HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003/05/14 - Workshop Minutes - PC-HPC CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA
Adjourned Meeting
May 14, 2003
Chairman McNiel called the Adjourned Meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning
Commission to order at 7:40 p.m. The meeting was held in the Rains Room at Rancho Cucamonga
Civic Center, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California.
COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT: Richard Fletcher; Rich Macias, Larry McNiel, Pam Stewart
ABSENT: Cristine McPhail
STAFF PRESENT: Brad Buller, City Planner; Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, Kirt Coury,
Associate Planner; Nancy Fong, Senior Planner; Donald Granger, Assistant
Planner; Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer; Debra Meier,Associate Planner,
Warren Morelion, Assistant Planner; Joe Stofa, Associate Engineer; Ruben
Warren, Planning Technician
Pm Application Review to consider a conceptual design concept for a proposed development of
4 two-story office buildings totaling 32,020 square feet on 2.00 acres of land in the Industrial
Park District (Subarea 6) within the Haven Overlay District, located on the east side of Haven
Avenue, approximately 760 feet south of Arrow Route - APN: 0209-491-08. Related Files:
Development Review DRC2003-00107 and Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM16123.
COURT OFFICE COMPLEX) - A second Pre-Application Review to consider a conceptual
design concept for the proposed development of 2 two-story 10,056 square foot office/medical
buildings on two separate parcels totaling 1.88 acres of land in the Industrial Park District
(Subarea 6)within Haven the Avenue Overlay District, located at the northwest end of Monroe
Court, east of Haven Avenue -APN: 0209-491-12 and 13. Related Files: Development Review
DRC2003-00109, Development Review DRC2003-00110,Tentative Parcel Map SUPTPM16124,
and Tentative Parcel Map SUPTPM16125.
Brad Buller, City Planner, introduced the item and gave an overview of the Pm-Application Review
process. He emphasized that the purpose of the workshop was to look at the proposed project's
overall design and its relationship to the surrounding area. He thanked the applicant for returning for
a second workshop.
Serge Bonaldo, project architect, discussed the proposed design of the two projects. He noted that
changes have been made to both projects since the first workshop that was held on March 12,2003.
He pointed out that "Dryvit"is the primary material that will be used, along with slate as a secondary
material along the building's base. He noted that plazas areas with public art have been added, and
that pedestrian pathways have been incorporated into the site plan. He added that the building's
base material has been upgraded from limestone to slate. Finally, Mr. Bonaldo noted the durability
and stain-resistant qualities of"Dryvit" material.
Donald Granger, Assistant Planner, gave a brief overview of the site planning standards in the
Haven Overlay District. Donald Granger stressed that projects within the Haven Overlay District
must provide high-quality site amenities and have a pedestrian-oriented design that includes paseos,
courtyards, and outdoor furniture.
Warren Morelion,Assistant Planner, discussed the architectural goals of the Haven Overlay District,
with a particular emphasis on the materials palette required in the Haven Avenue Overlay District.
He pointed out the following three key items for the Planning Commissioners to consider.
architectural style of the building, materials palette, and the amount of materials used along the
building plane and focal points.
Commissioner Stewart agreed with staffs comments regarding the importance of creating a campus-
like feeling. She added that she was comfortable with the "Dryvit" material and indicated that she
was supportive of the overall architectural concept.
Commissioner Maclas echoed Commissioner Stewart's comments regarding the importance of
incorporating a high-level of site amenities into the project's design and that the project was moving
in the right direction overall. He emphasized the importance of maintaining the quality of architecture
along Haven Avenue and that materials used on this north-south corridor must reflect the quality and
durability of design that the City seeks.
Commissioner Fletcher was concerned with the material quality and inquired how long the applicant
has been utilizing "Dryvit" material.
Mr. Bonaldo replied they have used that material several years in Orange County.
Commissioner Fletcher stated that landscaping should complement and be a part of any project
along Haven Avenue.
Chairmen McNeil stated that he had no problems with"Dryvit"material being used on the buildings.
He also indicated that architectural design of the buildings was acceptable, but that the arched fields
should be enhanced, and that the pavement in the outdoor plaza areas should be strengthened. He
closed by complimenting the applicant on the use of elliptical pathways in the plaza areas,which will
function to preserve the landscape by protecting it from foot traffic.
Brad Buller, City Planner, summarized the comments of the Commission and directed the applicant
to move forward with submittal of a Design Review application.
C. DRC2003-00442 —CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA—A discussion of roofing materials.
Brad Buller, City Planner, introduced the item. He explained this item was originally going to be a
discussion at the Design Review Committee but was brought to the Commission as a workshop item
because of scheduling times. He noted no action was before the Commission but rather he and Mr.
Trudeau, the applicant,were simply looking for discussion and feedback on the issue. He said that if
Mr. Trudeau were to submit for a re-roofing permit at this time, staff would deny it based on the Code
and a Code Amendment would be necessary to support Mr. Trudeau's request.
William Trudeau offered his justification for asking that he be permitted to re-roof his tiled roof home
with asphalt composition. He believed that the quality of composition shingles is much better today
and aesthetically equal to tile. He also expressed some public safety concerns with tile roofs when
firemen have to be on the roof.
PC Adjourned Minutes -2- May 14, 2003
Commissioner Stewart agreed that the quality of composition roofing material has been bettered over
the years but she felt Mr.Trudeau's request for his house did not warrant support to change from tile
to composition shingle. She noted that every house on his street is tile and there is a strong
community(neighborhood) identity with tile. She felt that changing his roof would not be compatible
or consistent with the neighborhood.
Commissioners Macias and Fletcher agreed. Both also felt it might be necessary to address the
Code to clarify when and if composition shingles would be acceptable for re-roofing.
Chairman McNiel explained how historically the issue of roof materials evolved within the City. He
recounted his own re-roofing decision and indicated his support for maintaining the direction of
requiring tile roofs on all new projects. He said he would not support Mr. Trudeau's request for his
house because of the consistency issue with his immediate block.
Mr. Buller thanked the Commission and Mr. Trudeau for their time and stated he will work with Mr.
Trudeau on how he would like to proceed based on the discussion.
CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES - A proposal to develop 210 apartment homes and
associated recreation facilities on 8.78 acres of land in the Mixed Use High Density Multi-Family
Residential District (24-30 dwelling units per acre) within the Victoria Arbors Master Plan,
located on the west side of Day Creek Boulevard, north of Foothill Boulevard. APN: 0227-201-
39 and 43.
CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES - A proposal to develop 387 apartment homes and
associated recreation facilities on 15.41 acres of land in the Mixed Use High Density
Multi-Family Residential District(24-30 dwelling units per acre)within the Victoria Arbors Master
Plan, located on the west side of Day Creek Boulevard, north of Foothill Boulevard -
APN: 201-201- 38, 41, and 42.
Brad Buller, City Planner, explained the workshop format and intent and introduced the applicant.
The applicant and their representatives included Chuck Buquet of Charles Joseph Associates, Brian
Hall of Architects Orange, and Dan Milch of Fairfield Residential.
Mr. Milch provided an overview of the project along with some highlights of the project description for
the two projects.
Debra Meier, Associate Planner, described to the Commissioners that the primary purpose for the
workshop was to review the first multi-family project application that will be reviewed using the
Victoria Arbors Master Plan guidelines for multi-family development. She stated the Design Review
Committee had previously provided strong direction regarding the expectations for multi-family
development in this portion of the community, including appropriate buffering between the multi-
family housing project and the commercial properties on the south and the future medium density
residential on the north; and that the guidelines make it clear that multi-family development should
not have buildings that line up along the street, or are oriented in a rigid grid pattem, and that the site
design should reflect a campus-like setting. She noted many of these desired elements were not •
reflected in the project application. She said staff would like direction from the Commission
regarding the interpretation of these design guidelines as related to these specific projects.
Chairman McNeil requested comments from each Commissioner.
PC Adjoumed Minutes -3- May 14, 2003
Commissioner Macias stated that the applicant should revisit the site design to avoid the"barracks"
effect created by the building pattern and arrangement; and that it was important for the applicant to
develop focal points within the project, particularly near primary project entries and from Day Creek
Commissioner Fletcher asked the applicants to describe any similarities to the existing Fairfield
projects of Ironwood and Fairway Palms located in the vicinity of Milliken Avenue and 6th Street.
The applicant, Mr. Milch and his architect Mr. Hall, responded to Mr. Fletcher's questions by stating
that the Chambray product is similar to the lrownwood/Fairway Palms projects, while the Meritage
project is a new design that has evolved from experience in the City, as well as the provisions of the
Victoria Arbors Design Guidelines.
Commissioner Stewart indicated that both projects need architectural focal points that make the
entries much more prominent. She believed the architecture theme does not include all the required
elements as outlined in the design guidelines and this would also include the details that are
incorporated into the carports. She stated the courtyards should also be detailed in keeping with the
Tuscan winery theme of the Victoria Arbors. In addition, she thought the site plan also needs to be
assessed for further compliance with the Master Plan design guidelines.
Chairman McNeil reiterated the concem pertaining to the"soldering"effect of the buildings along Day
Creek Boulevard. He also expressed concem that the site plan layout has a predominance of open
parking, and that even the focus of project entries is open parking spaces. Chairman McNeil also
agreed with Commissioner Stewart's comments pertaining to the architectural detailing, and
suggested that additional design analysis was necessary to conform to the Design Guidelines.
Mr. Buller provided some concluding remarks, and suggested that the applicant consider using 4-or
5-story buildings in order to free up open space and said that staff would look closely at the parking
needs analysis within the project.
A request for the review of three separate four-story hotels buildings totaling 342 units, three
office buildings totaling 15,000 square feet, a 6,000 square foot full-service day spa, a 6,000
square foot sit-down restaurant, and a 3,000 square foot general retail store on 14.75 acres of
land in the Industrial Park District (Subarea 12) of the Development Code located on the north
side of 4th Street between Mission Vista Drive, Pittsburgh Avenue, and Richmond Place.
APN: 0229-263-48.
Brad Buller, City Planner, introduced the item and explained the Pre-Application Review process.
Larry Madson, Regional Project Manager, Tharaldson Development Company, introduced the
project, indicating it was very preliminary in concept and that they were searching for feedback from
the Commission on how the property should be developed. He also discussed the design with
respect to sensitivity to existing and surrounding area. He commented that he and his company
were committed to designing an upscale hotel site project.
Carol Plowman, Senior Vice President for Lee and Associates, identified potential businesses and
uses that would occupy the remaining buildings along adjacent 4th Street.
Mr. Madson provided a modified site design that re-oriented the hotel buildings to reflect a
"horseshoe." design rather than a "soldier" layout per staff recommendations.
PC Adjoumed Minutes -4- May 14, 2003
Staff discussed issues relating to the proposal with respect to building orientation, land use
functions, and pedestrian access. Other issues identified included on- and off-site access and
circulation, parking, and site planning, as well as location and setbacks of the proposed bank and
restaurant facilities.
Mr. Buller noted that a re-submittal of the project should provide successful demonstration of design
elements, site planning, architecture, landscape architecture, and land usage.
Commissioner Fletcher liked the project and believed it could capture amenities of the surrounding
Commissioner Macias felt it is a good fit for the area and the community.
Commissioner Stewart also indicated she is excited about the potential uses. She stated she would
like to see the project designed with a campus style site plan with a heavy emphasis on landscaping.
Chairman McNiel concurred with the other Commissioners. He indicated he would like to see the
hotels open to a view of the mountains. He strongly encouraged the "horseshoe" design and
suggested rotating the buildings to create on-site focal points. He suggested there should be good
pedestrian access throughout the site.
Mr. Buller summarized the comments of the Commission as well as staff. He directed the applicant
to continue to work for an exceptional project.
There were no public comments.
The Planning Commission adjoumed at 9:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
B •'-uller
PC Adjoumed Minutes -5- May 14, 2003