HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993/06/01 - Workshop Minutes - PC-HPCCITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Adjourned Meeting June 1, 1993 Chairman Larry McNiel called the adjourned meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission to order at 6:50 p.m. The meeting was held in the Rains Room at the Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT: Larry McNiel, Suzanne Chitiea, John Melcher ABSENT: Peter Tolstoy, Wendy Vallette STAFF PRESENT: Brad Buller, City Planner; Scott Murphy, Associate Planner; Betty Miller, Associate Civil Engineer , , , , , PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW 93-05 - CAMPOS - Review of a proposed master plan including construction of a cafe and conversion of four single family residences to commercial uses in the Specialty Commercial Designation (Subarea 3) of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, located on the north side of Foothill Boulevard between Archibald Avenue and Klusman Road - APN: 208-53-08 through 11 and 23. Francisco Mora, representing the applicant, briefly explained the project. Commissioner Melcher asked how the parking would work off the alley. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated that the alley is similar to an internal drive aisle for shopping centers. Scott Murphy, Associate Planner, noted that the alley would be secured through offers-of-dedication on a parcel-by-parcel basis as development occurs. Herman Santana, representative from the architect's office, explained the phasing of the project. Mr. Murphy presented the staff report. Mr. Bullet suggested that the Commission focus its attention on three main topics: Whether the direction proposed by the applicant (i.e., conversion of existing houses and demolition of the existing restaurant and construction of a new one on the most easterly lot) is acceptable. 2. Technical issues - drive aisle locations, access, variances. 3. Architecture. Chairman McNiel thought there appears to be a conflict between historic preservation and master planning of the area. He questioned the historical significance of the structures. Mr. Buller explained that the houses were built in 1917 and 1927 and represented one of the last physical reminders of the original Cucamonga downtown. Commissioner Chitiea stated that she liked the ideas presented with the conversion of the units and combining lots to accommodate the parking. She felt the units had great potential for adaptive re-use. Commissioner Melcher liked the idea of preserving the houses. He felt the interim site plan was fair but felt that the plan would probably end up as the ultimate plan. He thought the activity center will be attractive. He felt that the project needs to move forward to prevent more destruction to the houses. By combining the various residential driveways into one commercial driveway, Commissioner Melcher felt that Foothill Boulevard would be safer and that the traffic problems would be from the south side of Foothill Boulevard. He suggested moving the cafe to the west side of the lot and shifting the parking to the north. He thought the cafe should have a design more consistent with the existing houses. Commissioner Chitiea expressed concern about the extent of hardscape along Foothill Boulevard. She felt it would change the character of the houses. Commissioner Melcher thought the hardscape with the building will be fascinating. Mr. Bullet agreed with Commissioner Melcher that pushing the buildings into the hardscape will be attractive. Commissioner Chitiea felt a softer edge was needed between the hardscape and buildings. Chairman McNiel asked if a raised median was planned for Foothill Boulevard in the near future. Betty Miller, Associate Civil Engineer, indicated there will ultimately be a raised median but not in the near future. She said the median area could be striped to minimize conflicts until it is actually built. Mr. Buller asked if the Commissioners concurred with Commissioner Melcher about the contemporary design for the cafe. The Commissioners agreed. Planning Commission Minutes -2- June 1, 1993 Mr. Buller asked if the circulation plan suggested by Commissioner Melcher should be pursued. The Commissioners agreed. Mr. Buller indicated that staff has identified a number of variances that may be requested by the applicant. He said staff will continue to work with the applicant to minimize or eliminate the variances but there may be justification for some of the variances. Commissioner Melcher asked if the Fire District would have a problem with the circulation. Mr. Murphy responded that the Fire District should not have a problem with the design unless they can not get with 150 feet of the structures. Given the distance of the houses from the street, he thought the project should be acceptable. Commissioner Melcher questioned if there were any property line conflicts. Mr. Buller responded that property line consolidation would be preferable and more consistent with the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan. Commissioner Melcher thought the Fire District may have yard restrictions. He also expressed concern about conditions requiring restoration of the houses prior to the restuarant's occupancy. Mr. Buller stated that the adequate conditions can be provided. He suggested the restaurant and the adjoining lot could be Phase 1 to see how the proposal will work. Commissioner Melcher observed that developing the cafe and one house would only eliminate one driveway. Mr. Mora asked if the Commission's desire was to have all four houses converted at one time. The Commissioners responded affirmatively. Mr. Mora agreed to doing the project in one phase but questioned which driveway location should be used. Chairman McNiel thought that, in the interest of safety, the easterly driveway location should be utilized. Mr. Bullet commented that if the easterly driveway is pursued, staff will contact the adjacent property owner to determine if they are interested in sharing the driveway. Planning Commission Minutes -3- June 1, 1993 ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brad Buller Secretary Planning Commission Minutes -4- June 1, 1993