HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002/02/21 - Agenda Packet - AdjournedAGENDA
Adiourned Meetinq
February 21,2002- 9:00 a.m.
Civic Center - Training Conference Room
10500 Civic Center Drive
Rancho Cucamonga, California
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call:
Alexander __, Biane __
., Curatalo __, Dutton , Williams__
This is the time and place for the general public to address the City Council.
State law prohibits the Council from addressing any issue not previously
included on the agenda. The Council may receive testimony and set the matter
for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per
I, Debra J. Adams, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a
true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on February 20, 2002, per
Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga,
City of Rancho Cucamonga
· Redevelopment Project Initiatives
· Community Facilities Planning Strategy
· Status of Budgeted Projects
· Department Goals
A World Class Community
Debbie Adams
City Clerk
City Manager's Office
Mayor and Members of the City Council
Jack Lam, City Manager~,~,,~,~/~
January 30, 2002
Goals Review
Enclosed are several reports: (1) A report updating the Council on the Five Year
Redevelopment Project Initiatives regarding various major infrastructure projects and
programs; (2) A report describing the multi-year planning for Community Facilities;
(3) A report describing the status of budgeted projects and programs; (4) A report
summarizing major goals for each department in the City.
In reviewing any future new goals for the City, it is important to review those multi-year
programs and projects in which Council has already set in motion. Since these cannot
be completed in any one single year, it often is easy to forget that completion of
planning and or funding may occur over several years after advancing the project or
program as a goal in a prior year. The planning for funding often is tied to future years
budgets, not just to the current or the next. Sometimes a funding strategy must rely
upon the choreographing of future revenues that may or may not materialize in a
manner which was originally anticipated, in which case, the strategy must be adjusted.
Therefore, it is valuable to review all these multi-year projects to see their progress on a
time scale. Since the multi-year projects involve both infrastructure and public facilities,
these have been summarized in two separate reports for ease of distinction. We have
many ambitious projects planned and moving toward implementation.
The report that describes the progress on budgeted projects and programs hi-lites the
progress for these in the current year. The report summarizing goals of the
departments lists major goals though there are many other operational initiatives that
may be undertaken in the course of their work over the next two years to improve the
delivery of services. All the infrastructure, community facilities, and program goals hi-
lited are a culmination of Council direction throughout the year as well as staff
recommendations based upon an understanding of this direction.
Please review these reports, as I will meet with each Council Member individually as a
prelude to a morning workshop with the entire Council and with the Department Heads
as we did last year. If you have any questions in the meantime, please don't hesitate to
CC: Department Heads, Administrative Staff
In 1999, a report was prepared entitled "Short Term Plan For Redevelopment
Initiatives". The report outlined a strategic plan for revitalization of the older parts of
Foothill Boulevard, as well as proposing infrastructure programs to further economic
development in the City over a three to five year period.
In June 2001 an update to the report was provided to the Agency. With the successful
sale of the new Tax Allocation Bond Issue in August, and with the goals session
discussion with the Council being planned soon, the following is a new update of the
projects or strategies that were being implemented at the time of the June 2001 memo.
Because these projects are significant and are mulit-year, discussion of these project's
is important.
For the Agency's benefit, several projects have been completed since embarking on
the strategy in May 1999. A list of completed projects include:
Project or Activity Description
Refund 1990/94 Bond Issue
Foothill Boulevard Median Island Project-
Vineyard to Hermosa
Design and construction of Foothill Median
Island and Storm Drain Project Hermosa to
Estimated Cost
Land Use and Urban Design Plan Foothill
Blvd.- Grove to Vineyard
Design Lower Hermosa Storm Drain $305,000
Redevelopment Plan Amendment #2 n/a
Phase I Construction of Lower Hermosa $3.2 million
Storm Drain
$2 million of which
Agency paid half
$8.5 million total
($3.5 for bridge
work and median,
$5 for storm drain)
RDA Bond Issue n/a Complete
The June 2001 memo also identified several projects that were ready to be
implemented once funding was available. In August 2001 the Agency sold its Tax
Allocation Bond Issue that provided funding for all of the contemplated projects included
in the June 2001 memo. The following is a table that identifies the current status and
time frame for the projects being funded or implemented by the Agency.
Project Estimated
June 2001 Status
(previous status)
January 2002 Status
(current status)
Phase 2 Construction of Lower $3.2 million Begin work in Undergrounding work is 90% complete with all storm drain and
Hermosa Storm Drain and Utility August 2001 undergrounding work expected to be completed by December
Undergmunding 2002
Design Haven Grade Separation $800,000 Funding pending RFQ for design consultant has been issued. Design work
2001 TA bond expected to begin in May 2002
Construct Haven Avenue Grade $14 million Funding pending Start of construction expected Mamh 2004 with completing
Crossing and 8th Street realignment 2001 TA bond expected March 2006
Infrastructure Design Concept - $400,000 from City Completion Discussions with Cai Trans have delayed this project - goal is to
Grove to Vineyard sources expected have designs completed summer 2003. Refer to following pages
December 2002 . for status details.
Remove Railroad Bridge $1 million for demo Funding pending Discussions with Cai Trans have delayed this project - goal is to
Overcressing at Foothill Blvd. near and street widening 2001 TA bond have construction begin by winter 2005. Refer to following pages
Baker issue for status details.
Construct Foothill Blvd. medians $14 million Funding pending Discussions with Cai Trans have delayed this project - goal is to
and Urban Design Features 2001 TA bond have construction begin by winter 2005. Refer to following pages
Vineyard to Grove issue for status details.
Development of Business Property To be determined; Begin identification Staff is currently working with the Foothill Focus Group and local
Improvement Loan Program revenues will be from lending organizations on possible loan program concepts
Agency resources
In addition to the projects noted on the previous table, the Agency added the following
infrastructure projects to its initiatives strategy:
Project: Estimated Cost Status
Installation of fiber optic conduit within $7 million from 2001 Implementation of the fiber
the industrial area TA bond proceeds optic installation plan is
expected to begin in 2002-03
fiscal year
Arrow and 1-15 Interchange $35 million of which the Project Study Report is being
Agency will contribute reviewed by Cai Trans and will
$18 million and the take 2 years to complete with
balance will be environmental. Start of design
contributed by Cai could be mid 2004; start of
Trans construction could be January
2007 and completion could be
January 2009.
Pre-payment of public improvement $10 million from 2001 Completed August 2001
costs associated with CFD 01-01 TA bond proceeds
(vicinity of Foothill Blvd., 1-15, Base
Line and Day Creek Blvd.)
Description of On-Going Projects:
The following is a description of the projects proposed to be carried out by the Agency:
Phase 2 Lower Hermosa and Utility Undergrounding - As a result of the installation
of this storm drain improvement, approximately 150 acres of vacant or underutilized
industrial land is now primed for development. Prior to the installation of the storm
drain, a builder of industrial land would have needed to build the storm drain and
wait for reimbursement from adjacent properties. The cost of the storm drain made
it infeasible for any one developer to build that resulted in quality industrial land
remaining vacant or underutilized. As a result of the storm drain installation by the
Agency, developers will only be required to pay for the drainage development fee at
the time of development making it much more affordable. More than 1.6 sq.ft.
million square feet of industrial building space is under construction or approved for
development on land that located within this drainage area. In the near future,
General Motors and other users will be occupying the industrial space, bringing jobs,
corporate expenditures and new investment to the community.
Design and Construction of Haven Avenue Grade Separation: Haven Avenue is one
of the most important north/south corridors for both residential and business traffic.
This is also the type of project that will not be constructed by the private sector
because the benefit of the project goes far beyond the properties that it is adjacent
to. The underpass, if constructed in the near future, would be able to utilize a full
shoe-fly that will help reduce the impacts along Haven Avenue dudng construction.
Once constructed, the underpass and the realignment of Eighth Street will provide
vastly improved traffic circulation to businesses and residents.
Foothill Boulevard Bridge: The City is working with Cai Trans and SANBAG to
determine the need and design for the bridge over Foothill Boulevard just west of
Baker Street. The City has proposed the bridge be demolished and the street
widened to allow for better and safer cimulation for both vehicles and pedestrians. A
trail bridge is proposed to be constructed in order to maintain the trails connection
crossing Foothill Boulevard. What has not been determined is whether a new bridge
will be needed in the future for a light rail project. The City is requesting the bddge
be demolished to allow for widening, and when the need and type of a bridge is
determined in the future, the Agency/City will consider funding the project from any
future bond sale proceeds. The estimated cost for demolition of the existing bridge
is $1 million. This does not include the actual cost of street improvements.
Construct Medians and Urban Design Features on Foothill Boulevard from Vineyard
to Grove: The June 2001 memo indicated the median and street design plans
should be completed in December 2002. The original street improvement concept
showed how circulation could be improved while staying within existing or proposed
right of way acquisition that did not require the removal of any buildings. In
reviewing the concept street plans with Cai Trans, they have expressed objection to
the plans by explaining they are considering changes to their street width
specifications for Foothill Boulevard. If Cai Trans requires the additional street
widening, it could cause existing buildings to be located in areas needed for future
dght of way. If existing buildings must be acquired and removed as a result of street
widening, this will affect the project's cost, schedule and the overall success of
completing the infrastructure improvements. Engineering is continuing to discuss
the street plans with Cai Trans, however, the project design has been delayed as a
result. If the City is not successful in negotiating a resolution with Cai Trans, it may
be necessary to wait until Cai Trans has relinquished Foothill Boulevard to the City
in order to pursue the project without the requirement to obtain additional right of
A second influence on this project is the desire to incorporate additional design
features and elements into the street and median improvement project. At the time
the concept was proposed, the Foothill Boulevard Visual Improvement Plan (VIP)
had not been completed. With the recent approval of the VIP, staff proposes the
project incorporate several of the design features outlined in the VIP. The elements
could include such things as the archway; and upgraded decorative sidewalk,
lighting standards and street furniture. By incorporating the design features into the
project, it will prevent the need to come in at a future date for modifications to
recently completed street work, thereby eliminating any additional disruption to
businesses or traffic impacts. These upgraded or new design elements were not
included in the original $14 million cost estimate for the project. A revised cost
estimate is being prepared as the plans continue to be developed.
Business Property Improvement Loan Program: The intent of the Agency is to
encourage investment on the corridor by smaller business and property owners so
the corddor remains a strong sales tax generator, strong traffic circulation corridor,
maintains/preserves the visual character of Route 66. The public improvements
and median islands that have been installed in the past three years have helped to
reach the goals of the Agency. The Agency has previously discussed creating a
loan program to assist in providing favorable financing for property owner/business
who want to expand their business and property. Staff has been working with local
businesses through the Foothill Focus Group to better identify the capital needs of
businesses along the corridor. Staff has also met with several lenders and banks to
review possible loan programs and how the Agency could partner its resources in
existing loan programs. Staff is continuing to identify possible ways to participate in
business loan programs that achieve the goals of preserving the Foothill Boulevard
corddor and enhancing the economic viability of businesses.
Fiber Optic Ring Conduit: This project provides for the installation of conduit in order
to create a fiber optic ring within the industrial area of the City - primarily south of
Foothill Boulevard, north of 4~ Street, east of Archibald Ave. and west of the 1-15
Freeway. The installation of conduit to hold future fiber optic lines will be of benefit
to many existing companies within our industrial area. The conduit will also
strengthen our ability to market the City to new hi-tech companies that look for this
type of infrastructure support for their business. The fiber optic conduit program will
also include connecting the majority of city and fire facilities. This will enable more
efficient service to residents, businesses and city personnel.
Arrow and 1-15 Interchange: In the June 2001 memo it was noted that Cai Trans
was studying both 6m Street and Arrow Highway as possible locations for a freeway
off and on ramp. Cai Trans has informed the City they have determined the best
location for the off-ramp is at Arrow Highway. A project study report is being
prepared based on this determination. While the project cost for the Arrow Route
ramp is more costly at $35 million, Cai Trans will fund approximately half of the cost.
The estimated cost to the Agency in today's dollars is $18 million.
In the past year there has been a strong momentum on the part of the City Council
to initiate a number of new community facility projects to benefit the community. The
following is a summary of new projects that have begun, or plan to be initiated, in the
current or next fiscal year.
Police Station 3rd Floor - A 10,000 sq. ft. third floor is proposed to be added to
the current 22,000 sq.ft. Police building. The expansion ama will accommodate
growth in our police department and provide a dedicated Emergency Operations
Center for coordinated citywide response to emergencies such as rims, floods,
winds or earthquakes. The initial Space analysis and preliminary design is
complete. The final design and preparation of bid documents should be
completed by November 2002 with construction beginning in December 2002.
The time frame for construction is 12 - 18 months. The construction of the third
floor requires the Police building to be upgraded to the post Northridge
earthquake standards. The cost of project is estimated to be $4.6
million including design. The project is already budgeted.
Civic Center Seismic Retrofit - In view of the required seismic upgrade of the
Police facility, it makes sense to also upgrade the seismic standards for the Civic
Center, including the Council Chambem, to comply with the more rigorous1998 UBC
seismic standards incorporating post Northridge Earthquake analysis. The
preliminary design analysis is completed. If design work begins in March 2002 the
project should be ready for construction in December with the project lasting
approximately 4 months. The cost of project is estimated to be $2.1 million including
design and will be funded through the City Facilities Capital Repairs (Fund 25).
North Etiwanda Fire Station - The Fire District is currently in design for a new
station that will service the north Etiwanda ama of the City. The station will
improve currant fire services to the northeast portion of the community by
providing an increased level of protection to residents and property owners. The
station is expected to begin construction in July 2002 and will be complete and
open for service in July 2003. Funding for the facility, estimated at $1.6 million,
will be from revenues of the special tax through CFD 88-1. Revenues for
operations of the station will be from CFD 88-1 special tax msoumes and
General Fund.
Fire Administration Building - the fire Administration project will consolidate
administration for greater efficiency and coordination. Currently, administration is
split between the Amethyst Station and the Civic Center with inadequate space in
either facility to consolidate. This will also free up currant space in the loser level
of the Civic Center to address other growth needs in the building. This also
postpones the need to pursue the much more costly futura new building north of
the existing Civic Center. Acquisition of the approximate 1 acm parcel adjacent
to the new parking lot is being explored for a 10,000 to 15,000 square foot
building with employee parking being provided on the new lot. Cost of land
acquisition and building construction is estimate to be $3 million and will be
funded by the Redevelopment Agency Fire Facilities Fund. Should Council
agree to proceed, design can begin within two months after acquisition with
possible construction occurring six to eight months after that.
Permanent Fire Station #3 - This station will replace the intedm facility located
in the vicinity of Day Creek Boulevard and Base Line Road. The Agency will be
funding this project from the Fire Facilities Fund Account. The Agency will begin
the design work by June 2002 with construction expected to begin in March
2003. The construction period is estimated to be 12 months and the estimated
project cost is $3.6 million. While fire protection services will not change
significantly since the interim facility is operational, the opening of the station is
timely with the opening of the regional center.
Central Park and a New Senior Center - A number of possibilities may exist in
2002 for planning the development of Central Park, with a priority being a new
Senior Center. Cdtical to the future development of Central Park will be whether
California voters approve Preposition 40 on the March 5 ballot. This statewide park
bond issue will provide $10 million to Rancho Cucamonga specifically for Central
Park along with an estimated $1 million more in per capita park funding. This
possibility, along with funds currently set aside for a Senior Center project and other
potential funds, would open up a number of possibilities for Central Park.
The following is a summary of potential funding sources that might be available to
build a new Senior Center and other amenities at Central Park in the upcoming
· 2000 Park Bond Act Funds (currently available) $
· Federal Grant Funds through Congressman Drier (available soon) $
· CDBG Funds (currently set aside for senior center)
· CDBG Funds (requested for 02-03)
· Potential Private Party Donation (awaiting March 5 results)
· 2001 Park Bond Act Allocations (on ballot for March 5)
· SCE Undergrounding Rule 20 A (Base Line infrastructure)
$ 29O,000
$ 55O,000
$ 1,500,000
$ 2,000,000
Staff is recommending that we wait until the results are in from the March
election before any specific strategic planning is started for Central Park.
upon the results, the options may include:
5 bond
· If Bond Act is not approved, continue to seek state and federal grants for
development of a senior center in the future once enough funds are secured.
· If Bond Act is not approved, consider using other city resources, along with funds
currently available for the project, to develop a senior center only at Central Park.
Estimated cost for development of a senior center by itself is $5 million.
(Additional needed funds would total approximately $2.6 million)
If Bond Act is not approved, negotiate with the potential private party donor to
obtain their contribution for development of a senior center only on the site, using
other currently available funds.
If bond Act is approved, move ahead with design and construction of up to an
estimated $16.9 million project, if all the above funds become available.
Cultural Center (Library and Theater) - As an integral part of the Victoria Gardens
Shopping District, this project will be a 56,000 square foot building consisting of a
500 seat Performing Arts Center, branch Library and Meeting Room facility for
banquets up to 300 people. This project will be designed and operated as
recommended in the Feasibility Study presented to the City Council in January,
2002. The total estimated cost of the project is $19,916,000 which will be funded
through Forest City Development participation, an Agency bond issue and possibly
through grant funds, including the Library Proposition 14 competitive grant program.
Operational funding will be provided through building program revenues, new Mall
revenue sources, a fundraising endowment and Forest City partnerships.
If the mall project is approved by the City Council in February, 2002, the design of
the project will get underway immediately. Design is estimated to take fourteen (14)
months, with bidding and award of a construction contract estimated at three (3)
months. Anticipating a construction period of sixteen (16) months, it is estimated
that a soft opening could be held in February, 2005 with a grand opening celebration
in March, 2005. The timing of the project development will be in tight coordination
with the Mall schedule. To insure that the Mall is successfully underway before the
City commits to building the Cultural Center, award of a construction bid will be
timed to wait until the Mall is actually under construction. Opening of the Cultural
Center will be timed 3-4 months after the opening of the Mall to insure that sales tax
is being generated to fund operations of the Cultural Center.
Soccer Park Complex - This project includes the development of eight (8) soccer
fields on a 34-acre site north of Napa Street and East of Etiwanda Avenue on land
that will be leased from the California Speedway for $1 per year. All local youth
soccer groups for leagues and tournaments, as well as for adult programs, would
use these fields. The Complex would also be available for rental 'in order to
generate revenue to help offset operational costs. Construction cost of the project is
estimated at $2.7 million and is currently budgeted in the Park Development Fund.
The Agreement between the City and the Speedway was concluded in January.
Staff is currently recruiting for a landscape architect to design the project. It is
estimated that it will take six (6) months to design and award a bid for the project
and twelve (12) months for construction. This would allow for opening the Complex
approximately July, 2003.
Public Safety Satellite Office at Mall - As part of the Agreement with the
Developer, a 2,000 sq.ft. Public Safety office area will be constructed and
available for police and fire purposes. The Developer will be completing basic
tenant improvements with the space furnished by the Agency. The goal is to
have the space used by Police for meeting with residents, taking reports, as well
as a central point for Police presence. The Fire Department would utilize the
facility for providing training to employees and residents for first aid, CPR, and
other life or fire safety activities. The satellite office will be open with mall in Fall
2004. Dudng the development of plans, the City and Developer will work to
identify the specifications and materials for construction of the area. The
estimated cost for furnishing the facility should not exceed $20,000. This does
not include the acquisition of any specialized equipment that is used by either
Police or Fire personnel.
Facility Funding Source and Current Status
Estimated Project Cost
Police Station 3'~ Floor $4.6 million from Agency Civic Center Reserve Ready to begin design work; construction should begin December 2002 with a
12 - 18 month construction time period
City Hall Seismic Retrofit $1.8 million from City Facilities Capital Repairs (Fund 25) Ready to begin design work; construction should begin December 2002 with a
/ 4 month construction time period
North Etiwanda Fire Station $1.6 million from revenues of CFD 88-1 in design with construction expected to begin July 2002 and opening July 2003
Fire Administration Building $3 million from Agency Fire Facilities fund reserves Anticipate direction to purchase property in February 2002
Permanent Fire Station #3 $3.6 million from Agency Fire Facilities fund reserves Design work to begin by June 2002 with construction expected to begin March
2003 with an opening expected in March 2004
New Senior Center $5 million Dependent upon outcome of March election for State Park Bond Act
Central Park $16.9 million (including new Senior Center) with funding Dependent upon outcome of March election for State Park Bond Act
possibilities from Park Bond Act and other sources - see
description below for further detail
Rancho Cucamonga $19.9 million to be funded from Developer contribution ($5.7 Design will begin this fiscal year. Construction anticipated to begin October
Cultural Center million), future Agency bond proceeds, possible Prop 14 Library 2003 with a grand opening in March 2005 (one quarter following the opening of
(Library and Theater) grant revenues other grant sources, and/or interest on the mall so sales tax for operations can be generated)
City/Agency loan dependent upon success of any grant funding
Soccer Park Complex $2.7 million from Park Development Fund Design should be completed by end of this fiscal year with the construction
expected to be completed by July 2003
Public Safety Satellite Tenant space will be provided by Developer; Agency will fund Discussions with Developer regarding tenant improvement specifications in
Office at Mall furniture and general office equipment estimated to be $20,000 Fall 2002 with facility completed in conjunction with mall in Fall 2004
Civic Center Construction Projects
Construction of 3rd Floor/Pohce Department, including EOC and Seismic Retrofit of Civic
· Review Space Needs with appropriate staff
· Issue RFQ
· Review submittals/Interview Firms
· Recommend Engineering Firm to Council
· Begin Project Design
Council approves Project Design
· Initiate Construction Bid Process
· Council awards Construction Bid
· Construction Begins
· Construction Complete (Seismic retrofit)
· Construction Complete (Police 3rd Floor)
In Progress
September 2002
September 2002
November 2002
December 2002
Spring 2003
Wrater 2003
responsibk staff:
RDA/L. Daniels
CM Office/D. Baker
Expansion of Civic Center Parking Lot
· In house design work completed
· Construction RFP awarded
· Construction complete
responsible staff:
Eng./W. Stickney
1/30/02 1
Fire District
Completion of Maintenance Facility
Initiate tool/equipment purchase & acquisition
· Complete construction
· Complete installation of tools, etc./do training
· Complete move
· Begin maintenance operation at new facility
re~onsible staff:
Purchase of aerial ladder truck
· Complete design specifications
· Bid design specifications
· Complete evaluation of bid proposals
and financing options
· Approve bid/issue purchase order
· Deliver truck
· Equipment installation and complete training
· Place truck into service
re&onsibk staff:
RDA/F. Nunez
Fire/B. Corcoran &
S. Domonick
March 2002
September 2002
October 2002
Fire/B. Corcoran
Finance/T. Layne &
Adm Ser/D. Haddon
Fire Station #176 0and acquisition, fa(flity design, construction)
· Site identified and negotiations initiated
· Retain architect
· Complete station design
· Award construction contract
· Complete construction/station operational
Spring 2002
Summer 2002
Spring 2003
re~onsible staff:
Fire/D. Michael/B.
CM Staff/D. Baker
Support: Eng staff
1/30/02 2
Purchase of Fire Engine for new Station ~176
· Begin developing specifications for engine
· Complete specifications and advertise for bids
· Evaluate proposals and recommend bid award
Issue purchase order
· Conduct inspection, take delivery, and initiate
· Fire Engine Ready for Service
re~omibk staff:
April 2002
May 2002
March 2003
August 2003
Fire/D. Michael
Fire Financing Options Study
· Develop 5-7 year capital imp/operational needs
· Do financial analysis of existing rev sources
· Comparative analysis of needs
· Complete report, with recommendations
· Review of recommendations by Council
responsible staff:
Animal Control
Expand operation to 7 days a week
· Acquire additional staff
· Begin 7 day a week operation
re¢onaible staff:
Acquisition and Implementation of Bookmobile Pro?am
· Hire Bookmobile Coordinator
· Operatioo~li~e Bookmobile
re¢on~ibk staff:
April 2002
Budget Process 2003
Fire/D Michael
Adm Serv/Temple
T. Layne
City Mgr/P. Easter
C.M. staff/D. Baker
Library/D. Clark
1/30/02 3
Community Services Department
Weekly Farmer's Market Program
· First Year successfully completed
· Staff evaluating plan for Summer 2002
re4~ondble staff:
Com. Serv/K.
Children's Theater location/programming
· Identification of temporary locations (Alta Loma H.S.) Completed
· Conduct one Children's Show ~ Alta Loma H.S. Completed
re~ondbk staff:
Com. Serv/K.
Work with Forest City. and Performing Arts Consultant on Feasibility Study
· Feas. Study RFP responses due to City
· RFP awarded
· RFP/Phase I completed
· Phase II (conceptual development)
· Study recommendations to City Council
re~ondble staff:
Com. Serv/K.
Acquisition and Implementation of Mobile Recreation Trailer
· Trailer bid awarded
· Receive trailer
· Equip & operationalize
responsible staff:
Com Se~/K.
1/30/02 4
Community Development
Review of Ordinance 58
· Present recommendations to eM
· Amendment Recommendation approved
by Council
responsible staff:
Eng/J. O'Neil
Plannmg/B. Bullet
Implementation of Tidemark permit processing system
· Go "live" with Building function
· Create combination perrmt to tract homes
· Go "live" with Planning function
responsible staff:
Buildmg/A. Brock
Plan/D. Coleman
Completion of Multi species habitat study
· Continued work on development of plan Ongoing
· Modify cooperative MOU with state and federal Completed
agencies to extend time period to 12/2002
· Pursue potential funding sources Ongoing
responsible staff:
Plan/L. Henderson
liaison with Comm.
1/30/02 5
Completion of General Plan Update, including special studies
· Consideration and Adoption of General Plan
General Plan Task Force
Plarmmg Comm. Workshops/Hearings
City Council
· Environmental Impact Report
Screen Check reviewed by staff
Draft EIR available for publ/c comment
Response to Comments
Final EIR to City Council
· Fiscal Impact Report
Final document completed
· Completion of Special Studies
Community Services
re¢onsibk staff'
Plan/L. Henderson
Completion of Pacific Electric Trail Feasibility/Design Study
· Master plan completed
· Review by participating ciries
· Review by R.C. Cormmssions/Council
· Develop/pursue state/federal funding
re,on,hie staff:
Completion of Plan Amendment #2
· Complete environmental documents
· Prepare Plan Amendment documents
· Public Hearings
· Completion of Plan Amendment
re&omible staff:
Plannmg/B. Bullet
RDA/L. Daniels
1/30/02 6
Development of Packing House site
* Developer has received approvals & applying for sen/or housing tax credits
· During calendar year 2002, will be awaiting response on tax credits
responsibk staff:
RDA/L. Daniels
Completion of Foothill Blvd. median improvements
2~d Phase - Hermosa to Haven
· Storm Channel construction Complete
· Project Completion Completed
3ra Phase - Vineyard to Grove
(may be delayed pending City take-over of Foothill from CalTrans)
· Complete Design, including
EIR & State approvals
· Construction RFP awarded
· Construction Phase
· Project Completion
Spring 2002
Summer 2002
Fall 2002
Fall 2003
re¢omible staff:
Eng./W. Stickney
Foothill Boulevard Improvements/Route 66 Enhancement Program/Foothill Focus Group
Work with business community on invesUgations
enhancement of Blvd., including formation of
potential business association, implementing
physical improvement recommendations, etc.
Throughout 01-02
re¢onsible staff:
RDA/L. Daniels
Administrative Services
Completion of fiber optic study and continued installation of fiber network to offsite
locations and to private users
· Study completed
· First Phase of Cable to Library
· Second Phase of Cable to City Hall
February 2002
responsible staff
AdmSer/L. Temple
1/30/02 7
Continuation of Training Academy, including executive management training program
· Training Programs scheduled for 2000
Consensus Decision Making
· Executive Management Training Program
· Customer Service Training for Counter staff
responsible staff persons:
Emp. Ting Corem
Adm Sv./G. Rivera
& S. Ramirez
CM staff/P. Easter
Capital Improvement Projects
Expansion of Metrolink parking lot - additional 700 spaces
· Construction Bid Complete
· Begin construction Completed
· Construction complete Completed
(Note: Also currendy stud~/mg permanent bathroom installation feasibility - study
done. Metrolink rejected for security and liability reasons,)
responsibk staff:
Eng/W. Stickney
City Manager's Office
Development and Implementation of City's 2001 Legislative Program, including State
budget requests
· Submit proposed legislative program to
City Manager for review
· Present to Council for consideration
respondble staff:
CM staff/P.Easter
B. Wilson
Red Light Study Program
· Council approve program/vendor
· Conduct public information program
· Program begins
February 2002
March 2002
respondble staff:
CM/D. Baker
1/30/02 8
Approval of Wide Open West Franchise Agreement
Council Approval of Franckise
respondble staff:
(w/d by applicant)
CM/D. Baker
Completion of Parks/Recreation and Public Safety Videos for Channel
Park/Recreation video
Finalize Council feedback
· Revise and release video
· Develop additional videos
Council intermission video
Public Safety video
responsible staff:
Developing timeline
Developing timeline
CM/K. Thomas & D. Baker
Citywide Projects
Telecommunications/Information Technology. Master Plan
· Education phase to learn more about
technology trends/applications
· Survey other cities/associations on their
technology efforts
· Issue RFP for Consultant to assist in Master plan
· Retain Master plan consultant
· Complete Master plan
· Begin Implementation Phase
February 2002
February 2002
re¢omibk staff:
Staff Task Force
Chair/P. Easter
Elimination of Utility. Tax
· Phase out Utility Tax
1/30/02 9
12 - 24 Month Goals
January 2002
Police Department
Implement school violence program (Clean Sweep) in high schools to train and
support school administrators to intervene to prevent violence.
· Complete school emergency response planning for high schools, middle schools
and elementary schools. Includes preplanning and training for staff and deputies
on responding to any school in the City should emergency arise.
· Review and improve false alarm response procedure.
· Prepare for Police Building expansion.
Add personnel for increased commercial and residential development.
· Plan and develop operational program for satellite operation at Mall.
· Add Humvee (complete refurbishing) to motor fleet for D.A.R.E.
· Develop public information and education program utilizing cable television and
RCTV -3.
· Improve public relations outreach and communication through new departmental'
publications and programs.
Fire District · Complete construction of Station 176, acquire equipment and implement staffing.
· Initiate planning and design for relocation of Station 173.
· Land acquisition, planning, and design for a Fire Administration facility.
· Acquire new engine and replace various other equipment and vehicles.
· Develop and implement various technology enhancements to improve operations
and EOC.
· Complete comprehensive 2002 Fire Code amendment/~tdoption project in unison
with Building and Safety, State and SB County fire agencies.
· Initiate development of a Fire Safe Council, made up of community citizens, to
guide fire safety activities in the wildland fire threat zone along the foothills.
· Renegotiate extension of public/private first responder agreement with American
Medical Response (AMR).
· Explore contract oppommities for fire vehicle maintenance and testing.
· Implement Community Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) program.
· Implement an improved program to increase communications, training and
education at senior and assisted living facilities.
· Develop fully operational Juvenile Firesetter (JFS) Counseling/IVlentoring
Program covering all aspects of Fire Prevention and Intervention.
· Complete development and release of Fire Safety Development and Fire
Protection System Standards.
· Initiate an Emergency Response Bilingual program.
· Adopt a citywide Information Technology masterplan with a subsequent program
of work and timeline. This will include looking at ways to incorporate e-
· Adopt a City Legislative Program for 2002 including state and federal
governments. Continue advocacy for Senior Center funding.
· Adopt a Community Information Strategy to include the Rancho Reporter and
Annual Report.
· Continue enhancement and use of RCTV~3
· Facilitate renewal of the Mobilehome Accord.
· Coordinate work with high schools on developing a Teen's Page for the City's
web site.
· Work with City Council on consideration of establishing a Sister City Program.
· Continue administering the addition of a third floor of the Police Station and
earthquake retrofits to the Civic Center.
· Implement the automated red light enforcement program at Haven/Foothill and
· Establish a mid-management group among employees to improve communication
and effectiveness across the organization.
· Develop a graphics standard for citywide use to give a consistent look and feel to
all city publications.
· Provide support to the Inland Empire Division - League of California Cities
legislative task fome.
· Continue to coordinate and assess employee training program with Administrative
· Enhance public education and information program by identifying new avenues to
reach public and maintaining a comprehensive media contact list including, print,
radio and television news outlets.
Administrative Services
· Establish a customer service task force that will enhance customer service
delivery by City staff, by improving and enhancing protocols, policies,
procedures, awards and recognition.
· Continue the City's employee training including, among others, the following: 1.)
analytical/critical thinking/problem solving skills; 2.) dealing with difficult
personalities in the work place/constructive communication skills; 3.) tools for
holding staff accountable; 4.) performance evaluation; and 5.) tools for
developing clarity and alignment toward the team's vision and mission.
· The Finance Division will apply for and anticipates receiving the California
Society of Municipal Finance Officers' Award for Outstanding Financial
Reporting and the Government Finance Officers Association's (GFOA)
Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended June
30, 2001. This will be the thirteenth and fourteenth time respectively the City has
applied for these awards.
· Prepare the City's financial system to facilitate E-government options in the
· Purchasing will implement new procedures to increase bidding opportunities and
help lower costs.
· Update R-City Line for future use that will allow for the convergent technology of
web services and interactive voice response technology, E-Gov transactions,
automatic-polling capabilities, fax broadcast and fax on demand.
Introduce new employee safety and injury prevention and continue to work with
the Fire Health and Safety Committee to develop an accident review board.
· Finalize the conversion and installation of the new business license software that
links with sales tax, property tax and building permits data.
Upgrade data backbone and install fiber optic links to improve data sharing.
· Street Lighting Districts street light poles will be entered into the GIS system
using GPS and will be compared against SCE bills. The goal is to ensure that the
City's electricity bills are accurate.
· Implement arclMS application to graphically show parcel and district information
printout a parcel map at the counter for customers.
· Update Economic Development Strategy to maintain current focus on strengths
and positive attributes of community as part of our marketing and economic
development programs.
· Regional Shopping Center - Adopt agreements with developer, form CFD for
second phase of public improvements and issue tax allocation bond for Agency's
responsibilities (library/Theater; non participating owners).
· Foothill Boulevard Affordable Housing project - as part of the revitalization
effort along Foothill Boulevard, as well as the need for quality affordable housing
in the community, investigate with developer the opportunity for developing a
mixed income family housing project on the corridor
· Work cooperatively with other communities in the Inland Empire to establish
high tech infrastructure and marketing strategies in order to increase attraction
and employment development in this industry sector
Engineering/Public Works
· Implementation of the Landscape Installation and Maintenance Program for
median island and parkway areas not included in existing landscape maintenance
districts. The Public Works Subcommittee has already approved in principle this
new program to landscape barren parkway areas not covered through existing
LMDs. In February 2002, staff will present the program/policy to the City
Council for approval.
· Study the feasibility of developing a trench cut fee program to require utilities to
better coordinate pavement work and compensate the City for damage done to our
Prepare a feasibility study for the implementation of a solar energy demonstration
project at a city facility, potentially located at the Corporate Yard or the Sports
· Design traffic signal and street improvement plans for Base Line Road and the
southbound Interstate 15 on and off ramps.
· Construct Phase 2 of the Lower Hermosa Storm Drain project, including
installation of master storm drain, pavement rehabilitation, and some street
widening. Project limits are from north of Church Street to north of Base Line
· Pursue the relinquishment of State Route 66/Foothill Boulevard from the State to
the City of Rancho Cucamonga.
· Design and process EIR for Haven Avenue and Railroad Grade Separation
· Design I-15 and Arrow/6th Street off ramp.
· Design removal of bridge and road widening/improvements between Vineyard
and Grove.
· Code Consistency Program - As a follow-up to the adoption of the 2001 General
Plan Update, a comprehensive review of the City's Development Code is
necessary. The Development Code was adopted in 1983. Other planning
documents adopted in the 1980s that need updating include the Subdivision
Ordinance, and various specific plans and community plans. All these important
planning documents need to be updated for consistency with the General Plan and
overhauled for simplicity and ease of use in order to respond to the challenges and
opportunities of the 21 st century.
· Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail - City will be actively pursuing grants to fund
construction of this major regional trail. The Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail
is a cooperative effort of six cities to build a 21 -mile trail from Claremont to
· Completion of annexation of Rancho Etiwanda Estates, a private gated
community on 247 acres for 632 single family homes located at the end of future
Day Creek Boulevard, north of Route 30 Freeway.
· Completion of annexation of Richland Wilson property, 130 acres for 301 single
family homes.
·. Complete restoration of Isle House and commence restoration design for Norton-
Fisher House which are both located on Etiwanda Avenue adjoining the Pacific
Electric Inland Empire Trail.
· Completion of another phase of Oral History program.
Publish a digital historic photo album for the library and City's website.
Trails Implementation Plan - Update to be consistent with the 2001 General Plan
Update, particularly regarding existing and planned bicycle trail routes.
Building & Safety
· Implement integrated voice response system to improve access of customers to
status of plan checks and for inspectors to call in inspection reports and results.
· Design and implement computer interface so building permits can be paid for and
issued online.
· Continue customer service training with field staff and Code Enforcement.
Continue implementation of monthly coordination meeting between Code
Enfomement and Police Solution Oriented Policing Division.
· Increase field coordination with vector control, animal control and weed
abatement to improve effectiveness of Code Enforcement.
· Incorporate public works and planning into Code Enforcement activities as
necessary to improve consistency of program.
· Participate in neighborhood meetings to inform residents of responsibilities of the
City and of homeowners as part ora strategy to a more preventative and
cooperative approach to code compliance.
Community Services
· Finalize an agreement with the Inland Empire Open for this PGA Golf Tour Event
to remain in Rancho Cucamonga in the upcoming years.
· Implement the first year goals identified in the Cultural Center Feasibility Study,
Phase II Report.
· Aggressively pursue third and fourth year grant funding for the Youth Enrichment
Services program through the Children and Families Commission.
· Conduct expanded community sports programs inside two newly constructed
middle school gymnasiums in accordance with previously approved joint use
· Conduct a successful Celebration Event in recognition of the City's 25th
Anniversary taking place in 2002.
· Evaluate the success of the 2001 Harvest Tuesdays Program and plan for 2002.
· Execute an agreement with the California Speedway for development of a soccer
complex at their site on Napa Street and complete design of the facility.
· Produce the 2002 Telethon
· Complete application for Prop. 14 Bond funds
· Place into service the new, expanded Kidsmobile
· Expand the Kidsmobile Project by increasing hours "on the road"
Begin Senior Outreach project, using the retired Kidsmobile
Work with the Community Services Director to plan, design and construct new
Victoria Gardens Branch Library