HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995/10/11 - Minutes - PC-HPCCITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA
Regular Meeting
October 11, 1995
Chairman Barker called the Regular Meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga
Planning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Council
Chamber at Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho
Cucamonga, California. Chairman Barker then led in the pledge of allegiance.
David Barker, Heinz Lumpp, Larry McNiel (arrived at
8:25 p.m.), John Melcher, Peter Tolstoy
Brad Buller, City Planner; Miki Bratt, Associate Planner;
Dan Coleman, Principal Planner; Nancy Fong, Senior Planner;
Ralph Hanson, Deputy City Attorney; Dan James, Senior Civil
Engineer; Brent LeCount, Associate Planner; Betty Miller,
Associate Engineer; Scott Murphy, Associate Planner;
Shelley Petrelli, Planning Secretary
Motion: Moved by Lumpp, seconded by Barker, carried 2-0-1-2 (Melcher and Tolstoy
abstain, McNiel absent), to approve the minutes of September 27, 1995.
PARTNERSHIP - A request to construct a 24,045 square foot addition to an
existing commercial building (Price Club) in the Regional Related Commercial
designation of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan (Subarea 4), locate on
the south side of Foothill Boulevard between 1-15 and Etiwanda Avenue - APN:
229-031-35 and 43.
Motion: Moved by Lumpp, seconded by Melcher, (McNiel absent), carried 4-0-1, to
approve Conditional Use Permit 95-23. Motion carried by the following vote:
- carried
PARTNERS - A request for a land use change from Industrial Park to Community
Commercial for 14.45 acres generally located on the south side of Foothill
Boulevard between Spruce and Elm Avenues - APN: 208-352-62 through 69.
Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. Related
file: Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 95-02
WOHL/RANCHO PARTNERS - A request to amend the Industrial Area Specific Plan
to create a Community Commercial designation for 14.45 acres generally
located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard between Spruce and Elm
Avenues - APN: 208-352-62 through 69. Staff recommends issuance of a
Negative Declaration. Related file: General Plan Amendment 95-02-A.
Miki Bratt, Associate Planner, presented the staff report.
Commissioner Lumpp asked what the status of the City's market analysis was.
Brad Buller, City Planner, replied that the rough draft was sent back to the
consultant and it should be back to the City in about two weeks and would likely
be distributed to the Commission soon thereafter.
Commissioner Lumpp asked if the original time line was still intact.
Mr. Buller replied it was still within the time line.
Mr. Lumpp asked why the setback requirements were mentioned in the staff report
when the site plan had not been evaluated yet.
Ms. Bratt responded that she had performed a brief review for the potential
fastfood use and determined that the setback requirements had not been met for
that use.
Chairman Barker opened the public hearing.
Peter DesForges, Wohl/Rancho Partners, 2400 Michelson Dr. #170, Irvine, CA 92715,
stated that he had sent a memo to Mr. Buller yesterday addressing questions that
were in the staff report and he assumed that the Commission had a copy.
Mr. Buller, responded that the Commissioners had received that information. He
pointed out to the Commission that a letter from Urban Research Associates,
responding to the market study, had been placed in front of the Commission for
this meeting.
Mr. DesForges commented that Wohl Partners believes the site should be changed
from Industrial to Community Commercial and explained the concept of "critical
massing" of retailers related to how retail has changed since the inception of
the General Plan. He stated that critical mass retailing was the clustering of
similar retail businesses, in a fairly close proximity to one another, to provide
customers with the convenience of comparison shopping. He further commented that
this idea originated a few years ago with the introduction of auto malls. He
stated that he recently read in the Business Journal that the Mills project, in
Ontario, will be good competition for Rancho retailers. He said this was an
excellent location for this project given the recent clustering of retail between
Terra Vista and the 1-15 Freeway by adding to the critical mass that already
exists here. He introduced Brad Kaye.
Planning Commission Minutes -2- October 11, 1995
Brad Kaye, Real Estate Manager for Good Guys Home Electronics, 7000 Marina Blvd.,
Brisbane, CA 94005, stated that Good Guys went public in 1986 with 12 stores and
now have 64 stores with sales of over one billion dollars. He stated his job is
working up demographics, determining where new stores should be located, and
negotiating the deals for these stores. He commented that they do extensive
analysis prior to selecting a site and the Rancho market shows a trade base of
more than 400,000 people, with the good incomes, and they have no hesitation in
moving into the area. He went on to state that they are the industry leader in
consumer electronics sales and their sales increase last year was 29 percent (8
percent above average). He stated they were interested in locating in Rancho and
at this site because they want to be where they have an attractive street
frontage and in an area where their customers can conveniently cross-shop. He
pointed out that their business actually generates more revenue when they are
located next door or across the street from their direct competitors (i.e.; Best
Buy and Circuit City). He stated that the service level and their high-end
merchandise is what makes them successful.
Commissioner Lumpp asked why they haven't considered locating on the north side
of Foothill within Towne Square or another location in that area.
Mr. Kaye stated he was not aware of an opportunity there.
Chairman Barker asked if Mr. Kaye was aware of the concern expressed about the
proposed location of that building; it is a large building placed up against
Foothill Boulevard.
Mr. Kaye stated that was no longer their location; they are in line with the
other buildings.
Chairman Barker asked if they moved the building location.
Mr. Kaye responded affirmatively.
Mr. DesForges stated that there was a revised map attached to the letter given
to the Commission earlier this evening. He stated he wanted to address the issue
of locating the proposed project on the south side of Foothill. He said their
site offers opportunities to their potential tenants that they may not be able
to get elsewhere because the site has over 14,000 square feet of frontage on
Foothill Boulevard, it is convenience-oriented, and is easily accessible for
ingress and egress traffic. He commented that the project has the potential to
produce quite a bit of sales tax benefits for the City. He stated there will be
approximately 100 extra parking spaces at the site that could be used to move
buildings around if staff and Commission want. He felt the project is
compatible with surrounding retail because it would broaden the scope already
available. He stated that Great Western's main objection was that they thought
there should be a restaurant on the corner, rather than Good Guys, and he stated
Wohl Partners agreed and changed the location of Good Guys so that could occur.
Chairman Barker asked for additional questions and/or speakers on the proposal.
Andrew Hall, Manager, Best Western/Heritage Inn, 8179 Spruce Avenue, Rancho
Cucamonga CA 91730, stepped up to address the Commission stating he was pleased
to find out that Good Guys will not be locating in building J, but at the same
time, he was concerned that building A could pose visibility problems for the
hotel also. He was pleased to note that two restaurants are under construction
currently within walking distance of the hotel and stated more restaurants and
movie theaters in the area are good for their customers. He stated his desire
to have the Commission consider placement of types of business that complement
the hotel rather than detract from it.
Planning Commission Minutes -3- October 11, 1995
Chairman Barker asked for clarification on the issue of building J versus
building A and the hotel's concern regarding this matter.
Mr. Hall responded that street visibility on the east side of their building is
still a concern as J and A are about the same size, and depending on the height
of the proposed building, either has the potential to block their visibility from
the approaching westbound traffic.
Chairman Barker asked for additional public comments on the project, and hearing
none, he closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Lumpp stated there were many issues to consider and it was his
feeling that market studies can be manipulated any number of ways and that isn't
necessarily the information he is seeking to make his decision. He commented
that there are CEQA issues that need to be explored, including air quality. He
stated he felt this could be a good location for this land use, but he was
concerned about making a final decision on this issue before our consultant's
commercial study is completed.
Commissioner Melcher stated he thought the applicant had made a sincere effort
but he felt he would not be able to support the project because he had not been
shown yet how the land use would fit into the longer range plan (the Industrial
Specific Plan). He stated the depth of the site troubled him as the parking in
front of the biggest stores has to be shifted one direction or the other to
ensure there will be ample parking. He did not feel what had been presented thus
far was convincing enough for him to change his opinion.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated he thought we needed to reflect on the original
vision for the City, which was to have residential and associated business
commercial retail uses above Foothill Boulevard and industrial and associated
commercial service uses below Foothill Boulevard. He stated that this has
remained true with a relatively small amount of ~leakage" on Archibald Avenue and
the Masi project (by the sports complex), but he felt there was no need to change
that vision at this time. He stated the problems he saw were: 1) required
landscape and building setbacks; 2) parking with limited access from Foothill;
3) building mass; 4) buffering of the surrounding properties; he felt there was
no way to accommodate all these conditions on a site with only a 400-foot depth.
He agreed with Commissioner Melcher's views on the parking situation. He told
Mr. Kaye that he would like to see Good Guys locate in Rancho, but this was a
land use issue, not an issue of whether we wanted Good Guys here or not.
Chairman Barker asked for clarification on the current allowable land uses and
conditional uses that could have a major impact on parking, etc., at the proposed
Mr. Buller responded that under the Industrial Specific Plan, the type of retail
uses allowed are called Business Support Retail; businesses that support the
business industry on the south side of Foothill. He stated this was one of the
broader, more open commercial designations. The limitation is what will
physically fit on the site with parking and building mass.
Chairman Barker stated his question was which uses would have an impact on the
elements of this project. He requested clarification on whether a movie theater
is a permitted use for the site now.
Mr. Buller responded that a theater is a conditionally permitted use under the
existing land use.
Planning Commission Minutes -4- October 11, 1995
Chairman Barker asked if a theater would have similar parking or site plan
Commissioner Tolstoy stated he thought they would have similar problems, given
the depth of the property and the potential for such a concentrated use.
Commissioner Melcher stated that strip-fashion arrangement of buildings on
Foothill was never the intention of the original plan.
Chairman Barker stated he would like to be supportive of a plan for restaurants
and movie theaters because he thought that there weren't enough theaters
currently to support the present population. He asked Commissioner Lumpp for
clarification on his former comments regarding the City's consultant study.
Commissioner Lumpp stated that Urban Research Associates (URA) was the consultant
for the original Foothill Specific Plan and they stated, at that time, there was
no need for additional commercial uses in the City; now they are coming back
saying that perhaps there is a need for additional commercial use. He stated he
is not convinced by this market study, or other market studies, that the
information is sufficient to make him comfortable approving this project.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated that he wanted to change what he had previously said
by stating he now believed that a movie theater could be appropriate for this
location. He stated that previously he had thought of it in a strip-fashion
configuration, but with a different footprint, there could be a theater (with
appropriate parking) on the property.
Commissioner Melcher stated that looking at a piece of property, individually,
without considering the larger, long-range plan for Foothill Boulevard seems
opportunistic since there is already a developer and tenants ready to move
forward; it does not mean the proposal is right for the City however. He stated
he understood the benefit to the City, with regard to sales tax prospects, but
his function is to determine the appropriateness of the project for that
particular site.
Mr. Buller commented that he had just now been informed that a resident in the
audience wanted to speak to the Commission regarding this matter.
Chairman Barker reopened the public hearing and invited the resident to come
Fred Doe, 11036 Shaw Street, Rancho Cucamonga, apologized for arriving late as
he did not realize this would be the first item heard this evening. He said he
had just listened to the tapes from' the recent City Council meeting on this
project and he wanted to comment on a couple things he heard on those tapes. He
complimented Commissioner Melcher on his ability to change his mind when given
new or different information. He stated he agreed with what he had heard from
the Commission this evening as he did not think strip malls were a positive move
for the City. He also stated he was pleased to hear the Commission aligning
closely with their Specific Plan and General Plan for the area, but that they are
also willing to make considerations as needed. He stated that someone should
look at all the strip malls currently in the City and check their vacancy rates
and compare those malls to the land uses they have. He commented that
consideration should be given to projects that will enhance or complement the
hotel/convention operations which in turn could generate even more tax benefits
to the City later. Mr. Doe did not feel there was a need for more theaters, or
at least more in the same vicinity, as there just weren't that many good movies
out at one time. He stated that perhaps we could consider using some vacated
retail space in the City before making a land use change of this 14 acres. He
Planning Commission Minutes 5 October 11, 1995
stated there is an obligation to look at development as it comes up and to allow
City staff to have the proactive advisory role that is intended to implement the
long range goals and plans of the City. He ended by paraphrasing comments from
Commissioner McNiel, stating that if one of these businesses does not make it
because of the direct competition the other creates, we then end up with a blight
on one of the most beautiful, industrial, historic areas in Rancho Cucamonga.
Mr. DesForges stated the narrow depth of the site should not create parking
problems because of the extra spaces currently available and because the building
orientations could be rearranged. He commented on the other issue of strip mall
versus meandering retail building placement by saying that they have found these
centers are not successful. He stated people need to see the sign on the
storefront and be able to get in and out conveniently. He commented that
orienting any of their commercial use away from Foothill, to the south, would not
be feasible for them because the traffic count in that direction is too sparse.
He stated that the land use already does allow commercial uses, they are only
asking to broaden those uses.
Chairman Barker again closed the public hearing. He asked for a motion.
MOTION: Moved by Commissioner Melcher, seconded by Commissioner Lumpp, carried
4-0-1, to adopt the resolutions recommending denial of General Plan Amendment
95-02A and Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 95-02. Motion passed by the
following vote:
- carried
, , , , ,
The Commission recessed at 8:20 PM and reconvened at 8:30 PM.
McNeil arrived at 8:25 PM.
GRUBB & ELLIS - A request to consider initiation of text changes to add
thrift stores as a Community Commercial use within Subarea 3 of the Foothill
Boulevard Specific Plan.
Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, presented the staff report.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked for a definition of a "thrift store."
Mr. Coleman responded that perhaps a second-hand store would be a better
definition because it is used or second-hand items for resale.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked if a store such as the American Cancer Society would
be considered a "thrift store."
Mr. Coleman replied he was not familiar with that particular store and that the
application was for the Salvation Army.
Brad Buller, City Planner, stated that definition would include pawn shops,
second-hand, or used goods.
Commissioner Melcher asked for examples of General Commercial areas.
Planning Commission Minutes -6- October 11, 1995
Mr. Coleman responded that the following would be considered General Commercial:
the Virginia Dare Business Center; the center on the northwest corner of Hermosa
and Arrow; portions of Grove (south of Foothill); downtown Alta Loma; and the
former Gemco Center.
Chairman Barker asked if anyone from Grubb & Ellis was present to address the
Commission. (There was no response from the audience.)
Commissioner Tolstoy asked the Commission how they felt about 4~charity" thrift
stores, (items are donated and sold solely for the benefit of the charity) versus
"commercial" thrift stores (second-hand merchandise is resold).
Commissioner Melcher stated that would be considered a church-operated store.
Chairman Barker stated that the issue wasn't what type of operation it was or
where the money was going as much as it was an issue of what type of impact these
stores had on the Foothill Specific Plan. He stated that these stores attract
a specific clientele which in turn does not generate a desire for high-level
retail to locate in the same center. He commented that this type of business
does not promote the ideals of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan and he would
not be in favor of it.
Commissioner McNeil stated that most organizations operating thrift stores are
non-profit, but he pointed out that much of Holt Boulevard and downtown Ontario
have these type of outlets and they do not have a positive effect on the
community or the leasing of retail stores within the centers. He stated that he
wasn't saying these operations did not provide a service, but rather that caution
needed to be used in their placement because the community has to live with the
diminishing effects they have. He commented that careful consideration should
be taken with vacant retail space in the City and how it should be filled.
Commissioner Melcher mentioned that perhaps consideration should be given to
changing the General Commercial designation to ensure that a thrift store does
not go into the Gemco Center.
Mr. Coleman clarified that the Gemco Center is actually not in the General
Commercial designation, although it has a similar classification to this site,
but he commented that previously he was referring to K-Mart Center (which is
General Commercial) and another site, the Deer Creek Village (north of Virginia
Commissioner Melcher stated that he saw no reason to initiate the change.
Mr. Buller stated that the Commission did not need to take a formal action on
this item. He stated he was sorry that the gentleman making the initial request
was not present, but he went on to explain that the Commission must first consent
to the initiation process for a textual amendment to a Specific Plan prior to the
applicant submitting the application and fee requesting the amendment. He
commented that the Commission had gone a little further by giving their opinion
and suggested that, if they felt these types of shops may be appropriate
elsewhere in the City, they could consider that issue at a later date.
Mr. Buller stated that staff would get back to the gentleman requesting consent
to initiate the textual amendment, informing him of the Commission's comments,
and allow him to proceed as he wishes.
Chairman Barker suggested that perhaps community involvement with this issue
might help provide an appropriate end result to the issue.
Planning Commission Minutes -7- October 11, 1995
E. DISCUSSION ON SMALL LOT DEVELOPMRNT - Presentation by Lewis Homes and Griffin
Homes - (Oral Report)
Brad Buller, City Planner, stated that a slide show presentation would be
presented to the Commission on small lot development and then the Commission
would have an informal discussion regarding the potential for this concept in
Rancho in the future.
Richard Niece, Griffin Industries, stated he was present, along with Lewis Homes,
to give the Commission a presentation on small lot development. He briefly went
over the booklet he passed out to the Commission and then introduced world-
renowned architect Barry Berkitz.
Mr. Berkitz presented the slide show.
Gary Luque, Lewis Homes, presented information on some possible changes to the
Terra Vista Community Plan.
The Planning Commission agreed to accept the applicants' offer to attend a field
trip to view other small lot projects. They thanked everyone for the very
informative presentation and asked the City Planner to work with the presenters
on a date and itinerary for the field trip.
There were no further public comments.
No Commission Business was discussed.
The Commission adjourned at 10:20 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Planning Commission Minutes -8- October 11, 1995