HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996/03/27 - Agenda Packet CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA WEDNESDAY MARCH 27, 1996 7:00 P .M. RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBER 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA I. Pledge of Allegiance II. Roll Call Chairman Barker Commissioner Melcher Vice Chairman McNiel __ Commissioner Tolstoy Commissioner Lumpp III. Consent Calendar The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine andnon-controversial. They will be acted on by the Commission at one time without discussion. If anyone has concern over any item, it should be removed for discussion. A. VACATION OF A 30-FOOT EMERGENCY FIRE ACCESS EASEMENT on two lots at the southwest comer of Laredo Place and Laramie Drive - APN: 1061-801-06 and 07. IV. Public Hearings The following items are public hearings in which concerned individuals may voice their opinion of the related project. Please wait to be recognized by the Chairman and address the Commission by stating your name and address. All such opinions shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual for each project. Please sign in ajqer speaking. B. VARIANCE 96-01 - RODRIGUEZ - A request to reduce the required building and parking setbacks for a commercial development in the Community Commercial designation (Subarea 2) of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, located at the southwest comer of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue - APN: 207-211-12 and 13. Related file: Conditional Use Permit 95-25. C. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 96-01A - WOHL/RANCHO PARTNERS - A request for a land use change from Industrial Park to Community Commercial for 14.45 acres generally located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard between Spruce and Elm Avenues APN: 208-352-62 through 69. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration of environmental impacts· D. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 96-01 - WOHL/RANCHO PARTNERS - A request to amend the Industrial Area Specific Plan to create a Community Commercial designation for 14.45 acres generally located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard between Spruce and Elm Avenues - APN: 208-352-62 through 69. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration of environmental impacts. V. New Business E. DIVERSIFIED PACIFIC HOMES - A request to initiate text changes to the Etiwanda Specific Plan development standards for the area south of the I-15 Freeway. Related File: Preliminary Review 95-10. Related file: Tentative Tract 15711. VI. Director's Reports F. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 95-11 - TERRA VISTA PROMENADE - Review of the Uniform Sign Program for the proposed development of an integrated shopping center totaling 495,736 square feet on 47.33 acres of land ' ' with proposed Phase One consisting ofa 132,065 square foot Home Depot home improvement center in the Mixed Use District (Commercial, Residential, Office) of the Terra Vista Community Plan, located at the northwest comer of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue - APN: 227-15 I-18 and 24. G. PRELIMINARY REVIEW 96-05 PATRICK SULLIVAN ASSOCIATES/SAN BERNARD1NO COUNTY - A courtesy review of a proposed juvenile housing facility located in the General Industrial designation (Subarea 14) of the Industrial Area Specific Plan, located on the west side of Etiwanda Avenue, north of Fourth Street - APN: 229-283-70. VII. Public Comments This is the time andplace for the general public to address the Commission. Items to be discussed here are those which do not already appear on this agenda. VIII. Commission Business IX. Adjournment The Planning Commission has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11:00 P.M. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, they shall be heard only with the consent of the Commission. I, Gail Sanchez, Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on March 2 L 1996, at least 72 hours prior to the meeting per Government Code Section 54964.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. / VICINITY MAP CITY HALL CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: March 27, 1996 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer BY: Betty A. Miller, Associate Engineer SUBJECT: VACATION OF A 30~FOOT EMERGENCY FIRE ACCESS EASEMENT ON TWO LOTS AT THE SOUTIIWEST CORNER OF LAREDO PLACE AND LARAMIE DRIVE - APN 1061-801-06 AND 07 BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: The owner of lot 14 in Tract 11626 has asked the City to vacate a 30-foot emergency fire access easement along his east property line (Exhibit "B"). The Fire District has lndicaidd this was h temporary access during tract construction which is no longer needed, and they have no objection to the proposed vacation. Cucamonga County Water District also has a 15-foot waterline easement on lot 14, and the City will retain a 15-foot storm drain easement on lot 13 (Exhibit "C"). The applicant's objective is to install a perimeter wall along the property line, between the two remaining easements. We will require a small storm drain easement near the southeast comer of lot 14 to assure that the wall will be at least six feet from the existing storm drain. The subject easement is 310 feet long and 30 feet wide extending southwesterly from the intersection of Laredo Place and Laramie Drive. The vacation is consistent with the General Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission make the finding through minute action that vacation of the emergency fire access easement conforms with the General Plan. This finding will be forwarded to the City Council for further processing and final approval. Respectfully submitted, Dan~jam~es~ Senior Civil Engineer DJ:BAM:sd Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Vicinity Map Exhibit "B"- Easements Exhibit "C" - Existing Facilities ITEM A CiTY OF ITF_,,~: FI~ RANCH0 CUCAMONGA ?rimE: VILIAI~TY /WAP KNG]iNF,,ERING DIVISION EXiW~IT: 9° T H E C I T Y 0 F ANCPIO CUCA ONCA March 27, 1996 Mr. Gil Rodriguez, Jr. P.O. Box 281 Upland, CA 91786 SUBJECT: VARIANCE 96-01 Dear Mr. Rodriguez: Staff is in receipt of a copy of your letter to the Planning Commission dated March 25, 1996. Like yourself, the City is concerned with the processing time of an application. For that reason, the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application, while still incomplete, continues to move forward in the process while the Variance application is scheduled for Planning Commission consideration. Staff believes the processing of the Variance application prior to the CUP application will prove beneficial to you in reducing possible delays and expenses. Staff scheduled the Variance for the first available Planning Commission meeting to receive direct input from the Planning Commission. If the Planning Commission determines that the Variance can not be approved, you would then be able to make the necessary revisions to your Conditional Use Permit application plans and complete the Design Review process. If a ruling on the Variance application is not rendered until the CUP application is scheduled for Planning Commission hearing, a denial of the Variance at that time could result in revisions to the CUP plans or denial of the project. If revisions are necessary, additional time and expense will be incurred at that time. If the Variance is approved, the schedule of the CUP would have remained the same in either case. We believe that considering the Vadance at this time will provide the most time and cost-effective manner to review the project. The issues raised in the Variance staff report are not new. The Variance and related issues were discussed as early as October 25, 1995, during a Pre-Application Review with the Planning Commission. If, however, you desire additional time to prepare for the Variance application, staff recommends that the application be continued to April 10, 1996. If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to call me or Scott Murphy, the project planner, at (909)477-2750. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT P G IS r BB:SM/ds cc: City Council Planning Commission Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager City Attorney Mayor William J. Alexander ~ Councilmember Paul Biane Mayor Pro-Tem Rex Gutierrez Councilmember James V. Curatalo ' Jack Lcm, AICP, City Manager Councilmember Diane Wilt!ares 105C0 Civic Center Drive · RO. 8ox 807 · Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 · (909) 989-1851 · FAX (9C9) 987-6499 l.J 759 N. Mountain Avenue P.O. Box 281 Ulfiand, CA.91786 R E A t E (909) 985-0958 Fax (909) 985-0950 March 25, 1996 Planning Commission City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic ,Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 - 0807 RE: VARIANCE 96-01 - A request to reduce the required building and parking setbacks for a commercial development in the Community Commercial designation ( Sub Area 2 ) of the Foothill Blvd. Specific Plan, located at the southwest corner of Foothill Blvd. and Vineyard Ave. - APN: 207 -211 - 12 and 13. Dear Chairman and Members of Planning Commission: This is a request for a continuance of the Variance scheduled for the March 27, 1996 Public hearing to be consolidated with all other discretionary approvals, including the conditional use permit. This will save a great amount of time and cost. I received the Notice of the Planning Commission hearing and a copy of the staff report March 25, 1996, two days before the scheduled hearing. Therefore there is an inadequate amount of time to prepare for the public hearing and to be heard affectively on the application. Sincerely, U.S. PROPERTIES Gil Rodfiguez Jr. cc: Mayor Bill Alexander Mayor pro-Tem Rex Gutierrez Councilmember Paul Biane Councilmember James V. Curatalo Councilmember Diane Williams City Attorney Jim Markman City Planner Brad Buller Associate Planner Scott Murphy CITY OF RANCHO CUCAlViONGA ' ~ STAFF REPORT DATE: March 27, 1996 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Scott Murphy, AICP, Associate Planner SUBJECT: VARIANCE 96-01 - RODRIGUEZ - A request to reduce the required building and parking setbacks for a commercial development in the Community Commercial designation (Subarea 2) of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, located at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue - APN: 207-211-12 and 13. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Surroundinq Land Use and Zoning: North - Vacant; Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, Community Commercial (Subarea 2) South - Vacant and single family residence; Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) East Gas station under construction and multi-family residential; Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan. Community Commercial and Medium Residential (Subarea 2) West Flood Control Channel; Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, Flood Control Channel (Subarea 2) B. General Plan Desiqnations: Project Site - Commercial North Commercial South - Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) East Commercial and Medium-High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre) West Flood Control/Utility Corridor C. Site Characteristics: The site is presently developed with the historic landmark John Klusman House that has been conver~ed to a commercial use. A gravel access drive has been provided from Vineyard Avenue to a gravel parking area adjacent to the structure. A detached garage is located south of the house. The balance of the site is vacant. ANALYSIS: A. General: The applicant is proposing to develop a shopping center. Phase I consists of a fast food drive-thru facility and a sit-down restaurant. The drive-thru facility is proposed immediately to the east of the Klusman House. The restaurant is proposed at the northeast corner of the site along the Vineyard Avenue frontage. A future pad is provided between the drive-thru facility and the restaurant along the Foothill Boulevard frontage. Parking is proposed behind or to the side of the buildings. Access to the site will be obtained from one ., entry drive along Foothill Boulevard and one along Vineyard Avenue. ITEM B PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT VAR 96-01 - RODRIGUEZ March 27, 1996 Page 2 B. Variance Request: In conjunction with the development application, the applicant has submitted a Variance request to reduce the required building setback and the parking setback along the street frontages. The site is located within the "activity center" of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan~ The intent of the activity centers is to create pedestrian oriented development through orientation of building and amenities towards the public street. To encourage this pedestrian orientation, building setbacks were substantially reduced from the normal 45 feet to 25 feet for single story structures. To further emphasize the pedestrian orientation, the parking setback is increased from a 30-foot minimum to 50 feet. The two standards combine to provide opportunities for expanded pedestrian walkways, pedestrian amenities, and a pedestrian - scale building design. The applicant is requesting to modify both the building and parking setback standards. The restaurant building fronting Vineyard Avenue is located 17 feet from the curb. The trellis ...... '- structure provided in front of the drive-thru facility on Foothill Boulevard is located 15 feet from the curb. The parking area south of the restaurant is proposed at 39 feet from the curb. And the drive-thru lane, considered by staff as a parking drive aisle, is proposed at 21 feet from the curb. FACTS FOR FINDING: In order for the Planning Commission to approve a Variance, facts to support all of the following findings must be made: 1 That strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulations would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of the Development Code. 2. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to other properties in the same district. 3. That strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. 4. That the granting of the Variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 5. That the granting of the Variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. In the letter to the Planning Commission. the applicant indicates that the site is unlike other properties in the vicinity and in the same zoning designation. The applicant notes that the property development at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue resulted in the shift of the centerline in Vineyard Avenue 9 feet to the west. The result of this shift is that the applicant must dedicate 9 additional feet that he would not have had to dedicate if not for that development. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT VAR 96-01 - RODRIGUEZ March 27, 1996 Page 3 In considering the Variance request and the applicant's justification, staff offers the following: 1. The activity center provides a reduced building and parking setback from other properties along Foothill Boulevard within the same zoning designation. The activity center allows buildings to be located 25 feet from the face of curb compared to other locations which require 45 feet. 2. The applicant is required to widen Vineyard Avenue 20 feet for a 740-foot wide property (at the midpoint) in order to provide the required street improvements - a 3 percent reduction in the overall property width. By comparison, the property immediately across Vineyard Avenue was required to widen Vineyard Avenue 7 feet off their 160-foot wide property - a 4 percent reduction in their property width. The project on the east side of Vineyard Avenue was able to meet the 25-foot building setback required. The project did, however, receive Variance approval to reduce the parking setback to 43 feet because of the small size of the existing parcel (0.64 acres). The property at the northeast corner of the site, which necessitated the ......... shift in the Vineyard centerline, was also granted Variance approval. That Variance permitted the Thomas Winery building (the arbor) to remain 2 feet from the face of curb. The approval was granted in recognition of the historic designation of the winery building. 3. The project approved for the northwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue (Smiths Food King) was required to deal with the same 9-foot shift in the Vineyard Avenue centerline. The site is zoned Community Commercial and the Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue intersection is designated as an activity center. That project was able to meet the required building and parking setbacks while widening Vineyard Avenue 22 feet. That northwest corner site is approximately 10.6 acres with a lot width of 630 feet. The applicant's overall site is roughly 9.1 acres under the same Community Commercial zoning. 4. The applicant is proposing to develop a site measuring 610 feet by 730 feet. This area provides more than adequate room in which to make up the distance necessary to comply with the setback requirements. 5. While the applicant is required to dedicate and improve the Foothill Boulevard frontage, there is no correlation between the 9-foot shift in the Vineyard Avenue centerline and the reduced setbacks requested along Foothill Boulevard. 6. VV~th the application, the applicant is required to widen Foothill Boulevard roughly 20 feet to accommodate the ultimate improvements for Foothill Boulevard. The project approved for the northwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue was required to widen Foothill Boulevard 17 feet to accommodate a right turn lane. Nonetheless, that project met the building and parking setbacks along Foothill Boulevard.The project at the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue was also required to widen Foothill Boulevard 9 feet. Like the northwest corner, the application met the building setback requirements. The application did, however, receive Variance approval to reduce the parking setback from 50 feet to 40 feet. As with the Vineyard Avenue setback, the Variance was in recognition of the small size of the parcel. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT VAR 96-01 - RODRIGUEZ March 27, 1996 Page 4 7. Even if the Vineyard Avenue centerline had not been shifted 9 feet to the west, the application would still not meet the required 50-foot parking setback within the activity center - the parking setback would be 48 feet from face of curb. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission deny Variance 96-01 through adoption of the attached Resolution. City Planner BB:SM:mlg Attachments: Exhibit "A" Letter from Applicant Exhibit "B" Site Plan Resolution of Denial : W'e do ~ot enjoy the same prMlegcs as other properties in the same distric. L Thomas Winery located aT tile : i ;~°~hD"'est corner of Foothill Bb'd. and Virteyard Ave. caused the center line of Vineyard Ave. to b,: shifted : rune leer to the west thus affi:cting the bui!ding setback/br the proposed Vh~eyztrd ,'(; 'c. Bur!din8' T'h. oI~s : Winery enjoys ~ privileged setback, lhus the development code would deprive the proposed building. to be ; located at [he. Southwest corner of Foothill BIrd. ar~.d Viaey.,.rd Ave, .of privileges enjoyed by p. ropenies in the same district. The required setback For buildings ~oca.'.ed on Vineyard Ave. is 25 fee~, ~he. propused b.:ildin8 is setba:k 17 · tel from the curb. We are requesting only a 8 foot reduction in the required setback. Post-It' Fax Note 7671 ~/r/,/]l~a~,~ Z, ./o~ - t. / o. · Phon~ ~ ' ~h~n__8 ~ ., , ..... ,. .. ..................... .:' ,~ 1~5~,26' r'rn N 00 13' 4C 381 88.00' 20 N ~9 ~7' 07' W 390 533.91' -../ 103 ~ STQ~ COL. 39' WAL ~ RSPECTIVE V;?NF ',~LL ..... ~--F-UTURE ;'~""~'~'¢' .... 5'-5' .., J ENTRY SIO~VALK A~O' I FUTU~ ~ col i use -- -- , MULTF I 3500 NG BUILDING ]:( ' ..... ~ ~, ~u,~r ~l ......... / I '" 2900 sl ~" j ..... ,'.::: .....' ~ZFl( =; ;, & t- , ~ ..... ..... TOTAL pARKING 154 SPACES CONC. WAL~ " ENTRY~'~ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING VARIANCE NO. 96-01, A REQUEST TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED BUILDING AND PARKING SETBACKS FOR A COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DESIGNATION (SUBAREA 2) OF THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND VINEYARD AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 207-211-12 AND 13. A. Recitals. 1. Gil Rodriguez Jr. has filed an application for the issuance of Variance No. 96-01 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafier in this Resolution, the subject Variance request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 27th day of March 1996, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho ..... Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Pad A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing on March 13, 1996, including written and oral staff repods, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to properly located at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue with street frontages of 640 feet along Foothill Boulevard and 495 feet along Vineyard Avenue and is presently improved with a local historic landmark, the John Klusman House, which has been converted to commercial use; and b. The property to the north of the subject site is designated for commercial uses and is vacant. The properly to the south consists of a single family residence and is designated for residential uses. The properly to the east is designated for commercial uses and is being developed with a gas station and mini-market. The property to the west is designated and developed with a flood control channel; and c. The application has been submitted in conjunction with a request for the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit No. 95-25 to allow the development of a shopping center, the first phase of which consists of a drive-thru fast food facility and a restaurant which are conditionally permitted and permitted uses within the Community Commercial and Activity Center designation. respectively; and PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. VAR 96-01 - RODRIGUEZ March 27, 1996 Page 2 d. The application has been submitted to allow the development of buildings with lesser setback than 25 feet from the face of curb along Vineyard Avenue and along Foothill Boulevard, and to allow development of parking with lesser setback than 50 feet from face of curb along Vineyard Avenue and along Foothill Boulevard contrary to the requirements of Section of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan; and e. The Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan encourages development within certain designated activity centers by providing various incentives. These incentives include substantially reduced building and parking setbacks different from other properties along Foothill Boulevard within the same zoning designation. The activity center allows buildings to be located 25 feet from the face of curb contrasted with 45 feet, which is normal the requirement for other locations within the Plan; and f. All new buil~lings within all other projects located within the same activity center at the intersection of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue have fully complied with the setback requirements. The applicant is required to widen Vineyard Avenue 20 feet for a 740-foot wide properly in order to provide the required street improvements which constitutes a 3 percent reduction ...... in'-the 'overall properly width. By comparison, the properly immediate across Vineyard Avenue was required to widen Vineyard Avenue 7 feet off their 160-foot wide properly, which constituted a 4 percent reduction in their properly width, Without the need for variance for building setbacks; and g. The project approved for the northwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue was required to address the same 9-foot shift in the Vineyard Avenue centerline. The site is zoned Community Commercial and the Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue intersection is designated as an activity center. That project was able to meet the required building and parking setbacks while widening Vineyard Avenue 22 feet. The nodbeast corner site is approximately 10.6 acres with a lot width of 630 feet. The applicant's overall site is roughly 9.1 acres under the same Community Commercial zoning; and h. The applicant is proposing to develop a site measuring 740 feet by 610 feet at the mid-points of the parcel. This area provides more than adequate room in which to comply with the setback requirements; and I. While the applicant is required to dedicate and improve the Foothill frontage. there is no correlation between the 9-foot shift in the Vineyard Avenue centedine and the reduced setbacks requested along Foothill Boulevard; and j. With the application. the applicant is required to widen Foothill Boulevard roughly 20 feet to accommodate the ultimate improvements for Foothill Boulevard. The project approved for the northwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue was required to widen Foothill Boulevard 17 feet to accommodate a right turn lane. That project met the building and parking setbacks along Foothill Boulevard; and k. If the centerline of Vineyard Avenue had not been shifted 9-feet to the west, the application would still not maintain the 50-foot parking setback required within the activity center of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan; the resulting setback would be 48 feet. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set fodh in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: J PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. VAR 96-01 - RODRIGUEZ March 27, 1996 Page 3 a. That strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulations would not result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of the Development Code. b. That there are not exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the properly involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to other propedies in the same district. c. That stdct or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would not depdve the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. d. That the granting of the Variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other propedies classified in the same district. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 ~bove, this Commission hereby denies the application. 5. The Secretary to this Commission shall cedify to the adoption of this Resolulion. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 27TH DAY OF MARCH 1996. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: E. David Barker, Chairman ATTEST: Brad Bullet, Secretary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 27th day of March 1996, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: January 8, 1996 Mr. David Barker, Chairman, Planning Commission (Via Fax: 909/989-6028) Mr. Brad Bullet, City Planner (Via Fax: 909/987-6499) City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Dr. Raneho Cucamonga, CA 91729 RE: Proposed General Plan Amendment for the property located South of Foothill Boulevard between Spruce and Elm Gentlemen: Although it is clear from the joint City Council\Planning Commission meeting held in December regarding the land use survey prepared by Mr. Agaganian that there are still questions and concerns about the recommendations therein, the discussion of this issue over the past two months has brought several uneontested points to light, including the following: 1. It is an undisputed conclusion that Foothill Boulevard east of Haven is the primary retail corridor within the City and is best suited for future retail development; 2. The existing retail core, which started with Terra Vista Town Center and has successfully ' ' expanded east to the Promenade, is thriving and continues to attract regionally oriented retailers to the City; 3. Based on projected population growth and other positive aspects within Raneho Cucamonga and the sub-region, there will be continued ,demand for substantial acreage to accommodate future retail development; 4. It has been emphasized over and over again that building "critical mass" or the grouping of ' retailers both competitive and complementary is a positive factor for the City and is crucial in the decision making process for retailers seeking new locations; 5. Retail development contributes the most income to the City compared to any other type of development at a very low cost to service. Because of potential cuts in current income sources and the constantly growing demand for city services, Raneho Cueamonga cannot afford to miss any viable opportunities to increase its tax base; and 6. Area property owners as well as Mr. Agaganian have emphasized the fact that competition between cities for regional retailers is fierce and that Rancho Cucamonga needs to act swiftly and aggressively to attract the remaining candidates. Every major retailer which Rancho Cucamonga loses means not only the lost sales tax revenue from that store but also the lost draw to the Foothill corridor (i.e. every tenant locating in an adjacent city wilt pull customers away from Rancho Cucamonga). W01tL INVESTMENT COMPANY ichelson, Suite 170, h'vine, California 92715 · (714) 955-0115 · FAX: (714) 755-3971 Based on these facts, the City needs to determine what it can and should do to assure that it attracts as much retail development to its primary retail corridor as the surrounding trade area can support. Currently, the only viable "product" the City has to attract community and regional retailers to its primary retail corridor is the land on the north side of Foothill Boulevard owned by Lewis Homes. Also available is Masi Project on the south side of the street. However. this project has been delayed for several years and orients itself more to the sports complex than to the existing retail core at Tetra Vista. Tenants looking to locate in this market are therefore forced to deal with Lewis Homes or to look at alternative locations outside of the City. Maintaining this monopoly of retail acreage on the Foothill corridor east of Haven is definitely not in the best interest of the City. Of course, Lewis Homes has made it clear in its letter presented to the council at the joint meeting that they do not want any competition. However. Mr. Agaganian's conclusions regarding the ~ositive impact of critical mass and the proven concept of locating new retail across the street from existing centers (as he is proposing on 4th St.) indicate that a retail development on our site would be extremely beneficial to the City in the long run by attracting more shoppers to the area and giving more choices to the community. The planning staff has suggested that the City should wait until the north side of Foothill Blvd. is completely built out before retail development on the south side is even considered. Although this may sound like a good idea, stifling competition in the market is not the best long term interest of the City. Yes, adding retail acreage to the market may slightly delay the full lease-up of the Lewis projects, but over the next three to five years and beyond the City will get more tenants than it otherwise would have attracted and al__l tenants will do better because of the added critical mass created by the expanded development. We are not proposing that the entire South side of Foothill Boulevard be rezoned. Rather, the City should proceed as it has on the north side of the street by starting at the point nearest the existing critical mass and moving east from there if demand justifies further rezoning. As you know, we currently have a firm commitment from "the good guys!" to build a 20.000-25,000 sq. ft. store on our site. We also have proposals from other prospective retail tenants interested in our site. I have attached a letter from "the good guys!" which basically states that the city will have to act "swiftly and aggressively" to keep them from moving to Ontario. Based on the quick turnaround which the City was able to accomplish to attract "Best Buy" on the Lewis site. I am confident that their objectives can be met should the City make the decision that this tenant will be a positive addition to the existing critical mass. Because of the time constraints we are working with. I would Jike to proceed on the following basis: First, we would like to immediately schedule a workshop with the planning commission to discuss site layout. As you suggested. this can be done irrespective of the proposed uses but can address issues such as elevations, circulation, parking and layout of buildings. Second, it is our intention to immediately resubmit our application for a General Plan Amendment. Although we would prefer to wait until we have arrived at an acceptable solution with the staff and Planning Commission, we are willing to risk the cost of the application fee in the hopes that we can come to agreement on a mutually acceptable plan while the application process is ongoing. Working with staff and Planning Commission at the same time as our application is being processed is the only way that we can come close to meeting the time frame set forth by "the good guys!". Finally, we would like to submit a request to have our GPA application considered on one of the two available "floating" dates for hearing such general plan amendments. I understand that the next scheduled submittal deadline is on March 15 with hearings in May or June. As you can imagine, like "the good guys!", most of the tenants which are currently interested in our property need to know the availability of our site as soon as possible or they may locate elsewhere. Based on the new information that has been presented recently, we are asking the Planning Commission to consider our proposed GPA for the following reasons: 1. It expands the existing "critical mass" of retailers on the Foothill corridor; 2. It allows healthy competition amongst landowners in the City's retail core, therefore providing more opportunities for retailers looking to locate in this market; 3. It is compatible with the existing General Plan which already permits certain kinds of retail development on our site; 4. It will provide a significant sourc~ of revenu~ for the City as the project is built out (for example, "the good guys!" alone is projecting sales of approximately $20 million which translates into sales tax revenues to the City of approximately $200,000); and 5. It will be designed in a way that will be complementary to all neighbors and will be an asset for the City. I would like opportunity to meet with you this week to discuss these ideas further and will call you set up an appointment. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to working with both staff and the Commission to arrive at a mutually acceptable solution for this site. Sincerely, W~RANC 0 P NERS Pete~ D~" enel. co: Mr. Melther Mr. Tolstoy Mr. McNiel Mr. Lumpp Mr. Curatalo Mr. Blanc Mr. Alexander Ms. Williams Mr. Gutierrez CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ' ~ STAFF REPORT DATE: March 27, 1996 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Miki Bratt, AICP, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTAND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 96-01A - WOHL/RANCHO PARTNERS - A request for a land use change from Industrial Park to Community Commercial for 14.45 acres generally located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard between Spruce and Elm Avenues - APN: 208-352-62 through 69. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 96-01 - WOHU RANCHO PARTNERS - A request to amend the Industrial Area Specific Plan to create a Community Commercial designation for 14.45 acres generally located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard between Spruce and Elm Avenues - APN: 208-352-62 through 69. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested by Applicant: This application is a request to change the south side of Foothill Boulevard from Industrial Park to Community Commercial retail between Spruce and Elm. No concept Master Plan has been submitted with this application. These applications are virtually the same applications as General Plan Amendment 95-02A and Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 95-02, which were recommended for denial by the Planning Commission on October 11, 1995 (Exhibits "AA and "BB") and denied by the City Council on November 1, 1995 (Exhibits "CC" and "DD"). B. Surroundinq Land Use and Zoninq: North - Partially developed with retail stores, including home electronics, linens/home accessories; craft supplies; bookstore; and coffee house; with pads for up to four restaurants - Terra Vista Planned Community: Community Commercial District. South - Developed - Hotel; and Vacant - Industrial Area Specific Plan Subarea 7: Industrial Park and Rancho Cucamonga Business Park Master Plan East Vacant - Industrial Area Specific Plan Subarea 7: Industrial Park and Rancho Cucamonga Business Park Master Plan West Developed - Vacant Restaurant; and Vacant - Industrial Area Specific Plan Subarea 7: Industrial Park and Rancho Cucamonga Business Park Master Plan C. iTEMS C & D PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT GPA 96-01A and ISPA 95-01 - WOHL/RANCHO March 27, 1996 Page 2 C. General Plan Desiqnations: Project Site - Industrial Park North - Community Commercial South - Industrial Park East - Industrial Park West - Industrial Park D. Site Characteristics: The site encompasses 14.45 acres of undeveloped land bounded on the north by Foothill Boulevard, on the south by Eucalyptus Street, on the east by Elm Avenue, and on the west by Spruce Avenue (see Exhibit "A" under Exhibit "AA"). The site slopes gently from north to south with a drainage easement across the property just east of the mid-point between Spruce and Elm Avenues. Soil conditions are stable. The site is partially covered with old growth vineyards which appear abandoned and partially covered with weeds. The only trees on the site were planted at the intersection of Foothill ........... and Spru/:e as part of the landscaping requirements for the Rancho Cucamonga Business Park site development. There are no structures on the site. BACKGROUND: On October 11, 1995, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on a request for a land use change from Industrial Park to Community Commercial for 14.45 acres of land on the south side of Foothill Boulevard between Spruce and Elm Avenues and voted 4-0-1 to deny the application (McNiel absent). The Commission expressed support for commercial development on the site consistent with uses already allowed in Subarea 7 of the Industrial Specific Plan (Exhibit "BB" ). The applicant appealed the Planning Commission decision to the City Council. On November 1, 1995, the City Council conducted a public hearing on the aforementioned application and voted 3-2-0 to deny without prejudice (Biane and Gutierrez voted no). Council members emphasized that this was a land use decision (Exhibit "DD"). On December 20, 1995. the City Council and the Planning Commission held a workshop on the Agajanian Market Study and the Council directed the Commission to develop policies and objectives for retail development. On January 31, 1996, the Planning Commission began their review of policies and objectives, as well as a review of the Foothill Boulevard retail corridor. Also, on January 31, 1996, at the request of Peter Desforges, representing the subject property, the Commission discussed a design workshop for the site. The consensus was that the Commission could host a design workshop as part of a Pre-Application Review process. On February 13, 1996, instead of going forward to resolve site development and design issues for a retail center through the Pre-Application Review process, the applicant submitted the subject requests for General Plan Amendment and Industrial Specific Plan amendment only. Aqajanian Market Study: The Agajanian Market Study was presented to the City Council and the Planning Commission at several meetings and workshops. The Study, which was '-. prepared in close cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce, advised aggressive efforts PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT GPA 96-01A and ISPA 95-01 - WOHURANCHO March 27, 1996 Page 3 to attract development. It indicated development of between 400 and 550 acres of retail and office commercial development can be expected Citywide in the long term. Currently 1,714 acres are zoned for, or are under consideration for, commercial development. The Study also offered a number of general conclusions as well as specific observations for Foothill Boulevard. The Study stated (general conclusion in bold): · Promote aggressive commercial development: Continue to promote commercial development along Foothill Boulevard on property which is currently zoned for retail Use. · Build synergy with commercial siting: Development potential of large single ownership properties as exemplified by Victoria Gardens and Terra Vista Town Center. ........ · Orient new retail toward residential growth area in north Rancho Cucamonga and Fontann: Expand sites at the Foothill Boulevard/I-15 retail node. · Retain Foothill Boulevard as the principal commercial corridor: Central Foothill Boulevard, between Haven and Rochester Avenues, should continue to develop community retail stores in largely "center" settings. Frontage properties along the southern side of Foothill Boulevard should be reserved for ancillary/ business support commercial development, not retail development which competes with the north side of Foothill Boulevard. Public testimony by Mission Land Company and Western Properties supported the conclusions of the Market Study. Mission Land Company supported the Study based on a review by their market consultant. Western Properties initially questioned the conclusions, but stated full support at the January 31, 1996, meeting of the Planning Commission. Wohl Investment Company testified that the Study supports a land use change for their property opposite Town Center Square. The justification statement submitted with the subject application restates their testimony (Exhibit "GG"). However, as referenced above, the Market Study states: "The frontage properties along the southern side of Foothill Boulevard in [this study's] Subarea 2 should be reserved for commercial development, but not necessarily retail development" (p. 71). As stated above, the City Council and the Planning Commission met and discussed the Market Study at an adjourned meeting on December 20, 1995. The City Council directed the Planning Commission to develop recommendations for long term goals and strategies for retail development. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT GPA 96-01A and ISPA 95~01 - WOHL/RANCHO March 27, 1996 Page 4 On January 31, 1996 the Planning Commission continued discussion of the Market Study (see attached minutes, Exhibit "EE") and directed staff as follows: · Move forward via the existing Industrial Area Specific Plan to add retail uses to the north side of Foudh Street opposite the Ontario Mills Mall; · Build on success of the Foothill Marketplace by facilitating retail development at the Foothill Boulevard/l-15 Interchange; · Defer study on the State Route 30 Freeway access ramps until the freeway design is final; · Continue to study the Foothill Retail Corridor, including the potential for adding retail development on the south side of Foothill between Haven and Rochester; · Work with an applicant on his initiation of text changes to the Industrial Area Specific Plan Subarea 8 to add "automotive sales" as a conditionally permitted use. On February 14, 1996, the Planning Commission again considered the Market Study and reviewed development along the Foothill Boulevard retail corridor from Grove Avenue to Etiwanda Avenue (Exhibit "FF"). The Commission requested staff to return in a workshop setting when additional land use and zoning data has been obtained. The review of the Foothill Corridor between Deer Creek Channel and Day Creek Channel indicated that virtually all the proper~y owners on the south side of Foothill Boulevard have contacted the Planning Department regarding the potential for land use change from office and industrially related retail to unrestricted retail. Retail development along this segment has progressed generally from west to east. Additionally, Western Properties indicated an interest in requesting retail for their remaining Foothill Boulevard frontage between Elm and Rochester. In response to the Commission's request for more information in vacancies, staff has found that there is approximately 466,000 square feet of retail leasable area available or with approved pads within the Terra Vista Community Plan. There is also 260,255 square feet approved in the Masi Project at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue. ANALYSIS: The applicant's justification statement asserts several points to support reconsideration of the requested land use change. These points will be presented and discussed as follows: Foothill Boulevard is the Primary Retail corridor of the City: The applicant states and staff agrees that Foothill Boulevard is the primary retail corridor for the City. Foothill Boulevard extends a distance of approximately 6 ¼ miles through the City. The Market Study advised focusing on solidly anchored, single-ownership centers including the Victoria Gardens and Tetra Vista Town Center, as well as projects at the 1-1 5/Foothill Boulevard node, including the Foothill Marketplace. Testimony during review of the Market Study cautioned that opening the entire corridor to retail development from Haven Avenue to Etiwanda Avenue PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT GPA 96-01A and ISPA 95-01 - WOHURANCHO March 27, 1996 Page 5 would dilute the leasing power of the activity centers and may slow retail development. Leasing and related financing problems at the approved Masi site at Rochester and the Moore site opposite the Foothill Marketplace were also cited. The Market Study stated that the south side of Foothill Boulevard, which is zoned Industrial Park in the Industrial Area Specific Plan, should be reserved for ancillary and business support commercial development, but not necessarily retail development. The Rancho Cucamonga Business Park (of which the subject site is a part) has Master Planned the site for multi-story office and food court uses. A subsequent proposal was approved for a high-end commercial design center. The design center was to compliment and not compete with the retail activity within the retail centers along Foothill Boulevard in the Terra Vista Planned Community. With development of the hotel within the southwest quadrant of the subject site, restaurants and entertainment would be the most compatible type of uses, and are already permitted, or conditionally permitted, in Subarea 7 of the Industrial Area Specific Plan. Demand for substantial acreaqe to support retail development: The City has 1,002 acres of undeveloped commercial land and another 712 acres with potential for rezoning to commercial development. The Agajanian report concluded that the long term build out potential is for not more than 550 acres of additional office and retail development. Retail needed to serve population qrowth: Population growth in the City during the past four years has been slight, averaging 2.9 percent per year. During this period, retail development has been in a catch-up phase to meet the needs of population growth which occurred during the 1980s. Residential growth through the remainder of the 1990s is uncertain. New residential development is likely to increase as the economy in the Inland Empire improves, but for now remains relatively flat. For example, according to the Business Press San Bernardino County housing starts during December 1995 lagged behind housing starts in December 1994 by 32 percent, but the LA. Times reported that in January 1996 housing permits were only 1 percent behind January 1995 in the Riverside- San Bernardino area. One dampening effect on production and sales of new product is that the price of existing homes is still declining throughout the region. Compatibility with General Plan: (see also Exhibit "AA" Land Use Analysis): The applicant states that retail use is compatible with the General Plan. The General Plan encourages retail development in a hierarchy of "Centers" defined by acreage and activity and discourages "strip development." Strip development refers to retail businesses with frontage on arterial streets which are located on individual, often non-contiguous parcels of relatively shallow depth. Strip development describes the condition along Foothill Boulevard prior to City incorporation. In the General Plan a "Center" has an acreage criteria, a gross leasable area criteria. and a market area criteria. In the hierarchy of commercial land uses, a Community Commercial Center would be between 15 and 50 acres in size and intermediary in activity between a Neighborhood Center and a Regional Center. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT GPA 96-01A and ISPA 95-01 - WOHL/RANCHO March 27, 1996 Page 6 It is unusual to receive a request for a land use change without an application for development. While a development application is not bound to a land use change, it provides a strong indication of what is intended to happen. A Community Commercial designation on the subject site without a master plan or other development parameters to avoid strip commercial could not be found consistent with the General Plan. No application for development has been received with this application for land use change. Critical mass: This term is used when a sufficient number and type of businesses are grouped together to attract consumers. Critical mass has been obtained in the Terra Vista Planned Community from Haven Avenue to Elm. The applicant's request could add retail oppodunities to Terra Vista's critical mass or it could dilute the current success of the Terra Vista Center. An important consideration with a land use change is whether it can achieve an intended result. The properties to the east, west, and south of the subject site are zoned Industrial Park. An amendment to the land use midway between Haven and Milliken would not logically build on the critical mass created by the activity center expanding from Haven and woul8 be Spot zoning. The Terra Vista retail focal area is consistent with the General Plan "Centers Concept" and the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan "Activity Centers" concept. The Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan further defines centers as follows: Activity Centers are points of intersection at major streets or landmarks along the Foothill Boulevard Corridor. As such, they are points of concentrated activity which give identity to individual subareas. The "Centers" concept has proven successful in the City. The two most successful are the Terra Vista Town Center and the Foothill Marketplace. Major anchors are doing well in these locations, but in-line shops are struggling. A recent study of Inland Empire Commercial Development for CB Commercial by Alfred Gobar stated that even well-anchored centers in the Inland Empire region have a vacancy rate of 11.6 percent, "about a percentage point better than last place Dallas/Ft. Worth". The highest reported vacancy rate was for unanchored strip centers which have a 18.4 percent vacancy rate in the Inland Empire compared with a 3.4 percent vacancy rate for the leader, Minneapolis/St. Paul (Exhibit "HH"). Foothill Corridor and 4th Street Comparison: The applicant states that the addition of retail along Foothill Boulevard is the same as adding retail along 4th Street. There is an important difference between "Centers" development on Foothill Boulevard and potential retail development on 4th Street. The former is directly tied to residential development and focuses on the Rancho Cucamonga "Community" market. The latter is freeway-linked to the region, focuses on a regional market, and may pull consumers and sales tax dollars away from Rancho Cucamonga to Ontario. The Terra Vista retail center and the Foothill Marketplace development primarily serve existing residential development in the City, drawing heavily on the Terra Vista and Victoria Planned Communities, as well as new residential construction north of Foothill Boulevard c PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT GPA 96-01A and ISPA 95-01 - WOHL/RANCHO March 27, 1996 Page 7 in Fontann. The Community Commercial designation is intended to draw customers from the entire City, but adjoining and nearby residential areas are the also expected to provide a substantial number of the customers for Community Commercial developments. In contrast, there is no residential development in the immediate vicinity of the Ontario Mills site. The Mills mall is intended to be a destination center drawing from the regional population. It will be dependent on those who will typically choose the mall as their destination and will arrive via the 1-15 freeway or the 1-10 freeway. Additional retail development opposite the Mall would aim to divert some of those regional customers. Further, retail sales along 4th Street in the City has the potential to bring sales tax revenue into the City which would otherwise go to the City of Ontario. Mixed Use desiqnation: The applicant incorrectly describes the Terra Vista Town Center and Town Center Square as "mixed use" developments. They are designated "Community Commercial" which is a commercial retail use and not a mixed use. In the Terra Vista ........ COmmunity Plan there is a "Mixed Use" designation which is described as follows: Mixed use centers have the ability to provide stimulating, integrated environments that include commercial. office, entertainment and leisure time, and residential developments -- all clustered together into unified, highly identifiable developments (emphasis added.) Fiscal Impact: The applicant states that the Good Guys store would increase opportunities for comparison shopping for electronics merchandise in Rancho Cucamonga. If built. the amount of net increase in sales tax revenue is uncertain in that an increase in sales by Good Guys may result in a decrease in sales by other electronics merchandise stores in the City, for example: Montgomery Wards Electric Avenue, Circuit City, and Best Buy. With the subject applications, the applicant resubmitted the market study by Urban Research Associates: Table 3 identified the 1995 demand for electronics merchandise in the market area as 63,800 square feet with a supply of 100,600 square feet already developed in the City (Exhibit "I1"). Act swiftly and aqqressively to attract retail business into the city: The applicant refers to the Agajanian Market Study. The imperative in the Agajanian study is for selective effort, for example to support retail development in a "Centers" setting such as development of the Victoria Mall site, development at the 1-15 and Foothill Boulevard intersection, and development along 4th Street opposite the Mills. The applicant also refers to aggressive time lines achieved by Western Properties to develop their Town Center Square and Promenade sites. The success of those applications was due in large part to the diligence of the developer. Western properties submitted applications for development concurrently with a request for land use change, resolved site planning and design issues early in the process. and was poised to advance to plan check immediately after the City Council's decision to proceed. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT GPA 96-01A and ISPA 95-01 - WOHL/RANCHO March 27, 1996 Page 8 Desiqn: There are no design issues to be considered with these applications, because no development project has been submitted for review. When a development package is submitted, design issues can be addressed. As with any project in the Industrial Area Specific Plan, within the limits of existing Design Guidelines and City policies, the design of the site can be controlled by the Planning Commission. Compatibility with existing and intended future development, as well as buffering of certain uses such as dock deftvery areas, would be required. Market Studies: The applicant states that the Lewis (Western Properties) and Masi market studies support the requested change from Industrial Park to Community Commercial. Those studies were site specific to the Western Properties and Masi requests for land use change and did not address any other sites, including the subject site. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: There has been no material change in the subject applications from previously reviewed applications for General Plan Amendment 95-02A and Industrial Area .... S~ci~C Plan Amendment 95-02. The Initial Study, Part I and Environmental Checklist, Part II, for the aforementioned applications are incorporated into this application (Exhibit "J J"). Staff has found that no significant adverse environmental impacts will occur because of the proposed land use amendments. A Negative Declaration would be recommended upon approval of the subject application. CORRESPONDENCE: · Wohl Investment: The attached letter and site plan schemes "A", "B", and "C" were received from the applicant on March 14, 1996 (Exhibit "KK"). A revised scheme "C" was forwarded by the applicant on March 19, 1996 (Exhibit "LL"). Again, no application for development has been received with this application and none of the schemes would be a part of an approval of the subject applications. As stated earlier in this report, staff has continued to encourage the processing of a development proposal concurrent with any General Plan application. Also, the Planning Commission and staff suggested a Pre- Application review to consider site design issues for the property. The applicant has chosen not to process development plans, but has submitted the attached schemes as development possibilities. These schemes have not been previously considered by either Design Review Committee or the Planning Commission. · Lewis Homes: The attached letter from Lewis Homes Management Corporation dated March 13, 1996, discusses vacant and/or available retail space along Foothill Boulevard in Terra Vista Town Center, Town Center Square, and Tetra Vista Promenade (Exhibit "MM"). Five merchants are in bankruptcy -- Home Express, Clothestime, Discovery Zone, Lingerie for Less, and Anna's Linens) -- accounting for 68,421 square feet of available space to add to the 397,578 square feet of vacant stores or available pads in the centers for a total of 465,999 square feet of vacanfJavailable space. This is 38 percent of the total retail space in the three Centers. c,, PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT GPA 96-01A and ISPA 95-01 - WOHL/RANCHO March 27, 1996 Page 9 RECOMMENDATION: These applications are virtually identical to General Plan Amendment 95-02A and Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 95-02 which were recommended for denial by the Planning Commission on October 11, 1995, and denied by the City Council on November 1, 1995. The only circumstance which has changed is completion of the Agajanian Market Study. The Study encouraged commercial development but discouraged adding retail uses in Subarea 7 of the Industrial Area Specific Plan on the south side of Foothill Boulevard between Haven and Rochester. The Planning Commission has not completed their review of development along the Foothill Corridor. However, at the request of the applicant to expedite review of these applications and. to facilitate the decision process, this item has been brought forward. Staff recommends denial and resolutions recommending denial are attached. City Planner BB:MB:sp Attachments: "AA" Planning Commission Staff Report - October 11.1995 "BB' Planning Commission Minutes - October 11, 1995 "CC" City Council Staff Report - November 1, 1995 "DD" City Council Minutes - November 1, 1995 "EE" - Planning Commission Minutes - January 31, 1996 "FF" - Planning Commission Minutes - February 14, 1996 "GG" - Applicant's Justification Statement "HH" - "Local retail vacancy rates" article, Business Press, February 19, 1996 "11 .... Table 3: Focused Market Analysis: Foothill Courtyard Retail Center "JJ" Environmental Assessment Pad I and Part II "KK" - Applicant's Site Plan Schemes "A," "B," and "C" "LL" Applicant's Revised Scheme "C" "MM" - Correspondence: Lewis Homes Letter, March 13, 1996 Resolution Recommending Denial - General Plan Amendment 96-01A Resolution Recommending Denial - Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 96-01 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIVfONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 11, 1995 TO: Chairman anCl Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Miki Bratt, AICP, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 95-02A - WOHURANCHO PARTNERS - A request for a land use change from Industrial Park to Community Commercial for 14.45 acres generally located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard between Spruce and Elm Avenues - APN: 208-352-62 through 69. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. Related file: Industrial Area · '-':- '" Specific Plan Amendment 95-02. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 95-02 - WOHL/RANCHO PARTNERS - A request to amend the Industrial Area Specific Plan to create a Community Commercial designation for 14.45 acres generally located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard between Spruce and Elm Avenues - APN: 208-352-62 through 69. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. Related file: General Plan Amendment 95-02-A. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Surroundinq Land Use and Zoninq: North - Padially developed with retail stores. including Home Electronics, Linens/Home Accessories. and Craft supplies; with a bookstore and coffee house under constructions; and with pads for up to four restaurants - Terra Vista Planned Community - Community Commercial South - Developed - Hotel; and Vacant - Industrial Park: Rancho Cucamonga Business Park Master Plan East Vacant - Industrial Park: Rancho Cucamonga Business Park Master Plan West Developed - Vacant Restaurant; and Vacant - Industrial Park: Rancho Cucamonga Business Park Master Plan B. General Plan Desiqnations: Project Site - Industrial Park North Community Commercial South - Industrial Park East Industrial Park West Industrial Park PLANNING COMMISSION b~ I'AFF REPORT GPA 95-02A & ISPA 95-02 - WOHURANCHO PARTNERS October 11, 1995 Page 2 C. Site Characteristics: The site encompasses 14.45 acres of undeveloped land bounded on the North by Foothill Boulevard, on the South by Eucalyptus Street, on the east by Elm Avenue, and on the west by Spruce Avenue (see Exhibit "A"). The site slopes gently from nodh to south with a drainage easement across the property just east of the mid-point between Spruce and Elm Avenues. Soil conditions are stable. The site is partially covered with old growth vineyards which appear abandoned and padially covered with weeds. The only trees on site were planted at the intersection of Foothill and Spruce as part of the landscaping requirement for the Rancho Cucamonga Business Park site development. There are no structures on the site. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Staff has reviewed the initial Study, Part I and completed the Environmental Checklist, Part II of the Initial Study. and has found no significant adverse environmental impacts will occur because of the proposed land use amendments. Potential impacts, determined not to be significant, include: .... A.. Air Quality: The proposed land use change would increase air emissions, primarily from vehicle trips, due to the intensity of retail development. However, because of the high ratio of retail uses allowed and previously approved on the site under the Industrial Park classification. including the existing hotel, the increase is below the South Coast Air Quality thresholds of significance. B. Transportation: The proposed land use change does not significantly increase traffic impacts. LAND USE ANALYSIS: A. History of the Site: The site is designated Industrial Park in the General Plan and located in Subarea 7 of the Industrial Area specific Plan (see Exhibits "B" and "C"). The Rancho Cucamonga Business Park Master Plan was approved in 1981 for the area bounded on the north by Foothill Boulevard, on the south by Arrow Highway, on the 'east generally by Milliken Avenue, and on the west by Haven Avenue. The original vision for the subject site was for a continuation of the high rise office buildings to the west plus a food park. In 1987 a development proposal was approved. The proposal included a small hotel, food park, and retail stores and shops. The project was amended to provide a large hotel which was built, but the approval for the remainder of the development expired. B. Appropriateness of the Existinq Desic~nafion. The existing Industrial Park designation includes a number of commercial uses which could contribute to a vibrant downtown area. Permitted or conditionally permitted uses include restaurants, theaters, art galleries, entertainment, athletic clubs, and indoor and outdoor commercial recreation. The site is suitable for development under the existing designation for many commercial combinations. The Rancho Cucamonga Business Park Master Plan adopted in 1981 and still valid, emphasizes office development similar to the Barton Plaza buildings to the west together ... with a Food Court. Each alternative incorporates the original food court concept. A 1987 approved and expired development plan emphasized retail development allowed under the PLANNING COMMISSION b FAFF REPORT GPA 95-02A & ISPA 95-02 - WOHURANCHO PARTNERS October 11, 1995 Page 3 Industrial Area Specific Plan. Also, inquiries have been received for a multi-plex theater development which would be allowed with a Conditional Use Permit. In addition to the above uses, many development options are available because many commercial uses are allowed under the existing zoning. Permitted or conditionally permitted retail uses include convenience sales (pharmacies, barber and beauty shop, cleaners, tailors, newspaper/magazine store, florist), food and beverage sales (delicatessen, doughnut shop, ice cream/yogurt shop, bakery), most retail automotive uses (sales, rentals, repairs. service station), business supply (business machines, photocopy, print shop), and building supply/home improvement (floor covering. glass, hardware, lighting, paint, window covering). Also a number of commercial services are permitted or conditionally permitted, including medical services, financial seNices, travel agencies, and real estate services. Not permitted under the existing designation are commercial uses such as department store/apparel/general merchandise type retail, home electronics, music and video stores, appliance sales, or furniture stores. These uses would be permitted under the proposed ...... COmmunity .Commercial designation. C. Appropriateness of the Proposed Desiqnation. The project site is 14.45 acres and proposed to support 133,515 square feet of leasable area. The site appears to be insufficient in size to support the General Plan's Community Commercial designation. A Community Commercial site generally ranges in size from 15 to 50 acres. The size of the subject site is less than 15 acres. The proposed leasable area of 133,515 square feet is within the Community Commercial range, but may be high in relation to the design parameters for the subject site. The applicant states that the population within the assumed market is 152,000, a population typically associated with a Regional Commercial designation. The General Plan sets up the hierarchy of commercial site criteria ranging from Neighborhood Commercial (the smallest) to Regionally Related Commercial (the largest). According to the General Rap, a Neighborhood Commercial site ranges from 5 to 15 acres which will support leasable floor area. of from 30,000 to 100,000 square feet, and is intended to serve about 10,000 residents in the immediate vicinity. It is typically anchored by a supermarket. The site size of the subject application would be typical for a Neighborhood Center. General Commercial is the next level of intensity of use. Size is not specified. The K-mart Center on Haven Avenue south of Foothill has a General Commercial designation within the Industrial Area Specific Plan and was established as part of the Rancho Cucamonga Business Park Master Plan. The Virginia Dare Center also has a General Commercial designation under the General Plan. Commercial development regulated by the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan is designated General Commercial under the General Plan. It should be noted that although development standards within the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan identify varying levels of intensity including a "Community Commercial" designation, none are intended to develop to the intensity of commercial use described in the General Plan as "Community Commercial." Under the General Plan designation, the prototype is the Terra Vista Town Center. PLANNING COMMISSION b FAFF REPORT GPA 95-02A & ISPA 95-02 - WOHURANCHO PARTNERS October 11, 1995 Page 4 The General Plan states that the Community Commercial designation is aimed at approximately 20,000 residents within a 5 mile radius. The site size is up to 50 acres and capable of supporting leasable floor area ranging from 100,000 to 300,000 square feet. Community Commercial sites include the Town Center and Town Center Square, as well as the proposed Promenade development, all within the Tetra Vista Planned Community with frontage on Foothill Boulevard. The Town Center Square located across from the subject site was approved as Community Commercial use on a 25-acre site supporting 222,600 square feet of leasable stores. The Terra Vista Promenade located west of Rochester Avenue is an application under consideration for land use change to Community Commercial for a 45-acre site supporting 457,801 square feet of leasable area. The Regional Commercial designation is at the top of the hierarchy. It is expected to serve a population base of at least 150,000 persons. An example is Foothill Marketplace located on Foothill Boulevard east of the 1-15 Freeway interchange. It is a 60-acre site approved for 550,000 square feet of leasable stores. ............ T~e applicant has submitted a concept plan and a justification statement with an addendum describing the proposed development (see Exhibits "D" and "E"). In this application, the size of the site is at the upper limit of the Neighborhood Commercial designation. According to the concept plan the site will support 133,515 square feet of leasable space, including four anchor stores, five in-line shops, and two in-line food shops, one fast food drive-thru business, and one freestanding restaurant. Generally, a 15-acre site would be expected to support not more than 100,000 square feet of leasable space. The leasable area illustrated in the concept plan is within the low range of the Community Commercial designation. The proposed leasable area may be in excess of what the design criteria for the site will actually support. An analysis of the site capacity will occur at the time an application for development is submitted. However, the concept plan will be briefly discussed in this report. Good Guys, a retail electronics store, is a committed anchor tenant in a 20,250 square foot space on the comer of Foothill Boulevard and Spruce Avenue, and would be typical of a Community or Regional Commercial user. D. Market Demand. The Foothill Courtyard Market Study identifies the current marketing population at approximately 153,000 (see Exhibit "F"). The population to be served includes the entire City population of 117,903. as well as the approximately 35,000 persons residing in the Village of Heritage and the unincorporated County island east of the City and north of the Metrolink line. The market area analyzed is larger than the General Plan's description of area to be served, but a reasonable market area. The Foothill Courtyard Market Study references the 1993 Tetra Vista Market Study for the Town Center Square application. The Terra Vista Market Study identified a primary plus secondary market area incorporating residents as far south as the 1-60 Freeway in Ontario and as far east as Sierra Avenue in Fontann. For this area it identified a 1993 population of 250,000 persons and a year 2000 population of 335,000. It identified 971 acres of commercially zoned land in the City and concluded that by the year 2000 there would be a shortfall of 143 commercially zoned acres. PLANNING COMMISSION SrAFF REPORT GPA 95-02A & ISPA 95-02 - WOHURANCHO PARTNERS October 11, 1995 Page 5 Staff and the Planning Commission questioned the size of the market area, the population figures, and the need for additionally zoned commercial acreage. These questions prompted the City's Market Study which is in progress. The Foothill Courtyard Market Study considered a more realistic market area and population, but referred to the conclusion in the 1993 Terra Vista Market Study of need for additional commercially zoned land in the City by the year 2000. The City's Market Study will address reasonable market area, expected population, impacts of the Ontario Mills regional commercial development, and the City's future need for commercially zoned acreage. Review of the Courtyard Market Study indicates that it does not support a land use change based on unmet retail demand for the retail specialties on which it focuses. The focus is on Home Electronics, Fast Food, Family Restaurants, Upscale Dining, Linens/Home Accessories, ' and Bookstores.. The Market Study does not support additional electronics-computer retail square footage based on uOmet demand. The 1995 demand is stated as 63,800 square feet and the supply at 100,600 square feet, or a current excess of 36,800 square feet. Adding another 20,250 square feet of this retail speciality is justified in the report with the statement: "A commitment from The Good Guys chain to open a store in the Foothill Courtyard demonstrates that the home electronics market segment is certainly not a closed one." The Market Study emphasizes unmet demand for Fast Food/Take Out, Family Restaurants, and Upscale Dining. However, these are all permitted or conditionally permitted uses under the existing Industrial Park designation. Further, there are unbuilt pads for restaurants nearby, including up to three pads in Town Center Square. The Market Study identifies unmet demand for Linens/Home Accessories and Bookstores. However, it states that based on leasable floor area the recently completed Home Express store in Town Center Square, as well as the BarDes and Nobel bookstore under construction will fill these demands. E. Compatibility with surroundinq Industrial Park Land Uses. The south side of Foothill Boulevard from Haven to Milliken is master planned for professional office use mixed with Food Park uses. Haven Avenue to Aspen Avenue has developed as high rise office use. The introduction of Community Commercial use between Spruce and Elm Avenues would set a precedent for additional Community Commercial development on the south side of Foothill and reduce opportunities for future professional office development. However, as stated above under the existing zoning many commercial uses would be allowed on the site other than office. Further, the application for land use change raises questions about compatibility with existing and planned development immediately adjoining the subject site. An important issue is design orientation. The applicant's concept plan is designed to face Foothill Boulevard and place in- line anchor stores and shops at the rear of the site. Loading docks and receiving areas would be situated at the rear of the buildings which would potentially face entrances of buildings on ....... the south side of Eucalyptus Street. The proposed Good Guys store also faces Foothill with PLANNING COMMISSION b FAFF REPORT GPA 95-02A & ISPA 95-02 - WOHURANCHO PARTNERS October 11, 1995 Page 6 its loading dock facing the entrance and rooms of the existing Best Western Hotel. The applicant proposes a combination of screen walls, landscaping, and design detail on the rear building faces to soften the interface. The compatibility issue is not resolved by the aforementioned design elements. The depth of the proposed Courtyard site severely restricts opportunities for landscape screening. The depth of the Courtyard ranges from approximately 270 to 505 linear feet. In comparison. the depth of the Town Center Square site ranges from approximately 660 to 880 linear feet. The Promenade site ranges in depth from approximately 895 to 1,100 linear feet. Stores requiring loading docks may not be appropriate on this shallow site. The depth of the Courtyard site makes it difficult to buffer large stores with rear loading docks. The Foothill Boulevard setback requirements are: parking, 25 feet minimum; building, 45 feet minimum; and landscaping, 45 feet minimum. The setback requirements for Eucalyptus Street are: parking, 15 feet; building, 25 feet; and landscaping, 25 feet. Also, an adequate design relationship to the existing hotel development and to future development on the south side of -. . _- -_ Eucalyptus Street must be provided. Access to the site is somewhat constrained. Only one access will be permitted mid-block along Foothill Boulevard. (The applicant's concept plan indicates two accesses along Foothill Boulevard), Access from Spruce Avenue will be shared with the existing hotel. One of two Eucalyptus Street access drives will be shared with the hotel. An additional access will be permitted from Elm Avenue. The applicant's development concept is automobile oriented, but the Rancho Cucamonga Business Park Master Plan indicates a need for a pedestrian oriented development to serve nearby office users, as well as potential hotel users. The ultimate design should open up to Eucalyptus Street by inviting pedestrian access from Eucalyptus Street and providing some building frontages on Eucalyptus Street. The applicant's Market Study reports that there is unmet demand for restaurant use in the City. Again, this is a currently permitted or conditionally permitted use for the subject site. Also, there are a number of nearby available restaurant pads in approved commercial centers. Further, there are nearby vacant restaurants, including one at Foothill Boulevard and Spruce Avenue, one in the Tetra Vista Town Center, two in the Virginia Dare center, and one at the K-Mart center at Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. Notwithstanding the existing vacancies. there is the long term potential at the intersection of Foothill Boulevard and Spruce Avenue for mutually enhancing restaurant development. For example, there is the vacant 12,165 square foot restaurant on the southwest corner. A Boston Market is under construction on the nodhwest corner. There is also an available 10,000 square foot restaurant pad on the northeast corner. In contrast to a major retail anchor, a restaurant pad on the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Spruce Avenue would compliment the existing and planned restaurant development and be compatible with the existing hotel development. F:-- Compatibility with Neiqhborinq Community Commercial Land Uses. The Town Center Square development on the north side of Foothill Boulevard is designated Community Commercial. VV~th the recent land use change from Office Park to Community Commercial, the Town Center PLANNING COMMISSION b r'AFF REPORT GPA 95-02A & ISPA 95-02 - WOHURANCHO PARTNERS October 11, 1995 Page 7 Square development extends the Community Commercial designation along the north side of Foothill Boulevard from Haven Avenue to Elm Avenue, about three-quaders of a mile of commercial development (see Exhibit "B"). The proposed land use change would extend Community Commercial to the south side of Foothill Boulevard. While the change would mirror the Town Center Square development to the north, it would set a precedent for more intense commercial development on the south side of Foothill Boulevard (see Exhibit "C"). PRELIMINARY CONCEPT PLAN DISCUSSION: The subject applications do not include project development. However, the applicant has included a plan which indicates their concept for Community Commercial development (see Exhibit "D"). As discussed in previous sections of this report, the concept plan proposes 133,515 square feet of leasable space on 14.45 acres. One 20,250 square foot anchor store is located on the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Spruce Avenue, nodh of the existing Best Western ....... Hqtel,. ,The applicant has a commitment from The Good Guys chain to occupy that pad. Three additional anchor stores ranging in size from 18,047 to 30,090 square feet are located in a row along with seven in-line retail or food shops. The Good Guys pad and the easternmost anchor store would provide loading docks. Two additional food pads am located along Foothill Boulevard flanking the mid-block entrance. One is a drive-thru fast food pad, but it does not meet the minimum design requirements for a drive-thru. A drainage easement bisects the site just east of the mid-block entrance. The design incorporates pedestrian/access to Eucalyptus Street over the drainage easement. The concept proposes two entrances along Foothill Boulevard. The applications for land use change are not accompanied by a development application, therefore the submitted concept plan is illustrative only and not part of the land use applications. Also, land use change may not be conditioned. Further, under State law a land use change should be considered on its merit independent of a proposal for development. INDUSTRIAL AREA PLAN TEXT CHANGES: On August 2, 1995, the City Council considered the applicant's request to initiate text changes to add Commercial uses and standards for Commercial use to the Industrial Area Specific Plan. The Council initiated consideration of the aforementioned text changes. If the proposed land use change is approved the following text changes to the Industrial Area Specific Plan are proposed: Table II1-1 - SUMMARY OF LAND USE TYPES BY SUBAREA - COMMERCIAL (p. t11-6) after Business Support Services insert: Community Commercial Retail and add as a Permitted (P) use for Subarea 7. Table 111-2- LAND USE TYPE DEFINITIONS - D. COMMERCIAL USE TYPES - . - (p. 111-13) after Business Suppod Services insert: PLANNING COMMISSION ~ I'AFF REPORT GPA 95-02A & ISPA 95-02 - WOHURANCHO PARTNERS October 11, 1995 Page 8 Community Commercial Retail: This category permits a mix of general retail with other uses permitted in the Industrial area that will make the development lively well into the night, function as an active "people place." and serve not only the residents of the City but, by location on Foothill Boulevard, will also draw from residential areas in neighboring communities, Activities will typically include retail department stores, focused-product retail stores, and subsidiary retail shops, as well as services/repairs related to sales. Uses include, but are not limited to: Apparel, Appliance, Bicycle, Book, Catalog, Department Store, Home Electronics, Home Furnishings, Luggage, Import, Jewelry, Music, Nursery/Garden Supply, Outlet, Specialty, Sporting Goods, Toys, and Video. PART IV: OVERLAY DISTRICTS AND SUBAREA DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - Subarea 7 Under Permitted uses after Business Support Services (p. IV-48) insert: Community Commercial Retail Under Special Considerations. Last paragraph (p. IV-52), insert: In order to expand opportunities along Foothill Boulevard for a mix of uses to encourage development which will function as an active "people place" and be lively well into the night for the residents of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Community Commercial Retail is added as a permitted use on the south side of Foothill Boulevard on a 14.45 acre parcel bounded by Spruce Avenue on the west, Elm Avenue on the east, and Eucalyptus Street on the south. FACTS FOR FINDING: Based on the facts and conclusions listed above, staff does not believe the required facts for findings can be made. A, The properties are not suitable for the uses allowed in the proposed land use and Industrial Area Specific Plan designations in terms of access and size, as evidenced by the site's location within an existing Industrial Park Master Plan of Development. B. The proposed amendments would not have a significant impact on the environment. However, there are potential negative impacts on surrounding propedies. C. The proposed amendments do not conform with the General Plan and Industrial Area Specific Plan goals and objectives for development. CORRESPONDENCE: These items have been advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property has been posted, and notices were sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the project site. One lefter dated July 12, 1995, has been received from Best Western commenting on the proposal (see Exhibit "G"). PLANNING COMMISSION b (AFF REPORT GPA 95-02A & ISPA 95-02 - WOHURANCHO PARTNERS October 11, 1995 Page 9 RECOMMENDATION: Because the facts do not support a land use change, staff can not make the required findings and recommends denial of these applications. If the Planning Commission agrees with staffs analysis, they should approve the attached resolutions recommending denial. If, however, following Public Testimony the Planning Commission can make the findings under "A," "B," and "C" above, an alternative action would be to continue the item for two weeks and direct staff to prepare resolutions r.ecommending approval. City Planner BB:MB:mlg Attachments: 'Exhibit "A" Site Plan Exhibit "B" General Plan Map Excerpt Exhibit "C" Industrial Area Specific Plan Map Excerpt -E-x-hibit "D" -- Applicant's Concept Pan EcdTilalt"F' - Foulhill Cuu~ty~Ed Market Study,~,ug~ ~bit "C" ~spondence frcm Bcst Wcstcrn Haritago~ ~ol~iat Goncr~men~men[ ~5-02A .Rcscbt[cn of Do n~l I ndusb;~l A~ ~a Specific Plau Am~ ~&'ner,~ 9~ '" Roncho / .San AnJanlo .,]:}~); 794.000 Square F'e~l ERRA VlSrA FI1 ~. ~-o ,~,,<~ ~l,.,~. EXECUnVE ~ OFRCE MEOIC~L ~ PARK CENTEn Va, can~: LL~t: Tndus~Lej_/ ., COMMERCIAL COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD COMM. REGIONAL COMMERCIAL OFFICE :::::::::::::::::::::::: LOW 2-4 DU's/AC LOW- MEDIUM 4-SDU's/AC i!:i:i:;:i:i:i:!:~ MEDIUM 8-~4 DU's/AC ~ MEDIUM-HIGH 14-24 DU's/AC HIGH 24-30 DU's/AC INDUSTRIAL · F//'/~ INDUSTRIAL PARK ~ GENERAL INDUSTRIAL _cHuRcH ImamllI FFEM: SPA ~.:.-c-o':ZAi I.~PA ~.C. o2,~ ~ CHTY., OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA iiiLE:Sa-N~Ca,,,~LiDL,,~tM JN C COMMERCIAL ] HAVEN OVERLAY DISTRICT INDUS,T,,_RIAL PARK 'GENERALINDUSTRIAL MINIMUM IMPACT "' '~';'~HEAVYINDUSTRIAL~ IV CIVIC CENTER ~/SITE ] 1,:::::: .- .:-::.- .f'7. · .:.:.: !:.:.:.~'..:~:-:.:'::K::~: ~-4.~-.~ 'l ~ × !--. ~ ~ .. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA IIILE:IIJ~L~STRIA,/L AREA :~[ "' PLANNLYGDMSION ~::,~,~.d] ~-AM~ usa AqAP L<';CC~'RPF ~ EXErB1T~'C/'' SCALE: ,,._ PUBLIC HEARINGS B. EN~;IRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN ~ENDMENT 95-02A - WOHL/~ANCHO D~ _ A request for a land use change from industrial Park to Community Commercial for 14.45 acres generally located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard between spruce and Elm Avenues - APN: 208-352-62 through 69. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. Related file: Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 95-02 C. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL AR~A SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 95-02 - W~ - A request to amend the Industrial Area Specific Plan to create a Community Commercial designation for 14.45 acres generally located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard between Spruce and Elm Avenues APN: 208~352-62 through 69. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. Related file: General Plan Amendment 95-02-A. Miki Bratt, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Commissioner Lumpp asked what the status of the City's market analysis was. Brad Buller, City Planner, replied that the rough draft was sent back to the consultant and it should be back to the City in about two weeks and would likely be distributed to the Commission soon thereafter. . ' ..... ~-'-Cor~missioner..Lumpp asked if the original time line was still intact. Mr. Buller replied it was still within the time line. Mr. Lumpp asked why the setback requirements were mentioned in the staff report when the site plan had not been evaluated yet. Ms. Bratt responded that she had performed a brief review for the potential fastfood use and determined that the setback requirements had not been met for that use. Chairman Barker opened the public hearing. Peter DesForges, Wohl/Rancho Partners, 2400 Michelson Dr. #170, Irvine, CA 92715, stated that he had sent a memo to Mr. Buller yesterday addressing questions that were in the staff report and he assumed that the Commission had a copy. Mr. Buller, responded that the Commissioners had received that information. He pointed out to the Comission that a letter from Urban Research Associates, responding to the market study, had been placed in front of the Commission for this meeting. Mr. DesForges commented that Wohl Partners believes the site should be changed from Industrial to Community Commercial and explained the concept of "critical massing" of retailers related to how retail has changed since the inception of the General Plan. He stated that critical mass retailing was the clustering of similar retail businesses, in a fairly close proximity to one another, to provide customers with the convenience of comparison shopping. He further commented that this idea originated a few years ago with the introduction of auto malls. He stated that he recently read in the Business Journal that the Mills project, in Ontario, will be good competition for Rancho retailers. He said this was an excellent location for this project given the recent clustering of retail between Terra Vista and the 1-15 Freeway by adding to the critical mass that already exists here. He introduced Brad Kaye. Planning Commission Minutes -2- October 11, 1995 r' Brad Kaye, Real Estate Manager for Good Guys Home Electronics, 7000 Marina Blvd., Brisbane, CA 94005, stated that Good Guys went public in 1986 with 12 stores and now have 64 stores with sales of over one billion dollars. He stated his job is working up demographics, determining where new stores should be located, and negotiating the deals for these stores. He comJnented that they do extensive analysis prior to selecting a site and the Rancho market shows a trade base of more than 400,000 people, with the good incomes, and they have no hesitation in moving into the area. He went on to state that they are the industry leader in consumer electronics sales and their sales increase last year was 29 percent (8 percent above average). He stated they were interested in locating in Rancho and at this site because they want to be where they have an attractive street frontage and in an area where their customers can conveniently cross-shop. He pointed out that their business actually generates more revenue when they are located next door or across the street from their direct competitors (i.e.; Best Buy and Circuit City). He stated that the service level and their high-end merchandise is what makes them successful. Comissioner Lumpp asked why they haven't considered locating on the north side of Foothill within To~ne Square or another location in that area. Mr. Kaye stated he was not aware of an opportunity there. Chairman Barker asked if Mr. Kaye was aware of the concern expressed about the proposed location of that building; it is a large building placed up against ..... Foothill Boulevard. Mr. Kaye stated that was no longer their location; they are in line with the other buildings. Chairman Barker asked if they moved the building location. Mr. Kaye responded affirmatively. Mr. DesForges stated that there was a revised map attached to the letter given to the Comission earlier this evening. He stated he wanted to address the issue of locating the proposed project on the south side of Foothill. He said their site offers opportunities to their potential tenants that they may not be able to get elsewhere because the site has over 14,000 square feet of frontage on Foothill Boulevard, it is convenience-oriented, and is easily accessible for ingress and egress traffic. He commented that the project has the potential to produce quite a bit of sales tax benefits for the City. He stated there will be approximately 100 extra parking spaces at the site that could be used to move buildings around if staff and Commission want. He felt the project is compatible with surrounding retail because it would broaden the scope already available. He stated that Great Western's main objection was that they thought there should be a restaurant on the corner, rather than Good Guys, and he stated Wohl Partners agreed and changed the location of Good Guys so that could occur. Chairman Barker asked for additional questions and/or speakers on the proposal. Andrew Hall, Manager, Best Western/Heritage inn, 8179 Spruce Avenue, Rancho cucamonga CA 91730, stepped up to address the Commission stating he was pleased to find out that Good Guys will not be locating in building J, but at the same time, he was concerned that building A could pose visibility problems for the hotel also. He was pleased to note that two restaurants are under construction currently within walking distance of the hotel and stated more restaurants and movie theaters in the area are good for their customers. He stated his desire to have the Commission consider placement of types of business that complement .~he hotel rather than detract from it. Planning Commission Minutes -3- October 11, 1995 Chairman Barker asked for clarification on the issue of building J versus building A and the hotel's concern regarding this matter. Mr. Hall responded that street visibility on the east side of their building is still a concern as J and A are about the same size, and depending on the height of the proposed building, either has the potential to block their visibility from the approaching westbound traffic. Chairman Barker asked for additional public comments on the project, and hearing none, he closed the public hearing. Commissioner Lumpp stated there were many issues to consider and it was his feeling that market studies can be manipulated any number of ways and that isn't necessarily the information he is seeking to make his decision. He commented that there are CEQA issues that need to be explored, including air q~ality. He stated he felt this could be a good location for this land use, but he was concerned about making a final decision on this issue before our consultant's commercial study is completed. Commissioner Melcher stated he thought the applicant had made a sincere effort but he felt he would not be able to support the project because he had not been shown yet how the land use would fit into the longer range plan (the Industrial Specific Plan). He stated the depth of the site troubled him as the parking in front of the biggest stores has to be shifted one direction or the other to ........... ensure there ~will be ample parking. He did not feel what had been presented thus far was convincing enough for him to change his opinion. Commissioner Tolstoy stated he thought we needed to reflect on the original vision for the City, which was to have residential and associated business commercial retail uses above Foothill Boulevard and industrial and associated commercial service uses below Foothill Boulevard. He stated that this has remained true with a relatively small amount of "leakage" on Archibald Avenue and the Masi project (by the sports complex), but he felt there was no need to change that vision at this time. He stated the problems he saw were: 1} required landscape and building setbacks; 2) parking with limited access from Foothill; 3) building mass; 4) buffering of the surrounding properties; he felt there was no way to acco~odate all these conditions on a site with only a 400-foot depth. He agreed with Commissioner Melcher's views on the parking situation. He told Mr. Kaye that he would like to see Good Guys locate in Rancho, but this was a land use issue, not an issue of whether we wanted Good Guys here or not. Chairman Barker asked for clarification on the current allowable land uses and conditional uses that could have a major impact on parking, etc., at the proposed site. Mr. Buller responded that under the Industrial Specific Plan, the type of retail uses allowed are called Business Support Retail; businesses that support the business industry on the south side of Foothill. He stated this was one of the broader, more open commercial designations. The limitation is what will physically fit on the site with parking and building mass. Chairman Barker stated his question was which uses would have an impact on the elements of this project. He requested clarification on whether a movie theater is a permitted use for the site now. Mr. Buller responded that a theater is a conditionally permitted use under the existing land use. Planning Commission Minutes -4- October 11, 1995 Chairman Barker asked if a theater would have similar parking or site plan problems. Commissioner Tolstoy stated he thought they would have similar problems, given the depth of the property and the potential for. such a concentrated use. Commissioner Melcher stated that strip-fashion arrangement of buildings on Foothill was never the intention of the original plan. Chairman Barker stated he would like to be supportive of a plan for restaurants and movie theaters becauee he thought that there weren't enough theaters currently to support the present population. He asked Commissioner Lumpp for clarification on his former comments regarding the City's consultant study. Commissioner Lumpp stated that Urban Research Associates (URA) was the consultant for the original Foothill Specific Plan and they stated, at that time, there was no need for additional commercial uses in the City; now they are coming back saying that perhaps there is a need for additional commercial use. He stated he iz not convinced by this market study, or other market studies, that the information is sufficient to make him comfortable approving this project. Commissioner Tolstoy stated that he wanted to change what he had previously said by stating he now believed that a movie theater could be appropriate for this location. He stated that previously he had thought of it in a strip-fashion '-. '-~'.~-..configuration, but with a different footprint, there could be a theater (with appropriate parking) on the property. Commissioner Melcher stated that looking at a piece of property, individually, without considering the larger, long-range plan for Foothill Boulevard seems opportunistic since there is already a developer and tenants ready to move forward; it does not mean the proposal is right for the City however. He stated he understood the benefit to the City, with regard to sales tax prospects, but his function is to determine the appropriateness of the project for that particular site. Mr. Buller commented that he had just now been informed that a resident in the audience wanted to speak to the Commission regarding this matter. Chairman Barker reopened the public hearing and invited the resident to come forward. Fred Doe, 11036 Shaw Street, Rancho Cucamonga, apologized for arriving late as he did not realize this would be the first item heard this evening. He said he had just listened to the tapes from the recent City Council meeting on this project and he wanted to comment on a couple things he heard on those tapes. He complimented Commissioner Melcher on his ability to change his mind when given new or different information. He stated he agreed with what he had heard from the Commission this evening as he did not think strip malls were a positive move for the City. Be also stated he was pleased to hear the Commiseion aligning closely with their Specific Plan and General Plan for the area, but that they are also willing to make considerations as needed. He stated that someone should look at all the strip malls currently in the City and check their vacancy rates and compare those malls to the land uses they have. He commented that consideration should be given to projects that will enhance or complement the hotel/convention operations which in turn could generate even more tax benefits to the City later. Mr. Doe did not feel there was a need for more theaters, or at least more in the same vicinity, as there just weren't that many good movies out at one time. He stated that perhaps we could consider using some vacated retail space in the City before making a land use change of this 14 acres. He Planning Commission Minutes -5- October 11, 1995 stated there is an obligation to look at development as it comes up and to allow City staff to have the proactive advisory role that is intended to implement the long range goals and plans of the City. He ended by paraphrasing comments from commissioner McNiel, stating that if one of these businesses does not make it because of the direct competition the other creates, we then end up with a blight on one of the most beautiful, industrial, historic areas in Rancho Cucamonga. Mr. DesForges stated the narrow depth of the site should not create parking problems because of the extra spaces currently available and because the building orientations could be rearranged. He commented on the other issue of strip mall versus meandering retail building placement by saying that they have found these centers are not successful. He stated people need to see the sign on the storefront and be able to get in and out conveniently. He commented that orienting any of their commercial use away from Foothill, to the south, would not be feasible for them because the traffic count in that direction is too sparse. He stated that the land use already does allow commercial uses, they are only asking to broaden those uses. Chairman Barker again closed the public hearing. He asked for a motion. MOTION: Moved by Commissioner Melcher, seconded by Commissioner Lumpp, carried 4-0-1, to adopt the resolutions recommending denial of General Plan Amendment 95-02A and Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 95-02. Motion passed by the following vote: AYES: BARKER, LUMPP, MELCHER, TOLSTOY NOES: NONE ABSENT: MCNIEL - carried H il arrived at 8:25 PM. D. & - A request to consider initiation of text changes to add ~aSs~~ommunity Commercial use within Subarea 3 of the Foothill Boulevard Specific P .,. Dan coleman' Principal~nted the staff report. ~. Coleman replied he was not familiar wlth that particula~sre and that the application was for the Salvation Army. Brad Bullet, City Planner, stated that definition would include pawm~ second-hand, or used goods. Con~missioner Helcher asked for examples of General Commercial areas. Planning Commission Minutes -6- October 1Z, 1995 CITY OF RANCH0 CUCA~MONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 1, 1995 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Miki Bratt, AICP, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 95-02A - WOHL/RANCHO PARTNERS - A request for a land use change from Industrial Park to Community Commercial for 14.45 acres generally located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard between Spruce and Elm Avenues ~ APN: 208-352-62 through 69. Related file: industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 95-02. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. " ' .... ""'" " ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 95-02 - WOHL/RANCHO PARTNERS - A request to amend the Industrial Area Specific Plan to create a Community Commercial designation for 14.45 acres generally located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard between Spruce and Elm Avenues - APN: 208-352-62 through 69. Related file: General Plan Amendment 95-02-A. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council deny General Plan Amendment 95-02A and Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 95-02, a request to change the land use designation from Industrial Park to Community Commercial, by adoption of the attached Resolutions of Denial. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: At its meeting on October 11, 1995, the Planning Commission reviewed the subject application, heard public testimony, and voted 4-0-1 to deny the applications. The draft minutes of the October 1 lth Planning Commission meeting, as well as the Planning staff report and additional correspondence from th~ applicant and consultant, have been included as Exhibits to this report. In arriving at their recommendation, the Planning Commission discussed the followi.ng issues: 1. The Commission discussed the application's conformance with the goals and objectives of the General Plan and to the Industrial Area Specific Plan (ISPA). They expressed concern about the overall impact on the Industrial Area Specific Plan and specifically the adjoining properties along the south side of Foothill Boulevard to the east and west of the subject site. The Commission reaffirmed its support for the IASP and the range of uses already allowed on this site. The allowable uses were found to be the best to complement the surrounding properties. 2. The Commission discussed the applicant's market study and previous market studies. The Commission could not find adequate justification to support the proposed amendments. j / t¢// " c,c,,' CITY COUNCIL STAFF REFdRT GPA 95-02A & ISPA 95-02 - WOHURANCHO PARTNERS November 1, 1995 Page 2 3. The Commission discussed the size and shape of the parcel proposed for change. The Commission determined that the shallow depth of the site would be a problem for expanded retail uses. The shallow depth of the site and the retail uses desired created a strip commercial development. Strip commercial development is identified in the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan as a feature to be avoided in new development along the corridor. 4. The Commission considered environmental impacts of the subject application. The applicant's air quality study indicated that, consistent with methodology developed by the South Coast Air Quality Management District, there would be no significant adverse air quality impacts resulting from the proposed change in land use. No other environmental impacts were identified. FACTS FOR FINDING: Based on the facts and conclusions listed above, the Commission determined that with the exception of environmental impacts, the required facts for finding could not be made. ...... !..- -The property is not suitable for the uses permitted under the proposed land use and Development District designation in terms of access and size. 2. The proposed amendments would have significant impacts on the surrounding properties. 3. The proposed amendments are not in conformance with the General Plan and are not in conformonce with the Development Code because of the inadequacy of the site to promote the goals and objectives for development permitted by the Community Commercial designation. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property has been posted, and notices were sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the project side. ACTION: If the City Council concurs with the Planning Commission's recommendations, as well as the analysis contained in the staff report to the Planning Commission, and believes that the proposed land use change would not be consistent with the goals and objectives of the General Plan and would not be consistent with the goals and objectives of the Industrial Area Specific Plan, it would be appropriate for the City Council to deny General Plan Amendment 95-02A and Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 95-02 by adopting the attached Resolutions of Denial. ,-,L.A%ttachments. ' ' "" n,~ t,-, tho P!ann.'..%~,..,m:,.:i~ ,F_.'cbjhit "9" - Mgpno4o4he4P4anning Commission dated October ,!,, ! gO5 Exhibit "3" - Let4e~frcm RaT'Yuung dated OcTober 5, 1995-- ~bit "" -,dZL=J:;~Faerta~nning-e;omm!ssion Minute,~dated October ! 4, 1995 Jg, e,soh ltio,a4:~LDe~,ia! fo~Z~-enera[ Pla~_&mendment 95;02A · City Council Minutes November 1, 1995 Page 3 D5. Approval to accept the Cataveras Avenue Street Improvement Project, located from Arrow Route to ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Fp~.f"dX~VERAS AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, LOCATE~'~FROM ARROW ROUTE TO NINTH STREET, CONTACT NO. 95-026 .A~'AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR T~E~bRK MOTION: Moved by ~lliams, seconded by~G~[~rez to approve the staff recommendations in the staff repo~s contained in the Consent Calend~f~ith Curatalo abstaining from voting on the September 20 and October 4, 1995 minutes. Motio unanimously, " - .... · ..' '. - E. CONSENT ORDINANCES F. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS F1. CONSiDERATiONOFENVIRONMENTALASSESSMENTANDGENERALPLANAMENDMENT95' 02A - WQHURANCHO PARTNERS - Consideration of a request for a land use change from Industrial Park to Community Commercial for 14.45 acres generally located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard between Spruce and Elm Avenues - APN: 208-352-52 through 69. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. Related File: industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 95-02. RESOLUTION NO. 95-153 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 95-02A, A REQUEST TO AMEND THE LAND USE MAP OF THE GENERAL PLAN FOR 14.45 ACRES OF LAND GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND EAST OF SPRUCE AVENUE AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 208-35-62 THROUGH 69 CONSIDERATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 95-02 - WOHURANCHO PARTNERS - Consideration of a request to amend th~ industrial Area Specific Plan to create a Community Commercial designation for 14.45 acres generally located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard between Spruce and Elm Avenues - APN: 208-352-62 through 69. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. Related File: General Plan Amendment 95-02A. City Council Minutes November 1, 1995 Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. 95-154 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 95-02, A REQUEST TO AMEND THE INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN MAP FOR 14.45 ACRES OF LAND GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND EAST OF SPRUCE AVENUE AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 208-352-62 THROUGH 69 Staff report presented by Miki Bratt, Associate Planner. Mayor Alexander opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the City Council were: Peter DeForge, padher of Rancho Partners, stated they would like to think of this center as an entertainment center. He pointed ~ut what is planned for the site. He continued to explain the project and why they are attracting the tenants they have attracted so far. He felt this project would bdng the City ,$400,000 to 5500,000 in sales tax revenue. He stated the issue is what retail uses are allowed on the south side of Foothill. He stated they felt the plan was compatible with surrounding neighbors ........... and that the project should be approved. He added they felt they could make their project very attractive. Councilmember Williams asked if the Wahl Company would be building these units. Mr. DeForge stated they would be selling the property to each business so they could build their own structure. Councilmember W~lliams asked if they have any signed tenants. Mr. DeForge stated yes they did. Brad Kay, Real Estate Manager for the Good Guys, stated he felt there was a good market for their store in Rancho Cucamonga because of its proximity to entertainment activities in the City. He felt they would do better business because of the competition they would have. He felt they would have good visibility from Foothill and stated they liked the tenants that are planned for the center. He added he felt the zoning was compatibl~ witfi what was around them. He told about the differences between their store and other stores that sell electronics. Councilmember Biane asked where they thought their sales would be if they opened in Rancho Cucamonga. Mr. Kay stated they are projecting 520,000,000 to $25,000,000 within five years. Councilmember Willjams asked if this was 100% leased. Mr. Kay stated the key anchor slots are very interested, but that the restaurants are not. He added it is .too early to have it 100% leased. Greg Wahl, partner with Peter DeForge, stated they are currently in escrow with Good Guys. He added they are working on the deal with the bookstore. He stated he felt it would be a very positive step to change the General Plan. He stated they think they have excellent compatibility with the .Heritage Inn and that it would generate approximately S400,000 to S500,000 in tax revenue to the · ~. City. He asked for the Council's supporL City Council Minutes November 1, 1995 Page 5 Brad Buller, City Planner, stated staff has not seen the new plan as was distributed tonight to the Council, but that he could work with the Council through the process i'or this project. Fred Doe, Shaw Street, stated the question is should the General Plan Amendment be made for this project, that it was not to approve the project. He stated the question was should the marketing studies be brought to the Council before a decision is made on this matter. He stated the issue before the Council tonight is should the General Plan be changed. He stated he felt this project should be stopped. Gary Kendrick stated he was here because he heard this was a slam dunk vote, just like the sprinkler ordinance was. He stated he did not think this center was nepded. Brad Umansky, 7269 Thermal Place, stated he did not think the project was dealt with fairly at the Planning Commission meeting. He stated he felt there was a need for this project and felt the · . General Plan Amendment would be good for the City and should be changed. Charles Buquet, Chades Joseph Associates, stated he was hired by the proponent to work with the City on this matter. He pointed out how this same type of situation occurred with the Tetra Vista " " "'-'. :- '-'- Town. Center as far as zone changes. He talked about the other centers he sees throughout Southern California and the types of stores you see. He stated even though the General Plan is a plan, it is subject to change and felt this should be done for this project. He stated he likes the plan that has been revised, but agreed there was still some work that needed to be done on i~. He asked if the Council was willing to step out and take a risk with this project because that is why Rancho Cucamonga is a leader in the area. Debbie Daniels, 10970 Deer Canyon, stated she welcomed the idea of having choices where to go to eat or shop in Rancho Cucamonga. She stated she liked what they are proposing and would like to see this happen. Gina Martinez, 10656 Grand View stated she felt more large stores were needed to provide income to the City so property taxes won't continue to increase. She stated she welcomed this concept. She did not think the revenue should be taken out of the City and given to another community, and slated she did not like paying taxes. Andrew Hall, Manager of Best Western Heritage Inn, stated he just now saw the plan for this center. He stated he thought the new plan would be better for his hotel guests than the old one. He stated he is still concerned that Good Guys is the driving force for the project. He stated he likes the idea of more restaurants in the. City and that he would have to take Mr. Wohl's word that he is committed , to the project. He felt the new plan would be an indication of being a good neighbor to the hotel. Peter De Forge stated Good Guys did not want to go to the Payless site as someone had previously mentioned. He stated the only assurances that the Council made was that their project would not be held up because of 'dqe commercial study. He stated they have not received any assurances about the Council's vote tonight. Bryan Serrell, 6474 Citrine, felt the center was a good idea, but stated he was skeptical about the theaters and thought there might be too many already in the area. He felt Good Guys would be good at this particular location. JGe Maladna, 10935 Spruce, stated he agreed with the idea of this project. He felt the more .._ restaurants the better. City Council Minutes November 1, 1995 Page 6 Councilmember Biane stated he asked if the screening would be set up to protect the location from seeing delivery trucks pulling in and so forth. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated the site plan review process for the Planning Commission would address everything, i.e., compatibility, design and so forth. Councilmember Biane asked if the Council would still be able to have the power to get what it wants out of this project. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated yes, that the issue tonight is a land use issue. He stated any action the Council takes tonight does not guarantee the tenant mix or design. He stated it would still have to go through the development review process. Councilmember Vv~lliams asked if the theaters are allowed with a conditional use permit so that it does not require a zone change for this. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated yes that was correct. "" ' ': "= '~our~cilmer~ber'Vvilli~ms stated she felt the bookstore was quite an opportunib/and asked if it had a coffee shop inside, would this be allowed with a CUP? Brad Buffer; City Planner, stated Borders Books does desire to be free standing and that he had a discussion with them as to whether they would be classified as entertainment or retail. He stated this is something they would have to talk to the Commission about. Councilmember W~lliams stated she felt they would probably be allowed with a CUP to go under entertainment. Brad Bullet, City Planner, stated they would have to go to the Commission for a use determination. Councilmember Gutierrez stated it appears to him that even/use being proposed is already approved except the Good Guys, and that it is up to the Council to determine if this is appropriate. He stated he did not think he could vote to prohibit this project. Councilmember VVifiiams brought up that the issue is not whether Good Guys will meet or beat the competition, that it is whether this kind of use is proper for this padicular piece of land. She stated the issue is if this piece of land gets a general commercial designation. She read from page 35, the paragraph starting with '"The application for land use change....". She pointed out this is a land use issue. She stated she is normally against spot zoning, but that this case is different. She did not think this should be given a blank check and then there would be no control over the project. Mayor Alexander stated this is a land use issue this evening and agreed with Councilmember V~lliams. He stated he would be interested in seeing what the commercial study says. He stated he would agree with the Planning Commission decision. Councilmember Biane stated he felt the Council will still have control {?ver what the City will end up with. He felt the retailers needed to know that they are needed in the City. Councilmember Curatalo stated he has not heard anything to change his mind to go against the Planning Commission. He supported their decision. He asked if a project is denied, can they resubmit in one year. City Council Minutes November 1. 1995 Page 7 Brad Buller, City Planner, stated that Rancho Cucamonga's Code states that no like or similar application, once denied, can be submitted within twelve months. He added the only way around this is to deny it without prejudice which would then give the proponent the chance to come back down the road. Councilmember Curatalo stated he would like to waive that time limit. James Markman, City Attorney, stated if the Council adopts the Resolution of denial, they can specify that it be amended to be without prejudice for re~ling. MOTION: Moved by Curatalo, seconded by Willtams to approve Resolution Nos. 95-153 and 95-154 without prejudice for refillrig ol' application. Motion carried 3-0-2 (Blanc and Gutierrez voted no). ......... " "" · ' G. PUBLIC HEARINGS No items were subFf~itted. ~H~. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS No items were submitted. --,,. I. COUN?~BUSINESS NO items were submitted. \. J. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING J1. Councilmember Curatalo read a statement into the record which is on~!,? in the City Clerk's office which stated he would like to place an item on the agenda for ways in which the Cit,/can help the Etiwanda High School band because of the representing the City in the 1996 Rose Parade. \ ...... \ K. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC '.,., K1. Gary Kendrick apologized to Diane Willtams. He felt the City should put on the ballot the ~ssue of consolidating school districts. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Adjourned Meeting January 31, 1996 Chairman Barker called the Adjourned Meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Council Chamber at Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Chairman Barker then led in the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT: David Barker, Heinz Lumpp, Larry McNiel, John Melcher ABSENT: Peter Tolstoy STAFF PRESENT: Miki Bratt, Associate Planner; Brad Bullet, City Planner; Alan Warren, Associate Planner ANNOUNCEMENTS There were no announcements. DIRECTOR'S REPORTS A. COMMERCIAL LAND STUDY DISCUSSION Brad Buller, City Planner, highlighted the repod and gave a brief update of the process the Commercial Study had been through and asked the Commission how they would like staff to proceed. Chairman Barker requested the discussion be limited. Commissioner Melcher said he would have to leave by 8:45 p.m. Chairman Barker said he would also like to see a separate workshop on design issues for the Wohl site at a future date. Commissioner McNiel said that was acceptable if the applicant is aware that the land use issue will not be prejudiced by the design considerations. Commissioner Melcher indicated he would object to a design workshop because there are significant land use considerations, Commissioner Lumpp said he would like to look at the larger land use issues first. Mr. Buller said the applicant could apply for a Preliminary Review proposing uses that meet current ._z. pning uses. / Peter Desforges, Wohl Investment Company, 2402 Michelson, Suite 170, Irvine, stated they would like to go forward following Mr. Buller's suggestion. Commissioner Melcher said he would like to have staff sit down with the Commission and review the land use map and the allowed uses to understand how different uses fit together. Commissioner Lumpp agreed. Commissioner McNiel said that the Commission needs to go carefully in order to make sound decisions. Chairman Barker said there appeared to be a consensus that the Commission would host a design workshop with Wohl so long as the issue is design and not land use. Commissioner Melcher felt that plans which conform to the zoning should proceed along with examination of what needs to be changed. Mr. Buffer described the current zoning concepts and the way in which they are integrated rather than rigidly defined. Chairman Barker asked if the public would like to address the issue. ..... Jim ,~xte!l, Mission Land Company, said they support the process of text amendment and "Master Plan" concept. He noted that the Mills project is pushing the clock and that potential sites on the south side of Fourth Street to the west in Ontario compete with the nodh side in the City. Mr. Desforges commented on the study and the fact that retail uses such as an Office Max office supply store are already permitted on the south side of Foothill Boulevard. He felt that the same rh'ythm of retail development should be allowed staring in the west and moving east as Lewis has done on the nodh side. Commissioner Melcher inquired about the relative size of Mission Land frontage and the Mills frontage on 4th Street. as well as the Wohl frontage and the Terra Vista frontage on Foothill Boulevard. There was general discussion of the approximate lengths. Commissioner Melcher noted that Mission Land controls about half the frontage that the Mills project does. that Wohl has about half that of the Mission Land, and that Tetra Vista has about 1-3/4 miles. John Koenig, Lewis Homes, stated that they support the Agajanian study. He said they will be applying for another Land Use amendment to close the retail gap on Foothill between Elm Street and Milliken Avenue. He indicated Lewis has reviewed their position and now suppods the Mission Land and Archibald Avenue and 4th Street recommendations in the Market Study. Mr. Buffer stated that a large box office supply retail store on the south side of Foothill would require a Use Determination by the Commission and would not be automatically permitted. Commissioner Melcher thought the Commission needs to rediscover the intent of the text not just look at the use tables in the Industrial Area Specific Plan. Commissioner McNiel observed that to accommodate some retail in the Industrial Area Specific Plan, the concept of 20 percent for "ancillary uses" was developed. He agreed the Commission needs to revisit that concept. '-- c_,, ,'E> 95' PC Adjourned Minutes -2- January 3 l, 1996 Chairman Barker questioned whether more office use is planned on Foothill than the market will support. Mr. Buller indicated the inlent was to encourage offices to concentrate on the Haven Avenue corridor and the south side of Foothill. He said that originally the Tetra Vista frontage was planned for Mixed Commercial, majority office, and some retail. Chairman Barker said the Commission needs to look at what was intended to happen and what did happen, for example to the Victoria Mall. Commissioner Melcher expressed suppod for going forward with the Mission application on 4th Street opposite the Mills project. The Commissioners agreed unanimously and directed staff to move forward. Commissioner Lumpp said because of the high visibility and traffic volume, there appeared to be a potential for large scale retail at the 1-15 and route 30. -.. Chairman Barker said that be and Commissioner McNiel had spent a lot of time on Route 30. He felt that large scale retail may not work out because of the two-level interchange, positiontrig of off ramps to favor Fontann, and the land use pattern. ...... Mr. E~Mller said that Staff and the Commission could "walk through" the freeway layout and existing zoning of the area but because the freeway completion is still a few years off, other sites may have a higher priority. Chairman Barker stated that the Commission needs to look at the zoning and uses for each of the areas. Mr. Buller said that some applications are in process and will come to the Commission, for example an environmental impact report is being prepared for 4th Street and Archibald Avenue. Commissioner Melcher stated that the south side of Foothill Boulevard from Haven Avenue to Rochester Avenue should be a priority for the meeting of February 14. Mr. Buller suggested review of various zones allowed along Foothill Boulevard in the various Specific Plans. Chairman Barker agreed. Mr. Buffer said there would be an initial walk through with maps and discussion of definitions. Commissioner McNiel stated his first level of priority was for 4th Street north of the Mills project, auto sales in Subarea 8, and Foothill at 1-15 because each has a high potential of benefit to the City; his second level would be for the south side of Foothill Boulevard because it is significant but more controversial and for 4th Street and Archibald Avenue; and his last priority would be for the Southern California Edison Corridor and the State Route 30/I-15 interchange. Mr. Buller felt that Foothill Marketplace at Foothill Boulevard and the I-15 interchange is a success and that the City should look at strategies and incentives for this critical core. He noted that 4th and Mills and 4th and Archibald Avenue are in the works and that Subarea 8 auto sales will be back as soon as an application is received. He agreed that the south side of Foothill Boulevard will take time. He said staff would like to move towards expanding uses subject to a master plan on the Mission Land site. · PC Adjourned Minutes -3- January 31, 1996 Commissioner Lumpp said he could support the master plan concept as long as that when · something does not work, it can be changed. Commissioner Melcher supported going forward. There was general agreement to go forward with the master plan concept. Mr. Buller indicated that staff has sufficient direction to proceed for February 14. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Desforges indicated Good Guys are willing to continue at the Wohl site but will evaluate their position at lhe end of February. He expressed hope that the Commission would work with this request. He then offered some observations of his views of existing city commercial corridors. He stated again that retail is really the highest and besl use of the Wohl site. itional Commission business The Planning Commission adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brad Bullet Secretary '%- PC Adjourned Minutes -4- January 31, 1996 DIRECTOR'S REPORTS B.,,, CUCAMONGA CORNERPOINTE LLC - A request to consider initiation of text changes to a ",,~,"~all ~co'~nction with General Plan Amendment 9S-03A, Ind, S"p~,Cific Plan Amendment 95-04, and Development District Amendment 95-02. i ndustries, 24005 Venturn Boulevard, Calabasas, they had proposed a pro], merit, but they fe~l it would be betlet to den the project location and change of land use ~out complicating it by requesting te> to add small lot subdivision standards. Commissioner Melcher stated that he been conlacted by had been informed they are now planning all 6,000 square ts. He said told Mr. Faller that he felt the Commission development in a somewhat isolated area when there is plenty of undeveloped in lhe City· He felt the project originally had appeal because of the proposed innovative Mr. Strickland said there had been many u~ ~ their original proposal which they still ........ i~eHa'topumU~: such as architectural styN porches and projections into the fronl yards, and back and to the He indicated they still intend ~o he had m~ City's responsiveness when asked by ether developers. He hoped t~ would Rancho Cucamonga's image change to a more positive one. said he would be happy to do so. OLD BUSINESS C. COMMERCIAL LAND STUDY DISCUSSION Brad Buller, City Planner, reviewed the Foothill Boulevard corridor from the western to the eastern City limits. He discussed land use designations, current utilization including vacancy problems, approved projects which have not gone forward, applications in process, and proposals in the early stages of development. He reported that Wohl Development had resubmitted their General Plan and Industrial Specific Plan amendment applications with a letter requesting that review be expedited· Commissioner Melcher said that the Foothill corridor review was helpful. He felt a zone change without a development concept would be backwards· He cited Terra Vista Town Center as an example of a development that was Master Planned with high quality design which attracted t~nants. Planning Commission Minutes -9- February 14. 1996 He thought a plan should drive land use changes and not a single tenant with sales tax revenue potential. Chairman Barker praised the GIS colored map of Foothill Boulevard between Deer Creek Channel and Day Creek Channel and looked forward to seeing the rest of Foothill mapped. Commissioner Lumpp said it would be helpful to post updated aerial maps and General Plan maps for Commission meetings. Mr. Buller indicated updated aedals and maps are available, just not posted in the Council chamber. Chairman Barker invited public comment. Greg Hoxworth, Lewis Homes, 1156 Nodh Mountain Avenue, Upland, said it has been difficult to attract tenants to their current projects because of the uncedainties of additional land along Foothill Boulevard being rezoned for retail development, for example Vestar is advedising the availability of 300,000 square feet of leased space on the southwest corner of Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. He commented that a zone change without a project could make a profit for a landowner. He also stated that, if the City is to entertain rezoning the south side of Foothill Boulevard for Commercial retail, the remainder of the nodh side should be considered at the same time. The Commission concluded that as more data and updated maps and plans are generated, that information should be forwarded to the Planning Commission in a workshop setting. D. \ PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW 96-01 - Mark/Taylor - The review of 264 condominiums or ~ res of land in the Medium Residential zone (8-14 dwelling units per acre), located Keit % . h ~ d himself. Y '' · . hi a odh Scottsdale Road. P Anzona, gave a brief P Wade Felkins, architect rk-Taylor, briefly presented I ~roposed project. He showed the Planning Commission a :onceptual site plan pr ponse to staff comments and colored elevations of the ~roduct. Dan Coleman, Principal Planner. staff issues and concerns which included the following: 1. Is the project design so outstan~ top of the Medium range? 2. Vacation of Railroad Av~ South and ,rate into project. 3. Acquisition of Rede~pment Agency properly to e east. ,, r. Planning Commission Minules -10- Februa~ 14, 1996 WOHL/RANCHO PARTNERS GPA APPLICATION: FTLENG REQUIREMENT #3 Description of Proposed Project and Supporting Information FOOTHILL COURTYARD (Southside of Foothill Blvd. between Spruce & Elm) An amendment to the General Plan is requested by Wohl/Rancho Parreefs changing the land use designation for the subject parcels from Industrial to Community Commercial. Simultaneously, an amendment to the Industrial Specific Plan is requested which will allow uses consistent with the uses permitted under the Community Commercial designation as defined in the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan. These amendments are requested in order to allow the development of a mixed use coramercial center on the 1.:1.45 acre property located on the southside of Foothill BIrd. between Spruce and Elm Streets. The subject property is directly across the street from the existing mixed use ............... retail ,Tetra Vista Towne Center and Towne Center Square. Our project will consist of approximately 130,000 square feet of commercial use space that will include a diverse group of tenants. There are several factors which support the change from Industrial to Community Commercial for this particular site. These factors are identified in the Wohl/URA market study (attached), the Lewis and Masi market studies, and most recently, the city's market study. Subsequent discussion between the city's hired consultant, the city council, the planning commission, planning staff, and the public have brought to light several uncontested points that further support the change to commercial for our lz~.45 acre site: 1. It is an undisputed conclusion that Foothill Boulevard east of Haven is the primary retail corridor within the City and is best suited for future retail development; 2. The existin~ retail core, which started with Tetra Vista Town Center and has successfully expanded east to the Promenade, is thriving and continues to artreel regionally oriented retailers to the City; 3. Based on projected population growth and other positive aspects within Rancho Cucamonga and the sub-region, there will be continued demand for substantial acreage to accommodate future retail development; 4. It has been emphasized over and over again that building "critical mass" or the grouping of retailers both competitive and complementary is a positive factor for the City and is crucial in the decision making process for retailers :;ecking new locations. In the city market study, Mr. Agaganian's conclusions regarding the positive impact of critical mass and the proven concept of locatin~ new retail across the street from existinR centers (as he is proposina on zlth St.) indicate that a retail development on our site would be extremely beneficial to the City in the long run by attracting more shoppers to the area and giving more choices to the community. 5. Fetail development Contributes the most income to the City compared to any other type of page 2 gpa application filing requirement #3 2/9/96 sources and the constantly growing demand for city services, Rancho Cucamonga cannot afford to miss any viable opportunities to increase its tax base; and 6. Area property owners as well as Mr. Agaganian have emphasized the fact that competition between cities for regional retailers is fierce and that Rancho Cucamonga needs to act swiftly and aggressively to attract the remaining candidates. Every major retailer which Rancho Cucamonga loses means not only the lost sales tax revenue from that store but also the lost draw to the Foothill corridor (i.e. every tenant locating in an adjacent city will pull customers away from Rancho Cucamonga). We currently have a firm commitment from "the good guys!" to build a 20,000-25,000 sq. ft. store on our site. We also have proposals from other prospective retail tenants interested in our site. I have attached a letter from "the good guys!" which basically states that the city will have to act "swiftly and aggressively' to keep them from moving out of Rancho Cucamonga. Based on the quick .... turnaround which the City was able to accomplish to attract "Best Buy" on the Lewis site, we are confident that their objectives can be met should the City make the decision that this tenant will be a positive addition to the existing critical mass. As presented in a recent Rancho Cucamonga planning workshop, the primary objective of planning is to ultimately benefit the citizens of the community. We feel that our proposal fulfills this requirement through providing more choices for consumers, economic development for the city, and competitive prices from large retail economies of scale. In addition to the above reasons and based on the new information that has been recently presented. we are asking Planning Staff consider our proposed general plan and IASP plan amendments for the following reasons: 1. It expands the existing "critical mass" of retailers on the Foothill corridor; 2. It allows healthy competition amongst landowners in the City's retail core, therefore providing more opportunities for retailers looking to locate in this market; 3. It is compatible with the existing General Plan which already permits certain 'kinds of retail development on our site; 4. It will provide a significant source of revenues for the City as the project is built out (for example, "the good guys!" alone is projecting sales of approximately $20 million which translates into sales tax revenues to the City of approximately $200,000); and 5. It will b~ designed in a way that will be complementary to all neighbors and will b~ an asset for the City. It is our intent that this proposed center be consistent with the fabric of development occurring along Foothill Boulevard. We recognize the prominent location of Tetra Vista Town Center to our west and proximity of the retail center directly to our north and are prepared to use landscaping and screening methods similar to thiose utilized at the rear of the buildings within the project to the north. We feel the center will be effective in emulating the established high standards page 3 gpa applicatiom filing requirement #3 2/9/96 along Foothill Boulevard. LAND USE ISSUES The prop~Dsed commercial retail development at the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Spruce Avenue is compatible with surrounding existing and proposed land uses for these reasons: 1. Landscape and building setbacks will be generous at all perimeter conditions and will provide lush landscaping treatments, clustering of plant materials and trees, mounding and undulation of the ground plane, treatments of scale with formal broad entries or small intimate accent themes. There are a number of techniques that will be utilized ............ t9 break up the scale and enhance the formal broad avenue of Fo~Dthill Boulevard that would setwe to add interest along the perimeters and transitions into, and out of our site. These techniques are as follows: a. Along the shopping center frontage at Foothill Boulevard a broad thirty five foot (35') wide landscape strip will be utilized in a broad brush manner addressing its vehicular orientation. Plant materials might be applied in a large formal grouping with sweeping lawns to accentuate the vistas along Foothill Boulevard. Entries will be highlighted with color and plan mateddals will step down in scale to provide a transition into the center. b. The pedestrian scale will be addressed by down sizing the plant materials. introducing a variety of ground cover, shrubs, and color accents to enliven the walking experience through texture, color, enhanced paving, benches, accessories, free standing planters, and trellises. c. The landscape setback along Eucalyptus Street to the south of our property will be a generous twenty five foot (25') width. There are opportunities here to screen the areas through six foot (69 high screen walls, groupings of trees and hedge rows, garden trellises, and mounded landscape forms to add interest. The retail building:; themselves will be setback from the property line by a minimum distance of fifty feet (50') made up of twenty five foot (25') landscape buffer plus twenty five foot (25') wide service drive. This will allow the ability to develop a comprehensive landscape theme. 2. Architectural treatments will extend around all four (zl) sides of the buildings. Most buildings will still require service and delivery areas at the side/rear, however their elevations will be enhanced with architectural elements, pilasters, cornices, parapets, accent medallions, and accent finishes. page 4 gpa application filing requirement #3 2/9/96 The predominant tenants projected for this center are electronics, soft goods, restaurants and specialty type users. Typically, deliveries and service to this type of center are accommodated by smaller panel trucks. Many tenants will not require truck docks, but may be served by on-grade deliveries made through a rear door/service entrance. 3. Through the tactical placement of screen walls and landscaping and the sensitive application of architectural treatment, we are confident that a commercial retail center will compliment the future office development to the south by providing ancillary services that office tenants will find desirable to them. ,1. It has been our experience that retail centers of the character that is proposed for this site are highly compatible to office land uses by providing close, convenient access to ....... :_ -. personal services and goods. A combination of restaurants and drive-thru fast food will provide a convenient location for work day meals within a variety of price ranges. 5. Through the thoughtful deliberate placement of screen walls, landscaping, and architectural treatment we will insure that center will be pleasant for patrons and present a neighborly face to land uses adjacent to our center. The area that interfaces with the existing Best Western Heritage Inn Hotel located to the southwest corner of the site is located adjacent to one of three major entries to the site along Spruce Avenue. This shared entry drive will be treated with enhanced paving to note the shared entry which leads to a turn off to the Best Western then eastward to the main drive accessing the front doors of the shopping center. This drive will be the "Main Street" passing the prominent facade of each shop. Every attention will be applied in enhancing the entry experience through landscaping and walkway treatments. The architectural treatment will also extend along this area and provide additional interest through articulated parapets, cornice work, and medallion accents. This area also serves as an important path of travel for pedestrians affording opportunities to utilize a variety of smaller plant materials, accent planrings, and paving treatments. 6. The Best Western will be separated by a minimum of 200' to the north and 185' to the east of the shopping center. We are certain that this separation will preserve the integrity of the Best Western Heritage Inn Hotel and adjacent office building land uses. Additionally, entry treatments, enhanced paving and landscaping will enhance the grounds of the Best Western. Every opportunity to screen and integrate loading facilities into the fabric of the building will be provided to present the best facade at each turn. EXISTING MASTER PLAN and CC&R's The proposed development is consistent with the existing Master Plan for the Rancho page 5 gpa application filing requirement #3 2/9/96 Cucamonga Business Park in that it includes a significant amount of fast food/restaurant uses similar to the "Fo<xt Park" originally planned for the western end of the subject property. The retail uses planned for the remainder of the property are similar in nature to those which had been approved pursuant to the previous Development Agreement 87-01 which has since expired. That agreement provided for a variety of retail uses which were convenient to both business and residential traffic in the area. Although the uses which are anticipated for this new project are not specifically business support, they will nevertheless provide a variety of retail alternatives in a location convenient for both the nearby business as well as commuter traffic and residential traffic along Foothill BIrd. It should be noted that the Development Agreement 87-01 which was in place at the time of the construction of the Best Western Hotel adjacent to the subject. This development agreement included food and retail uses which would have had a similar impact on the Hotel site as the proposed project and land use. EXISTI~.IG CC&R's Although the existing CC&R's for the Rancho Cucamonga Business Park include certain design criteria for new construction, the sections regarding use are limited in scope to insuring that the uses are conforming to the city's zoning requirements. It is the developer's intention to comply with all of the requirements set forth in the CC&R's for design review and construction. The existing CC&R's do not appear to restrict changes in zoning which are approved by the city. the good ,aULII I / FIDEL SPECIalISTS 2/12/96 December 29, 1995 Per conversation with Brad Kaye, "the good guys" will continue to work with us if the city can Mr. Peter DesForges respond in 30-60 days. Wohl Rancho Partners 2402 Michelson, Suite 170 Irvine, CA 92715 RE: SEC Foothill and St~ruce Avenue Rancho Cucamonga Dear Peter, ..... As a folio, up to my November 15 letter, I want to reiterate the key role that expedient processing plays in our decision to proceed. As we discussed last week, interest in this location hinges on our ability to commit soon to a late 1996 grand opening. What this means is that unless we have all discretionary City approvals behind us by February in order to make our plan preparation and construction schedule, we will proceed ~vith our alternative site in Ontario. I am hoping for the City's full cooperation to make this project happen quickly as I understand was done across the street. Thank you for your cooperation. Yours truly, Brad Kaye Real Estate Manager BK/md CokOO,5.doc) Corporate Offices · 7000 Ivlarlna BI,;d - Brisbane, CA g4005-1830 - (4~5) 615-5000 I LANCE ]ONON ~ Ed;mr ccn[cr~ wifi~ 50,0~ squ~rc ~c~ or more was 11.6 percent for the [nl:md [Empire, Ow ~g ret:xll slmcc in tl~c h~l:md :~bout n l~crccntage point better th:m Inst- noted tlmt Price/Costco builds its wnre- Home sales in R'iverskle :rod S:m IEmplrc h:,s been no [mrg:fin for sevcr;fi pl:~ce I):dlns/Ft. Wt~rth. The c:xtq: y did house-style stores for $85 per square foot Bern:~rdhm ctmntlcs rct>oundcd f~>r years, wl~at with high vnc~mcies nnd not include regional malls. :rod sells $1,200 wurth ofmerch;mdise per fourth ctmsccutive month on n ycnr-ovcr- Es g lease prices. As if to prov~ the Among power centers ~ ret:fil centers square foot. It typlc;dly costs $ I~0 per ye;xr bnsis. . [mlnz, :~ recent ~:xml~ling by CI3 of :~t Im~st qS0,O~ squ:~r~ fce't with trl,e' .squ;xre foot to buikl a s r p center, which It's the I;xtest indic:~tlon t~f wh;tt ccon- C~mnncrci:d Real IZstnte Groul~ Inc. found higl~ly I~rtm~otkm;u[ tm~ants -- tl~e In[:md sells nn nven~ge ors 150 per squnre foot. mnists h:~ve been hcr;dding :~s a modest ~.~n:,rkc is one of the most bdenguercd I~crccnt, the worst of the lot. ]'lowever. two, we're buikllng d~c kinds of i~rojects real cstnt~ nmrket. mnong seven U.S. regions. Archer :~cknt~wlcdgcd tlmt the figure may th:~t ;~cceler;~te the obsolescence of some Home s:dcs in Riverside C~mnt~ nf Riverside :u~d Snn Ilcrnnrdino i~ostcd Empire sdll hns relatively few ofd~is shol>- Gobar snkL p:~rcd with J:muary [995, :~cct~rding ~ "The In[:md Empire hnsn't grown ;~s New York, :~ o ~I' others. Still, it con- dueted three yenrs ngo, the economist clmses were of less-expenslve }mines. The ~much :~s :~ It~t of Inndlords expected ;rod finned wh:~t re:my retail :n~alys~s a[re:~dy grand the Inl:md Empire was wdl int~ ~l~c so.called "muvc-u[~ m:n'kcC is still s I~' d~crc's ;~ I~t t~f vnc:mt spnce out there." knt~w: Many portions of the Inland "high 50s." gish, Dan~Qulck sakL The trend once t:i:dist with CB Commercinl's Riverskit The CB Commcrcinl study predicts unt:q~ped are:~s in the h~l:md Eml~ire." he price. ~fficc. th:~t the Imce of new ret~fi[ constructim~ said. The medi:m, or the midpoint of The ;~ver ~ :e v;Ic;u~cy ;It in-line. unnn- will sltnv this year, but tlmt's not likely to Archer did note, Imwevcr. tlmt retail home s:des prices, dropl~cd 2.3 percent chorcd strip cemcrs w;~s pnrdcularly ~ I' be ,nt,d~ s~Jace for older-style rctnilers, centers in the wcst'crn regions of botl~ $1 27,0~ in glvcrsklc Cranny ~ 18.'1 percent. compnred with only 3.q sakl Alfred Gobnr, n Pl:~centin-b;~sed ret:dl counties were ~rlng better th:m dmse in with J;mu;~ry 1995. The fiI, re tlil~l~cd 6.5 percent g~r d~e }e;~tlcr. Minne=q~olis/St. econnmist. · the cities of Riverside, San l~emnrdlno, percent to $116,0~ in San l~ern:~rdim~ P~t ,1. In-llne c~ntcrs :xrc thuse not brokm~ New rct:xilers such ns W:d-M:~r~ and Font;m:~, Co[ton nnd Ri;dto. "Pl:~ccs ... County, x~hich lind the lowest mcdi:m up hy ]:~rger retailers. Pricc/Costcc~ nrc far more efficient :rod wid~ okler centers nre re:dly ht r ~t' r ght price nmong Somhm'n C:dif~rnia's six FOCUSED MARKET ANALYSIS: FOOTHILL COURTYARD RETAIL CENTER TABLE 3. f'D SPECIALITY RETAILING MARKET CONDITIONS X RANCIIO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) ~ Existing Suppl_y_ 1995 Market Demand 1995 Unmet Year 2000 Year 2000 -.. Category Estimated Sales Square Demand Unmet Demand Potential ~ Number Sq. Ft. in Millions Feet Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. at 25% Q~pturc Restaurant Group: ~ ~ Fast Food/Take Out 53 93,300 $36.9 206,900 113,600 149,000 37,250 Jt~ Family Restaurants 20 64,900 $30.8 156,900 92,000 118,800 29,700 ~ Ethnic &Specialty 30 56,800 $9.2 47,000 (9,800) (1,800) Atmosphere & Upscale 8 49,200 $18.7 64,800 15,600 26,700 6,675 ~ Coffee House 5 6,51Y3 NA NA NA NA Electronics &Computer 4 100,600 $I3.5 63,800 (36,800) (25,900) Stx3rting Goods 8 55,100 $7.4 59,300 4,200 14,300 3,575 Bookstorcs 6 16,040 $4.4 27,700 11,700 16,400 4,100 Source: FieId research and consumer market modelling by Urban Research Associates, July and August 1995. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM INITIAL STUDY - PART II BA(;KGROUND 1) Project File #/Name: sp~, ~95-028; TSPA 95-02 2) Related File(s): DR 80-12; PM 6200; DA 87-01 3) Applicant: WOHL/RANCHO PARTNERS Address: 2402 Michelson Drive, ~170 ;Irvfne, CA 92715 Telephone #: (714) 955-o1~.5 4) Project Description: A r,,.q,,~.l- fnr '}ana ,me r'hang~ frnm Tna,,~l-.~al par~' fn r'nrn.,,n~t-y Corr~rnercial for 14.4 acres of 'land generally located on the south side of Foothill 5) Project Accepted as Complete (date): septembe= 13, 1995 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTR shall 'also be provided in each instance where a potentially significant effect has been determined not to be significant and is marked "No." Yes Magbe No I. EARTH. Wit the proposal result in: a) Unstableearthconditionsorinchangesinthegeologicstructure? Q Q b) Disruptions, displacement, compaction or over covering of the soil?. c) Change in the topography or ground surface relief features? Q Q d) The destruction, covering, or modification of any unique geologic Qr physical features? e) Any increase inwindorwatererosion ofsoils, eitheron oroffthe site? Q ~ [] f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sand, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of ativerorstreamorthebedoftheoceanoranybay, inlet or lake? Q [] ,,~ g) Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards, such as eadhquakes, landslideS, mudstides, ground failure, or similar hazards? O O c.,Dqz OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY Yes Maybe II. AIR. Will the proposal result in: a) Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? ,:3 (Z/ b) The creation of objectionable odors? Q El c) Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? ,::3 III. WATER. Will the proposal result in: a) Changesincurrents,orthecourseofdirectionofwatermovements, in either marine or fresh waters? El Q b) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? Q ~ c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? [D Q d) Changes in the amount of sudace water in any body? El e) Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of sudace waferquality, including, but not limited to, temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? Q Q f) Alteraft'on of the direction or rate of ground waters? El Q g) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? tD El h) Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? Q El i) Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding or tidal pools? Q El IV. PLANT LIFE. Will the proposal result in.' a) Change in the diversity of species, or number of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass,crops,andaquaticplants)? Q El b) Reduction of the number of any unique, rare, or endangered species of plants? Q El c) Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? El El d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? El Q V. ANIMAL LIFE. Will the proposal result in: a) Change in the diversity of species, or number of any species of animals (birds; land animals. including reptiles; fish and shellfish; benthic organisms or insects)? Q El b) Reduction of the number of any unique, rare, or endangered specie or animals?D ElEl CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Yes Maybe No c) Introduction of new species of animals into the area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of animals? Q d) Deterioration tQ existing fish or wildlife habitat? Q VI. NOISE. Will the proposal result in.' a) Increase in existing noise levels? b) Exposure of people to severe noise levels? Q Q VII. LIGHT AND GLARE. Willtheproposah a) Produce new light and glare? Q ,:B/''' Q VIII. LAND USE. Will the proposal result in: a) Substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? Q IX. NATURAL RESOURCES. Wi~ the proposal result in: ..... a) . Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? Q E] ~"" X. RISK OF UPSET. Will the proposal involve.' a) A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (incud ng, but not m ted to: o I, pesticides, chemicals, or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? D Q b) Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? XI. POPULATION. Will the proposal.' a) Alter the location, distribution, density or growth rate of the human population of an area? Q XII. HOUSING. Will the proposal: a) Affectexistingh0using,orcreateademandforadditionalhousing? Q Q XIII. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Will the proposal result in.' a) Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? b) Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? Q ~" c) Substantial impact upon existing transpotlation systems? Q d) Alterations to the present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists, or · pedestrians? ~ ~D5--2) Q Q CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Yes Maybe No XIV. PUBLIC SERVICES. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered government services in any of the loftowing areas: a) Fire protection? Q Q b) Police protection? Q Q c) Schools? a d) Parks and other recreational facilities? C3 Q ~" e) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? Ca f) Other governmental services? [] Q XV. ENERGY. Will the proposal result in: ' a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? Ca Ca b) Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? Ca Ca XVI.UTILITIES and SERVICE SYSTEMS. Wi~ the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a) Power or natural gas? Ca Q b) Communications systems? Q Q c) Water? Q Q d) Sewer or septic tanks? Ca Q e) Storm water drainage? Q Q f) Solid waste disposal? Q XVII. HUMAN HEALTH. Will the proposal result in: a) Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? Ca Q b) Exposure of people to potential health hazards? Q [] XVIII. AESTHETICS. Wit the proposal result in: a) The obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public? Ca [] b) Creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? [] XIX. RECREATION. Wifi the proposal result in: a) Impact upon the quality of existing recreational opportunities? [] [] b) Restrict the religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? Ca Q CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Yes Maybe No XX. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Wi~ the proposal: a) Result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archeological site? Q Q ~r"' b) Result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? Q Q c) Have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? XXI. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. a) Potential to degrade: Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below. self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history '0r prehistory? b) Short-term: Does the project have the potential to achieve shod- term, to the advantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A shod-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief. definite period of time. Long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) [] [] c) Cumulative: Doesthe project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect on the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) [] Q d) Substantial adverse: Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? [] Q 9"""' XXII. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION. (Attach additional sheets with narrative description of the environmental impacts.) See attached. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Initial Study - Part II Discussion of Environmental Evaluation Project Description: General Plan Amendment 95-02A industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 95-02 A request for land use change from Industrial Park to Community Commercial for 14.4 acres of land generally located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard between Spruce and Elm Avenues in Subarea 7 of the Industrial Area Specific Plan. 1. Earth: ....... e. The site is in a soil conservation area. Erosion control measures during construction are required as a condition of project development. 2. Air: a. An air quality analysis has been completed indicating that significant impacts would not result from the proposed land use designation change from Industrial Park to Community Commercial. Analysis indicates that emissions, primarily from mobile sources, may increase for all categories under the proposed use. The applicant's air quality study comparied a , project previously proposed for which the hotel component was constructed with a conceptual proposal for the site. For this comparison Carbon Monoxide and Reacfive Organic Compounds would exceed South Coast Air Quality Management District Emissions Thresholds by 431 and 43 pounds per day respectively. Oxides of Nitrogen and Particulates would not exceed SCAQMD thresholds. Further analysis will be required when an actual project is submitted. If indicated by further analysis at the project level, mitigation measures will be required to the satisfaction of the SCAQMD. 3. Water: c. Drainage and flood control issues have been addressed in the Master Environmental Assessment for the General Plan adopted January 4, 1989 and implemented by the City's Master Plan of Drainage. These measures are triggered at the project development level. 4. Plant Life: b. The site is rough graded and periodically cleaned of weeds, therefore there are no known rare. unique, or endangered plant species on site. c. Landscaping at the project level will consist of native species and generally accepted ornamental landscape species with emphasis on drought tolerant plant materials. d. No agricultural crops exist on site. 5. Animal Life: b. The site is rough graded and periodically cleaned of weeds. There are no known rare, unique, or endangered animal species on site. 6. Noise: a. The proposed land use change is not expected to increase noise levels above that of the existing development as anticipated in the General Plan and discussed in the Master Environmental Assessment for the General Plan. b. There are no sensitive receptors in the surrounding area which is zoned for commercial and industrial use. 7. Liqht and Glare: a. Light levels for commercial development may be slightly higher than light levels under the industrial park designation, but not to a level of significance because the site adjoins Foothill Boulevard, a state highway. Commercial development of the proposed site would be consistent with the light levels of commercial development on the north side of Foothill Boulevard. 8. Land Use,: a. General Plan Amendment and Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment applications are the prescribed process for changing land use designations. The duel applications are intended to make the General Plan and Zoning consistent for the subject land area. The change from Industrial Park to Community Commercial would not result in a substantial alteration of planned land use because the subject site is located adjacent to Industrial Park and Community Commercial land use areas. 11. Population: a. The proposed land use change would not result in a change in population from that addressed in the Master Environmental Assessment for the General Plan. industrial park is considered a high employment generator comparable to commercial use. Further, many commercial uses are allowed within the Industrial Park land use category. 12. Housing: a. Based on information contained in the Housing Element and the Master Environmental Assessment for the General Plan, current and planned housing stock will be sufficient to meet the needs of employees wishing to live in the City. There will be no significant increase in employment generation from retail commercial uses over Industrial Park uses and therefore no significant impact on housing needs. ...... 13 Transportation: a. There will be no significant increase in traffic generation resulting from a change from the existing Industrial Park designation to the proposed community commercial designation. Peak traffic periods will shift in time consistent with retail use, with a resultant decrease in the predicted morning peak period traffic flows. Generally, the information contained in the Master Environmental Assessment for the General Plan adequately addresses traffic and circulation impacts. Mitigation measures will be implemented at the project development level, including access and other circulation issues. b. Parking will be provided consistent with the development code for commercial uses. c. Public transportation is available along Foothill Boulevard. There will be no significant change in the demand for public transportation with the proposed change in land use. 14. Public Services: The area is urbanized. Public services are existing. a. No substantial new fire services are expected as a result of the proposed land use change. b. No substantial new police services are expected as a result of the .... proposed land use change. 16. Utilities and Service Systems. The area is urbanized. Utilities and services are existing. 18. Aesthetics: a. Future development will conform to the strict design guidelines of the City, and be compatible with surrounding existing and planned development. b. Future development projects will conform to the strict design guidelines of the City, thereby eliminating any offensive site visible to the public. 20. Cultural Resources: The site is par~ of a Master Plan of Development. The site has been rough graded and street improvements, including public utilities installed. No known cultural resources exist on the site. 21. Mandatory Findinqs of Siqnificance: The proposed land use change would not cause any substantial adverse impacts to the environment. a. No known animal or wildlife species are expected to be substantially adversely impacted by the land use amendment. b. There are no known long-term enviro'nmental impacts that are expected to occur as a result of the land use amendment. c. The land use change is not anticipated to cause cumulative impacts. d. The land use change will not cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly. I:\MIKI\GPAP502A.IS XXlll. DISCUSSION OF LAND USE IMPACTS. (An examination of whetherthe project would be consistent with existing zoning, plan~,and other applicable land use controls.) General Plan Amendment and Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment applications processed concurrently are the prescribed process for changing.land use designations. The duel applications are intended to make the General Plan and Zoning consistent for the subject land use amendment. : XX]M,.DETERM NAT ON (To be completed by Lead Agency.) On the basis of this initial evaluation: a) I find that the proposed project could not have a significant effect on the environment, and A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared .............................. b) I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because rniti~gtion rn~sz~res described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared .............................. El c) I find the proposed project may have a significant effect on the environment, and An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required ......................... El ,. ' Miki Bratt, AICP, Associate .~.anner S~ n g alu Print Name PFanning Division, City of Rancho Cucamonga Dais C,,,-,t> d'9 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ENVIRONM.-'NTAL INFORMATION FORM The purpose of this form is to inform the City of the basic components of the proposed project so that the City may review the project pursuant to City · policies, ordinances, and guidelines; the California Environmental Quality Act; and the City's Rules and Procedures to Implement CEQA. It is important that the information requested in this application be provided in full: INCOMPLETE A_DPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. Please note that it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete at the time of submittal; City staff will not be available to perform. work required to provide missing information. GENERAL IN~ORMATIO~ Application Number for the project to which this form pertains: Project Title: Foothill Courtyard Name S Address of project owner(s): Wohl/Rancho F{trtn. Cr$ c/~'ohl Investrant Crmpeny, 2LX72 ~chelson Dr., #170 Indne,~'CA 92715 Name & Address of developer or project sponsor: (same) Contact Pers'on s Address: (Address same as above) (1) Greg~ ~'ohl or Pete/Desfor~es Fn.#714/955-0115 Fax #714/755-3971 (2) laura Brozek Ph.#cj09/983-4719 Fax #<909/980-5849 Telephone Number: Name & Address of person preparing this form (if different from above): C I T Y o f R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A pRCkTECT rN?ORMATI0~ & DESCRIPTION Information indicated by asterisk [ ' ) is not required of non-construction CUP'S unless otherwise requested by s~aff. *]) Provide a full scale (8-1/2 X ]~) copy of the USGS Quadrant Sheet(s) which includes the project site, and indicate the site boundaries. 2) Provide a set of color photogTaphs which show representative views into the site from the north, south, east and west; views into and from the site from the primary access points which serve the site; and representative views of significant features from the site. Include a map showing location of each photograph. 3) Project Location (describe): The site is bounded by Foothill on the north, F~]c~]yptus on the ~th. Spnlc~ on the west, and Elm on the ¢~st excludin~ the south esst corner currently improved with a hotel. 4) Assessor's Parcel Numbers (attach additional sheet if necessary): ~ 2fB-352-62 throu~h 2C8-352-69 (eight ~ercels) '5) Gross Site Area (ac/sq. ft. ): 14.45 Acres '6) Net Site Area (total site size minus area of public streets & proposed dedications): N6 addi~onal dedications proFo~-~d. 7) Describe any proposed general plan amendment or zone change which 'would affect the project site (attach additional sheet if necessary): The site is curlatEly desi,~nated on --the General Plan within rj~ indust~a] Are~I and is lccated within the Industrial SFecific PIe_n, subere~ 7. ~ application requests an amend- merit in the General Plan designation to CnnTcsnity Carmzrc~$] and an ammdmant' to the Indus- trial Specific Plan to permit Canmnity Cc~merc~a] tu~es at this location as such uses are defined within the Foothill SFecific Plan. " Include a description of all per m. its which will be necessary from the City of Rancho Cucamonga and other governmental agencies in order to fully implement the project: General F/an Amandmen~I.S.P. Amendmen~,Condi~onel Use Permit for Shoppin~ Center develo~ment, standard buildin~ ~qnits. 9) Describe the phy~ica! setting of the site as it exists before the project including information on topography, soil stability, plants and animals, matu/e trees, trails and roads, drainage courses, and scenic aspects. Describe any existing structures on site (including age and condition') and the use of the structures. Attach photoqr_aphs of significant features described. In addition, site all sources of information (i.e., geological and/or hyd~rologic studies, biotic and archeologica! surveys, traffic studies): ]he site is ~cant at this time but ~s ~ced as a ~eyard in the past. There is no n~ture ....... vegiration on the subject propetty' or any existing structures. Topography is reJatively level with drainage to slope to Dl~]yptus. Please see enclosed soils report for soils informWon. Please see enclosed aerial photograph for general overview. 10) Describe the kno~ cultural and/or historical aspects of the site. Site all sources of information {books, published reports and oral history): None 11 ) Describe any noise sources and their levels that no'~ affect the site (aircraft, roadway noise, etc. ) and how they will affect proposed uses: The prirraz7 source of noise is normal and customary traffic on FoOrJtill Blvd. There is miriral noise frcm flights in and out of Ontario International Airport. These will not affect the proposed uses. 12) Describe the proposed project in detail. This should provide an adequate description o~ the site in terms of ultimate use which will result from the proposed project- indicate if there are proposed phases for development, the extent of development to occur with each phase, and the anticipated completion of each increment. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: (Please ~ enclosed "DescriD~on of F~0~ect end SuDsort/n~ Information") Describe the surrounding properties, including information on plants and animals and any cultural, historical or scenic aspects- Indicate the type of land use (residential, co~n. ercia!, etc.), intensity of land use (one-fatal!y, apartment houses, shops, department stores, etc. ) and scale of development (height, frontage, setback, rear yard, etc. ): Adjacent pro~_rtv descriptions are as follo~,~: (1~ To the north is Term Vista Town Canter. a Ccmmnitv Cc~rarc~s] shopping cen~er within the Tetra Vista Specific Plan. (2) To the ~est is a current/v vacant restaurant b~ildin~ and unimDroved land planned for further rer~aurant develonrent. (3~ To the south and east is unimproved land within the Industrial Specific Plan. (4~ Tn~n~iat~ly ~ajscent to ~d south est of the subject property is a six story Best Western Hermitage Hotel. Will the proposed project change the pattern, scale or character of the surrounding general area of the project? The proposed Ccmmmity Cc~merria] Shopping Center project on the subject property is ............... consistent with the pattern, scale and character of the surroundin$ 8ener~l area. 15) Indicate the type of short-term ~nd long-term noise to be generated, includ/ng source and amount. How will these noise levels affect adjacent properties and on-site uses. What methods of sound proofing are proposed? Short term noLce will he o_enerated by te ~radinR and buildino_ constructCon prcce~q. ]]~e lnng term noLce ~enerated by this Dro~ect will be normal and customary traffic noise ~e~r~d hy auto and truck traffic cgnin~ and Roino_ frc~ the site. There wil he no adverse PF~-r~ rn the adjecant Froberries. * 16 ) Indicate proposed removals and/or .replacements of mature or scenic trees: None existing Indicate any bod/es of water {including domestic ~'ater supplies) into which ~he site drains: The site dr~ins into the ~iscin~ storm drsin system. 18) indicate expected amount of water usage. (See Attachment A for usage estimates). For further clarification, please contact the Cucamonga County Water District at 987-2591. a. Residential (gal/day) Peak use (gal/day) b. Co,~-unercial/Ind. {gal/day/ac) 1,~C0 Peak use (gal/min/ac) 3,0C0 19) Indicate proposed method of sewage disposal. __ Septic Tank X Sewer. If septic tanks are proposed, attach percolation tests. If " discharge to a sanitary sewage system is proposed indicate extDected daily sewage generation: (see Attacbament A for usage estimates). For further clarification, please contact the Cucamonga County Water District at 987-2591. a. Residential (gal/day) b. industrial/Commercial (gal/day/ac) 1,033-1,503 RESIDENTIAL PRfXI]~'~TS ~!'a_-_b~r of residential Detached (indicate range of parcel sizes, m~nimura lot size lot size: .Attached ('i~ units are rental or for sale units): Sale Price(s) S ~c $ Rent (per month) S to $ 22) Specify numbPer of bedroom~ by unit type: 23) Indicate anticipated h/d size by unit type: 24) indicate the expected number of school children who will be residing within the roject: Contact the appropriate School Districts as shown In Attac ent B. Junior High: COM3~ERCIAL, INDDb-i'MI3tL AND INSTI'iVrlONAL pRf)JECTS 25) Describe type of use(s) and major function(s) of commercial, industrial or institutional uses: 7he type of Lute is a Commmity Cc~nercis] shopping center <i.e. retail with restaurants as as ancillary use). 26) Total floor area of commercial, industrial, or institutional uses by type: Restaurants 16,550 square fent General P~t~il 1161965 square feet Total 133,515 square feet 27) indicate hours of operation: 7he appro.~jpate hours of operation ~ill be Retail/ Cc~rnerc~$] 7:00 ~\[ to 9:00 Fbl; Restaurants and/or fast food 6:C0 A~I to 2:(I3 28) Number of employees: Total: N/A Maximum, Shift: Time of Maximtun Shift: 29) Provide breakdovn of anticipated job classifications, including wage and salary ranges, as well as an indication of the rate of hire for each classification (attach additional sheet if necessary): N/A 30) Estimation of the number of workers to be hired that c'~renzly reside in the City: For co~umercial and industrial uses only, indicate the source, type and amount of air pollution emissions. (Data should be verified through the South Coast Air Quality Management District, at (818) 572-6283): 32) Have the water, sewer, fire, and flood control agencies serving the project been contacted to determine their ability to provide adequate service to the proposed project? If so, please indicate their response. Yes, ~ ser~ces are available to the subject property. 33) In the kno~ history of this property, has there been any use, storage, or d/scharge of hazardous and/or toxic materials? Examples of hazardous and/or toxic materials include, but are not !im/ted t~ PCB'S; radioactive substances; pesticides and herbicides; fuel, oils, solvents, and other fla~nmable liquids and gases. Also, note undergTound storage of any of the above. Please list the materials and describe %heir use, storage, and/or discharge on the property, as well as the dates of use, if known. No · 34) Will the proposed project involve the temporary or long-term use, storag~ or discharg~ of hazardous and/or toxic materials, includang but not lim/ted to those examples listed above? If yes, provide an inventory of all such materials to be used and proposed method of ...... disposal. The location of such uses, along with the storage and shipment areas, shall be shown and labeled on the application plans. 0nly to theextentthatsuch~aterialsare typically ut~]~Tedintheconstruction and operation of a rera//cccFercial develoDen~nt. I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for adeqnaate evaluation of this project to the best of my ability, that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that adddtional information m~y ~e required to be submitted before an adequate evaluation can be made by the City of Rancho cucamonga. Date: 5/22/95 Signature: Title: General Partner ATTACH~-"NT A Water Usage Average use per day Residential Single Family 600 gal/day Apz/Condo 400 gal/day Commercial/Industrial General and Regional Commercial 3000 gal/day/ac Neighborhood Commercial 1500 gal/day/ac General Industrial 1500 gal/day/ac .. Industrial Park 3000 gal/day/ac Peak Usage For all uses Average use X 2.0 Se~er Flo~s Residential Single Family 270 gal/day Apt/Condos 200 gal/day C(~m~ercial/lndustrial General Commercial 2000 gal/day/ac Neighborhood Commercial 1000-1500 gal/day/ac General Industrial 2000 gal/day/ac Heavy Industrial 3000 gal/day/ac Source: Cucamonga County Water District Master Plan, 9/86 BECEIVED MAR 14 ~996 March 13, 1996 City of Rancho Cucamonga _2_~nin/~f2visiOr~ 7//, / ~.._~ Mr. Brad Buller ~ City Plarmer ~ ~ City of Rancho Cucamonga Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 ~,~ RE: South side on Foothill Between Spruce and Elm Dear Brad: Enclosed are three proposed plans for the above referenced property. All are identical except for the east end of the property for which there are currendy three potential uses. Scheme "A" shows a service station on the north east corner wid~ a 20,000 sq.ft. Good Guys} store and a cluster of four auto related tenants to the sotltl~ of it (7.000 sq.ft. auto parts store, 3,000 sq.ft. muffler store, 4,000 sq.~. tire store and 2,800 sq.ft. lube & rune). Scheme "B" shows a 20,000 sq.ft. Good Guys~ store next to a 30,000 sq.ft. "major" retailer on the east and with a 4,000 sq.ft. pad retail building on the north east corner. Scheme "C" shows a 50,000 sq.ft. "WOW~" store on the south east corner and a 4,000 sq.ft. pad retail building on the north ~st corner. It is difficult to predict which of these configurations will be developed until we are able to market this property with zoning that will permit these uses. WOHL INVESTM2ENT CONIPANY 2402 Michelson. Suite 170. Irvine, California 92715 · (714) 955-0115 · FAX: (714) 755-3971 Page 2 Brad Buller March 13. 1996 I have not heard froin your office regarding any further information needed to complete our application and am under tile assumption that we are still on schedule for tile March 27th Planning Commission meeting. If you have any questions, comments or need any further information. please feel free to call me. Sincerely, WOHL/RANCHO PARTNERS ......... Peter-'Desforges General Partner C F UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIII ...... II '~"'~"' ____, _ --_ SIT~ PLAN SCHEME RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA. MARCH 7, FO~: WOHL INVESTMENT CO. IRVIng, CA. ARCHITECTS PACIFICA LTD F UHiiiiiiiiiiii[iiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiijiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiHI F~III ~IIIIIII[i[II]IIHII~II,-LI[fII]I]ITT~[I[[[I][]III[I ~ E Z_- .... ' - - 5~T~ PLAN ~ANCH0 CUCAMONGA, CA. MA~CH 7~ 199E FOR: WOHL INVeSTMeNT C0. I~VIN~, CA. A~CHIT~CTS PACIFICA LTD F i~]lllllllllll]llllllllllllllllll{llllllllllllllllllll!llllll i ~]lll I]IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT[TTTTFIiiiiiiiiiiii ~c ':" ""' ': :" ' "~"' I ' " ~ : ~ - ,.- , .,, ~ ,, -, ~ .  PARKING PROVIDED ' 678 CAR5 N SIT[ PLAN - SCH[M['C~ RANCH0 CUCAMONG'A, CA. MARCH 12, Ig96 FOR: WOHL {NV[STM[NT C0. IRVIN[, CA. A~CHITECTS PACIFICA LTD ~k ARCHITECTS PACIFICA LTD 17711 MITCHELL NORTH, SUITE B TRANSMITTAL IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92714-6028 714 - 253 8525 DATE March 19, 1996 Fax 714 - 553 1768 R E C E I V E D ¢~AR J, 9 lg96 SENT BY (check all that apply) TO City of Rancho Cucamonga ) Mail Planning Department City of Rancho Cucamonga ) UPS Planning Division ) Fed Ex X ) Messenger ) Overnight ) Facsimile Attention Mr. Brad Buller, City Planner WE TRANSMIT ( X ) Attached Fax ( ) Under seperate cover ( ) No. of pages including .... P=roj~ct .. Wo.hl Inve~tment/Rancho Cucamonga THE FOLLOWING: (check au that apply) X Prints Copies Description Date 1 Site Plan Scheme "C" 3-18-96 Original tracings (Full Size} Reproducibles Copy of letter 1 Site Plan Scheme "C" 3-18-96 Specifications (Legal Size} FOR YOUR ( X ) Review ( ) Approval ( ) use ( ) Comments ~ I am sending this at the request of Peter Desforges. Please call if you have any questions or comments. __ Thomas Bond "~ Project Manager 1:'~DATALc~ROJECTSt96~OStBULLERt.TRN Copies to: (w/enc. or w/o enc.) SITE PLAN - ,SCHEME ](3] RANCH0. CUCAMONGA~ CA. MARCH 18~ 1996 FOR: WOHL ]NVFSTMENT C0. IRVINE~ CA. ARCHITECTS PACIFICA LTD Lewis Homes Management Corp. 11% North Mounta[n Avenue / P.O. Box 670 / Upland, Cali/orala 91785-0670 909/985-0971 FAX: 909/949.6740 .~ [2 C [Z [ V F D March 13, 1996 MAR 14 1996 Ci,,y of Rancbo Cucamonga Planning Division Mn Brad Buller City Planner City ofRancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 RE: Retail availability along Foothill Blvd. Dear Brad: As follow up to our meeting of last week concerning retail availability along Foothill Boulevard, I wanted to give you some more information. Lewis Homes owned centers have vacant/available space as follows: Terra Vista Promenade 306,300 s.f. Town Center Square at Tetra Vista 35,000 s.f. Terra Vista Town Center 56,278 s.f. Total 397,578 s.f. Tenants in bankruptcy 68,421 s.f. (Home Express, Clothestime, Discover,/Zone, Lingerie for Less. Anna's Linens) Total Available 465~999 s.f. This is 38% of the total retail space we have zoned on Foothill in Terra Vista. This does not include nearby space at Deer Creek, and the K-Mart on Haven or projects further east on Foothill like Rancho Towne Center where there is 125,000 s.[ available. Nor does this include the space available at Foothill Marketplace. Some of this vacancy is a result of the changes in retailing especially tenant size. More importantly, retailers like to group together so a Home Depot anchored center at the east side of '* E.xHi srT" "t rl/' Mr. Brad Buller March 13, 1996 Page 2 Terra Vista attracts a different user group then Best Buy/Bames and Noble or TargetfM. ervyns anchored centers. We will be rezoning our Elm to Milliken piece to attract those retailers who will not go to the Promenade but want to be on-Foothill. The City needs to carefully consider the impact of additioaat retail zoning bn existing Centdrs. The purpose for planning and zoning is to direct uses to where the community belieyes they belong and'create the mbst synergy. · Rezoning a new site only weakens the ex~er~si,be pllifiiiiilg and zor.';ng the City has wc~rkcd hard to implement. -: Sincerely, C/re oxworth erc~al Development co: Richard Lewis John Goodman Gary Luque RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING DENIAL OF THE REQUEST TO AMEND THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP FROM INDUSTRIAL PARK TO COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL FOR 14.45 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, NORTH OF EUCALYPTUS AVENUE, EAST OF SPRUCE AVENUE, AND WEST OF ELM AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 208-352-62 THROUGH 69. A. Recitals. 1. Wohl/Rancho Padners has filed an application for General Plan Amendment No. 96-01A as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject General Plan · Amendment is referred to as "the application." 2. OH March 27. 1996, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals. Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing on March 27, 1996. including written and oral staff repods, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to approximately 14.45 acres of land, basically a rectangle configuration, located south of Foothill Boulevard, north of Eucalyptus Street, east of Spruce Avenue, and west of Elm Avenue and is presently vacant. Said property is currently designated as Industrial Park; and b. The property to the north of the subject site is designated Community Commercial and is partially developed. The property to the west is designated industrial Park and is partially developed. The property to the east is designated Industrial Park and is vacant. The property to the south is designated Industrial Park and is vacant. c. This amendment does conflict with the Land Use Policies of the General Plan and will not provide for development, within the district, in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development; and d. This amendment does not promote the goals and objectives of the Land Use Element; and e. This amendment would be materially injurious or detrimental to the adjacent propedies. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. GPA 96-01A - WOHURANCHO PARTNERS March 27, 1996 Page 2 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forLh in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. That the subject property is not suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed distdct in terms of access, size, and compatibility with existing land use in the surrounding area; and b. That the proposed amendment would have significant impacts on the surrounding properties; and c. That the proposed amendment is not in conformance with the General Plan. 4. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above, this Commission hereby recommends denial of General Plan Amendment 96-01A. 5. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 27TH DAY OF MARCH 1996. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMQNGA BY: E. David Barker, Chairman ATTEST: Brad Bullet, Secretary I, Brad Buffer, Secrelary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 27th day of March, 1996, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING DENIAL OF INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 96-01, A REQUEST TO AMEND THE INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN TEXT FOR 14.45 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, NORTH OF EUCALYPTUS AVENUE, EAST OF SPRUCE AVENUE, AND WEST OF ELM AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 208-352-62 THROUGH 69. A. Recitals. 1. Wohl/Rancho Partners has filed an application for an Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment No. 96-01 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment is referred to as "the application." 2. On March 27, 1996, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and issued Resolution No. .... recommending to the City Council that the associated General Plan Amendment No. 96-01A b~ denied. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing on March 27, 1996, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to approximately 14.45 acres of land, basically a rectangle configuration, located south of Foothill Boulevard, north of Eucalyptus Street, east of Spruce Avenue, and west of Elm Avenue and is presently vacant. Said property is currently designated as Industrial Park; and b. The property to the nodh of the subject site is designated Community Commercial and is padially developed. The properly to the west is designated Industrial Park and is padially developed. The properly to the east is designated Industrial Park and is vacant. The properly to the south is designated Industrial Park and is vacant. c. This amendment does conflict with the Land Use Policies of the General Plan and will not provide for development, within the district, in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development; and d. This amendment does not promote the goals and objectives of the Land Use Element; and CD7? PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. ISPA 96-01-WOHURANCHO PARTNERS March 27, 1996 Page 2 e. This amendment would be materially injurious or detrimental to the adjacent properties and would. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. That the subject property is not suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed district in terms of access, size, and compatibility with existing land use in the surrounding area; and b. That the proposed amendment would have significant impacts on the surrounding properties; and c. That the proposed amendment is not in conformance with the General Plan. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby recommends denial of Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment No. 96-01. ........ - ..... 5. · The-Secretary to this Commission shall cedify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 27TH DAY OF MARCH 1996. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: E. David Barker, Chairman A'FFEST: Brad Buffer, Secretary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 27th day of March 1996. by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ' ~ STAFF REPORT DATE: March 27, 1996 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buffer, City Planner BY: Steve Hayes, A1CP, Associate Planner SUBJECT: DIVERSIFIED PACIFIC HOMES - A request to initiate text changes to the Etiwanda Specific Plan development standards for the area south of the 1-15 Freeway. Related Files: Preliminary Review 95-10 and Tentative Tract 15711. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant, Diversified Pacific Homes, Ltd., is requesting modifications to the Basic Development Standards for the Low Medium and Medium Residential Districts of the Etiwanda Specific Plan. Specifically, the applicant is asking to modify the Basic ...... Development Standards for the Low Medium and Medium Residential Districts to be similar to those under the Basic Development Standards of the Development Code for the area south of the Interstate 15 Freeway. Examples of the proposed modifications include but are not limited to, the minimum and minimum average lot size and setbacks. The proposed modifications are shown on the Basic Development Standards Table from the Etiwanda Specific Plan (included with Exhibit "A"). The proposed modifications require an amendment to the Etiwanda Specific Plan, and text changes such as the one proposed can only be initiated by the Planning Commission or City Council· The Etiwanda Specific Plan Amendment application will be considered by the Planning Commission at a future meeting· ANALYSIS: At the direction of the Planning Commission, staff will analyze and recommend possible modifications to the Basic Development Standards Table within the Etiwanda Specific Plan as part of the request for modifications to the development standards within the Low Medium and Medium Residential Districts· To determine the most appropriate basic development standards forthe Low Medium and Medium Residential Districts for the area south of the Interstate 15 Freeway, staff will review existing basic development standards within the Development Code and the existing standards within the Etiwanda Specific Plan, while considering the uniqueness of the area in Etiwanda south of the Interstate 15 Freeway where the amendment is proposed. A comparative analysis will be forwarded to the Commission under separate cover to be considered prior to, or concurrently with, any related Tentative Tract Map. Currently, the Etiwanda Specific Plan requires that individual lots within the Low Medium and Medium Residential districts be a minimum size of 7,200 square feet with a minimum average size of 10,000 square feet under the Basic Development Standards· The applicant is proposing to modify the Basic Standards for the Low Medium and Medium Residential districts in the Etiwanda Specific Plan to be consistent with the current Low Medium Residential Basic Development Standards in the Development Code (5,000 square foot minimum. 6,000 square foot minimum average) and to create an overlay "sub-area" for the properties south of the freeway zoned "LM" ITEf,1 E PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DIVERSIFIED PACIFIC HOMES March 27, 1996 Page 2 and "M." In conjunction with this request, the applicant has submitted a Tentative Tract Map for a 331 lot subdivision on approximately 80 acres of the property under consideration for these amendments. If the application for amendment includes al_l differences between the Basic Development Standards in the Etiwanda Specific Plan and Development Code, then other resulting changes would be smaller minimum lot widths and depths; lesser minimum front, corner side and rear yard building setbacks; and a greater allowable lot coverage. Staff will analyze these modifications in greater detail and provide another report to the Commission in the future. The only other standard that the applicant is asking to delete from the requirements for the "LM" and "M" properties south of the freeway is the standard stating that "at least 50 percent of dwellings shall be plotted parallel to the street frontage." With the proposed smaller lot sizes, the applicant feels that this requirement is not feasible and is not required in areas governed by the Development Code. .... Attached to this. report is the applicant's justification letter, which goes into detail about the proposed request for amendment and includes a Map of Land Uses and the Basic Development Standards Tables from the Etiwanda Specific Plan and the Development Code (see Exhibit "A"). COMMUNITY MEETING: A community meeting was originally scheduled for March 18, 1996, with all property owners in the Etiwanda area south of the Interstate 15 Freeway and within a 1,000 foot radius of the affected area invited. At the request of the applicant, this meeting has been tentatively rescheduled for April 23, 1996. The applicant requested the later date in order to respond to staffs February 28 incompleteness letter on this project and the related Tentative Tract Map. ACTION: Staff requests that the Planning Commission accept, through minute action, the proponent's request to initiate the text change through the submittal of an application for an Etiwanda Specific Plan Amendment for a modification to the Basic Development Standards for the Low Medium and Medium Residential Development Districts. Any change in the Development Standards will be considered upon receipt of an application and fees for an Etiwanda Specific Plan Amendment which will come before the Commission at a future date. City Planner BB:SH:mlg At't,-achments: Exhibit "A" - Justification Letter including Map of Land Uses and Basic Development Standards Tables from the Etiwanda Specific Plan and the Development Code F__. "~ J PETER J. PITASSI, AIA A R O H I T E O T RECEIVED February 20, 1996 FEB 2 2 1986 Mr. Brad Buller Oily of Rancho Cucamonga City Planner Planning Division City ofRancho Cucamonga ] 0500 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 ........ Subject: Diversified Pacific Homes' Property APN: 1100-041-09; 1100-081-02; 1100-141-0i, 02; 1100-171-01,13; 1100-181-01, 04; 1100-201-01 Dear Brad: On behalf of Diversified Pacific Homes', owner of the above referenced property in Etiwanda, we are requesting that the Planning Commission initiate an Amendment to the Etiwanda Specific Plan regarding a revision to the Development Standards for the area south of the 15 Freeway. If you have any questions regarding this request or our associated application, please advise. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Peter J. Pitassi, AIA, Architect Peter J. Pitassi, Alia PIP:cas cc: Steve Hayes; City ofRancho Cucamonga Andrew Wright; Diversified Pacific Homes, Ltd. Dan Guerra; Derbish, Guerra & Associates 8439 WHITE OAK -%'71 STi 05 ~//~/X/ %,'~ TEL [90~19B0'~36~ PETER J. PITASSI, AIA A R C H I T E C T PROPOSED AMENDMENT ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN JANUARY 16, 1996 Backqround The Etiwanda Specific Plan was approved in 1983, and includes the northeastern corner of Rancho Cucamonga, north of Arrow Hwy., and generally east of Etiwanda Avenue. The Foothill Blvd. Specific Plan bisects the southern end of the Plan area and includes land approximately 500 feet north and south of Foothill Blvd.. The Foothill Blvd. Specific ....... Plan includes its own land use designations and development standards. The Etiwanda area has seen relatively little development over~ the past 13 years for a number of reasons . Major infrastructure improvements are yet to be developed including master plan drainage facilities which have not been constructed on a local or regional level. Without the possibility of realistically developing this area, the major flood control improvements for the east side of the city may never be realized. The City's position has been that private development efforts should solve the problems by constructing major master plan flood control facilities, storm drains, and retention basins, in addition to paying regional drainage fees intended to provide improvements to both San Sevine and Day Creek Flood Control Channels. These are major costs which have contributed to preventing private development from being economically viable. This dilemma has resulted in a severe devaluation of developable properties in Etiwanda. When the Etiwanda Specific Plan was created, its intent was, as indicated in Section 2.6 of the Plan, to preserve the areas unique qualities and retain its character and identity. Proposed Amendment Etiwanda Specific Plan January 16, 1996 Page 2 Those of us who have been in our community for a while, realize that the Etiwanda described in the Plan as worthy of protection, preservation, and emulation, is generally north of Base Line Road, and along Etiwanda Avenue. The beautiful turn of the century homes, rural roads, windrows, and rustic atmosphere reminds us of a time past. This rustic environment is bisected by the Interstate 15 Freeway cutting a 45 degree path through the north/south street grid established by the Chaffey brothers over 100 years ago. This interstate highway is 20-25 feet above grade and creates a physical boundary effectively establishing the southern edge of the "Etiwanda" we all think of. krea Description Our proposed amendment is intended to address both the ........ undeveloped properties south of the Interstate 15 Freeway, west of East Avenue, and north of the Foothill Blvd. Specific Plan and the parcels north of Arrow Hwy. , west of .the extension of Hickory Avenue, east of the Utility Easement,{ and south of the Foothill Blvd. Specific Plan. This proposal should exclude the existing single family homes southeast of Foothill Blvd. and Etiwanda Avenue, and the existing multi- family development on the northeast corner of Arrow Hwy. and Etiwanda Avenue. These two areas north and south of Foothill Blvd. constitute the southern end of the Etiwanda Specific Plan' s jurisdiction. Parcels are designated either "LM" , 4-8 dwelling units per acre, or "M", 8-14 dwelling units per acre, per the Official Land Use Map, Figure 5-1, of the Etiwanda Specific Plan. (See attached Exhibit No. 1. ) This land use seems consistent with the "Relative Land Use Intensities" indicated in Figure 4-2 of the Plan. When we examine the area described above, and review the neighboring land uses and potential uses, we see the following: The Interstate 15 Freeway is a physical boundary along the northwest edge. Proposed Amendment Etiwanda Specific Plan January 16, 1996 Page 3 The City of Fontana's "Village of Heritage" on the east side of East Avenue includes land uses along East Avenue, such as Office/Industrial, Public/Quasi Public, and "LM2" or residentially designated property of 6 d.u./acre, and minimum 4,000 sq. ft. lots. (See attached Exhibit No. 2.) · The Foothill Blvd. Specific Plan includes a recently opened "power center" or sub-regional retail center on the southeast corner of Foothill Blvd. and the Interstate 15 Freeway. The Foothill Blvd. Specific Plan indicates retail, commercial, and office uses on both the north and south sides of Foothill Blvd. from the Interstate 15 Freeway to East Avenue. The Industrial Area Specific Plan governs the property south of Arrow Hwy. and west of Etiwanda Avenue, south of the Foothill Blvd. Specific Plan. These land uses and boundaries seem to support "LM" and."M". Land Use Designations until the development standards of the~ Etiwanda Specific Plan are examined. If an applicant were to propose a multi-family project in the upper half of a parcel's respective density range, i.e. 6-8 d.u./acre in "LM" or 11-14 d.u./acre in "M", he would be required to comply with the Optional Development Standards, Figure 5-3 of the Plan. With some creative planning and design, a proposal could be prepared which would comply with the optional standards and propose multi-family product in the upper ends of each respective Land Use Designation. All are within the allowable densities and development standards of the Etiwanda Specific Plan. On the other hand, proposals for single family detached projects are penalized by the Basic Development Standards, Figure 5-2 (see attached Exhibit No. 3) for each designation. These standards require a 7,200 sq. ft. minimum lot size and a minimum average lot size of 10,000 sq. ft.. This results in an effective density of 2.5-3 d.u./acre for traditional single family detached development. This density is not even within the low end of each Land Use Designation. Proposed Amendment Etiwanda Specific Plan January 16, 1996 Page Proposed Amendment It is clear that the Etiwanda Specific Plan was created to preserve the unique aspects of the Etiwanda area through the establishment of restrictive development standards. The Basic Development Standards, referred to above, are generally intended for traditional single family detached development and include average lot sizes of 10,000-40,000 sq. ft. depending on the land use designation. It could be argued that the Basic Development Standards have also contributed to the lack of development in Etiwanda effectively decreasing density to levels well below what they appear to be. For example, an "LM" designation of 4-8 d.u./acre will effectively yield 2.5 to 3 d.u./acre in a traditional single family detached product, if designed to meet the standards of the Plan. =We. are !proposing that the Basic Development Standards for the "LM" and "M" designations be revised for the area south of the Interstate 15 Freeway to more realistically address.the physical factors present in this ~rea of the city. A~ revision of these standards would allow the possibility of reaching the mid to low levels of these density ranges with traditional single family development. Our proposal is not intended to alter the Basic Standards for the "Etiwanda" with which we all associate. In other words, the area north of the Interstate 15 Freeway which is the vast majority of the Plan. As described previously, the area in question has distinct boundaries which should be taken into consideration. Reasonable planning addresses land use and development standards based upon neighboring land use, physical boundaries, such as circulation elements, and transition of land use from higher intensity to lower intensities. Our proposal does not suggest removing this area from the Etiwanda Specific Plan, but rather revising the Basic Development Standards through creation of a "sub-area". (See attached Exhibit No. 1.) The Basic Development Standards for this sub-area under land use designations "LM" and "M" would become the City's Development Code, Table 17.08.040B. (See attached Exhibit No. 4.) This would allow an average lot size of 6,000 sq. ft. and a minimum lot size of 5,000 sq. ft. with supporting standards. Proposed Amendment Etiwanda Specific Plan January 16, 1996 Page 5 By seriously considering this proposal, we will more realistically address an area of the city which is, for the most part, currently undeveloped, and could remain so for quite some time. Our proposal provides development standards for single family homes which realistically address the juxtaposition of this property in relation to its immediate neighbors. The 5,000 to 6,000 sq. ft. lot sizes are consistent with the "LM" designations of the Victoria Planned Community, the Terra Vista Planned Community, the City's Development Code, and the Village of Heritage, east of East Avenue. These lots sizes will generally yield densities in the 4.5- 5.5 d.u./acre range which is a reasonable transition from the surrounding commercial and residential uses to the more restrictive standards of the Etiwanda Plan, north of the Interstate 15 Freeway. Simply put, by requiring larger lot sizes, the current standards demand the development of a single family product. type inconsistent with the surrounding land uses, the~ significant infrastructure improvements necessary for development, and the intense commercial development projected along Foothill Blvd.. We believe that by creating a sub-area of the plan and not removing this area from the Etiwanda Specific Plan altogether, we will more clearly define land uses north and south of the freeway and strengthen the historically significant community it is intended to preserve. We also propose to preserve, within the sub-area, elements of the Plan which are unique to the City, such as the Etiwanda Avenue Overlay District and the Architectural Standards described in Section 5.42 of the Plan. The Architectural and Design Guidelines of the Plan outlined in Article 5.42.600 should be addressed within this sub-area as follows: a. Items .601-. 604 should remain u~changed. b. Item . 60.5 does not apply to this Land Use Designation and should not be included within this sub-area. Proposed Amendment Etiwanda Specific Plan January 16, 1996 Page 6 c. item .606 is certainly a challenge considering the desires of the new home market to enjoy the convenience and security of an attached garage. We believe, however, that the intent of this requirement can be achieved by combining side entry, front entry, and corner lot side entry garage locations. Therefore, this item should be retained within the sub-area with the removal of any reference to detached garages. Please review our Exhibits indicating a "Typical Street Plan" and a "Streetscape Elevation" attached to our proposed Specific Plan Amendment Application. These Exhibits render prototype housing units which address Items .602 and .606 of the Standards. d. Items .607 and .608 should remain unchanged. ............. e.- Items .609 and .610 are not practical requirements when the Standards of the Development Code are utilized. We contend that the undulation of street design and pattern will achieve the desired resultsa of variety and interest in streetscape architecture. Items .609 and .610 should not be included within this sub-area. This proposal, if adopted, will not alter densities already established because, as mentioned previously, development of multi-family product could occur within the 4-8 and 8-14 designations at the midrange of these densities with no revision to the Plan. This proposal merely allows a more reasonable approach to single family development in an area physically separated from traditional Etiwanda, surrounded by similar and more intense land uses, and required to provide major infrastructure improvements for the east side of the city. We would appreciate your serious consideration of this proposal and we look forward to working with the Planning Staff, Planning Commission, and City Council in creating a sub-area of the Etiwanda Specific Plan which will allow reasonable yet sensitive growth to occur while respecting the unique architectural and historical essence of Etiwanda. Exhibit No. I ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN · - OS L Low GCC, emadC<xm~ MMe<b'n OP~ionai. """"' /, _..., figure Proposed __ · ~ Sub-Area Village of Heritage Exhibit No. 2 H L.VI~ LM2 ~,~c LEGEND P/OP ~ I L., I Lo~ ~o~1~ 2 6.0 P/Q Revised September 16, 1986 ~ Amendment No. 2 i'XRIDII: INO, Lot Azea: minimum average 40,000 25,000 15,000 (in square feet) ~,ooo minimum 30,000 20,000 10,000 (in square feet) Number of DU's 1/40,000 1/20,000 1/10,000 'i/..Z~:~ S'ooO 1/5,000 (per lot area in 2 max/lot 2 max/lot 4 max/lot 4 max/lot 4 max/lot square feet) Lot Dimensions: minimum depth 1351 1351 100' minimum width 120' 90' 80' " (at required front setback) V~,'/~5'1 V y ~" minimum frontage 60' 40' 40' ..... (~{t frbnt p.1 .) ' 3 o Setbacks: front 40' 30' 25' side (street) 25' 25' 15' side 20/20 10/20 0*/20 0'/15 0'/15 Total 20' Total 15' Total 15' rear 40' 30' 25' /Y Co, , e (maximum %) : ~O On-site WLncl~owsI 100'/ac 50'/ae N/R N2R (in 1in. feet/ae) Streetside N/R Required Required Required Required I,ands,'-pi~ (prior to occupancy)2 Height T.imitations 35' 35' 35' 35' 35' * O lot Line not to be used at project boundary 1 Existing lots of record of t acre or less may be exempted [tom this requirement. 2 Custom lot subdivisions may be exempted from this requirement. BASIC DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Fig. 5-2 Exhibit No. 4 TABLE 17.0,8.040 - B BASIC DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS N/R = NOT REQiJIRED) '/1,. L iiii i!i ~Ei~iiiiii!i ~!~iii!ll iiii~!ii:.iii~!iiMHH LOT AREA: 22:500 8000 6~00 3AC 3AC 3AC MINIMUM NET AVERAGE (L) (L) (L) MINIMUM NET 20{X)O 7200 50430 3AC , 3AC 3AC (L) (L) (L} NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS (A) (PERMHH-DPERACRE) UPTO2 UPTO4 UPTO6 UPTO11 UPTO19 UPTO27 MINIMUM DWelliNG UNFF Sr'2=: (I) SINGLE FAMILYATi'ACHED AND 1.000 SQ. FT. (H) REGARDLES~ OF DISTRICT DF'TACHED DWELLING MULTZPLE FAMILY DWELLINGS (,J) EFFICIENCY/STUDIO 550 SCLFT. REGARDLES~ OF DL~'TRICT ONE BEDROOM 650 SO.FT. REGARDLESS OF DISTRICT TWO BEDROOM S00 S~.FT. REGARDLESS OF DL,c"rRICT THREE OR MORE BEDROGMS 950 S~.FT. REGARDLESS OF DISTRICT LOT DIMENSIONS MINIMUM WIDTH (d} REQUIRED 90 AVG. 65 AVG. 50 AVG. N/R NJR FRONTS~ilclACK') VARY~-10 VARY+~ 5 VARY+,~ 5 MINIMUM CORNER LOT WIDTH 100 70 50 N/R N/R NZR MINIMUM DEPTH 150 10~ 90 N/R NJR N/R MINIMUM FRONTAGE 50 40 30 100 100 100 {d} FRONT PROPERTY LINE) MINIMUM FLAG LOT FRONT~, 30 20 20 50 50 50 (d~ FRONT PROPERTY LINE) SETBACKS: (B) FRONT YARD (C,E) 42 AVG. 37 AVG. 32 AVG. 37 AVG. N/R N/R VARY+,/-5 VARY+/-5 VARY+~-5 VARY CORNER SiDE YARD 27 27 22 27 INTERIOR SIDE YARD 1Q/15 5/10 5/10 10 N/R REAR YARD 30 20 15 10 N/R N.zR (O) AT INTERIOR SiTE BOLINOARY 343/5 2Q/5 15/5 15/5 15j5 15~5 ( DWELLING UNIT/ACCESSORY (D) BLDG.) Ordinance No. 465 Page 5 TABLE 17.08.040 - S BASIC DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (Continued) RESIDENTIAL BUILDING N/R N/R ~EQUIRED PER SECT1ON 17.08.640-E SEPARATIONS HEIGHT LIMITATIONS 35 35 35 35 40 55 (F) (F) (P") LOT COVERAGE ( MAXIMUM % ) 25% 40% 50% ,50% ~ ,50% OPEN SPACE REQUIRED PRIVATE OPEN SPACE- 2,00O/N/F 1,0O0/N/R 336/150 ~'~150 150/100 150/100 (GROUND FLOOR/UPPER STORY UNF/') COMMON OPEN SPACE (A) (MINIMUM %). N/R N/R N/R 30% USABLE OPEN SPACE (A) (PRIVATE AND COMMON) 65'% 60% ~ 35% 35% :35% RECREATION AREA/FACALrI'Y NVR N/R N/R FEQUIRED PER SECTION 17.08, G40-H LANDSCAPING (G)' (G) (G) REQUIRED PER SECTION 17.08.G40*G AMENITIES ' N/R N/R NIR REQUIFED PER SECTION 17.08,040-R Article 5.42 .600 Residential Projects of Five DweLlings or More Developed Under Basic Development Standards (Figure 5-2) .601 The project shah be designed in a manner that is sensitive to, and compatible with, the character of the surrounding area. .602 While no specific architectural style is required; dwelling design shah incorporate at least some elements of traditional architectural styles found in Etiwanda, such as the following: Traditional materials Building masses broken into smaller components Vera0das/porches - Dormers/cupolas - Variety in roof lines; large roof projections - Garages de-emphasized (Side-on, detache'd) - Bay windows - Field stone foundations or veneers Prominent Chimneys .603 Architectural treatment and detailing shall appear on all elevations visible from public areas. .604 Excessive repetition of single family structures with identical floor plans and elevations shall be discouraged. Foot prints and elevations shah be varied per Figure 5-45. .605 In the ER & VL Districts, front yard setbacks along public streets shall be staggered up to 10 feet. .606 At least 50% of all garages within single family tracts shall be detached, side-on, or set behind front part of dwelling. .607 Driveways shall not exceed 16' in width through pub]jr parkway frontages. .608 Two-story structures should not be planned for corner parcels, unless extra deep setbacks are used. .609 At least 50% of dwellings shall not be plotted parallel to the street frontage. .610 Property lines should be staggered as much as possible to create variety. 5-42 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ' ~ STAFF REPORT DATE: March 27, 1996 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buffer, City Planner BY: Steve Hayes, AICP, Associate Planner SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 95-11 - TERRA VISTA PROMENADF - Review of the Uniform Sign Program for the proposed development of an integrated shopping center totaling 495,736 square feet on 47.33 acres of land with proposed Phase One consisting of a 132,065 square foot Home Depot home improvement center in the Mixed Use District (Commercial, Residential, Office) of the Terra Vista ....... Community Plan, located at the northwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue - APN: 227-151-18 and 24. BACKGROUND: Conditional Use Permit 95-11 was reviewed on numerous occasions by the Planning Commission and eventually recommended for approval by the Commission on September 27, 1995. The City Council went on to approve the project at its October4, 1995, meeting. One of the special conditions of approval specified that a Uniform Sign Program be prepared for review and approval by the Planning Commission. The Sign Program before the Commission tonight incorporates the necessary elements of consistency with the Uniform Sign Programs for the Terra Vista Town Center and Town Center Square projects (see Exhibit "C"). ANALYSIS.: A. General: The Commission reviewed preliminary wall sign concepts for the Home Depot at previous workshops and found them to be acceptable given the context of the use and the Master Plan for future development of the balance of the shopping center. Those signs reviewed in concept by the Commission are in compliance with the proposed Uniform Sign Program. Staff will summarize the proposed sign program by briefly highlighting each type of sign, as follows: 1. Sian Type A-l: This sign serves as the primary identification sign for the project. It is proposed to be located at the intersection of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue on the ledge stone wall at the base of the water feature within the pedestrian Activity Center. The sign would be made of individual letters with a bronze finish with ground mounted up-lighting to illuminate the sign. Letter sizes are not specifically noted within the program, but scaled to be approximately 10 and 14 inches in height. ITEM F PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 95-11 - TERRA VISTA PROMENADE March 27, 1996 Page 2 2. Siqn Type A-2: These signs are intended to serve as project identification signs at other key locations on the property. This type of monument Sign is proposed in five locations on the property, either at vehicular access locations to the project or at other primary street intersections, The letter style, material, color, size, background stone material, and proposed lighting are identical to that proposed for sign type A-1. 3. Sign Type A-3: These monument signs are intended to function as the major tenant identification signs along the perimeter streets of the project. The signs may be designed to accommodate up to three major tenants per side. These signs are proposed to be located in up to four locations along the streetscape of the project as shown on the conceptual Site Plan. The same background material would be applied to this type of sign as the previous two sign types; however, the applicant is seeking approval on allowing plexiglass inserts with internal illumination and a light stucco texture over the surface of the sign cabinet insert area to create the look of individual channel letters for this .... category of sign. 4. Anchor Tenant Wall Siqnage: Tenants of over 50,000 square feet would be allowed to use this type of wall sign for identification purposes. Up to one sign per side of the building facing a street may be allowed, but in no case to exceed three per business. The size of these signs is limited to a maximum of 300 square feet or as considered proportionate to the building elevation, as determined on a case-by-case basis along with color by the Design Review Committee. 5. Major User Siqnaqe: This type of wall sign applies to users in the 10,000 to 49,999 square foot range (excluding pad tenants). Generally, signs in this category shall consist primarily of red letters and not exceed 24 inches in height, unless specifically approved by the Planning Commission on a case- by-case basis. One sign per building elevation that faces a street, not to exceed a maximum of three per business, may be allowed as currently written, 6. Pad or Restaurant Siqnaqe: a. Wall Siqns: Signs in this category are proposed to be limited to a maximum height of 24 inches for two-lines of copy or 18 inches for a single line of copy. If the tenant is a nationally recognized company or corporation, then that tenant may have their nationally recognized letter style, color, and Iogos subject to review and approval of staff, b. Monument Siqns (Siqn Type A-4): Signs identifying pad or restaurant tenants may also be in the form of a monument sign not to exceed a maximum size of 24 square feet. These signs may be internally or externally illuminated, but an alternative exterior monument design to · - those used for shopping center and major tenant identification would be subject to review and approval of the Design Review Committee. As L PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 95-11 - TERRA VISTA PROMENADE March 27, 1996 Page 3 with the pad or restaurant tenant wall signs, requests for nationally recognized letter styles, colors, and Iogos would be subject to staff review and approval. A combination of wall and monument signs may be used not to exceed a maximum of three signs per business, as is the case with other major users within the shopping center. The conceptual locations of the proposed pad tenant monument signs is shown as sign type A-4 on the attached master Site Plan. 7. Shop Tenants: This type of sign is for tenants of less than 10,000 square feet. Sign copy would not be allowed to exceed a maximum height of 18 inches for one or two lines of copy. Also, all letters are to be internally illuminated channel letters with registered companies having the flexibility to have their recognized script style and logos, but all wall signs in this category are to be limited to a red color. B. Desiqn Review Committee: The Committee (McNiel. Lumpp, Henderson) reviewed the proposed Uniform Sign Program at its meeting on February 20, 1996. and recommended approval of the Sign Program to the Planning Commission subject to conditions contained in the attached Design Review Committee Action Agenda (See Exhibit "B"). C. Issues: All issues previously mentioned by staff and the Design Review Committee have been addressed to the satisfaction of the Planning Division with the exception of the following: 1. Pad/Restaurant Tenant Monument Siqnaqe: The applicant is proposing to allow pad and restaurant tenants, as an option, to each have one monument sign along the Foothill Boulevard street frontage. Seven pads are shown on the shopping center Master Plan, all with frontage along Foothill Boulevard. When combined with the other six shopping center and anchor tenant identification signs, there is a potential that up to 13 monument signs could exist along Foothill Boulevard. The shopping center frontage along Foothill Boulevard is approximately 2,080 feet. This approach is identical to that used in the Uniform Sign Program for Terra Vista Town Center. In that project, however, all of the pad tenants have preferred to use their maximum wall signage and not construct the monument signs allowed under the program. Staff feels that since the criteria is consistent with that already approved for Terra Vista Town Center and that most pad tenants will opt instead to maximize their wall signage and not construct a monument sign, that the criteria for this facet of the proposed Uniform Sign Program is acceptable. 2. Number of Siqns for Anchor Tenants: As currently written. the Uniform Sign Program allows anchor tenants (such as Home Depot) to have a maximum of three wall signs, but no limit has been established on the number of times an anchor tenant can be identified on the Major Tenant Monument signs. In using the example of Terra Vista Town Center, large tenants (such as Mervyn's) may have three wall signs, but are limited to being identified on only one major tenant monument sign within the project. Staff would recommend that the same limit be established for anchor and major tenant identification within the Terra Vista Promenade project. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 95~11 - TERRA VISTA PROMENADE March 27, 1996 Page 4 3. Stacked stone veneer: In a related issue concerning the Design Guidelines, the Design Review Committee questioned the proposed use of stacked stone veneer which is also the primary material on the monument signs. The Committee requested that the applicant provide further information to justify how the slate stone is consistent with the proposed architecture and in context with the historical citrus theme of the site. The Committee initially felt that a natural river rock material may be more in keeping with the theme of the center. However. the Committee (Barker, Henderson) approved the material sample at their meeting on March 19, 1996. The materials board will be available at the Planning Commission meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve, by minute action, the Uniform Sign Program for Conditional Use Permit 95-11, the Terra Vista Promenade shopping center, with the proposed modifications recommended by staff and any other modifications the Planning Commission deems appropriate. ......... Respe.ctfully submitted, City Planner BB:SH:mlg Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Proposed Uniform Sign Program for the Terra Vista Promenade Shopping Center Exhibit "B" - Design Review Committee Action Comments Exhibit "C" - Terra Vista Uniform Sign Program Comparison TERRA VISTA PROMENADE ........ at Terra Vista SIGN PROGRAM LEWIS DEVELOPMENT CO. DATE: DECEMBER 20, 1995 Revised: March 7, 1996 PREPARED BY: FEOLA CARLI & ARCHULETA ARCHITECTS 116 E. Broadway Glendale, CA 91205 (818) 247-9020 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Name Page Number INTRODUCTION t I. SITE - IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE 2 II. ANCHOR TENANT SIGNAGE 3 (Anchor Tenant 50,000 s.f. plus) III. MAJOR USER SIGNAGE 5 (Major User 10,000 to 49,900 s.f.) IV. PAD TENANT OR RESTAU1LA2xlT SIGNAGE 7 .......... V. ' SHOP TENANTS 10 VI. TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS 12 VII. GUIDELINES 13 VIII. MISCELLANEOUS SIGNS 18 IX EXHIBITS SIGN TYPE A-2 19 SIGN TYPE A-3 20 SIGN TYPE A-4 21 SIGN TYPE 13 22 SIGN TYPE C 23 SIGN TYPE D 24 LOCATION PLAN 25 Terra Vista Promenade Sign Program INTRODUCTION This program has been developed for the purpose of assuring a coordinated Signage theme, and continuity for all types of Signage throughout the project for the mutual benefit for all tenants and the public. All Signage contained within Tetra Vista Promenade shall be consistent with this criteria and shall be submitted for review and approval to the landlord, and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Page I I. SITE - PROIECT IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE A. PROJECT I.D. SIGN. 1. The shopping center shah be identified by street oriented signs at major intersections around the center including main entrance from Foothill Blvd and. All Signs shah be in accordance with the criteria in this program unless in the opinion of the landlord and the City of Rancho Cucamonga, the design contributes to the overall benefit of the project. 2. Sign Type A-I. Project wall sign will be located at the intersection of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue. Wall will display the shopping center name only. (SIGN TYPE "A-1 ) 3. Sign Type A-2. Smaller scale project wall signs will be located at the intersection of Foothill Blvd. and Orchard Avenue, main entrance from Foothill Blvd., intersection of Rochester Avenue and Poplar Drive as well as p}oject entries from Rochester Avenue, and Orchard Avenue. Each wall will display the shopping center name only. (SIGN TYPE 'A-2 ) B. ANCHOR TENANT I. D. SIGN. 1. Two (2) Anchor Tenant I. D. monument type signs, will be located at, the secondary entry drives along Foothill Blvd as well as project entries on Rochester Avenue and Orchard Avenue. Sign panels on these signs will be reserved for the display of retail tenant user (15,000 sq. ft. plus) names. Three (3) individual tenant user names can be displayed on each face of the panel signs for a total of six (6) tenant names. The use of logos or symbols will not be allowed on these monuments unless specifically approved in writing by the landlord and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. (SIGN TYPE 'A-3 ) Page 2 II. ANCHOR TENANT SIGNAGE (50,000 sq. ft. plus) A. Tenant shall be allowed to install one (1) wall mounted identification sign for each street frontage. One (1) sign on the sign fascia in front of Tenants space facing Foothill Boulevard (primary customer entry). Tenants which have street frontage on more than one street shall be allowed to have one (1) additional wall mounted identification sign for each street frontage. The total number of wall mounted signs shall not exceed three and shall be subject to Design Review Committee approval. B. Anchor signs shall be of a size which is appropHate to the exterior elevations of the proposed Anchor tenant. These signs will be submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga during the Design review process. The maximum sign area allowed shall be three hundred square feet (300 s.f). C. Signs shall be in accordance with criteria contained within this program, unless in the opinion of the landlord and the City of Rancho Cucamonga, the d~sign contributes to the unique benefit of the complex. D. A sign shall consist of internally illuminated individual letters. 1. Internally illuminated individual letters shah consist of (1) channel letters, (2 neon illumination, (3) plastic face and (4) trim cap. 2. Channel letters shall be made of .063 aluminum returns with .090 aluminum backs. 3. Letters shall be internally illuminated via neon lighting. Transformers shah be housed within the individual letters or in a raceway located behind the sign fascia. Exposed raceways are prohibited. 4. All metal surfaces shah be primed and painted to match colors specified in design drawings. 5. Individual letter styles of Tenants shall be allowed, provided however that design, color and spacing of letters are subject to written approval by Landlord and City of Rancho Cucamonga. Page 3 E. In addition to the signs described above, each Tenant shall be permitted t6 place white vinyl lettering (Helvetica Medium letter style) to provide store name and hours information as specified on attached detail sheet. (SIGN TYPE - C). The total area for this sign shall not exceed 280 square inches. F. Promotional or special event signs, banners or flags shall be in conformance with the City of Rancho Cucamonga's Sign Ordinance and must be approved by Landlord prior to submission to the City. Page 4 III. MAIOR USER SIGNAGE - (10,000 to 49,900 sq. ft.) A. Tenant shah be allowed one sign per building elevation up to a maximum of three (3) signs per business. However, if the building elevation that faces Foothill Blvd. has more than one entry, the Tenant shah be allowed one (1) sign per entry facing Foothill Blvd. In no event shall the total number of signs allowed per building exceed three (3). The height of each sign shah be measured from top to bottom. Tenants (Major Users) that require a larger sign area, height or length, must submit sign specifications and drawings, composed on the building elevation, to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Planning Commission review and approval. 1. Two line signs shah not exceed 24" in total height including the space between the line and no line shall be more than 14". The space between lines shall not exceed one third of the letter height of smallest letter. 2. Upper and lower case signs shall not exceed 24" including downstrokes. 3. Single line signs in all upper case shall not exceed 24". 4. Length of sign shall not exceed 70 % of shop frontage, or twenty-five feet (25'), whichever is less. Shop frontage shall be defined as, storefront dimension or average lease bay width, whichever is greater. B. A trademark/logo may be combined with individual letters if said trademark/logo is "registered" or nationally recognized with at least six (6) open stores and is within the allowable area and size requirements. C. Each sign shall consist of internally illuminated letters. Internally illuminated individual letters shall consist of (1) channel letters, (2) neon illumination, (3) plastic face, and (4) trim cap. D. Channel letters shall be made of 22 gauge sheet metal, 5" deep (minimum), sides painted medium bronze. Channel letters shall be fastened to and be centered on the sign fascia. E. Letters shah be internally illuminated via neon lighting. Transformers shah be housed in a raceway located behind the sign fascia and exposed raceways are prohibited. Page 5 F. Individual letter styles of Tenants shall be allowed. All major user Tenants shall be limited to the following Plexiglass colors: red # 2793 with a maximum choice of two (2) of the following colors not to exceed 10% of the total letter area; blue #2214, white #7328, green #2108 and yellow #2037 by Rohm and Hass Co. or approved equal. Tenants with a trademark/logo that is "registered" or a nationally recognized trademark may be allowed subject to review and written approval by Landlord and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. G. Plastic faces shall be trimmed with a 3/4" trim cap (medium bronze) to match letter returns. H. Sign copy shah contain Tenants trade name only. No other services or product advertising will be allowed unless it is part of the Tenants nationally registered trademark or logo name, subject to Landlord and City of Rancho Cucamonga reviews and approval. I. In additicin to the signs described above, each Tenant shall be permitted to place white vinyl lettering (Ftelvetica Medium letter style) to provide store name and hours information as specified on attached detail sheet (Sign Type "C'). The total area for this sign shall not exceed 280 square inches. J. Promotional or special event signs shall be in conformance with the City of Rancho Cucamonga's Sign Ordinance and must be approved by Landlord prior to submission the City. Page 6 IV. PAD OR RESTAURANT S~GNAGE A. Single users/Tenant in a free standing building pad. Each tenant shall be allowed one (1) monument sign along Foothill Boulevard, and two (2) wall- mounted identification signs, one sign per elevation or building face, or as an option, each tenant shall be allowed (3) wall-mounted identification signs, one (1) sign per elevation or building face. A combination of monument and wall signs may be used, however, only a maximum of three (3) signs may be used to identify any one business and only in the combinations described herein. 1. Wall Mounted Signs - Sign area shall be the entire area within a perimeter defined by a continuos line composed of right angles which enclose the extreme limits of lettering, logo, trademark or other graphic representation. The height of each sign shah be measured from top to bottom and shah not exceed the following guidelines: a. Two LLne signs shall not exceed 24" in total height, including space between lines, and no line shall be more than 18'. The space between lines shah exceed one third of the letter height of smallest letter. b. Upper and lower case signs shall not exceed 24" including downstrokes. c. Single Line signs in all upper case shall not exceed 24". d. Length of sign shah not exceed 70% of shop frontage, or twenty- five feet (25'), whichever is less. Shop frontage shah be defined as storefront dimension or average lease of bay width, whichever is greater. 2. Monument Signs - This sign type can be either internally or externally illuminated. The maximum monument size shah be eight foot (6') long by four foot (4') high. (A-4) B. Signing shall be in accordance with the criteria contained within this program, unless in the opinion of the landlord and, the design contributes to the unique benefit of the complex and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. C. Multi-Tenant Pad. In the event that there are multiple tenants in a free standing pad, signs shall be as shown in Shop Tenant Criteria. Page 7 D. Restaurant Pad. In the event that the pad tenant is a restaurant; It is recognized that restaurants have specific and unique graphic color and Signage needs. Restaurants may, if they wish, submit alternate monument designs through the Rancho Cucamonga design review process as long as colors and materials are consistent with the restaurant's architecture. Signs will be limited to the restaurant users name only. The use of brand names or logos, shields or crests will not be allowed on the sign unless specLfically approved in writing by the landlord and subject to City of Rancho Cucamonga review and approval. E. A registered trademark/logo, without adjacent individual letters, may be included within the calculated sign area provided the allowable sign area for the trademark/logo letters is reduced to thirty-three percent (33%) of the allowable area and that the logo may not exceed four feet in any dimension. Logo sign shall also be sized to be in proportion to the building face to which it is attached. This sign is also subject to approval by the Landlord and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. ............ ' F. 'A trademarkAogo may be combined with individual letters if said trademark/logo is a "registered" or nationally recognized trademark and is within the allowable area and size requirements. G. A sign shall consist of internally Ltluminated individual letters. Internally illuminated individual letters shall consist of (1) channel letters/logo, (2) neon illumination. (3) plastic face. and (4) trim cap. H. Channel lettersAogo shall be made of 22 gauge sheet metal, 5" deep, sides painted medium bronze. Channel letters shah be fastened to and be centered on the sign fascia. I. Letters shall be internally illuminated via neon lighting. Transformers shall be housed in a raceway located behind the sign fascia and exposed raceways are prohibited. J. Individual letter styles of Tenants shah be allowed. In the case of a single user for a pad building Tenants with a trademark/logo that is registered or a nationally recognized trademark may use their national colors subject to written approval by Landlord and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. All other pad Tenants shall use the following colors: red #2793 with two of the following colors not to exceed 10% of the total letter area; blue #2214 white #7328 green #2108 and yellow #2037 by Rohm and Haas Co. or approved equal. K. Plastic faces shall be trimmed with a 3/4 trim cap medium bronze to match letter returns. Page 8 L. Sign copy shall contain legally registered name only. No other services or product advertising will be allowed. M. In addition to the signs described above each Tenant shall be permitted to place white vinyl letter (Helvetica Medium letter style) to provide store name and hours information as specified on attached detail sheet. ( SIGN TYPE 'C" ) The total area for this sign shall not exceed 280 square inches. Each restaurant may also display one (1) menu provided it is contained within a display area incorporated within the overall architectural theme. N. Promotional or special event signs banners and flags shall be in conformance with the City of Rancho Cucamonga s Sign Ordinance and must be approved by Landlord prior to submission to the City. Page 9 V. SHOP TENANTS A. Tenants shall be allowed one (1) sign per building elevation with a maximum of three (3) signs allowed. The height of each sign shah be measured from top to bottom and shah not exceed the following guidelines: 1. Two line signs shall not exceed 18' including the space between the lines in total height and no line shall be more than 14". The space between lines shah not exceed one third of the letter height of the smallest letter. 2. Upper and lower case signs shall not exceed 18" including downstrokes. 3. Single line signs in aH upper case shah not exceed 18". 4. The length of sign shah not exceed 70% of Shop frontage, or fi~een feet (15) whichever is less. Shop frontage shall be defined as storefront dimension or average lease bay width, whichever is greater. B. A trademark/logo may be combined with individual letters if said trademark/logo is "registered" or nationally recognized with a least six (6) open stores and is within the allowable area and size requirements, subject to City of Rancho Cucamonga review and approval. C. Each sign shall consist of internally illuminated Internally Illuminated individual tetters shah of (1) channel letters, (2) neon illumination, (3) face, and (4) trim cap. D. Channel letters shah be made of 22 gauge sheet metal, 5" deep (minimum), sides painted medium bronze. channel letters shah be fastened to and be centered on the sign fascia, E. Letters shah he internally illuminate via neon lighting. Transformers shall be housed in a raceway located behind the sign fascia and exposed raceways are prohibited. F. Individual letter styles of Tenants shah be allowed. All shop building Tenants shah be limited to the following Plexiglass color: red #2793 by Rohm and Hass Co. or approved equal. G. Plastic faces shah be trimmed with a 3/4" trim cap (medium bronze) to match letter returns. Page 10 H. Sign copy shah contain Tenant's trade name only. No other services or product advertising will be allowed unless it is part of the Tenants trade name without Landlords Prior written consent. I. In addition to the signs described above each Tenant shah be permitted to place white vinyl lettering (Helvetica Medium letter style ) to provide store name and hours Information as specified on attached detail sheet (Sign Type "C'). The total area for this sign shah not exceed 280 square inches. J. Promotional or special event signs, banners and flags shail be in conformance with the City of Rancho Cucamonga's Sign Ordinance and must be approved by the landlord prior to submission to the City. Page I1 VI. TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS A. Signage required to control and manage the movement of traffic and pedestrians shall be installed in accordance with the criteria of this program. Traffic signs shall be standard sizes, heights and colors and shall be in accordance with all requirements of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the State of California. Signs shah be mounted on fabricated metal sign backgrounds painted in colors complementary to the approved colors and materials or the center. (Sign Type "D') B. Traffic signs shall be installed in locations as designated by a traffic engineer licensed in the State of California. Sign locations shah be reviewed and approved by the city of Rancho Cucamonga prior to installation and shall be reviewed again after one (1) year to determine if they are adequate in managing traffic with an acceptable degree of efficiency and safety. Page 12 VII. GUIDELINES - BUILDING SIGNAGE FOR TENANTS A. General Requirements: 1. Each Tenant shah submit to the Landlord for written approval before fabrication, not less than four (4) copies of detailed drawings of the Tenants proposed signs indicating the location, size, layout, design, materials and color graphics. Such drawings shall be submitted concurrently with architectural drawings, sufficient in Landlord's opinion, to show the exact relationship with the store design, Tenant's store location on site and the dimensions of the building frontage. 2. Prior to fabrication. detailed drawings of all signs shall be submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division for review and approval. These drawings must be signed and stamped as approved by the Landlord prior to submittal to the City. ...... 3. Tanant shall obtain and pay the entire cost of all permits, and approvals, construction, installation and maintenance of its respective sign. No sign shah be installed until all required approvals and permits have been obtained. 4. Tenant shah be responsible for fulfillment of all of these Sign Criteria to the extent applicable. 5. No Tenant shah affix or maintain upon any glass or other material on the storefront of within twenty-four inches (24") of any window, any signs unless such signs or materials have received the written approval of the Landlord, and comply with this Sign Criteria. B. General Specifications: 1. All primary identification of Tenant shall be internally illuminated. Secondary Signage may be non-LLluminated if total allowable sign area is not exceeded in height and width. 2. Two lines of copy may be used as long as the total height of sign does not exceed maximum sign height for the applicable type of Signage and the design is approved by the Landlord and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 3. The width of the tenant fascia sign (unless covered elsewhere in this program) shall not exceed 70% of the storefront dimension based on the Page 13 average lease bay width, whichever is greater. Sign shall center on the storefront unless prior written approval is obtained from the Landlord and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 4. No sandblasted or painted wood signs will be allowed. 5. Tenant shall be solely responsible for the installation and maintenance of its own signs. 6. Tenants sign contractor shall repair any damage to the premises or other property in the Shopping Center caused by the contractor s work. Should Tenant's contractor fall to adequately repair such damage, Landlord may, but shall not be required to, repair such damage at the tenant expense. 7. Tenant shah be fully responsible for the actions of Tenants sign contractor. 8. Electrical service to Tenants signs will be connected to Tenants meter and shall be connected to a time clock supplied by Tenant. Time dock hours shall be subject to Landlord approval. C. Construction Requirements: 1. Landlords construction superintendent shah be given adequate notice prior to installation of all signs. Failure to notify Landlord may result in removal of sign to inspect penetration in bullding face. 2. All signs shall be fabricated and installed per UL and city standards. 3. Letter fastening and clips are to be concealed and be of galvanized, stainless, aluminum, brass or bronze metals. 4. No labels will be permitted on the exposed surface of the signs, except those required by local ordinance, which shall be placed in an inconspicuous location. 5. Tenants shall have identification signs designed in a manner compatible with and complimentary to adjacent and facing storefronts and the overall design concept of the Shopping Center. 6. Design, layout and materials for Tenant signs shall conform in all respects with the sign design drawings included in this criteria. The Page 14 maximum heights for letters in the body of the sign shall be as indicated in these criteria. 7. All penetrations of the building structure required for sign installation shall be sealed in a watertight condition and shall be patched to match adjacent fir~ish to Landlords satisfaction. 8. No wood backed letter material will be allowed. D. Sign Installation: 1. All work to fabricate, erect, or install signs (including connection to electrical junction box) shall be contracted and paid for by Tenant and subject to approval by Landlord. Z All signs shall be designed, constructed and installed in accordance with local codes and ordinances. All permits shall be obtained by Tenant s .......... sign 'contractor, at Tenant s sole expense. 3. Signs not installed in strict accordance with previously approved plans and specifications shall be immediately corrected by Tenant, at Tenant's cost and expense, upon demand by Landlord. If not corrected within fifteen (15) days, sign may be removed or corrected by Landlord at Tenant's expense. 4. Erection of any sign shall be promptly and safely effected v, dth as Little disruption to business and traffic as possible and with minimum of inconvenience to the Landlord and to the other Tenants. 5. Upon removing any sign, Tenant shall, at its own expense, repair any damage created by such removal and shall return the area from which the sign was removed back to its original condition. All debris from removal shall be promptly removed from the site. E. Protection of Property: 1. Tenant's sign contractor shall design, install or erect Tenant's sign in such a manner that it will not over stress, deface, or damage any portion of the building or grounds. 2. Any sign, temporary or permanent, capable of exerting damaging pressures on the building due to its size, weight or design shall have its design examined by a structural engineer. Prior to installation of such Page 15 sign, Tenant shah submit to Landlord such engineer' a written approval verLfying that no unsafe condition will be imposed upon the building or other structure to which the sign will be attached. 3. All exposed parts of any sign or sign support subject to corrosion or other sin41ar damage shall be protected in a manner acceptable to Landlord. 4. Any sign on which stains or rust appear, or which becomes damaged in any way, or which in any manner whatsoever is not maintained properly shall be promptly repaized by Tenant. Landlord may remove and store, at Tenant s expense, any signs not maintained properly or not in accordance with sign program. F. Insurance: 1. Tenant shall cause Tenant's sign contractor to submit to Landlord prior to sfich contractor entering upon the Shopping Center, a certificate of insurance, evidencing that such contractor has in effect corrtmercial general liability insurance and worker's compensation coverage as requLred by the State of California in an amount and issued by a company . acceptable to Landlord. 2. All Tenants are to carry Liability insurance naming themselves and Landlord as additional insured in accordance with terms and conditions specified in the lease. G. RESTRICTIONS: All users are subject to the following: 1. No animated, revolving, flashing, audible, or odor producing signs will be allowed. 2. No vehicle signs will be allowed. 3. No formed plastics or injection-molded plastic signs will be permitted. 4. No exposed raceways, cross-overs or conduits will be permitted to be visible. 5. No other types of signs except those specificaLly mentioned within this criteria will be allowed. Page 16 6. Tenant win be required to remove any sign considered to be in bad taste or that does not contribute positively to the overall design of the center. Page 17 VIII. Miscellaneous Signs: A. It is understood that there may be the need for additional signs for information and directional purposes. These signs will be reviewed by Landlord and the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Department for consistency of design with the shopping Center. B. City, State and Federally required signs shall be installed as required by the governing agency. Page 18 MAR 20 "96 i3:59 LAMD CONCERN, LTD, P.2 PARTIAL ELEVATION OF SIGNAGE WAI]L AT CORNER OF ROCHESTER AVE. & FOOT~glrLL BLVD. SIGN TYPE - "A-2" QUANTITY (5) MAXIMUM WALL HEIGHT 5'.6" MAXIMUM SIGN HEIGHT 4'.0" NO. SIDES 1 MAXIMUM AREA PER SIDE (Not applicable) MAXIMUM LENGTH OF SIGN AREA 8'-0" TYPE OF ILLUMINATION Ground Mounted External Illumination PERMITrED USERS Project Name 20 LE'FFERING TYPEFACE COLOR: STONE China Mountain PERCAST CONC: Natural Grey Con. I ........ LTI~ERING= Medium Bronze Finish S~[EVES FOR ,~ ~ - 8' CON. BLOCK WALL ANONCHS ~ON LETERINB i ' ' ~ WALL ANCHOR SET IN EPOXY ~ANUFACllJRED ~ . ' TN SECTION "A"s SCALE 3/4"= 1'-0" < ~ 21'-6" 3'-9" 14'-0" 3'-9" 1' T ,/, o PRECAS[ CO~CREE CAP o STACXED STONE FA~ ~GNAC~ PRO/ECT ENTRY MONUMENTS SCALE 1/4"= l"O*' TI~RRA VISTA PROMENADE liE""sb SIGNAGE PROGRAM PAC~ 19 LHJS~;9 SIGN TYPE - "A-3" , QUANTITY 4 MAXIMUM HEIGHT 6'-0" NO. SIDES 2 MAXIMUM AREA PER SIDE 60 ~f. MAXIMUM LETTER HEIGHT 8" MAXIMUM LENGTH OF SIGN AREA 10'-0" TYPE OF ILLUMINATION Ground-mounted flood lights or intemally illuminated individual letters with flood- lighting of monument background .. PERMIlq'ED USERS Major Tenants COLORS Same As A-2 10'-0" 1'-6" 7'-0" 1'-6" o PRECAST CONGREE C~ ~ , r- -1 I-m,: ~ ~ ~ o STA~ED ST~E FA~ I L ~ o ~N~T ~A~ E~ (M~. LO~R ~lE 8') J I~ ~ r , ~. ) MAJOR TENANT SIGNAGE S~LE 3/8": 1'-0" TERRA VISTA PROMENADE F~7 SIGNAGE PROGRAM PAGE 20 SIGN TYPE - "A-4" QUANTITY 1 per pad MAXIMUM HEIGHT 4'-0" NO. SIDES 2 MAXIMUM AREA PER SIDE 24 s.f. MAXIMUM LETEER HEIGHT 8" MAXIMUM LENGTH OF SIGN AREA 6'-0" TYPE OF ILLUMINATION Ground-mounted flood lights or internally illuminated individual letters with flood- lighting of monument background PERMITTED USERS Pad Tenants COLOR Same As A-2 8" 4'-8" ~.. ~ o PRECAST CONCREE ~_ ~ ~ o STAO(EO STONE FA~ I~ i ~ o ~N~[ SIGNAGE PAD PAD TENANT MONUMENT SCALE 3/8"= 1'-0" TERRA VISTA PROMENADE ~E'.=~,~g SIGNAGE PROGRAM PAC~ 21 SIGN TYPE - "B' QUANTITY 1 per building elevation MAXIMUM HEIGHT 18" NO. SIDES 1 MAXIMUM AREA PER SIDE 375 s.f. MAXIUM LETTER HEIGHT 18" MAXIMUM LENGTH DE SIGN 15'-0" TYPE OF ILLUMINATION Internal PERMITTED USERS Typical tenant shop tenants TYPE "B" __-.--------TYP. STOREFRONT & ENTRY ---STORE INFO. SIGN TYPE C ii~~ · -STORE ADDRESS ~ [_ TERRA VISTA PROMENADE SIGNAGE PROGRAM PAGE 22 SIGN TYPE - "C" QUANTI'P~' (1) Per user MAXIMUM HEIGHT (Not applicable) NO. SIDES MAXIMUM AREA PER SIDE (Not applicable) NOMINAL LETEER HEIGHT 3/4" for hours, 2-1/2" for address and store name MAXIMUM LENGTH (Not applicable) TYPE OF ILLUMINATION None PERMITTED USERS Major users, shops and restaurants TYP. STORE NAME 2 1/2" MAX. LETTER ~-~ T INFO. SIGN 5/4" MAX. ~. ]' VARIES l' LETTER HEIGHT - TYP. STORE ADDRESS 2 1/2" HIGH NUMBERS FINISHED FLOOR --~,,. TERRA VISTA PROMENADE SIGNAGE PROGRAM PAGE 23 SIGN TYPE - 'D' QUANTITY (As required) MAXIMUM HEIGHT 9'-0' NO. SIDES 1 MAXIMUM AREA PER SIDE (Not applicable) MAXIMUM LETTER HEIGHT (Per local or state jurisdiction) MAXIMUM LENGTH (Not applicable) TYPE OF ILLUMINATION None PERMITFED USERS (Not applicable) TYPICAL TRAFFIC STOP SiGN TYPICAL HANDICAP SIGN ---- PAINTED STEEL TUBE F TERRA VISTA PROMENADE SIGNAGE PROGRAM PAGE 24 LOCATION PLAN % VISTA PROMENADE SIGNAGE DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 5:00 p.m. Steve Hayes February 20, 1996 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 95-11 - TERRA VISTA PROMENADE ~ Review of the Uniform Sign Program and Design Guidelines for the proposed development o fan integrated shopping center totaling 495,736 square feet on 47.33 acres of land with proposed Phase One consisting of a 132,065 square foot Home Depot home improvement center in the Mixed Use (Commercial, Residential, Office) District of the Terra Vista Community Plan located at the northwest comer of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue - APN: 227-151-18 and 24. Background: This application was approved by the City Council on October 4, 1995. Conditions of Approval · requiring that a Uniform Sign Program be prepared for review and approval of the Planning Commission and the Design Guidelines be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Committee prior to the issuance of building permits were included in the Resolution approved by the City ........... Council. Desian Parameters: The site has been rough graded and cleared of all vegetation in preparation for Phase One development of the Home Depot. The balance of the site has also been rough graded in preparation for future development of the balance of the shopping center. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Issues: The following design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project. Uniform Sign Program 1. Three different types of monument signs are proposed at this time to identify the shopping center and major tenants within the project. In addition, it is possible that all pad tenants may be able to have an individual tenant monument sign as currently written. Given the master Site Plan as currently shown, it is possible that up to 13 monument signs could be placed along the frontage of Foothill Boulevard, which is approximately 2,080 feet, and up to three along Rochester Avenue, which has a frontage of slightly over 1,000 feet. Staff feels that this number of monument signs is excessive and should be reduced. 2. As currently ~vritten, the Sign Program would allow certain major tenants to have more than three signs per business in certain situations. The City's Sign Ordinance only allows a maximum of three signs per business. It should be included in the program that no tenant shall be allowed to have more than three signs. }27 '~ ~ DRC COMMENTS CUP 95-11 ~ TERRA VISTA PROMENADE February 20, 1996 Page 2 3. No specific size restriction has been placed on ~vall signs, as currently written. Staff feels that a maximum square footage of letter height restriction should be applied to the sign program. 4. The sign type "A-3" monument sign should be designed to be more compatible with other proposed project monument signs throughout the project, including, but not limited to, monument sign form, letter colors and styles, and lighting. 5. Sign cabinets should not be allowed; all letters should be individually cut letters for all walt signs. 6. As proposed, major users would be allowed to have one sign per entrance facing Foothill Boulevard, as long as the total number of signs does not exceed three per business. Staff would recommend that no tenant be allowed to have more than one sign per building face, regardless of the number of entrances along Foothill Boulevard. ' 7. ' The Committee should consider the proposed colors for wall signs. The applicant proposes to allow anchor tenants and restaurants to have any recognized corporate color for their sign and major users and shop tenants to have up to three letter colors within their sign (excluding logo colors). Design Guidelines 1. Corrugated metal roofing should be eliminated as a proposed accent roofing material within the project. 2. The conceptual design of the to~ver focal point between Majors 5 and 6 should be modified as directed by the Planning Commission during the development review process. 3. Additional information is needed regarding the public art program and how it will compliment the design theme of the shopping center. 4. Details of other design elements, such as bicycle racks, drinking fountains, etc., should be contained within the design guidelines. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Committee recommend the modifications requested by staff and have them incorporated into the Uniform Sign Program text for further review and consideration of the Planning Commission. In addition, the Committee should direct the applicant to modify the Design Guidelines supplement as recommended by staff and incorporate any further information or revisions as requested by the Committee. D, esign Review Committee Action: Members Present: Larry McNiel, Heinz Lumpp, Larry Henderson Staff Planner: Steve Hayes DRC COMMENTS CUP 95-11 - TERRA VISTA PROMENADE February 20, 1996 Page 3 The Design Review Committee recommended that the following modifications be made to the Uniform Sign Program and Design Guidelines: Uniform Sign Program: 1. The program should be modified to match the sign program for the Terra Vista Town Center in terms of monument sign numbers and minimum distance between monument signs. 2. A monument sign design for a single tenant should be designed and incorporated into the sign program text. This sign type should be similar in size, lettering and material use with the monument sign type "A-2." 3. The monument sign type at the comer of Foothill Boulevard and Mayten should be an "A-2." 4."' The monument sign type "A-2" may be eliminated at the intersection of Rochester and Poplar. However, in all other locations where an "A-2" is proposed, the sign monuments should be constructed even if the lettering is not applied to the signs. 5. Shop tenants should be limited to a primary sign letter color of red; no corporate colors (if other than red) may be used as the primary sign color. Design Guidelines 1. All references to corrugated metal roofing should be eliminated. 2. The proposed design of the planter pots, waste receptacles, and benches should be modified to be more compatible with the architecture of the shopping center. 3. The structure at the focal point of the shopping center (between Majors 5 and 6) should be modified to be a taller, airy clock tower element as previously recommended by the Planning Commission. 4. A more detailed rendering and description of the proposed promenade wood trellis structure should be provided. The Committee expressed concern that the structure may appear flimsy with the proposed wood member sizes. 5. All architectural elements at the intersection of Foothill and Rochester should tie into the citrus theme, as previously required by the Planning Commission. These elements include the terraced water feature, the plaque and the artwork. The Design Review Committee should review the final design of these elements. DRC COMMENTS CUP 95-11 - TERRA VISTA PROMENADE February 20, 1996 Page 4 6. The Committee requested that the applicant provide further information to justify how the proposed slate stone material is consistent with the proposed architecture and in context with the historical citrus nature of the site. The Committee suggested that a natural river rock material may be more in context with the theme of the shopping center. 7. The Committee expressed concem that the Activity Center and water feature were being designed and developed in phases. The Committee noted that the design needs to be integrated completely and should relate to the on-site development as well as the comer. The Committee recommended that all of the proposed revisions be incorporated into the documents for review and approval of the Planning Division. Once these items are addressed and incorporated into the appropriate documents, then the Uniform Sign Program may be scheduled for the Planning Commission and the Design Guidelines again scheduled for review of the Design Review Committee. TERRA VISTA UNIFORM SIGN 'PROGRAM COMPARISON Sign Area 48 s.f. 90 s.f. 50 s.f. Letter Height 24" 24" 24" Length 24' 25' 25' Number Max 3 1 per entry Max 3 Colors Red, blue, wht, yell Red, Blue, white Red +10% other Sign Area 30 s.f. 30 s.f. 22.5 s.f. Letter Height 18" 18" 18" Length 15' 25' 15' Number Max 2 Max 3 Max 3 Colors Red, blue, wht, yell Red + 10% other Red Sign Area 50 s.f. 60 s.f. 50 s.f. Letter Height 24" 24" 24" Length 20' 25' 25' Number Max 2 Max 3 Max 3 Colors Red, blue, wht, yell Red + 10% other Red + 10% other Sign Area 12 s.f. 42 s.f. 21 s.f. Letter Height 15" 8" 8" Length 8'6" 7' 7' Sign Area 27 s.f. 42.6 s.f. 18.8 s.f. Letter Height 16" 32" 20" Length 13 '6" 16' 8' ..... Sign'Area 't 1 s.f. 11 s.f. 24 s.f. Letter Height Z?Z' 24" 8" Length " 6'6" 4'8" I:\DANXTVSIGNS.WPD CITY OF RANCH0 CUCAMONGA ' STAFF REPORT DATE: March 27, 1996 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Scott Murphy, AICP, Associate Planner SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY REVIEW 96-05 - PATRICK SULLIVAN ASSOCIATES/SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY - A courtesy review of a proposed juvenile housing facility located in the General Industrial designation (Subarea 14) of the Industrial Area Specific Plan, located on the west side of Etiwanda Avenue, north of Fourth Street - APN: 229-283-70. ANALYSIS: A. Applicable Requlations: The site on which the juvenile detention facility is proposed is owned and operated by the County of San Bernardino. As such, the project is not subject to the provisions of the Rancho Cucamonga Development Code nor the City's Development Review process. The only approval authority granted to the City would be through the encroachment permit process for pubtic improvements and grading plan review to make sure adjacent properties are not adversely impacted by the development. In this case, no encroachments within the public right-of-way are proposed. As a result, the Planning Commission's review of the project is advisory/informational only. B. General/Discussion: The applicant is proposing to develop a maximum security juvenile housing facility on the site of the West Valley Detention Center. The application anticipates the construction of a 40-bed facility at the northeast corner of the site. Access to the site is obtained via the east entry off Etiwanda Avenue. Employees and vehicles transporting detainees will access the southern parking area into a secured "sallyport." All detainees enter the building through the southerly portion of Building No. 1. The parking area on the west side of the building will be used for visitors. The buildings are designed with block construction and standing seam metal roof. The building interiors are laid out to access most facility functions without leaving the building. Every 10 beds have access to a "day room." All rooms have access to the multi-purpose rooms and eating facilities in the center of the building. All meals are prepared at the West Valley Detention Facilities and transported to the juvenile facility through the sallyport. The east and west halves of the building (20 beds each) have direct access to an outdoor basketball/recreation area. I] EM G PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT PR 96-05 - PATRICK SULLIVAN ASSOCIATES/SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY March 27, 1996 Page 2 The ultimate plan for the facility includes the construction of a second housing unit (Building No. 2). When completed, the facility will provide housing for 80 juvenile offenders. Also, the future plans include the construction of an administration building (Building No. 3). Visitor's facilities will be provided within the administration building. Detainees will be accompanied from the housing building to the administration building through enclosed passageways connecting the buildings. C. Desiqn Review Committee: The Design Review Committee (Barker, McNiel, Henderson) reviewed the application and suggested the following items be forward to San Bernardino County for consideration in the final design: 1. Landscaping should be provided along the Etiwanda Avenue frontage. The design should be consistent with the overall design for Etiwanda Avenue. 2. Given the visibility from Etiwanda Avenue, alternative fencing material should be considered in place of the chain link fence on the east side of the complex. The ........... applicant will investigate possible alternatives for presentation to the Planning Commission. 3. The height of the fence on the east side of the complex should be lowered to the minimum acceptable height that maintains the integrity of the security system. 4. The applicant indicated a larger-scale elevation could be available for the Planning Commission meeting so the Commission can review the building elevations in more detail. Of padicular concern was the split-face block and burnished block relationship. D. Technical Review Committee: The Technical Review Committee reviewed the application and recommended the following: 1. Pursuant to the Etiwanda/San Sevaine Master Plan of Drainage Repor'UPolicy any drainage flows which pass below the southerly City boundary may not exceed the amount specified in said drainage report or mitigation is required. With the construction of the West Valley Detention Center, City master plan drainage facilities were constructed and the watershed area revised to the extent as to provide the necessary mitigation for this project. However, the proposed Juvenile Housing facility area is tributar,/to the Etiwanda/San Sevaine watershed area, and said area shall drain to the intersection of Etiwanda Avenue and Fourth Street. The area shall not drain westerly in Fourth Street as the existing storm drain pipe in Fourth Street was not sized to include this drainage area, and said storm drain pipe is undersized to carry the existing tributary Q100 flows. If it is the intention of the County to phase the construction of the Juvenile Housing Facility due to budget constraints, then, as an interim condition, the City will allow the site to drain to the existing detention basin located south of the Detention Center along Fourth Street. However, the detention basin must remain in place until such time as the ultimate drainage improvements are constructed diverting the drainage flows to the intersection of Fourth Street and Etiwanda Avenue. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT PR 96-05 - PATRICK SULLIVAN ASSOCIATES/SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY March 27, 1996 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission review the application and forward any comments to San Bernardino County and the California Youth Authority for possible inclusion in the final design of the project. City Planner BB:SM: Attachments: Exhibit "A" Location Plan Exhibit "B" Site Plan Location Map ~ County of ~:'~-j~i~: ~ San Bernardino LLI 4TH City of Ontario W"~ ~, S 0.47 0 0.47 0.94 Miles ~"Z,;/za,r ,2-/,,~ 'k Location Plan Proposed Juvenile Detention Facility W 0.24 0 0.24 0.48 Miles Z'X///,~'/r ,2/- Z"