HomeMy WebLinkAboutFD-002 - Ordinances O~DIN~NCE NO. AN ORDINANCE'. OF THE FOOTHILL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, PROVIDING FOB THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PERSONNEL SYST~ FOR SAID DISTRICT. ARTICLE [[ -~ PERSONNEL SYST~ SECTION I. Adoption of a Personnel System In order to establish a]~ ~qu:itab]e and uniform procedure for dealing with personnel matt.er~: to attract to District service the best and most competent !)er~;on~ avail~ble; to assure that appoint- ments and promotions of employees ~.~1t be based on merit and fit- ness; and to provide a teaschasuble degree of security for qualified employees, the foil. owing system is hereby adopted: SECTION 2. Admi,istration The Fire Chief shall b,:~ ~he chief administrative officer of the Fire District and shall h~ve complete resoonsibility for the administration of the personnel system. (a) The Fire Chief ~ha]l]. be appointed by th~ President of the Board or Directors following confirmation a majority vote o~ the Board of Directors. (b) The F~.re Chi,~f may be terminated or demoted only for cause upon four fifths (4/5) majority vote of the Boar,~ of D~r~ctors. SECTION 3. Personnel Officer The Fire Chief shall b~~ the Personnel Officer. The Fire Chief may delegate any of the pow~r~:~ and duties conferred upon him as Personnel Officer, subjet* to the approval of the ~ard, under this Article, to any other off'~cer or employee as qualified by education and/or experience to perfor~ ~?~uch duties, or the Ffre Chief may recommen~ to th,'& '~,~l~r.~ th'~t ~: ~c~ ?ower:~ and Buries be performe~ under contract. The Personr~e'~ O'Sricer or his designee sha]] perform the duties as set forth [n t;h~ Personnel SECTION 4. Personnel Committee Created Th,~re is hereby created ~ Personnel Committee to consist of two members of the Board of D~ir~c~ors., ap¥ointed by the President of the Board. SECTION 5., Tenure of Office The Personnel Committee shall be appointed or reappointed for a period of two (2) years. SECTION 6. Dutie~ and Powers of the Personnel Committee The committee shal] determine the order of business for the con- duct of its meetings an5 may }~o]~d meetings as deemed necessary by the Personnel Officer to fuji fill requd. rements of this ordinance. SECTION 7. &p.?o~_nting A~lthority The appointing authority ~h~l] be the Board of Directors in the case of appointments; to the pod;it:ion of Fire Chief, and shall be the Fire Chief or his designee 'i~i~ .~:,].] nther cases. SECTION 8. V'aca~t Positions Vacant posit~ons ,~ball be ftl]et~ as provided in the Personnel Rules. SECTION 9. .T_32emporary Positions Appointments to te~porary~ emergency and seasonal positions may, but need not be, made from e]:~?Sb:[].5.~ty lists. Appointments of this type sh~lll be limited to tem¥~:rary e~nployment eor the replacement of employees on leave ,of absen~:e or vaca~:ion, ~mergency appointment to meet emergeucies which threaten life or property, or for the general welfare of the District. SECTION 10. E~ployee Qualifications Qua.lification for posd.~l'l>,~.~,:~nS ill the Classified Service shall be as provided in the Salary a~d Clas,~if~cation Resolution. SECTION 11. Exam'inations It shall be the po]..icy of the Personnel Officer and the Person- nel Committee to encourage the recruitment of the best qualif~ed applicants by examination i~ order to contribute to ~, sound an~ efficie~tly operating Distr~.¢.~t organiz~-~tion. SECTION 12. Conditions of Employment The District shall h,~w? the right to require al] employees to complete and submit any app~ic~tions, agreements, or statements per- tinent to their employment, a~!!!~ requ.~.re~S by ~ecision of the Personnel Officer. SECTION 13. Phy~ical an8 Psychological Examination The District shall haw~ the right to require, at the expense of the District, a physical and/or psychological examination for any applicant or any District er~p~oyee. SECTION 14o Probationary Period All original an8 promotiona~ appointments shall be for a proba- tionary period as prescribe(~ ~ the Personnel ~les. SECTION 15. Pro~otion or Transfers Any employee promoted or transferred to a position shall be re- instated to the position from which he was promoted or transferred if, within one (1) year after such promotion or transfer, action is taken to terminate or dismiss him~ unless h~ is discharged for cause as provide~ in the Personnel SECTION 16. Appeals Procedures ~ll be developed and outlined in the Personnel ~les in a manner that will allow at]~ permanent employees to t~e advantage of an appellant procedure. SECTION 17. Reduction in Pay The provision~ of this Ordinance shall not apply to reductions in pay whic~h are part of a ~ener~l plain to reduce salaries and wages as an economy measure. SECTION 18. Hearings and Findings Appeal hearings ~ll be conducted informally, therefore technical rules o~ ewidence ~o not SECTION 19. Cre~'tion and abolishment of Positions The ~ard shall have authority to create and/or abolish positions in the District. The incl].ml~er~.t of an abolished position may be laid off, tr~nsferred, or demote~t as provided in the Personnel Rules. SECTION 20. Political Activity Prohibited (a) Employees in the service of the District shall not advocate the election or defeat of any ballot. proposition or any c~didate for any political office, or engage in any other kind of political activity during his assigned working hours, or while dres~ed in the uniform required in any department of the !)~trict, whether or not it is during his assigned working hours. (b) No officer or employee of the District, directly or indirectly, sh~.ll solicit, or in any manner be concerned in soliciting fro:~ anyone employed in the service of the District, or on a 'District eligibility list for employment, any assessment, S~l'b:~cripltion~ contribution, or political service, for aidi~]? or as~isting in the campaign for election, or ap?ointment to any position in the District, either partisan o~ nonpartisan. SECTION 21. Discrimination No person shall be favored or discriminated against in their employment because of po!~.tic;~[1 affil~.ations, race, religious beliefs, or sex. SECTION 22. A~propriation of Funds The Board of Directors may appropriate such funds as are necessary to carry out the orovision.~ of this Ordinance. SECTION 23. R£ght 'to Contract for Special Service The Fire Chief shall con,'!~er the extent to which the District should contract for the Dereormance of technical or professional ser- vices in connection with th~ ~velopment and administration of any phase of the personnel ~.rog'ra~, subject to the approval of the Board of Director's. ARTICLE tI - EMPLOYEE RELATIONS SECTION 24. Personnel System Unaffected Nothing in the Salary ~n~i~ Classification Resolution or Personnel Rules shall be deemed to su?er~ede the District's Personnel Ordin~nce establishing and regulatin. g the iDistr-'[ct's personnel system. This Ordinance is intended 'to stt~.e~i!~tben the D~.strict's personnel. by establishing an orderly ~et~o"$ of .cow.~munication between the Distrfct and representatives of reco!~!~:ii~,~ed employee organizations. ARTICLE ifil[ - SEVERABILITY SECTION 25. Val] idity The Board of Directors., Foothill .Fire Protection District, hereby declares that should any sec~'~ion, ~.ar~graph, sentencings, or wor~ of this ordinance hereby adopted be ~.,,clared 'for any reason to be invalid,~ it is the intent of the Bo~'~rd. :~f Directors, Foothill Fire Protection District, that it would h~ve ~:,~.ssed a~]. other portions of this or~tinance independent of the eliminat~.o'~ herefrom of any such portion as may be declared invalid. SECTION 26. Effective Date This ©rd~nance sha].,]. t,~ke effect thirty (30) days after the date of its adoption. .~ACK R. WHITNEY, Chairma~/ Board of Directors Foothill Fire Protection District ATTEST: EUGENE M. BILLINGS, Secretary to the Board of Directors STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ) SAN BERNARDINO ) ss. I, EUGENE M. BILLINGS, Secretary to the Board of Directors of the Foothill Fire Protection District, County of San Bernardino, State of California, hereby certify that, at a regular meeting of the Foothill Fire Protection District of said County and State, held on the day of July 1P , 19 ?~ at which meeting were present · JACK ]2. ~ITNE¥' I~ICHARI) E, LEBE'[, "FIILI AM J ~ !~L'EX the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted by the following vote, to wit: AYES : NOES : ABSENT: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the Foothill Fire Protection District this 1Pth day of July , 19 ?~ NGS, ~gcretary to the Board of Directors of the Foothill Fire Protection District ORDINANCE NO. 2 ~x ~rl,l~'~'~cr f,r -ii1' i ..,.~ .Ih ~ IIII I'ID'11 I 111,". Dl"lllh ' '~.,~.hd%,, I-11 IIII ~-IIIII:-I*~.l ~1 I ,,It ~TIIl I'i-liLI, :{', ' '.1 p,:,mtmonts andp~motl~"ot empJey(~s w I [:m base~ ql~allfiOO employs,, following sv.~teln is nereh,, 5ECH()N 2. Administration The Fire Chief shall ~ ~he chief admimstra[ive Fire District and shall have comple~ responsibility {a} 31, I' 1( ~ .i,. ~'1.1 ~" ,.01" ';" · v the })re~;ldurll Board of Directors (b~ The Fire Chief may ~ terrnJnat~t or demoted cause upon four fifth ~4,.'5 ~ajoritv v e cf the ~)ard cf I SEC~ON 3 Pemonnel Officer ~ The Fire Chief shall ~ the Personnel Oilice:?. qhe F may delegate any of the powers and duties conferred upem Pe}sonne[Office}, sublect t.o the approval of the Board. Article. t() aev other officer or emph)vee as qua] f e~ )v xfi and.'or experience to ~rforrn such datms, or the ~, rec.mmend to the ~ard t~qt Slleh ~wers and duties; be under rontrarl, The Personnel Officer or his des~nee fm-m the dut es as set torrh in the Personnel ~ ties SECTIf}N 4 Personnet Committee Created the, Board :.',ECTI()N 5 Tenure of Office The Personnel Commlctee shall be appo}~ted or period .f lwo (2} years. SECHON 6. Du[ies arid Powers of the P -s,r m,i ('. b~ the 'ersonnel Officer to ~allfill reqmre~hen*s ,d ~hls ',~F;CFfON 7. Appointing Autbgrilv The ap~mtin~ authorfly shah ~ The Board o~ case ,')~ appointments to tile posdion ,:x: Fire Chiel '.~ ,~: F~re Chtefor h~s design~ in all other gECTION 8 Vacant'Positions Vacant posltmns shall be filled m: pr.vided m ~:J,: I:,, Rules 5F;C'[1ON [l Temporary Posmons nluv, ml~ need not be. made ~kom eligibility li~ls th~q type shall be limited to temporary emp}ovme~t ~,.' h)r the general · · . SEtTTION ld ~ualifica~hm [,gr ~osltion~ in the CJassJfJ¢,d Sq~g,,:, prmqded m the salary and Classlfi(,a~.xn ~(~soJtt;ljtm ?41,;(:T](~N [~ Examinations 1! shaJi be lhe pohrv el the Persollr~td Officer ;,~nd qt,, J:'cl,,il:,l:q, aj~p]lcant · '' = ' " · ' ntrH)tue i, :~ ~,,Ed/T[( · l '11~ seut'ie~ ( Jfficer ~:I:':;{"TIO~ 13, Physical and Psych,~ .g ~ ~ ~:a , The District shaft; have the right to r~qtilre, 31 I:h,::, ,u ~:,,~ ,r Disl'ricL a phvs)cat and/or ps~ehoh::~akal ux~: n, rL,' aplflx:'am or afiv D~stnet e~pl(vee ~E;{'Tlt)~ 14 "Probattonary' P~riOd All (.:]gmat and promot:lonal apj)m>F'ltl]*:'tiJ~ 5 ~ Ji:' FEC'T'ION' 15 Pr) n )tmon ( r Transferq Arw empk:pvee promoted ,at l:ram;lerred t~:~ .q ;,c.~l;,[, ?]CTI()N 16, Appeals n :1 truer .~ W aJkwa oerm4~:'~ 6"11 (~ ,ta~e o~ an ap~eilanl proce~nr~ . ..F~{'ThhN I? ReducNon m oH lr,mMerrcd or den oted as pr)v ~t~r ~n hc ]:'q~,u, n' SEi:T]q )'~ 20 }:'olif.,al Activll~' Pr.h~ ~ ot ~,:~) ]::mph~vees m the service; Of ~h,n iq~dr',~ I *,d'tk:~ ).:,t , the' (:'[('('hon [)f' deJel~t of 3ny )a] oL pro B)~ )' ,~' '~, du~m~ Fd:,~ assigned workihg hours. br ~rt'h ~ 'ft~ ~ ' ~: ~h ::' ~ tr],,~. u,n. or [',olm(.a JservJce, f ~- a d g (:,r' ;:~gJSIS] uJ ;~ H~ Jh e~ij,}O:Tl:dcff)l F)(:":,~11SO fl~ ['11)~t::!3[ L][ : r J ',% :C::' '! SCt:T]~)N Z2. ~[;-~pra ~s~f ,W:~ '11(~N 2;{ I~lgh~ to (?ontra 't to' ':,1" c ':, sh r r )~r~i ]'q,~.,m~:: In m*~ Salad, and Classificati~ ~,,s-lun. ~- ',, Thu B~m~ d t:,l 1 )i rec~oi s. Foothil~ Fi, p~? ~ ,:n,~c~ ~ n:i [ ~h,,~ :i~ q I vaha ; s ,meit t Inc B,,~r ])1' ,~, porlu)n ,;is lnlc,' be (le('lar'eU its adoph,,n AT'f EgT EU/,ENk; M SAN ]W),:!',.A HD]N() Fo(?thdi }'Ire Pt. ~'(' on D :;met :, sJi] (:our l~ a[i J St;d ', the da':' .1 ,hvv 12 1~77 at W}ItCt) TIJ;~::'~lil)~ were 6race Gray ;,~,¢i';:JiE;iAVFi Oi" P'UllLtCAt'/ON ,' ,f .....ND Ii.CE....P.U 3L I C .HEAR. ADOPTION OF A PERSONNEL SYSTEM FOR THE FOOTHILL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT was pul:lish,,,.] in said ,:H,',.~'spa~,~ Once a week for two weeks June 20,27~1977 ( '0 l'Ft:~" ( June ' 77 ORDINANCE NO. 2 PERSONNEL wa.,~ t~ubJis~md ~ ~:dq ,,,,:,v:::;i,at:~:,r One t ime on I y Io wil' July 19, 1977 July 77