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1978/04/05 - Minutes
April 5, 1978 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Regular Meeting CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the City Council was held at the Community Services Building, 9161 Baseline Road, Rancho Cucamonga, on Wednesday, April 5, 1978. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor James C. Frost. ROLL CALL Present: Council members Jon D. Mikels, Michael Palombo, Phillip D. Schlosser, Charles West, and Mayor James C. Frost. City Manager, Lauren M. Wasserman, and Interim City Attorney, Sam Crowe. Absent: None APPROVAL OF The minutes of March 29, 1978 special meeting were approved MINUTES by the following vote: Motion: Moved by Palombo, seconded by West to approve the minutes of March 29, 1978. Motion unanimously carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS The following announcements were made by Mayor Frost: 1. A Task Force on schools will meet Tuesday, April 11 at 7:00 p.m. in the Alta Loma School District Office, 935©-F Baseline Road. 2. There will be a joint Planning Commission and City Council meetings on April 12 and 19 to discuss the General Plan with the planning consultant. These meetings will be at 4:00 p.m. prior to the Planning Commission meeting on April 12 and the City Council meeting on April 19. 3. There will be open public forums all day on the Saturdays of April 29 and May 20. Subject for the meetings will be the General Plan. ORDINANCE NO. 20 - ORDINANCE NO. 20 Weed Abatement AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAADOPTING BY REFERENCE (First Reading) "CHAPTER 3 OF DIVISION 2 OF TITLE 2 OF THE S~ BERNARDINO COUNTY CODE" AND MAKING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS THERETO. The title of Ordinance No. 20 was read by Mr. Wasserman. Motion: Moved by Palombo, seconded by Mikels to waive the entire reading. Motion unanimously carried. The purpose of this ordinance is to reestablish a weed abatement program which would be administered under the supervision of the Foothill Fire District. The approximate cost of the program would be $12,500 per year to the City. Open for public discussion. There was none. Motion: Moved by Palombo, seconded by West to pass the ordinance on for the second reading at the April 19 meeting. Motion unanimously carried. City Council Minutes April 5, 1978 Page 2 ORDINANCE NO. 21 ORDINANCE NO. 21 Business License AN ORDINANCE LICENSING THE TRANSACTION AND CARRYING ON OF CERTAIN BUSINESSES, TRADES, (First Reading) PROFESSIONS, CALLINGS AND OCCUPATIONS IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FOR THE PURPOSE OF RAISING MUNICIPAL REVENUE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. The title of Ordinance No. 21 was read by Mr. Wasserman. The purpose of the ordinance is to regulate certain types of businesses operating within the City and for the raising of revenues to support vital city services. Motion: Moved by Palombo, seconded by Mikels to waive the entire reading. Motion unanimously carried. The fee structure was explained to the audience. The City Attorney explained the necessity of passing the ordinance at the first reading that if there were any objections it should be done at the first reading. If it is done at the second reading, then the ordinance has to come back for a first reading again. It is important to the City to have this ordinance in effect by July 1. Motion: Moved by Palombo, seconded by West to approve Ordinance No. 21. Open for public discussion: Sharon Romero spoke. Discussion followed by the Council. Harry Empey, Director of Finance, was asked to respond to the questions being raised. The ordinance was passed on for a second reading at the April 19 meeting. ORDINANCE N0.22 ORDINANCE NO. 22 Building Permit AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, Fees - HUD mini- CALIFORNIA, ADDING SUB-SECTION (k) TO SECTION repair program 16.024 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY CODE, RELATING TO BUILDING PERMIT FEES FOR THE HUD (First Reading) MINI-REPAIR PROGRAM BROUGHT ABOUT BY STORM DAMAGE TO BUILDINGS. The title of Ordinance No. 22 was read by Mr. Wasserman. Motion: Moved by Palombo, seconded by Mikels to waive the entire reading. The motion unanimously carried. The purpose of this ordinance would be that no building permit fees for building and repairing as a result from the storms would be required, if such repair or building were financed by the HUD mini-repair program. This would not stop the need for inspections. Motion: Moved by Mikels, seconded by Schlosser to adopt. Open for discussion. There was none. The ordinance was passed on to the April 19 meeting for second reading. The motion unanimously carried. City Council Minutes April 5, 1978 Page 3 CITY MANAGER'S RESOLUTION NO. 78-17 STAFF REPORTS A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Salary for City CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, Treasurer ESTABLISHING THE SALARY OF THE CITY TREASURER. (Resolution Mr. Wasserman was asked by the Mayor to read the entire No. 78-17) resolution. Motion: Moved by Palombo, seconded by Schlosser to approve Resolution No. 78-17, the setting of a salary for City Treasurer at $40.00 per month. Motion unanimously carried. Drainage Mr. Wasserman presented the report regarding preparation of a Fee Ordinance drainage fee ordinance. It was recommeded that the City Engineer prepare the necessary documents and return them to the City Council for further consideration. Councilman Mikels asked the City Engineer if there were any County plan for this area now. Mr. Shone, Acting City Engineer, reported there was a plan; it simply needed to have the cost estimate updated. He could have a report back to the Council within thirty to sixty days. Motion: Moved by West, seconded by Mikels to have the City Engineer prepare the necessary reports for the Council to consider as soon as possible. Motion unanimously carried. Traffic Comm. The Traffic Committee report has been on the March 29 agenda. Report The area under consideration was the speed limit set on Baseline between Carnelian and Haven which is now 45 mph. The Traffic Committee felt the speed limit should be set at 45 mph. Mr. Wasserman commented that under the law enforcement contract we would be acquiring a radar unit. City Attorney said there was an additional problem that in order to reduce the speed and to enforce that speed, it has to be subject to a traffic study. Motion: Schlosser made a motion to maintain the 45 mph speed. Public discussion: Herman Rempel spoke as a resident on Baseline recommending the speed limit be reduced. He said that where the street was four lanes it was not too bad, but otherwise it was very dangerous. The Council asked Mr. Shone what was the time frame when the entire street would be widened. Answer: He did not have a time frame because of the cost of repair resulting from the storms. He did hope to have an estimate by budget time. Would reducing the speed slow down the traffic? Answer: There were still a number of people who would obey the law. Would it create more of a problem with some going 35 and some 45? Answer: That was a problem. Motion: Schlosser withdrew his original motion. It was then moved by Mikels, seconded by Palombo to reduce the speed to 35 mph between Carnelian and Haven. Motion unanimously carried. Bassett-Barrio Mr. William Holley presented the Bassett-Barrio Program. He Council, Inc. explained the Bassett Barrio proposal would offer: Employment, counseling, recreation, and educational services to the under- privileged. The funding would be through CETA and HUD. Mr. Antonio Sanchez, Associate Director of the Bassett Council, was introduced. Mr. Sanchez said he was there to answer questions from the Council. Several questions were raised by the Council as follows: City Council Minutes April 5, 1978 Page 4 Bassett-Barrio 1. How do you bring the program into this area? Council, Inc. (continued) Answer: They would like to sit down with the City staff and go over the program and set up an independent Advisory Board to this particular program. They will secure staff from the area, go after the funding, and help with the training of the staff brought into the program. Then, it will become a program of the City. 2. Do you propose leasing local buildings out of monies received from federal grants? Answer: Normally when you receive a federal grant a percentage of the money can be used for adminis- tration, which would include rent or lease of buildings, equipment, office supplies, phone, insurance, etc. 3. Have you made a formal application for a federal grant? Answer: No, they had not made a formal appli- cation and would not until they had an agreement with the City, and the general community wanted the program. Dr. Almando Navarro, Executive Director of the National Institute for Community Development (NICD) addressed the Council. Mr. Sanchez's group would be a duplication of efforts. He went on to present the program offered by the NICD which had received an $81,000 grant to organize a program in North Town and Upland. Fernardo Hernandez of Aztland Community Services was next to speak. The Aztland project was also operating in North Town. However, he was not able to receive the support from the City as desired, therefore the effort was small. Several from the audience spoke voicing their support for one of the programs, while some others felt there were too many organizations operating in North Town already. It was suggested by the mayor that the groups get together with the City Staff to discuss what the City Council could do to help out. Mr. Wasserman suggested a recommendation to refer it back to the City Staff, and they would get back to the Council when an agreement had been reached. Motion: Moved by West, seconded by Schlosser to accept the City Manager's recommendation to handle the matter, try to reach an agreement, then bring it to the Council for action. Motion unanimously carried. Road Closure Mr. Shone, Acting City Engineer, presented the need to temporarily close Highland Avenue for one week for the purpose of putting in a sewer. Motion: Moved by Schlosser, seconded by Mikels to approve the closure of Highland Avenue. Motion unanimously carried. CONSENT Items that appeared on the Consent Calendar were: CALENDAR 1. Payment of bills amounting to $26,810.19. 2. Issuance of Bank Americard for use by City Manager. 3. Authorization to purchase aerial maps to be used in the preparation of the General Plan. Motion: Moved by Palombo, seconded by Schlosser to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion unanimously carried. City Council Minutes April 5, 1978 Page 5 NEW BUSINESS Councilman reported on a SANBAG meeting held that day. The Sun Desert Nuclear Plant. San Diego had presented the need for the Sun Desert Plant. Mr. Chin had given objections and alternatives. Support of Assemblyman Lancaster for the Foothill Freeway to override the governor's veto. Most at the SANBAG meeting felt that probably would not happen. More likely alternative would be to fight it through the State Transportation Commission which will be meeting in July. Membership for next year would be $2700. Also, talked about the highway fund split between Northern and Southern California. Southern California is now receiving only 40% while Northern California is receiving about 60% . Since the population is greater in Southern California, it was felt the split should be reversed. Recommendation was to approach CALTRANS and the Highway Department to see that the split is right. Palombo presented the important issues to Rancho Cucamonga from the West Valley Transit Services Authority. One of the things West Valley Transit Services Authority is reviewing is the fixed route bus services running through Rancho Cucamonga to determine whether we need some of the services. The line concerned with is the one running down Baseline. Perhaps it could be eliminated and replaced by Dial-A-Ride according to the Director of Omni-trans. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned to a special meeting on April 12 to start at 4:00 p.m. to discuss the General Plan with the Planning Commission. Motion: Moved by Palombo, seconded by West to adjourn at 9:10 p.m. to the special meeting on April 12 at 4:00 p.m. Motion unanimously carried. Respectfully submitted. Beverly Authelet Deputy City Clerk