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2021-02-02 Agenda Packet
Design Review Committee Meeting AGENDA February 2, 2021 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 7:00 p.m. PURSUANT TO GOVERNOR GAVIN NEWSOM’S EXECUTIVE ORDER N-29-20 THIS MEETING WILL BE HELD AS A TELECONFERENCE MEETING In response to the Governor's Executive Orders, the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health requirements, and to ensure the health and safety of our residents by limiting contact that could spread the COVID–19 virus, there will be no members of the public in attendance at the Design Review Committee meetings. Members of the Design Review Committee and staff will participate in this meeting via teleconference. In place of in-person attendance, members of the public can observe and offer comment at this meeting via Zoom: VIEW MEETING VIA ZOOM APP OR ZOOM.COM AT: zoom.us/join using Webinar ID: 987 2899 3370 -or- YOU CAN DIAL-IN USING YOUR PHONE UNITED STATES: + 1 (669) 900-6833 Access Code: 987 2899 3370 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING February 2, 2021, DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING As an alternative to participating in the teleconference, you may submit comments in writing to Elizabeth.Thornhill@CityofRC.us by 12:00pm on the date of the meeting. Written comments will be distributed to the Committee and read into the record. A. Call to Order B. Public Communications C. Consent Calendar C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of January 19, 2021. D. Project Review Items D1. DESIGN REVIEW DRC2019-00766 – 11298 JERSEY BLVD, LLC - A request to construct a 159,580 square-foot industrial/warehouse building on a vacant 7.39-acre parcel within the Minimum Impact/Heavy Industrial (MI/HI) District, located at the northwest corner of Jersey Boulevard and Milliken Avenue – APN: 0229-111-60. Staff is preparing an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. Design Review Committee Regular Meeting Agenda – February 2, 2021 Page 2 of 2 If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the Planning Department at (909) 477-2750. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. D2. DESIGN REVIEW DRC2020-00177 – KIMLEY-HORN FOR HILLWOOD DEVELOPMENT CO. – A request for site plan and architectural design for the development of two industrial warehouse buildings, parking, and landscape improvements on vacant parcels located east of Etiwanda Avenue on the north of Napa Street; APN: 0229-291-54 and -46. An Environmental Impact Report is being prepared for this project. E. Adjournment The Design Review Committee has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11:00 p.m. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, they shall be heard only with the consent of the Committee. I, Elizabeth Thornhill, Executive Assistant of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on Thursday, January 28, 2021, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California and on the City’s website. Design Review Committee Meeting Agenda January 19, 2021 MINUTES Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 7:00 p.m. A. Call to Order The meeting of the Design Review Committee was held on January 19, 2021. The meeting was called to order by Mike Smith, Staff Coordinator, at 7:00pm. Design Review Committee members present: Francisco Oaxaca, Diane Williams, Mike Smith. Staff Present: Sean McPherson, Senior Planner; and Tabe van der Zwaag, Associate Planner. B. Public Communications Mike Smith opened the public communication and, after noting there were no public comments, closed public communications. C. Consent Calendar C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of January 5, 2021. Motion by Williams, second by Oaxaca. Motion carried 3-0 to adopt the minutes as presented. D. Project Review Items D1. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW & DESIGN REVIEW DRC2017-01017– MARTHA SCHACHT FOR CHAGO TORTAS AHOGADAS – A request for site plan and architectural review of a 2,456 square foot restaurant with an attached 858 square foot office area on a 24,189 square foot parcel of land in the Mixed Use (MU) District and Foothill Boulevard Overlay District Subarea 1 at the intersection of Foothill Boulevard and San Bernardino Road at 88269 Foothill Boulevard; APN: 0207-113-23 and 24. This item is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City’s CEQA guidelines under CEQA Section 15303 (construction of small structures). Staff provided a brief presentation of the project and stated that the project was well designed and recommended that the project move forward to the Planning Commission for final review and action. Note: the applicant and her client were not present to discuss the project nor were there any members of the public in attendance that commented on this project. The Committee took the following action: Recommend approval to PC/PD. 003 Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes – January 19, 2021 Page 2 of 3 Draft D2. HILLSIDE DESIGN REVIEW DRC2020-00016 – SAURABH PATEL – A request to construct a 3,300 square foot single-family residence with two separate attached 2-car garages totaling 1,063 square feet on a vacant property of 15,601 square feet (0.36-acre) within the Low (L) Residential District and the Hillside Overlay District located at 8005 Camino Predera – APN: 0207-631-06. The project qualifies as a Class 3 exemption under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15303 – New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. Staff provided a presentation of the project related to the proposed single-family residence. Staff informed the Committee members that the project conformed with all of the applicable development requirements for the Hillside Overlay District. Staff also stated that through multiple rounds of review, the applicant had modified the plans to address staff comments related to architecture, site planning and technical issues. These changes included enhancing the design of the residence, reducing the size of the residence by 656 square feet, and increasing the side yard setbacks of the residence to 10 and 15 feet. The applicant addressed the Committee and outlined how the project complied with or exceeded all of the related Development Code requirement for development within the Hillside Overlay District. The applicant stated that Design Review Committee should review the project and make recommendations to the Planning Director based on the four findings outlined Development Code Section 17.16.040 (Hillside Development Review). The Committee opened the meeting for public comment and received approximately comments from 4 individuals in support of the project and comments from 5 individuals who raised concerns about the design/technical details of the project. The comments in support of the project focused on the project’s compliance with the Development Code requirements related to hillside development and the appropriateness of the design within the context of the surrounding neighborhood. The comments opposed to the project focused on the height of the structure in relation to the adjacent curb face, potential loss of privacy due to a deck located on the east side and rear of the structure, and the future potential of view loss due to required street trees along the public right-of-way. The Staff Coordinator informed the Committee that their responsibility was to review the design and layout of the project and provide a recommendation to the Planning Director, who would make the final determination on the project. In response to a comment from the public related to view loss, Committee member Oaxaca stated that the City does not have a view protection ordinance and that the Development Code only includes guidelines that state that the height of the building shall not unduly block views and that the design of a structure shall minimize the blocking of views. Committee member Williams stated that a building height of 9 to 10 feet may be more appropriate and asked staff about the progress of the proposed new design guidelines for Camino Predera. Staff informed Committee member Williams that the design guidelines have been placed on hold due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Committee members felt that the applicant had made significant changes to the project during the design review process and that they supported the design and layout of the proposed residence. The Committee members recommended that the project move forward to the Planning Director for final review and action. The Committee took the following action: Recommend approval to PC/PD. 004 Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes – January 19, 2021 Page 3 of 3 Draft D3. MINOR DESIGN REVIEW DRC2020-00138 – GRANT ROSS FOR ORBIS/7-ELEVEN – A request for site plan and architectural review of a new commercial building and service station located on a parcel addressed 8768 Archibald Avenue in the General Industrial (GI) District; APN: 0209-032-35. This item is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City’s CEQA guidelines under CEQA Section 15332 – In-Fill Development Projects. Staff provided a presentation of the project proposing the construction of a new 6,600 square foot convenience store/restaurant building and 14-pump service station proposed to be located at the southwest corner of Archibald Avenue and 9th Street on a parcel that was partially vacant and partially improved with an existing ~10,000 square foot multi-tenant commercial/industrial building. At the meeting, staff provided a brief presentation highlighting the architectural design of the proposed project, as well as highlighting aspects of the site design and layout. Staff noted that the project included a 2-lot tentative parcel map, and that the above-noted existing multi-tenant commercial/industrial building would remain on one of the new parcels. Staff noted that 3 existing parking spaces would be demolished as part of this project, and that a shared parking agreement shall be required as a condition of approval. Staff noted that the design of the building included a tri-colored metal band which may or may not be illuminated. Staff sought the DRC's recommendation on whether this feature should be illuminated. Staff noted that the proposed project meets all relevant development standards. The applicant also provided a brief PowerPoint presentation that highlighted the architectural and site design aspects of the project. The applicant also explained certain elements of the function of the business. DRC members deliberated and discussed the project. Commissioner Williams inquired as to whether neighboring residents might be impacted if the proposed tri-colored metal band was illuminated. Staff informed the Commissioner that at two neighborhood meetings, as it relates to architecture, a couple residents did express concerns about site lighting. Commissioner Oaxaca expressed a desire to see the tri- colored band illuminated as well, as long as it did not adversely impact residents. The committee members expressed appreciation to the applicant and developer and recommended that this item be forwarded to the Planning Commission for their review and action. The Committee took the following action: Recommend approval to PC/PD. E. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 9:05pm. Respectfully submitted, ________________________ Elizabeth Thornhill Executive Assistant, Planning Department Approved: 005 DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS February 2, 2021 7:00 p.m. Vincent Acuna, Associate Planner DESIGN REVIEW DRC2019-00766 – 11298 JERSEY BLVD, LLC - A request to construct a 159,580 square-foot industrial/warehouse building on a vacant 7.39-acre parcel within the Minimum Impact/Heavy Industrial (MI/HI) District, located at the northwest corner of Jersey Boulevard and Milliken Avenue – APN: 0229-111-60. Staff is preparing an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. Site Characteristics and Background: The project site is a vacant parcel with an area of 321,988 square feet (7.39 acres). The rectangular project site has dimensions of about 750 feet east to west and about 450 feet north to south. The street frontage of the site along Jersey Boulevard and Milliken Avenue is about 680 feet and 450 feet, respectively. The site is generally level with a gradient from north to south. The elevation of the site is about 1,140 feet and 1,130 feet at the north and south property lines respectively, which results in a change in elevation of about 10 feet. There are no trees on the site and vegetation/ground cover is very limited. The existing Land Use, General Plan, and Zoning Designations for the project site and adjacent properties are as follows: Land Use General Plan Zoning Site Vacant Heavy Industrial Minimum Impact/Heavy Industrial (MI/HI) District North Industrial/Warehouse Buildings General Industrial General Industrial (GI) District South Fire Station Civic/Regional Minimum Impact/Heavy Industrial (MI/HI) District East Industrial/Warehouse Building Heavy Industrial Minimum Impact/Heavy Industrial (MI/HI) District West Industrial/Warehouse Building Heavy Industrial Minimum Impact/Heavy Industrial (MI/HI) District Project Overview: The applicant proposes to construct an industrial/warehouse building totaling 159,580 square feet, divided into four separate units. Units range in size from 38,490 to 42,368 square feet, with each unit featuring an office and restroom area of roughly 2,000 square feet. All office/restroom areas will be located toward the front of the building either along Jersey Boulevard or Milliken Avenue. No specific use has been proposed for any of the units at this time, although it is anticipated that the building will primarily house small warehouse/storage/distribution businesses. The dock loading/storage area will be located on the north side of the building away from public view. There will be two points of vehicular access via two driveways at the southwest and northeast corners of the project site. The building, based on the anticipated warehousing/distribution use, is required to have 91 passenger vehicle parking stalls. The project provides 91 stalls, meeting the parking requirement. As there are nine dock doors, a matching number of trailer parking stalls are provided as required by the Development Code. The distribution of landscaping is generally along the street frontages towards the east and south of 006006 DRC COMMENTS DESIGN REVIEW DRC2019-00766 – 11298 JERSEY BLVD, LLC February 2, 2021 Page 2OMMENTS the project site, and within the building’s parking area. Landscape coverage is 10.81%, slightly exceeding the landscape coverage of 10% required by the Development Code. An existing north-south rail spur is located along the west property line of the project site. Per Section 17.36.040.D.6 of the Development Code, the project is required to account for potential rail service. The project proponent is not required to construct rail-related improvements on the property, however, the project is required to demonstrate how the site could have a functional/practical rail service in the event that any future owner/tenant decides that rail service is required/desired. The applicant has prepared an Alternate Site Plan (Sheet A1.B) and a Grading Plan (Grading Sheet 3 of 4) that show a proposed rail spur aligned along the west of the site and adjacent to the west side of the building, with the rail spur entering the property at the northwest corner of the site. In the event that rail service is established, a drive aisle running north to south of the project site will need to be removed. However, no reduction in the number of parking stalls will occur. Access by passenger vehicles, trucks, and emergency vehicles would continue to comply with the applicable requirements described in the Development Code and Building/Fire Code. The architecture and floor area of the building would not be affected by the addition of the rail spur. The proposed building will be of concrete tilt-up construction painted with a palette of two colors. The building will have form-lined concrete panels at various locations. As the uses expected within the building are to be logistics oriented, there is limited articulation of the wall planes in order to maximize the efficiency of the interior space. However, this limited articulation does not result in an overwhelming building mass, as vertical columns of sandblasted concrete break up the building façade. Additionally, a generous application of glass panels along the building’s east and south elevations facing public streets give the building appearance of an office building. Four standing seam canopies are featured above the four suite entrances along the building’s south elevation, further increasing architectural interest. The rear loading/unloading area is secured by a 6-foot high wrought iron fence along the interior north and east property lines of the site and sliding wrought iron gates are being installed at the two driveway entrances. Retaining walls with a maximum height of 4 feet and 6 inches are proposed on two areas along the site’s interior north property line to make up for grade difference. The combined height of all iron fencing and retaining walls meet the 8-foot maximum wall height for industrial areas. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Major Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding the project: None Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues: None 007007 DRC COMMENTS DESIGN REVIEW DRC2019-00766 – 11298 JERSEY BLVD, LLC February 2, 2021 Page 3OMMENTS Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be incorporated into the project design without discussion: 1. All Double Detector Checks (DDC) and Fire Department Connections (FDC) required and/or proposed shall be installed at locations that are not within direct view or line-of-sight of the office corner of the building. The specific locations of each DDC and FDC shall require the review and approval of the Planning Department and Fire Construction Services/Fire Department. All Double Detector Checks (DDC) and Fire Department Connections (FDC) screened behind a 4-foot high block wall. These walls shall be constructed of decorative masonry block such as slumpstone or stackstone or poured in-place concrete with design elements incorporated to match the building. 2. All ground-mounted equipment, including utility boxes, transformers, and back-flow devices, shall be surrounded by a minimum of two rows of shrubs spaced a minimum of 18 inches on center. All ground-mounted equipment shall be painted dark green except as directed otherwise by the Fire Department. 3. Downspouts shall not be visible from the exterior on any elevations of the building. All downspouts shall be routed through the interior of the building walls. 4. All wrought iron fences and sliding gates shall be painted black or similarly dark color. 5. Decorative paving shall be provided at each vehicle entrance to the site, behind the public right-of-way. These decoratively paved areas shall extend from the front property line to the building setback line and have a width equal to that of the driveway. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Committee recommend approval of the proposed project as submitted to the Planning Commission. Design Review Committee Action: Staff Planner: Vincent Acuna, Associate Planner Members Present: Staff Coordinator: Mike Smith, Principal Planner 008008 DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS February 2, 2021 7:00 p.m. Sean McPherson, AICP, Senior Planner DESIGN REVIEW DRC2020-00177 – KIMLEY-HORN FOR HILLWOOD DEVELOPMENT CO. – A request for site plan and architectural design for the development of two industrial warehouse buildings, parking, and landscape improvements on vacant parcels located east of Etiwanda Avenue on the north of Napa Street; APN: 0229-291-54 and -46. An Environmental Impact Report is being prepared for this project. Site Characteristics: The project site comprises two adjacent parcels - one is located within the City of Rancho Cucamonga (APN: 0229-291-54), and the other is located within unincorporated San Bernardino County (APN: 0229-291-46) that is part of the City of Fontana’s Sphere of Influence (SOI). The cumulative project area of these two parcels totals approximately 35.4 acres of land. The project area is generally located east of Etiwanda Avenue at the north side of Napa Street, south of the Metrolink/Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railway, west of the San Sevaine Channel and east of the East Etiwanda Creek channel. The project area is traversed by Southern California Edison (SCE) transmission lines running east-west and is roughly bisected by a curved north-south rail spur. The site is generally flat and at-grade with Napa Street and is void of any trees. Napa Street is currently located within unincorporated County, and is improved with curb, gutter, sidewalk, and streetlights. The existing Land Use, General Plan and Zoning designations for the project area and adjacent properties are as follows: Land Use General Plan Zoning Site* Vacant Heavy Industrial (HI) and Flood Control Utility Corridor (FC/UC) (for portion within City); Regional Industrial/Speedway RDA (IR) and General Industrial (I-G) (for portion within County/Fontana SOI) Heavy Industrial (HI) District (for portion within City); Regional Industrial Speedway RDA (IR) and General Industrial (M-2) (for portion within County/Fontana SOI) North Industrial Heavy Industrial (HI) and Flood Control/Utility Corridor (FC/UC) General Industrial (GI) District South Industrial (County/Fontana SOI) General Industrial (I-G) (within County/Fontana SOI) General Industrial (M-2) (within County/Fontana SOI) West Industrial and East Etiwanda Creek Heavy Industrial (HI) and Flood Control/Utility Corridor (FC/UC) Heavy Industrial (HI) District East San Sevaine Channel Open Space (OS) Open Space-Natural (OS-N) (within County/Fontana SOI) *In the 2010 General Plan, APN: 0229-291-54 also includes a “floating” designation as a location for a potential public park” 009009 DRC COMMENTS DESIGN REVIEW DRC2020-00177 – KIMLEY-HORN FOR HILLWOOD DEVELOPMENT CO. February 2, 2021 Page 2 Project Overview: The applicant proposes to annex the portion of the project area currently located outside the City’s jurisdiction and subdivide the two adjacent parcels referenced above and create two new parcels, Parcel I and Parcel II, to accommodate the development of two new industrial warehouse buildings: Building A, located on the proposed Parcel I, totals approximately 500,648 square feet; and Building B, located on the proposed Parcel II, totals approximately 155,230 square feet. Grading operations are proposed to be balanced on-site, with approximately 336,000 cubic yards of cut and fill. Each building includes approximately 10,000 square feet of office area. Building A, as proposed, will have a maximum height of approximately 58.5 feet and Building B, as proposed will have a maximum height of 46 feet. Access to the proposed project is primarily off Napa Street. However, a new north-south road (“Street A”) is also proposed to be constructed that will provide access to Parcel II. No uses are proposed for either building at this time though it is anticipated that the buildings will function as warehousing, distribution/logistics facilities. Staff notes that the applicant has also proposed an “Alternative Site Plan,” which proposes only one industrial warehouse building (Building A), totaling 500,648 square feet. In this alternative version of the project, Building A would be occupied by a potential “E-Commerce” user and Building B is replaced with a surface level parking lot providing 849 parking stalls. New Street and Relocation of SCE Easement & Infrastructure: Considering the size and scope of the project, certain public improvements are required including the aforementioned Street A. Street A is proposed to be constructed running north-south along the westerly property line of the project area. Street A will connect Napa Street to the south with a new planned east-west road to be located south and parallel to the Metrolink/BNSF railway. This future east-west road south of the railway is not part of the subject project and will be constructed at such time that surrounding parcels redevelop. In addition to the new Street A, staff also notes that the project requires the relocation of an existing SCE easement and related SCE infrastructure (i.e. transmission towers and lines). This SCE easement currently traverses the project area in an east-west orientation. The project proposes to relocate a portion of this easement to the south along Napa Street to allow for the placement of Building A. This new orientation will result in the SCE transmission towers being located along the frontage of Parcel I and in front of Building A. Alternative Rail Serve Plan: As the project area is roughly bisected by an existing rail spur, the subject project is required to demonstrate that rail service is possible pursuant to Development Code Section 17.36.040.D.6. The applicant is not required to construct rail-related improvements on the property. However, the plans must demonstrate that the site could have a functional/practical rail service if any future owner/tenant decides that rail service is required/desired. Accordingly, the applicant has provided an Alternative Rail Serve Plan (Sheet DAB-A1.1C of the attached plan set). The applicant’s Alternative Rail Serve Plan demonstrates that Building A can accommodate rail pursuant to Development Code standards without any loss of parking or relocation of drive aisles. Building B, however, will not be able to accommodate rail service due to the site configuration, lot size, radius of the track, and the encroachment of the track onto an adjacent parcel. The applicant has provided a written justification requesting that the Planning 010010 DRC COMMENTS DESIGN REVIEW DRC2020-00177 – KIMLEY-HORN FOR HILLWOOD DEVELOPMENT CO. February 2, 2021 Page 3 Commission consider eliminating the requirement that Building B provide rail service. This justification is included with this report (Exhibit D), as “Attachment A to Alternative Rail Serve Plan.” Architecture: The proposed industrial warehouse buildings meet the City’s 360-degree architectural standards. Each building provides well-defined articulation and a varied use of architectural features creating an attractive aesthetic. For example, acknowledging the long span of each façade facing Napa Street, both Building A and Building B provide varied building heights, which start low at the corners of the buildings increasing in height toward the center of the façade facing Napa Street. This “stepped” building height provides visual interest and offers a range of building heights between 46-58 feet for Building A, and 38-46 feet for Building B. The corner of each building facing Napa Street provides office tower elements which exhibit an angled concrete feature backed by reflective blue glazing and aluminum storefront framing. Throughout each elevation, the typical concrete tilt-up façade is punctuated by panel joints, reveals, vertical glazing elements and, most notably, angled concrete features which provide an attractive and varied color pallet. These angled features break up the expanse of the façade by exhibiting bright colors including “Knockout Orange” (Sherwin Williams SW 6885), “Commodore” (SW 6524) and “Limon Fresco” (SW 9030). This bright pallet provides an attractive break to the subdued color pallet of grays which otherwise dominate the buildings. The proposed project exceeds all applicable development standards for the General Industrial (GI) district, as shown in the table below: Development Standard Required Proposed Complies? Building Height Maximum 35 feet (at front setback) and 75 feet (1-foot increment from the front setback line) Building A: (var.) 46-58.5 feet (beyond setback); Building B: (var.) 38-50.5 feet (beyond front setback) YES Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 40-50% Building A: 42.9%; Building B: 41.1% YES Front Building Setback Min. 25 feet Building A: 46 feet (Napa St.); Building B: 39.5 feet (“Street A”) YES Street Side Setback Min. 25 Feet (Napa Street for Building B) 69 feet (approx.) YES Average Depth of Landscape 25 feet 27 feet (“Street A”); 25 feet (Napa St.) YES Parking Setback Min. 15 feet (var.) 15-31 feet (approx.) YES Interior Side Yard Setback Min. 5 feet Building A: 314.5 feet (west PL), 126 feet (east PL); Building B: 137.3 (northerly property line) YES Rear Yard Setback Min. 0 feet Building A: 144 feet (approx.); Building B: 75.3 YES Open 5% Building A: 8.3%; Building B: YES 011011 DRC COMMENTS DESIGN REVIEW DRC2020-00177 – KIMLEY-HORN FOR HILLWOOD DEVELOPMENT CO. February 2, 2021 Page 4 Parking and Landscaping: Pursuant to Development Code Section 17.64.050, 17.64.090 and Table 17.64.050-1, auto parking for warehouse/storage uses is based on a tiered ratio as illustrated in the table below. In addition, office areas require parking at 1 stall per 250 square feet. Further, the development code requires 1 trailer loading stall for each dock door proposed. As such, the proposed project is required to provide 183 auto parking stalls and 79 trailer loading stalls for Building A, and 97 auto parking stalls and 20 trailer loading stalls for Building B. The table below demonstrates the project’s compliance with all parking standards: Parking Ratio Required Parking Provided Parking Complies? Warehouse/storage and office 1 per 1,000 sf for the first 20,000 sf; 1 per 2,000 sf for the next 20,000 sf, and 1 per 4,000 sf for remaining sf Office requires 1 per 250 sf Building A: 183 stalls; Building B: 97 stalls Building A: 275; Building B: 108 YES Trailer Loading Stalls 1 per loading dock Building A: 79; Building B: 20 Building A: 87; Building B: 20 YES As noted, the applicant has included an alternative site plan which proposes only Building A, at 500,648 square feet, inclusive of 10,000 square feet of office area. In this alternative plan, the project requires 183 auto parking stalls and 48 trailer loading stalls and provides 1,456 auto parking stalls and 59 trailer loading stalls. The project also meets all relevant landscape standards, as noted in the table above. The landscape plan proposes approximately 287 new trees which provide a variety of 24-inch and 36-inch box trees, including but not limited to, “True Green” Chinese Elm trees (to be used as parking lot shade trees), California Sycamore, Holly Oak, and California Pepper trees. Ornamental ground cover, shrubs and vines make up the balance of the landscaped area. Staff notes that as a condition of approval, the applicant shall provide a landscape plan which demonstrates that the alternative site plan will comply with all landscape standards prior to the issuance of building permits. Tentative Parcel Map 20251: As mentioned, the project includes a request to approve a Tentative Parcel Map to consolidate various parcels within the project area and subdivide them into two new lots, Parcel I and Parcel II. Staff has reviewed the Tentative Parcel Map and has determined that each proposed parcel complies with the relevant development standards. Uniform Sign Program: Staff notes that the version of the project with two buildings may house three or more tenants. As such, and pursuant to Development Code Section 17.16.060, the Space/Landscape Standards 10.7% Note: the proposed “Alternative Site Plan” proposing only Building A also meets all relevant development standards 012012 DRC COMMENTS DESIGN REVIEW DRC2020-00177 – KIMLEY-HORN FOR HILLWOOD DEVELOPMENT CO. February 2, 2021 Page 5 applicant has prepared a Uniform Sign Program which is included as an exhibit (Exhibit D) to this report for the committee’s review. Staff Comments Major Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding the project: The project proposes an employee break area structure within the front setback of Building B. Discuss relocating this structure. Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues: None. Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be incorporated into the project design without discussion: 1. All Double Detector Checks (DDC) and Fire Department Connections (FDC) required and/or proposed shall be installed at locations that are not within direct view or line-of-sight of the office corner of the building. The specific locations of each DDC and FDC shall require the review and approval of the Planning Department and Fire Construction Services/Fire Department. All Double Detector Checks (DDC) and Fire Department Connections (FDC) screened behind a 4-foot high wall. For this project, these walls shall be constructed of poured in-place concrete with design elements incorporated to match the building. 2. Decorative paving shall be provided at each vehicle entrance to the site, behind the public right-of-way. These decoratively paved areas shall extend from the front property line to the building setback line and have a width equal to that of the driveway. 3. Downspouts shall not be visible from the exterior on any elevations of the building. All downspouts shall be routed through the interior of the building walls. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Design Review Committee forward the item to the Planning Commission for their consideration. Design Review Committee Action: Staff Planner: Sean McPherson, AICP, Senior Planner Staff Coordinator: Mike Smith, Principal Planner Attachment: Exhibit A: Project Plans dated January 22, 2021 Exhibit B: Colored Elevations Exhibit C: Uniform Sign Program Exhibit D: Attachment A to Alternative Rail Serve Plan (Narrative) 013013 Exhibit A 014014 015015 016016 017017 018018 019019 020020 021021 022022 023023 024024 025025 026026 BUILDING BNAPA STREETBUILDING ARA I L R O A D E A S E M E N T150'-0"O.C.2245'-0"O.C. 30'-0" O.C. 30'-0" O.C.3344TRASH ENCLOSUREPER ARCH. DWGS.TRASH ENCLOSUREPER ARCH. DWGS.TRASH ENCLOSUREPER ARCH. DWGS.TRANSFORMERTRANSFORMEREXISTING SIDEWALK445556667P.L.P.L.P.L.P.L.P.L.EMPLOYEE PATIO BREAKAREA WITH OVERHEADSHADE STRUCTUREPER ARCH. DWGS.EMPLOYEE PATIO BREAKAREA WITH OVERHEADSHADE STRUCTUREPER ARCH. DWGS.PROP. 30'-0"SCEEASEMENT55'-0" RAILROADEASEMENT8'-0" TUBESTEEL FENCERETAININGWALL W/ 8' HTUBE STEELFENCE PERARCH. DWGS.RETAINING WALL W/ 8' H TUBESTEEL FENCE PER ARCH.DWGS.RETAINING WALL W/ 8' H TUBESTEEL FENCE PER ARCH.DWGS.8'-0" TUBESTEEL FENCERETAININGWALL W/ 8' HTUBE STEELFENCE PERARCH. DWGS.EMPLOYEE PATIO BREAKAREA WITH OVERHEADSHADE STRUCTUREPER ARCH. DWGS.EMPLOYEE PATIO BREAKAREA WITH OVERHEADSHADE STRUCTUREPER ARCH. DWGS.40'-0" EMWD EASEMENT(NO TREES SHALL BE PLANTED WITHIN EASEMENT)40'-0" EMWD EASEMENT(NO TREES SHALL BE PLANTEDWITHIN EASEMENT)OBSERVE SIGHT DISTANCE LINES PER CITYSTANDARDS. PLANT MATERIAL SHALLNATURALLY GROW 12" HEIGHT MAX. ANDNO TREES SHALL BE PLANTED IN SIGHTDISTANCE ZONES.OBSERVE SIGHT DISTANCE LINES PER CITYSTANDARDS. PLANT MATERIAL SHALLNATURALLY GROW 12" HEIGHT MAX. ANDNO TREES SHALL BE PLANTED IN SIGHTDISTANCE ZONES.OBSERVE SIGHT DISTANCE LINES PER CITYSTANDARDS. PLANT MATERIAL SHALLNATURALLY GROW 12" HEIGHT MAX. ANDNO TREES SHALL BE PLANTED IN SIGHTDISTANCE ZONES.1. NEW STREET TREE PER LEGEND.2. PARKING LOT SHADE TREE PER LEGEND.3. FLOWERING ACCENT TREE PER LEGEND.4. ASSORTED DROUGHT TOLERANT GROUND COVER PERLEGEND.5. FOUNDATION SHRUB ALONG BUILDING PER LEGEND.6. VERTICAL TREE ALONG BUILDING PER LEGEND.7. PROPERTY LINE TREE PER LEGEND.DESIGN KEY NOTES: TREES SYMBOL TREE NAMEQTY.WUCOLSSTREET TREE ALONG NAPA ST. & INDUSTRIAL ST.PLATANUS RACEMOSA, CALIFORNIA SYCAMORE24" BOX SIZE MIN. @ 50'-0" O.C.21MVERTICAL TREE AGAINST BUILDINGTRISTANIA CONFERTA, BRISBANE BOX.24" BOX SIZE.51LPARKING LOT SHADE TREEULMUS P. 'TRUE GREEN', CHINESE ELM24" BOX SIZE MINIMUM..74LQUERCUS ILEX, HOLLY OAK24" BOX SIZE. STANDARD TRUNK.25LSCREEN TREESCHINUS MOLLE, CALIFORNIA PEPPER24" BOX SIZE.48LEVERGREEN TREEPINUS ELDARICA, MONDELL PINE24" BOX SIZE.47LFLOWERING ACCENT TREECERCIDIUM F. 'DESERT MUSEUM', PALO VERDE36" BOX SIZE. STANDARD TRUNK.12LSPECIMEN TREEQUERCUS VIRGINIANA, SOUTHERN LIVE OAK36" BOX SIZE MINIMUM.9MPLANTING LEGENDTRAIN VINE TO WALL OF TRANSFORMERFICUS PUMILA, CREEPING FIG5 GAL. SIZE @ 6'-0" O.C.L VINE SHRUBS SYMBOL SHRUB NAMEWUCOLSDODONAEA VISCOSA 'PURPUREA', HOPSEED BUSH5 GAL. SIZEMLEUCOPHYLLUM FRUTESCENS, TEXAS RANGER5 GAL. SIZELWESTRINGIA FRUTICOSA, COAST ROSEMARY5 GAL. SIZELROSMARINUS 'TUSCAN BLUE', ROSEMARY SHRUB5 GAL. SIZELCALLISTEMON 'LITTLE JOHN', DWARF BOTTLE BRUSH5 GAL. SIZELLIGUSTRUM TEXANUM, TEXAS PRIVET5 GAL. SIZEM GROUND COVER AND SHRUB MASSES SYMBOL GROUND COVER/SHRUB MASS NAMEWUCOLSSENECIO MANDRALISCAEA, BLUE CHALK STICKS1 GAL. SIZE @ 24" O.C.LROSMARINUS O. 'PROSTRATUS', CREEPING ROSEMARY1 GAL. SIZE @ 30" O.C.LSALVIA GREGGII, AUTUMN SAGE1 GAL. SIZE @ 36" O.C.LMUHLENBERGIA RIGENS, DEER GRASS1 GAL. SIZE @ 42" O.C.MLONICERA J. 'HALLIANA', HALL'S HONEYSUCKLE1 GAL. SIZE @ 24" O.C.LSALVIA CLEVELANDII, CLEVELAND SAGE5 GAL. SIZE @ 48" O.C.L40' EMWD EASEMENT (NO TREES WITHIN THIS ZONE)SCOTT PETERSON LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, INC.2883 VIA RANCHEROS WAYFALLBROOK, CA 92028PH: 760-842-8993JANUARY 21, 2021HILLWOOD NAPARANCHO CUCAMONGA, CACONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLANSCALE: 1" = 60'-0"0 60' 120' 180'NORTHL-1WUCOLS PLANT FACTORTHIS PROJECT IS LOCATED IN 'WUCOLS'REGION '4-SOUTH INLAND VALLEY'.H = HIGH WATER NEEDSM = MODERATE WATER NEEDSL = LOW WATER NEEDSVL= VERY LOW WATER NEEDS·SLOPES GREATER THAN 3:1 SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH EROSION CONTROLGROUND COVER PER LEGEND, AND MULCH MATERIAL WITH 'BINDER'MATERIAL SHALL BE APPLIED FOR EROSION CONTROL.·ROCK RIP-RAP MATERIAL SHALL BE INSTALLED WHERE DRAIN LINESCONNECT TO INFILTRATION AREAS.·ALL UTILITY EQUIPMENT SUCH AS TRANSFORMERS, BACKFLOW UNITS, FIREDETECTOR CHECKS AND FIRE CHECK VALVES WILL BE SCREENED WITHEVERGREEN PLANT MATERIAL ONCE FINAL LOCATIONS HAVE BEENDETERMINED.GENERAL NOTES:THIS IS A CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN. IT IS BASED ON PRELIMINARYINFORMATION WHICH IS NOT FULLY VERIFIED AND MAY BE INCOMPLETE. IT ISMEANT AS A COMPARATIVE AID IN EXAMINING ALTERNATE DEVELOPMENTSTRATEGIES AND ANY QUANTITIES INDICATED ARE SUBJECT TO REVISION AS MORERELIABLE INFORMATION BECOMES AVAILABLE.IRRIGATION NOTE:THE PROJECT WILL BE EQUIPPED WITH A LOW FLOW IRRIGATION SYSTEM CONSISTING OFET WEATHER BASED SMART CONTROLLER, LOW FLOW ROTORS, BUBBLER AND/ OR DRIPSYSTEMS USED THROUGHOUT. THE IRRIGATION WATER EFFICIENCY WILL MEET ORSURPASS THE CURRENT STATE MANDATED AB-1881 WATER ORDINANCE.CONCEPTUAL PLAN NOTE:CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR STREET TREESALL IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, INCLUDING STREET TREES, SHALLBE INSTALLED PER THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PLANS.1. ALL STREET TREES ARE TO BE PLANTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY STANDARDPLANS.2. PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY PLANTING, AN AGRONOMIC SOILS REPORTSHALL BE FURNISHED TO THE CITY INSPECTOR. ANY UNUSUAL TOXICITIES ORNUTRIENT DEFICIENCIES MAY REQUIRE BACKFILL SOIL AMENDMENTS, AS DETERMINEDBY THE CITY INSPECTOR.3. ALL STREET TREES ARE SUBJECT TO INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE BY THEENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT. STREET TREES ARE TO BE PLANTED PERPUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PLANS ONLY.GENERAL TREE NOTETREES WILL BE 5'-0" MIN. FROM OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF ANY PUBLIC STORM DRAIN PIPEMEASURED FROM THE OUTER EDGE OF A MATURE TREE TRUNK.PER DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION 17.56.060.N. TREES SHALL BE REQUIRED AT A RATE OF ONE TREE FOREVERY THREE PARKING STALLS.AUTO PARKING PROVIDED = 383 STALLSTREES REQUIRED = 128 TREESTREES PROVIDED = 74 TREESNOTE: THE 40'-0" WIDE MWD EASEMENT TRANSECTS THE SITE AND THEREFORE TREES ARE NOTPERMITTED WITHIN EASEMENT AREA. (54) REQUIRED TREES WERE ACCOMMODATED IN OTHER LOCATIONSON-SITE.PER DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION 17.56.060.C. TREES SHALL BE PLANTED IN AREAS OF PUBLIC VIEWADJACENT TO STRUCTURES AT A RATE OF ONE TREE PER 30 LINEAR FEET OF BUILDING DIMENSIONS.BUILDING 'A' LINEAR FOOTAGE (SOUTH FACE) = 714 L.F.TREES REQUIRED = 24 TREESTREES PROVIDED = 0 TREESBUILDING 'B' LINEAR FOOTAGE (SOUTH FACE) = 684 L.F.TREES REQUIRED = 22 TREESTREES PROVIDED = 22 TREESNOTE: DUE TO THE CLOSE PROXIMITY OF THE 40' WIDE EMWD EASEMENT AT THE SOUTH SIDE OF BUILDING'A', NO TREES ARE PERMITTED WITHIN EASEMENT. (24) REQUIRED TREES WERE ACCOMMODATED INOTHER LOCATIONS ON-SITE.RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEVELOPMENT CODES FOR REQUIRED TREES··027027 MHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X XXXXX XX X XX X X X X X X XXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X XXW 18W 18 W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18EX 12''G EX 12''G EX 12''GEX 12''GEX 12''G152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4' 'G EX 12''G EX 12''G EX 12''G EX 12''G 36''SD36''SD30''SDW 18W 18 W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18EX 12''G EX 12''G EX 12''GEX 12''GEX 12''G152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4' 'G EX 12''G EX 12''G EX 12''G EX 12''G 36''SD36''SD30''SDW W WSSSSΔΔ Δ ΔΔΔ WEBBNWESIN THE city of RANCHO CUCAMONGAHILLWOOD - NAPAconceptual grading & drainage plan028028 MHMHMHMHMHMHMHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XW 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18EX 12''GEX 12''GEX 12''GEX 12''GEX 12''G152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W18''SD4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''GEX 12''G EX 12''G EX 12''G EX 12''G EX 12''GW 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18EX 12''GEX 12''GEX 12''GEX 12''GEX 12''G152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W18''SD4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''GEX 12''G EX 12''G EX 12''G EX 12''G EX 12''G CCAABBW SSDDXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXWEBBNWESWEBBNWES029029 MHMHMHMHMHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X XXXX XX X XX X X X X X X XXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X XXW 18W 18 W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18EX 12''G EX 12''G 152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4' 'G36''SD36''SD30''SDW 18W 18 W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18W 18EX 12''G EX 12''G 152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W152''W4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4''G4' 'G36''SD36''SD30''SDEEGGHHW WSSSS FFMHMHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX WEBBNWESWEBBNWES030030 MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MHXXXX X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX X X X X X X XXXXXXXΔ ΔΔΔ Δ Δ Δ ΔΔ Δ WEBB N W E S CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAHILLWOOD - NAPATPM20251 031 032 2TQLGEV0WODGT4GXKUKQP&CVG&TCYPD[6KVNG5JGGV033 034 © 2020 Microsoft Corporation © 2020 Maxar ©CNES (2020) Distribution Airbus DS WEBBNWES035 1/22/2021 Exhibit B 036 1/22/2021 037 1/22/2021 038 rancho cucamonga, california rendering - aerial view rancho cucamonga industrial propertyjob# 19318.00 1/22/2021 039 rancho cucamonga, california RENDERING - BUILDING a rancho cucamonga industrial propertyjob# 19318.00 1/22/2021 040 rancho cucamonga, california RENDERING - BUILDING B rancho cucamonga industrial propertyjob# 19318.00 1/22/2021 041 rancho cucamonga, california RENDERING - napa street frontage eastward view rancho cucamonga industrial propertyjob# 19318.00 1/22/2021 042 rancho cucamonga, california RENDERING - napa street frontage westward view rancho cucamonga industrial propertyjob# 19318.00 1/22/2021 043 Exhibit C 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 Exhibit D 059