HomeMy WebLinkAbout677 - Ordinances ORDINANCE NO. 677 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT DRCVCPA01-03, A REQUEST TO ESTABLISH STREETSCAPE STANDARDS KNOWN AS THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD/ROUTE 66 VISUAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FOR THAT PORTION OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD WITHIN THE VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. RECITALS. 1. The City of Rancho Cucamonga filed an application for Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRCVCPA01-03, as described in the title of this Ordinance. Hereinafter in this Ordinance, the subject Victoria Community Plan Amendment is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 12th day of December 2001, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. On the 16th day of January 2002, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 4. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption ofthis Ordinance have occurred. B. ORDINANCE. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does ordain as follows: 1. This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Pad A, of this Ordinance are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council dudng the above- referenced public hearing on January 16, 2002, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Council hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to Foothill Boulevard located within Victoria Community Plan. b. On September 19, 1991, the Victoria Community Plan was amended by Ordinance No. 458 to establish certain streetscape and site design standards consistent with the Foothill Boulevard District. c. The application will expand the streetscape design by establishing uniform street furniture, hardscape, and other elements along Foothill Boulevard, thus unifying the streetscape, promoting cohesiveness, and preserving Historic Route 66. d. The application will not have a significant impact on the environment. Ordinance No. 677 Page 2 of 15 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. The proposed amendment does not conflict with the Land Use Policies of the General Plan and will provide for development, within the district, in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development; and b. The proposed amendment does promote the goals and objectives of the Development Code and the Victoria Community Plan; and c. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and d. The proposed amendment is consistent with the objectives of the Development Code and the Victoria Community Plan; and e. The proposed amendment is in conformance with the General Plan. 4. This Council hereby finds that the project has been prepared and reviewed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the Guidelines promulgated thereunder, and further, specifically finds that based upon substantial evidence, it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the proposed amendment will have a significant effect on the environment and, therefore, the proposed amendment is exempt pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines, Section 15061. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1,2, 3, and 4 above, this Council hereby approves Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRCVCPA01-03 by the adoption of the attached Exhibit "A." 6. The Secretary to this Council shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance.. Please see the following page for formal adopfion, certification and signatures Ordinance No. 677 Page 3 of 15 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 6th day of February 2002. AYES: Alexander, Biane, Curatalo, Dutton, Williams NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: None William J.~nde~, May'or ATTEST: ~m~--~, City Clerk~~~ I, DEBRA J. ADAMS, CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the 16th day of January 2002, and was passed at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the 6th day of February 2002. Executed this 7th day of February 2002, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. ~D~ibra~ ~d~n ,~MC, City Clerk Ordinance No. 677 Page 4 of 15  CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Amending the Term Vista Community Plan, the Victoria Community Plan, and the Industrial Ama Specific Plan DRCVCPA 01-03/DRCTVCPA 01-01 EXHIBIT 'Al' Ordinance No. 677 Page 5 of 15 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD DESIGN SUPPLEMENT Amending the Terra Vista Community Plan, Victoria Community Plan, end Industrial Area Specific Plan. I. INTRODUCTION WHAT IS THIS SUPPLEMEHT ABOUT? On Septembe~ 16,1987, the City Council approved the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan (FBSP). FBSP was e~acted to provide a unified development scheme for the Foothill Boulevard corridor through the together the visual aspects of ~ c~,..,,ercial roadway. 'MtaslnO Link' Aren ~ % ¥1¢torim~ figure I - Missing Link Area The portion of Foothill BouJevard between Hayer Avanue ~ the tntemfate 15 Freeway ([-15) was not a part of the s'peciflc plan study; then~ore, its ptovL~ians did not appty to the deve]o~ of ~ ~~ L,~ Uak." At the t~-ne of the FI~SP approval, the City Cound] and Piam~ ~n expresaed a d~ to include significant design provisions of the plan in the development of the 'mi,~!qg link." This amendment to the Tetra Vi.~a Community Plan CTVCP), the Victoria Community Plan (VCP), and the Industrial Area Specific Plan QSP) is pmpnsed to include specific streelscape design provisions of the FBSP tn the develop- ment of the proper~es adjacent to Foothill Bou~evarcL WI'IERE DOES ff APPLY? The followin& provisions will apply to all properties bordering Foothill Boulevard within the TVCP, VCP, and ~SP. This amendment augments ~ development reb, niatlons and standards of the TVCP, VCP, and ISP. When an issue, condition, ot situation occurs Wkich is not covered ot provided for in this amendment or provisions of the TVCP, VCP, or/SP, the reb, niatiom of the Development Code of the City of Rancho Cucamon&a that ate most applicable to the issue, condiUon, or situation shall apply. DRCVCPA 01-03/DRCTVCPA 01-01 EXHIBIT "A2" Ordinance No. 677 Page 6 of 15 II. COMMUNITY DESIGN CONCEPT Promole compatible birding elevations which aff~,~ a human scale at pede~Jan areas and provide transitions to buikUngs of gmate~ height, while pmteclt~ adjoining residential conditior~ Develop con,stent ~,~c[,scape and architectm'al pa~[i~, which a~e senNfi~ to cmat~ a "hedlal~' Require compUance with communit7 design ~uJdeltnes in plans for new development and expar~on or redevelopment of exi~ develov~ ~t and n~ke community desig~ a major consideration in ~te plan ~view and approval Utilize landscape materbb which are clean, safe, wind resistant, and relatively Iow maintenanc~ Formal forms and cor~fi~rations shoukl I~e ufilt~,d at ~"tivit7 center re)des while less fore, al con~tim~ should be ulilized throughout the pa,'t~way links bet~ee~ node~ plantings with contemporary archit~tural statement~ desi/~ecl to promote a distinc'dve char~.i~ for the DRCVCPA 0J-03/DRCTVCPA 01-01 EXHIBIT "A3"' Page 3 Ordinance No. 677 Page 7 of 15 III. DESIGN GUIDELINES · ACTIVITY CENTERS a: .a O Rguro 2 - Activity Contor Locatfofls l~.ause three come~s of the Hymn Avenue tnt~'~"Ction are Rally oF paflhll7 devefoped, the dev'- the pul~ic right-of-way. Therefore, many of the ~ stancla~s al~ly only to the ~tllli~en Avenue and a. All buildin~ orientaQons will relam to the Foothill Boulevard frontage. ~ buildir~ b. Streaiscape igeme~ts such as bellards, crosswalks with special pavtn~ materials, light -- s _ta_~ards, andst2t~tfomtto~resho, l]ldbeuniformthrou~loutfheFoofldllBoule~u~d~o~ ~ ~o'r~lL/._ / c. The con(~pt within the activity ce~te~ Is to incorporate a formal, regularly ~paced, slreet tree planlin~ s,/~,,, u~l.t,~g a palette of informaUy shaped, colorful ~ d. The urban or formal streetscape design characte~tic of the activity center should extend alon~ Foothill Boulevaid and secondary/intersecttn~ streets to a point of logical transttio~ to the suburban parkway. T~,~lly, the design will extend to at least the first driveway or as modi~d through the design review process. The extent of the urban st~etscape should be able to adjust to ~ in public risht- of-way conditions, such as ri~ht turn lanes and bus bays. DRCVCPA 01-03/DRC'rVCPA 01-01 EXHIBIT "A4" Pagc 4 Ordinance No. 677 Page 8 of 15 2. Site Planning: a. At activity centers, buildings may be placed at or adjacent to t~e ~ront setback line to create a mom appealing, active s~:ape. Front yard areas o~ parking lots dominating the ~ are b. Multi-story buildings shall be designed to relam to t~e pedest~an level' AIl Smund of facades in~o bays and ~ s~ase brough~ down tn s~ze and locatioa. Further, this redaction Ln ~.ala can be established through the use of elements wl'dch add horizontal artJculaUon to the ~acades. P~xamples o~ these elements inclode pedestrian arcades and awnings. (Milliken & R0desmt ordy.) ¢. Buiklings s~all be designed to eliminate a ~ragmented, s~¥ eomme~:ial appearance and should be orl~ted to the activity center (MJllfiam & Rochester only). d. Arddh~mre and outdoor sl:~ace~ along Foothill Boulevard shall be intel~ally desisted and oriented towm'd the pedeslrian experience. ~ experience should be visually diver~e and stJmulat~ and should include activities that create a sense o~ variety and tnte~es~ 0dilllken & Rochester only). e. Structures, pathways, and landscapin& shall be t~x~-porated within the s~te so as to £ Bulking entrances shall be desired to aceommodate lobed pec~cab~m ~om in the buJldtn&s that allow a~ to the interior pl~ areas, or other a~,~iate whe~ reviewing the development propo~,~ New developments need not ~duplicate' the architectural style of p~ious submittab, but must be compaelble in terms ot architecture and orientation with the other corne~s) of the tna~r~ec~on~ architectural style of existing buildings. For e~e, the A~L~-~Ui Winery at the ~outhe~st corner of center should he designed 1o be compatible with thJ~ st~cture. This does not mean that new prcrpo~__ ~ must emulate t~e architectural stye of the winery but, rather, that they must complement exLs~g b~ b. Differentiate the ground floor facades from the ~cond floor in ,e~niflon of the differences in the character of acttvRie~ at the ground floor level. Examples include, but are not limited to, the use of store~ont 8~ ~""F~I'back or t~e~ forms, fenest~atio~ and other app~ ~te a~ch~ie~i.~ features facing Foothill Bot0evard, Milliken Avenue, and Rochester Awmue. DRCVCPA 01-03/DRC'rVCPA 01 EXHIBIT 'A5" Ordinance No. 677 Page 9 of 15 4. Landscape Concept: The ac'd vily cent.s shall be distinguished from suburban (informal) parkway areas through the use d formal, urban t~e planfing~ These formal plantings shall border all activity centers and shall de~e these'areas as be/ng higher intensity, urban district~. The planling~ shall consist of an offset double mw of Crape Myrtle (Lagerslroemia imlica ) tz~es along each road frontage. Addi- lioaal plant materials (eve, r~,~, canopy t~eea, palms, etc) may be introduced to supplement the Crape M~le as a backdrop. The type and location of the additional materials should be based on the particular buiding design, scale, and ~ . ~--~..~ ~\-~ ~'-r- >-., ,-~x~:: .. ~Two Slaty Ordinance No. 677 Page 10 of 15 B. SUBURBAN PARKWAYS:. 1. Streetscape: a. The ~ys will be de'IF~ed 'with informal clustem °f b"ees, mllin~ tm'f benns' am:[ ~. Architectural ~pt: Ordinance No. 677 Page 11 of 15 O. GENERAL GUIDEUNES: Site a. Bufldinss shall be sited to cteste new pedestrian spaces that complement and expand the extstin~ pedesffian rich,s-of-way alon& Foothill Boulevard. This can be accomplished by creating b. Bufldin~ shall be designed and placed to minimize pedestrian/vehicular conflict. Driveways and service areas ~ be located to avoid in~'lering with the flow of pedestrian drcula~ion in c. All auto nda~d/acilitles (i.e. worldn8 bays, smraSe, etc.) shall be orlented/sc~ened away from public view. d. Butldin~ should be oriented to encourage restaurants, services, limited ~ -~ (a~ permitted by the applicable Community or Specific Plan), ~:1 other hish intensity pedesman u~es on 2. Parking Lots: blah/vehicular contlictr, When this is not posa'ble, the Footltill Boulevard site entry shall be designed with aylaopriately patterned con~ete or paves (behind the public risht-of-way) to dfff~ei~,liate it from the located as far f~om street intemections as po~ible. c. . Parkin& arees shall be designed so that ix'destrlans walk parallel to movin& vehtde~ d. Individual prelect parkin& areas shall be linlr~d with on-rite driveways which are dearly icle~ied and easy ~ as connectora. New development projects shall delineate on all plans · where vehkular connections to adjacent properties are located. The applicant must also demonstrate provi- sions for aa~ess easements for such vehicular movements to adjacent properties con~stont with airl~oved e. Porking aress shall be designed in a manne~ which link the building to the sUeet sidewalk system to encoum&e and facilitate pedestrian movement. This can be accompltshed by u~ing design Landscape Design: a. Ali sin:et Rh-niture, Ii&hi standards, boUards, and similar hardware within 10 feet o~ the public right-of-way shall be paint~cl a color chosen as the Foothill Con, dot Theme Color. Sign faces may b. A colorful landscape edse shall be established at'the base of bontti,~l~. Asphalt edges at the base of structures are pr~u'bited. Plant materials in containers are appropriate. DRCVCPA 01-03/DRCTVCPA 01-01 EXHIBIT "A8" .~.~.s~x~ Page 8 7~9~ Ordinance No. 677 Page 12 of 15 d. Plant~ng dusters should assume a non-tmJ~orm arran~;ea',ent. The diversity of n~ing types should be great e~ough to provide interest but be~ to a level which evokes a relaxed, natural ~J~g to the observeto e. Water conserving planlin&s and irrigalion shall be used in all landscaped areas. (Refer to City Chdiuance No. 411- Xeriscape.) 4. Street~cape Ughtlng: a. It is the intent of st~eetscape lighiin& to add a comiste~t, planned look foa' l~oot~ll Boulevard during day and evening hours. Lighting can have a dramalic effect on the quality of the stree~ape b. AIl llghltng fixtures ~ the public r~ht-of-way shall be cons~s~m along Fontal c. RI1 development areas on.de tie public ttght~-way ~ use high pressure IV. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENTS A. Center Median Pro_~rem - Baaed upon ~raffic analyses, a coat,onus 14-foot wide · h~reased vehtcu~r ~padty · · ~~l~of~ ~of~,~) DRCVCPA 01~3/DRC~CPA 01~1 EXHIBIT Ordinance No. 677 Page 13 of 15 DETAIL SECTION ~'~o'~ . - pARKWAy/MEDIAN *M::C~iT TRE~ ,4. ~ - "~l~l; / ,- ~. cu,. w,r ~C~ Figure 6 - Median Design- DRCVCPA 01-03/DRCTVCPA 01-01 EXHIBIT "Al0" ]~.gc lO Ordinance No. 677 Page 14 of 15 V. SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. Setbacks - Activity Center [Suburban Parkway in oarenthesis} Suildins · Footh~ ?.5' (45') 25'(~) 45' (45' ars,~0' n~'~) · ~im~ 25'(~) 25' (~-) 45' (45' av~, 30' rain) · Foob~ll 2S' (45') 4~(~) 45' (45' avg, 3(F rain) · ~ 25' (~) 45'(~) 45' (45' av~ 30' rain) (1) As measu_,~d fl~m ultimate curb face ( ~ ) Re,er to 1~(~, VCP, or ~P ~or reb'u~tions /1:1 BulMIno Setbook Ratio ~; . . / 2Ad Sto~y Perugdttod at MH~en Figure 7 - A~lv~ ~n~r Building ~k DRCVCPA 01-03/DRC~CPA 01-01 ~ EXHIBIT 'Al 1" ~ 11 Ordinance No. 677 Page 15 of 15 Development 25'(~) l~(S) I Ad~cmtmExist~s~ Deve~opmem ~(~) 5'(~) B. ~lelaht Limitations - Activ~t~/Centers (11 · Within 45' o~ sm~et crab face: Foothill Boulevard (at l~!;h't~n) 3~ Foothill Boulevard (at ~) 20' ~m~,,n Avenue ~ Roche~er Awnue 20' · Within 100' of single fam~y rmidenlial diga~t 25' · Olher localions (~) · Towe~, ~, rotundas (~) (1) Re/er ~o 'rvc~, V(~o, I~P for suburban parkway areas- (~) Pager ~o 'I¥CP, VCP, or ISP ~or regul~fiom DRCVCPA 01-03/DRCTVCPA 01-01 EXHIBIT "A12' au~,,t~mmn~ Page 12 ?~)]