HomeMy WebLinkAbout309 - Ordinances 0RDINWkN(~ NO. 309 AN ORDINAN~ 01~ HE ClIT (~IONCIL O~ ~l~g CI~ 0~ ~N~O ~e C~ ~c~l of ~he CitF of Rancho ~c~o~a does ordain foll~s~ SE~I~ 1= Title 14 of the Rancho Cuc~onia ~ici~l ~de is ~ere~ ~ended ~ edgin~ Subse~ion 14.10.06~ to ~ap~e= lI.20 ~o read. in wo~ds and fisuree, a~ foll~ n14.20*~ ~i~t~ si~s -- 0f~i~e ~u~ivision d~T~tiona~ within a~ planned c~sunity, which was established p~s~n~ to Section 17.11.020. s~jec~ =o the ~ovisioal A ~m of six signs say be u~d solely to lead cust~ers to the site within ~e planned c~it~. ~iins shall be loca=ed within the ~eries of the ~anned ~ity. ~cept said signs sba11 not ~ located on ~r~eter streets to the ~anned ~m~ity. Si~s ~mll ~ no larger than s~ inche~ ~ ten inches and aha11 ~ ground on a fou~aided aiin structure ss ~b~n ~bibit "A~. ~e top header ~ard aha11 identify tbs planed o~m~ity. 'C. I sign 8truct=e shall ~ located not less than s~ h~dred feet rrm an existinS or pr~iously 8p~ed siSn site. ~=ther, each si~ may only contain the nne of the s~dlvlsion, and dlrectlo~l arr~ as ~n on ~ibit A, ~cept as othe~ise provided for herein. "D. ~e detailed defi~ and plac~ent of each sian structure shell ~ r~i~ed and ap~ed ~ the City Siins placed on ~iv8te ~o~r~ sh~11 ~ done with written con~nt of the pro~=~ ~ner and filed with the ~perment of ~m~ity ~elo~ent ~ior to isf~nce of ~mlt. SiSns in ~he p~lic riSht-of-way sh~l ~ r~i~ed and epiped ~ the City Ensineer prior to tas~nce of the sisn A siSn location plan shall be prepared sh~inS the site of each dlrectio~l si~ and shall ~ 8~itted to the ~rment of ~munity ~elo~ent prior to iss~nce of the si~ Any such si~ ap~ed for a ~rticular f~division within the City 8h~1 not ~ chansed to a~erti~ another s~divlslon without prior ap~sl of the City ~8n~r. ~ere ~all be no additions, tas sisns, stremers, d~icef. display ~erd8, or app~tenances added to the 8isn as orisinally spoored. ~rther, no other dtrectto~l si~inS may ~ u~d such as ~aters, nn~ich si~8, or trailer "I. All nonconfominS s~divlslon directlon~l sisns associated with the 8~dtvision in question must ~ r~oved prior to the of a n~ 8isn ~mlt. "J. A fly,hundred-dollar cash de, sit shall ~ placed with the City to ensue compliance with this title. A~ 81Sn placed contra~ to the provisions of this tltle may ~ rmoved ~ the City and the cost of r~al shall ~ deducted rrm the de,sit. Additio~l costs incurred ~ the City res~tinS rrm the r~ovel of illesal sisns 8h~1 ~ chersed to the develo~r. Ordln~ncs g'o. 309 " PISS 2 The sign shall be a~loued emtil subdivision is ~old out or, in the case of a leasing office, until 90 percent of the units have been leased or rented. 'L. This section shall not be co,trued as to prohibit the developers eithin a Flanud Cc~u~it7 fr~ participating in the off-mite subdivision sign prosrm ~'ple~anted and installed through the Buildin~ Industry As~ociation (BIA)provided that a combination site. SiSna say also be used to lead people to no~-co~ercial co~lunity facilities, such ss park~ and public schools. S~ION 21 Title 14 of the Rancho Cuc~onsa ~micipel Code is hereby mended to modify Subsection 14.20.060B to reed as follovsl - '14.20.060B. $1~ns shall be no large than 60 inches by ten inches end 8hall be grouped on a four-sided st~n structure as shorn in F~hlbit A. SECTION 3 I Title 14 of the Rancho Cuca~onsa ~unicipel Code is hereby mended to eodif~ the table ~ si~ u~s in Section 14.20,080 to read as ; '14.20.080 Per~itted siena ~ Residential uses. The follo~in$ signs may be permitted for residential uses sub}act to the provisious listed~ Ordinance No. 309 Pase 3 SECTION $: Title 14 of the Rancho Cueamon8a ~niCipel Code ia hereby amended to modif7 the table of si~ u~e in Section 1~.20.100 to read ~.20.100 ~d s~ -- ~cill and office u;;-. foll~ng et~s may be ~itted for c~merci~ and ~f~ce u~s e~ject to ~he Ordinance No. 309 ' VaSe 4 SECTION SI Title 14 of the Rancho Cucs-onsm ~unicip~l Code il here~ ~ended to ~odify the t~ble of sisn u~s in Section lI.20.110 ~o read ~s foll~s: may be ~mltted for industrial u~s s~ject to the ~ietone listed: ~t ~ S~ION 61 ~iS ~UnCil h~re~ fing~ and c~tifi~s that the ~o~ec~ has ~en r~iwed in compllance vith the ~lifornia E~i~omentll q~lity Act of 1970 and here~ concurs vith that N~lltiv~ ~claration ~sted vith res~ct to the project. SEC~oN 7: ~e ~yor s~all si~ this Ordt~nce and the City ~erk shall cau~ ~he s~e to be p~liehed vithin fifteen (1~) days afte~ its ~s~se at least once in ~e Dail~ Re~rt, a n~l~l of 8e~r~ circulation published in the Ci~ of ~tario, ~lifornia, and ctrc~ated in the City of Rancho Cuc~onga, ~lifornia. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 1st day of April, 1987. AYES: Brown, Buquet, Stout, Fins, Vrtsht NOR8: None ABSENT: None Ordinance I~o. 309 ?age 5 Dennis Lo Stout, ~yor ATT~ST~ Beverly ~. Authelet, City Clerk I, BEV~I~Y A. AU~I~.T, CITY ~LERK of the City o[ Rancho Cuca~onga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance vas introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucmaonsa held on the 4th day of ~arch, 1987, and was finally p~eeed at a re~lar ~ee~in~ of the City ~uncil o~ the City of ~ncho ~c~onsa held on the let day of April, 1987. ~ecuted this 2nd day of April, 1987 at ~ancho Cuc~on~a, ~lifornia, B~ly ~. Auth~l~t, City