HomeMy WebLinkAbout249 - Ordinances ORDINANCE NO. 249 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING PART III OF THE INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN TO ESTABLISH A HAVEN AVENUE OVERLAY DISTRICT LOCATED ON BOTH SIDES OF HAVEN AVENUE BETWEEN FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND 4TH STREET The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The following section is hereby added to Part III, Development Standards and Guidelines: V. HAVEN AVENUE OVERLAY DISTRICT Purpose The purpose of the Overlay District is to establish development standards which address the unique setting and character of the Haven Avenue corridor. The Haven Avenue Overlay District is located on both the east and west sides of Haven Avenue extending from Foothill Boulevard south to ~th Street, as shown in Figure V-1. Applicability The Overlay District is to be applied in conjunction with the Specific Plan for Subareas 6 and 7 and provides more specific and/or restrictive development policies, design standards and land use regulations for both Subareas 6 and 7. Topics not specifically covered by the Haven Avenue Overlay District will continue to be governed by the regulations of the Specific Plan. Development adjacent to the Haven Avenue Overlay District shall consider compatibility and integration with the Overlay District through the Master Plan process. Setting Haven Avenue is located near the geographic center of the City and will be the most significant gateway into Rancho Cucamonga. Another important aspect is the distinctiveness of the Haven Avenue corridor in relation to other major arterials designated as "Special Boulevards". Haven Avenue is the major travel route for the City and has the potential for high end office development with a unique combination of direct access to the airport and the Interstate 1.0 freeway. This provides the City a rare opportunity to enhance its image by encouraging intensive, high quality office and professional development along the Haven Avenue corridor. Relation to General Plan The General Plan affirms that travel routes are predominate elements of the community's image and encourages the distinctiveness of individual districts and roadway corridors. In addition, the General Plan states that a consistent design theme is necessary to reinforce the image or perception of a route. The Specific Plan states that the Haven Avenue corridor and the Industrial Park category should be designed to project a "campus like image for firms seeking an attractive and pleasant working environment with high prestige value". Ordinance No. 249 Page 2 A. Goal Statement Goals are statements that define the community's aspiration and intentions. The goal for the Haven Avenue corridor has evolved from sessions with the industrial and business communities and with the City's elected and appointed officials. This goal represents the current conception of and future aspirations for the best interest of the City for the Haven Avenue corridor. o ~noou~ l~-rm~e ~te~ planned de~losmemt alo~ the Ila~e~ A~e~ oorridor ~e~ -mM-cea ~a~ehe Cucamen~a's image by ~&~-~ an lnt~:si~, high quality ~at~ay into the City and by pec~otin~ a distineti~e, attractive, and pleasant office p~k atlosphe~e in a campus ii~e sett~-_~ with ~ prestige identity. B. Land Use Types The intent of the following policies is to encourage land uses and development consistent with the design goal for the Haven Avenue corridor as an intensive, high quality gateway into the community. B.1. The primary land use function along Haven Avenue is intended to be of an administrative/professional and office nature. However, on the parcels directly adjacent to the railroad, the Planning Commission may consider additional uses permitted in Subarea 6, subject to the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit, and a finding that such a use will be consistent with the stated design goal for Haven Avenue and all other provisions of the Overlay District. B.2. Select ancillary commercial and business support service uses shall not exceed 20% of the floor area in any Master Planned development. Concentration of such uses in any building or along the street frontage is not permitted. B.3. The following land use types are permitted or conditionally permitted within the Haven Avenue Overlay District. Ail other uses shall be prohibited. Permitted Uses Administrative and Office Financial, Insurance & Real Estate Services Communication Services Medical/Health Care Services Professional Services Administrative Civic Services Cultural Business Supply Retail Sa~es & Services* Business Support Services Eating and Drinking Establishments Ordinance No. 249 Page 3 Conditional Uses Convenience Sales & Services Entertainment , Food and Beverage Sales Fast Food Sales Hotel/Motel Personal Services* Recreation Facilities Public Assembly Public Safety & Utility Services Religious Assembly *Ancillary Uses Limited to 20% of the floor area per B.2. B.4 Fast food services are specifically excluded as a primary use. This would preclude the development of typical free standing fast food restaurants, most of which require drive-through facilities, in the Overlay District. However, fast food could be permitted as an ancillary or secondary use, subject to a Conditional Use Permit, as a part of a larger project, provided, however, such use not be located directly adjacent to Haven Avenue. C. Master Planned Development The intent of this section is to provide for integrated development at the earliest possible time in the review process. Through the Master Plan process there is opportunity to coordinate the efforts of single or multiple property owners and discourage piecemeal development. Finally, master planning of defined areas will avoid development of single parcels of land in a manner which would prevent or preclude future development of adjacent parcels in the best way feasible. It is not the intention of the master planning process to cast future development patterns in stone. Rather, it is an attempt to discover problems before they develop, to deal with issues while they can be solved, and to take advantage of opportunities while they exist. The standards and guidelines which follow are intended to apply to all projects and should not be constrained by parcel lines or specific site boundaries. C.1. A conceptual Master Plan shall be submitted for Planning Commission approval, together with any development proposal, including subdivision or parcel map applications. Such Master Plan shall address relationships to other parcels within the Master Plan area. Ordinance No. 249 Page ~ C.2. At minimum, Master Plans shall indicate conceptual building locations, overall circulation, points of ingress and egress to both public and private streets, parking lot layouts, conceptual grading and drainage, areas to be used for landscaping and plazas, pedestrian circulation, and common signing. Areas intended for common use, such as shared access, reciprocal parking or pedestrian plazas shall also be identified. In addition, a statement of architectural intent and/or conceptual elevations shall be submitted to indicate how the architectural concepts including style, form, bulk, height, orientation, and materials relate to other buildings or projects within the planning area as well as to the overall design goal for Haven Avenue. C.3. The Master Plan boundaries indicated in Figure V-2 are logical planning boundaries based upon physical contraints and property ownership. These boundaries may be modified when it is determined that the Master Plan is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Haven Avenue Overlay District. The City Planner may require master planning of property outside the Overlay District, adjacent to a project proposal, where necessary to assure integrated development and promote the goal of the Haven Avenue Overlay District. C.~. No Parcel Map or Subdivision Map shall be accepted or approved without concurrent submittal and approval of a Master Plan to assure integrated development consistent with the goal of the Haven Avenue Overlay District. C.5. Architecture within Master Planned development shall have a compatible design style with variation in the building style, form, and materials in accordance with the architectural standards of the Overlay District. Lot Size C.6. Minimum parcel size shall be two (2) acres with a minimum parcel depth of 225 feet within a Master Plan development. A 300-foot minimum lot width shall also be required, consistent with the access control policies. The Planning Commtssion may waive these requirements when it is determined that the parcel is part of a Master Plan which is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Overlay District. All lots of record are allowed to develop according to the requirements of the Haven Avenue Overlay District. Ordinance No. 249 Page 5 Access C.7. Vehicular access onto Haven Avenue shall be discouraged wherever suitable alternative access may be developed from other streets as determined through the Master Plan process. If vehicular access onto Haven Avenue is granted, said access shall be shared with adjacent parcels. The minimum distance between drive approaches shall be 300 feet with 100 feet the minimum distance between a drive approach and the curb return of any intersection along Haven Avenue. Also, reciprocal parking and access easements shall be required, where appropriate, with any development proposal. C.8. Public transit facilities shall be considered within all Master Plans. Convenient pedestrian access shall be provided to designated transit facilities, such as bus stops. C.9. On-site circulation for both pedestrians and vehicles shall consider existing or planned circulation patterns on adjacent properties. Connections shall be made where appropriate to foster more integrated development and enhance pedestrian movement. D. Site Orientation The following standards are intended to promote integrated, pedestrian oriented, office park development in a campus like setting: Pedestrian Orientation D.1. Site planning, including building configuration and placement, must create opportunities for courtyards and plazas and other landscaped open spaces and promote safe and convenient pedestrian movement with continuous landscaped pathways between buildings. D.2. Parking areas and circulation aisles along the Haven Avenue street frontage are discouraged and may only be approved through the Master Plan process when it is determined appropriate and necessary to implement the design goal of the Haven Avenue Overlay District. Their visual impact shall be fully mitigated through dispersed parking areas and extensive landscaping and berming. D.3. Vehicular circulation around the rear and side portions of a site is encouraged. Circulation aisles which fragment or disrupt the connection of pedestrian spaces throughout a project shall be avoided to the extent possible. Ordinance No. 249 Page 6 Parking D.4. The use of dispersed parking areas which provide convenient access to buildings without interrupting interior pedestrian spaces is encouraged to reduce the need for large parking lots. Where large parking lots are necessary, they shall be located in areas less visible from Haven Avenue and their visual impact fully mitigated with building placement and extensive landscaping and bermlng. D.5. On-street parking along Haven Avenue shall be prohibited. D. 6. Building placement at or near the streetscape building setback is strongly encouraged within all developments, particularly on corner lots with high visibility. Multiple building placement should provide variable streetscape setbacks to reduce streetscape monotony. Setbacks D.7. A 45-foot average landscape setback and a minimum 45-foot building setback shall be required along Haven Avenue, as measured from the ultimate face of curb, including existing lots of record and condominium lots or lots within a center when designed as an integral part of a Master Planned development. D.8. Ancillary service and loading areas shall be designed and located where least visible from public view and adjacent properties designated "Industrial Park". D.9. All existing and new utilities, including electrical service less than 34.5 KV, within the project shall be installed underground. E. Landscaping Requirements The intent of the following standards is to enhance the visual quality of the streetscape and provide an attractive and pleasant working environment in a campus like setting. Minimum Landscape Coverage E.1. A minimum twenty-five (25) percent of net lot area (excludes right-of-way dedications and privmte streets) shall be landscaped areas and pedestrian hardscape plazas and courtyards. E.2. The landscape/hardscape coverage requirement may be modified for individual parcels within master planned developments when it is determined that the master plan as a whole meets the required coverage and the project is consistent with the intent and purposes of the design goal for Haven Avenue. Ordinance No. 249 Page 7 E.3. A maximum five (5) percent credit toward the required landscape/hardscape coverage may be permitted where appropriate public art is to be displayed in a setting which enhances pedestrian spaces and building architecture. E.4. A consistent streetscape design theme shall be developed along the Haven Avenue streetscape which incorporated intensified landscaping with specimen size trees, alluvial rockscape, mounding, meandering sidewalks, and appropriate street furniture. Landscaping materials shall be selected which provide an historic link to the City's past, such as eucalyptus windrows, citrus trees, and grape vines. In addition, a program of street name monument signs shall be developed to include low profile, natural alluvial rook monument signs with individual letters formed in a sandblasted concrete face. Berming E.5. Landscaping and berming shall be designed to create visual interest and variety to the streetscape, enhance building architecture, screen utilities and buffer views of automobiles, pavement and service areas, and to define and to distinguish the pedestrian environment from vehicular spaces. Water Conservation E.6. A combination of water conserving landscape and irrigation techniques are required such as the use of drought tolerant plant species and hardscape (non-irrigated) surfaces, and special irrigation systems such as drip emitters, low volume stream rotors, deep watering of trees and shrubs, tensiometers to measure soil moisture, and automatic timers. E.7. Landscape materials shall be selected for their low maintenance, drought tolerance, and heat and wind tolerance. F. Open Space and Pedestrian Environment The intent of this section is to promote the functional design and location of pedestrian spaces, and provide convenient pedestrian circulation on and off site and promote a campus like setting. F.1. The development of a pedestrian node or focal point, such as a plaza or courtyard is required within all projects. Ordinance No. 249 Page 8 F.2. The location of plazas and courtyards should encourage maximum pedestrian use and be separated and/or buffered from vehicular parking and circulation. Such locations may be near a prominent building entrance or along a centralized pedestrian path. Pedestrian Facilities F.3. Pedestrian plazas or courtyards shall be designed to create an attractive, comfortable, and functional setting with a "sense of place". A combination of the following design elements are encouraged, but are not limited to: pavement or surface texture; elevation/grade changes; use of landscape materials and structures to provide shade and define enclosed spaces; seating (eg - benches, steps, or raised planters); and outdoor eating areas. In addition, the use of water features, covered walkways, kiosks and public art are encouraged. F.4. Trash receptacles, drinking fountains, light standards and other street furniture shall be designed to enhance the appearance and function of open space areas. F.5. Convenient pedestrian circulation shall be provided throughout all projects to connect parking areas and public transit facilities with buildings and pedestrian open spaces. G. Architecture The following standards are intended to promote a high quality office park image with high prestige identity: Urban Style G. 1. Desirable architecture along Haven Avenue shall project a high quality progressive, sophisticated, and urban style of development. While the use of a variety of exterior materials may be permitted to achieve this image; Spanish, Mediterranean, or traditional architecture styles are not generally considered appropriate for office buildings. G.2. Variations in architectural styles, construction methods, and materials for certain ancillary uses, such as restaurants and banks, may be permitted where the architecture is exemplary and consistent with the high quality image required for Haven Avenue and where a particular design is necessary and more appropriate considering the intended use of the building. Multiple Story G.3. Multiple story buildings of sufficient mass are encouraged that reflect the scale and proportion of the Haven Avenue right-of-way and streetscape setbacks. Ordinance No. 249 Page 9 Low, linear buildings are discouraged. G.4. Building design elements that are considered inappropriate for an office park atmosphere include retail type storefront elevations (linear configurations, continuous ground floor glazing, multiple doorways), and numerous overhead roll-up doors which promote concentrations of ancillary commercial and business support services, and are therefore prohibited. G.5. Service and loading areas shall be screened from public view and adjoining properties, wherever possible, to reduce site design constraints on future adjacent development. Architectural Variety G.6. Architectural planes shall have variation in depth and angle to create variety and interest in the basic form and silhouette of the building. G.7. Articulation of the elevation surfaces is encouraged through the use of openings and recesses which create texture and shadow patterns and provide variety in the building plane or surface. G.8. Building entrances shall be well articulated and project a fommal entrance statement through variation of architectural planes, pavement surface treatment, and landscaped plazas. G.9. Accent treatment such as changes in exterior materials and texture is encouraged in conjunction with variation in the major form giving elements of a structure. Signs G.10. A coordinated Uniform Sign Program shall be required for any development, including wall and monument signs. Building wall signs shall consist of individual letters and can signs sre prohibited. The size, number, typical design and location of the signs, as per~itted by the City's Sign Ordinance, shall be submitted with the development application and be reviewed concurrently. H. Urban Centers The following standards are intended to promote the highest quality development and intensity to create community focal points or "urban centers" near the key intersections of ~th Street and Foothill Boulevard, as shown in Figure V-1. H.1. The applicability of these urban center standards for specific parcels shall be determined through the Master Plan review process. Ordinance No. 249 Page 10 H.2. Multiple story buildings shall be of the highest design quality, particularly at the immediate corners of 4th Street and Foothill Boulevard. Desirable structural components include steel, and concrete in conjunction with curtain walls, spandrels and glass. Wood frame structures are discouraged. H.3. A minimum thirty (30) percent of net lot area (excludes right-of-way dedications and private streets) shall be landscaped areas and pedestrian hardscape plazas or courtyards. H.4. Special landscaping and streetscape design features shall be developed for the intersections at 4th and Foothill to create an intensive and prestigious gateway entry into Rancho Cucamonga and the Haven Avenue Avenue Corridor. H.5. The use of parking structures is encouraged to promote intensified development and maximize the site area devoted to urban pedestrian plazas and courtyards. Parking structures shall be harmoniously designed with the main building and located around the rear or side portions of the site. H.6. The minimum parcel size shall be five (5) acres unless waived by the Planning Commission when it is determined that the parcel is designed as an integral part of a master planned development consistent with the intent and purpose of the Overlay District. SECTION 2: The City Council finds that Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 84-02 is an implementation of the General Plan and Industrial Specific Plan goals and policies and that the General Plan and Industrial Specific Plan Environmental Impact Reports adequately cover any potential significant adverse impacts. Further, the City Council finds that no subsequent or supplemental environmental impact report is required pursuant to Division 13, Chapter 6, Section 21166 of the Public Resources Code. Specifically, the City Council. A. No substantial changes are proposed in any goals or policies which would require major revisions to the EIR's. B. No substantial changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the project is being undertaken. C. No new information on the project has become available. SECTION 3: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The Daily Repprt, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. Ordinance No. 249 Page 11 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 6th day of March, 1985. AYES: Wright, Buquet, Mikels, Dahl, King NOES: None ABSENT: None  D2 Mikels, Mayor ATTEST: Beverly l.{luthelet, City Clerk Ordinance No. 249 Page 12 FIG. V- 1 HAVEN AVENUE OVERLAY DISTRICT j Urben Center  Overlay Dletrlct TRAILS/ROUTES o o o o Pecleatrlan  l~E~ Regional Multi-Ule am '"'*--' Special Street,cape/ ~ Lanaacaping -- Power Uno/ Utility Eaaoment ~.u Bridge Ordinance No, 249 Page 13 FIG. V-2 MASTER PLAN AREAS ClRGULATION ~ 120' R.O.W. ~ 1OO' R.O.W. ~ 88' or leis R.O.W. RAIL SERVICE ::: ;t Existing '+*+~' Proposed TRAILS/ROUTES oo o o Pedestrian ese· Bicycle Multi-Use -~*-~-~-- Special Streetscsl~e/ ~ Landscel~lng Power Line/ Utility Easement ~-,."'- Creeks & Channels Bridge Access Points Fire Station Acres