HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003/06/11 - Minutes - PC-HPC CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA
Regular Meeting
June 11, 2003
Vice Chairman Macias called the Regular Meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning
Commission to order at 7:11 p.m. The meeting was held in the Council Chamber at Rancho
Cucamonga Civic Center, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California.
COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT: Richard Fletcher, Rich Macias,Cristine McPhail, Pam Stewart
ABSENT: Larry McNiel
STAFF PRESENT: Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, Kevin Ennis,Assistant City Attorney, Nancy
Fong, Senior Planner; Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer, Gail Sanchez,
Planning Commission Secretary; Mike Smith, Planning Technician
There were no announcements.
Motion: Moved by Fisher, seconded by Stewart, carried 4-0-1 (McNiel absent), to approve the
minutes of May 28, 2003.
Motion: Moved by Stewart, seconded by McPhail, carded 4-0-1 (McNiel absent), to approve the
minutes of May 28, 2003, Adjourned Meeting.
Motion: moved by McPhail, seconded by Stewart, carried 3-0-1-1 (McNiel absent, Macias abstain)
to approve the minutes of May 31, 2003, Adjoumed Meeting.
DRC2003-00254 - JPI WESTCOAST DEVELOPMENT, L.P. - A proposed amendment to
Section, of the Rancho Cucamonga IASP Subarea 18 Specific Plan, and Table III-9, of
the City of Rancho Cucamonga General Plan to increase the allowable number of multi-family
residential units from 1,388 to 1,887-APN: 0210-082-47. Related File: Subarea 18 Specific
Plan Amendment DRC2003-00255. An Environmental Impact Report was previously certified in
June 1994. The addendum is being prepared in accordance with the Califomia Environmental
Quality Act.
modify the permitted land uses allowed within Subarea 18 Planning Area VII to allow High
Density residential (24-30 dwelling units per acre), located at the northwest corner of Milliken
Avenue and Fourth Street - APN: 0210-082-47. Related File: General Plan Amendment
DRC2003-00254. An Environmental Impact Report was previously certified in June 1994. The
addendum is being prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act.
Commissioner McPhail recused herself because the company she works for receives remuneration
from the applicant.
Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, presented the staff report and noted that a letter had been received
from the applicant's environmental consultant with minor revisions to the trip generation calculations.
Vice Chairman Macias opened the public hearing.
Chuck Buquet, Charles Joseph Associates, 10681 Foothill Boulevard, #395, Rancho Cucamonga,
felt the Empire Lakes is the jewel of Rancho Cucamonga's southern end. He introduced members of
the development team.
Jeff Kudlac, General Dynamics, 3270 Inland Empire Boulevard, Suite 440, Rancho Cucamonga,
stated they will have a pick up spot for the senior project residents to take them to the golf course.
He gave a brief history of the General Dynamics project. He noted they started the project 10 years
ago when the defense facility shut down and they pledged to bring jobs back to the project and to
develop a quality project. He noted they brought in Arnold Palmer to design the golf course. He
indicated they need flexibility to meet new market opportunities. He stated they have generated over
3,000 jobs in the 1 million square feet of office facilities. He felt the development is ideal for
providing housing for jobs. He expressed appreciation to staff for support of the project. He stated
JPI is one of the best high-density project developers and introduced the JPI representatives.
Commissioner Fletcher liked the projects being built. He note there are approximately 1,500 current
apartment units and this proposal would result in an increase to approximately 2,000 units in the
vicinity of the northwest corner of Milliken Avenue and Fourth Street. He noted there is an
undeveloped 4-acre parcel on the corner. He asked what is planned for that parcel.
Mr. Kudlac stated an application has been filed for a 4-acre retail center. He said they envision
restaurant pads and in-line retail to help serve the community. He noted they have marketed the site
for various retail components. He said the same design team that designed the residential section
will design the commercial and the retail components. He acknowledged they have heard from staff
and the Planning Commission that there is a need there for service retail.
Commissioner Fletcher asked the timing of the retail project.
Mr. Kudlac responded they have been discussing that with staff and staff has indicated they would
like it to occur as quickly as possible. He said they are submitting a detailed phasing program along
with the application materials for the residential project. He indicated they are currently in
negotiations with the retail developer and they expect it will occur somewhat concurrently; however,
they want to be sure they have users. He said their first step was to move forward to be sure they
have concurrence from staff, Planning Commission, and City Council with respect to the land use
before moving forward with binding contracts.
Heidi Mather, JPI Westcoast Development, L.P., 8910 University Center Lane, #150, San Diego,
gave a brief Power Point presentation regarding JPI history and developments. She said the project
has been a resounding success and the success of Jefferson at Empire Lakes is what brought them
back to the community.
Greg Anderson, JPI Westcoast Development, L.P., 8910 University Center Lane,#150, San Diego,
stated they are doing a concurrent and complete design of the residential and commercial
Planning Commission Minutes -2- June 11, 2003
components. He showed sketches of the potential retail. He said the retail development constitutes
the front door to their residential development. He indicated they have tried to develop a plan to
integrate the retail with the residential. He said the residential units open onto the retail portion. He
felt the plans being put together reflect the current market.
Commissioner Stewart asked that they address the 4.15 acre parcel. She questioned if it wouldn't
be possible to make the retail area larger.
Mr. Anderson stated that because of the proximity and size of other retail uses in that area, a 4.15
acre site is the right size that will enable them to bring in quality tenants and provide good services
for the area.
Mr. Kudlac stated they have been marketing the area for the past 10 years. He said they had been
talking with Costco, Kohl's, and Wal Mart, but they all went elsewhere because the larger retail users
stated it is on the wrong side of the street and access is restricted. He noted there is a well site
owned by the City of Ontario that also restricts their access from Milliken Avenue. He noted the
parcel has an unusual triangular configuration. He thought this is the best market-based approach.
He noted they have been competing with the Mills project for years and they are now competing with
Victoria Arbors. He said they have approached over 300 companies.
Commissioner Fletcher asked if it would cause any unusual hardships to require that the commercial
project be developed concurrently with the residential one.
Mr. Kudlac responded that it may create hardships. He preferred that they have flexibility. He said
they feel it is something they need to deliver and they feel confident it will be done without adding it
as a requirement. He commented that they have a big incentive to get it done.
Hearing no further testimony, Vice Chairman Macias dosed the public hearing.
Commissioner Stewart stated that when she first opened the agenda packet, she was very
concemed that the site will go predominantly residential. She said she now understood why that is
probably the best direction for a variety of reasons. She encouraged them to develop the retail as
quickly as possible but she did not think it would need to be conditioned to be developed in
conjunction with the residential because she agreed they would not want an undeveloped parcel as
their entrance. She commended General Dynamics and JPI for their development in the area. She
moved approval of the project.
Commissioner Fletcher concurred and said he likes the projects they have built and took them at
their word that they are working diligently on the retail. He seconded the motion.
Vice Chairman Macias felt it is an outstanding product and the developers have demonstrated in the
City that they are capable. He thought some concems had been raised about the phasing and timing
of the commercial component versus the residential. He observed that one of their team members
indicated the City is more sophisticated than it has been in the past and times are changing. He felt
things are currently changing and the developer may find that there is a greater demand for retail
now than their previous studies may have shown. He noted that it is the gateway to the City and
patrons may not wish to deal with the traffic that the Mills generates. He thought an even larger
retail component might be desirable. He believed Chairman McNiel would probably want to see
something in that direction. Vice Chairman Macias said he was not entirely convinced that the size
of the retail component is satisfactory. He indicated he would like to see the retail and residential
components occur concurrently. He suggested the applicants consult with staff. He agreed that the
design needs to be consistent with what is there. He recommended that a Pre-Application Review
workshop be conducted with the Commission. He felt it will be a good project but was concerned
with phasing of the two components and the size of the retail. He asked for clarification that the
Planning Commission Minutes -3- June 11, 2003
Planning Commission was recommending approval of the Amendments and the Addendum to the
previously certified Master EIR.
Kevin Ennis, Assistant City Attorney, concurred that the Commission would need to recommend
approval of the addendum to the previously certified 2001 General Plan Final EIR and the previously
certified Subarea 18 Specific Plan Final EIR.
Vice Chairman Macias stated that meant that no new significant impacts or any new thresholds were
identified that were not previously addressed in the certified EIRs.
Mr. Ennis confirmed that was correct.
Vice Chairman Macias noted that there was a motion on the floor.
Motion: Moved by Stewart, seconded by Fletcher,to adopt the resolutions recommending approval
of General Plan Amendment DRC2003-00254 and IASP Subarea 18 Specific Plan Amendment
DRC2003-00255 and adoption of the addendum to the Certified EIRs. Motion carried by the
following vote:
ABSTAIN: McPHAIL - carried
to expand an existing automotive technical school of 71,872 square feet into an adjacent tenant
space of 31,680 square feet to completely occupy the building of 103,552 square feet,located in
the General Industrial District (Subarea 11) at 11530 6th Street-APN: 0229-262-37.
Mike Smith, Planning Technician, presented the staff report and noted that a letter had been
received from Amphastar regarding the parking issue.
Vice Chairman Macias opened the public hearing.
Chuck Buquet, Charles Joseph Associates, 10681 Foothill Boulevard, #395, Rancho Cucamonga,
presented a Universal Technical Institute (UTI) school catalog and brochures. He believed the
parking problems had been worked out. He acknowledged staff received a letter from Amphastar
Pharmaceuticals expressing concerns about the parking. He felt it would only be a short-term
challenge with respect to the facility because UTI is in escrow to purchase another site and they
hope to move by June 2004, or early fall 2004 at the latest. He said they have rescheduled the
school program. He stated they have also retooled their parking management program and will offer
incentives to carpool or take public transportation: He commented that Amphastar has expressed
concem that they have 400 parking spaces available for their future expansion. He noted that 581
parking spaces are required for all tenants and there are currently 725 spaces. He said his client
needs only 189 spaces. He explained they will clearly delineate the spaces that can be used by
students and there will be graduated penalties for parking elsewhere, up to towing. He noted that
the Conditional Use Permit can be brought back before the Commission if there are adverse effects
upon adjacent businesses.
Commissioner Stewart asked for clarification about the parking solutions.
Mr. Buquet replied they are investigating using a shuttle service with off-site parking. He said they
have also determined that they must limit the vehicles parked there that are to be worked on. He
said they will abide by the number of parking spaces allocated to them. He noted that Amphastar
Planning Commission Minutes -4- June 11, 2003
had done some building improvements and lost about 40 parking spaces but there are still sufficient
parking spaces available. He observed that parking is per parcel. He reiterated they will mark the
spaces allotted to UTI.
Commissioner Fletcher asked about parking for special events.
Mr. Buquet observed that graduation ceremonies will probably be held elsewhere.
Monty Jordan, UTI School Director, 11530 6th Street, echoed the commitment to work with
Amphastar with respect to the parking needs. He said they have committed to a stringent
enforcement of the parking policies. He said it is their desire to remain in Rancho Cucamonga as
they expand to about triple their current size. He said they train technicians to repair high powered
cars; i.e., Jaguar, Porsche, Audi, Mercedes, BMW, etc.
David Nassif, Chief Financial Officer,Amphastar Pharmaceuticals, inc., stated they understand that
UTI is making a sincere effort to find a new building. He acknowledged that UTI and their consultant
have made an effort to come up with a plan to solve the problem, but he pointed out the solution is
unproven. He observed that some of the measures were indicated as to having already been in
process and reported he surveyed the lot the day before tonight's meeting and observed over 100
cars without a sticker. He noted there were only three tenants in the park and the other tenant has
very few employees. He said it appeared to be a lot of non-Amphastar vehicles parked in spaces
allocated to Amphastar. He stated they previously provided documentation to the City of ostensibly
UTI vehicles. He proposed that a condition be added to bring back the project for review as of
September 30, 2004, since UTI thought they would be in their new facility by then. He noted that if a
problem arises before then, they could request the City review the matter prior to then.
Hearing no further testimony, Vice Chairman Macias closed the public hearing.
' Commissioner Stewart asked for clarification that a conditional use permit allows the matter to be
brought back before the Commission if there are adverse effects.
Mr. Smith confirmed that was correct. He said it was his understanding that Mr. Nassif was
requesting that a condition be added to automatically trigger a review as of September 30, 2004.
Commissioner Fletcher did not feel it would be necessary to add such a condition.
Kevin Ennis,Assistant City Attomey, pointed out that Planning Condition 7 indicates that if operation
of the facility causes adverse effects upon adjacent businesses, it could be brought before the
Planning Commission for review. He said if staff feels any complaints are valid, they can schedule
for review on or before September 2004.
Vice Chairman Macias asked if the Commission was comfortable with the current language.
Commissioner Stewart did not feel it was necessary to stipulate a specific review date because the
Commission could review and revoke the Conditional Use Permit at any time.
Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, observed that the Commission could add a condition that the
proposed parking measures be implemented within 90 days.
Vice Chairman Macias agreed with Commissioner Stewart that additional conditions are not needed.
Commissioner Stewart noted that the Commission usually does not apply additional conditions until a
problem is brought before them. She thought it is wonderful to see two successful businesses. She
thought UTI was making an effort to be a good neighbor and she felt it will work.
Planning Commission Minutes -5- June 11, 2003
Commissioner McPhail stated that education and employment are fine things. She felt UTI was
trying to be a good neighbor and there are remedies in place if they fall back into bad habits.
Commissioner Fletcher was impressed that the school is so successful. He was glad that both
businesses are successful. He understood the need to find good quality mechanics. He believed
there are sufficient parking spaces for both businesses as planned. He said his business is in a
complex with 8 buildings and 75 owners with only two spaces per unit and they work out any
Vice Chairman Macias felt the conditions are fair and adequate and will stimulate the businesses to
work together. He did not think the City wants to place multiple reviews on projects and believed the
neighbors could work together.
Motion: Moved by Stewart, seconded by McPhail,to adopt the resolution approving Conditional Use
Permit DRC2002-00953. Motion carded by the following vote:
ABSENT: McNIEL - carried
proposed site acquisition of approximately 9.39 acres of land for an elementary school located in
the Mixed-Use District of the Victoria Arbors Village on the west side of Victoria Park Lane,
south of Base Line Road -APN: 0227-171-29 and 30.
Nancy Fong, Senior Planner, presented the staff report and reiterated that staffs position is that the
School site should be designed to function without having to rely on the use of the park site for
recreational needs.
Vice Chairman Macias invited public comments.
Doug Claflin, Assistant Superintendent of Business, Etiwanda School District, 6061 East Avenue,
Rancho Cucamonga, stated they have met with staff and worked with the architect to do the
preliminary designs on the site. He noted there are some wetland areas that need to be worked
around. He said that because of the unique shape and size of less than 10 acres, it is not possible
to accommodate a ball field. He stated they are therefore asking to develop a Joint Use Agreement
with the City for use of the ball field at the park during the school day and have joint use of any of
the school's facilities after the school day is over, such as the arrangement now in place at Windrows
Elementary School. He noted they realize the relationship to the Regina Winery site and the grape
and vineyard theme and the State Architect is working to incorporate arbors in place that would be
visible from Victoria Park Lane. He said they are working on traffic flow and making sure they have
proper stacking and drop off area available. He stated they would like to have a self-contained site
but it was impossible to do with the site restraints.
There were no additional public comments.
Motion: Moved by Fletcher, seconded by Stewart, to forward comments to the School District.
Motion carded by the following vote:
ABSENT: McNIEL - carried
Planning Commission Minutes -6- June 11, 2003
There were no public comments at this time.
There was no Commission business.
Motion: Moved by Stewart, seconded by McPhail, carried 4-0-1, to adjourn. The Planning
Commission adjourned at 8:37 p.m. to a workshop immediately following regarding Pre-Application
Review DRC2003-00503. The workshop adjourned at 9:90 p.m. and those minutes appear
Ritfully s bmitte- j
Dan Coleman
Acting Secretary
Planning Commission Minutes -7- June 11, 2003