y L P L a Y C WNU°. CaN ° s �NL 4 3 0 $ 4 it--{s� G h N yy+ L G p o u Qa Y.. Z ' $a.Li L B boy y y _C,GOO V �y0 G6Y C1. 1,9,m Cp i�4 O•L� V ' L q a V 4 CC^p a_y Ov s Y M L .tI Y $^J ~'Y � NaYyt. C ^C C� yVy O �"d�C yyy M y gNG w�U �L �'NaL $Y a• V yt t�O�.Or q av at. NiOI N� �L NL w �w Nu w p R r �. 6• Y' N.♦ CEO V � <N - V �aww �N asy� ^. _C e.$ z L 4 it--{s� G h N W G } Yu 4 01p > Y L O Yuy y y _C,GOO V �y0 G6Y C1. Cp i�4 O•L� V = yy L L ■� 4 G G Y Y LY O� 7 Na $^J N y•. $ y n� C� yVy O �"d�C yyy M y Cy. w�U u,nppyd n Y N �� uy C �a OpwG° a 4w VYa. •c Nr�^ A� CV N V w p R u a z L �1H N C L G 9 V �y0 G6Y C1. Cp i�4 G N n �y = yy L ° > ■� 4 G G Y Y LY O� C C $^J d� cT.a epo n� C� yVy O �"d�C yyy M y Cy. w�U YYO p,CV Y Y N #rte �a OpwG° a 4w VYa. •c Nr�^ Ll � A 11 0 STAFF REPORT /tam CIT Z OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DATE: October 12, 1988 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commis.>ion FROM: Brad $ull %r, City Planner BY: Scot' Aurphy, Associate Planner SUBJECT: USE DETERMINATION 88-03 - SAN ANTONI: HOSPITAL _ A request to e erm ne that a -un i re remen ous ng facility be a conditionally permitted use within the Office designation of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan (Subarea 1) I. ABSTRACT: The applicant is proposing to develop a medical office uuil3in`g, 120 -bed nursing care facility, and a 152 -unit retirement housing facility at the northeast corner of Foothill ftalevard and Grove. Avenue. The parcel is presently located in Subarea 1 of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan. As identified by the Foothill Specific Plan, the medical office building is a permitted use and the nursing care faciiity is a conditionally permitted use within the "Off _e" designation (see Exhibit "Cu). The Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, however, makes no reference to a retirement housing facility. As a result, staff is requesting that the Planning Commission review the proposed use. The plans for the development of the site have been submitted for processing. II. ANALYSIS: During the course of the public hearings for the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, representatives of the San Antonio Hospital indicated a general range of uses which they wished to pursue in development of the subject site. (These included the uses that are now being proposed.) As a result of the uses requested by the hospital, the zoning designation for the property was changed from "Commercial" to "Office ". Hence, it was intended that the zoning of this pcaperty would acconmdate the uses desired by the San Antonio Hospital. The retirement housing facility is essentially the same as the Villa Del Rey facility, according to the applicant's description of the intended use (see Exhibit "B "). Sometimes referred to as "retirement hotels ", this type of a housing combines the advantages of independent living arrangements with congregate eating and social amenities. Retirement housing is actually a hybrid of multiple - family housing and convalescent facilities. A retirement housing facility may also, be considered a3 similar to a convalescent facility, with the primary distinction being that the PLANNIMS COMMISSION STAFF REPORT USE DL'TEPMINATION 88 -03 - SAN ANTONIO HOSPITAL October 16, 1988 Page 2 level of medical care is much great�ir in s ,_6nvalescent home. C :nvalescent homes are conditionally permitted within the "Office" designation of Subarea 1 by the Foothill, Specific Piar, In 1984, the planning Commission considered a similar use determination request from California Requirshw Villas Mlla Del Rey) for a congregate care facility located on the south side of Base Line Road between Carnolian and Beryl Streets. The Planning Commission, at that time, determined that the use was similar to _ hotels which were permitted in the Office zone and was therefore appropriate for the "Office /Professional" zone. III. RECORMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission determine `the ia use proposed is consistent with the intent of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan and that it be conditionally permitted in the "Office" designation. Res fully ^ tte P Bra 1 „er AMk City Planner BB:SM:mlg Attachments: Exhibit "A” - Location 1ap, Exhibit "B" - Letter from the Applicant • Exhibit "C" - Subarea 1 Use Regulations tryt t z ul 0 '-'Al LLS d 1 4t uj t19 a Z J u U. ..1 W LL L O v is s < J J ` � J � s W .d W 0 K_ cc v v N N N � S Y P. I8t 4 ' j dr,ATY Vj' AOAIOM RANCHO CLUV,40NGA TITLE= # __ PLA.ti:eiIIVG DIVISION E;cNIPAT: SCALE- -3 0 x w a � O v is s < J J ` � J � W .d W 0 K_ cc v v N N N � S Y P. I8t 4 ' j W to V G u N. V is xx L dr,ATY Vj' AOAIOM RANCHO CLUV,40NGA TITLE= # __ PLA.ti:eiIIVG DIVISION E;cNIPAT: SCALE- -3 SAN ANTONIO HEALTH SERVICES, INC. Project description: Co- *'gregatie housing facility, nursing, and medical office-- vuzll.ng, San Antonio health Services, Inc. proposes to develop a 9.5 acre campus on the northeastern corner of Foothill Blvd and Grove Avenue in the city of Rancho Cucamonga. The campus will consist of a 152 -unit retirement housing facility, a 124 -bed nursing care facility and a 9,700 square foot medical office building. The development will be undertaken in phases, the first of which will be the retirement residence, a facility designed to meet the special service and housing needs of the frail, but well elderly. This single purpose building will house 152 apartment units ranging in size from studio efficiency apartments through one - bedroom to two bedrooms. A central, dining room and commercial kitchen will be capable of providing residents with three meals Every day. Other common spaces include public lobbies, T.V. and recreation rooms, public laundries, chapel, beauty salon, convenience store and storage. None of these facilities are intended for use by the general public. The building provides for the special security needs of the elderly residents in that all hallways, entrances and public areas are monitored by T.V. surveillance cameras. All residential units are also equipped . with emergency nurse call equipment. an-site 24-hour management is provided. Phase 2 of the project calls for the development of 120 -bad nursing care facility. This facility will provide not only for the needs of the community at large, but will address the issue of the aging in place faced by the residents of the retirement residence. As these residents age, they become increasingly frail and need more and more support services and ultimately ng care. The location of a nursing care fe ility next door will mean that they can move from one facility to n..other, but still be a part of a community in which they have come to feel secure and comfortable. Additionally, such a move will be less disruptive to friendships and will allow spouses to be within in walking distance of each other should one of them be admitted to the nursing care facility. The final phase calls for development of a medical office building. This will givz residents of the nursing and retirement facilities ready access to physicians. At the same time it will no doubt house doctors who will be available to the general public. The architecture of all the buildings on the campus will be California Spanish with free use of stucco, red clay tile roofs, pati•)s and fountains. located at the major western entry to Rancho Cucamonga, this landscaped campus will be a credit to the city. / AWY." NI 11 a 9.3 SUBAREA ONE LAND USE REGULATIONS 9.3.1 Primary FunctionPLocation Subarea Onr is located contiguous to the Foothill Corridor between Grove and Vineyard Avenues. Subarea One will act as a major gateway into the community, dominated by a Specialty Commercial Activity Center, (Foothill and San Bernardino) designed as the primary activity center within the subarea. t-!� W�i The following matrix establishes the uses which are permitted (X), conditionally permitted (0). or not permitted in each { of the five affected land use aubcate- gories. NOTE: Site Development Standards (Section and shall only apply to shaded areas. SUB -AREA 1 - ACTIVITY CENTO'l MAP L 11 . H-3 r► It Permitted and �r ndltlonai Uses: Retail ' o:Caz arciat Uses - i_ rid Use At�zua'`a�iaps SC CC 0 MR P Apparel ( ) a) boutiques X X b) general X X Appliance Stores (majorl X Art, Music, and Photographic Studios, and Supply Stores X X Auto Service ation O C Auto Service (including motorcycle;%, boats, tray €tears and campers: a) Sates W,11% ancillary repair 4valiities) Q t b) Rentals q c) Minor Repair (aloes not include major engine work, muffler shops, plc � ing, body worm, upholstery, d) Cain -op, Washing e) Automatic. Washini fl Paris and Suppiles X Bakeries (retall only) X X Barber !Beauty /Nalrstylist Shops X x X Cocktail Lounge(bar, lounge, tavern) O o 0 Including ralked entertainment Bicycle Shops X X Blueprint and Photo Copy Services X X Bed 6 Breakfast O G Scok, Gift, and Stationary Stores X X X (other tt+en adult related material) Candy and Confections X X SUBAREA DESIGN STANDARDS AND LAND USE REGULATION Retail Ceatl M1421 Uses - Continued Land Use onva escen ac t es SC CC O MR P and Hospitals Catering Establishments X China and Glassware. Stores X X Christmas Tree Sales lots Operated on a temporary Basis ( X Churches O O O Cleaning and Pressing Establishments X Commercial Recreation: a) indoor uses such as bowling, billiards O O b) Outdoor uses such as tennis and basketball O O Curtain and Drapery Shops X Day Care Centers O O O Delicatessens and Specialty Food Stores X X Drug Stores and Nhormacies X Farmers Markets ( ) X Floor Covering Shops X Florist Shops X X X Furniture Stores X X Hardware Stores X Health and Athletic Gyms and Weight Reducing Clinics X O Hobby Shops X X Ice Cream Stores and Soda Fountains X X Janitorial Services and Supplies X Retail Coma1ercial Uses - Continued 0 Land Use ewe ry arena SC CC O MR P Laundry (Self Service) X I� Leather Goods and Lu9srage Stores X X Liquor Stores 0 0 i Messenger anti Wire services X i X Music, Dance, and Martial Arts Studios 0 X I Newspaper and Magazine Storeu X X X Nurseries and Garden Supply Stores Within Enclosed Ara* ( ) X Office, Business Machine and Computer Component Stores X X Paint, Glass, and Wallpaper Stores X Pet Shops X X Photocopy (Xerox) x X Record and Tape Store* X X Restaurants (sit da+r-'; a) With ent, .,ainment and/or the sec ring of alcoholic bever ges b) Incidental serving of beer O 0 0 and wine (without a cocktail lounge, bar, entertainment, or dancing) C) Cafe, limited to 20 seats X X 0 (including outdoor seating) d) Fast Prod (with drive -thru) X X 0 X (without drive -thru) .0 0 Shoe Stores and Shoe Repair Shops X X Specialty Retail 0 0 SUB -AREA DESIGN STANDARDS - , AND LAND USE REGULATION �1 MWEX ONE i L11 Retail srciai Uses - Continued land Use SC CC O MR P Por a) Specialty; backpacking, — - tennis, skling,mountain- b) General; encompassing a X X a variety of sports aquipment X Supermarkets X Swimming Pool Services and Sales X Tailor Shops X X Tei,tvision, Radio, VCR, Stares and CO Component Gales X Toy Stores X X Variety Department Stores, Junior Department Stores 0 X Veterinary (domestic): a) Non - boarding X O h) Boarding O W46tch and Clock Rapair Stores X X Yardage Goods Stores X Entertainment and Cultural Uses - Land Use SC CC O MR P Arcades O 0 Cultural /Artist Exhibits: a) Indoor gallery and art sales X O b) Outdoor art exhibits ( j X O Discotheques O 0 Theaters: a) Dinner theatre O O b) Movie (multi -plex) 0 OffiCS and AdmInist -atlw Uses - Land Use m n s rac ve, s Hess, a SC CCU ti MR P Professional Office X X X Businass and Office Services X X X Banks, Finance Services and Institutions Without drive-.thru X With drive -thru X X O O O Interior Decorating Firms X r X Medical /Dental Offices and Relatod taaaith Clinics X X X Optician and Optometrlcai Shops X X X Realtors and Real Estate Offices X X X Travel Agencies X X X Residentlal Usm - Land Use n9Si —fe m y e ac —3r "" SC - CC - 0 - Mfg P Single Family Attached (duplex, triplex, fourpiex) X Multi- family Dwellings: X 1) AncilIar _Residential Uses a) Homy -car9 ac es (6 or less) b) On -site private recreation X facilities X 2) Accessory Usss a) CC-A s�espr structures b) Florae occupation X X Public Use - Land Use SC CC O MR P Public Utility Installations U ;`N SUB -AREA DESIGN STANDARDS 0 a CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Date; October 12, 1989 To: Members of the Planning Commission From: Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager cUC^MO,y W. O J t Z U _ 7 1977 $y: Karen McGuire- Emery, Associate Park Planner Krh -L Subject: Conceptual Plan for "Victoria Vineyards Southil Park ABSTRhq The conceptual Design Plan for the Yeighborhood Park located submit ed by Victoria the Commun ty service Department for srevieweand comment. BACKGROUND• Located on the northeast corner of Kenyon Way and Eelvino East, the Victoria vineyards South Neighborhood Park, as yet unnamed, will be the first park facility in thu Victoria Development not adjacent to a school site. Approximately 6 acres in size, the facility is bordered on the north by the Southern Pacific Railroad corridor and on the east by single family residential. Amenities in the p -rk will include a children's play area with sheltered seaeing fov viewing, sand volleyball, an exercise course, picnic tables with barbecues, a basketball hard court, a ballfield with soccer overlay, restroom facilities and on -site parking !or 27 cars. A minimum six foot (61) block wall with dense tree plantinq will be required between the railroad corridor and the park, partially mitigating some of the inherent noise as well as providing an access barrier. It is also anticipated that a block wall will separate the r�rk from the single family residential to the east. As with other park Facilities adjacent to residential areas, security and parking lot lighting fixtures will be used which reduce glare and unnecessary light spill. ITEM N f PAGE TWO RECOMMEI M&T ON • To revie'O they conceptual development plan for the Victoria Vineyards South Neighborhood Park facility and :forward the comments to city Council,. ATTACMMNT: Exhibit . "A„ Victoria vineyards South Neighborhood Park i I l i i - t i I l i