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2002/04/03 - Agenda Packet
CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga,'CA 91730 City Office: (909) 477-2700 AGENDA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGS: 1sT and 3rd Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. April 3, 2002 ARency, Board & City Council Members William J. Alexander .................... Mayor Diane Williams ............... Mayor Pro Tem Paul Biane ............................... Member Grace Curatalo ......................... Member Bob Dutton .............................. Member Jack Lam ......................... City Manager James L. Markman ............. City Attorney Debra J. Adams ..................... City Clerk ORDER OF BUSINESS 7:00 p.m. Regular City Council Meeting ...................... Council Chambers City Council Agenda April 3, 2002 1 All items submitted for the City Council Agenda must be in writing. The deadline for submitting these items is 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, one week prior to the meeting. The City Clerk's Office receives all such items. A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call: Alexander Biane Curatalo__ Dutton , and Williams__ B. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS 1. Presentation of a Proclamation in recognition of Earthquake Preparedness Month 2002. 2. Presentation of a Proclamation in recognition of National Community Development Week, April 1-7, 2002. C_..~. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC This is the time and place for the general public to address the City Council. State law prohibits the City Council from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The City Council may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual. D. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Councilmember or member of the audience for discussion. 1. Approval of Minutes: March 20, 2002 2. Approval of Warrants, Register Nos. 3/13/02 and 3/20/02 and Payroll ,] ending 3/10/02 for the total amount of $1,932,699.52. 3. Approval of an Agreement for right-of-way donation between the City of 22 Rancho Cucamonga and the Roman Catholic Bishop of San Bernardino (CO 02-022) 4. Approval of an Agreement for right-of-way donation between the City of 24 Rancho Cucamonga and E & R Rancho Pacific, inc. (CO 02-023). City Council Agenda April 3, 2002 2 5. Approval of the purchase of four (4) replacement heavy duty pieces of 26 equipment, consisting of: two (2) mechanical broom street sweepers from Haaker Equipment Company of Pomona, California, one (1) regenerative air sweeper from Kelly Equipment Company of Rancho Cucamonga, California, one (1) heavy duty front end loader roll off dump truck from Dietrich international Truck Sales, Inc., of Colton, California; and the approval of an appropriation to be funded from Acct. 1-712-001-5604 in the amount of $632,097.56. 6. Approval to accept the Bids received and award and authorize the execution on the Contract in the amount of $54,471.45 ($49,519.50 plus 10% contingency) to the apparent Iow bidder, Gilbert Ayala & Sons, Inc., (CO 02-024) for the Construction of the Church Street Right Turn Lane from Haven Avenue to 500' west, to be funded from Transportation Funds, Account No. 11243035650/1336124-0. 7. Approval to authorize the execution of the Professional Services Agreement for Construction Survey Services of the Hermosa Avenue Storm Drain and Street Project, from 400' north of Church Street to 500' north of Base Line Road, to Dan Guerra & Associates, (CO 02-025) in an amount not to exceed $68,145.00, to be funded from Drainage Funds, Account No. 11123035650/1292112-0. 8. Approval to award and authorize the execution of the Professional Services Agreement for the Soils and Material Testing of the Hermosa 34 Avenue Storm Drain and Street Project, from 400' north of Church Street to 500' north of Base Line Road, to RMA Group (CO 02-026) in an amount not to exceed $35,853.00, to be funded from Drainage Funds, Account No. 11123035650/1292112-0 and approval of a budget appropriation and operating transfer in the amount of $2,695,000.00 to Account N o. 11123035650/1292112-0 from Account No. 26408015325 for the Construction of the Hermosa Storm Drain and Street Improvement Project. 9. Approval of Reimbursement Agreement for Construction of a Portion of the Master Planned Storm Drain Facility located along the north boundary of the 210 Freeway from Etiwanda Avenue to approximately 1892 feet easterly in connection with development of Tract 13812, submitted by Panda Development, DRA-35 (CO 02-027). RESOLUTION NO. 02-110 40 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (DRA-35) EXECUTED ON APRIL 3, 2002, FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A PORTION OF THE MASTER PLANNED STORM DRAIN FACILITY LOCATED ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF THE 210 FREEWAY FROM ETIWANDA AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 1892 FEET City Council Agenda April 3, 2002 3 10. Approval to release the Faithful Performance Bond and Labor and 41 Material Bond received from Marriott Senior Living Services, Incorporated, to guarantee construction of CUP 98-13, located at Haven Avenue and Church Street. 11. Approval to accept Improvements, retain $3,000 of the cash deposit for 44 Faithful Performance, as a Maintenance Bond, release the remaining $27,000 of the Faithful Performance Bond and file a Notice of Completion for Improvements for DR 00-19, submitted by Hoffinger Industries, Inc., located at 10905 Jersey Boulevard. RESOLUTION NO. 02-111 47 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DR 00-19 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK 12. Approval to accept Improvements, release the Faithful Performance 48 Bond, accept a Maintenance Bond, and file a Notice of Completion for Improvements for Tract 13951, submitted by CCRC30, LLC, located on the east side of Beryl Avenue, north of Manzanita Drive. RESOLUTION NO. 02-112 50 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13951 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK 13. Approval to accept Improvements, release the Faithful Performance 51 Bond, accept a Maintenance Bond, and file a Notice of Completion for Improvements for Tracts 15727, 15727-6, and 15727-8, submitted by Cornerpointe 257, LLC, located north of Foudh Street and east of the Cucamonga Creek Channel. RESOLUTION NO. 02-113 54 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACTS 15727, 15727- 6 AND 15727-8 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK 14. Approval to accept the Amethyst Avenue Pavement Overlay from 55 Highland Avenue to Wilson Avenue, Contract No. 01-082 as complete, retain the Performance Bond as a Guarantee Bond, release the Labor and Material Bond, and authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final contract amount of $233,017.98. City Council Agenda April 3, 2002 4 RESOLUTION NO. 02-114 57 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE AMETHYST AVENUE PAVEMENT OVERLAY FROM HIGHLAND AVENUE TO WILSON AVENUE, CONTRACT NO 01-082 AS COMPLETE AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK E.~. CONSENT ORDINANCES The following Ordinances have had public hearings at the time of first reading. Second readings are expected to be routine and non- controversial. The Council will act upon them at one time without discussion. The City Clerk will read the title. Any item can be removed for discussion. No Items Submitted. F. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required by law. The Chair will open the meeting to receive public testimony. 1. CONSIDERATION OF THE DRAFT ANNUAL COMMUNITY 58 DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING ALLOCATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002-2003 - A REVIEW OF THE FEDERALLY REQUIRED CONSOLIDATED PLAN ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002-2003, INCLUDING THE PRELIMINARY SELECTION OF PROJECTS FOR THE CDBG ANNUAL APPLICATION, BASED ON A NEW GRANT ALLOCATION OF $983,000. G.~. PUBLIC HEARINGS The following items have no legal publication or posting requirements. The Chair will open the meeting to receive public testimony. No Items Submitted. City Council Agenda April 3, 2002 5 H. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the Chair may open the meeting for public input. 1. CABLE TELEVISION UPDATE (Oral) 2. CONSIDERATION OF A SEVEN-YEAR EXTENSION OF THE MOBILE 98 HOME ACCORD WITH RAMONA VILLA MOBILE HOME PARK I_. COUNCIL BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the City Council for discussion. They are not public hearing items, although the Chair may open the meeting for public input. No items Submitted. J. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING This is the time for City Council to identify the items they wish to discuss at the next meeting. These items will not be discussed at this meeting, only identified for the next meeting. K.~. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC This is the time and place for the general public to address the City Council. State law prohibits the City Council from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Council may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual. L. ADJOURNMENT I, Debra J. Adams, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on March 28, 2002, seventy two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. March 20, 2002 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION MINUTES A. CALL TO ORDER The Rancho Cucamonga City Council held a closed session on Wednesday, March 20, 2002, in the Tapia Room of the Civic Center located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor William J. Alexander. Present were Councilmembers: Paul Biane, Grace Curatalo, Bob Dutton, Diane Williams and Mayor William J. Alexander. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; and William Curley, Assistant City Attorney. B. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ITEMS Mayor Alexander announced there were two closed session items to be added as listed below: B1. ACTION TO APPOINT AN INTERIM BUILDING OFFICIAL PER GOVERNMENT CODE 54957.1(a) 5 - CITY B2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING PENDING LITIATION - HILLSIDE SAPPHIRE VENTURE LTD. VS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - GOVERNMENT CODE 54956.9(a) - CITY Both items were added to the closed session agenda by a unanimous vote C. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS No one was present to comment on the closed session items. D. CONDUCT OF CLOSED SESSION Closed session began at 5:35 p.m. Closed session recessed at 6:50 p.m. until the conclusion of the City Council meeting. At the conclusion of the City Council meeting, closed session reconvened at 8:55 p.m. It was approved 5-0 and announced to the public to appoint Jerry Grant, former Building Official, to serve as the Interim Building Official until a recruitment can occur to replace Bill Makshanoff due to his recent announcement of retirement. CO 02-021 was approved 5-0. E. ADJOURNMENT The City Council adjourned at 9:45 p.m. City Council Minutes March 20, 2002 Page 2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Regular Meeting A. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council was held on Wednesday, March 20, 2002 in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:28 p.m. by Mayor William J. Alexander. Present were Councilmembers: Paul Biane, Grace Curatalo, Bob Dutton, Diane Williams and Mayor William J. Alexander. Aisc present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; William Curley, Assistant City Attorney; Mike Nelson, Sr. RDA Analyst; Flavio Nunez, RDA Analyst; Kevin McArdle, Community Services Director; Paula Pachon, Management Analyst II1: Dave Moore, Recreation Superintendent; Bill Makshanoff, Building Official; Allen Brock, Plan Check Manager/Building; Linda Courtney, Sr. Administrative Secretary; Joe O'Neil, City Engineer; Shintu Bose, Deputy City Engineer; Michelle Dawson, Management Analyst III; Walt Stickney, Associate Engineer; Ken Fung, Assistant Engineer; Brad Bullet, City Planner; Kirt Coury, Associate Planner; Larry Temple, Administrative Services Director; Michael Toy, Information Systems Specialist; Sid Siphomsay, Information Systems Analyst; Chief Dennis Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District; Peter Bryan, Battalion Chief/Training Officer, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District; Captain Pete Ortiz, Police Depadment; Duane Baker, Assistant to the City Manager; Britt Wilson, Management Analyst II; Kimberly Thomas, Management Analyst II; Kathy Scott, Deputy City Clerk; Shirr'l Griffin, Office Specialist II; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. B. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS B1. Presentation on Measure I by Darren Kettle, Director of Intergovernmental/Legislative Affairs, San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG). A power point presentation was given by Darren Kettle, SANBAG, describing Measure I and the benefits everyone receives from it. B2. Presentation of a Plaque to SBC Pacific Bell for their generous donation to the Rancho Cucamonga Community Foundation. Mayor Alexander presented the plaque to Jaoni Finwall. B3. Presentation of a Proclamation in recognition of Red Cross Month. Mayor Alexander presented the Proclamation to Duane Baker, Assistant to the City Manager and long- time volunteer and Treasurer for the Red Cross. B4. Presentation of a commemorative City tile plaque to Bill Makshanoff, Building Official, in honor of his retirement from the City. Mayor Alexander presented the plaque to Bill Makshanoff and thanked him for his service to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Bill Makshanoff, Building Official, thanked the Council, City Manager and City Staff for the opportunity to have worked in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. City Council Minutes March 20, 2002 Page 3 C. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC C1. Frank Williams, BIA, stated he has not always agreed with Bill Makshanoff, but felt he was the best of the best in Building Officials. He congratulated him on his retirement. C2. Paula Pachon and Rebecca Davies of the Library Foundation told about the upcoming Library Telethon planned for this weekend. They encouraged everyone to contribute to this worthwhile cause and event. D. CONSENT CALENDAR Jack Lam, City Manager, announced there was a correction in the account number for item D21. A memo is on file in the City Clerk's office with the correct account number. D1. Approval of Minutes: March 6, 2002 D2. Approval of Warrants, Register Nos. 2/27/02 and 3/6/02, and Payroll ending 2/24/02 for the total amount of $2,142,794.20. D3. Approve to receive and file current Investment Schedule as of February 28, 2002. D4. Approval to authorize the advertising of the "Notice Inviting Bids" for Coyote Canyon Landscape Improvements, funded from Account No. 1120305-5650/1116-120-0. RESOLUTION NO. 02-073 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR COYOTE CANYON LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS D5. Approval of Resolution authorizing the destruction of City Records pursuant to California Government Code Section 34090, the City's Records Retention Schedule, and other applicable legal citations. RESOLUTION NO. 02-074 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CITY RECORDS WHICH ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED AS SET FORTH IN CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 34090 AND OTHER APPLICABLE LEGAL REFERENCES D6. Approval of a request to make a determination of Public Convenience and Necessity, DRC2002- 00128 - COSTCO WHOLESALE, for the issuance of a Type 21 Alcoholic Beverage License for Off Premises Liquor Sales, at a proposed Costco Wholesale in the Industrial Park District (Subarea 12), located at 11800 4th Street (on the north side of 4th Street adjacent to the 1-15 Freeway) APN: 229-263- 69. City Council Minutes March 20, 2002 Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. 02-075 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A DETERMINATION OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE OR NECESSITY AND A REQUEST FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A TYPE 21 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE FOR OFF PREMISE LIQUOR SALES AT A PROPOSED COSTCO WHOLESALE IN THE INDUSTRIAL PARK DISTRICT (SUBAREA 12) LOCATED AT 11800 4TM STREET (ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 4TM STREET ADJACENT TO THE 1-15) AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. APN: 229-263-69 D7. Approval of an application for California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Annual Payment by the California Department of Conservation Division of Recycling. RESOLUTION NO. 02-076 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR CALIFORNIA BEVERAGE CONTAINER RECYCLING AND LI~I-ER REDUCTION ANNUAL PAYMENT BY THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION DIVISION OF RECYCLING D8. Approval for design of the Rochester Avenue Landscaping at Route 30 Project and appropriate $24,332.00 ($22,120.00 plus 10% contingency) from Account No. 1103165650/1330110 (Beautification Fund). D9. Approval of a request to Summarily Vacate Excess Street Right-of-Way at the southwest side of the knuckle intersection of Malvern Avenue and Salina Street, V-183 - APN: 209-041-47 RESOLUTION NO. 02-077 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUMMARILY ORDERING THE VACATION OF EXCESS RIGHT-OF-WAY AT THE SOUTHWEST SIDE OF THE KNUCKLE INTERSECTION OF MALVERN AVENUE AND SALINA STREET D10. Approval to amend Professional Services Agreement CO 01-099 with Geographics and approve a budget appropriation of $15,000 to the Non-depadmental General Overhead City Account #1001001- 5300 for professional services for the Rancho Cucamonga Reporter quarterly insert in The Grapevine. Dll. Approval of Map and Monumentation Cash Deposit for Parcel Map 15666, located on the south side of Base Line Road, west of Milliken Avenue, submitted by Western Land Properties, a California Limited Partnership. RESOLUTION NO. 02-078 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP 15666 AND MONUMENTATION CASH DEPOSIT D12. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 7 for Tract Map 14494-1, located on the north side of Banyan Street between the SCE Corridor and Day Creek Boulevard, submitted by US Homes Corporation. City Council Minutes March 20, 2002 Page $ RESOLUTION NO. 02-079 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TRACT MAP NUMBER 14494-1, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY RESOLUTION NO. 02-080 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 7 FOR TRACT 14494-1 D13. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 7 for Tract Map 14497, located on the west side of Bluegrass Avenue between Banyan Street and Wilson Avenue, submitted by Standard Pacific Corp. RESOLUTION NO. 02-081 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TRACT MAP NUMBER 14497, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY RESOLUTION NO. 02-082 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 7 FOR TRACT 14497 D14. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 7 for Tract Map 14498, located on the southwest corner of Wilson Avenue and Bluegrass Avenue, submitted by Rancho Etiwanda 685, LLC. RESOLUTION NO. 02-083 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TRACT MAP NUMBER 14498, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY RESOLUTION NO. 02-084 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 7 FOR TRACT 14498 D15. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 7 for Tract Map 14523, located on the west side of Day Creek Boulevard between Banyan Street and Wilson Avenue, submitted by MBK Homes LTD. City Council Minutes March 20, 2002 Page 6 RESOLUTION NO. 02-085 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TRACT MAP NUMBER 14523, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY RESOLUTION NO. 02-086 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 7 FOR TRACT 14523 D16. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 7 for Tract Map 14523-1, located on the west side of Day Creek Boulevard between Wilson Avenue and Banyan Street, submitted by Rancho Etiwanda 685, LLC RESOLUTION NO. 02-087 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TRACT MAP NUMBER 14523-1, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY RESOLUTION NO. 02-088 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 7 FOR TRACT 14523-1 D17. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 7 for Tract Map 15838, located on the east side of Day Creek Boulevard between Banyan Street and Wilson Avenue, submitted by Rancho Etiwanda 685, LLC and Standard Pacific Corp. RESOLUTION NO. 02-089 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TRACT MAP NUMBER 15838, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY RESOLUTION NO. 02-090 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 7 FOR TRACT 15838 D18. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 7 for Tract Map 15902, located at the southeast corner of Day Creek Boulevard and Banyan Street, submitted by Rancho Etiwanda 685, LLC. City Council Minutes March 20, 2002 Page ? RESOLUTION NO. 02-091 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TRACT MAP NUMBER 15902, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY RESOLUTION NO. 02-092 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 7 FOR TRACT 15902 D19. Approval to award and execute the Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Contract for Landscape Maintenance Districts (LMD) No. 9 and No. 10 to Truegreen Landcare, Branch 6169, of Ontario, California (CO 02-018) in the amount of $9,399.07, to be funded from Account Nos. 1139303- 5300 (LMD 9) and 1140303-5300 (LMD 10). D20. Approval of a Street Frontage Reimbursement Agreement (CO 02-019) for Construction of Banyan Street (formerly Summit Avenue) from Bluegrass Avenue to Etiwanda Avenue (approximately 2645 feet) in connection with development of Tract 13812, submitted by Panda Development, SRA-26. RESOLUTION NO. 02-093 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A STREET FRONTAGE REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (SRA-26) EXECUTED ON MARCH 20, 2002, FOR THE INSTALLATION OF BANYAN STREET (FORMERLY SUMMIT AVENUE) FROM BLUEGRASS AVENUE TO ETIWANDA AVENUE D21. Approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates (CO 02-020) for the design of Traffic Signal Interconnect System and to provide traffic signal coordination plans on Base Line Road from Benson Avenue to Etiwanda Avenue in the amount of $112,000 and authorization of 10% contingency, to be funded from Account No. !!243035650!24~!2~ 1'12430356501290124 (corrected account number per memo on file with a9enda packet) D22. Approval to accept Improvement, release the Faithful Performance Bond, accept a Maintenance Bond and file a Notice of Completion for Improvements for DR 99-55, submitted by Rancho Cucamonga II, Inc., a Massachusetts Corporation, located at the southeast corner of Arrow Route and Milliken Avenue. RESOLUTION NO. 02-094 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DR 99-55 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK D23. Approval to accept Improvements, retain the Faithful Performance Bond as a Maintenance Bond and file a Notice of Completion for Improvements for DR 00-76, submitted by Khosro Khaloghli, located on the north side of Sixth Street, west of Cleveland. City Council Minutes March 20, 2002 Page 8 RESOLUTION NO. 02-095 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DR 00-76 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK D24. Approval to accept Improvements, release the Faithful Performance Bond, accept a Maintenance Bond, and file a Notice of Completion for Improvements for Parcel Map 15350, submitted by General Dynamics Properties, Inc., on the southwest corner of Milliken Ave. and Sixth St. RESOLUTION NO. 02-096 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 15350 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK D25. Approval of release of Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Tracts 15727-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, located north of Fourth Street, between Hellman and Archibald Avenues, submitted by Cornerpointe 85, LLC. D26. Approval to accept the Lower Hermosa Avenue Phase I Utility Underground and Street Light Improvements from 4th Street to approximately 350 feet south of 8th Street, Contract No. 01-089, as complete, retain the Performance Bond as a Guarantee Bond, release the Labor and Material Bond and authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final contract amount of $570,791.84. RESOLUTION NO. 02-097 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE LOWER HERMOSA AVENUE PHASE I UTILITY UNDERGROUND AND STREET LIGHT IMPROVEMENTS FROM 4TM STREET TO APPROXIMATELY 350 FEET SOUTH OF 8TM STREET, CONTRACT NO. 01-089 AS COMPLETE, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK D27. Approval to accept the 6th Street Pavement Rehabilitation from Hellman Avenue to Archibald Avenue, Contract No. 01-101 as complete, retain the Performance Bond as a Guarantee Bond, release Labor and Material Bond, and authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final Contract amount of $190,735.44. RESOLUTION NO. 02-098 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE 6TM STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM HELLMAN AVENUE TO ARCHIBALD AVENUE, CONTRACT NO. 01-101, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK D28. Approval to accept the Construction of the Foothil~ Boulevard Median Improvements Phase II, Deer Creek Channel Bridge Widening and Storm Drain Project, Contract No. 00-014 as complete, release the Bonds, accept a Maintenance Bond, and authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final Contract amount of $7,815,506.91. City Council Minutes March 20, 2002 Page 9 RESOLUTION NO. 02-099 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS PHASE II, DEER CREEK CHANNEL BRIDGE WIDENING AND STORM DRAIN PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 00-014, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK D29. Approval to accept the Construction of the Metrolink Station Expansion, Phase II, Contract No. 00-096 as complete, release the Bonds, accept a Maintenance Bond, and authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final Contract amount of $1,679,188.13. RESOLUTION NO. 02-100 A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE METROLINK STATION EXPANSION, PHASE II, CONTRACT NO. 00-096, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK D30. Approval to accept the Construction of the Red Hill park Storage Building and Storage Shed and the Heritage Park Storage Shed, Bid Alternate No. 2 (Buildings A & B), Contract No. 01-055 as complete, release the Bonds, accept a Maintenance Bond, and authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final Contract amount of $142,093.00. RESOLUTION NO. 02-101 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE RED HILL PARK STORAGE BUILDING AND STORAGE SHED AND THE HERITAGE PARK STORAGE SHED, BID ALTERNATE NO. 2 (BUILDINGS A & B), CONTRACT NO. 01-055, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK D31. Approval to accept the Construction of Banyan Street Right Turn Lane west of Milliken Avenue, Contract No. 01-100 as complete, release the Bonds, accept a Maintenance Bond, and authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final Contract amount of $62,478.26. RESOLUTION NO. 02-102 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE CONSTRUCTION OF BANYAN STREET RIGHT TURN LANE WEST OF MILLIKEN AVENUE, CONTRACT NO. 01-100, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK D32. Approval to accept the Construction of the Civic Center East Parking Lot Expansion, Contract No. 01-070 as complete, release the Bonds, accept a Maintenance Bond, and authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final Contract amount of $528,956.77. City Council Minutes March 20, 2002 Page tO RESOLUTION NO. 02-103 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CIVIC CENTER EAST PARKING LOT EXPANSION, CONTRACT NO. 01-070, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A N©TICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK D33. Approval of the Resolutions approving and confirming the Engineer's Repods and setting of Public Hearing for May 15, 2002, to Levy the Annual Assessments for Fiscal Year 2002/2003 for Landscape Maintenance Districts Nos. 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. No increase of assessment rate is proposed. RESOLUTION NO. 02-104 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS NOS. 1,2, 3A, 3B, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, AND 10 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2002/2003 PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972; AND OFFERING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS THERETO RESOLUTION NO. 02-105 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, FOR APPROVAL OF CITY ENGINEER'S ANNUAL REPORTS FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS NOS. 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, AND 10. NO INCREASE OF ASSESSMENT RATE PROPOSED. D34. Approval of the Resolutions approving and confirming the Engineer's Repods and setting of Public Hearing for May 15, 2002, to Levy and Annual Assessments for Fiscal Year 2002/2003 for Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. No increase of assessment rate is proposed. RESOLUTION NO. 02-106 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS NOS. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 AND 8 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2002~2003 PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972; AND OFFERING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS THERETO RESOLUTION NO. 02-107 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, FOR APPROVAL OF CITY ENGINEER'S ANNUAL REPORTS FOR STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS NOS. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 AND 8. NO INCREASE OF ASSESSMENT RATE PROPOSED. City Council Minutes March20, 2002 Page ! ! D35. Approval of the Resolutions approving and confirming the Engineer's Reports and setting the Public Hearing for May 15, 2002, to Levy and Annual Assessments for Fiscal year 2002/2003 for the Park and Recreation Improvement District (PD-85). No increase of assessment rate is proposed. RESOLUTION NO. 02-108 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (PD-85), FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2002/2003 PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972; AND OFFERING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS THERETO RESOLUTION NO. 02-109 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, FOR APPROVAL OF CITY ENGINEER'S ANNUAL REPORT FOR PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (PD-85). NO INCREASE OF ASSESSMENT RATE PROPOSED. MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Biane to approve the staff recommendations in the staff reports contained within the Consent Calendar as corrected. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. E. CONSENT ORDINANCES El. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT OF 40 MPH ON WILSON AVENUE BETVVEEN CARNELIAN AND AMETHYST AVENLIF Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 680. ORDINANCE NO. 680 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 10.20.020 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY CODE REGARDING PRIMA FAClE SPEED LIMIT OF 40 MPH ON WILSON AVENUE BETWEEN CARNELIAN STREET AND AMETHYST AVENUE MOTION: Moved by Dutton, seconded by Williams to waive full reading and approve Ordinance No. 670. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. F. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING,C; Fl. CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVF TRACT MAP SUBTT16257 - FORECAST CORPORATION - The appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to approve a request to subdivide 24.2 acres of land into one lot for condominium purposes in the Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre), Etiwanda South Overlay District, and Etiwanda Avenue Overlay District within the Etiwanda Specific Plan, located on the west side of Etiwanda Avenue, north of Foothill Boulevard - APNs: 227-211-02, 04, 05, 09, 10, 15, 20, 29 and a portion of 17. Related files: Conditional Use Permit DR02001-00557 and City Council Minutes March 20, 2002 Page t2 Tree Removal Permit DRC2001-00567. Staff has prepared a Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. (CONTINUED FROM MARCH 6, 2002) CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAl USE PERMIT DRC2001-00557 - FORECAST CORPORATION - The appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to approve a request to construct 340 apartments on 24.2 acres of land in the Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre), Etiwanda South Overlay District, and Etiwanda Avenue Overlay District within the Etiwanda Specific Plan, located on the west side of Etiwanda Avenue, north of Foothill Boulevard - APNs: 227-211-02, 04-, 05-, 09, 10, 15, 20, 29 and a portion of 17. Related files: Tentative Tract Map SUTT16257 and Tree Removal Permit DR2001- 00567. Staff has prepared a Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. (CONTINUED FROM MARCH 6, 2002) Jack Lam, City Manager, stated this was continued from the last meeting and asked Brad Buller, City Planner, for an update. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated they have been in contact with both the developer and the homeowner. He stated just prior to this meeting beginning, more conversations have taken place and felt they would like to speak. Mayor Alexander opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the City Council were: Don Glover stated he has a binding Letter of Intent from Mr. Previty and would like a 60-day escrow. He stated they are willing to drop the appeal and that his neighbors agree. He stated he would like to apologize to Brad Buller for his previous comments at the last meeting. He stated he would sign the Letter of intent. Councilmember Williams asked about the agreement. Mr. GIover stated they have reached agreement on the sales price of the homes and that six houses have agreed. Dan Sandoval thanked the Council for their help on this issue and also thanked Brad Buller, City Planner, and Mr. Previty. Wes Leneer stated he hoped the City Council and Planning Commission have learned something from this. He felt there was a lot of frustration in getting this resolved, but felt this was best for he and the City. Mr. Jim Previty asked if the Council had any questions and apologized if he lost his temper at the last meeting. He stated he is glad it was continued for these two weeks in order to get things resolved. Councilmember Williams asked for an explanation of their resolution of this matter. Brad Buller, City Planner, displayed a map showing the two parcels that are not willing to sign as of tonight, but stated there are still six who did sign. Mr. Previty stated he has personally gone out and talked to the residents and made contact with them. Brad Bullet, City Planner, stated with the withdrawal of the appeal, there is no action necessary. City Council Minutes March20, 2002 Page t3 RESOLUTION NO. 02-071 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, UPHOLDING THE ACTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT16257, A CONDOMINIUM SUBDIVISION OF ONE LOT, AND THE RELATED TREE REMOVAL PERMIT DRC2001-00567, FOR 340 APARTMENTS ON 24.2 ACRES OF LAND IN THE MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (8-14 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE), ETIWANDA SOUTH OVERLAY DISTRICT, AND ETIWANDA AVENUE OVERLAY DISTRICT WITHIN THE ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN, LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF ETIWANDA AVENUE, NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF- APNs: 227-211-02, 04, 05, 09, 10, 15, 20, 29 AND A PORTION OF 17 RESOLUTION NO. 02-072 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, UPHOLDING THE ACTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. DRC2001-00857 TO CONSTRUCT 340 APARTMENTS ON 24.2 ACRES OF LAND IN THE MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (8-14 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE), ETIWANDA SOUTH OVERLAY DISTRICT, AND ETIWANDA AVENUE OVERLAY DISTRICT WITHIN THE ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN, LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF ETIWANDA AVENUE, NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APNs: 227-211-02, 04, 05, 09, 10, 1§, 20, 29 AND A PORTION OF 17 ACTION: NO ACTION TAKEN DUE TO WlTHDRAWL OF APPEAL. F2. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE UPDATED GENERAL CITY MASTER PLAN OF DRAINAGE REPORT AND APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AN UPDATED DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT FEES FOR ALL DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE GENERAL CITY LOCAl DRAINAGE AREA Staff report presented by Joe O'Neil, City Engineer. Mayor Alexander opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the City Council were: Frank Williams, BIA, stated he had requested the Council have a workshop on this item. He stated some of his members are for this and some are against it. He stated Bob Neufeld of CCWD told him he felt it was odd that they were not involved in the development of the plan. He stated he would like an accounting of the money collected. He stated he wondered if any of the Measure I money that Mr. Kettle spoke on earlier should be backed out of this amount. He again suggested there be a workshop on this before it is approved. He stated they want to pay their fair share, but want to make sure it is the correct, fair share. He suggested this be continued for 30 days to allow time for the workshop to occur. Mayor Alexander asked about the adoption timeframe and effective timeframe. William Curley, Assistant City Attorney, stated if the Council goes forward and adopts this tonight, it would take effect in 60 days allowing the Council the time to have their workshop, but added that if they make any changes within the 60 day period, the clock would start ticking all over again for another 60 days. City Council Minutes March 20, 2002 Page t4 John Lyons felt Frank Williams should come in and look at the information if he has questions. He didn't feel funds should be spent to conduct the workshop. There being no further input, the public hearing was closed. Councilmember Biane stated he would be abstaining from voting on this matter because he owns property within this area. Councilmember Williams felt a workshop should occur, but wondered how people should be made aware of this. She felt workshops are very beneficial to people and felt this item should be continued. Councilmember Dutton stated he agreed with the workshop idea and had no problem continuing this. Councilmember Williams stated she has no problem with CCWD participating in this. Mayor Alexander stated he feels Frank Williams does not trust the City Council. Councilmember Dutton pointed out this is mostly in the industrial area. RESOLUTION NO. 02-061 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING UPDATED DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT FEES (FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2002) FOR ALL DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE GENERAL CITY LOCAL DRAINAGE AREA OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA RESOLUTION NO. 02-062 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE UPDATED GENERAL CITY AREA MASTER PLAN OF DRAINAGE REPORT MOTION: Moved by Dutton, seconded by Williams to continue the public hearing until April 17, 2002, 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California, in order for a workshop to occur with representatives from the BIA, CCWD and property owners involved prior to the Council considering this matter. Councilmember Curatalo stated she agreed with the workshop. Motion carried 3-1-0-1 (Alexander voted no and Biane abstained). G. PUBLIC HEARINGS No Items Submitted. H. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS No Items Submitted. City Council Minutes March 20, 2002 Page 15 I. COUNCIL BUSINESS I1. PARKS, RECREATION FACILITIES AND COMMUNITY SERVICES UPDATF Councilmember Williams talked about the Library Telethon and encouraged everyone to donate to this worthwhile cause. Kevin McArdle, Community Services Director, was asked to comment on the Ralph M. Lewis Park. He stated it is close to being completed and commented what it meant to the community. ACTION: Report received and filed. J. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING No items were identified for the next meeting. K. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC No communication was made from the public. L. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Biane, seconded by Dutton to recess to closed session to continue with the closed session agenda. The meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m. Closed session adjourned at 9:45 p.m. at indicated above. Respectfully submitted, Debra J. Adams, CMC City Clerk Approved: * CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/13/02 C H B C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Page 1 WED, MAR 13, 2002, 3:27 PM --req: KFINCHER--leg: GL JL--loc: FIN~i~CE---job: 79133 #8033 ..... prog: CK200 <l.37>--report id: CKREG--- Check Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check Amount Type Subs Rel To Note AP00180558 004635 A D/qD K 30 MIN PBOTO L~%B INC 03/13/02 33.78 M~ OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180559 000001 AA EQUIP~NT ~NTALS CO INC 03/13/02 770.93 ~4W OH AP00180560 001334 ABLJ%C 03/13/02 294.06 MW OH AP00180561 006309 ADAMSON, RONALD 03/13/02 1,184.00 MW OH AP00180562 004627 ALLEN'S BOOTS 03/13/02 366.56 MW OH AP00180563 005673 DJ~LEN, SYLVESTER R 03/13/02 324.77 MW OH AP00180564 006172 ALTA LOMA CHARTER LINES 03/13/02 428.07 MW OH AP00180565 005807 ARCHITERRA DESIGN GROUP 03/13/02 3,360.00 MW OH AP00180566 007108 ARMOR HOLDINGS FORENSICS INC 03/13/02 43.90 MW OH AP00180567 000310 ARROW TRUCK BODIES ~ BQUIPM 03/13/02 711.15 MW OH AP00180568 000402 AUTO RESTORATORS 03/13/02 401.44 MW OH AP00180569 000033 BASELINE TRUE VALUE ~ARDWARE 03/13/02 276.50 MW OH AP00180570 004441 BEST BUY CO INC 03/13/02 909.83 MW OB AP00180571 001247 BLJkKE PAPER CO INC 03/13/02 199.11 MW OH AP00180572 004469 BOGD~NOFF, MIC}L~EL 03/13/02 73.00 MW OH AP00180573 001746 BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS 03/13/02 1,594.70 MW OH AP00180574 004833 BOOKS ON TAPE INC 03/13/02 45.22 ~ OH AP00180575 007080 BROBSTON, DARLENE 03/13/02 36.00 MW OH AP00180576 004369 BRODART BOOKS 03/13/02 11,843.91 ~ OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180577 001001 BURTRONICS BUSINESS SYSTEMS 03/13/02 107.36 MW OH AP00180578 003476 C3%DY, COREY 03/13/02 190.00 9~4 OH AP00180579 001851 CAL WESTERN PAINT 03/13/02 409.58 MW OH AP00180580 004412 CALIFORNIA ELECTRONIC ENTRy 03/13/02 599.75 MW OH AP00180581 000062 CALIFOR/qIA JOURNILL 03/13/02 43.00 ~ OH AP00180582 006713 CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT 03/13/02 11.00 MW OH CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/13/02 C E E C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Page 2 WED, MAR 13, 2002, 3:27 PM --req: KFINCHER--le~: GL JL--loc: FINANCE---job: 79133 #S033 ..... pro~: CK200 <l.37>--report id: CKREG--- Check Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check Amount Type Subs Rel To Note AP00180583 001223 C~3~SENSE 03/13/02 4,088.72 ~5~ OH AP00180584 005406 C~4p CO 03/13/02 5,219.53 MW OH AP00180585 007081 C~NONq~S, THERESA 03/13/02 200.00 MW OH AP00180586 007079 CAPALBO, ROBIN 03/13/02 36.00 ~5~ OH AP00180587 003001 CENTEX HOMES 03/13/02 5,000.00 MW OH AP00180588 006655 CENTP~ FOR ORG~2~I~ATION EFFEC 03/13/02 7,392.68 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180589 001061 C~L~4PION AWAPdDS ~ SPECIALIE 03/13/02 1,780.03 MW OH AP00180590 000947 CHARTER COMMLqqICATIONS 03/13/02 39.77 MW OH AP00180591 000713 CHICKS SPORTING GOODS INC 03/13/02 197.22 ~ OE AP00180592 004323 CINGULAR INTERACTIVE LP 03/13/02 4,283.33 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180593 000073 CITRUS MOTORS ONTARIO INC 03/13/02 652.01 MW OH AP00180594 080024 COCA COI~ BO~"~LING CO OF LA/R 03/13/02 791.50 MW OH AP00180595 003073 COLOP~5~A WHOLESALE N]3RSERY 03/13/02 448~06 MW OH AP00180596 001328 CONCANNON, SHARI 03/13/02 199.50 ~W OH AP00180597 006709 COPP CRUSHING COEP, D~ 03/13/02 170.00 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180598 000930 CORONA CLAY COMP~qY 03/13/02 996.69 ~ OH AP00180599 002051 COUN~fRY ESTATE FENCE CO INC 03/13/02 2,919.23 MW OH AP00180600 001321 COURT TRUSTEE 03/13/02 118.50 ~5~ OH AP00180601 001321 COURT TRUSTEE 03/13/02 200.00 MW OH AP00180602 000085 CUCD~4ONGA CO WATER DIST 03/13/02 9,800.23 MW OH AP00180603 000604 CYBERCOM RESOURCES INC 03/13/02 5,250.00 MW OH AP00180604 002512 D A R E ~34ERICA 03/13/02 121.88 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180605 000239 D ~ K CONCRETE COMP~/~¥ 03/13/02 882.48 MW OH AP00180606 002478 DAPPER TIRE CO 03/13/02 104.13 MW OH AP00180607 000347 DAY TIMERS INC 03/13/02 34.45 MW OH CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/13/02 C H E C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Page 3 WED, MAR 13, 2002, 3:27 PM --req: KFINCHER--le~: GL JL--loc: FIND/gCE---job: 79133 #S033 ..... pro~: CH200 <l.37>--report id: CKREG--- Check Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check mount Type Subs Rel To Note AP00180608 005063 DE LA MORA, MARIO 03/13/02 70.00 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180609 006302 DEAN INC,STU~RT 03/13/02 855.05 MW OH AP00180610 004366 DEMCO INC 03/13/02 51.77 MW OH AP00180611 004544 DICK, ERIC 03/13/02 337.50 MW OH AP00180612 007113 DRAGOTTO, SAATDRA 03/13/02 200.00 MW OH AP00180613 041371 DRAKE, GLORIA 03/13/02 88.00 MW OH AP00180614 003297 E G N CONSTRUCTION INC 03/13/02 6,247.83 MW OH AP00180615 006536 EASTER, PAMELA 03/13/02 61.71 MW OH AP00180616 003364 EIGHTH AVENq3E GRAPHICS 03/13/02 164.86 MW OH AP00180617 003614 ELITE TOWING 03/13/02 181.25 MW OH AP00180618 090520 EMPLOYMENT SYSTEMS INC. 03/13/02 2,783.76 MW OH AP00180619 004468 ESCOBAR, ~;%NTIAGO 03/13/02 70.00 MW OH AP00180620 002349 ESGIL CORPORATION 03/13/02 21,768.94 MW OH AP00180621 003806 ETIW~%NDA SCHOOL DISTRICT 03/13/02 3,080.00 MW OH AP00180622 000229 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS 03/13/02 3,150.45 MW OH AP00180623 005917 FASTENAL COMPANY 03/13/02 248.84 MW OH AP00180624 002103 FAUST PRINTING INC 03/13/02 2,475.08 MW OH AP00180625 000123 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 03/13/02 314.93 MW OH AP00180626 000124 FENCE CR3~FT OF UPLD~ND INC 03/13/02 257.25 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180627 007115 FER~N-DEZ, MIGUEL 03/13/02 31.87 MW OH AP00180628 000184 FIELDMAN ROLAPP A/gD ASSOCIATE 03/13/02 690.00 MW OH AP00180629 000155 FILARSHY AND WATT 03/13/02 6,683.13 MW OH AP00180630 006556 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 03/13/02 8,767.90 MW OH AP00180631 005892 FIRST PLACE TROPHIES 03/13/02 1,879.20 MW OH AP00180632 004762 FOOTHILL FAMILY SHELTER 03/13/02 250.00 MW OH CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/13/02 C H E C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Page 4 WED, ~L~R 13, 2002, 3:27 PM --req: HFINCHER--leg: GL JL--loc: FINANCE---job: 79133 #S033 ..... prog: CK200 <l.37>--r~port id: CKREG--- Check Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check Amount Type Subs Rel To Note AP00180633 002840 FORD OF UPLAND INC 03/13/02 134.82 MW OH AP00180634 000098 FORD PRINTING D/qD 5~AILING INC 03/13/02 885.90 MW OH AP00180635 006074 FUKUSHIMA, 0q3DITH 03/13/02 1,530.00 MW OH AP00180636 001245 GONSALVES /%NqD SON, JOE A 03/13/02 7,500.00 ~ OH AP00180637 004014 GRAlqT, RITA 03/13/02 65.13 MW OH EX AP00180638 003827 GREEN ROCK POWER EQUIPMENT 03/13/02 55.81 954 OH EX AP00180639 003098 GRESSCO 03/13/02 3,090.26 MW OH AP00180640 004525 HAAKER EQUIPMENT CO 03/13/02 692.69 MW OH AP00180641 000462 HCS CUTLER STEEL CO 03/13/02 436.46 MW OH AP00180642 002256 HI LINE ELECTRIC COMP/~NY 03/13/02 120.50 MW OH AP00180643 004928 HOCKEY WEST 03/13/02 1,334.22 MW OH AP00180644 000158 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 03/13/02 930.27 ~ OH AP00180645 090817 HO~ DEPOT/GECF, THE 03/13/02 667.08 ~ OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180646 002723 HO~ DEPOT 03/13/02 337.23 ~Sq OH AP00180647 000161 HO~ LUMBER CO, S M 03/13/02 312.73 MW OH AP00180648 001325 HURST, CHERYL 03/13/02 313.50 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180649 000495 HYDROSCAPE PRODUCTS INC 03/13/02 244.61 ~ OH AP00180650 000495 HYDROSCAPE PRODUCTS INC 03/13/02 76.59 MW OH AP00180651 004254 IBM CORPORATION 03/13/02 7,808.80 MW OH AP00180652 004188 ID BURR 03/13/02 120.03 N~ OH AP00180653 002577 I~GE CO~3NICATIONS 03/13/02 907.26 ~4W OH AP00180654 001218 INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTION GROUP 03/13/02 2~7.41 N~ OH AP00180655 006682 INI~/~D FAIR HOUSING ~ ~DIA 03/13/02 1,741.15 MW OH AP00180656 005682 INI~%ND INq)USTRIAL MEDICAL GRO 03/13/02 339.42 MW OH AP00180657 002315 INI~ND WHOLESALE ~3RSERY 03/13/02 450.77 ~ OH CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/13/02 C H E C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Page 5 WED, MAR 13, 2002, 3:27 PM --req: KFINCE~R--le~: GL JLa-loc: FIN~CE---job: 79133 #S033 ..... proD: CK200 <l.37>--report id: CKREG--- Check Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check Amount Type Subs Rel To Note AP00180658 004582 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF B 03/13/02 104~69 MW OH AP00180659 006884 INTEP~NATIONAL EZ UP 03/13/02 1,582.77 MW OH AP00180660 090933 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 03/13/02 1,686.16 ~W OH AP00180661 003452 INTRAVAIA ROCK D2~D SAND 03/13/02 180.00 MW OH AP00180662 007121 IOUG LIVE!2002 03/13/02 3,255.00 MW OH AP00180663 005071 J.G. CONSTRUCTION 03/13/02 1,000.00 MW OE AR AP00180664 000658 JAWOROWSKI, SD~NDR~ 03/13/02 40.88 MW OH AP00180665 004072 KCE COMPS. NY 03/13/02 14,209.31 5~W OH AP00180666 006595 KERR~Y, JULES 03/13/02 420.00 MW OH AP00180667 005295 KLAUS AND SONS 03/13/02 362.50 MW OH AP00180668 006976 KONGMEBOHL, BING 03/13/02 46.00 MW OH AP00180669 004982 KOP3~NDA CONSTRUCTION 03/13/02 350.00 MW OH AP00180670 002633 LAM, JACK 03/13/02 228.53 MW OH AP00180671 000195 LANCE SOLL ~ LUNG~APdD 03/13/02 780.00 MW OH AP00180672 006619 LASER TECHNOLOGY INC 03/13/02 311.58 MW OH AP00180673 000849 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 03/13/02 68.81 MW OH AP00180674 005287 LEON, LUIS 03/13/02 100.00 MW OE AP00180675 006327 LEWIS OPERATING CORPORATION 03/13/02 25.50 MW OH AP00180676 007078 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 03/13/02 2,475.00 MW OH AP00180677 001005 LIL STITCH 03/13/02 1,381.36 MW OH AP00180678 005662 LOS D-NGELES COCA COLA BTL CO 03/13/02 181.40 MW OH AP00180679 091220 LOUIS ~ COMPD/~Y 03/13/02 60.92 MW OH AP00180680 001336 LOWER, DARLENE 03/13/02 251.00 MW OH AP00180681 007077 LPS TACTICAL 03/13/02 58.46 MW OH AP00180682 007082 MARIA, ERIN 03/13/02 38.00 MW OE CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/13/02 C H E C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Page 6 WED, ~R 13, 2002, 3:27 PM --req: KFINCHER--le~: GL JL--loc: FIA~%NCE---job: 79133 ~S033 ..... pro~: CK200 <l.37>--report id: CKREG--- Check Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check Amount Type Subs Rel To Note AP00180683 000549 ~RIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT IN 03/13/02 16,788.16 MW OH AP00180684 003871 ~TT'B HARDWARE 03/13/02 18.18 ~5~ OH AP00180685 006085 MCARDLE, KEVIN 03/13/02 9.00 MW OH AP00180686 005852 MIDWEST TAPE 63/13/02 114.17 AP00180687 000749 MIJAC ALD~M COMPA/qY 03/13/02 3,238.80 MW OH AP00180688 007083 MILLER, BETTY 03/13/02 166.50 5T6 OH AP00180689 004374 MOBILE STORAGE GROUP INC 03/13/02 136.48 MW OH AP00180690 007084 MOSLEY, CHRIS 03/13/02 60.00 MW OH AP00180691 004442 MUNICIPAL M~d~AGEMEAUf 03/13/02 50.00 MW OH AP00180692 003978 5~/NIFIb~%NCIAL INC 03/13/02 1,492.10 MW OH AP00180693 000435 N F P A 03/13/02 83.94 MW OH AP00180694 001332 N M A DUES C/O BARBARA WHITE 03/13/02 13.85 N~ OH AP00180695 007086 N.F.S. 03/13/02 138.50 MW OH AP00180696 002248 NAPA AUTO PARTS 03/13/02 645.53 MW OH AP00180697 000744 NATIONAL DEFERRED 03/13/02 24,162.09 ~5~ OH AP00180698 006687 NATIONS RENT 03/13/02 2,236.32 ~ OH AP00180699 004527 NIKPOUR, MOHAF~4ED 03/13/02 70.00 MW OH AP00180700 006646 NJUGUNA, SAMMY 03/13/02 57.00 ~ OH AP00180701 000712 NORRIS REPKE INC 03/13/02 665.00 5T6 OH AP00180702 000523 OFFICE DEPOT 03/13/02 1,366.85 ~K~ OH AP00180703 006998 OFFICE TE~ 03/13/02 1,434.17 MW OH AP00180704 007087 OSTEPd~AUER COMPRESSOR SERVICE 03/13/02 331.49 ~5~ OH AP00180705 001367 OTTO ENGINEERING 03/13/02 3.89 MW OH AP00180706 000235 OWEN ELECTRIC 03/13/02 6{5.99 ~ OH AP00180707 007088 PAS~L~ 03/13/02 150.00 NS~ OH CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/13/02 C H E C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Page 7 WED, MAR 13, 2002, 3:27 PM --req: KFINCHER--le~: GL JL--loc: FIN~CE---job: 79133 #S033 ..... pro~: CK200 <1.37>--report id: CKREG--- Check Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check Amount Type Subs Rel To Note AP00180708 000757 PEP BOYS 03/13/02 173.15 MW OH AP00180709 004656 PEREZ, HECTOR 03/13/02 76.00 ~K~ OH AP00180710 003293 PERFOR/W~%NCE AUTO BODY 03/13/02 5,655.54 ~5~ OH AP00180711 005720 PERVO PAIN~ CO 03/13/02 722.40 MW OH AP00180712 006205 PETERMAN Lbq4BER 03/13/02 2,227.18 MW OH AP00180713 004267 PETES RO/LD SERVICE INC 03/13/02 874.17 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180714 000255 POMa DISTRIBUTING CO 03/13/02 1,532.12 MW OH AP00180715 001049 POMONA VALLEY KAWASAKI 03/13/02 1,240.48 MW O~ AP00180716 005331 POUR~IASSAlqIA_N, ABBY 03/13/02 46.00 MW OH AP00180717 000583 PROTECTION SERVICE INDUSTRIES 03/13/02 224.37 MW OH AP00180718 000065 PR%~)ENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 03/13/02 14.00 MW OH AP00180719 005899 QUALITY O~ ENGP~AVIN~ 03/13/02 48.49 MW OH AP00180720 001323 QUINTANA, ZITA 03/13/02 193.00 MW OH AP00180721 000251 R ~/qD R A~3TOMOTIVH 03/13/02 4,691.62 MW OH AP00180722 005876 RADULESCU, DD-N 03/13/02 197.00 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180723 002257 RAULS AUTO TRIM INC 03/13/02 111.94 ~5~ OH AP00180724 000345 NDO EQUIPMENT COMPI~NY/POWERPL 03/13/02 477.40 5f6 OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180725 006078 REGAL INDUSTRIES INC 03/13/02 3,445.00 MW OB AP00180726 001324 REIb~{ARDTSEN, DEBRA 03/13/02 282.50 ~ OR AP00180727 003368 RESOURCE DIRECTORY 03/13/02 49.99 NfW OH AP00180728 005914 REXEL CALCON ELECTRICAL SUPPL 03/13/02 2,781.73 MW OH AP00180729 004474 RIVAS, MIGUEL 03/13/02 100.00 MW OH AP00180730 000276 RIVERSIDE BLUEPRINT 03/13/02 1,045.35 MW OH AP00180731 001322 RIVERSIDE CO DEPT CHILD SUPPO 03/13/02 226.00 ~ OH AP00180732 004257 RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION COMP~/~ 03/13/02 2,007.90 MW OH CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/13/02 C H E C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Page 8 WED, ~ 13, 2002, 3:27 PM --req: KFINCEER--leg: GL JL--loc: FINANCE---job: 79133 #S033 ..... prog: CK200 <l.37>--report id: CKREG--- Check Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check Amount Type Subs Rel To Note ~=======~= ============ ============================= =~====== ============= ==== ==~= ====== ====================================== AP00180733 003314 ROBINSON FERTILIZER 03/13/02 1,155.69 MW OH AP00180734 000626 ROBLES HR, PJ%UL p 03/13/02 170.00 MW OH AP00180735 002082 ROYAL WHOLESALE ELECTRIC 03/13/02 2,413.64 MW OR AP00180736 007117 RYNEER, CHUCK 03/13/02 45.00 MW OH AP00180737 000454 S C C C A 03/13/02 30.00 MW OH AP00180738 005538 SAN D/qTONIO MATERIALS 03/13/02 832.39 MW OH AP00180739 001590 SAN BERN COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT 03/13/02 289.68 MW OH AP00180740 001590 SAN BER/~ COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT 03/13/02 200.00 MW OH AP00180741 000132 SAN DIEGO ROTARY BROOM CO INC 03/13/02 383.59 MW OH AP00180742 004980 SCIORTINO, NICOLAS 03/13/02 181.00 MW OH AP00180743 006033 SCRIPPS CENTER FOR EXECUTIVE 03/13/02 984.06 MW OH AP00180744 001829 SHARED TECHNOLOGY FAIRCHILD T 03/13/02 3,557.40 MW OH AP00180745 012180 SIPHOMSAY, SID 03/13/02 500.00 MW OH AP00180746 006981 SKILLE, STEVE 03/13/02 100.00 MW OH AP00180747 001327 SMART A~D FINAL 03/13/02 952.62 MW OH AP00180748 000319 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 03/13/02 2,231.75 MW OH AP00180749 VOID.CONTINU Void - Continued Stub 03/13/02 0.00 VM OH Void AP00180750 001432 SOUTHER/g CALIFORNIA EDISON 03/13/02 4,176.30 MW OH AP00180751 004568 SPECIALTY CLEANING SYSTEMS 03/13/02 650.00 MW OH AP00180752 006728 SPECTRA CONTRACT FLOORING:ORA 03/13/02 5,190.00 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180753 001335 STATE OF CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE 03/13/02 49.65 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180754 007256 STOFA, JOSEPH 03/13/02 25.00 MW OH AP00180755 005079 SYNCHRONEX 03/13/02 14,336.20 MW OH AP00180756 005410 T AND D INSTALLATIONS 03/13/02 2,092.22 MW OH AP00180757 006159 T S C G (TECHNOLOGY CONSULTIN 03/13/02 7,449.11 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/13/02 C H E C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Page 9 WED, ~ 13, 2002, 3:27 PM --req: KFINCHER--le~: GL JL--loc: FINANCE---job: 79133 #S033 ..... prog: CK200 <1.37>--report id: CKREG--- Check Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check Amount Type Subs Rel To Note AP00180758 002344 TARGET 03/13/02 220.66 MW OH AP00180759 002344 T~GET 03/13/02 67.67 MW OH AP00180760 003942 TERMINIX INTER/~ATIONAL 03/13/02 132.00 MW AP00180761 001919 TOM~RK SPORTS INC 03/13/02 1,759.48 MW OH AP00180762 001974 TRAFFIC SPECI~TIES 03/13/02 154.80 MW OH AP00180763 004448 TRE3~DWAy GRAPHICS 03/13/02 1,105.00 MW AP00180764 004963 TREBOR COMPANY 03/13/02 3,265.38 MW AP00180765 006554 TURCH ~ ASSOCIATES, DAVID 03/13/02 4,000.00 MW OH AP00180766 003437 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 03/13/02 2,705.94 MW AP00180767 003912 UNIQUE CREATIONS 03/13/02 263.06 MW AP00180768 001226 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 03/13/02 75.47 MW OH AP00180769 000919 UNITED WAY 03/13/02 653.32 MW OH AP00180770 006004 UNITEK TECENOLOGY INC 03/13/02 1,478.88 MW OH AP00180771 004623 VASQUEZ SR, RUBEN 03/13/02 54.00 MW OH AP00180772 005009 VELASQUEZ, CARLOS 03/13/02 76.00 MW OH AP00180773 VOID.CONTINU Void - Continued Stub 03/13/02 0.00 VM OH Void AP00180774 000137 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 03/13/02 7,612.29 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180775 006661 VERIZON WIRELESS 03/13/02 287.23 AP00180776 000474 VER~EER CALIFORNIA 03/13/02 226.32 MW AP00180777 001103 VISTA PAINT 03/13/02 623.06 MW OH AP00180778 005870 VL SYSTEMS INC 03/13/02 12,250.00 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180779 001329 VOLM, LIZA 03/13/02 112.50 MW OE Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180780 000046 VULC~ CALMAT ASPH3%LT 03/13/02 247.70 MW OR AP00180781 002868 WALL STREET JOtPRAUkL 03/13/02 44.80 MW OH AP00180782 007118 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 03/13/02 309.57 MW OH CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/13/02 C H E C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Page 10 WED, MAR 13, 2002, 3:27 PM --req: KFINCHER--le~: GL JL--loc: FIN;~NCE---job: 79133 #S033 ..... pro~: CK200 <l.37>o-report id: CKREG--- Check Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check Amount Type Subs Rel To Note AP00180783 000696 W~SLEY, DONNA 03/13/02 43.43 MW OH AP00180784 000213 WA~IE 03/13/02 1,643.12 MW OH AP00180785 007119 WESLEY, DD-RCELLE 03/13/02 500.00 MW OH AP00180786 002108 WEST COAST LIQUIDATORS INC 03/13/02 1,941.52 MW OH AP00180787 005003 WHITE, LARRY 03/13/02 70.00 MW OH AP00180788 012660 WLC ARCHITECTS 03/13/02 3,000.00 MW OH AP00180789 006431 WON DOOR CORPORATION 03/13/02 380.00 MW OH AP00180790 004624 YEE, LARRY 03/13/02 104.00 MW OH AP00180791 004955 ZWISSLER, JAMES 03/~3/02 70.00 MW OH GRAND TOTALS: Total Void Machine Written 0.00 Number of Checks Processed: 2 Total Void Hand Written 0.00 Number of Checks Processed: 0 Total Machine Written 371,276.87 Number of Checks Processed: 232 Total Hand Written 0.00 Number of Checks Processed: 0 Total REversals 0.00 Nun%ber of Checks Processed: 0 Total Cancelled Checks 0.00 Number of Checks Processed: 0 G R A N D T O T A L 3~1,276.87 CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/20/02 C H E C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Page 1 WED, MAR 20, 2002, 5:19 PM --req: CGONZ~J~E--leg: GL JL--loc: FIND/qCE---job: 80012 #S050 ..... prog: CK200 <l.37>--report id: CKREG--- Check Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check Amount T~pe Subs Rel To Note AP00180933 000010 A ~-ND R TIRE SERVICE 03/20/02 9,449.08 ~ OH AP00180934 000582 A JON~fUE, ROSFJ~NN 03/20/02 3,469.80 ~ OH AP00180935 002732 ABC LOCKSMITHS 03/20/02 59.26 ~ OH AP00180936 000007 ABLHTRONICS 03/20/02 268.39 ~K~ OH AP00180937 004347 ACCUP~%TE SMOG AUTO ~2qD TRUCK 03/20/02 336.83 ~ OH AP00180938 000014 ACTION TP~AVEL AGENCY 03/20/02 434.00 ~K~ OH AP00180939 006309 AD,SON, ROMALD 03/20/02 2,432.00 ~4W OH AP00180940 001098 AG ENGINEERING INC 03/20/02 1,860.99 5fw OH AP00180941 000024 ARBOR NURSERY INC 03/20/02 161.63 ~g~ OH AP00180942 001823 ARCH WIRELESS 03/20/02 399.87 ~5~ OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180943 006001 ~TUCOVICH, JAY 03/20/02 650.00 MW OH AP00180944 004782 ASBURY ENVIRON~4EN~fAL SERVICES 03/20/02 2,970.58 ~ OH AP00180945 006255 ASSI SECURITY 03/20/02 1,866.50 ~ OH AP00180946 000026 ASSOCIATED ENGINEERS 03/20/02 11,680.00 ~ OH AP00180947 002437 ASSOCIATED GROUP 03/20/02 1,707.50 MW OH AP00180848 006115 AUFBAU CORPORATION 03/20/02 8,436.00 MW OH AP00180949 004102 B D/qD K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 03/20/02 115.63 MW OH AP00180950 000033 BASELINE TRUE VALUE RAP~DWARE 03/20/02 198.04 MW OH AP00180951 000555 BHNEFIELD, KINGSLEY 03/20/02 120.00 ~ OH AP00180952 005119 BENSON, ~ALrRy 03/20/02 800.00 MW OH AP00180953 021916 BETTER ROADS MAGAZINE 03/20/02 24.00 ~5~ OH AP00180954 007151 BITS ~ PIECES 03/20/02 27.27 ~ OH AP00180958 006602 BODY SHOTS 03/20/02 264.00 MW OH AP00180956 001746 BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS 03/20/02 3,290.15 ~5~ OH AP00180957 004699 BORDNER, ~%RGIE 03/20/02 888.60 MW OH CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/20/02 C H E C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Page 2 ~ED, ~3~R 20, 2002, 5:,19 PM --req: CGONZALH--leg: GL JL--loc: FIN~CE---job: 80012 #S050 ..... prog; CK200 <l.37>--report id: CKREG--- Cheek Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check Amount Type Subs Rel To Note AP00180958 VOID.CONTINU Void - Continued Stub 03/20/02 0.00 V~4 OH Void AP00180959 VOID.CONTINU Void - Continued Stub 03/20/02 0.00 VM OH Void AP00180960 VOID.CONTINU ¥oid - Continued Stub 03/20/02 0.00 VM OH Void AP00180961 004369 BRODART BOOKS 03/20/02 5,494.46 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180962 001166 BRUNSWICK DEER CREEK LANES 03/20/02 413.42 MW OH AP00180963 001001 BURTRONICS BUSINESS SYSTEMS 03/20/02 106.67 MW OH AP00180964 001223 CALSENSE 03/20/02 1,334.70 MW OH AP00180965 007150 CARAWAY, ROBIN 03/20/02 18.00 MW OH AP00180966 003303 CDW GOVERNMENT INC. 03/20/02 287.04 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180967 000068 CENTRAL CITIES SIGNS INC 03/20/02 2,353.10 MW OH AP00180968 001061 C~L~MPION AWARDS ~ SPECIALIE 03/20/02 237.60 MW OH AP00180969 000488 CHEVRON USA INC 03/20/02 132.20 ~4W OH AP00180970 000074 CITY RENTALS 03/20/02 35.56 MW OH AP00180971 000949 CI~RK, KAREN 03/20/02 202.50 MW OH AP00180972 004949 CLOUT 03/20/02 64.00 MW OH AP00180973 002470 COLTON TRUCK SUPPLY 03/20/02 1,040.48 MW OH AP00180974 005407 COMBINED MARTI~ SCIENCE INC 03/20/02 2,181.60 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180975 000130 COMPUTER SERVICE CO 03/20/02 8,500.00 MW OH AP00180976 002362 COMSERCO INC. 03/20/02 400.00 MW OH AP00180977 006709 COPP CRUSHING CORP, D~N 03/20/02 70.00 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180978 000930 CORONA CLAY COMPANY 03/20/02 996.69 MW OH AP00180979 007152 CPF 2002 CONFERENCE 03/20/02 880.00 MW OH AP00180980 VOID.CONTIN~3 Void - Continued Stub 03/20/02 0.00 VM OH Void AP00180981 000085 CUC~ONGA CO WATER DIST 03/20/02 19,297.49 MW OH AP00180982 005596 CUC~ONGA CONSTRUCTION CONSUL 03/20/02 1,960.00 MW OH CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/20/02 C H E C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Pa~e 3 WED, MAR 20, 2002, 5:19 PM --req: CGONZALE--leg: GL JL--loc: FINANCE---job: 80012 #S050 ..... pro~: CK200 <l.37>--report id: CKREG--- Check Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check Amount Type Subs Rel To Note AP00180983 000239 D A~D K CONCRETE COMPA/qY 03/20/02 571.08 MW OH AP00180984 004488 DAGHDEVIRIAN, ~ATHY 03/20/02 518.40 MW OH AP00180985 000105 D~/~ GUERRA ;~ND ASSOCIATES 03/20/02 7,250.00 MW OH AP00180986 005063 DE LA MORA, ~L~RIO 03/20/02 70.00 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180987 006302 DED/q INC,STUART 03/20/02 5,950.00 MW OH AP00180988 005171 DELLHIME, SIG 03/20/02 500.00 MW OH AP00180989 004366 DEMCO INC 03/20/02 1,141.80 MW OH AP00180990 006276 DEMPSTER, KERI 03/20/02 192.00 MW OH AP00180991 004544 DICK, ERIC 03/20/02 75.00 MW OH AP00180992 007169 DIVERSIFIED PROPERTIES COMP~/~ 03/20/02 39,099.91 MW OH AP00180993 005788 DUFFY, RICK 03/20/02 308.00 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00180994 007155 DUTCH BROTHERS 03/20/02 331.87 MW OH AP00180995 000527 DYAN INC, DIAiqE 03/20/02 918.00 MW OH AP00180996 004205 DYNAMIC GRAPHICS INC 03/20/02 58.95 MW OH AP00180997 006536 EASTER, PAMELA 03/20/02 51.10 MW OH AP00180998 003364 EIGHTH AVEA~3E GRAPHICS 03/20/02 1,693.84 MW OH AP00180999 005216 E~ SORCINI 03/20/02 414.90 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00181000 090520 EMPLOYMENT SYSTEMS INC. 03/20/02 1,105.20 MW OH AP00181001 004468 ESCOBAR, S~NTIAGO 03/20/02 70.00 MW OH AP00181002 000229 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS 03/20/02 426.78 MW OH AP00181003 007114 FAPd4ER INSURANCE 03/20/02 5,775.91 MW OH AP00181004 007156 FAPuMER, JULLIAN 03/20/02 40.00 MW OH AP00181005 006161 FA. XON CO, THE 03/20/02 198.25 MW OH AP00181006 006556 FINESSE PERSOMWEL ASSOCIATES 03/20/02 7,575.70 MW OH AP00181007 007116 FISH, SHERRY 03/20/02 800.00 MW OH CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/20/02 C E E C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Page 4 WED, MAR 20, 2002, 5:19 PM --req: CGONZALE--le~: GL JL--loc: FINA/~CE---job: 80012 #S050 ..... prog: CK200 <l.37>--report id: CKREG--- Check Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check Amount Type Subs Rel To Note AP00t81008 004371 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 03/20/02 407.23 MW OH AP00181009 004665 FLOODPLAIN MD~NAGEMENT ASSOCIA 03/20/02 100.00 MW OH AP00181010 005833 FRITTS FORD 03/20/02 50,011.18 MW OH AP00181011 007157 GARCIA, JOHN 03/20/02 24.00 MW OH AP00181012 007158 GE~4BELLA, LORI 03/20/02 35.14 MW OE AP00181013 080050 GEOGRAPHICS 03/20/02 903.00 MW OH AP00181014 005502 GIORDANO, MARIAN~A 03/20/02 111.60 MW OH AP00181015 005955 GOLDEN WEST DISTRIBUTING 03/20/02 101.28 MW OH AP00181016 003827 GREEN ROCK POWER EQUIPMENT 03/20/02 157.40 MW OH AP00181017 004525 ~AAKER EQUIPMENT CO 03/20/02 925.00 MW OH AP00181018 006127 ~L~2~ER 18 03/20/02 400.00 MW OH AP00181019 000462 HCS CUTLER STEEL CO 03/20/02 101.39 MW OH AP00181020 003334 HEILIG, KELLY 03/20/02 879.75 MW OH AP00181021 006914 HIGHLD2~D, DARCY 03/20/02 82.50 MW OH AP00181022 004150 HOLIDAY PRINTING 03/20/02 19,024.17 MW OH AP00181023 000158 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 03/20/02 492.44 MW OH AP00181024 002255 HOLTS AUTO ELECTRIC 03/20/02 317.86 MW OH AP00181025 001234 HOSE MAN INC 03/20/02 1,230.10 MW OH AP00181026 003634 HOUSE OF RUTH 03/20/02 633.00 MW OH AP00181027 002412 HOYT, RAYMOND 03/20/02 782.40 MW OH AP00181028 004292 HRS USA 03/20/02 47.66 MW OH AP00181029 003405 HSU, STEVE 03/20/02 450.00 MW OH AP00181030 002284 HU~k~NSCALE CORPORATION 03/20/02 214.18 MW OH AP00181031 007138 HU~5~EL, TIMOTEY 03/20/02 100.00 MW OH AP00181032 000449 HURST, MELISSA 03/20/02 3,498.00 MW OH CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/20/02 C H E C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Pa~e 5 WED, ~ 20, 2002, 5:19 PM --req: CGONZALE--leg: GL JL--loc: FINA/qCE---job: 80012 #S050 ..... prog: CK200 <l.37>--report id: CKREG--- Check Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check Amount Type Subs Rel To Note AP00181033 000495 HYDROSCAPE PRODUCTS INC 03/20/02 449.82 MW OH AP00181034 003276 ICI DULUX PAINT CENTERS 03/20/02 1,111.50 MW OH AP00181035 004188 ID BURR 03/20/02 120.53 MW OH AP00181036 000480 IEEP 03/20/02 100.00 MW OH AP00181037 001218 INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBL~fION GROUP 03/20/02 83.20 MW OH AP00181038 006202 INLD~ND VALLEY D~CE AC~DEMY 03/20/02 994.00 MW OH AP00181039 002432 INTHLLI TECH 03/20/02 1,952.44 MW OH AP00181040 004582 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF B 03/20/02 50.34 MW OH AP00181041 001593 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SHOP 03/20/02 1,710.00 MW OH AP00181042 002507 I~ENSYS BUILDING SYSTEMS INC 03/20/02 10,513.00 MW OH AP00181043 001291 IRON MOUN~AIN OSDP 03/20/02 533.70 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00181044 007057 J ~ J SUPPLY 03/20/02 5,934.06 MW OH AP00181045 000175 JOBS AVAIIJ~BLE 03/20/02 281.52 MW OH AP00181046 006559 JONES, J~ES 03/20/02 300.00 MW OH AP00181047 006919 JONES-WESLEY, DARCELLE 03/20/02 500.00 ~5~ OH AP00181048 007160 KC PRINTING & GP~APHICS INC 03/20/02 516.10 ~ OH AP00181049 002867 KENDRENA, DONNA 03/20/02 205.21 MW OH AP00181050 000172 KOZLOVICH, DEBBIE 03/20/02 1,884.60 MW OH AP00181051 005545 L S A ASSOCIATES INC 03/20/02 14,533.78 MW OH AP00181052 005411 LAERDAL MEDICAL CORPORATION 03/20/02 899.78 ~ OH AP00181053 002633 I~AM, JACK 03/20/02 110.23 MW OH AP00181054 000941 LAM, KIN 03/20/02 440.00 MW OH AP00181055 000849 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 03/20/02 1,118.28 ~ OH AP00181056 000197 LEAGUE OF C3~LIFOR/qIA CITIES 03/20/02 17.00 MW OH AP00181057 000197 LEAGUE OF CALIFOP~NIA CITIES 03/20/02 34.00 MW OH CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/20/02 C E E C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Page 6 WED, MAR 20, 2002, 5:19 PM --req: CGONZJ~LE--leg: GL JL--loc: FIN~CE---job: 80012 #S080 ..... pro~: CK200 <l.37>--report id: CKREG--- Check Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check Amount Type Subs Rel To Note AP00181058 000197 LEAGUE OF CALIFOR/~IA CITIES 03/20/02 30.00 MW OE AP00181059 000197 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 03/20/02 90.00 MW OH AP00181060 000197 LEAGUE OP CALIFORNIA CITIES 03/20/02 30.00 MW AP00181061 005589 LEE WAYNE CORPO~ATION 03/20/02 2,071.05 MW AP00181062 005884 LILBURN CORPORATION 03/20/02 6,072.00 MW AP00181063 006296 LIVE OAK DOG OBEDIENCE 03/20/02 422.40 MW OH AP00181064 007140 LOCK,RD, DAVID 03/20/02 100.00 MW AP00181065 005662 LOS ~GELES COCA COLA BTL CO 03/20/02 378.26 MW OH AP00181066 000200 LOS ANGELES TIMES 03/20/02 2.00 MW AP00181067 001008 LOWE'S COMP;%NIES INC. 03/20/02 625.00 MW OH AP00181068 000471 LUPER, VIOLA LUCERO 03/20/02 306.00 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00181069 001883 M A/qD N INTERNATIONAL INC 03/20/02 184.16 MW AP00181070 006553 MAGRUDER, KAREN 03/20/02 172.80 MW AP00181071 032126 MARCIA'S VERMICULTURE COMPOST 03/20/02 235.85 MW OH AP00181072 004701 MARS~LALL, SYLVIA 03/20/02 781.65 MW OH AP00181073 006170 MICROAGE COMPUTEP~4ART 03/20/02 180.00 MW OH AP00181074 006913 MILLER, COURTNEY 03/20/02 580.50 MW OH AP00181075 003363 MILLS, CAREY 03/20/02 315.00 MW OH AP00181076 003860 MOBILE MINI INC 03/20/02 768.46 MW OH AP00181077 003365 MOE, JOHN 03/20/02 120.00 MW OH AP00181078 007148 MOLLER, K. RUSSELL 03/20/02 100.00 MW OH AP00181079 004236 MOULDINGS ~ MILLWORK 03/20/02 35.49 MW OH AP00181080 001020 MOUNTAIN VIEW GLASS D~qD MIRRO 03/20/02 193.50 MW OH AP00181081 003316 MR TS 24HR TOWING 03/20/02 300.00 MW AP00181082 002248 NAPA AUTO PARTS 03/20/02 647.75 MW OH CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/20/02 C H E C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Page 7 WED, MAR 20, 2002, 5:19 PM --req: CGONZALE--le~: GL JL--loc: FIRL~NCE---job: 80012 #S050 ..... pro~: CK200 <l.37>--report id: CKREG-o- Check Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check Amount Type Subs Rel To Note AP00181083 001850 NATIONAL SEMINARS GROUP 03/20/02 790.00 MW OH AP00181084 006687 5L~TIONS P~ENT 03/20/02 847.22 ~4W OH AP00181085 004527 NIKpOUR, MOH~U~MED 03/20/02 127.00 MW OH AP00181086 000433 NIXON EGLI EQUIPMEN~ CO 03/20/02 795.02 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00181087 006646 NJUGUNA, SA~4MY 03/20/02 57.00 MW OH AP00181088 VOID.CONTINq3 Void - Continued Stub 03/20/02 0.00 VM OH Void AP00181089 000523 OFFICE DEPOT 03/20/02 4,867.03 MW OH AP00181090 007159 OLIVER VOSH SDd~DIFER 5~JRPHY A 03/20/02 28,380.50 MW OH AP00181091 000232 OMNITP3~NS 03/20/02 722.00 MW OH AP00181092 003964 ORVfD-RIO ICE SKATING CENTER 03/20/02 403.20 MW OH AP00181093 000224 OP~NGE CO~gTy STRIPING SERVIC 03/20/02 8,285.88 MW OH AP00181094 004200 ORCO BLOCK CO 03/20/02 144.28 MW OH AP00181095 006804 OTT, SNARON 03/20/02 70.00 MW OH AP00181096 000235 OWEN ELECTRIC 03/20/02 11,956.44 ~5~ OH AP00181097 000338 PACIFIC EQUIP ~ IRRIGATION 03/20/02 5,610.20 ~ OH AP00181098 006362 PACIFIC TRUCK EQUIPMENT 03/20/02 2,013.44 PSg OH AP00181099 006287 PACIFIC~%RE OF CALIFORNIA 03/20/02 42,257.56 ~5~ OH AP00181100 007161 PAIZ, RICARDO 03/20/02 76.00 ~ OH AP00161101 005318 PAR/<ER, S~LNNON 03/20/02 240.00 ~ OH AP00181102 004529 PARSAC 03/20/02 187.18 ~5~ OH AP00181103 007163 PERSON, LAUR3~ 03/20/02 58.30 MW OH AP00181104 004656 PEREZ, HECTOR 03/20/02 100.00 MW OH AP00181105 006211 PIONEER STD~DARD ELECTRONICS 03/20/02 7,355.27 ~ OH AP00181106 007211 PITTENGER, CHRISTINA 03/20/02 16.06 MW OH AP00181107 000255 PO~L~ DISTRIBUTING CO 03/20/02 25,912.89 ~5~ OH CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/20/02 C H E C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Page 8 NED, MAR 20, 2002, 5:19 PM --req: CGONZALE--leg: GL JL--loc: FIN~/~CE---job: 80012 #S050 ..... prog: CK200 <l.37>--report id: CKREG--- Check Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check Amount Type Subs Rel To Note AP00181108 006681 POMONA INI~kND VALLEY COUNCIL 03/20/02 769.50 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00181109 005331 POURY~%SSANIA/~, ABBY 03/20/02 76.00 MW OH AP00181110 000758 PRA~XAIR DISTRIBUTION INC 03/20/02 251.65 MW OH AP00181111 005316 PP~ECISION GYMNASTICS 03/20/02 181.50 MW OH AP00181112 006399 PREMIER PERSOAINEL 03/20/02 2,427.59 MW OH AP00181113 005330 PRO ED 03/20/02 129.80 MW OH AP00181114 005264 PROACTIVE EMPLOYME~ SOLUTION 03/20/02 4,887.75 MW OH AP00181115 000050 PUBLIC RISK 9~NAGEMENT ASSOC 03/20/02 295.00 MW OH AP00181116 000251 R D~5~D R AL~rOMOTIVE 03/20/02 1,231.84 5TW OH AP00181117 004451 R C QUAKES PROFESSIONAL BASEB 03/20/02 7,875.00 MW OH AP00181118 005876 RADULESCU, DD/~ 03/20/02 140.00 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00181119 006329 R~%NCHO TP~ANSMISSION SERVICE 03/20/02 1,869.85 MW OH AP00181120 006620 RAPID REPAIR SERVICE INC 03/20/02 271.40 MW OH AP00181121 006292 REINHARDT, RITA 03/20/02 240.00 MW OH AP00181122 006049 REMODELING STORE, THE 03/20/02 67.55 ~5~ OH AP00181123 005914 REXEL CALCON ELECTRICAL SUPPL 03/20/02 1,147.33 MW OH AP00181124 000443 Pd{I CONSULTING 03/20/02 2,816.00 MW OH AP00181125 005618 RIC~3~RDS WATSON ~2FD GERSHON 03/20/02 19,303.52 MW OH AP00181126 000528 RIDGELINE ROOFING 03/20/02 2,960.00 MW OH AP00181127 004474 RIVAS, MIGUEL 03/20/02 100.00 ~ OH AP00181128 000418 P~MA GROUP 03/20/02 1,072.00 ~5~ OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00181129 007145 ROG~, ~LISSA 03/20/02 85.23 ~{W OH AP00181130 000016 ROTARY CORPORATION 03/20/02 255.82 ~5~ OH AP00181131 006577 RUPES HYDRAULICS 03/20/02 214.87 MW OH AP00181132 001004 S A/qD $ WORLDWIDE 03/20/02 292.21 MW OH CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/20/02 C H E C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Page 9 WED, MAR 20, 2002, 5:19 PM --req: CGONZALE--leg: GL JL--loc: FIN~NCE---job: 80012 #S050 ..... pro~: CK200 <l.37>--report id: CKREG--- Check Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check Amount Type Subs Rel To Note AP00181133 004628 S R CONSULTANTS 03/20/02 37,768.39 MW OH AP00181134 005838 SAN ~NTONIO MATERIALS 03/20/02 299.49 MW OH AP00181135 001028 SAN BEP~N COUNTY OFFICE OF TRE 03/20/02 300.00 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00181136 000446 S;~N BERN COI/N~y 03/20/02 12,452.73 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00181137 001298 S~ BERN COUNTy 03/20/02 200.00 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00181138 001298 S~/q BERi~ COUNTY 03/20/02 55.00 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00181139 000303 SAN BERN COUNTy 03/20/02 38.00 MW OH AP00181140 000261 S~N BERN COUNTY 03/20/02 550.00 MW OH AP00181141 000150 S~/~ BERN COUNTY 03/20/02 62.05 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00181142 000132 S~-N DIEGO ROTARY BROOM CO INC 03/20/02 1,211.11 MW OH AP00181143 007154 S~/qCHEZ, ESTELA M 03/20/02 5.70 MW OH AP00181144 001441 SBC/PACIFIC BELL 03/20/02 1,879.92 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00181145 004980 SCIORTINO, NICOLAS 03/20/02 70.00 MW OH AP00181146 002009 SIERRA PACIFIC ELECTRICAL CON 03/20/02 45,048.15 MW OH AP00181147 006981 SKILLE, STEVE 03/20/02 100.00 MW OH AP00181148 001327 S~U~RT D~ND FINAL 03/20/02 78.02 MW OH AP00181149 000317 SO CALIF EDISON CO 03/20/02 112,729.17 MW OH AP00181150 000319 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 03/20/02 503.96 MW OH AP00181151 001825 SOFT CHOICE CORP 03/20/02 10,944.90 MW OH AP00181152 VOID.CONTINU Void - Continued Stub 03/20/02 0.00 VM OH Void AP00181153 VOID.CONTINU Void - Continued Stub 03/20/02 0.00 VM OH Void AP00181154 001432 SOUTHEP~N CALIFORNIA EDISON 03/20/02 14,790.51 MW OH AP00181155 007166 SOUTHWEST SAFETY CONGRASS 03/20/02 195.00 MW OH AP00181156 005722 SPECTRA COMPANY 03/20/02 702~00 MW OH AP00181157 006728 SPECTRA CONTRACT FLOORING:ORA 03/20/02 18,693.00 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/20/02 C H E C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Pa~e 10 WED, MAR 20, 2002, 5:19 PM --req: CGONZALE--le~: GL JL--loc: FINANCE---job: 80012 #S050 ..... pro~: CK200 <l.37>--report id: CKREG--- Check Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check Amount Type Subs Rel To Note AP00181158 004663 SPORT SUPPLY GROUP INC 03/20/02 94.24 MW OH AP00181159 003058 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 03/20/02 1,925.00 MW OH AP00181160 003632 STEELWORKERS OLDTIMERS FOUNDA 03/20/02 1,258.99 MW OH AP00181161 005281 STERICYCLE INC 03/20/02 3,796.40 MW OH AP00181162 007167 ETROM, ERIN 03/20/02 112.73 MW AP00181163 004733 SUNRISE FORD 03/20/02 52.41 MW OH AP00181164 005685 SURE SHRED DOCUMENT DESTRUCTI 03/20/02 95.00 MW AP00181165 006159 T S C G (TECHNOLOGY CONSb-LTIN 03/20/02 8,336.23 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00181166 004465 TA/~GR/%M I~ERIORS 03/20/02 2,949.55 MW OH AP00181167 000836 TARGET SPECIALTY PRODUCTS 03/20/02 837.49 MW OH AP00181168 002344 TARGET 03/20/02 29.60 MW OH AP00181169 003942 TERMINIX INTERNATIONAL 03/20/02 188.00 MW OH AP00181170 002718 TERRY, DONNA 03/20/02 415.80 MW OH AP00181171 001126 TETRA TECH ASL INC 03/20/02 19,307.75 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00181172 001919 TOMARK SPORTS INC 03/20/02 80.81 MW OH AP00181173 001309 TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES 03/20/02 183.74 MW OH AP00181174 003437 UNIFIRST LrNIFORM SERVICE 03/20/02 2,567.58 MW OH AP00181175 005233 UNISTRUT 03/20/02 2,610.11 MW OH AP00181176 001226 LS~ITED PARCEL SERVICE 03/20/02 72.12 MW OH AP00181177 006004 UNITEK TECHNOLOGY INC 03/20/02 9,302.05 MW OH AP00181178 007168 UP-TIME 03/20/02 1,157.24 MW OH AP00181179 004606 UPL~/~D TEAFNIS CLUB 03/20/02 475.20 MW OH AP00181180 006571 URB~=N CROSSROADS INC 03/20/02 2,190.00 MW AP00181181 003214 URISA 03/20/02 150.00 MW AP00181182 003214 URISA 03/20/02 75.00 MW OH CITY OF RC IFAS (PROD) 03/20/02 C H E C K R E G I S T E R CHECK REGISTER Page 11 WED, MAR 20, 2002, 5:19 PM --req: CGONZ/LLE--le~: GL JL--loc: FINANCE---job: 80012 #SOS0 ..... pro~: CK200 <l.37>--report id: CKREG--- Check Payee ID. Payee Name Date Check Amount Type Subs Rel To Note AP00181183 000137 VERIZON CALIFOP~NIA 03/20/02 2,184.31 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00181184 000137 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 03/20/02 37.45 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00181185 000137 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 03/20/02 1,650.00 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP001Bl186 006661 VERIZON WIRELESS 03/20/02 183.41 MW OH AP00181187 000474 VERMEER C3%LIFORNIA 03/20/02 624.21 MW OR AP00181188 001103 VISTA PAINT 03/20/02 748.82 MW OH AP00181189 005870 VL SYSTEMS INC 03/20/02 15,575.00 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB AP00181190 000046 VULCD/g CALMAT ASP~fALT 03/20/02 48.76 MW OH AP00181191 004002 WASTE MD/gAGEMENT 03/20/02 206.96 MW OH AP00181192 000213 WA.XIE 03/20/02 3,781.50 MW OH AP00181193 005165 WESTON SPORTS ~L~NAGEMENT 03/20/02 3,283.50 MW OH AP00181194 005222 WHITE CAP 03/20/02 134.94 MW OH AP00181195 005003 WHITE, LARRY 03/20/02 70.00 MW OH AP00181196 003080 WHITTIER FERTILIZER 03/20/02 1,792.96 MW OH AP00181197 004405 YWCA OF THE WEST END 03/20/02 877.06 MW OH Payee Name different in Check DB GRAND TOTALS: Total Void Machine Written 0.00 Number of Checks Processed: 7 Total Void Hand Written 0.00 Number of Checks Processed: 0 Total Machine Written 848,583.16 Number of Checks Processed: 258 Total Hand Written 0.00 Number of Checks Processed: 0 Total Reversals 0.00 Number of Checks Processed: 0 Total Cancelled Checks 0.00 Number of Checks Processed: 0 G R A N D T O T A L 848,583.16 R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SlaffReport DATE: April 3, 2002 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Jerry A. Dyer, Associate Enginee SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF AN AGREEMENT FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY DONATION BETWEEN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND THE ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOP OF SAN BERNARDINO RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the attached Agreement for Right-of-Way Donation between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Roman Catholic Bishop of San Bernardino for the property located at 10079 8th Street, and 8928, 8938 and 8954 Hermosa Avenue, known as Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church. This agreement is in conjunction with the Lower Hermosa Avenue Phase 2 Widening Improvements from 350' south of 8th Street to north of the Metrolink railroad tracks. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The City is in the final design phase of the Lower Hermosa Avenue Phase 2 Widening Improvements from 350' south of 8t~ Street to north of the Metrolink railroad tracks and plan to seek City Council approval to advedise for bid at the April 17 meeting. The project proposes street widening, which requires right-of-way from the property, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church, located at the southwest corner of Hermosa Avenue and 8th Street. The Roman Catholic Bishop of San Bernardino has agreed to grant the necessary right-of-way in exchange for street frontage improvements and on-site perimeter improvements around the church, including the installation of a sewer lateral to their property. The attached improvement agreement assures the church that the City will install improvements as promised. City Engineer WJO:JAD Attachments: Vicinity Map 27- 24TH ~T NTS 5T ~ GTM ~T z_ ~T~ ~T P P-.OJ ECT o.~^~lo ~,~ ~,~,~ LOCATION CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LOWER H~RMOSA AVENUE PHASE 2 ST. WIDEN, S.D., T.S., UPGRADE R/R TRACKS & UG UTILITIES S/O BTH ST. TO N/O METROLINK TRACKS N/O gTH ST. VICINITY MAP R A N H O C U C A M O N G A ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Staff Report DATE: April 3, 2002 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer Jerry A. Dyer, Associate Engineer BY: SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF AN AGREEMENT FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY DONATION BETWEEN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND E & R RANCHO PACIFIC, INC. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the attached Agreement for Right-of-Way Donation between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and E & R Rancho Pacific, Inc., for the property located at 10117 8th Street. This agreement is in conjunction with the Lower Hermosa Avenue Phase 2 Widening Improvements from 350' south of 8th Street to north of the Metrolink railroad tracks. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The City is in the final design phase of the Lower Hermosa Avenue Phase 2 Widening Improvements from 350' south of 8~h Street to north of the Metrolink railroad tracks and plan to seek City Council approval to advertise for bid at the April 17 meeting. The project proposes street widening, which requires right-of-way from the property located at the southeast corner of Hermosa Avenue and 8~h Street. E & R Rancho Pacific has agreed to grant the necessary right-of-way in exchange for street frontage improvements and on-site perimeter improvements around the property. The attached improvement agreement assures the property owner that the City will install improvements as promised. Respectfully submitted, City Engineer WJO:JAD Attachments: Vicinity Map ~~I ~F ~ _ PROJECT 4~ ONTARIO Ol~ LIMIT LOCATION CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~ LO~R ~RMOSA A~NU~ P~S~ ~ ST. mDEN, S.D., T.S., ~G~ R/R T~CKS & UG UT~TI~S S/0 gTH ST. T0 N/0 M~TR0~ T~CKS N/0 0TH ST. VICINITY MAP R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A ]~ NC, INI~I~I~INC D~PAI~T~I~NT $ fff Repor DATE: April 3, 2002 TO:.. Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Gary Vamey, Maintenance Superintendent SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF THE PURCHASE OF FOUR (4) REPLACEMENT HEAVY DUTY PIECES OF EQUIPMENT, CONSISTING OF: TWO (2) MECHANICAL BROOM STREET SWEEPERS FROM HAAKER EQUIPMENT COMPANY OF POMONA, CALIFORNIA, ONE (1) REGENERATIVE AIR SWEEPER FROM KELLY EQUIPMENT COMPANY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ONE (1) HEAVY DUTY FRONT END LOADER ROLL OFF DUMP TRUCK FROM DIETRICH INTERNATIONAL TRUCK SALES, INC. OF COLTON CALIFORNIA; AND THE APPROVAL OF AN APPROPRIATION TO BE FUNDED FROM ACCOUNT 1-712-001-5604 IN THE AMOUNT OF $632,097.56 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: In January staff began reviewing Street Sweepers and Heavy Duty Dump Trucks for the replacement purchase of two (2) Mobil M-9A Broom Street Sweepers, one (1) Schwartz Regenerative Air Street Sweeper and one (1) White GMC Front End Loader Heavy Duty Dump Truck. After careful analysis staff has chosen two (2) Elgin Broom Bear Sweepers, a highly improved Schwartz Regenerative Air Sweeper and an International 7400 6X4 Heavy Duty Front End Loader Roll Off Dump Truck as replacements. All three sweepers are being purchased through a Piggy Back/Cooperative Purchase agreement; the Broom Bears to be purchased from Haaker Equipment Company is a Piggy Back with the City of Alhambra, California, and the Schwartz to be purchased from Kelly Equipment Co. California is a Piggy Back with Clallam Road Department, Port Angeles, Washington. All three street sweepers meet the new Iow dust emission requirements set forth by the current AQMD requirements. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT April 3, 2002 Page 2 The Heavy Duty Front End Loader Roll Off Dump Truck will make the sweeping program more efficient and will help to keep the City more environmentally compliant. Staff contacted several manufacturers and Dietdch International Truck Sales of Colton was the only manufacturer to build a truck where none are in production to specification. Staff has for that reason recommended a sole source purchase from Dietrich International. Respecffully submitted, William J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:GV:dlw I:STAFFRPT:2002 Hvy Duty Eq. Purch ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Staff Report DATE: April 3, 2002 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer ~,,,~ BY: Lucinda Hackett, Associate Engine Richard Oaxaca, Engineering Tech~-h"-~ SUBJECT: ACCEPT THE BIDS RECEIVED AND AWARD AND AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $54,471.45 ($49,519.50 PLUS 10% CONTINGENCY) TO THE APPARENT LOW BIDDER, GILBERT AYALA & SONS, INC., FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CHURCH STREET RIGHT TURN LANE FROM HAVEN AVENUE TO 500' WEST, TO BE FUNDED FROM TRANSPORTATION FUNDS, ACCOUNT 11243035650/1336124-0 RECOMME N DATION: It is recommended that the City Council accept the bids received and award and authorize the execution of the contract in the amount of $54,471.45 ($49,519.50 plus 10% contingency) to the apparent Iow bidder, Gilbert Ayala & Sons, Inc., for the construction of the Church Street Right Turn Lane from Haven Avenue to 500' west, to be funded from Transportation funds, Account No. 11243035650/1336124-0. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Per previous Council action, bids were solicited, received and opened on March 12, 2002, for the subject project. The Engineer's estimate was $51,605.00. Staff has reviewed all bids received and found them to be complete and in accordance with the bid requirements with any irregularities to be inconsequential. Staff has completed the required background investigation and finds all bidders to meet the requirements of the bid documents. Respectfully submitted,. . Wifliadn J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:LH/RO:Is Attachment 2? BID SUMMARY FOR BID OPENING MARCH 12, 2002 .4PP~4RENTLOWBIDDER ENGINEERS COST Gilbert Ayah & Sons, Church Street Right Hand Turn Improvement ESTIMATE Inc. !E.G.N. Construction, Inc. UNIT UNIT UNIT NO QTY UNIT DESCRIPTION COST AMOUNT COST AMOUNT COST AMOUNT 1. 1 LS Clearing and Grubbing inc. sawcut, removal of AC $7,000.00 $7,000.00 $12,550.00 $12,550.00 $4,450.00 $4,450.00 Paving, Signs and Markers 2. 255 TONS Asphalt Concrete (B-AR-4000) $65.00 $16,575.00 $52.90 $13,489.50 $57.00 $14,535.00 3. ' 272 TONS Crushed Aggregate Base $40.00 $10,880.00 $30.00 $8,160.00 $38.80 $10,553.60 4. 100 CY UnclassificdExcavation, inc. allmisc. Gradings (F) $18.00 $1,800.00 $34.90 $3,490.00 $108.00 $10,800.00 5. 3 EA Gravel (1/2" to 1" Diameter) $100.00 $300.00 $60.00 $180.00 $100.00 $300.00 6. 29(~ LF AC Berm (Type D1-8) incl. 2" x 6" Rdwd Hdr at EP $25.00 $7,250.00 $5.00 $1,450.00 $12.30 $3,567.00 Relocate 21 ft. SBCFCD C/L Gate & Install new 21' 7. LS C/L Fence per SBCFCD Std. Dwg. S.P. 114 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 8. 1, LS Striping and Pavement Markings $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,200.00 $3,200.00 9. 8 EA Install Inductive Loops $350.00 $2,800.00 $275.00 $2,200.00 $275.00 $2,200.00 10. I LS l~raffic Control $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 TOTAL $517605.00 $49~519.50 $53i605.60 VICINITY MAP P.r, oject. S,te 24TH ST ~ ~ ;UMMIT - BASE LINE BNSF RR 6TH ST CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA O CHURCH STREET (FROM ~WN AV~. TO 4oo' ~:~ST) PAVEMrRNT REF~II.ITATION N.T.S. ~.~O ~ A N H O C U C A M O N G A ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Sta R ort DATE: April 3, 2002 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Cindy Hackett, Associate Enginee~ SUBJECT: AWARD AND AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION SURVEY SERVICES OF THE HERMOSA AVENUE STORM DRAIN AND STREET PROJECT, FROM 400' NORTH OF CHURCH STREET TO 500' NORTH OF BASE LINE ROAD, TO DAN GUERRA & ASSOCIATES, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $68,145.00 TO BE FUNDED FROM DRAINAGE FUNDS, ACCOUNT NO. 11123035650/1292112-0 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council award and authorize the Professional Services Agreement for construction survey services for the Hermosa Avenue Strom Drain and Street Improvement Project, from 400' north of Church Street to 500' north of Base Line Road, to Dan Guerra & Associates in an amount of $68,145.00 ($61,950.00 plus 10% contingency), to be funded from Account No. 11123035650/1292112-0. BACKGROUND / ANALYSIS: On March 6, 2002, City Council awarded the construction contract to Mike Bubalo Construction for the Hermosa Avenue Storm Drain and Street Improvement Project. Dan Guerra & Associates has contracted to provide the construction survey services for the said project, the scope of work includes, but is not limited to establishment of centerline control, denotation of removals, provide offset staking for mainline storm drain, storm drain laterals, catch basins/local depressions, relocation of water lines and sewer line, curb & gutter and retaining walls, re-establish monuments destroyed or disturbed during construction. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT RE: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH DAN GUERRA & ASSOCIATES April 3, 2002 Page 2 The Hermosa Avenue Storm Drain and Street Improvement from 400' north of Church Street of 500' north of Base Line is actually the second phase of the master plan storm drain, the first phase went from Deer Creek Channel in Foothill Boulevard to Hermosa Avenue and then north in Hermosa Avenue to 400' north of Church Street. Respectfully submitted, City Engineer W JO:CH Attachment _52 HERMOSA AVENUE STORM DRAIN AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS (FROM 400'+ N. OF CHURCH STREET TO 500'+ N. OF BASE LINE ROAD) r ,, ,, r 7f"~ i I ~ __ _ ~ ~ : / · ' . ,...Il aF--IFin-~,---~-~---~~~~,- o ~----~F ~ ~ ~ ~ ,F-~/-~_ 7/':---- ~ VICINITY MAP R A N H O C U C A M O N G A ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SlaffRe rt DATE: April 3, 2002 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Cindy Hackett, Associate Enginee~ SUBJECT: AWARD AND AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR THE SOILS AND MATERIAL TESTING OF THE HERMOSA AVENUE STORM DRAIN AND STREET PROJECT, FROM 400' NORTH OF CHURCH STREET TO 500' NORTH OF BASE LINE ROAD, TO RMA GROUP IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $35,853.00 TO BE FUNDED FROM DRAINAGE FUNDS, ACCOUNT NO. 11123035650/1292112-0 AND APPROVAL OF A BUDGET APPROPRIATION AND OPERATING TRANSFER IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,695,000.00 TO ACCOUNT NO. 11123035650/1292112-0 FROM ACCOUNT NO. 26408015602 AND $11,600.00 TO ACCOUNT NO. 1 i 123035650/1292112-0 FROM ACCOUNT NO. 26408015325 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE HERMOSA STORM DRAIN AND STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council award and authorize the Professional Services Agreement for soils and materials testing for the Hermosa Avenue Strom Drain and Street Improvement Project, from 400' north of Church Street to 500' north of Base Line Road, to RMA Group in an amount of $35,853.00 ($35,853.00 plus 10% contingency), to be funded from Account No. 11123035650/1292112-0 and approval of a budget appropriation and operating transfer in the amount of $2,695,000.00 to Account No. 11123035656/1292112-0 from Account No. 26408015325 for the construction of the Hermosa Storm Drain and Street Improvement Project. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT RE: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH RMA GROUP April 3, 2002 Page 2 BACKGROUND / ANALYSIS: On March 6, 2002, City Council awarded the construction contract to Mike Bubalo Construction for the Hermosa Avenue Storm Drain and Street Improvement Project for an amount of $2,271,522.00 ($2,065,020.00 plus 10% contingency). RMA Group has contracted to do the material testing and inspection services for the said project, the scope of work includes, but is not limited to backfill compaction testing of the storm drain and laterals, soil sub grade and aggregate base as well as concrete sampling and compression testing and asphaltic concrete lay down and batch plant inspection. The Hermosa Avenue Storm Drain and Street improvement from 400' north of Church Street of 500' north of Base Line is actually the second phase of the master plan storm drain, the first phase went from Deer Creek Channel in Foothill Boulevard to Hermosa Avenue and then north in Hermosa Avenue to 400' north of Church Street. The requested budget transfer and appropriation is to cover the construction of the second phase. Respectfully submitted, · City Engineer W JO:CH Attachment HERMOSA AVENUE STORM .DRMN AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS (FROM 400'+ N. OF CHURCH STREET TO 500':t: N. OF BASE LINE ROAD) ~ ];'-', ............ 117/.-..] : ,-II II , . , ,~/ I _ . ~ 'f ~. ~ _. II .~k'~ :_.. IZ.. II../I.. ~:.~ J.l_.. ~ ._~ .... CITY 0F RANCHO CUCAMONGA VICINITY MAP R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Staff Report DATE: April 3, 2002 TO: Mayor and members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Joe Stofa Jr., Associate Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF A ' REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A PORTION OF THE MASTER PLANNED STORM DRAIN FACILITY LOCATED ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF THE 210 FREEWAY FROM ETIWANDA AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 1892 FEET EASTERLY IN CONNECTION WITH DEVELOPMENT OF TRACT 13812, SUBMITTED BY PANDA DEVELOPMENT, DRA-35 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution approving the Reimbursement Agreement for installation of a portion of a Master Planned Storm Drain Facility located along the north boundary of the 210 Freeway from Etiwanda Avenue to approximately 1892 feet easterly, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause same to record. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS As a Condition of Approval of Tract 13812, Panda Development and Construction Corp., the developer, was required to install a portion of Master Planned Storm Drain Facility, located along the north boundary of 210 Freeway and Etiwanda Avenue to approximately 1892 feet easterly. The above required storm drain facility has been completed by the developer and accepted by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The developer has submitted an itemized statement to the City to be reimbursed for construction costs of said Master Planned Storm Drain Facility. The Developer has CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT DRA-35 April 3, 2002 Page 2 already received credit of the drainage fees assessed at the time of issuance of the building permits. The reimbursement requested is in excess of that amount. Staff has reviewed the statement for construction costs submitted and the City will reimburse to the Developer the sum of $317,565.16 per the terms specified in the Reimbursement Agreement. Copies of the agreement signed by the Developer are available in the City Clerk's office. Respectfully submitted, W O'Neil City Engineer WJO:JS:sc Attachment VI(31NI TY MAP RESOLUTION NO. O2- //O A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (DRA-35) EXECUTED ON APRIL 3, 2002, FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A PORTION OF THE MASTER PLANNED STORM DRAIN FACILITY LOCATED ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF THE 210 FREEWAY FROM ETIWANDA AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 1892 FEET WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has for its consideration a Reimbursement Agreement submitted by Panda Development, as developer of Tract 13812, for the installation of a portion of a Master Planned Storm Drain Facility, located along the north boundary of the 210 Freeway from Etiwanda Avenue to approximately 1892 feet easterly - DRA-35; and WHEREAS, the developer, at the developer's expense, has completed said storm drain facility installation; and WHEREAS, the developer, at the time of issuance of the building permits, has not received any fee credit from this drainage fee as stipulated in said Reimbursement Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE that said reimbursement agreement be and same is hereby approved, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said reimbursement agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest hereto and cause said agreement to record. R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A Staff Report DATE: April 3, 2002 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Linda R. Beek, Jr. Engineer SUBJECT: RELEASE THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND AND LABOR AND MATERIAL BOND RECEIVED FROM MARRIOTT SENIOR LIVING SERVICES, INCORPORATED, TO GUARANTEE CONSTRUCTION OF CUP 98-13, LOCATED AT HAVEN AVENUE AND CHURCH STREET RECOMMENDATION: The required improvements for CUP 98-13 have not been constructed, the property is now for sale and the owner has requested the release of all bonds. It is recommended that City Council authorize the City Clerk to release all bonds. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: As a condition of approval of CUP 98-13, the applicant was required to complete street improvements. The developer has stated (see attached letter) that he wants to withdraw the project and sell the undeveloped property. It is recommended that City Council release the existing Faithful Performance Bond and Labor and Material Bond. The new owner will be required to submit bonds for any future development. Developer: Marriott Senior Living Services, Incorporated Release: Faithful Performance Bond 376775 $ 13,000.00 Release: Labor and Material Bond 376775 $ 6,500.00 Respectfully submitted, City Engineer WJO:LRB:ls Attachments 1909477Z741 P.2/2 03-20-95 02:08PM TO FROM .~UL M 8EITO 703 887 1013 ...... , ,. March 5, '2002 Mr. Phil Verbena City ofRancht~ Cucamonga Engineering Dept. 10500 Civic Center I)rive Rancho Cucamonga, Calitbnfia 91730 Re: Bonds Release Dear Mr. Verbena: We are currently tile owners of the unimproved land consk'~ting of approxhnately 4.9 acres located at Haven Avenue ,and Church Street in Rm~cho Cucamonga, CA upon which we had p 'lamled to develop and opcmtca Brighton G',mlens Assisted Living Community. Plea.se be advised that due to advcr~ market conditkms 'and lack of capital financing sources, we have decided not to prnceed with the development of the Brighton G~dens. We have made the property available Ibr sale and are currently seeking potential buyers. As part of our original Conditional (Ise Pt:rmit,.we had Ix~ted bonds with your Department in anticipation of then immediately starting con~ructiun of thc Brighton Gardens. Now that we no longer plan to build the project, wotdd you kindly release the bonds to the care of[Ired Uric. Thank you, in advance, lbr your co,operation ill this matter. Sincerely, /-/2 EXHIBIT 'A' ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE'DISTRICT NO. 4 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. I AND 4 · ' l ~,,.~,,,~:~/~,j%~C~ / / ~-[~'1' 101' ~ ~ I,o,.I ~ / ./ , Ccu~ q~- /~ · / / P~C~ 'A' / 5.21 ACR~ / (4.94 ' ' ' / AC + 0.27 AC / SCALE: 1"=200' / / ~0¢ NO. 8~ING Ol~C[ ~ o ~ "' L~ S89'52'~ ~.00' -- ~ ~ ~07'20'E 92.94' ~.. ~ .525'02'46~ ~.I 6' L¢ S89'57'~ 104.27' LEGE~ ...... Area of p~a~ ~ees, l~dscape, ~d ~ Existing l~dscaped m~di~ D~sc~ption: P~c~l "A", of Compli~c~ No. 428, a lot I~ adjus~ recorded ~ Docume~ No. 19990114777 o~ 03~3/~ ~ O~cial Record, Co~ of S~ Bem~o, S~te of California CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMO#GA BERNARDINOc~ r~ COUNTY OF SAN STATE OF CALIFORNIA RAN C H O C U C A M O N G A I~NGIN EEI~ING DED^I~THENT SlaffReport DATE: April 3, 2002 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Linda R. Beek, Jr. Engineer SUBJECT: ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS, RETAIN $3,000 OF THE CASH DEPOSIT FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE, AS A MAINTENANCE BOND, RELEASE THE REMAINING $27,000 OF THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND AND FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR IMPROVEMENTS FOR DR 00-19, SUBMI'FrED BY HOFFINGER INDUSTRIES, INCORPORATED, LOCATED AT 10905 JERSEY BOULEVARD RECOMMENDATION: The required improvements for DR 00-19 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that the City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond and accept a Maintenance Bond. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: As a condition of approval of completion of DR 00-19, located 10905 Jersey Boulevard, the applicant was required to complete street improvements. The improvements have been completed and it is recommended that the City Council release the existing cash Faithful Performance Bond, retaining $3,000 as the Maintenance Bond. The remaining $15,000, Labor and Material Bonds, is to be released in six months. Developer: Hoffinger Industries, Incorporated 10959 Jersey Boulevard Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CiTY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT RE: ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS - DR-00-19 April 3, 2002 Page 2 Release: Faithful Performance Bond $27,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Bond $ 3,000.00 Respectfully submitted, City Engineer WJO:LRB:Is Attachments ~ x ~r~P~T BOUL~ARD 66KV, E, T ~ title; Ct, C.i~40 ~ · ,.o.~- ~..., CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~ ~ ENGINEERING DIVISION N RESOLUTION NO. 0Z.-.111 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DR 00-19 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for DR 00-19, have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. /-/7 R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A Staff Report DALE: April 3, 2002 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Linda R. Beek, Jr. Engineer SUBJECT: ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND, ACCEPT A MAINTENANCE BOND AND FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13951, SUBMITTED BY CCRC30, LLC, LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF BERYL AVENUE, NORTH OF MANZANITA DRIVE RECOMMENDATION: The required improvements for Tract 13951 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that the City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond and accept a Maintenance Bond. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: As a condition of approval of completion of Tract 13951, located on the east side of Beryl Avenue, north of Manzanita Drive, the applicant was required to complete street improvements. The improvements have been completed and it is recommended that the City Council release the existing Faithful Performance Bond and accept the Maintenance Bond. Developer: CCRC30, LLC Release: Faithful Performance Bond BE2638266 $1,481,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Bond BE2638266 $ 141,800.00 Re.~l~:~,tfu Ily submitted, Willia(m/J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:LRB Attachments TR ~3951 HILL~IDE HIII 81DE WILSON N BANYAN HIGHLAND :TORIA UPLAND BASELINE FONTANA THE cITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ONTARIO RESOLUTION NO. 02 - J' J~2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13951 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 13591, have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bemardino County. R A N H O C U C A M O N G A Staf:f Report DATE: April 3, 2002 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Linda R. Beek, Jr. Engineer SUBJECT: ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND, ACCEPT A MAINTENANCE BOND AND FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACTS 15727, 15727-6 AND 15727-8, SUBMITTED BY CORNERPOINTE 257, LLC, LOCATED NORTH OF FOURTH STREET AND EAST OF THE CUCAMONGA CREEK CHANNEL RECOMMENDATION: The required improvements for Tracts 15727, 15727-6 and 15727-8, have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that the City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond and accept a Maintenance Bond. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: As a condition of approval of completion of Tracts 15727, 15727-6 and 15727-8, located north of Fourth Street and east of the Cucamonga Creek Channel, the applicant was required to complete street improvements. The improvements have been completed and it is recommended that City Council release the existing Faithful Performance Bond and accept the Maintenance Bond. Developer: Cornerpointe 257, LLC 24005 Venture Boulevard Calabasas, CA 91302 Release: Faithful Performance Bond Tract 15727 SD 00083393-M $ 165,500 Accept: Maintenance Bond $ 16,500 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TRACTS 15727, 15727-6, 15727-8 April 3, 2002 Page 2 Release: Faithful Performance Bond Tract 15727-6 SD 00079916-M $ 138,000 Accept: Maintenance Bond $ 13,800 Release: Faithful Performance Bond Tract 15727-8 SD 00079917-M $ 99,000 Accept: Maintenance Bond $ 9,900 Respectfully submitted, Wi~ J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:LRB:Is Attachments EXHIBIT "A" ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. CITY OF RANCHO CUCASIONGA ~OI;~TII COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 1" = 400' STATE OF CALIFORNIA Tracts 15727, -6 &-8 RESOLUTION NO. 02- ~'--,~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACTS 15727, 15727-6, AND 15727-8 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tracts 15727, 15727-6, and 15727-8, have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. 1~ A N C H O C U C A M O N G A ]~ N CINEE E~IN C DE PAI~?~IEN T Staff Report DATE: April 3, 2002 TO:. Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Jerry Dyer, Project Manager ~ Richard Oaxaca, Engineering/~'echnician~ SUBJECT: ACCEPT THE AMETHYST AVENUE PAVEMENT OVERLAY FROM HIGHLAND AVENUE TO WILSON AVENUE, CONTRACT NO. 01-082 AS COMPLETE, RETAIN THE PERFORMANCE BOND AS A GUARANTEE BOND, RELEASE LABOR AND MATERIAL BOND AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND APPROVE THE FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $233,017.98 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council accept the Amethyst Avenue Pavement Overlay from Highland Avenue to Wilson Avenue, Contract No. 01-082, as complete, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion, retain the Faithful Performance Bond as a guarantee bond for one year, authorize the release of the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of $238,735.70 six months after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of $23,301.80, 35 days after acceptance. Also, approve the final contract amount of $233,017.98. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The subject project has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The final contract amount, based on project documentation, is $233,017.98, which included four contract change orders resulting in a change in the original contract amount of minus 2.39%. The original amount approved by Council was $262,609.27 ($238,735.70 plus 10%). Respectfully submitted, Will~/m J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:JD/RO:/s Attachments i CUCAMONGA ."' · ' WILSON PARK I.N 10500 ARROW HWY BNSF RR CITY .OF- RANCHO CUCAMONGA AMETHYST STREET PAVEMENT OVERLAY FROM HIGHLAND AVENUE TO WILSON AVENUE VICINITY MAP RESOLUTION NO. O~-.//~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE AMETHYST AVENUE PAVEMENT OVERLAY FROM HIGHLAND AVENUE TO WILSON AVENUE, CONTRACT NO. 01-082 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the Amethyst Avenue Pavement Overlay from Highland Avenue to Wilson Avenue, Contract No. 01-082, has been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCA~IONGA Staff Report DATE: April 3, 2002 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Tom Grahn, AICP, Associate Planner SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF THE DRAFT ANNUAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING ALLOCATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002-2003 - A review of the federally required Consolidated Plan Annual Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2002-2003, including the preliminary selection of projects for the CDBG annual application, based on a new grant allocation of $983,000. RECOMMENDATION That the City Council conduct a public hearing and take public testimony regarding the application for funding and direct staff to prepare the final 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan, to be brought back for adoption at a subsequent City Council meeting. BACKGROUND Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") funds are provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") based on a formula that considers the population, extent of poverty, and age of the housing stock. Based upon this formula, the City expects to receive a grant allocation of $983,000, a decrease of $18,000, or 1.79 percent less than current program year funding. To be eligible for funding, activities must meet one of the two primary goals of the CDBG program: 1. The development of viable, urban communities, including decent housing and a suitable living environment; and CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT 2002-2003 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN (CDBG) April 3, 2002 Page 2 2. The expansion of economic oppodunities, principally for persons of Iow- and moderate-income. CDBG regulations require that at least 70 percent of all funds be directed to activities that benefit Iow- and moderate-income persons. Of the activities proposed for the 2002- 2003, program year, approximately 84 percent will benefit Iow- and moderate-income persons. Home Improvement: The City's Home Improvement Program ($337,701.14) has been in existence since 1990. The program currently offers deferred payment loans of up to $30,000 and grants of up to $7,500 for Iow-income, owner-occupied, single family and mobile homes. Since the program's inception, we have received an overwhelming number of requests for assistance from both the single-family and mobile home community. Additionally, Oldtimers Foundation Home Maintenance Program ($10,000) provides minor and emergency repair grants to seniors, Iow- and Iow-moderate income, and owner-occupied households. Capital Improvement: The following Capital Improvement projects are recommended for the 2002-2003 program year: · Devon Street Storm Drain ($36,000) - The design of storm drain improvements to include the preparation of plans, specifications, and cost estimates. This project proposal is for the installation of a storm drain system on Devon Street, and letting out on Archibald Avenue. Devon Street is located east of Archibald Avenue and south of Foothill Boulevard. This project is needed to eliminate a drainage problem within the local neighborhood. · Sidewalk Grinding ($22,000) - Involves the grinding and repair and/or replacement of displaced sidewalks in qualified target neighborhoods. · Wheelchair Ramps ($22,000) - Retrofitting of existing intersection curbs to accommodate handicapped persons. Capital Facilities: The following Capital Facility Improvement projects are recommended for the 2002-2003 program year: · New Senior Center Design ($143,994.13) & Construction ($513,401.99) - This is a multi-year project that includes partial funding for both design and construction activities. This activity will begin the design process that will provide a conceptual master plan that can be used to plan and promote the facility. Additionally, funds will be will be provided to bank part of the need for the future construction of the senior center. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT 2002-2003 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN (CDBG) April 3, 2002 Page 3 Historic Preservation: The preservation and historic restoration of the Fisher House. The Fisher House is located on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue, directly south of the vacated railroad right-of-way, on the site of the elementary school (currently under construction). Proposed activities may include selective demolition and modifications to secure the structure from the environment and halt the physical effects of deterioration on the structure's exterior. Historic restoration will include: rehabilitation, framing, repairing exterior siding, roof, painting, dry walling, plumbing, and electrical. A total of $40,000 is recommended to start the preservation process. Public Service: Federal regulations allow communities to allocate up to 15 percent of their annual grant allocation to fund public service providers. The proposed funding of public service providers maintains the current year level of Subrecipient funding. No new public service providers are recommended for funding, as we are at the maximum funding level for these activities. The 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan recommends funding public service providers a total of $147,450 (15 percent of $983,000). These public service providers meet the priority of assisting immediate health and safety needs or address a special need identified in the Consolidated Plan. These activities include: Graffiti Removal, Fair Housing, Landlord Tenant Counseling, Homelessness and Food Assistance, Domestic Violence Shelter, Senior, Youth At-Risk, and Literacy programs. CORRESPONDENCE Notice of the public hearing and proposed funding allocations was published in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin on March 19, 2002, as a one-eighth page display ad. Notice was also published in La Voz on March 21,2002 as a display ad. Respectfully submitted, Brad Buller City Planner BB:TG/Is Attachments: Exhibit "A" - FY 2002-2003 CDBG Applications Exhibit "B" - FY 2002-2003 CDBG Funding Recommendations Exhibit "C" - FY 2002-2003 Draft Annual Action Plan March 26, 2002,11:25AM) ~ ADMINISTRATION : : Progr'amAdminis atio $1 2,500.001 4.S%lnc. I 100% I 570.20E(B)(1) I I H14.1 I IPr°g mad ini'trati°n' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Calie Vejar (Construction) $514,600.00 100% 570.201(c) 570.208(a)(1) LMA NH 10.1 N Design activi~ initially funded in 01/02. Consolidated Plan scheduled activity. Sidewalk Grinding $22,000.00 Dec. 100% 570.201(c) 570.208(a)(1) LMA NH 10.1 y Cit~ide p~gram Wheelchair Ramps $22,000.00 Dec. 100% 570.201(c) 570.208(a)(2) LMC NH 12.1 y Cit~ide pr~ram. Devon S~eet Storm Drain (Design) $36,000.00 100% 570.201(c) 570.208(a)(1) LMA NH 12.2 N Consolidated Plan scheduled activity. New RCSC (Construction Bani() $550,000.00 Inc. 100% 570.201(c) 570.208(a)(2) LMC SN 9.1 y ActMty initially funded in 01/02 Misc. Drainage Improvemen~ $20,700.00 100% 570.201(c) 570.208(a)(1) LMA - N This is not a Consolidated Plan scheduled a~iv[ty and will require revision to the Consolidated Plan to proceed. Fisher House $40,000.00 100% 570.201(d) 570.208(b)(2) SB NH 13.1 N Historic Prese~a~ion Subtotal $1,205,300.00 HOME IMPROVEMENT Home ImprovEment Program $300,000.00 100% 570.202(b) 570.208(a)(3) HA HA 4.1, y Funding subs~ntia[~y increased in FY 99/00. NH 16.1 PI receipts to~l $22,13025. Oldt[mers Foundation - Home Improvement $15,000.00 6.2% 570.202(b) 570.208(a)(3) HA SN 8.1 y Minor ho~ ~epair program. Subtotal $315,000.00 ~ PUBLIC SERVICES i Graffiti Removal $22,000.00 10% Dec. 100% 570.201(e) 570.208(a)(1) LMA NH ~6.2 y Target area g~ffiti re,veL Fair Housing $14,424.00 20% Inc. 5% 570.206(c) 570.208(a)(2) LMC NH 11.1 y A~tNely fu~her fair housing. Landlord~enant $10,037.00 0.4% Inc. 6.5% 570.201(e) 570.208(a)(2) LMC NH 11.1 y Mediation, refe~al, & eduction. HOPE $6,765.00 5.7% inc. 7.9% 570.201(e) 570.208(a)(2) LMC HMLS 7.1, y Refeffal, suppo~, and edu~tional se~ces for NH 11.1 the ho~less and ~onomi~lly disadvantaged. Foo~i]l Family Shelter $4,000.00 33% Inc. 1.7% 570.201(e) 570.208(a)(2) LMC HMLS 7.1, y Sho~-term she]ter and suppod to hob[ess NH 11.1 fa~lies. House of Ruffi $12,260.00 61.3% Inc. 10% 570.201(e) 570.208(a)(2) LMC HMLS 7.1, y Assist ba[tered worn wit h shelter, eduction, NH 11.1 and self-sufficiency program. Pomona Valley Council of Chur~es - SOVA $15,000.00 114.2% Inc. 9.9% 570.201(e) 570.208(a)(2) LMC HMLS 7.1, y E~rgency food assistance. NH 11.1 ~CA - Y-Teen $11,833.00 55.7% Inc. 47.3% 570.201(e) 570.208(a)(2) LMC NH 11.1 y After-schoffi activities Io avoid heal~h- threatening behaviors. YMCA West End Kids Club $7,000.00 7.5% 570.201(e) 570.208(a)(2) LMC NH 11.1 y After-s~oo[ recreation program. Your Own Club $5,000.00 33% 570.201(e) 570.208(a)(2) LMC NH 11.1 y After-sc~o~i recreation program. Exhibit "A" - Page 1 SeniorTranspodation $25,000.00 66.6% Inc. 54% 570.201(e) 570.208(a)(2)LMC NH 11.1 y Activitynewlyfundedin01/02 Provides for tdps to and from RCSC. doctor visi[s, grocery shopping, etc. RC Communily Services - Senior Citizen $12,000.00 20% Inc. 100% 570.201(e) 570.208(a)(2) LMC SN 9.1, y Senior citizen prograr~s and parking lease. Services NH 11.1 RC Library - Back to Basics $10,000.00 17.6% 570.201(e) 570.208(a)(2) LMC NH 11.1 y Activity newly funded in 99/00. Adult and youth reading programs. Oldtimers Foundation - Senior Nutrition $25,555.00 200.6% Inc. 15% 570.201(e) 570.208(a)(2) LMC SN 9.1 y Senior nutrition programfor RCSC & home delivery. Campfire Boys & Girls $13,400.00 100% Inc 53% 570.201(e) 570.208(a)(2) LMC NH 11,1 y Summer day camp program to develop skills, Project Sister $9,700.00 52.7% 570.201(e) 570.208(a)(2) LMC HMLS 7.1, y Sexual assault and violence prevention NH 11.1 program, Computers For Kids Foundation $25,000.00 N/A 16.1% 570.201(e) 570.208(a)(2) LMC NH 11.1 N Provides computer systems and instructional I Believe In Miracles $1,015,000.00 N/A 100.0% 570.201(e) 570.208(a)(2) LMC HMLS 7.1, N Assists homeless, abused, v[ctir~zed, and NH 11.1 single parent families. Subtotal $1,243,974.00 TOTAL $2,926,774.00 Inc = Increase; Dec = Decrease; - = No change. 2 HA = Housing Affordability; HMLS = Homeless; SN = Special Needs; NH = Non-Housing Community Development Needs; CP Objectives are based upon the 2000-2004 Consolidated Plan. Exhibit "A" - Page 2 March 26, 2002 (11:25AU) FY 2002-2003 - CDBG FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS ADMINISTRATION Program Administration $145,712.75 I $155,000.00 II $162,500.00 ~ $0.00 I $0.00 I $162,500.00 I $162,500.00 I YES-Continue~equiredgrogram CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Calla Vejar (Construction) - $514,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9.00 NO - Insufficient funds. Sidewalk Grindin9 $22,000.00 $24,000.00 $22,000.00 $775.53 $0.00 $21,224.47 $22,000.00 YES - Con[inue eligible program Wheelchair Ramps $22,000.00 $24,000.00 $22,000.00 $22,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $22,000.00 YES - Con[inue eliglble program Devon Storm Drain (Design) $36,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $36,000.00 $36,000.00 YES- Fund eligible program New RCSC (Design) - $143,994.13 $0.00 $143,994.13 $0.00 $0.00 $143,994.13 YES - Con[inue eligible program New RCSC (Construction) - $150,000.00 $550,000.00 $150,000.00 $97,576.46 $265,825.53 $513,401.99 YES - Continue eligible program. Misc. Drainage Improvements - $20,700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 NO- Insuh'icient funds. Fisher House - $40,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 YES - Fund eligible program. Subtotal j ; $1,205,300.00 $316,769.66 $97,576.46 $363,050.00 $777,396.12 HOME IMPROVEMENT Home lmprovement Program $325,000.00 ~ $393,643.43 $300,000.00 $37,713.14 $0.00 $300,000.00 $337,701.14 YES-Continueeligibleprogram Oldtimers Foundation - Home Maintenance $10,000.00~ $10,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 YES - Continue eligible program Subtotal I $315,000.00 $37,713.14 $0.00 $310,000.00 $347,701.14 PUBLIC SERVICES Graffiti Removal $20,000.00 $22,000.00 $22,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $22~000.00 $22,000.00 YES - Continue eligible program IFHMB - Fair Housing $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $14,424.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 YES - Continue required program IFHMB - LandlordFFenant $9,977.00 $10,000.00 $10,037.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 YES - Continue eligible program HOPE $6,400.00 $6,400.00 $6,765.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6~400.00 $6,400.00 YES - Continue eligible program Foothill Family Shelter $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $4,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 YES -Continue eligible program House of Ruth $7,600.00 $7,600.00 $12,260.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,600.00 $7,600.00 YES - Continue eligible program Pomona Valley Council of Churches (SOVA) $7,000.00 $7,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,000.00 $7,000.00 YES-Continue eligible program YWCA Y~Teen $7,000.00 $7,000.00 $11,833.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,000.00 $7,000.00 YES - Continue eligible program YMCA West End Kids Club $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $7,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 YES - Continue eligibre program Your Own Club $5,000.00 $5,000,00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 YES - Continue eligible program Senior Transportation $15,000.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 YES - Continue eligible program RC Community Services - Senior Programs $5,000.00 $10,000.00 $12,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,550.00 $11,550.00 YES - Continue eligible program RC Librar),- Back to Basics $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 YES - Continue eligible program OIdtimers Foundation - Senior Nutrition $8,500.00 $8,500.00 $25,555.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8~500.00 $8,500.00 YES -Continue eligibre program Campfire Boys and Girls - $6,700.00 $13,400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,700.00 $6,700.00 YES - Continue eligible program Project Sister $9,700.00 $9,700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,700.00 $9,700.00 YES - Continue eligible program Computers For Kids Foundation - $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 NO - ~nsumcient funds. I Believe In Miracles $1,015,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 NO-Insufucien[ funds. Subtotal $1,243,974.00 $0.00 ' $0.00 $147,450.00 $147,450.00 TOTAL $2,926,774.00 I $354,482.80 $97,576.46 $983,000.00 $1,435,059.26 Difference between requested end I FY 02/03 Entitlement Grant $983,000.00 Public Service Cap = 15% $147,450 / $983,000 = 15.0% ($147,450 Maximum) Administration Cap = 20% $162,500 / $983,000 = 16.5% ($196,600 Maximum) Exhibit "B" CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM 2002-2003 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN (JULY 1, 2002 TO JUNE 30, 2003) Draft - April 3, 2002 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga TABLE OF CONTENTS APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE (SF424) ............................................................................ 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 3 RESOURCES AVAILABLE .................................................................................................................... 3 FEDERAL RESOURCES .......................................................................................................... 3 OTHER RESOURCES ............................................................................................................. 4 LEVERAGING AND MATCHING FUNDS ..................................................................................... 5 ACTIVITIES TO BE UNDERTAKEN ........................................................................................................ 5 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ......................................................................................................... 5 OBJECTIVE 1 ............................................................................................................ 5 OBJECTIVE 2 ............................................................................................................ 6 OBJECTIVE 3 ............................................................................................................ 7 OBJECTIVE 4 ............................................................................................................ 8 OBJECTIVE 5 ............................................................................................................ 9 OBJECTIVE 6 .......................................................................................................... 11 HOMELESS ......................................................................................................................... 11 OBJECTIVE 7 .......................................................................................................... 11 HOMELESS ANNUAL PLAN ................................................................................................... 12 SPECIAL NEEDS .................................................................................................................. 12 OBJECTIVE 8 .......................................................................................................... 12 OBJECTIVE 9 .......................................................................................................... 13 SPECIAL NEEDS ANNUAL PLAN ........................................................................................... 14 NON-HOUSING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS ............................................................. 14 OBJECTIVE 10 ........................................................................................................ 14 OBJECTIVE 11 ........................................................................................................ 16 OBJECTIVE 12 ........................................................................................................ 18 OBJECTIVE 13 ........................................................................................................ 19 OBJECTIVE 14 ........................................................................................................ 19 OBJECTIVE 15 ........................................................................................................ 20 OBJECTIVE 16 ........................................................................................................ 20 OTHER ACTIONS ............................................................................................................................. 21 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ..................................................................................................21 AFFIRMATIVELY FURTHERING FAIR HOUSING ...................................................................... 22 OBSTACLES TO MEETING UNDER SERVED NEEDS ............................................................... 24 ACTIONS TO FOSTER AND MAINTAIN AFFORDABLE HOUSING ............................................... 24 ACTIONS TO REMOVE BARRIERS TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING ............................................... 24 ACTIONS TO EVALUATE AND REDUCE LEAD BASED PAINT HAZARDS .................................... 24 ACTIONS TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF POVERTY LEVEL FAMILIES ....................................... 25 ACTIONS TO DEVELOP INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURE AND ENHANCE COORDINATION .............. 25 PUBLIC HOUSING IMPROVEMENTS ....................................................................................... 25 MONITORING ....................................................................................................................... 25 CITIZEN PARTICIPATION .................................................................................................................. 26 APPENDIX "A" - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................... A-1 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga FY 2002-2003 CONSOLIDATED PLAN ANNUAL ACTION PLAN ............................................. A-1 APPENDIX "B" - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................... B-1 APPENDIX "C" - SUMMARY OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING 5-YEAR AND 1-YEAR GOALS ........................ C-1 APPENDIX "D" - ATTACHMENTS ......................................................................................................D-1 SUPPORTING MAPS: PROPOSED PROJECTS, POINTS OF INTEREST, CENSUS BOUNDARIES, Low/MOD INCOME, ETHNIClTY, AND UNEMPLOYMENT ........................................................ D-1 SUPPORTING FORMS: FUNDING SOURCES, CONTINUUM OF CARE, GAPS ANALYSIS, SPECIAL NEEDS/NON-HOMELESS, HOUSING NEEDS, AND COMMUNITY NEEDS ................................. D-1 LISTING OF PROPOSED PROJECTS ..................................................................................... D-1 CERTIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................ D-1 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE (FORM SF424) The Application for Federal Assistance will be inserted into the final report. Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucarnonga INTRODUCTION The Annual Action Plan provides a plan of investment and an outline of activities expected to be undertaken during the 2002-2003 program year. The report identifies local objectives and pdority needs identified to implement the primary objective of the Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") program, which is the development of viable urban communities by providing decent housing, suitable living environment, and expanded economic opportunities, principally for Iow- and moderate-income persons. I~ESOURCES AVAILABLE · FEDERAL I~ESOURCES Community Development Block Grant Federal funding available to the City are allocated through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") CDBG program. During the 2002-2003 program year, the City will receive an entitlement allocation of $983,000, which is $18,000 less than fiscal year 2001-2002. CDBG funds reprogrammed from prior year activities are $97,576.46, which provides $1,080,576.46 available for funding new program activities. There is a total of $354,482.80 remaining in prior year funded activities. The sum of all CDBG funds available during the program year totals $1,435,059.26. (See Appendix 'W'). The City did not receive any program during the 2001-2002 program year, and does not expect to receive any program income during the 2002-2003 program year. San Bernardino County Housing Authority The San Bernardino County Housing Authority serves as the local housing authority for the region. The Agency currently operates 170 Section 8 housing units and 16 public housing units located within the City. Sources of funds available to City residents through the Housing Authority are primarily limited to Section 8, Comprehensive Grant Improvement, and the Public Housing programs. County of San Bemardino, Department of Economic and Community Development The County receives federal funds to implement the HOME Consortium, which the City joined in July 1995. In 1999 the City renewed their commitment to the HOME Consortium by signing a 3-year Cooperation Agreement covering the time pedod from October 1, 1999 to September 30, 2002. The City will be renewing the 3-year agreement to cover the time period from October 1,2002 to September 30, 2005. The County operates four programs through the HOME Consortium that include the HOME Homeownership Assistance Program ("HAP"), HOME Tenant Based Assistance ("TBA") Program, HOME Rental Property Acquisition and Rehabilitation Program, and the HOME Community Housing Development Organization Program. The County allocation for these programs total $4,220,000 and includes funds for program administration. These programs are all available to City residents on a first-come first- serve basis through the City's participation in the County HOME Consortium. Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga The Homeownership Assistance, Tenant Based Assistance, and Rental Property Acquisition and Rehabilitation programs are discussed under specific activities in the Consolidated Plan. The Community Housing Development Organization ("CHDO") Set-Aside program is not identified and therefore warrants further discussion. The CHDO program is funded through a mandatory Set-Aside from the County HOME Consortium and provides funds for affordable housing that is developed, sponsQred, or owned by non-profits that have been certified as CHDO's. The CHDO program functions as a source of funding for a variety of projects including new construction and rehabilitation of residential structures. Funds are not targeted to a specific area or project type within the County; however, recipient income cannot exceed 80% of the County medium family income. HOME funds are available to eligible residents citywide on a first-come first-serve basis through the City's participation in the County HOME Consortium, with approximately $1,698,000 allocated to this program. · OTHER RESOURCES City of Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency State law requires redevelopment agencies to set aside at least 20% of tax increment revenue for increasing and improving the community's supply of Iow- and moderate-income housing. Between July 1, 2000, and June 30, 2005, approximately $39 million will be generated by tax increment for affordable housing. The tax increment allocation to the 20 Percent Set- Aside during the reporting period is projected to be $6,291,871. The Agency's tax increment has been pledged against several on-going projects, and therefore, there is little unobligated funding available. In July 1996, the Redevelopment Agency ("RDA") approved the sale of tax allocation bonds to provide permanent financing for two community based non-profit organizations, Southern California Housing Development Corporation ("SCHDC") and Northtown Housing Development Corporation ("NHDC"). On September 1, 1996, Tax Allocation Bonds in the amount of $37.66 million were sold. Proceeds of the bonds will be allocated in the following manner: · A pledge agreement through the year 2025 was signed with SCHDC where $3.9 million will be provided annually for debt services and project reserves. Beginning year 6, if the provision of Redevelopment Law that allows for the acquisition of existing units with Housing Set-Aside funds has been extended beyond its current sunset, this $790,000 of the annual pledge will be deposited into a "Future Project Reserves" fund for use in acquiring additional apartment complexes within the Project Area. If a program is not developed, the funds will be available for any RDA housing program. · A pledge agreement through the year 2025 was signed with NHDC where $1.5 million was paid to NHDC on June 30, 1996, and again on December 30, 1996. An additional $5 million in net bond proceeds were also paid to the NHDC. These bond proceeds will be used to complete a portion of the capital improvement plan for the Northtown neighborhood that includes continuing the development of infill housing on vacant lots, 4 Community Deve/oprnent Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga acquisition and rehabilitation of existing absentee-owned housing. The annual pledge amount will be $1.4 million through the year 2025. · LEVERAGING AND MATCHING FUNDS The primary source of fund leveraging will occur in conjunction with activities carried out through RD^ 20 Pement Set-Aside funds. This is accomplished through public/private partnerships with non-profit housing development corporations such as the NHDC and the SCHDC. Other potential sources for leveraging include HOME funds and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits. ACTIVITIES TO BE UNDERTAKEN · AFFORDABLE HOUSING OBJECTIVE 1: CONSERVATION OF THE EXISTING SINGLE-FAMILY AND MULTIPLE-FAMILY AFFORDABLE HOUSING STOCK. Program 1.1: Acquisition of existing multi-family units to be held for future affordable housing stock. Activity 1.1.1: This activity includes the acquisition of restricted, and previously unrestricted, at-risk units. The SCHDC, with pledge assistance from the RDA 20 Pement Set-Aside funds obtained replacement financing for several complexes within the City. The SCHDC owns and manages the complexes, and the RDA monitors the affordability covenants checking quarterly to ensure units are rented according to the agreement and the occupants comply with established income categories. Lead Agency: The SCHDC, with funding assistance by the City of Rancho Cucamonga RDA. Geographic Location: Activities will primarily occur in the Redevelopment target area, however, units may be acquired citywide. Resources: Bonds issued by the RDA and a loan from the California Housing Finance Authority ("CHFA") were used to provide long-term replacement financing for 4 SCHDC affordable housing complexes. A 1996-97 RDA tax allocation bond issue provided approximately $30 million for replacement financing. An annual pledge of $3.9 million of Agency Housing funds provides bond debt service and project reserve funds. Accomplishments and Time Frame: There are currently 5 apartment complexes (including 1 under construction), containing 1,145 total units with 553 held as affordable. Monterey Village and Mountainside Apartments were acquired in FY 95-96 and Sycamore Springs and Rancho Verde Apartments were acquired in FY 96-97. The SCHDC is building a 49 unit senior apartment complex, with 100% held as affordable, that will be completed during the 2002-2003 program year. Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga Complex Total Units Affordable Units Sycamore Springs 240 96 Mountainside Apartments 384 192 Monterey Village Apartments 224 112 Rancho Verde Apartments 248 104 Senior Apartments* 49 49 Total 1145 553 * Complex is under cons~uction Program 1.2: Acquisition and rehabilitation of existing single-family homes. Activity 1.2.1: The NHDC anticipates acquiring up to 2 homes for rehabilitation during the program year. The NHDC is the owner/developer of the rehabilitated lots; however, these lots are purchased with assistance from the RDA. This program is also part of the NHDC's First-Time Home Buyer program where newly constructed and/or rehabilitated single-family homes are available to Iow- and moderate-income home buyers in the Northtown neighborhood. (See Objective 4, Program 4.3, Activity 4.3.1.) Lead Agency: The NHDC. Geographic Location: The Northtown target neighborhood. Resources: NHDC leveraged RDA 20 Percent Set-Aside funds and private financing. Accomplishments and Time Frame: By June 30, 2003, up to 2 homes will be rehabilitated and leased for two years to a household with an income up to 60% of the area median family income. OBJECTIVE 2: IMPROVE ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR ALL LOW- AND MODERATE-INCOME HOUSEHOLDS, WITH EMPHASIS ON the PRODUCTION OF LARGER (3+ BEDROOM) RENTAL UNITS. Program 2.1: Construction of affordable multi-family units. Activity 2.1.1: There are no activities proposed under this program during the 2002-2003 program year. Program 2.2: Construction of single-family infill development in Iow- and moderate-income neighborhoods. Activity 2.2.1: The NHDC has obtained 8 lots for the construction of new homes on infill lots within the Northtown target neighborhood. The homes will be available to families with incomes between 80% and 90% of the area median income. The NHDC is the owner/developer of the infill lots; however, these lots are purchased with assistance from the RDA. This 6 7/ Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga program is also part of the NHDC's First-Time Home Buyer program where newly constructed and/or rehabilitated single-family homes ara available to Iow- and moderate-income home buyers in the Northtown neighborhood. (See Objective 4, Program 4.3, Activity 4.3.1 .) Due to the inability to obtain additional vacant lots this activity may not continue for the duration of the Consolidated Plan. Lead Agency: The NHDC. Geographic Location: The Northtown target neighborhood. Resources: The NHDC leveraged RDA 20 Percent Set-Aside funds with subsidies from the Affordable Housing Program and permanent first-mortgages from Home Loan Bank of San Francisco. Accomplishments and Time Frame: By June 30, 2003, complete the construction of 8 new homes. OBJECTIVE 3: PROVIDE DIRECT RENTER ASSISTANCE TO LOW- AND MODERATE- INCOME HOUSEHOLDS IN ORDER TO OBTAIN OR RETAIN PERMANENT HOUSING. Program 3.1: Support applications by the Housing Authority of San Bernardino County for future Section 8 and public housing assistance. Activity 3.1.1: The Housing Authority routinely raquests assistance from the City when applying for Section 8 Housing Certificates and Vouchers for public housing assistance. The City will continue to support these applications. The agency currently operates 6,257 Section 8 units of which 170 are located within the City. The agency also operates 16 public housing units and rents them to qualified households at affordable rates. Lead Agency: County of San Bernardino, Housing Authority. Geographic Location: These programs ara available citywide. Resources: Federal Housing and Urban Development funds. Accomplishments and Time Frame: Annually support 16 public housing and 170 Section 8 applications. Program 3.2: Participate in the County HOME Consortium Tenant Based Assistance (TBA) program. Activity 3.2.1: The Tenant Based Assistance ("TBA") program is offered through the County HOME Consortium and is available to eligible rasidents. The County has designed the program to provide assistance not only to thos~e 7 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucarnonga who meet federal preferences, but also to those who met a "special need." The County targets monthly rental assistance to eligible households that include a disabled family member, and they place a priority on providing security deposit assistance to families experiencing "temporary" housing situations where the temporary housing or shelter is either not suitable or not available as permanent housing. Lead Agency: County of San Bernardino, Department of Economic and Community Development, HOME Consortium. Geographic Location: Available to eligible residents citywide. Resources: HOME funds are available on a first-come first-serve basis through the City's participation in the County HOME Consortium, with approximately $600,000 allocated to this program. This includes $400,000 in monthly rental assistance and $200,000 in security deposit assistance. Accomplishments and Time Frame: The City will work with the County HOME Consortium to publicize this program in Rancho Cucamonga so that approximately 6 households could receive assistance by June 30, 2003. OBJECTIVE 4: INCREASE HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR LOW- AND MODERATE- INCOME HOME OWNERSHIP, PARTICULARLY THROUGH HOMEBUYER ASSISTANCE, Program 4.1: Administer a City sponsored Home Buyer Program, Activity 4.1.'1: The RDA is administering a Home Buyer program using down payment assistance loans. The loan is 10% of the purchase price up to a maximum of $16,000. The loan is forgiven if the buyer remains in the unit for 30 years. Lead Agency: City of Rancho Cucamonga RDA. Geographic Location: This program is available to eligible residents citywide. Resources: RDA Set-Aside funds: $150,000. Accomplishments and Time Frame: By June 30, 2003, assist a maximum of 5 homebuyers. Program 4.2: Participate in the County HOME consortium Homeownership Assistance Program (HAP) for eligible first-time homebuyers. Activity 4.2.1: The County of San Bernardino operates the Homeownership Assistance Program ("HAP") in which households earning less than 80% of the median family income may receive assistance in the purchase of a first home. The HAP provides a silent second trust deed program for Iow- 8 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga income homebuyers. Lead Agency: County of San Bemardino, Department of Economic and Community Development, HOME Consortium. Geographic Location: This program is available to eligible residents citywide. Resources: HOME funds are available on a first-come first-serve basis through the City's participation in the County HOME Consortium, with approximately $1,000,000 allocated to this program. Accomplishments and Time Frame: The City will work with the County HOME Consortium to publicize this program in Rancho Cucamonga so that approximately 4 households could receive assistance by June 30, 2003. Program 4.3: NHDC First-Time Home Buyer Program. Activity 4.3.1: The NHDC's First Time Home Buyer Program provides newly constructed and/or rehabilitated single-family homes to Iow- and moderate-income homebuyers in the Northtown neighborhood. NHDC plans to complete the construction of 8 new homes (see Affordable Housing, Objective 2, Program 2.1, Activity 2.1.1 ), as well as the rehabilitation of 2 homes (see Affordable Housing, Objective 1, Program 1.2, Activity 1.2.1) to provide the homes available for this program. The newly constructed homes are typically sold to income-eligible homebuyers earning between 80% and 90% of the area median family income. The rehabilitated homes are leased for a two-year period at affordable rents to families earning up to 60% of the area median family income. At the end of the two year lease period, the tenant will be offered a purchase option if they have demonstrated the ability to properly maintain and pay for the home and can arrange financing for an affordable first mortgage. Lead Agency: The NHDC. Geographic Location: The Northtown target neighborhood. Resources: The NHDC received a pledge amount from the RDA that they are able to use accordingly to meet the goals of their affordable housing program. Accomplishments and Time Frame: By June 30, 2003, the sale or lease of 10 newly constructed or rehabilitated homes. OBJECTIVE 5: REHABILITATION OF THE EXISTING HOUSING STOCK WITH EMPHASIS ON OWNER-OCCUPIED HOUSING. Program 5.1: Provide moderate rehabilitation of owner occupied, single-family and mobile homes for extremely Iow-, Iow-, and moderate-income 9 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga homeowners. Activity 5.1.1: The City has an existing moderate rehabilitation Home Improvement Program available to eligible owner-occupied households, those earning less than 80% of the area median family income. The program offers deferred payment loans of up to $30,000 and grants of up to $7,500, including emergency repair grants. The City runs this as a full service program and not only lends the money, but secures contractors, oversees the work, and maintains administration of the grants and loans rather than farming this work out to the bank or homeowner. While this method requires additional staff time, it is done to provide a high level of customer service and ensure both consistent and efficient results. Lead Agency: City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division. Geographic Location: This program is available to eligible residents citywide. Resources: CDBG funds: $337,713.14. (Funding includes $37,713.14 in prior year funds for this activity). Accomplishments and Time Frame: By June 30, 2003, assist 40 households with incomes below 80% of the area median family income. Program 5.2: Participate in the County HOME Consortium Rental Rehabilitation Program, Activity $.2.1: This is a program is available to residents of local projects through the County HOME Consortium. HOME funds are available for Iow interest loans to acquire and/or rehabilitate existing rental property in exchange for affordable rental units. Funds may be used for moderate rehabilitation efforts, with a maximum allowed of up to $25,000 per unit. The HOME assisted units will be subject to specific rent limits, and be available to Iow- and very-low income residents. This program also provides funding for the refinancing and rehabilitation of multi-family units. Lead Agency: County of San Bernardino, Department of Economic and Community Development, HOME Consortium. Geographic Location: This program is available to eligible residents citywide. Resources: HOME funds are available on a first-come first-serve basis through the City's participation in the County HOME Consortium, with approximately $500,000 allocated to this program. Accomplishments and Time Frame: No known units are proposed for assistance during the 2002-2003 program year. The City will work with the County HOME Consortium to publicize this program in Rancho Cucamonga. l0 7.5 Community Development Block Gr~nt 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucarnonga OBJECTIVE 6: IMPROVE LIVING CONDITIONS FOR LOW- AND MODERATE-INCOME HOUSEHOLDS. Program 6.1: Support applications of the Housing Authority for their Annual Comprehensive Grant to improve living conditions for public housing residents. Activity 6.1.1: Each year the City has certified consistency of the Housing Authority's Comprehensive Grant program with the Consolidated Plan. The City will continue to do so for the Comprehensive Plan. Lead Agency: Housing Authority of San Bernardino County. Geographic Location: This program will benefit residents citywide. Resources: Federal Comprehensive Grant funds. Accomplishments and Time Frame: Annually support 16 public housing applications. · HOMELESS OBJECTIVE 7: ASSIST HOMELESS INDIVIDUALS, FAMILIES, AND PERSONS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS, AND THOSE AT-RISK OF HOMELESSNESS. Program 7.1: Continue to support of local homeless facilities and services. Activity 7.1.1: The City currently provides assistance to a variety of organizations that provide immediate assistance, advocacy, and short-term shelter. The City will continue to address priority needs, and will continue to evaluate the provision of transitional shelter assistance. These agencies include: Homeless Outreach, Pro,qramsl and Education ("HOPE"): This agency provides assistance to individuals and families who are or are at-risk of homelessness and include such services as advocacy, education, shelter vouchers, and referrals. HOPE is located at 213 North Fern Avenue, Ontario, CA 91762. Foothill Family Shelter: Foothill Family Shelter operates a 90-day transitional shelter for homeless families with children. Support services are provided to enable families to obtain independence and permanent housing. They are located at 167 North Third Avenue and at 230 and 238 North San Antonio Avenue in Upland, CA 91786. 11 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action P/an City of Rancho Cucamonga House of Ruth: House of Ruth provides shelter, programs, education, and opportunities for safe, self-sufficient, healthy living for battered women and their children who are at-risk of homelessness. Services provided include 24-hour emergency safe shelter for up to 30 days, 24- hour crisis intervention hotline, 24-hour emergency transportation, outreach offices, and children programs. House of Ruth is located in Claremont, at P.O. Box 457, Claremont, CA 91711. Pomona Valley Council of Churches - West End Hunqer ProRram ("SOVA"): SOVA offers a 5- day food supply (15 meals) for all members of a household. SOVA helps families maintain their health and avoid homelessness by providing emergency food assistance and support services. The PVCC offers the West End Hunger Program from offices located at 635 South Taylor Avenue, Ontario, CA 91761. Lead Agency: City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division. Geographic Location: The benefits of this program occur citywide. Resources: CDBG funds: · HOPE: $8,400. · Foothill Family Shelter: $3,000. · House of Ruth: $7,600. · SOVA: $7,000. Accomplishments and Time Frame: By June 30, 2003, assist the following: · HOPE- 150 persons. · Foothill Family Shelter- 6 families. · House of Ruth - 1,600 persons. · SOVA- 1,280 persons. · HOMELESS ANNUAL PLAN The City's goal is to develop a comprehensive homeless assistance plan that provides a continuum of care with the purpose of ultimately assisting individuals in obtaining and retaining permanent housing. As the first priority in the plan, the City intends to continue funding those agencies that are able to provide the first line of defense in providing outreach and advocacy in assisting individuals and families who are homeless or at-dsk of homelessness. These activities include the support of emergency shelter, shelter vouchers, food distribution, advocacy, and referral services. The City will continue to fund landlord/tenant activities as a means of assisting those who are at-risk of homelessness in keeping their homes. Additional assistance will be encouraged for those agencies that provide longer-term transitional shelter and assist in the transition to permanent housing opportunities. · SPECIAL NEEDS OBJECTIVE 8: PROVIDE NECESSARY REHABILITATION SERVICES TO SPECIAL NEEDS POPULATIONS WITH EMPHASIS ON ASSISTING THE ELDERLY AND FRAIL ELDERLY. 12 77 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga Program 8.1: Provide minor and emergency rehabilitation services to eligible households with emphasis on assistance to Iow- and moderate- income seniors. Activity 8.1.1: This program will complement the City's Home Improvement Program by providing minor rehabilitation and emergency assistance to Iow- and moderate-income residents and senior citizen households whose income falls below 80% of the area median family income. Permitted home repairs include minor plumbing, electrical, carpentry, and roof repairs. Residents who are owner occupants are eligible to receive two visits, up to $100 per visit, and in emergency situations, the allowance of a one-time material charge for up to $250. The agency is located at 8572 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA 92335. Lead Agency: City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division. Geographic Location: This program is available to eligible residents citywide. Resources: CDBG funds: $10,000. Accomplishments and Time Frame: By June 30, 2003, Oldtimers Foundation will assist 70 Iow- and moderate-income households. OBJECTIVE 9: SUPPORT SERVICE PROVIDERS ASSISTING SPECIAL NEEDS POPULATIONS. Program 9.1: Support special need services in areas where there are significant under-served needs. Activity 9.1.1: Develop and enhance senior citizen classes and activities in the focus areas of physical fitness, recreational and educational development, mental health, and emotional well being. To meet additional parking needs for the facility, the City entered into a 5-year lease to utilize the parking lot of an adjacent facility. In return for the use of the parking facility the City will provide monthly rent, maintenance, and improvements to the parking area. The use of this parking lot is critical to the participation of senior citizen residents utilizing Senior Center programs. Lead Agency: City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Services Department. Geographic Location: Rancho Cucamonga Senior Center, 9791 Arrow Route. Resources: CDBG funds: $11,550. Accomplishments and Time Frame: By June 30, 2003, to have assisted 550 persons through these activities. 13 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga · SPECIAL NEEDS ANNUAL PLAN Objectives 8 and 9, as stated above, identify actions the City intends to take over the next program year to address the needs of persons who are not homeless, but have special needs. · NON-HOUSING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS OBJECTIVE 10: PROVIDE IMPROVEMENTS TO PUBLIC AREAS AND PUBLIC FACILITIES TO ENHANCE LIVING ENVIRONMENTS, IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN LOW- AND MODERATE-INCOME NEIGHBORHOODS, AND FOR LOWER INCOME INDIVIDUALS, SENIORS, AND THE HANDICAPPED, Program 10.1: Complete all necessary infrastructure and sidewalk improvements in qualified target areas. Activity 10.1.1: The City will fund the following public improvement projects: Devon Street Storm Drain: The design of storm drain improvements to include the preparation of plans, specifications, and cost estimates. This project proposal is for the installation of a storm drain system on Devon Street, and letting out on Archibald Avenue. Devon Street is located east of Archibald Avenue and south of Foothill Boulevard. This project is needed to eliminate flooding within the local neighborhood. Sidewalk Grindinq and Replacement in Identified Tarqet Neighborhoods: Involves the grinding, repair, or replacement of sidewalks that are displaced and/or inaccessible. Lead Agency: City of Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Division. Geographic Location: Devon Street is located in CT 21, BG 3. Sidewalk Grinding efforts may be carried out in all eligible neighborhoods including CT 21, BG 2, 3, 6, & 7; CT 20.01, BG 4. Resources: CDBG funds: · Devon Street Storm Drain: $36,000. · Sidewalk Grinding: $22,000. Accomplishments and Time Frame: By June 30, 2003, complete the design of improvements for the Devon Street Storm Drain, and replace approximately 3,960 square feet of sidewalk. Program 10.2: Complete rehabilitation improvements to the Senior Center, including expansion, interior rehabilitation, project landscaping, and handicap improvements. Activity 10.2.1: Funding previously allocated for improving the landscaping at the existing Senior Center was reprogrammed to Program 10.5, Activity 10.5.1 for the construction of a new Senior Center. As reported in the 2001-2002 14 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Aclion Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga Annual Action Plan, funding for expansion and rehabilitation improvements to the Senior Center was reprogrammed to Program 10.5, Activity 10.5.1 for the construction of a new Senior Center facility. Program 10.3: Develop a Fire Safety Awareness Program. Activity 10.3.1: There are no activities proposed under this program during the 2002-2003 program year. Program 10.4: Evaluate the development of a new community/recreation facility in either the Southwest Cucamonga or Northtown target neighborhoods. Activity 10.4.1: Thero are no activities proposed under this program dudng the 2002-2003 program year. Program '10.5: Evaluate the development of a new Senior Center and provide funding to assist in its construction. Activity 10.5.1: This is a multi-year project that includes funding for both design and construction activities. This activity will begin the design process that will provide a conceptual master plan that can be used to plan and promote the new Senior Center facility. Additionally, funds will be banked for future construction activities. Lead Agency: City of Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Division. Geographic Location: Citywide as the project will study an appropriate location for the new Senior Center. Resources: CDBG funds: · Senior Center(Design): $143,994.13. (The identified funds were allocated during the 2001-2002 program year. No new funding is proposed for the 2002-2003 program year.). · Senior Center (Construction): $513,401.99. (Funding includes $150,000 in funds allocated during the 2001-2002 program year, $265,525.53 in new grant funds, and $97,576.46 in reprogrammed funds. Reprogrammed funding includes: $7,390.04 from FY 00/01, Administration, Acct. 1228; $265.23 from FY 00/01, Fair Housing, Acct. 1229; $7,457.70 from FY 00/01, Graffiti Removal, Acct. 1015; $10.00 from FY 00/01, Landlord Tenant, Acct. 1023; $63.00 from FY 00/01, Senior Citizen Services, Acct. 1110; $15,363.67 from FY 00/01, Monte Vista (Design), Acct. 1142; $36,597.82 from FY 00/01, Monte Vista (Construction), Acct. 1255; $429.00 from FY 99/00, RCSC Des/Exp, Acct. 1135; and $30,000 FY 99/00, RCSC Landscaping, Acct. 1133). Accomplishments and Time Frame: By June 30, 2003, complete the design process for the development of a conceptual master plan for construction of a new Senior Center facility. Funds allocated for the construction of the new facility will be banked and will not be expended until the 15 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga 2003-2004 program year. OBJECTIVE 11: ASSIST LOCAL PUBLIC AND NON-PROFIT SERVICE AGENCIES THAT IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR LOW- AND MODERATE- INCOME PERSONS AND THOSE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. Program 11 .'1: Assist public service agencies that support groups in the highest priority categories including: fair housing counseling, landlord- tenant mediation, homeless and food assistance, emergency shelters, domestic violence shelters, and senior, youth-at-risk, and literacy programs. Activity 11.1.1: The City will continue to fund public service agencies that include: Fair Housinq: The City contracts with the Inland Mediation Board for Fair Housing services that include education, counseling, mediation, and legal referral. Inland Fair Housing and Mediation Board is located at 1005 Begonia Avenue, Ontario, CA 91762. Landlord Tenant Mediation: The City contracts with Inland Mediation Board for Landlord/Tenant dispute mediation services. Inland Fair Housing and Mediation Board is located at 1005 Begonia Avenue, Ontario, CA 91762. House of Ruth: House of Ruth provides shelter, programs, education, and opportunities for safe, self-sufficient, healthy living for battered women and their children who are at-risk of homelessness. Services provided include 24-hour emergency safe shelter for up to 30 days, 24- hour crisis intervention hotline, 24-hour emergency transportation, outreach offices, and children programs. House of Ruth is located in Claremont, at P.O. Box 457, Claremont, CA 91711. Pomona Valley Council of Chumhes - West End Hunqer Program ("SOVA"): SOVA offers a 5- day food supply (15 meals) for all members of a household. SOVA helps families maintain their health and avoid homelessness by providing emergency food assistance and support services. The PVCC offers the West End Hunger Program from offices located at 635 South Taylor Avenue, Ontario, CA 91761. YWCA - Y-Teen: Provide personal development and societal betterment after-school activities to Iow- and Iow-moderate income youth at-risk in a nurturing environment as altematives and diversions from health threatening and risk-taking behaviors. This program is run at the Alta Loma Junior High located at 9000 Lemon Street. YWCA of the West End is located at 600 North Park Avenue, Pomona, CA 91768. YMCA - West End Kids Club: Offered to students from Iow-income families attending Bear Gulch School. This activity provides an after-school recreational program. West End YMCA is located at 9017 Arrow Route, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730. YMCA - Your Own Club: The program is run at the Old Town Park and the Villa Del Norte community room and targeted to the Northtown neighborhood in CT 21, BG 6 & 7. The program is designed to provide at-dsk middle school aged youth with fun, educationally enriching and 16 Community Development Block Grant 2002~2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga challenging value-based after school alternatives in a safe and enjoyable environment. Rancho Cucamonga Family YMCA, a branch of the West End YMCA, is located at 10970 Arrow Route, Suite 106, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730. Oldtimers Foundation - Senior Nutrition: The nutrition program is run from the Senior Center in which 22,500 hot meals would be provided at the RC Senior Center and 16,250 meals prepared for home delivery. OIdtimers Foundation is located at 8572 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA 92335. Rancho Cucamonqa Public Library - Back To Basics: The Back to Basic program trains volunteer tutors to work with 7 to 12-year old children identified by school personnel as at-risk (challenged economically and educationally) and who are reading and writing below their grade levels. The Rancho Cucamonga Public Library is located at 7368 Archibald Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730. YMCA - Senior Transportation: Provide transportation for senior citizens to and from the Rancho Cucamonga Senior Center, as well as local grocery stores, for weekly shopping. Rancho Cucamonga Family YMCA, a branch of the West End YMCA, is located at 10970 Arrow Route, Suite 106, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730. Campfire Boys and Girls: Camp Nawakwa is located in the Barton Flats recreation area of the San Bernardino Mountains. The program provides a 5-day resident camp session to learn responsibility, develop skills, and gain confidence in themselves while building independence and self-reliance. Campfire Boys and Girls is located at 4959 Palo Verde Street, Suite 208C, Montclair, CA 91763. Project Sister: Project Sister is a sexual assault and violence prevention program. The program works with teens addressing date rape, sexual harassment, and personal safety awareness. The program also targets seniors, who are vulnerable to being victims of crimes including sexual assault, robbery, burglary, and financial exploitation. The program offers 24-hour counseling, and individual and group counseling as needed. Project Sister is located at P.O. Box 1390, Claremont, CA 91711. Lead Agency: City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division. Geographic Location: The benefits of this program occur citywide. 17 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga Resources: CDBG funds: · Fair Housing: $12,000. · Landlord/Tenant Mediation: $10,000. · House of Ruth: $7,600. · SOVA: $7,000. · Y~NCA: $7,000. · YMCA-WEKC: $6,000. · YMCA-YOC: $5,000. · Senior Nutrition: $8,500. · BackTo Basics: $10,000. · YMCA- Senior Transportation: $15,000. · Campfire Boys and Girls: $6,700. · Project Sister: $9,700. Accomplishments and Time Frame: By June 30, 2003, assist the following: · Fair Housing- 388 persons. · Landlord/Tenant- 228 households. · House of Ruth - 1,600 persons. · SOYA- 1,258 persons. · YVVCA - 60 youth. · YMCA- WEKC - 95 youth. · YMCA- YOC - 40 youth. · Senior Nutrition- 570 seniors. · Back To Basics - 132 persons. · YMCA - Senior Transportation - 3,700 seniors. · Campfire Boys and Girls - 20 youth. · Project Sister- 980 persons. OBJECTIVE 12: ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY TO ALL PUBLIC FACILITIES AND STRUCTURES. Program 12.1: Installation of handicap wheelchair ramps at all curb returns. Activity 12.1.1: This program involves the retrofitting of existing curbs to accommodate disabled individuals. Lead Agency: City of Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Division. Geographic Location: The benefits of this program occur citywide. Resources: CDBG funds: $22,000. (Funding includes $22,000.00 in prior year funds for this activity). Accomplishments and Time Frame: By June 30, 2003, provide approximately 2,880 square feet of curbing for handicap ramps. 18 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucarnonga Program 12.2: Complete handicap accessibility requirements at other eligible public recreation facilities, including Old Town Park. Activity 12.2.1: This project was completed during the 2001-2002 program year. Accomplishments will be reported in the 2002 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report. OBJECTIVE 13: THE RESTORATION AND PRESERVATION OF PROPERTIES OF SOCIAL VALUE FOR HISTORIC, ARCHITECTURAL, AND AESTHETIC REASONS. Program 13.1: The rehabilitation of significant historic structures, with primary emphasis on residential assistance. Activity 13.1.1: The preservation and histodc restoration of the Fisher House. Proposed activities include selective demolition and modifications to secure the structure from the environment and halt the physical effects of deterioration on the structure's exterior. Historic restoration will include: rehabilitation, framing, repairing exterior siding, painting, dry walling, plumbing, and electrical. This is a multi-year program and will be completed through a cooperative effort between the City and the Etiwanda Historical Society. Lead Agency: City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division. Geographic Location: The Fisher House was previously located on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue, north of Base Line Road. The Etiwanda School Distdct is currently building an elementary school on that site and relocated the structure approximately 500 feet to the north to the extreme northwest corner of the project site. The school distdct will build a new foundation for the structure and will complete various site improvements in the immediate vicinity. The Fisher House is located at 7165 Etiwanda Avenue. Resources: CDBG funds: $40,000. Accomplishments and Time Frame: By June 30, 2003, complete all administrative and program management oversight to ensure efficient and effective use of CDBG funds. OBJECTIVE 14: PROVIDE THE NECESSARY PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATIVE CAPACITY TO IMPLEMENT THE CDBG PROGRAM AND THE CONSOLIDATED PLAN. Program 14.1: Provide for the necessary planning and administrative activities of the CDBO program. Activity 14.1.1: Includes administration of the CDBG program, the completion of program applications and performance reports, research and analysis, target area studies, historic preservation evaluations, and housing documents. 19 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga Lead Agency: City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division. Geographic Location: The benefits of this program occur citywide. Resources: CDBG funds: $162,500. Accomplishments and Time Frame: By June 30, 2003, complete all administrative and program management oversight to ensure efficient and effective use of CDBG funds. OBJECTIVE 15: ALLEVIATE PHYSICAL AND RELATED ECONOMIC DISTRESS THROUGH THE STIMULATION OF PRIVATE INVESTMENT AND COMMUNITY REVITALIZATION IN IDENTIFIED TARGET NEIGHBORHOODS, Program 15.1: Support housing and Community Development activities that stimulate economic development. Activity 15.1.1: Review and Evaluation of Foothill Boulevard. Foothill Boulevard, west of Haven Avenue is older with mixed uses and appears to be reaching stages of economic distress, while the area east of Haven Avenue has primarily new development and vacant land. The concern is with revitalization of the older areas and planning land use to ensure effective and balanced growth along Foothill Boulevard. The City has formed a task force to review the planning and land use issues along Foothill Boulevard. Lead Agency: City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division. Geographic Location: Approximately 6 miles from Grove Avenue to East Avenue. Resources: City General Fund. Accomplishments and Time Frame: By June 30, 2003, continue an analysis of Foothill Boulevard with recommendations regarding revitalization and land use. OBJECTIVE 16: REVITALIZE AND UPGRADE HOUSING CONDITIONS; PREVENT AND ELIMINATE BLIGHT AND BLIGHTING INFLUENCES; AND ELIMINATE CONDITIONS DETRIMENTAL TO THE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY, AND WELFARE. Program 16.1: Continue improvements to residential energy efficiency, lead-based paint hazard reduction, and code enforcement through the City's Home Improvement Program. Activity 16.1.1: The City currently funds a Home Improvement Program in which, through the course of that activity, the rehabilitation improvements mentioned 20 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucernonga previously would be completed. A separate activity will not be developed. Lead Agency: City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division. Geographic Location: The benefits of this program occur citywide. Resources: CDBG funds. Accomplishments and Time Frame: Activity accomplishments occur through the Home Improvement Program. (See Objective 5, Program 5.1, Activity 5.1.1.) Program 16,2: Continue funding the Graffiti Removal Program, Activity 16.2.1: City crews operate in lower income target neighborhoods to remove incidents of graffiti. Lead Agency: City of Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Division. Geographic Location: Available in all eligible target neighborhoods including CT 21, BG 2, 3, 6, and 7, and CT 20.01, BG 4. Resources: CDBG funds: $22,000. Accomplishments and Time Frame: By June 30, 2003, remove approximately 14,999 square feet of graffiti. OTHER ACTIONS · ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The RDA Implementation Plan for 2000-2005 includes a section on "Commercial and Industrial Economic Enhancement Programs." The objective of that program is to strengthen the economic environment of the commercial/Industrial sector of the Redevelopment Project Area. This is accomplished through a variety of programs designed to address the needs of Rancho Cucamonga's existing businesses, to attract new businesses to the City, and provide long-term employment to strengthen and compliment the economy of the City. Economic development goals focus on job creation, improving the quality of life to residents and businesses, increasing the City's tax base, and providing opportunities for public and private partnerships, including private investment in the community. Economic development activities focus on two basic efforts: business retention and business attraction. Currently, the RDA has successfully implemented a variety of marketing and promotion strategies suggested in the strategic plan that have leveraged the community's attributes as well as establishing a positive business related image. Through a comprehensive plan of advertisement campaigns, direct mail of newsletters, site selection information, trade shows, publishing editorials, press releases, and Internet web page, the City has managed to receive local, regional, and even national recognition. Despite this success and recognition, the RDA continues to work to attract 21 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga businesses that fit the general business environment of the City and achieve a greater presence in the area. The City will continue with these economic development efforts during the 2002- 2003 program year. The RDA's marketing and promotion efforts have significantly affected employment, expansion, and the local tax base. From 1994-2001, more that 80 companies expanded and/or relocated creating more than 5,300 new jobs because of the Agency's marketing and promotion efforts. Although the City's success in economic development is not a direct result of the Agency's marketing and promotional efforts, the Agency has managed to facilitate that growth. Apart from the specifics of the Economic Development strategy, the Agency assists companies through participation in the following programs. The Inland Empire Small Business Development Center ("SBDC"), which offers a variety of resources to improve business operation including, business consulting, seminars and workshops, information resources, procurement assistance, environmental assistance, and a variety of other programs. The results of the SBDC dudng the past year were outstanding. Over 179 local businesses were assisted, 244 new jobs were created, and many other jobs have been retained. The SBDC has also assisted in securing $1.5 million in new financing for small businesses. In 2001, the California Redevelopment Association ("CRA") awarded the RDA its "CRA Award of Excellence" in the category of Education, Marketing, and Promotions for interactive site search web site (INside Rancho). · AFFIRMATIVELY FURTHERING FAIR HOUSING In 1984, the City began contracting with the Inland Fair Housing and Mediation Board ("IFHMB') to provide for the education and enfomement of state and federal housing laws for all residents who request assistance. Having the IFHMB administer the Fair Housing Program assures that there are no impediments to fair housing choices. The IFHMB provides public education, mediation, counseling, testing, and legal referral services to promote fair housing. In May 1996, the City completed a five-year Fair Housing Analysis of Impediments. During the 2001-2002 program year the City contracted with Cotton/Bridges/Associates to prepare an update to the Analysis of Impediments (a summary will be attached as Appendix "B"). That update will be completed by August 2002; strategies from the implementation of that update will be incorporated into the 2003-2004 Annual Action Plan. The existing Fair Housing Analysis of Impediments established the following strategies as areas where the contracted Fair Housing provider should intensify program efforts. 1. Educate rental property owners and managers on their responsibilities under fair housing laws including educational course, newsletters, and workshops. 2. Target the renting population through an ongoing fair housing educational program including public workshops, high school student/parent groups, and adult education. The IFHMB provides quarterly Fair Housing newsletters that are circulated to apartment owners and renters throughout San Bernardino County, and specifically within the City of Rancho Cucamonga. They also conduct Fair Housing workshops to educate the public on their responsibilities under Fair Housing laws. 22 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga 3. Under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, monitor lending practices of major lenders within the City. Track the same lenders Community Reinvestment commitment to improve the City's housing. The IFHMB monitors the lending activities of various banking institutions in the community by tracking lending practices to different ethnic groups and census tracts. The analysis of lending activity is submitted in compliance with the City's Fair Housing Impediments Analysis allowing for an analysis of each banking institution's activity. 4. Accomplish media outreach by feature articles and paid ads in local newspapers, radio announcements used for public spots, regular periodic radio programs in Spanish, and providing information to the Community Billboard, in addition to live interviews provided in certain communities. The media outreach program for the dissemination of Fair Housing information is accomplished through airtime on the following radio and television stations: KDIF, KVCR, KNSE, KMIA, KWRN, KWRM, KXSB, and KXRS. 5. Network with both federal and state Fair Housing Departments and other related services to assist the complainant. 6. Network with the Association of Realtors and the Apartment Rental Owners Association as technical advisor. Outreach brochures regarding Fair Housing issues and upcoming workshops are provided to community agencies located within the City. 7. Mediate/reconcile complaints of discrimination. Assist complainants in filing charges with enforcement agencies. The Fair Housing program assists Iow- and Iow-moderate income persons regarding complaints that require counseling. These complaints include issues of race, color, national origin, familial status, religion, sex, marital status, and disability. 8. Promote Apdl as fair housing month with government municipalities, housing industry, and the general public. The City works with the IFHMB to promote April as "Fair Housing Month." 9. Monitor newspapers for classified advertising that is written in such a way as to discriminate against certain groups in housing. 10. Make recommendations to local governments and review components of any local housing related plan. 11. Provide assistance and network with the County of San Bernardino Housing Authority for the Section 8 certificate and voucher program. The IFHMB conducts these activities on an ongoing basis. 23 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucarnonga Fair Housing education is provided as a major component of the program with a goal of providing the knowledge of what is Fair Housing to all partners of the housing industry. Fair Housing outreach is provided through radio programming, mass media, brochures, and the IFHMB web site (http://hometown.aol.com/inmedbd/index.html). Fair housing enforcement is provided through the process of mediation through the IFHMB or related enforcement agency. And finally, Fair Housing testing is used as a tool to gather evidence of discrimination. The Fair Housing program attempts to accomplish the primary objectives of the City's Fair Housing Impediments Analysis by providing for the education, counseling, mediation, testing, and legal referral of Fair Housing issues within the community. · OBSTACLES TO MEETING UNDER-SERVED NEEDS The primary obstacle identified toward meeting under-served needs is a lack of available resources. This obstacle is and will continue to be an issue. The best way to address this matter is to combine efforts and resources and tap new funding sources. The City is striving to form public/private partnerships as well as seeking out new sources of funding, such as HOME funds to better leverage available funding. · ACTIONS TO FOSTER AND MAINTAIN AFFORDABLE HOUSING A majority of the objectives and actions identified as part of this Annual Action Plan are specifically aimed at increasing and maintaining the City's existing affordable housing stock. Activities such as new construction, conservation of at-risk units, and preservation of existing units are all striving to increase the affordable housing stock. · ACTIONS TO REMOVE BARRIERS TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING There were no significant barriers to affordable housing identified that would need to be revised or amended. All regulations and policies currently in-place are necessary in order to maintain the public health, safety, and welfare. · ACTIONS TO EVALUATE AND REDUCE LEAD-BASED PAINT HAZARDS In conjunction with the Home Improvement Program, the City will continue to implement federal requirements concerning Jead-based paint reductions. HUD requires that for any program utilizing CDBG funds, all owners, and/or tenants be notified in writing about the dangers of lead-based paint. Units constructed prior to 1978, which are occupied by children under the age of seven, are inspected for defective paint surfaces. If a child residing in the home has an elevated blood lead level, then defective chewable surfaces will be treated and lead abated. It is also recommended that housing rehabilitation efforts carried out by the RDA also follow the same guidelines. 24 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga · ACTIONS TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF POVERTY LEVEL FAMILIES The City has relatively little control over the many factors that may affect the determination of an individual's income level. The primary activity that may be utilized by the City is the support of public service agencies that incorporate job training and life development skills into their programs, which includes most of the agencies currently receiving CDBG funding. Most of the activities funded by the City, particularly those related to non-housing community development, act indirectly to increase economic development in the City. The City, through its CDBG contract activities, complies with Section 3 requirements encouraging the employment of local Iow-income individuals. From a housing perspective, all of the priorities, objectives, and programs aimed at increasing affordable housing also increase the stock of housing available to those in the lowest income categories. · ACTIONS TO DEVELOP INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURE AND ENHANCE COORDINATION The Consolidated Plan evaluated gaps in the institutional structure and actions that might be taken to strengthen the system. It was determined that one main action that can be taken toward this is increasing expertise of staff and City Council, which in turn will increase the CDBG program efficiency and effectiveness. Increased contact and coordination among City departments will also contribute to the CDBG program's effectiveness. The City will continue to encourage direct contact between itself and the Public Housing Agency and other service providers operating in the region. Most of the coordination efforts in the west end are tied to funding resources and the type of service provided. · PUBLIC HOUSING IMPROVEMENTS Each year the City reviews the Annual Comprehensive Grant application submitted by the Housing Authority whereby the City must certify consistency of the activities with the goals and objectives of the Consolidated Plan. · MONITORING Monitoring serves as an effective tool to ensure that federal funds are spent in a manner consistent with the CDBG National Objectives and that the programs and projects are achieving stated goals. The following outlines basic monitoring requirements that are followed in the implementation of the CDBG program. Standards Utilized for Review · Is the program meeting intended objectives? · Is the agency capable of tracking and/or documenting necessary benefit information and carrying out the responsibilities of its program consistent with federal requirements? · Is appropriate and accurate documentation submitted in a timely manner? 25 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga Monitodnq Procedures Construction Projects - All construction projects are expected to comply with federal labor and procurement procedures as well as the various affirmative action and equal opportunity requirements required by various federal and state laws. To ensure this end, CDBG staff developed a Procurement and Contract Compliance Manual that outlines the various procedures and steps required as part of contract management. The CDBG coordinator oversees and reviews contract preparation at each step from bid preparation, contract document preparation, pre-construction meetings, and ongoing project inspections. SubrecipientAgencies- All Subrecipient agencies must sign a contract with the City in which the various scope of work, time line, and documentation requirements are outlined. On a monthly basis, each Subrecipient must submit detailed information regarding the number, ethnicity, and income level of individuals benefiting with CDBG funds. Quarterly summary reports are required of some agencies in which further information is provided on activities accomplished in that quarter. The City conducts an on-site inspection of each agency at least once a year, preferably toward the end of the funding cycle. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION The preparation of a representative and useful Annual Action Plan is the result of an effective citizen participation process. The City of Rancho Cucamonga encourages and solicits the participation of its residents in accordance with the provisions of its Citizen Participation Plan. The following steps were taken to ensure adequate public participation. 1. A public notice of available funds and soliciting project applications was published in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin on October 22, 2001. Copies of the notice were also mailed to approximately 42 individuals and organizations. Copies of the notice were posted at City Hall, City Library, Senior Center, and Lion's Center. 2. Notice regarding the 30-day review period and availability of the draft 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan and notice of the public hearing was published in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin on March 19, 2002, and in La Voz on March 21,2002. Letters providing notice of the public hearing and indicating documents availability were mailed to surrounding jurisdictions, the County of San Bernardino, and the Housing Authority of San Bernardino County. Copies of the notice were posted at City Hall, Rancho Cucamonga Senior Center, Lion's Park Community Center, and the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. The public hearing was held on April 3, 2002, and the document was available from April 3 to May 2, 2002. 3. Notice regarding the public hearing for adoption of the 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan will be published in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin on April 16, 2002 and in La Voz on April 18, 2002. Letters regarding the public hearing were mailed to surrounding jurisdictions, the County of San Bemardino, and the Housing Authority of San Bernardino County. Copies of the notice were posted at City Hall, Rancho Cucamonga Senior Center, Lion's Park Community Center, and the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. The public hearing will be held on May 1,2002. 26 q/ Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga APPENDIX "A" - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FY 2002-2003 CONSOLIDATED PLAN ANNUAL ACTION PLAN · PURPOSE OF THE CONSOLIDATED PLAN The Consolidated Plan is a comprehensive 5-year strategy that addresses the use of federal grant/entitlement funds, such as CDBG funds, for the purpose of meeting the goal of providing decent housing, suitable living environment, and expanded economic opportunities principally for persons of Iow- and moderate-income. · PURPOSE OF THE ANNUAL ACTION PLAN The Annual Action Plan identifies specific projects consistent with the Consolidated Plan 5-year strategy listing the projects, programs, and resoumes that will be utilized during the program year. Dudng the 2002-2003 program year, the City will receive $983,000 in new CDBG funds, and reprogram $97,576.46 from previous program years, which provides $'1,080,576.46 available for funding new program activities. There is a total of $354,482.80 remaining in prior year funded activities. The sum of all CDBG funds available during the program year totals $1,435,059.26. These funds will be used to support the following housing and community development activities. Project Type I Implementing Agency I Pri°r Year / FY 2002/2003 ITOtal AvailableReprogram AJlocation Administration. CDBG Administration Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division $0.00 $162,500.00 $162,500.00 $0.00 $ 62,500.00 $t62,500.00 Caoital Imorovement Projects Sidewalk Grinding Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Division $775.53 $21,224.47 $22,000.00 Wheelchair Ramps Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Division $22,000.00 $0.00 $22,000.00 Devon S~rm Drain (Design) Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Division $0.00 $36,000.00 $36,000.00 New RCSC (Design) Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Division $143,994.13 $0.00 $143,994.13 New RCSC (Const.) Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Division $247,576.46 $265,825.53 $513,401.99 Fisher House Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division $0.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 ~ ~ $414,346.12 $363,050.00 $777,396.12 Home Improvement Pro~lram Home improvement Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division $37,713.14 $300,000.00 $337,713.14 Home Maintenance Oldtimem Foundation $0.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 ~ ~ $37,7t3.14 $310,000.00 $347,713.t4 Public Services Graffiti Removal Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Division $0.00 $22,000.00 $22,000.00 Fair Housing Inland Mediation Board $0.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 Landlord/Tenant Inland Mediation Board $0.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Outreach Center HOPE $0.00 $6,400.00 $6,400.00 Emergency Shelter Foothill Family Shelter $0.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 A-1 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action P/an City of Rancho Cucernonga Project Type Implementing Agency Prior Year / FY 2002/2003 Total Available Reprogram Allocation Emergency Shelter House of Ruth $0,00 $7,600.00 $7,800.00 Food Distribution SOVA $0.00 $7,000.00 $7,000.00 Y-Teen Program YWCA $0.00 $7,000.00 $7,000.00 Youth Activity YMCA - West End Kids Club $0.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 Youth Activity YMCA - Your Own Club $0.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Senior Programs Rancho'Cucamonga Community Services $0.00 $11,550.00 $11 ~550.00 Food Distribution Oldtimers Foundation $0.00 $8,500.00 $8,500.00 Literacy Rancho Cucemonga Public Library $0.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Senior Transportation West End YMCA $0.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Youth Activity Campfire Boys & Girls $0.00 $6,700.00 $6,700.00 Sexua~ Assault Assistance Project Sister $0.00 $9~700.00 $9,700.00 I~ $0.00 $147,450.00 $147,450.00 ~452,059.2_~_6$983,000.0__0 $1,435,05~.2~6 ^-2 Community Deve/oprnent Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga APPENDIX "B" - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FAIR HOUSING ANALYSIS OF IMPEDIMENTS The Fair Housing Analysis of Impediments Executive Summary will be inserted following the completion of a comprehensive update. Anticipated availability is August 1, 2002. B-1 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga APPENDIX "C" - SUMMARY OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING 5-YEAR AND 1-YEAR GOALS Program 5-Year FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY Total Total Goal 00-01 00-0t 01-02 01-02 02-03 02-03 03-04 03-04 04-05 0405 Goal Actual Goal Actual Goal Actual G0al Actual Goal Actual Goal Actual Availability 1.1 MF 234 50- 0 49 49 148 0 150 1.2SF 12 4 t 3 2 9 1 2.1 MF 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.2SF 15 5 0 6 8 19 0 Affordability 3.1 170 170 170 170 170 170' 170' 3.2 30 6 0 6 6 18 0 4.1 150 30 17 5 5 40 17 4.2 20 4 0 4 4 12 0 4.3 8 8 I 9 10 27 1 Preservation 5.1 200 40 50 40 40 120 50 5.2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.1 16 16 16 16 16 16' 16' * These figures are not cumulaUve, but represent the number of units operated by the Housing Authority dudng the program year. OBJECTIVE 1: CONSERVATION OF THE EXISTING SINGLE-FAMILY AND MULTIPLE-FAMILY AFFORDABLE HOUSING STOCK. Program 1.1: Acquisition of existing multiple-family units to be held for future affordable · housing. Program 1.2: Acquisition and rehabilitation of existing single-family homes. OBJECTIVE 2: IMPROVE ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR ALL LOW- AND MODERATE-INCOME HOUSEHOLDS, WITH EMPHASIS ON THE PRODUCTION OF LARGER (3+ BEDROOM) RENTAL UNITS. Program 2.1: Construction of affordable multi-family units. Program 2.2: Construction of single-family infill development in Iow- and moderate- income neighborhoods. OBJECTIVE 3: PROVIDE DIRECT RENTER ASSISTANCE TO LOW- AND MODERATE- INCOME HOUSEHOLDS IN ORDER TO OBTAIN OR RETAIN PERMANENT HOUSING. Program 3.1: Support applications by the Housing Authority of San Bernardino County for Section 8 and public housing assistance. Program 3.2: Padicipate in the County HOME Consortium Tenant Based Assistance (TBA) program, OBJECTIVE 4: INCREASE HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR LOW- AND MODERATE- INCOME HOME OWNERSHIP, PARTICULARLY THROUGH HOMEBUYER ASSISTANCE, C-1 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga Program 4.1: Administer a City sponsored Home Buyer Program. Program 4.2: Participate in the County HOME Consortium Homeownership Assistance Program (HAP) for eligible first-time homebuyers. Program 4.3: NHDC First-Time Home Buyer program. OBJECTIVE 5: REHABILITATION OF THE EXISTING HOUSING STOCK WITH EMPHASIS ON OWNER-OCCUPIED HOUSING. Program 5.1: Provide moderate rehabilitation of owner occupied, single-family and mobile homes for extremely Iow-, Iow-, and moderate-income homeowners. Program 5.2: Participate in the County HOME Consortium Rental Rehabilitation Program. OBJECTIVE 6: IMPROVE LIVING CONDITIONS FOR LOW- AND MODERATE-INCOME HOUSEHOLDS. Program 6.1: Support applications of the Housing Authority for their annual Comprehensive Grant to improve living conditions for public housing residents. C-2 Community Development Block Grant 2002-2003 Annual Aclion Plan City of Rancho Cucamonga APPENDIX "D" - A]-rACHMENTS SUPPORTING MAPS: PROPOSED PROJECTS, POINTS OF INTERESTs CENSUS BOUNDARIES, LOW-MOD INCOME, ETHNIClTY, AND UNEMPLOYMENT SUPPORTING FORMS: FUNDING SOURCES~ CONTINUUM OF CARE GAPS ANAI-YSlS~ SPECIAL NEEDS/NON-HOMELESS, HOUSING NEEDS, AND COMMUNITY NEEDS LISTING OF PROPOSED PROJECTS CERTIFICATIONS D-1 THE CITY 0 F III I~ANCHO CUCAHONGA Memorandum DATE: Mamh 27, 2002 TO:. Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager ,.4 FROM: Kimbedy S. Thomas, Management Analyst I SUBJECT: Request for a Tiered Rate/Basic Rate Option from Charter Communications I wanted to provide you with an update on the status of the City's request for a tiered rate/basic rate option for our residents. As you are aware, Charter Communications has made previous commitments to the City Council verbally, and in a recent written response, noting their commitment to providing a reduced rate, basic level of service by the first quarter of 2002. Since Charter Communications assumed the Franchise in May of 1999, and began the technical upgrade, the goal of providing a tiered system of cable rates to Rancho Cucamonga customers as soon as the upgrade was complete, has been of continual interest to the Council. All prior commitments from Charter Communications have noted that this option would be made available to Rancho Cucamonga customers by the end the first quarter of 2002. Although the City, like other localities, does not have the authority to approve or control rates (this authority lies with the Federal Communications Commission), we have been working with Charter to secure this option for our residents. As the end of the first quarter is upon us, Charter Communications has notified the City that effective April 1, 2002, they will be offering a limited basic package for the City of Rancho Cucamonga. According to Charter Communications, the "limited basic" service consists of 29 channels and is primarily limited to over-the-air and PEG access. The current price for "limited basic" service is $28.05 (plus tax). A copy of Charter Communications' letter is attached for your reference, along with a channel line-up. Charter Communications noted that the primary market for this level of service, based on Charter's experience in other markets, has been Iow-income households or television households who have limited viewing needs. This line-up is essentially the same in all of Charter Communications' service areas - except for the PEG access offerings. Charter also noted they will not be advertising this level of service widely, nor guaranteeing that this tier will always be available for the term of the franchise. However, Charter will make the limited basic service available upon request. It will also be listed as an option on Charter's Annual Notification to customers, and Charter customer service staff will be trained and informed about this option. To remedy the lack of advertising on Charter's behalf, City staff has made this information available to our residents by utilizing our PEG Channel (RCTV-3) bulletin board and including a story in the next edition of our community newsletter (the Rancho Cucamonga Reporter). If you should have any questions or concerns about this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at extension 2008. For all questions concerning Charter's Communications responses, you may reach Thomas R. Tomkins, Group Vice President of Operations, for Charter Communications at (909) 343-5145. c: Pamela Easter, Deputy City Manager Duane Baker, Assistant to the City Manager Administration Attachments -- Charter Communications Response Concerning the Limited Basic Tier (and Related Cable Issues) -- Charter Communications Limited Basic Channel Lineup -2- 0~,105/2002 13:06 900-354-5042 CHARTER CONN RIV ADN PAGE 02/85 Charter ~.. COMMUNICATIONS- Hr. Jack Lam O~y of Rartcho CUCamonga March 1, 2002 10500 O~c Center Ddve Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Dear Nr. Lam; Enclosed is the te~t of a postcard mailed to C~a~er sat~e customers in Ran~o Cucamonga noting them of channel 1ine~Jp changes in their service. [ also want to officially inform you that as of Ap~I :~, 2002 we will begin offering a Limited easic Sewice to Our customers in your 1. Umited Basic: This r~,vtce consists of 29 channels and is primarily limited to over-the-air and PEG access. ! have attached a dnannel line-up. The primary market for this level of see/ice, based on our experience in other markets, has been Iow-income householcls or televiSiOn hcuseholds who have I~mited viewing needs. This line-up is essen~ally the same In all of our sorvice areas - except for the PEG access offering~ It ctoes not contain the highly demanded cable programming. As [ have indicated in the past, we will not be advertising this level nor guarantee that this tier will ak~ays be available for the term of the franchise. We will make It available upon request. ~t will also be listed as an option in our annual notification to customers. The current prfce for Limited I~sic service is $28.05 2. Now that the rebuild is done, we are also transferring all the n~ovie and I:~y-per-vfew services to digital platform. We have been and will contintJe to call analog pay households of the need to Change · to the digital converter. At this time, we have about 2700 affected homes that have not yet migrated to the digital box. Again, aside from the po~.c~rd, we are attempting to make personal contact~ with ead~ analog pay customer. 3. ! am pleased to announce that we will be adding Great AmeriCan Country to our digital line-up on Channel :L~g. We have launched ~TV to our digital customers. These siX cha~nels (950, 970, 97~, 980, 985, 990, and 995) offering ]nternet-Ilke, two-way/nformat~on regarding e~ltertainment, stod~, sports, news, weather and shopping options. The ~TV guide, curranUy on Channel 950 will be located on Channel ! as of April ~.. 4. Finally, we are doing SOme other 'dean-up- and shifting to matc~ our services across franchise areas as best we can. TechTV will move to Channel 29. Direct connects (without converters) will See KH~Z on Channel 6~. and KVCR on Channel 55. LqNHY will be aired on Channel 22 with a digital co,verSt, Channel 69 with the analog converter and Channel 9G without a converter. .Channel changes are always bothersome for customers and we recognize this and attempt to minimize the ~mpact. owever, wib5 FCC must-carry~ status changes, rebuild activity and rlew programming, it has been difficult to minlrniz~ We are anticipating the completion of the final phase of our system rebuild in the City of San ~emardiou this Summer anti at thafc time we can provide one channel line-up system wide. Obviously, this would rr~ke It easier for us to market and it will also be easier for us to provide customers with new services. [t will also enable us to reduce the ripple effect of adding Cederally mandated "must- carry" programming. Thomas ~. TomkJnsr -- :~' Group Vice President of Operations CC: Mayor 8ill Arexander Kimberly Ttiomas -- Charter Communications RANCHO - Basic Line Up Baelc Tier wlo bx Ranc, hc,,Local/8an Bernardlno Edu,cation K~CBS CITY GOVERNMENT ~BC KFTA ABC C-SPAN KCAL KDoc "' TBS KCOP ksc~ KRCA THE TV GUIDE CHANNEL HOME SHOPPING NETWORK KHIZ ~VGN P~O~ NET KCET RMF. x Charter Communications RANCHO - Basic Line Up aulc Tier wlo bx RanCho LocaJ/'~-an Beman:llno.,E.ducati~n' KCBS .,, CITY GOVERNMENT NBC ,, KFT^ ABC ......... (:;-SPAN KCAL KDOC 'KT'i'V TBS KCOP KTBN KSCI kROA ....... QVC THI~ TV GUIDE CHANNEL ~o~E S.O.~iN~,',,"~¥WO.~ ..... KHIZ .... KVCR WGN PAX NET KWHY KCET KMEX T H E C I T Y O F I~AN C H 0 C U CAM 0 N GA Staff Report DATE: April 3, 2002 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Duane A. Baker, Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF SEVEN YEAR EXTENSION OF THE MOBILE HOME ACCORD WITH RAMONA VILLA MOBILE HOME PARK RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve a seven-year extension of the mobile home accord with the Ramona Villa mobile home park. The terms of the accord will be identical and the appendices.listing amenities offered in each park will be updated to reflect current conditions in the parks. BACKGROUND The mobile home accord was put into place over ten years ago as a way to provide stability to mobile home park rents. The accord was last renewed five years ago. Staff has met with representatives of the park owners and residents in negotiating this extension. With the exception of Ramona Villa and Sycamore Villa, all of the mobile home park owners and resident agreed to the extension and the City Council approved such extension in January 2002. We are now ready to recommend the extension of the accord for this park. The outstanding issues for this park had to do with the appendix to the accord listing the amenities provided by the park. Specifically there was disagreement over the months that the pool was to be heated. We have reached some closure on this issue. The list of amenities at this park will be modified so that the period of time that the pool is heated will reflect the language used by Ramona Villa with residents on leases (Memorial Day to Labor Day). In addition, the City will also get a letter from the park owners committing to providing at least one washer and one dryer in the laundry room. This is something that the owner has verbally committed to providing. Page 2 April 3, 2002 CONSIDERATION OF SEVEN YEAR EXTENSION OF THE MOBILE HOME ACCORD WITH RAMONA VILLA MOBILE HOME PARK The Mobile Home Subcommittee has reviewed this matter and they recommend approval by the full City Council. Respectfully submitted, Duane ^. Baker Assistant to the City Manager AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO "AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND OWNERS OF CERTAIN MOBILE HOME PARKS WITHIN RANCHO CUCAMONGA PROVIDING FOR AN ANNUAL MAXIMUM RENT ADJUSTMENT." The parties to the above-referenced agreement hereby amend said agreement as follows: 1. Section 4 of said agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: "4. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be deemed to have commenced on February 6, 1992 and shall end at 11:59 p.m. on February 5, 2009." 2. Appendix "A" attached to this Amendment No. 3 shall supersede Appendix "A" attached to the Agreement amended hereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have entered into this Amendment No. 3 as of April 3, 2002. City of Rancho Cucamonga A municipal corporation By: William J. Alexander, Mayor Attest: By: Debra J. Adams, City Clerk Approved as to Form: By: James L. Markman, City Attorney Owner: By: Ramona Villa Mobile Home Park APPENDIX "A" I List of Facilities and Services Available at Rancho Cucamonga Communities as of January 2002 Alta Alta Casa Chapparel Foothill Ramona Sycamore The Facilities and Services at Community Laguna Vista Volante Heights Manor Villa Villa Pines Clubhouse~J [] L~J[~] {5] [] L~J [] Kitchen L~J [] [] [] ~J L~J [] [] Billiards Room [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Library [] [] [] ~J [] [] [] [] General Meeting Room [] [] [] [] [] [] L~J [] Card Room [] U [] [] [] [] [] Restrooms [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Laundry Room (controlled by vendors)* [] U [~ [] [] [] [] [] Shuffleboard Coud(s) [] U [] [] [] LJ L~ [] Heated Swimming Pool [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Heated all year [] [] [] ~ [] [] [] [] Heated during these months Net AppliCable Apr-Sept Not Applicable June~SeD{ Not Heated Mem. Day - Labor De June-Aug Pool Furniture [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Heated Spa L~J [] [] [] ~J [] [] [] Wading Pool [] v~J II [] U U [] Il Sauna I ~ Il ~ [] I~1 [] ~ I I1 Paved Streets [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Street Lights [] L~ L~J II [] [] [] [] Guest Parking Areas [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Exterior Fencing [] [] [] L~J [] [] [] [] Gas Utilities II [] [] [] [] L~J [] [] Electric Utilities [~ [] [] [] [] L~J [] [] Water Service [] [] [] [] [] I~1 [] [] Sewer Service [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Trash Disposal Services [] [] L~J [] [] [] [] BBQ and/or Picnic Facilities [] U Master Antenna TV Service II [] [~ [] [] [] [] Il Common Area Maintenance [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Street Sweepin~ [] [] [] [] [] U L~ L~J RV Parkin~ (monthly charge/ [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Mailboxes ~J [] [] L~J [] [] [] [] Homesite Numbers Curbside [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Il Car Wash Facilities [] ~J Il [] [] [] Controlled Access Gates [] Tennis Courts L~ M U II [] [] [] [] Basketball Court Il Horseshoe Court [] I~ I} [] [] U U d Exercise Room [] [] [] ~ Il [] [] [] 3eauty Shop (separate chargel· Il [] [] Il Il ~vl Il [] 3ommunity Directory [] [] [] [5J Il [] [] [] · The amenities in these facilities are controlled by third party vendors. They can only be provided if these third party vendors continue to provide the service or amenity in question on a commercially and reasonably feasiffle basis. The Community owners are not responsible for price changes affecting utility services, laundry machines, vending machines or services provided to residents by third party vendors. The Community owners agree to maintain and provide the contents of the facilities listed above, subject to reasonable wear and tear by residents and their guests, in approximately the same number of such contents as currently exists within the Community in question (e~g. if the billiards room has two poor tabJes, then the Community will continue to provide [we pool tables)~ However, this commitment is subiect to reasonable modifications in the future resulting from the changing preferences of the residents, changes in the Community demographics, changes in Industry standards and trends or changes in the law or the legal, regulatery or ~nsurance environment. The Community owners agree that they will notify their respective Residents' Committee in advance, and meet with that Committee at the Committee's request, in the event that the Community owners intend to make any significant changes to the above list of Facilities and Services at each owner's respective Community.