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1996/04/10 - Agenda Packet
CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA WEDNESDAY APRIL 10, 1996 7:00 P.M. RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBER 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA I. Roll Call Chainnan Barker Commissioner Melther __ Vice Chairman McNiel __ Commissioner Tolstoy Commissioner Lumpp IL Announcements IlL Approval of Minutes February 28, 1996 February 28, 1996, Adjourned Meeting March 27, 1996 IV. Consent Calendar ThefollowingConsentCalendaritemsareexpectedtoberoutineandnon-controversial. They will be acted on by the Commission at one time without discussion. If anyone has concern over any item, it should be removed for discussion. A. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 95-28 - WOODBRIDGE DEVELOPMENT: The design review of detailed site plan and elevations for five single family lots within Tract 10210 in the Hillside Residential District, located on the north side of Almond Street at Crestview Place - APN: 200-441-40, 48, 54, 55, and 63. B. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 95-29 - FLATTEN - A request to construct a 3,974 square foot hillside residence located in the Very Low Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre), located at 8900 Hillside Road APN: 1061-251-29. Related file: Variance 96-04. V. Public Hearings The following items are public hearings in which concerned individuals may voice their opinion of the relatedproject. Please wait to be recognized by the Chairman and address the Commission by stating your name and address. All such opinions shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual for each project. Please sign in after speaking. C. VARIANCE 96-04 - FLATTEN - A request to construct a 1 O-foot high retaining wall adjacent to a private driveway for a proposed custom single family hillside residence of 3,974 square feet, located in the Very Low Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre), located at 8900 Hillside Road - APN: 1061-251-29. Related file: Development Review 95-29. D. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 95-33 - FOOTHILL MARKETPLACE PARTNERS: A request to establish a lube facility within an existing commercial retail center in the Regional Related Commercial designation (Subarea 4) of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard, east of Interstate 15 - APN: 229-031-37. Staff recommends issuance of a mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts. (TO BE CONTINUED TO APRIL 24, 1996) E. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 15732 LEWIS HOMES - The proposed subdivision and design review of building elevations and detailed site plan for 33 single family homes on 9.46 acres of land in the Community Service designation, located at the northwest comer of Base Line Road and Etiwanda Avenue - APN: 277-522-05, 07, and 08. Associated with this application is ConditionaI Use Permit 95-38 and Tree Removal Permit 96-05. Staff recommends issuance of a mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts. F. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 95-38 - LEWIS HOMES - The proposed subdivision and design review of building elevations and detailed site plan for 33 single family homes on 9.46 acres of land in the Community Service designation, located at the northwest comer of Base Line Road and Etiwanda Avenue - APN: 277-522-05, 07, and 08. Associated with this application is Tentative Tract 15732 and Tree Removal Permit96-05. Staffrecommends issuance ofa mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts. G. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 96-04 - FRANCIS BALCHAK - A request to establish a 1,075 square foot video arcade and a 2,207 square foot pool room in conjunction with a 2,100 square foot restaurant within the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) shopping center located at the southwest comer of Hellman Avenue and Base Line Road - APN: 208-202-17. VI. Old Business H. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 94-19 - COOK (ACCU-CENTER) - A periodic review of an approved massage establishment located at 7890 Haven Avenue, #11 - APN: 1077-401-29. VII. Director's Reports I. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 94-30 - McDONALDS - A periodic review of an approved fast food restaurant located at 8701 Base Line Road. J. DISCUSSION OF APRIL 2. 1996. LETTER FROM WOHL REGARDING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 96-01A AND INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 96-01 VIII. Public Comments This is the time andplace for the general public to address the Commission. Items to be discussed here are those which do not already appear on this agenda. IX. Commission Business X. Adjournment The Planning Commission has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11: O0 P.M. adjournment time. lf items go beyond that time, they shah be heard only with the consent of the Commission. 1, Gail Sanchez, Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certi~ that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on April 4, 1996, at least 72 hours prior to the meeting per Government Code Section 54964.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. / VICINITY MAP ,k CITY HALL CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ' STAFF REPORT DATE: April 10, 1996 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: NanCy Fong, AICP, Senior Planner SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 95-28 - WOODBRIDGE DEVELOPMENT - The design ' review of detailed site plan and elevations for five single family lots within Tract 10210 in the Hillside Residential District, located nodh of Almond Street at Crestview Place - APN: 200--441-40,48, 54, 55 and 63. SITE DESCRIPTION: The site is rough graded and public improvements have been installed including streets, trails, driveways, and street lights, except for street trees. ANALYSIS: A. General: The tract consists of 33 lots originally approved by the Planning Commission on September 23, 1981, and recorded in 1986. The applicant, Woodbridge Development, received a Design Review approval for 20 lots on January 11, 1995. The approved elevations consisted of three floor plans with three elevations for each. The size of the floor plans ranges from 3,360 to 3,870 square feet. The architectural style is a mix of Mediterranean and Traditional. The first (Phase 1) 10 lots were completed and the remainder (Phase 2) 10 lots are under construction. The applicant proposes to use the same floor plans and elevations for Lots 5, 13, 19, 20, and 28 (Phase 3). B. Desiqn Review Committee: The Committee (Barker, Henderson) reviewed the proposed plans and recommended approval with revisions as listed below. They are placed as conditions of approval in the attached resolution. 1. Provide variable slopes consisting of 2 to 1, 3 to 1, 4 to 1, and 5 to I for the manufactured slopes of each lot. 2. Provide and show graphically the application of the contour grading for any slopes. 3. Adjust the alignment of the walkway for Lot 13 to be away from the existing Eucalyptus tree. ' 4. Provide concepts of 24 feet by 24 feet corral areas and a 10-foot wide access to the trails for lots that can accommodate horse corrals. ITEM A PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DR 95-28 - WOODBRIDGE April 10, 1996 Page 2 5. Retain the large boulders that have been excavated and use them as landscape accent on any or all of the five lots. 6. The plotting of the house for Lot 28 to be parallel to the street frontage is acceptable. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Development Review 95-28 through the adoption of the attached resolution. City Planner - BB: Attachments: Exhibit "A" Site Utilization Map Exhibit "B" Site/Grading Plan Exhibit "C" Landscape Plan Exhibit "D" Elevations Resolution of Approval HILLSIDE RD LEFT VILu'~ RIGHT V1BX/. STRE~ SIDE P~I~ FRONT ~ AT LOT 2~;LOT 7 SIMI~ I~ ~R ORION SHO~NI ~E~ ~ LOT 2~ SINGLE FAMILY ~CHO CU~O~GA E~ERIOR ~PE 1 A '~t" PLAN 1 3360 SF OEN SINGLE FAMILY ,-~..,~-~- ~ ~ RANCHO CUCAMONGA FLOOR PLAN "'~:'~"~ '~""'"%'I'~"!:;"t"~ ' ~-~8 /D~NG SKYLII~IfELE FAMILY ,-.,-.~-~ ~NCHO CU~MONGA ROOF P~N IA AT LOT 23 .................... . .... FRONT VIEV,/{4 CAR OPTION SHO'~I/NJ S KYLI N E I G LE FAMILY RANCHO CUCAMONGAEXTERIOR TYPE 2A ..................... :;,,,,~ PLAN 2 3730 SF SKYLINE SINGLE FAMILY RANCHO CUCAMONGA FLOOR PLAN ....................... . S K Y L I N EG L E F A M I LY ...-".: .-t'..-%, .~..~..~.%"-',,~ .."..~2 ~ RANCHO CUCAMONGAROOF PLAN 2A ....... SKYLINE SINGLE FAMILY · ~ ....... ,',~,~.;.~.~ .;,~..,~,;.,I ~,NCHO CUC. AMONC~ EXTERIOR TYPE 3A .................... , REAR WEVY 13 CA~ OPTION) LEFT VIE~X/{3 CAR OPTION) FRONT V1EV,/[3 CAR OPTION) SKYLINE S GLE FAMILY RANCHO CUCAMONGA EXTERIOR TYPE 3A ....... PLAN 3 3780 SF ~SINGLE FAMILY ~=-~,.-.... ~~ RANClio CUCAMONC.,A ROOF PLAN 3A .... RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 95-28, THE DESIGN REVIEW OF DETAILED SITE PLAN AND ELEVATIONS FOR FIVE LOTS WITHIN TRACT NO. 10210, LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF ALMOND STREET AT CRESTVIEW PLACE, IN THE HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (LESS THAN 2 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE), AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 200-441-40, 48, 54.55, AND 63. A. Recitals. 1. Woodbridge Development Company has filed an application for the design review of Tract No. 10210, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereina~er in this Resolution, the subject Design Review request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 10th day of April 1996. the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held a meeting to consider the application. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced meeting on April 10, 1996, including written and oral staff reports. this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. That the proposed project is consistent with the objectives of the General Plan; and b. That the proposed design is in accord with the objectives of the Development Code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; and c. That the proposed design is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code; and d. That the proposed design, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs I and 2 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR 95-28 - WOODBRIDGE April 10, 1996 Page 2 Planning Division 1 ) All pertinent conditions of approval contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 95-02, including Standard Conditions, shall apply. 2) This approval is for Lots 5, 13, 19, 20, and 28. Approval shall expire, unless extended by the City Planner, if building permits are not issued or approved use has not commenced within 24 months from the date of approval. 3) P~:ovide vadable slopes consisting of 2 to 1, 3 to 1.4 to 1. and 5 to 1 for the manufactured slopes of each lot. 4) Provide and show graphically the application of the contour grading for any slopes, subject to City Planner review and approval prior to issuance of grading permits. 5) Provide concepts of 24 feet by 24 feet corral and a 10-foot wide access to the trails for lots that can accommodate horse corrals. 6) Retain the large boulders that have been excavated and use them as landscape accent on any or all of the five lots. 7) Provide landscaping per Section 17.24.070-F of the Hillside Development Standards. 8) Adjust the alignment of the walkway for Lot 13 to be away from the existing Eucalyptus tree. Provide adequate watering for the trees and temporan/fencing around them for protection during construction. Engineering Division 1) City improvement plan drawing number 790 shall be revised for adherence to new City standards, new or relocated drive approaches and street trees. all to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 2) Construct all improvements not completed with Tract 10210. per City improvement plan drawing number 796, as revised per special Condition No. I above. Security shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and City Attorney guaranteeing completing of the improvements, prior to the issuance of a City construction permit and building permit. 3) The grade breaks between a standard ddve approach ramp and the on- site ddveway shall not exceed 14 percent. Driveway grades on-site are subject to review by the Building and Safety Division. 4. The Secretan/to this Commission shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 10TH DAY OF APRIL 1996. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR 95-28 - WOODBRIDGE April 10, 1996 Page 3 PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: E. David Barker, Chairman ATTEST: Brad Buller, Secretary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby cedify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 10th day of April 1996 by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIvIONGA -- STAFF REPORT DATE: April 10, 1996 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Steve Hayes, AICP, Associate Planner SUBJECT: DEVleLOPMENT REVIEW 95-29 - FLATFEN - A request to construct a 3,974 square foot hillside residence located in the Very Low Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre), located at 8900 Hillside Road - APN: 1061-251-29. Related File: Variance 96-04. VARIANCE 96-04 - FLATFEN - A request to construct a 10*foot high retaining wall adjacent to a pdvate driveway for a proposed custom single family hillside residence of 3,974 square feet, located in the Very Low Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre), located at 8900 Hillside Road - APN: 1061-251-29. Related File: Development Review 95-29. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: The proposed residence is located on a parcel of approximately 1.59 acres of land that was recently created with the approval of Tentative Parcel Map 12877. Two ravines with a distinct ridge in between run from northwest to southeast across the property. The residence is plotted on top of the ridge near the rear of the parcel. The site is covered with native scrub vegetation but has no significant trees or structures. A Community Trail and curb and gutter exist along the Hillside Road frontage. ANALYSIS: A. General: This custom residence requires consideration of the Planning Commission due to the proposed cutJfill in excess of 5 feet from the existing grade on the property. The areas where the depth of cuts and fills exceed 5 feet in height area are concealed underneath the driveway on the east side of the residence and under the proposed balcony on the west side of the house. The 3,974 square foot custom residence has been designed to meet the technical aspects of the Hillside Development Ordinance by fitting the house within the required building height envelope, stepping the residence predominately with the natural slope of the land, and fitting a majority of the residence within the slope influence lines. Furthermore, the house is mostly single story and has a side-on garage to be more aesthetically sensitive to public view, as seen from Hillside Road. The 3-car garage is on the east side of the residence and the driveway leading up to the garage is on a fairly significant area of fill and is proposed to be retained by a "Loffelstein" crib retaining wall of up to 10 feet in height. The crib wall would allow for ground cover landscaping and irrigation to be planted in steps between the blocks to soften the visual impact of the wall. The long driveway includes decorative paving strips, a hammerhead turnaround area near Hillside Road, and a circular turnaround area approximately half-way between the street and the residence. ITEMS B & c PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DR 95-29 * VAR 96-04 - FLATTEN April 10, 1996 Page 2 B. Variance: The applicant has submitted a Variance application to allow for the construction of the 10-foot maximum height "Loffelstein" crib wall mentioned earlier. The crib wall is approximately 200 feet in length and reaches a maximum height of 10 feet in height in line with the main portion of the residence and tapers down to blend in with the natural terrain as it heads north and south. The Hillside Development Regulations restrict the height of retaining walls adjacent to driveways to 4 feet. The purpose of the limited retaining wall height is to lessen any negative visual impacts associated with tall walls in front yard areas highly visible f~0m streets and to minimize grading or drastically alter the natural features in hillside areas. The applicant contends that the wall is necessary in order to provide a side-on odented garage_, which is preferred for its aesthetics in viewing the residence from the street. In staffs opinion, the side-on garage combined with the proposed landscaped crib wall will provide a more aesthetically pleasing street scene than a three-car garage facing Hillside Road with a standard 4-foot high retaining wall. Staff has incorporated a condition into the Resolution of Approval for the Variance that the crib wall be landscaped and irrigated. C. Design Review Committee: On March 19, 1996, the Committee (Barker, Henderson) reviewed the conceptual plans and recommended approval of the project with conditions specified in the attached action agenda (Exhibit "G"). D. Gradinq Committee: The Grading Committee reviewed the project at its regularly scheduled meeting of February 20, 1996, and found the plans technically acceptable, but felt the depth and amount of cut and fill, cdb wall appearance, should be considered as part of the overall project design at the Planning Commission meeting. CORRESPONDENCE: The Variance has been advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property has been posted, and notices have been sent to all property owners within a 300 foot radius of the site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Development Review 95-29 and Variance 96-04 through adoption of the attached Resolutions of Approval with Conditions. BB:SH:mlg Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Site Utilization Map Exhibit "B" - Site Plan/Grading Plan Exhibit "C" - Cross Sections Exhibit "D" - Elevations Exhibit "E" - Floor Plan Exhibit "F" - Variance Justification Letter Exhibit "G" - Design Review Committee Minutes Resolution of Approval for Variance 96-04 Resolution of Approval with Conditions for Development Review 95-29 ~: :""""'='- · 0 City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission Subject: Variance for use of Loffelstein Retaining Wall, Flatten Residence, 8900 Hillside Rd., Development Review #95-29 A variance is required to install a Loffelstein Retaining Wall along the eastern border of the side driveway to the garage. The Loffelstein wall is a sloped, attractive, plantable slope enhancement wall. This landscaped slope enhancement wall is the preferred technique for a retaining wall along a driveway according to the Hillside Development standard 17.24.060 B.3.b. and F.2. This variance for a Loffelstem slope enhancement wall is compatible with the surrounding area, a drainage ravine, and is not visible from the street. A small portion of the Loffelstein wall will be visible only ~om the immediate eastern residences' side yards, of which, the closest is over 200 feet away. L DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 5:00 p.m. Steve Hayes March 19, 1996 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 95-29 - FLATTEN - A request to construct a 3,974 square foot hillside residence located in the Very Low Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre), located at 8900 Hillside Road - APN: 1061-251-29. Design Parameters: The proposed residence is located on a parcel of approximately 1.59 acres that was recently created with the approval of Tentative Parcel Map 12877. Two ravines with a distinct ridge in between run from northwest to southeast across the property. The residence is plotted on the ridge near the rear of the portion of property 15roposed for development at this time. A Community Trail is existing along the Hillside Road frontage. Native scrub vegetation covers the site. Single Family residences exist east and west of the site, while the land directly to the north of the area proposed for development is vacant. The property to the south is Heritage Park. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Ma_i. or Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project: (For the Committee's information, the Grading Committee found the proposed design technically acceptable but determined that this item should be forwarded to the Design Review Committee to determine whether the aesthetic impacts created by the design of the residence are consistent with the intent of the Hillside Development Standards. The Committee should consider the proposed design of the residence as it relates to the site specific constraints associated with the parcel. Specific aesthetic concerns are as follows): 1. Although the proposed design of the residence generally falls with the natural slope of the land, the pad steps only 2 feet over an area that has a natural fall of over 8 feet in vertical height. The applicant has stated that the potential aesthetic impact related to the height and effective bulk of the house are mitigated through a predominately single story house design. Staff does agree that the design mitigates this concern; however, more significant steps could be incorporated to lessen grading, which is also specifically mentioned as a goal of the Hillside Development Ordinance. 2. The applicant is proposing to utilize a "Loffelstein" crib wall along the east side of the driveway. This wall would be approximately 10 feet tall in the worst case scenario. The Hillside Development Standards prohibits retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height and encourages terracing with a minimum of 3 feet of landscaping between retaining walls. The present design would require a Variance. Originally, the applicant had proposed a standard retaining wall along this edge, but changed to the crib wall to attempt to address the aesthetic concern relative to the retaining wall height. The height of the crib wall can be mitigated somewhat by landscaping, which can be planted in between levels or steps of the crib wall. Ideally, however, staff would prefer this wall to be constructed in segments to allow for more significant areas of landscaping. However, in this case, the area where the crib wall is proposed is already beyond the slope influence line and into an area of fairly significant slope down to a ravine, so terracing the wall may reduce slope stability. The Committee should consider whether the crib wall is the best solution given the specific constraints of this situation. Staff feels that it is the best solution, unless the entire layout of the residence is revised to be more contained within the slope influence lines. (For example, the wall could be moved westerly and subsequently lowered in height if the garage was designed to face south. However, - having the garage side onto the house offers a much better view of the residence from Hillside Road). DRC COMMENTS DR 95-29 - FLATTEN March 19, 1996 Page 2 Secondary_ Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues. 1. Given the significant length of the proposed driveway and its high visibility from Hillside Road, additional decd/ative paving areas should be provided. 2. Areas of glass bl_ock Should be replaced with a more integrated architectural element or eliminated. Policy Issues:' The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be incorporated into the project design without discussion. 1. Front yard landscaping and downslope landscaping. should be provided in accordance with the Hillside Development Regulations. Proper landscaping is especially critical in this situation given the natural topography of the parcel and its susceptibility to fire. All landscaping should comply with the City's Wildland Interface requirements. $taffRecommendation: Staff recommends that the Design Review Committee determine whether the proposed residence design is in compliance with the spkit and intent ofthe Hillside Development Ordinance. If so, then staffwould recommend that the project be forwarded to the Planning Commission for consideration. However, if the Committee feels that a significant redesign of the residence is necessary, then the item should be brought back to the Committee for further review. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: David Barker, Larry Henderson Staff Planner: Steve Hayes The Committee recommended approval of the residence as presented, with the secondary and policy issues incorporated into the Resolution of Approval. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VARIANCE NO. 96-04, A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A 10-FOOT HIGH RETAINING WALL ADJACENT TO A PRIVATE DRIVEWAY FOR A PROPOSED CUSTOM SINGLE FAMILY HILLSIDE RESIDENCE OF 3,974 SQUARE FEET, LOCATED IN THE VERY LOW RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (LESS THAN 2 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE), LOCATED AT 8900 HILLSIDE ROAD;' AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF APN: 1061-251-29. A. Recitals. 1. David and Debbie Flatten have filed an application for the issuance of Vadance No. 96-04 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafier in this Resolution, the subject Variance request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 10th day of April 1996, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho · - Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set fodh in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. - - 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing on April 10, 1996, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to property located at 8900 Hillside Road with a street frontage of approximately 222 feet and lot depth of approximately 652 feet and is presently improved with curb, gutter, and a Community Trail along Hillside Road; and b. The property to the north of the subject site is vacant, the property to the south consists of Hedtage Park. the property to the east is single family residential, and the property to the west is developed with single family residences; and c. The proposed use, a single family residence. conforms to the General Plan, and said use is a permitted use in the Very Low Residential district subject to the approval of a Development Review application pursuant to the Hillside Development Regulations (Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code Chapter 17.24). The applicant has submitted an application for Development Review No. 95-29; and d. The application applies to property which is defined as "hillside" because it consists of two deep ravines with slopes in excess of 20 percent and separated by a ridge where the house is proposed for construction; and PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. VAR 96-04 - FLATTEN April 10, 1996 Page 2 e. The application contemplates the construction of a single family residence with a setback of approximately 250 feet from Hillside Road; and f. The application, as conditioned hereby, complies with all minimum development standards of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and g. The application contemplates the use of a "Loffelstein" retaining wall of a maximum height of 10 feet along the east side of the proposed driveway; and h.: The Hillside Development regulations limits the height of retaining walls to a maximum height of fl feet adjacent to driveways; and I. The additional retaining wall height is necessary to accommodate a 3-car side-on garage that does not face Hillside Road, the primary public viewshed to the residence; and j. With the proposed method of wall construction, landscaping can be planted to mitigate the negative visual impacts associated with a tall retaining wall to the point where the wall can be completely screened from view; and k. The portion of'retaining wall that exceeds the 4-foot maximum height limit is approximately 120 linear feet with its closest podion approximately 240 feet from Hillside Road. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs I and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. That strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulations would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of the Development Cede. b. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to other properties in the same district. c. That stdct or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. d. That the granting of the Variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. e. That the granting of the Vadance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below. Planninq Division 1 ) Landscaping and irrigation shall be provided between the blocks of the proposed "Loffelstein" retaining wall, to the satisfaction of the City Planner. Specific details shall be provided on the detailed Landscape/Irrigation Plans for the front yard and slopes, which shall be reviewed and approved by the City Planner, prior to the issuance of PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. VAR 96-04-FLATTEN April10,1996 Page 3 5. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 10TH DAY OF APRIL 1996. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANGHO CUCAMONGA BY: E. David Barker, Chairman A'I'I'EST: Brad Buller, Secretary I, Brad Bullet, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resotution was duly and regularly introduced. passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 10th day of April, 1996, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. 95-29, A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A 3,974 SQUARE FOOT HILLSIDE RESIDENCE LOCATED IN THE VERY LOW RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (LESS THAN 2 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE), LOCATED AT 8900 HILLSIDE ROAD AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 1061-251-29. A. Recitals: 1. David and Debbie Flatten have filed an application for the approval of Development Review No. 95-29, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafier in this Resolution, the subject Development Review request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 10th .day of April 1996, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a meeting on the application and concluded said meeting on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced meeting on April 10. 1996, including written and oral staff reports, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to property located at 8900 Hillside Road with a street frontage of approximately 222 feet and lot depth of 652 feet and is presently improved with curb, gutter, and Community Trail improvements along the Hillside Road frontage; and b. The property to the north of the subject site is vacant, the property to the south consists of Heritage Park, the property to the east is single family residential, and the property to the west is developed with single family residences; and c. The application contemplates the construction of a custom residence on a lot that, due to its natural features, requires review of an application for hillside development; and d. The application, as submitted, requires contingent approval of a variance application for the height of the proposed retaining wall along the eastern edge of the proposed driveway. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced meeting and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. That the proposed project is consistent with the objectives of the General Plan;' and PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR 95-29-FLATTEN April10,1996 Page 2 b. That the proposed use is in accord with the objectives of the Development Code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; and c. That the proposed use is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code; and d. That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety. or welfare or materially injurious to properlies or improvements in the vicinity. 4. The Planning Commission hereby finds and determines that the project identified in this Resolution is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the Guidelines promulgated thereunder. pursuant to Section 15303 of the State CEQA Guidelines. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Planninq Division 1) The proposed "Loffelstein" retaining wall shall be landscaped and irrigated to soften the appearance of the wall as quickly as possible. The final landscape and irrigation design shall be in accordance with the City's Xeriscape Ordinance and applicable Wildland Interface requirements, to the satisfaction of the City Planner. 2) Front yard landscaping and downslope landscaping shall be provided in accordance with the City's Hillside Development Regulations and Wildland Interface Requirements. 3) Decorative paving shall be provided in the driveway, to the satisfaction of the City Planner. 4) Areas of glass block shall be replaced with a more integrated architectural element or eliminated, to the satisfaction of the City Planner. 5) Man-made slopes shall be designed with varying slope gradients, and rounded off at the toe and top to provide a more natural appearance, to the satisfaction of the City Planner. Enqineerinq Division 1) Install missing street improvements along the Hillside Road frontage, including a residential drive approach and one street ,light. 2) Revise Drawing No. 790 to reflect the new street light. a drive approach with transverse medium broom finish (crossing the existing trail) using the contiguous sidewalk section of Standard Drawing No. 101-A, removal of Community Trail fencing sufficient to not obstruct driveway lines of sight, and show how the existing 2:1 slope within the drainage PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR 95-29- FLATTEN April10,1996 Page 3 3) The revised drawing shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Security shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and City Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public improvements, prior to the issuance of building permits. Prior to any work being performed in public rights-of-way, fees shall be paid and a Construction Permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's office. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED A, ND ADOPTED THIS 10TH DAY OF APRIL 1996. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: E. David Barker, Chairman ATTEST: Brad Butler, Secretary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 10th day of April 1996, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENll STANDARD CONDITIONS PROJECT#: ~::P~vJ}/~-.t~.~Jr- &v,&5 APPLICANT: O~vtJ LOCATION: ~00 {+,tlS~ Those items chewed are Co~ionS of ~proval. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DIVISION, (9~} 989-1861, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING COND~IONS: A. Time LImits 1. ~proval shall expire. unless e~ended by lhe Planning Commission, ff building permits are not issued or approved use has not mmmenced w~hin 24 months from the date of approval. 2. DevelopmentDesign Review shall be approved prbr to / / , __/ / / 3. Ap rova of~-Yd~F~No ~ is gmnted subject to lhe approval of J / __ 4. Thedevelopershallcom~nce, pa~icipate in, and~nsummaleorcause lobe commenced. padicipated in, or consummmed, a Mello-Roos Com~n~y Facil~ies Distri~ (CFD) for the Ra~ho Cucamonga Fire Prole~ion Distri~ lo finance constrenton an~or maintenance ol a fire station to seNe the devebpment. The station shall ~ Ionted, designed, and built Io all specificatbns of lhe Ra~ho Cucamonga Fire Prote~ion Distri~, and shall become the Distri~'s prope~y u~n ~mpletion. The equipme~ shall be sele~ed by the Distri~ in accordance with ~s needs. In any building of a ~ation, the developer shall comply with all appl~able laws and regulations. The CFD shall ~ lor~d by the Distri~ and the developer by the time re~rdmbn ol the final map o~urs. __ 5. Prior to re~rdation of the final map or the issuance of building permits, whichever comes first, the applicant shall conse~ to, or pa~icipate in. the establishment of a Mello-Roos CommunHy Facil~ies District for the construction and maintenance of necessa~ school facil~ies. However. if any school district has previously established such a Commun~y Facil~ies District, the appli~nt shall. in the a~ernative, consent to the annexaion of the proje~ site into the terr~o~ of such existing District prior to the re~rdaion of the final map or the issuance of building ~rm~s, whichever mines first. Further, if the affected school distri~ has not formed a Mello-Roos Community Facil~ies Distri~ w~hin lwelve months from the date of a~oval of the project ~ Fior to t~ r~rdalbn ol lhe linal map or issuance of building permits for said proje~, this ~ndition shall be deemed null and void. CornDIe:ion Dat~: This ~ndlfion shaft be waived ~ ihe O~y receives notice Ihai ihe app[icani and a[[ s~hoo[ disides have entered inlo an a~reemeni 1o p{ivale[y acaom~dale any and al[ schoo[ impa~s as a ~esu~ o~ this p~oiecL 6. Prior Io [e~[dation o~ lhe fina[ map o~ pdor 1o issuance o~ buiMin9 permits when no map is J / invo[ved, wr~len ceafficafion ~om the a~e~ied ~ater di~ri~ lhat adequate se~er and ~a~i[ifies a~e o~ wi[[ be available Io sere lhe proposed p~olecl shall ~ submi~ed io the Depaameni o[ Oommun~y Deve[opmenL 8ush le~e~ musl have been issue~ by the distri~ within 90 days prior to final map approval in the case of su~ivision or prior to issuance of pe~s in the case of all other residential proje~s. B. Site Development '/ 1. The s~e Shall be developed a~ maintained in a~rdance with the approved plans which J / include site plans, archite~ural elevations, extedor materials and ~lom, landscaping, sign program, and grading on tile in the Planning Divisbn. the condffions contained herein. Development C~e regulations, and S~cHic Plan a~ Planned Community. 2. Prior to any use of the proje~ s~e or busine~ a~ivity being commenced thereon, all J / Co~ions of Approval shall ~ ~mpleted to the ~tisfa~ion of the C~ Planner. 3. ~upancy of the facil~y shall ~t com~e until such time as all Unitorm Building Code and J / State Fire Marshall's regulations have ~en ~mplied with. Pr~r to o~upancy, plans shall be subm~ed to the Ra~ Cucamonga Fire Proteflon Distri~ and the Building and Satety Division to show ~mplian~. The building shall ~ inspe~ed for ~liance prior to occupancy. / 4. Revised s~e plans and ~ildi~ elevations i~rating all Conditions of Approval shall be J / subm~ted for Ci~ Planner review and approval prbr to issuance of building permits. ~/ 5. AIIsffe,grading,landsca~. irrigation, andstreetimprovementplansshallbecoordinatedlor J / consistency pdor to issuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal. encroachment, building, etc.), or prior to tinal map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, or approved use has ~mmenced, whichever comes tirst. ~ 6. Approval of this request shall ~t waive ~mptian~ with all sextons of the Development J / Code, all other appl~able C~y Ordinances, a~ appli~ble Communffy Plans or S~cific Plans in effe~ at the time of Building Pe~ issua~e. 7. A detailed on-site lighting plan shall be reviewed and approved by the C~y Planner and J / She.r~f's Depa~ment (989-6611) pdor to the issua~e of building permits. Such plan shall indicate style, illumination. location, height, and meted of shielding so as not to adversely affect adjacent pro~ies. 8. If no centralized trash receptacles are provided, all trash pi~-up shall be for individual units J / w~h all receptacles shielded from public view. 9. Trash receptacle(s) are required and shall ~et C~y standards. The final design, locations, --/ / and the num~r of trash receptacles shall ~ subje~ to Cffy Planner review and approval prior to issuance of building ~rm~s. 10. All ground-mounted ufil~y appudenances such as tran~ormers, AC condensers, etc.. shall J / be Ionted out of public view and adequately scre~ through the use of a combination of concrete or ma~n~ walls, berming, an~or tand~aping to the satisla~ion of the City ~ * 10/94 ComDledon Date: __ n 1. Street names shall be submitted tor C~y Planner review and approval in accoraance the adopted Street Naming Policy prior to approval of the final map. ~ 12. All building numbers and individual un~s shall be ~ent~ied in a clear and concise manner, ~ / including pro~r illumination. __ 13. A detailed plan indicating trail widths, maximum sbpes, physical ~nditions, fencing, and ~ / weed ~ntrol, in accordance w~h City Master Trail drawings, shall be submi~ed for City Planner review and approval prio rio approval and re~rdation of the Final Tract Map and prior to approval of street improvement and grading plans. Develo~r shall upgrade and construct all trails, including fencing and drainage devices, in ~njun~ion w~h street improvements. __ 14. The Covenants, Cond~bns and Restd~ions (CC&Rs) shall not prohib~ the keeping of equine ~ / animls where ~oning requirememsforthe keeping of ~id animals have been met. Individual lot owners in subdivis~ns shall have the option of keeping said animals without the necessity of appealing to ~ards of direrors or homeowners' associations for amendments to the CC&Rs. __ 15. The Covenants, Cond~ions, a~ Re~ri~ions (CC&Rs) a~ A~icles of Invitation of the ~ / Homeowners' As~ciation are subje~ to the ~proval of the Planning and Engineering Divis~ns and the C~y A~orney. They shall ~ re~ed ~n~ently w~h the Final Map or prbr to the ~suance of building ~s, whichever ~m first. A re~rded copy shall be ..... provided to the City Engineer. 16. AIIpa~ays. openareas,andlands~pi~shall ~anentlymaintained bytheprope~y ~ / owner, ho~owners' association, or other means a~eptable to the C~y. Proof of this lands~ maintenance shall ~ ~bmi~ed for C~ Planner and C~y Engineer review and approval prior to issuan~ of bui~ing ~rm~s. __ 17. Solar a~ess easements shall ~ dedicated for the ~se of assuming that each lot or __/ / ~elli~ unit shall have the right to receive sunlight across adjacent lots or un~s for use of a ~lar energy system. The easeme~s may be ~ained in a Declaration of Restri~ions for the su~ivis~n which shall be re~ed ~ncurrently with the re~rdation of the linal map or issua~e of ~rm~s, whichever ~s first. The easements shah prohib~ the casting of shadows by vegetation, structures, figures or any other obje~, except for utility wires and similar obje~s, pursuant to Development Code Se~n 17.08.060-G-2. __ 18. The proje~ ~ntains a designated Histor~al LaYman. The site shall be developed and / / maintained in ac~rdance with the Hi~oric La~ma~ A~eration Perm~ No. . Any fu~her ~dffications to the s~e including, b~ ~t limped to. e~edor a~erations an~or interior a~erations which affe~ the exterior of the buildings or ~m~ures, remval of landma~ trees, de ~l~ion, relocation, re~nstm~ion of ~i~i~s or stm~ures, or changes to the s~e, shall require a modification to the Historic Land~ Alteration Permit subject to Historic Prese~ation Commission review and approval. C. Building Design __ 1. An a~ernative energy system is required to provide ~mestic hot water for al] dwelling un~s / / and for heating any swimming pool or spa, unless other a~ernative energy systems are demonstrated to ~ of equivalent capac~y and efficie~y. All swimming ~o Is installed at the time of in~ial development shall be supplemented w~h ~Tar heating. Details shall be included in the building plans and shall be subm~ed for C~y Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building ~its. __ 2. All ~eHings sh~ have the fr~, s~e and rear e~vat~ns u~raded w~h architectural ~ / ' - treatment, detailing and increased delineation of sudace treatment subje~ to C~y Planner review and approval pdor to issuance of building perm~s. SC- 10/94 3 Comt~letion Date: 3. Stan~ar~ patio ~er plans tot use ~y l~e Homeowners' Association s~aH ~e su~mi~le~ ~or ~ / G~y Planner an~ BuH~inO ~icial review an~ approval prior ~o issua~e ~/ 4. All roo~ appuaenances, indu~inO air ~on~Rioners an~ ot~er root ~un~e~ equipment and/or ~ / ~ro]e~ions, s~all ~e s~i~l~e~ trom view a n~ ~ sounO ~uffe re~ lrom a~]acent streets as require~ ~y l~e RanninO DMsion. Suc~ screenin~ s~all integrated wRh the ~ilding design and ~nstmcted to the satisfa~ion of the City Planner. Details shall be included in building plans. D. Parking and Vehicular Acce~ (indicate details on building plans) 1. All pa~ing lot landsca~ islands shall have a minimum outside dimension of 6 feet and shall J / ~ntain a.12-inch walk adjacent to the pa~ing stall (i~luding ~). 2. Tenured pedestrian pathways and tenured pavement across circulation aisles shall be J / provided throughout the development to ~nne~ ~elling~units/buildings with open space~ plazaSrecreational uses. 3. All pa~ing ~aces shall be double striped per C~y standards and all driveway aisles, J / e~rances, and ex~s shall be ~riped per C~y standards. 4. All un~s shall be provided w~h garage ~r o~ners if driveways are less than18 feet in J / ......... depth from back of s~ewalk. 5. The Covenants, Conditions a~ RestriPens shall restd~the storage of recreat~nal vehicles J / on this s~e unless they are the pri~ipal ~ur~ of trans~ation for the owner a~ prohib~ pa~ing on inter~r circulation aisles other than in designated vis~or pa~ing areas. 6. Plans for any secur~y gates shall ~ subm~ed for the C~y Planner, City Engineer, and J / Rancho Cucamonga Fire Proteflon Distr~ review a~ approval priorto issuance of building ~rmRs. E. ~ndscaplng (for publicly malntaln~ ~nds~ areas, refer to Se~lon N.) /1. A detailed la~scape and irrigatbn plan, i~luding s~ planting and ~del ~me landscap- ~ / i~ in the case of res~ential development, shall ~ prepared by a licensed landscape arch~e~ and submi~ed for C~y Planner review a~ approval priorto the issuan~ of building ~rm~s or pr~r final map approval in the ~se of a ~stom lot su~ivision. 2. Existingtreesrequiredto~prese~edinplaceshall~prote~edw~ha~nst~ionbarrier ~ / in a~rdance with the Municipal Code Se~ion 19.08.110, and so noted on the grading plans. The location of those trees to be prese~ed in place and new locations fortransplanted trees shaU be shown on the detai led landscape plans. The applicant shall follow all of the a~rist's re~m~ndatbns regarding prese~ation, tran~lanting and tdmming methods. 3. Aminimumof__treespergrossacre,~mprisedofthefollowingsizes,shallbeprovided J / w~hin the proje~: % - ~- inch ~x or larger, % - 36- inch ~x or larger, __ % - 24- i~h box or larger, __% - 15-gallon, and __ % - 5 gallon. /4. A minimum of 30 24-inch ~x or larger. 5. Within parking lots, trees shall be planted at a rate of one 15-gallon tree ~or eve~ three J / parking stalls, sufficient to shade 50% of the pa~ing area at solar noon on August 21. SC- iO/94 4 Completion Date: 6. Trees shall be planted in areas of public view adjacent to and along structures at a rate of one tree per 30 linear feet of building. __J L__ V/ 7. All private slope banks 5 leer or less in vertical height and of 5:1 or greater slope, but less than_J / 2:1 slope, shall be, at minimum, irrigated and landscaped with appropriate ground cover for erosion control. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. 8. AIIprivateslopesinexcessof5feet, butlessthan8feet inverticalheightandof2:lorgreater ---J / slope shall be landscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as follows: one 15-gallon or larger size tree per each 150 sq. ft. ol slope area, 1-gallon or larger size shrub per each 100 sq. ft. of slope area, and appropriate ground cover. In addition, slope banks in excess of 8 feet in vertical height and of 2:1 or greater slope shall also include one 5-gallon Or larger size tree per each 250 sq. ft. of slope area. Trees and shrubs shall be planted in staggered clusters to soften and vary slope plane. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. _ / 9. For single family residential development, all slope planting and irrigation shall be continu- --J / ously maintained in a healthy and thdving condition by the developer until each individual un it is sold and occupied bythe buyer. Priorto releasing occupancyforthose units, an inspection shall be conducted by the Planning Division to determine that they are in satisfactory condition. __ 10. For multi*family residential and non-residential development, property owners are respon- / / sible for the continual maintenance of all landscaped areas on-site, as well as contiguous planted areas within the public right-of-way. All landscaped areas shall be kept free from weeds and debris and maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing, and trimming. Any damaged, dead, diseased, or decaying plant material shall be replaced within 30 days from the date of damage. '// 11. Front yard la dscaping shall be requiredpertheDevelopmentCodeand/or ~li!_<l~ / / street {tees and slope planting. v/' 12. The linal design of the perimeter parkways, walls, landscaping, and sidewalks shall be / / included in the required landscape plans and shall be subject to City Planner review and approval and coordinated for consistency with any parkway landscaping plan which may be required by the Engineering Division. __ 13. Special landscape features such as mounding, alluvial rock, specimen size trees, meander- / / ing sidewalks (with horizontal change), and intensified landscaping, is required along V/ 14. Landsoaping and irrigation systems required to be installed within the public right-of-way on / / the perimeter of this project area shall be continuously maintained by the developer. ¢/ 15. All walls shall be provided with decorative treatment, If located in public maintenance areas, / / the design shall be coordinated with the Engineering Division. __ 16. Tree maintenance criteria shall be developed and submitted for City Planner review and / / approval prior to issuance of building permits. These criteda shall encourage the natural growth characteristics of the selected tree species. __ 17. Landscaping and irrigation shall be designed to conseNe water through the principles of / / Xeriscape as defined in Chapter 19.16 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. SC- 10/94 5 J Comr~letlor~ I~ate: F. Signs 1. Thesignsindicatedonthesubmittedplansareconceptualonlyandnotapartofthisapproval. / / Any signs proposed for this development shall comply with the Sign Ordinance and shall require separate application and approval by the Planning Division prior to installation of any signs. 2. AUniformSignProgramforthisdeveiopmentshallbesubmittedforCityPlanner reviewand __/ / approval prior to issuance of building permits. 3, Directory monument sign(s) shall be provided for apartment, condominium, or townhomes .__/ / prior to occupancy and shall require separate application and approval by the Planning Division prior to issuance of building permits. G. Environmental 1. The developer shall provide each prospective buyer written notice of the Fourth Street Rock .__/ / Crusher project in a standard format as determined by the City Planner, prior to accepting a cash deposit on any property. 2. The developer shall provide each prospective buyer written notice of the City Adopted ---/ / Special Studies Zone for the Red Hill Fault, in a standard format as determined by the City Planner, prior to accepting a cash deposit on any property. 3. The developer shall provide each prospective buyer written notice of the Foothill Freeway .__/ / project in a standard format as determined by the City Planner, prior to accepting a cash deposit on any property. 4. A final acoustical report shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the ~ / issuance of building permits. The final reporl shall discuss the level of interior noise attenuation lo below45CNEL, the building mate~als and constr~ctiontechniquesprovided, and if appropriate, verify the adequacy of the mitigation measures. The building plans will be Checked for conformance with the mitigation measures contained in the final report. H. Other Agencies 1. EmergencysecondaryaccessshallbeprovidedinaccordancewithRanchoCucamongaFire ~ / Protection District Standards. 2. Ernergencyaccessshallbeprovided, maintenance free andclear, a minimumof26feetwide ---/ / at all times during construction in accordance with Rancho Cucarnonga Fire Protection District requirements. 3. Prior to issuance of building permits for combustible construction, evidence shall be .__/ / submitted to the Rancho Cucamenga Fire Protection District that temporary water supply for tire protection is available, pending completion of required fire protection system. V/' 4. The applicant shall contact the U. S. Postal Service to determine the appropriate type and / location of mail boxes. Multi-family residential developments shalI provide a solid overhead structure for mail boxes with adequate lighting. The final location of the mail boxes and the design of the overhead structure shall be subject to City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. 5. For projects using septic tank facilities, written certification of acceptability, including all supportive information, shall be obtained from the San Bernardino County Department of Environmental Health and submitted to the Building Official prior to the issuance of Septic Tank Permits, and prior to issuance of building permits. SC - 10/94 6 Cgmpledon Date: APPLICANTS SHALL CONTACT THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION, (909) 989-1863, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: I. Site Development j 1. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechani- ---/ / cal Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, and all other applicable codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of issuance of relative permits. Please contact the Building and Safety Division for copies of the Code Adoption Ordinance and applicable handouts. V/' 2. Prior to issuance of building permits for a new residential dwelling unit(s) or major addition ---J / to existingunit(s), the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but are not limited to: City Beautifioation Fee, Park Fee, Drainage Fee, Systems Development Fee, Permit and Plan Checking Fees, and School Fees. 3. Prior to issuance of building permits for a new commercial or industrial development or __/ / addition to an existing development, the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but are not limited to: Systems Development Fee, Drainage Fee, School Fees, Permit and Plan Checking Fees. V/ 4. Street addresses shall be provided by the Building Official, after tract/parcel map recordation _/ / and prior to issuance of building permits. J, Existing Structures 1. Provide compliance with the Uniform Building Code for the proper'b/line clearances / /'- considering use, area, and fire-resistiveness of existing buildings. __ 2. Existing buildings shall be made to comply with correct building and zoning regulations for --/ / the intended use or the building shall be demolished. __ 3. Existing sewage disposal facilities shall be removed, filled and/or capped to comply w_ith th_e --/ / Uniform Plumbing Code and Uniform Building Code. __ 4, Underground on-site utilities are to be located and shown on building plans submitted for / / building permit applicalion. K. Grading __ 'v/' 1. Grading of the subject properly shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City /---/ Grading Standards, and accepted grading practices. The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved grading plan. __ 2. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to ---/ / perform such work. __ 3. The development is located within the soil erosion control boundaries; a Soil Disturbance ._-J / Permit is required. Please contact San Bernardino County Department of Agricu Iture at (714) 387-2111 for permit application. Documentation of such permit shall be submitted to the City prior to the issuance of rough grading permit. __ 4. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at ---J /'- the time of application for grading plan check. __ t/"'5. ThefinaIgradingp~ansshaI~bec~rnp~etedandappr~vedpri~rt~issuance~fbui~dingpermits. ----/ / SC - 10/94 7 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: April 10, 1996 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Scott Murphy, AICP, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 95-33 - FOOTHILL MARKETPLACE PARTNERS - A request to establish a lube facility within an existing commercial retail center in the Regional Related Commercial designation (Subarea 4) of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard, east of Interstate 15 - APN: 229-031-37. As directed by the City Council following an appeal, this item was pre-scheduled for the Planning Commission in anticipation of a March 19, 1996, Design Review Committee meeting. The applicant, however, was unable to attend the March 19, and April 2, 1996, meetings and requested a continuance to the April 16, 1996, meeting. With the continuance, the Design Review Committee will be unable to review the plans prior to the Planning Commission meeting. Therefore, staff recommends continuance of the application to allow the plans to be reviewed by the Design Review Committee. Appropriate conditions, if necessary, may be incorporated into the project approval at that time. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Conditional Use Permit 95-33 be continued to the April 24, 1996, Planning Commission meeting. Respectf ubmitted City Planner BB:SM:mlg ITEM D APR-10-1996 I2:42 LEWIS H MES MGMT. CORP. 909949E.700 P.O1 LEWIS HOMES MANAGEMENT CORP. 1i~ ~ Moun~ln Avsnus ! p, O, BOX 670 ! Optrid, California 917~0 ... ~0~1 F~: ' Refer to File No. G-1729 ' April 10, 1996 Members, Planning Co~ission City of Rancho Cucamonga ~0500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cuc~onga, CA 91730 Re: School Mitigation Condition for Tract 15732 - Planning Co~ission Members: As you may be aware, the City of Rancho Cucamonga ~the"City") is. proposing a condition (XIV Public Services, '~.} to ~he referenced ~entati~e tract map regarding school mitigation as follows: "The Project will contribute to ~ Mello-Roos. Dis%rict ate r~te established by the School District.~' By letter dated April 8, 1995, th~T.Etiwanda School-'Distri~ct has n~tified Lewis - Homes Enterprises {"Lewis"} that :~n orde~ to satisfy t~e~above :~ndition of approval, the Etiwanda School District proposes to:~mmedi~'ateiy: es~ablish a CFD which will levy an $8,060 special tax per dwelling~uni~ on. the p~p~rty. The special tax is payable in annual installments of $692. This letter is sent to memorialize Lewis~ objection to.th~s conaition on the grounds that the maximum special tax that may be imposed<upOn thiS development project is $1.84 per square foot 'as set forth in~sCali?fornia GoVernnent Code Section 65995. Additionally, any .requirement thatsLewiSannex to~'a M,~llo-RoDs Community Facilities District is improper in that~sucha'condition violates Lewis~ freedom to vote in connection with the impos~tioho( special t~xes. Your thoughtful consideration of this matter and revision Of th~'condition ~pproval to provide for payment of $1.84 per square foot OfbuiidingspBce as set forth in the aforementioned Government Code S~'ction~ will be very much appreciated. Very truly yours, LEWIS HOMES MANAGEME~ CORP. , cc: Michael Y. Toy (via telecopier 714/573-0998). Mr. Gene Ne~on (via tetecop~er 7~4/899-1656) Members:Mr. David Barker, Mr. Larry McNiel, Mr. H~inz Lumpp, Mr. John Melcher, Mr. Peter Tolstoy TOTAL P. 01 pAI~KER, COVERT & CHIPESTER MARGARET A_ CHID~STER TUSTIN. CALIFORNIA 92680-2164 11;I.ECOI~R (714) 5/3-0996 ~.NS~Y~,OA April 8, 1996 ~x s. ~u~s RT- 40 Via Teleco~ier and U, S. Mail Lewis Homes Management Corp. 1156 Mountain Avenue P.O. Box 670 Upland, CA 91785 Attention: Joseph Manisco Senior Associate Counsel Re: Proposed CFD of the Etiwanda School District in compliance with Conditional Use Permit 95-3S of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Tentative Tract 15732 Dear Mr. Manisco: The above Conditional Use Permit will be made subject to the following condition of approval, as evidenced by the letter dated March 11, 1996 from the City of RanchoCucamonga, a copy of which is attached: "Prior to recordation of the final map or the issuance of building permits, whichever comes first, the applicant shall consent to, or participate in, the establishment of a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District for the construction and maintenance of necessary school facilities. ." In order to satisfy the above condition of approval, the Etiwanda School District proposes to immediately establish a CFD which will levy a $8,060 special tax per dwelling unit on the property, adjusted for inflation at the time building permits are issued, payable over 25 years at an interest rate of seven percent (7%) per annum. The annual installments, payable semiannually, would be $692. The special tax could be prepaid at any time, in whole or in part, in $500 increments. t~s c~F~css PARK,ER, COVERT & CHI1)ESTER Mr. Joseph Manisco Senior Associate Counsel Lewis Homes Management Corp. April 8, 1996 Page 2 Please contact the undersigned should you have any questions. Very truly yours, Michael Y. Toy for Parker, Covert & Chidester MYT:pl Enclosure cc: Mr. Gene Newton Superintendent Etiwanda School District (w/enc. and via telecopier) T H E C I T Y O F RANCHO CUCAMONGA Marcl~ 11, 1996 Mr. John L. Golden. Jr.. Assistant Superintendent Etiwanda School DIstrict P.O. Box 248 Etiwsnda, CA 91739 SUBJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT 15732 Dear Mr. Golden: Thank you for your letter of January 23, 1996 regarding the above tract proposed within your districL The City of Rencho Cucamonga will require, as a condition of approval, as =11 tracts within EtjwsrKla are. as follows: · Prior to recoffiatjon of the final map or the Issuance of building permits, whichever comes first, the applicant shall consent to, or participate In, tm establishment of a Meilo- Roos Community Facilities District for the construction and maintenance of necessary school facilities. However, if any school disffict has previously established such a Community Facilities District. the applicant shag, In the al~. consent to the annexation of the project site Into ttm territory of such existing Disffict pdor to the recordatton of the final map or the Issuance of building permRs, whichever comas first. Further, If the alTscted school district has not formed a Mello-Roo~Communlt~/Facilities District within twelve months from the die of approval of the project and pdor to ti~ mcordetion of the final map or Issuance of bullcling permRs for said pmjed. this condition shall be deemed null end void. This condition shall be waived if the CIty reoelves notice that the applicant and all affected school dislrffite have entered into an agreement to privately accommodate any and all school Impacts as a result of this project." For fuller explanation of the City's policy and procedure, please refer to the attached copy of April 8, 1991 letter sent to Carlton LightfooL I hope this information clarifies the Cltye abilit,/to assist your school dlalrict in determining adequate school facilities. Per your request, we have added the District to the public headrig no'd~catlon list for this project. Sincerely, N Dan Coleman P~ncipal Planner DC:sp Attachment: Apdl 8, 1991 Letter to Cadton Llght~ot. Superintendent Etlwanda School DIstrict cc: Brad Buller ~ Moyor Pro-Tern Rex Gutlerrez Councllmernt~r Jorne3 V, Cur,czfcllo Jack La/TL AICP. CIty Manager Councilrnen'foer Olane Wll,arns 10800CIvlc CenterDdve · P.O. BoxS07 s Ranc~oCs..F;,an'onga, CA91729 · (909)989-1851 · FA,X (909) 987-6499 CITY OF RANCH0 CUCAIVIONGA ' STAFF REPORT DATE: April 10, 1996 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Brent Le Count, AICP, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 15732 - LEWIS HOMES - The proposed subdivision and design review of building elevations and detailed site plan for 33 single family homes on 9.46 acres of land in the Community Service designation, located at the northwest corner of Base Line Road and Etiwanda Avenue - APN: 277-522-05. 07, and 08. Associated with this application is Conditional Use Permit 95-38 and Tree Removal Permit 96-05. Staff recommends issuance of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 95-38 - LEWIS HOMES - The proposed subdivision and design review of building elevations and detailed site plan for 33 single family homes on 9.46 acres of land in the Community Service designation, located at the northwest corner of Base Line Road and Etiwanda Avenue - APN: 277-522-05, 07. and 08. Associated with this application is Tentative Tract 15732 and Tree Removal Permit 96-05. Staff recommends issuance of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Project Density: 3.49 dwelling units per acre. B. Surroundinq Land Use and Zonino: North Single Family Residential; Victoria Community Plan, Low-Medium Density Residential (4-6 dwelling units per acre) South - Vacant Property; Etiwanda Specific Plan. Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) East - Vacant Automotive Service Building and Vacant Property; Etiwanda Specific Plan, Low-Medium Density Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) West - Single Family Residential; Victoria Community Plan, Low-Medium Density Residential (4-6 dwelling units per acre) C. General Plan Desiqnations: Project Site - Neighborhood Commercial and Low-Medium Residential (4-8 units per acre) North - Low Residential (2-4 units per acre) South - Low-Medium Residential (4-8 units per acre) East Low-Medium Residential (4-8 units per acre) West Low Residential (2-4 units per acre) ITEMS E & F PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT 'I'F 15732 & CUP 95-38 - LEWIS HOMES April 10, 1996 Page 2 D. Site Characteristics: The site consists of three parcels and two private street lots totaling 9.46 acres. The existing lot configuration is a result of a previously approved Mixed Use Commercial/Residential project for which a Final Map was recorded but was never constructed. There are four California Pepper trees along the Etiwanda Avenue frontage which are to be preserved in accordance with the Etiwanda Specific Plan. E. Applicable R~aulations: The property lies within the Community Services (CS) District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan which allows residential uses under the Low-Medium Residential Standards. The Community Services District requires a Conditional Use Permit for any development on the site. The corner of Base Line Road and Etiwanda Avenue is designated as a "community entry" to the Etiwanda area with a requirement for special landscape and design treatment (primarily an informal row of Scarlet Oak trees). BACKGROUND: This site was previously approved for46 condominiums (Tentative Tract 13866) and a small shopping center (Conditional Use Permit 88-01). A Tree Removal Permit was also approved. The project stopped at the rough grading stage and the approvals have expired. ANALYSIS: A. General: On December 28, 1994, the Planning Commission considered a PreoApplication Review for a 70-unit single family residential proposal for the site by Lewis Homes. The Commission was supportive of developing the entire corner with a residential development concept. but felt that the small lot size (approximately 5,000 square feet) and orientation of lots away from Etiwanda Avenue did not meet the intent of the Etiwanda Specific Plan. The applicant has responded to this direction with the current 33 home project which features larger lots (9,939 square foot average lot size). Because of the right-turn lane on Etiwanda Avenue. only the two lots outside the turning lane were oriented to the street to avoid creating safety hazards or interrupting traffic flow. The 33 proposed homes would range in size from 1,949 square feet to 2,970 square feet with lots ranging in size from 8,028 square feet to 17,408 square feet. A total of three floor plans is proposed, each with either two or three elevations. B. Desiqn Review Committee: The Design Review Committee (Lumpp, McNiel, Henderson) reviewed the project on February 20. 1996, and recommended that the project be brought back before the Committee with the following changes for further consideration: 1. Redesign the homes so that the garages are not the dominant feature fronting the street. Provide deeper, more dramatic garage setbacks for Plan 441. Move garage at least 12 feet behind the front part of the home. The Committee is open to the use of other methods of de-emphasizing the garages for the remaining homes. 2. Re-plot homes with side-on garages (Plan 268) to respect the required 25-foot minimum front setback. Use retaining walls at the toe of slope, if necessary, to provide additional room in the rear yard area to accommodate moving the homes back from the front property lines. The Committee does not object to an 18-inch architectural projection into the front setback. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT '1'F 15732 & CUP 95-38 - LEWIS HOMES April 10, 1996 Page 3 3. Replace existing wood fencing along the north and west property lines with new wood fencing. The Committee strongly recommends that the applicant hold a neighborhood meeting to discuss this issue with adjacent properly owners. The Design Review Committee (Lumpp, McNiel, Henderson) considered the revised project on March 5, .!996, at which time the Committee recommended approval subject to the following conditions: 1. Expand the application of wood siding on all elevations of the Plan 441 and Plan 516 homes, where visible from or located adjacent to Etiwanda Avenue or Base Line Road, by providing wood siding on the second floor level between the eaves and the bottom of the second floor windows and adding an appropriate batten or other plant-on element along the bottom edge of the wood siding to provide a seam between the wood siding and the stucco. 2. Add trim around all windows/sliding glass doors of the Plan 441 and Plan 516 homes where visible from or located adjacent to Etiwanda Avenue or Base Line Road. 3. Extend the front porch element, for all Plan 441 homes, to wrap around the left front corners of the homes to extend at least half-way back along the extedor side wall of the "den." To ensure a functional design, provide a minimum width of 5 feet. The Committee does not object to minor setback encroachments, if necessary, to accommodate the side-wrapping porch design. The applicant felt that some of the lots would be too narrow to accommodate the Plan 441 home with the wrapping porch design and, for the sake of simplicity of construction, decided not to provide wrapping porches for any Plan 441 homes. However, staff found that almost half of the lots would be wide enough to accommodate the Plan 441 homes, with wrapping porches, without encroaching upon side yard setbacks. Staff sent the item back to the Design Review Committee in an effort to resolve the issue prior to the Planning Commission hearing. The Design Review Committee (Lumpp, McNiet, Henderson) considered the revised project on April 2, 1996, at which time the Committee recommended approval subject to the following additional conditions: 1. Where necessary to avoid side yard setback encroachment, reduce the width of the porch along the side of the Plan 441 homes to 4 feet. This would apply only to Lots 7 and 20. The four remaining Plan 441 homes would have 5-foot wide wrapping porches, except for the Plan 441 home on lot 4, which is not recommended to have a wrapping porch. 2. Provide a Plan 268 home on Lot 10 and a Plan 441 home. with wrapping porch. on Lot 33. 3. Use decorative railings for all porches on all home plans. 4. For the comer lots at the intersection of "A" Street and Etiwanda Avenue (Lots 16 and 17), provide a sound attenuation wall to mitigate exterior noise levels within useable outdoor space only. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TT15732 & CUP 95-38-LEWIS HOMES April10,1996 Page 4 5. Per Planning Commission policy, use native cobblestones (not manufactured) for wall and pilaster treatment. However, the Committee did not object to the applicant's providing a sample of synthetic cobblestone for review at the Planning Commission hearing. C. Gradinq and Technical Review Committee: The project was reviewed by both Committees and determined, with the recommended conditions of approval, to be in conformance with applicable standards and ordinances. D. Minor Exceptions: Staff has directed the applicant to design the project with a through connection between Etiwanda Avenue and Base Line Road. This would allow users of the project the maximum choice in travel direction given the right-in/right-out restriction at the Base Line Road intersection. However, the additional roadway leaves too little remaining land area to accommodate the proposed 33 lots with an average size of 10,000 square feet as required by the Etiwanda Specific Plan. The proposed average lot size is 9,932 square feet which is 68 square feet (less than 1 percent) below the 10,000 square foot requirement. The applicant has requested a Minor Exception for relief from the required average minimum lot size. The City Planner will grant the Minor Exception assuming the Commission approves the project. E. Tree Removal Permit: The applicant has submitted a Tree Removal Permit requesting the removal of one Eucalyptus tree along Base Line Road and four Mulberry trees at the corner of Base Line Road and Etiwanda Avenue. The Eucalyptus tree conflicts with proposed street and perimeter wall improvements and the four Mulberry trees would interfere with grading necessary for one of the homes. An arborist study prepared for the project indicates that these trees would not survive transplantation. These trees are not required to be preserved by the Etiwanda Specific Plan. In keeping with the Tree Preservation Ordinance, staff recommends that these trees be replaced with the largest nursery grown trees available and incorporated into the overall landscaping for the project. The applicant is also requesting relocation of four existing Palm trees which conflict with street and grading improvements on Base Line Road and Etiwanda Avenue. The trees will be incorporated into the project landscaping near the proposed entrances to the Tract on Base Line Road and Etiwanda Avenue. A fifth tree is proposed to be relocated, but no replacement site is shown on the Landscape Plan. The arborist study indicates that these trees can be relocated. Staff recommends that these five Palm trees be relocated. as necessary, to accommodate the project in conformance with the criteria established in the arborist report. Staff also identified that the site contains several California Pepper trees which are required to be preserved and maintained by the Etiwanda Specific Plan. An arborist report was prepared which indicated that the trees are healthy and worthy of preservation in-place. In addition, there are several other trees which must be relocated or removed and replaced as discussed above. The report provides certain criteria that must be followed in order to preserve the trees both during construction and after project completion. The project design would preserve the Pepper trees in place. Conditions of approval will require protective measures during construction. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT 'R'15732 & CUP 95-38-LEWIS HOMES April10,1996 Page 5 F. Environmental Assessment: This site is subject to excessive future noise levels from Base Line Road and Etiwanda Avenue. An acoustical analysis was prepared which indicated that a 7-foot high sound wall along the Base Line Road frontage and a 4-foot high sound wall along the Etiwanda Avenue frontage would effectively mitigate exterior noise within acceptable levels. The acoustical analysis also indicated certain home construction techniques (dU. al-glazed windows, insulated walls, etc.) will be necessary to mitigate interior noise levels within acceptable levels. With the above recommended mitigating measures as conditions of approval, staff feels that a Mitigated Negative Declaration can be issued for the project. FACTS FOR FINDING: The project is consistent with the General Plan and the Etiwanda Specific Plan. The project, with the added mitigation measures, will not be detrimental to the public health or safety, or cause nuisances or significant adverse environmental impacts. The project, together with the conditions of approval, is in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Etiwanda Specific Plan and City Standards. CORRESPONDENCE: These items have been advertised in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper as a public hearing, the site has been posted, and notices were sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Tentative Tract 15732, Conditional Use Permit 95-38, and Tree Removal Permit 96-05 and issue a Mitigated Negative Declaration. Resp~ ~ ~ 3uller City Planner BB:BLC:mlg Attachments: Exhibit "A" Site Utilization Map Exhibit "B" Site Plan Exhibit "C" Tract Map Exhibit "D" Conceptual Grading Plan Exhibit "E" Conceptual Landscape Plan Exhibit "F" Building Elevations Exhibit aG~ Building Floor Plans Exhibit "H" Initial Study Resolution of Approval for Tentative Tract Map 15732 Resolution of Approval for Design Review for Tentative Tract Map 15732 Resolution of Approval for Conditional Use Permit 95-38 SITE UTILIZATION MAP TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 15732 IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA .~. . Exhibit "A" Site Utilization Map ; '"': ...... ; TENTATIVE TRACT NO. ~5732 :/. t "'!': .,. ':" ."' ~ i l'. . ' ..:..!,' !.! ,::.. '.'i! f.~.':: :. ' .... '!,,...,- .!'if'..,.' '.' ; i. 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EVATION EXTERIOR MATERIALS "F.~-' Building Elevations ,e~ Exhibit "F,~" Building Elevations crT - ,.~ PLAN 516-CORNER I.OTS : < ~ ~',~ ,~ A - 10 hibit "E~' BuildinO Elevations SIDES & REAR AT INTERIOR LOTS Exhibit "F,7' - Building Elevations SIDES & REAR AT BASE LINE ROAD AND ETIWANDA BLVD. A'I2 )bit "F.~"' - Building Elevations 3-Car Garag~ PLAN 268 Exhibit "G.I" Buiding FlooF Plans ' J-Car Garage 1949 Sq. Ft.' :hibit "G.F - Buiding Floor Plans SECOND FLOOR FIll. ST FLOOR 2471 Sq. Ft. PLAN 441 "EXhi~ii"i'Gff'-' BUiiij~n~i" ~i0'6'~'Pians SECOND FLOOR FIRST FLOOR 2970 sq. ft. PLAN 516 Buiding Floor Plans City of Rancho Cucamonga NEGATIVE DECLARATION The following Negative Declaration is being circulated for public review in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act Section 21091 and 21092 of the Public Resources Code. Project File No.: TI' 15732 Public Review Period Closes: April 10, 1996 Project Name: FAIRFIELD Project Applicant: Lewis Homes Enterprises Project Location (also see attached map): Northwest corner of Base Line Road and Etiwanda Avenue Project Description: A residential subdivision of 10 acres into 33 lots and development of single family homes. FINDING This is to advise that the City of Rancho Cucamonga, acting as the lead agency, has conducted an Initial Study to determine if the project may have a significant effect on the environment and is proposing this Negative Declaration based upon the following finding: I'~ The Initial Study shows that there is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. The Initial Study identified potentially significant effects but: (1) Revisions in the project plans or proposals made or agreed to by the applicant before this proposed Negative Declaration was released for public review would avoid the effects or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no significant effects would occur, and (2) There is no substantial evidence before the agency that the project as revised may have a significant effect on the environment. If adopted, the Negative Declaration means that an Environmental Impact Report will not be required. Reasons to support this finding are included in the attached Initial Study. The project file and all related documents are available for review at the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division at 10500 Civic Center Drive (909) 477-2750 or Fax (909) 477-2847. NOTICE The public is invited to comment on the proposed Negative Declaration during the review period. Date of Determination Adopted By Exhibit "H" - Initial Study ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM The purpose of this form is to inform the City of the basic components of the proposed project so that the City may review the project pursuant to City policies, ordinances, and guidelines; the California Environmental Quality Act; and the City's Rules and Procedures to Implement CEQA. It is important that the information requested in this application be provided in full; INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. Please note that it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete at the time of submittal; City staff will not be available to perform work required to provide missing info_n~ation. Application Number for the project to which this form pe~ains: Pro~ect Title: Fairfield - Tract 15732 Name & Address of project owner(s): _Chino Valley Bank 701 N- Haven Avenuer Suite 350 Qntariot CA 91764 Name & Address of developer or project sponsor: Lewis Homes Enterorises 1156 N. Mountain Ave., P.O. Box 670 Upland, CA 91785-0670 Contact Person & Address: Gary Luque 1156 N. Mountain Ave., P.O. Box 670 Upland, CA 91785-0670 Telephone N,~mher: (909} 946-7529 Name & Address of person preparing this form (if different from above): N/A C I T Y o f R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A PROJT~'T INFORMATION & DESCR/PTION Information indicated by asterisk (') is not required of non-construction CUP's unless otherwise requested by staff. Provide a full scale (8-1/2 X 11) copy of the USGS Quadrant Sheet(s) which includes the project site, and indicate the site boundaries. 2) Provide a set of color photogr_aphs which show representative views into the site from the north, south, east and west; views into and from the site from the primary access points which serve the si~e; and representative views of significant features from the site. Include a map showing lpcation of each photograph. 3) Project Location (describe): Northwest comer of Basel~ne Road and Etiwanda Avenue. 4) Assessor's Parcel Numbers (attach additional sheet if necessary): 0227-522-05; 0227-522-07; 0227-522-08 Gross Site Area (ac/sq. ft-): 11.!5 acre~ *6) Net Site Area (total site size minus area of public streets & proposed dedications): 9.456 acres 7) Describe any proposed general plan amendment or zone change which would affect the project site (attach additional sheet if necessary): None 8) Include a description of all permits which will be necessary from the City of Rancho Cucamonga and other governmental agencies in order to fully implement the project: Cucamonga County Water District for sewer and w~ter, and the County Agricultural Co~nission for dust control. 9) Describe the physical setting of the site as it exists before the project including information on topography, soil stability, plants and animals, mature trees, trails and roads, drainage courses, and scenic aspects. DeScribe any existing structures on site (including age and condition) and the use of the structures. Attach photographs of significant features described. In addition, site all sources of information (i.e., geological and/or hydrologic studies, biotic and archeological surveys, traffic studies): Topography: 2~ - 3~ gentle slope, north to south. Soils: Stable and well drained. Trees: On the eastern perimeter there are four pepper trees and three palm trees. On the southern perimeter there are three palms and one eucalyptus tree. Flora and fauna: No remarkable species are present. Existing Structures: None. Describe the known cultural and/or historical aspects of the site. Site all sources of information (books, published reports and oral history): There are no noteworthy features. 11) Describe any noise sources and their levels that now affect the site (aircraft,__roadway noise, etc.) and how they will affect proposed uses: There is roadway noise from Base Line Road and Etiwanda Avenue. Describe the proposed project in detail. This should provide an adequate description of the site in terms of ultimate use which will result from the proposed project. Indicate if there are proposed phases for development, the extent of development to occur with each phase, and the anticipated completion of each increment- Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: The single family detached project will comprise 33 units and be built in three phases. Four lots that front Etiw-=nda Avenue will orient toward the street ~ith garages to the rear of the houses. Describe the surrounding properties, including information on plants and animals and any cultural, historical or scenic aspects- Indicate the type of land use (residential, commercial, etc.), intensity of land use (one-family, apartment houses, shops, department stores, etc.) and scale of development {height, frontage, setback, rear yard, etc.): North: single family detached. East: v~cant. South: '~kacant. West~ single, family detached. 14) Will the proposed project change the pattern, scale or character of the sua."rounding general area of the project? No 15) Indicate the type of short-term &nd long-term noise to be generated, including source and amount. Mow will these noise levels affect adjacent properties and on-site uses. What methods of sound proofing are proposed? Fairfield generated noise will be consistent with the noise, mainly traffic, that is generated in the area. No sound proofing is proposed. t16) Indicate proposed removals and/or .replacements of mature or scenic trees: The landscape plan will incorporate the existing trees with the exception of one palm tree on the Etiwanda Avenue perimeter, which is located within the project entry. 17) Indicate any bodies of water (including domestic water supplies) into which the site drains: None 18) Indicate expected amount of water usage- (See Attachment A for usage estimates)t For further clarification, please contact the Cucamonga County Water District at 987-2591. a. Residential (gal/day) 19,800 Peak use (gal/day) qQ:R~ b. Commercial/Ind. (gal/day/ac) Peak use (gal/min/ac) 19) Indicate proposed method of sewage disposal. __ Septic Tank y Sewer. . If septic tanks are proposed, attach percolation tests. If discharge to a sanitary sewage system is proposed indicate expected daily sewag~ generation: (see Attachment A for usage estimates). For further clarification, please contact the Cucamonga County Water District at 987-2591- a. Residential (gal/day) ~,glO b. Industrial/Commercial (gal/day/ac) RESIDENTIAL p~fkTECTS 20) Number of residential units: 33 Detached (indicate range of parcel sizes, minimum lot size and maximum lot size: Minimum: 8, 125 Sq. ft. Maximum: 15, 593 sq. ft. Average: 10,000 sq. ft. Attached (indicate whether units are rental or for sale units): 21) Anticipated range of sale prices and/or rents: Sale Price(s) $ 200,000 to S 220,000 Rent (per month) $ to $ 22) Specify number of bedrooms by unit type: Plan 268 1 story 4 bedrooms Plan 441 2 stories 5 bedrooms .: Plan 516- 2 stories 4/5 bedrooms* * Plan offers a bedroom or den option 23) Indicate anticipated household size by unit type: Plan Household Size 268 3 441 4 516 4 24) Indicate the expected number of school children who will be residing within the project: Contact the appropriate School Districts as shown in Attachment B: a- Elementary: 11 b- Junior High: 11 c- Senior High: 7 COMMERCIAL, INDUb-rMIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL PROJECTS 25) Describe type Of use(s) and major function(s) of commercial, industrial or institutional uses: 26) Total floor area of commercial, industrial, or institutional uses by type: 27) Indicate hours of operation: 28) Number of employees: Total: Maximum Shift: Time of Maximum Shift: 29) Frovide breakdown of anticipated job classifications, including wage and salary ranges, as well as an indication of the rate of hire for each classification (attach additional sheet if necessary): 30) Estimation of the number of workers to be hired that currently reside in the City: '31) For commercial and industrial uses only, indicate the source, type and amount of air pollution emissions. (Data should be verified through the South Coast Air Quality Management District, at (818) 572-6283): 32) Have the water, sewer, fire, and flood control agencies serving the project been contacted to determine their ability to provide adequate service to the proposed project? If so, please indicate their response. All agencies are able and willing to service the project. 33) In the known history of this property, has there been any use, storage, or discharge of hazardous and/or toxic materials? Examples of hazardous and/or toxic materials include, but are not lim/ted to PCB's; radioactive substances; pesticides and herbicides; fuel, oils, solvents, and other flam_mable liquids and gases. Also, note underground storage of any of the above- Please list the materials and describe their use, storage, and/or discharge on the property, as well as the dates of use, if known- No 34) Will the proposed project involve the temporary or long-term use, storage or discharge of hazardous and/or toxic materials, including but not limited to those examples listed above? If yes, provide an . . inventory of all such materials to be used and proposed method of disposal- The location Of such uses, along with the storage and shipment areas, shall be shown and labeled on the application plans. No I hereby certify that the statements fu/nished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for adequate evaluation of this project to the best of my ability, that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my.knowledge and belief- I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaluation can be made by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Date: 12/6/95 Signature: .-~"~.~ Title: Manager of Special Projects ATTACHMENT A Water Usa~ Average use per.day Residential Single Family 600 gal/day Apt/Condo 400 gal/day Co-~rcial/Industrial General and Regional Commercial 3000 gal/day/ac Neighborhood Commercial 1500 gal/day/ac General Industrial 1500 gal/day/ac Industrial Park 3000 gal/day/ac Peak Usage For all uses Average use X 2.0 Sewer Flows ]~esidential Single Fami !y 270 gal/day Apt/Condos 200 gal/day ~rcia//Industrial General Commercial 2000 gal/day/ac Neighborhood Commercial 1000-1500 gal/day/ac General Industrial 2000 gal/day/ac Heavy Industrial 3000 gal/day/ac Source: Cucamonga County Water District Master Plan, 9/86 HAZARDOUS WASTE SITE STATEME~Fr I have been informed by the City of Rancho Cucamonga of my responsibilities pursuant to California Government Code Section 65962~5 (copy attached) to notify the City as to whether the site ~or which a development application has been submitted is located within an area which has been designated as the location of a hazardous waste site by the Office of Planning and Research, State of California (OPR). I have also been informed by the City of Rancho Cucamonga that, as of the date of executing this Statement, OPR has not yet compiled and distributed a list of hazardous Waste sites as required by said Section 65962,5. I am informed and believe that the proposed site for which a development application has been submitted is not within any area specified in said Section 65962.5 as a hazardous waste site. I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated: /2 -/- ~J" S\13 I\HAZDWAST\ 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA · ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM IINITIAL STUDY- PART II BACKGROUND 1) ProjectFile#/Name:"~.~"'~q,E, ~T' 1~7~Z_ A,~.O ~OP 2) Related File(s):- 3) Applicant: LP-,t,-tlz~ Address: t~rg~. ~. HbO~T'~ Z~rr__ P.o. ~o'/, 670. [~F>LAaO. d.~ ~lT~b~ Telephone #: (~'~ '~'4~ - "]r--)~,~ 4) Project Description:'T'F_-~T',~q't,,/,~. ~-f"' ~ J~,O (~l~,JOtflhf,,L4,~.~ .... ~ t ,' ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ioL rsuant to Section 15063 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, explanation of the tential impacts identified as "Yes" or "Maybe" answers are required on attached sheets. An explanation shall also be provided in each instance where a potentially significant effect has been determined not to be significant and is marked "No." Yes I. EARTH. Wi~ the proposal result in: a) Unstable earth conditions orin changes in the geologicstructure? [3 Q b) Disruptions, displacement, compaction or over covering of the soil? ~ c) Change in the topography or ground sudace relief features? Q ~ n d) Thedestruction, covering, or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? Q Q e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the ·. site? Q Q Eg-/' f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sand, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? Q Q g) Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards, such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? Q Q CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Yes Maybe No II. AIR. Will the proposal result in: a) Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality?QQ b) The creation of objectionable odors? Q Q c) Alteration ~f air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? Q Q Ill. WATER. Will the proposal result in: a) Changesincurrents, orthecourseoidirectionofwatermovements, in either marine or fresh waters? Q Q ~-' b) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount o~ sudace runoff? Q El"' Q c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? d) Changes in the amount of surface water in any body? Q Q e) Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface waterquality, including, but not limitedto, temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? Q Q f)' Alteration of the direction or rate of ground waters? g) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, orthrough interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? Q E9/'' Q h) Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? Q Q i) Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding or tidal pools? Q Et/' Q IV. PLANT LIFE. Will the proposal result in: a) Change in the diversity of species, or number of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)?QQ G""" b) Reduction of the number of any unique, rare, or endangered species of plants? E;~ Q Q c) Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? E3 Q G-,"" d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? Q Q V. ANIMAL LIFE. Willtheproposalresultin: a) Change in the diversity of species, or number of any species of animals (birds; land animals, including reptiles; fish and shellfish; benthic organisms or insects)? Q Q b) Reduction of the number of any unique, rare, or endangered species or animals? E .)'T-' ~ ~ Q Q CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Yes Maybe No c) Introduction of new species of animals into the area, or result in abarrier to.the migration or movement of animals? Q Q. d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? VI. NOISE. Will the proposal result in: a) Increase in existing noise levels? Q Q b) Exposure of people to severe noise levels? ~ Q Q VII. LIGHT AND GLARE. Willtheproposah a) Produce new I!ght and glare? Q Q VIII. LAND USE. Will the proposal result in: a) Substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? Q Q IX. NATURAL RESOURCES. Will the proposal result in: a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? Q rn X. RISK OF UPSET. Will the proposal involve: a) A dsk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limitedto: oil, pesticides, chemicals, or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? Q Q Et''// b) Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? Q [] XI. POPULATION. Will the proposah a) Alter the location, distribution, density or growth rate of the human population of an'area? Q [] XII. HOUSING. Wifl the proposal: a) Affectexistinghousing,orcreateademandforadditionalhousing? [] XIII. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Wifl the proposal result in: ai Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? Q ~ Q .. b) Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? Q [] Et/'' c) Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? Q [] Et--2 d) Alterations to the present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? Q Q ~"" e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists, or pedestrians? 1~-._, ~ ~7 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Yes Maybe No XIV. PUBLIC SERVICES. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered government services in any of the following areas: a) Fire protection? El El b) Police protection? Q El c) Schools? El G:Z"' El d) Parks and other recreational facilities? El El e) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? El El f) Other governmental services? El El XV. ENERGY. Will the proposal result in: a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? El El b) Substantialincreaseindemanduponexistingsourcesofenergy, or require the development of new sources of energy? El El XVI. UTILITIES and SERVICE SYSTEMS. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a) Power or natural gas? El El b) Communications systems? El El c) Water? El Q d) Sewer or septic tanks? El El e) Storm water drainage? f) Solid waste disposal? XVII. HUMAN HEALTH. Will the proposal result in: a) Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? El Q b) Exposure of people to potential health hazards? El El XVIII. AESTHETICS. Will the proposal result in: a) The obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public? El El ' ' b) Creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? El El XIX. RECREATION. Will the proposal result in: a) Impact upon the quality of existing recreational opportunities? El El b) Restrict the religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? Q Q CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Yes Maybe No XX. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Will the proposal: a) Result in the alteration of or the destruction of e~ prehistoric or histodc archeological site? b) Result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? [] [] c) Havethepotentialtocauseaphysicalchangewhichwouldaffect unique ethnic cultural values? [] Q XXI. MANDATORY 'FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. a) Potential to degrade: Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plar~t or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major pedods of California history or prehistory? Q Q b) Short-term: Does the project have the potential to achieve short- term, to the advantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definite period of time. Long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) [] [] c) Cumulative: Doesthe project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect on the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) [] [] d) Substantial adverse: Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Q [] Et/' XXII. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION. (Attach additional sheets with narrative description of the environmental impacts.) CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA XXIll. DISCUSSION OF LAND USE IMPACTS. (Attach additional sheets examining whether the project would be consistent with existinc plans, and other applicable land use controls.) XXIV. EARLIER ANALYSES. Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program El R, or other CEQA process, one or more effects have been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or Negative Declaration per Section 15063(c)(3)(D). In this case a discussion should identify the following on attached sheets: a) Earlier analyses used. Identify earlier analyses and state where they are available for review. b) Impacts adequately addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and state whether such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis. c) Mitigation measures. For effects that are "less than Significant with Mitigation Incorpo- rated," describe the mitigation measures which were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site-specific conditions for the project. XXV. DETERMINATION. (To be completed by Lead Agency.) On the basis of this initial evaluation: a) I find that the proposed project cozzM not have a significant effect on the environment, and A NEGATIVE DECLARATION witl be prepared .............................. Q b) I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the 'environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because mitig~ztio~z me~zsures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared .............................. c) I find the proposed project ~z~j have a significant effect on the environment, and An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required ......................... Date '~,.7_..,t..~eparer's Signature APPLICANT CERTIFICATION (To be completed by applicant.) I certify that I am the applicant for the project described in this Initial Study. I acknowledge that I have read this Initial Study and proposed mitigation measures. Further, I have revised the project plans or proposals and/or hereby agree to the proposed mitigation measures to avoid the effects or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no significant environmental effects would occur. Date / ! Signature Print Name and Tifie ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKI,IST Initial Study - Part II Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Project Description: Tentative Tract Map 15732 and Conditional Use Permit 95-38 for the construction of 33 single-family detached homes on 9.47 acres of land at the northwest comer of Baseline Road and Etiwanda Avenue I. Earth: a. The site is not within any known unstable earth condition area. b. The site wili be graded to accommodate the building pad for the proposed use. The grading will be conducted under the supervision of a licensed surveyor or registered geologist. c. The topography of the site will be altered slightly to accommodate the building pads. The grading will be supervised by a licensed soils engineer or registered geologist to ensure compliance with Building Code requirements. d. No known or unique geologic or physical features exist on this site. e. Upon completion, the site will be landscaped and/or paved to prevent soil erosion. f. The project is not expected to change the deposition or erosion of beach sand, change siltation, or impact the channel of a river or stream or ocean bed. g. The majority of California is susceptible to earthquakes. The project is not within any known special study zone that will require additional studies or that poses a unique hazard. II. Air: a. The project is not expected to substantially affect air quality. b. The proposed project will not create any objectionable odors. c. The proposed project will not result in alteration to the climate or air movement. III. Water: a. The development of the 34 proposed homes will not affect the currents or course of water movement. b. The absorption rate will be altered because of the paving and hard scape proposed. All waters will be conveyed to approved drainage facilities which have been designed to handle the flows. c. The project will not alter the course or flow of flood waters. 1 d. The development of the project will not effect the amount of surface water in any body. e. The project will not be discharging into any surface waters. f. No alteration of groundwater is expected to occur with this project. g. The project will increase the amount of impervious surface thereby increasing runoff from the site. This runoff may be conveyed westerly to the Victoria Project retention/detention basin which could result in additions to the quantity of ground waters. The project will be required to extend the storm drain to the site. h. The project is anticipated to use only that amount of water necessary to accommodate Single family dwellings and associated landscaping. The amount of water usage is not significant. i. The Etiwanda area is subject to flooding and currently has inadequate storm drain facilities. Any increase in runofffrom the site would have some impact upon down stream properties. Ifnmoff is directed easterly, construction of the master planned storm drain facilities will be required. IV. Plant Life: a. No significant vegetation exists on-site. b. There are no known rare or endangered species on-site. However, the site does contain some Pepper Trees which are required to be preserved by the Etiwanda Specific Plan. c. Landscaping introduced to the site will be compatible with existing landscaping material in the area. d. No agricultural crops exist on-site. e. The project will involve relocating and removing some existing trees on-site. Any removal or relocation will be in conformance with City requirements. V. Animal Life: a. There are no known animals that currently occupy the site on a regular basis. b. There are no known rare, unique, or endangered species on-site. c. No new species will be introduced as a result of the project. d. The project is essentially located within the interior of the City, surrounded by development. No animals are currently known to use the site on a regular basis. Development of the project will have no impact on fish or wildlife habitat. VI. Noise: a. The development of the project will increase the noise level by the mere fact that the property is currently vacant. The level of noise increase, however, is not significant. b. The General Plan indicates noise levels greater than 70 Ldn along Base Line Road. A noise study was completed to determine appropriate mitigation. VII. Light and Glare: a. The project will not produce light or intense glare. 2 VIII. Land Use: a. No land use alteration is proposed with the application. The proposed use is permitted on the subject property by the Etiwanda Specific Plan. IX. Natural Resources: a. The project is not expected to result in a significant increase on natural resource consumption. X. Risk of Upset: a. The project will not increase the risk of explosion or release of hazardous substances. b. The project will not interfere with emergency response. XI. Population: a. The project will not alter the planned location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population in the area. It is consistent with the planned residential density for the property. XII. Housing: a. The project will not create the need for additional housing. XIII. Transportation/Circulation: a. The project will generate approximately 429 total daily trips based upon a trip generation factor of 13 trips per unit. The number of trips generated by the proposed 33 homes, however, is insignificant. b. The project will not create a demand for new parking. The project will meet the City's parking requirements. c. The proposal is consistent with the Etiwanda Specific Plan and General Plan for which the street widths were evaluated at a build-out condition. The project will be conditioned to widen Etiwanda Avenue to the ultimate half-street width. d. The project will maintain the existing circulation patterns for the movement of goods. e. The project will not affect air, water, or rail traffic. f. The application is expected to increase the risk of traffic baTards because it wilt generate additional traffic. The impact is not significant. XIV. Public Services: a. The project will require additional permitting and inspection by the Fire District to ensure Code compliance. The impact is not significant. b. No substantial new services are expected with the project. c. The school district having jurisdiction has been notified that the subject application has been filed. The project is expected to generate 14 Kindergarten through grade 5 students (based on a generation factor of 0.4343 students per household) and 6 grade 6 to 8 students (based on a generation factor of 0.1934 students per household). 3 The project will contribute to a Mello Roos District at a rate established by the School District. d. The project will have little or no impact on existing park facilities or result in the need for additional facilities. e. The site abuts Base Line Road to the south and Etiwanda Avenue to the east, both of which are maintained by the City. The project also involves construction of new local level streets which will require City maintenance. The impact however, is not expected to be significant. f. No Other government services are expected to be Affected by this proposal. XVo Ene_E._~xl~ a. The pi'oject is not expected to use substantial mounts of fuel or energy. b. The development is not expected to result in substantial increase on the demand of existing energy sources or the need for new energy sources. XVI. Utilities and Service Systems: a. The facility will not result in the need for new power or natural gas systems. b. The facility will not result in the need for new communication systems. c. The facility will use water readily available. d. The discharge from the site will be handled by the existing sewer facilities. e. The project will increase the amount of impervious surface thereby increasing runoff from the site. Storm drainage improvements will need to occur in order to accommodate this increase in runoff. f. No significant solid waste disposal will be necessary to serve the site. XVII. Human Health: a. The development is not expected to create any health hazard. b. No exposure of people to potential health hazards is expected. XVIII. Aesthetics: a. The project will not obstruct any view or vista currently available to the public. b. The project will conform to the strict design guidelines of the City, thereby avoiding the creation of an aesthetically offensive site visible to the public. XIX. Recreation: a. No existing recreational facilities will be impacted by the facility. b. No known religious or sacred uses are presently conducted on-site. XX. Cultural Resources: a. No known prehistoric or historic site exists within the project boundaries. b. No known prehistoric or historic site exists within the project boundaries. c. The project should not impact any unique ethnic cultural values. 4 XXI. Mandatory Findings of Significance: a. No known animal or wildlife species are expected to be substantially adversely impacted by the project. b. Them are no known long-term environmental impacts that are expected to occur as a result of the project. c. It is not anticipated that the cumulative impacts of the project will have a substantial impact as a result of the project. d. It is not anticipated that the project will have any adverse impacts on human beings. Land Use Impacts: The subject properly is located at the northwest comer of Base Line Road and Etiwanda Avenue. The site falls within the CS "Community Service" district of the Etiwanda Specific Plan. This district allows residential use of the property as proposed by the project as a primary permitted use. The district also requires the approval of a Conditional Use Permit prior to development of the site. A Conditional Use Permit application has been filed with the City as part of the proposed project. Environmental Mitigation Measures: III.(b)(g)(i) Water and XVI.(e) Utilities 1. Storm drainage facilities shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer by one of the following alternatives: a. The site received approval for and was intended to drain westerly to the existing storm drain within Base Line Road, which drains into the Victoria Project retention/detention basin south of Base Line Road at Victoria Park Lane. A storm drain was constructed within Base Line Road from the existing storm drain to east of the west property line of the site with a stub connection. A storm drain system needs to be provided from said stub connection easterly to the site; or b. Drainage of the site easterly into the Etiwanda/San Sevaine drainage area will require drainage facilities to be completed and/or provided that comply with Area 8 of the Etiwanda/San Sevaine area drainage policy. IV.(b) Plant Life 1. The four existing Califomia Pepper trees along the Etiwanda Avenue frontage shall be preserved in place and shall be protected in accordance with the requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance (Municipal Code Section 19.08.110), and the following: 5 A. No construction activity shall take place within 6 feet of the tree trunks. B. No soil grade changes shall occur that would either expose or bury any of the trees' roots. C. No irrigation or planting of landscape materials shall occur within 6 feet of the tree trunks. Furthermore, the irrigation system shall be " designed to avoid any spray-over or over-flow of water near the trees. 2. The site contains six Palm Trees which shall either be preserved in place or relocated on site. Whether or not the trees are relocated, the soil depth around the trees shall not vary from the original level. VI. Noise 1. A 7-foot high sound wall shall be constructed along Base Line Road including the Etiwanda Avenue side of Lot 3 and a 4-foot high sound wall shall be constructed along Etiwanda Avenue, except for Lots 16 and 17. Sound wall construction shall consist of either masonry block, stucco on wood frame, 3/4-inch thick plywood, 1/4-inch thick glass or Lexan, earthen berm or any combination of these materials or any material rated 3.5 pounds per square foot surface weight or greater. The sound walls shall present a solid face from top-to-bottom without any cutouts or openings other than drain holes. 2. Interior home noise levels shall be mitigated through construction of all homes in accordance with the outline of Table 6 of the Acoustical Analysis-for.the project dated March 18, 1996, prepared by Gordon Bricken and Associates. In addition, the following special requirements shall be followed: A. The living room, dining room, master suite, and bedroom 2 of Plan 516 homes on Lots 16 and 17 shall be provided with STC 25 glazing. B. The master suite and bedroom 4 of the Plan 441 home on Lot 4 shall be provided with STC 27 Glazing. C. Bedroom 3 of Plan 516 homes on Lots 2 and 32 shall be provided with STC 28 glazing on the side (3 foot by 5 foot) window. Bedroom 5 of the same homes shall be provided with STC 33 glazing. D. The master suite and the game room of Plan 516 homes on Lots 2 and 32 shall be provided with STC 31 glazing and a baffled roof 6 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 15732. A RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OF 33 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ON 9.46 ACRES OF LAND IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT, LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF BASE LINE ROAD AND ETIWANDA AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 277-522-05, 07, AND 08. A. Recitals. 1. Lewis Homes Enterprises has filed an application for the approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 15732, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafier in this Resolution, the subject Tentative Tract Map request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the lOth day of April 1996, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1 This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Pad A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing on April 10, 1996, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony. this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to properly located at the nodhwest corner of Base Line Road and Etiwanda Avenue, with a street frontage of 700 feet on Base Line Road and 620 feet on Etiwanda Avenue, and lot depth of 650 feet, and is presently vacant. The site contains 16 mature trees, which are protected under the Tree Preservation Ordinance, for which an arborist report was prepared; and b. The property to the norlh and west of the subject site is developed with single family homes; the properly to the south is vacant; the properly to the east contains a vacated auto service building and single family homes; and c. The project contemplates the development of 33 lots averaging 9,932 square feet in size; and d. The project design incorporates the four California Pepper trees, required to be preserved in-place by the Etiwanda Specific Plan, into the parkway landscaping; and e. The project site is subject to future noise levels of 72 CNEL along Base Line Road, and 66 CNEL along Etiwanda Avenue, based upon forecast traffic volumes per the acoustical repod. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- 'referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. TT 15732 - LEWIS HOMES April 10, 1996 Page 2 a. That the Tentative Tract is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and the Etiwanda Specific Plan; and b. The design or improvements of the Tentative Tract are consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and any applicable specific plans; and c. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; and d. The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and/or avoidable injury to humans or wildlife or their habitats; and e. The Tentative Tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems; and f. The design of the Tentative Tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. 4. Based upon the facts and information contained in the proposed Negative Declaration, together with all written and oral reports included for the environmental assessment for the application, the Planning Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect upon the environment and adopts a Negative Declaration based upon the findings as follows: a. That the Negative Declaration has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the State CEQA guidelines promulgated thereunder; that said Negative Declaration and the Initial Study prepared therefore reflect the independent judgment of the Planning Commission; and, further, this Commission has reviewed and considered the information contained in said Negative Declaration with regard to the application. b. Based upon the changes and alterations which have been incorl~orated into the proposed project and conditions of approval, no significant adverse environmental effects will occur. c. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 753.5, of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, the Planning Commission finds as follows: In considering the record as a whole, the initial Study and Negative Declaration for the project, there is no evidence that the proposed project will have potential for adverse impacts upon wildlife resources or the habitat upon which wildlife depends. Further, based upon substantial evidence contained in the Negative Declaration, the staff reports and exhibits, and the information provided to the Planning Commission during the public hearing, the Planning Commission hereby rebuts the presumption of adverse effect as set forth in Section 753.5(c-1-d) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Plannina Division 1) The Tentative Tract Map shall be revised to show the landscape maintenance areas along Base Line Road and Etiwanda Avenue as easements rather than as dedication. E.F YY L. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. TT 15732 - LEWIS HOMES April 10, 1996 Page 3 Engineering Division 1) Full street improvements are required on the Base Line Road and Etiwanda Avenue frontages and the proposed internal streets. and said improvements shall join the existing improvements to the west of Base Line Road and to the north on Etiwanda Avenue, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 2). Cobble curb and gutter shall be used along Etiwanda Avenue, per City S~andard No. 105-B, to join the existing curb and gutter. 3) Base Line Road and Etiwanda Avenue frontages shall be posted "NO STOPPING ANY TIME." 4) A non-refundable deposit shall be paid to the City, covering the estimated cost of operating all street lights during the first six months of operation, prior to Final Map approval. 5) The existing median island within Base Line Road shall be landscaped from Swanson Place to Etiwanda Avenue and shall conform to the Base Line Road Master Plan, to the Satisfaction of the City Engineer. The developer may request a reimbursement agreement to recover one-half of the cost of the median island landscaping from future development on the opposite side of the street and future redevelopment of the adjacent properly. 6) The Base Line Road parkway will be required to conform to the Base Line Road Beautification Master Plan, as opposed to matching the adjacent tract landscaping to the west, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The Etiwanda Avenue parkway shall conform to the Etiwanda Specific Plan. 7) Street trees on interior streets shall be of a deciduous variety for the north/south streets and an evergreen variety for the east/west streets. 8) Overhead Utilities: a) Base Line Road The existing overhead utilities (telecommunications and electrical) on the project side of Base Line Road shall be undergrounded from the first pole west of Etiwanda Avenue, where the existing undergrounding ended, to the first pole on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue, prior to public improvement acceptance or occupancy. whichever occurs first. The developer may request a reimbursement agreement to recover one-half the City-adopted cost for the undergrounding from future development (redevelopment) as it occurs on the opposite side of the street. b) Etiwanda Avenue - An in-lieu fee, as contribution to the future undergrounding of the existing overhead utilities (telecommunications and electrical) on the opposite side of Etiwanda Avenue, shall be paid to the City prior to Final Map 5o PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. TT15732~ LEWIS HOMES April10,1996 Page 4 approval. The fee shall be one-half the City-adopted amount times the length from the centerline of Base Line Road To The norlh project boundary. 9) . Single family residential pipe drains shall not connect directly to storm drain or catch basins. 10) The grade of the proposed cul-de-sac shall be raised to allow The drainage to flow westerly, and thus eliminate the need for a sump catch basin and drainage easement between lots. Catch basins shall be constructed at the proposed street connection to Base Line Road to collect the drainage flows. Environmental Mitigation Measures: 1) The four existing California Pepper trees along The Etiwanda Avenue frontage shall be preserved in-place and protected in accordance with the requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance (Municipal Code Section 19.08.110) and the recommendations of the Arborist Report, dated March 8, 1996, and prepared by Dave Matias, including, but not limited to, The following: a) No construction activity shall take place within 6 feet of the tree trunks. except street improvements. b) No soil grade changes shall occur that would either expose or bury any of the trees' roots. c) No irrigation or planting of landscape materials shall occur within 6 feet of the tree trunks. Furthermore, the irrigation system shall be designed to avoid any spray-over or over-flow of water near the trees. d) Trees shall be enclosed with chain link fence prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits, and prior to commencement of work. Fences shall remain in place during all phases of construction and may not be removed without written consent of the City Planner. 2) The site contains six Palm Trees which shall either be preserved in- place or relocated on-site. Whether or not the trees are relocated, The soil depth around the trees shall not vary from the original level. 3) Noise levels shall comply with City standards through construction of a 7-foot high sound wall along Base Line Road, including the Etiwanda Avenue side of Lot 3, and a 4-foot high sound wall along Etiwanda Avenue, except for Lots 16 and 17, in accordance with the Acoustical Analysis forthe project dated March 18, 1996, and prepared by Gordon Bricken and Associates. The sound walls shall present a solid face from top-to-bottom without any cutouts or openings other Than drain holes. d,F 5/ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. TT 15732 - LEWIS HOMES April 10, 1996 Page 5 4) Intedor home noise levels shall be mitigated through construction of all homes in accordance with the Acoustical Analysis for the project dated March 18, 1996, prepared by Gordon Bricken and Associates. 5) Storm drainage facilities shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer by one of the following alternatives: a) The site received approval for and was intended to drain westerly to the existing storm drain within Base Line Road which drains into the Victoria Project retention/detention basin south of Base Line Road at Victoria Park Lane. A storm drain was constructed within Base Line Road from the existing storm drain to the east of the west properly line of the site with a stub connection. A storm drain system needs to be provided from said stub connection easterly to the site. b) Drainage of the site easterly, into the Etiwanda/San Sevaine drainage area, will require drainage facilities to be completed and/or provided that comply with Area 8 of the Etiwanda/San Sevaine area drainage policy. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 10TH DAY OF APRIL 1996. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: E. David Barker, Chairman ATTEST: .. Brad Buller, Secretary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 10th day of April 1996, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 52 STANDARD CONDITIONS PROJECT #: 'I""F_-,,~A"'F~,'-/F__ "l'~.,/:v_;'r' t~'7 '~'2_, SUBJECT: APPLICANT: L..~:~_~,.~z,(-2 LOCATION: ~,j~bk.~ J~. L.ikL~ ~:;~Lb C"'~/~E._Tii,J~k~D/~- Those items checked are Conditions Of Approval. : _.. .. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DIVISION , (909) 989-186% FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. Time Limits Complc~on \/1. Approval shall expire, unless exlended by the Planning Commission, if building permils are --J---/ not issued or approved use has not commenced within 24 months from the date of approval. 2. Development/Design Review shall be approved prior to ! / , j / / 3. Approval of Tentative Tract No./,~"/'~ ~ is granted subject to the approval of J / 4. The developer sha commehce, participate in, and consummate or cause to be commenced padicipated in, or consummated, a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District (CFD) for the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District to finance construclion and/or maintenance of a fire station to serve the development. The station shall be located, designed, and built to all specifications of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and shall become the District's property upon completion. The equipment shall be selected by the District in accordance with its needs. In any building of a station. the developer shall comply with all applicable taws and regulations. The CFD shall be formed by the District and the developer by the time recordation ol the final map occurs. 5. Prior to recordation of the final map or the issuance of building permits. whichever comes J / first, the applicant shall consent to, or padicipate in, the establishment of a Mello~Roos Community Facilities District for the construction and maintenance of necessary school facilities. However, if any school district has previously established such a Community Facilities District, the applicant shall in the alternative, consent to the annexation of the project site into the territory of such existing District prior to the recordation of the final map or the issuance of building permits, whichever comes first. Further, if the affected school district has not formed a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District within twelve months from the date of approval of the project and prior to Ihe recordation of the final map or issuance of building permits for said project. this condition shall be deemed null and void. ,,,c-,o/94 F s3 t This condition shall be waived ~ lhe C~ receives notice lhal lhe 8pplicanl and all 8ffecled school dislri~s have enlered imo an 8greemen~ Io privalel~ acoom~da[e any ~nd all school impacts 8s 8 resuR of lhis projecL ~ 8. Prior Jo retardation of lhe final map or prior Io issuance of building permits when no map is involved, wrYfen ce~ificafion from lhe 8~ec~ed waler dis~ric~ ~haJ 8dequale Sewer and waler facilities 8re or Will be available 1o sewe lhe proposed pro]ec~ shall be submilled Jo ~he Depa~men~ of Corntauntw DevelopmenL Such le~er musl have been issued by ~he wa~er dis(ricl within ~0 days prior Io fi n81 map approval in the case of su~ivision or prio r~o issuance of perm~s in Jhe case of 811 olher residential projec(s. B. Sile Developmenl 1. The s~e shall be developed and mainlained in 8~rdance wi~h lhe 8pproved plans which include si~e plans, 8rch~e~ural elevalions. ex~e~or malerials and colors, landscaping. sign program, and grading on file in lhe Planning Divisbn, ~he condilions contained herein. Development Code regulations, and .Spec~ic Plan~ 2. Prior to any use of lhe project s~e or busine~ activily being ~mmenced thereon, all Co~ions ol Approval shall be ~mpleled Io the ~tisJa~ion of the City Planner. 3. ~upancyo~lhelacil~yshallnotcomme~euntilsuchlimeasallUniformBuildingCodeand State Fire Marshairs regulations have ~en ~mplied with. Pr~r to o~upancy, plans shall ~ subm~led to the Ra~ho Cucamonga Fire Prolection District and the Building and Safety Divisbn to show ~mpliance. The building shall ~ inspected for ~mpliance prior to occupancy. 4. Revised s~e plans and building elevations i~o~rating all Conditions ol Approval shall be subm~ted for City Planner review and approval prior 1o issuance ol building permits. / 5. All s~e, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for ~nsistency pdor to issuance ot any permits (~ch as grading, lree removal, encroachment, building, etc.), or prior to final map approval in the case ol a custom lot subdivision, or approved use has commenced, whichever comes first. / 6. Approval of this request shall not waive ~mplian~ with all sextons of the Development Code, all other appl~able C~y Ordinances, a~ applicable Commun~y Plans or Specific Plans in efie~ al the time ol Building Pe~ issuance. 7. A delailed on-site lighting plan shall ~ reviewed and approved by the C~y Planner and Sher~rs Depa~ment (989-6611 ) pdor to the issuance of building permits. Such plan shall indicate slyle, illumination, location, height, and method of shielding so as not to adversely allect adjacent prope~ies. 8. If no centralized trash receptacles are provided, all trash pi~-up shall be tor individual units w~h all receptacles shielded from public view. / 9. Trash receptacle(s) are required and shall meet C~y slandards. The final design, locations, andthe number of trash receptacles shallbe subje~lo C~y Planner review and approval prior to issuance of building perm~s. / 10. All ground-mounted ufil~y appurtenances such as Iranslormers, AC condensers, elc., shall be Io~ted out of public view and adequately scree~d through the use of a combination of concrete or ma~n~ wails, betruing, and/or land~aping to the satisla~ion of the City SO- IO/94 2 Pro~c~ ~'o. :7"f/~ 73 Cornvl'~fion Date: V'//' 11. Street names shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval in accordance with ...j / the adopted Street Naming Policy prior to approval ol the final map. V"/" 12. All building numbers and individual units shall be identified in a clear and concise manner ..__/ / including proper illumination. 13. A detailed plan indicating trail widths, maximum slopes, physical conditions, fencing, and / / weed control, in accordance with City Master Trail drawings, shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to approval and recordation of the Final Tract Map and prior to approval of street improveme nt and grading plans. Developer shall upgrade and constr'Jct all trails, including fencing and drainage devices, in conjunction with street improvements. 14~TheC~ve.nants~C~nditi~nsandRestd~1ions(CC&Rs)shalln~tpr~hibitthekeeping~fequine animals where_ zoning requirements forthe keeping of said animals have been met. Individual lot owners in subdivisions shall have the option ol keeping said animals without the necessity of appealing to boards of directors or homeowners' associations for amendments to the CC&Rs. V'/15. The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and Adicles of Incorporation of the __/ / Homeowners' Association are subject to the approval of the Planning and Engineering Divisions and the City Attorney. They shall be recorded concurrently with the Final Map or prior to the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. A recorded copy shall be ........ provided to the City Engineer. V"'/' 16. Allparkways, openareas,andlandscapingshaZl bepermanentlymaintained bytheproperty .__/ / owner, homeowners' association, or other means acceptable to the City. Proof of this landscape maintenance shall be submitted for City Planner and City Engineer review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. ~/ 17. Solar access easements shall be dedicated for the purpose of assuming that each lot or __-/ / dwelling unit shall have the right to receive sunlight across adjacent lots or units for use of a solar energy system. The easements may be contained in a Declaration of Restrictions for the subdivision which shall be recorded concurrently with the recordation of the final map or issuance of permits, whichever comes first. The easements shall prohibit the casting of shadows by vegetation, structures, fixlures or any other object, except for utility wires and similar objects, pursuant to Development Code Section 17.08.060-G-2. __ 18. The project contains a designated Historical Landmark. The site shall be developed and ._J / maintained in accordance with the Historic Landmark Alteration Permit No. · Any further modifications to the site including, but not limited to, extedor atlerations and/or interior alterations which affectthe exteriorof the buildings or structures, removal of landmark trees, dernolition, relocation, reconstruction of buildings or structures, or changes to the site, shall require a modification to the Historic Landmark Alteration Permit subject to Historic Preservation Commission review and approval. C. Building Design v/'/ 1. An alternative energy system is required to provide domestic hot water for all dwelling units .-_J / and for heating any swimming pool or spa, unless other alternative energy systems are demonstrated to be of equivalent capacity and efficiency. All swimming pools installed at the time of initial development shall be supplemented with solar heating. Details shall be included in the building plans and shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. V'/' 2. All dwellings sha~ have the front, side and rear elevations 'upgraded with architectural ---/ / treatment, detailing and increased delineation of surface treatment subject to City Planner review and approval pdor to issuance of building permits. ~:- lo/94 3 hoiect No.~T'/.5 Completion Date: V"/3. Standard patio ~ver plans for use by the Homeowners' Association shall be submitted for ~ / C~y Planner and Building ~ficial review and approval prior to issuance of building perils. ~ 4. All root appudenances, including air cond~ioners and other root ~unted equipment and/or J / proje~ions, shall be shielded from view and the sound buffered trom adjacent properlos and streets as required by the Planning Division. Such screening shall be architecturally integrated with the building design and ~nstmcted to the satisfaction of the Cily Planner. Details shall ~ included in building plans. D. Parking and Vehicular Access (indicate details on building plans) 1. All pa~ing lot landscape islands shall have a mini~m outside dimension of 6 feet and shall J / ~ntain a.12-inch walk adjacent to the pa~ing slall (including ~). 2. Tenured ped~'strian pathways and tenured pavement across circulation aisles shall be J / providedthroughoutthedevelopmentto~nne~elling~units/buildingswithopenspaces/ plazaSrecreational uses. 3. All pa~ing ~aces shall be double striped per C~y standards and all driveway aisles, J / entrances, and ex~s shall be ~riped per C~y standards. 4. All un~s shall ~ provided w~h garage door openers if driveways are less than 18 feet in J / ........... depth from back of sidewalk. 5. The Covenants, Condilions a~ Restri~ions shall restd~ the slotage of recreational vehicles J / on this s~e unless they are the principal sour~ of trans~dation for the owner and prohib~ pa~ing on interbr circulation aisles other than in designated visitor pa~ing areas. 6. Plans for any secur~y gates shall ~ subm~ed for the C~y Planner, City Engineer, and J / Rancho Cuca~nga Fire Protection Distri~ review a~ approval prior to issuance of building perm~s. E. Landscaping (for publicly malntaln~ lands~ areas, refer to Se~lon N .) ~/1. A detailed landsca~ and irrigation plan, including sb~ planling and model home landscap- J / ins in the case of residential development, shall ~ prepared by a licensed landscape arch~em and submi~ed for C~y Planner review a~ approval prior to the issuan~ of building ~rm~s or prior final map approval in the case of a ~slom lot su~ivision. / 2. Existing trees required to ~ proseNed in place shall ~ protected wffh a ~nstm~ion barrier J / in a~rdance w th the Mu n c pal Code SeXton 19.08.110, and so noted o n the g rading plans. The location of those trees to ~ proseNed in place a~ new locations for transplanted tree s shall be shown on the detailed landscape plans. The applicant shall follow all of the ar~ risrs recom~ndations regarding proseNation, tran~lanting and trimming methods. 3. Aminimumof~treespergrossacre,~mprisedofthefollowingsizes,shallbeprovided J / w~hin the project: % - ~- inch ~x or larger, % - 36- inch ~x or larger, __ % - 24- inch box or larger, % - 15-gallon, and __ % - 5 gallon. ~ 4. Aminimumof ~ %oftreesplantedwithintheprojectshallbespecimensizetrees- J I 24-inch ~x or larger. 5. Within parking lots, trees shall be planled at a rate of one 15-g&llon tree for eve~ three J / parking stalls, sufficient to shade 50% of the pa~ing area at solar noon on August 21. SC- 10/94 4 Proiect No.~f'/.f732, ~Omt~le~on Date: 6. Treesshallbeplantedinareasofpublicviewadjacenttoandalongstructuresatarateofone tree per 30 linear feet of building. ----/ / V//7. All private slope banks 5 leer or less in vertical height and of 5:1 or greater slops, but less than 2:1 slope, shall be, at minimum, irrigated and landscaped with appropriate ground cover for erosion control. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. V//' 8. AIIprivate slopes inexcessof5feet, but lessthan8 feet invertical height andof2:l orgreater J / slope shall be landscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as follows: one 15-gallon or larger size tree per each 150 sq. ft. of slope area, 1 -gallon or larger size shrub per each 100 sq. ft. of slope area, and appropriate ground cover. In addition, slope banks in excess of 8 feet in vertical height and of 2:1 or greater slope shall also include one 5-gallon .0r larger size tree per each 250 sq. ft. of slope area. Trees and shrubs shall be planted in staggered clusters to soften and vary slope plane. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. V//9. For single family residential development, all slope planting and irrigation shall be conlinu- .-d / ously maintained in a healthy and thriving condition bythe developer until each individual unit is sold and occupied bythe buyer. Prior to releasing occupancyforthose units, an inspection shall be conducted by the Planning Division to determine that they are in satisfactory condition. 10. For multi-family residential and non-residential development, property owners are respon- .J / sible for the continual maintenance of all landscaped areas on-site, as well as contiguous planted areas within the public right-oFway. All landscaped areas shall be kept free from weeds and debris and maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, and shall receive regular pruning, lerlilizing, mowing, and trimming. Any damaged. dead, diseased, or decaying plant material shall be replaced within 30 days from the date of damage. V"'/ 11. Front yard landscaping shall be required per the Development Code and/or J I 1'~¢. ~ITii.-~P,~. ,~.,fz.t~Y~. '~L..k,J. This requirement shall be in addition to the required street trees and slope planting. _ _ V/' 12. The final design of the perimeter parkways, walls, landscaping, and sidewalks shall be ._J I included in the required landscape plans and shall be subject to City Planner review and approval and coordinated forconsistency with any parkway landscaping plan which may be required by the Engineering Division. v// 13. Special landscape features such as mounding, alluvial rock, specimen size trees, meander- J / ing sidewalks (with horizontal change), and intensified landscaping. is required along 14. Landscaping and irrigation systems required to be installed within the public right-ol-way on __/ / the perimeter of this project area shall be continuously maintained by the developer. v/ 15. All walls shall be provided with decorative treatment. If located in public maintenance areas, __/ / the design shall be coordinated with the Engineering Division. _ V/' 16. Tree maintenance criteria shall be developed and submitted for City Planner review and ..J / approval prior to issuance of building permits. These criteria shall encourage the natural growth characteristics of the selecled tree species. V'//17.Landscaping and irrigation shall be designed to conserve water through the principles of Xeriscape as defined in Chapter 19.16 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. SC- 10/94 5 F. Signs 1. Thesignsindicatedonthesubmittedplansareconceptualonlyandnotapartofthisapproval. / / Any signs proposed for this development shall comply with the Sign Ordinance and shall require separate application and approval by the Planning Division prior to installation of any signs. 2. A Uniform Sign Program for this development shall be submitted for City Planner review and ...J / approval prior to issuance of building permits. 3. DirectoN monument sign(s) shall be provided for apartment, condominium, or townhomes _J / prior to occupancy and shall require separate application and approval by the Planning Div!sion pdor to issuance of building permits. G. Environmental .1. The developer shall provide each prospective buyer written notice of the Fourth Street Rock .~/ / Crusher project in a standard format as determined by the City Planner, prior to accepting a cash deposit on any property. 2. The developer shall provide each prospective buyer written notice of the City Adopted -~/ / Special Studies Zone for the Red Hill Fault, in a standard format as determined by the City Planner, prior to accepting a cash deposit on any property. 3. The developer shall provide each prospective buyer wr~en notice of the Foothill Freeway .~/ / project in a standard format as determined by the City Planner, prior to accepting a cash deposit on any property. ~ 4. A final acoustical report shall be submitted for City Planner review and ~pproval prior to the __/ / issuance of building permits. The final report shall discuss the level of interior noise attenuationtobelow45CNEL, the building maledals and constructiontechniquesprovided, and ff appropriate, verify the adequacy of the mitigation measures. The building plans will be checked for conformance with the mitigation measures contained in the final report. H. Other Agencies 1. EmergencysecondaryaccessshallbeprovidedinaccordancewithRanchoCucamongaFire ---J / Protection District Standards. 2. Emergency access shallbe provided, maintenance free and clear, a minimum of 26feet wide ----/ / at all times during construction in accordance wifh Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District requiretaunts. 3. Prior to issuance of building permits for combustible construction, evidence shall be .~/ / submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District that temporal, water supply for fire protection is available, pending completion of required fire protection system. 4. The applicant shall contact the U. S. Postal Service to determine the appropriate type and _J / location of mail boxes. Multi-family residential developments shall provide a solid overhead structure for mail boxes with adequate lighting. The final location of the mail boxes and the design of the overhead structure shall be subject to City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. 5. For projects using septic tank facilities. writlen cedification of acceptability, including all ---J / supportive information, shall be obtained from the San Bernardino County Department of Environmental Health and submifted to the Building Official prior to the issuance of Septic Tank Permits, and prior to issuance of building permits. SC- 10/94 6 Pr~i~ci APPLICANTS SHALL CONTACT THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION, (909) 989-1863, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: L Site Development v//1. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform M echani- ---j / cal Code, Unitotto Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, and all other applicable codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of issuance of relative permits. Please contact the Building and Safety Division for copies of the Code Adoption Ordinance and applicable handouts. 2. Prier to issuance of building permits for a new residential dwelling unit(s) or major addition ----/ / to existing unit(s), the applicant shall pay development fees at the establish ed rate. Such fees may include, but are not limitedto: City Beautification Fee, Park Fee, Drainage Fee, Systems Development Fee, Permit and Plan Checking Fees, and School Fees. 3. Prior to issuance of building permits for a new commercial or industrial development or .__/ / addition to an existing development, the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such tees may include, but are not limited to: Systems Development Fee, Drainage Fee, School Fees, Permit and Plan Checking Fees. v'/ 4. Street addresses shall be provided by the Building Official, aftertract/parcel map recordalton .__/ / ......... and prior to issuance of building permits. J. Existing Structures 1. Provide compliance with the Uniform Building Code for the property line clearances / considering use, area, and fire-resistiveness of existing buildings. 2. Existing buildings shall be made to comply with correct building and zoning regulations for ---/ / the intended use or the building shall be demolished. 3. Existing sewage disposal facilities shall be removed, filled and/or capped to comply with the ---J / Uniform Plumbing Code and Uniform Building Code. __ 4. Underground on-site utilities are to be located and shown on building plans submitted for .__J / building permit application. K. Grading v// 1. Grading olthe subject property shall pe in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City ----/ / Grading Standards, and accepted grading praclices. The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved grading plan. v// 2. A soils report shall be prepared by a quatitled engineer licensed by the State of California to ----J / pedorm such work. 3. The development is located within the soil erosion control boundaries; a Soil Disturbance ----/ / Permit is required. Please contact San Bernardino County Departmenl of Agriculture at (714) 387-2111 for permit application. Documentation of such ~ermit shall be submitted to the City prior to the issuance of rough grading permit. 4.A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at ---/-----/ the time of application for grading plan check. v// ' 5. Thefinaigradingp~ansshaI~bec~mp~etedandappr~vedpri~rt~issuance~fbui~dingpermits~ J / sc- io/94 7 Completion D3le: G. As a custom-lot subdivision, fhe following requirements shall be met: a. Surety shaft be posted and an agreement executed guaranteeing completion of all on-site ---.] / drainage facilities necessary for dewatedng all parcels to the satisfaction of the Building and Safety Division priorto final map approval and priorto the issuance of grading permits. b. Appropriate easements for safe disposal of drainage water thal are conducted onto ---J / or over adjacent parcels, are to be delineated and recorded to the satisfaction of the Building and Safety Division prior to issuance of grading and building permits, c. On-sile drainage improvements, necessary for dewatering and protecting the subdivided ---/ / propedies, are to be installed pdor to issuance of building permits for construction upon any parcel that may be subject to drainage flows entering, leaving, or within a parcel relative to which a building permit is requested. d. Final grading plans for each parcel are to be submitted to the Building and Safety ---/ / Division for approval prior Io issuance of building and grading permits. (This may be on an incremental or composite basis,) e. All slope banks in excess of 5 feet in vedicat height shall be seeded with native grasses .--/ / or planted with ground cover for erosion control upon completion of grading or some other alternative method of erosion control shall be completed to the sat isfaction of the Bu tiding ........ "' ' .... Official. Iri addition a permanent irrigation system shall be provided. This requirement does not release the applicant/developer from compliance with the slope planting requirements of Section 17.08.040 I of the Development Code. ~PPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEERING DIVISION, (909) 989-1862, FOR COMPLIANCE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: L. Dedication and Vehicular Access 1. Rights-of-way and easements shall be dedicated to the City for all interior public streets, .--/ / community trails, public paseos, public landscape areas, street trees, and public drainage facilities as shown on the plans and/or tentative map. Private easements for non-public facilities (cross-lot drainage, local feeder trails, etc.) shall be reserved as shown on the plans and/or tentative map. V// 2. Dedication shall be made of the following rights-of-way on the perimeter streets ---J / (measured from street centerline): ...~"'2C;' total feet on f'2~f2Fr. ~ totalfeeton ~"1'IL4N, LOk total feet on 3. An irrevocable offer of dedication for -foot wide roadway easement shall be made .--J / for all private streets or drives. 4. Non-vehicular access shall be dedicated to the City for the following streets: __/ / 5. Reciprocal access easements shall be provided ensuring access to all parcels by CC&Rs J / or by deeds and shall be recorded concurrently with lhe map or pdor to the issuance of building permits, where no map iS involved. ~- 10/94 8 Proi ect No.-.7T/5 732- 6. Private drainage 6asements ~orcross-lot drainage s~al[ be provided and shall be delineated or noted on the final map. ---] / 7.The final map shall clearly delineate a 10-foot minimum building restriction area on the neighboring lot adjoining the zero lot line wall and contain the following language: "l/We hereby dedicate to the City of Rancho Cucamonga the right to prohibit the construction of (residential) buildings (or other structures) within those areas designated on the map as building restriction areas." A mainfenance agreement shall also be granled from each lot to the adjacent lot through the CC&R's ..... 8. All existing easements lying within future rights-of-way shall be quitclaimed or delineated on ._J / the final map.__ .9. Easements for public sidewalks and/or street trees placed outside the public right-of-way _.J / shall be dedicated to the City wherever they encroach onto private property. 10. Additional street right-of-way shall be dedicated along right turn lanes, to provide a minimum __J / of 7 feet measured from the face ol curbs. If curb adjacent sidewalk is used along the right turn lane, a parallel street tree maintenance easement shall be provided. ......... :~1.Thedeve~~persha~~makeag~~d~aithe~~dt~acquiret~erequired~~-sitepr~pertyinterests / / necessary to construct the required public improvements, and if he/she should fail to do so, the developer shall, at least 120 days prior to submittal of the final map for approval, enter into an agreement to complete the improvements pursuant to Government Code Section 66462 alsuchtimeastheCityacquirestheproperb/interestsrequiredfortheimprovements. Such agreement shall provide for payment by the developer of all costs incurred by the City to acquire the off-site property interests required in connection with the subdivision. Security for a portion of these costs shall be in the form of a cash deposit in the amount given in an appraisal report obtained by the developer, at developer's cost. The appraiser shall have been approved by the City prior to commencement ol the appraisal. M. Street Improvements _ V'''/1. All public improvements (interior streets, drainage facilities, community trails, paseos, / / landscaped areas, etc.) shown on the plans and/or tentative map shait be constructed to City Standards. Interior street improvements shall include, but are not limited to, Curb and gutter, AC pavement, drive approaches, sidewalks, street lights, and street trees. __ 2. A minimum of 26- foot wide pavement, within a 40 -foot wide dedicated right-of-way shall be .__/ / constructed for all haft-section streets. V/" 3. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to: / / STREET NAME CURe & kC. SIDE- DRIVE STREET STREET COrM MEDIAN eIKE GUTTER pV~4F WALK APPR, LIGHTS TREES TRAIL LSLAND TRAIL OTHER ~ Lad~- V~ v/ Y" v/ v/ A~F F~ ~. ,3oE. SC- 10/94 9 ~"] Notes: (a) Median island inc'.udcs landscaping and irrigation on meter. (b) Pavement reconstruction and overlays will be determined during plan check. (c) If so marked, side- walk shall be curvilinear per STD. 304. (d) If so marked, an in-lieu of construction fee shall be provided for this item. '~----~ r--fr-f- ~,.~-~r,=e..~,.J~.. P~,J ~ V/"/ 4. Improvement plans and construction: a. Street improvement plans including street trees and street lights. prepared by a regis- / feted Civil Engineer. shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Security shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the C~h/Atlorney guaranteetrig completion ot the public and/or pdvate street improve- ments. prior to final map approval or the issuance of building permits. whichever occurs first. b. Prior to any work being pe~ormed in public right-of-way, tees shall be paid and a ----/ / construction permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office in addition To any other permits required. c. Pavement striping, marking, traffic, street name signing, and interconnect conduit .__/ / shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. d. Signalconduitwithpullboxesshallbeinstalledonanynewconstructionorreconstruction .--J / of major, secondary or collector streets which intersect with other major, secondary or colleclor streels for future traffic signals. Pull boxes shall be placed on both sides of the street at 3/eel outside of BC R, EC R or any olhe r localions approved by the City Engineer. Notes: ---J / (1) All pull boxes shall be No, 6 unless otherwise specified by The City Engineer. (2) Conduit shall be 3-inch galvanized steel with pullrope. _._J / e. Wheel chair ramps shall be installed on all tour corners of intersections per Cily Standards or as directed by lhe City Engineer. f. Existing City roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with --J / adequate detours during construction. A street closure permit may be required. A cash deposit shall be provided to cover the cost of grading and paving, which shall be refunded upon completion of the construction to the satisfaclion of the City Engineer. g. Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks. Under sidewalk drains shall be ._J / installed to City Standards, except tor single family lots. h. Handicap access ramp design shall be as specified by the City Engineer. ~ / i. Street names shall be approved by the City Planner prior to submittal for first plan check. __/ / 5. Street improvement plans per City Standards for all private streets shall be provided tor .--J / review and approval by lhe City Engineer. Prior to any work being pedormed on the pri- vale streets, fees shall be paid and construction permits shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office in addition to any other permits required. V/ 6. Street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, shall be installed per City Standards in / / accordance with the City's street tree program. ~ ~4r.~r=~_,~-~.- SC- i0/94 10 Profeel 7. intersection line of site designs shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with Completion adopted policy. j / a. On collector or larger streets, lines of sight shall be plo~ed for all project intersections, J /- including driveways. Walls, signs, and slopes shall be located outside the lines of sight. Landscaping and other obstruclions within the lines of sight shall be approved by the City Engineer. b. Local residential slreet intersections shall have their noticeability improved, usually by __/ / moving the 2 +k closest slreel trees on each side away fromthe street and placed in a street tree easement. 8. A permit shall be obtained from CALTRANS for any work within the following right-of-way: J / 9. All public improvements on the following streets shall be operalionally complete pdor Io the --J / issuance of building permits: N. Public Maintenance Areas V'/ 1. A separate set of landscape and irrigation plans per Engineering Public Works Standards ---/ / .......... sh.all be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval pdor to final map approval or Bsuar'~e of building permits, whichever occurs first. The following landscape parkways, medians, paseos, easements, trails, or other areas are required to be annexed into the Landscape Maintenance District: v/'' 2. A signed consent and waiver form to join and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting __/ / Districts shall be filed with the City Engineer pdor to final map approval or issuance of building permits whichever occurs first. Formation costs shall be borne by the developer. L///3. AIJ required public landscaping and irrigation systems shall be continuously maintained by the _._/ / developer until accepted by the City. _ ~ 4. Parkway landscaping on the following street(s) shall conform to the results of the respective .__/~ Beautffication Master Plan: O. Dratnage and Flood Control 1. The project (or portions 1hereof) is located w~hin a Flood Hazard Zone; Therefore. flood U / protection measures shall be provided as cedified by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the City Engineer. 2. It shall be fiie developers responsibility to have the current FIRM Zone / / designation removed from the project area, The developer's engineer shall prepare necessary reports, plans, and hydrologic/hydrau[ic calculations. A Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) shall be obtained from FEMA prior to final map approval or issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. A Letler of Map Revision (LOMR) shall be issued by FEMA prior 1o occupancy or improvement acceptance, whichever occurs first. 3. A final drainage study shall be subm~ed to and approved by The City Engineer prior to final map approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. All drainage facilities shall be installed as required by the Cily Engineer. sc - I o/94 ' 11 proieet Nofff'~'/5 4. A permit from the County Flood Control District is required for work within its right-of-way. / 5. Trees are prohibited within 5 feet of the outside diameter of any public storm drain pipe measured from the outer edge of a mature tree trunk. J / 6. Public storm drain easements shall be graded to convey overflows in the event of a ----/ / blockage in a sump catch basin on the public street. P. Utilities V""'/ 1. Provide separate utility services to each pamel including sanitary sewerage system, water, _._/ / gas, electric power, telephone, and cable TV (all underground) in accordance with the Utility Standards. Easements shall be provided as required. 2.The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary. \/ 3. Water and sewer plans shah be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the --J / Cucamonga County Water District (CCWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino. A Ietter of compliance from the CCWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first. .... Q. Gefier~l Requirements and Approvals 1. The separate parcels contained within the project boundaries shall be legally combined into --J / one parcel prior to issuance of building permits. 2. An easement for a joint use ddveway shall be provided prior to final map approvaZ or ---J / issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first, tot: J / 3. Prior to approval of the final map a deposit shall be posted with the City covering the estimated cost of apportioning the assessments under Assessment District among the newly created parcels. V/'/4. Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Regional Mainline, Secondary Regional, and Master Plan J / Drainage Fees shall be paid prior to final map approval or prior to building permit issuance ff no map is involved. 5. Permits shall be obtained from the following agencies for work within their right-of-way: .J / 6. A signed consent and waiver form to join and/or form the Law Enforcement Community ~ / Facilities District shall be filed with the City Engineer prior to final map approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. Formation costs shall be borne by the Developer. 7. Prior to finalization of any development phase, sufficient improvement plans shall be corn- ---/ / pieted beyond the phase boundaries to assure secondary access and drainage protection to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Phase boundaries shall correspond to lot lines shown on the approved tentative map. SHALL CONTACT THE FIRE SAFETY DIVISION, (909) 987-6405, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: SC- 10/94 12 v///2. Fire flow requirement shall be t C_,,r-p O gallons per minute. / / A. A previous fire flow, conducted revealed gpm available at 20 psi. B. A fire flow shall be conducted by the builder/developer and witnessed by fire depadment personnel prior to water plan approval, /C. For the purpose of final acceptance, an additional fire flow test of the on-site hydrants shall be conducted by the builder/developer and witnessed by the fire deparlment personnel after construction and prior to occupancy. V/' 3. Fire hydrants are required. Ait required public or on-site fire hydrants shall be installed, flushed.J / and operable prior to de livery of any combustible building materials on site (i.e., lumbe r, roofing materials, etc.).-12tydrants flushing shall be witnessed by fire depa~ment personnel. 4. Existing fire hydrant locations shall be provided priorto water plan approval. Required hydrants, .~J / ff any, will be determined by this deparlmenL Fire District standards require a 6" riser with a 4" and a 2-1/2" outlet. Substandard hydrants shall be upgraded to meet this standard. Contact the Fire Safety Division for specifications on approved brands and model numbers. 5. Prior to the issuance of building permits for combustible construction,evidence shall be __/ / ........ · -_ submit1edt~t~eFireDistdct~hattemp~rarywatersupp~yf~r~reprotecti~nisavaitab~e~pending complelion of required fire protection system. 6. Hydrant reflective markers (blue dots) shall be required for all hydrants and installed prior to ---/ / final inspeclion. 7. An automatic fire extinguishing system(s) will be required as noted below: Per Rancho Cucarnonga Fire Protection District Ordinance 15. O~her Nole: Special sprinkler densities are required for such hazardous operations as woodworking, plastics manu~acuring, spray painting, flammable liquids storage, high piled stock, etc. Contact Fire Safety Division Io determine ff sprinkler system is adequate for proposed operations. 8. Sprinkler system monitoring shall be installed and operational immediately upon completion ---/ / of sprinkler system. 9. A fire alarm system(s) shall be required as noted below: / / Per Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District Ordinance 15. California Code Regulations Title 24. NFPA 101. Other v'/ 10. Roadways within project shall comply with the Fire Distdct's fire lane standards, as noted: t3 11. Fire depadment access shall be amended to facilitate emergency apparatus. --J / 12. Emergency secondary access shall be provided in accordance with Fire District standards. ---J / 13. Emergency access shall be provided, maintenance free and clear, a minimum of 26 feet wide --J / at all times during construction in accordance with Fire District requirements. 14. All trees planted in any median shall be kept trimmed a minimum of 14'6" from ground up so .--/ / as not to impede fire apparatus. 15. A building directory shall be required, as noted below: ---/ / ' Lighted director'wifhin 20 feet of main entrance(s). Standard Directory in main lobby. Other 16. A Knox rapid entry key vault shall be installed prior to final inspection. Proof of purchase shall ----/ / be submitted prior to final building plan approval. Contac~ the Fire Safety Division for specific details and ordering information. ....... '~7. Gated/restricted entry(s) require installation of a Knox rapid entry key system. Contact the Fire .__/ / Safety Division for specific details and ordering information. 18. A tenant use letter shall be submitled prior to final building plan approval. --J / 19. Plan check fees in the amount of $ ~ have been paid. .__/ / An additional $ '~E~'. ~ shall be paid: Prior to water plan approval. v//Prior to final plan approval. Note: Separate plan check fees for fire protection systems (sprinklers, hood systems, alarms, etc.) and/or any consultant reviews will be assessed upon submittal of plans. 20. Special permits may be required, depending on intended use, as noted below: ---/ / A. General Use Permil shall be required for any activity or operation not specifically described below, which in the judgement of the Fire Chief is likely to produce condifions hazardous to life or property. B. Storage of readily combustible material. C. Places of assembly (except churches, schools and other non-profit organizations) D. Bowling alley and pin refinishing. E. Cellulose Nitrate plastic (F'yroxylin). F. Combustible fibers storage and handling exceeding 100 cubic feet. G. Garages -. Motor vehicle repair (H-4) E,.) F G I0 H. Lumber yards (over 100,000 beard feet). SC- 10/94 14 I. Tire rebuilding plants. J. Auto wrecking yards. Junk or wasle material handling plants. K. Flammable finishes. Spraying or dipping operations, spray booths, dip tanIs, electi'ostatic apparatus, aulomobile undercoating, powder coating and organic peroxides and dual com- ponent coatings (per spray booth). L. Magnesium (more tha 10 pounds per day). M. Oil burning equipment operations. N. Ovens (industrial baking and drying). O. Mechanical refrigeration (over 20 pounts of refrigerant). P. Compressed gases (store, handle or use exceeding 1 O0 cubic feet). Q. Cryogenic fluids (storage, handling or use). R. Dust-producing processes and equipment. S. Flammable and combustible liquids (storage, handling or use). T. High piled combustible stock. U. Liqu~ied petroleum gas (store, handle, transporl or use more than 120 gallons). V. Matches (more than 60 Matchman's gross). W. Welding and cutting operations: to conduct welding and/or cutting operations in any occupancy. SC - 10/94 15 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DESIGN REVIEW FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 15732. THE CONSTRUCTION OF 33 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT OF THE ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN, LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF BASE LINE ROAD AND ETIWANDA AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 277-522-05, 07, AND 08. A. Recitals~ 1. Lewis Homes Enterprises has filed an application for the Design Review of Tentative Tract Map No. 15732. as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereina~er in this Resolution, the subject Design Review request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the lOth day of April 1996, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites pdor to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found. determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set fodh in the Recitals. Pad A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public headng on Apd110, 1996, including written and oral staff reports, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. The proposed project is consistent with the objectives of the General Plan; and b. The proposed design is in accord with the objectives of the Etiwanda Specific Plan and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; and c. The proposed design is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Etiwanda Specific Plan; and d. The proposed project. together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or general welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity. 3. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs I and 2 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference: P,anninq Divisio. (, 1) Replace existing wood fencing along the north and west property lines with new wood fencing. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR FOR TT15732 -LEWIS HOMES April10,1996 Page 2 2) Expand the application of wood siding on all elevations of the Plan 441 and plan 516 homes. where visible from or located adjacent to Etiwanda Avenue or Base Line Road, by providing wood siding on the second floor level between the eaves and the bottom of the second floor windows and adding an appropriate batten or other plant-on element along the bottom edge of the wood siding to provide a seam between the wood siding and the stucco. 3) Use decorative railings for all porches on all home plans. 4) Add trim around all windows/sliding glass doors of the Plan 441 and Plan 516 homes where visible from or located adjacent to Etiwanda Avenue or Base Line Road. 5) Extend the front porch element for all Plan 441 homes to wrap around the left front corners of the homes to extend at least half-way back along the exterior side wall of the den. To ensure a functional design, provide a minimum width of 5 feet except on Lots 7 and 20. where the width of the porch may be reduced to 4 feet to avoid side yard setback encroachment, and Lot 4, where there shall be no wrapping porch. 6) Provide a Plan 268 home on Lot 10 and a Plan 441 home, with wrapping porch, on Lot 33. 7) The project shall incorporate the Community Entry Theme landscaping and fieldstone wall treatment at the northwest corner of Etiwanda Avenue and Base Line Road, as required by the Etiwanda Specific Plan. 8) All fieldstone wall treatment shall utilize native river rock (non- manufactured) material only. 9) All applicable conditions from the Resolution of Approval for Tentative tract 15732 shall apply. 10) Approval of this project is contingent upon approval of related Conditional Use Permit 95-38. Engineenng Division 1 ) All applicable conditions from the Resolution of Approval for Tentative Tract 15732 shall apply. 4. The Secretary to this Commission shall cedify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 10TH DAY OF APRIL 1996. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR FOR TT 15732 - LEWIS HOMES April 10, 1996 Page 3 BY: E. David Barker, Chairman ATTEST: Brad Buller, Secretan/ I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 10th day of April 1996, by the following vote-to-wit: A~'ES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Randh~'~C~nga t i DEPARTME STANDARD CONDITIONS SUBJECT: "- APPLICANT: L.-P_L~,~ LOCATION: k~,,,~ U,.L ,go -b Those items chewed are Cond~i0ns of ~proval. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DIVISION, (9~) 989-1861, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. Time Limits Complc~on ~/1. Approval shall expire, unless e~ended by the Planning Commission, if building permits are not issued or approved use has not ~mmenced w~hin 24 months from the date of approval. 2. DevelopmenVDesign Review shall be approved prbr to / / J / / 3. Approval of Tentative Tract No. ~1~ ~ is granted subject to the approval of J / 4. The developer shall com~nce, padicipate in, and ~nsummate or cause to be commenced, J / padicipated in, or consummated, a Mello-Roos Communhy Facii~ies District (CFD) for the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection Distri~ to finance constrenton and/or maintenance of a fire station to sere the development. The station shall be Ionted, designed, and built to all specilications of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Prote~ion District, and shaft become the Distri~'s propedy u~n m~[etion. The equipment shall be selected by the Distria in accordance with ~s needs. In any building of a ~ation, the developer shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations. The CFD shall ~ for~d by the District and the developer by the time recordation ol the final map o~urs. 5. Prior to recordation of 1he final map or the issuance of building permits, whichever Comes first, the applicant shall Consent to, or padicipate in, the establishment of a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District ~or the const~cfion and maintenance of necessa~ school ~acii~ies. However, if any school district has previously established such a Commun~y Facilities District, the appii~nt shall, in the alternative, Consent to the annexation ol the proje~ site into the territo~ ol such existing District prior to the recordation of ~he final map or the issuance ol building perm~s, whichever ~m~s first. Fu~her, il the affected school district has not formed a Me[Io-Roos Community Facil~ies District within twelve months from -. the date of apFova[ of the proje~ ~ Fior to the f~rdation of the final map or issuance of building permits for said proje~, this condition shall be deemed null and void. sc- to/g4 I This condition shall be waived ~ the Cky receives notice that the applicant and all affected school distri~s have entered into an agreemere to privately accom~date any and all school impacts as a resu~ of this project. ~ 6. Prior to re~rdation of the final map or prior to issuance of building permits when no map is involved. wrYten cedification from the affected wa{er district that adequate sewer and water facilities are or will be available to sewe the proposed projecl shall be submitted to the Depa~ment of Community Development. Such le~er must have been issued by the water district wilhin 90 days prior to final map approval in the case of su~ivision or prior to issuance of perm~s in the case of all other residential projects. B. Site Development ,.:. 1. The sffe shall_ be developed and maintained in a~rdance with the approved plans which include site plans, archite~ural elevations, extedor materials and colors. landscaping. sign program, and grading on file in the Planning Divis~n, the conditions contained herein, Development Code regulations, and Spec~ic Plan~ 2. Prior to any use of the project s~e or busine~ activity being commenced thereon, all Co~ions of Approval shall ~ ~mpleted to the ~tisfa~ion of the Cky Planner. State Fire Marshairs regulations have ~en ~mplied with. Prior to ~upancy, plans shall be subm~ted to the Ra~ho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety Divis~n to show Qmpliance. The building shall be inspected for ~liance prior to occupancy. 4. Revised ske plans and building elevations i~o~rating all Conditions of Approval shall be subm~ted for City Planner review and approval prior to issuance ol building permits. 5. All s~e, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated lor consistency pdor to issuance of any permils (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment, building, etc.), or prior to final map approval in the case ol a custom lot subdivision, or approved use has commenced, whichever comes first. 6. Approval of this request shall not waive ~mplian~ w~h all se~ns of the Development Code, all other applicable C~y Ordinances. a~ applicable Commun~y Plans or Specific Plans in effe~ at ~he time of Building Pe~ issuance. 7. A detailed on-site lighting plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Cfiy Planner and SherHl's Depanment (989-6611) pdor to the issuance of building permits. Such plan shall indicate style, illumination, location, height, and method of shielding so as not to adversely affec~ adjacent prope~ies. 8. If no centralized trash receptacles are provided, alltrashpick-upsha[I be for individual units w~h all receptacles shielded from public view. / 9. Trash receptacle(s) are required and shall meet C~y standards. The final design, locations, and the number of trash receptacles shall be subje~ to C~y Planner review and approval prior to issuan~ of building permks. / 10. All ground-mounted ufii~y appudenances such as transformers, AC condensers, etc., shall be Ionted out of public view and adequately scree~d through the use of a combination '-. concrete or ma~n~ walls, berming, and/or land~aping to the satisfa~ion o~ the City P,anner. SC- 10/94 F ~ 11. Street names shall be submi~ed for C~y Planner review and approval in accordance with the adopted Street Naming Policy prior to approval o~ the final map. 12. Aif building numbers and individual un~s shall be identified in a clear and concise manner, including proper illumination. 13. A delailed plan indicating lrail widths, maximum slopes, physical ~nditions, fencing, and weed control, in accordance w~h City Master Trail drawings, shall be submi~ed for City Planner review and approval prior to approval and recordation of the Final Tract Map and prior to approval of street improvement and grading plans. Developer shall upgrade and construct all trails, including fencing and drainage devZces, in ~njunction with street improvements. 14. The CoKg.nants, Conditions and Restd~ions (CC&Rs) shall not prohibit the keeping of equine animals where.zoning requ iremerits for the keeping of said animals have been met. Individual lot owners in subdivisions shall have the option ol keeping said animals without the necessity of appealing to ~ards of direclots or homeowners' associations for amendments to the CC&RS. ~ 15. The Covenants, Conditions. and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and Adicles of In~ration of the Homeowners' Association are subject to The approval of the Planning and Engineering Divisions and the C~y A~orney. They shall be re~ed ~n~rrenlly with the Final Map or prior to the issuance of building perm~s. whichever o~rs firsl. A recorded copy shall be provided to the City Engineer. ~ 16. All paPaya, open areas,andlands~ping shall ~permanenlly maintained by the propedy owner, hobowhere' association, or other means a~eptable to 1he C~y. Proot of this landsape maintenance shall ~ submi~ed lor C~ Planner and C~y Engineer review and approval prior to issuance of building perm~s. 17. Solar a~ess easemenls shall be dedicated for the ~se of assuming that each lot or ~elling unit shall have the right Io receive sunlight across adjacent lots or units for use of a ~lar energy system. The easements may be ~ntained in a Declaration of Restridions for the su~ivision which shall be reardeal ~ncurrently wiih the rearclarion of the final map or issuance of perm~s, whichever comes first. The easements shall prohib~ lhe casting of shadows by vegetation, structures, fixtures or any other objecl, except lot utility wires and similar objeds, pursuant Io Development Code Seabn 17.08.060-G-2. __ 18. The projed ~ntains a designated Historical LandmarK. The site shall be developed and mainlained in ac~rdance with ~he Historic Landma~ A~eration Perm~ NO. . Any further ~dffications to the silo including, bul ~t limped lo, exiedor a~erations anWor interior alterations which affea 1he exterior of the buildings or structures, re~val of landmadK trees, de~l~ion, relocalion, reinstraction of buildings or simSurea, or changes to the sile, shall require a modification to 1he Historic Land~fK Alloration Permit subject to Historic PreseNation Commission review and approval. C. Building Design ~ 1. An a~ernalive energy system is required to provide ~mestic hot water for all dwelling units and for heating any swimming pool or spa, unless other a~ernative energy systems are demonstrated to be of equivalent capac~y and efiicie~y. All swimming ~ols installed al the time of initial development shall be supplemented w~h ~lar healing. Details shall be included in the building plans and shall be subm~ted lor City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building petite. 2. All ~eifings sh~ have ~he lr~t, s~e and rear elevatbns 'u~raded w~h architeclura[ treatment, detailing and increased delineation of sudace treatment subject to C~y Planner review and approval pdor to issuance of building permits. S~- ~0/94 3 / 3, Standard patio ~ver plans for use ~ ~he ~emeow~ers' Association sha~ ~ submitted ~or C~y Planner and Building ~ficial review and approvat prior to issuance of building peaits. ~ 4. All roof appuRenances, including air conditionors and other roof ~unted equipment and/or proje~ions, shall be shielded from view and the sound buffe red from adjacent propedies and streets as required by the Planning Division. Such screening shall be architecturally integrated w~h the building design and ~nslmcted to the satisfaction of the City Planner. Details shall be included in building plans. D. Parking and Vehicular Access (indicate details on building plans) 1. All pa~ing lot landscape islands shall have a minimum outside dimension of 6 feet and shall ~ntain a..12-inch walk adjacent to the pa~ing stall (including ~). 2. Tenured pedestrian pathways and tenured pavement across circulation aisles shall be providedthroughoutthe development to ~nne~ ~elling~unils/buildingswith open space~ plazaSrecreational uses. 3. All pa~ing ~aces shall be double striped per C~y standards and a[[ driveway aisles, entrances, and ex~s shall be ~riped per C~y standards. 4. All un~s shall be provided w~h garage door openers if driveways are less than18 feet in ............ depth from back of sidewalk. 5. The Covenants, Conditions a~ Restri~ions shall restdd the storage of recreational vehicles on this s~e unless they are the principal sour~ of transpodation for the owner and prohib~ pa~ing on interbr circulation aisles other than in designated visitor pa~ing areas. 6. Plans for any secur~y gates shall ~ subm~ed for the C~y Planner, City Engineer, and Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District review a~ approval prior to issuance of building perm~s. E. Landscaping (for publicly malntaln~ lands~ areas, reler to Se~lon N.) _ , ~/1. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan, including sb~ planting and model ~me landscap- ing in the case of residential development, shall ~ prepared by a licensed landscape arch~e~ and submi~ed for C~y Planner review a~ approval priorto the issuan~ of building ~rm~s or prior final map approval in the case of a ~stom lot su~ivision. / 2. Existingtreesrequiredto~prese~edinplaceshall~protectedw~ha~nstmdioqbarrier in a~rdance with the Municipal Code Sealion 19.08.110, and so noted onlhe grading plans. The location of those trees to be prese~ed in place a~ new locations for transplanted trees shall be shown on the detailed landscape plans. The applicant shall follow all of the ar~rist's recom~ndations regarding proseNation, transplanting and tdmming methods. 3. Aminimumof~treespergrossacre,~mprisedofthefollowingsizes,shallbeprovided w~hin the project: % - ~- inch ~x or larger, % - 36- inch ~x or larger, __ % - 24- inch box or larger, % - 15-gallon, and .~% - 5 gallon. ~ 4. A minimum of ~ ~ % of trees planted within the project shall be specimen size trees - 24-inch ~x or larger. 5. Within parking lots, trees shall be planted at a rate of one 15-gallon tree lot eve~ three parking stalls, sufficient to shade 50% of the pa~ing area at solar noon on August 21. SC- 10/94 4 pro;eet No..~'7"/.ff732, .6. Trees shall be planted in areas of public view adjacent to and along structures at a rate of one tree per 30 linear feet of building. V//' 7. All private slope banks 5 feet or less in vertical height and of 5:1 or greater slope, but less than 2:1 slope, shall be, at minimum, irrigated and landscaped with appropriate ground cover for erosion control. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. V'/' 8. AIIprivateslopesinexcessofSfeet,butlessthan8feet inverticalheightandol2:lorgreater .--/ / slope shall be landscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as follows: one 15-gallon or larger size tree per each 150 sq. ~. of slope area, 1-gallon or larger size shrub per each 100 sq. ft. of slope area, and appropriate ground cover. In addition, slope banks in excess of 8 feet in vertical height and of 2:1 or greater slope shall also include one 5-gallon..qr larger size tree per each 250 sq. ft. of slope area. Trees and shrubs shall be planted in staggered clusters fo soften and vary slope plane. Slope planting required by this section shall inblude a permanent irrigation system 1o be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. V"/9. For single family residential developmenl, all slope planting and irrigation shall be continu- .__/ / ously maintained in a healthy and thdving condition bythe developer until each individual unit is sold and occupied by 1 he buyer. Prior to re casing occupancy for those u nits, an inspection shall be conducled by the Planning Division to determine that they are in satisfactory condition. __ 10. For multi-family residential and non-residential development, property owners are respon- ___/ / sible for lhe continual maintenance of all landscaped areas on-site, as well as contiguous planted areas within the public right-of-way. All landscaped areas shall be kept free from weeds and debris and maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing, and trimming. Any damaged, dead, diseased, or decaying plant material shall be replaced within 30 days from the date of damage. 11. Front yard landscaping shall be required per the Development Code and/or · Tt,~_, ~'i~D~ ~..f_z_,tFC. ~PL.kJ. This requirement shall be in addition to the required slreet trees and slope planting. 12. The final design of the perimeter parkways, walls, landscaping, and sidewalks shall be __J / included in the required landscape plans and shall be subjecl to City Planner review and approval and coordinated for consistency wi'lh any parkway landscaping plan which may be required by the Engineering Division. 13. Special landscape features such as mounding, alluvial rock, specimen size trees, meander- .--J / ing sidewalks (with horizontal change), and intensified landscaping, is required along 14. Landscaping and irrigation systems required to be installed within the public right-of-way on _._/ / the perimeter of this project area shall be continuously maintained by the developer. 15. All walls shall be provided wilh decorative treatment. If located in public maintenance areas, .__/ / the design shall be coordinaled with the Engineering Division. 16. Tree maintenance criteria shall be developed and submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. These criteria shall encourage the natural growth characlerisfics of the selecled tree species. 17.Landscaping and irrigation shall be designed to conserve water through the principles of Xeriscape as defined in Chapter 19.16 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Coda. I0/94 5 J Proi~t NO. :'7"7'/-~ CornDtedon Dace: F. Signs 1, Thesignsindicaledonthesubm~ledplansareconcep~ualonlyandnotapa~otthisapproval. ~ / Any signs pro~sed for this development shall comply with the Sign Ordinance and shall require separale application and approval by the Planning Division prior 1o installation of any signs. 2. A U nfform Sign Program for this development shaft be submi~ed for City Planner review and ~ / approval pdor to issuance o~ building perm~s. 3. Dire~o~ monument sign(s) shaft be provided for apa~ment, condominium, or townhomes ~ / prior to ~cupancy and shall require separate application and approval by the Planning Division pdor to issuance o~ building pe~s. G. Environmental --:.. 1. The developer shall provide each prospe~ive buyer wr~en notice o~ the Foudh Street Ro~ ~ / C~sher proje~ in a standard ~o~at as determined by the C~y Planner, prior to accepting a cash de~s~ on any properly. 2. The developer shaft provide each prospe~ive buyer wr~en notice o~ the C~y Adopted ~ / Special Studies Zone forthe Red Hill Fault, in a standard format as determined by the City Planner, prior ~o accepting a ~sh de~s~ on any pro~dy. 3. The develo~r shall provide each prospe~ive buyer wr~en notice o~ the Foothill Freeway ~ / proje~ in a standard ~ormat as determined by the C~y Planner, prior to accepting a cash deCsit on any prope~y. __ 4. A final a~u~ical repo~ shaft ~ submitted ~or Ci~ Ranner review and .approval prior o the ~ / issuance of building permits. The final repod shall discuss ~he level of interior noise attenuationtobelow45CNEL,~hebuildingmatedaisand ~nst~ction(echniquesprovided, and ff appropriate, ver~y the adequacy o~ the m~igation ~asures. The buitding plans wifi be checked for ~n~ormance wi~h the mitigation measures contained in ~he final re~. H. ~her Agencies 1. E~rge~yse~nda~ a~ess shaft be provided in a~rdance w~h Rancho Cucamonga Fire ~ / Prote~ion Di~ri~ Standards. 2. E~rgency a~ess shaft ~ provided, maintenance flee and clear, a minimum o~ 26 feet wide ~ / at all times during constation in a~rdance w~h Rancho Cucamonga Fire Prote~ion Distri~ require~ms. 3. Prior to issuance o~ building permits for combustible ~nstruction, evidence shall be ~ / subm~ed to the Rancho Cu~nga Fire Protection Distri~ ~hat tem~ra~ water supply for fire protection is available, peking completion o~ required fire pro~ecfion system. 4. The app~i~nt shaft ~nta~ the U. S. Postal Se~ice to determine the appropriate type and / / location o~ mail ~xes. Mu~Hamily residential developmenls shaft provide a solid overhead s~c~ure ~or mail boxes wi~h adequate lighting. The final location of ~he mail boxes and the design o~ ~he overhead ~ure shall be subje~ to C~y Ranner review and approval prior ~o 1he issuance o~ buitding pe~its. 5. For projecls using septic tank facilities. written certification of acceptability, including all ----/ / supportive information, shaft be obtained from the San Bemardino County Department ol Environmental Hearth and submitted ~o the Building Official prior to the issuance of Septic Tank Pe,mits. and p,,or ,o ,ssuance o, bu,,d,ng ? SC- [0/94 6 APPLICANTS SHALL CONTACT THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION, (909) 989-1863, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: I. Site Development v/ 1. The applicant shail complywith the latest adopted Uniform Building Code. Unitorm Mechani- --/ / cal Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, and all other applicable codes ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of issuance of relative permits. Please contact the Building and Safety Division for copies ol the Code Adoption Ordinance and applicable handouts. 2. Prior to issuance of building permits for a new residential dwelling unit(s) or major addition ----/ / toexistingunil(s).lhe applicantshall paydevelopmentfeesatlheestablishedrate. Such fees may include, but are not limited to: O~y Beautification Fee. Park Fee. Drainage Fee, Systems Development Fee, Permit and Plan Checking Fees, and School Fees. v///3. Prior to issuance of building permils for a new commercial or indusldal development' or .__/ / addition to an exisling development, the applicant shall pay development lees at the established rate. Such tees may include, but are not limited to: Systems Developmenl Fee, Drainage Fee. School Fees, Permi~ and Plan Checking Fees. v'/ 4. Street addresses shall be provided by the Building Official, after IracVparcel map recordation .__/ / ..... and prior to issuance of building permils. J. Existing Structures 1. Provide compliance with the Uniform Building Code for the property line clearances .__/ /.__ considering use, area, and fire-resistiveness ol e×isling buildings. 2. Existing buildings shall be made to comply with correct building and zoning regulations for / / the intended use or the building shall be demolished. __ 3. Existing sewage disposal facilities shall be removed. tilled and/or capped Io comply with the .__/ / Uniform Plumbing Code and Uniform Building Code. 4. Underground on-site utililies are 1o be located and shown on building plans submilled for .__/ / building perm~ application. K. Grading v//' 'i. Grading ol the subject property shall be in accordance wi~h the Uniform Building Code. O~ty ---/----/ Grading Standards. and accepled grading praclices. The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformante with the approved grading plan. V//' 2. A soils report shall be prepared by a quafftied engineer licensed by the State of California to ----/ / perform such work. __ 3. The development is located wilhin ~he soil erosion control poundaries: a Soil Disturbance _._/ / Permil is required. Please contact San Bernardino County Departmenl of Agriculture at (714) 387-2111 for permit applicalion. Documentation of such permit shall be submilled Io ~he City prior to Ihe issuance ot rough grading permil. V/z/4. A geological repod shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at ---/ /- the lime of application for grading plan check. 5. Thefinalgradingplansshallbecompletedandapprovedprlortoissuanceotbuildingpermi s --J / 6. As a custom-lot subdivision, the following requirements shall be met: a. Surety shall be posted and an agreement executed guaranteeing completion of all on-site J / drainage facilities necessary for dewatering all parcels to the satisfaction of the Building and Safety Division priorto final map approval and priorto the issuance of grading permits. b. Appropriate easements for safe disposal of drainage water that are conducted onto ---Y / or over adjacent parcels, are to be delineated and recorded to the satisfaction of the Building and Safety Division prior to issuance of grading and building permits. c. On-site drainage improvements, necessary for dewatering and protecting the subdivided J / propedies, are to be installed pdor to issuance of building permits for construction upon any parcel that may be subiect to drainage flows entering, leaving, or within a pamel relative to which a building permit is requested. d. Final grading plans for each parcel are to be submitted to the Building and Safety --J / Division for approval prior to issuance of building and grading permits. (This may be on an incremental or composite basis.) e. All slope banks in excess of 5 feet in vertical height shall be seeded with native grasses ---/ / or planted with ground cover for erosion control upon completion of grading or some other alternative method of erosion control shall be completed to fhe satisfaction of the Building ............... ' ' Official. Ifi addition a permanent irrigation system shall be provided. This requirement does not release the applicant/developer from compliance with the slope planting requirements of Section 17.08.040 I of the Development Code. ~,PPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEERING DIVISION, (909) 989-1862, FOR COMPLIANCE TH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: L. Dedication and Vehicular Access v///1. Rights-of-way and easements shall be dedicated to the City for all interior public streets. __/ / communi'~y trails, public paseos, public landscape areas, street trees, and public drainage facilities as shown on the plans and/or lentalive map. Private easements for non-public facilities (cross-lot drainage, local feeder trails, etc.) shall be reserved as shown on the plans and'or tentalive map. V"/' 2. Dedication shall be made of 1he following rights-of-way on 1he perimeter streets / / (measured from ~reet centerline): total feet on total feet on total feet on 3, An irrevocable offer of dedication for -foot wide roadway easement shall be made ,-J / for all private streets or drives, V/'/ 4, Non-vehicular access shall be dedicated to the City for the following streets: / / :::. 5. Reciprocal access easements shall be provided ensuring access to all parcels by CC&Rs .__/ / or by deeds and shall be recorded concurrentl wilh the map or pdor to the issuance of building permits. where no map is involved. SC- ro/94 8 Pro;e~t 6. Private drainage easements for cross-lot drainage shall be provided and shall be delineated or noted on the final map. --J / 7. The final map shall clearly delineate a 1 O-foot minimum building restriction area on the __/.__ neighboring lot adjoining the zero lot line wall and contain the following language: 'l/We hereby dedicate to the City of Rancho Cucamonga the right to prohibit the construction of (residential) buildings (or other structures) within those areas designated on the map as building restriction areas.' A mainlenance agreement shall also be granted from each lot to the adjacent lot 'through the CC&R's 8. All existiFlg easements lying within future rights-of-way shall be quitclaimed or delineated on J / the final map,. 9. Easements for public sidewalks and/or street trees placed outside the public right-of-way . ./ / shall be dedicated to the City wherever 'lhey encroach onto private property. 10. Additional street right-of-way shall be dedicated along right turn lanes, to provide a minimum J / of 7 feet measured from the face of curbs. If curb adjacent sidewalk is used along the right turn lane, a parallel street tree maintenance easement shall be provided. .... ...... ~~1..Thedeve~~persha~~makeag~~d~ai~hef~~rt~~acquiretherequired~~-sitepr~per~yinteresIs ._J / necessary to construct the required public improvements, and if he/she should fail to do so, the developer shall, at least 120 days prior to submittal of the final map for approval, enter into an agreement to complete the improvements pursuanl to Government Code Section 66462 at such time as the City acquires the properly interests required for the improvemenls. Such agreement shall provide for paymenl by the developer of all costs incurred by the City to acquire the off-silo property interests required in connection with the subdivision. Security for a podion of these coals shall be in lhe form of a cash deposit in the ameunl given in an appraisal report obtained by the developer, at developers cost. The appraiser shall have be_on approved by the City prior to commencement of the appraisal. M. Street Improvements V///1. All public improvements (interior streets, drainage facilities, community trails, paseos, _._/ / landscaped areas, etc.) shown on the plans and/or tentative map shall be constructed to City Standards. Inletfor sireel improvements shall include, but are not limited to, curb and gullet, AC pavement. drive approaches, sidewalks, street lights, and street trees. 2. A minimum of 26- tool wide pavement, within a 40 -foot wide dedicated right-of-way shall be .__/ / construeled for all haft-section streets. ~/3. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to: ..._/ / STREET NAME CURB & kC. SLOE- DRIVtE S'r~Ec'T STREET CO~ ,MEDIAN BIKE GUll'ER pVMT WALK APPR, LIGHTS TREES TRAEL S,LAND TRAIL OTHER SC - IO/94 9 Notes: (a) Median island~ landscaping and irrigation on meter. (b) Pavement reconstm~ion and overlays will be determined during plan check. (c) If so mated, side- walk shall be cuNilinear per STD. 304. (d) If ~ mated, an in-lieu of construction fee shall be prov~ed for this ffem. ~ ~- ~4~4~ /4. Improvement plans and constation: a. Street improvement plans including street trees and street lights, prepared by a regis- tered Civil Engineer, shall be subm~ed to and approved by the C~y Engineer. Security shall be ~sted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the CRy Engineer and the G~ A~orney guaranteeing ~mpletion of the public an~or pdvate street improve- ments, priorto final map approval orthe issuance of building permRs, whichever occurs first. ' ' b. Prior to any wo~ being pedo~ed in pubZic righill-way, fees shah be paid and a constation perm~ shall ~ obtained from the C~ Engineer's Office in addition ~o any other ~rmils required. c. Pavement striping, ~ing, traffic, street name signing, and interconnect ~nduit shall ~ inCalied 1o the safisfa~ion of the Cily Engineer. ...... ;._.,~. :.. .. d. S~nal~uffw~hpull~xesshallbeinstal[edonanynewconst~ctionorre~nst~cfion o~ major, se~a~ or ~lle~or ~reels wh~h interse~ w~h other ~jor, seconda~ or ~lle~or sireere for Mure traffic signals. Pull ~xes shall ~ placed on ~th sides of the street at 3 feet outside of BC R, EC R or any other bcations approved by the City Engine er. Notes: (1) All pull ~xes shall be No. 6 unless othe~ise spec~ied by the CRy Engineer. (2) ConduR shall be 3-inch galvanized ~eel with pullrope. e. Wheel chair ra~s shall ~ installed on all four ~rners of intersections per City Standards or as dire~ed bythe C~y Engineer. Existing C~ roads requiring ~nst~ion shall re~in open to traffic at all times with adequate detours during ~nst~cfion. A street c~re ~rm~ may ~ required. A cash deceit shall ~ provided 1o ~ver lhe cost of grading and paving, which shall be refunded u~n completion of the conelection to 1he satisfa~ion of 1he City Engineer. g. Co~enlrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks, Under sidewalk drains shall be installed to CRy Standards, except lot single ~amiiy h. Handicap a~ess ramp design shall be as s~cified by the C~ Engineer. i. Street names shall be approved by the City Planner prior ~o subm~al for first plan check. 5. Street improvemen~ plans ~r Cky Standards for all private streets shall be provided for review and approval by the C~y Engineer. Prior to any wo~ being pedormed on 1he pri- vate streets, tees shall ~ paid and ~nst~cfion permRs shall be obtained ~rom ~he C~y Engineer's Office in addilion ~o any olher permRs required. / 6. Street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, shall be installed per C~y Standards in accordGnce w~h 1he C~y's street tree program. ~ sc- ~o/9~ 10 ~ro~c~ ~:o.'9"'7"/j' 732. 7. Intersection line of site designs shaJt be reviewed by the Ci~y Engineer for conformance with adopted ~licy. a. On ~llector or larger streets, lines of sight shall ~ pio~ed for aft project intersections, including driveways. Walls, signs, and slopes shall be located outside the lines of sight. Land~aping and other obst~ions w~hin the Jines of sight shall be approved by the City Engineer. b. Local residential street interse~ions shall have their noticeability improved. usually by JJ moving lhe 2 +/- ~/osest street trees on each side away from the sireel and p~aced in a street tree ease~nt. 8. A permit shall be obtained from CALTRANS for any wo~ w~hin the following righFof-way: J / 9. All public imprOVements on the following streets shall ~ operationally complete prior to Ihe J / issuance of building ~rmits: N. Public Maintenance Areas V'/ 1. A separate set ol landscape and irrigation plans per Engineering Public WorKs Standards ----/ / shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval pdor to final map approval ........ o? issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. The following landscape parkways, medians, paseos, easements, trails, or other areas are required to be annexed into the Landscape Maintenance District: / 2. A signed consent and waiver ton'n to join and/ortorm the appropriate Landscape and Lighting __J / Distri~s shall be filed with the C~y Engineer prior to final rn~p approval or issuance ol building permits whichever occurs first. Formation cosIs shall be borne by the developer. V'/3. AII required public landscaping and irrigafion sys~ems shall be continuously maintained bythe __/ / developer until accepted by the City. _ ~ 4. Parkway landscaping on the following street(s) shall conform to the resut~s ot the respective __/ / Beaulificafion Master Plan: O. Drainage and Flood Con'tro] 1. The projet1 lot portions thereot> is Iocaled w~hin a Flood Hazard Zone; therefore, flood ~ /---- pro~eClion measures shall be provided as certified by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the Cty Engineer. 2. II shall be the developer's responsibifiw to have the current FIRM Zone __J / designation removed from the project area. The developer's engineer shall prepare all necessary reportS, plans, and hydrologic/hydraulic calculations. A Conditional Leller ol Map Revision ICLOM RI shall be obtained from FEMA prior to finaE map approval or issuance ot building perm~s. whichever occurs tirsl. A Letlet ot Map Revision <LOMR> shaft be issued by FEMA prior to occupancy or improvern~nt acceptance, whichever occurs firsL __ 3. A final drainage study shall be subm~ed to and approved by the City Engineer prior to final __/..__/_ map approval or the issuance ot building permits, whichever occurs firsL A[] drainage tacilities shah be installed as required by Ihe City Engineer. sc - 1 o/s-'. 1 ~ DFL proi::I 4. A permit from the Courtly Flood Control Districf is required for work within its right-of-way, / / 5. Trees are prohibited within 5 leel ol the oulside diame~e~ ol any pubtic slorm drain pipe measured from the outer edge o~ a realurn tree trunk. / / 6. Pubtic slo~ drain easemems shah be graded ~o convey oved~ows in the event o[ a / / bb~age in a sump caleb basin on 1he pubtic slreel. P. Utilities / 1. Provide separate utility se~ices to each parcel including san~a~ sewerage system, water, J / gas, electr~ ~wer, telephone, a~ ~ble ~ (all underground) in a~ordance w~h the Utility Standards. Easements shall be provided as required. 2.The developersshall be res~nsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessa~. J / ~Z 3.Water and sewer plans shall be designed and ~n~ed to meet the requirements of the J / Cucamonga County Water District (CCWD), Ranc~ Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the Environmental Heath DepaRment of the County of San Bernardino. A letter of ~mpliance from the CCWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of pe~its, whichever occurs first~ "' Q. G~'~e~'l Requirements and Approvals 1. The separate parcels contained within the project boundaries shall be legally combined into ---/ / one parcel prior to issuance of building permits, 2. An easement for a joint use ddveway shall be provided prior to final map approval or ---/ / issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first, for: ___] / 3. Prior Io approval of the final map a deposit shall be posted with the City covering the estimated cost of apportioning the assessmenIs under Assessment District among the newly created parcels. V//' 4. Etiwanda./San Sevaine Area Regional Mainline, Secondary Regional, and Master Plan .--/ / Drainage Fees shall be paid prior to final map approval or prior to building permit issuance ff no map is involved. 5. Permits shall be obtained from the following agencies for work within their righFof-way: __/ / 6. A signed consent and waiver form to join and/or form the Law Enforcement Community .__/ / Facilities District shall be filed with the City Engineer prior to final map approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. Formation costs shall be borne by the Developer. 7. Prior to finalization of any development phase, sufficient improvement plans shall be corn- ._..J / pieted beyond the phase bou ndaries to assure secondary access and drainage protection to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Phase boundaries shall correspond to lot lines shown on the approved lentalive map. kPPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE FIRE SAFETY DIVISION, (909) 987-6405, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH T.H.E FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Mello Roos Community Facilities Distri~ req~J._~)m~_, s~ll apply to this project. -..J / · et sc- Io/e4 12 7'Tr /,.~ 7.~ 2..., v/'/2. Fire flow requirement shall be I ¢_r-.) O gallons per minute. j / A. A previous fire flow, conducted revealed gpm available at 20 psi. B. A fire flow shall be conducted by the builder/developer and witnessed by fire department personnel prior to water plan approval. v"/C. For the purpose of final acceptance, an additional fire flow test of the on-site hydrants shall be conducted by the builder/developer and witnessed by the fire department personnel after construction and prior to occupancy. V/' .3. Fire hydrants are required. All required public or on-site fire hydrants shall be installed, flushed .--/ / and operahie priorto delivery of any combustible building matefin s on s te (i.e., lumber, roofing materials, elc.)..~itydranls flushing shall be witnessed by fire depadment pemonnel. / 4. Existing fi;'e hydrant locations shall be provided priorto water plan approval. Required hydrants, __J / if any, will be determined by this depadment. Fire District slandards require a 6" riser with a 4' and a 2-1/2" outleL Substandard hydrants shall be upgraded to meet this standard. Contact lhe Fire Safety Division for specifications on approved brands and model numbers. 5. Prior to the issuance of building permits for combustible construction,evidence shall be .__/ / submitledtolhe Fire Districtthat temporarywatersupplyforf re protection isavailable pending completion of required fire protection system. 6. Hydrant reflective markers (blue dots) shall be required tot all hydrants and installed prior to / / final inspection. 7. An automatic fire extinguishing system(s) will be required as noted below: ----/ /- Per Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District Ordinance 15. O~her Note: Special sprinkler densities are required for such hazardous operations as woodworking, plastics man~facuring. spray painting, llammable liquids storage, high piled stock, etc. Contact Fire Safety Division 1o determine if sprinkler system is adequate for proposed operations. ~8. Sprinkler system monitoring shall be installed and operational immediately upon completion --J / of sprinkler system. ~ 9. A fire alarm system(s) shall be required as noted beidw: / / Per Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District Ordinance 15. California Code Regulations Title 24. NFPA 101. Other '/' 10. Roadways within project shall comply with the Fire Distfict's fire lane standards, as noted: All roadways. sc-!o/9 ;r'v" /5 73.z 11. Fire department access shall be amended to facilitate emergency apparatus. -~/ / 12. Emergency secondar-/access shall be provided in accordance with Fire District standards. J / 13. Emergency access shall be provided, maintenance free and clear, a minimum of 26 feet wide .~J / at all times during construction in accordance with Fire District requirements. 14. All trees planted in any median shall be kept trimmed a minimum of 14'6" from ground up so -----/ / as not to impede fire apparatus. 15. A building directory shall be required, as noted below: --J / · Light.e.d director'within 20 feet of main entrance(s). Standard 6irectory in main lobby. Other 16. A Knox rapid entry key vault shall be installed prior to final inspection. Proof of purchase shall J / be submitted prior to final building plan approval. Contact the Fire Safety Division for specific details and ordering information. ........... 7'7. G~ted/restricled entry(s) require installation of a Knox rapid entry key system. Contact the Fire ._J f Safety Division tot specific details and ordering information. 18. A tenant use letler shall be submitted prior to final building plan approval ---J / 19, Plan check fees in the amount of $ (P have been paid. .__/ / An additional S 'IE~;,. g:P(y shall be paid: Prior to water plan approval. v'//Prior to final plan approval. _ Note: Separate plan check fees for fire protection systems {sprinklers, hood systems, alarms, etc.) and/or any consullant reviews will be assessed upon s~bmittal of plans. 20. Special permits may be required, depending on intended use, as noted below: .---/ / A. General Use Permit shall be required for any activity or operation not specifically described below, which in fhe judgement of the Fire Chief is likely to produce conditions hazardous to life or property. B. Storage of readily combustible material. C. Places of assembly {except churches, schools and other non-profit organizations) D. Bowling alley and pin refinishing. E, Cellulose Nitrate plastic (Pyroxylin). F. Combustible fibers slorage and handling exceeding 100 cubic feet. G. Garages H. Lumber yards {over 100,000 board leer). SC- [0/94 14 Tire rebuilding plants. J. Auto wrecking yards. Junk or waste material handling plants. K. Fiammable finishes. Spraying or dipping operations, spray booths, dip tanis, electrostatic apparatus, aulomobile undercoating, powder coa~ing and organic peroxides and dual com- ponent coatings (per spray booth). L. Magnesium (more tha 10 pounds per day). M. Oil burning equipment operations. N. Ovei3s (industrial baking and drying). O. Mechanical refrigeration (over 20 pounts of refrigerant). P. Compressed gases (slore, handle or use exceeding 100 cubic feet). Q. Cryogenic fluids (sforage, handling or use). R. Dust-producing processes and equipment. S. Flammable and combustible liquids (storage, handling or use). T. High piled combustible stock. U. Liquffied petroleum gas (sfore, handle. franspod or use more than 120 gallons). V. Matches (more than 60 Matchman's gross). W. Welding and curring operations: to conduct welding and/or c~Jtling operations in any occupancy. _ 10/94 15 j RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 95-38 FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF 33 SINGLE FAMILY HOMES, LOCATED IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 277-522-05, 07, AND 08. A. Recitals. 1. Lewis IZIomes Enterprises has filed an application for the issuance of Conditional Use Permit No. 95-38, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereina~er in this Resolution, the subject Conditional Use Permit request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 10th day of April 1996, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing on April 10, 1996, including written and oral staff reports. together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to property located at the northwest corner of Base Line Road and Etiwanda Avenue with a street frontage of 700 feet on Base Line Road and 620 feet on Etiwanda Avenue and lot depth of 650 feet and is presently vacant; and b. The property to the north and west of the subject site is developed with single family homes; the property to the south is vacant; the property to the east contains a vacated auto service building and single family homes; and c. The project contemplates the development of 33 lots averaging 9,932 square feet in size. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs I and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. The proposed use is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Development Code, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. CUP 95-38 - LEWIS HOMES April 10, 1996 Page 2 b. The proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. c. The proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code. 4. Based upon the facts and information contained in the proposed Negative Declaration, together with: all written and oral reports included for the environmental assessment for the application, the Planning Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect upon the environment and adopts a Negative Declaration based upon the findings as follows: a. The Negative Declaration has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the State CEQA guidelines promulgated thereunder; that said Negative Declaration and the Initial Study prepared therefore reflect the independent judgment of the Planning Commission; and, furlher, this Commission has reviewed and . considered the information contained in said Negative Declaration with regard to the application. b. Based upon the changes and alterations which have been incorporated into the proposed project, no significant adverse environmental effects will occur. c. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 753.5© of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, the Planning Commission finds as follows: In considering the record as a whole, the Initial Study and Negative Declaration for the project, there is no evidence that the proposed project will have potential for an adverse impact upon wildlife resources or the habitat upon which wildlife depends. Further, based upon substantial evidence contained in the Negative Declaration, the staff reports and exhibits, and the information provided to the Planning Commission during the public hearing, the Planning Commission hereby rebuts the presumption of adverse effect as set forth in Section 753.5(c-l-d) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set fodh in paragraphs 1.2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the Standard Conditions. attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Planninq Division 1)All conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. approving Tentative Tract 15732, shall apply. 2) All conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. approving the Design Review for Tentative Tract 15732, shall apply. ' 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 10TH DAY OF APRIL 1996. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. CUP 95-38 - LEWIS HOMES April 10, 1996 Page 3 BY: E. David Barker, Chairman ATTEST: Brad Bu!ler, Secretary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby cedify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 10th day of April 1996, by the following vote-to-wit: - AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIOI',/ERS: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ranc~hO{~l..(c~flonga . t DEPARTMEIIIr STANDARD CONDITIONS PROJECT#: C~:)~E:)ITIF)t,..~L,- L')/-2~-- ~:~'T" ':~"'~- SUBJECT: APPLICANT: t-~LJ{/"~ LOCATION: }qk.~C,, ~ .L-~JF_ P-.~A.O ~ '~--'TII, JA~rpA Those items checked are ConditiOns of Approval. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DIVISION, (909) 989-1861, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. Time Limits %//"/1. Approval shall expire, unless exlended by the Planning Commission, if building permits are not issued or approved use has not co mmenced within 24 months from the date of approval. 2. Development/Design Review shall be approved prior to / / V/' 3. Approval of Tcntctive T, ac; No. '~r"2 - ~¢b is granted subject to the approval of __/ / 4. The developershalt commence, participate in, and consummate or cause to be commenced __/ / padicipated in, or consummated, a Mello*Roos Community Facilities District (CFD) for the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District to finance construction and/or maintenance of a fire station to serve the development. The station shall be located, designed, and built to all specifications of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and shall become the Districl's property upon completion. The equipment shall be selected by the District in accordance with its needs. In any building of a station, the developer shall comply with all applicable taws and regulations. The CFD shall be formed by the District and the developer by the time recordation ol the final map occurs. ~/// 5. Prior to recordation of the final map or the issuance of building permits, whichever comes __J / first, the applicant shall consent to, or padicipate in, the establishment of a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District for the construction and maintenance of necessary school facilities. However, if any school district has previously established such a Community Facilities District, the applicant shall, in the alternative, consent to the annexation of the project site into the territory of such existing District prior to the recordation of the final map or the issuance of building permits, whichever comes first. Fudher, if the affected school district has not formed a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District within twelve months from the date of approval of the project and prior to the fecordation of the final map or issuance of building permits for said project, this condition shall be deemed null and void. sc- ~o/9-~ 1 Proiect No.:C-6 Com.letion Date: This condition shall be waived if the City receives notice that the applicant and all affected school districts have entered into an agreement to privately accommodate any and all school impacts as a result of this project. V'/' 6. Prior to recordation of the final map or prior to issuance of building permits when no map is .__/ / involved. written certification from the affected water district that adequate sewer and water facilities are or will be available to serve the proposed project shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development. Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval in the case of subdivision or prior to issuance of permits in the case of all other residential projects. B. Site Development : V/' 1. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which _.J / include site plans, architectural elevations, extedor materials and colors, landscaping, sign program, and grading on file in the Planning Division, the conditions contained herein. Development Code regulations, and Specific Planseed-' V"/ 2. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon, all ___/ / Conditions of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Planner. v'//' 3. OccupancyofthefacilityshallnotcommonceuntilsuchtimeasallUniformBuildingCodeand .J / State Fire Marshall's regulations have been complied with. Prior to occupancy, plans shall be submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety Division to show compliance. The building shall be inspected for compliance prior to occupancy. V'/' 4. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be .J / submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. V/' 5. Att site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated tor ---J' / consistency prior to issuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment, building, etc.), or prior to final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, or approved use has commenced, whichever comes first. v// 6. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development ~ / Code, all other applicable City Ordinances. and applicable Community Plans or Specific Plans in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance. 7. A detailed on-site lighting plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City Planner and .--J / Sheritf's Department (989-6611) prior to the issuance of building permits. Such plan shall indicate style, illumination, location, height, and method of shielding so as not to adversely affect adjacent properties. V/'/8. If no centralized frash receptacles are provided, all trash pick-up shall be for individual units __J / with all receptacles shielded from public view. v'/9. Trash receptacle(s) are required and shall meet City standards. The final design, locations, ---J / and the number of trash receptacles shall be subject to City Planner review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. t/'/' 10. All ground-mounted utility appurtenances such as transformers, AC condensers, etc., shall .J / be located out of public view and adequately screened through the use of a combination of concrete or masonry walls, berming, and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the City SC- 10/94 2 pr~iect No. CUP Completion pate: V//" 11. Street names shah be submitled for City Rannet review and approva~ in accordance with j / the adopted Street Naming Policy prior 1o approva~ of the final map. _ V// 12. All buiiding numbers and individua~ units shall be identified in a clear and concise manner .__/ / including proper illumination. __ 13. A detailed plan indicating trail widths, maximum slopes, physical condiftions, fencing, and .__J / weed control, in accordance wifh City Master Trail drawings, shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval priorto approval and recordalion of the Final Tract Map and prior Io approval of street improvement and grading plans. Developer shall upgrade and construct all trails, including fencing and drainage devices, in conjunction with street improvements. __ 14. The Cover~ants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) shall not prohibit the keeping of equine / / animals where ~oning requirements forthe keeping of said animals have been met. Individual lot owners in subdivisions shall have the option ol keeping said animals without the necessity of appealing to beards of directors or homeowners' associations for amendments to the CC&Rs. V'//15. The Covenants, Condifions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and Articles of Incorporation of the .__/.__/ Homeowners' Association are subject to the approval of the Planning and Engineering Divisions and the City Attorney. They shall be recorded concurrently with the Final Map or prior to the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. A recorded copy shall be provided to lhe City Engineer. V"/' 16. Allparkways, openareas, andlandscapingshall bepermanentlymaintained bytheproperty .__/ / owner, homeowners' association, or other means acceptable to the City. Proof of this landscape maintenance shall be submitted for City Planner and City Engineer review and approval prior to issuance of building perruffs. V'/' 17. Solar access easements shall be dedicated for the purpose of assuming that each lot or .__/ / dwelling unit shall have the right to receive sunlight across adjacent lots or unifs for use of a solar energy system. The easements may be contained in a Declaration of Restrictions for the subdivision which shall be recorded concurrently with the recordation of the linal map or issuance of permits, whichever comes first. The easements shall prohibif the casting of shadows by vegetation, structures, fixtures or any other object, except for utility wires and similar objects, pursuant to Development Code Section 17.08.060-G-2. 18. The project contains a designated Historical Landmark. The site shall be developed and .J / maintained in accordance with fhe Historic Landmark Alteration Permif No. · Any further modifications to the site including, but not limifed to, extedor alterations and/or interior alterations which affect the exterior of the buildings or structures, removal of landmark trees, demolifion, relocation, reconstruction of buildings or structures, or changes to the site, shall require a modification to the Historic Landmark Alteration Permit subject to Historic Preservation Commission review and approval. C. Building Design 1. An alternative energy system is required to provide domestic hot water for all dwelling units J / and for heating any swimming pool or spa, unless other alternative energy systems are de monstrated to be of equivalent capacify and efficiency. All swimming pools installed at the time of initial development shall be supplemented wifh solar heating. Details shall be included in the building plans and shall be submifted for Cify Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building perm ifs. V// 2. All dwellings sha~ have the froth, side and rear elevations 'Upgraded wifh architectural ---.J / treatment, detailing and increased delineation of surface treatment subject to Cify Planner review and approval prior to issuance of buildin~.~:r.~if~:~ } SC- 10/94 3 proiect No.:CtT/° V'/' 3. Standard patio cover plans for use by the Homeowners' Association shall be submitted for ~ / City Planner and Building Official review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. V/'/4. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners and other roof mounted equipment and/or ._J / projections, shall be shielded from view and the sound buffe red from adjacent propedies and streets as required by the Planning Division. Such screening shall be architecturally integrated with the building design and constructed to the satisfaction of the City Planner. Details shall be included in building plans, D. Parking and Vehicular Access (indicate details on building plans) 1, All parking lot landscape islands shall have a minimum outside dimension of 6 feet and shall __/ / contain a 712-inch walk adjacent to the parking stall (including curb), 2. Textured pedestrian pathways and textured pavement across circulation aisles shall be /---/ provided throughout the development to connect dwellings/units/buildings with open spaces/ plazas/recreational uses. 3, All parking spaces shall be double striped per City standards and all driveway aisles, .__J / entrances, and exits shall be striped per City standards. 4, All units shall be provided with garage door openers if driveways are less than 18 feet in --J / ........ depth from back of sidewalk. v'// 5, The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shall restrict the storage of recreational vehicles ---J / on this site unless they are the principal source of transportation for the owner and prohibit parking on interior circulation aisles other than in designated visitor parking areas, 6. Plans for any security gates shall be submitted for the City Planner, City Engineer, and __/ / Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. E. Landscaping (for publicly maintained landscape areas, refer to Section N,) \,,/" 1. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan, including slope planting and model home landscap- --/ / ing in the case of residential development, shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and submitted for City Planner review and approval priorto the issuance of building pan'nits or prior final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision. V,/"' 2, Existing~reesrequiredt~bepreserVedinp~acesha~~bepr~~ectedwithaconstmcti~nbarrier /._._/ in accordance with the Municipal Code Section 19.08.110, and so noted on the grading plans. The location of those trees to be preserved in place and new locations fortransplanted trees shall be shown on the detailed landscape plans. The applicant shall follow all of the arberist's recommendations regarding preservation, transplanting and trimming methods. 3. Aminimumof treespergrossacre,comprisedofthefollowingsizes, shall be pmvided __J / within the project: % - 48- inch box or larger, % - 36- inch box or larger, __ % - 24- inch box or larger, % - 15-gallon, and __ % - 5 gallon. V/'' 4. A minimum of 2-- C:) % of trees planted within the project shall be specimen size trees - ..__/ / 24-inch box or larger. __ 5. Within parking lots, trees shall be planted at a rate of one 15-gallon tree for every three __/ / parking stalls, sufficient to shade 50% of the parking area at solar noon on August 21. SC- 10/94 4 ~ 6. Treessha~lb~plantedinareasofpublicviewadjacenttoandalongstructuregatarateotone tree per 30 linear feet of building. ~7. AIIPrivatesloPebanks5feetorlessinve~icalhe~htandofS:lorgreaterslope, butlessthan 2:1 slo~, shall be, at minimum, irrigated and landsaped w~h appropriate ground cover for erosion control. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigalion sy~em to be installed by the develo~r prior to o~upan~. 8. AIIpr~ate slopesinexcessol5feet, but lessthan8 feet invedical heightandof2:l orgreater slope shall be landsca~d and irrigated for erosion ~ntrol and to soften their appearance as follows: one 15-gallon or la~er size tree per each 150 sq. ~. of slope area, 1 -gallon or larger size shrub pereach 100 sq. ft. of slope area, and appropriate ground cover. In add ition, slope banks in excess of 8 feet in vedical height and of 2:1 or grealer slope shall also include one 5-gallon 0r larger s~e tree ~r each 250 ~. ~. of sbpe area. Trees and shrubs shall be planted in staggered clusters to so~en a~ va~ slope plane. Slope planting required by this seaion shall i~lude a permanent irrigation syslem to ~ installed by the developer prior to occupancy. 9. For sidle family residential development, all slope planting and irrigation shall be continu- ously maintained in a hea~hy and thdving ~nditio n by the deve~per until each individual un~ is ~ld and o~upied bythe buyer. Priorto re eas ng o~upancy forthose un~s, an inspe~ion shall ~ conduPed by the Planning Division to determine that they are in satisfacto~ ~it~n. 10. For mull-family resident a and ~n-residential development, prope~ ownera are res~n- sible for the ~ntinual ~i~ena~e of all landsaped areas on-site, as well as ~ntiguous planted areas w~hin the public r~ht~f-way. All laggard areas shall be kept free from weeds and debris a~ maimained in a heaNhy a~ thriving ~ndition, and shall receive regular pruning, fe~ilizing, ~wing, and trimming. Any damaged, dead, diseased, or decaying plato material shall be replaced within 30 days from the date of damage. 11. Front yard landscaping shall be required ~r the Deve~pment Code and/or ~ gTl~ ~t~C ~. This require~nt shall be in addition to the required street trees and sbpe planting. 12. The final design of the perimeter pa~ways, walls, landscaping, and sidewalks shall be i~lud~ in the required landsca~ plans a~ shall ~ subje~ to C~y Planner review and approval and c~inated for ~nsistency w~h any pa~ay land~aping plan which may be required by the Engineering Division. 13. Special lands~ features such as mounding, alluvial rock, specimen size trees, meander- ing sidewalks (with hor~ontal change), a~ intenseled lands~ping, is required along 14. Land~aping and iffigationsyste~requiredtobeinstalledw~hinthepublic right-of-wayon the perimeter of this project area shall ~ ~ntinuously maintained by the developer. 15. AII walls shalt bepmvidedw~hde~rativetreatmenLlll~ated in public maintenance areas, the design shall be ~ordinated with the Engineeri~ Division. 16. Tree maintenan~ cr~eria shall be devebped and submffied for C~y Planner review and approval prior to issuance of building ~rm~s. These cr~e~a shall encourage the natural gro~h chara~eri~ics of the sele~ed tree species. 17. Land~aping and irrigation shall be designed to consere water through the principles of Xeriscape as defined in Chapter 19.16 of the Rancho Cu~nga Municipal Code. 5 Protect No.: ~'D'/~ Cornvledon Date: F. Signs 1. Thesignsindicatedonthesubmittedplansareconceptualonlyandnotapartofthisapproval. / / Any signs proposed for this development shall comply with the Sign Ordinance and shall require separate application and approval by the Planning Division prior to installation of any signs. 2. A Uniform Sign Program for this development shall be submitted for City Planner review and /.~J approval pdor to issuance of building permits. 3. Directory monument sign(s) shall be provided for apartment, condominium, or townhomes __J / prior to occupancy and shall require separate application and approval by the Planning Division prior to issuance of building permits. : G. Environmental 1. The developer shall provide each prospective buyer written notice of the Foudh Street Rock __/ / Crusher project in a standard format as determined by the City Planner, prior to accepting a cash deposit on any property. 2. The developer shall provide each prospective buyer written notice of the City Adopted --/ / Special Studies Zone forthe Red Hill Fault, in a standard format as determined by the City Planner, prior to accepting a cash deposit on any property. 3. The developer shall provide each prospective buyer written notice of the Foothill Freeway .~/ / project in a standard format as determined by the City Planner, prior to accepting a cash deposit on any property. ~ 4. A final acoustical report shall be submitted for City Planner review and .approval prior to the / / issuance of building permits. The final repod shall discuss the level of interior noise attenuation to beiow45CNEL, the building matedals and construction techniques provided, and if appropriate, verify the adequacy of the mitigation measures. The building plans will be checked for conformance with the mitigation measures conlained in the final report. H. Other Agencies 1. Emergencyseconda~accessshallbeprovidedinaccordancewithRanchoCucamongaFire / / Protection District Standards. 2. Emergencyaccessshaltbeprovided, maintena~efreeandclear, a minimumof26feetwide / / at all times during construction in accordance with Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District requirements. 3. Prior to issuance of building permits for combustible construction, evidence shall be / / submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District that temporary water supply for fire protection is available, pending completion of required fire protection system. 4. The applicant shall contact the U. S. Postal Service to determine the appropriate type and / / location of mail boxes. Multi-family residential developments shall provide a solid overhead structure for mail boxes with adequate lighting. The final location of the mail boxes and the design of the overhead structure shall be subject to City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. __ 5. For projects using septic tank facilities, written certification of acceptability, including all ---/ / supportive information, shall be obtained from the San Bemardino County Department of Environmental Health and submitted to the Building Official prior to the issuance of Septic Tank Permits, and prior to issuance of building permits. SC- 10/94 6 ProieetNQ.:C{,dP CornDiction Date: APPLICANTS SHALL CONTACT THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION, (909) 989-1863, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: I. Site Development v//' 1. The applicant shall complywith the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechani_ __J / cal Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, and all other applicable codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of issuance of relative permits. Please contact the Building and Safety Division for copies of the Code Adoption Ordinance and applicable handouts. / 2. Prior to issuance of building permits for a new residential dwelling unit(s) or major addition ---/-----/ to existing unit(s), the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but are not limited to: City Beautification Fee, Park Fee, Drainage Fee, Systems Development Fee, Permit and Plan Checking Fees, and School Fees. 3. Prior to issuance of building permits for a new commercial or industrial development or ..__/ / addition to an existing development, the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but are not limited to: Systems Development Fee, Drainage Fee, School Fees, Permit and Plan Checking Fees. .... _. __4. Street addresses sha bepmvdedbythe Bu dngOfficial, aftertract/parce maprecordaf on / / and prior to issuance of building permits. J. Existing Structures 1. Provide compliance with the Uniform Building Code for the property line clearances __J_.__/_ considering use, area, and fire-resistiveness of existing buildings. 2. Existing buildings shall be made to comply with correct building and zoning regulations for --J / the intended use or the building shall be demolished. __ 3. Existing sewage disposal facilities shall be removed, filled and/or capped to comply with the .__/ / Uniform Plumbing Code and Uniform Building Code. __ 4. Underground on-site utilities are to be located and shown on building plans submitted for .__/ / building permit application. K. Grading 1. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Standards, and accepted grading practices. The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved grading plan. 2. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to J / perform such work. 3. The development is located within the soil erosion control boundaries; a Soil Distu;'bance / / Permit is required. Please contact San Bernardino County Department of Agriculture at (714) 387-2111 for permit application. Documentation of such 3ermit shall be submitted to the City prior to the issuance of rough grading permit. 4. Ageoiogicalrepertshallbepreparedbyaqualifiedenglneerorgeologistandsubmitted at / /-- the time of application for grading plan check. " 5. The final grading plans shall be completed and approved priorto issuance of building permits. .-.J' / SC- 10/94 7 prefect No.: Ct.// Comoledon Date: 8. AS a custo~lol suMivision. the lollowin~ requirements shall be ram: a. Surely shall be ~stea an~ an a~reement ~xecute~ ~uarantesin~ completion of all on-s~e ~ / drainage lacilities necsssa~ lot dewaterinO all pamels Io the satisfaclion of the 8uildin~ an~ Salety Division priorto li hal map approval an~ prior to the issuanca of ~radinO permits. b. ~pmpriate easements lot safe ~is~sal of drainage water that am con6uct~a onto / / or over a~lacem pamets, am to be ~elineat~ and recorde~ to the satistaction of Bui~inO an~ Safety Division prior to issuane~ of ~raain~ an~ buildin~ permits. e. On-~ite dmina~ impmvemems, nec~ssa~ lot ~ewaterin~ and pmtectin~ lhe su~ivided __/ / pm~nies, are to be installe~ prior to is~a~e ol ~il~i~ permRs lot construction any pamsl that may be subject to drainaOe flows entering, leaving, or wRhin a pamel relative to which a buil~i~ ~ is ~. Finai ~m~in~ plans lot each pamel am 10 ~e su~m~e~ to the Buit~in~ an~ Salety ~ / Division lot approval pr~r to issuance ol beildin~ and ~radin~ ~rmits. {This may be on an incmmenlal or ~m~sit8 besis.) e. All s~ banks in excess ol S leer in ve~ieal he~ht shall be seeded wRh native ~rasses ~ / or planted wHh ~rou~ ~ver lot erosion ~ntml u~n complelion ol ~radinO or some olher aRemat~e reelhod ot erosion ~nlml shall be ~mplete~ 1o the salista~n of the Buildin~ ......... ~f~ial. In addHion a ~rman~nt irr~al~n system 8hall ~ provided. This r~quirement aoe8 ~t release the appl~anVdevs~f tram ~mplia~e wHh the slope ~lantinO mquim~nls ol S~ion 17.08.040 I ol the D~v~lopment ~de. ~PLICANT SHALL CONTACTTHE ENGINEERING DIVISION, (909) 989-1862, FOR COMPLIANCE THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: L. Dedication and Vehicular Access 1. Rights-of-way and easements shall be dedicated to the City for all interior public streets, .--/ / community trails, public paseos, public landscape areas, street trees, and public drainage facilities as shown on the plans and/or tentative map. Private easements for non-public facilities (cross-lot drainage, local feeder trails, etc.) shall be reserved as shown on the plans and/or tentative map. V'/" 2. Dedication shall be made of the following rights.of-way on the perimeter streets ---/ / (measured Irom street centedine); ~")C:> total feet on total feet on total feet on 3. An irrevocable offer of dedication for -foot wide roadway easement shall be made .--/ / for all private streets or ddves. 4. Non-vehicular access shall be dedicated to the City for the following streets: / / 5. Reciprocal access easements shall be provided ensuring access to all parcels by CC&ns___// or by deeds and shall be recorded concurrently with the map or prior to the issuance of bui,ding pc=its. where oo map is involved, sc - ~o/94 8 pro~ectNo.:CU~' .~ Comoledon B. Privatedrainageeasemenfsfotcross-lofdraina~eshallt~provided and shallbe delineated or noted on the final map. --J / 7. The final map shall clearly delineate a I O-foot minimum building restriction area on the __/ /. neighboring lot adjoining the zero lot line wall and contain the following language: "l/We hereby dedicate to the City of Rancho Cucamonga the right to prohibit the construction of (residential) buildings (or Other structures) within those areas designated on the map as building restriction areas." A maintenance agreement shall also be granted from each lot to the adjacent lot through the CC&R'S. .-. _ / 8. All existing easements lying within future rights-of-way sha be quitc a med or delineated on _--/ / the final map. _ __ 9. Easements for public sidewalks and/or street trees placed outside the public right-of-way __/ / shall be dedicated to the City wherever they encroach onto private property. 10. Additional street right-of-way shall be dedicated along right turn lanes, to provide a minimum .__J.__/ of 7 feet measured from the face of curbs. If curb adjacent sidewalk is used along the right turn lane, a parallel street free maintenance easement shall be provided. ..... :11. The developer shall make a good faith effort to acquire the required off-site property interests .__/ / necessary to construst the required public improvements, and if he/she should fail to do so, the developer shall, at least 120 days prior to submittal of the final map for approval, enter into an agreement to complete the improvements pursuant to Government Code Section 66462 atsuchtimeastheCityacquiresthepropertyinterestsrequiredfortheimprovements. Such agreement shall provide for payment by the developer of all costs incurred by the City to acquire the off-site property interests required in connection with the subdivision. Security for a portion of these costs shall be in the form of a cash deposit in the amount given in an appraisal report obtained by the developer, at developers cost. The appraiser shall have been approved by the City prior to commencement of the appraisal. M. Street Improvements ~ 1. All public improvements ( nterior streets, drainage facilities, community trails, paseos, .__J / landscaped areas, etc.) shown on the plans and/or tentative map shall be constructed to City Standards. interior street improvements shall include, but are not limited to, curb and gutter, AC pavement, drive approaches, sidewalks, street lights, and street trees, __ 2. A minimum of 26- foot wide pavement, within a 40 -foot wide dedicated right-of-way shall be .__/ / construsted for all half-section streets. L/// 3. ConStruct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to: _.j / STREET NAME CURe & A,C. SIDE- DRIV~ STREET STREET COMM MEDIAN BIKE GUTTER PVMT WALK APPe. LIGHTS ; 'I~EES TRAL LSLAND TRAIL OTHER sc- ~o/94 9 .J Proiecl No.:Cb/ Cornoledon Date: Notes: (a) Median island~ud6s la~scaping a~ irr~ation on meter. (b) Pavement reconst~bn and overlays will be determined during plan check. (c) If ~ mated, side- walk shall ~ cu~ilinear per STD. 304. (d) If ~ mated, an in-lieu of ~nstm~ion fee shall be prov~ed for this ~em. ~ ~ ~¢~ ~e~ ~ Z4. I~rovement plans and constmflion: a. Street improvement plans i~luding street trees and street lights, prepared by a regis- ~ / tered CMI Engineer, shall ~ subm~ed to and approved by the City Engineer. Security shall ~ ~sted a~ an agreement executed to the satisfafl~n of the C,y Engineer and the C~ A,orney guaranteeing ~mpletion of the publ~ anger pdvate street improve- mems, prior to final mp approval or the issuance of building perm,s, whichever o~urs first. b. Prior to any wo~ ~ing pedo~ed in public fighter-way, fees shall be paid and a J / constmflion ~rm~ shall ~ obtained from the C~ Engineer's Off~e in addition to any other ~rmits required. c. Pavement striping, ~ing, traffic, street name signing, and inter~nnect ~ndu, ~ / shall ~ inCalied to the satisfaflion of the City Engineer. d. S~nal~u,w~hpull~xesshallbeinstalledonanynew~nstmflionorre~nstmction ~ / of major, se~a~ or ~lleflor ~reets wh~h interse~ w~h other ~jor, seconda~ or ~lleflor streets for f~ure traffic signals. Pull ~xes shall be placed on ~th sides of the street at 3 feet outside of BCR, ECR or any other ~ations approved by the City Engineer. Notes: ~ / (1) ~1 pull ~xes shall be No. 6 unless othe~ise specified by the C~y Engineer. (2) Condu, shall be 3-inch galvan~ed ~eel with pullro~. ~ / e. Wheel chair m~s shall ~ installed on all tour ~mers of intersections per City Standards or as direfled by the C~y E~ineer. f. Existing C~ roads requiring ~nstm~ion shall retain open to traffic at all times with ~ / adequate detours during ~nstmclion. A street c~re ~rm~ may ~ required. A cash deCsit shall ~ provided to ~ver the ~st of gradi~ and paving, which shall be refunded u~n completion of the ~nstmction to the satisfaflion of the City Engineer. g. Cogentrated drainage tlows shall not cross s~ewalks. Under sidewalk drains shall be __/ / installed to C~y Standards, except for single family bts. h. Ha~icap a~ess ramp design shall ~ as s~cified by the C~ Engineer. / / i. Street names shall ~ approved by the Cfy Planner priorto subm~al for first plan check. / / 5. Street improvement plans ~r C~y Standards for all private ~reets shall be provided for / / review a~ approval by the C~y Engineer. Prior to any wo~ being pe~ormed on the pri- vate streets, fees shall ~ paid and ~nstm~ion perm~s shall be obtained from the Engineer's Office in addition to any other permRs required. / 6. Street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, shall be installed per C,y Standards in J / accordance w,h the C~y's street tree program. ~ ~s~ sc- ~o/~ 10 7. Intersection line of site designs shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with Comolcdon Date; adopted policy. __.j / a. On collector or larger streets, lines of sight shall be plotled for all project intersections, ----/ /- including driveways. Waits, signs, and slopes shall be located outside the lines of sight. Landscaping and other obstructions within the lines of sight shah be approved by the City Engineer. b. Local residential street intersections shall have their noticeability improved, usually by .__/ / moving the 2 +/- closest street trees on each side away from the street and placed in a street tree easement. 8. A permit shall be obtained from CALTRANS for any work within the following right-of-way: __/ / 9. All public impre~;ements on the following streets shall be oporatlonally complete prior to the ~ / issuance of building permits: N. Public Maintenance Areas V/' 1. A separate set of landscape and irrigation plans per Engineering Public Works Standards ---/ / shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval pdor to final map approval ........ or issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. The following landscape parkways, medians, paseos, easements, trails, or other areas are required to be annexed into the Landscape Maintenance District: v"' 2.Asignedc~nsentandwaiverf~rmt~j~inand/~rf~rrntheappropriateLandscapeandLighting .__/ / Districts shall be filed with the City Engineer prior to final map approval o r issuance of building permits whichever occurs first. Formation costs shall be berne by the developer. L,/' 3. AIIrequiredpubliclandscapingandirrigationsystems shallbecontinuouslymaintainedbythe / / developer until accepted by the City. L/" 4. Parkway landscaping on the following street(s) shall conform to the results of the respective ._J / Beautificatlon Master Plan: 'r___.C>~.DITtO~ P40./¢:,..) ' O. Drainage and Flood Control 1. The project (or portions thereof) is located within a Flood Hazard Zone; therefore, flood ---J / protection measures shall be provided as certified by a registered Civit Engineer and approved by the City Engineer. 2. It shall be the developers responsibitity to have the current FIRM Zone ___/___/ designation removed from the project area. The developers engineer shait prepare all necessary reports, plans, and hydrologic/hydraulic calculations. A Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) shall be obtained from FEMA prior to final map approval or issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. A Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) shall be issued by FEMA prior to occupancy or improvement acceptance, whichever occurs first. 3. A final drainage study shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer prior to final _._/ / .,map approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. All drainage facilities shall be installed as required by the City Engineer. SC - ZO/94 11 Completion Dat~: 4. A permit from the County Flood Control District is required for work within its right-of-way. __J / 5. Trees are prohibited within 5 feet of the outsk:le diameter of any public storm drain pipe measured from the outer edge of a mature tree trunk. / / 6. Public storm drain easements shall be graded to convey overflows in the event of a / / blockage in a sump catch basin on the public street. P. Utilities ~ 1. Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water, .__/ / gas. electric power, telephone, and cable TV (all underground) in accordance with the Utility Standards. Easements shall be provided as required. V/' 2.The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary. ~ / V'//3. Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the ---J / Cucamonga County Water District (CCWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino. A letter of compliance from the CCWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first. ' Q. Ge~era'l Requirements and Approvals 1. The separate parcels contained within the project boundaries shall be legally combined into '--/ / one parcel prior to issuance of building permits. 2. An easement for a joint use ddveway shall be provided prior to final map approval or --J / issuance of building permils, whichever occurs first, for: __J / 3. Prior to approval of the final map a deposit shall be posted with the City covering the estimated cost of apportioning the assessments under Assessment District. among the newly created parcels. ~ 4. EtiwandaJSan Sevaine Area Regional Mainline, Secondary Regional, and Master Plan .J / Drainage Fees shall be paid prior to final map approval or prior to bu tiding permit issuance if no map is involved. 5. Permits shall be obtained from the following agencies lor work within their right-of-way: __/ / 6. A signed consent and waiver form to join and/or Iorm the Law Enforcement Community ..__/ / Facilities District shall be filed with the City Engineer prior to final map approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. Formation costs shall be berne by the Developer. 7. Prior to finalization of any development phase, sufficient improvement plans shall be com- .--J / pieted beyond the phase boundaries to assure secondary access and drainage protection to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Phase boundaries shall correspond to lot lines shown on the approved tentative map. IN PLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE FIRE SAFETY DIVISION, (909) 987-6405, FOR COMPLIANCE ITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Mello Roos Community Facilities District require~me~s shall apply to this project. .--/ / sc- o/ 4 J ' 00 CuP 2,~''28 V//2. Fire flow requirement shall be I ~.r--~2 ~ gallons per minute. __._/ / A. A previous fire flow, conducted revealed gpm available at 20 psi. B. A fire flow shall be conducted by the builder/developer and witnessed by fire depadment personnel prior to water plan approval. v'/C. For the purpose of final acceptance, an additional fire flow test of the on-site hydrants shall be conducted by the builder/developer and witnessed by the fire department personnel after constrdction and prior to occupancy. V/ 3. Fire hydrants are required. All required public or on-site fire hydrants shall be installed, flushed ---/ / and oberable priorto delivery of any combustible building materials o n site (i .e., lumber, roofing materials, etc.). Hydrants flushing shall be witnessed by fire depadment personnel. v'/' 4. Existing fire hydrant locations shall be provided priorto waterplan approval. Required hydrants, ._J / ff any, will be determined by this department. Fire District standards require a 6" riser with a 4" and a 2-1/2" outlet. Su bstandard hydrants shall be upgraded to meet this standard. Contact the Fire Safety Division for specifications on approved brands and model numbers. 5. Prior to the issuance of building permits for combustible const~ction,evidence shall be .--] / submitled tothe Fire District that temporary water supply forfire protection is available, pending completion of 'required fire protection system. __ 6, Hydrant reflective markers (blue dots) shall be required for all hydrants and installed prior to --J / final inspection. __7. An automatic fire extinguishing system(s) wilt be required as noted below: ----/ /- Per Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District Ordinance 15. Other Note: Special sprinkler densities are required for such hazardous operations as woodworki ng, plastics manufacuring, spray painting , fiammable liquids storage, high piled stock, etc. Contact Fire Safety Division to determine it sprinkler system is adequate for proposed operations. __8. Sprinkler system monitoring shall be installed and operational immediately upon completion ---/ / of sprinkler system. __9. A fire alarm system(s) shall be required as noted below: ---J / Per Rancho Cucamenga Fire Protection District Ordinance 15. California Code Regulations Title 24. NFPA 101. Other v// 10. Roadways within project shall comply with the Fire Distdcrs fire lane standards, as noted: ---/ L /Other sc - to/94 13 L 11. Fire department access shall be amended to facilitate emergency apparatus. ----/ / 12. Emergency secondary access shall be provided in accordance with Fire District standards. ----/ / 13, Emerger~y access shall be provided, maintenance free and clear, a minimum of 26 feet wide .--] / at all times during construction in accordance with Fire District requirements. 14. All trees planted in any median shall be kept trimmed a minimum of 14'6" from ground up so .--J / as not to impede fire apparatus. 15. A building directory shall be required, as noted below: ---/ / · Lighted director'within 20 feet of main entrance(s). Standard Directory in main lobby. Other 16.AKn~xra~identrykeyvau~tsha~~beinsta~~edprlort~fina~ins~ecti~n.Pr~~f~fpurchaseshal~ J / be submitted prior to final building plan approval. Contact the Fire Safety Division for specific details and ordering information. ....... lV. G~,ted/restricted entry(s) require installation of a Knox rapid entry key system. Contactthe Fire .__/ / Safety Division for specific delails and ordering information. 18. A tenant use letter shall be submitted prior to final building plan approval. ---/ / 19. Plan check fees in the amount of $ ~ have been paid. .__J / An additional $ "'IE~,. ~ shall be paid: Prior to water plan approval. v//Prior to final plan approval. _ . Note: Separate plan check fees for fire protection systems (sprinklers, hood systems, alarms, etc.) andJor any consultant reviews will be assessed upon submittal of plans. 20. Special permits may be required, depending on intended use, as noted below: .--/ / A. General Use Permit shall be required for any activity or operation not specifically described below, which in the judgement of the Fire Chief is likely, to produce conditions hazardous to life or properly. B. Storage of readily combustible material. C. Places of assembly (except churches, schools and other non-profit organizations) D. Bowling alley and pin refinishing. E. Cellulose Nitrate plastic (Pyrexylin). F. Combustible fibers storage and handling exceeding 100 cubic feet. G. Garages · ,. Motor vehic,e repair (H-4> H. Lumber yards (over 100,000 board feet). sc- lo/94 14 I. Tire rebuilding plants. J. Auto wrecking yards. Junk or waste material handling plants. K. Flammable finishes. Spraying or dipping operations, spray booths, dip tanIs, electrostatic apparatus, automobile undercoaling, powder coating and organic peroxides and dual com- ponent coatings (per spray booth). Magnesium (more tha 10 pounds per day). M.Oil burning equipment operations. N.Ovens (industrial baking and drying). O.Mechanical refrigeration (over 20 pounts of refrigerant). P.Compressed gases (store, handle or use exceeding 100 cubic feet). Q.Cryogenic fluids (storage, handling or use). R.Dust-producing processes and equipment. S.Flammable and combustible liquids (storage, handling or use}. T. High piled combustible stock. U.Liquified petroleum gas (store, handle, transpe~l or use more than 120 gallons). V. Matches (more than 60 Matchman's gross}.' W. Welding and cutting operations: Io conduct welding and/or cotling operations in any occupancy. _. SC- 10/94 15 J RECEIVED April g, 1996 APR 0 8 1996 Bunk3,'s 9255 Baseline Rd. #L City ot Rancho Cucamonga Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730 Planning Division Brad Buller After our conversation on Thursday, April 4, concerning the size and number of games requested for Bunk.'y's, we have decided on making some modifications to relieve some of the ci~"s conceFns. The main point that we would like to keep is the square footage due to lease contracts. We ~ill change from 10 pool tables to 6, and from 35 ~ideo and miscellaneous games to 25. The number of shift personnel will be a minimum of 4 at peak hours with one stationed in the game room and a ro,Ang super,,isor. The supervisor ~vould take a walking check of the parking lot every 1/2 hour tbr loitering. .flier a period of time. ski months, nine months or one 3-ear, we would like to be re- evaluated and if no problems have been noted, then be allowed to have the number of games and pool tables restored to the original petition. The hours of operation would be fi'om 7am - 10pm Sunday -Thursday and 7 am - 11 pm Friday and Saturday. The game room would to opened to under 18 yr. old in coRiunction with the school schedule and times of the local schools. We have already spoken with Dr. Sonya Yates of the Central School District and N.Lr. Koenig, principal of Cucamonga Middle School and assured them that we will not allow/condone truancy and are happy to cooperate with them. ~,Ve believe that we will be an asset and good neigJabors to the community. ~a~k Balchak ....... ............... APe '~ ~ ~9~ ......................... ...................... ~j~y of~a~cho Cu~mnga Planning Division REGEJVED APR i 0 1996 We Buy & Sell Gi~y ot Rancho Cucamonga Used & New Sports Equipment WE BUY & SELL NEW AND USED SpORTS EQUIpMEN"I Planning Division 9255 BASELINE i~JD. RUSSELL RENEAU RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 (909) 466-7611 7t4E~.~ Foe,_ I~bVo{V% LAsT ~koX3T./ J ~4uE ~oT:ce_b A Co~OS:bE~,Lv__ ~{~ LO C~L TE~ 9255 Baseu.e Road Ra.cbo Cucamo.ga, CA~ x (b~46~ -76H ' RECEIVED APR 0 9 1996 CiTy of Rancho Cucamonga 2034 Glenview Terrace Planning Divisior A1 tadann, CA 91001 April 8, 1996 City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Re: Conditional Use Permit 96-04 - Francis Balchak; Video Arcade and Pool Room Dear Sir or Madam: I am one of the owners and former president of the association of Rancho Meadows, the apartment community adjacent to the shopping center where the proposed video arcade and pool room are to be located. For a number of years the association has worked to create a pleasant, close-knit family community where families with young children may feel welcome and comfortable and safe. Last year great strides were made toward that goal with a summer program of activities for the children in the complex. The association has every intention of continuing and expanding these programs, thus encouraging young families to reside there. The association has also worked toward providing a law-abiding group of tenants. Unlike some apartment communities in the area, a visit to Rancho Meadows by the police department is now a rare event. I understand that the pool room and video arcade have been open for the last few weeks and that during that short period of time there have been several fights and the amount of graffiti on Rancho Meadows walls has greatly increased. It is therefore clear that the pool room has already attracted a group of people who will create an atmosphere which is inappropriate for the safe and pleasant family apartment community of Rancho Meadows. It is also clear that the pool room owner has not taken the steps necessary to control his clientele (and it may not be possible for him to do I am firmly convinced that the shopping center at Baseline and Hellman is an inappropriate place for a poolroom and video arcade and would be detrimental to the neighborhood and the residential community nearby. I urge you to deny the permit, Very truly yours, "Petition in Opposition Bunky's 9255 Baseline Rd. # L We the undersigned oppose the conditional use permit for Bunky's. We are now, and have in the past experienced difficulty from the shopping center. Specifically, poor maintenance, the inoperable lights are unsafe and attract loitering. The landscape is not maintained and detracts from the appearance and value of the property. Residents of Rancho Meadows have experienced people from the center fighting at the entrance to our property twice this week. This is the only entrance and exit to the properly, our children use this access to and from school. Our opinion is that the increase in traffic and people will only add to file problems that already spill over to Rancho Meadows. Name Address Signamre "Petition in Opposition Bunky's 9255 Baseline Rd. # L We the undersigned oppose the conditional use permit for Bunky's. We are now, and have in the past experienced difficulty from the shopping center. Specifically, poor maintenance, the inoperable lights are unsafe and attract loitering. The landscape is not maintained and detracts from the appearance and value of the property. Residents of Rancho Meadows have experienced people from the center fighting at the entrance to our property twice this week. This is the only entrance and exit to the property, our children use this access to and from school. Our opinion is that the increase in traffic and people will only add to the problems that already spill over to Rancho Meadows. Name Address Signature ,, . "Petition in Opposition Buntcy's 9255 Baseline Rd. # L We the undersigned oppose the conditional use pem~it for Bunky's. We are now, and have in the past experienced difficulty. from the shopping center. Specifically, poor maintenance, the inoperable lights are unsafe and attract loitering. The landscape is not maintained and detracts from the appearance and value of the property. Residents of Rancho Meadows have experienced people from the center fighting at the entrance to our property twice this week. This is the only entrance and exit to the property, our children use this access to and from school. Our opinion is that the increase in traffic and people will only add to the problems that already spill over to Rancho Meadows. Name Address Signature "Petition in Opposition Bunky's 9255 Baseline Rd. # L We the undersigned oppose the conditional use permit for Bunky's. We are now, and have m the past experienced difficulty. from the shopping center. Specifically, poor maintenance, the inoperable lights are unsafe and attract loitering. The landscape is not maintained and detracts from the appearance and value of the property. Residents of Rancho Meadows have experienced people from the center fighting at the entrance to our property twice this week. This is the only entrance and exit to the property, our children use this access to and from school. Our opinion is that the increase in traffic and people will only add to the problems that already spill over to Rancho Meadows. Name Address Signature CITY OF RANCHO CUCA1VIONGA -- STAFF RF, PORT DATE: April 10, 1996 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Alan Warren, AICP, Associate Planner SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 96-04 - FRANCIS BALCHAK - A request to establish a 1,075 square foot video arcade and a 2,207 square foot pool room in conjunction with a 2,100 square foot restaurant within the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) shopping center located at the southwest corner of Hellman Avenue and Base Line Road - APN 208-202-17 PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Surroundino Land Use and Zonino: North - Office use, Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) South - Multiple family residential complex, Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) East Office building. Office/Professional West Park and recreation facilities, Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) B. General Plan Desionations: Project Site - Neighborhood Commercial North - Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) South - Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) East Office West Civic/Community C. Site Characteristics: The project's location is within the neighborhood shopping center at the southwest corner of Hellman Avenue and Base Line Road (Exhibit "D"). The center consists of 28,000 square feet of lease space within a main building and two smaller satellite buildings. Immediately to the south is a multiple family condominium complex with which the shopping center shares access to Base Line Road. On the west side is Lions Park and the vacant library building. Presently, the center is about 80 percent occupied. D. Parkinq Calculations: The Development Code requires 4.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross leasable area for shopping centers larger than 25,000 square feet. The subject proposal lies within a shopping center with 28, 132 square feet of gross leasable area, (Exhibit "E"), Therefore, the total numberof parking spaces required forthe center is 127 spaces (4.5 x 28,132). The site currently has 152 parking spaces which is well in excess of the required spaces. ITEM G PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 96-04 - FRANCIS BALCHAK April 10, 1996 Page 2 Because of the scope of activities in the proposed facility, it has been determined that the parking should be analyzed by individual uses as provided in the Ordinance 508 (Section 1 .B. 1). The parking demands for individual uses are satisfied presently by the site's parking accommodations, as evidenced below. With the addition of Bunky's at the requested size, individual use parking requirements exceed the number provided by six spaces. A significant amount is generated by the allocation for pool tables; therefore, the demand could be significantly lowered by reducing the number of tables. Number of Number of Type Square Parking Spaces Spaces .of Use Footaqe Ratio Reouired Provided Beauty parlor 5 stations 3/station 15 (Sweet Afhair) (803 sq.~.) Health spa 1,101 1/150 8 (Brown Bare Salon) Retail (Play It Again) 3,765 1/250 15 Retail (Liquor Land II) 1,986 1/250 8 Retail (Danny's Cleaners) 803 1/250 4 Medical (Dentist Office) 4,614 1/200 23 Office (CINA Financial) 3,610 1/250 15 Vacant suites 6,075 1/250 2__4 TOTAL 112 152 Bunky's Restaurant 2,091 1/100 21 Video arcade 1,075 1/250 5 Pool tables 10 tables 2/table 2_9.0 (2,207 sq.~.) TOTAL 158 152 ANALYSIS: The applicant is requesting a combination of pool tables (as many as 10) and amusement devices totaling 45. In its review of the proposed facility, staff focused on the size of the facilities, its location relative to nearby schools, and site management, as discussed below: A. Facility Size: Staffs initial concern is that, with a total of 45 games (10 being pool tables), the facility is too large for a neighborhood commercial center. The Neighborhood Commercial District is defined as follows: "This district is intended to provide areas for immediate day-to-day convenience shopping and services for the residents of the immediate neighborhood. Site development regulations and performance standards are intended to make such uses compatible to and harmonious with character of surrounding residential or less intense land use area." j PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 96-04 - FRANCIS BALCHAK April 10, 1996 Page 3 The size (pool tables and amusement devices) would cause the business to draw customers from outside the neighborhood and possibly create a loitering problem greater than might be contemplated with a smaller facility. The gaming portion occupies over 60 percent of the business' area which makes the restaurant portion an ancillary use to the recreation activities. While the small restaurant is appropriate for the center, staff believes that the number of amusement devices and pool tables greatly exceeds the needs of the immediate neighborhood ~s well as exceeding the center's parking availability. Approval of the facility, as requested, would necessitate the filing and approval of a Vadance application to vary from the City'sparking regulations prior to action on the use permit. It should also be noted that the pool room/arcade is designed in a manner that could become a stand-alone business simply by closing the single door that connects to the restaurant. Therefore, the potential exists that this would not be in combination with the restaurant but could be operated or owned as a separate business. B. Comoatibilitv: Billlard halls and arcades located in neighborhood shopping centers require a Conditional Use Permit because of their unique operating characteristics; which differ from general retail establishments, and require special consideration in order to operate in a manner compatible with surrounding uses. These distinguishing charactedstics include noise and loitering. Proper management and supervision is critical to minimizing these problems. The business' location on a well traveled route for students from two nearby schools, Aita Loma High School and Cucamonga Jr. High School, further advances the concern over the size of the facility. A large arcade along the already convenient school route will make the facility an attractive gatherin9 point for students on the way home from school. Loitering by young people in the parking area and walkways next to other businesses will probably result based upon experiences at similar arcades in Rancho Cucamonga. This becomes even more likely because the site is located on the school routes. Staff believes the level of concern of these issues relates directly to the size of the facility and its high potential to attract significant numbers of young people. The Central School District has experienced an increase in truancy at schools that are close to video arcades. In this instance, the District recommends that the requested use not be approved. Chaffey Joint Union High School District also raised the truancy issues and requested that access to the game areas by minors be limited to after school hours only, and that the project provide a security service durin9 potential peak hours to prevent the center from becoming a "hangout" during evenings and weekends. The bordering of the shopping center by a condominium project also raises the question of appropriateness of the site for such a facility. The only access to the residential project is by a shared driveway with the shopping center. Loitering in the shopping center could negatively affect the use of the shared driveway and bring into question the area's security in the minds of the residents and business persons. C. Facility Manaaement: Mr2 Balchak has agreed to limit the hours of the arcade and pool room to the hours stipulated in the City's standard recommended conditions, 10 p.m. Sundays through Thursday and 11 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. He also manages Mr. C's Pizza at Base Line Road and Victoria Loop that has only 5 pool tables (approved for 8) and 16 amusement devices. One important aspect of this request is that the applicant has no PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 96-04- FRANCIS BALCHAK April10,1996 Page 4 intention to serve alcoholic beverages. The Police Department has no serious concerns regarding the request if the operation remains alcohol free. The applicant has been informed of conditions required of similar facilities and has stated his willingness to accept them with this business. D. Environmental: The subject application is exempt from environmental review as a Class I Categorical Exemption pursuant to CEQA Section 15301 (a). NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING: The applicant held a neighborhood meeting at the site on the evening of March 26, 1996. The applicant mailed notices to property owners and residents of the condominium project. Seven adult residents of the neighboring condominium complex artended and the following comments were noted by staff: 1. Two of the residents spoke in favor of the facility stating that the arcade would provide a well managed outlet for teenagers and a convenient restaurant/amusement center for families from the condominium complex. In response to concerns mentioned below, one resident suggested that the residents organize to help monitor the problem activities in and around the shopping center. These residents stated that such a facility was needed to provide recreational activities for neighborhood teenagers. 2. One resident and the condominium manager spoke in opposition. They believe that regardless of how well supervised the business is, the drawing of teenagers to the facility will cause substantial loitering problems in and around the condos. A resident noted that he has already observed students stopping at the facility directly after school. The condo manager stated that activities at the park does, at times, cause overflow loitering onto the condo site, but that it is presently manageable. He is concerned that the business will significantly increase teenage gatherings in the area. One resident inferred that the facility may be too large, stating that one pool table should be sufficient for a neighborhood facility. 3. It was generally agreed that the shopping center has been in need of an active maintenance program for graffiti removal and lighting repairs. Mr. Balchak noted that the center ownership has recently changed and that with vacancy reduction, the new center owners should be able to improve maintenance. CONCLUSIONS: As previously stated, staffs concerns with this proposal centers on its size and its location along student routes to two schools. By providing so many games, the facility will draw customers from outside the neighborhood as well as creating a major "hangout" for young students after school, and possibly dudng school hours. Because of the school route location, staff feels this site will very likely experience the negative consequences, even with the implementation of standard arcade conditions; therefore, the use, as requested, is inappropriate for this center. Additional mitigation measures, that go further than the City's standard conditions, may be able to reduce the anticipated concerns. The development of a site management plan, in concert with the school districts, might provide a basis for adequate site supervision, which staff feels is presently in question. Additional conditions could include: 1) on-site supervision for the entire shopping center; 2) limiting the use of the recreation areas by minors to after school hours or admittance only with a parent, 3) opening of the arcade only in the late afternoon. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 96-04 - FRANCIS BALCHAK April 10, 1996 Page 5 FACTS FOR FINDING: In order for the Planning Commission to approve the application, the Commission must find facts to support all of the following findings: A. The proposed use is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Development Code, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. B. The proposed Use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety. or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. C. The proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code. Staff does not believe evidence can be provided, for the requested use, to support these findings. CORRESPONDENCE: In.accordance with State and City requirements, the application request has been advertised in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, the site was posted, and notices -were mailed to all properties within 300 feet of the subject site. Staff has received letters for two school districts in response to the application (Exhibits "E" and "F"). In addition, we received a letter in opposition from a property owner in the neighborhood (Exhibit "1"). RECOMMENDATION: If the Planning Commission concurs with staffs analysis, it would be appropriate to deny Conditional Use Permit 96-04 by adoption of the attached Resolution. City Planner BB:AW:mlg Attachments: Exhibit"A" - Applicant's Letter Exhibit "B" - Applicant's Letter dated March 11, 1996 Exhibit "C" - Applicant's Letter dated March 21, 1996 Exhibit "D" - Vicinity Map Exhibit "E" - Site Plan Exhibit "F" Floor Plan Exhibit "G" - Central School District Letter dated February 29, 1996 Exhibit "H" - Chaffey Joint Union High School District letter dated March 15, 1996 Exhibit "1" - Correspondence Received Resolution of Denial PLANNING CON IN IISSION, TIlE PIJI(POSE OF THE CONDH'IONAL USE PERMH' IS TO ADD A VIDEO G,-~\IE ROON I AND A POOl. ROON 1 TO THE EXISTING RESTAUq~ANT TO BE ABLE TO OFFER TI-IE CUSTON~RS MORE TO DO AND TO BE .-~BI..E TO ATTRACT MORE SPORTS PARTIES. TIlE AREA HAS A LOT OF CttlI:DREN ANrD YOLFNG ADUL'rS AND THIS WOULD BE A FA/x,IILY OR1ENTATED FACILITY, AS IS NIY OTHER LOCATION. :\FTEI~. AYE. tLR AND A HALF WITtl TI-12E GAN[E I((')OM AT NIR. C'S PIZZA, WE I1AVE BEEN ABLE TO WORK OUT THE BUGS AND RUN I>ROBLE:M FREE TIlE IIOURS OF OPEIL~kTION WOULD BE FROM 1 l A.M TO 10 PM SUNDAY THROUGH THLTRSDAY, AND 11 .~L~,I 'FO 12 A/vl FRIDAY AND SATLrRDAY. TI-IE NUN.IBER OF EMPLOYEES WOULD RANGE FROIxl 8 AT THE BUSY HOLIRS AND NO LESS THAN 3 WHEN IT'S SLO~VER. WE ARE REQUESTING A TOTAL OF 11 POOL TABLES, 2 AIR HOCKEY TABLES, AND AN ASSORTN~NT OF 55 OTIIER VIDEO, PrNBAI_L, BASKETBALL, BOXVLING, AND OTIIER MACHINES. THE KITCHIZN WILL BE OPEN'ED ALL THE HOLrRS \VI.2 AFcE OPENliD.' ' ' FRANrK BAI_CIt:LK MR C'S PIZZA Exhibit "A" CUP 96-04 PL..~N~N'G DI~qSION .-~L.~'q WARRER NiARCH 11, 1996 SUBIECT; BD.,'NKY~S ARC.AIDE JaNlD GA~\.IE ROON{ h'W REFERENCE TO YOUR LETTER DATED FEB. 21, 1996, I WOLrLD LIKE TO '.ADDRESS THE ISSUES NEEDED TO COMPLETE TIlE APPLICATION. I. LIST OF ~ BUSEWBSSES WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE O~'ERS - ~LANAGER / 2. 152 IN TIlE COUNT FOR TIlE CENTERS PAR}Ch"qG 3. THE SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR THE STATE F.~°,~M INSURANCE OFFICE IS 3610 sQ FT 4. THERE ~nlL BE NO .ALCOHOLIC BEVERAOES SOLD AT THIS LOCATION' 5. OK 6. OK TECI-ENICAL ISSUES 1 THRU 14 OK USE ISSLtS 1. CHANGE ITE~IS REQUESTED FRON,[ 67 TO A TOT,AL OF 45 2. OK BUILDEN'G AND S,,~u~'ETY FP~\vK B.ALCHAK BD:"NKY'S 9255 BASELEWE ROAD 1L~N'CHO CUC.~\.IONGA Exhibit "B" C q cu. 9+04 RECEIVED MAR 2 1 1996 "- City ot Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division March 20, i996 Bunky.'s 9255 Baseline Rd. #L Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730 To: Planning Commission of Rancho Cucamonga, The purpose of this letter is to inform you that we alrea~, have some business experience relating to ow~ng / running a game room/billiards in conjunction with NIx. C's Pi77a located in the Victoria area of Etiwanda at 7270 Victoria Park Lane 2-E. It is now approximateh., 18 months since opening the addition. It includes pool tables, ~,ideo games, air hockey, foesball, pinball, and a jukebox. During the time that the addition has been open we have been fortunate not to have had any problems with the kids. We have a lot of families come in. There is an increase in team parties, birthday parties, anniversary parties and even a Leap Year party.'! Both parents and kids appreciate being able to have somewhere to play pool in the area because most ff not all the area pool rooms are restricted to adults. or age 18 and over. Since Bunk)"s is non-alcohol and non-smoking we believe that it will appeal to families, young adults and kids, and will likely stay that way. Right now there isn't any other business in the area for the older than "Chuck3' Cheese" crowd. Frank Balchak Exhibit "C" '" ......""' Project: CUe ~leoozlr. iiiiiP'::' ~~~t Title: VlC,/~IT"'//~4Arp CITY OF R . AMONG/~ Exhibit: 12~ Date: CEN'. P-,AL SCHOOL DIS'. ZlCT 10601 Church Street, Suite 112/Ra~cho Cucamonga, California 91730/(909) 989-8541/Fax (909) 941-1732 Sonja L. Yates. Ed,D. Ingrid Vogel Sharon L, Nagel Robe~ A. Dalton: Ea,D, Jerry L. Shaw · MAR - ~ 1996 1=ebruar7 29, 3.996 · ' City of Rancho CucarnOn' .. ' : - ' ' Planning Division · A]a~t'TvVazren, AIC~P. . . Associate Z~]a~Lner . ' · City of Raacho Cucamonga' ". .. :B. O. Box 807 Ranch0 Cucam0nga, CA 93.730 : · Dear A]a.rt .... ". : '- " . ,' ..F"" · We a]~l~redate )toUr ~jv~g us the op]~ortunity to have Ln]~Ut on the video game , arcade arid poo] room that has been rec[uested at Base LLne Road and HeLlman · Avenue. You are correct j_n that jt is a direct travel route to Cucatnon~a ~ddJe Sch0o].i ' ~ have djscassed this ~,ith one o~ ou~ middle school ~rind]2aJs, and he tens me that he has had experience Ln another disbrict with a ~adllt-y Such as this near his midtile schoo[ that resuJted in a ]'dgh ]eve] of truancy. Therefore, ~v~ are requestLng that it ' Tha_n~..you for taY, Lng Ehe tLme to contact uS on this matter. Zf ~ can be of ~u_t'ther helpj p].ease ca]~ me at 989-85z~3.. - 5i~Cere].y, - Superintendent sp c: C~vL5 Z'rLnd]~aJ . Exhibit "G" · CUP 96-04 Board President Board Clerk Board Member Board Member Board Member Learning Today for the Challenge of Tomorrow Chaffey joint Union High School District WEST F~rrrl STREEI', ONTARIO, CAUFORNIA 91762-1698 * (909) 988-8511 ' FAX (909) 984-1164 R E C E I V E D Chaffey High SchOo~ Mamh 15, 1996 SU~..d. High School ~ontdair High School Alan WSFFeR, AICP Ci(y Oi Ranoho Cucamonga v~lley view High School Planning Division City of Rancho CuCamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Re: Conditional Use Permit No. 96~4 Bunky's video game arcade and pool room Dear Mr. Warren: Thank you for the oppo~unity to comment on the request for a video game arcade and pool room at Base Line Road and Hellman. This location is on a well-used travel route to Alta Loma High School Chaffey District and the administration of the Alta Loma High School have the following comments: 1. The hours of operation are inappropriate for games this close to a school. Students will be enticed to be truant. We would request that access for minors be limited to after-school hours only. 2. To prevent this from becoming a "hangout" for students during evenings and weekends, we would suggest that the city require the project to retain security sewice during peak hours. 3. If alcoholic beverages are available in the restaurant, we would recommend that direct access not be allowed from the game room. We appreciate the City's eftotis to provide a quality environment for young people in the community. We stand ready to assist in any way we can. Sincerely, Susan B. Sundell, Ed.D. Director, Business Se~ices CUP 96-04 Aprfi 01, 1996 RECEIVED Chairman Barker Planning Commission APR 0 3 1996 Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 Dear Chairman Barker, City ot Rancino Cucamonga Planning Division I am writing to you in reference to the proposal of the CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 96-04 - FRANCIS BALCHAK. I would like to express my disapprova] of this proposaJ for the following reasons: I have lived in a house near Lions community park since 1989 when this park was not complete. Since that time, there have been numerous occasions when there have been teenagers and adults in the park making noise past the 10:00p.m. closing of the park. There has been fights in the park ,a drive - by shooting in my front yard, kids passing what appeared to be marijuana cigarettes to each other, two boys and male and female sex happening in the park in broad daylight and at night. These occurrences have slowed down considerably due to what I believe is because I have called the sheriffs department dozens of times to clear the park and the problems. I have had tires flattened, hood ornaments stolen, eggs thrown at our vehicles, trash thrown in our back yard. There was even a fire that miraculously started on the hill in our back yard shortly after kids were seen leaving the area running. Now there is this proposal to encourage loitering in the area after the 10:00p.m. closing week nights and midnight for the weekends. Where do you think these kids are going to go after closing time? I find it hard to believe that this clientele would immediately leave the area. I am quite certain that our problems would once again start and probably increase this time quite a bit. We did not buy this house to have these type of problems and have worked hard to eliminate them. Please help us by not allowing this activity to go on in our area. Please, at least check the sheriffs records during the past six years to see how many times they have had to come to take care of various problems. Sincerely, Property owner 7389 Lion Street Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 96-04, A REQUEST TO ESTABLISH A VIDEO ARCADE WITH THIRTY-FIVE AMUSEMENT DEVICES OCCUPYING 1,075 SQUARE FEET, AND TEN POOL TABLES OCCUPYING 2,207 SQUARE FEET IN CONJUNCTION WITH A RESTAURANT OF 2.100 SQUARE. LOCATED IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HELLMAN AVENUE AND BASE LINE ROAD. AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 208-202-17. A. Recitals. 1. The applicant, Francis Balchak, has filed an application for the issuance of Conditional Use Permit No. 96-04, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereina~er in this Resolution, the subject Conditional Use Permit request is referred to as "the application." 2. Qn the 10th day of April 1996, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said headrig on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Pad A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public headng Apd110, 1996. including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to properly located at the southwest corner of Hellman Avenue and Base Line Road with a total street frontage of 780 feet and lot depth of 295 feet and is improved with a 3.5 acre neighborhood shopping center; and b. The propedies to the north are developed with a church and residential structures, to the east with a gasoline station and multiple story office building, to the south with a residential condominium project, and the property to the west is developed with a public park and Community Center; and c. The subject property is located along a major route to school for students attending two nearby schools: a junior high school located approximately 1,100 feet to the south, and a high school located approximately 2,000 feet to the west. d. The application contemplates the operation of a billiards room with 10 pool tables, and an arcade with 35 amusement devices in conjunction with a pizza restaurant. / PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. CUP 96-04 - BALCHAK April 10, 1996 Page 2 e. An operational management plan to address the criteria listed in Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Section 17.10.030.F.3 -- such as the need for adult supervision, proximity to schools and other community uses, compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood and businesses, noise attenuation, and bicycle facilities -- was not developed for this application. f. NOtwithstanding the provisions contained in Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Table 17.10.030. B, the application as proposed, would be materially detrimental to the persons and properlies in the immediate vicinity of the proposed site for the following reasons: (i~ Because of its large size, the proposed amusement facility is expected to attract significant numbers of customers from beyond the immediate neighborhood and is therefore inconsistent with the Neighborhood Commercial District goals and objectives; (ii) The proposed use will generate a significant truancy at the nearby junior high school and result in a frequent loitering problem within the center and around adjacent properties. As a result, the proposal will create a nuisance among adjacent land uses and other businesses in the shopping center. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. The proposed use is not in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Development Code. and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. b. The proposed use will be detrimental to the public health, safety. or welfare or materially injurious to propedies or improvements in the vicinity. c. The proposed use does not comply with each of the applicable bro~ions of the Development Code. 4. The Planning Commission hereby finds and determines that the project identified in this Resolution is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the Guidelines promulgated thereunder, pursuant to Section 15301(a) of the State CEQA Guidelines. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1.2, 3, and 4 above. this Commission hereby denies the application. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 10TH DAY OF APRIL 1996. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: E. David Barker, Chairman PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. CUP 96-04- BALCHAK Ap~lq0,1996 Page 3 ATTEST: Brad Buffer, Secretary I, Brad Buller, Secl:etary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 10th day of April 1996, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: l -88-1995 1 !: 2ElPN FRON P. t April 10, 1996 Mr. Brad Buller, City Planner City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California Re: Accu Center, 7890 Haven, Rancho Cucamonga SENT VIA TELE~AX COPIER TO (909) 477-2847 Dear Mr. Buller: In response to our letter of yesterday which was fa×ed to your office and in which we requested a postponement of any discussion of item H on the Agenda of the Planning Commission for this evening, I spoke with Gall Sanchez. In that conversation it was suggested that if I could not be present this evening, any comments that I would have made should be submitted in written form. Furthermore, the opinion was given that since this is not a hearing, but rather a request based on a Staff Report that a public hearing be scheduled to consider revocation of the conditional use p~rmit previously granted, a postponement would not be necessary or appropriate. By way of this letter I again urge that the Commission postpone this matter only until the next meeting of the Commission on April 24th. My clie..nt would like to address the Commission and object to the scheduling of a public hearing. Unfortunately, and as explained in our previous letter, I have been ill and am not prepared to present any argument or to explain the basis for our objection to a public hearing at this time. If the Commission denies this request to postpone this evening's discussion and proceeds with setting this matter for public hearing, we reserve our right to make our objections to that hearing at the time of the hearing. Very truly yours, CA/kn 1-07-199G 9: 3GP~4 FRQ~4 CARLA ARP A~torney at Law 8632 Collett¢ Avenue North Hills,California 91343 ('818) 894-8164 April 9, 1996 Mr. Brad Buller, City Planner City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California SENT VIA TELEFAX COPIER TO (909) 477-2847 Dear Mr. Buller: Please be advised that this office has been retained to represent Acu Therapy in the matter now scheduled before the Planning Commission on its Agenda for April 10th. We respectfully request that this matter to continued to the next meeting of the Planning Commission on April 24, 1996 due to the fact that Ms. Arp is suffering from a severe bout with the flu. She has not been in the office so far tt~is week and is unable to prepare for the hearing on the 10th. We appreciate 'any courtesy that you can extend to us and feel sure that there will no necessity to request any further postponements. Very truly yours, CARL ARP,"ESQ. /KN CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ' STAFF REPORT DATE: April 10, 1996 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Dan Coleman, Principal Planner SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 94-19 - COOK (ACCU-CENTER) - A pedodic review of the operation of an approved massage establishment located at 7890 Haven Avenue, #11 - APN: 1077-401-29. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission deem that there is sufficient evidence to warrant a full examination and set a public hearing to consider revocation of the Conditional Use Permit. BACKGROUND: On May 5, 1994, various City staff and the Police Department conducted an inspection of the business premises. It was determined that the pdmary business being conducted on the premises was massage contrary to their approved business license for a nail salon. The applicant subsequently filed a Conditional Use Permit request for a massage establishment. On July 13. 1994, the Planning Commission approved this Conditional Use Permit to operate a massage establishment within the Deer Creek Village shopping center. The business had been in operation for one year prior to the Conditional Use Permit request. The approved business includes acupressure, sun tanning, skin care, facials, and nail care. The Development Code defines acupressure as massage and restricts massage establishments to the General _Commercial ZOneS. ANALYSIS: The Rancho Cucamonga Police Department has conducted an investigation into alleged prostitution at this business. On March 19. 1996, a police officer made an arrest for prostitution at this business. Prostitution is contrary to the conditions of approval and the requisite finding that the business "will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare." Therefore, staff believes there is evidence to warrant a full examination to consider revocation of this Conditional Use Permit. BB:DC:gs Attachments: Exhibit "A" Location Map Exhibit "B" Police Report Exhibit "C" Resolution No. 94-66 ITEM H :~. Deer Creek Village ", , 7900 Haven Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, California ' 40-LANE BRUNSWICK DEER CREEK LANES t 7930 I,/ EL POLLO CALIFORNIA LOCO STATE SANK. INTEROFFICE MEMO Date: March 27, 1996' From: 'WILLIAM HUNT, SE:RGEANT RANCHO CUCAMONGA STATION '- To: RONALD W. BIEBERDORF. GAPTAIN RANGHO GUCAMONGA STATION Subject: BUSINESS INVESTIGATION OF ACCU-CENTER, 7980 HAVEN On 03-19-96, Detective scaturro, in concert with officers from the West Valley SET Team, conducted an investigation in reference to information received that massage and acts of prostitution were taking place at the Accu-Center in Rancho Cucamonga. The information came to our office by way of We-Tip, as well as individual informants. The full address for Accu-Center is 7980 Haven Avenue, Suite 11, in the city of Rancho Cucamonga. With this information, a Deputy acting in an undercover capacity was sent into the business and was able to engage two employees of Accu-Center in acts of prostitution. The undercover Deputy was offered sexual services in exchange for cash at the Accu-Center. During a subsequent search of the business, condoms and other paraphernalia were located indicating ongoing prostitution activity. WH/DS:kas P3~SOLUTION NO. 94-66 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF P~ANCHO CUCA/4ONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 94-19 ALLOWING A MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT WITHIN A 1,350 SQUARE FOOT LEASED SPACE IN AN EXISTING COMMERCIAL CENTER ON 9 ACRES OF LAND IN THE GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, LOCATED AT 7890 HAVEN AVENUE, SUITE'll, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 1077-401-29. A. Recitals. 1. Terry Lee Cook has filed an application for the issuance of Conditional Use Permit No. 94-19, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Conditional Use Permit request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 13th day of July 1994, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on July 13, 1994, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to an existing business, Accu-center, within a leased space located at 7890 Haven Avenue, #11, within the existing Deer Creek Village Shopping Center; and b. The property to the north of the subject site is the Deer Creek Channel and Flood Control Basin, the property to the south is the Virginia Dare Shopping Center, the property to the east is the Terra Vista Town Center and vacant office property, and the property to the west is the Deer Creek Channel and graded industrial land; and c. The application contemplates acupressure massage services which will operate from 9 a.m. to l0 p.m., Monday through Sunday; and PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 94-66 CUP 94-19 - COOK July 13, 1994 Page 2 d. In addition to acupressure massage, the salon will provide sun tanning, facial and skin treatments, and nail care. Beauty supplies will also be sold at the site; and e. The application applies to a leased space with one toilet facility and one bathroom with tub. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. That the proposed use is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Development Code, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. b. Tha.t the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. c. That the proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code. 4. Pursuant to the State CEQA Guidelines, it has been determined that the proposed project does not have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. The project has been determined to be exempt from CEQA pursuant to section 15061(b)(3). The Planning Commission, having final approval over this project, has reviewed and considered this exemption prior to the approval of this project. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below: Planninq Division 1) No adult business is approved by this permit. 2) Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code and all other applicable City Ordinances. 3) If operation of the facility causes adverse effects upon adjacent businesses or operations, the Conditional Use Permit shall be brought before the Planning Commission for reconsideration and possible termination of the use. 4) Any sign proposed for the facility shall be designed in conformance with the comprehensive Sign Ordinance and the Uniform Sign Program for the complex and shall require review and approval by the Planning Division prior to installation. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 94-66 CUP 94-19 - COOK July 13, 1994 Page 3 5) The facility shall be operated in conformance with the requirements as defined in Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code Chapter 9.24, regulating massage establishments, and shall comply with all provisions of the Massage Establishment Permit. 6) Hours of operation shall be from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday ,- through Sunday. ~ 7) The acupressure clientele shall be limited to one sex of customer only while one rest room/locker facility exists. · This restriction shall be clearly posted with the prices of various massage (acupressure) services. If a separate rest room/locker facility is provided to the satisfaction of the City Planner and the Administrative services Director, both sexes of customers may be permitted. Such a change in the ~ use shall not require modification to this Conditional Use Permit. 8) Use shall not be expanded without modification to this Permit. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of · this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY OF JULY 1994. BY: ATTEST: ~ I, Brad Bullet, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 13th day of July 1994, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARKER, LUMPP, MCNIEL, MELCHER, TOLSTOY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIVIONGA ' STAFF REPORT DATE: April 10, 1996 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Steve Hayes, AICP. Associate Planner SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 94-30 - MCDONALDS - A periodic review of an approved fast food restaurant located at 8701 Base Line Road. BACKGROUND: This project was conditionally approved by the Planning Commission on February 8, 1995, Screening of the drive-thru lane was a major consideration during the design review process. The project as constructed did not provide adequate screening and fails to satisfy Condition No, 7 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 96-09 (see Exhibit "E"). In addition, there are several other outstanding corrections regarding signs. A written agreement was reached between the City and McDonalds to allow occupancy of the restaurant on December 19, 1995 (see Exhibit "A"). This agreement set forth necessary corrections to screen the drive-thru and modify the location and design of the monument sign. The deadline for completing the corrections was January 12, 1996; however, the work has not been completed satisfactorily. Subsequently the applicant was also notified of additional corrections regarding other signs on-site (see Exhibit "C"). The Planning Commission has expressed concern on several occasions about the lack of progress on completing these corrections. Based upon the significance of the Commission's concerns, and at the Commission's direction, staff scheduled this item for consideration for revocation of the Conditional Use Permit. The applicant was notified and advised to complete the corrections before tonight's meeting (see Exhibit "D") RECOMMENDATION: If the corrective work has not been completed, staff recommends discussion of this matter and a determination on whether to set this item for public hearing to consider revocation. ~?y~Pl~nner BB:SH:mlg Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Agreement dated December 19, 1995 Exhibit "B" - Memorandum to Planning Commission dated January 24, 1996 Exhibit "C" Letter to McDonalds dated February 1, 1996 Exhibit "D" Letter to McDonalds dated March 27, 1996 Exhibit "E" Resolution No. 95-09 / ITEM I DATE: December 19, 1995 TO: St~ Hayes, Associate Planncr The City of R~mcho FRO,~I: Rodn~y P. Lucio, Real Estate Repr~senta~ S~ Diego SUBJECT: 8~C B~'eHue & C'amlelim~ - McDONALD~s Restaut,m~t P~ojeei Developntent ~ me~lDr~ldum sh~ ses~ to co~m~ McDona!~'s Co~pota~on's filt:r,~:o,~ reB~r~l:g fl~ referenced/~)lam'~ p:oject /.,,ad~iSlg Bes'nj; Sh~ b~ h~{~l)~d ~6ng Camel2~ A~'~lt~s al}prop~al~ for t/re iR~m~vn of screening ~ of c~s t~a O~e McDon~d's d~ve-~mL MeDo~lald's shaR ~Lse either a landscape benn · ~;"r"'~,~o,,.~t~5 c o-~,~ A-~(~v) ~ ~,,,~-~ sq~e zaolaae, however, ~ ovar~ h~M .. ~ ' "' ~ '~ ' ' ~ ~ ,e no~ n sh~BecarD~letcd~mlacer~mJ~u~y12,199 lnre~oaofMeDonfld'sh~en~o ~'~teq6esG~,atlb-~aplatl~.,Eepa~enta~ ov . forC~ficat-~ofOCcupancy~ndope~gupontecei~.ot'Ofism.~morandum ' CITY OF RANCHO CUC,~d',~ONOA I EI ORANDUI DATE: January 24, 1996 TO: 'airman and Members of the Planning Commission FR ..r.ad Buller, City Planner Staff met with the landscape contractor in the field yesterday to discuss and plan for the additional berming and landscaping that staff has requested to screen the drive-thru lane and parking areas. It was agreed that the project frontage along Carnelian Street would be treated with an undulating, 3-foot high berm in the tuff area between the sidewalk and parking and circulation area. In addition, the existing planters adjacent to the parking stalls and drive-thru lane will have an upgraded shrub hedge of 15-gallon size Ligustrum planted at 3 feet on center. After the berming is completed, the entire site will be hydroseeded again. As for the Baseline Road frontage, it was determined that new randomly placed planter areas will be introduced in the existing lawn area. These planters will be separated from the tuff areas by concrete mow strips and include dense planrings of 15-gallon evergreen shrubs and seasonal interest planrings such as Agapanthus and annual color. The placement and number will be determined so as to have the most impact on screening the drive-thru lane to a greater extent. Although the project monument sign has yet to be moved, the new footings have been dug. The new location for the sign will be approximately 18 feet back from the sign's current location. In addition, the sign will be lowered in height and a shrub hedge will be planted around the base of the sign. BB:SH:gs T H = C I T v 0 c 1QANCI-IO CUCA?iQNG February 1, 1996 Mr. Rod Lucio McDonalds Corporation 4370 La Jolla Village Drive, Suite 800 San Diego, CA ,9.2122 SUBJECT: :CONDITIONALUSEPER~MIT94-30(McDONALDS-SOUTHEASTCORNEROF BASE LINE ROAD AND CARNELIAN STREET) Dear Mr. Lucio: As you are aware, there are several outstanding items that have yet to be completed to the satisfaction of the Planning Division. A written agreement ',,,'as reached between the City and McDonalds to allow occupancy of the above referenced facility on December 19, 1995 provided that - -all of the items mentioned in staffs inspection correction notice were completed prior to January 12, 1996. To date, the following items remain from that checklist, as follows: 1. Additional berming, landscaping, low walls or any combination thereof shall be provided along the street frontages of Base Line Road and Carnelian Street to screen the drive-thru lane and parking areas from public view. 2. The project monument sign near the intersection of Base Line Street and Carnelian Street shall be relocated out of the public right-of-way, lowered in height, filled in at its base with a compatible exterior material and a landscape shrub hedge planter around the base of the sign. In addition, there are several corporate identification signs on the property that have been installed after the initial inspection that should be removed prior to the Planning Division approving final occupancy of the facility. These are all illegal signs under the City's Sign Ordinance: 1. The "Golden Arches" logos on the directional signs at the vehicular entrance/exit locations. 2. The corporate flag on the flagpole. 3. The plexiglass McDonalds logo faces on the public telephones. 4. Any trash receptacles or other outdoor furniture that displays the McDonalds logo or name. Mc'I'or William J. A!excnder .~ Councilmember PcuI Bione oyor Pra-Tem Rex Gutierrez ~ Councilmembe~ Jomes V. Curata[o It~ K ~P C~h/z n ~ r Councilmember Oicne Williotas lOSCO Ci-z!c Ce~s:Or','.'e · P.O. Box i07 · Rsncho CucsmonGc. CA9!729 · (~C9) 9~9-~g51 - Mr. Rod Lucio CUP 94-30 - McDonalds February, 1, 1996 Page 2 Please coordinate removal of these signs with the store manager. Your timely effort and cooperation in resolving these matters would be greatly appreciated. It is critical that all of these items be corrected on or before February 14. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (909) 477-2750, extension 2261. Sincerely, : COMtMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLAN'NING DIVISION ' S~e~,e Hayes, A~CP2~ Associate Planner SH:mlg cc: McDonalds Store Manager Brad Buller, City Planner T H E C I T Y O F March 27, 1996 Mr. Rod Lucia McDonalds Corporation 4370 La Jail° Villa e Drive, Suite 800 San Diego, CA 92922 SUBJECT: McDONALDS STORE - 8701 BASELINE ROAD Dear Mr. Lucia: This letter s~rves as a follow uR to our conversations regarding the necessary items that are required to be con~p °ted before fina occupancy of the building can be approved by the City. As you are aware. this roject has been a source of discussion at revious Planning Commission me°tin s. It is criticaFthat the items merit oned n the attached Fe~ruaEy 1, 1996 correspondence, and in ~his letter be accomp shed n a timely manner We are quite dismayed that the corrective work reflects po~r quality workmanship and demonstrates either a lack of desire or ability to bring these matters to a successful and attractive completion. items that have surfaced since the previous correspondence that are a result of subsequent improvements to the site include the following: = ' j~ ' ' 'The harming that has been installed on the proper'b/must blend in with the existing grade to create a smooth berm without "bumps." 2. The landscaJing that has been Ionted to form the "Golden Arches" logas shaft be removed. This landscaping constitPJtes an sign. illegal Based on the s pn ficance of the Plannin Carom ssions' concerns, staff has scheduled this item for a cons derat on for revocat on of the ~?onditional Use Permit on April 10 1996. Based ~n this, t s mperative that a tems be addressed as 9uickl as possible so 'that this item can be potent al y pulled off the April 10 agenda n sufflcientYtime. Your continued cooperation in address ng these issues is as always, reatly appreciated. We appreciate your scheduling difficulties with person° trying to handler this matter and would suggest that the Ioca store manager be given the au~/hority and resources to make these corrections. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at (909) 477-2750. Sincerely, P° sY L M NT Steve Hayes, AICP Associate Planner SH:sp Attachments: February 1, 1996 letter Khal Assaf, Store Manager Mayor William J. Alexander ~ Councilmember Paul Biane P - ~m ~. 'i~'r= Councilmember James V. CurataIo 105C0 Civic Center Drive · P.O. Box 807 · Roncho CucamonGa. CA 91729 · (9C~) 9594 551 FA~ (9Cq) 9'37-A--49~ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 95-09 CUP 94-30 - MCDONALDS CORPORATION February 8, 1995 Page 3 Declaration, the staff reports and exhibits, and the information provided to the Planning Commission during the public hearing, the Planning Commission hereby rebuts the presumption of adverse effect as set forth in section 753.5(c-l-d) of Title 14 of the california Code of Regulatione. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the Standard conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 1) The tower on northwest corner of the building, over the enclosed playland, shall be raised 12 inches at the eave line to be in better proportion with other architectural elements on the building. 2) Decorative tiles, similar to those used on the base of the building, shall be provided in the areas previously specified as having painted recesses. 3 ) The outdoor seating area shall be dispersed more randomly, possibly with alternating types and shapes of tables used, to the satisfaction of the City Planner. 4) The Outdoor seating area shall include a focal point, to provide additional interest in this area. 5) The linear planter between the east leg of the drive-thru lane and the adjacent parking spaces shall be widened to a minimum inside dimension of 5 feet to accommodate mature trees for shading purposes. Consequently, the parking spaces can be reduced in depth to 18 feet. 6 ) Special paving shall be introduced at the driveway entrancee on-site and at key pedestrian crossings throughout the project, to the satisfaction Of the City Planner. 7) Densely planted landscape shrub hedgerows, significant berming, low walls, or any combination thereof shall be provided to screen parking spaces from view of perimeter public streets, to the satisfaction of the city Planner. 8) Stepping stones shall be provided in the planter between the north/south oriented parking spaces for easier pedestrian access and to avoid deterioration of landscaping in the planter. 9) Landscaping shall be provided to screen the existing utility vault from public view, to the satisfaction of the City Planner. "T' 7 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIVIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: April 1 . 1996 TO: C ~rman and Members of the Planning CommissiOn, FR ad Buller, City Planner BY,. Miki Bratt, AICP, Associate Planner SiON OF APRIL 2, 1996, LETFER FROM WOHL REGARDING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 96-01A AND INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 96-01 Attached is correspondence from Peter Desforges received on April 3, 1996 at 5 p.m. He requests the opportunity to discuss issues discussed in the letter. To provide that opportunity, this item has been placed on your agenda. If requested by the Commission, staff will give an oral report at the meeting. Mr. Desforges understands that this item is for discussion purposes only. The Commission's recommendation for denial of the subject applications made on March 27, 1996, has been forwarded to the City Council and is scheduled for hearing on April 17, 1996. Mr. Desforges was also given the opportunity to request reconsideration of his applications by the Commission before going to the City Council but declined to do so because of the time element. Because of the public notice requirement it could not have been heard sooner than the April 24, 1996, meeting of the Commission. BB:MB:gs Attachment: Letter from Wohl dated April 2, 1996 ITEM J Mr. David B~ker, Ch~m~ ~o Cuc~ong~ H~g Comission Mr. Brad Bullet, City R~er Ci~ o~ ~cho' Cuc~o~ga 10500 Civic Center Drive ~cho Cuc~onga, CA 91729 ~: ~ne ch~ge for Souffiside or E~ffiill 81vd. ~tw~n Spruce ~d Gentlemen: . ~ you for ~e openunity ~d dine to present my ide~ regard~g ~e a~ve referenc~ site at p~t W~da~'s H~g Com~ssion m~t~g. A~er ~e public dis~ssion w~ closed, ~e H~S Co~ssione~ r~s~ several concerns reg~d~g our pro~s~ which were ~e b~is for ~elr r~o~endation to ~e City Coundl to ~eny our r~uest. B~ on our notes ~d a review o~ ~e ta~s from ~at m~t~g, ~e s~fic concerns were ~ follows: Cit~g his ex~den~ wiffi Te~a Vista, Comissioner Melcher said ~at "ffiere is a dis~ct di~erence ~tw~ ~e no~ side o~ ~e ~ulev~d from ~e souffi side ~d ~at difference is ~e so called centers concept develo~ by Green ~d ~s~. ~e notion is ~at by gaffie~g one or more relat~ uses togeffier on a l~ge p~cel or l~a it is pssible to have a qu~it~ or development ~at is quite ~erent ~ ~e so c~l~ strip ~nter. ~e only ~g ~at c~ hap~ wiffi a pi~e o~ pro~y such ~ ~e ~ohl pmi is a strip center; a n~ow field or park~g p~lel to ~e strut wiffi a row of sm~l uses at ~e bac~ o~ ~e site. Perhaps it c~ ~ ~one creatively... it still remus a strip center ~d not ~e k~d of pl~g for ~is strut ~e city h~ ~ways envisionS." It is im~t to note ~at ~e pro~s~ proj~t of a~roximately 120,000 square f~t is wi~ ~e Gener~ Pl~'s ~idel~es for a Community Co~erci~ ~ter ~g ~tw~ 100,000 to 300,000 squ~e f~t. B~ on a conversation which I had wi~ a repr~en~tive of G~en & Ass~iates our proj~ would definitely fit ~to ~e catego~ of ~e "cente~ ~ncept" ~ ~at it is a su~ciently large parcel wi~ a ga~e~g of ~lat~ uses having common access. ~estH~ flow ~d a c~rdinated ~chit~ur~ ~d l~dsca~ ~eme. G~en's referen~ to "strip ret~l" deserts some~g quite different ~ what com~ssioner Melcher may ~ envision~g ~d is closer ~ ~e nature to what is found ~ ~e old "do~towns" of cities like Pomona. ~m G~en descH~s ~ a "strip retail" is a series of ~ntiguous l~d parcels wi~ retail business ~at ~e not ti~ toge~er by ~y c~rd~at~ access, l~dscap~g, ~estH~ movement or ~eme. To a ~n~ extent, ~is ty~ of developm~t exist~ on F~ill west of Haven where a diverse ~x of l~al tenets all have separate p~cels ~d driveways ~d ~e not ~ ~y way related. WOHL INVESTMENT COMPANY 2402 Michelson, Suite 170, Irvine, Califomia 92715 · (714) 955-0115 · FAX: (714) 755-3971 Page 2 April 2, 1996 The most successful and popular configuration for shopping centers today is one in which all businesses face the boulevard for visibility and ease of automobile and pedestrial traffic. Developers who have tried the "village theme" concept which was briefly popular in the late seventies and featured interior courtyards have been unsuccessful in almost every ease. Retailers and consumers alike demand convenience and are unwilling to locate/shop in space that is not readily visible or accessible. Of course, it is necessary to balance this convenience with careful site planning and architecture to insure an aesthetically pleasing center from a visual design standpoint. We have demonstrated that this can be accomplished as shown in the proposed site plans that were submitted with our application. Commissioner Melther also stated that "What we're really being asked to do here is to solve a problem for a landowner who has a small piece of property... We are being asked to do our zoning in an opportunistie way..." I would suggest that each and every zone change that has been applied for by landowners in this city h~s "solved a problem" for that landowner by allowing a use that there is demand for but that is not permitted. Referring to the Agajanian study, it correctly states that the city should "Promote Aggressive Commercial Development" which may include the rezoning of land as they have recommended on z~th Steer. This suggests that the city should be opportunisfic in order to attract as much of the sub-regional retail sales as is possible. Commissioner Tolstoy had concerns based on another section of the Agajanian study which "states that the City probably has too much commercial land available to support the needs of the city" and. furthermore that "...the Study was supported by other professional opinions". He also expressed a concern with our site configuration reiterating comments made by Commissioner Melther. Although the study does cite a surplus of commercial land, it does not state how much of this land permits the type of sub-regional retail development that we are proposing or whether or not it is located in areas in which there is or will be any demand from retail users. The study emphasizes that Foothill Boulevard is the city's primary retail corridor and, by recommending the z~th Street zone change. it suggests that rezoning additional land for retail development should not be prohibited if it can be adequately justified. Concerning the narrower depth of our site compared with the north side of the street, as described by Tom Bond of Architects Pacific, our proposed project fills a niche in the current market by providing an alternative to small and mid-size tenants wishing to locate on Foothill Boulevard who do not want to get lost in a huge "power center". Commissioner Tolstoy also mentioned that he was surprised to see a fast-food restaurant in our plan and that he "...could not even imagine anyone even entertaining a drive-thrn facility..." on our site. Although I understand that we need to address design issues and traffic issues, I am hopeful that the Planning Commission will approach our proposed site plan with an open mind towards meeting the consumers demand for fast food in this community. We all eat fast food and it should not be treated as a nuisance but rather as a complementary element in any successful retail corridor. Page 3 April 2, 1996 Commissioner McNiel voiced the following concerns: "...The Original (General Plan) design treated Haven and Foothill as the heart of the city. As you went east on Foothill you transitioned from office to commercial with ancillary uses and functions down to regionally related Victoria Gardens... As you got nearer to the freeway, regionally related uses came to play, not nearly this far west in the original plan... I keep having a Palmdale flashback. It keeps me awake at night..." "...Mr. Desforges has a property that is driven by one user and I don't know that that user will be a significant contributor to the community and that we should make a change for one user..." Addressing his tirst concern, I think it is clear that the original General Plan did not anticipate anything like what has happened along Foothill in the past five years. Regionally related retailers such as Best Buy, Service Merchandise, Montgomery Wards and others have located near Haven and have done so through amendments to the General Plan. Done correctly (unlike Palmdale) a primary retail corridor with two sides can be a tremendous asset for a city, attracting regional retailers with critical mass, high traffic counts and nearby residential and commercial customers. Although we have had difficulty overcoming our neighbor's claims to potential tenants that we will not be building our center and it is therefore a waste of time to consider our site, we do have several tenants other than "the good guys!" interested in our site contingent upon the zone change. It is important to note that Target was the only tenant originaily anchoring the Tetra Vista Towne Center, Best Buy was the single driving force behind Towne Square and Home Depot is the lone tenant currently committed to the Promenade project. Chairman Barker and Commissioner Lumpp voted in favor of our proposed project; however, they qualified their votes by saying that it should be looked at in the context of the entire south side of Foothill Boulevard. I agree that it would be ideal to look at the city as a "clean slate" and consider the big picture rather than address our particular request. However, until the property owners east of us come to the city with a viable plan for the development of their sites in conjunction with a request for a zone change, it is not practical for the city to consider those properties for rezoning. It would be mere prudent to proceed as was done on the north side of the street by starting at the existing critical mass at Tetra Vista and proceeding east as demand dictates. At the Planning Commission meeting last Wednesday, a representative of Lewis Homes stated that there is a demand from tenants to locate closer to Haven and they would therefore be rezoning their land between Elm and Milliken to aceommedate that demand. As Commissioner Lumpp said,"...if there is a reason to change the zone on this property, the swing decision is the fact that Lewis Homes wants to change their zoning on their property between Elm and Milliken. If any builder in this city knows what is going on in the retail and commercial market it is Lewis Homes. If they feel the need to change then why isn't this property as valuable in terms of the change creating a commercial need, as those on the north side of the street?" Page 4 April 2, 1996 The purpose of this letter is to attempt to address some of the concerns raised by the PIning Commission in recommending denial of our requested zone change. In an effort to keep this leUer down to a tolerable length I have not addressed every detail but attempted to hit on what I saw as the major issues. I would like to request that this item be included in the April 10 PlannIng Commission agenda as a discussion item so that I can answer any questions which Staff or the Planning Commission may have regarding the responses given above. I understand that the Commission cannot act on this item further but thought it would be appropriate to present these ideas to the Commission prior to the April 17 City Council meeting where I will be presenting these ideas formally. Whether or not we are ultimately successful in obtaining our requested zone change, I want to stress that it has been and continues to be my priority to communicate with Staff and the Planning Commission in a constructive manner and to address questions and concerns in the most productive way possible. Sincerely, W~/~lm ~_~,Ftners Peter Desforges~ General Partner CC: Mr. Melcher Mr. Tolstoy Mr. MeNiel Mr. Lumpp Mr. Curatallo Mr. Biane Mr. Alexander Ms. Williams Mr. Gutierrez