HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017/07/26 - Minutes - PC-HPCJULY 269 2017 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA A. 7:00 P.M. - CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance 7:00 PM Roll Call: Chairman Oaxaca x Vice Chairman Macias x Commissioner Fletcher A Commissioner Munoz _x • Commissioner Wimberly _x_ Additional Staff Present Candyce Burnett, City Planner, Nick Ghirelli, Assistant City Attorney; Tom Grahn, Associate Planner, Albert Espinoza, Asst. City Engineer; Lois Schrader, Planning Commission Secretary, Mike Smith, Senior Planner: Nikki Cavazos, Assistant Planner B. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS This is the time and place for the general public to address the Historic Preservation Commission or Planning Commission on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the Commission from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Commission may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals embers of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises or engaging in any activity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting. None Page 1 of 7 JULY 269 2017 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA C. CONSENT CALENDAR/HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non -controversial. They will be acted upon by the Commission at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed for discussion. C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of June 28, 2017 C2. Consideration to adopt Adjourned Meeting (Workshop) Minutes of June 28, 2017 • Moved by Munoz, seconded by Wimberly, carried 4-0-1 (Fletcher absent) to adopt the Consent Calendar D. SCHEDULED MATTERS The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the Chairman may open the meeting for public input. D1. SELECTION OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION/PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN OFFICER POSITIONS Candyce Burnett, City Planner, noted Commissioner Fletcher acknowledged that he would be absent for this meeting and that he was ok with the remaining Cory trnissionefs proceeding with the selections as scheduled. AAoved by Munoz, seconded by Wimberly, carried 4-0-1 (Fletcher absent) to affirm Commissioner Oaxaca as Chairman and Commissioner Macias as Vice Chainnan for a 1-year term. D2. SELECTION OF THE COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVES FOR THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE Moved by Macias, seconded by Munoz, earned 4-0-1 (Fletcher absent) to affirm Commissioners • Wimberly and Macias to remain as regular members of the DP,C and Commissioner Munoz as First Alternate. Page 2 of 7 D3. aIVLI LVJ Lv I HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA SELECTION OF THE COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVES FOR THE TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Moved by Munoz, seconded by Wimberly. carried 4-0-1 (Fletcher absent) to affirm Commissioners Oaxaca and Fletcher. Commissioner Munoz was named first Alternate to the Trails Advisory Committee E. PUBLIC HEARINGS/PLANNING COMMISSION • The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required by law. The Chairman will open the public hearing to receive testimony. All such opinions shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual or less as determined by the Chairman. Please sign in after speaking. El. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DESIGN REVIEW DRC2016-00726 - IPT ARROW ROUTE DC, LP - A request for site plan and architectural review of a 611,573 square foot industrial building on a vacant parcel of 26.63 acres in the General Industrial (GI) District on the north side of Arrow Route, about 1,200 feet east of Interstate 15, and about 2,600 feet west of Etiwanda Avenue — APN: 0229-021-60. A Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts has been prepared for consideration. Nikki Cavazos. Assistant Planner gave the staff report and PowerPoint presentation (copy on file). She noted correspondence had been received regarding the proposed MND from the Department of Toxic Substances Control, Native American Heritage Commission, San Bernardino County Public works. A Law firm representing LiUna and So California Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). She said she received an email from the consultants offering a technical response to SCAQMD and then later this afternoon she received an email with a response to those continents from SCAQMD; they stated that although they did not agree with all the responses provided by the consultant, they submitted no further comment. (Copies on file). Chairman Oaxaca opened the public hearing seeing and hearing no further comment, he closed the public hearing. • Russel Pierce, representing the applicant, thanked staff for their excellent assistance in Design Review and the CEQA process. He noted their team was available to answer questions. Page 3 of 7 JULY 26, 2017 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA Commissioner Munoz noted it as a good project, he liked the design, he said it is attractive for - being a tilt -up and he appreciated the hard work put into it. Commissioner Wimberly concurred and thanked the applicant for working with staff and making the changes that were recommended. Commissioner Macias said it was a straightforward project. Chairman Oaxaca said he drives by the site all the time and it is good to see the final outcome. He said it looks nice. He asked about the planned improvements on the North side of Arrow • Route. Ms. Cavazos said the street will be widened and there will be a parkway with landscaping and a sidewalk. Albert Espinoza, Assistant City Engineer, said the traffic light currently to the north of the project on Arrow Route will also serve the new public street and vvill be modified, the street will be widened in hont of the property and will again taper down to one lane in each direction. Moved by Munoz, seconded by Macias carried 4-0-1 (Fletcher absent) to adopt the Resolution of Approval for Design Review DRC2016-00726 and adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts. E2 and E3 were heard concurrently. E2. DESIGN REVIEW MODIFICATION REVOCATION DRC2017-00480 — BIANE FAMILY PROPERTIES - A request to revoke Design Review Modification DRC2016-00345, approved in error on November 9, 2016, for a request to revise the conditions of approval for DRC2007- 00951 (Planning Commission Resolution No.14-08) for the Biane Winery, a complex comprised of fifteen (15) buildings/structures and three (3) single-family residences located on two (2) parcels with a combined area of 10.41 acres in the General Industrial (GI) District located on the south side of 8th Street, between Hermosa and Archibald Avenues; APN: 0209- 201-19 and 20. On January 22, 2014, the Planning Commission adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for DRC2007-00951. The California Environmental Quality Act provides that no further environmental review or Negative Declaration is required . for subsequent projects or minor revisions to projects within the scope of a previous Negative Declaration. Continued from June 28, 2017 and re -advertised. Page 4 of 7 JULT LVI LV I / HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA E3. DESIGN REVIEW MODIFICATION DRC2017-00481 — BIANE FAMILY PROPERTIES - A request to revise the conditions of approval for DRC2007-00951 (Planning Commission Resolution No.14-08) to allow for the demolition of two residential structures, both previously conditioned for off -site relocation, for the Biane Winery, a complex comprised of fifteen (15) buildings/structures and three (3) single-family residences located on two (2) parcels with a combined area of 10.41 acres in the General Industrial (GI) District located on the south side of 8th Street, between Hermosa and Archibald Avenues; APN: 0209-201-19 and 20. Staff has found the proposed project to be within the scope of a project covered by a previously approved Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration approved by the Planning • Commission on January 22, 2014. Staff has prepared an addendum prepared per CEQA Section 15164 which does not raise or create new environmental impacts not already considered in that Initial Study. Continued from June 28, 2017 and re -advertised. Tom Graho. Associate Planner, gave the staff report and PowerPoint presentation (copy on file). Chairman Oaxaca opened the public hearing and seeing and hearing no comment, closed the public hearing. Jerry Cockroft stated he is the Project Manager for Biane Family Properties and was available for questions. Moved by Wimberly, seconded by Macias. carried 4-0-1 (Fletcher absent) to adopt the Resolution Approving Design Review Revocation DRC2016-00480 (for previously approved Design Review Modification DRC2016-00345) and to adopt the Resolution of Approval for Design Review Modification DRC2017-00481. F. COMMISSION BUSINESS/HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND PLANNING COMMISSION INTER -AGENCY UPDATES: • None Page 5 of 7 JULY 26, 2017 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commissioner Munoz reported that he attended a Commissioner Training event. He said this is a new way for Commissioners to receive training and could be very beneficial to Commissioners from cities that may not have the same resources available to them that we have such as the League and other training opportunities. He said this new training was made available by BIA and such folks as the Lewis Group participated. He said this was a good source -and he found the event informative and good for communities that don't have what we have. He gave kudos to the groups that put it together and he said he gave them good feedback. G. ADJOURNMENT The Commission adjourned at 7:40PM 1, Lois J. Schrader, Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on July 20, 2017, at least seventy two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. Lois J. Schrader Planning Commission Secretary City of Rancho Cucamonga INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Commission encourages free expression of all points of view. To allow all persons to speak, given the length of the agenda, please keep your remarks brief. If others have already expressed your position, you may simply indicate that you agree with a previous speaker. If appropriate, a spokesperson may present the views of your entire group. To encourage all views and promote courtesy to others, the audience should refrain from clapping, booing or shouts of approval or disagreement from the audience. The public may address the Planning Commission on any agenda item. To address the Planning Commission, please come forward to the podium located at the center of the staff table. State your name for the record and speak into microphone. After speaking, please sign in on the clipboard located next to the speaker's podium. It is important to Page 6 of 7 JULY 265 2017 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA your name, address and the agenda item letter your comments refer to. Comments are generally limited to 5 minutes per individual. If you wish to speak concerning an item not on the agenda, you may do so under "Public Comments." There is opportunity to speak under this section prior to the end of the agenda. Any handouts for the Planning Commission should be given to the Planning Commission Secretary for distribution to the Commissioners. A copy of any such materials should also be provided to the Secretary to be used for the official public record. • All requests for items to be placed on a Planning Commission agenda must be in writing. Requests for scheduling agenda items will be at the discretion of the Commission and the Planning Director. AVAILABILITY OF STAFF REPORTS Copies of the staff reports or other documentation to each agenda item are on file in the offices of the Planning Department, City Hall, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. These documents are available for public inspections during regular business hours, Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except for legal City holidays. U lXil1 Any interested party who disagrees with the City Planning Commission decision may appeal the Commission's decision to the City Council within 10 calendar days. Any appeal filed must be directed to the City Clerk's Office and must be accompanied by a fee of $2,725 for all decisions of the Commission. (Fees are established and governed by the City Council). Please turn off all cellular phones and pagers while the meeting is in session. Copies of the Planning Commission agendas, staff reports and minutes can be found at www.CityofRC.us. Page 7 of 7