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Budget 1990-91
City of Rancho Cucamonga Rancho Cucamonga, California Annual Budget July 1, 1990 - June 30, 1991 TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL FUND Fiscal Yeal 1990/91 Revenue Sources/Detail FUND NO. I thru V PAGE 01-4110 City Council.............................................1 01-4122 City Manager.............................................4 01-4123 Public Safety Commission................................12 01-4125 Emergency Preparedness..................................14 01-4126 City Clerk..............................................23 01-4150 Administrative Services/Administration ..................30 01-4151 Finance .................................................35 01-4152 Licensing...............................................42 01-4153 Purchasing..............................................48 01-4154 Risk Management.........................................54 01-4155 City Treasurer..........................................58 01-4156 Personnel...............................................62 01-4245 City Facilities.........................................66 01-4265 Personnel Overhead......................................71 01-4285 General Overhead........................................73 01-4313 Community Development/Administration ....................75 01-4333 Planning................................................81 01-4353 Planning Commission.....................................92 01-4354 Historic Preservation Commission ........................94 01-4355 Environmental Management Commission ..................... 96 01-4373 Building & Safety.......................................98 01-4451 Sheriff's Department...................................106 01-4532 Community Services.....................................114 01-4540 Park and Recreation Commission .........................121 01-4637 Engineering/Administration.............................123 01-4638 Development Management.................................129 01-4639 Traffic Management.....................................137 01-4640 Project Management.....................................143 01-4641 Construction Management................................148 01-4647 Maintenance............................................154 01-4991 Transfers...... .....................................167 33-4130 Resource Services/Administration .......................169 33-4131 Special Districts Administration .......................176 33-4132 Geographic Information Services (GIS)..................181 33-4133 Management Information Systems (MIS)...................185 Revenue Sources/Detail H POPULATION ESTIMATES Act. 101,127 Act. 114,954 Est. 125,000 ' 04, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED ESTIMATED REVENUE POPULATION ESTIMATES Act. 101,127 Act. 114,954 Est. 125,000 ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED AMENDED ACTUAL REVENUE REC'0 ESTIMATED REVENUE REC'D ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND / ACCT. DESCRIPTIONS REVENUE FISCAL YFAR REVENUE AT REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE TWO YEAR DECEMBER 31, REVENUE _________________ ------------ _____________ 1987-88 1988 - 1989 ------------- 1989-90 _____________ 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PROJECTION GENERAL FUND ------------(I) _____________ _____________ _____________ ------------- _____________ ____________. TAMES 01-3900 1020 Property Tax - C/Y secured 1,168,566 1,218,817 1,577,977 823,933 11750,000 2,061,743 2,179,700 2,354,076 4,533,776 ' 1030 Property Tax - C/Y unsecured 62,722 68,790 129,118 95,828 200,000 145,317 207,000 223,550 430,560 ' 1040 Prop Tax - P/Y sec L unsec 50,029 43,476 72,083 0 45,650 77,010 49,300 53,211 102,511 ' 1060 Property Tax - penalties/interest 33,782 38,617 31,824 2,273 2,270 33,415 0 0 0 ' 1065 Supplemental Taxes 60,082 78,090 52,932 50,518 53,000 53,282 53,300 55,965 109,265 ' 1070 Tax Sales Proceeds 0 0 0 0 0 0 D D 0 ' 1075 Unitary Tax 0 61,183 132,300 0 70,000 138,915 74,400 78,120 152,520 ' 1100 Sales 6 Use Taxes 3,762,623 4,395,299 4,270,016 1,545,646 4,165,000 4,650,016 5,088,250 5,621,193 10,709,113 ' 1185 Transient Occupancy Tax 2,055 2,515 2,500 1,287 2,500 3,500 2,500 2,650 5,150 ' 1190 Admissons Tax 217,134 183.462 215,787 9,284 18,000 233,050 18,000 18,900 36,900 ' 1800 Property Transfer Tax 432,133 528,920 435,338 188,803 150,000 466,026 466,000 479,980 945,980 01-3901 45SO Franchise Fee - Gas 6 Electric 2,541,353 899,399 945,834 0 975,000 999,007 999,900 1,059,894 2,059,794 01-3901 4551 Franchise Fee - Residential Refu 140,811 166,607 111,050 69,864 190,000 158,455 273,670 290,090 563,760 01-3901 4552 Franchise Fee - Commercial refu 135,538 180,456 126,083 61,210 189,460 132,386 275,920 292,475 568,395 01-3901 4553 Franchise Fee - Cable TV 205,248 263,433 203,776 85,850 271,000 218,040 282,370 290,841 573,211 Sub -total 8,820,076 __________ 0,161,361 __ 8,310,218 _____________ 2,931,526 ________ 8, 961, BBO _____------- _ 9,370,162 _____------- _____------ 9,970,310 _--- _ 10,820,988 _____________ 20,791,298 H H CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUE POPULATION ESTIMATES Act. 104,727 01 01 Act. 114,954 Est. 125,000 ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED AMENDED ACTUAL REVENUE REC'D ESTIMATED REVENUE RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND / ACCT. DESCRIPTIONS REVENUE FISCAL YEAR REVENUE AT REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE TWO YEAR DECEMBER 31, REVENUE _________________ ____________ 1987-88 _____________ 1988 - 1989 _____________ 1989-90 _____________ 1989 _____________ _____________ 1989-90 1990-91 _____________ 1990-91 _____________ 1991-92 _____________ PROJECTION _____________ (2) Licenses 6 permits 01-3900 2200 ____________________ Business Licenses 765,194 826,627 1,042,596 289,046 900,000 1,162,596 918,000 936,360 1,854,360 01-3901 2220 Bicycle Licenses 276 264 285 102 200 285 250 250 500 2290 Building Permits 1,773,888 2,059,120 1,968,000 684,255 1,370,000 2,079,060 2,010,500 2,112,525 1,183,025 2300 Other Licenses 6 Permits 9,184 7,912 10,317 5,110 8,000 10,578 8,000 8,100 16,400 _____________________________________ Sub -total 2,548,542 ___________ ____________________ 2,893,923 _ 3,021,198 __________________ 970,513 2,278,200 _____________ 3,252,519 ______________________ ______ 2,966,750 3,087,535 ____________ _ 61054,285 (3) Fines 6 Forfeits ________________ 01-3901 ' 2460 Vehicle Code Fines 242,686 240,705 229,308 89,696 245,700 248,768 248,770 268,672 517,112 ' 3450 General Ordinance Fines 11,175 23,845 21,071 10,111 21,070 23,037 23,040 24,500 11,510 3451 Penal Code Fines 0 280 3,000 1,655 3,000 4,500 1,500 4,500 9,000 Sub -total ____ 256,861 _____________ _____________ 254,830 253,379 _____________ _____________ 101,795 269,770 _____________ 276,305 ________ _____________________ 276,3 _ 10 297,672___ ________ 573,982 H H H 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUE POPULATION ESTIMATES Act. 101,727 0 0 Act. 111,951 Est. 125,000 ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED AMENDED ACTUAL REVENUE REC'D ESTIMATED REVENUE RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND / ACCT. DESCRIPTIONS REVENUE FISCAL YEAR REVENUE AT REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE TWO YEAR DECEMBER 31, REVENUE ________________ ------------ _____________ 1987-88 1988 - 1989 ___________ 1989-90 ------------- 1989 _____________ _____________ 1989-90 1990-91 _____________ 1990-91 _____________ 1991-92 ------------- PROJECTION ------------ (4) Miscellaneous ------------- 01-3901 1500 Rents 6 Leases I,BOO 39 1 1 100 1 100 100 200 1600 Interest Earnings 252,128 350,293 818,962 171,756 700,000 838,733 700,000 700,000 1,100,000 7910 ' Sale of Printed Materials 53.729 57,771 53,819 19,220 60,000 63,909 63,910 67,715 131,655 7950 ' Returned Item Charge 225 150 250 30 250 300 300 300 600 8520 ' Other Revenue 367,196 36,021 31,072 31000 30,000 35,776 10,000 10,000 20,000 8521 Small Claims Crt Filing Fees 0 (/2) 0 12 0 0 0 ' 8522 Small Claims Crt Sheriff's Fee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 8710 Sale of Machinery 6 Equi Anent 5,231 8,805 0 1,170 5.000 0 0 0 0 0 8780 Sale of Land 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8910 ' Cash Coverage 6 Shortage 101 163 100 159 200 120 0 200 0 212 0 112 8513 ' Residential Recycling Program 0 0 0 193 500 0 500 530 1,030 8523 ' Recycable Material 0 111 ISO 0 300 175 300 310 618 8521 Recycable Material - White Paper 0 137 0 120 200 0 200 212 112 Sub -total ________ 680,113 ________ ___-______-__ /5/,30-1 901,381 _____________ ____________ 198,999 796,550 ____--- _--- _ 939,011 _____------- ________------- 775,510 _ 779,117 ____________ 1,551,921 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUE POPULATION ESTIMATES Act. 101,121 0 9 Act. 111,951 Est. 125,000 ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED AMENDED ACTUAL REVENUE REC'D ESTIMATED REVENUE REC'D ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND / ACCT, DESCRIPTIONS REVENUE FISCAL YEAR REVENUE AT REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE TWO YEAR DECEMBER 31, REVENUE ----- _-.---------- ------------ 1987-88 _____________ 1988 - 1989 _____________ 1989-90 _____________ 1989 _____________ _____________ 1989-90 1990-91 _____________ 1990-91 _____________ 1991-92 _____________ PROJECTION _____________ (5) Intergovernmental ----------------- 01-3900 5230 Motor Vehicle in Lieu 2,587,956 3,301,510 3,787,605 1,799,913 3,900,000 1,319,972 1,237,380 1,616,150 8,803,630 ' 5250 Hameomners Property Tax Relief 7,205 7,565 1,911 0 7,600 8,232 7,600 8,055 IS,656 ' 5251 Govt Code Spec. Subvention 9,106 1,703 0 0 0 0 0 0 D ' 5330 Trailer Coach In Lieu - AB2004 13,108 6,550 0 0 6,500 0 6,500 6,890 13,390 01-3901 5338 Off High.ay License Fees 1,651 1,610 2,056 0 2,000 2,202 2,200 2,538 1,738 01-3900 5380 Cigarette Tax 167,952 171,101 183,555 72,303 18S,000 203,133 189,000 189,000 378,000 C Sub -total 2,181,218 3,196,719 3,981,160 1,872,316 1,101,100 1,533,639 1,112,680 1,8525731 9,295,111 6) Charges for services ____________________ 01-3901 1186 Finger Print Fees 0 9,020 0 3,177 5,000 0 5,000 5,200 10,200 01-3901 1200 O.A.R.E. Program Reimbursement 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 50,000 100,000 01-3901 2100 Candidates Filing Fees 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 0 500 ' 7260 Plan Check Fees 1,336,294 982.38/ 826.776 379,600 031,650 812,839 1,118,500 1,185,610 21301,110 ' 7280 Planning Fees 267,873 171,881 257,551 113,712 160,000 285,886 285,000 302,100 587,100 ' 7290 Engineering Fees 1,157,159 2,768,793 2,388,906 871,212 2,100,000 2,157,797 2,150,000 2,597,000 5,017,000 ______________________________________________ Suh-total 3,061,616 3,531,081 3,173,233 1,711,301 3,199,650 3,586,522 ____________________________ 3,851,000 1,139,910 8,018,910 • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUE POPULATION ESTIMATES Act. 101,727 Act. 111,951 Est. 125,000 ACTUAL ACTUAL AMENDED AMENDED ACTUAL REVENUE RECD ESTIMATED REVENUE RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND / ACCT. DESCRIPTIONS REVENUE FISCAL YEAR REVENUE AT REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE TWO YEAR DECEMBER 31, REVENUE _________________ ____________ _____________ 1987-88 1988 - 1989 _____________ 1989-90 _____________ 1969 -------- ---- _____________ 1989-90 1990-91 _____________ 1990-91 _____________ 1991-92 _____________ PROJECTION _____________ (i) Others 01-3992 9001 Transfer In 1,197,631 2,192,306 1,943,276 0 1,913,280 2,262,210 2,362,210 2,362,210 1,721,120 01-3999 1536 Asset Seizure 0 0 0 8,563 30,560 0 30,000 0 30,000 01-3999 8522 Non -Abated Reimbursements 45,238 1,016,770 706,843 11,710 786,D00 826,185 826,000 826,000 1,652,000 01-3999 0523 Assessment District Reimbursemmt 40,947 83,555 582,893 21,087 45,000 581,000 50,000 53,000 103,000 01-3999 8530 Reimbursement From Other Funds D 0 0 516,067 0 0 0 250,000 250,000 C 01-8888 2000 Other Financing Sources 0 305,320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _______________________________________________ Sub-to[al 1,283,816 3,597,957 3,313,012 _____________ _____________------- 560,127 2,80/,810 3,612,395 3,268,210 _________ 3,191,210 _____________ 6,759,120 TOTAL - GENERAL FUND 19,438,612 22,406,819 23,289,614 8,017,887 22,731,990 25,630,556 25,553,770 27,469,465 53,023,235 sm:eatir"2.mAl City Council 01-0110 N s BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND ---CITY COUNCIL 8110 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 1 4110 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 1 4110 2800 P.E.R.S. 1 4110 3100 TRAVEL MEETINGS 1 4110 3300 MILEAGE 1 4110 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 1 4110 3931 VEHICLE MAINT. 6 OPERATIONS 1 4110 3956 DUES 1 4110 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 1 4110 5028 CONTRACT SERVICES DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 HER 1990/91 16,052 15,560 16,500 990 9,068 17,490 27,875 27,875 27,875 0 0 5,775 (5,775) 0 0 9,756 9,756 9,756 0 0 0 0 1,250 0 0 0 0 8,352 12,208 16,150 (300) 4,714 5,500 21,040 18,190 18,190 0 0 1,050 0 0 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 4,976 2,698 3,125 1,800 2,183 4,925 3,280 3,280 3,280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 0 500 600 600 600 600 0 0 239 (239) 0 0 260 231 231 3,160 3,047 3,000 (1,500) 1,206 1,500 3,000 3,000 31000 32,540 34,513 46,439 (5,024) 19,716 32,065 66,861 63,982 63,982 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE • City Council Position Classification Title Position Quota A ro riations Current Level Dept. Rcmd. Mgr. Rcmd. Ado ted Dept. Rcmd. Mgr. Rcmd. Adopted Budget Mayor Councilmembers 100% 400% 100% 400% 100% 400% $5,575 $22,300 $5,575 $22,300 Subtotal $27,875 $27,875 Fringe Benefits $9,756 $9,756 TOTAL $37,631 $37,631 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division: 01t Council 'Obiect Program: ICity Council Account Number: 01-4110 FY 90/91 No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 4110-1100 Re ular Salaries $27,875 4110-1900 Fringe Benefits $9,756 4110-3100 Travel & Meetings S.B. County Assoc. Gov'ts $735 League of CA Cities Conf. $2,205 League of CA Cities/Inland Empire $700 National League of Cities Conference $3,600 Le islastive Conferences/Sacto $2,400 Leacjue of CA Cities/Committee Mtq. $950 League of CA Cities/Mayor/Council Forum $950 Council Committee Mt s. $1,200 AB 939 Task Force Mt s. 500 Commuter Train Mt s. $250 Local Government Commission Mt s. $400 Contract Cities Assoc. Was. 00 Environmental M mt. Comm. -Travel & Mt s. $2,500 Local Was. as Required $1,400 Subtotal $18,190 4110-3300 Mileage Local Mt s. as Required & Pool Car $1,050 4110-3900 Maint. & OlDerations Awards & En ravin s $2,100 Office Su lies 550 Printing 630 Subtotal $3,280 4110-3956 Dues Local Government Commission $600 4110-3960 General Liability $231 4110-6028 Contract Services Mto. Minutes $3,000 TOTAL 1 $63,982 * a • City Manager 014122 X. i BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND ---CITY MANAGER 1 4122 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 1 4122 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 1 4122 1300 PARTTIME PAYROLL 1 4122 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 1 4122 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 1 4122 3300 MILEAGE 1 4122 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 1 4122 3931 VEHICLE NAINT.6 OPERATIONS 1 4122 3956 DUES 1 4122 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 1 4122 6026 CONTRACT SERVICES 1 4122 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND. -EQUIPMENT DEPARTMENT TOTAL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 0 • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 173,755 261,941 260,282 34,524 127,041 294,806 319,180 319,180 362,544 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,520 19,778 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91,099 (84,402) 0 6,617 111,713 111,713 126,890 16,702 17,167 14,090 6,500 8,064 20,590 20,255 15,055 15,055 2,134 4,072 9,800 0 112 9,800 11,300 6,500 6,500 9,067 10,812 5,050 0 5,196 5,850 12,501 9,902 9,902 31 111 0 0 188 0 2,880 2,880 2,880 1,617 (2,555) 3,950 0 2,807 3,950 3,754 3,754 3,754 0 0 836 (836) 0 0 704 922 922 15,050 24,759 49,948 (12,638) 36,705 31,310 19,734 59,139 59,139 0 4,018 0 3,638 0 3,638 19,112 5,549 5,549 233,876 346,103 435,855 (53,294) 160,113 382,551 . 521,133 534,594 593,135 0 0 Department: Administration Division: City Manager Fiscal Year 01-4122 1990/91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Position Quota I Appropriations PositionI ------------------------------- I -------------------------------I Classification ICurrentl Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted I Title I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. IAdoptedl Rcmd. 1 Rcmd. I Budget I --------------------- City Manager I ------- I------- 1 75$1 I------- 75$1 I------- 75$1 I--------- 75$1 $84,654 I--------- I----------- 1 $76,059 1 I $84,660 1 Deputy City Manager 1 50%1 50%1 50%1 50$1 $36,762 1 $34,110 1 $36,770 1 Deputy City Manager 1 20$1 20%1 20$1 20$1 $16,246 1 $12,348 1 $16,250 1 Asst.To City Manager 1 100$1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $48,840 1 $43,140 1 $48,840 1 Management Analyst III 100$1 100$1 100$1 100$1 $38,832 1 $32,448 1 $38,840 1 Management Analyst I 1 10011 100%1 100$1 100$1 $33,600 1 $26,052 1 $33,600 1 Executive Asst. 1 10011 10011 10011 10011 $38,448 1 $35,656 1 $38,450 1 Office Specialist II 1 10011 10011 10011 10011 $20,208 1 $17,652 1 $20,210 1 Secretary 1 011 10011 10011 10011 $27,660 1 $26,316 1 $27,560 1 Sub Total 1$345,250 1$303,981 1 $345,280 1 Merit Contingency $17,262 $15,199 $17,264 Sub Total I I 1 1 1$362,512 1$319,180 1 $362,544 1 Fringe Benefits 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1$126,879 1 1 1$111,713 1 1 $126,890 1 Total I I 1 1 1$489,391 1$430,893 1 $489,434 1 admin2.wkl -- COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET --------------------------------------------- Department/Division: I Program: (Account Number: IFiscal Yearl Administration I City Manager 1 01-4122 1 1990/91 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ------------ I Object No. I Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amountsi Budget I ----------- I--------------------------------------------------------------- I ------------ I 4122-1100 lRegular Salary 1 $362,544 1 I I I 4122-1900 lFringe Benefits I $126,890 I I I I 4122-3100 ITravel & Meetings I I I AB 939 Task Force Mtgs. $250 I 1 League of California Cities Inland Empire D $1,100 I Environmental Mgmt. Comm. -Related Travel & $500 I I American Society of Public Admin. Local Mtg $250 I I Municipal Mgmt. Assts. Mtgs. $1,150 I I League of CA Cities $2,205 1 I League of CA Cities Manager Conference $1,400 I I Int'l. City Mgmt. Assoc. Conference $1,800 1 1 Nat'l. League of Cities Conference $1,800 1 I Solid Waste Seminars $2,000 i I Inland Empire Urban Managers Local Mtgs. $600 i ( Local Mtgs. as Required $2,000 1 Subtotal I $15,055 4122-3300 IMileage I City Manager $4,800 Deputy City Managers $1,200 1 I Staff and Pool Car $500 I 1 Subtotal I $6,500 I 4122-3900 IMaint. & Operations I I I Printing & Postage $2,000 I I Publications $2,000 1 Office Supplies $5,000 1 l 1 ea. Word 4.0 (MAC) $205 I I 1 ea. Excel 2.2 $289 1 1 ea. Delta Graph $195 I 1 1 ea. SAM / Fastback II $213 I Subtotal I $9,902 I 4122-3931 lVehicle Maintenance I I I Sedan 1101 I $2,880 adminl.wkl al -j49 .40 F- -I L J COST DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division: Program: Account Number: Administration City Manager 01-4122 Object No. I Description of Items 6 Individual Dollar Amounts ----------- I --------------------------------------------------------------- 4122-3956 JDues Municipal Mgmt. Assts. American Society of Public Admin. International City Mgmt. Assoc. Gov't. Finance Officers Assoc. LGC CALED Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Commerce So. Cal. Gov't. Finance Officeers Assoc. Urban Land Institute Miscellaneous AICP Subtotal 4122-3950 )General Liability 1 4122-5028 lContract Services Fiscal Year 1990/91 ------------- Budget ------------� � I $160 1 $375 $2,059 1 $150 ) $100 $110 $100 $50 $150 ) $250 $250 Special Projects $13,500 MIS Administration $41,954 Computer Equipment Maintenance 6 Programmin $3,685 Subtotal 4122-7044 )Capital Equipment 1 ea. Mac IIcx 40CPU Computer w/ Color Monitor and Apple Keyboard $4,724 1 ea. 1 MB Memory Upgrade $350 lea. Electronic Typewriter $475 I Subtotal adminl.wkl a52-jl04 TOTAL $3,754 1 1 $922 1 $59,139 � I $5,549 ) I $593,135 Department: Administration COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUEST FORM Fiscal Year: 90/91 Account Number Software Identification Serial Number/ID of Computer Unit where Qty Unit Cost Estimated Cost Resource Center Use Only Approved Denied Date Software is to be installed 4122-3900 Lotus 123 New 1 $310 $310 X 4/10/90 4122-3900 Word Perfect (IBM) New 1 $245 $245 X 4/10/90 4122-3900 Word 4.0 (MAC) New 1 $205 $205 X 4/10/90 4122-3900 Excel 2.2 New 1 $289 $289 X 4/10/90 4122-3900 Delta Graph F8458BEM5011 1 $195 $195 X 4/10/90 4122-3900 Page Maker 4.0 F8458BEM5011 1 $398 $398 X 4/10/90 4122-3900 SAM New 1 $88 $88 X 4/10/90 4122-3900 Fastback II (MAC) New 1 $125 $125 X 4/10/90 Totals: 8 $1,855 $1,855 0 COMPUTER CONTRACT • VICES REQUEST FORM Department: Administration Fiscal Year: 90/91 1. I Account Number Contract Services Justification Oty Unit Cost stimated Cost Resource Center Use Only Approved Denied Date 4122-6028 Mac SE 1 575 575 X 4/10/90 4MB Memory Upgrade 1 560 560 X 4/10/90 Dot Matrix Printer 2 276 552 X 4/10/90 IBM 4 358 1,432 X 4/10/90 Color Monitor 4 151 604 X 4/10/90 Mac Ilcx w/Color Monitor 1 862 862 X 4/10/90 Totals: 13 2,782 4,585 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM 0 Department: Administration Fiscal Year: 90/91 • L Account Number New/ or Re laces EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEED Estimate Cost 4122-7044 Replace Mac llcx 40CPU Computer w/ Color Monitor and Apple Keyboard - Replaces curent IBM used by $4,724 Executive Asst. to allow higher quality printing and desk top publishing for City Manager's Office. 4122-7044 New 1 ea. 1MB Memory Upgrades - For Exec. Asst. and $350 Admin Analyst for enhanced multi tasking and print spools. 4122-7044 New Electronic Typewriter - For new personnel. $475 Department: Administration COMPUTER HARDWARE REQUEST FORM Fiscal Year: 90/91 Account Number Hardware Description Identification Work Area Location Qty Unit Cost Estimated Cost Resource Center Use Only Approved Denied Date 4122-7044 1 ea. Mac Ilcx 40CPU Computer w Exec. Asst. 1 $4,724 $4,724 X 4/10/90 Color Monitor and Apple Keyboard 4122-7044 Mac SE Hard Disk 20 CPU Office Asst. 3 $2,093 $6,279 X 4/10/90 Computers w/ Apple Keyboards Admin. Analyst Sr. Office Asst. 4122-7044 1 MB Memory Upgrades Exec. Asst. 1 $350 $350 X 4/10/90 4122-7044 Laserwriter IINT Shared Use 1 $3,424 $3,424 X 4/10/90 4122-7044 Compaq w/ Color Monitor Deputy City Mgr. 1 $3,000 $3,000 X 4/10/90 Totals: 7 $13,591 $17,777 Public Safety Commission 01.4123 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12-31-09) ACCOUNT -'--' --------- PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION 1 4123 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 1 4123 3300 MILEAGE 1 4123 3900 MAINT d OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT TOTAL • 0/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 80-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 ------ 0 0 2,900 2,900 2,900 0 0 300 300 300 0 0 500 500 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,700 3,700 3.700 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division: I Program: I Account Number: PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION I PUBLIC SAFETY I 01-4123 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object -N-o-.Description of Items 6 Individual Dollar Amounts ---------- I ---------------------------------- ---------- 3100 (TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS ------------ C.S.T.I. $2,400 I misc. $500 Subtotal: I I 3300 IMILEAGE I 1 3900 (OPERATIONS 6 MAINTENANCE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1231fm2a.wk1 I I (Fiscal Yearl 1990-91 1-----------1 l Budget 1 -----------1 I I I I I I $2,900 l $300 $500 . I TOTAL I $3,700 I 1 Emergency Preparedness 01.4125 r a • BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND ---EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 4125 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 0 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 1 4125 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 1 4125 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 1 4125 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 1 4125 3300 MILEAGE 1 4125 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 1 4125 3901 TRAINING EDUCATION 1 4125 3931 VEHICLE MAINT.6 OPERATIONS 1 4125 3956 DUES 1 4125 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 1 4125 6027 HAZARDOUS WASTE REMOVAL 1 4125 6026 CONTRACT SERVICES 1 4125 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND. -EQUIPMENT 1 4125 7045 CAPITAL EXPEND. -VEHICLES DEPARTMENT TOTAL DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NGR 1990/91 31,180 83,471 115,739 61944 52,466 122,683 121,525 130,305 147,430 0 2,131 1,500 0 857 11500 3,500 3,500 3,500 0 0 40,509 (40,509) 0 0 42,534 45,606 51,600 118 20,394 14,720 0 3,405 14,720 0,965 8,995 8,995 113 335 2,000 0 21 21000 2,500 2,500 2,500 10,948 24,115 30,273 0 5,546 30,273 32,575 31,955 31,955 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,184 3,419 3,000 0 0 3,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 250 40 300 0 150 300 400 580 580 0 0 836 (836) 0 0 738 1,051 1,051 0 0 0 0 13,169 0 0 0 0 653 6,360 33,306 (2,062) 24,734 31,244 25,389 51,485 51,485 17,095 61,764 6,800 0 0 6,800 0 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62,201 202,029 248,983 (36,663) 100,949 212,520 240,126 281,477 304,596 Department: • Position Classification Title Dis. Prep. Manager Dis. Prep. Specialist Secretary Mgmt.Aralyst I Subtotal: Merit Contingency Subtotal: Fringe Benefits Subtotal: Part -Time Tota': • eocbudgt\ 1251fml 0 wkt PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal,, Year Administration Division:Dis. Preparedness 1990/91 01-4125 Position Quota Appropriations j '— ------------------------------ -------------------------------1 1Currentl Dept. I Mgr. 1, Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted I I Level 1 Rant. I kcmd. IAdopted 1 Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget 1 --- 1---I------- 100$1 I 100$1 -------' --------' 1C0$1 --------- I---------- 100$1 $50,000 1 $50,000 I---------- I I $54,780 1 lo0$j 100$1 100$1 100$1 $26,500 $26,500 1 $29,370 1 1 100$1 100$1 100$1 100$1 $21,600 1 $21,600 1 $22,660 1 100%] 100%1 i00%� 100$1 $26,000 1 $26,000 I E33,600 1 I i !$124,10C $124,100 1 $140,410 $6,205 $6,205 1 $7,021 I I I I 1$130,305 1 I I $130,305 1 $147,431 1 I I 1 $45,606 1 $45,506 1 $51,60C I I 1$175,911 1 $175,911 1 $199,030 1 I I I I I I i I I $0 I $o I I I $0 1 I I I I I I I I I I i i i I I I I I I 1 I i I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I i i I I I I 1 I I I I I i I I i I I I I 1$175,911 1 I I I I I I I I I I I i i I i I i i i I I I I I I I I $175,911 1 $199,030 1 I I I i I I I I I I I i I I I I i i I i I i i I I I COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Fisc-------- Department/Division: I Program: I Account Number:Fiscal Year Administration I -Disaster -Preparedness --------- .01-4125 ----1 1990/91 -- I -------------------------- ---------- Object No.j Description of Items 6 Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1100 (Regular Salary 1 1200 10vertime 1 1900 lFringe Benefits 1 3100 1Meetings & Travels 1 CSTI EOC Procedure -Aide, Coor.,Tech j CSTI Earthquake (designated City Staff) In -House Training-Emerg. Mgt. 1 SCESA 1 SCEEP - Quarterly Meeting 1 SCESA Annual Conference Local WEEP Monthly Mtg. MMASC (Tony Flores) I 3300 jMileage I 390C IMaintenance 6 Operations Water - (Barrels) Office Supplies Pub. Ed. Materials Training Materials Training Program Small Tools Publications/Subscriptions ;ECC Equipment 3-50 Persor Packs @350 per pac'i. 20 Strechers @90 ea. Training -Emergency Response Team(New eocbuc,t\ 125LFM2.wk1 i 0 $147,430 I j $3,500 $51,600 I 51,995 � $4,400 $500 $250 $100 $1,350 $100 $300 Subtotal: $2,00, $2,250 $5,000 $2,000 $1,000 $200 $500 $1,050 $1,800 $3,OOC ; Subtotal: I Subtotal(pg.1) $8,995 $2,500 $1P,800 � t $232,825 I COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division: j Program: j Account Number:lFiscal Year j • Administration f Disaster Preparedness j 01-4125 1 1990/91 j --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------� Object No.1 Description of Items S Individual Dollar Amounts 1 Budget 1 ----------I---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- (Cont'd) j Subtotal (Pg.l)j $232,825 j 3900 IEOC Equip I i I i j Computer Software j Misc. 1 Quake Grip to secure computer equip Printing of EOC S.O.P'S 20 Cots @ 100 ea 1 50 Blankets Printing ci Emery Manuals 1 Film and Videro Tapes 1 2-16 I j 3931 jVehicle Maintance 3956 jDues SCESA 1 National Emerg Mgnt Assoc 1 Bi-Ceep j ASPA-Tony Flores MMASC-Tony Flores j 3960 1General Liability i 6027 [Hazardous Waste Removal j 6028 1Contract Services I Maintenance on Generator Mctorla Maint on 16 channel Max Tract Radios j 5 Pager Rentals 1 Motorla - Maint on Micro wave system j Computer Maintenance j MIS Administration j Secretarial Services I eocbudgt\ 1 125LFM21.wk1 70TAL $705 $500 $5,000 $500 $2,000 $200 $2,500 $750 Subtotal: I $13,155 $2,500 $125 $100 1 j $250 $55 $50 Subtotal: j $580 1 1 $1,051 j I $25,000 $425 1 $3,024 j $1,440 j $3,000 1 $2,080 j $14,516 $2,000 j Subtotal: 1 I (Pg. 2) I $26,485 $301,596 • COST CENTER DFA.IL WORKSHEET --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Department/Division: iprogram: Account Number:IFiscal Year Administration Disaster Preparedness 01-4125 1990/91 - ----------- - -------------------------------------------------' Obj-ect----Na--',----------Description of Items 6 Individual Dollar Amounts j Budget ----------I Subtotal(pg.2) $301,59E I I I 1044 ICapital Expenditures -Equipment Land/Sea Container $3,000 I I � Subtotal: $3,000 � I I � I I � I � I � I i eocbudgt\ 125LFM20.wk1 �ota':: $304,59E COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUEST FORM 1990/91 • Department: Admin./Disaster Prep, Fiscal Year: 1990/91 C J Account Number Software Identification Serial Number/ID of Computer Unit where Oty Unit cosi Estimated Cost Resource Center Use Only Approved Dented Date Software is to be Installed 0 4125-3900 P.C. Link Mac SE F84589XMSO I I 1 $115 $115 $t15 VerseTerm Pro Mac SE F84589XM5011 1 $225 $225 $225 Upgrades(WordPerfect,Excel Mac SE and IBM 6 $80 $480 $480 MacDraft, Pagemaker, 0 IBM Wordperfect, SuperPeint) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals: 1 B 420 820 S705 115 COMPUTER GBLINO MISC REQUEST FORM 1990/91 wDepartment: Admin./Dlsester Prep. Fiscal Year: 1990/91 is 0 Accountb, cunt Number Cabling Mist; Needs Location/Computer Unit OlY Unit Coal Estimated Cost Resource Center Use Only Apprwea Denied Date 4125-3900 One Mac SE to Single Printer Mrgmnl Analyst 1 $110 S110 silo MISC. Cabling DIs. Prep. Office 1 $110 $110 $110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals: 1 2 220 220 0 220 COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM 1990/91 • Department: Admin./Disaster Prep. Fiscal Year: 1990/91 11 Account Number Contract Services Justification Oly Unit Cost Estimated Cost Resource Center Use Only Approved Denied Date 4125-6028 Mac SE/f84589xMS011 Mint Contract 1 $575 $575 $575 IBM Maint. Contract 1 $509 $509 $509 TosMDe 351C Printer Maint. Contract 1 $276 $276 $276 ImapeWriler UQ Maint. Contract 1 $720 $720 $720 Hardware and Software Tralnin0 Maintain Max. Efficiency 1 $900 $900 $900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM 1990/91 • Department: Flscel Year: 1990/91 E s- Account Number Now/ or Replaces EQUIP ME NT IDENT IFICATION& JUST IFICATION OF NEED Estimate Cost New Lena/See Container3 000 Subtotal: $3.000 Subtotal: 3 000 TOTAL: 3 000 City Clerk 01-4126 N w 0 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 08-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 GENERAL FUND ---CITY CLERK 1 4126 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 44,366 68,003 121,527 7,292 29,257 128,819 150,532 122,453 132,636 1 4126 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 0 12 4,800 0 0 4,800 4,500 4,500 4,500 1 4126 1300 PARTTIME PAYROLL 5,167 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,300 1 4126 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 0 0 42,534 (42,534) 0 0 52,686 39,712 46,423 1 4126 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 2,021 4,200 4,150 0 1,611 4,150 4,750 3,500 3,500 1 4126 3300 MILEAGE 23 91 300 0 0 300 300 300 300 1 4126 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 41,550 33,557 55,450 0 8,627 25,000 56,900 57,805 57,805 1 4126 3956 DUES 270 435 702 0 0 702 475 475 475 1 4126 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 0 0 1,815 (1,015) 0 0 1,000 1,200 1,200 1 4125 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES (ELECTIONS) 13,129 37,552 120,922 (4,500) 54,446 50,000 20,271 55,692 55,692 1 4126 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND. -EQUIPMENT 2,793 10,244 0 0 0 0 20,195 16,300 16,300 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 109,319 154,104 352,200 (41,557) 93,942 223,771 319,609 301,947 329,131 E PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Department: Administration I Dept. I Position Quota Position ------------------------ Rcmd. I Rcmd. Classification 1Currentl Dept. I Mgr. I Title I Level Rcmd. I Rcmd. 1 -------------------1-------1------- City Clk/Records Mgr1 100%1 I 100%1 ------- I 100$1 Deputy City Clerk 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 Asst.Dep.City Clerk 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 Minute Clerk 1 0%1 100%1 0%1 Records Clerk 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 Records Clerk I 0%I i 100%1 0%1 I Subtotal: I ! i I i I Merit Contingency i I 1 I I Subtotal: I Fringe Benefits I I 1 I 1 I Total: 1 I 1 I I I I I I Part-time/Rec.Clerk I I I 0 1 I I 0%1 I I 50%1 I I I GRAND TOTAL: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 126LFM1A.wkl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I Fiscal Year Division:City Clerk 1990/91 01-4126 Appropriations I Dept. I Mgr. Adopted Adopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. 1 Budget --- ---I----------1----------1--------- 100%1 $39,936 1 $39,936 1 $51,340 100%1 $26,532 1 $26,532 1 $29,080 100%1 $22,656 1 $22,656 1 $25,290 0%1 $17,652 1 SO 1 $0 100%1 $18,936 1 $18,936 1 $20,610 0 1 $17,652 1 $0 1 $0 1 $143,364 1 $106,060 1 $126,320 I $7,168 1 $5,403 1 $6,316 $150,532 I $113,463 1 $132,636 1 $52,686 1 $39,712 I $46,423 1 $203,218 1 $153,175 1 $179,059 1 50%1 $0 1 $9,000 1 $10,300 $203,218 1 $162,175 $189,359 .• • r 1 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division: l Program: I Account mUmoer:lrlscal Tear 1 Administration City Clerk 1 01-4126 1 1990/91 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------� Object No.1 Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget ---------- 1100 I---------------------------------------------------------------- IRegular Salary ------------ $132,636 1200 10vertime $4,500 1300 I Part -Time Salary $10,300 1900 lFringe Benefits $46,423 3100 ITravel & Meetings City Clerk's Association (CCASC) $320 League of California Cities $800 City Clerk's State Conference (CCAC) $720 1 Assoc. of Records Mgrs. Administrators (ARMA) $410 Cont. Education for Public Officials (CEPO) $600 New Law Seminar $570 Local Meetings as Required $80 Subtotal: $3,500 3300 IMileage Staff Reimbursement & .26 $300 $300 3900 IMaintenance & Operations Code Updates Municipal $5,000 State $2,500 Legal Advertising $30,000 Office Supplies $8,000 Municipal Codes (10) $3,000 Microfilm Supplies $8,000 Software Upgrades $1,305 Subtotal; $57,805 3956 IDues City Clerk's Association of California $125 International Institute of Municipal Clerks $150 Association of Records Managers $200 Subtotal: $475 3960 lGeneral Liability $1,200 6028 lContract Services Maintenance Agreements (Equipment) $7,500 Microfilm Services (35MM) $7,000 Off -Site Storage (Vital Records) $1,000 Election $7,000 MIS Administration $28,898 Computer Maintenance $4,294 Subtotal: $55,592 7044 ICapital Equipment Auto Microfiche Jacket Titler $5,528 Auto Jacket Loader $7,741 Reader / Printer 4000 $3,031 Subtotal: $16,300 126LFM2a.wkl TOTAL: $329,131 COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUEST FORM 6rtment: Administration / City Clerk Fiscal Year: 1990/91 01-4126 126LFM1a.wkl Totals: 4 $1,305 $1,305 $1,305 $0 Resource Center Use Only Account Numbers Software Identification Serial Number/ID of I Qty I Unit jEstimated Cost -----------------------------I Computer Unit where I I Cost I I Approved Denied Date 15oftware is to be installed -------------- -------------------------- 4126-3900 lWordperfect I --------------------------- ----- I 101d 1 1 --------- $245 I -------------- I 1 $245 1 ---------- $245 -------- --------- 1 104-16-90 ABR -425 Jacket Indexer 100692 1 1 $350 1 $350 1 $350 1 104-16-90 1 Lotus 123 101d 1 1 $310 1 $310 1 $310 1 104-16-90 Upgrade: Lotus/WordperfectjOld 1 1 $400 1 $400 1 $400 1 104-16-90 1 126LFM1a.wkl Totals: 4 $1,305 $1,305 $1,305 $0 0 • 0 COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM Department: Administration / City Clerk 01-4126 Account NumberlContract 4125-6028 126LFM5a.wkl Servicesl Justification IIBM PC (Color Monitors IMono Monitors (Diablo Printer 1HP Lazer. IToshiba Ilan I Fiscal Year 1990/91 --------------- I I ------------------ I � --- Resource Center I I I I I Use Only i IQtyl Unit (Estimated Cost I ------------------------------I 1 I Cost I 1Approvedl Denied I Date 1 I-- I----------I-----------------I--------I----------I----------I l 5 1 $358 1 $1,790 1 $1,790 1 104-16-90 I 13 1 $151 1 $453 1 $453 I 104-16-90 I 1 2 1 $69 I $138 I $138 1 104-16-90 I 1 1 1 $607 I $607 1 $607 1 104-16-90 1 1 1 1 $690 I $690 1 $690 I 104-16-90 1 1 1 1 $276 1 $276 I $276 I 104-16-90 I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I li i $1,200 I $1,200 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I $0 1 $1,200 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I II 11 104-16-90 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 ------------ 1433----3-351----- Totals: 14 $3,351 $5,154 $3,954 $1,200 • • CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM Department: Administration / City Clerk Fiscal Year 01-4126 1990/91 --ZEun--------- ---------------------------------------------------------a---- 1 New/ or I � Estimate � Number ----------- I Replaces ---------- 1EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION 6 JUSTIFICATION OF NEED ------------------------------------------------- Cost -----------� 4126-7044 1 New lAutomatic Microfiche Jacket Titler $5,528 1 New jAutomatic Jacket Loader $7,741 New Reader/Printer 4000 $3,031 1261fm3a.wkl TOTAL $16,300 • COMPUTER HARDWARE REQUEST FORM Department: Administration/City Clerk Fiscal Year: 1990/91 01-4126 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I weso Unit I I Account Numberl Hardware Description I Mork Area 1Qty I Cost 1Estimated Cost I ---------- I Identification I Location I I I I Approved -------------- 4126-7044 I ------------------------- (Compaq 286e I -------------- (City I ---- Clerk 1 I ----------1--------- 1 1 $2,500 1 $2,500 4126-7044 1 1Color Monitor I I I 1 (City I I I 1 Clerk 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 $500 1 I I I I I I $500 E 126LFM4a.wkl 0 rce Center Use Only ------------------- Denied I Date I -------- I ----------1 $2,500 104-16-90 1 1 1 $500 104-16-90 1 Totals: 2 $3,000 $3,000 $0 $3,000 Administrative SUcsJAdmin. 014150 • BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND ---ADMIN SERV/ADMIN 4150 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 1 1150 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 1 4150 1300 PARTTIME PAYROLL 1 1150 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 1 1150 3100 TRAVEL A MEETINGS 1 1150 3300 MILEAGE 1 1150 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 1 4150 3901 TRAINING 6 EDUCATION 1 4150 3931 VEHICLE NAINT. OPERATIONS w 0 1 1150 3956 DUES 1 4150 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 1 1150 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 1 1150 7011 CAPITAL E%PEN.-EQUIPMENT DEPARTMENT TOTAL CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 81-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 125,692 137,109 92,321 6,139 69,676 98,463 101,535 161,567 111,825 59 22 300 0 0 300 300 300 300 11,517 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32,313 (32,313) 0 0 35,537 57,605 61,189 2,891 3,222 11000 0 2,069 4,000 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,624 5,757 4,000 0 1,414 4,000 4,500 4,500 1,500 4,742 3,065 3,000 0 669 3,000 3,100 3,100 3,100 0 557 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 156 719 625 0 125 62S 770 770 770 0 0 486 (486) 0 0 186 486 486 4,116 2,015 36,948 (3,281) 33,831 33,664 22,030 16,596 16,596 0 3,067 0 648 648 616 0 0 0 154,457 155,657 173,996 (29,296) 108,431 111,700 172,SS8 252,211 266,066 L.J • is PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year Department: Administrative Services Division: Administration 1990/91 01-4150 I Position Quota I Appropriations Position I --------------------------------I I I I $18,410 1 I $17,000 I $17,000 I ----�----- Classification 1Currentl Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept. Title I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. (Adopted I Rcmd. --------------------- I------- Admin. Serv. Dir. **1 I------- 40%1 I------- 40%1 I -------- 40%1 I 40%1 ---------- $34,000 Mgmt. Analyst I *1 0%1 100%1 100%1 100%I $41,600 Receptonist *1 0%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $18,350 Administrative Secy. 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $25,800 Office Specialist II 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $20,000 Office Services Clerk] 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $17,000 Subtotal: I I I I I I I I I I $156,750 Merit Contingency Subtotal: Fringe Benefits 1 Total: 1 I I Redevelopment Agency 1 Admin. Serv. Director] Subtotal: I Merit Contingency Fringe Benefits Total I I I I I I 20%1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I 20%1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ] I I I I 20%1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I ] $7,838 $164,588 ] I $57,606 1 $222,193 I Mgr. I Adopted Rcmd. I Budget 1 $34,000 1 $36,820 1 1 $41,600 1 $41,020 1 1 $16,350 1 $18,750 1 1 $25,800 1 $28,360 1 1 $20,000 1 $22,320 1 1 $17,000 1 $19,230 1 1 $156,750 1 $166,500 1 I I I 1 $7,838 1 $8,325 1 I $164,588 1 $174,825 1 I I I I $57,606 1 $61,189 1 $222,193 1 $236,014 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 $17,000 1 I I I $17,000 1 I I I $18,410 1 I $17,000 I $17,000 I $18,410 I I I 1 $850 1 I $850 1 I $921 1 I I 1 $5,950 1 I $5,950 1 I $6,444 1 I I I $23,800 I I $23,800 I I $25,774 I * Mgmt. Analyst I: Reflects transfer of Financial Analyst from Finance Division. * Information C1erk:Reflects transfer of Information Clerk from Finance Division. ** Admin. Serv. Dir.: Distributed as follows: 40% Admin. Serv./Administration 40% Admin. Serv./Personnel 20% Redevelopment Agency 150LFMla.wkl • COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET -------------------------------------9----------------------------Numb---------------I Department/Division: Pro ram: Account Number: Fiscal Year Administrative Services Administration I 01-4150 ( 1990/91 ----------------------------- Object N -o ------------------------------------------ - Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts - -----------1 I Budget I ---------- 1100 I---------------------------------------------------------------- IRegular Salary I ------------ I $174,825 I 1200 I (Overtime I I I $300 1 1900 1 (Fringe Benefits 1 I $61,189 I 3100 i ITravel & Meetings I I I I League of California Cities Annual Conference $800 I I Parma Annual Conference $1,000 I 1 I Prima Annual Conference $1,250 I GFOA Annual Conference $1,250 I I Subtotal: i $4,300 I 3300 I IMileage I I I I Staff Reimbursement $3,000 I Use of Pool Car (Mail and Misc Meetings) $1,500 I I Subtotal: I $4,500 I I I 3900 I IMaintenance & Operations � I II • Office Supplies $2,100 I I Training and Education $1,000 I I I Subtotal: I $3,100 I I I 3956 I (Dues & Subscriptions I I I I CMTA $70 I I CSMFO $100 I I Rotary $300 I Subscriptions $300 I I Subtotal: $770 I 3960 I IGeneral Liability I i I $486 6028 I (Contract Services I I I I I Computer Maintenace $2,797 I MIS Administration $13,799 I I I Subtotal: $16,596 I I i I I I Total: I I � I I I $266,066 I 150LFM2a.wkl • • • 0 COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUEST FORM Department:Aministrative Services / Administration 01-4150 Fiscal Year: 1990/91 -------------I---------------- Resource Center Use Only Account NumbelSoftware Identification] Serial Number/ID of jQty I Unit jEstimatedl---------------- Computer Unit where I I Cost I jApprovedl Denied Software is to be installed) I I I I ------------ I----------------------- 01-4150-3900 lWordperfect MAC I--------------------------- I ---- I---------- INew Position: Analyst I 1 1 $205 I--------- I -------- 1 $205 1 I------- $205 1 )Excel INew Position: Analyst ( 1 1 $289 1 $289 1 $289 1 Page Maker 4.0 INew Position: Analyst 1 1 $398 1 $398 1 $398 1 [SAM INew Position: Analyst I 1 s88 I s88 1 $88 Fastback MAC INew Position: Analyst 1 1 $125 1 $125 1 $125 1 150LFM7a.wkl Totals: 5 $1,105 $1,105 NOTE : 1990/91 Budget = 0 ; to be funded from 1989/90 monies. Date X04-16-901 X04-16-9DI X04-16-901 X04-16-901 X04-16-901 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • • 11 COMPUTER HARDWARE REQUEST FORM Department: Administrative Services / Administration 01-4150 I Account Numberl Hardware Description I Identification 01-4150-70441MAC II, Monitor, Video I Card, Keyboard I (MAC 1mb Memory I ILaserwriter II NT 150LMF4a.wkl Fiscal Year 1990/91 I I I I I Resource Center I I I Unit I I Use Only I Work Area (Qty I Cost (Estimated Cost I------------------------------ Location I I I I Approved I Denied I Date -------------- I ---- I INew Position: I I ---------- I---------------1---------- I I I-------- I---------- I I I Analyst 11 l $4,724 I $4,724 I $4,724 I 104-16-90 I I I I 1 Analyst 1 1 1 $350 I 1 $350 I 1 $350 I 1 104-16-90 I I I I 1 Analyst 1 1 1 I I I I I I I II I $3,424 I I $3,424 I I 11 I 1 $3,424 I I I I 1 104-16-90 I I I I I I Totals: 3 $8,498 $8,498 $8,498 $0 NOTE: 1990/91 Budget r 0; To be funded from 1989/90 monies. Finance 01.4151 L� BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) . DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACCOUNT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 GENERAL FUND ---FINANCE 1 4151 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 137,593 204,573 305,852 (17,119) 116,453 288,403 521,567 334,845 377,559 1 4151 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 0 352 1,000 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1 4151 1300 PARTTIME PAYROLL 1,526 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1 4151 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 0 0 107,018 (107,048) 0 0 182,548 117,195 132,146 1 4151 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 1,378 1,599 950 0 511 950 3,900 3,100 3,100 1 4151 3300 MILEAGE 353 3,008 3,500 (585) 231 2,915 3,500 3,500 3,500 1 4151 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 13,229 12,452 24,871 (216) 13,502 24,655 33,320 31,990 31,990 1 4151 3901 TRAINING 6 EDUCATION 508 248 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4151 3956 DUES 231 254 465 0 50 465 1,100 1,100 1,100 1 4151 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 0 0 1,335 (1,335) 0 0 1,410 1,410 1,410 1 4151 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 43,143 11,535 103,696 27,284 111,130 130,980 99,100 109,831 109,831 - 1 4151 7044 CAPITAL E%PEN.-EQUIPMENT 34,869 4,362 2,800 5,000 0 7,000 9,000 6,000 6,000 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 232,824 301,383 $51,517 (94,349) 241,910 457,168 857,115 610,971 668,636 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Department: Administrative Services Division: Finance Fiscal Year --------------------------------------------- 4151 01- ---------------- ------- 1990/91 --- I Position Quota I Appropriations 1 PositionI---- --------------------------1---------------------------------1 Classification ICurrentl Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted I Title I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. (Adopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget I -------------------- I------- Finance Officer 1 I 90$1 ------- I------- 90$1 I-------- 90$1 I---------- 9011 I---------- $50,730 1 I $60,730 ----------- I 1 $65,450 1 Accounting Manager 1 9011 9011 9011 9011 $36,000 1 $36,000 1 $40,800 1 Financial Analyst *1 10011 10011 011 011 $41,600 1 $0 1 $0 1 Accountant I 011 20011 10011 10011 $75,660 1 $37,830 1 $38,260 1 Account Technician *1 8011 011 011 011 $0 I $o 1 $0 1 Accts.Payable Supervl 10011 10011 10011 10011 $29,340 1 $29,340 1 $31,180 1 Account Clerks 1 40011 400%1 40011 50011 $66,000 1 $86,000 1 $132,240 1 Acct. Technicians 1 10011 20011 20011 10011 $45,000 1 $45,000 1 $26,850 1 Cashier/Acct.Clerk 1 10011 10011 10011 10011 $24,000 1 $24,000 1 $24,800 1 Senior Office Asst. 1 10011 011 011 011 $0 I SO I $o I Information Clerk *1 10011 011 011 011 $0 I $0 I $o I Subtotal: I l I I 1 $398,330 1 $318,900 1 $359,580 I Merit Contingency I l I I I $19,917 I $15,945 i $17,979 I Subtotal: I 1 I I I $418,247 1 $334,845 1 $377,559 I Fringe Benefits I I I I I $146,386 I $117,195 I $132,146 1 Total: l I l l l $564,633 1 $452,040 I $509,705 I i Redevelopment Agencyl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Finance Officer I 1011 1011 1021 1 $6,750 1 $6,750 1 $7,280 1 Acct. Manager I 1011 1011 1011 1 $3,600 1 $3,600 1 $4,540 1 Account Technician 1 2011 011 011 1 $0 I $0 I $o I Accountant I 10011 10011 10011 1 $38,600 1 $38,600 1 $40,220 Subtotal: I I I I l $48,950 1 $48,950 1 $52,040 1 I Merit Contingency I i I I l I I I I 1 $2,448 1 $2,448 1 1 1 $2,602 1 Subtotal: I I I I I $51,398 I $51,398 1 $54,642 Fringe Benefits 1 1 I I i $17,989 1 $17,989 1 $19,125 Total: 1 I I I I $69,387 1 $69,387 I $73,767 I I Fire District: 1 I I I I I I I I I I I Account Technician 1 10011 10011 10011 l $20,680 I $20,680 1 $25,800 Merit Contingency I l I l l $1,034 1 $1,034 I $1,290 Subtotal: 1 I l I l $21,714 1 $21,714 I $27,090 Fringe Benefits I I i I I $7,600 I $7,600 1 $9,482 Total: 1 I I I I I I I I I $29,314 I I $29,314 1 $36,572 I * Financial Analyst: Position transferred to Admin. Services/Admin. Div. * Account Technician: * Information Clerk: Position transferred to Position transferred to Admin.Services/City Treasurer Admin. Services/Admin. Div. Div. lotus:151LFMlA.wkl COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET -------------------------------------9------------i-----------------------I-----------j Department/Division: Pro ram: Account Number: Fiscal Year Administrative Services j Finance 1 01-4151 j 1990/91 j -------------------------------- No. ------------------- No.I Description of Items & Indiv - - j--------------- 1100 jRegular Payroll 1200 10vertime Payroll 1 1300 jPart-Time Payroll 1 1900 jFringe Benefits 1 3100 (Travel & Meetings j CSAC/League Legislative Seminar j GFOA National Conference j CSMFO Annual Conference j Miscellaneous Meetings j 3300 (Mileage I Mileage Allowance I City Pool Vehicle 1 3900 (Maintenance & Operations •I Office & Computer Supplies j Printing (CAFR'S & BUDGET) j Misc. Equipment & Furniture Training & Education Computer Software 3956 (Dues CMTA j CSMFO j GFOA j Local Memberships 1 3960 jOeneral Liability 6028 jContract Services j Office & Computer Equipment Maintenance MIS Administration Charge Sales & Use Tax Audit j Wang File Maintenance i 7044 jCapital Equipment j Compaq & Laser Printer - Accountant j j lotus:151LFM2A.wkl Subtotal $800 j $1,000 j $800 $500 j j j $3,000 j $500 j Subtotal: $10,500 $15,000 $2,000 $2,500 $1,990 Subtotal: $50 $150 $700 $200 Subtotal: Budget ----------- $377,559 j j $1,000 $1,000 i j $132,146 j j 1 I $31,990 $1,100 j $1,410 I I $10,000 $82,831 $5,000 $12,000 j Subtotal: $109,831 $6,000 $6,000 j Total: $668,636 COMPUTER CABLING MISC REQUEST FORM • Department: Finance Fiscal Year: 1990/91 01-4151 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ �. Resource Center Use Only Account Number Cabling 6 Misc Needs Location/Computer Unit I Qty I Unit JEstimated Cost ----------------------------- I Cost I I Approved I Denied I Date ---------------- I----------------------- 4151-3900 ICables I----------------------- I----- I---------- Finance/Compaq 1 2 1 I-------------- I----------- $110 1 $220 1 I --------- I------- 1 1 $220 14-16-901 SAB Switch Boxes 1 (Finance/Compaq I 1 1 1 1 1 $60 1 $60 1 1 1 1 $60 14-16-901 1 1 1 Ll lotus: 151LFM6A.wkl Totals: 3 $170 $280 $0 $280 Department: Account Number 4151-3900 0 1511fm7a.wkl COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUEST FORM Finance Fiscal Year: 1990/91 01-4151 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I I I I I Resource Center I I I I I I Use Only I Software Identification I Serial Number/ID of I Qty I Unit (Estimated Cost1------------------------------ Computer Unit where I I Cost I I Approved I Denied I Date I ISoftware is to be installed) I I I I I I-------------------------- 1Word Perfect 5.1 I --------------------------- I----- (Compaq-Acct.Sup.&Accountantl 2 I ------------ 1 $250 I -------------- I---------- 1 $500 1 I---------- $500 1 I------- 104-16-90 ILotus 123 1Compaq - Accountant 1 1 1 $310 1 $310 1 $310 1 104-15-90 1Harvard Graphics (Compaq-Acct.Sup.6Accountantl 2 1 $290 1 $580 1 $580 1 104-16-90 Ilmpress (Compaq-F.M.;Acct.Sup;Acct. 1 3 1 $200 1 $600 1 $600 1 104-16-90 so I I I I I so I I I I I I I so I I I I I I I so I I I I I I I so I I I 1 I I I so I I I I I I I so I I I I I I sol I I so I I I I I I I sol I I I I I 1 I sol I I I I I I I so I I i I I I I so I I I I I I I so I I I I I I I so I I I I I I I so I I I I I I I so I I 1 I I I I sol I I I I I I I so I I i I I I I sol I I I I I I I so I I Totals: 8 $1,050 $1,990 $1,990 $0 Ll Department: Finance Account Numbers Contract Services -------------�------------------- -4151-6028 JIBM INBI Sys. 64 Compaq Printer: Dot Matrix SPT 200 lColor Monitor jImpact Printer ILasar Printer IN81 Printer INBI 3 lotus: 151LFM5A.wkl COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM Fiscal Year: 1990/91 Totals: 22 16,311 19,050 19,050 10 Resource Center Use Only Justification jQtyl Unit jEstimated Cost I------------------------------ � Cost I jApprovedl Denied I Date ------------------ IMaintenance Serv. I --- I ---------- 1 3 1 $358 I --------------- 1 $1,074 -------- ---------- $1,074 I---------- 104-16-90 Share 1 User 1 1 1 $340 1 1340 1 1340 1 104-16-90 1 Maintenance Serv. 12 I 1302 1 1604 1 1604 1 104-16-90 Maintenance Serv. 1 3 1 1276 1 1928 1828 1 104-16-90 Maintenance Serv. 1 5 1 $179 1 1895 1895 1 104-16-90 1 Maintenance Serv. 1 4 1 1151 1 1604 1 1604 1 104-16-90 1 Maintenance Serv. I 1 I 13,420 1 13,420 1 13,420 1 104-16-90 Maintenance Serv. I 1 1 1690 1 1690 1 1690 ( 104-15-90 1 Maintenance Serv. 1 1 1 1308 1 13D8 1 1308 1 104-16-90 Maintenance Serv. 11 1 $287 1 $287 1 1287 1 104-16-90 1 Totals: 22 16,311 19,050 19,050 10 COMPUTER HARDWARE REQUEST FORM Department: Finance 40 01-4151 Account Numberl Hardware Description I Work Area 1 Identification I Location -------------- I ------------------------- I ----------- 4151-?044 1Compaq - Accountant (finance (Color Monitor -Accountant (finance ILasar Printer -Accountant (Finance I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I � • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 151LMF4.wkl • Totals: Fiscal Year: I I 1 Unit (Qty I Cost I I I 1 I $2,500 1 1 I $500 I 1 I $3,000 $6,000 1990/91 I I Resource Center 1 1 I Use Only 1 (Estimated Cost I_ I ----------------------------- Approved I Denied I Date I --------------- I ---------- I -------- I ---------- 1 $2,500 I $2,500 I 104-16-90 I 1 $500 1 $500 I 104-16-90 1 1 $3,000 1 $3,000 1 104-16-90 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I $6,000 $6,000 $0 Licensing 01.4152 a N 9 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND ---LICENSING 1 4152 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 1 4152 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 1 4152 1300 PARTTIME PAYROLL 1 4152 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 1 4152 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 1 4152 3300 MILEAGE 1 4152 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 1 4152 3901 TRAINING 6 EDUCATION 1 4152 3956 DUES 1 4152 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 1 4152 6028 CONTRACT SERVIC 1 4152 7044 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 59,281 59,412 68,775 4,127 31,624 72,902 106,050 88,383 102,155 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 0 0 887 1,000 600 1,582 1,600 0 0 0 0 0 24,071 (24,071) 0 0 37,118 30,934 35,754 640 070 1,100 585 1,064 1,685 1,700 1,300 1,300 175 54 200 0 152 200 5,000 2,000 2,000 4,568 5,355 9,500 3,788 6,299 13,284 10,100 10,700 10,700 0 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 40 55 0 40 55 70 70 70 0 0 359 (359) 0 0 519 519 519 22,235 24,703 0 9,640 0 40,000 35,596 35,596 3,361 1,537 0 0 0 19,000 21,000 21,000 90,290 92,937 105,560 (15,338) 50,402 90,226 220,157 191,502 210,094 Is 0 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year Department: Administrative Services Division: Licensing 1990/91 -------------------- ------------------ ----- Position Quota --- ----- ---------- --------- Appropriations 1 PositionI--------------------------------j-------------------------------1 Classification 1Currentl Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept. I Mgr. Adopted 1 Title I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. (Adopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget 1 1 --------------------1------- Business Lic. Supv. I------- 1 0%1 I------- 0%1 I-------- 0%1 I--------- I---------- 0$1 $0 1 I---------- SO I SO I Business Lic. Tech. 1 200%1 200%1 200$1 100$1 $50,000 1 $50,000 1 $32,450 1 Business Lic. Clerk 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $21,675 1 $21,675 1 $24,180 1 Sr. Bus. Lic. Tech. I 0%I 100%1 0%1 100$1 $30,000 1 $0 1 $27,660 1 Technician/Bus.Lic.*1 0%1 0%1 50%1 50%1 $0 1 $12,500 1 $13,000 1 Subtotal: I I I I 1$101,675 1 $84,175 I $97,290 1 Merit Contingency 1 I I I I $5,084 1 $4,208 I $4,865 1 Subtotal: I I I ( 1$106,759 1 $88,383 1 $102,155 1 I I Fringe Benefits I I I I I I I I I I I $37,366 1 $30,934 1 $35,754 1 Subtotal: 1 1 I I I I I I 1$144,125 I I 1 $119,317 1 $137,909 I I TOTAL: 1 I I I 1$144,125 1 $119,317 1 $137,909 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I * Position shared 50% with Purchasing Division (acct. 401-4153). I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 152LFMla.wkl 1 1 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET ---------------------------i----------------------'----------------------------------- Department/Division: Program: Account Number:I Fiscal Year I Administrative Services I Business Licensing 1 01-4152 1 1990/91 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object No.1 Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts I I Budget I ---------- 1100 I----------------------------------------------------------------I IRegular Salary ------------ 1 $102,155 I 1900 I (Fringe Benefits I $35,754 I I 3100 ( ITravel & Meetings I (Membership & Dues I 1 $70 3960 I CMBTA Quarterly Meetings $200 1 I (Contract Services CMBTA Conference $1,100 I $20,000 I Subtotal: I $1,300 1 3300 IMileage 1 Subtotal: I I I 7044 I Use of City Pool I Vehicle 1 $2,000 I I 3900 IMaintenance & Operations I I Postage $4,500 Office Supplies $2,200 1 1 Printing &-Forms $3,000 (Training & Education $1,000 1 Subtotal: $10,700 3956 I (Membership & Dues I 1 $70 3960 I 1General Liability i 1 $519 6028 I (Contract Services I I Rapid Data/Computer Maintenance $20,000 I MIS Admin Charge $16,596 1 Subtotal: I $36,596 7044 I JCapital Expenditures I I P.C. Network $16,000 I Licensing Software $5,000 I I I I I I Subtotal: I I I i I $21,000 I I I i 1 I I I I I Total: i $210,094 152LFM2a.wkl 00 Department: Admin Sery/Licensing Account Number) Contract Services - ---- - ---- ------------------- 4152-6028 IIBM PC 0 152LFM5a.wkl COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM I Justification ------------------ IMaintenance Serv. Fiscal Year: 1990/91 Resource Center Use Only IQtyl Unit $Estimated Cost I ------------------------------ I Cost I jApprovedl Denied I Date --- --------------------------- -------- ---------- I ---------- 4 $358 $1,432 $1,432 104-16-90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Totals: 4 $358 $1,432 $0 $1,432 • ^00; Department: Admin Services/Licensing Account Numberl Hardware Description --i-----Identification-- 4152-1044 (Personal Computer II I 152LFM4a.wkl COMPUTER HARDWARE REQUEST FORM I 1 Work Area 1 Location (Licensing II I I I I Fiscal Year: 1990/91 ----------------------------------------- Res-- ource Center 1 Unit I 1 Use Only I IQtY I Cosx (Estimated Cost 1------------------------------I I I I I Approved I Denied I Date 1 1----1----------1---------------1----------1-------- I ---------- 1 41 $4,0001 $16,000 l $16,0001 104-16-90 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Totals: 4 $4,000 $16,000 $16,000 $0 COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUEST FORM Administrative Services Department: - Business Licensing --- -- Fiscal Year:- 1990/91 -------------- ------------------ ------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I Resource Center l I I I I I I Use Only I Account Numberl Software Identification I Serial Number/ID of I Qty I Unit (Estimated Costl_ I ------------------------- I I Computer Unit where I I Cost I (Approved 10eniedl Date I I (Software is to be installedl I I I I I I -------------- I -------------------------- I --------------------------- I ----I--------I--------------I---------I------I---------1 01-4152-7044 leus. Licensing Software lBus.Lic.Div.: 4 New PC's I 1 1 $5,000 1 15,000 1 $5,000 1 104-16-90 1 I I I I I I I I i I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 152LFM7a.wkl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Totals: 1 15,000 15,000 15,000 10 cr Purchasing 01-0153 r00 i BUDGET PROJECTION MORNSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12/31/09) ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND ---PURCHASING 1 4153 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 1 4153 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 1 4153 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 1 4153 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 1 4153 3300 MILEAGE 1 4153 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 1 4153 3956 DUES 1 4153 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 1 4153 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 1 4153 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND. -EQUIPMENT 1 4153 7045 CAPITAL EXPEND. -VEHICLES DEPARTMENT TOTAL • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-00 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/09 ACTUAL 1990/91 MDR 1990/91 61,933 74,403 80,199 4,812 37,632 85,011 107,720 103,656 116,561 0 79 1,000 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 28,070 (28,070) 0 0 39,587 36,200 40,796 1,532 1,005 1,400 0 756 1,400 2,100 2,100 2,100 197 27 1,000 0 0 1,000 1,000 11000 11000 1,551 4,035 11,525 0 1,345 3,500 11,450 11,450 11,450 80 45 240 0 0 240 240 240 240 0 0 455 (455) 0 0 455 455 455 5,250 8,894 31,294 (3,400) 29,061 27,886 31,294 24,894 24,694 15,464 1,996 15,000 0 1,905 3,000 5,450 1,800 1,800 0 0 0 0 92,007 90,485 170,103 (27,121) 70,699 123,037 200,296 182,875 200,296 0 • 11 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year Department: Administrative Services Division: Purchasing 1990/91 01-4153 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Position Quota 1 Appropriations 1 PositionI -1 Classification ---------------------------------1----`------------------------ ICurrentl Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted I Title I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Adopted I Rcmd. I Read. I Budget I K ---------------------- g Agent I ------- I 1 100%1 ------- I 100%1 -------1---------1---------- 100%1 100%1 $41,640 I--------- 1 $41,640 I---------- I 1 $46,470 1 Buyer 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $24,780 1 $24,780 1 $29,980 1 Jr. Buyer 1 0%1 100%1 0 1 0 1 $21,500 1 0 1 0 1 Office Specialist 111 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $19,800 1 $19,800 1 $21,560 1 Technician/Bus.Lic. 1 0%1 0%1 50%1 50%1 $0 1 $12,500 1 $13,000 1 Subtotal: 1 i 1 1 $107,720 I1 $98,720 1 $111,010 1 Merit Contingency 1 I 1 1 1 $5,386 1 $4,936 1 $5,551 1 Subtotal: I I I 1 1 $113,106 1$103,656 1 $116,561 1 Fringe Benefits I I I 1 1 $39,587 1 $36,280 1 $40,796 1 Total: I I I 1 1 $152,693 1$139,936 1 $157,357 1 • COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET ------------------ ----------------I--- -------- ------ I-------- ----------------------------- Department/Division: Program: Account Number:lFiscal Year Administrative Services Purchasing 01-4153 1 1990/91 1. --------------------------------- Object -No.1 -- ----------- Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget ----------- 1100 I ---------------------------------------------------------------- JRegular Salary ----- i ------� $116,561 1200 10vertime $1,000 1900 lFringe Benefits $40,796 3100 ITravel & Meetings CA Assn. of Pub. Pch. Officers. Conf. $1,800 Local Assn. of P.P.O. Meetings $300 Subtotal: $2,100 3300 IMileage Staff Mileage Reimbursement $500 Use of Pool Vehicles $500 Subtotal: $1,000 3900 IMaintenance & Operations Office Supplies $1,050 Printing Forms, P.O.s, etc. $7,875 Advertising Bid Notices $1,500 Thomas Register $225 . Postage $100 Training & Education Professional Workshops, Computers, etc. $700 Subtotal: $11,450 3956 IDues CA Assn. of Public Purchasing Officials $180 National Assn. of Purchasing Officials $60 Subtotal: $240 3960 JGeneral Liability $455 6028 JEquipment Maintenance, WANG, NBI $3,418 PMIS Administration $21,476 Subtotal: $24,894 7044 ICapital Outlay Bar Coding Machine/Software $1,800 Subtotal: $1,800 � $200,296 � Total: kl COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM is Fiscal Year Department: Administrative Services Division: Purchasing 1990/91 ----------------------------------------------- I I I I Resource Center 1 I I I I I Use Only I Account Numberl Contract Services I Justification 1Qty1 Unit 1Estimated Cost 1 -------------------------- 1 I I I I Cost I 1ApprovedlDeniedl Date 1 --------- - ---I--------------------- 01-4153-6028 11BM Computer I ------------------ IMaintenance I ---I ---------- 1 3 1 $358 I----------------- 1 $1,074 I--------I------ I ----------I 1 $1,074 1 104-16-90 1 1NB1 1 201 IMaintenance 1 1 1 $483 1 $483 1 $483 1 104-16-90 1 (Printers IMaintenance 1 2 1 $276 1 $552 1 $552 1 104-16-90 1 1Sys 64/Share 3 Users IMaintenance 1 1 1 $1,020 1 $1,020 1 $1,020 1 104-16-90 1 1Mono Monitor IMaintenance 1 2 1 $69 1 $138 1 $138 1 104-16-90 1 1Color Monitor I I I I I I I IMaintenance I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I $151 1 $151 I I I I I I I 1 $151 1 104-16-90 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • 153LMF5b.wki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals: 10 $2,357 $3,418 $3,418 $0 0 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM • Department: Administrative Services Division: Purchasing 01-4153 • J Account I New/ or Number I Replaces JEquipment Identification b Justification of Need 4153-7044 IRepl. lCompaq Deskpro 286 w/Color New jBar Coder Machine/Software New IToshiba Printer, Model :341 1 1 153LFM3b.wk Total: Fiscal Year 1990/91 Estimate � Cost I $0 Idenied $1,800 $0 Idenied $1,800 r Li COMPUTER HARDWARE REQUEST FORM Fiscal Year Department: Administrative Services Division: Purchasing 1990/91 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ( I I I I Resource Center I 1 Unit I I Use Only 1 Account Numberl Hardware Description I York Area ]Qty I Cost ]Estimated Cost I_ 1 ----------------------------- 1 Identification I Location I I I I Approved I Denied I Date 1 ----- -------I-------------------------I--------------I----I----------I---------------I----------I--------I----------I /153-1044 (Compaq Deskpro 286 (Purchasing I 1 1 $3,000 1 $3,000 1 1 $3,000 104-16-90 1 Iw/Color Monitor I I I I I I I I I I I I I (Toshiba Printer, 4341 I I I (Purchasing 11 1 $650 I 1 $650 1 1 $650 104-16-90 1 I I I ]Bar Coding Machine 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1w/Software I (Purchasing 1 1 1 I I I $1,800 1 $1,800 1 I I $1,800 1 104-16-90 1 I I I 153LFM4b.wk1 Totals: 3 $5,450 $5,450 $1,800 $3,650 Risk Management 01.4154 • 0 26,460 • BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 57,720 29,820 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) 0 0 0 0 0 DEPT COUNCIL 0 0 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED 0 ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 0 GENERAL FUND ---RISK MANAGEMENT 1 4154 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 1 4154 1100 OVERTIME PAYROLL 1 4154 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 1 4154 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 1 4154 3300 MILEAGE 1 4154 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 1 4154 3901 TRAINING 6 EDUCATION 1 4154 3956 DUES 1 4154 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 1 4154 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 1 4154 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND. -EQUIPMENT DEPARTMENT TOTAL 20,220 23,914 26,460 1,468 12,086 27,928 57,720 29,820 35,280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,261 (9,261) 0 0 20,202 10,437 11,348 1,616 3,399 2,900 0 569 2,900 5,900 2,800 2,800 3 0 500 0 0 500 700 700 700 2,966 1,979 6,300 (216) 788 6,084 9,550 8,300 8,300 85 1,253 0 0 300 0 0 0 0 347 240 470 0 266 470 620 620 620 0 0 415 (415) 0 0 459 459 459 225 13,803 31,316 (552) 16,927 30,764 29,908 28,198 28,798 2,290 797 3,500 0 3,398 3,500 4,500 0 0 27,752 45,385 81,122 (8,976) 34,335 72,146 129,459 81,934 89,305 • • L_J PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Department: Administrative Services Division: Risk Management Fiscal Year 01-4154 1990/91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Position Quota I Appropriations PositionI-------------------------------- -----------------------------� Classification jCurrentj Dept. I Mgr. I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted Title I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. jAdopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. ( Budget -------------------- ------- I ------- I ------- I -------- I --------- I -------- I ---------- Personnel/Risk Mgr 0 1 50%1 0%1 0%1 $30,000 1 $0 1 SO Risk Mgmt. Analyst 1 100$1 200$1 100$ 100%1 $50,400 1$28,400 1 $33,600 1 Subtotal: 1 $80,400 1$28,400 1 $33,600 1 Merit Contingency j j j II 1 $4,020 �1 $1,420 j $1,680 j Subtotal: 1 $84,420 1$29,820 1 $35,280 Fringe Benefits 1 $29,547 1$10,437 1 $12,348 Total: 1$113,967 1$40,257 1 $47,628 154LFMia.wkl 1 3900 IMaintenance S Operations I Office Supplies I Safety Supplies, First Aid Kits I Printing I Posters/Pamphlets I (Training S Education I Professional Risk Management Seminars • I City Sponsored First Aid 6 CPR 1 National Safety Council Film Rental 3956 1Dues & Subscriptions I Public Agency Risk Managers Assn. 1 Public Risk 6 Insurance Management Assn. I Risk Management Magazine I 1 3960 1General Liability 1 6028 (Contract Services 1 Carl Warren 6 Company 1 City Wide Employee Assistance Program I Update of Public Works Maint.Safety Manual 1 Recharge of City Owned Fire Extinguishers I Computer Maintenance 1 MIS Administration 1 1 1 I I I 154LFM2a.wl • 1 I I I I (1,100 I I $2,000 1 I $1,000 I I $500 I 1 I I I I $700 I 1 $2,000 1 1 $1,000 I 1 Subtotal: 1 $8,300 I I I $20 1 1 $400 1 $200 I 1 Subtotal: 1 $620 I � 1 $459 1 � $8,000 I $10,000 1 $1,000 I $1,500 I $719 1 $7,569 1 Subtotal: 1 $28,798 I I I I Total: 1 $89,305 I COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET -----------------------------------------------------------I----------count-------------------- Department/Division: 1 Program: I Account Number:IFiscal Yearl Administrative Services I Risk Management 1 01-4154 1 1990/91 I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1----------- Object No.1 Description of Items S Individual Dollar Amounts I Budget I I ---------- 1100 I---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Regular Salary ----------- 1 $35,280 I I 1 1900 I (Fringe Benefits I $12,348 I I 3100 I 11'ravel S Meetings I 1 1 Public Agency Risk Mgr Assn Annual Conference $1,500 1 I 1 Local Public Agency Risk Managers Assn Mtgs. $300 1 I Risk Management Basic/Advanced Training Tucson $1,000 1 1 1 Sutotal: I $2,800 1 3300 (Mileage I Staff Reimbursement/Use of City Vehicle 1 $700 I 1 3900 IMaintenance S Operations I Office Supplies I Safety Supplies, First Aid Kits I Printing I Posters/Pamphlets I (Training S Education I Professional Risk Management Seminars • I City Sponsored First Aid 6 CPR 1 National Safety Council Film Rental 3956 1Dues & Subscriptions I Public Agency Risk Managers Assn. 1 Public Risk 6 Insurance Management Assn. I Risk Management Magazine I 1 3960 1General Liability 1 6028 (Contract Services 1 Carl Warren 6 Company 1 City Wide Employee Assistance Program I Update of Public Works Maint.Safety Manual 1 Recharge of City Owned Fire Extinguishers I Computer Maintenance 1 MIS Administration 1 1 1 I I I 154LFM2a.wl • 1 I I I I (1,100 I I $2,000 1 I $1,000 I I $500 I 1 I I I I $700 I 1 $2,000 1 1 $1,000 I 1 Subtotal: 1 $8,300 I I I $20 1 1 $400 1 $200 I 1 Subtotal: 1 $620 I � 1 $459 1 � $8,000 I $10,000 1 $1,000 I $1,500 I $719 1 $7,569 1 Subtotal: 1 $28,798 I I I I Total: 1 $89,305 I �J I� n �J COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM Fiscal Year Department: Administrative Services Division: Risk Management 1990/91 ---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------i---i- Resource Center Use Only Account lContract Services Justification ]Qtyl Unit jEstimatedl------------------------� Number I I I Cost Cost jApprovedIDeniedl Date -----------I------------------I------------------I-- I------ --------- I -------- I------I-------- � 01-4154-60281IBM PC MaintenancelCurrent Equipment 1 2 1 $302 $604 1 $302 1 $302 104-16-901 Printer ICurrent Equipment I 1 1 $276 $276 1 $276 1 $0 104-16-901 Color Monitor ICurrent Equipment I 1 1 $151 $151 1 $151 1 $0 104-i6-901 154LFM5a.wk1l Totals: 4 $1,031 $729 $302 City Treasurer 014155 .ldlm� BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12-31-09) 10/22/90 ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND ---CITY TREASURER 1 4155 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 1 4155 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 1 4155 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 1 4155 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 1 4155 3956 DUES 1 4155 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES DEPARTMENT TOTAL 9 0 • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 89-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 603 606 612 0 278 612 25,812 31,692 28,844 0 0 0 0 9,034 11,092 10,095 683 20 300 D 240 300 1,400 1,200 1,200 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 100 100 0 200 100 100 100 0 0 0 785 785 0 1,286 667 1,012 100 518 1,111 36,346 44,869 41,024 0 Redevelopment Agency Accounting Tech * 1 20%1 20$1 Merit Contingency Subtotal: Fringe Benefits Total / Redevelopments * Position transfered from the Finance Division therefore, this does not add a new position 155LFMIa. wk1 20%1 20%1 $5,600 ( $5,600 1 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE $280 1 $336 1 1 $5,880 1 $5,880 1 $7,056 1 1 1 1 1 $2,058 1 1 $2,058 1 Fiscal Year Department: Administrative Services • Division: City Treasurer 1990/91 01-4155 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Position Quota Appropriations Position---- --------- ----------------�------------------- Classification jCurrentj Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept. I Mgr. ----- I Adopted Title Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. jAdopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget ------------------------ Treasurer ------- I 100$1 ------- I 100$ ------- I -------- I -------- 100$ 100$ $700 I -------- 1 $612 I ---------- ( $620 Accounting Tech * 1 80$1 80$1 80$1 80$1$24,000 1$24,000 1 $26,880 Merit Contingency 1 (1 1 1 1 $1,200 1 1 $1,200 1 1 1 $1,344 Subtotal: 1 1$25,900 1$25,812 1 $28,844 Fringe Benefits $9,065 $9,034 $10,095 1 Total / General Fund:1 I 1 1 1$34,965 1$34,846 1 $38,939 0 Redevelopment Agency Accounting Tech * 1 20%1 20$1 Merit Contingency Subtotal: Fringe Benefits Total / Redevelopments * Position transfered from the Finance Division therefore, this does not add a new position 155LFMIa. wk1 20%1 20%1 $5,600 ( $5,600 1 $6,720 1 $280 1 $280 1 $336 1 1 $5,880 1 $5,880 1 $7,056 1 1 1 1 1 $2,058 1 1 $2,058 1 1 $2,470 1 1 $7,938 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 $7,938 1 ( 1 1 $9,526 1 1 0 C� COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET ------------------- Department/Division: I Program: Account Number:lFiscal Yearl Administrative Services I City Treasurer 1 01-4155 1 1990/91 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------II Object No.1 Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget ---------- I---------------------------------------------------------------- I ----------- 1100 (Regular Payroll I $28,844 1 1900 1l Fringe Benefits 1I $10,095 I 3100 ITravel & Meetings I I I California Municipal Treasurer's Association $300 I Miscellaneous Meetings $100 I I League of Calif Cities Annual Conf $800 I I Subtotal: $1,200 I I I 3956 1Dues I California Municipal Treasurer's Association I $100 1 I I i I i I I I 6028 (Contract Services I I Computer Maintenance (IBM PC, color monitor, and I I I dot matrix printer) $785 I Subtotal: $785 I I I 1 I I I I I 1 i I 1 I I I I 1 I I i I I I I I 1 I I 155LFM2a.wk1 I i 1 I I Total: $41,024 I I I 0 COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM Department: Administrative Ser. Division: City Treasurer Fiscal Year 01-4155 1990/91 Account lContract Services I Justification Number ------------ I ------------------ I ------------------ 01-4155-60281IBM IMaint./Acct. Tech. ]Color Monitor IMaint./Acct. Tech. 10ot Matrix PrinterlMaint./Acct. Tech. I 155LFM5a.xkll Totals: Resource Center Use Only Qtyj Unit lEstimatedl------------------------I Cost I Cost jApprovedl0enied I Date --- I ------- I--------- I -------- I ------- I ------- 1 $358 1 $358 1 $358 1 $0 14/16/901 1 $151 $151 1 $151 1 $0 14/16/901 1 1275 1276 1 $276 1 10 14/16/901 1785 1185 f0 Personnel 01.4156 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND ---PERSONNEL 4156 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 4156 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 4156 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 4156 1901 NEN POSITION CONTINGENCY 4156 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 4155 3300 MILEAGE 4156 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 4156 3931 VEHICLE MAINT.S OPERATIONS 4156 3956 DUES N 1 4156 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 1 4156 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 1 4156 7043 CAPITAL EXPEND. -BUILDING 1 4156 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND. -EQUIPMENT DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 83,878 66,376 107,350 6,441 34,238 68,000 155,161 115,542 127,754 200 7 500 0 8 500 500 500 500 0 0 37,573 (37,573) 0 0 57,806 40,439 44,714 35,312 26,557 20,000 (7,000) 1,677 13,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 5,011 1,465 3,100 0 1,239 3,100 3,450 3,450 3,450 2,776 659 500 0 91 500 500 500 500 19,764 13,134 14,910 7,000 10,154 21,910 29,400 26,600 28,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35S 270 1,140 0 180 1,140 1,380 1,380 1,380 0 0 682 (682) 0 0 500 600 600 24,836 20,354 48,546 20,472 45,013 55,000 25,218 39,447 39,447 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 172,132 128,822 235,301 (3,342) 92,608 164,150 309,915 256,450 272,945 • • • PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Department: Administrative Services Division: Personnel Fiscal Year Position Mgr. I Classification (Current) Title I Level I --------------------1-------1 Admin.Serv. Director) 40$I Personnel/Risk Mgr. 1 0$1 Personnel Analyst I 1 100$1 Benefits Technician 1 100$1 Personnel Clerk I 100$1 Subtotal: 1 I I Merit Contingency I I 1 Subtotal: I I I Fringe Benefits 1 I 1 Total: I I FIRE DISTRICT Personnel Clerk Subtotal: I 1 I I Merit Contingency 1 1 Subtotal: I 1 I I Total: I I I I I I I I I � 1 I I I I I I I I I � I 124LFMla.wkl / 156LFM1a.wkl I 01-4156 1990/91 Position Quota I Appropriations Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. (Adopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget I ------1-------1-------- 40$1 40$1 I --------- 40$1 $34,000 1 I ----------1----------1 $34,000 1 $36,820 1 50$1 0$1 0$1 $30,000 1 $0 I $0 I 100$1 100$1 100$1 $32,140 1 $32,140 1 $35,860 1 100$1 100$1 100$1 $20,632 1 $21,950 1 $25,290 1 200$1 100$1 100$1 $41,264 1 $21,950 1 $23,700 1 1 1 1$158,036 1 $110,040 1 $121,670 1 I I I I $7,902 1 $5,502 I I 1 $6,084 1 1 1 1$165,938 1 $115,542 1 $127,754 1 I I I $58,078 I I $40,440 I I 1 $44,714 I I I I 1 I I 1$224,016 I I I 1 $155,982 I 1 $172,467 1 I I I I $0 $7,500 1 $8,320 $7,500 I $8,320 I $375 1 $416 $7,875 I $8,736 $7,875 1 $8,735 40 • 1 11 L, • COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division: Program: Account Number:IFiscal Year I Administrative Services Personnel 01-4156 1990/91 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------I------------� Object No.1 Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget ---------- 1100 I----------------------------------------------------------------- IRegular Salary ------------ $127,754 I 1200 10vertime $500 1900 1 (Fringe Benefits $44,714 I 1901 INew Position Contingency $26,000 3100 (Travel & Meetings I CALPELRA $900 I MMASC Conference $350 League of California Cities Labor Institute $900 Personnel Development Seminar $100 Personnel/Training Seminars $500 Local Personnel Meetings $700 Subtotal: $3,450 3300 IMileage I I Staff Reimbursement/Use of City Pool Vehicle 1 $500 1 3900 IMaintenance & Operations I Personnel/Legal Advertising I rates re classified ads) I Pre -Employment Physicals Recruitment & Examination Oral Review Boards New Employee Supplies Printing Publications Office Supplies Misc Supplies (reflects increased 3956 (Dues & Subscriptions CALPELRA (Labor Relations Association) Municipal Mgmnt. Asst. of So. Calif. American Society for Public Admin. International Personnel Management Assoc I Fair Labor Standards Act Handbook 3960 (General Liability 5028 (Contract Services Personnel Orientation Video 1 Employee Service Awards 1 Liebert Personnel Consortium Personnel Consultations I MIS Administration Contract Maintenance / Computers I 124LFM2a.wkl / 156LFM2a.wkl $15,000 $5,000 $2,000 $1,000 $800 $2,000 $800 $1,200 $000 Subtotal: I I I I I $28,600 I $150 1 $80 I $150 I $400 I $600 I Subtotal: 1 $1,380 I I $600 $15,000 1 $6,000 I $3,000 I $3,000 I $10,375 1 $2,072 Subtotal: I $39,447 PERSONNEL DIVISION TOTAL:1 $112,945 • • r COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM Department: Adminstrative Services Division: Personnel Fiscal Year 01-4156 1990/91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I I I I I Resource Center I 1 I I Use Only 1 Account I Contract Services IJustitication iQtyi Unit (Estimatedl------------------------I Number I I I I Cost I Cost IApprovedlDenied I Date I ------------ I--------------------- I-------------- I ---1------- I --------- I -------- I------- I------- I 01-4156 60281NB1 Term Maintenance (Current Equip.( 2 1 $276 1 $552 I $276 1 $276 14-16-901 (Printer Maintenance (Current Equip•1 1 1 $607 1 $607 1 $607 1 $0 14-16-901 INBI Mork Station INew Position 1 1 1$2,000 1 $2,000 1 $0 1$2,000 14-16-901 (IBM PC 15162-1024514 1 1 1 $358 1 $358 1 $358 1 $0 14-16-901 1Color Monitor I - 1 1 1 $151 1 $151 1 $151 1 $0 14-16-901 ISystem 64 IShare 2 Users I 1 1 $680 1 $680 1 $680 1 $0 14-16-901 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 124LFM5a.wkl 156LFMSa.wk1 I Totals: 7 $4,348 $2,072 $2,276 City Facilities 01.4245 • BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12/31/89) ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND ---CITY FACILITIES 10/22/90 1 4245 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 1 4245 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 1 4245 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 1 4245 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 1 4245 3300 MILEAGE 1 4245 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 1 4245 3950 GENERAL LIABILTY 1 4245 6026 CONTRACT SERVICES 1 4245 6040 CITY OWED STREET LIGHTS 1 4245 7043 CAPITAL EXPEND. -BUILDING 1 4245 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND. -EQUIPMENT m 1 4245 7045 CAPITAL EXPEND. -VEHICLES DEPARTMENT TOTAL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET a CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL OUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ADJUST 12/31/99 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 0 0 45,625 2,738 0 0 182,188 110,859 111,353 0 0 2,000 0 0 0 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 0 15,969 (15,959) 0 0 66,954 38,800 38,974 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 263,471 335,586 446,500 1,850 172,923 300,000 689,900 609,900 689,900 0 (2) 9,091 (9,091) 0 0 11,414 11,414 11,414 0 363,300 445,617 461,551 8,508 184,531 400,000 183,334 150,334 150,334 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34,892 2,555 750 21,000 4,000 6,000 4,200 4,200 4,200 0 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 661,669 783,756 982,486 9,036 361,454 706,000 1,172,990 1,041,507 1,062,175 i • 245LMFlb.wkl PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year Department: Administrative Services Division: City Facilities 1990/91 01-4245 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Position Quota I Appropriations 1 PositionI--------------------------------I----�---------------------------1 Classification ICurrentl Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted I Title I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. (Adopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget I -------------------- Custodian I------- I------- 1 200%1 I------- 200%1 I-------- I---------- 200%1 200%1 I---------- $45,624 1 145,624 I ---------- 1 $45,320 1 Custodian 1 0%1 600%1 100%1 100%1 $114,912 1 $21,652 1 $22,660 1 Custodian Supervisorl 0%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $21,652 1 $38,064 1 $38,070 1 I Subtotal: I I I I I I I I I I I $182,188 1 $105,340 I 1 $106,050 1 Merit Contingency I I I I I $9,109 1 $5,267 1 $5,303 I1 Subtotal: I I I I 1 $191,297 1 $110,607 1 $111,353 1 Fringe Benefits I I I I I I I I I I $66,954 1 I $38,712 I i 1 $38,974 1 Total: I I I I I I 1 1 I I $258,251 1 $149,319 I 1 $150,327 1 I I • 245LMFlb.wkl • COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET -------------------------- i--------- Program: -am: ----------i--------- DepartmentJDivision: r Account----------Number:i----- Fiscal ---------- Year Administrative Services I City Facilities I 01-4245 I 1990/91 1 8;j------------------------------------------------------------------------I------g------� ect No.1 Description of Items 6 Individual Dollar Amounts I Budget i ---------- 1100 I------- ------------- ----------------------------------- IRegular Salary --------- 1 I ------------- $111,353 I I 1200 I (Overtime I I $15,000 I I 1900 I (Fringe Benefits I I $38,974 i I 3100 I (Travel 6 Meetings I $0 I I 3300 1 (Mileage I Staff Mileage Reimbursement $500 1 i Use of Pool Vehicle $500 Subtotal: I $1,000 I 3900 IMaintenance 6 Operations I Telephone Billings, CC, PS, RCNC, Lions $115,000 I I I Electric $250,000 1 I Gas $15,000 Water $10,000 1 1 Postage $97,000 • Office Supplies 1 Maintenance Supplies $95,000 I $27,500 I General Maintenance & Repair $15,000 1 UPS Pick-up $1,000 I I 1 Medical Supplies $2,000 1 1 Misc. Supplies $2,000 I Padding Machine $400 Subtotal: I $689,900 1 3960 IIGeneral Liability I $11,414 I 6028 (Contract Services I I Air Cond./Mech Equip Prev. Maint. Diagnostics $2.500 I I Telephone System Maintenance $30,000 1 I Copy Equipment Service/Maintenance $30,000 1 I Office Machines Maintenance (all depts.) $2,500 P.O. Box rental $84 I Lease/Purchase Copy Equipment $57,000 I I 1 Postage Equipment Mtr. Rent/Service $1,200 I Miscellaneous Services $5,250 1 Pest Ctrl„ Cvc Ctr, P.S.Fac,RCNC, Lion $1,600 j I 1 Air Filter Maintenance, RCNC, Lions $1,000 I 1 Vending Machine Rental $1,000 I Plant Service $18,000 1 Subtotal: $150,334 • 2452B1.wk11 Gubtetal(pg.1) $1,017,975 j COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET • -------------------------i----------------------------------------- Department/Division: P-ro 9 ram: ------- --------Account Number:( Fiscal Year I Administrative Services I City Facilities I 01-4245 I 1990/91 I ----------I-------------I --'----- oh ieci No I Description ----------- of---- Items----&--Individual-----------Dollar--------Amounts----- Budget (Cont 7044 ICapital Equipment I Electric Paper Cutter I Floor Polishers (3 0 5650/ea) I Vacuum Cleaners (3 0 5500/ea) I 1 7045 (Vehicles I Cargo Van I I I I I I I • 2452b2.wk1I I I I I I C� J Subtotal: Total ------- I -------------- I (pg•1) I $1,017,975 I I I I I $750 I I $1,950 I I $1,500 I I I $4,200 I I I I I I $20,000 $1,042,175 I I I • CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM Department: Administrative Services Division: City Facilities Fiscal Year 01-4245 1990/91 11 Account New/ or Estimated Number Replaces 1EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEED Cost ------I---------------------------------------------------------------� Ot-4245-7044INew jPaper Cutter, Electric $750 01-4245-7044INew IVacuum Sweepers (3 & 5500/ea) $1,500 01-4245-7044INew lFloor Polishers (3 & 5650/ea) 11,950 TOTAL ACCOUNT NUMBER 01-4245-7044: 14,200 01-4245-70451New 245LMF3b.wkll lCargo Van 120,000 TOTAL ACCOUNT NUMBER 01-4245-7045: I � GRAND TOTAL: 120,000 124,200 Personnel Overhead 01-4265 J r BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA (ACTUALS TO 12-31-09) DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_----------------------------------- ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 GENERAL FUND ---PERSONNEL OVERHEAD 1 4265 1901 SALARY CONTINGENCY 55,301 94,992 600,000 (455,450) 0 455,450 675,000 675,000 0 1 4265 2011 FWT PENALTIES 2,207 (465) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4265 2012 SWT PENALTIES 0 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4265 2100 COFFEE FUND 800 1,197 1,200 0 0 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1 4265 2200 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 113,432 130,935 0 134,586 120,873 134,586 0 0 0 1 4265 2300 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 3,677 10,176 10,000 7,000 1,711 6,500 10,000 10,000 10,000 1 4265 2400 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 14,566 23,370 30,000 0 7,013 20,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 1 4265 2500 0 0 0 0 330 0 0 0 1 4265 2800 P.E.R.S. 359,212 493,733 0 1,049,218 571,753 1,049,210 0 0 0 1 4265 2801 P.E.R.S. ACTUARIAL ST 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4265 3962 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5,975 3,008 0 7,718 982 7,748 0 0 0 1 4265 3963 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 165,484 149,405 0 t99,487 102,119 199,407 0 0 0 1 4265 3964 HARBOR ADMIN/SELF-FUN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4265 3965 MEDICAL INSURANCE $04,147 751,155 0 088,712 480,476 888,712 0 0 0 1 4265 3966 L/T DISABILITY/LIFE INS. 19,021 3,209 0 00,872 1,168 88,872 0 0 0 1 4255 3967 DENTAL INSURANCE 92,593 109,943 0 165,934 63,542 165,934 0 0 0 1 4265 3968 INTERVALLEY HEALTH PLAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4265 3969 OPTICAL INSURANCE 16,891 38,576 0 46,270 21,819 45,270 0 0 0 t 4265 3970 MEDICARE 32,312 59,544 0 77,645 (2,637) 11,645 0 0 0 1 4265 3971 DISABILITY ADVANCE 6,210 0 10,330 125 1,000 0 0 0 1 4265 3972 EMPLOYEE LOANS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4265 7000 0 0 0 0 39,298 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1,421,866 1,868,045 641,200 2,220,352 1,408,572 3,142,622 716,200 716,200 41,200 0 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET ---------------------------I----------------------i--------------------------------- Department/Division: Program: Account Number: -i Fiscal YearI Personnel Overhead I Personnel I 01-4265 I 1990/91 -----ect---No.1------------ Obj D------escription-------of---Items-----&--------Individual-----Dollar-------Amounts---------------I I Bu-----dget------� I ---------- 1901 I---------------------------------------------------------------- (Reserve Contingency (allocated to each dept. -in final budget) I ----------- I I 50 I 2100 I (Coffee Contribution I I I $1,200 I 2200 I (Deferred Compensation $144,007 I I I s0 I 2300 I ITuition Reimbursement I I $10,000 I 2400 I (Employee Development I I $30,000 2800 I (Public Employees Retirement System Contributions $1,101,679 I I s0 I 3962 I (Unemployment Insurance $8,135 I I I s0 3963 I (Worker's Compensation Insurance $213,451 I � I $0 I 3965 I IMedical Insurance $950,922 i I I s0 I 3966 I ILTO/Life Insurance $95,093 I I I s0 I • 3967 I IDental Insurance $174,339 I I I 50 I 3969 I (Optical Insurance 1 $49,509 I I I s0 I I 1 3970 IMedicare Contributions $83,080 I s0 I I I I 3971 IDisability Advances I $11,053 I s0 I I I L I I I I I I (Computed as Component of Personnel Overhead Rates Developed I I lin each Departmental Budget. I � I I � I I I I I I I I I I � I I I I I I � I I I I 265LFM2a.wk1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I Total: I 641,200 I General Overhead 01-0285 J W BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND ---GENERAL OVERHEAD 0 0 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 4285 2015 COMMUNITY BENEFITS 4285 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 4285 3931 VEHICLE MAINT. 6 OPERATIONS 4285 3955 ELECTRONIC DATA INSURANCE 4285 3956 DUES(CITY) 4285 3957 MISCELLANEOUS INSURANCE 1 4285 3958 AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE 1 4285 3959 FIRE INSURANCE 1 4285 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 1 4285 3961 GENERAL LIABILITY INS. 1 4285 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 1 4285 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND. -EQUIPMENT 4285 9001 INVESTMENTS DEPARTMENT TOTAL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET DEPT COUNCIL CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21,930 21,930 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,153 0 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 12,407 25.374 26,394 0 8,222 26,394 26,394 29,132 29,132 4,305 4,572 0 3,517 521 3,511 0 0 0 54,420 86,201 72,000 23,016 74,481 95,016 100,000 100,000 100,000 4,265 0 10,000 0 12,228 12,228 35,000 35,000 35,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 225,698 413,675 0 151,165 464,969 600,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 293,873 324,555 393,000 110,000 266,651 503,000 353,600 1,410,600 1,418,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 603,132 854,377 511,396 287,698 827,072 1,240,155 824,994 1,714,662 1,714,662 • ------ COST CENTER -DETAIL WORKSHEET------ ------------------------------- Department/Division: I Program: Account NumberlFiscal Yearl General Overhead General I 01-4285 1 1990/91 ---------------------------------------------------------1 on of Items 6 (Travel 6 Meeting Annual Meeting With Legislative Advocate Legislative Advocate/Misc. Meetings As Required Team Building S Goal Workshop Year End Employee Meeting CLOUT It Chamber of Commerce Mtgs Employee Incentive Program I 3955 (Electronic Data Insurance 3956 IOues CCAN Innovation Group San Bernardino Association of Governments National League of Cities Southern California Association of Governments League of California Cities • I California I California Contract Cities ' I Southern California Water Committee I I 3958 (Automobile Insurance I 3959 (Fire Insurance, Inland Marine, Surety Bonds I 3961 (General Liability 6028 (Contract Services City Attorney Chamber of Commerce Student Government Day Animal Control Services Audit Services Legitech Services National Management Association Legislative Advocate Animal Control Reserve A8939 Implimentation Fire District Reserve I 800 MHz • I Library Master Plan I 285LFM2a.wki I Dunts I Budget 1 -------------- I ----------- I I $950 I 1 $2,250 I 1 $3,000 I 1 $2,730 $3,000 1 $10,000 I I Subtotal: I $21,930 I I I I I I I I $10,000 1 $3,500 $2,500 $5,203 $4,000 $9,697 $3,082 $400 $750 Subtotal: I I I $400,000 I $29,132 1 I I $100,000 I $35,000 $100,000 $155,600 I I $12,000 I I $1,000 $75,000 I I $80,000 I I $3,500 I I $2,500 I I $24,000 I I $450,000 1 $150,000 I I $250,000 $200,000 1 I $15,000 I I Subtotal: 1$1,418,600 1 I I I I Total: 1$1,714,662 1 Community DevelopmentlAdmin. 014313 i BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND ---COMM DEV ADMIN 6313 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 4313 1400 RDA BOARD MEMBER COMP 4313 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 4313 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 4313 3300 MILEAGE 4313 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 4313 3931 VEHICLE MAINT.6 OPERATIONS 6313 3956 DUES 4313 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY J 1 4313 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 1 4313 7044 CAPITAL ENPEN.-EQUIPMENT DEPARTMENT TOTAL i -0) CITY OF RANCHO CUCA14ONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 218,860 234,723 86,667 5,200 165,371 91,867 115,481 110,481 121,601 0 0 0 (6,075) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,333 (30,333) 0 0 40,418 38,668 42,560 3,140 895 6,075 6,075 1,432 5,000 0,500 6,375 6,375 4,258 3,009 0 0 3,600 0 3,800 3,800 3,800 6,253 3,356 7,000 0 1,283 3,000 8,609 7,685 7,685 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,005 735 1,550 0 0 300 1,700 1,700 1,700 0 0 342 (342) 0 0 671 671 671 624 8,226 19,593 (6,325) 10,968 13,268 8,498 8,498 8,498 13,813 1,810 0 0 0 0 5,000 6,000 6,000 248,013 253,554 151,560 (31,000) 162,653 113,435 193,677 183,878 198,890 r�L PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Department: Community Development Division: Administration . Fiscal Year 01-4313 1990/91 Position Quot Position Appropriations I Classification ----------------------- 1Currentl Dept. I Mgr. Title --------------------1-------1-------1------- I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. Com.Dev.Director I I 1 90$1 I 90$1 901 Senior Office Asst. 1 100$1 I I 100$1 1001 I Sub Total: I I I I 1 I I I I Merit Contingency I I I Sub Total: I I I I I I Fringe Benefits I I I I I I I I I TOTAL: I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I '3131fmla.wkl a I Appropriations I ------- --------------------------------- Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted I (Adopted I 1--------1---------- Rcmd. I I Rcmd. I ----------1----------- Budget I I I I 90$1 I $76,120 1 I $76,120 1 I $84,940 1 1 10011 I I $29,100 1 I $29,100 1 I 130,870 1 i $105,220 1 $105,220 I I $5,261 1 $5,261 $110,481 1 $110,481 I I I $36,668 1 $38,668 I I $115,010 $42,550 1 1 $149,149 1 $149,149 1 $164,161 • • COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET ---------------------------I--------------------I------------------------------------ Department/Division: Program: Account Number: ' Fiscal Year I Community Development Administration I 01-4313 1 1990/91 --------------------------------------------------------------� Obj-ect--No.�- - Description of Items 6 Individual ----- Dollar------- Amounts------- Budget ---------- I--------------------------------------------------------------- 1100 IRegular Salaries ------------- $121,6D1 I 1900 lFringe Benefits 0 35% $42,560 3100 ITravel / Meetings: National American Planning Association $1,600 League Of California Cities $800 Calif. American Planning Assoc. $675 Planning Commission Institute $500 Public Works Officers' Institute $500 I Local Meetings $825 Council / Planning Commission Meetings $975 Local Seminars $500 I Sub Total: I $6,375 3300 IMileage Reimbursements: I Auto Allowance 3900 3956 3960 6028 • 7044 Private Use Reimbursements Maintenance / Operations: Printing / Publications Office Supplies I Postage Computer Training Data Processing Supplies Computer Software (Dues: I American Institute Certified Planners NAHRO Urban Land Institute ASPA IC14A APA National Notary Assoc. (General Liability lContract Services: Xerox Memorywriter GIS Administration Computer Maintenance Capital Outlay: Computer Equipment 313LFM2A.WK1 $3,000 $800 Sub Total: $2,000 $3,650 $300 $550 $300 $885 Sub Total: $250 $200 $200 $250 $350 $350 $100 Sub Total: $200 $7,682 $616 Sub Total: DEPARTMENT TOTAL: I I $3,800 $7,685 $1,700 671 $8,498 $5,000 $196,890 COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUEST FORM Fiscal Year Department: Community Development Division: Adminstration 1990/91 1 I 1 1 1 1 3131fm7a.wk11 Totals: $2,584 $2,584 $885 $1,699 1 1 1 1 1 Resource Center 1 1Serial Number/ID ofl 1 1 1 Use Only 1 Account 1 Software Identification 1Computer Unit wherelQtyl Unit lEstimatedl_ --------'-----'---------- 1 Number Software is to Cost Cost 1 Approved 1Denied 1 Date 1 be installed 1 1 1 1 ------------1--------------------------1-------------------1--- 01-4313-39001Micro Soft Word ------------1---------1----------1-------1-------1 1New Unit 1 1 1 $256 1 $255 1 $0 1 $256 14/10/901 1Micro Soft Excel 1New Unit 1 1 1 $289 1 $289 1 $0 1 $289 14/10/901 1MAC II Video Card 1New Unit 1 1 1 $454 1 $454 1 $0 1 $454 14/10/901 1MAC 2mb Memory 1New Unit 1 1 1 $700 1 $700 1 $0 1 $700 14/10/901 1Word Perfect 1New Unit 1 1 1 $245 1 $245 1 $245 1 $0 14/10/901 1Fast Back 1New Unit 1 1 1 $130 1 $130 1 $130 1 $0 14/10/901 1Clip Art/Word Perfect 1New Unit 1 1 1 $200 1 $200 1 $200 1 $0 14/10/901 1Lotus 123 1New Unit 1 1 1 $310 1 $310 1 $310 1 $0 14/10/901 1 I 1 1 1 1 3131fm7a.wk11 Totals: $2,584 $2,584 $885 $1,699 COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM E Fiscal Year Department: Community Development Division: Administration 1990/91 • ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ --------- ---- -------- ------ ------ I I I I I I Resource-Center 1 Account I I I I I I Use Only 1 Number 1 Contract Services 1 Justification IQtyl Unit IEstimatedl------------------------ I I I I I Cost I Cost IApprovedlDenied I Date I ------------ I --------------------- 01-4313-60281NBI I------------------ INaint.Exist.Unit I --- I ------ 1 1 1 $276 I --------- I-------- 1 $276 1 $276 I------- 1 $0 I------- I 14/10/901 INBI-ICU Share (luser)lMaint.Exist.Unit 1 1 1 $340 1 $340 1 $340 1 $0 14/10/901 (Xerox 1025 Copier (Share Maint. I 1 1 $900 1 $900 1 $0 1 $900 14/10/901 (Xerox Memorywriter IMaint. I 1 1 $200 1 $200 1 $0 1 $200 14/10/901 IMAC II CX IMaint/New Unit 1 1 1 $862 1 $862 1 $0 1 $862 14/10/901 (Laser Printer IMaint/New Unit I 1 1 $632 1 $632 1 $0 1 $632 14/10/901 (Memory Upgrades I I I I I IMaint/New Unit I I I I I 1 1 1 $560 I I I I I I I I I I 1 $560 1 I I I I I I I I I I $0 1 $560 I I I I I 14/10/901 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j I 3131fm5a.wkll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals: 5 $3,770 $616 $3,154 E DepartmentCommunity Development 0 Account Number 01-4313-7044 10 COMPUTER HARDWARE REQUEST FORM Fiscal Year Division: Administration 1990/91 I I I I I Resurce Center I I I I Unit I I Use Only 1 Hardware Description I Work Area (Qty I Cost (Estimated I ------------------------ Identification _________ --Identification I Location I I I Cost IApprovedl Deniedl Date I 1----------------------- I-------------- I---- I ------- I---------- I-------- I------- I ------- I ICompaq 286e ISr.Off.Assist.l 1 1$3,000 1 $3,000 1 =3,000 1 14/10/901 (Apple Color Monitor I 1 1 1 $700 1 $700 1 $0 1 $700 14/10/901 (Apple Extended Keyboardl 1 1 1 $161 1 $161 1 $0 1 $161 14/10/901 (Laser Printer I 1 1 1$3,000 1 $3,000 1 $3,000 1 14/10/901 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3131fm4a.wkll to Totals: $6,861 $6,000 $861 Planning 01.4333 9 • BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND ---PLANNING 4333 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 0 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 1 4333 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 1 4333 1300 PARTTIME PAYROLL 1 4333 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 1 4333 2800 P.E.R.S. 1 4333 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 1 4333 3300 MILEAGE 1 4333 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 1 4333 3931 VEHICLE MAINT.6 OPERATIONS 1 4333 3956 DUES 1 4333 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 1 4333 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 1 4333 7044 CAPITAL E%PEN.-EQUIPMENT 1 4333 7045 CAPITAL E%PEN.-VEHICLE DEPARTMENT TOTAL DEPT 87-88 FY 08-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 COUNCIL CITY APPROVED MGR 1990/91 729,998 893,783 1,066,221 63,914 473,130 1,130,195 1,382,527 1,252,284 1,355,141 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 17,913 9,633 17,188 0 6,894 17,188 21,428 21,428 22,760 0 0 373,177 (362,333) 0 10,844 683,884 438,299 414,299 0 0 0 0 900 0 0 0 0 7,238 13,126 15,760 0 2,717 4,500 21,950 16,000 16,800 0 1,990 3,567 3,300 0 1,403 3,300 3,650 3,650 3,650 50,607 41,398 67,596 21,000 11,063 15,000 100,119 76,224 76,224 0 18,593 33,622 15,809 0 891 15,809 0 68,040 68,040 745 1,269 1,150 0 738 1,150 1,800 1,000 1,800 0 0 0 4,640 (4,600) 0 /0 0 6,500 6,500 92,921 166,100 379,528 240,842 258,981 320,000 367,388 325,880 325,880 0 0,863 29,703 7,719 0 1,099 3,000 44,782 18,400 18,400 12,873 11,563 0 0 0 0 36,000 0 0 949,807 1,203,762 1,954,086 (41,117) 757,816 1,522,026 2,466,528 2,232,305 2,372,494 0, PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE PLANNING DIVISION TOTAL: $1,887,932 $1,712,011 $1,852,200 333LF11a.wkl Ll Department: Community Development Division: Planning Fiscal Year 01-4333 1990/91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Position Quota ----- Appropriations Position---------------- ---------------------------------------------------� Classification jCurrentj Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted Title I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. jAdopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget -------------------- City Planner I ------- I------- 1 100$1 I 100$ ------- I-------- 100$1 I------------ 100%1 I------------ $72,800 1 $72,800 I ------------ 1 $81,230 Deputy City Planner 1 100$ 100% 100$ 100%1 $59,343 1 $59,343 1 $66,210 1 Principal Planner 1 200$ 200$1 2005 200$1 $112,902 1 $112,902 1 $125,980 1 Assoc. Planner 1 800$1 900$1 800$j 700$1 $392,462 1 $349,462 1 $312,950 Senior Planner 1 0E1 0%1 0$1 100%1 $0 1 $0 ( $57,870 1 Assistant Planner 1 900$1 900$1 900$ 800%1 $339,948 1 $308,000 1 $302,970 Planning Technician 1 100%1 100$1 100$1 200$] $30,515 1 $30,515 1 $58,970 1 Code Enfor. Sup. 1 100$ 100%1 100$1 100%1 $39,042 1 $39,042 1 $43,550 Code Enfor. Rep. 1 200$] 300$ 200$ 200%1 $92,044 1 $61,000 1 $68,900 Code Enfor. Tech. 1 100$1 100$ 100%1 100$1 $26,333 1 $26,333 1 $29,370 P.C. Secretary 1 100$ 100$1 100$ 100%1 $30,410 1 $30,410 1 $33,270 1 Secretary 1 100$1 100$ 100$1 100$1 $22,845 1 $22,845 1 $24,300 Office Asst. 1 400%1 500%1 400$ 0$1 $98,114 1 $80,000 1 $0 Office Spec. I 1 0E1 0%1 0%1 100%1 i0 I $0 1 $19,910 Office Spec. II 1 0%1 0$1 0%1 300%1 $0 ----------- 1 $0 ------------ 1 $65,130 ------------� Subtotal: $1,316,758 $1,192,652 $1,290,610 Merit Contingency $65,838 ------------ $59,632 ------------ $64,531 ------------� Subtotal: $1,382,596 $1,252,284 $1,355,141 Fringe Benefits $483,909 $438,299 ------------ $474,299 -----------� Subtotal: ------------ $1,866,504 $1,690,583 $1,829,440 Part -Time Planning Aides 1 100$1 100$1 100%1 1 $21,428 1 $21,428 1 $22,760 PLANNING DIVISION TOTAL: $1,887,932 $1,712,011 $1,852,200 333LF11a.wkl Ll 0 17J • COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division: Community Dev./Planning Object No.1 Description i ---------- I -------------------- 1100 (Regular Salaries 1 1900 ]Fringe Benefits @35% Program: Account Number: Planning 01-4333 1990/91 ------------------------------------------------- tems & Individual Dollar Amounts I Budget 1200 ]Overtime i 1300 (Part Time I I 1 3100 (Travel and Meetings I National APA Conference I State APA Conferences I League of California Cities Conference I League of Cities Planning Comm. Inst. Local Preservation Meeting ] State Preservation Meeting ] National Preservation Meeting ] Management Seminars: ] Supervisor Seminars Assoc. ] Planning Related Sem. Clerical Seminars Code Enforcement Seminars ] Computer Training Miscellaneous Meetings & Travel ] Design Review Committee Meetings & Workshops HPC/PC/CC Workshops 1 1 3300 (Mileage Reimbursements I Auto Allowance I Mileage Reimbursement I I I I I 333LF21a.wkl I I I 1,355,141 ] ] 474,299 ] I 3,000 I I 22,760 ] Subtotal 1,855,200 1,850 1,800 800 1,500 125 550 1,175 800 700 2,375 375 500 250 400 3,000 500 Subtotal 16,800 I 1 3,000 650 Subtotal I 3,650 Subtotal(pg.1) ] 1,875,650 I • • C1 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET D---------------------: ------I-------- Program: ---------------- eparCment/Divisionram: j - j Account Number: Community Dev./Planning j Planning j 001-4333 1990/91- - ------ Object No.j -------------------- ------- ---------------------------- Description of Items & Individual ------ -- Budget Dollar Amountsji j------- ' ------- (cont'd) j -------------------------------------------- j - Subtotal(pg 1) j 1,875,665050 j 3900 jMaintenance and Operations Subscriptions/Books 1,000 j I Miscellaneous Office Supplies 3,000 j Photographic Supplies 5,500 j j Data Processing Supplies 1,800 Computer Paper & Supplies 2,000 Design Awards Program & Supplies 2,500 Advertising & Posting 12,000 j Historic Landmarks 3,000 j j Document Printing: j General Plan 4,500 j Industrial Specific Plan 3,000 j I j j j j j I 333LF21b.wjk1 Community Profile Development Code North Etiwanda Specific Plan Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Caryn Plan Terra Vista Planned Community Victoria Planned Community Developer's Handbook Planning Commission Info. Guide Applications & Permits Code Enforcement Documents & Forms Trails Study Design Awards Brochure Zoning & Other Maps Notices, Postcards, Etc. HPC Documents & Forms Miscellaneous Etiwanda Plan Trail Maps Software Equipment: Archive Equipment & Supplies Misc. Tools 1,250 2,500 1,500 2,100 700 1,500 1,500 3,500 700 1,500 2,600 2,000 1,100 5,000 750 2,600 1,000 1,800 1,000 1,474 Misc. Code Enforcement Equipment Misc. Protective Gear (Vest, gloves) Paper cutter, heavy duty stapler (copy room) Dictaphone mini -transcriber, eraser Misc. Computer Cabling & Accessories Subtotal 1,50 20C 750 30( 10( 25( 10( TOTAL Subtotal(pg.2 76,224 1,951,874 • COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division: Program: Community Dev./Planning Planning Account Number: 01-4333 1990/91 Object No.j Description. of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget -' ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------I----------- (cont'd) I Subtotal(pg.2) j 1,951,874 3931 IVehicle Maintenance and Operations j 2 Utility Vehicles (710 & 712) j 600 mi./mo./vehicle @ $.50/mile: 4 Code Enf Vehicles (713,713,715,716) j 1,560 mi./mo./vehicle @ $.65/mile: I I I 3956 (Dues I American Planning Assoc. Membership I City Planner, Dep. City Plan., 2 Print. Plan j American Society of Landscape Architects j Southern Calif. Assoc. of Code Enf. Officers j American Assoc. of Code Enf. Officers Misc. Professional Memberships I I I I 3960 jLiability @ 1$ Operating Expenses I (Not including Salary & Capital Expenses) I I i I i i 333LF21d.wk1 $7,200 $60,840 I Subtotal I 68,040 1,175 j 225 150 i 25 j 225 1 Subtotal Subtotal(pg.3) 2,02E,214 0 0' C'j COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division: I Program: 1 Account Number:1 i Community Dev. Planning I Planning 01-4333 11990/91 - --t No. I Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Bud9------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11------ - II Objece. ---------I----------------------------------------------------------------I------------I (cont'd) Subtotal(p9.3) 1 2,028,214 I I I 60281Contract Services Temporary Employees I S.B. County Weed Abatement (Private Property) i West Valley Vector Control District Community Code Representative I Misc. Studies (Seismic, Noise, etc.) 1 Planning & HPC Minutes Nuisance/Vehicle Abatement I Plan Check Services I Graphics 1 5 Aerials 1 HPC Archives Consultant Street Name Changes I Oral History Program I Air Quality Element Transcriber Maintenance Panasonic Copier Maintenance Mita Copier Maintenance Dictaphone Maintenance j Computer Contract Services Maintenance Computer System Maintenance & Operations I (15% City Share) MIS Admin. i 70441Capital Equipment I Office Equipment I Computer Equipment I I I 70451Capital Equipment / Vehicles I I I I I I I I 333LF21e.wk11 TOTAL I 1,000 18,000 50,000 39,104 3,000 2,700 7,500 2,000 2,500 5,000 1,500 10,000 8,500 15,000 403 864 360 687 15,134 142,528 Subtotal 1 325,880 I I I 7,800 I 10,500 I Subtotal I 18,400 I I 01 Subtotal 0 I I I I I I I I 1 2,372,494 I I • • • I I I I 01-4333-7045 (Replace 11 - Utility Vehicle: I I Replaces existing Blazer Lic. 441975 I I ***Refer to IGS (Fund 012) for funding.*** I I I I I I Subtotal / Vehicles: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 333LF31b.wk1 1 I I I 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOTAL 1 $7,800 1 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM Department: Community Development Division: Planning Fiscal Year 01-4333 1990/91 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account I New/ or I (Estimated Number I Replaces (EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEED I Cost 1 ------------- 01-4333-7044 I ---------- I New I ------------------------------------------------- I 13 - Mobile 2 -way radios, antennas, power supply 1 ---------- I 3,000 I 1 1 Needed for disaster response in Chevy Blazersl I 1 I and for back-up unit for vehicles and 1 I I I temporary base station I I 7044 I 1 New I I 14 - Handheld radios, charger bases, battery packs) I 3,600 1 1 1 Provide direct communication at all times i 1 1 I with field officers for improved I 1 I I communication and safety 1 I 7044 I 1 Replace I I I 12 - Electric Typewriters 1 I I I 1,200 I ----------i I 1 I I I Subtotal / Equipment: 1 I $7,800 1 I I I I 01-4333-7045 (Replace 11 - Utility Vehicle: I I Replaces existing Blazer Lic. 441975 I I ***Refer to IGS (Fund 012) for funding.*** I I I I I I Subtotal / Vehicles: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 333LF31b.wk1 1 I I I 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOTAL 1 $7,800 1 COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUEST FORM • Department: Community Development Division: Planning Fiscal Year 01-4333 1990/91 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resource Center Use Only Account ISoftware I Serial Number/ID of jQtyj Unit I Est. I_ ------------------------- Number lIdentification I Computer Unit where I I Cost I jApprovedl Denied I Date Software is to be installed) I I I I I I ------------- Ot-4333-3900 ------------------- IPicture Base I --------------------------- I --- I IF820087M5030 (Adv. Plan.) 1 1 1 ------ $100 I ------- 1 $100 I -------- I 1 $0 1 -------- $100 I -------- 104-16-901 3900 SMAC Draft IF820087M5030 (Adv. Plan.) 1 1 1 $250 1 $250 1 1250 1 10 104-16-901 3900 jOrganizational ToolIF820087M5030 (Adv. Plan.) 1 1 1 1250 1 $250 1 10 1 1250 104-16-901 3900 IForm Maker IF820087M5030 (Adv. Plan.) 1 1 1 $175 1 1175 1 10 1 $175 104-16-901 3900 JAIdus PageMaker jAdvance Planning 1 2 1 $379 1 1758 1 $0 1 1758 104-16-901 3900 (MicroSoft Word 4.0 jAdvance Planning ( 5 1 1256 111,280 1 10 1 11,280 104-16-901 3900 )Excel jAdvance Planning 1 5 1 $260 111,300 1 10 1 11,300 104-16-901 3900 ISuperPaint jAdvance Planning 1 2 1 $119 1 1238 1 $0 1 1238 104-16-901 3900 IStuffit jAdvance Planning 1 2 1 124 1 148 1 $0 1 148 104-16-901 3900 IMacProject 2.0 jAdvance Planning 1 1 1 1359 1 $359 1 1359 1 f0 104-16-901 3900 ICricket Graph 1.2 jAdvance Planning 1 1 1 $250 1 $250 1 f0 1 1250 104-15-901 3900 ILotus 123 IP.C. Sec., Code Enforcement) 3 1 1310 1 1930 1 $620 1 1310 104-16-901 3900 lWordPerfect )Code Enforcement 1 2 1 1245 1 1490 1 $245 1 1245 104-16-901 3900 IFormTool IP.C. Sec., Code Enforcement) 2 1 175 1 1150 1 $0 1 1150 104-16-901 3900 IFoxbase 2.0 jAdvance Planning 1 1 1 1291 1 $291 1 10 1 $291 104-16-901 333LF71a.wkl Totals: 30 $6,869 11,474 15,395 • L J COMPUTER CABLING MISC REQUEST FORM Department: Community Development Division: Planning Fiscal Year 01-4333 1990/91 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resource Center Use Only Account Cabling 6 Misc Needs Location/Computer UnitjQtyj Unit jEstimatedl------------------------ I Number I I I Cost I Cost jApprovedlOenied I Date ------ ---------------------------- 01 4333-3900�Misc. Cabling I ---------------------- jAdv., P....Sec., I ---I Code 1 8 1 ------ $110 I--------- 1 $880 I-------- 1 $0 I------- 1 $880 I ------- I 14-16-901 3900 Connections-MAC,printerlAdvance Planning 1 7 1 $50 1 $350 1 $0 1 $350 14-16-901 3900 IDust Cover - MAC II lCommon I 1 1 $25 1 $25 1 $25 1 $0 14-16-901 3900 joust Cover -MAC Monitor lCommon 1 1 1 $20 1 $20 1 $20 1 $0 14-16-901 3900 10ust Cover-Laserwriter lCommon 1 1 1 $35 1 $35 1 $35 1 $0 14-16-901 3900 jOust Cover -MAC KeyboardlCommon I 1 1 $20 1 $20 1 $20 1 $0 14-16-901 333LF61a.wkll I I I Totals: 19 $1,330 $100 $1,230 COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM • Department: Community Development Division: Planning Fiscal Year ----------------------------------------------- 01-4333 ------------------------- 1 ------------------- Resource Center Use Only Account Contract Services Justification jQtyjUnit jEstimatedl -------------------------- I Number I ICost I Cost jApprovedl Denied I Date ------------ I--------------------- 01-4333-60281IBM PC I----------------- IMaint. Contracts I --- 1 4 I ----- 1 358 I--------- I-------- 1 $1,432 1 $1,432 1 I-------- $0 I-------- 104-16-901 6028 jCompaq IMaint. Contracts 1 5 1 302 1 $1,510 1 $604 1 $906 104-16-901 6028 SPT 200 IMaint. Contracts 1 6 1 179 1 $1,074 1 $1,074 1 $0 104-16-901 6028 jHirez IMaint. Contracts 1 1 1 240 1 $240 1 $240 1 $0 104-16-901 6028 lColor Monitor IMaint. Contracts 1 9 1 151 1 $0 1 $906 1 ($906)04-16-901 6028 IMonochrome Monitor IMaint. Contracts 1 0 1 69 1 $69 1 $0 1 $69 104-16-901 6028 ITektronix Display TerlMaint. Contracts I 1 1 402 1 $1,608 1 $402 1 $1,206 104-16-901 6028 ILaser Printer IMaint. Contracts 1 4 1 690 1 $4,830 1 $690 1 $4,140 104-16-901 6028 loot Matrix Printer IMaint. Contracts 1 7 1 276 1 $1,104 1 $1,656 1 ($552)104-16-901 6028 SMAC II Color Monitor IMaint. Contracts 1 4 1 862 1 $2,586 1 $1,724 1 $862 104-16-901 6028 SMAC SE IMaint. Contracts 1 3 1 575 1 $2,875 1 $0 1 $2,875 104-16-901 6028 SMAC Memory Upgrade IMaint. Contracts 1 5 1 560 1 $2,800 1 $0 1 $2,800 104-16-901 6028 SMAC Laser. Printer lMaint. Contracts 1 2 1 632 1 $1,264 1 $1,264 1 $0 104-16-901 6028 INBI 2000 Workstation IMaint. Contracts 1 6 1 276 1 $1,656 1 $1,380 1 $276 104-16-901 6028 INBI Diablo Printer IMaint. Contracts I 1 1 607 1 $607 1 $607 1 $0 104-16-901 6028 IN8I Daisy Wheel PrintlMaint. Contracts I 1 1 345 1 $345 1 $345 1 $0 104-16-901 6028 INBI Impact Printer IMaint. Contracts 1 1 1 607 1 $607 1 $0 1 $607 104-16-901 6028 INBI Sheetfd. Ziyad IMaint. Contracts I 1 1 287 1 $287 1 $287 1 $0 104-16-901 • 6028 6028 INBI Sheetfd. Z201 INBI SheetFd. 6291 IMaint. IMaint. Contracts Contracts 1 1 1 1 1 483 1 483 1 $483 1 1 $483 1 $483 $483 1 $0 1 $0 104-16-901 104-16-901 6028 INBI ICU 6 Multinet IMaint. Contracts I 1 11060 1 $1,050 1 $2,040 1 ($980)104-16-901 (Planning portion) 333LF51a.wkll ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals: 64 $26,920 $15,617 $11,303 • 0 COMPUTER HARDWARE REQUEST FORM Department: Community Development Division: Planning 01-4333 I I I I I I Account I Hardware Description I Work Area iQty Number I Identification I Location 1 ------------1-------------------------1--------------1— — 01-4333-70441Mac II cx 40CPU I Adv. Plan. 1 2 7044 (Apple Col Hi Res ROB Mon I Adv. Plan. 1 2 7044 (Apple Extended Keyboard 1 Adv. Plan. I 5 7044 IMac II 8 bit Video Card 1 Adv. Plan. I 2 7044 IMac SE/30 Hard Disk 40CPU1 Adv. Plan. 1 3 7044 (Compaq 286e 1P.C.Sec, Code 1 3 7044 1Color Monitor 1P.C.Sec, Code 1 3 7044 INBI Multi -net Adapters 1P.C.Sec, Code 1 3 7044 ILaser Printer IP.C.Sec, Code 1 2 7044 ILeg. Sheet/Env. Feeder (Code Enf. 1 1 7044 (Prime Adapters IP.C.Sec., Codel 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 333LF41a.wkll I Totals: 29 Fiscal Year 1990/91 I I I Reurce Center I I I I Use Only 1 I Unit lEstimatedl--------------------------I I Cost I Cost IApprovedl Denied I Date I I------- I--------- I -------- I-------- I--------1 1$3,409 1 $6,818 1 $0 1 $6,618 104-16-901 1 $700 1 $1,400 1 so 1 $1,400 104-16-901 1 $161 1 $805 1 $0 1 $805 104-16-901 '1 $454 1 $908 1 $0 1 $908 104-16-901 1$3,092 1 $9,276 1 $0 1 $9,276 104-16-901 1$2,500 1 $7,500 1 $5,000 1 $2,500 104-16-901 1 $500 1 $1,500 1 $1,000 1 $500 104-16-901 1 $600 1 $1,800 1 $1,200 1 $600 104-16-901 1$3,000 1 $6,000 1 $3,000 1 $3,000 104-16-901 1 $4001 $4001 $4001 $0104-16-901 1 N/I s0 I s0 1 $0 104-16-901 I I I I I I I I I I I I $36,407 $10,600 $25,807 Planning Commission 01-0353 • BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND ---PLANNING COMMISSION 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 1 4353 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 5,916 5,955 6,000 450 2,786 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 1 4353 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4353 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 6,103 8,546 9,500 0 1,608 9,500 11,350 11,200 11,200 1 4353 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 0 981 500 0 130 500 750 750 750 1 4353 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 0 0 100 (100) 0 0 121 120 120 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 12,019 15,492 16,100 350 4,522 16,000 18,221 18,070 18,070 N COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET --------------------------- Department/Division:--------I Program: Account Number: Comm.Dev./Planning I Planning Commission 01-4353 ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Object No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts ------------------------------- 1100 iSalaries 3100 ITravel and Meetings - Planning Related Conferences National APA Conferences League of Calif. Cities Planning Comm. Institut League of Calif. Cities Conference Subtotal 3900 Im,bucliallwous Supplies and Printing 3960 JLM0111LY ® 1% Operating Expenses (Excluding Salary) j 353LF21a.wkl 1 '0 TOTAL 3,400 3,750 800 3,250 Fiscal Year 1990/91 1 ----------- Budget -----------I 6,000 1 I 11,200 750 120 18,070 Historic Preservation Comm. 01-0354 • BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) 10/22/90 ACCOUNT ------------------------------------------- GENERAL FUND ---HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE 1 6351 1100 REGULAR SALARIES 1 6351 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 1 6356 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 1 6351 3956 DUES 1 6356 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY DEPARTMENT TOTAL • i CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/09 ACTUAL 1990/91 NGR 1990/91 0 1,387 2,900 0 0 2,900 6,525 6,650 6,650 0 292 500 0 36 500 750 750 750 0 300 0 0 300 325 325 325 0 0 33 (33) 0 0 76 0 0 0 1,679 3,733 (33) 36 3,700 7,676 5,525 5,525 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET ------------------------------------------- ------------ . Department/Division: I Program: I Account Number: IFiscal Year Comm.Dev./Planning (Hist. Preservation Comml 01-4354 I 1990/91 I ----------------------------------- ------- -------- I ----------- I -------- Object No.I 5;S---i-ption----- of---Items-6- Individual- Dollar Amounts I Budget I ----------ITravel----------------------------------ion --------------------I-----------I 3100 (Travel and Meetings - Historic Preservation Related Conferences I I I Local Calif. Preservation Foundation Meetings 350 I I Calif. Stae Preservation Foundation Conference 1,800 I I National Historic Preservation Trust Conference 2,300 I I Subtotal I 4,450 I 3900 IMiscellaneous Printing i 750 II 3956 (Dues I I I California Preservation Foundation 200 I I National Trust for Historical Preservation 125 I I Subtotal I 325 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • ITOTAL I 5,525 II 354LF21a.wk1 I I I Environ. Mgmt Commission 01.4355 • BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT ----------------------------------- ENVIROMENTAL MGMT COMMISSION 1 4355 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 1 4355 3300 MILEAGE 1 4355 3900 MAINT A OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT TOTAL m 10/22/90 9 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/09 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 0 0 2,500 2,500 0 0 300 300 0 0 500 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,300 3,300 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET -------------------- Department/Division: ----------------- g • I Program: l Account Number: Comm.Dev./Planning lEnvironmental M mt. ComI 01-4355 --------------------------------- ------------------------------ Object No.1 Description of ------- Items fi-Individual Dollar Amounts ----------I------------------------------ I I 3100 (Travel and Meeting: I Local and Regional Meetings I I I 0 LJ 3300 (Mileage I Mileage Reimbursement I I 1 3900 lMaintenance b Operations: I Misc. Supplies I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 355LF21a.wkl (Fiscal Yearl 1 1990/91 1 I----------- I l Budget l I -----------I I I I I 2,500 1 I I I I I I Subtotal l 2,500 i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 300 1 I I I I I I I I 500 l I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOTAL l 3,300 l I I Building & Safety 014373 8 • BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT -------------------------------- GENERAL FUND ---BUILDING 6 SAFETY 1 4373 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 1 4373 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 1 4373 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 1 4373 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 1 4373 3300 MILEAGE 1 4373 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 1 4373 3931 VEHICLE MAINT.6 OPERATIONS 1 4373 3956 DUES 1 4373 3950 GENERAL LIABILITY 1 4373 6018 CONTRACT SERVICES 1 4373 7043 CAPITAL EXPEN.-BUILDING 1 4373 1044 CAPITAL E%PEN.-EQUIPMENT 1 4373 7045 CAPITAL E%PEN.-VEHICLE DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL DEPT COUNCIL REQUEST CITY APPROVED 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 759,080 877,501 1,059,697 53,582 453,307 1,123,279 1,438,068 1,406,921 1,509,239 55 2,183 2,000 0 36 2,000 3,000 3,000 31000 0 0 370,894 (370,894) 0 0 503,324 492,422 528,234 4,716 4,498 4,700 0 2,242 4,700 7,000 6,000 6,000 2,839 3,011 3,200 D 1,385 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 19,943 22,646 29,760 0 3,710 29,760 44,172 40,365 40,365 67,732 86,221 40,349 0 4,236 40,349 51,000 80,200 80,200 682 415 810 0 0 810 835 885 885 0 0 3,898 (3,898) 0 0 4,857 5,300 5,300 0 79,115 260,946 312,619 0 193,504 312,619 371,390 301,551 301,557 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,657 4,504 9,600 0 5,105 9,600 85,224 25,024 25,024 10,952 11,279 0 0 0 0 148,000 41,000 41,000 951,771 1,281,204 1,837,527 (311,210) 663,525 1,526,317 2,660,070 2,405,874 2,544,004 0 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Department: Community Development Division: Building S Safety Fiscal Year 01-4373 1990/91 • ----------------------------------ition-----Quota I Pos ------------------- l ------------ Appropriations -------------------- 1 Position1------------------------------- I---- -------------------I Classification ICurrentl Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted 1 Title I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. (Adopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget 1 I --------------------I-------I-------I------ Building Official 1 100$1 100%1 I------ 100$1 I ------------I---- 100$1 $69,948 1 ------ $69,948 I----------- 1 $78,060 1 Asst. Building Off. 1 100%1 100%1 100$1 100%1 $46,573 1 $45,573 1 $68,300 1 Plan Check Coord. 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $55,608 1 $55,608 1 $59,030 1 Bldg. Insp. Supv. 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $45,552 1 $45,552 1 $50,330 1 Bldg. Insp. Supv. 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $45,552 1 $45,552 1 $50,330 1 Principal Plns Exam 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $39,120 1 $39,120 1 $43,340 1 Principal Plns Exam 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $47,880 1 $47,880 1 $51,860 1 Sr.Pl.Ckr/Fire Prot.1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $42,261 1 $42,261 1 $44,660 1 Counter Plns Exam 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $44,419 1 $44,419 1 $47,880 1 Plans Examiner 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $41,220 1 $41,220 1 $45,560 1 Plans Examiner 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 10D%I $36,167 1 $36,167 1 $39,620 1 Plans Examiner I 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $33,684 1 $33,684 1 $36,160 1 Grading P1. Clerk 1 0%1 100%I 0%1 0%1 $0 I $0 I $0 I Plns Exam/Grading 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $41,213 1 $41,213 1 $45,560 1 Elec. Specialist 1 100%1 100%l 100%1 100%1 $41,213 1 $41,213 1 $45,560 1 Rehab. Specialist 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $41,213 1 $41,213 1 $44,660 1 Plumb./Meth. Spec. 1 0%1 100%1 100%1 108%1 $33,694 1 $33,684 1 $43,340 1 Struct. Specialist 1 0%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $33,684 1 $33,684 1 $43,340 1 Bldg. Inspector 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $37,308 1 $37,308 1 $41,220 1 Bldg. Inspector 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $37,308 1 $37,308 1 $41,220 1 Bldg. Inspector I 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $37,123 1 $37,123 1 $39,220 1 • Bldg. Inspector 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $36,279 1 $36,279 1 $37,310 1 Bldg. Inspector 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $35,457 1 $35,457 1 $36,590 1 Bldg. Inspector 1 100%1 100%1 100%I 100%1 $34,751 1 $34,751 1 $35,500 1 Bldg. Inspector 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $33,664 1 $33,664 1 $35,500 1 Bldg. Inspector 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $33,329 1 $33,329 1 $35,500 1 Bldg. Inspector 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $32,635 1 $32,635 1 $35,500 I Bldg. Inspector 1 0%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $29,561 1 $29,561 1 $39,220 1 Bldg. Inspector 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $29,076 1 $29,076 1 $32,130 1 Office Supervisor 1 0%1 100%1 0%1 0%1 $25,620 1 $0 I $0 I Sr. Office Assistantl 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $27,760 1 $27,760 1 $30,870 1 Pub. Serv.Technicianl 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $29,664 1 $29,664 1 $32,280 1 Pub. Serv.Technicianl 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $28,536 1 $28,536 1 $31,340 1 Office Specialist 111 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $22,656 1 $22,656 1 $24,660 1 Office Specialist I11 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $22,656 1 $22,656 1 $24,660 1 Office Specialist 111 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $22,189 1 $22,189 1 $23,010 1 Office Specialist 111 0%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $22,189 1 $22,189 1 $23,460 1 Office Assistant 1 0%1 100%1 0%1 0%1 $0 I $0 1 $0 Administrative Aide 1 0%1 100%1 0%1 0%l $23,173 1 $0 1 $0 I Subtotal: I I 1 I I I I I 1 I $1,339,925 1 $1,291,132 I 1 $1,437,370 I Merit Increases I I I I I I I I I $66,996 1 I $64,557 I 1 $71,869 Subtotal: I I I I I $1,406,921 1 $1,355,689 1 $1,509,239 I I Fringe Benefits 1 I I I I I I I I $492,422 I 1 $474,491 I $528,234 . Total: 1 I 1 1 I I I $1,899,343 1 $1,830,180 I i $2,037,473 I I 3731fmla.wkl I I I I I I I I I COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET ---------------------------------------------- --------- I Department/Division: Program: Account Number: (Fiscal Yearl I Com.Dev./Building & Safetyl Building Inspection l 01-4373 1 1990/91 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Object No.1 Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts I ---------1 Budget l - I----------------------------------------------------------------I-----------1 1100 (Regular Salary 151,509,239 l I I 1200 10vertime 1 $3,000 i 1900 lFringe Benefits i $528,234 lI 3100 11ravel & Meetings I I I IC80 Annual Bus. Meeting $3,000 1 l l CALK Ann. Business Meeting $2,000 l I 1 Local Meetings $1,000 1 I l Subtotal: l $6,000 l 3300 (Mileage l l Auto Allowance - Building Official $3,000 1 I l Miscellaneous Mileage $200 1 i 1 Subtotal: 1 $3,200 l 3900 (Maintenance & Operations I I Postage $700 1 l Office Supplies $3,800 i I 1 Printing - Permit Forms $4,000 l I Printing - Pamphlets/Booklets $2,000 l I l Miscellaneous Printing $4,000 l I • l Books/Publications I l i Codes $1,000 1 Miscellaneous Technical Books $500 1 I 1 Miscellaneous Small Tools $1,000 l I l Technical Training $10,000 l I 1 Computer Supplies $1,000 l I i Computer Cabling SD I 1 1 Computer Software $10,065 1 1 Miscellaneous Office Accessories $2,000 1 I l Hand Held Calculator $300 1 I l Subtotal: l $40,365 l 3931 ll Vehicle Maintenance 1 $80,200 l I I 3956 (Dues 1 I I International Conf. of Building Off.& I I I Inter. Assoc. of Plumb. & Mach. Officials $200 1 I l California Building Officials $175 l I l Inter. Assoc. of Electrical Inspectors 580 l I l National Fire Protection Assoc. $80 I I l Local Chapters l $350 l $885 l I I I 3131fm2a.wk1 Subtotal(pg.1) I I 152,171,123 l I I I COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division: I Program: Account Number: IFiscal Year Com.Dev./Building 6 Safety) Building Inspection- 01-4373 1990/91 ------------------------------------------------------------ Object No.1 Description of Items 6 Individual -----------------� Dollar Amounts Budget ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ (Cont'd) Subtotal(pg.1) ------------� $2,171,123 3960 lGeneral Liability ( $5,300 6028 )Contract Services Sullivan 6 Associates $60,000 Community Development Services $5,000 Grading Consultants $2,000 Pacesetter $125,000 Microfilming of Plans/Permits $5,000 Rehab./Abatement Program $25,000 JEquipment Maintenance Contract Maint./Computers $6,631 Spot Copiers $2,000 Microfilm Reader/Printer $800 Typewriters/Calculators $2,000 Video Monitor $75 MIS Administration $68,051 Subtotal: $301,557 7044 ICapital Equipment Computer Equipment $16,624 Pagers $1,000 Spot Copier $5,000 Handheld Radios $2,400 Subtotal: $25,024 7045 JCapital Vehicles Utility Vehicle (Blazer) $16,000 2 Compact Sedans (4 door) $22,000 3 Two -Way Radios $3,000 Subtotal: $41,000 Total: $2,544,004 3731fm2b.wkl 0 0 COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUEST FORM Department: Community Development Division: Building 6 Safety Fiscal Year 01-4373 1990/91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I I I I Resource Center 1 (Serial Number/ID of I I I I Use Only 1 Account I Software Identification (Computer Unit where IQtyl Unit 1Estimatedl ......................... I Number I I Software is to I I Cost I Cost lApprovedlOeniedl Date I I I be installed I I I I I I I ----437-------I--------------------------I--------------------I-- 01-3-3900JP1an Analyst/Upgrade IPlan Check Room I ------- 1 1 1 $400 I--------- 1 $400 I-------- 1 $400 I------ 1 $0 I---------I 104-16-90 1 11C80 Eval. Service/Subscr.lPlan Check Room 1 1 1 $300 1 $300 1 $300 1 $0 104-16-90 1 1Structural IPlan Check Room 1 1 1$2,000 1 $2,000 1 $2,000.1 $0 104-15-90 1 (Fire Protection IPlan Check Room 1 1 1$2,000 1 $2,000 1 $2,000 1 $0 104-16-90 1 1Grading IPlan Check Room 1 1 1$2,000 1 $2,000 1 $2,000 1 $0 104-16-90 1 IT -Graph (Throughout 1 4 1 $550 1 $2,200 1 $2,200 1 $0 104-16-90 1 1Pagemaker MAC 1Admin. Aide I 1 1 $398 1 $398 1 $398 1 $0 104-16-90 1 1Wordperfect MAC 1Admin. Aide 1 1 1 $205 1 $205 1 $205 1 $0 104-16-90 1Cricket Draw MAC 1Admin. Aide 1 1 1 $200 1 $200 1 $200 1 $0 104-16-90 1 ISuperpaint MAC 1Admin. Aide I 1 1 $149 1 $149 1 $149 1 $0 104-16-90 1S.A.M. I 1 1 1 $e8 1 $88 1 $88 1 $0 104-16-90 1 (Fastback MAC I I I I I I I 1 1 1 $125 I I I I I I 1 $125 I I I 1 $125 I I I 1 $0 I I I 104-16-90 I I I I I I lotus7a.wkl 1 Totals: 15 $10,065 $10,065 $0 0 0 0 COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM Department: Community Development Division: Building & Safety Fiscal Year 01-4373 1990/91 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Resource Center Use Only Account Contract Services IJustificationlQtyl Unit jEstimatel Number I I I Cost I Cost .......................... jApprovedl Denied I Date ---------- I--------------------- 01-4313-60281EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCEI I ------------- I --- I------ I -------- I -------- I-------- I -------- INBI - ICU/Multi-net JEquip.Maint. I 1 1 850 1 $850 1 $1,020 1 ($170)104-16-901 INBI Workstations 1 1 2 1 276 1 $552 1 $828 1 ($276)104-16-901 JNBI Printers 1 1 1090 1 $1,090 1 $1,090 1 $0 104-16-901 11BM Computer 1 1 1 509 1 $509 1 $509 1 $0 104-16-901 Compaq Computer 1 1 3 1 453 1 $1,359 1 $1,359 1 SO 104-16-901 SPT 200's 1 1 4 1 179 1 $716 1 $716 1 $0 104-16-901 ISelanar Terminal I I 1 1 179 1 $179 1 $179 1 $0 104-16-901 Toshiba Printer I 1 1 I 276 I $276 1 $276 1 $0 104-16-901 NEC 3550 Impact Ptr. 1 1 3 1 218 1 $654 1 $654 1 $0 104-16-901 lotus5a.wk1 Totals: 17 $6,185 $6,631 • • COMPUTER HARDWARE REQUEST FORM Department: Community Development Division: Building 6 Safety Fiscal Year 01-4373 1990/91 ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I Reurce Center I I I I I I Use Only i Account i Hardware Description I Work Area [Qty I Unit IEstimatedl--------------------------I Number Identification I Location I Cost I Cost IApprovedl Denied I Date I - I ----------------------- I -----------I--- I --------I --------- I -------- I -------- I -------- I Oi-4373-70441Compaq 286e, Color Mon.lClerical 1 1 1 $3,800 1 $3,800 1 $0 1 $3,800 104-16-901 ICompaq 286e, Color Mon.IClerical I 1 1 $3,000 1 $3,000 1 $3,000 1 $0 104-16-901 ICompag386e,Color Mon. [Clerical 1 1 1 $4,000 1 $4,000 1 $4,000 1 $0 104-16-901 IMAC Ilcx, 40CPU (Admin. Aidel 1 1 $6,074 1 $6,074 1 $6,074 1 $0 104-16-901 (Laser Printer [Admin. Aidel 1 1 $3,550 1 $3,550 1 $3,550 1 $0 104-16-901 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lotus4A.wkl I Totals: $20,424 $15,624 $3,800 • • CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM Department: Community Development Division: Building 6 Safety Fiscal Year 01-4373 1990/91 Account I New/ or I I Number (Replaces (EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION 6 JUSTIFICATION 1 ------------1---------1---------------------------------------------- 01-4373-70441 --------------------------------------- =---01-4373-70441 (CAPITAL EQUIPMENT: 1 I I I 70441New (Pager (4) $1,000 1 I IFor new personnel I I I I 70441New (Spot Copier (for Division copy room $5,000 I I I 70441New (Hand Held Radios (2 each) $2,400 � I I I I I I I TOTAL FOR ACCOUNT NUMBER 01- 4373-7044:1 01-4373-70451 (CAPITAL EQUIPMENT / VEHICLES: I ---------------------- 70451New (Blazer 2wd 1990 (1) $16,000 II 1 IFor use by new Building Inspector I I 70451New I I (Compact sedan - 4 door (2) $22,000 I 1 1 For use by Plumb./Mech., and 1 1 1 Struct. Specialist 1 I 70451New I I (Two-way radio (3) $3,000 1 1 I I IFor new vehicles 1 I I I I I I I I I I I lotus3A.wkl I TOTAL FOR ACCOUNT NUMBER 01- 4373-7045:1 1 GRAND TOTAL: Estimated 1 Cost 1 $8,400 I I I I $41,000 I I $49,400 Sheriff's Department 01-0451 I • BUDGET PROJECTION WORMSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND --- SHERRIFF'S DEPARTMENT 4451 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 0, 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 4451 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 4451 1300 PARTTIME PAYROLL 4451 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 4451 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS $451 3300 MILEAGE 4$51 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS $451 3931 VEHICLE MAINT.6 OPERATIONS 4451 3956 DUES 4451 3958 AUTO INSURANCE 4451 6027 HAZARDOUS WASTE REMOVAL 4451 6028 CONTACT SERVICES 1 4451 7043 CAPITAL ENPEN.-BUILDING 1 4$51 7044 CAPITAL ENPEN.-EQUIPMENT 4451 7045 CAPITAL EXPEND. -VEHICLE DEPARTMENT TOTAL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/09 ACTUAL DEPT COUNCIL REQUEST CITY APPROVED 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 37,195 31,213 41,328 2,480 17,467 43,808 43,233 43,233 43,233 240 SOS 0 0 287 0 a 0 0 29,468 42,581 58,000 0 21,473 58,000 62,392 82,392 82,392 0 0 14,465 (14,465) 0 0 15,132 15,132 15,132 193 499 2,250 0 133 2,250 2,250 2,250 2,250 0 4 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 90,815 85,834 138,160 0 33,130 75,000 121,035 82,563 02,563 111,118 145,621 281,314 0 53,639 110,000 297,536 277,457 277,457 60 2,475 4,350 0 45 4,360 5,060 5,060 5,060 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,538 21135 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,905,338 5,591,910 6,027,721 66,000 2,414,415 5,000,000 7,101,583 6,748,198 6,748,198 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,591 2,731 25,029 8,732 22,372 33,761 12,314 26,514 26,514 0 10,441 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,187,552 5,915,949 6,592,627 $2,747 2,562,961 5,327,179 7,680,535 7,202,795 1,282,795 • • Department: POLICE ------------------- Position Classification Title -------------------- CAPTAIN LIEUTENANT (ADMIN.) LIEUTENANT (PATROL) LIEUTENANT (TRAFFIC) SERGEANT SERGEANT SERGEANT SERGEANT SERGEANT SERGEANT SERGEANT SERGEANT SERGEANT (DETECTIVE) (TRAFFIC) (ADMIN.) (PATROL) (PATROL) (PATROL) (PATROL) (PATROL) (PATROL) PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE FISCAL YEAR 01-4451 Division: SWORN PERSONNEL 1990/91 jCurrentj Level 100$ 100% 100%1 100$1 100$ 100%1 1 100%1 100$ 100%j 1 100$1 100$1 100%1 1 100$1 SENIOR DEPUTY (TRAFFIC)) SENIOR DEPUTY (PATROL) SENIOR DEPUTY (PATROL) SENIOR DEPUTY (INVEST.)) SENIOR DEPUTY (INVEST.) SENIOR DEPUTY (INVEST.)) SENIOR DEPUTY (INVEST.) SENIOR DEPUTY (INVEST.)) SENIOR DEPUTY (INVEST.)) SENIOR DEPUTY (INVEST.)) SENIOR DEPUTY (INVEST.) SENIOR DEPUTY (INVEST.)) DEPUTY II (TRAFFIC) DEPUTY II (TRAFFIC) DEPUTY II (TRAFFIC) DEPUTY II (TRAFFIC) DEPUTY li (TRAFFIC) DEPUTY II (TRAFFIC) DEPUTY 11 (TRAFFIC) DEPUTY II (TRAFFIC) DEPUTY II (TRAFFIC) DEPUTY II (TRAFFIC) DEPUTY II (TRAFFIC) DEPUTY II (TRAFFIC) DEPUTY II (PATROL) DEPUTY II (PATROL) DEPUTY II (PATROL) DEPUTY II (PATROL) DEPUTY II (PATROL) DEPUTY II (PATROL) DEPUTY II (PATROL) DEPUTY II (PATROL) DEPUTY II (PATROL) lotusl.wkl (a1 -p61) 100$1 100% 100%j took 100$) 100% 100$ 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100 100% 100 -------------------- Position Quota Appropriations Dept. $1 $1 Mgr. I I Dept. Mgr. Adopted Rcmd. I Rcmd. Adopted Rcmd. Rcmd. Budget ------- I ------- 100%j I -------- 100$ I ----------- 100$1 ----------- $67,641 1 ----------- $67,641 s $67,641 100$1 100%j 100$1 $61,398 $61,396 $61,398 100$j 100$1 100%1 $61,398 $61,398 1 $61,398 1 100$ 100% 100$ $61,398 1 $61,398 1 $61,398 1 1 100$1 1 100$ � 100$ $53,181 $53,181 1 $53,181 100%j 100kj 100%] $53,181 $53,181 $53,181 100$j 100$ 100$1 $53,181 $53,181 $53,181 100%j 100$ 100%1 $53,181 1 $53,181 $53,181 1 100$1 100$j 100% $53,181 $53,181 $53,181 100$ 100%1 100$j $53,181 ( $53,181 $53,181 1 100$ 100$1 100%1 $53,181 $53,181 $53,181 100%1 100%j 100%1 $53,181 1 $53,181 $53,181 100%j 100$1 100%1 $53,161 $53,181 1 $53,181 1 1 100%j 1 100%1 1 100%j 1 $46,688 1 $46,688 $46,688 1 100%1 1005] 100%1 $46,688 1 $46,688 $46,688 1 100$ 100%1 100%1 $46,688 $46,688 $45,688 1 100$1 100%1 100%1 $46,688 $45,688 1 $46,688 100%j 100$ 100$ $46,688 $46,688 1 $46,688 1 100%1 100%j 100$1 $46,588 1 $46,688 $46,686 100% 100% 100$1 $46,688 $46,688 $46,688 1 1 100%1 100%1 100$1 $46,688 1 $46,688 1 $46,688 100%j 100%1 100%1 $46,688 $46,688 .1 $46,688 100%1 100%1 100%1 $46,688 1 $46,688 $46,688 100%1 100%1 100%1 $46,688 1 $46,688 $46,688 100%j 100$1 100$1 $46,688 $46,688 1 1 $46,688 1 1 1 100%1 1 100%j 1 100$1 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 $42,345 100%1 100$ 100$1 $42,345 1 $42,345 $42,345 1 100% 100%1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 100$1 100$1 100% $42,345 ( $42,345 $42,345 100%1 100% 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 $42,345 1 100$1 100%1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 100%1 100$ 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 $42,345 100%1 100$ 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 100$1 100%j 100$1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 100$1 100%1 100%1 $42,345 $42,345 1 $42,345 100$ 100$1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 $42,345 1 100$1 100$1 100%1 $42,345 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 100%j 100$1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 100% 100$1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 $42,345 100$1 100%1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 $42,345 100%1 100$ 100$1 $42,345 1 $42,345 $42,345 100$ 100$1 100$1 $42,345 $42,345 $42,345 100% 100%1 100$1 $42,345 1 $42,345 $42,345 100%1 100%1 100%1 $42,345 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 100%1 100%j 100% $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 100%1 100%1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 0 0 SWORN PERSONNEL PG.2 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE F1 S,A990/9;AR Department: POLICE 01-4451 Division: SWORN PERSONNEL Position Quota Appropriations SWORN SUBTOTAL: 5% MERIT CONTING.: FRINGE BENEFITS: SWORN TOTAL: 74 0 lotusl.wkl (a63 -p117) 75 --------------- Mgr. I Position I_______________ _ Classification Rcmd. jAdopted I jCurrentj Dept. Budget Title I Level I Rcmd. --P---------------------I-------I-------I. DEUTY II (PATROL) 1 1009 100$1 DEPUTY IT (PATROL) 1 100$1 100%1 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 100$1 100$1 DEPUTY II (PATROL) I 100$j 100%1 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 100$1 100$ DEPUTY II (PATROL) I 1001] 10011 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 10011 10011 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 1001 1001 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 1001 10011 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 1001 1001 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 10011 1001 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 1001 10011 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 10011 10011 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 1001 100$1 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 10011 10011 DEPUTY II (PATROL) I 1001] 1001 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 10011 1001 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 100$1 100$1 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 1001 10011 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 10011 10011 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 10011 1001 DEPUTY 11 (PATROL) 1 10011 10011 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 10011 1001 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 1001 1001] DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 10011 1001 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 10011 1001 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 1001 10011 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 10011 10011 DEPUTY II (D.A.R.E.) 1 031 10011 SWORN SUBTOTAL: 5% MERIT CONTING.: FRINGE BENEFITS: SWORN TOTAL: 74 0 lotusl.wkl (a63 -p117) 75 --------------- Mgr. I -----------------------------------� Dept. Mgr. Adopted Rcmd. jAdopted I Rcmd. ( Rcmd. Budget ------ I -------- 100$1 I ----•------ ----------- 100$1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 ----------- $42,345 1 100$ 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 100$j 100$1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 100%1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 100$1 100$j $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 100%1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1001 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 10011 10011 $42,345 1 142,345 1 $42,345 1001] 10011 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 10011 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1001 10011 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 10011 10011 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1001] iCD%l $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 100$1 10011 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 10011 10011 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1001 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 100$1 10011 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 10011 10011 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1001 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1001 10011 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 10011 10011 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1001 10011 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 10011 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 10011 10011 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1001 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1001 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 10011 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 10011 10011 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1001] 10011 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 75 1$3,407,970 153,407,970 1$3,407,970 1 $170,399 1 $170,399 1 $170,399 1$1,657,717 1$1,657,717 1$1,657,717 1 1 1 75 1$5,065,687 1$5,065,687 1$5,065,687 1 1 1 • Department: POLICE Position Classification Title PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 01-4451 Division:NON-SWORN PERSONNEL Position Quota I Appropriations ICurrentl Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept• I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. (Adopted I Rcmd. - ---- -- -- ----------I-------I-------1-------1--------1- COMMUNITY SVCS.OFF. I 100$1 100$1 100$1 100%1 COMMUNITY SVCS.OFF. I 100$1 100%1 100$1 100%1 MOTORPOOL SVCS.ASST. 1 100%1 200$1 200$1 200%1 SECRETARY II 1 100%1 100$1 100%1 100%1 SECRETARY I 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 CLERK SUPERVISOR 1 100%1 100%I 100%1 100%I STATION CLERK 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 STATION CLERK 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 STATION CLERK 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 STATION CLERK 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%I STATION CLERK I 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 STATION CLERK 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 10011 STATION CLERK 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 STATION CLERK 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 POLICE CLERK I 10D%I 100%1 100%1 100%1 POLICE CLERK 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 PUBLIC INFO CLERK 1 100%1 100$1 100%1 100%1 FORENSIC SPECIALIST 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 FORENSIC SPECIALIST 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 • SERVICE SPECIALIST 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 SERVICE SPECIALIST 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 SERVICE SPECIALIST 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 DISPATCHER 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 DISPATCHER 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 DISPATCHER 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 DISPATCHER 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 DISPATCHER 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 DISPATCHER 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%I DISPATCHER 1 100%1 I I I I 100%1 I I 100%1 I I 100%1 I I NON -SWORN SUBTOTAL: I I I I I I FRINGE BENEFITS: 1 I I I I I • NON -SWORN TOTAL: 1 29 1 30 1 30 I I I lotusl.wkl (a124-pl79) $23,347 $23,347 $47,898 $26,413 $24,534 $25,766 $23,344 $23,344 $23,344 $23,344 $23,344 $23,344 $23,344 $23,344 $21,617 $21,617 $19,251 $31,341 $31,341 $25,766 $25,766 $25,766 $28,397 $28,397 $28,397 $28,397 $28,397 $28,397 $28,397 FI SCAL YEAR 1990/91 mgr. I Aaopte Rcmd. I Budget ----------- $23,347 1 $23,347 1 $47,898 1 $26,413 1 $24,534 I $25,766 1 $23,344 1 $23,344 1 $23,344 1 $23,344 I $23,344 1 $23,344 $23,344 1 $23,344 $21,617 1 $21,617 $19,251 1 $31,341 1 $31,341 I $25,766 1 $25,766 I $25,766 1 $28,397 $28,397 1 $28,397 1 $28,397 I $28,397 $28,397 I $28,397 $23,347 $23,347 $47,898 $26,413 $24,534 $25,766 $23,344 $23,344 $23,344 $23,344 $23,344 $23,344 $23,344 $23,344 $21,617 $21,617 $19,251 $31,341 $31,341 $25,766 $25,766 $25,766 $28,397 $28,397 $28,397 $28,397 $28,397 $28,397 $28,397 I I I I I I $759,301 1 $759,301 I $759,301 I I $232,992 I $232,992 I $232,992 30 1 $992,293 $992,293 I $992,293 I • 0 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Department: POLICE 01-4451 Division:CROSSING GUARDS CROSSING -GUARD SUBTOTALS CROSSING GUARD TOTAL 1 19 1 24 • lotusl.wkl (a185 -p241) ations Mgr. Rcmd. $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $82,392 $82,392 24 1 24 1 $82,392 1 $82,392 FISCAL YEAR 1990/91 ------------ Adopted Budget ----------- $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $82,392 $82,392 Position Quota Appropr Position ------------------------------- ------------ Classification jCurrentj Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept. Title I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. jAdopted I Rcmd. ----OSS------------------- CRING GUARD I ------- I 1 100$ ------- I 100$1 ------- I -------- 100$1 I----------- 100$1 $3,433 CROSSING GUARD 1 100$ 100$ 100$1 10031 $3,433 CROSSING GUARD 1 10031 1003 1003 100%1 $3,433 CROSSING GUARD 1 100$1 100$1 10031 10031 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD 1 100$1 10031 10031 100%1 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD 1 10031 1003 10031 10031 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD 1 100$ 10031 10031 100%1 $3,433 CROSSING GUARD 1 10031 10031 10031 10031 $3,433 CROSSING GUARD I 1D0$j 100$1 10031 100%1 $3,433 CROSSING GUARD 1 10031 10031 100$1 100$1 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD 1 100$ 100$1 100$1 100$1 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD 1 10031 10031 10031 10031 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD 1 10031 10031 100$1 100$1 $3,433 CROSSING GUARD 1 10031 100$1 100$1 10031 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD 1 10031 10031 1003 100%1 $3,433 CROSSING GUARD 1 100$1 100$1 100$1 10031 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD 1 10031 1003 100$1 100%1 $3,433 CROSSING GUARD 1 1003 1003 10031 100$1 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD 1 10031 10031 1003 10031 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD 1 031 100$] 100$ 10031 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD 1 031 1003 1003 100$1 $3,433 CROSSING GUARD I 0$j 10031 10031 10031 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD 1 0%1 1003 1003 100%1 $3,433 CROSSING GUARD 1 031 1 1 1 1 10031 1 1 1003] 1 1 10031 1 1 $3,433 1 1 CROSSING -GUARD SUBTOTALS CROSSING GUARD TOTAL 1 19 1 24 • lotusl.wkl (a185 -p241) ations Mgr. Rcmd. $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $82,392 $82,392 24 1 24 1 $82,392 1 $82,392 FISCAL YEAR 1990/91 ------------ Adopted Budget ----------- $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $3,433 $82,392 $82,392 0 0 POLICE COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Program: I Account Number: POLICE 1 01-4451 Object No.1 Description of Items 5 Individual Dollar Amounts scat Yearl 1990/91 1 Budget 1 ---------•------------------------- 1100 IREGULAR SALARY I I I 43,233 I I 1300 IPART TIME PAYROLL I I 82,392 I I 1900 I (FRINGE BENEFITS I I I 15,132 I I 3100 I ITRAVEL 6 MEETINGS ( I 2.250 I I 3900 IMAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS I 1 UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT 2,625 I I HOUSEKEEPING 3,465 I I EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 3,048 I I FACILITY MAINTENANCE 3,116 I MEDICAL SUPPLIES 525 I I OFFICE EXPENSE 24,090 I I PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,800 I I SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 16.825 I I PRIVATE MILEAGE 1,000 I I POSTAL SERVICES 4,329 I I SMALL EQUIP PURCHASE 3,352 I I I OFFICE FURNITURE 1,288 I I CRIME PREVENTION MATERIAL 17,000 I I SUBTOTAL: I 82,563 I 3931 I IVEHICLE MAINTENANCE S FUEL I I I 277,457 I 3956 IDUES I I I CRIME PREVENTION 860 I I LEGAL DEFENSE FUNDS 4,200 I I SUBTOTAL: I 5,060 1 6028 I (CONTRACT SERVICES I I I I SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT 6,523,393 I I OVERTIME 219,483 I XEROX 17,925 I I I IDENT-I-KIT 800 I I I EQUIPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT 4,886 I I CRISS-CROSS PHONE BOOK 150 I I MIS CHARGES 16,596 I I I (LESS SUPPLIES AND FORMS ADJUSTMENT) (19,951)1 (LESS STATION CLERK ADJUSTMENT) (61,582)1 I 1 CAL I.D. PROGRAM 46,500 1 i SUBTOTAL: 1 6,748,194 I I 7044 1 ICAPITAL EQUIPMENT I I I VEHICLE 16,000 I I OFFICE EQUIPMENT 800 1 1 1 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 9,714 1 1 1 SUBTOTAL: I 26,514 I lotus2.wk11 I I TOTAL: 17,282,795 I 1 r1 �J • • CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM Department: POLICE Fiscal Year: 1990/91 01-4451 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------- Account I New/ or I (Estimate i Number I Replaces (EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEED I Cost ----------- I ---------- I ------------------------------------------------- --------- 4451-7044 INEW IFORD OR CHEVROLET MINI -VAN WITH SPECIAL D.A.R.E. I $16,000 IPAINT SCHEME TO BE USED BY PROJECTED D.A.R.E. OFFICER TO I TRANSPORT PERSONNEL AND MATERIALS TO CLASSES I I THROUGHOUT THE CITY. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I � I I � I I � I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I � I I I I I I I lotus3.wk1 I I I I TOTAL I $16,000 • • DepartmentPOLICE 01-4451 COMPUTER HARDWARE REQUEST FORM Fiscal Y1990/91 ------------ -------------------------- ------ Resource Center l I I I Unit1 1Use Only Account I Hardware Description (Work Area 1Qty I Cost lEstimatedl----------- Number I Identification 1 Location I I I Cost 1 Approved 1 ---------j------------------------1----------1---1-------1---------1---------- --- 1 01-4451-70441CANON model AP160-II I 1 I I I I (TYPEWRITER 1 1 1 1 $800 1 $800 1 $800 1 IDEC VT -320 Sys w/cables 1 1 3 1$1,938 1 $5,814 1 $5,814 1 16 Inter. w/county Comp. I I I I I I 10igital LA210 printers I 1 3 1$1,300 1 $3,900 1 $3,900 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I lotus4.wkl I I I 1 I I I I I I Totals: 7 $10,514 Denied I Date $0 $0 $0 Community Services 01.4352 r r 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND ---COMMUNITY SERV. ADMIN 4532 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 6532 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 6532 1300 PARTTIME PAYROLL 4532 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 4532 2000 P.E.R.S. 6532 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 6532 3300 MILEAGE 4532 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 6532 3931 VEHICLE MAINT.6 OPERATIONS 4532 3956 DUES 1 4532 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 1 4532 6028 CONTACT SERVICES 1 4532 7043 CAPITAL EXPEN.-BUILDING 1 4532 7044 CAPITAL EXPEN.-EQUIPMENT 1 4532 7045 CAPITAL EXPEND. -VEHICLES _ DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCA14ONGA 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 397,333 466,656 461,483 27,689 252,717 74 0 0 0 0 69,776 104,014 128,499 0 57,247 0 0 150,500 (160,580) 0 0 0 D 0 350 5,867 16,773 11,235 0 5,304 3,155 4,850 3,500 0 2,010 156,819 131,398 219,512 (9,350) 93,654 3,161 5,842 3,580 0 111 1,075 1,921 1,760 0 1,162 0 0 3,052 (3,052) 0 35,527 72,573 62,510 6,762 26,521 365 20,109 0 0 0 3,364 150 3,830 0 0 0 0 0 0 616,526 82/,886 1,062,581 (138,531) 639,110 DEPT COUNCIL REQUEST CITY APPROVED 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 189,172 651,414 533,322 612,664 0 51,168 0 0 128,199' 148,221 135,593 142,373 0 238,229 188,750 216,694 0 0 0 0 14,235 32,764 16,040 16,080 3,500 6,500 8,200 4,200 210,222 254,007 227,964 221,964 3,580 6,150 6,150 6,150 1,110 2,903 1,955 1,955 0 3,881 3,434 3,438 69,272 91,957 115,977 115,977 0 3,600 0 0 31830 45,982 12,937 12,937 0 18,000 18,000 18,000 924,050 1,554,782 1,264,322 1,378,588 • PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year Department: Community Services Division: Administration 1990/91 01-4532 -------Position ----------------------------- 1 Position Quota Appropriations 1 --------1 ------------------------------ 1------------------------------- Classification Classification -------- - 1Currentl Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept, I Mgr. I Adopted 1 Title I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. (Adopted I Reed. I Rcmd. I I--------- I----------- Budget 1 I ----------------------- Community Services Dir.1 I------- I------- 100%1 I------- 100$1 I-------- 100%1 I--------- 100%1 $79,236 I $78,500 1 $87,552 1 Rec. Superintendent 1 100%1 100%1 100%I 100%1 $50,076 1 $50,086 1 $55,884 1 Management Analyst II 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $41,640 1 $41,640 1 $46,464 1 Comm.Serv.Technician 1 200%1 200%1 200%1 200%1 $64,248 1 $64,248 1 $70,992 1 Admin. Secretary I 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $25,140 1 $32,136 1 $29,508 1 Recreation Supervisor I 400%1 400%1 400%1 400%1$142,368 1$142,368 1 $158,976 1 Recreation Coordinator 1 200%1 300%1 300%1 300%1 $71,347 1 $55,078 1 $92,304 I Office Specialist 11 1 200%1 200%1 200%1 200%1 $39,444 1 $43,870 1 $42,000 1 Subtotal: I 1 I I 1$513,499 1$507,926 1 $583,680 1 Merit Contingency 1 5%1 5%1 5%1 5%1 $25,675 1 $25,396 1 $29,184 1 Subtotal: I 1I I I I I I I 1$539,174 i 1$533,322 1 I I $612,864 1 I Fringe Benefits 1 35%1 35%1 35%1 I 35%1$188,711 i 1$186,663 1 I I $214,502 1 I TOTAL: I I 1 1 I I I I I I i I 1 I I 1$727,885 I I 1$719,985 1 I I I I $827,366 1 I i Reg. P/T Rec.Leaders 1 300%1 300%1 300%1 300%1 $10,440 1 $10,440 1 $10,962 Fringe Benefits 1 20%1 20%1 20%1 20%1 $2,088 I 1 $2,088 1 I I $2,192 1 Subtotal: I I 1 I I I I 1 1 $12,528 1 $12,528 1 $13,154 1 Part -Time Payroll I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1$147,153 I I I 1$125,153 I I 1 $131,411 I I GRAND TOTAL: 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1$881,566 I 1$857,666 I 1 $971,932 5321fml.wkl I I I I I I I COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET • Department/Division: I Program: I Account Number: (Fiscal Yearl Community Services I Administration I 01-4532 i 1990/91-1 Object No.1 Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts - ----------- I Budget I ---------- 1100 I---------------------------------------------------------------- lRegular Salaries I ----------- I I $612,864 I 1300 1 (Part-time Payroll I I I $131,411 I lRegular Part-time Payroll I $10,962 I 1900 I lFringe Benefits - Regular Payroll I I I $214,502 Fringe Benefits - Regular Part-time Payroll I $2,192 I I I 3100 I (Travel & Meeting: I I I Congress NRPA $1,860 i 1 1 League of Calif. Cities $790 I I 1 Calif. Parks & Rec. Society $5,000 I I I League of Calif. Citites, Community Services $1,600 I 1 1 Misc. Seminars; Local Meetings; Prof. Training $6,790 I I 1 SUB -TOTAL: I $16,040 I 3300 I (Mileage Reimbursement: I I l 1 I Car Allowance $3,000 I I I Local Mileage $1,200 l 1 SUB -TOTAL: I $4,200 I 3900 I (Maintenance & Operations: I � I I • I Promotional Advertising $3,675 I 1 Photographic Supplies & Service $8,969 I I 1 Misc. Printing & Forms $10,000 l I Grapevine $103,312 I I 1 Specialized Programs (Recreation) $10,000 1 1 Community Special Events $28,350 I I Office Supplies $23,835 I 1 Community Ctr.Building Maint. & Supplies $35,756 I I Software $1,824 1 I Image Writer $978 1 I Publications $1,266 1 1 SUB -TOTAL: I $227,964 3931 I (Vehicle Maintenance & Operations I I $6,150 3956 I (Membership Dues: I 1 I Calif. Parks & Rec. Society $1,260 1 1 National Park & Rec. Assoc. $180 I I Misc. Dues to Professional Organizations $515 1 I I SUB -TOTAL: I $1,955 I � I 532LFM2.WK1(A1-L53) PAGE 1 TOTAL: I I 1$1,228,240 • COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Department/Division: � Program: I Account Number: Fiscal Year Community Services I Administration 1 01-4532 1 1990/91 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object No.1 Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts -----------� Budget -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 1 TOTAL: ----------- 1$1,228,240 3950 JGeneral Liability $3,434 6028 lContract Services: Copy Machine (Xerox) $8,440 Computer Maintenance $10,467 Library Services Enhancement $25,000 Professional Services $5,000 Painting & RCNC $15,000 Painting Q Lions Center $5,000 MIS Administration $43,470 Repaint Snack Bars $3,600 SUBTOTAL: $115,977 7044 JCapital Expenditures: Computer Equipment $7,102 P.A. System at RCNC $2,000 Drop Safes (2) $1,200 Easi File $635 Office Equipment/Furnishings $2,000 . SUBTOTAL: $12,937 7045 JCapital Expenditures - Vehicles: IGS Fund To Replace Unit 0410 $0 Astro Van (8 passenger) $18,000 SUBTOTAL: $18,000 5321fm2.wkl (07-003) GRAND TOTAL: 1$1,378,588 • • r1 U Department: Community Services I I Account I Software Identification Number 1 I ------------ ------------------- 01-4532-3900ILotus 123 (Word Perfect IPagemaker (Excel lNord Perfect ISuperpaint IMac Draw 1Eloectronic Clip Art 114ac Fastback IMac SAM I I I 5321fm7.wkl 1 COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUEST FORM Division: Administration 01-4532 I I I ISerial Number/ID oft 1 (Computer Unit where) Qty 1 I Software is to 1 1 be installed I I 1------------------- lExisting/Parks 1 1 1 (Existing/Parks 1 1 1 (New Mac II 1 1 1 (New Mac II I 1 I (New Mac II 1 1 I INew Mac II 1 1 1 INew Mac II I 1 I INew Mac II 1 1 I INew Mac 11 I 1 1 INew Mac II 1 1 1 I I I II I I Totals: 10 Fiscal Year 1990/91 $2.224 $1.824 $400 I I Resource Center I I I Use Only 1 Unit IEstimatedl -----------------------------I Cost i Cost I I I Approved I Denied I I Date 1 I I ---$319 1--------- I I $319 I ----------1---------- $319 1 $0 I ------- 14/16/901 $251 I $251 1 $0 1 $251 14/16/901 $398 1 $398 1 $398 1 $0 14/16/901 $289 1 $289 i $289 1 $0 14/16/901 $205 1 $205 1 $205 I $0 14/16/901 $149 i $149 l $0 l $149 14/16/901 $200 1 $200 1 $200 1 $0 14/16/901 $200 1 $200 1 $200 I s0 14/16/901 $125 1 $125 1 $125 1 $0 14/16/901 $88 1 s88 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I $88 I I 1 $0 I I I I I 11 14/16/901 I I I I I I I I I I I I $2.224 $1.824 $400 COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM Department: Community Services Division: Administration Fiscal Year 01-4532 1990/91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I Resource Center I I I I I I I Use Only 1 Account I Contract Services IJustificationlQtyl Unit (Estimated I ------------------------I Number I I I I Cost I Cost 1ApprovedlDenied I Date I -------------- I---------------------- I------------- I--- I---------- I---------- I-------- I------- I-------1 01-4532-6028 INCR Tower/7 Monitors IMaint. 1 1 I $7,000 1 $7,000 I $7,000 I $0 14/16/901 118M 1 1 2 1 $358 1 $716 1 $716 1 $0 14/16/901 (Color Monitor 1 1 2 1 $151 1 $302 1 $302 1 $0 14/16/901 IHewlet Packard Printerl 1 1 1 $690 1 $690 1 $690 1 $0 14/16/901 loot Matrix Printer I 1 1 1 $276 1 $276 I $552 1 $0 14/16/901 ILaser Writer Printer I 11 1 $632 1 $632 1 $632 1 $0 14/16/901 IMAC Plus I 11 1 $575 1 $575 1 $575 1 $0 14/16/901 IMac II w/Color Monitorl 1 1 1 $862 1 $862 I $0 1 $862 14/16/901 11mage Writer Printer I 1 1 1 $276 1 $276 1 $0 1 $276 14/16/901 • 5321fm5.wkl I • Totals: 11 $11,329 $10,467 $1,138 L J 0 • COMPUTER HARDWARE REQUEST FORM Department: Community Services Division: Administration Fiscal Year 01-4532 1990/91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reurce Center Use Only Account Hardware Description lWork Area jQty I Unit jEstimated I -------------------------� Number Identification I Location I I Cost I Cost jApprovedl Denied I Date I ------------ I------------------------- 01-4532-7044IMac II cx 40 CPU I ---------- (CSD I---- I ---------- Tech I 1 1 $3,409 I---------- 1 $3,409 I-------- I 1 $3,409 1 -------- SO ------- 14/16/901 jApple Color High Res.ROB UCSD Tech I 1 1 $700 1 $700 1 $700 1 $0 14/16/901 Mac 11 8 Bit Video Card UCSD Tech I 1 1. $454 1 $454 1 $454 1 $0 14/16/901 Apple Extended Keyboard UCSD Tech I 1 1 $161 1 $161 1 $161 1 $0 14/16/901 Max/4 M8 Memory JCSD Tech 1 1 1 $1,400 1 $1,400 1 $1,400 1 $0 14/16/901 11magewriter JCSD Tech 1 1 1 $978 1 $978 1 $978 1 $0 14/15/901 5321fm4.wkl Totals: 6 $7,102 $7,102 $7,102 $0 Park & Rec. Commission 014540 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) 10/22/90 ACCOUNT ------------------------------------------- GENERAL FUND ---PARK 6 RECREATION COMMITTEE 1 4540 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 1 4540 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 1 6560 3956 DUES 1 6540 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY DEPARTMENT TOTAL r N r 0 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCA14ONGA DEPT COUNCIL 81-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/99 ACTUAL 1990/91 NGR 1990/91 0 537 2,450 0 0 2,650 2,450 2,450 2,450 0 397 750 0 0 750 805 805 805 0 100 415 0 369 615 340 650 450 0 0 36 (36) 0 0 36 37 37 0 1,034 3,651 (36) 369 3,615 3,631 3,742 3,762 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSIEEr r Department /Division: , ommunity Services Program: Parks & Recreation Commission Account Number: 01-4540 FY 90/91 Ob'ect No. Descri tion of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 3100 Travel and Meetin s CPRS Annual Meeting $2,000 Xerisca a 130 Local Travel and Meetings $320 $2.450_ 3900 Maintenance and O erations Legal Advertisin 530 Publications 275 $805 3956 Membership Dues CA Parks and Recreation Assoc.(Public Azency Member 340 CA Parks and Recreation Assoc. (Commission /Board Members 110 450 3960 General Liability 37 TOTAL $3.742_j Engineering/Admin. 01.4637 N N w 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT ----------------------------------------------- GENERAL FUND ---ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION 1 4637 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 1 4637 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 1300 PARTTIME PAYROLL 1 4637 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 1 4637 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 1 4537 3300 MILEAGE 1 4637 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 1 4637 3931 VEHICLE MAINT.6 OPERATIONS 1 4637 3956 DUES 1 4637 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 1 4637 4537 HUGHES INVESTMENT DEP 1 4637 6028 CONTACT SERVICES 1 4637 7044 CAPITAL ENPEN.-EQUIPMENT 1 4537 7045 CAPITAL EXPEND. -VEHICLES DEPARTMENT TOTAL i CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 275,305 231,763 206,002 12,360 225,966 2,332 316 900 0 4,098 0 0 0 0 0 72,101 (72,101) 0 3,033 3,831 7,600 0 3,471 2,518 3,226 3,500 0 1,385 2,464 26,967 33,675 0 2,928 9,856 15,131 8,640 0 3,825 290 298 690 0 214 0 0 2,238 (2,238) 0 10,000 34,765 67,492 102,446 (6,624) 75,282 16,315 2,463 7,365 0 0 0 5,756 0 0 0 347,758 357,239 445,157 (58,603) 318,169 210,362 261,356 230,296 250,796 900 2,110 21110 2,110 0 0 0 0 91,475 80,603 87,779 7,600 9,500 7,650 7,650 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 33,615 28,475 28,453 28,463 8,640 10,800 10,800 10,800 690 570 570 570 0 570 1,309 1,309 10,000 95,822 134,180 77,007 77,007 7,365 8,252 0 0 0 0 0 0 386,554 $49,788 442,308 469,984 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 1990/91 Department: Engineering Division: Administration 01-4637 I I I Position Quota I Appropriations 1 Position I I I------------------=------------I-----------------------------I Classification 1Pos. I Emp. 1Currentl Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted I Title 6 Position 8 I R I % I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. lAdoptedl Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget I I I I I I I I I I I City Engineer Management Analyst II Admin. Aide* Sr Admin Secretary Office Specialist II Office Specialist 11 Office Specialist II Office Specialist II Office Specialist I Office Specialist I Secretary Subtotal: Merit Contingency: Subtotal: • Fringe Benefits Subtotal: Part-time TOTAL 1 (Vacant 1 7 1 2042 1 48 new 1 8 1 8388 9 1 2134 1 10 1 3823 1 11 1 5679 1 12 1 8682 1 13 1 4049 1 53 new 1 9lnew I I I I � I I I � I I I � I I I � I I I � I I I � 100%1 100%1 100%1 60%1 100%1 20%1 60%1 100%1 _ 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 81228 1 81228 1 91584 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 38064 1 38064 1 42480 1 100%IN/R IN/R 1 24060 IN/R IN/R I 100%1 100%1 100%1 30564 1 30564 1 30864 1 60%1ReclasslReclassl 11707 1 - I - 1 60%1 60%1 60%1 11707 1 11707 1 13392 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 21132 1 21132 1 23640 1 20%1 20%1 20%1 3982 1 3982 1 4555 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 17652 1 17652 1 18744 1 I - I - IN/R IN/R IN/R 1 60%1 60%1 60%1 12931 1 12931 1 13594 1 I I I I I I I I 1 253027 1 217260 1 238853 1 I I I 12651 1 10863 1 11943 1 I I I 265678 1 228123 1 250796 1 I I 1 92907 1 79843 1 87778 1 I I 1 358665 1 307966 1 338574 1 I I I DI DI DI 1 1 1 358665 1 307966 1 338574 1 (Proposed reclassification of an Office Assistant to Senior Office Assistant. • *Proposed New N/R Not Recommended COST CENTER DEARKSHEET 199091 • Department/ Division: Enoineerina Program: I Administration Account Number: 01-4637 Department Pro osed City Mgr. Proposed Ob'ect No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget Re roduction of City Mas 8 Blueprints 750 750 Copies of Recorded Mas from County 5250 5250 U dated Assessor Ma Pages 350 350 SUBTOTAL 28475 28463 3931 Vehicle Maintenance & Operations Blazer 2x4 (6,000 x .60 3600 3600 Blazer 4x4 (6,000 x .60 3600 3600 Astro Mini -Van 6000 x .60 3600 3600 SUBTOTAL 10800 10800 3932 Equipment Maintenance 'None' SUBTOTAL 0 0 3956 Dues APWA - Nat'l. & So. Calif. Chapters C.E. 100 100 ITE - Nat'I. L.A. & San Bernardino/Riverside C.E. 150 150 ASCE - Nat'l. & San Bernardino/Riverside C.E. 125 125 City/County Eno. - San Bernardino/Riverside C.E. 50 50 ASPA Admin. Asst. 75 75 MMASC Admin. Asst. 50 50 : Notary 20 20 SUBTOTAL 570 570 3960 General Liability 1% of Operations 1348 1309 6028 Contract Services Computer & Word Processing Maintenance 9105 10294 Microfiche Maintenance 475 475 MIS Admin. Charges 42750 64388 OCE Machine Maintenance asset transferred to 01-4150 0 0 Blue Print Machine Maintenance 1 transferred to 01-46471 350 350 Storm Water Discharge Program 80000 0 Photocopier Maintenance 3 spot copiers) 1500 1500 SUBTOTAL 134180 77007 7044 Capital Equipment MAC SE 2002 0 MAC 2 mb RAM Upgrade For SE 725 0 Da nafile 1.2 mb 5.5 Inch Drive 800 0 Tectronix Terminal 4725 0 SUBTOTAL 8252 0 TOTAL 559817 469984 • COST CENTER DETOORKSHEET 1990/91 • Department/Division: Program: Administration Account Number: 01-4637 Department Proposed City Mgr. Proposed Ob'ect No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Bud et 1100 Regular Payroll 268209 250796 1200 Overtime Payroll 2110 2110 1300 Part-time Payroll 0 0 1900 Frin a Benefits & 35% 93873 87779 3100 Travel & Meetings APWA Local Meetings C.E. 100 100 APWA National Convention C.E. 1300 1300 ASCE Local Meetin s C.E. 125 125 City/CountV Engineers Meetings C.E. 125 125 General League of Calif. Cities C.E. 800 800 ITE Local Meetin s C.E. 150 150 ITE Regional Meeting C.E. 850 850 Public Works Officials Leanue of Calif. Cities C.E. 850 850 ASPA Local Meetings Admin. Asst. 100 100 ASPA Regional Conference Admin. Asst. 500 200 MMASC Annual Conferences Admin. Asst. 100 0 MMASC Local Meetings Admin. Asst. 50 50 Business Womens Training Institute 850 850 Committee Commission & Board Meetings 1250 1250 Computer Training Seminars 500 500 Management Seminars & Technical/Professional Workshops as needed 850 400 SUBTOTAL 8500 7650 3300 Milea e City En (neer 12x250 3000 3000 Staff Reimbursement 500 500 SUBTOTAL 3500 3500 3900 Maintenance & Operations Blue rint Machine Supplies & Paper 1 transferred to 01-4647 2125 2125 OCE Machine Supplies asset transferred to 014150 0 0 Misc. Supplies 12750 12750 Cont uter Printer Supplies 800 800 Com uter Cabling & Misc. Materials 100 0 Software & Software Updates 2700 2788 Printing & Publications 1250 1250 Film & Film Processing 1300 1300 M tars & Mylar Duplicates 550 550 Microfiche Mas from Count 550 550 0 COMPUTER SOFTWAROOUEST FORM 1990/91 • Department Engineering Adminlnr.a Hnn Fiscal Year: 199cdgI Account Number .._......._.. _.._.. Software Identification .---- Serial Number/ID of Computer Unit where Software is to be Installed Qty I Unit Cost Department P Proposed Estimated Cos Cit Mgr. Y 9 Proposed Estimated Cost Approved Resource Center Use Only Denied Date 01-4637-3900 Software UpdatesA Various 1 500 Soo 5D0 J MS Word (MAC) New Mac for Admin. Aide 1 250 250 250 J MS Excel (MAC) New Mac for Admin. Aide 1 250 250 250 J MAC Project II New Mac for Admin. Aide 1 500 500 SDO J Super Paint 2.0 (MAC) New Mac for Admin. Aide 1 200 200 200 J Delta Graph (MAC) New & F7469O3MS030 2 300 600 600 J Fast Back II MAC New & F7469O3MS030 2 200 400 400 J SAM New 1 88 0 88 J Totals: 10 2288 2700 2786 "Updates Include: Dbase Mac, MS Excel and MS Word • COMPUTER CONTRACI•RVICES REQUEST FORM Department: Engineering Fiscal Year: Administration 1990191 Account Number Contract Services Justification O1y Unit Cost Estimated Cos Resource Center Use Only Approved Denied Date 01-4637-6028 MAC 11 w/ Color Monitor Maintenance Contract 1 862 862 Memory Upgrade /nib RAM Maintenance Contract 2 560 1,120 NBI 2000 Workstation Maintenance Contract 6 276 1,656 NBI Diablo Printer Maintenance Contract 3 607 1,821 NBI Sheet Feeder Z 201 Maintenance Contract 3 483 1,449 NBI-ICU Share Maintenance Contract 1 2,040 2,040 Multinet Maintenance Contract 1 133 133 LaserWriter Printer Maintenance Contract 1 632 632 Tektronix Terminal Maintenance Contract 1 402 402 VIP Terminal Maintenance Contract 1 179 179 *Includes only existing equipment, new equipment to be serviced under warranty. 20 6,174 10,294 5/2/90 Development Management 01-0638 r N 0 BUDGET PROJECTION NORNSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-09) ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND ---DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT 1 4638 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 1 4638 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 1 4638 1300 PARTTIME PAYROLL 1 4638 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 1 4638 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 1 4638 3300 MILEAGE 1 4638 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 1 4638 3931 VEHICLE MAINT.6 OPERATIONS 1 4638 3956 DUES 1 4638 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 1 4638 6028 CONTACT SERVICES 1 4638 7044 CAPITAL E%PEN.-EQUIPMENT DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 81-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 364,881 472,591 581,753 34,9D5 240,290 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 203,613 (203,613) 0 2,392 3,075 5,600 0 1,160 27 0 500 0 0 15,181 6,166 11,650 0 1,206 0 0 0 0 0 18 84 1,130 0 0 0 0 4,947 (4,947) 0 312,217 352,320 475,790 (2,939) 248,452 2,063 6,423 4,063 0 0 616,658 670,545 594,219 641,965 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 234,591 207,977 224,688 5,600 7,600 6,150 6,150 500 500 500 500 11,650 20,498 10,240 10,240 0 0 1,130 980 725 725 0 295 5,139 5,139 472,851 548,382 499,495 499,495 4,083 8,296 900 900 696,119 840,659 1,289,066 (176,594) 491,108 1,112,472 1,491,788 1,325,345 1,389,802 • Department: Engineering Position Classification Title 6 Position S PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Division: Developement Management 01-4638 I Position Quota I 1Pos. Deputy City Engineer I -------------- 1Currentl Senior Civil Engineer 1 0 I Senior Civil Engineer 1 Level I I I Associate Engineer Associate Engineer Associate Engineer Landscape Designer Asst. Landscape Des. Assistant Engineer Assistant Engineer Assistant Engineer Assistant Engineer Engineering Tech Engineering Tech Eng. Aide . Jr. Engineer* ** Subtotal Merit Contingency: Subtotal: Fringe Benefits Subtotal: Part-time TOTAL PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Division: Developement Management 01-4638 I Position Quota I 1Pos. I I Emp. I -------------- 1Currentl Dept. 1 0 I 1 0 I 1 Level I I I Rcmd. 2 63 4 14 15 16 17 27 23 24 25 26 34 44 47 54 • **Funded using Special Funds *Proposed New Position 700 1 3882 1 3194 1 5558 7413 1 7550 1 6363 549 1 4225 1 4132 1 7969 1 8135 1 25 I 2013 1 5139 1 new I Mgr• I I I Rcmd. lAdoptedl I I I 100%1 100%1 100%1 80$1 90%1 90%1 100%1 100%1 100$1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 15%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 20%1 20%1 20%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%I 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 10011 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 - 1 100%1 0%1 I I I I I I 100%1 90%1 100%1 100%1 15%1 100%1 20%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 0%1 I I I I I Fiscal Year 1990/91 --------------------------- Appropriations --------------------------- Dept. Mgr. Adopted Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget 1 I I I 64260 1 52337 1 61128 I 44208 1 47640 1 52632 1 8081 1 29964 i 45324 1 35316 1 35316 1 40212 1 25668 1 31332 27660 1 31512 1 632590 31630 664220 232477 896697 0 896697 64260 52337 61128 44208 7146 52632 8081 29964 45324 35316 35316 40212 25668 31332 27660 0 560584 28029 588613 206015 794628 0 794628 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I N/R Not Shown In Draft Budget 71712 1 56970 1 66540 1 46932 1 7974 55884 1 9019 1 33432 1 48120 1 39408 1 37500 1 42684 1 32448 1 34968 27804 1 of I 611395 1 30570 641965 1 224688 1 866653 I OI 866653 1 I I I • COST CENTER DETINORKSHEET 1990191 • Department/Division: Program: Administration Account Number: 01-463TR Department Pro Osed City Mgr. ProDosed Obiect No. I Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Bud et 1100 Re ular Pa roll 670545 641965 1200 Overtime Payroll 0 0 1900 Fringe Benefits 0 35% 234691 224688 3100 Travel & Meetings APWA National Convention (Deputy C.E. 1300 1300 Public Works Officials Leanue of Calif, Cities (Deputy C.E. 850 850 APWA Local Meetings 200 200 APWA Pavement M mt. Seminar 500 500 ASCE Local Meetings 200 150 City/ ountEngineers Meetings 350 350 Com uter Training (Engineering Applications) 15W 500 Landscape & Irrigation Seminars 500 300 Special Classes & Seminars 1000 1000 Subdivision Map Act Seminar 1200 1000 SUBTOTAL 7600 6150 3300 Mileage Staff Reimbursement 500 500 3900 Maintenance & Operations Computer Cablina & Misc. Materials 100 0 Pubtications & Reference Manuals 850 850 Software and Software Updates 1748 790 S ecial Materials Drafting & Field Supplies 2000 2000 Standard Drawing Printing 13800 4800 Misc. Supplies 1200 1000 Computer Supplies disks. ribbons etc. 500 500 H dr logy AES Program Annual Subscription 300 300 SUBTOTAL 20498 10240 3931 Vehicle Maintenance & Operations 'None' SUBTOTAL 3932 Equipment Maintenance 'None' SUBTOTAL 3956 Dues APWA - Natl. & So. Calif. Chapters 3001 300 COST CENTER DETAILINORKSHEET1990FJ1 Department/Division: En ineerin Program: Devel. mt. Account Number: 01-4638 Department Pro osed City Mgr. Proposed Obect No. I Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget ASCE - Natl. & San Bernardino/Riverside 250 250 International Society of Aboriculture 55 0 American Soc. of Landscape Architects 160 160 Urban Forestry Council 15 15 California Parks & Recreation Society 200 0 SUBTOTAL 980 725 3960 General Liabili 1% of Operations 5780 5139 6028 Contract Services Computer Maintenance 3382 3382 Microfilm Service - Construction & Improvement Plans 5000 4000 Consultants & Contract Employees Plan Check Consultants are Fee Supported) 540000 474750 MIS Admin. Char es 0 17363 SUBTOTAL 548362 499495 7044 Capital Expenditures MAC SE' 2871 0 MAC 2mb RAM Upgrade For SE' 725 0 Da nafile 1.2mb 5.5 Inch Drive 800 0 Hewlett Packard Plotter 6 Pen 0 0 VIP Terminals 3 3000 0 Han Ing Map Stand & Holder 900 900 SUBTOTAL 8296 900 7045 Capital Expenditure - Vehicles 'NONE' SUBTOTAL 0 0 'Funded From Special Funds TOTAL 14972711 1389802 COMPUTER SOFTW• REOUEST FORM 1990/91 Department: Engineering Fiscal Year: Devokmmant Mane ement 1990/91 Account Number Software IdentificationSerial Number/ID of Computer Unit where Software is to be installed Oty Unit Cost Department Proposed Estimated Cosl City Mgr. Proposed Estimated Cos Resource Center Use Only Approved Denied Date 01-4638-3900 Software Updat"A Various 1 300 300 300 J 01.4638-3900 Word Pedect Eng. Aide & Eng. Tech. - 2 245 490 490 J (existing PCs) 22-46373900 MS Word (MAC) Jr. Civil Eng. - New 1 167 167 167 J 22-M7.3900 MS Excel (MAC) Jr. Civil Eng. - New 1 246 246 246 J 22-4637.3900 MAC Project II Jr. Civil Eng. - New 1 495 495 495 J 22.4637-3900 MAC Draw II Jr. Civil Eng. - New 1 0 WR N/R J AUpdates include: Lotus 1-2-3, MS Excel and MS Word ' General Fund $790 Special Funds $908 Totals: 7 1,453 1,698 F 0 COMPUTER CONTRACAVICES REQUEST FORM Department: Engineering Fiscal Year: DeveloomantMananamant 11oon101 Account Number Contract Services Justification Qty Unit Cost Estimated Cosi Resource Center use only Approved Denied Date 01-4638-6028 Compaq 286 Maintenance Contract 1 302 302 01-4638-6028 IBM Maintenance Contract 3 358 1,074 01.4638-6028 Color Monitor Maintenance Contract 4 151 604 O1-4638-6028 Dot Matrix Printer Maintenance Contract 2 276 552 01-4638-6028 PT200 Maintenance Contract 1 179 179 01-4638-6028 MAC SE Maintenance Contract 1 575 575 01-4638-6028 Memory Upgrade /Mb RAM Maintenance Contract 2 48 96 'Includes only existing equipment, new equipment to be serviced under warranty. Totals: 14 1,889 3,382 E IN 0 • • CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM Department: Fiscal Year: 1990/91 Development Management Account New/ or Department City Mgr. Number Re laces EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEED Proposed Proposed 01-4638-7044 New -. Hanging Map Stand 3 Holder 900 900 5/1/90 TOTAL 900 900 • COMPUTER HARDWAROOUEST FORM 1990/91 • Departmen Engineering Develooment Management Fiscal Year: 1990/91 Account Number Hardware Description Identification Work Area Location Oty Unit Cost Department Proposed Estimated Cost City Mgr. Proposed Estimated Cost Approved Resource Center Use Only Denied Date 01.4638.7044 Hewlett Packard Plotter 6 Pen Plaza Level Civ Cl1 1900 N/R 0 J Asst. Civil 01.4638-7044 VIP Terminal Sr. 8 Assoc. C.E.s 3 1000 3000 0 J 22-4637-7044 MAC SE Lower Level 1 2871 2871 2871 J 22-4637-7044 MAC 2 mb RAM Upgrade For SE Jr. Civil Eng. - Nay 1 725 725 725 J 22-4637-7044 Daynafile 1.2 mb 5.5 Inch Drive Jr. Civil Eng. - Nay 1 800 800 0 J Totals General Fund $0 Special Funds $4,396 7296 7396 3596 Traffic Management 01-4639 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND ---TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT 4639 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 4639 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 4639 1300 PARTTIME PAYROLL 4639 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 4639 3100 TRAVEL A MEETINGS 4639 3300 MILEAGE 4639 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 4639 3931 VEHICLE MAINT.6 OPERATIONS 4639 3956 DUES N 1 4639 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY J 1 1639 6078 CONTACT SERVICES 1 4639 7011 CAPITAL E%PEN.-EQUIPMENT 1 4639 7045 CAPITAL ERPENPENO.-VEHICLE DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCA14DNGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/09 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 116,704 182,013 105,226 11,114 81,963 256 154 1,050 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61,829 (64,829) 0 437 1,235 2,840 0 179 67 50 300 0 0 5,312 5,804 5,000 0 913 0 0 3,600 0 0 172 378 675 0 285 0 0 746 (746) 0 0 0 74,632 (1,895) 30,000 10,009 815 1,000 0 (112) 0 884 0 0 112 133,031 191,333 339,898 (56,356) 119,340 196,340 287,796 226,386 247,291 1,050 1,055 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 86,729 79,235 86,552 2,840 4,520 3,490 3,490 300 300 300 300 5,000 8,670 5,660 5,660 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 675 775 535 535 0 1,039 657 657 72,737 85,983 59,788 59,788 1,000 29,650 17,900 17,900 0 0 0 0 283,512 110,217 398,551 826,773 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 1990/91 • Department: Engineering Division: Traffic Management 01-4639 -------------------- I I I Position Quota I Appropriations 1 PositionI I I -------------------------------I-----------------------------1 Classification IPos. I Emp. 1Currentl Dept. I Ngr. I I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted 1 Title 6 Position 8 I B I I 8 I I Level I I I Rcmd. I I Read. IAdoptedl I I Rcmd. I I Rcmd. I I Budget I I Traffic Engineer 1 3 1 6800 1 75$1 7511 15$1 7511 45646 1 45846 1 51155 1 Associate Engineer 1 18 1 3211 1 3511 3511 3511 3511 18421 1 18421 1 19559 1 Associate Engineer 1 19 1 5137 1 8311 88.511 88.511 88.511 46579 1 46579 1 49457 1 Assistant Engineer 1 28 1 6312 1 8011 8011 7011 7011 36259 1 31727 1 33684 1 Assistant Engineer 1 49 1 8149 1 10011 8011 8011 8011 28253 1 28253 1 30000 1 Assistant Engineer 1 50 1 6682 1 4011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Engineering Tech. 1 35 1 100 1 10011 10011 10011 10011 29484 1 29484 1 34968 1 Engineering Aide 1 45 1 152 1 6011 6011 6011 6011 13262 1 13262 1 16682 1 Engineering Tech.* ** 1 55 Inew I - 1 5011 011 011 15666 1 0 1 0 1 Subtotal I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I 233770 1 I 213572 1 I 235515 I Merit Contingency: I I I I I I 1 11689 1 10679 1 11776 1 Subtotal: I I I I I I I 245459 1 224251 1 247291 1 Fringe Benefits I I I I I I I 85910 1 78488 1 86552 1 Subtotal: 1 I I I I I I 331369 1 302739 1 333843 1 • Part-time 1 1 I I I I I g 1 0 1 0 1 TOTAL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I 331369 1 i I I I I I I 302739 1 I I I I I I I 333843 1 i I I I I I I • I I I I I I I i I I **Funded using Special Funds *Proposed New Position I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I N/R Not Recommended I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • COST CENTER DETOORKSHEET 1990/91 • Department/Division: Enqineerina Program: I Traffic Management Account Number: 01-4639 Department Proposed City Pro Mgr. sed Obiect No. I Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Bud et 1100 Re ular Pa roll 247796 247291 1200 Overtime Payroll 1000 1000 1900 Fringe Benefits @ 35% 86729 86552 3100 Travel & Meetings ITE Regional Meeting Traffic Engineer) 900 840 Cltv/County Engineers Meetings 430 60 ITS Courses 2000 1500 ITE Local Meetin s 500 400 Riverside/San Bernardino Traffic Eng. Assn. 500 400 IES/Lamplighter Local Meetings 200 200 TSA Meetings 90 90 SUBTOTAL 4620 3490 3300 Milea e Staff Reimbursement 300 300 300 300 3900 Maintenance 8 Operations Computer Cabling & Misc. Materials 100 0 Equipment Maintenance 700 500 Field Supplies 1600 1100 Publications 605 150 Software & Software Updates 5665 3910 SUBTOTAL 8670 5660 3931 Vehicle Maintenance & Operations Astro Mini -Van (6,000 x .601 3600 3600 SUBTOTAL 3600 3600 3932 Equipment Maintenance 'None' SUBTOTAL 0 0 3956 Dues RCE Registration 120 0 RTE Registration 120 0 Illuminating Eng. Soo. 150 150 ITE 300 300 Riverside/San Bernardino Traffic Eng. Assn. 6 60 60 Traffic Signal Assn. TSA 22 20 Cit Traffic Engineers 5 5 SUBTOTAL 7751 1535 ' COST CENTER DETRORKSHEET 1990/91 i Department/Division: Engineerina Program: I Traffic Management Account Number: 01-4639 Department Pro osed City Mgr. Pro osed Obect No. I Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Bud et 3960 General Liability 1% of Operations 1039 657 6028 Contract Services Computer Maintenance 2119 2119 Consultants & Contract Employees 50000 10000 MIS Administration 23864 47669 AFA - Traffic Model Consulting (expense offset by user fee 10000 0 SUBTOTAL 85983 59766 7044 Capital Expenditures LAN For Traffic Applications 0 0 Compaq 386 with 387 Math Coprocessor fee supported activity) 14000 14000 Epson FX 1050 Printer 500 0 HP Desk'et Plus Printer 800 800 Houston Inst. H152 Plotter 7000 0 SummaSketch Plus 400 400 31/2Inch Floppy Drive 150 150 Memory Expansion to 1mb 550 550 Compaq 286e 2500 0 Color Monitor 500 0 Epson FX 1050 Printer 700 0 Memory Expansion to imb for new Compaq 286 550 0 Log! ch HIRez Mouse 2 200 200 Traffic Counters 4 6000 0 IMC -IV Count Board 1800 1800 SUBTOTAL 35650 17900 7045 Capital Expenditures - Vehicles 'None' SUBTOTAL 0 0 TOTAL 476162 426773 0 0 i COMPUTER HARDWARE REQUEST FORM Department Engineering Fiscal Year: 1990/91 Traffic Management Department City Mgr. Resource Center Account Number Hardware Description Work Area Qty Unit Cost Proposed Estimated Proposed Estimated Use Only Identification Location Cost Cost Approved Denied Date 01-4639-7044 LAN for Traffic Applications & Plaza Level Civ Ctr 1 5000 5000 0 J Traffic Model Traffic Engineer, Assoc. 8 Asst. Civils Compaq 386 with 387 Math Plan./Dev. Group 1 14000 14000 14000 J Coprocessor R VGA Monitor HP Deskjet Plus Printer for Plan./Dev. Group 1 800 800 800 J Traffic Model Houston Inst. H152 Plotter for PlanJDev. Group 1 7000 7000 0 J Traffic Model' SummaSketch Plus for Plan./Dev. Group 1 400 400 400 J Traffic Model 3 1/2 Inch Floppy Drive 2118685170 1 150 150 150 J Memory Expansion to 1 mb 2118685170 1 550 550 550 J Compaq 286e Traffic Engineer 1 2500 2500 0 J Color Monitor 1 500 500 0 J Epson FX 1050 Printer 1 700 700 0 J Memory Expansion to tmb for 1 550 550 0 J new Compaq 286e Logitech Hi Rez Mouse 2 100 200 200 J tThe Traffic Model is a user fee supported activity. Present equipment IBM 286 AT requires processing times of greater than 5 hours. The processing time does not include printing. Proposed equipment would result in processing times of approximately 2 hours. Existing IBM 286 AT will be transferred to the Assistant C.E. 828 (probable reclassification to Associate C.E. in 91/92). *Existing otters are not compatible with the Traffic Model Totals: 13 32,250 32,350 16,100 5/15/90 Department: Engineering Traffic Yanann,nanr COMPUTER SOFTWAR•QUEST FORM 1990/91 • Fiscal Year: Inenrn4 Account Number Software Identification Serial Number/ID of Computer Unit where Software is to be installed Oty Unit Cost Department Proposed Estimated Cosl City Mgr. Proposed Estimated Cos Resource Center Use Only Approved Denied Date 01.4639-3900 Auto Cad Release 10 2116665170 1 2,110 WR 0 J Assoc. Civil Software Updates" Various 1 300 300 300 J Auto Cad/366 Traffic Model 1 1,900 3,000 1,900 J PC Tools Deluxe 5.5 Operations & Design 1 90 270 90 J XTree Pro Gold Operations 1 100 300 100 J Virus Sean Various 3 25 75 0 J McTrans (Traffic Software) Various 1 100 100 100 J Word Peeled 5.1 Operations & Traffic Eng. 2 245 490 490 J Lotus 1-2-3 Ver. 3 Operations 8 Planning 2 310 620 0 J Lotus 1-2.3 Ver. 2.2 Traffice Engineer 3 310 310 930 J "Updates include: Lotus 1-2-3 and AutoCad Totals: 16 5,490 5,465 3,910 5/15/90 Project Management 014640 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND ---PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1 4640 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 1 4640 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 1 4640 1300 PARTTIME PAYROLL 1 4640 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 1 4640 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 1 4640 3300 MILEAGE 1 4640 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 1 4640 3931 VEHICLE MAINT.6 OPERATIONS 1 4640 3956 DUES 1 4640 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 1 4640 6028 CONTACT SERVICES 1 4640 7044 CAPITAL ENPEN.-EQUIPMENT DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 3,586 80,759 6,046 363 (4,146) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,116 (2,116) 0 1,548 1,183 3,000 0 309 5 0 200 0 0 11,462 7,012 4,300 0 1,676 0 0 0 0 0 687 498 610 0 283 0 0 451 (451) 0 0 0 36,948 (3,149) 33,799 21,293 3,555 0 0 0 38,581 93,008 53,731 (5,353) 31,921 6,409 6,400 6,480 6,987 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,268 2,268 2,445 3,000 4,600 4,600 4,600 200 SOO 500 500 4,300 10,937 4,000 4,000 0 0 0 0 670 1,040 1,040 1,040 0 522 556 556 33,799 27,165 53,937 53,937 0 8,380 0 0 48,370 69,692 73,381 74,065 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 1990/91 • Department: Engineering Division: Project Management 01-4640 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I Position Quota I Appropriations I PositionI I I -------------------------------1-----------------------------1 Classification 1Pos. I Emp. 1Currentl Dept. I Ngr. I I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted 1 Title b Position 0 10 I I I a I Level I I I Rcmd. I i Rcmd. IAdoptedl I I Rcmd. i I Rcmd. I I Budget 1 I Senior Civil Engineer I 5 1 5822 1 10%1 10$1 10%1 c 1011 6113 1 6113 1 6654 1 Associate Engineer 1 20 1 2140 1 011 011 0%] 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Associate Engineer 1 21 1 5275 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Associate Engineer 1 22 1 5700 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Assistant Engineer I 29 1 2641 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Assistant Engineer I 51 1 4687 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Jr. Engineer ( 32 1 2020 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Engineering Tech. 1 36 1 551 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Engineering Aide 1 46 1 5800 1 011 Oil 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Engineering Aide I 52 1 128 1 011 Oil 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Assist. Civil Engineer* 1 56 lnew 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Subtotal 1 I I I I I I 6113 1 6113 1 6654 1 Merit Contingency: I I I I I I i 306 1 306 1 333 1 Subtotal: I 1 1 I I I I 6419 1 6419 1 6987 1 • Fringe Benefits I I I I I I I 2247 1 2247 1 2445 I Subtotal: 1 1 i I I i 1 8666 i 8666 1 9432 1 Part-time 1 1 I I I I I 0 I D I 0 1 TOTAL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8666 1 8666 I I I I I I I 1 9432 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I **All positions in the I I I I I Project I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Management Section are funded using Special Funds *Proposed New Position 0 COST CENTER DET- VORKSHEET 199091 • Department/Division: En Ineerin Program: Traffic Management Account Number: 01-4639 Department Proposed City Mgr. Proposed Obiect No. I Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Bud et 1100 Re ular Payroll 6480 6987 1900 Fringe Benefits 0 35% 2268 2445 3100 Travel & Meetings APWA Local Meetings 100 100 ASCE Local Meetings 300 300 CAD Seminar 800 800 City/County En ineers Meetings 150 150 Drainage Seminar 1000 1000 ITE Hydrology Seminar 525 525 Righ-of-Way Assn. Meetings 200 200 Rion -of-WaSeminars 525 525 S ectal Classes & Seminars as needed 1000 1000 SUBTOTAL 4600 4600 3300 Milea e Staff Reimbursement 500 500 39DO Maintenance & Operations Com uter Cabling & Misc. Materials 100 0 Software & Software Updates 14837 0 Special Supplies(Drafting Tools & Supplies, etc. 4000 4000 SUBTOTAL 18937 4000 3931 Vehicle Maintenance & Operations 'None' SUBTOTAL 0 0 3932 Equipment Maintenance 'Non' SUBTOTAL 0 0 3956 Dues APWA So. Cal Chapter 250 250 ASCE - San Bernardino/Riverside 500 Soo City/ ountEngineers - San Bernardino/Riverside 50 60 RCE Registration 120 120 Ri h -of-Way Assn. 120 1 120 SUBTOTAL 1040 1040 3960 General Liability 1% of Operations 5221 1556 • COST CENTER DETAIORKSHEET 1990/91 0 Department/Division: Enaineerina Program: I Pro'ect Management 1 Account Number: 01-4640 Department Proposed City Mgr. Proposed Ob'ect No. I Description of Items 8 Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 6028 Contract Services Computer Maintenance 5203 4750 MIS Administration 21962 49187 SUBTOTAL 27165 53937 7044 Capital Expenditure Compaq 386 Color w/ 1mb RAM 8 6000 0 5.25. 8 3.5 Inch Drives 387 Math Co ooessor' Universal VIP Computer Terminal 1000 0 ' Summa Sketch' 1380 0 SUBTOTAL 8380 0 'Funded From Special Funds TOTAL 69892 74065 0 COMPUTER CONTRACT--RVICES REQUEST FORM Department: Engineering Fiscal Year: Project Management 1990/91 Account Number Contract Services Justification Oty Unit Cost Estimated Cos Resource Center Use Only Approved Denied Date 01-4640-6028 Compaq 286 Maintenance Contract 1 302 302 01-4640-6028 IBM Maintenance Contract 1 358 358 01-4640.6028 Color Monitor Maintenance Contract 2 151 302 01-4640.6028 PT200 Maintenance Contract 1 179 179 01-4640.6028 Calcomp Plotter Maintenance Contract 1 475 475 01-4640.6028 Calcomp Digitizer Maintenance Contract 2 1266 2,532 01-4640.6028 Dot Matrix Printer Maintenance Contract 2 276 552 01-4640-6028 Sumagraphics Digitizer Maintenance Contract 1 50 5o 'Includes only existing equipment, new equipment to be serviced under warranty. Totals: 11 3,057 4,750 5090 Construction Management 01-4641 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND ---CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 4541 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 4641 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 4641 1300 PARTTIME PAYROLL 4641 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 4641 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 4641 3300 MILEAGE 4641 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 4641 3931 VEHICLE NAINT.6 OPERATIONS 4641 3956 DUES N ol OD 1 4641 3960 GENERAL LIA81LITY ro 1 4641 6029 CONTACT SERVICES 1 4641 7044 CAPITAL EXPEN.-EQUIPMENT 1 4641 7045 CAPITAL EXPEND. -VEHICLE DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 144,826 241,245 230,204 13,812 122,096 1,789 13,822 12,075 0 4,967 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80,571 (80,571) 0 1,141 239 1,000 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 7,097 5,332 7,000 0 2,106 58,601 82,046 108,000 0 1,562 18 0 310 0 0 0 0 899 (899) 0 84,632 33,340 40,790 (2,648) 28,142 4,773 9,238 2,792 0 0 25,351 13,615 0 0 0 328,228 398,877 483,641 (70,305) 158,921 246,016 310,235 278,321 300,824 12,015 12,150 12,150 12,150 0 0 0 0 0 108,583 97,412 105,288 1,000 2,225 2,225 2,225 0 0 0 0 7,000 8,200 1,400 7,400 108,000 129,600 108,000 108,000 310 750 750 750 0 1,156 11389 1,389 38,142 35,804 22,447 22,447 2,792 0 0 0 0 38,000 0 0 413,335 647,314 530,094 560,473 0 • PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 1990/91 Department: Engineering Division: Construction Management 01-4641 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Position Quota I Appropriations PositionI I I------------------------------- ----------------------------- Classification jPos. I Emp. jCurrentj Dept. I Mgr. I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted Title 6 Position 0 I 4 0 Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. jAdoptedl Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget Public Works Engineer 1 6 1 6350 Spry Public Works Insp.**l 30 1 4900 1 Spry Public Works Insp.. 31 1 8241 Public Works Insp. II ** 1 37 115 Public Works Insp. II ** 38 1075 Public Works Insp. II 1 39 450 Public Yorks Insp. II l 40 1 900 l Public Works Insp. II 41 1 3891 Public Works Insp. 11 i 42 7966 1 Public Works Insp. II 43 2727 Jr. Engineer 33 480 Public Works Insp.* ** 1 64 INew Public Works Insp.* 1 65 INew Subtotal Merit Contingency: Subtotal: Fringe Benefits Subtotal: Part-time TOTAL **Positions funded using Special Funds • *Proposed New 501 011 1001 0%1 011 1001 10011 10011 1001] 801 2011 501 5011 5011 26932 1 28932 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 1001] 10011 10011 44868 1 44868 011 011 011 0 1 0 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 10011 10011 10011 38640 1 38640 1 10011 10011 10011 38640 1 38640 1001 10011 10011 38640 1 38640 1 10011 10011 10011 38640 1 38640 801 8011 8011 27283 1 27283 1011 2011 2011 6924 1 6924 011N/R IN/R 1 0 1 0 1 1001IN/R JN/R 1 30108 1 0 1 1 292675 262567 14634 1 13128 l 307309 275695 1 107558 i 96493 i 414867 372188 1 0 1 0 1 414867 372188 N/R Not Recomme ided 31650 0 48600 0 0 41844 41844 41844 41844 31373 7500 0 0 286499 14325 l 300824 i 105288 l 406112 1 01 406112 I • COST CENTER DETARRKSHEET 199091 0. Department/Division: Engineerina Program: I I Construction Management Account Number: 01-4641 Department Pro osed City Mgr. Proposed Obiect No. I Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Bud et 1100 Re ular Pa roll 310236 300824 1200 Overtime Payroll 12150 12150 1300 Part-time Pa roll 0 0 1900 Fringe Benefits 9 35% 108583 105288 3100 Travel & Meetings Construction Inspectors Assn. Meetings 225 225 Seminars as Required(Protect Management, Standard Updates, New Materials etc. 2000 2000 SUBTOTAL 2225 2225 3900 Maintenance & Operations Publications & Field Supplies 7800 7000 Software Updates 300 300 Computer Cabling & Misc. Materials 100 100 SUBTOTAL 8200 7400 3931 Vehicle Maintenance 10 ea. Utility Vehicles (18,000 x .60 108000 106000 SUBTOTAL 108000 108000 3956 Dues Construction Inspectors Assn. 750 750 SUBTOTAL 750 750 3960General Liability 1% of Operations 1550 1389 6028 Contract Services Surveys, Soils Testing, Inspection, Misc. 10000 10000 Computer Maintenance 2761 2761 MIS Administration 23043 9686 SUBTOTAL 35804 22447 7044 Capital Ex enditures Universal VIP Computer Terminal 0 0 SUBTOTAL 0 0 7045 Capital Expenditure - Vehicles Replace Utility Vehicle #227 funded from IGS Replace Utility Vehicle #228 funded from IGS • COST CENTER DETMORKSHEET 1990/91 • Department/Division: Enaineerino Program: I Construction Management Account Number: 01-4641 Department Pro osed City Mgr. Proposed Obiect No. I Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget Re lace Utility Vehicle #229 funded from IGS Utili Vehicles for New Inspectors 2 $18,000) 36000 0 VHF Radios with antennae and installation 2 $1,D00) 2000 0 SUBTOTAL 38000 0 TOTAL 625497 560473 • COMPUTER SOFTWAGEQUEST FORM 1990/91 • Department: Engineering Fiscal Year: rnnafr, lin. u----- --- Account NumberSoftware Identification Serial Number/ID of Computer Unit where Software is to be installed Qty Unit Cost Department Proposed Estimated Cost Ciry Mgr. Proposed Estimated Cos Resource Center Use Only Approved Denied Date 01-4641-3900 Software Updates" Various 1 300 300 300 J "Updates include: Dbase Mac, MS Excel and MS Word Totals: 1 300 300 300 5090 COMPUTER CONT SERVICES REQUEST FORM eyuiPn"m[ to oa servicw unoer warranty. Totals: 13 1,802 2,761 5090 0 Maintenance 01.4647 r N • BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND ---MAINTENANCE 0 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 1 4647 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 1 4647 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 1 4647 1300 PARTTIME PAYROLL 1 4641 190D FRINGE BENEFITS 1 4647 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 1 4647 3300 MILEAGE 1 4647 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 1 4647 3931 VEHICLE MAINT.6 OPERATIONS 1 4647 3932 EQUIPMENT PAINT. 6 OPERATIONS 1 4647 3933 EMERG 6 REG VEHICLE RNTL 1 4647 3955 DUES 1 4647 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 1 4647 6027 HAZARDOUS WASTE REMOVAL 1 4547 6028 CONTACT SERVICES 1 4647 6040 MOVED TO 1-4245-6040 1 4647 7043 CAPITAL E%PEN-BUILDING 1 4647 7044 CAPITAL E%DEN.-EQUIPMENT 1 4647 7045 CAPITAL EXPEND -VEHICLE 1 4647 8021 MATER UTILITIES 1 4647 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT TOTAL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 526,727 1,018,610 1,498,140 89,888 662,392 0 32,993 31,664 35,000 0 25,791 19,356 14,396 18,873 0 13,191 0 0 524,349 (524,349) 0 4,233 10,155 9,000 0 8,280 1,493 1,811 2,000 0 1,102 341,735 477,920 568,019 0 279,311 181,641 517,963 330,960 0 113,337 0 51,194 125,000 0 44,437 0 0 240 1,154 1,500 0 90 21.919 3,607 6,221 5,000 196,239 642,218 885,320 0 0 0 75,847 207,509 0 108,639 100,183 118,000 137,030 138,973 319,200 95,677 93,424 165,000 79,951 79,939 100,OOD 0 435 (21,918) 0 (5,000) 2,180 (3,970) 209,123 0 0 203,000 4,314 5,800 37,714 87,000 143,302 0 56,071 0 33,660 DEPT COUNCIL REQUEST CITY APPROVED 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 1,588,028 1,795,323 1,468,462 1,561,852 1i A 7, 35,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 18,873 10,000 9,845 11,471 0 628,363 513,961 581,648 9,000 13,350 10,750 10,750 2.000 4,000 2,000 2,000 568,019 1,011,600 632,810 832,810 330,960 481,500 328,000 328,000 65,000 333,618 190,618 190,618 0 30,000 15,000 15,000 1,500 1,575 1,575 1,575 0 31,351 24,120 24,120 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 540,000 876,682 830,194 830,482 b 3 °icy 0 0 0 0 15,000 3,825,000 50,000 50,000 80,000 293,819 78,650 78,850 250,000 623,555 251,755 251,755 100,000 214,200 150,200 150,200 75,000 158,550 100,150 100,150 1,805,408 3,393,424 4,727,279 (169,549) 1,634,640 3,618,380 10,382,406 4,908,290 5,171,281 .vjo,51 9 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year • Department: Engineering Division: Maintenance 1990/91 01-4647 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Position Quota Appropriations Position-----------------------------------------------------------------� Classification 1Pos. 1 Emp. 1Current 1 Dept. 1 Mgr. 1 1 Dept. 1 Mgr. 1 Adopted 1 Title S Position 0 1 1 1 11 1 Level 1 Rcmd. 1 Rcmd. 1Adopted 1 Rcmd. 1 Rcmd. i Budget 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Public Works Maint. Managerl 101 1 9000 1 10011 10011 10011 10011 53160 1 53160 1 59328 1 Parks/Landscape Maint Spvsrl 102 1 307 1 10011 10011 10011 10011 48120 1 48120 1 53700 1 Streets/Storm Drn Maint Spt1 103 1 8112 1 10011 10011 10011 10011 40008 1 40008 1 53700 1 Fleet Maint Supervisor 1 104 1 6353 1 4011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Management Analyst 1 1 105 1 7957 1 10011 10011 10011 10011 30864 1 30864 1 34452 1 Secretary 1 106 1 220 1 10011 10011 10011 10011 26580 1 26580 1 29364 1 Management Aide 1 107 1 3438 1 10011 10011 10011 10011 20604 1 0 1 28932 1 Office Specialist II 1 162 1 8151 1 10011 10011 10011 10011 17664 1 0 1 19224 1 Maint.Supr.(Streets) 1 108 1 6875 1 9111 9411 9411 9411 32701 1 32701 1 37608 1 Maint.Supr.Parks (East) 1 109 1 2494 1 3011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Supr.Parks (Cont.) 1 110 1 2681 1 10011 1111 1111 1111 3264 1 3264 1 4023 1 Maint.Supr.Parks (Tree) 1 111 1 4625 1 9311 9411 9411 9411 31900 1 31900 1 35600 1 Maint.Supr(Streets) 1 112 1 5889 1 10011 10011 10011 10011 28600 1 28800 1 36204 1 Maint.Supr.Parks(Nest) 1 157 1 8425 1 4211 10011 10011 10011 27660 1 27660 1 40008 1 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 148 1 5025 1 10011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 . Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 150 1 5200 1 10011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 151 1 819 1 8811 8811 8811 8811 22039 1 22039 1 22028 1 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 149 1 6992 1 10011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Equipment Operator (Sweeperl 152 1 7925 1 10011 10011 10011 10011 27960 1 27960 1 31176 1 Lead Maint. Worker (St.) 1 191 1 150 1 10011 1411 1411 1411 4111 1 4111 1 4823 1 Lead Maint. Worker ( Red Hid 114 1 163 1 011 011 10011 10011 0 1 27948 1 32772 1 Lead Maint. Worker ( Citywil 115 1 1100 1 10011 6411 6411 6411 18156 1 18156 1 22049 1 Lead Maint. Worker ( St. ) 1 116 1 2319 1 3011 10011 10011 10011 26328 1 26328 1 31332 1 Lead Maint. Worker( Pks. Eal 121 1 2714 1 10011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint. Worker( Pks. Eel 123 1 3185 1 3011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint. Worker( Pks. Wei 158 1 5051 1 3011 10011 10011 10011 27660 1 27660 1 30864 1 Lead Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 160 1 5561 1 10011 10011 10011 10011 24060 1 24060 1 28212 1 Lead Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 161 1 6782 1 2211 1111 1111 1711 4408 1 4408 1 5222 1 Lead Maint. Worker( Trees )1 113 1 7121 1 9411 9411 9411 9411 25628 1 25628 1 28584 1 Lead Maint.Worker( Pks. Masi 163 1 8032 1 10011 10011 10011 10011 21780 1 21780 1 27384 1 Lead Maint.Worker( Heritagel 119 1 2313 1 9011 10011 10011 10011 30832 1 30832 1 32112 1 Lead Maint. Worker( Pks/Tra1 159 1 5569 1 10011 6111 6111 6111 17392 1 17392 1 19793 Sr. Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 120 1 1138 1 10011 5811 5811 5811 14665 1 14665 1 15570 1 Sr. Maint. Worker( Irr. C.W1 117 1 1600 1 8011 6511 6511 6511 17277 1 17277 1 19282 Sr.Maint. Worker( Irr. West1 122 1 2819 1 10011 10011 10011 10011 30276 1 30276 1 32124 Sr.Maint.Worker( Civic Centl 189 1 5823 1 8311 5011 10011 10011 12030 1 24060 1 25800 Sr. Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 118 1 5857 1 8811 5911 5911 5911 14195 1 14195 1 15838 Maint.Worker( Trails/Citywil 127 1 507 1 1811 6111 6111 6111 13278 1 13278 1 15270 Maint.Worker( Pks. Irr. West 177 1 832 1 3011 10011 10011 10011 21780 1 21780 1 25032 1 Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 140 1 644 1 1011 5311 5311 5311 11537 1 11537 1 13470 Naint. Worker( St. ) 1 124 1 5824 1 3011 10011 10011 10011 22896 1 22896 1 23820 1 . Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 137 1 2143 1 10011 1011 1011 1011 2177 1 2177 1 2632 Maint.Worker( Pks. Red Hi111 174 1 565 1 3011 10011 10011 10011 21780 1 21780 1 25032 Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 131 1 873 1 10011 10011 10011 10011 21564 1 21564 1 24780 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year • Department: Engineering Division: Maintenance 1990/91 01-4647 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Position Quota Appropriations Position - """----""' ----I-----------------------------1 Classification 1Pos. I Emp. 1Current I Dept. 1 Mgr. i I Dept. 1 Mgr. I Adopted Title & Position A 1 4 1 4 1 Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. 1Adopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Naint.Worker( Pks .West ) 1 141 1 1048 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 21768 1 21768 1 25284 Maint.Worker( Pks. East ) 1 134 1 1088 1 94%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 173 1 1915 1 0%1 100%1 100%j 100%1 21984 1 21984 1 23820 1 Maint.Worker( Pks .West ) 1 132 1 6045 1 94%1 100%j 100%j 100%j 20712 1 20712 1 23820 1 Maint.Worker( Trees ) 1 136 1 1844 1 100%1 94%1 94%1 901 21951 1 21951 1 24004 1 Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 197 Ivacant 1 83%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 20712 1 20712 1 22656 1 Naint. Worker( St. 1 129 1 813 1 100%1 100%j 100%1 100%1 20712 1 20712 1 26712 1 Maint.Worker( Pks East ) 1138 1 2740 1 100%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker( Fac. Citywide) 139 1 3203 1 100%1 64%1 64%1 641 13932 1 13932 1 16182 1 Maint.Worker( Pks. Heritagel 135 1 4262 1 100%j 100%1 100%1 100%1 22896 1 22896 1 26315 1 Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 145 1 4962 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 20712 1 20712 1 23820 Maint. Yorker( St. ) 1 169 1 5055 1 10%1 5%1 5%1 5%1 1036 1 1036 1 1191 1 Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 166 1 6928 1 0%1 5%1 5%1 5%1 1024 1 1024 1 1397 1 Maint.Worker( Pks. Irr. Cre1 175 1 5388 1 30%1 65%1 65%1 65%1 15639 1 15639 1 17449 Naint.Worker( Pks. East ) 1 146 1 5563 1 100%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Naint. Worker( St. ) 1 196 1 5091 1 88%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 21768 1 21768 1 24780 . Maint.Worker( Trees ) 1 167 1 5863 1 100%1 94%1 94%1 94%1 21522 1 21522 1 23530 1 Maint. Worker( St. ) ( 142 1 6009 1 10%j 100%j 100%1 100%1 20712 1 20712 1 22656 Naint.Worker( Pks. West ) 1 222 1 1310 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 20712 1 20712 1 23340 Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 133 1 8677 1 10%j 10%1 10%i 10%1 2071 1 2071 1 2358 Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 125 Ivacant I 100%j 100%1 100%1 100%1 19512 1 19512 1 22656 Maint.Worker( Pks. Red Hilly 170 )vacant 1 30%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 22896 1 22896 1 22656 Naint.Worker( Pks. West ) 1 171 1 6773 1 30%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 25548 1 25548 1 27936 Maint.Worker( Pks. West ) 1 143 1 7397 1 100%1 100%j 100%1 100%1 20712 1 20712 1 23820 Maint.Worker( Pks. West ) 1 184 1 7638 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 20712 1 20712 1 23620 Maint.Worker( Pks. Red Hillj 128 1 8151 1 0%1 0%1 100%1 100%j 0 1 22896 1 25032 Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 130 1 6181 1 100%1 100%j 100%1 100%1 21768 1 21768 1 23820 Maint.Worker( Pks. Fac. Crel 183 1 8681 1 30%1 64%1 64%1 601 13939 1 13939 1 16020 Maint. Worker( Pks. East ) 1 144 1 6740 1 100%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 165 1 2645 1 0%1 5%1 5%1 5%j 1089 1 1089 1 1133 Maint. Worker( Pks. East ) 1 147 1 514 1 100%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 Maint. Worker( Pks. East ) 1 126 1 132 1 80%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 Seasonal M. Tech( Citywide 1 200 1 2071 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 3096 1 3096 1 4482 Seasonal M. Tech( Citywide 1 199 1 4610 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 3096 1 3096 1 3494 Seasonal M. Tech( Citywide 1 153 1 5076 1 100%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 Seasonal M. Tech( Citywide 1 154 1 5552 1 100%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 Seasonal M. Tech( Citywide 1 155 1 6660 1 100%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 Seasonal M. Tech( Citywide 1 156 1Vacant 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 3096 1 3096 1 3494 Lead Mechanic( IGS ) 1 192 1 159 1 20%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 Mechanic 1 179 1 3036 1 20%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 • Mechanic 1 Mechanics Assistant 1 180 181 1 5883 1 1305 1 20%1 1 20%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Inventory Spec Equip Matrlsl 182 1 5994 1 40%1 40%1 40%1 40%1 9158 1 9158 1 10738 Signal & Lighting Tech 1 201 1 2562 1 100%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Department: Engineering Division: Maintenance Fiscal Year 1990/91 01-4647 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Position Quota Appropriations --- i Position-----------------------------------------------------------------I I I Classification IPos. I Emp. (Current I Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted Title 6 Position 4 1 4 1 4 1 Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. (Adopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supervisor Streets 1 187 lProposel - 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 I 1 0 1 Supervisor Pks. Citywide 1 186 lProposel - I 64%IN/R IN/R 1 16020 IN/R 1N/R I Office Assistant 1 202 lProposel - I 100%IN/R IN/R 1 17664 IN/R IN/R I Equipment Operator 1 206 lProposel - I 66%IN/R IN/R 1 14367 IN/R IN/R I Equipment Operator 1 207 lProposel - 1 0%1 O%I 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Equipment Operator (Sweeperl 204 lProposel - 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint. Worker: St. 1 190 lProposel - I 100%IN/R 1N/R 1 24060 IN/R 1N/R I Lead Maint. Worker: St. 1 235 lProposel - 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint. Worker: Trail Cl 224 lProposel - I 61%IN/R IN/R 1 14677 IN/R IN/R I Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. GI 226 lProposel - I 21%IN/R IN/R 1 5053 IN/R IN/R I Lead Paint. Worker: Pks. II 225 IProposel - I 64%IN/R IN/R 1 15398 IN/R IN/R I Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. LI 227 lProposel - I O%IN/R IN/R 1 0 IN/R IN/R I Sr. Maint Worker: Pks. West1 198 lProposel - IN/R IN/R IN/R IN/R IN/R IN/R I Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Mowl 229 lProposel - I 100%IN/R IN/R 1 24060 IN/R IN/R I Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Berl 188 lProposel - I 100%IN/R IN/R 1 24060 IN/R IN/R I Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Fal 172 lProposel - I O%IN/R IN/R 1 0 IN/R IN/R 1 Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Fal 164 lProposel - I 100%IN/R IN/R 1 24060 IN/R IN/R I Sr. Paint. Worker: Pks. Irl 176 lProposel - I 0%IN/R IN/R 1 0 IN/R IN/R I Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Lowl 178 lProposel - I 0%lN/R IN/R 1 0 IN/R IN/R I Sr. Maint. Worker : St. 1 185 lProposel - I 48%IN/R IN/R 1 9942 iN/R IN/R I 1 Maint. Worker Pks. Beryl 1 214 lProposel - I 100%IN/R IN/R 1 20712 IN/R IN/R I Maint. Worker Pks. Civic 1 195 IProposel - I C%IN/R IN/R 1 0 IN/R IN/R Paint. Worker : Pks. East 1 208 lProposel - 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 / Paint. Worker : Pks. East 1 209 IProposel - 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Paint. Worker : Pks. Fee. EI 215 lProposel - I 0%IN/R IN/R 1 0 IN/R IN/R I Maint. Worker : Pks. Fac. WI 218 lProposel - 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 20712 1 20712 1 22656 Maint. Worker : Pks. Herital 232 lProposel - I 100%IN/R 1N/R 1 20712 1N/R 1N/R I Maint. Worker : Pks. Marital 233 lProposel - I 100%IN/R 1N/R 1 20712 IN/R 1N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Irr. EI 213 lProposel - I 0%IN/R IN/R 1 0 IN/R 1N/R I Maint. Worker : Pks. Trail 1 236 lProposel - I 0%IN/R IN/R 1 0 IN/R IN/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Low CrI 211 lProposel - I 0%IN/R IN/R 1 0 IN/R IN/R Paint. Worker : Pks. Low Crl 237 lProposel - I 100%IN/R 1N/R 1 20712 1N/R IN/R Paint. Worker : Pks. Mow 1 212 lProposel - I 100%IN/R 1N/R 1 20712 IN/R IN/R Paint. Worker:Pks. Trail LMI 217 lProposel - 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 Paint. Worker Pks. West 1 193 lProposel - 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 20712 1 20712 1 22656 Maint. Worker Pks. West 1 194 IProposel - 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 20712 1 20712 1 22656 Maint. Worker Pks. West 1 210 lProposel - I 100%IN/R IN/R 1 20712 IN/R IN/R Paint. Worker St. 1 205 lProposel - I 0%IN/R IN/R 1 0 IN/R IN/R Paint. Worker St. 1 216 lProposel - I O%IN/R 1N/R 1 0 IN/R IN/R Maint. Worker St. 1 219 lProposel - I 0%IN/R IN/R 1 0 1N/R IN/R Maint. Worker St. 1 Lead Mechanic 1 131 228 [Proposal - lProposel I 100%IN/R 1 0%1 1N/R 0%1 1 0%1 20712 0 IN/R 1 0 1N/R 1 0 Mechanic 1 220 lProposel 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 Mechanics Asst. 1 221 lProposel - 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 • Department: Engineering Position Classification Title & Position A Subtotal Merit Contingency: Subtotal: Fringe Benefits Subtotal: Part-time Subtotal: Merit Contingency: TOTAL: �Pos 0 Emp A PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year Division: Maintenance 1990/91 01-4647 Position Quota I Appropriations Current I Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. jAdopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget ------------------------------------------------------------------� 1656812 1347073 1582716 82841 67354 79136 1739653 1414427 1661852 608878 495049 581648 2348531 1909476 2243500 9288 9288 11471 2357819 1918764 2254971 464 464 574 2358283 1919228 2255545 *Proposed New Position **Proposed reclassification of existing position from Sr. Maint. Worker to Lead Maint. Worker Note: All positions shown are fully funded. Balance of funding for Positions with Less than 100% General Fund shown, are from Special Funds N/R 89 Not Recommended FY 89/90 N/R 90 Not Recommended FY 90/91 0 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE • Department: Engineering/Maintenance Division: Red Hill/Heritage Parks fiscal Year 1990/91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Position Quota I Appropriations 1 I PositionI I I I-----------------------------------------------------------------] I I Classification IPos. I Emp. (Current I Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted I Title & Position A I D I A I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. (Adopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Works Maint. Managerl 101 1 9000 1 011 011 Oil 011 0 1 0 1 I 0 1 Parks/Landscape Maint Spvsrl 102 1 307 1 011 Oil 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Street/Storm Orn Maint Suptl 103 1 8112 1 011 011 011 01] 0 1 0 1 0 1 Fleet Maint Supervisor 1 104 1 6353 1 011 Oil 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Management Analyst I 1 105 1 7957 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Secretary 1 106 1 2201 011 Oil 011 Oil 01 01 01 Management Aide 1 107 1 3438 I 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Office Specialist II 1 162 1 8251 1 011 011 011 01l 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Supr.Streets 1 108 1 6875 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Supr.Parks: East { 109 1 2494 1 011 011 01l 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Supr.Parks: Cont. 1 110 1 2681 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Supr.Parks: Tree 1111 1 4625 1 011 011 01l 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Supr.Streets 1 112 1 5889 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Supr.Parks: West 1 157 1 8425 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Equipment Operator (Sweeperl 148 1 5025 1 Oil 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Equipment Operator (Sweeperl 150 1 5200 1 01l Oil 011 Oil 0 1 0 1 0 1 . Equipment Operator (Sweeperl 151 1 6928 1 011 011 Oil 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Equipment Operator (Sweeperl 149 1 6992 1 011 011 01l 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Equipment Operator (Sweeperl 152 1 7925 1 011 Oil 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 1191 1 150 1 011 011 011 01l 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Mechanic: IGS 1 192 1 159 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint. Worker: Red Hill 114 1 163 1 10011 10011 10011 01l 27948 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint. Worker: City Wil 115 1 1100 1 011 011 011 01l 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 1 116 1 2319 1 011 011 011 Oil 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks Easl 121 1 2714 1 011 Oil 011 Oil 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. Eal 123 1 3185 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. Wel 158 1 5051 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint. Worker:St. 1160 1 5561 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint. Worker:St. 1 161 1 6782 1 011 011 011 Oil 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint.Worker :Trees 1 113 1 7121 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint.Worker: Pks . Wel 163 1 8032 1 011 01l .011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint.Worker: Heritagel 119 1 2313 1 0%1 011 011 01l 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint. Worker: Parks/TI 159 1 5569 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Sr.Maint.Worker: St. 1 120 1 1138 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Sr. Maint. Worker: Irr. C.WI 117 1 1600 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Sr. Maint. Worker: Irr. Wesl 122 1 2819 1 0%1 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Sr.Maint.Worker: Civic Centl 189 1 5823 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Sr.Maint.Worker: St. 1 118 1 5857 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 1 126 1 132 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker: Trails/City WI 127 1 507 1 011 011 011 Oil 0 1 0 1 0 1 • Maint.Worker: Pks. Irr. Wes] Maint.Worker: St. 1 177 1 140 1 565 644 1 011 1 011 011 011 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker :St. 1 124 1 813 1 011 011 011 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker :St. 1 137 1 819 1 Oil 011 011 Oil 0 1 0 1 0 1 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year . Department: Engineering/Maintenance Division: Red Hill/Heritage Parks 1990/91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------� Position Quota Appropriations Position-----------------------------------------------------------------� Classification jPos. I Emp. Current I Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted Title 6 Position g 1 4 1 D 1 Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. jAdopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maint.Worker: Pks. Red Milli 174 1 832 1 0$1 0$1 0k1 0%1 0 1 0 1 I 0 Naint.Worker: St. 1 131 1 873 1 0$1 0$1 0%1 Oil 0 1 0 1 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 1 141 1 1048 1 0%1 0%1 0$1 0k1 0 1 0 1 0 Maint.Worker Pks: East 1 134 1 10B8 1 0R1 0$1 0%1 0$1 0 1 0 1 0 Maint.Worker:St. 1 173 1 1291 1 0$1 0%1 0$1 0$1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker Pks: West 1 132 1 1310 1 0%1 0$1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker: Trees 1 136 1 1844 1 0E1 0E1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 Maint. Worker:St. 1 197 1 1915 1 0%1 0$j 0%1 0$1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker :St. 1 129 1 2143 1 O%j Oki 0E1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Naint.Worker Pks: East 1 138 1 2740 1 0$1 0$1 0%1 0$1 0 1 0 1 0 Maint.Worker: Fac. Citywidel 139 1 3203 1 0%1 0$1 0$1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 Maint.Worker Pks: Heritage 1 135 1 4262 1 0$1 0$1 Oki 0$1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker :St. 1 145 1 4962 1 O%j 0$1 0k1 0$1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker: St. 1 169 1 5055 1 Ott 0$1 0%1 0$1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker: St. 1 166 1 5091 1 0E1 0$1 0%1 0$1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Naint.Worker: Pks. Irr. Crel 175 1 5561 1 0%1 0$1 0$1 0$1 0 1 0 1 0 1 . Maint.Worker: Pks. East 1 146 1 5563 1 0%1 0E1 Ott 0E1 0 1 0 0 1 Maint. Worker: St. 1 196 1 5824 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker: Trees 1 167 1 5863 1 0%1 0$1 0$1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Naint.Worker :St. 1 142 1 6009 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 1 222 1 6045 1 0E1 0%1 0E1 Oil 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker :St. 1 133 1 6181 1 0$1 OEj 0$1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker: St. 1 125 1 6740 1 Ott 0%1 0k1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Naint.Worker: Pks. Red Hillj 170 1 6744 1 0$1 0%1 0$1 0E1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 1 171 1 6773 1 Oil Oil Ott Ott 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 1 143 1 7397 1 011 Ott 0E1 0$1 0 1 0 1 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 1 184 1 7638 1 0%1 0$1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker: Pks. Red Hilll 128 1 8151 1 100$1 100$1 100$1 Ott 22896 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker :St. 1 130 1 8677 1 0$1 0%1 0k1 Oil 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker: Pks. Fac. Cres 183 1 8681 1 0$1 0k1 Ott 031 0 1 0 1 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 1 144 IVacant 1 Ott Ott 011 0E1 0 1 0 1 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 1 147 IVacant 1 0$1 0%j 0E1 0$1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Naint.Worker: St. 1 165 lVacant 1 0$1 0$1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Seasonal M. Tech: City Widel 153 lVacant 1 0%1 0%1 011 0$1 0 1 0 1 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wider 154 lVacant 1 0%1 0$1 OEC 011 0 1 0 1 0 1 Seasonal M. Tech: City Widel 155 JV&cant 1 0%1 0R1 0%1 0$1 0 1 0 1 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Widel 156 IVacant 1 0%1 011 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Seasonal M. Tech: Citywide 1 199 IVacant 1 0%1 0$1 Oil G%j 0 1 0 1 0 Seasonal M. Tech: Citywide 1 200 IVacant 1 0%1 0%1 0$1 O%j 0 1 0 1 0 1 Mechanic 1 179 1 3036 1 0$1 0%1 0$1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Mechanic 1 180 1 5883 1 0$1 0%1 0%1 0E1 0 1 0 1 0 1 • Mechanics Assistant 1 181 IVacant 1 0%1 0%1 011 0$1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Inventory Spec Equip Mtrls 1 182 1 5994 1 0$1 0$1 0E1 Oki 0 1 0 1 0 Signal 6 Lighting Tech 1 201 IVacant 1 0%1 0E1 0$1 0$1 0 1 0 1 0 1 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year • Department: Engineering/Maintenance Division: Red Hill/Heritage Parks 1990/91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I Position Quota I I Appropriations I I I Position I I I I---------------------------------------------------------------- _I Classification IPos. I Emp. (Current I Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted I Title 6 Position p I I I A I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. (Adopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Supervisor Parks Citi Wide 1186 IProposedl - I 0$IN/R IN/R I 0 IN/R I 0 I Supervisor Streets 1187 IProposedl - I OEI 0$I 0$I 0 I 0 I 0 I Office Assistant 1202 IProposedl - I 0$IN/R IN/R I 0 IN/R I 0 1 Equipment Operator (Sweeperl 204 IProposedl - I 0$I 0$I 0$I 0 I 0 I 0 I Equipment Operator 1206 IProposedl - I 0$IN/R IN/R I 0 IN/R I 0 Equipment Operator 1207 IProposedl - I 0$I 0$I 0$I 0 I 0 I 0 1 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 1190 IProposedl - I 0$IN/R IN/R I 0 IN/R I 0 Lead Plaint Worker:St. 1235 IProposedl - I - I Dill 0$I - I 0 I 0 Lead Plaint. Worker: Trail Cl 224 IProposedl - I - IN/R IN/R I - IN/R I 0 Lead Worker: Pks. Irr. C.W.I 225 IProposedl - I - IN/R IN/R I - IN/R I 0 Lead Worker: Pks .GF LMO Col 226 IProposedl - I - IN/R IN/R I - iN/R I 0 Lead Worker: Pks. LMD Contrl 227 IProposedl - I - IN/R IN/R I - IN/R I 0 Lead Mechanic 1228 IProposedl - I - I 0$I 0$I - I 0 I 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Berl 188 IProposedl - I 0$lN/R IN/R I 0 IN/R I 0 Sr. Plaint. Worker: Pks. Wesl 198 IProposedl - I Oal - I - I 0 I 0 I 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Nowl 229 IProposedl I - IN/R IN/R I - IN/R I 0 . Sr. Plaint. Worker: Pks. Fal 164 _ IProposedl I O%IN/R IN/R I 0 IN/R I 0 Sr. Plaint. Worker: Pks. Fal 172 IProposedl - I 0$IN/R IN/R I 0 IN/R I 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Irl 176 IProposedl - I 0$IN/R IN/R I 0 IN/R I 0 Sr. Plaint. Worker: Pks.Low 1178 IProposedl - I 0$IN/R IN/R I 0 IN/R I 0 Sr. Plaint. Worker: St. 1185 IProposedl - I - IN/R IN/R I - IN/R I 0 Maint. Worker :Pks. West 1193 IProposedl - I 0$I 0$I O%I 0 I 0 I 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. West 1 194 IProposedl - I 0$I 0$I ORI 0 I 0 1 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. Civic 1195 IProposedl - I OEIN/R IN/R I 0 IN/R I 0 Plaint. Worker : St. 1231 IProposedl - I - IN/R IN/R I - IN/R I 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. East 1208 IProposedl - I Oil 0$I 0$I 0 I 0 I 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. East 1209 IProposedl - I 0$I OEI 0$I 0 I 0 1 0 Plaint. Worker : Pks. West 1210 IProposedl - I 0$I 0$I 0%1 0 I 0 I 0 Maint. Worker : Sts. 1219 IProposedl - I 0$IN/R IN/R I 0 IN/R I 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. Mow 1212 IProposedl - I 0$IN/R IN/R I 0 IN/R I 0 Maint. Worker : St. 1216 IProposedl - I O%JN/R IN/R l 0 IN/R I 0 Plaint. Worker: Pks. Beryl 1214 IProposedl - I 01IN/R IN/R I 0 IN/R I 0 Plaint. Worker : Pks. Fac. EI 215 IProposedl - I O%JN/R IN/R l 0 IN/R I 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. Fac. NI 218 IProposedl - I 0$I 0$I 0$I 0 I 0 I 0 Plaint. Worker : Pks. Trail 1217 IProposedl - 1 0$I OEI O%l 0 I 0 I 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. Irr. EI 213 IProposedl - I 0$IN/R IN/R I 0 IN/R I 0 Plaint. Worker : Pks. Low Crl 211 IProposedl - I D%JN/R IN/R I 0 IN/R I 0 Naint. Worker : Pks. Low Crl 237 IProposedl - I - INA IN/R I - IN/R I 0 Plaint. Worker Pks. Herital 232 IProposedl - I - IN/R IN/R I - IN/R I 0 Maint. Worker Pks.Heritagl 233 IProposedl - I - IN/R IN/R I - IN/R I 0 Plaint. Worker Pks. Trail 1236 IProposedl - I IN/R IN/R I _ iN/R I 0 • Maint. Worker St. 1205 IProposedl _ I IN/R IN/R I IN/R I 0 Mechanic 1220 lProposedl I 0$I Otl 0%1 0 I 0 I 0 Mechanics Asst. 1221 IProposedl - 1 0$I 0$I 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 • PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year Department: Engineering/Maintenance Division: Red Hill/Heritage Parks 1990/91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I Position Quota I Appropriations I PositionI I I I I I I----------------------------------------------------------------I I Classification IPos. I Emp. (Current I Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted I Title 6 Position N 1 4 1 4 1 Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. (Adopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I Subtotal I I I I 1 1 I 50844 I 0 1 0 1 Merit Contingency: I I 1 I I I 2542 I 0 1 0 1 Subtotal: I I I I 1 1 I 53386 I 0 1 0 1 Fringe Benefits I I I I 1 1 I 18685 I 0 1 0 1 Subtotal: I I 1 I 1 1 I 72071 I 0 1 0 1 Part-time I I I I I I I 01 01 01 Subtotal: I 1 1 I 1 I I 72071 I 0 1 0 1 Merit Contingency: I I I I I I I 0 1 0 1 0 1 TOTAL: I I 1 I I I I 72071 I 0 1 0 1 *Proposed New Position **Proposed reclassification of Existing Position from Sr. M.N. to Lead M.W. N/R 69 Not Recommended FY 89/90 N/R 90 Not Recommended FY 90/91 • COST CENTER DETAORKSHEEf 199091 • Department/Division: Enqineerino Program: I Maintenance Account Number: 01-4647 Department ProDosed City Mgr. Pro osed Obiect No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1100 Re ular Payroll 1756221 1661852 1200 Overtime Payroll 40000 40000 1300 Part-time Payroll 9288 11471 1900 Frincte Benefits 0 35% 614677 581648 3100 Travel & Meetin s A.P.W.P. National Convention Maintenance Superintendent) 1000 1000 MSA Conference St. & S.D. Maint. Su . & Crew Su v. 1000 1000 MSA Meetings 800 800 CPRS Maim. M mt. School 3000 2000 Vehicle Maintenance Seminar 1000 1000 Maintenance Superintendent Meetings 600 0 Turf Manaltement Seminar 633 633 Xerisca a Conference 317 317 Crew Training & Seminars 4000 4000 NAPA Paving Seminar 1000 0 SUBTOTAL 13350 10750 3300 Mileage 4000 2000 SUBTOTAL 4000 2000 3900 Maintenance & Operations Materials Supplies, Tools Uniforms Asphalt, Concrete etc. 900000 730510 Com uter Software & Software Updates 1500 1300 Computer Cabling 100 0 Blue Print Machine transferred from 01-4637 2000 2000 'Red Hill Park Maintenance 38000 19000 *Heritage Park Maintenance 35000 15000 *Beryl Park Maintenance 35000 15000 Graffiti Removal Enhancement Program 50000 50000 SUBTOTAL 1061600 832810 3931 Vehicle Maintenance General 374500 274500 'Red Hill Park 38000 19000 *Heritage Park 34500 17250 *Beryl Park 34500 17250 SUBTOTAL 481500 328000 3932 Equipment Maintenance And Operations General 247618 147618 'Red Hill Park 30000 15000 *Heritage Park 280001 14000 • COST CENTER DETARKSHEET 1990/91 • Department/Division: Enalneerina Program: I Maintenance Account Number: 01-4647 Department Pro osed City Mgr. Proposed Obect No. I Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget *Beryl Park 28000 14000 SUBTOTAL 333618 190618 3933 Emeroency & Routine Vehicle & E ui ment Rental 30000 15000 SUBTOTAL 30000 15000 3956 Dues A.P.W.A. 100 100 MMASC Mana ement Analyst) 25 25 Maintenance. Supt. Assoc. 200 200 Certified Applications License 400 400 California Parks & Recreation Assoc. 275 275 Intl. Society of Arboriculture 300 300 TCSA/ISMA (Signal Maint. 100 100 Turf Grass Assoc. 100 100 Street Tree Seminar 25 25 CAPCA Pest Control Requirement) 50 5o SUBTOTAL 1575 1575 3960General Liability 1% of Operations 31851 24120 6027 Hazardous Waste Removal Removal of City induced spills i.e. diesel hydraulic fluidpesticides) 10000 10000 6028 Contract Services Alarm Service at City Yard 2500 2500 Office Equipment Service 2110 2110 Computer & Word Processing Maintenance 5480 5480 General City Landscape Contract 244000 244000 City taff Pager Rental 14000 14000 Contract Chemical Application 20000 0 County Parkway Weed Abatement 5000 5000 General Consultants (Surveying, Soils Eng., Irrigation, etc. 45000 45000 Facilities Lighting Maint.: General 15000 15000 'Red Hill Park 14000 14000 *Heritage Park 14000 14000 *Beryl Park 14000 14000 Re air City Backflow Devices 3rd Year on Going Program) 12000 12000 Repeater Station Rental 200 200 Safety Training Programs: Federal & State Required M.S.D.S. etc. 7000 7000 Tree Maintenance Contract 140000 140000 Routine/EmergencyRoutine/Emergency Street Repairs 105000 85000 Concrete Contract 85000 75000 • COST CENTER DEARKSHEET 199091 • Department/Division: En inee Ing Program: I Maintenance Account Number: 01-4647 Department Pro osed City Mgr. Proposed Ob act No I Description of Items 8 Individual Dollar Amounts Budget Public Works Maintenance Management Program New Program) 35000 35000 Citywide Centralized Irri ation Management Study 50000 40000 MIS Administration 47392 61192 SUBTOTAL 876682 830482 7043 Ca ital Expenditures: Facilities Construction Phase II of City Yard 3150000 0 Design Phase III Vehicle Maint. Bldg.) 600000 0 Facilities Needs and Fee Nexus Study 50000 50000 Alternate Yard Land Acquisition 0 0 Trainin Room - Finish 0 0 Interim Sweeper Transfer Site Lease 0 0 General Fund Landscape Uparades - lant materials 8 moisture sensors 25000 0 SUBTOTAL 3825000 50000 7044 Capital Exoenditures General see detail 287769 75850 Computers 6050 3000 SUBTOTAL 293819 78850 7045 Capital Expenditure - Vehicles see detail New Vehicles 519100 147300 On -Going Lease Payments 104455 104455 SUBTOTAL 623555 251755 8021 Water Utilities General 144900 110900 'Red Hill Park 23100 13100 *Heritage Park 23100 13100 *Beryl Park 23100 13100 SUBTOTAL 214200 150200 8022 Electric Utilities General 32550 17950 'Red Hill Park 42000 27400 *Heritage Park 42000 27400 *Beryl Park 42000 27400 SUBTOTAL 158550 100150 • COST CENTER DETOORKSHEET 199091 • Transfers 01-0991 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT ----------------------------------- GENERAL FUND - TRANSFERS OUT 1 4991 0000 TRANSFER IN 1 4991 9000 TRANSFERS OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-08 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 0 0 0 0 0 0 (72,758) (72,758) (81,937) 2,264,296 491,169 425,000 (425,000) 0 0 475,000 425,000 425,000 2,246,296 491,169 425,000 (425,000) 0 0 402,242 352,242 343,063 • • COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Department/Division: I Program: I Recount Number: 1 TRANSFERS ITRANSFERS 1 01-4991 1990/91 1 ---------- Ob)---------De-------scription------of---Items----6---------Individual----Dollar-------Amounts---------------I--B---9- ud----- etect No. ---------- I----------------------------------------------------------------1-----------1 I I I 8000 ITRANSFERS IN 1 (91,931)1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9000 ITRANSFERS OUT 1 425,000 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 991LFM2A.W1 I I I I I I I NET TRANSFERS: I 343,063 1 I I Resource Svcs./Admin. 33.4130 BUDS OJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resource Services - Administration 33 4130 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 231,589 416,905 106,231 33 4130 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 1,489 3,980 5,000 33 4130 1300 PART TIME PAYROLL 2,355 2,987 0 33 4130 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 84,515 170,558 37,181 33 4130 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 3,255 7,498 1,895 33 4130 3300 MILEAGE 2,022 4,028 290 33 4130 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 20,828 29,400 10,950 33 4130 3942 ACCUMULATED DEPRESIA. 0 0 0 33 4130 3956 DUES 281 365 0 33 4130 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 646 1,873 696 33 4130 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 78,479 155,335 60,965 33 4130 7043 CAPITAL EXPEND. -BLDG 0 0 0 33 4130 7011 CAPITAL EXPEND. -EQUIP 111,219 70,302 2,900 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 596,678 863,241 226,108 33 4130 9000 TRANSFER OUT 5,910 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $96,618 869,151 226,108 CITY OFk0 CUCAMONGA DEPT CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 COUNCIL CITY APPROVED MGR 1990/91 6,311 50,818 112,605 137,811 120,877 136,080 5,000 61 10,000 4,000 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37,181 37,101 48,234 42,307 47,628 300 1,598 2,195 3,545 2,145 2,145 280 1,387 570 260 812 812 1,550 4,021 12,500 11,510 8,305 8,305 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 696 696 0 287 287 0 54,338 82,000 17,511 17,511 17,511 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 (390) 7,900 4,400 1,400 1,400 18,504 149,739 265,647 227,271 196,644 217,168 0 0 0 0 18,504 149,739 265,611 227,271 196,611 211,168 i PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Department: Resource Services Division Administration Fiscal Year 33-4130 1990/91 ition Quota I Appropriations PositionI-------------------------------I -------------------------------- I Classification ICurrentl Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted I Title I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. lAdootedl Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget I ------------------- Deputy City Manager I------- I I 20$1 ------- I 1011 ------- I ------- 20$1 I 20$1 --------- $5,609 I--------I 1 $11,218 1 -----------I $16,250 1 Ressource Sery Supvrl 100$1 100$1 10011 100$1 $37,128 1 $37,128 1 $38,840 1 Microcomputer Spec. 1 10081 150$1 100$1 100$1 $42,102 1 $29,076 1 $32,450 1 Office Assistant 1 100$1 15011 100$1 011 $27,570 1 $18,859 1 $0 1 Data Entry Operator 1 10011 10011 10011 011 $18,840 1 $18,840 1 s0 I Office Spec. lI 1 011 011 011 20011 so 1 $0 1 $42,060 1 Subtotal: I I 1 1 1$131,249 1$115,111 1 $129,600 1 Merit Inc. I I I I I $6,562 1 $5,756 1 $6,480 1 Subtotal: I I I I I I 1 I 1$137,811 i 1$120,877 1 I I $136,080 1 I Fringe Benefits Subtotal: • Part -Time Off.Asst Subtotal: 130LFMIa.wkl 0 I 1 1 $48,234 1 $42,307 1 $47,628 1 I I 1 1$186,045 1$163,184 1 $183,708 1 I I I I I I I 011 10011 011 011 $9,000 1 $0 1 $o I 1 I 1 1$195,045 1$163,184 1 $183,708 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET • --------------------------------------------------- Department/Division: I Program: ----------------------------- I Account No. (Fiscal Yearl Resource Service Dept. l Administration l 33-4130 l 90/91 I O---e-c-t---i----------e-s-cr-i-p-t-i-o-n--o-f--I-t-e-m-s--&--I-n-d-i-v-i-d-u-a-1--D-o-l-l-a-r--A-m-o-u-n-t-s------ - i----- I ---- Budgeti -------- 1100 -------------------------------------------------------------- lRegular Payroll I I I ----------- $136,080 l 1200 10vertime I I I $3,000 l 1900 I lFringe Benefit I I I I $47,628 l 3100 ITravel & Meetings I I I I I Comdex Computer Conference $900 I I I Special Training (Computer Maint. & Software) $995 l I Supervisory & Management Training $250 I I l Subtotal: l $2,145 l 3300 IMileage: I I I I I Mileage (400 miles Q .65) $260 I I l Mileage Reimbursement/Dep.City Mgr. $552 l I I Subtotal: i $812 l 3900 IMaintenance & Operations I I I Computer Software and Upgrades $2,305 I I l Office Supplies $2,750 I l I Paper $2,200 1 l • l File Cabinet (1 0 $35D) $350 I l I Periodicals (IBM, Mac Magazines) $200 I I l Computer Connectors $500 I I Subtotal: l $6,305 l 3960 16eneral Liability I i $287 l I 6028 I lContract Services l l l Westek $5,000 1 l l IBM, Compaq & Clones To Be Transferl I I Apple To Be Transferl l I McAllister Computer Consultant $1,000 I I l Computer Contract Services $6,711 I I NBI To Be Transferl I NCR To Be Transferl I Student Intern $4,800 I I � Subtotal: l $17,511 I 7044 ICapital Expenditures I l I I Mac 11 RAM Upgrade $1,400 i l I I Subtotal: l I $1,400 l I 130LFM2a.wkl I I Total: I I $217,168 l • I I I • COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUEST FORM Department: Resource Services Division: Administration Fiscal Year 33-4130 1990/91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I Resource Center I I (Serial Number/ID ofl I I I Use Only I Account (Software IdentificationlComputer Unit wherelQtyl Unit IEstimatedl Number l I Software is to I I Cost I Cost 1Approvedl ......................... Denied I Date I 1 1 be installed I I I I I I I ---------- 1----------------------- 33-4130-39001Wordperfect 1------------------ I ---I (New 1 1 1 ------ $245 I --------- I 1 $245 1 -------- I $0 1 -------- $245 I ------- I 14/16/901 IWordperfect 1 5206-7505170 1 1 1 $245 1 $245 1 $245 1 14/16/901 (Lotus INew 1 1 1 $310 1 $310 1 $0 1 $310 14/16/901 (Lotus I I 5206-7505170 1 1 1 I $310 1 $310 1 $310 1 14/16/901 IMisc. Software Upgradesl I 1 1 i 1 I $400 I I 1 $400 1 I $1,400 1 I I 14/16/901 (Security Programs I I I 1 180 1 I $50 I I 1 $4,000 1 I $0 1 $4,000 I I 14/16/901 1PC Utilities I I I 1 5205-7505170 l 1 l $275 I 1 1 $275 1 I $275 1 $0 1 1 14/16/901 (Form Tool I I I I I I (Citywide 1 1 I I I I I I I I I $75 I I 1 $75 1 I I I I I I 1 $75 1 I I I $0 1 1 14/16/901 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I i I 1301fm7a.wkll I I I I I I I I Totals: 85 $5,860 $2,305 $4,555 COMPUTER CABLING MISC REQUEST FORM • Department: Resource Services Division: Administration Fiscal Year 33-4130 1990/01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Resource Center Use Only Account ICabling 6 Misc NeedslLocation/Computer Unit jQtyj Unit jEstimatedl....................... I Number I I I I Cost I Cost ApprovedlDeniedl Date ------------ I-------------------- I ----------------------- I--- I------ I--------- I -------- I------ I ------- 33-4130-3900IMisc. Connectors IFor City-wide Computersi 1 $500 1 $500 1 $500 1 $0 14/16/901 1301fm6a.wkll 0 Totals: $500 $500 $0 0 • Department: Resource Services I I Account ( Contract Services Number I ------------ I -------------------- 33-4130-60281 Westek 1 IBM,Compaq 6 Clones 1 Apple McAllister 1 Student Intern I NBI 1301fm5a.wkll Mac II IBM Compaq Portable Laserwriter II nt Centronics Laser Scanner Toshiba Onyx Computer COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM Division: Administration 33-4130 Justification (Comp. Assistance (Computer Maint. (Computer Maint. (Comp Consultant (Computer Maint (Maintenance (Maintenance IMaintenance (Maintenance (Maintenance IMaintenance IMaintenance IMaintenance I I I I I Totals: I I I I Qtyl Unit (Estimated I Cost I Cost I I $5,000 1 1 Transfer I I Transfer I 1 $1,000 1 1 $4,800 1 (Transfer I I 1 2 1 $862 1 3 I $509 I 1 1 $576 I 1 I $632 I 1 1 169C I 1 1 $338 12 I $27E 1 1 1 $672 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 12 1 $5,000 Ifrom Dept Ifrom Dept 1 $1,000 1 $4,800 Ifrom Dept I I $1,724 I $1,527 I $576 1 $632 I $690 1 $338 I $552 I $672 Fiscal Year 1990/91 Resource Center I Use Only 1 1-----------------------1 IApprovedlOeniedl Date I 1 $5,000 I SO 14/16/901 I $0 I $0 1 I I $0 1 $0 I I 1 $1,000 I $0 1 $4,800 1 $0 I i $0 1 $0 1 I $0 1 $0 I I 1 $1,724 I $0 1 1 $1,527 I $0 1 I $576 1 $0 1 I $632 1 $0 1 I $690 1 $0 I I $338 1 $0 1 I $552 1 $0 I 1 $672 1 $0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I $17,511 $17,511 $0 0 COMPUTER HARDWARE REQUEST FORM Department: Resource Services Division: Administration Fiscal Year 33-4130 1990/91 Account Number 33-4130-7044 33-4130-7044 1301fm4a.wki I I I I I Resource Center I I I I I Use Only I Hardware Description) York Area IQty I Unit IEstimatedl_ I ----------------------- Identification 1 Location I I Cost I Cost IApprovedl Deniedl Date I ----------'-'-------I-------------- I ---- I ------- I---------I--------I-------I-------I Compaq Computer IAdministrationj 1 1$3,000 1 $3,000 1 $0 1$3,000 14/16/901 Mac II 2MB Upgrade IAdministrationl 2 1 $700 1 $1,400 1 $1,400 1 $0 14/16/901 Totals: $4,400 $1,400 $3,000 Special Districts 334131 Resource Services - Asset Administration 33 4131 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL • BUDGE71R7JECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF Rm CUCAMONGA 5,745 33,290 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) 152,348 130,803 136,280 33 4131 DEPT COUNCIL 0 0 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED 0 ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 1,000 Resource Services - Asset Administration 33 4131 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 0 0 95,754 5,745 33,290 8,500 152,348 130,803 136,280 33 4131 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 0 0 1,000 (150) 0 850 1,000 1,000 1,000 33 4131 1300 PART TIME PAYROLL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 4131 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 0 0 33,514 0 33,514 33,514 53,322 45,809 41,698 33 4131 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 0 0 1,500 0 27 1,500 1,500 2,000 2,000 33 4131 3300 MILEAGE 0 0 150 0 0 ISO 200 752 752 33 4131 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 0 0 13,850 (250) 4,901 13,600 18,925 18,470 18,470 33 4131 3942 ACCUMULATED OEPRESIA. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 4131 3956 DUES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 4131 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 0 0 617 0 617 617 0 775 775 33 4131 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 46,290 (2,540) 30,843 43,750 56,330 43,144 43,144 r J 33 4131 7043 CAPITAL EXPEND. -BLDG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 4131 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND. -EQUIP 0 0 10,400 0 3,286 3,500 3,500 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 0 211,075 2,805 106,479 105,981 287,125 242,833 250,119 33 4131 9000 TRANSFER OUT 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 0 211,075 2,805 106,479 105,981 297,125 242,833 250,119 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE fiscal Year:1990/91 • Department: Resource Services Division: Special Districts Admin. 33-4131 ON Position Classification I Title (Deputy City Manager (Spec Dist Supervisor (Spec Dist Tech II ISpec Dist Tech ISpec Dist Aide I Subtotal: 1Merit Contingency I Subtotal: (Fringe Benefits 1 Total: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1131LFMla.wkl 1Currentl I Level I Position Dept Rcmd 10$1 100$1 100%1 200$1 0$1 I I 1 I l Quota I Appropriations 1 ------------- I -------------------------------- I Mgr. I I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted I Rcmd. (Adopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget I ----- I -------- 20$1 I --------- I 2011 $5,609 1 ----------- $11,218 I----------I 1 $16,250 1 100$1 100%1 $45,000 1 $45,000 1 $48,120 1 100$1 0$1 $35,000 1 $35,000 1 $0 I 100$1 200$1 $59,484 1 $33,432 1 $65,420 1 0$1 0$1 $o I ;0 I $0 I 1 1$145,093 1 $124,650 1 $129,790 1 I I I I 1 $7,255 i $6,233 1 I I $6,490 1 I 1$152,348 1 $130,883 1 $136,280 1 I I I I 1 $53,322 I I $45,809 I 1 $47,698 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1$205,669 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I $176,691 1 I I I I I I I I $183,977 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I • • • Department/Division: Resource Services COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET I Program: I Account Number:IFiscal Year I (Special Districts Adm. 1 33-4131 1 1990/91 1 Object No.1 Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts 1100 (Regular Payroll 1 1200 JOvertime I 1900 1Fringe Benefits 1 3100 11'ravel & Meetings I District Seminars I UCLA Ext -Stone & Youngberg (J.Fulwood) 1 3300 IMileage I 175 mi 0 .58(pool car) 1 Mileage Reimbursement 1 Mileage Reimbursement -Deputy City Mgr. 3900 INaintenance/Operations I Office Supplies I Binder Supplies I HP Plotter Pens I Computer Paper I Paper Stock I GIS Maps 1 Special Maps/Computer Projects I Cables 1 Legal Advertisment 1 Bond Call Costs 1 Paying Agent Admin. Costs 1 Toner/Cartridge for Copier 1 Software/Mist. & Upgrades 1 I 3956 1General Liability 1 6028 (Contract Services 1 Computer Tie to County 1 Computer Equipment Maintenance 1 Calculator Maintenance 1 Consulting Services (Legal & Financial) 1 Debt Service Software Maintenance 1 MIS Administration 1 Xerox Maint./Copy Charge I I I I I 131LFM2a.wkl I 1 Budget 1 -------1------------1 I 5136,280 1 I I 1 51,000 1 I I 1 $47,698 1 I I I I $1,500 1 $500 I 1 Subtotal: 1 $2,000 1 I I $150 $50 I I $552 I I Subtotal: 1 $752 1 $2,000 $250 $300 $500 $1,000 $500 $1,000 $110 $750 $1,000 $9,000 $1,000 $1,050 Subtotal: $7,500 $3,580 $250 $7,500 $1,000 $21,314 $2,000 Subtotal: Total: $18,470 $775 $43,144 1 1 I I I $250,119 I I I • 0 COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUEST FORM Department: Resource Services Division: Special Districts Fiscal Year 33-4131 1990/91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I Resource Center 1 I (Serial Number/ID oil I I I Use Only 1 Account (Software IdentificationlComputer Unit wherelQtyl Unit 1Estimatedl------------------------I Number I I Software is I I Cost I Cost 1ApprovedlDenied I Date 1 I 1 to be installed I I I I I I I ----------- 1----------------------1-------------------I---I--------I---------I--------I-------I-------I 33-4131-39001Wordperfect I 1 1 1 $245 1 $245 1 $0 1 $245 14/16/901 IPC Oracle 1 1 1 1 $1,020 1 $1,020 1 $0 1$1,020 14/16/901 IMisc. Software/Upgrades) 1 1 $250 1 $250 1 $750 1 ($500)14/16/901 1Lotus 1 5170-550038550 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I $310 1 $310 I I I 1 $310 1 $0 14/16/901 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1311fm7a.wkll Totals: 4 $1,825 $1,825 $1,060 $765 E • • COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM Department: Resource Services Division: Special District Fiscal Year 33-4131 1990/91 I I I I I Resource Center I I I I I I I Use Only 1 Account (Contract Services IJustificationlQtyl Unit (Estimated I ----------------------- I Number I I I I Cost I Cost 1ApprovedlDeniedl Date I -------- I ------------------ I 33-4131-602811BM XT I ------------- Current I --- I------- Use I 1 I $358'1 I ---------- $358 I-------- 1 $358 I------ I ------- I 1 $0 14/16/901 (IBM AT I Current Use 1 1 1 $358 1 $358 1 $358 1 i0 14/16/901 (Compaq PC I Current Use 1 2 1 $302 1 $604 1 $604 1 $0 14/16/901 IColor Monitors I Current Use 1 4 1 $151 1 $604 1 $604 1 $0 14/16/901 ILaser Printer I New 1 1 1 $690 1 $690 1 $690 1 $0 14/16/901 loot Matrix Printerl Current Use 1 1 1 $276 1 $276 1 $276 1 $0 14/16/901 14045 Laser Printerl 1 I Current Use I 1 1 I I $690 1 $690 1 1 $690 I 1 $0 14/16/901 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1311fm5a.wkll 1 1 I I I I I 1 Totals: 11 $3,580 $3,580 $0 Geographic Into. Systems -GIS 33-0132 00 m H BUDGOJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OFOO CUCAMONGA (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 Resource Services - Mapping 33 4132 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 0 0 108,155 3,289 44,218 111,/11 171,343 149,878 165,311 33 4132 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 0 0 0 0 222 0 0 0 0 33 4132 1300 PART TIME PAYROLL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 4132 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 0 0 37,854 0 37,854 37,854 S9,970 52,457 57,870 33 4132 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 0 0 2,840 0 642 2,840 3,390 3,390 3,390 33 4132 3300 MILEAGE 0 0 580 (280) 0 300 650 1,202 1,202 33 4132 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 0 0 20,962 (900) 1,847 3,500 20,585 20,050 20,250 33 4132 3942 ACCUMULATED DEPRESIA. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 4132 3956 DUES 0 0 725 0 611 725 800 g00 800 33 4132 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 0 0 522 0 522 522 0 377 377 33 4132 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 26,669 0 13,894 18,000 24,200 24,200 24,200 33 4132 7043 CAPITAL EXPEND. -BLDG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 4132 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND. -EQUIP 0 0 62,500 0 0 62,500 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 0 260,807 2,109 99,903 237,685 280,938 252,354 273,433 33 4132 9000 TRANSFER OUT 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 0 260,807 2,109 99,903 231,685 280,938 252,354 273,433 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year • Department: Resource Services Division: GIS 90/91 33-4132 1 Position Quota I Appropriations PositionI--------------------------------1----------- Classification ICurrentl Dept. I Mgr. I Dept. Title I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. (Adopted 1 Rcmd. 1 I. ---------------- De -ye --- City Manager I------- j ------- 0%1 1 10%1 ------- 1 -------- 20$1 1--------- 20$1 $5,609 I GIS Supervisor I 100$1 100%1 100$1 100$1 $47,000 Senior GIS Technician) 100%1 100$1 100$1 100$1 $29,508 1 GIS Technician 1 200%1 200$1 200$1 200$1 $55,015 1 Subtotal: I I 11137,132 1 11 Merit Contingency I II II lI 1I $6,857 Subtotal: 11143,989 1 Fringe Benefits 1 I I I 1 $50,396 I Total: I I I I I I I I I I I I i i I I I I I I I I I I I 11194,385 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I • I FIRE DISTRICT I I GIS Technician * 1 I Merit Contingency Subtotal: I I Fringe Benefits 1 Subtotal: I I I I * This position will be (fiscal years 1990-91 132LFMia.wkl r1 I I 0%1 100$1 I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I funded by 1991-92, I I I I it II I ( 100$1 100%j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I the Fire District for 1992-93, and 1993-94; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I $26,052 $1,303 I $27,355 I I $9,574 1 $36,929 I Mgr. Adopted Rcmd. i Budget 1 --------1---------- I $11,218 I 116,250 1 $47,000 I $46,240 1 $29,508 I $32,940 1 $55,015 $62,040 1 $142,741 1 $157,470 1 I I $7,137 $7,874 $149,878 $165,344 I $52,457 I 157,870 $202,335 I $223,214 four (4) I I I I I I I I i I $26,052 1 I $1,303 1 $27,355 1 I $9,574 1 $36,929 1 I I I consecutive I I I I I I I 1 $36,030 $1,802 $37,832 $13,241 $51,073 years • COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET -------------------------------------------------------Fisc-------- Department/Division: Program: Account Number:lFiscal Year Resource Service GIS 33-4132 1990/91 ---------------------------------------------------- Object No.1 Description of Items & Individual ---- -- --------------i8I Dollar Amounts I ------g------ et-- ---------- k ------------------------------------------------------ 1100 Regular Payroll --------- :165.344 � -Bud - 1900 lFringe Benefit $57,870 1 Subtotal: $223,214 3100 ITravel & Meetings ESRI User Conference $1,500 Arc/Info Classes $1,350 S• $240 Management eminars GIS/LIS Conference 3300 Mileage: Mileage (1000 miles 0 .65) Mileage Reimbursement\Dep.City Mgr. 1 3900 IMaintenance & Operations *Office Supplies Calcomp Plotter Supplies: Vellum (for bluelines) Vellum (for check plots) Plotter Pens Map Holders I Periodicals 3956 IDues SCCAMA URISA NCGA 3950 lGeneral Liability 6026 lContract Services: Calcomp Maint. $300 Subtotal: $3,390 $650 $552 Subtotal: $1,202 $2,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $50 $200 Subtotal: $20,250 $350 $250 $200 Subtotal: $80( $37- (1044 plotter & 9100 digitizer) Tektronix Maint. ESRI Maint. ESRI 132LFM2a.wk Program Development $2,000 $2,200 $15,000 $5,000 Subtotal: $24,20 Total: I $273,43 • I*This is an increase because of the Fire Dept.'s needs. COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM Is Department: Resource Services Division: GIS Fiscal Year 33-4132 1990/91 • Account (Contract Number I ------------ I-------- 33-4132-60281Calcomp 1 1044 F I 9100 1 I IESRI IESRI --------� -------------� ---� --------� ---- 1 Resource Center 1 I 1 I 1 I Use Only 1 ServicesliustificationlQtyl Unit (Estimated ___________________I 1----------------------- II I Cost I Cost I IApprovedlDeniedl Date 1 I-------- I I------ -------- I ------------- I---1-------- IMaintenance 11 ---------- I ------ I I I I otter I 1 1 1 $700 1 $700 1 $700 1 s0 14/16/901 Igitizer I 1 1 1 $1,300 1 $1,300 1 $1,300 1 $0 14/16/901 1 11Maintenance 1 1 1$15,000 1 $15,000 1$15,000 I $0 14/16/901 (Program Dev. 1 1 1 $5,000 1 $5,000 1 $5,000 1 $0 14/16/901 (Tektronix IMaintenance 1 2 1 $1,100 1 $2,200 1 $2,200 1 $0 14/16/901 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I 1321fm5a.wkll --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals: 6 $24,200 $24,200 $0 Management Into. Systems -MIS 33-0133 BUDGEOECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF 190 CUCA14DNGA (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) DEPT COUNCIL BI -BB FY 00-69 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 Resource Services - MIS 33 4133 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 0 0 241,085 12,125 104,577 253,210 271,945 275,972 312,060 33 4133 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 0 0 2,000 0 877 2,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 33 4133 1300 PART TIME PAYROLL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 4133 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 0 0 84,380 0 84,380 84,300 95,180 96,590 109,221 33 4133 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 0 0 7,500 0 2,640 7,600 6,350 2,850 2,850 33 4133 3300 MILEAGE 0 0 800 0 201 000 2,000 2,352 2,352 33 4133 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 0 0 15,820 (250) 1,811 2,700 20,397 23,277 23,277 33 4133 3942 ACCUMULATED DEPRESIA. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 4133 3956 DUES 0 0 700 0 182 700 800 800 800 33 4133 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 4133 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 84,614 1,726 22,180 86,340 52,743 65,751 65,751 33 4133 7043 CAPITAL EXPEND. -BLDG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 4133 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND. -EQUIP 0 0 40,500 0 0 10,000 33,600 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 0 411,499 13,601 216,911 441,730 489,015 111,592 520,311 33 4133 9000 TRANSFER OUT 0 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 0 671,199- 13,601 216,911 447,730 689,015 611,592 520,311 E Ll 11 Fringe Benefits Total: 133LFM1a.wkl $95,181 1 $96,590 1 $109,221 $367,126 1 $372,562 1 $421,281 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE \ Fiscal Year Department: Resource Services Division: MIS 1990/91 \ 33-4133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Position Quota I Appropriations 1 Position1----------------------------- =-------------------------1 Classification ICurrentl Dept. I Mgr. I --I---- I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted I Title I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. (Adopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget I --------------------1------- Deputy City Manager 1 I------- 031 I------- 10%1 I-------- 20%1 I--------- 20$1 $5,609 I---------- 1 $11,218 I ---------- I 1 $16,250 1 Programmer Analyst 1 20031 20031 20031 20031 $76,865 1 $77,223 1 $06,250 1 Computer Operator 1 10031 10031 10031 100%1 $26,268 1 $26,184 1 $29,220 1 DataBaseMgmt Analyst) 100%1 100%1 100%1 10031 $45,045 1 $45,474 1 $50,840 1 Systems Analyst 1 10031 100%1 10031 100%1 $47,400 1 $47,400 1 $52,900 1 Data Proc. Manager 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 10031 $57,809 1 $55,331 1 $61,740 1 Subtotal: I I I I 1$258,996 1 $262,830 1 $297,200 1 I Merit Contingency 5%1 I I I I I I I 1 I $12,950 1 $13,142 I I 1 $14,860 1 Subtotal: 1 I I I 1$271,945 1 $275,972 1 $312,060 1 Fringe Benefits Total: 133LFM1a.wkl $95,181 1 $96,590 1 $109,221 $367,126 1 $372,562 1 $421,281 1J • COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division: I Program: I Account Number:IFiscal Year I Resource Services I MIS 33-4133 I 1990/91 I - ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object - No. --------- Description of Items 6 Individual Dollar Amounts Budget i 1 ----- -----I-----------------------------------------------------------------I-------------- 1100 (Regular Salary $312,060 1200 (Overtime I $4,000 I 1900 (Fringe Benefits $109.221 I 3100 ITravel 6 Meetings I I National Prime User Group Conference - Denver $500 I I Government Technology Conference (Sacramento) $750 Comdex - Las Vegas $500 Intl Communications Assoc. Conference San Diego $600 I I Miscellaneous meetings and conferences I I 3300 IMileage I Mileage Allowance I Mileage Reibmursement - Deputy City Mgr. I City Pool Vehicle I 1 3900 (Maintenance 6 Operations I Office Supplies I Binders Computer Paper/Stock Cables, connectors, 6 misc. repairs Software Books Printer Ribbons (Dot Matrix) Computer Software Tapes Oracle Systems Administration I I 3956 (Dues 6 Publications I Computer Users Group Association of Municipal OP Directors Oracle Users Group Subscriptions 6028 ICcntract Services I Prime Computer Maintenance 133LFM2a.wkl PC Maintenance Color Monitor Maintenance Dot Matrix Printers Maintenance Xerox Laser Printer Maintenance Offsite Storage Additional Disk Drives for Prime 2755 $500 1 Subtotal: I $2,850 I I $800 1 $552 I $1,000 Subtotal: I $2,352 $1,500 $250 $8,000 $3,000 $250 $150 $627 $5,000 $4,500 Subtotal: I $23,277 I I $250 I $150 I $150 I $250 Subtotal!- I $800 $45,000 $358 $151 $552 $690 $4,000 $15,000 Subtotal: TOTAL: $65,751 $520,311 i COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM Department: Resource Services Division: MIS Fiscal Year 33-4133 1990/91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resource Center Use Only Account Contract Services 1 Justification 1Qty1 Unit 1 Estimatedl ............................. 1 Number 1 1 1 Cost 1 Cost 1 Approved 1 Denied 1 Date ------------ -------------------1----------------1---1--------- 33-4133-60181Prime Computer (Current System 1 1 1 I $45,000 1 ---------- 1 $45,000 1 ---------- 1 $45,000 1 --------- SO 1------- 14/16/901 IPC Maintenance (Current System 1 1 1 $358 1 $358 1 $358 1 $0 14/16/901 (Color Monitor maintlCurrent System 1 1 1 $151 1 $151 1 $151 1 SO 14/16/901 1PC Printer maint (Current hardwarel 2 1 $276 1 $552 1 $552 1 $0 14/16/901 I (Xerox laser maint I 1 1 (Current hardwarel 1 I I $690 I I $690 I I $690 I $0 I 1 14/16/901 1Datavault 1Media Storage 1 1 1 $4,000 1 $4,000 1 $4,000 1 $0 14/16/901 1COMPAQ MAINTENANCE 1New systems 1 4 1 $347 1 $1,388 1 $0 1 $1,388 14/16/901 (Color Monitor maintlNew systems 1 4 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I $151 1 I I I I $604 1 I I I I $0 1 I I I I $604 14/16/901 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1331fm5a.wkll 1 1 1 Totals: $52,743 $50,751 $1,992 ' COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUEST �i.nM • Department: Resourse Services/MIS Fiscal Year: 1990/91 I I I I I I Resource Center 1 1 I I I I Use Only I Account Number I Software Identification l Serial Number/ID of I Qty I Unit (Estimated Costl 1 I Computer Unit where 1 I Cost I I Approved I Denied I Date l I ISoftware is to be installedl I I I ( I I I 4133-7044 ITimeLine upgrade 15162-1024508 I 1 1 $217 l $217 I I I I lWordParfact Upgrade 15162-1024508 1 1 1 $110 I $110 IMicrosoft Windows 15162-1024508 I 1 1 $150 1 $150 I I I 1 IPC DOS 4.1 I I I I I I I I I I 15162-1024508 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l l $ISO I I I I I I I I I I l $ISO I 1 I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Totals: I I I I I I 4 I I $627 I i I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I $627 COMPUTER HARDWARE REQUEST FORM • Department: Resource Services Division: MIS Fiscal Year 33-4133 1990/91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I I I I Reurce Center i I I I I I I Use Only I Account I Hardware Description I Work Area IQtyi Unit 1Estimatedl ......................... I Number I Identification I Location I I Cost I Cost IApprovedl Denied I Date I ---- I------------------------- I ------------- I--- I --------- I--------- I-------- I -------- I------- I 33-4133 /I Additional disk capacity 1Computer Rooml 1 1 $15,000 1 $15,000 1$15,000 1 $0 14/16/901 (Compaq Computer Systems 1Programmers 1 4 1 $4,650 1 $18,600 1 $0 1=18,600 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1331fm4a.wkl • Totals: $33,600 $15,000 $18,600 CAPITAL r TABLE OF CONTENTS CAPITAL PROJECTS Fiscal Year 1990-91 PAGE Revenue Detail (1987-88 through 1991-92) I -XXX ExecutiveSummary............................................1-40 Fund No. Fund Title 6-4637 Reimbursements/CCWD ...........................41 7-4647 Reimbursements/CalTrans .......................46 8-4647 Reimbursements/County of San Bernardino ....... 51 9-4637 Gas Tax 2107 and Gas Tax 2106 .................56 11-4637 12-4637 Gas Sales Tax/Article 8 .......................69 13-4563 Recreation Services ..........................103 16-4637 TDA Article 3 ................................106 19-4637 Drainage Facility/Etiwanda...................109 20-4532 Park Development.............................112 21-4647 Beautification...............................137 22-4637 Systems Development ..........................154 23-4637 Drainage Facilities/General City.............185 24-4637 Federal Aid Urban ............................204 25-4285 Capital Reserve..............................209 28-4333 Block Grants/CDBG ............................212 32-4637 Measure I ....................................216 35-4637 SB 140 .......................................225 • • Landscape Districts 40-4130 Landscape Maintenance #1 .....................238 41-4130 Landscape Maintenance #2 .....................241 42-4130 Landscape Maintenance #3A ....................243 43-4130 Landscape Maintenance #4 .....................245 44-4130 Landscape Maintenance #5 .....................248 45-4130 Landscape Maintenance #6 .....................250 46-4130 Landscape Maintenance #36 ....................252 47-4130 Landscape Maintenance #7 .....................254 48-4130 Landscape Maintenance #8 .....................256 Lighting Districts 54-4245 Lighting District General City...............258 55-4130 Lighting District #1 .........................260 • 56-4130 Lighting District #2 .........................262 57-4130 Lighting District #3 .........................264 58-4130 Lighting District #4 .........................266 59-4130 Lighting District #5 .........................268 60-4130 Lighting District #6 .........................270 72-4225 Inter -Governmental Services..................272 76-4130 CFD 88-2 Flood District ......................277 78-4130 CFD 88-2 Law Enforcement District ............ 280 Assessment Districts 80-4637 AD 84-2 Alta Loma Channel....................281 81-4637 AD 84-2 Redemption Fund......................283 83-4637 AD 82-1 6th Street Industrial................285 • • 87-4130 AD 84-1 Redemption Fund......................288 87-4637 90-4130 PD -85 Redemption Fund........................290 90-4532 90-4637 93-4130 AD 82-1R Redemption Fund.....................292 93-4637 95-4637 AD 86-2 Capital Improvements .................294 96-4130 AD 86-2 Redemption Fund......................296 96-4637 • H 0 ' 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REVENUEPROJECTIONS__ ------------------------ FUND / ACCT. DWIPTIN SPECIAL REIM RN: Aeiaku so." ts/00 06-3901 5891 Reimhursme Cs/CCJO Sub -total Pein ts/Cal Tran 07-3901 5891 Keir urvwnts/Cal Tran ACAK New New ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMITED MMU RECD EiT11MTED ESTIM1TED ETIMITED EifIVATED 8EVEWE REVEIVE REM AT REVBAIE IBM REVBAIE REvm 1M1 YEAR DEI m 31, REVERUE 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 ROJECTICH 0 10,051 18,212 20,052 30,000 76,212 158,113 97,160 255,273 10,851 70,212 20,052 30,000 158,113 91,160 0 78,212 255,273 0 306 6,865 2,291 3,000 6,885 176,575 120,533 299,108 Sub -total 0 306 6,885 2,291 3,000 6,885 116,515 120,533 299,108 Reimtarrswnts: Canty of San Bernardino 08-3901 5891 Beimhursawnt/County of S.B. 0 62,920 106,382 0 106,382 61,003 69,280 133,283 08-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 378 0 0 0 0 0 Sub -total 0 63,298 106,382 0 0 106,382 61,003 69,280 133,283 C I TY i0 CUCAF XA BUDGET MI NOTED REVEAUE POPULATION ESTIMATES 0 Act. 104,727 Act. 114,954 Est. 125,000 0 ACTUAL PRIDED APOOED ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVW RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND / ACCT. DESICRIVTICNS REVEMIE REim FBM AT TOM WYM REVENUE REVQAIE TTA YEAR OECF143E12 31, REVENUE 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PROJECTIM Gas Tax 2107 09-3900 5130 Gas Tax 2107 805,163 646,656 903,676 405,774 916,000 967,623 989,000 1,000,000 1,989,000 r H 09-3900 4600 Interest Earnings 43,321 9,792 26,414 0 27,000 26,912 29,700 30,000 59,700 09-3992 9001 Transfers In 20,382 161,650 11,743 0 0 18,630 0 0 0 09-3900 5150 Gas Tax 2107.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 09-8888 9001 Transfers In 111,231 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,131,329 947,833 405,774 943,000 1,013,195 1,018,700 1,030,000 2,048,100 Subtotal 868,866 Gas tax 2106, 2107.5 11-3900 4600 Interest Inram 75,300 44,613 32,525 10,268 20,000 33,501 21,000 13,500 34,500 4601 Lien Income 0 0 4,942 1,023 1,000 4,705 . 0 0 0 5110 State Cas Tax - 2105 307,467 375,369 381,206 181,214 381,200 417,110 417,110 450,500 867,610 5150 State Gas Tax - 2107.5 0 7,500 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 11-3901 7781 In Lieu Fees 0- 116 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-3992 9001 Transfer In 195,000 12,553 13,181 0 0 13,840 0 0 0 -------------------- Subtotal ---- 577,761 412,200 479,156 118,110 474,000 922,110 202,505 -- 110,251 441,854 • POPULATION FSIIM4TE5 RND / ACCT. DESCRIPTIM 59325/TDA ART.8 Act. 104,727 • Act. 114,954 Est. 125,000 ACTUAL APBW New ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVENUE 8EC'D ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED REVENUE REVEM REVBAIE AT REVM REVENIE REVENUE REVENUE DECM 31, 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 0 M YEAR REVBAIE PROJECTION 12-3900 4600 Interest Earning 59,447 202,449 46,435 39,304 50,000 47,364 58,560 19,620 78,180 12-3900 5170 Gas Sales Tax 1,088,785 1,059,677 1,112,661 0 1,207,100 1,17i,268 654,000 654,000 1,308,800 12-3992 9001 Transfers In 2,625 3,143 3,300 0 0 3,465 0 0 0, 12-3999 8522 Nan -Abated Reidbu se eats 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,162,3% 39,304 1,251,100 112,560 1,386,180 613,620 1,222,091 1,265,269 Subtotal 1,150,857 H H H Recreation Services 13-3901 7710 Recrmtim Fees 363,253 391,281 331,450 176,682 331,450 394,986 531,460 542,100 1,073,560 13-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 916 0 0 0 0 0 0 331,450 394,986 1,073,550 542,100 531,460 331,450 176,682 392,197 Subtotal 363,253 99 300 15-3900 4600 Interest Income 20,638 4,898 0 483 600 0 0 0 0 15-3900 5185 Section 2126 S 6 H Allocation 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 20,638 4,898 0 403 600 0 0 0 0 • CI1Y CUCAMW BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUE POPULATION ESTIMATES Act. 104,727 Act. 114,954 Est. 125,000 ACTUAL AMENDED AlBiOED ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVENUE RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND / ACCT. DESCRIPTICNS REVFMIE REVETUE REVENUE AT REVBAIE REVINUE REVBAIE REVEfAIE TWO YEAR DECN R 31, REVBUE 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1909-90 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PRDJECTICN Pedestrian Grants/Article 3 16-3900 5180 Pedestrian/Bicycle SidewalIG 0 40,568 0 0 0 0 217,000 0 217,000 16-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 16-3992 9001 Transfers In c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 0 0 40,568 0 0 0 217,000 0 217,000 FAIL SEC. 203 17-3900 6750 Federal Grants 68,563 30,353 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8524 Other Reimbursements 7,618 28,016 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----------------- Subtotal ----- 16,181 0 0 0 0 0 58,369 0 0 Drainage Facilities/Etiwanda 19-3901 - 7485 Storm Crain Fres 26,951 161,783 532,950 0 149,580 543,609 25,000 35,000 60,000 19-3992 9001 Transfers In 364 315 662 0 80,000 694 0 0 0 Subtotal 21,315 162,098 15,000 533,612 0 229,580 544,303 35,000 60,000 c C I TY q(jrWM CUCAMWA • ra4rr r ESTIMATED REVENUE POPULATION ESTIMATES Act. 104,727 RIND / AOCT. DESCRIPTICINSi Park develment 4600 20-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 1130 Park develgmt Fees 1131 Terra Vista Park fxwlopmnt 7734 R C Villa sewn Line Access 7735 contribution from RDA 20-3992 9001 Transfers In Subtotal Bout if irition 21-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 21-3901 7441 Developer's ParticipAtion 21-3901 1180 Beautification Fers 21-3901 7781 In Lite Fees 21-3901 7782 Contribution in aid 21-3901 7784 Loan repWwnt 21-3992 9001 Transfers In Subtotal 0 Act. 114,954 Est. 125,000 116 5,611 0 ACTUAL AMBw 0 New 0 0 ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVENUE REC'D ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 0 REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE AT REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE IBM TWO YEAR 82,706 186,640 91,073 DECKER 31, 0 92,894 0 0 REVENUE 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PI43JECTION 0 - 0 92,000 0 50,000 92,000 550,115 954,791 284,197 222,839 285,000 298,407 298,400 200,000 498,400 3,031,178 2,754,093 2,535,660 760,003 2,500,000 2,855,654 2,865,650 3,094,900 5,960,550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,955 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,581,218 2,185,000 3,108,884 2,819,851 982,862 3,164,061 3,164,050 3,291,900 6,158,950 116 5,611 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32,680 0 41,641 0 0 0 0 0 1,144,440 1,364,152 1,152,334 249,667 500,000 1,179,079 650,000 689,000 1,339,000 82,706 186,640 91,073 0 0 92,894 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 345,450 0 337,000 205,000 542,000 0 - 0 92,000 0 50,000 92,000 55,460 0 55,460 3.483 4,984 5,233 0 0 5,494 0 0 0 1,230,805 1,594,067 1,340,640 291,308 895,450 1,369,467 1,042,460 894,000 1,936,460 • POPULATION ESTIMATES Act. 104,127 . Act. 114,954 Est. 125,000 0 TIMO / ACTT. DESCRIPTIONS System Developnert 22-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 4601 Lien Income 7430 System Fern 7440 Reomwable Systems Fes 7441 Developer's Particfaticn 7442 Sale of Land 7735 Contribution from RDA 7181 In Lieu Fees 7782 In Lieu Fees/Marlbaraugb 7783 Contribution in Aid 22-3992 9001 Transfers In Subtotal Drainage Facilities/13wal City ACTUAL MENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED AEVEUE RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE AT REVENUE REVM DECEMBER 31, 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1989-90 1990-91 AMENDED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED REVENUE REVEIIUE TND YEAR REVENUE 1990-91 1991-92 PROJECTION 324 95,871 21,473 109,058 150,000 23,118 40,000 4,400 44,400 6,134 123 5,151 2,465 0 4,914 0 0 0 3,088,710 3,488,926 2,954,711 811,682 2,000,000 3,613,643 2,200,000 2,310,000 4,570,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,449,423 0 272,600 0 0 280,611 0 0 0 0 13,250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 514,855 (514,865) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111,880 0 80,000 170,000 250,000 8,026 9,506 10,986 0 288,700 12,466 0 0 0 3,092,911 3,264,957 923,205 --555D 880 -5934 7-58 752-0 0-00 _F54-4 40-0 4,864,400 --i 067-482 23-3901 7480 Storm Drain Fees 1,355,894 1,341,697 1,399,048 269,941 500,000 1,427,029 645,000 689,000 1,334,000 23-3901 1141 Developer's participation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23-3901 4600 Interest Earning 10 7,200 100 33,383 35,000 150 5,000 0 5,000 23-3901 7735 Contribution frau RDA 649,487 0 1,100,000 0 1,437,540 1,100,000 669,940 0 569,940 23-3992 9001 Transfers in 2,238 3,117 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,352,011 2,199,118 303,324 -T972540 2,527,179 1,319,940 689,000 2,008,910 Subtotal 2,008,629 • 9 0 POPIIIATILN ESTIMATES Act. 104,727 Act. 114,954 Est. 125,000 rCi Subtotal 307,723 0 261,000 0 173,600 285,000 1,768,292 46,500 1,014,792 H RXB" Grant 25-3900 Beryl Park 0 0 0 ACTUAL AMENDED AMENDED 0 0 0 0 ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED VENUE RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 0 FUND / ACCT. OWIPTIOS I2EVFIUE REVENUE REVENUE AT REVENUE F VEUE REVENUE REVENUE TAU YEAR 0 DEC93ER 31, 0 0 REVEUE 0 0 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1909 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PBDJECTIQI Federal Aid Urban 24-3900 6750 Federal Highway Grants (84,751) (51,729) 267,000 0 173,600 285,000 1,768,292 45,500 1,814,792 6751 Archibald Avenue (CM) 0 66,101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8514 Other Reiaburswmts 392,477 (4,372) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rCi Subtotal 307,723 0 261,000 0 173,600 285,000 1,768,292 46,500 1,014,792 H RXB" Grant 25-3900 Beryl Park 0 0 0 0 31,690 0 0 0 0 26-3900 Old Tarn Park 0 0 0 0 149,000 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 180,690 0 0 Grants - CDBG 28-3901 5880 CDBG Reimbursmmts 343,904 452,219 433,000 0 433,000 433,000 433,000 433,0DO 866,000 28-3901 5881 Progran freme 0 7,855 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 343,904 460,074 433,000 0 433,000 433,000 433,000 433,000 066,000 ("I TY O TZICWM rA lIr(1 6;TIMATEO REME POMJLATI(N ESTIMATES i Act. 104,727 Act. 114,950 Est. 125,000 0 ACTUAL AAB40ED AIMM ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVEMIE RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FlMO / ACCT. TJFSCRIPTIO& REVEMIE REVETAJE WOVE AT REME REVEMIE REVEMIE REVFMIE TM1 YEAR DECEABER 31, REVBAIE 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PFDJECTIQI Park Bard Grant - 1984 29-3901 5685 Park Pad Grant / 1984 0 0 356,250 0 366,250 0 0 0 0 c r~i Subtotal ^0 0 366,250 0 366,250 0 0 0 0 Histroical Grant 30-3901 5880 Historical Grant REio&rsmmts 4,316 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 4,316 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Park bad Act - 1986 31-3901 5885 Park Bad Grant / 19R6 0 0 50,000 0 50,000 0 0 Subtotal 0 0 50,000 0 50,000 0 0 i i 0 0 0 0 CITY OF RAiH OXAA71G1 715,205 1,430,410 0 0 0 1UDGEI 73,100 0 1,041,104 1,823,321 2,861,125 ESTIMATED REVENUE 0 373,950 0 664,825 POMRATICN ESTIMATES pct. 104,727 Act. 114,954 Est. 125,000 73,100 0 1,756,309 ACTUAL New AfB10E0 ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVBAIE RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED RNO / ACCT. DESCRIPTIQS WYEMIE REVENUE REtm AT REVEIAIE REVENUE W UE REVENUE TWO YEAR DEIBEIER 31, FORE 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1909 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PADJECTICN Mamre I - Transportation Revenue 32-3900 5000 Measure 1: Local Street Allotne t 32-3900 6000 Measurel: Specific Prof. Grants Subtotal SB 140 Grant 35-3900 SB 140 Grant Income Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 715,205 715,205 1,430,410 0 0 0 0 73,100 0 1,041,104 1,823,321 2,861,125 0 0 373,950 0 664,825 2,538,526 0 0 73,100 0 1,756,309 4,294,835 0 0 0 0 373,950 0 1,213,800 664,825 661,825 0 0 0 664,825 0 0 373,950 1,213,800 664,825 M • CITY OF RWK) CUCAMNA BUDGET ESI UNITED REM POPULATION ESTIMATES 0 Act. 104,727 Act. 114,954 Est. 125,000 Central Park komisition 37-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 0 3,433 0 0 ACTUAL MM 0 Allum 7900 Bard Proceeds 0 779,475 0 ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVT34UE RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 0 RMD / ACCT. DESCRIPTIN BEVM REYM IaV1341E AT REVUE REVFMIE BEVEMIE AEVBAIE 1MT YEAR 0 0 0 0 DECEI43ER 31, REVETAIE 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PADJECTIOV CAPITAL PROJECT RM Capital Reserve 25-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 605,642 911,283 285,471 136,374 275,000 254,576 250,000 250,000 500,000 8520 Other Revmue 4,350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8521 Loan Agremant Proceeds 4,290,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8911 Adninistratioe Fees 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25-3991 9001 Transfers In 2,010,000 0 844,380 0 044,380 843,605 0 0 0 17119,380 Subtotal 6,909,992 911,283 1,129,851 136,374 1,098,181 250,000 250,000 500,000 Central Park komisition 37-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 0 3,433 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7900 Bard Proceeds 0 779,475 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8520 Other Revum 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 0 782,908 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • Interest Earnings 61,701 53,121 i 7,203 13,500 0 0 • PGFU ATICN ESTIMATES Bud Proceeds 0 Act. 100,727 0 0 Act. 111,951 0 Est. 125,000 0 0 8520 Other kww 0 0 ACTUAL Mm 0 meffD 0 0 0 80-3902 9001 ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVENUE RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 0 0 RIND / ACCT. DESCRIPTIONS REVIMIE REVM REVENUE AT REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE TWO YEAR OEC M 31, REVENUE 1981-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 198990 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PROJECTION NORTHEAST CON PARR RHO 66-3901 7900 Bud proceed 0 2,815,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66-3901 0600 Interest incase 0 15,331 16,096 0 0 16,901 0 0 0 Sib -total 0 0 0 0 0 16,901 16,096 2,890,331 0 x H AD 88-2 Edwacia/Highland CFD 75-3901 0600 Interest Eamings 2,211 2,186 0 165 100 0 0 7900 Bud Proceeds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8520 Other Revenue 17,200 (5,938) 0 (56) 0 0 0 0 0 75-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal (3,152) 0 109 000 0 0 0 0 /9,/11 AD 80-2 Alta Inns Channel 80-3901 0600 Interest Earnings 61,701 53,121 13,090 7,203 13,500 0 0 0 0 7900 Bud Proceeds 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8520 Other kww 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80-3902 9001 Transfers In 1,072 66,351 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 62,773 119,775 13,198 7,213 13,500 0 0 0 0 RA CITY VO CIICMIJNC�A 14,423 0 0 11,221 0 0 • 4,384 0 0 16,070 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ubtotal------- -------------14,423 BUR I 11,221 16,065 4,384 16,070 --0 --- 0 -- 0 7 ESTIMATED REVENUE PORILATICN ESTIMATES Act. 104,727 Act. 114,954 Est. 125,000 ACTUAL ABBw A1Bw ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED AEVEUE RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED RAO / ACCT. DESCRIPTIONS REVENUE REVBUE REVENUE AT REVENUE REVENUE FUME REVBUE TWO YEAR OECBBER 31, FF UE 1987-88 1988 - 1909 1989-90 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PR03ECTICN AD 82-1 6th Street Industrial 83-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 72,319 76,976 23,768 14,806 23,770 0 0 0 H 83-3992 9001 Transfers In 1,413 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H Subtotal 14,806 13,792 0 0 76,976 23,768 23,710 0 0 AD 84-1 Day Creek 86-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 263,990 401,607 305,555 202,661 305,560 190,614 190,610 120,000 310,610 86-3901 8520 Other revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 86-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 263,990 401,607 305,555 102,661 305,560 190,614 190,610 120,000 310,610 AD PO 85 Heritage 88-3901 4600 Interest Eamings 88-3901 7900 Bad Proceeds 88-3992 9001 Transfers In 14,423 0 0 11,221 0 0 16,065 0 0 4,384 0 0 16,070 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ubtotal------- -------------14,423 11,221 16,065 4,384 16,070 --0 --- 0 -- 0 7 • CITY OF RWW CUCAMONGA RUIGEI ESTIMATED REVENUE POPULATION ESTIMATES 0 Act. 104,727 Act. 110,954 Est. 125,000 0 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT FIANOS 7,437,672 5,541,254 4,219,464 380,229 4,193,310 1,305,696 110,610 370,000 810.610 ACTUAL AMENDED AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVENUE RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND / ACCT. DESCRIPTIONS REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE AT REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE TWO YEAR DECEMBER 31, REVENUE 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PROJECTION AD PO 85 Red Hill 89-3901 4600 Interest Eaming, 25,506 37,050 24,528 5,299 24,530 0 0 0 0 89-3901 7900 Said Proceed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rx+ H 89-3992 9001 Transfers In 29,153 268,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H Subtotal 54,659 305,850 24,528 5,299 24,530 0 0 0 0 AO 86-2 R/C Drainage District 95-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 8,632 45,055 190,103 9,353 190,100 0 0 0 0 953901 7900 Bad Proceeds 0 0 2,500,000 0 2,500,000 0 0 0 0 95-3901 8520 Other RevsvR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 8,632 45,055 2,690,103 2,690,100 0 0 0 9,353 0 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT FIANOS 7,437,672 5,541,254 4,219,464 380,229 4,193,310 1,305,696 110,610 370,000 810.610 ! 0 19,658 51,830 0 ! 54,422 54,420 0 ! PORILATICN ESTIMATES 0 639,000 0 Act. 104,727 0 0 Act. 111,954 Est, 125,000 0 Subtotal 0 658,658 0 ACTUAL New 54,420 mel0ED FlNO / AOCT. ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED REME RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED DESCRIPTIONS REVENUE REYM REYBAIE AT REVEIAIE 67-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 15,331 412,110 0 411,110 409,210 409,210 0 REYM REYM F"M IND YEAR 16,097 0 16,000 16,902 DMM9ER 31, 0 16,900 Sub -total REVOK 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PROJECTION 428,207 AGENCY RN06 rr„m*mt Central Park Redemption 38-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 0 0 5,369 0 5,400 5,638 5,640 0 5,640 8521 Delivery Casts 0 (186,308) 0 0 0 0 0 0 8522 Lease Payment 0 188,890 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 0 1,289,810 0 1,289,810 1,277,900 1,277,900 0 0 1,271,900 x c Subtotal 0 _ 2,582 1,295,179 0 1,295,210 1,203,538 1,283,540 0 1,283,510 Central Park Reserve 39-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 0 19,658 51,830 0 18,000 54,422 54,420 0 54,420 39-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 639,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 0 658,658 0 18,000 54,420 0 51,830 54,422 $4,420 Redemption Surd - North East Park 67-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 15,331 412,110 0 411,110 409,210 409,210 0 409,210 67-3901 4600 Interest Income 0 (15,113) 16,097 0 16,000 16,902 16,900 0 16,900 Sub -total 0 218 428,110 426,112 0 0 426,110 428,207 426,110 0 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Seared 0 0 0 107,937 0 0 0 0 0 ACTUAL AMENDED Property Tax - P/Y Semred AMENDED 0 0 ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVENUE RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 4600 RND / ACCT. DESCItIPTICNS REVENUE REVM REYENIIE AT REVENUE REVENUE REVBAIE FOEUE TND YEAR 0 0 76-3901 4601 OECm 31, 0 0 0 REVENUE 0 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PROJECTICN Reserve Ftrd - North East Park 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76-3992 68-3992 9001 Transfers in 0 287,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68-3901 4600 Interest Inome 0 2,380 22,956 0 22,950 24,104 24,100 0 0 Sib -total 0 289,880 22,956 0 22,950 24,104 24,100 0 0 Del ivery Cost Rrd - North East Park 69-3992 9001 Transfers in 0 30,631 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69-3901 4600 Interest Incare 0 (30,453) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub -total 0 178 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AD 88-2 Ethe daMighlard CFD Redemption Fund 76-3901 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Seared 0 0 0 107,937 107,900 0 0 0 0 76-3901 1040 Property Tax - P/Y Semred 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76-3901 4601 Interest - Early Redemption 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76-3901 7905 Principal - Early Redemptim 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 107,937 107,900 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 POPULATION ESTIMATES Pct. 104,727 Act. 114,951 Est. 125,000 ACTUAL New New ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVM RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FIND / ACCT. DESCRIPTIOMS REVEMIE REVBAIE REM AT REVIVE 8EVB41E REMM AEVEWE TWO YEAR DECEPW 31, REYM 1981-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 198940 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PRDJECTICN AD 88-1 Reserve 77-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7901 Resew Requirements 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 0 0 4600 Interest Earnings 10,617 14,879 8,477 3,799 7,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7905 Principal - Early Redemption 0 AO 86-2 Excess Irnestnent Earnings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 81-3992 9001 Transfers in 79-3901 4600 Exoess Investment Earnings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 79-3992 9001 Transfers in 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AD 84-2 R9JWim 81-3901 1D20 hvpwty Tax - C/Y Seared 199,507 174,627 197,184 72,626 197,000 194,789 185,340 186,740 372,080 1040 Property Tax - P/Y Seared 93,670 6,055 12,713 5,506 7,000 13,349 5,000 5,500 10,500 1060 Penalty 6 Interest 25,694 816 1,715 884 1,000 1,750 0 0 0 4600 Interest Earnings 10,617 14,879 8,477 3,799 7,000 8,901 0 0 0 4601 Interest - Early RedWicn 0 6,005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7905 Principal - Early Redemption 0 64,602 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 81-3992 9001 Transfers in 2,239 2,225 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 331,727 269,209 220,089 82,815 212,000 218,789 190,340 192,240 382,580 • FIND / ACCT AD 84-2 Reserve PORILATIM ESTIMATES DESCRIPTIMS 82-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 7901 Reserve Reguirments 82-3992 9001 Transfers In Subtotal 19,474 88,616 14,620 6,862 14,620 15,350 15,350 15,500 30,850 AD 86-2 Investment Earn 85-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 641 7,614 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 641 7,614 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AD 84-1 Redemption 87-3901 1060 Penalty 6 Interest 87-3901 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Seared 1040 Act. 104,727 • Interest Earnings Act. 114,954 Est. 125,000 • Principal - Early Redemption 7906 ACTUAL mew Pre/Pay-Special Taxes MBIpED Loan from RDA ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED AEVFIIIE RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 62,268 REVENUE REVENUE REY UE AT FOENUE REVEMIE EVEMIE REVENUE T1O YEAR 25,496 200,493 RIMER 31, 280,500 294,517 294,520 REVEIM 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PROJECTION 19,474 23,616 14,620 6,862 14,620 15,350 15,350 15,500 30,850 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 19,474 88,616 14,620 6,862 14,620 15,350 15,350 15,500 30,850 AD 86-2 Investment Earn 85-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 641 7,614 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 641 7,614 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AD 84-1 Redemption 87-3901 1060 Penalty 6 Interest 87-3901 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Seared 1040 Property Tax - P/Y Seared 4600 Interest Earnings 4601 Interest - Early Radmption 1905 Principal - Early Redemption 7906 Cmtributed Capital - RDA 7907 Pre/Pay-Special Taxes 8521 Loan from RDA 87-3992 9001 Transfers In Subtotal 8,580 7,743 0 1,635 1,640 0 0 0 0 1,191,840 1,054,527 1,037,799 636,343 1,037,800 934,019 934,020 840,000 1,714,020 33,851 29,121 62,268 7,822 62,270 56,041 56,040 40,000 96,040 275,279 25,496 200,493 72,413 280,500 294,517 294,520 175,000 469,520 26,238 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,984,000 (208,721) 1,198,000 (986,827) 1,198,000 1,198,000 1,198,000 1,198,000 2,396,000 0 5,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 2,076,798 0 986,827 0 0 0 0 0 3,519,188 2,990,061 2,578,560 118,213 -T580,210 2,182,511 2,182,580 2,253,000 1,735,580 • 0 CITY DF RANCHO OXAM7ri'd WIRT FSTIMATED REVENUE POPULATION ESTIMATES Act. 104,727 Act.11t,954 Est. 125,000 9 4D PO 85 Reserve 91-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 7901 Reserve Reguirenents 91-3992 9001 Transfers In Subtotal 25,617 47,416 35,316 13,219 35,320 ACTUAL AMB W 34,000 WIDED 0 0 0 0 ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVENUE RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 0 RND / ACCT. DESCRIPTIN REVENUE REVENUE REVENAIE AT REVENUE REVEMIE REvm REVENUE TWO YEAR 36,380 -34 000 25,617 -35 316 DECEMBER 31, REME 1981-88 1988 - 1909 1989-90 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PRWECTION AD PO 85 Aaderption 90-3901 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Serured 931,829 968,094 1,045,247 456,865 1,045,250 1,047,521 1,041,520 1,132,400 2,179,920 1040 Property Tax - P/Y Secured 33,212 20,049 34,035 17,557 34,040 35,736 35,740 36,000 71,740 N 4600 Interest Earnings 1,116 0 7,542 0 7,540 7,731 7,730 3,000 10,730 N 4601 Interest - Early Redemption 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7905 Principal - Early Rederption 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1060 Penalty 6 Interest 6,779 4,322 5,508 3,534 3,540 5,183 0 0 0 90-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 973,566 992,465 1,092,332 117,956 1,090,310 --F090,990 1,096,171 1,171,100 2,262,390 4D PO 85 Reserve 91-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 7901 Reserve Reguirenents 91-3992 9001 Transfers In Subtotal 25,617 47,416 35,316 13,219 35,320 36,376 36,380 34,000 70,380 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---ii-,F17 77,416 -13 219 35,320 .36 376 36,380 -34 000 25,617 -35 316 70,380 N x • 739,000 767,273 i 767,270 764,576 790,190 800,000 1,590,190 • CITY OF RWN U"AA 50,863 13,679 50,860 51,881 51,880 50.000 101,880 63,396 84,657 FAUOOEI 28,925 46,040 45,875 45,880 50,000 95,880 1.678 134 0 ESTIMATED REVENUE 0 0 0 0 0 57,045 1,641 0 3,229 POPULATION ESTIMATES 0 0 Act. 104,727 0 0 Act. 110,954 0 Est. 125,000 0 0 0 0 0 ACTUAL AABw 0 A14NDED 0 0 0 ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVENUE RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 0 FUND / ACCT. DE9CRIPTIONS REVENUE FEVBAIE REVENUE AT REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVUE TWO YEAR 1,787,950 DECEMBER 31, REVENUE - ----- 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1989-90 ----- 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PROJECTICN -- - AD Ad -I Reserve '- 92-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 68,725 116,414 70,099 0 70,100 73,604 ' 73,600 80,000 153,600 12 3192 9001 Transfers In 0 807,509 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 68,125 0 923,923 10,099 10,100 13,604 73,600 80,000 153,600 AD 82 -IR Redeptim 93-3901 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Secured 1040 Property Tax - P/Y Secured 4600 Interest Earnings 4601 Interest - Early RW"ticn 7905 Principal - Early Redetgticn 9780 Sale of tend 93-3992 9001 Transfers In 93-3901 1060 Penalty 6 Interest ---------------- Subtotal 767,086 739,000 767,273 344,235 767,270 764,576 790,190 800,000 1,590,190 421 25,751 50,863 13,679 50,860 51,881 51,880 50.000 101,880 63,396 84,657 46,038 28,925 46,040 45,875 45,880 50,000 95,880 1.678 134 0 262 0 0 0 0 0 57,045 1,641 0 3,229 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,711 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 3,003 0 6,311 6,310 0 0 0 0 895,385 851,186 861,111 106,611 870,480 862,332 887,950 900,000 1,787,950 • Property Tax - C/Y Secured 200,283 189,357 0 106,251 211,520 212,948 208,170 210,000 0 CITY OF RAWHO COMTura Property Tar - P/Y Seared 0 9,420 12,691 18,686 12,690 12,777 12,780 12,000 M+UDr,EI 4600 Interest Earnings 41,116 9,691 43,112 5,431 43,710 45,024 45,020 8,000 ESTIMATED REVW 4601 Interest - Early Redemption 1,766 1,262 1,488 285 1,490 1,563 1,560 1,600 3,160 POPULATION ESTIMATES Principal - Early Redemption 20,830 Act. 104,727 33,895 4,854 Act. 114,954 34,572 Est. 125,000 35,000 69,570 1060 Penalty& Interest 0- 1,209 ACTUAL AM9w 3,190 AMENDED 0 0 0 7902 ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVENUE RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 0 FUND / ACCT. DESCRIPTIONS REVEMIE REYBUE REVENUE AT FBOUE REVE741E REME REVENUE IND YEAR 0 Subtotal 219,956 231,111 DECEMBER 31, 138,699 306,500 306,884 302,100 REVENUE 568,700 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PROJECTION AD 82 -IR Rasmrve 91 ;901 4600 Interest farnirgs 67,519 81,769 50,689 24,428 50,690 51,703 51,700 50,000 101,700 1901 Reserve Requirewts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 94-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 24,428 Subtotal 61,519 82,769 50,689 50,690 51,703 51,700 50,000 101,700 AD 86-2 Redemption 96-3901 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Secured 200,283 189,357 211,522 106,251 211,520 212,948 208,170 210,000 418,170 1040 Property Tar - P/Y Seared 0 9,420 12,691 18,686 12,690 12,777 12,780 12,000 24,780 4600 Interest Earnings 41,116 9,691 43,112 5,431 43,710 45,024 45,020 8,000 53,020 4601 Interest - Early Redemption 1,766 1,262 1,488 285 1,490 1,563 1,560 1,600 3,160 7905 Principal - Early Redemption 20,830 20,172 33,895 4,854 33,900 34,572 34,570 35,000 69,570 1060 Penalty& Interest 0- 1,209 0 3,192 3,190 0 0 0 0 7902 Redemption Requirement 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96-3992 9001 Transfers In 15,301 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 219,956 231,111 303,308 138,699 306,500 306,884 302,100 266,600 568,700 0 CITY OF RAJ N CUCAMYA I>unGET ESTIMATED REVW POPULATION ESTIMATES 0 Act. 104,727 ACTUAL Act. 114,954 Est. 125,000 TOTAL AGENCY FUNDS : 6,184,414 7,447,971 7,032,165 1,985,612 7,111,260 6,937,519 6,924,160 4,967,740 11,867,800 ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED REMK RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED RIND / ACCT. DWIPTIONS REVENUE REVENUE REVW AT REVM REvm IBM RE♦43A1E IND YEAR DMMER 3I, REVEMUE 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PROJECTION AD 86-2 Res" 97-3901 d600 Interest Earnings 2,015 9,088 4,806 8,842 8,800 4,957 5,000 5,000 10,000 7901 Reserve Requirements 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97-3992 9001 Transfers In 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,800 Subtotal 2,016 9,088 4,806 8,842 4,957 5,000 5,000 10,000 TOTAL AGENCY FUNDS : 6,184,414 7,447,971 7,032,165 1,985,612 7,111,260 6,937,519 6,924,160 4,967,740 11,867,800 0 CITY OF RANCHO CtUCA74JNCd BUDGET n•m, FIND / ACCT SPECIAL AST RWOS r�nxmanrwxra�xra POPULATION ESTIMATES ACTUAL ACTUAL DE9CRIPTICNS REVENUE REVENUE x Landscape M3int 11 Gaxral x H ACTUAL AMENDED 40-3901 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Secured 1040 Property Tax - P/Y Seared 4600 Interest Eamirgs 40-3992 9001 Transfers In 40-3901 1050 Penalty 6 Interest Subtotal Landscape Maint 12 Victoria Act. 1D4,727 ESTIMATED REVENUE 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 Act. 114,954 Est.125,ODO ACTUAL AMENDED AMENDED REVENUE REC'D ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED AT REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE TWD YEAR MCEDDER 31, REVENUE 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PRDUEC110N 149,814 167,210 220,875 85,942 220,880 255,875 314,560 333,430 647,990 8,287 6,658 8,362 3,368 8,360 8,529 8,530 8,500 17,030 27,997 27,055 15,461 10,605 15,460 17,911 17,910 18,900 36,810 272 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,551 1,230 1,385 681 680 1,412 0 0 0 187,921 202,153 246,083 100,596 245,390 283,727 341,000 360,830 701,830 41-3901 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Seared 471,282 585,722 665,730 352,723 565,730 735,487 773,690 820,000 1,593,690 1040 Property Tax - P/Y Secured 7,080 2,641 6,190 5,195 6,190 6,314 6,310 6,000 12,310 4600 Interest Earnings 14,423 59,059 26,294 29,416 30,000 31,259 20,000 21,000 41,000 1060 Penalty 6 Interest 1,534 440 1,337 1,294 1,300 1,363 0 0 0 41-3992 9001 Transfers In 461,305 " 37,458 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 955,624 685,320 699,551 388,628 703,220 114,422 800,000 847,000 1,647,000 0 0 0 CITY DE RKM OXAM Bli[GFi ESTIMATED REVOR POPULATION ESTIMATES Act. 104,727 Act. 114,954 Est. 125,000 ACTUAL AABw New ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED BEVEIAIE RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED RIND / ACCT. DE9CRIPTIQS BEVEM wVw REVM AT REYw RDW REVw REVW M YEAR DETDW 31, WYM 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1919-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PROJECTION Landscape Ibint 13 HYSSOP 42-3901 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Secured 2,070 2,451 2,173 55,699 56,000 2,216 1,900 2,000 3,900 1040 Property Tax - P/y Secured 130 0 133 564 560 135 100 110 210 H 4600 Interest Earnings 39 304 46 2,314 2,320 48 0 0 0 1060 Penalty 6 Interest 13 0 24 100 100 30 0 0 0 42-3992 9001 Transfers In 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 2,210 2,755 2,376 58,677 58,980 2,429 2,000 2,110 4,110 Lardsrape V4int IN Terra Vista 43-3901 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Secured 142,747 228,971 281,215 116,596 281,220 332,090 317,000 336,000 653,000 1040 Property Tax - P/Y Seared 1,309 1,416 1,448 1,615 1,620 1,520 1,000 1,060 2,060 4600 Interest Earnings 30,659 48,132 16,732 17,241 20,000 19,759 12,000 12,700 24,700 1050 Penalty 6 Interest 222 325 246 479 500 251 0 0 0 43-3992 9001 Transfers In 470 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 175,407_ 278,644 299,641 135,931 303,340 353,620 330,000 349,760 679,760 Landscape Paint 16 Caryn Comm 45-3901 1010 Property Tax - C/Y Seamed 89,989 89,989 183,105 97,044 183,100 201,415 225,000 238,500 CITY OF RANr11O CUCAMYA 1040 Property Tax - P/Y Secured 0 1,172 0 1,952 1,950 0 2,000 BUDGET 4,120 4600 Interest Earnings 3,973 17,885 10,895 7,640 10,900 11,984 ESTIMATED REVENUE 3,180 6,180 1060 Penalty 6 Interest 0 198 208 460 460 POPUUITION ESTIMATES 0 0 Act, 104,727 45-3992 9001 Transfers In Act. 114,954 0 Est. 125,000 0 0 0 0 0 ACTUAL MEWED Subtotal MENDED 109,244 194,208 107,096 ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVEIR RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED RNO / ACCT. DESCRIPTIOS REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE AT REVENUE REVENUE REVUE REVENUE TWO YEAR DECEMBER 31, REVENUE 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PRO3ECTIDV lardscape Paint 115 Tot Tot 44-3901 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Seamd 4,941 4,519 4,620 2,305 4,620 4,520 4,300 4,550 8,850 c1040 Property Tax - P/Y Seared 443 0 451 0 450 461 200 210 410 4600 Interest Earnings 1,205 1,646 857 516 860 875 100 110 210 1060 Penalty 6 Interest 90 0 92 0 100 94 0 0 0 44-3992 90DI Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal ^� 6,680 6,265 6,020 2,821 6,030 6,050 4,600 4,870 9,470 Landscape Paint 16 Caryn Comm 45-3901 1010 Property Tax - C/Y Seamed 89,989 89,989 183,105 97,044 183,100 201,415 225,000 238,500 463,500 1040 Property Tax - P/Y Secured 0 1,172 0 1,952 1,950 0 2,000 2,120 4,120 4600 Interest Earnings 3,973 17,885 10,895 7,640 10,900 11,984 3,000 3,180 6,180 1060 Penalty 6 Interest 0 198 208 460 460 212 0 0 0 45-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 93,962- 109,244 194,208 107,096 196,410 213,611 230,000 243,800 473,800 • POPUUATIQ4 ESTIMATES Act. 104,727 1* Act. 114,954 Est. 125,000 • ACTUAL AM5VOED AM3IDED ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED FVEMIE RECT ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED FUND / ACCT. OESCRIPTIOMS REYM REVENUE REVEMIE AT REVEME REVEMIE REVM REVm THD YEAR DECCEHEIEER 31, REvm 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PRDJECTICR Land Msint 838 Mdias 46-3901 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Seamed 0 26,726 115,000 106 115,000 140,000 114,000 184,440 358,440 0 1040 Property Tax - P/Y Seared 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,060 2,060 750 4600 Interest Earnings 0 654 3,947 32 3,950 4,159 5,000 5,300 10,300 0 1060 Penalty 6 Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 0 27,380 118,947 138 118,950 144,159 180,000 190,800 37D,000 Lad Pbint Dst I7 e 47-3901 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Seamed 0 0 0 0 0 0 55,000 58,300 113,300 c 1040 Property Tax - P/Y Seared 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1060 Penalty 6 Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,060 2,060 4600 Interest Earnings 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,060 2,060 47-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 57,000 60,420 117,420 Lad Maint Ost I8 48-3901 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Seamed 1040 Property Tax - P/Y Seared 1060 Penalty 6 Interest 4600 Interest Earnings 48-3992 9001 Transfers In Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,700 6,040 11,740 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 750 790 1,540 0 0 0 0 0 0 450 470 920 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 6,900 1,300 14,200 • CITY OF RWW p1CAMOO RMET ESTIMATED REVENUE POPULATION ESTIMATES FIND / ACCT. CWIPTIONS Lighting Dist 11 Arterial 55-3901 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Secured 1040 Property Tax - P/Y Secured c 4600 Interest Earnings 1060 Penalty 6 Interest 55-3992 9001 Transfers In 3,500 Subtotal Lighting Dist 112 Residential 56-3901 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Seared 1040 Property Tax - P/Y Seared 4600 Interest Earnings 1060 Penalty 6 Interest 56-3992 9001 Transfers In Subtotal 9 Act. 104,727 ACTUAL AMBw ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVM RECD ESTIMATED IBM REVENUE REVENUE AT WY MIE OECFw 31, 1987-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1989-90 E Act. 114,954 Est. 125,000 AMENDED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED REVEtNIE REVENUE REVENUE 1M3 YEAR REVEMUE 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PRUIECTICN 66,659 108,399 137,539 58,290 137,540 155,754 153,060 152,240 315,300 2,585 2,011 3,500 1,378 2,730 3,570 3,500 3,710 7,210 3,873 5,838 3,229 3,579 4,000 3,617 3,600 3,810 7,410 534 375 313 296 300 319 0 0 0 129 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 73,881 116,623 144,581 63,543 144,570 163,260 160,160 169,760 329,920 67,612 79,374 116,541 42,415 115,990 137,678 116,340 123,320 239,660 4,413 3,263 3,606 2,523 2,600 3,678 3,600 3,810 7,410 6,606 11,657 3,947 4,962 5,500 4,059 3,950 4,190 8,140 827 889 399 572 600 407 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 79,458 95,183 124,493 50,472 145,822 131,320 124,690 123,890 255,210 Lighting Dist IN Terra Vista 58-3901 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Seamed 41,622 • 62,436 28,279 61,550 77,110 • CITY Oft CUCAMWA 144,400 1040 Property Tax - P/Y Seared 370 347 377 374 400 BUDGET 400 420 820 4600 Interest Earnings 3,362 7,499 3,122 ESTIMATED REYT3UE 4,000 3,856 3,470 3,680 7,150 1060 Penalty 6 Interest 62 POPUATIM ESTIMATES 62 112 Act. 104,727 65 Act. 114,954 0 Est. 125,000 58-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 0 ACTUAL AABIOED 0 AM9i0ED 0 0 RAND / ACCT. ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVEMIE RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 81,427 DESCRIPTIONS REVEi41E REVDUE REVEMIE AT REVm REVENUE REVm REVERIE TMD YEAR DECE m 31, AEVETUE 1987-80 1988 - 1909 1989-90 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PROJECTION Lighting Dist 13 Victoria 57-3901 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Secured 74,363 77,661 94,014 34,572 94,000 117,585 87,100 92,320 179,420 1040 Property Tax - P/Y Seared 1,536 509 5,916 865 1,500 6,093 1,300 1,380 2,680 r� 4500 Interest Earnings 2,007 6,643 4,700 3,247 4,500 5,879 4,350 4,610 8,960 1060 Penalty 6 Interest 340 84 782 243 250 821 0 0 0 57-3992 9001 Transfers in 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal: 105,412 38,947 130,378 78,246 84,897 100,250 92,750 98,310 191,060 Lighting Dist IN Terra Vista 58-3901 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Seamed 41,622 50,377 62,436 28,279 61,550 77,110 70,100 74,300 144,400 1040 Property Tax - P/Y Seared 370 347 377 374 400 396 400 420 820 4600 Interest Earnings 3,362 7,499 3,122 3,660 4,000 3,856 3,470 3,680 7,150 1060 Penalty 6 Interest 62 83 62 112 110 65 0 0 0 58-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal `� 45,416 58,306 65,997 32,425 65,060 81,427 73,970 78,400 152,370 • POPULATION ESTIMATES Act. 104,727 • Act. 114,954 Est. 125,000 . ACTUAL AM9w New ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED REVENUE RECD ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED PTMO / ACCT. DETDIPTIM REVENUE Wma REVENUE AT REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE REVEUE TWO YEAR DECE?BER 31, REVEUE 1981-88 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1989-90 199041 1990-91 1991-92 PROJECTION Lighting Dist 85 Caryn Cmm 8,101 14,200 3,577 14,200 15,825 12,700 13,460 26,160 0 59-3901 1010 Pro"Tax- C/YSewred 16,149 16,149 32,865 17,217 32,870 41,545 23,420 24,820 48,240 1040 Property Tax - P/Y Sawred 0 211 145 352 350 149 150 160 310 4600 Interest Earnings 602 2,534 1,742 1,676 1,740 2,783 1,600 1,700 3,300 1060 Penalty 6 Interest 0 36 36 82 100 43 0 0 0 59-3991 9001 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SLbtotal 16,751 _ 18,930 34,788 19,327 35,060 44,520 25,170 26,680 51,850 c H H H Lighting Dist 06 Mistrial Area 60-3901 1020 Property Tax - C/Y Seared 1040 Property Tax - P/Y Seared 4600 Interest Earnings 1060 Penalty 6 Interest 60-3992 9001 Transfers In & total 0 8,101 14,200 3,577 14,200 15,825 12,700 13,460 26,160 0 0 852 0 0 949 950 1,000 1,950 22 364 26 374 880 33 30 30 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 8,465 15,085 3,951 15,080 16,807 13,680 14,490 28,170 TOTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT RfM : 1,715,638 1,694,365 2,057,182 1,002,551 2,118,020 2,360,232 2,384,120 • POPULATION ESTIMATES Interest Earnings 105,011 Act. 101,727 45,088 37,777 Act. 114,951 47,343 Est. 125,000 . 70,000 8523 Assessment Oistrict Reimbursement 2,541 ACTUAL NIEMM 0 New 253 250 250 ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED MIM REC'D ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 255,761 RIND / ACCT. DE9CRIPTIONS AEYEMIE REVBUE REma AT REma AEYBIA: AEVEMIE WY MILE m YEAR 4,155 0 0 0 DECEMBER 31, 573,136 281,803 REVBK 311,710 1987-80 1988 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1909-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PROJECTION PROPRIETARY FLNOS f k% m Assessment 33-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 25,717 17,319 105,591 13,942 15,000 110,870 0 0 0 8520 Uses Fees 299,796 114,162 2,046,594 889,961 1,250,000 2,328,273 920,590 960,150 1,880,740 33-3992 9001 Transfers In 12,491 277,848 65,219 25,036 60,000 86,597 242,833 218,430 521,263 Subtotal 338,007 739,359 ---i 217-101 928,912 -F325 0-00 -'-j-525 710 -563 4-23 71,238 580 2,101,003 Intergo+ertmrental Service 72-3901 4600 Interest Earnings 105,011 151,365 45,088 37,777 75,000 47,343 50,000 20,000 70,000 8523 Assessment Oistrict Reimbursement 2,541 122 248 0 200 253 250 250 500 9002 Users Fees 402,598 483,262 232,510 42 232,510 255,761 1,540,950 567,350 2,108,300 72-3992 9001 Transfers In 62,950 3,769 3,957 0 4,000 4,155 0 0 0 573,136 281,803 37,819 311,710 1,591,200 587,600 2,178,800 307,512 638,518 Subtotal i • 107,182 ! CITY OF RMw arAm rNil 60,000 70,221 65,000 9ml 130,000 73-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 ESTIMATED AEVBIA: 0 0 0 MRA.ATION ESTIMATES Act. 101,727 Act. 111,951 Est. 125,000 Subtotal 92,293 ACTUAL AIBIOEO NEIRD 29,616 ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATES WME REC'D ESTIMATED ESTIMATED E5TIVATED ESTIMATED RWO / ACCT. OESCRIPTUfS REVEMIE REVEMA: REVIM AT REVEMIE REVM REVENIE IBM Tip YEAR 1,185,059 2,566,081 omim 31, REVEIUE 2,903,173 1987-88 1986 - 1989 1989-90 1989 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 PAWIETION Bmf it Contingent 73-3901 1600 Interest Earrings 92,293 107,182 66,871 29,616 60,000 70,221 65,000 65,000 130,000 73-3992 9001 Transfers In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 92,293 107,182 66,817 29,616 60,000 70,221 65,000 65,000 130,000 TOTAL WRIETARY RAIDS : 1,003,136 1,185,059 2,566,081 996,137 1,696,710 2,903,173 2,819,623 1,891,180 1,710,803 •I Fiscal Year 1990-91 Assessment District Programs • • • Fiscal. Year 1990/91 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PROGRAMS 1) AD 88-02 Industrial Assessment District Drainage System: a) Sixth -Seventh Street; Storm Drain and Railroad crossing between Center Avenue and Haven Avenue. Complete R/R Processing and Construction b) Jersey Boulevard; Storm Drain from Vincent Avenue eastward Construction • 0 0 . Prolene �, fype )9"1) • • Projeds Assessmani— FAU 17, _ lea 1_ _•_-_.. -:. S. -L- ���� 0 11 Fiscal Year 1990-91 Beautification Projects 12) Milliken Avenue Median Improvements 4th Street to 6th Street • Complete Construction Fiscal Year 1990/91 BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS I. A. CONTIN1lFD OR ON- O1N PrznttEM 1) Haven Avenue Median Improvements Phase III - South of Lemon to north of Wilson Complete Construction Administration 2) Haven Avenue Gateway Entry Monument at 4th Street East side Complete Construction Administration 3) Archibald Parkway Beautification Study Southern City limit to northern City limit Complete Study 4) Milliken Avenue Parkway and Median Beautification Study Southern City limit to northern City limit Complete Study 5) Milliken Avenue Gateway Entry Monument at 4th Street East side Complete Construction 6) Baseline Road Parkway Beautification Improvements West City limits to west of Carnelian St. . Complete Construction Administration 7) Carnelian Street East Side Parkway Beautification Improvements Vineyard Avenue to Baseline Road Complete Construction Administration 8) 6th Street Median Beautification Study Haven Avenue to Old Rochester Complete Study 9) Rochester Avenue East Side Parkway Beautification Im movemer-; East side Foothill Boulevard to Baseline Road Complete Construction 10) Monte Vista Median Improvements East of Eastwood Complete Design and Construction 11) Baseline Road Parkway and Median Beautification Study Haven Avenue to eastern City limits Complete Study 12) Milliken Avenue Median Improvements 4th Street to 6th Street • Complete Construction 13) Terra Vista Parkway and Baseline Road Median Retrofits and Island • Modifications Baseline Road from Haven Avenue to Deer Creek Channel Construction 14) Baseline Road Landscape Maintenance District kl Projects Baseline Southside (Ramona to Cambridge) Baseline southside (east and west of Center) Baseline southside (500' east of Center to Haven) Complete Design and Construction 15) Sapphire Street Trail Improvement Jennet to Hillside C.M. not recommended 16) Community Event Banner Poles Archibald north of Foothill and Baseline west of Haven Complete Construction u. tt M No projects submitted 0 • • • l Imp m Im m Im 1�1 m ti lm •til m y �m y m y m H Im IH, m ti S ^O Is sI s is, I x f.� a a ► i' a �� mm m ► Y N m O OI V m O m.c RA O ml ► � YI N I I+ p Im! m VI m N ►� fJ INI f I> � I j j Oi►{J N �� ^. ; dI N' O; 91 W11 m i D i' 0 IN, w'� LIm 5 bb �'R'ymy glS m �!d! Y Ia.Id a' Fr aD yg fi0 D D YYnp g�l0 L ink m ��_ � ��� yam E SID c3 '3 aNm mK 0!I y. Ty mlm 3 n a e o f �013 :m 33���m` ISI Nm mlm • � �,iN' fd � �_ a �':9 ' ,' o 3C ,ram m Sm No to n0 S C Y �I N ial n �li ! < pl 3_ d , _ i, m D F I y NNo 7S. �I Ig I smn m g � o s.l � 3j e m m � Cal 3m al fn a 3 9 31 w m c m I ! 1 ! I iiY I it I I I i 1 2 m , N O I I I m I I • I , I a ! I ! I • • • Projects BQe (90/91) • 10 Account -_ Number _ __ ___-__- _ _ _-_-____________ Pro'en Title Drain�e - -___ DrainagetUDislricis Etiwanda Beaut. S slams Gen. CilBEAUTIFICATION Assessment Capiial Improvemem Projecls_ CominuederOn-eo Pro adBT 88-03 21-1617-8791 1 Haven Ave. Mediad rovemems Phase III 1 000- Sotah of Leman to Nonh of Wilson -ve -- ---- - - - - -- - - - ...- 8T BB -O6 211617-8718 2 Ha Gerawa EM Monument at Fourth SI. _ — a.n EaAverl. Side BT 8807 21.1617-8135 3 Archibald Parkway Beaulilicalion Study 1,000 • Southern ChY Clint to Northern City Lunt - BT 88-10 21-1617-8718 1 Milliken Ave. Parkwayand Median Beautilicalion Study2000 --- -- -- -- - - - -- -- -- _ --- • Southern Cil Clint to Northern CB Limy BT 8811 21.1617-8719 5 Milliken Ave. Gateway Entry Monument ® Fourth St. _-_ a. East Side 121,000 BT 8813 21-1617.8793 6 Base Line Road Pakwwcaon In ovements 1,000 - W CitLimits 10 - BT 88.20 21-1617-8016 7 Carnelian street Easl Sider Parkway Beaultlloalbn Im 1000 - Vineyard Ave. to Baseline Rd. BT 88-21 21-1617.8718 8 61h St. Median Beaulilicalion Stu - Haven to Old Rochester I1000 BT 8822 - 21.41617.8935 _ 9 — Rochester East Side Parkway Beaulaicalion Im ovement 285000 - east side Foothill BMd to Baselkte Road —---_-"-- BT Be 23 21-1617-8932 10 Monte Vista Medan Improvements, East of Eastwood 38,000 BT 86-27 21-1617.6813 11 Baseline Road Parkway and Median Beautification Study 2000 -------_-- - --- - - - - - _ -"- - - Haven Ave. to Eastern City Units --- - BT 88-30 21-1617-8811 12 Milliken Ave. Median I ovemenls - Ilh St. to 61h St. 211.000 -- 133000 -- "-- - BT 9836 13-1130.8956 13 Terra Vista Parkway and Baseline Rd.Median Retrofits 8 Island ----_- Modifications B _ 1. Baseline Rd. hour Haven Ave. to Deer Creek - Consi. of Portion of Baseline Med. - see ST 90-37 2. Baseline Rd. It= Deer Creek to Simuce Ave. 3. Baseline Rd. Irom Spruce Ave. to Milliken Ave. -- 1. Terra Vista Pkwv Irom Church SI. to Spruce Ave. S. Terra Vista PkwV hom uca Ave. to Belpine PI. 0 Projects A, (90t91) 0 Pro act ID --gT 09-14 40 4130-8767 -T4- Pro act Title Baseline LMD lit Protects JCJ Total Total Gas Tzur 104 ±5W 00 Gen Fund Of 'ap ReseN, TDA Art. a Measure I SB 140 TDA An. 3 Fed 203 1. klasel S/ lRamona to Cambridgei -Baseline S/S least arid w at Contort I Baseline sirs t PL 8801 1.4333-6028 -1- Aire Sir"I Trad ImFwrovemenj C.M. not f000mmended — • Jormat to H*sWe 7=T —r:venl PL 89-01 25-4285-39466 6 Communis Event Berner Poles — Archibald No Foothill & Baseline Wlo —Haven B. Now Pr S, /lore 11. 11. Capital Imoroventeni Projects Developer JA) N" Tolais 999,500 2000.95.000 D W"w NO lis based mi 4 "vopmffq appo al. ---L-! L IWI!s_ on c, Adilgional focavons wim be added as,,.w navaiopramis we approved With COVIddiDnS IGQuklng B"Uhlicahm walk. (B) Landrpe MamL DW. 04 AC A_ Landscape Maint DSI. al .. Projects LOP, (90/91) . _ Proecl ID ST 8411 --_-_ccoun Number 10/130-8767 11 - ro Drainage Pecl Title_ � Etiwanda Beam. S seems - Gen. Cil Sasohne LMD 11 Pro'eclsC - FA U Assesemem --- Disuicls CDBG RDA 1045W _. -- --- -- ___ 1. Basslne s/s IRamona to Cambr�ej 2_ Baseline s/s IeaslAnd 3. Baseline sea ISW e/0 Center to Haven -- PL 8801 1-1333-6028 15 Sapphire Slreal Trail Improvement - - JonnM to HAside - PL 8901 25-1285-3960 16 Commmily Evem Gamer Poles Archibald n/o FoolhM 6 Baseline w/o Haven B. New Proisms None -- II. Capdal Improvemem Projecls - Devwl r A None — Tolals: 665 000 237 500 I A Dsyslo popcl Iw is basod on axrent AdduiorW kratlon6 Will M added Y now dowelopments we AMWed with condilions mWoring Beauskcaeon work. B LWscs Maint Dw. M C Landscape ►Hint Dw. 01 A Al Fiscal Year 1990-91 Drainage Projects • Fiscal Year 1990/91 DRAINAGE PROJECTS I. A. CON TED OR ON-QQTN . PROJECTS 1) Area VI Church -Hermosa Storm Drain Phase 1 - From Church Basin along Church Street to Hermosa Avenue Complete Design, SBCFD Processing and Construction 2) Area II Cucamonga S.P.R.R. Storm Drain Phase 1(b) - east of Camelian to 1300' east of Cucamonga Creek Channel Complete Design, SPRR and SBCFD Processing and begin Construction 3) Area Cucamonga S.P.R.R. Storm Drain Phase 2 - 1400' east of Cucamonga Creek Channel to Hellman Avenue Complete Design and SPRR and SBCFD Processing 4) Area XIII Baseline Storm Drain East of Day Creek Channel to future Day Creek Boulevard Complete Design . 5) Area II Amethyst Storm Drain East of and west of Amethyst on 19th Street Complete Construction Administration 6) 19th Street Storm Drain West of Amethyst to east of Hellman Complete Caltrans Processing and Construction 7) Area VI Lemon Avenue Storm Drain Phase 1 - Lower Alta Lorna Channel to Amethyst Complete Design 8) Area II Amethyst Storm Drain Phase 1- East of Amethyst north of 19th Street to Highland Avenue Complete Construction 9) Area II Carnelian Avenue Storm Drain Phase 1- Vivero to north of Baseline Road Complete Design 10) Area V Hillside Road Storm Drain Phase 2 - Upper Alta Loma Channel to Archibald Avenue Complete Construction Administration 11) Area III Bear Gulch Storm Drain West of Baker south of S.P.R.R. to north of Foothill Design and Acquire Right -of -Way . 12) Area IV Archibald Storm Drain Phase 1 - Deer Creek Channel to north of 4th Street Complete Design 13) Area IV Archibald Storm Drain Phase 2 - 4th Street east of Archibald Complete Design 14) Area IV Archibald Storm Drain Phase 3 - North of 4th Street to North of 6th Street Complete Design 15) Area VI Highland Avenue Storm Drain Lower Alta Loma Channel to Archibald Complete Design 16) Area IX Haven Storm Drain Phase 1 - Deer Creek to north of Church Street Complete Design, Complete SBCFD Processing and Construction I. B. NEW PROJECTS 1) Area II Cucamonga S.P.R.R. Storm Drain • Phase 1(a) - Cucamonga Creek Channel to east of Carnelian St. Reimbursement to Developer for Construction II. A. DEVELOPER CONTM TED OR ON-GOING PROJECTS 1) Area I Almond Interceptor Channel East of Turquoise to northerly extent north of Almond 2) Area XIV Etiwanda Storm Drain Phase 3 - West of East Avenue to Etiwanda Avenue along Route 30 40 • Prujeas•y" (911/91) 0 Account Precl ID Num r ' le Eff Fund o r Tot I Gas a>t Resen Fed TDA An. 8 Measure I SB 110 TDA An, 3 DRAINAGE C-Caphal Impromment Pro eas A. ComMued a s ---- — __ DR 98-01 23-/637-8761 1 Area VI Chrch44wn osa S.D. 1115000 Ph 1 • Church Bash dong Church Sc to Hemrosa Ave. DR 66-03 23 -1637 -BBQ 2 MW W Cucalmras S.P.R.R. S.D. 310 000 - - --- b 13W 4,Ao Cuc. Creak Charnel ---- DR 88-01 23-3637-8860 9 Area W SA.R.R. S.D. 1 00D Ph 2 - 1100' eb Cue. Geek Clhenlel to HeWrnan DR 68-09 23 -4637 -SMI 1 Area X111 BassOm S.D. • eb Da Creek ChamwW b haute Creak OW. 2000 X DR 88-11 22-1637-8719 5 Aro" II Amelh S.D. - ero a w/o Amemyst on 19th C Funded w/ Strew OR 68-1 -1637-8715 1191h $1. S.D. - w/o AxWhM to aft Hellman C Funded w/ Suave --- --- OR 88-1/ 23-1637-8863 7 Area VI Lemon Ave. S.D. Ph 1 - Lowa Aka Loma Ch. to Amwh 2OOD DR 88-16 2346374865 B lAfea 11 Amolhvsl S.D. 5. - Ph 1 • eb Ame1hysi aft Igh to Habland--- ----- DR 88-19 23.1637-8859 9 Area 11 Cameban Ave. S.D. Phase 1 • Vlvero to No Bas9Wna 2000 X OR 86-20 234617-8862 10 Area V H#MWO Rd. S.D. 1000 --- Absto Archibald -- OR 8906 13-50300 11 Mea III Boar GWch S.D. - w/o Bahr e/0 SPRR to No FoothB DR 89-07 234677-8917 12 Mea IV Archbald S.D. Ph 1 G IIA r 112,000 DR 8946 23-1637-8948 13 Area IV Archbald S.D. Ph 2 • wh SI. eb Archbald DR 89-18 23-1637-8948 11 Area IV Archibald S.D. -- - --- Ph 3 - No Ilh SIrom b No 61h Sum DR 6911 23-1637-8949 IS Ama VI Highlarml Ave. S.D. 2,000 - Lower Aha Loma Channel to Archbald -- OR 89.12 23.1637-8950 16 lArea IX Haven S.D. lFundqd w/ Strew Ph. I - Deer Creek to No Church Si. ICI I I —- • Projews b ype (9091) _ Proecl I Accoum N Drainaoa __ ro I f nd Beau . Dreinye AsseaCQW-R7DA S slams Cart Gil fAU DislDRAINADEI. C hal Im ovomenl Pro s A. Continued or Pr sDR M-01 23-4637-9761 11415000Ph 1 - BssbQ Chuch S1. 10 Hemmsa Ave. DR 98-03 23-4637.9947 2 At" Y S.P.R.R. S.D. 310000 - o 1 "Cuc. Cn1ak Chanel -- -- DR 88-04 23-3637-9960 3 Mw Y S..R.R. S.D. Ph 2 - MW eb Creak Chalnei 10 Hagman 1,000 DR 88-M 3-4617- / 4 XII - Wo pay Crank chm" to kape D Creek Bbd. 2,000 -- -- DR 89-11 22-4637.9749 6 Man 9 AmeM S.D. - e/a 9 w/o Amethyst on 11ld1 C DR 88-12 22-4637-8745 6 Mw II ISM S1. S D- - w/o Ameehya 10 at, Holman JCJ— DR 88-14 23-4637-6863 7 Man VI Lemon Ave. S.D. Ph 1 LowerAla Lorna Ch. to Amethysi 2000 DR 88-16 23-4617-8865 6 Area II AmWhWw S.D. 5000 Ph 1 - at Amethyst No 191h to Hiahlantl - — DR 88-19 23-4637-9859 9 Area II Carnelian Ave. S.D. Phase 1 - VberoMrWfoFomodMiiU 200,0 DR 88-20 23-4637-8862 /0 Was V HlYelde Rd. S.D. 1,000 - PA AM Glomal o Md - - DR 80-06 /3-50300 11 Mw 9I Bow Gulch S.D. - w/o Baker sb SP150DR 99-07 23.4637-8917 12 Mea IV Arctd*W S.D. 2Ph 4 h S DR B9.OB 23-4637-9943 13 Mw IV Mchbdd S.D. 2000 Ph 2 - 491 St. po Archbald DR 89-18 23-4637-8a43 /4 Wea IV Archibald S.D. 2000 • No 41h to No Sth Strep DR 89-11 23-4637-8949 15 Area VI Highland Ave. S.D. 2000 - Lower Ma Lama Channel to Archibald DR 89-12 23-4637-8950 16 Mea IX Haven S.D. Ph. 1 - Deer Creek to No Church SI. C • P.ejeas a (8091) • Frn • Projects •ype (90Ig1) rCMG Ila IL 0 01 Fiscal Year 1990/91 • MASTER PLAN PROJECTS I. A. CONTINUED Q&QN-G0rNG PROJECTS 1) Master Plan of Drainage Cucamonga/Deer Day Creek Areas Complete Study 2) City Wide Drainage Facilities Inventory Complete Computer Digitizing of Inventory 3) City Wide Tree Inventory and Management Program Complete Management Program 4) City Wide Street Facilities Inventory and Management Program Complete Inventory and Management Program 5) City Wide Traffic Control Device Inventory and Management Program Complete Management Program 6) Transportation and Traffic Long Range Studies, Models and Management Programs and Fee Nexus Study Complete Fee Study I U ':til �l 0 No Projects Submitted 0 • ,. Projects & (90/91) Gen Fund _ Account Pr eel 1 mFad r ac i le Total or __—_ _ - T Resery TDA An. B Measure I SO 110 TDA An. 3 203 MASTER PLAN I. ilal Im owmem Pro s A. Continued or On Projects'— MP 89-03 23.1637-9795 1 Maslw Plan o1 - Cucamoma/DeerMav Creek Areae 97000 MP 9&01 23-1637-9152 2 lCily WWa Dradrimpe Facilities Inventory 2000 _ MP 841-05 21.1617-9779 3 CY snt program 2.000 - MP 911,06 9-1637-9779 1 Chy Wide St. Fad41w lnvwftrV and Managemera Pr am 10000 10000 MP 9&07 S City WWs Tralk CWMmW Deviom inwwdory and Mami Pr am 17000 17,000 MP WOO 12-1637-6821 6 TransPoilelion At Traffic Long Range Studies 15.000 15.000 Mubb arld mammasmours A Fee Nexus Mudy Tolals: 133000 27000 15000 • Projeus A (90191) • - IMMI INS SUN IMMI 0 7� Fiscal Year 1990-91 Railroad Projects Fiscal Year 1990/91 . RAILROAD PROJECTS I. A. CONTINUED OR ON-GOING PROJECTS 1) Milliken Avenue at A.T.&S.F. R.R. Grade Separation and Street Improvement 7th Street to Jersey boulevard Complete Design, Complete RR and PUC Processing and Begin Construction 2) Hellman Avenue at S.P. R.R. Crossing and Street Improvements Complete Design and Complete RR and PUC Processing 3) Haven Avenue at A.T.&S.F. R.R. Crossing Improvement Complete Design and Complete RR and PUC Processing 4) Foothill Boulevard at S.P. R.R. Grade Separation Improvement Complete Design and Continue Caltrans, RR and PUC Processing MWMMMMM►1 ' :� No Projects Submitted • 0 Fiscal Year 1990-91. Street Projects • Fiscal Year 1990/91 STREET PROJECTS I. A. CONTIM TED OR ON-GOING PROTECTS 1) 19th Street; Street and Storm Drain Improvement Carnelian to west of Amethyst Complete Caltrans Processing and Construction 2) 19th Street; Street Improvement Archibald to west of Haven Avenue Construction 3) Amethyst Avenue; Street and Storm Drain Improvement At 19th Street Complete Construction Administration 4) Baseline Road; Street Improvements Phase 1 - Etiwanda to 1-15 Complete Construction 5) Baseline Road; Street Improvements Phase 2 - Victoria Park Lane to Edwanda Avenue Complete Construction 6) Baseline Road; Street Improvements • Phase 3 - East of Day Creek Channel to west of Victoria Park Lane Complete Design and Acquire Right -of -Way 7) Baseline Road and Milliken Avenue Reimbursement Central Park Frontage Reimburse Developer 8) Arrow Route; Street Improvements Phase 2 - Southside Archibald to Hermosa Complete Construction Administration 9) Arrow Roux; Street, Storm Drain and Signal Improve;mrt Grove to Baker , Complete Design 10) Cucamonga Creek Bridge Widening At Arrow Roux Complete Design, Complete Caltrans and SBCFD Processing and Construction 11) Church Street Street Improvement Archibald to Haven Complete Design and Acquire Right -of -Way 12) Foothill Boulevard at I-15 Interchange Improvements • Complete Design, Complete Caltrans Project Processing Begin and Construction • 13) 19th Street, Highland Avenue and Haven Avenue; Street and Storm Drain Improvements Phase 2 - Haven and Highland Improvements Complete Design and Complete Caltrans Processing 14) Sierra Madre avenue and Placida Court; Street Improvements Arrow Route to Via Carrillo Complete Construction Administration 15) Amethyst Avenue; Street Improvements North of 19th Street (at Fie Station) to north of Highland Avenue Complete Construction 16) Wilson Avenue; Street Improvement Amethyst to Archibald Complete Design 17) Archibald Avenue; Street Improvement South of Banyan to Hillside Complete Design 18) Arnow route; Street Improvement East of Hermosa to Haven Complete Construction • 19) Banyan; Street Improvements Eastwood to Hellman Complete Design and Construction 20) Foothill Implementation Program - Phase 1 Complete Caltrans Project Report Processing 21) Foothill Boulevard Implementation Phase 1 (east) - S.P. R.R. to Lion Design, Acquire Right-of-Way and Begin Caltrans Project Permit Processing Phase 1 (west) - Grove to S.P. R.R. Design, Acquire Right-of-Way and Begin Caltrans Project Permit Processing 22) Highland Avenue; Street Improvements Hermosa to Mayberry Complete Construction 23) Salina/Viamar; Street Improvements Calaveras to Sierra Madre Complete Design and Construction 24) Sierra Madre; Street Improvements Arrow Route to 9th Street Complete Design and Construction 25) Banyan Street Bridge At Deer Creek west of Milliken Reimburse Developer I. B. NEW PROMCTS 1) Rochester Avenue Street Improvement Victoria Park Lane to Lark Drive (north of future High School) Design •M: u:l►r1 : % ciffolellrlu1 PUZ(ON14-1011111 1) Hillside Road; Street Rehabilitation and Improvement Hermosa to Mayberry Complete Construction Administration 2) Haven Avenue Rehabilitation and Widening 4th Street to south of Foothill Boulevard Complete Design, Complete Caltrans Processing and Begin Construction 3) Camelian Avenue and Vineyard Avenue Rehabilitation and Widening San Bernardino Road to Baseline Road Complete Design . 4) Haven Avenue; Street, Signal and Storm Drain Improvements Phase 1 - South of Foothill Boulevard to north of Church Street Complete Design, Complete Caltrans and SBCFD Processing and Begin Staged Construction II. B. CAPITAL MA NANCF - N. PRMCTR 1) Bicycle/PedestrianProgram Handicap Access Ramps - Northwest quadrant of City north of Baseline and west of Archibald) Design and Construction , 2) Bicycle/Pedestrian Program Sidewalks adjacent to Ion Tapia Park Design and Construction 3) City Wide Sidewalk/Curb and Gutter - 1911 Chapter 27 Improvement Program Design and Construction 4) City Wide Local Street Rehab. and Maintenance Program (Fy 1990/91) Design and Construction 5) Haven Avenue; Street, Signal and Storm Drain Improvements Phase 2 - North of Church Street to north of Baseline Road Design and Begin Staged Construction III. A. DEVELOPER CONTTNLrED OR ON-GOING PROJECTS 1) Wilson Street Bridge Deer Creek west of Milliken 2) Highland Avenue Bridge Deer Creek west of Milliken 3) 24th Street; Street and Culvert Improvements San Sevaine Creek 4) Wardman-Bullock road; Street and Culvert Improvements San Sevaine Creek 11 • • Projecu b(pp/Ol) 0 Aeoounl Gen Fund Pioiw I -- T or .-...--_-_ _ .. Pe m TDA AM S Measure I ._ _ " -- FW SB Ib TDA An 3 STNEEf ICIPhal Imimoveamm Pro' f -A:CMnkkred a CMjWM rfoMs ----- - _-- _ ST 6592 22-1637-&715 1 1Nn Crrw4an b wro Amsihvm 935 ODD -- ---- - ---- 120 000 Si 6&03 22- ?-&744 ArdtbM b w/o Haven 475000 ST 6506 7- 71Immomm Ift _66000 - -- ST 66-06 22-Mi37.&73o t8mmelrA Phw b HS 10000 1 500 ST 6&-07 22-I677-8731 Pk. ln. b EOwaMe 10000 1500 ST eSDe 22-1637-07 Rd., S1. phe 3 • eb ek CreC& b W/OVkkrla Park Lam 165000 x - ST 8506 22-1637-B&11 7 BaeeBM Rd. 8110 Mdlken Avg. Rgkgmuso," - Park FWdam 30000 --- ---- ST S&12 22-4637-8736 & lAffow {88.: SI. kM. SIS PAaw 2 - MddnaW b Hemma 2000 — 300 ---_-- ---- ST 8&13 22-4637-8736 8 Arrow RN.' SI. S.D. 8wwwoven WON -Grow 10 Baker 2000 ST 68-11 22-4& - 21-4637.8776 MR C400k Ukidw 361 000 ----- ---- ST 6&17 22.4637-8763 11 CMreh S1.& Si. - Ardkb&W to Haven 71 000 ST 88-23 /3.50200 13.51 12 Foolhul BIW. {ne. 681416 W "Off"s 3187000 --- ___ ST 8&26 12-1637-&633 13 101h SI. Ave & Hawn Ave. • Si. A S.D. bwowmay - -- Phl Phu -Hewn 6 s 000 S 27 ST 8&31 12.1637•&806 16 AmoMthwo Avo.m S1. km. - No 1Nn Srabn b N0 10000 10000 ST W33 12.4637-&808 16 w&m ve.0 Sl. M& Aaeul p ArehlbeN 2 2000 - ST 8&31 12-4637-8901 b Hiftift 000 2000 ST M37 22.1637-8868 18 Mow T1b: S1. knorovwnm - elo Haaraea l0 Hawn 5000 750 ST 8&02 12-1637- 1 Ban m: 19 000 - - •• Vlgaas _, Type (OMI) Ell MENNIMME MOM t=rTiv INNEEN MME INS MOM -- :..In,. .. <: 1 .0 •.Lle.. _l. ° -_ -_ MIMI-- -- 11 EMEN MOM -� �� MEM - IMENO 1. --MIMI MEM EMEN OEM= MENEMIN / . -• • NOMIS I I I INNIMEMEN =ur 1 11 ®. . 'i • • • 11 111 -_ JF�111 l• .. 1 • -, _�_� MEM MME MEM == ...1 _.: �. .. i. �_ r :. .LL. • •.. ._1L1 ----- 111 MMEMEM y �. m .�����MEMmommom� � ` ��� ���Mom • P.ojecle•Ype (O"l) --� "M FTff 0 0 • Prcjeas b. Typo (90191) Fix" ml�Wll Fa --- __-_ ------ iii - � . P/ojaas Le, (90/91) • -_- .• a iii_---- ii- '. FM 71 =1-77TM Projedc hoo, (9o/e1) • �=r ------- --- ��� ■� Ca���� �.�� .. . •.......CCB i • Fiscal Year 1990-91. Traffic Projects Fiscal Year 1990/91 TRAFFIC PROJECTS I. A. CONTrNriFD OR ON-CntNr nnnj]ECT', 1) Signal - 19th Street at Beryl Complete Caltrans Processing and Construction 2) Signal - 19th Street at Hellman Complete Caltrans Processing and Construction 3) Signal - Baseline at Etiwanda Complete Construction 4) Signal - Baseline at Victoria Park Lane Complete Construction 5) Signal and Intersection Improvements Foothill at Rochester Complete Caltrans Processing and Construction 6) Signal - Baseline at Ramona Complete Construction Administration 7) Signal - Baseline at Valencia Complete Construction Administration . 8) Signal - 19th at Hermosa Complete Design and Complete Caltrans Processing 9) Upgrade Signal - Arrow at Archibald Complete Construction Administration 10) Signal - Arrow at Hermosa Complete Construction Administration 11) Signal - Haven at Victoria Street Complete Construction Administrat',on 12) Upgrade Signal - Foothill at I-15 Complete Design, Complete Caltrans Project Processing and Begin Construction 13) Signal - Foothill at Ramona Complete Design 14) Signal Coordination - Haven Avenue Complete Coordination 15) Signal - Archibald at Lemon Complete Construction Administration 16) Signal - Haven at 7th Street Complete Construction Administration 17) Signal Coordination - Archibald Complete Coordination 18) Signal - Archibald at San Bernardino Road Complete Design and Construction 19) Signal - Archibald at 8th Street Complete SFRR Processing and Construction 20) Upgrade Signal - Arrow at Vineyard Construction 21) Upgrade Signal - Foothill at Vineyard Design and Begin Caltrans Project Permit Process 22) Signal - Foothill at Baker Design and Begin Caltrans Project Permit Process 23) Upgrade Signal - Foothill at San Bernardino Road Design and Begin Caltrans Project Permit Process 24) Upgrade Signal - Foothill at Grove Design and Begin Caltrans Project Permit Process 25) Intersection Improvements and Upgrade Signal - Foothill at Haven Complete Design, Complete Caltrans Processing and Construction 26) Signal - Hellman at San Bernardino Road Complete Design and Construction 27) Signal - Highland at Lemon Includes San Mateo connector Street south of Highland Complete Design, Complete Caltrans Processing and Construction 28) Signal - Spruce at Terra Vista Parkway Construction 29) Signal - 19th at Sapphire Construction 30) Signal Coordination - Vineyard/Camelian Complete Design and Coordination 31) Signal Coordination - Foothill Boulevard Complete Design and Coordination 32) Signal Relocation - Foothill at Red Hill Country Club Drive Design and Begin Caltrans Project Permit Process I. B. NEW PROJECTS 1) Signal - Hellman at Church Design and Construction 2) Signal - Hermosa at Church Design 3) Uniform Traffic Control Fiscal Year 90191 Major and Collector Streets Study, Design and Construction 4) Traffic Signal Timing and Interconnection Program Study, Design and Construction III. A. DEVELOPER O TED OR ON-GOING PROTECTS 1) Signal - Foothill at Milliken 2) Signal - Foothill at Spruce 3) Signal - Foothill at Aspen 4) Signal - Spruce at Town Center 5) Signal - Haven at Town Center 40 1 Projects Lots 49"l) a 11 • ���� �� �: , . _..� SCC .., • Plojecls• • 0 projeae type (9"1) • ME - As M��© Mom INE SMINIS INE �•,�C���� INEEM CSC MEM IMIEN INE IMINE ..��.....�.��® =� C INNININE�����= Reimbursements/CCWD 064637 • • REGULAR PAYROLL 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 3,814 17,270 (ACTUALS TO 12/31/89) 67,897 67,897 79,679 6 4637 1200 DEPT COUNCIL 0 1,492 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED 155 ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 0 REIMBURSMENTS/CCND --- ENGINEERING ADMIN 6 4637 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 0 56,576 63,562 3,814 17,270 67,316 67,897 67,897 79,679 6 4637 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 0 1,492 0 0 155 0 0 0 0 6 1637 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 0 20,277 22,247 0 22,247 22,247 23,764 23,764 27,888 6 0537 3900 MAINT 6 OPERATIONS 0 0 45,900 45,900 6 4537 3931 VEHICLE MAINT 0 0 20,552 20,552 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 78,345 85,809 3,814 39,682 89,623 91,661 158,113 174,019 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 DEPARTMENT: CCWD Maintenance Position Classification Emp. Position Quota Aoorooriations Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Public Works Maint. Manager 101 9000 0'/0 0'/o 01% 0 0 Parks/Landscape Maint Spvsr 102 307 0% 0'/o 01/ 0 0 Street/Storm Drn Maint Supt 103 8112 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Fleet Maint Supervisor 104 6353 0'/0 0'/0 O1% 0 0 Management Analyst 1 105 7957 0'/0 0'/0 O. 0 0 Secretary 106 220 0'/0 0'/0 0/0 0 0 Management Aide 107 3438 01/0 00 01% 0 0 Office Specialist II 162 8251 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Mai nt. Sup r.Streets 108 6875 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Supr.Parks: East 109 2494 0% 0'/0 ly/0 0 0 Mai nt.Supr.Parks: Cont. 110 2681 0y/0 0'/0 0y/0 0 0 Mai nt.Supr.Parks: Tree 111 4625 0y/0 0,/0 0% 0 0 Mai nt.Supr.Streets 112 5889 01/0 01/0 0y/0 0 0 Maint. Supr.Parks: West 157 8425 0y/0 0'/0 0y/0 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 148 5025 01/0 0'/0 0% 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 150 5200 0y/0 0y/0 0y/0 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 151 6928 0% 0. 0y/0 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 149 6992 0y/0 0% 0% 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 152 7925 0y/ 00 0/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 191 150 0y/0 44% 440/6 12,920 15,159 Lead Mechanic: IGS 192 159 07/0 0% 0y/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Red Hill 114 163 0y/0 a,/0 0y/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: City Wide 115 1100 0y/0 0% 00/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 116 2319 0y/0 0'y0 0y/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks East 121 2714 01% 0y/0 01/6 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. East 123 3185 0% 0y/0 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. West 158 5051 0y/0 01/0 0% 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker:St. 160 5561 0y/0 OY0 0y/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker:St. 161 6782 0y/0 42% 420/6 10,891 12,902 Lead Maint.Worker :Trees 113 7121 01/0 0y/0 0y/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: Pks . West 163 8032 0y/0 (F/0 0y/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: Heritage" 119 2313 0y/0 01/0 0y/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Parks/Trail' 159 5569 01/0 17/0 0y/ 0 0 Sr.Maint.Worker: St. 120 1138 01/0 0y/0 0y/0 0 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: Irr. C.W. 117 1600 01% 0y/0 Oy/0 0 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: Irr. West 122 2819 01/ 0y/0 01/0 0 0 Sr.Maint.Worker: Civic Center 189 5623 0y/0 0y/0 0y/0 0 0 Sr.Maint.Worker: St. 118 5857 0y/0 ff/0 0y/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 126 132 0% 0y/ O% 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trails/City Wide 127 507 0y/ 0'/0 0% 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Irr. West 177 565 0y/0 0y/0 0y/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 140 644 0'/0 0% 0% 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 124 813 0y/0 01% 01/ 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 137 619 100% 46% 460/ 10,013 12,105 Maint.Worker: Pks. Red Hill 174 832 0% 01% 0y/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 131 873 0y/0 (y/0 0y/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 141 1048 0% 0y/0 0y) 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: East 134 1088 0y/0 0. 0y/0 0 0 Maint.Worker:St. 1 173 1291 0y/0 I 0y/0 0%. 0 0 • • • PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 DEPARTMENT: CCWD Maintenance Position Classification Enp. Position Quota AoDrooriations Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Maint.Worker Pks: West 132 1310 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trees 136 1844 0'/0 a,/0 17% 0 0 Maint. Worker:St. 1971915 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 129 2143 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: East 138 2740 O/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Fac. Citywide 139 3203 0'/0 OP/ 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: Heritage 135 4262 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 145 4962 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 169 5055 IN. 480/6 480/0 9,942 11,434 Maint.Worker: St. 166 5091 1000/6 480/6 480/ 9,832 13,409 Maint.Worker: Pks. Irr. Crew 175 5561 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 146 5563 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint. Worker: St. 196 5824 0'/0 0'/0 O% 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trees 167 5863 0'/0 1% 0'/ 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 142 6009 01/0 0'/0 00/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 222 6045 00/0 a% 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 133 6181 0'/0 01/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 1256740 0'/0 0'/0 00% 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Red Hill 170 6744 01/0 a% O/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 171 6773 0'/0 0/0 1% 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 143 7397 17/0 Gy* 01% 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 184 7638 0'/0 0% 01/6 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Red Hill 128 8151 O/0 00 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 130 8677 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Fac. Crew 183 8681 00/ O/ 03/ 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 144 Vacant 0'/0 Q/0 M/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 147 Vacant CP/0 OY0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 165 Vacant 1000/6 48% 480/6 10,454 10,875 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 153 Vacant 03/0 O/0 0'/0 0 2,047 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 154 Vacant 01/ O/0 0'/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 155 Vacant 0'/0 O1/ a% 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 156 Vacant 01/6 O/0 03/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: Citywide 199 Vacant 0'/0 O/0 01/ 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: Citywide 200 Vacant 03/0 O/0 a% 0 0 Mechanic 179 3036 03/0 O/0 03/0 0 0 Mechanic 180 5883 O/0 O/0 O/0 0 0 Mechanics Assistant 181 Vacant O/0 Oy0 O/0 0 0 Inventory Spec Equip Mtrls 182 5994 O/0 01% 01/0 0 0 Signal & Lighting Tech 201 Vacant O/0 O/0 01/0 0 0 Supervisor Parks City Wide 186 Proposed O/0 N/R 0 N/R Supervisor Streets 187 Proposed 01% O/0 0 0 Office Assistant 202 Proposed O/0 N/R 0 N/R Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 204 Proposed O/0 01/0 0 0 Equipment Operator 206 Proposed - 01% N/R 0 N/R Equipment Operator 207 Proposed - O/0 01/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 190 Proposed - 01/0 N/R 0 N/R Lead Maint Worker:St. 235 Proposed - O/0 - 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Trail C.W. 224 Proposed - N/R N/R Lead Worker: Pks. Irr. C.W. 225 Proposed - N/R - N/R Lead Worker: Pks .GF LMD Cont. 226 Proposed - N/R N/R Lead Worker: Pks. LMD Contract 227 Proposed - N/R N/R Lead Mechanic 228 Proposed O/0 0 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 • DEPARTMENT: CCWD Maintenance • • Position Classification Emp. Position Quota Aonrooriations Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Beryl 188 Proposed 01% N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. West 198 Proposed 01% 0 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Mow 229 Proposed N/R N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Fac. West 164 Proposed a% N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Fac. East 172 Proposed 13% N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Irr. East 176 Proposed 0'/0 N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks.Low Crew 178 Proposed 011% N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: St. 185 Proposed - N/R N/R Maint. Worker :Pks. West 193 Proposed 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. West 194 Proposed 01// 01/0 0 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. Civic 195 Proposed 01/0 N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : St. 231 Proposed - N/R N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. East 208 Proposed 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. East 209 Proposed 01/0 0y/0 0 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. West 210 Proposed - 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint. Worker : Sts. 219 Proposed 01/0 N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Mow 212 Proposed 01/0 N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker St. 216 Proposed 01/0 N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker: Pks. Beryl 214 Proposed 01/0 N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Fac. East 215 Proposed 01/0 N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Fac. West 218 Proposed 01/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint. Worker Pks. Trail LMD 217 Proposed - 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. Irr. East 213 Proposed 01/0 N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Low Crew 211 Proposed 01/0 N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker Pks. Low Crew 237 Proposed - - N/R - N/R Maint. Worker Pks. Heritage 232 Proposed N/R N/R Maint. Worker Pks.Heritage 233 Proposed N/R N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Trail LMD 236 Proposed N/R - N/R Maint. Worker St. 205 Proposed N/R N/R Mechanic 220 Proposed 01/0 0% 0 0 Mechanics Asst. 221 Proposed 01/0 01h 0 0 Subtotal 64,052 75,884 Merit Contingency: 3,203 3,794 Subtotal: 67,255 79,679 Fringe Benefits 23,539 27,888 Subtotal: 90,794 107,566 Part-time 0 2,047 Subtotal: 90,794 109,613 Merit Contingency: 0 102 TOTAL: 90,794 109,715 'Proposed New Position "Proposed reclassification of Existing Position from Sr. M.W. to Lead M.W. N/R 89 Not Recommended FY 89/90 N/R 90 Not Recommended FY 90/91 ' COST CEMER DEARKSHEET 199097 • Revised Reimbursements/CalTrans 074647 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORM EET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT REIMBURSEMENTS/CALTRAMS --- MAINTENANCE 7 4661 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 7 4667 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 7 6667 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 7 6647 3931 VEHICLE MAINT. 6 OPERATIONS 7 4667 3932 EQUIP MAINT / OPER DEPARTMENT TOTAL r rn 0 • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 0 2,823 6,668 200 1,856 0 1,785 1,636 0 1,636 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,608 6,302 280 3,480 6,988 5,398 53,111 58,890 1,634 1,889 16,706 20,612 68,052 68,052 0 0 28,325 28,325 0 0 10,065 10,065 6,582 7,207 178,575 185,926 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 • DEPARTMENT: Caltrans Maintenance is 0 Position Classification Emp. Position Quota Approoriations Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Public Works Maint. Manager 101 9000 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Parks/Landscape Maint Spvsr 102 307 M/o 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Street/Storm Drn Maint Supt 103 8112 0'/0 0'/0 0'/a 0 0 Fleet Maint Supervisor 104 6353 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Management Analyst 1 105 7957 01/o 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Secretary 106 220 0'/0 0'/ 0'/0 0 0 Management Aide 107 3438 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Office Specialist II 162 8251 01/0 0'/o 01/o 0 0 Mai nt. Sup r.Streets 108 6875 V. 8'/o 0. 2,087 2,400 Maint. Supr.Parks: East 109 2494 01/0 01% 01% 0 0 Mai nt. Supr.Parks: Cont. 110 2681 0'/0 0'/6 01/o 0 0 Mai nt.Supr.Parks: Tree 111 4625 0% 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Mai nt.Supr.Streets 112 5889 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint. Supr.Parks: West 157 8425 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 148 5025 01/0 0% 01/0 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 150 5200 0'/0 01% 0'/0 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 151 819 121% 121% 12% 3,005 3,004 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 149 6992 0'/0 0'/0 12% 0 3,385 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 152 7925 0'/0 0'h 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 191 150 (F/, 0'k 120% 0 4,134 Lead Mechanic: IGS 192 159 0'/0 0'k 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Red Hill 114 163 01/0 01k 01/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: City Wide 115 1100 0'/0 014 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 116 2319 01/0 0'k 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks East 121 2714 01/o 0'k 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. East 123 3185 01/0 01k 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. West 158 5051 0% 0% 0'/a 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker:St. 160 5561 0'/0 0% 0% 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker:St. 161 6782 0'/0 0'/0 125/6 0 3,686 Lead Maint.Worker :Trees 113 7121 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: Pks . West 163 8032 0'/0 0'/o 01 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: Heritage" 119 2313 01% 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Parks/Trail' 159 5569 0'/0 0% 01% 0 0 Sr.Maint.Worker: St. 120 1138 01/0 0'/0 12'/e 0 3,221 Sr. Maint. Worker: Irr. C.W. 117 1600 01/0 0% 0'/0 0 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: Irr. West 122 2819 M/0 0'k 0'/0 0 0 Sr.Maint.Worker: Civic Center 189 5823 0% 01k 0% 0 0 Sr. Maint.Worker: St. 118 5857 1% (7/0 121/0 0 3,221 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 126 132 1?% 0% 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trails/City Wide 127 507 01/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Irr. West 177 832 0'/0 0'/0 0% 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 140 644 0'/0 M/0 120/ 0 3,050 Maint.Worker :St. 124 5824 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 137 2143 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Red Hill 174 565 0'/0 O% 120% 0 3,004 Maint.Worker: St. 131 873 0'/0 01/0 a% 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 141 1048 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: East 134 1088 0% 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker:St. 173 1915 01/0 01/0 a% 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: West 132 6045 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trees 136 1844 01/0 01/0 0% 0 0 Maint. Worker:St. 197 vacant 01k 11/0 01/0 0 0 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 • DEPARTMENT: Caltrans Maintenance • Position Classification Enp. Position Quota ADDrODriations Current Dept. Mgr.Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Maint.Worker :St. 129 813 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: East 138 2740 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Fac. Citywide 139 3203 01/ 01/ 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: Heritage 135 4262 0'/0 a,/0 0'/, 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 145 4962 01% 1Y/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 169 5055 0'/0 0'/0 120/ 0 2,858 Maint.Worker: St. 166 6928 1Y/0 0'� 120/6 0 3,352 Maint.Worker: Pks. Irr. Crew 175 5388 0I/, 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 146 5563 0'/0 0'/0 0'/< 0 0 Maint. Worker: St. 196 5091 0'/0 0'/ (r/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trees 167 5863 0'/0 00 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 142 6009 01/0 a,/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 222 1310 0'/0 0'/0 01% 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 133 8677 01/0 (P/0 120/0 0 2,830 Maint.Worker: St. 125 vacant 0'/0 0'h 0'/ 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Red Hilt 170 vacant 0'/0 0'/ 0'/ 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 171 6773 0'/0 17/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 143 7397 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 184 7638 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Red Hill 128 8151 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 130 6181 01/0 01/ 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Fac. Crew 183 8681 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 144 6740 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 147 514 01% 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 165 2845 01/0 01/ 011/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 153 2071 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 154 4610 01/0 (P/0 01/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 155 5076 tP/0 a% 01/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 156 5562 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: Citywide 199 6660 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: Citywide 200 Vacant 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Mechanic 179 3036 01/0 ON 00 0 0 Mechanic 180 5883 01/0 Ov/0 01/0 0 0 Mechanics Assistant 181 1305 0Y/0 a% 01/0 0 0 Inventory Spec Equip Mtrls 182 5994 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Signal & Lighting Tech 201 2562 01/ 0/, 01/ 0 0 Supervisor Parks City Wide 186 Proposed - 0/ N/R 0 N/R Supervisor Streets 187 Proposed - 01/0 401/0 0 10,613 Office Assistant 202 Proposed - 070 N/R 0 N/R Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 204 Proposed - 01/0 01/0 0 0 Equipment Operator 206 Proposed - 01/0 N/R 0 N/R Equipment Operator 207 Proposed - I OY/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 190 Proposed 0/0 N/R 0 N/R Lead Maint Worker:St. 235 Proposed 300/0 7,326 Lead Maint. Worker: Trail C.W. 224 Proposed N/R - N/R Lead Worker: Pks. Irr. C.W. 225 Proposed N/R - N/R Lead Worker: Pks .GF LMD Cont. 226 Proposed N/R N/R Lead Worker: Pks. LMD Contract 227 Proposed - N/R - N/R Lead Mechanic 228 Proposed - - 01/ - 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Beryl 188 Proposed - 01/0 N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. West 198 Proposed - 01/0 - 0 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Mow 229 Pro osed N/R - N/R PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 • DEPARTMENT: Caltrans Maintenance • • Position Classification Emp. Position Quota A ro riations Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Fac. West 164 Proposed 0'/o N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Fac. East 172 Proposed 0'/o N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Irr. East 176 Proposed 0'/o N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks.Low Crew 178 Proposed (1'/o N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: St. 185 Proposed - N/R N/R Maint. Worker :Pks. West 193 Proposed - 0'k 0'/0 0 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. West 194 Proposed - 0'/0 0'/6 0 0 Maint. Worker Pks. Civic 195 Proposed - 0'/o N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker St. 231 Proposed N/R N/R Maint. Worker Pks. East 208 Proposed - 0'/0 0'/6 0 0 Maint. Worker Pks. East 209 Proposed 0'/0 0'/, 0 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. West 210 Proposed 0'/o 0% 0 0 Maint. Worker Sts. 219 Proposed 0'/, N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Mow 212 Proposed (/o N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : St. 216 Proposed D'/, N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker: Pks. Beryl 214 Proposed - 0'/o N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Fac. East 215 Proposed - 0'/o N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Fac. West 218 Proposed - 01/o Or/, 0 0 Maint. Worker Pks. Trail LIVID 217 Proposed - 0'/o Or/, 0 0 Maint. Worker Pks. Irr. East 213 Proposed - 0'/o N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Low Crew 211 Proposed 0'/o N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Low Crew 237 Proposed - N/R - N/R Maint. Worker Pks. Heritage 232 Proposed - - N/R - N/R Maint. Worker Pks.Heritage 233 Proposed - - N/R - N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Trail LIVID 236 Proposed - - N/R - N/R Maint. Worker St. 205 Proposed - - N/R N/R Mechanic 220 Proposed 0'/o OYe 0 0 Mechanics Asst. 221 Proposed 01/ 01/o 0 0 Subtotal 5,092 56,086 Merit Contingency: 255 2,804 Subtotal: 5,347 58,890 Fringe Benefits 1,871 20,612 Subtotal: 7,218 79,502 Part-time 0 0 Subtotal: 7,218 79,502 Merit Contingency: 0 TOTAL: 7,218 0 79,502 'Proposed New Position "Proposed reclassification of Existing Position from Sr. M.W. to Lead M.W. N/R 89 Not Recommended FY 89/90 N/R 90 Not Recommended FY 90/91 COST CENTER DETAIWRKSHEET 1990191 0 DepartmenUDivislon: Program: Enaineerina CALTRANS AGREEMENT Account Number: FUND7 Department Proposed City Mgr. Proposed Revised Obiect No. I Description of Items 8 Individual Dollar Amounts Bud et 1100 Re ular Payroll' 4831 4831 58690 120D Overtime Payroll 0 0 0 1300 Pert -time Payroll 0 0 0 1900 Benefits 8 35%' 1691 1691 20612 —Fringe 3900 Maintenance and Operations* 68052 • 3931 Vehicle Maintenance' 28325 3932 Equipment Maintenance and Operations' 10045 'These numbers Contin ant upon approval of Caltrans Maintenance Agreement. Currently Caltrans is reimbursing the city a maximum of $6,300. per year. TOTAL: 185924 Reimbursements/Co. San Bdno. 0&4647 a BUDGET PROJECTION MOR65HEET (ACTUALS TO 12/31/89) ACCOUNT REIMBURSEMENTS/CITY OF SB ---MAINTENANCE 0 is 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 0 4611 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 8 4667 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 0 4647 3931 VEHICLE PAINT.& OPERATIONS 0 6647 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES DEPARTMENT TOTAL un .J DEPT COUNCIL 87-80 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/09 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 0 8,849 3,298 0 2,211 1,151 0 0 970 0 47,625 55,900 0 58,686 61,322 198 1,712 3,496 0 1,154 1,154 0 0 970 0 7,681 55,900 198 10,546 61,520 5,667 2,076 2,559 1,976 727 896 0 1,200 1,200 0 60,000 60,000 7,623 66,003 64,655 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 DEPARTMENT: Flood Control Maintenance Position Classification Emp. Position Quota Aoorooriations Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Public Works Maint. Manager 101 9000 0'/0 0'/o 0% 0 0 Parks/Landscape Maint Spvsr 102 307 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Street/Storm Drn Maint Supt 103 8112 0'/0 0'/ 0'/0 0 0 Fleet Maint Supervisor 104 6353 0'/0 0/0 0'/0 0 0 Management Analyst 1 105 7957 01/o 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Secretary 106 220 0'/0 W. 0'/0 0 0 Management Aide 107 3438 0'/0 0/0 0'/0 0 0 Office Specialist II 162 8251 0'/0 0/0 0'/0 0 0 Mai nt.Supr.Streets 108 6875 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Mai nt. Supr.Parks: East 109 2494 0'/ 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Mai nt.Supr.Parks: Cont. 110 2681 120/6 141/6 70/ 1,959 2,414 Mai nt.Supr.Parks: Tree 111 4625 0'/0 0'/0 01/0 0 0 Mai nt.Supr.Streets 112 5889 0'/0 0'/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Supr.Parks: West 157 8425 0'/0 0'/0 0% 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 148 5025 0'/0 0'/ 0'/ 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 150 5200 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 151 6928 Q/0 00 01/0 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 149 6992 0'/0 a% 0'/0 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 152 7925 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 191 150 0'/0 M/0 0'/0 0 0 Lead Mechanic: IGS 192 159 Q/0 0/0 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Red Hill 114 163 0'/ 0'/ 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: City Wide 115 1100 0'/0 0/0 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 116 2319 0'/0 0/0 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks East 121 2714 0'/0 00 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. East 123 3185 0'/0 0'/ OP/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. West 158 5051 0% 0'/ 0'/ 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker:St. 160 5561 (/ 0'/0 01/6 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker:St. 161 6782 0'/0 17/0 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker :Trees 113 7121 00 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: Pks . West 163 8032 0'/0 0'/0 U/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: Heritage" 119 2313 1% (/ 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Parks/frail' 159 5569 0'/0 0/ 0'/0 0 0 Sr.Maint.Worker: St. 120 1138 U/0 0/6 0% 0 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: Irr. C.W. 117 1600 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: Irr. West 122 2819 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Sr.Maint.Worker: Civic Center 189 5823 0'/0 0'/ 0'/ 0 0 Sr.Maint.Worker: St. 118 5857 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 126 132 01/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trails/City Wide 127 507 0'/ 0'/ 0'/ 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Irr. West 177 565 0'/0 0'/0 0'/ 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 140 644 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 124 813 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 137 819 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Red Hill 174 832 0'/ 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 131 873 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 141 1048 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: East 134 1088 0'/0 0/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker:St. 173 1291 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: West 132 1310 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trees 136 1844 0'/ 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint. Worker:St. 1971915 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 • DEPARTMENT: Flood Control Maintenance • Position Classification Emp. Position Quota ADDrODriations Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position k A Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Maint.Worker :St. 129 2143 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: East 138 2740 0'/0 0'/0 Q/ 0 0 Maint.Worker: Fac. Citywide 139 3203 01/0 01/ 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: Heritage 135 4262 0'/0 0'/6 0y. 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 145 4962 0'/0 0'/0 01/a 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 169 5055 01/o 0/ 0'/ 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 166 5091 0'/0 0'/, 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Irr. Crew 175 5561 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 146 5563 0'/0 0'/ 06 0 0 Maint. Worker: St. 196 5824 01/ 01/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trees 167 5863 0'/0 0'/ 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 142 6009 0'/0 01% 0'/ 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 222 6045 01/0 17/a 01/o 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 133 6181 01/o 01% 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 1256740 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Red Hill 1706744 0'/0 0'/0 0'/ 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 171 6773 0'/0 0'/0 01% 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 143 7397 01/0 0'/0 a,/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 184 7638 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Red Hill 128 8151 0y/0 01/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 130 8677 0y/0 0'/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Fac. Crew 183 8681 01/0 a% 01/ 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 144 Vacant 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 147 Vacant 0% 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 165 Vacant 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 153 Vacant 01/0 0. 01/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 154 Vacant 0% 01/0 01/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 155 Vacant Oy/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 156 Vacant 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: Citywide 199 Vacant 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: Citywide 200 Vacant OY/0 01/0 0Y/0 0 0 Mechanic 179 3036 01/0 D'/ 01/0 0 0 Mechanic 180 5883 0y/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Mechanics Assistant 181 Vacant 01/0 a% 01/0 0 0 Inventory Spec Equip Mtrls 182 5994 01/0 01/0 011/0 0 0 Signal & Lighting Tech 201 Vacant 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Supervisor Parks City Wide 186 Proposed 0. N/R 0 N/R Supervisor Streets 187 Proposed 01/0 01/0 0 0 Office Assistant 202 Proposed 01/0 N/R 0 N/R Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 204 Proposed - OP/0 01/ 0 0 Equipment Operator 206 Proposed 01/0 N/R 0 N/R Equipment Operator 207 Proposed 01/0 01/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 190 Proposed - 0'/0 N/R 0 N/R Lead Maint Worker:St. 235 Proposed - 01/0 - 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Trail C.W. 224 Proposed - N/R - N/R Lead Worker: Pks. Irr. C.W. 225 Proposed - N/R - N/R Lead Worker: Pks .GF LIVID Cont. 226 Proposed N/R 3,368 N/R Lead Worker: Pks. LIVID Contract 227 Proposed - N/R - N/R Lead Mechanic 228 Proposed - - 0Y/0 - 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Beryl 188 Proposed - 01/0 N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. West 198 Proposed - (/0 - 0 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Mow 229 Proposed N/R N/R PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 • DEPARTMENT: Flood Control Maintenance CJ Position Classification Emp. Position Quota Ai orooriationsl CurrentDept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Fac. West 164 Proposed (N. N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Fac. East 172 Proposed (K N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Irr. East 176 Proposed IY/o N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks.Low Crew 178 Proposed 01/< N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: St. 185 Proposed - N/R N/R Maint. Worker :Pks. West 193 Proposed 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. West 194 Proposed - 0'/< 0'/0 0 0 Maint. Worker Pks. Civic 195 Proposed - 0'/o N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker St. 231 Proposed - N/R N/R Maint. Worker Pks. East 208 Proposed - 01/, 0'k 0 0 Maint. Worker Pks. East 209 Proposed 0'/0 01% 0 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. West 210 Proposed - OYo 01% 0 0 Maint. Worker Sts. 219 Proposed - OY0 N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Mow 212 Proposed - 01/o N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker St. 216 Proposed - 0/o N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker: Pks. Beryl 214 Proposed - 0/o N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Fac. East 215 Proposed - 01/ N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Fac. West 218 Proposed - OYo 01/0 0 0 Maint. Worker Pks. Trail LIVID 217 Proposed 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. Irr. East 213 Proposed 01/0 N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker Pks. Low Crew 211 Proposed OYo N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Low Crew 237 Proposed N/R - N/R Maint. Worker Pks. Heritage 232 Proposed - N/R N/R Maint. Worker Pks.Heritage 233 Proposed - N/R N/R Maint. Worker Pks. Trail LIVID 236 Proposed - N/R N/R Maint. Worker St. 205 Proposed - N/R N/R Mechanic 220 Proposed - 0/0 0'/0 0 0 Mechanics Asst. 221 Proposed - 0% 01/0 0 0 Subtotal 5,327 2,414 Merit Contingency: 293 145 Subtotal: 5,620 2,559 Fringe Benefits 1,967 896 Subtotal: 7,587 3,454 Part-time 0 0 Subtotal: 7,587 3,454 Merit Contingency: 0 0 TOTAL: 7,587 3,454 'Proposed New Position "Proposed reclassification of Existing Position from Sr. M.W. to Lead M.W. N/R 89 Not Recommended FY 89/90 N/R 90 Not Recommended FY 90/91 0 FLDC1 0 Page 1 •• • ••08-4647 Account Number: Department Proposed Proposed „ • : �Part-tlme Payroll— Page 1 Gas Tax 2107 & 2106 094637 rn OUD ECTIOI WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF F�CUCANONGA (ACTUA TO 12/31/89) DEPT COUNCIL 87-08 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MR 1990/91 OAS TAX 2107.2107.5 ---ENGINEERING ADRIN 9 4637 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 368,253 267,707 73,703 4,422 26,370 78,125 349,335 300,089 335,603 9 4637 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 25,044 3,762 0 0 202 0 0 66,500 66,500 9 4637 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 149,461 70,298 25,796 0 2S,796 25,796 122,267 105,031 117,461 9 4637 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 10,131 3,050 3,248 0 3,248 3,248 0 0 0 9 4637 6020 CONTACT SERVICES 103,539 196,836 249,000 0 99,163 249,000 0 265,000 265,000 9 4637 7011 CAPITAL EXP -EQUIP 0 24,000 0 24,000 238,150 197,222 197,222 9 4637 7045 CAPITAL EXPEND.VEHICLE 0 0 18,000 0 26,456 18,000 150,150 163,457 163,457 9 4637 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 0 60,417 82,000 0 27,250 82,800 0 87,000 87,000 9 4637 8113 TURNER 8TH TO 26TH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4637 8701 VICTORIA INPRTS ETIWANDA 5,385 281,776 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4637 8702 ETINANDA 1 STREET REHAB. 7,104 7,291 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4637 8703 ETINANDA 2 STREET REHAB. 6,353 214,516 0 0 75,035 81,000 0 0 0 9 4637 8704 VIA CARILLO IMPROV. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4637 8761 1911 ACT CHAPTER 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4637 8779 CITY WIDE INVENTORY 0 0 85,000 (12,855) 0 85,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 9 4637 8780 TRANS STUDIES 6 FAC 1 0 58,496 2,000 0 7,312 2,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 9 4637 8781 RISC SLURRY SEAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4637 8813 HILLSIDE IRP-HERMSA 0 0 2,500 15,321 2,061 142,700 1,000 1,000 1,000 9 4637 8815 9TH ST REHAB -VINEYARD 0 131,030 0 (1,816) 0 (1,016) 0 0 0 9 4637 8816 CITY NIDE SLURRY 88/89 0 259 2,000 (1,101) 2,000 899 0 0 0 9 4637 8817 CITY NIDE SIDEWALK 80/89 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4637 8818 HAVEN AVE REHAB -FOURTH 0 0 2,000 0 719 2,000 0 0 0 9 4637 0819 FOURTH ST REHAB-X.C.L. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4637 8820 CARMEL IAN/VI NEYARO REHAB. 0 19,295 0 0 6,084 0 0 0 0 9 4637 8860 NO TOWN STRETS IV 0 40,541 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4637 8901 CITY WIDE LOCAL REHAB 89-90 0 0 150,000 451 137,754 142,600 0 0 0 9 4637 9001 CITY NIDE SIOENAL/CURB-1911 C 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 0 9 4637 9001 CITY NIDE SIDEWAL/CURB-1911 CHPY 27 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 9 1637 9D02 CITY NIDE ST REHAB/90-91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .-------------------------------------------------------------------------_----------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT TOTAL 675,270 1,369,415 720,047 28,422 440,349 967,352 897,902 1,222,299 1,270,243 91 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 • DEPARTMENT: Gas Tax Maintenance Position Classification Emp. Position Quota AoDroDriations Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Public Works Maint. Manager 101 9000 0'/ 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Parks/Landscape Maint Spvsr 102 307 1% 0/0 0'/0 0 0 Street/Storm Drn Maint Supt 103 8112 01% 0'/ 0'/ 0 0 Fleet Maint Supervisor 104 6353 0'/0 0'/0 17/0 0 0 Management Analyst 1 105 7957 0'/ 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Secretary 106 220 01/ 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Management Aide 107 3438 0'/ 0'/0 0% 0 0 Office Specialist II 162 8251 0'/0 00 0'/0 0 0 Mai nt.Supr.Streets 108 6875 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Mai nt. Supr.Parks: East 109 2494 00/ 01% 0'/0 0 0 Mai nt.Supr.Parks: Cont. 110 2681 0'/ 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Mai nt.Supr.Parks: Tree 111 4625 0'/0 0'/, 0% 0 0 Mai nt.Supr.Streets 112 5889 0'/ 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Supr.Parks: West 157 8425 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 148 5025 100°/, 100'/0 1000/6 24,060 26,844 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 150 5200 1000/6 1000% 100'/0 27,960 31,176 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 151 6928 01/o 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 149 6992 1000/6 100% 88'/0 24,060 24,827 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 152 7925 1000/6 1000% 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 191 150 a% 42'/0 300/ 13,569 10,336 Lead Mechanic: IGS 192 159 0'/0 (M. 0'/, 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Red Hill 114 163 0'/ 0'/o 01% 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: City Wide 115 1100 a% 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 116 2319 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks East 121 2714 0% 0'/0 0'/ 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. East 123 3185 01/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. West 158 5051 0'/0 0'/ 00/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker:St. 160 5561 0'/0 0% CP/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker:St. 161 6782 720/6 41% 290/6 10,632 8,909 Lead Maint.Worker :Trees 113 7121 0% a,/0 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: Pks . West 163 8032 01/0 0'/ 0'/ 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: Heritage" 119 2313 0'/0 0'/0 01/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Parks/Trail' 159 5569 01/0 0'/ U/0 0 0 Sr.Maint.Worker: St. 120 1138 01% 840/6 30% 10,619 8,053 Sr. Maint. Worker: Irr. C.W. 117 1600 0'/ 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: Irr. West 122 2819 00 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Sr.Maint.Worker: Civic Center 189 5823 0/e 0'/0 0'/ 0 0 Sr. Maint.Worker: St. 118 5857 01/0 820/ 290/ 9,865 7,785 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 126 132 0'/0 a,/0 0'/ 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trails/City Wide 127 507 0'/ 00/ a,% 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Irr. West 177 565 0'/ a,/ 0'/ 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 140 644 900/ 470/0 350/ 10,231 8,896 Maint.Worker :St. 124 813 900/6 900/ 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 137 819 01/6 440/6 32% 9,578 8,421 Maint.Worker: Pks. Red Hill 174 832 0. 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 131 873 0% 0'/ 0'/ 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 141 1048 00/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: East 134 1088 0/0 0, 0/0 0 0 Maint.Worker:St. 173 1291 0'/0 0/0 0'/ 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: West 132 1310 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trees 136 1844 0'/0 0% 0'/0 0 0 Maint. Worker:St. 1971915 00/0 0'/ IY/0 0 0 Y, Ei J� PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 • DEPARTMENT: Gas Tax Maintenance • • Position Classification Emp. Position Quota Anorooriations Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Maint.Worker :St. 129 2143 0'/0 0'14 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: East 138 2740 01/0 0114 01/o 0 0 Maint.Worker: Fac. Citywide 139 3203 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: Heritage 135 4262 (F/0 0'/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 145 4962 (P/0 01% 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 169 5055 900% 47% 351/6 9,735 8,337 Maint.Worker: St. 166 5091 901/* 47% 35% 9,627 9,778 Maint.Worker: Pks. Irr. Crew 175 5561 01% 0'/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 146 5563 0'/0 0'� 0'/0 0 0 Maint. Worker: St. 196 5824 01/0 0114 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trees 167 5863 0'/0 01% 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 142 6009 01/0 a% 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 222 6045 01/0 0114 01% 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 133 6181 900/0 0114 780/* 18,641 18,392 Maint.Worker: St. 125 6740 0'/0 42014 17% 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Red Hill 170 6744 01/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 171 6773 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 143 7397 (F/0 0'� 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 184 7638 01/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Red Hill 128 8151 IN Q/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 130 8677 0'/0 0'14 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Fac. Crew 183 8681 0'/0 0114 0'14 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 144 Vacant 0'/0 0114 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 147 Vacant 01/0 0114 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 165 Vacant 01/0 47% 47% 10,237 10,648 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 153 Vacant 01/0 0114 01/0 0 2,004 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 154 Vacant 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 155 Vacant 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 156 Vacant 0'/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: Citywide 199 Vacant 1% 0114 0'/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: Citywide 200 Vacant 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Mechanic 179 3036 01/0 0114 01/0 0 0 Mechanic 180 5883 01/0 0114 (P/0 0 0 Mechanics Assistant 181 Vacant 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Inventory Spec Equip Mtrls 182 5994 01/0 0114 01/0 0 0 Signal & Lighting Tech 201 Vacant 01/0 0114 1000/6 27,636 33,432 Supervisor Parks City Wide 186 Proposed 014 N/R 0 N/R Supervisor Streets 187 Proposed 501/0 601/0 25,032 15,919 Office Assistant 202 Proposed a% N/R 0 N/R Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 204 Proposed - 50'/0 1009/6 21,768 26,844 Equipment Operator 206 Proposed 301/0 N/R 0 N/R Equipment Operator 207 Proposed 3011/0 100% 21,768 26,844 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 190 Proposed 0'/0 N/R 0 N/R Lead Maint Worker:St. 235 Proposed - - 701/0 24,060 17,094 Lead Maint. Worker: Trail C.W. 224 Proposed - - N/R - N/R Lead Worker: Pks. Irr. C.W. 225 Proposed - - N/R - N/R Lead Worker: Pks .GF LMD Cont. 226 Proposed - - N/R - N/R Lead Worker: Pks. LMD Contract 227 Proposed - N/R N/R Lead Mechanic 228 Proposed - 01/0 - 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Beryl 188 Proposed - 01/0 N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. West 198 Proposed - 01/0 0 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Mow 229 Pro osed N/R N/R i W d 1C IK PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 . DEPARTMENT: Gas Tax Maintenances is Position Classification Emp. I Position Quota Ai Cropriations Current Dept. Mgr.Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Fac. West 164 Proposed 01/, N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Fac. East 172 Proposed 01/ N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Irr. East 176 Proposed 01/ N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks.Low Crew 178 Proposed 0'/o N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: St. 185 Proposed - N/R N/R Maint. Worker :Pks. West 193 Proposed 0'/6 0'/, 0 0 Maint. Worker Pks. West 194 Proposed - 0'/6 0'/, 0 0 Maint. Worker Pks. Civic 195 Proposed (F/, N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker St. 231 Proposed - N/R N/R Maint. Worker Pks. East 208 Proposed 01/ (y/ 0 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. East 209 Proposed 0/o 0y, 0 0 Maint. Worker Pks. West 210 Proposed Oy, pyo 0 0 Maint. Worker Sts. 219 Proposed Oyo N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Mow 212 Proposed py, N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker St. 216 Proposed Oyo N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker: Pks. Beryl 214 Proposed 01/o N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Fac. East 215 Proposed O o N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Fac. West 218 Proposed O o 01/e 0 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. Trail LIVID 217 Proposed 06 0/, 0 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. Irr. East 213 Proposed - 0% N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Low Crew 211 Proposed - Oyo N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker Pks. Low Crew 237 Proposed - - N/R N/R Maint. Worker Pks. Heritage 232 Proposed - N/R - N/R Maint. Worker Pks.Heritage 233 Proposed N/R N/R Maint. Worker Pks. Trail LIVID 236 Proposed - - N/R - N/R Maint. Worker St. 205 Proposed - N/R 20,484 N/R Mechanic 220 Proposed - Oyo OP/o 0 0 Mechanics Asst. 221 Proposed - Oyo O o 0 0 Subtotal 329,562 302,534 Merit Contingency: 16,478 15,127 Subtotal: 346,040 317,661 Fringe Benefits 121,114 111,181 Subtotal: 467,154 428,842 Part-time 0 2,004 Subtotal: 467,154 430,846 Merit Contingency: 0 100 TOTAL: 467,154 430,946 'Proposed New Position "Proposed reclassification of Existing Position from Sr. M.W. to Lead M.W. N/R 89 Not Recommended FY 89/90 N/R 90 Not Recommended FY 90/91 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 • DEPARTMENT: FUND 9 Enaineerina ; TAX 2106 0 0 Position Classification Position Emp. 89/90 Quota AoDrooriations Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Office Specialist II 9 2134 0 0 0 Office Specialist II 11 5679 0 0 0 0 0 Office Specialist II 12 8682 0 0 0 0 0 Secretary 9 new - 0 0 0 0 Senior Civil Engineer 63 3882 0 0 0 0 0 Landscape Designer 17 6363 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 15 7413 0 0 0.2 0 10632 Jr. Engineer' 54 new 0 0 0.2 0 6456 Traffic Engineer 3 6800 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 18 3211 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 19 5137 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 28 6312 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 49 8149 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 50 6682 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering Aide 45 152 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering Tech.' 55 new 0 0 0 0 Senior Civil Engineer 5 5822 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 20 2140 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 21 5275 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 22 5700 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 29 2641 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 51 4687 0 0 0 0 0 Jr. Engineer 32 2020 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering Tech. 36 561 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering Aide 46 5800 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering Aide 52 128 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 56 new - 0 0 0 0 Public Works Engineer 6 6350 0 0 0 0 0 Spr Public Works Insp ' 30 4900 0 0 0 0 0 Public Works Insp.11" 37 115 0 0 0 0 0 Public Works Insp.11" 38 1075 0 0 0 0 0 Public Works Insp. 43 2727 0 0 0 0 0 Jr. Engineer 33 480 0 0 0 0 0 Pblc Wrks Insp.11' 64 New N/R N/R 0 0 Subtotal 0 17,088 Merit Contingency: 0 854 Subtotal: 0 17,942 Fringe Benefits 0 6,280 Subtotal: - 0 24,222 Part-time 0 0 TOTAL 0 24,222 t Proposed reclassification of an Office Assistant to Senior Office Assistant "Positions funded using Special Funds Pro osed New Position N/R Not Recommended • COST CENTER DETAORKSHEET 199051 0 Department/Division: Enqlneerinq Program: I Gas Tax 2106 Account Number: Fund 09 Department Proposed City Mgr. ProDosed Obiect No. Descri tion of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Bud et 1100 Regular Payroll* 349336 335603 1200Overtime Payroll 0 66500 1900 Frin a Benefits & 35% 122268 117461 3900 Maintenance & Operations 3960 General Liability 1% of Operations 0 0 6028 Contract Services Caltrans signal maintenance contract 63000 63000 Signal maintenance contract 105000 105000 Striping Contract 87000 87000 Roadway Oiling 10000 10000 Subtotal 265000 265000 7044 Capital Expenditures - Equipment 238150 197222 7045 Ca ital Ex enditures - Vehicles 150150 163457 8022 Electric Utilities - Signals 87000 87000 8779 —City Wide Inventory 10000 8780 Trans Studies & Fac 17000 8813 Hillside Imp - Hermosa 1000 8902 City Wide Sidewalk/Curb 10000 Includes Enoineeting & Maintenace Personnel Note: Fund 09 budget assumes that Caltrans does not approve the revised maintenance reimbursement agreement. TOTAL 1211904 1270243 CAPITAL VVIPROVEMEN'T PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Gas Tax 2106 • Project Title, Description, and Location: City Wide Street Facilities Management Inventory and Program Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Study will create a program for the maintenance of all City street facilities. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: • I d' Q Yes n [tate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Design Cost $0 Gas Tax 2106 Construction Cost S 0 Administration Cost S 0 Complete Study Total Cost Funds available and/or already expended $ 95,000 S 95,000 S 85,000 Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years Balance Required I S 10,000 I TOTAL Priority No. MP 88-06 Amount S. 10,000 S 10,000 S0 $ 10,000 CAPITAL LVIPROVENfEVT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Gas Tax 2106 Project Title, Description, and Location: City Wide Traffic Control Device Inventory and Management Program Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Inventory of all City traffic control devices and maintenance management program. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: • Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggesu Design Cost $ 0 Gas Tax 2106 Construction Cost $ 5,000 Administration Cost S 2,000 Complete Study I $ 10,000 Total Cost 1 $ 17;000 Funds available and/orI $ 0 already expended 0 Yes Completed 90/91 Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years Priority No. MP 88.07 Amount $ 17,000 S 17,000 S0 Balance Required I S 17,000 1 TOTAL I S 17,000 • U C. PITAL LWROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Gas Tax 2106 ST 88-19 Project Title, Description, and Location: Hillside Road Street Rehabilitation and Improvement - Hermosa to Mayberry Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Improve and Widen roadway to minimum width and condition. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P ? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 0 Gas Tax 2106 S 1,000 Construction Cost S 128,700 Administration Cost S 15,000 Total Cost S 143,700 Funds available and/or S 142,700 Amount required first year S 1,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL S 1,000 S 1,000 I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: ty No. Division: Engineering Gas Tax 2106 F90-30 ' 1 Project Title, Description, and Location: City Wide Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter - 1911 Chapter 27 Improvement Program. Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement O Addition Project Justification: Improve roadway to City standard, including curb, gutter, sidewalks, and street lights. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? @) No O Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ' Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 90/91 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 1,000 Gas Tax 2106 5'10.000 Construction Cost $ 8,000 Administration Cost S 1,000 Total Cost $ 10,000 Funds available and/or S 0 Amount required first year $ 10,000 already expended I Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL $ 10,000 S 10,000 0 o REGULAR PAYROLL 3,011 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 64,416 250,086 6,695 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) 7,041 11 4637 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 230 11,050 DEPT COUNCIL 1,074 48,500 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED 11 4637 ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 82,576 GAS TAX 2106 ---ENGINEERING ADMIN 11 1637 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 3,011 231,570 235,930 14,156 64,416 250,086 6,695 6,695 7,041 11 4637 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 230 11,050 48,500 0 1,074 48,500 0 0 0 11 4637 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 0 73,220 82,576 0 82,576 02,576 2,343 2,343 2,464 11 4637 3931 VEHICLE MAINT. 6 OPERATIONS 112,880 0 0 243 0 243 0 0 0 11 4637 3950 GENERAL LIABILITY 4,778 9,117 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 4637 6028 CONTACT SERVICES 332,931 21,916 0 15,665 0 15,565 0 0 0 11 4637 7045 CAPITAL EXPEND.VEHICLE 21,302 9,320 0 11,983 0 11,983 0 0 0 11 4637 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 40,465 3,549 0 1,451 0 1,451 0 0 0 11 4637 8101 ARCHIBALD-LEMON 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 4637 8102 RAMONA AVE. WIDENING 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 4637 8104 RES.STREET RECONSTRUCTION 245,782 11,267 0 1,752 0 1,752 0 0 0 11 4637 8105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1631 8107 LEMON AVE. RECONSTRUCTION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1637 8108 HERMOSA/TURNER IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 4637 8110 HIGHLAND AVE.RECONSTRUCTION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 4637 8111 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 4637 8112 HILLSIDE RECONSTRUCTION 3,919 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1637 8113 TURNER AVENUE 0 0 0 6,857 0 5,857 0 0 0 11 4637 8114 NORTH TONNE PHASE IV 204 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 4637 8617 BASELINE ROAD WIDENING 8,033 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 781,535 311,011 367,006 52,107 118,067 419,113 9,038 9,038 9,505 11 4991 9000 TRANSFER OUT 58,221 198,570 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 58,221 198,570 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FUND TOTAL 839,756 559,587 367,006 52,107 148,057 419,113 9,038 9,038 9,505 • • • PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 DEPARTMENT: Fund 11 Enaineerina Gas Tax 2107.5 Position Classification Position Emp. 89/90 Quota Appropriations Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Office Specialist II 9 2134 0 0 0 0 Office Specialist II 11 5679 0 0 0 0 0 Office Specialist II 12 8682 0 0 0 0 0 Secretary 53 new - 0 0 0 0 Senior Engineer 63 3882 0 0 0 0 0 Landscape Designer 17 6363 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 15 7413 0 0 0 0 0 Jr. Engineer' 54 new 0 0 0 0 0 Traffic Engineer 3 6800 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 18 3211 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 19 5137 0 0.12 0.12 6316 6706 Assistant Engineer 28 6312 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 49 8149 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 50 6682 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering Aide 45 152 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering Tech.' 55 new 0 0 0 0 Senior Engineer 5 5822 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 20 2140 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 21 5275 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 22 5700 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 29 2641 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 51 4687 0 0 0 0 0 Jr. Engineer 32 2020 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering Tech. 36 561 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering Aide 46 5800 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering Aide 52 128 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 56 new 0 0 0 0 Public Works Engineer 6 6350 0 0 0 0 0 Spr Public Works Insp ' 30 4900 0 0 0 0 0 Public Works Insp.11" 37 115 0 0 0 0 0 Public Works Insp.11" 38 1075 0 0 0 0 0 Public Works Insp. 43 2727 0 0 0 0 0 Jr. Engineer 33 480 0 0 0 0 0 Pblc Wrks Insp.11' 64 New - 0 N/R 0 0 Subtotal 6,316 6,706 Merit Contingency: 316 335 Subtotal: 6,632 7,041 Fringe Benefits 2,321 2,464 Subtotal: 8,953 9,505 Part-time 0 0 TOTAL 8,953 9,505 t Proposed reclassification of an Office Assistant to Senior Office Assistant "Positions funded using Special Funds Pro osed New Position N/R Not Recommended ' COST CENTER DETMORKSHEET 199051 • Department/Division: EnctineerinaGas Program: Tax 2107.5 Account Number: Fund 11 Department Pro used City Mgr. Pro osed Obiect No. I Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1100 Re ular Pa roll 7041 7041 1200 Overtime Payroll 1900 Fringe Benefits & 35% 2464 2464 3900 Maintenance & Operations 3960 Generat Liability 1% of Operations 0 0 6028 Contract Services 7044 Capital Expenditures TOTAL 9505 9505 Gas Sales Tax/ArUcle 8 12.4837 m • BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) 81-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET TDA/ARTICLE 8 ---ENGINEERING ADMIN 12 4637 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 46,578 54,029 0 12 4637 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 19,122 18,334 0 12 4637 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 8,185 11,380 0 12 4637 8000 PROGRAM BUDGET -5832 0 0 0 12 4637 8034 PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE SIDWALNS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4637 8052 84/85 CORRECTION 0 0 0 12 4637 8068 ARCHIBALD RECONSTRUCTION 1,600 0 0 12 4637 8075 S.B. RD. ARCHIBALD TO 0 0 0 12 4637 8076 LEMON AVE. HERMOSA TO 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 12 4637 8077 EAST AVE. -HIGHLAND TO 0 0 0 12 4637 8078 HERMOSA AVE. -REALIGN/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4637 8079 TRAFFIC SIGNALS -3 LOC 20,701 0 0 12 4637 8178 AMETHYST AVE. SIDEWALKS 0 0 0 12 4637 8179 ARCHIBALD AVE. SIDEWALKS 0 0 0 12 4637 8180 VINEYARD/BSLNE TO HAVEN 0 0 0 12 4637 8201 RRX/ROCHESTER AVE.$ 8TH 6,951 0 0 12 4637 8601 PROF.SERVICES ARCHIBALD 29 0 0 12 4637 8603 ARCHIBALD/8TH ST ATSF 3,943 0 0 12 4637 0604 CITY YARD ACQUISITION 0 0 0 12 4637 8605 ARCH. AVE.SIOEWALKS, PH.11 242 39,957 0 12 4637 8606 AMETHYST AVE. RECONSTRUCTION 19,107 14,425 5,000 12 4637 8622 TURNER -66 SIGNAL 0 0 0 12 4637 8627 BANYAN ST. EXTENSION 2,756 0 0 12 4637 8630 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATION 0 0 0 12 4637 8634 CITY WIDE TRAFFIC MODEL 10,033 0 0 12 4637 8705 FOOTHILL 0 ROCHESTER 0 7,516 100,000 12 4637 8706 CARNELIAN 6 VINEYARD 141,510 22,757 0 12 4637 8707 HIGHLAND 0 ETIWANDA 3,130 126,746 0 12 4637 8708 HIGHLAND 0 MILLIKEN 3,120 25,815 5,000 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 COUNCIL CITY APPROVED MGR 1990/91 0 34,164 0 121,580 97,787 104,428 0 0 0 42,553 34,225 36,550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1,925) 0 (1,925) 0 0 0 11,925 28,729 14,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,500 0 0 0 25,746 33,001 138,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) DEPT COUNCIL 07-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 12 8637 0709 BASELINE 6 SPRUCE 249,698 17,939 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4637 8710 HAVEN 6 CIVIC CENTER 53,547 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4637 8712 BASELINE 0 VICTORIA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4637 8713 ARCHIBALD SIGNAL COORO 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 12 4637 8714 HAVEN 0 6TH 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4637 8715 HAVEN 0 JERSEY 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4637 8772 BASELINE SIGNAL COOAD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4637 8773 HAVEN 0 4TH 96,055 17,762 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 1637 8774 TURNER -FOOTHILL SIGNAL 82,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4637 8782 BASELINE 0 ETINANDA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4637 8783 GROVE 0 8TH 0 109,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4637 8821 TRANSPORTATION STUDY 0 16,463 10,000 0 15,757 80,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 12 4637 8823 UPGRADE SIGNAL -19TH 0 0 21000 2,500 94,462 7,500 0 0 0 12 4637 8824 SIGNAL-ARCHIBALD 0 HIGHLAND 0 81,530 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4637 8825 SIGNAL -BASELINE 0 ROCHESTER 0 400 0 0 2,356 0 0 0 0 12 4637 8826 SIGNAL -BASELINE 0 RAMONA 0 3,501 3,000 62,983 17,950 122,200 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 12 4637 8821 SIGNAL -BASELINE 0 VAL 0 3,382 3,000 65,299 20,376 122,100 1,000 1,000 1,000 12 1631 8828 SIGNAL -19TH 0 HERMOSA 0 408 0 0 2,356 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 12 4637 8829 SIGNAL -ARROW 0 ARCHIBALD 0 45 2,000 109,555 1,831 121,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 12 4637 8830 SIGNAL -ARROW 0 HERMOSA 0 400 0 0 2,356 0 0 0 0 12 4637 8831 SIGNAL -ARROW 0 HAVEN 0 0 5,000 76,500 11000 130,500 0 0 0 12 4537 8032 SIGNAL -HAVEN 0 VICTORIA 0 3,382 2,000 65,540 21,872 122,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 12 4637 8833 SIGNAL -FOOTHILL 0 RAMONA 0 0 95,000 (35,649) 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 12 4637 8834 SIGNAL -GROVE 0 SAN BERNARDINO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4637 8835 SIGNAL COORDINATION 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 12 4637 8836 UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL PROG. 0 11,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4637 8872 T.S.ARCHIBALD/LEMON 0 2,880 0 0 320 0 0 0 0 12 4637 8073 T.S. HAVEN/SEVEN 0 3,060 0 0 340 0 0 0 0 12 4637 8903 19TH ST HIGHLAND/HAVEN 0 0 250,000 0 176,050 178,040 5,000 5,000 5,000 12 4637 8904 VICTORIA ST/EAST TO E/O EHS 0 0 105,000 0 55,885 129,000 0 0 0 12 4637 8905 AMETHYST AVE/19TH TO N/0 HIGH 0 0 171,800 0 0 224,200 10,000 10,000 10,000 12 4637 8906 WILSON AVE/AMETH-ARCH 0 0 76,500 0 0 16,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT 12 4637 8907 ARCH AVE/S/0 GAMY TO HILLSIDE 12 4637 8909 BANYAN/EASTWOOD TO HELLMAN 12 4637 8910 HIGHLAND AVE/HERMOSA-MAYBERRY 12 4637 8911 SIGNAL-ARCHIBALD 0 LEMON 12 4637 8912 SIGNAL -HAVEN 0 7TH 12 1637 8913 SIGNAL-ARCHIBALD 0 SAN 8X00 R 12 4637 8914 SIGNAL-ARCHIBALD 0 STH 12 4637 8915 UPGRADE SIGNAL -ARROW 0 VINEYA 12 4637 8916 SIGNAL-HELLMAN 0 SAN BNDO RD 12 1637 8911 SIGNAL -HIGHLAND 0 LEMON 12 4637 8918 SIGNAL -SPRUCE 0 TERRA VISTA P 12 1637 8919 SIGNAL -19TH 0 SAPPHIRE 12 4637 8920 TRUCK ROUTE SIGNAGE -CITY WIDE 12 4637 8921 SIGNAL COORD-VINEYARD/CARNELI 12 4637 9006 UNIF TRAF CONT PROD 12 4637 XXXX SIGNAL -HIGHLAND 0 ROCHESTER 12 1637 9003 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CNTRL FY 90/91 12 1637 XXXX SIGNAL -ARROW 0 ROCHESTER 12 4631 9004 SIGNAL-HELLMAN 0 CHURCH 12 4637 9005 SIGNAL-HERMOSA 0 CHRUCH 12 4637 XXXX SIGNAL -CARNELIAN 0 VIVERO 12 1631 XXXX SIGNAL-MILLIKEN 0 4TH 12 1637 XXXX UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL 91-92 12 4637 XXXX UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL 90-91 DEPARTMENT TOTAL DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NGR 1990/91 0 0 146,000 0 0 32,300 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 1,300 19,000 19,000 19,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 343,800 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 98,000 0 211 117,750 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 103,000 0 212 117,750 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 5,000 - 108,000 108,000 108,000 0 0 102,000 0 2,205 4,900 105,000 105,000 105,000 0 0 60,000 0 2,340 5,200 88,000 88,000 88,000 0 0 0 3,500 0 0 5,000 103,000 103,000 103,000 0 0 12,000 0 0 12,000 262,000 252,000 262,000 0 0 100,000 0 2,205 4,800 105,000 105,000 105,000 0 0 25,500 0 0 35,000 1,000 1,000 11000 0 0 39,000 0 4,541 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 28,000 0 0 28,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 11,000 0 0 11,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 105,000 105,000 105,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,000 4,000 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 12,000 12,000 . 774,377 592,927 1,680,300 383,574 521,319 2,299,915 1,157,133 1,125,012 1,133,978 • 0 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 DEPARTMENT: Fund 12 Enoineerino TDA Article 8 Position Classification Position Emp. 89/90 Quota ADDroDriations Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Office Specialist II 9 2134 0.04 0.04 0 780 0 Office Specialist II 11 5679 0.08 0.04 0.04 845 946 Office Specialist II 12 8682 0.04 0.04 0.04 796 911 J Secretary 9 new - 0.08 0.04 1724 906 J Senior Engineer 63 3882 0 0 0 0 0✓ Landscape Designer 17 6363 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 15 7413 0 0 0 0 0 Jr. Engineer* 54 new 0 0 0 0 0 Traffic Engineer 3 6800 0.05 0.05 0.05 3056 3411 Associate Engineer 18 3211 0.1 0.1 0.1 5263 5588 Associate Engineer 19 5137 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 28 6312 0.1 0.1 0.15 4532 7218 Assistant Engineer 49 8149 0.1 0.1 0.1 3532 3750 Assistant Engineer 50 6682 0.4 0.4 0.4 14126 15000 J Engineering Aide 45 152 02 0.2 0.3 4421 8341 a Engineering Tech.* 55 new - 0.3 0.3 9400 9216 Senior Engineer 5 5822 0.09 0.09 0.05 5502 3327 Associate Engineer 20 2140 0.1 0.1 0.05 4312 2406 J Associate Engineer 21 5275 0.1 0.1 0.05 5263 2794 Associate Engineer 22 5700 0.1 0.1 0.05 5008 _J 2739 Assistant Engineer 29 2641 0.1 0.1 0.05 3902 2177 J Assistant Engineer 51 4687 0.1 0.1 0.05 3713 1970 Jr. Engineer 32 2020 0.1 0.1 0.05 3676 1614 e Engineering Tech. 36 561 0.1 0.1 0.05 2567 1536 Engineering Aide 46 5800 0.1 0.1 0.05 2567 1505 Engineering Aide 52 128 0.1 0.1 0.05 2210 1390 �1 Assistant Engineer 56 new - 0.1 0.05 3532 1875 Public Works Engineer 6 6350 0.07 0.07 0.06 4050 3798 Spr Public Works Insp ' 30 4900 0.12 0.12 0.11 5384 5346 Public Works Insp.11'• 37 115 0.1 0.1 0.09 3864 3408 J Public Warks Insp.11•' 38 1075 0.1 0.1 0.09 3864 3766 J' Public Works Insp. 43 2727 0.02 0.02 0.01 682 392 r Jr. Engineer 33 480 0.09 0.09 0.11 3116 4125 Pblc Wrks Insp.11' •' 64 New - 0.1 NIR 3011 0 Subtotal 114,698 99,455 Merit Contingency: 5,735 4,973 Subtotal: 120,433 104,428 Fringe Benefits 42,152 36,550 Subtotal: 162,585 140,978 Part-time 0 0 TOTAL 162,585 140,978 t Proposed reclassification of an Office Assistant to Senior Office Assistant "Positions funded using Special Funds Pro osed New Position N/R Not Recommended • COST CENTER DETMORKSHEET 199091 Department/Division: Enalneerina Program: I TDA Articlel 8 Account Number: Fund 12 Department Pro osed City Mgr. Pro osed Obect No. I Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1100 Re ular Payroll 121580 104428 1200 Overtime Payroll 1900 Fringe Benefits 8 35% 42553 36550 3900 Maintenance & Operations 3960 General Liability 1% of Operations 0 0 6028 Contract Services 7044 Capital Expenditures TOTAL 164133 140978 CAPITAL MPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department. Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 Priority No. TR 88-39 Project Title. Description, and Location: Signal Coordination - Archibald Ave. Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to help alleviate congestion on Archibald Avenue. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost So TDA Article 8 S 2,000 Construction Cost $ 0 Administration Cost $ 2,000 Total Cost S 2,000 Funds available and/or $0 Amount required first year $ 2,000 already expended I Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL r S 2,000 S 2.000 E C CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST nity Development Fund: ering PEJEE,nru Article 8 Priority Yo.TDA MP 88-08ct Tite, Description, and Location: portation & Taffic Long Range Studies, Models and Management Programs Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Projects future traffic scenarios for long range traffic management planning and includes an update of the City's Thoroughfare and Bridge Fee (System Development) Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No QQ yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 0 TDA Article 8 S 15,000 Construction Cost S 0 Administration Cost $ 0 Complete Study S 15,000 Total Cost S 15,000 Funds available and/or S 0 Amount required first year S 15,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years 5 0 Balance Requ?redS TOTAL 15,000 S 15,000 CAPITAL IMPROVENfENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: • Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - Baseline @ Ramona Indicate whether: Q New Q Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Priority No. TR 88-14 Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 0 TDA Article 8 S 1,000 Construction Cost S 115,000 Administration Cost S 8,200 Total Cost 1 S 123,200 Funds available and/orI S 122,200 already expended Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years ttt S0 Balance Required I $ 1,000 1 TOTAL I S 1,000 CAPITAL 11YIPROVENIENT PROJECT REQLEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 Project Title. Description, and Location: Signal - Baseline @ Valencia Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. 0 Addition Priority No. TR 88-15 Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost So TDA Article 8 $ 1,000 Construction Cost S 115,000 Administration Cost S 8,100 Total Cost I S 123,100 Funds available and/orI S 122,100 already expended Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years S 1,000 Balance Required I S 1,000 1 TOTAL I S 1.000 CAPITAL LvIPROVENIEVT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: • Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - 19th @ Hermosa Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. * Addition Priority No. TR 88-16 Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-03 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 5,000 TDA Article 8 S 3,000 Construction Cost S 128,000 Administration Cost S 4,000 Total Cost I S 137,000 Funds available and/or I S 2,000 already expended Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years S 3,000 S 132.000 Balance Required I S 135,000 1 TOTAL I S 135,000 CAPITAL LLIPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: FPrTR rity No. Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 - 88-18 Project Title, Description, and Location: Upgrade Signal - Arrow Rte. @ Archibald Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Replace outdated controller and detection devices and provide left tum at all approaches. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No . Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-12 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggeste Design Cost S 0 TDA Article 8 Construction Cost S 115,000 Administration Cost S 7,000 Total Cost 1 $ 122,000 Funds available and/orI S 121,000 already expended QQ Yes Completed 90/91 Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years Amount S 1,000 S 1,000 MI Balance Required I S 1,000 I TOTAL 1 5 1,000 E CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 TR 88-21 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - Haven @ Victoria St. Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: fIndicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 0 TDA Article 8 S 1,000 Construction Cost $ 115,000 Administration Cost S 8,000 Total Cost $ 123,000 Funds available and/or S 122,000 Amount required first year $ 1,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years 5 0 Balance RequiredS TOTAL 1,000 S 1,000 CAPITAL MPROVELfEtiT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 . Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - Foothill @ Ramona Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O NO Other projects or factors directly related to this project: of Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggeste Design Cost $ 2,000 TDA Article 8 Construction Cost S 126,000 Administration Cost S 4,000 Total Cost I S 132,000 Q Yes Completed 90/91 Priority No. TR 88.23 Amount S 2,000 Funds available and/orI S 0 I Amount required first year I S 2,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 130,000 Balance Required I S 132,000 1 TOTAL I S 132,000 L-� CAPITAL LVIPROVENIE`+T PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Prioritv No. Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 TR 88-30 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal Coordination - Haven Ave. Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to improve traffic flow along Haven. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No OQ Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 0 TDA Article 8 S 2,000 Construction Cost $ 0 Administration Cost S 2,000 Total Cost S 2,000 Funds available and/or S 0 Amount required first year S 2.000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL S 2,000 S 2,000 C CAPIT.-ILL, I`LPROVENIEVT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority \o. Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 Project Title, Description, and Location: 19th St.; Street Improvement - E/O Haven to Highland E/O Deer Creek Indicate whether: Q New Q Replacement Addition . Project Justification: Project required by CalTrans for Rte. 30 transfer. Pavement resurfacing and UTC program. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No O Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: TR 89-13 ' Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 5,300 TDA Article 8 S 5,000 Construction Cost S 235,000 System Development S 0 Administration Cost S 42,000 Total Cost $ 282,300 Funds available and/or S 3,300 Amount required first year S 5,000 already expended ` I Amount required subsequent years S 274,000 Balance Required TOTAL S 279,000 S 279,000 CAPITAL D PROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 • Project Title, Description, and Location: Amethyst Ave. Street Improvement - N/O 19th (Fire Station) to N/O Highland Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Improve and widen road way to improve traffic and minimize surface drainage. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: DR 88-16 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggestel Design Cost S 0 TDA Article 8 Construction Cost S 200,000 Administration Cost S 34,200 Total Cost 1 $ 234,200 Funds available and/orI S 224,200 already expended OQ Yes Completed 90/91 Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years Priority No. ST 88-31 Amount S 10,000 $ 10.000 S0 Balance Required I S 10,000 1 TOTAL I S 10.000 11 r�L 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority \o. Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 ST 88-33 Project Title. Description, and Location: Wilson Ave. Street Improvement - Amethyst to Archibald Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Roadway widening and improvement to arterial standards. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 3,000 TDA Article 8 S 2,000 Construction Cost S 103,000 Administration Cost $ 20,000 Total Cost S 126,000 Funds available and/or S 2,000 Amount required first year S 1,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 123.000 Balance Required TOTAL S 124,000 S 124,000 CAPITAL MPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority "o. Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 ST 88-34 Project Title, Description, and Location: Archibald Street Improvement - S/O Banyan to Hillside Indicate whether: Q New Q Replacement (g) Addition Project Justification: Roadway widening and improvement to arterial standards. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: 1 r Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 10,300 TDA Article 8 S 2,000 Construction Cost S 276,700 Administration Cost S 60,000 Right -of -Way S 25,000 Total Cost S 372,000 Funds available and/or S 34,300 Amount required first year S 2,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 335.700 Balance Required"337.700 TOTAL S 337,700 CAPITAL. MPROVEIIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: y 'I o. Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 FST9-02 Project Title, Description, and Location: Banyan Street; Street Improvements - Eastwood to Hellman Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Widen street north and south. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: I Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 1,300 TDA Article 8 S 19,000 Construction Cost $ 14,000 Administration Cost S 5,000 Total Cost S 20,300 Funds available and/or S 1,300 Amount required first year S 19,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required7S,19 TOTAL S 19,000 CAPITAL I`IPROVIVIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 - • Project Title, Description, and Location: Highland Ave.: Street Improvements Hermosa to Mayberry. Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Replace deficient pavement and upgrade road to collector capacity street. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: • Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggeste Design Cost S 10,000 TDA Article 8 Construction Cost S 300,000 Administration Cost S 38,800 Total Cost I S 348,800 Funds available and/orI S 343,800 already expended Q Yes Completed 90/91 d Financing Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years Priority No, ST 89-I1 Amount S 5,000 S 5.000 S0 Balance Required I S 5.000 1 TOTAL I S 5,000 1' CAPITAL I.NIPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 Prioritv No. TR 88.32 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal • Archibald Ave. @ Lemon Ave. Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P ? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ o TDA Article 8 5 1.000 Construction Cost $ 110,000 Administration Cost $ 8,750 Total Cost $ 118,750 Funds available and/or $ 117,750 Amount required first year $ 1,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years $ 0 Balance Required$ TOTAL 1,000 $ 1,000 CAPITAL. INIPROVE`(E`T PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 • Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - Haven Ave. Qa 7th St. Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-44 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggeste Design Cost S 0 TDA Article 8 Construction Cost $ 110,000 Administration Cost S 8,750 Total Cost I S 118,750 Funds available and/orI S 117,750 already expended Q Addition Q Yes Completed 90/91 Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years Priority No. TR 88-40 Amount S. 1,000 S 1,000 Balance Required I S 1,000 I TOTAL I S 1,000 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST • Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 TR 89-01 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - Archibald Ave. Qo San Bernardino Rd. Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No QQ Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost 5 5,000 TDA Article 8 S 108,000 Construction Cost $ 100,000 Administration Cost S 8,000 Total Cost S 113,000 Funds available and/or S 5,000 Amount required first year S 108,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL S 108,000 S 108,000 • 0 C CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQ[. -EST Department: Community Development Fund: Prioritv No. Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 TR 89-02 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - Archibald Ave. @ 8th St. Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P ? O No QQ Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 4,900 TDA Article 8 $ 105,000 Construction Cost $ 100,000 Administration Cost $ 5,000 Total Cost $ 109,900 Funds available and/or S 4,900 Amount required first year S 105,000 already expended I Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL 5 105,000 $ 105,000 • E CAPITAL. [IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Division: Engineering Fund: TDA Article 8 Priority No. TR 89.03 Project Title, Description, and Location: Upgrade Signal - Arrow Rte. @ Vineyard Ave. Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to provide protected left turns on Arrow Route. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 5,200 TDA Article 8 S 88.000 Construction Cost $ 80,000 Administration Cost $ 8,000 Total Cost S 93,200 Funds available and/or $ 5,200 Amount required first year S 88,000 already expended I Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL S 88,000 S 88.000 CAPITAL INIPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST • Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 Priority No. TR 89-I1 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - Hellman Ave. @ San Bernardino Rd. Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P ? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 5,000 TDA Article 8 S 103,000 Construction Cost $ 95,000 Administration Cost $ 8,000 Total Cost S 108,000 Funds available and/or S 5,000 Amount required first year S 103,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL 5 103.000 S 103,000 0 CAPITAL. L% PROVE`IENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 rity No. [PrT� 89-13 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - Highland Ave. @ Lemon Ave. Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Includes San :Mateo connector street S/O Highland Ave. Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P ? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-25 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 12,000 TDA Article 8 S 262,000 Construction Cost $ 251,000 Administration Cost $ 12,000 . Total Cost $ 275,000 Funds available and/or S 12,000 Amount required first year S 262,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 1.000 Balance Required TOTAL S 263,000 S 263,000 r L_ r CAPITAL 11APROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 TR 89-14 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - Spruce @ Terra Vista Parkway Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: 1 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 4,900 TDA Article 8 S 105.000 Construction Cost S 100,000 Administration Cost $ 5,000 Total Cost S 109,900 Funds available and/or S 4,900 Amount required first year $ 105,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance RequiredS TOTAL 105,000 S 105,000 • L CAPITAL. MPRO VEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 TR 89.16 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal . 19th St. @ Sapphire Ave. Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No QQ Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-01 I Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 0 TDA Article 8 S 1,000 Construction Cost $ 36,000 Administration Cost $ 1,000 Total Cost S 37,000 Funds available and/or $ 36,000 Amount required First year S 1,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years $ 0 Balance Required TOTAL S 1,000 S 1,000 • CAPITAL MPROVENfENT PROJECT REQUEST Department. Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 - Priority No. TR 39.13 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal Coordination - Vineyard Ave./Carnelian St. Indicate whether: O New Q Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to improve traffic flow along Vineyard Ave. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: 1 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 28,000 TDA Article 8 S 2,000 Construction Cost $ 0 Administration Cost S 2,000 Total Cost S 30,000 unds available and/or S 28,000 Amount required first year S 2,000 ready expended F Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL S 2,000 S 2,000 CAPITAL VvIPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: =Trlt9o-o.o Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 • Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - Hellman Avenue @ Church Street Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement O Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection and to improve pedestrian safety in vicinity of Cucamonga Junior High School. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? @ No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 9 0/9 1 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggests Design Cost S 4,000 TDA Article 8 Construction Cost S 96,000 Administration Cost S 6.000 Total Cost 1 $ 106,000 Funds available and/orI S 0 already expended O Yes Completed 91/92 Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years Amount S 105,000 S 105.000 S 1,000 Balance Required 1 5 106,000 1 TOTAL I S 106,000 CAPITAL. LWROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 Project Tide, Description, and Location: Signal • Hermosa Avenue @ Church Street Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement O Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? (9) No Other projects or factors directly related to this project Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 9 0/9 1 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggeste Design Cost S 4,000 TDA Article 8 Construction Cost $ 100,000 Administration Cost S 6,000 Total Cost 1 $ 110,000 Q Yes Completed 90/91 Priority No.. TR 90.09 Amount S 4,000 Funds available and/orI S 0 I Amount required first year I S 4,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 106,000 Balance Required I S 110,000 1 TOTAL I S 110,000 CAPITAL I]WROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 . Project Title, Description, and Location: Uniform Traffic Control Program 1990/91 - Major and Collector Streets Priority No. TR 90-13 Indicate whether: @) New O Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Needed to maintain, install and conform traffic control devices to State and Federal Standards. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? Q No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: • Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggests Design Cost S 1.2,000 TDA Article 9 Construction Cost $ 0 Administration Cost $ 0 Total Cost 1 $ 12,000 Funds available and/orI S 0 already expended Q Yes Completed 90/91 Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years Amount S 12,000 S 12,000 S0 Balance Required 1 $ 12,000 1 TOTAL I S 12,000 Ll 0 C CAPITAL 11V[PROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No.. Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 TR 90-14 Project Title, Description, and Location: Traffic Signal Timing, interconnection, and Coordination Program Indicate whether: O New O Replacement O Addition Project Justification: Needed to improve traffic flow along major signalized streets. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? @) No O Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 90/91 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 0 TDA Article 8 S 25,000 Construction Cost $ 0 Administration Cost $ 0 Complete Study S 25,000 Total Cost S 25,000 Funds available and/or so Amount required first year S 25,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL S 25,000 5 25,000 Recreation Services 134563 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT ---------------------------------------------- RECREATION SERVICES ---RECREATION SERVICES 13 4563 1300 PARTTIME PAYROLL 13 4563 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 13 4563 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 13 4563 6028 CONTACT SERVICES 13 4563 7043 CAPITAL E%PEN.-BUILDING 13 4563 7044 CAPITAL EXPEN.-EQUIPMENT DEPARTMENT TOTAL F- O W • 01 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 14,186 22,552 23,536 77,583 125,562 135,356 2,289 3,266 3,517 176,194 197,079 225,517 0 0 13,000 9,920 1,332 5,000 280,172 349,891 406,926 0 17,818 23,536 75,834 75,834 79,506 1,000 34,488 136,356 116,175 116,775 116,775 0 3,517 3,517 3,584 3,584 3,584 0 101,130 226,517 241,658 241,658 241,658 0 6,041 13,000 4,000 4,000 4,060 0 0 5,000 3,200 3,200 3,200 1,000 162,994 407,926 445,051 445,051 448,723 Department/Division: Community Services I I Object No. I COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Program: I Account Number: IFiscal Year Recreation Fund I 13-4563 I 1990/91 I I Description of Items S Individual Dollar Amounts I Budget 1300 (Part -Time Payroll (Day Camp $15,500 I (Playground s0 (Family Socials s0 I (Play, Camp $5,880 I IPlayschool $19,250 I ITerrific 2's $4,416 I (Aquatics 134,460 I Subtotal I $79,506 I 3900 (Operations and Maintenance I I (Printing I (Grapevine $32,050 I (Printing $3,500 1 (Recreation Materials I ILions $1,500 1 IRCNC $1,500 I 1Playschool $5,720 1 1 Daycamp $6,000 1 IPlaycamp $1,000 1 (Trips d Tours $14,840 1 (Adult Sports $22,500 1 (Youth Sports $4,800 1 (Recreation Programs I (Seniors $1,600 1 ITeens $1,000 1 (Handicapped $500 I (Youth $1,000 1 (Aquatics $3,100 I (Volunteers $1,700 I (Recreation Special Events $14,465 I Subtotal I $116,115 I 3960 (General Liability I I I i $3,584 I 6028 (Contract Services I I Ilnstructors $184,344 1 (Officials - Adult Sports $36,000 I (Officials - Youth Sports $4,800 I ISpecial Event Staff $5,724 I (Facility Rental $10,790 I 1 Subtotal I $241,658 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET •-----------------------I----------------------------I--------------------------I------------i Department/Division: Program: Account Number: Fiscal Year Community Services Recreation Fund 13-4563 1990/91 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object No. I Description of Items b Individual Dollar Amounts I Budget ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------� 7043 ICapital Expenditures Repairs/Improvements $4,000 Subtotal $4,000 7044 ICapitals Expenditures Banner System $3,200 Subtotal $3,200 TOTAL $448,723 0 TDA ArOcle 3 164637 • BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT ---_------------------------------------------ PEDESTRIAN GRANTS/ART.3--- ENGINEERING ADMIN i CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 07-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 15 4637 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 700 747 0 0 16 4637 8716 ARCHIBALD SIDEWALKS 3,295 35,070 800 0 16 4637 8717 TRYON SIDEWALKS 2,088 33,667 32,100 (1,507) 16 4637 9007 BICYCLE/PEO PROGRAM(HANDICAP ACCESS) 16 4637 9008 BICYCLE/PED PROGRAM 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 6,083 69,484 32,900 (1,507) 0 0 0 0 0 800 0 0 0 30,593 0 0 117,000 117,000 117,000 0 0 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 31,393 217,000 217,000 217,000 r • CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST . Department: Community Development TTDA Fund: Priority Vo Division: Engineering Article 3 ST 90-29 Project Title, Description, and Location: Bicycle/Pedestrian Program (Handicap Access Ramps - Northwest quadrant of City N/O Base Line Rd. & W/O Archibald Ave.) Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement O Addition, Project Justification: Construction of sidewalks and handicap ramps to improve pedestrian safety. Funding dependent upon award of TDA Article 3 grant. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? No O Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 90/91 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 5,000 TDA Article 3 S 117,000 Construction Cost $ 107,000 Administration Cost $ 5,000 Total Cost $ 117,000 Funds available and/or Amount required first year $ 117,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years $ 0 Balance Required TOTAL r7$117,1000 S 117,000 0 r1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering TDA Article 3 ST 90-36 Project Title, Description, and Location: Bicycle/Pedestrian Program - Sidewalks adjacent to Don Tapia Park Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement O Addition Project Justification: Construction of sidewalks and handicap ramps to improve pedestrian safety in the vacinity of Don Tapia Park. Funding dependent upon award of TDA Article 3 grant. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? Q No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 90/91 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 5,000 TDA Article 3 S 100,000 Construction Cost S 90,000 Administration Cost S 5,000 Total Cost $ 100,000 Funds available and/or $0 Amount required first year $ 100,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL S 100,000 S 100,000 Drainage FacJEtiwanda 19-0637 0 0 REGULAR PAYROLL 0 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 3,985 0 8,926 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) 19 4637 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 2,618 1,841 0 DEPT COUNCIL 0 3,124 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED GENERAL LIABILITY ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 0 DRAINAGE FAC/ETINANDA --- ENGINEERING ADMIN 19 4637 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 0 6,934 0 0 3,985 0 8,926 0 0 19 4637 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 2,618 1,841 0 0 0 0 3,124 0 0 19 4637 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 8,617 4,550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 4637 8154 ETINANDA STORM DRAINS 27,827 343,787 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 4637 8765 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN 18,375 1,026 0 0 3,000 0 0 0 0 19 4637 8840 BASELINE S.D-W/O 115 0 0 627,000 0 0 572,600 0 0 0 19 4637 XXXX AREA XIV ETINANDA S.D. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 57,497 358,138 627,000 0 6,985 572,600 12,050 0 0 L.J • PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 DEPARTMENT: Fund 19 Ennineerinn Ftiwanrin r)rninnna Position Classification Position Emp. 89/90 Quota Appropriations Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Office Specialist II 9 2134 0.01 0.01 0 195 0 Office Specialist II 11 5679 0.01 0.01 0 211 0 Office Specialist II 12 8682 0.01 0.01 0 199 0 Secretary 53 new 0.01 0 216 0 Senior Engineer 63 3882 0 0 0 0 0 Landscape Designer 17 6363 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 15 7413 0 0 0 0 0 Jr. Engineer' 54 new 0 0 0 0 0 Traffic Engineer 3 6800 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 18 3211 0.01 0.01 0 526 0 Associate Engineer 19 5137 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 28 6312 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 49 8149 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 50 6682 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering Aide 45 152 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering Tech.' 55 new - 0 0 0 0 Senior Engineer 5 5822 0.01 0.01 0 611 0 Associate Engineer 20 2140 0.01 0.01 0 431 0 Associate Engineer 21 5275 0.01 0.01 0 526 0 Associate Engineer 22 5700 0.01 0.01 0 501 0 Assistant Engineer 29 2641 0.01 0.01 0 390 0 Assistant Engineer 51 4687 0.01 0.01 0 371 0 Jr. Engineer 32 2020 0.01 0.01 0 368 0 Engineering Tech. 36 561 0.01 0.01 0 257 0 Engineering Aide 46 5800 0.01 0.01 0 257 0 Engineering Aide 52 128 0.01 0.01 0 221 0 Assistant Engineer 56 new - 0.01 0 353 0 Public Works Engineer 6 6350 0.01 0.01 0 579 0 Spr Public Works Insp ' 30 4900 0.01 0.01 0 449 0 Public Works Insp.11" 37 115 0.01 0.01 0 386 0 Public Works Insp.11" 38 1075 0.01 0.01 0 386 0 Public Works Insp. 43 2727 0.01 0.01 0 341 0 Jr. Engineer 33 480 0.01 0.01 0 346 0 Pblc Wrks Insp.11' 64 New - 0.01 NIR 301 0 Subtotal 8,421 0 Merit Contingency: 505 0 Subtotal: 8,926 0 Fringe Benefits 3,124 0 Subtotal: 12,050 0 Part-time 0 0 TOTAL 12,050 0 t Proposed reclassification of an Office Assistant to Senior Office Assistant "Positions funded using Special Funds 'Proposed New Position N/R Not Recommended COST CENTER DETAICWORKSHEET 1990191 • Department/Division: Program: Account Number: Department City Mgr. En Ineerin Etiwanda Drainage Fund 19 ProDosed Pro osed M Descri tion of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Bud et Re ular Pa roll 8826 0 Overtime Pa roll Frin a Benefits & 35% 3124 0 Maintenance & Operations 3960 General Llabili 1% of Operations 0 0 6028 Contract Services 7044 Capital Expenditures TOTAL 12050 0 Park Development 20.4532 r N PARK DEVELOPMENT ---COMM SERV ADMIN 20 4532 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 0 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 0 133,479 0 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) 147,710 20 4532 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 0 0 DEPT COUNCIL 44,074 44,074 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED 20 4532 ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NGR 1990/91 80,091 PARK DEVELOPMENT ---COMM SERV ADMIN 20 4532 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 0 0 125,924 7,555 0 133,479 0 136,168 147,710 20 4532 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 0 0 44,074 0 44,074 44,074 0 47,659 51,699 20 4532 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 44,876 52,601 80,091 0 80,091 80,091 0 102,736 102,736 20 4532 8001 PARK SITE ACQUISITION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 4532 8004 HERMOSA PARK DEVELOPMENT 35,741 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 4532 8005 ARROW PK.DEV.BEAR GULCH PARK 453 704 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 4532 8006 LIONS PARK TENNIS COURTS 587 2,619 160,150 33,652 61,582 193,802 0 0 0 20 4532 8007 BERYL PARK TENNIS COURTS 14,657 10,390 232,805 273,436 90,600 506,241 0 0 0 20 4532 8008 CUCAMONGA CREEK/TRAILS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 4532 8011 CENTRAL PARK ACQUISITION 3,042 248 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 4532 8012 RED HILL COMMUNITY PARK 403 (3,384) 0 0 2,633 0 0 0 0 20 4532 8013 CHURCH STREET PARK 453 704 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 4532 8014 WINDROWS PARK 453 704 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 4532 8015 WEST BERYL PARK 26,563 6,389 2,452,800 0 19,788 2,452,800 0 0 0 20 4532 8016 ALMOND TRAIL -DESIGN 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 4532 8017 VICTORIA GROVES PARK 453 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 4532 8018 R C VILLA SEWER LINE ACCESS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 4532 8611 NORTH TOWNE PARK 19,629 52,927 613,200 0 319,738 613,200 0 0 0 20 4532 8632 SPRUCE AVENUE PARK 453 704 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 4532 8633 COYOTE CANYON PARK 453 704 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 4532 8761 N/E COMMUNITY PARK 5,600 683,925 149,925 0 305,949 749,925 0 0 0 20 4532 8768 HARD COURT RETROFIT 0 0 52,000 0 0 52,000 0 0 0 20 4532 8769 CENTRAL PARK DESIGN/E 24,364 24 622,500 0 64 622,500 0 0 0 20 4532 8770 CREEKSIDE PARK 4,396 250 412,500 0 0 472,500 0 0 0 20 4532 8771 BACKSTOP RELOCATIONS 7,392 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 4532 8772 LIGHTING MODIFICATION 6,213 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 4532 8803 PARK REST SIGNS 0 1,813 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 4532 8806 REO HILL HERITAGE BALLFIELO 0 930 76,500 0 39,380 76,500 0 0 0 20 4532 8807 RED HILL/HERITAGE SLOPE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63,000 63,000 20 4532 8808 NEIGHBORHOOD PARK ACQUISITION 0 99,211 0 0 0 0 0 3,003,000 3,003,000 20 4532 9874 COMMUNITY SERVICES 2,596,602 0 0 0 0 0 • PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 Department: Community Services Division: Park Development Fiscal Year 1990/91 Fund 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Position Quota I Appropriations PositionI -------------------------------------------------------------� Classification jCurrentj Dept. I Mgr. I I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted Title Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. jAdoptedl Rcmd. I Rcmd. I Budget ---------------------I-------I-------I-------I-------I---------I---------I---------� Associate Park Plnr 1 100$1 100$j 100$1 100$1 $44,424 1 $44,424 1 $49,824 Assist Park Planner 1 100$1 100%1 100$ 100$1 $31,296 1 $31,296 1 $34,958 1 Park Ping/Dev Supt 1 0%1 100$ 100$ 100$1 $53,964 1 $53,964 1 $55,884 Subtotal 1 1$119,684 1$129,684 1$140,616 Merit Contingency 1 1 $6,484 1 $6,484 1 $7,034 1 Subtotal 1 1$136,168 1$136,168 1$147,710 Fringe Benefits 1 1 $47,659 1 $47,659 1 $51,698 1 Total 1 1$183,827 1$183,827 1$199,408 • 0 0 0 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET 1990/91 Department/Division: Program: Account Number: IFiscal Year Community Services Park Development 20-4532 1 1990/91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------� Object No. I Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts I Budget ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1100 IRegular Salary $147,710 1900 JFringe Benefits $51,699 8807 ISlope Planting Heritage/Red Hill $63,000 8808 INeighborhood Park Acquisition $3,003,000 8906 IN/E Community Park Debit Retirement $402,235 8908 ICentral Park Debit Retirement $1,287,900 8923 (Heritage Park Field Renovation $150,000 8924 IN/E Community Park Conceptual $97,000 8924 lRed Hill Park Field Renovation $25,000 6931 JReroofing - Heritage and Red Hill Buildings $123,000 9009 lWilliam Lyon Reimbursement $1,003,000 9010 ISports Lighting Controllers $52,000 1 9011 JGrass Vollyball Courts $11,000 9012 lEtiwanda High School Installation $814,000 9013 JCucamonga Elementary Installation $489,000 9014 18ear Gulch Elementary Installation $23,500 9015 JVarious School Improvements $1,014,000 9016 lCommunity Centers Improvements $230,000 9017 JDon Tibuicio Tapia Park Construction $577,000 9018 IN/E Community Park Purchase $798,000 9019 lHeritage Park Equestrian Safety Course $6,000 9020 INeighborhood Park Design $83,000 9021 JRancho Cucamonga Neighborhood Center $20,000 Subtotal 1$10,273,635 9999 115$ Administration $1,541,045 3960 lGeneral Liability $102,736 Total 1$12,116,825 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT P,EOUEST Department Community Services Fund •Division Park Development 20-4532 Project Title, Description, and Location: William Lyon Reimbursement Priority No. Indicate whether New: v Replacement: or Addition: Irrglect Justirlcation: Reimbursement to the William Lyon Company for dedication of Groves, Kenyon, and Vintage Parks in lieu of fees collected for park development requirement. Ass this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? Other projects or factors directly related to this project: No Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started on_ol Completed 90-41 Estimated Project Costs Amount -Suggested Financial mount 1 Payment 11,000,000. I Park Development Fund Administration 3,000. PDF ---•-• �uuar requsreo riser year already expended Amount required subsequent • ilance Required TOTAL Lequk-e-sted .ccommanded by: Division Head For Managers sex By: (Dapartment Head) 11,000,000. 3,000. 1,003,000. 1,003,000. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Services Fund .Div isioa Park Development 20-4532 Priority No. Project Title, Description, and Location: Sports Lighting Controllers _ Indicate whether New: r Replacement:or Addition: Project Justification: Purchase and installation of microprocessor controllers for user access and City monitoring of sports lighting systems at -various locations. Sas this project been scheduled in a prior c.I.P.T t.JFes ® No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 90-9— 1 completed 90-91 I . Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested linanein$ Amount Purchase and Installation .40,000. PDF Inspection 7,000. PDF Administration 5,0 1 PDF runas available already expended • :lance Required 40,000. 7,000. 5,000. requires rivet year 52,000. required subsequent years _0_ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REMST � Department Fund Division Community Services .Park Development 1 20-4532 Priority No. Project Title, Description, and Location: Grass Volleyball Court Installation Indicate whether New: v Replacement: or Addition: (Project Justification: Installation of Grass Volleyball Courts in existing park facilities. • das this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? =as ® No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 9090-91 Completed Estimstad Project Costs Amount Su`testsd financing Amount Design and Constructionr •2,500. PDF 2,500. Inspection 3,500. PDF I 3,500. I Administration 5,000. I PDF 5,000. Funds available already expanded slant• Required Requested By: requires tsrst year required subsequent years a use: 11,000. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Fund Community Services Division Park Development 1 20-4532 Priority No. • Project Title, Description, and Location: Etiwanda High School' Indicate whether New: x Replacement: or Addition: Project Justification: Renovation of Etiwanda High School to provide lighted ballfields, and soccerfields as well as restroom facilities per City/School Joint Use Agreement • 3as this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? �as ® No Other projects or factors directly reletad to this project: (Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 9090-9-- 1I Completed IEstimated Project Costs Amount Suggested financing Amount Construction 800,000. PDF 800,000. Inspection 7,000. PDF 7,000. Administration 7,000. PDF 7,000. ---•••••-• �aac requarma rsrsc yaws 814,000. already expanded - Amount required subsequent years -0- Iilance Required TOTAL 814,000.. ccommendad By: Division Nead For hanasar • set Requested By: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Services Fund •Division Park Development 20-4532 Priority No. iProject Title, Description, and Location: Cucamonoa Elementary Indicate whether New:. v Replacement: or Addition• irroiecc juatiiication: Renovation of Cucamonga Elementary School to provide ballfields, hardcourts, playfield and parking facilities per City/School Joint Use Agreement. Oiaa this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? �as =No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicata fiscal year project should be: Started 9090-91 Completed Estimatad Project Costs Amunt Suggested Financing Amunt Construction Inspection Administration Funds available and/or already expanded dance Required :commended By: tad By: 475,000. PDF 7,000. PDF 7,000. PDF tmant requiraa drat yaar required subsequent 475,000. 7,000. 7,000. 489,000. -0- 489,000. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Services Fund Division Park Development 20-4532 Priority Na. Project Title. Description, and Location: _. Bear Gulch'Elementary . Indicate vhether New: x Replacement: or Addition- rrvjecc .+uacuicacion: Installation of exercise stations and backstops per City/School Joint Use Agreement. • 4as this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? =as = No Other projects or factors directly related to this pzojeet: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 9090 Completed Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Tisancins Am=; Design and Construction •15,000. PDF 15,000. Inspection 3,500. PDF 3,500. Administration 5,000. PDF 5.000. Funds available and/or Aaount required first year already expended 23,500. Amount required subsequent years i - • alance Required ,Kccommendad BY: a uses 23.500. CAPITAL IMPROVEiMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Fund Community Services Divisd"t Park Development 20-4532 Priority No. • Project Title, Description, and Location: Various School Improvements'. (Indicate whether New: x Replacement:. or Addition: (Project Justification: Installation of improvements at various school facilities per City/School Joint Use Agreements. • las this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? =es ® No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: 90-91 Indieaca fiscal year project should be: Scarred Completed 91-92 IEstimacad Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design and Construction 41000 ,000,000. PDF 1,000,000. Inspection Administration 7,000. 7,000. PDF I PDF 7,000. I 7,000. Funds available and/or Amount required first year 1,014,000. already expanded Amount required subsequent years 503,000. 11 :lance Required TOTAL 1,517,000. f.ccommended By: Division Hand For Managers se: Requestod By: (Department Head) -11- • CAPITAL IMPROVE1•1ENT PROJECT RE9UEST Department Community Services Fund Division Park Development 0-4532 20-4532- Project Project Title, Description, and Location: Community Center Improvements- mprovementsIndicate Indicatewhether New: y Replacement: or Addition: Project Juscification: Improvements at Lions Park Community Center to include the addition of two lobby areas.' Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? as © No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started90909_ Completed Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Fiaancing Amount Design and Construction 225,000. PDF 225,000. Administration 5,000. PDF 51000. Funds available and/or Amount required first year already expended 230,000. Amount required subsequent years 4_ &lance Requirsd TOTAL 230,000. decommended By: Division Read For Managers Use: Requesced By: (Department Need) • CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REM EST Department Fund Community Services Division Park Development 20-4532 • Priority No. Project Title, Description, and Location: Don Tibuicio Tapia Park t'.. Indicate whether Nev: X Replacement: or Addition: rroject Justification: Construction of the three acre Don Tibuicio Tapio Park at the southern terminus of the previously completed trail project and further development of the confluence rest area. fns this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? =as = No Other projects or factors directly related to this projact: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Startedgn9_ Completed on -pi Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Construction 550,000. RCPDF Inspection 20,000. RCPDF 550,000: Administration 7,000. RCPDF 20,000. 7,000. Funds available and/or Amount required first year already expanded 577,000. Amount required subsequent years ' dance Roquired TOTAL 577,000. .ccommsnded By: Divlsioa Hsed For !tanager, s Use: Requested By: (Department Head) _'Io— CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT RE9UEST Department Community Services Fund Division park Development 20-45 • Project Title, Description, and Location: N/E Community Park Conceptual Priority No. Indicate whether New: x Replacement: or Additions , wi-4 jusruuarlon: Development of a Conceptual Design for the 53 acre community park. Design to include a community center, various lighted sports fields, and other amenities as identified by a community design task force. .las this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? Other projects or factors directly related to this project: No Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 90-91— 90_91 I Completed 11 Estimated Project costs Amount Suggested rinancin; I Amount Conceptual Design 90,000. RCPDF Administration 7,000. 1 RCPDF Funds available already expended :lance Required :commended By: quested By: required first year required subsequent years 90,000. 7,000. 97,000. M 97,000. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Fund Community Services Division Park Development 1 20-4532 Priority No. j • Project Title, Description, and Location: N/E Community Park Purchase Indicate whether New: Replacement: or Addition: Project Justification: Purchase of the 15.145 acre parcel to complete the acquisition totaling 53.205 acres for Northeast Community Park. Purchase will complete the final general plan community park design. • 9as this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? =as = No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 90-91 Completed 90-91 Estimated Project Costs Amount 'Suggested Financing I Amount Land Acquisition Administration 1% Funds available already expanded &lance Raquired ecommended By: Requested By: or 795,000.I RCPDF 1795,000. 3,000. RCPDF 3,000. requaraa rirsc year 798,000. required subsequent years -0- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Fund Community Services • Division Park Development 20-4532 lPrLority No. Project Title, Description, and Location: Equestrian .Safety Course. Indicate whether New:. Replacement: or Addition: Irroject Juatlfication: Installation of equestrian safety course at Heritage Community Park •Ass this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? L�JYa1 ® No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Construction Administration Funds available already expanded 0,lance Required .-cconsiended BY: 5,000. I RCPDF 3,000. RCPDF Head requires rirsc year required subsequent years 5,000. 3,000. 8,000. -0- 8,000. Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 90-9_��90-91 Completed Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested financing Amount Construction Administration Funds available already expanded 0,lance Required .-cconsiended BY: 5,000. I RCPDF 3,000. RCPDF Head requires rirsc year required subsequent years 5,000. 3,000. 8,000. -0- 8,000. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Services Fund .Division Park Development 20-4532 Priority No. Project Title, Description, and Location: Neighborhood Park Land Acquisition Indicate whether New: X Replacement: or Addition: : Project Justification: Purchase of land for neighborhood park sites. Areas of target are: Southwest region, North central region, and Northwest region. • .faa this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? Yes No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 90-91 Completed 91-92 IEstimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Initial Acquisition 13,000,000 Total Cost Unknown Administration 3,000 already expended • ,lance Required Y: RCPDF 13,000,000. RCPDF 3,000. required first year • 3,003,000. required subsequent years 1,503,000. 4,506,000. CAPITAL IMPROVEMEW PROJECT REQUEST DepartmentFund Community Services •Division Park Development 20-4532 Priority No. Project Title, Description, and Location: _ Neighborhood Park Design. Indicate whether New: Replacement: or Additions laroject Justification: Development of conceptual and construction drawings for a future neighborhood park (actual location as yet unknown) • :Sas this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? �as ® No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 90-91 _ Completed Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount DesignI 3, '80,000 . 000 I RCPDF 180,000. Administration RCPDF 3,000. runas avaitaoae annior Amount requited first year 83,000. already expanded - Amount required subsequent rears 43,000. • Slane. Required TOTAL 126,000. ftcconosaded By: Division KsadY For Manager's Use: Requested By: .(Department Head) _11_ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT RE9UEST Department Fund Community Services Division Park Development 20-4532 Priority No. • Project Title, Description, and Location: Slope Planting Heritage and Red..Mjl-':PaFks _ Indicate whether New: Replacement: or Addition: Project Justification: Per the request of the engineering department, funds to repland the 2:1 slopes at Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks. *Ass this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? Other projects or factors directly related to this project: No Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 9090-9— 1 Completed Estimated Project cents Amount I Suggested Financing Amount Materials and Installation 60,000. RCPDF 60,000. Administration 3,000. RCPDF 3,000. Funds available and/or Amount required first year 63,000. already expanded - Amount required subsequent years -0_ lilance Required TOTAL By: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Services Fund Division Park Development 20-4532 Priority No. iProject Title, Description, and Location: Reroofing Heritage and Red Hill'Buildings Indicate whether Nov: Replacement: or Addition: Project Justification: Per the request of the engineering division, funds to reroof the restroom, maintenance and equestrian buildings. • Ass this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? Yes � No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 90-91 Completed Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Construction Administration runas avaitaole already e:pesded •ilance Required .,cco�nded 8v: Requested By: •120,000I RCPDF 3,000. RCPDF 120,000 3,000. or Amount required first year • 123,000. Amount required subsequent years _0 - talent -11- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT RE9UEST Department rl�d Community Services Division Park Development 20-4532 Priority No. Project Title, Description, and Location: N/E Community Park Debit Retirement =` Indicate whether New: Replacement: or Addition: irrojecc Jusciticacion: For retirement of certificates of participation to purchase land for N/E Community Park. des this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? Other projects or factors directly related to this project: No Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89-90 1998 Completed Estimated Project Coats Asount 'Suggested riaaaela5 Aaount Debit Retirement 2,875,000. RCPDF 402,235. Funds available already enpesded dance Required :commended by: cod By: raquaraa tirsc year required subsequent yurs 402,235. 487,710 889,945. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Division partment Fund Community Services Park Development 20-4532 Priority No. • oject Title. Description, and Location: Central Park Debit Retirement _ Indicate whether New: Replacement: of Additions Project Justification: For retirement of certificates of participation for purchase of land for Central Park. •.las this project been schedulad in a prior c.I.p.t =as No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Scatted 89-90 � Completed 1994 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Debit Retirement ' 6,390,000. -1 RCPDF Funds available already expended &lance Required Requested By: -11- 1,287,900. required first year 1,287,900. required subsequent years 1,290,853. s 75 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Fund Community Services Division Park Development 20-4532 Priorit? No. • Project Title, Description, and Location: Heritage Park (Indicate whether New: x Replacement: or Addition: Irro]ecc Justiilcation: Per the request of the engineering division, the renovation and upgrade of the east side little league and soccer fields. .las this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? �jX Yas = No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Startedgn-91 Completed gn_gt I Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Iinancinf Amount Construction Funds available already expanded dance Required quested By: or 150,000. 1 PDF �wpr raqusrso rarsc Year Amount required subsequent TOTAL Fat Mssagsr s Uses 31 150,000. 150,000. -0- 150,000. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Services Fund Division Park Development 20-4532 Priority No. Project Title, Description, and Location: Red Hill Paris - Indicate whether News Replacement:or Addition: Project Justification: Per the request of the engineering division, Baseball field Renovation of the little league and senior fields (includes completion of little league field fencing). �dss this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? [=as No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 90-91 Completed 90-91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Sugammod Fimaacias Amount Construction Funds available already expended ilance Raquired ecommaadad BY: Requestad By: or •25,000. 1 RCPDF rsquarss :asst yeas required subsequent 25,000. 25,000. -0- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT RE9UEST Department Fund Community Services Divillob Park Development 20-4532• Priority No. is Project Title, Description, and Location: Rancho Cucamonga Neighborhood•Center Indicate whether New: Replacement: or Addition: Irra,;scc duatlLication: Per the request of the engineering division, installation of handicap ramps and handrails. .ias this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? Other projects or factors directly related to this project: No (Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 90-9190-91 I Completed IEstimated Project Costs Asouat Su`tested.Finaneing Amount Installation I . 20,000. I RCPDF 20,000. Funds available and/or Amount required first year already expended 20,000. Amount required subsequent years Llance Required TOTAL 20,000. �..ctommended By: Divialoa Nead For managers Uses Requested By: (Department Head) -11- Beautification 214647 • 0 REGULAR PAYROLL 60,533 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 45,581 0 125,794 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) 80,411 21 4647 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 25,425 29,074 DEPT COUNCIL 0 0 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED 21 4647 ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 0 BEAUTIFICATION ---MAINTENANCE 21 4647 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 60,533 89,714 0 0 45,581 0 125,794 74,554 80,411 21 4647 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 25,425 29,074 0 0 0 0 44,028 25,094 28,144 21 4647 3931 VEHICLE MAINT.6 OPERATIONS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 4647 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 40,277 20,431 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 4647 8046 CARNELIAN AVE. LANDSCAPE 357 17,091 5,000 (16,124) 84,514 48,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 21 4647 8047 BASELINE BEAUTIFICATION 81,963 13,328 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 4647 8135 ARCHIBALD AVE. BEAUTIFICATION 53,592 10,097 0 0 0 2,000 1,000 1,000 11000 21 4647 8136 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 1647 8137 FOOTHILL BLVD. DESIGN ELEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 4647 8138 HAVEN BEAUTIFICATION/MEDIANS 1,489,735 672,900 0 0 953 0 0 0 0 21 4647 8601 HERMOSA AVE. UNDERGROUND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 4647 8615 HERMOSA AVE. UNDERGROUND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 4647 8623 OPAL ST. MALL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 4647 8624 ETIWANOA CURB 50,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 4647 8118 MILLIKEN 6 6TH ST. ME 0 43,412 3,000 0 107 7,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 21 4647 8119 ENTRY MONUMENTS 43,052 57,890 246,000 (15,000) 2,782 305,500 122,000 122,000 122,000 21 4647 8720 19TH ST./SAPPHIRE-HERMOSA 24,505 2,747 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 4647 8721 HERMOSA NORTH OF LEMON 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 4647 8722 ROCHESTER/FOOTHILL TO 0 197 0 0 (30) 0 0 0 0 21 4547 8723 MISC. BRIDAL TRAIL 33,855 114,923 0 (4,541) 633 (4,541) 0 0 0 21 4647 8724 HAVEN PKWY STUDY CITY 22,494 34,582 0 0 9,870 0 0 0 0 21 4647 0725 CHURCH ADJ. TO JR. HIGH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 4647 8778 CITY-WIDE TREE INVENTORY 0 98,498 10,000 (9,000) 5,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 21 4647 8786 19TH 0 ARCHIBALD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 4547 8787 19TH 0 HERMOSA 0 476 0 0 2,190 0 0 0 0 21 4647 8788 19TH 0 WEST LIMIT 0 1,510 0 0 2,170 0 0 0 0 21 4647 8789 19TH BEAUTIFICATION STUDY 0 1,042 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 4647 8790 ARCHIBALD PARKWAY IMPROVEMENT 0 2,236 2,000 14,050 2,562 2,000 0 0 0 21 4647 8791 BASELINE-HELLMAN-ARCHIBALD 0 4,934 5,000 0 2,097 1,000 0 0 0 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT 0 • 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCA14ONGA 21 4547 8792 BASELINE-RAMONA-TEAK 21 4647 8793 BASELINE W/O CARNELIAN 21 4647 8794 HAVEN MEDIANS III 21 4647 8795 HAVEN MEDIANS IV 21 4647 8796 NOTE VISTA MEDIANS 21 4647 8814 MILLIKEN MED IMP/4TH 21 4647 8822 88/89 ETINANDA COBBLE 21 4647 8842 VINEYARD/CARNELIAN PKWY STUDY 21 4647 9843 BASELINE PARKWAY 6 MEDIAN 21 4647 8844 BASELINE PARKWAY IMP/ARCH 21 4647 0845 SAPPHIRE TRAIL RETROFIT 21 4647 8871 8EAUT MST PLAN/FEE NEXUS STUD 21 4647 8932 MONTE VISTA MED IMP 21 4647 8933 CARR $T WEST/VINE-BASELINE 21 4647 8934 VINEYARD AVE PKY/SAN ENDO RD 21 4647 8935 ROCHESTER EAST-FOOTHILL/BASE 21 4647 ARROW RT PKY STDY 21 4647 BASELINE ENTRY 0 E 21 4647 K%KX 4TH ST GATEWAY PROJECTS 21 4647 HAVEN PRY IMPROV DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53,266 5,000 13,000 30,047 42,600 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 1,010,339 5,000 137,250 260,101 130,100 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 150,000 (165,158) 1,575 7,000 0 0 0 0 431 0 0 850 0 0 0 0 0 9,900 390,000 (26,000) 7,844 137,000 211,000 211,000 211,000 0 0 2,000 33,210 1,320 42,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 28,200 1,500 2,800 0 0 0 0 14,043 2,000 0 3,476 5,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 1,000 10,000 0 1,000 0 0 0 0 2,613 51000 100,844 74,208 126,700 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 40,000 0 37,000 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 0 0 1,000 30,000 38,000 38,000 0 0 20,000 0 0 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 260,000 0 14,661 74,000 285,000 285,000 285,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1,926,598 2,305,734 1,150,000 140,731 554,092 994,259 836,822 767,648 775,555 • • PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 DEPARTMENT: Fund 21 Enaineerina Beautification Position Classification Position Emp. 89/90 Quota Appropriations Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Office Specialist II 9 2134 0.04 0.04 0 780 0 Office Specialist II 11 5679 0.11 0.04 0.01 845 236 Office Specialist II 12 8682 0.04 0.04 0.01 796 228 J Secretary 53 new - 0.06 0.01 1293 227 Senior Engineer 63 3882 0 0 0 0 0 Landscape Designer 17 6363 0.8 0.8 0.8 32323 36077 Associate Engineer 15 7413 0 0 0.01 0 532 Jr. Engineer' 54 new 0 0 0.01 0 323 J Traffic Engineer 3 6800 0.03 0.03 0.01 1834 682 Associate Engineer 18 3211 0.05 0.05 0.01 2632 559 Associate Engineer 19 5137 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 28 6312 0.01 0.01 0.01 453 481 Assistant Engineer Assistant Engineer 49 50 8149 6682 0.01 0.06 0.01 0.06 0.01 0.06 353 2119 375 2250 Engineering Aide 45 152 0.02 0.02 0.02 442 556 Engineering Tech.' 55 new - 0.02 0.02 627 0 Senior Engineer 5 5822 0.1 0.1 0.05 6113 3327 t/J Associate Engineer 20 2140 0.11 0.11 0.05 4743 2406 j Associate Engineer 21 5275 0.11 0.11 0.05 5790 2794 Associate Engineer 22 5700 0.11 0.11 0.05 5508 2739 1j Assistant Engineer 29 2641 0.11 0.11 0.05 4293 2177 V Assistant Engineer 51 4687 0.11 0.11 0.05 4084 1970 J Jr. Engineer 32 2020 0.11 0.11 0.05 4043 1614 d Engineering Tech. 36 561 0.11 0.11 0.05 2823 1536 Engineering Aide 46 5800 0.11 0.11 0.05 2823 1505 Engineering Aide 52 128 0.11 0.11 0.05 2431 / 1390 v, Assistant Engineer 56 new - 0.11 0.05 3885 1875 Public Works Engineer 6 6350 0.07 0.07 0.05 4050 3165 Spr Public Works Insp ' 30 4900 0.13 0.13 0.05 5833 2430 J Public Works Insp.11" 37 115 0.13 0.13 0.05 5023 1894 d Public Works Insp.11" 38 1075 0.13 0.13 0.05 5023 2092 Public Works Insp. 43 2727 0.02 0.02 0.01 682 392 Jr. Engineer 33 480 0.09 0.09 0.02 3116 750 d Pblc Wrks Insp.11' 64 New - 0.13 N/R 3914 0 Subtotal 118,674 76,582 Merit Contingency: 5,934 3,829 Subtotal: 124,608 80,411 Fringe Benefits 43,613 28,144 Subtotal: 168,221 108,555 Part-time 0 0 TOTAL 168,221 108,555 t Proposed reclassification of an Office Assistant to Senior Office Assistant "Positions funded using Special Funds Pro osed New Position N/R Not Recommended • COST CENTER DETAAORKSHEET 1990/91 Department/Division: Program: En ineerin Beautification Account Number: Fund 21 Department ProDosed City Mgr. ProDosed Obiect No. I Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Bud et 1100 Re ular Pa roll 125794 80411 1200 Overtime Payroll 1900 Frincia Benefits & 35% 44028 28144 3900 Maintenance & operations 3960 General Liabili 1% of Operations 0 0 6028 Contract Services 7044 Capital Expenditures TOTAL 169822 1 108555 • • CAPITAL, INIPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: - Priority No. Division: Engineering Beautification BT 88-10 Project Title, Description, and Location: Milliken Avenue Parkway and Median Beautification Study - Southern City Limit to Northern City Limit Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Inventory of existing conditions and development of design guidelines. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 0 Beautification S 2,000 Construction Cost S 0 Administration Cost s 0 Complete Study S 7,000 Total Cost S 7,000 Funds available and/or S 5,000 Amount required first year S 2,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL S 2,000 S 2,000 CAPITAL 1IMPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priori[v No.. Division: Engineering Beautification - BT 88-21 Project Title, Description, and Location: 6th Street Median Beautification Study - Haven to old Rochester Indicate whether: Q New Q Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Inventory of existing conditions and development of design guidelines. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 0 Beautification S 1,000 Construction Cost $ 0 Administration Cost S 0 Complete Study $ 3,000 Total Cost S 3,000 Funds available and/or S 2,000 Amount required first year S 1,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required$ TOTAL 1,000 S 1,000 • C� 11 CAPITAL. DAPROVEMENT PROTECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Beautification BT 88.06 Project Title, Description, and Location: Haven Avenue Gateway Entry Monument at Fourth Street - East Side Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: For city identity, monument walls with appropriate landscaping to be installed. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 5,000 Beautification S 1,000 Construction Cost $ 230,000 Administration Cost S 11,500 Total Cost S 246,500 Funds available and/or S 245,500 Amount required first year S 1,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL S 1,000 $ 1,000 CAPITAL, IMPROVE-IENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority Division: Engineering Beautification BT 88-i1 Project Tide, Description, and Location: Milliken Avenue Gateway Entry Monument @ Fourth Street - East Side Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement Q Addition. Project Justification: For City identity, monument walls with appropriate landscaping to be installed. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: BT 88-30 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 51000 Beautification S 121,000 Construction Cost S 115,000 Administration Cost S 6,000 ' Total Cost $ 126,000 Funds available and/or S 5,000 Amount required first year S 121,000 already expended I Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL 5 121,000 S 121,000 • L� CAPITAL I IPROVEMEtiT PROJECT REQLEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priori[y No. Division: Engineering Beautification BT 8807 Project Title, Description, and Location: Archibald Parkway Beautification Study • Southern City Limit to Northern City Limit Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Conduct study of beautification needs and design elements for Archibald Avenue Parkways. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 0 Beautification $ 1,000 Construction Cost S 0 Administration Cost $ 0 Complete Study $ 3,000 Total Cost S 3,000 Funds available and/or S 2,000 Amount required first year $ 1,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years $ 0 Balance Required TOTAL $ 1,000 r 1 1,000 1 CAPITAL LMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering _ Beautification P,;ority •,Io . Project Title, Description, and Location: Carnelian Street East Side Parkway Beautification Improvements - Vineyard Avenue to Base Line Road Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Beautification of barren parkways, and relandscaping of existing areas Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No 0 Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: DR 88-19, ST 88-46 / Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project CostsAmount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost so Beautification S 1,000 Construction Cost $ 11,000 Administration Cost S 38,550 Total Cost S 49,550 Funds available and/or S 48,550 Amount required first year S 1,000 already expended I Amount required subsequent years 5 0 Balance Required TOTAL S 1,000 0 0 0 CAPITAL VvIPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Beautification MP 88-05 Project Title, Description. and Location: City Wide Tree Inventory & Management Program. Project delayed due to lack of funding. Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Inventory off all City trees including size, type, location and condition. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No QQ Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 0 Beautification $ 2,000 Construction Cost $ 0 Administration Cost $ 0 Complete Study $ 2,000 On-going Updates $ 0 Total Cost S 2,000 Funds available and/or S 0 Amount required first year S 2,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL S 2,000 $ 2.000 CAPITAL INIPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering I Beautificarinn .Project Title, Description, and Location: i Baseline Road Parkway Beautification Improvements - West City Limits to Carnelian Indicate whether: Q New Q Replacement QQ Addition Priority No. BT 88-13 Project Justification: Parkway wall reconstruction, lighting, and landscaping in accordance with the Landscape Master Plan for Baseline Road Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: • Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 0 Beautification S. 1,000 Construction Cost $ 5,000 Administration Cost $ 1,000 Total Cost I S 6,000 Funds available and/orI S 5,000 I Amount required first year I S 1,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years I S 0 Balance Required I S 1,000 1 TOTAL I 5 1,000 • •I CAPITAL B PROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Beautification Priority No. BT 88-03 Project Title, Description, and Location: Haven Avenue Median Improvements, Phase III - South of Lemon Avenue to North of Wilson Avenue. Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Median Improvements from Lemon Avenue to Wilson Avenue. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P ? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 0 Beautification S 1,000 Construction Cost $ 100,000 Administration Cost S 31,700 Total Cost $ 131,700 Funds available and/or S 130,700 Amount required first year S 1,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance RequiredS TOTAL 1,000 S 1,000 a • CAPITAL LMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering - Beautification Priority No. BT 88-30 Project Title, Description, and Location: Milliken Median Improvements - 4th Street to Sixth Street Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Beautification of existing barren medians from 4th to 6th, includes landscaping and irrigation per Milliken Avenue Beautification Study. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: BT 88-11 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 8,000 Beautification $ 211,000 Construction Cost $ 205,000 Administration Cost $ 6,000 Total Cost S 219,000 Funds available and/or S 8,000 Amount required first year S 211,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL $ 211,000 S 211,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department. Community Development Fund: Division: En meerin Prioritv No. g g Beautification BT 88.27 • Project Title, Description, and Location: Baseline Road Parkway and Median Beautification Study - Haven Avenue to Eastern City Limits Indicate whether: O New Q Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Inventory of existing conditions and development of design guidelines. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggeste Design Cost $ 0 Beautification Construction Cost $ 0 Administration Cost S 0 Complete Study I S 2,000 Total Cost 1 $ 2,000 Funds available and/orI $ 0 already expended Q Yes Completed 90/91 Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years Amount $ 2,000 S 2,000 Balance Required I S 2,000 1 TOTAL I S 2,000 CAPITAL EvIPROVEAIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Beautification • Project Title, Description, and Location: Monte vista Median Improvements, East of Eastwood Indicate whether: O New Q Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Beautification of paved medians, including landscape and irrigation. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggeste Design Cost $ 2,000 Beautification Construction Cost S 31,000 Administration Cost $ 6,000 Total Cost I S 39,000 Funds available and/orI S 0 already expended Q Yes Completed 90/91 Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years Priority No. BT 88-23 Amount S 38,000 S 38,000 S 1,000 Balance Required 1 $ 39,000 1 TOTAL I S 39,000 CAPITAL I.VIPROVEVIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Beautification •BT 88-22 Project Title, Description, and Location: Rochester East Side Parkway Beautification Improvement - Foothill Blvd to Base Line Road Indicate whether: O New O Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Beautification of barren parkways; includes landscaping & irrigation with possible wall improvements. Dependent on annexations to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggeste Design Cost S 20,000 Beautification Construction Cost S 270,000 Administration Cost $ 15,000 Total Cost I S 305,000 Funds available and/orI S 20,000 already expended Q Yes Completed 88/89 Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years Amount 3 285,000 S 285,000 S0 Balance Required I S 285,000 1 TOTAL I S 285,000 Systems Development 22-0637 I r 0 0 REGULAR PAYROLL • BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 0 87,253 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) 261,827 275,159 291,599 22 1637 1900 DEPT COUNCIL 58,989 55,153 87-08 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED 0 ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/09 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 103,110 SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT ---ENGINEERING ADMIN 22 1637 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 110,728 160,793 0 0 87,253 0 261,827 275,159 291,599 22 1637 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 58,989 55,153 0 0 0 0 91,610 96,111 103,110 22 1637 3900 MNINT 6 OPERATIONS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,333 11,333 22 1637 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 56,893 31,065 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 1637 7011 C/O: EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,976 9,976 22 1637 8056 SANTA FE TRACK CONSOLD. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 1637 8115 ARCHIBALD AVE. WIDENING 21,772 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 1637 0117 FOOTHILL/HELLMAN TRAFFIC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 1637 0118 FOOTHILL SIGNAL MODIFICATION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 1637 8119 FOOTHILL TURNER AVE. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 1637 8120 GROVE WIDENING -PHASE 906 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 1637 8121 DROVE WIDENING -PHASE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 1637 8122 ARROW ROUTE RECONSTRUCTION 19,186 619 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 1637 0123 NINTH STREET RECONSTROCTIQN 37,392 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 1637 8121 REIMB.DEVELOPERS IMPROV. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 1637 9126 6TH 6 ARCHIBALD TRAFFIC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 1637 8127 DR 82-08 CHINA ALLEY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 1637 8128 HERMOSA RECONSTRUCTION NO. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 1637 0130 INTERSECTION CONFIG. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 1637 8131 HAVEN/30 STUDY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 1637 8132 BAKER/ARROW STORM DRAIN 12,367 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 1637 8133 BAKER/ARROW 1,917,695 (310,158) 0 0 191,258 0 0 0 0 22 1637 8131 STREET REHAB/VARIOUS 26 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 22 1637 8607 MILLIKEN AVE GRADE SEPARATION 105,565 66,919 5,000 0 572 5,000 0 0 0 22 1631 8612 COMPUTERIZED STAND SPECF SYS 8,963 3,220 0 0 730 0 0 0 0 22 1631 8611 (225) 0 0 0 0 0 22 1637 8610 ARROW RTE RECNSTRCTION 27,560 12,139 0 0 2,195 0 0 0 0 22 1637 8625 BASELINE ROAD 0 1,211 0 2,500 0 -0 0 22 1637 8629 AERIAL MAPPING 299,197 90,193 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 22 1637 0726 BASELINE 0 VICTORIA 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 22 1637 8727 BASELINE 0 ETINANDA 0 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 1637 8729 19TH 0 AMETHYST 3,325 3,279 0 110,217 112,159 110,217 0 0 0 22 1631 8730 BASELINE WIDEN 52,179 111,861 1,150,000 0 217,055 1,027,700 0,500 8,500 8,500 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED -- ACCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 22 4637 8731 BASELINE WIDEN ETIN 95,224 13,895 415,000 0 72,256 467,900 8,500 8,500 8,500 22 4637 0732 BASELINE WIDEN VICTORIA 6,062 54,430 40,000 0 1,782 40,000 165,000 165,000 165300 22 4637 8733 BASELNE WIDEN ARCHB 40,111 (14,145) (14,145) 0 0 0 22 1637 8734 ARCH18ALD REALIGN 19TH 25,835 (10,690) (10,690) 0 0 0 22 4637 8735 ARROW WIDEN ARCHIBALD 210,902 111,008 1,513,000 (6,936) 1,186,261 901,000 1,700 1,700 1,700 22 1631 8736 ARROW WIDEN BAKER 33,411 65,334 5,000 0 1,364 5,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 22 4637 0730 ARROW BRIDGE WIDEN 4,190 14,027 2,000 23,396 34,883 14,000 59,000 59,000 59,000 22 4637 8739 SANYOR EXTEN ARCH18ALD 22,223 4,917 5,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 22 4637 8742 R.R. XING GRANT APPL 12,831 21,706 0 0 9,696 0 0 0 0 22 4637 8743 19TH IMPROV N. LIMITS 47,026 37,739 5,000 324,433 3,909 420,900 0 0 0 22 4637 8711 19TH IMPROVTS HERMOSA 55,656 44,871 362,000 0 14,940 18,100 406,000 406,000 406,000 22 4637 8115 19TH IMPROV. BERYL 19,512 104,920 910,000 (110,217) 29,181 39,000 815,000 815,000 815,000 22 4637 8116 19TH 0 HAVEN INTERSECTION 4,843 359,423 2,000 73,535 95,153 85,000 0 0 0 22 1637 8711 9,039 0 0 0 0 0 22 4637 8118 HILLSIDE IMP MALACHITE 32,590 104,006 0 1,515 1,946 1,515 0 0 0 22 4637 0749 AMETHYST RECON. 19TH 5,200 257 5,000 0 7,662 261,400 1,000 1,000 1,000 22 4637 8750 ARCHIBALD RR XING 16,672 0 0 0 0 0 22 4637 8751 GROVE RRXING 6 INTERSCTION 55,524 89,640 0 0 250 0 0 0 0 22 4637 8752 VINEYARD REHAB FOOTH (16,854) 0 0 0 0 0 22 4637 8753 CHURCH IMPROV ARCHIBALD 0 36,380 5,000 8,375 16,364 15,000 71,000 71,000 71,000 22 4637 8755 ARCHIBALD WIDEN HIGHL 6,878 160,002 0 12,054 15,185 12,054 0 0 0 22 4637 8756 HILLSIDE RECONST HERM 5,810 4,717 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 4637 0159 UPDATE GEN PLAN 733 9,527 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 4637 8760 BASELINE UNIFORM TRAFFI 114 0 0 0 0 0 22 4631 BB01 ARCHB/HIGHLAND SIG DESIGN 1,640 0 0 0 0 0 22 4637 8841 BASELINE 0 MILLIKEN 0 45,708 30,000 0 0 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 22 4637 8849 HELLMAN R/R XING 0 S PACIF 0 0 190,000 0 0 5,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 22 4637 8850 VINEYARD R/R XING 0 AT 6 SF 0 13,613 5,000 123,333 23,784 5,000 0 0 0 22 4637 8851 HAVEN R/R XING 0 AT&SF 0 9,404 211,000 0 0 5,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 22 4637 8852 19TH ST. S.D. IMP 0 10,375 2,000 0 15,459 2,000 0 0 0 22 4637 0853 VICTORIA IMP -EAST 0 12,899 2,000 0 4,388 2,000 0 0 0 22 4637 8854 AMETHYST IMP-19TH-HIGHL 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 0 22 4637 8855 NILSON IMP/AMETHYST 0 4,381 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 0 22 4637 8056 ARCHIBALD IMP/S/O/BANY 0 S,995 2,000 0 939 2,000 0 0 0 22 4637 8858 ARROW RT.IMP/HERMOSA 0 6,802 189,700 0 3,393 111,900 4,250 4,250 4,250 22 4631 8936 HAVEN REHAB -4TH N/0 FOOTH 0 841,300 0 0 26,400 209,000 209,000 209,000 22 4637 8937 CARN/VINE REHAB -BASE 0 40,000 (40,000) 0 5,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 22 4637 0930 SIGNAL -19TH 0 BERYL 0 94,000 0 0 91,000 0 0 0 22 4637 8939 SIGNAL -19TH 0 HELLMAN 0 94,000 0 0 94,000 0 0 0 22 4637 8900 SIGNAL -BASE 0 ETINANDA 0 95,000 (95,000) 0 112,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 22 4637 8941 SIGNAL -BASE 0 VICTORIA PK 0 95,000 (95,000) 0 110,400 1,700 1,700 1,700 22 4637 8942 SIGNAL -INTER -FOOTHILL 0 ROCH 0 0 490,000 (70,435) 0 362,800 595,000 595,000 595,000 22 4637 8943 SIGNAL -BASELINE 0 ROCHESTR 0 0 95,000 0 0 106,250 0 0 0 22 4637 8911 SIGNAL -19TH 0 HERMOSA 0 95,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 0 22 4637 8945 SIGNAL -ARROW 0 HERMOSA 0 88,000 0 0 97,000 850 850 850 22 4637 8946 UPGRADE SIGNAL -FOOTHILL 0 HA 0 50,000 0 0 23,100 0 0 0 22 4637 GROVE 6 SPRR 0 0 0 0 22 4537 EAST AVE 0 SPRR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT 22 4637 ARROW 0 SFRR 22 4637 BAKER 0 SFRR 22 4637 ROCHESTER 0 SFRR 22 4637 HAVEN 0 SPRR 22 4637 BANYAN-E.WOOD/HELLMAN 22 4637 HGHLND-HRNOSA/MYBRY 22 4537 GROVE N/0 8TH/FTHL 22 4637 9022 RCHSTR-VICTORIA P.L. 22 4637 AMETH.H/0 HLSD/ALMO 22 4637 HAVEN-FTHL/CHURCH 22 4637 WILSON-HERMOSA/MYBRY 22 4637 TRUCK RT SIGNAGE 22 4637 SIG: ARROW 0 GROVE 22 4537 SIG: GROVE 0 SAN BNOO 22 4637 9023 BANYAN ST BRIDGE 0 DEERCREEK 22 4637 WILSON ST BRIDGE 0 DEERCREEK 22 4537 CUCAMONGA CREEK BRIDGE 22 4637 SIG: 9TH 0 GROVE DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 50,000 $0,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 170,000 170,000 170,000 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 3,484,694 1,815,004 7,137,000 234,435 2,214,063 4,643,401 2,960,667 3,000,379 3,026,218 • 0 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 DEPARTMENT: Fund 22 En neerinn gvefams �.. ...__.... Position Classification _ __.- Position Emp. 89/90 Quota ADDroDriations Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # I Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Office Specialist II 9 2134 0.13 0.13 0 2537 0 / Office Specialist II 11 5679 0.24 0.13 0.13 2747 3073 Office Specialist II 12 8682 0.13 0.13 0.13 2588 2961 d Secretary 53 new - 0.19 0.13 4095 2945 Senior Engineer 63 3882 0 0 0 0 0 Landscape Designer 17 6363 0 0 0 0 0 II Associate Engineer 15 7413 0 0 0.28 0 14885 d Jr. Engineer' 54 new 0 0 0.3 0 9684 Traffic Engineer 3 6800 0.06 0.06 0.06 3668 4093 Associate Engineer 18 3211 0.25 0.25 0.25 13158 13971 Associate Engineer 19 5137 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 28 6312 0.05 0.05 0.1 2266 4812 Assistant Engineer 49 8149 0.05 0.05 0.05 1766 1875 ' Assistant Engineer 50 6682 0.3 0.3 0.3 10595 11250 Engineering Aide 45 152 0.1 0.1 0.1 2210 2780 d Engineering Tech.' 55 new - 0.1 0.15 3133 4608 Senior Engineer 5 5822 0.25 0.25 0.25 15282 16635 J Associate Engineer 20 2140 0.31 0.31 0.31 13366 14917 Associate Engineer 21 5275 0.31 0.31 0.31 16316 17324 Associate Engineer 22 5700 0.31 0.31 0.31 15524 16982 V Assistant Engineer 29 2641 0.31 0.31 0.31 12097 13500 Assistant Engineer 51 4687 0.31 0.31 0.31 11510 12,216 f Jr. Engineer 32 2020 0.31 0.31 0.31 11394 10007 Engineering Tech. 36 561 0.31 0.31 0.31 7957 9523 Engineering Aide 46 5800 0.31 0.31 0.31 7957 9333 Engineering Aide 52 128 0.31 0.31 0.31 6852 8619 ✓ Assistant Engineer 56 new 0.31 0.31 10948 11625 Public Works Engineer 6 6350 0.14 0.14 0.14 8101 8862 V Spr Public Works Insp ' 30 4900 0.33 0.33 0.33 14806 16038 J Public Works ,Insp.11** 37 115 0.33 0.33 0.33 12751 12498 \fit Public Works Insp.11" 38 1075 0.33 0.33 0.33 12751 13809 tv� Public Works Insp. 43 2727 0.07 0.07 0.07 2387 2745 J Jr. Engineer 33 480 024 0.24 0.24 8309 9000 Pblc Wrks Insp.11' 64 New 0.33 N/R 9936 0 Subtotal 247,007 280,570 Merit Contingency: 12,350 14,029 Subtotal: 259,357 294,599 Fringe Benefits 90,775 103,109 Subtotal: 350,132 397,708 Part-time 0 0 TOTAL 350,132 397,708 t Proposed reclassification of an Office Assistant to Senior Office Assistant "Positions funded using Special Funds Pro osed New Position N/R Not Recommended 0 COST CENTER DETAOORKSHEET 1990/91 91 Department/Division: Engineerino Program: I System Development Account Number: Fund22 Department Pro osed City Mgr. Proposed Obiect No. I Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1100 Re ular Payroll 261827 294599 1200 Overtime Payroll 1900 Fringe Benefits & 35% 91639 103110 3900 Maintenance & Operations Computer Software 0 11333 3960 General Liability 1% of Operations 0 0 6028 Contract Services 7044 Ca ital Ex enditures MAC SE 0 2871 MAC 2mb RAM upgrade for SE 0 725 Compaq 386 with Color Monitor, 1mb RAM 387 Math Coprocessor, 5.25 & 3.5 Inch Drives 0 6380 Subtotal 0 9976 TOTAL 353466 419018 CAPITAL. VvIPROVE-IENT PROJECT REQL-EST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering • System 'Development Project Title, Description, and Location: Baseline Rd. Street Improvements Phase 1 - Etiwanda to 1.15 Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Construct roadway widening and median improvements to improve traffic flows. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: DR 88-08, TR 88-07 * . Indicate fiscal year project should be: Stared 87/88 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Design Cost $0 System Development Construction Cost $ 720,000 SB 140 Administration Cost S 80,000 Total Cost I S 800,000 Funds available and/orI S 790,000 already expended Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years Priority No. ST 88.06 Amount S 8,500 S 1,500 S 10,000 S0 Balance Required I S 10,000 1 TOTAL 1 $ 10,000 • 1 I CAPM L. MPROVE`IENT PROJECT REQUEST j Department: Community Developrri Division: Engineering fund: System Development N Priority No. ST Priority Project Title, Description, and Location: Baseline Rd. Street Improvement Phase 2 - Victoria Pk. Ln. to Etiwanda Indicate whether: O New Q Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Construct Roadway widening and median improvements to improve the flow of traffic. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: TR 88-08 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $0 System Development S 8,500 Construction Cost S 240,000 SB 140 $ 1,500 Administration Cost $ 25,000 . R/W $ 150,000 Total Cost 3 415,000 Funds available and/or already expended 3 405,000 Amount required first year s 10,000 Amount required subsequent years S 0 I Balance Required TOTAL 5 10.000 S 10,000 0 CAPITAL LmPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering System Development ST 88-08 Project Title, Description, and Location: Baseline Rd. Street & S.D. Improvement Phase 3 - Rochester to W/O Victoria Pk. Ln. Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Construct roadway widening and median improvements to improve traffic flow. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: DR 88-09, TR 88-13 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 42,000 System Development $ 165,000 Construction Cost $ 750,000 SB 140 S 0 Administration Cost S 97,500 Right -of -Way S 163,000 Total Cost S 1,052,500 Funds available and/or S 40,000 Amount required first year $ 165,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 847,500 Balance Required TOTAL r$1,0112,500 S 1,012,500 CAPITAL. L`IPROVE`fENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Priority `f o. System Development ST ty N • P12 roject Title, Description, and Location: Arrow Rte. Street improvement S/S Phase 2 - Archibald to Hermosa Indicate whether: Q New Q Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Improve street through widening and improvements to bring roadway up to arterial standards. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No 0 Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: TR 88-18, TR 88-19 101 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Design Cost $0 System Development Construction Cost S 300,000 SB 140 Administration Cost S 41,000 Right -of -Way 1 $ 373,000 Total Cost I S 916,000 Funds available and/orI S 914,000 already expended Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years Amount S 1.700 S 300 S 2,000 3d Balance Required I S 2,000 1 TOTAL I S 2.000 C CAPITAL 1IMPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering System ST 88.13 Project Title, Description, and Location: Arrow Rte.; Street Improvement - Baker to Grove Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Widen and construct improvements to improve capacity. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 7,000 System S 2,000 Construction Cost S 655,000 Administration Cost S 91,700 R/W S 170,000 Total Cost S 923,700 Funds available and/or S 5,000 Amount required first year S 2,000 already expended I Amount required subsequent years S 916,700 Balance Required TOTAL 918,700 rs S 918,700 CAPITAL LNPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering FAU ST 88-14 Project Title, Description, and Location: Cucamonga Creek Bridge Widening @ Arrow Rte. Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Widen existing bridge to arterial width. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 16,000 FAU S 332,000 Construction Cost S 347,000 Systems Development S 59,000 Administration Cost $ 59,000 Total Coat $ 422,000 Funds available and/or S 31,000 Amount required first year S 391,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance RequiredS TOTAL 391,000 S 391,000 CAPITAL MPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST � Department: Community Development Division: Engineering Fund: System Development ity No. LST88.03 Project Title, Description, and Location: 19th St. Street Improvement - Archibald to W/O Haven Indicate whether: Q New Q Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Improve street including full widening and rehabilitation for more efficient flow of traffic. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No QQ Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: TR 88-16 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 18,700 System Development S 406,000 Construction Cost S 405,000 SB 140 S 69,000 Administration Cost $ 20,000 Right -of -Way S 50,000 Total Cost S 493,700 Funds available and/or already expended S 18,700 Amount required first year $ 475,000 Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL S 475,000 S 475,000 0 CAPITAL. MPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering System Development - Priority No. ST 88-02 Project Title, Description, and Location: 19th St. Street Improvement - Camelian to W/O Amethyst Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Improve street including full widening and rehabilitation for more efficient flow of traffic. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: DR 88-12, TR 88-04, TR 8"5 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 39,800 System Development S 815,000 Construction Cost $ 846.000 SB 140 $ 120,000 Administration Cost $ 90,000 Total Cost S 975,800 Funds available and/or S 39,800 Amount required first year S 935,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 1,000 Balance Required TOTAL S 936,000 S 936,000 CAPITAL LVIPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering System Development DR 88-12 ' Project Title, Description, and Location: Area II 19th St. S.D. - W/O Amethyst to E/O Hellman Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Provide drainage along 19th Street in coordination with the 19th Street Improvements. Developer reimbursement per Resolution # 90-047 Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-02 ' Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost so System Development s 0 Construction Cost S 0 (See streets for funding) Administration Cost $ 0 Total Cost so Funds available and/or S 0 Amount required first year S 0 already expended Amount required subsequent years s 0 Balance Required TOTAL S 0 S 0 • • CAPITAL. LMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Division: Engineering Fund: System Development Priority No. DR 88.11 Project Title, Description, and Location: Area II Amethyst Ave. S.D. - E/O & W/O Amethyst on 19th St. Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Provide drainage for the intersection of Amethyst @ 19th Improvements. Developer reimbursement per Resolution #90-047. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88.05 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 8 7/8 8 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 0 System Development $ 0 Construction Cost $ 0 (See streets for funding) Administration Cost so Total Cost so Funds available and/or $ 0 Amount required first year S 0 already expended Amount required subsequent years 5 0 Balance Required TOTAL $10 0 r S 0 • CAPITAL. LWROVENIEtiT PROJECT REQUEST Department. Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering System Development ST 88.05 Project Title, Description, and Location: Amethyst Ave. Street & S.D. Improvement @ 19th Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Improve street and storm drain to improve traffic flow and reduce surface flows. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: DR 88-11, TR 88-03 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 1,000 System Development $ 11000 Construction Cost $ 15,000 Administration Cost $ 5,000 Total Cost $ 21,000 Funds available and/or $ 20,000 Amount required first year $ 1,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance RequiredS TOTAL 1,000 S 11000 11 CJ • CAPITAL, VvIPROVENfENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering System Development ST 88-17 Project Title, Description, and Location: Church St. Street Improvement - Archibald to Haven Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Improve existing roadway to City standards. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: DR 88-01 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 18,000 System Development $ 71,000 Construction Cost S 808,000 SB 140 $ 0 Administration Cost $ 81,000 Right -of -Way S 68,000 Total Cost S 975,000 Funds available and/or $ 15,000 Amount required first year S 71,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years $ 889,000 Balance Required TOTAL S 960,000 5 960,000 CAPITAL. LVYROVEMENT PROTECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering System Development ST 88-09 Project Title, Description, and Location: Baseline Rd. @ Milliken Ave. Reimbursement - City Park Frontage Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Ongoing program to reimburse Developers for work on the City Park Frontage. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ' Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $0 System Development S 30,000 Construction Cost $ 0 Administration Cost S 0 Reimbursement $ 30,000 Total Cost S 30,000 Funds available and/or S 0 Amount required first year S 30,000 already expended I Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL r S 30,000 S 30,000 • • CAPITAL LNIPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No'. Division: Engineering System Development RR 88-07 Project Title, Description, and Location: Hellman Ave @ Southern Pacific Railroad crossing & Street Improvement Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Widen Railroad crossing, install rubberized pads, construct ultimate street width, and coordinate with Master Plan Storm Drain construction. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: DR 88-03, DR 88.04 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 8,000 System Development S 2,000 Construction Cost $ 450,000 SB 140 Reimbursement S 0 Administration Cost $ 72,000 Total Cost S 530,000 Funds available and/or S 5,000 Amount required first year $ 2.000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 523.000 Balance Required TOTAL S 525.000 S 525.000 • • • CAPITAL MPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering System Development RR 88.14 Project Title, Description, and Location: Haven Avenue at AT & SF Railroad Crossing Improvement Indicate whether: Q New Q Replacement Q Addition. Project Justification: Widening and rubberized pads installation Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No QQ Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-44 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 8,000 System Development S 3,000 Construction Cost S 360,000 Administration Cost S 62,000 ' Total Cost S 430.000 Funds available and/or S 5,000 Amount required first year S 3,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 422,000 Balance Required TOTAL r S 425,000 4 425.000 0 0 • CAPITAL DAPROVENIEVT PROJECT REQUEST i Department: Community Development Division: Engineering Fund: System Development Priority No. ST 88-37 Project Title, Description, and Location: Arrow Rte. Street Improvement - E/O Hermosa to Haven Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Street widening and rehabilitation to arterial standards. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: TR 88-20 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost So System Development S 4,250 Construction Cost $ 130,000 SB 140 S 750 Administration Cost S 21,500 Right -of -Way S 20,000 Total Cost S 171,500 Funds available and/or already expended S 166,500 Amount required first year $ 5.000 Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL $ 5,000 $ 5,000 L J • �.yrit wt-vtrmUvt'ylt`l FMUJEC:I REQUEST Department: Community Developmen[ Fund: Division: Engineering . FAU Priori[v No. ST SS•34 Project Title, Description, and Location: Haven Ave. Rehabilitation & Widening - Fourth to Foothill Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Application to Federal Government for funding and design of pavement rehabilitation and widening. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P ? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: TR 88.20, TR 88.40, TR 89-09, RR 88-14 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 188,000 FAU S 1,392,000 Construction Cost S 1,533,000 System Development S 209.000 Administration Cost S 120,000 SB 140 S 37,000 Total Cost S 1,841,000 Funds available and/or S 188,000 Amount required first year $ 1,638,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 15,000 Balance Required TOTAL S 1,653,000 S 1,653,000 Ll a CAPITAL LVIPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: TPriority No. Division: Engineering System Development ST 88-46 Project Title, Description, and Location: Carnelian Ave. & Vineyard Ave. Rehabilitation & Widening - Baseline to San Bernardino Indicate whether: O New Q Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Widen and rehabilitate roadway. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No O res Other projects or factors directly related to this project: BT 88-20, BT 89-05, BT 89-07, DR 88-19 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 7,000 System Development S 2.000 Construction Cost $ 490,000 Administration Cost S 78,400 Right -of -Way $ 50,000 Total Cost $ 625,400 Funds available and/or $ 5,000 Amount required first year S 2,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 618,400 Balance Required TOTAL S 620,400 S 620,400 • 0 0 CAPITAL LN PROVE.MENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Systems Development TR 88-04 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - 19th @ Beryl Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict and delay at intersection. (Funded with Street). Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-02 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 0 Systems Development S 0 Construction Cost S 0 SB 140 S 0 Administration Cost S 0 Total Cost so Funds available and/or so Amount required first year $ 0 already expended Amount required subsequent years $ 0 Balance Required TOTAL so S 0 • CAPITAL. LVIPROVEhIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Systems Development TR 88-05 I Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - 19th @ Hellman Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. (Funded with Street). Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-02 IIndicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost So Systems Development S 0 Construction Cost $ 0 SB 140 S 0 Administration Cost $ 0 Total Cost so Funds available and/or $0 Amount required first year S 0 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL so S 0 J 0 CAPITAL LVIPROVEMEtiT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Systems Development TR 88.07 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - Baseline Qa Etiwanda Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 8"6 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost So Systems Development S 1,700 Construction Cost S 100,000 SB 140 S 300 Administration Cost $ 14,700 Total Cost 1 S 114,700 Funds available and/orI S 112,700 I Amount required first year I S 2,000 ed already expend Amount required subsequent years I S 0 1 Balance Required 1 $ 2,000 1 TOTAL I S 2,000 0 CAPITAL, LNIPROVEME T PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Er;ineering Systems' Development TR 88-08 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - Baseline @ Victoria Pk. Ln. Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-07 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount ' Design Cost So Systems Development S 1,700 Construction Cost $ 100,000 SB 140 S 300 Administration Cost S 12,400 , Total Cost S 112,400 Funds available and/or S 110,400 Amount required First year S 2,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL S 2,000 S 2,000 Ll CAPITAL LMEROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering System Development TR 88-09 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal & Intersection Improvements - Foothill @ Rochester Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to improve traffic flow and alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost So System Development S 595,000 Construction Cost $ 580,000 Administration Cost S 15,000 Right -of -Way $ 362,800 Total Cost S 957,800 Funds available and/or S 362,800 Amount required first year S 595,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL $ 595,000 S 595,000 • CAPITAL LWROVEMENT PROJECT PEQUEST Department: Community Development Division: Engineering Fund: Systems Development Priority No. TR 88•l9 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - Arrow @ Hermosa Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-12 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $0 Systems Development S 850 Construction Cost $ 91,000 SB 140 S 150 Administration Cost S 7,000 Total Cost S 98,000 Funds available and/or already expended S 97,000 Amount required first year S 1,000 Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance RegWred TOTAL S 1,000 S 1,000 • 0 CAPITAL VAPROVE,NIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: TprsTrity No., Division: Engineering System Development 88.47 Project Title, Description, and Location: Banyan St. Bridge @ Deer Creek W/O Milliken Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: To allow traffic flow over Deer Creek. Developer reimbursement. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost So System Development $ 170,000 Construction Cost S 170,000 Administration Cost $0 Total Cost S 170,000 Funds available and/or Amount required first year S 170,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL S 170,000 S 170,000 • CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department. Community Development Fund: TPriority No. Division: Engineering System Development So 90-08 Project Title, Description, and Location: Rochester Ave. Street Improvement - Victoria Park Lane to Lark Dr. (N/O High School). Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement O Addition Project Justification: Construct street improvements adjacent to future Rancho Cucamonga High School. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? @ No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 9 0/9 1 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 50,000 System Development S.50,000 Construction Cost S 230,000 Administration Cost $ 20,000 Total Cost $ 300,000 Funds available and/or $0 Amount required first year $ 50,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 250,000 Balance Required TOTAL, S 300,000 S 300,000 Drainage FacJGeneral City, 23-0637 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 • • (ACTUALS TO 12/31/89) CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 8788 FY 08-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST RDEPT EQUEST CITY APPROVED ACCOONi OVED _NCIL _ ACTUAL ___ ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 _________________________ DRAINAGE FAC./GENERAL---ENGINEERING ADMIN __________________ 23 4637 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 41,075 61,295 23 1637 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 0 0 21,893 0 77,255 122,511 97,205 23 4637 3931 VEHICLE MAINT. 6 OPERATION0 16,457 0 11 ,179 0 0 0 27,039 42,090 0 0 0 D 0 34,022 23 4637 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 53,152 66,163 0 0 0 23 1637 8063 MISC. DESIGN 6 PLANNING 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 23 1637 8069 BERYUHELLNAN STORK - 0 p 23 4637 8100 HERMOSA/IURNER IMPROVEMENTS 716010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 4637 8152 DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 4637 8153 FEE REIMBURSEMENTS 0 31,151 0 21000 0 0 0 21,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 23 1637 8I51 Ei1XANDA STORM GRAINS �-' 119,053 162 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 4637 8155 VICTORIA BASIN STUDY 00 1,022 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p p 0 0 0 23 4637 8626 HELLMAN/MONTE STORM DRAIN 21,241 1,235,119 0 23 4637 8631 BAKER/ARRON STORM DRAIN 0 0 105,000 192 105,000 0 0 23 1637 8761 IURNER/HERMOSA p p 0 0 0 p p p 0 23 4637 8762 AREA VII STORM DRAINS 8,322 758,498 89,371 (161, 016) 920,000 (377,500) 20,358 27,400 1,115,000 1,115,000 1,115,000 23 4637 8763 HELLMAN/CUC CREEK/TRY 31'797 0 29,351 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 4637 8764 HUMBOLDT SENER 0 0 0 10,119 0 0 p p 0 U 0 0 0 23 4637 8765 HIDDEN FARM CULVERT0 23 4637 8766 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN 1.800 1,45 5,000 13,600 85,050 0 61,276 101,7715 p p 4,318 1,639 0 0 0 p 23 4637 8784 BERYL CREEK MASTER DRAIN 0 0 0 0 23 4637 8785 CUCAMONGA DAY,DEER CREEK 0 0 138,000 0 91,190 180,800 0 0 23 4637 8002 HILLSIDE STORM DRAIN 6 ST IMP 0 2,000 p 0 2,000 87,000 87,000 0 81,000 23 1637 8817 AREA 11 -COCA S.D. 0 0 222.685 0 1,305 60,812 1,305 23 4637 21,579 1,085,000 0 21,403 31,700 310,000 310,000 310,000 0818 AREA 11 BERYL AVE, 0 23 1637 0859 AREA 11 CARNELIAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 4637 0860 AREA 12,925 5,000 0 21,033 12,500 2,000 21000 2,000 11 CUCA SPRRSD 23 4637 8861 BASELINE S D W/0 DAY 0 37,100 1,200,000 0 13,122 9,100 1,000 23 637 8062 AREA 0 0 211,500 0 0 2,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 _ 1,000 2,000 V HILLSIDE RD 4 23 1637 8063 AREA VI LEMON S.D. 0 11,705 5,000 365,723 8,286 381,800 1,000 0 0 712,000 0 22,007 64,300 2,000 1,000 2,000 11000 23 4631 8861 AREA VI HIGHLAND AVE. p 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i • • BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCA14ONGA (ACTUALS TO 12/31/89) DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/09 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 4537 8855 AREA 11 AMETHYST S.D. 0 14,687 180,500 0 9,974 184,200 5,000 5,000 5,000 23 4637 8866 AREA 11 PHASE 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 4637 8947 AREA IV S.D.DEER CMCHAN-6TH 0 0 125,000 0 0 85,900 2,000 2,000 2,000 23 4637 8948 AREA IV SO 4TH S6-E/O ARCH 0 0 17,000 0 0 46,100 4,000 4,000 4,000 23 4637 8949 AREA VI HIGHL SD -LONER A 0 0 18,000 0 0 32,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 23 4637 8950 AREA I% HAVEN SO PHASE 1 0 0 30,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 0 23 4637 9024 Area 11 Cuca S.P.R.R.S.D. Phase 1 360,000 360,000 360,000 23 4637 xxxx Area II Cuca S.P.R.R. S.D. 0 0 23 4637 9990 REFUNDS 68,208 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1,230,256 1,845,813 4,693,000 168,128 378,374 1,305,455 2,329,294 2,390,434 2,356,227 23 4991 9000 TRANSFER OUT 35,539 201,255 118,643 0 0 110,643 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 35,539 201,255 178,643 0 0 178,643 0 0 0 FUND TOTAL 1,265,795 2,047,060 4,871,643 160,128 378,374 1,484,098 2,329,294 2,390,434 2,356,227 • • 0 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 DEPARTMENT: Fund 23 Enaineerino Draina a General Cit Position Classification Position Emp. 89/90 Quota Appropriations Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # I Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Office Specialist 11 9 2134 0.04 0.04 0 780 0 Office Specialist II 11 5679 0.08 0.04 0.04 845 946 Office Specialist II 12 8682 0.04 0.04 0.04 796 911 Secretary 53 new - 0.08 0.04 1724 906 Senior Engineer 63 3882 0 0 0 0 0 Landscape Designer 17 6363 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 15 7413 0 0 0.2 0 10632 Jr. Engineer' 54 new 0 0 0.25 0 8070 Traffic Engineer 3 6800 0.03 0.03 0.03 1834 2047 Associate Engineer 18 3211 0.05 0.05 0.05 2632 2794 Associate Engineer 19 5137 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 28 6312 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 49 8149 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 50 6682 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering Aide 45 152 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering Tech.' 55 new - 0 0 0 0 Senior Engineer 5 5822 0.09 0.09 0.09 5502 5989 Associate Engineer 20 2140 0.1 0.1 0.1 4312 4812 Associate Engineer 21 5275 0.1 0.1 0.1 5263 5588 Associate Engineer 22 5700 0.1 0.1 0.1 5008 5478 Assistant Engineer 29 2641 0.1 0.1 0.1 3902 4355 Assistant Engineer 51 4687 0.1 0.1 0.1 3713 3941 Jr. Engineer 32 2020 0.1 0.1 0.1 3676 3228 Engineering Tech. 36 561 0.1 0.1 0.1 2567 3072 Engineering Aide 46 5800 0.1 0.1 0.1 2567 3011 Engineering Aide 52 128 0.1 0.1 0.1 2210 2780 Assistant Engineer 56 new - 0.1 0.1 3532 3750 Public Works Engineer 6 6350 0.05 0.05 0.05 2893 3165 Spr Public Works Insp ' 30 4900 0.11 0.11 0.11 4935 5346 Public Works Insp.11" 37 115 0.1 0.1 0.1 3864 3787 Public Works Insp.11" 38 1075 0.1 0.1 0.1 3864 4184 Public Works Insp. 43 2727 0.02 0.02 0.02 682 784 Jr. Engineer 33 480 0.08 0.08 0.08 2770 3000 Pblc Wrks Insp.11' 64 New - 0.1 N/R 3011 0 Subtotal 72,882 92,576 Merit Contingency: 3,644 4,629 Subtotal: 76,526 97,205 Fringe Benefits 26,784 34,022 Subtotal: 103,310 131,227 Part-time 0 0 TOTAL 103,310 131,227 t Proposed reclassification of an Office Assistant to Senior Office Assistant "Positions funded using Special Funds Pro osed New Position INIR Not Recommended • COST CENTER DETIPORKSHEET 199091 0 City Mgr. I CAPITAL I_�ROVEVffiNT PROJECT REQLEST -� Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Drainage -General City rity No. TMP l 88-04 I Project Title, Description, and Location: City Wide Drainage Facilities Inventory Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Complete Study. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 0 Drainage -General City 5.2.000 Construction Cost S 0 Administration Cost $ 0 Complete Study S 26,000 Total Cost S 26,000 Funds available and/or S 24,000 Amount required first year S 2,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL S 2,000 S 2,000 L..J. CAPITAL 1IMPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Engineering Priority No. Division: En g g 'Drainage- General City - DR 88-01 Project Title, Description, and Location: Area VI Church -Hermosa S.D. Phase 1 - Church Basin along Church St. to Hermosa Ave Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition, Project Justification: Storm drain construction to reduce surface flows along Church and Hermosa Avenue. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-17 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 42,400 Drainage- General City $ 1,445,000 Construction Cost S 1,300,000 Administration Cost S 130,000 Total Cost I S 1,472,400 Funds available and/orI S 27,400 already expended Balance Required I S 1,445,000 Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years TOTAL S 1,445,000 S 0 I S 1,445,000 • J r � U CAPITAL I.VPROVE;MNT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: - Priority No. Division: Engineering Drainage - General City MP 88-03 Project Title, Description, and Location: Master Plan of Drainage - Cucamonga/Deer/Day Creek Areas Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Complete Study. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P ? 0 No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 0 Drainage - General City $ 87,000 Construction Cost $ 0 Administration Cost $ 0 Study S 357,000 Total Cost S 357,000 Funds available and/or S 270,000 Amount required first year $ 87,000 already expended I Amount required subsequent years $ 0 Balance Required TOTAL $ 87,000 $ 87,000 LJ CAPITAL LWROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Drainage - General City DR 88-03 Project Title, Description, and Location: Area II Cucamonga S.P.R.R. S.D. Phase I(b) - E/O Camelian to 1300' E/O Cuc. Creek Channel Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to upgrade this drainage system for 100 year storm protection. Affects Hellman Avenue Storm Drain. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No OO Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: RR 88-07 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 8,300 Drainage - General City S 310,000 Construction Cost S 560,000 Administration Cost $ 82,000 Right -of -Way S 23,400 Total Cost S 673,700 Funds available and/or S 31,700 Amount required first year S 310.000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 332,000 Balance Required TOTAL S 642,000 S 642.000 E CAPITAL. 1IMPROVENENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Drainage '- General City - DR 88-19 Project Title, Description, and Location: Area II Carnelian Ave. S.D. Phase 1 - Vivero to N/O Baseline Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Provide for drainage and reduction of flows on Carnelian. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No OO Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-46 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 2,000 Drainage - General City S 2,000 Construction Cost S 1,200,000 Administration Cost S 100,000 Total Cost S 1,302,000 Funds available and/or S 0 Amount required first year S 2,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 1,300.000 Balance Required TOTAL S 1,302,000 S 1,302,000 0 C� CAPITAL IINTROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Drainage - General City DR 88.04 Project Title, Description, and Location: Area II Cucamonga S.P.R.R. S.D. Phase 2 - 1400' E/O Cuc. Creek Channel to Hellman Ave. Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Improve this drainage system to provide 100 year storm protection. Affects Hellman Avenue Storm Drain. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 10,400 Drainage - General City S 1,000 Construction Cost S 2,075,000 Administration Cost S 200,000 Right -of -Way S 0 Total Cost S 2,285,400 Funds available and/or S 9,400 Amount required first year $ 1,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years $ 2,275,000 Balance Required TOTAL rS 2,276,000 S 2.276,000 171 a CAPITAL I!`IPRO VENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering 'Drainage - General City DR 88-09 Project Title, Description, and Location: Baseline S.D. - E/O Day Creek Channel to future Day Creek Blvd. Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Provide drainage along Baseline Rd in coordination with Baseline Road, Phase III Street Improvements. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No QQ Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-08 ' Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 2,000 Drainage - General City S 2,000 Construction Cost S 225,000 SB 140 Reimbursement S 0 Administration Cost S 40,500 Total Cost S 267,500 Funds available and/or $ 0 Amount required first year S 2,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 265,500 Balance RequitedS TOTAL 267,500 S 267,500 a CAPITAL IINIPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Drainage - General City DR 88.20 I Project Title, Description, and Location: Area V Hillside Rd. S.D. Phase 2 - Upper Alta Loma Channel to Archibald Indicate whether: Q New Q Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Provide drainage protection along Hillside and protection for Archibald Avenue. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No QQ Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 8 8/8 9 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 1,000 Drainage - General City S 1,000 Construction Cost S 25,000 Administration Cost $ 5,000 Total Cost S 31,000 Funds available and/or S 30,000 Amount required first year S 1.000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Requiredr—S TOTAL 1,000 S 1,000 • 0 CAPITAL MPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department-. Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Drainage- General City DR 88-14 Project Title, Description, and Location: Area VI Lemon Ave. S.D. Phase 1 - Lower Alta Loma Channel to Amethyst Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement O Addition Project Justification: Increase :' : flood protection of this storm drain system and provide protection for Archibald Avenue and Amethyst Street. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 66,300 Drainage- General City S 2,000 Construction Cost S 1,300,000 Administration Cost $ 130,000 Total Cost $ 1,496,300 Funds available and/or $ 64,300 Amount required first year S 2,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 1,430,000 Balance Required TOTAL S 1,432,000 S 1,432,000 L. CAPITAL LvIPROVENENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priori[y No. Division: Engineering Drainage - General City DR 88.16 Project Title, Description, and Location: Area II Amethyst S.D. Phase 1 - E/O Amethyst N/0 19th to Highland Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement Q Addition. FPro,ide Justification: for increased drainage protection along Amethyst. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No OO Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-31 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 5,000 Drainage - General City S 5,000 Construction Cost S 160,000 Administration Cost S 54,400 Right -of -Way S 0 Total Cost I S 219,400 Funds available and/orI S 214,400 I Amount required First year I 5 5,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years I S 0 Balance Required I $ 5,000 1 TOTAL I 5 5.000 1 • • • CAPITAL LVIPROVENIEYT PROJECT REQLT-ST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Drainage - General City DR 89-07 Project Title, Description, and Location: Area IV Archibald Storm Drain Phase 1 - Deer Creek Channel to n/o 4th Street. Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Storm Drain construction to reduce flooding along Archibald Ave. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P:t O No QQ Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 37,900 Drainage - General City S 2,000 Construction Cost S 325,000 Administration Cost S 40,000 Total Cost $ 402,900 Funds available and/or S 85,900 Amount required first year S 2,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 315,000 Balance Required TOTAL S 317,000 S 317,000 C� CAPITAL LMIPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Drainage '- General City DR 89-18 Project Title, Description, and Location: Area IV Archibald Storm Drain Phase 3 - N/O 4th Street to N/O 6th Street Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Storm Drain to reduce flooding along 4th Street. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 40,000 Drainage - General City S 2,000 Construction Cost S 325,000 Administration Cost $ 50,000 R/W S 100.000 Total Cost $ 515,000 Funds available and/or so Amount required first year S 2,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 513,000 Balance RequiredS TOTAL 515,000 S 515,000 CAPITAL llNIPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Drainage - General City • i Project Title, Description, and Location: Area IV Archibald Storm Drain Phase 2 - 4th Street E/O Archibald Ave. Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Storm Drain construction to reduce flooding along 4th Street . Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: • Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount r 1 u Q Yes Completed 91/92 Design Cost $ 48,100 Drainage - General City Construction Cost S 250,000 Administration Cost I S 55,000 Right -of -Way $ 8,000 Total Cost 1 S 361,100 Funds available and/orI S 46,100 already expended Balance Required I S 315,000 Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years TOTAL Priority No. DR 89-08 Amount S 2.000 t ttt S 313,000 S 315,000 • • 0 CAPITAL I1WROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Drainage - General, City DR 89-11 Project Title, Description, and Location: Area VI Highland Avenue Storm Drain - Lower Alta Loma Channel to Archibald Avenue. Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition, Project Justification: Reduce the potential of flooding of fronting and downstream developments and remove major storm flows from the street surface by directing storm flows to the Alta Loma Channel. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 34,000 Drainage - General City .$ 2,000 Construction Cost S 310,000 Administration Cost S 52,700 Right -of -Way S 5,000 Total Cost S 401,700 Funds available and/or S 32,000 Amount required first year S 2.000 already expended Amount required subsequent years $ 367,700 Balance RequiredS TOTAL 369,700 S 369,700 CAPITAL LVIPROVENENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Drainage - General City DR 90.01 • Project Title, Description, and Location: Area II Cucamonga S.P.R.R. Storm Drain Phase 1(a) - Cucamonga Creek Channel to E/O Carnelian Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement O Addition Project Justification: Needed to ugrade this drainage system for 100 year storm protection. Affects Hellman Avenue Storm Drain. Construction Cost $ 0 Administration Cost $ 0 Developer Reimbursement 1 $ 710,000 Total Cost I S 710,000 Funds available and/orI S 0 already expended Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years Amount S 360,000 S 360,000 S 350,000 Balance Required I S 710,000 1 TOTAL I S 710,000 Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P ? 0 No Q Yes iIndicate Other projects or factors directly related to this project: fiscal year project should be: Started 90/91 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Design Cost So Drainage - General City Construction Cost $ 0 Administration Cost $ 0 Developer Reimbursement 1 $ 710,000 Total Cost I S 710,000 Funds available and/orI S 0 already expended Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years Amount S 360,000 S 360,000 S 350,000 Balance Required I S 710,000 1 TOTAL I S 710,000 Federal Aid Urban 244637 J BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) 10/22/90 ACCOUNT --------------------------------------------- FEDERAL AID URBAN ---ENGINEERING ADMIN 21 1637 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 26 1637 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 26 6637 3931 VEHICLE MAINT. 6 OPERATION 21 1637 8000 PROGRAM BUDGET 21 1637 8013 ARCHIBALD/FOURTH SIGN 24 1637 8068 ARCHIBALD RECONSTRUCTION 21 6637 8200 ARCHIBALD AVE. 26 6637 8775 ARROW/CUCAMONGA CREEK 21 1637 8838 HAVEN AVE REHAB. 26 1637 8839 FOURTH ST. REHAB.-M.C.L. DEPARTMENT TOTAL • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 07-08 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 0 0 0 10,913 0 36,728 32,809 31,511 0 0 12,155 11,683 12,079 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,732 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 216,700 0 0 12,000 332,000 332,000 332,000 0 0 362,700 0 0 161,600 1,392,000 1,392,000 1,392,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,732 0 579,100 0 10,963 173,600 1,770,883 1,768,292 1,770,590 • 0 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 DEPARTMENT: Fund 24 FAU En ineerin Position Classification Position Emp. 89/90 Quota A ro riations Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # it Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Office Specialist II 9 2134 0.02 0.02 0 390 0 Office Specialist II 11 5679 0.03 0.02 0.02 423 473 Office Specialist II 12 8682 0.02 0.02 0.02 398 456 Secretary 53 new - 0.03 0.02 647 453 Senior Engineer 63 3882 0 0 0 0 0 Landscape Designer 17 6363 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 15 7413 0 0 0 0 0 Jr. Engineer` 54 new 0 0 0 0 0 Traffic Engineer 3 6800 0.01 0.01 0.01 611 682 Associate Engineer 18 3211 0.01 0.01 0.01 526 559 Associate Engineer 19 5137 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 28 6312 0.01 0.01 0.01 453 481 Assistant Engineer 49 8149 0.01 0.01 0.01 353 375 Assistant Engineer 50 6682 0.06 0.06 0.06 2119 2250 d Engineering Aide 45 152 0.02 0.02 0.02 442 556 Engineering Tech.' 55 new - 0.02 0.02 627 0 Senior Engineer 5 5822 0.04 0.04 0.04 2445 2662 dJ Associate Engineer 20 2140 0.04 0.04 0.04 1725 1925 J/ Associate Engineer 21 5275 0.04 0.04 0.04 2105 2235 l Associate Engineer 22 5700 0.04 0.04 0.04 2003 2191 Assistant Engineer 29 2641 0.04 0.04 0.04 1561 1742 .l Assistant Engineer 51 4687 0.04 0.04 0.04 1485 1576 j Jr. Engineer 32 1145 0.04 0.04 0.04 1470 1291 Engineering Tech. 36 561 0.04 0.04 0.04 1027 1229 Jy d Engineering Aide 46 5800 0.04 0.04 0.04 1027 1204 Engineering Aide 52 128 0.04 0.04 0.04 884 1112 Assistant Engineer 56 new - 0.04 0.04 1413 1500 } J Public Works Engineer 6 6350 0.02 0.02 0.02 1157 1266 Spr Public Works Insp ' 30 4900 0.04 0.04 0.04 1795 1944 d Public Works Insp.11" 37 Vacant 0.04 0.04 0.04 1546 1515 Public Works Insp.11" 38 1075 0.04 0.04 0.04 1546 1674 Public Works Insp. 43 2727 0.01 0.01 0.01 341 392 Jr. Engineer 33 480 0.03 0.03 0.03 1039 1125 Pblc Wrks Insp.11' 64 New - 0.04 N/R 1204 0 Subtotal 32,762 32,868 Merit Contingency: 1,638 1,643 Subtotal: 34,400 34,511 Fringe Benefits 12,040 12,079 Subtotal: 46,440 46,590 Part-time - 0 0 TOTAL 46,440 46,590 t Proposed reclassification of an Office Assistant to Senior Office Assistant "Positions funded using Special Funds 'Proposed New Position INIR Not Recommended • COST CENTER DETAIORKSHEEf 1990/91 Number: CAPITAL IINIPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering FAU • Project Title, Description, and Location: Cucamonga Creek Bridge Widening @ Arrow Rte. Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Widen existing bridge to arterial width. Priority No. ST 88.14 Total Cost I S 422,000 Funds available and/orI S 31,000 I Amount required first year I S 391,000 already expended 1 Balance Required S 391,000 Amount required subsequent years TOTAL S0 S 391,000 Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 91/92 Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount FEstimated Design S 16,000 FAU S 332,000 Cost S 347,000 Systems Development S 59,000 Administration Cost S 59,000 Total Cost I S 422,000 Funds available and/orI S 31,000 I Amount required first year I S 391,000 already expended 1 Balance Required S 391,000 Amount required subsequent years TOTAL S0 S 391,000 CAPITAL MPROVE`IEtiT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Prwnty No. Division: Engineering FAU ST 88.33 . Project Title, Description, and Location: Haven .Ave. Rehabilitation & Widening - Fourth to Foothill Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Application to Federal Government for funding and design of pavement rehabilitation and widening. Total Cost 1 S 1,841,000 Funds available and/orI S 188,000 already expended Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years S 1,638,000 $ 15,000 Balance Required I S 1,653,000 1 TOTAL I S 1,653.000 Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No QQ Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: TR 88.20, TR 88.40, TR 89-09, RR 88-14 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 188,000 FAU $ 1,392,000 Construction Cost S 1,533,000 System Development S 209,000 Administration Cost S 120,000. SB 140 S 37,000 Total Cost 1 S 1,841,000 Funds available and/orI S 188,000 already expended Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years S 1,638,000 $ 15,000 Balance Required I S 1,653,000 1 TOTAL I S 1,653.000 Capital Reserve 254285 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT CAPITAL RESERVE ---GENERAL OVERHEAD 25 4285 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 25 4285 7043 CAPITAL EXPEND. -BUILDING 25 4285 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND. -EQUIPMENT 25 4285 8004 LION ST. IMPROVEMENTS 25 4285 8011 CENTRAL PARK PAYMENT 25 4285 8613 CORP.YARD ACQUISITION 25 4285 8804 LION ST. IMPROVEMENTS 25 4285 8960 COMMUNITY EVENT BANNER POLES DEPARTMENT TOTAL N O 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 6,848 2,015 30,000 1,370,405 2,904,449 0 4,299 0 0 1,043 0 0 700,860 185,616 0 542 0 0 194 62,258 0 2,084,211 3,154,338 30,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 0 0 1,464,982 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 1,464,962 42,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 CAPITAL IIvIPROVE:�NT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Capital Reserve - Fund 25 PL 89-01 • Project Title, Description, and Location: Community Event Banner Poles Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Purchase and install Community Event Banner Poles at Archibald Ave. north of Foothill Blvd. and Baseline west of Haven Ave. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount QQ Yes Completed 90/91 Design Cost $0 Capital Reserve - Fund 25 Construction Cost S 12,000 Administration Cost $ 2,000 Total Cost I S 14,000 Funds available and/orI S 12,000 I Amount required first year already expended Amount required subsequent years 0 Balance Required S 2,000 TOTAL Amount $ 2,000 $ 2,000 H911 S 2,000 CAPITAL LVIPROVEMHNT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering 01-4333-6028 PL 88-01 . Project Title. Description. and Location: t Sapphire Street Trail Improvement Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Improvement of trails from Jennet to Hillside. City Manager not recommended. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No 0 Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: • Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost so 01-4333-6028 $ 0 Construction Cost $ 0 Administration Cost $ 0 Total Cost 1 $0 Funds available and/orI S 0 I Amount required first year I S 0 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required 1 $ 0 1 TOTAL I S 0 Block GraMs/CDBG 28-4333 0 0 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET DEPT COUNCIL CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 COMMUNITY DEV. BLOCK GRANT ---PLANNING 28 4333 1100 REGULAR SALARIES 3 9 28 4333 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 13 0 28 4333 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 4333 8113 TURNER AVE. BIN TO 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 4333 8177 TURNER AVE.WIDENING 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 4333 8178 NORTH TOWNE STREETS DESIGN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 4333 8180 NORTH TOWNE PARK ACQUISITION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 4333 8181 NORTH TOWNE PARK 0 0 0 0 300,000 0 0 0 0 28 4333 8182 NORTH TONNE STREET 3,474 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 28 4333 9193 HANDICAP SIGNS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 28 4333 8185 ADMINISTRATION 59,769 74,446 72,500 (26,203) 3,723 46,397 86,600 86,600 86;806 y 2, boa 28 4333 8187 FAIR HOUSING 9,811 8,486 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 4333 8189 HOUSING REHABILITATION 61,094 35,523 70,000 (54,358) 0 5,642 80,000 80,000 80,000 28 4333 8190 TURNER AVE.EAST/CONSTRUCTION 190,676 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 4333 8191 FERON BLVD. 0 0 0 0 3,127 0 0 0 0 28 4333 8193 SENIOR SHARED HOUSING 4,080 5,419 6,300 0 1,111 6,300 6,300 6,300 6,300 28 4333 8194 FERON BLVD. 0 637 0 89,363 69,407 85,800 0 0 0 28 4333 8704 VIA CARILLO IMPROVMENTS 9,844 241,558 0 32,681 3,863 32,681 0 0 0 28 4333 8162 AREA V11/STORM DRAINS 4,907 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 4333 8811 SIERRA MAORE/PLACIDA 0 12,238 0 40,495 158,121 270,900 1,000 0 0 28 4333 8812 AVENIDA VEJAR 0 81,758 0 49,720 141,449 12,500 0 0 0 28 4333 8951 SIERRA MADRE-S/O ARROW -DESIGN 0 0 250,000 (25,848) 135 2,700 179,000 0 0 28 4333 8952 SALINA-VINMAR DESIGN 0 0 14,000 0 2,931 3,100 174,000 0 0 28 4333 8955 HISTORIC PRESERVATION REHAB 0 0 20,100 20,100 0 40,200 20,100 20,100 20,100 28 4333 9025 0 0 0 0 0 0 240,000 240,000 240,000 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 343,655 460,074 433,000 115,958 593,932 506,220 787,000 433,000 484,26 0 4g, 11 U PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 DEPARTMENT: Fund 28 E ' CID ng inearin Position Classification Position Emp. 89/90 Quota Aooroonations Dept. Mgr.Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Office Specialist II 9 2134 0.02 0.02 390 0 Office Specialist II 11 5679 0.04 0.02 0.02 423 473 Office Specialist II 12 8682 0.02 0.02 0.02 398 456>< Secretary 53 new 0.04 0.02 862 453 Senior Engineer 63 3882 0 0 0 0 0 Landscape Designer 17 6363 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 15 7413 0 0 0 0 0 Jr. Engineer' 54 new 0 0 0 0 0 Traffic Engineer 3 6800 0.01 0.01 0.01 611 682 Associate Engineer 18 3211 0.02 0.02 0.01 1053 559 Associate Engineer 19 5137 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 28 6312 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 49 8149 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 50 6682 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering Aide 45 152 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering Tech.' 55 new - 0 0 0 0 Senior Engineer 5 5822 0.05 0.05 0.05 3056 3327 Associate Engineer 20 2140 0.05 0.05 0.05 2156 2406V Associate Engineer 21 5275 0.05 0.05 0.05 2632 2794,/ Associate Engineer 22 5700 0.05 0.05 0.05 2504 2739 Assistant Engineer 29 2641 0.05 0.05 0.05 1951 2177 e Assistant Engineer 51 4687 0.05 0.05 0.05 1856 19701 Jr. Engineer 32 2020 0.05 0.05 0.05 1838 1614' Engineering Tech. 36 561 0.05 0.05 0.05 1283 1536v Engineering Aide 46 5800 0.05 0.05 0.05 1283 15054 Engineering Aide 52 128 0.05 0.05 0.05 1105 1390' Assistant Engineer 56 new 0.05 0.05 1766 1875 Public Works Engineer 6 6350 0.03 0.03 0.03 1736 1899✓ Spr Public Works Insp ' 30 4900 0.05 0.05 0.05 2243 24304 Public Works Insp.11" 37 115 0.05 0.05 0.05 1932 1894r Public Works Insp.11" 38 1075 0.05 0.05 0.05 1932 2092 v Public Works Insp. 43 2727 0.01 0.01 0.01 341 392 J Jr. Engineer 33 480 0.04 0.04 0.04 1385 1500 Pblc Wrks Insp.11' 64 New - 0.05 N/R 1505 0 Subtotal 36,241 36,163 Merit Contingency: 1,812 1,808 Subtotal: 38,053 37,971 Fringe Benefits 13,319 13,290 Subtotal: 51,372 51,261 Part-time - 0 0 TOTAL 51,372 51,261 t Proposed reclassification of an Office Assistant to Senior Office Assistant "Positions funded using Special Funds *Proposed New Position N/R Not Recommended • COST CENTER DETAIORKSHEET 199091 6 Department/Division: En ineerin Program: CDBG Account Number: Fund 28 Department Pro osed City Mgr. ProDosed Ob ect No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1100 Regular Payroll 38415 37971 1200 Overtime Payroll 1900 Frincte Benefits & 35% 13445 13290 3900 Maintenance & Operations 3960 General Liability 1% of Operations 0 0 6028 Contract Services 7044 Capital Expenditures TOTAL 51660 51261 IKM 0 a Account Number: 28-4333 1990/91 is I Fair Housinq I Contract Coordinator I Other Staff I Advertisinq, Miscellaneous I Subtotal I 8189 IHousinq Rehabilitation - Grants/Loans 1 8193 ISenior Shared Housing XXXX IS.W. Cucamonga Streets (Actual street named projects I will be determined durinq COBG Application for •90/91 8955 (Historic Preservation Rehabilitation 29LF2ls.rkl I I I TOTAL I Sudget ___________ COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET 59,024 I OePer[ment/Oiv lsien:---_����� Program: 1 Community Dev./Plannlnq I Grants/CDSG I 86,600 ___________________________________________________________ Object No.l -- -0esgr i prion of Items S Individual Dollar 6.300 ---------- 6185 I________________________________________________ (Administration: I 0 a Account Number: 28-4333 1990/91 is I Fair Housinq I Contract Coordinator I Other Staff I Advertisinq, Miscellaneous I Subtotal I 8189 IHousinq Rehabilitation - Grants/Loans 1 8193 ISenior Shared Housing XXXX IS.W. Cucamonga Streets (Actual street named projects I will be determined durinq COBG Application for •90/91 8955 (Historic Preservation Rehabilitation 29LF2ls.rkl I I I TOTAL I Sudget ___________ I 8,975 I 59,024 I 10,000 I 8.601 1 86,600 I I 80,000 I 6.300 j240.000- 40.000•20.100 I 20. 100 433,000 Measure) 324637 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) MEASURE ACCOUNT 32 4637 1100 REGULAR SALARIES 32 4637 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 32 4637 9026 TERRA VISTA 6 BASLINE MEDIAN 32 4637 9027 HAVEN ST. IMPROV PH 1 32 4531 9028 HAVEN ST IMPROV PH 11 32 4637 9029 CITY NIDE ST. REHAB 6 MAINT 32 4637 XXXX DEPARTMENT TOTALS i CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 COUNCIL CITY APPROVED MGR 1990/91 51,188 51,188 54,439 17,916 17,916 19,054 95,000 95,000 95,000 807,000 807,000 807,000 10,000 70,000 70,000 715,205 715,205 715,205 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,756,309 1,756,3D9 1,760,698 0 • PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 DEPARTMENT: Fund 32 Pnnineerinn Measure I Arterial Position Classification Position Emp, 89/90 Quota AoorODriations Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # I Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Office Specialist II 9 2134 0 0 0 0 0 Office Specialist II 11 5679 0 0 0.02 0 473 J Office Specialist II 12 8682 0 0 0.02 0 456 Secretary 53 new - 0 0.02 0 453 Senior Engineer 63 3882 0 0 0 0 0 Landscape Designer 17 6363 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 15 7413 0 0 0.05 0 2658) Jr. Engineer' 54 new 0 0 0.08 ✓ 0 2582 Traffic Engineer 3 6800 0 0 0.01 0 6821 Associate Engineer 18 3211 0 0 0.02 0 1118 / Associate Engineer 19 5137 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 28 6312 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 49 8149 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 50 6682 0 0 0.02 0 750 Engineering Aide 45 152 0 0 0.03 0 834 / Engineering Tech.' 55 new 0 0.16 0 4915 i Senior Engineer 5 5822 0 0 0.05 0 3327 Associate Engineer 20 2140 0 0 0.06 0 2887 J Associate Engineer 21 5275 0 0 0.06 0 3353 Associate Engineer 22 5700 0 0 0.06 0 3287 / Assistant Engineer 29 2641 0 0 0.06 0 2613 / Assistant Engineer 51 4687 0 0 0.06 0 2364 / Jr. Engineer 32 2020 0 0 0.06 0 1937 / Engineering Tech. 36 561 0 0 0.06 0 1843 Engineering Aide 46 5800 0 0 0.06 0 1806 / Engineering Aide 52 128 0 0 0.06 0 1668 Assistant Engineer 56 new - 0 0.06 0 2250 Public Works Engineer 6 6350 0 0 0.02 0 1266 Spr Public Works Insp ' 30 4900 0 0 0.05 0 2430 Public Works Insp.11" 37 115 0 0 0.05 0 1894 / Public Works Insp.11" 38 1075 0 0 0.05 0 2092 Public Works Insp. 43 2727 0 0 0.02 0 784./ Jr. Engineer 33 480 0 0 0.03 0 1125 Pblc Wrks Insp.11' 64 New 0 N/R 0 0 Subtotal 0 51,847 Merit Contingency: 0 2,592 Subtotal: 0 54,439 Fringe Benefits 0 19,054 Subtotal: 0 73,493 Part-time 0 0 TOTAL 0 73,493 t Proposed reclassification of an Office Assistant to Senior Office Assistant "Positions funded using Special Funds Pro osed New Position N/R Not Recommended • • COST CENTER DETAIL ORKSHEET 1990/91 Account 0 0 • C?.PITAL VAPROVE'NTEVT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Measure I - Loca7 ST 90-31 Project Title, Description, and Location: City Wide Local Street Rehabilitation and Maintenance Program FY 1990/91 Indicate whether: Q New Q Replacement O Addition Project Justification: Improve roadway to City standard, including curb, gutter, sidewalks, and street lights. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 9 0/9 1 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 62,000 Measure I - Local $ 715,205 Construction Cost S 638,205 Administration Cost S 15,000 Total Cost S 715,205 Funds available and/or $ 0 Amount required first year $ 715,205 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL $ 715,205 S 715.205 CAPITAL INIPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST ----TDepartment. Community Development Fund: Priori[v �o. Division: Engineering L'tD p4 BT 88-36 Project Title, Description, and Location: Terra Vista Parkway and Median Retrofit Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Reconstruction of curbs at selected drive throughs, retrofit landscaping and irrigation to city standards and landscape concepts, and modify left turn pockets to imcrease traffic capacity. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 90/91 Estated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing FAdmini*st'tration n Cost S 5,000 LMD N4 rucion Cost S 224,000 Measure I - Arterial Cost S 10,000 Total Coat 1 $ 239,000 Funds available and/ors 0 already expended Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years Amount S 144,000 S 95,000 S 239,000 S0 Balance Required I S 239,000 1 TOTAL I S 239,000 • • CAPITAL INIPROVEINfENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Measure I Arterial DR 89-12 Project Title, Description, and Location: Area IX Haven Storm Drain Phase 1 - Deer Creek to N/O Church Street. Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Completes master drain (100 year protection) along Haven Avenue from Deer Creek Channel to N/O Church Street. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 89-24, TR 89-09 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 0 Measure I Arterial S 0 Construction Cost S 0 (See Streets for funding) Administration Cost $0 Total Cost so Funds available and/or so Amount required first year S 0 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL S 0 S 0 Total Cost 1 $ 857,600 Funds available and/orI S 50,000 already expended Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years S 807,000 S0 Balance Required I S 807,000 1 TOTAL I S 807,000 CAPITAL 11WROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No.. Division: Engineering Measure I - Arterial ST 89-24 . Project Title, Description, and Location: Haven Ave. Storm Drain, Traffice Signals, Street Improvements Phase 1 - S/O Foothill Blvd. to N/O Church Street. Indicate whether: Q New Q Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Improve capacity of Haven Ave. by widening and construction of missing improvements. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: • Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 75,000 Measure I - Arterial S 807,000 Construction Cost $ 702,000 Administration Cost $ 80,000 Total Cost 1 $ 857,600 Funds available and/orI S 50,000 already expended Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years S 807,000 S0 Balance Required I S 807,000 1 TOTAL I S 807,000 El I CAPITAL IINIPROVEIVENT PROJECT REQUEST • Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Measure I - Arterial ST 90.37 Project Title, Description, and Location: Haven Ave. Storm Drain, Street. and Traffic Signal Improvements Phase 2 - N/O Church St. to N/O Base Line Rd. Indicate whether: 0 New O Replacement O Addition Project Justification: Eliminate open flood control Channel and to widen street to ultimate. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? Q No O Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 90/91 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 70,000 Measure I - Arterial S 70,000 Construction Cost S 1,565,000 Administration Cost $ 100,000 Total Cost S 1,735,000 Funds available and/or S 0 Amount required first year S 70,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 1,665,000 • Balance Required S 1,735,000 TOTAL S 1,735,000 • 0 i CAPITAL [IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Measure I - Arterial TR 89-09 Project Title, Description, and Location: Upgrade Signal - Foothill Blvd. @ Haven Ave. Indicate whether: Q New Q Replacement Q Addition, Project Justification: Needed to be consistent with street improvements along Foothill Blvd. and Haven Ave. and to accommodate future signal coordination. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? Q No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-44 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 0 Measure I- Arterial S 0 Construction Cost $ 0 Administration Cost $0 ' (Funded with Street) Right -of -Way so Total Cost so Funds available and/or so Amount required first year S 0 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL S0 r S 0 SB 140 35-0637 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) SO 140 ACCOUNT 10/22/90 81-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 35 4637 9030 MILLINER 0 AT 6 SF ST IMP 35 4637 9031 19TH ST -ST IMP CARNLIANTOAMETHYST 35 4637 9032 19TH ST -ST IMP ARCTOHAVEN 35 4637 9033 FTHILL RTE 66/1-15 INTRCHANGE IMP 35 4537 9034 HAVEN REHAB 6 WIDNING 35 4537 9035 BSLINE-ST IMP PH 1 35 4637 9036 BSLINE-ST IMP PH 2 35 4637 9031 ARROW RTE -ST IMP PH 2 35 4637 9038 ARROW RTE -5T IMP E/0 HERMSA 35 4637 9039 SIGNAL-BSLINE 0 ETWANOA 35 4637 9040 SIGNAL-BSLINE 0 VICTRIA PK 35 4637 9041 SIGNAL -ARROW 0 HERMOSA 35 4637 XXXX AREA XIII BSLINE SO 35 4637 XXXX HELLMAN 0 SP RR X-ING IMP 35 4637 XXXX FTHILL OSPUTHERN PAC RR IMP 35 4637 XXXX BSLINE-ST INP 35 4637 XXXX EAST-SPRR TO LION 35 4637 XXXX WEST -GROVE TO SPRR 35 4637 XXXX ROCHESTER -ST IMP DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 686,000 685,000 686,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 69,000 69,000 69,000 297,000 297,000 297,000 37,000 37,000 37,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 300 300 300 750 750 750 300 300 300 300 300 300 150 150 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,213,800 1,213,000 1,213,800 E • • CAPITAL IINIPROVE�vfENT PROJECT REQU-EST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering RDA RR 88-03 Project Title, Description, and Location: Milliken Avenue @ AT & SF Railroad Grade Separation and Street Improvements - 7th St. to Jersey Blvd. Indicate whether: Q New Q Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: (1) A) Construction of new RR mainline & bridged overcrossings (2), B) Construction of new Milliken Ave. roadway underpass (grade separation) C) Extension of Milliken Ave from 7th St. north to Jersey Blvd (II) Construction to follow in subsequent years Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: l Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 86/87 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 50,000 RDA S 4,200.000 Construction Cost S 4,243,000 SB 140 Reimbursement $ 686,000 Administration Cost S 510.000 Right -of -Way $ 118,000 Total Cost S 4,921,000 Funds available and/or S 35,000 Amount required first year S 4,886,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL S4,886,000 S 4.886,000 CAPITAL INIPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department•. Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Priority No. • System Development ST 88-02 Project Title, Description, and Location: f 19th St. Street Improvement - Carnelian to W/O Amethyst Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Improve street including full widening and rehabilitation for more efficient flow of traffic. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P ? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: DR 88-12, TR 88-04, TR 88-05 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 39,800 System Development S 815,000 Construction Cost S 846,000 SB 140 S 120,000 Administration Cost S 90,000 Total Cost 1 S 975,800 Funds available and/orI S 39,800 I Amount required first year I S 935,000 already expended • I I Amount required subsequent years I S 1,000 Balance Required I S 936,000 1 TOTAL I S 936,000 CAPIT.-\L IMPROVENfE`T PROJECT REQUEST Department-. Communitv Dei.<lopment Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering System Development ST 83-03 Project Title, Description, and Location: 19th St. Street Improvement - Archibald to W/O Haven Indicate whether: O New Q Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Improve street including full widening and rehabilitation for more efficient flow of traffic. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: TR 88-16 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Design Cost S 18,700 System Development Construction Cost S 405,000 SB 140 Administration Cost S 20,000 Right -of -Way S 50,000 Total Cost I S 493,700 Amount S 406.000 S 69,000 Funds available and/orI S 18,700 I Amount required first year I S 475,000 already expended 1 Balance Required S 475,000 Amount required subsequent years TOTAL S 475.000 • 0 CAPITAL INIPROVELIEVT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No.. Division: Engineering RDA Fund 13 ST 88-23 Project Title, Description, and Location: Foothill Blvd. Rte. -66/1-15 Interchange Improvements Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition. Project Justification: Improve signals, median upgrades and street improvements in conjuction with freeway interchange upgrades. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: TR 88-22 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 190,000 RDA Fund 13 S 2,900,000 Construction Cost S 2,897,000 SB 140 S 297,000 Administration Cost S 300,000 ' Total Cost S 3,387,000 Funds available and/or $ 190,000 Amount required first year S 3,197,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL r$3,1971,000 4 3,197,000 • 0 • CAPITAL VVIPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering FAO ST 88-44 Project Title, Description, and Location: Haven Ave. Rehabilitation & Widening - Fourth to Foothill Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Application to Federal Government for funding and design of pavement rehabilitation and widening. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: TR 88-20, TR 88-40, TR 89-09, RR 88-14 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 188,000 FAO S 1,392,000 Construction Cost S 1,533,000 System Development $ 209,000 Administration Cost S 120,000 SB 140 S 37,000 Total Cost $ 1,841,000 Funds available and/or S 188,000 Amount required first year $ 1,638,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 15,000 Balance Required TOTAL S 1,653,000 S 1,653,000 CAPITAL LNIPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering System Development • Project Title, Description, and Location: Baseline Rd. Street Improvements Phase I - Etiwanda to I-15 Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Construct roadway widening and median improvements to improve traffic flows. Total Cost I S 800,000 Funds available and/orI S 790,000 already expended Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years Priority No. ST 88-06 Amount S 8,500 S 1,500 S 10,000 S0 Balance Required I $ 10,000 1 TOTAL f S 10,000 Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P ? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: DR 88.08, TR 88-07 • Indicate fiscal 87/88 year project should be: Started Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Design Cost So System Development Construction Cost S 720,000 SB 140 Administration Cost S 80,000 Total Cost I S 800,000 Funds available and/orI S 790,000 already expended Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years Priority No. ST 88-06 Amount S 8,500 S 1,500 S 10,000 S0 Balance Required I $ 10,000 1 TOTAL f S 10,000 L 0 • CAPITAL I.NIPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering System Development Priority No: ST 88-07 Project Title. Description, and Location: Baseline Rd. Street Improvement Phase 2 - Victoria Pk. Ln. to Etiwanda Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Construct Roadway widening and median improvements to improve the flow of traffic. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to" this project: TR 88-08 Indicate fiscaleaz y project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 0 System Development S 8,500 Construction Cost S 240,000 SB 140 S 1,500 Administration Cost S 25,000 R/W S 150,000 Total Cost S 415,000 Funds available and/or S 405,000 Amount required first year S 10,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Requiced TOTAL $ 10,000 S 10,000 • 0 • CAPITAL INIPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering System Development ST 88-t2 i Project Title, Description, and Location: Arrow Rte. Street improvement S/S Phase 2 - Archibald to Hermosa Indicate whether: Q New Q Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Improve street through widening and improvements to bring roadway up to arterial standards. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No O Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: TR 88.18, TR 88-19 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 0 System Development S 1,700 Construction Cost S 300,000 SB 140 $ 300 Administration Cost S 41,000 Right -of -Way S 575,000 Total Cost $ 916,000 Funds available and/or S 914,000 Amount required first year S 2,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL $ 2,000 S 2.000 0 CAPITAL 1IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering System Development ST 88-37 l Project Title, Description, and Location: Arrow Rte. Street Improvement - E/O Hermosa to Haven Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Street widening and rehabilitation to arterial standards. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P ? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: TR 88-20 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 0 System Development S 4,250 Construction Cost $ 130,000 SB 140 S 750 Administration Cost S 21,500 Right -of -Way S 20,000 Total Cost $ 171,500 Funds available and/or $ 166,500 Amount required first year S 5,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance RequiredS TOTAL 5,000 S 5,000 CAPITAL DAPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Systems Development TR 88-07 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - Baseline @ Etiwanda Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Total Cost 1 S 114,700 Funds available and/orI S 112,700 I Amount required first year I S 2,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years I S 0 Balance Required I S 2,000 1 TOTAL I S 2,000 Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-06 • Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost So Systems Development $ 1,700 Construction Cost S 100,000 SB 140 $ 300 Administration Cost $ 14,700 Total Cost 1 S 114,700 Funds available and/orI S 112,700 I Amount required first year I S 2,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years I S 0 Balance Required I S 2,000 1 TOTAL I S 2,000 • • • CAPITAL IIWROVENtEIiT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Systems Development TR 88.08 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal . Baseline @ -Victoria Pk. Ln. Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P ? O No 0 res Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-07 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 0 Systems Development $ 1,700 Construction Cost $ 100,000 SB 140 S 300 Administration Cost $ 12,400 Total Cost 1 $ 112,400 Funds available and/orI S 110,400 I Amount required First year I $ 2,000 already expended Balance Required I S 2,000 Amount required subsequent years TOTAL S 0 I 5 2,000 i CAPITAL LWROVEmENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Systems Development TR S8_19 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - Arrow @ Hermosa Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-12 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost So Systems Development S 850 Construction Cost $ 91,000 SB 140 S 150 Administration Cost $ 7,000 Total Cost s 98,000 Funds available and/or S 97,000 Amount required first year S 1,000 already expended I Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL -$1 1,000 r S 1,000 Landscape Maint. #1 40.4130 N w m BUDGRECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY 04 CUCAMONGA (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 LANDSCAPE DISTRICT 81 GENERAL CITY --- ASMTS AO 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION 21,536 29,516 36,172 0 0 36,172 0 10,910 40,940 40 4130 3960 OVERHEAD 1,130 1,130 1,280 1,280 40 4130 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 2,223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 4130 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 2,840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 4130 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 1,875 2,440 27,000 0 785 27,000 16,800 5,000 5,000 40 4130 3905 CONTINGENCY 0 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 4130 3931 VEHICLE MAINT 6 OPER 0 0 81500 (3,000) 0 5,500 8,500 1,000 1,000 40 4130 3940 CONTINGENCY - TREE REPL. 0 0 5,000 0 0 5,000 5,000 500 500 40 4130 6026 TRAIL MAINTENANCE 0 0 40,308 12,360 12,360 40 4130 6027 CONTRACT SERVICES -VANDALISM 0 0 29,767 6,000 6,000 40 4130 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES-MAINT 24,234 62,881 90,000 0 37,488 90,000 190,455 184,250 184,250 40 4130 6029 TREE MAINT. 6 CONTRACT 0 0 17,000 0 0 17,000 19,708 14,000 14,000 40 4130 7043 CAPITAL EXPEND -BLDG 0 9,289 15,000 0 0 15,000 18,000 106,871 106,811 40 4130 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND -EQUIP 2,100 2,100 227 0 0 40 4130 7045 CAPITAL EXPEND -VEHICLES 0 0 18,300 0 0 40 4130 0021 NATER UTILITIES 17,012 10,437 17,000 0 8,637 17,000 18,500 25,500 25,500 40 4130 8012 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 3,317 5,044 3,000 3,000 2,030 6,000 4,000 5,800 5,800 40 4130 8023 IRRIGATION RESTOR. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 4130 8024 ASSESSMENT COSTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 4130 8767 ENTRY MONUMENTS 89,232 51,850 120,000 0 0 120,000 104,500 104,500 104,500 40 4130 XXXX LOAN REPAYMENT 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 162,211 183,457 339,802 2,100 48,940 341,902 482,145 508,001 508,001 40 4130 9000 TRANSFER OUT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 162,277 183,451 339,802 2,100 48,940 341,902 482,145 500,001 508,001 • Cl Ll 7epartment ivision: Program: Account r: tesource Services Landscape Dist. 1 Gen. City 40-4130 Fiscal Year 1990/91 Object Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1001 Assessment Administration $40,940 1002 Overhead $1,280 3900 Maintenance & Operations $5,000 3931 Vehicle Maint./Operations $1,000 3940 Contingency -Tree Replacement $500 6026 Trail Maintenance * $12,360 6027 Contract Services - Vandalism/Irrig. Repair $6,000 6028 Contract Services - Routine Maintenance $184,250 6029 Tree Maint./Contract Administration * $14,000 7043 Capital Eq*nditures - Projects $211,371 8021 Water $25,500 8022 Electric $5,800 8023 Irrigation Restoration $0 8026 Park Maintenance $0 *Dollars for City Crew Reimbursement to Payroll TOTAL $508,001 CAPITAL INIPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. • Division: Engineering LIVID #1 BT 39-I4 Project Title, Description, and Location: Baseline LMD #1 Projects Indicate whether: Q New O Replacement O Addition Project Justification: Replace deficient parkway improvements, landscaping, irrigation, street tree retrofits, and possible hardscape treatments. Total Cost I S 104,500 Funds available and/or already expended QQ Yes Completed 90/91 1 Financing Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years Amount S 104,500 S 104,500 M1] Balance Required I S 104,500 1 TOTAL I S 104,500 Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: • Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount SI Design Cost $ 18,000 LIVID #1 Construction Cost S 62,500 Administration Cost $ 24,000 Total Cost I S 104,500 Funds available and/or already expended QQ Yes Completed 90/91 1 Financing Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years Amount S 104,500 S 104,500 M1] Balance Required I S 104,500 1 TOTAL I S 104,500 Landscape Maint. #2 41-0130 N F - BUDGE• ECTION WORKSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) 10/22/90 CITY OF ®O CUCAMONGA 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET LANDSCAPE DISTRICT 82 VICTORIA --- ASMTS 41 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION 9,064 11,200 14,056 41 4130 3960 OVERHEAD 2,498 0 0 3,329 41 4130 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 8,662 0 0 41 4130 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 4,797 0 0 41 4130 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 11,791 4,417 35,000 41 4130 3905 CONTINGENCY 0 9,000 0 41 4130 3931 VEHICLE MAINT 6 OPER 1,677 49 12,000 41 4130 3940 CONTINGENCY - TREE REPL. 0 0 5,000 41 4130 3941 LOAN REPAYMENT 0 0 50,000 41 4130 5026 TRAIL MAINTENANCE 115,204 346,500 0 41 4130 6027 CONTRACT SERVICES -VANDALISM 20,167 20,167 0 41 4130 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES-MAINT 67,234 194,044 305,000 41 4136 6029 TREE MAINT.-CONTRACT 0 0 15,000 41 4130 7043 CAPITAL EXPEND. -BLDG 0 0 10,000 41 4130 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND. -EQUIP 15,000 14,000 0 41 4130 7045 CAPITAL EXPEND. -VEHICLES 40,000 40,000 0 41 4130 8021 NATER UTILITIES 45,262 77,924 150,000 41 4130 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 2,055 4,847 12,000 41 4130 8023 IRRIGATION RESTOR 0 0 10,000 41 4130 8026 PARK MAINTENANCE 10,937 42,822 142,000 41 4130 8768 VICTORIA PARK LANE 792,645 (1,489) 0 41 4130 8769 WHITE ALDERS 4,873 35,728 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 958,997 378,542 763,385 Al 4130 9000 TRANSFER OUT 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 958,991 378,542 763,385 DEPT COUNCIL CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ADJUST 12/31/99 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 0 0 14,056 0 17,060 17,060 3,329 2,498 2,498 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,238 35,000 45,000 9,700 9,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 15,000 11,250 11,250 0 0 5,000 15,000 500 500 0 0 50,000 0 55,458 55,458 0 0 30,534 38,117 38,117 0 0 116,281 10,000 10,000 0 150,515 305,000 115,204 346,500 346,500 0 0 15,000 51,152 20,167 20,167 0 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 39,408 0 0 0 0 106,180 0 0 0 40,906 150,000 130,000 170,000 170,000 0 2,251 12,000 15,000 14,000 14,000 0 0 10,000 70,000 40,000 40,000 0 15,349 142,000 316,665 242,699 242,699 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 213,260 763,385 1,725,424 977,949 977,949 0 0 0 0 0 213,260 763,385 1,725,424 977,949 977,949 0 .-)epartment ivisaon. iescurce Services L 1002 3900 3931 3940 6026 6027 6028 6029 7043 8021 8022 8023 8026 3941 II, Landscape Dist. 2 of Iters & i iv Overhead Maintenance & Operations Vehicle Maint./Operations Contingency -Tree Replacement Trail Maintenance Contract Services - Vandalism /Irrig. Repair Contract Services - Routine Maintenance Tree Maint./Contract Administration Capital Expenditures - Projects Water Electric Irrigation Restoration Park Maintenance Loan Repayment *Dollars for City Crew Reimbursement to Payroll 41-4130 1990/91 $17,060 $2,498 $9,700 $11,250 $500 $38,117 $10,000 $346,500 $20,167 $0 $170,000 $14,000 $40,000 $242,699 $55,458 $977,949 Landscape Maint. OA 42-0130 N r w BUDGET'PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT ---------------- LANDSCAPE DISTRICT 03A HYSSOP---ASMTS 82 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION 42 4130 3950 OVERHEAD 42 4130 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 42 4130 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 42 4130 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 42 4130 3905 CONTINGENCY 42 4130 3931 VEHICLE MAINT 6 OPER 42 4130 3960 CONTINGENCY - TREE REPL. 42 4130 6027 CONTRACT SERVICES -VANDALISM 42 4130 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES-MAINT 42 4130 6029 CONTRACT LANDSCAPE ADMIN 42 4130 7045 CAPITAL EXPEND -VEHICLES 42 4130 8021 NATER UTILITIES 42 4130 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 42 4130 8023 IRRIGATION RESTORATION DEPARTMENT TOTAL 42 4130 9000 TRANSFER OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL CITY OF RAIICHO CUCA14ONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 32 32 32 0 0 32 0 32 32 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 IS 135 0 0 135 0 0 0 0 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 216 44 44 1,259 1,132 1,450 0 658 1,450 1,450 1,519 1,519 0 0 0 72 0 0 0 0 0 48 0 0 669 Be 300 0 89 300 315 315 315 73 120 ISO 0 71 150 160 160 160 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,130 1,460 2,077 0 810 21077 2,261 2,070 2,070 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,130 1,460 2,077 0 016 2,077 2,261 2,070 2,070 L/U1vis1On: FrOgraM: Services Landscape Dist. 3A 1002 Overhead 3900 Maintenance 6 Operations 3931 Vehicle Maint./Operations 3940 Contingency -Tree Replacement 6026 Trail Maintenance 6027 Contract Services - Vandalism/Irrig. Repair 6028 Contract Services - Routine Maintenance 6029 Tree Maint. Contract Administration 7043 Capital Expenditures - Projects 8021 Plater 8022 Electric 8023 Irrigation Restoration 8026 Park Maintenance ti N hoer: Fiscal Ye 42-4130 1 1990/91 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $44 $1,519 $0 $0 $315 $160 $0 $0 $2,070 Landscape Maint. #4 43-0130 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS 10 12-31-89) CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 87-88 FY 00-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST RDEPT COUNCIL EQUEST CITY APPROVED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 _________________________________ ____-___------- __.. LANDSCAPE DISTRICT 13A HYSSOP --- ASMTS 43 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION 4,780 7,440 11,276 0 0 11,276 43 4130 3960 OVERHEAD 11180 0 12,504 12,504 43 4130 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 2,848 0 0 0 1,180 1,610 1,610 43 4130 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 1,728 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 4130 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 7,906 7,686 17,209 0 623 17,209 43 4130 3905 CONTINGENCY 0 5,750 0 0 0 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 0 0 43 4130 3931 VEHICLE MAINT 6 OPER. 43 4130 3940 CONTINGENCY - TREE REPL. 774 74 10,000 (3,400) 0 6,600 10,000 61000 6,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 5,000 15,000 500 500 43 4130 6026 TRAIL MAINTENANCE 0 43 4130 6027 CONTRACT SERVICES -VANDALISM 0 0 0 0 14,201 1,911 1,911 0 15,823 4,300 4,300 43 4130 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES-MAINT 43 4130 6029 TREE MAINT.-CONTRACT 30,191 70,863 113,000 0 41,802 113,000 105,488 56,813 56,013 N 0 0 12,000 0 0 12,000 86,136 2,693 2,693 F �n 43 4130 7043 CAPITAL EXPEND. -BLDG 0 0 10,000 0 0 43 4130 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND. -EQUIP 0 0 10,000 25,000 0 0 0 70,988 0 0 43 4130 7045 CAPITAL EXPEND. -VEHICLES 0 0 43 4130 8021 MATER UTILITIES 8,874 25,831 52,000 0 22,109 0 52,000 77,600 52,000 0 50,000 0 50,000 43 4130 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 43 4130 8023 IRRIGATION RESTOR 398 2,031 2,500 3,400 2,368 5,900 2,500 5,500 5,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 4130 8026 PARK MAINTENANCE 43 4130 8110 ROCHESTER BEAUTIFICATION 15,609 0 46,381 100,000 0 14,717 100,000 287,498 208,660 208,660 43 4130 8956 TERRA VISTA/BSLINE MEDIAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 144,000 133,000 133,000 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 73,188 167,062 334,465 0 81,619 334,465 906,234 486,021 486,021 43 4130 9000 TRANSFER OUT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 73,188 167,062 334,465 0 81,619 334,465 906,234 486,021 486,021 1002 3900 3931 3940 6026 6027 6028 6029 7043 8021 8022 8023 8026 erogram: Landscape Dist. 4 of Items & Irdiv account mmicer : Terra Vista 43-4130 Maintenance & Operations Vehicle Maint./Operations Contingency -Tree Replacement Trail Maintenance Contract Services - Vandalism/Irrig. Repair Contract Services - Routine Maintenance Tree Maint./Contract Administration Capital Eqm ditures - Projects Water Electric Irrigation Restoration Park Maintenance (*Dollars for City Crew Reimbursement to Payroll **Capital Fund Appropriated in 1989/90 * 1990/91 $12,504 $1,640 $2,500 $6,000 $500 $1,911 $4,300 $56,813 $2,693 $133,000 $50,000 $5,500 $0 $208,660 $486,021 • CAPITAL NPROVEMENT PROJECT REQLEST Department: Community Development Fund:Tpr'T rity No. Division: Engineering LMD 84 88-36 Project Title, Description, and Location: Terra Vista Parkway and Median Retrofit Indicate whether: Q New Q Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Reconstruction of curbs at selected drive throughs, retrofit landscaping and irrigation to city standards and landscape concepts, and modify left turn pockets to imcrease traffic capacity. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? O No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 5,000 LMD p4 S 133,000 Construction Cost S 213,000 Measure I - Arterial S 95,000 Administration Cost $ 10,000 Total Cost S 228,000 Funds available and/or S 0 Amount required first year S 228,000 already expended I Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL rS 228,000 S 228,000 Landscape Maint. #5 44-4130 N r OD BUD *JECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT ----------------------------------------------- LANDSCAPE DISTRICT 85 TOT LOT --- ASSMTS 44 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION 44 4130 3960 OVERHEAD 44 4130 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 44 4130 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 44 4130 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 44 4130 3905 CONTINGENCY 44 4130 3931 VEHICLE MAINT 6 OPER 44 4130 3940 CONTINGENCY -TREES 44 4130 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 44 4130 6026 TREE MAINT 6 CONTACT LNDSCP 44 4130 6020 CONTRACT SERVICES 44 4130 6029 TREE MAINT.-CONTRACT 44 4130 7043 CAPITAL EXPEND -FENCE PAINTING 44 4130 7045 CAPITAL EXPEND -VEHICLES 44 4130 8021 MATER UTILITIES 44 4130 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 44 4130 8023 IRRIGATION RESTOR 44 4130 8025 GENERAL MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT TOTAL 44 4130 9000 TRANSFER OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL CITY 0 40 CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 176 116 176 0 0 176 0 176 176 23 23 65 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 15 150 0 0 150 800 167 167 a 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 25 25 0 0 0 25 50 50 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 9 2,320 4,642 3,550 0 1,568 3,550 223 3,751 3,751 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,751 223 223 0 0 0 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 96 0 0 218 157 600 0 98 600 625 200 200 158 96 125 0 18 125 145 80 80 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,902 5,119 4,626 0 1,685 4,624 8,715 4,737 4,737 a 0 0 D 0 0 a 2,902 5,119 4,624 0 1,685 4,626 8,715 4,737 4,737 46 17A [w"JIM&MINJUD• • • ,� 'iepartrnent ivision: Program: Account Number: Fiscal Year resource Services Landscape Dist. 5 Tot Lot 44-4130 1990/91 Object No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1001 As ssnen cEdnistration $176 1002 Overhead $65 3900 Maintenance & Operations $167 3931 Vehicle Maint./Operations $25 3940 Contingency -Tree Replacement $50 6026 Trail Maintenance * $0 6027 Contract Services - Vandalism/Irrig. Repair $0 6028 Contract Services - Routine Maintenance $3,751 6029 Tree Maint./Contract Administration * $223 7043 Capital Expenditures - Projects $0 8021 Plater $200 I 8022 Electric $80 8023 Irrigation Restoration $0 8026 Park Maintenance * $0 TOTAL $4,737 *Dollars for City Crew Reimbursement to Payroll Landscape Maint. p6 454130 N 0 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT LANDSCAPE DISTRICT 96 CARYN CONN ---ASKS 45 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION 45 4130 3960 OVERHEAD 45 4130 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 45 4130 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 45 4130 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 45 4130 3905 CONTINGENCY 45 413D 3931 VEHICLE MAINT 6 OPER 45 4130 3940 CONTINOENCY-TREE REPL 45 4130 6026 TRAIL MAINTENANCE 45 4130 6027 CONTRACT SERVICES -VANDALISM 45 4130 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 45 4130 6029 TREE MAINT.-CONTRACT 45 4130 7043 CAP EXPENDITURE PROJ 45 4130 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND -EQUIP 45 4130 7045 CAPITAL EXPEND -VEHICLES 45 4130 8021 NATER UTILITIES 45 4130 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 45 4130 8023 IRRIGATION RESTOR 45 4130 8025 GENERAL MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT TOTAL 45 4130 9000 TRANSFER OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 07-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NGR 1990/91 1,896 1,896 3,156 0 0 3,756 0 1,681 4,684 643 643 738 738 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 9,000 92,430 91,590 101,430 10,000 3,000 3,000 0 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,264 0 0 1,264 2,300 1,000 1,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 5,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 13,277 1,077 1,077 0 0 0 49,572 9,000 9,000 0 0 52,400 0 0 52,400 330,490 227,360 221,360 0 0 2,600 0 0 2,600 38,423 19,440 19,440 5,000 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 20,580 0 0 0 0 32,000 0 0 32,000 38,000 15,923 15,923 0 0 3,000 0 0 3,000 4,500 3,000 3,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,896 5,911 124,663 92,430 91,590 217,093 512,151 288,222 288,222 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,096 5,911 124,663 92,430 91,590 217,093 512,151 288,222 208,222 0 0 �•� MSI D• • •' '�.17�'/M Department Division: Program: Account Number: Fiscal Year '.escurce Services landscape Dist. 6 Caryn 45-4130 1990/91 Object No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1001 Assessment Aduinistration $4,684 1002 Overhead $738 3900 Maintenance & Operations $3,000 3931 Vehicle Maint./Operations $1,000 3940 Contingency -Tree Replacement $3,000 6026 Trail Maintenance * $1,077 6027 Contract Services - Vandalism/Irrig. Repair $9,000 6028 Contract Services - Routine Maintenance $227,360 6029 Tree Maint./Contract Administration * $19,440 7043 Capital Expenditures - Projects $0 8021 Water $15,923 8022 Electric $3,000 8023 Irrigation Restoration $0 8026 Park Maintenance * $0 TOTAL $288,222 *Dollars for City Crew Reimbursement to Payroll Landscape Maint. #3B 46.4130 N N BUDGET ECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT LANDSCAPE DISTRICT 838 MEDIANS --- ASMTS 46 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION 46 4130 3960 OVERHEAD 46 4130 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 46 4130 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 46 4130 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 46 4130 3905 CONTINGENCY 46 4130 3931 VEHICLE MAINT 6 OPER 46 4130 3940 CONTINGENCY -TREE REPL 46 4130 6027 CONTRACT SERVICES -VANDALISM 46 4130 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES-MAINT 46 0130 6029 TREE MAINT/CONT ADMIN 46 4130 7043 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 46 4130 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND -EQUIP 46 4130 7045 CAPITAL EXPEND -VEHICLES 46 4130 8021 MATER UTILITIES 46 4130 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 46 4130 6026 PARK MAINT-CIVIC CENTER DEPARTMENT TOTAL 46 4130 9000 TRANSFER OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL CITY OF�O CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 81-88 FY 09-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 14GR 1990/91 0 488 624 0 0 624 0 728 728 590 590 255 255 0 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 10,000 (1,000) 74 9,000 0 13,214 13,214 0 1,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 5,775 5,775 0 0 1,000 a 0 1,000 5,000 500 500 0 0 0 18,873 5,000 5,000 0 14,400 69,000 0 23,962 69,000 126,005 127,283 127,283 2,000 2,000 4,675 4,675 21,944 0 21,944 4,836 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 a 4,040 0 0 0 904 12,000 0 3383 12,000 14,000 10,000 10,000 0 920 600 1,000 546 1,500 700 700 700 0 0 0 81,460 0 0 0 18,307 117,758 0 28,265 117,750 266,955 168,130 168,130 0 0 0 a 0 0 18,307 111,758 0 28,255 0 0 117,758 256,955 168,130 168,130 r •ueparanenc/uivision: tescurce Services Object No.1 D 0 0 1002 3900 3931 3940 6026 6027 6028 6029 7043 8021 8022 8023 8026 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKS= Program: Account Number: Fiscal Year Landscape Dist. 3B Medians 46-4130 1990/91 of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget Overhead Maintenance & Operations Vehicle Maint./Operations Contingency -Tree Replacement Trail Maintenance Contract Services - Vandalism/Irrig. Repair Contract Services - Routine Maintenance Tree Maint./Contract Administration Capital Fkpenditures - Projects Water Electric Irrigation Restoration Park Maintenance *Dollars for City Crew Reimbursement to Payroll g i2e $255 $13,214 $5,775 $500 * $0 $5,000 $127,283 * $4,675 $0 $10,000 $700 $0 * $0 $168,130 Landscape Maint.#7 474130 BUDGET WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT ------------------------------------------------- NOTE: NEN FUND 1990-91 LANDSCAPE MAINT. DIST 97 47 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMIN 47 4130 1002 OVERHEAD 47 4130 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 47 4130 3931 VEHICLE MAINT 6 OPER 47 4130 3940 CONTINGENCY -TREE REPL 47 4130 6026 TRAIL MAINTENANCE 47 4130 6027 CONTRACT SERVICES -VANDALISM 47 4130 6026 CONTRACT SERVICES-MAINT 47 4130 6029 TREE MAINT 6 CONTRCT LNDSP 47 4130 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND -EQUIP 47 4130 7045 CAPITAL EXPEND -VEHICLES 47 4130 8021 NATER UTILITIES 47 4130 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT TOTAL 47 4130 9000 TRANSFER OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NGR 1990/91 0 p p 0 0 0 0 68,039 54,000 58,000 2,880 2,880 432 432 3,000 3,000 3,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 9,751 1,078 1,078 2,565 2,565 2,565 17,100 19,955 19,955 8,854 5,094 5,094 9 0 0 7,560 0 0 14,000 13,796 13,796 700 700 700 p 0 0 0 0 0 88,039 $4,000 54,000 0 p p 0 0 0 0 68,039 54,000 58,000 U COST CFNr R DEUUL WORKSE= t ivision: Program: Services Landscape Dist. 7 Etwda North 1001 Assessment Administration . 1002 Overhead 3900 Maintenance 6 Operations 3931 Vehicle Maint./Operations 3940 Contingency -tree Replacement 6026 Trail Maintenance 6027 Contract Servioes - VandalisirVIrrig. Repair 6028 Contract Services - Routine Maintenance 6029 Tree Maint./Contract Administration 7043 Capital Expenditures - Projects 8021 Rater 8022 Electric 8023 Irrigation Restoration 8026 Park Maintenance *Dollars for City Crew Reimbursement to Payroll Der: NEW * 1990/91 �i L,VVV $432 $3,000 $1,500 $3,000 $1,078 $2,565 $19,955 $5,094 $0 $13,796 $700 $0 $0 $54,000 Landscape Maird. #8 484130 N rn BUDGE ROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT ------------------------------------------------- NOTE: NEW FUND 1990-91 LANDSCAPE MAINT. DIST 88 48 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMIN 48 4130 1002 OVERHEAD 48 8130 3900 MAINT 6 OPERATIONS 48 4130 3931 VEHICLE MAINT 6 OPER 48 4130 3940 CONTINGENCY -TREE REPL 68 4130 6026 TRAIL MAINTENANCE 48 4130 6027 CONTRACT SERVICES -VANDALISM 48 4130 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES-MAINT 48 4130 6029 TREE MAINT 6 CONTRCT LNDSP 48 4130 7045 CAPITAL EXPEND -VEHICLES 48 4130 8021 MATER UTILITIES 48 4130 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES CITY OF NO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGA 1990/91 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 48 4130 9000 TRANSFER OUT 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,798 5.935 6,935 0 292 292 0 0 1,193 1,193 25 23 23 500 500 500 0 0 0 510 510 510 3,402 3,402 3,402 1,165 215 215 396 0 0 650 650 650 150 ISO 150 0 6,798 6,935 6,935 0 0 5,798 5.935 6,935 0 E I-] -iepartment ivision: Program: Account Number: Fiscal Year .esource Services Landscape Dist. 8 Etwda South NEW 1 1990/91 Object No. Description of items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1001 Assessment Administration $292 1002 Overhead $0 3900 Maintenance & Operations $1,193 3931 Vehicle Maint./Operations $23 3940 Contingency -Tree Replacement $500 6026 Trail Maintenance * $0 6027 Contract Services - Vandal ism/Irrig. Repair $510 6028 Contract Services - Routine Maintenance $3,402 6029 Tree Maint./Contract Adninistration * $215 7043 Capital Expenditures - Projects $0 8021 Water $650 8022 Electric $150 8023 Irrigation Restoration $0 8026 Park Maintenance * $0 TDTAL $6,935 *Dollars for City Crew Reimbursement to Payroll 40 Lighting Dist/General City 54-0245 54 4245 9000 TRANSFER OUT 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 415,386 417,388 0 425,000 188,402 425,000 0 425,000 425,000 1 BUDGET ROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF�O CUCAMONGA (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACCOUNT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_------------------------------------------ ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/69 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 GEN CITY STREET LIGHTS ---CITY FACILITIES 54 4245 6040 GENERAL CITY STREET LIGHTS 415,386 417,388 0 425,000 188,402 425,000 425,000 425,000 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 415,386 417,388 0 425,000 188,402 425,000 0 425,000 425,000 54 4245 9000 TRANSFER OUT 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 415,386 417,388 0 425,000 188,402 425,000 0 425,000 425,000 i Department -vision: Program: Account r: Fiscal Year 'escurce Services Gen. City Street Lights 54-4245 1990/91 Jb]ect No. Description of Iteas & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 6040 Energy Charges - Non District Street Lights $425,000 TOTAL $425,000 Lighting Dist. #1 5511130 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT LIGHTING DIST 81 ARTERIAL --- ASMTS 55 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION 55 4130 3950 OVERHEAD 55 4130 1100 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 55 4130 1900 CONTINGENCY 55 4130 3900 VEHICLE MAINT 6 OPER 55 4130 3922 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 55 4130 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 55 4130 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND. EQUIP 5S 4130 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 55 4130 8171 BASELINE/ALHS TO HIM DEPARTMENT TOTAL 55 4130 9000 TRANSFER OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCA14ONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 31,952 16,720 69,752 0 0 2,751 0 0 0 0 0 476 0 0 0 0 130 0 0 0 0 3,167 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,000 1,021 0 0 0 0 0 23,073 49,885 62,000 (17,000) 22,970 0 0 0 13,000 0 58,798 98,805 134,503 0 23,991 69,752 57,760 57,760 57,760 2,751 3,155 3,155 3,155 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45,000 71,000 71,000 71,000 13,000 0 0 0 134,503 131,915 131,915 131,915 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58,798 98,805 134,503 0 23,991 134,503 131,915 131,915 131,915 0 0 0 tesource Services ILighting District No. 11 55-4130 1990/91 Lighting Dist. #2 56-4130 • BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT LIGHTING DIST 82 RESIDENTIAL ---ASKS 9 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 55 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION 10,060 14,604 20,268 0 0 20,268 0 19,524 19,524 56 4130 3950 OVERHEAD 0 2,027 2,027 2,327 2,327 56 4130 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 4130 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPER 3,140 (48) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 4130 3922 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 3,721 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 4130 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 1,116 0 0 0 0 56 4130 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 27,012 49,453 60,000 0 19,288 60,000 0 65,000 55,000 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 56 4130 9000 TRANSFER OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL 43,933 64,309 82,295 0 0 0 43,933 64,309 82,295 0 20,405 82,295 0 86,851 86,851 0 0 0 0 0 20,405 82,295 0 86,851 86,851 0 10 IDepartment/Divisii Resource Services 1001 1002 'Overhead 8022 jElectric Utilities • 0 CDSr CE= DETAIL WORKSHEET Program: Lighting District No. 2 Rccounc N mDer r iscal ze 56-4130 1990/91 $2,327 $65,851 TOTAL 1 $87,702 Lighting Dist #3 574130 BUDS EITAOJECTION WORKSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT LIGHTING DIST 83 VICTORIA ---ASKS 10/22/90 CITY 01 CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 57 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION 8,532 11,760 13,928 0 0 13,928 57 4130 3960 OVERHEAD 1,393 1,393 57 4130 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPER 30 0 0 0 0 0 57 4130 3922 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 2,916 ISO 0 0 0 0 57 4130 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 957 0 57 4130 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 29,527 43,435 48,000 0 18,553 48,000 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 57 4130 9000 TRANSFER OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL N O� 41,005 55,345 63,321 0 0 0 41,005 55,345 63,321 0 19.510 63.321 0 0 0 0 19,510 63,321 0 15,848 15,848 1,742 1,742 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55,200 55,200 0 72,790 72,790 0 0 72,790 72,790 0 r i 0 • ODST CaRTR DETAIL WaWMIEET Lighting Dist. #4 58.4130 BUDG�JECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT ----------------------------------------------- LIGHTING DIST 14 TERRA VISTA ---WITS 56 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION 58 4130 3960 OVERHEAD 58 4130 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPER 58 4130 3922 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 58 4130 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 58 4130 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT TOTAL 50 4130 9000 TRANSFER OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL CITY OF�O CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 4,780 7,440 11,352 0 0 11,352 1,135 1,135 474 (71) 0 0 0 0 1,409 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 439 0 13,967 19,829 33,000 0 6,829 33,000 20,630 27,348 45,481 0 7,267 45,487 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,630 27,348 45,487 0 7,267 45,487 0 7,124 7,124 1,402 1,402 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,000 35,000 0 43,526 43,526 0 0 43,526 43,525 0 0 • IDepsrtment ivision: Program: Account Number: Fiscal Year Resource Services Lighting District No. 4 58-4130 1990/91 Object No. -Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1001 Assessment Administration $7,124 1002 Overhead $1,402 8022 Electric Utilities $35,000 TOTAL $43,526 Lighting Dist. #5 59-4130 N rn 00 BUOG*ECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT ---------------------------------------------- LIGHTING DIST 15 CARYN COMM ---ASKS 59 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION 59 4130 3960 OVERHEAD 59 4130 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPER 59 4130 3922 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 59 4130 3931 VEHICLE MAINT 6 OPER 59 4130 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 59 4130 8D22 ELECTRIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT TOTAL 59 4130 9000 TRANSFER OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL CITY OF 0 CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 97-88 FY 08-09 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 1,896 1,896 3,756 470 0 0 0 276 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 235 3,729 8,000 2,407 5,725 12,226 0 0 0 2,407 5,725 12,226 0 0 3,756 470 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 0 0 1,591 8,000 0 1,675 12,226 0 0 0 0 1,675 12,226 0 4,680 4,680 538 538 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o D o 0 8,000 8,000 0 13,218 13,218 0 0 13,218 13,218 • • C� is ••E a./YN �►: t ..G:. 7.1324 Department ivision: Program: Account Numiber: Fiscal Year Resouroe Services Lighting District No. 5 59-4130 1990/92 Object No. -Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1001 Assessment Administration $4,680 1002 Overhead $538 8022 Electric Utilities $8,000 TOPAZ $13,218 Lighting Dist. #6 60-0130 • BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT ----------------------------------------------- LIGHTING DIST 96 INDUSTRIAL AREA ---ASKS 60 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION 60 4130 3922 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 60 4130 1002 OVERHEAD 60 4130 0022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT TOTAL 60 4130 9000 TRANSFER OUT DEPARTMENT TOTAL N V O CITY OF�O CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 98-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 0 2,012 2,272 0 0 2,272 0 5,568 5,568 100 0 0 0 0 0 284 286 317 317 0 16 4,200 0 261 4,200 0 6,500 4,500 0 2,128 6,756 0 261 6,756 0 10,385 10,385 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,128 6,756 0 261 6,756 0 10,385 10,385 MSr CEMM DETAIL WORKSHEET .IDepartment/Division: Program: Account Number Fiscal Ye Resource Services Lighting District No. 6 60-4130 1 1990/91 0. yr L•�•s 1002 Overhead $317 8022 Electric Utilities $4,500 TOTAL 1 $10,385 Irner-Governmental Svcs. 72-0637 N V N BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 - (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT INTERGOVERNMNT'L SERVICE ---IDS 72 4225 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 72 4225 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 72 4225 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 72 4225 3930 FUEL 72 4225 3931 VEHICLE 6 EQUIP. MAINTENANCE 72 4225 3942 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION 72 4225 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 72 4225 6027 HAZARDIYS WAST REMOVAL 72 4225 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 72 4225 7043 CAPITAL EXPENS - BUILDING 72 4225 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND. -EQUIPMENT 72 4225 7045 CAPITAL EXPEND. VEHICLES DEPARTMENT TOTAL a. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA NCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST RDEPT EQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NGR 1990/91 ------------------------ - 7,680 42,214 155,146 9,309 54,345 164,455 256,357 251,548 283,811 6,957 21,988 54,301 0 54,301 54,301 89,725 88,042 99,334 123,855 0 68,452 14,400 246,400 0 0 0 75,849 14,400 246,400 128,000 263,688 128,000 263,648 128,000 263,648 5,336 7,771 5,734 24,288 4,520 30,022 6,135 6,135 6,135 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,570 2,406 2,665 0 2,665 2,665 4,178 4,178 4,178 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 1,566 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17,200 17,200 17,200 0 77,413 7,849 72,699 0 88,704 0 7,000 15,765 34,951 0 95,704 128,800 544,606 120,200 642,000 120,200 642,000 224,477 223,379 567,350 40,597 242,395 607,947 1,458,649 1,540,951 1,584,506 • 0 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 DEPARTMENT: IGS Maintenance Position Classification Emp. Position Quota Aporopriations Current I Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Public Works Maint. Manager 101 9000 06 0'/0 a% 0 0 Parks/Landscape Maint Spvsr 102 307 0'/0 17/0 0'/0 0 0 Street/Storm Drn Maint Supt 103 8112 0'/o 0yo 01/a 0 0 Fleet Maint Supervisor 104 6353 60'/0 60'/0 100% 42,264 47,880 Management Analyst 1 105 7957 00% a% 0'/0 0 0 Secretary 106 220 0'/o 01/ 0% 0 0 Management Aide 107 3438 01% 0y0 0'/0 0 0 Office Specialist II 162 8251 (K 01/0 a% 0 0 Mai nt.Supr.Streets 108 6875 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Mai nt. Supr.Parks: East 109 2494 01/0 1 y/0 01/0 0 0 Mai nt. Supr.Parks: Cont. 110 2681 U/0 01/0 CO/0 0 0 Mai nt.Supr.Parks: Tree 111 4625 00/ OP/ 01% 0 0 Maint.Supr.Streets 112 5889 a,/ Oy0 00% 0 0 Maint.Supr.Parks: West 157 8425 OY0 01/0 a% 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 148 5025 (K 01% 0% 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 150 5200 01/ 0'/ 01% 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 151 6928 01% 0% 01% 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 149 6992 01% Oy0 0'/0 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 152 7925 0'/0 Cy0 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 191 150 OY0 (7/0 01% 0 0 Lead Mechanic: IGS 192 159 80% 100'/ 100% 32,472 35,856 Lead Maint. Worker: Red Hill 114 163 0/0 Oy0 01% 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: City Wide 115 1100 01/0 17Y0 Go/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 116 2319 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks East 121 2714 01/6 %. 01/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. East 123 3185 01/0 17y0 01/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. West 158 5051 01% ay. 0% 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker:St. 160 5561 01/0 0Y0 M/6 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker:St. 161 6782 U/6 OY0 OY0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker :Trees 113 7121 01/0 0/0 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: Pks . West 163 8032 01/0 M/0 01/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: Heritage" 119 2313 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Parks/Trail' 159 5569 0y0 Cy0 01/0 0 0 Sr.Maint.Worker: St. 120 1138 ff/0 01% 01/0 0 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: Irr. C.W. 117 1600 0'/0 17/0 Oy0 0 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: Irr. West 122 2819 01/0 01/0 06 0 0 Sr.Maint.Worker: Civic Center 189 5823 (r/0 01/0 0y0 0 0 Sr.Maint.Worker: St. 118 5857 OY0 OY0 0/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 126 132 a% 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trails/City Wide 127 507 01/0 17/0 01/ 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Irr. West 177 565 01/0 01/0 01% 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 140 644 01/0 01/0 01% 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 124 813 0% Q/ 01% 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 137 819 01/0 Oy0 0% 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Red Hill 174 832 00/0 0% 01% 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 131 873 00/0 01% OY0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 141 1048 03% OY0 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: East 134 1088 (K 11% 0 0 Maint.Worker:St. 173 1291 Oy0 In 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: West 132 1310 a7. Oy0 0 ja/ 0 Maint.Worker: Trees 136 1844 00% 0% 0 0 Maint. Worker:St. 1971915 Oy0 Oy0 0 0 L J 0 11 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 DEPARTMENT: IGS Maintenance Position Classification Emp. Position Quota A oroDriations Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Maint.Worker :St. 129 2143 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: East 138 2740 01/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Fac. Citywide 139 3203 0'/0 0'/o 01/o 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: Heritage 135 4262 01/ 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 145 4962 a,/ 0'/0 0'/ 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 169 5055 0'/0 01/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 166 5091 0'/0 0'/0 0'/ 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Irr. Crew 175 5561 0'/0 0'/0 (P/o 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 146 5563 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint. Worker: St. 196 5824 0'/0 0'/0 01% 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trees 167 5863 0'/0 0'/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 142 6009 01/ 01/0 01/ 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 222 6045 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 133 6181 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 125 6740 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Red Hill 1706744 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 171 6773 01/0 a% 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 143 7397 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 184 7638 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Red Hill 128 8151 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 130 8677 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Fac. Crew 183 8681 01/0 01/ 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 144 Vacant 01/0 01/0 a,/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 147 Vacant 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 165 Vacant 01/ 01/0 01/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 153 Vacant 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 154 Vacant 01/0 01/ 0y/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 155 Vacant 01/0 01/0 0'/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 156 Vacant 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: Citywide 199 Vacant 01/ 01/ 01/ 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: Citywide 200 Vacant 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Mechanic 179 3036 801/0 100°/ 100% 30,120 33,600 Mechanic 180 5883 800/0 1000/0 100% 25,296 29,664 Mechanics Assistant 181 Vacant 801/0 100% 1000/6 20,712 22,656 Inventory Spec Equip Mtrls 182 5994 600% UK 601/0 13,738 16,106 Signal & Lighting Tech 201 Vacant 0'/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Supervisor Parks City Wide 186 Proposed 01/ N/R 0 N/R Supervisor Streets 187 Proposed 01/0 01/0 0 0 Office Assistant 202 Proposed 01/ N/R 0 N/R Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 204 Proposed - 01/0 01/0 0 0 Equipment Operator 206 Proposed 01/0 N/R 0 N/R Equipment Operator 207 Proposed d/ 01/ 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 190 Proposed 01/ N/R 0 N/R Lead Maint Worker:St. 235 Proposed - 01/ - 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Trail C.W. 224 Proposed - N/R - N/R Lead Worker: Pks. Irr. C.W. 225 Proposed - N/R - N/R Lead Worker: Pks .GF LMD Cont. 226 Proposed - N/R - N/R Lead Worker: Pks. LIVID Contract 227 Proposed - N/R - N/R Lead Mechanic 228 Proposed - 1000% 1000/6 27,936 29,664 Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Beryl 188 Proposed 01/0 N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. West 198 Proposed - 01/ - 0 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Mow 229 ProDosed N/R - N/R 0 0 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 DEPARTMENT: IGS Mmintannnra Position Classification Emp. Position Quota A oropriations Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Fac. West 164 Proposed 0% N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Fac. East 172 Proposed - 0'/6 N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Irr. East 176 Proposed - 06 N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks.Low, Crew 178 Proposed - a,/o N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: St. 185 Proposed - N/R - N/R Maint. Worker :Pks. West 193 Proposed 0'/6 0% 0 0 Maint. Worker Pks. West 194 Proposed - 0'/0 0'/6 0 0 Maint. Worker Pks. Civic 195 Proposed 0'/o N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker St. 231 Proposed - N/R - N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. East 208 Proposed 0'/6 03/0 0 0 Maint. Worker Pks. East 209 Proposed 0'/6 0'/0 0 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. West 210 Proposed - 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint. Worker Sts. 219 Proposed - 0'/o N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Mow 212 Proposed - 0'/o N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker St. 216 Proposed - 0'/o N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker: Pks. Beryl 214 Proposed 0'/o N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Fac. East 215 Proposed - 0'/o N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Fac. West 218 Proposed - 0'/6 0'/6 0 0 Maint. Worker Pks. Trail LIVID 217 Proposed - 0'/6 0'/6 0 0 Maint. Worker Pks. Irr. East 213 Proposed - a,/ N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker Pks. Low Crew 211 Proposed - 0/o N/R 0 N/R Maint. Worker Pks. Low Crew 237 Proposed - N/R - N/R Maint. Worker Pks. Heritage 232 Proposed - N/R - N/R Maint. Worker Pks.Heritage 233 Proposed N/R - N/R Maint. Worker : Pks. Trail LIVID 236 Proposed - N/R N/R Maint. Worker St. 205 Proposed - N/R N/R Mechanic 220 Proposed - 100'/6 1000% 24,060 29,664 Mechanics Asst. 221 Proposed - 1000/6 1000/6 20,712 22,656 Subtotal 237,310 267,746 Merit Contingency: 13,052 16,065 Subtotal: 250,362 283,811 Fringe Benefits 87,627 99,334 Subtotal: 337,989 383,145 Part-time 0 0 Subtotal: 337,989 383,145 Merit Contingency: 0 0 TOTAL: 337,989 383,145 'Proposed New Position "Proposed reclassification of Existing Position from Sr. M.W. to Lead M.W. N/R 89 Not Recommended FY 89/90 N/R 90 Not Recommended FY 90/91 • COST CENTER DARKSHEET 199091 • DepartmenVDivision: Program: En ineerin IGS Account Number: Department 72-4637 Pro osed City Mgr. Proposed Revised Ob'ect No. I Description of Items 8 Individual Dollar Amounts Bud et 1100 Re ular Pe roll 176510 176510 283811 1200 Overtime Payroll 0 0 0 1300 Part-time Payroll 0 0 0 1900 Benefits 8 35% 61779 61779 99334 _Fringe 3900 Maintenance 8 Operations Materials Lubricants Solvents Uniforms 80000 Specialty Tools 18000 Mechanic's Tools 15000 Wherehouse Stock 15000 128000 3937 Fuel 263648 3931 Vehicle 8 Equipment Maintenance 6135 3960 General Liability 0 0 4178 6027 Hazardous Waste Removal Solvents and Used Oil Disposal 0 0 20000 7043 Expenditures - Buildinfl 17200 —Capital 7044 Expenditures - Equipment 120200 —Capital 7045 Expenditures - Vehicles 78000 —Capital Re lecement Vehicles 564000 TOTAL: I 1 1584506 CFD 88-2 Flood Dist. 764130 BUDGET JECTIOW WORKSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12-31-09) ACCOUNT ----------------------------------------- AD 888-2 ETIWANDA/HIGHLAND - DEBT SERVICE 76 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMIN 76 4130 3900 MAINT 6 OPERATIONS 76 4130 7910 PAYMENTS TO TRUSTEE DEPARTMENT TOTAL 10/22/90 CITY OF NO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 81-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/69 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 0 0 0 0 0 1,850 1,850 1,850 0 0 0 181,375 181,376 181,376 0 183,226 183,226 103,226 • C 41 partment/Divisic -MN./SPDC. DIST. 88-2 LAW MEao P. 78-4130 1990/91 • CFD 88-2 Law Enforce. Dist. 784130 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) ACCOUNT -------------------------------------------------- CRD 08-2 LAM ENFORCE. 78 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMIN 78 4130 3900 MAINT 6 OPERATIONS 78 4130 7910 PAYMENTS TO TRUSTEE DEPARTMENT TOTAL N W O 524 524 5,252 5,252 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,116 5,776 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/09 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 524 524 5,252 5,252 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,116 5,776 AD 84-2 Alta Loma Channel 80.4637 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) 10/22/90 ACCOUNT -------------------------------------------- AO 84-2 ALTA LOMA CHANNEL --- ASMTS 80 8130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT TOTAL 80 8637 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 80 4637 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 80 4637 1300 PART TIME PAYROLL 80 8637 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 80 4637 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 80 4637 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 80 8637 3931 VEHICLE NAINT. 6 OPER 80 4637 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 80 4637 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 80 4637 6029 RIGHT OF NAY AC(IUIS 80 4637 7048 CAPITAL EXPEND. EQUIP 80 4637 7085 CAPITAL EXPEND. VEHICLES DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCA14DNGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-90 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NGR 1990/91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 a o 0 0 0 0 0 19,805 15,692 0 0 6,937 0 21,890 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,880 7,880 0 0 0 0 7,662 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 165,483 229,317 136,400 0 44,372 136,400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 193,168 252,912 136,400 0 51,310 136,400 29,552 0 0 • 'department ivision: Program: �esource Services AD 84-2 Capital Imp. 1001 jAssessment Administration 3900 IMaintenance & Operations tP 80-4130 :Iriscal Year 1990/91 Budget $0 $0 $0 AD 842 Redemption Fund 81-0637 0 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET (ACTUALS TO 12-31-89) 10/22/90 ACCOUNT -------------------------------------------- AD 84-2 REDEMPTION FUND ---ASKS 61 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT TOTAL 81 4637 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMIN 81 4637 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 81 4637 3931 VEHICLE MAINT. 6 OPER 81 4637 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 81 4637 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 81 4637 7910 PAYMENTS TO TRUSTEE DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 1,176 1,600 1,600 0 0 1,600 1,600 0 0 1,175 1,600 1,600 0 0 1,600 1,600 0 0 1,600 1,600 895 5,114 3,850 1,000 0 4,850 3,850 3,850 3,850 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 192,650 256,206 194,246 0 57,511 194,246 184,887 184,887 184,887 193,545 261,320 198,096 1,000 57,511 199,096 188,737 190,337 190,337 • 24% ucYai Ul=llL/L1V1510n: erogram: Account Number: Fiscal Year �tesource Services AD 84-2 Redemption 1 81-4130 1 1990/91 AD 82-1 6th SL Industrial 834637 N 00 L� BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA (ACTUALS TO 12-31-09) DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 08-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 NOR 1990/91 AD 82-1 GTN STREET INDUSTRIAL ---ASKS 83 6130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION 0 865 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 865 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 6637 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 27,393 21,295 0 0 2,371 0 42,649 60,319 60,319 03 6637 1200 OVERTIME PAYROLL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 6637 1300 PART TIME PAYROLL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 4637 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS 10,031 (10,831) 0 0 0 0 14,927 21,112 21,112 83 4637 3100 TRAVEL 6 MEETINGS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 4637 3900 MAINTENANCE d OPERATIONS 0 2,985 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 4637 3931 VEHICLE MAINT 6 OPER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 6631 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 4537 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 13,252 180,199 342,000 0 61,126 362,000 0 477,000 677,000 83 6637 6029 RIGHT OF MAY ACQUIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 4637 7044 CAPITAL EXPEND. -EQUIP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 4637 7065 CAPITAL EXPEND.-VEH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 4637 8867 INDUSTRIAL DRAINAGE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 50,676 199,648 342,000 0 63,697 362,000 57,576 550,431 558,431 0 0 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHZ T Department ivision: Program: Account Number: Fiscal Year 2escurce Services AD 82-1R Capital Imp. 1 83-4130 1990/91 5b3ect Nc• Description of Iters & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1001 Assessment Administration $0 3900 Maintenance & Operations $0 6028 Contract Services $477,000 TOML $477,000 • • CAPITAL INIPROVE`IE\T PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering AD 82-1 AD 83.02 Project Tide, Description, and Location: Industrial Assesment District Drainage System Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Provide additional drainage systems in the Industrial Assesment District 2. 6th - 7th Street Storm Drain and Railroad Crossing between Center Avenue and Haven Avenue. 3. Jersey Blvd. Storm Drain from Vincent Avenue eastward. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P ? O No OO Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 20,000 AD 82-1 S 477,000 Construction Cost S 417.000 Administration Cost S 40,000 Total Cost S 477,000 Funds available and/or S 0 Amount required first year S 477,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required TOTAL S 477,000 S 477,000 AD 84.1 Redemption Fund 87-0130 & 87-4637 AD 84-1 REDEMPTION FUND--ASMTS 87 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION 87 4637 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 87 4637 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 87 4537 7910 PAYMENTS TO TRUSTEE DEPARTMENT TOTAL I 7,012 9,000 0 2,630 3,356 500 0 0 0 3,397,449 786,403 1,207,094 3,407,091 798,839 1,207,594 0 0 0 0 0 500 0 0 0 0 400,000 1,207,094 0 400,000 1,207,594 0 9,000 9,000 0 500 500 BUDGET PROJECTION NORNSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCA14ONGA 0 1,105,500 11105,500 (ACTUALS TO 12/31/89) 1,115,000 DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 09-69 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 AD 84-1 REDEMPTION FUND--ASMTS 87 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION 87 4637 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 87 4637 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 87 4537 7910 PAYMENTS TO TRUSTEE DEPARTMENT TOTAL I 7,012 9,000 0 2,630 3,356 500 0 0 0 3,397,449 786,403 1,207,094 3,407,091 798,839 1,207,594 0 0 0 0 0 500 0 0 0 0 400,000 1,207,094 0 400,000 1,207,594 0 9,000 9,000 0 500 500 0 0 0 0 1,105,500 11105,500 0 1,115,000 1,115,000 [We --v metay a• O -.1 UF l2 oepartment/Division: Program: Account r: Fiscal Ye. `esource Services CFD 84-1 Redemption 87-4130 1 1990/91 1001 (Assessment Administration 3900 Maintenance 6 operations 7910 lPayment to Trustee • • $9,000 $500 $1,105,500 TOTAL I $1,115,000 PD -85 Redemption Fund 9D-4130,90-4532, & 904637 N O 0 • BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA (ACTUALS TO 12/31/89) DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACCOUNT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 PD 85 REDEMPTION FUND --- ASMTS 90 4130 1001 ASSESSMENT AD14INISTRATION 85,732 81,596 87,581 0 0 87,584 0 87,584 87,586 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 85,732 87,594 87,584 0 0 87,584 0 87,584 07,584 90 4532 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 90 4532 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 90 4532 7910 PAYMENTS TO TRUSTEE DEPARTMENT TOTAL 90 4537 1100 REGULAR SALARIES 90 4637 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS DEPARTMENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL 942 1,285 0 0 0 0 806,152 807,728 807,721 807,694 809,012 807,727 0 0 0 893,426 896,606 095,311 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 303,733 807,727 0 303,733 807,727 0 303,133 895,311 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 807,665 807,465 0 807,665 807,465 53,895 53,895 18,853 18,863 0 72,758 72,758 0 967,007 967,807 0 I* • COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department lvisicn: Program: Acoount Number: Fiscal Year '.esource Services AD 85PD Redemption 90-4130 1990/91 Object No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1001 Assessment Adainistration $87,584 3900 Maintenance & Operations $0 7910 Payment to Trustee $807,465 'OMU $895,049 AD 82.1 R Redemption Fund 93.4130 & 93-0637 • BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 - (ACTUALS TO 12/31/89) ACCOUNT -------------------------------------------- AO 82-1R REDEMPTION FUND ---ASKS 93 1130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION 93 1130 3900 MAINT 6 OPERATIONS 93 1130 7910 PAYMENT TO TRUSTEE DEPARTMENT TOTAL 93 1637 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 93 1637 7910 PAYMENTS TO TRUSTEE DEPARTMENT TOTAL FUND TOTAL i 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDROA DEPT COUNCIL 87-88 FY 88-09 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 692 0 855 0 0 665 865 865 665 0 0 a 0 0 737,213 737,213 737,273 692 0 865 0 0 865 138,138 738,138 738,138 11,575 1,038 0 5,000 131 5,000 909,061 112,338 131,273 30,000 516,581 767,273 920,635 713,375 737,273 35,000 566,712 772,273 0 0 0 921,328 743,375 738,138 35,000 516,712 773,138 738,138 738,138 738,138 Department ivislon: Program: Account r• F1sca1 Year 'esource Services AD 82-1R Redemption 1 93-4130 1990/91 Object No. Description of items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1001 Assessment Administration $865 3900 IMaintenance & Operations 7910 jPaYMent to Trustee $0 $737,273 TOTAL 1 $738,138 AD 86.2 Capital Improvements 95.4637 N A 0 •1 BUDGET PROJECTION WORKSHEET 10/22/90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCA14ONGA (ACTUALS TO 12/31/89) DEPT COUNCIL 87-08 FY 88-89 FY CUR FY CUR FY ACTUAL TO DEPT EST REQUEST CITY APPROVED ACCOUNT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ADJUST 12/31/89 ACTUAL 1990/91 MGR 1990/91 AD 86-2 R/C DRAINAGE DISTRICT --- AS14TS 95 6130 1001 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95 4637 1100 REGULAR PAYROLL 0 0 0 0 11,798 0 95 4637 3900 MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATIONS 0 0 0 0 0 0 221,126 221,126 221,125 95 4637 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY 0 0 0 0 0 0 95 4637 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES 1,562,076 7,190 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1,552,076 7,190 0 0 11,790 0 221,126 221,125 221,126 FUND TOTAL 1,562,016 7,190 0 0 11,798 0 221,126 221,125 221,126 N A • E •�_ ray o• � • • �.�:� Department/Division: Program: Account r: Fiscal Year resource Services AD 86-2 Capital Imp. 95 to 1990/91 Object No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1001 Assessment Administration $0 3900 I Maintenance & Operations $221,126 TOTAL $221,126 0 AD 86-2 Redemption Fund 964130 & 96.4637 96Z 1 > •P P N C = = P 2 Z 2 y y P C y H Z N m y > I O � ny r o K u tl P e > 0 C9 j i u r yl o e N 1 K m ['f CA o e e O e 1 � • C m > 1 O i > T I 1 > T r � i � u div 1 ~ b N a y A K J y9 E 17— IDepartment ivision: Program: Account Number: Fiscal Year tesource Services AD 86-2 Redemption 96-4130 1990/91 Object No. Description of Items &Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1001 Assessment Administration $4,264 3900 Maintenance & Operations $1,000 7910 Payment to Trustee $208,166 TOTAL $213,430