HomeMy WebLinkAbout99-88 - Resolutions RESOLUTION NO. 99-88
1074-041-08 THROUGH 21, 1074-591-01 THROUGH 16, 1074-461-04
THROUGH 21, 1074-601-01 THROUGH 14, 1074-611-01 THROUGH 16,
1074-021-02 THROUGH 26, AND 1074-051-09 THROUGH 16.
A. Recitals.
1. Barratt Homes has filed an application for the Development Review 98-10 for Tract
No. 13316, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject
Design Review request is referred to as "the application."
2. On June 9, 1999, and continued to July 28, and September 9, 1999, the Planning
Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held a meeting to consider the application and
concluded said hearing on that date.
3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred.
B. Resolution.
NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning
Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows:
1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals,
Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct.
2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-
referenced meeting on September 8, 1999, including written and oral staff reports, this
Commission hereby specifically finds as follows:
a. The application applies to property located on the east side of Archibald Avenue,
north of Carrari Street with a street frontage of 1,800 feet on Archibald Avenue and 700 feet on
Carrari Street and is presently vacant. The site sits at the base of the foothills and slopes from
the northwest to the southeast at a 10 to 15 percent grade. The elevation difference across the
site is approximately 269 feet. There are two natural streams that cross the site from north to
south. The stream channel has steep slopes varying from 25 to 30 percent. The two streams
carry drainage from the north through the site to the south. This drainage is proposed to be
controlled by constructing a retention basin at the northern end of the site with a storm drain which
outlets south of the site. Vegetation on the site includes three communities, successional sage
scrub, annual grassland/ruderal areas, and Eucalyptus woodland. There is a cluster of three
mature eucalyptus trees and one mature oak tree (on Lot 44); and
b. The property to the north of the subject site is vacant or developed with single
family homes, the property to the south consists of single family homes, the property to the east
is vacant and developed with single family homes, and the property to the west is developed with
single family homes; and
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c. The application involves design review of detailed site plan, building elevations,
grading, and landscaping for a recorded tract; and
d. The project will not increase traffic in the vicinity beyond that anticipated by the
General Plan and the streets have been designed to accommodate the traffic demand; and
e. The project is designed to minimize view obstruction to the degree possible; and
f. The project site is potential habitat for threatened or endangered species (i.e.,
California Gnatcatcher and San Bernardino Merriam Kangaroo Rat, respectively) and biological
surveys were conducted by a permitted biologist in accordance with the United States Fish and
Wildlife Service protocols. The protocol surveys concluded that the project site was not suitable
habitat and the species were not found; and
g. The project site is potential habitat for an endangered species, the Quino
Checkerspot Butterfly, and a habitat assessment was conducted and determined that, because
of a lack of host plants and past disturbances from agricultural use, the site does not support
adequate habitat and the species is not present; and
h. The project has a valid Nationwide Permit from the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers
in compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and the applicant has obtained Streambed
Alteration Agreement No. 5-070-98 from the California Department of Fish and Game; and
i. The project site contains 5.04 acres of undisturbed Coastal Sage Scrub, the
removal of which will be mitigated both on site and in an off-site mitigation land bank in the Cajon
Wash; and
j. The project site is located within the "Wildland/Urban Interface" zone and San
Bernardino County Fire Safety Overlay District.
3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-
referenced meeting and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above,
this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows:
a. That the proposed project is consistent with the objectives of the General Plan;
b. That the proposed use is in accord with the objectives of the Development Code
and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; and
c. That the proposed use is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of
the Development Code; and
d. That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not
be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or
improvements in the vicinity.
4. Based upon the facts and information contained in the proposed Mitigated Negative
Declaration, together with all written and oral reports included for the environmental assessment
for the application, the Planning Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the
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project will have a significant effect upon the environment and adopts a Mitigated Negative
Declaration and Monitoring Program attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference,
based upon the findings as follows:
a. That the Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared in compliance with
the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the State CEQA guidelines
promulgated thereunder; that said Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Initial Study prepared;
therefore, reflect the independent judgment of the Planning Commission; and, further, this
Commission has reviewed and considered the information contained in said Mitigated Negative
Declaration with regard to the application.
b. Although the Mitigated Negative Declaration identifies certain significant
environmental effects that will result if the project is approved, all significant effects have been
reduced to an acceptable level by imposition of mitigation measures on the project which are listed
below as conditions of approval.
c. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 753.5(c) of Title 14 of the California Code
of Regulations, the Planning Commission finds as follows: In considering the record as a whole,
the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project, there is no evidence that the
proposed project will have potential for an adverse impact upon wildlife resources or the habitat
upon which wildlife depends. Further, based upon the substantial evidence contained in the
Mitigated Negative Declaration, the staff reports and exhibits, and the information provided to the
Planning Commission during the public hearing, the Planning Commission hereby rebuts the
presumption of adverse effect as set forth in Section 753.5(c-1-d)of Title 14 of the California Code
of Regulations.
5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above,
this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth
below and in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
Planning Division:
1) Plot one-story home on Lot 60 to preserve views for existing home to
the north.
2) All final home plotting shall be per the conceptually approved plans.
3) All drainage channels on individual lots shall be "v" gutter type rather
than trapezoidal channels unless expected flows necessitate
4) Provide bridge over equestrian trail drainage swales at trail
intersections between, but not limited to, Lots 69 and 70.
5) Gates between homes fronting the street shall be wrought iron
instead of wood.
6) Locate fence walls at top of slope rather than at toe of slope except
along Archibald Avenue.
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7) Provide wrought iron fencing for side and rear yard fences at top of
slopes instead of solid masonry walls.
8) All between-home connecting walls, and retaining walls shall be split-
face block with pilasters. Wood fencing is only acceptable in interior
yard areas not visible from surrounding streets.
9) Provide terraced retaining walls in corner side yard slope areas to
maximize useable yard area.
10) Provide intensified landscaping, including cascading vines, within
terraces between retaining walls to create a more natural appearance
and reduce visual impact of walls and slopes.
11) Use low maintenance and native plant materials for slope landscaping
to the satisfaction of the City Planner.
12) All splash walls shall be split-faced block and incorporated with walls
as much as possible.
13) Equestrian trail splash wall footings and reinforcing steel shall be
designed to accommodate 6-foot high walls.
14) Install the perimeter slump stone block walls for the tract with the
installation of public improvements.
15) Provide architectural details, such as corbels, shutters, and belly
bands on side and rear elevations to match that shown on front
16) Provide substantial variation in front yard setbacks. This may require
re-plotting of home plans to accommodate useable rear yard areas
given slopes.
17) Where wood siding is used on the front elevation, it must be
continued around side and rear elevations as well.
18) Provide at least a 5-foot landscape strip between the back of sidewalk
and any wall.
19) Provide 15-foot deep useable rear yard areas either through grading
or decks and patios.
20) The spillway at the south end of the tract shall be designed to have
a more natural appearance.
21) The retaining walls along the sides of the basin spillway at Lot A and
screen walls for the drainage channel between Lots 9 and 10 shall be
split faced block subject to City Planner and City Engineer review and
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22) Provide river rock treatment for the concrete basin spillway at Lot A
for native aesthetics and to prevent the spillway from being used as
a skateboard ramp, subject to City Planner and City Engineer review
and approval.
23) Provide low maintenance landscaping such as, but not limited to,
drought/heat tolerant trees, shrubs, ground cover, and rip-rap on the
inside and outside slopes of the debris basin, subject to review and
approval by the City Planner and City Engineer. Debris basin fencing
shall be decorative rather than chain link.
24) Provide a standard handicapped ramp at curb at end of local trail at
the northeast corner of Lot 31 and a step-through rather than a
vehicle gate.
25) Stepped footpaths shall be provided for all slopes in excess of 3:1.
26) The front, visible edge of terrace drains shall be naturalized cobble.
27) Incorporate boulders found on site during grading into design.
28) Notify the property owners for Lots 13 and 14 of Tract 9590 prior to
commencement of any work for the drainage channel and spillway.
Submit a copy of the notice to the City Planner prior to
commencement of work.
29) The Construction Contractor shall select the construction equipment
used on site based on low emission factors and high energy
efficiency. The Construction Contractor shall ensure that construction
grading plans include a statement that all construction equipment will
be tuned and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's
30) The Construction Contractor shall utilize electric or diesel-powered
equipment in lieu of gasoline-powered engines where feasible.
31) The Construction Contractor shall ensure that construction grading
plans include a statement that work crews will shut off equipment
when not in use. During smog season, (May through October), the
overall length of the construction period should be extended, thereby
decreasing the size of the area prepared each day, to minimize
vehicles and equipment operating at the same time.
32) The Construction Contractor shall support and encourage ride sharing
and transit incentives for the construction crew.
33) Dust generated by the development activities shall be retained on site
and kept to a minimum by following the dust control measures listed
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a) During clearing, grading, earth moving, excavation, or
transportation of cut or fill materials, water trucks or sprinkler
systems shall be used to prevent dust from leaving the site and
to create a crust after each day's activities cease.
b) During construction, water trucks or sprinkler systems shall be
used to keep all areas of vehicle movement damp enough to
prevent dust from leaving the site. At a minimum, this would
include wetting down such areas in the later morning and after
work is completed for the day, and whenever wind exceeds 15
miles per hour.
c) After clearing, grading, earth moving, or excavation is
completed, the entire area of disturbed soil shall be treated .
immediately by pickup of the soil until the area is paved or
otherwise developed so that dust generation will not occur.
d) Soil stockpiled for more than two days shall be covered, kept
moist, or treated with soil binders to prevent dust generation.
e) Trucks transporting soil, sand, cut or fill materials and/or
construction debris to or from the site shall be tarped from the
point of origin.
34) The Construction Contractor shall utilize as much as possible pre-
coated natural colored building materials, water-based or low-VOC
coating, and coating transfer or spray equipment with high transfer
efficiency, such as high volume low pressure (HVLP) spray method,
or manual coatings application such as paint brush, hand roller,
trowel, spatula, dauber, rag, or sponge.
35) The developer shall make a good faith effort to notify and obtain
permission from adjacent property owners for all off-site clearing of
vegetation for fire protection/wildland interface requirements prior to
issuance of building permits to the satisfaction of the City Planner.
Engineering Division:
1) The existing overhead utilities(telecommunications and electrical) on
the project side of Archibald Avenue shall be undergrounded from the
first pole on the south side of Carrari Street to the first pole south of
the north tract boundary, prior to public improvement acceptance or
occupancy, whichever occurs first. All services crossing Archibald
Avenue shall be undergrounded at the same time. Reimbursement
of one-half the adopted cost of undergrounding from future
development as it occurs on the opposite side of the street is not
feasible because the property is currently developed.
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2) An in-lieu fee as contribution to the future undergrounding of the
existing overhead utilities (telecommunications and electrical) on the
opposite side of Almond Street shall be paid to the City prior to the
issuance of building permits. The fee shall be one-half the City
adopted unit amount times the length of the project frontage.
3) All lot line adjustments shall be recorded prior to the issuance of
building permits. At a minimum, process a lot line adjustment
between Lots 37 and 40 so the property line will follow the perimeter
4) All public improvement plans for streets, trails, and the storm drainage
system shall be completed and signed by the City Engineer prior to
the issuance of grading permits.
a) A complete plan check resubmittal shall be made, including plan
check fees.
b) Street grades greater than 12 percent are subject to approval of
the City Engineer.
c) Provide curb adjacent sidewalk along Almond Street,
transitioning to property line adjacent across the drive approach
for Lot 40. All access ramps shall be per Standard Drawing 102
(no modifications).
d) Public maintenance of Lot A (debris basin) shall not extend into
Lots 57, 58, and 59. Landscape Maintenance District plans
previously submitted shall be revised.
e) Show the property line between Lot C (City owned) and the
landscape easement(City maintenance across multiple private
lots) on the north side of Carrari Street on the Landscape
Maintenance District plans.
5) Improvement Phasing:
a) The debris basin and all related storm drainage improvements,
including Huntswood Place street improvements, shall be
installed prior to the issuance of building permits for Phase I
b) One through-street connection from Archibald Avenue to
Almond Street shall be installed full width, including street lights
and related storm drains, with Phase I development.
c) Erosion protection measures for rough graded phases shall be
reviewed by the City Engineer for proper channelization to the
storm drain system.
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6) Community Trail Design:
a) Install drive approaches and provide vehicle gates with side
access, per Standard Drawing 1006-A, for Lot C at Carrari
Street and Birdsong Place and for Lot B at Almond Street and
Birdsong Place. At the Carrari Street trail entrance, the drive
approach shall be located far enough south that a 12-foot DG
path can be maintained.
b) The equestrian bridge within Lot C, which crosses the channel
south of Huntswood Place between Lots 9 and 10, shall be
designed to accommodate City maintenance vehicles, including
a concrete slab.
c) Provide gated access to the Community Trail on Lot C from Lot
14 of Tract 9590 to the south on both sides of the channel
which crosses that parcel. City maintenance vehicle access to
the channel facility shall be secured.
d) Gates from lots onto Community Trails shall accommodate
horses and pedestrians, but not vehicular traffic. Gates shall be
shown on the Community Trail improvement plans, including
Lots 60 through 64 which back onto Archibald Avenue
(Standard Drawing 1008) and Lots 9 through 30 which back
onto Lots B and C (Standard Drawing 1009-B). Provide
step-through barriers (Standard Drawing 1007) at intersections
with local feeder trails.
e) Trail fencing for the Archibald Community Trail shall not block
the lines-of-sight for the four Archibald Avenue intersections.
f) Where trail gradients exceed 4 percent, drainage diversion
devices shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer
and City Planner.
g) Concentrated drainage shall cross the trail in underground
h) Manhole covers shall be designed to accommodate equestrian
traffic. Manholes located in Community Trails shall have non-
skid Polymer covers (only 30-inch diameter available).
i) Eliminate the PVC rail fencing on the north side of the
Community Trail on the north side of Carrari Street and replace
with concrete curb/mow strip.
7) Dedicate additional easement rights-of-way to accommodate
vehicular access where the Community Trail crosses Lot 14.
8) Drive approaches on Lots 1, 65, and 88 shall be located as far from
the intersection BCR for Archibald Avenue as possible.
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9) The grade break between a standard residential drive approach ramp
and the on-site driveway shall not exceed 14 percent on any lot.
10) Aesthetic treatment of storm drain spillways shall be to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer and City Planner.
11) All off-site easements necessary for the installation of storm drainage
facilities and slopes adjacent to street or public trail improvements
shall be recorded prior to the issuance of grading permits:
a) A drainage acceptance agreement shall be obtained from the
property owner downstream of the Birdsong Place terminus and
interim measures installed to accommodate concentrated runoff
which may bypass the catch basins, so as to not damage
private property or the Community Trail, to the satisfaction of the
City Engineer.
b) The project proposes to discharge rear lot and Community Trail
drainage at the south corner of Lot 18 across up to three
adjacent properties before it reaches the San Bernardino
County Flood Control District basin. This will require drainage
acceptance from the affected property owners or a storm drain
easement and SBCFCD permit. Drainage acceptance and
measures to accommodate runoff downstream shall be installed
to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Building Official. The
preferred option is installation of a local storm drain from the
south corner of Lot 18 to Alta Loma Basin No. 3.
12) The expanded Community Trail easement off site south of Lot 15
shall be recorded prior to grading permit issuance.
13) If the improvement agreement and bonds for Tract 13316 do not
reflect the current owner/developer, bond substitutions shall be
completed prior to the issuance of building permits.
14) Developer shall obtain a 404 Permit from the Army Corps of
Engineers prior to altering the blue line stream(s) for storm drainage
15) All improvements within public rights-of-way,including public trails and
the basin, shall be constructed per the public improvement plans. A
note to this effect shall be placed on related private plans for
walls/fences, grading, etc.
16) To accommodate City maintenance, the basin access road shall
extend to the proposed slope bench on the north side of the basin.
Road surface to be to the satisfaction of the City Planner and City
17) Provide a minimum 3-foot clearance for flow line between
building/chimneys and property line walls.
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Environmental Mitigation Measures:
1) No structures shall be permitted within 100 feet of the north property
line of Lots 44, 57, 58, and 59.
2) The developer/applicant, or his agent, shall provide each prospective
home buyer of Lots 44, 57, 58, and 59, written notice of the
Cucamonga Fault Zone in a standard format as determined by the
City Planner. A copy of the written notice shall be submitted and filed
with the City.
3) Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the
Uniform Building Code, City Grading Standards, and accepted
grading practices. The final grading plan shall be in substantial
conformance with the approved grading plan. A soils report shall be
prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California
to perform such work.
4) Storm drain improvements related to flood hazard areas shall be
subject to review and approval by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) prior to issuance of grading permits.
5) The developer shall comply with the terms and conditions of their
Nationwide Permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in
compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Streambed
Alteration Agreement No. 5-070-98 from the California Department of
Fish and Game.
6) The developer shall install frontage street improvements to their
ultimate configuration per City ordinance and pay applicable
Transportation Development Fees.
7) A through-street connection shall be installed from Archibald Avenue
to Almond Street with the first phase of development to assure
adequate emergency access.
8) Tree Removal Permit 98-26 is approved subject to replacement of
trees at a 1:1 ratio. All non-fruit bearing trees in excess of 15 feet in
height and 15 inches in trunk circumference that are removed to
accommodate the project shall be replaced at a minimum ratio of 1:1
with the same species as those removed, as required by Municipal
Code Section 19.08.100.
9) The existing Oak tree on Lot 44 shall be preserved and protected as
required by Municipal Code Section 19.08.110. The tree shall be
enclosed by an appropriate construction barrier, such as chain link
fencing, prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits and
prior to commencement of work.
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Page 11
10) The developer shall ensure the establishment of native shrub land
and wetland habitat as required by 1603 Streambed Alteration
Agreement and Nationwide 26 Permit of Section 404 of the Clean
Water Act.
11) The developer shall mitigate removal of the on-site, undisturbed
Coastal Sage Scrub (5.04 acres) at a ratio of 1:1 by establishing 2.5
acres of native shrub land on the detention basin slopes and through
the purchase and preservation in perpetuity of a minimum of 2.54
acres off-site lands in the Alluvial Fan Scrub Mitigation Bank in Cajon
12) All provisions of the San Bernardino County Fire Safety Overlay
District shall apply. A Fuel Modification/Management Plan shall be
submitted for Fire Chief and City Planner review and approval prior to
the issuance of grading permits.
13) Provision of landscaping and river rock cobble shall be used to
visually enhance the spillway at the northern end of Huntswood Place
to the satisfaction of the City Planner.
6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution.
BY: '-i• / i %Os. /' cam _ f
Larry T. i liel, Chairman
ATTEST: - �'`
Brad B )��cre'
I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do
hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and
adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of
the Planning Commission held on the 8th day of September 1999, by the following vote-to-wit:
= City of Rancho Cucamonga
.114-- : , •_';-
Project File No.: Development Review 98-10
This Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP)has been prepared for use in implementing the mitigation
measures identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the above-listed project. This program
has been prepared in compliance with State law to ensure that adopted mitigation measures are
implemented (Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code).
Program Components - This MMP contains the following elements:
1. Conditions of approval that act as impact mitigation measures are recorded with the action and
the procedure necessary to ensure compliance. The mitigation measure conditions of approval
are contained in the adopted Resolution of Approval for the project.
2. A procedure of compliance and verification has been outlined for each action necessary. This
procedure designates who will take action, what action will be taken and when, and to whom
and when compliance will be reported.
3. The MMP has been designed to provide focused, yet flexible guidelines. As monitoring
progresses, changes to compliance procedures may be necessary based upon
recommendations by those responsible for the program.
Program Management - The MMP will be in place through all phases of the project. The project
planner, assigned by the City Planner, shall coordinate enforcement of the MMP. The project
planner oversees the MMP and reviews the Reporting Forms to ensure they are filled out correctly
and proper action is taken on each mitigation. Each City department shall ensure compliance of
the conditions (mitigation) that relate to that department.
Procedures - The following steps will be followed by the City of Rancho Cucamonga.
1. A fee covering all costs and expenses, including any consultants' fees, incurred by the City in
performing monitoring or reporting programs shall be charged to the applicant.
2. An MMP Reporting Form will be prepared for each potentially significant impact and its
corresponding mitigation measure identified in the Mitigation Monitoring Checklist, attached
hereto. This procedure designates who will take action, what action will be taken and when,
and to whom and when compliance will be reported. All monitoring and reporting
documentation will be kept in the project file with the department having the original authority
for processing the project. Reports will be available from the City upon request at the following
City of Rancho Cucamonga - Lead Agency
Planning Division
10500 Civic Center Drive
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Mitigation Monitoring Program
Development Review 98-10
Page 2
3. Appropriate specialists will be retained if technical expertise beyond the City staffs is needed,
as determined by the project planner or responsible City department, to monitor specific
mitigation activities and provide appropriate written approvals to the project planner.
4. The project planner or responsible City department will approve, by signature and date, the
completion of each action item that was identified on the MMP Reporting Form. After each
measure is verified for compliance, no further action is required for the specific phase of
5. All MMP Reporting Forms for an impact issue requiring no further monitoring will be signed off
as completed by the project planner or responsible City department at the bottom of the MMP
Reporting Form.
6. Unanticipated circumstances may arise requiring the refinement or addition of mitigation
measures. The project planner is responsible for approving any such refinements or additions.
An MMP Reporting Form will be completed by the project planner or responsible City
department and a copy provided to the appropriate design, construction, or operational
7. The project planner or responsible City department has the authority to stop the work of
construction contractors if compliance with any aspects of the MMP is not occurring after
written notification has been issued. The project planner or responsible City department also
has the authority to hold certificates of occupancies if compliance with a mitigation measure
attached hereto is not occurring. The project planner or responsible City department has the
authority to hold issuance of a business license until all mitigation measures are implemented.
8. Any conditions (mitigation) that require monitoring after project completion shall be the
responsibility of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Development Department. The
Department shall require the applicant to post any necessary funds (or other forms of
guarantee) with the City. These funds shall be used by the City to retain consultants and/or
pay for City staff time to monitor and report on the mitigation measure for the required period
of time.
9. In those instances requiring long-term project monitoring, the applicant shall provide the City
with a plan for monitoring the mitigation activities at the project site and reporting the monitoring
results to the City. Said plan shall identify the reporter as an individual qualified to know
whether the particular mitigation measure has been implemented. The monitoring/reporting
plan shall conform to the City's MMP and shall be approved by the Community Development
Director prior to the issuance of building permits.
- ;,. 2:7 DEPARTMENT
PROJECT#: Development Review 98-10
SUBJECT: New Single Family Homes
APPLICANT: Barratt American
LOCATION: E/S Archibald Avenue, N/O Carrari Street
A. General Requirements Completion Date
1. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its _/_/_
agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative,
to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or
employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or
employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole
discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation
shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition.
2. A copy of the signed Resolution of Approval or City Planner's letter of approval, and all Standard _/_/_
Conditions, shall be included in legible form on the grading plans, building and construction
plans, and landscape and irrigation plans submitted for plan check.
B. Time Limits
1. Development/Design Review approval shall expire if building permits are not issued or approved _/_/_
use has not commenced within 5 years from the date of approval. No extensions are allowed.
C. Site Development
1. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include /_/_
site plans,architectural elevations,exterior materials and colors,landscaping,sign program,and
grading on file in the Planning Division, the conditions contained herein, and the Development
Code regulations.
2. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be _/_/_
submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits.
sc•4/19199 1
Project No. DR 98-10
Completion Date
3. All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for _/_/_
consistency prior to issuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment,
building, etc.)or prior to final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, or approved
use has commenced, whichever comes first.
4. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, /_/_
all other applicable City Ordinances,and applicable Community or Specific Plans in effect at the
time of building permit issuance.
5. All ground-mounted utility appurtenances such as transformers, AC condensers, etc., shall be / /_
located out of public view and adequately screened through the use of a combination of concrete
or masonry walls, berming,and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the City Planner. For single
family residential developments, transformers shall be placed in underground vaults.
6. The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions(CC&R's)shall not prohibit the keeping the equine _/_/_
animals where zoning requirements for the keeping of said animals have been met. Individual
lot owners in subdivisions shall have the option of keeping said animals without the necessity of
appealing to boards of directors of homeowners' associations for amendments to the CC&R's.
7. All parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by the property _/_/_
owner, homeowners'association,or other means acceptable to the City. Proof of this landscape
maintenance shall be submitted for City Planner and City Engineer review and approved prior
to the issuance of building permits.
8. The developer shall submit a construction access plan and schedule for the development of all /_/_
lots for City Planner and City Engineer approval; including, but not limited to, public notice
requirements,special street posting,phone listing for community concerns,hours of construction
activity, dust control measures, and security fencing.
9. Six-foot decorative block walls shall be constructed along the project perimeter. If a double wall /_/_
condition would result, the developer shall make a good faith effort to work with the adjoining
property owners to provide a single wall. Developer shall notify, by mail, all contiguous property
owner at least 30 days prior to the removal of any existing walls/ fences along the project's
10. For single family residential development, a 2-inch galvanized pipe shall be attached to each _/_/_
support post for all wood fences,with a minimum of two%a-inch lag bolts,to withstand high winds.
Both post and pipe shall be installed in an 18-inch deep concrete footing. Pipe shall extend at
least 4 feet, 6 inches above grade.
11. Wood fencing shall be treated with stain, paint, or water sealant. / /
12. On corner side yards, provide minimum 5-foot setback between walls/fences and sidewalk. / /
13. For residential development, return walls and corner side walls shall be decorative masonry. _/_/_
14. Where rock cobble is used, it shall be real river rock. Other stone veneers may be manufactured _/_/_
D. Building Design
1. All dwellings shall have the front,side and rear elevations upgraded with architectural treatment, _/_/_
detailing and increased delineation of surface treatment subject to City Planner review and
approval prior to issuance of building permits.
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2. Standard patio cover plans for use by the Homeowners Association shall be submitted for City _/_/_
Planner and Building Official review and approval prior to issuance of building permits.
E. Landscaping
1. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan, including slope planting and model home landscaping / /_
in the case of residential development, shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and
submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits or prior
final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision.
2. Existing trees required to be preserved in place shall be protected with a construction barrier in / /_
accordance with the Municipal Code Section 19.08.110,and so noted on the grading plans. The
location of those trees to be preserved in place and new locations for transplanted trees shall be
shown on the detailed landscape plans. The applicant shall follow all of the arborist's
recommendations regarding preservation, transplanting, and trimming methods.
3. A minimum of 30% of trees in front yards shall be -24- inch box or larger. / /_
4. All private slopes of 5 feet or more in vertical height and of 5:1 or greater slope, but less than 2:1 /_/_
slope, shall be, at minimum, irrigated and landscaped with appropriate ground cover for erosion
control. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be
installed by the developer prior to occupancy.
5. All private slopes in excess of 5 feet, but less than 8 feet in vertical height and of 2:1 or greater / /_
slope shall be landscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as
follows: one 15-gallon or larger size tree per each 150 sq.ft.of slope area, 1-gallon or larger size
shrub per each 100 sq. ft. of slope area, and appropriate ground cover. In addition, slope banks
in excess of 8 feet in vertical height and 2:1 or greater slope shall also include one 5-gallon or
larger size tree per each 250 sq. ft. of slope area. Trees and shrubs shall be planted in
staggered clusters to soften and vary slope plane. Slope planting required by this section shall
include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy.
6. For single family residential development,all slope planting and irrigations shall be continuously _/_/_
maintained in a healthy and thriving condition by the developer until each individual unit is sold
and occupied by the buyer. Prior to releasing occupancy for those units, an inspection shall be
conducted by the Planning Division to determine that they are in satisfactory condition.
7. Front yard and corner side yard landscaping and irrigation shall be required per the Development _/_/_
Code. This requirement shall be in addition to the required street trees and slope planting.
8. The final design of the perimeter parkways, walls, landscaping, and sidewalks shall be included /_/_
in the required landscape plans and shall be subject to City Planner review and approval and
coordinated for consistency with any parkway landscaping plan which may be required by the
Engineering Division.
9. Special landscape features such as mounding, alluvial rock, specimen size trees, meandering /_/_
sidewalks (with horizontal change), and intensified landscaping, is required within and around
the basin slopes and spillway.
10. All walls shall be provided with decorative treatment. If located in public maintenance areas, the _/_/_
design shall be coordinated with the Engineering Division.
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11. Tree maintenance criteria shall be developed and submitted for City Planner review and approval _/_/_
prior to issuance of building permits. These criteria shall encourage the natural growth
characteristics of the selected tree species.
12. Landscaping and irrigation shall be designed to conserve water through the principles of _/_/_
Xeriscape as defined in Chapter 19.16 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code.
F. Environmental
1. The developer shall provide each prospective buyer written notice of the City Adopted Special /_/_
Studies Zone for the Red Hill Fault, in a standard format as determined by the City Planner, prior
to accepting a cash deposit on any property.
2. Mitigation measures are required for the project. The applicant is responsible for the cost of _/_/_
implementing said measures, including monitoring and reporting. Applicant shall be required to
post cash, letter of credit, or other forms of guarantee acceptable to the City Planner in the
amount of $719.00, prior to the issuance of building permits, guaranteeing satisfactory
performance and completion of all mitigation measures. These funds may be used by the City
to retain consultants and/or pay for City staff time to monitor and report on the mitigation
measures. Failure to complete all actions required by the approved environmental documents
shall be considered grounds for forfeit.
In those instances requiring long term monitoring(i.e.)beyond final certificate of occupancy),the
applicant shall provide a written monitoring and reporting program to the City Planner prior to
issuance of building permits. Said program shall identify the reporter as an individual qualified
to know whether the particular mitigation measure has been implemented.
G. Other Agencies
1. The applicant shall contact the U.S. Postal Service to determine the appropriate type and location _/_/_
of mail boxes. Multi-family residential developments shall provide a solid overhead structure for
mail boxes with adequate lighting. The final location of the mail boxes and the design of the
overhead structure shall be subject to City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of
building permits.
H. Site Development
1. Plans shall be submitted for plan check and approved prior to construction. All plans shall be _/_/_
marked with the project file number(i.e., DR 98-10). The applicant shall comply with the latest
adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National
Electric Code, Title 24 Accessibility requirements, and all other applicable codes, ordinances,
and regulations in effect at the time of issuance of relative permits. Please contact the Building
and Safety Division for copies of the Code Adoption Ordinance and applicable handouts.
2. Prior to issuance of building permits for a new residential dwelling unit(s) or major addition to / /_
existing unit(s),the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may
include, but are not limited to: City Beautification Fee, Park Fee, Drainage Fee, Transportation
Development Fee, Permit and Plan Checking Fees, and School Fees.
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3. Street addresses shall be provided by the Building Official,after tract/parcel map recordation and /_/_
prior to issuance of building permits.
4. Construction activity shall not occur between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. Monday /_/_
through Saturday, with no construction on Sunday.
I. New Structures
1. Roofing material shall be installed as for wind-resistant roof covering at wind velocity not less /_/_
than 90 mph.
J. Grading
1. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City _/ /_
Grading Standards, and accepted grading practices. The final grading plan shall be in
substantial conformance with the approved grading plan.
2. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to / /_
perform such work.
3. A final geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at / /_
the time of application for grading plan check.
4. The final grading plans shall be completed and approved prior to issuance of building permits. _/ /_
5. In hillside areas, residential developments shall be graded and constructed consistent with the / /_
• standards contained in the Hillside Development Regulations Section 17.24.070.
K. Dedication and Vehicular Access
1. Rights-of-way and easements shall be dedicated to the City for all interior public streets, / /_
community trails,public paseos,public landscape areas,street trees,traffic signal encroachment
and maintenance, and public drainage facilities as shown on the plans and/or tentative map.
Private easements for non-public facilities (cross-lot drainage, local feeder trails, etc.) shall be
reserved as shown on the plans and/or tentative map.
2. Corner property line cutoffs shall be dedicated per City Standards. / /
L. Street Improvements
1. All public improvements(interior streets,drainage facilities,community trails,paseos,landscaped / /_
areas, etc.) shown on the plans and/or tentative map shall be constructed to City Standards.
Interior street improvements shall include, but are not limited to, curb and gutter, AC pavement,
drive approaches, sidewalks, street lights, and street trees.
2. A minimum of 26-foot wide pavement, within a 40-foot wide dedicated right-of-way shall be / /_
constructed for Almond Street and Almond Court.
3. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to: / /_
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Curb& A.C. Side- Drive Street Street Comm Median Bike Other
Street Name Gutter Pvmt walk Appr. Lights Trees Trail Island Trail
Archibald Ave. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Carrari Court ✓ ✓ e ✓ ✓ ✓
Almond Street ✓ ✓ ✓ e ✓ ✓
Almond Court ✓ ✓ ✓ e ✓ ✓
Notes: (a) Median island includes landscaping and irrigation on meter. (b) Pavement
reconstruction and overlays will be determined during plan check. (c) If so marked, sidewalk
shall be curvilinear per Standard 114. (d) If so marked, an in-lieu of construction fee shall be
provided for this item. (e) Maintenance vehicle access to Community Trail.
4. Improvement Plans and Construction:
a. Street improvement plans,including street trees,street lights,and intersection safety lights _/_/_
on future signal poles, and traffic signal plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil
Engineer and shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Security shall be
posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City
Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public and/or private street improvements, prior
to the issuance of grading permits.
b. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and a / /_
construction permit shall be obtained from the City Engineers Office in addition to any
other permits required.
c. Pavement striping, marking, traffic signing, street name signing, traffic signal conduit, and _/_/_
interconnect conduit shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
d. Signal conduit with pull boxes shall be installed with any new construction or reconstruction _/_/
project along major or secondary streets and at intersections for future traffic signals and
interconnect wiring. Pull boxes shall be placed on both sides of the street at 3 feet outside
of BCR, ECR, or any other locations approved by the City Engineer.
(1) Pull boxes shall be No.6 at intersections and No. 5 along streets, a maximum of 200
feet apart, unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer.
(2) Conduit shall be 3-inch (at intersections)or 2-inch (along streets) galvanized steel
with pull rope or as specified.
e. Handicapped access ramps shall be installed on all corners of intersections per City /_/_
Standards or as directed by the City Engineer.
f. Existing City roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with _/ /_
adequate detours during construction. Street or lane closure permits are required. A cash
deposit shall be provided to cover the cost of grading and paving,which shall be refunded
upon completion of the construction to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
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g. Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks. Under sidewalk drains shall be / /_
installed to City Standards, except for single family residential lots.
h. Street names shall be approved by the City Planner prior to submittal for first plan check. / /_
5. Street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, shall be installed per City Standards in _/_/_
accordance with the City's street tree program.
6. Intersection line of sight designs shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with _/ /_
adopted policy. On collector or larger streets, lines of sight shall be plotted for all project
intersections, including driveways. Local residential street intersections and commercial or
industrial driveways may have lines of sight plotted as required.
M. Public Maintenance Areas
1. A separate set of landscape and irrigation plans per Engineering Public Works Standards shall / /_
be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to final map approval or issuance
of building permits, whichever occurs first. The following landscaped parkways, medians,
paseos, easements, trails or other areas shall be annexed into the Landscape Maintenance
District: Basin, Archibald Avenue, Carrari Street, Almond Street except Lot 30 and the interior
Community Trail.
2. Public landscape areas are required to incorporate substantial areas(40%)of mortared cobble _/_/_
or other acceptable non-irrigated surfaces.
3. All required public landscaping and irrigation systems shall be continuously maintained by the _/_/_
developer until accepted by the City.
4. Parkway landscaping on the following street(s) shall conform to the results of the respective /_1_
Beautification Master Plan: Archibald Avenue.
N. Drainage and Flood Control
1. The project(or portions thereof)is located within a Flood Hazard Zone;therefore,flood protection _/_/_
measures shall be provided as certified by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the City
2. It shall be the developer's responsibility to have the current FIRM Zone A designation removed _/_/_
from the project area. The developer's engineer shall prepare all necessary reports, plans, and
hydrologic/hydraulic calculations. A Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) shall be
obtained from FEMA prior to final map approval or issuance of building permits,whichever occurs
first. A Letter of Map Revision-(LOMR) shall be issued by FEMA prior to occupancy or
improvement acceptance, whichever occurs first.
3. A permit from the San Bernardino County Flood Control District is required for work within its / /
0. Utilities
1. Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system,water, gas, / /_
electric power, telephone, and cable TV (all underground) in accordance with the Utility
Standards. Easements shall be provided as required.
2. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary. / /_
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3. Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the _/_/_
Cucamonga County Water District(CCWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District,and the
Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino. A letter of compliance from
the CCWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first.
Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval
in the case of subdivision or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential
P. General Requirements and Approvals
1. A non-refundable deposit shall be paid to the City,covering the estimated operating costs for all /_/_
new street lights for the first six months of operation, prior to final map approval or prior to
building permit issuance if no map is involved.
2. Prior to finalization of any development phase, sufficient improvement plans shall be completed _/_/_
beyond the phase boundaries to assure secondary access and drainage protection to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer. Phase boundaries shall correspond to lot lines shown on the
approved tentative map.
Q. General Fire Protection Conditions
1. Mello Roos Community Facilities District requirements shall apply to this project. The developer _/_/_
shall commence, participate in, and consummate or cause to be commenced, participated in, or
consummated,a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District(CFD)for the Rancho Cucamonga Fire
Protection District to finance construction and/or maintenance of a fire station to serve the
development. The CFD shall be formed by the District and the developer by the time recordation
of the final map occurs.
2. Fire flow requirement shall be 1250 gallons per minute. / /
a. A fire flow shall be conducted by the builder/developer and witnessed by fire department / /_
personnel prior to water plan approval.
b. For the purpose of final acceptance,an additional fire flow test of the on-site hydrants shall / /_
be conducted by the builder/developer and witnessed by fire department personnel after
construction and prior to occupancy.
3. Fire hydrants are required. AlFrequired public or on-site fire hydrants shall be installed,flushed, _/ /_
and operable prior to delivery of any combustible building materials on site(i.e., lumber, roofing
materials, etc.). Hydrants flushing shall be witnessed by fire department personnel.
4. Existing fire hydrant locations shall be provided prior to water plan approval. Required hydrants, / /_
if any, will be determined by the Fire District. Fire District standards require a 6-inch riser with
a 4-inch and a 2-1/2-inch outlet. Substandard hydrants shall be upgraded to meet this standard.
Contact the Fire Safety Division for specifications on approved brands and model numbers.
5. Prior to the issuance of building permits for combustible construction, evidence shall be / /_
submitted to the Fire District that an approved temporary water supply for fire protection is
available, pending completion of the required fire protection system.
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6. Hydrant reflective markers(blue dots)shall be required for all hydrants and installed prior to final / /_
7. Roadways within project shall comply with the Fire District's fire lane standards, as noted: / /
a. All roadways per Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District Ordinance 22. / /
8. All trees and shrubs planted in any median shall be kept trimmed to a minimum of 14 feet, _/_/_
6 inches from the ground up, so as not to impede fire apparatus.
9. $132.00 Fire District fee(s), and a $1 per"plan page" microfilm fee will be due to the Rancho /_/_
Cucamonga Fire Protection District prior to Building and Safety permit issuance. "
A Fire District fee in the amount of$132.00 shall be paid at the time of Water Plan submittal.
"Note: Separate plan check fees for fire protection systems (sprinklers, hood systems, alarms,
etc.) and/or any consultant reviews will be assessed upon submittal of plans.
10. Project is located in a high fire hazard area and is subject to special wildland/urban interface /_/_
hazard mitigation requirements. Such requirements may include requirements related to
vegetation management plans, special construction enhancements, emergency access, water
supply, automatic fire extinguishing systems, and other special requirements. A SEPARATE
Contact the Fire Prevention New Construction Unit located in the Building and Safety Division.
R. Security Hardware
1. A secondary locking device shall be installed on all sliding glass doors. / /
2. One-inch single cylinder dead bolts shall be installed on all entrance doors. If windows are within / /_
40 inches of any locking device, tempered glass or a double cylinder dead bolt shall be used.
3. All garage or rolling doors shall have slide bolts or some type of secondary locking devices. / /_
S. Windows
1. All sliding glass windows shall have secondary locking devices and should not be able to be lifted _/ /_
from-frame or track in any manner.
T. Building Numbering
1. Numbers and the backgrounds shall be of contrasting color and shall be reflective for nighttime _/_/_
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