HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988/08/04 - Agenda Packet CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: July 27, 1988 A£TION A~ENDA TO: Cmnercial/Industri al ~ 1977 Design Review Committee Peter Tolstoy Larry McNiel Dan Col eman David Blakesly (Alternate) FROM: Debra Meier, Associate Planner SUBJECT: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 4, 1988 The following is a description of projects which require review and rating by the Design Review Committee. Please review the attached plans, visit the project sites, and write down your comments usin9 the blank space provided under each project on the at,tached sheets. After the meetin9, the consensus of the Committee's concerns will be typed up as the formal action/recommendation of the Committee and distributed to the Commission and Council. As always, feel free to contact the appropriate project manager (noted in parentheses along the left margin), prior to the meeting date, if you have specific questions related to the scheduled projects. Dinner will be provided between 5:00 5:30 p.m., Consent Calendar items will be reviewed between 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m., with the first desi9n review item being heard at 6:00 p.m. Please notify our department if you will be unable to attend the meeting, or if you will be late, so that the dinner can be properly ordered and the necessary arrangements made. 6:00 - 6:30 (Chris) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 88-22 - ALLSTATE RECYCLING SERVICE - The development of an office and warehouse building totaling 5,000 square feet on 1.7 acres of land in the Heavy Industrial District (Subarea 15) of the Industrial Area Specific Plan located on the south side of Whittram Avenue, east of Pecan Avenue - APN: 229-192-10. 6:30 - 7:30 (Scott) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 88- 03 - WHEELER AND WHEELER - The development of a retail center and service station totaling 4,416 square feet on 0.63 acres of land in the Community Commercial designation (Subarea 2) of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, located at the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue - APN: 208-192- 06. DESIGN REVIEW CONMITTEE AGENDA August 4, 1988 Page 2 7:30 - 8:00 (Brett) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 88-24 - DICKER-WARMINGTON - The design review of site plan and elevations for a 5,800 square foot retail building (Pad D) within the approved Tetra Vista Village Shopping Center in the Neighborhood Commercial District, located at the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Base Line Road - APN: 202-801- 8:00 - 8:30 (Brett} ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 88- 28 - MAX WILLIAMS - The development of a 5,915 square foot retail building on .52 acres of land within an existing shopping center in the Community Commercial District of the Foothill Specific Plan, located on the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Klusman Avenue - APN: 208-261-20. DM:vc Attachments CC: Planning Commission/City Council Commercial/Industrial CORSENTCALEkq)AR ITEHSAGENDA August 4, 1988 1. DR 87-26 ~ Revised color sch~, Committee Action: The Committee concluded that the proposed one-color scheme was not acceptable and that the two-color scheme originally approved should be used. 2. DR 87-44 - CARNEY-THEODOROU (Chris) !eechanical equipment screen. Committee Action: The integrated mechanical screen was accepted with the use of metal lattice. The free-standing roof screens were not approved. The applicant should design an integrated roof screen similar to the approved design. 3. DR 88-11 -/4ATLOCK (Chris) Revised elevations. Committee Action: The Committee approved the design revisions with the addition of the following recommendations: 1. An arch treatment should be given to the stair access door on the south elevation. 2. An arbor/trellis should be provided at the pedestrian area south of the building. 3. A continuous paving treatment should be carried from the plaza to the office entries and used at the storefronts. 4. CUP 85-1g - KEN RUBY CO. (Chris) Design Review Co~mnittee modifications. Committee Action: The building modifications to the buildings were approved. The Committee suggested the use of tile on the underside of the two main arches. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL Consent Calendar Items Agenda August 4, 1988 Page 2 5. DR 87-55 - RILLHER (Tom) Revised elevations and equipment screen. Committee Action: The ribbed concrete elements on the east elevation of building 3 shall extend from the finished grade to the roof line. The material used in screening roof mounted equipment shall be a cement board (approved samples was manufactured by Minerit). No roof equipment is to be visible and the roof screen shall be painted to match the top color band on the buildings. 6. DR 88-05 - ROUSE (Scott) ~aterial sample board, site plan and elevations. Committee Action: The Committee recommended that the plans be revised for additional review as follows: 1. The plaza for building "E" should be more substantial. 2. Additional color or texture variation should be provided on the building elevations. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 6:00 - 6:30 Chris August 4, 1988 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 88-22 - ALLSTATE RECYCLING SERVICE - 13~e development of an office and warehouse building totaling 5,000 square feet on 1.7 acres of land in the Heavy Industrial District (Subarea 15) of the Industrial Area Specific Plan located on the south side of Whittram Avenue, east of Pecan Avenue - APN: 229-192- 10. Design Paramters: The project site currently has a single family house on it which is not proposed to be removed or relocated. The balance of the parcel is generally flat with some degree of slope towards the south. Curb and gutter have not been constructed on Whittram. Staff Comments: Site Plan 1. The east and west parking areas should either be adjacent to the northern screen wall with a landscape buffer or facing south. Architecture 1. The building proposed is metal, rectangular and has little distinguishing articulation. Metal buildings are permitted in the Heavy Industrial District. Aesthetics, however, must still be considered. An 8' masonry screen wall exists along the entire frontage of this site except for the driveway entrance. Because of the existing special circumstance, the Committee may wish to consider treatment of the screen wall, which will virtually hide the building, versus architectural upgrades for the building. 2. The existing perimeter fencing should be replaced by a fence with uniform design consistent with the special considerations of the Industrial Specific Plan (view obstructing). Landscape 1. Trees should be provided within the streetside landscape pallette which have color for accent. 2. Vines or tall shrubs should be planted adjacent to the screen wall to soften its impact. DESIGN REVIEI~ CO~iMENTS DR 88-22 - Allstate Recycling Service August 4, 1988 Page 2 Design Review Co~m~ittee Action: Members Present: Bruce Emerick, Brad Bullet Staff Planner: Chris Westman The Con~ittee reviewed the proposal and requested that the applicant work with staff to revise the site plan and elevations to create more interest. Additional landscape should be provided in the parking area, additional treatment should be given to the 8' screenwall and variation should be given to the roof line and wall planes of the building. The project should be reviewed at the September 8th Design Review Committee Meeting. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 7:30 - 8:00 8rett August 4, 1988 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 88-24 DICKER- WARMINGTON - The design review of site plan and el evations for a 5,800 square foot retail building (Pad D) within the approved Tetra Vista Village Shopping Center in the Neighborhood Con~nercial District, 1 ocated at the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Base Line Road - APN: 202- 801- Design Parameters: The site is currently vacant (a graded pad) within the Tetra Vista Village Shopping Center. A Tetra Vista Con~nunity monument sign and plaza area abuts the pad area to the west. The building architecture appears to be in substantial conformance with the approved plans. Staff Q~aaents: 1. A planter area should be added between the building and the parking lot. 2. A planter area should also be added between the plaza area and the building to provide more shade in this area. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Larry McNiel, Brad Buller Staff Planner: Brett Homer The Committee reviewed the project and determined that the following modifications should be made: 1. Landscape planters should be added to the storefront and should be designed to match the storefront planter areas which exist in other areas of the Tetra Vista Village Shopping Center. 2. The design of the paving area adjacent to the existing plaza should be revised to better interface with and match the existing paving area. The Committee will review the changes at their August 18, 1988 meeting. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 6:30 - 7:30 Scott August 4, 1988 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 88-03 - WHEELER AND WHEELER - The development of a retail center and service station ~g 4,416 square feet on 0.63 acres of land in the Community Commercial designation (Subarea 2) of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, located at the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue - APN: 208-192-06. Design Parameters: The site is presently vacant with an average slope of roughly 2.5% from northwest to southeast. There are three billboards on the parcel that are in line with future building and circulation areas. The Red Hill Liquor Store is located immediately to the east of the lot and the Villa Paloma condominium project is located to the south. In conjunction with the development of the site, the applicant has also submitted a variance request to reduce the parking setback along Foothill Boulevard from 50 feet to 40 feet and to reduce the landscape setback along the south property line from 15 feet to 5 feet. An analysis of the variance request will be prepared and presented to the Planning Commission in conjunction with the Development Review application. Staff Commnents: A. Activity Center at the corner of Foothill and Vineyard: The Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan provides for a pedestrian oriented design at all four corners of the intersection through the reduction of building setbacks alon9 the streets. To try and address the activity center concept, the applicant has pulled the building up closer to the streets and is proposing a large hardscape area at the corner to include enhanced pavement, benches and a planter containing annual color. Eight foot sidewalks will continue down Foothill and Vineyard with landscapin9 borderin9 both sides of the sidewalks. Staff feels, however, that the intent of the activity center is not bein9 fully realized with this concept. The sidewalks and landscapin9 configuration are similar to any convention development resulting in a separation between the sidewalks and the buildin9. To create a more pedestrian oriented atmosphere, staff suggests that the followin9 items be incorporated into the plan: 1) Greater use of hardscape, particularly at the east end of Building "A" and south end of Building "E". DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS CUP 88-03 - Wheeler and Wheeler Au9ust 4, 1988 Page 2 2) Greater use of a storefront design along the Foothill and Vineyard frontages. The design could include actual windows and doors/openings to the streetside or display windows. The additional hardscape areas should be coordinated to allow pedestrian traffic at the storefront or display window locations. 3) Sidewalks should be provided on the east side of Building "A" and the south side of Building "B" from the public sidewalk to the interior of the site. B. Architecture: 1. Staff suggests that the tower element be a more prominent feature and should incorporate additional detailing. A possible solution could be the use of windows that are open to below to provide natural light in the corridor between Buildings "A" and "B". 2. Consistent with Planning Commission policy, natural stone should be used instead of veneer. C. Landscaping: 1. Additional tree planting should be provided on the south side of Building "B". 2. The activity center hardscape and formal tree planting concept should be continued along Foothill to the new driveway on the Red Hill Liquor Store site. This would be consistent with the extent of the urban parkway approved for Thomas Winery. The suburban parkway design would then continue east of the new driveway. 3. Extensive landscaping should be required along the south site boundary. 4. All trees within tree wells should be 24" box or larger. D. Miscellaneous: 1. All light fixtures, benches, tree well grates, etc. should be consistent with the historic nature of Foothill Boulevard. 2. Consistent with Planning Commission direction, the trash enclosure should be designed with a trellis and overhead door. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS CUP 88-03 - Wheeler and Wheeler August 4, 1988 Page 3 Design Review Comittee Action: Members Present: Larry McNiel, Brad Buller Staff Planner: Scott Murphy The Committee reviewed the proposed and recommended the following revisions to be resubmitted for additional Committee review as a consent calendar item: 1. Textured paving should be provided in the driveway off Vineyard to the first parking stall. 2. A sidewalk should be provided on the east side of Building "A" to connect to the public sidewalk along Foothill. 3. Trees should be provided on the south side of Building "B". 4. Additional hardscape should be provided along the street frontages. Four to five foot planter areas can be provided adjacent to the buildings. Also, an alternative plan should be prepared showing how hardscape could be provided to the buildings if businesses wished openings to the street areas. 5. Nine foot wide parking stalls should be provided along the east side of Building "B". 6. The entire wall at the south portion of Building "B" facing Vineyard should be rock. 7. The sidewalks along Foothill and Vineyard should be bordered with textured paving (i.e. pavers) consistent with the Foothill Specific Plan. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 8:00 - 8:30 Brett August 4, 1988 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PEPJ4IT 88-28 - MAJ( WILLIAMS - The development of a 5,915 square foot retail building on .52 acres of land within an existing shopping center in the Community Commercial District of the Foothill Specific Plan, located on the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Klusman Avenue - APN: 208-261-20. The project was initially reviewed by the Design Review Committee on July 21, 1988. At that time, the Committee recommended that the proposed project be revised and submitted for further review. The revised plans were to address the following concerns: 1. The storefront of the existing building east of Perry's Market and the new building should be improved by adding a colonade which would provide continuity and consistency in design. The roof height shall be increased along the storefronts to match the height of the roof on the northeast corner of the building. 2. Landscaping such as tree wells should be provided along the storefront of the new building and the existing one east of Perry's Market. 3. The east elevation of the new building should be upgraded with additional roof overhang and adding the same tower element at the south side of east elevation that wrap around to the south elevation. 4. Trash enclosure areas should be provided on-site rather than along the alley. 5. The south elevation should be upgraded with additional architectural elements. 6. The Committee stated that they strongly encourage the developer to work with the legal property owner of this center and the owner of the small corner parcel to upgrade the entire shopping center. The Committee stated that they would have recommended the total upgrade of the center based on this proposed expansion. However the Committee understood the financial burden on the developer just to expand 5,000 square feet of retail space. The Committee stated that the design and the upgrade of the new building and the existing building east of Perry's Market should set the tone for future redevelopment of the entire center. Design Review )ittee Action: Members Present: Brad Buller, Larry McNiel Staff Planner: Brett Horner DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS CUP 88-28 - Max Williams August 4, 1988 Page 2 The Committee reviewed the modifications to the site plan and building architecture and recommended that the proposed project be revised again and submitted for further review as a consent calendar item. The revised plans should address the following concerns: 1. Landscaping, in the form of tree wells, should be provided along the storefront of the new building. 2. The right side of the north elevation of the new building should be upgraded and should incorporate the same tower element on the left side of the north elevation. The element should improve the connection between the new and old storefronts. 3. The Committee stated that they strongly encourage the developer to work with the legal property owner of this center and the owner of the small corner parcel to upgrade the entire shopping center. The Committee stated that they would have recommended the total upgrade of the center based on this proposed expansion. However, the Committee understood the financial burden on the developer just to expand 5,000 square feet of retail space. The Committee stated that the design and the upgrade of the new building and the existing building east of Perry's Market should set the tone for future redevelopment of the entire center.