HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001/07/11 - Minutes - PC-HPC CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA
Regular Meeting
July 11, 2001
Chairman McNiel called the Regular Meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning
Commission to order at 7:06 p.m. The meeting was held in the Council Chamber at Rancho
Cucamonga Civic Center, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California.
COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT: Rich Macias, John Mannerino, Larry McNiel, Pam Stewart,
Peter Tolstoy
STAFF PRESENT: Brad Buller, City Planner; Dan Coleman, Principal Planner; Kevin Ennis,
Assistant City Attorney; Douglas Fenn, Associate Planner; Tom Grahn,
Associate Planner; Debra Meier, Contract Planner; Gail Sanchez, Planning
Commission Secretary; Joe Stofa, Associate Engineer; Emily Wimer,
Assistant Planner
Brad Buller, City Planner, announced there were some documents in front of the Commissioners with
respect to various items on the agenda and staff would discuss those correspondence as the items
came up on the agenda.
Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Stewart, carried 4-0-0-1 (Macias abstain), to approve the
minutes dated June 13, 2001.
COLORADO PACIFIC COMMUNITIES—A residential subdivision of 139 single-family lots on
45.28 acres in the Very Low Residential District(up to 2 dwelling units per acre)and 13.25 acres
of open space in the Low Residential District(2-4 dwelling units per acre), utilizing the Optional
Development Standards of the Etiwanda Specific Plan. All residential development is proposed
on the 45.28-acre parcel located on the south side of Highland Avenue, east of Etiwanda
Avenue and all the required open space(per the Optional Development Standards) is proposed
on the 13.25-acre parcel located on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue, south of Victoria Street—
I APN: 227-051-01, 04, 05, 06, 09 and 28 and 227-121-16 and 49. Related Files: Development
Agreement DRC2001-00325, Etiwanda Specific Plan Amendment 01-01, Tree Removal Permit
DRC2001-00323, Landmark Designation DRC2001-00337, and Landmark Alteration Permit
COLORADO PACIFIC COMMUNITIES—A proposed development agreement to establish the
details pertaining to the transfer of density and open space between Tentative Tract Map
SUBTT16195 and the open space parcel — APN: 227-051-01, 04, 05, 06, 09, and 28 and
227-121-16 and 49. Related Files: Tentative Tract SUBTT16195, Etiwanda Specific Plan
Amendment 01-01, Tree Removal Permit DRC2001-00323, Landmark Designation
DRC2001-00337, and Landmark Alteration Permit DRC2001-00338.
request to amend to the Etiwanda Specific Plan to allow the transfer of density and/or open
space to non-contiguous parcels when using the Optional Development Standards(Figure 5-3).
Related Files: Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16195, Development Agreement DRC2001-00325,
Tree Removal Permit DRC2001-00323, Landmark Designation DRC2001-00337, and Landmark
Alteration Permit DRC2001-00338.
Debra Meier, Contract Planner, presented the staff report.
Chairman McNiel asked if it was suggested that the items be continued to a specific date.
Ms. Meier responded that was not known.
Commissioner Mannerino asked if it was suggested that the Commission have a discussion without
knowing which submission the applicant intends to pursue. He questioned what had been submitted
and what the Commission had seen.
Commissioner Macias concurred with Commission Mannerino that he did not wish to waste the
Commission's time or the public's time.
Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing.
Rick Gomez, Forma, 17500 Red Hill Drive, Suite 100, Irvine, stated he was representing Colorado
Pacific. He said they would like to move forward with the original application before the Commission
but they presented an altemate option to address some of the concerns raised by the residents so
that time would not be lost.
Commissioner Mannerino stated he was confused. He asked if the applicant intends to sit down with
staff and the community. He suggested that the matter come to the Commission after that meeting
had taken place.
Mr. Gomez responded they prefer the original project which was presented in the package. He
suggested that the Commission listen to public testimony and direct the applicant to work with staff
and the community if it feels the concems raised by the public would warrant that direction.
Commissioner Mannerino didn't feel the Commission could give proper direction. He felt it was
premature to hear testimony and he thought it was a hollow gesture since the applicant had
submitted an altemate plan different from what was on the agenda.
Chairman McNiel commented the applicant presented a project through the Design Review
Committee and Technical Review Committee and then met with the local community, at which time it
appears some red flags were raised. He observed that an alternate plan was then submitted which
has not been processed but the applicant has asked the Commission to proceed with the original
plan submitted. He agreed it may be a moot point.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked if the public had an opportunity to look at the alternate plan in a public
Planning Commission Minutes -2- July 11, 2001
Mr. Gomez responded negatively. He explained it had been discussed with a few individuals but the
residents had not seen it collectively. He said Colorado Pacific was trying to move forward rapidly
and he apologized for any confusion.
Commissioner Tolstoy indicated he understood there was a mix-up with the meeting room schedule
at the first public meeting with the residents and they met on the sidewalk.
Mr. Gomez confirmed that was correct. He said the School District would not let them meet on the
property, so they met with the residents on the sidewalk.
Commissioner Tolstoy said he understood, but he did not feel that was the same as having a sit-
down meeting. He noted the City always recommends that developers have a neighborhood
meeting to explain the project. He thought they should have the public meeting first and he did not
want to hear the objections of residents if the project is not going to be processed as submitted.
Mr. Gomez agreed the opportunity to hear from the public was less than optimal. He indicated they
distributed handouts with graphics and a site map to the 20-25 people who showed up.
Commissioner Macias asked if the new altemative would change the environmental assessment of
the project.
Ms. Meier responded that the impacts would be less; therefore, the Initial Study would more than
address them.
Commissioner Macias said there was clearly some confusion and that the applicant had not
conducted a valid meeting with the residents. He agreed with Commissioner Mannerino that it was a
moot point, but he felt it was the duty of the Commission to hear public testimony.
Commissioner Stewart agreed with Commissioner Macias.
Mr. Gomez stated the project had been advertised as a public hearing and he said the applicant
would like to have the hearing.
Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by Macias, to continue the items along with the public
testimony until staff had an opportunity to digest both plans.
Commissioner Mannerino suggested that the public should hold their testimony unless they could not
be at the meeting at the continued date.
Chairman McNiel asked for direction from counsel since public testimony had not been taken and
there had been no presentation by the developer.
Kevin Ennis, Assistant City Attorney, stated the Commission could legally continue the matter to
another date, or to an unspecified date if re-advertised, He indicated the Commission could direct
the applicant to hold a public meeting. He said the Commission could open the public hearing and
continue the matter without taking any testimony whatsoever.
Commissioner Macias said he seconded Commissioner Mannerino's motion because he wanted the
public to have an opportunity to attend a public neighborhood meeting.
Mr. Ennis said it was his understanding the motion was to authorize limited public testimony only
from those individuals who felt they could not come back to a future meeting after the community
meeting. He stated that if the applicant withdraws the application, that would make the matter moot.
He noted the City would have to act on the application as originally submitted unless the applicant
withdraws it or specifies a modification.
Planning Commission Minutes -3- July 11, 2001
Brad Buller, City Planner, confirmed that a new plan had been submitted to the City on Tuesday and
staff had distributed it to other departments but there had not been time for the plan to be reviewed
as yet. He said staff felt it would be fair for the Commission to continue the items but also allow the
residents to comment. He suggested a neighborhood meeting be held within seven days and the
matter be continued for two weeks. He said the developer could also withdraw their application and
re-advertise for a new hearing.
Commissioner Mannerino stated he would modify his motion to continue the items to July 25, 2001.
Commissioner Macias amended the second.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked if a two-week continuance would be sufficient.
Mr. Buller thought the applicant could hold a meeting, but he wasn't sure if the residents could meet
within a week. He said there should be some notice regarding the meeting.
Commissioner Tolstoy suggested the matter be continued for four weeks so that staff would have an
opportunity to prepare a staff report including the results of the neighborhood meeting.
Commissioner Macias also questioned if there was enough time for staff to evaluate the project and
include the evaluation in the agenda packets.
Chairman McNiel felt there would be sufficient time if the applicant proceeds with what was originally
Commissioner Stewart felt there was so much new information that the matter must be continued.
She noted the developer had expressed a desire to process their original proposal. She wanted to
hear some testimony from the residents regarding their concerns.
Commissioner Mannerino felt the applicant could conduct a community meeting and would then
know in two weeks if they wish to go forward with the original proposal. He said the items could
again be continued if the project was not ready at that time.
Mr. Gomez said they would like to meet with the residents.
Commissioner Mannerino requested that residents not speak if they would be able to attend the July
25, 2001, meeting.
Motion to continue Landmark Designation DRC2001-00337, Landmark Alteration Permit
DRC2001-00338, Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16195„ Development Agreement DRC2001-00325,
and Etiwanda Specific Plan Amendment 01-01 to July 25, 2001 carried by the following vote:
ABSENT: NONE - carried
Kelly Chase, 13215 Catalpa Street, Rancho Cucamonga, stated notices were sent on June 29 that a
meeting would be held in a tent on July 5; however, when the residents arrived on July 5, they were
told that the City advised them to cancel the meeting because of the possibility of thunderstorms.
She stated they had been told tonight's meeting would not happen and they were going to go with a
new plan. She felt there should only be 65 homes instead of the 139 they were requesting.
David Wong, 132021 Vista Street, Rancho Cucamonga, stated he is just south of the proposed
development. He believed the developer had not cleared the meeting at the school and said they
were then advised another meeting would be held in a tent. He said about 30 residents showed up
but the developer did not. He acknowledged that a tract will be built but said the developer informed
Planning Commission Minutes -4- July 11, 2001
them that the previously approved plan would be built. He indicated his greatest concern was not
density, but drainage. He questioned what would happen with the water coming down from the
catch basin. He said the School Board is concerned about where the water will go and felt a
drainage system is need to take the water out. He questioned the number of phases and asked how
much the lives of existing residents will be disrupted.
Enrique Munol, 6658 Etiwanda Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, stated that if a different set of plans is
presented in the future, the residents have the right to speak out again. He felt it was a waste of
everyone's time to have the hearing when the developer did not even know what the plan will be.
Laurette Allen, 13054 Larrera Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, expressed concern that water will drain
down Pecan Avenue. She reported that a recent 20-minute rainstorm resulted in standing water
from curb to curb. She said her second concern was traffic. She felt there will be unbearable traffic
from 2:30-3:30 p.m. with the number of students in the area. She believed that the Kemp House
should be restored to its former glory if it is moved. She preferred a park on Etiwanda Avenue. Ms.
Allen noted that the area is currently zoned for up to two houses per acre and she felt that should be
the maximum permitted. She said there had been two meetings of the residents with 60 people
showing up at them.
Candice Fowler, 13205 Catalpa Street, Rancho Cucamonga, stated that meetings had been called
on two separate nights. She said that residents showed up but the developer had not. She thought
a neighborhood meeting should be held. She believed most residents want lower density. She said
they have been promised a number of things by Mr. Brose including only 90 homes and a park.
Ishmael Flores, 13060 Vista Street, Rancho Cucamonga, expressed concern about the drainage
basin which will be built directly behind his fence. He did not feel his family will be safe if the basin is
built there. He also was concerned about children traveling on Highland Avenue to and from school.
Jim Banks, 13181 Victoria Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, concurred with the other residents
regarding concerns about drainage, traffic, and the historic house. He stated that the Etiwanda
Specific Plan allows for greater density if certain amenities are created and the intent was to keep
the amenity with the density. He cautioned against separating the amenity from the density and
hoped that a distance limit would be imposed if the City should approve the Etiwanda Specific Plan
The Planning Commission recessed from 8:03 p.m. to 8:11 p.m.
ALBERTSON'S EXPRESS — A request to construct a 2,029 square foot fuel service and
convenience store on 0.71 acre of land in the Community Commercial District (Foothill
Boulevard, Subarea 2), located at the northwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard
Avenue—APN: 207-102-49.
Tom Grahn, Associate Planner, presented the staff report and indicated a letter had been received _
from California Department of Transportation urging liaison with Caltrans and asking that the
development comply with the Congestion Management Program and make a fair share contribution
for regional transportation infrastructure. Mr. Grahn said that all traffic impacts were addressed with
the original development of the site.
Chairman McNiel asked for clarification regarding the letter from the State Department of
Planning Commission Minutes -5- July 11, 2001
Brad Buller, City Planner, stated that the Congestion Management Plan requires an analysis of traffic
impacts in the immediate area as well as beyond the area for projects over a certain threshold.
Commissioner Macias thought that was a SANBAG problem.
Mr. Buller said that CEQA requires the analysis.
Commissioner Tolstoy thought the City was already complying.
Mr. Buller confirmed it had been done with the initial approval of the center.
Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing.
Richard Tate, Tate and Associates, 701 North Parkcenter Drive, Santa Ana, stated he represented
Albertson's Express. He concurred with the conditions. He indicated that Albertson's decided to get
into the fuel dispensing business about two years ago and they have installed facilities at 175 stores
nationwide. He said they are looking at each current location to determine feasibility as they feel it
creates synergy with the main store. He stated the station will be operated as a department of the
store. He reported that a pneumatic tube was already installed to allow for transfer of funds and
documents from the pad to the main store and there will be continual surveillance by the security
personnel from the main store.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked if they would have payphones.
Mr. Grahn responded there are some payphones directly in front of the main store.
Commissioner Tolstoy felt it was better not to have payphones because of the potential for drug
Hearing no further testimony, Chairman McNiel closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Stewart felt it will be a nice looking building.
Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by Tolstoy, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the
resolution approving Conditional Use Permit DRCCUP00-45. Motion carried by the following vote:
ABSENT: NONE - carried
CONCORDIA-A request to subdivide 26.94 acres of land into 75 lots for the purpose of single
family home construction in the Low and Low-Medium Residential (2-4 and 4-8 dwelling units
per acre) of the Etiwanda Specific Plan, located at the southeast corner of East Avenue and
Victoria Street-APN: 227-141-42,44,46,65, and a portion of 71. Related Files: Development
Review DRC2001-00109, Variance DRC2001-00211, and Tree Removal Permit DRC2001-
CONCORDIA - The design review of building elevations and detailed site plan for 75 single-
family lots on 26.94 acres of land in the Low and Low-Medium Residential (2-4 and 4-8 dwelling
units per acre) of the Etiwanda Specific Plan, located at the southeast corner of East Avenue
and Victoria Street-APN 227-141-42, 44, 46, 65 and a portion of 71. Related files: Tentative
Planning Commission Minutes -6- July 11, 2001
Tract Map SUBTT16189, Variance DRC2001-00211, and Tree Removal Permit DRC2001-
G. VARIANCE DRC2001-00211 -CONCORDIA-A request to increase the wall height up to 17 feet
for sound attenuation along the southeasterly boundary of proposed Tentative Tract Map
SUBTT16189 in the Etiwanda Specific Plan, located at the southeast corner of East Avenue and
Victoria Street-APN 227-141-42, 44, 46, 65, and a portion of 71. Related files: Tentative Tract
Map SUBTT16189, Development Review DRC2001-00109 and Tree Removal Permit DRC2001-
Emily Wimer,Assistant Planner, presented the staff report and reported that Air Quality Management
District(AQMD)faxed a letter requesting that the City revise its charts for determining impacts to air
Commissioner Macias asked what that meant.
Ms. Wimer indicated she spoke with the gentleman who sent the fax and he is looking at how the
City can update its charts.
Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, stated that AQMD is revising its methodology for analyzing impacts
to air quality.
Commissioner Stewart noted that the emergency access at Victoria was shown as temporary and
she asked why it is considered temporary.
Ms. Wimer responded that the Fire Division had some issues which have now been resolved and it
is now permanent access.
Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing.
John Snell, Concordia, 1131 West 6th Street, Suite 11, Ontario ,stated they held a neighborhood
meeting and worked through a lot of the issues. He stated they have two points of secondary access
and they will be permanent. He indicated they will be exit only with Fire having the ability to enter off
Commissioner Tolstoy requested that there be consistency of the sound walls along the freeway with
those being installed by other developers. He asked if a design has been determined.
Ms. Wimer responded the developer is conditioned to match the wall for the tract to the south.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked if that will be the style for future development.
Brad Buller, City Planner, stated staff is considering a master plan for the corridor. He noted that
most of the freeway will be below grade in the residential area. He reported the 210 freeway has
specific design criteria where it meets Interstate 15. He suggested it may be similar to the wall along
Interstate 15, but not the same.
Hearing no further testimony, Chairman McNiel closed the public hearing.
Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by Macias, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the
resolutions approving Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16189, Development review DRC2001-00109,and
Variance DRC2001-00211. Motion carried by the following vote:
ABSENT: NONE - carried
Planning Commission Minutes -7- July 11, 2001
DRC2001-00263 - DIVERSIFIED PACIFIC - A request to amend a portion of the
Victoria Community Plan from Medium and Medium-High Residential (8-14 and 14-24 dwelling
units per acre, respectively)to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre)for 20.15
acres, located at the northeast corner of Base Line Road and Milliken Avenue-APN: 227-691-
Emily Wimer, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report.
Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing.
Phillip Burum, Diversified Pacific, 10621 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, stated he was
available to answer questions.
Chairman McNiel asked what they plan for the area.
Mr. Burum stated they plan 109 single family detached homes on 5,500 square foot lots. He noted
the last approved proposal was for 243 units.
Brad Buller, City Planner, indicated it will match the project density and type of subdivision map
immediately adjacent.
Hearing no further testimony, Chairman McNiel closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Tolstoy recalled there had been a number of different proposals for this property. He
hoped this one would develop.
Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Mannerino, to adopt the resolution recommending adoption
of Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2001-00263. Motion carried by the following vote:
ABSENT: NONE - carried
There were no public comments at this time.
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JOSEPH ASSOCIATES-A request to construct two industrial warehouse buildings(Building"A"
- 140,239 square feet and Building "B"- 201,493 square feet) totaling 341,732 square feet on
15.55 acres of land in the Minimum Impact Heavy Industrial District(Subarea 9)and the General
Industrial District (Subarea 13), located south of 8th Street, between Rochester and Buffalo
Avenues -APN: 229-251-34 and 229-262-06.
Douglas Fenn, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. and indicated that a letter had been
received from the State Department of Fish and Game regarding potential impacts to the Delhi
Sands flower-loving fly. He reported that the site is outside of the fly area. Mr. Fenn also suggested
several revisions to the resolution including deletion of Engineering Conditions 1 and 2, as those
items had been addressed, a provision to allow payment of an in-lieu fee for utility undergrounding,
and addition of Engineering Standard conditions which had been inadvertently left out of the staff
Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing.
Chuck Buquet, Charles Joseph Associates, 10681 Foothill Boulevard, Rancho Cucamonga,
acknowledged the courtesy and professional assistance rendered by the City's Planning and
Engineering staff in working with Metropolitan Water District. He said they were able to accomplish a
win/win situation with the screen wall. He indicated Craig Halverson and Matt Jepson of Opus West,
who will be developing the site, were available to answer questions.
Chairman McNiel asked for clarification regarding the potential office area and how it would affect
parking on-site.
Mr. Buquet responded that the client asked that space be called out as potential office and they have
been advised they will have to meet the parking requirements. He said they are cognizant that any
such venture involving expansion of office use would require appropriate review by the City.
Hearing no further testimony, Chairman McNiel closed the public hearing. He indicated he reviewed
the project at the Design Review Committee and felt it is a good looking project.
Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Macias, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the
resolution approving Development Review DRCDR00-59 with modifications to delete Engineering
Conditions 1 and 2, allow payment of an in-lieu fee for utility undergrounding, and add Engineering
Standard conditions. Motion carried by the following vote:
ABSENT: NONE - carried
Commissioner Macias felt all three items should remain status quo.
Commissioners Stewart and Tolstoy agreed.
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Chairman McNiel stated he would like to continue on the Design Review Committee at this time
because the Colorado Pacific Communities item should be returning for review.
Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by Tolstoy, to nominate current officers and Committee
members in their present positions with respect to the Commission. Motion carded by the following
ABSENT: NONE - carried
Chairman McNiel invited public comment.
Carol Douglass, 6047 Indigo Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, stated the current General Plan states
that the Trails Committee is to be composed of members from the Planning Commission, City
Council, and the local riding club. She said there is currently not a member from the Alta Loma
Riding Club on the Trails Committee. She said Sue Rabone is not currently a member of the Riding
Brad Buller, City Planner, stated there was a community outreach looking for qualified candidates
when the current equestrian member, Sue Rabone, was appointed.
Chairman McNiel stated the City could not compel someone from the Riding Club to serve if there
were no volunteers.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated the vote just taken was to renew Commissioner Stewart's appointment
to the Trails Committee. It felt it is appropriate to have a member from the Riding Club and also
someone from the bicycling community, but he said they have tried to find a cyclist and have had
troubling finding someone.
Ms. Douglass stated that the Alta Loma Riding Club was respectfully requesting that a member from
the Riding Club be included and said they had volunteers who would like to participate.
Mr. Buller stated that Sue Rabone's term expired in April 2001. He said staff would be coming back
to the Commission regarding filling of the Equestrian Member at Large position.
Commissioner Tolstoy observed that Martin Dickey from the Park and Recreation Commission is a
Brad Buller, City Planner, stated the Commission would be holding its first public hearing on the
General Plan Update on July 25, 2001.
Commissioner Macias asked how much public response is expected.
Mr. Buller replied it would probably be about the same as the Task Force has seen. He said staff
has not received a lot of comments and most of the comments received have been favorable with
the public feeling the City is headed in the proper direction.
Planning Commission Minutes -10- July 11, 2001
Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Mannerino, carried 5-0, to adjourn. The Planning
Commission adjourned at 9:03 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Planning Commission Minutes -11- July 11, 2001