HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981/03/30 - Minutes - Special Adjourned MARCH 30, 1981 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MI~UTES Special Adjourned Meeting 1. CALL TO ORDER (1) A special public hearing on the General Plan by the City Council was held in the Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road, on March 30, 1981. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Mayor Phillip D. Schlosser who led in the flag salute. A ~oment of prayer followed for the recovery of President Ronald Reagan. Present: Councilmen James C. Frost, Jon D. Mikels, Michael A. Palombo and Mayor Phillip D. Schlosser Absent: 'Arthur H. Bridge (arrived at 8:30 p.m.) Also Present: City Manager Lauren M. Wasserman; City Attorney Sam Crowe: Community Development director Jack Lam; City Planner Barry Hogan; Senior Planner Tim Beedle; City Engineer Lloyd Hubbs; Director of Community Services Bill Holley. 2. CONTINUATION OF REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT SUPER ELEMENT TEXT Jack Lam, Director of Community Development, stated that the format of the Agenda had been changed at the request and recommendation of the Citizen's Advisory Commission, with the items of specific interest being placed at the beginning of the meeting. Barry Hogan, City Planner, gave a brief overview of what the Land Use and Development Super Element encompassed. He noted that the Council had been presented with the changes requested at the March 16th meeting, as well as additional information for clarification. He referred to a memo addressed to Council dated March 26 regarding revisions to the equestrian trail element of the General Plan. 'Mayor Schlosser stated the group presenting the revisions to the Equestrian trails requested that this item be postponed until 8:00 p.m. Mr. Hogan referred to a letter directed to Council dated March 30, 1981 from Sharon Romero of the Citizen's Advisory Commission outlining proposed changes to the Community Design Element of the General Plan. He noted that in briefly reviewing the changes, he found some of them were minor in nature and some had major significance. He discussed the options available to Council and recommended that these items be placed on the April 6, 1981 agenda to allow Council additional time to review and staff the opportunity to prepare back- ground information and staff reports. After discussing the options, Council concurred to postpone making any decisions on the changes until the April 6, 1981 General Plan Hearing. Recommendations for Industrial Area Mr. Hogan discussed the Planning Comm/ssion's report on the Industrial area, stating that there was a motion and favorable consideration of an area south of Arrow Route to the Atchinson, Topeka, Santa Fe Railroad over to Rochester on the east and roughly Utica on the west for heavy industrial. He stated that Council had directed staff to bring back to the Planning Commission consideration for any areas that should also be designated as heavy industrial. He stated the Planning Commission reviewed three areas and are recommending that the area east of the Devote Freeway along the Day Creek Channel be changed from General Industrial to Heavy Industrial. He stated the Commission also directed that the industrial uses south of 8th Street in proximity to Rochester Avenue be allowed to continue and expand their use. The Planning Commission recommended that the heavy industrial designation not be extended south of the railroad tracks. City Council Minutes March 30, 1981 Page Two Mr. Hogan reviewed each area individually. In referring to the area south of the railroad tracks and west of the freeway, he stated the Planning Com- mission felt this area should remain general industrial. However, they wanted to insure that the present three heavy industrial users in the area were protected by making sure that under the Industrial Specific Plan, the zoning for the area designate them specifically as an allowable use with abilit~ to expand. He noted the reason for their recommendation was for the protection of the visual corridor along the interstate since heavy industrial might have outdoor storage, whereas general industrial would tend to restrict outdoor storage facilities. After much discussion regarding this area and the Planning Commission's recom- mendation, the following motion was made. Motion: Moved by Mikels that this area be planned as heavy industrial with appropriate C. C. & R's developed through the Industrial Specific Plan to mitigate against the adverse impact created, expecially with regard to the freeway transversing across it. Seconded by Palombo In the discussion that followed, Councilman Frost stated that he could find no compelling reason to vote again the Planning Commission recommendation. Mayor Schlosser opened the meeting for Public Hearing. There being no response, the Public Hearing was closed. Mayor Schlosser indicated he wished to abstain from voting, since the area being considered is a neighbor of his. At this point, the question was called: Ayes: Mikels, Palombo Noes: Frost Absent: Bridge · Abstain: Schlosser Motion Carried. At Councilman Frost's request, Mr. Hogan read the type of uses permitted under general industrial. Councilman Frost said he did not feel that general indus- trial and heavy industrial necessarily have to be incompatible. Mr. Hogan reviewed the second area, which is immediately east of the Freeway, along the Day Creek Channel. Mayor Schlosser opened the meeting for Public Hearing. There being no response the Public Hearing was closed. Motion: Moved by Mikels that the land use for this area be designated as heavy industrial. Seconded by Palombo. Ayes: Frost, Mikels, Palombo Noes: None Absent: Bridge Abstain: Schlosser Motion Carried. Mr. Hogan reviewed the third area, which is located south of 8th Street and Santa Fe, in proximity to Rochester. He discussed the Planning Commission's recommendation to designate this area as general industrial and grandfather the existing uses in. However, he noted, that unlike normal grandfathering, they would be allowed to expand. Motion: Mikels stated he did not feel a special grandfather clause would be appropriate for this area and moved the area be designated as heavy industrial. Seconded by Palombo. City Council Minutes March 30, 1981 Page Three Prior to voting on the motion, Mayor Schlosser opened the meeting for Public Hearing. * Jay Vianna stated they bought the property as heavy industrial and expressed his concern about the future if they are under any type of conditional use permits. * Jeff Sceranka, Planning Commissioner, stated the position of the Commission was not to make it a conditional use permit or non-conforming use, but simply that those uses would be conforming with the standards of that sub- area and would not be restricted in any way from expanding their facilities. * Ben Wick of Wagner Insul stated they bought the property 16 years ago as heavy industrial and they wanted it to remain as heavy industrial. * Betty McNay expressed her concern for those companies already there and how the grandfather clause would affect them 20 years hence, noting that her understanding of grandfather clauses was that it no longer applied when the owner died or sold the property. Sam Crowe, City Attorney, replied that the words being used apply to Gen- eral Legislation and not to the designation it was given by the Planning Commission. He stated that the Planning Commission merely stated that the uses are legal. Jack Lam confirmed that it is not really technically a grandfather clause, but merely means that there will be a regulation in the industrial specific plan that provides the protection. Since there was no further response, the Public Hearing was closed and the question was called: Ayes: Mikels, Palombo ' Noes: Frost Absent: Bridge Abstain: Schlosser Motion Carried. At this point (8:10 p.m.),Mayor Schlosser called a brief recess. The meeting resumed at 8:30 p.m. with ail members of the Council present, including Councilman Bridge who arrived at 8:20 p.m. Revision to the Equestrian Element of the General Plan Mr. Hogan, City Planner, indicated that a revised trails text had been presented to the Council for their information, which the staff had not yet had the oppor- tunity to review. He stated that a trails element along with a trails map had been recommended by the Planning Commission for adoption. He indicated it would be a multi-purpose trail for joggers, bicyclists and equestrians. Mr. Hogan stated that staff would recommend Council consider the map and text as approved by the Planning Commision for adoption and direct staff to work with the Alta Loma riding club and the author of the revised trails element to bring back any revisions at a later date. Mayor Schlosser opened the meeting for a Public Hearing: * Dick Dahl, Chairman of the Planning Commission, requested Council expedite the trails issue that evening. He stated the Equestrian Committee, which is comprised of Chris Benoi~ Pam Henry and himself, recommended adoption of of the trails element as approved by the Planning Commission. He stated that they felt that any revisions would be better handled after the General Plan is approved, in view of the time schedule the Council is on. City Council b~nutes March 30, 1981 Page F~ur Motion: Moved by Palombo to approve the text and plans for a trails element as brought forth by the Commission and the committee. Seconded by Mikels. Prior to voting on the motion, further discussion continued. Discussion regarding financing mechanisms within the plan clarified that approval of the trails element would not commit the City regarding financing but rather would leave the options open. Public Hearing continued. * Bruce Chitea stated he was the author of the proposed language revision and that it was merely an incorporation of the plan the Council had before them. In reply to Councilman Mikels question, he stated he revised the language because until the December 1 meeting the Trail system was described in the language of Sedway Cooke. * Bill Evans inquired if the proposal limited the use of motorcycles. Barry Hogan replied that motorbikes would not be considered compatible with the existing use. * Pam Henry related her reasons for supporting the trails system as a valuable and unique asset to the con~nunity. She stated they concurred with Mr. Hogan's recommendation. Approximately 25 people stood up in the audience, indicating their support of the trails element. * Doug Hone stated that while he hoped the trails element would be adopted, he was concerned about who would assume liability and he suggested a clause be included that when a trail crosses a major thoroughfare, flood control channel, etc, the City will indemify the Developer. * Betty McNay also expressed her concern regarding who would assume liability. * Joe Farinella stated that he enjoyed using the trails for jogging. * Sam Angona also expressed his concern about liability as a property owner and asked if City planned to indemnify? Sam Crowe, City Attorney replied that issue is not included in the proposed plan and that when a specific plan is adopted, it will be addressed. * Shari Thomas, representing 110 members of the "Rancho Rebel's" 4H Group, expressed their support of the trails system. * Gina Kelly and Lisa Fairnell stated their support of the trails system from the viewpoint of the young people who use it. There being no further comments, Mayor Schlosser closed the Public Hearing. and the question was called on the motion. Motion: Moved by Palombo to approve the text and plans for a trails element as brought forth by the Commission and the Committee. Seconded by Mikels. Ail Voting Aye. Motion Carried. Motion: Moved by Palombo to include all revisions and questions as submitted and return to Council with Planning Commission recommendations one month from the date of adoption of General Plan. Ail Voting Aye. Motion Carried. Councilman Bridge requested that staff touch base with the bicycling element of the community. Barry Hogan indicated the next item of discussion would be any other items of the land use and development super element that had not already been discussed. City Council Min~tes March 30, i981 Page Five Councilman Mikels stated he had a few minor changes as follows: Page 28, 4th paragraph, 7th line--"integrately" is not a word. Page 42, Under Community Com~ercial, Second Paragraph -- Omit "the community commercial businesses tend to provide food and food services" since it is repeated in the very next phrase. Page 49 -- Delete the sentence which reads "The rapid development of land and the lack of control over land use and transportation planning at the regional level add further to the problem of developing a transportation system". Mayor Schlosser opened the meeting for Public Hearing. There being no response, Public Hearing was closed. Motion: Moved by Palombo to approve Land Use and Development Super Element Text as revised. Seconded by Mikels. All Voting Aye. Motion Carried. 3- CONSIDERATION FOR ADOPTION OF LAND USE IN THE ALTA LOMA AREA I-1 LOCATION: 84 acres located north of Almond at the End of Beryl Avenue Mr. Hogan stated that Mr. Sievers, owner of the property, was requesting clarification regarding what his land use actually is and stated that the Planning Co~nission recommendation was for very low density with less than two dwelling unit per acre. Councilman Bridge indicated he felt it was improper to classify this area as either open space or hillside development. Motion: Moved by Bridge to classify area for low density with less than two units per acre. Seconded by Palombo. Prior to voting on the motion, Mayor Schlosser opened the meeting for Public Hearing. * Stan Sievers stated their desire was for the Council to reaffirm the desires of the Planning Con~nission There being no further response, the Public Hearing was closed. Coucil voted on the motion as stated above. Ail voting aye. Motion Carried. I-2 LOCATION: End of Hermosa Grove Mr. Hogan referred to a letter distributed to Council from Mr. Templeton of the Planning Center. Mr. Hogan reviewed the Council's previous decision to retain the site as parkland with the intent that the Groves be preserved. He stated the other option proposed by staff is to designate the area as master plan required and down size the park to approximately 20 acres. Another option he reviewed would be to indicate to the applicant the City's desire to consider a concurrent filing of the General Plan amendment with the zoning and development for the project. Councilman Frost stated that he had visited the site and noted the area to be dedicated as parkland was undevelopable and subject to flooding. Councilman Bridge stated he also had reservations. Mayor Schlosser opened the meeting for Public Hearing. * Peter Templeton from the Planning Center stated one of the unique things about the site is the beautiful Eucalyptus Grove which does require a certain sensitivity in planning. He referred to similar sites they had designed and 'offered to take Council to see some of these existing developments. He discussed their proposed plans and requested direction from Council. City Council Minutes March 30, 1981 Page Six * Anne C. Calinsky noted that the proposed park is within flooding limits. She stated the potential commercial site bothered her and stressed the importance of preserving the Grove. There being no further response, the Public Hearing was closed. In the discussion that followed, the Council concurred to retain the desig- nation as parkland at the present time. Since this motion is already on record, there was no need to make a new motion. I-5 LOCATION: East of Chaffey College between Wilson and the Extension of Banyan Mr. Hogan discussed the request of the adjacent property owners. He noted that the Planning Commission had reduced the land use for this parcel from the consultant's reco~endation of medium (4-15 du/ac) to low-medium (4-8 du/ac). Motion: Moved by Mikels that the land use for this area be designated as low-medium (4-8 du/ac) residential planned development. Seconded by Bridge for discussion. Mayor Schlosser opened the meeting for public hearing. * Roger Sunreth expressed concern about the higher density for this area referring to the low density in the surrounding area and Chaffey College's policy of openness. He questioned why everything above Banyan was low density except Haven. Councilman Frost replied that he thought the density was an appropriate transition with the very high probability of a regional park, as well as further south below the College, the transition into the Foothill Freeway. He also discussed the need of providing housing for people of middle income brackets. * Larry Wolfe, Architect with Barmakian and Wolfe, stated that his firm was the architectural firm that had prepared previous designs on this parcel. He stated he is preparing land uses right now which will be within the 4-8 density. There being no further response, the Public Hearing was closed. The Council voted on the motion as indicated above. All voting aye. Motion Carried. Mayor Schlosser called a recess at 10:00 p.m. The meeting resumed at 10:20 p.m. with all Councilmembers and staff present. Council resumed discussion of the Alta Loma area. Mayor Schlosser opened the meeting for Public Hearing. * James W. Keller, resident on LeVine Street, stated he had been asked by the local residents to address the Council regarding the proposed land use of medium residential for the property bordered by Victoria on the north, Archibald on the w~st, Romona on the east and the Railroad on the south. He stated they had presented a petition to the Planning Com- mission with 187 signatures from concerned residents, 180 of whom stated they opposed the proposed medium residential zoning. He stated that the residents request that the City Council reject any plan proposing development exceeding the existing residential average density and approve only those proposals which maintain the established residential atmos- phere with the construction of single fa~ly dwellings without exceeding a density of 3-5 dwelling units per acre. * Frank Moerke questioned the reason for medium-high density in this area. City Council Minutes March 30, 1981 Page Seven * Jackie DiMonia expressed her concerns about increased traffic, flooding problems and crowding of schools. * Harley Levitt, owner of one of the properties being developed, responded to Mrs. DiMonia's statements about flooding, increased traffic and over- crowding of schools. He stated they are coming in with 8.3 units per acre with a planned unit development to provide affordable housing in the $80,000 to $100,000 range. * Doug Hone discussed some of the advantages of Planned Unit Developments as opposed to single family. There being for further response, the public hearing was closed. Moti6n: Moved by Mikels to sustain the Planning Commission decision for this property. Seconded by Palombo. All Voting aye. Motion Carried. Mayor Schlosser re-opened Public Hearing for further discussion and input on the Alta Loma area. * Mel Pierson, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, requested that a parcel of land on the southwest corner of Haven and Wilson be designated as Convenience Commercial and related his reasons for this request. The concensus of Council was that this request should not be reviewed as part of the General Plan process and suggested that Mr. Pierson might file a specific request for the proposed land use at one of the times the Council would designate per year for revisions to the General Plan. However, the Council concurred that this would not be an appropriate site for commercial designation. There being no further response, Mayor Schlosser closed the Public Hearing on the Alta Loma area. Motion: Moved by Palombo to approve the land use for the Alta Loma area. Seconded by Mikels. All voting aye. Motion Carried. 4. CONSIDERATION FOR ADOPTION OF LAND USE IN THE CUCAMONGA AREA 11-24 LOCATION: 20 + acres located east of Vineyard Avenue, a~roximately 1,000 feet south of Foothill Boulevard. Tim Beedle, Senior Planner, reviewed the parcel being considered and dis- cussed the Planning Commission recommendation at their 1-19-81 meeting for Medium-Residential (4-14 du/ac) on the western one-half and Low Density Residential (2-4 du/ac) on the eastern one-half of the parcel. He referred to a letter received from William D. Alexander, Foothill Real Estate, requesting permission to address the Council. He noted that prior to the Planning Commission's recommendation, the parcel was originally shown on the Draft Land Use Plan as Low-Medium Residential (4-8 du/ac). Mayor Schlosser opened the meeting for Public Hearing. * William D. Alexander, Foothill Real Estate, indicated he represented the owner of the proposed Vineyard Green Condominium project. He disputed that the property was designated low-medium, stating it was originally high density. He referred to a mobile home park development which was planned for the site. City Council Minutes March 30, 1981 Page Eight * Larry Wolfe, Barmakian and Wolfe, discussed the Planning Commission recommendation and expressed his concern about circulation. He noted that the effect of the perimeter between multi-family and single family is significant. * Charles Toole stated he was Mr. Alexander's partner. He indicated they had contacted the Council for a Better Co~unity, who had advised them they had no objections to their plans. He stated they feel they have addressed all of the problems they objected to in the project which has been approved to the north. * William Runyand stated he represented the Homeowner's Association of the Centennial Home Tract. He stated they found the proposed development to the north of them totally offensive and requested that Council re-evaluate this development. He stated that if the proposed development to the north was eliminated, residents would be in favor of allowing the higher density zoning to the sides of their tract. However, he stated that the residents did not want to be completely blocked in by high density. Council discussed the parcel in question, as well as the adjacent parcels. After much discussion, the following motion was made: Motion: Moved by Jon Mikels to Change Parcel Number 1 to create a transition use and designate the low-medium (4-8) rather than low density (2-4). Seconded by Palontbo. Prior to voting on the motion discussion regarding circulation and traffic continued with public input. * William Runyand stated they had asked the Planning Commission to provide them with another way out of their tract and referred to some of the problems during heavy rains. * Larry Wolfe, Barmakian and Wolfe, related some of the problems that could occur when a parcel is split. * Mr. Antonya commented that by dropping it down to 4-8, you have really split the parcels and hampered development * William Alexander commented that its easy to say reduce and stated they are trying to provide affordable housing. There being no further response, the public hearing was closed. After further discussion, the previous motion and second w~re withdrawn and discussion of this item was continued until April 6, 1981. Mayor Schlosser called a brief recess at this point. (11:55 p.m.). The meeting was called back to order at 12:10 a.m. with all ~ity Council members present. 11-1 LOCATION: Approximately 140 acres located between 4th Street, 6th Street, Archibald Avenue and Hellman Avenue. Tim Beedle reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation for an Indus- trial park fronting on 4th Street and Archibald with medium density resi- dential south of 6th Street with a 2% acre park site located within the Medium Density residential. Mayor Schlosser opened the meeting for public hearing: * Gerry Koski, resident on Layton Street, related homeowner's objections to ~he Planning Commission decision. He stated the proposal presented which is similar to Alternate 2 would be most favorable to the residents. He stated that they had presented a petition which asked the Council to consider more residential in that area to continue the residential devel- opment that is north of 6th Street. City Council Minutes March 30, 1981 Page Nine * Don Magnos related his objections to the Planning Conmmission recom- mendation and stated he felt an industrial development would take away from their property values. * Frank Woerke discussed his reasons for opposing industrial development. * Collin Keith discussed his objection and stated that their community already felt isolated from the rest of Cucamonga. He also noted the lack of parks in their area. * A1 Blessant stated that he felt that properly landscaped Industrial would be better than single family. * Doug Hone stated that an industrial development with good design standards aHd proper buffering could be very attractive. * Roy Radcliff stated he owned five of the ten acres south of A1 Blessant's property and indicated that either way on the zoning was alright with him. There being for further response, Mayor Schlosser closed the Public Hearing. Councilman Bridge stated he had visited the area and felt that industrial development w~uld be a much more desirable use than higher density resi- dential and cited some of the advantages. He said that staff would insure that the industrial development would be properly designed and landscaped. Councilman Mikels agreed and related why he felt that industrial would be the best possible use for the area. Barry Hogan described the type of development, landscaping and design control the City w~uld require. Motion: Moved by Bridge that the entire area be designated as industrial with a park site designated on the plan. Seconded by Mikels. Ayes: Bridge, Mikels, Palombo, Schlosser Noes: Frost Absent: None Motion Carried. 11-18 LOCATION: 5 acres located at southeast corner of Church Street and Archibald Tim Beedle discussed the area and the Planning Commission recommendation to designate the property for Office Use. Mayor Schlosser opened the meeting for Public Hearing: *. Anne Calinsky requested that the Council deny the Planning Commission ~recommendation for the reasons she had stated previously. * Bob Mills discussed why he felt the Council should uphold the Planning Commission recommendation noting they do not feel that office use is incompatible with medium density. * Lloyd Michael asked the Council to uphold Planning Commission recommen- dation. * Bruce Chitea questioned whether there was any local opposition. City Council Minutes March 30, 1981 Page Ten There being no further response, the Public Hearing was closed. Motion: Moved by Frost to reaffirm the Planning Commission's decision. Seconded by Mikels. Ayes: Bridge, Frost, Mikels, Schlosser Noes: None Abstain: Palombo* Motion Carried. * Councilman Palombo abstained since he was out of the room at the time the motion was made. 11-17 LOCATION: Approximately 10 acre park site located south of Church street on Romona. Tim Beedle briefly discussed the dedication of the park site. Mayor Schlosser opened the meeting for Public Hearing: *Paul. N. Byrnes of the Malborough Development Corporation indicated his support of this item and noted that it was a very good deal for the City. There being no further response, the Public Hearing was closed. Motion: Moved by Mikels to approve the dedication of the park site. Seconded by Palombo and all voting aye. Motion Carried. 11-15 LOCATION: A~roximatel¥ 40 acres located at the site of the La Mancha Golf Course Tim Beedle indicated that the applicant was willing to dedicate a portion of the site for a five acre park and that the Council would not have to take any action if they concurred. The consensus of Council was to leave the designation as is. Mayor Schlossed asked if there were any other people who wished to speak regarding the Cucamonga area and opened the meeting for Public Hearing. * Robert Chambers stated he represented Dorothy and Dominic Pelgren who owned property at 9639 Baseline. He referred to five acre parcel with 328 feet of frontage on Baseline which is now zoned for low- medium density. He stated they are requesting an increase in density to next step and requested Council review and advise. Barry Hogan indicated that the original planning commission recommendation was for 5-8. Council concurred that 5-8 was an appropriate use. There being no further response, the Public Hearing was closed. At this point Mayor Schlosser called for a motion on the Industrial area which was discussed earlier. Motion: Moved by Palombo to approve the industrial plan, seconded by Mikels and all voting aye. Motion Carried. Motion: Moved by Palombo and seconded by Mikels to adjourn to the April 1, 1981 City Council meeting. Seconded by Mikels. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 1:50 a.m. Respectfully Submitted, Ginny Zientara Acting Deputy Clerk