HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996/10/03 - Agenda Packet - Library Board of TrusteesDECLARATION OF POSTING OF AGENDA VI¥IAN GARCIA states and declares as follows: I presently am, and at all times mentioned herein have been, the Administrative Secretary of the Library of Rancho Cucamonga. Acting in that capacity, on agenda dated Center Drive, , I posted a true and correct copy of the meeting ~7%_~f ~ /?~WJ at 10500 Civic Rancho Cucamonga. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed on ~OJ~- 36. /~ , at Rancho Cucamonga. DEBORAH KAYE CLARK, LIBRARY MANAGER City of Rancho Cucamonga BY: ¥ivian Garcia, Administrative Secretary City of Rancho Cucamonga LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETING First Thursday 7:00 p.m. October 3, 1996 Civic Center Council Chambers 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 City Councilmembers William J. Alexander, Mayor Rex Gutierrez, Mayor Pro Tem Paul Biane, Councilmember James V. Curatalo, Councilmember Diane Williams, Councilmember Boardmembers Robert Howdyshell, President Laura J. Muna-Landa, President Pro Tem Rebecca Davies, Boardmember Gina Gregory, Boardmember Edward E. Swistock, Boardmember ~~ PAGE Board of Library Trustees Agenda 1 Regular Meeting, October 3, 1996 A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Roll Call: Howdyshell __., Davies , Gregory Muna-Landa , and Swistock ' B. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Boardmember or member of the audience for discussion. 1. Approval of Minutes: September 5, 1996 1 C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1. Library Status Report: oral report presented by staff and written report from Karen Schneiderwent, Circulation Supervisor, on status of Collection Agency action. 2. Budget report: presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. 8 3. Internet Access: oral report presented by Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian. 4. Sponsorship Policy: presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. ! 6 D. BOARD BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the Board of Library Trustees for discussion. They are not public hearing items, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1. Determination of items for the agenda of the Joint Board and Council meeting scheduled for October 16th, 5:30 p.m. 2. Reports from Committees .~ PAGE Board of Library Trustees Agenda Regular Meeting, October 3, 1996 Foundation Board Subcommittee: by President Howdyshell and Staff Oral report on recruitment, appointment and swearing in to occur at joint meeting. Telethon Subcommittees: by Boardmembers and staff 1) Presentation of initial artwork: Nina Cole, Children's Assistant. 2) Pennies for Pages: report on presentation to School Superintendents, Library Manager presenting an oral report. 3) Fundraiser Kick-off: oral report by Library Manager. 4) Update on Talent Contest, Donor Wall Contest and Video Contest. Oral report presented by Library Manager. 5) Potential of Trivia Contest: oral report by Principal Librarian. 6) Need for Executive Committee Meeting and other subcommittee meetings: oral report presented by Library Manager. E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING This is the time for the Board of Library Trustees to identify the items they wish to discuss at the next meeting. These items will not be discussed at this meeting, only identified for the next meeting. F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC This is the time and place for the general public to address the Board of Library Trustees. State law prohibits the Board from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. G. ADJOURNMENT MEETING TO ADJOURN TO OCTOBER 16, 1996, AT 5:30 P.M. IN THE TRI-COMMUNITIES CONFERENCE ROOM FOR A JOINT MEETING WITH THE CITY COUNCIL. I, Vivian Garcia, Library Administrative Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on Monday, September 30, 6:00 p.m., 1996, seventy-mo (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54953 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIVIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: October 3, 1996 President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR SEPTEMBER 5. 1996 RECOMMENDATION Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees for September 5, 1996. BACKGROIYND Minutes taken and compiled by Library Administrative Secretary Vivian Garcia. /~6,ectfully submitted, Deborah Kaye ~lai'k ) Library Managei--~-~ 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meetine .A. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, September 5, 1996, in the Council Chambers of the City of Rancho Cucamonga located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. and the pledge of allegiance was led by President Howdyshell. Present were Boardmembers Davies, Gregory and Swistock. Also present were: Deborah Clark, Library Manager, Renee Tobin Children's Services Supervisor, Rosie Manela, Literacy Assistant and Vivian Garcia, Administrative Secretary. B. BOARD BUSINESS BI. Approval of Minutes: July 25, 1996 REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION BY STAFF. B2. Approval of Minutes: August 1, 1996. B3. Approval of Minutes: August 12, 1996. B4. Approval of Emergency Procedures Policy for Power Failure. B5. Approval of Shelving Expansion: Phase I. B6. Approval of Amendments to the Bylaws for the Foundation Board. B7. Approval of CALTAC Award Nominees. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Swistock to approve the consent calendar, seconded by PresidentHowdyshell. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (with Muna-Landa absent). DISCUSSION OF ITEM BI. July 25, 1996, minutes. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that corrected minutes for July 25, 1996, were before Board members and should be approved as a separate item. Library Board Minutes September 5, 1996 Page 2 MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Davies to approve corrected minutes, seconded by President Howdyshell. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (with Muna-Landa absent). Boardmember Muna-Landa arrived at 7:04 p.m. C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS C 1. Library Status Report: oral report presented by staff. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that August was a month filled with events and planning. The Summer Reading Program was wrapping up and our first on line catalog class was held. The Franchise Tax Board wrote saying that our Foundation has received tax exempt status. Staff also heard from the State Library that there will be no State grant funding opportunities this year. However, MURLs grant funding, a Federal program, will be increased this year from $9,000 to $13,000. Staff has been working on the Donor Wall art contest, creating the graphic images for the Telethon and planning an exciting Founders Day event. This year staff is planning to celebrate the unbirthday of the Library. Staffis entering an Alice in Wonderland float in the Founders Day Parade. Renee Tobin, Children's Services Librarian, reported that Librarian Sandy Woodcock presented a program on "Learn to Use the Library" targeted for teens which was held last Thursday evening. Over twenty students attended. Reference staff is planning to conduct another basic session in October and an introduction to the Internet as a research tool in the near future. In August, Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, gave an Intemet presentation for the Municipal Management Association of Southern California and presented how Rancho Cucamonga uses the Internet. On September 5, he provided training to the detectives of the police department on how law enforcement can use the Intemet. The Children's Services Department is focusing on the windup of the Summer Reading Program. The Omnitrans Bus Promotion had 85 children and young adults signed up for the program. A total of 66 were from Rancho Cucamonga, 14 from Fontana and a few from other cities. C2. Budget Report: presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, reviewed handouts of Schedule A and B with the Board. Library Board Minutes September 5, 1996 Page 3 D. BOARD BUSINESS D 1. Reports from Committees Telethon: by Boardmembers and staff Final selection of date for Library Telethon: presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, reviewed the dates for the Telethon with the Board and recommended selection of the March 21/22 date. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Swistock to select the March 21 and 22, 1997, dates for the Library Telethon. Seconded by Boardmember Davies. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. Approval of Pennies for Pages Proposal: Working with the School Districts. Presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, reviewed the proposal with the Board and stated that, with their approval, she would present the proposal to the Superintendents at their September 19th meeting. The plan involves a 50/50 split with schools that participate in the fundralser. All monies raised must be spent on school curriculum support. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Davies for staffto share the Pennies for Pages proposal with the School Superintendents, seconded by Boardmember Swistock. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. Foundation Board Subcommittee: by President Howdyshell and staff Oral report on results of recruitment and upcoming interview/selection process. President Howdyshell gave an oral report on the results to the Board on the process of the Foundation Board interview and selection process, stating that interviews will take place on the 9th of September. D2. Authorization of Foundation Board Selection Subcommittee to approve final candidates for Library Foundation Board. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, recommended the Board authorize the subconunittee to approve final candidates to facilitate the selection process. 4 Library Board Minutes September 5, 1996 Page 4 MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Muna-Landa to authorize the Foundation Board Selection Subcommittee to approve the final candidates for the Library Foundation Board, seconded by Boardmember Gregory. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-0-1. D3. Consideration of elimination of the requirement of residency for Foundation Boardmembers. Oral presentation by President Howdyshell. President Howdyshell gave an oral presentation to the Board, encouraging them to allow applicants who are in the business community, but who do not live in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, to be part of the recruitment for Foundation Boardmembers. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Gregory to recommend to Council removal of the strict residency requirement to serve on the Library Foundation Board, but wanted it noted that preference in selection be given to those applicants who are residents of the city. Seconded by President Howdyshell. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. D4. Consideration of draft Sponsorship Policy and sponsorship oppommity with Discovery Toys. Presented by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, reviewed the counter proposal given by Cheri Gregory of Discovery Toys with the Board, changing the terms to allow her (Gregory) to conduct the Storytime and to use her own products. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Muna-Landa to direct staff to work with Discovery Toys in negotiating a proposal and to bring the information back at the next Board meeting, seconded by Boardmember Gregory. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. Boardmember Swistock made the recommendation that the Board direct staff to continue negotiations; however, the Board does not feel comfortable with Discovery Toys bringing in products specific to their catalog or to their sales environment. Boardmember Muna-Landa asked if Cheri Gregory also teaches classes which are advertised in the Grapevine. She asked staff to pursue further information using those channels. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Swistock to direct staffto stick to the initial proposal and not to have someone who sells a product presenting a storytime. Seconded by President Howdyshell. Motion carded unanimously, 5-0. D5. Status of request for joint meeting with City Council: oral presentation by Deborah Clark, Library Manger. 5 Library Board Minutes September 5, 1996 Page 5 Deborah Clark, Librmy Manager, asked the Board to check their calendars and to see if the tentative date of October 17 at 5:30 p.m. would be a convenient time and date for them for the joint meeting with the City Council. D6. California Library Association: Conference attendance. Oral report by Deborah Clark, Library Manager. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, requested interested Boardmembers should contact Vivian Garcia. E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING El. Report on effectiveness of Stage 1 and Stage 2 Collection Agency Performance at request of President Howdyshell. E2. Telethon. E3. Agenda items for the joint meeting with the City Council. E4. Sponsorship Policy. President Howdyshell requested that at the next Board Meeting which is held at the Library, he would like a training session on the new items which are available at the Library a half hour or more before the meeting. F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None were received. 6 Library Board Minutes September 5, 1996 Page 6 G. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Muna-Landa to adjoum to Thursday, October 3, 1996, at 7:00 p.m., seconded by President Howdyshell. Motion carded unanimously, 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Vivian Garcia Administrative Secretary Approved: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIVIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: October 3, 1996 President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager BUDGET REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER RECOMMENDATION No recommendation. For information only. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Schedule A*, titled Revenue Report September 1996 attached for your review. Schedule B, titled "Balance Sheet July through September FY 1996/97" will be available at the meeting. Schedule C*, titled "Library Expenditures 1996/97" is an accounting of all funds expended so far this fiscal year, showing 19% of library funds expended or encumbered at 17% into the fiscal year. Also included are the expenditure figures for Literacy and Redevelopment Agency funds. /~pectfully submitted, Deborah Kaye C, lark~ Library Manager * Updated through September 29, 1996 REVENUE REPORT September t 996 FINES & FEES Schedule A MEDIA LIBRARY REF DONA- SALES RENTALS SALES SERV. TIONS TAX September 1 - closed September 2 - closed September 3 $381.03 $243.64 $0.00 $10.00 $0.25 $18.86 September 4 $192.54 $198.01 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15.24 September 5 $240.37 $166.49 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.79 September 6 $123.65 $183.36 $0.00 $2.00 $0.00 $14.14 September 7 & 8 $381.51 $285.94 $5.58 $4.00 $0.50 $22.48 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 September 9 $376.07 $142.75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11.00 September 10 $224.51 $151.54 $0.00 $4.00 $0.00 $11.70 September 11 $262.37 $160.17 $0.00 $2.00 $0.00 $12.36 September 12 $171.64 $162.88 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.58 September 13 $115.10 $151.56 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11.69 September 14 & 15 $444.25 $287.74 $12.06 $2.00 $0.00 $23.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 September 16 $214.62 $133.24 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10.26 September 17 $268.50 $154.83 $0.00 $5.00 $0.00 $11.92 September 18 $218.67 $155.74 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.01 September 19 $277.40 $161.27 $0.00 $4.66 $25.00 $12.48 September 20 $113.10 $133.67 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10.33 September21 & 22 $347.30 $282.25 $3.72 $0.00 $0.00 $22.03 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 September 23 $297.79 $174.13 $2.78 $2.00 $0.00 $13.59 September 24 $225.90 $124.43 $8.35 $0.00 $0.00 $10.22 September 25 $175.55 $172.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13.25 September26 $161.56 $147.45 $0.00 $10.00 $0.00 $11.34 September 27 $266.56 $148.51 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11.48 September 28 & 29 $443.30 $324.19 $5.56 $0.00 $0.00 $25.56 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 September 30 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTALS: $5,923.29 AUGUST TOTALS $6,756.40 % CHANGE -12% TOTAL INCOME: $10,609.55 TOTAL LIBRARY INCOME $10,279.04 Daily Average Fines $219.38 Daily Average Media $157.27 Daily Average Sales $1.41 Daily Average APS $16.54 Daily Average Ref. Fees $1.69 DAILY TOTALS $396.29 GAIN/LOSS ON PRO J: ($796) PERSONNEL EXPENSES Part time Salaries $13,359 GAIN/LOSS ON PRO J: $2,447 BALANCE $1,650.96 $4,246.29 $38.05 $45.66 $25.75 $330.51 $5,492.19 $11.13 $48.06 $13.87 $424.71 -23% 242% 96~97 Proj: $253.91 $150.51 $0.00 $16.13 $1.43 $421.98 $15,806 LIBRARY EXPENDITURES JUL AUG 1996197 PERSONNEL 1100 REGULAR SALARIES $381,590 $36,691 $29,078 1200 OVERTIME SALARIES $1,000 $0 $0 1300 PART TIME SALARIES $205,480 $17,336 $14,046 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS $145,300 $12,108 $12,108 TOTAL PERSONNEL $733,370 $66,135 $55,233 OPERATIONS SEP TOTALS SPENT PE FUNDS % % OF CATEGOR REMAININ SPENTYEAR 25% $29,078 $94,848 $94,848 $286,742 25% $0 $0 $0 $1,000 0% $13,359 $44,741 $44,741 $160,739 22% $12,108 $36,325 $36,325 $108,975 25% $54,546 $175,914 $175,914 $557,456 24% 3100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS California Librapj Conference Corwin workshops Karatsu-workshops Meeting Supplies Clark-meetings Hood 3300 MILEAGE Auto Allowance Reimbursement Gamia Pages Hood Corwin Tobin 3900 MAINTENANCEIOPER Printing/Postage Printing Postage $2,500 $3,800 $3,000 $800 $125,020 $4,OOO $250 $2O $11 $14 $22O $250 $20 $3 $45 $25O $27 $3 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $265 $0 $75O $0 $27 $43 $0 $0 $11 $0 $0 $16 $265 $2,235 11% $52,935 $72,085 42% $16 $3,984 0% $832 $2,968 22% $750 $2,250 25% $82 $718 10% Office Supplies $18,000 Cataloging Supplies $2,069 $103 Farts Photo House 8 Ave. graphics Office Depot $8,000 Laminating supplies $194 Hardware Reimbursements-office Petty Cash Computer supplies Stationary Federal Express $14 Board Supplies Special Program Supplies $5,000 Children's Supplies $229 Children's Programs - Friends Cassettes for Hist. Grant Software Summer Reading Program (FR) $48 Creation of Foundation Literacy Projects Volunteer Supplies Business Friends Reference On-line Advertising/Promotions National Library Week - Friends Foundation Board recruitment $440 Books/Materials $88,310 Bookstore rush $1,174 $65 Childrens Books $14,041 Adult Books $15,030 Reference Books $156 $993 Reference CD's $360 Circulating Instructional CD's Large Pdnt Books - Friends $1,877 Books on Tape - Friends Video $2,325 $14 $11 $87 $6 $5O $35 $220 $500 $102 $194 $17 $197 $16 $137 $0 $2,183 $o $o $o $8,087 $2O0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $14 $0 $0 $280 $o $o $35 $48 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $660 $0 $1,738 $14,144 $15,223 $1,166 $360 $0 $2,074 $16 $2,476 $10,483 $363 $660 $38,196 $7,517 $4,637 ($660) $50,114 58% 7% ERR 43% CD's (music) $1,000 Literacy Magazines/Publications $6,210 $2,013 Training $500 Binder,/ $1,000 Collection Agency $2,000 3914 MAINTENANCE DEPT $11,830 Janitorial Supplies $4,260 $3,000 Facility Maintenance supplie $5,630 $273 Sinclair Paint $500 Familian Pipe Supply $1,000 Mountain View Glass $0 R&R Electric $500 Trash Receptacle Owen Electric $500 Graffiti Removal Supplies $200 Landscape Maint. supplies $1,300 Water/Fire Service $440 3956 DUES $2,100 American Library Assoc. $450 MCLS Associate Membershi $150 California Library Assoc. $500 Inland Library system $1,000 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY $4,340 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES $67,530 Offic Equip/Maintenance $3,500 Book Processing & OCLC $23,000 S.B. County $100,000 Technology Maintenance $7,000 Telephone Maintenance $3,000 Computer Tech Services $31,030 $24,881 $1,000 $125 $3,676 $10,236 $205 $150 $45 $919 $2,848 $1,000 $0 $2,218 $0 $1,000 $0 $3,000 $273 $500 $1,000 $0 $500 $0 $500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150 $170 $919 $0 $3,676 $10,236 $0 $0 $2,848 $24,881 $2,218 $0 $1,000 $0 $5,773 $3,000 $273 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,239 $0 $150 $170 $919 $3,530 $41,641 $3,676 $10,236 $0 $0 $2,848 $24,881 $3,992 $500 $0 $2,000 $6,057 $1,260 $5,357 $0 $200 $1,300 $44O $861 $45O $0 $330 $81 $810 $25,889 ($176) $12,764 $100,000 $7,000 $152 $6,149 36% 0% 100% O% 49% 70% 5% 0% 0% 0% 89% 0% 100% 34% 92% 81% 62% 105% 45% O% O% 95% 8O% 6036 CONTRACT SERVICES $59,300 $15,108 $44,192 25% Janitorial Services $16,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 50% Secudty Service $3,360 $1,703 $1,703 $1,703 $1,657 51% Elevator Service $6,160 $250 $250 $250 $5,910 4% HVAC $14,500 $326 $460 $460 $1,246 $1,246 $13,254 9% Electrical $4,160 $631 $631 $631 $3,529 15% Glass replacement $2,000 $0 $0 $2,000 0% Locksmith $0 $166 $166 $166 ($166) ERR Plumbing $2,000 $0 $0 $2,000 0% Pest Control $670 $229 $229 $229 $441 34% Fire/Life Safety $670 $686 $686 $686 ($16) 102% Structural/Roof $2,910 $880 $880 $880 $2,030 30% Exterior Grounds Maint. $6,870 $413 $491 $413 $1,317 $1,317 $5,553 19% 7047 COMPUTER EQUIP. 8019 TELEPHONE 989-8277 (Rotary line) 181-1185 (T1 line) 948-9900 980-0871 (EMS & Security) 980-4361 (Elevator) 989-2036 (Telecirc) 987-3271 (Irrigation Sprink.) 989-6904 (Public Fax) MCI 8021 WATER UTILITIES Inside Use Landscaping 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES TOTAL LIBRARY BUDGET $3,000 Friends donation $3,000 $3,000 $16,200 $407 $374 $781 $214 $214 $217 $645 $441 $441 $53 $52 $105 $26 $26 $52 $0 $26 $26 $52 $34 $33 $34 $100 $20 $20 $4,000 $$0,000 $4,783 $1,082,990 $127,117 $107,923 $189 $189 $321 $321 $4,227 $9,010 $73,384 $308,425 $3,000 $2,196 $510 $9,010 $308,955 $0 100% $14,004 14% $3,490 13% $40,99O 18% $774,035 29% LITERACY EXPENDITURES 1996~97 CITY VERSION PERSONNEL 1100 REGULAR SALARIES 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS TOTAL PERSONNEL OPERATIONS JUL AUG SEP TOTALS SPENT PE FUNDS % % OF CATEGOR REMAININ SPENTYEAR $21,210 $1,768 $1,768 $1,768 $5,303 $5,303 $15,908 25% $7,850 $654 $654 $654 $1,963 $1,963 $5,888 25% $29,060 $2,422 $2,422 $2,422 $7,265 $7,265 $21,795 25% 25% 3100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS $800 3300 MILEAGE $350 $67 3900 MAINTENANCEIOPER $6,800 Printing/Postage $3,000 Printing Postage Office Supplies $2,000 Instructional Materials $1,500 $70 5910 LIBRARY OVERHEAD $7,670 $7,670 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES $48,846 Literacy Coordinator $43,846 Tutor Training $5,000 Telephone Contract $0 $3,452 8019 TELEPHONE $1,200 $100 TOTAL LITERACY BUDGET $94,426 $13,781 $3,452 $5O $0 $0 $0 $519 $519 $1,021 $1,091 $50 $60 $750 6% $67 $67 $283 19% $1,610 $4,890 25% $0 $3,000 0% $519 $1,091 $7,670 $7,67O $3,452 $10,356 $4,250 $4,250 $o $100 $100 $300 $5,974 $11,814 $31,568 $14,606 $10,366 $4,250 $300 $31,568 $1,481 26% $409 73% $0 100% $34,240 $33,490 $75O $90O $62,858 30% 24% 85% 25% 33% REDEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURES FY 1996197 July Materials Books Standing Order for Ref. Rental Books Books on Tape Magazines CD's Citizen Pdnter for self check Sub Total $50,000 $0 Aug Sep TOTALS FUNDS % % OF SPENT REMAINING SPENT YEAR 25% $26,349 $23,691 53% $5,326 $5,326 $6,400 $6,400 $11,210 $11,210 $3,000 $3,000 $0 $0 $412 $412 $412 $25,937 $26,349 Plans/Designs Literacy remodel/shelving Sub Total $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $0 100% Furnishings/misc. Study Carrell Admin. cabinets PB Racks Rental book display Shelving Childrens Shelving Adult (Estimate) Sub Total '$40,000 $1,041 $13,957 $26,043 35% $1,454 $761 $565 $1,637 $8,500 $1,041 $0 $12,916 $13,957 TOTALS $100,000 $1,041 $412 $38,853 $50,306 $49,694 50% CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 3, 1996 TO: President and Members of the Library Board of Trustees Jack Lam, A.I.C.P., City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF DRAFT SPONSORSHIP POLICY RECOMMENDATION: That the Board review the proposed policy on Sponsorships and determine if this is the direction they wish to follow in the pursuit of business sponsorships for library programs. BACKGROUND: The attached article on corporate sponsorship, originally shared with the Board in December of 1995, reflects the current thinking on this still new library fundraising concept. Several major libraries, including San Francisco, San Antonio and Brooklyn are working with sponsorships to varying degrees. The Library Board requested staffto create a policy to deal with corporate sponsorship. The attached draft policy reflects staffs' enthusiasm for working with the corporate world, but also the concerns. Staffsupports and recommends a sponsorship program only as long as the right of selecting or rejecting sponsors remains under the control of the Library Board of Trustees. FISCAL IMPACT: Potential increase in revenue ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 per year. ly submitted, Deborah Kaye~ Library Manager 16 SPONSORSHIP POLICY PURPOSE OF THE POLICY: To establish guidelines to develop sponsorships for the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library that are supportive of the mission of the Library and consistent with the values of the organization. DEFINITIONS: Grants: A grant shall be defined as monetary support from a private foundation, government or corporation's foundation for a program that further the mission of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library and for which Rancho Cucamonga Library plays an integral role in the design and implementation. Grant funds and grant funded projects should be philanthropic gestures and not tied to other promotions. Sponsorships: A sponsorship is an investment by a company in the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library that creates an affiliation for marketing purposes. The company acquires the right to affiliate with Rancho Cucamonga Public Library in exchange for an unrestricted fee, above and beyond any direct project costs. PURPOSE OF SPONSORSHIPS To help the Library achieve its mission to provide for the informational, recreational and cultural needs of its communities. The primary purpose for engaging in a collaborative partnership must be to promote support for the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library and to fund programs that support the mission and roles of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library as identified by the Library Board of Trustees. QUALIFICATIONS OF SPONSORS Joint relationships should be entered into with other organizations and business enterprises whose strength and reputation have been evaluatect Strength and reputation shall be discerned by the following: Evaluation of the business or organization confirms the ability to pay and fulfill terms of the contract 17 Organization's mission and/or objectives are not in conflict with Rancho Cucamonga Public Library's The organization and/or grant must be appropriate to the project to be sponsored i.e. an adult product sponsor shouldn't support a children's program. All parties to the agreement must be disclosed and acceptable to the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. SPONSORSHIP OF A NEW PROGRAM The structure and level of the relationship represents the best method of accomplishing the purpose or meeting the need ~uideline~ Rancho Cucamonga Public Library agrees to the size, scope and complexity of the project Rancho Cucamonga Public Library plays in integral role in developing and implementing the proposed project Responsibilities are divided according to the capabilities of the partners Rancho Cucamonga Public Library maintains leverage in control and direction of project The project meets stated priorities of Rancho Cucamonga Public Library WRITTEN AGREEMENTS AND USE OF THE NAME "RANCHO CUCAMONGA PUBLIC LIBRARY" Formal joint relationships require a written agreement which, among other things specifies that Rancho Cucamonga Public Library retains control of the use of its name. 0 ratin uideline- Assure that the agreement can do the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library no harm. Each agreement should contain specific language that projects the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library'sname, marks and logo and must be approved by the Board of Library Trustees. NO ENDORSEMENT GIVEN OR IMPLIED Joint relationships with other organizations or business enterprises do not necessarily imply endorsement of their policies, products or services. 18 The Rancho Cucamonga Public Library will control the promotion of the partnership through a strict pre-approval process. 19 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: October 3, 1996 Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Board of Trustees Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager Parameters of Library_ Use for Alex Gri~sby RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve staffs recommendation to limit for one month (or until November 7, 1996) the use of the Library for Alex Grigsby, age 12, to times when he is accompanied by his parent or guardian. BACKGROUND: Alex Grigsby, age 12, was twice evicted from the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library due to loud and boisterous behavior, behavior endangering himself and the potential of endangering others and abusive language. Consistent with the attached Rules of Behavior, library staff evicted Alex Grigsby on Monday, September 30 and Tuesday, October 1. The Tuesday incident with Alex culminated in his climbing a tree outside the library, jumping up and down on the limbs of the ~'ee and hurling obscenities at pa~'ons entering the building. The police were called. Responding officer interviewed the youngster and culminated the discussion by advising him that he is now welcome in the Library only when accompanied by his parent or guardian. The attached letter sent to the official guardian of Alex as stated in the Library's database, invites Ms. Palmer to phone or meet with the Library Director to discuss Alex and determine a course of action that would be in the best interest of both Alex and other library patrons. As of Thursday, 2 p.m., no response from Ms. Palmer has been received. At this time, staff requests authorization to require Alex to limit his visits to those time when he can be accompanied by his parent or guardian from this evening until November 7th, 1996. Should Alex defy this requirement and continue in his current pattern, staffwill continue to evict Alex if he violates the attached rules of behavior, will continue to involve the Police Department, and will escalate conversations with his guardian by involving the responding officer. In addition, at the November Board meeting, the Board will be requested to ban all library visits by Alex for a 1 month period. ~ffully subm itted~/~) [. Library Manager R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A O~t~ob~r ~pl~B L I C L I BRARY Denise Palmer 9244 19th Rancho Cucamonga CA Dear Ms. Palmer, I have been unable to reach you by phone, which I regret. I am hoping that this letter will prompt you to call me at my office so that we may discuss the behavior of a child I believe is in your care. His name is Alex Grigsby. During the past several days, staff of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Libra~ have twice been required to evict Alex Gfigsby and a companion believed to be his older brother from the library due to their disturbances of other patrons with loud and disruptive behavior. On Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. it was necessary to call the police when Alex dimbed the olive tree on the library lot, and was jumping up and down in the tree, putting himself and others in danger, while yelling obscenities at pattons entering the library. Even after police intervention, Alex's companion was evicted after a parent complained that he was harrassing a table of girls in the children's department The Rancho Cucamoaga Public Library policy in this area allows staffto ban from the library for a period of one month any patron who has been evicted once and continues to repeat the behavior that prompted the original eviction. (Rules of Conduct are attached.) We have already evicted Alex and his companion twice. While I am always reluctant to ban a youngster, if Alex continues in his present behavior, I will have to pursue that action. Alex's age (I believe he is 12 years old?) places him right on the cusp of being a "Latchkey" child. As you will see from the Latchkey Policy I have attached, police intervention is sought if no other solution is found. I hope that you can persuade Alex to either change his behavior or that you will find another location for Alex to spend his after school hours since his current actions could have serious repercussions. I would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss this further with you, since the on*going use of the library for a child is a serious issue for us. My phone number is (909) 948- 9900, ext. 5020. Please call and perhaps we can arrange a time to meet and talk in parson. 7368ArchlbolclAvenue * Rc~"~:hoCuco~a, CA91730 · (909)948-9~0 · Fax (~i~?) 989-896 ^p~tix A RULES OF CONDUCT The purpose of these rules is to foster a quie! and orderly atmosphere conducive to every patron's exercise of ~heir conslitmionally protected interesl in receiving and reading written communications. The rights of an individual to use of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library should not he abridged or denied. To guarantee these rights for all persons, no library pattie shall engage in hehavior prohibited by the following niles of the Board of Library Tttcteet In addition, on the premises of ibc Rancho Cucamonga Public Lih'~, ~he violation ofany federal or state s',axutes ot Ioctl ordinances will also he ~-,ptded as a violation of h'bmy nda. The rules tl~ follow ut cited by way of illustration and not Itm:t~on. PERSONS IN APPARENT VIOLATION OF FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL LAW ARK TO BE REPORTED TO THE POLICE BY THE li]GHEST RANKING STAFF biEMBER PRESENT AND LEGAL ACTION MAY ALSO BE TAKEN THROUGH THE FILENG OF A COMPLAINT. 2. 3. 4. 5. Commit an assail]~ 0r an assau]! and battery upon ~y ~ ~t ~ off~ of~y ~ ~ ~y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o~y ~y, ~e, ~ or ~ove ~y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~g~e ~ my ~t or o~ ~ ~ ~e ~y ~ ~ of~ U~, ~ve ~y ~ ~11 ~ ~n~H~ ~ B~g a ~ ~ a ~ ~n ~ ~ ~. PERSONS WHO VIOLATE THE ABOVE RULES ARE SUBJECT TO ~ ~VIT~mOLDING OF LIBRARY PRIVILEGES AS FOLLOWS: ~,~.Q.l~.~ii~ LIBRARY PRIVII.~-GF~ WII.L BE REVOKK. I~ FOR ONE MONTH SUBSEOUtNT OFFENSKS: LIBRARY PRINqLF. GF..q WILL BE REMOVtD FOR ON~ Also in acc~hncc ~ ~ h~s ~ ~ ~ on h~ ~ ~: I0. con,oiled subtract; t~;, nde shall not be constn~ k) apply to a ptmm whon facOies have --~m impaimi by medica6on IXesm'bed ~ a physlclan and taken as di:ec~L 12. 13. 14. Persist in disturbing Ibe public peace and quiel by loud or a~tessive condua. Knowingly harass any person ('Harass' is defined as any r~.ated nonverbal ~ which is specifically intended to frighten, embarrass, or angs~ the lZ~Soa ov penons ate the object of such conduct or which the person accused has teasoo to know is likely to produce such reactions, or as any repeated verbal communication which, by its uuerance, inflicts injury or tends to incite an immediate lx'each of the peace). Loiter on the premises of the libra~ under circummnces that warrant alarm for the safety or health of any person or properly in the vicini~, such as being one of a group of people threatening, making threateoi%o gestures at or otherwise menacin~ pmons in the Summon, s,,i~ou~ suy toed reason fl~'~fo~., by ~elepbo~ or oam~se, ~e ~ or dep~mem or any public or privm ambulate. PERSONS WHO VIOLAT~ THE ABOVE RULES ARE SUB,IF. CT TO ~ WITI~IOLDING OF LIBRARY PRIVILEGES AS FOLLOWS: ~ THE PERSON MUST LEAVE T~ LmRARY l~OR THE REST OF THE DAY ~ LIBRARY PRIVILEGES WILL BE REVOk'I~ FOR ONE MONTll SUBSI~OUENT OFFENSES: LIBRARY PI~v'ILEGF~ WILL BE REVOKED FOR ONE In addilion, it is the policy of the Rm~cho Cucamoogs Public Lilmuy: i~. 16. To require that palx'ons x~ar shirts and ~o~ at all time~ in the h'~. OUT UNTIL CLOTFIg~D PROPERLY. To prohi'oit the disturbance of o~er libra,-y l~rOns and interfereme with ~ h'~ patrons' use of the facilities through extremely poor i~sonal hygi~z. OUT UNTIL PROBLEM IS CORRECTED. ! 7. To prohibit the consumption and/or possession of alcoholic beverages in h'lraty buildin~ or on the grounds of library buildings. ONE WARNING, THEN OUT FOR ~ DAY. 18. To prolu'bit m~oki%o, ONE WARNUNG, TRg~N OUT FOR Tug~ DAY. 19. To ptx~hibit the comunpfion of food and beverages in thc h'br&.y. ONE WARNING, THEN OUT FOR THE DAY. 20. To prohi"oit thc me ofbicycl~, roller skates and skateboards in the h'~. Bicye.~s nay not be brought into thc h'brary l~ilding. ONE WARNING, ~ OUT FOR TI~ DAY. 21. TIWaN OUT FOR THE DAY. handicapped may be made.) 01~ WARN~G, ~ OUT FOR TI~ DAY. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. To prohibit all campaigning, petitionin$, interviewing, sm~ey-laid~, soliciting or sales, or other speech or c~ndua, which ~sults in ~ dis~ption of libr~ activities or ~he environmem necessey for the practice of such activities. Exceptions to ~his rule may be made by the Manager when such activity is to be undertaken for purposes of benefit to the libra~. ONE WARNING, THEN OUT FOR TI-I~ DAY. To prohibit gambling, card playing or game playing on library propew/. ONE WARNING, TH~N OUT FOR THE DAY. To prohibit ~he disturbance of the peace 0~ongh the use of phony, film or television equipment without the permission of~he Manager. ONE WARNING, THEN OUT FOR ~ DAY. -- Manger or his/her designee. ONE WARNING, Ti~TN OUT I~OR TI~ DAY. To ban convmafion and o~l~ sounds in Iooder vohnne ~an ~he ~eneral noise levd of tbe area of Ihe b~lding at the time. Load or boisterous behavk~, nening md foul or abusive language will not be tolerated, gearing will be limited to Io more thnn fora people per table. ONE WARNING, Tm~.N OUT FOR TI~ DAY. To r~zict seating in ~e Children's Room to child~n below age I $ and the parcn~guardians who accompany ~m. Exception is made for the Study Room and the Typing Room. TWO WARNINGS, THEN OUT FOR TH~ DAY. To require tk~ audio equipment be operated at a volume which does not disturb others. TWO WARNINGS, TREN OUT FOR THE DAY. To proh'bit patrons f~om pu~ing their feet on library famiture. TWO WARNINGS, TH~N OUT FOR ~ DAY. To prola'bit patrons from sleeping in the h'bra~. TWO wARNINGs, T]I~.N OUT FOR TI~ DAY. "Warnings" are to cumulate on a daily or per offense basis. Rqgat offenders of the above rules will be asked to produce identifica6on and may be barred from the h'h~ry. Suspension of libra~ privileges which extend beyond one day must be approved by the L~raty Board. The affected individual(s) bas tbe right to a beating before the Boazd in order to protect his or bet tights m due process. Notwithstanding Ilg foregoing provisions, any pmon may, wi~out ~ no&:e or warnin~ ~ immediately removed f~om the Rancho Cucamonga Public Libmy if his or her i~"nce or conduct on Ihe premises poses an immediate and imminent dange~ to any person or proix~/on such premise~ LATCIlXEY OR UNA~FENDED CHILD POLICY PURPOSE: To create a policy to ensure the safety and well.being of ~he children of Rancho Cucamonga under age 12 left unatlended by parent or guardian within lhe grounds of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. BACKGROUND: The Rancho Cucamoz~a Public Libr~ encourages children to visit ~be hq~rary with ~ parents to ~ake advantage ofhqn~, sevices offered. However, the Library Board must be concerned with hildren while m Ibc h'braT. Often latchkey or unatt~ded chikkea i~ the h'br~ come to the et _,~tioa of ~ff when behavior ~ disruptive or when the ~ame child or children ate observed in the h'braty on am almost daily basis, and no adult is p~*sent with the~. Libra~ staffis eot responsible for th~ sui~,~ion ofdu-~dvea left unauended by their parents. In certain ~tuations, set out in the followlno ~.d~ be called to assume respo~sibiUty for children left unattended' &e h'~'''~'''~'' police may PROCEDURES: In the case of willful disruptive behavior, s',aff will instruct children (those running, talking loudly and dis~bing the activilies of others), lo behave properly. If dinvpfive behvior not r~'pond, ~he child will be taken to ~he Childtgn, s Roem for fur~er a:~n. lfthcreis noparent otguardian present in the building, staffwill seek parenfs name and phone number, ff. child has a h'bra~y card, Ogs may be determined e.,._ ~._ __.__.' .... ," ' ~'*~'" - -'~,-t wncn me child ~s left m the Ii · approved 11-3-94 Staff will then call the parent, explain the library's policy and child's situation, and request the parent to pick.up the child within an hou~ or police will be asked to assume responsibilit~ for the child. Ifs-tofo'cannot reach the parent within O~c hour or ifparen! does not r~spond to the call wi~n the hour, staffwill call the police and ask that they assume responsibility for the child. If sutfl'no~c~ a child left consistently unattended at the library, in spite of model behavior, m~ .~ . .~ m me pa~.ns m m hora~ m~mS the day. ~ne safety or,~..~;;n ;. ^~ predominant cencem and the patron must be made t,~ ,,,,~.,-~....~ a._..--~_-~ ~" "~." "' "' royally cont~led safe environment and Is not a subefituto 1~ ~.~o~y not a or a school sctt~. 'l'ne Children's Supervisor will telephone ixm'nt and explain Omt a problem has occun~l with thc child. Staff may explain library policy over the phone or may wish to meet with the o When the patent arrives to pick-up the child, a copy of the library's policy will be given to them ~nd the parent encouraged to provide proper supervision of the child's libra:y visits. ff staff is un,~le to contact the paren~ a note requesting that the parents contact thc Library along w/th thc policy may be given to the child in an enclosed envelope to be delivered to the parent. Should ail atteml~s to contact the parents fail and the pattern of leaving the child unattended continue, the police will be contacted for intervention. Ifa Child Under Ate 12 Is Alone at the L~rant at Closing; Staffwil] atlempl to call the pa~ent. If staff cannot reach the parent wilifin ten minutes, the person in charge will call the police to assume r~;~onsibility. Two of the staffwill remain with the child inside the lobby of the h'br~t until the parent or the police move. policy ~dll be explained and a copy of the policy given to the parent. iiol~....t~.es d.u__r~ng .th,.e sit.ps .o.u.t .l?ed. nbov.~ stltt'sh..o, uld expreu on ol~ftude of concern over .cnuo**s..ss~e?..An.e, au, tn. ts a ousy notary wtth hundreds ofpeonle vislfin* ea-L nougn sneer oenavmr may be innpproprtste, the sJtuotion was not c~e~ted by REVENUE REPORT September 1996 FINES & FEES MEDIA RENTALS Schedule A LIBRARY REF DONA- SALES SALES SERV. TIONS TAX September I - closed September 2 - closed September3 $381.03 $243.64 $0.00 $10.00 $0.25 $18.86 September 4 $192.54 $198.01 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $15.24 September 5 $240.37 $166.49 $0.00 $0.00 $000 $12.79 September 6 $123.65 $183.36 $0.00 $2.00 $0.00 $14.14 September 7 & 8 $381.51 $285.94 $5.58 $4.00 $0.50 $22.48 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 September9 $376.07 $142.75 $0.00' $0.00 $0~00 $11.00 September 10 $224.51 $151.54 $0.00 $4.00 $0.00 $11.70 September 11 $262.37 $160.17 $0.00 $2.00 $0.00 $12.36 September 12 $171.64 $162.88 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.58 September 13 $115.10 $151.56 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11.69 September 14 & 15 $444.25 $287.74 $12.06 $2.00 $0.00 $23.20 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 September 16 $214.62 $133.24 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10.26 September 17 $268.50 $164.83 $0.00 $5.00 $0.00 $11.92 September 18 $218.67 $155.74 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.01 September 19 $277.40 $161.27 $0.00 $4.66 $25.00 $12.48 September 20 $113.10 $133.67 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10.33 September21 & 22 $347.30 $282.25 $3.72 $0.00 $0.00 $22.03 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 September 23 $297.79 $174.13 $2.78 $2.00 $0.00 $13.59 September 24 $226,90 $124.43 $8.35 $0.00 $0.00 $10.22 September 25 $175.55 $172.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13.25 September 26 $161.56 $147.45 $0.00 $10.00 $0.00 $11.34 September 27 $266.56 $148.51 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11.48 September 28 & 29 $443.30 $324.19 $5,56 $0.00 $0.00 $25.56 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 September 30 $422.35 $124.14 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9.61 TOTALS: $6,345.64 $4,370.43 $38.05 $45.66 $25.75 $340.12 AUGUST TOTALS $6,756.40 $5,492.19 $11.13 $48.06 $13.87 $424.71 % CHANGE -6% -20% 242% -5% 86% TOTAL INCOME: $11,165.65 TOTAL LIBRARY INCOME $10,825.53 Daily Average Fines $226.63 Daily Average Media $156.09 Daily Average Sales $1.36 Daily Average APS $16.54 Daily Average Ref. Fees $1.63 DAILY TOTALS $402.25 GAIN/LOSS ON PRO J: ($612) PERSONNEL EXPENSES Part time Salaries $13,359 GAIN/LOSS ON PRO J: $2,447 96/97 Proj: $253.91 $150.51 $0.00 $16.13 $1.43 $421.98 $15,806 BALANCE $1,835.56 Schedule B BALANCE SHEET JULY THROUGH SEPTEMBER FY 1996197 Revenues Fines & Fees Media Rentals Sales APS Information Services Fees Misc. Revenues Totals: Part Time Salaries Balance fcr Year through September Earned Projected Loss/Gain $20,089 $22,632 ($2,543) $15,069 $12,715 $2,355 $74 $0 $74 $2,088 $1,220 $868 $159 $127 $31 $o $o $o $37,479 $36,694 $786 Spent Projected Loss/Gain $34,530 $39,515 $4,985 $5,771 Projected End of the Year Donations: Received Projected Over/Under $7,193 $35,000 ($27,807) § 54954.1 GOVERNM~N~ CODE Hlstorle~l and Statutory Not~ The 1990 ~h~ent dele~ ~,b~on of ~:ion of c~nformb~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b~ d~ ~n~~'~~ ~~'~"~". . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~o~m~ .... · .~' (a) ~ ~ ~ h~ ~ a ~ ~, ~e l~ ~ ~e l~ ~, ~ ~ ~e~,~~~ A ~ d~on~ ~m~ of a ~e ~ ~ ~y b~y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ by ~ ~ ~ ~c ~o~ ~ ~ ~n ~ ~ ~, on ~ ~ ~ka~onfor~o~* * * ~ea~~ab~ ~) No~ ~n (a), ~e l~e ~ ~ ~e ~ ~ ~ of ~ n~ ~ on ~e ~ ~n~ ~d~ ~y of ~e ~n~o~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~t ~ ~ ~o~ ~ l~e ~y ~ ~bH~ M~ ~e ~ (1) U~ a d~ by a ~ ~ of ~e l~e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~on ~ n d~ ~ ~on ~. (2) U~ a d~on by a ~ ~ of ~e 1~ ~, ~, ffl~ ~ ~ of ~' m~ ~ ~n~ a ~ ~ of ~ m~ p~ ~ ~ ~ a n~ ~ ~e ~ ~on ~d ~t ~e n~ for ~on ~e ~ ~e a~gon of ~e I~ ~ ~t ~ ~e ~ ~ ~ n s~ ~ ~on (a). . . (3) ~e i~ ~ ~ ~t ~ ~on (a) for a p~or m~ of ~e l~e ~ ~ not mo~ ~ ~e ~ ~ p~or ~ ~e ~ ~on ~ ~ on ~e i~ ~d at ~e ~ m~ ~e i~m ~ ~n~u~ ~ ~e m~ at ~ ~on h ~ ~ ~d~ by ~.1~ c ~1, ~ ~. ~ by ~.1~ c 11~ (~.1~), ~ ~ o~ ~ 1, 1~; ~.1~, c. 11~ (S~), t ~ o~e ~ 1, 1~; ~.1~, c ~ (S.B.~), t ~ ~. ~ ~, 1~, o~e ~ 1, 1~.) Historical and Statutory Notes 19~3 Le~lation Sec~on s~ect~d by two or more ~c~z ~t the ~ame ses~on of t~e leg~ature, see Gov~nment Code § ~05. Operate effect of Statalg~, c 113~ (S.B~6), see Historical and b~W~ory Notes under Government Code Law Review Commentarie~ Review of selected 190~ Ca~fornia le~ 26Pa~ L.J. 795 (1994). Pr~udke 1 Note~ of Decisions , on appel w~ duly not~ced and only a few persons ahowed Additions or changes Indicated by underline; deletions by asterisks * * * 9.46