HomeMy WebLinkAbout358 - OrdinancesORDINANCE NO. 358 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCil. OF THE CITY OF RANCliO O3CAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING SIGN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 88-01, AMENDING TIILE 14 OF THE RANCliO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE TO MODIFY REGULATIONS FOR NEON AND WINDOW SIGNS AND ADDING PROVISION FOR TEMPORARy SIGNS FOR CITY SPONSORED SPECIAL EVENTS follows: The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby ordain as SECTION 1: Section 14.08,030 of Chapter 14.08 is amended to read as follows, in words and graphics: 14.08.030 Area of Sign. "Area of sign" shall be computed by including the entire area wit~i~'~'single, continuous, rectilinear perimeter of not more than eight straight lines, or a circle or an ellipse, enclosing the extreme limits of the writing, representation, emblem, or other display, together with any material or color forming an integral part of the background of the display or used to differentiate the sign from the hackdrop of structure against which it is placed, hut not including any supporting framework or bracing that is clearly incidental to the display itself. In the case of a two-sided, multi-sided, or three dimensional sign, the area shall be computed as including the maximum single display surface which is visible from any ground position at one time. Determining Sign Areas Ordinance No. 358 Page 2 SECTION 2: Section 14.08.380 of Chapter 14.08 is amended to read as follows: 14.08.030 Window Sign. 'Window sign" means a sign painted, attached, glued, or otherwise affixed to a window or located within three feet of the interior side of the window or otherwise easily visible from the exterior of the building. SECTION 3: Section 14.20.070 of Chapter 14.20 is amended to read as follows: 14.20.070 Neon Signs - Exterior. sign material in exterior monument signs following provisions: Neon tubing may be permitted as a and wall signs subject to the A. Permitted only in the more intense commercial zones: - Community Commercial - Regional Related Commercial - Regional Commercial Exposed tubing is prohibited. Neon tubing shall be fully enclosed in a metal frame and covered with plexiglass. Within shopping centers, neon signs may be allowed only as part of a Uniform Sign Program. Such signs shall be limited to business identification only, and may include graphic symbols. SECTION 4: Section 14.20.071 is added to Chapter 14.20 to read as follows: 14.20.071 Neon Signs - Interior. Neon tubing may be permitted as a sign material for interior window signs subject to the following provisions: A. Permitted in commercial zones only. No more than two neon window signs shall be permitted per business. Generic name messages shall not exceed two square feet. A combination of graphic symbols and generic names may be used; however, the total combined sign area shall not exceed four square feet. Names shall be limited to generic messages, such as "OPEN" or "PIZZA". No product advertising or business identification is allowed except in the form of a graphic symbol. Ordinance No. 358 Page 3 SECTION 5: Subsection Q is added to Section 14.16.010 to read as follows | Temporary window signs shall be permitted for any business in a commercial zone, and for commercial type uses in industrial or office zones when approved as part of a Uniform Sign Program. subject to the following criteria: Limited to temporary messages such as sales· No business identification is permitted. Maximum sign area shall be up to 30 percent of the window area. of the first floor only on multi-story buildings, or up to 20 feet above finished grade on one-story buildings, not to exceed 150 square feet. The placement of the sign shall be located on the first floor only on multi-story buildings, and shall not exceed 20 feet in height above finished grade on one-story buildings. No temporary window sign shall be displayed continously for more than 30 days. Paper signs which advertise "weekly specials", and similar signs which are rotated on a regular basis, shall have a fastening device for a more permanent look· Window signs affixed with tape are discouraged. follows: SECTION 6: Section 14.08.215 is added to Chapter 14.08 to read as 14.08.215 Neon Sign. "Neon sign" means any glass tube lighting in which a gas and phosphors are used in combination to create a colored sign. SECTION 7: Section 14.20.080 of Chapter 14.20 is amended to read as follows: 14.20.080 Permitted Signs - Residential Zones. The following signs may be permitted in the residential zones subject to the provisions listed: (Chart remains unchanged) SECTION 8: Section 14·20.100 of Chapter 14.20 is amended to read as follows: Ordinance No. 358 Page 4 14.20.100 Permitted Signs - Commercial and Office Zones. The following signs may be permitted in the commercial and office zones su~j ect to the provisions listed: (see revised chart attached) SECTION 9: Section 14.20.110 of Chapter 14.20 is amended to read as follows: 14.20.110 Permitted SiRnS - Industrial Zones. The following signs may be permitted in the industrial zones subject to the provisions listed: (Chart remains unchanged) SECTION 10: Section 14.24.090 is added to Chapter 14.24 to read as follows: 14.24.090 SiRn Color. Sign colors should be compatible with the building architecture. Within shopping centers, sign color should compliment the color scheme for the center. The use of garish or floursscent colors is considered inappropriate. SECTION 11: Section 14.08.375 is added to Chapter 14.08 to read as follows: 14.08.375 Window Area. "Window Area" shall be computed by calculating each window pane or panel. The area shall be separate for each building face, and for each window. A group of window panes or panels may be considered one window if they are adjoining on the building face and are less than six (6) inches apart. SECTION 12: This Council finds that this amendment will not adversely effect the environment and hereby issues a Negative Declaration. SECTION 13: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The Daily Report, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. California. PASSED, kPPROVED, and ADOPTED this 16th day of November, 1988. AYES: Brown, Buquet, Stout, King NOES: None ABSENT: Wright Ordinance No. 358 Page 5 ATTEST: Authelet, City Clerk I, BEVERLY A. AUTHRLET, CITY (~ERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the 2nd day of November, 1988, and was finally passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the 16th day of November, 1988. Executed this 17th day of November, 1988 at Rancho Cucamonga, California. ever y '~. uthelet, City Clerk t, CLAma kinntlfleatloo (buslimes not within dmppinl centers Ilmludlnl single tenant office Imiklings) ikisineas Llenlifiesli~ (hQ~ine~es willkin slmppinl centers) SICiN TY P E WIll monument Wail and Monument till(| Ihi.~lnesN direclury (monunlent) MAXIMUM HUMBleR One per buiMinI feet, I mmxlmum of three (l) per bomball One per street frontale, · maximum of two (2) per business One per buildin[ flee, · maximum of 3 for any me One per street frontage, not to exceed two per development · ro he delerinined through approval by tile City Planner. Signs may be placed Io form a single slruelure or kiosk. MAXIMUM SiGN AREA MAXIMUM HEIGHT 1096 of the buildin~ Not to propmet above face not to exceed the root and in no 150 eqtmf~ feet emil he higher than 20 feet from finished Itede 24 square feet Up to l feet 10% of the building face, not to exceed 150 square feet 24 squire feet 15 ~41uure feet Not to project above the roof and in no ease be higher then 20 feet from finished grade. Up to 8 feet Up to 6 feet REMARKS I. A combination of monument and well signs may be used, however, only · nmxlmum of 3 ligns may he used to. kilntill any one bostonas. b. Well signs end monument signs shall be arehiteetuilly designed to be compatible with the developincur. e. Monument signs shall be placed entirely on the .md~jeel paNtarty and shall not overhang mto private or pnblie property. a. A combinstill of enonument and well signs may be used, however, only a maximum of 3 signs may be used to identify any one bunionas. Wall signs ere limited to business kientifinltion only. e. Monument signs may contain up to three identifications per side; either the theme name of the center and two tenants or three tents. The design (color, material style) of all monuments signs shall be eonsistet and eompatlhle to the design of the center. Monument signs facing differmet xtreetx need not contain identical information. Additionally, a two sided sign need not eontein the same eopy. d. A center is one m which ~s and $truetm. m~ are deigned in an intelratnd end itembled developmont. 8oeh dedln b in~ndenl of tIM number of atruettees, lots, or pereels mmkml up the center. e, fw AU shopping eenters shall develop a coordinated sign program for all tenants and neat. This includes size, color, sqn type, and leealice. Limited variation is permitted, such ns color, as kM~ as the remaining eomlmnents of the program reinsin the same. The business directory signs are intended to provide direction and klentifleetion to tile emillet individual shop tenant. All such signs shall maintain a minimum 60 foot MOMek from the street (as measured from the face of curb). 0 H. m 0 O0 · L~ O~ L~ C I.ASS SIft N TYPE IkiNIn~ms Well Identlfleetlml (m,ltil,le profe&slo~el eml placement of end well end directory Monument signs ~,d~ell be subject to review by the City and I'lenner. Business Direelory e. Service Steleon Wall identificelion ated I'riein( and monument end Silo Illrectory (monument) b. 5pecml Service Well or ground Sig,s e. Special Window or Advert ise :nent ground MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM SIGN AREA fobe determlnedby 10% of the face of the CIty Planner the structure where bleed on eaeh sign IS tO be pilleel, individual building not to exeend 50 design. square feet. One per street 24 square feet maximum of 2 To be determined by the City Planner based on each individual building design. One per vehicular entrance One per street frontage, fnaximum 2 One per street frontage, not to exeeL. d · total of two per station One for eeeh pump island, not to exceed · total of four per station. Two per station 15 square feet 12square feet 10%otbuildinlfeee not to exceed 150 square feet 36square feet 2square feet 6square feet MAXIMUM HEIOHT Not to proJeer above the roof. Up to I feet Up to 8 teat Up to 8 feet Not above roof line or 20 feet Up to 8 feet If mounted on a well of pole of the eurm0y, It shell he no hiSher then 8 feel. firound stKns elmll not exceed 6 teat in height. A Iround eign shell net e,reend 6 feet in height, · window din shell not exceed e feet in height. REMARKS e, de A eoneephml sign prngrem roe each helMin( shell he required el the time of destin review. The City Planner shell review ell office sip Prngrems throulh the permit procedure In determine that it is within the criteria heroin set forth end meets the intent of this Ordinance. Monument signs shell he limited to identifying the name of the professional complex. Business directory signs may he placed throulhout the site as needed el entrances and shall he limited to listing the tenants name and suite number. e. To direct visitors and emerReney vehicles to beiMings. b. Sign shell he eonveniently beeted end shaU not be beeted within the entry throat in a manner which could bbek access. e. Illuminated foe leRtbi llty 24 hours · day. d. Sign dell beete buiMinls, drivewe)m, end raMtess of eeeh buildInI. !cite hydrant oe knees box beetions may elan he shown es required by tire district. e. Copy shell he minimum I inch in height end lefthie from 20 feet. e. A combination of monument and well may he uled, but no more then a total of 3 siKpa. b. The monument sign shell he desiKned to include the identification of the station end panline prices. No other price signs ere ellowed. Special service signs shall he limited to such items es self serve, full serve, air, water, eeshier sad shell be nonilluminated. Special advertisement shell he limited to advertising special sales or ~erviees. Permitted Uses - Commercial and Office Uses (eont.) CLASS SI~,N TYPE MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM NUMBER SIGN AREA NFJGHT REMARKS 5. Pedestrian Traffic ii. R.elioami SIKWptnl Caroler 1. Movie 11Mators Wall, window, One per beam 0 square feet emak0py Not to exceed i! let above tintabed It·de. Upom dmvelopment of a "refioeal droppinI ·enter" a eeneeptumi sillt pc·Iram droll be (level·pad mad qaproved by the Pilij~l ~AI4IIIhlIIOII Wilh the oveflU applevii of the project. Pblll dmlmik of the ajflkl shim be mabmitted to tim City Planner in leeolives with the IMm permit pfmeeduemm. The City Pllmmmr liar mite for eonaideney with approved emmptoal P~lram. Upm dsvek~pmenl of · amovM Omatora · e~neq~tual slln Pealram droll be d,valopod and al~p~ovad by lira PlanninI Commimkm with tim overan al~peoval of Um project. Final d, toib of tim milm drab Im mbmittgl to tim City Pinmint in eeegf~flre· with the Him permit peoeedma~ 11M City Pilatemr diem review for emtlbleney with Ippfoved eemeeptuaJ pe01rmm, 8ueh den ahali eontoin only the ldentifiealion of the budnmm for pedeatrinn traffie. II