HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996/12/05 - Agenda Packet - Library Board of TrusteesDECLARATION OF POSTING OF AGENDA ¥I¥IAN GARCIA states and declares as follows: I presently am, and at all times mentioned herein have been, the Administrative Secretary of the Library of Rancho Cucamonga. Acting in that capacity, on /~-oQ--~ , at ~?O0 ~.{~,, I posted a true and correct copy of the meeting agenda dated ~ ' ~ /~ at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed on /~ -2--~ , at Rancho Cucamonga. DEBORAH KAYE CLARK, LIBRARY MANAGER City of Rancho Cucamonga BY: Vivian Garcia, Administrative Secretary City of Rancho Cucamonga LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETING First Thursday 6:00 p.m. December 5, 1996 Storytime Room Rancho Cucamonga Public Library 7368 Archibald Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 City Councilmembers William J. Alexander, Mayor Rex Gutierrez, Mayor Pro Tem Paul Biane, Councilmember James V. Curatalo, Councilmember Diane Williams, Councilmember Boardmembers Robert Howdyshell, Presidem Laura J. Muna-Landa, President Pro Tem Rebecca Davies, Boardmember Gina Gregory, Boardmember Edward E. Swistock, Boardmember  PAGE Board of Library Trustees Agenda 1 Regular Meeting, December 5, 1996 A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Roll Call: Howdyshell __, Davies __., Gregory , Muna-Landa , and Swistock __ B. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Boardmember or member of the audience for discussion. 1. Approval of Minutes: October 16, 1996. 1 Approval of Minutes: November 7, 1996. 7 C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1. Library Status Report: oral report presented by staff. 2. Budget report: presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager.' ! 4 D. BOARD BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the Board of Library Trustees for discussion. They are not public hearing items, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1. Discussion of Regular Meeting of January 2nd, 1997. 23  PAGE Board of Library Trustees Agenda 2 Regular Meeting, December 5, 1996 E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING This is the time for the Board of Library Trustees to identify the items they wish to discuss at the next meeting. These items will not be discussed at this meeting, only identified for the next meeting. F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC This is the time and place for the general public to address the Board of Library Trustees. State law prohibits the Board from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. G. ADJOURNMENT I, Vivian Garcia, Library Administrative Secretary of thc City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on Monday, December :Z, 6:00 p.m., 1996, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54953 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting A. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, November 7, 1996, in the Council Chambers of the City of Rancho Cucamonga located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. and the pledge of allegiance was led by President Howdyshell. Present were Boardmembers Davies, Gregory, Muna- Landa and Swistock. Also present were: Diane Williams, Councilmember; Paul Williams, Friends of the Library President; Paula Pachon, Library Foundation President; Deborah Clark, Library Manager; Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian; Renee Tobin, Children's Supervisor; Lori Hopkins, Literacy Coordinator; Karen Schneiderwent, Circulation Supervisor; Rosie Manela, Literacy Assistant and Vivian Garcia, Administrative Secretary. President Howdyshell stated that he had a request to move Item F. Communications from the Public in front of the Consent Calendar. MOTION: Moved by President Howdyshell to move Communications from the Public in front of Consent Calendar, seconded by Boardmember Gregory. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. Paul Williams, President of the Friends of the Library, presented to the Library Board a check for $20,000. He reviewed the financial report of the Book Store Receipts with the Board. President Howdyshell thanked the Friends of the Library. B. CONSENT CALENDAR BI. Approval of Minutes: October 3, 1996 (Gregory and Swistock absent) MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Muna-Landa to approve the consent calendar, seconded by Boardmember Davies. Motion carded unanimously, 3-0-0-2 with Gregory and Swistock abstaining from the minutes. C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS Cl. Library Status Report: oral report presented by staff. 7 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: December 5, 1996 President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES RECOlVlMENDATION Approval of the Minutes for October 16, 1996 and November 7, 1996. BACKGROUND Minutes for the Special Adjourned Meeting of the City Council and Library Board, October 16, 1996 taken and compiled by City Clerk, Deborah Adams. Minutes for the Regular Meeting of the Library Board, November 7, 1996 taken and compiled by Library Administrative Secretary Vivian Garcia. kr~ectfully submitted, ~..,~ Library Manageff..__~ October 16, 1996 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES St~ecial Adjourned Meeting A. CALL TO ORDER A special adjourned meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council and the Library Board was held on Wednesday, October 16, 1996, in the Tri Communities Room of the Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor William J. Alexander. Present were Councilmembers: Paul Biane, Rex Gutierrez, Diane Williams, and Mayor William J. Alexander. Present were Library Boardmembem: Rebecca Davies, Gina Gregory (arrived at 5:40 p.m.), Laura Muna_Landa, Ede Swistock, and Chairman Robert Howdyshell. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager; Deborah Clark, Library Manager; Linda D. Daniels, Redevelopment Manager; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. Absent was: Councilmember James Curatalo B. ITEMS OF DISCUSSION 1. DISCUSSION OF LONG RANGE VISIONS Assessing the Needs (In-house survey, Grapevine survey) Boardmember Davies presented information on this item. She reported after the Library being open for two years they are now serving between 1,000 an 1,300 individuals each day, have circulated over 600,000 items last year and know they have registered over 55,000 patrons. She stated they would like to know what their patrons think of the Library and what new services they might want for the future. She stated through their Planning Committee of she and Boardmember Gregory they have designed two surveys to help them measure their progress. She reported the In-House Survey asks questions of the borrowers about what they like about the library and what they think needs improving. They have asked what they feel about the facility, what kind of services they received fi.om staff and have asked for suggestions how to improve services. She stated the second survey is designed to be an insert in the Winter issue of the Grapevine and would ask similar questions but would direct them to their non-users. She stated she hoped this survey would help them plan for the futura. She stated once the results of both of the surveys have been compiled, they will be presenting some conclusions to the Library Board in early 1997. Mayor Alexander felt a question should be asked if the people would be willing to contribute money towards the operation of the library. Counciimember Williams stated she had learned at a League of California Cities Conference yesterday that you should gather the information from the survey first and then you can determine whether people are willing to pay for services. She asked if they had any ideas on getting people to return the survey. City Council/Library Board Minutes October 16, 1996 Page 2 Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated it could be faxed or emailed or go through regular mail. Expanding Existing Facility (Second floor expansion - Literacy Center, Technology Center and Parking Concerns) Chairman Howdyshell presented the information for this item. He reported that in December, the HUD funded project to open three quiet study areas for literacy tutoring will be under construction. He stated when completed, the three study rooms, literacy office and a new larger storage area will help to organize the second floor into more usable space. This will help to increase shelving in the lower level. He reported parking continues to be an issue because during peak hours, no parking is available. He stated the Board will continue to examine any logical and cost effective solutions for parking, but felt that by adding 50 parking spaces or more would also add 100 more users to an already crowded facility. He asked the Council for their thoughts on the parking situation. Councilmember Gutierrez stated he would like to see parking in the vacant lot until the housing project starts. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated there isn't enough time to put in the parking lot before the housing project starts. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated if here are special programs going on, there is a parking problem. Councilmember Williams inquired how much parking is done by staff. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated about 18 spaces worth. Councilmember Williams felt there could possibly be an incentive program to get them to park at Albertsons. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated Bob Dominguez had advised against this. Mayor Alexander hoped that the Board would keep working on the parking problem. Chairman Howdyshell added they would lose approximately 44 spaces when they start their construction. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated the long-term solution will be a larger facility. Expanding Services (Technology Center, Young Adult Services Opportunity) Commissioner Gregory presented information on this item. She stated expanding services also means expanding technology. She stated everyone is asking how to get "Intemet Access" and onto the Information Highway. She mentioned that th Spring, 1997, staff proposes turning the second floor area currently unused into a Technology and Discovery Center. She stated to provide the necessary equipment, the Library would be partnering with APS, the business that currently supplies copy machines and public access computers in the Library. She reported that ten computer terminals are planned for this fee-based technology center linked to both standard and color printers with full Internet access available to the patrons including the capability of e-mail. There will also be many other software programs available. She stated the sof~ware and furnishings of the Center will be determined by the success of their grant application to HUD funding, and of the Spring fundraiser, the Library Telethon. She mentioned for the library City Council/Libra~ Board Minutes October 16, 1996 Page 3 to expand services has meant f'mding grant funding to try new things. The Literacy Program continues to be strong in its second year of a five year grant. She stated they will be emphasizing on family literacy in 1997 and that this progrmn will be housed next to the Technology Center which will be a vital part of the staffmg and use of the Center. She added that the State Library is offering a grant opportunity in 1997/98 to create young Adult or Youth At Risk Programs and that the library is anxious to apply for those funds when the window of opportunity appears. She stated that the newest legislation to be passed at the federal level for libraries is the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), which will allow for competitive grant funding of technology projects across the country beginning in 1997. She pointed out that Robert Karatsu will be working on this project and most likely attempt to partner with the schools to create a competitive proposal for these funds. She asked if the Council had any services they would like to see the Library offer that are not currently available or in the planning stage. Mayor Alexander stated he did not have any suggestions, but was wondering how they were going to handle more people in the library with new programs coming up. Councilmember Biane stated he is concerned that the seniors will have access to the library and its services. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated they are looking at considering a satellite collection that would be rotating materials for the senior center itself so that they can actually go to the senior center instead of not necessarily having to come to the library. She stated the other thing they are looking at currently to involve them in a Grandparents with Book Program that the state has just sent an announcement for funds available for that. She stated the seniors are very involved with the library's volunteer program and also through Friends of the Library. She stated they are also looking at rotating their collection of books with other libraries which would bring more of a selection to the seniors of Rancho Cucamonga. Councihnember Gutierrez felt an outreach program to the high school kids to let them know what is available is very important also. Councihnember Williams suggested that the survey also take place at the senior center to get their input. Chairman Howdyshell suggested that the senior center be able to access thel'~brary's collection' through the Intemet for easier access for them. Boardmember Gregory asked if the Council might be able to support additional programs in the future. Mayor Alexander felt they could. Chairman Howdyshell felt there might be the need of coordination when the youth programs project starts up. Funding Challenges (Grant Opportunities, Library Referendum, Fundmising: TELETHON, New Services: New Money?) Commissioner Swistock presented information on this item. He reported that staff will continue to search out grant opportunities to increase the services and budget for the library, but that this is only a small part of the money that is needed. He stated in 1997, the library will be using its final year of bond funds available to purchase book materials. He stated the bond funds used to make the annual payment to the Connty of San Bemardino will be exhausted in 1998, but added the contract demands continue to the year 2004. He added that multiple three year subscriptions of periodicals, an index tools pumhased by bond funds in 1994, will expire in 1997. He stated the three items mentioned City Council/Library Board Minutes October 16, 1996 Page 3 above would impact the budget by approximately $300,000 in 1998/99. He also mentioned the Friends of the Library have been an amazing support group, but that even with their large contributions, they alone cannot close the funding gap. He reported that they hoped the Telethon fundraiser project would raise from $10,000 to $20,000 its first year. He felt this might be the time to start planning for the future and asked the Council how they felt about looking for a larger facility. Councilmember Gutierrez stated he has not given up the dream of the library at Central Park, and wished they could start something there. He felt the library would be a big piece of that project. Councilmember Biane asked what was to be the funding source for the Central Park Library. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated originally that was part of the Redevelopment Plan Project which goes back to the 1980's. He stated as the increment kept going up that by 1994 they had hoped they could do another bond issue and be able to have the first phase of Central Park, which included this 130,000 square foot library. He also stated the thought was to have the operations dollars to maintain a much larger library. He pointed out that everyone knows what has happened over the last five years since about 1990 with the increment going backwards. He now felt the increment growth would be very slow so there is not the same expectations as we all had in the late 1980%. He stated for the futura they need to think about two things. He stated in order to fund this that whatever the Agency could contribute would not be enough to do the library and did not know when it could accomplish some increment of Central Park. He stated they really are looking at alternative financing whether it be a bond issue or something like that. He added even if you have a large library, how could the City cover the cost to maintain and operate it. Councilmember Williams stated even though there is a plan for a 125,000 to 130,000 square foot building at Central Park, that with technology happening the way it is, she did not feel the word should be put out that this is the only plan for a libraxy the City can have there. She state.d before the project starts, the needs should be redetermined because of all of the new technology since the 1980's. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated he agreed with Councilmember Williams that the project would need to be redefined. Mayor Alexander felt the first phase of the Central Park library needs to be looked at. He felt there needs to be a commitment to do something at the park site. He suggested that the Library Board make a recommendation to the Council of what the needs are in order to start this and submit it to the Council. Boardmember Swistock left the meeting at 6:35 p.m. Facilities for the Future (Central Park, Branch Locations) Boardmember Muna-Landa presented the information for this item. She felt this is the time to look at the original Library Services Master Plan. She added that Central Park had been discussed, and that there is still a need for an additional branch at the east end or Etiwanda side of the City. She stated the Board realized that planning, getting the funding and building all takes time, but that now is the time to begin to tackle the future. She stated the staff and Board are exploring the possibilities of secured funding to support existing programs and to provide new programs. She mentioned the California Library Association is offering a workshop on placing a library funding issue on the ballot which would be attended by the Board President and the Director. She stated they are concerned about Prop 218 and City Council/Library Board Minutes October 16, 1996 Page 5 the effects it will have on local government. She stated they are looking for the Council to help them fund and assist in their programs. Councilmember Williams asked if the City has looked at the possibility to use the Mountjoy Bill that passed as leverage to go to the County to try to renegotiate the commitment to them. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated he has approached the County, and stated they are really in the same position the cities are in with mandates imposed on them. Councilmember Williams asked if anyone knew how many residents our library serves that are from Fontana, Montclair, etc. branches. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated part of the agreement with the County was that we allow access to residents outside of the City into our library. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated they are approximately I0% of the C'ty s user base, wh'ch ~s very low. She added they did get $6,000 last quarter because of the services they provide to these people. Mayor Alexander stated this could also be talked about at the City/County Conference. He suggested that the Library Board and City Council meet in November after the election to discuss the outcome of Prop 218 and how it will affect some of the issues brought up tonight. Councilmember Gutierrez felt a workshop, which should also include the Library Foundation, would be a great idea. 2. DISCUSSION OF ITEMS OF MUTUAL INTEREST No further items were identified or discussed. C. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC No communication was made from the public. D. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Gutierrez, seconded by Williams to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra J. Adams, CMC City Clerk Approved by Library Board: Approved by City Council: 6 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Reeular Meeting A. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, November 7, 1996, in the Council Chambers of the City of Rancho Cucamonga located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. and the pledge of allegiance was led by President Howdyshell. Present were Boardmembers Davies, Gregory, Muna- Landa and Swistock. Also present were: Diane Williams, Councilmember; Paul Williams, Friends of the Library President; Paula Pachon, Library Foundation President; Deborah Clark, Library Manager; Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian; Renee Tobin, Children's Supervisor; Loft Hopkins, Literacy Coordinator; Karen Schneiderwent, Circulation Supervisor; Rosie Manela, Literacy Assistant and Vivian Garcia, Administrative Secretary. President Howdyshell stated that he had a request to move Item F. Communications from the Public in front of the Consent Calendar. MOTION: Moved by President Howdyshell to move Communications from the Public in front of Consent Calendar, seconded by Boardmember Gregory. Motion carded unanimously, 5-0. Paul Williams, President of the Friends of the Library, presented to the Library Board a check for $20,000. He reviewed the financial report of the Book Store Receipts with the Board. President Howdyshell thanked the Friends of the Library. B. CONSENT CALENDAR BI. Approval of Minutes: October 3, 1996 (Gregory and Swistock absent) MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Muna-Landa to approve the consent calendar, seconded by Boardmember Davies. Motion carried unanimously, 3-0-0-2 with Gregory and Swistock abstaining from the minutes. Cl. C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS Library Status Report: oral report presented by staff. Library Board Minutes November 7, 1996 Page 2 Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, stated that October was a busy month. Staff installed a counter to tally the number of patrons that come into the Library. The Library is averaging 1,400 people a day. The busiest day per hour is Sunday, followed by Monday and Saturday. Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, stated that staff is pursuing a program, "Adopt A Book," provided by Bames& Noble. In this program, Library staffrequests a list of titles that is needed at the Library. Bames& Noble tries to find an "adoptee" who would like to donate this item. The donation will have a bookplate in the inside cover acknowledging them for their donation. Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, stated that staff added a new on-line magazine index. This updated version goes back to 1980 instead 1993. Staff also added another data base, called the Health Reference Center which is for consumer health information. Renee Tobin, Children's Supervisor, stated per the statistics for October there were more children's books checked out in October than adult. Thursday afiernoon's storytime for the school-aged children has been averaging 26 children. Wednesday's pre-school storytime registration for November and December is booked. Friday and Saturday's storytime still has room for drop-ins. A former Friday volunteer story reader, Linda Janeck, is now working for the children's department as a Library Assistant. She also works in the Library at the Central Elementary School. This Saturday several library staff led by Nina Cole will appear in the Founder's Day Parade. The float theme is Alice in Wonderland. Staffwill be carrying a banner about the Telethon coming in March. C2. Budget Report: presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, reviewed the Revenue Report, Balance Sheet and Library Expenditures with the Board. C3. Collection Agency Report: presented by Karen Schneiderwent, Circulation Supervisor. Opening with an explanation of the long term purpose of Phase II collections, Karen Schneiderwent, Circulation Supervisor, stated that as of September 3, staff submitted 203 accounts with 13 accounts paying in full, 14 accounts making partial payment and 176 with no activity. In Phase II, the library receives 60 percent of what is collected, the collection agency keeps 40 percent. Phase I accounts will go inactive after a series of five letters, Phase II never goes inactive. For Phase I collections, staffpays $7 per account. As of September 3, staff submitted 501 accounts to Phase I collection; 101 have either paid in full or settled in full (returned the items), 123 accounts have made partial payments, leaving 277 accounts unresolved. Staff is exploring taking over Phase I to save $7 an account or purchasing a software module that interfaces with the dynix library system. Staff will be reviewing this information and will be returning with a recommendation to the Board. 8 Library Board Minutes November 7, 1996 Page 3 President Howdyshell asked if we switched on Phase I, would that affect Phase II? Karen Schneiderwent, Circulation Supervisor, stated that the two accounts are separate and each stand along. D. BOARD BUSINESS D 1. Reports from Committees Foundation Board Subcommittee: by President Howdyshell and staff. Oral report on initial meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Foundation Board. President Howdyshell stated that the first Library Foundation meeting occurred on November 7 and the remainder of the Boardmembers were sworn in. Paula Pachon was selected as the Foundation President. The Foundation volunteered for Telethon assignments. The next Foundation meeting is December 9 at the Library. Staff will provide a tour of the Library for the new members. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that Patti Williams will also be giving a tour of the Book Store. The Foundation Boardmembers also agreed to work on promoting the affinity card. The idea is to work with the Chamber of Commerce and to persaude merchants to support "shop Rancho Cucamonga" concept by encouraging people to use this card by giving them discounts. The applications and glossy flyers will be in the Library and the Book Store. Telethon Subcommittees: by Boardmembers and staff a) Fundraiser Kick-off: oral report by Library Manager. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that the fundraiser kick-offon October 28th went very well, there were over 50 attendees. Staff is following up with the merchants that were contacted. Staff had an appointment with Barnes & Noble on Monday. Smffis pursuing them for the Trivia Bee and possibly sponsoring some celebrity spots. Staff has a meeting with Mike Ferguson of the Daily Bulletin along with John Mannerino on Friday. b) Executive Committee Meeting: oral report by Library Manager. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that the members reviewed the physical set-up of the facility for the Telethon. Staff reviewed the information with the Board. Library Board Minutes November 7, 1996 Page 4 Diane Williams, Councilmember, stated that everyone is supportive of the Telethon. c) Establishment of date and time for meetings for the following subcommittees: Deborah Clark, Library Manager, reviewed the handout Schedule Dlc with the Board. Executive Committee Auction Committee Professional Acts Committee Pennies for Pages Committee d) Recommendation from staff for the creation of the following committees: Publicity Committee Trivia Bee Committee Diane Williams, Councilmember, volunteered to be on the Celebrity Guest Spots Committee. Boardmember Mnna-Landa volunteered to be on the Publicity Committee. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that the establishment of the date and time for the meetings will be coordinated by Vivian Garcia. D2. Update on the Literacy Program: oral report presented by Lori Hopkins, Literacy Coordinator. Requested by Boardmember Gregory. Loft Hopkins, Literacy Coordinator, stated that Literacy has seen an increase in the last two months by students and tutors. Staff has started a tutor orientation that is required for potential tutors to attend. Tutors were coming to the tutor training not having an idea of what was expected of them or an understanding of what the Literacy Program is all about. The first orientation was in October. Eighteen people attended the hour long informal meeting. Lori Hopkins, Literacy Coordinator, stated that Brandy Flores started working last month as the new part-time clerk. She also works in Circulation Department. President Howdyshell asked if staffknew the number of students who had gone through the process and how many students are waiting for the training? Loft Hopkins, Literacy Coordinator, stated that she did not have a running total. Staff could get those figures and include them in their report next month. 10 Library Board Minutes November 7, 1996 Page 5 Boardmember Gregory asked what ages are represented that want to be tutors? Lori Hopkins, Literacy Coordinator, stated that one or two are in their late teens. The medium age is 30 to 40. Boardmember Gregory asked if the tutors are mostly retired people? Lori Hopkins, Literacy Coordinator, stated that quite a few are retired. However, most tutors who are coming in are middle-aged working couples. President Howdyshell asked what determines when somebody who has received the tutoring, succeeds? Is there a standard they reach? Loft Hopkings, Literacy Coordinator, stated that Literacy is a student-goal oriented program. The students themselves determine whether they have reached their goal. Some reach a level where the tutor does not feel confident in helping them anymore. At that point, the student is reassessed and encourage to attend classes in adult education or Chaffey College. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, updated the Board on the CDBG construction project. D3. Update from Boardmember Davies on her school district visits. Boardmember Davies gave an oral report to the Board on her school district visits. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated staff would do a teacher card count before and after the school district visits. D4. Discussion of December Board meeting and planning of agenda. Requested by Boardmember Davies. Boardmember Davies stated that at our December meeting she would like to offer refreshments and invite the Friends of the Library to thank them for all of their help. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that also at the December meeting the Board had requested Robert to do some demonstrations on what is available at the Library. Would the Board like to have the demonstrations and resources before the meeting and the refreshements after? President Howdyshell asked if the Friends would also like to attend? Paul and Diane Williams, Friends of the Library, stated the Friends would enjoy this. 1! Library Board Minutes November 7, 1996 Page 6 Boardmember Swistock suggested an earlier "light" agenda and have the refreshments and demonstrations after. MOTION: Moved by President Howdyshell for the next board meeting to be held on December 5 at the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library in the Storytime Room at 6:00 p.m., seconded by Boardmember Gregory. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. D5. Coordination of schedules for the California Library Association Conference. Requested by Boardmember Muna-Landa. Boardmember Muna-Landa stated that she wanted to coordinate classes the other Boardmembers would be attending at the CLA conference. The Boardmembers reviewed the courses. President Howdyshell asked staff to composite a list of workshops each Boardmember will be attending and FAX the information to them. Boardmember Davies requested to invite the staff to an "open house" to recognize them for their efforts after the meeting on December 5. E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING El. Boardmember Swistock requested for the January agenda, the status of the Board's request, a visit to our Library by the State Librarian. E2. Boardmember Swistock requested for the January agenda, an update by staff on the progress of credit card payment in the Library. E3. President Howdyshell requested the Telethon. E4. President Howdyshell asked for an update on numbers from Literacy. None were received. F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC 12 Library Board Minutes November 7, 1996 Page 7 G. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Swistock to adjourn to December 5, 1996, at 6:00 p.m. at the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library, seconded by Presidem Howdyshell. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Vivian Garcia Administrative Secretary Approved: 13 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIVIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: December 5, 1996, 1996 President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager BUDGET REPORT FOR NOVEMBER RECOMMENDATION No recommendation. For information only. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Schedule A, titled Revenue Report November 1996 attached for your review. Schedule B, titled "Balance Sheet July through November FY 1996/97" attached for your review. Schedule C, titled "Library Expenditures 1996/97" is an accounting of all funds expended so far this fiscal year, showing 42% of library funds expended or encumbered at 42% into the fiscal year. Also included are the expenditure figures for Literacy and Redevelopment Agency funds.  pectfully submitted, Library Manager REVENUE REPORT November 1996 Schedule A November 1 November 2 & 3 November 4 November 5 November 6 November 7 November 8 November 9 & 10 November 11 - Holiday November 12 November 13 November 14 November 15 November 16 & 17 November 18 November 19 November 20 November 21 November 22 November 23 & 24 November 25 November 26 November 27 November 28 - Holiday November 29 - Holiday FINES MEDIA LIBRARY REF DONA- SALES & FEES RENTALS SALES SERV. TIONS TAX $150.60 $143.45 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11.25 $403.35 $358.80 $0.00 $3.25 $0.00 $27.69 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $578.96 $143.01 $2.78 $0.00 $0.00 $11.21 $387.25 $112.34 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8.66 $303.34 $182.22 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14.03 $254.35 $140.64 $0.00 $4.00 $20,000.00 $10.86 $108.00 $123.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9.50 $390.69 $306.10 $0.00 $0.00 $0.10 $23.65 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $548.31 $171.02 $0.00 $3.00 $0.00 $13.22 $388.47 $173.95 $0.00 $70.00 $0.25 $13.42 $265.30 $135.76 $5.56 $7.25 $0.10 $10.93 $219.30 $145.99 $0.00 $3.70 $1.05 $11.26 $542.80 $271.52 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20.98 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $457.17 $146.70 $16.70 $0.00 $0.00 $12.60 $433.39 $151.31 $2.78 $6.00 $0.00 $11.90 $477.73 $164.28 $2.78 $70.00 $0.00 $12.94 $352.35 $166.38 $0.00 $2.00 $0.00 $12.87 $163.58 $140.24 $0.00 $0.00 $0.10 $10.82 $531.98 $337.64 $0.00 $0.00 $0.05 $26.11 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $430.74 $163.31 $0.00 $35.00 $0.00 $12.69 $460.35 $173.84 $0.00 $4.00 $0.00 $13.41 $249.76 $252.28 $2.78 $6.30 $0.00 $19.78 TOTALS: $8,097.77 $4,103.78 OCTOBER TOTALS $8,806.64 $4,855.07 % CHANGE -8% -15% TOTAL INCOME: $32,770.86 TOTAL LIBRARY INCOME $32,451.08 Daily Average Fines $311.45 Daily Average Media $157.84 Daily Average Sales $1.28 Daily Average APS $24.35 Daily Average Ref. Fees $8.25 DAILY TOTALS $503.17 GAIN/LOSS ON PRO J: $2,517 PERSONNEL EXPENSES Par/time Salaries $17,319 GAIN/LOSS ON PRO J: ($1,513) BALANCE $1,004.38 $33.38 $214.50 $20,001.65 $319.78 $63.06 $215.35 $108.85 $379.76 -47% -0% 18275% 96/97 Proj: $253.91 $150.51 $0.00 $16.13 $1.43 $421.98 $15,806 15 Schedule B BALANCE SHEET JULY THROUGH NOVEMBER FY 1996~97 Revenues Fines & Fees Media Rentals Sales APS Information Services Fees Misc. Revenues Totals: Part Time Salaries Balance for Year through November Earned $36,274 $24,028 $171 $3,099 $589 $3,291 $64,160 Spent $68,364 Pr~ected $37,381 $21,000 $o $2,015 $210 $o $60,607 Pr~ected $71,127 Loss/Gain ($1,107) $3,O28 $171 $i,084 $378 $3,291 $3,553 Loss/Gain $2,763 $6,316 -3.0% 14.4% 53.8% 180.0% 5.9% Projected End of the Year Donations: Received $37,302 Projected $35,000 OvedUnder $2,302 16 LIBRARY EXPENDITURES JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV TOTALS SPENT PE FUNDS % % OF 1996/97 CATEGORY REMAININ SPENT YEAR PERSONNEL 1100 REGULAR SALARIES $381,590 1200 OVERTIME SALARIES $1,000 1300 PART TIME SALARIES $205,480 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS $145,300 TOTAL PERSONNEL $733,370 OPERATIONS 3t00 TRAVEL & MEETINGS California Library Conference Corwin workshops Karatsu-workshops Meeting Supplies Clark-meetings ILS Workshops $2,600 3300 MILEAGE Auto Allowance Reimbursement Garcia Pages Hood Corwin Tobin $3,800 $3,000 $800 3900 MAINTENANCE/OPER $118,270 Cash Receipts Printing/Postage $4,000 Printing Postage $22,109 $29,078 $29,078 $29,176 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,595 $14,014 $13,359 $23,735 $12,108 $12,108 $12,108 $12,108 $44,813 $55,201 $54,546 $65,019 $84 $2,350 ($184) $20 42% $29,176 $138,618 $138,618 $242,972 36% $0 $0 $0 $1,000 0% $18,165 $79,869 $79,869 $125,611 39% $12,108 $60,541 $60,541 $84,759 42% $59,449 $279,028 $279,028 $454,342 38% $162 $58 $10 $231 $231 $231 $346 $231 ($58) $27 $22 $42 $20 $3 $11 ($99) ($60) ($97) ($50) $14 $3 $14 $2,827 $14 $21350 $o $162 ($184) $142 $30 $1,269 $o $34 $35 $0 $0 $0 ($306) $2,827 $43 $2,500 $0 100% $1,338 $2,462 35% $1,269 $1,731 42% $69 $731 9% $67,514 $60,756 49% $2,870 $1,130 72% Office Supplies $18,000 Cataloging Supplies $2,069 $103 $11 $2,752 $399 $5,333 Farm $37 $37 Photo House $0 8 Ave. graphics $0 Office Depot $667 $667 $754 $667 $2,755 Laminating supplies $194 $6 $200 Letterhead $239 $239 Reimbursements-office $0 Petty Cash $0 Computer supplies $51 $122 $174 Stationary $0 Federal Express $14 $14 Board Supplies $12 $120 $132 Special Program Supplies $5,000 Children's Supplies $229 $50 $169 $449 Children's Programs - Friends $0 Software $35 $35 Summer Reading Program (FR) $48 $48 Creation of Affinity Card $250 $0 Literacy Projects $0 Volunteer Supplies $469 $469 Reference On-line $10 $10 Advertising/Promotions $0 National Library Week - Friends $20 $20 Foundation Board recruitment $440 $220 $660 Telethon $0 Kickoff $654 $654 Books/Materials $81,310 Bookstore rush $1,174 $65 $500 $15 $57 $1,810 Childrens Books $14,041 $102 $394 $14,537 Adult Books $15,030 $194 $500 $15,723 Reference Books $156 $993 $17 $118 $1,284 Reference CD's $360 $360 Circulating Instructional CD' $0 $0 Large Print Books - Friends $1,877 $197 $2,074 Books on Tape - Friends $16 $9 $9 $34 Video $2,325 $14 $137 $94 $2,570 CD's (music) $1,000 $1,000 $2,000 $8,883 $1,011 $1,334 $40,392 $9,117 $3,989 ($1,334) $40,918 49% 20% ERR 5O% Literacy Magazines/Publications $6,210 Training $500 Bindery $1,000 Collection Agency $2,000 3914 MAINTENANCE DEPT $11,830 Encumbrances Janitorial Supplies $4,260 Facility Maintenance supplie $5,630 Sinclair Paint Familian Pipe Supply Mountain View Glass $0 R&R Electric Trash Receptacle Owen Electric Graffiti Removal Supplies $200 Landscape Maint. supplies $1,300 Water/Fire Service $440 3956 DUES $2,100 American Library Assoc. $450 MCLS Associate Membershi $150 California Library Assoc. $0 Inland Library system $1,500 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY $4,340 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES $t 67,530 Offic Equip/Maintenance $3,500 Book Processing & OCLC $2,300 S.B. County $100,000 ' Technology Maintenance $7,000 Telephone Maintenance $3,000 Computer Tech Services $31,030 6036 CONTRACT SERVICES $59,300 Encumbrances Janitorial Services $16,000 $2,013 $362 $24,881 $1,333 $1,000 $527 $125 $362 $3,676 $10,236 $8,333 $2,848 $1,333 $205 $150 $45 $919 $362 $8,333 $I,333 $4,885 $474 $40 $42 $35 $362 $182 $1,500 $8,333 $65 $1,333 $113 $118 $190 $420 $362 $184 $8,333 $20,669 $1,333 $0 $2,330 $2,330 $3,880 38% $0 $0 $5OO O% $1,000 $1,000 $0 100% $0 $0 $2,000 0% $6,044 $5,786 51% $4,885 $1,001 $1,001 $3,259 24% $40 $40 $5,591 1% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $118 $118 $82 59% $0 $0 $1,300 0% $0 $0 $440 0% $232 $150 $625 $919 $1,810 $3,858 $11,920 $33,332 $65 $2,848 $24,881 $1,926 $232 $150 $625 $919 $1,810 $174 92% $218 52% $0 100% ($625) ERR $581 61% $2,530 42% $76,904 $90,626 46% $3,858 ($358) 110% $11,920 ($9,620) 518% $33,332 $66,668 33% $65 $6,935 1% $2,848 $152 95% $24,881 $6,149 80% $20,669 $6,665 $41,905 $6,665 $17,395 71% $9,335 42% Security Service $3,360 $1,703 $378 $2,081 $2,081 $1,279 62% Elevator Service $6,160 $0 $125 $250 $250 $125 $750 $750 $5,410 12% HVAC $14,500 $786 $460 $460 $3,910 $460 $6,076 $6,076 $8,424 42% Electrical $4,160 $631 $408 $1,040 $1,040 $3,120 25% Glass replacement $2,000 $0 $0 $2,000 0% Locksmith $0 $166 $166 $332 $332 ($332) ERR Plumbing $2,000 $138 $138 $138 $1,862 7% Pest Control $670 $229 $75 $75 $379 $379 $291 57% Fire/Life Safety $670 $686 $686 $686 ($16) 102% Structural/Roof $2,910 $880 $880 $880 $2,030 30% Exterior Grounds Maint. $6,870 $413 $491 $413 $413 $479 $2,209 $2,209 $4,661 32% 7047 COMPUTER EQUIP. $3,000 Friends donation $3,000 $3,000 8019 TELEPHONE $18,000 989-8277 (Rotary line) $407 $368 $365 $412 $1,552 181-1185 (T1 line) $214 $214 $432 $215 $1,075 948-9900 $441 $484 $481 $501 $1,908 980-0871 (EMS & Security) $53 $52 $53 $53 $58 $270 980-4361 (Elevator) $26 $26 $26 $26 $26 $130 989-2036 (Telecim) $0 987-3271 (Irrigation Sprink.) $26 $26 $26 $26 $26 $130 989-6904 (Public Fax) $34 $33 $67 $34 $168 MCI $20 $12 $3 $35 8021 WATER UTILITIES Inside Use Landscaping 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES $4,000 $50,000 $4,783 $1,175,040 $85,789 $122,047 TOTAL LIBRARY BUDGET $189 $189 $379 $321 $249 $570 $4,227 $4,386 $3,747 $17,143 $82,074 $101,197 $104,220 $495,327 $3,000 $5,267 $949 $17,143 $492,327 $0 100% $9,733 35% $3,051 24% $32,857 34% $682,713 42% LITERACY EXPENDITURES 1996/97 CITY VERSION JUL PERSONNEL 1100 REGULAR SALARIES $21,210 $1,195 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS $7,850 $654 TOTAL PERSONNEL $29,060 $1,849 OPERATIONS 3100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS $800 3300 MILEAGE $360 $67 3900 MAINTENANCE/OPER $6,500 Printing/Postage $3,000 Printing Postage Office Supplies $2,000 Instructional Materials $1,500 $70 5910 LIBRARY OVERHEAD $7,670 $7,670 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES $48,846 Literacy Coordinator. $43,846 Tutor Training $5,000 Telephone Contract $0 $3,452 8019 TELEPHONE $1,200 $100 TOTAL LITERACY BUDGET $94,426 $13,208 AUG $1,594 $654 $2,248 $3,452 $100 $5,800 SEP $1,594 $654 $2,248 $50 $519 $1,021 $3,452 $4,250 $100 $11,640 OCT $2,717 $654 $3,371 $52 $72 $1,223 $3,452 NOV TOTALS SPENT PE FUNDS % % OF CATEGOR REMAININ SPENTYEAR 42% $838 $7,937 $7,937 $13,273 37% $654 $3,271 $3,271 $4,579 42% $1,492 $11,208 $11,208 $17,852 39% $23 $125 $125 $675 16% $132 $271 $271 $79 77% $2,845 $3,655 44% $1,223 $1,777 41% $1,223 $0 $48 $568 ($37) $1,054 $7,670 $3,452 $17,260 $4,250 $0 $100 $100 $500 $8,270 $5,210 $44,128 $868 $1,432 28% $1,054 $446 70% $7,670 $0 100% $21,510 $27,336 44% $17,260 $26,586 39% $4,250 $750 85% $500 $700 42% $44,128 $50,298 47% REDEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURES FY 1996/97 July Materials Books Standing Order for Ref. Rental Books Books on Tape New database CD's $50,000 Aug Sep Oct $5,326 $743 $6,4O0 $912 $11,210 $3,000 TOTALS Nov SPENT $42,870 $953 $7,022 $992 $8,304 $11,210 $3,000 $13,333 $13,333 $o FUNDS % % OF REMAINING SPENT YEAR 42% $7,130 86% Sub Total $0 $0 $25,937 $1,655 $27,592 Plans/Designs Literacy remodel/shelving Sub Total $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $0 100% Furnishings/misc. Study Carrell Picture Framing Citizen Printer for self/check Recorder - Admin Multi Pre CTV Admin. cabinets PB Racks Rental book display Shelving Childrens Shelving Adult (Estimate) Sub Total $40,000 $1,041 $412 $172 $15,184 $24,816 38% $52 $269 $1,454 $322 $761 $565 $1,637 $8,500 $1,041 $412 $12,916 $763 $52 $15,184 TOTALS $100,000 $1,041 $412 $38,853 $2,418 $52 $52,776 $31,946 53% CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: December 5, 1996 President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager DISCUSSION OF REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 2ND, 1997 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Board check their calendars for availability for the January 2nd, 1997 Regular Meeting date to verify quorum. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS This meeting falls on the day following New Year's Day. Staff wishes to make the Board aware of this date and to allow them the opportunity to discuss possible scheduling conflicts.  pectfully submitted, Library Manage'I,-~---~'~ § 54954.1 Pm~lke I la'owners' prop0~l to develop p~cel of la.,~l to its ~a, slm~ ~peal w~s ~ on ~,e~da within 72 hours of Additions or changes Indicated by underline; deletions by asterisks * * * Southern California Housing Development Corporation A Non-Profit Housing Corporation December 5, 1996 Ms. Cindy Norris, CDBG Coordinator City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Dear Ms. Nonis: Attached you will find a completed Community Development Block Csrant Proposal Application fxom Southern California Housing Development Corporation (SCHDC), in pa~ership with the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library, for a pilot program to create Family Learning Centers at the four apartment communities owned and managed by SCHDC in the City of Rancho Cucamonga~ Half of the units in the.ne properties are reserved as affordable to families of very low and low income under the terms of agreements with the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency; approximately 51% of the residents qualify as low income individuals. This proposal will extend Library services on site to the residents of Mountainside Apartments, located at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Hellman Avenue. This is the largest propen'y SCHDC owns in Rancho Cucamonga, and offers the greatest opportunity for service to the residents. We believe this is exciting public/p~vate partnership will provide long-lasting benefits to the residents. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Since~e/~lv, Directo~ of Social Pmgram~ 8265 Aspen $~reet. Suite 100 Rancho Cucamonga. CA 91730 {909) 483-2444 Fa..',: [909} 483-2448 The CDBG regulations also list activities that are eXplicitly ineligible to receive assistance. In general, ineligible projects are religious facilities, new housing conslmction, general govenunent expenses, the purchase of equipment, and operating and maintenance expenses. COMPLETING THE PROPOSED APPLICATION In order for this application to be accepted for processing and consideration, it must be completely idled out in a clear and legible manner with all requested or necessary documentation attached. Answers should be brief and completed in the space ~ovidecL Additional sheets may be used if absolutely necessary or if requested. Answers shall be provided in the same order as in the .application. The City receives a limited amount of CDBG funds and typically hag requests for over two s~4 a half times the anmlal allocation; therefore, the application process should be considered highly competitive. Requested projects shall primarily benefit citizens of Rancho Cucamonga. Justification for the amount of funds requested should be provided as requested in the application. There are two separate CDBG proposal application packets. One packet is for proposed public service programs only. A second packet is for proposed consmiction and comm!mlly improvement projects. To determine which packet to use, read the descriptions on the first page of each packet We encourage you to call or come in to the City offices to discuss your proposal before it is submitted in order to clarify eligibility requirements and any other significant issues that may arise. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL The application must be returned to the Planning Division no later than 5:00 pm un .]~r~Jl~lt~,~l,~. Applications may be mailed or delivered to the following: Cindy Norris, CDBG Coordinator City of Rancho C~monga Planning Division 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cuc. amongig CA 91730 P.O. Box 807 Rancho CucamonSa, CA 91~29 ffyou have any questions regarding the above inform~on pleas~ do not beslta~ to comaet Cindy Norris. Community DeveloDment Block Grant Coord;n~t?T nt (909) 477-2750 ' 12. The following items must be submitted in order for the application to be considered. Space is limited so only submit the number of copies requested. See Section C for a detailed description of submittal requirements for each item listed below. X X X X X X X X X X X x Evidence of Workers Compensation Insurance (1 copy) * Not required if previously submitted ' - - Project Application with required narratives and data (3 copies) Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws * (1 copy) State and Federal Tax Exemption Determination Letters * (1 copy) Form 990 with the IRS (1 copy) List of Board of Directors (1 copy) Board of Directors Authori~on to Request Funds (1 copy) . Board of Directors Desilptation of Authorized Offi~al (1 copy) Org~-i~tional Chart (1 copy) Resume ofPlogram Admini.,glllRor (1 co~y) : ~" Resume of Fiscal Officer (1 copy) - Financial Statement and most recent audit'(1 copy) Conflict of Interest St-tement *(1 copy) Long Range Plan (1 copy) Evidence of Liability Insurance (1 copy) B. AGENCY OVERVIEW Complete this section only once to denon'be the overall agency aetivitie~ Agency History and Purpose: (Provide a brief background summ~ty of the agency's history in this geographical area including such information as length of time in ooeration, date of ~co~omtio~ and type of co~oratio~ etc.) ~ne SoutJ~fn Californ/a g~x~-~ I)ev~lent Corporati~, based in Rancho (~, in a n~n-profft afforr~hl S(~C has been a~,~essir~ affordable h~usin~ since 1990, and r~ived its articles of ink. pupation c~ March 26, 1992. ~ currently affordable apa~?.,~t o~,,,~_ities, four of which a~e es+~hlim~,t of the Social ~ro~-,,~ l)~p?. I .... t.- S~DC has ~t~~ ]ts o Describe the agency's overall mi-~-gion/purpose: ~"l~e ,9:m-the. zn 1'~1 'lcornia Housing De~.l~ ~ti~lt a mm-k~ufit ~tion~ de~l~._ argt mana'3~- hea~ ,.im3. affotrla1.'~ bo and s~ahilizati~ ~n the n~_' ~t~ ~ of S~uth~ ~'~,14f,~,~4~_, AS .,~---t of its U~gh a broad array of social services incl,~ C~4]d Bay Car~ Service~ ~' Page I - 2 City of Rancho Cucamonga's 1997-98 CDBG Application Agency: Southern Califom/a ltousincj Devol,~r,,ent Corp. STAFF AND VOLUNTEER PROFILE TOTAL ~ A B C D E F G AS OF JUNE 30, 199~Z' AGENCY MALE FEMALE African American Asian/ HbpaMe White Otl~r Unkuow~ ** American Indian Pacific .~WAFF , · Total # oF Per.)rs 99 58 41 ' 17 I 2 Pn)Fmi°mdSta~P~itimm -35 14 " - 21 2 I 1 2 9 Board 9 7 2 .. 9 Administmt~e Volunte~s' o= .' '-' FTE = Full Time Equivalent The ~um ofenlUmn? A through O must equal total ngency.enlunm Page I - 4 City of Ranc..ho Cucamonga's 1997-98 CDBG Application Agency Southern California HoU~tl~j Devil ,o~t O~r~ratt~l~ TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET REVENUE Use Whole DollaFs Only A B C D Most Recent Current Proposed Budget Percent Percent Fiscal Yin'* Operating Year July I, 1997 to Change Total PUBLIC SUPPORT Comn'butions Foundations & Private Grunts · FundniisingfSpecial Events United Way GOJ/~RN?,fENT Federal 500 · 000 Sta~e Local 7r653r225 28~325~771 10t000f000 Membership Dues Investment Income Transfer From Other Fund AIl O~her Reveflue 7~3391~430 10~,184~340 10.388~027 . Column A is the audited, or mo~ recently completed l2.month period ". : :, ~., ., · Percent change from BtoC. Fonnula(C-B)/B. Please' explain changes greater than ISpercent '.. Percent of total budget for Column C Page I - 6 Ci~ of Rancho Cucamonga's 199%98 CDBG Application Notes to Budget Information The "Total Operating Budget Revenues" and "Total Operating Budget E~se~- included in this application represent the operation of 12 apartment communities by Southern California Housing Development Corporation. "Other Revenue" and "Other Expenses" (the bulk of these budgets) are directly related to the operation of these properties, and represent rental income, maintenance expenses, operating expenses, and required reserves deposits for the properties. D. SPECIFIC PROGRAM INFORMATION Fill out this portion separately for each program in which funding is requested. Describe the proposed program and provide a scope of work. The narrative should include the need or problem to be addressed as well as the population to be seu~,ed or the area to benefit.. Describe the work to be performed, including the activities to be undertaken or the services to be provided, method of approach, and the implem_e,n, tation schedule. Aliach any applicable maps, plans, or b~chures. Given tha~ ~day s chilcl~n a~ th0~ who gill 1,:~'~ us ih the 2lst C~ntury and that ccmmmtti~s m~st h~althye safe envirc~m~nts :In sh:Lc~h f~tlt_os_ can ~l_e-eish the Ranaho ~ Public r.tl>~ and tl~ ~c~m ~11¢ ..... i~_ l:l~_ ~'t~ .' proven successfule this pro}ec~ can b~ r~, ~icatsd in the four ~-~t~ ~uthern o~lifc~nia fiousir~ Devol.~.~nt that can 10e used for two purposes: {1 ) Grou~ ac~ctvt~t _~_st~r~tu~s, -.. activities-this sa~e s~ace will be av~tlahle c~l a r~mlr f~_~i~ individual activities durin~ most of the (~nter's open h~_rs. utilizing desks with two c~e'~.~uters link~ to a sin~ele prtnt~__~f will have ac~ss to tl~ Internee and the nt~'s p~ Pa~ tr~,~n~ a i[,-'~t resource of full text p~l~tO~tcmlm ~'~11~ ~ ar~ ae to m R,11 Indicate which National Objective figs project meet~ Lower income benefit. '.What percent of persons or households to be served are lower income 44.5 % (low and moderate income is de~cl at below 80% or' the area median income). Slum and BHght. Page I - 9 City of Rancho Cucamonga's 1997-98 CDBG Application ...~ext Magazine ~dex. During Year 1, the Family Learning Center will be open 4 days each week to provide Homework Help for elementary school youth and from 10 to 1 on Saturdays for special family activities. Staffed by Southern California Housing Development Corporation staff and volunteers, special programs, storytimes and coordination will be provided by a Library Assistant II level paraprofessional, supervised by Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Staff. FAMILY LEARNING CENTER TIME LINE (If funds are awarded July 1, 1997) Jul Publicize award to local media 1997 Conduct recruitment for pan time Library Assistant II Develop "Needs Assessment Survey" and issue to each resident in the complex Develop job desk'riptions for volunteers .. Purchase computers and printer for Center - Esiablish telecommunications line and cunma:t with Intemet provider Establish an Advisory Council formed of residents, So Cai Housing staff and Library. staff to meet monthly . Aug Begin recruiting volunteers 1997 Design flyers promoting the program Develop evaluation forms Establish master calendar for programmin~/trainirlg activities Begin constructing Web site for new job seekers Sep 1997 Conduct volunteer training session Convert existing space into Family Learning Center Open Center for homework help Offer first Storytime program Begin van delivery of requested library materials Oct Continue to reerult/train volunteers 1997 Offer first training session on the topic of first priority identified by the needs assessment Nov Dec 1997 Jan 1998 Feb 1998 Conduct baseline 2 week evaluation of project .. Conduct follow up "Needs'Assessment" Write proposal for second year funding and expansion into second Housing center Offer second training session on the topic of next priority Submit application for CDBG funding for expanded'project ' Celebrate holidays with "open house" and publicize the private/city pminership Offer third training _ on the topic of next priority Cominue to update job ~ Web Site Continue to recruiVtrain volunteers Volunteer Reco_onifion Event Conduct 2 week evaluation of project Offer fourth trnlnlr~g session Mar Begin compiling material for Famil~ Learning Center start-up guide 1998 Offer fifth training session Offer VITA lax assistance on site Apr Continue to recruit/ltain volunteers 1995 Offer sixth ~aining session May Conduct 2 week evaluation of project 1998 Offer seventh training session June 1998 Hold Advisory Council meeting to eval.~_!¢ effectiveness of program = Provide a program specific budget, (as differentiated from overall agency budget), indicating line item costs such as personnel, supplies equipment, etc.... Include a listing of aH anti~pated sources of revenue. PROPOSED PROGRAM BUDGET CDBG SHARE OTHER SOURCES Personnel ~LJb. ~sst II/ 20 hrs.) $ 12,700 $ 19,500 Equipment(2 computers/1 printer) $ 71000 $ 2,000 Supplies · *' $ 3t500 $ 33,000 ~ Cons~fltant Servie~ $ . $ Space Rent & Utilities '' $ " ' $ 2.400 Audits $ $ . Other $ 500 $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL COSTS - $ 23,700 $ 56,900 GRAND TOTAL (CDBG + OTm~R) $ 80,400 . $ Provide a list of "other" sources of funds (i.e., CDBG funds fxom other cities or cofinties, private sources, United Way, etc....) with amount, source, and awmd date, if applicable. ..p~n~o Cucamcx~a Public r.t~ $ 44,500' $ · The amount requested for the program from 'the City of Rancho Cucamonga ~d be provided and its percentage portio~n'of the agency's program and ov~all budget indicated. Justification for the requested amount should be'provided ~.g., proportion of Rancho Cucamonga residents served to totsl clientele. ~ and 1~,,. are requ~A~ $2~,700 than 1% o~ SC~X:'s ovezall budc. let. ~Ls ~ rill service ~r~f~ ~oc.~l;a~"lrm at BF~OuneAtn~='lrl~ ;~um:+ffP~'-~ is 817, 364 (44.5%) c~ Uv'm'&t'e. Page I - 11 City of Rancho Cucamonga's 1997-98 CDBG Application E. ORGANIZATIONAL INFORMATION CIiECKLI,gT Please check either "yes" or "no'; for the following questions or provide the r~quested data for the 12-month period ending June ~0, 199_. Legal Requirements for Non-Profit A~en¢i~ The agency is incorporated as a non-profit organization and currently has exempt tax status 501(cX3) of the IRS Code and 2370(d) of the California Code. Yes x No The agency has maintained its California Tax-Exempt Non-Profit Corporation status by filing the '- . appwpriatc documents: Form' 990 wi~h the IRS Yes'x No Form 199 with the California Franchise Tax Board Statement of Domestic Non-Profit Corporation with the Sectary of State. yes x No Yes. x No, The governance of the agency i~ consistent with the agency bylaws and is reviewed annually to insure compliance: size of Board of Directors, selection and tenure of members, number of meetings, finn.cial and legal procedures and quorum requirements. Authorized number of Board member~ (minimum) 9 Actual number of Board membe~ · 9 Authorized number of Board meetings Actual number of Board mee~n? held 12 Authorized number required for quorum Average number of members attending per meefin~ 7 4. AL! necessary licenses required to opera~ are ma{nt{~.nod Yes' x No Page 1 - 12 City of Rancho Cucamonga's 199%98 CDBG Application STATISTICS Days Open Items Borrowed Average Daily % Change Patrons Registered Average Daily % Change Information Questions Average Daily % Change Items Classified % Change Volunteer Hours % Change Intsdlbrary Loen Books Borrowed ADULT SERVICES Information Questions Average Daily % Change Programs/Classes Attendance fi of Sessions Aver. per session Tours/Group VIsits To the Library Number of Tours Aver. per session CHILDRENS SERVICES Information Questions Average Daily % Change Preschool Storytime Attendance # of Sessions Aver. per session Aftemchool Storytime Attendance fi of Sessions Aver. per session Special Events Program Attendance fi of Sessions Aver. per session Group Visits to Library fi of Sessions Aver. per session School Visits by Staff # of VIsits UTERACY SERVICES LeamemAssensed ~amem wa~ng~rtutom ~amem m~rmd Tutors OHentafion Attendance Tutors Trained Tutors Matched NOV 96 NOV 95 FY 96/97 FY 95~96 27 26 147 147 51,900 52,313 272,819 261,905 1 ,g22 2,012 1,856 1,782 -4% 4% 1,000 1,567 . 5,581 7,702 37 60 38 52 -39% -28% 7,399 8,268 36,836 41,878 274 318 251 285 -14% -12% 1,064 2,384 6,360 11,277 -55% 44% 221 219 2002 1927 1% 4% 18 7 38 16 4,255 3,972 23,306 20,886 158 153 159 142 3% 12% 0 40 67 40 0 1 3 1 ERR 40 22 40 21 30 93 147 3 2 7 7 7 15 13 21 3,144 4,296 13,530 15,577 116 165 92 106 -30% -13% 455 419 1621 1874 18 16 66 62 25 26 25 30 61 25 496 140 3 1 19 5 20 25 26 28 0 0 58 456 0 0 4 9 ERR ERR 15 51 65 32 335 409 5 2 16 15 13 16 21 27 0 75 38 75 0 1 I I NOV 96 NOV 95 FY 96/97 FY 95/96 2 NA 18 NA 9 NA 23 NA 2 NA NA NA I NA I NA NA NA 18 NA 12 NA 27 NA 9 NA 23 NA DECLARATION OF POSTING OF AGENDA VI¥IAN GARCIA states and declares as follows: I presently am, and at all times mentioned herein have been, the Administrative Secretary of the Library of Rancho Cucamonga. Acting in that capacity, on /~0~. /~ ~ , at ~3~O ~r~;., I posted a true and correct copy of agenda dated /~0~- ~ /]~& at 10500 the meeting Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed on ~O~%/, ~jO~/' ~-/ , at Rancho Cucamonga. DEBORAH KAYE CLARK, LIBRARY MANAGER City of Rancho Cucamonga BY: Vivian Garcia, Administrative Secretary City of Rancho Cucamonga