HomeMy WebLinkAboutBudget 1980-81 ~. " PROGRAM OF SERVICE. 1980 - 1981 . 1977 l~ I . , I I I I I I I I I '~(one"' '.' r" a I e'~~f:)" .' I , f II I! !I ' l( ! I ! i ! , ; " fn~ r; m'; \/ !( ~ t, ; o( ;; " ~ ~ ~ 1- ~w ~'. l ': ' (U ',' a. ,-' La [I . , I I I I I I , , I , , ,II " I I , ! , , , " I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . I I I I budget Ii I I , , I ! ' , I ! I message City 0 f RANCHO CUCAMONGA , II i ,I " I' I' , ! I I i I June 2, 1980 ,I Honorable Mayor and City Counci lmen City of Rancho Cucamon9a P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamon9a, CA. 91730 Dear Mayor and Councilmen: I: ! ' I The City of Rancho Cucamonga's Program of Service for Fiscal Year 1980-81 is hereby submitted for your review and adoption. The proposed financial plan for the coming year totals $7,675,605, including all special funds. Proposed General Fund expenditures are estimated at $6,508,103, while special fund expenditures will total $1,167,502. These totals include a carry-over of $750,000, of which $552,700 will be required to balance the General Fund. I I This year the City is faced with another budgeting restraint--the recently approved constitutional amendment which limits governmental expenditures to the J978-79 level. It is particularly difficult for our community to adjust to this limitation since in 1978 the City was not yet providing a full range of public services. In an effort to meet this new challenge, the staff and City Council have adopted a consumer-oriented approach to budgeting revenues which are available. This new budgeting philosophy provides for: [I \1 ! I' I I . . . . . . 1. The establishment of "cost centers" to more accurately reflect the total cost for providing city services and .to identify revenues generated to support each service. 2. The use of the General Fund to finance support and staff services only. Special funds will be utilized to finance all other programs as well as capital projects. Continued...... . POST OFFICE BOX 793. RA~ClIO CUCA~10NGA, CALIFORNIA 91730 (714) 989-1851 Mayor & City Council -2- June 2. 1980 It is anticipated that a consumer-oriented budget will not only enable citizens to observe how taxes are distributed to support various programs. but will also permit intelligent. informed choices to be made by citizen- consumers and their elected representatives in an environment which is superior to the pressure and special interest process. Decisions to change levels of service or to begin new services will now be thoroughly evaluated in an analytical businesslike manner., The constitutional spending limitation has. in effect. mandated the City to employ the same budgetary policies which have been common, to the private sector for decades. Overhead charges have been determined for each department and for each program in order to accurately indentify the true cost of providing services. To complete the picture, each revenue source will also be related to a specific service: : I I I RECOMMENDATION FOR BUILDING FACILITIES I , I' ! The City Council previously established a special fund to finance permanent office facilities. The C~ty is presently operating from leased offices which prevent us from providing optimum service to the public. It is therefore recommended that the staff actively pursue the acquisition of land for a future Civic Center site before the cost of land is prohibitive. I I I 1 . . . . I PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS Our employees continue to be the lifeblood of the services we render to the community. Because of the increase in workload and the need for expanding some services. it is :recommended that the follo~ling . positions be added during the next Jiscal year: Finance Department Account Clerk Clerk Typist Cost Account Clerk I' ; I ~ I , , !i I I , Community Development - Enqineerinq Division Maintenance Worker I Maintenance Worker II Public Works Inspector I Senior Civil Engineer Continued.... . " , , i 1 I', I, " ,I Mayor & City Council -3- June 2, 1980 Community Development - Planning Division Associate Planner Community Services Department Community Services Aide Sheriff's Department Detective Detective Sergeant Five Deputies Funded by Office of Traffic Safety Grant In addition, several reclassifications are proposed which will be discussed by the City Council when the position-classification plan has been completed. ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES I 1 I I . . . . . . It is recommended that all park maintenance activities be transferred to the Public Works division of the Community Development Department. This shift of responsibility will enable the crews to be cross-trained to handle not only park maintenance responsibilities, but also street maintenance functions more effectively and at less cost to the City. The reorganization is a reflection of the City's rapid growth combined with a need to increase our level of commitment to improvin9 the con- dition of parkways and streets throughout the community I \, " 1 !I " I ,j, It! SUt~t~ARY The 1980-81 Pr09ram of Service totals $7,675,605 of which $6,508,103 is available for general fund operational expenditures and $1,167,502 is allocated for special fund activities. Although the proposed budget continues to fall short of providing optimum levels of service, the City will be able to provi de those servi ces deemed essenti alto the Community. A sincere note of appreciation is expressed to the City's Executive f'lanage- ment team for their assistance in preparing the financial plan which is hereby submi tted for the revi el; and adoption by the City Council. Si ncere ly, Lauren 11. Wasserman Ci ty f"anager U"fi/vz , , I ~ , , , i , , I I I , , revenue ~fBmm; <'" m" f. Ci" ry ~~I {':":"'. .. I I I I I I I i I ' . , , I VI l W ::::J Z W > W I "" I I . . . . . . -- <1J <1J ~ ~ V> V> I"--<O-~ ~ ",cD ~ ODOr- ~ 0<0- <0- '" '" roNI..D~COOO cD DOOr- ~ ON N <1J <1J \O\.OC""JI..ODCO <0- 000..- ~ cD'" I"-- l- I- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U U M<:::!"r-O.-o:::T '" LONo::j""r- <0- ~<O- '" e <1J LDI..DNr- ~ <0- N N ~~ N - '" ~ N ~ , , , " .' ~..:::., . " , -q ',,)' ----:....., -" .., :- --< V - -~.'. -, ~-, < -<. ::, "- .. S - /'-...., .~........ 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I Departmental Goals: 'i DEPART:llENTAL GOALS SUMMARY , I I , I ,I CITY COUNCIL It is the goal of the City Council to establish policies and to pursue objectives that result in the most effective and efficient allocation of city resources for the benefit of the citizens of Rancho Cucamonga. I I I I t . I I . I I I , J I I i I I . I I I . ; . . . . I . ANNUAL BUDGET SUM~1ARY . FUND FUNCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Legislative City Council 01-10 ;, CLASSIFICATION PRIOR CURRENT CURRENT PROPOSED IlllOP1'IT ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET Salaries & Benefits 12000 12000 12000 12000 J, ;0 Services & Supplies 3362 6640 6640 6950 ( "'-0 o I) Capital Outlay PROGRA~1 TOTAL 15362 1'8640 18440 18,950 J! ~\O ) Number of Positions 5 5 5 5 . I . . CITY OF RANCHO' CUCAMONGA j . ANNUP,L BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUrm I FUNCTION . 1 . DEPARTI~ENT OR ACTI V ITY I ACCOUNT Genera 1 Legls atlVe r.it" 01-10 POSITION TITLE POS IT IONS BUDGET REVISED n -c )0> CURRENT PROPOSED c ;;0 CJ ;;0 CJ co ;;0 -c -c ,." co ~ :z V> ,." ~ ,." CJ .:'.~- J/f.'~. CJ ...., ~u /'J - Council person 5 5 12000 120mi If JOd /l.,j(j J TOTAL 5 5 12000 12,000 /..- , I..) .:,: (j0: I II I II .' I' I 1 i i I I I I I . I . . CITY OF RANCHO CUCAt.\oNGA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . . ANNUAL BUDGET . SERVICES & SUPPLI ES FUND FUNCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Legislative City Council 01-10 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION = I ESTIt1ATED PROPOSED REVISED DGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET 01-10-23 Printing & Publication 500 300 100 01-10-24 Office Supplies 300 300 300 01-10-25 Travel, Mileage, Meetings 5840 5840 6550 . I 1 , . 6640 6440 6950 TOTAL ACTIVITY INFORMATION 350 1100 1200 , 200 750 900 1750 300 SANBAG/SCAG League of Calif. Cities Labor Relations Institute Citrus Belt Div. Meetings National. League of Cities National Congress of Cities Mileage r.'i sc. TOTAL 6550 CITY OF RANCHO 'CUCAMONGA \ I I I ~--- \ I I I I t I t i . I I . . . . . I I DEPARTMENTAL GOALS SUr~~lARY CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK 1980-81 ii i Mission Statement: I '! To effectively and efficiently administer Council directed City-wide policies and programs. Department Goals: 1. To implement policies and programs as directed by the City Council. 2. To provide timely information which is essential in order to keep the City Council, executive management team, and citizens of Rancho Cucamonga informed of significant local problems, programs, and priorities. This goal will be accomplished in the following manner: A. By preparing comprehensive periodic reports for the City Council . B. By placing a greater emphasis on communication through the news media with employees and citizens concerning city activities and problems. 3. To continue efforts to foster a greater employee awareness of city problems, programs and priorities. This will be accomplished in the following manner: A. By meeting periodically with the executive management team to evaluate the progress made in attaining departmental and city goals. B. By personally reviewing the activities of each city department on a regular basis not only to view departmental activities, .but also to explain or discuss city goals and priorities. C. By increasing the frequency of written, informal communications with city employees. Thi s wi 11 i nc 1 ude the estab 1 i shment of a news publication for employees. I I I j I I . I I I . I I . . . . . I City Manager/City Clerk Page Two 4. To provide timely information to the City Council concerning pending state, local, or federal legislation which may have an impact upon the city. . 5. To continue to improve the records management program established for all city departments. 6. To provide 1 iaison and staff support to the Advisory Commission. 7. To provide a modern "merit" personnel system to attract and retain qualified and competent city staff. I . . I . . I D . . I it . . , . . . . . . ANNUAL BUDGET sur'1MARY FUilD FUNCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Administration City Manager/City Cler 01-11 CLASSIFICATION PRIOR CURRENT CURRENT PROPOSED ADOPTE[ ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET Salaries & Benefits 92,990 98,256 1)),6')2- Services & Supplies 21,240 22,250 J;J; 'iOo Capital Outlay 250 1,830 I. )60 PROGRA~1 TOTAL 114,480 122,336 /3!, f12-- ) Number of Positions 4 4 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA I I I I I J I . I I I t I I I I ~ I I I ANNUP,L BUDGET PERSONNEL StHEDULE FUiJD I FUNCTI ON DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY I ACCOUNT General Admini,tri1tinn ritv Mnr / 'it" rlerk nl_ll POSITION TITLE pas IT IONS BUDGET REVISED n -0 :t> CURRENT PROPOSED c ;0 0 ;0 0 0 ;0 -0 -0 rrI 0 ---< :z V> rrI ---< rrI 0 0 City Manager/City Clerk 1 1 I 47004 47004 LJ i ;;OL/ Assistant City Manager 1 1 1 25632 25632 JI 00 f , Admin See/Deputy City Clerk 1 1 I 15180 15180 /773t , Steno Clerk Typist 1 1 / 10440 10440 /2;2,;<1 - - .IIJ - .'1- \ /1/ j TOTAL 4 4 98256 98,256 II::?, (1-:: I I CITY OF RANCHO iCUCAMONGA . . I I I . I . . I . . I I , . . . . . I Ai-lNUf\L BUDGET SERVICES & SUPPLIES FU;-lO FUtlCTION DEPARTNENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Administration City Mgr/City Clerk 01-11 ACCOUNT CLASS I FI CATION CURRENT ESnr~ATED PROPOSED REVISED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET lj-f" J200 01-11-20 Legal Advertising 3000 3000 3200 .);()';' 01-11-23 Printing & Publications 5500 3100 4050 </u" 0 JP 7 01-11-24 Office Supplies 750 900 900 100 nj/ 01-11-25 Travel, Mileage, Meetings 5425 7500 6380 ?3tO :;00. 01-11-28 Contract Service 5100 4067 4000 4-'ys-o I!/!/! '-/ 01-11-31 ~ ,:;-,':]((/"" -0- 1500 2600 .2&00 , )-ou 01-11-33 Office Machine Maintenance 675 300 300 ,:fa u [//1 01-11-56 Dues 790 790 820 .[20 /3o'li/ TOTAL 21245 21157 22250 d.;[, ,fO O. ACTIVITY INFORMATION Revised Dues Current Budget Est. Exp. Pro. Budget Budget Int. Inst. of Municipal Cl erks 40 40 45 l:.!)' I.C.M.A. 350 350 400 [IOU A.S.P.A. 30 30 35 3;' M.I-1.A.S.C. 20 15 15 jt( W.G.R.A. 15 15 20 ':;0 Kiwanis 75 75 75 ..,~' " \ So. Cal if. City Clerks Assoc. 30 30 30 . , -.:' - 'I~i sc. 230 200 200 )/jl) 820 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA I l l I ~- ANNUAL BUDGET SERVICES & SUPPLI ES FUND FUrlCTI ON DEPARTr~ENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT Genera 1 Administration Citv Mar/Citv lerk 01-11 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CURRENT ESTIr~ATED PROPOSED REVISED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET , , . . TOTAL I I I I I I I I I I . . . . . . ACTIVITY INFORMATION Travel, Mileage, Meetings League of Calif. Cities Labor Relations Institute Citrus Belt Exec. Committee Citrus Belt Div. Meeting City Clerks Institute Records Mgt. Seminar League of Calif. Cities (2) Nat'l. League of City Congress Nat'l. League af Cities Service Club Meetings IU1A Local Meetings 500 650 165 165 300 200 600 gOO 750 200 750 1200 TOTAL 6380 CITY OF RANCHO' CUCAMONGA 1 i I I I I I I I I I I I J I I 1 . . . . - ANNUAL BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND FUNCTI ON DEPARH1ENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Administration City MgrjCity Clerk 01-11 , "'[1"'\ ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CURRENT REVISED PROPOSED A~ BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET . )2>,0 TOTAL feu/-"!' ;r)O ACTIVITY INFORMATION . ,;//! //-/,"'0 Capital Outlay /LJ ~ ./.v' " , /I'~ Municipal Code Supplement & Update .// 450 Annotated Code Revision) S,>-,O' ;:;{I,'r' /;,"" " 280 1000 100 Dictaphone Transcriber Vehicle Radio TOTAL 1830 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA . I I I I I I [..1, tAl I I I I I I . . I I I . . DEPARTMENTAL GOALS SUMMARY FINANCE DEPARTr~ENT 1980--81 Mission Statement: To provide for an accurate accounting of all monies received, expended and invested by the City. In addition, the Finance Department has a responsiblity to provide support service in the form of purchasing, payroll, insurance programs, etc. for all city departments. Department Goals: 1. To administer City financial ne~ds. A. Research and secure various revenue sources available to the City. B. Secure investment programs 'so as to maximize interest earnings on a timely basis: C. Respond to legislation that affects the City's financial picture as efficiently as possible. D. Review financial programs, i.e. budget, cost accounting, capital replacement programs, that will provide a vehicle for continued growth. 2. To continue to improve fi nanci a 1 record keeping. A. Implement a fully integrated computer system. B. Further expansion of i nterna 1 control procedures. 3. To expand program for capital repl acement. A. Implement capital improvement fund so as to fund replacement of fixed assets as they we~r out, get lost, or are stolen. B. Maintain fixed asset control through proper inventory pro- cedures and record keeping, I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I - . . . . Finance Department Goals Page Two 4. To expand staff so as to be more effective. A. Hire a cost accounting person in order to establish a costing system so as to be aware of actual cost for certain programs. B. Hire an account clerk to relieve some of the detail posting work load. As the City grows this type of work continues to intensify. C. Hire a clerk typist to satisfy internal office needs for typing, filing, and issuance of business licenses, bicycle licenses, and dog licenses. 5. To provide effective purchasing. A. Insure policies established by Purchasing Manual are adhered to. 6. To review City insurance program as follows: A. Investigate feasibility of self insurance. B. Review current programs as to effectiveness in today 's changing economy and legislative decisions. 7. To continue to present the City Budget in a more informative manner. A. Prepare City budget to reflect legislative decisions with regards to City Finances. B. Show more clearly what City programs cost. . . I I . I I I I I I I I I I j . . . !,::iiU/,L BUDGET SUMMARY f"u::u FUNCTI ON DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Finance Finance/City Treasurer 01-12 CU,SS I FI CA TI ON PR TOR CURRENT CURRENT PROPOSED ADOPTE[ ACTUAL BIiJDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET Salaries & Benefits 82,599 126,091 jljO 5"7 ) , Services & Supplies 63,545 53,475 ,]/17 r Capita 1 Outlay 5 564 7 060 7,OVO PRDGRA~l TOTAL 151,708 186,626 d.lOd C() 2- ) I Number of Positions 6 9 , I , , , , i , , I - , CITY OF RANCHOCUCAMONGA . ,. I . 1 II I > . . I . . I . , fI - j j , . NiNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FU;:O \ FUNCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY I ACCOUNT General Finance Finance/Citv Treasurer 01-12 POSITION TITLE POS IT IONS BUDGET REVISED n -0 :r> CURRENT PROPOSED c "" 0 "" 0 co "" -0 -0 '" 0 -l :z: U1 '" -l '" 0 0 Finance Director/City Treasurer 1 1 I 28980 28980 n9:N Accountant 0 1 I -0- 15372 7r2 I "I Business License Inspector 1 1 13611 15372 1!:;,OLj Buyer 0 1 -0- 12000 /3, Ntl / Account Cl e rk I 2 2 21752 21363 3:5'11 tl- Cost Account Clerk 0 1 -0- 12648 --<;y Account Clerk II 1 0 12963 -0- ~ Cashier Receptionist 1 1 4793 10616 /'7 ;01- "",,' Clerk Typist (Business Li cense) 0 1 -0- 9240 . 0 S --\'--\ Overtime 500 500 ::DG ) . -. "J\/ ~/) )/ . TOTAL 6 9 82599 126,091 ! L/Q 3/7 ! ". V CITY OF RANCHO CUCAr,IONGA . . I . . I I . I I I I I I I - . - , . ANNUAL BUDGET SERVICES & SUPPLIES rU:'JD FUNCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT Gene ra 1 Finance Finance/City Treasurer 01-12 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CURRENT ESTIMATED PROPOSED REVISED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET 1J-rJ J'~~"L 01-12-20 Legal Advertising 200 ---0- 200 2-00 01-12-23 Printing & Publication 3500 /J't' 3500 ? s"- ("; () 01-12-24 Office Supplies 9950 ,~J;"2)- 9000 C,C()0 , 01-12-25 Travel, Mil eage, Meetings 3460 2,5- -5 4910 Lj'...; ! (J 01-12-28 Contractual Servi ces 45720 j] lj~J-" 35000 )0100 .>, - ../ 01-12-33 Offi ce Mach. Maintenance 475 Li", 475 ""7) 01-12-56 Dues 240 /&5- 390 ,.1 (j , I TOTAL 63545 ACTIVITY INFORMATION 53475 ~. .::;'-17\ TOTAL Current ,Budget 300 175 250 300 250 380 1805 3460 Proposed Budget 300 325 250 375 -0- 360 3300 4910 J..}.;-o \I:., ,b" 95.,\0 r \,..\':>. .- Travel, Mileage, Meetings League of Calif. Cities Labor Relations Inst. CSi-IFOA GiBTA Ct-lTA Local 1'leetings Mileage @ .22/mile CITY OF RANCHO,CUCAMONGA I . I I , I I . I I I I I I J . - - , , . ANNUAL BUDGET SERVICES & SUPPLI ES FUi'lO FUllCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Finance Finance/City Treasurer 01-12 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CURRENT ESTH~ATED PROPOSED REVISED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET , TOTAL ACTIVITY INFORMATION Dues C.S.M.F.O. rULA.S.C. C.r,L B. LA. c.~1.T .A. I~.B.O.A. ~\i sc. 11. F .O.A. 70 70 20 20 25 25 50 50 20 20 55 55 -0- 150 TOTAL 390 CITY OF RANCHO CUCA~10tjGA . . . . . . " . . . . . I - , - - - , - -- . - - - - --- .- -- ;,;:r-lUt'\L BUDGET CAP IT .ilL OWTLAY :.u:;o FUNCTION DEP~RnlENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT Genera 1 Finance Finance/Citv Treasurer 01-12 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CURRENT REVISED PROPOSED ADOPTED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET )Jj#J /1/J .' ;,/,/':"L. 01-12-44 Equipment ~5~zr '1/JJ~ .,(~,/ 70(; () 7ot6 TOTAL -5!;&tY / .,~! ACTIVITY INFORMATION Equipment Office Furniture Office Equipment 3510 3550 TOTAL 7060 CITY OF RANCHo' CUCAMONGA I I I I I I , . I I . j I t I j - - It I - .--- -- AtillUAL BUDGET sur'li-1ARY FU;:D FUNCTION DEPARTr~ENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT Genera 1 City Hall City Facil i ti es 01-17 CLASS I FI CATION PR I OR CURRENT CURRENT PROPOSED ADOPTE[ ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies 104,039 189,478 Capital Outlay 18,017 11,900 - PROGRA~1 TOTAL 122,056 201,378 Number of Positions - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA . . . . . . I . . . . . I . I - - - , I . ,:::::U,~L BUDGET SERVICES & SUPPLI ES :L '::) FUriCTTON DEP~RTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General City Hall City Facil ities 01-17 I {,CCOUNT CLASS I FI CATT ON CURRENT ESTTt~ATED PROPOSED REVISED , BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET 7'/:' (, I;c/:,~L , 01-17-21 Util ities 24316 JS~'~-jS- 28692 i , 'nf1 01-17-23 Postage , 6000 12000 , 7>} 01-17-24 General Office Supplies 3500 15872 01-17-28 Leases and Rents 60215 s /';73 121172 , rFl)- 01-17-34 Building Maintenance & 9948 11742 Supplies , i i , i , , , , i , TOTAL! 104039 189478 ACTIVITY INFORMATION I Utilities Electrical Gas Phone TOTAL 10897 5207 12588 28692 Postage 1000 Monthly 12000 Leases & Rents 9340 Baseline A,B, & C 9320 Baseline C 9360 Baseline 0 & M * 9340 Baseline 0 Copy Equip. & Supplies TOTAL 17016 26400 49236 12000 16520 121172 Building Maint. & Supplies 11742 OfficeSuppl ies 15872 GRAND TOTAL CITY OF RANCHOCUCAMONGA 189478 . . I . . . . ) . I . II . I . J . . . - t . . i\iHIUi'\L BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY :U::O FUNCTION OEPARTi.1ENT OR ACTI V ITY ACCOUNT General Citv Hall Citv Facil ities 01-17 !,CCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CURRENT REVISED PROPOSED ADOPTED BUOGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET )JI'u h("/:'-,,- 01-17-43 Building 18017 11900 TOTAL 18017 '7/0 11900 /. L/ ACTIVITY INFORMATION -J- ). .,/3 ,J}! To provide modifications to the building as needed during the years, such as phone change on locations, addition of lights, and or electrical outlets. Also to provide repair to interior walls, such as painting and patching. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ANNUAL BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND FUNCTION DEPARH1ENT OR ACTIVITY General Cit Hall Cit' Facil ities CLASSIFICATION CURRENT REVISED BUDGET EXPENSE 01-17-43 ACCOUNT 01-17 PROPOSED ADOPTED BUDGET BUDGET I I I j I I I I I I I I , . . . . . . i 18017 1Y:l' r,:'./!fl~ 111900 11900 :i TOTAL 18017 . "...!.3 rJJ'l ACTIVITY INFORMATION ) ,-d- I I I ;j To provi de modifi cati ons to tfi buil di ng as, needed duri ng the years, such as phone change on locations, addi ion of lights, jnd or electrical outlets. Also to provide repair to interi walls, suc fas painting and patching. i . CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA I I . , j . . . . I . . . I . J . ,- . . I . ANNUAL BUDGET FUND FUNCTION SERVICES & SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT DR ACTIVITY General and Fringe Benefit Overhead General ACCOUNT 01-19-13 25 26 28 36 50 51 52 54 55 56 60 61 63 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 73 74 75 80 Non-Deoartment CLASSIFICATION Coffee Fund Travel Mileage Bicycle License Legal Storm Clean up Beautification Community Benefits Weed Abatement Elections Ins. Adj. Dues Copier Supplies & Lease Liability & Fire Worker Compo Health Insurance Life Insurance Employment Adver. Emplyment Physical Audit Strong Motion Street Lighting Traffic Signals Long Term Disable Tuition Reimburs Project Esperanza Injured on Duty Long Term Sick Lv. Vacation Amortiza- tion Mgt. Development Unemp. Insurance ":;J. i , L ('-r\ , TOTAL CURRENT BUDGET 180 7200 170 30000 45000 15000 8000 12500 25000 1200 7500 13000 93000 25500. 29413 1900 4000 2200 5000 3500 278000 9457 11000 2000 7600 -0- -0- -0- 3000 -0- 640320 PROPOSED BUDGET 240 -0- -0- 36000 -0- -0- 9000 ~O- -0- -0- 8500 -0- 108850 26649 50136 3013 4000 3000 . 5000 -0- -0- -0- 21721 3000 -0- 10685 26713 10685 3000 8637 - ,-'--_: 338829 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ACCOUNT 01-19 DISPOSITION Fringe Overhead Charge to Dept. Transfer to Finance General Overhead New Fund Gen. Overhead C.D. Revenue General Overhead Special Di st./Engineering City Clerk-Gen. Overhead Deleted General Overhead Transfer to City Hall General Overhead Fringe Overhead Fringe Overhead Fringe Overhead General Overhead General Overhead General Overhead Transfer to C.D./B & S Special Dist./Engineerinc Transfer to Engineering Fringe Overhead Fringe Overhead Transfer to C.S./Com. Rel New Fund New Fund New Fund Fringe Overhead Fri nge Overhead) i~, .,.' . " 1&'0 ?? 'J- ~-- /76 ;.:;J i-/ J J)?/ / 7/17 -0- 1/; o'/} /7277 .; /1 f ).t)~6 '?3*/'i' IcJ f $-\-; 111'11 ";0 2~3 )- G~l Y '-' 4j 2,:)1;, L! 5 S<r'1' --0- )7<) 'i 3) 16 11' ']')2'- I '.ll~i ?~P1 / Mission Statement: I To achieve effective implementation' and greater ~countability for the operations of Planning, ilding and Safety and Enwfneering to the City Manager and City Council while aintaining ~ separate~rofessional identity with a distinct set of responsio.lities for each div.sion. I '. DEPARTMENT GOALSSUr1MARY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION 1980-81 I 2. i II II i II Department Goals: I I I I I I ~ II II II II 1. ed by the City Manager, To implement policies and progra City Council and Planning Commissl To provide timely information which City Manager and the City Council inf lems, programs, and priorities. This' following manner: ~ sential in order to keep the med of significant local prob- al will be accompl ished in the I , I : ! for the City Manager, 3. A. By preparing comprehensive per\ dic re City Council and Planning c07m~ss!on. To continue efforts to foster a reater emplo problems, programs and prioriti s. This will the following manner: l' A. To evaluate with the divt'ion heads the city and department go/s. B. By increasing the fre uency of w~itten, informal with division heads. awareness of city accompl ished in 4. To provide timely info mation to the: City r.\anager, City Planning Commission c ncerning pending state, local, or gislation which may ave an impact upon the city. and 1 e- / I . . . I . , . . . . I I . . . . . . I DEPARTMENT GOALS SUMMARY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ADM I N I STRA TI ON 1980-81 Mission Statement: To achieve effective program implementation and greater accountability for the operations of Planning, Building and Safety and Engineering to the City Manager and City Council while maintaining a separate professional identity with a distinct set of responsibilities for each division. Department Goals: 1. To implement policies and programs as directed by the City Manager, City Council and Planning Commission. 2. To provide timely information which is essential in order to keep the City Manager and the City Council informed of significant local prob- lems, programs, and priorities. This goal will be accomplished in the following manner: A. By preparing comprehensive periodic reports for the City Manager, City Council and Planning Commission. 3. To continue efforts to foster a greater employee awareness of city problems, programs and priorities. This will be accomplished in the following manner: A. To evaluate with the division heads the progress made in attaining city and department goals. B. By increasing the frequency of written, informal communications with division heads. 4. To provide timely information to the City Manager, City Council and Planning Commission concerning pending state, local, or federal le- gislation which may have an impact upon the city. I ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY FUND FUNCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT , Genera 1 Com. Development ~dministration 01-21 I CLASSIFICATION PRIOR EURRENT CURRENT PROPOSED ADOPT[[ ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET , Salaries & Benefits , 55,544 , Services & Supplies , 8,417 I , Capita 1 Outlay 200 PROGRA~l TOTAL , 64,561 . I , , , , Number of Positions , 2 I , , ! , i i , I I , i I I I I i I , , I i . . . . . . ~ . I . . . I . , . - . . . . , , CITY OF RP.NCHO ,CUCAMONGA . ? , . . . . \ . . i . I . . . . . . . I I . I MiNUJ1.L BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUiiD G 1 '1 FUNCTI ON DEPARntENT OR ACTI V ITY r ACCOUNT enera Communi.ty Arlmi . ,tinn nl_?l POSITION TITLE POS IT IONS BUDGET REVISED n -0 )0> CURRENT PROPOSED c ;<J Cl ;<J 0 ::0 ;<J -0 -0 '" 0 --l :z: V> '" --l '" Cl Cl Community Development Director 1 38244 Secretary 1 16200 Part-time 1500 TOTAL 2 LI 'if., l) 55 594 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ANNUAL BUDGET FUND FUNCTION I SERVICES & SUPPLIES DEP~RTMENT OR ACTIVITY . I . I . I I I I . . . I . , II ~ . . . . CURRENT BUDGET ESTII1ATED EXPENSE ACCOUNT 01-21 PROPOSED BUDGET . General ACCOUNT Community Development CLASS I FI CATION Administration REVISED BUDGET , 01-21-20 Legal Advertising I / -n- -0- 01-21-23 Printing & Publication -~L; 800 01-21-24 Office Supplies '-)0.) 500 01-21-25 Travel, Mileage, Meetings i 311. '- 6200 01-21-28 Contract Services I %S\CL -0- 01-21-29 PI an Check , -0- , 01-21-33 Office Equip. Maint 10 Q 100 01-21-30 Gasoline ~ -0- 01-21-31 Vehicle and Equipment Maint. --u___ -0- 01-21-56 Dues Lc~ 817 TOTAL I 8417 , ACTIVITY INFQRMATION Travel, Mileage, Meetings National American Planning Assoc. League of Calif. Cities Planning Commission Institute Local Meetings Mileage @ .22/mile California APA Car All owance Special Meeting Planning Comm/City Council 600 300 300 750 1600 300 1500 850 TOTAL 6200 . CITY OF RANCHO'CUCAMONGA I ! . . . . . . l . I . . . I . J . ~ . . . .. ANNUAL BUDGET SERVICES & SUPPLl ES FUilD FUnCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Community Development Administration 01-21 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CURRENT ESTIr~ATED PROPOSED REVISED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET I TOTAL . ACTIVITY INFORMATION Dues APA & AICP ULl ASPA NAHRO NAHB r~i sc. 105 95 150 100 100 267 CITY OF RANCHO CUCA~!ONGA . . I . I . . I . I . . . I . I . . , . . I I I ANNUAL BUDGET CAP IT AL OUTLAY FU:iD FUNCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT Gen era 1 Administration Abministration 01-21 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CURRENT REVISED PROPOSED ADOPTED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET , I , I I TOTAL , . ACTIVITY INFbR~IATION Bookshelf 200 TOTAL 200 ? CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA . . . . . . I . I I . I . I ; . I I I I I DEPARTMENT GOALS SUMMARY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 1980-81 Mission Statement: To provide competent planning services to the public, Planning Commission and City Council in a timely manner, while maintaining a good rapport with all entities involved. Division Goals: 1. To implement the General Plan and its elements. A. B. C. 2. To of A. B. By completion of the preparation and review of a new zoning ordinance by staff and the consultant. By initiating and completing public hearings on the zoning ordinance by the Planning Commission and City Council. Bycreating new city standards for development. continue efforts to encourage specific planning of large parcels land. By developing standards, guidelines, general plan elements and zoning ordinance to encourage specific planning. By working with smaller parcel owners to explain the advantages of specific plans and the mutual benefits of the city and pro- perty owners. 3. To provide technical assistance to the Planning Commission, City Council, other city departments, the general public, and Citizen Advisory Committees. A. By continued attendance at the various public meetings. B. By preparing detailed informational studies for distribution such as: Summary Data on 1979 Census ---.. ==,.. = S.u~~yj)",L'~:':'u;-'~l'9-7"F5r;eTi'iil C .'!"AS' 15_ Growth Projections . . . . i . ) . I . . . I . I . . . . . . I Planning Division Goals Page Two o , Land Use Survey'Data , , Hous i ng Da ta 4. Industrial/Commercial Data To continue providing high quality planning services in a timely and efficient manner. i A. i improving the development review process to eli- lags. ' Continually minate time B. By improving public relations and rapport with citizens and developers through the use of feedback mechanisms. . . . . 1 . . .~ . I . I . I . I . - . . . . !\:i::UAL BUDGET SW1r-1ARY FU:m FUNCTI ON DEPARTI-lENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Com. Development Planning 01-21 CLi\SSIFICATlON PR I OR CURRENT CURRENT PROPOSED ADOPTE[ ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET Salaries & Benefits 157,223 194,302 Services & Supplies 128,320 21,645 Capital Outlay 1 430 4.fi7R PROGRAr1 TOTAL 237,523 194,302 Number of Positions 14'2/3 . 16 ,- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA . . . I t . . 1 . . . . I I I I I I I . I I ANNUAL BUDGET , FUNCTI ON Community FUND Genera 1 POS IT ION TI TLE Community Development Director Secretary Principal Planner Senior Planner Associate Planner Assistant Planner Junior Planner Community Dev. Tech. (CETA) Community Code Representative Clerk Typist Planning Intern (Part-time) Planning Commission TOTAL I PERSONNEL SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY Planning POS IT IONS Development 1/3 1/3 1 I I , 0 : , I 0 I I I 2 I I I I 1 I , 5 I i : I , i I I I , , I I I i I : I 1413 16 I ACCOUNT 01-21 BUDGET REVISED CURRENT PROPOSED n c ;0 ;0 fTl Z -'-{ -0 ;0 o -0 o U1 fTl Cl :> Cl o -0 -J fTl Cl 0, 0 12748 -0- 0 4683 -0- 1 I -0- 26124 2 , 23119 47376 ~. 1 I 40436 23136 2 L 34745 38992 1 1 13360 14022 0 11046 . -0- 1 -0- 18276 2 10451 20236 1 3640 3640 5 3000 3000 11 : 2 , . 2 I - I~'- I 1/- ~'._<" ~ 173508 194,802 I I CITY OF RANCHO'CUCAMONGA 1j.:J iN) IS- L/o3 . . . . . . . :t . . . I I I I , I I . I . I ANNUAL BUDGET SERVICES & SUPPLIES FUi'lD FUNCTl ON DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Community Development Planning 01-21 ACCOUNT CLASS I FI CAT! ON CURRENT ESTH~ATED PROPOSED REVISED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET -:)'j 1 '6 c, 01-21-20 Legal Advertising 8500 ('::u,-'-; 5000 01-21-23 Printing &.Publication 5000 2q Lt; 5000 01-21-24 Office Supplies 3667 >~,,1'1 3700 01-21-25 Travel, Mileage, Meeting~ 6536 u,s-ol 5140 01-21-28 Contractual Services 104100 -'::;- -0- 01-21-29 Pl an Check -0- --0- -0- 01-21-33 Office Equipment Maint. 200 2'-/ 200 01-21-30 Gasoline ~O- <)- 2000 01-21-31 Vehicle & Equipment Maint ~O- -.,-- 500 01-21-56 Dues 817 ) .) L; 105 TOTAL 128820 21645 ACTIVITY INFORMATION Travel, Mileage, Meetings League of Calif. Cities Planning Commission Inst. Local Meetings Mileage @ .22/mile plus 75/mo. for Division Head -0- 1800 1000 2340 TOTAL 5140 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , MI~iUAL BUDGET SERV ICES & SURPUES FUND FUtJCTI ON DEPARH1ENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Community Development Pl anning 01-21 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CURRENT ESTI t~A TED PROPOSED REVISED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET i I I i I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i TOTAL I ACTIVITY INFORMATION ! Dues APA & AICP ULI ASPA NAHRO NAHB Misc. 105 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- I I I I i I I I I' TOTAL 105 ~ I CITY OF RANCHO C0CAMONGA ANNUAL BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND FUNCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT Genera 1 Community Development Planning 01-21 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CURRENT REVISED PROPOSED ADOPTED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUOGET 01-21-44 Equipment 1480 4678 01-21-45 Vehicles -0- -D- '. TOTAL 1480 \1!\. Db 4678 I I I I I I I I I I I . i I I I I ACTIVITY INFORHATION , '. .1 I' 1 Harper AGW-EO-3672 Desk 2 Harper AG-3660 Desk 2 Vico 18" X 72" Folding Tables 2 30" 2 Shelf Bookcases 2 Harper 7600 Desk Chairs 4 Harper 7611 Visitor Chairs 2 Tube Hap Files 48" 2 Calculators (Hand Held) 1 Di sp 1 ay Board 1 Harper 78-24 Storage Cabinet 866 1194 156 80 576 1032 300 50 300 174 TOTAL 4678 I I I. I I I jl . , I , CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA . . . . I . . , . . I I I I I I I I I I . DEPARTMENTAL GOALS SUMMARY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Building and Safety Division , 1 980--81 : Mission Statement: To provide high quality, professsiona1 building construction and community safety services to the citizens of :Rancho Cucamonga. I Division Goals: , 1. To improve Di vi s i on response to! deve1 opmenta 1 interests. I A. By preparation and implementation of specific written procedures for Department plan review~ I I B. By revision of plan check routing log to reduce confusion and coordinate checking activity with monthly construction activity reports of Planning Division. . ! C. By development of grading permit and plan check application forms for increased efficiency in plan checking and inspection record keeping. ! 2. To faci1 itate cooperation and training of Division personnel. A. By instituting periodic fi~ld trips to building sites by office staff. B. By continuation of weekly i'n-service training sessions aimed at ultimate certification ~f field personnel. i , 3. To improve the image of the Building and Safety Division as a ser- vice organization. , I A. Through informational news media releases advising citizens of potential pitfalls and advisable practices for construction proj ects. I I B. By preparation of additional citizen information pamphlets regarding conventional construction practices. . Building & Safety Division Goals Page Two I J , ~ . . . . . . . . I . , I . I . . . 4. To improve the community image. A. By preparation of Divisional procedures for a "low key" substandard buildings and premises improvement program. B. By taking a positive approach to enforcement, attempting to reduce future problems by early contact with observed code violators. . . . . II . . ~ . . . . . - . l . . I I I I ANNUAL BUDGET FUND FUNCTION General Com. Development SUMMARY DEPARirr'IENT OR ACTIVITY Building & Safety CLASSIFICATION PR lOR ACTUAL CURRENT BUDGET Salaries & Benefits 203,076 ; 19,122 Services & Supplies Capita 1 Outl ay , .3l 1'1? PROGRAM TOTAL 253,330 Number of Positions , i , , 1 OJ, , , , I \ . , , , , I I I I , ! , , CITY OF RANCHO tUCAMONGA CURRENT EXPENSE ACCOUNT 01-22 PROPOSED BUDGET Y"',L.(\1.....- 176,005 25,295 . 135!L 202,650 10 . ADOPT~[ BUDGET , , ANNUP.L BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUilD T FUNCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY I ACCOU~IT General Communitv nnHnl .+ D,,<l""nn , ~"nh, n' _ 00 POSITION TITLE POS IT IONS BUDGET REVISED n " :P CURRENT PROPOSED c ;0 0 ;0 0 0 ;0 " " [T1 0 -i :z Vl /'Tl -i /'Tl 0 0 Community Development Director 1/3 0 12748 -0- Secretary 1/3 0 4683 -0- Building Official 1 1 27720 27720 Sr. Building Inspector 1 0 21692 -0- Plan Checker 1 1 18558 19087 Communi ty Code Rep. 1 0 17420 -0- Bui1din9 Tech I 1 1 14802 12994 Building Inspector 4 4 70285 72720 Clerk Typist 1 1 9668 9708 Clerk Typist (Part-time) 1/2 0 4500 -0- Part-time 500 -0- Overtime 500 500 Steno Clerk 0 1 10968 Inspection Supervisor 0 1 22308 1:(1 " -- / TOTAL 016 10 203076 176,005 . . . . ~ . . . ~ . . . I . I . ) . . ) . . . . CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA . . . . t . . ~ I . . . I I . , . . , . I I I ANNUAL BUDGET SERVICES & SUPPLIES FUND FUNCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTI V ITY ACCOUNT I General Community Development ~uilding & Safety 01-22 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CURRENT ESTIr1ATED PROPOSED REVISED I BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET ~'...(-';'. '111-:;' 01-22-20 Legal Advertising , 500 500 100 -.:r- 01-22-23 Printing & Publication I 5000 2500 2500 ).1 4( 01-22-24 Office Supplies , 1667 1667 1800 , , 1'-\ 11 01-22-25 Travel, Mileage, Meetings 2090 2090 2805 , Il~~ 01-22-28 Contract Services , 1500 6000 5000 'i)1~o 01-22-29 Plan Checking 4000 I I 01-22-30 Gasoline I -0- 1500 2500 ; )..cici) 01-22-31 Vehcile Maint I 7200 2000 2000 , I \ (()I... 01-22-33 Office Equip. Maint. , 910 400 1100 I jDD I 01-22-56 Dues I 255 200 200 I ;),Q Strong Motion , 3290 I TOTAL I 19122 16857 25295 , < I ACTIVITY IN~ORMATION Travel, Mileage, Meetings California Building Officials Local Meetings Mileage @ .22/mile & Bldg. Official Car Allow. @ 75/month 355 250 2200 TOTAL 2805 . , , CITY OF RANCHO: CUCAMONGA I . . . . . . . . I I I I I I I I I i I I I I ANNUAL BUDGET SERVICES & SUPPLI ES FUND FUrJCTlON DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT Genera 1 Community Development Building & Safety 01-22 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CURRENT ESTIr~ATED PROPOSED REVISED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET . . TOTAL ACTIVITY INFORMATION Dues LC.B.O. LA.M.P.O. 150 105 100 50 15 20 100 50 Foothill Chapt. LC.B.O. Citrus Belt Chapt. I.C.B.O. 15 25 TOTAL 255 185 190 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA . . . . .. , . 1 . . . . . I I . . I , I I I I AIiNUAL BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY r:-U;'iO FUNCTI ON DEPARTr~ENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Community Development Building & Safety 01-22 I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ;CURRENT REVISED PROPOSED ADOPTED 1BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET , I 1"10'" ,",.,' .N.- I 01-22-44 Equipment :11143 11143 1350 I 01-22-45 Vehicles 119989 17909 -0- : I , ; ,'i,lSI-{ , \~',\:W TOTAL 31132 29052 1350 i . ACTIVITY INFORMATION 2 Aluminum Sectional Ladders 400 5 Console type Vehicle Storage Desks 375 Pl umbi ng, Elec,. Mech. Display Boards 150 1 30" X 60" Credenza 325 1 Printing Calculator 100 TOTAL 1350 I CITY OF RANCHO ~UC^MONGA . . . . ~ . . e . I . . . I . I . . , . . . . DEPARTMENTAL GOALS SUMMARY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division 1980-81 Mission Statement: To provide efficient, accurate and timely review of all land division actions, development proposals, improvement plans; maintain responsive inspection services in order to enforce high quality construction standards uniformly throughout the community. Division Goals: 1. To improve overall division efficiency, communication and provide supportive environment for employee functioning and development. A. By holding regular monthly division staff meetings to improve communication and resolution of division problems. B. By developing individual employee growth programs involving division rotation, training and overall division and employee accomplishment of mutual goals and objectives. C. By developing community relations programs to improve com- munications on city activities and project development. 2. To maintain current processing times for land division, development review and plan check services while improving development and con- struction standards. A. By maintaining parcel map processing time of 3 months. B. By maintaining tract map processing time to optimum time of 5 months of city processing. C. By insuring maximum plan check turnaround time of 2 weeks. D. By publishing city standard drawings and specifications. E. By refining the survey records system for permanent tract maps, parcel maps, records of surveys, bench marks and intersection ties. . . . . i Engineering Division Goals Page Two 3. To provide responsive inspection services in order to enforce high quality construction standards uniformly throughout the community. ' A. B. c. D. 4. To to 5. To A. . t . .. . . . I . f II ~ . . . I By delineating clear city,construction standards which can be understood by inspection staff. and administered uniformly. By strictly enforcing utility trench repair completion within a 21 day maximum limitation to city standards. By insuring strict compliJnce with traffic control practices through quarterly review of construction practices. 1 , B. By improving all inspectiqn records to insure accessible daily inspection entries on act~ve construction. complete development of a cdmplete traffic surveillance system monitor street systems oper~tion, growth and safety. improve traffi c effi ci ency a'nd reduce acci dent rates. i By completing a traffic count system to count major and secondary streets on an annual basis, collector streets every two years and selective local streets on a five year basis. , 1 By continuing routine accipent plotting on a weekly basis with specific studies of problem intersections on a quarterly basis. c. By maintaining insure traffic month. a rapid traffic complaint response system to committee investigation and response within one , ' I D. , 1 By completing inventory traffic devices on major streets. ! By updating and certifying!5 speed zone studies. 1 E. F. G. By obtaining pavement marker demonstration grant. By obtaining grant fund fo~ grade crossing at 8th and Grove. , I I . . I Engineering Division Goals Page Three . j . - . . . I . I . . ) . . . . 6. Maintain long range capital improvements program and to quickly and efficiently construct budgeted capital projects. A. By completing all budgeted projects within one year. B. By updating the storm drain master plan. C. By refining the circulation master plan for general plan. D. By developing a large scale construction program to com- plete major storm drain construction. 7. To insure optimum utilization of maintenance forces to provide the most cost effective maintenance of street, storm drains, parkways, and parks. A. By developing an effective manual of standard operating pro- cedures, work standards, work reporting and needs identifi- cation system. B. By developing a thorough vehicle maintenance program. C. By developing a detailed storm response system to insure public safety through effective traffic control and efficient clean-up of debris. D. By making a thorough evaluation of maintenance levels of service to present to Council options for future increases 'in maintenance service. E. By exploring city-wide options for the extension of bene- fit assessments to the area of parkway maintenance and street sweeping. I CLASSIFICATION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUNCTION Com. Development SU~1MARY DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY , Engineering Salaries & Benefits I PR lOR CWRRENT ACTUAL BUDGET I 1 221,336 .1 10,207 1 I 15,650 I I 257,223 ! I , I I I :14 , I I I , i I CURRENT EXPENSE Services & Supplies Capita 1 Outl ay PROGRM1 TOTAL Number of Positions ACCOUNT 01-23 PROPOSED ADOPTEe BUDGET BUDGET 439,199 96,150 . 29 920 I ~ 439,199 . , 18 ! I , I I , I , ! I I , , i .1 I I , i I I I I : , ! i I i I I' I I i , I I CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA . . . . " . . j . I . . . I I , I . I I . I I MINUJI.L BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUilD II FUNCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY I ACCOUNT General Communitv Development Engineering 01-23 pas IT I ON TITLE POSITIONS BUDGET REVISED n -0 :P CURRENT PROPOSED c:: ;0 0 ;0 CJ 0 r\(\\-~;t ;0 -0 -0 fTl CJ -< -'C i I ;z: V> fTl -< fTl 0 '\ I, 0 City Engineer 1 1 32220 32220 Senior Civil Engineer a 1 -0- 26116 Associate Civil Engineer 2 2 43649 45120 Asistant Civil Engineer 2 2 41040 41666 Engineering Technician II 1 1 18168 15572 Engineering Technician I 1 1 13872 .14096 Traffic Analyst (OTS funds included) 1 1 -0- 19841 Student Aides (OTS included) 2 4 -0- 18000 Engineering Secretary 1 1 2547 14274 Clerk Typist 1 1 10193 9708 Public Harks Inspector II 2 2 37255 38600 Public Harks Inspector I 0 1 -0- 14916 Overtime 5000 5000 1'- i ...: TOTAL 14 18 203934 313,129 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAr-IONGA . I . . I . . I . . . . . I . _I . . . . . . . - ANNUAL BUDGET SERVICES & SWPPLIES FUND FUNCTI ON DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Community Development Engineering 01-23 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CURRENT ESTIt1ATED PROPOSED REVISED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET I :'\.' , " 'e h~ , , 01-23-20 Legal Advertising , 500 V\.~; 500 01-23-23 Printing & Publications ! 3200 :,c\~'1 3200 01-23-24 Office Supplies 3267 37500 6500 01-23-25 Travel, Mileage, Meetings , 4730 ] 0-) t 7650 01-23-38 Contract Services '-Not (::.1,;" (Plan Check & Standards) 5000 ":lU, \ ", 65000 01-23-30 Gasoline 2500 1(,,~~ 9100 01-23-31 Vehicle Maint. I 500 1 ~1 'SI~ 3400 01-23-33 Offi ce Equipment Maint I 200 'ie\ 500 01-23-56 Dues 310 ilL 300 : - , , I I I I , I , , TOTAL I 96150 c ACTIVITY INFQRMATION I Travel, Mileage, Meetings League of California Cities Traffic Engineers City Engineers AP,lA ITE Mileage @ .30/mile Misc. Local Meeting & Training League of Public Works Meeting 300 100 150 300 300 2330 1267 300 100 150 200 300 5000 1500 TOTAL 4730 7650 :. CITY OF RANCHOiCUCAMOnGA , , I.. I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i ANNUAL BUDGET SERVICES & SUPPLIES FUND FutlCTlON DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Community Development Engineering 01-23 ACCOUNT CLASS I Fl CA Tl ON CURRENT ESTl t~A TED PROPOSED REVISED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET , TOTAL I I i I I ACTIVITY INFORMATION Dues APWA 50 HE 70 NSPE 30 CSPE 30 Land Surveyor Association 50 City & Co. Engi neers 20 Riverside-San Bern. Traffic Eng. 10 Street Superintendant Society 50 50 120 -0- -0- -0- 20 10 100 TOTAL 316 300 I , 'r II i i CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA . . . . ) . . . . . , . I I I I I I . I I ,'\iJiJU;\L BUDGET CAP IT AL OUTLAY FU;m FUNCTI ON DE PAR HiE NT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT I General Commun ity Development Engineering 01-23 ACCOUilT CLASS I FI CA TI ON !CURRENT REVISED PROPOSED ADOPTED ; BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET , "' . , h.' ~v I- I 01-23-44 Equipment 115650 I'! 66'1 29920 I , I TOTAL I :. ACTIVITY INFORMATION Traffic Odometer Misc. Traffic Survey Equip 3 Desks, 4 Cha i rs., 8 Side Chairs', 8 Bookcases., 1 Layout Table, 2 Drafting Tables/Stools" Misc Inspection Supplies Blue .Print Supplies Misc Drafting Equipment Engineering Sta-f Car (POOl) 2 Camera s 1 Credenza "- Inspector I Truck 2 Radios, 600 500 1800 1100 2100 400 100 900 750 600 500 8000 1000 570 8000 3000 TOTAL 29920 ~ I . . CITY OF RANCHO qucAr'10rJGA , . . . . - . II . I . . . . . . . . . . . 1--. MUiUAL BUDGET SU"1r'1ARY f:U;.m FUNCT! ON DEPARH1ENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT Genera 1 Com. Development Engr. Street Mainten. CL,~SS I FI CAT! ON PRIOR CURRENT CURRENT PROPOSED ADOPTEC ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET Salaries & Benefits 123,587 Services & Supplies 665,000 Capita 1 Outlay 69,240 PROGRAr.1 TOTAL 1 ,123,427 84 Number of Positions - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA . Nli-IUI~.L BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUi1D , FUNCT I ON COMMUNITY DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY I ACCOUNT 'f! GAX TAX DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING-STREET MAl NT. - pas IT I Oil TITLE POS IT IONS BUDGET REVISED 6 -0 ~ CURRENT PROPOSED < c ;0 D ;0 C) C) ;0 -0 -0 l'Tl C) --< . z V> l'Tl --'-l l'Tl D D I . Associate Ci vi 1 Engineer/Public Works . I Superintendent 0: 1 23,064 . Maintenance Supervisor 1i , 17,373 9,432 I '2: , Maintenance Worker III 0: 1 14,916 , . . Maintenance Worker II 0, 2 27,072 ) . Maintenance Worker I l' 4 11,132 49,103 : I I I I . I I , . I I I I I . , I , I ! . ! , I , . I I . : i , , . I I I I , I I ! . I I I 8:lc 28,505 123,587 t TOTAL 2 I : CITY OF RANCHO' CUCAMONGA .. .. . . .~ . . & . I . . . I . fj . . . . I . tU;i'IUAL BUDGET SERVICES & SUPPLIES FU:.lD FWICTION COMMUNITY DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT GENEP,AL OEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING-STREET MAINT ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CURRENT ESTIt~ATED PROPOSED REVISED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET Office Supplies 500 Contract Services 259,500 Gasoline . 40,000 Vehicle Maintenance 20,000 Corporation Yard Maintenance (GF). and Improvement 20,000 Street Lights (GF) 325,000 TOTAL 665,000 ACTIVITY INFORMATION Street Maintenance Contract Services GAS TAX Maintenance Management Program (GF~ St reet Sweep i ng Shouldler Grading Storm Drain Tree Tri mmi ng Traffic Striping Signal Maintenance Equipment Patching Concrete Repa i r 15,000 20,000 5,000 25,000 49,500 50,000 25,000 50,000 20,000 (GF) Indicates General Fund Expenditure Total 259,500 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA , Aiii~UAL BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY FU::D FUNCTI ON DEPARHlENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT I I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION · CURRENT REVISED PROPOSED ADOPTED ~ BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET Equi pment , 69,240 , , : I , , , , TOTAL , . . . . i . ~ . I . . . I . , . . . I I I .f < ACTIVITY IN~OR~IATION' -1 Asphalt Vibratory Roller '1 Break Out Hammer ,I Tamper -Radios & Base Station Miscellaneous Hand Tools - Traffic Control, Barricades '. Sandbags . Various Maintenance Material (signs, asphalt, railing, pipe, etc.) TOT AL 6,000 1,240 1,000 12,000 2,000 10,000 5,000 30,000 -. 2 69,240 '" CITY OF RANCHO ~UCAMONGA ~ . ~ . . . i . JJIl . J . . . . . '" . I ~ . I . . F;,;liiUJ\L BUDGET sur'H1ARY FU:iD FUNCT ION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT Com, Development. Engr. Parks & Parkways CLASSIFICATION PR I OR CURRENT CURRENT PROPOSED ADOPTE[ ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET Salaries & Benefits 48,900 Services & Supplies 130,229 Capita 1 Outlay 30,000 PROGRMl TOTAL 209,129 Number of Positions 8 3~ . . - CITY OF RANCHO CUCA~ONGA . . . . . . ~ . - . . . I . \ . . l. . . . I f\I'li'JU,U.L BUDGET I FUNCTI ON COMMUNITY I PERSONNEL SCHEDULE DEPARHIENT DR ACTIVITY I ACCOUNT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING-PARKS & PKWYS POSITIONS BUDGET REVISED n ~ ~ CURRENT PROPOSED C ;0 CJ '" 0 C! ='=' -0 -0 fT1 0 -l :2 V1 '" -l rr1 0 I 0 ~ FUi:D pas IT ION TITLE Maintenance Supervisor o 1 " Maintenance Worker I I 3 1 40 ,842 55,658 9,432 14,916 24,552 Maintenance Worker I 5 2 . , , TOTAL 8~ 3' ~ 96 .500 48,900 I CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMoNGA ; I . . I . . ~ . - . . . . . , " . . . . I DEPARTMENTAL GOALS SUMMARY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT 1980--81 Mission Statement: To provide services that contribute to the preservation of the com- munity health, safety, tranquility and general welfare for the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Department Goals: 1. To provide traffic enforcement in an effort to mlnlmlze the loss of lives by reducing traffic injury accidents by ten percent by June 30, 1 98l. A. By utilizing planning and research to identify most hazardous areas in the City and then employ selective enforcement. B. By using flexible scheduling techniques for the most advan- tageous use of manpower. C. Increase radar use by purchasing one additional radar device for enforcement of speed and right-of-way violations. D. To intensify our attempt in procuring the State traffic grant. E. After procuring the traffic grant, the officers assigned would use educational media for the citizens in the community in reference to traffic awareness. 2. To reduce by 20 percent the high burglary rate to promote and coordinate Neighborhood Watch programs in the community. A. By providing a community service officer to promote and coordinate Neighborhood Watch Programs in the community. B. By concentrating patrol efforts in the high crime areas at peak hours to further reduce burglaries. . . . . j . , . ~ . . II . -t . ...~ j < . , - . "I . f II - .. - II . ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY Administration FUND FUNCTION Com. Development General CLASSIFICATION PRIOR ACTUAL CURRENT BUDGET CURRENT EXPENSE Capita I CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ACCOUNT 01-21 PROPOSED BUDGET 55,544 8,417 200 64,561 2 ADOPTE BUDGET . . . . I . ) . I . . . . . ~ . . ~ . . - . Sheriff's Department Goals Page Two C. By promoting educational programs in the schools and with service groups regarding burglary. 3. To reduce the average response time of law enforcement officers to ten minutes by June 30, 1981. A. By working with the West End Substation Commander in stream- lining the dispatch system. B. Research and review equipment available to the Dispatch Center which would reduce time and promote efficiency. C. Increase the dispatch strength by adding one additional dispatcher, who would be assigned to peak hours. D. By monitoring and identifying in-house problems created by the patrol officers and take corrective action. M1NUI\L BUDGET I SU"Ii-1ARY DEPARTTENT OR ACTIVITY Sheriff CURRENT BUDGET . . I . , . . 1 . I . . . . . I . I I I I Fu~m FUNCTION Law Enforcement Genera 1 CLASSIFICATION PRIOR ACTUAL CURRENT EXPENSE SHERIFF'S CONTRACT COSTS ~alarles & ~enetlts 13$1312 i Services & Supplies 95994 I , Capital Outlay 83238 County Overhead 128339 . -- I Contract Total 1668883 I i , . NON-CONTRACT COSTS , , Salaries & 8enefits 22657 Services & Supplies 55211 Capita 1 Outlay ,4257 Non-Contract Total 82125 , I I PROGRAi~ TOTAL 175 008 Number of Positions 56 CITY OF RMICHO CUCAJ-'ONGA ACCOUNT 01 -40-28 PROPOSED 8UDGET 1814832 1 00309 76066 210521 2201809 55055 143061 14095 212221 2412652 6413 ADOPTE[ BUDGET . . I . i . il . I . . I . . . . I I . . ANNUA.L BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUilD General 1 FUNCTI ON DEPARTMENT OR ACTI V ITY I ACCOUNT Administration Sheriff 01-4n-28 pas IT I ON TITLE POS IT IONS BUDGET REVISED n -a :p CURRENT PROPOSED c ;0 '" ;0 C> C> ;0 -a -a rn C> -j :z V> rn -j rn '" '" ADMINISTRATION Captain 1 1 31019 Deputy 1 3/4 15428 Limited Duty Deputy 0 1/3 5373 Secretary 1 1 14799 Substation Clerks 3 3 39312 Police Clerks (City) 0 3 31326 Police Clerk (CETA) 4 1 6989 Overtime 1908 Fringe Benefits 36305 Salary Adjustment (10%) 13566 Count" 'Jverhead (11.6%) 17298 , . TOTAL 10 10!3 213323 . CITY OF RANCHO CUCAt.IONGA I I I . . . , . . . . I . . J . . . . . . . I AN~iUAL BUDGET SERVICES & SUPPLIES . FUND FUNCTI ON DEP~RTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Administration ShJriff 01-40-28 ! , ACCOUNT CLASS I FICATI ON I CURRENT ESTIt~ATED PROPOSED REVISED , BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET Fuel & Maintenance , 4236 Office Supplies : - 2463 Travel Expense I 2000 Meetings & Dues I 434 Lease & Utiliti~s -_ 11354 County Overhead (Travel Expens and Office Supplies 11.6%) 402 I i , I I I , , I I , I i , I I I TOTAL I 20889 -, I ACTIVITY INF0RMATION , , r'1eeti ngs & Dues Local Service Club ~Jest End Chi efs Crome Prevention Kiwanis (Dues) 225 84 50 75 TOTAL 434 CITY OF RANCHO'CUCAMONGA . . . . , I I , . I . I . . . , . I . I . I ANNUAL BUDGET CAP IT .ilL OUTLAY FUcW FUNCTI ON DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Administration Sheriff 01-40-28 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CURRENT REVISED PROPOSED ADOPTED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET Vehicle 2200 Equipment 6144 TOTAL 8344 ACTIVITY INFDRHATION CITY OF RAnCHO CUCM.iOtlGA I I I I I I I I I . . . . , ;I II II . . . I ANNUJl,L BUDGET PERSONNEL S~HEDULE FUilB I FUNCTI ON DE1ARTMENT OR ACTIVITY I ACCOUNT enera1 . ,,,tinn< C::ho~; ~~, nl_'n_?Q POS IT ION TITLE P0S IT IONS BUDGET REVISED , CURRENT PROPOSED nl " :Io> c, ;0 a ;0, 0 0 ;0, " " r>"1' 0 --< 2' (/) r>"1 --<I fT1 a a Lieutenant 1/2 1/2 14152 Sergeant 0 1 25675 Detective 4 5 113464 Overtime , 19163 , Fri nge Benefits , 54337 Salary Adjustment (10%) I 22679 County Overhead (11.6%) I 28939 I I : I I ; i , i , ! , , , , , , I , I I , I : I I , , : , : I : , , I , I I TOTAL 4~ 6~ 278409 '. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA I I I 1 I I ~ I I I I I I I I . I . . ANNUAL BUDGET SERVICES & SUPPLIES FUND FUNCTI ON DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT Genera 1 Investigation Sheriff 01-40-28 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CURRENT ESTIMATED PROPOSED REVISED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET , Fuel and Maintenance 20921 - , L Office Supplies 1601 Travel Expense 3000 Lease and Utilities 7380 .. County Overhead 534 - TOTAL 33436 i i I , I I I ACTIVITY INFORMATION CITY OF RANCHO CUCAf'10NGA I . . I , I . . . . . . I . . , . . . I I I I ANNUAL BUDGET CAP IT AL OUTLAY FUND FUNCTI ON DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT (;pnprel Investination Sheriff 01-40-28 , ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ,CURRENT REVISED PROPOSED ADOPTED 'BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET , Vehicle 10650 Equipment 3944 , TOTAL : 14594 , ACTIVITY INFOR~IATION CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA . . . I I . \ . - . . . I I . I I I I I AfINUP.L BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE rU"D T FUNCTION DEPA~MENl OR ACTIVITY I ACCOUNT r" General Patrol S en f 01-40-28 POSITION TITLE POS IT IONS BUDGET REVISED n "U "" CURRENT PROPOSED c ;0 0 ;0 0 '" ;0 "U "U rei 0 --i :z: U) rei --i rei 0 0 Lieutenant 1/2 1/2 14152 Sergeant 5 5 128376 Deputies 29 341,; 722564 Dispatchers 2 3 41746 Crossing Guards (City) 5 5 16062 Overtime 82389 Fri nge Benefits 291276 Salary Adjustment (10%) 127149 County Overhead (11.6%) 164284 City Part-time Fringe Benefit Overhead 678 @ (4.22%) TOTAL 4 ]!2 ~7?4 1588676 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA I I I I I I . I . I . I . . . . I I I I ANNUAL BUDGET SERVICES & SUPPLIES FUND FUNCT! ON DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Patrol Sheriff 01-40-28 ACCOUNT CLASS I FI CAT! ON I CURRENT EST!t~ATED PROPOSED REV I SED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET , ., Fuel and Maintenance 103191 Office Supplies I 8436 " Helicopter 37101 . Lease and Utilities 38889 Crime Prevention ; 530 County Overhead 979 ; i I , I , , , , , I I .1 , I TOTAL 189116 I ACTIVITY INFORMATION CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ANNUAL BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND FUNCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Patrol Sheriff 01-40-28 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CURRENT REVISED PROPOSED ADOPTED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET Vehicle 46129 Equipment 21094 TOTAL 67223 I I I I I I I I I I I I . . . . I- i . ACTIVITY INFORMATION CITY OF RANCHO CUCAr.10NGA 'I II I I DEPARTMENTAL GOALS: SUMMARY COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1980--81 I I I I I I I I I . . . . II I Mission Statement: To enhance the community life of Rancho Cucamonga residents through a comprehensive plan of services, programs, and facility development and operation. ! Department Goals: 1. To provide a quality recreation program for the citizens of Rancho Cucamonga by: i A. Continuing the self supporting fee based classes, and ex- panding same to offer a wid~ range of recreational oppor- tunities. I I B. Implementing the Park Eleme~t of the General Plan through the acquisition and development of recreation facilities within the City as rapidly ~s available finances permit. C. Conducting, coordinating and promoting frequent City-wide "special events", such as kite flying contests, pet sho\'ls, art shows, etc.; and conduc~, coordinate and promote "community events" such as the Founders Day Parade, Fourth of July Picnic, Pep Day, et~. D. Continuing to explore new ahd innovative ways to meet the recreational needs of our c~tizens. E. Continuing to assist, when requested, community based groups to improve their recreation programs. I 2. To research, develop and implement programs, in concert with neigh- boring jurisdictions, that will ,provide a constructive alternative to gang violence. ' 3. To develop a public information :service aimed at providing education or referral assistance to the public. Examples of the educational I . . I . . I II - . ~ 11 I - I - - - 1- d .- CO;cnJunity Services Dept. Goal s Page Two aspect of service include courses in CPR and first aid. Referral assistance would be demonstrated through a continuation and expansion of liaisons with County Health, Social Security, and 1. R.S. 4. To develop and implement, in concert with other public agencies serving Rancho Cucamonga, a comprehensive disaster preparedness pl an. 5. To provide improved support for the Historic Preservation Com- mission's activities. 6. To maintain a flexible departmental posture to address "special projects" as directed by the City Council and City Manager. 7. To seek and recommend to the City Manager and City Council, various grant programs which will aid in achieving the preceeding goals, or are of general benefit to Rancho Cucamonga. I I I I j I . . . I . . . I . , . . . . - 1--- I AilNUAL BUDGET SU,'.H'IAR~ rUUD FUNCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Community Services Ad~inistration 01-50 CLASSIFICATION PRIOR CURRENT CURRENT PROPOSED ADOPTEe ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET . Salaries & Benefits 66,866 . Services & Supplies I ! 64,060 Capital Outlay 984 , - PROGRAM TOTAL 131,910 ! I ! . Number of Positions 3 . , I i I I I I I I I I . I ! I I : I : . I : : . , - . . CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MINU~,L BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUilD \ FUNCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY I ACCOUNT General romm,oni +" <;prv; rp<; ndmin;<;tr,+inn n1 _~n POSITION TITLE POS IT IONS BUDGET REVISED n -0 :P CURRENT PROPOSED c '" 0 '" C> C> '" -0 -0 rn C> -< :z U> rn -< rn 0 0 Community Services Di rector 1 1 28980 Community Services Aide 1 1 12240 Secretary 1 1 13382 . . TOTAL 3 3 54,512 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA I I I I I . I I I . . . I . I I . . I I I I ANNUAL BUDGET SERVICES & SUPPLIES rUriD FUNCTI ON DEPARH1ENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT i General Community Services ~dministration 01-50 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION . CURRENT ESTIt1ATED PROPOSED REVISED . I BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET 01-50-20 Legal Advertisment 500 01-50-21 Util ities 24000 01-50-23 Printing & Publication ; 7500 01-50-24 Office Supplies 700 01-50-25 Travel, Mileage; Meetings I 4250 01-50-28 Contract Services 7000 01-50-30 Gasoline 960 01-50-31 Veh. & Equip, Maint. I 750 01-50-32 Ground Maintenance -0- 01-50-33 Office Equip. Maint. 150 01-50-34 Bldg. Maint. & Supplies 18000 01-50-35 Uniforms -0- 01-50-38 Special Dept. Expenditures -0- 01- 50-56 Dues 250 ! , I 64060 TOTAL I ACTIVITY INFQRMATION Travel, Mileage, Meetings League of Calif. Cities Labor Relations Institute Calif. Park & Recreation Society Local Meeting Mileage @ .22/mile & Dept. Head Allow. 350 300 300 200 3100 TOTAL 4250 CITY OF RANCHO 'CUCAMONGA I I I I I I . I . I I . . I . i . . . . . . ANNUAL BUDGET SERVICES & SUPPLIES FUND FUNCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT Genera 1 Community Services Administration 01-50 ACCOUNT CLASS I FI CATI ON CURRENT ESTIr~ATED PROPOSED REVISED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET TOTAL ACTIVITY.INFDRMATION Dues NRPA CP RS (2) SCMAF 100 100 . 50 TOTAL 250 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . 'J 'i ~ c I -.- ;'\nnUl\L BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY FU::U FUNCTI ON DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT I General Community Services Aqministration 01-20 , ACCOUNT CLASS I FI CATION ,CURRENT REVISED PROPOSED ADOPTED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET , , 01-50-44 Equipment 984 , i TOTAL 984 ACTIVITY INF,ORr'IATlON CITY OF RANCH~ CUCAMONGA AnNUAL BUDGET sur,!t'1ARY FUND FUNCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Community Svc. Recreation 01-50 CLASS I FI CATION PRIOR CURRENT CURRENT PROPOSED ADOPTEC ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET Salaries & Benefits 82,628 Services & Supplies 7,800 Capital Outlay 7,700 PROGRA~1 TOTAL 98,128 Number of Positions 5 . . - I I I I I I , I I I . I I . II Ii II II II 11__ ~\ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ! I I' I I I I I . . . . . . I I ANNUA,L BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUilD I FUNCTION D~PARTMENT OR ACTIVITY I ACCOUNT General Community Services : Recreati on Il-o;n POSITION TITLE P,OS ITI ONS BUDGET REVISED , CURRENT PROPOSED n -0 :>0- c ;0 co ;0 co 0 ;0 -0 -0 rrT co -l ;z: l/) rrT -j rrT co co Supervisor l' 1 14855 Coordinator 1 1 12906 Part-time Recreation 54867 I I : I I ! I ! I , I I I , I : I : I TOTAL 2 2 82,628 I I I I I I I CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA . . . . I I . . . I . . . I . ~ . - . I . II ANNUAL BUDGET SERVICES & SUPPLIES FUND FUiICTIDN DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT Genera 1 Community Services Recreation 01-50 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION CURRENT ESTlt1ATED PROPOSED REVI SED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET 01-50-25 Travel, Mileage, Meetings 1800 01-50-35 Uniforms 1000 01-50-38 Special Dept. Expenditures 5000 ; TOTAL 7800 ACTIVITY 'INFORMATION CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA I I I I I I I . I . . ~ I . , . . - . . . . , ANNUAL BUDGET CAP IT AL OUTLAY FUND FUNCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Community Services Rec~eation 01-50 ACCOUNT CLASS I FICA TI ON CURRENT REVISED PROPOSED ADOPTED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET , I , 01-50-44 Equipment 7700 , , I i 7700 TOTAL I , ACTIVITY INF@RMATION CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA I . I . I I \ . . I I . I I . . . . . 1_- MiiIU,~L BUDGET SUMt'1ARY Fu;m FUNCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Community Svcs. Community Relations 01-50 Clt',SS I FI CATI ON PR lOR CURRENT CURRENT PROPOSED ADOPTEE ACTUAL BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies 9240 Capita 1 Outlay PROGRA~1 TOTAL 9240 Number of Positions - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA o FUNCTlO:; Communjty S\'cs. SU~lr1ARY DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY Community Relations I - , - ~'- -- , PRIOR ,L\CTUAL CURRENT B0DGET CURRENT EXPENSE ACCOUNT 01-50 PROPOSED ADOPTE BUDGET BUDGET -- --.. ~ - f't ~'2~e 1 s ~"'J-Sc:;:plies 9240 I'.~.q-~-'p- .~h" ~=--~--''''''-' 9240 ~ - Positions ,j , , , i' / / / / " I, ;' , - I I \ I \ I CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - " , -' , - " -~ ACT! V IT';' ,;;CCOUNT - , ::".1' .....J4\ - ~=~::' ~i ?rojects 01-50 - - ---..- CURR::'lT PROPOSED ADOPTEe - - -, ~,:.., I - ~ , EXPE~:SE BUDGET BUDGET - - - ~~. ~ -0- \ '<J.J 'If f- 0 ,'--'"-' -0- 6-- L-;-]' n A 10,000 -f~JJ 0 . 10,000 )-f~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ --, t' ~, . \ ,,;1::["0 CUCA!.'ONGA . . I . . . I I . . . . I I . . . I . I ArINUAL BUDGET CAPITAL O'UTLAY FUND FUNCTION DEPARTMENT OR ACTIVITY ACCOUNT General Communitv Services Special Proj ects 01-50 ACCOUNT CLASS I FICA TI ON CURRENT REVI SED PROPOSED ADOPTED BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET BUDGET 01-50-44 Equipment 10000 , , , , TOTAL 10000 : , ACTIVITY INFORHATION CITY OF RANCHO'CUCAMONGA I . . . . . I . . . . . I ~ I " l . * j I . . t.'ll [' ~" l?A ~ p'," \. ~~: ~ i; \;~~r; '. hi ", ~~, i ~ t ~ m.~ bl n i.~ rfi' ~7 ~O ~~ GO m,:' :i ,:~' liJ ,,' ( r; ~ r:J \}dj (!J ;~~ ~ ~ lit i;r; <.. ': ; ti' P" ' 'r~~'" .~ "'ra' 'm' . " 5 k~l:' t::,r, .' \_~, r~ r-~ ,- ~:, ..... .~ ~ l;; '.> 2' "~:; .~~ [{ t, ':; it t I ' . I I <:) " <:) 0 <:) " ....J <:) <.D <:) <:) <:) <.D < 0 q <:) <:) 0 q f- M 0"> <:) N <:) q I <:) CO M LD N q M f- ~ N N " . f- 0 <:) <:) <:) o z: 0 <:) I 0 <:) I :::> < 0 <:) <:) 0 0 I"" 0 <:) I 0 0 . '"" q q q q N N N N 0 0 0 0 . ~I 0 <:) I <:) 0 <:) 0 0 <:) 0 N N I N N N N N N . N N N N . f- z: W ::<: 0 " " " " . 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Revenue Source Property Taxes Sales & Use Taxes Cigarette Tax Property Transfer Tax Home Owners Exemption Business Inventory Exemption Franchises Subtotal - Taxes Business Licenses Dog Licenses Building Permits Other Licenses & Permits Subtotal - Licenses & Permits Court Fines Traffic Fines Subtotal - Fines,Forfeits & Pena Hi es Alcoholic Beverage Motor Vehicle In Lieu Off-Highway Licenses Highway Carriers Donations General Revenue Sharing Gas Tax 2106 & Interest Gas Tax 2107 & Interest Gas Tax 2107.5 SB 325 FAU Grant CETA CDBG Park Development & Interest Storm Drains Systems Development Beautification Subtotal - From Other Agencies <. Proposition 4 Division 1980- W81 Estimated Per 1980-1981 ,Budget 1980-1981 Budget Proceeds Non-Tax of Taxes Revenues - -li3 $ 216,441]1'" $ 1,532,992 128,191 116,716 ,20,895 , 5,975 354,931 I $ 2,754,933 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ $ o $ , 20,665 $ 9'43,736 i 693 ~7L 10,210 I i44,398 -C> 2(33,289 --'> < 7,500-- '> 514,382 -- > $ 1,974,852 "t-' ~'c < ''1 J, _ v.___ Total $ $ 13 ,000 325,000 11 ,000 349,000 $ 17,300 59,815 $ 77,115 o 175,000 222,000 189,829 6,989 240,000 122,467 300,000 250,000 150,000 $ 1,656,285 / _~~...,_c/ ?,;.;5 J/ J~ / r : ! . . . ! , . '. " ! . i r 12 . . . . I Proposition 4 Division 1980-1981 Estimated Per 1980-1981 Budget 1980-1981 Budnet Proceeds Non-Tax Revenue Source of Taxes Revenues Total Plan Check Fees $ $ 50,000 Engineering Fees 100,000 Planning Fees 195,000 Recreation Fees 39,250 Subtotal - Charges for Current Services $ 0 $ 384,250 Rents & Leases $ _/~O $\)!I'IO 2,220 Interest Earnings if7) '122,580 57,420 Sale of Printed Material 27 , 450 Subtotal - From Use of Money & Property $ 122,580 $ 87,090 Miscellaneous $ $ 2,500 Totals $ 5,052,365 $ 2,556,240 $ 7,608,605 'I') I-"""'f ' "-.- () r' J7 _,(OJ/i! 5/.':.1 r.' ../ : 66.4% 33.6% ;4/ ;.... ~j-, :/ - I - . . . . ~ . r . . . .. II I I Calculation of I Proposition 4 Apprqpriation Limit For: 1980-1981 Total City Appropriations: 1$ 1978-1979 5,872,806 Less: Non-Proceeds of Taxes $ 1,571 ,642 I Debt Service 0 i$ 1,571 ,642 Unadjusted Base i$ 4,301,164 Add: Excess User Fees : 403,675 ! Appropriations Limit 1978-79 i $ 4,704,839 I U.S. All-Urban cpr - , 1979 = 10.3% I X 1.103 $ 5,189,437 Population Percentage Change - 1979 = 10.8% X 1.108 Appropriation Subject to , , Limit: 1979-80 , $ 5,749,897 I U.S. All-Urban CP r - I 1980 = 13.3% , X 1.1330 , ! $ 6,514,633 I , Population Percentage I Change - 1980 = 6.78% I X 1. 0678 , Appropriation Subject to , Limit: 1980-1981 , $ 6,956,325 I , I I ! I , , I . . . . .. Program Analysis Community Development 1980-1981 . o . . . . . II II ~ II o II Buil di ng Item Admin Plannina & Safetv Enqineerina TOTAL cull-Time Salaries 55,944 188,162 175,505 444,616 864,227 Full-Time Fringe Benefits @ 22.46% ~ 12,565 42,261 39,418 99,861 194,105 Part-Time Personnel -0- 6,640 -0- 18,000 24,640 Part-Time Fringe Benefits @ 4.22% -0- 280 -0- 760 1,040 Overtime -0- -0- 500 5,000 5,500 0 Subtotal - Personnel Svcs. 68,509 I 237,343 215,423 568,237 1,089,512 Utilities -0- I -0- -0- 34,500 34,500 Legal Advertising -0- 5,000 100 500 5,600 Printing & Advertising 800 5,000 2,500 3,200 11 ,500 Office Supplies 500 3,700 1,800 7,500 13,500 Travel, Mileage & Meetings 4,700 4,240 1,905 6,650 17,495 Contract Services -0- -0- 5,000 370,909 375,909 Plan Check -0- -0- 4,000 -0- 4,000 . Gasoline -0- 2,000 2,500 55,100 59,600 Vehicle & Equipment -0- 500 2,000 27,400 29,900 Offire Equipment Maint. 100 200 1, 100 500 1,900 8ui 1 di ng Mai nt. -0- -0- -0- 20,000 20,000 Dues 817 105 200 500 1,622 Strong Motion -0- -0- 3,290 -0- 3,290 Street Lights -0- -0- -0- 325,000 325,000 Parkway Maint. -0- -0- -0- 20,000 20,000 \'Ieed Abatement -0- I -0- -0- 12,500 12,500 Car Allowance -- 1,500 900 900 1,500 4,800 Subtotal - Svcs. & Supp. 8,417 ! 21,645 25,295 885,759 941,116 Equipment 200 I 4,678 1,350 129,160 135,388 Vehicles -0- 0 -0- -0- -0- -0- 0 Subtotal Capital Outlay 200 I 4,678 1,350 129,160 135,388 Road Maint. -0- I -0- -0- 581,323 581 ,323 Storm Drain -O- j -0- -0- 560,000 560,000 Street, Si9nal & Bridge Construction -0- -0- -0- 285,000 285,000 Street Reconstruction & I Overlay -0- -0- -0- 1,045,246 1,045,246 Subtota 1 - All Items 77,126 I 263,666 I 242,068 4,054,725 I 4,637,585 General Overhead 19.18% I 14,793 i 50,571 ! 46,429 777,696 I 889,489 I I I 91,919 314,237 288,497 I 4,832,421 5,527,074 I 91,919 5,313 4,881 I 81,725 -0- 0 I 319,550 293,378 I 4,914,146 5,527,074 I I 5.78 5.31 I 88.91 100% " .. Subtota 1 _Depart. Overhead(1.6n) Program Total .. Departmenta 1 Share .. Ut Le Pr Of Tr . Co . Ga IEq . Of Cr IOU . Su -~~ i Su Isu I Co IGe I Su ~ 0 ~P~ II De ~ I '- , .. I .. ~ , Program Analysis Sheri ff 1980-1981 , I , Item I Admin. I Investiqation Pa tro 1 TOTAL ull-Time Salaries I 166,551 204,909 1,198,271 1,569,731 ull-Time Fringe Benefits @22.46% 44,911 I 54,337 291,276 390,524 rt-Time Personnel -0- -0- 16,062 16,062 rt-Time Fringe Benefits @ 4.22% -0- 0 -0- 678 678 0 TA Salaries @ 22.46% I 6,989 -0- -0- 6,989 TA Fringe Benefits 1,570 -0- -0- 1,570 ertime 1,908 19,163 82,389 103,460 btota1 - Personnel Svcs. 221 ,929 I , 278,409 1,588,676 2,089,014 ilities 3,072 , 1,998 10,525 15,595 0 gal Advertising -0- 0 -0- -0- -O- inting & Publication -0- t -0- -0- -0- fice Supplies 2,463 1,601 8,436 12,500 avel, Mileage & Meetings 2,000 ~ 3,000 -0- 5,000 ntract Services 8,282 I 5,382 65,465 79,129 soline, Vehicle & uip. Svc. 4,236 , 20,921 103,191 128,248 fice Equip Maint. -0- , -0- -0- -0- i me Preventi on -0- -0- 530 530 es 434 -0- -0- 434 I I , btotal - Svcs. & Supplies I 20,487 I 32,902 188,147 241,536 uipment 6,144 I i 3,944 21,094 31,182 hicles 2,200 I 10,650 46,129 58,979 ! 0 btotal - Capital Outlay 8,344 ! 14,594 67,223 90,161 btotal - All Items 250,760 I I 1,844,046 2,420,711 I 325,905 unty Overhead 402 I ! 534 979 1,915 I neral Overhead 19.18 48,096 i , 62,509 353,688 464,293 btotal 299,258 I : 388,948 2,198,713 2,886,919 I partmental Overhead 10.37% 299,258 0 44,978 254,280 - I i , , ogram Total -0- I ! 433,926 2,452,993 2,886,919 partmental Share I : 15.03% 84.97% I I I I I I ;