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Budget 1988-89 (2)
PROC I Moro- IE uu City with a Plan P VCHO A 3 CUCAN GA .Aa .......... ' -1 i i - i � IT 'Y OF R A N C H 0 CUCA, M © NGA 1988 1989 PROGRAM OF SERVICE a; 21 n . Dennis Stoic" mayor r I Pamela J. Wrighi, W,ar Pro 7em ^ Charles J. Buquet, 11, Councilmember Deborah Brown, 'Councilmember Jeffrey King, Counei member i Lauren Wasserman, City Manager Am v l ` f 'I ABLE OF CONTENTS City Manager's Rudget Message tt Organization values A Goals and Objectives Revenue Sources i Pa e tur Fund Analysis- . . . . . . . . I t{ City Council . 5 City Manager ., . . . . . . . 8 Personnel . . . . . . . . . 12 emergency Preparedness . . . . . . 17 City Clerk . . . . . . . . 25 Administrative Services/Administration . . . . 32 Finance . . . . . . . . . _ . . . 38 licensing . . . . . 45 Purchas-;ng . . . . . . .- . . . . . 50 " Risk Management . 56. . -'ity_Treasurer . . . . . . 61 City Facilities . . . 6�r Personnel Overne.aa . . . . . 66 General Overhead . . . . . . . . . 69 Cammunity Development/Administration . . . 71 Planning . . . . . 76 Planning CornmissiQn . . 84 Is Historic Preservation Commission . . . . 85 Building & Safety . . . . o . . . . . . 88 F i Sheriff's Department _ . . . . . 96 Commurity Services . . . » . 99 Park and Recreation Commission . . . . . . . . 105 Engineering/Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Development Management . . . . . 115 Traffic Management . . . . . . 122 Project Management . . . . . . . . . 128 Construction Management a . . y . . . 1.33 Maintenance e « . . « f a . . . 140 Transfers . • . . . . . ♦ . • . . . • ♦ . . . « Reimbursements/CCWD . . .. . . . 154 Re,imbursL- IRnt5/CalTrar- . . . . . . 157 Reinbursementst County of :. ;1 Bernardino . . . . . 160 Gas Tax 2107 . . . . . . . 163 Gas Tax 2106 . . . . . . « 179 Gas Sales Tax/Article 8 . . . . .. . . . 182 - I Recreation Services . . . 213 I SB 300 . . . . . f . • « ♦ . 216 Pedestrian Grants/Article 3 . .. .. . 21 1 Federal Aid Urban Section 203 « . . . . . . . 222 1 Drainage Faci`rity/Etiwanda . . . . 224 i Park Development . . . . . 232 Beautification . . » 246 Systems Development . . . . . . . . 285 Drainage � City Facilities General . . . . . . . . 338 y Federal Aid Urban . . . . . . . . « . . . 361 -2- Capital Reserve . . . . . . 366 Grants/CD6G . . . . 371 Park Bond 1984 . . . . . . 373 Park Bond 1986 . . . . 378 Resource Center/Assessments , 381 Landscape Districts Landscape Maintenance 7#1 . . . . . . . 390' Landscape Maintenance #2 . . . . . . . . . 393 Landscape Maintenance M . . . . . . . . . . 390 Landscape Manto a c i #38 . . . . . . . . . 398 n n e Landscape Maintenance #4 . .. . . . , 400 Landscape Maintenance #6 .. 403 Landscape Maintenance #6 . . . . . . 405 Lighting Districts General City Street Lights 407 Lighting District #1 . . . . . 409 Lighting District #2 0 412 Lighting District #3 . . 414 Lighting District #4 . . 416 Lighting District #5 . . . . . . 418 Lighting District 46 . 420 IGS . . . . . . .. . 422 Capital Projects AD 84-2 Alta Loma '`Channel . . . . . 427 AD 84-2 Redemption Fund . . , . . . . . . 430 AD 82-1 6th Street Industrial . . . . . . . 433 1 -3m AD 84-1. Redemption Fund . . . 436 PD-85 heritage Improvement . . . . . . . . . . 439 PD-85 Red Hill Improvement . . . . . . . . . . . 440 PD-85 Redemption Fund . . . . 441 1B 82-IR Redemption Fund . . . . . . . 444 At 86-2 Redemption Fund . . . . . .- . . . . 447 12 S- -4 a , f - � I J 1 JJ� I i i CITY OF RANCHO CUC:AMONGA Post office sox 807. Rancho Cucamonga.California 91730.(714)9894851 •�r .ate _ July 1, 1988 Mayor and Members of the City Council -City of Rancho Cucamonga Dear Mayor and City Councilmembers: The Program of Service for Fiscal Year 1988-89 is hereby submitted. The service program is balanced and continues to provide the community with the am icighest, most cost-effective, and efficient level of public service. Expenditures for all city services total $54sl0p246 and include. all special fund expenditures and debt service and capital project e�,venditures. As in past years, the Redevelopment Agency Budget will be considered separately by the Redevelopment Agency and is not included in the Program of Service. The economic picture for the city remains optimistic. Revenues have kept pace with increasing expenditures and demands for new or increased levels of service and population growth combined with prudent budget practice has allowed the city to remain within the Proposition 4 spending limitations. It is significant to note that the Program of Service reflects the City Council's goals and objectives developed earlier this year. A copy of the goals and objectives is included in this Budget Summary for your reference. PUBLIC SERVICE Although the City is already providing a very high level of service, the following public service programs have been added or enhanced in accordance with the direction of the City Council. These programs reflect a significant. increase in park facilities, additional public landscapingt and added street maintenance obligations$ as well as increased population. p specific listing of recommended new personnel is also included. i PUBLIC SAFETY - Additional public safety personnel, Deputy II (Motereycle) and a Community Service Officer, ,.Ill allow for necessary supervision of the raw, volunteer program and will 'enable the, patrol division to continue its praavtive patrol and enforcement rate at a very high level. In, addition, two dispato.hers j are needed to maintain a greatly increased, number of calls for service and two forensic specialists will ass16 ist with our investigation division. As in the, previous year, the City Council has placed public safety services as one: t;2 its highcast priorities. The City Council's emphasis on traffic safety this past yea2 has been very successful:. The number of traffic actFidents has de<reased, coa,urtrce,r�brrr h�ayo� Deborah N. Brown Jeffrey Ding ctn Manor Dennis L.Stout Charles J.Buquet II Pamela L Wright Lauren M.Waverman Budget Message Page 2 and traffic has slowedd down significantly. TSAFPIC � NT As the City continues to develop, the need to maintain and update traffic control increases. The addition: of" the proposed traffic personnel will assist in the development of a fa*llitieb inventory and maintenance program, and will a31ow the City to perform necessary safety engineering. studies. EgMZMff A VEHICLE E1'FA►`�t g - Consistent with the multi-year program initiated in 1987-88$ we are recommending that we implement the second phase of our equipment maintenance programs By establishing an in-house preventative maintenance program, for City owned equipment and vehiclest service intervals will be established and; tracked, expenditures will be better eontrolled, and we will be assured of a safer fleet. STHHHT AINTf3I7A�tCg Increased service requests have hampered the ability of existing street pav%;ag: and sealing crews to provide for preventative street maintenance and to maintain serviceable roads. The Program of Service will enable the City to furnish preventative street maintenance and minor repairs necessary to keep our streets safe. TMM MAINTEN3tC9 - The addition of a tree maintenance crew is necessary to maintain publicly owed trees in a safe condition. This program has been discussed extensively by the City Council during the past year. As part of a multiyear plans the City will begin to respond to daily requests for service while also providing for the prompt trimming or removal of damaged or diseased trees. PARR _ IL; - Park maintenance continues to be a high priority service for the City. Additional maintenance personnel is recommended to allow for proper maintenance and increased security at park facilities. With the addition of six new parks, the expansion of West Beryl Park arud the addition of six tennis cour� -�t City park facilities will increase this year by approxixately ,.keep 49%. To - r ..p with, the service demands, we are recommending than the perk maintenance crew be expanded to maintain added facilities and to preserve and protect the city's multi-Million dollar investment in open space. PLANMXRG SERVICES It is recommended that the City's successful code enforcement grogram be expanded with the addition of one Community Cods Representative and one Code .Enforcement Technician. Although we are making tremendous improvements in our enforcement grogram, the additional personnel is needed to realize a more effective level of service. DISASTER PREPAREDNESS - The City Council has identified emergency rg y services as a very hiltix priority. The addition of a Disaster Preparedness Technician is recommended to meet the increasing demand for emergency preparedness services. During this next fiscal year, the ai:ty will see the addition of" a tempo,�ary emergency operations center, as well, as the implementation, of various train ng 1 Budget Message Page 3 programs and. simulations. Fuglic information programs concerning emergency preparedness continue to be a very high priority in, our community. IEWOBXITION bT/CCMPML'% MAPPING SB tZS co ntract ontract servace casts to maintain, aml expand our computer mapping: system and information data base have increased significantly. It ia now more cost efficient tq,provide these services uUliwing, City staif rather than consultants. In adct�tion, the new personnel will assist in the final phase of the conversion of our finance system. from the curreat' outmoded computer, to our gown in-house computer programs. This restructuring Grill result in a cost savings of more than $500$600 during this fiscal year,, RSCYC`.]E?G - Funds to be in �lementation of the Cit 's recycling 3' 9 S program are included iu the Program of Service. This important program will save the zity thouaand.s of dollars throughout the coming years$ and more importantly, may delay the ultimate need for additional land bills to serve our community. SUHMRY OF PSBSORM RECOHNNUATIONS The following personnel will be added during the 1988-89 Program year,. Those posita:ons which are funded by special funds are designated with an aw:eriak. Publ c .gaffe: i - Uepriti _3 (Motorcycle Traffic Patrol) 1 Community Service Offices (replaces a part-time CSC} to manage volunteer programs) 2 - '"patchere Admisiistratint - Admlm4,atrative Analyst (to coordinate intergovernmental ac.,ivitiea and to provide added assistance to City Manager and City Co=cil) I - +Offices Asaistant (Records Management) 1 - Disaster Psepatedness 'Technician Information Management -. Computer Ma nnst Services 1 :tar Operator (Information Management) 1 Computer Technician (Information Management) 1, Programer (Information Management) 2 - Mapping technicians (information Management-Geobase Systems) 1 - Office Assistant (Information Management) I - Data Hatry Operator (Information Management) I - Assessment Revenue Technician {Assessment Revenue3 Administrative Services Budget Message Page 4 1 - Accoatuting Supervisor 1 Senior Account Clerk 1 - Account Clerk- - QfZiee Assistant (to provide clerical ervices) Community Services 2 - Recreation coordi n4tors4 I -- gecreatiou Supervisor (Special Events Coordination) Cammunity Developm--at - Planning I - Planning Technician (replaces part-time position) 1 - CONOWnity Code Representative f I - Code Enforcement Technician Community Development - Building & Safet j1 Rehabillts.tiOn Specialist (to deal primarily with rehabilitation and removal of sub-standard buildings) Community Development Engineerin 1 - Assisatssnt Civil Engineer (Development. Management? I - Assisitsant Civil Engineer (Traffi,") 1 AssisRtant Landscapes Designee (Development management) 2 - Publitc Varks Inspec. airs (Corsttuction Management) I Admirgistr.atiVe Intern (Maine matte Admin.) *2 - Nech.anics (601 Special Funds/402 General 11unds) *1 Necha nicsa Relper (60% Special Funds/40% General Funds) *1 - 'Warehouse Clerk (60% Special Funds/40 General Funds) *1 xaintemane:e Crecy Supervisor (Landscape - = Special Funds) *4.5 - Sr. Maintenance porkers (All or a portion of each funded with specival funds) *13 - Maintenance Workers (1-1002 Gentarsl Funds/12All or a portion of each fLmded with Special Funds) 1.5 - Office As cistantss SUMMARY The Program of Service for, FY 1988-89 includes gemeral funak expenditures of $20,908s924 and special fund expenditures of $33,2 0,322. The approval of this document will finance an ambitions,: but attainable level of public services. It is our view that the expenditures are consistent with the adopted goals and objectives of the City Council to provide cost--effective public services within the available resources of our community. r Budget 'Message Page 5 Sincere appreciatcion is due our Executive Management team for its efforts in preparing this year's Program of Service. As always,$ the City Couuci2''s support is appreciated. We all Took forward to another year of progress'. as the (62ity continues to develop into one of Southern California's out- ,,tanning 44mmuaitiee. S,incavel ys Lauren M. Wasserman City Manager LxW:hl Attachment In CA we CITY OF RANCHO CUCA14ONGA ORGANIZATION. VALUES We, the members of the City Council , City Commissions, and professional Staff of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, as stewards of the community resources, are dedicated to creating and maintaining a well-balanced community that is a safe and fulfilling place to live, grow, work and play. We believe that this quality of fife is achieved through our commitment to: rEOPLE We respect ourselves and therefore the people we serve. We care about the well-being of all people regardless of status, origin or personal beliefs. SERVICE We strive to provide unsurpassed community services in a fair., e ticient and responsive manner. We stress high standards which encourage the greatest quality of life. LEADERSHIP We provide guidance and leadership on behalf of the entire community. We value openness and accessibility and encourage citizen input and participation. PROFESSIONALISM We conduct City affairs in a 'highly professional manner in order to encourage and promote public trust and confidence. FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY We recognize that the City has been: entrusted with the stewardship: of financial resources which rightly belong to the community and we value prudent financial management... 1 PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE We recognize the need for well-balanced and comprehensive planning . r all aspects of public services within the City of Rancho Cucamonga.; IV aw, 6d}y 0 v s '' � I � � � 0 r City of Rancho Cucamonga 1 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The following Goals and Objectives have been established by the City Ciuncil for fiscal year 1988-89 in order to provide a high level of public services to the community. GOAL 1: PRWIDE_EFFECTIVE FUBLIC ` -,vrey SRRVICS S !cOlic safety services include law FT�forcement services, building and safety x vices, and emerg/zncy prenarednoss. I The following specific objectives are identified for city departments to meet this goal. I Objective 1: Continue to provide for effective law enforcement services essential for the protection of life. heal`h. and property. Task 1: Review Traffic Enforcement Division to meet needs of the comnur. ty. Provide Public Safety Commission with quarterly reports. Task 2: Develop a Patreul Response, System Plan to maintain quality service. Task 3: Review the needs of the Crime Prevention Program to include volunteer farces and updated narcotic recognition and use prevention programs. r Task 4: Cooperate with the County of San Bernardino and the National Forest Service Iio improve public safety in the arc-as bordering the City on the north. Task S: Review alternatives for enhancing lacy enforcement's image within the community. Task b: Aosess current law enforcement response times and determine Jptions for improving response times. 14hiscL 2: Strenzthen the City'a commitment to s comprehensive timer. encw. services pro ram. Task 1: Complete and implement the Rancho Cucamonga 'Emergency Servicee Plan. w COAL 2: P�I378 PB dky CITY MFMTBUCr= AN PUBLIC 11TROVEPEUTS TO MMT I CUMNT AND LONG-TERM NEEDS OF THE COMWal TY IN ABYANCE OF GROWTR As Rancho Cu;amonga continues to experier_ce residential, commercial, and industrial growth; it becomes more essential to emphasize the need, for an infrastructure to be built and maintained to accommodate greater demands. Consequently9 the City is committed to addressing the public improvement needs city-snide in order to provide for a safe and com!ortable envirtnment. The following specific objtad-ves are identified for city departments tc meet this goal: i Objective 2: Develop a street and highway syste:a' which effective) r�and safely provides fo!.-_ the movement of vehicles within the community to accommodate anticipated growth. Task 1 Assess the effectiveness of existing street and. highway � system. Task 2: Developalternative methods to provide funds for. :the construction of the street and roadway systems as needed to meet the demands cauGed by growth of the c.:mnunity. Task 3: Develop altern,.t vea regv,:a ng city council policy on phased construction of public ir,,)rovemeuts. I Objective 2: Continue to develop storm drainage ayster+_which protects j public and private property. Task 1: Reevaluate and update master plans of storm; drainage to guide development and construction of appropriate drainage facilities. Task 2: Develop options of appropriate Funding mechanisms to support construction of needed facilities to meet needs of the community. Objective 3: .Assist in the plaanine of- public utilities ir!eludin " water, sewer, electrical, teas, and communication systems for the convenience and Gafety of the community. �. Task 1: Cooperate with the local water and sewer district r ct whim protects the public health and safety in a cost effective manner. Task 2 Request Cucamonga County Water District to reevaluate their ' ( policy of permitting the installation of septic tanks above t Banyan Street. t f r, ..r 5 Task 3:' Continue programs £or replacement of unsightly ovevhead utilities with proper underground facilities. Task 4: Develop comprehe'nsive. policy and plan regarding installation of underground facilities of other public utilities. Objective 4: Provide a safe and, efficient transj2ortation network to serve the needs of the community* Task 1: Evaluate critical traffic problems, both existing and potential. Include .report with annual budget request. Task 2 Establish standards for a street network to allow projected traffic volumes to travel within the community. so Task, 3: Evaluate funding options for the eonstructioa of the street and roadway systems as needed. Task 4z Continue to support the development of the Route I' Freeway and other regional transp;station corridor system. Task 5: Develop a trausportation management program which supports alt,rrnative modes of travel , and reduces the impact of AM trat.7ic on the street and roadway syat,em. , IG3 PRWIMPROACTM PI r � The City of Rancho Cucamonga is committed to the quality planning of land and 1 IM the improvement of developed areas within the community. Tate following specific objectives are identified for city departments to meet this goal: Objective 1: Emphasize commitment to quality, olannirz of all new development, Objective ?: EMhasize commitment to improve existing sass-. adder areas of Rancho Cucamontta. ' Task 1: Retrofit existing development according to current planning standards. Task 2: Boautify key-;areas withR.0 the City thro�A.gh more proactive code enforcement' capiLal improvement programs, and beautification programs. v —3— Task 3: Assess needs and deficiencies of southwest Cucamonga area and develop implementation and financial plan. Task 4: Assess needs and deficiencies of old Ltiwan.da area and develop implementation and financial-. plan. Task 5: Evaluate feasibility of revitalization of old Alta Loma area, north of Base Line R.o._', on Amethyst. Task 6: Assess existing city-wide recreational trails system and develop alternatives for supporting regional community recreational trails improvements, access* and 'maintenance. Task 7: Evaluate existing Tree Preservation. Ordinance and develop new program for the replacement,, mai-.(:Nance, and preservation of all heritage trees. Task 8': Strengthen the city's code enforcement Irograms, including enforcement of regulations pertainLng to property maintenance, vehicle parking and storage, signage, animal control, clumping, and public nuisances. I Objective 3: Pursue the annexation f arena within the Citv's Sphere of Influence th at warrant local control. Task 1: Assess conii1tions, opportunities, and liabilities of potential annexation areas and develop long-term plan and annexation etrategy. Report status to City Council quari=ly. Task 2: Pending any annexation, continue to coordinate Sphere of Influence planning with the County of San Rarnairdino, � J property owners, and other public agencies to promote development that meets or exceed-. city standards., COAL 4 I']1(WUM PAS DWEI.MENT CULTIIRAL.ACTIVITIES, AND RECREATION PROGRAM WHICH MET THE NEEDS OF THE CO T'Y' The following specific objectives are identified for city departments to meet this goal,: Objective 1,: Emahasize commitment to quality park facilities. Task 1: Develop new park facilities according to the city's master plan. Task 2: Evaluate existing park` facilities and develop a- program to improve those facilities as necessary. st -4- Objective 2: Emphasize commitment to recreation, leisure, and cultural arts: Rrograms. Task 1 Evaluate and enhance recreation and leisure programs for the community. Task 2: Support the Rancho Cucamonga Community Foundation's efforts to promote cultural arts in the community. Task 3: Develop a plan to promote Rancho Cucamonga as a regional recreational activity center: ti MAL 5: ENCOURAGE THE PROVISION FOR SOCIAL SERVICES THROUGHOUT THE COM01NITY, Since many social services are essential to the quality of life for residents of Rancho Cucamonga, it is essential for the Cif-y to encourage and assist in the provision of such services when possible. The following specific objectives are identified for the city departments to meet this goal: 1 (Objective 1: Emphasize commitment to city-wide Child Care Services Task 1: Determine the need for child care services: .'ask 2: Develop alterritives to encourage private businesses to provide for child ware needs, Objective 2: Emphasize commitment to issues influencing the senior citizen community. 'Task 1: Assess senior housing needs and develop alternatives to meet needs. Task 2 Develop alternatives to encourage qualified senior c4f%'.tizens to become involved in city issues and to volunteer to serve on community groups (i.e. local commissions, Rancho Cucamonga Community Foundation). r> ■ ^, ±;. 6 0 DWROVE TM MRDr=ION t'R PUBLIC' SR_''CES WE, ARE NOT pROVIDED DIRECTLY BY �CT�Zy Many public services are provided to the community by public and private agencies other than the City of Rancho Cuda-.onga. It is in the best ilaterestp therefore, to attempt to coordinate and couparate with these agencies in order to enbure the needs of the community are met. The following specific objectives are identified for city dep this goal: artments to meet Objective l: Continue emphasis on ensuring the provision of the following her services in conjunction with ot avolacable t�ublc� agencies and reevaluate service 1 . .t`_o ensure dtliyery. I. Cable television 2. Refuse collection 3. Library services 4. Water services S. Fire services 6. Animal.control services 7. Ambulance services 8. Sewer services 9. Health services 10. Weed abatement 1:1. Vector control services 12. Dust control services Task 1: Coordinate and cooperate with .other public agencies for t`ae delivery of the above services. Task 2 Pursue the enhancement of library services in rancho Cucamonga with the constructioa of an additional branch library in the proposed. Central Park. Task 3: Evaluate feasibility of reorganizing the Foothill Fire Protection Districts Task 4 Evaluate preaeut animal control services and enforcement alternatives. Objective 2 Strengthen. commitment to recvclinj and solid waste resource conservation. Task 14. Develop a recycling and solid waste resource conservation program. Objective 3: Strengthen commitment to or, rovding historical Education information throe bout the community. L AL 77 B A S�?� F€ CIAL BASK FOR TEE TY order to ensure. the financi l aa resources n..cessary to provide desired city rvices, it i.s essential to cultivate the development of a strong local economg th particular emphasis: on strengthening of general use revenues. I -6.. 1 y 1, l The following spree fio objectives are identifi this goal. ad for city , epurtments to meet abject' r 1 xve 1. ContInue to emvI.... financial strength of existing resources, Task 1: Develop programs to promote the p h continued viability of existing businesses in the; community. '!',:,k 2: Develop programs to maximize current available resources,, ObJ2GtIire es: E_Mh$t ize commitment to uromot ng and .i .vn7'Ji"i1g -tune financial base_for the community. ti Task 1: Develop programs to enhance the City`s visibility and image within the business community. Task 2: Develop a program to attract a variety of commercial and industrial development, especially, high employment and high volume sales tax generators. Task 3: Develop a long-term plan to strengthen the financial 'base for the community. GOAL _n:: D LOP AN ACTM pRomM or LROMPLATM ADVOC&CY The following objective is identified for city departments to meet this- goal: Objective 1: Continue to implement $ legislative I affairs program to address State anA Federal legislation which ' acts the Cit I. Task 1: Study feasibility of a legislative advocate; to resprsent the cityts interests. Task 2: Monitor and respu-2d to state and federal legislation which impacts the City. Task %r; Continue liason with state and federal le isla or act o t s to t $ _ A legislative issues in a timely manner. —7— r� -, �� t 't �!i �l �,'•, r, i k Ci o C�C31 M Ca tAt C�ua O h W Co co CD t,0 M Lo>`td) 4�•-Lai cnN Lo Lo O Cy c3 o MI,4 ref CD Co C7 r-t 0 CA h cl,h Rr co co q* M lc' Ln o o= C%i Min o N Lo M r i' cn G+t O N r-"t M H h Nr a w n w a. w wN w A a w n q' c L1]r-t.d- Cf M 4�N Cr4 d• rn o co t^. M t?1 co s co o ta i3O to C1 M CS to t•. tW ref of M r-d C)- t1.J M ko M h Cl rf to CO r-t r-t r-1 M N Cn �00 M w w q t p tti1 tt1 tV cn Itr Lij r-t M to cV - M ,-.i. ,r-4 M t hW LU w toM�t�oowtoNr. MCDLnr-tcn zsttr*) CDct+ aO.-rr-i cn N:tc0000 MMrt Y-ttoCOCOLn C31eoC3L'f zrrnCrN CiCDClC)G1C_1LnCnNh hNCar- Cn QMCDM CCILtl{+. 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Cm 0) C7 to S_ •r T3 Ln *+ 4� CUL w Cr C->C.) ! 3 L d,f Gf to ed t Ln eo rntn0 to to ,x M. N• yr 4a rts 4s •r �' G7 4-• of Cif US of C of X t:3 CU dJ C1 ro k- 'ci U w Ste. � S. •r� lu U. Ste, Q 0 1� tars LL.tt_Ltr cm w (U CU 0~ i f�.1 tot 4 C. f 3 Zi GS to-i�� V�G 4�.- A ra H t7 +tom{-f*4.rr .r.ir..rw 4J ror iU t`" CU t+? Cif c .3 L S. C J 7 b •• .0.0 C.0 ., 4.•r+C� u! iS3 r-•-rt C� Ki r � 4-to r df Cr1'5. h t73 Vf C t lJ i7 t! iL Vf tJ4 C C3 a C].N C C. C La.•r �* n-- = '"' C2 4 CU GJ•�•• rQ ') to 'Sr :.•r- 4' m S. Q tif. N Cr+r- th! C C.0 C r 3 CQ: 7d lb to 4�.(n it LL-Ls Ls;Cy fi `t74 -J DS CY]C'"t i!4 LL C�K VT Li cs.@�. Lyj t 77 r-1.t7 *.I'r-4 M C1 M IM G C)N Ln M C3 :Lt! 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Q.1 rn r 44- q1 C C XIV ' Q) tt7 S C •� � � 07 =4J (D i LL., 4-3 .G C 8) ui 4J M u 4J tl) 0 a S a) •• tv H v3•r- to ui Q) L Q).0 X 0. N) da to (.) 4J Q)•z- C0 0.C) Kf to to C Q) C L 9= O o u a tt31-- Q) O •r s: Q) O S•r N L Q W Q) Q) S Q) E"CJ •-3 L!i 4--C S. CL C C3 L- a C = -1;:% > Q) d C 1• (L) tt4 4-4 0 RS 4 C Q) W 4J Q) O L11 (1) > C L 4-3 :hC.)�'. �- to 4- m=H S- i O 3 C Q) Q O Q) C? O =.0 N O S-S 4J E•s Q) L to L LU Q) Q Q) •r `$ - 1 tJ Q) W 41 Q) 1 t tU 1 >-N E CA R3 014- >CZ VS 4J r C;.0 L'i1 •r` C w cc QJ O C 3 S.•r 'N- 0 a •e C Q) •N w o to O En CC CD LI) t,v Ch C�CST M to w M r•1 Ln CD ri Ln Ul) •--t q0 rl% M Cl r1'•'CO ri Q tC W r-4=C7Lnt-�C)M• Cs7LowMMMN*r t?L CA1%.t`too tv+ f-.C) .-+v M to to t7t to t`to M to to M w N N t` Q�+Cc N M N r-I ct tn.w F-% M M t®1 N CM sf CDCa m Co Mw i CO cm N.-t CA w (n co fl%d^rt r4 et CD' Lo Ln Ln e-1 mot•M N rl w CO t`+f Ln N Q Ccr Iry Q CV Ctt toy • r"1 CO tC cM f%v C31, C)M N •d•N O C]Q a-i G f+• Q W COeflN t mW)c' CT CallLn CO= 1ST Lnt3�QmImrtC�ow co COOOC wC ,t,t$` ALnw MCPm Ow O coMC?LoCGrtNCA W = w w a w w m w w w w w w w R w w w w w w w R w i0QNLnt`rm C11NMLnUn0LnQ O t7ft+. C]MrtWr.-M w w t•.N Cl t`.CO to et M+-t •-. 1--*w M N N C7 m d -'r fit+m tll co w cn Q to to K!' CO 1`% M Ul)d-U:1 Ca Ln to Co P•v r-t M Cat Cl i\ LLB O f•� M M r4 cm N cri t`+, tr• co Ln M Ln Cl M r1 4I• CP Lp cl rt CO cn Cr7 CT 0.6 co w a w w R A a w w w t0 t0 to N rw Lt a tXw t o Vtp Ntnt-f4DwmMf%. towSDCttC3C]CO"4 cl* e1'Id,MmMC)CDM Lo Lo Lo Pr• tl"r-% cn M C t in w Ln Lo C�to M •0." 00 r+1 N rl Ln rV; h d•cl Q'C�t C1 tp=m M N +ti* p N to to M Ln P.Cf1 to Mr• Q tL 4CY•rt O N tit M tt? ct CT t!i ri M to i=! N to too to tO to t0 M t�7 C)� Q t�C71 rt ice. tt9 h+ w a u w w w, m* w w. w h W w w w w Chrn�QV-4 CD Ln Wid, CJ bd•ton .�CaGt3t tT tomcoto�U3 r- l co cn O ai N Ci to O �' Q tx7 N T-1 11w ri Ln w w w, R to N N i Ln Hr�.+n Ln N co*LLo M �OC?OOmcm R w wgpCj(D R CD to CO a t°.+ C M 400,iS• Aw I. SG M Q Q Lo£7 LA. LLB Ln .-1.-i cn cm to ct• Lo to 4w co co r-i 4JL r-1 tit � rtS tv fry e- Uly fj SS. a to et to ci L4 •• ro L. m Ri Cd t L' {J 10•+ 41 h-•t N $- O O'- +t3...J =F•• ro C•r .= �... "a at-P to a s. > ) -+- Wr s 4.) rn � O C 0 N (D S-4J S.F-t L-•10 n ro C tet LLi �. 'CI•r a't... (1) O ro Gt C}•r 4-3 S- a=.J M-1. � to 9 E-" tj 41 N V S. i•p to V! I= w fn lu L- 0•r t3J 0 C 4-3 tf7 4J t-1'CQ cr>in cr in to Q. t-+ O tp w 3 '7 c 44--C42iex u. r- N m y^Ln to I.O.�1-i tVo} V 7 E 4J iJ 4J 4J 44 44 4-1�N7 m#m-4tA mz zq--qtz M* 4-'F• Cr. 4-1 t11 tS. 6tt to C f: C c C = C Q cn S V N.•-•r.r-••-+.p,.t,..� {J -P aJ +3 4 ca -i :;w4-)4-) a to ro ro ro ro ro ro roqr. sn in to o to Act m .7 to +�.• `. .F...t +r.r- .r...r-an �.t t-t , N a to a ra a 4 c� w to a wtomd� a� tUa u w is c.c� ctx cst of to t»cn e. o Q r ro iCt ro ro ro ro 0 F- � S~ � C c C r t°•• V7 r•.-i N e-i a N ro 0 V 0 to C) to U t� +r•r-•t- roc? ro i t f i t i1T 1 •r to N w w w w w I- � � d-t 4.) #x y S-I °• _} P�N ct e!•to to 4-41 W�t ti"C?la "a a'O 10 10 t =.0 L.0== N f da. 'e-co co m CO co.-CO 6 a� c c c c c c c ca = m m Im= m c m F- c. I-- 00-tr cr)CA Cti tD O CD N CD C� C7 N O N ct'Q n h LO 11) LO(M CD Ca cm v-i tD Ln CD to M N . 4 T- '` tO Q: t31 w w w w w w p w w .� w w co CO is CV Can o M.( N'ta o 00 f�.r%� CD r-+cn aka CQ V-4 4 t� N CD r-f COto r-i CJ CT Do CO I--LL,1 co A w Cry d- CV e# Cry C4 h--0 N rt C+} t57 h r t to CryNto Nde-LCDCDCAOOOCDco �V�! W toaLoU) 00CDNCDLrSNaaaC)Ln t-t LC1 1`� m P• O%a,O(n t0 CD CD Cy N 1'ry LtJ W = w w w w w w w �. w w w w w w p CD CD r-i C1 ur*;!^a et Ln 00 Cr to r4.f`.a-d co N Ln CO LU Ln r-t C%Cry N r-L cn cn Co r-t ce)et C' CO mu cr)NNN Ln d' co Nd riIm i r.: r�to M Lr) CO CD rII CT r♦C1 r-1 d`r-Ch k' tO ercoNt0OPl.CDaNto00LLBLC) m9t m CD C}N Ln N 00 N cn N to Cry CO CO r h .�co w w w w w w A. w w as w w w 'w p. F� 1 NCANcncom0%rl-ot'%r.N00LLBOCQCL C.I W tO tSy Ln LO N CD 14l�Ln Cry LA Cl m CV Q co r-1 r4 M"%0 r-t CC)r-i C1 r-t C)N CI Lr)CD to f�--J,Sr C)r-.R:r a Cry t0 Ln Kr.toLn la M r-t tD cott C1 C1 M a to tC co w w w w w w w w w w w w IN Ch Cl co Cf'�-f CD Ci Cy Ln CrT L[?M d'm r-1 to m O a Cr) N. 4.OO e-t N m N w e� N Cr'CT C+7 N td' Q w w w w w w R Ln e-'1 r-. r•i N. r-i'-1 M. Q1 00 O"1 t0 C LCy d'cn ri Met' 'Cy Ct M Cry tO M N t0 ON to al a f rV M CT.�-00 try CA LA co e-1'Ln tiJ m r L0 w w w w w ww w- w w t�NNOr-tr-tt0Ori4aC 0cc;o t19aCDr cn CO 0:1,h.W to r•.* im ass-Im CD to t..t.. 1^r-1 .Q 0o m Cry -t s ss- rt (v a c CL co t ¢ n 4-).lz C r] -, G 0 N t- C cn CL +, =--0 c.Q U. CJ r_ >R 0 C to r S- CC S- 00 E•t"- C r-- tCS L•r- s- C C' Ct: 'a <tl CL L.+I- CV S- U C'.7 •r•+r CD II r C:t- Lt_ Ln J7 V O 0)to U m-0 to CC fo cL 7.L.1 Q/ Cti w r- V X 4J 4J Q3 wUf 0.rr- CLr +L.r W; �S' t0 " tCF L. M a =•r 4-3�. -r- 4-h Q w =4-1 CD a m o C S- U2 S- U C.1 V 4- `r. 1-J4 V =Q 4J lG 44•r- CU W 13J U C C a� ra C4 cC v L. > b m H s. w to-0 m- -0 1- w+1-+ L. m O CLI RS tv U m a to., L. tp Ca CF ej O 1e CD h CC CL.. m cn of CL.T Ca 12 C-y o-U. j M Ln r-�CO n C2' 1°e• N a N Im to W COtcOOmmr-i1\.�tU�1 1\CONto1-4OtpP.rtCOO cn w A w w A w w w w w w lG CD to COO C w lC p M ¢ CO O d',n—t to 1• CO N to Ln m CI) CD In tt) M a O a i�) C1 LCI N�� 01 w- � �OINN CD N MCO cv N CO Rf' CO 0 N d' rl ri rl U W6NL a Oerhu 40a'mCaCDC'wIn ui C C)Od* CO a COOet¢fwl r-4CD "q cn M aO ONN � cn NOLr) ka U)amto6b w w A w w w w w w O �q �mOCw « Q OW' aOmWaMWO'NoMOM r-+tt) GtC coC" Net 1-1 CA In M c r m LLB 1-4 1--4 In m.-t C7 to r- to CO "4 o h L^i 1V N t0 CO C%l M N M •-i t+) 6t3 t0 CO 1-+ et NCOr-Ito CMtoCO to etaClG ch m M ta)a M N SY7 r-1 00 co to In 1*-1 co 1ct O O m ar h �' mMCO1-rttaaMMM•d ) C7tnkoen M11. COH a7' acf• xt Pr A w w w A w w A w A A A w A w A w A a w w A co O(DNMN+ONC91tot0O to,Md. ,-+r• m00 ww"m t 11% F-I 1 A CO w CO N d "Mr.,a 0 N CO r•t CO rr is CO t tV to t.l CO N CAr-i N w to to rN Pl% t M Ln CO r-t r.Cl of im N d M In cm LH co NLn' co M e!-M CO O rt RP M In CO CO aw w aa�+)ad-sl to t0NOo CO'P% C)aa to r1 C3ah► I\ 7-4 e3 w O M f�-to to CV rin cotia Inwr In to to M tfT N ct CI IX)CO e-1 In li In co co C tr� Rr a �� 000ca00000000o clan co Cl co M ri v er co CA CA CT! r�l • tU t�f .� c c o o c :L o � 4J a)411 c)•� D.- � � 44 ti a cv C +J m 4J to 4-3 t1) a.> a.> 41 cu U 0. [s-> a> E L. E cd> 6J ESr Es- ES- 0) a W wEs-uj tL 4J CL' o t, W W W Q) tU-0 N-o %n w Wttl of (LI w :�-i (D 0) to C3 C OJ CU lL aJ G7, 'U Ci`tom, .!x QI L-8 t7) Imen f!I C� Ct'CC CC CC Cam. L3:tz:t n tt3 »H Gj rt3 q-1 T- rsl 4J CA40 9-4 Q-1 N N r-/9-1 1•-4.-t CO to W H, .0 to •..--J m 2- J~ O d 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 Ito •r s.ci 0)4-C= XJ 4) to 4J C u�c»ct ct q-t�N N a Cl w to F- s. a s- cr)1-» s, sn ea Im !r oO OJ OU q CO oO Ga CC is cs-CO C? T 0 $- N C I L. tU Iv s! I m a to W•1-) to CO to�Z) as tq CU }-- °�ccoorarscsraocar�o S. ar N c L. ca vl c ' ¢ ¢+5 KL¢¢¢cC¢to ci, Cr o 1-1 F u7 1-� O r�,r: <2, - -- 1 1 e e 0 e s � � 0 i a I IO a o 1� at .M.@ I.r, co d W I'Gs O O O O O O G R $ O G O O p W it 1 a1p cm S 1 A 02 . WJ U"a cm LaW..r 1.� O ICJ c; O M ' ma lt! I.C tl O O O C1 4 O O O It O O $ $ I.$ O $ $ a o - O Q O O $. O S p O G , C. 61N�Wm 1'tar•. ~N to H I7 w w �.. M O NV ti O cc 1 � N 4 H A iv Y � .fir W 10 C 'p O O O O G O Q W GD J Y tlzz Oat iC> O. O. O G {{ - 1 h m O �' O. IPw +O. M. It P. a` a W G O r W d 4 O O O Y] a• tp� n it; " .pa m w tom" =mr i 10 O Q O W7 : cc 62 T $ $ c o O C O O - m M 1 W. 1 wMn .1 16 U d R� 1. CIL W 1 N w > O $ O O O R`M W i w O. O G 0. YT"D y :R. O O O f+� .`p w.4.6 1 O M N 1 W N o u �I [tJ 'Cli Ralf ttf yd,, N [V W :it �.Cg 41!'1. 6 C NN �. d II rWa bl w ME W 6.a LI O 1. 4 tj M G fii fi id LL C 6.? N to CW.' rdsa aW, W C W 6Q. Q'. O - - I O O pGp ti m C 6 O O O - O. b .A O O O p C OO m P kv C. .for h Qw 1.. r far N &Z cc 1O O p p O tl O. O OW t0 O O w pp G. O n O p pp Cl 29 1� O O N N Chw G W t M1. Cli W3 O W a. 1 N P ! - a ^ N II'9 N N O O O O O ¢. 1 p u a o o tj U, C. o O 4 p p o O t• O C 1 pO W x / / S o ct W W O O Cf Q O Q O O q 00 O ^ ^ ^ p O O QI J I..P O O O p O O O COam O O p .M. tn . c ccm � r 1 O 92, .,,. 4�. p 1 t .Nr O c' O v O p pp V O _ O 1 tl7 47 O !'1 tl 4� C C O O o 1.y; O �6 Iurl. SC 1O 1^ N N M i= O In 6 7 pp pp C. 1 O ca M O_ O. fr Y7 Q M 6W�1 O O O O m m O eC11 m 1 Q N ct C. m h m o¢M a r+ W 1 - 1 O cm CNV 10 p 0 3p o 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 0 o p` Au 3 nj fn 4 O o O 7 Ili ct. Iqa01 W 1. mt N w C1 1 O 1.. .p SA O LO @ qy, gg 1 u nw.a 4 t'3 ii c� w i La a c"i. Y +O m pQ.. C ti t Q G ♦ w. z O a c O o W«oCO.S ; J. F. 6•^. .2 fP! Ci T 1 M A fl G C O G p w .�.•- 1 Diu /.., .w h'. 4 M^ G +6. G. � tip' ,^•� q. rN-+ W d 1 1 1 O 1 O A O G 4. O C O. O G y P Q CR St IW� G P P 4 O Q. O.. tl i cc. l W2 Ito O A O O, O tOli O Q o O O O p W Ate. 1 win M. 1.3 P I pp�� Gam, p 9-4 cn P. O N c .iY n o ua an. 1 e 4! OJi amO N 43. OR .ten�ea 1 M Y v CIO.. 1. 1 41 W / L S1 G O O O "06 G ;QP O pp p O C O r+ 6 H Y7 N = U 07 M �w NCKt!S Ytl lr• YO. ¢"' ?C L SLA . cm�y C I'Y C 3� p> G c �A4 J td L] to W ti! Kf+. AC 4 r = w♦A'; !L 7 N. Y� ]mac Lo GC 211- f 1 X .1._7C .d K Jma .5. .mw nOG �`t ,�M FJ'•1 1 b r N IY H N P P �' N a M � O per. U-I -0 [y q= .r M0. ee1 Cam ' ^: ry 1 O o C. xG Q p. O i? O C7 La Q m 1 In w 1 IL1f 1 O 6 O O v - •• lii W2 Is cr lid iCt 1 u4�a �. W [ O, a pp. p pp N O a m a- 00: yr CA 114 1 W 1 Q ! Y y. N 1 O+ p` m N LWJ I tb O O O O C.cc G WL 41 A M Cw gm 4s i CD Vt W U. cm CJLft L=2 - a ti5 ca cc 1 q� yCG .O o V. a tW`J L d a o A Q�' a e� c Ja.� a/Y V. nJa< 4a �cs Qaz QJr as c i 6 i 1 1 1 1 7 9 0 i � I e 1 1 ' � "1 t 1 1 , r F A , t � -a W m M 1 c0 to rn .•4 N I. IV N: r t~i i t 1 i f- t �F c0 1 cn O.cV O 1• 00 co N J ^ G 1t..6- 1 O 00 i?.O AO 00 O to F - _..Q - 'L1 O 1 ll t J ,1 t , ur e a o0 00 0o T,o c, to i O Ln o tin t.?0 I O O Its m m m 1 N. m - is 1 a m m 0•it O Ca O O co A 4 ,.y Cy' i r 1 t. '0 i f to O• N a0 cm rani N "co i 1 -d. 16) t V 1 Z I M = uj C .f: r i a o a o u vA .Z r J.M W _ o- I I.Cl ,-1 H -C F "> 0 b? 1 Z i Z= U- C "to t U. co d t•• .. 1 cz LU Z tU 1. J-C ILL.-/ t-.U" J 1: 4.d t9,W +t r t7 IY. - 1'cu t2 rr i ..t t.i Stu Z Z i C, 0000 CO n+� Ot0 V 1 _ 0 00 co OC 00 _5_ 4 PROGRAR POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Position 20sition Quota Appropriations Classification Current -Dept. e t. M r. Title p 8 Dept.. Mgr, Adopted Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Adopted Rcmd. Rcmd. Budget Mayor 100% 100% 100% 100% 3,300 3,300 3,300 � Councilmembers 400% 400% 400% 400% 13,200 13,2001 13',200 Subtotal 16,500 16. 500WR f a 16,500 Fringe Benefits 5,775' S,775 k 5775 TOTAL 221275 22,275 22,275 EWA Omsk -6- (MT CENTER 05TAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division; Fro;rz : Account Number: City Council Suppli-Iny & $aflrl.ces 4110 ,� � Object NO. Description of Itein 1ndiVi4U41 Dollar AgonaYats Budget 4110-1100 Regular Salaries 16,500 4110-1900 Fringe Benefits 5y775 4110--3100 Travel and. Meetings San Bernardino County Assoc. of Governments 700 League of California Cities Conf. (35 2,I00 I League of California Cities/Labor Relations. 500 League of California Cities/Inland Empire 750 National League of Cities Conference (3) 3,250 Legislative Conferences/Sacramento =a0 League of California Cities/Committee Mtg. O�g League of Calif. Cities/Mayor/Council Forum 900 Council Committee Meetings 700 Local Meetings (Clout. Chamber of Commerce) 1,,400 5UBTOTAL 13,450 4110-3300 Mileage Local meetings as required and goal car Ir000 4110-3900 Maintenance and Operations Awards and engravings 1,000 Office supplies Soo Printing 575 Miscellaneous 500 2,575 4110-3956 .Dues 100 4110-3960 General Liability 199 4110-6028 Contract Services Meeting Minutes, 21800 TOTAL 42,399 -7- �__ �� 1�i I G E ; � �[ I� t E a' j �l - l 1 I 1 ! 1 1 r i r I N N O a o itn. O In f co J O 1 m I r- P-O O cm I fr- CO M I co i-I tL. 1 lQ l o� CON lc O� t N Ir O. 1 1 t Q, 10 N-1 •r t- 1.4 .O 1 .r ,j Da G 1 f 1 t 1 O m f m 1 m It- n O O iV 1 r• co m t co O. l �O 14J c0 N LL1 O'• t N .t' O. 1 r'. 1 Q` 10 N.y .-f c- I'1 i i ir- i1`-1 i~ '°•-� i N to t f U t t ! 4 o t W i to In o.i o M .r r- N t- 00 1 C, 6n co 1 to N O m.0 m.4 ttt r- O m 1 m uz 1.7.O a 1 t 1 o oa oO 00 a 00 0 0 v c 1 1 I � t r c 00 00 o to o o to tU t m .T t- O N .O ,«/ 10 O. a t9 t r• m O R w N.. f O cO1= iLZ m m i St O 1. 1 1 Lt. 1 CO O O CO�o :D'r O to C m a- N J 1 CO .4 O.a. %r A -r 17, .4 N N< 1. 17 O`4 .T m e l N tQ- c: II co 7 1 Q i W I 0 N M .-t.W to q* w 4, N t 1 N 1 t F- tl- I co tT O 014 iQ co I- O t- tv O u J I r- «i N .4 W N m: co `0 co CO< 1 tr r4 ri 1 lL to I tD t +� i 2 J a t- i c a uj o co I r = = W I.W to W r to W to 1 1-4 J J U3 o. Li IN-I" I W I U J J J to z o. i-i u . 0- I I J G O W i-t • N 1-4 O LU IL IJi. z m 0: to W W U, r+ -C to 0- =.2 tJ -C 1- Ln X t a LU z s J uJ t tz g LU m C4 to Z lu -k U J i ../.0 M.►A tll J 0 W -t -C i -C I o W z> w z ►r to W-,_ ,.d W . G? 1 0 t"CX 0.4,-C J H S LU (L ri- t O OO OO OO «+�a 00 mot' i O O O 00 00 m to O N .r 13- tal f .4 "1-4 .-4 Ir m M m to m.t3 C- _ (� I cm cm N N N N N N N N t1I I N tV N N N N-N N N N N N I 1. -1 .-4.v +-i-4 .4.4 .4--4 ..4�I 1-4 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDUL . Position Quota Position � Appropriations Classification Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Adcpted Title Level Rcmd. Rcmd, Adopted Rcmd. Rcmd.. Budget City Manager City Manager 75% 75Z 7'5% 757, 62,154 62,154 62,154 Asst. City Manager 33.3Z 20% 20% 20% 14,414 14,414 14,414 Sr. Admin. Asst. 50,. 50% 50% 50% 20,406 20,406 20,406 Records M r. g d City Clerk 50Z 50% 50% 50$ 19,90s 19,902 19,902 Deputy City Clerk 50% 50Z 50% 50% 12,51.E 12,516 12,516 Office Assistant 100" 100% 100% 100%, 16,464 16,464 16,464 Student Intern PT 100% SCZ, 50% 50Z 10,872 10,872 10,872 Admin str. Analyct 0% 100% 100%, 10.0% 25,39$ 25,398 25,398 182*126 182,126 182,126 Merit Increases 8,3PO. 8,380 8,380 Fringe Benefits 62,872 62,872 62,879 TOTAL 253078 253,379 253*378 11 -9- COST CENTER DETAIL. WORKSHEET Department/Division: Program: Administration/City Manager Supplies & Services Account Number, 4122 Object tlo. j Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 4122-1100 Rcgular Salary 179,634 4122-1300 Part Time Salary 10�872 4122-1900 Fringe Benefits 62,872 4122-3100 Travel & Meetings League of Calif. Cities Conf. (1) 700 League of' Calif. Cities Inland Empire Div. 300 League of Calif. Cities Manager Conf. (2) 1,400 League of Calif. Cities/Public Policy Comm. 600 League of Calif. CititI* Executive Forum 450 International City Mgr's. Assoc. Conf. (2) 11800 Inland Empire Urban Managers 600 National League of Cities Conference 1,100 Local Meetings as required 2,000 Legislative Advocacy/Sacramento as required 2,250 Subtotal 11,200 4122- 300 s Mileage Miscellaneous vehicle care and pool car 1,500, 4122-3900 Maintenance & Operations M�aim Legal Advertising 1,100 Printing & Postage 1,638 Publications 1,167 Office Supplies 975 Small Office Machines 340 Software Enhancement 2,200 Miscellaneous 500 Subtotal 7,920 -10- . COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Divisiaa; ;a rogram., Account Number.. Administration/City Manager Supplies ` Service 4122 ObJtet Na Description of Its; s & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 4122-3756 Dues I International. City Manager Assoc. (1C,4A) 750 American Society of Public Admin, (ASPA) 125 Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Commerce S0 California Public Informat -on Officers 75 Municipal Assistants of So. Calif. (MMASC) 75 Miscellaneous 200 L � �Subtotal 1275 4122-6028 Contract Service, Computer Connec ton and Programming 3,813 Projects directed/approved by City Council 12,500 MIS Admi, 1stration 9,722 ---- .y. .,�.�....�. �tot'al 4I22--39ri� General Liability Sub 26,035 ..... y e� TOTAL 301,788 Y -17 t i 1 7 1 1 1 e s o e e '', � �'' � t i i N arr am oa itn tno i � a r- l w 1 . Uj 1 tT to O Om, nO fit" Cta 1co 1 m z o r ao n ui to t✓ 1 0� 1 1 1 - 1 00% OLA Or 110 tc%0 1 1 O { d' 0.1- 000 a t[a [Ir ux ram- N m t- CO uk 1, 1 r I tom i r OO r� t-10 O.z a D OO _i" CD N .m O P- d.a F O(n t. S,1 to 1 h,��� mot' V1 d b 1 Y al-t 1 O 00 00 00 OO OO 00 O an I V O t t 11 t Y w Lu I aca 00 w W no O t✓ o= 00 to w F .r O -r O-r N N O 'r �o t umi cor UN rq o mw cow to 1 W I. .-t n-.4 .r O .+-D O cn C;z O O-D t�- -D: -r N D-M 4-4.m CD r @-D co - CD O i r j 'D U i UN i �m ory am om a t to r- .-e rw a r aT t- t- cr, Ir It,� in .. 1 It C.1 F -r N N toco CD d 1 I Z ut AX o a .c z u H�I a .t H an ur O LA to W ~ III I-L) a d ►.. r ►- -1> S 2 O tt. Z w Z W at: w w <w ow w +~ aw a0 an I ¢ a Z wv.46 u < «o to x x ttot.a wm H a ww 1 to G7 w 2c w —I U z 1 fKo m= 7 utx rtan w►- IrIF o F au t7 w" 3 d J,-a Z w Z Z 0.Cl. ri 1 Z LU :✓Cr u:cz hf d w O w..:C3 4c C CA O 00 p 00 i C w �tn O m -D N -t'„F. O k •{ [4.O- a`a an 4` CIO, C`0 a O w r Nr.t .r W ,e,.r N N N K 4m lu H N tm +I iat. t M♦M Mti+1 .4" M1.4 rt" !4..I F s-t.-t .-t k ;. PiROGUM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE - Position Position Quota Appropriations Classification Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr, adopted Title Level Rcmd. Rcmd.. Adopced Rcm;± Rcmd,. budget Asst. ,City Mgr. 20% � 20% 20% 20% ` ?�,414 14,414 14,414 Sr. Admin. A4st. 50% 50% 50% 50�7 20,406 20,406 20,406 Personnel, Tech. IOQZ 100% 100% 100Z 28,500 28,500 1 28,500 Office Ass Lstat t 100% 100% 18,622 18,622 18,622 Sub-Tana] 81,942 $1 942 81,942 Fringe Benefits 28,67Q 28,679 28,679 TOTA L 110,621 110,621 110,621 I i i I ,I I c I _15�. COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHSeT Department/Divisions Program: Account Number: 9 Administration/Personnel Supplies & Service 01-4124 Object NO. Dmscription of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts budget 1100 kegular Salary 81,942 1200 Overtime (as needed) 500 1900 Fringe Benefits @ 377 28,679 1901 ..�" New Position Contin enc 26,000 3100 Travel and Meetings League of CA Cities Annual Conference 900 California Personnel. Forum 450 Calif. Public. Employer's Labor Relations Association (CALPELRA) 7 5 iiunicipal Management Assts of So. In California Confer,Mc 1 300 League of Calif Cities Personnel Institute 650 Personnel Development Seminar 75 Solid Waste Management Institute 700 League of Calif. Cities Inland Empire Div- 180 � Service Club Particip.Ltion 180 Personnel Seminars --- 500 Vocal Meetings as Needed 700 Subtotal 5,385 3300 Mileage - Mileage Allowance Local Meetings as Required & Car Pool 700 Subtotal 3,700 AM E 4 -14- y . CAST CENTER DETAIL 40RK HeE T Upartment/Division Program: Account Number Admi.aistratioa/Personnel Supplies & Service d_r 01-4124 Object No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amodklles 6ud8ec 3900 Maintenance and Operations Personnel/le ai advertising 8,400 Pre-employment. physicals 1,750 Recruitment Examinatiun Expenses 720 Oral Review Boards 814: New Employee Processing Supplies 780 Printing 850 Publications Office Supplies 830 Miscellaneous 800' Computer Enhancements 1,360 Subtotal 17 034 3956 � rues CA Public Employer's Labor Relatic-us OWN Assoc. (CAPPELRA) 100 Municipal. Management Assts of CA (MMr1SC) ��5 Service Club Participation 75 American Society of Public Admin. (ASPA) 85 j International Cite; Managers Assoc. ' (ICMA) 375 Miscellaneous 75 Subtotal 775 ` w 3960 General Liability 555 6028 Contract Services s Advisory Commission Minutes 600 E Service Award Program 5,62$ Employee Special Training Program (as approved by Council) 18,000 MIS,Administration 4,342 !� Subtotal. 28,570 TOTAL 193,160 -15- 'I H W u 0 d sa y a o 'Na Aj ar s, u v- W rn V ci co co P 'L7 00 CD a�, ro . � O' too ra r a a. • W � C , O - u 41 41 O ?W+ hat 41 � w a0 •.3% Q mrn I C r� cc � to M W RHi A Im to ca cu 44 Ia. i w ro ® . z a a 0rm u .° ,i a44 co CdSC s~ w .a a v, 3 F ►% as .ti 44 Cd � M4J H N 14 N •. a t N u o 3 a H -4 4d W ca gun a Sr A_ H .0 Rh, OJ A �s H �— W 4t tj a e o. ; c41 a, cn u N..{ a rh __ ;� �._ _, _. �, i ,. t i � _ f �. � . R -•-1 � ���� _. t 1 ► 1 1 1 1 O+A O'0. a. l to N r O O` 00 00 bmV a u, b Cr 1 0� m .. m 1' 1 In .r CL t i ► t i ' b.a a a <o iln N.r o. C, t •, a m a o 1 11► m.r o in a ► w P .rm N m ! I11 IT LIN m N' J 1 y t O t o ► 14 oo am Co tno am UN r Ln w 1 as 1...r .r CO to (a Q- 0 010 1 LA ua 1 :c t l t >- 1 Oo Nm NO Oq% ow O N ut 1 Co 'r r- .a a.r N .o a O x 1 U- I 0 00 00 00 00 00 O O W O t Co< 1 1 C/1 V/ 4 t W ►�-.' LL Jac 00 00 O O cc 00 O O —1 1,W rA> t..0 I 1- 1 0. tr.U i W m< ►s 10. Co 1 e >- Z. M 0. @ i W. 1-zCo -+ -1- W 1 Lx @ p p t W vt ut t-- Y In iL. ► W-i JH z OU W HW i. i 1 -J O t- N. O • -8 Pd a W: 1 1. O a' t-r t- W Cl J- i 1 a }.u_ W W Z In tY w - - tn ► 2-C (I.z s. U W a c-a to r. 1�a w z s -.1uxi 1 U. W Co t:SL. Q'CO 1- 1 -1 6 ►r.W a 0 w rn -a @ rC t t W a !x Z >w .=" t~to W r �-+ - ar tZw >M M -Cm W7 WM < Z 1 0 o o C�O O r~.,wY 00 Ir • O i. .4 em Jr. ..I to r a, 4`. 0.010 0 - a` 0 a U G to IL11h Uj U% LA U% W%CA t%U% to -4 -4 —ZZ- °R)GRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Position Pcsitigri Gupta . ro r Mgr-iations Classification Current Dept. Mgr, Dept. Title Level. Rcrtd. Remd, Adopted Rcmd. Rcm ., Adapt:d Budget Administration Disaster Prep. #01-�4125 AsSt. City- Manager 20X 20 20 2(? 11,436 11�,436 1,1,.436 Dis. Prep. Coord, 100% 100% 100% 100% 37,500 37,506 37,500 Dis. Prep. Tech. 0 1.00% 100% 1g0Z 22,212 22,212 22,212 Office Assistant 100 100 100% 30.02 17,304 17,304 17,304 a� Merit Increases 2,364 2.364 90,816 90,816 11111 Fringe Benefits @' 35% 35% 33% 35% ' 31,786 31,786 31,786 122,602 122,602 122,602 { 3 ,I -18— COST CENTER DETAIL r 0PKSHEe.. Department/Division: Program Account Nurbec: Administration Disaster Preparedness 01-4125 Object No. Description of Items 6 Individual; Dollar Amounts 3udgec 1100 Disaster Preparedness Technician 1100 Regular Salary 90 816 1200 Overtime 11500 1900 35% Fringe Benefits 31,786 3100 Meetings and. Travel. CSTI - Earthquake 600 CSTI - P.I.O. Seminar (Technician) 600 CSTI - EOC Procedures 600 CSTI - Contemporary Issues 600 CSTI - Earthquake (Designated employees) 91000 Seminar and Exercise in R.C. 51000 In-House Training in Emerg. Management 11000 So. CA Emerg. Svcs. Assoc. Monthly meeting Marti Higgins/guests (City em ioyees) 300 SCEEP - Quarterlyi 300 Annual Inter. DisasterConf./Florida 1 000 _ Local Monthly West End E Mtg. - Marti Higgins/guests 200 Workshops - Infor. Systems/Ontario 100 Workshop -- data Imput/San Diego (Off. Asst.) 200 Subtotal 19 500 3300 Mileage and Car Maintenance 2,500 3900 Maintenance and Operations Foo (Survival Shelf life of 5-years) 11000 Water (Survival) 2:0q0 Mapping Displays 475 ' Office Supplies _ 11000 i Postage 280 I f Printing 3,600 Small Tools (flashlight, batteries, etc.) 275 Status Boards @ 263 3,156 Programs (Prep. in Small Business) 270 e gF F/ �.1 g- COST CENTER DETAIL, e4ORKSHEE-7 Department/Division: Program. Account Number: Administration Disaster Preparedness 01-4125 Object No. Description of Items b Individual Dollar Amounts Budget I: 3900 Maintenance: and 0 erations continued "High Rise Building Plannin " 280 Training Materials (Books, Films) 2,700 Mn Supplemental Maps 425 EOC Survival Supplies: 20 EOC Assignment Vests @ 15 300 10 In/Out Baskets @ 17.50 175 50 Pr. Feather Gloves @ 8.00 400 25 Hard Hats @ 10 250 16 Rolls of Emg. Tape (1000') 240 20 Flashlights @ 10 200 Batteries "C" S0 50 Pkgs. Toilet Paper 50 50 Rolls Paper Towels 50 5 Pkgs. 30 gala plastic bags @ 5 25 10 Pkgs 2 gal. plastic bags @ 2.50 25 10 Containers Soa12 @ 1.00 10 6 Porta Potties @ 25 150 5 Buckets @ 10 50 5 Boxes Sanitary Napkins 15 San-ttizers (bleach, lysnl, etc.) 25 Plastic Htensils S0 Paper Plates/Cooking Utensils 100 Medical. Supplies 11000 I Blankets 500 Cots III 2,000 Light Sticks 500 50 Flashli hts Miscellaneous 1,200 �.�....e �...�.Printing of Emergency Y Plan 5,00C EIS Manor gewent Program 3,000 Pager Rental 480 Software 100 Subtotal 31,706 -20- COST ticNTER DETAIL 4ORKSHEE F Departmenn/Division: Program: Account Number: Admnis.tratio. Disaster Preparedness 01-4125 Object No, Des4ription of Items & Individual Dollar mounts Budget 3956 Dues -� SCESA 73 3960 General Liability 632 6028 maintenance and installation of Security System 1,800 Furniture Lease @ 246 per month 2,952 Xerox Lease @ 180 per :month 2,160 Maintenance Contract on Generator 380 Admiuistrative Charge . 2,152 Subtotal 9,4AA 7044 Capital 5511.00 C f P TOTAL 243,059 -21- CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM Department Administration Fiscal Year 1988-89 Account New or lwstimate Number Replaces EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEED Cost 01-4125-7044 New I Land/Sea Storage Container 81x 301 to be placed at City Yard, (outside), for the storage of emergency supplies. 3,000 New 1 25" TV-Set 550 New 1 VCR 550 New 3 Base stations and 6 mobile radios (multi frequency, antenna related equipment) 44,000 New I Personal Computer for Disaster Preparedness Coordinator 6,000 New I Printer for Disaster Preparedness Coordinator 11000 TOTAL 55,100 I t -22- k a m sar � aaa a m "4 Aj a� co a co co 43 v o .� m a -k �..�--•--...�.� v c a � tj' ia.+ w Aj a m w m� wMCI 'i w a vs e C 9 w x ro r �4 � WR�i u C CS a 41 A M A m m cn m W A Ca 3 a ! 04 !q W 0 V a A ;s.i +,fit vt dvi6+ .� V Lr r"E a i H n G! W H @ h O .0 m ti ce V i+ w v4 44 +ri ; C: a a 3 C a N ''' � e A td; F •• I —23— v ° ° ° n� W d �. ° 3 fI >1 c� oho m s+ a , •-� o �.. aj c r to ° c .0 W 7+ G to .(U a w• a�i w0 n! CL tw C Q 4 ~$4 O ° ?� 6 ) F) Va a y A 0 -H Yw-4 G qy cn Y+ u: 3 Ems-+ M Lr z: m A C - 1 A to w - u, m .0 w s°i, N m t0 W 11 to b ,.. 0 W q G Gt A co , H tu A O to °ct N LI "4 t NT A o1. �24 v e a s e e i t L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 N n O 1 'o OO 0co I O -7 In In O O Ln a%-r N O m U}. ! .-I 1L1 ; 111.ti h-N 10.0` an O 0'c O a Q UCL 1 1 N - I t 1 3 I 3 N Q 1 M 0 00 O cc In O O a I +6 Q 1 tro O ci tt% to.T N Q -q• L-= t. t�F4 t�t F 'O 0, tR o a. t O r1 t v' m .•, t0 p. .� ILI N r f i O �. r � 0 1+L v9 Co / .0 •0 N cm to r- m IT N J•. r m .� o � N m O In I -r to m .. m N 0+ 10 i r I I to 1 f 1 1 a- 1 O r- a 0 O In 00 iA In r-. ' DGI i O 1 to co N. t- IL1 N N to I Ir co 1 +d co 1 0 1 .0 :n tT tV'r CO .y to O Ln c0 CO I c0 m .O.-t O O P tn r- m f-Q I U r1 to cG N VS -` Q CT .-1 ca m� r to d 1 .t 1 1 1- /L 1 IA 00 of-- O m 00 O` N �A ILI- I dT .0 O co.D I IA tJ. 1 N. N Ir .O-1 co d l: N CO 1 Y 1 LL I LU J In r- caLU 1 1- In 131 1 M J J O CL I.- ILL:t- F-� i U-..1. J J In Z I' " L,�," CL 1. I Im cc 1 CD 0 ~i 1- i >z to J I iY 1-?' tL us In ui 0 £ c u'i 1.4 to X to Z .J LU 1 LL w LU to tj H r- J d h•1.to W J to u1 -C. d -K I- t7 LU -C I- cr Cr r- 1 z> W.Z In ILI I--f-i. Cy, ; ALU W Vi IX Iy d J N LN.Z Z CL 7 d IX= M< Q IL Im rC F� 1 w cr 0:tL N.t- = z: L'a Ca' U u Q Q'o 00 00 %0 a In,r Z 1 O QO 00 OQ m.-a -N.T N m O�-.r m CH cr,Cr, 00 17 1- ti -4 w -4 m. m m m m O N .4.1. - t It,.r +, 1 -25- PROGRAX POSITION/SALARY SCHEOL'LE Position Quote,Pnstian � Appropriations Classification Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Adopted Title Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Adopted Rcmd. Rcmd. Budget City, Clerk 4126 City Clerk y 50% 50% 50% 50% 19,908 19,908 19,909 Deputy City Clerk 50% 50% 50% 50% 12,516 12,516 12,516 Office Assistant 100% 200% 200% 2007. 34,788 • y4,788 34,788 Office ,%ide 50% 0 0 0 0 0 Merit Increases 2,950 2,950 2,950 Subtotal 70,162 70,162 70,162 Fringe Benefits 74,557 24,557 24,557. TOTAL 94,719 94,119 94,719 I { a <,y -26- COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHeET Department/Division; Program: account dumber: Administration/City Clerk Supplies & Services 4126 Object 2do. Description of Items & IndivWual Dollar Amounts Budget 1100 Salary Regular Salary 70,162 1200 Overtime 2,300 1900 Fringe Benefits @ 35% 24,557' 3100 Travel and Meetings City Clerk's Association (CCASC) 500 League of California Cities 700 City Clerk's Conference (CCAC) 600 Association of Records Managers (ARMA) 250 Continued Education for Public Off. (CEPO) 900 City Clerk's Institute 500 Election Seminars 250 Subtotal 3,700 3300 Mileage Staff Reimbursement @ .21 1/2 300 Pool vehicle @ .53 400 Subtotal 700 3900 Maintenance & operations Municipal Codes (10) 2,000' Code Updates... Municipal 51500 State 2,500 Legal Advertising 30,000 Office Supplies 7,000 Minute Books 3 000 Microfilm Supplies 51000 —2'7— COST CtNTER DETAIL eiOPKSHEET E rtmenit/Divisiont Programs Account `:umber,nistration/City Clerk Supplies & Servi.ces 4126 Object �a.....e Description of Items 4 Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 5oftuare Packages 1 Word Perfect @ $300 300 I Records Manager 3,700 NBI Hookup 750 Compuscan Hookup to IBM 1,500 Subtotal 61,250 ^ 3956 Dues City Clerk's Associat in of California 350 Inter,.,ational Institute of Xnnic:tpal Clerks 150 Association of Records Managers 150' Subtotal 650 3960 General Liability 948 6028 Contract Services Maintent. ce Agreements (equipment) 8,000 Microf,-i.lit, Services (35 mm) 51000 Election 51000 Off--site. Storage (vital records) 800 MIS Administration 9,723 Subtotal 28,523 7044 Capital. Outlay P C Terminals (2) @ $4,000 8000 Printer - laser 4,000 Hard Disk 30 mg (2) - (networking) 7,000 Subtotal 19,000 ! -7 k y TOTAL 2111990 —28— CAPITAL" EQUIPMENT REQUEST F01.1-1 Department Admin,CstrationfCity Clerk Fiscal Year 1988-89 Account New cir Estimate Number Replaces EQUIPMENT IDENTaVICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEED Cost 4126 New Personal Computer.Terminals (2) 81000 Nev Printer Laser (with sheet feeder capability) 4,000 p bility) New CPU ., 2 7,000 Total 19,000 ,I II t -29- m a. a � c u p. a t-r -W a 1 44 41 U „C ji M O p p p to a a 00 r N t0 0. W m p > o u U a: .0 41 co EnU 0 3 a0i w v W W r4 "a E u O tti W c w a m u o ''" w a .� o ai w C c 0 .n 3 a N al 0 R U � x 3 w H v a z o ctt O is w 0 v a a O o ax ',� m p `4 w C H fda e-{ In a iJ 41 W cu 4 3 a N TO 67 *� 1ca N •` co H N a-H R.cc 3 x to c, 'L7 N O to 14 .� sw y W �y p u O ,p tl 4 —30— N m rw nr vo m as > x a w° u c, r ld „- co y Cr1 00 to 00 W 0 o fr ' I ty fw U41 ©' a7 ,q r7 $+ .o 41 cE V .o 3�J �Ci ca a H R. k 0 rn tw � CJ V1 ~ Q q7 En 14 c0 O U a}.� Z Aj- C3. H: 41 i. ` 44 CO 0w m fin V4a? v! bo k 4) H W coca � N .. a U a o0 a� f 41 d ar r CA+ V to t 0 s s t e m .. . . . .. . . . . . . . i i i 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 J.ra t .-+: p 1 O 00 O 1 N to 14 u w I cn tt 1 w' tt1' o I o 1 Ol t coIr -o m .r j,� to w o a 1 .+ I N a I F t i 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 H O I '00 O.O O t Nam. j0 C) I v to 1 1`-.r to to i y 1 0` t cos:, .o to - 41' O u I { 1 I 1 1 o ~ I rvNr oo cc ,D .�8 r n i In •� tv r r ,r -r ! tl 114 1 I r I to r- 1 O o0 0o coo 0o Oo 0o a c=i o 1 1 1 1 t ci.N 1 tV. OO OO O - OO toO oO co ui I Q- 00 O S 01 .+ (MN. N tOtn�o ta .Q N: O 110 UM 1 to ,co 1 ,° 1 ,LL I N O r co N N O.O M O to O t?- J I O '00 rt t�1 tt1 R1 ti< I m v .r i s to to a O ao e- co co O 1 ^� N. 1 t N i :D< J Z'uo1. .PT's In co.co co .4 LA CD co Q 1 >~ N .0 1�,.s al t— 1 S.-t to V I Q co a t a cm 1 m I > I w. J' 'tNce ty i Z 2 tit tH H co 1 .-1 10-t 0 O. q 1 2:. to w i• LA Q H ►M O • —1 M Q. w 1 I. .Q ti';.2 i-t►� t1 O i H >Z G i t. CC >-T' tL tL 1 O')- -4< Lu to W to�Z-t -C Lu� tA iza ao. w= u to< .,. tox Z S ui I U. w w 0.W. e[ t? :� t =E uj z 1 J< N e-1 ui:_d CD tit t•V—i < I <-.t r!- tD Lu < I tL O !Y h Z? LU�,! .r N to uj l—►+. O 1uito tltm t+--C JN <T. utZ Za.. w: 1Zut 7< tY W- /-t'< w Qw Q< r IuiCC QG. w > Ot, UU 1- I co O O O O p 00 .-t-4 00 O.r x 1 a o0 00 oc om tn.o N.r ZD I r +11:M CI.-4 FIT O-CI- *•0. O.o M M M i'i U 1 c] ob o OO 00 OO to tn, an,l. uc i11 ar to to to tCt M .-t—4 .4 e.4 .-t v- m .4.4 .4.t ,,H -32- PROGRAM PUSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Position Po$ition Quota Appropriatiuns Classification Current Dept. Mgr. Dept,. Mgr. Adapted Title Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Adopted Rcmd Rcmd. Budget Admin Sery Dir* 80%' 80% 80% 807! 59,405 59,405 59,405 Senior Off. Asst. 100% 100% 100y 100% 22,212 22,21.E 22,2.12 Receptionist/ Cashier 100% 100Z 100% 100% 20,508 20,5O8 20,508 Office Assistant 0 100% 100% 1()0% 1-3,,6 6 01 15.660 15,660 Office Aide 100% 100% 1007. 1002 14,8811 14,881 1/ +,88 i Merit Contingency 6,650 6,650 6,650 TOTAL 139,316 139,316 139,316 *Redevelopment Agency Admin Sery Dir 20% 20% 20% 20% 14,851 14,851 14,851 Merit Contingency 750 750 750' TOTn 152601 15,601` 15,601 'll 33- DETAIL WORKS,HEET Department/Division: Programs Account Number: Admin. Services/Adman. , ministration 01-4150 Object Noo Deacripcion of I,,tnrs & Individual Dollar `mounts Budget 1100 Regular Salary 139,316 1900 Fringe @ 35 48,761 1200 Overtime 500 3100 Travel and Meetings League of Calif. Cities kinual Conf. 700 PAP.MA Annual Conference (Monterey) 700 PRIMA Annual. Conference 11000 CSMFO Annual Conference 500 CALPFLRA 500 GFOA Annual Conference 11000 Subtotal 4,400 3300 Mileage Staff Reimbursement 3,500 Use of pool car (rdail) 3,000 Subtotal 6,500 3900 Maintenance and ,Operations Office Supplies 1,500 Miscellaneous Items 1,000 Miscellaneous Office Furniture 600 Subtotal 3,100 3956 Dues/SuSscriptxons CMTA 20 I CSMFO 50 Rotarj 250 Xagtzines 200 ....�... Subtot l r 520 3901 Training and Education 11000 3960 General Liability 155 -34- COST CENTER DETAIL o4ORKS,4EET Department/Division: Program: Accauncurbe:r Admin. Services/Admin. Administration 01-4150 Object ?S�* Dascript an of Items Individual Dollar !mounts jydget 704t+ t"apital Equi merit ''T 200 terminal 1a100 n YID 9�IN���dYM1 YI��PIi".�Y ®A�®I Yam!del ' lYI TOTAL 203,3$2 -35 a c i !�a ON r su v� e «4 » CO NO A `Y W Y »»O* L L y 61 O co43 k t3 gi u aJ SA m IQ C) m a m w 3,4 rd w P4 w ai 14 ;N �. Q Q re w 4 41 a td wfn •ki � � O Q, iJfAn G U +U tin u •rt u 4» sa cu TI � tt� i t"! 4 4 � tu W 0 14 rz ct p »C I . I �] -J V- CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FO&-4 Departmen4. Admire_. Services/Admin Fiscal Year 1988--89 .„ Account� Pie or l,stimate Number Replaces EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATIO9 ;� 3USTIFIC'A7ION OF NEEL Cost ........ I y O1-4150-7044 New PT 2O0 $ 11100 J -37- f i �- kr p S k �` / 1 1 1 t O O O 1n O tev O O.n. .o rn O In - - .-r p 6 O• 00 .o O 010 N�. O V' « z o 1 r- -a.-1 tA N m�o. .r W C7 n. i 1 tr ^t] `a -a OUN �m p m- (Y 1 T C)O O fn co O'O. N Ln O r O 1 Yi ;^p r• cD. to m, O O� p m m p N .o mi iN- cn 1 C I' _ 1 ~CO i r 00 0cr. m r7 CO.N p.r O p to CC) 1 0` [V 1r In r. O f�? .r 1.. m m m m in ' 1 1 ti-1- i 0 00 co7 0O 00 00 a p to 1 1 1 it-I- / 1n O U� 00 to m O to 00 " 0 i W O'✓ ,► O Ltl to m w LCI N An +d3 0+ co O 1 1 U. o 00 0O oO oO pa a o tom l `Ow a i 1 / 1 /- U. 1 o ao 0o ao ao Oa o 0 �q pC E tL M B to 1 co? 1 'c0 1 Is w is A.- N M o a r 1 N -J J 17 a -q H W. `Y 1- f'U.J -J_t to z O u N U . CL I t o rr t W Q 1-1> Z WO. 1 1 a r r LL.W l:u La(X W 1 z CL o, z E. U C.7 N to y, 1 lL li W m <. t t9 1 a �x Wz z Ala ., 1:C-i F- - 1 CC.O r Z > W z 1-4 to W i— t-1 M N C -1." 4 W w a. >< tY m 1-1 4 a O w O a ,. 1 Ui O.C. W lam- ,-= 1--m r t o cc as oo •4,0 00 V x 1 0 00 00 0o r wN r p ► 4 M rh �•r m o• O tT IT p C ..{ .r..+ r4 of m m t+Y m to K 1. in 1n W% to Ut to m 00 to to tn. 1 -38- PROGRAH POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Position Positiori Quota Appropriations Classification Curre-;t. Dept. Mgr. Dept.' Mgr. Title pAdopted Level Rand. Rcmd. Adopted Remd. Rcmd. Budget Finance Finance Manager 0 90% 907 907 43,265 43,265 43,265 Assra Fin. Dir, 907 0 01 0 00 0 Acct. Supervisor 0 907 90% 90% 25,520 25,520 25,520 Accountant 100% 0 0 0 0: 0 0 Account Tech. 80% 80% 80% 807 18,038 18,038' 18,038 u Senior Aect. Cler 0. 1007 1007 1007 22.404 22,404 22,404 ` Account Clerks 2007 300. 300% 3007 55*608 . 55,60.: 55,608 Data Entry Opera 100% 100% 1007 1007 15,132 15,132 15,132 t Subtotal 179,967 179 79, 967 179,967 Merit Contingency 7,932 7.932 7,932 t87,8:99 187,899 187,899 Part-Time 11000 11000 11000 Overtime 11000 11000 1,000 Fringe Benefits 65y765 65,765 65,765 Redevelopment ' Finance Manager 0 107. 10% 107 4,807 4,807 4,807 Asst. Fin. Dir, 10% 0 0 0 0 0 0� Acct. Supervisor 0 107 107 107 2,83 2,836 2,V36 Accountant 100% 1007 1007 .1001' 27 i � �,52t3 27,528 27,528 i Acct. Technician 207 207 207 207 4,51 4,510, 4,510 39:,681 39,681 39,681 Merit Contingency 1198 1,984 1,984 TOTAL 41,66 41,665 41,665 i rj F -39- COST CANTER DETAIL. WORKSHEET Department/Division: Program: Account Number: Administrative Services Finance 4151. Object No. Description of Items Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1100 Regular Salary 187,899 1200 Overtime ""'- I,00a 130V Part Time (} z 11000 1409 Fringe Benefits 65,765 3100 (1) League of , g Cahforia Cities Finance 400 1) CSMFO State Conference 500 (1) CMTA State Conference 250 (1) CSAC/League Legislative Seminar 200 (1) GFOA National Conference 500 (1) Micellaneous local meetings 250 f Subtotal 2,100 3300 Mileage 12 x $250.00 3,000 1500 Mi. x .57(103) 855 Subtotal 3,855 I i 3900 Maintenance and Operations Office 'ruppl es 3,500 ff Advertising — Legal Notices 1,500 �.. 1` a Computer Supplies il$180 Printing 7,500 Office Furniture �.o�...� 3,000 , Subtotal 26,680 j 3956 Dues CMTA 15 CSMFO ..� 50 GFOA 300 Miscellaneous 200 Subtotal 565 A F3901 Training & Education 1,5aa i jj -40- COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSH6ET Department/Division: Program: Account ,Xumber: Administrative Services Finance 4+151 Object Na, Description cif Items &. Indiv dual Dollar Amounts Budget 396-Z General Liability 7 ,026 6028 Contract Services Off ',ce Equipment Maintenance 1 000 Adm:y,istration Charges 28,053 Sales and Use Tax Audit 3,900 Wang File Maintenance 35,000 Subtotal 67,953 7044 Capital Outlay 13,000 at i l TOTAL 3 72,343 -41- CAPITAL 8Q'UIP14ENT REQUEST FORM Department Finance 4151 Fiscal Year 1988-89 Account New-/=r Estimate Number Repllces EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEEL' Cost 7044 New Printer (2) 2,000 7044 New NCR PC Cash Register 5,000 7044 New NCR PC Software £,000 ffm y l --42- ar a., F a vtj N G G v tl d L I I, x o u d L 41 U W. O Ol V Op 41 v O C N 41 cVLn rlr O R. co 4J 010 W d O 00 Fr .-� O M y L w MP 41 ul cu a e; Gd O 3 a) toa �c rn w umu 1.4LW " x cv to " w w a w u o Gn N tV H � C 41 lbc V O O x 7 O n 0 6d -H *-+ O U 41 60i G 41 41 C0 W H m H P4 a a w � a 4 A v, •:x as $., 3 G ttl 't7 cri d U w k4 x pq O C! -rt p; ?+ 14 a a 43 ' u m a a s � � J i i -43- a m U ca 14 O 14 41 ON ra -H F� O �s 14 d 3 41 to v 4141 Qo C9 RI In- W a o O +rl U 13 W W a H L*a 1a r-1; 41 41 d a a; a 1+ tS4 RS ra 3 c U c0 ?' H N W O W .O E-H: .C' L c W B Lei L � V a Ul44 a1 z Q >4 u ' Nti 44 rn p 14 Kn41 0 w $4 v°� c° bo a d41 a r-1 a a u u Ln o 44 u a -44- t t t c e a a 1 1 i 1 1 1 I 1 I r I 1 1 1 1 ! N O 1 .r O 00 O.r ty-N 0 O H W A -0 tL\ ( -i- 0 O 0"' N. Q , ' J> t 1 0 O :Lt 0 F Wes- j N `° ~ Nt ..ti v o u- t a 41 1 1 h t 0 i c�vl�n oo pt�a a rn r t F In 1 ,10, u,.c o La a ,4 t ++ { tt% ry v o � t-a 1 1 10 t> 1 t 1 Ca I LLr i -4 O O 0--! %0 a0 00 CIO .4 m tih to I Ctk er 1.:'D n.).. m •d Q` J! ! N 10 •"1 tLS N, 0 N O m 1 m tt1 N P u 10 P i W t�lf t'Y O i t t t r [ W 1- 'I' N oO 00 OO- 0m Oco m m uj t .0 O O O Iv O tt1 m Ir tX N 47 i O co to N (a .a V- If u 0 1 w •-1 .D >n an m I .» N O n .{ m r, 1 1 O 1 � 1 W.J i o. 00 00 00. -00 00 0 cl.. r-we 1 0 c i ar.a I I 1 1 1- LL i O 00 00 00 00 00 O O 12 -A i C0 1 m G t i co t to 1 M t+l 0- < 1Z Y O 5 O I to l r H. Cf ! I J C.O ui I Z.Q LL a. Z$ u to !-i%A X LC 1 W ui W co t.t t 0 !� t 0. E S: W Z Z J V J IJ< ftiM WJ0.4 itZW- 0a t 1- x P.-t. s �0 tL!D • u ) u i (� t. O r, Cb u r t O OO OO 00 .410 Ow w O Cc o O o O. 0 u1 .a N w 0 1 .ti .-4 m m m+D P- v r t,I / N NN NN NfV NN NN N IR tit !t1 Ln 4%m it ulk UN a tA. / .-1 .r.y . e-! .s.! .-v,.1 er -45 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Position Position Quota Appropriations Classification Current Dept, Mgr, Dept.p Mgr. Adopted Title Level. Rcmd. Rcmd. Adopted Rcmd. Rcmd. Budget Business Licenses 4152 Business Lic Super 100% 100% 100% 100% 30,618 30,618 30,618 Business Lic Tech 100% 100% 100% 100% 22:629 22,629 22,629 Business Lic Clerk 100% 100% 100% 100% 18,535 18,535 18,535 Subtotal 71,782 71,782 71,782 Fringe Benefits 25,124 25,124 25,124 TOTAL $96,906 96,906 96,906 in i I I I 1 I' —46— COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division; Program; Account Number, Admin Serv/Business License Business Licenses 01--4152 Object No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1100 Regular Salary 71,782 Fringe Benefits @ 35% 25,124 1200 Overtime 500 3100 Travel and Meetings CMBTA quarterly meetings 150 CMBTA Convention/Santa. Rosa, CA 800 Subtotal 954 3300 Mileage Staff Reimbursement Cost of use of pool vehicle 500 3900 Maintenance and Operations Postage (16,000 pieces @ 2250) 4,000 Office Supplies 2,000 Printing & Forms 11000 4 5-drawer file cabinets 1,000 Subtotal 8,000 3901 Training and Education Professional Staff Workshops 11000 f _ 3956 Membership Dues California Municipal. Business flax Association (CMBTA) 53 f 6028 Contract Services Rapid Data Contract 35,000 I' Rapid Data Upgrades 5,000 �r..r.. ,..- MIS Administration 2,152 7044 Capital Outlay 42o152 Equipment: 'iBM #235 folding machine 1 600 Purchase of Rapid Data Programs 10,000 11,600 general Liability 527 TOTAL 162,190 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT INQUEST FORM Department Business Licenses Fiscal _ear 1988-89 Account New or Estimate Number Replaces EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEED Cost 01-4152 new MBM #235 folding machine 1,600 new Rapid Data Programs (RPG/Jatabus) 10,000 I, f i f TOTAL, 11,600 -48- s.r d � u J 41 ca e , ri t s.� rr1 a o c. as b � 41 'U OD Ot O tC i3 W a) C" ._..� U 0 sa 41 .O 0 0(0 r 10 ml - O Gil 44 Z 41 R1 42 tli !N 0. >1 P1 � a Cd ca H O � 04 G ,j C9rz y co O CJ ,o tl OltN 44 as v .0 u U1 41 rn L ' 41 w ca A pq u aw a. ,.� 41 pi 4 0 '" c -49- e E � I a a 1 I + I 1 1 + t O O p- 00 La O N r O co 0 1 a• 0m 0Q Nvr to a, 0 m w 0 U t .+ t0 J IL 1 t 1 i I O O t-- n O u%O N..r 0 a7 CD 1 m Q O .+'O O N. N cm cri 1 1 0 I, I.- 1 l 00 m-ti .+.0 OO In O �CO ! m m a to CO to .o -4 to N in N d O, 1 O m 1 .-t « !-- in r I U- i 0 00 00 00 04LI 0 0 mm + 0� I 00 a 1 t 1 u t U-h t. cl, 00 «it1 a�O oO N K. u1 i to 0 0 co r•.T O N co =1GO t. .. U 0co e- tn 1 + « 0 °o + t 1 CJ 1 >• .+ - f 1 U :LL J ; O OO 00 00 0'0 0. O �o d / W d 1. 1' cc I..V. 1 7ir i t to +-+ a d + cn w >-to w ..J.'n Z O.. J-+.0 :d .. ca t U.. 'UJ to rr w. x 1 C uJ z J 1 IX E 11.1 Z .J Q J 1 Q J E+A 1 cr 0 =z >UJ Z" w h- pt p 6 W C9 wt-: d-J t-rw z z 0. t- a u+rx o,tL r- X a s 20 v v t cz t- I O 00 00 0 .0 0 ca a- Z t o O. 00 i UN -o N r G 1 �+ .r rJ m m (In m cn.0 c _ v i tS r m mm mrt+ mm mm m e 1 Z an uM to m M to to M UN -50- PROGRM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Position PAS tion Quota Appropriations Classification Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Title Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Adopted Rcmd. Mgr. Adopted P Rcmd Budget Purchasing 4153 Admin. Assistant 100% 100% 1.00% 100% 30,720 30,720 30,720 Purchasing Asst 100% 100% 100% 100% 23,580 23,580 23,580 Office Assistant 100% 100% 100% 100% 16,548 16,548 16,548 Subtotai 70,848 ?[' 88 70,848 Merit Increases 3,542 3,542 3042 Fringe Benefits 26,037 ° 26,037 26,037 OIT 11000 11000 11000 TOTAL 101,427 101,427 101,427 i i i COST CENTER DETAIL WDRKSI EET _ Department/Division: Program. Account :Dumber: Admin. Srvs./Purchasing Purchasing Administration 01-4153 Object No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1100 Regular Salary 34,390 Fringe Benefits @ 35% 26,037 , 1200 overtime 1000 3100 Travel and Meetings CA Assn. of Pub. Purch. Officials Conf. 1,20(): Local CA Assn. of P.P.O. Mtgs. 200. _.�..e._._.., 1,400 3300 Mileage Staff mileage reimbursement 500 Cost of use of pool vehicles 500 1,000 3900 Maintenance and Operations Office Sugpliez �. 600 ..�, Priut'ng of forms, P.O. ''s etc. 51000 Advertising bid noci.ces 1,500 Equipment Maintenance, WANG, IBM, etc. 2,200 Training and Education Prof. ,Workshops, comp. etc, 11000 Thomas Register 225 Postage 100 Computer memory upgrade 400 11,025 3956 Dues CA Assn. of Publ .c. Purchasing Official, 120 National Assn. of Purchasing Officials 60 Y_VAG 60 240 ' III 52- COST' CENT'cR DETAIL. WORK$HEE T s Department/Division; Program; Account Number., Admin Srvs/Purchasing Purchasing Administration 01-4153 Obaect No. Description of Items b Individual, Dollar Amounts Budget 6028 Contract Services Computer ttware Maintenance and upgrade of encumbrance and purchasing system 5,000 MIS Administration 6,494 Subtotal 11,494 7044 Capital Outlay Equipments Letter quality printer for NBI 2,150 Sheet feeder for above 1,550 3,700 3960 General Liability 252 { i 1 j I TOTAL 130,538 `53` 1 a NJ a.+ a � u t >, 41 as co uo � v o 0 s C7 t L JJ U .� 0 u1. Gi , H 4 a) (V cy . CO Y1 14 U U W 6 C � 41 W p O >+ tii 41 ,u y t w a w w 4t CA v p 3 d w a H a 0 ao °° ca 'rA w m to to W to od y .c H P4 a a x H a 0 tl) iJ CG C .0 Q u rl J.1 V � W 'r f co ¢fir si Tti O, T+ u O M y 44 1+ 4) 44 cu cn i x t x � to a m ad r ,t, c�a c'' o -54- L cd Q) 1J rz 41 41 M P4 > r T v o U41 W p 000 G bo M P Ck. co Ai 00 a Q OLid 34 41 W O G r7 •rl .5 cE-1l� C 7 .O 5 i0d �C! d 41 W ?+ G 44 F O ?N 7 � u � -HH FLr � O Ai w G 0 Ai C v U U -H 41 pbp 44 C4 i 41 �q t 1-4m 44 a ° ' can 41 � ca 3 G rz d 6, 41 rz 4.4 U o 00 A c0 .o cu r+l CL A � j o � U L -55- i k i _, -:�_ `�r ,,',` SI 1 11 ,`);`.� is 1` ,� 1;i 1 1 I 1 i t 1 r Y ! I r r.n o0 od Do 00 0 JI m t O t r 00 C7 iQ' r-m O.it O r-s u I r• I O+ a to to r• 'r N o to .n. 2 D t N it-- N +V't .t 1tt i> U.i t 1 1 i i I a I Ir 1�0 00 00 co 00 0 IY 1 O 1vr do dO 1-m 0%n p L t t +. al LM 1 N 11" iV N.�-1. tit J' i3 1 1 t Q 1 I.-W t D O d �O r r-ttt. r•C) to O. r - 'tR.[O. 1- N v-t .O m Ir N Q` ttt 4 O 1 D to l O t-- 1-r\ I N N I wY- i o 00 Co on Oo oa o N t tz� o� I 1 1 Y 1 >- t wt- I T oo as 00 oD oo r w I D o 00 00 r- oo r- t n ao t .o at m o to 1 cfl 1 1 Ilu i o oA Co- as oo a a _O Wj l=+ m.0 1 I 1 tL 1 4 00 O tD O O O O tr1 O C3. iT t co Yam. I z .1I la 1 ui W'4 I = i w 14 r- i 1 to - to us!- In w � Cd' 1 ►r -i C2, U,< to 1 } t x C sh G.U I- t l . 4 �� t >.x Lu q Y t K <ez ttt ua La z tit 1.M-sr m w to ttt c to O.. tu. c! td f- t 1--tit -j c) to w.. +t -[ !'CX= 0- I IU t tY:z tit "Z t•-t in= :Z►. 1 t►t t, W.H �t� W•et �W Z� �4. W >M 2'0-4 +e;tY a W C.It e- tut w a IA. I-z t- rs ca is 1.1 .-1 .1]D sit v I O D O O La 00 ti4.0 N w D t m G` ^d m Ol tT tF Q` 00 4 C? 1 v4 r++e m m tom can,m %0 r- +eC,' in wt in sa tit wk to m tit tw'C 1 -56- PROGRM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Position, Position Quota Appropriations Classification Current Dept-. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Adopted Title Level Rcmd. Rcrd, Adopted Rcmd. Rcmd. Budget Risk Mgmt. Tech. 100% 100% 100% 100% 22,104 2.2,104 220104 Merit Contingency 600 600 600 TOTAL 22,704 22,704 22,704 -57- COST CENTER DETAIL, WORKSHEET Department/Division: Program: Account Number Admin Serv/R,isk Mgmt Risk Management 01-4154 Objcct No. Description of Items & Indiv.idual Dollar Amounts Budget 1".00 Regular� 3ala 22,704 1900 Fringe @ 35% 7,946 3100 Travel anJ Meetings r.. CMIA - Executive Committee & Board Meetings - Sacramento 21000 PARMA Annual Conference 700 Focal PAIMA meetilxgs 200 Subtotal2,9a0 3300 Mileage i ge Reiabursement/use of City vehicle 500 3900 Maintenance and: Operations Pul�lxc Works Maintenance Manual 500 Posters/Pamphlets 500 Safety Supplies 11000 Office Supplies 500 rw Subtotal 2,50Q 3956 Dues/Subscr-'ctions U. PARMA 20 PRIMA 350 Magazines 100 :Subtotal 4ZO 3901 Training and Education Professional Workshops 500 City Spronso-ed Training (CPR, First Aide) 1.000 NBI Training 209 Subtotal 1,700 6028 Contract Services Carl Warren & Co. 7,000 City Wide Employee Assistance Program 81000 Subtotal. 15,000 -58 COST CtNTER DEIA14 WORKSHEET Department/Division:: Program. Account Number; Admin. Serv./Risk Mgmt. Risk Management 01-4154 Object No. Description of Items Individual Dollar amounts Budget 7044 Capi al Expenditures Pentax Camera Lens Data back, 550 3960 General. Liability 230 r f f �'. 1 TOTAL 54,500 -59- CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM Department Risk Management Fiscal Year 19E8-89 Account New or Est:mace Number Replaces EQUIPMENT TDRNTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEED Cost 4154-7044 New Pentax Camera, lens, data back $ 550.00 i i k t E -60- t i 0 '' 0 '' � 1 1 1 1 1 f Q 1 ; A F r, , , J• U >' i VJ. C31L 1 , tA co 0 co co J ! L ! ?-. Y 1 t 1 c r O Ri F .+ U'.p 1 t u o 1 s 1 I I l,J 1 0 O O a 0 1 .p cD w o u ffi -+ aQ r an 1 • r J LL J 1. C CIO O 00:.+ ! J..: ✓J V 1 t 1 '0 Q 1. cc / _ i r ( � iV rw rt co a 1 `. ca Ln 1 to . —J 1- s r 60 J.0 I i a w +e� ! z �'�'. 2 4—J t3l l:4YO >� wa= 1 Z W (X+L 1 to ,. 00 1� 4 �J tom 1* tiC ! is1. in t1 1 .y -t.w s i y � ` PROGAAM POSITION/SALARY SCgEDULE in Position Position quota Appropriscious Classification Curfent Dept. Mzr. Degt.. Mgr. Adopted Title LQve1 Rcmd. Romd. !idop,-ed Rcmd Remd. Budget James C. Frost 100% 100% 100% � 1C0% ` 612 6i2 612 l .r i -64- COST CANTER DETAIL WC KSHeST meat/Division.€ Program: account Number: [A:dm'):inistrarive Services Treasury 4155 Object No. Descriptions of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1100 Regular Salarq 612 3100 1 Travel and Meetings California Municipal Treasurer's Assoc. 400 Miscel?azLeous Local Meetings 300 Subtotal 700 Maintenance and Operations 100 I _ ...r I v w.a�eioaer<as�o , V tea arm.ru�a.�rs Mm�r�er TOTAL 1412 -63- �; ,.�. c, `i :� f �� ��'� � 1� z Ii f I 1 1 ! 1 r i i. O I 11 O.r l 1 O r tnN 1 I O ,w 1 1 0 i io i t m z O co O 4 t i it I 11 r t d �. .r w o 0. 1 1 rn t 1 1 tr P , t ct 1 ! O 1 L 1 r]N t 1 O Un cl 1 1 r 1 1 f 7 I I a, t i 1 co 11 r- IV1 1 1 ! 1�- VI CO 1. r. O p• N 10 10 ,o i 1 Q 1 1 1 m 1. N �. U- r— coO 1 mo a i ry in -t r a 1 !— LL t O S 0 00 O%r !:to N :co J 1 4 cn &A b UN l Ih co 1 1n 1 U J C w'tJ /�.I U W i• 1 F CL tl J +-1 .O 0 w. 1 1 a:. Z I-I z da x of w w t+i i Z Q U X e Q e-*In G K X. 1 M M Q U tL S —+►— LLA Ito w 2. . 1 K Z E w w. 1 J 4 w 0 J Q<� p..ac. - 1 <J CC sa t ;u cs N In= z Z 1-CL CL b. 1.ZU. <W Ow wp Ht Q !LUM sX a> OU Uv v I— 1 O O.-i N.-I 00 O to r z t a 00 o ars .o N a'r r v # •i In In m In o) .a W 1- r- 1J. 1 �. an an /Lt Min ut<n In. +C t w .r r 'r r +r r w r .r I i N N'N N r4 N.N. N 24 'N alk { -64- COSH' CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Divisions Pro g rain• Account Somber: City Facilities 01-4245ect No Object Description of Ttcros & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 3900 Maintenance and Operations Telephone Billings 97,500 Electricity 75500 Gas 8,700 Postage 97,000 Office Supplies 80,000 Maintenance Supplies 10,000 General Maintenance & Repair 10,000 Building ModiZications 20,000 UPS pick-asp 300 SUBTOTAL 399,000 6028 Lease Agents City Facilities F75,000 Janitorial Service 56,500 Alarm System 5,800 Air conditioning 5 500 Telephone System 15,305 Copy Equipment Service 20,245 Office Machines (all departments) 2,250 Rental - P.O. Box 84. Lease Purchase Copy Equipment 42,000 Postage Equipment - Meter rent, service 1,000 Water, Refreshment Machine 3,500 Miscellaneous Services 51000 Pest Control Services LCNC, RCNC 1,200 Air Filters & Maintenance 4,640 NBI Maintenance 6,000` Subtotal 444,024 7044 Telephone System Additions 97,50'J SUBTOTAL 97,500 3960 General Liability, 8,430 TOTAL 948,954 -65 t t t e e 0 t 0 � I ' � � � / t 1 i r f 1 ' I N LLt t O l l Yv I O O. v9 r 1 ► « t « « I I 1 1 I r Z O t vy LU O a tA a ati I 1 1 I 1 1 t l I f 1 l I t l i < I i r t # / t O I I O I O'O t 1 7 d 1 t 1 t 1 1 I f 1 O x 1 O t 1 O I Oa N a t 1 I « I « « 1 ► ! 1 1 1 I t { I I I 1 « Ln < > 1 o I t t t+t 1 1 t 1 I I 1 t I f I I 1 m 11 i 1 1 1 1 1 t t I r 1 1 p t f- 1 m 1 .-I. t►O O m r t-- m p ALA In 1:7 t-- "m p N N A0 o .4 !n 1 O O O m !`� •1 t--CO J' N P Q` .-I Ir M J\ is t+t N ID.r �0 lLA N P'1" N O ttt ti,L m.Itz O m t ILA N m m'Ir P AN sA r P N.. W N..0 - n. ei- a t tLL i a OO no or, oo OO. OO OO 00 on O C'1 tit t O 7 I v41 n r t 1 LLW is O OO O 00 O O � O OO OO P OP co OO m N.O w A'LD F rn (A/ .0-r 00 N 001 N.0 h- C" =0 1 v m 1 1; N co 1 to a N .,. .r' O 1 •'y .0 N :r 00 1 L. 1 O O O O N. to .� 0 O o p a O o o Q O 'r O O 10 rW' t fW - m 1 1- 1 !L1. N I0 c0< 1. N i 1 1 F- tL i o O 00 UN 0` o c0 O O .r co cv a P m .-1 W m.O. 0 a') J t @. N 1-- .0 m N. e-I.0 '0 W 'D m ti - ma i = P at toO :V t ry ~ L A u 1 w tr, � 0 UN .0 .r r✓ ..L m I 0,. i p N ttitu i 1 J J i 'L O Z.1- to Z D ca ! ul} H L.W J. 1 LLI Z to tn.O. ►�I to to J u Z W J,U Z N i d ltt Z tr O m Z z W 7 4 U <Z- ¢ 0- r t t7 W =J Q H W 'LA @ O:'2 W 4 > Ln W F t Z to 4A o. m W O. a.. W W Z S> t- H S Z O to O .� a t:]F "M i/+ 1 z Z- t-t+ Z V. w O a w U Z Izi n w z >- t W <a{ tl.O W • • }t/1 $ W M J W H W 1 Z Z LLL < J m J. W. S< W W W= p} �i d: O:Q H-7 >.!. <N �- ts< Q-G. WW trt„ O sC= 0.W CU J< aU ULa O T-x W ac \h W`i-K *4 @ J W J t-I'- U.to ►r a W W W� �=a O Z !--0-+ p vL 0... N 1 z-C .G x 10 W �E Z O @\v F W Z 4 W M *. ►� 1 ut to u..to U Q 12 imu O.0. S S -j -.-e O Z p W t- 1 .-1 ..tN OO OO a- Nm Y'm .0t- a4n.- 0..... 2` F O -1-4 O O: co D O AD*D -10.0 1010 AO O 1 0. O O .t N m Ir c0:J P a. P P P'P O�P Q r •d NN N'N' NN NN mm mm mm mm U. t to tt a% m tit to tit U%W. mm Z M UN ttt M LA �Lc% tr% ► N tv N N N 1.. . .1- .r .s- r -66- MQ . cNTER CETAIL, e4GRKzHE`7 Dspartmancl0ivision Program; Actount umber., Overhead Personnel 4265 4ect No. Descriptio of Items & Individual .Dollar Amounts Budget.. 1901 Salary Contingency 500,000 2100 Coffee Fund 1,200 2300 Tuition Reimbursement 7,000 2400 Employee Development 30,000 .. �vrsa�,'srea�er�w� ra'sa.. TOTAL 538,200 -67- COST CENTER CETA 11. 0URK�zeiEz-7 E rtment/Division: Program: Actount Number: Overhead Personnel 4265 Object No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts 8udgec mom 2200 Def rred Cam ensation 110,265 2800 * PEKB 975,936 3962 * Unemployment InsurL?ice 7,5010 3963 * Worker's Compensation 193,129 3965 * Medical Insurance 860,400 3966 LTD/Lire Insurance 36,040 3967 * Dental Insurance 157,740 3969 * Optical Insurance 41,873 3910 Medicare 75 168 3971 * Disability Advance 10,000 {. Computed as tom onent of personnel gy.verrhead rates. r f I E k TOTAL 12,518,051 mom —68-� B d 1 1 ti 1 1 9 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 i ► t 1 4 1 1 1 i a .•,o ct o i i a i «. u U i i I �'o oa f t 1 I O x o 1 I Y� ID t t.�i I I 1 1 S N I 1 Q 1 i i 1 ( co C i a 11 1 , x r l 10 0 oo 0 t ► m t7 r I m 0 0.y I ► an 1 1 A U t I t, ► F t rJ' 1 H i ai F O Cm c0rr �aRt Orr vo o 10 at O 1 „ q^m -r m .D W ice. i � Ni r l N. u.D t N cvMP w r 1 i t>A.�- t [? oo. 00 a0 too a0 <1 o cA i d� t G O i QS A 1 > LL1- t 0 00 '70 00 oto m0 Cs N .A: 0 a o. (IS G LO S LA -4 n1 .moo I w, w .. H 1-0 N� b Uti W 1 1 1 i 00 m a 00 O.a t`N 0 cA co 10 fl- 1 t I AL S G 00 o U` O •D R k O. �(Y N' ,O .q W d t-< us uiu i x n a An ar t LY N' .+ M t w m t > ► o 0. LU CD S W%A dz 5 Z ld- t Z t- 7^t in -C to uA IAI.N W z a ud t r- 1 0 IA ac " = re►r u , ti 1 t w +r to w j-Ar-e/; w e i + w z 0 Z H i 00 6-4 CM W Luu m C 1 o cz ►-r —0 «c -K.c w a to An 1 .: .t I,T >ui us m +4 rr vt x W.- er vt r 1 r[ uA 0 V rJ m Z -1 u-1 r I 1 ..+z i s ...+ d.. 4 +c Q -C !-- U 4- W 'a tY', 'M tm- to u 0 J4 tAA UA: t m i UA.. D<ku to Ut H Ct Z= i CL 3` �+ 1 ?d W-4 dH dH IUW 0<,AL Z I t Fr 1 ttr '+US a, o ti tD�t" -4 i t ,r} In m 1tt"I to ICI ♦D JO m-r Q A O tit`11� a-0, <A D` C,0` 00 ty 4 m Cn m min tit m 'D t+ cr• ► „.a IA\i i lift UN m m m m u1 m itt .t t ;a 3 ca W Att to co Aa) M to C1 W cq 1 N NN Ncu NN NAV NN IV S 1 .«t a-r ..1 *4 wt wt .-S s4 Ig °69— S COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division Program: Account Number: veneral Overhead 4285 Object No. Description of Items Individual Doha; Amounts Sudeet 3956 Dues CCAN Innovation Group 3,503 San Bernardino Assoc. of Govrnmts (SANBAG) 21500 National League. of Cities 3,331 So. Calif. Assoc. of Govrnmts. (SCAG) 6,000 League of California Cities 7,500 We Tip 21500 Subtotal 25,331 6028 Contract Services City Attorney 100,000 Chamber, of Commerce 12,000 Student Government Day 1 000 Animal Control , � 75,000 Audit Services 35,OOU Legitech Services 3,500 NNW 0 Subtota 226,500 3961: Liability Insurance 304,000 3959 Fire Insurance including Property 7,100 3958 Auto Insurance. 72,000 3957 Miscellaneous Insurance ' (Includes Chaffey/Garcia House) 51000 3955 Electronic Data 4,100 TOTAL 340,031 _70- R 0 e t m B 1 t I / Y 1 r I t � s too O 1 O w% m O .r u> I O I,r r•m O ] en•r. to to O Z O I m I .-. m m co Iae u C ,I i 1 p 1 7 r )r r Lap_ O 1 O to r, K 1 N I r- r�O r I O"t O`C, d^ - m �+ai m t .+ O•m 41, JJ u 1 1 1 0 1 aO i O oO ow ro. �o rcn r .. an w t 10 r Yn to O N r- .4 fr <, I ed N � 1 Ln r 1 LY r 1 O 00 00 C?O o0 00 O 1 ur.I- 1 to O O to C O O to O 'r C p• O co 1 r r 11. i N OP- TN 4-0 (3O NN co r- 1040 tT �O O oo N �! 1 ►- r .O cal N m O• S .-1. 1.4 Co 1 LL Ut J.. 1. N O O r- N O+d' a,.C) -r UN O tT m M s.z LaCO 0 .r r Lcti I Z.-t r N mLnb I.-u e .. 10 N r�- 1.D Y t > r 1 "1 m tr ly 1 o ax 19 a w Y- w I t- I.u- Lu sul. z o " 0 • 0. Y 1 J 'm I.- M • .�J H p w - ' z uujU. W 41z m maw o O a- Z tm ul ui < w a X. " I OC Ow w, i `L= -CC ww zw .j uj I -J d CZ w. _L cmLu_t a < c 1 <.J m to w< I--t.7 Z >w Z Y.i to w 1' 1.4 t of O -C M. rC-j M S uj.Z Z a. - Y E t w2 Lu O:O: C W.. d LYe =uYJ. G 4 ! t9 't i O fi O O Ck O•r 00 CO q- O M to O CV C. O ! w 6 O` O.u� 00 .r.,# M 1*I M to m tn .p ti .. MM mm cnm Mm mM Mfn $nm MM Mm mm .4 .Y -71- PROGRAM ?OS TTION,SAL R? SCri%:)iT-S T Position Position Quota Appropriations Classification Current Dept, Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Adopted Title Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Adopted Rcmd Rcmd. Budget CDD Director of CD 709 70% ;?J� 70Z 57,14' 57,145 57,145 Office Super. 100% 100% 100% 100, 28,500 291,700 28,500 ---- 85,645 85,645 85,645 Contingency 4,282 4282 4,282 89,,9,27 89,927 89,927 Fringe Benefits 31,474 31,474 31,474 121,401 121 .401 121,401 Redettel2RSent Direztor of CD 30% 30% 307 30% 24,491 24,491 24,491 +Sr RDA Analyst_ 100% 100041 100% 100% 45.77.2 45,772 45,772 RDA Analyst 200% 210% 210% 210% 73,140 73,140 73,140 RDA Assi:t 3nt 0 50% 50% 507 12,(JOO' 12,000 12,000 Office' Assist. 10077. 100% 100% 1001% 20,100 20,100 20,100 r 1 75,5fl3 175,503 175,503 Contingency 8,775 8,775 8,775 184,278 184,278 184,278 Fringe Benefits 64,497 64,497 497 748,775 248,775, 248015 +Currently studyi g, reclass Redev lopment Coordina _or -72- COST CENTER :ETAIL NCP<.tmE=7 .J Department/Division: Program: Accounc Number Community Devel/Admin. 01-4313 �.. Object No. Descgipt,ipn of Items Individual Dollar Amounts Bud;et 1100 Regular Salaries 89,527 i900 Fringe Benefits 31,474 3100 Travel/Meetings National American Plan. Assoc. $ 850 League of Calif. Cities Coxference 700 Calif. American Plan. Assoc.. 650 P.C. Institute 850 Local Meetings 1,025 Council/PC Meetings 1,300 Local Seminars 400 Subbtoo�al 5,775 3300 Mileage Auto Allowance 3,000' Use of City Vehicles 300 Subtotal 3,300 3900 Maintenance/Operations Printing & Publications 2,400 Misc. Office Supplies 3,500_; GIS 3,640 BMW Data Processing Supplies 3.000' Computer Trainin; 500 Subtotal 13 040 -.moo 3956 Dues American Instit., Cert. Planners 200 NAHRO 150 Urban Land Institute 150 ASPA 200 ICMA aC50 5 Al A 300 National Notary Assoc. 100 Miscellaneous 150 r Subtotal 1,500 L �J -73- COST CENTER �WETAIi. 0epartment/Division: Program: Account tiu,.be : Community Develop/Admin 01-w4313 Objeot No. Desctiption of Items Individual Dollar eur,es Budget 3960 Liability 435 6028 Contract Services NBI 1,500 Xerox Copier 900 Xerox Memorywriter 200 MIS Administration 17,293 Subtotal 19,893 7044 Capital OLtlay ffm Scanner 3,500 i I I i L n9 E TOTAL 168,844 r -74- f CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM 'a Q Department Community Develo-)ment Admin. Fiscal Year I968-89 tAccount New or Estimate Number Replaces EQUIPMENT IDEN'YIFICATION cS JUSTIFICATION OF NEED Cost;_ 1-43I3-7044 New Scanner - to enable staff to make modifications 3,500 to documents without typing entire document $ into compatgr. til f �1 .�d -75- 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 e A s r 1 1 ! I ! I i / I m O-r .D O tin .-F NO -4-r O.O %D M t6 m O r-m: P m p O n to w X N co m.-f f- Ili O CL I m m ..+ 1 I I , I t 1 m O-r 00 tr r+ N O .-t s 00 �o .-4 1 O O.ct. m O ti m 0•m Q`O W teL -r O N f- D O Let ti . 1 N .r.W -r•O m Let 1►.-t N.r N tin ..-i ?- 1 f• .e. t'sti N iD. m.�4 M1 u t t 6 t 1 a 1 co I m C]r O co .-t r-• m:n Q:r- .r>r N tr.Go t m +.4 m m CO m.r N .r 1- -4 J1 1 O` m N m.0 tt1..f•+ iT S ID aD p m 1 O- r- t-. .a c0 cO N co N Qom. -; P lx,F 1 o OO: OO OO OO OO 00 Q. r 7 t t.}`.� I 1 O':--r O.to O-O 10.Ln O N of O m w I Zr O.r N O P- •+m O. rt f-- m. O c0 0` m.r N .r .4 N O to ( co m m qo t - p .r f .�i. i UN .r., I- co .0 Q .D.to O en o 10 -J is -r N 0• a% .O co m. .0.r m 0` m f--< I c m to m m.r m lC! uct r- Il a �i r i � .c a,co n.o r en` r- .p U I too H co %r N .-( :co i :. LL I '� .D N O .O ti 3 O f O N to O Ir J { T cD�- N- N 10 m O N ..•. V}� 1 N O O� Oi V . N. to O t co 1 g !a cl 1 0% N tat m t-J t @-C j. saD _ 1 > I.T. $ a .O S O 2 Q m w p 1 G -i Li W. Y N ti/> i 1 J J r CD 0., tJ F.W I I 'F-+ r a-J p to 7- o �+v 0. 0 H H • J t-t C3 C L4 S 140>- -cc a. wW W 1.0 <w. C 0.t rzd a =k v ¢ t-,vt XX iG t O a w W z a. _r of 11J 1 tL w E. 0 r;.J < , 3. cL' i1-4 W Z W J.n J'.J 1Jd HH W4.4 0W J .[< <4 ow <1-- Q C m I•I.- l_ir O QS t- z> W Z +-C 42 UJ F-F "M Infco WfY w< �t-f xW az CLC +-+ 1 Z w >< OC a t-+Q lu O ICJ O -C.+C Lufz ac. ar- s 7c cav cau X 1 0 OO OO OO ma% 10N .r'W t O f .-1 N nt 0,..4 m 0` 0�0` 0,0 00 m I ..I .a.+ .t m m m m m rrT p t- oHk, C� 1 A V 1 t•t m M m.cn m M m m m m m M. tI (rl mct en en mm mm mm fn<n I m mm mt"! mm :mm mm to to r ?..w ! wt .-1.N .-i r! wd..t .•1 W. .4..4 a4.f i -76- PROGRAM ?CS L-rv:i.JAAR L jl.:{tai: Position Position Quota Appropriations Classification Current Dept. MBr. Dept. Max, Adopted Title Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Adopted Rcmd, Rcmd. Budget Planning City Planner 100� 100% 100% 100% 58 680 5il,680 58,680 Deputy City Plnr 100% 100% 1007, 100% 580'' 50,580 50,580 Senior Planner 200% 200% �v,, 2009 200x 40,82'ci.. '90,828 90,828 Associate Planne 600% 600% 600% 60OX 212,724 212,724 290,828 Assistant Planne 900X 900% 900% 900% 265,476 265,476 212,724 Planning Tech. 0 100 100% 100% 20,508 20,508 20,508 Comm. Code Super. 1007 100% 100% 100% `'Zl,620 31,620 31,520 Comm. Code Rep. 200% 300% 300% 300% 87,568 87,568 87,568* Comm. Enf. Tech.: 0 100% 100% 100% 20,508 20,508 20,$08 P.C. Secretary 100% 100% 1003 100% 23,328 23,328 23,328 Sr. Office: Asst 100% 100% 100% 100% 21,240 21,240 21,240 ml Office Assist. 400% 400% 400% 400% 74,784. 74,784 74,784, 25,812 925g812 925,812 Merit Increases 46,291 469.291 46,291 720103 972 0 972 0 Fringe Benefits 40,236 340.236 340,236 1,312,339 1,312,3 1,31'2,339 Part-Tine Planning Aides 100% 100% 100% 100% 18,554 18,554 1.8,554 *►:ontract Service C mmunity° Coe Repre3entatiNe $32 032 include . for illistration an. y. ift -77- Cosy CZNTER DETA14 WORKSHEET Department/Division: Program: Accc ";t Number: 001-4333 Object No. Dascripcion of Item$ & Individual Dollar Amau'ato Budget, 171,00 Regular Salaries 972,1011 190G Fringe Benefits 340,23t 1300 Part-Time 1tt,554 u 1209 Overtime 11000 Subtotal. 1,331,893 3100 "ravel and Meetings National APA Conference (1) 1,200 State APA Conferences (3) 2,100 [ League of California Cities Conference (1) g00 League of Cities Plannin Comm. Inst. (2) 1,400 Management Seminars (8) City Planner and Deputy City Planner { ) Senior Planners - 2 each (4) Planning Commission Secretary 41) Code Enforcement Supervisor (1) 1,400 Supervisor Seminars (1 each Associates) 1,225 Technical. Seminars (2) 3,000 Cl erical Seminars (7) 700 Code Enforcement :Seminars (5) 875 ComputerTraining 750 Miscellaneous Meetings and Travel 754 24 Design Review Committee Meetings 2,400 Subtotal ,700 3300 Mileage Reimbursements Auto Allowance 3,000 Private Use Reimbursement � 675 [ Subtotal 3:675 I C -78- COST CcNTcR ""ETA I L 40RXSH6eT Department/Divisicn: Program: y Account Number: Community Dev/Planning Planning 001-4333 Object Noy !�dseription of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 3900 Maintenance and Operations Subscriptions/Printed Materials 800 Photographic Supplies 6,000 Miscellaneous Office Supplies 8185 Advertising and Posting 10,000 Data Processing Supplies 11,500 Document Printing: Code Enforcement Documents & Forms 2,100 Development Code 51000 Victoria Planned Community 500 Terra Vista Planned. Community 500 Caryn. Plan 300 Etiwanda 500 I.S.P. 1,000 Application Forms 11500 Zoning and Other Maps 1,000 Aerials 11000' Notices, Postcards, Etc. 700 Planning Commission Brochure 200 Development .Rev= Brochure 500 Trails Study 3,000 Miscellaneous 800 Design Awards Program and Supplies 11000 Computer Paper and Supplies 1,J00 Masterpiece Plus 300 Software 4,500 2 Double Chairs 200 2 Bookshelves 200 2 roll-a-tape measuring wheels 280 Equipment 951 (2) 4-drawer legal size cabinets 250 (1) ,2-drawer legal size cabinets 100 G Subtotal 5$,031 k . r [ -79- f C0ST CENTER 0 E'rA IL W0RKSHEE Department/Division; Program: Community Dev/Planning PlanningAccount Number: 001-4333 Oh,ject 110. Description of Icsms & ndividual Dollar Amount Budget 3931 Vehicle Maintenance and Operations 2 -- Utility Vehic les 0710 & #712) 6,00 mi/mo @ 66 mi 9,504 2 - Code Enforcement Vehicles @ 600 mi/mo Sedan .61/jai 8,784 1 - Code Enforcement Vehicle � 600 mi/mo (Pickup 66 mi 4,752 1 - New Code Enforcement Vehicle @ 600 mi New Utility .66/7 4,752 Subtotal 27,792 3956 Dues American Planning Assoc. Membership City Planner, Deputy City Planner, 2 Senior Planners 900 American Society of Landscape Arc-itects 180 Southern Calif. Assoc. of Code Enf. Officers 100 California Preservation Foundation 200 National Trust for Historical Preservation 150 Misc. Professional. Memberships 200 Notary 100 Subtotal 1,530 -80- COST CENTER DETAIL, 40RKSzriEET Deportment/Division: Program: -*:rourt Number: Community Dev/Planning Planning 001-4333 Object No. Description Items Indilidual Dollar Amounts Budget 6028 Cortract Services B :rnardino Count , Weed A�Weed (Private Property) 13,000 West Valley Vector, Control. District 42,000 Community Code Representative 32,032 Misc. Environmental Studies (Seismic, Noise, etc.) 5,000 Trails Study & Implem. Plan (multi--yr phase) 25,000 � Foothill B: D sign for Implementation Program 91500 Planning & Historical Commission Minutes 3,000 Graphics 1,$00 Historic Tree Survey (by Arboriculturalist) 4,000 Transcriber Maintenance 72 6 NBI Workstations @ $29/mo/station 2,088 System 64 Maint. ICU Manning Share Oi.Iy) 624 ,. 2 NBI Printers ,@ $44/mo/zc 2 x 12 K 1,056 2000 amber workstations @ $19/mo x 6 x 12 1:368 2 ade sheetfeeder $34/mo x C x 12 K 816 25 Dictaphone Maintenance @ $31/yr x. 25 816 Software Maintenance @ $15/mo x 12 180 Copier Maintenance 1,250 IBM Typewriter Maintenance 30 630 Xerox Typewriter Maintenance 300 r Calculsr.ars/Adding isachines - $28/yr x 2 60 Computer System Maintenance Operations 32,433 (15% Ci4y Share) MIS Admin, Contract Cont3nngencies @ 3% 7,720 Subtotal 184,104. 3960 Liability 2,891 7044 Office Equipment and Computer 32,480 �I 7014,5 Vehicles TOTAL 1,671,446 CAPITAL 01tIPMENT REQUEST FORM Department: Planning Fiscal Year 1988/89 f Account New or Estimate Number Replace, EQUIPMENT !DENTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEED Cost: 7044 New Laser Printer (1) a4500 7044 New 2 Printers 1,800 7044 New Personal, Computers 15,000 7044 New Cable 350 704 New 5 P� 200 51500 rk 26j,150 7044 New GBC Stylevriter System 11800 Transcriber, headphone and adapter 815 Konica: Copier 1,215 7044 New OFFICE EQUIPMENT* 3,830 2 Doubly: pedestal desk, 11000 2 Handheld Radios/Charg�,rs 11500 Subtotal 2,50 To '. '12,480 *Needed to support ada tionai Code Enforcement Staff 7045 New VEHICLES* 1 - Utility Vehicle, w/2-way rcd3o 14,750 Vehicle "Warning Lights 300 Subtotal 15,050 *Needed to support additional Code. Enforcement Staff i -82- ar u Ca w d 3 u tYl Ul CO m Nil 44 E U „ u cu rA L d cn +�� 'CAS' : m Rai m a t1 t�j 4 u M Cto s stf w � � spa ja p., t;N ` Adlu � H er LO N ID C H. U 4 Tl 41 a� a o �A ea -V " c rf rn 44 1-4 ►+ y k 0 H i to p i AN i1a a � in a cu _ a -t s u^ ..$3_. a 1 A i Y i e a e a � e I � I is 1 / 1 4 0 o a,o ,c "ut 1 acr 1 to M M. a t I co ma t 1 t [] Y .. h 1 p .. it.p t LA Q 1 it ( 1 t - 1 Y LL 1 t•-In I 0-2 Xuj .. cc 1 +"1 cc 1 It U. to 0 (. /► cq.` L I i r U. 4 0.o Ot+ Ci0 m J 1:"s"t1.4 �� i. m tr1 ►-tom � � l 1. G.. _. 1 LU ED 1 �� r�-� kaet 1 1 c U.to to z rpr Ww ut< c as wz U*+ Z J 1 U. M = -j 0 t W t9 t"i•C tr-t Z - ' r i•�0 OC? Ob 3 'c O U-Ow 0.01, . 'tl '' G�J ( .mot •�1 k+P Cri�' xl4mi w •r w.r i —84— Department/Division: Program A§count Planning Planning Comrission 001-4353 Object No, t ,f D��tgi¢tion of Itam� & ��tdividtt�l t�I3er A,.:�eamta Budge. 1100 Salaries 7,500 3100 Travel and Meetings - Planning Related Conferences Z National APA Conferences 2,400 5 League of Cities. Planning Commissioners Institute 3,500 Pre-Agenda and Miscellaneous Meetings 2,700 Subtotal 8,600 3900 Miscellaneous Printing 11040 .�...�_ Liability 1% Less Salaries and Ca ital ww 96 Rim am TOTAL 17,196 -85- r t e � � a e i 0 0 'It i � '� � I � t 1 t t 1 as 0 O m tx L 1 t 1 ! ► _ 1 rr t Q o cn fi t7 i � o co 1 <O { 4 , , ► U--r- a 00 o w e uj air 1 u.Y ► O 00 O co 1 ca f , u i o Qo 0 1 0 0 ► o i ►- 1 �ov , s cod 1 fv tq L3 I twit co ► to 1 !Y: co 1m ! ► v r i.i• Ix !-- 1 to N uj f CD IL t- ► sz o" CL i 1 H W N O ! ; till m {h - x ►� zr ! tt W d 1 Z r I -jj Wd t d W t--mf 7 Z im ► to Z I a o.m xr m to r ►n m cn < ► ur ►%U% i m m nx _ ► � ,.e ry to i$$-- r� .wit D parzment/Division: Program: Account N Planning Historic Preservation Comm 01-4354 Object No, Nscripti.cn of Items b Indi,vi.du41 Dollar Amounts Budge: 3100 Travel and Meetings Historic Preservation Related Conferences Local CA Preservation Foundation Conf. 1�300 State Cali ornia Preservation Conf. 600 National Trust for Historic Pres. Conf. 900 Subtota-1 2,800 3900 Miscellaneous Printing 1,000 Liability @ 1% NWAIWW t TOTAL 3,838 -87- r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e e A 1 1 o i � a , ! 1 l 1 1 F 4 r s oo, 00 00 am -4 1 ao 00 .to 1 In 04% no .40 tio- :n I MA O ra W 1 3- d a 10 N N.O. t-IrUN. d N' N 2 O 1. 0 -n 0 (n 010 N .-1 Nf.- ut 0 a 1 04 m .� i N� ur 14 T 1 t K 1 1L 0 0� 00 O O d cn -4 i d 0 CO% 00 .4 O t-CY, Its 1 In O CO a N N 0 1`�r L n I. 0: n1 t O m p -1 11 07 d 1v .- j � D- 1 .4 -1N ti x 1 cOV .4 �i 1 1 1 1 C7 i cot o a0 ao mm NO .00 r-m a ut co 1 co In 4.r cn ¢t .+ u1 LL% t+ O O w� o•1.. .O a 0,. �. F- 1 to N .�-/~p r�- N-/ fi F 1 u.1 0 00 00 Oo 00 00 OO O ca a t 1 i 1 r 1 LL W C• 0O d0 N A In aO 00 and UN a 1 .O O InO O m m .1 O M tr c9 �.CV .�to f` p �,� C1 ca t yr N P- 4% -4 c:: to ca i 1 Y i tit.- t I 0.O to C` •0 0 00 100 m .4 .Y -! 1 m c0 In m.r N a- Ol a O`. .r .0. {`7, ti a 1 --c vt cn c t`a0 .Y r ento O. 1 i t- C`m m m' .y N .t` +0.r fn. t4< 1 N r 1 h LL 1 tr cr.O mUN O0 toO cqQ J I Y m N. to O N m 0` r N. C< t r« m cO L co .t N c-t C7 LLS 1�1-- 1. LA.N .+ N rQ -t co m I- c0 , t1 1 i rr H =W < . t a 1i. 1Ji. /-/ 0 O O i CD t ,n w o Y In w>UA co ►- 1 J l9 O.tJ F-, WI t. 1 H f co J J N 2 O t-1 t, 0. 1 1 J O I- M - -t ► 1 Ix ?-W 'W 2 m d'w W:-j S 10 y <In W. WN < W O- O.a. r kA 1 Z< Q Z >'= y-C M Nli X X X -a- t O.0... W Z S J uj LLI W 1 u. W.tC 6! < H W Z W J t -1 at H W -t 0 W -C <-C i < d u,< r u = M P.- +-e >W 2 M. in W- 1-1-t t-1 1-i S.a 1.W O W!-e <.-J N S W Z Z d m 0. � I H I=w >� at-a < W OW. O< << 0..cL Y-X. Ls O O G O O 0.t a O 0 c*1 V`It1 2 1 a o 0 0 o d rt In N•r •r,e a 1 .4 .4 o• ..m m� o•o• O a s o O t>: 1 .. ..1« mm m1n tir t3 1 m m 1n to to c+s 1n m m M m cn cn, t r- a`ti r-r• ties e-r- s r- 1-C- m m1n mm mcn mm mm mm p -88- PROG"4I POS ITIUN SALAF t SCHEDULE ,�ositian Position Qu a Appropriations Classification Current . Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Adopted Title, Level Rtmd. Rcmd< Adapted Rcmd. Rcmd. Budget Building Safety Building Official 100% 1009 10OZ 100% 59,928 59,928 59,928 Plan Check. Coord. 100% 100% 100% 100% 49,332 49,332 49,332 Sr. Plan Checker 300% 300% 300%. 300% 119,748 119,748 119,748 Bldg. Insp. Supe 200% 200% 200% 200% 76,980 76,980 76,980 Counter Plan Chkt 100% 100% 100% 100% 36,024 36,024 36,024 Plan Checker 20OZ 200% 200% 200% 73,152 73,152 73,152 Grading 5peeial. 100x 100% 100% 100% 33,096 33,096 33,096 Electrical Spec. 100% 100% 1002 100Z 31,488 ' 31,488 31,488 Bldg.. In,gectors 900% 900% 900% 900% 264,348 21�4,348 264f348 Sr. Office Asst. 100% 100% 100% 10OZ 24,540 �'t.4,540 24,540 Public Serv. Tect 200% 200% 200% 200% 43,320 43,320 43,320 Office Asst. 300% 300% 3007 300% 53,868 53,868 53,868 Rehab, Specialist 100Z 100% 100% 100% 29,964 29,964 29,964. 95,788 895,788 895,788 Merit Increases 14,667 14,667 14,667 10,455 910,455 910,455 Fringe Benefits 18,659 318,659 318,659 1 2290114 1,229,11 1,229,114 i -89- COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division: Program: C/D -.Bldg. & Safety Building Inspection Account Number: 01-4373 Object No. Description of items b Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1100 Regular Salary .�10,455 1�00 Overtime Payroll 3,000 . 1900 Fringe Benefits 318,659 3100 Travel and Meetings: Annual Business Meeting International Conf. of Bldg. Officials Bldg. Off. & Plan Check Coordinator 2,400 Annual Business Meeting California Building. Officials, Costa Mesa, Building Official & Plan Check Coordinator 1,000 M.i.scellaneous Local Meetings Inspection & Plan Check Personnel. 1,200 4,600 3300 Mileage 3,200 3900 Maintenance and Operations Postage 600 Office Su lies MENOMM"aw 3 000 Printing - Forms 6,000 Printing- Books, Pamphlets 2,000 Miscellaneous Printing 2,000 Books, Publications Codes 2,400 Miscellaneous Technical Books Soo Miscellaneous Small Tools 800 Technical Training: Inspection Seminars 3,000 Plan Check Seminars 2,750 Computer supplies 11000 Chair - Rehab. Specialist 360 1 i -90- i C g COST CENTER ER G #Wen n4P'S'�r4a.1'iGK- G. eparcmltnt}Division: x r .;am; Accounsurbec: C/D Bldg. & Safety Building Insp+;-a; on 01-4_73 Object No. a Description of Items 6 Individual t!a? xmo Aunts Budgec 3900 Continued Computer Software ',800 Microfilm File Cabinet= (2) 500 Safety Shoes 11500 Subtotal 29,210 3931 Vehi.clP �Untenance 70,000 3956 Dues International Conf. of Bldg, iDff./International. Assoc. of Plumbing Mech, Off, 180 California Building Officials 31 140 International Assoc. of Elect. Inspectors 75 National Fire Protection Association 75 Local Inspector Chapters 300 Subtotal 770 3960 General Liability 2,493 - 6028 Contract Services Plan Checking. R. Sullivan 36,000 Misc. Plan Checking, 10,000 Rehabilitation/Demolitions 35,000 Microfilming Services 6,000 Equipment MaintenanLe: Word Processing Equipment 2 000 Reader Printer 600 Typewriters, Calculators 11500 GIS System (Share) 12,951 Contract Inspection 25,000, Contractor Information Service 12,000 Building Alterations 500 i Subtotal 141,551 F -91- f COST CENTER OFTA I L. WOPKSHEST Department/Division: Programs Account r`umber: CID - Bldg, & Safety Building Inspection: 01-4373 Object Nu. Description of Items & Individual. Dollar Amounts Budget 7044 1 - 44" Desk - Rehabilitation S ecialist SSt? 2 Line printers (300 LPM) for ermit Isrocessin 15,000 1 - Personal Computer 4,500 Subtotal 20 '15lt 7045 Capital Vehicles 1 -- Utility Vehicle for Rehab. U Specialist• ,e 12,500 I 2rVay radio for above vehicle 800 ... .,,,. _ Subtotal. 1.3,300 I f GRAB .OTAW 1,517,28$ -92— CAPITAL EQUIPMENT R° 'UEST FORM DEPARTMENT BUILDING & SAFETY FISCAL YEAR 88-89 CAscount New/or Equip►„ent Identifizat on and Justif ication Estimate Number Replaces of Need Cost I 7044 New I ,- 44" Single r rsasl ' sk for vq-P by new Rehabilitatic- .:.,. » .list $ $50 7044 New Personal Computer i i 7044 sine Printers (300 LPX) fo- permit processing 15,000 7045 Nei 1 - 2 wheel drive utility vehicle - for use by new Rehabilitation Specialist 120500 7045 New 1 .. 2-way radio for above vehicle i le 800 T -93- liliill�ll,���ilill��,EIMM va� 1c. � to I- Alt—Ilk r c: � a .� cn "# CA 00 co co wra ii9� id. 0 ri t3 L t2. {. 44 41 11 "I '4 44 in 0 al w W o= CO iSI C7 yJ 4 44 A4 60 Q r,1 PI., ci O G H C 44 G� Aw A, m AG � F � a a � ;4 �+ ur444 toTj as -Fi d) w a 1 tu � 4�) a J 44 urob ri a w 3 o N m v tu t a a jog as a a. a oto f ! 41 t„ u r 44 E -94- a1 � d � a a a� �, 5 coM a 0 E 3 i A lu 0 O O O O p O 000 s r Q JJ ) CD won co M ci N: cu co00 M 1 co t L 'col .q 96 00 All (it G O i fi W Fa+ " F+ rt o to 41 U .O -W �O1 iJ p' W ca ►'7 '� .'� ." id CJ a moo z o cuuti cn 0 p td H41w u° w44 cova k • E to 41 to 1-4 GI cn H to N W Z R' .0 r�Y d a a co o w H 3 u d ai v ra � 14 A � O 7 M i O tl rf `� -95- '' . . T-�-.- _��r-r-_--._._...,-.. �.--.�,.T._.�... �; �' ;_ ,� 'Y �, '� ji ,� __ . ._ _: ,, t T 1 r t 1 t f O IQ .ao ao 00 M l 'o J'O 1 .0 10 t-O P10 .00 .T 1> 1 M �O !+-O NItt 00 O ! 1 O - 1 t N. O.m 1. rh I.Y .�,N «a% N,r, j. j N w o a 1 ► «,-� 11 1 « 1 l 1 i o i4. b� ao 00 +•, i Coi w t .a I a 1'-o Ir 10 .a o m t ► m tD 1 m 1 q !►n N to o O Co P 1. Co ;E t of i th M-N .�.6 N tr\ P. t 1 4 H ► 1 i� 1 r 10 L) r _ f r ► i7t 1 WN .-t Co O e*1 tv CA vi S, { a• .r.0 IT .-t-4 .0 1n. M O. to t CI l _ N r .-1 Co ' tJ Y � 'A U% a T rn a 0..+ ry o: . r .r to U-P.- r o oQ o0 00 op p0 - n o sR r ,x Milk ► < t t t } >- f x o . � a LAD ", 00M �o.*p tr a ,0 1v m p a to oo ► Co L g Im }. t tit 1 m O a`01 1- ..1 T a• co O a` CD to.r N Co O CO-aO 1 .O O a•►" M M t1t. D. m. M.. T OD Q 1 m « .i .r r`1 .•1 r t3 wY p e Coc 1LU « r i v► en rr 0: vt m w r I to Ln t" to J „1 Ln Z O w U • • {i 1 r O 4' .I-- w ► r r v- u.Uj a < z w w o x r m w sC Q w w W.1-4 LEI a. a. �! I =a an ws z,z to ww w i LLIY .E.r Co T.1 Zt1 O. Ud ..J ! L O a`1— Z> Z M u1< M►-/ 1-1 ta; t W tD w:14 "< M-a y w L.a raw >< ww ,rw o< o.[ 1 lar Cr 0 M L.a- L> o Y t,7 l3 t.? Io t- 4 O co OO O••1 .OP mM } 1 O OO Op Om tnN rvw .t. O f +-1 N M O''t U f r'1 r1 W. �./.nt of�.1 e-1 N .1 I 11 < ! :r tt�Tt1 Y.Jtk t11 In 1PL 1l tt1 LCt ► .r .r w r ,:_ .r.r .r s w w .r w.r w T rr ,.!all «.-e ..►..r ..r.-+ ..+..� ..r o r -96 CCJST C^EN T cR : TAIL -- Departmenc/Division Program: Accouac Surber: Sheriff Public Safety 01-4451 Object No. Description of IM9 6 Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1100 ReSEular Pavr -Clerical St -- 1300 Part-Time -Crossina Guards 900 Fringe Benefits b -Station Clerks13,7761 3100 Travel & Meetings Crime Prevention - 2 ,OOQ 3900 Maintenance & O -Uniforms & E u ment -Housekeeping 3 .112 -Equipment Maintenance 2 .739 -Facility Maintenance 2 .800 -Medical Supplies 500 -Office ExpenseJL Postal Ex ense 2 --Professional Serv?cQ� 1 .800 -Special Depa_g en--t Rxn ne� � 0(1 j Private Mil 500 -Electricity 16 -019 -Telephones 44 00 --Gas 2 5 -Water_ 1,870 I -Small Eguij2ment Purch e 5 9 -0 0 -Crime Prevention Mattria1g.. 1 Subtotal 111 ,22 3931 ,Vehicle -mad n . Maintenance 108 , 00 -Fuel 88,560 �. Subtotal 19 3956 Due -Cr' -Legal De'" Inse Furd 1 70 Subtotal 6027 Hazaa-„ s -97- GUST _VNT_=a _TA(L mCa<S B:psrtmetnt/Division; Program: Account Numbe. : Sheriff Public Safet 01-4451 Object tea. Uscription of IMS & Yndi.vidugl t011sr Asaunt5 Bud;et map 028 Contract Se e Sheriff' s De artment -Overtime 170 ,000 Xerox Copier 28 500 Buildin Rent & Taxes 6 2 -ldent.--T-Kit -E ui ment Service Contracts -Criss-Cross Telephone Book 150 Sub t 6 192 Zo9 -Less Su* dies & F rm Ad ' "Less Trans r' i f _ f I { E E TOTAL ,122 888 -98-- t v e e e t � � 1 t i i 1 i f 6 1 M tr O .o.[L O co N O 1T f- O 4 a a M O c ao to - 1,c`�to m L 0 i CO N.-4 P-N t0 O 1`.-1 N O m r+ 0l a tr 1 O eti ri O N N./ m f 1 1 1 d 1 m tT O +G to O,W N O Q-r- Ca`-1 0 IY i r- NP zO o�D PN' %0m m1- - rt 1 1 Ln CO 1 m t•-1- � �N, �1-+ N 1010 M J\ 1 M t R LO .-�'m rl O tL1 In CI 41 <O t 1+7 1 1+- P LA MID M 14 tll Rr .y7 t- T P .0 to fn M1 U s: 1 m .a10 i Lri t O OO OO QO 00 00 nO CY u n e a : i t >- 1 U.►- t «s UN co 00 to -F .n 0 O G O c- m t31 i. -r N.N !LL .O r- t~.p t- Q%o a. tl QIll PP 'Ci ap OP U a ap. 1 N N. +0 M 0 t-;.y � h- co t �- tL 1 p .D co m Cl P O` m 1-- O N co N t9 1 Wt NF ill It a0t I*- N .l :p f 0 1 t- 1 N P t.-.O (n N. •-t M co t NO u. rm ON 0f✓ P.tl CtA ON: CQm V- Q P 10- .r.O Ir .O LL) i.z. .. g I'l7 N't-w .p Eit Q I s 1P- tta m to rap- cn „° �, %r. w i oa > CL - Ca 0 aa- W 1 F � -j Lo z O. ►-1 U, . 1L 1 1 J O Co /-t-t • '-1 M ta.p to CC CC "/-- td h- 1-4> Z.Z m 1:a.;-- 4< Lu Lu W t-1 <Lu. CL.IL - (A I -c a.6- m or Z 6 /r Ln xx i d 1--F-- C9 w <1- U CC CK I.-f- 1 LL. I=►- Z> LU %A W r- 1-4 1-r t IL7 C✓ W 4 -1 s-W T.W Z z q-a. r 1'W G Q. U.I.- .-Q.- W 5 W Q .� >o. oU uu 00 O O f'y C .4.o ow m V 00 OO -'�O- mILL "oN +Y-r � Q 1. .r NM r11-4 MP PG` 0,0 OQ C7 - f-• Q t /rl flT M M'm O1:m, M M m Rl m m 1 3A la Wt Jn 1R to An In U% tlt to U.,Kl i %r -r.fir .r-ar --r+r .r.r t --99- PROCR M POSITIONJSALARX SCHEDULE Position Position Quota Appropriations Classification Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr* a Adopted Tithe Level Road, Rcmd.. Adopted Rcmd. Rcmd Budget Asst City Mgr. 202 20% 20X 2.0% 14,424 14.424 14,424 Comm Serv. Mgr. 100% 100% 100% 100% 58,320 58,.320 58,320 Park Proj. Coord 100% 100% 100Z 1007 451,780 45780 45,780 Assoc. Park Plnr 100% 100% 100% 100% 35,676 35,676 35,676 Asst. Park P1nr 100% 100% 100% 100Z 26:448 26,448 26,448 Admin. Asst. 100% 1004 100% 100% 31,800 31,800- 31,600 Comm. Serv. Aide 100% I= 100% 100% 23,940 23,940 23,940 Sr. Rea. Super* 100% 100% 100% 100% 32.448 32,448 32,448 Rea. Supervisors 300Z 400% 400% 400% 114,216 114,216 114,216 Rec. Coordinator 0% 200% 200% 200% 44,208 44,208 44,208 Sr. Office Asst. 100Z 100% 100% 100X 247540 24,540 24,540 Office Asst. 200% 20OZ 200% 200% 32,,460 32,460 32,4�0 Sub-Total. 484,260 484,260 484,260 Merit Increase 24,213 24,213 24,213' Sub-Total. 308,47.3 508v473 508,473 � Fringe Bene. 177,966 177,.966 177,966 i Sub-Total. 686,.439 86,439 686,439' i I Past Time Payrol l 14,851 19,851 19,851 19,851 111,390 L11,390 111,390 firs* hrs. hrs. hrs. Over-Time 2,129 2,129 2,129 GRAND TOTAL 799,959 799,958 799,958 -100- COST •:ENTER DETAIL W )RKSHEE T Department/Division: Program: Account Number:k C ommunity Services General Fund. 01-4532 Ob ect No. eacr c Diptn of Items & Individesml. Dollar Amounts Budget 1100 Regular Payroll 508,473- 1200 Over-Time Payroll @ 168 firs. 150% @Step 289 2:12.9 1300 Part-Time Payroll @ Step 207 111,390 1900 Fringe Benefits 3100 Travel & Meetings 177>966 Calif. Park & Rea Society Annual Conf. (1) x 1,045 1,045 Aquatic Mgmt School (1) 550 Resource Management School. (1) 500 Sports Mgmt School (1) 700 Festival Mgmt. Conf. (1) 1,700 Local Travel & Meetings 2 000 Leagua7 Cities .Annual, Conf (2) 1,400 :aague. CA Cities Comm Sery Conf (2) 11500 Nat. Park & Rea Assoc Annual Conf (1) I9,21.10 Calif, Park & Rea Soc Annual. Conf (2) 21090 Xeriscape. (Water Conservation in Landscape Design) 120 Subtotal 12,305 3300 Mileage: Reimbursement 5,000 ,0 0 3900 Maintenance & Operation; x: 1 Word Perfect program (MAC) 300 Office Supplies 37,500 t Office Equipment 864 �.� ti a, r, 4 � -1G1- rM1 , COST CENTER DETAIL WORK-,MeET Department/Division Program: Account dumber: Community Services General Fund 01-4532 Ob eet No. Description Of Items & Individual, Dollar Amounts Budget 3900 (,continued) -Office Equipment Desk 'Top Calculator (CSM) 200 Cover' Centronics Printer (Admin) 400 Community Center/Building Maintenance and. Supplies 39,50.0 Advertising 500 Printing �'� -"" - Forms � 3.900 A Park and Recreation Brochure 91000 Community Awareness Program 1,575 Grapevine 81,985 - Photographic Supplies 3,713 Publications 631 Community Events 20,000 i TOTAL 200,068 3931 Vehicle Maintenance & Operations .� 7,892 3956 Dues National Park & Rec Assoc. (1) 125 So. CA. Municipal Athletic Fed. (1) 50 West End Family Coun. - Brd. of Dir. (1) 50 Local Service Club (1) 150 Calif. Park & Rec Society (8) 640 Women in Leisure Services 25 National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies 7.5 International Play Association 100 National Park & Rec Society (1) 125 TOTAL 1,340 i . F3960 General Liability 2,969 -102- ' COST CENTER DETAIL. WOR KSHEET Department/Division; Program; Accountur..ber: Community Services General Fund 11 01-4532 Object No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 6028 Contract Services { _ Copy Machines - 1,200 4 Professional Services 12,000 Copy-Line 8,000 United Computer System 11,495 or Library Services Enhancement 26,250 MIS Administration 11,412 70357 7043 Capital. Expenditures Kitchen modification with oven (RCNC) 91000 Fire Alarm System LPCC & RCNC 13,000 Emergency Lighting RCNC .000 Miscellaneous 31150 28,150 7044 Capital Expenditures; (1) 4-drawer lateral file cabinet 724 Vertical File Rolling Stand with binders. 650 1 Patio Furniture 51000 Computer Enhancements 5,497 11,871 i 1 �l s ' TOTAL 1,139,910 I -103 y` CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT Community Services FISCAL YEAR 1988/89 Account New/or Equipment Identification and Justification Estimate Number Replaces of Need Cost am 7044 N 1 4-drawer lateral file - Park Division 724 7044 N Vertical File, Folling stand with 42" binders and brackets (Park Division) 650 7044 N Patio Furniture RCNC :51000 t' 1 -104- 1 1 1 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 { { 1 t 1 r o 00 !n M -Jtr , n 00 M M �.,? { LLI Q ¢. t t.? J u r r Y 1 s 1 L N !n. cs r i v f , Y co Y tA GO r a M r i' u 16 1 ' I+c � 1 ex t LOG f. E { f 1 l w t c�. t fr L (. iQ 1 C w i C 04 O a -A40 ti a i 4D E Y 1 Ci 10.4 I O <aa o ,a t t- tr inula aoa Iw 00 r to Cl)- c vi Y it { Y O: H. 1 4"N w }. fd t Rc 0 o r- t- { CI Z D -j uj p 1 / w to [ Q W. wCA ( 1 rz to w LU 10 c r U UN L6 r t —105— COST CENTER :,'ETA I L +40RK;HEE T Dopurtment/Division: Program: Account Number: Community Services Park & Recreation Commission 01-540 Qbject No. Uscriprion of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 3100 7•avel & Meetings Cal f. Park & Recreation or National Park & Recreation Annual Meeting (1) 1,200 Xeriscape (Water Conservation in Landscape. Design (1) 60 Local Meetings 940 Subtotal 2,2C6 r 3900 Maintenance at-,! _perations Legal Advertising 500 Publications 200 Subtotal 700 j956 Dues Calif. Park & Rec Assoc. (Public Agency Membership) 300 Calif. Assoc. Park & Rec Commission and Board Members 100 Subtotal 400 3960 General Liability 33 r I ; TOTAL 3,333 -106- =r rr' 1 1 a r } 1 1 I O CI co O ,n-r N F •-t ^+ A a'f N IL t m V��a m t14 N+O t+,l. za QO O it% t'V Z C]. t. .r N F Q`m N m rt m. 7 1 .a N m F in U t:L 1. a � 1 , } t. N O IL\ 00 00 to T in u% J a" cr I .r 001 w 0 tc%Ir N 1- .4-'1 C7 in O I m 010 m IS N�o Lt N .a t0 O ttti l Ir fd Ow a`m N m :-I m m co tit U 7 i 1 1 t ti a0 i .o m O in tr, -4,t- O O m.o O m Ln ao 1 m m, M.4 .0 to a, -C�4 %D Q o t O m I M N frf ty. N O` .r..Q f`• Lt-I-• %.n i IY m. t Uat � 1 t 1 1 r I U.I- 1 m 00 00 m m a C) -4 M O to LU t O 4 to O ..a In w in cn O tY U3 I w O N.Lt ,P C, to in m in f m t r rt m.-t rr co t nt m to r 1 i r I I.L 0T tT a-r+ t•-. a v, O in o O. 0` 3,cn -4 a .r t•- tT m in v ti : t i o', a,IJ o•s7 to m m x mat C3 l I.- I is, p-0T .P.-� .t!n gyp.-� t- u- I N . .tc%O cr.r to O. -a (awn j1 z.r m CO N .r %D .p tn. in ,p.4 I ►t C 11 ' m tit Q` On: tit C0 0 1 - m 4 I: m N .d t O I fs �, LU 0 W r.W M �f7 r 7 z da. o -,4 CD 1 M 0C M a r t 0 to W v,W O i. Lu-1 In Z O • M U M 0.ICA k l -I O r M .J M O O w t• t t O m!N r to!• /N. >z z G LL. W Z m (Y W W W. u7 tt7 M d w iL. CL !n 1 Zd dz, s Qd M in X Y ( a w Z a. ^! W LL i W� Wca tJ r i.-jd HW -j0 WeJ uj d Q d F d-j r 0 W.d F-U x 1 1,> = K z >W. Z 9-+ to W t-M t-i t Lu o W'.4 -00-4 S :W Z l ZW i.. > x Ix ¢W Ow t•- 1 w M Ci ia. I.-' S> { t.7. r i O 00 O o 0-4 Oo C7.O. Om' m%0 NIr.. 'Ir � 0 1 w .max mm Mm mnY raF 1- a ur d t m mm mtn mm mm relm m mo.a .o va .a.0 .a a NO 7 .r y-.r .r.r v w •r r .r.r r r , m ' 1 107— PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SC',1iEDLJ1.E Position Position Ounta ations Classification Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Tithe Leval Rand. Rand. Ado tad Rcm.d. kcmd. Adopted City Engineer 100% 100% 100% 100% 62,364 62,364 62,364 Admin. Asst. * 100% 100% 100% 100% 31,800 31,$00 31,800 Pr. Office Asst 100% 100% 100% 100Z 24,912 24,912 24,912 Office Ass* 20% 60% 60% 60% 10,181 10,181 10,181 Office Asst. 100% 100% 100% 100% 16,968 16,968 '1,6,968 Office Asst. 60% 60% 60% 60% 9,878 9,878 9,878 Office Asst. 100% 100% 100% 100% '16,464 16,464 16,464 SUB1'(YI'AL, all 172,567 172,567 172,567 Merit @ 5% 8 628 8TOTAL ,6za 8 s 628 181,195 1811195 181,195 Special. Fund reimbu sr-tent __ aarrall 1-4637-1100 180,469 180,465 180,469 Fringe Benefit 1900 63,085 463,085 63,085 243,554 "G43,S54 243,554 -1n�- PR+',G RAM PUSiTION/SALARY SCHEDULE na Position Pasitiaza ota A ro nations Classification Current Dept, Mgr. Dept, Title Level Rcmd. cmd. Ado ted Rcmd. R md. Ado ted Office Ass+, 2Q �. ; 20% 3,026 3,026, 3,206 SUBTOTAI, 3,Q6 3,026 3,206 Merit �7a S3o 15'1 151 151 TOTAL 3,177 3,177 3,177 1091 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Divisions Program: Account Number: C.D. t ineerin Administration 01-4637 Ob'ect Mo. _ Descri tion of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Bud et 1100 Regular Pa roll 364,t342, 1200 Overtime Payroll 2,000 1900 Fringe Benefits (7- 35%n 127,595 3I00 Travel . Meetings AP;LA Local Meetin 5(C.E. 75 ITE Local Meetin s C.E. 150' ASCE Local Meetin s C.E. 100 City/County City/County Engineers Meetin s C.E. 125 APWA National Convention C.E. 1.200 blic Works Officials, League of 'Calif Cities C.E. 800 Pu Gecteral' League of California Cities C.E. 750 TE Regional Meeting 800I ASPA Local Meetin s Admin. Asst. 80 ASPA Regional Conference Admin. Asst. S00 Computer Training Seminars 2,000 13�►siness Womens Training Institute 800 Management Seminars & Technical rofessional Worksho s as needed 800 Committee, Commission & Board f4eetin s 1.200 SUBTOTAL 9.380 3300 I+rlilea e City Engineer 12x250 3,000 Staff Reimbursement 500 SUBTOTAL 3.500 3900 Maintenance _& Operations Printing -&--Publications 1.200 Misc. Su lies 12,000 _Blueprint Machine Pacer 2 500 Blue rant Machine Su lies 11000 --Software & .Video Card Expansion 4.000 Oce Machine Supplies 3,500 n of City Maps & Ma rims 750 filar Uu licatcs 250 i'ilm kk Film Processing 1,250 Microfiche :�a s from County Soo Co es of Recorded Ma s from CounLy 5.000 U dated_-A essor Mao Page's 300 SUBTOTAL 32.250 3931 Vehicle MaintLenance & Operations Blazer '6,000 x .48 2.880 New 4x4 UtffiI Vehicle 6,1700 x .48 2,880 New Mini-'Sian (6,000 000 x .49) 2.880 SUBTOTAL —I10— in COST CENTER DETAIL W,,-RKSHEEF Department/Division: ,�. P m. Account Number: C.D./En 1,neerin Administration Object N��. 01-4637 Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts 3956 Dues Bun et APWA-Nat'l. & So. Cal. Cha tors C.E. 100 ITE-Nat'l. L.A. & San Bemnardino/Rverside C.E. 1S0 ASCE-Nat`l. & San BernardinolRivesside C'.E. 125 Cit /Count' En San Bernardino Riverside C.E. 50 A,SPA Admin. Asst. 75 ?�iMASC(Admin. Asst.) 25 SUl3IaAL 525 3960 General Liabili� 1% '�f O erations _ 1,279 6028 Contract Services Word Processin & Computer Maintenance 6,100 Microfiche Maintenance 450 Oce' Machine Maintenance 2,500 MIS Admin Cha es 0,56 On-Line Computer Services 1,000 Partitions. Phones & Minor Modifications 3.000 SUflTtyTAY. 73,6t3 7044 Capital E ui mrment T esvriter 50t1 Overhead Projector 600 1/2 Sot Co vier re lace w/ Planning), 1.215 5 1 4" Disk Drive OU 2MB Memo _upgrade 500 A le. Talk,-Cabling and... Connectors 500 SUBTOTAL 3815 7045 Ca ital Expenditure - Vehicles _ Re lace #210 with a 7 Passes er MinizMan funded Primarily from IGS u ratle 4,000 Replael Silver Bullet with -4x4 Utility Vehit^le funded 2rimarilZ from, IGS upgrade 4.000 SUBTOTAL 8.000 it 1O'I'Alr 635,539 —111- CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM Department C-D, Engineering Fiscal Year 1988-89 Account New or Estimate Number Replaces EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEED Cost i I 01-4637-7044 New Typewriter for proposed office assistant 500 to fill in forms and type envelopes., 01-4637-7044 New Overhead project to prepare and display slides 600 for public hearings and Council; meetings, 01-4637-7044 Replace 1/2 of spot copier to copy forma and permits 1,215 at front counter (1/2 Planning) 01-4637-7044 New Disk. Drive 500 01-4637-7044 New Memory Upgrade 500 01-4637-7044 New Cabling and Connectors 500 01-4637-7045 Replace Mini-van 4400' 01-4637-7045 Replace Utility Vehicle 4,000 . I t/ v 1. -112� u , c � v to �. Q o c a gn maca CIAc a � s �+ CD j O p C d ! in cc Ln to m r-i C t0 m o m O O M tj ai ej 14 H 04 u is -r4 En a w N ,� 'm W o lu ri 0) C a >4 •,I � ?. y ro U W 0 a ro H v0 to V. v 41 Z O �. �. u 0 N b lT1 >t .r4 N >11$4 °3 t G w Ql A W 04 y d ra > v U .4 DC ?w w Al '''1 �y.�{ v! w Q) 44 tz+ 4-) Q) p Q 04 W G. ro a, Ln44 � BUR+ > p 0t 41 w o c o Ch t t c r, t` �,, r• o m r� M to tc ter , •� t t t t � Cl o a -113- v • � a ri 0 C >+ d'1 '.7 1i •• 8 .b "4 1 A o m a o 0 CD ca c o o o .a v r. co t Ali C► O C] O C) co to Cl 0 L3 O' Q to a da CQ r-# MN LnW � M O- W lw wit W 43 A $4 r4 Aj U O to I.t �i � ., 0 0 e-i E-1 rl k r-i 1•I e-4 + W'�1 r-I r-I 4 H A W cJ� ) r-1 411 r�l w r-I @ r-i O r"t a)V-4 r-i N e-# C� d a a 00 C) 9 of o0 r,4OoC C: C:l � r�o W L W id in -H to •t-1 Ln+eel Ln in Ln•rq tn In-r4 in in W o o CW W g& W mot � W W �C di U w w W,of ko W to m 44 a V cW c +j o 4J c a -u o Kr - N cis W U W U W U °' Czr Cx''e!�, ad-ri oar da >•+ 0 tQ L z 'C C _ c y 44 v ' a .► v u a Q � a `►.' a 9 E 4J 41 a b) wis t(a 1-4 it w x y m $4 .� v �a to r �' � ��i 1-4 V u' C) ci: as z .. L +� Q Cam? O 0 o CD O A' C1 C71 Q1 CT Q1 i31 C4 0 al 1 M M ri M M . ! M A ko `y �O Vp to to W 1 'i f f -114- s 0 0 i i e � � 0 B '� ! A III ► ilk 1 1 1 t 1 1 t 01Ln of tO NO O m _t tat Ox t O i 1 Q F 1 1 f Ota tQ NO O' m 1 .a�+wvY'O ^ to co U0-4r l 11 1 1 t 1 O 1 F^ ! to 1 r OA om W.• 0o0 UM -r Ln t/1 W i 0 IT N ca " +O co w m _y N O ,r N to N n! .a u%0 1. m t i i LL.1- 1 O MG L+O OO QO 00 a 0 ,x 1 u M 1 F 1 1 t L.1- 1 UN 00 OM 00 00 N t- Ui 1 '+ T`- G to Y O 4 " LD 1 O tT 0`Ln 10 O c0 P 1 m Y to 41 1 1 ( 1 LLJ ! 0 CO OO 00 00 Oa . O O r-< I c0 1. co 1 1 1+� 1 LLt r Lr. ILUo, ao oa OO oo Oa a a 6„t J 7 O +O C t rC t0 1 2 i k 1',+c c0< 1 co C 1-` to /LU i S f G. r1 G^ Q I R t- O, M 1- 147 y N t12 C 7^tn. Lu ~ t Gt J.tiJ AA 2 0 4-4 ca . Q. t 1. Q tr CC i-t 1-- e.X F- M> Z Q t 1 ¢ r>- u.W z tad- CC WLU LU M <W d �� JLn W. d^ {.U. W W m tJ < t 1 II -1.4. M N Ltd.�1 0 LU -i C aC -CC f. +4-1 t-r 0 us 4 I- u c r w ►- 1 1.4 tit CD to= "6. v H. iL y CL t Z ul y 4 CC 1 4+f( W W O -r- LA. >G Oy. 0 t- i O oa oa Oa ..+.a oO .r 2 t O Oo 00 Oa mm +ON .r O 1 rl NIn Cr.'I ma' tea, a.O O ri M'1 +Y e+1, m m 4n m%D t- U 1 <O co aG co 40 co ffi 4{to rD W co 1- to! i r1' en to P1 m m en M to M Ln r w u1,a .o.D �a' 001 .o%0 .a .4.4 r4 eel rt.4 t PROGRAM PQSITICNYS :.,ARY SCHEI?ULE E itionPosition uotaCl cation Current Dept.: Mgr, Dept. M rr.nations Title Level Rcmd. Rn d Adoptedr. Rcmd. Rcm d. AdoptedtedDpvt City Eng. 80% 100% Ir;17; 100% 52,116 52,I16 52,716 Sr. C'fil Eng. '' 50% 75% 75% 73% 37,179 37,179 37,179 Sr, Civil Eng. 100% 100% 100% 1007 49,572 49,572 49,572 Assoc. Civil Eng. 100% 100% 1007 10007. 42,684 42,684 42,684 Assoc. Civil. Eng. 100% 100% 1007 1007 36,756 36,756 36,756. Assoc. Civil. Eng. 50% 100% 1007 100% 35,856 35,856 35,856 Amt. Civil Eng. 100% 100% 100% 100% 34,968 34,968 34,968 Asst. Civil Eng. 100%, 100% 1007 ' 1007 31,644 31,644 31,644 Asst Civil Eng.. 80% 100%. 1007 1007 Landscape Designer 50% ';O% 20% 36.144 16,144 36,144 207 $,144' 6,144 ' 6,144 Eng. Tech. 100% 100% 1007 1007, 25,800' 25,800 25,800 Eng. Aide 100% 100% 1007 1007 21,660 21,660 21,660 Jr. Eng. Aide 100% 100% 1007 1007 22,548 22,548 22,548 SUBTOTAL 427,035 427 035 427,035 Merit @Ski 21 352 211,352 21,352 Tt7CAl. 448,387 48,387 448,387 r t r �a -116- PROGRAM POSIT N IO lSA::?.RY SCHEDULE Position Position Ouota A ro rations Classification Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. ' ,. Mgr. Tide Level Rand. Rcmd. _. o Rcmd. cmd. Adopted Asst. Civil Eng. _ 100% 100% 1i;lu% 30,108 0,108 30,108 Asst. Lndscp. Dsgr. 100% 100% IOU% 27',j48 27,648 27,648 SUBTOTAL � 57,756 57,75� 57,756 Marit @ 5% 2 $88 2„88R` 2,888 TOTAL 6+0,644 &0,644 60,644 Y i r A —11.7-- COST"CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEEr Department/Division: Program: Account Number: C.DJE ineerin I`zvelo meat Mana'l meat 01_, Ob'ect No. Descriation of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Bud et 11.00 Regular Payroll 509,031 1900 Fringe Benefits 35 k__ 7.78,,160 3100 Travel A, �.�� .,�.,-„ -�, _�.__ City/County Engineers ryleetings 125— _ ASCF_Loc^1 Meetings (2) 125 200 APWA Local Meetings (3 _ 200 Subdivision Map.. Act Seminar 6 900 Landscave 300 Public Works Officials. Lease of Califor:+ia. Cities 800 APWA National Convention (Dept. City- En ireer' 1.200 APWA Pavement MMgmt Seminar 500 Computer Training SDO S ecaal Classes & Seminars as needed S 1,000SUBTOTAL5.725 3300 Mileage St grf Reimbursement - 400 3900 Maintenance Operations Publicatio a & Ref'erenc.s Manuals 400 Standard Drawiza P intin 300 & $15 4.500 Drafting Curves 500 Software . 2138 o5 ccial Materials. laraftin¢ & field Surinl a 1.000 F'uz nitu - .. 5,35 SUBTOTAL , 3956 Dues APWA-Nat'i. & So. r'as. C.' asters 3 300 ASCE'-Nat'l. & San Berardino/lUverside 2 250 City/County En .-San Bernardino iverside 3 150 American Soc. of Lndsc . Architects 2' 160 NotaryDues 20 f SUBTOTAL 880 f 3960 General Usbilir• 1% of O erations 4,462 i 6028 Contra&; Servir'es Plan Checking Consultants 400.000 Microfilm Service-Construction Plans 20.000 MaRing for Maintenance District Boundaries 5.000 -. SUBTOTAL 425.000 -118- COST C"MV'IER MAII.WORKSHEET )epartment/Division: Program- — `— $ Account: Number: C.D.IEn ineem �Develo ment Agana ement 01-4538 Ob'ect No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts 79udget 7044 Capital Ex endit;gef, Dot Miritrix Printer 70G 2,770 R&TOTAL 3,470 - ..rain A wmrn.�a .. s.wrmna�ppt. .. f Rmw�ypw'I�_ f I f TQTAL 1t F l —119- c - k 4 i C G � a ro Q} L �^ ,r4 co C O "Q 3 a.� e • t� Q Q? CJ � C1. R. tJ Cat m � � �tl � a L o r.. 4rq1-4 +-f Aj a av, U CY a ca v fi� G bt C6 .v V2 p; 131 Q _ 04 rg N A . Cytoa • i Z a q a a u ,° 41 b a 44 (is v a x a cv oly, a cu to In a fAtv 4 ,C aGo co c°y uo `fl .a r 44 � I -120- uc , o M ra � ;,^� x a � �r I AU r � co t(1 Q �i y0 (fit j cc crl: w c. cbo a w L w me IVA a G > C H a� to c C r+ 3 � -r! � w �r1 � � -,4 V #d 0 a = m 1.4 aji d a&iC�.St© Go E-4 va w �( w � O U � O v o s�. m co U o' ba w to 41 'H as d1 N � Ga u v a 'q�9 A N O 0�► a ati a� tat M 1 co pp aden 4D � (R E r , e v e 0 o� t e s 0 0 i r I 1 D 1 I { I 4 O O 1 M O C O 10 � t. D O ••s _ .ta t u Q 1 co 0 %0 tH to 1 ao O s mr Q i CIO- In N O I N .w 1 tn.N Q". l t •-4-N Qr. p IY N: W 0 CL t1 t ~ l l >v t t 1 I d"_ t q1 Q i a1•r 4.0 I*-t N. f cc Q F i m Q t? ao P,O �.*p .-1 '. -Q ,O +[ Y 7 r 1 In 1 1 N I U ! t f 4 t Q r Co 1 .r r-Q O co 00 m O N O O 0.0 .-a ui ca 1 O tip m 0 r 4 t- m v^ -r 1 N +C In - rnn i .pCV �4 1 LL H- t O no 00 00 O.c 00 00 Q to 7 a� t v c i 1 1 t r t u.r t •+ 00 00 00 00 co 00 C?O t Q- Co 1 O m 1 t D u} i O OQ OO OO Oa CafJ 00 p _.t I CD O 1 r4- I co 4 1 lz 1 .a a I u1 '00 o to IL 4— 1 W 41 1 ty a1¢ t ` is t''� t-- UJ 1.4 Vl. tom— CD 1- Of LL LU a o c a � I a th Q. u1 u,= C"y'cs w = O. U-w m z w W 7C l Q?- 4< ttl itt W 1✓4 At W Q6 Q. -snL I =a a Q. w� z ~r to LL, 1.U. W tit to J4 +C 1— t K I .a .r revo-�t wJ tw.?w a -4t{ 4*e� t-1'-' tow «[t- ty tt x >•-t+ t t1C.,O CL'4-• ?' W'Z M-1 M t1!H l.•i:t-i G'. W t1.' M.+[ �►mot Y W .'�.Z R-O. t-t t 2 u1 ?4 tX'iX 6-t.rt rat O Us C1 <4 I raj a 00 o0 oo .4-o i? Ro •rIn a f o QQ oo co m%a *m .r - O 1: rt N m on,.4 m th o�Q` 0,0 00 M m m tom M*D. f—I.... _ 4 t- m m M m M M fM t+1 m. ca't .4 rr .r*r .r.r .r•r ,r w .r.r .r.r PROGRAM POSI'TION/SA1.,ARX SCHEDULE Position pasition uota Classification Current Dept.- Mgr. DoPt. Mgr._. Title revel Rcmd, Eland. 'Ado to Read. Xi�;�tttd. , , ed Traffic Engineer 75% 75%, 75% 75% 37,179 37s179 37,179 Assoc. Civil Eng. 35% 35%® 35% 357. Assoc. Civil Eng. 100% too, 100% I2,68 l..721 42,68 ., 100� 42,6$4 4;�,,&84 �5��684 Eng. tech. 30% a0°;, 30% 30% 7,002 7,,002 '71002 Eng. Aide 100% 100% 100% 100% I8,192 18%192 18,192 SUBTO`rAL 119.178 119,778119,778. Merit @ 5% 5,989 589 5, TOTAL 125,767 125,767 125,767 i I I i —1.23— PROGRAM POSITION/SALAP.Y SCHEDULE Po s i ti o n Position !jota Appropriations F lassifcation Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. MMgt, Title Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Ada #ea Rcrnd. Rcmd.` Ado ted Civil Eng. 100% 100% 100% 30,108 30,108 30,1©� SUBTOTAY. 30,108 30,108, Merit @ 5% 30,108 TOTAL 1 505 11505 11505 3 ;t3I3 31,613 31,613 J i 124 COST CENTER DECAL WORKSHEET Department/Division: P Trogr..m, Account Number: C.D./En neerii. Traffic 01-4639 Ob'ect No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Bud et 1I00 Re ular Payroll 157,380 P200 Overtime Pa roll 1.000 1900 Fringe Benefits @ 3590 55,083 3100 Travel & Mectin s Riverside/San Bernardino o TrB,fic Eng, Assn. 265 I'�E Local Meetia s o 900 ITE Re Tonal Mtg. Traffic _�nttJ 800 Institute of Trans. Studies 500 City/County City/County Engineers Meet. Igs 3 375 SUBTOTAL 1 2''840 3300 Mileage Staff Reimburseme.,t 300 3900 Maintenance & Operations Publlr'ations Field Su 500 lies 1500 E ui went Maintenance 700 Furniture for Asst.Civil Eng. 2 000 Software 3,91 Modem 450 SUBTUTA:I. 9,060 3956 Dues __._.,,w•._�.x._.. i Traffic S n 50 il Assn. 4 IlluminatingEn 5 Sac. `' A Riverside San Bernardino Traffic Eng. Assn. 3 S SUBTOTAL 6'10 3960 General Liabilit 1% of 02grations 128 �k • 7044 Ca ital Expenditures Computer Printer 550 Digitizing- Tablet 550 SUBTOTAL 1,20E 7045 Ca ital Expenditures - Vehicles Mild Van re laced from IGS Racks and Special- Equipment for Van 2,000 SUBTOTAL. 2.000 TOTAL 229 601 f 125- m v v � m u � � a as •• G a cd t i► ,a 41 ca ba► to k CD o •v m a a CL to 0o ' a.° co •----- rn u � r., v -• w o c x Q co a w to :z la a m a C4 w y a lu P4 w t cs rJ >t >, ad 0 � w 4- w v4 ro m �' W U ro 3 c w w ca H a 0 c cm ,4 a c G 40 •"1 a U u N r u Fri cc d � a "k1.4 fa z s. .c +° ''" ro: .61 L4 ro a, v k Q) f rt Ca EK w A � � CD u .126- I. a L C1 61 uo a >a 3 x � a� V 0 u fa c M p c o o a CD o o In In 1 40 R;r a sa, 41 a u° Ai tj 44 Ci >+ Cyr mid En C3 .G idi y C] p O p u n .-d cr. to co c co cob 0 W W rq x au � 44 ad � to D % q 0 to Vq to 8 W 0.4 N t�V N N O 43, cn \ p ci Z Z ci Z ci M M-t W � C2 H � tti O to p Q aati Z. U. W R L _*z tz •A .y tU v m 'd w �00) aj ,a W a on S. 'Q - TJ i O .0 ss in 2 3t C 1 1-4 4.tto � �► d► CU G,► G1•� O a 'I E-4' z •• A s a o o 0% cn a1 LiCftDIY cm M, M M m M (") mko to to .G i f 1 1 1 Ws -1Z7- a i i e a t t a e 0 I 1 1 1 1 r f t1 1 f N t1 O tt1 10 fV 1 aLU q• Oj LA 1 1 .-4Ir +t 1.4 L Cl- i, „>¢ 4 i t 1 i 1 t O 1 1 (v 10 a..r 1La :•a L O II+ . 1 N 1 1' Q` 1N- 1 N 1 I ry u H I 1 1 1 1 f i 1 1 O 1 1-• 1 tom m 00 0� m of- ao /n C4 �� t OD <0 1 "! 'x' 0 in- 1 rt .•a. ,-1 ..1 cb. 1 1 1+ i cl 00 00 ao 00 00 o r x 0 1 u Q 1 1 r I t �• 1 LL 1• t 00 00 O'D 00 0 ap 0 4 u m t L r1 .~r rt tLl d? i tV v" W 1 i 4 )` 1 tl, 1 to 00 Or., Oo co OO O O N� r 0 10 H i sC 1 1 r 00 00 00 oa 00 fa a .0-C I Lo W O 1 t ►- /w 0 L) 1.0 co< 1 < 1x co 1 s Is 1.u H tu H 'W 1 - 1m a C3I C3 � a r- t tx -1 J CZ a tj Imo.us tI (.,. i CL-4 _/-1 trt z C3 H u • IL 1 1 J 00 1.-M + *.{, t,7. its i 1 a 1L Lu Y^?� w H? uj O z< a z� L) ''' cc tn a 5c 0 a. tu w x S a Lt1 1 "'tx S= tnW wz w -iu ,j i J< H t-t ut J o lti JI ,C< <-1 0 tf1 <►- U nc� iK 1- r y to Z M to ttl t- t♦ CZ' to LuQ' H.0 -jH SLu .ZZ d i W M 0 CL tl.1- S S >ca t?Ca' U O 00 00 00 .-t�o O CO 'i' 2 i O OO +'a 00 M . MO e- 0. u I ct 0 bo 00 co co 00 0 yr.r ,r,r r.r w v r ,tl -0 ,0 ,o.0 w,0 �o.0 .D to t -128 y PROGRAM POST ON/SALARY SCHEDULE r PdSition Position Oun a Classification CurrentLRcmd. Dept. g t. Mgr. ► riations . ' -.Title Levcl' Dept- Mgr.Rana. Adopted Rcmd. Kcmd.. Adopted Sr. Civil Egg, l0R'o IO% 10% ' 10% 4,957 4,957 4,957 Assoc.. Clvl Eng, 0% 0% 07. 07 0 0 0 Assoc. Civil Eng. 0%' 0% o% 0% 0 0 r, Assoc. Civil Eng. 0% 0% 07 0% 0 0 0 Asst. Civil Eng. 0°5 (1°l0 0 Q% 0 0 0 �Jr. Civil Eng. 0% 0% 07. 07. �Eng. arch. 0% 0% 0% 0 ® 0 Eng. Aide v 0% o% 0% 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL 4,957 4,957 4,957 5% 248 248 248 ZC�fAL � 5,205 5,205 5,205 1 y - l .' —129 I .,i COST CENTER DETAIL.WORKSBT=ET Department/Division: Program: - C.D./En ineerin Account Number: Ob'ect_No, D Proiec is 01-4640 Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts E tid et 1100 Regular Payroll' 5.205 1900 Erin a Benefits 35% 1.822 3100 Travel & Meetings Ri 'ht-of Wad Assn. Meetings 200 ASi E Local Mcatin s 3 300 APWA Local Meetin -s 3 90 City/CountyEn`ineers Meetings 1 125 Drainage Seminar 4 0 CAD Seminar 3 1.00750 Iti ht-of:Wa Semin,-rs 2 500 _ :7 ITE ffI' drolo Seminar 2 500` Special Classes & Seminars as needed 1500 SUBTOTAL 4.965 3300 AIilea e Staff Reimbursement 500 390_ 0�� Maintenance & 02erati�oz s � Software 1,545 S Recial Sup, lies (,praftin Totals & Su lies etc.) 3,000 SUBTOTAL ✓,,545 3956 Dues - Rc:E Re istration 3 ASCE San Bernardino ivereM.0 4 300 APWA So. Cal. Chapter 4 3� -- _ 0 i 40 Cit Count En ineers-San Bernardino iverside 250 Right-Of-Way_ Assn_. 100 SUB"t�'I'AL 1,150 3960 General L iabilit I% a f_ Overations 112 7044 Ca ital Ex en,, iteres Com later 4.500 Cont titer Printer 700 ,�TBTOTAL 5.200 T(YrAL 93,499 —130— G li t: c rd co q .co 41 M ON ttl co cco Aj t.+ U C .6s >we Ca ? a 0 "7 as v4 cn tJ Q 4t r3 't3 d ttR C7' isW tw q m u w to 44 rR ut rs . u u u is Ja u try.. - u V4 a s� V4 v u s� 0 P 10 ar txz 46 c" rr, '� � ii V to a A oou f ys q cdi'_ Fir ttc2 191 OA 'YS A t t q #a d w t a� u c � � C N � R .C. fb N -w co co fm ,Q a to1-4 rrl a rt a�a Pw LxI 4t Qi o stE to CG r-t64 $ CJCQJ CQ Q ~ A `Err -P4 t"f cn k tC sh 21 41 In � I .Q o u w Aj ca3 c T4 Gd u ,� a r�r t, w '''�,: ,. ra `4 In ca n, 41 c w to a w i z IL o c� 0 o a r+ i —132— M � I a I � ', v s t t e 6 1' 1 1 i 1 1 J i r � , co O 1 N'mN to tin O O O a G1 O .tv w w Ill ll 1 ..a cU 1 r+ - m ai c �J co O U > 1 .. ! . .. t. . .. ► *. J 1 1 T 1 1 to rr Ito 00 no 00 ry ir`. 'o M P O r O r f 10 O O 1 1 1 C7 I. I.- 1 t7) t t- O`a O.. d r` N to an M" cV 'Ac0 1 N c0 V' P O+4 RY r-In m -4\ r to y R O .n Iz N 4C O' t to .r .r to ap N "u~s i o oc� o0 on oo acs ao 0 OC O I O 7 1 vet Q � 1 r 1 t x- t P 00 00 00 O to O.tY r`O t- ur 1 .o o a co o co n P.m .-+ .a.r It ch a o 1 �: H tM N co W. k ~ 1 1 coQIz 1 11A t 0. y" 1.w r U. 100 OO OO OO co OO OO O -f t -C ,a Q I z to 1Q' - t 1- 1 . co -C I co 1 M 1 'z CA w w) w>. t o ..+ ca auj 1 U J J J tJ1 .'�'. O M U 1 • b i 1 = >. ,w 1 1 _a O G r ry J" C;O Lu S 1.Q}• Q d W W: W' Lay m to Lu ltt. vs rx� as za: U et lu rs.a «iG i s 61. w. 3 H vt TC X i W Uj Lu CL z IDW Lu Z W JU JJ 1-4 YJ-1 0 W J Q.aC wC Q d CL r z> w z t-1 to W IH►{ D i u!0 Ww a1.4 Sw Zz 0.tl H 1 zW >4 rx 4' N6 w= wm 00 00 00 .4 00 -r to 2 i O OO OC OfT {+lLL1 .oN r�T . 'a f .d N.:tr+ P- cn..cr� to Q` P a a O. MO r.r w r c +ter:°r Ir .�Or'r W.a.a •o.r: ,p ! y-:r .r r .r.r —133— r PROGRAM PC)STt'I(3NISAt.ARY SCHEDULE Position �o�3t3o� u�t� -.- Classification Current Sept. Mgr;. Dept. ' ro nations 'Title LeveI Rcmd. `Rcmd, add ted Rcind. IMgr, ,. Public Works Eng. 5C?9a 50 : ` SQ7 S67. Ado led Sr. Public `'Forks Sttsp. ` �� 2�7$6 Z4,7� 2 �7 6 �� 07 oq Sr public Works Insp. 1C?0 100% 100% 1007 3$.r4$+ 38*448 38,448 Jr, Civil Erg. 20°!0 20% 207 .20Z Public Works, jnsp; 0% 0% 0% 01 4,932 4,932 4,932 Public Works Iris C3 0 .- 0 1t>• 100% 100% 1002 1gt3% 31 88 31,438' 31,488, Public Works Insp. Q�1a 0%' 0% Public Works Insp; 100% 100�0; 10()% 100% Public Works Insp, 80� �0� 29.808 29,808 29,808 807' 807 I 20,640 20,640 20,640 SI JES"C)"t'AI 150,102 150,b12 150,012 Merit Spa 7,505 -1 () 71505 137,607 157,601 1a7,607 i a -134- PROGRAM POS rrIC.N/SALARY SCHEDULE Position Position Quota_ A ra nations Classification Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr,. Title Level Rand. Roend. Acia tad i:cmd. Rcmd. Ado fed Public Its Insp. 100% 1.00% 100% 25,800 25,800 25,800 Public Works Insp, 100% 100% 100% 25,800 25,800 25,800 SUBTOTAL 51,600 51,600 51,600 Merit @ 5% 2 58Q 2 2,580 TOTAL 54,180 54,180 54,180 1 l i —135— r COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEEi' Department/Division; Program: Account Number. C.D./En ineerin Construction Management 01-4641 Ob'ect No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1100 Re ular Payroll Z11, 77 1200 Overtime Payroll 11,500 1900 Fringe Benefits 35% 74,125 3100 Travel & Meetings Cit Count En ineers Meetings 125 Connt. Ins ectors Assn. Mtgs. 200 Seminars as _Required Project M t. Standard U dates, New Materials etc. 2,500 - SUBTOTAL 2.825 3900 Maintenance & Operations Publications Green Books State Standards etc. 500 Software 2,275- Special Field Su lies Ta es Levels Markin Paint Flagging Ribbon A.C. Thermometer etc. 5.000 Office Furniture 3,00 3931 Vehicle Maintenance 10,775 8 ea. Utility- Vehicles 8,000 x .60 86,400 2 ea. S-10 u 18.000 x .661 23,760 SUBTOTAL 110,160 3956 Dues. ASCE 125 Const. Ins ectors Assn. 3 135 CitXlCounty Engine, rs-San Bernardino Riverside 50 SUBTOTAL 310 3960 General Liabiiit 1% of O erations _ 1 6028 Contract Services Surveys and SoilsTesting15.000 7044 Ca vital EAOenditures ea. Micro a Co uters 5,770 Co tnlor Plotter 1.400 UHF Radio 1 000 SUBTOTAL. 8,170 7045 Capital Expenditure - Vehicles Utility Vehicle 141000 -- Radio 800 SUBTOTAL 14,800 •----- TGrAL EO, 2 -136 CAPE` AL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM Department C.D.fEngineering Catyt Mgmt Fiscal Year148b189 Account New or Esti.malte Number Replaces EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEED Cost; 01-4641-7044 New UHF Radio to utilize phone patch and repeater (Public Works Engineering) 11000. 01-4641-7045 New Utility vehicle for new inspector 14,000. 01-4641-7045 New 2-tray radio for new vehicle 800. I f I I r { 1 -137- y � a � cc o44 y 41 m Lt� � tli y EI C 0 ' CD 0 w o c 44 u ", C? J3 w �^ ,p ,.T C 14 : L N u OA 4) C E W C' d C y O � . > C C w C d. . c Ia. 4,; t 2 41 vi 1-t tt C .ham. H .0 R~j A (A Ci V4 dd OS 3: Vf � y M C'V. 'G Li 0 V is M m U -�O G O C''C1 W O vi to 4- CM,r k N !J =Z7 Q)' �+ O o. C11 =�v a 99 M C'r 4) O 4) a toa VFW _ C a to 4-1 W Ems+ 4�3 W a •-t+ ti -t. Z; -138- l., G R Q1, t` CO �+ m r4 1 u m U coAJ y ai I. WN " � 4cc n� a o >• o a ,� w vy CD to � a w m cn to w *H w N m m c Ucn 3 3 G w w a) "4 1-4 of d N w 3 o � v +� o C p H u r+ p 4- uMt q U N rt G 0 .m1 04J , d ,i "' w ,c m b , cm 4' vs s° aito o aj v .w Q :,+.. EE+ Le lu, a - c+am o CD0 w �. x a' c�cry' o 139- i e e e a e � � t t i l 1 r 1 t t t t R C1s ma Od C,M NO a i oa ba a .1 -ttit 1 Q Cm �M fQ ,. a 1 00 00 A N w t a m 0 t 0` �i1-+ to Q t•t P- r-•� 0`O .� tt .V ur w Oil i O '0 t Q`0 t r i t t t t r+ Or ma Oo 00 No O 00 00 0 W 1 0 a(), a aO OO .r0 O It 00 ao O N A. i o«o a 1 a Lc c w R t - t M N r4 0.4 N N .-!N to N. ar ! .a t t t ! O 1 it 01 Y 0 OM rw i40 Ot- Oa 11 to i N tT LC% M Rt Y Y O Y h!r- t O 1 P- Q-:« N Ir r- .0 N .0 N CO.0 Cl 0 t7+ wT Y to.0 r ttt < r 1 .r t trLh 2 O OO nQ l"fO OQ OL7 OC'Jl aC7 t'7p +'? a u't t sot < 1 r r r >- t LL.w ! Lt' ON OQ am Ma 00 00 Y .-t OO O A� tL.+ ..4 m :a Lit -4 � .w P-a 0 O- N 01 C w O. M 7=+O t 0 4% N t-m p01 o t0 a 4% .H.W +0 « w R w Y .K taT '{a �' m N t N r 1 .,a �ap m m ca c0 00 M cm O o, p In O to J i tL� O�c t--+0 9-a'.. N a to N Ch M hC W 5 1 O .[k c0 O m 1-'Y N W M�'D Y co .0 m -.4 w • .. « ... • « w r .. « :.. �- 4 t- W aD .0 N .-1 t em .-t.M h to 1, O 10 1'1 0 w 0-4 O'o co 000 NI t- O O 'Q P- t ru 1 !- 1 Y If r i 10 sn v 1 a* 0•.4 UN u0 K 1 1 W wd 1 F tll, > W . i7,0. 1 to i uti w O � Hcy us 44 � o J J..«! 0 6- tz F}„0'. W� m W k tu " � T„ J._t )1 ►L. 1 t Ln O `'N: Z 2UJ to. ul " ..i Q rC< W W W. 1-i •C.:r w t 0.lL C. vl i a n.a z x u .c ,. ur-4 x X x a i tLCG T WZ US JQ Vb -4,j J 1 -C J b-i-- to W -C M.- I.t 0.' 0.'Q 1--1�+ M C 1.- 1 Lr-O at,1-- Z a W Z *+i Nt W< F-Ut 1 uu 0 LU ,0.0. O cr. � i w Z. v-t N >Z . O0. W1-- ]C }C1 4�7 taT CAE~[ << J I` m O M-r UN Z' f O at? OE3 OO Mto .0'N NY +fY Y" ry NM it,Rs M ttr 43.cr. 0.0 00 00 O O O 9x -4 M+-t .-1 R '(0 n C+T f*t t*t'`0 ♦Q`0 h P- t+c0 t» �. ! � t-'�.... t--7-- t.,.A t'-i'• r"t� !"P- M P' l".f'-. r, 1 .0 +0+0 "0%0 �0 1 +0•0 .0.0 %0`0 -140- PROGRAM POSfTION SALARY SCHEDULE Position ®- Pos a'.0 uota A ro nations Classification Currsnit Dep¢. Mgr, Dept. Title LevZI R'cand. Rand. Adovtedt Rand. Mgr Rcmd. Addoo�ted Maine. Supt. (1) 50% 100%a 100% 100% 49,572 49,572 49,572 Maint. Supv. (2) 0% ?00% 1007 100% Maint. Supv. 3 c� 40,404' 40,404 40,404 p ( ) 100 100% 1007 100% 37,128 37,128 37,128 Maint. Supv. (4) 40% 40% 40% 40% 13 306 1=,306 13,305 Admin. Analyst (5) 100°0 1000'0. 100% 100% , Sr. Office As, (6) 100% 100% 26,052 26,052 26,052 100% 100% 21,132 21,132 21 y � Admin. iniern 7 0 ( �' { ) 100,�0 100% 100% 100% 8,280 8,200 8,280 '^paint. Crew Supv (8) 100% 92%: 92% 92% 27,841 27,843 27,843 Maint- Crew Supv (9) 70% 22% 22% 22% 88 Maint. crew Supv (10) 70% 70% 707 70% 17;615 17,615 5,118 5,615 Y7,615 5,615 Maint. Crew Supv (11) 01 0% 07 07 0 0 Maint. Crev Supv (12) s' .� 0°'a 0 0% 0% 0 Q 0 Sr. Mainz. Worker (13) 100%a 100% 100% 100% 22,42$ 22,4`8 22,428 { Sr. Maint. Worker (14) i i'ii-o 1007'0 100% 100% 2?,428 23,5802 28 22,428{ Sr. I�taint, Worker (15) 't5 0 100% 1007 100% 21,024 21024 Sr. Maint. Worker (16) 45% ' 22% 22% Z2% L1,024 Sr. Maint. Worker (17) 95% 69%a 697 692 4`694 4,694 4,694 k Sr. Maint. Worker (18) 70% 69% 69% 69% 14,722 14,722 14,722 Sr. Maint. Worker 69% 69% 69%in 14,010 14,010 14,010 a Sr. Maint. Worker (20} 103% 0% 07 15,475 15,475 15,475 , 0% 0 0 0 Sr. Maine. Worker (21) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0 n Sr. Maint. Worker 22 % Sr. Maint. Worker (23) Cr, A% 0z 0% 0 0 Maint. Worker (24) 200 '0 t,: 'a 10Q% 0 Mainz. Worker (25) l,0Q%f 1007 19,320 19,320 19,320 100% 100% 20,304 20,304 20,304 M aint. Worker (26) 95% .6 69% Maint. Worker 2? 4,010 14,010 14,010 ( ) 70% 69% 69% 69% 13,33"1 13,331 13,331 Maint. Worker (28) 95% 22% 22% 22% 4,512 4,512 4,512 Maint. Worker (29) 95% 100% tno% i0b% 20,304 Mainz. Worker (3a) 95% 100% 1:a% 100% 20,304 20,304 Maint. Worker 31` c1 19.320 3.9,�?0 19,320 ( 5% 22% 22% 22% 4,250 4,-.�0 4 250 Maint. Worker ( 2} ti:5%a 22% 22% 22% Maint. Worker 33 9' 4,250 4,250 4,251 ( ) _ i% 100%a t00% 100% l$4372 18,372 18,372 Mainz. Worker (34) 95IK; 69% 697. 69% 14,010 42:010 14,010 Maint. Worker (35) 95% 69%u 69% ry Maint. Worker (36) 70 w 70%; 70% 70% 13,07 14,331 13,331 Maint. Worker f?�` 14,07Q 14,070 i4,07r 1 70�50 70%a 70% sD% t2,860 , Maint. Worker ('s8) Or,��, 0°'0 12,860 12,860 Maint. Worker 39 Q 0% 0% 0 0 0 ( ) (� S'o 0 l0 0% 0% 0 0 IAaint. Worker (40) 0 0% 0% OZ 0% Mai--,E. Worker (41) 0% 0 l' 0% 0% 0 0 0 Maint. Worker (42) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 Maint. Worker (43) 10% 10% 10% 0 0 0 10 Maint. Workcr (44) 10% 10% 10% t,837 1,837 1,837 I 101 1,837 1,837 1,837 ISUBTOTAL t 558.37t1 538,370 556:370 J -141- r PROGRAM POSIT',ON[SUARY SCHEDULE Position position uota Classification Current Dept. A ro riations INIgr. Dept. ,yLgr. Title Level. Rcmd. Rcmd. Acti ted Rcm� d. Rcmd. Ado ted plaint. Worker (45) 10% 1Q% 10% 10% 1,837 I,837 1,837. Maint. Worker (46) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 1,837 i,t537 As Maint.. Worker (47) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 Sweeper Opr. (43) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 a 0 Sweeper Opr. (4¢) 0% 0% 0% U70 0 0 0 Sweeper Opr, (50) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 Sweeper Opr, s51) 0% 0% 0% 07. 0,; 0 Sweeper Opr. (52) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0� 0 0 r . ! SUBTOTAL 1,837 1,837 1,83 SUBTOT&K .F')IUMPREYiOIIS L°AG 55fi 371 558,371 558,371 Merit @ $% 28X X 28,010 26,010 TOTAL 588,218 588,218 588,218 Seasonal M. Tech. (53) 100% 100% 100% 100% 2,832 2,832 2,832 Seasonal M. Tech. (54) 100% 100% 100% 100% 2,832 2,832 2,832 Seasonal M. Tech. (55) 100% 100% 1007. 1004 2,832 2,832 2,832 Seasonal M. Tcch. (56) ?00%a 100% 100% 100% 2i832 2,832 2,832 p.T; PAYROLL SUBTUrAL Merit C S%Q 11,328 11,328 11,328 P.T.PAYROLL TOTAL566 565 566 1178 44 I1:T9 2 F T44- T' i kL 1. I t -142— PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Position Quota ota -Approonations Classification Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr, Title Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Alioated Rcmd. Rcmd. Ado wed Maint. Crew Supv. (57) - 30% 30% 30% 7,218 7,218 7,218 Sr. Maint. Worker (58) 70% 70% 70% 6,896 6,896 6,896 Sr Maint. Worker (59) - 69% 69% 69% 13„596 13,,596 13,596 Sr. Maint. Worker (60) 45% 457 45% 8,867 8,867 8,8`67 Sr. Maint. Worker "61) - 69%a 69% 69% 13,596 13,596 13,596 Sr. Maint. Worker (63) T 0% 0% 0 0 0; Maint. Worker (65) - 69% 69% 697 12,304 12,304 ,12,304 Mainz. Worker (66) 69% 69% 69% 12,1404 12,304 12,304 Maint. Worker 67 - ( ) 45% 457 459 8;024 8,024 ' 8,024 Ma;nt. Worke4 �;*D - 100, 100% 100% 17,832: 17,832 17,832 Maint. Worker (70) 220, 22% 22% 3,923 3,923 3,923 Maint. Worker (71) 22% 22% 22% 3,923 3,923 3,923 Maint. Worker (73) 0% OZ 0% 0 0 0 Maint. Worker (74) - 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 Maint. Worker (75) 0% 0% 05 r: 0 0 Maint. Worker (77) _ 10% 10% 10% 1,783 1,783 11783 Mechanic 3/4 yr. (79) 20% 207 20% 3,870 3,870 3,870 MechHnic 1/4 yr. (80) - 20% 20%' 20% 1,290 1,290 1,290 Mch. Fltpr. 1/2 yr. (81) - 20% 20% 20% 1,856 1,856 1,856 Equip./Vhcl. Clerk (82 40% 40% 40% 7,872 7,872 7,872 Admin. Intern (7) 100%a PT I00%FT 100ZFT 1002PT 8,290 8,280 8,280 Office Ass`. - 100%PT 100%PT 1007PT 7,572 7,572 7,572 Maintenance Worker 200% 200% 200% 35,664 ' 35 664 35,664 (83 & 84) r, SUITOTAL 176,670 176,670 176,670 m",dt @ 5% 8,834 8,834 8,834 ` TOTAL :�.. ---- 185,504 185,504 '05,504 Special Fund reimbu ement: Pavrvll 1-4647-1100 266,045 266,045 266,045 Fringe Benofits 1:90 93,115 9_ 3 1115 93,115 - 359,160 359,160 359,160 i - F ' h --143- I Q COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division: Program: Account Number: C.D.IEn in ering Maintenance 01-4647 Object No. Description of Items & Individual Dp1I,arr Amounts Budget _ 1100 Regular Pa roll 1,039,767 1,200 Overtime Payroll 25,000 1300 Part Time Payroll 11,894 1900 Fringe Benefits @ 35%a 363,9 3100 Travel & Meetings CPRS Maint. M mt School 2,000 Vehicle Maint. Seminar 800 Maint. Suet. Assn. Meetings 1,800 Turf M mt. Seminar 600 APWA National Convention 1 1.240 Xerisca a Conference 300 Crew Trainin & Seminars 4,000 SUBTOTAL. 10.700 3300 Mileage Staff Reimbursement 3.700 3900 Maintenance & Operations _ Materials. Su lies. As halt. Concrete etc. 400,000 Filin Cabinets 7,000 Software 4,500 f *PZed Hilt Park Maint. 60.500 j *Herita a Park Maint. 55_.000 f SUBTOTAL 527,000 3931 Vehicle Maintenance & Operations General see attached. Cost Variable Worksheet 409.000 *Iced Hill Park 62,500 *Heritage Park 55,900 C SUBTOTAL 527,400 i 3956 f3ues t Certified Apolicators License 300 Cal€ ornia Parks & Rec. Assn. 200 Maint. Supt. Assn. 300 Intl. Society of Arboriculture 100 TCSA 50 Turf Grass_Assn. 200 ASPA 200 MMASC 50 SUBTtMAL 1,400 360 General Liability 1% of Operations 19,942 6027 Hazardous Waste Removal Q,p00 --144— m t COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Der3rtmen D son: Program:g _T Account Number.: C.D.lEn ineerin Maintenance 01-4647 Object No. Description of Items & Individuai Dollar Amounts Budget 6028 Contract Services General City Landscape Contract 116 000 SafetX Training Program 5,000 Vacuum Truck Rental 25,000 Facilities _jAgjhting M,aintenanc,e 3ti,000 _CitX Staff -Pager Rental 9,000 Repair City Back Flow Devices 2nd year) 10,000 Count Park wa Weed Abatemert 5000 _Contract Chemical Applicatlw s 20,000 Sweeper Transfer Site $,000 Tree Inmlory Update 4 000 Gen. Consultants soils. survey, desi Metc. 49,000 Tree Maintenance Contract 130,000 Parkway Tree Re lacement 100,000 , 'Routine/Emergency'Routine/Emergency Equipment Rental 75.000 Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter Repair 75,000 SUBTOTAL 661,000 7043 Ca ital Ex enditures-Facilities Mdisture Sengairs (I3erva &--Lions 15 000 .-. --- , Moisture Sen, :)rs Cat Parkways 12,000 'gash Bin EncL sures (Ci!,y Parks 15,000 Recreation Storage Rooms(CijX Parks except Lions 40,000 Master Key Cit Parks 10,0QQ Retrofit Lights ,Be i Park 24,000 *, Red Hill Park- *Lake Vault Fence _l 500 •Ball Field Gates 2.000 moisture Sensors 16,600 -Tot 'Lot Walls 51000 *' Eierita a Park - --Decomposed .osed Granite on Trails 30,000 •Re air Vehicle Bride 4 00O -Athletic Fauip. Stora a Rooms 12,000 -Moisture, Sensors J 12,000 SUBTOTAL 198.500 7044 Capital Ex enditures see attached 105,30 7045 Capital Expenditures-Vehicles (see attached) ` 8021 Water Utilities 158,000 i - j —145— COST CENTER DE WQRKSHEEI' Department/Div ision: Program: Account Number: C.D.IEn ineerir Maintenance r 01-4647 Object No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts - Budget 8022 Electric Utilities 85.000 Red Hill and Heritage Park maintenance and _operations Payroll 90,644 Fringe Benefits 0 35% 31,725 Maintenance & O erations 115.500 Vehicle Maintenance & O erations 119.400 Lighting Contract 25.000 capital Expenditures-Facilities 82.500 TOTAL: 463.769 The following capital nroiects to be funded ,by account #25=4285-7043 Red Hill Park: Correct Drainage Problem: Lake & Am itheater $45 000 Lake Bio stem: Clean lake bottom $20.000 Athletic E ui . Storage Rooms & Concrete Pads $12.000 Heritage.- Park-: -_Re grade Fields $20 000 Erosion Control & H droseedin 532 C00 TOTAL. $129.000 TOTAL 4,027,4� -146- CAPITAL EQUIPMENT r:EQUFST FORM Department C.D./Eng. - Maintenance Fiscal Year 1968-89 I Account N 771 ox Estimate Number Replaces EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION .& JUSTIFICATION OF NEED Cost 01-4647-7044 New 4 'ea mobile radios for existing equipment for existing tree trucks 3,500' New Materials spreader (for grounds group, currently rent) 10,000 New Slit seeder (for grounds group. 8,500 New Sod cutter (for grounds group, currently rer ,r 3,500 New Irrigation remotes: Red Hill Park* 6,000 Heritage Parks 51000 New 1 each Meyers pedastal (spare on hand due to G-8 week order time) 2,500 New Radio Repeater 3,500 New 2 ea. - Phone patch radios for Ma nt. Supt. and Ma.int. Sugvs. 3,000 New Ice Machine 21000 New Paint miner for sign and paint crew 3,000 New Tree crew equipment saws, ropes, saddles, hydraulic l.oppers, etc. 15,000 New Grounds crew equipment - mowers, edgers, etc. 5,000 New _1 each hand held radio for new crew supervisor 900 New Mechanics Cools, shop tools, engine analyzer 15,200 (Total - $38,000 - 40% from General Fund and 60% from IGS) 01-4647-7045 New Tractor w/grader and radio (for grounds and trails groups 18,000 New Park Utility Vehicles 2 ea Red Hill Park* 91000 1 ea. Heritage Park* 4,500 On-going Lease Payments: Loader 22,000 Tree Truck w/clam 22,000 Bucket Trtt,k 22,000 Water Truck 22,000 I l -14 7- CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM Department C•D• Engineering/Maintenance Fiscal Year 1988!89' Account New or Estimate Number Replaces EQU'PMENT IDENTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEED Cost 01-4647-7045 New Vacuum Truck ($151,000/5 yr Lease Purchase) 30,200 (for cath basin cleaning, currently rent) IGS Replace #645. Backhoe ($51,000) 01-4647-7045 Replace #612 - 3/4 ton pick-up with a I tone flatbed 51000 & IGS & (IGS - $21,000) ) Sri Upgrade J New Utility van for facilities group 41,000 New 3/4 ton pick-up w/spray rig for trail and chew. app. group 26,000 New 3/4 to!' pick-up w/dump body for crew supervisor 20,000 ,.a Mow Ridl g w/f;.a"er fcir mowing group 27,000 TOTAL 268,700 MR - -148-- t, a, � v u N u M Q4 O N Cl. a� t� G� .c pa e�S co co 0 'b C, a% Lt] ty O -4 N _ a c 41 cn Q tiU1 ' G L U .O N � RI it iJ is W. _0 U U U U 4 0 an C U tU V 0 tit41 W A >Cd a 2 3 d atd ' a� 14 a ' a o 41 o o $, e o ri u u "I U ,o u i 44 R C ., N Np 0 ro al X w o a� i, 04 o a•v ao o wo � tod - u r-q " It. R7 cti CO to c3 U C y r R � p• a o q .� o o �+ �+ O 0 0 0 O Q O C A Lei u u cq � u c a ca o 00 c� ,m 41 w v w � s o IT o —149— a �a O: � d u n c o • r as ca Oo .c �. u . 0 ccn p CDf�1 00 u cl m { cd ^ W O !1 O Q. m O > Q O U 44 ?+ OAj � A u w cn g ,.f �-4 P-4 Ai E W M 6 W 14 w603 VA H rn W al tv to Q�y � 0 iv y is a 3 L u m o o t u -p+ ti O so •Hu u m ux bc 44 t° a c� u Aj -a m m %I I a t o Ai to •� w �` a $4 .c w u � u a to Q. W m O o � pOro � y {L m o d0 H A ty W � Q B A 7 Ch Loh � O M Ai r. n r+ r: 1 gi ONT +U T C1 0 .r � O —150— 6 1 1 1 0 1 i 1 8 e �, o � � t '' Ir 1 1 t 1 } 1 1 1 1 #'r t11. t N N. u> ► z o 1 r*t en a u t uv Ln LL O O. 1 N ry u.. t < 1 i 1 1 t I r a u L 1 u ! 1 1 t i a i t CO 1 .O .O to CO 1 T. tT u 1O t N N "I ! a ► r•- ry 1 to i tx a I a Cl 1: < t I 1 1 I.- 'my IA 1 O C m ! r r m t N 1 ta. 1 O O ,O i ti 1 t0 til cD t t N N' !�" tl 1 lf1 1L't `oat � to in 1FN N CO aG ! as {. ¢ I to 1 aiU. J 1 of CO 1, z N I a c r t � O ve I z 1 u.tx 1 uw vw i J LL Iz - ►-t 1 z tx t tLt 1 I? -151-- COST CENTER "_ETAIL Department/Division: Program: account Non-Departmental Transfers Out 01-4991-9000 Object No. Description of Items 6 Individual Dollar Amounts Budge., Transfer to: General City street Lights 253,247 NOW wh f f I ,..d..:.....� i WMEK i :. 152 t t i 1 i t l b i i "w 4 d tV Ca I 1 t i P- A: t f t i t i t\1 u r i 1 i .r Ad UN t i C 4 u..rt s O t) cs r � ► Q< i i y T u.r c q C m =x s t ran �mi co sp 1 +w T t9 i ry u t? CS ry tr R t d t3 to i 44 tom.. id 7 t� p: Cd tck L7 t Cam' 'RY Ila i� ttt t LA .+ �ma a to T W i Uj cc w C 4 Sst � en i Z tcX te � a 1 � t ,.4a cI a cs Tug ►•r t.'�.C tw two t 1 ;di „ 1 1 1 0 e 0 6 0 0 a � t � � � � t 1 1 t 1 H W. I P' y ct N U> 1. ra w I .L\ INI t- L. ur 0 4.. 1 1 { I 1 { � 1 m r• .r � I t— p 07 CD ! 1 N.m t ¢0 1 1 a q t _ t i f w.t �0.1 - d3 I. co 1 t tt. f p q 0 O m I t g .q Q t .t Q' LLi U I w LW¢ 1'W _ Iz c¢2 1 H i 1 D C _ co 1 I N t-- ! to t J- L1 I u J N 0- I u J F- w q, I Ln a Is. 1 F-)- w N I z 1 w Q. W i ul a H H t H Lu Q: w iturr a v 1 4 I M ra Vim` - to r —154 PROGRAM POSITION/S.ALARY SCHEDULE Position Position ot.a A ro nations Classification !_'= rrent Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. —Title �e , Level Rcmd. Rand. Ad© ted Rcmd. Rcmd. Ada Mant. Workers' ? - 100% 1007 1007 19,512 1931512 19,3 Maint. Worker (73) 1007 100% 17,V2 17,832 iVMa nt. Worker (74) 100% 1007 1007 17,831 17 .932 17,832 � SUBTOTAL (CCWD Agreement) Merit �" SS,176 55,176 55,176 �7a "ra 2.759' 2,759 2,759 s 57,933x-WS 5 l j 1 t � !,_ _155- SST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEEr Department/Division: Program: Account dumber: G.D./ n ineerin �CCWD A ment New Account- Fund 6 (Jb110 0. Desert tion of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Bud et 1100 Regular Pa roll �--- --- 57,935 1900 Frin a Benefits 35% 20,277 r _ f f 'I I' 78 j l2 -156- e e E 1 1 1 ', 1 1 1 1 1 1 t t 1 t I f 1 1 i 1 D CO 1 I m CO ,_4> i .•� tr I 1 t a. p _.0 1. to Imp 0 El wCL a t t t t r O co { i co UN O I .-a = { 1 cp co Z 1. t t lop n.a y 1 c� t t t. r 0 I H y Co t O 00 0 O O to W t Q cm 4 La.p 1 •C 4: t to t tY Q 1 y i t u W 1 O 00 O Q C (X0 1 co I in t as t I QO a Q O t- 1 �v i t >u 1 u a rz +_- u 1 z o o a o o a +D co oc 1 t 1. 1 1 Z LJ. t J tnLL i cc NL Z cc S i Z"t- tit 14 w to ( tit a[ Z.1 vi 1 Za W. LU go K J 1 6-1 W C ! O ui G it. ✓ V. i .G NO a 11 t -157- PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Position Position Quota A ro riatons Classification Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title Level Rand. ' Rand. Ada ted Rand. Rcmd. Ado ted Maim. Crew Super, (8) 8% 8% 87 2,42I ?,421 2 42I Sweeper Opr. (S2) 12% 12Z 12% 2,436 y 2,436 SUBTOTAL (CalTrans Agreement Merit @ 5°,,a 4,857 4,837 4,857 243 T 243 243TOTAL5,100 5,100 5,100 J I In I 1 I -138-� COST CENTER DErA.IL V,3RKSHEET Department/Divisions Program: C.D.iLn ineerinlCaIT;ansAccount Number. A reement New Account - Fund 7 Otject NO. i Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts 11,00 lRegular Pa roll Bud .t 5.100 1900 Frirt a Benefits 35% 1.785 µ II I yI i I .►asp. TOTAL 6,$85 -159- i � a t r e i e o I .,..,. E i 1 d i t r t 1 1 a W U> Y t N Q p W to 0- d r t t U t2 1 H ei w �. t0 4N1 ti / c.i ti'� rat sef. E 1 �O ry c1 aQ .O o It l O R1 t r^ ` r 010 1 i CX t �� r tic r r t Iz t.13, ; j o r cc Go co ~' r r 1 uU J t w� r ar< lu. tz �. It y t- u. d LU o 040 q O o R H t Q to tJ 1. E r r rm i o w o Q co r u t- f- z In i W O t-r i-- 7 O IL ! CL W 4. k ius t vt D m W t1 t tY wS W.,j ■IC O..t ttd.0 IX - CD Z tW¢ U.> V t fY p. r 6 O M CO Y 0 0 to tJ 4 1— h-r_ P- d .p .D'NO .p co cc to CD t —160— PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Position Position uota A ro nations ClassificatiG4 Current Dept. Mgr. Dept, Mgr. Title Level Rc Rcmd. i oted Maine Rcmd. Remd. Adopted 4 25Z 257. 6,015 6015 6,015 i i i i i SUBTOTAL (Flood Control A reement 1 � 6,ti15 6,0ZS 6.:{}15 Merit @ 5% 011 301 301 TOTAL 6,316 6,316 . 6,316 COST CENTER Cc`TAIL Deb partmene/Division: Program:fi Account "u.-se.: C.D./Engineering County Flood Control Agree. New Account Fund 8 Object No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar kaounts budget 1100 Regular Payroll 6,316 1900 Fringe Benefits @ 35% 2,211 3931 Vehicle Maintenance and. Operations 1,687 6028 Contract Services 96,168 I j - TOTAL 106,382 --162- ti i i 1 r i i e � � ' � '� i � a e � � 1 1 { { f 1 F to 0 C, a Q tot Q O F O CF Q 00 00 xy ,�A l a a` tt�O 00 to F O to O t Oft Q'Q 00 010 +1t r-4 UA R ON 00 O O to t}w '.o O 1 cz o O O 00 Do t m Zsa i m OO m o �� t� 1y4 tN to I Nv rY O W .y O Cx 1 N u-.,t-. ttt 1� 1 N. N C t 1 6 t 1 1 [C i O O� 00 OO IQ lO 10 r 1 co 00 bb OO t4 OT ittO OQ to to to v t00 o Op OO 1O 11^ to O 1 CEO aO O OO �* F t*F Q rA' c*r+D tC A t tR i*r.. t(t�Y % i N 1t Ci' N.8 c6.1 .-+. ClQ t R 40 t 10� c) { F } t F Q F w t m c r r« «o oc ow, oai 00 oQ pta oo a4 ' in N ID l ut r en'+r +[b r tV Q V- - ut m ri% It F,- w o t m. .,. .A %D C t t 1 L.1- 1 1 O ao mo 00 00 C70 oh t9U 00 00 QO QO a N tY� i t t a s- � Na Ica aQ Co too o,ta 00 a- w 7 C• O.o m Q �r ra d C O Ca:t7 F r- O� �a � �.O �v C;Ccc t co Cb Oo 00 qb 00 CIO 00 Oo oo 0 r-AL 1 1 w 1 z .D tC J H 1 1 1- u_�. t H:p OO O.O C}t? OQ 00 Qo Q-O 00 00 00 QO CS .a AC i a cA a 1 tt/ ut L7 i w t Ch le- t � W t H Q.,W w.r-. T-t2 N t w O 0 t? t • tY U1. x F- >N M qc Q },-m w Q w Q: M =w w Lt+ %-i!-- G 0 w i w H .D tow ix I.- J Ix =>. SC't i 1•- t w1 0i:e G.~< N tA� but n w zW <w �;ct -t0 d1 Rt F ev_+ 1 fl a H Ns> z-t q r 1,.- H nw >'N v�i Fx } s x n i -cC r u. aci w w 1-4 x 1- 0- N uT A( 7-w. Ct. to...� to u,. tt#..,,F W AC to m at to S 0.41-41 r= AF t/1 0.s N O SAC 4 wM. P4 N O x«. ..ctF .4 W O w t-1 x ..w -t w O tr w to to w H z 1x< Ww E.0 4.m zx *c< toH w3 3 x.,j == A-w w a << U- trt. tn' tt-O �z w►- K0 xw �3 � i-x 0-4 >- �-txu Hwyy = o.w f.? H s•t +C we w.r N-t `, .w a-> Q..ff j-1 1 to tLL '$.'" W Q 4-4 +'�M w t"" ti-a Cr. "H w H "4�. 4 AC i Alt m C w O u Ow w> w w ?•-1 U w .:f4 r;.tJ s.J,x 4.is Q Q 0 CY m w N t.5 .t Rt .4-.4 tT O 4 m UN Q I-CO 04 0 .Y t o 00 .D 'r N .40 00 O•D t-Q 0.4 -�4 N N'P tT Q o O .r 1` F-•t- r-I- w P- t-•m =b CD.C, tb 4* IX G t .�+[ r•t..t t•1•Ct N+ iti co 'ITS 0 egg.� ac�,rA R1 O' t9 aF Qt1 W c- < � m mm mm mm mm m" mm men mm mm mm mm +Q .D%0 aD,a .CY+D u1 aD ,D.D .D%a .a.a +D,0 ICI.a •D so Js*0 1 w Nr.r 'r•r .r.r .r.r .r.r' .r' .F- 4- v-,r .2'.r +r,r � tx• a>IZ- �D� sr>� +ry+a- o•�* �� �a• C�,t3� �a a4 a• tr tr -163- i ! 1 } t ! a c + ! t 4 Lu 1 ..1 +-r + •-+ ry s ! t a ! ! 1 iy t fr ! { t t + cX C, i Cco rn V w + d3 Ct +t CO t -E tI U. }c + CI C 6 t tidy , r lam- +M m_d C7 .4 aLu t w r to LLs t,Y +an + �• .t 6 I ..1Not + It +c C? { . 4 - M+ LU w t y/ 3r F :C tl C7. f vj ►'d t tit lz - t r- 4t : -1474 � li1X1- PROGRAM POSITIO"ALARY SCIjEDULE Position. Position Quota Aporopnations Classification Current rJopt. Mgr. Dept, Mgr, Titre Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Adopted! Rcmd. Rcmd. Adonted Maint. Worker (42) 100% 50% 507 50% IG.152 10,152 10,152 Maint. Worker (43) 90% 90% 90% ` 90% 16,535 16,535 16,535 Maint. Worker- (44) 90% 90% 907 90% 16,535: 16,535 16,535 Maint. Worker (4-)) 90% 90% 907 907 165535 16,535 16,535 Maint. Worker (46) 100% 100% 1007 1007 20,100 20,1(`0 20,100 Maint. Worker (47) 100% 100% 1009 1007 18,372 18,372 18,372 Sweeper Opr. (48) 100% 100% 100% 1.00% 24,780 24,780 24,780 Sweeper Opr. (49) 100% 100% 100% 100% 24.780 24,780 24,780 Sweeper Opr. (501 100% 100% 1007 1007 23,580 23 580 23,580 Sweeper Opr. (51) 100% 100% 1007. 100% 23,820 23,820 23,820 Sweeper Opr. (S2) 100% 88% 887` 88% 17,868 17,868 17,868 SUBTOTAL (09.4637-1100) 213,057 213,057 213,057 merit @ 5% 10.653 10,6653 10,653 TOTAL223,710 223,710 223,710 i F , i I f f It V J� -165-• COST CEN7M DFT'A.IL WORKSHEET Department/Division: Program: Account Number: C.D./Enaineerin. Gas T'ax2107 09-4637 Ob`ect 70 Descrimioz of Items & individual�Doilar Amounts 1100 Regular Pavroll Budset 223,710 1200 Ove time Pavroll 1900 fringe Benefits @ 35% —""- 78,29 3960 Gencral Lability 1% 3.050 6028 �ontrract Services CalTrans Signal Maintenance Contract 54.000 Signal Maintenance Contract 100,000 Striving Contract 75.000 Oil Roadway - Tur noise & A7mond 7000 SI,r3T0iTAL 236.000 ?75 Ca tal Ex enditure Vehicle Unit 644 §yee er t.,ease Pavment "�'�" 22,000 Broom Sweeper ($,LQLQ00/5 _vr. pease purchase) 26.000 ` SUB GrAL 49,000 8022 IElec,ric Utilities _ Signals - 69.000' x TOTAL 7Q8,058 -166- CAPITALf INIPf�OVEI�!iErt'I'PROJECT'REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division Engineering Gas Tax 2107 MP 8$'-06 Project Title, Description, and Location: City Wide Street Facilities Management inventory and Program Indicate whether: O New 0 Replace,xent Addition . Project Justification: Study will create a program for the maintenance of all City street facilities: f Has this project been scheduled in No 7 a prior C.I.F.? Yes Othew projects or factors directly m.leed to this Project: Indicate fiscal year project should be, Started 87/8 8 P J Completed: $818 Estimated Project c'ises Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost so Gas Tax 2107 $ 51000 Constructi)n Cost $ 0 Administration Cost $ 5,000 Study $: 90.000 Total Cost $ 95,000 Funds available and/or Amount required first _--ear � S :t,000 already expended $ 5,G0 Amount required subseiruent years $ 85,000 Balance Required S 90,000 TOTAL S 90.000 —167— CAPI'TAf.,UYIPRO vEMErrr PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Priority No. Gas Tax 2107 MP 88-07 Project Title, Description; and Location: City Wide Traffic Control Device Inventory and Management Ptogram Indicate whether: o New0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Inventory of all City traffic control devices and maintenance management program. Fl�s this project been scheduled. in a prior ? ldT � p C.LP'.. � o Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: I Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 �. ....ra__._._,. Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggestud Financing Amount Design Cost $ U Gas Tax 2107 $ 21000 Construction Cost so Administration Cost Z1000 t Total Cost 2,000 Funds available and/or already expended 3 0 Amount required first ve4e ; 2,000 Amount required subsequent yeLrs g Balance Re quired $ 2.000 TOTAL S 2,000 —168— CAPITAL Il1r PROVE. IVIEN'Ti'PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund; Division: Engineering Gas Tax 2107 Priority No. 1 ST 88-19 I Project Title, Description, and. Location: Hillside, Rd. Street Rehattc,, .ion and Improvement - Hermosa to Mayberry Indicate whether, 0 New 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification: Improve and widen roadway to minimum width and condition. I 6. Has this project been scheduled i:t a prior C.T.P.? 0 No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project. Indicate fiscal year y project should. be: Startsd 87/88 Completed $8/89 Estimated Project Costs. Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design. Coss � 13,9G0 Gas Tact 2107 S 4,000 Construction Cost S l r6,000 Administration Cost 5 81000 Total Cost S 197,900 Funds available c and/or S 13,900 Amount required first year already expended S 41000 Amount required subsequent years S 180,000 Balance Required $ 184,0 00 TOTAL S" 184,000. —169 CAP"AL INVROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund:: Division: Engineering Priority No. Gas Tax 2107 ST 88-38 Project Title, Description, and Location: _ City Wide Slurry Seal Program 87/88 = Phases 1 & 2 Indicate whether: O New 0 Replacement Addition Project r,,sification: Seal local streets to improve road life. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.F.P.? 0 No yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Inalcate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing amount j Design Cost S' Gas Tar 2107 Construction Cost so Administration Cost S 3,0000 SB 300 $ 11000 Total Cost S 3,000 Funds available and/or S 0 Amount required first year already expended S 3,000 Amount required subsequent years so Balance Required S 3,000 TOTAL S 3.000 170— :t CAPITAL:NP EtOVE*V ENT PRC ',CT REQUEST .._...r_ Department: Community .,IYvelapmenr :G,:as Division: Engineerag Tax ZI07 PrVirity No. ST 88-34 Project Title, Description, and. Location: < Etiwanda Areas 1 & 2 Local. Street Rehabilitation Indicate whether: 0 New Q Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Rehabilitation of pavement on local streets to improve road life. Has this project been; scheduled P ] in a poor C.I.P.? O No des Other projects or factors directly related to this projecl: Indicate fiscal year project should. be: 87 8 F J Started / Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount f Design Cost S Q Gas 'fas 2107 I Construction Cost S 180,004 $ 204,100 Administration Cost 5. 33,OOd }f. i' Total Cos,, S 213,000 19 Funds available and/or Amount required first year already expended S 81900 S 204,100 Amount required subsequent years so Balance Required S 204,100 TOTAL S 204,100> —17?.— CAPITAL HAPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineering Gas Tcx 2107 5T 88-40 MC Project Title, Description, and Location; Victoria Street Rehabilitation and Improvement: Etiwanda to East Ave. Indicate whether: @ Nt'ew 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Pavement rehabilitation and correct drainage problems along Victoria to improve road life, I Has this project been scheduled in a prior C,I.P.7 0 No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 8 718 8 Completed 8 8/8 9 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost so Gas Tax 2107 $ 51000 Construction Cost S 0 Administration Cost $ 5,000 Total Cost S 51000 Funds available and/or Amount required first already expended $ 0 Q year 6 5,000 y ` Amount required subsequent dears S 0 Balance Required S'S,OdO TOTALS 5F�G`0 -172— CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Priority No. Gas..Tax 2107 ST 88-41 Project. Title, Description, and Location: 9th St. Rehabilitation and Improvement - Vineyard to Baker Indicate whether: C New Q Replacement Addition Project Iustification: Rehabilitation of existing pavement and minor witleniag to improve road life. e. Has this project been scheduled in a prior CIF.? 0 No @ Yes �Jl Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 88/'9 Estimated Project Costs: Amount v Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost 12,000 �~ Gras Tax 2107 $ 69,000 Construction Cost S 66,000 E Administration Cost $ 3,000 i iW Total Cost S 81,000 Punds available and/or Amount required first year 6g,i}00 already expended $ 12,000 Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required S 69,000 TOTAL 5 69,000 -173— CAPITAL UdPROVEMENT PROM CT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division; Engineering Priority No. Gas Tax 2107 ST g'.42 Project Title, Description, and location; City VV'de Local &Feet Rehabilitation and Slurry Seal Program 88/89 Indicate whether: (9) New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Perform street rehabilitations on various local City streets based on Carter Report, Has this j roect been scheduled d to a prior C.Y.P.? No 0 Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: IMIcate fiscal ro year `y project should be: Scant;d 8 s a8 9 Completed 8 g lS 3 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 10,000 Gas ''fax 2107 Construction Cost $ ?01000 a 95,000 Administration Cost $ 5.00* i � I 'total Cost S 85,000 Funds available and/or Amount required first year already expended so S 951000 r Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required: S 85-000 TOTAL S 85.000 ` -174— CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST z Department: Community Development Fund: Priority Division: Engineering Gas Tax 2107 ST 88-�33 , Project Title, Description, and Location: l-ity Wide Sidewalk/Curb. & Gutter - 1911 Chapter 27 Improvement Program indicate whether.. @ New 0 Replacement 0.addition Project lur*ification. Working fund to fill in missing improvements throughout the City. Has this project best scheduled � � ui a prior C,i.P.? � � 0 Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project; Indicate fiscal ye, project should. be. S 88 89 P tatted / Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Cosh Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 0 +Gas Tax 2107 S 2,000 Construction Cost S 0 Administration Cost S 2,030 Total Cost $ 2,000 Funds available and/or Amount required first year already expended $ 0 S. 2.000 " .Amount required subsegLent years S 0 Balance Required' S 2,000 TOTAL S 2,000 -175— LAPrr4L UYIPRONTM[ENT PROJECT REQUEST Department. Community Development :'und. Division; Engineering FAU Pri 8 ST 8$•44 Project Title, Descriptions, and Location: Haven Ave. Rehabilitation & Widening . Fourth to Foothill Indicate whether: @),New 0 replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Application to Federal Government for funding and designof Pavement re p habilitation and widening. I Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? No 0 Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87188 Completed 89190 Estimated Project Costs r`mount Suggested Financing Amount.. ._ Design Cost $ `w3,000 FAU $ 27.000 Construction Cost $.0 Administration Cost so jas Tax 2107 $ 6.000 I Total Cost S 33,004 Funds available and/or already expended so Amount required first year S 33.000 Amount required subsequent years S Balance Required S 33,OW TOTAL S 33,000 :76— ST WIA�v. Y Department: Commurtity Development Fund. Priority o. Division: Engineering FAU $T 88-45 Project `Title, Description, and Location: Fourth St. Rehabilitation • We,,,t 0ty Limit to E/O 1.15 Indicate whether: Now0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Application to Federal 'Government for funding and desi of Kn Q Aveme ut rohahtlatztion, Has this project been scheduled in a l;rior C.LP.? 0 N* yes Other projects or faetot-a directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be. Started 87t$8 Completed 84190 Estimated Project Costs ►taauat Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost. $ 41,800 . FAU $ 38.800 Construction Cost Y f Administration. Cost ()as Tax 2107 S 81000 ToW Cost l< 411,$00 Funds available antihr Amott required first yer..t already expendeid $ 0 S 41.800 Amount required subsequent gears so Balance Required S 41,800 TOTAL S 41.800 —177- CAPITAL.Rv'PR0;vrIt7NM T PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community,Develop.icnt EDivision: Engineering Priority No, ait 2107 ST $8-46 Project Title. De.*eription,. and Location Carnelian Ave. & Vineyard Ave. Rehabilitatien & Widoning - Baseline to San Bernardino lndicate whether: @)New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Sustificatist: Widen and rehabilitate roadway. Has this project been scheduled in a prior 7 )No p or C.LP.. a,. Yes Other projects or factors directly related: to this project: Carnelian Street SOrm Drain Indicate fiscal year project should be Started 88/89 Comple-Ad 89l90 9 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financ°ng Amount Desi m Cost S 11,000 Gas Tax 2107 Construction frost S 176000. S 11,000 Administration Cost S 81400 Total Cost S 195490 Funds available ;;ttdJor ,. already enenOzd $ 0 Amoun4 required first year S i 1,000 Amount. required subsequent years S 1LK000 Balance. $equired S 195.000 TOTAL S 195,000 —178- 1 1 1 1 1 i e t 0 � � t 0 I 1 __-- _ _ Y _l F 1 t + l I i 1 f r i S i. I t t t I Ir r{w l ry try r t t t m J r 1 t / 1 1 1 i 1 1 I r- t) z t� ! � I m ! ! +' ! �•+ t ! t ! 1 t f { t i t t to Y 1 O Its t + 1 I N i 1 1 i I 1 t 1 J i 7 1 I b tIF G G. + N I. I I J 1. 1 1. J { y� 1 r •. F.. ! 1 t*t S l + 1 t t i I r r I 1 11 1 '1 1 i r t t t r 1 m C) ! N tN + I r O t t7 1 N rN t t 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 I t I r i l t f r 1 (m 1 1 F J ••+ P l i I I r ± 1 1 t l t 6 m n iJ F t N t i t i [ I I 6 I t F r I 1 1 1 I r M 1 1 C7 r I.- Y w : N -0do WN N'o OO NO OQ Qo aO am .4 LA CO t 14 m CO r-M 0 ,0 N q Gn sr r! t O ry .0 r-`. M^ ^ D• N O to M N Cpca tGt m cj �ry V.O tin a 1 1 W1-. i a oa c30 oa 00 oo 00 o 00 ao oa a yr t lr� O 7 t uoI t ra 1 r + U. O OO Oo S*0 Oa aO OO OO aO Oo CSQ <0 ry 6+ 1 CV N t►% wv to co UN t 3' UN co. t u { N CD wr N O Q, O M in O +0 N Q`0 CO r r^<nF f` +r +•r J t 10 rvcr% .a n N r- ..4— a CO:O M.+. 1-.Q 1 �4 (ri M f-e M �,. N m N m IA w m Co�r Ir1C. 10 _ l m �D M m n\ LL1: N .r r- -4-4 S m m �S m 1.G W� m tT C`F.b O C7 00 P.•4 (T O cl-N .D O r-O 00 Cn J { z tD.r w C`.CD m to +;t. a. .D'�\ t ,•y, tit +0 OD.CO IA N t0 c0 co LL�1,� 1 Q ' M fn rl M Rt c0 Q ! Cal.r. fY 0-4 I w it 0: U Q z w tl:�,. .Z to co' 0-4 m.M tar yl w F yr CC Ll w F.J- >Z O z a s•r�� O i-i w t- uj { .j O.l- a, - t-s C 1-i C3 H a of 5 Z .,. O Ix" t f 1.-. t•a? z..t W NI W Z I•- l7 LU U. 4 co cr- W Iw w t2t z tli= u'O a¢ o x t t0 tit W w M Q Lli IL F- __J z J - = u1 + q¢ OL= U ►rtn Xa t w 'C ZO C= =w z + '4 0- W z .r lli a> t-� ul F- a s r N w w a N" a _i Q. h y�.. a 1- t11..r o w I. z rt,t. -.i J -.F l-e ¢ z <.4 z Z G. !-7- + X Q 1-4..1.1 W.,J Fr.xt.1 1-t'.;' 1-V �tY. /-� t-1 z O �:D d i.: Vt w l ti O %X= z" w 1-+ F-t U S O t-i 4'� S.W .j Z F--h w r-a %ALLA > : Sufi wQ aJ wE w ww wC H G Q'LC C,U. Uw .cC m zto tv O O a H O to to N ..t N -r"trt t►.CO C.y N to Z 1 a 00 OM tv .r N' 00 0 O 00 .t-f ..i.•i Na" s 4` O 00 .4.4 ".+ r 4 .a.y .4 w' .i , G! V i 4 r4 w M M. Cn� t-cO CoGV 4* ati-Ala cn .a0 co CD Car tv RaIL 1 o 3 S M t7 rR F*9!ti ft>'i*1 m G+^r CtT m M fn to t*r M m m. M.(*y.. +O t0 D%O .p.0 .o,Q t0 W 1010 10 tD Iw sr Ir w.s• a'Ir .r.r z..r .r.r -4-Ir +r.r- .r•,- .r w f ..a .K.w ....+-r. ..1 r Pi N .r-4 '4 9" -4.4 .-t 14 -4..i.. tF .-i .-r..i ..t« .-c ,-t..c - ....i .ti..+ ..f.-t w.� .-f.. ... . PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCEMDULE (Gass Tax 2106) Position Position Quota A ra riatiot�s Classifiaa�tion Current 1?cpt. Mgr, Dept. Ikf9r, j Title Level Rand. Rcmd. Adopted Ramd. Rand. Ado ted r 1a a. Creyv SuPv (11) 100% 100;9 IOG� 1 07 P 2$,212 28,212 28,212 ' Maint. Crew Su v (12) 8036 80% 80� 807, 19,248 19,248 19,248 Sr. Maint. Worker (20) 0% 100°7 R/i 1007 100% 21,336 21,336 21,336 I Sr. Maint. Worker (21) 100% 100's 100Z 100 a Sr. a nt. Works (22) 100% 100% I"0% IOC?� 20,304 20,304 200304 Sr. ?taint. Worker (,�3> 1.00%r, 100% 1 Ube lOG9; 21,336 21,536 21,336 WorlSer (3$) .00°/0 100%r 10QT I6U 20'712 20,712 20,71 2 I Mai.•,. 19,320 19,320 19,320 Maint. Worker (39) I00T 10.0% 100% 100% 19,320 19,320 19,320 Maint. Worker (40) 160% 100% 100% 100% 19,320 19,320 19,320 � Maint. Worker (42) C%a 50%70 502 507, 10,1�i2 10,152 10,152 l l i SUBTOTAL (114637-11 0) 199,260 1",260 199,260 Merit @ 5%TOTAL --9 963 9, 963 209,223 209,223 209,223 gm 18U i 44 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKS' �Department D. / ivtston: Program: A .;punt dumber: D./En . ineerin Gas Tax 2106 1.1` 44637ri Ob'ect Na: Descri lion of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts 11.00 Re ular Payroll Bud et --: 2f;9,223 1900 Frin a Benefits g2 359o' _ — _ 73.228 7045 `Loa: Payment — Street Sweief)er 21,3 i sue,. a a --ems was t� ®wr..r�rs. I w , 'PO'fA , 303.754 �. -18�- 1 1 1 1 1 0 e t t ; � i 1 t 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 t } t I I / t 10 1 1 1 1 o f 00 t 1 00 J O t CO m 1 } I I I F i 1 !! t i t I 1 1 I ! 10 f ! t 1 O 1 .0 1' t 00-0 to 7 I i i O 1 00 ! 1 1 11 t l .r 2 0 t N W { 1 1 1 I } t 1 J 11 1 I I t 1 1 10 11 1 1 d 1 N H I t O .D D 0: t K< .-� 1 t l 1 ! 1 J i t 1 1 1 1 1 I i 1 1 O 1 t I I .-1 t 1 t O. LU �U+' a. < 1 , 1 1 1 I I 5 1 m M O f O 1 1 ► f 1 I I ► I i 1 1 } 1 } 1 In P I t t O t 00 I I oa co � t � ► i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I ► t t } L 1 I F 1 1 � 1 w f N 1 I S 1 :I f l f l ► 1 I ► 1 1 1 } I t0 t } 1 D ► N N t. I co -0 r l to .+ 1 1 1 I I 1 1 ► f 1 1 1 t t f l 1110 O It 1 i 111 -1 1 1 I co �.. 1 ! I I } 1 1 V 1 1 1 1 t l 1 ► t l { 1 I t t i t i 1 1 1 t I i } t 1 1 1 i7 t r tb 1 d N to 00 00 00 0'O N o 00 -0 m o m = o.D � O't- O.-+ 0. or.r- co Nm 1 N Nca O O m w N O U% M N mN -r a o 1 r' 4. N. 10 m r N O .r M cn Ors'.M• t7 N. •0 1. .r r Lc% d 1 ..1. 1 1 r 1 LLN 0 00 no 0o ao an co 00 00 no 00 00 00 no 00 040 Oo Um 1. c Y ! t 1 r t LL1- t Nta, 00 Oa OO OO �DO OM 0`0 coo W0 tY L i ti .N-1 CD O. tr nY 0+1-- I- r-to -'r f-- O 1A a O Yam'D- W I- O 0 O CV a r-U% U% k T a .o K-r wr m ttC 1n W 00 u o f ti a-a0 m .r N r>•� r- co In r+ ,1 m m t- m r= .r --1 in m r i LL i o o o w o` ,o a- o o .-,0 u%o m .r m .r lr -o cD i O in in o o 0 0 00 o o -1 I ❑--0 0.r r• 0 .r U% D`CO .ti In YV 0 to%r .r a 0`0- to 0- .-t m+a O-r O aD iL�r- O O 1 ... O+r' .r N ti +D N m_.D t.:U% to �r m 0% m o co C i N M t <, t E• LL e Zo OO 00- Oto Irto Orv. Li-t• -r 10 mo. oo co OO 00 oo: .00 (DO 00 J 1'1-4 .D Yo -t .D< -1 0` 0-T 0` .-1 to "" N W D f m - I u1.< .r .o -D r• m I--.D LA.t O.. .-1 cn to< 1 CD N' 1 40 1 00.4 1 0: 1 to N H H 1 00 O! V 3 W tit U.Z =.DL �r G �.. 0. cc. t 22 m to Z I.-M-- H Z O W p p 0 N O CA-F- LL Y 2 Ix C (X 0 1 1 N O.O. iD J 0 M H ca J ►-N 1 to 2 !-1 S W'Is Go F C7 m.ui I�Z O< O t-1 t-/ < Z W < O v7 4 C.H to M la C }n< o w Z cc: 6,1: - 1. Z >- to J J N Z J m tJ1 W W m rr. ,�G l-. O V HI>- Z Y W Z Cr 1 W !- (,) Z <0 <6 1 W Z >►N a to -t u J Ih m►.1 w W <h.l Ow 0 J 1 i 1 J N*4 1 ?' C Z to £ J W /n W 0 M <= to M <W. <Z U. =Z 3 J O V 1- MC - t 1 J h J U' t-1 03 4-f ix =.m J O Z J U O 3.&Z Z W: J LL U 6-4 M J aY. u Z } 1 O 0-1 N. W 1-1 I.-t..) =W CD <Z W W O'.CL' _,a W- t.9 1-- <<. O> !-M (}:V 1-1.tD i CO Ir LL m CD ID L)W ,V_ ►-/ • Z W >tR W< F�u GW N X Z.LL'. al: Lul$ to" >•-I 1 r W< O.\ w¢ Y>C =cL 0> << /- tD< N> vi Lu 0 M- C3 > 1n Ln i W ql Z 1.M. m Z LY < ♦ ,. > H 4 co Y i to -% rn 4 N m ,Ca ca Ca t-t to I..J m W J m< 0:O W to O.1� w u cc -0 Y- to W Z u a 1 V aD H O J ♦ > tL t- J.0 => J 1= W 1- m.ttl C J< 00 W ut-A tHcc .-J S V 4 C< >4 uto <m V'm << >to t Us+a J1-4 ZZ- Z.Ca Z< 1►- < tL< -<1•- a0 0: <vt 1M Y- to 4 O.in cm>. <r a Z 1•4.3 ►.J << 1-4 1-4 iD 1'cr-a t,C C N U.Z F-1 a- ix 6-4 W-C' U- S W J'J -J Z J 1-t. t A O Z W 0 W a0'= •O 1.-o LL 1-1 Z W- ♦w =?-, =t-• Z>• LL)- f-a Z= W ut Wm 0 I �.t7 1-.Z 00 s.V to=: to(E C au V Z X C U 1- 0 W C 2 <1-- 0¢ LD tD to> w:u ! <W x w M W .i^= •W <W m= w 1.1 =m m" =S O< ai./-•1 0< N t-t -Tc< <Q: 1 CtX LLO 0.0- w< toJ wS, r< -C> mm <La << Mdt !•-V LA-V ZS MS to f- 1 O 00 O•r N aD Kt.0 t+W 'fr d Om .-1.d m-0" to%b N r- 0-,r to.D N w c�O N M Z' t o 010 o m ,D 10 r-1- r-r- t--t- r-CO 0 o 00 00 N N mm 00 00 0-4 ..1.� 0 I .-, it 0- O CY 00 00 00 O +,w Tv 10 'ONO .0 aO .0.la '0'-D t-+--' r-t- f-r- r-r- O i -4 .r.m m 41 O W W W W W OW CD W W M o W CO CO. CO 6i m co. co W co co co co co to V' ( r-. ti r' r-f• P r- M f- r-►- f-t- f--f- f- 1'- I.-t- r-F- r-t- 1-.t-. r.r- t-I- !-',r- t-t-` J d } m Mm mm Mm mm mcn mm mm fnm Mm mm m m mM mm mm Yet.m mm . ! .D .0.0 -0•D .0-D 40,0 .D%0 1010 %D�a .0 0 0.0 .0.D .0.0 .D-D .0.0 .0..0. a0 10 1010 .r .r.r -r•r -r r .r v w w .t w .r.r .r v r a^ rr W.1 .t r .r v- .r Vr .r+t V v 1 N NN NN NN. ryN NN. NN NN Na11 ryN NN NN NN NN CMN N.N LN:N to }.. t1. i 4..1 M'.t .•1•+1 .•'1'i w•t-'1 :e-f sK .-i•A "1 al .-1 M. -...i•a •- M M•y si.'-1 v1:.-1 H.f n1 H' .7 -182- 1 i 1 - 1 1 O O t p Csp OO p Ork ,O hR 1 11. 1 1 '1 1 OO O!O 00 pOP Cc,Coll �.Of 1 s Zy� / i 1 ! t 1 �s �x m �. 4 C U. 00 1 tT , O Op p0 Oa pa o !. I 1 1 pO OO O.O OO 064 pO nO OQ O 0 ap m cc .r Ntr r ,n v t- u a •-` .-. .Nr CU U f a c Oo ao ao ap as `�� W ) O oa op rn a� 1 p p O t7 C a O O LL.h j p on OO. QO 00 . O CS QO t?O t/1 1 s� 1 1 0 1 .r op oo op aO oao..o Oo p 1 O N T. on U.r s1 CO 1^cn co 1 1 LL 1 p 00 00 00 0o Oa o;cl as Oo aO as c a .J 1 1"4'1 G. �r 1 1 r 1 4 �� 1 O O O.p OO OO bO. OO Q 00 N LL i zo Op oo O a, r J 1 ►+ O ,0.� ia >nu i< , a'ma i1 ►� u < a as J Z zt 0- 14aB Ls L t'' 1U e m= "p o x W >"4 Ca to r" h I.W W Z re H NZ p.�J JJ S.O GO W pp U. S 1 _ =.- h O .h N CUi' <" �; eC 6 S O ['iJ l.I W. J rD �`�„ tL� 4 co �1 1 1 1 J J i U W 1 2 f3 O LU mo J J J .1 J J d .L 4C U. -= 1 m 7- Z J W.Z W 7 y O= i?tJ' O x �.„'1 1-.4*4 V1 Z Li 0 Lu -40 LA kn VI I'M O. 6 d 6 a h. tA.W d'UN .O �. 1 O'S. Ms m O S%A .a r4 N N into 1+1 t D 4W d!. CO � r i ~� I-- 40 ww mm Ow atim � �� CO O1iIII m G .7 1 1` 1`m m CO CO O3 Ra "..3.RD iA lt7 " Ms M m� III.D p.'O,p. . D �s �s r s s.T `�' 00 Wr 1 N N nt 4,4 .Ni aN+ .NM co —183 a� " r � r I i 1 1 I w co I"' U> 1. co to - ¢ f cn. w w :O d v u, t ,a / e I t 1 zoCri 1.. .T' m 1 C3 1 to r - �« to f r � f cv ry m In AN m .a t i +K f t i r :z 0 o a cn p c3 r sit cr t r r iLL .a .0 In J 1' 2n m t I r ► in In .p 't0 d t .a ti. O` 1 : i F 6 H O> t0 t sh. .. :1 ui J J r L4 d Q to t % ca _ - i 1 � W to r ..!UJ tq U. G j.1.R M f it w go s � � 1 -184— s, PROGRA M POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Classification. Current De Position ='quota A rfl riatians Dept, -Mgr. Dept. Mgr. T°itla Level Rc d, RcYnd. Ado ted Rcmd. Rand. Adopted Office Asst. 10a ` , 47 47 679 Office Asst, 2 4%, ' 4% 659 679' Traffic: Engineer 5% 3% 37. 4� ��� 659 659 1,239 1,239' 1,239 Assoc. Civil Eng. 8% 6% 67 6% 2,524 2,524 2,524 Eng. Tech. 14% 7% 77 72 1,6i34' 1,634 1 Sr. Civil Eng. to 9 c 97 9z xa34 Assoc. Civil Eng. 4.46I 4,4aT 4s�6l. 109( 10°10 107 107. 4,061 4,061 4,06)Assoc. Civil Eng. 109, 10% 107 10% 4,164 4,164 4,164' Assoc. -Civil Eng. IOai 10% 107 XQT 3,845 3,843 Asset. Civil Eng. 11' 10% 107 10% 3, Jr. Civil Eng. � � 3,08b 3 086 3,086 8 10% 10% 107 07 2,725 2,725 2,725 Eng. Tech. 10% 10% 107. 109 2,334 2,334 2,334 Eng. Aide 10s, 10% 107 I0z 2,278 2,278 2,278 Public Works Eng. 6 9l 5% 57 57 2,479 2,479 Sr. P.W. Insp. 12% 10% 10% 107 2,479 Jr. Civil Eng, 1096 $ 8 8 g 3,731 3,731 3,731 1.973 1,973 11973 P.W. Trip• 1256' 09b 10% i0x 1310 3,310 3,310 P.W. Insp. 12% 10% 10% 10% 2,981 2,9ai 21981 P.W. Insp. 2%1 2% 27 27 516 516 516 SUBTOTAL (12-4637-1100) Merit @ 5% 48,679 48,679 48,679 TOTAL. � 2 434 2,434 2y.434 51,113 51,113 51,113 t i I f E - 85- PROGRAM POSMON1SALARY SCHEDULE Position Position Ouota A ro nations Classification C;:rrent Dept. Mgr, Dept. Mgr. Title Y..evel Rcmd. Rcmd. AdoLoted Rcmd. Rcmd. Adopted Office Asst. - 8% $. 8% 1,211 ' 1,211 1,211 4 SUBTOTAL (12-4637-1140) 1, 11 1,21 1,211 Merit @ 5�h, 61 61 61 �rwf 1,972 1,272 1,272 II E r - E �t -186- _,ST CENTER :STA I L N'.. Qt=�cc Department/Division; Program.* Accounc Hurter; C.D./Engineering TDA 1.2-4537 Object No. Description of Items 5 Individual Dollar Amounts 6udgec 1100 Regular Payroll 52,385 1900 Fringe Benefits @ 35% 18,334 I 1 TOTAL 70,719 —187— CAPITAL UVIPROVEMENI'PROJECT REQUEST Department: community, Development Fund; Division: Engineering TDA Priority l�o. `. 88-08 Project Title, Description, and Location- Transportation & Traffic Long Range Studies, Models and Management P,ograms Indicate whether: @)New Q Replacement 0 Addition Project Justifications Projects future traffic scenarios for long range traffic management planning and includes an update of the City's Thoroughfare and Bridge Fee (System Development) Has this project been scheduled .in a nr►o- C.I.P.? No 0 yes Other vroiects sc Factors directly related to this project; x Indicate fiscal year project should be: started 88/89 'Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amonut S� ugh d Fitt acing Amount �.� Design Cost so MA $ 80,000 Construction Cost so Administration Cost so Study S_80,000 4 Total Cost S 80,OW 1-=ds availabie and/or already expended $0 Anount required first year $ 80,000 Amount required subsequent years so Balance Required $ 80,000 TOTAL S 801000 �Y -188 CAPITAL IMPROVE,MPM PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Divisioa Engineering; MA Priority r o. TR 88.p Project. Title, Des(;ription, and Location: Signal - Highland @ Ettwanda Indicate whether: O Nnw 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Needed to resolve conflict at intersection. I Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.IX.2 0 No 0 Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate liscai year project should be: Started 87188 Completed 88/89 Estimated Project. Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design. Cost $ 0 TDA S 2,000 Construction Cost INI; Administration. Cost S 2,000 Total Cost $ 2,00` Funds available and/or Amount requi-ad first year S i3O{)0 already expended Amount required subsequent years S lD t Balance Required S 2,OQO TOTAL S 1000 g, —189— CAPITAL NFROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST 'Department: Community Devele.pment Fund. Division: Engineering TPTR ity No. TL'A 88-02 ` Project Title, Description, and Location: 1, Signal - Highland @ Nfilliiten Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacerneat Q Addition Project Justification: ���' Needed to resolve conflict at intersection. Has this project t;en scheduled in a prior C.I.F.? 0 No C)Yes Other prgjects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Compla€ed 88/89 Estimated Project Cysts Amount Suggested F acing'- Amount Design Cost $ 0 TDA Construt,tien Cost $ 0 2,000 Adm..-±istration Cost $ 2,000 I' Total Cost S 2,000 - Funds avaiiable and/or Amount required f f already expended so q d first year S 1000 h _ Amount 1equiired subsequent y"Ts S Balance P:a;uired S 2,000 TDTA. S 2.000 k —290-- CAPITAL RA PRONTMENT R.O.-)EC;'REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund. Division: En&eering TDA Priority No, TR 88-03 Project Title, Description, and Location. Signal - Amethys @ 19th [Indicate whether, O New 0 Replacement Addition Project Justi-"catio,; Needed to resolve cont'lict at intersection. Has this project bet;t zcheduledprior C.I.P.? 0 No Yes Other projectsL or factors directly related to this project: Amethyst Street, Improvements Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 8 9/8 8 Completed 89189 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ Tl3A S 88,000 ME Coasuuction Cost $ 801060 Administration Coss $ 81000 1 i i { Total Cc:.* S_88,000 14'ttnnds available and/or fjf A already expended $ a taotsut required iirs�, year S 88.000 I Amount rewired subsequent years so I Balance f4tquired S aglo 0 TOTAL S 88,000 —191 CAPITAL EvIPIR-OVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Deparinent: Community ]Development Fund: Priorityo. + t: Engineering TDA TR 88.44 Divtsi�>* Project Title, Lies;"+ption, aid-6c"atione Signal - 19th @ 13etyl Indicate whether: 0 New 0 c Re laz . P _ went �Addition: Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict and delay at intersection Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P? 0 No Yet Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be; Started 87/88 Completed" Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 4.000 TDA S Construction Cost $ 85,000. Administration Cost $ 81000 Total Cost S 97,t10i1 Fiords available and/or Amount required first year already expended S 3:0Eit} $ 0 l Amount required subsequent years S 94,000. }, Balance Required S 94,000 TOTAL S`9.4,000 -77 CAPITAL IMPROVEN NT PROJECT REQUEST rDepartr�ient: Community bevelopment Fund:EngineeringTI�l4 - Priority No. , TR &S-OS Description, and Location:h @ Hellman Indicate whether: 0 New Q Replacement �+ l �Additioti Project Justification: Needed to alleWate conflict at intersection. W. Has this project been scheduled itt a prior C.I.P.9 No 0 yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: StarteCj 87/$8 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested. Financing Amount . Design Cost $ 4.00 'IDA � 1,000 Construction Cost $ 85.0t. Administration Cost S 8,000 Total Cost S '97,000 Funds available. and/or [ already expended y S 3,000 Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years 93,000 1 I Balance Required $ 941,000 TOTAL 5 94,000 I —193— I U CAP ITAL IlVIFROVENENT PROJECT N E+QUEST Department: Community Development fund. - Engineering.Eagineeriag �PrF�rtty No. TDA TR.88.06 Project Title, Description, and Locations Upgrade Signal 19th @ Haven Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement © Addition Project Justifli=ion: Needed to accomodate increased traffic volumes f Has this project been scheduled in a prior CIP.2 0 No Yes L r projocts or factors directly related to this project. cate fiscal`year project should be: Started 87/98 Completed 88189 Fisti�ma�t d lriject Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 4,000 TDA $_38.Ooa Construction Cost S: 80,000 Administration Cost S 81000 Total Cost S 92,000 Funds available and/or Amount,required first year $ 88.00'v' already upended 5 ?, 00 Amount required subsequent years S 0' Balance Required S 38.000 TOT"AI. S 88,000 -. -194— CAPITAL RAPROVENIENT PROJECT.REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering TDA Priority No. TR 88-07 Project Title, Description,. ,and Location: Signal - Baseline Qa Etiwanda 92 Indicate whether. 0 New 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.F.? 0 Nct Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Baseline Road, Phase I Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/89 Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Casts Atstaunt Suggested, Financing Amount Design Cost $ 4,000 Construction Cost TD.4, S 88,000S 80,000 Administration Cost $ 8.000 Total Cost S' 92,000 Funds available anti/or d first$ 4,W0 Amount required year S gg, already expended 000 Amount required subsequent years so Balance Required S 88,000 TOTAi;. 88,000 - —195 CAPITAL INIPROVEMENT PRU,IECT REQUEST` Department: Community Development Fund- .�..- Division: Engineering TDA priority No, TR 88-08 ; Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - Baseline @ Victoria Pk. Ln. Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replscement CS addition Project JustificatioL, needed to alleviate+ conflict at intersection. tins this project been scheduled in a Prior CA J 0 No ( Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project. Baseline Road, Phase yI Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started $fi/$S Completed 88/$9 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount. Design Cost $ 4,000 TDA S 88,000 Construction Cost $ 80,000 Administration Cost 8,000 r Total Copt 92,000 Funds availalale and/or $ 4,000 Amount require4 first year $8,000 already a tiended Amount required subsequent y:ars S 0 Balance Re 4ired 3 8 € tl 8,000 TOTAL S 8$4000 i —196— CAPrrAL IMP'RO VENMNT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering TAA Priority No. TR 88-09 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal & Intersection. Improvements Foothill',@ Rochester Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement p @ Addition Project Justification: Needed to improve traffic flow and alleviate conflict at intersection.lion. ..ate u„3 pfoiect been scheduled in a prior C.I.P;? 0 No @ yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project; Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 88f89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $' 35,600 TDA S 10,000 Construction Cost $ 250,000 Administration Cost $ 20,000 Right-of-Way $ 20,000 Total Cost S 325,008 Funds available and/or already expended 5 35,Of10 Amount required first year 10,000 Amount required subsequent years S 280,000 Balance Required 5 290,000 TOTAL • 5 290,000 __ —197- CAPITAL 11MOVENENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development EFuDivision: Engineering Priority No. TR 88- 0 Project, Title, Description, and Location; Signal - Grove @ 8tlt Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Retilacement. Addition P :ject Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. ides this project been scheduled in a prior C.X.P.? N Yeffi Other projects or factors directly related to this project: AT & SF Railroad Crossing. Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/88 Completed, 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 3,000 TD14 $ 43,000 Construction Cost S 40,000 Administration. Cost $ 3,000 Total Cost S 46,000 Funds available and/or already expended g' 3,(}p0 Amount required First year $ 43,000 Amount required subsequent years so Balance Required S 43,000 TOTAL S 43,000 —191�— CAPrrAL IMPROVENMNT PROTECT REQUEST Department: Commut,itl Development Fund: Division: Enginerr4.3 TDA Priority ,so, TR 8$-11 Project Title, Description, and Location: i Signal - Archibald @ highland Indicate whether: j New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.Z.P.? 0 No yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 88189 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Fiaattciag Amount Design frost � 0 TDA- 5 83,000 Construction Cost S 75,000 Administration Cnst $ 81000 Total Cast S 83,000 Funds available andlor Amount required first year already expended' S 93,000 Amount required subsequent years so - Balance Required $ 83,OW TOTAL. 5 83,000 —199— CAPITAL RAPROVEN ENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Cor-Aunity Development Fund. Division: "ngineering TDA Priority No. TR 38-13 Project Title. Description, and Location; Signal - Baseline @ Rochester Indicate whether: @-)New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification. Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? No 0 Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: 'Baseline Road, Phase III Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 8'8/89 Estimated Project Costs. Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 4,000 TDA ,..._..w.. $ 4.000 Construction Cost S 85,000 Administration Cost 8,000 Total Cost S 97,000 Funda available and/or already e)�pended $0 Amount required first year $ 4.000 Amount required subsequent years S 93.000 B21ance Required S 97,0 04 TOTAL S 97.000 -200- CAPITAL MTROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Develop;naat fTD : Division: Engineering Priority No. TR 88-14 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - Basel,.Ae @ Ramona Indicate whether: @ New Q Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 06 No 0 yes Other projects or factors divactly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year protect should be: Started 88189 Computed 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing, Amount Design Cost S 4,000 Construction Cost TDA $ 92,000 S 80,000 Adminis tration atYon . Cost $ 81000 f Total Cost $ 92,000 I Funds available and/or E already expended s 0 Amount required first year S 92,000 Amount required subsequent years so Balance Required S 92,000 TOTALs 92yt300 —201— CAPITAL MPRQVEMENI lft0 OCT FXQUEST Depart rent: Community Development Pund- Division: Engineering TDA Priority No. -e.__._.�� TR 88-15 1 Projec" _ � ..le,: Description, and. Location: Signal - Baseline @ Valencia Indicate whether: @ Nr:V0 Replacement Addition Project Justification: tot, Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. l I I i I Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.LPj Na Y'ez Other projects or factors directly related to this project: I Indicate fisc:.l year project should be; Started $8/89 Co-1pleted 89/99 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Fitlant;ing Amount Design Cast 8 4.000 TDA S MOO i-onstruction Cost g 80,000 Administration Cost $ 81000 i Total Cost 5 92,000 Funds available and/or already expended so Amount rewired first year $ 92,000 Amount required subsequent years so Balance Required S 92.000 TOTAL S 102,000 —202- ..r CAPMAL MppOVEN. MNT PROJECT REQUEST Department;. Community Development Fund: �.... Division: Engineering Ti7A Priority No, TR 88-l6 PrOkct Title, Descries o! , and Location, Sivnal - Mh @ Hermosa Indicate whether: SNOW 0 Replacement p t Q Addition 1 Project Justification: Needed to alleviate confi:ct at intersection. Has this project been Scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? No 0 Ye's Other projects or factors directly relato to this project. Church. Street and He rmoia Storm Drain Indicate fiscal year project should b . Starts-d 88139 C-Ompleree 8919e, Estimated Project Costs Amount """ suggested F n?'Mcing Amount Design Cost S 4,000 TDA $ 4.tl0Q Construction Cost $ 851003 Administration Lost $ 81000 1. Total Cost $ 97,000 , Funds available and/or 0 Amount required first, year already expended S 4,000 Amount required :subsequent years S 93,00tt I i Balance Required S 97,000 TOTAL S '�17.00 CAPITAL LMPROVENI ENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development fFu�nd• Div Engineering 8 g A Priority No. TR, 88.18 Project Title,. Description, and Location:, Upgrade Signal. - Ar~,,w Rte. @ Archibald Indicate whett..er: 0 New _ 0 Repiaccment Addition PrC14ecc. Justificathon A, Replace outdated controller and detection devices and provide left tur. at all approa.acs. 1 i i i Har. this project been scheduleA: in a prior C.I.P.? Na0 Yes 'her projects or factors directly related to thin project; �ndieate fis;:al ye,Lr project ld be.*. Started 8$!8 -�_--� Complvemd 88/89 Estimated P-i-*^ct Costs A mount t Suggested Financing Amount Desi Cosa 9 TIaA 3 Sa,0Q0 Construction Cost $ 40,000 Administration Cost 81000 x A Total Cos: $ S'2,000 Ftmds available and/or already expended $ 0 Atnount required first year S 52,000 Amcunt required subsequent years so Am Bal:ana Required S 52.Guo TOTAL. —204— CAPITAL 9APROVEIVEINT PRojE.CT'.REQUF Department: wommlmity Development Fund: Division: , ngin,,ering TDA Priority No. TR 88-19 Project Title, Description,, and Location: Signal - Arrow 0 Hermosa Indicate whither: (9)New 0 Replacement ®Addtoa Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersp,.t14n. Lthis project been scheduled in a prior C.I.-P.? No 0 yet rIn tlrer projects or Factors directly related to this project: dicat;v fiscal year project should be Started 88/89 Completed 88/83 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 4,000 TDA $ 4,000 Total Cost 4,,000 Funds available and/or a=rtady expended g 0 Amount required first year S 4,000 Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required S 4,000 TOTAL I S 4,000 —205— CAPITAL.ItV PROVEM ENT, PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering TDA Priority Na. TR 88-20 Project Title, Descriptiou, ,and. Location: Upgrade Signal - Arrow Rte. Haven Indicate whether; Q New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Proje:;t Justification: Improve intersection traffic flow and add east/west left turn-phases. Has this croject been scheduled L^ a prior C.f.P.? mo 0 Yes C Other projects or fa: ,3rs directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: 4itarted 88189Completed 89190 Estimated leoject Costs Aataunt Suggested Ibinertsittg Amount Design Cost $ 5-0 TDA Construction Cost $ 65,000 79¢000 Administration Cost $ 91000 I 1 a II Total Cost S 79,000 Fstr+.ds avrMaMe and/or Amount required first i alrer y expended Q year $79,000 Amount required subsequent years S tl 4 ,. UancL Required S 79,OQ0 TO T/aI. S79,000 r!4 —206— CAPITAL MPROVENENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund; Divisions Priority Engineering TDA TR 88-21. Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal Maven @ Victoria St. Indicate whether: @ New Q Rep acement 0 Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? Q no 0 yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88{8'9 Completed, 8$189 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing: Amount Design Cost $ 4,00(# ?I)A S 95,000 Construction Cost $ 85,000 i I Design Cost S 61000 1 9 Total Cost S 95,040 Funds available and/or S 0 Amount required first year already expended S 95,000 Amount required subsequent years so Balance Required S 95,000 TOTAL $ 95,000 CAPITAL MIPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST --- Department Community Development Fund: �' Division: Engineering TDA Priority No. TR 88-23 Project Title, Description, and Locatign: Signal - FoothilI @ Ramona Indicate whether: Q New 0 Replacement Addition Project Justifications Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. h f" f I 1 Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? No 0 Yes Other projects or 1.4c7ors directly related to this project: Indicate f se-Al year project should be: Started 88/99 Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing. Amount Design. Cost S 4,000 TDA $ 97,000 Construction Cost $ 85,000 Administration Cost $ 80000 Total Cast S 97,000 Funds available and/or Amount required first year already expended S S 97,000 Amount required subsequent years so EJiance. Required g 97,000 TOTAL, S '97,000 208— CAPITAL UAPROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Miclopment F und: Division: Engineering Priority No., TR 88:29 Project Title, Description, and Location: Upgrade Signal Grove (e-� San Bern;v7dirto ga Indicate whether: ®9 New Q Replacement 0 Addition Project austification: Needed to increase ca)acity at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? No 0 yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: i Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 8>9/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 4,0 TDA S, 4,000 Construction Cost S 85,O00 Administration Cost S 8.WO f i i 1 I Total Cost S 97,000 Funds available and/or already expended so Autauttt required first year S 4,000 Amount required Subsequent years S 93,000 Balance Required $ 97,00D TOTAL S 017,000 -209- CAPITAL RAPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund.,Division: Engineering TDA Priority',No. TR 84-30 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal Coordination - Haven Ave, k Indicate whether: QQ New O Replacement O Addition Project Justification: Needed to improve traffic flow along Haven. Has this project been scheduled in a prior CI.P,? No, 0 Yes Other projects or factors directly r0ated to this project: i Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 98/89 Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 5.000 TBA S 16,000 ( Construction Cost $ 50,000 Administration Cost S 3,000 i Total. Cost $ 58,00 Funds available and/or already expended $ 0 Amount requited first year r16,000 F Amount requited subsequent years S 42,000 Balance Required $ 58,000 TOTAL S 58,000 " 210 CAPUAL INTROVEN ENT M'.-)3ECT REQUEST' Department: Community Development --TFund- Division: Engineering Priority No: TDA TR 88.31 Project Title, Description, and Location: Uniform Traffic Control Program 88/89 Collector Streets Based on Current Traffic Control Device Inventory Program Indicate whether: 0 New Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Needed to maintain, install and conform to State and Federal standards. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.F.? No 0 yea Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Staved 88/89 Completed 98/8+3 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Irinancinls Elznouat Design Cost S 11000 TDA 11,000 Construction Cost $ 91000 Administration Cost $ 11000 i, I Total Cost $ 11,000 I � Funds available and/or Amount required first year already espendrid S 0 S 11,000 Amount required subsequent years E S 0 IL Balance Required $` 11,000 TOTAL S 11,000 CAPITAL,DaROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Pund: Division: Engineering TDA Priority No. TR 8$-39 Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal Coordination - Archibald Indicate whether: O New O Replacement -00 Addition r oject Justification: Needed to help relieve congestion. on Archibald. Has this'e project been scheduled in a prior C.I,P.? O No (1)Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: started 87/88 Completed' '88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost so TDA S 16,000 Construction Cost S 16,00{} Administration Cost $ 0 Total Cost $ 16,000 Funds available and/or Amount required First year already expended S $ 161000 Amount required subsequent years so Balance Required S 16,000 TOTAL. S 16,000 —212— t A t s t t B 1 1 1 1 C 1 1 i � I t 1 1 r Y 1 ! o :r.o N O t N J O r O m.n •i m I tv N W 1 N to N t]? ! 1. �u t om', -m ory t o not s ci. r i t 1 t i t r o r.o Na. t N z 1 CO m10of 1 to .r m N tf7. [ Q C.2 C i t 1 O Y Y- ! m ! ti sr cr .r-a O x Lrl O 0 w ca CO sr m Y- J m. s 'r o-N Q a• O 1 1 W.H i A OQ OO. d b to 1 U Q r W i r- r-O A:r- M rn LD t 'a` N N 4 a- :O Ir _ oO , O NN a.Ps ti p� to 1 cm Oe t+ cti { ,4 TO co I W J I fm N O t-co m Ir f O 7 t to �- C YSS tv. O Y*Y .Y *0 V A. U.4; to to .a co co .Y ry <� ( W- U. i �'.s- a1 a tr o -4 m J I z Q m to to Cit ns. O� , t � 1 M- t 1.11 -4 co O' ev 1 it� T C+'� LY (R T•� co< Y W r1 r1. 40 �. Y W ( ! -{ ti Y.L" W.21- to m W Y Lu`y- co M W W s 1 tnQ tlla Wa o i. z Z J LU W e .t I-- t- ►- !-- t w I.- 2 w Yu r'-►� H MW "Z xn a i-t ► CU oC <W O< < f ut fi =:D m "m4n o0 o a C? 1 .+1 rn m so N t- a. v { V 1' Rf mm. rn m M .o .D%0 a,o 10 1 ttr 101 to to u{. to 1 t c+'Y m nY cn L*Y cn 213- 1 ! 1 ! 1 f . 1 t ti r` T -1 a 1 C% as rr .,to r m at o L -U 7 1 �* 1 1 a r a ir °a 2 M t co GO O ;r t a t cr 1 a tn� co o o �4 1 t<a ac 1 .{ .. M t nt sv O u.z t m i 1 is i r 1 Lt. �t I O O 1`- N--C 1. to "% .mot. 10 C3 {. /- .0 u vt' co-4c ! C" t r U. 1 C3 a p m +UC �Li 4 i N r+'t M .s CO 1 = t !-� i W YK U%U 1 Ul tA p. O 1 � co 1 in M r L tut ca 1 u. M c 1 a> a z LU uMi i w.I.- p u.t t LU S / tt►O 1 2.tlt Q 1 t0-t W. T M U- i W Z «�• r u ct u ia� tit: M 1 C1 C. IY t G —214- COST CENTER ;ETAIL 40P< nZET. Departmenc/Division: Prigram: Account Number: Communit Services Recreatj -r . ObJect No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Bud;et 1300 Part TiimP 15 t 280 IN Subtnta 3900 012eratin --Print ' r. . Recreation Materials Lions RCNC , Acsuat i s ._ ......... .....� 1 �n n S120rts _p -s ecia]. ^vents Recreation Ec7ui :i.cent 7 3960 6028 Contract S rv" ggs -lnst u r Officials. -Tr s & Tours ,. -Facilit R Sports Staff Subtotal 2C2 42 7043 Ca� ta1._ ,daG ;., T.axFravA. ^ -Rena r� rovements 370,122 m -215- i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t i e e i In t 1 f - L.� w p a i I I t a1 / 1 1 1 U I r 1 r CC o 0 0 ,- cs CV -CC 1 LL 1 M O 1 O R _ a � , 1 1 } i I L. r 0 I w1 oa o 2 vo oa o v10 o , co 1 LL J 1 .4.4 C4 0 0 .o �0 1 a ; tcn m LL � } 1 J F N cm co D - 4n L 1 r co'4 1 co l laLU - J. I Cr co ;.z p - _ 1 cir tJ F- S r rw ,, a a 1 Lu • J r W 1 z r .+to m q to 12Q wS 4,w z 1 Ili:t. -!W Uj L 1 1 to 1-O 0 W tY W 1.+: G i' 1-1 w e S ms za oIn ►+ w w a J w ,/ m> t00. tnt. t t cy.m 00 1 m t»c» m m ��- ,1 / ILt tL1 to %A tO . —216— 1 a 1 I r _ c I 1 1 q t— u > r I I r z o a tr I 1 1 `1w C d t A-1) V u. 1 I 1 Q - Q L 1 1 t I z to t 1 1 q r 1 1 I A tx 1 Q O..F - _.m .ICM _ t.1.ps" a t tri.t- i O O O vi r LL uj LA ta in C t 1 r 1 CJ� I rm Nco I a0 1 I- CO<t 1. m m 1 - mat to v i Go cv a 1 1 t< I o 0 0 lT 1 Ix 1. p I LU C. z F t- I La. lalLU a us t L kA O C .. = ( CO Ln iX 3 t 1 Ln W " t d t/f cq+7< Ln v C z t Q }.. 4 1 P ta s9 —217— I CAP!'f'AL BeROVE ENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering .. Gas Tax 2107 Pi0rit- y 8 �.��..., -38 Project Title, Description, and Location: j, City Wide Slurry Seal Program 87/88 Phases 1 & 2 Indicate whether: ®New k 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification: q ` Sea! local streets to imp..*ove road life. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No Q)Yes' 1?taer projects or factors directly related to 'his project, ' Indicate fiscal year project should, be: Stated 8 7/8 8 Completed 8 818.9 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggemd. Flnzncin A!noune ---- -- —- Design. Cost $ 0 . CM Tax 2107 $ 2,000 Constru.tion Cost 0 Administration Cost ( SR 300 3.090 S 11001 Total Cost S 3,000 Funds available and/ c already expend,;; S Amount required first ye-r 3,000 AMC ant required subsequent years g 0 ilalance P.eyu:rcd $ 3,000 TOTAT. S 3,000 2,18 r' A i 1 1 e 0 t e t a r y 1. t 1 OO O C u> co q .w a�. I co ! - t f t i 1 1 N N ty tJ i t y t t ca t ¢1 t Q to tY? Sft [n to+O tL t+— k C t"t 0 a d G?G t d 1 1: f wt✓ k o oa cs � w a o 9A o ury ua xa 1 of m t` h- I "co i r ar.c t C3: 6r k -S k z l ae t � Ct� U- fujo 00 G7 Q th t3 i w t9-C i t 1 tYk i Ac .K t ` ) ur n s in►-4 A_s o u. 06.4 `n LU itx< aonN k-a 04 _ t vt w o r_s r uxx uy 0-4 t c w" xtx Ix c cn as cd' cr v t -C t cat tr(Pt rt�yy�y�t ,i C,t MAL ZVROVE1VIEN'T PROJECr REQUEST .Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Priority No. T13A Article 3 ST 88-15 Project Title, Description, :and Location: Archibald Ave. Sidewalks - bth to Foothill Indicate whethe.; O New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justifications Install sidewalks along various portions of Archibald. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P ry 0 No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 88/84 Estimatt 3 Project Costs Amount suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 0' MA Article 3 S 80t! Construction Cost 3 34,20t3 Administration Cost $ 800' Total Cast S 35,000 { Funds available and/or Ankount required first year 3 800 already expended ?4,201} Amount required subsequent years S U Balance Required S 800 TOTAL. S g(}0 —220— CAMAL EAPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community —velopment Fund:&ivision: Engineering Priority No. TDA Article 3 ST 88-22 Project '-" tle, Description, and Location: Tryon Sidewalks W/O Archibald Indicate whether: O New 0 Replacement (9) Addition Project Justif,cation: Construct new sidewalks on Tryon and Jadeite Has thisJ project . p t been scheduled an a prior C.I.P;? 0 No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to .this project Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost. so ---- � TDA Article 3 � 32,I00 Construction Cost S 30,000 Administration Cost $ Z.100 E Total Cost S 32,100 Funds available and/or $ Amount required first year already expended $ 32,100 ILI 4 Amount required subsequent years $ 0 Balance Required $ 32,100 TOTAL S 32,100 221— ._, e '' f i. �� 1 t i �' 'f 1 f ! f f r Y f l9 0 O t C7 2 CT t wt f: ..y '7 ax 1: 4V. F N N a ► f 1 f r �? ! t IAO, tv ►r i t l f G f to 1 p a p cS 0 1 k c c� 1 1 t rj c4 1 to t. t � wtYC .4 1 rt is r i z fn 0 1 cu ram:K f. ! at m ►. r jn t r*r i c o to ! r z 1 U4 y o +rival u a ta = o r�r. r co= *. t x t.3 CG [ � A 1 � m ! �> t t: o u f to m Rr co l3:. U ! 1 —222— CAPITAL LWROVEMENT PROJEC"r REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund:, Division: Eng icering Priority No. Systems & Federal RR 88.01 FIndicate le, Description. and. Locai or;: nue o AT & SF Crossing and 8th St. Intersection Improvements hether; 0 NewReplacement � Addition tification: isting railroad crossing at 8th to be coordinated with safety gates Has this project been, scheduled in a prior C.I Pt.? 0 No 1'es Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Traffic Signs! @ Grove & 8th. 88f89 Indicate fiscal year project should be. Started 8 6/8 7 Completed 8 f$9 Estimated Project Costs Amount 1. Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 14,500Systems Federal S 165,900 Construction Cast. g 86,300 Administration Cost 3 8.500 Railroad pa'fe S 66.700 Federal Section 203 S 21.600 I Total Cost S: 276: h Funds available and/or Amount required first already expended S 88.5(Y year S 187,500 Amount required 'subsequent years SO Balance Required S 187.500 TOTAL S" 187,500 223— 1 A i 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .+a 1 w 1 0 0 o O LU O Q 1 ay, 1 1 1 O O n, ci r 1 r i i O 1 r ♦ J J1 m 1 O ti h , b F CO V) :O r ! N+-r tV l) .6 1. - K 1. 1 u.1- / o 00 aO 6 0 rn 1 1 t t tL r 1 IJ\. b 1• 00 O O O® t tiO 1 m Nm u+N . to i. to CP CD 1 1 t S- 1 u. 1 O OO 00 O O J 1 'a u / O w Q i 1 1 to t 2 r u,� i ,dCuO a'O OJ O O coO' ►Z O to S i ce^ t w, t f i�l 1 t 1., < tn. J rfl 1 4 6.J tr C. _ t P rn*+ W C- titJ. rJ = 0 = w ol u'-,.m s 1 yr ua� r..l I LL(L w- `n tx in ► co c a lu i 0.9 cu< y cr O-t z= =ru 3�1- uuj 17 1 ".0 M Z M.V) to t^t' ► et ttt tut F-< < CO m x w +tr r w:r w t 1 Ol C,ON a a- of -224 t f r s 1 r t I 1 a t .n u. zo t m w a a,x t r. t— `r' tx, c a I LA 44) `0. 1 t t •c t �:. tr U% tor- z L2I m m w ,a z 1 d ?^ 1 tom- r► d t 3 tJ t i 1 1 1 Q ! ~R7 <O r sn t I 1 i �. LL LA Ln t O O t •+ 9 1 tr1: � ,p i 1 O t co r t� t i 5- Y vI LL J 1 w O O O •t +[ 1 LL cc 1 t» to ci I d _ a 1 I- cc t 4 cc i t I t~� z LU 'tt1 I\ 0 LL us I •h 1 t,3 O t U. >x. I tJ. t tU Us 3 c L :L IZ.Z O t H i R~.t 1.p. UA 1 a a c er ai us I- Ye I ar r• I Q` —225— PROGRAM PQStTIONIsAI,ARy SCHEDULE sit ion in Position uota Classifca.'_nr_ t°�`"^'" ~' A toorIstions Curie �t Aept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title ,:+gal Rand. Rand. Adopted Rctttd. Office Asst. Rand. ,Adopted a` a 0 0 68 $ Office Asst. 0% 0% 02 0z 66 68 66 Traffic Engineer , {�; 0% Assoc. Civil En$, t? & l 1 l,0 124 124 124 Eng. Tech. 0% 1% 1% ti 163 273 163 Sr. Civil. Eng. 0% 1% 17 163 16353 Assoc. $ 0% l 9r 1 446 446 446 Civil En . Assoc. Civil Eng. 0% I96 1 1 416 416 405 Assoc. Civil Eng, 0 1 , 1 416 416 19 384 384 334 416 Asst, Civil Eng, 0�1'0 196 17 17 ' Jr. Civil En& 1%% 1% 17, 3Q9' 309 309 273 273 273 Eng. Tech, 0% 1% 1% 1% 233 233 233 Eng. Aide 0% 1% 1% 1% 228 228 228 Public Worlds Eng. 046 1% 19 17. 248 248 248 sr. "C Imp. 0% 1% 17. 373 373 373 Jr. Civil Eag, 0% 1 1% 197 197 197 P.W. Inspt 096 1% 1% 19 331 331 331 P.W, Insp, 09i? 1% 1% 17 29$ 248 2.9g P.W. rasp. 0% 0% 0 0% $2 52 32 SUBTOTAL (19-4Merit @ 1�3?-lat?C?) i 408$S 41$8g 4,,888 $ 244 244 244 5s132 5,1.32 5,132 -226- PROGRAM POSrrIO NISALARY SCh'EAUL.E Position Positiaat ata b+_ ro riationo Classification Current Dept. Mr. Dept. Mgr, Title Level Rcmd. ,R.^.rnd. Adopted Rcmd. Rcmd. Adopted Office Asst. 1% 1? 121 121 i Y SUBTOTAL (19-4637-1100) 121 1.21 1.21 Merit @ 5% ! 6 66 TOTAL 127 127 127 f- a I -227 CSST C, N7 El'IrA I <e•,_c- Dapartmant/Divisi-3n: Program: Account ::u,-5sr, C.D./Engineering Drainage Etiwanda 19-4637 gbject No. Description of Items Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1100 Regulcr Payroll 5,259 1 1900 Fringe Bene.L @ 35% 1,841 go r � TOTAL 7,100 -228- CAPITAL 1WROVEMENT PRO V.CT REQUEST Department: Community Development_ Fund: Division: Engineering Priority No, _Drainage - Etiwanda a DR 8'8-07 Project Title. Description, and Location: Etiwan a S.D. Phase, 1 • W/O 1-15 from "victoria Basic. to N/Q Future Rte 30 Freeway Indicate whether, 0 New 0 Replacement �Addition Project Justification: Provide storm protection in the upper Edwanda area tributary to the improved Victoria Basin. am Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.LP.? 0 No @ Yes' Other projects or factors directly relatAd to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/t4 Completed 88/89 ,timatec: Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount .. Design Cast Drainage Etiwanda S 25,000 Construc.ion Cost I Administration Cost $ 25,000 i Total Cost 5 2510/10 Funds available and/or Amount requited first year 259000 already expended S Amount required subsequent years so an Balance Requ'red E,- 2510 � TOTALS 25.000 —229— CAPITAL N PROVEM ENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Development FIundc Division: Engineering Priariry No, Drainage Edwanda QR 88-08 Project: Title, Description, and Locat;on Baseline S.A. W/O 1-15 to Etiwanda Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement � Addition— � Project ,Tustificationi Provide drainage along Baseline Rd in coordination with. Baseline road, Phase Y Street Improvements. Has this project bcen scheduled in a prior. C.I.P.? No Yes 'R Other projew- or factors directly related to this ppTJett. Indicate fiscal year project should be: atarted 87188 Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Costs- Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost Sr 0 Drainage - Etiwanda S 410,000 Construction Cost S 370,000 Administration Cost S 40,000' Total Cost S 410,000 Funds available And/or already expended s Arntount required first year $ 41.0,000 Amount required subsequent years $ 0" Balance Required ES 0,000 TOTAL S 414,000 -230 CAPITAL UVIPROVEt'VI NT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund,• Division: Engineering Priority No. MP- Etiwanda MP 88.02 Project Title, 'Description, and Location: Master Plans of Drainage - Etiwa,3da/San Sevaine Creek Areas Indicate wY -,her: 0 New 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification: Provide updated master plans for the Etiwanda/San Sevaine drainage area, . Has this project bt,.n scheduled in a prior C,T.P.? 0 No (1)Yes Other pro.;'cts or factors directly related to this project; Indic= fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested_Financing Amount Design Cost so Drainage - Etiwanda S 20,000 Construction Cost so Administration Cost $ 20,000 Total Cost S 20,003 Funds available and/or� already expended So, Amount %equired first year n 20,000 i Amount required sub; w+sent years s'0. Balance Required S 201 000 'TOTAL S 20,000 i r t e 0 i a � '� o I B i 1 1 1 A 1 9 S 1 r 1 ! 00 O tr 10 00 O 1 It 1 OO O D u% Z Im I N 1. I l 1 1 1 P 1 a!d N w 0 to a% 0 1 1 t 00 t7- m p x f n ► t r m t t ! t 1 r t i 1 O 1 !4% - 0 1 1 ! n UN 03 1 1 1 ► 1 1 t ii tcY In w � m w a 1 1 d 1 1 1 t l 1 1 t l t l ! 1 1 1 1 ! O t i l tt! 1 I b D o O 1 1 � `O O. d Y i O 1 1 f tCY D f 1 1 1 1 O t 1 6 O l f 0 O fs O J 1 1 �o b O U% !. ! O I. ! 1 p ► l 0 CIO o f 1 1 O C�. O .0- +. 1 I I 1 - I. 1 1 + 1 1 1 • t 1 « t N 1 t I t+1 N I 1 1 t i In i ! 1 ., t I.O tCY 0 1 1 1 D O to m 7- 1 tcY 1 t 1�.. m f. F t I ! r I I O. ( 'to m c0 O t t to ti� w N r ►~1 i 1' I I 1 1 M 1 w 1 D 0m w"- h-O, Mm rm muY rO m s O Or P N cRO 00 O m OW !. r- r In.W It1 r 0 ICY u1 %0 N to N tC` !n 0 .0 D•a, .•t .� 0 r r r r .D r r.0 m m m N N' a o 1 prq . Q i 14 1 U- 1 O no 00 00 "0 00 on on 00 00 DO 00 00 00 O 0 N 1 4 t i t 1 U.t•- 1 .0 O"'i w o 00 010 P.-0' 00 m O Q r- w r 0 vD ea cN. ./-m D O O m W. I 1-. ; T-.0 O' 010 t-r-- O � Q r- P-r O ri. O 0r 00 „fl jo a w r .00 C? ON .010 0 Ir o.D .0 w 0rr 0M Nh- O _ m i w � m o s cr C n% to r- .0..z - .-t a.r m a . ,,.. to N w r- 1 Oc 1 m >- 1 U. t O 10m 00 Or -tN mtn 00 Mvm 00 00 00 00 00 00 D m J. 1 w N 0 ICY (!+r r-a. r-0- m 10. to m< i .ND.F m D. ^/ w ! r u F ►rO en CO r0 .-i0 N.D r- 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 r- -r .; s wr- o wo oM r .a co 0 cc 4 I� to ILY m o 1.WLA 1 U Lu z _u 0 a t 17 Q al. Q C co iL. 0--Q. Y W to D. Q-t L) w ! �i 1-O. uj w U U A. K l r. .�. rZa S- :L'.� ��.+t.i z F+ Z w to A 0 1 1 F L N LU 4n G ~. �' M Q..J = t',7:" u-1� M. Q 0 W W. 'At i ►-.1-c. LA W '� In $ 'Q< 0'to r- Uri 00 w ,F- _ z Z Y C tl x W Vi!lz Y 0. CL tt. tY w Q VI $Q B CL! .ZJ OO >Z zW O =Q Wtls w I tL to O W W W Y::' '!. SC Q 1 >'3 Q Yu Z>' W O Cr is t-i z 1-1.M D. uj i Z w U Y O F- 1- 6 Y S LL lx .G.�t ."!. ui Q.Q G r- cx Y Q J 0 G w C 0 S ! CL Q <W. O W to M IL W t'2 Q W W Q' < Y Y Y d I,i IZ;G. -i us1 tD Z Z -Q /x. cr 2 2 . Y 1 J W Ix Lr Q tY h O >.w Q 3.> Q'. cx . W C I- \`� S t W r- -t'Q 4 O' J CA,to =tom- K a! Q. cL 1 >r. t-1:Q CL D... G.Z -!-J W M.1�! r- U Z Ca J'. AQ4 O Z W -1 J. O 1 OW A 1A p O Q S a w 0 'm M W W.D U< %A 1•- 1-4 31A JS uw Z D> U I.- a YtA 1 u! SG g G Z >-C H at Q 1-O /- ►- O O 0 t-. W Y Z Y L1 0 1oGZ IZtt =C ix C 0Z 1Ad. uU w >.W =x WU 0w ma t-i - H' 1.M W 4 W w 1-4 W Q. w W S 64 W..t ►�1 cm ta.. Q t W ix.Q. 1-1'Q, W.W W iwo :IL2 A my uar v3 3Q >tt: ztn Uz =0 um jm mm z h- ! 0 .-/•f ti1..Ci !"iJ .-e N m•r 'A-'D. t"-c0 w1 N m i`- M o. 0 .4 N m a r 'c0 i' C oo OO 0o oc 00 00 oo a.ma .mDw.- N!r- r--t. tr'm' wwm o o1 m w'w ww ww. w.o ww mm man ww. Om woT w0 0w co co w. U 1 N NN NN NN NN "m N& mNM NN NN NN NN NN NN N Mm mm mm mm mm mo- mm m'.m mm mm- mm'. mm m UN LA to U%tr in In In L4% Yn in to in .ICY m UN UN a, L'k to in u�tt'L� m in In to ta. r vT Yr •ram 'r*'r .0•T rr -r'r wr .rr r'r r'r �rr rr Wr Y !%! f O 00 QO 00 00 Ob 00 00 00 MO 00 00 Do 00 0 N. N N /V N —232- �I r, 1 1 � t r � ...- 01- w, o O. r .r u vu r s to Im 1 `I t t3 U ,i r o r r cn 1 60 1. 1 LL M ! O Q O N 1 LL r 1 .. co 1 N. a1 r m m 1 Rf } A N r d t ~ Q .QC 1O. O CO A..C3' rLa cO4 P km u0i 1.w co 1 U. N. ca 1 N 1 12co O t- 1 z w a w t ti !— a U. aj Aaa x 1.a O 7G 1 .a N AY 1 w to ,\ (r LA ►.� tea t.7 1 CL. ia O r C? In A' ry ^233— i ' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Services' fund Mitt on Dept, 20-4.532-8006, Priority No. park Project Title, Description, and Locations Lions Para Indicate whether New: X Replacement: or Addition. X Project Justification: Installation of two night lighted tennis courts, picnic area, remodel of gallery entry patio area, and monument signage. Has this project bean scheduled is a prior C.I.P.? X es No Other projects or factors directly related to this project,, Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started - Completed -R . Estimated Project Costs Aunt Suggested Financing Asount Design and Constructio $140,000 184 State Bond Act $ 86,250 RCPDF 53,750 Funds available and/car Amount required first year T0, r 000 already expended sac required subsequent y" Balance Required TONAL Recommeraed By; (Division He;33 Far ;Geiger s Use: Requested Yy (Department Head) -234- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department. Community Services Fund Division Dept 20-4532-8007 Priority Pa Develo ment Y No.. Project Title, De3cription, and Location Beryl Park Indicate whether New. X Replacement: or Addition. Project Justification: Installation of four night lighted tennis courts, picnic area, monument signage, restroom rehabilitation and drainage improvements. i Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? No Other projects or factors directly related to this projects Indicate fiscal year project should be; Started, ..RA.�.®. Completed Qn-A®� Estimated Project Costs Amount Susbested financing Amount Design and Construction $245,000 184 State Bond Act 131,A00 '85-' 86 R-Zberg 31,695 RCPDF 82,305 Funds svailable audEor Awoun raquired first year $245,000 already expanded „ Amount required subsequent years -0- Salance Recuired --meow,NONA"Mmom DOTAL 245,000 Rcco=ended By aivlsion Nead For Misr s :e Requested BY: (Department Head) -235- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Services Fund Division Dept 20-4532-8015 Park De - o merit Priority No. Project Title, Description# and Location; West Beryl. Park Indicate whether New: X Peplatcem-ant: at Addition Project Jurtificatt on Construction of approved master plan for the ten acre west extension of Beryl Park, to include restrooms, playground, picnic area and two lighted soccer fields. Design/engineering Was previously approved in. FY'87--188. Has this project been sehaduled in ae prior C.I.P.? =70%2 No Other projects or factors directly related to this project. Indicate fiscal year project sho4ld be: Started 'a=' 13R Couple;ted +RR s-ftq-- Estimated Project Cost* Asount SuSgeste:d Financisig Anoust Construction $8751000 RCPDF $875000 Funds available au►dlorAmount reRquissd first Year 8751 000 already expended - Anountrequired subsequent years -0- Balance Required TOTAL teccr�amended 875 .000 Y (Division on Hea< . at, per s _se. Itequcaced I1X. (Department Head) -236- COST CENTER DETAIL N0P<1tHE=,7 Department/Division: Program: Account Number: Comwunity Services Park Development 20-4532 Object No. Description of Items 6 Individual Dollar Mounts Budget 8(,06 ionG ark _ r 53 750 8007 Beryl Park 8015 West Beryl Construction 8611 North Town Park 301 ,000 8767 N.E. Commu - QQQ 8768 Hard Court/Picni2 Table Rettatit 35,000 8769 Central Park - nps�an '�.fi7L;esf.s 885 000 8770 Creekside Park - Degian - ^ Mrn0 8806 ��Red Hi 50 000 8807 Revd Hill HeritaSlg Sloe +-` 50 8808 Neighborhood Park Ac uisiti 3960 General ,r�abi T j tv 52 601 { 1 E 5,123,656 t C -237- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Service Fund Division Dept 20-»4532-8611 Priority No. Project Title, Description, and Location: Yneicate whether Nev: X Re latcemnea p ..�.,_...�..,,,+ar ltdditian.. Project Justification: Construction of the approved mister plan of the five sere Old Town P"rk, to include restrooms, playground, picnic area, and one lighted softball field. Design/engineering was previously approved in FX' 87-188. I t Has this project been s4heduled in a prior o.I.F;? =X42 Yi4 other projects or factors directly related to this project"' ' Indicate fiscal year project should be: Sear`.ed___ , ;�,�� Caupiated , !_SA- Rg Satizatad Project Cost& ,,Amount Sussosted, Financing Amunt Construction $450,000 RDA $301,000 '84 Sta e Band Act 149,000 I Funds available mid-Yor Amount roquArod first year already expanded �450,000 Mount required red subsequent years o- Baluurce Rcqu�ire:d TOT" Recofmml nded By. o vision H"4y for ffier _cuss: I ttequested (Depnrtaaent €lead) -23$- CAPITAL, IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUErf 'i Depa;rtmsnt Community services Fund Division Dept 20-4532-8767 s. riority No. Project Title, Description, and Location: N/E Community Park Frndic;ate whathet. New; Ke'piscem entw or Addition: , Project Justification: This project is the locating and securing a community of 40+1- acreas to serve the N E quadrant of the Cit ,park site l yr completing the fourth phase of four of the current General Plans requirement for Community Parks. Hat this Project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? � es Na Other projects or factors di.rectiy related to this ;proj+tct: Indicate fiscal year project shataxd be: Started Cospleted 3E,st:inatad Project Costs Amount Su es�( rad gina,tac, at; Ar+crate Initial. Acquisition Phan RCPDF 1 Balance Acquisition Phas ' Unknown r '0r00`0 Funds available aidor Anount z: uired firas year already ex,�-^.ccfisd q l r 550 r Ot1C1 A ua-! required 091=qutnt YU&rs Tinkn own $alat�ca Rtrc��.�Ered I'QV-1 $1 rS50r00-- Recoeme+erts�eci9'= D view ate tits For Eger s ate iequested By,. (Department Head) ' --239- fi CAPITAL IMPROVEMEN-T PROJECT REQUEST Department Communitv Services fund Division Dept � L 21tl 4532--8'i 68 Park Develo men� Priority No. Project Title, Description, and Hardcourt/Picnic Table Retrofit Indicate whether New: x Replacement: or Addition: f Prnject Justification: Retrofitting bas totball courts into four existing neighborhood parks, Lions, W-inarow,, HerLiosa, and Church Street Parks. Addition of individual picnic table pads at Red Hill and Heritage Ca-munity Parks and installation of picnic si.niter at Windrows Park. I Has this been schodul.aa in a project priors C. .? X ee No Other projects or factors directly related to this pr&Jett: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 's7-188 Completed Estimated Project Costs mount Suggested Viking Amount Construction r $75,ApG� 86 State Bond: Parklands a Act RCPDF 35,100 I Funds available and/or mount riequir*31 first year already expanded $85 t 0OQ Amount r*qui,red subsequent veare! Balance Required TOTA?-' $85,000 t ecc; Wadad By",- Dtv:to rats Mee For aaSer e ..�..,..4..._,., tegcs tcd ny: (Department Head) -240- t CAPITAL. IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Services Fund Dept 20-4532-8769 IDivision P Priority No. Project Title, Description, and Location,. Central Park Indicate whether New: X Replacement: or Addition: Project Juan _dcativn: For development of detaiied construction and engineering Drawings in keeping with the City Council. approved Conceptual. Design. tins this project been scheduled In z prior C.I.P.? X s NQ Other projects or Uttors diractly ;elated to this proje t; Indicate fiscal you , groject should be: Started_I se-:R� Completed �8$.�: . 41 I Estimted Project Costs Amount Sea ested P3UAr g asraunt Site Design and Engineering $885,000FPDF I 1$8851000 f Funds avaiiable and/or Amount required first year already expanded $8 8 5,0 0 0 Amount require subsequent ;lure Balance Required TC13AL $885,00� - Kecoe:adsd 8y D vision HesUT For tiger s use: Requested Ilya (Department Head) CAPITAL 'IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Services I'tiartrY . Divioion Dept 0-4532-8770 a rY T?Aya 1 Q=, ...o�.,.......� priC,rity Ro. Project Title, Deacrzpt4ou, and Locatio Creekside Park Indicate 4htther thew; X Replacewtar+r-J or Addition. X Project Justik. .tion: Development of the three acre Creekside Neighborhood Park at the Souther.~n terminus of previously 15:ompleted trail project anc further development of the confluence rest area. Has this projoct been scheduled in as prior C.l.p.? other projects car fa:9cbore directly xeiated to this project � Indicate fiecal ycaer projse:t shvuld be: Started- '88-'89 Czsplated '88-`89 e Eatt'�ted Pro,�jct Costs Amunt Uug%eated Financing Anoulat I Design ana, Ccnstruction $300,01910 RCPDF $300,000 j 'I I J Funds avail:!: Ie x4d/or Abount required first gear $3ti,a,100t already expanded Amount required subs uent Years Y0� S laenc.^ 4equirsd TOTS Ra:co e,tded By: Divis oar fftaE For caajer a Us: equePsted -y (Department H;&d) -242- i E7 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Services Feand - I Division Dept 20�-4532-8806 nt Priority No. Project Title, Deacription, and Location: Red H_ .1 / Heritage Balltield Shielding Indicate whethoe New: X Replacement: ®r �9ait$ono Prerject Justification: . 'lesiq% Engineerin(I and installation of shielding on sports fiela lighting fi<ttures. Haz this project bemn, v--h*duled In a prior C.I.P � aes X o Other projects or factors directly gee'Atmd to this project: lredicate ,fiscal year project should be: Started 187-a 88 conget04 ' 88-r 8;a Estimated Project Costs Amunt Suggested Financing Amount Design and- Install $50,000 RCPD • $50,000 Funds available and/car `uot Q4u1ra4 first year already expended $50,000 Amount squired subsequent years,' Civis Required TOTAL Keco&ztndad By: I �Q 0 .. oft idea for Pltaa�eRr • se" K4Iquested By: (Department Read) -243- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Services FunT—�` �~ division Dept ZQ--4532 -8807 Park Development Pri�ritr %se Project Utle, Lescription, and Locations Red Hill / Heritage Slope Planting MIR Indicate whether New: X Replacements, or 44d&eiov Project Justifications Rework of slopo plantinns to imp�:ove aesthetics and enhance buffering of surrounding residence. 22 Has this project been scheduled is a prior v,.t.P., eC X tea Other projects or factors dlrpr,rly Talatedto this project.- Indicate fiscal pear project should be: Started, 189 Completed .,,.9.�. stiiaeeed Project meta Amount 6 4gested Fiusncius; Amount Design and Install - ssor000 RCPDP' Funds eveeiM10 acedleer A "unt required first year $$D r 011D is niready expended - ourit required eubcoequent year$ �$n �t RequiredTOTAL $5 0,000 ccoo ended Y: D v as ore Hei For der �� 1 lte(jue;sitcd II}�: (Dapertmeent Headi �244- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Services Fund e -42- P80Division P priority No. Protect Title, Description, and Location; Neigh`aorhood Park Land Acquisition Indicate whether Now X ;� Replac ewnt: or addition! Projact justification! Purchase of General Plan designa ,ed land fn a Neighborhood Par"- Arei of target will be the Northwest and. Southwest portions of the community approaching ruildcut. Has this project boon scheduled in a ,prior G.I.P.? Pee No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started—„a 8-`82 les".ad Eptisiated Project Costs Amount Su nested FininclaS Amount Initia- Acquisition Total Cost Unk=--i RCPDF -$889,000 r;.: ds available and/or Amount required first, year $8 8 9,0 0:0 already expanded Y Amount requiried subsequent years $8 89 ,000 Balance a Required TOTAL CII9 Redommond+ed By Division N"93 , for P.Ma xer Is see: Requested by: (Department Read -245- w I i 1 �i i i �I I � � f b i _ -� I i ,i `i , I !ti O ! 10 O C l i Ila D ! 1 t O'S� f0 Ia„I 0 0 l0 G L'S I o I n I- f O O a 1 0 O 1 I L Lo o 1 1 I CIO 10 G1 O oil E f«? 1 o a s ...W i a o I o 0 1 !o a 1 d i ►0 o Y t 1 00 =o EGy o0 0D �o .p. u> ! .. 1 ! t .. '� 1 t I I w w I 1 1 ,. .� w w ... In z Fs a fn m I 1v ti t N O i I' i 1.r N I 1 ! I-av I� tIn o N g c Q a a N O= I W N i 1 N I I «+ `t I 'rrT" 1 m I i t «n 1 t� � I-tt% P.o �4 tD x11 1 1 1 ! f 11 It t i f I I i { I 1 1 MAC I I- .r 1 i o a ! t o O t '1 I I D D I t { 0 0 1 O 1'G rc7 O 00 j9 C� 00 L7- x 1 .O I-- I !O O a 10 O 1 t +t' 10 0 1 1 1 00 10 10 1:3O OO � IO 00 z u 1 O a7 t 1 O 1 60 O 1' a 1 i0 O a t 1 O O 10 ►D O 00 1 v f7 E 3: 1 to O t I Cr { i w - 1 11 I r r I I I I I . -. r i s . I 1a- N I IN O 1 1 1 1 W N I I t ti N 1 to I fn O N In 0 1 O O Pet < r 1. W N. T I N ( a +i i 11 { m 1 I 1: .8 i I.-t ..a I-LtN 10 .-I U I- I t 1.-+ 1 11. 1 ! I v' 1 1 I 1 ] N I •O D tI I L1I.) .1 i 1 a i `-co i In. toO r-"a MM Oo a%O 00 --ID MIn 00 xL.r 00, 00 00 00 00 o0 in to 1 cn N r`to .n 0- I•I D tt1 0 Do, J\ I lt1 J" N.Irl tt.:til 7- W D lO CO J- <O 1 O I.1 1 a S O -f In: - cr. O M.r Ri N U 10 1 -r a 1 . LL.1- 1 n 00 'OO OO 00 00 00 no c:O 00 no on oa OO On On co '1 IM 0 a 1 I 1 1 1 Lao 1-.•1 N O 00 W O 00 o. r '0 1'. O I'. v-o :),o -4-, C"` o o N•r 0 0 W 1 N N I` .0 N-r o IV .r d- r N O •-I 'II b .r o W-I fV fu +II` +o .r-. �I-N N l•f O CT W N. I•s to --e.+f- .0 I+1 0�L� _ 0 O 1 0 to,y 0• tT•^+ tt:�I.S O I•f.t[� .� u� iT t+ f` a O P-�+� to 1 !- N �t-.i �•1� N 11�N Q`a 9 .T f?t W e-'Y -I I t aL I O OO 00 .0 t- .4 N� NO r-0 OO DO OO OO OO 0o OO 00 OD J: t .r m W 0• O.'N. .gyp o 0) W M 1 o I r%OU I , < i 5 r I r- W� 1 O OO 0,0 ma- O- No Ott Oa OO Oa OO OO 00 co OO 00 OO 43.0 4 1 ^ to W t*1 Ir co , tR t-) 1 W N. Ir`M C; ZC7 N N coQiu en tz 1 I- M. u t-•t+t Z \0.. D W I= n.o: W: -4 N O-_ a i a n < .". zo o z W =I- �r xz sc� �..4 1 W 1 6 0. 2 U< "n t..l O. D • x1 -j-.1 J t-I uj I" Z s.t ir. .t Lu I E r F 4 W: W 1_M tz M W J I-+.t� :? 1--� r�i IW-W " I� 1 W t-J LL m o <w W to ax LL M 6 -7 t-• a /..L I- 4 z 1 w �.> 1 1 J 1-- . .J • 1-- . .. I-I z z: S I-x Q I- I.-CO ow -C< 4-4 u --4 Ti.. z t.) fr 1 z o .y 1- ►+W a W a u.> > m I- Z a =a o 1-W CO In J.-+ W I 7a Ln N 1 O.w U.z m> C> > I-+ J 0C '0. W o- I.-la .1 F- w ti•O. U. .Q,.4 A-O z z S 1 1d r W-4 <-C W.%, J: H W W J 0 S�aC. tY W <.VI • S S Y-M -O.u 4\ << An 1 r-d 2-C ri W In >> >-C U 1.1 O VI O\ 0 7 U,tY LA Q- =3 I-+*4 -+z o ¢-C a3 z� zm I.•r aW szW Wa a ,' 1 0Q < W J J W L z O • W 'a OC <a c S.. 3.c -[',V. W W aJ.1 W J. m< Q M O W IC 1•- <F�- m ti I-� W <:Z z 1 < W-1 d J li t0 w to .n 0 Z W U, WI kn x's M a am 0 t-a I-f -1 00 M us J'I-I x z o tom, -C 1.a r O W .G u ! N J J 2 Z 1 1-5 z.•4 W z' W x t-• W S S-A 3 J O<S S S U W: O:Y' S �;.x =W W W W W k-I 1 =(D Ir.W W"- •C u C >M W-C M J H F- =U H> O h- Y-H 1-•,F U O to to >> W MU.> o u m< U- x x S O W.Z W+-1 S to ]C S U .�1 w•E�. E m M W S.S 1 m ►- is O 0- 0 1-LI\ .6 f-- W.•I U%M. .r W Q`O -f N I*►Ir to W .0 r- W� 0.4 N MIi1 z ( D om .0.r .rM Mto MO -IN IV14 .tN NN NN NI- WM 019 0`0` a,aT PQ- 0 1 -+ 0.0` 0,0 0- -,-4 -I.0 .0 b +•0 e- 1-t- 1-1- h-t- I-t- t-f- 1`-t-- r-'t.- t-T- t-r- . ..m to W W W ow ow m,m tII m W o7 00 W m W W WO WO w III 00 =m I;a I ti ti N r`t- r-r- ti 1'- h-r r-•t- t•!� t-t- t•-I-. r-,t- I.-r- I.-r- r-t-� p-.�- r-1- ;I.-r- 1 .r w.r it'.r .r� r r -r.r .r r .-•r .�.a .r+.- .1•y- •r•t- s T' .r w �?' .r v' r.r 1 .0 .0 f0 .0.0 .0.0 .0.0 0 �0 '0.0 .0•0 n0,0 .0.0 .0 .0.%D 1.0 •D .0.0 •D.0- 0 .0 .0•0 r .r.r •r.r r-r .r .r .r w .r r -r v 4-4- .r:.r �r•r .r.r .r.r .r.r .r.r 1r-r r r fll1 F N N.N. "q.w 04..4 -0.4 ..4 -1 -1-/. i .4 -4.4 .4.-4 .-4.A .4.-F 4.4 -f .-f rq•-e .r:+-I IV N fV M N N N N N N. N N N N N N.. N N N N N N N N N N fV N fV/Y -246- 1 / 1 1 r t i M zo r 1 �.N as OO cv LL1 G C... 1 I N .y. tz �j fL i is N a Q , 1 1 r 1 z i i o0 00 0Q �+ Z— t9 1, 1 O F O O llic N 00 00 Ln N 1 t r CS 00 O.O O.Q N _ vt m t o t 1 u.�- 1 o an oO o0 0 1 v� 1 Qi 1 1 U. i o 00 00 00LU m O J 1 _ y m 1 14 1.. co1-4 1 a. w t O i 1 + / 0 00 00 00 .4 w w 1 N � t a t U.J 1 O: 00 00 0 0 �+t to 1 W: . co < i V ,i- ► z Q co 1 z 1 h— W z S.Z Q •'1 1 z =:J Qco Ln co r co I Q z .r co o Q 1 h." 1 1 W. H Q W. 1 z S 0 —1 ca W M-O ca cl 1 ►1> W W \..z az cr 3 i W Y i^7 H N rr 1 H W 1-4 O` a' i M 1— J m 111.W W.C.. I— :1 LU L t cD >to col A to r rp LU i a~i m ar ca. 1•a to = .ter v- :°�-° a AM m 1 N n1 N Ivr IV N 1N -247 I _ r I t 1 C N W t W c0 p tV N co 5'Y.. t Mr ram• N - a } 1 t 1 1 �7 1 tit ttCi q 7-a 1 r t en Ln r-t 1 tV • r r o a� t m to m vt a� t m m zft UN a o 1 7r 1 1 LL.Vi 1 ti7 q O iX o ti a { >. t W fn I m r r _ co a I q CJ N i .n a» w max m t.r �o I 1 ,d 1 r w r o o .r abil -4 s a pff �� ir a' rw CO a. �- M vt b7 1 fY. #to iH a cb f � D 1 . ii m z 100 U.La 1 M N uj i ~ #_ 1 {'' it o F a a 1 iT m t tv -Z48- f PROGRAM Pt?SrrION1SALARY SC HEDULE Position Position uo_a ApproRriations Classification Current Dept. Mgr Dept. Mgr, Title Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Adopted Rcmd. Rcmd. Adopted Office Asst. 13%d 4% 4% 4Z 747 147 747 Office Asst, 3% 4%' 4% 49 724 724 724 Landscape Designe 40% 80% 807. 807 24,576 24,576 24,576 Traffic Engineer 0% 3% 37 37' 1,363 1>363 1,363 Assoc. Civil Egg. 0% 5% 5% 2,103 2,103 2,103 Eng. Tech. 0% > 8% 87. 87 1,797 1,797 1,797 Sr Civil Eng. 12% 10% 107, 109 4,908 4,908 4,308 Assoc. Civil Eng. 13% 11% 117 11% 4,467 4,467 4,467 Assoc. Civil Eng. 13% 11% 117 117 4,580 4,580 4,580 Assoc. Civil Eng. 13% 11 pz 117. 11% 4,229 `+,229 4,229, Asst. Civil Eng. 13% 11% 117. 11% 3,395 3,335 3,395 Jr. Civil Eng. 13% 11'% 117- 119 2,998 2,998 2,988 $ � 13% 11% 11% 11� 2,5fi7 ,567 2,567 Eng. Tech. 13%, 11% 2 Eng. Aide 2,505 2°,505 2,505 Public Works. Eng. 7% 6%i 6% 6% 2,726 2,726 2,726 Sr. P.W. Insp. 15% 11% 11% 11% 4,104 4,104 4,104 Jr, Civil Eng. 12% 9% 9% 9% t 2,170 2,170 2,170 P.W. Insp. 15% 11% 11% 11Z 3,641 3,641 3,641 P.W. Insp. 15% 11% 11% 11% 3,279 3,279 3,279 P.W. Insp. 3% 2% 27, 2% 568 568 568 SUBTOTAL (21-4637-110p� j Merit � 5% ` 7 3 472 73;�72 73; 7 TOTAL 872 $1,319 V E j i I --249- f L, PROGR AM Fi3SITIONISALAIYYSCHEDULE a Position PoSi,tion Ouota -Appropriations Classification Current Dept. Mgr, Dept. Mgr Title Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Ado ted Rand. 22cmd. Adopted Office Asst. 11% 11% 11% 1,665 1,665 1,665 SUBTOTAL (21-4637-1 00) I,6t S 1,665 Merit (a_) Sao , 5 1,665 TOTAL 1,748 83 83 1,748 1,748 1 7 8 {I —250- COST CENMM DErAIL wO ItKSi-IEET Department/Division Program.i; Account .Number. C.D.{En ineerin Beautification 2I- 4647 Object No. iDescription of Items & Individu�al�Dollar Amounts Bud et II110 Re ular Payroll ud 06 19Q0 ---Fringe Benefits 29,074 r f f ff t a —25�.- CA Prl"AL UVIPROvENmNT PmEar REQUEST Department.- Community Development Fund: Division., Engineering Beautification Priority No. �...--.. .., I BT 88.01. Project Title* Description, and Locatiottt Haven Avenue Median Improvements, Pease I - Arrow Route to I9th Street Indicate whether.- 0 New Replacement O* .Addition Project Justification: Median improvements P from Arrow Route to 19t1x Street Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No yes Other projects or r directly rotated to this project; Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 86/87 Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Finana:.ag Amount Design Lost Beautification $ 5,000 Construction Cost Administration Cost $, 5,000 ; I I Total Cost $ y1000 Funds available and/or already expended Amount required first year $ �•-0. Amount requ red subsequent years so Balance Required S 5,1000 TTI'AL S 5.000 l ti` f CAPUAL IMPROVEMENT PROJ13C7 REQUEST nrps.rtment: Community Development EFu ;Division: Engineering Priority Info. tification _BT $3-02 Project Title. Description, and Location: Haven Avenue Median Improvements, Phase II - 4th Street to Arrow Route Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement O Addition l Projec: austiiication: Median improvements from 4th Street to Arrow Route f f Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.F? 0 No OW yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started S 6/8 7 Completed; g 8/j 9 Estimated Project Costs Amr,unt - - -�- , Suggested Financing Amount 1 Design Cost Construction Cost Beautification i $ 5,000 i Administration Cost $. * i' i Total Cost S 5,004 Funds available and/or Amount require first d fi year already expended S 5,000 Amount required subsequent yezrs g IlI - i Valance Required q S .5,000 TQTAL, 5,000 J ' 1 —253- l CAF"rAL IhVRQVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST ! Department: Community Developmew Fund: j Division; engineering rir,�ry No. bT 88.03 Beautification P � 1 Project Title, Description, and Lowdon: Haven Avenue Median Improvements, Phase III - South of Lemon to West of Wilson Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement �_. Addition Project Justification: Median improvements front south. of Lemuic, to north of Wilson 1 i c Has this project been scheduled in a prieir C.I.P.? 0 No Yes o w. —. .. I Oth-r projects or factors directly related to this project: Indieai;e fiscal year project should be., St=—.Al &6/8 Completed 88189 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financins amount Design Cost BBautficatiota S 6f0,400 Construction Cost $ 159,500 Administratica Cost 5019QU rt total Cost S 610,400 Rands available and/or i _ Amount required fast yearalready ek en ad $ 6j0;400 Amount required subsequent years so Balance Required S 610,400 TOTAL S 610,400 -254- CAPITA,IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST 1 Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Priority No. & Beautification BT 88-04 Project. Title, Description, and Loc;,t ca: Haven Avenue Median Improvements: Phase 1V - 19th Street to SSeth of Lemon Avenue Indicate whether 0 New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Median improvements from 19th St. to south of Lemon, Dependent ou Stara Rte 30 transfer to 19th .street East of Haven Avenue Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No 00 Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should F. : Started. 96/97 Completed 89/90 Es 'mated Project Costs Amount SugSeste$ Financing Amount Design Cost $ 2n}per Beautification S 2,000 Construction Cost $ 160,O00 Administration Cost 3 20,0+J Total Cost $ 200,000 Funds available and/or Amount required first year S 2,000 already expended Amount req,*!sod subsequent years S 1981400 Balance Required S 200,000 ETeAL S 200,00 ' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST", Department. community Development Fund': a Division•. Engineering Prior,ty No. BeautificationF � -$8-05 Project Title, Description, and Location: Haven Avenue Parkwa? Beautification Study, South of Center Line to North of Center Line Indicate whether; 0 New 0 ;ment iZe lac p (,�Addition Project. 7uL cification:' Invertory of %isting cond.iions and development of design guidelines I Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No @ Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 007/88 r Completed S 8,8 Estimated Project. Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost � I! Beaus` "cation S 2,000 Construction Cost. } Administration Cost Total Cost S 21000 Funds available and/or a already expended � mtaunt required first year S 2,000 Amount required subsequent years so Balance Required S 2,000 TOTAi. S 2,000 256 CAPITAL HVIPROVEINENT PROJECT REQ UEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Priority No, Beath., Ll # I BT 8$-06 Project Title, Description, and Location; .- Haven Avenue Gateway Entry Monument at Fourth Street Indicate whether: New 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification For city identity, monument walls with appropriate landscaping. to .be installed. Has this psjjc%, been schMuled in a prior C.I,P.? 0 No yes: Other projects or factors dh\,ctly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project s�wv.d bet Started. 87/88` Completed- 88i89 Estimated Project Amount Suggested Financing Amount .Design Cost S 20,00iP Beaut. & LMD'# 1 S 199,000 Construction Cost $ 170,000 Administration Cost L.M.D. #1 $ 111,000 � S 10,000 . I I I I Total Cost S 209,000 Funds available and/or Amount required first already expended $ year. S 209,000 Amount required subsequent years $ Q Balance Required S 209,000 TOTAL [7$ 09,000 CAPITAL IN' TROVLNiENT PROJECT P EQIJE3T Department: Community Development Funds Division:: Engineering Priority, No. Beautification BT 88i-J7 Project Title, Description, and Location: Archibald Avenue Parkway Beautification Study, Southern City Limits to Northern City Limits Indicate whether, 0 New 0 Replacement p @ Addition: Project Justification: Inventory of existing conditions and develop aNgn guidelines Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I. ? 0 NTa � Yes t7ther projects or factors directly related to this project; Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87I88 Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amours: Design Cost Beautification S 2,000 Construction Cost Administration Cost S 2,000 Total Cost S 2,000 Funds available and/or , A already :xpended $p mount required first year 2,0W. Amount required subsequent years so Balance Required S 27.000 TOTAL Li 25$— _ CAPITAL IlN1PROVEMENT P.RGJECT REQUEST Department:. Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Priority No, Beautification BT $$-08' Project Title, Description, and Location: Archibald Avenue Parkway Beautification Improvers, its Foothill ,Blvd to Base Line Road Indicat, whether: 0 New 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification: ;t nclud n wall & fenc g e treatment, irrigation, and landscaping Beautification of barren p&rkway Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I;P.? 0 No yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project; Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost g 15,000 Beautification S 275,000 Construction Cost S-230,000 I Administration Cost S 30,000 Total Cost 5 275,000 Funds available and/or already expended S 0 Amount required first year 5 275,000 Amount required subsequent years so Balance Required S 275,0001 75,000 'TOTAL S 275,000 —259— CAPiTA.L MPROVEV,ENT PROJECT REQUEST Department* Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Priority No. Beautification BT 88-09 Project Title, Description, and Location: Archibald Avenue Gateway Entry Monument @ Fourth Street Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement Addition t n Project Justification: For City identity, monument walls with appropriate landscaping to be installed.P 8 ailed, Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I,P.? 0 No yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 86187 Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost Beautification S ,51000 Construction. Cost Administration Cost S 51000 Total Cost S 51000 : ' hands available and/or 1� Amount required first year S 5.000 already expended Amount required subsequent years so Balance Required S 51000 TOTAL S 51000 —260- CAPITAL NPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund. - Division: Engineering Priority Vo. Beautification BT 88-10 Project Title, Description, and. Location: :Milliken avenue Parkway and Median-Beautification Study - SoualeM City Unit to Northern City Limit I Indicate whether: 0 :Yew0 Replacement Addition Project Justification: Inventory of existing conditions and development of design guidelines. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I,P.? 0 No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/813 Completed 88/89 Estimated project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost Beautification S 2,000 Construction. Cost FM Administration Cost S 2,000 Total Cost, S 2,000' Funds available and/or already expended Amount required first yeat 5' 2.000 Amount required subsequent years so Balance Required S 2,000 TOTAL S 2,000 -261- i CAPITAL IM nROVE MINT PROJECT REQUEST -- '-. .............. Fpartment: Community Developn4enti Fund Division: Engineering: Priority No. Beaut. & L,4ID # 1 BT 88-11 Project Title, Description, and Location: Milliken Avenue Gateway Entry Monument @ Fourth. Street Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement p .meat, Addition Project Justification: For City identity, maaument walls with appropriate landscaping to be installed. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 Na !! yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be Started 8 7/8 8Completed 8 815 9 Estimated Project Costs Amount f Suggested Financing Amo° It � Design .Cost 5 20,000 Beaus. & LMD ; I S 199,000 Construction Cost S 170,000 f L.M.D. I Administration Cost S 19,000 5 10,000 Total Cost S 209,000 Funds available and/or Amount required first year already expended S 0' S 209,000 } Amount required subsequent years Balance Required S 209.000 `ITTAI. 5 209,000 —262- CAPITAL 31PR.OVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department:. Community Devej�,pment Fund; Division: Engir,rti► Beautification Priority so. BT 83'-1k Project Title, Description, and Location:: Baseline Parkway Beautification. Study — West City Limit to Haven Indicate whether, Q New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: To detrem ne beautificatian needs along Basethat Rd. Has this project. been scheduled in a prior CIP. ? O No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Corlpleted 88/89 Estimated Protect Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S Beautification S 21000 Construction Cost so Administration Cost S 2,000 i r Total Cost S 21400' I Funds available and/or i already expended So Amount equieeel first year Z 2,000 f. F E Amount required subsequent years so 1c Balance Required S 2,000 TOTAL S 2,000 -263— C�t'IT�►L LMPRO VENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department; Cor munity Development Fund. Division: Engineering Priority No. Beautification BT 88-13 Project Title, Description. and Location: Baseline Road Parkway Beautification.improvements West City Limits to Carnelian. Indicate whether, 0 New 0 Replacement p meet @ Addition Project Justification: Parkway wall reconstruction, l ghtin , and lan sc for Baseline ;Road g d aping to aCcordatt4e withthe Landscape Master Plan Has this project been scheduled in a prior (UP,? 0 No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this projt:t; Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 88/89' Estimated project Casts Atnautti ISuggested Financing Amount Design. Cast S 3,400 Beautification S 60,000 Construction Cost C SSln00 ME Administration Cost S 5.000 i i Total Cost S 63,400 { Funds available and/or Amount required first already expended S 3.400 year S 60,000 Amount required subsequent years g (` E Balance Required S 60,000 TOTAL S 60,0G0 pp —264— r CAPITAL LNIPROVE:4MNT PROJECT REQUE—ST Department: Community Development Fund; Division: Bngineer(.tg Priority No. Beautification BT SS-1.4 Project Title, Descrcpti+.a. and Location: Base Line Road Pa-kway Beautificatiotr Improvements Hellman Avenue to Archibald Avenue indie� _ whether: 4 Sew Replacement Q Addition Proj^ct. Justification: Parkway landscaping in accordance with the Landscape Master P-'an for Baseline Toad, Flas thi.: project been scheduled in a prior CJX,? 0 No Ye Otter projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Cor.:pteted $8I89 ., Estimated PcajRct Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost 5 5,700 Beautification S 50,000 Con truction Cost S 45.000 Administration Cost S 5.000 f Total Cast S 5S.;100 Funds available and/or , Amount required first year . .: r0 already exile„ded S S 50.000 .amount required subsequent years $ 0 L4-alanccuired S 50.000 TOTAL - S 50.11)i19 1 f CAPITAL. IMPRCVENfENT PROJECT R.EQUST Department: Community Development Fund: Division; Engineering Priority No. _ Beautification ST -A Project Title, Description, Location: 19th Street pa.;crc•ay Beautification Study - West City Limits to East of Haver. Avenue Indicate whether: 0sew Replacement (9)Addition Project Iustification: -- fnv,ntory existing conditions at J develop design guidelines. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.x.P.7 0 No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this projects Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 8 7/8 8 Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount ---a- Suggested Financing Amount Design Ort�t Beautification S 2.000 Construc:tiort Cost p �l :administration Cost S 2,00 'petal east S ----------------- Fonds available and/or _"' �.. already e+cpcnded Amount required first year Amount required subsequent years it B.tlancc Required :.OliO TOTAL. —266— C,kPITAL EVAPROVENW.N T pRoj;CTREQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: v®~� Engineering Priority No. �—L— BT' 88-16 _ 'Title, Description, and Location:treet Parkway 3eautification Improvements - West City Limas to Carnelian Street Indicate whether: O New Q Replacement ao O Addition Project Justification.- Complete 16eeutification of parkways per the 19th Street Beautification Study, in conjuct ru with street 6 improvements. Has this ' / project been 'schedw,d in a prior C.LP.? 0 No yes Other project` or factors d:recxly related to this project: 19th St. Street Improvements Indicate fiscal year project should be: a.'nrr°;d 88/89 Completed 89/89 :.. Estimated Project Costs , , g Suggest-1 Financing Amount Design Cost S 10,000 Eeautfaca4:iOn $ 10.00f Construction Cast $ 1I0,000 Administration Cost 10,00(} l Total Crs,; S 130,000 _ 1 Funds available and/ur S 0 7imoustt required first ^ar already expended $ '!01000 i Amount require subrQquene EF years $ 120,000 k *` laa...r=ce Required S 130,000 TOTAL S 1301000 —J -;b7= ���+ �tom. . - CAPITAL IhPROVEME i PRO.TEC�'.`REQ rt-ST Department: Community Development - Division: y Engineering Beautification Priority No. 13T 53-17 Project Title, Description, and Location: := 19th Street Parkway Beaux':rlcaiOn Improvements - Hermosa: Avenue to Haven Avenue Indicate whether: 0 Replacement (9)Addition Project Justification; Beautification Of parkways per the 19th St. Ileautifcatit n swd i improvements y =n conjuction with, street Has this prb ,t b 4 scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 01'o Yes Other projects or factors directly related to tJhir, project: 19th St Street. Improvements Indict--` fiscal year project should he: Starred 8 818 9 Completed 83<90 Estimated Project Coats Amount Suggested Financing AmountDeign Cost S l3,(3�0 Beautification $ 13,000 Construction Cost 143.000 Administration Cost $>13,0M Total Cost S 169,000 Funds available 'an,,ar $ 4 Amount required first year already expended S 130000 Amount required subsequent years S 156,000 Balarie Required $ 169,000 TOTAL S 169,VO4 —268— CAPITAL RAPROvE1VIENT P omcr REQUEST Department: C'om*.:unity Development Fund: Division: Engineering Priority No Beaut. LMTD # 1 BT 88,18 Project Title, Description, and Location: i9th Street. Standard Entry Monument z at West City Limits Indicate whether: 0 Now 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification: For City identity, wall monument with appropriate landscaping p g to be :installed. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.F.? 0 is 07 Yes Other projects or factort directly related to this project; ladicate fiscal year Project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Casty Amount � 96sted Financing Amount Design Cost BesuL &INM tt 1 S 14,500 Construction Cost 150 00 Administration Cost 8 11500 L.M.D. #1 S 2,000 Total Cost $ 16400 , Funds available end/or ulready expended S 0 Amount required first year $ 16,500 Amount repo.,ed subsequent years so Ba lance e Required $ 16O sD -269- C"ITAL LWROV EWtNT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund; Division: Engineering Seaut. &LMD #1 T�BT riority S+No. 88-T9 Project Tilde. Description, and Location: VinCyard Avenue Standard Entry Monument Indicate whether: O New 0 Replacement Addition Project 3ustification: For City identity, monument wall with apprc ri$,> landsc aping caping to be installed'. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 Na yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: started S 7J8 8 Completed $8J8 9 EstimatAfi Project Costa Amount %I Suggested Financing Amount Dssisa Cost Beata. dt LUD #1 $ 14.500 Construction Cost S 15,t)00 Administration Cost s, 1,500 L•MM. #1 $ 2,000 Total Cost S 16,500 Funds and/or expended d g 0 AMount required first year S 16,500 Amount required subsequent yearn 0 Balance: Required $ 16,500 TOTAL Np } 1.6, G0 i —270— _ ~ is i CAPITAL DAPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Priority No. Beautification BT 88-20 Project Title, Desciript on, and Location: Carnelian street East Side Parkway Beautification Improvements Vineyard Avenue to Base Dine Road Indicate whether: o New 0 Replacement F Addition Project Justification: Beautification of barren parkways. and relandscaping of existing ):rear Has this project been scheduled in a prior C1.1.? 0 No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project:' Indicate fiscal year project should be: Stared 87/98 a - Completed 8 8/8 9 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount- Design Cost. S 14,500 Beautification S 129,000 Construction Cost 117,000 Administration Cost $ 12,000 - 1 i Total Cost S 143,508 Funds available and/or already expended S 14.500 Amount required first year S 129,000 Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required S 129,00€1 TOTAL $ 129,000 —271- CrREQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Diaision: Engineering Beautification Priority No. BT 88-21 Project Title. Description, and Location: 6th Street Median Beautir-cation Study - Haven to of Rochester Indicate whether: ONew 0 Replacement 90 Addition Project Justification: Inventory of existing conditions and development of design guidelines. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.F.? 0 No 0 9'cs Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project. should be: Started 97188 Cotnpleted 88/89 Estimated Project Costa Amount Sugge`ted Financing Amount Design Cost .. Beautification $ 2,000 Construction Cost Administration. Cost S Z000 ME of Total Cost C . I!� S 2,000 Funds available and/or Amount required #"uat y already expended $ Z000 i Amount required subsequent yearn S Balance Required S 2,000 TOTAL S 2 000 -272- +CAPI`FAL,Ai'PR0 VEMENT PR0,TC'T REQUEST Department., Community Development Fund; Division. Engineering1 ::1 Priority No. Beautification BT 88-22 Project Title, Description, and Location: Rochester East Side Parkway Beautification Improvement - Foothill Blvd to Base Lime Road Indicate whether* O New 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification; Beautification of Marren parkways; includes landscaping & irrigation with possible wall improvements. Dependent on annexations to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.LP 7 0 No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project Should, be: Started 88I99 Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Costs A►n:ottnt Suggested Financing Amount Design Cast S 14,000 Beautification $ 6 :oi;structton Cost S 140.000 { r Administration Cost 24,0 h i I, f Gt f E Total Cost S 168,000 Funds available Mdlnr Amount required first year S already expended Amount required subsequent gears' $ '168,000 Balance Required $ 168,000 TOTAL S I68,000 273— CAPUAL ZVRO'VEMENTPROJECrREQUEST Department: Community Development Fund Division Engineering Beautification Priority No. RT 88-23 Project Title, Description, and Location: Monte Vista Median Improvements, Bast of Eastwoosi Indicate whither: O New 0 Replacement Addition VM .Project Justification: Beautification of paved medians, including landscape and irrigation. Landscape Wa ntanence District No. l �t on. Dependent on amuexation to Has this Project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? Na Q yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project; Indicate fiscal year project should be: Steated, 8 8/89 Comp:eted 8 8/8 9 t Estimated Project Costs Amount suggestod Financing Amount Design Cost3 11500 Beautification Construction Cost c,€ Q Administration Cost 8 i i J f i Total Cost S 6 ' r Fiends available and/or Atneuttt required first year already expended $ Q $ 0 Amount required subsequent years $ 6,000 Balance Required: $ 6,000 TOTAL S 61000 w234.. r CAPITAL HVIPROVEA4ENT pRojFCT REQUEST Department Community Development E13eauti Division: Engineering fication Priority No. —:1 BT 88-24, Project Title, Description, and Location: �r& Trail Retrgfit South of Marble to Banyon Sapphire Street Landscape Indicate whether. 0 New 0 Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: - - Upgrade of trails ., includes landscaping, irrigation, fence work*, and miscellaneous. Has this project been f^rheduled in a prior, C.I.F.? No Yes Other projects or factors directly, related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 8 7/8 8 Completed 8 8/89 Estimated Project Coats Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost Construction Cost Beautification $ 21000 : i Administration Cast $ 2000 Total. Coat $ 2,000 Funds available and/or already expended Amount required first year S 2.000 Amount required stabsequent years so Balance Required S 2,000 'TOTAL $ 2,000 -275 CA.MAL 1WROVENWAT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Zommunity Development Fun,s� Dvision: Engineering Priority No. Beautification BT 88-26 Project Title, Description, and Location: vineyard Avenue / Carnelian Avenue Parkway Beautification Study. Southern i City Limits City Limits to Northern r ate whether: @New ReplacementAddition t Justification: entory of existing conditions and development of design guidelines. Has this 1 ro'ect been A scheduled in a :prior C.I.P.2 No 0 Xt:a Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88189 Completed 8 /89 Estimated Project Costs Amount St�g$este4 Financing Amount Design Cost. $ 20,000 BeautificationS 70,OOQ Construction Cost Administration Cost 1 i 1 i i i Total Cost S 20, 0 Funds available and/or already expanded Amount required first year xQ.t� M Amount required subsequent yews so Balance. Rb,aired S 20,000 TOTAL $ 24,000 -276— VITAL M PRpVEMENI PROJ7ECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: 4 Division: Engineering _ Beautification Priority No. Project Title, Description, and Location Baseline Road Parkway and Median Beautification Study Haven Aymue to Eastern City Lim°•s indie$ta wIzether: @)New 0 Replacement 0 Additiou Project tustification: Inventory of existing conditions and development of design guidelines. Hel this project been scheduled in a prior c..I.l'.? No 0 Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project; Indicate fiscal year project shoWd be: Started 89!89 completed 88/899 Estimated. Project costs Amount +••....ad..®,�,. """ Suggested Financing. Amount Design Cost S 20,00G Construction Cost Beautification S 20,000 Administration Cost Total Cost S 20►006 Funds available andibrtbunt required First year already expended S 20,000 Amount required subsequent years' S Balance Required S 20f W TOTAL S 20,000 —277— CAPUAL,&WRC REQUEST Department; Community Development Fuad: Division. Engineering Beautification kriority No. ST 88-28 'roject Title, Description, and. Location; Arrow Route Parkway Besudfication, Study, - Western City Limits to Haven ,__aue Indicate whether: @ New 0 l Ise acement p Q Addition Project J%stification: Ioventory of existing cop c.,:ons and development of design guiu'`elane8. Has this project bees scheduled in it prior CJ.p!.? @ No 0 yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project; Sq/90 Arrow Route Beautification Indicate fiscal y*ar project should b . Starto 88189 Cort;pleted 89/89 Estimated Project Costa Amount Suggested Pinaaci6 Attzaunt Design Cost S 20►000 Beautificatiot< sU Construction Cost Administration Cost f f Total Cost S 20,000 g Funds available and/or S Amount required first year S,0 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 20,000 Balance Required 20,000 TOTAL S 20,000 —278 CA.PUA.L ZVR OVA P Ecr REQuisT Department: Community Development Fund: Division; Engineering Beautification Priority Ne), RT 8-2q Project Title, Description, add Location: Church Street Parkway Beautification Study Henman {'lvenue to Haven Avenue Indicate whether, @ New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Inventory of ex31 .;9 conditions and development of design guidelines. Has this project been scheduled in P ] apros C.II�.'I No yes projects or factors directly related to 'this project: Church Street widening in F.Y. 89/g8 Indicate fiscal year Project aopulti be: Sarted 88{'$9 Completed 88/g9 Estimated Project Costar Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 15,000 beautification so Construction Cost Administration Co%t. t { Total Cost S 15,000 Funds available and/or already expended r 0 Amount required first year so Amount required subsequent years $ 15,000 t Balance Required S 15,000 TOTAL S 15,000 —279— S AL:VR€ VENWNT PROJECT REQUEST �,. Department Community Dtveiopsszetst l�>xssd. � j � �r.,,.., �mv,stanw Eng,tIlt' fts 13L'ssutifi' +tiamt Priority ``;,� Project Title, bescriptxon, and Locat on- bMillikAn Avenue Midi,.n tmprovemenI4- 4th Sect to 6th Street Indicate whether; New Replacement Addition - proect Be #�c �' cxistiaS barren mnedi from g� �t�. �olndes laudscap�ing one! irrigation per Miautiliikert Aveatiomtrt�ua Rtautificatmon Study. Has this project beest scheduled in a prior C,I;P.? 0 noYa+t F t$ or fac,Ira directl r xelxrad to this project-- Ind' ye' project should Started SSJ$ r Project Costs Completed SSJ#9 ,.,�.< �.w tentAmtauna 20.E 2U45.Cost Adroinistratioa Cost 20,000 'Fatal Cost S ?4S,tlt Funds Available and/or already expended Amount rerlurtd first yea 24 , 0do Amounts t�r�sl sub2equent years so Bxliu tt Re4ttired 1 - - 0- all CFMAL RaROVENIENT PROJECT T REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund; __ Division: Engineering Beautification Priority No. .�. ..._. ST 88=1 Project Title, Description, and Location: 6111 Street Median improvements Nwn Avenue to old Rochester Indicate whether: S mew 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: SeAutitication of existing medians from Raven Avenue to Old Ikoehestsr, includes landscaping and irrigat?on per 6th Street Beautification St*xdM7, Hoe this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.p.20 des Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year ,project should be: Started 8 8/89 Completed $9/90 Estimated project Coats Arnourtt Suggested Financing amount Design Cost $ 2(},0 BeA13t1fiGatl09i Construction Cost g 539, Adminisiration Cost $ 49,000 C if Total Cost 608,E l F nds availabl44/or .`�..""'ready exp�ded S EP Atstauttt �eg,,:rca first yesr Amount required subsigAent years $ 608,000 f !. Bat nc Required S 608,000 TOTA1. $ 608,0(}0 -281- s CAMAL,DOROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fux i; Division: Engineering Beautification FBT y No. 5-32 Project Title, Description, and Locations Baseline road Parkway Beautification-bnprovements - Arctubeld Avenue to Haven Avenue Indicate whether: 0 New Q Rep O Replacement Addition Project Justification: Beautification of parkways per Baseline Road Bcautificaa;on Study. I' Has this project been mheduled in a plor ,P.7 No 0 Yes Other projects or rac'ors dire'-fly related to skis project: Indicate fiscal year project ihould be; Slatted 8$/89 F'ompleted 89190 -�-. Estimated Project Costs mount uB�ested ancitt Amount Deign Cost � � 10,000 Beautification $ it V)o t Construction Cost $ 165,000 Administration Coat S '15000 i a Total Cost S 190,000 ...�... Funds available and/or Amount req, "re4, rot y already expended 0 $ 10,000 Amount required subsequent years $ 180,000 flatance Required S. '90,000 TOTAL 190,000 190,000 -282- t:A MAL IWRB7VEWNT p7,O EC"TREQUEST....,v. Department: Community Deve!,�pment Fund. Division: Engineering Prior- Beautification Project Title, Devdption, and Locations � Sarlphire Strftt Lava y dscapq � 'frail.E.e�afit - Banyan to South of T'horaughbred Indicate whether: @ New 0 Replacement i Addition 1 Project Justification: y Upgrade of trail. includes landscaping, irrigation, fence work ad miscellaneous. i Has this zo'ect been scheduled F J .zduled in u pact C.i.P.? No 0 Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal Year et shoidd be: Started 88/89 Completed W89 Estimated Project Costs AtYtottnt o..� Suggested Financins: AmountV � Design. Cost $ 61 Beautification � J.E7i00 ! Construction. Cost S 51.000 Administration Cost S 310G0 Total Cost $ 60,000 Funds available a aad/or so Amount required rirst ye;r S 60,000 already c�.s eadcd Amo>!mr required subsequeht years so I3 1, ce Requircd 1 $ 60,000 TOTAL $ 60,000 283— Department: Communitydlapmes�t Fund:Division: Beautification gzeeiclr 20. BT 88-35 Pre.ject Title, Description, and Location, Edwanda Avenue Cobblestsne Curb and Clutter Tndicate whether: @ New Itepla►cc,atertt 0 Addition Project lustifica*ion: Needed rock ;urb & utter replacemetit; scope includes `rel$lad street improvements. Has this project been s6eduled, in a prior CIX.7 0 No Yes Other projects -tr factors dizectly related to this project; Indicate fiscal yen project shuWd be: Started I Completed 88/89 1 Esdimted lProject Costar Amount Sugges d PinancinS Amount Design host � � )beautification S 12,700 Construction Cost ; 7.70 I Administration Cast Z000 Total Coss S 12>70 Funds a -xpended fc anand/or,�- already �p�e Amount reti first year $ l�►uired 700 Amount requited subsequent yeasts Sit Ba auce RequIrOd S 12,100 TOTAL S 12.7C?i? —284- e r v d t m t s to i � � t t e i e r r 1 r t 1 t r, 1 r 1 ( I I It r 11 I t t t t t I I ►. ► 1 11 I I t I I I I I I t t @ 1 1 1 1 1 110 i I } t r 1 r I r t i i -t ► r ► I t 6 r l o r I t 1 1 to r 1 i t r ) t t s l ! i 1 1 1 1 11 t ! O t P I 1 I t o I I t r 1 I It 1 I 1 i .t 1 t l 1 t w 1 I I 1 1 I r f { L uL z o t o3 C% 1 t t C Y I t ! 1 1 l i i t t i ! t N ! 1 4 t 1 t CL t tL t 6 1 t r 1 t 1 t I l I P J 1 r ► 1 1 i t t r 1 ► 1 1 11 LU as r I I s t r I i l ► t: It r t L t r r I ► r {{ 1 i i i MapL.t �. 1 1 1 1 I t t ! t t t I I t i Olt r t t. 1 I t r 1 { 1 1 1. 1 a 11 t t a m t { 1 I I 1 1 t t ► f 1 1 L I I t I f o 1 11 1 r �o i 1 I t 1 sc i t t t i l 1 t 1 t 4 ! 1 ! t i t 1 t o i I i t 1 10 1 1 1 1 u P r 1 r 1 1 1 l i I i I t I t 1 t i t 1 1 I s7 I t 1 1 �- l w ► ! 1 r l 1 t' 1 1 I l 1 I I ! r 1 It t O � t I ► 1 1 I' 1 1 t 1 1 t � 1 1 1 l { 9 N t MOD t It It I I t { 1 I t 1 C 11 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 ! 1 1 0 1 CO 1 P Po MO OCN 00 0 -.J Or Na 00 00 or- -a.0 OW rc O.O mO mIr 9 1 N m t7 r- 0 t0 P .O P N r- to .0 r N I J 0 1 C► a- dJ. r Q• .r cn In .0 UN O` to tt- a o t w w - w O m { O CD 10 I C # N 1► ttt N4 Ry ip s,"I i Ir In LO N r in .4 r In ¢ t Q 4 to t W a O Ord OO OA fir- Oc 00 OO OO co OO OQ 0.0 OO. pO 00 O0. to r um if. 1 t 1 1 twit- 1 10 LSO CrIck oN OO OO 0C- CC) aO Ofl 040 UN IN OO OO OO firO -Tt-- uJ J -0 a0 P r- O m in Nr m IN U .Y C7 I LA P CID r-- In r 10 to o r- O � N � to-r OOt U O s p o1 -p .r I ti a co 9 i r ILL IS, N tL% i:'I^ N, `0 m 10 co t ! w 1 O 00 O 4% 0-4 00 O* :Co m eo co LN Ltt Om .-t co .r 1" O W% P-O On '4 O KJ t0 n ED r-<[ J ,LL -4 .0 iN O P In r-mm 0 to CO ca m ion. MN M rr. S P r ZO 0, 1 . t N mrmw y-. -013 .-t. AV N N .-t U% Jr r 1 k- w 10O 00OLA OCV OO co co-r Oo cn: -1 -4N rrP rO ON OO. OQ: OO O_ J 1. z N rn N`4 r r O N X% O .N N in r- co O 1 t i w .. CS t+'a i J�it'! t*1 t'n ILL tJ /u1 m � � .N-J� O .-..-! �Y � ��. . to t M CO. { f7 L uJ --J LI Lt LL to O LY u: u. < L1. 0> I- W. t I tLl O <W >w ui CX p...0._ U.?- x • -a: ti W 1--< 90 rr1 t-t p 1 1 a lA z m O <to in t- in E <'a. F-47 O. � > t7 ( W. tr. '•. �. ►i" » _.tu. N D 4C <tn. Z W. tC-4 ,m" 0. r. z X .O w > 00 tr= = z O t-- o LL '1: W Z C Lu M o to z t W t-2 v J-r 2 cu LL. 0. 0 u In <' z Z W O:. us S e < -C 2 4 S N W W 'Z <J z 1 1 u w= In C7 O. < r O UA.4 to cr to p t- z x< ti^O 0 to =W -4< F- >, 0 1-I J J O W u to t Q C3 rl F- W w u to J Z Z Z/L CL -C Z z O wl O .IC < W t -A Ir e•.Z to O re> -+C5 I.-N ►1 1-0 co.. o Z O in >- 93 Z Z Lu =0 4�1L } >< I o-4 . Y< Lu Z z LUWJ W�- UO s.-= 2< VJ U4 M 0> Zto UJ x l IL Lu N E -A3 \.3A t.3.I" W I- to ul' S u W F-I LA C7 C.x. > 2 " -C ►-t LU W:N CD= => u CC r = at w w O< 1-t to < >w t CD 00 LdJ W n fa-.! -J-i -i..a t-r O- I.-Lu CX to t.Y O 15 a-a, it I.-VI OC LL <� 1 x U., J Z u. - J-.i -j z. to O 4:O -C W m,< < .0 Lu to< U tL 'O UJI 1 VL-Q Lit-./ <W co W" W I Vr In I.. y-,to. co NM t S 1 :CO C.t tr..J <+-I == x uJ W 3 m ci.N O:I= x= a uJ Ck .>- tt.sa S O 2 W O z 1-4 us to I--x I--1- t-> >O r Z c =uJ ul W. It"W y-x. -a . U.-j tC.C O C►. - f7 I'I.-t: "x z 1JL Z CJ to O 0 CO OW z.-e x C>;�- >X Y iS I--s1' CK 1 <-J O u =a6 � r-r t N u m W L"< -C a: G O C1 w W IX W LU i-gr LU Z <4 <M-- 1-t.LU uJ •. I% W F--in <O ►Y-C-L LL.> C7'LSD Sn< Lb Lt. LL 0 0-C CL' '00 x hI �'•'to to to u y CD< t-= to w cr U O.�W 00 .4 an r co 0-0 :r N M.r W -- cot O .4 I'N m-'r to.+t CLt r to r- co P O CA �I Z t C Oin -0 to 1Lt-4 -0-.4 tiN Nns Nr4 Ncv Nm mm mm t^O OO 70 co w+14 O 1 ♦.a 0.P 010 O-t -4-4 .-i.-t .-t wI W W .J.r M..e-1 .-!.-t' er.t w tts V)a -0 t0 L0 V0 la t0 l G G 1 --I .K m In LO in 00 co t'D Cc co m m 00 c0 co m co 00 cc to (0 c0 co 10. co CO CD co O:to co 09. I. m mm tom mm' mm mm mm mm cn Cn In Cn In m. rn fn Inm mm mm Mm mm t -D 10`0 .p 1010 1010 �o 10 -0-O m,.4 .0-O -D- D 'a-Lt 'a a, ti0-0 K1-D -D.0 s a- �-•r ��- t, I. N NrV Ntv NN NN C41.IV. N[N NN NN r4 NN N(V N'N NN NN N.tV NN N tV N N N N N N IN N N N N tV tN N N N N rQ N N N N N N -L.U1- { t t t t 1 r t t 1 ! t t t ! t f t 1 I i d O R'J O 1 1 O O d f3 O 1 0 a O O t 0 w t r I I 1 1 a 1 ! 1 Id c)O t 1 00 nQ f t d Q oO Q t oa ao td Nca 1. f Ou_ OO O 1 Qa OQ 11C - Q r_ I I n r c t O 1 1 •-y.N ro 0 1 m tv N Ln 10 t� us i i !1! t t f t ++t 1 I•�r en1 j r .iu� i i ' r< I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 CL 1 { 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 f f I t 1 1 1 O I f 1 10 O'O. f t 00 00 1 ! 00 0Q. _ 0 :1 00 Qo IQ z r t I 11 0 1 ( 1 10 dO. 1 1 OO 00' ) I O0 0Q 0 i 00 0o 10 - 1 o � r 1 t ! t r t t t 1 - - r t - - -. - i f - - • - 1 N. tct 0- 0 1 m N N tr 1.0 It r t 1 a a.lit 1 1 I I N N 11 u> 1 11 r .r 11 1 t 1 f t ! tz � r C3 1 ~W i 0 d o r-.a coo 00 lc.o lir M N to el r- o•r _ t-f+'r r uN 0,0 LAM r to 1-,D aU N 0' N ca N,n -+rt o.r tr N r to m cu in--+ ..r:D cl o r•1V r O 1 r .D la V" --1 M.r "It ;? -• [)`-.r. tt N. Cr to i0 O_ +Q![t. tII 4I N to .o la tT m.N u%,D. -1 m. 0-m r N 4,m N h ttt C, r W rv.ut r,n N .n N: 0` LL1 tT r•n -a in: N Q-.-. --t s x%-ti. m 1Lt .d. y 10 1 .i cm N in N } 1 1 1'Lr i o Gd cro hQ CEO 00 Oo Od- ocy OO 00 4o 00 oO oO m0 00 yr r a o t ant { ar r a f r r u-I- r c- .Do 00 or tia oa rr rr no o •a ao mN toe` r-1� cot- or -,r au 1 m a+m 0 o m o ..1 m-4 .-1 (r.O --f o O O O.m O ' O r- N,D. r N 0-4 p.,r Ix(D t Q Q N a O H%a .D:co m r r-fill r-r +4 O 00 ua r- m to ti co s o N t- .r-q O 0• C] 1. - ... r. v • .. - .Nr ti t+-r- O+D an trt.+ r¢t sR rtt .D-• aD m. O r O m r m -i o.r .D m 1Lt 1 N 10 0 .4 0 m.r n "4 N N'+D. .D ut rt N r .-1. N to m trt.. cG I to -4 4.-4 in m r 1. a t i .-t .tm DSO ,rO OO Od 00 00 QO Qa oO 00 Qo 0o 00 oO OQ o { a r to m to .+ r¢ r v n N m r• .r �0 1 1'V. f A LL QO Od OO OO 00 OO O.O BOO C).O 0G7 OO o,O Oo OO OO do W Q I LC tou I W (0-C t �T .-t 00. i.0 ur Z[z m r- m ...t a u�4 a a- 4 o v x un re•c i"-. <o H cr ..,o (a< a) i-i x cn to I- a r zr .,r to _t a- r11 1x-m tn:x G to IA y :y tD 2►.t O n.../ >- D:0 <.-t r C7 S 1 z Z <W cc 2 r M 4.2 N LY. '.!x r S D. b'z -Llt cr ,E. Z to 1 W r S.fi O < W W> <t,7 $Lu C] y F- Q W W O M a 4' { T Z to N W'W h- 3 r t-t y s' - y.r- .. S W Z?^ to in ,-C. in -.r z tY 7 c?L9 t-+ vt Z .T 2 1 tY< 3. > r N W r z ►+1 qr. . 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N N N N tV fV ru rV tv tm N.rV N N N tv ru N N.N N rtt N tV N N 04 N IV cV N (V ty N N N N N cY N N N N rtt N N N N N f+p N N t4 -286- r t 1 c 1 t r 1 1 I t i a i i 1 i i io i 1 00 0o ao �o 00 ao a ../[11 1 n f t ! i 1 10. 1 1 oa 00 Oo no 00 n0 a1 Co s '0 Z q I N I t I 1 I 1.-t I t .p O �.0.m CG O to ,0 t--u" O..0 O. N uD to .� r. 0 t CL I t 1 1 1 1 1 J t I t i t 110 1 1 a0 oa 00 00 00 00 c0 t 1 0 1 1 r ► I 10 1 1 Oo 00 oa na 00 00 0; J t t tt. 1 1 t 1 I 1 O O•O 1 1 y r N.n r+a m I 1/ t - 1 I ( 1 w i 1 i t I N t 1 1 ! I !-• ! F r O O en m o to.Q t-to 010 0 R Q r t I f.- I 1 m UN# ! t 1 1 rry N .r 1.. 0 UM I I I I I f l M + ►a i 1 t 1 1 6 I f ! F m, U1 I I 1 t t N i O �O �� M O �O C]O O O O a G a Q O O O 00 ' m J� i w m. N r+ en m ry O to I .II LC ICt .� !- \ J .r UN tJ^a i rq cn ttt r � w1- 1 0 oa 00 Oo 00 00 80 cso 00 00 00 00 0 to r u C7 I. a I t t 1 1 r I tL►- 1 0 r- ro tro 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 ru / M o CO.a w 0 LA CL'0 1 O^^ .0 CI- CV 0 � z o 00 r4 U- i o 0o ao 00 00 00 ao 00 Oo 00 00 00 ,- 1 I mn .o v I z 00 WC I �-. M Q 1 Q N. U 100 0o 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 tt% 0o 1 a I ►- I w UN U lw .a 1 M 1 fD Q/-� LL t1.w. d d Z > t 1 I O S.CY Z d '$+C to 1 LL. tH an S F-I l d 0 Q a•' C6: 11-CL HS > 0 ww Q LLd I to Jq t- t Z S < 0 lY Z :C 1+ m to x I- S ')-0 1 S I w.M H S Z E C3 w b.Y M-C !• t-r NI H T�, CC U H d N w 2 .<.t�, t.7 2' -1 J O Q CJ -C 0- 1-'NI w w a- ! CL 1- C�D -+ a.U. < :.1 S r Ca. to w.r LU Y S Iu 1 -JCL -.4 u < r..I y.:1- ►ot g tY Cd 1-0 1 is 7C b ` Q S t uI Z 3 ur >S •. z d d O 2 Cr tt vl =a; \M. �. LA ` u o 0: w m 0 1-�, C t1: ca 0.4�+ a a . - Ix 0 w. m 'cd 1 O t w t- V' w tL w uI J w 1 V dO 2(a Z ati Z< Z6. ZM (r - 1-4 in Hd H,� { to< is/-e LU w hi .A H m ►� i< H C4 Z i =.-1 ""to E w F -3 cc T ^_l 1-�tL _I�I Y z 0:'S. C=1-t. (A Y ut> d w 7C w._ w w -1 6 w S� I--I.- to G- 1 t•- -< t.)�i >a 0 Li C?1„l to U ✓t Y J Z >f-• U w J I"" { N Q` CG.F4 d IX M< N 0 +$CI:. t Q, Lu M <Q� 6-471.. i >--4 <.S Ct.0 =W �� t v1 !n< .tn tt'� y.+C 3<1- I •r to.aq f•"sn cl.0 •4 to o• -t .4.0 tr 0 .+N r1.- UN.0 N co z t: m tta tft tit tr. tRF,p �CI` Ci`�}... r r r� to ati mm m a U%to O { 1- M/- t-t-+ t+M h M *-a0' ra ttr Ca.tlp a'a m Ow w m m= tt Q i to co = wo 0W mm wm Om mw w0 mw wm. mm LL_ 13 1 tt t m mm mm mm MM mm MM ✓tim MM mm MM MM mr+l mm mm mm mm Ir11'/ mm mm mm mm 1 .o -4 ,0 .G aO .0.0 -4.D- +a.0 .O .a .a.O .o+0 .0,0 .o•a .a.0. 1 r w� rr rr rr rr rr .P.r .rv' rr rr r. 1 N N YV N N N N t.t N N N N N N..N rM CV N n1 CV:N .N N' -287- 1 { { r i 1 t JCS t rV- {4� 4 i 1] Z O r tts ifs W. I { F 1 I t7` us I Q 4L f tci 1 r l,C r cz 1 an 4i r nr N {„ ^4O 1 M1 t r 4, F r F t r y- w uc Lu i 4z CA c _ V= 1 Nco 10 `fit' .{. r .Q r co m +Q a F t•- t .r r ,n as u r rn m ,n m<c { In {n ,. rn r 40 AA t !✓ t rL{ 40: ( rY j. u t o ll) a i Q b tt, 1 U.t/F UA Ll 3 r u9 FE„ i ;IC vt {-- t ra r i Q t PROGRAM POSITIONIgAL AR'Y SCHEDULE Position Aggro a natons Classification Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title Level Rcmd.. Rcmd. Adopted Rcmd. Rcmd. Adopted Office Asst. 30% 130/b 137 13% 2,206 2,206 2,206 Office Asst. 8% U% 137 137 2,140 2,140 2,140 Traffic Engineer 15% 6% 6% 62 2,974 2,974 2,974 Assoc. Civil Eng. 28% 20% 20% 207, 8,412 8,412 8,412 � Eng. Tech. 41% 20% 20Z 20% 4,668 4,668 4,668 Sr. Civil Eng. 31% 255o' 257., 25% 12,393 12,393 12,393 Assoc. Civil Eng. 31175 31% 31% 317. 12,588 12,588 12,588 Assoc. Civil Eng. 31% 31% 31% 31% 12,908 12,908 12,908 Assoc. Civil Eng. 31% 31% 31% 317. 11,919 11,919 11,91 Asst., Civil Eng. 31% 31% 31% 317. ' 9,568 9,568 9,568 Jr. Civil Eng.. 31% 31% 31% 31% 8,448 8,448 8,,448: Eng. Tech. 31% 31% 31% 31% ' 7,235 7,235 7,235 Eng. Aide 31% 31,% 31% 31% 7,061 7,061 7,061 Public Works Eng. 18% 12% ' 12Z 127. 5,949' 5,949 5,949 Sr. P.W. Insp. 37% 31% 31% 31% 11,565 11,565 11,565 Jr. Civil Eng. 30% 24% 24Z 247. 5,918 5,918 5,918 P.W. Insp. 37% 31% 31Z 31% 10,260 10,260 10,260 P.W. Insp. 37% 31% 31% 31Z 9,240 9,240 9,240 P.W. Insp. 7% 7% 7% 72 1,806 1,806' 1,806 SUBTOTAL (22-4637.1100) 148,258 148,258 148,258 Merit @ 5�Fo 7 363 7,363 7;363 TOTAL154,621 154,621 154,621 E � I € - 89- f PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Pos<tion Position Quota Approviiations CIassificaton Current D ,.. I+ gr. Dept. Mgr, Title Level Rcmd.I Rcmd. Ado ted , Rcmd. Rcmd. Adopted Office Asst, 24% 24% 247 3,632 3,632 3,632 IVA k f j f SUBTOTAL (22-4637-I�00) 3,632 3,632 3,632 Merit @ 5°10 182 182 182 TOTAL 3,814 3,814 3,814 d -29V" f�: COST CENTER DETAIL WORKS HEEL' Department/Division:T- Program: Account Number: C.D./En ineerin Systems Develo ment 22-4637 Ob oct No. Description of Items Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1100 'Regular Pa roll 158,435 1900 Fringe Benefits 35% 55.453 P ell�a® ...._..4. ........:_._..�. T'C71'AL 1213,888 --291— CAPUAL DeRo VEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Farnd Division: Engineering Priority No, System Development DR 88.11 Project Zde. Description.. and Location: Area II Amethyst Ave. S.D. Ela & W'/'O Amethyst on 19th Indicate whether: Q!New 0Replacement • (�Addition Project: Justification: Provide drainage for the intersection of Amethyst @► 29th Improvements. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C,I.P.? 0 No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project. Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 8 7/8 8 Completed 88f89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Finutcing Amount Design. Cost $ 0 System Development $ 0 Construction Cost so (See streets for futdistgj Administration Cost $ p Total Cost So Funds available and/or8„0 Amount required first year S o already eapetded Amount required subsequent ,years so Balance Required SO TOTAL so -292 CAPUAL BPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division; Engineering Priority No. System bcveIapment DR 8S•l2 Project Title, Description. and Location; Area Il4 19th St. SM. » W/O Amethyst to Wo Hellman Indicate whether: ; er�N 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification: Provide drainage along 19th Street in coordination with the lath Street Improvements.. Has this project bey.Y scheduled in a prior C.Y.P.? 0 No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this projects Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount. Design. Cast $0 System Development so Construction. Cost $ Q f f Administration Cost $ 0 (Sea streets for funding) Totk Lost $0 Funds available and/or Amount required first yw S 0 alteady expended Amount -1quired subsequent years $ 0 Balance Required $ 0 TOTAL. $ 0 —293— CAPITAL WROVEAF.NT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: aka DivisioL. Engineering Priority No.Development UP 98-01 Project Title, Descriptions and Location: City Wide wench Mark Survey, Aerial.Topography and Mapping indicate whether: o New 0 Replacement Addition Project 7ustfication: TA A survey to re-establish elevation control points and provide a digitized contour ma of p .he City, �I Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P,? 0 No yes Other prol.:cu or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be Star�ad 86/87 Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing pL o n Design Cost $ 0 System Development 8 5,000 Construction Cos: S Administration Cost S 51000 Total Cost $ 51000 Funds available and/or Amount -squired first year 51000 already expended Amount required subsequent years 0 I3 lan;s Required $ 5.000 TOTAL $ 51000 —294— CAPITAL WROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Corm iunity Developnn:,nt LFund:-, .- Division: Engineering PYiority ND. s & Federal lid g8-0Y Pro,V I Title, L"scription, and Location: Grove Avenue @ AT & SF C*dssing Ind $th 5t. Intersection Improvements indicate whether: 0 New c " i:epla.,em"c 0 Addition Project Yus;ification: Widen existing railroad crossing at Sth to be coordinaigd with safety gates Has this project been scheduled in a prier C.i.P.7 0 N) Yea Other projects or factors directly related to this projoo: Traffic Signet 1@ Grave Stb, 88/89 Indicate fisMI year project should bt,,. Started 8 618 7 Completed 886 Estimated Project Costs Amount Sttposted Financing Amount Design Cost. 8 14,500 Systems & Fw 2tal S 165,900 Construction Cost $ 186,300 Administration Cost S 8►500 i Railroad pads S 66,700 Federal Section 203 S 21,600 i Total Coat 3 't,'�a,E3 Fund3 available and/or already expended 88,500 Amount required first year S 187,500- Amount required subsequent years $ 0 Balance Required S 187,500 'TOTAL S 1:87,500 —295— CAPITAL IMPROVEMIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Priority' No. Systems & '"A. Set-a-Side RR 88-02 Project Title, Description, and Locstiont Baker Avenue @ the AT & SF Railroad Crossing Improvgment Indicate whether: New 0Replacement addition Project Justification, I) Preliminary study of improvements needed @ crossing II) Preparation of a) plans, specifications & engineer's esdinate, b) enviromental a3sessment, and c) Public Utilities Commission application IlI) Construction 1 Hod this project been scheduled in s prigs C.I.P.? :N0 yea atheT projects or factors directly related to this projkct: Indicate fi val year Project should be: StMcd 87/88 Complettd 88/99 Estimated ?roject Costs Amount •�.,.�...�,, ... Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 20.40 ..`.�" Set-a-Sidi �4,44Q s � � RDA S Construction Co,t 3, 275,(1tDQ yate Administration Coat $ 21,400 i Total Cost $ 316,800 Funds availakte and/or, At.xtzt required fiat ye yr already expended $ $ 20,400 1 Amount required subsequent years $ 296,400 C Balance required In $ 316,g{)� `Tt3'['I 3 316,800 'r IN r --2h- —- CAPITAL RaRoVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering, Priority No, Systems RR $8,03 Pr:w.;ct Title, Description, and Location: ' @ Separation and Street Improvements - 7th St. to Jersey Blvd. Milliken Avenue AT �. 5F Railxoad Grade Indicate whether: O xew Q Replacement Addition Prnjeat rustification: i1 A) Construction of new RR mainline & ;,ridged overcrossia s 2 a$ t ). ) Construction of new I�iitliken Ave roadway underpass (grade separation) C) Extension of Milliken Ave from 7th St. north to leisey Blvd %II) Construction to follow in subsequent yearn Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 i4o Etna Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 86/87 Completwd 90/91 Estimated Project. Costa Atttount Suggested Financing AmountDesign. Cost Systems $ 5,000 Construction Cost Administration Cost S. 5000 Tot::-" Cost f $ 50 Funds available and/or �� - already expanded Amount required first year S $,�(� AmGamt required subsequent yews S Balance Required 5 5,Q I0 TOTAS. $ 5,000 -297— CAMAL.RVeROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: ` Priority No.Division: Engineering Systems RR 8$-04 Project Title, Description, and Location: Rochester Avenue @ AT & SF Railroad Crossing Improvement Indicate whether: O New 0 Re laceruent +� p �Addition Project Justification: Widen RR X-ing, install rubberized pads, and upgrade warning devices i Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? Q No 0F Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project; Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 86/87 Completed 89/90 0.' Estimated Project Ccsts Amount Suggested Financing amount Design Cost Systems $ 11000 Construction Cost Administration Cost $ 1.000 Total Cost $ 11000 = Fuads available and/or Amount required fir$i, year 3 1,Ofat3 already expended Amount required subsequnt years 10 e LBa anre Required 1,003 'A'OTAL F�s 1,000 -298- CAMAL INI'ROVEIViE,l+T PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Pusad; Division: Engineering Sys RR Location: Development Priority No. Project Title, Description, and Location: Etiwanda Avenue Q AT & SF Railroad. Crossing Improvement Indicate whether: O Mew 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification: Upgrade RR X-ino warning devices, and instzll rubberized pads Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.Y.I.? 0 Z40 is Yes Other projects or factors directly-related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be.- Started, 87/89 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costar Amount Suggested Fumcing Amount Design: Cast $ 19,90 $4 Syst= Development � Construction Cost Administration -Cost l Prelimsoary ,Engineering $ 4,000 You Cost 3 23,800 � Funds available- and/or $ 01;0 Amount required firstyeasr � i already expended i Amount requ red subsequent yens 29,lidii F Balance Required � l9,g0 0 T{9T'AL, S 19,800 CAPITAL RAPROVEMENT'PRQJECr REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Priority No. System Deveirpment RR 88-07 Project Title, Description, and Location: Hellman Ave @ Southern Pacific Railroad crossing & Strut Improvement Indicate whether: At:cw 0 Iteplacesmtent. Addition Project Justification; Widen RR X-ing, install rubberized pads, construct ultimate street width, and coordinate with Master Plan Storm Drain construction. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.%P:? 0 No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Cut:emotaga Storm Drain, PhAM Y and 11 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/8'8 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount. Suggested 'Financing Amount Design Cost $ 20,000 System Development $ 20,000 Construction Cost Administration Crest f 'Tots? Cost $ 20,O06 Fundsi available and/or Aanouttc required first Yew' 20,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years so Balance Required S 20,000 TOTAL S 20,000 —300 CAPrrAL'WROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Develop;eni fund• .. Division: Engineering . System ..evelopment Priority Na ,! RR 88-08 Project Title, Des%:ription, and Location: Archibald. Ave @ Southern Pacific Railroad Crossing and Street Improvements Indicate wheth= Q New 0 Replacement Addition . Project Justifications Widen RR crossing. upgrade warning devices, construct ultimate street width and. undercrossing facilities address storm drain Has this project been s..hedW,*A is a prior C.I.P.1 0 No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to : da project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 86J87 Completed 88J89 Estimated Project Costs Amount, Suggested Financing Ataount Design Cost System Development $ 2,000 Construction Cost Administration Cost $ 2,000 E 4 Total Cost. $ 2,000 Frttsds available and/or already expended Amount required first year , Amount required subtegt ent ),ears S Balance Required $ 2.000 'TOTAI. S 210410 —301— CAPITAL BAPROVENI NT PROJECT REQUEST' Department: Community Development Fund, Division: Engineering System Development Priority No, RR 88-09 Project Title, Description.. and Location: Hermosa Ave, @ Southern Pecific Railroad Crossing and Street Improvements Indicate whether: Q New 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification: Widen RR X-ing to ultimate width. upgrade warning devices, and install coordinate with Master Plan Storm Drain rubberized Pads, and; Has this prajec' been scheduled in a prior C.I.P,? 0 Net yes Other projects or factors directly related to this Pro1em' Church/Hermosst Storm brain Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Casts Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 20000 System. Development S0 Construction Coat Administration. Cost Preliminary Engineering g 3.8uv Total Cost S 23,800 Funds available a and/or already ex S 3.800 Amount required first year $ p Amount required subsequent yws S 20,O00 Balance required S 20,O00 TOTAL. -302— R NENT P /'"ar}.�REQUEST CAMAL Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Eagineeri zg Priority Na. System Development-- — :: — RR $8-10 Project Title, Description.. and Location Haven Avenue C'Sq Southern Pacific Railroad Crossing Improvements Indicate whether: Q New 0 Replacement Addition Protect Justifications Upgrade Rat X-ing warning devices and install rubberized pads Has this project been, scheduled in a prior C.;£.p.2 0 No Other projects or factors directly rebated to this project; Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/99 Compassed 88f89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Resign Cast $ gr System Development, S Construction Cost S 165,00 j Administration Cast x 7, MW Preliminary En8itteeri0S $ 3,S4ti da I i 1 Total Cost $ 184,6t}0 Fonds available andfor $ 11,7i1Q mount required: first year x 0 already expended. i Amount required subsequent 9bears S 172,900, � Valance Required $ 171,"0 TOTAL S 172,900 —303— CAPITAL POROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department-.. Community Development EFund:Division: Engineering Priority No. Development RR 88-11 Project Title, Description, and Location: Pant Ave @ Southern Pacific ,Railroad Crossing Indicate whether: 0 Now Replacement @ Addition Project Justification: Interim Gata protection project set up for later street widening no pads I I Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P,4 0 No @ Yes Other projects or factors directly related: to this project; Indicate fiscal ye*- project should be St,_rted 87/88 Completed 89l96 Estimated Project Costa s I..", mount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 29,800 System. Developmemt so Construction Cost Administration Cost Preliminary Engineering $ 4.000 Total Cost $ 23,800 I Funds available and/or x 4, Amc.ur:: required first year 1 already expended $ 0 I Amount rcquired subsequent years $ 19,800 .Balance Required S 19.800 TOTAL $ 19,800' —364— CAMAL 1WROVEMENT PRC3mer REQUEST L)eptrtment Comm lnity Development Fund: Division:. Ensint:'ring Priority No. System DevsiQpatent RR 88-I2 Project Title, Description, and Location: Railroad Crossing upgrades @ various~lucatonx Grant Applications and Design, Indicate whether. 1rew 0 Reps-cement 0 Addition. Project' Justification: As needed Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.IF.? 0.No yes Other prc}•its or factors directly related. to ;-Ais project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87f88 Completed 88189 Estimated Project Coats Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Coat System Development $ 1.000 Cc-m-MUction Coat Administration Cost $ 100p II 'I Total Cast S 11000 Funds available ardor Amount required first year S 4*1000 already expended f Amount required subsequent years Q Balance Required 5l,000 TOTAL 51,000 —305— 17- CAPITAL WROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department; Community Development Fund. Division: Engineering Priority No.. System Development RR 68- 3 Project Title, Description, and Location: Vineyard Ave Q AT & SF Railroad Crossing Improvement Indicate whether} New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification. Install ru'3berized pads and redesign Pavement approaches i i, G P rllndicate this project been scheduled in at prior CL P.7 0No yes er projects or factors: directly related to this project:Fscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed' 88/89 Estimated Project Ca,`ts Amount r Suggested Financing. Amount Design Cost $ 81800 System Development $ g3, Constn,ction Cast. S 71,500 Administration Cost $ 3,300 Total Cost $ 83,600 Funds available and/or already expended Amount required first year .__ Assonant required subsequent years S E*L=ce Required S 83,t W TOTAL. 8 C3,600 306 """""' CAM,(.- P&RovE NIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund. Division Engineering Sy Priority No. stem i�evelopment RR 8$-1d y....„r. .�.... ,..,r.,�,,..�.�..�....��. Project 'Title, Descrilition, and Location: Maven Avenue at AT & Sp &:1rtjad Crossing Imrrovement Indicate whether:: @ Nea Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Widen*ng and rubberized pad: installation Has this project been scheduled is a prior C.I.P.? CO No 0'Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project Should be: Started 88/89 Completed $9/90 Estimated Project Costi Amount Suggested FQnancing Amount Design Cost S 8.800 " Sy9tem Development S 81800 Consu'uction Cost S 88,000 Administration Cast $ 4.000 { :Petal Cost 100,800 funds available and/or alresdy expended I $ 9 Amount required first year 81800 Amcunt require) subsequent yeas $ 92,000 BAlarce Rtquired AQo,SC I 'PAG $ I0 ,80 —307 F CA TIrAL AIPROVIFNENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Com-rauniv Development Fund. Division: F Priority No. _ .nginexing SystCa Development RR 88-15 Project Title, Description, znd Location: Grove Ave @ Southern Pacific Railroad Crossing Improvement Indicate whether., @ New 0 Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Install rubberized gads �I 1 Has this project been scheduled ism prior ® p or C.I.P.? �}No 0 yes Other• projects or factors directly related to this project; Grove Ave St xt Improvements, North of 8th St, "* Foothill Blvd Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Sugaested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 91900 3ysteata Development so Construction Cost $ 77,00C1 Administration Cost $ 3,500 Total Coat S 90,400 .. .. Funds available anc c Amount required rust year g p already expended $ 0 Amount required subsequet` bears $ 90,400 alanct Required S 90.400 MTJ7 3 90,400, 3o8 CAPITAL Il`APR.OVE TPROJECTREQUEST Departmert: Community la c Velopment Fund-, Division: Eaginetirsg Priority No. System Development ST 89-0l. Project Title, Description, and Location: 19th St Street improvement - Jasper fb West City Limit nuulcate whether: 0 New Replacement Addition. Prof:ct Jcstificatioa Improve street including full widening and rehabilitation for idore efficient flow of traffic. lass this P;Zject been sctte6dled in a prior C.F.P.? 0 No Yes Other projects or fk-.tors directly related to this Project: rne 'iicate fi cal year Vvject should be: Starte6 R7/88 Completed 88189 . ' f Est atF' Project Costs amount Suggested Financing Amount . ,•. s:gn CastS {) System Development 3 402,30 Construc4on Cast $ 335,000 Administration Cost $ 17,3 Right-oi-Way $ 50.000 r Total Cost 8 402,500 [ Funds avallable ar-Ifor x $ 0 A nount required first year S 402,500 already expended Amount required subsequent years- g Balance Required $ 402,500 TOTAF. 4402,500 -309- CAMAL ReaovEI aNT m+D.r-T REQUEST Dcpamuent. Community Develorment Fund: Division Rn ineerioa .. Priority No. Syste:a DevelopmeAc ST 8"2 Prof,-Gt Title, Description, and l.o=ation. I t$ St, Start Improvement - lloi'yl to "X« Amethyst Indicate whether: Q New 0 Replacement Addition Project au:;tifications Improve street including full widening a`:d re'.:ab litation for mole efficient flow of traffic. I r Has this project beett tcheduled in a prior CJ.P.7 0 No 0 vas r `ameweerrrraar-_.�- .®anc 06W projects or factors directly related to this project: Sipat - 19th 0 Retiman, I9th @ Beryl, Indicate~ fisccal year grojert should bo: Staff 87/89 Completed 89f94 Estimated Project Coats Amount Suggested Finanncing AaYtouttzt Design Coat S 27400 $ :....a.. _ System Development Construction ,^ost 3 733,S43 A4,lnsstration Cost 801000 Right-of-Way $ 10al t I Total Cost $ 803,000 8 Fu-nds available and/of hmou�t required first year a feady cxpendatd $ t,50t2 S 5lt t?e0 t Amount required subsequent years S 8151500 Salatxe:er R* uire;d $ 35.:,5 --31Q— CAPITAL 5 PROVE J'T PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development ESYStelm Division: Engineering Priority No. Development ?.T 88.03 Project Title, Description, and Location: 19th St. Street Im rov F enienz a Hermosa to Camilla Indicate whether: O New 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification: i Improve street including full widening and rehabilitation for more efficient flow of traff ic. k has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.'f O.No i Yes r. Other projects or factors directly related to this projcct; 1f:.licats Escal year project should be: Started 8 9/8 8 Completed S 818 9 Estimated Project C'ostt Amount Suggested 88 Financing$ Amount Design Cost so Construction Copt System Development' S 495.000 S 425,O00 Administration Cost $ 20,000 Ri$ht•ot=Wa y S 50,00 0 T-Ital Cosh S 495,00 J Funds available and/or $ Amount required first year already expended. $ 495,000 Amount required subseque17 years so Balance Required $ 495.000 T3TAI, S 495,000' -311 CA,MAL LMPROVENT PROJECT REQmS1' ---- �..� Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering I riority No. System Development ST 88-04 Project Title. Dascription, and Locatiog: 19th St. Street & S.D.. Improvement @ Have Indicatev _ hether: New 0 Replacement Addition Project Jv:tificatiea a••• Street and storm drain improvements to improve the foss of traffic at this intersection iu preparac,�on for State Route 30 Transfer. Has this project been scheduled in a prikV C S.P.?_0 No 'fie: Other projects or rt.ctors directly related to this project; Indicate fiscal yeor pro=t sbou_.Cd W: Started 87/98 Completed 8.'8/89 E3ftated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount— Design _Cost $ System Devell, ent S 230.P00 construction Cast S 220,000 Administration Cost '10,000 . 1 i { Total Cost S 230,000 Fu nds available and/ar already expended. $ Amount required first year S 230.000 alr Amount required subsequent years $ 0 Balance Required. 230,000 TOTAL S 230.000 —312 CAPITAL.uvwR-OVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund. Division: Engineering Priority No. System Development , ST 88-05 Project Title, Description, and Lot ition: f , Amethyst Ave. Street & S.D. Impr(iventent @ 19th Indicate whother: 0 New 0 Replacement Add' }. n C � Project Justification: 1i ` Improve street and storm drain to improve traffic flour and reduce surface flows. F Has this project b+-,m sched a 2 a prior CI-P.? No �,� Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: S.D. E/Q and W/O Amethyst on 19th Indicate fiscal year prortct should he: Started 87/88 And Traffic SigW for dmmhvtt n 19th St. Completed 88/8 Estimated Project Costs Amount uggested g Amount Design Cost S System: Dev-lopment $ 242,000 Construction Cost $ 230,000 Administration Cost $ 1210t Total Cost S 242.000 Funds available and/or AIR already expended $ 0 Amount required first year S 242,000; Amount required subsequent years S i Balance Required S 242,000 MTAL S 242,000 —313 AI.'IT PROVENF,N TF PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development. Fund• Division Engineering Priority No. System Development ST" 8M6 'Project Title. Description, and Location Baseline Rd. Street Improvements Phas®- I Et Wanda to I-15 Indicate whether: O New 0 Replacement A► P �Addition Project Justification: Construct roadway widening and medians improvements to improve traffic affio flows. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.7 ONO Yea Other pre ects or factors directly related to this project; Sisal - Baselir6e 0 Et wands and the Baseline Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 CrnrQlt Drain Catnpleted 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Desipa Cost $ 72,200 System Development S 450,000 Construction Cost S 427,500 I Administration Cost * 22.500 f i Total Cost g 522,200 C �- Funds available sad/or already expended S 72*200 Amount required first you S 450.000 � Amount required subsequent ears � y so Balance Required S 450,000 'i'Ofil►l. S 450.00 —314— Department; Coramunity Development Fund, Priority No. Division: En$jneering 5�ysb n Development Project Title, Description, and Location:.: Baseline Xd. Strect Improvement Phase 2 - VlctoM PX 1,11, to 'V-dwand Indicate whethe •r. 0 1~tew 0RepEmccmeat Adda1'.intta Project Justification Construct Roadway widening and median improvements to improve the flow of trf c' l Has this project been scheduled in a prior CJ.P.? 0 No °'eat (alter projects or factors directly related to .this project: Signal a Bsselina 0 VictoriAl M Lill Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/8$ Completed 8$l89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Fina�scing Aatrkunt J 1 Design Cost S 30,200 Sy Stem Development S 230,000 I Construction Cost 23A,tr00 i Administration Cost $ 10.000 Total Cost S' 24111,200 h Funds available and/or already expended S 30,200 Amount required first year � 230,000 . Amount required subsequent years $ 0 Balance Fcegitircd S 230.00ti` 1'AE, S 230,1300 —315- CAPITAL IIb RO'tEl rTE1' T pRoiECT REQUEST Department: Community`Development Fund. Division•, Engineering Priority',No. �—] System Development ST 8$-09 Project Title, Description. and Location, Baseline Rd. Street & S.D. rmprovement Phase 3 Rochester to Victoria Fk. Ln. Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement Addition. Project Justification: Construct roadway widening and median improvements to imyrove traffic now, I • Has this project been scheduled in. a pricer C. .P.2 0 Na yes � Other projects or factors directly rclated to this 1 ro'+ect: Sig nal Bnal - Baseline @Rochester.and Day Creek Indicate fiscal year project should be: &&ned 8 7/8 8 PhQae I Comalated 139190 Estimated Project Costs Amount SuSgested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 66,000 'System Development S 5'� Construction Cost $ 9ag,000 Administration Cost $ 5010 Total Cost S 1,016,00 Funds availabi . and/or S 66,000 Amount required first year already expended S S,000 Amount required subsequent years ' $ 945.000 Balance Required S 950,000 TOTAL 950,000 -316- CAPITAL POROVE,MENT PROJECT REQUEST Department:. Community Development EFund: Division: Engineering =ST System Development Project Title, Description, and Location: Baseline Rd. @ I411liken Ave. Reimbursement City Parka Frontage Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement Addition, Project Justification: Ongoing prograin tc aimburse :Developers for work �&n 'Me City Park Frontage. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? ya Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project; Indicate fiscal year project should be; Started $1/80 Completed 88/89 Estima2xd' Project Costs Amount ��� Sufl8ested Flmmcing Amount Design Cost $ 0 System leve!apment S 45,000 Construction Cost $ 0 Administration Cost so Reimbursement $ 45,030 Total Cost $ 45,000 Funds available and/or S 0 Amount required first year already expended $ 45,000 Amount required subsequent years $ 0 Balance Required $ 45,000 TOTAL S 45,000 �-317 CAPUAL LWROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Priority No System (RDA S•a-S) ST 88-10 Protect Title, Description, and Location: Arrow Rte./Raker Ave. '32.reet & SM. Improve,, 'nt - Foothill to NIO 8th & Cucamonga Creek to Baker Ave. Indicate whether: O New 0 Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Improve streets and drainage facilities to increase traffic efficiency and reduce surface flews, :i Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No @ Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/89 Completed 88/89 Estimated Pr-a,ject Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount_J Desiga Cost ��1 .�... System (LDA S-a•S) $ 2,000 Construction Cost so Administration Cost $ 2,00 I, s Total Cost 3 2,000 Fund" available 'Ad/or already expended so Amount required first, year S 2,000 Amount required subsequent years so $ar$nce Require'., S 2,000 TOTAL ?'xoo CAPMAL WROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department,. Community Development Furst+. Division: Engine4ring System Development Priority No. 5T $8-11 Project Title, Description, and Location: Arro+v Rte< Street Improvement NIS Phase I - Archibald to Hermosa lndicato whether: Q New Q Replacement Q Addition Project Justification; Widen and rehabilitate roadway to improve traffic flow. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? Yea Other proiect or ifactors. directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 8 718& COMpteted 88/8 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S, sytent Development 21000 Construction Corot $,� Admznistratioa Cost S 2,000 Total Cost S 2,000 Funds available and/or already expended so kaount required first year S 2,000 t_ Amount required subsequent years S ,0 P,alanee Required: S 2,000 TOTAL S 2,Q{}0 —319— CAPrrA .,1D?ROVEMFZ T PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund; Division: Engineering Priority No, System Development ST 88-12 Project Title, Description, and Location: Arrow Rte. Street improvement SIS Phase 2 Archibald to Hermosa Indicate whether: 0 Nrw Replacem,:;nt Addition Project Justification: Improve street through widening and imprcvements to bring roadway up to arterial standards. Has this prs'cct been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No Q Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Signal . Arrow Rte @ Hermosa Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 8 7/8 8 Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount .�.._.�.,�., Suggested Financing Amount Design. Cost- $ 0 System Deveit pment S 550,000 Construction, Cost S 550,000 Administration Cos., $ 50,000 Right-of-Way $ 550.000 Total Cost $ ,150,000 Funds available and/or already expended y. Amount required first year S 550.000 .. Amount required subsequent years $ 600,000 Balance Rcquired S 1,150,000 'TOTAL S 111501000 I -320- MAT p�,��yL."AENT O Cn REQUEST a, Department: Community Development Fund.- Division.. Engineeringlsriwity° No. System (ItDA S- S)- ) ST 88-13 Project 1- tle. Descriptlon, and: Location; Arrow R.te, Street, S.D. & Sign4 improvement * Raker to Grove Indicate whether: k New0 Replacement Addition Project Justification: �..., Improve roadway and upgrade signal. Rk"ewe surface flows through storm drain improvements. f } f Hits this project been schedWed in It prior C.I.P.? 0 No Yes Other projects or factor directly related to this pff ,gect, Artow Route at Crove Avenue Traffic Signal rT*i Grade Lzaroate fiscal year project should be Started 87/88 completed -9l90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cast 3 , outtpr*.` (MA 3-a-S) $ 40.000 Construction Cost $ 610,000 Administration CostS 30.000j Right-of-Way $ 40,000 1 i Total Cost S ti8- E,JQ Funds available and/or cauat r'sgtt'�teE� first year 4 , Already expended i F Amount required subsequent years S 640,000 Balance Requited S 680,000 TOTAL $ —321— CAPITAL ROROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: CemmLnity Development I Fund: Division, Engineering FAU & Systems Priority No. Project Title, Descriptiott ST 88- 4, and Location: CucarnOnga Creek Briu$e Widening *-Arrow Rte.Indicate whether: 00 New `;. N Q Replacement 0 Ad&tioat Project Justifications �- f Widen existing bridge to arterial width. f I.I i l I Hzs this Projec, boen s:.heduled in a ptior C I.P.? 0 wo, yes tither projects or factors directly related to th s project;. Indicate fiscal year groJect should. be: Started 87JS8 e rAdministration f')rappet;ed 89i9a imated Project Costs AtaowatS"%8ested FinaryinfAmount Cost S I6,St3t� FAu & sys•� s 2o7,oaa uction Coat S 199,70Cfr Coat S 11,000 System,`D`*velOPmeM 4RL)A , Sea-a-side, Systems portion. only} $ 14,200, Total Cost S 226,2013 i Funds available and/or -,�...��.. already expended $ 5,000 Amount required{ nest year .e.�. $ 221,200 Amount required subsequent yeah so Balanct: RequirOd $ 'l 221.3.t?Q TOTAL S 223200 CAPITAL IlliIPRQVEjv7,cNT PROJECT REQUEST De partment:tCommunity Development Fund. Division: Engineering Priority No. System Development ST 88-15 Project Title, Description, and Location: Archibald Ave, Widening - Hi"d to Lemon Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement ()Addition Project 3usti,:cation: Widen Archibald to improve the now of traffic. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.LP.? 0 No yex Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Signal Archibald @ Highland Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 8$/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggasied Financing Amount. Desi&' Cost S $9 12 t9 ' Systera Development $ 172,500 Constriction Cost d~ 155fi000 Administration Cost S 7,500 Total Cost 3 t$S 3Qdl` Fi ds available -and/or already expended 12,$0p Amount required first year s 172,500 Amount required subsequent years so Balar,;1- Required 3 172,500 TOTAL S I72,500 —323- CAPITAL RvIPROVENMNT PROJECTMQUEST Department, community Development l;und, Divillion: Engineering Priority Plo. System Development ST d Z7 Projb t Title, Aes4;rfptiu-,1, and Location-, Church St. Strea4 Improvement Archibald to Maven Indicate whether 0 New 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification: Improve exis,ing roadway to City standards Fp..y this project been scheduled Lt a prior C.I.p,2 0 1Vn Yes O'her projects or factors directly related to this p*iect; Indicate fiscal year,project should be: Started S?C$S completed 89/90 Estimated '�I^oject Costs Amount Suggested Pins sn8 � Amount Design —,.s... Cost S 49,5C.1 System Development S 0,tlpi� Construction Cost S 660,0 Administration Cost S 30,004 Total Cost S 739,500 Funds available ono. r already expended 4q,5(}p mount required first year S l ,fa£?Q Amount required subsequent yearn S 680,000 lance Required S 5"00 MTi. $ o9ii.#lt�D —324— CAPITAL,IYIPRO EM ENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund Division: Engineering Priority No. � g System Development ST 8$-l8 Project Title, Description, and Location: Hillside Rd. Street & S.D. Improvements - Malachite to Archibald Indicate whether: o New 0 Replacement Addis,on Project Justification: Coustruct :full roadwz7 and mrrove drainage. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No To Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: ,itaned 8 7/88ft— Completed $8l8 9 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested FinancingAmount Resign Cost $ 30,800 System 'Development S 13,000 Construction Cost 36,000 Administration Cost $ 13.000 Total Cost S 329,800 Funds available and/or -- already expended S 316,800 Antc►`uM sequirtd first year $ 13,000 Amount required subsequent years $ 0 Balance Required S 13,000 TOTAL 5 13,000 —325— CAPITAL INPROVEMENT PROJEC' T`REQUEST Department: Communit Development Fund Division: Engineering Priority' No. Development ST 8,, .'�4 Project Title, Description,: and Location: Banyan Culvert and Street Realignment - Archibald to Hermosa Indicate wheth er, [ New 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification: Construct new box culvert and extend Banyan St. to Archibald. Ha.- this project been scheduled in a. prior C.I.P.? 0 No (,�Yes 1 other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 8 7I8 8 Completed, 8 9190. l ,. Es:smated Project Costs Amount --- Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost 88,900 System Development Construction. C„st S 347,000 $ 59,1800 �II Administration Cost S 32,000 _ II I I Total Cost S 467,900 Funds .available and/or e...�- already expended "$ 29,100 Amount required first year S 59,8©0 Amount required 'subsequent years S 379,000 I Balance Required S 4438,800 'TOTAL S 438,800; —326- CAPITAL M'RQVEMLNT PROJECT REQUEST` Department•. Community Development Fear d: Division: Priority No. Engineering System Development 5T 88.25 x.o.-. _ Project. Title, Description, and Location:, 19th St. Street & S.D. improvement - E/D I` 11Ven to Highland E/O Beer Creels Indicate whether: 19 New0 Replacement 0 Additio n Project 3ustific�i:ton: Project required by C aMans for Rte 30 transfer. Pavement resurfacingand UTC program Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.LP.? No0 Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this projecu Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 88/99 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost System Development $"30,�0 Construction Cast S 45,000 i Administration Cost $ 51000 I Total Cost S 50.000 C Funds available and/nor Amount required first year k already expended so 5 50.000 I Amount required, subsequent yearn so Balance Required S 50,0M TOTAL $ 50.000 CAPITAL Il4riE'RO'VEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund; Division. Engineering Priority No, System Development ST 88-30 Project Title, Description, and Location: Victoria St. Street Improvements - East to E/0.' Etiwanda High School Indicate whether: New ® 0 Replacement 0 Addition. Project Justification: Improve roadway surface and widen for minimum lane widths. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? No 0 Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this projects Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 8 8/8 9 Completed 8 8 f 8 9 Estimated Project. Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design. Cost $ 15,0Ot? System-Development a a:utlti Construction Cost S 170,000 Administration Cost i Total Cost +9j�/�p S 200,0W Funds available ancVor ` already expended so Account re�,-:red first year S tS,000ff f i f Amount required subsequent years S 185,000 k i Balance ,kequired S 200,000 TOTAL. S 200,000 —328— G ( CAPITAL"ROVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST is Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Priority tto.. . System Development ST 88-31 Project Title, Description, and Location: Amethyst Ave. Street Improvement - N/O 19th (Fire Station) to N/O Highland F f Indicate whether @ New0 Replacement 0 Addition Project, Justification: Improve and widen road way to improve traffic and minimize surface drainage. F Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.Y.P.? 0 No 0 Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Area 11 Amethyst St. S,D., Phase I Amr,thySt N/( 19th to Tdivitianri Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88l89 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project. Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 61600 System Development $ 6,600 Construction Cost $ 881000 Administration. Cost $ 4,000 I Total Cost $ 98600 Funds available and/or already expended $o Amount required first year S 6,600 Amount required subsequent years S 92,00 Balance Required S 99,600 TOTAL. S 18,6013 -329- CAMAL 1WROVEMEN'T PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Priority No. System Development ST 88-32 Project Title, Description, and Locations Grove Ave. Street Improvement N10 8th. to Foothill Indicate whethe r. @)New Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Improve and widen roadway to conform with 'City standards for arterials. Ma it Has this project been scheduled in a prior CXP.? ®No 0 Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Traffic sig nals @Foothill,. San Bernardino Road.• Arrow,, 8th & 9th Sts.. '"d ATCR & So Pao Rks Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 8910 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing.. Amount rsign Cost S 66,000 j System Development $0 nstruction Cost S 855,00fl ministration Cost $ 55,000 in Right-cif-Way $ 355.000 Total Cost $ 1,331,000 Funds available and/or already expended So Amount: required first year $ 0 Amount required subsequent years S 1,331,000 Balance Required $ 1,331,000 'TOTAL $ 1,331.000 —330- CAPITAL 1WROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department,- ComLiunity Development Fund: 7ivision: Engineering Priority' No.. System Developinant ST 88- 3 Project Title, ]description, and Location: Wilson Ave. Sizeet Improvement - Amethyst to Archibald Indicate whether,: (j)New 0 Replacement 0 Addition, Project Justifications Roadway widening and improvement to arterial standards. Has this project been scheduled, in a prior C.I.P.? @=,'o0 Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project, should be: Started 88/89 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project C,v3ts Amount Suggested Financing Amount Resign Cost � ,�, .�.. .��..,_,. 200 System Developmetit S 7,200 Construction Cost S 71 .500 Administration Cost g 3,300 _ I 1 Total Cost S 82,000 ME Funds available and/or Amount required first year already expended. S S 7,200 Amount required subs luent years S 74,800. Balance Required S 82.000 TOTAL S 82,00(1 CAPITAL"ROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Depax=ent: community Development Fund: Priority No. Engineering System Development ST 88-34 Project Title, Description,, and Location: Archibald: Street Improvement - Wilson to Hillside Indicate whether: @)New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Road-vay widening and improvement to ctterial standards. 4 Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.LF.? No 0 yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project; Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88189 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing: Amount Design Cost 5 5+000 System Development S 5,000 Construction Cost $ 49,500 Administration Cost $ 2,300 i Total Cost $ 56,804 Funds available and/or Amount required first ,year S 5,000 already expended $ a Amount required subsequent years S 51.800 Balance Required S 56,800 TOTAL S 56,800 _w -332— Department; Community Develop:-sent Fund:Mi Priority No, sion: Engineering System Development ST 88-35 Project Title, Description, and Location: Hermosa Ave. Street Improvement - Church, to 19th invicate whether: (9)New 0-Replacement 0 Addition. Project Iustificatiow- Street improvement including widening find pavemcnt rehabilitation. Has this project been scheduled in"a prior C.I.P.? ONO 0'Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Church Street and Hermosz Avenue Storm Drain, Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 8 8/8 9 cn Pac Rea Traffic Sir"M tal 19th and HermosaCompleted g 9/90' Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cosh, S 22,000 System Development so Construction Cash S 440.,000 i i Administration Cost s 20,004 l I Total Cost. S 482,000 Funds available and/or Amount required first year g {l already expended S-0 Amount required subsequent q Q years S 482;000 Balance Required S 4$2.000 TOTAL S 482,000 ` —333— CAPITAL 5WR0VEMP-NT;-;R1)JErT REQUEST Department Community Development mound: .~. Division: Engh`eering Priority No, Systems (RDA S-a•S) ST 88-36 11,nject. Witte, Description, and Location: f t, Street & Signal, Improvement - Baker to Grove Indicate whether: )New 0 Replacement 0 Addition ..._..,...... .............,,., Project Justification: Rehabilitation of pavement, widening, curb & gutter, and �dewalk. fhf " f I j Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.Y.P? Q vu d yes Other projects. or factors directly related to thiso'�ct: project: Traffic Signal CS Grove Avenue Upgrade Indicate fiscal, year project should be: Started !8 8 8 9 Completed 89/90 Estimated project Costa Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 26.400 Construction Lost $ 385,000 Systems (RDA S-a-S) S 70,400 Administration Cost j $ 17,500 Right-of-Way S 44,000 Total cost $ 472,900 Funds available and/or already expended so Amount required first year S 70.400 Amount required subsequent years $ 402.500 Balance :Required S 412,900 TOTAL S 472,900 ,f 334 PIT AL WROVEMENT?pIZC1.ECT' 1"�QT.IEST Department: Community Development Fund Division: Engin,ering Priority No. System Development ST 88.37' *project Title, Dt cription, and Locations Ar:aw Rte. Street Improvement V0 Hermosa to Maven, Indicate whether: r Nety Q Replacement 0 Addition Project. Justification; Street widening: and .,ehabilitaion to arterial standards. f Has Ws project been scheduled in ai prior C.I.P.? No 0 yes Other projects or factors directly related to this, project Indicate fiscal year project should be: SWned 88189 Completed $9/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing ,;mou!tt Design Cost. 3 6 600 Systm Development 61600 Construction Cost $ 72,000 Administration Cost S 3,= tr Total Cost S 81.6m Funds available and/or already expended S 0 Amount required first year, S 6.600 Amount required subsequent years S 75,000 r Balance Required 8 81,b04 TOTALS 81,6QrJ -335- CAMA L Il'�FROVE V"g'Ft t� CT C�T1 5T ! .o�......,,._,.. „ De)artment: Community i)evniopmc=Fund- Engineoring �aivision: Priority :No. s (RDA S-a-S) _o..._,�,.�...�. TR 88-17 Project Title, nescription. and Location: 'lpgr3de Signal Arrow Ric. @ Cre A Indicate. wheth er:. ...o. Nev 0 Replacement@ AN dition [( Project Justification: i Needed to =,,,-?rovi, capacity at intersection. a i s J i Kas this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.p.7 01v"a yes Other projects M! factors da'rec;.:y related to ehis project; Indicate fisr�° z: project should be: Started 87188 Completed 69/90 Estimatf Costs rrarzttnt Su �rinancinS Amount Design Cost S Systems (RDA S-a-S) $ 0Construction Cost, $ Administrtion Cost (Soo streets For fundin ) S0 8 h Total Cost $ 0 Funds available and/or already expended $ p t;"Wunt required ritst year S 0 t, Antwrn required subsequent years 50 :.Balann",4 Required $ 0 'TOTAL $ S — ."°" CAPrrAI RO MEN PROJECT REQUEST, Department:: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Priority, No. System & (RDA Set-a-Side) . TR 88-28 Project Title. Description, and Location: Upgrade Signal 9th @ Grove Indica te whether: 6o New 0 Replao�-xent 0 Addition Project Justification: .�,. Upgrade outdated controller and detection device s and improve capa4:ty at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior CiI.P.? No 0 yea Other L;rojects or factors directly .related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 8 818 9 Completed °/9 0 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount. Design Cost S 4.000 System & (RDA Set-a-Side) s0 i Construction Cost $ 95,000 Administration Cost $ 81090 Total Cost $ 97,000 l Funds available and/or Amount required first year, already expended $0 so l Amount required subsequent years S 97,000 Balaace :Required $ 97,000 TOTAL —337- 1 r f C k t , r 1 1 I I I P 1 t t 1 1 1 1 t t O ►. O 1 1 1. O I OO: 00: UO O0 O0 00 4 1 N 1 . O 1 1 1 O 0 1 1 1 0 I OO CG ! OO O O 00 O O 0 a N �•w t D ./ I 1 1 1 1 a r r t a r an f; 0 1 <oo Oo ML N0 �N 0Ln .K 1 w u> 1 1 I t 1 1 - 11 1 r t 1 _ 1 Z o r- 1 1 .D o -N r`� to in —tr sr 0 0 t O t n I t 1 t 1 m P 11 n I t+t I 1 .1 t tr.r o w r In 010 41.. w r fn LL 1 i I I 1 I ti 1 I t 0` t o N to .-..r cp t o 1 t t 1 I I t I F 1 1 1 7 i 1 T a t: r t o- l 00 o.0 0 a a`'0 00 00 0 1 N t , r / 11 1 t o 1 t 1 o I o ! 1 1 ri 1 0o n0 00 00 00 om a 1 N a 1 C, - I t ! t if 'O I I 1 O 1- to 1'.. - 1. 1 0 ► '00 c)0 Ln U, cv 0 'N. 0,0 .+ 1 to . 1 ►, 0 t 1 1 ( 1 0 1 1 I r` { '.rs 1 I ► 0 1 .a o u.t- n a In to -*. m m. C; f h- a 1 n .. 1 1 ( ( I m 1 t ► ti a•w 0 w w to o.0 •v tT t N I f 1 1 D- m N m -t.w to 1 �n o V I 1 1 1 r 1 ca I .D r`O N0 ow 0N. toN NA cm f-O' 0r+ oa 00 OO OO 00 OO oco LA tD 1 }- UN to O m in N w N a• Ir O r- O .a J\ I. O +r w .D w OO N mw 'N rDN N N <O 1 .. �tA. 1 I^- .D m r- ti a` .-1 � tt1 W S .r.-1. aD a.T a t i r t sL 1 O OO 00 00 00 OO 00 an OO 00 OO. 00 00 00 OO nO O lr�S O mm 1 u trcs 1 t 1 1 r 1 tyt- 1 O 1-0 No O.w O0 OO ON r--r 00 MO OW, 0O OO O0 Oa OQ OO N w 1 r to m 0 0 00 O•r' O w o 0 -r to 0 to 0 0 w ate. i N r w .D. o O O .4-t C.N O O 0•.+: tT mO tc\ um t -r .D. In r: O t1:1 t+] r to N N O.In. r r 07,17 i m t .-1 UNt r- r- -r an.a O m. N tTIC M 1 _ r U- i o 00 00 mta\ tro a-10 .r0 00 00 oo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 z1 J N Q t , r i4 to en ,0. r-a t N o .D 0 0 m 0 I z 0 1 t- 1 .. .: o ..o a .D U 1 L .-t tV ld\ qp co t [ U u...J '' "O OO OO r- OmO. NO 00 '00 OO OO. 00 00 OO 00 00. OO 00 to 0 7 ! LU tV r to U 1 1Z+ .fit. cr. v itt ,p { co0 10 1 W f tf ! i cc U> Vl U Q to :0- \ mu < <@ W • 4 < 1 J. LU . O Z ?-- \.S Z S Z II 4 Y. S 2 r tit tD 2 f- !'R /L Z E Lr. 6 1-4 O <II " " t-< I1: m CL. Q IL O cul 1 Ca O Q cx a- -i Vl <O ♦- Q \ ix J tY.L1t ♦ to O 0 Q to f--F I to )` -J O S B.1-- tM F- to 7C cr Y w a. W tU to w Z w tr 0 is ca I Z t o F-I1 f"H 1-i Z O Ln H Lx G w > Y-O II >Q !Y 0 . 0.1-- !- t LU J 1 N to M.w >O w. _t w to 1 O-r r• • J tJ. Ix tii S E Z I" C T. = II 0 1 Q N ¢ J W)3 M <� w. t '� II. "1- 1-4 Z W I.-w =" w to to Y U tL. 'U Q a>-' 1-4 J LU I H 2 1 2 tU II. I •tY LL2 mZ <Z to to Oto I- 00 M. X Q to-C rZ -C as too SN to 1 U r w►-t Q 0 S a <IX t- -C Z 3 Z t- ZI LU r--." X C3 J U 1=C. U -1.1; C7 LU 4 C'n 1 -C Q. .2.< r4 M J II =.II. In m O 0 oe to II Ln m< Ui J II w < II to J UA tr S S X t U-!L W S J to J 7- ca S M tit U <= w< 1-•U m U U -4J 1.w tY w' -1 O S< LD H II t-t. Z< \M' Z II U Z !-1 "I-1 N Z =►-1.. i-i N t-t��tA 1 t.7 Q tit J -C \tn. <EL. Z.IY <\ a`l J .Y O >0-4 M 1-i N M '> >r-t Yi II. I <J oU w • JO Zm <t0. SLY. w SO ww JS J Z im 4 t7 ":L Z.twit Ix Ix <LU 0.4 HU.. J.X (xw -jz oN cru t<31w w W wto t LU <Uui ui W Wu_ I <Ui Cr LJ tat r+. w w IX IU M-1-4 IU< II(x tU O I.7 Q w II ¢.w 'cr cr =•( LY tZ == cx w !•• ' (Z tY u.> t7 1 m= 04, w > co b•K Y S S S m U <K +c< <to <"c <Q < m O•-$ OM 010 N m r In w LA�D +r trk N 1- W 01 0.-1 N m Z 1 O Om 1010 D O tt\Sn UN ta\ "M .D.0 .O.D 0,D CO m O w •r to 1010 •D.D 10.0 .D 0. O 1 w 0,D+ 0•'O o•• -4.r t 4 .D a r•1- r-r- r-t` f-r- CO c0 CO CO m.CO CO CO: tom t0'0• .-t 4 fn m CO. c0 cD Or Ca CLO CO co co cw co m m c0 to aD cc to co m m Q co ttt.m W.co co.P U J I� I�t" P-h h-r`-' f` f` t-P- h•:;`. i.*t- f` 1' N G� h.,t;, N r.. R.-I.. t'..t+- e�1.. N N I•-1.. •[ i m mm m'tn mm mcn mm mm mm en m mcn mm mm mm Mm mm fnm mca 1 10 +0.D 1040 1010 1010 1010 .D•D -D ID t0�o •D 10 10-4 to.D .D.D .0+0 •0.D .0 0 .t. 1 .r .r r r w .r w r+r .r•r .r•r w•r w.r .r.r r.r r w Ir r •r-r r r w< N'+r I t Cl) mm mm mm fn en 4" C" mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm rm to t N NN. NN NN NN N-.N NN NN NN NN N.N N'N NN NN rt'N NN CV cm A. -338- r 1 1 ! i j ! u z� s a w o a c .-r ., t✓ a 1 o f 1 1 f d f m m LM z cat a oAo r - J H ! .0 cr to.o t cm to o � ru � ! n m a f ! to 1 o� � 4 � 1 L ! w ! N ry m t 0 co -t .0 w 1 1 1 ry' !t tl ! O 1 t• a- ,o � a o -4 �n t t— �.+ t o a Io o d c0 Q 1 ttt ry O O 1 LL u1 i4 LAO tZ Q I ax co co 1 W ~~ . Cci a z t- O 1 W a 2 W. O - Wtlj -"n ! Q' 1= U.� uj 3 a tW9 14. a 1 +S N t z: bzz I 0 1 H Qcx LU 1-- 1 Q CI 00 1 M— j- IT G w J, rig 1 to c k r 9 -339- PROGRAM POSITIONISALARY SCHEDULE 1 Position Position Ouota Classification Current �7�pt. lti+igp. . 13e t. A�rr����stions � Title Level ' Rcmd. Rand', Arlsi ted ItGtrad. Ado led Uffice Asst. 12 4 �+ 4% 679 679 679 Office Asst. 3% 4% 4% 47.; TraMic Engineer 659 659 659 r � G''o 3 3 3 1,239 1,239 1,239 Assoc< Civil Eng. V% 5% 5% 57 2,103 2,103 2,ID3 Eng. 'Tech. 0% 7% 7Z 7% 1 634 1,634 1,634 Sr. Civil Eng. 119i 9� 9� 9 Assoc. Civil Eng. 4,461 $ 12% 10% 10% 107. 4,061 4,061 4,061 Assoc. Civil Eng. 12% 10% 107. 10% 4,164 4,164 4,164 1 Assoc. Civil: Eng. L296 10% 1071, 10% 3,845 3,845 3,845 Asst. Civil Eng. 12 10% 10% 10% { Jr. Civil Eng. 12% 20% 10% 10% 3,086 3,08b 3,086 l Eng., Tech. 2.725 2,725 2,725 g• 12i 1(391i iQX 109 2*274 2�334 2,334 Eng, Aide 12% 10% 10% 107 2,278 2,278 2,278 Public Works Eng. 7% 5'9&, 5% S Sr. P.W. Tas , 2,479 +2,479 2,479 P 14% 10% 109 109 3,731 32 731 3,731 Jr. Civil Eng. 8r 2,97a 1,973 P.W. Insp. 149 10% 10x 10% 1,973 P.W. lasp: 1456 1#29f'a 10 10 3,3 C 3,310 3,310 P.W. Insp. 3% 2% 29 2 P.W. 2,981 2,981 516 316 516 SUBTOTAL (1,3-46371100) 48,258 48,258 48t258 Peril 5 2TOTAL 413 2,413 2,413 50,671 30,671 50,6,71 PROGRAM POSITION/SALAR'Y SCHEDULE Position Position Quota A ro riation Classification -Current Dept. Mgr, Dept. Mgr, Title Level Rcmd. Rand. Ado ted Rcmd. Rcmd. Ado ted Office Asst. 8% 8% 8% 1,21! 11211 1,211 SUBTOTAL (23-4637-1 l00) 1,211 1,211 1,211 Merit @ 5°ia 61 61 51 TOTAL ts,27 1,972 1>272 i —341— Departmont/Division: Prigram, Account Number: C.D./Engineering Drainage - General City 23-4637 Object No. Description of Items 3 Individual Dollar Amunts Budget 1100 Regular PayrolZ 51,943 1900 Fringe Benefits @ 35 15179 ►' ran Ls�os�aw TOTAL 70,122 -342- CAPITAL RVIPROVENI ENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No. Division: Engineeria8 Drain & RDA Set-a-Side DR 88.01 Project. Title, Description, and .Location: Area VI Church-Hermosa S.D. Church Basin along Hermosa to N/O 19th Phase 1 Indicate whether: O New O Replacement Addition. Project Justification; Storm drain construction to reduce surface flows along Church and Hermosa Avenue. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C'I.P.7 0 No yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be Started 8 7/8 8 Completed 89/90 Estimated.Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design. Cost S 198,000 Drain & RDA Set-a-Side S 2,235,5Q0 Construction Cost $ 2,213,700 Administration Cost g 50,000 i s Total Cast $ 2,461,700 Funds available and/or Amount required first year $ 2,235,500 already expended 226,2U0 Amount required rabsequent years so Balance Required S 2,235,500 TOTAL S 2,235,500 —343— CAPITAL M'R®VEM.NT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community rievelopment Funds Priority No; Division: Engineering Drain & RDA Set-a-Side DR 8g•02 Project Title, Description, and Location: Area II, Hellman. S.D. - Monte Vista to S.P.R.R. Indicate whether: d New 0 Replacement (1)Addition Project Justification: Storm drain construction to reduce flooding surface runoff along Hellman, f G Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 Noti-, Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 88/89, Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 65.700 Drain & RDA Set-a-Side $ 971,000 Construction Cost S 935,000 Administration Cost $ 42,000 Total Cost S 1,047,700 Funds available and/or Amount required first year S 977,000 already expanded $ 65,7Qtft Amount required subsequent years 0 Balancc Required S 977,00t1 TOTAL S '977,000 -344- CaP.�rAL.I1OROVEMEI T T PROJEC17 nEQTJEST Department: Community Development Punds Division: Engineering Priori No. Drain & RDA Set-a-Side io 88,03 Project Title. Description, and Location: .. Area II Cucamonga S.P.R.R. S.D. Phase 1 - Cue. Creek Channel to 1':-100" WO Cue. Creek Channel Indicate whether: Q New 0 Replacement ®Addition Project Justification: Needed to upgrade this drainage system for 103 year storm protection. Affects, Hellman Avenue Storm Drain. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No Yes Other projects or fact;--a directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project shoti?d be: Started 87198 Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount. Design Cost S 62.700 Drain & RDA Set a-Side S 907.000 Construction Cost S ,g27, Administration Cost S 80,000 Total Cost S 969,700 Funds available and/or already expended $ 62,700 Amount required first year S 907,000 Amount required. subsequent years $ 0 1 Balance Required $ 907,0GO TOTAL $ 907,000 -345- TWROVEMENT PROM CT REQUEST Department: Community .''},trrlo.r .n Fund: Division:' Engineering Priority No. Drain & RDA Set.-Side DR 88.04 � Project Title, Description. and Locations �- Area II Cucamonga S.P'.R.R. S.D. Phase Z - 140V 1. Cuc. Creek Channel to Hellman Indicate whether: 0 new 0Replacement e p ement Addition i Project Justification: Improve this drainage system to provide 100 year storm grotec-tion. Af£ncts Hfellman Avenue Storm I a Has tbiQ project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? (®, No 0 yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project; Indicate fiscal year rrrojevt should be: Started 87/8 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggesteef Ftnanc ttg Amount PAsign Cast S 28,600 I Drain & RDA Set rye`�3e �► 355,20C Construction Cost S 312,40Q Administration Cost S 14,200 Total Cost S 355,200 Funds available and/or Amount required first already expended ►0 Q year $ 355,200 Amount rewired subsequent years S p Balance Repaired S 355.200 TCTA�r S 355.200 —346— CAPITA.,DaRp4'Eh ENT pRojFCT REQUEST Department; Community Development Fund: Divit"on: Engineering Priority'No. rainage-City Wide DR 88-05 Project lI EastTitle, BeDescription, I Pack S.D.,d location: Beryl W/O Meryl l Indicate whether: Q New 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification: Needed to provide drainage along Beryl for East and West Beryl Parks. I i Has this project been scheduled in a prior C1,P.2 0 N` Yea Other projects ar factory directly related to this project; a Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 p Cam feted. $8/8 Estimated :Project Costs Amount Suggested Finatic x Count fDesigu CostS6.&t}0Drainage-City Wide S 96.600 nstruction Cost 3 92,400 Administration Cost $ 4, Total Cost S 1033,200 .Funds avail0te and/or Amount required first year $ 961600 already expended 5.6 Amount required subsequent years so Ba,aAce Required. $ 96.6W TOTAL 96,6wl —141- CAMAL POROVEMFUNT PROJECr REQMST Department: Comtztnn.:ty Development Fund: Grrision: Engineering i�C Priority No. Drain & A Set-a-Side OR 8,8.06 Project Title, Description., and Location. Ares; YIr Lower Turiier (Hernmosh) S.D y W)O Hermosa from A.'T,#S.P.R.R. to SIO Faoth'M Iadicµte whether 0 New o Ri;�,n'�ement • Addition loll-ti•I-M�tlYY :'!4-IrM.���1r... r .�: ! Prr,tcct Justification, Improve drainage along Hcrmabd. P ' 3 e Y E Has this project baett scheduled in a: prior C.Y.P.7 0 No tit Y" Other prvjccts or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Stuttd 47188 L:otnpleted 88189E Esdai2ted Project t`"Sta Anicz°Ant Sumgesteti Financing Amount Design Cast Drain & RDA Sc;-a-Side S Construction 4ost S' Adminiw atthn Cast $ 11000 (RDAset-a-sided 1 . i i "Total Coat $ 110W Funds available �,ncikr already expended $4 Amount requited first yAuS 1, Amount regttired subsequvAt yea; $tl ` Nlance Required S 11000 TOTAL $ J.'00l Alk s s • CAPITAL DAPROV EWdqT PROJECT REQUEST DeparLment; Community Development Fund; o. Priority N Division: Engineering Drainage City Wide Priority 88.N Project Title,. Description, and L,oca';rt Baseline S.D. - WiG Day Creek Cbm j to future Day Creek Blve. Indicate whetimr: 0 New 0 aeolacement Addition Project Justification- Provide drainage along 13aselitte Rh in -oslydinatio0 with Baseline Road, Phase !R Street Improvements, i _ l Has caws project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P'.? Yes Other projects or factors direcr y relates to this prfljcv-1' Bafieiine Road, P"M6 in Street Improvemeats Indicate fiscal yew project should bn: Started 8 7/8 8 Completed 99/00 Estimated Project Costs Amount sug'3ested Financing Amount Design Costnrainase city Yc ide S 20 000 9 Construction Cost, $ VOW Adxctiaiistration Cost 30,000 x, i Total Cost $ 300,000 Funds available and/or Afar.tmt required Vitt L� rlready expended t� year S 2u,000 j Att ala". rrqu s%,d subs;�quent years 280,000 Balance Required 300,000 'gOTAT. S 300,000 CAMAL AVRO L_"'MElV`PROM-=REQUEST Departmen, CO -,'unity Development Fund: Division: lr -g Drainage -City ride =Dorit No. ._ -1Q Project Title, Description, and Location: Hidden Farm Rd. Culvert - E10 Carnelian Indicate whether: 0 New Replacement Q Addition Project Justification: Local drainage culvert to transport heavy flows across Hidden 'Farm Rd. i 1 Uaz thiti project b:en sched,,g-.a= _ in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No Yea ®titer r gjects or factors directly related to this project: r � Indiicat, fiscal Year project shuald be: Started 8 7/8 8 Completed S 9f S 9 Estimated Frujtic� Costs Completed Amount Surd Sated'ir�..:.Yngmoutat Design Cost 4:7A 3 1.$00 Drain ige ,.� `R'de r $ 40,000 Constructiot< Cost S 38400 Administration Cost 8 11500 Tot`!1 Cost. $ 41,800 Funds avaitdbie .and/or already expended S 1,800 Al notmt required first year $ 40,000 Amount required subsequent years S 0 R lame Required S 40,000 TOTAL 40,000 l -350- CAMAS,I 'ROVE iENTPR"` REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund. Priority No, r Division; Engineering Drainage-( DR 88-13 Project Title. Description. and Lccation: I Area V Hillside Rd. SM. Phase I "bibald to E/0 Malse 1^ Indicatewhether: 0 Ne++ `Replacement mdztion Project Justifications Provide drainage for Hillside Road in coordination :he Hillside Road Street ImpTnv'1ntcrt3. Has this project been scbedui�t In a prior C.I.P.? 0 No yes 6•hhr-r projects or factors directly related to tb;,s project: Indicate fiscal yeas project should be: 'mrtcd 87/98 p mom leted 88d89 ErAdminisfration ak,ted Project Costs +mount Suggested Financing Amount gym ' ost 0 Desingte-City tide S S,t.►^l'i on Cost S igS.f Cost Total Cos t Fund: available and/or Atttryunt required first year 5,000 almady expended $ i3S, Q .r� Amount required subsequent Yeats SO '. EalanCe lte.q ttia e d 3,SMltD TOTAL S 5.000 —351— QVrrAL Il&ROVEN[EM PROJECT REQUEST ~� Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Priority No. Drainage -City Wide DR 8§4 4 Project Title. Description, and Location: � Area VI Lemon Avg. S.D. . Lower Alta Llama Channel to Amethyst Indicate whether: @ New 0 Replacement Addition oa as Project Justification: Increase the flood prote.tion of this 4lrm drainsystem and Amethyst Street. and provide protection for Archibald Avenue Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.l'.P'.? No 0 lies Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fi" year project should be: Slarted 88/59 Completed 89/90 Estima:�d Project Coats Amount Suggested. Financing Amount Desigu Cost $ 24,200Drainage -City Wide $ 369,200 Construction Cost $ 330.00 Administration Cost $ 15,000 ti Tot al Co st st S 364,7.00 Funds available and/or Amount required first already expended � Q 4 y� S 369,200 4 f Amount required subsequent years so., f, r alancg Required $ 369,2.00 TOTAL $ 369,200 —352— i CAPITAL RVWRt?4'EMEi NT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering _ Priority No. Drainage -Csty Wide DR 88-I5 i Project Title, Description, and Location: Area VI highland Ave. S.D. - Lower Alta Loma Channel to Archibald Indicate whether: @ New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Iix rease storm protection provided by this. drainage system and provide protection for Archibald Avenue. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 lcto 0 yes Other projects or factors directly :related to this project Indicate fiscal year project should be: & rted 88/89 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 11,000 Drainage -City 'Fide s 149,000 Construction Cost S 132,000 Administration Cost $ 60000 Total Cost S 149,000 Funds available and/or ,� already expended p Amount required first year $ 149,000 Amount required subsequent years $ Q Balance Req,.Aired S 149,000 Ta,"AL S 149,000 —353— f CAPITAL Z PROVEWNT PROJECT RMQMs Department: Community Development Fund; Division: Engineering Drainage -City Wide Priority No. I DR 8$-16 Project Title, Description, and Location: Area 11 Araethyst S.D. Phase I E/O Amethyst, N/C l9th to aigigand Indicate whether: New Q 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification Provide for increased draistaa protection along Amethyst. Has this Project been scheduled in a prior C.LP ® No ye s Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: starttd 88/89 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 17,200 Dtziusge -City Wide $ 118,500 Construction Cost S 82,500 Administration Cost S 3,1800 Right-of-Way 15,000 Total Cost $ 118,500 Funds available and/or already expended S p Amount required first year $ 118,500 Amount required subsequent years $ 0 Balance Required S 118,56l0 TOTAL $ 118,500 —354— i CAPMAL MPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund; Division: Engineering Priority No. Drainage -City Vida _ DR 88-17 Project Title, Descriptioft, and Location. Area II Cucamonga S.P.R.R. S.D. Phase 3 and Amethyst S.D. Phase 2 Hellman to E/O Amethys �$ SIO 19th Indicate whether. @ New a laeeme p nt 0 Addition Project Justification: :storm drain improv-tments to reduce surface, flows in this drainage area. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? (1)No 0 Yes Other projects or factors d'-eotly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be. Started 88189 Completed 8 9/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design 'Cost S 6SP Drainage -City Vide $ 840,100 Construction Cost $ 693,000 Administration Cost 3 ,300' l Right-of-Way 5 50,000 f ` Total Cost $ $40,10 Funds available and/or .Amount required first already expended $ tl� S 840,100 Amount required subsequent years ' so Balance Required. S 840,100 TOTAL r 0 0 -355 - CAPITAL ZVROVEMEN'T PROJECT REQUEST Depaitment CommunityDevelopment Fund. Priority No. Division: Engineering Drainage -City Rode DR 88-15 Project Title, Description, and Location: Area. 11 8eryt .Ave. S.D. Phase 1 - N10 19th to Lemon Indicate whether (1)New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Provide for drainage and reduction of surface flows on Beryl. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? No 0 Yes ' Other projects or factors directly related to Ibis project; Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $ 47,509 Drainage -City Wide $ 47,500 Construction Cost $ .Administration Cost so i Tatar Cost $ 47,500 i Funds available and/or 5 Amount required first year $ 47,500 already expended h G Amount required subsequent years $ 0 Balance Required 5 47,50 � TOTAL S 47.500 —356— CAPrrAL WRQVEINIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Communi►f Development Fund: Division: En itteerin Priority No. 8 Drainage -City Vide DR 88-19 Project Title, Description, and Location; Area 11 Carnelian Ave. S.D. Phase I .. Vivero to Id/0 Baseline Indicate whether: *New i 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification: Provide for drainage- and reductionn of flows on Carnelian. Has this project been scheduled in a prior CI.? No 0 Yet Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Resign. Cost S 49,509 Drainage -City Wide $ p Construction Cost $ 687,500 Admit,.stration Cost S 31,300' i { E` I i Total Cost $ 7%S,300 Funds available: and/or 0 Amount required first year $ 49,500 already expended f Amount required subsequent years $ 718,800 Balance Required $ '768,300 TOTAL S 768,300 357— CAPITAL IMPROV.EmENT PROJECT REQUEST Department:: Community Development Fund: Division:. Engineering Priority No.Drainage -City Wide DR 88.20 Project Title, Description, and Location: Area V Hillside Rd. S.D. - Upper Alta Lorna Channel to Archibald Indicate whether: Q New 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification: Provide drainage protection along Hillside and protection for Archibald Avenue. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.M? No 0 Yea Other projects or fact(is directly related to this project Indicate fiscal year project should be.• Stated 8 8/8 5r Completed 89190 Estimated Project Coats Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 17,dCD0 Drainage -City Wick $ 1AI,bf10 Construction Cost �, I'76,40�tD Administration• Cost S 91000 f Total Cost $ 201,600 a Funds available and/or already expended S 0 Amount required first year $ 201,000 Amount required subsequent years 0 Balance Required $ 20I,6W TOTAL S 20100 358 CA UAL ROROVENEENT PROTECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: 1n: Engineering Priority No. Drainage -City Wide MP 88-03 Project Title, Description, and 'Location: Master Plan of Drainage - Cucamonga/Deer/Day Creek Areas Indicate whether. Q'New Q Replacement (�}A,dditia�a Project. Justifications Provide update master plans for the Cucamonga/Deer)Day Creeks drainage area. E I Has this project been scheduled in a, prior C.I.P,T 0 No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started. 9 7/8 8 Completed 8 818 9' Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggeetid Financing mount Design Cost so F.- age -City Wide S 40,000 Cconstruction Cost $ 0 Administration Cost $ 51000 Digitizing S 35,000 Total Cost $ 40,000 Funds available aadfor $ Amount required first year already expended 3 40,000 Amount required subsequent years $ 0 Balance Required S 40.000 TOTAL 3 40,000 -359- CA MAL,DMROVEMENT PROJEC'T'REQUEST Department: Community Development: Fund: Division, FagineeringI _J Priority No. Drainage -City Wide 1'v4F 88-04 i Project Title, Description, and Location: City Wide Drainage Facilities Inventory Indicate waether: o New 0 Iteph cement Addition Project Iusd icationz Provide currcut inventory A.nd condition report of all drainage facilities in the City. Has this ro'ect P J been scheduled in .a prior C.I.P,B 0 No I*Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal yofr project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design.. Cost $_U Drahut ,3 -City Wide S 30,000 Construction Cost so Administration Cost S 2,000 Digitizing $ 28,000 E i Total Cost- S 30,000 Funds available and/or Amount required first year already expended so S 3 ,000 i Amount required subsequent years $ p Balance Required 3tl,Q00 TOTAL, S 30,400 360 1 � i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 ' 1 0 e t r 1 ► t r 1 r t O CI Q. '-'O I I i t ► I t- I N m +-� �.tY. ► 1 1 1 1 1 0 / N m 10 ul gCL i N 1 N C I r 1 r 1 1 1 1 t t I 1 i t i O I Oa O C 1. t 1 1 t l O l QO O QO O cm N 1 1 t t t /�to ty r- t t I t i t I N u M t t t 1 1 t i r 1 r L3 1 r r cu t 0 aO mo oa co m vi W 1 m th 4 0 t N IJ 10 1 4 >- 1 u.r t O OO 00 00 CG l"'! N t 000 .c ► 1 It a- ► u r I o oO +CO Oh+ Oo t tx 0 ! .fir N.. F a0I • m I r w N m to ► 1 Y u� 1 O OsA N,R OQ OO N 10 a.� tT. . O wI _- t m �r.r •+I.- w d i Z N trt t U. 140 0U% coo Co ao m -j I O C)---' r 1 /� 1 N m Q♦.a. UN U I Ix co< t m L 11t M1 Q` ca t Z tY. 2 Im cm j r t t Y F--j 4J.a LU �. =" w j to O .c6 �. 1 a tn. r< w o 3 r Vt U- 1 f r 0o w> m ww c 0L. tr< z as to 1 t3.[ = - {W kn vA r Lu dUN wm-t 30 Zts- 1 t>:t-+ c5x xs aX wut a ► to ou uu 9x >a *+ I cw Mm =a ao <o ►- t to> a.< Ic s .t o x LL r `�..I a m w to Icy r+ m V- X i m a N 1010 t-C' man O t cr. Oo a t-t- 0w cI 1 m ww Q0 om w4 W a- Ir r r 1 1 i 1 1 0 BMW ' 1 � Z oa. 4 k � cl 1 _ 1 t 1 a 1 1 .D. L) J. f at 1 c 0 ' cn cc p G m w co 1 p 0 p Lf 1 1 1 1 M en Lf,0 1 l A— t)d ;: N m- 1 a] ' A. ' O ' 10 cap d 1 In uY a t—o 3 J L p 1 CO 1- 1 to a4 w.q 1.W 1 u. t In cr 4 14 r r c s=s 1 +2 U.1 1.�0 UA 1 x ► o N to 1 Q� 1 LU IxZ O.. a _ U� LU LO w 1cy, Lo P� 1 -362 9 ......... ,.yam CAPITA,RVIPROVENIENT TROJ CT REQUEST Department: Comtnctnity Development `. Division: _ Fundz Engineering - Priority 'ta, PAU & systems ..... ST 88.14 Project Title, Descr-,ption. and Location: Cucamonga Creek Sridsc 16dening C Arrow Rte. go Indicate whe her: * New 0Replacement p erzt0 Additian Project Jusl;ticatiorl: Widen existing bridge to arterial width. ji 1 1 Has this project been scheduled in a prior C,LP;7 No @ f Ys Other Projects or factors directly relaiasi to this project.- Indicate ------.....,....--- fiscal year project should bn; Scatted g 7/?S —= Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Casts Arr►outlt Suggested Firlartcing .mount Des:gn Cost S 16r3t3t} P,AU & Systems S 207,000 Construction Cast S 198.700 Administration Cost 1 System Development (RDA 14,200 et-a-side. Systems Portion only) i +otal Cast 8 226,20G Funds available and/or atready ,�xprndcd S S,tloo Amount required fiat year S 2 ,200 Amount required subsequent years � Q Bala se Required S 221,200 TOTAL 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 2EQz}EST Department: community Development Fund: Division: Engineering Priority No. LF'AU ST 88-4d Ric.ject Title, ,'Description., and Location. �a Haven Ave. Rehabilitation & Widening - Fourth to Foothill at Indicate whether: New 0 Replacement 0 Additions Project Justification: Application to Federal Government for funding and design of avementI rehabilitation P _ t . anon and widening. 28 Has this pehjec4 been scheduled in a prior C.LP.? .n No 0 Yes Other projects on Factors directly reiat.d to this prciect: .Indicate fiscal year pr,%ject should be: Started 87/88 Y $,amplcted 89/90 Estimated Project C.-sts Amount .suggested Financing Amount .-o. ..- Design Cost S 37'000 FAC1 $ 27.000 -Construction Cost so Administratimn Cost so Gas Tax 2107 S 6.000 Total Cost S 33,000 Funds available and/or Amount required f,,TsC year S 33,000 already expended 1mount required subsequent. years S 0 i Balance required S 33,000 TMAE. S 33,000 364 APITAL DAP'RO EI,k1ENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Division: Engineering FAU Priority No. - ST 88.45 Project Title, Description, and Locatirn: Fourth St. Rehabilitation - West City Limit to E/O I.15 Indicate whether: Q New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification; Application to Federal Government for funding and ;`esign of pavement rehabilitation. Has this project been scheduled in a prior. C.I.P.? No 0 Yes Othcr projects or factors directly related to this projects t Indicate fiscal project ect should be Started 87188 y P Completed 8 9/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount �4 Design Cost S 41,800 1 AiS S 33,800 Construction Cost Administration, Cost Gas.Tax 2107 S 8,006 1 C Total Cost S 41,8011 Funds available and/or Amount rewired first year already expended S 0 S 41,800. Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required 5 41.800 TOTAL. 5 41.80tl -365- 1 1 1 1 d 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 0 e r 1 1 I 1 Z 0 1 O o> 1 'r 1 p M 1 I N 1 1 1 1 1 1 cn m i co t r U 1 I'. 1 ci t r 1 o I CT M 01 .4 N th m I h. r r h 4 t0 v,o I a t 1 rL F- t o O 0 00 o 0 .,E Ln 1. 1 1 1 w w O 'o ram- C} o h o x v f Q .4 Co 0` O T �0 1 U m, I con Ir O m h I � � 1 y 1 O N Q om O La J I N 47 0 O L7 6 Y. 1 a0 J? itt .q'U 1 O. h to.01 w t0 t r 1Q }.. LL, F wi o 00 00 O o coo ttz �:. co Q 1 4 J + 2 r M1 r0.-e +-C dIC sa 1w� wO Zra ►- m t c�Ix tra wr- x 4 is M w f f = t-c s s[M w a.. ! w 04 a.,O > w kA t.twit U x X d X, I w x to w r 1-� •4 1a�3 r o. z 0 1 +-1F4 a4. zW o UQ fu L:? t ir1 (L1 163 t(t Ifk t1Y .aC tL O tti t0 tr? tG aC I N NrUN4 NN N -366- I 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 o a 1 to �,IL 1 I I tr Q" .)a. I Q 1 I i rV IL t 1 I t 1 i I � LD. Z Cl l 1 C 1, :. _J\ 1 m i m u:v , a i2.1 r 1 up1 o a a 4A ► ,x= 1 > 1: U A f 1 tL ti 1 o C w t]:uj OD f ^ coto en I m10 >. 1 o ®�-i m `I r / to ca<.` : co _ a :a m.x I r o a m ,t a r t o In rmco .a sC us m m to co 1 tL. I 1 to J ,� m1-- ca i ` 1 1. LU LU I a In u LU to etA Y 1 W V. tz o t 3 tk z i 14—a tY o i < ► tV .r36 7- i f f ! t ti. wi- `� 4 ! S O, t 1 it 0 >~ 1 Q O 1 P2 I q O a � S rs tia f s t a to q. 1 I*L N t 1 v IT a 1 1 N N cx 1 c i ao_t p• 00, In u3 1 J` to tT OD+t) v r r♦ 1 w. O N N CJ r 1 to r- In it% 1 � � 10 1 tt.►- t C,9- O 4 O O O O t:i 1 tii. t O. tV 1.- -2 to co m ft I'IAMP l !1 U. j O V O cT en O in in r co O 1 N w O O f ►- in u t o ,o r- ,�`, CO-C t as N: zo ! 1 r I.- LL i 4 O O 0 00 O C] O to J t W. N fW N 4'I 6 i S in ICI Its O Q t O ltl. fti co 7 J.. co. t t j cu 0. x i- < E 1 ib h-11 $.FI h F i ! ! cc W tit :c SJ G LL I u+ t �i X X <`c w a:... t ur z u ut a w 0 t J u1 dC+C -C`rkA r <I- ►-t- cc i i-z I-t W4 r a. x +�' R a~.A �s.tic wm 1.4 {- t o !n%r «r{ uv O. n DO mat 'cu . ct f in,In w t t in in in M 4A {� pe t hf N N N,Of ry ii -368-. COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division: Program: General Overhead Account Number. Capital Reserve 25-4285 Object No. 3 Description of Items Individual Dollar Amounts Fludget. 3900 Civic Center and Public Safety 30,000 7043 Capital Expenditures Corporate Yard 1,960,000 Drainage - Lake & Amphitheater, Feed Hill 4:5,000 Lake. Biosystem - Red Hill Park 20,000 Athletic Equipment Storage Rm., Red. Hill 12,000' Regrade Fields Heritage Park 20,000' Erosion Control and Hydroseeding 32,000 Subtotal 2,089,000 8001 Central Park Acquistion 784,970 oft W. f II �.� d TOTAL 2903,970 -369- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REOUEST Department Community Services Fund Division Park Development 25-4532-80 1 Priority No. Project Title, Description, and vacation: Central Park Acquisition Indic:iite whether New; Replacement: or Addition; Project Justification: The four!-h of ten t payments o release to the: City an additional the acres for the 99 acre future park site. , i Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? x as No � Other projects or factors directly related to 'this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 51S8 Ccuplated 1995/96 Estimated project Costs Amount Suggested Ti asncingAmount Acquisition. Installment 784,990 Capital Reserves 784,970 Funds available and/or Amount required first year already expanded 784,970 Amount required subsequent years Balance Rcgttfre:d TOTAL 7840970 Rccoia ndad @y Division He-ad) For a gars Uset if::Dave d Sy: �part;;R Heard)Leonard �370- v a e s a o i a t 1 i 1 r + k r I 4t. 1 ++ + t I t. I t • � . 13 i 1 1 t 1 1 1 r Ir cu 1 1 l i 1 ra m n O C1.L t t I P I I t I (lam. st O. + .4 .r Q 1 1 1 Y 1 1 0 UN i i i i s i ti t=r d - t t t t t tT .r O i 1 - 1 1. t t 1 1 1 l a' w 1 �_ i + 1 Ir T +`• w U t t I t t pp 1 ~ w f O OO OO OtA 0O+ Nor .O O O -o .-t O` r- w-r O. .p O M I tn. Q. �..+ 0 .r O~ •r. M r- r to .a m -r u a r 1 U- i O 00 00 00 00 Oa 00 on On 0 0 LA 1 ,x O 1 u a 1 ¢ r + 1 i 1 y^ t u_t- 1 0 OO coo 00 00 OO 00 00 00 o 0 an v a l .-Y 0 r- -c W i. to -.+ CO Go 1 i 1 r 1 o Os coo Om 0a� 0'r mo 00 00 0 •+ -9 m O co_ r 1 !f t N. to r`- 1-N r 10 UN 0< t w ! N t t IL J 1 0 OW COO OO oa-%214U Oc 00 OO O � mu 1 < r CD¢ 11 d N ar t is m us 1-4. �. z W v1. < al I: < O iu O� "r N w kZ-1 O F•- t� t O> H O 1 O w F<- a tA C l�I. *7 ►- o it a K 1- + �C tN. S.tC Yll U CC W -1 Wv 5 0. .:x t U J. t N< <N to z +.T ¢. S 1.CL ttl 1 0 tt co W W o.H Z ca to to al.-4 IX%. LX q S 1 CID< •Z Ir W ut W "t+ =S Ir 0 1-t1C' "? un Y t-+ W ul t-AC2 Z v1< at W itt O <-A to O. W x 1'}J >? ,C, 33 S v+C i> =j > + w << oO a r a a-i tn" �c I ?- tu.W 3t„^Q S S. ►U.c 2 rZ. uY Z O K H Y t•W .L 2 ty h F•F O 0.4 4`Ln Z O H O J =Z Ix tt G'fx T.Z t-t O tY'CC Z.4 LU t� w. = t7.Q O O Y O <C W. to li =" t U t9 I.-- Z'z 12.S :!s U- iA,;W <N ¢' m 1- w:a .w N m+n t~a 0-4 Mr tv-4 N r-CO' w m w CO m w 0-01 (1-0 .0-4 .-t I a• re M .r.-t r-4 «.r -1.-t .4.4 .-1 1- r-w w a v m mw ow ww =w ww ww wm ww w u t m Mm mm mm mm mm mm mm men m < t m men mm mm mm mm mm mm mm m 1 en mm mm mm (n mm +nm mm cnm m 1 V" -r.1^ V'-t' .r�i' .r�r yr.t .r.t" .Y•".r �Y d- •r t w wm tow cow ww, ww ww wm ww w W N N t4 N n'V N rY rV tt1 N N N rV: N N COST E-NTEO TA I L mCQ<SzmEE7 Department/Division: Program: Account `:u:5er; COMM DEV/PLANNING CD?BG 28-4333-5880 Object No. Dascrfption of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budgec 8185 Administration 74,400 8811 Sierra Madre & Placida Ct 184,471 8812 Avenida Ve,jar 149,472 8187 Fair Housing 8,657 t „ TOTAL =417,000 -372- e � � B 1 1 ' 1 d i ' i I, I 1 i t t 1 1 e �a � a do in UN o U> 1 F l t � I It 1 �. 7 I C1 1 O. N p N aV RI 01 U 1 u.o r a � t .n I x M 1 _. U in 1 - 1 ! t IZ'CAD 1. aa � v� l mi CO j a pp m co : 45 La ,r m.c r t I 1- u.J pp o p a¢ e m� i Lnc�i i z W I = m I c1 a I w o c to w F- ►- ! S Z I v w ui a U. t � ►- t-a I I; Rwa te 3 I < d O I Z a a t- 1 0 I. co_! Ln Y.. G: I y. CLx H 1..9x III ►y O00, 1 %0 O co i G.� 1 N NN 1 'i 7 P 010, o] In - 373 aura:T ENTE? --aTAIL nio<_mEE DepartmentfDivis c.A, : Program: Account Nun.be:: Community Services Park bevelo went 29-4532 Object No. Desexipeivn of Items b Individual Dollar Aamouncs Budzet 6 Beryl Park - Tennis 131 000 8620 Lions ark 86,250 poor 8809 North Town Park 149,000 ate... P f i a i' h ,.� TOTAL 366,250 -374- �w F CAPITAL IMPRUVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST z t v:at Fund Community Service Division Park Development ! 29-4532-8809 a t t } Project Tile, beaacrlption, and Location: North Town Park fin Indicate whether Nov: X Replacement: an Addition: P : cct. Justifications .� Construc;.ion of the approved master plan of the five acre Old Town Park, to include restrooms, playgounds ;picnic area, and one lighted softball field. Design/engineering'wail pravi:ously approved in FY 1987/88. Has this project been arlieduled. in a prior C I»P.3 =as No Other projects or factors directly relatfid :o this projects Ind cate fi0cal ye r Frejact. sbwld be: Started 1937/88 con plated 1968/39 P �t� Estlmatzd Project Costs count SuSRehted Tiure, cian Construction $ 450,000 RDA $ 301,000 1984 State Bond Act 149,000 l� 'Funda aVailsble a ndror unr req:airer', firs u�c alt eady Upended � 45t.,000 unt required subeaquent years � Balance Required TOTS 450,0C 1 s Recota +ende By- division Rea For Mu=ser a Ustoo 'Re quesrr:d Dy, �DePart.ment tea►d) ..,5, 5 CARITAS. IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST nepartaaent Community Services Fund1 ^' DixL$I*n Park. Development 29-4532-8fi19 Priority No, Project I'itlem Description and I,ccacidn; v,, Beryl Park Indicate whether New: X Replacement: or Addition: X Project J!Zztif cation: 1 In,tallation of four night lighted tennis courts, picnic area, monument signage, r_stroom rehabilitation and drainage improvements. Has ahl8 project been scheduled In a prior C.1*7.? X as No Other Projects or f&4tors dtrectly related to We project: _i Indicate fiscal year Project should be: Started�,1987/88 CompItted L2§§1iiQ; Estimated Project Corns Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design and Construction $ 235,000 1984 State Bond Act 1 g 31, 93.985/86 R-ZBer $ 131,695 y RCPDF 82,305 Funds available and/or Mount required first ywzr 245,000 already expanded Amount required subsequent years 0 15alnnce Required L7- TOTAL 245,000 Recommended By: (Division Heat For ieer a set: h0qua sted By. (Department Head) Dare ':eanard -376- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Services nd Division 29-4532-�8620 Park Development Priority No. Project Title, Descsiptiont and Location: .�. Lions Park Indicate whether New k Replac eat: or Additiont X Project JuWiiication: IAstallation of two night lighted tennis courts, picnic area, remodel of gallery entry patio area, and monument signage. Has th is ro act been P Acttedules3 f a ror .i.P'.? X. p ss P8o Other projects or factors directly related to this peoJect: Indicate Pias*b yeas project atwuld be: Started 1987/$8 Completed 1988/89 £atimted Project Costs A�atn ao gest PS r.JUS Design and Construction 14 00 100 1984 State Bond Art $ 86,2S0 RCPDF 53,750 VA sib Funds available a8d/carAmount required first year already expanded 140,000 Asouet uqu red subsequent ,sure 0 Balance Raquired TOT AE► 140,000 Recolmonded (Division Han Fat Manaver s se: Requested By: (Daps;talent Head) � Dare Leonard -377- t 0 t t � e a , r 1 r t r 1 r , , 1 1' -. Q O 0 ,.u, I o C 0 zo o It 1 u. to UN Lit c-a+. t cn a 1 r t + r m i o coy a co + o c> o •a r + ts. rn � 1 ..ram VI CU 1 1 , , ve t {( UQ i r t w 1 z a ca t 0 o r u m40 i w r f uY. o 0 0 coo 1 o + r 1 oa i z :t M. E - t0 tz co I u+ t r I to - - ro co f- co i co F'- ►- ►- i C 1. V- ui I L)C. - iZ foo iatU _ L3 f co t t ttl -378 DT artment/Division: a c z�' ccounc mmunity .Services -a532 rk Dev�elo ment " a�6: , • Object No. AamcriptiCA Of ICGMS & tMividu&l D-011ar Ammmcs Budge —, Hardco,:;r- Picnic Tabletrafit, 50,,000 f f 1. t I TOTS 50l000 -379- f, s - s CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Services Fund Division Park Park Development I Priority, No. j Description, and Location:Pro Project Title, Hardcourt/Picnic Table Retrofit Indicate whether Now; x Replacements or Addition: Project Justification: Retrofitting basketball courts into four ex s0-6 neighborhood parks, Lions, Windrows, .Hermosa, and Church Street Parks. Addition of individual picnic table pads at Red Hill and .Heritage Community Parks and installation of picnic shelter at Windrows Park. =Vo Has this project bean scheduled in a prig G.I.P.? X eat Other projects or factors directly related to thispa~ojes~t: Indicate fiscal year project should 6sStarted 1987188Completed 198M. 9 ':� , { Estimated Project Costs Amount Surgesteed F3nsucira; Aau+ust Construction * $ 75,00 1986 State Bond Parklands Act $ 50,000 i RCPDF 35,000 Funds available and/or Amount requirard first year $ 85,Of10 already expanded unt required subseguar sacs Balance Required TOTS $ $5,000 Recon e;di-d Dye (Division Read) !Fair fkpaSsr s se Requested By: (Department Head) —380— e e a � I e I 1 t f { 1 t I 1 f m f-UN 1•&% cn v> r O i M.m a w t-- ••1 1 O J^ Iti N I .-t.m j..� p. w C07 4 iOj 1 .-C m i m 1 m r- O U tl. P Q !: 1 t t t air ! Owct r- 0 1 a4 O UN 1 O to O to m z ( m O 1 'Q LC% n r- I M :- ux I to m c9 I m 0 f Lc%w O•w i �co.D i r- 40 f O r tll N t .,m 1-4 CP J 1r- i. co 1 r-.ti mt- ! •-+ i .r. �.-1 LTA. J 1 t 1 1 i C 1 ti m ( a` cr, D 111 n m%U O.4 .n O o O N N 00 1 to CO in "to N N al .r 03 iV cu J 1 to 1 m an N C tD N In rco C4 N �O U..if 1 t 4 h � tLlt 1 LA.I- i O On 00 oO 00 OO OO O aI It # r # w 1 .4 00 -+f- '-N .r .r m N -4 CL' tz I In in O aN t-• r- ri P- .D 66 N ram- D O 1 - . - ., (} i W' .ti.r 'r m .-f m . N co co 1 1 f U i co M O. 1i N fn CO 0 O C r- m m m �, { r 8� m•C D`O O n O O tic , to I•-s rt ns .} m� v- tib� I aD U I, m "%to 1[A. N�. N. ..r. J yr h 1 S 1- u I tJ 11 O O O m In a, O et! O v i CS r- J t N CO .-t O. .-t f 1.. m -4 �p Q 1 in,O N w .r po' t'x UN to 1, t- t !- I --h N (1t tll, CCf +•.f to U f,VI to i M z f~ a CL Q # vi fr u -Qs o 1 vs to w. LU to CD L" I. c W:: f J LM Z c a 1-t u y - I I--N W J M.t O Q W to f w C 6.CL Z.E U w N vi x x Y I U CL l•• Z F J W lti i Ili I= S.E w2 J JU JJ. - Y..U C i••1 rl w J 0 C Q 15+[ Z> WZ mLn wF Hty C3 # O CB: W tY H--C J H U w', Z Z O..O3 �+ LA > w rsQ U-z uiO ca .0 11 UL I- Q CJ (D u, CC U rx r Y a oo 00 t.a K*0 00 4"'r t -I.� N I n O O O tT O!` N tiP' - c4`-4 m -tT 1)O 00 _ < 1: ccnen en eft efrn mo ta coo n 00 m mM 'Z' -4c rr +I-Ir .t-.Y .r•r +t w rr�- t m cn m fvs m m m m ,y en m fn f*s. .m m m en m to to rr:m I 1 I t t i 1 1 1 LU C]D. I O .-+ D.. 1. t f ! t C.. 3. I ! m m r v L,i i .� I Q 05 t 1 u F- I to O O N t An Q O 1 < iW Cal CO 1 Lr 7O T �. ca t co co 1 .D: CIO _ t C O I 10 i i.L t t7 O. t�1 N Q 1 F to� 1 1 i u I. .q. ypkr 1- 10 L., t N t q � t t— U. t us O O h^ u iu .. cc 10 CO I'N .A J t 1 ice:. C7: t-- i w w twr a is. w 1t-� S ! ac -: ,N I W. tL 4 K ! N. 2 t =2 _.. !^ t to H i t t3` ttt i L*. t � r ri -382- PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEIULE Position Position Quota A ro riati us Classification Current Dept.. Mgr. Dept. * Ado ted Title. Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Adopted Rcmd. Rcmd. p Budget Asst. City Mgr, 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 24,000 24,000 24,000 Mgmt. Serv. Dir 1 1 1 1 57,000 57,000 57,000 Senior Oft,. Asst 1 1 1 1 21,444 21,444 21,444 Office Asst. 0 1 1 1 15,132 151132 15,132 Data Entry Opr. 0 1 i 1 15,132° 15,132 15,132 Assmt Rev. Ar.alyst 1 1 1 1 33,600, 33,600 33,600 Assmt Rev. Tech. 0 1 1 1 20,?12 20,712 20,712 Assmt Rev. Aide 1 1 1 I 20,286 20,286 20,286 M.I.S. Coord. 1 1 1 1 46,009 46,009 46,009 Programmer 2 3 3 3 87s360 87,360 87,360 Computer Operator 0 1 1 1 22,800 22,800 22,800 Computer Tech. 0 1 1 1 22,800 22,800 22,800 Cartographer 1 1 1 1 32:256 32,256 32,256 Mapping Tech. 0 2 2 2 45,600 45,600 45,600 Merit Increases 23,206 23,206 23,206 487,337 487,337 487,337 Fringe, Benefits 170,568• 170,568 170,568 TOTAL 657,5 5 657,905 657,905 �I Is I: 6 k fy� -383_. i COST CENTER "ETAtL 40P<EznE DeVarement/Div:.,ston: Program: Accaunc Nut,ber, Admin/Assorts Assmt/GIS/Mapping 33-4130 Obi of No Deuript on cf Items 6 IadividuAl, Dollar Amounts 3udget 1100 Regular Payroll. 487,337 1200 Overtime 11000 1300 Part Time 1900 Fringe Benefits 1704568 3100 Travel,/Meet;;ngs Management Inforzation Services EMACS User Class - Woodland Hills 2,000 Excel Training 250 Pagemaker Training ,~• 250 Desktop Publishing Training 21000 DBase Mat Training "aG Assmt Seminar - Sacramento 600 Assmt Seminar - Los Angeles 400 Computer Conference Orange County 500 wqw Arc/Info Sessions - ESRI Rediands 21000 NPUG User Conference - New Orleans 22630 COMDEX Convention - Las Vegas 700 ESRI Conference Palm, Springs 500 San. Bernardino Co. {- Meetings 100 PRIMOS Concepts & Tuning Woodland Hills 2,000 URISA Conference - Los Angeles 600 r ESRI Conference - Palm Springs 500 CLSA Membership & Meetings 100 SCCAMA Seminar 100 Subtotal 14,850 3300 Mileage 500 mix .58 (pool car) 21900 �rw�rt err/fir•rlr� rrrr Auto Allowance (12 @ $250) 3,000 'otal 51900 i 1 3900 Maircenance and Operations t r j Desk Calculator 20G Chairs (Desk) 22200 . E - Computer Tables 75C ,.� Table 250 Q*3w :".ram} Printer Ti,bles 400 —384— COST CENTER CETAIL v „40eKS+4rc"� Department/Division: Programs acco,�c Su,..�e:: Admin/Assessments AsFmt/GIS/Mapping 33-4130 0? ject No. Description tf Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budge_ 3900 Maintenance & Q erations continued Office Supplies 3,800 Coat Rack 100 File Cabinets (3 @ $300) pp Supplies for Binder 500 Paper STock 8-1/2 x 11 3,2.00 District Delinquency Reports 11000 Bookcases (4 @ 325) 1,300 Legal. Advertising 2,000 Computer Paper (Greenbar) 11 x 14 3 600 Cables (Computer) 11500 Connectors (Computer) 400 Computer Tapes 500 r HP Plotter Pens 200 Fiotter Supplies 101000 Byte Magazine 75 32,875 3956 Dues ....s�.® Nil NPUB 30 30 u 6028 Contract Services Computer tie to Coulcty 91000 grime Computer Maintenance 35,000 Westek. PC Maint. 25,000 Macintosh PC Maint. 10,000 Arc/Info Software Maint. 7,000 i Cal Comp Maintow M�. 3,850 .�,..� Xerox. Maintenance 2,500 Tektronics Maint. COGO Maint. �� 180t' T ESRI 2,00010,000 Consulting Services 5,000 j Offsite Storage (Computer tapes ettc.l, 2,500 Wang Consultant 10,000 Mapping Consultant 10,000 r Subtotal 133,650 • COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEEr Department/Division: Account �u,-.ber Adm',i/Assessments Assmt/GIS!Mapping 33-4130 Object No. Description of Items 5 ndividuai_ Dollar Amounts Budgec 7044 Capital Expenditures Desks 2,350 Binding Machine 3,000 PC Link 7,500 Emacs 3,700 go Multiplexors 5,000 [' Modems 1,000 Plot Master 51000 Computers 6,000 Tektronix memory upgrade 1,500 1 Impact 'Printers 25.,000 ORACLE 30,000 Prime Info 30,000 MAC Comm ti prime (2) 1,300 PT 200 3,000 �wr Digitizer 7,500 Subtotal 131,750 3960 General Liability 1,873 i F I i I .X' 1 TOTAL 979,833 -386- v ro t-i cc d z~ c cn a a d 3 L TP ,a O O O C3 CD CDp a 41 cn R tn a' N w a C6 00° w a a f a w u a ., w u o3a s, d PA q3 TO 1-4 14 a w x a w a 44v p. Q a .° v o v °' a Yr u M t-! U� Rf O O v G, tFl n ,8 u L) cn �.v •.+� of O co .raj Fd a C7 C i I a Ca u 13 a -Gs. &At O d k 04 Q � P+ W V L-a Z Q M � a CU! � � d th -'387 a c a o y y = a o F-pe s 3 i xa U Ln O a O Q O O O .Ln i cel r-t a a co ` 'v.7 oDCd ` rr w a o -i ax w 4, a O >+ O a .0 i w " .01O to w H 41 O w +°d w k' z ,ra ' u co w a moo �1-4 °, >, Ucn rt: H � yaj O 44 � y -r t 0.. V U � A; O a y z U , 0 0 C14, O o cop u LM v a at O f O U rt a V Kss3 U Ina W u' �. �. 14 w V ^ x 44 Qcn a �-' � 8 v p H a 3 a w o Cd a i.d is a C C a M cn cn u p D U en cn cn cn M cn cat cn • —388— CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM Department Admin/Resource Center Fiscal Year 1988/89 FAccount New or Estimate to Number Replaces EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEEID Cost � 33-4130 New Desk (3 @ 500 ea 1 @ 750) 2250 " New PC-'Link (Prime Software) 7500 New Impact Printer (Prime) (1) 25000 i New EMACS (Prime Utility) 3700 New Sequclink Multiplexors (2) . 5000 New Modems (Hayes 2400) 1000 New Computers 6000 New � 'Blnding Machine 3000 Jew, Mac Comm. to Prime (2 @ 650 each) 1300 New Plot Master 5000 New Tektronix Memory Upgrade 1500 New Digitizer 50 New Prime PT200 (3) ,' 73500 New Px�ma_nr� 1 3000.0 New Prime. Info 30000 131,750 -389 s — i ' A I, I I 'I � ' 1 1 1 f 1 1 '� G I 9 i 1 1 i 1 1 I LANDSCAPE NAINTENANCE 11 t / t 1 I I 1 1 f . 00 .0 1 N d1 00 0 1 1 I -O• O. I .+ 11 o O n 1 0�N O.O O I' t 1 U tT .r WJ I I. ! m.a O O O 1 1 as z O 1 O` f I N.�` �D L 0�.0 O in UN -3.L I N 1 I 1 m + N m f- I I tc% W. d CI- 1 1 f t 1 I .0 t 1 OO +0 1 NUN ao O 1 t 1 c 11 00 .0 1 0%N 00 0 1 11 C c0 1 Lc 1 I o O .r 1 In 1 tr I I N.t• .O. t P+0 CIT In I: I t ti U t t 1 l Q 1 CV 1 a m cD 100 00 too O N cC.0 O tV O to o 1 m N r 1- m .-� f+1 co NCO a0 /V a m f\t N 10 N N cu H OJ.. U.0 1. .? i LLr r a oo no dO 00 Od on 00 0 i � 1 C:it UO 1 d � ! I f U.r t +0 O+c0 .r O coo -r O N O o c0 O o UN I[I w t m .-f.t lr.-O t In .d CD O0`O W o co O O O O ca U 2. 1 -7 m N aO.r .r N .0 m.0 d.. (" U 1 N .-1 m In ni t- .r cD 1 14 m co f 1 I r ! Li- t r• oO NO 00 mO oIr .41m mO CD co w' t- 10 %D.4 m .-t co m /n .O N m m .r .a c0 Q 1 N a Y I tJ Y= i 1 d 00 a.O 00 N O 0 rV m O O O .0 -r ! to In to t-m O .o d l 1- to Ir a m LLN d d 1 E I I- 1 kn in tc.U 1 a N cn coQ I I i 1 e �- 1 1 r d CL ui = O 1- O c0 t J to iY a= 1- -d to Q Ir- i CL►r W to Z fu W I to 1 Z z CL cj W. WO i NQ 1- t 1 W ty J In C W U U t/f !-�N M N 0. t, t9 Z J 1- •Q /-t O W 4 to 0►-+ ui I o o I-• ICJ t-r ?tj 2 Ir -J ui U Z O t .t-C =U. 'Z 1: Z. W t- Ir IY tu Z I zt .W to>- ..y. tit •. CL" F �, - tn z U V -C an H X-J d Z r d �d 1 I-z 0.W S z Z w 1-1 O Z Z i 2 ti! m <w uJ h t�_ !•• U H W O Z o w C7 U d .!I o 0-4 I— ]G T .tat» tw Wg JZ a� < �d to to -d O t-rr U I-r (Z r-it t-U) u9 )- /. W o Z Z^h- 6-4 1- I^-W.- Y-/.Iu U" w= O 1 o to 0 a.f s-I•_ 1 Z Z W 0-I.- W X in I- e-+ I vto tu= da too aM +c.c -iW toZ ! c ix U. XU >U U1- U S wht Bw r 1 .t O O O Iil -0 co 0` m-a cV M -r f+ Z 1 O O O d O RI.r 04 N .P N tV N N 18 1 0 -0, 101 a-a- 00 OO: QO dt.- o« n t .t .t.t M M MOT �.a t-o m 0 WO CL v r UI O oo oo oo oo 00 00 00 - < t m mm mm mm mm mm cnm Inm w w 1 0 00 00 do ©o 0o a:o 00 cel -390- 1 Department/Division; Program: Account Nu-:e. Admin./Assessments Landscape District No. L 40-413.0 Object 10 Description of Items 6 Individual Dollar Amounts Budaet 1001 Assessment Administration 29,516 39010 Maintenance/Operations 2,000 3931 Vehicle Maintenance/Operations 6,466 6028 Contract Services 39,39? 7043 Capital Expendit;z-;es (Moisture Sensors) 20,000 8021 Water 35,000 8022 Electric Utilities 51000 029 Tree Maintenance and Contract Administration. 16,425 r 3905 Contingency (Tree Replacement) 4,000 TOT41 157,799 -391 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM Department Admin/Assort RcVenue Ftscal. Year 1.988189 r Roeou['t New or Estimate Dumber Replaces EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION 4 JUSTIFICATItLON OF NEED Cost as 40-4130-7043 New Moistttzre Senors 20,000 T, 1 J i j i i -+392^- t. 4 LANDSCAPE MINIITERAMCE I? r . I F P F L r - E' 1 1 1 1 F i Y .sA4 LOJ t + 0O r 1 bO QO O0 lt] ! CS CY a'� fi O.O rs:u 0 0 !.O it 4 Or 44 us i OO CiCs qb- to It ! us Y-+ Cu i QNe' Q,� 1riOt )Ij O J k t I [ Y �E O 1. 0 1 QO 0 1 Q0 0OO oQ ICI. d 1 1 0 E C7Y. j 4 Y 1 t Q)o� t r t r I Q Y i o m cy a•r rat O, tT ld oa 1•y: j Li t rn e1� i+ I1 0 00 OO 00 06 ctra 00 onLC C3q C) to� i II t I 1 i t t � 1 - C7 r Y cr. 0 1~ cD Y 0 O.fir C5 L7 O C1 0 O b CJ N Ir w 0 �O Q O 0 00 :i 0 t - r. Zr 0 Q ^ CT 0 Ca U`J: t l0 Yi?d` ri m 00 w, I t 0 Y'^ O ry ra t?O S3 m rat;4 r Q O CI b 1ca CO C J7 � � iw 00 w 00 0cr 00 r-c ao as a- G tv bQ / lVtN YY to C i an m 1 Co Y ) t 1 t 5H cr i� tN K t"CL .q to tuK3 U ..d Yi M r-at ► t YR >.tv L.Y ►r}. Z tt1 .a »F-t 1H- k7G tZ -C to Y t- .4 z r x I Ic t.T 3-W N-X .L>1 O,r.a a,w z =z .c z to I'* z.- Z'.i:X itt L'f tai C3 '�..t 0 M ).-r[. 1 4".t: to to r-r-t N- a f- ca m ► OW � fir- *ww uswt tYJts - r.�- .-, t9.-1 1wY z Z .t.ti G7 ttY tS ►-+w, CC t +C LC >: t -C ttt att u A: q C 4 m K .0� =,IC >•e r+r+� U 'Ra J V 1�Gl LLt J-+0.. a *4.Cfl 3r t•t rt far Yt'Y,!} CD nY M•r ry eq rat H vQ rJ Y +Mt.�Y M m M'm t"G` to O CYO 00 r-r. is C.,, t +ts +41� as m ast ctt 'D c is t O C?O )0 00 oC) U0 0,0 C1 t f fn M vM tV, r1 t?rq M tR M t M M 14.4 4 +t*4 '-t s-4 —393— COST CENTER vETA DepartmentlDivisions Program: account Admin./Assessments LJandscape Dstr 21MMM 41-4130 -- O . Object No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Bud;er R eta .�r���•i�- 00i Assessment Administration 3900 Maint./02e�tioons 8 .000 3931 Vehic',e Maintenance 0 erati 1 -604 6028 Contract Services 7043 Capital Ex enditures 1 2 000 8021 Water 8022 Elec 8026 Pa 120 000 6`029 Tree Maintenance & C n r 10 ,m. 3905 Conlin enc (Tree Re lacement 3 9 4 l Loar, Ream n snow TOTAL -394- l CAPLTAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FQRr! Department Admin/Assmt Revenue Fiscal Year 1988/89 Account New ox Estimate Num,pr Replazas EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEED Cost 41-4130-7043 New Athletic Storage Building, Mow Strips, Tot Let 12,000 Walls y LANDSCAPE MKITITENAWCE f3k t j I y y EY I 1 I r a 1 i 1 r r t ( G d O 1 1- � H w 01 O t 1 1 ! 1 T t1+ y O Zq f f E I ( 1 N p� t 1 t F f f way 1 ! i r j m 1 i ttsr- 1 1 dO cs 1 h A U t � i 1 F. i . trltri1 i i O a4• O O (?Q O Q° P'Y Cs .+< m N10 4 o r LJ.O t •s i 1 t. t F } 1 µ. ♦r -0 00 tit 0°>D tit" tw7 t t�V ry,�-r en `t) «r[ti .�N G t�LM t p O ! O . N'. 4 p t: 11 1 lu OQ 00 eaC1 O-r OG ,a � m o r ,o r i o 4 co i ,� mai N r ! N _.a ! +Y Oti f� N LA 1 It. «�. .�t.t11 .fir .tn it i 0.LZ to 1 u.M d 4 ~ 4 to W W. + uj 1Ej wi us W ttAA UA 1 �'..C] p.M >nd .tar cl 1+ ! It S`to tL.}'.. M.t ta! x 1 r•. .L a w z r ,j! c9 r«r is w =!7Ln 1-7. 1. Z to Lai rx C'C u!t" 0 x .J 9 00 am j Ch 00 is 0 1+1.p r4 M. IV M td < O '•i Yet M!M !'t! d L7 r G C.O CL 00 C O O O. 00 - ! m m m M ro rs nz Ra Er m rn ! r4! tq ry tv etl t'U N ry alit tv ry y ,r —396— C-ST "44`=? :ET AI {S =- Degartment/Division: Program: account Admin./Assessments Lanasc;a e # 3 42-1,1 00 Object No. QeUTipeian of It=s & Iuaividu8a Dollar Amounts 8ud2ee 1001 As so 3900 MaintenangeZ.012grat 3905 Z Contin enc (Trees a 6028 Co 802.1 W gon 8022 Electric C7®Wf1 1110p1!_ toy 7' L TOTAL 2' 0 1 -397- LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE #3B As �- ft , 1 { { 1 1 t { , J ..0 .-/O •D 1 '0 a Q -to M J p 1 cU w O N I t- n 0 an an U> i LO w a Cl. , { vet I a { ` 1 1 i { N c� 1 C7 1 .T 0�0 j O aQ OO 00 O Q Q - - J\. i 6 LLt.- 1. O no 00 00 O t7 O ul 1 tu i u i m 1 ca 1 ap 1 , { w i O OQ GO O'O p Q O { h { t ►- ct_ - iwo coo 00 00 Q o o .o a I co M i 1 1 Q. t i Q 1�• <w a d. G O WLAJ tJ.RtiJtJ. W,1A I- C Z. / f m C! W r r iY >N -1 O tpt. -I yr 1 2' W t ua ro i. 2 0 uJ tD tJ 0.4 Zto <M WQ p< f .a oErt .r Gs m rl try t a I O iho, tT(11- oQ O u I u1 o Qo 00 Qa a ea 1 -398- r., + : Q�:parcm�ntlClivisic ; Program: Account Nuzze; Admin./Assessments 1Land,s222!g u 3-B ` ns 48-4130 Object No. Description of Items Individual Dollar Amounts Budge: 100I Assessment- 3900 Maintenance O era • ns 3905 Contin enc Traggj2, 000 3931 Vehicle Maintenance 2 028 6028_ 12, 276 8021 Water 8022 cnn FM i i i I � jff J I I C I Ne TOTAL 21 S3—f' -399- LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE #4 i t l o ! 1 M t t 1 i i o U% D• 1 00 co d 1 O I. OD W G G. P N 1 tn. Q 1 1 4 N 6 t 1 t ! Y 1 1r 11 0- D 1 OO oO o I O I co o 1- 1•- 1 o cs o C o t o 1 x r- 1 ca4. u t 1 I r t r I o t 1- l to I o D1 as r- c.10 UN o -a a ow tom I w 1rN 0 0, r- it`s c c <O 1 .. P O 17 1 s (�-.-1 r- �"` to :tn. - C1 L).D T r >L•� t O OO GO OO aO no Opp o.n O vAI < 1 6 r t t � 1 LLr t Ito .ao '0Q 00 Oo ao 00 (r. w T to I .+ .t1 11 O " to N m O O. fT a t In crt NI -{ COO r t I 16-S 1 CO o m O -n co O.-t r-o ..4 O r- r a ! o 1 p m w co� i ,. M m¢ to ^ m r � a r +- "-1 i v o ora o0 on wa or, ltsto �a cc 0 17i - st u r m ..{ "r... cD a I r t r r to t >.>r 1- w IL < Cry OM < 1«,• r =M W un 7- co ! , uj LA. a Z d W W W O m t-1 C W kK f-+ 1 W►r J'V1 C9 w W.W •tit 1.-!+. 1 ' w -r G ls. z. I =w a tu.►~ :H m a w a yr I #!- 6Z 00 <W vs w- yC� �jZ HCS Z m z= =7. = W F-F Q =LL' I Zw m atw w i-N 1- W.. 04w 1 ♦-1 A. (Z Z 0 w.49 W Ic -i 7 r+F <I.- t <of <W %"7. -r2 <2: < 0:< 3to v1 -.t.i v M-f-1 t W �Z Z r- ►.4 r 1--vu +-1 w W►+ w J< mta, taY >Q ur W3 wt-r as r- .i a a fl tin r+O a iT rn.t tv Tn z t o 00 m% atV 1rIv NN e"v is k >: GO Qo r5o 00 oar ao 00 � ► In mm mm mm encn mm mm rn mI "t.4 rt.w- .4..4 .4 r! .-t.-{ ..t e-1 i -r"r yr w .r.r 1r.r .r.r a s m r w ,C".li ,`nr ,mr v"'m m ho m m rn on .r .i•"r K•.t �.r --400- ..�. = _ �.LS� �.�iV 1 � �T�i� rye,f�l:rw Department/Division: Program: Account ;Budget Adorn./Assessments Landscape District No. 4 43--4130Object No. Description of Icams & Individual Dollar Amounts 1001 Assessment Administration 7,440 3900 Maintenance Operations 7,000 3931 Vehicle Naintenance/Operations 8,797 6028 Contract Services 45,000 r 7043 Capital Ex enditures 40,000 8021 Water 40,000 8022 Electric Utilities 1000 77 8026 Park. Maintenance 75,000 Moyne6029 Tree Maintenance & Contract Administration 10,000 3905 Contingency (Tree Replacement) 5,750 xw ®iII �At1�16 TOTAL 239,987 I -401- CAMP CAMP4 EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM D�-?artment Admin%Assort Revenue, Fiscal Year 1988/$9 Account New/or Estimate Number Replaces EQUTPM,ENT IDENTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEED Cost 43-4130-7043 New Athletic Storage Building, garters, Now Strips 40,000 li �s LANa.'qCAPE MAIN"ENANCE #5 LU i 1 i i I 1 i 1 1 1 b t` t I ] t . m No .r o 1 1 t0 .-1 Lu 1 .-I 1 t ra I •r.r O'r-I 1 1LL w m. 7 Oi W O o- ..;U. I 1 1 1 ! f I 1 f 1 1 . 1 o i ..m N a s`O t 1 co 1 i 1 + 1 a ~ m n ao 00 00 -Ia ,,,m I 1- m cm ,4 UNa J'� t r+- m N«i to <O 1 �.m 1 N N `3 10 1 C 1 1 I o on oo 00 as no aO 0 1 zaI -a. t v o + I zl 1 1 + `''u i to I ,,a, oo 1-4 00 u 0 �R; tim , not U> 1 _ m �1 cc 1 co I co 1 1 U. 1 0 00 coo oa 0�0 00 00 (r. I-a I In N aT .. I t t- 110 coo L) 1 1 1 1 < i to I- la. 1 Z O 00 00 00 00 00 co otz . Q+ co D i 1 f-. 1 tl. co< I S I (A i +t 1 1 ; W- 1 -1 u1. it O I+ vt <L) 1- 1 r-I W 1 I- 2 I. 6.1.t- W-a tr 0 1 a N 1 4A 0 tr U u v1 t- 2 a- I I—= —i H s-. N ul►-t v1 L" LU '1 in .44 LC LL. Z co cr t-I-4 IY Z S 1 St Y W w'.)- M Q. W • 1-i t- 1-1 <Z t_IU 4 to NH Z 1 2 LU :co c w. 1-Id xt9' luJ U-C ►r a.., 1: c%A -C m to T •r -C s w -C-K G1 tJ N =Z. •�F- I-t w I•-w w o "III 1 < U. SU >la UI.- S%U 0.40 t r .. 00 oto ..40 m0% .IN ,nUN 1 O co 00 to.O Nm NN NNN F. 0 -I 0` IT Q` T'CF 00 co cc u t O 00 a OO 00 00 OO if m mm tom mm mm: mm mm .4�4 ...-1 .-t.-I .4.., r.T `r w -e.r .1-.t 1 ,e- sc —403— Y Department/Division: Program: Account Admin./Assessments ILandscapa LtistrcL Na, 54- 130 Ob„eat No. Description of Items & Inditidual Collar kwunee 9ud4 et 1001 Asse Z 6 3900 Maintenance 0 erations i 3931 vehicie 3960 General I.iabilit 35 i 6028 Contra<:tSeri ices 6029 Tree a 400 G' ....� Water 100 a MON.NOW i I i _ _ 1 '1 J I a TOTAL 4.186 -404- t I 1 I ! 1 1 r I 1 1 1 I t I o 1 t 00 (I• 1 00 00 1 1 / It In O:.A o, 1 0 O Q O 1 I 1. 01 a, ,-.w r �O O I O ♦1 aO 1 1 1 N N m zo 1 .4 1 1 nry r+ 1 o.i oni 1 It 1 a v CL -x 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ] 1 1 1 I 1 I 00 O, 00 00 1 0 1 •n � tY 1 00 7, 1 00 00 ! 1 t Ol OP O I � 1 1 w C3' A ! O�•. O V i 1 ( N n1 It f`- .-I I 1 1 1 f 1 1 G 1 1 ca ) ~OU i o 00 00 00 OCZ Oo OO 0 a o co u•� I 1 f I}i1•- i A 017 00 0o ao ac o0 o C.) o Lr0I �4 1 , 1 r I .r 00 00 oa 00 00 00 0 � t = r Q C.O A t- Mom-- 5 O co I .i\ cm I- N co 1 1 ! 1 Y 1 ti I O 00 00 00 00 00 00 O O O •0 1-a r I Co a a 1 )- W I O O0 00 OO ro Oa 0O O O 0 J 1.oat I- to m I S 1 II- I In " v 1 .4 O Q I 1 I 1 I r -CCL Ur .G h w: O C. td r Z.n YY O= 1- +n a i.) a f- I It z CL li w w O rr ©:< 1.- O I d s -1 In 0 UJ U V In i- r Z 0. Z t J t- • (Y M LL)M In w W O 1 O G�y0 IJ 1•-h- i,1 �-/J w 1- r O 1 6 ti. 7C t Sk >.w w?- r.7- w . H I- 1-4 G . In 1 r •4'Z 00 -Cu .), z< I I-z a w z z z z z 1-4 c3 Z to 1 Z IL WSJ -C rV a I.-:nI r U H (x 1 t-I L M Z C) UJ 0 U-C I-• -) w i r i to <.ail w z J z -C Z K <-C U. MIA JC9 r" V N w - = K1-. z 1. M z I-•. FI r I-IN w 0 H to z 0 I O IA CD►'+ H z 2 z z IJJ :►-Lu oG z B.. 4" 12 In w X -C O w.= C.K d.J K w K Hm 1 J< KU. xQ >0 iJr 2w .40 1.- 1- 1 .-I 00 0'in .q o co C` N M L O z 1 O Oa 00 Mr NN Ncm z".Aj O 0 ! o 0. IT IN am 00 00 00 0 1 .:I .-I.t In M m m +® O CQ 14 CO Co u 1 O 00 oO 00 0O 00 co cs e t to mm mm mIr mm mm Inm m 1 m i... ,IA ."r UN LA lit UA U\ I`.ID Ul U1 µY IN$ Departn;snt/Division: Program: A^count Admiri./Assessments Landsca2e DistL Object No. Description of Tzems & Individual WJJar Amounts Budget cs 3900 „Mai ROD 3905 p Cnntin encv ( 3931Tehic y 09 6028 -C ; act Services �� 401,000 6029 Tree Maintenance �_Car� r A6n:7n; a+ra�;,,.,.rye.,. 1 8021 Water 8022 Electric Utilities ion l TOTAL 73 ,295 -406- 1 r B 1 e a '� � '� i 'i e a n o I t e GENERAL CITY STREET LIGHTS I 1 -f r k I I i i 1 ` I 1 r 1 1 o G a l utu ! r. cs a 1 rn zor z; to U p tz r r1 ev ru W 0 i r v 1, t t i o n a tY r Q 0 a: 21, a ri a t UN � N co ca r. r r l ! u !. r r aor n,n a 1. rz Y 1 u " rl 4 p- a 0 p r IA - ^ ra 1 t- r► 1 co m e ! y- 1 w 1 a t3 p ti ! : t co.m 1 a r u, f r-r y a.,...QL i v o u. con 1 to '� .. f Ll i taw ! } n i W tN Li lu.Y A O. i ►ui t7 t cry zi v r to ca a r w^ e i —407— D� artmaent/Division• ~ f p Program: Accaunc Non—Deparmental General Oit St. Li hts 54-4245=-6040 4bjeat No. D*34ription of i.coms & individual Dollar Amounts Budzet General 425 0 mom i i TOTAL 425 ,000 -408- i L YG ,I . .DISTRICT 01 i i l i t. 1 f 1 ! �+w a i i 1 t t 7 y f r t 1 t t 1 1 O O 1 t-M t iz N�r ! 24 c3 I t O t O 1 ! w� i o 4b 00 no Q 0 to c 1 I f 1 1 1.0 t tt1 W to co CY't3 1 O, 'a, tc% sta CP1 ca coin I. f 1 00 00 om to 10 r f R1 tO 1�- Q C 4 b• cn • :� t tV .tom _ Co q l { !*T f ui. a r .p eE 1 T S S>Q I to 1 M f t- N LCX to to t3 ! co t !� .0 q -.f: v1 �} x �'Z CI-W f W Q 4 U - 1 H= dS Z 1-4 r W =Z' 7 t3 to �K Lu uJ W aC Cr t..0 1 t u�! 'fir z z 1-1 ..1 W +r i t7 tR W,4 d t J 4 1 a 00 ON rN I•. cm t !Gs LA iLF sn in ul u. t(S. -409- COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Dap*rtment/Division; Program. Admin/Assessments Lighting #1 55-4130 Number: Object No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar ,amounts Budget 1001 sse5smen min. 43,7 ;044 Capital Expenditures Zo,:aoo 8022 Electric �.—.® 42,000 PEE 1 TOTAL 110,720 " —410— CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM Department Admin/Assmt Revenue Fiscal Year1988/89 Accounc N w oc Estimate Number Replaces EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEED Cost 55-4130-7044 New Street light Installation 20,000 F F f l —41 l- LIGHTING DISTRICT I I E i i 1 1 1 i 1 t -jw i c 1 1 1n rr z,'> i wn < 6 1 1 1 1 t �_ .D O t 1 p rZ h f .•1 j t f.K4 .o v r i ! ! k, O i 1 O O Q• cc Ot't t 0 m mti rn vai 1 t f i LL h t O 00 00 O .x m. i t r d a_h i o ao 00, uy tuj 1 O m 13, m� t v= i o m m a m t fi rt r co t t U. t "'% O Q` CL 0 M cD . .i co J 1 N R? d i ~ < 1 ,.t d ui cV r 0 m 1 T 1 h t w rhE'd' [V o- u%tJ i< co C t i t. 1 1 1 i, m ! o vt = %A vd h �+H w w ut i to z a at►r t- 1 O O' t t iv a tz s �z >.w I..-I.- v+ ! h stJ il-z ay 1 A w < f1 E? t- i r-w t3U OL vi WC -j w.r 1 0"qt S U.1 tL i -j cz o 0 «� IV � ni m m r�pr iCrt .�h •t w �� i tXY k. tLt tLl tt1 t4l E�. "41L— COST CENTER DETAIL WQRK$HEeT jAd ,,t1/7'� Program:ssessments Light ng 42 CCOMftt Number: 56-4130 o. Descriptlon ref items & Individu4l 01147 Mouoto ludot Assesment A14,604 lecric 53 000 r� i a' �s TOTAL 67>604 -413- LIGHTING DISTRICT #3 1 i j 1 1 a �txl t N i i p 1• ol w C_a < t 1 : � i 4 1 O 11 O t'7 i r 11 O ti 1 / 1 I' C7 r \ r 1 0 y,, 1 t ut..r I N. C7 c7 - tu t m tiT O O• t_f U A coH O. ^Y 1 In >J' co t co t 1 trL 1 In40 1 H T N c0 a 1 th m 1 N/ . r 1 W 1 `O -/0 N tn. zi O 1 vt co ap 1 A ua w ur to h- ! m 4x F 1 N A 1 F+.4 Z H zN U►4 „I 1 A mQ {' en In n M iy COST C!WTER DI TAIL WORKSHEET �trtmt/Divisions Program: tmn/Assessments lighting #3 Account Number: 57-4130 ,.CnaJect go. DPJCTiptioc� Of Itsms i Ind3vtd�tal Dollar Amounts Budgse 1001 ssessment Admin. 1, 6 8022 Electric P6 000 ow MQMMIMK c i IAM, 12��. `GYM• TOTAL 57,7b.0 -415- i I 1 I 1 A R g o I 6 � I f � I 1 I i �I 1 1 � ; 1 s t 1 ^J*w ? r. �t ! 1 O r U I. 1 - a ! r ! 1 t t p I r o I a o ! o tea r}- i in "' u 1 1 cz ! tL P-.1 O A G O O 1 ! tY.�ii t f�Rt to O Ln t G co f co 1 d0 I f tL 1 - N to O. ti\ N CD a t 1 M i ttl N lli co ! E U. -J i to .i LS it lr3 I a n N W 1.LA ..t !t-t d Ew t t ! �.l t in VT;LAB Fr [ 1 72 of r !*=* 1"VI W el:U U 1 M.a x tit !il - !- cr O ! ,.mot t*d tsf a040 ' ca - cy cr a c, i co co cc co ! AM 1 to UN UN ti! -416- COST CENTER DETAIL, WOR'KSHEET Upartment/Division Program: Admin/Assessments Lighting #4 $ount :Number: 4130 Object No. BseeriPti®e of Itema Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1001 Assessment min. 7,440 8022 Electric ?O,OhO I t I � 1 1 .I TOTAL 37,440 -417- r LIGHTING DISTRIGT-#a l ! , f , L a i i o .c I t t w p a 1 r r I vu 1 aI t 1 1 J I U 1 t 1 R) 67 10 1 1 urr i o t�A Oo O 14 i U� f 1 1 r 1 _ U p 1 ti tr1 till a3 I. _ Et c0 1 `r`_, o 00 00 0 19 p 1 r r o ! m a i ut a 1 .cop I . UN ix cc I LA IL uj a. i tL� Q W-J p 1# W I— 6.4 3 19 vt. ty}iC J.tr - t-W p 1 S trr 1.1'Ud. Tut 1 1•4 d ar LU >W. a i a c� a o UN UN to to -418- COST CENTER, DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division: Program: Account Numbrrz Admin/Assessments Lighting n5 _4 Object No. Description of items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1001 Assessment Admin 1,896 8022 Electric 7,500 I ems.... I J 1 `s TOTAL 9,396 -419— 'LIGHT DISTRICT 15 INDUSTRIAL AREA i' r 1 , 1 e uy � a 0 0 uw G Cl 1 t D N O N Im 1 G t VA W d 0 i V 101 4 1 1 r N i W �Lli i �� t ca t am 1 u 20 a i ul i � LL 4 Ji co 1 3S 1 vt co d ! f {,5�co 0 Ln LA b i >♦A. 0-4 W 1ij *rt 2 r bw Q O f O an tu 1 wt d 1L O It 1 O G iC t r ry t —420 Department/Division: Program: ccaurtr Admin./'Assessments Lighting 96 60-4130 Object No. D*soriptio+n of Items b Individual Doper Amounts Budget its 8022 Electric TOTAL 6 0 J -421- e t e e s e v i 1 i ', 1 II T 1 1 r Y r 1 i -�a I tv w o o to 00 r- .4 2 Q i N .41 r t'T 1 N r- N O o N tla '0. 1 ry C { t Y t ! 1 1 �O Oo r.F0 4 S Z t N ..4.r iT' I CV F ril 0rm p. i. t j t T t T I C3 i i o r- n n o o.a O M .0 N 0.0 Q Y I } I U. I C) OO On O�O no O. t.f i I 1 e r 1 LL 1- 1 Itt r-O 00 00 010 �a 1 n a°i o ^o v Ln 4 o N .o I N t1. 4. .-t Ol b F m G6 1 NIr 1 1 1 O' 0- -,0 00 O m O, p �n J Y m o itIr CO o. 1 ~ I t I H 1L 1 0 O� F N '0 y J 1 N cc 1j, 1 tD La .4 tv l 1 T I 1 1-r tt. S p, �++ '� }tn. O> I J'J to U. CL ).do tit 0. ,d J !- H W ..t t.a O G to 1r-C3 G H> zz a w 1 2 a >L O m tz Iu U) 1 Z< 2 !.0.t0. H tail CL O. . 1 C 0. W EJ t- -i Uj LU 1 W r.0 Q r 1 >a w1 ..Its »ol..t I =O- z..T rr O to 1- w b rlu .,Lu xu zz ad I-4 1 I-uj O ul R.i. W O t C7 lT U t O OO +wN Oto TtA 1 O O m m�r W N -7r H^ fn aq. 'F F Q f N Nry NtV NN NN T N N N N.N N N: N N' N rV N N tv -422- PROGRAM POSITiotV/SAL.Ar' .'SCHEDLLE Position Position Quota Apgro riations Classification, urren "Current', 17ept. NXgc. Dept. MSr. Title Level Rc,nd. Rcmd. "Ado ted Rand. Rcmd. Ada ted Maint. Supv. (4) 60% 6011 609 19,958 191*958 19 958 SUBTOTAL (72.4225-1100) 1 n Merit @ 5% ,958 19,058 1,9x 958 TOTAL498 998 998 20,956 Z IN f `I f —423— t C PROGRAM POSITIONYSALARY SCHEDULE Position Position uota _�.,.'�. Classification Current Dept, Mgr, De iT . ro �iations Title Level Rc d. P. s P Mechaci 3/4 r. 79 �, ua .ed Rand. Rand. Ado ted 80% 80% 811% 15,480 1 .�4z' 1$,480 } :echanic 1/4 yr. (8Q) - 80% 80% 80?4 5,160 5,160 5,160 Mch. Hlpr. 1/2 y;. ($1) 80% 807. 80% Warehouse Clerk 82 _ ?,42c5 ?,426 7;425 ( ) 609,r 60% 60% 11,808 1.1,808 11,808 SUBTOTAL (7?.-4225-11Q0) 39,874 39,874 Merit ct 5% 39,874 TOTAL -1,994 1,994 Ia994 V_j41,868 41s868 41,868 i ? Il .k 4 } IIx .YlSatiyV its -424- .r I Department/Divfsian: ?;ofizam• Accau:tit NuqBud?er C.D./Engineering IGS 72-«4225 dbJect No. Description of Items & Indsvidual Dollar Amounts 1100 ?Regular Payroll 1900 Frine Benef;,ts @ 35% 3930 Fuel 224.000 393.1 Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance g,000 3960 General Liability 2,406 alBr'} -rmrYia ��/K 6028 Contract Sez-vices Lease payment (street sweeper) 7,658 7045 Capital Expenditures 100.000 7044 Meclanics Tools & Eng,_ne analyzer (60% of $38,00t 22,800 ...�.v .�., .22, e.. K _ t lie\ Von" 2"WWftW �d .. Taos TOIAI. 450,676 i -425- i �.+ _ CAPJkAL EQUIPMENT REQULST FORD p'Epartment IGS F- scal Year a988189 Account New or Estimate Number Replaces EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION & �XSTIFICATION OF NEED Cosa 0 7 45 Paplac• - Mini-van. (replaces #210) 14,000 Replaces Sedan 6 :tplaces silver Mercury} 14,000 Replaces Backhoe (replaces unit #6451' 51,000 Replaces 1 Ton flatbed ,truck (replaces #612) 21,000 100,000 7044 New Engine analyzer and: mechanic'! tools 22,800 LIM pp , +i —426- 1 I a a 0 i i 1 1 f r ' 1 ' ' , � f 1 AD 84-2 ALTA LOMA CHANNEL i J 1 ` 9 t r f t 1 i ► i •+ 2O 1 N 11 � I I ! Im t f t w q� "' 1 ►m t 1 i rn a 1 1 r t 1 ► r Lo CO I 1 1 I 01 1- a 1 t a e r f N 1 1 I ► ., 1 r i = _ m 1 1 CO 1 10 O CI 00 00 O m- 00 O CP Vf CO 1 a.. co CIO J\ 1 CD m o a.m 1 a- t+ to m LJ 10 1 M .a a 1 , , f5 on OO OO OO a'O O O rn t am , o� 1 uol d1 � 1 1 r u.I- 1 ►- oa 00 00 ON do o of ,x t co wo i d o l ry. .p t..�m I N 10 co O 1 �0 OO Oo o- d.CD O0. o m tU 0 to V t I-- l 6 ..' .,.r J{J{III CD a i to 1,Z 1 IH d 1 cx - W 1-+ U.�tLct ' ZO Oo OO +f.7 N OT. CCr 0 •C 1 T D* C` t 4 1 t 1 W 1 H CC T t i y r a. ..4..r +fit t<- co i U 0:0 H d W. 1Q- 1 to LU rn O w >. O D.to r s .1 to Z 0 1-4 U U a 10� 00 r-,. . a" sca Q w B -.f O iz.cx .-r 1— tJ t— t..> Z z O 1 IY Y Y• u.W 2 0 }W w W W W M d to 1 k-d a4. zS Ud IM.iA 3X X 1 a a w z s _r uj LUw w C ra a +- u. t tr x..'C Z W .a U. O-j a N d M N W J. LU J d•C' Z> 2S N u1 1-. 6.4 o-w O t ran'O W w 1r- ►0 S Z z o Pi... >a + LY +C w. w o 4.4 d g i aac as w/ _> tau mQ ca 00 a o 0-4 Om cr a en x 1 O 700 oO Om .0N Mr �r a o i 4M (cn.rz M0 fro- o U � < 1 m mm mto mm men mm m 00 .O.0 �0.A '.D +0 r•r v .r •1-+r �r w +- e 1 O Oo Oo 0o O.O QO o t m mra W o mm WQ mm o -427- t r Y r LA u 7. Y 1 U va i m Cl. t. - i t < I rn AD z � i i tt oL z A. i i 1 v rr- i e71 i s r Q. t. to cu ( C? O �. u.6 1.. < r 1 F vs l r 1 utm I �x a p i _ u a 1 0• c0 1 -I ca l yy 1 1 ri+ 1 ry U. 1 = .r co �° r~< i ta Wal C3 1 w Y..r• p +i' F ~ co < 1 p nt crt N „R tLf l .o a Y w co p� 1 co {.W Y Y J Y Vca - t ►-- 1 u uY a u- ut 1 a x F <a uj t N U.Lo _ Z t V I:QF ttt 1 Q a uY ut a CA t7, !f1 Y ? -428- CAPITAL DaROVEM ENT PROJECT QXJEST' Department: C ^�--•�a, �p p Community Development Pund� Division: Engineering 1?x%ositl� T.sr. A�i84.2 'AD Project Title, Description. p :and 7,ocatioti, Alta Loma Assessment D.. aict Drainage System Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Re� 'lat:em.ent � ►� � Addition Project Justification: ^ Provide additional drainage systems in the Alta Loma As sessment District. A. Hermosa Avenue Storm Drain - Alta Lama Basile No. 3 to East of Hermosa Aven:.c B. Additional systems per study dependent upon funding availability Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No 0 y es Other projects or factors directly related- to this project. Indicate fiscal year project should be: $=ad'87/S8 L Completed 84189 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Resign Cost $ 30,000 AD84-2 S 313.700 Construction Cost $ 286,400` Administration Cost $ 20,600 as Total Cost S 337,000 Funds available and/or already expended 5 23,300 Amount required first year S 313,700 Amount required subsequent years S 0 wmr - 11 Balance Required S 313,700 MTAL S 313,700 —429— I i J 1 i r j AD 84-2 REDEMPTION FUND I i i i i i t t t / ► 1 o a �nI o 0 U I. w 0- RP ua LIP al t i I I t o n f o cr1 A ra ,..t a , t Utz. i 1 t1 I" 1. to 13 cm Lo 1 I UN K L 0 L)= I. _ p izo tV I4 co 3„ 1 U , p p J: t IV N - N< I IL'[ to �t iJ I co 4 I / H - u.� ''td p p �o a( I N cop t F _ I I S Go-K I -K I t' t o I Z w t S .. Q S. t tit N ► or I us z t uc w t t nI N t , N a v t I t .-t m ► m —430— , 1 , 1 1 I , t:° 10 ..LU r .4 z Q i i. -d' .tom = (x 1 1 1 t 1 rr o< LU 0n. i CL , 1 I t 1 a A; i v u1 c>: I c ! v.w i o0 Oo 10 10 to d o I r 1 Ir a < Y LLni o c+el� 00 0 v� r 1 ! Y r 5.- 1 uc~ui o G'1 0o c .r co a a t t0 1 0 0 Co 4 cV CN 130 ; a ! mar Io I IL r W N 00 0 r3 J 1 LU 4Y 0 N D` v CO 1 t-t CO< 1 W N N Q ! 1 coLAJ i t f3 r O m w!}- w tft F- ►� 1 1-- •J 6.4 cc W S 't U.4 w rr.•� ul p yr !II'C7 <ry VIH r LU S.J t Or< r vl o Z. Y .i�Z H LU r-•T 4 O 0 co -q = z>- 1 I g V ' tea z j O � N0 a OL v i ti tj r- i 1s m Fm MF m Y co m'co co co —43 y - ' IDepartmentlDivi ion; Program account Line;, Admin./Assessment Ad. 84-z 31-4 3Qf4637 Object No. Description of Items 6 Individual Dollar Anounts 9ud2et 1001 Assessm2 fi1Adm;n;c�t-r 7910 Payments 1 i v TOTAL 195 .846 k -432- Ate 82-1 - 6TH STREET Ir-AUSTRIAL, I I i 1 ► 1 1 ! ! t F t a�i w t 1 I i O tr t 1 w cl CL U. d ! I F I 1 / t 3 t I t i 1 ce 1 1 11 i ww CO I Y 1: 1 11 t v r t t i t i w t t I I I t? 1 1 O i r ! v:cu 1 O !?O C -J 1 I K m 1 c '�i. ►-\ i 0!D i t ; � 1 i A t f �u~v 1 O O..p. O ,Y= t Mn r I 1 I 1 tL r t O 00 O rl 1 CD 1 Q t L I Imo+ <o a o 0 I--< I co I .aut ►� m•c t is I •¢ ra- e z of 0 1°I rm ON co Co l r 1 w C Inu Imo- O co I zus a m ium i >0. u kn Ott t 1-w w O to t CI t 3 In!- t a Z V H t .4 w aC Z irvs a�-r k a co Icy / v a4 t tr+ try Ra cc I +D s8 O r 433_ , 1 , t , I 1 ! ! 2 G 1 ! 1 1 uw i C i tD 1 1 1 ! 1 1 � f t o f v,m i O f Om . :y 1 W y a� 1 �"J r u n l i 1 L4 I S t9 t Cl cc 1 :co t - O 1 m } t ,L ! o C o 0 10 rn- i wei vi r t l— K ! LL1 t~,D 1 N c < co 1 tz tr Go i ca 1 ?+ F� p E- 1 U, of Ltt i to j O U. S t !-,O t m. C.G 1 W v} t1i 3 t +eW ul -434- rJ CAPITAL RO VEM EN T'PROJECT REQj EST Department: Community Devebopment Fund: Division: Engineering AD 82-1 Priority 111o. _ AD 88-02 Project Title, Description, and Location; E,dustriall Assesment District Drainage System Indicate whether: ONew U Replacement Addition Pr.oysat fustifit:ation; Provide additional drainage systems in the Industrial Assesment District A. 5th St. Storm Drain Cleveland to Mllikea B. Jersey Blvd. Storm Drat - Uticce to Red teak C. Additional systems per study dependent on funding availability Has :his project ten scheduled in a. prior C.I.P.? Q No Yes € Other projects or factors directly related to this project: - Indicate fiscal year project should be: Stowed 88/89 Completea 88/89 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 20,000 AD 82-1 R 591,000 Construction Cost S 5S7,000 Administration Cost S 24,440 fotal Cost a 597,000 Fonds available and/or Amount required first already expended S 6,000 year S 591,000 Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance Required S 591,444 'Y'IS'TAL $ 591,000 -435 i a l AD 84-1 RE63 PTION FUND f 1 a 1 1 1Iw i d d Q> 1 - lU G G. ,. - 1 1 1 a 1 , t 1 0 1 co I N N a o A old l a , VAN r ; s�1- ► i!: O 1 t u i fV N xuj o a o n r co. CO I: t7D' 1 tL 1 N• J 4 ry `IV c.d 1 +� 1 fll M U- t w IQ J. 1 - It I1=ixi•-- G t ra { 1 0 z trz w % o. o 1 �< i G :4 1 uj G t tx is a ,ru, o ra�u, ,-c t cn � 1 0 I u1 0 r .+ , r 1 ,.. za i co 436 i i t t t I 1 1 tin. .4 LU 1 j p O _. uj of CL i j j LC% a Z t 1 t r t i 1 to O a r 1 tcs o z co r t to 0 c 1 1 1 a 1 1 I n p vI t iN. ry - t31 r 1 vl CO I m .r m -j : .n a0I m t ry M1 o a t I m m . . K 1 J Q 1 t Y r r u.t- u, ar, a O n mot ,v I m .r co t co I o a, .Ili LL-r i zipd o0. o t � n r w< 1 .r r cn i 1 U- t w•r p.cc .4 u _a I w ca .+.4 .. W o t •r In u I Z M1 ap 00a 1u, t I CD 1 t co: I i I. 1 LA-Q LU O caa I m wLU to ►. ca t o a cu.vc t M u o CL uj a La >a r- o u+ - is= rz an t C u %A E- X I.ut Z tC I cr Q I—%n o t z v�- 3 to < Lu a I co a-i Z�- u 1 a� UO cal r t a m p 'o i as a Q e m .aM1 LL L) t - UA ca t t" h� M1 M1 -437 Department/Division; Program: ACGaune :;u,. e:: Assessment Dist. 84- p5„ert No. Description of Items & Individual T 7 r� Dollar Amounts Budget 1.001 Assessment Admin-stration 91Q 0 721,n Pa ment_ rus 1,553,000 i I - I i i TOTM, 1,562,400 Y -438-- PO 85 - HERITAGE IMPROVEMENT ,1i t 1 l 1 1 t 1 1 vy i i i i .-/ Z p. 6 as w ao. 1 ul l t I 1 1 s s i i 1 f i t 1l1 t I 1 to Co 1 a oa no o m Vt W l N N. J\ 1 p. U.1 f a t U-1- t o on o0 0 0 ,n t s� 1 O Q '. i i aL f-uj t m 0 Incc I t _ Ucca o 0 W t co a r t t1. 1 O cc N 0 O� N Co 1 a'a U C.O I CoS 1. Co Q t V a r U. J. r O Co. Co I to W C 1 1: Co Co t t a' Co I cr s tY C r3 l- t N J Z O U w. M d iwa ►�- >� L O VD X X. m W CJ< i� 1 LEI a Z t !+• War CK►-" F a Co to w Ia© �717 UU U z i a co Nr w 43 t N E1L a to erl m t xG tii go W CD W- - do 1 a1T -439- e t i t m EPo a, _ RED .I., ,MPROVaMT f i i1 6 1 1 t 1 e r 1 1 ► ► t t ► ! ► 'a 0 1 1' 1 1 1 I w U ti j € 1 1 1 1 1 d �t r t t d t 1 1 11 i t 1 1 i i 1 1 i i �` � t i I ► t ► t I. t t a t s 00 O u.O 1 H t t t A: on 00 O O . . sn 1 _ c.7 a r a 1 t r t U- po a .. s i r`,n r ,act e 1 Ll- i o o t- oa o ti a t 1-• 1 E O @ H t Q +. - i 1x ? ►u,+ t— iL C vt O O" 00 O ^� J L ry C11 .O H i O. p C9= ► S U1 V T U O O e t ay ! r- r�z I L.1. ►ti .q. in a o5* to w t= (z J Cy t- i- r a v) to v► ra u, a t ft.1 2 D V w+ - O. t-j p- CJ? Z 2 Z O t: J LL: Q. Lit it! uj x 1xa zv1 xx x r a W H t-- w w UA f lit Z 0 ..t.-j -j i LCt Z r r.l..►.1 N p 1 co< rat d d G rm 1 a 404 M m� 00 Q 6 iCt tII Ift th LA K + 0• sr rr , m t m m za a]m m _44o- REDEMPTION FUND I t 1 t 1 i 1 ...to 1 co co. u .1 / cq m aRl O a. 1 4' b 6 t 1 1 1 .Y Y Op W. U � I CO y w r { U 1 1 i t c0 A tV 'V tit cp t m sot �rvt co mat a r r 1 to t a ? t l t t cif.r i fV N W t M M iC L2co @ t 1 msi t .. � m_si i w I rlvt utu Atw i cos 1 :C < t A co t0 w i►`"-< o s to ttuz i 0 LU t ct w t M LU . O A C*%n 1-4 t A trf Q A ti t9: —4 41— 1 COST C-N to Department/Divisiot: Program: Account r,ssessment/Admin. PD $5 Ob4ect No. Description of Items & Individual Kollar Amoun a Budget 1001 7910 Payment to Trustee 8C7 7 WASM i j { 895,3121 -443- I' Y.D 82-IR REDEMPTION FUND i 4 i f i I, f 1 7 ( t Y t ( + 1 i f L)> Lu 0 C. t a r 1 i ( i n � 1 10 �6 L9 i to co - T I _ W 1 1 1 i trt co co 1 T of .O V�bY a � ( r + v'ai r ( r r co 1 1 LLm4p S O O .h '. f- cco q 1 to ! S ut ,n u i to At r r ( i t. �7 rt i U. a CO I t+ a ( c +. I Z (- '.N rY CL i - c-- f Lu = t to to 1 to>~ iEX . I ul ! •1 txf t3 1 co ut H I th f ArK tY p : J-t t3 a t M Y to k -444- I 1 1 , 1 I w ca a 1r- c4 c � Q t 0 1 i 1 t N N t, x o 01 10 a - M .-a , V V t co r ► r m we C M% 10 4 1 Y- 1 LL I.- t7 O O 1 Lu oc i Wocp- a a 1 V m ; 1... N coco l 1 ► m Y 1 R tL I 7.M LA tV m� to kA � t ►-t «c ► cr r I iu h U. I Sl.1 L) 1 'I Z _ ti t r ► In V I su. co< 1 t ! I ao ► , to ► a U.I.- r i ► < tL p. to 1 2 C W ►- 1 C iy. H ca i .►--�ca+ a. +- I CL a W to 1 z f- c W t W x I cy Ltt d to 1 w,V M- Ir ► < xn: 3 t ..i R3t O'. Cs H 0-6 V I a r iiF' en tit 1' tT CP aW -445— - -a �- Department/Division Program: Account Asst:ssments/Admire. AD 82-IR 93--4130/4637 Ob„ect No. Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1001 Assessment Administration 865 7910 Payment to Trustees 762,942 I TOTAL 763,807 -446- t AD 86-2 REDEMPTIO14 FUND l I E i 1 1 t { t P w aM « V CL 1 at t. t 1 t r ,n n: i .o ./. t5 1 as u. ra 1. tt t { t 1 '.n as 1 ry cm C 1 N N r U.I.- i O O to t t < Y 1 { 1 r , U. - bra• r N N {k N N; .�. C. 1 co r as i 1 u}. « 40 O OD H a r r u1v tin pqp r r « t t. { co i L7?. P- { to Ca 1 l 6 [ W 2 { '✓x W t 1 [ ttl G { Ca Nt .,Y r 4A vi to t o •c r ra a �- t t :o u f tT .. -447— - P t 1 t 1 I t-: «+IL 1 r N N z 13 1 ( Q C> 7 00. 1 j N 1 LD r 1 1 Lo i i r ru cu R u 1 i 'iX R. K CO � 1 t H Q` iQ u 10 1 N N _ C i R - W t—Ln t O O O cr 1 $ 1 ca 1 1 1 1 w [ o m m 1 t x ' x O O 1 cow ! � 1-. .0 R 1 U t 0. 4 mot ► __ v1 t m 1- to 1 ut t3 O Q < .0 1. 4?7 1 1.4 I to Ix,v tz xc ct t 1 m co 7 C uj I- g'LL N 'R C, CL LU f a tj t- a x LU t. y 1 u!iL G 1 1l1 t d U !' eL 1 7X< LM C2 1 2 :R•• Bak uj � 1- s r In i*► —448— 'tea: N v 4�I w�rr b"�:,� .►..:.~M 1 r (,/W a��p w r' Departt��rcClDfv ion; Program. Account :+unze . AssessmentslAdmin. &D 36--2. 9b 4I30i40 3'7 Ubj Uect Ito. DsUrOttOn Of It "% b. Individual Dollar Awunt�r 1001 yAssesamer� ' 7910 Pa ment to Trustee -.1,10 221 z" r.r pff j21 4], • q I I