HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002/01/02 - Minutes January 2, 2002 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Regular Meeting A. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council was held on Wednesday, January 2, 2002 in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:26 p.m. by Mayor William J. Alexander. Present were Councilmembers: Paul Biane, Grace Curatalo, Bob Dutton, Diane Williams and Mayor William J. Alexander. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Pamela Easter, Deputy City Manager; James Markman, City Attorney; Linda D. Daniels, Redevelopment Agency Director; Flavio Nunez, Assistant RDA Analyst; Joe O'Neil, City Engineer; Brad Buller, City Planner; Lorraine Phong, Information Systems Analyst; Michael Toy, Information Systems Specialist; Captain Pete Ortiz, Police Department; Chief Dennis Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District; Kimberly Smith, Fire Administration Resource Manager; Duane Baker, Assistant to the City Manager; Britt Wilson, Management Analyst III; Kimberly Thomas, Management Analyst II; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. B. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS B1. Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to the City by the San Bernardino County Safety Employees' Association for the support in aiding fundraising efforts for Firefighting and Law Enforcement heroes of New York City. Detective Bill Abernathie from the San Bernardino County Safety Employees' Association presented the certificate to the City. B2. Presentation of FDNY Thank You America Bike Tour. Kimberly Smith, Fire Administration Resource Manager, showed the Council a video and power point presentation about this event. C. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC C1. John Lyons stated there were video games being sold in the City that should be outlawed because of their content. He commented on the sales tax increase. He hoped that Bob Dutton, once elected to the Assembly, could help to change this. Councilmember Dutton suggested he write a letter to Governor Davis. C2. Rachel Pazant, Sterling Court, stated they need a crossing guard at Vineyard Jr. High School. She felt it should be at Highland and Mayberry. C3. Elva Rubacalva stated she is replacing Cheryl Karns due to her retirement from the Edison Company, and that she would be the new Rep for Rancho Cucamon§a. City Council Minutes January 2, 2002 Page 2 C4. Raul Delgado asked if the 210 Freeway was open. Mayor Alexander stated there is a 7 mile stretch from Day Creek.to Sierra that is currently open. D. CONSENT CALENDAR D1. Approval of Minutes: November 7, 2001 November 21,2001 December 5, 2001 (Curatalo absent) D2. Approval of Warrants, Register Nos. 12/5/01 and 12/12/01 and Payroll ending 12/2/01 for the total amount of $2,413,816.29. D3. Approve to receive and file current Investment Schedule as of November 30, 2001. D4. Approval to authorize the advertising of the "Notice Inviting Bids" for the Construction of Base Line Road Pavement Rehabilitation from Lion Street to Hellman Avenue, to be funded from Account No. 11763035650/1100176 (Measure I). RESOLUTION NO. 02-001 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BASE LINE ROAD PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM LION STREET TO HELLMAN AVENUE IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS D5. Approval to summarily vacate an easement for streets, highways and related purposes along the east side of Hermosa Avenue between 5~h Street and 6th Street. RESOLUTION NO. 02-002 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUMMARILY ORDERING THE VACATION OF AN EASEMENT FOR STREETS, HIGHWAYS AND RELATED PURPOSES ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF HERMOSA AVENUE BET~NEEN 5TM STREET AND 6TM STREET D6. Approval of authorization for the purchase of one (1) Ingersoll-Rand DD30 Self-propelled Double Vibratory Asphalt Compactor and Trailer from Ingersoll-Rand Equipment, of Irwindale, in the amount of $36,957.15, funded from Fund 1712-001-5603. D7. Approval of authorization for the purchase of one (1) Ford F-350 Dual Rear Wheel Super Duty Crew Cab Stake Bed Truck from Sunrise Ford, of Fontana, in the amount of $35,809.33, funded from Fund 1134-303-5604. D8. Approval of authorization for the purchase of one (1) John Deere 5220 utility tractor from AA Equipment Rentals Co., Inc., of Montclair, in the amount of $25,877.40, funded from fund 1712-001- 5604. D9. Approval of a Resolution suppoding the passage of Proposition 42 - Traffic Congestion Improvement Act. City Council Minutes January2, 2002 Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. 02-003 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, IN SUPPORT OF PROPOSITION 42 - TRAFFIC CONGESTION IMPROVEMENT ACT D10. Approval to adopt the Resolution approving records retention schedules for Purchasing, Engineering, RDA Finance, RCCF Finance and Fire Finance and minor revisions to Library and Facilities Maintenance. RESOLUTION NO. 02-004 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULES FOR VARIOUS CITY DEPARTMENTS AND DIVISIONS D11. Approval of Landmark Designation DRC2001-00688 - Daniel and Gina Shackelford - Application to designate the Dorothy Finley House and property as a Historic Landmark, located at 7920 Valle Vista Drive - APN: 207-081-24. Related file: Mills Act Agreement DRC2001-00727. RESOLUTION NO. 02-005 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING HISTORIC LANDMARK DRC2001-00688, DESIGNATING THE DOROTHY FINELY HOUSE A HISTORIC LANDMARK, LOCATED AT 7920 VALLE VISTA DRIVE AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF- APN: 207-081-24 D12. Approval of Mills Act Agreement DRC2001-00727 (CO 02-001) - Daniel and Gina Shackelford - Request to reduce property tax on the Dorothy Finley House and property, a Historic Landmark, located at 7920 Valle Vista Drive -APN: 207-081-24. Related file: Landmark Designation DRC2001-00688. D13. Approval of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Securities and release of a Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement (CO 02-002) releasing Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 15268 for DR 00-24, located at the northeast corner of Elm Avenue and White Birch Drive, submitted by Darrell D. Clendenen. RESOLUTION NO. 02-006 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES FOR DR 00-24 RESOLUTION NO. 02-007 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RELEASING A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN ,~GREEMENT FROM DARRELL D. CLENDENEN D14. Approval of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Securities and release of a Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement (CO 02-003) releasing Parcels 2 and 3 of Parcel Map 15268 for DR 00-25, located at the north side of White Birch Drive, east of Elm Avenue, submitted by Stefan A. Smith. City Council Minutes January 2, 2002 Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. 02-008 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES FOR DR 00-25 RESOLUTION NO. 02-009 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RELEASING A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT FROM STEFAN A. SMITH D15. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Securities, Monumentation Cash Deposit and Ordering Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Light Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2 for Parcel Map 15529, and acceptance of Offer of Dedication for street purposes on Pilgrims Court, located at the Southern Terminus of Pilgrims Court, south of 19~h Street, submitted by Fred A. Nelson, Jr. and Urai S. Nelson. RESOLUTION NO. 02-010 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP 15529, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES AND MONUMENTATION CASH DEPOSIT RESOLUTION NO. 02-011 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING AN OFFER OF DEDICATION ON PILGRIMS COURT AS OFFERED FOR STREET AND RELATED PURPOSES RESOLUTION NO. 02-012 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 FOR PARCEL MAP 15529 D16. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Securities, Monumentation Cash Deposit, Disposition of City-owned property adjacent to Garcia Drive and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District, No. 9 and Street Light Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 8 for Tract Map 16181, and located at the southeast corner of Etiwanda Avenue and Garcia Drive, submitted by SRG/Camreal, L.L.C., a Delaware Limited Liability Company. RESOLUTION NO. 02-013 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TRACT MAP 16181, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES AND MONUMENTATION CASH DEPOSIT City Council Minutes January 2, 2002 Page $ RESOLUTION NO. 02-014 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FINDING THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN, TO BE SURPLUS AND A BURDEN ON THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE CERTAIN DEED, A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A" AND TO CAUSE THE SAME TO BE DELIVERED TO THE PERSONS NAMED HEREIN RESOLUTION NO. 02-015 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 9 AND STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 8 FOR TRACT MAP 16181 D17. Approval of Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement (CO 02-004) from Vic Chert and Lois Chen for DR 00-08, located on the northwest corner of 4th Street and Santa Anita Avenue, submitted by Vic Chert, a Developer. RESOLUTION NO. 02-016 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT FROM VIC CHEN AND LOIS CHEN AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE SAME (APN: 229-331-07), FOR DR 00-08 D18. Approval of Improvement Agreement Extensions for Tracts 15711-1 and 15711-2, located on Etiwanda Avenue, between Foothill Boulevard and Miller, submitted by RC Homes, LLC. RESOLUTION NO. 02-017 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACTS 15711-1 AND 15711-2 D19. Approval to accept Improvements, release for Faithful Performance Bond and the Labor and Material Bond and file a Notice of Completion for Improvements for CUP 97-09, submitted by Bear Gulch, LLC, located on the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and San Bernardino Road. RESOLUTION NO. 02-018 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR CUP 97-09 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK D20. Approval to accept Improvements, release the Faithful Performance Bond and the Labor and Material Bond, and file a Notice of Completion for Improvements for MDR 97-19, submitted by W9/WLA Rea~ Estate Limited Partnership, located at 10900 Fourth Street. City Council Minutes Janua~ 2,2002 Page 6 RESOLUTION NO. 02~019 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR MDR 97-19 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK D21. Approval to accept Improvements, release the Faithful Performance Bond and Labor and Material Bond and file a Notice of Completion for Improvements for Tract 15531, submitted by Overland RC 29, LLC, located on the northeast corner of 19 h Street and Mayberry Avenue. RESOLUTION NO. 02-020 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 15531 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK D22. Approval of release of Maintenance Guarantee Bond No. B12296250 in the amount of $12,256.64, for the ADA 1999/2000 Access Ramp and Drive Approach Improvements at various locations along Hermosa Avenue, Haven Avenue, 6~h Street and Arrow Route, Contract No. 00-016. D23. Approval to accept the Construction of 6th Street Pavement Rehabilitation from Haven Avenue to Milliken Avenue, Contract No. 00-063 as complete, release the bonds, authorize the City Manager to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final Contract amount of $158,775.31. RESOLUTION NO. 021021 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE 6TH STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM HAVEN AVENUE TO MILLIKEN AVENUE, CONTRACT NO. 00-063, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK D24. Approval to accept the Construction of the East Avenue and Victoria Street Improvements, Contract No. 00-035 as complete, release the bonds, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final Contract amount of $533,370.09. RESOLUTION NO. 02-022 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE EAST AVENUE AND VICTORIA STREET IMPROVEMENTS, CONTRACT NO. 00-035, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK MOTION: Moved by Biane, seconded by Williams to approve the staff recommendations in the staff reports contained within the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. E. CONSENT ORDINANCES No Items Submitted. City Council Minutes January2, 2002 Page '7 F. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS Fl. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A NEW COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE FOR PERMITS AND SERVICES PROVIDED BY ALL CITY DEPARTMENTS, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA POLICE DEPARTMENT, BY MODIFYING CERTAIN FEES ESTABLISHED IN RESOLUTION 00-286 Jack Lam, City Manager, stated there is one organization that has not had the opportunity to review the Resolution, and that even though there are no major changes, it is asked that this be continued to January 16, 2002, 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. RESOLUTION NO. 02-023 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A NEW COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE FOR PERMITS AND SERVICES PROVIDED BY ALL CITY DEPARTMENTS, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA POLICE DEPARTMENT, BY MODIFYING CERTAIN FEES ESTABLISHED IN RESOLUTION 00-286 MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Dutton to continue item F1 to January 16, 2002. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. G. PUBLIC HEARINGS No Items Submitted. H. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS No Items Submitted. I. COUNCIL BUSINESS I1. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF INLAND EMPIRE AIRPORTS FIRST Staff report presented by Britt Wilson, Management Analyst III. He indicated Aaron Knox was present to answer any questions the Council might have. Councilmember Williams inquired if any other San Bernardino area cities are supporting this. Mr. Knox stated they are working with the San Bemardino area cities and that Montclair will be considering this at their next meeting. He stated they are asking for Rancho Cucamonga to take the lead and be the first to approve this. Councilmember Williams asked about Mr. Knox's organization. City Council Minutes January 2, 2002 Page 8 Mr. Knox explained about their organization. He stated they are an informal organization and that they started getting support for this in Riverside because that is where he is from. Mayor Alexander stated SANBAG has not taken an action on this. He felt the City of San Bernardino has a lot to gain from this. Mr. Knox stated he does not think Orange County needs another airport. He felt San Bernardino County needs more airports. Councilmember Dutton stated he agrees with Mr. Knox that San Bernardino County needs their fair share of airports. He stated if more information is needed, he is willing to wait on voting on this so the Council can know what neighboring cities think about this. Councilmember Biane asked if this Resolution is ~pproved, which of the five airports in San Bernardino County would this benefit the most. He stated this would be planning for the future of the whole area. He stated he would like more research done on this before he votes on it. Councilmember Williams stated she would like to know if Rancho Cucamonga takes a leadership role in this, what would our advantages be. Councilmember Dutton felt everyone should unite as a region in order to make more of a statement. Councilmember Williams suggested that Mr. Knox go to Clout meeting and give his presentation. RESOLUTION NO. 02-024 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CQUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, IN SUPPORT OF INLAND EMPIRE AIRPORTS FIRST MOTION: Moved by Dutton, seconded by Williams to continue the item to January 16, 2002. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. J. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING No items were identified for the next meeting. K. C©MMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC No communication was made from the public. City Council Minutes January 2, 2002 Page 9 L. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Dutton to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra J. Adams, CMC City Clerk Approved: February 6, 2002