HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000/11/21 - Agenda PacketCITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA TUESDAY NOVEMBER 21, 2000 7:00 PM Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center Council Chamber 10500 Civic Center Drive 'Rancho Cucamonga, California I. CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Chairman McNiel Vice Chairman Macias Com. Mannerino Com. Stewart __ Com. Tolstoy I1. ANNOUNCEMENTS II1. PRESENTATION A. PACIFIC ELECTRIC INLAND EMPIRE TRAIL MASTER PLAN IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Adjourned Meeting October 25, 2000 V. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non- controversial They will be acted on by the Commission at one time without discussion. If anyone has concern over any item, it should be removed for discussion. B. VACATION OF NORTHTOWN AREA ALLEY (V-172 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. - A request to vacate a 20-foot wide north-south bound alley located west of Center Avenue between 24th Street and Humboldt Avenue - APN:209-112-10, 16, 20, 29, and 30. Related file: Development Review 00-60. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS The following items are public hearings in which concerned individuals may voice their opinion of the related project. Please wait to be recognized by the Chairman and address the Commission by stating your name and address. All such opinions shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual for each project. Please sign in after speaking C. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 15529 - NELSON - A request to subdivide .65 acre into two parcels in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre) and one remnant lot to be part of the BeryI-Hellman Channel, located at the southern terminus of Pilgrims Court - APN: 202-981-23. D. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 16128 (SAN CARMELA) - D. R. HORTON - A request to subdivide an approximate 23-acre site into 97 single family residential lots, and two lettered lots for slopes fronting Base Line Road, in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) of the Victoria Community Plan, located along the north side of Base Line Road, approximately 1,000 feet west of Victoria Park Lane - APN: 227-091-14 and 15 and 227-111-12 and 13. Related file: Development Review 00-38. A Negative Declaration of environmental impacts was issued for General Plan Amendment 00-01B and Victoria Community Plan Amendment 00-01 on June 21, 2000, and no further environmental review is necessary. E. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-38 (SAN CARMELA) - D. R. HORTON - The review of building elevations and conceptual site plan for 97 single family residential lots, and two lettered lots for slopes fronting Base Line Road, on an approximate 23-acre site in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) of the Victoria Community Plan, located along the north side of Base Line Road, approximately 1,000 feet west of Victoria Park Lane - APN:227-091-14 and 15 and 227-111-12 and 13. Related file: Tentative Tract 16128. A Negative Declaration of environmental impacts was issued for General Plan Amendment 00-0lB and Victoria Community Plan Amendment 00-01 on June 21, 2000, and no further environmental review is necessary. F. AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 00-01 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. - A request to reduce the minimum front yard building setback to 21 feet by amending Development Agreement 00-01 for a previously approved Senior Housing Overlay District in the Mixed Use District, located on the east side of Amethyst Avenue, between La Grande Street and Lomita Drive - APN:202-151-12. Related files: General Plan Amendment 00-01A, Development Code Amendment 00-01, Development District Amendment 00-01, and Development Review 00-60. Page2 G. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT RFVlEW 00-60 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. - The review of detailed site plan and elevations for 96 senior apartments on 3.2 acres of land in the Mixed Use District, with a Senior Housing Overlay District, located on the east side of Amethyst Avenue, between La Grande Street and Lomita Drive - APN: 202-151-12. Related files: General Plan Amendment 00-0lA, Development Code Amendment 00-01, Development District Amendment 00-01, and Development Agreement 00-01. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. H. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 16081 - TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES - A residential subdivision for 101 single family lots on 20.7 acres cf land in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) of the Victoria Community Plan, located at the southwest corner of Day Creek Boulevard and Victoria Park Lane - APN: 227-091-09, 26, and 50. Related file: Development Review 00-12. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. I. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-12 - TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES - The review of detailed site plan and elevations for 101 single family lots on 20.7 acres of land in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) of the Victoria Community Plan, located at the southwest comer of Day Creek Boulevard and Victoria Park Lane - APN: 227-091-09, 26, and 50. Related file: Tentative Tract 16081. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. VII.NEW BUSINESS J. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-53 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION - The review of detailed site plan and elevations single family residences on 11 in-fill lots in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre) within the Northtown area along Center Avenue, 24th Street, and 25th 'Street, east of Hermosa Avenue - APN: 209-101-18, 209-101-24, 209-103-06, 209-104-06, 209-104-34, 209-104-35, 209-112-17, and 209-121-22. Related files: Tree Removal Permit 00-42, Development Review 95-03 and 97-35. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENTS This is the time and place for the general public to address the commission. Items to be discussed here are those which do not already appear on this agenda. Page 3 IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS X. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Commission has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11:00 p.m. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, they shall be heard only with the consent of the Commission. THE PLANNING COMMISSION WILL ADJOURN TO A WORKSHOP IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING IN THE RAINS ROOM TO DISCUSS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 00-34 - COSTCO WHOLESALE. I, Gall Sanchez, Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on November 16, 2000, at least 72 hours pdor to the meeting per Government Code Section 54964.2 at 10500 Civic Center Ddve, Rancho Cucamonga. Page 4 Vicinity Map Planning Commission November 21, 2000 C\ Hillside I Banyan H, I 10th/210 F, G Baseline % J FoothillD, E Arrow I I 4th B, J.- m = -~ '1- .- City of Rancho Cucamonga / Pacific Electric Trail, Rancho Cucamonga segment Victoria Planned Community c~w HALL THE CiTY OF ~ANCHO CUCAMONC~ Repor DATE: November 21, 2000 TO:. Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer BY: Joe Stofa, Jr., Associate Engineer SUBJECT: VACATION OF NORTHTOWN AREA ALLEY (V-172 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP - A request to vacate a 20-foot wide north-south bound alley located west of Center Avenue between 24u~ Street and Humboldt Avenue - APN: 209-112-10, 16, 20, 29, and 30. Related file: Development Review 00-60) BACKGROUNDIANALYSIS: On June 7, 2000, Northtown Housing Development Company submitted a request to vacate an alley that is contiguous to houses proposed for Phase III of the infill housing project. The alleys are either currently not being used for access by adjacent properties or have been fenced in by property owners and are inaccessible. The property owners affected have submitted letters in favor of the vacation of the alley which is basically a "paper" alley that was created with the odginal North Cucamonga Subdivision in 1887 and is not needed for public use. Utility companies, other agencies and City divisions have been notified of the proposed vacation and were asked for their comments. There were no objections to the vacation from any of the groups notified. If the alley is vacated, half the width (10 feat) will revert to the adjoining and adjacent lots. The vacation is consistent with the goals and objectives of the circulation element of the general plan. The alley in this area of the City is also not included or required as "community travel routes" of the general plan. ITEM B RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission make the finding through minute action that the proposed vacation conforms to the City's General Plan. This finding will be forwarded to the City Council for further processing and final approval. Respectfully submitted, Senior Civil Enginccr Attachments: Exhibit "A" Vicinity Map .. · Exhibit "B" Vacation Exhibit 24TH ..~ u.~',T'~ c 7" ?F.. o.T~'c T' _~x~/~,/ title.; ~c~r~ ...... :.'.L CITY OF RANCI-IO CUCAMONGA ~ ,., ~i ' ~'1~ N ~ ~j ~ ENGINEERIN IVISION __ VICINITY MAP ~ag~o'oo'w MATCH lINE - SEE SHEET 2 51. 47' ~ 0 I2~. 00' ~ ~2~oo' · '/ 12~00' '' ~or ~ ~ ~ ~ ~or ~ 12~ 00' · .~. ~ ,~. . . ~' . ~o' ~ ~' ~ ~ .~.. ~25.~' ~.00' ,o. oo'/ /~ ,o.~' . 6L ~' t74. 7~ N89 ~O 'OO "W This Plat is Solely an Aid in Loca~g the Pamet(s) desc~bed in I~e ~ ~1 SHEET Altached Document. Please m~' 1o legal descttptJo~ for e~act location. F_X~IIBIT / AREA OF PROPOSED VACATION' *oo* ~.~ ~o~ ~ ~o . . (~) ~4e - ~ OF ~ SHEETS 1"=40' DRAWNBY:WE DATE: 08-09-00 CHECKEDBY: SHH JN: 56~10 THE CITY OF I~^NCI~O Staff Report DATE: November 21, 2000 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Alan Warren, AICP, Associate Planner SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 15529 - NELSON - A request to subdivide .65 acre into two parcels in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre) and one remnant lot to be part of the Beryl-Hellman Channel, located at the southern terminus of Pilgrims Court - APN 202-981-23. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Proiect Density:. 3.06 dwelling units per acre - gross; 3.30 dwelling units per acre - net B. Surroundin.q Land Use and Zonin.q: North Single family houses, Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) South - Single family houses, Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) East Single family houses, Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) West Storm drain channel and single-family houses on the opposite side, Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) C. General Plan Desiqnations: Project Site - Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) North Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) South - Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) East - Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) West - Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) D. Site Characteristics: Generally level, sloping slightly to the north and steeply along the west property line towards the Be~fi-Hellman Channel. The site is vacant. ANALYSIS: A. General: The proposed subdivision will result in the following: 1 - 13,235 square foot single-family parcel (Parcel 1) 1 - 13,151 square foot single-family parcel (Parcel 2) A remnant lot for drainage purposes of approximately 2,059 square feet ITEM C PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 15529 - NELSON November 21, 2000 Page 2 The two single-family pamels meet or exceed all of the minimum lot dimensions and area requirements of the Development Code. Theyare located at the southem cul-de-sac terminus of Pilgdms Court. The pamels are surrounded on three sides by existing single-family neighborhoods. To the west there is a single-family neighborhood beyond the existing BeE- Hellman drainage channel. The grading and retention of the westedy slope is one of the major site design issues. B. Technical Review Committee: The Technical Review Committee meeting was held on October 4, 2000, and determined that, with the recommended standard and special conditions of approval, the project is consistent with City standards and ordinances. The conditions for approval, which were provided to the applicant, are listed in the accompanying resolution. C. Gradinq Committee: The conceptual grading plan was reviewed on October 3, 2000, and after resubmittal, the review was continued to October 31,2000. The review focused pdmadly on the steep slope on the far west portion of the site. A retaining wall of 3 to 4 feet is proposed for the base of the slope along the Be~-Hellman Channel. This wall will align with an existing retaining wall along the channel to the south. The conceptual grading plan complies with the site requirements for residential development and was approved by the Grading Committee. D. Environmental Determination: The application is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15315 (Class 15 - Minor Land Divisions) of the California Environmental Quality Act. CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised as a public headng in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners within a 300-foot radius of the project site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff r~commends approval of Tentative Parcel Map 15529 by the adoption ' ' of the attached Resolution of Approval. Respectfully submitted, City Planner BB:AVWls Attachments: Exhibit "A" _ Location Map Exhibit "B" - Tentative Parcel Map 15529 Exhibit "C" - Conceptual Grading Plan Resolution of Approval TPM 15529 Location Map Exhibit "A" 2,~ N JUNE 20O0 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 15529 ~c,.,~. CONCEPTUAL GRADING PiLAN T.T.M. 15529 ~,,N~- ..... ~~ --. ~ "~ "~--~'X ~ i __,,,~o~'-'.,.,...,. ~-_.__._ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 15529, A SUBDIVISION CREATING TWO PARCELS PLUS ONE REMNANT LOT TO BECOME PART OF THE BERYL-HELLMAN CHANNEL RIGHT-OF-WAY ON .65 ACRE OF LAND IN THE LOW RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (2-4 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE), LOCATED AT THE SOUTHERN TERMINUS OF PILGRIMS COURT, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF -APN - 202-981-23 A. Recitals. 1. Fred A. Nelson and Urai S. Nelson filed an application for the approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 15529, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Tentative Parcel Map request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 21st day of November 2000, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing · on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this CommissiOn during the above- referenced public hearing on November 21, 2000, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to property located at the southern terminus of Pilgrims Court with a street frontage of 80 feet at the street cul de sac, has a rectangular configuration of 100 feet by 285 feet, and is presently vacant, and b. The properties to the north, east, and south of the subject site are developed with single family houses in the Low Residential Distdct (2-4 dwelling units per acre), and the property to the west is developed with the BeryI-Hellman Channel and single family houses beyond in the Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) District; and c. The subdivision will result in Parcel 1 totaling 13,235 square feet, Parcel 2 totaling .. 13,151 square feet, in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre), and one remnant Lot "A" to become part of the existing Beryl~Hellman Channel dght of way. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PM 15529 - NELSON November 21, 2000 Page 2 a. That the tentative parcel map is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and any applicable specific plans; and b. The design or improvements of the tentative parcel map is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and any applicable specific plans; and c. The site is physically suitable for the type of devel(~pment proposed; and d. The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; and e. The tentative parcel map is not likely to cause serious public health problems; and f. The design of the tentative parcel map will not conflict with' any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. 4. Based upon the facts and information contained in the staff report of November 21,2000, together with all written and oral reports included for the environmental review for the application, the Planning Commission finds that this proposal complies with the Class 15 - Minor Land Divisions categorical exemption, as defined in Section 15315 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. · PlanninR Division 1) The retaining wall along the west property line of Parcel I shall be constructed of the same block material, type, and color, as the wall along the west property line of the adjacent parcel to the south of Parcel 1. En,qineerin~l Division 1) Install all missing public improvements including curb, gutter, a.c. pavement to complete the cul-de-sac bulb, sidewalk, drive approaches, street trees, and one street light along the project frontage at the terminus of Pilgrims Court. The width of the drive approaches shall be 12 feet maximum and shall be installed radial to the cul-de-sac. The .. - proposed 24-foot wide approaches are not acceptable, as they cover more than 40 percent of both frontages. 2) Said public improvements for the full length of both parcel frontages · shall be completed with the first parcel to develop. Revise existing City Drawing No. 918, Sheet 1 and 2, to reflect the said improvements, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Street trees can be deferred on the second parcel until development. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PM 15529- NELSON November 21, 2000 Page 3 3) If the required public improvements are not completed prior to the approval of the final parcel map, an improvement security accompanied by an agreement executed by the Developer and the City will be required for:. all fronta,qe improvements, except street trees. 4) If the required public improvements are not completed prior to approval of the final parcel map, an improvement certificate shall be placed upon the final parcel map, stating that they will be completed upon development for. street trees. 5) Provide a V-gutter between the 4-foot high retaining wall and the 2:1 slope shown on Section A-A of the Conceptual Grading Plan. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 21ST DAY OF NOVEMBER 2000 PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: .... Larry T. McNiel, Chairman ATTEST: Brad Bullet, Secretary I, Brad Bullet, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 21st day of November 2000, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STANDARD CONDITIONS PROJECT #: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 15529 SUBJECT: SUBDIVISION OF .65 ACRE INTO 2 PARCELS APPLICANT: FRED NELSON LOCATION: S. TERMINUS OF PILGRIMS COURT ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DIVISION, (999) 477-2750, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. General Requirements 1. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 2. A copy of the signed Resolution of Approval or City Planner's letter of approval, and all Standard Conditions, shall be included in legible form on the grading plans, building and construction plans, and landscape and irrigation plans submitted for plan check. B. Time Limits 1. This tentative parcel map shall expire, unless extended by the Planning Commission, unless a complete final map is filed with the City Engineer within 3 years from the date of the approval. C. Site Development 1. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include site plans, amhitectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, sign program, and grading on file in the Planning Division, the conditions contained herein, and the Development Code regulations. 2. Pdor to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon, all Conditions of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Planner. SC-8-O0 I ~--~q Project No. TPM 15529 ComDlefion Date 3. All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for consistency prior to issuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment, building, etc.) or prior to final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, or approved use has commenced, whichever comes first. 4. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community or Specific Plans in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 5. All ground-mounted utility appurtenances such as transformers, AC condensers, etc., shall be / located out of public view and adequately screened through the use of a combination of concrete or masonry walls, berming, and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the City Planner. For single family residential developments, transformers shall be placed in underground vaults. 6. Wood fencing shall be treated with stain, paint, or water sealant. ! 7. Slope fencing along side property lines may be wrought iron or black plastic coated chain link to /...._ maintain an open feeling and enhance views; 8. For residential development, tatum walls and comer side walls shall be decorative masonry. __/__ __ 9. Where rock cobble is used, it shall be real river rock. Other stone veneers may be manufactured __/____ products. D. Landscaping 1. Existing trees required to be preserved in place shall be protected with a construction barrier in accordance with the Municipal Code Section 19.08.110, and so noted on the grading plans. The location of those trees to be preserved in place and new locations for transplanted trees shall be shown on the detailed landscape plans. The applicant shall follow all of the arborist's recommendations regarding preservation, transplanting, and trimming methods. 2. Ail private slopes of 5 feet or more in vertical height and of 5:1 or greater slope, but less than 2:1 ! slope, shall be, at minimum, irrigated and landscaped with appropriate ground cover for erosion control. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. 3. Ail private slopes in excess of 5 feet, but less than 8 feet in vertical height and of 2:1 o? greater slope shall be landscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as follows: one 15-gallon or larger size tree per each 150 sq. ft. of slope area, 1 -gallon or larger size shrub per each 100 sq..ft, of slope area, and appropriate ground cover. In addition, slope banks in excess of 8 feet in vertical height and 2:1 or greater slope shall also include one 5-gallon or larger size tree per each 250 sq. ft. of slope area. Trees and shrubs shall be planted in staggered clusters to soften and vary slope plane. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. 4. For single family residen!ial development, all slope planting and irrigation shall be continuously __ maintained in a healthy and thriving condition by the developer until each individual unit is sold and occupied by the buyer. Prior to releasing occupancy for those units, an inspection shall be conducted by the Planning Division to determine that they are in satisfactory condition. 5. All walls shall be provided with decorative treatment. If located in public maintenance areas, the __ design shall be coordinated with the Engineering Division. Other Agencies 1. The applicant shall contact the U.S. Postal Service to determine the appropriate type and location / of mail boxes. Multi-family residential developments shall provide a solid overhead structure for mail boxes with adequate lighting. The final location of the mail boxes and the design of the sc. 0 0 2 Project No. TPM 15529 COmpletion Date overhead structure shall be subject to City Planner review and approval pdor to the issuance of building permits. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEERING DIVISION, (909) 477-2740, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: F. Street Improvements 1. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to: __ I Curb & A.C. Side- Drive Street Street Comm Median Bike Other Street Name Gutter Pvmt walk Appr. Lights Trees Trail Island Trail Pilgrims Court X X X X X X 2. Improvement Plans and Construction: a. Street improvement plans, including street trees, street lights, and intersection safety lights on future signal poles, and traffic signal plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Security shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public and/or private street improvements, pdor to final map approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. b. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and a construction permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office in addition to any other permits required. c. Pavement striping, marking, traffic signing, street name signing, traffic signal conduit, and interconnect conduit shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. d. Signal conduit with pull boxes shall be installed with any new construction or reconstruction project along major or secondary streets and at intersections for future traffic signals and interconnect wiring. Pull boxes shall be placed on both sides of the street at 3 feet outside of BCR, ECR, or any other locations approved by the City Engineer Notes: (1)Pull boxes shall be No. 6 at intersections and No. 5 along streets, a maximum of 200 feet apart, unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer. (2)Conduit shall be 3-inch (at intersections) or 2-inch (along streets) galvanized steel with pull rope or as specified. e. Handicapped access ramps shall be installed on all corners of intersections per City Standards or as directed by the City Engineer. f. Existing City roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with adequate detours during construction, street or lane closure permits are required. A cash deposit shall be provided to cover the cost of grading and paving, which shall be refunded upon completion of the construction to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. g.Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks. Under sidewalk drains shall be installed to City Standards, except for single family residential lots. h. Street names shall be approved by the City Planner prior to submittal for first plan check. SC-IO-O0 3 i Project No. TPM 15529 C¥omplefion Date 3.Street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, shall be installed per City Standards in accordance with the City's street tree program. G. Public Maintenance Areas 1. A signed consent and waiver form to join and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting Districts shall be filed with the City Engineer prior to final map approval or issuance of building permits whichever occurs first. Formation costs shall be borne by the developer. H. Utilities 1. Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water, gas, electric power, telephone, and cable TV (all underground) in accordance with the Utility Standards. Easements shall be provided as required. 2. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary. 3.. Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the Cucamonga County Water District (CCWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernard/no. A letter of compliance from the CCWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first. Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval in the case of subdivision or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential projects. 4. Approvals have not been' secured from all utilities and other interested.agencies involved. / Approval of the final parcel map will be subject to any requirements that may be received from them. I, General Requirements and Approvals 1. A non-refundable deposit shall be paid to the City, covering the estimated operating costs for all __/ /__ new street lights for the first six months of operation, prior to final map approval or prior to building permit issuance if no map is involved. SC-lO-O0 4 the city of l~!a nc ho Cueamonsa Staff Report DATE: November 21, 2000 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Sal Salazar, AICP, Associate Planner Duane Modta, Contract Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 16128 (SAN CARMELA) - D.R. HORTON - A request to subdivide an approximate 23-acre site into 97 single-family residential lots, and two lettered lots for slopes fronting Base Line Road, in the Low-Medium Residential Distdct (4-8 dwelling units per acre) of the Victoria Community Plan, located along the north side of Base Line Road, approximately 1,000 feet west of Victoria Park Lane - APN: 227-091-14 and 15; and 227-111-12 and 13. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-38 (SAN CARMELA) - D.R. HORTON - The review of building elevations and conceptual site plan for 97 single-family residential lots, and two lettered lots for slopes fronting Base Line Road, on an approximate 23-acre site in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) of the Victoda Community Plan, located along the north side of Base Line Road, approximately 1,000 feet west of Victoria Park Lane - APN: 227-091-14 and 15; and 227-111-12 and 13. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Project Density: 4.2 dwelling units per acre. B. Surroundinq Land Use and Zoninq: Project Site - Abandoned vineyard; Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) within the Victoria Community Plan. North - Unused railroad corridor and single-family homes - Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) within the Victoria Community Plan. South - Base Line Road and histodc Regina Winery facility - High Residential (24-30 dwelling units per acre) and Community Facilities within the Victoda Community Plan. East - Vacant, a Neighborhood Commercial center and an apartment complex - Medium-High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per ~cre) and Village Commercial within the Victoria Community Plan. West Public storage facility - Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) within the Victoria Community Plan. ITEMS D & E PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TT 16128 AND DR 0038 - D.R. HORTON November 21,2000 Page 2 C. General Plan Desiqnations: Project Site - Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) North Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) South - High Residential (24-30 dwelling units per acre) East Medium-High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre) and Neighborhood Commemial West Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) D. Site Characteristics: The project site is currently an abandoned vineyard and gently slopes to the south. There are approximately 12 eucalyptus trees along the northern property line. The site is improved with three, old artesian well stand pipes that were used to irrigate the old vineyard. North of the project site is an unused Pacific Electric Railroad right-of-way, which is being considered to serve as part of the regional trail system by SANBAG. ANALYSIS: A. Backqround: On June 21, 2000, the City approved General Plan Amendment (GPA 00- 0lB) and Victoda Community Plan Amendment (VCPA 00-01) for the project site, which: (1) amended the General Plan land use designation from Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre), and (2) amended the Victoria Community Plan zoning classification from Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre). B. General: The following describes the proposed Tentative Tract 16128 and Development Review 00-38: Proposed Tentative Tract 16128: The proposed 97 single-family residential lots range in size from 5,527 to 14,429 square feet. The average lot size is 7,144 square feet. The project site will be accessed via two entries along Base Line Road. San Carmela Court, which is the eastern entry, will be provided with full access. A median break with left-turn pocket will be provided along Base Line Road to allow for the full access. No other median breaks are proposed. The second entry will allow right-turn in and out only. San Carmela Court, which is the primary roadway into the subdivision, will cul-de-sac at the northern perimeter of the project site. Proposed Street "G" extends from San Carmela Court in a perpendicular direction and connects with other internal roadways to provide internal circulation throughout the subdivision. (Exhibit "A"). Proposed Development Review 00-38: Development Review 00-38 proposes three house plans with three elevation styles. Alternative window designs affecting shape, actual number of windows, and surrounds are also being proposed for the elevations abutting Base Line Road. All homes will be two-story structures; no single-story homes are proposed. The floor plan for Plan 1 will range from 2,575 to 2,660 square feet in size, and have four bedrooms, loft area, three bathrooms, and a three-car tandem garage. Optional features include a 10-foot 6 inches x 14-foot den or bonus room, and a larger family room (from 15 feet 4 inches x 14 feet 6 inches to 15 feet 4 inches x 21 feet 6 inches). The floor plan for Plan 2 will range from 2,962 to 3,194 square feet in size, and have five to six bedrooms, three bathrooms, and a two-car garage. Optional features include a 12-foot x 6-inch x 10-foot loft, an extra 11-foot x 10-foot 8-inch bedroom, and third garage. The floor plan for Plan 3 will range from 3,192 to 3,614 square feet in size, and have five bedrooms, PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT '~' 16128 AND DR 0038 - D.R. HORTON November 21, 2000 Page 3 three bathrooms, and a three-car garage. Optional features include a 13-foot x 10-foot 6-inch bonus room, 11-foot x 18-foot loft, 12-foot 4-inch x 12-foot den, and extra 11-foot 4-inch x 15-foot bedroom. (Exhibit "B"). Depending upon the particular plan, light brown stucco exterior walls, with either brown or gray blend concrete fiat tile or "S" tile will be provided. A total of nine color schemes, with a range of materials, is proposed. Accent features include brown or green blend wood tdm, wood shutters, and stucco recesses. Gray or brown stone veneer will be provided on certain elevations. C. Issues: The proposed Tentative Tract 16128 and Development Review 00-38 are designed in accordance with the provisions and standards of the project site's General Plan land use designation and Victoda Community Plan zoning classification, which are both Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre). Staff finds the building plans to be well designed. The elevations are characterized by strong vertical and horizontal changes. Roofs include varied hip and gable designs which make for interesting elevations. Though three-car garages are being proposed, the garage does not appear to dominate the front elevations of the various plans. Window surrounds and treatments are provided for all elevations, not only the front elevations. Furthermore, the Tentative Tract Map, Conceptual Site Plan and building elevations comply with the vadous requirements and development standards of the Victoria Community Plan relating to lot size, lot width, setbacks, landscaping, fences and walls, recreational vehicle storage, etc. (Exhibit "C"). D. Desiqn Review Committee: The Design Review Committee (McNeil, Stewart, and Coleman) reviewed the project on October 31, 2000 (Exhibit "E"), and was generally satisfied with the subdivision layout and design of the building plans. The Committee recommended approval of the project, subject to conditions. E. Technical Review Committee: The Technical Committee reviewed the project and recommended approval with the conditions listed in the attached Resolution of Approval. F. Gradinq Committee: The Grading Committee reviewed the project and recommended approval with the conditions listed in the attached Resolution of Approval. G. Environmental Assessment: An Initial Study and Negative Declaration were prepared for General Plan Amendment 00.01B and Victoria Community Plan Amendment 00-01 that were approved by the City for the project site on June 21, 2000. Staff finds that those discussions and analyses contained in the previously-prepared environmental documents continue to apply to the proposed applications and adequately evaluates environmental impacts resulting with the proposed Tentative Tract 16128 and Development Review 00. 38 applications. Further environmental documentation and clearance is not necessary. It should be noted, however, that the applicant retained an acoustical consultant to determine the height and location of sound walls along Base Line Road. Gordon Bricken and Associates, in their report entitled "Acoustical Analysis Tract 16128 San Carmela," determined that 6- and 7-foot walls must be provided along Base Line Road. The project is conditioned to provide sound walls at these recommended heights. The proposed applications will not result in any significant environmental impact. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT 'Fl' 16128 AND DR 0038 - D.R. HORTON November 21,2000 Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners within a 300-foot radius of the project site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Tentative Tract 16128 and Development Review 00-38 through the adoption of the attached Resolutions of Approval with conditions. City Planner BB:DM~Is Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Tentative Tract 16128 Exhibit "B" - Proposed Design and Building Plans Exhibit "C" - Conceptual Site Plan Exhibit "D" - Conceptual Rough Grading Plan Exhibit "E" - Design Review Comments for October 31,2000 Resolution of Approval for Tentative Tract 16128 Resolution of Approval for Development Review 00-38 ] Super Family 2.~7~ ~o 2,660 Square F~ 4 Bedrooms/3 Baths/Loft Den Option 3 Car Tandem Garage Optional Den, Tech. Room, and Super Family -50-: RIGHT FRONT LltFr Elevation lA REAR ~,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,~ ~ROIqT BDRM. 6 OPTION t LOFI' OPTION 3RD CAR OARAG~ LOWER L~VEL 3RD CAR GARAGE OPI1ON Residence 2 2,962 to 3,194 Square Feet [ 5 fo 6 Bedrooms/3 Baihs 2 Car Garage w/Opt. 3rd Car Garage Optional Super Fandly, Den, Loft and Bedroom 6 ~: ~*c~m~ FRONT EIeva~on ~ REAR Elevation RIGHT ~ *:oo~: r-e~Om.~, ~t~ FRON~ '~ :,~~111 · ~R ~-~'~ [~.-~: '""~" ' ' ~ ' ' ' "~' LOFr OFTION DEN OFIION BONUS ROOM OEDROOM BI-~DaOOM 6 OPTION Residenco 5 Bedrooms]3 Baths 3 Car Garase Optional Bonus Room. Loft, Bedroom 6 and Den RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALFORNIA WILUAM HEZMALHALCH D,P.. HORTON .......... FRONT REAR L~'~ £1evation 3A I L~ R~AR ~ Eleva~on 3B ~ SrTE PLAN i TI~TATWE TRACT 16128 ,,, CONCEPTUAL ROUGH GRADING PLAN TENTATIVE TRACT 16128 DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 8:10 p.m. Sal SalazadDuane Morita October 31, 2000 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 16128 AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-38 (SAN CARMELA) - D.R. HORTON - A request to subdivide and develop an approximate 23-acre site into 97 single-family residential lots and two lettered lots for slopes along the project's frontage. The site is located along the north side of Base Line Road, west of Victoria Park Lane and east of Day Creek Boulevard and is in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) of the Victoria Community Plan - APN: 227-091-14 and -15; and 227-111-12 and -13. Back.qround: On June 21 2000, the City approved a General Plan Amendment and Victoria Community Plan Amendment for the project site, which: (1) amended the General Plan land use designation from Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre), and (2) amended the Victoria Community Plan zoning classification from Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre). Proposed Tentative Tract Map 16128 and Development Review 00-38 are designed in accordance with the provisions and standards of the project site's General Plan land use designation and Victoria Community Plan zoning classification. Desiqn Parameters: The project site is an abandoned vineyard and gently slopes to the south. Approximately 12 Eucalyptus trees are located along the northern perimeter of the site. The project proposes to remove these existing Eucalyptus trees. The applicant will acquire a Tree Removal Permit, prior to issuance of grading permit. The.applicant also proposes to provide a windrow of Eucalyptus trees along the northern perimeter of the project site to replace those existing 12 Eucalyptus trees that will be removed with the project. There are only three structures located on-site, old artesian well standpipes that were used to irrigate the vineyard. The site is surrounded by existing development. A public storage facility is located to the west; a neighborhood commemial center and apartment complex are located to the east; the histodc Regina Winery is located to the south (across Base Line Road); and a vacant railroad corridor and single-family residences are located to the north. Proposed Tentative Tract 16128: The proposed 97 single-family residential lots range in size from 5,527 to 14,429 square feet. The average lot size is 7,144 square feet. The project site will be accessed from two entries along Base Line Road. San Carmela Court, which is the eastern entry, will be provided with full access. A median break with left-turn pocket will be provided along Base Line Road to allow for the full access. No other median breaks are proposed. The second entry will allow right-turn in and out only. San Carmela Court, which is the primary roadway into the subdivision, will cul-de-sac at the northern perimeter of the project site. Proposed Street G extends from San Carmela Court in a perpendicular direction and connects with other internal roadways to provide internal circulation throughout the subdivision. Refer to Exhibit "A" for a reduction of Tentative Tract 16128. Proposed Development Review 00-38: Development Review 00-38 proposes three house plans with three elevation styles. Additionally, altemative window designs affecting shape, actual number of windows, and surrounds are also being proposed for those elevations facing Base Line Road. All homes will be two-story structures; no single-story homes are being proposed. The floor plan for Plan 1 will range from 2,575 to 2,660 square feet in size, and have four bedrooms, loft area, three bathrooms, and a three-car tandem garage. Optional features include a 10'-6" x 14' den or bonus room, and a larger family reom (from 15'-4" x 14'-6" to 15'-4" x 21'-6"). The floor plan for Plan 2 will range from 2,962 to 3,194 square feet in size, and have five to six bedrooms, three bathrooms, and a two-car garage. Optional features include a 12'-6" x 10' loft, an extra 11' x 10'-8" bedroom, and third garage. The floor plan for Plan 3 will range from 3,192 to 3,614 square feet in size, and have five bedrooms, three bathrooms, and a ~ three-car garage. Optional features include a 13' x 10'-6" bonus room, 11' x 18' loft, 12'-4" x 12' den, and extra 11'-4" x 15' bedroom. Refer to Exhibit "B" for a reduction of proposed design and building plans. DRC COMMENTS TTM 16128 & DR 00-38 - D.R. HORTON October 31, 2000 Page 2 Depending upon the padicular plan, light brown stucco exterior walls, with either brown or gray blend concrete fiat tile or "S" tile will be provided. Accent features include brown or green blend wood trim, wood shutters, and stucco recesses. Gray or brown stone veneer will be provided on certain elevations. Staff finds the building plans to be well designed. The elevations are characterized by strong vertical and horizontal changes. Roofs include varied hip and gable designs which make for interesting elevations. Though three-car garages are being proposed, the garage does not appear to dominate the front elevations of the various plans. Window surrounds and treatments are provided for all elevations, not only the front elevations. Furthermore, the Conceptual Site Plan and building elevations comply with the vadous requirements and development standards of the Victoria Community Plan, relating to setbacks, landscaping, lot size, fences and walls, recreational vehicle storage, etc. Refer to Exhibit "C" for a reduction of the Conceptual Site Plan. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Minor Issues: The following item will be the focus of Committee discussion: 1. Staff finds that the proposed applications comply with the Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) development standards of ~he Victoria Community Plan and will result in development of well-designed single-family residences. However, the project requires removal of 12 onsite Eucalyptus trees along the northern perimeter of the project site. The project therefore, requires acquisition of a Tree Removal Permit, prior to issuance of grading permit. 2. The project's Landscape Plan indicates that a windrow of trees along the northern perimeter of the project site will be provided to replace those existing Eucalyptus trees that will be removed with the project. Refer to Exhibit "D," which shows the proposed windrow of trees. The specific tree type and size will provided in accordance with City standards, subject to City Planner approval. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Design Review Committee recommend approval of the project to the Planning Commission. Attachments Desiqn Review Committee Action: Members Present: Staff Planner: Sal Salazar/Duane Morita The applicant showed that the project would be designed with sufficient color and design variations that were satisfactory to the Committee. The Committee requested that a better quality streetscape exhibit and colored elevations be prepared for the Planning Commission meeting. The Committee found the project acceptable, subject to the following conditions: 1. Revise the project's noise study to address potential sound mitigation for those homes along the eastern perimeter of the project site that may be affected by future commercial development to the east. DRC COMMENTS TTM 16128 & DR 00-38 - D.R. HORTON October 31, 2000 Page 2 2. Provide second story enhancements for homes along Base Line Road, including second story balconies if reasonable sound mitigation can be provided. 3. All walls facing a street shall be decorative masonry on both sides. 4. Connecting walls between homes shall be stucco to match the homes. Color transitions between homes shall be at interior corners. Wall offsets shall be introduced where necessary in order to provide interior corners for color transitions. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 16128, A SUBDIVISION OF 97 RESIDENTIAL LOTS ON 23.9 ACRES OF LAND IN THE LOW-MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT OF THE VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN, LOCATED ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF BASE LINE ROAD, WEST OF VICTORIA PARK LANE AND EAST OF DAY CREEK BOULEVARD, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 227-091-14 AND 15 AND 227-111-12 AND 13. A. Recitals. 1. D.R. Horton filed an application for the approval of Tentative Tract Map 16128, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter, in this Resolution, the subject Tentative Tract Map request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 21st day of November 2000, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public headng on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this. Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing on November 21, 2000, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to property generally located along the north side of Base Line Road, west of Victoda Park Lane and east of Day Creek Boulevard; and b. Properties to the north are an unused railroad corridor and single-family residential neighborhood; property to the south across Base Line Road is the historic Regina Winery facility; properties to the east are vacant, a neighborhood commercial center, and an apartment complex; and property to the west is a public storage facility; and c. The subdivision design, lot sizes, and dimensions are consistent with the development standards of the Low-Medium Residential District of the Victoria Community Plan. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs I and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. The Tentative Tract Map and its improvements are consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and the Victoria Community Plan; and PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 16128 - D. R. HORTON November 21, 2000 Page 2 b. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; and c. The design of the subdivision will not cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; and d. The Tentative Tract Map will not cause sedous public health problems; and e. The design of the Tentative Tract will not conflict with any easement acquired for acc. ess and/or service utilities within the proposed subdivision. 4. Based upon the facts and information contained in the Initial Study and Negative Declaration prepared for General Plan Amendment 00-01B and Victoria Community Plan Amendment 00-01, the Planning Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect upon the environment. Further, based upon the substantial evidence contained in the Initial Study and Negative Declaration, the staff reports and exhibits, and the information provided to the Planning Commission during the public hearing, the Planning Commission hereby rebuts the presumption of adverse effect as set forth in Section 753.5(c-l-d) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set fodh in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. En.qineedn,q Division 1) Construct Base Line Road full width from Day Creek Boulevard to the existing limit of full width improvements at Hanley Avenue (now San Carmela), including, but not limited to, curbs and gutters, asphalt paving, sidewalks, street lights, street trees, median island, bike lane (class II) and all necessary transitions both east and west of the project limits, pursuant to City standards and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Provide a bond substitution. 2) Should the frontage street improvements conditioned for this tract be installed by others, reimbursement for those costs shall be paid prior to final map recordation. Off-site improvements installed by this project ara to be reimbursed by others. 3) All internal streets shall be improved in accordance with City "Local Street" standards, including but not limited to, curbs and gutters, sidewalk, driveway approaches, street lights, street trees, signing, and striping and as required. 4) There shall be a 4-foot concrete sidewalk or a temporary asphalt concrete sidewalk on the north side of Base Line Road from San Carmela to Victoria Park Lane prior to occupancy of any of the homes in this subdivision. A sidewalk is necessary to provide a safe route to school for the children. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 16128 - D. R. HORTON November 21, 2000 Page 3 5) Construct Base Line median island, including landscaping, in accordance with the Base Line Road Master Plan from San Carmela Court to Day Creek Boulevard. Off-site portion from westerly tract boundary to Day Creek Boulevard is subject to reimbursement by others. 6) Install conduits (with pull rope), including interconnect conduit, pull boxes, and poles for future traffic signal at Base Line Road and San Carmela. 7) Construct San Carmela full width including, but not limited to, curbs and gutters, asphalt paving, street lights, street trees, sidewalks, signing, striping etc. and as required. 8) No median breaks will be allowed between Victoria Park Lane and Day Creek Boulevard, except at San Carmela. 9) The sidewalk along San Carmel shall be property line adjacent. 10) On-site drainage connection to public drainage facility shall be done to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 11) Extend the existing storm drain in Base Line Road west of San Carmela to connect with the catch basins at Victoda Station and remove the existing intedm storm drain across Base Line Road. 12) Vacate excess San Carmela Court right of way. Process lot line adjustment to transfer easterly portion to the property to the east. 13) Grading Plan may be revised as determined by City Engineer to have slope along Base Line Road outside sidewalk easement. Sidewalk along Base Line Road shall be meandering. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 21ST DAY OF NOVEMBER 2000. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry T. McNiel, Chairman ATTEST: Brad Buller, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 16128 - D. R. HORTON November 21, 2000 Page 4 I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 21st day of November 2000, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STANDARD CONDITIONS PROJECT #: TENTATIVE TRACT 16128 AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-38 SUBJECT: 97 LOT SUBDIVISION AND BUILDING PLANS APPLICANT: D.R. HORTON NORTH SIDE OF BASE LINE ROAD, WEST OF VICTORIA PARK LOCATION: LANE AND EAST OF DAY CREEK BOULEVARD. ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DIVISION, (909) 477-2750, FOR {~OMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. General Requirements ComDletion Date 1. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its / / agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 2. A copy of the signed Resolution of Approval or City Planner's letter of approval, and all Standard / / Conditions, shall be included in legible form on the grading plans, building and construction plans, and landscape and irrigation plans submitted for plan check. B. Time Limits 1. This tentative tract map shall expire, unless extended by the Planning Commission, unless a / / complete final map is filed with the City Engineer within 3 years from the date of the approval. 2. Development/Design Review approval shall expire if building permits are not issued or approved / / use has not commenced within 5 years from the date of approval. No extensions are allowed. C. Site Development 1. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include / / site plans, amhitectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, sign program, and grading on file in the Planning Division, the conditions contained herein, Development Code regulations, and the Victoria Community Plan sc- oo , Project No. TT16128 & DR00*38 Completion Date 2. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon, all Conditions / of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Planner. 3. Occupancy of the facilities shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Building Code and / State Fire Marshal regulations have been complied with. Prior to occupancy, plans shall be submitted to the Rancho Cucemonga Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety Division to show compliance. The buildings shall be inspected for compliance prior to occupancy. 4. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be / submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. 5. All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for consistency prior to issuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment, building, etc.) or prior to final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, or approved · use has commenced, whichever comes first. 6. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, __/____ all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community or Specific Plans in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 7. All ground-mounted utility appurtenances such as transformers, AC condensers, etc., shall be / located out of public view and adequately screened through the use of a combination of concrete or masonry walls, berming, and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the City Planner. For single family residential developments, transformers shall be placed in underground vaults. 8. Street names shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval in accordance with the / adopted Street Naming Policy prior to approval of the final map.. 9. All building numbers and individual units shall be identified in a clear and concise manner, including proper illumination. 10. The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) are subject to the approval of the Planning and Engineering Divisions and the City Attorney. They shall be recorded concurrently with the Final Map or pdor to the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. A recorded copy shall be provided to the City Engineer. 11. Ail parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by the property owner, homeowners' association, or other means acceptable to the City. Proof of this landscape maintenance shall be submitted for City Planner and City Engineer review and approved prior to the issuance of building permits. 12. Solar access easements shall be dedicated for the purpose of assuming that each lot or dwelling unit shall have the right to receive sunlight across adjacent lots or units for use of a solar energy system. The easements may be contained in a Declaration of Restrictions for the subdivision which shall be recorded concurrently with the recordation of the final map or issuance of permits, whichever comes first. The easements shall prohibit the casting of shadows by vegetation, structures, fixtures, or any other object, except for utility wires and similar objects, pursuant to Development Code Section 17.08.060~G-2. 13. The developer shall submit a construction access plan and schedule for the development of all lots for City Planner and City Engineer approval; including, but not limited to, public notice requirements, special street posting, phone listing for community cancems, hours of construction activity, dust control measures, and security fencing. 14. Six-foot decorative block walls shall be constructed along the project perimeter, if a double wall condition would result, the developer shall make a good faith effort to work with the adjoining property owners to provide a single wall. Developer shall notify, by mail, all contiguous property owner at least 30 days prior to the removal of any existing walls/ fences along the project's perimeter. sc. o o 2 D \ Project No. TT16128 & DR00-38 Completion Date 15. For single family residential development, a 2-inch galvanized pipe shall be attached to each / support post for all wood fences, with a minimum of two %-inch lag bolts, to withstand high winds. Both post and pipe shall be installed in an 18-inch deep concrete footing. Pipe shall extend at least 4 feet, 6 inches above grade. 16. Wood fencing shall be treated with stain, paint, or water sealant. __/__ __ 17.Slope fencing along side property lines may be wrought iron or black plastic coated chain link to maintain an open feeling and enhance views. 18. On comer side yards, provide minimum 5-~oot setback between walls/fences and sidewalk. __/____ 19. For residential development, return walls and comer side walls shall be decorative masonry. __/__ __ 20.Where rock cobble is used, it shall be real river rock. Other stone veneers may be manufactured products. D. Building Design 1. All dwellings shall have the front, side and rear elevations upgraded with architectural treatment, /__ detailing and increased delineation of surface treatment as approved by the Planning Commission, subject to City Planner review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. 2. Ail roof appurtenances, including air conditioners and other roof mounted equipment and/or projections, shall be shielded from view and the sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets as required by the Planning Division. Such screening shall be architecturally integrated with the building design and constructed to the satisfaction of the City Planner. Details shall be included in building plans. Landscaping 1. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan, including slope planting and model home landscaping in / /__ the case of residential development, shall be prepared by a licensed landscepe architect and submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits or prior final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision. 2. Ail private slopes of 5 feet or more in vertical height and of 5:1 or greater slope, but less than 2:1 / slope, shall be, at minimum, irrigated and landscaped with appropriate ground cover for erosion control. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. 3. All private slopes in excess of 5 feet, but less than 8 feet in vertical height and of 2:1 or greater / slope shall be landscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as follows: one 15-gallon or larger size tree per each 150 sq. ft. of slope area, 1-gallon or larger size shrub per each 100 sq. ft. of slope area, and appropriate ground cover. In addition, slope banks in excess of 8 feet in vertical height and 2:1 or greater slope shall also include one 5-gallon or larger size tree per each 250 sq. ft. of slope area. Trees and shrubs shall be planted in staggered clusters to soften and vary slope plane. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. 4, For single family residential development, all slope planting and irrigation shall be continuously __ maintained in a healthy and thriving condition by the developer until each individual unit is sold and occupied by the buyer. Prior to releasing occupancy for those units, an inspection shall be conducted by the Planning Division to determine that they are in satisfactory condition. 5, Front yard and comer side yard landscaping and irrigation shall be required per the Development __ Code and/or Victoria Community Plan. This requirement shall be in addition to the required street trees and slope planting. sc- 0 o 3 % Project No. TT16128 & DR00-38 Completion Date 6. The final design of the perimeter parkways, walls, landscaping, and sidewalks shall be included in the required landscape plans and shall be subject to City Planner review and approval and coordinated for consistency with any parkway landscaping plan which may be required by the Engineering Division. 7. Special landscape features such as mounding, alluvial rock, specimen size trees, meandering sidewalks (with horizontal change), and intensified landscaping, is required along Base Line Road. 8.Landscaping and irrigation systems required to be installed within the public right-of-way on the perimeter of this project area shall be continuously maintained by the developer. 9. All walls shall be provided with decorative treatment. If located in public maintenance areas, the / design shall be coordinated with the Engineering Division, 10. Tree maintenance criteria shall be developed and submitted for City Planner review and approval / prior to issuance of building permits. These criteria shall encourage the natural growth characteristics of the selected tree species. 11. Landscaping and irrigation within public maintenance areas shall be designed to conserve water / / through the principles of Xeriscape as defined in Chapter 19,16 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. 12. New windrow planting of Eucalyptus Maculata (Spotted Gum) is required adjoining the north / / property line F. Other Agencies 1. The applicant shall contact the U.S. Postal Service to determine the appropriate type and location / / of mail boxes. Multi-family residential developments shall provide a solid overhead structure for mail boxes with adequate lighting. The final location of the mail boxes and the design of the overhead structure shall be subject to City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEERING DIVISION, {909) 477-2740, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: G. Dedication and Vehicular Access 1. Easements for public sidewalks and/or street trees placed outside the public right-of-way shall be dedicated to the City. 2. Comer property line cutoffs shall be dedicated per City Standards. H, Street Improvements 1. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to: Curb & I A.C. Side- Drive Street Street Comm Meal an Bike StreetName iGutter i Pvmt i walk i Appr, i Lights i Trees i Trail ]island i Trail i OtherI Base Line Road / X /X,b/X,c/ X r x I x i Ix,a Ix I x I San Carmela / X /X /x I X I X I X I I I I X I 2. Improvement Plans and Construction: a.Street improvement plans, including street trees, street lights, and intersection safety lights on future signal poles, and traffic signal plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil sc- o o 4 Project No. 'F1'16128 & DR00-38 Completion Date Engineer and shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Security shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public and/or private street improvements, prior to final map approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. b. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and a construction permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office in addition to any other permits required. c. Pavement striping, marking, traffic signing, street name signing, traffic signal conduit, and intemonnect conduit shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. d. Signal conduit with pull boxes shall be installed with any new construction or reconstruction project along major or secondary streets and at intersections for future traffic signals and interconnect wiring. Pull boxes shall be placed on both sides of the street at 3 feet outside of BCR, ECR, or any other locations approved by the City Engineer Notes: (1)Pull boxes shall be No. 6 at intersections and No. 5 along streets, a maximum of 200 feet apart, unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer. (2)Conduit shall be 3-inch (at intersections) or 2-inch (along streets) galvanized steel with pull rope or as specified. e. Handicapped access ramps shall be installed on all comers of intersections per City Standards or as directed by the City Engineer. f. Existing City roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with adequate detours during construction. Street or lane closure permits are required. A cash deposit shall be provided to cover the cost of grading and paving, which shall be refunded ~---~ upon completion of the construction to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. g. Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks. Under sidewalk drains shall be / installed to City Standards, except for single family residential lots. h. Street names shall be approved by the City Planner prior to submittal for first plan check. I 3. Intersection line of sight designs shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with / / adopted policy. On collector or larger streets, lines of sight shall be plotted for all project intersections, including driveways. Local residential street intersections and commercial or industrial driveways may have lines of sight plotted as required. 4.Street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, shall be installed per City Standards in accordance with the City's street tree program. I. Public Maintenance Areas 1. A separate set of landscape and irrigation plans per Engi,~eering Public Works Standards shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to final map approval or issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. The following landscaped parkways, medians, paseos, easements, trails or other areas shall be annexed into the Landscape Maintenance District: Median Island on Base Line Road, Base Line frontage and portion of west side of San Carmela. 2. A signed consent and waiver form to join and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting / Districts shall be filed with the City Engineer prior to final map approval or issuance of building ~: permits whichever occurs first. Formation costs shall be borne by the developer. Project No. TT16128 & DR00-38 Como~etion Date 3. All required public landscaping and irrigation systems shall be continuously maintained by the / /__ developer until accepted by the City. 4. Parkway landscaping on the following street(s) shall conform to the results of the respective /____ Beautification Master Plan Base Line Road. J. Utilities 1. Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water, gas, /__ __ electric power, telephone, and cable TV (all underground) in accordance with the Utility Standards. Easements shall be provided as required. 2. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary. 3. Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the Cucamonga County Water District (CCWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino. A letter of compliance from the CCWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first. Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval in the case of subdivision or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential projects. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE FIRE PREVENTION/NEW CONSTRUCTION UNIT (909) 477-2730, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: K. General Fire Protection Conditions 1. Mello RoDs Community Facilities District requirements shall apply to this project. / 2. Fire flow requirement shall be: --/-- 1750 gallons per minute, Per '97 UFC Appendix Ill-A, 5, (b) (Table). -OR XA fire flow shall be conducted by the builder/developer and witnessed by fire department personnel prior to water plan approval. X For the purpose of final acceptance, an additional fire flow test of the on-site hydrants shall be conducted by the builder/developer and witnessed by fire department personnel after construction and prior to occupancy. 3. Fire hydrants are required. All required public or on-site fire hydrants shall be installed, flushed, __/__ __ and operable prior to delivery of any combustible building materials on site (i.e., lumber, roofing materials, etc.). Hydrants flushing shall be witnessed by fire department personnel. 4. Existing fire hydrant locations shall be provided prior to water plan approval. Required hydrants, __/__ __ if any, will be determined by the Fire District. Fire District standards require a 6-inch riser with a 4-inch and a 2-1/2-inch outlet. Substandard hydrants shall be upgraded to meet this standard. Contact the Fire Safety Division for specifications on approved brands and model numbers. 5. Prior to the issuance of building permits for combustible construction, evidence shall be / submitted to the Fire District that an approved temporary water supply for fire protection is available, pending completion of the required fire protection system. 6. Hydrant reflective markers (blue dots) shall be required for all hydrants and installed prior to final /__ __ inspection. so.,o o 8 35 Project No. TT16128 & DR00-38 Completion Date 7. Roadways within project shall comply with the Fire District's fire lane standards, as noted: X All roadways per Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District Ordinance 32. 8. Fire District fee(s), plus a $1 per "plan page" microfilm fee will be due to the Rancho Cucamonga / Fire Protection District as follows: X $132 for CCWD Water Plan review/underground water supply. X $132 for Single Family Residential Tract (per phase). 9. Plans shall be submitted and approved prior to construction in accordance with 1997 UBC, UFC, __/__ __ UPC, UMC, and RCFD Standards 32 and 15 and 1996 NEC. NOTE: SEPARATE PLAN CHECK FEES FOR TENANT IMPROVEMENTS, FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS (SPRINKLERS, HOOD SYSTEMS, ALARMS, ETC.), AND/OR ANY CONSULTANT REVIEWS WILL BE ASSESSED UPON SUBMI~I-rAL OF PLANS. NOTE: A SEPARATE GRADING PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL IS REQUIRED FOR ALL NEW CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS AND FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS WHERE IMPROVEMENTS BEING PROPOSED WILL GENERATE 50 CUBIC YARDS OR MORE OF COMBINED CUT AND FILL. THE GRADING PLAN SHALL BE PREPARED, STAMPED AND SIGNED BY A CALIFORNIA REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, (909) 477-2800, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Security Hardware 1. A secondary locking device shall be installed on all sliding glass doors. --/---- 2. One-inch single cylinder dead bolts shall be installed on all entrance doors. If windows are within __1 __ 40 inches of any locking device, tempered glass or a double cylinder dead bolt shall be used. 3. Ail garage or rolling doors shall have slide bolts or some type of secondary I°cking devices' M, Windows 1. All sliding glass windows shall have secondary locking devices and should not be able to be lifted / from frame or track in any manner~ N. Building Numbering 1. Numbers and the backgrounds shall be of contrasting color and shall be reflective for nighttime __/ __ visibility. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-38, FOR THE DESIGN AND BUILDING PLANS OF 97 RESIDENTIAL LOTS ON 23.9 ACRES OF LAND IN THE LOW-MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT OF THE VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN, LOCATED ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF BASE LINE ROAD, WEST OF VICTORIA PARK LANE AND EAST OF DAY CREEK BOULEVARD, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF- APN: 227-091-14 AND 15 AND 227-111-12 AND13. A. Recitals. 1. D.R. Horton has filed an application for the approval of Development Review 00-38, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter, in this Resolution, the subject Development Review request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 21st day of November 2000, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held a meeting to consider the application. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced meeting on November 21,2000, including written and oral staff reports, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The building plans are consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and Victoda Community Plan; and b. The building plans will comply with all applicable provisions and standards of the Low-Medium Residential Distdct (4-8 dwelling units per acre) as defined in the Victoria Community Plan; and c. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; and d. The building plans will not have a significant impact on the environment; and e. The building plans will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-38 - D. R. HORTON November 21, 2000 Page 2 3. Based upon the facts and information contained in the Initial Study and Negative Declaration prepared for General Plan Amendment 00-0lB and Victoria Community Plan Amendment 00-01, the Planning Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect upon the environment. Further:, based upon the substantial evidence contained in the Initial Study and Negative Declaration, the staff reports and exhibits, and the information provided to the Planning Commission during the public hearing, the Planning Commission hereby rebuts the presumption of adverse effect as set forth in Section 753.5(c-l-d) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above, this Commission hereby approves the applicafion subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Planni~ 1) The perimeter wall along Base Line Road shall match existing Victoria Planned Community theme wall design. 2) All walls facing a street shall be decorative masonry on both sides, subject to approval by the City Planner. 3) Connecting walls between homes shall be stucco to match the homes. Color transitions between homes shall be at interior Comers.. Wall offsets shall be introduced where necessary in order to provide interior comers for color transitions. 4) The Final Grading Plan shall: a) Show drainage for each lot, pementage of slope for driveway grades, sufficient spot elevations along proposed streets, retaining walls, and additional sections along the west property boundary. b) Show that the building pad elevation and 2:1 slope along Street "E" will be the same for Lots 23 and 24. 5) Spaces between double walls shall be capped to the satisfaction of the City Planner. 6) The project wall along the western boandary shall be at a height that sufficiently screens the existing perimeter wall for the storage facility to the west, subject to City Planner approval. 7)Prior to issuance of grading permit, the applicant shall acquire a Tree Removal Permit. 8) Prior to issuance of first certificate of occupancy, the following noise attenuation improvements shall be provided: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-38 - D. R. HORTON November 21, 2000 Page 3 a) Sound walls shall be constructed at the following heights and locations: · 7-foot sound wall constructed along the south side of Lots 62 through 68. · 7-foot sound wall constructed along the west side of Lots 62 and 65. · 7-foot sound wall constructed along the east side of Lot 64. · 6-foot sound wall constructed along the south side of Lots 69 through 71. · 6-foot sound wall constructed along the east side of Lot 71. Sound walls will be constructed either of masonry block, stucco on wood frame, %-inch plywood, %-inch glass or Y=-inch LEXAN, earthen berm, or any combination of these materials or any material with a surface weight of at least 3.5 pounds per square foot. b) Install central air conditioning units within those homes that are within 300 feet of Base Line Road. c) Provide the type of extedor walls, windows, sliding glass doors, roofs, floors, and glazing that are recommended in the noise study that was prepared for the project entitled, "Acoustical Analysis Tract 16128 San Carmela." 9) The applicant shall provide front lawns and at least one 5-gallon tree within the front yard of each lot. 10) The project shall provide second story enhancements for homes along Base Line Road, including second story balconies if reasonable sound attenuation can be provided. 11) All driveways shall taper to 16 feet at front property line. 12) All driveways shall be constructed with 5 percent slope maximum. En~lineerin.q Division 1) Construct Base Line Road full width from Day Creek Boulevard to the existing limit of full width improvements at Hanley Avenue (now San Carmela), including, but not limited to, curbs and gutters, asphalt paving, sidewalks, street lights, street trees, median island, bike lane (Class II) and all necessary transitions both east and west of the project limits, pursuant to City standards and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Provide a bond substitution. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-38 - D. R. HORTON November 21, 2000 Page 4 2) Should the frontage street improvements conditioned for this tract be installed by others, reimbursement for those costs shall be paid prior to final map recordation. Off-site improvements installed by this project are to be reimbursed by others. 3) All internal streets shall be improved in accordance with City "Local Street" standards, including but not limited to, curbs and gutters, sidewalk, driveway approaches, street lights, street trees, signing, and stdping and as required. 4) There shall be a 4-foot concrete sidewalk or a temporary asphalt concrete sidewalk on the north side of Base Line Road from San Carmela to Victoria Park Lane prior to occupancy of any of the homes in this subdivision. A sidewalk is necessary to provide a safe route to school for the children. 5) Construct Base Line median island, including landscaping, in accordance with the Base Line Road Master Plan from San Carmela Court to Day Creek Boulevard. Off-site portion from westerly tract boundary to Day Creek Boulevard is subject to reimbursement by others. 6) Install conduits (with pull rope), including interconnect conduit, pull boxes, and poles for future traffic signal at Base Line Road and San Carmela. 7) construct San Carmela full width including, but not limited to, curbs and gutters, asphalt paving, street lights, street trees, sidewalks, signing, striping etc. and as required. 8) No median breaks will be allowed between Victoda Park Lane and Day Creek Boulevard, except at San Carmela. 9) The sidewalk along San Carmel shall be property line adjacent. 10) On-site drainage connection to public drainage facility shall be done to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 11) Extend the existing storm drain in Base Line Road west of San Carmela to connect with the catch basins at Victoria Station and remove the existing interim storm drain across Base Line Road. 12) Vacate excess San Carmela Court dght of way. Process lot line adjustment to transfer easterly portion to the property to the east. 13) Grading Plan may be revised as determined by City Engineer to have slope along Base Line Road outside sidewalk easement. Sidewalk along Base Line Road shall be meandering. D -rc ¼o PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-38 - D. R. HORTON November 21, 2000 Page 5 5. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 21ST DAY OF NOVEMBER 2000. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry T. McNiel, Chairman ATTEST: Brad Buller, Secretary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 21st day of November 2000, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STANDARD CONDITIONS PROJECT #: TENTATIVE TRACT 16128 AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW' 00-38 SUBJECT: 97 LOT SUBDIVISION 'AND BUILDING PLANS APPLICANT: D.R. HORTON NORTH SIDE OF BASE LINE ROAD, WEST OF VICTORIA PARK LOCATION,' LANE AND EAST OF DAY CREEK BOULEVARD. ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DIVISION, (909) 477-2750, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. General Requirements Comr)letion Date 1. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its / / agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 2. A copy of the signed Resolution of Approval or City Planner's letter of approval, and all Standard _~/~ Conditions, shall be included in legible form on the grading plans, building and construction plans, and landscape and irrigation plans submitted for plan check. B. Time Limits 1. This tentative tract map shall expire, unless extended by the Planning Commission, unless a ~ / complete final map is filed with the City Engineer within 3 years from the date of the approval. 2. DevelopmentJDesign Review approval shall expire if building permits are not issued or approved ___/ / use has not commenced within 5 years from the date of approval. No extensions are allowed. C. Site Development 1. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include __/ site plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, sign program, and grading on file in the Planning Division, the conditions contained herein, Development Code regulations, and the Victoria Community Plan SC-10-00 I Project No. '1-r16128 & DR00-38 Comoletion Date 2. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon, ali Conditions / ./ of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Planner. 3. Occupancy of the facilities shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Building Code and ~/ / State Fire Marshal regulations have been complied with. Prior to occupancy, plans shall be submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety Division to show compliance. The buildings shall be inspected for compliance prior to occupancy. 4. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be /___./ submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. 5. All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for /_~/ consistency prior to issuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment, building, etc.) or prior to final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, or approved use has commenced, whichever comes first. 6. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, / / all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community or Specific Plans in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 7. All ground-mounted utility appurtenances such as transformers, AC condensers, etc., shall be / / located out of public view and adequately screened through the use of a combination of concrete or masonry walls, berming, and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the City Planner. For single family residential developments, transformers shall be placed in underground vaults. 8. Street names shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval in accordance with the / ! adopted Street Naming Policy prior to approval of the final map.. 9. All building numbers and individual units shall be identified in a clear and concise manner, / / including proper illumination. 10. The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) are subject to the approval of the Planning / / and Engineering Divisions and the City Attorney. They shall be recorded concurrently with the Final Map or prior to the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. A recorded copy shall be provided to the City Engineer. 11. All parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by the property __/ / owner, homeowners' association, or other means acceptable to the City. Proof of this landscape maintenance shall be submitted for City Planner and City Engineer review and approved prior to the issuance of building permits. 12. Solar access easements shall be dedicated for the purpose of assuming that each lot or dwelling ~ / unit shall have the right to receive sunlight across adjacent lots or units for use of a solar energy system. The easements may be contained in a Declaration of Restrictions for the subdivision which shall be recorded concurrently with the recordation of the final map or issuance of permits, whichever comes first. The easements shall prohibit the casting of shadows by vegetation, structures, fixtures, or any other object, except for utility wires and similar objects, pursuant to Development Code Section 17.08.060-G-2. 13. The developer shall submit a construction access plan and schedule for the development of all /. / lots for City Planner and City Engineer approval; including, but not limited to, public notice requirements, special street posting, phone listing for community concerns, hours of construction activity, dust control measures, and security fencing. 14. Six-foot decorative block walls shall be constructed along the project perimeter. If a double wall / / condition would result, the developer shall make a good faith effort to work with the adjoining property owners to provide a single wall. Developer shall notify, by mail, all contiguous property owner at least 30 days prior to the removal of any existing walls/fences along the project's perimeter. SC-10-00 2 Project No. TT16128 & DR00-38 Cornpletion Date 15. For single family residential development, a 2-inch galvanized pipe shall be attached to each / / support post for all wood fences, with a minimum of two Y2-inch lag bolts, to withstand high winds. Both post and pipe shall be installed in an 18-inch deep concrete footing. Pipe shall extend at least 4 feet, 6 inches above grade. 16. Wood fencing shall be treated with stain, paint, or water sealant. /.__/__ 17. Slope fencing along side property lines may be wrought iron or black plastic coated chain link to / / maintain an open feeling and enhance views. 18. On comer side yards, provide minimum 5-foot setback between walls/fences and sidewalk. / / 19. For residential development, return walls and corner side walls shall be decorative masonry. / / 20. Where rock cobble is used, it shall be real river rock. Other stone veneers may be manufactured / / products. D, Building Design 1. All dwellings shall have the front, side and rear elevations upgraded with amhitectural treatment .__/ / detailing and increased delineation of surface treatment as approved by the Planning Commission, subject to City Planner review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. 2. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners and other roof mounted equipment and/or / / projections, shall be shielded from view and the sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets as required by the Planning Division. Such screening shall be amhitecturally integrated with the building design and constructed to the satisfaction of the City Planner. Details shall be included in building plans. E. Landscaping 1. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan, including slope planting and model home landscaping in ~ the case of residential development, shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits or prior final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision. 2. All private slopes of 5 feet or more in vertical height and of 5:1 or greater slope, but less than 2:1 ~ / slope, shall be, at minimum, irrigated and landscaped with appropriate ground cover for erosion control. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. 3. All private slopes in excess of 5 feet, but less than 8 feet in vertical height and of 2:1 or greater / / slope shall be landscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as follows: one 15-gallon or larger size tree per each 150 sq. ft. of slope area, 1-gallon or larger size shrub per each 100 sq. ft. of slope area, and appropriate ground cover. In addition, slope banks in excess of 8 feet in vertical height and 2:1 or greater slope shall also include one 5-gallon or larger size tree per each 250 sq. ft. of slope area. Trees and shrubs shall be planted in staggered clusters to soften and vary slope plane. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. 4. For single family residential development, all slope planting and irrigation shall be continuously ~ / maintained in a healthy and thriving condition by the developer until each individual unit is sold and occupied by the buyer. Prior to releasing occupancy for those units, an inspection shall be conducted by the Planning Division to determine that they are in satisfactory condition. 5. Front yard and corner side yard landscaping and irrigation shall be required per the Development / / Code and/or Victoria Community Plan. This requirement shall be in addition to the required street trees and slope planting. SC-IO-.O0 3 Project No. '1-1'16128 & DR00-38 Completion Date 6. The final design of the perimeter parkways, walls, landscaping, and sidewalks shall be included / / in the required landscape plans and shall be subject to City Planner review and approval and coordinated for consistency with any parkway landscaping plan which may be required by the Engineering Division. 7. Special landscape features such as mounding, alluvial rock, specimen size trees, meandering / / sidewalks (with horizontal change), and intensified landscaping, is required along Base Line Road. 8. Landscaping and irrigation systems required to be installed within the public right-of-way on the / / perimeter of this project area shall be continuously maintained by the developer. 9. All walls shall be provided with decorative treatment. If located in public maintenance areas, the / / design shall be coordinated with the Engineering Division. 10. Tree maintenance criteria shall be developed and submitted for City Planner review and approval / / prior to issuance of building permits. These criteria shall encourage the natural growth characteristics of the selected tree species. 11. Landscaping and irrigation within public maintenance areas shall be designed to conserve water /.__/__ through the principles of Xeriscape as defined in Chapter 19.16 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. 12. New windrow planting of Eucalyptus Maculata (Spotted Gum) is required adjoining the north / / property line F. Other Agencies 1. The applicant shall contact the U.S. Postal Service to determine the appropriate type and location / / of mail boxes. Multi-family residential developments shall provide a solid overhead structure for mail boxes with adequate lighting. The final location of the mail boxes and the design of the overhead structure shall be subject to City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEERING DIVISION, (909) 477-2749, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: G. Dedication and Vehicular Access 1. Easements for public sidewalks and/or street trees placed outside the public right-of-way shall be __/__/__ dedicated to the City. 2. Corner property line cutoffs shall be dedicated per City Standards. / / H. Street Improvements 1. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to: / / Curb & A.C. Side- Drive Street Street Comm Med an B ke Oth Base LineRoad X X,bX,c X X I X I J X,a I Xl X ] San Carmela X X X X X X X 2. Improvement Plans and Construction: a. Street improvement plans, including street trees, street lights, and intersection safety lights / / on future signal poles, and traffic signal plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil SC.l 00 4 Project No. '1-r16128 & DR00-38 Completion Date Engineer and shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Security shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public and/or private street improvements, prior to final map approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. b. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and a construction /. / permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office in addition to any other permits required. c. Pavement striping, marking, traffic signing, street name signing, traffic signal conduit, and /_~/ interconnect conduit shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. d. Signal conduit with pull boxes shall be installed with any new construction or reconstruction /.__/ project along major or secondary streets and at intersections for future traffic signals and interconnect wiring. Pull boxes shall be placed on both sides of the street at 3 feet outside of BCR, ECR, or any other locations approved by the City Engineer Notes: (1)Pull boxes shall be No. 6 at intersections and No. 5 along streets, a maximum of 200 feet apart, unless othenNise specified by the City Engineer. (2)Conduit shall be 3-inch (at intersections) or 2-inch (along streets) galvanized steel with pull rope or as specified. e. Handicapped access ramps shall be installed on all comers of intersections per City / / Standards or as directed by the City Engineer. f. Existing City roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times wit! /.~/ adequate detours during construction. Street or lane closure permits are required. A cast deposit shall be provided to cover the cost of grading and paving, which shall be refunded upon completion of the construction to the sat!sfaction of the City Engineer. g. Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks. Under sidewalk drains shall be / / installed to City Standards, except for single family residential lots. h. Street names shall be approved by the City Planner prior to submittal for first plan check. / / 3. Intersection line of sight designs shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with / / adopted policy. On collector or larger streets, lines of sight shall be plotted for all project intersections, including driveways. Local residential street intersections and commemial or industrial driveways may have lines of sight plotted as required. 4. Street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, shall be installed per City Standards in /~/ accordance with the City's street tree program, I. Public Maintenance Areas 1. A separate set of landscape and irrigation plans per Engineering Public Works Standards shall ___/ / be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to final map approval or issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. The following landscaped parkways, medians, paseos, easements, trails or other areas shall be annexed into the Landscape Maintenance District: Median Island on Base Line Road, Base Line frontage and portion of west side of San Carmela. 2. A signed consent and waiver form to join and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting /.__/ Districts shall be filed with the City Engineer prior to final map approval or issuance of building permits whichever occurs first, Formation costs shall be borne by the developer. SC-10-00 5 Project No. '1-r16128 & DRO0-38 Comoletion Date 3. All required public landscaping and irrigation syStems shall be continuously maintained by the ! / developer until accepted by the City. 4. Parkway landscaping on the following street(s) shall conform to the results of the respective / / Beautification Master Plan Base Line Road. J. Utilities 1. Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water, gas, / / electric power, telephone, and cable TV (all underground) in accordance with the Utility Standards. Easements shall be provided as required. 2. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary. / / 3. Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the / / Cucamonga County Water District (CCWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino. A letter of compliance from the CCWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs flint. Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval in the case of subdivision or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential projects. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE FIRE PREVENTION/NEW CONSTRUCTION UNIT, (909) 477-2730, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: K. General Fire Protection Conditions 1. Mello Roos Community Facilities District requirements shall apply to this project. / / 2. Fire flow requirement shall be: / / 1750 gallons per minute, Per '97 UFC Appendix Ill-A, 5, (b) (Table). -OR XA fire flow shall be conducted by the builder/developer and witnessed by fire department personnel prior to water plan approval. X For the purpose of final acceptance, an additional fire flow test of the on-site hydrants shall be conducted by the builder/developer and witnessed by fire department personnel after construction and prior to occupancy. 3. Fire hydrants are required. All required public or on-site fire hydrants shall be installed, flushed, /.__/__ and operable prior to delivery of any combustible building materials on site (i.e., lumber, roofing materials, etc.). Hydrants flushing shall be witnessed by fire department personnel. 4. Existing fire hydrant locations shall be provided prior to water plan approval. Required hydrants, ~/ / if any, will be determined by the Fire District. Fire District standards require a 6-inch riser with a 4-inch and a 2-1/2-inch outlet. Substandard hydrants shall be upgraded to meet this standard. Contact the Fire Safety Division for specifications on approved brands and model numbers. 5. Prior to the issuance of building permits for combustible construction, evidence shall be submitted to the Fire District that an approved temporary water supply for fire protection is available, pending completion of the required fire protection system. 6. Hydrant reflective markers (blue dots) shall be required for all hydrants and installed prior to final .~/ / inspection. SC-lO-O0 6 Project No. TT16128 & DR00-38 Completion Date 7. Roadways within project shall comply with the Fire District's fire lane standards, as noted: / / X All roadways per Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District Ordinance 32. 8. Fire District fee(s), plus a $1 per "plan page" microfilm fee will be due to the Rancho Cucamonga / / Fire Protection District as follows: -- X $132 for CCWD Water Plan review/underground water supply. X $132 for Single Family Residential Tract (per phase). 9. Plans shall be submitted and approved prior to construction in accordance with 1997 UBC, UFC /_._/ UPC, UMC, and RCFD Standards 32 and 15 and 1996 NEC. NOTE: SEPARATE PLAN CHECK FEES FOR TENANT IMPROVEMENTS, FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS (SPRINKLERS, HOOD SYSTEMS, ALARMS, ETC.), AND/OR ANY CONSULTANT REVIEWS WILL BE ASSESSED UPON SUBMI'I-I'AL OF PLANS. NOTE: A SEPARATE GRADING PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL IS REQUIRED FOR ALL NEW CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS AND FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS WHERE IMPROVEMENTS BEING PROPOSED WILL GENERATE 50 CUBIC YARDS OR MORE OF COMBINED CUT AND FILL. THE GRADING PLAN SHALL BE PREPARED, STAMPED AND SIGNED BY A CALIFORNIA REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, (909) 477-2800, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: L. Security Hardware 1. A secondary locking device shall be installed on all sliding glass doore. /___/ 2. One-inch single cylinder dead bolts shall be installed on all entrance doors. If windows ars within ___/ / 40 inches of any locking device, tempered glass or a double cylinder dead bolt shall be used. 3. All garage or rolling doors shall have slide bolts or some type of secondary locking devices. / / M. Windows 1. All sliding glass windows shall have secondary locking devices and should not be able to be lifted / / from frame or track in any manner. N. Building Numbering 1. Numbers and the backgrounds shall be of contrasting color and shall be reflective for nighttime / / visibility. SC-IO-O0 7 R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A PLANNING DI~PAI~TMENT $ Repo DATE: November 21, 2000 TO;. Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Douglas Fenn, Associate Planner Alan Warren, Associate Planner SUBJECT: AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 00-01 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. - A request to reduce the minimum front yard building setback to 21 feet by amending Development Agreement 00-01 for a previously approved Senior Housing Overlay District in the Mixed Use District, located on the east side of Amethyst Avenue, between La Grande Street and Lomita Drive - APN 202-151-12. Related files: General Plan Amendment 00-0lA, Development Code Amendment 00-01, Development District Amendment 00-01, and Development Review 00-60. BACKGROUND: On July 5, 2000, the City Council approved Development Agreement 00-01 authorizing the development of a senior housing project on Amethyst Avenue in Historic Alta Loma. Since the agreement approval, the project proponent, Northtown Housing Development Corporation, has submitted a Design Review application for the proposed senior housing project. The agreement contained provisions (reduced parking, open space, increased unit density, etc.) that will result in a complex affordable for Iow and moderate-income seniors. At the time of approval, the design for the project was not ready for the City's design review process. In order to be able to develop the site as initially conceived, the applicant is requesting a deviation in the front setback requirement by amending the Development Agreement. Northtown Housing is requesting that the front structural setback be reduced from the existing requirement of 45 feet (off collector street) to 21 feet The setback is measured from the face of the public curb. ANALYSIS: With the requested setback, the senior housing structure will be about 11 feet behind the sidewalk. Some of the school buildings to the north are similarly set back from the street and the existing commercial buildings neighboring the site (to the south) are located along the property lines with only the sidewalk as a setback. Therefore, staff does not believe that the reduction in the setback will negatively affect immediate area. ENVIRONMENTAL: This proposal to authorize the vadance of the front yard setback on land with an average slope of less than 20 percent, will not result in any changes in land use or density, nor in the creation of any new parcel. It is therefore determined that this proposal ITEM F PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DA 00-01 AMEND. NO. 1 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEV. CORP. November 21, 2000 Page 2 complies with the provisions of a Class 5 Categorical Exemption as defined in Section 15305 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners within a 300-foot radius of the project site. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of Amendment 1 to Development Agreement 00-01 to the City Council by the adoption of the attached Resolution. Respectfully submitted, Brad Buller City Planner BB:AW:Is Attachments: Exhibit aA" - Applicant's letter dated October 11,2000 Resolution of Approval PETER J. PITASSI, AIA A R C H ~ T E C T October 11, 2000 Mr. Dan Coleman Principal-Planner" · City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Cemer'Dfive" Rancho Cueamonga, CA 91730 Subject:' Amendment to Development -Agreement '00-01 Olen Jones .Senior Apm hi~ents Dear Dan: Pursuant'to'your requc~t,'we are writing on-behalf-of the Northtown Housing .Development. Corp to propose'an-Amendment to'the'Development Agreement for'the' OlgnJonesSeniorApartmentProject. ThisAgreement'was-approvedb?'the'City , ~ Council.in. June of this-year read,is-dated' June'22, 2000: Subsequent to-the-approval- or thi§-Development Agreement, itw~as-suggested-bythe city'-s-planning-stafflhat we consider reducing the-setback along- Amethyst from-what is required by the'Development Co~le. As-youimow;-the-MU-designation.defersio"thetVtHresidential standards which .require-a-45~ setback fromthe-eurb-faee-ofAmethyst-Avenue: Our design.proposes-a-2t' setback-from'the curbfaceof Amethyst Avenue consistent'with~xi~ik~g'devetopmem along this street. W~ are~requesting that. item ,,n- under Paragraph .t9 be added. This-item-would allow'the set~ack on Amethyst Avenue to be reducexi to 21' fi-om the face of curb. We would, like this .request. to' be. conSicleredby the. PI arming.CommiSSion, concurrent. With. our-Design-Review Application: We anticipate'that' we'willbeon the 'N°vember 22~t, Planning~ommission Agenda. We-also'understand'that'this'amendment'must'be reviewed and at~oved by the City Council. 8439 WHITE OAK AVE STE RANCHO CUGAMONGA. CA 91730 TEL. [909] 980-~36'~ FAX [909] 944-58~4 · Mr.-'Dan'Coleman October !'1; 2000- Page 2 As.always'Dan,'thank you for your assistance andif there is anything else'that-youmay need, please advise. P~P:cas c: NachoGracia · Nora Brown RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 00-01, A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SENIOR HOUSING OVERLAY DISTRICT IN THE MIXED USE DISTRICT, LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF AMETHYST AVENUE BETWEEN LA GRANDE STREET AND LOMITA DRIVE TO PERMIT A FRONT YARD BUILDING SETBACK OF 21 FEET, AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 65864 OF THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 202-151- 12. A. Recitals. 1. Northtown Housing Development Corporation filed an application to amend Development Agreement 00-01, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Development Agreement Amendment No. I is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 5th day of July 2000, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted and concluded a duly noticed public hearing by adopting Ordinance 625 which approved Development Agreement 00-01, authorizing the development of a Senior Housing project on the east side of Amethyst Street, south of the intersection of La Grande Street and north of the intersection with Lomita Drive. 3. On November 21, 2000, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 4. The subject property of the Development Agreement is legally described as Exhibit attached to the agreement. 5. A true and correct copy of the proposed Development Agreement Amendment is included as a part of the attached Draft Ordinance. 6. The Planning Commission has reviewed and considered the environmental determination prepared for said project. 7. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. This Commission hereby specifically finds that the Amendment for Development Agreement 00-01 and each and every term and provision contained herein conforms to the General Plan of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DA 00-01 AMEND. NO. 1- NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEV. CORP. November21,2000 Page 2 3. Based upon the facts and information contained in the staff report of November 21,2000, together with all written and oral reports included for the environmental review for the application, the Planning Commission finds that this proposal to authorize the variance of the front yard setback on land with an average slope of less than 20 percent, will not result in any changes in land use or density, nor in the creation of any new parcel. It is therefore determined that this proposal complies with the provisions of a Class 5 Categorical Exemption as defined in Section 15305 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. 4. This Commission hereby reCommends approval of the Amendment to Development Agreement 00-01, to permit a reduced front yard structural setback of twenty-one feet for the site of the Senior Housing Overlay District along Amethyst Avenue, as specified in the attached draft Ordinance. 5. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 21ST DAY OF NOVEMBER 2000. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry T. McNiel, Chairman ATTEST: Brad Buller, Secretary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 21st day of November 2000, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 00-01, A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SENIOR HOUSING OVERLAY DISTRICT IN THE MIXED USE DISTRICT, LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF AMETHYST AVENUE, BETVVEEN LA GRANDE STREET AND LOMITA DRIVE AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 65864 OF THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 202-151-12 A. Recitals. (i) California Government Code Section 65864 now provides, in pertinent part, as follows: A Development Agreement may be amended, or canceled in whole or in part by mutual consent of the parties to the agreement or their successors in interest. (ii) On July 5, 2000 the Northtown Housing Development Corporation and the City of Rancho Cucamonga entered into a Development Agreement concerning the establishment of a Senior Housing Overlay District, (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement"). (iii) On behalf of the Northtown Housing Development Corporation, a request has been submitted for Amendment No. 1 to Development Agreement 00-01, as described in the title of this Ordinance. Hereinafter, in this Ordinance, the subject Amendment is referred to as the "request." a. On November 21, 2000, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the request and concluded said headng on that date and recommended approval through adoption of its Resolution. b. On ,2000, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing concerning the request. c. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Ordinance.have occurred. B. Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby find, determine, and ordain as follows: SECTION 1: This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Ordinance are true and correct. SECTION 2: Pdor to the adoption of this Ordinance, this Council reviewed the facts and information contained within all wdtten and oral reports included for the environmental review for the application and has determined that this request complies with the provisions of a Class 5 Categorical Exemption as defined in Section 15305 of the California Environmental Quality ACt Guidelines. CITY COUNCIL DRAFT ORDINANCE NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Page 2 SECTION 3: Therefore, pursuant to Section 65864 of the California Government Code this Council hereby approves Amendment No. 1 of the Development Agreement 00-01, to read as follows: "AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 00-01 THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO THAT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO ON JULY 5, 2000, ENTERED INTO BY AND BETWEEN THE NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA A. Amendment 1. Item 'n' shall' be added to Paragraph 19 and shall read as follows: n. The front yard structural setback along Amethyst Avenue may be reduced to 21 feet as measured from the street curb face. 2. Other than as specifically amended hereby, the Development Agreement and each and every term and provision thereof,'shall remain in full force and effect." SECTION 4: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published with 15 days after its passage at least once in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontado, California, .and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. the city of l~ancho Cucamonsa StagReport DATE: November 21,2000 TO:. Chairman and Membem of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Douglas Fenn, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-60 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. - The review of the detailed site plan and elevations for 96 apartments on 3.2 acres of land in the Mixed Use District, with a Senior Housing Overlay District, located on the east side of Amethyst Avenue, between La Grande Street and Lomita Drive- APN: 202-151-12. Related files: General Plan Amendment 00-01A, Development Code Amendment 00-01, Development District Amendment 00-01, and Development Agreement 00-01. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Surreundin.q Land Use and Zonin.q: Project Site - Vacant land; Mixed Use and Senior Housing Overlay District (SHOD). Maximum of 96 dwelling units including density bonus allowance. North Alta Loma Elementary School - Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre). South - Small commercial shops, unused railroad corridor, water storage facility and multiple family residential complex - General Commercial and Medium High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre). East Small commemial shops, unused railroad corridor, water storage facility and multiple family res'idential complex - General Commercial and Medium High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre). West Small commercial shops and a single-family residential neighborhood - General Commercial and Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre). B. General Plan Desiqnations: Project Site - Commercial and Medium-High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre) North - Elementary school South- Railroad and Medium-High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre) East Railroad and Medium-High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre) West Commercial and Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) ITEM G PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DR 00-60 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. November 21,2000 Page 2 C. SITE DESCRIPTION: The vacant site is in the heart of histodc downtown Alta Loma and was the site of the Alta Loma Citrus Heights Packing House. The site is predominantly level, slopping gently to the south, and has several trees in the northeast and southeast corners of the site. The site has been cleared under a previous demolition permit. The Alta Loma Elementary School is north of the project site. To the south and east are small commercial shops, a Pacific Electdc Railroad corridor (future regional multi-purpose trail), open storm drain channel, water tanks, and a multiple family residential complex. To the west are small commemial shops and a single-family residential neighborhood. ANALYSIS: A. Genera!: The proposed density is 30 units per acre. The gated project consists of three building pods, each surrounding a courtyard. The freestanding recreation center building will have a manager's apartment on the second floor. The apartment units vary from 599 to 820 square feet. Most of the apartment units are one-bedroom (86 units) and only 9 of the units are two-bedroom. The mangers unit is a two-bedroom unit. All of the apartment buildings have elevator service. The units will have a washer and dryer, kitchen, living and/or dining area, bathroom, storage areas, and private patio areas. The courtyard areas feature enhanced pavement, benches, and trees. A community rose and vegetable garden is planned for the northeast comer of the site, including a pedestrian seating patio with a shaded pergola. Behind the recreation building is a patio area with barbeque. The site is surrounded with a perimeter block wall with pilasters along the north and southeast property line, and a tubular steel fence with pilasters along Amethyst. The fence along the south property line adjacent to the future "Pacific Electric Trail" is interrupted with a tubular wrought iron fence where there are landscape pedestrian activity areas. The main access to the site is provided by a centralized median island with enhanced paving, which leads to a narrower four way internal vehicular access (which also has accent paving). To the south of the property is a turf block emergency vehicular access way that connects to an existing public alley out to Amethyst Avenue. The neighborhood includes a range of architectural styles and older homes. The proposed Craftsman architectural theme is compatible with the area. The buildings incorporate three different building materials such as: stucco finish, siding, and stone finish. The buildings are well articulated with vertical and horizontal changes and recesses to the building planes. B. Desiqn Review Committee: The Committee (Stewart and Coleman) reviewed the project on October 17, 2000, and recommended approval with conditions, which have been incorporated into the attached Resolution of Approval. Action comments have been attached for your convenience (Exhibit "F"). C. Grading Rev ew Committee: The Grading Committee reviewed the project on October 17, 2000. The Committee recommended approval subject to conditions contained in the attached Resolution of Approval. D. Environmental Assessment: The Initial Study has been completed. Staff determined that the project could have a significant adverse environmental impact on short-term air quality during site preparation, such as grading and equipment exhaust. Staff also determined that there may be noise impacts from construction of the project that will impact the existing Alta Loma Elementary School (when classes are in session) to the north of the project. This has been PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DR 00-60 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. November 21,2000 Page 3 mitigated by monitoring the construction\grading noise to ensure that it does not exceed 65dBA, plus the limits specified in Development Code Section 17.02.120-D. Additionally, all existing trees shall be retained on the site by transplantation for use in the project landscaping. The existing trees shall be protected during construction as required by City Ordinance. If the Planning Commission concurs, then issuance of a Mitigated Negative Declaration would be in order. CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Valley Daily .Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners within a 300-foot radius of the project site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Development Review 00-60 through the adoption of the attached Resolution of Approval with Conditions and the issuance of a Mitigated Negative Declaration. City Planner BB:D~Is Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Site Utilization Map Exhibit "B" - Site Plan Exhibit "C" - Conceptual Grading Plan Exhibit "D" - Conceptual Landscape Plan Exhibit "E" - Elevations Exhibit "F" - Design Review Report Exhibit "G" - Initial Study Resolution Recommending Approval for Development Review 00-60 Site Utilization Map Development~ ¢~rpBration 9999 Ferori Blvd.. Suite A APA~ T.I~.~TS Rancho Cucamonga. Ca. 91730 909 / 980-0465 Amethyst Street at La Grande St. ,,..,~,,., , ,,,,c , Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. \ Detailed Site Plan · ~,~o SENIOR APAR TIVIE~$ _. OLEN JONES 909 / 980-0465 Amethyst Street at La Grande St. r---~ ~ I ........ Jr-- 3 ]t : I L_J x ~ " / r?'-',, ~ Conceptual Grading Plan Northtown Housin~ Development CorpOration O~N ~0~8 9999 Feron Blvd., Suite A 909 / 980-0465 ...... Amethyst Street at La Grande St. ' Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. ~ ..~, '::~:~'~:{:~2-'~$2.'~ :.'~ Section D - D Section A - A ~- ~ ...,~_~ ~ PROJECT LOCATION MAP Section B - B i Section E E AMETHYST AVE. TYPICAL SECTION Section C - C Conceptual Grading Plan North[own Housing OLEN JO2qlF. S "-~ Development Corporation 999 Feron Blvd.. Suite SE OR -'- F a 909/980-0465 Amethyst Street at La Grande St. [::~:;.;z~:.:'~',f,.,? ' Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. ~'"~[ {a{=l~a: , Concep~al Landscape Plan ~o~t~to.~ .o~i~. OLEN JO~S Development C6rp~ration , 909 / 080-0465 Y [ Street at La Grande St. ;~ .,,~ [ -;.; .... ;'~ Rancho Cuea~onga, Ca, Accent Color Window Frame Elevator Tower Beyond Tube Steel Railing w~gAgccent Color ~'~ Building 1 & 2 /~ConcretaShingleRoof w/4:12Pitch West SouthBuilding 1 & 2 ~Concr~t¢ShinslcRoofw/4:12Pitch West Building 3 Louverboard with Re Sawn Wood Trim Horizontal Sid ng Extanor Plaster Exterior Exit Sta~r Accent Color Window Frame Horizontal Siding Stone Veneer "Cobblestone" Exterior Exit Stair South Building 3 Exterior Elevations .~~ Northtown Housin, OLEN JOi'V-~S Development Corp{~ration * "' 99119 Feron Blvd., Suite A SE. NIOR APART. IVI NTS 909 / 980-0465 Amethyst Street at La Grande St. .... Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 7:50 p.m. Doug Fenn October 17, 2000 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-60 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. - A request to constr~ct 96 senior apartments on 3.2 acres of land in the Mixed Use District, with a Senior Housing Overlay District, located on the east side of Amethyst Avenue, between La Grande Street and Lomita Drive -APN: 202-151-12. Related files; General Plan Amendment 00-01A, Development Code Amendment 00-01, Development District Amendment 00-01, and Development Agreement 00-01. De__~..qn Parametem_: The vacant site is in the heart of the historic downtown Alta Loma and was the site of the Alta Loma Citrus Heights Packing House. The site is mostly level, slopping gently to the south, and it has several trees in the northeast and southeast comers of the site. The site has been cleared under a previous demolition permit. The Alta Loma Elementary School is north of the project site. To the south and east are small commercial shops, Pacific Electric Railroad corridor, open storm drain channel, water tanks, and a multiple family residential complex. To the west are small commercial shops and a single-family residential neighborhood. The proposed density is 30 units per acre. The gated project consists of three building pods, each surrounding a courtyard. The freestanding recreation center building will have a manager's apa~lment on the second floor. The apartment units vary from 599 to 820 square feet. Most of the apartment units are one-bedroom (86 units) and only 9 of the units are two-bedroom. The mangers unit is a two-bedroom unit. All of the apartment buildings have elevator service. The units will have washer and dryer, kitchen, living and/or dining area bathroom, storage areas, and private patio areas. The courtyard areas feature enhanced pavement, benches, and trees. A community rose and vegetable garden is planned for the northeast comer of the site, including a pedestrian seating Patio with a shaded pergola. Behind the recreation building is a patio area with barbeque. The site is surrounded with a perimeter block wall With pilasters along the north and southeast property line, and a tubular steel fence with pilasters along Amethyst. The fence along the south property line adjacent to the future ' Pacific Electric Trail' is interrupted with a tubular wrought iron fence where there are landscape pedestrian activity areas. The main access to the site is provided by a centralized median island with enhanced paving, which to leads to a narrower four way internal vehicular access (which also has accent paving). To the south of the property is a turf block emergency vehicular access way that connects to an existing public alley out to Amethyst Avenue. The neighborhood includes a range of architectural styles and older homes. The proposed Craftsman architectural theme is corcpatible with the area. The buildings incorporate three different building materials such as.' stucco finish, siding, and stone finish. The buildings are well articulated with vertical and horizontal changes and recesses to the building planes. Staff Comments: The following comments are inte'~ded to provide an outline for Committee discussion: Maior Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion: 1. SITE PLAN: a) orient 8 parking spaces from the northeast comer of the project to east of the Recreation Building, and replace with landscaping. This would strengthen and enhance patio and pergola landscape area. b) Replace turf block with other material acceptable to Fire District, such as accent paving. 2. ARCHITECTURE: a) Increase amount of horizontal siding, or introduce new areas of fish scale siding. Staff believes that the majority of the building wall should be sided, b) Replace the stone veneer with real river rock. River rock is characteristic Craftsman style buildings in DRC COMMENTS DR 00-60 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEV. CORP. October 17, 2000 Page 2 3. RECREATION BUILDING: Provide elevations for Committee consent calendar review. Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues: 1. The existing Development Agreement must be modified to reflect the reduction of the average landscape setback along Amethyst Avenue from 45 feet to 21 feet. Otherwise a Variance application is required. Staff believes the proposed setback is appropriate in relation to other historic buildings on adjoining properties on both sides of Amethyst. 2. Provide gated pedestrian access from the Recreation Building patio to the future Pacific Electric Trail. 3. Introduce citrus trees into landscape to reflect the history of the former 'Alta Loma Citrus Heights Packing House. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Design Review Committee recommend approval subject to the above modifications. Desiqn Review Committee Action: Members Present: Pam Stewart, Dan Coleman Staff Planner: Douglas Fenn The Committee recommended approval of the project subject to staff's comments and Subject to more 'siding' being added to the buildings. Additionally, the Committee agreed that river rock did not have to be used and that the proposed stone veneer was adequate. ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM o,R.=oou.mo.,. (Part I - Initial Study) Planning Division (909) 477-2750 The-purp°se'Of t'hi~s foi~iS :{6'infor~n:'~L~. ,~.-. ~,:~ ~, .~. ,.: ~: ?:. ?* :...... :~ · . . ' ~: ,,, -,,= ~,~y u. m~ o~s~c compon~n~ 0f~e. P~0Posed project s0 ~a~:thb,Ci~ m'a~ ~?~e~ ~e proj~¢t~u~afl-t.tb~c~ pd-i~i&~;,~.;~h~bs,and guidelines; ~b,cahfo~ia E~vi~i Qual?-A~t~ ~'ha ~& ~'~ ~i~-~'~ ~&~dur~' 'to Implam&n~ ;CE~:: .~S:i~ ~*t~i thp~ ihfO~ti~ ~q'uested~m~i~;a~pii~ati~n be Providedin~' ;~ ;~'~;~ ~ , INCOMPLETE APPLICA TIONS W1LL NOT BE PROCESSED Please note ~hat it is the msponsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete at the time of submittal; City staff will not be available to perform work required to provide missing information. Application Number for the project to which this form pertains: Project Olen Jones Senior Apartments TiNge: Name & Addross of project Redevelopment Agency, City of Rancho Cucamonga owner(s): 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Name&Addrossofdeve~perorproject Northtown Housin§ Development Corp. Mr. Nacho Gracia, Executive Director 9999 Feron Blvd., Ste. A Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Contact Person & Peter J. Pitassi, AIA, Architect Address: 8439 White Oak Ave., Ste. 105 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 I;\PLANNING\FINAL\FORMS\COUNTER\INiTSTD1.VVPD 3/00 Paoe I Name & Address of person preparing this form (if different from above): Same as contact person. Telephone Number:. (909) 980-136! Information indicated by astedsk (*) is not required of non-construction CUP=s unless otherwise requested by staff. '1) Provide a full scale (8- I/2 x 11) copy of the USGS Quadrant Sheet(s) which includes the project site, and indicate the site boundaries. 2) Provide a set of color photographs which show representative views into the site from the no~th, south, east and west; views into and from the site from the p/fmary access points which serve the site; and representative views of significant features from the site. Include a map showing location of each photograph. 3) Project Location (descdbe): East side of Amethyst Street, north of Baseline Road. :1) Assessor=s Parcel Numbers (attach additional sheet if 202 - 151 - 12 necessary): *5) Gross Site Area (ac/sq. ft.): 3.5 acres (152,460 sq. ft.) *6) Net Site Area (total site size minus area of public streets & proposed dedications): 3.2 acres (140~250 sq. ft.) 7) Descdbe any proposed general plan amendment or zone change which would affect the project site (attach additional sheet if necessary: None. h\PLANNING~FINAL\FORMS~COUNTER\INITSTD1.WPD 3/00 Paoe 2 ~lncludeadesc~fionofa#pe~i~wh~hwillbenecessa~ ~mtheCi~ofRanchoCucamongaando~ergovemmen~l agenc~s~ho~er~ ~imp~ment~ep~jecL. Design Review Approval, Grading Permit, Building Permit, Public Works Permit. ~ Descdbe ~e physical se~hg of ~e ~e as ~ ex~ be~m ~e pmje~ ~c~ding ~a~n on top~p~ s~ s~bil~, p~n~ and anima~ mature ~es, ~ and ma~, drayage ~u~es, and s~nic aspca. Desc#be a~ ex~g stm~ums on s~ ~uding age and ~nd~io~ and ~e use of ~e statures. A~ch pho~gmphs of sign~cant ~a~ms desc~e~ ~ add, on, s~ afl souses of ~a§on ~.e., geolo~cal an~or hydml~ic stu~es, bio§c and a~heo~g~al su~eys, ~ffic s~die~: The site has been cleared under previous permit for demolition of the old packing house. There are several trees in the northeast and southwest corners of the site. They will be retained. l~Descd~ ~e~ownc~mlan~orh~alaspec~of~e~e.S~a#sourcesof~a#on(boo~ pub~h~mpo~and omlh~: The site was home to the Alta Loma Citrus Heights Packing House which provided sorting, packing, and shipping of cit'rus from local growers. i.~Pl ANNIN~FINAL\FORM~\COUNT!=iq~iNiTRTr31 tA~Dn q/nn 11) Descdbe any noise sources and their levels that now affect the site (aircraft, roadway noise, etc.) and how they will affect proposed uses: Local vehicle traffic from public streets. l~Desc#~eproposedproje~tail. Thisshouldprovideana~qua~scdpfionof~esite~te~s~uffima~usewhich will ms~ from ~e proposed projecL Indica~ ff ~em an proposed phases for ~velopmen~ ~e ex~nt of ~veloproent ~cur with ea~ phase, and ~e anticipa~d comple~on ~ ea~ ~cmmenL A~ additional ~eet(s) ff ne~ssa~ The project consists of 95 senior apartments ~n three buildings. All units are accessible to disabled residents with elevator service. Two buildings will be a combination of two and three story massing. One building will be three story in size. A freestanding recreation building will have a manager's apartment on its second floor. 68 parking spaces will be provided onsite. The project will have gated access. l~Desc~e ~e surrounding prope~ie~ ~cluding ~a~n on p~n~ and an~a~ and a~ cu~m~ histodca~ or s~n~ a~ec~. ~dica~ ~e ~pe of ~nd use ~siden~ commemia~ eM.), ~nsi~ ~ ~nd use (on,family, ~a~ment house~ ah~ depa~ment s~m~ e~.) and sca~ of ~velopment ~eigh~ ~n~ge, se~ack, mar ~ e~): This site is in the historic "downtown" of old Alta Loma. An elementary school is on the north side while the south edge is the future Pacific Electric Trail. The southwest corner surrounds two existing commercial buildings. l~ll~eproposedprojectchan~ ~epa~m, sca~orcha~c~rof~esu~undinggene~lamaof~eproject? No. The buildings fronting Amethyst Avenue will be two story. A craftsman architectural style will be developed consistent with the older buildings along Amethyst. I:\P~NNING\FINAL\FORMS~OUNTER\INITSTDI.VVPD3/00 P~n~a -* l~ln~ca~ ~etype~fsh~and~ng~te~n~e~begenerete~c~udings~urceandam~unt~H~w~esen~ise~ve~ a~cta~acentprope~esandon.s~ oses. Whatme~odsofsoundproo~garepmposed? Noise associated with construction equipment will be present during normal working hours. Once complete, no sources of objectionable noise will be present. ~1 * 6) Indicate proposed removals and/or replacements of mature or scenic trees: None, 17) Indicate any bodies of water (including domestic water supplies) into which the site drains: Drainage will be accommodated by local storm drains. 18) Indicate expected amount of water usage. (See Attachment A for usage estimates). For fu/ther clarification, please contact the Cucamonga County Water Distdct at 987-2591. a. Residential (gal~day) 3 8 ~ 4 0 0 Peak use (gal/Day) 7 6 ~ 8 0 0 b. Commercial/ind. (gal~day~ac) Peak use (gal/mid~ac). 19) Indicate proposed method of sewage disposal. Septic Tank X Sewer. If septic tanks are proposed, attach percolation tests. If discharge to a sanitary se~ge system is proposed indicate expected daily sewage generation: (See Attachment A for usage estimates). Forfurther cladfication, please contact the Cucamonga County Water Distdct at 987. 2591. a. Residential (gal~day) 1 9,2 0 0 b. Commercial/Ind. (gal/day/ac) RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS: 20) Number of residential units: g 6 D?tached (indicate range of parcel sizes, minimum lot size and maximum lot size: I:\PLANNING\FINAL\FORMS\COUNTER\INITSTD1.VVPD 3/00 p=~,~ ~ .Attached (indicate whether units are rental or for sale units): 95 senior rental units. 21)Anticipated range of sale pdces and/or rents: Not yet determined. Sale Pdce(s) $. to $. Rent (per month) $. to $. 22) Specify number of bedrooms by unit type: 86 one bedroom~ one bath units{ 9 two bedroom, one bath units; I two bedroom manager's unit. 2~lndica~anticipa~dhouseholdsize ~un~ type: One bedroom: one-two people Two bedroom: one-two people 24)Indicate the expected number of school children who will be residing within the project: Contact the apprepdate School Dist#cts as shown in Attachment B: a, Elementary: - 0 - b. JuniorHigh: -O- c. Senior High COMMERClAL~ INDUSTRIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL PROJECTS 25) Desc#be type of use(s) and major function(s) of commercial, industrial or institutional uses: 26) Total floor area of commercial, industffal, or institutional uses by I:\PLANNING\FINAL\FORMS\COUNTER\INITSTD1 .WPD 3/00 Paoe 6 " 27) Indicate hours of operation: 28) Number of Total'. employees: Maximum Shift: Time of Maximum Shift: 29) Provide breakdown of anticipated job classifications, including wage and salary ranges, as well as an indication of the rate of hire for each classification (attach additional sheet if necessary): 30) Estimation of the number of workers to be hired that currently reside in the City: *31)For commemial and industdal uses only, indicate the source, type and amount of airpollution emissions. (Data should be vedfied through the South Coast Air Quality Management District, at (818) 572-6283): ALL PROJECTS 32)Have the water, sewer, fire, and flood control agencies sen/lng the project been contacted to deten'nine their ability to provide adequate service to the proposed project? If so, please indicate their response. All services are available and present at the site. I:\PLANNING\FINAL\FORMS\COUNTER\INITSTD1 .WPD 3/00 33) In the known history of this property, has there been any use, storage, or discharge of hazardous and/or toxic materials? Examples of hazardous and/or toxic materials include, but are not limited to PCB=s; radioactive substances; pesticides and herbicides; fuels, oils, solvents, and other flammable liquids and gases. Also note underground storage of any of the above. Please list the materials and descdbe their use, storage, and/or discharge on the property, as well as the dates of use, if known. None which we are aware of. 34) Will the proposed project involve the temporary or long-term use, storage or discharge of hazardous and/or toxic materials, including but not limited to those examples listed above? If yes, provide an inventory of all such materials to be used and proposed method of disposal. The location of such uses, along with the Storage and shipment areas, shall be shown and labeled on the application plans. No. I hereby certify that the statements furnished above an~ present the data and information required for adequate ~aluation of this project to the best of my ability, ~ thefts, s~atemen~s, a~d information presented are true and co~ect tot he best ~l~my knowledge and belief. I further underhand tha~/dditio~l info~:Knati~n may be required to be submitted before an adequate / h\PLANNING\FINAL\FORMS\COUNTER\INITSTD1 .VVPD 3/00 Paoe 8 City of Rancho Cucamonga ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM INITIAL STUDY PART II BACKGROUND 1. Project File: DR 00-60 2. Related Files: General Plan Amendment 00-0lA, Development Code Amendment 00-01, Development District Amendment 00-01, and Development Agreement 00-01. 3. Description of Project: Environmental Assessment and Development Review 00-60 Northtown Housinq Development Corporation - A request to construct 96 senior apartment units on a 3.2 acre parcel in the Mixed Use (MU) District, with a Senior Housing Overlay District; located on the east side of Amethyst between La Grande Street and Lomita Drive. -APN: 202-151-12. 4. Project Sponsor's Name and Address: Northtown Housing Development Corporation 9999 Feron Boulevard, Suite A Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730 5. General Plan Designation: Mixed Use (MU) 6. Zoning: Mixed Use (MU) 7. Surrounding Land Uses and Setting: The proposed senior apartment project is located on the east side of Amethyst Street, north of Baseline in the heart of the area known as historic downtown Alta Loma. The site was home to the Alta Loma Citrus Heights Packing House which provided sorting, packing, and shipping of citrus for the local growers. The packinghouse has since been demolished, and the site has been cleared with the exception of several trees in the northeast and southwest corners of the site that will be retained. Surrounding land uses include the Alta Loma Elementary School at the north boundary of the site; along the east boundary is the existing Pacific Electric Rail right-of-way that is proposed to be the used for regional trail purposes, while further to the east is an open storm drain channel (Cucamonga Intercept Channel), water tanks, and a multiple-family residential (apartment) community; two existing buildings containing small commercial shops are located to the south. On the west side of Amethyst Street is part of the historic downtown Alta Loma, including small commercial shops and single-family residential neighborhoods. 8. Lead Agency Name and Address: City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DR 00-60 Page 2 9. Contact Person and Phone Number: Douglas Fenn, Associate Planner (909) 477-2750 10. Other agencies whose approval is required: None. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is "Potentially Significant Impact," "Potentially Significant Impact Unless Mitigation Incorporated," or "Less Than Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. ( ) Land Use and Planning (x) Transportation/Cimulation ( ) Public Services ( ) Population and Housing ( ) Biological Resoumes (x) Utilities and Service Systems (x) Geological Problems ( ) Energy and Mineral Resoumes (x) Aesthetics (x) Water ( ) Hazards (x) A r Qual ty (x) Noise ( ) Cultural Resources (x) Mandatory Findings of Significance (x) Recreation DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: () I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project, or agreed to, by the applicant. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ( ) I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ( ) I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect(s) on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been ~ddressed by mitigation measures based upon the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets, if the effect is a "Potentially Significant Impact" or "Potentially Significant Impact Unless Mitigation Incorporated." An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. () I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects 1) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards, and 2) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project. Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DR 00-60 Page Signed: Debra Meier, AICP Contract Planner October 24, 2000 EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Pursuant to Section 15063 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, an explanation is required for all "Potentially Significant Impact," "Potentially Significant Impact Unless Mitigation Incorporated," and "Less Than Significant Impact" answers, including a discussion of ways to mitigate the significant effects identified. Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Pot~.~, u..~ ~ 1. LAND USE AND PLANNING. Would the proposal: , a) Conflict with general plan designation or zoning? ( ) ( ) ( (,,-) b) Conflict with applicable environmental plans or ( ) ( (,/) policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project? c) Be incompatible with existing land use in the ( ) ( ) (v') vicinity? d) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an ( ) ( ) (v') establ shed community? Comments: a-d) The site is now zoned Mixed Use with a Senior Housing Overly District. On July 5. 2000 the City Council also adopted Ordinance No. 625 thereby approving Development Agreement 00-01 which provides more specific development controls on the site, and allows an increase in the maximum density as provided in the Mixed Use District, up to 30 dwelling units per acre, As part of a mixed use district the proposed senior apartment project is in the immediate vicinity of existing small commercial endeavors located immediately south, along with single family- residential located west of Amethyst Street, and multiple-family residential located east of the Pacific Electric rail right-of-way. Rather than divide and existing community, the proposed project is designed to complement and expand housing opportunities for seniors currently residing within the community. Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DR 00-60 Page 4 Issues and Supporting Information Soumes: PotentieJly UnleSS man 2. POPULATIONAND HOUSIqG. Would the proposah a) Cumulatively exceed official regional or local ( ) ( ) ( ) population projections? b) Induce substantial growth in an area either ( ) ( ) ( ) (v') directly or indirectly (e.g., through projects in an undeveloped area or extension of major infrastructure)? c) Displace existing housing, especially affordable ( ) ( ) ( ) ('/) housing? Comments: a-b) ConstructiOn activities at the site will be short-term and will not attract new employees to the area. Once constructed, the proposed project will include 95 one- and two-bedroom apartment units for seniors, and one unit reserved for the resident manager. The addition of a limited number of employees will not create a demand for additional housing as a majority of the employees will likely be hired from within the City or surrounding communities, and the resident manager will reside onsite. Approximately 100-150 senior (over age 55) residents will have the opportunity for housing in an independent living environment that will be provided by the development of this project. Under terms of the Development Agreement, the proposed project must provide at least 40 percent of the available units to very Iow- income seniors. c) The site is presently void of existing structures, the packing house which once occupied the site, has been demolished. No existing housing is impacted by the proposed development. Issues and Supporting Information Sources: s, t Mitigation1 SignificantNo ~ ~.o,'pecat ed Impact 3. GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS. Would the proposal result in or expose people to potential impacts involving: a) Fault rupture? ( ) ( ) ( ) b) Seismic ground shaking? ( ) ( ) (¢') ( ) c) Seismic ground failure, including liquefaction? ( ) ( ) ( ) (~') d) Seiche hazards? ( ) ( ) ( ) e) Landslides or mudflows? ( ) ( ) ( ) (v') Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DR 00-60 Page 5 Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potenfia~y Unless f) Erosion, changes in topography, or unstable soil ( ) ( ) ( ) conditions from excavation, grading, or fill? g) Subsidence of the land? ( ) ( ) ( ) (v~) h) Expansive soils? ( ) ( ) ( ) (v~) i) Unique geologic or physical features? ( ) ( ) ( ) (v~) Comments: a-c) No known faults pass through the site and it is not in an Earthquake Fault Zone, nor is it in the Rancho Cucamonga City Special Study Zone along the Red Hill Fault. The Red Hill Fault, passes within one mile southerly of the site, and the Cucamonga Fault Zone lies approximately three miles northerly. These faults are both capable of producing Mw 6.0 - 7.0 earthquakes, respectively. Also, the San Jacinto fault, capable of producing up to Mw 7.5 earthquakes is eight miles northeasterly of the site and the San Andreas, capable of up to Mw 8.2 earthquakes, is ten miles northeasterly of the site. Each of these faults can produce strong ground shaking. Adhedng to the Uniform Building Code will ensure that geologic impacts are less than significant. d) The site is not located near a body of water. e) The site is relatively flat (less than' 2 percent slope) and is located on the east side of Amethyst Street adjacent to the Pacific Electric rail right-of-way. The site is not susceptible to landslides or mudflows. f) The topography will be altered to accommodate the project as the site is currently vacant. Grading will be done in accordance with a grading plan approved by the City Engineer. The impact is not considered significant as the site is relatively flat with minimal grading required. g-h) Soil types onsite consist of Hanford-Greenfieid Soil association. These soils are typically well-drained very deep soils on alluvial fans. The hazard of erosion is slight to moderate where soil is left unprotected. i) The site contains no unique geologic or physical features. ~mpact Issues and Supporting Information Sources: ~o~,~y u,,,,~ 4. WATER. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, ( ) ( ) (~-) ( ) or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DR 00-60 Page 6 Issues and Supporting Information Sources: ~.,y u.~ T~.. b) Exposure of people or property to water related ( ) ( ) ( ) (¢') hazards such as flooding? c) Discharge into surface water or other alteration ( ) ( ) ( ) ('") of surface water quality (e.g., temperature, dissolved oxygen, or turbidity)? d) Changes in the amount of surface water in any ( ) ( ) ( ) (¢') water body? e) Changes in currents, or the course or direction ( ) ( ) ( ) (v') of water movements? f) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either ( ) ( ) (v') through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations, or through substantial loss of groundwater recharge capability? g) Altered direction or rate of flow of groundwater? ( ) ( ) (v') h) Impacts to groundwater quality? ( ) ( ) ('/) i) Substantial reduction in the amount of ( ) ') ( ) ('~) groundwater otherwise available for public water supplies? Comments: a) The project will cause changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, and the rate and amount of surface water runoff due to the amount of new hardscape proposed on a site which is currently devoid of structures. All runoff will be conveyed to the Cucamonga Intercept Channel (located easterly of the site), which has been designed to handle the flows and must be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading permits. The impact is not considered significant. b-e) The project site is not located near a body of water. The applicant will provide a drainage study showing how stormwater runoff will be conveyed both during grading/construction and once the site is developed and occupied, prior to issuance of a grading permit. f-i) The project will not interfere with groundwater management practices in the area because the site is not used for groundwater recharge. Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DR 00-60 Page 7 Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially Units 5. AIR QUALITY. Would the proposal: a) Violate any air quality standard or contribute to ( ) (¢') ( ) ( ) an existing or projected air qua ty violation? b) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants? ( ) (,,,) ( ) ( ) c) AFter air movement, moisture, or temperature, or ( ) ( ) ( ) (¢-) cause any change in climate? d) Create objectionable odors? ( ) ( ) ( ) Comments: a-b) Potential impacts to air quality are consistent with the Public Health and Safety Super- Element within the Rancho Cucamonga General Plan. During construction, there is the possibility of fugitive dust to be generated from grading the site. Sources of emissions dudng this phase~ include exhaust emissions from construction vehicles and equipment and fugitive dust generated as a result of construction vehicles and equipment traveling over exposed surfaces. NOx and' PMm levels may be exceeded during this phase, however with implementation of the following mitigation measures, impacts will be reduced to less-than-significant levels. 1. The site shall be treated with water or other soil stabilizing agent (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) daily to reduce PM~0 emissions, in accordance with SCAQMD Rule 403. 2. Amethyst Street shall be swept according to a schedule established by the City to reduce PM~0 emissions associated with vehicle tracking of soil off-site. Timing may vary depending upon time of year of construction. 3. Grading operations shall be suspended when wind speeds exceed 25 mph to minimize PM~o emissions from the site during such episodes. 4. Chemical soil stabilizers (approved by $CAQMD and RWQCB) shall be applied to ali inactive construction areas that remain inactive for 96 hours or more to reduce PM~0 emissions. 5. The construction contractor shall select the construction equipment used on-site based on Iow emission factors and high. energy efficiency. The construction contractor shall ensure the construction grading plans include a statement that all construction equipment will be tuned and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. 6. The construction contractor shall utilize electric or clean alternative fuel powered equipment where feasible. Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DR 00-60 Page 8 7. The construction contractor shall ensure that construction-grading plans include a statement that work crews will shut off equipment when not in use, c-d) The proposed project is the construction of 96 senior apartment units within three building clusters on 3.2-acres of vacant land within the Mixed Use District. The end use of the proposed project, intended as a residence for seniors of various income groups, will not generate emissions that could cause climatic changes or objectionable odors. Issues and Supporting Information Sources: potentially ulfle~s Ran 6. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Would the proposal result in: a) Increased vehicle trips or traffic congestion? ( ) ( ) (v~) ( ) b) Hazards to safety from design features (e.g., ( ) ( ) ( ) ('~) sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)? C) Inadequate emergency access or access to ( ) ( ) ( ) (~) nearby uses? d) Insufficient parking capacity on-site or off-site? ( ) ( ) ( ) ('/') e) Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or bicyclists? ( ) ( ) ( ) f) Conflicts with adopted policies supporting ( ) ( ) ( ) (v') alternative transportation (e.g., bus turnouts, bicycle recks)? g) Rail or air traffic impacts? ( ) ( ) ( ) ("~) Comments: a) The City has several existing senior housing projects which have been found to generate less traffic than other uses which could otherwise occupy the site (such as retail, office or multiple-family residential). Many of the seniors who live in this type of project do not own a vehicle or no longer drive. In addition, the City has established a Transportation Development fee that must be paid by the applicant prior to issuance of building permits. Fees are used to fund roadway improvements necessary to support adequate traffic circulation. In addition, the project is required to comply with standard conditions of approval for provision of adequate ingress/egress from the site, and 68 employee/visitor/resident parking is provided on-site. Sufficient parking is provided in proximity to each building. Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DR 00-60 Page 9 b-d) The site is a triangular parcel with one entry off of Amethyst Street, and one emergency exit through the commercial site to the south, and an emergency vehicle turn-around area in the northeast comer of the site. e-f) The site is adjacent to the existing Pacific Electric rail right-of-way that is proposed as the route of a regional trail. Development of the site would not impede future development of the regional trail, and gated access to the trail could be provided from the site to enhance use and convenience for residents. g) Located approximately four miles northerly of the Ontario Airport, the site is offset north of the flight path and will not be dangerous to users or aircraft. S~on~.a~t Issues and Supporting Information Sources: I~ot~f~tiaJly U.le~ ~ 7. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal result in impacts to: a) Endangered, threatened, or rare species or their ( ) ( ) ( ) (v') habitats (including, but not limited to: plants, fish, insects, animals, and birds)? b) Locally designated species (e.g., heritage trees, ( ) (./) ( ) ( ) eucalyptus windrow, etc.)? c) Locally designated natural communities (e.g., ( ) ( ) ( ) (,,,) eucalyptus grove, sage scrub habitat, etc.)? d) Wetland habitat (e.g., marsh, riparian, and ( ) ( ) ( ) (v') vernal pool)? e) Wildlife dispersal or migrat on corridors? ( ) ( ) ( ) (,/) Comments: o&c) The proposed senior apartment project is located on the east side of Amethyst Street north of Baseline in the heart of the area known as historic downtown Alta Loma. The site was home to the Alta Loma Citrus Heights Packing House which provided sorting, packing, and shipping of citrus for the local growers. The packinghouse has since been demolished, and the site has been cleared with the exception of the ten mature trees (five Eucalyptus species and five Oak species) which are located randomly and small clusters around the perimeter of the site, all existing trees will be retained. b) The existing trees consist of five Eucalyptus species and five Oak species. In order to protect the integrity of the existing trees the following mitigation measure is included: All existing trees shall be retained on the site. The existing trees shall be protected during construction as required by City Ordinance. d) There is no riparian or wetland habitat on-site. Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DR 00-60 Page 10 e) The site is bordered on the north by Alta Loma Elementary School and on the east by the Pacific Electric rail right-of-way that is anticipated to someday become a regional multi-purpose trail. Development to the south includes commercial activities, These uses and surrounding development have eliminated any wildlife corridors that may have occurred in the past. Issues and Supporting Information Sources: 8. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a) Conflict with adopted energy conservation ( ) ( ) ( ) (v') plans? b) Use non-renewable resoumes in a wasteful and ( ) ( ) ( ) inefficient manner? c) Result in the loss of availability of a known ( ) ( ) ( ) (v') mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State? Comments: a-b) The project will be required to conform to applicable City .standards for energy conservation. c) The site is not designated by State Aggregate Resources Area according to the City General Plan, Figure IV-2 AND Table IV-1. Therefore there is no impact. Issues and Supporting Information Sources: 9. HAZARDS. Would the proposal involve: a) A risk of accidental explosion or release of ( ) ( ) (v~) hazardous substances (including, but not limited to: oil, pesticides, chemicals, or radiation)? b) Possible interference with an emergency ( ) ( ) (~') ·response plan or emergency evacuation plan? c) The creation of any health hazard or potential ( ) ( ) (,,~) health hazard? d) Exposure of people to existing sources of ( ) ( ) potential health hazards? Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DR 00-60 Page 11 Issues and Supporting Information Sources: e) Increased fire hazard in areas with flammable ( ) ( ) ( ) brush, grass, or trees? Comments: a/c/d) Based on the previous use of the site, hazardous materials are not likely present. Recent visits to the site did not reveal the presence of discarded drums or illegal dumping of hazardous materials, and none were encountered during demolition of the old packing house. b) The proposed project will provide adequate entries to the site, including one driveway from Amethyst, and one emergency access through the commercial site to the south, to allow for emergency response assistance and/or evacuation. e) The proposed senior apartment project is located on the east side of Amethyst Street north of Baseline in the heart of the area known as historic downtown Alta Loma. The site was home to the Alta Loma.Citrus Heights Packing House. The packinghouse has since been demolished, and the site has been cleared with the exception of several trees in the .northeast and southwest corners of the site that will be retained. The site will be graded and landscaped in accordance with approved plans to minimize potential fire hazards. The project will not increase fire hazards within the area. Issues and Supporting Information Soumes: ~t~ Unl~ ~ 10. NOISE. Will the proposal result in: a) Increases in existing noise levels? ( ) (v') ( ) ( ) b) Exposure of people to severe noise levels? ( ) ( ) ( ) (,~) Comments: a) The proposed project may produce noticeable project-related noise during construction, especially while classes are in session at the Alta Loma Elementary School. The project would increase noise levels since the site is currently vacant and the development would add senior residents (over age 55), and some additional traffic to the area. The site is designated Mixed Use and allows the proposed senior apartment project as well as other commercial activities. The following measures are provided to mitigate the short-term noise impacts: Construction or grading shall not take place between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. on weekdays, including Saturday, or at any time on Sunday or a national holiday. Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DR 00-60 Page 12 Construction or grading noise levels shall not exceed 65 dBA, plus the limits specified in Development Code Section 17.02.120-D, as measured at the property line. Developer shall monitor weekly noise levels monitoring as specified in Development Code Section 17.02.120. Monitoring at other times may be required by the Planning Division. Developer shall report their findings to the Planning Division within 24 hours; however, if noise levels exceed the above standards, then the Developer shall immediately notify the Planning Division. If noise levels exceed the above standards, then construction activities shall be reduced in intensity to a level of compliance with above noise standards or halted. The block wall along the northerly property line shall be constructed as early as possible in first phase. Issues and Supporting Information Sources: ~" Inooq3o:atedMitigati°a SignificantNO 11. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal have an effect upon or result in a need for new or altered government services in any of the following areas: a) Fire prOtection? ( ) ( ) ( ) b) . Police protection? ( ) ( ) ( ) (v') c) Schools? ( ) ( ) ( ) (v') d) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? ( ) ( ) ( ) (v') e) Other governmental services? ( ) ( ) ( ) (v') Comments: a-e) Fire Protection - The site, located on the east side of Amethyst Street north of Baseline, would be served by a fire station located near the corner of Amethyst Street and 19th Street, located less than one mile from the project site. Standard conditions of approval from the Uniform Building and Fire Codes will be placed on the project so no impacts to fire services will occur. Police protection - Additional police protection is not required as the addition of the 96 senior apartments will not change the pattern of uses within the surrounding area and will not have a substantial increase in properly to be patrolled as the project site is within an area that is regularly patrolled. Schools - The Alta Loma School District and the Chaffey Joint Union High School District serve the project area. Both school districts have been notified regarding the proposed development. A standard condition of approval will require the developer to either pay the school impact fees, or obtain an exemption form the District based Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DR 00-60 Page 13 on the residency of seniors only. With this standard mitigation, impacts to the School Districts are not considered significant. Parks - Proposed project will result 96 senior apartments, an increase in population of approximately 100-150 persons. Many amenities and recreation facilities are also offered for residents. Therefore, the project will not adversely impact local parks or recreational opportunities. Public Facilities -The proposed project will utilize existing public facilities and will be consistent with the City of Rancho Cucamonga Development Code requirements. Issues and Supporting Information Sources: ~ 12. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS. Would the proposal result in a need for new systems or supplies or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a) Power or natural gas? ( ) ( ) ( ) (v') b) Communicat on systems? ( ) ( ) ( (v') c) Local or regional water treatment or distribution ( ( ) ( (.~.) facilities? d) Sewer or septic tanks? ( ( ) ( ) (v') e) Storm water drainage? ( ) ( ) (.~) ( ) f) Solid waste disposal? ( ) ( ) ( ) (.,.) g) Local or regional water supplies? ( ) ( ) ( ) (v') Comments: a-g) The project will use existing gas, electrical and communication systems. Solid waste disposal will be provided by the current City contracted hauler who disposes the refuse at a permitted landfill. The project will increase demand upon storm drain systems due to the increased runoff from new hardscape proposed on the currently vacant site. Storm drain improvements will be constructed to direct drainage to the existing Cucamonga Intercept Channel located easterly of the site, and will not result in substantial alterations to the master plan of storm drainage. The impact is not considered significant since it can be mitigated by providing proper stormwater drainage per the City Engineer. Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DR 00-60 Page 14 Issues and Supporting information Sources: Potentially Unless Than 1 3, AESTHETICS, Would the proposab a) Affect a scenic vista or scenic highway? ( ) ( ) ('") ( ) b) Have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effect? ( ) ( ) ( ) (v~) - c) Create light or glare? ( ) ( ) ('~) ( ) Comments: a-b) The project is designed in three clusters each surrounding an exterior courtyard. The proposed craftsman style architecture theme is compatible with the historic Alta Loma district. The site will be'completely landscaped, and ten mature trees will be preserved onsite. c) The project will create new light and glare because the site is currently vacant. The design and placement of light fixtures will be shown on site plans, which require review for consistency with City standards. The,impact is not considered significant. Issues and Supporting Information Soumes: 14. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a) Disturb Paleontological resources? ( ) ( ) ) ('~) b) Disturb archaeological resources? ( ) ( ) ) ('/) c) Affect historical or cultural resoumes? ( ) ( ) ) d) Have the potential to cause a physical change, ( ) ( ) ( ) which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? e) Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within ( ) ( ) ( ) (v~) the potential impact area? Comments: a-e) The site is approximately 3.2 acres, The Alta Loma Citrus packinghouse has been demolished and the site has been generally cleared, although ten mature trees remain. In the event that cultural resources are discovered during additional grading and site construction, the contractor shall contact the property owner and the San Bernardino County Museum for proper recovery or documentation. Initial Study for DR 00-60 City of Rancho Cucamonga Page 1,r, Issues and Supporting Information Sources: .~..~y u.~,~ ~ 15. RECREATION, Would the proposal.. a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or ( ) ( ) (v') ( ) regional parks or other recreational facilities? b) Affect existing recreational opportunities? ( ) ( ) ( ) (~.) _Comments: a) The proposed project will result in 96 senior apartments, an increase in population of approximately 100-150 persons. Many amenities and recreation facilities are also offered onsite for residents. Therefore, the project will not adversely impact local parks or recreational opportunities. b) The proposed project does not affect existing recreational opportunities as the site is located approximately one-half mile distance from the Lion's Park and Community Center, including the library. All surrounding property is presently developed. Issues and Supporting Information Sources: ~"'~= 16. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. a) Potential to degrade: Does the project have the ( ) ( ) ( ) (v') potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a ram or endangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b) Short term: Does the project have the potential ( ) (,,~) ( ) ) to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time. Long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DR 00-60 Page 16 Issues and Supporting Information Sources: P~.~ty Units C) Cumulative: Does the project have impacts that ( ) ( ) ( ) (v~) are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects.) d) Substantial adverse: Does the project have ( ) ( ) ( ) (v') environmental effects, which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Comments: a) The Initial Study did not identify any ~ignif!cant adverse impacts to biological resources. b) The 3.2-acre site could generate fugitive dust during site grading. The contractor will be required to minimize dust generation through water applications per the City's standard conditions of approval. Additional mitigation measures presented in Section 5 of this Initial Study will reduce impacts to less than significant. Noise associated with site construction will not result in a significant impact given the small size of the site and the short term nature of the construction activity. c) Cumulative effects of developing 96 senior apartment units may include some increased traffic within the immediate vicinity. However the impacts are not considered significant as the project is intended for seniors and only a small number of the residents will have their own vehicles; the applicant will be required to pay appropriate transportation fees as established for all new development by the City Council. Such fees are used to make roadway improvements with the area to keep the circulation system at acceptable levels of service. d} Development of the 96 senior apartment units would not cause substantial adverse effects on humans, either directly or indirectly. The Initial Study did not identify any impacts that would have a potentially significant affect to the environment. EARLIER ANALYSES Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, one or more effects have been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or Negative Declaration per Section 15063(c)(3)(D). The effects identified above for this project were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in the following earlier document(s) pursuant to applicable legal standards, and such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis. The following earlier analyses were utilized in completing this Initial Study Initial Study for <Insert Project Name> City of Rancho Cucamonga Page 17 and are available for review in the C ty of Rancho Cucamonga, Planning Division offices, 10500 C vic Center Drive (check all that apply): General Plan EIR (Certified April 6, 1981) (,/) Master Environmental Assessment for the 1989 General Plan Update (SCH #88020115, certified January 4, 1989) (v') Environmental Assessment for General Plan Amendment 00-01A, Development Code Amendment 00-01, Development District Amendment 00-01, and Development Agreement 00-01, adopted July 2000. (,") Soil Survey of San Bernardino County Southwestern Part, California; USDA Soil Conservation Service. 1972 APPLICANT CERTIFICATION · I certify that I am the applicant for the project described in this Initial Study. I acknowledge that have read this Initial Study a ~,,?7~.e proposed mitigation measures. Further, I have revised the project plans or~ I~ ~or h)reby agree to the proposed mitigation measures to avoid the effects~)Fmitigafe/t~ ~ ef ~a would~dur. ,~l//j ~ point whe~re clearly'no significant environmental effects / Sig~:~J ' ~ ~ Date: Print ame and i.e: ? City of Rancho Cucamonga NEGATIVE DECLARATION The following Negative Declaration is being circulated for public review in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act Section 21091 and 21092 of the Public Resources Code. Project Fill No.: Development Review 0060 Public Review Period Closes: November 21,2000 Project Name: Project Applicant: Northtown Housing Development Corporation Project Location (also see attached map): Located on the east side of Amethyst Avenue, between La Grande Street and Lomita Drive - APN: 202-151-12. Project Description: The review of detailed site plan and elevations for 96 senior apartments on 32. acres of land in the Mixed Use Dis~ct, with a Senior Housing Oveday District. Related files: General Plan Amendment 00-01A, Development Cede Amendment 00-01, Development District Amendment 00-01, and Development Agreement 00-01. FINDING This is to advise that the City of Rancho Cucamonga, acting as the llad agency, has conducted an Initial Study to determine if the project may have a significant effect on the environment and is proposing this Negative Decllration based upon the following finding: [] The Initial Study shows that there is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. [] The Initial Study identified potentially significant effects but: (1) Revisions in the project plans or proposals made or agreed to by the applicant before this proposed Negative Declaration was released for public review would avoid the effeds or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no significant effects would occur, and (2) There is no substantial evidence before the agency that the project as revised may have a significant effect on the environment. if adopted, the Negative Declaration means that an Environmental Impact Report will not be required. Reasons to support this finding are included in the attached Initial Study. The project file and all related documents are availabll for review at the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division at 10500 Civic Center Drive (909) 477-2750 or Fax (909) 477-2847. NOTICE The public is invited to comment on the proposed Negative Declaration during the review period. November 21, 2000 Date of Determination Adopted By RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-60 FOR 96 SENIOR APARTMENTS, ON 3.2 ACRES OF LAND IN THE MIXED USE DISTRICT WITH A SENIOR HOUSING OVERLAY DISTRICT, LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF AMETHYST AVENUE, BETWEEN LA GRANDE STREET AND LOMITA DRIVE - AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF ~ APN: 202-151-12. A. Recitals. 1. Northtown Housing Development Corporation filed an application for the approval of Development Review 00-60 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject design review request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 21 st day of November, 2000, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public headng on the application and concluded said headng on that date. 3. On the 5th day of July 2000, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted and concluded a duly noticed public headng and approved Development Agreement 00-01, through adoption of their Ordinance No. 625, which authorizes the development of a Senior Housing project on the east side of Amethyst Street, south of the intersection with La Grande Street and north of the intersection with Lomita Ddve. 4. On behalf of the Northtown Housing Development Corporation, a request has been submitted for Amendment No. 1 to Development Agreement 00-01, to permit front yard structural setback of 21 feet, as provided for in Section 65864 of the California Government Code. If said agreement is approved, it will facilitate the development and will be for the benefit of the proposed Development Review 00-60. 5. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution ara true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public headng on November 21, 2000, including wdtten and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifi~'~lly finds as follows: a. The application applies to property located on the east side of Amethyst Avenue, south between La Grande Street and Lomita Ddve, and is presently vacant. The property was the site of the former Alta Loma Packing House, an important industry; and b. The property to the north of the subject site is Alta Loma Elementary School. To the south and east are small commercial shops, an unused Pacific Electric Railroad corddor (tracks have been removed and a multi-purpose trail is planned), an open storm drain channel, water tanks, and a multiple family complex. To the west are small commercial shops and a single-family residential neighborhood; and PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR00-60 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. November 21, 2000 Page 2 c. The application contemplates a senior apartment complex (96 units) on 3.2 acres of land within the Mixed Use District with a Senior Housing Oveday District; and d. The proposed project, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public headng and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs I and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. That the development review is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and any applicable specific plans; and b. The design or improvements of the project is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and any applicable specific plans; and c. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; and d. The design of the project is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; and e. The tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems; and f. The design of the project will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. 4. Based upon the facts and information contained in the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration, together with all wdtten and oral reports included for the environmental assessment for the application, the Planning Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect upon the environment and adopts a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Monitoring Program attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference, based upon the findings as follows: a. That the Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the State CEQA guidelines promulgated thereunder, that said Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Initial Study prepared therefore reflect the independent judgment of the Planning Commission; and, further, this Commission has reviewed and considered the information contained in said Mitigated Negative Declaration with regard to the application. b. Although the Mitigated Negative Declaration identifies certain significant environmental effects that will result if the project is approved, all significant effects have been reduced to an acceptable level by imposition of mitigation measures on the project, which are listed below as conditions of approval. c. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 753.5(c) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, the Planning Commission finds as follows: In considering the record as a whole, the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project, there is no evidence that the PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR00-60 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. November21,2000 Page 3 proposed project will have potential for an adverse impact upon wildlife resources or the habitat upon which wildlife depends. Further, based upon the substantial evidence contained in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, the staff reports and exhibits, and the information provided to the Planning Commission dudng the public headng, the Planning Commission hereby rebuts the presumption of adverse effect as set forth in Section 753.5(c-l-d) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. PlanninR Division: 1) Approval of this resolution shall be contingent upon City Council approval of Amendment No. 1 to Development Agreement 00-01. 2)Increase the amount of horizontal siding to the project as agreed to at the October 17, 2000, Design Review Committee meeting. 3) Submit elevations to the City Planner for review to make sure that the recreation buildings are architecturally compatible with the apartment buildings. En,qineedng Division: 1) Replace and widen the existing ddve approach for the alley on Amethyst to the south of the project for ingress and egress of the emergency access drive. 2) All existing curb, gutter, drive approaches and side walk along the project frontage shall be removed and replaced with improvements to current standards, including property line adjacent sidewalk and one 5800 Lumen HPSV street light. 3) The pedestrian crossing of the Alta Loma Elementary School driveway on Amethyst Street shall be handicap accessible. Sidewalk should cross the drive approach at the zero curb face or access ramps are required on both sides of a "street type" approach. If necessary, dedicate an additional sidewalk easement at the project's northwest comer. An existing tree near this location will need to be removed if it interferes with the curb return, sidewalk, access ramp, or driveway lines of sight. 4) The existing overhead utilities (telecommunications and electrical, except for the 66KV electrical) on the project side of Amethyst Street shall be undergrounded along the entire project frontage, extending to the first pole off site north and south of the project boundaries, prior to public improvement acceptance or occupancy, whichever occurs first. All se~/ices crossing Amethyst Street shall be undergrounded at the same time. The developer may request a reimbursement agreement to recover one half the difference between the undergrounding cost of the PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR00-60 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. November 21, 2000 Page 4 utilities (electrical) on the project side of the street minus those (telecommunications) on the opposite side of the street from future development (redevelopment) as it occurs on the opposite side of the street. If the developer fails to submit for said reimbursement agreement within 6 months of the public improvement being accepted by the City, all fights of the developer to reimbursement shall terminate. If across-the-street utilities are more expensive to underground than those on the project side, an in-lieu fee for one half the difference between the two shall be paid to the City prior to the issuance of building permits. 5) Sidewalks shall cross drive approaches at the zero curb face. Provide sidewalk easements if necessary. Driveway accent paving shall be located outside the public right of way. 6) Provide a drainage study to justify the proposed 6-inch curb shown behind the sidewalk along Amethyst. 7) Project entry shall provide at least 20 feet of clearance around all medians. 8) Provide illuminated entry monument signs at the project entrance. Project entry shall have a minimum of 0.4 foot candles illumination. 9) Grading plans submitted for plan check shall include a north an'ow and scale. Provide enough cross-sections to illustrate all boundary conditions. Provide sections through the emergency access and existing alley it Connects to. Cladfy how overflows will be directed to the interceptor channel if the existing sump catch basin in the Alta Loma School private drive is blocked. Env ronmental Mitiqafion Biological Resources 1) All existing trees shall be retained on the site by transplantation for use in the project landscaping. The existing trees shall be protected dudng construction as required by City Ordinance. Noise 1) Construction or grading shall not take place between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. on weekdays, including Saturday, or at any time on Sunday or a national holiday. 2) Construction or grading noise levels shall not exceed 65 dBA, plus the limits specified in the Development Code Section 17.02.120-D, as measured at the property line. Developer shall monitor noise levels weekly, monitoring as specified in Development Code Section 17.02.120. The Planning Division may require monitoring at other PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR00-60 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. November 21, 2000 Page 5 times. Developer shall report their findings to the Planning Division within 24 hours. If noise levels exceed the above standards, then construction activities shall be reduced in intensity to a level of compliance with above noise standards or halted. 3) The block Wall along the northerly property line shall be constructed as eady as possible in first phase. Air Quality 1) The site shall be treated with water or other soil stabilizing agent (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) daily. 2) Amethyst Street shall be swept according to a schedule established by the City to reduce PM~0 emissions. 3) Grading operations shall be suspended when wind speeds exceed 25 mph. 4) Chemical soil stabilizers (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) shall be applied to all inactive construction areas that remain inactive for 96 hours or more to reduce PM~0 emissions. 5) The contractor shall select the construction equipment used on-site based on Iow-emission factors and high-energy efficiency. All construction equipment will be tuned and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. 6) The contractor shall utilize electric or clean altemative fuel-powered equipment where feasible. 7) Grading plans shall include a statement that work crews will shut off equipment when not in use. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 21TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2000. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry T. McNiel, Chairman ATTEST' Brad Buller. Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR00-60 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. November 21, 2000 Page 6 I, Brad Bullet, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 21st day of November 2000, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: City of Rancho Cucamonga MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Project File No.: DR 00-60 This Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP) has been prepared for use in implementing the mitigation measures identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the above-listed project. This program has been prepared in compliance with State law to ensure that adopted mitigation measures are implemented (Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code). Program Components - This MMP contains the following elements: 1. Conditions of approval that act as impact mitigation measures are recorded with the action and the procedure necessary to ensure compliance. The mitigation measure conditions of approval are contained in the adopted Resolution of Approval for the project. 2. A procedure of compliance and verification has been outlined for each action necessary. This procedure designates who will take action, what action will be taken and when, and to whom and when compliance will be reported. 3. The MMP has been designed to provide focused, yet flexible guidelines. As monitoring progresses, changes to compliance procedures may be necessary based upon recommendations by those responsible for the program. Program Management - The MMP will be in place through all phases of the project. The project planner, assigned by the City Planner, shall coordinate enforcement of the MMP. The project planner oversees the MMP and reviews the Reporting Forms to ensure they are filled out correctly and proper action is taken on each mitigation. Each City department shall ensure compliance of the conditions (mitigation) that relate to that department. Procedures - The following steps will be followed by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 1. A fee covering all costs and expenses, including any consultants' fees, incurred by the City in performing monitoring or reporting programs shall be charged to the applicant. 2. A MMP Reporting Form will be prepared for each potentially significant impact and its corresponding mitigation measure identified in the Mitigation Monitoring Checklist, attached hereto. This procedure designates who will take action, what action will be taken and when, and to whom and when compliance will be reported. All monitoring and reporting documentation will be kept in the project file with the department having the original authority for processing the project. Reports will be available from the City upon request at the following address: City of Rancho Cucamonga - Lead Agency Planning Division 10500 Civic Center Ddve Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 2 3. Appr°priate specialists will be retained if technical'expertise beyond the City staff, s is needed, as determined by the project planner or responsible City department, to monitor specific mitigation activities and provide appropriate written approvals to the project planner. 4. The project planner or responsible City department will approve, by signature and date, the completion of each action item that was identified on the MMP Reporting Form. After each measure is verified for compliance, no further action is required for the specific phase of development. 5. All MMP Reporting Forms for an impact issue requiring no further monitoring will be s~gned off as completed by the project planner or responsible City department at the bottom of the MMP Reporting Form. 6. Unanticipated circumstances may arise requiring the refinement or addition of mitigation measures. The project planner is responsible for approving any such refinements or additions. An MMP Reporting Form will be completed by the project planner or responsible City department and a copy provided to the appropriate design, construction, or operational personnel. 7. The project planner or responsible City department has the authority to stop the work of construction contractors if compliance with any aspects of the MMP is not occurring after written notification has been issued. The .project planner or responsible City department also has the authority to hold certificates of occupancies if compliance with a mitigation measure attached hereto is not occurring. The project planner or responsible City department has the authority to hold issuance of a business license until all mitigation measures are implemented. 8. Any conditions (mitigation) that require monitoring after project completion shall be the responsibility of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Development Department. The Department shall require the applicant to post any necessary funds (or other forms of guarantee) with the City. These funds shall be used by the City to retain consultants and/or pay for City staff time to monitor and report on the mitigation measure for the required period of time. 9. In those instances requiring long-term project monitoring, the applicant shall provide the City with a plan for monitoring the mitigation activities at the project site and reporting the monitoring results to the City. Said plan shall identify the reporter as an individual qualified to know whether the particular mitigation measure has been implemented. The monitoring/reporting plan shall conform to the City's MMP and shall be approved by the Community Development Director prior to the issuance of building permits. MITIGATION MONITORING CHECKLIST (INITIAL STUDY PART III) Project File No.: DR 00-60 Applicant: Northtown Housinq Development Corporation Initial Study Prepared by: Debra Meier, AICP Date: October 26, 2000 Bio og ba Resdur~e~' ' ~ ~' All existing trees shall be retained on the site. The existing trees shall be protected during construction as required by Cit7 Ordinance. ; Noi$~ ; ~' ' Construction or grading shall not take place between the CP C Routine site A 4 hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. on weekdays, including inspections. Saturday, or at any time on Sunday or a national holiday. Construction or grading noise levels shall not exceed 65 dBA, CP C Routine site A 4 )plus the limits specified in Development Code Section inspections. 17.02,120-D, as measured at the property line. Developer · shall monitor noise levels weekly, monitoring as specified in · 'Development Code Section 17.02.120~ The Planning Division · may require monitoring at other times. Developer shall repo~l their findings to the Planning Division within 24 houm. If noise levels exceed the above standards, then construction activities shall be reduced in intensity to a level of compliance I I '1 I I with above noise standards or halted. I r I I I Routine site The block wall along the northerly property line shall be I CP I C I inscectlons I A I 4 constructed a,s early as possible in first phase. - ' The site shall be treated with water or other soil stabilizing CP C Review of plans A/C agent (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) daily. Amethyst Street shall be swept according to a schedule established by the City to reduce PM~o emissions. CP C Review of plans A/C 2 Grading operations shall be suspended when wind speeds exceed 25 mph. CP C Review of plans A/C 2 Chemical soil stabilizers (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) shall be applied to all inactive construction areas that remain inactive for 96 hours or more to reduce PM~o CP C Review of plans A/C 2 emissions. Contractor shall select the construction equipment based CP B/C Review of plans A/C 2 on Iow emission factors and high-energy efficiency. All construction equipment will be tuned and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Contractor shall utilize electric or clean alternative fuel CP B/C Review of plans A/C 2 powered equipment where feasible. Grading plans shall include a statement that work crews will CP B Review of plans C 2 shut off equipment when not in use. Key to Checklist Abbreviations CDD - Community Development Director A - With Each New Development A - On-site Inspection 1 - Withhold Recordation of Final Map CP - City Planner or designee B - Prior To Consfluction B - O~er Agency Permit / Approval 2 - Withhold Grading or Building Permit CE - City Engineer or ,~=~it;,,ee C - Throughout Consl~uction C - Plan Check 3 - Withhold Certificate of O~'~'J ~p~,lcy BO - Building Official or designee D - On Completion D - Separate Submittal (Reports / Studies / Plans) 4 - Stop Work Order PO - Police Captain or designee E - Operating 5 - Retain Deposit or Bonds FC - Fire Chief or designee 6 - Revoke CUP I:~PLANNrNG\FINAL\CEQA\MMCHKLST.WPD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STANDARD CONDITIONS PROJECT #: Development Review 00-60 SUBJECT: Olen Jones Senior Apartments APPLICANT: North Town Development Corp. LOCATION: East of Amethyst, North of Base Line Road ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DIVISION, (909) 477-2750, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: General Requirements Comolefion Date 1. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its / agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 2. A copy of the signed Resolution of Approval or City Planner's letter of approval, and all Standard / Conditions, shall be included in legible form on the grading plans, building and construction plans, and landscape and irrigation plans submitted for plan check. B. Time Limits 1. Conditional Use Permit, Variance, or DevelopmentJDesign Review approval shall expire if / building permits are not issued or approved use has not commenced within 5 years from the date of approval. No extensions are allowed. C. Site Development 1. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include ! site plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, sign program, and grading on file in the Planning Division, the conditions contained herein, and the Development Code regulations. SC-10-00 I Project No,DR00-60 Comoletion Date 2. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon, all Conditions of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Planner. 3. Occupancy of the facilities shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Building Code and State Fire Marshal regulations have been complied with. Prior to occupancy, plans shall be submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety Division to show compliance. The buildings shall be inspected for compliance prior to occupancy. 4. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. 5. All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for consistency prior to issuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment, building, etc.) or prior to final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, or approved use has commenced, whichever comes first. 6. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community or Specific Plans in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 7. A detailed on-site lighting plan, including a photometric diagram, shall be reviewed and approved by the City Planner and Police Department (477-2800) prior to the issuance of building permits. Such plan shall indicate style, illumination, location, height, and method of shielding so as not to adversely affect adjacent properties. 8. Trash receptacle(s) are required and shall meet City standards. The final design, locations, and the number of trash receptacles shal! be subject to City Planner .review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. 9. Ail ground-mounted utility appurtenances such as transformers, AC condensers, etc., shall be located out of public view and adequately screened through the use of a combination of concrete or masonry walls, berming, and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the City Planner. For single family residential developments, transformers shall be placed in underground vaults. 10. All building numbers and individual units shall be identified in a clear and concise manner, including proper illumination. 11. Ail parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by the property owner, homeowners' association, or other means acceptable to the City. Proof of this landscape maintenance shall be submitted for City Planner and City Engineer review and approved prior to the issuance of building permits. 12. For multiple family development, laundry facilities shall be provided as required by the Development Code. 13. For multiple family development, a minimum of 125 cubic feet of exterior Iockable storage space shall be provided. 14. For residential development, recreation area/facility shall be provided as required by the Development Code. 15. Where rock cobble is used, it shall be real river rock. Other stone veneers may be manufactured products. 16. The lighting fixture design shall compliment the architectural program. It shall include the plaza area lighting fixtures, building lighting fixtures (exterior), and parking lot lighting fixtures. SC-IO-O0 2 Project No. DR00-60 Completion Date Building Design 1. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners and other roof mounted equipment and/or projections, shall be shielded from view and the sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets as required by the Planning Division. Such screening shall be architecturally integrated with the building design and constructed to the satisfaction of the City Planner. Details shall be included in building plans. E. Parking and Vehicular Access (indicate details on building plans) 1. Ail parking spaces shall be 9 feet wide by 18 feet long. When a side of any parking space abuts a building, wall, support column, or other obstruction, the space shall be a minimum of 11 feet wide. 2. All parking lot landscape islands shall have a minimum outside dimension of 6 feet and shall contain a 12-inch walk adjacent to the parking stall (including curb). 3. Textured pedestrian pathways and textured pavement across circulation aisles shall be provided throughout the development to connect dwellings/units/buildings with open spaces/plazas/ recreational uses. 4. Ail parking spaces shall be double striped per City standards and all driveway aisles, entrances, and exits shall be striped per City standards. 5. Ail units shall be provided with garage door openers if driveways are less than 18 feet in depth from back of sidewalk. 6. The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shall restrict the storage of recreational vehicles on this site unless they are the principal source of transportation for the owner and prohibit parking on interior circulation aisles other than in designated visitor parking areas. 7. Plans for any security gates shall be submitted for the City Planner, City Engineer, and Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. For residential development, private gated entrances shall provide adequate tum-areund space in front of the gate and a separate visitor lane with call box to avoid cars stacking into the public right-of-way. 8. Bicycle storage spaces shall be provided in all commercial, office, industrial, and multifamily residential projects or more than 10 units. Minimum spaces equal to five percent of the required automobile parking spaces or three bicycle storage spaces, whichever is greater. After the first 50 bicycle storage spaces are provided, additional storage spaces required are 2.5 percent of the required automobile parking spaces. Warehouse distribution uses shall provide bicycle storage spaces at a rate of 2.5 percent on the required automobile parking spaces with a minimum of a 3-bike rack. In no case shall the total number of bicycle parking spaces required exceed 100. Where this results in a fraction of 0.5 or greater, the number shall be rounded off to the higher whole number. F. Trip Reduction 1. Category 5 telephone cable or fiber optic cable shall be provided for office buildings and single- family developments of 500 or more units. SC-lO-O0 3 Project No. DR00-60 Comeletion Date G. Landscaping 1. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan, including slope planting and model home landscaping in the case of residential development, shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits or prior final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision. 2. Existing trees required to be preserved in place shall be protected with a construction barrier in accordance with the Municipal Code Section 19.08.110, and so noted on the grading plans. The location of those trees to be preserved in place and new locations for transplanted trees shall be shown on the detailed landscape plans. The applicant shall follow all of the arborist's recommendations regarding preservation, transplanting, and trimming methods. 3. A minimum of 50 trees per gross acre, comprised of the following sizes, shall be provided within the project: ~ % - 48-inch box or larger ~ % - 36-inch box or larger, 20 % - 24- inch box or larger, 70 % - 15-gallon, and 0 % - 5 gallon. 4. A minimum of 20% of trees planted within industrial projects, and a minimum of 30% within commercial and office projects, shall be specimen size trees - 24-inch box or larger. 5. Within parking lots, trees shall be planted at a rate of one 15-gallon tree for every three parking stalls, sufficient to shade 50% of the parking area at solar noon on August 21. 6. Trees shall be planted in areas of public view adjacent to and along structures at a rate of one tree per 30 linear feet of building. 7. All private slopes of 5 feet or more in vertical height and of 5:1 or greater slope, but less than 2:1 slope, shall be, at minimum, irrigated and landscaped with appropriate ground cover for erosion control. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer pdor to occupancy. 8. Ail private slopes in excess of 5 feet, but less than 8 feet in vertical height and of 2:1 or greater slope shall be landscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as follows: one 15-gallon or larger size tree per each 150 sq. ft. of slope area, 1-gallon or larger size shrub per each 100 sq. ft. of slope area, and appropriate ground cover. In addition, slope banks in excess of 8 feet in vertical height and 2:1 or greater slope shall also include one 5-gallon or larger size tree per each 250 sq. ft. of slope area. Trees and shrubs shall be planted in staggered clusters to soften and vary slope plane. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. 9. For multi-family residential and non-residential development, property owners are responsible for the continual maintenance of all landscaped areas on-site, as well as contiguous planted areas within the public right-of-way. All landscaped areas shall be kept free from weeds and debris and maintained in healthy and thriving condition, and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing, and trimming. Any damaged, dead, diseased, or decaying plant material shall be replaced within 30 days from the date of damage. 10. The final design of the perimeter parkways, walls, landscaping, and sidewalks shall be included in the required landscape plans and shall be subject to City Planner review and approval and coordinated for consistency with any parkway landscaping plan which may be required by the Engineering Division. 11. Special landscape features such as mounding, alluvial rock, specimen size trees, meandering sidewalks (with horizontal change), and intensified landscaping, is required along Amethyst Avenue. 12. Landscaping and irrigation systems required to be installed within the public right-of-way on the perimeter of this project area shall be continuously maintained by the developer. SC-IO-O0 4 Project Ne. DR00-60 Completion Date 13. All walls shall be provided with decorative treatment. If located in public maintenance areas, the design shall be coordinated with the Engineering Division. 14. Landscaping and irrigation shall be designed to conserve water through the principJes of Xeriscape as defined in Chapter 19.16 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. H. Signs 1. The signs indicated on the submitted plans are conceptual only and not a part of this approval. Any signs proposed for this development shall comply with the Sign Ordinance and shall require separate application and approval by the Planning Division prior to installation of any signs. I. Environmental 1. A final acoustical report shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. The final report shall discuss the level of interior noise attenuation to below 45 CNEL, the building materials and construction techniques provided, and if appropriate, verify the adequacy of the mitigation measures. The building plans will be checked for conformance with the mitigation measures contained in the final report. 2. Mitigation measures are required for the project. The applicant is responsible for the cast of implementing said measures, including monitoring and reporting. Applicant shall be required to post cash, letter of credit, or other forms of guarantee acceptable to the City Planner in the amount of $ 719 prior to the issuance of building permits, guaranteeing satisfactory performance and completion of all mitigation measures. These funds may be used by the City to retain consultants and/or pay for City staff time to monitor and report on the mitigation measures. Failure to complete all actions required by the approved environmental documents shall be considered grounds for forfeit. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION, (909) 477-2710, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: J. General Requirements 1. Submit five complete sets of plans including the following: a. Site/Plot Plan; b. Foundation Plan; c. Floor Plan; d. Ceiling and Roof Framing Plan; e. Electrical Plans (2 sets, detached) including the size of the main switch, number and size of service entrance conductors, panel schedules, and single line diagrams; f. Plumbing and Sewer Plans, including isometrics, underground diagrams, water and waste diagram, sewer or septic system location, fixture units, gas piping, and heating and air conditioning; and g.Planning Division Project Number (i.e., 3-1' #, CUP #, DR #, etc.) clearly identified on the outside of all plans. 2. Submit two sets of structural calculations, energy conservation calculations, and a soils report. Architect's/Engineer's stamp and "wet" signature are required prior to plan check submittal. SC-10-O0 5 Project ND.DR00-60 Completion Date 3. Separate permits are required for fencing and/or walls. / / 4. Contractors must show proof of State and City licenses and Workers' Compensation coverage to / / the City prior to permit issuance. 5. Business shall not open for operation prior to posting the Certificate of Occupancy issued by the / / Building and Safety Division. K. Site Development 1. Plans shall be submitted for plan check and approved prior to construction. All plans shall be / / marked with the project file number (i.e., CUP 98-01). The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Title 24 Accessibility requirements, and all other applicable codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of permit application. Please contact the Building and Safety Division for availability of the Code Adoption Ordinance and applicable handouts. 2. Prior to issuance of building permits for a new residential dwelling unit(s) Or major addition to / / existing unit(s), the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but are not limited to: City Beautification Fee, Park Fee, Drainage Fee, Transportation Development Fee, Permit and Plan Checking Fees, and School Fees. Applicant shall provide a copy of the school fees receipt to the Building and Safety Division prior to permit issuance. 3. Street addresses shall be provided by the Building Official, after tract/parcel map recordation and / / prior to issuance of building permits. 4. Construction activity shall not occur between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. Monday / / through Saturday, with no construction on Sunday or holidays. 5. Construct trash enclosure(s) per City Standard (available at the Planning Division's public / counter). L. New Structures 1. Roofing material shall be installed per the manufacturer's "high wind" instructions. 2. Provide draft stops in attic areas, not to exceed 3,000 square feet, in accordance with UBC Table 5-A. 3. Provide draft stops in attics in line with common walls. 4. If the area of habitable space above the first floor exceeds 3,000 square feet, then the construction type shall be V-1 Hour. 5.Walls and floors separating dwelling units in the same building shall be not less than 1-hour fire-resistive construction. M. Grading 1. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Standards, and accepted grading practices. The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved grading plan. 2.A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to perform such work. 3. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application for grading plan check. SC-10-00 6 Project No. DR00-60 Completion Date 4. The final grading plans shall be completed and approved prior to issuance of building permits. 5. A separate grading plan check submittal is required for all new construction projects and for existing buildings where improvements being proposed will generate 50 cubic yards or more of combined cut and fill. The Grading Plan shall be prepared, stamped, and signed by a California Registered Civil Engineer. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEERING DIVISION, (909) 477-2740, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: N. Street Improvements 1. All public improvements (interior streets, drainage facilities, community trails, paseos, landscaped areas, etc.) shown on the plans and/or tentative map shall be constructed to City Standards. Interior street improvements shall include, but are not limited to, curb and gutter, AC pavement, drive approaches, sidewalks, street lights, and street trees. 2. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to: Amethyst Avenue X (b) X X X X Notes: (a) Median island includes landscaping and irrigation on meter. (b) Pavement reconstruction and overlays Will be determined during plan check. (c) If so marked, sidewalk shall be curvilinear per Standard 114. (d) If so marked, an in-lieu of construction fee shall be provided for this item 3. Improvement Plans and Construction: a. Street improvement plans, including street trees, street lights, and intersection safety lights on future signal poles, and traffic signal plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Security shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public and/or private street improvements, prior to final map approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. b. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and a construction permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office in addition to any other permits required. c. Pavement striping, marking, traffic signing, street name signing, traffic signal conduit, and interconnect conduit shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. d. Signal conduit with pull boxes shall be installed with any new construction or reconstruction project along major or secondary streets and at intersections for future traffic signals and interconnect wiring. Pull boxes shall be placed on both sides of the street at 3 feet outside of BCR, ECR, or any other locations approved by the City Engineer Notes: (1)Pull boxes shall be No. 6 at intersections and No. 5 along streets, a maximum of 200 feet apart, unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer. (2)Conduit shall be 3-inch (at intersections) or 2-inch (along streets) galvanized steel with pull rope or as specified. e.Handicapped access ramps shall be installed on all comers of intersections per City Standards or as directed by the City Engineer. SC-'I0-00 7 Project Ne. DR00-60 Comeletion Date f. Existing City roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with / / adequate detours during construction. Street or lane closure permits are required. A cash deposit shall be provided to cover the cost of grading and paving, which shall be refunded upon completion of the construction to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. g. Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks. Under sidewalk drains shall be / / installed to City Standards, except for single family residential lots. h. Street names shall be approved by the City Planner prior to submittal for first plan check. __/ / 4. Street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, shall be installed per City Standards in accordance with the City's street tree program. 5. Intersection line of sight designs shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with / / adopted policy. On collector or larger streets, lines of sight shall be plotted for all project intersections, including driveways. Local residential street intersections and commercial or industrial driveways may have lines of sight plotted as required. O. Public Maintenance Areas 1. A signed consent and waiver form to join and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting / / Districts shall be filed with the City Engineer prior to final map approval or issuance of building permits whichever occurs first. Formation costs shall be borne by the developer. P. Drainage and Flood Control 1. A final drainage study shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer prior to final map approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. All drainage facilities shall be installed as required by the City Engineer. Q, Utilities 1. Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water, gas, electric power, telephone, and cable 'IV (all underground) in accordance with the Utility Standards. Easements shall be provided as required. 2. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary. 3. Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the Cucamonga County Water District (CCWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino. A letter of compliance from the CCWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first. Such Fetter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval in the case of subdivision or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential projects. R. General Requirements and Approvals 1. A non-refundable deposit shall be paid to the City, covering the estimated operating costs for all new street lights for the first six months of operation, prior to final map approval or prior to building permit issuance if no map is involved. SC-lO-O0 8 Project No.DR00-60 Completion Date ICANT SHALL CONTACT THE FIRE PREVENTION/NEW CONSTRUCTION UNIT, I09) 477-2730, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: S. General Fire Protection Conditions 1. Fire flow requirement shall be: ____/-- 3500 gallons per minute, Per '97 UFC Appendix Ill-A, 3, (b) (Increase). -OR X A fire flow shall be conducted by the builder/developer and witnessed by fire department personnel prior to water plan approval. X For the purpose of final acceptance, an additional fire flow test of the on-site hydrants shall be conducted by the builder/developer and witnessed by fire department personnel after construction and prior to occupancy. 2. Fire hydrants are required. All required public or on-site fire hydrants shall be installed, flushed, and operable prior to delivery of any combustible building materials on site (i.e., lumber, roofing materials, etc.). Hydrants flushing shall be witnessed by fire department personnel. 3. Existing fire hydrant locations shall be provided prior to water plan approval. Required hydrants, if any, will be determined by the Fire District. Fire District standards require a 6-inch riser with a 4-inch and a 2-1/2-inch outlet. Substandard hydrants shall be upgraded to meet this standard. Contact the Fire Safety Division for specifications on approved brands and model numbers. 4. Prior to the issuance of building permits for combustible construction, evidence shall be submitted to the Fire District that an approved temporary water supply for fire protection is available, pending completion of the required fire protection system. 5. Hydrant reflective markers (blue dots) shall be required for all hydrants and installed prior to final inspection. 6. An automatic fire extinguishing system(s) will be required as noted below: X Per Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District Ordinance 15. X Other: CBC. Note: Special sprinkler densities are required for such hazardous operations as woodworking, plastics manufacturing, spray painting, flammable liquids storage, high piled stock, etc. Contact the Fire Safety Division to determine if the sprinkler system is adequate for proposed operations. 7. Sprinkler system monitoring shall be installed and operational immediately upon completion of __/__ __ sprinkler system. 8. Afire alarm system(s) shall be required as noted below: __/__ __ X California Code Regulations Title 24. NFPA 101 9. Roadways within project shall comply with the Fire District's fire lane standards, as noted: / X All roadways per Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District Ordinance 32. 10. Fire department access shall be amended to facilitate emergency apparatus. __/ 11. Emergency access, a minimum of 26 feet wide, shall be provided, and maintained free and clear of obstructions at all times during construction, in accordance with Fire District requirements. SC-10-O0 9 Project No. DR00-60 Completion Date 12.All trees and shrubs planted in any median shall be kept trimmed to a minimum of 14 feet, 6 inches from the ground up, so as not to impede fire apparatus. 13. A building directory shall be required, as noted below: X Lighted directory within 20 feet of main entrance(s). 14. A Knox rapid entry key vault shall be installed prior to final inspection. Proof of purchase shall be submitted prior to final building plan approval. Contact the Fire Safety Division for specific details and ordering information. 15. Gated/restricted entry(s) require installation of a Knox rapid entry key system. Contact the Fire / Safety Division for specific details and ordering information. 16. Fire District fee(s), plus a $1 per "plan page" microfilm fee will be due to the Rancho Cucamonga / Fire Protection District as follows: X $677 for New Commercial and Industrial Development (per new building).** **Note: Separate plan check fees for Tenant Improvement work, fire protection systems (sprinklers, hood systems, alarms, etc.) and/or any consultant reviews will be assessed upon submittal of plans. 17. Plans shall be submitted and approved prior to construction in accordance with 1997 USC, UFC, / / ' UPC, UMC, and RCFD Standards 32 and 15 and 1996 NEC. T, Special Permits 1. Special permits may be required, depending on intended use, as noted below: a. Places of assembly (except churches, schools, and other non-profit organizations). / / NOTE: SEPARATE PLAN CHECK FEES FOR TENANT IMPROVEMENTS, FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS (SPRINKLERS, HOOD SYSTEMS, ALARMS, ETC.), AND/OR ANY' CONSULTANT REVIEVVS WILL RE ASSESSED UPON SUBMI'I-rAL OF PLANS. NOTE: A SEPARATE GRADING PLAN CHECK SUBMI'I-rAL IS REQUIRED FOR ALL NEW CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS AND FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS WHERE IMPROVEMENTS BEING PROPOSED WILL GENERATE 50 CUBIC YARDS OR MORE OF COMBINED CUT AND FILL. THE GRADING PLAN SHALL BE PREPARED, STAMPED AND SIGNED BY A CALIFORNIA REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, (909) 477-2800, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: U. Security Lighting 1. All parking, common, and storage areas shall have minimum maintained 1-foot candle power. These areas should be lighted from sunset to sunrise and on photo sensored cell. 2. Ail buildings shall have minimal security lighting to eliminate dark areas around the buildings, with direct lighting to be provided by all entryways. Lighting shall be consistent around the entire development. 3. Lighting in exterior areas shall be in vandal-resistant fixtures. V. Security Hardware 1. A secondary locking device shall be installed on all sliding glass doors. cosq- SC-lO-O0 10 Project No. DR00-60 Completion Date 2. One-inch single cylinder dead bolts shall be installed on all entrance doors. If windows are within / 40 inches of any locking device, tempered glass or a double cylinder dead bolt shall be used. 3. All garage or rolling doors shall have slide bolts or some type of secondary locking devices. W. Security Fencing 1. All businesses or residential communities with security fencing and gates will provide the police with a keypad access and a unique code. The initial code is to be submitted to the Police Crime Prevention Unit along with plans. If this code is changed due to a change in personnel or for any other reason, the new code must be supplied to the Police via the 24-hour dispatch center at (909) 941-1488 or by contacting the Crime Prevention Unit at (909) 477-2800 extension 2474 or 2475. X. Windows 1. All sliding glass windows shall have secondary locking devices and should not be able to be lifted from frame or track in any manner. Y. Building Numbering 1. Numbers and the backgrounds shall be of contrasting color and shall be reflective for nighttime visibility. 2. At the entrances of commercial or residential complexes, an illuminated map or directory of project shall be erected with vandal-resistant cover. North shali be at the top and so indicated. Sign shall be in compliance with Sign Ordinance, including an application for a Sign Permit and approval by the Planning Division. 3. All developments shall submit a 8 %" x 11" sheet with the numbering pattern of all multi-tenant developments to the Police Department. SC-IO-O0 1t the city of Rancho Cucamonga DATE: November 21, 2000 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Douglas Fenn, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 16081 -TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES - A residential subdivision of 101 single-family lots on 20.7 acres of land in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) of the Victoda Community Plan, located at the southwest comer of Day Creek Boulevard and Victoda Park lane - APN: 227-091-09, 26, and 50. Related file: Development Review 00-12. Staff has prepared a Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-12 - TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES - The review of detailed site plan and elevations for 101 ' single-family lots on 20.7 acres of land in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) of the Victoda Community Plan, located at the southwest comer of Day Creek Boulevard and Victoria Park Lane - APN: 227-091-09, 26, and 50. Related files: Tentative Tract 16081. Staff has prepared a Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. A. Proiect Density: 4.8 dwelling units per acre. B. Surroundinq Land Use and Zoninq: Project Site - Vacant land; Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) in the Victoria Community Plan. North - Single-family development (under construction for William Lyon's Tract 15871), Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) in the Victoda Community Plan. South- Railroad right-of-way (Future Pacific Electdc Trail); rail corridor in the Victoria Community Plan. East - Single-family development (under construction for Kaufman and Broad's Tract 15875); Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) in the Victoria Community Plan. West - Edison electric transmission utility corridor; Utility Corridor in the Victoria Community Plan ITEMS H & I PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TT 16081 AND DR 00-12 -TRIMARK November 21,2000 Page 2 C. General Plan Desiqnations: Project Site - Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) North - Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) South - Community Trail East - Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) West - Utility Corridor D. Site Description: The site is vacant and relatively fiat, with no significant stand of trees or other vegetation. There are four mature trees on the property, which are damaged and proposed for removal. There is a stdp of land between the proposed project and Day Creek Boulevard, which is owned byWilliam Lyon Homes. The applicant is currently in negotiations with William Lyon to pumhase this stdp of land. Once this stdp is purchased, the applicant will include it as a part of its tract. Currently, the applicant depicts Lots 53 and 60 as remainder parcels adjoining the stdp owned by Lyon. If Tdmark acquires the stdp, then a new subdivision map would be proposed (see concept lot layout on Subdivision Map). E. ANALYSIS: General: The proposed subdivision layout is consistent with the "loop and lollipop" pattem of development in the Victoda Planned Community. The appl!cant proposes a 25-foot wide greenbelt trail connection (Lot "A"), in the middle of the southerly tract boundary, to the future Pacific Electric Trail. The applicant, Tdmark Pacific Homes, will develop the site under the Low-Medium Residential Basic Development Standard of the Victoda Community Plan. At least 20 percent of the lots must have RV storage (12-foot minimum side yard). Five house plans are being proposed, each having four different architectural styles: Spanish, Monterey, Traditional, and Craftsman. All of the plans have their own unique style and are configured as follows: Plan 1 is a single-story, 2,062 square feet, and features a two-car front-on garage and a front porch. The plan is a three bedroom product. There is a Plan 1X which offers a third car garage or a den/opt flex space. Plan 2 is a two-story, 2,457 square feet, and features a three-car (two tandem space) front-on garage and recessed entryway. The plan is a three bedroom with a den option or a four- bedroom feature. Plan 3 is a two story, 2,521 square feet, and features a three-car (two-tandem space) front-on garage with a centralized and recess entryway. The plan also includes a three-bedroom plan with an option for a fourth bedroom or den. Plan 4 is a two story, 2,765 square feet, and features a three-car (two-tandem space) front-on garage with a centralized and recess entryway. The plan also includes a four-bedroom plan with an option for a fifth bedroom or den and an optional deck. Plan 5 is a two story, 2,898 square feet, and features a three-car front-on and side-on garage with a centralized and recessed entryway. The four-bedroom plan also has an option of a den or additional bedroom. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TT 16081 AND DR 00-12 - TRIMARK November 21, 2000 Page 3 The side and rear elevations do not have quite the same level of architectural enhancement as the fronts, but they still represent an upgrade over existing surrounding homes by using window surrounds, and second story balconies, which allows the developer to achieve the front enhancements. F. Desiqn Review Committee: The Committee (McNeil, Stewart, Coleman) reviewed the project on September 5, 2000, and recommended approval with conditions, which have been incorporated into the attached Resolution of Approval. Action comments have been attached for your convenience (Exhibit "F"). G. Gradinq Review Committee: The Grading Committee reviewed the project on September 5, 2000. The Committee recommended approval subject to conditions contained in the attached Resolution of Approval. H. Environmental Assessment: Parts I and II of the Initial Study have been completed. Staff determined that the project could have a significant adverse environmental impact on short- term air quality dudng site preparation, such as grading and equipment exhaust. Staff also determined that there may be noise impacts to future residents within the subject tract resulting from traffic along the Day Creek Boulevard. A noise study was prepared which identified noise attenuation measures to reduce noise to acceptable levels. The four existing Eucalyptus trees are proposed for removal because of their poor health. Mitigation measures will be required to replace the trees, and to reduce the short-term air quality and noise impacts to a less than significant impact. If the Planning Commission concurs, then the issuance of a Mitigated Negative Declaration would be in order. CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners within a 300-foot radius of the project site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Tentative Tract 16081 and Development Review 00-12 through the adoption of the attached Resolutions of Approval with Conditions and the issuance of a Mitigated Negative Declaration. City Planner BB:DFVna Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Site Utilization Map Exhibit "B" - Site Plan Exhibit "C" - Grading Plan Exhibit "D" - Landscape Plan Exhibit "E" - Elevations Exhibit "F" - Design Review Report Exhibit"G" - Initial Study Resolution Approving Tentative Tract 16081 Resolution Approving Development Review 00-12 C)ty of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 16081 SEE SHEET g 2 DETAILED SITE PLAN TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 16081 TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 16081 LEGEND CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 16081 _ '- '- r~ rsz ~ o~' .,~CHO C~¢A.O~A. ~. ,~ ,,.~,,.~ ~ ~ ,~, ~, .,.-~,,"~l .......... PLANT LEGEND FENCE & WALL LEGEND Trimark Pacific Homes TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 16081 85 Argonaut Strut, Suite 205 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN (949) 609-1308 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA PLAN 1 SPANISH ~~ II1~ I~1 ~ HERRERO PROPERTY TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES RANCHO CU C AMONGA PLAN I ELEVATIONS O PROPERTY HERRER TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES A N C H O C U C A M O N O A ~-~-~ T.~-'-... '' ~ . ~ ..... P L A N 1 X ..... HERRERO PROPERTY .~' TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES -~ R A N C H O C U C A M 0 N 0 A PLAN ~X W/GARAOE MONTEREY PLAN 1X ELEVATIONS HERRERO PROPERTY TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES A N C H O C U C A M 0 N O A ~ I I II II P L A N 1 X · --.~ HERRERO PROPERTY ~"~ TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES '~ R A N C H 0 C U C A M 0 N 0 A ~_~ ~,~ P L A N 1X E L E V A T I 0 N S ?~-:~ HERRERO PROPERTY ~d~ TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES ~i~ R A N C H 0 C U C A M O N O A PLAN SPANISH P L A N 2 HERRERO PROPERTY TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES R A N C H O C U C A M 0 N O A PLAN 3 SPANISH M c ~, -. ~ ~ PLAN 3 HERRERO PROPERTY PACIFIC HOMES C U C A M 0 N O A HERR RO ROPERT¥ TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES R A N C H 0 C U C A M 0 N G A PLAN 4 CRAFTSMAN PLAN 4 PLAN 4 TRAD[TIONAL MONTEREY PLAN 4 ....~..--,-- HERRERO PROPERTY TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES '~'"'~'"~ R A N C H 0 C U C A M 0 N G A PLAN 4 SPANISH PLAN 4 ELEVATIONS HERRERO PROPERTY TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES A N C H O C U C A M O N O A -"'"'=~- / / ['L A r~ ~ \ ~,'~ ~'?'~",~'.,?,"r , ~, ~, ~' "' -~ ~'" .~' ,':~ ~,..i. , ,., ~ ~ ,""~' ~" ' '"'~ ' ,~= ...... HERRERO PROPERTY ........ TRI MARK PACIFIC HOMES ............. R A N C H 0 C U C A M O N O A ,~o~,.~. PLAN S ELEVATIONS :.~.~. HERRERO PROPERTY ,;,~,~,~ TRI MARK PACIFIC HOMES '"~.~- R A N C H 0 C U C A M 0 N O A DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 7:00 p.m. Douglas Fenn September 5, 2000 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 16081 - TRIMARK - A residential subdivision and design review of detailed site plan and elevations for 101 single family lots on 26.38 gross acres of land in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) located at the southwest corner of Day Creek Boulevard and Victoria Park Lane - APN: 227-091 -,09, 26, and 50. Design Parameters: The site is vacant and relatively flat, with no significant stand of trees or other vegetation. The site is bounded to the east by Day Creek Boulevard and single-family development (under construction Kaufman and Broad Tract 15875) and to the south is railroad right of way (future Pacific Electric Trail). To the west is Edison electric transmission utility corridor and to the north is Victoria Park Lane (a linear park) and single-family development (under construction William Lyon Tract 15871 ). Currently the applicant depicts two Iow, 53 and 60 as a remainder parcel. These two lots are along Day Creek Boulevard that is approximately 1320 feet long and roughly 110 wide. This parcel is owned by William Lyon Homes, and the applicant is currently in negotiations with William Lyon to purchase this strip of land. Once this strip is purchased the applicant will include it as a part of it tract. The applicant proposes a greenbelt trail connection (Lot "A"), in the middle of the southerly tract boundary, to the future Pacific Electdc Trail. The applicant, Trimark Homes, will develop the site under the Low-Medium Residential Basic Development Standard of the Victoria Community Plan that also requires at least 20% of the lots to have RV storage (12' min. side yard). The proposed subdivision layout is consistent with the pattern of development in the Victoria Planned Community. Five house plans are being proposed, each having four different architectural styles: Spanish, Monterey, Traditional and Craftsman. All of the plans have their own unique style and are configured as follows: Plan I is a single-story, 2,062 square feet, and features a 2-car front-on garage and a front porch. The plan is a three bedroom with product. There is a Plan 1X which offers a third car garage or a den/opt flex space. Plan 2 is a two-story, 2,457 square feet, and features a 3-car (two tandem space) front-on garage and recessed entryway. The plan is a three bedroom with a den option or a four-bedroom feature. Plan 3 is a two story, 2,521 square feet, and features a 3-car (two-tandem space) front-on garage with a centralized and recess entryway. The plan also includes a three-bedroom plan with an option for a fourth bedroom or den. Plan 4 is a two story, 2,765 square feet, and features a 3-car (two-tandem space) front-on garage with a centralized and recess entryway. The plan also includes a four-bedroom plan with an option for a fifth bedroom or den and an optional deck. Plan 5 is a two story, 2,898 square feet, and features a 3-car front-on and side-on gar. age with a centralized and recess entryway. The four-bedroom plan also has an option of a den oi; additional bedroom. The side and rear elevations do not have quite the same level of amhitectural enhancement as the fronts but they still represent an upgrade over existing surrounding homes by using window surrounds, and second story balconies, which allow the developer to achieve the front enhancements. DRC COMMENTS TT 16801 - TRIMARK September 5, 2000 Page 2 Staff Comreents: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Major Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project: 1. Special "enhanced architecture" should be given to second story on lots, which rear onto Victoria Park Lane. Suggestions include pop-outs; decks/balconies, greater use of shutters, pot shelves, sash windows (or equivalent), window mullions. Submit a street scene elevation for Victoria Park Lane. 2. The intersection of Day Creek Boulevard is designated as a "Major Residential Entry" by the Victoria Community Plan. The Planning Commission further defined this concept through adopting the attached Day Creek Boulevard Scenic/Recreation Corridor Master Plan. Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues: 1. Use Plan I (a one story floor plan) on Lot 34 in order to avoid a two story home on Lot 34 with only a 5 foot setback from rear yards of Lots 31 and' 32. This awkward sideyard to rearyard relationship creates pdvacy issues and lack of light, air and open space. 2. Front yard landscaping should include, at a minimum, one 15-gallon size tree, one 5-gallon size tree, seeded ground cover or lawn, and a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer. This shall be in addition to the required street trees. 3. Submit a Site Plan labeling as "RV" those lots which will allow recreational vehicle storage in an unobstructed side yard (12-foot minimum width) on the driveway side of the lot. 4. All walls visible from any public right-of-way shall be decorative and consistent with established themes for Victoria Park Lane and Day Creek Boulevard. The Noise Study must be revised to reflect the current subdivision layout, particularly the concept of leaving the Remainder Parcel (Lots 53 and 60) undeveloped, and where sound attenuation walls are necessary. The undeveloped Lots 53 and 60 will not protect the homes from traffic noise along Day Creek Boulevard. 5. Provide special driveway treatment, and additional landscaping, to soften "concrete jungle" appearance of cul-de-sacs with tight driveway spacing. Generally there is not enough space for planting street trees within parkway; hence trees must be planted a minimum of 4 feet behind sidewalk. Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be incorporated into the project design without discussion: 1. Setback fences/retaining walls a minimum of 5 feet behind public sidewalk on corner side yards in order to provide a planter strip. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval subject to the above comments.  ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM =,.--.oo.~.. (Part I - Initial Study) 477-2750 The purpose of this form is to inform the City of the basic components of the proposed project so that the City may review the project pursuant to City policies, ordinances, and guidelines; the California Environmental Ouality Act; and the City's Rules and Procedures to ImPlement CEQA. It is important that the information requested in this application be provided in full. INCOMPLETE APPf_ICA TION$ WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. Please note that it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that ~e applica6on is complete et Ihe time of submittal; City staff va~l not be available to perform work mquirecl to provide missing iofommUon. Application Numberforthe pmject to which this form perisins: T~qTA'['IVE TRACT MAP 16081 me & Address of ptoject owner($): T*RTHA'R~ PA(~TPT~ 85 ARGONAUT, SUITE 205 ALIBO VIEJO CA 92656 Name & Addmss of developer or pmject sponsoc .q ~ ~ ~ ~ Contact Pe~on & Address: DAVID GRAF SAME AS TelephoneNumhec c~49 465 !6f55 Name & Address of pet=on pmpatfng this form (if different from above): Information indicated by aster/ok (') is not required of non-construc~on CUP's unless oihetwfee requested by staff. °1) Provide s fullscale (8-1/2 x 11) copy of the USGS Quadrant Sheet(s) which includes the project site. and indicate the site beundsdes. 2) Provide s set of color photographs which show representative Wews into the site from the north, south, east and west; views ~nto and from the site from the pMma~y access points which serve the site; and repmsentetive views of significant features ~ the site. Include s map showing location of each photograph. 3) PrejectLocation(desc~.ibe):~ Rnt'*;T~;.~,'p F,n~R~W OF V'TCTO*RIA PAE]<.LANE AND DAY 4) Assesso~'$Ps~cetNumbera(stiachaddiUonstsheetlfnecessaty): 227-091-09-0, 227-091-26-0, ~?'7-flCll -=;n-O. ?~.'7_~c~1 -4cl_n '5) Gross Site Area (ac/sq. ~.): APPROXIMATELY 28 GROSS ACRE~ '6) Net Sits Ama (tetst site size minus sma of public streets & ptopoeed dedications):. project site (attach add/tionst NONE Include a descr~otion of stl permits which w?l be eecesssty from the City of Rancho Cucamonga end other govemmentst agencies in onder to fully implement the project: _THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA WILL NEED TO APPROVE THE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP, T;;EmP~n~nR~.~BUTLDiN~ DESTGNS, T~E FINAL MAP~ ALL INFRA~TRDC%'u~(E ,IMPROyE~4ENTS AND ISSUE THE-CoRRESPONDING, PERMITS ..... Desctf~ the phys~al seffi~ ~ tS ~te ss ~ exits ~m the project incl~ing ~formaUon ~ topography, s~ s~bili~, plants and an/ma~, maim bee~ tm//s and ma~, drayage ~u~es, and $~n~ a~e~s. Des~ a~ exis~g stratums (inclndi~ a~ and condib*on) and the u~ ~ tS stratums, A~ photographs ~ $ignir~cant ~atum$ ~bed. In addit~n, ~e a~ s~rces of ~ation ~e., geol~i~l an~or ~dml~ studie~ b~ and archetypal suweys, ~Gc studie~: THE SITE IS UNDEVELOPED AND SLOPES GENTLY FROM THE NORTHWEST TO THE SOUTHEAST. A BIOLOGICAL REVIEW BY DAVID LEVINE OF THE NATURAL RESOURCE PATCHES REMAINING ARE LESS THAN 500 SQUARE FEET; NONE OF PROVIDE SIGNIFICANT BIOLOGICAL VALE]R_ nAv~n ~;v!,; C9~Ct,3DE~ _ "THE ,SITE DOES NOT SUPPORT SUITABLE ~BITAT POW ~,R CALIFORNIA GNAT~,~;= n~ ~¥ OTHER PLANT O~ WT?.nT.Tm~ ~P;~T~ THREATENED OR ENDANGERED BY THE USFWS SERVICE OR CDFG. ' IN ADDITION. REM0;~L OF ANY EXISITING VEGETATION FROM THE SITE WOULD NOT RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE EFFECT~ ~n ~W ;~;?~v; ~ULO~!OS5 T~E SI~E DOES NOT HAVE ANY BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES UPON iT. A SOILS REVIEW BY MARK BERGMAN OF PETRA G~OTECNNICAL INDICATES THAT THE 0NSITE SO/ CONSIST OF SILTY SANPS AND GRAVELY SANDS. REMOVALS OF UNSUITABLE SOILS ARE KNOWN TO UNDERLIE THE SITE AND THE NEARE~ ACTIVE FAULT IS THE CUCAMONGA FAULT LOCATED THREE MILEB AWAY. A PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT BY LEVINE-FRICKE DID NOT FIND ANY EVIDENCE OF HAZARDOUS MATERI; OR HAZARDOUS WASTE DUMPING UPON THE SITE. De$cr~ethekn~w~c~tu~F~s~y~ca~a~ec;s~t~e~e.~te~s~u~e~"~x~{b~ks~pu~is~e~p~ns~ ondh~o,/): N/A Desc#~s~noisesourcesand~eir~ls~atnowa~the~te~imm~ madwayn~s~e~)endhow~lls~ pmpos~u~s: THE ~;TE IS REING'TNPA~m~ R¥ ~R~ W~w~¥ N~T;R ~OM UA¥CREEK BOULEVARD TO THE EAST AND VI~Ta P~W~ T,ANR TO ~R NO~T~. T~E NOISE GENERATED FRO' ~ESE ROADWAYS WTnT, RR ~TTT~A?RD RY ~R I1;R ~ DRWT~E~ER SOUND WALLS AND SOUND INSULATION WTT~TN T~E ~OMES. INITSTD1.WPD - 4/96 ~ '~''' '~ ~)* f"t'i" Paae3 De~ the propo~ pmje~ ~ ~ ~ ~houM provide ~ ad~ua~ ~$~p~on of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~b~a~ ~ ~h ~th ea~ pha~e, and ~ an~p~d ~eti~ of ea~ ~ment. Aff~ ~dditional ~eet~ ~ ne~ · ~R PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT CONSISTS OF 172 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED UNITS ON 5500 SQUARE FOOT LOTS. THERE WILL BE FIVE FLOOR PLANS RANGING TN ~T~R F~O~ ~100 SOUA~ FEET TO 2900 SQUARE FEET, AND FOUR ELEVATIONE m~ mT.~m~ m~.~N. T~ ~nhT~TON ~ ~ MODEL P~ASE THERE WILL BE SIX PRODUCTION P~ASESCCONSISTING OF APPROXIMATEL~ 20 UNITS PER PHASE. THE SITE WILL BE MASS ~RADED, AND ABL T~E ONSITE INFRASTRUCTURE WILL BE INSTALLED IN~O PHASES~ THE MASONR~ PERIMETER WALL SURRO~DING THE ~T~R ~1~ WILT. ~ INSTALLED DURING THE MODEL CONSTRUCTION PHASE, I~CLUDI~C Tu~ oaD~aV T.a~BDTM~: aT.~M~ ~ ~F~K RO~EV~ AND VICTOR~ PARK LANE. Desc~be Ihe sunounding pmperlie~ including informa~ m ~ants a~ animals and ~y cultura~ historical, ~ scenic aspects. Ind~a~ the type ~ land u~ (msiden~. comme~a~ etc.), ~nsity ~ land use (one-family, apartment houses, sho~, ~rtment ~om~ e~) and s~ ~ ~pment (he~ht fmn~, setba~ mar ya~l, e~): THE PROPERTY TO THE NOTRH IS OWNED BY THE LYON COMPANY AND IS CURRENTLY BEING DEVELOPED AS 181 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED UNITS. THE PROPERTY TO THE EAST 'IS OWNED BY KAUFMAN & BROAD AND IS BEING DEVELOPED AS 158 SINGLE FAMI] DETACHED HOMES. THE PROPERTY TO THE SOU .TH IS OWNED BY THE CITY REDEVOLP! AGENCY AND A TENTATIVE MAP HAS BEEN FILE~'TO DEVELOP 90 SINGLE FAMILY DETAcHeD HOMES. THE PROPERTY TO THE WEST IS AN EDISON COMPANY TRANSMISSION ~#~epmposedpmject~angethepa~ scale~am~er~t~suffounding~lama~epmject? LINE. ALTHOUGH THE SITE IS CURRENTLY UNDEVELOPED AND HAS NOT BEEN FARMED, THE PROPOS~p DEVELOPMENT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CURRENT PATTERN AND ~uaoa~D Op T~ ~w D~n3~oTS R¥ T~R LYON COMPANY AND KAUFMAN & BROAD ON T~E ADJACENT PROPERTIES. Indica~thelypeofshort4e~andlong-te~no~se~ ~ gene~ted, incl~i~sourcea~amounL How~llthe~n~sa~vels affect adja~ntpmpe~sandon-siteusa~Whatme~eds~undpmo§ngampmposed? THERE WILL BE A SHO~T TERM IMPACT TO THE SITE PROM THE NOISE GENerATED DU~TN~ THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE. LONG TERM IMPACTS ARE THOSE TYPICAL OP A STANDARD SUBDIVISION. '16) Indicate proposad removais and/or raptecemenls of matum or scenic traes: NONE ~di~taa~bodiesofwa~r~d~ingdomes~ watars~ia~ ~which~e~ted~s: NONE PROJECT WILL DRAIN TOWARDS THE DAY CREEK MASTER PLAN STORM DRAIN · SYSTEM 18) Indicate expected amount o~ water usage. (See Attachment A for usage estimates). For further cte~fication, please contact theCucamongeCounlyWaterDist~ictat987-2591. DAY a. Res~dential(gel/dsy~'2OTAL ? 3200 ~3AL/Peakuse(gel/Day) 14 6,400 GAL/DAY b. Commetc;al/Ind. (gal~day/ac) N/A Peak use (geYmin/ac) N/A 19) Indicate proposed method of sewage disposal. -- Septic Tank ~( Sewer, ff septic tanks are proposed, pemoisgon tests. I! discheq;e to a senitery sewage system is proposed indicate expected daily sewage generation: (See Attachment A for usage e~Jmale=). For A,ther dali;Cation, plea.~e con,ecl the Cucamonge Court6/Water Dist~ct at 987-2591. a. Resldengal(gaYdsy) 270 GAL/DAY/UNIT X 122 UNITS= 32.940. gAL/DAY b. Commercla~nd. (geYdsy/ac) 20) Number of residential units: ~tsched (indicate range of parcel sizes, minimum lol size end meximum lot size: THE MINIMUM LOT SIZE 5500 SQUARE FEET, THE }{~XIMUM LOT SIZE IS APPROXIMATELY 13000 SQUARE FEET. MOST LOTS WILL BE FROM 5800 6800 SQUARE FEET. TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS IS 122 UNITS, Affached (indicate whether unite ere rental or for sale units): N / A 21) Anticipaledrangeofesiepriceean~Yormnte: Sale Price(e) $ 2 30. OOO, to $ 2'70,000 Renl(permonlh) $ N/A lo $ N/A 22) Specify number of bedroom~ by unil.type: PLAN 1. 2100 SQUARE FEET, 3 TO 4 BEDROOMS; - PLAN 2, 2300 SQUARE FEET, 3 TO 5 BEDROOMS; PLAN ~, 2500 SQUA~(~: ~'~:ET, 4 TO 5 BEDROOMS; PLAN 4, 2700 SQUARE FEET, 4 TO 5 BEDROOMS; PLAN 5, 2900 SQUARE FEETt 4 TO 5 BEDROOMS. 23) indiceM angcipated household size by unit type:.P. LAN 1, 2-5 PEOPLE; PLAN 2, 3-6 PEOPLE; PLAN 3, 4-7 PEOPLE, PLAN 4, 4-7 PEOPLE, PLAN 5 4-8 PEOPLE. 24) Indicate the expected number of schoct chlTdmn who vail be residing wilhin:lhe project: Contact the appropriete School D~slKcf~ es shown in Al~achment B: a. Elementary: .65/UNIT X 122 UNITS = 79 STUDENTS b. JunlorHigh: INCL BELOW c. SeniorHigh ~2 UNITS = 24 STUDENTS.". ¢~OMMERCIAL. INDUSTRIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL PROJECT~ 25) Desc~fhe type of use(s) end major functinn(s) of commerciel, Industrial or Iris~tu~onel uses: N / A 26) Total floor ~rea of cemmerctal, lndu~trisi, or insiltutional uses by type: N/A Indicate hours of operation: N / A 28) Number of employees: Total: N / A Maximum Shift: Time of Maximum Shift: 29) Provide breakdown of anticipated job classifications, including wage and salaq/ranges, as well as an indication of the rate of hire for each classification (aMach additional sheet ff necassaty): N/A 30) EstimationofthenumberofworkerstobehiredthatcumanUyresideintheCity:N/A '31) For commemial and indushfal uses only. indicate the soume, lype and amount of air pollution emissions. (Data should be ve~ffiecl through the South Coast Air Quality Management District. at (818) 572.6283): N/A 32) Ha~ the we~c sewec firs, and flood oontml agencies ~tving the project been contacl~ ~ ~i~ the~ a~ti~ ~ pm~de sdagua~ se~ca ~ ~e proposed p~ect? ~ ~, ~es~ indica~ ~e~ rssponse. CUCAMONGA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT SAN BE~NAR~TNO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL RANCHO CUCA .MONGA FIRE INITSTD1.WPD- 4Jg6 ~'~ ~''''~ ~'~ Page 7 33) In the known history of this preperb/, has there been any use. storage, or discharge of hazardous and/or toxic materials? Examples of hazardous and/or toxic materials include, but sre not limited to PCB's: radioact/ve substances; pesticides and herbicides; fuels, o~75, ~olvont.% and other flammable liquids and gases. Also note underground storage of any of the above. Please list the matedals and describe their use, storage, and/or discharge on the prepen~j,, as well es the dates of use. ff known. PHASE I REPORT BY LEVINE FRICKE (LFR), INDICATES THAT THIS SITE ~4~ ;;~D ~A~,A~n(~TTR ~ 'P(%YT(~ MAq~WTA?.,~ S~(~ OR DISCHARGED WITHIN THE LAST 50 YEARS. 34) ' W;li ~he-pmposed project involve the tompore~y or long, ann use. storage or discharge of hazardous ancYor toxic mate~fal=, including but not li~ted to those examples listed above? ff yes. provide an inventory of all such materials to be used and proposed method of di~oocel. ' shown and labeled on Hie application plansTM. location of such u~e~. along wilh the storage end shipment areas. =hall be THERE WILL BE A~EMPORARY USE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DURING THE CONSTRUC~ PHASEt BUT THEY WILL BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY. I hereby certify that the stalements furnished above and in the altached exhibits present the data and information required for adequate evaluation of thi~ project to the best of my ab~7ity, that the facts, statements, and inforrnalion presented are true and correct tot he be~t of my knowledge and belief. I fu~fher underetond that additional information may bo required to be submiffed before an adequate evaluation can be made by the City of Rancho Cucernongs. ' I ' City of Rancho Cucamonga ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM INITIAL STUDY PART II BACKGROUND 1. Project File: TT 16081, DR 00-12 2. Related Files: Tentative Tract Map No. 16081 3. Description of Project: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 16081 - TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES - The project is the development and design review of plans for Tentative Tract Map No. 16081, a residential subdivision of 122 single family lots, on 20.7 acres of a 29.9-acre lot in a Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) within planning area two of the Victoria Community Plan. The project site is located on the southwest corner of Victoria Park Lane and Day Creek Boulevard. It contains no existing structures and is vegetated with two plant communities known as alluvial fan scrub and alluvial chaparral (Assessor's Parcel Numbers [APN] 227-091-09, 227-091-26, 227-091-50, and 227-091-49). 4. Project Sponsor's Name and Address: Trimark Pacific Homes 85 Argonaut, Suite 205 Aliso Viego, CA 92656 5. General Plan Designation: Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) Planning Area Two of the Victoria Community Plan. 6. Zoning: Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) Victoria Community Plan 7. Surrounding Land Uses and Setting: The site is bordered on the north by Victoria Park Lane followed by existing homes, on the east by Day Creek Boulevard followed by existing homes and on the west by an Edison transmission line, Day Creek Channel and finally an existing residential development. Adjacent to the south boundary of the site is the abandoned Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way (rails have been removed and thers is a planned multi-purpose trial) followed by vacant land and finally a Fire Station. There is a strip of land, approximately 120 feet deep, which is not a part of the proposed project because it is under different ownership, that separates the project from Day Creek Boulevard. 8. Lead Agency Name and Address: City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 9. Contact Person and Phone Number: Douglas Fenn Senior Planner (909) 477-2750 10. Other agencies whose approval is required: None Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Tentative Tract Map 16081, DR 00-12 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is "Potentially Significant Impact," "Potentially Significant Impact Unless Mitigation Incorporated," or "Less Than Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. ( ) Land Use and Planning ('/) Transportation/Circulation ( ) Population and Housing (v') Biological Resources (v') Public Services II (v') Geological Problems ( ) Energy and Mineral Resources ('/) Utilities and Service Systems II (v') water (,/) Hazards (,") Aesthetics II (,,') Air Quality ('/) Noise ( ) Cultural Resources (v') Mandatory Findings of Significance (,/) Recreation DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: () I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project, or agreed to, by the applicant. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ( ) I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ( ) I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect(s) on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based upon the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets, if the effect is a "Potentially Significant Impact" or "Potentially Significant Impact Unless Mitigation Incorporated." An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. () I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects 1) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards, and 2) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project. S i g n e d .'~(~J-~;~,- _ Nancy I:(~e~Jso~ Senior Pr'oj~ct I',~nager October 6, 2000 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Tentative Tract Map 16081, DR 00-12 Page 3 EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Pursuant to Section 15063 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, an explanation is required for all "Potentially Significant Impact," "Potentially Significant Impact Unless Mitigation Incorporated," and "Less Than Significant Impact" answers, including a discussion of ways to mitigate the significant effects identified. Potentially Issues and Supporting Information Sources: 1. LAND USE AND PLANNING. Would the proposah a) Conflict with general plan designation or zoning? ( ) ( ) (-') b) Conflict with applicable environmental plans or ( ) ( ) (,') policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project? c) Be incompatible with existing land use in the ( ( ) ( ) (,/) vicinity? d) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an (') ( ) ( ) established community? Comments: a-d) The project site is located on the southwest corner of Victoria Park Lane and Day Creek Boulevard in the City of Rancho Cucamonga within the Victoria Community Plan area. The land use designation is Low-Medium Residential District (4 to 8 dwelling units per area). The applicant has proposed a tract map showing 122 units with a net density of 5.9 units per acre with minimum lot sizes of 5,500 square feet and maximum lot sizes of 13,000 square feet. Development will include five floor plans ranging from 2,100 square feet to 2,900 square feet in size. No increase in density or plan amendment is proposed and therefore no impacts will result from the project. Issues and Supporting Information Sources: po~.,t~,y Unless Than 2. POPULATION AND HOUSING. Would the proposal: a) Cumulatively exceed official regional or local ( ) ( ) ( ) (,,') population projections? b) Induce substantial growth in an area either ( ) ( ) ( ) (.~) directly or indirectly (e.g., through projects in an undeveloped area or extension of major infrastructure)? Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Tentative Tract Map 16081, DR 00-12 Page 4 Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentielry Unless Than c) Displace existing housing, especially affordable ( ) ( ) ( ) (.,) housing? Comments: a-b) The project consists of the subdivision of 122 single family lots on 20.7 acres of land designated as Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per area) located on the southwest corner of Day Creek Boulevard and Victoria Park Lane. No increase in density or plan amendment is proposed. Therefore, the project will not result in a change in the City's population projections. The Cucamonga County Water District confirmed that it has the ability to provide adequate sewer and water service for the project. c) The project site is currently vacant. Land immediately east and north of the site is currently being developed as residential, and land south of the site is scheduled for residential development. Currently there are no existing structures onsite therefore, existing housing will not be displaced. Issues and Supporting Information Sources: ~ot~Ua,~ Unlsss Than 3. GEOLOGIC PROBLEM& Would the proposal result in or expose people to potential impacts involving: a) Fault rupture? ( ) ( ) ( ) (~.) b) Seismic ground shaking? ( ) ( ) (v) ( ) c) Seismic ground failure, including liquefaction? ( ) ( ) (.,) ( ) d) Seiche hazards? ( ) (~.) e) Landslides or mudflows? ( ) (~.) f) Erosion, changes in topography, or unstable soil ( ) (~.) conditions from excavation, grading, or fill? g) Subsidence of the land? ( ) (,/) h) Expansive soils? ( ) (./) i) Unique geologic or physical features? ( ) (,/) Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Tentative Tract Map 16081, DR 00-12 Page 5 Comments: a-c) No known faults pass through the site, it is not in an Earthquake Fault Zone, nor is it in the Rancho Cucamonga City Special Study Zone along the Red Hill Fault. The Red Hill Fault, or Etiwanda Avenue Fault, passes within one mile northwest of the site, and the Cucamonga Fault Zone lies approximately five miles north. These faults are both capable of producing Mw 6.0 - 7.0 earthquakes, respectively. Also, the San Jacinto fault, capable of producing up to Mw 7.5 earthquakes is nine miles northeast of the site and the San Andreas, capable of up to Mw 8.2 earthquakes, is 11.5 miles northeast of the site. Each of these faults can produce strong ground shaking. Liquefaction could occur at the site if a strong earthquake coincided with an extended period of heavy rains raising the local water table. Adhering to the City grading standards and the Uniform Building Code will ensure that geologic impacts are less than significant. d) The site is not located near a body of water. The Day Creek Channel is located immediately west of the site and carries drainage flows intermittently. e) The site is relatively flat so grading will be minimal. Maximum proposed cuts and fills are approximately eight and ten feet, respectively. Maximum cut and fill-slope heights will be approximately eight feet at a height and vertical gradient of 2:1, respectively. Grading will even out the site and create the necessary slope gradient to allow proper site drainage. f) The topography will be altered to accommodate the project because the site is currently vacant. Grading will be done in accordance with a grading plan approved by the City Engineer. The impact is not considered significant. f-h) The General Plan indicates the Tujunga-Soboba soil association for the site which has only slight erosion potential and runoff potential is slow to very slow. Soils are suitable for residential development. Petra Geotechnical, Inc. prepared a subsurface investigation for the site in 1998 and found subsurface materials consisted of nonindurated silty, poorly graded and gravelly sands with some cobbles. The upper three to six feet of materials were generally dry and loose with moisture and density increasing with depth. Based on laboratory tests run on the materials, the report concluded that the subject property was considered suitable for residential development, provided that recommendations presented in the report were incorporated into the project specifications. The impact is not considered significant. i) The site contains no unique geologic or physical features. I Potentially Impact I Impact Issues and Supporting Information Sources: PotentiallyUnless Than 4, WATER. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, ( ) ( ) (,') ( ) or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Tentative Tract Map 16081, DR 00-12 Page 6 Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially Unless Then b) Exposure of people or property to water related ( ) ( ) ( ) (~.) hazards such as flooding? c) Discharge into surface water or other alteration ( ) ( ) ( ) of surface water quality (e.g., temperature, dissolved oxygen, or turbidity)? d) Changes in the amount of surface water in any ( ) ( ) ( ) (v) water body? e) Changes in currents, or the course or direction ) ( ) (~.) of water movements? f) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either ) (,~) through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations, or through substantial loss of groundwater recharge capability? g) Altered direction or rate of flow of groundwater? ( ) (,~) h) Impacts to groundwater quality? ( ) ( ) (,~) i) Substantial reduction in the amount of ( ) ( ) ( ) (,,.) groundwater otherwise available for public water supplies? Comments: a) The project will cause changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, and the rate and amount of surface water runoff due to the amount of new hardscape and roof tops proposed on the currently vacant site. The developer will be required to channel the surface runoff from the project to existing storm drains to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Recommendations presented in the Comprehensive Geotechnical Update Report, prepared by Petra, will further ensure impacts will be considered less than significant. b) The site is located within Zone X which is outside of the 500-year flood plain as indicated on FEMA Map Number 060671, page 7895F, March 18, 1996. Although it is unlikely the area will receive flood waters, the proposed perimeter masonry wall to be constructed around the residential development will assist in directing potential flows to drainage facilities. The height of the wall will be sufficient to prevent 100-year storm flows from entering the site. c-e) The project site is not located near a body of water. The applicant has submitted a report that addresses how stormwater runoff will be conveyed. Site plans depicting drainage facilities must be approved by a City engineer prior to issuance of a grading permit. Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Tentative Tract Map 16081, DR 00-12 Page 7 f-i) The project will not interfere with groundwater management practices in the area as the site is not used for groundwater recharge. Issues and Supporting Information Sources: PotentiallyUnl6ss Than 5. AIR QUALITY. Would the proposah a) Violate any air quality standard or contribute to ( ) (.,') ( ) ( ) an existing or projected air quality violation? b) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants? ( ) (,/) ( ) ( ) c) Alter air movement, moisture, or temperature, or ( ) ( ) ( ) cause any change in climate? d) Create objectionable odors? ( ) ( ) ( ) (~') Comments: a-b) Typically, construction of a project this size will exceed SCAQMD thresholds during grading activities for PM~0 and NOx, and may also exceed SCAQMD thresholds for developed condition (operational impacts) for NO×. Development of 122 homes represents only a fraction of the total emissions of NOx in the county. Based on Table 6-2 "Screening Table for Operation - Daily Thresholds of Potential Significance for Air Quality" within the CEQA Air Quality Handbook, the proposed project does not have the potential to exceed the daily emissions significance thresholds. Potential impacts to air quality are consistent with the Public Health and Safety Super-Element within the Rancho Cucamonga General Plan. During grading, fugitive dust (PM~0) will be generated. Any impact to air quality from generation of fugitive dust can be mitigated by the following measures: 1. The site shall be treated with water or other soil stabilizing agent (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) daily to reduce PM~0 emissions, in accordance with SCAQMD Rule 403. 2. Victoria Park Lane and Day Creek Boulevard shall be swept according to a schedule established by the City to reduce PM~0 emissions associated with vehicle tracking of soil off-site. Timing may vary depending upon time of year of construction. 3. Grading operations shall be suspended when wind speeds exceed 25 mph to minimize PM~o emissions from the site during such episodes. 4. Chemical soil stabilizers (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) shall be applied to all inactive construction areas that remain inactive for 96 hours or more to reduce PM~0 emissions. Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Tentative Tract Map 16081, DR 00-12 Page 8 b) Sensitive receptors may include single family residences immediately north and east of the site, depending on whether the developments are completed by the time proposed construction begins, residents may begin to move into the new developments. These potential sensitive receptors will be exposed to exhaust emissions from construction vehicles and equipment, and fugitive dust generated by vehicles and equipment traveling over exposed surfaces. Such construction activities may cause NOx and PM~0 levels to exceed daily significant thresholds. The following mitigation measures will ensure impacts will be at less than significant levels. 5. The construction contractor shall select the construction equipment used on-site based on Iow emission factors and high-energy efficiency. The construction contractor shall ensure the construction grading plans include a statement that all construction equipment will be tuned and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. 6. The construction contractor shall utilize electric or clean alternative fuel powered equipment where feasible. 7. The construction contractor shall ensure that construction-grading plans include a statement that work crews will shut off equipment when not in use. c-d) The proposed project is the subdivision of 20.7 acres of a 29.9-acre vacant site into 122 single-family units, with a density of 5.9 units per acre, in accordance with the City code. The end use of the proposed project, Low-Medium Residential, will not generate emissions that could cause climatic changes or objectionable odors. Significant Issues and Supporting Information Sources: PotentialJy Unless Than 6. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Would the proposal result in: a) Increased vehicle trips or traffic congestion? ( ) ( ) (,~) ( ) b) Hazards to safety from design features (e.g., ( ) ( ) ( ) (,~) sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)? c) Inadequate emergency access or access to ( ) ( ) ( ) (~,) nearby uses? d) Insufficient parking capacity on-site or off-site? ( ( ) ( ) e) Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or bicyclists? ( ( ) ( ) (,~) f) Conflicts with adopted policies suppoding ( ( ) ( ) (,,) alternative transportation (e.g., bus turnouts, b cycle racks)? ¼o Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Tentative Tract Map 16081, DR 00-12 Page 9 Impact Significant PotentiallYlmpact Irn~ac{ Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially Unl~Ss Than g) Rail or air traffic impacts? ( ) ( ) ( ) Comments: a) The proposed subdivision will generate approximately 1,165 new weekday vehicle trips as indicated in the CEQA Air Quality Handbook, Table A9-5-A-1 "Average Trip Generation Rates." The proposed land use is consistent with the goals of the Victoria Community Plan, the project proponent will be required to construct necessary street improvements and pay traffic impact fees as established by the City Council to off-set the incremental increase in traffic as a result of the project. b-d) Access to the site is provided by a street off of Victoria Park Lane and another off of Day Creek Boulevard. Both streets will allow full access without impeding the through traffic. Access for emergency vehicles will be adequate with 45-foot street entrances. e/f) The new development will not cause a hazard or barrier to pedestrians or cyclists because adequate points of ingress/egress have 'been provided and there is adequate parking along streets. No bus turnout is proposed. g) Located approximately seven miles northeast of Ontario Airport, the site is offset north of the flight path and will not be dangerous to users or aircraft. Issues and Supporting Information Sources: PotentiallyUnleSS Thar~ 7. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal result in impacts to: a) Endangered, threatened, or rare species or their ( ) ( ) ( ) (~') habitats (including, but not limited to: plants, fish, insects, animals, and birds)? b) Locally designated species (e.g., heritage trees, ( ) (v) ( ) ( ) eucalyptus windrow, etc.)? c) Locally designated natural communities (e.g., ( ) ( ) ( ) (,~) eucalyptus grove, sage scrub habitat, etc.)? d) Wetland habitat (e.g., marsh, riparian, and ( ) ( ) ( ) (,~) vernal pool)? e) Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors? ( ) ( ) ( ) Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Tentative Tract Map 16105, DR 00-34 Page 10 Comments: a) Based on the trapping studies for the San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat (SBKR) conducted by Kirkland Biological Services, no SBKR were trapped on the 90-acre survey area (this area included the 29.9-acre project site). The 90-acre survey area is bordered on the east by Day Creek Boulevard, on the west by Day Creek Channel, on the south by the former Southern Pacific Railroad easement and the northern border is approximately half way between Highland Avenue and the former Southern Pacific Railroad easement. Trapping was conducted according to standard protocols developed for the SBKR. The report concluded that the species is not present on the project site and based on previous surveys of the surrounding area the SBKR does not occur within the immediate area. b-c) Based on an Arborist report prepared for the project site, three of the four Eucalyptus trees that occur onsite are severely damaged and the fourth is moderately damaged. All trees are proposed for removal due to proposed construction of the site. The trees are considered "heritage trees" and are subject to the City's Tree Preservation Ordinance (RCMC 19.08). The developer has acquired the necessary Tree Removal Permit and has paid all associated fees. Trees will be replaced on a one-for-one basis as mitigation. d) There is no riparian or wetland habitat on-site. e) The project site is undeveloped and supports two plant communities; alluvial chaparral and alluvial fan scrub. Alluvial chaparral is characterized by yerba santa, spiny red berry, chamise and California sagebrush. The alluvial fan scrub community is dominated by buckwheat and scalebroom, along with non-native annual species. However, the project site is an island surrounded by residential development on the north and east and on the south by a railroad easement that, until the last few years, was actively used bySouthern Pacific Railroad. This development has eliminated any wildlife corridor that may have occurred in the past. Construction of the Route 30 Freeway, north of Highland Avenue, has further cut-off the subject property from habitat areas at the base of the foothills within County territory. Significant Impact Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Pote~lfia~ly Unless Than 8. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the proposah a) Conflict with adopted energy conservation ( ) ( ) ( ) plans? b) Use non-renewable resources in a wasteful and ( ) ( ) ( ) inefficient manner? c) Result in the loss of availability of a known ( ) ( ) ( ) (,,-) mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State? Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Tentative Tract Map 16081, DR 00-12 Page 11 Comments: a-b) The project will be required to conform with applicable City standards for energy conservation. c) The project site is located on the Day Creek alluvial fan, an area classified as a Mineral Resource Zone (MP, Z-2). An MRZ-2 zone contains deposits of known value and marketability. However, the State Geologist has determined that the area is not a Designated Area of available resoumes due to urbanization. Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially UnleSS Than 9. HAZARDS. Would the proposal involve: a) A risk of accidental explosion or release of ( ) ( ) ( ) (.~) hazardous substances (including, but not limited to: oil, pesticides, chemicals, or radiation)? b) Possible interference with an emergency ( ) ( ) ( ) response plan or emergency evacuation plan? c) The creation of any health hazard or potential ( ) ( ) ( ) (,,') health hazard? d) Exposure of people to existing sources of ( ) ( ) ( ) (v) potential health hazards? e) Increased fire hazard in areas with flammable ( ) ( ) ( ) (,/) brush, grass, or trees? Comments: a,c,d) There is no evidence of commercial or industrial uses at the site. Based on a Phase I Site Assessment prepared by LFR Levine Fricke for the site, various types of vegetation were present with minimal amounts of trash and debris scattered throughout the site. No evidence of discarded drums, containers, or hazardous waste were observed onsite at the time of inspection. There was no indication of underground storage tanks or illegal dumping of refuse on-site. b) The proposed project will provide adequate emergency access with a 45-foot driveway entrance from Victoria Park Lane and another 45-foot entrance off of Day Creek Boulevard. Standard fire suppression equipment (fire hydrants) will be provided on streets and cul-de-sacs at the direction of City of Rancho Cucamonga Fire Department. e) Vegetation present onsite will be cleared prior to construction. Areas surrounding the site include paved roadways (Victoria Park Lane and Day Creek Boulevard) and existing single family residences. Development within the area has eliminated any flammable brush off-site. The site is not within a fire hazard overlay district as identified by the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District. Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Tentative Tract Map 16081, DR 00-12 Page 12 Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Polentially Unless Than 10. NOISE. Will the proposal result in: a) increases in existing noise levels? ( ) ( ) (v) ( ) b) Exposure of people to severe noise levels? ( ) (-') ( ) ( ) Comments: a) The project would increase noise levels since the site is currently vacant and the development would add people and traffic to the area. The impact is not considered significant. It is likely that residential development currently under construction to the immediate north and east will be completed and occupied by the time construction activities commence at the project site. Residents of these two developments will be impacted by noise associated with construction activities. However construction activities will be short-term and will cease upon project completion, increases in noise levels could result from residential traffic on roadways that provide access to the site. These long-term vehicular trip increases will amount to approximately 1,165 tdps per day. The incremental traffic noise level increases would be less than significant. b) The proposed project is the construction of 122 single family lots on the southwest corner of Victoria Park Lane and Day Creek Boulevard. There is a strip of land, approximately 120 feet deep, which is not a part of the proposed project because it is under different ownership, that separates the project from Day Creek Boulevard and provides noise buffer. Currently the project site is vacant and is impacted by traffic noise associated with the use of Victoria Park Lane and Day Creek Boulevard. An Acoustical Analysis prepared for the site by Gordon Bricken & Associates, examined exterior and interior noise exposure and determined that the project would exceed the City of Rancho Cucamonga's residential requirements of an exterior and interior noise level of 65 CNEL and 45 CNEL, respectively. Projected future roadway noise used in the analysis was based on Federal Highway Administration's Highway Noise Prediction Model RD-77-108 in addition to several roadway and site parameters. The analysis concluded that first floor exterior noise levels may reach 66 dBA CNEL at the rear yards of lots 52 and 95. Interior noise levels for second floor rooms facing Day Creek Boulevard will be exposed to noise levels as high as 69 dBA CNEL. In order to reduce exterior and interior noise levels to 65 dBA and 45 dBA, respectively, the following mitigation measures are proposed: 8. Sound barriers at least five feet high must be erected along the east side of Lots 52 and 95. The required noise control barriers may be constructed using any of the materials listed in the Project Noise Study. Each completed noise control barrier must present a solid face from top-to- bottom. Cutouts and openings are not permitted except for drain holes. Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Tentative Tract Map 16081, DR 00-12 Page 13 9. Interior noise control shall be achieved through building construction guidelines outlined in Tables 4 and 5 of the Project Noise Study. Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially Unless Than 11. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal have an affect upon or result in a need for new or altered government services in any of the following areas: a) Fire protection? ) ( ) ( ) b) Police protection? ) ( ) ( ) c) Schools? ( ) ( ) (~.) ( ) d) Maintenance of public facilities, including reads? ( ) ( ) (v) ( ) e) Other governmental services? ( ) ( ) ( ) (v) Comments: The Victoria Community Plan identifies the project area as Low-Medium Residential within the Victoria Windrows sub-planning area. Appropriate conditions of approval addressed in the Victoria Community Plan EIR will be placed on the project prior to development. a-e) Fire Protection - The project site is located on the southwest corner of Victoria Park Lane and Day Creek Boulevard in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and is served by the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District. The nearest fire station is located approximately 660 feet west of Day Creek Boulevard, on the north side of Baseline Road. The Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District is responsible for evaluating the project through the City's Development Review and Growth Management process. The proposed project Will include structural fire protection standards contained in the Uniform Fire Code. No additional mitigation is proposed. Police Protection - Police Protection for the area is provided by a contract with the County Sheriff Department to act as the City police department. The proposed residential development will include standard security devices such as street lighting, and locks on all windows and doom. Additional police protection is not required as the addition of 122 single family homes will not cause a substantial increase in area to be patrolled as the project site is small, approximately 20.7 acres developed. Schools -The Etiwanda School District and the Chaffey Joint High School District serve the project area. Both school districts have been notified regarding the proposed development. A standard condition of approval will require the developer to pay the school impact fees. With this standard mitigation, impacts to the School Districts are not considered significant. Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Tentative Tract Map 16081, DR 00-12 Page 14 Parks - Proposed 122 single family homes will not generate a substantial number of new people to the area. The need for parks and open space was integrated into the Victoria Community Plan. Therefore, the new residential community will not adversely impact local parks or recreational opportunities. Public facilities - The proposed residential development is consistent will the City's Victoria Community Plan which designates the area as Low-Medium Residential. The project proponent will be required to construct necessary street improvements and pay traffic impact fees as established by the City Council to off-set the incremental increase in traffic as a result of the project. I Pot er~tielly Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially Unless Thart 12. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS. Would the proposal result in a need for new systems or supplies or substantial alterations to the fo/lowing utilities: a) Power or natural gas? ( ) ( ) ( ) (/) b) Communication systems? ( ) ( ) (,~) c) Local or regional water treatment or distribution ( ) ( ) (,~) facilities? d) Sewer or septic tanks? ( ) ( ) (,/) e) Storm water drainage? ( ) (/) ( ) f) Solid waste disposal? ( ) ( ) (,/) g) Local or regional water supplies? ( ) ( ) (,~) Comments: a-g) The proposed subdivision will include the construction of 122 single-family residential dwellings. All necessary utilities are available in the immediate area. Utility systems installed to service existing development within the area, are adequate and will not require major modifications or alterations. Solid waste disposal will be provided by the current City contracted hauler who disposes the refuse at a permitted landfill. The project will increase demand upon storm drain systems due to the increased runoff from new hardscape and roof tops proposed on the currently vacant site. Flows from the proposed site will drain into Day Creek Master Plan Storm Drain system. As stated within the Geotechnical Report prepared by Petra for the proposed project, sloping sidewalks, graded-swales and area drains will be utilized around each home to collect and direct all water away from the structures. Additional recommendations presented in the report, will ensure drainage improvements within the residential community are appropriate and adequate. Drainage Plans will be included in application submittals for City Engineer review and approval. Additional mitigation is not proposed or required. Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Tentative Tract Map 16081, DR 00-12 Page 15 Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Pote~ltielly Unless Than 13,AESTHETICS, Would the proposal: a) Affect a scenic vista or scenic highway? ( ( ) ( ) (~-) b) Have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effect? ( ( ) ( ) (~') c) Create light or glare? ( ( ) ( ) (~-) Comments: a-b) The project site is not within a scenic vista or scenic highway. The area is designated Low-Medium Residential development within the Victoria Community Plan. The proposed project will blend with current and proposed surrounding development. Based on the Entry Hierarchy Plan within the Victoria Community Plan, special landscape treatment is required on the southwest corner of Victoria Park Lane and Day Creek Boulevard as it is designated a major residential entry. The developer will be required to follow landscape standards presented in Section III of the Victoria Community Plan. c) The project will create new light and glare as the site is currently vacant. However, the site has been identified as a residential site so new residential light will not significantly affect sensitive receptors such as other residential development in the area. Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially Unless Than t4.CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a) Disturb Paleontological resources? ( ) ( ) ( ) (v) b) Disturb archaeological resources? ( ) ( ) ( ) c) Affect historical or cultural resources? ( ) ( ) ( ) (v) d) Have the potential to cause a physical change, ( ) ( ) ( ) (v) which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? e) Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within ( ) ( ) ( ) (,~) the potential impact area? Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Tentative Tract Map 16081, DR 00-12 Page 16 Comments: a-e) The site has not been identified in the City's Master Environmental Assessment as containing histodc or cultural resources. The site is located in a developing residential area and to date, no resources have been uncovered in the vicinity of the project site. Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially Unless Then 15. RECREATION. Would the proposal: a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or ( ) ( ) (.') ( ) regional parks or other recreational facilities? b) Affect existing recreational opportunities? ( ) ( ) ( ) Comments: a) The developer of the project will be required to pay park development fees as a condition of approval. The impact is not considered significant. b) The proposed project will be constructed on vacant land, which is designated Iow- medium residential. The area does not contain existing recreation opportunities as the surrounding and adjacent property is designated Low-Medium Residential and is either currently developed, being developed or proposed for development. Property to the immediate west includes a utility corridor, followed by the Day Creek Flood Control Channel. Property to the immediate south includes the former Southern Pacific Railroad easement (rails have been removed and there are no known plans for restoring rail service) followed by a Fire Station. Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially Uniass Than 16, MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. a) Potential to degrade: Does the project have the ( ) ( ) ( ) (~') potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Tentative Tract Map 16081, DR 00-12 Page 17 Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Polenlially Un~ess Than b) Short term: Does the project have the potential ( ) ( ) (,/) ( ) to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time. Long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) c) Cumulative: Does the project have impacts that ( ) ( ) (~') 0 are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? {"Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects.) d) Substantial adverse: Does the project have (') (~') ( ) ( ) environmental effects, which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Comments: a) The Initial Study did not identify any significant adverse impacts to biological resources. Due to surrounding development, Victoria Park Lane, Day Creek Boulevard and immediate residential development, the project site does not contain appropriate habitat for any listed endangered or threaten species. Based on the trapping studies for the San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat (SBKR) conducted by Kirtland Biological Services, no SBKR were trapped on the 90-acre survey area (includes the 29.9-acre project site). The 90-acre survey area is bordered on the east by Day Creek Boulevard, on the west by Day Creek Channel on the south by a former Southern Pacific Railroad easement and the northern border is approximately half way between Highland Avenue and the former Southern Pacific Railroad easement. The site was trapped according to standard protocols developed for the SBKR. The report concluded that the species is not present on the project site and based on previous surveys of the surrounding area the SBKR does not occur within the immediate area. b) The Initial Study identified short-term impacts to air quality and noise with development of the project site. The short-term impacts will occur due to proposed construction activities. However, the impacts will cease once construction activities are completed. Long term impacts from noise can be mitigated through additional south attenuation measures during construction. Implementation of mitigation measures presented in this Initial Study will reduce project related impacts to less than significant. Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Tentative Tract Map 16081, DR 00-12 Page 18 c) Cumulative effects of residential development in the Victoria Community Plan Area were identified in a previous environmental document. Appropriate analysis and mitigation measures were developed prior to the implementation of the Community Plan. No additional mitigation measures beyond those presented in the specific plan and this Initial Study are required. d) Development of 122 single-family residences would not cause substantial adverse effects on humans, either directly or indirectly. The Initial Study identified construction-related emissions of criteria pollutants as having a potentially significant impact. However, proposed mitigation measures will reduce impacts to less than significant. Additionally, impacts resulting from air quality are short-term and will cease once construction activities are completed. An Acoustical Analysis prepared for the site by Gordon Bdcken & Associates, examined exterior and interior noise exposure and determined that the project would exceed the City's residential requirements of exterior and interior noise levels of 65 CNEL and 45 CNEL, respectively. Projected future roadway noise used in the analysis was based on Federal Highway Administration's Highway Noise Prediction Model RD-77-108 in addition to several roadway and site parameters. The analysis concluded that first floor extedor noise levels may reach 66 dBA CNEL at the rear yards of lots 52 and 95. Interior noise levels for second floor rooms facing Day Creek Boulevard will be exposed to noise levels as high as 69 dBA CNEL. Mitigation measures presented in this Initial Study will reduce traffic noise impacts to less than significant. EARLIER ANALYSES Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, one or more effects have been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or Negative Declaration per Section 15063(c)(3)(D). The effects identified above for this project were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in the following earlier document(s) pursuant to applicable legal standards, and such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis. The following earlier analyses were utilized in completing this Initial Study and are available for review in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Planning Division offices, 10500 Civic Center Drive (check all that apply): (~) Victoria Community Plan EIR (,~) Master Environmental Assessment and ..General Plan EIR - City of Rancho Cucamonga (Certified January 4, 1989) General Plan EIR - City of Rancho Cucamonga (Certified January 4, 1981) Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Tentative Tract Map 16081, DR 00-12 Page 19 ADDITIONAL STUDIES AND REPORTS Gordon Bricken & Associates, Revised Acoustical Analysis, Tract 16081, City of Rancho Cucamonga, May 2000. Kirtland Biological Services, Presence/Absence trapping Studies for the San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat, Herrero Property, Rancho Cucamonga, California, March 1999. Levine-Fdke, Revised Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and Preliminary Biological Investigation, Vacant Parcel Southwest Corner of Day Creek Boulevard and Victoria Park Lane, Rancho Cucamon§a, California, June 2000. Petra Geotechnical, Inc., Comprehensive geotechnical Update Report - Tentative Tract Map 16081, City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, March 2000. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I am the applicant for the prelect described in this Initial Study. t acknowledqe that I have read this Initial Study and the proposed mitiqation measureS. Further, I have revised the prelect plans or proposals and/or hereby a.qree to the proposed mitiqation measures to avoid the effects or mitiqate the effects to a point where clearly no si.qnificant environmental effects would occur. Si.qnature: Date: .,/~. Print Name and Title: f~-4~,(-~,,~'~ City of Rancho Cucamonga NEGATIVE DECLARATION The following Negative Declaration is being circulated for public review in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act Section 21091 and 21092 of the Public Resources Code. Project File No.: Tentative Tract 16081 and Development Review 00-12 Public Review Period Closes: November 21,2000 Project Name: Project Applicant: Trimark Pacific Homes Project Location (also see attached map): Located at the southwest corner of Day Creek Boulevard and Victoria Park Lane ~ APN: 227-091-09, 26, and 50. Project Description: A residential subdivision and detailed site plan and elevations for 101 single family lots on 20.7 acres of land in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) of the Victoria Community Plan. FINDING This is to advise that the City of Rancho Cucamonga, acting as the lead agency, has conducted an Initial Study to determine if the project may have a significant effect on the environment and is proposing this Negative Declaration based upon the following finding: [] The Initial Study shows that there is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. [] The Initial Study identified potentially significant effects but: (1) Revisions in the project plans or proposals made or agreed to by the applicant before this proposed Negative Declaration was released for public reviewwauld avoid the effects or mi~gate the effects to a point where clearly no significant effects would occur, and (2) There is no substantial evidence before fire agency that the project as revised may have a significant effect on the environment. if adopted, the Negative Declaration means that an Environmental Impact Report will not be required. Reasons to support this finding are included in the attached Initial Study. The preject file and all related documents are available for review at the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division at 10500 Civic Center Drive (909) 477-2750 or Fax (909) 477-2847. NOTICE The public is invited to comment on the proposed Negative Declaration during the review period. November 21, 2000 Date of Determination Adopted By RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 16081, A RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OF 101 LOTS, ON 20.7 ACRES OF LAND IN THE LOW-MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (4-8 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) OF THE VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF DAY CREEK BOULEVARD AND VICTORIA PARK LANE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORTTHEREOF- APN: 227-091-09, 26, AND 50. A. Recitals. 1. Trimark Pacific Homes filed an application for the approval of Tentative Tract Map 16081 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject tentative tract map request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 21st day of November, 2000, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public headng on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dudng the above- referenced public hearing on November 21, 2000, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to property located on the west side of Day Creek Boulevard, south of Victoria Park Lane, and is presently vacant; and b. The property to the north of the subject site is Victoria Park Lane (a linear park) and single-family development (under construction for William Lyon's Tract 15871). The property is bounded on the east by a strip of land under different ownership. Further to the east, is Day Creek Boulevard and single-family development (under construction for Kaufman and Broad's Tract 15875) is to the east. The Edison electric transmission utility corridor is to the west. The property to the south is an unused railroad corridor (future multi-purpose Pacific Electdc Trail); and c. The application contemplates a residential subdivision of 101 single-family residential lots on 20.7 acres of land within the Low-Medium Residential District; and d. The proposed project, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. TT 16081 - TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES November 21, 2000 Page 2 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dudng the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. That the tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and any applicable specific plans; and b. The design or improvements of the tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and any applicable specific plans; and c. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; and d. The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; and e. The tentative tract is not likely to cause sedous public health problems; and f. The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. 4. Based upon the facts and information contained in the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration, together with all wdtten and oral reports included for the environmental assessment for the application, the Planning Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect upon the environment and adopts a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Monitoring Program attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference, based upon the findings as follows: a. That the Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the State CEQA guidelines promulgated thereunder; that said Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Initial Study prepared therefore reflect the independent judgment of the Planning Commission; and, further, this Commission has reviewed and considered the information contained in said Mitigated Negative Declaration with regard to the application. b. Although the Mitigated Negative Declaration identifies certain significant environmental effects that will result if the project is approved, all significant effects have been reduced to an acceptable level by imposition of mitigation measures on the project, which are listed below as Conditions of Approval. c. Pursuant to the previsions of Section 753.5(c) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, the Planning commission finds as follows: In considering the record as a whole, the initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project, there is no evidence that the proposed project will have potential for an adverse impact upon wildlife resources orthe habitat upon which wildlife depends. Further, based upon the substantial evidence contained in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, the staff reports and exhibits, and the information provided to the Planning Commission during the public hearing, the Planning Commission hereby rebuts the presumption of adverse effect as set forth in Section 753.5(c-l-d) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. TT 16081 - TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES November 21, 2000 Page 3 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Plannin.q Division 1) The design of the Day Creek Boulevard parkway shall conform with the Day Creek Boulevard Scenic and Recreational Corridor Master Plan as approved by the Planning Commission. 2) The developer shall submit detailed plans of the Day Creek Boulevard parkway for review and approved by the City Planner and City Engineer, pdor to recordation of the final map. En.qineerin,q Division 1) All frontages on Day Creek Boulevard, Victoda Park Lane, Silverberry, Sugar Gum shall be fully improved including but not limited to curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lights, street trees, signing, stdping etc. as required. 2) Modify Day Creek Boulevard median at Sugar Gum for 250 feet northbound left turn pocket. 3) Install and/or modify traffic signal at Day Creek Boulevard and Sugar Gum, as required. 4) Reimburse to other developers for the cost of installing the Master Plan storm drain line in Day Creek Boulevard and Victoria Park Lane including necessary catch basins to connect to Day Creek Channel. The area bounded on the north and south by Highland Avenue and Base Line Road and east and west by the Edison Corridor and Victoda Windrows tract will be considered as drainage boundary for this area. The cost of drainage system shall be borne by all properties lying within the drainage boundary in proportion to drainage areas. Right of ways, government properties, and utility .corridors are exempt from the calculation. 5) The first development along Day Creek Boulevard will be required to prepare a Master Beautification Plan for the parkways and median. The City will attempt to proportion the cost of the Master Plan to those developments required to install the landscaping or fronting the landscape areas. The consultant service cost is estimated at $36,000. 6)The Victoria Park Lane median shall have left turn pockets and bike lanes in both directions. 7) Reimburse adjacent developers for proportionate share of street improvements along Day Creek Boulevard and Victoria Park Lane. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 'If 16081 - TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES November 21, 2000 Page 4 8) There shall be two points of access pdor to any occupancies beyond 600 feet. 9) To reduce the intedor Landscape Maintenance Distdct area, Lot 34 shall not be adjacent to Street "A." Lots 30 and 33 shall be the only lots adjacent to Street "F" and Street "A." Fire Protection District: 1) Fire Department access at the southeast section of the tentative tract that comprises of Streets "C," "D," and "E" is approximately 680 feet in length. Either provide for a second access or provide mitigation of this by providing automatic fire sprinklers to the residences on Lots 31 through 59 inclusive. Environmental Mitigation Air Quality 1) The site shall be treated with water or other soil stabilizing agent (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) daily to reduce PM~o emissions, in accordance with SCAQMD Rule 403. 2) Victoda Park Lane and Day Creek Boulevard shall be swept according to a schedule established by the City to reduce PM~0 emissions associated with vehicle tracking of soil off-site. Timing may vary depending upon time of year of construction. 3) Grading operations shall be suspended when wind speeds exceed 25 mph to minimize PM~0 emissions from the site during such episodes. 4) Chemical soil stabilizers (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) shall be applied to all inactive construction areas that remain inactive for 96 hours or more to reduce PM~0 emissions. 5) The construction contractor shall select the construction equipment used on-site based on Iow-emission factors and high-energy efficiency. The construction contractor shall ensure the construction grading plans include a statement that ali construction equipment will be tuned and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. 6) The construction contractor shall utilize electric or clean alternative fuel-powered equipment where feasible. 7) The construction contractor shall ensure that construction grading plans include a statement that work crews will shut off equipment when not in use. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. TT 16081 - TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES November 21, 2000 Page 5 Noise 1) Sound barriers at least 5 feet high must be erected along the east side of Lots 52 and 95. Each completed noise control barrier must present a solid face from top-to-bottom. 2) Intedor noise control shall be achieved through building construction guidelines outlined in Tables 4 and 5 of the Project Noise Study. . Biological Resources 1) The four Eucalyptus trees to be removed shall be replaced on a one- for-one basis with species and location to be approved by the City Planner. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 21 ST DAY OF NOVEMBER 2000. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry T. McNiel, Chairman ATTEST: Brad Bullet, Secretary I, Brad Bullet, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 21st day of November 2000, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: City of Rancho Cucamonga MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Project File No.: TT 16081 and DR 00-12 This Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP) has been prepared for use in implementing the mitigation measures identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the above-listed project. This program has been prepared in compliance with State law to ensure that adopted mitigation measures are implemented (Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code). Program Components - This MMP contains the following elements: 1. Conditions of approval that act as impact mitigation measures are recorded with the action and the procedure necessary to ensure compliance. The mitigation measure conditions of approval are contained in the adopted Resolution of Approval for the project. 2. A procedure of compliance and verification has been outlined for each action necessary. This procedure designates who will take action, what action will be 'taken and when, and to whom and when compliance will be reported. 3. The MMP has been designed to provide focused, yet flexible guidelines. As monitoring progresses, changes to compliance procedures may be necessary based upon recommendations by those responsible for the program. Program Management - The MMP will be in place through all phases of the project. The project planner, assigned by the City Planner, shall coordinate enforcement of the MMP. The project planner oversees the MMP and reviews the Reporting Forms to ensure they are filled out correctly and proper action is taken on each mitigation. Each City department shall ensure compliance of the conditions (mitigation) that relate to that department. Procedures - The following steps will be followed by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 1. A fee covering all costs and expenses, including any consultants' fees, incurred by the City in performing monitoring or reporting programs shall be charged to the applicant. 2. A MMP Reporting Form will be prepared for each potentially significant impact and its corresponding mitigation measure identified in the Mitigation Monitoring Checklist, attached hereto. This procedure designates who will take action, what action will be taken and when, and to whom and when compliance will be reported. All monitoring and reporting documentation will be kept in the project file with the department having the original authority for processing the project. Reports will be available from the City upon request at the following address: City of Rancho Cucamonga ~ Lead Agency Planning Division 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Mitigation Monitoring Program TT 16081/DR 00-12 November 21, 2000 Page 2 3. Appropriate specialists will be retained if technical expertise beyond the City staff's is needed, as determined by the project planner or responsible City department, to monitor specific mitigation activities and provide appropriate written approvals to the project planner. 4. The project planner or responsible City department will approve, by signature and date, the completion of each action item that was identified on the MMP Reporting Form. After each measure is verified for compliance, no further action is required for the specific phase of development. 5. All MMP Reporting Forms for an impact issue requiring no further monitoring will be signed off as completed by the project planner or responsible City department at the bottom of the MMP Reporting Form. 6. Unanticipated circumstances may arise requiring the refinement or addition of mitigation measures. The project planner is responsible for approving any such refinements or additions. An MMP Reporting Form will be completed by the project planner or responsible City department and a copy provided to the appropriate design, construction, or operational personnel. 7. The project planner or responsible City department has the authority to stop the work of construction contractors if compliance with any aspects of the MMP is not occurring after written notification has been issued. The project planner or responsible City department also has the authority to hold certificates of occupancies if compliance with a mitigation measure attached hereto is not occurring. The project planner or responsible City department has the authority to hold issuance of a business license until all mitigation measures are implemented. 8. Any conditions (mitigation) that require monitoring after project completion shall be the responsibility of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Development Department. The Department shall require the applicant to post any necessary funds (or other forms of guarantee) with the City. These funds shall be used bythe City to retain consultants and/or pay for City staff time to monitor and report on the mitigation measure for the required period of time. 9. In those instances requiring long-term project monitoring, the applicant shall provide the City with a plan for monitoring the mitigation activities at the project site and reporting the monitoring results to the City. Said plan shall identify the reporter as an individual qualified to know whether the particular mitigation measure has been implemented. The monitoring/reporting plan shall conform to the City's MMP and shall be approved by the Community Development Director prior to the issuance of building permits. MITIGATION MONITORING CHECKLIST (INITIAL STUDY PART III) Project File No.: TT 16081, DR 00-12 Applicant: TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES Initial Study Prepared by: Nancy Ferquson Date: October 26, 2000 The site shal~ be treated with water or other soil stabilizing agent) CP C Review of plans A/C 2 approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) daily to reduce PMio emission, in accordance with SCAQMD Rule 403. Victoria Park Lane and Day Creek Boulevard shall be swept CP C Review of plans A/C ac~.or?ing to a schedule established by the Cily to reduce PM~o 2 emissions associated with vehicle tracking of soil off-site. Timing may vary depending upon time of year of construction. Grading operations shall be suspended when wind speeds exceed 25 mph to minimize PM~o emissions from the site durfng such CP C Review of plans NC 2 episodes. Chemical soil stabilizers (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) shall be applied to all inactive construction areas that remain inactive for CP C Review of plans A/C 2 96 hours or more to reduce PM~o emissions. Contractor shall select the construction equipment based on Iow emission factors and high-energy efficiency ,NI construction CP B/C Review of plans A/C 2 equipment will be tuned and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Contractor sha~l utilize electric or clean alteroatJve fue~ powered equipment where feasible. CP B/C Review of plans A/C 2 Grading plans shall include a statement that work crews will shut off equipment when not in use. CP/CE B Review of plans C 2 Sound barriers at least 5 feet high must be erected along the east BO D Review of plans/On C/A 2 side of Lots 52 and 95. Each completed noise control barrier must Completion present a solid face from top-to-bottom. Interior noise control shall be achieved through building construction BO D Review of plans/on C/A 2 guidelines outlined in Tables 4 and 5 of the Project Noise Study. completion Iologc, aIReSourCes : .. .' - .,· .. - - -~ , -~ ' Trees will be replaced on a one-for-one basis as mitigation. CP C Review of plans C Key to Checklist Abbreviations ResPonsibie Person . Mon!tbrlng Frequency : .: ~. S~n~t ~~ ,:~ CDD - Communib/Development Director A - With Each New Development A - On-site inspection 1 - Withhold Recordation of Final Map CP - Cily Planner or designee B - Prior To Construction B - Other Agency Permit / Approval 2 - Withhold Grading or Building Permit CE - City Engineer or designee C - Throughout Construction C - Plan Check 3 - Withhold Certificate of Occupancy BO - Building Official or designee D ~ On Completion D - Separate Submittal (Reports / Studies / Plans) 4 - Stop Work Order PO - Police Captain or designee E - Operating 5 - Retain Deposit or Bonds FC - Fire Chief or designee 6 - Revoke CUP I:\PLANNING\FINAL\C EQA\MMCH KLST.W PD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STANDARD CONDITIONS PROJECT #: TENTATIVE TRACT 16081 AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-12 SUBJECT: 101 LOT SUBDIVISION APPLICANT: TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES SOUTHWEST CORNER OF DAY CREEK BOULEVARD AND LOCATION: VICTORIA PARK LANE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DIVISION, (909) 477-2750, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. General Requirements Comoletion 1. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its / / agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 2. A copy of the signed Resolution of Approval or City Planner's letter of approval, and all Standard __/__ Conditions, shall be included in legible form on the grading plans, building and construction plans, and landscape and irrigation plans submitted for plan check. B. Time Limits 1. This tentative tract map or tentative parcel map shall expire, unless extended by the Planning __/__./ Commission, unless a complete final map is filed with the City Engineer within 3 years from the date of the approval. 2. Conditional Use Permit, Variance, or Development/Design Review approval shall expire if /.__/__ building permits are not issued er approved use has not commenced within 5 years from the date of approval No extensions are allowed. SC-8-00 1 Project No.: ~q' 16081 & DR 00-12 Completion Date C. Site Development 1. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include /. / site plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, sign program, and grading on file in the Planning Division, the conditions contained herein, Development Code regulations, and the Victoria Community Plan. 2. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be __/__./ submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. 3. All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for / / consistency prior to issuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment, building, etc.) or prior to final map approval in the case Df a custom lot subdivision, or approved use has commenced, whichever comes first. 4. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, / / all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community or Specific Plans in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 5. If no centralized trash receptacles are provided, all trash pick-up shall be for individual units with / / all receptacles shielded from public view. 6. Street names shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval in accordance with the / / adopted Street Naming Policy prior to approval of the final map. 7. All building numbers and individual units shall be identified in a clear and concise manner, __/ _/ including proper illumination. 8. The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) shall not prohibit the keeping the equine __/__/__ animals where zoning requirements for the keeping of said animals have been met. Individual lot owners in subdivisions shall have the option of keeping said animals without the necessity of appealing to boards of directors of homeowners' associations for amendments to the CC&Rs. 9. The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and Articles of Incorporation of the ~ / Homeowners' Association are subject to the approval of the Planning and Engineering Divisions and the City Attorney. They shall be recorded concurrently with the Final Map or prior to the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. A recorded copy shall be provided to the City Engineer. The Homeowners' Association shall submit to the Planning Division a list of the name and address of their officers on or before January 1 of each and every year and whenever said information changes. 10. All parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by the property __/ / owner, homeowners' association, or other means acceptable to the City. Proof of this landscape maintenance shall be submitted for City Planner and City Engineer review and approved prior to the issuance of building permits. 11. The developer shall submit a construction access plan and schedule for the development of all / / lots for City Planner and City Engineer approval; including, but not limited to, public notice requirements, special street posting, phone listing for community concerns, hours of construction activity, dust control measures, and security fencing. 12. Six-foot decorative block walls shall be constructed along the project perimeter. If a double wall __/__/__ condition would result, the developer shall make a good faith effort to work with the adjoining property owners to provide a single wall. Developer shall notify, by mail, all contiguous property owner at least 30 days prior to the removal of any existing walls/ fences along the project's perimeter. SC-8-00 2 Project No.: 3-1' 16081 & OR 00-12 Completion Date 13. For single family residential development, a 2-inch galvanized pipe shall be attached to each __/ / support post for all wood fences, with a minimum of two Y2-inch lag bolts, to withstand high winds. Both post and pipe shall be installed in an 18-inch deep concrete footing. Pipe shall extend at least 4 feet, 6 inches above grade. 14. Wood fencing shall be treated with stain, paint, or water sealant. / / 15. Slope fencing along side property lines may be wrought iron or black plastic coated chain link to / / maintain an open feeling and enhance views. 16. On comer side yards, provide minimum 5-foot setback between walls/fences and sidewalk. / / 17. For residential development, return walls and corner side walls shall be decorative masonry. / /.~ 18. Where rock cobble is used, it shall be real river rock. Other stone veneers may be manufactured / / products. - D. Parking and Vehicular Access (indicate details on building plans) 1. Multiple car garage driveways shall be tapered down to a standard two-car width at street. /___/ 2. On flag lots, use a 12-foot driveway within flag to maximize landscape area. /__/ E. Landscaping 1. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan, including slope planting and model home landscaping in / / the case of residential development, shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits or prior final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision. 2. Existing trees required to be preserved in place shall be protected with a construction barrier in / / accordance with the Municipal Code Section 19.08.110, and so noted on the grading plans. The location of those trees to be preserved in place and new locations for transplanted trees shall be shown on the detailed landscape plans. The applicant shall follow all of the arborist's recommendations regarding preservation, transplanting, and trimming methods. 3. All private slopes of 5 feet or more in vertical height and of 5:1 or greater slope, but less than 2:1 /_ / slope, shall be, at minimum, irrigated and landscaped with appropriate ground cover for erosion control Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. 4. All private slopes in excess of 5 feet, but less than 8 feet in vertical height and of 2:1 or greater /__/__ slope shall be landscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as follows: one 15-gallon or larger size tree per each 150 sq. ft. of slope area, 1-gallon or larger size shrub per each 100 sq. ft. of slope area, and appropriate ground cover. In addition, slope banks in excess of 8 feet in vertical height and 2:1 or greater slope shall also include one 5-gallon or larger size tree per each 250 sq. ft. of slope area. Trees and shrubs shall be planted in staggered clusters to soften and vary slope plane. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. 5. For single family residential development, all slope planting and irrigation shall be continuously __/__/ maintained in a healthy and thriving condition by the developer until each individual unit is sold and occupied by the buyer. Prior to releasing occupancy for those units, an inspection shall be conducted by the Planning Division to determine that they are in satisfactory condition. 6. Front yard and corner side yard landscaping and irrigation shall be required per the Development /_._/ Code and/or the Etiwanda Specific Plan. This requirement shall be in addition to the required street trees and slope planting. SC-8-00 3 Project No.: "Cf' 16081 & DR 00-12 Completion Date 7. The final design of the perimeter parkways, walls, landscaping, and sidewalks shall be included / in the required landscape plans and shall be subject to City Planner review and approval and coordinated for consistency with any parkway landscaping plan which may be required by the Engineering Division. 8. Special landscape features are required along East Avenue. /__/ 9. Landscaping and irrigation systems required to be installed within the public right-of-way on the __/ / perimeter of this project area shall be continuously maintained by the developer. 10.All walls shall be provided with decorative treatment. If located in public maintenance areas, the design shall be coordinated with the Engineering Division. 11. On projects which abut the 1-15 Freeway, the developer shall provide landscaping within the /~/ freeway right-of-way along the boundary of this project Dr pay an in-lieu of construction cash deposit. The landscape and irrigation plans shall be prepared in conformance with Caltrans and City Standards through the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City Planner and City Engineer. Landscape and irrigation shall be installed prior to the release of occupancy of the project, if final approvals and/or installation are not complete at that time, the City will accept a cash deposit for future landscaping of the Caltrans right-of-way. F. Environmental 1. A final acoustical report shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the __/ / issuance of building permits. The final report shall discuss the level ef interior noise attenuation to below 45 CNEL, the building materials and construction techniques provided, and if appropriate, verify the adequacy of the mitigation measures. The building plans will be checked for conformance with the mitigation measures contained in the final report. 2. Mitigation measures are required for the project. The applicant is responsible for the cost of __/ / implementing said measures, including monitoring and reporting. Applicant shall be required to post cash, letter of credit, or other forms of guarantee acceptable to the City Planner in the amount of $719.00 prior to the issuance of building permits, guaranteeing satisfactory pedormance and completion of all mitigation measures. These funds may be used by the City to retain consultants and/or pay for City staff time to monitor and report on the mitigation measures. Failure to complete all actions required by the approved environmental documents shall be considered grounds for forfeit. G, Other Agencies 1. The applicant shall contact the U.S. Postal Service to determine the appropriate type and location __/__/ of mail boxes. Multi-family residential developments shall provide a solid overhead structure for mail boxes with adequate lighting. The final location of the mail boxes and the design of the overhead structure shall be subject to City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION, (909) 477-2710, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: H. General Requirements 1. Submit five complete sets of plans including the following: __/ / a. Site/Plot Plan; b. Foundation Plan; SC-8-00 4 Project No.: ~r 16081 & DR 00-12 Completion Date c. Floor Plan; d. Ceiling and Roof Framing Plan; e. Electrical Plans (2 sets, detached) including the size of the main switch, number and size of service entrance conductors, panel schedules, and single line diagrams; f. Plumbing and Sewer Plans, including isometrics, underground diagrams, water and waste diagram, sewer or septic system location, fixture units, gas piping, and heating and air conditioning; and g.Planning Division Project Number (i.e., TT #, CUP #, DR #, etc.) clearly identified on the outside of all plans. 2. Submit two sets of structural calculations, energy conservation calculations, and a soils report. I___1__ Architect's/Engineer's stamp and "wet" signature are required prior to plan check submittal. 3. Separate permits are required for fencing and/or walls. / / 4. Contractors must show proof of State and City licenses and Workers' Compensation coverage to / / the City prior to permit issuance. I. Site Development 1. Plans shall be submitted for plan check and approved prior to construction. All plans shall be /_ / marked with the project file number (i.e., CUP 98-01). The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Cede, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Title 24 Accessibility requirements, and all other applicable codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of permit application. Please contact the Building and Safety Division for availability of the Code Adoption Ordinance and applicable handouts. 2. Prior to issuance of building permits for a new residential dwelling unit(s) or major addition to existing unit(s), the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but are not limited to: City Beautification Fee, Park Fee, Drainage Fee, Transportation Development Fee, Permit and Plan Checking Fees, and School Fees. Applicant shall provide a copy of the school fees receipt to the Building and Safety Division prior to permit issuance. 3. Street addresses shall be provided by the Building Official, after tract/pamel map recordation and / / prior to issuance of building permits. 4. Construction activity shall not occur between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. Monday /__/__ through Saturday, with no construction on Sunday or holidays. J, New Structures 1. Provide compliance with the Uniform Building Code for the property line clearances considering / / use, area, and fire-resistiveness. 2. Provide compliance with the Uniform Building Code for required occupancy separation(s). / / 3. Roofing material shall be installed per the manufacturer's "high wind" instructions. ~ / K. Grading 1. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City / / Grading Standards, and accepted grading practices. The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved grading plan. sc-8-oo H + 5 Project No.: TT 16081 & DR 00-12 Cornpietion Date 2. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to / / per[orm such work. 3. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the / / time of application for grading plan check. 4. The final grading plans shall be completed and approved prior to issuance of building permits. /.__/__ 5. A separate grading plan check submittal is required for all new construction projects and for / / existing buildings where improvements being proposed will generate 50 cubic yards or more of combined cut and fill. The Grading Plan shall be prepared, stamped, and signed by a California Registered Civil Engineer. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEERING DIVISION, (909) 477-2740, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: L. Dedication and Vehicular Access 1. Rights-of-way and easements shall be dedicated to the City for all interior public streets, .__/ / community trails, public paseos, public landscape areas, street trees, traffic signal encroachment and maintenance, and public drainage facilities as shown on the plans and/or tentative map. Private easements for non-public facilities (cross-lot drainage, local feeder trails, etc.) shall be reserved as shown on the plans and/or tentative map. 2. Dedication shall be made of the following rights-of-way on the perimeter streets (measured from ~/ /__ street centerline): a. Varies from 71 feet to 83 feet on Day Creek Boulevard. /.__/__ b. 76 total feet on Victoria Park Lane. / / 3. Comer property line cutoffs shall be dedicated per City Standards. / / 4. The developer shall make a good faith effort to acquire the required off-site property interests / / necessary to construct the required public improvements, and if he/she should fail to do so, the developer shall, at least 120 days prior to submittal of the final map for approval, enter into an agreement to complete the improvements pursuant to Government Code Section 66462 at such time as the City acquires the property interests required for the improvements. Such agreement shall provide for payment by the developer of all costs incurred by the City to acquire the off-site property interests required in connection with the subdivision. Security for a portion of these costs shall be in the form of a cash deposit in the amount given in an appraisal report obtained by the developer, at developer's cost. The appraiser shall have been approved by the City prior to commencement of the appraisal. This condition applies in particular, but not limited to: Day Creek Blvd. And "A" Street connection to Day Creek Blvd. M. Street Improvements 1. All public improvements (interior streets, drainage facilities, community trails, paseos, landscaped / / areas, etc.) shown on the plans and/or tentative map shall be constructed to City Standards. Interior street improvements shall include, but ara not limited to, curb and gutter, AC pavement, drive approaches, sidewalks, street lights, and street trees. SC-8-00 6 Project No.: 'lq' 16081 & DR 00-12 Completion Date 2. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to: /.__/ Street Name Curb & A.C $ de- Dr ve Street Street Comm Med an B ke -- - Day Creek Blvd, and Gutter Pvmt walk Appr. Lights Trees Trail Island Trail utner Victoda Park Lane x x x x x (e)(f) Notes: (a) Median island includes landscaping and irrigation on meter. (b) Pavement reconstruction and overlays will be determined during plan check. (c) If se marked, sidewalk shall be curvilinear per Standard 114. (d) If so marked, an in-lieu of construction fee shall be provided for this item. (e) Access ramps. (f) Perimeter theme wall. 3. Improvement Plans and Construction: a. Street improvement plans, including street trees, street lights, and intersection safety lights / / on future signal poles, and traffic signal plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Security shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public and/or private street improvements, prior to final map approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. b. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and a construction / / permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office in addition to any other permits required. c. Pavement striping, marking, traffic signing, street name signing, traffic signal conduit, and / / interconnect conduit shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. d. Signal conduit with pull boxes shall be installed with any new construction or reconstruction / / project along major or secondary streets and at intersections for future traffic signals and interconnect wiring. Pull boxes shall be placed on both sides of the street at 3 feet outside of BCR, ECR, or any other locations approved by the City Engineer Notes: (1)Pull boxes shall be No. 6 at intersections and No. 5 along streets, a maximum of 200 feet apart, unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer. (2)Conduit shall be 3-inch (at intersections) or 2-inch (along streets) galvanized steel with pull rope or as specified. e. Handicapped access ramps shall be installed on all corners of intersections per City __/ / Standards or as directed by the City Engineer. f. Existing City roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with /..__/ adequate detours during construction. Street or lane closure permits are required. A cash deposit shall be provided to cover the cost of grading and paving, which shall be refunded upon completion of the construction to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. g. Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks. Under sidewalk drains shall be / / installed to City Standards, except for single family residential lots. h. Street names shall be approved by the City Planner prior to submittal for first plan check. / / 4. Street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, shall be installed per City Standards in accordance with the City's street tree program. SC-8-00 7 Project No.: 3-1' 16081 & DR 00-12 Completion Date 5. Intersection line of sight designs shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with / / adopted policy. On collector or larger streets, lines of sight shall be plotted for all project intersections, including driveways. Local residential street intersections and commercial or industrial driveways may have lines of sight plotted as required. N. Public Maintenance Areas 1. A separate set of landscape and irrigation plans per Engineering Public Works Standards shall / / be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to final map approval or issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. The following landscaped parkways, medians, paseos, easements, trails or other areas shall be annexed into the Landscape Maintenance District: Victoria Park Lane and Day Creek 2. A signed consent and waiver form to join and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting __/ / Districts shall be filed with the City Engineer prior to final map approval or issuance of building permits whichever occurs first. Formation costs shall be borne by the developer. 3.All required public landscaping and irrigation systems shall be continuously maintained by the developer until accepted by the City. 4. Parkway landscaping on the following street(s) shall conform to the results of the respective / Beautification Master Plan: East Avenue Beautification Concept. O. Drainage and Flood Control 1. A final drainage study shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer prior to final map ___/ / approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. All drainage facilities shall be installed as required by the City Engineer. P. Utilities 1. Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water, gas, electric power, telephone, and cable TV (all underground) in accordance with the Utility Standards. Easements shall be provided as required. 2. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary. /__/ 3. Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the /. / Cucamonga County Water District (CCWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino. A letter of compliance from the CCWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first. Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval in the case of subdivision or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential projects. Q, General Requirements and Approvals 1. Permits shall be obtained from the following agencies for work within their right-of-way: So. Cai / / Edison, SANBAG 2. A non-refundable deposit shall be paid to the City, covering the estimated operating costs for all new street lights for the first six months of operation, prior to final map approval or prior to building permit issuance if no map is involved. SC-8-00 8 Project No.: ~1' 16081 & DR 00-12 Completion Date 3. Prior to finalization of any development phase, sufficient improvement plans shall be completed / / beyond the phase boundaries to assure secondary access and drainage protection to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Phase boundaries shall correspond to lot ~ines shown on the approved tentative map. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE FIRE PREVENTION/NEW CONSTRUCTION UNIT, (909) 477-2730, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: R, General Fire Protection Conditions 1. Mello Roos Community~ Facilities District requirements shall apply to this project. The developer / / shall commence, participate in, and consummate or cause to be commenced, participated in, or consummated, a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District (CFD) for the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District to finance construction and/or maintenance of a fire station to serve the development. The CFD shall be formed by the District and the developer by the time recordation of the final map occurs. 2. Fire flow requirement shall be: / / a. 1,500 gallons per minute, Per '97 UFC Appendix Ill-A, 3, (b) (Increase). b. A fire flow shall be conducted by the buildeddeveloper and witnessed by fire department personnel prior to water plan approval. c. For the purpose of final acceptance, an additional fire flow test of the on-site hydrants shall be conducted by the builder/developer and witnessed by fi.re department personnel after construction and prior to occupancy. 3. Fire hydrants are required. All required public or on-site fire hydrants shall be installed, flushed __./ and operable prior to delivery of any combustible building materials on site (i.e., lumber, roofing materials, etc.). Hydrants flushing shall be witnessed by fire department personnel. 4. Existing fire hydrant locations shall be provided prior to water plan approval. Required hydrants, / / if any, will be determined by the Fire District. Fire District standards require a 6-inch riser with a 4-inch and a 2-1/2-inch outlet. Substandard hydrants shall be upgraded to meet this standard. Contact the Fire Safety Division for specifications on approved brands and model numbers. 5. Prior to the issuance of building permits for combustible construction, evidence shall be / / submitted to the Fire District that an approved temporary water supply for fire protection is available, pending completion of the required fire protection system. 6. Hydrant reflective markers (blue dots) shall be required for all hydrants and installed prior to final / / inspection. 7. An automatic fire extinguishing system(s) will be required as noted below: / / a. Other: To mitigate culdesac length... Note: Special sprinkler densities are required for such hazardous operations as woodworking, plastics manufacturing, spray painting, flammable liquids storage, high piled stock, etc. Contact the Fire Safety Division to determine if the sprinkler system is adequate for proposed operations. 8. Roadways within project shall comply with the Fire District's fire lane standards, as noted: /. / a. All roadways per Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District Ordinance 32. 9. Fire department access shall be amended to facilitate emergency apparatus. /___/ 10. Emergency secondary access shall be provided in accordance with Fire District standards. __/ / SC-8-00 9 Project No.: ~1' 16081 & DR 00-12 Completion Date 11. Emergency access, a minimum of 26 feet wide, shall be provided, and maintained free and clear __/__/ of obstructions at all times during construction, in accordance with Fire District requirements. 12. Fire District fee(s), plus a $1 per "plan page" microfilm fee will be due to the Rancho Cucamonga ~ / Fire Protection District as follows: a. $132 for CCWD Water Plan review/underground water supply. b. $132 for Single Family Residential Tract (per phase). **Note: Separate plan check fees for Tenant Improvement work, fire protection systems (sprinklers, hood systems, alarms, etc.) and/or any consultant reviews will be assessed upon submittal of plans. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, (909) 477-2800, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: S. Security Hardware 1. A secondary locking device shall be installed on all sliding glass doors. __/ / 2. One-inch single cylinder dead bolts shall be installed on all entrance doors. If windows are within /.~/ 40 inches of any locking device, tempered glass or a double cylinder dead bolt shall be used. 3. All garage or rolling doors shall have slide bolts or some type of secondary locking devices. / / T. Windows 1. All sliding glass windows shall have secondary locking devices and should not be able to be lifted __/ / from frame or track in any manner. U. Building Numbering 1. Numbers and the backgrounds shall be of contrasting color and shall be reflective for nighttime / / visibility. SC-8-00 10 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DESIGN REVIEW 00-12 FOR 101 SINGLE-FAMILY LOTS OF TENTATIVE TRACT 16081, ON 20.7 ACRES OF LAND IN THE LOW-MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (4-8 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) OF THE VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF DAY CREEK BOULEVARD AND VICTORIA PARK LANE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 227-091-09, 26, and 50. A. Recitals. 1. Tdmark Pacific Homes filed an application for the approval of Development Review 00-12, as described in the title ofthis Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject tentative tract map request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 21st day of November, 2000, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public headng on the application and concluded said heating on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites pdor to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved bythe Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dudng the above- referenced public headng on November 21, 2000, including wdtten and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to property located on the west side of Day Creek Boulevard, south of Victoria Park Lane, and is presently vacant; and b. The property to the north of the subject site is Victoda Park Lane (a linear park) and single-family development (under construction for William Lyon Tract's 15871). The property is bounded on the east by a stdp of land under different ownership. Further to the east, is Day Creek Boulevard and single-family development (under construction for Kaufman and Broad's Tract 15875) is to the east. The Edison electdc transmission utility condor is to the west. The property to the south is an unused railroad corridor (future multi-purpose Pacific Electdc Trail); and c. The application contemplates a residential subdivision of 101 single-family residential lots on 20.7 acres of land within the Low-Medium Residential District; and d. The proposed project, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicJnity. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR 00-12 FOR TT 16081 -TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES November 21, 2000 Page 2 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dudng the above- referenced public headng and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. That the design review is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and any applicable specific plans; and b. The design or improvements of the project is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and any applicable specific plans; and c. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; and d. The design of the project is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; and e. The project is not likely to cause serious public health problems; and f. The design of the project will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed project. 4. Based upon the facts and information contained in the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration, together with all wdtten and oral reports included for the environmental assessment for the application, the Planning Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect upon the environment and adopts a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Monitoring Program attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference, based upon the findings as follows: a. That the Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared in compliance with the Califomia Environmental Quality ACt of 1970, as amended, and the State CEQA guidelines promulgated thereunder;, that said Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Initial Study prepared therefore reflect the independent judgment of the Planning Commission; and, further, this Commission has reviewed and considered the information contained in said Mitigated Negative Declaration with regard to the application. b. Although the Mitigated Negative Declaration identifies certain significant environmental effects that will result if the project is approved, all significant effects have been reduced to an acceptable level by imposition of mitigation measures on the project, which are listed below as Conditions of Approval. c. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 753.5(c) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, the Planning Commission finds as follows: In considering the record as a whole, the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project, there is no evidence that the proposed project will have potential for an adverse impact upon wildlife resources orthe habitat upon which wildlife depends. Further, based upon the substantial evidence contained in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, the staff reports and exhibits, and the information provided to the Planning Commission dudng the public headng, the Planning Commission hereby rebuts the presumption of adverse effect as set forth in Section 753.5(c-l-d) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR 00-12 FOR TT 16081 - TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES November 21, 2000 Page 3 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Plannin.q Division 1) The design of the Day Creek Boulevard parkway shall conform with the Day Creek Boulevard Scenic and Recreational Corridor Master Plan as approved by the Planning Commission. 2) The developer shall submit detailed plans of the Day Creek Boulevard parkway for review and approved by the City Planner and City Engineer, pdor to recordation of the final map. En,qineedn,q Division 1) All frontages on Day Creek Boulevard, Victoda Park Lane, Silverberry, Sugar Gum shall be fully improved including but not limited to curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lights, street trees, signing, stdping etc. as required. 2) Modify Day Creek Boulevard median at Sugar Gum for 250 feet northbound left turn pocket. 3) Install and/or modify traffic signal at Day Creek Boulevard and Sugar Gum, as required. 4) Reimburse to other developers for the cost of installing the Master Plan storm drain line in Day Creek Boulevard and Victoda Park Lane including necessary catch basins to connect to Day Creek Channel. The area bounded on the north and south by Highland Avenue and Base Line Road and east and west by the Edison Corridor and Victoda Windrows tract will be considered as drainage boundary for this area. The cost of drainage system shall be borne by all properties lying within the drainage boundary in proportion to drainage areas. Right of ways, government properties, and utility corridors are exempt from the calculation. 5) The first development along Day Creek Boulevard will be required to prepare a Master Beautification Plan for the parkways and median. The City will attempt to proportion the cost of the Master Plan to those developments required to install the landscaping or fronting the landscape areas. The consultant service cost is estimated at $36,000. 6)The Victoda Park Lane median shall have left turn pockets and bike lanes in both directions. 7) Reimburse adjacent developers for proportionate share of street improvements along Day Creek Boulevard and Victoda Park Lane. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR 00-12 FOR TT 16081 - TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES November 21, 2000 Page 4 8) There shall be two points of access pdor to any occupancies beyond 600 feet. 9) To reduce the interior Landscape Maintenance Distdct area, Lot 34 shall not be adjacent to Street "A." Lots 30 and 33 shall be the only lots adjacent to Street "F" and Street "A." Fire Protection District: 1) Fire Department access at the southeast section of the tentative tract that comprises of Streets "C," "D," and "E" is approximately 680 feet in length. Either provide for a second access or provide mitigation of this by providing automatic fire sprinklers to the residences on Lots 31 through 59 inclusive. Environmental Mitigation Air Quality 1) The site shall be treated with water or other soil stabilizing agent (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) daily to reduce PM~o emissions, in accordance with SCAQMD Rule 403. 2) Victoda Park Lane and Day Creek Boulevard shall be swept according to a schedule established by the City to reduce PM~o emissions associated with vehicle tracking of soil off-site. Timing may vary depending upon time of year of construction. 3) Grading operations shall be suspended when wind speeds exceed 25 mph to minimize PM~0 emissions from the site dudng such episodes. 4) Chemical soil stabilizers (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) shall be applied to all inactive construction areas that remain inactive for 96 hours or more to reduce PM~0 emissions. 5) The construction contractor shall select the construction equipment used on-site based on Iow-emission factors and high-energy efficiency. The construction contractor shall ensure the construction grading plans include a statement that all construction equipment will be tuned and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. 6) The construction contractor shall utilize electdc or clean alternative fuel-powered equipment where feasible. 7) The construction contractor shall ensure that construction grading plans include a statement that work crews will shut off equipment when not in use. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR 00-12 FOR TT 16081 - TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES November 21, 2000 Page 5 Noise 1) Sound barriers at least 5 feet high must be erected along the east side of Lots 52 and 95. Each completed noise control barrier must present a solid face from top-to-bottom. 2) Interior noise control shall be achieved through building construction guidelines outlined in Tables 4 and 5 of the Project Noise Study. Biological Resources 1) The four Eucalyptus trees to be removed shall be replaced on a one- for-one basis with species and location to be approved by the City Planner. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 21ST DAY OF NOVEMBER 2000. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry T. McNiel, Chairman ATTEST: Brad Buller, Secretary I, Brad Bullet, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 21 st day of November 2000, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: City of Rancho Cucamonga MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Project File No.: 'IT 16081 and DF{ 00-12 This Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP) has been prepared for use in implementing the mitigation measures identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the above-listed project. This program has been prepared in compliance with State law to ensure that adopted mitigation measures are implemented (Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code). Program Components - This MMP contains the following elements: 1. Conditions of approval that act as impact mitigation measures are recorded with the action and the procedure necessary to ensure compliance. The mitigation measure conditions of approval are contained in the adopted Resolution of Approval for the project. 2. A procedure of compliance and verification has been outlined for each action necessary. This procedure designates who will take action, what action will be taken and when, and to whom and when compliance will be reported. 3. The MMP has been designed to provide focused, yet flexible guidelines. As monitoring progresses, changes to compliance procedures may be necessary based upon recommendations by those responsible for the program. Program Management - The MMP will be in place through afl phases of the project. The project planner, assigned by the City Planner, shall coordinate enforcement of the MMP. The project planner oversees the MMP and reviews the Reporting Forms to ensure they are filled out correctly and proper action is taken on each mitigation. Each City department shall ensure compliance of the conditions (mitigation) that relate to that department. Procedures - The following steps will be followed by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 1. A fee covedng all costs and expenses, including any consultants' fees, incurred by the City in performing monitoring or reporting programs shall be charged to the applicant. 2. A MMP Reporting Form will be prepared for each potentially significant impact and its corresponding mitigation measure identified in ti ~e Mitigation Monitoring Checklist, attached hereto. This procedure designates who will take action, what action will be taken and when, and to whom and when compliance will be reported. All monitoring and reporting documentation will be kept in the project file with the department having the original authority for processing the project. Reports will be available from the City upon request at the following address: City of Rancho Cucamonga - Lead Agency Planning Division 10500 Civic Center Ddve Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Mitigation Monitoring Program TT 16081/DR 00-12 November 21,2000 Page 2 3. Appropriate specialists will be retained if technical expertise beyond the City staff's is needed, as determined by the project planner or responsible City department, to monitor specific mitigation activities and provide appropriate written approvals to the project planner. 4. The project planner or responsible City department will approve, by signature and date, the completion of each action item that was identified on the MMP Reporting Form. After each measure is vedfied for compliance, no further action is required for the specific phase of development. 5. All MMP Reporting Forms for an impact issue requiring no further monitoring will be signed off as completed by the project planner or responsible City department at the bottom of the MMP Reporting Form. 6. Unanticipated circumstances may adse requiring the refinement or addition of mitigation measures. The project planner is responsible for approving any such refinements or additions. An MMP Reporting Form will be completed by the project planner or responsible City department and a copy provided to the appropriate design, construction, or operational personnel. 7. The project planner or responsible City department has the authority to stop the work of construction contractors if compliance with any aspects of the MMP is not occurring after written notification has been issued. The project planner or responsible City department also has the authority to hold certificates of occupancies if compliance with a mitigation measure attached hereto is not occurring. The project planner or responsible City department has the authority to hold issuance of a business license until all mitigation measures are implemented. 8. Any conditions (mitigation) that require monitoring after project completion shall be the responsibility of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Development Department. The Department shall require the applicant to post any necessary funds (or other forms of guarantee) with the City. These funds shall be used by the City to retain consultants and/or pay for City staff time to monitor and report on the mitigation measure for the required period of ti me. 9. In those instances requiring long-term project monitoring, the applicant shall provide the City with a plan for monitoring the mitigation activities at the project site and reporting the monitoring results to the City. Said plan shall identify the reporter as an individual qualified to know whether the particular mitigation measure has been implemented. The monitoring/reporting plan shall conform to the City's MMP and shall be approved by the Community Development Director prior to the issuance of building permits. MITIGATION MONITORING CHECKLIST (INITIAL STUDY PART III) Project File No.: TT 16081, DR 00-12 Applicant: TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES Initial Study Prepared by: Nancy Ferquson Date: October 26, 2000 Victoria Park Lane and Day Creek Boulevard shaft be swept CP C Review of plans A/C Chemicat soil stabflizem (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) shall equipment where feasible. CP B/C Review of plans A/C 2 'nterlor noise control shall be achieved through bu ,ding construct on BO ID J Review of p,ans/on I C/A Trees will be replaced on a one-for-one basis as mitigation. CP C Review Of plan; ~ c ..... 3 Key to Checklist Abbreviations R ~P°ns blePer~on~ Monitoring FreqUency .... ~ · . Me~ of Ve~tl~n ~ San,~'l.~,n~ ~, CDD - Community Development Director A - With Each New Development A - On-site Inspection 1 - Withhold Recordation of Fina~ Map CP - City Planner or designee B - Prior To Construction B - Other Agency Permit / Approval 2 - Withhold Grading or Building Permit CE - City Engineer or designee C - 'r~roughout Construction C - Plan Check 3 - Withhold Certificate of Occupancy BO - Building Official or designee D - On Completion D * Separate Submittal (Reports / Studies / Plans) 4 - Stop Work Order PO - Police Captain or designee E - Operating 5 - Retain Deposit or Bonds FC - Fire Chief or designee 6 - Revoke CUP I;\PLANNING\FINAL\C EQA'~M MCH KLST.W PD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STANDARD CONDITIONS PROJECT #: TENTATIVE TRACT 16081 AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-12 SUBJECT: 101 LOT SUBDIVISION APPLICANT: TRIMARK PACIFIC HOMES SOUTHWEST CORNER OF DAY CREEK BOULEVARD AND LOCATION: VICTORIA PARK LANE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DIVISION, (909) 477-2750, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. General Requirements 1. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 2. A copy of the signed Resolution of Approval or City Planner's letter of approval, and all Standard Conditions, shall be included in legible form on the grading plans, building and construction plans, and landscape and irrigation plans submitted for plan check. B. Time Limits 1. This tentative tract map or tentative parcel map shall expire, unless extended by the Planning Commission, unless a complete final map is filed with the City Engineer within 3 years from the date of the approval. 2. Conditional Use Permit, Variance, or Development/Design Review approval shall expire if building permits are not issued or approved use has not commenced within 5 years from the date of approval. No extensions are allowed. Project No.: ~l- 16081 & DR 00-12 Completion Date Site Development 1. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include __/____ site plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, sign program, and grading on file in the Planning Division, the conditions contained herein, Development Code regulations, and the Victoria Community Plan. 2. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. 3. All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for consistency prior to issuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment, building, etc.) or prior to final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, or approved use has commenced, whichever comes first. 4. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community er Specific Plans in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 5. If no centralized trash receptacles are provided, all trash pick-up shall be for individual units with / all receptacles shielded from public view. 6. Street names shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval in accordance with the adopted Street Naming Policy prior to approval of the final map. 7. All building numbers and individual units shall be identified in a clear and concise manner, including proper illumination. 8. The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) shall not prohibit the keeping the equine animals where zoning requirements for the keeping of said animals have been met. Individual lot owners in subdivisions shall have the option of keeping said animals without the necessity of appealing to boards of directors of homeowners' associations for amendments to the CC&Rs. 9. The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and Articles of Incorporation of the Homeowners' Association are subject to the approval of the Planning and Engineering Divisions and the City Attorney. They shall be recorded concurrently with the Final Map or prior to the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. A recorded copy shall be provided to the City Engineer. The Homeowners' Association shall submit to the Planning Division a list of the name and address of their officers on or before January 1 of each and every year and whenever said information changes. '10. All parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by the property owner, homeowners' association, or other means acceptable to the City. Proof of this landscape maintenance shall be submitted for City Planner and City Engineer review and approved prior to the issuance of building permits. 11. The developer shall submit a construction access plan and schedule for the development of all lots for City Planner and City Engineer approval; including, but not limited to, public notice requirements, special street posting, phone listing for community concerns, hours of construction activity, dust control measures, and security fencing. 12. Six-foot decorative block walls shall be constructed along the project perimeter. If a double wall condition would result, the developer shall make a good faith effort to work with the adjoining property owners to provide a single wall. Developer shall notify, by mail, all contiguous property owner at least 30 days prior to the removal of any existing walls/ fences along the project's perimeter. ' Project No.: ']-I' 16081 & DR 00-1~' Completion Date 13. For single family residential development, a 2-inch galvanized pipe shall be attached to each support post for all wood fences, with a minimum of two Y~-inch lag bolts, to withstand high winds, Both post and pipe shall be installed in an 18-inch deep concrete footing, Pipe shall extend at least 4 feet, 6 inches above grade. 14. Wood fencing shall be treated with stain, paint, or water sealant. 15. Slope fencing along side property lines may be wrought iron or black plastic coated chain link to maintain an open feeling and enhance views. 16. On comer side yards, provide minimum 5-foot setback between walls/fences and sidewalk. 17. For residential development, return walls and corner side walls shall be decorative masonry. 18. Where rock cobble is used, it shall be real river rock. Other stone veneers may be manufactured products. D, Parking and Vehicular Access (indicate details on building plans) 1. Multiple car garage driveways shall be tapered down to a standard two-car width at street, / 2. On flag lots, use a 12-foot driveway within flag to maximize landscape area. / E. Landscaping 1. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan, including slope planting and model home landscaping in / the case of residential development, shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and -- submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits or prior final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, 2. Existing trees required to be preserved in place shall be protected with a construction barrier in / accordance with the Municipal Code Section 19.08.110, and so noted on the grading plans. The location of those trees to be preserved in place and new locations for transplanted trees shall be shown on the detailed landscape plans. The applicant shall follow all of the arborist's recommendations regarding preservation, transplanting, and trimming methods. 3. All private slopes of 5 feet or more in vertical height and of 5:1 or greater slope, but less than 2:1 / / slope, shall be, at minimum, irrigated and landscaped with appropriate ground cover for erosion control. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. 4, All private slopes in excess of 5 feet, but less than 8 feet in vertical height and of 2:1 or greater / slope shall be landscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as follows: one 15-gallon or larger size tree per each 150 sq. ft. of slope area, 1-gallon or larger size shrub per each 100 sq. ft. of slope area, and appropriate ground cover. In addition, slope banks in excess of 8 feet in vertical height and 2:1 or greater slope shall also include one 5-gallon or larger size tree per each 250 sq. ff. of slope area. Trees and shrubs shall be planted in staggered clusters to soften and vary slope plane. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. 5, For single family residential development, all slope planting and irrigation shall be continuously / maintained in a healthy and thriving condition by the developer until each individual unit is sold and occupied by the buyer. Prior to releasing occupancy for those units, an inspection shall be conducted by the Planning Division to determine that they are in satisfactory condition. 6. Front yard and comer side yard landscaping and irrigation shall be required per the Development / Code and/or the Etiwanda Specific Plan, This requirement shall be in addition to the required street trees and slope planting. Project No.: TT 16081 & DR 00-12 Completion Date 7. The final design of the perimeter parkways, walls, landscaping, and sidewalks shall be included __/____ in the required landscape plans and shall be subject to City Planner review and approval and coordinated for consistency with any parkway landscaping plan which may be required by the Engineering Division. 8. Special landscape features are required along East Avenue. 9. Landscaping and irrigation systems required to be installed within the public right-of-way on the __/__ __ perimeter of this project area shall be continuously maintained by the developer. 10.All wails shall be provided with decorative treatment. If located in public maintenance areas, the design shall be coordinated with the Engineering Division. 11. On projects which abut the 1-15 Freeway, the developer shall provide landscaping within the freeway right-of-way along the boundary of this project or pay an in-lieu of construction cash deposit. The landscape and irrigation plans shall be prepared in conformance with Caltrans and City Standards through the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City Planner and City Engineer. Landscape and irrigation shall be installed prior to the release of occupancy of the project. If final approvals and/or installation are not complete at that time, the City will accept a cash deposit for future landscaping of the Caltrans right-of-way. F. Environmental 1. A final acoustical report shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. The final report shall discuss the level of interior noise attenuation to below 45 CNEL, the building materials and construction techniques provided, and if appropriate, verity the adequacy of the mitigation measures. The buildihg plans will be checked for conformance with the mitigation measures contained in the final repod. 2. Mitigation measures are required for the project. The applicant is responsible for the cost of / implementing said measures, including monitoring and reporting. Applicant shall be required to post cash, letter of credit, or other forms of guarantee acceptable to the City Planner in the amount of $719.00 prior to the issuance of building permits, guaranteeing satisfactory performance and completion of all mitigation measures. These funds may be used by the City to retain consultants and/or pay for City staff time to monitor and report on the mitigation measures. Failure to complete all actions required by the approved environmental documents shall be considered grounds for forfeit. G. Other Agencies 1. The applicant shall contact the U.S. Postal Service to determine the appropriate type and location / of mail boxes. Multi-family residential developments shall provide a solid overhead structure for mail boxes with adequate lighting. The final location of the mail boxes and the design of the overhead structure shall be subject to City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE BUILDING AND SA~:ETY DIVISION, (909) 477-2710, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: H, General Requirements 1. Submit five complete sets of plans including the following: __/____ a. Site/Plot Plan; b. Foundation Plan; Project No.: TT 16081 & DR 00~12 c. Floor Plan; d. Ceiling and Roof Framing Plan; e. Electrical Plans (2 sets, detached) including the size of the main switch, number and size of service entrance conductors, panel schedules, and single line diagrams; f. Plumbing and Sewer Plans, including isometrics, underground diagrams, water and waste diagram, sewer or septic system location, fixture units, gas piping, and heating and air conditioning; and g.Planning Division Project Number (i.e., TT #, CUP #, DR #, etc.) clearly identified on the outside of all plans. 2. Submit two sets of structural calculations, energy conservation calculations, and a soils report. __/ / Architect's/Engineer's stamp and "wet" signature are required prior to plan check submittal. 3. Separate permits are required for fencing and/or walls. / / 4. Contractors must show proof of State and City licenses and Workers' Compensation coverage to / / the City prior to permit issuance. -- I. Site Development 1. Plans shall be submitted for plan check and approved prior to construction. All plans shall be / / marked with the project file number (i.e., CUP 98-01). The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Title 24 Accessibility requirements, and all other applicable codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of permit application. Please contact the Building and Safety Division for availability of the Code Adoption Ordinance and applicable handouts. 2. Prior to issuance of building permits for a new residential dwelling unit(s) or major addition to / / existing unit(s), the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but are not limited to: City Beautification Fee, Park Fee, Drainage Fee, Transportation Development Fee, Permit and Plan Checking Fees, and School Fees. Applicant shall provide a copy of the school fees receipt to the Building and Safety Division prior to permit issuance. 3.Street addresses shall be provided by the Building Official, after tract/parcel map recordation and prior to issuance of building permits. 4.Construction activity shall not occur between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday, with no construction on Sunday or holidays. J. New Structures 1. Provide compliance with the Uniform Building Code for the property line clearances considering use, area, and fire-resistiveness. 2. Provide compliance with the Uniform Building Code for required occupancy separation(s). 3. Roofing material shall be installed per the manufacturer's "high wind" instructions. K. Grading 1. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Standards, and accepted grading practices. The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved grading plan. Project No.: 'Fi' 16081 & DR 00-12 Completion Date 2. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to / perform such work. 3. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application for grading plan check. 4. The final grading plans shall be completed and approved prior to issuance of building permits. __/____ 5. A separate grading plan check submittal is required for all new construction projects and for existing buildings where improvements being proposed will generate 50 cubic yards or more of combined cut and fill. The Grading Plan shall be prepared, stamped, and signed by a California Registered Civil Engineer. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEERING DIVISION, (909) 477-2740, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: L. Dedication and Vehicular Access 1. Rights-of-way and easements shall be dedicated to the City for all interior public streets, community trails, public paseos, public landscape areas, street trees, traffic signal encroachment and maintenance, and public drainage facilities as shown on the plans and/or tentative map. Private easements for non-public facilities (cross-lot drainage, local feeder trails, etc.) shall be reserved as shown on the plans and/or tentative map. 2. Dedication shall be made of the following rights-of-way on the perimeter streets (measured from / street centerline): a. Varies from 71 feet to 83 feet on Day Creek Boulevard. __/__ __ b. 76 total feet on Victoria Park Lane. / 3. Corner property line cutoffs shall be dedicated per City Standards. / / 4. The developer shall make a good faith effort to acquire the required off-site property interests necessary to construct the required public improvements, and if he/she should fail to do so, the developer shall, at least 120 days prior to submittal of the final map for approval, enter into an agreement to complete the improvements pursuant to Government Code Section 66462 at such time as the City acquires the property interests required for the improvements. Such agreement shall provide for payment by the developer of all costs incurred by the City to acquire the off-site property interests required in connection with the subdivision. Security for a portion of these costs shall be in the form of a cash deposit in the amount given in an appraisal report obtained by the developer, at developer's cost. The appraiser shall have been approved by the City prior to commencement of the appraisal. This condition applies in particular, but not limited to: Day Creek Blvd. And "A" Street connection to Day Creek Blvd. M. Street Improvements 1, All public improvements (interior streets, drainage facilities, community trails, paseos, landscaped __ areas, etc.) shown on the plans and/or tentative map shall be constructed to City Standards. Interior street improvements shall include, but are not limited to, curb and gutter, AC pavement drive approaches, sidewalks, street lights, and street trees. Project No.: 3-r 16081 & DR 00-12 Comoletion Date 2. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to: / l Street Name Curb & A.C Side- Drive Street I Street J comm J Median Bike Other Day Creek Blvd, and / [Vict°riaParkLane' x [ x' x I Notes: (a) Median island includes landscaping and irrigation on meter. (b) Pavement reconstruction and overlays will be determined during plan check. (c) If so marked, sidewalk shall be curvilinear per Standard 114. (d) If so marked, an in-lieu of construction fee shall be provided for this item. (e) Access ramps. (f) Perimeter theme wall. 3. Improvement Plans and Construction: a. Street improvement plans, including street trees, street lights, and intersection safety lights / on future signal poles, and traffic signal plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Security shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public and/or private street improvements, prior to final map approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. b. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and a construction / permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office in addition to any other permits required. c. Pavement striping, marking, traffic signing, street name signing, traffic signal conduit, and / interconnect conduit shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. d. Signal conduit with pull boxes shall be installed with any new construction or reconstruction / project along major or secondary streets and at intersections for future traffic signals and interconnect wiring. Pull boxes shall be placed on both sides of the street at 3 feet outside of SCR, ECR, or any other locations approved by the City Engineer Notes: (1)Pull boxes shall be No. 6 at intersections and No. 5 along streets, a maximum of 200 feet apart, unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer. (2)Conduit shall be 3-inch (at intersections) or 2-inch (along streets) galvanized steel with pull rope or as specified. e. Handicapped access ramps shall be installed on all corners of intersections per City Standards or as directed by the City Engineer. f. Existing City roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with adequate detours during construction. Street or lane closure permits are required. A cash deposit shall be provided to cover the cost of grading and paving, which shall be refunded upon completion of the construction to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. g.Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks. Under sidewalk drains shall be installed to City Standards, except for single family residential lots. h. Street names shall be approved by the City Planner prior to submittal for first plan check. 4. Street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, shall be installed per City Standards in / accordance with the City's street tree program. Project No.: .TT 16081 & DR 00-12 Completion Date 5. Intersection line of sight designs shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with adopted policy. On collector or larger streets, lines of sight shall be plotted for all project intersections, including driveways. Local residential street intersections and commercial or industrial driveways may have lines of sight plotted as required. N. Public Maintenance Areas 1. A separate set of landscape and irrigation plans per Engineering Public Works Standards shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to final map approval or issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. The following landscaped parkways, medians, paseos, easements, trails or other areas shall be annexed into the Landscape Maintenance District: Victoria Park Lane and Day Creek 2. A signed consent and waiver form to join and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting Districts shall be filed with the City Engineer prior to final map approval or issuance of building permits whichever occurs first. Formation costs shall be borne by the developer. 3.All required public landscaping and irrigation systems shall be continuously maintained by the developer until accepted by the City. 4. Parkway landscaping on the following street(s) shall conform to the results of the respective Beautification Master Plan: East Avenue Beautification Concept. O, Drainage and Flood Control 1. A final drainage study shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer prior to final map __/____ approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. All drainage facilities shall be installed as required by the City Engineer. P, Utilities 1. Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water, gas, electric power, telephone, and cable TV (all underground) in accordance with the Utility Standards. Easements shall be provided as required. 2. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary. 3. Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the Cucamonga County Water District (CCWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bemardino. A letter of compliance from the CCWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first. Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval in the case of subdivision or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential projects. Q. General Requirements and Approvals 1.Permits shall be obtained from the following agencies for work within their right-of-way: So. Cai Edison, SANBAG 2. A non-refundable deposit shall be paid to the City, covering the estimated operating costs for all / new street lights for the first six months of operation, prior to final map approval or prior to building permit issuance if no map is involved. Project No.: TI' 16081 & DR 00-17 Completion Date 3. Prior to finalization of any development phase, sufficient improvement plans shall be completed / beyond the phase boundaries to assure secondary access and drainage protection to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Phase boundaries shall correspond to lot lines shown on the approved tentative map. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE FIRE PREVENTION/NEW CONSTRUCTION UNIT, (909) 477-2730, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: R, General Fire Protection Conditions 1. Mello Roos Community Facilities District requirements shall apply to this project. The developer / shall commence, participate in, and consummate or cause to be commenced, participated in, or consummated, a Meilo-Roos Community Facilities District (CFD) for the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District to finance construction and/or maintenance of a fire station to serve the development. The CFD shall be formed by the District and the developer by the time recordation of the final map occum. 2. Fire flow requirement shall be: / a. 1,500 gallons per minute, Per '97 UFC Appendix Ill-A, 3, (b) (Increase). b. A fire flow shall be conducted by the builder/developer and witnessed by fire department personnel prior to water plan approval. c. For the purpose of final acceptance, an additional fire flow test of the on-site hydrants shall be conducted by the builder/developer and witnessed by fire department personnel after construction and prior to occupancy. 3. Fire hydrants are required. All required public or on-site fire hydrants shall be installed, flushed / and operable prior to delivery of any combustible building materials on site (i.e., lumber, roofing materials, etc.). Hydrants flushing shall be witnessed by fire department personnel. 4. Existing fire hydrant locations shall be provided prior to water plan approval. Required hydrants, / if any, will be determined by the Fire District. Fire District standards require a 6-inch riser with a 4-inch and a 2-1/2-inch outlet. Substandard hydrants shall be upgraded to meet this standard. Contact the Fire Safety Division for specifications on approved brands and model numbers. 5. Prior to the issuance of building permits for combustible construction, evidence shall be / submitted to the Fire District that an approved temporary water supply for fire protection is available, pending completion of the required fire protection system. 6. Hydrant reflective markers (blue dots) shall be required for all hydrants and installed prior to final / inspection. 7. An automatic fire extinguishing system(s) will be required as noted below: / a. Other: To mitigate culdesaclength,.. Note: Special sprinkler densities are required for such hazardous operations as woodworking, plastics manufacturing, spray painting, flammable liquids storage, high piled stock, etc. Contact the Fire Safety Division to determine if the sprinkler system is adequate for proposed operations, 8. Roadways within project shall comply with the Fire District's fire lane standards, as noted: a. Ail roadways per Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District Ordinance 32. 9. Fire department access shall be amended to facilitate emergency apparatus. 10. Emergency secondary access shall be provided in accordance with Fire District standards. / Project No.: '17 16081 & DR 00-12 Comoletion Date 11. Emergency access, a minimum of 26 feet wide, shall be provided, and maintained free and clear of obstructions at all times during construction, in accordance with Fire District requirements. 12.Fire District fee(s), plus a $1 per "plan page" microfilm fee will be due to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District as follows: a. $132 for CCWD Water Plan review/underground water supply. b. $132 for Single Family Residential Tract (per phase). **Note: Separate plan check fees for Tenant Improvement work, fire protection systems (sprinklers, hood systems, alarms, etc.) and/or any consultant reviews will be assessed upon submittal of plans. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, {909) 477-2800, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: S, Security Hardware 1. A secondary locking device shall be installed on all sliding glass doors. 2. One-inch single cylinder dead bolts shall be installed on all entrance doors. If windows are within 40 inches of any locking device, tempered glass or a double cylinder dead bolt shall be used. 3. All garage or rolling doom shall have slide bolts or some type of secondary locking devices. T, Windows 1.All sliding glass windows shall have secondary locking devices and should not be able to be lifted from frame or track in any manner. U, Building Numbering 1.Numbers and the backgrounds shall be of contrasting color and shall be reflective for nighttime visibility. THE C I T Y OF I~ANCHO CUCAHONGA Staff Report DATE: November 21,2000 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Rudy Zeledon, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-53 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION - The review of detailed site plans and elevations for single family residences on 11 in-fill lots in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre) within the Northtown area along Center Avenue, 24th Street, and 25th Street, east of Hermosa Avenue - APN: 209-101-18,209-101-24, 209-103-06,209-104-06, 209-104-34,209-104-35, 209-112-17 and 209-121-22. Related files: Tree Removal .Permit 00-42, Development Review 95-03and 97-35. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Project Background: This is Phase 3 of the Northtown Housing Development Corporation affordable housing in-fill program. Northtown Housing Development Corporation's goal is to construct affordable single family homes to provide needed housing. The proposed house designs are identical to Phases 1 and 2, which were approved by the Planning Commission on March 8, 1995, and January 14, 1998. B. Site Characteristics: The proposed housing units will replace older units lost through deterioration and demolition. The 11 parcels within the Northtown community are vacant, some with young trees, shrub, and grasses. All parcels have frontage on improved streets. The lots slope about 2 percent from north to south. ANALYSIS: A. General: The applicant is proposing to construct 11 single family homes that will range in size from 1,269 square feet to 1,688 square feet. Three floor plans are proposed with two alternative elevations each. The homes are designed with elements of the "Craftsman" architectural style, based upon the few remaining examples of this style within the Northtown community. On January 11, 1995, the Planning Commission conducted a Pre-Application Review of the proposed house products. The Commission praised the Craftsman style architecture, front porches, and detached garages. ITEM J PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-53 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEV. CORP. November 21,2000 Page 2 B. Desiqn Review Committee: The Committee (Stewart, Coleman) reviewed the project on October 17, 2000, and recommended approval. C. Technical Review Committee: On October 18, 2000, the Committee reviewed the project and determined that, with the recommended standard and special conditions of approval, the project is consistent with City standards and ordinances. The Grading Committee recommended approval at its meeting on October 31,2000. D. Environmental Assessment: Part I and II of the Initial Study was completed. Staff determined that the project could have a significant adverse environmental impact through the removal of 9 heritage trees to accommodate project construction. Mitigation measures requiring the replacement of the trees, pursuant to the City's Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 276, have been identified to make the impact less than significant. If the Planning Commission concurs, then the issuance of a Mitigated Negative Declaration would be in order. CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised as a public headng in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners within a 300-foot radius of the project site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Development Review 00-53 through adoption of the attached Resolution of Approval with Conditions and issuance of a Mitigated Negative Declaration. Brad Buller City Planner BB:rz\ls Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Location Map/Site Utilization Map Exhibit "B" - Site Plan Exhibit "C" - Grading Plan Exhibit "D" - Floor Plans Exhibit "E" - Elevations Exhibit "F" - Tree Removal Plan Exhibit "G" - Design Review Committee Action Comments dated October 17, 2000 Exhibit "H" - Initial Study Part II Resolution of Approval with Conditions LOCATION MAP DR 00-53 - Northtown ~1~1 II L~ I I1~? ~ ~ Building footprints ~1~ ~ ~ Project Sites [ ...... ~'~ ~ parcels Rancho Cucamonga : - ' ' . LEGEND: ' Vacant ~7 T~b~U~ ...... ~.A.S.P..Subarea.6]?~ I . ~ 2 ~ 2 3 9 NORTHTOWN HOUSING " ~ ?~ ~ ~3 ~2 . DEVELOPMENT.CORP· - 25 -~-~ ~ ~; RANCHO ~UCAMONGA, CALIF. SITE UTILIZATION/KEY PLAN '~'~'"' ~-~'l~ I - .~ · t .' -' -~ ~ ~L t: ~=--~,~ Phase III II~ILL D~LOPMENI - ~ SITE PLAN ~ TH! $ T~t~ T "_-,:. - .... -_~,~.~ ~ ~-1~~~ ~.i"~2~-~~'"'~ ' ........ ..... Phase III INFILL D~LOPMENI [} . --~ PRECISE GRADING PLAN NORT'HTOWN HOUSING INRL L PROJECT PHA SE III I k ~_~_~Phase III ~_ DEVELOPMENT .CII'Y.OF ~CHO ~~ON~. RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIF. ~._?~ Phase III III~II,L CI~Y.OF ~CHO ~~ON~, NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. ~-';~-~'-" "" --~ RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIF. "A,' FRONT ~ "A': RIGHT Phase I I AR [~rlLL D~ELOPM£NT ~OF ~CHO ~~ON~, NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIF. ' PLAN 1 ~=~ ...... .~:~:.~.~:,.~ ..... ~[~_'_.'_ ~_.L '__'.~2__. Z_ .'~_.'..~_i. _:_Z_'_ ' "A" LEFTi ! "B" FRONT ~ -~__-_-_-, Phase III INFILL DEVELOPME~ . ~ ClJC.,l~OalC,,t ~ [ ........... 1 NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIF. PLAN 2 '~' FRONT, RIGHT cA , · REAR LEFT ~=~,~ Phase III INIILL DEVELOPMENT ~CtTY OF !~ ANC/IO CUCAMONGA, CAL~ . NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. TREE REMOVAL APPI~ICA~TION 10/30/00 Th? following Phase Three infill.lots will have trees removed.during the.construction process: Where known, the tree Ss.species; size (trunk' diameter), and condition 'have been- ideptified. See the attached copy-of.th~Coneeptua~.Grading-Plan for locations-olde tre~s to be removed. Lot Aa: 3 ~,,s will.be removed; (2) 8" fruit. (1) 18" duas Lot B3:' 3 trees will be'removed;' · · (2) 6'-8' unlmown (1) 36" unknown Lot C3: 3 trees will. be-removed; (2) 6" unlmown · · (1) 6" walnut w/co-dominant leaders L~t D3: No trees to be removed. (1)12 mulberry'w/'eo-dominant.le~ers (1) 36" unknown (dead) Lot 'F3: 6 trees will be removed;' (2)-.12V. unknown (1) 18" mulberry' (1) -l$'.ash (1) 12"wahmt · (1) 6" walnut w/co-dominant leaders Lot G3: 4 trees will be removed; (1)--12" walnut (1) 18" c4trus (I)8" disas · (1) 24" unknown Lot H3: 9 ~rees willbe.mmoved; (1)9~ Brisbane box' ( 1 ~-5" avocado (2) .~" unknown" (1)-t$' ash (1) 9" unknown ' (1) -12' ash.w/co-dominant .leaders-(half-dead) O) ~"""~'own (dead)' ( 1 ) 10" unknown w/split mink - -I~ot-I3:.6 trees will be removed;. (2) .~" ~ucalypu, s O) 2s" ash' · (2).'{?' olive (1) 10" eucalyptus Lot {3.' 8 t~eeswillbe.removed; (1) 7'high fan palm- (1)~0~" unknown (2) 9" unknow~~ (1)41"pine (1) 8"unknown'~ · (1) ( 1 ) 1T' cottonwood Lot IO: 8 t~ees.will.beremoved; (1) 2' high fan palm (dead) (2)t 7" unknownw/co-dominant tearless (1) lY' ( 1 ) -~" apri~ol O) S" high yuc~ (2) 2~' walnut w/~dominan~ leaders 4.93' ~ 12.23' 4~0"~ .. I ¢~N r~t .4 V~NU~ CONSENT CALENDAR COMMENTS 7:00 p.m. Rudy Zeledon October 17, 2000 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-53 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. - A request to construct single family residences on 11 in-fill lots in the Low Residential Distdct (2-4 dwelling units per acre) within the Northtown area along Center Avenue, 24th Street, and 25th Street, east of Hermosa Avenue - APN: 209-101-18, 209-101-24, 209-103-06, 209-104-06, 209-104-34, 209-104-35, 209-112-17, and 209-121-22. Related files: Development Review 95-03 and 97-35. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present Pam Stewar[, Dan Coleman Staff Planner:. Rudy Zeledon The Committee reviewed and approved. ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM C o, Ran oO..mong. (Part I - Initial Study) Planning Division (909) 477-2750 The purpose of this form is to inform the City of the basic components of.the proposed project sothat the City' 'ma~,' review the Pr0jec( p~rsuant toCit~ polidies, ordinan(~es, and guidelines; the Californ!a Environmental Quality Act; ~nd th'e City=s Rules and' Procedures to Implement CEQA. It is imp0itant that ~he information requested in this application be INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED, Please note that it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete at the time of submittal; City staff will not be available to perfonm work required to provide missing infomlation. Application Number for the project to which this form peFtains: Northtown Infill Housing, Phase III Name & Address of project Northtown Housinq Development Corp., owner(s): 9999 Feron Blvd., Ste. A.~ Rancho Cucamon§a~ CA 91730 Name&Addressofdeveloperorpmject Same as above. sponso~ ContactPereon& Peter J. Pitassi, AIA, Architect Address: 8439 White Oak Ave., Ste. 105~ Rancho Cucamonqa~ CA 91730 h\PLANNING\FINAL\FORMS\COUNTER\INITSTD1.WPD 3~00 P~o~ I Name & Address of peraon preparing this form (if different from above): S a m e a s a b o v e, Telephone Numbe~. Information indicated by asterisk (*) is not required of non-construction CUP=s unless othen,vise requested by staf~ '1) Provide a full scale (8-1/2 x 11) copy of the USGS Quadrant Sheet(s) which includes the project site, and indicate the site boundadea. 2) Provide a set of color photographs which show representative views into the site from the north, south, east and west; views into and from the site from the primary access points which serve the site; and representative views of significant featuras from the site. Include a map showing location of each photograph. 3) Project Location (describe): Various existing 't~ts (11) within the Northtown Community genera13y between Hermosa On the west, 26th Street on the north, Marine on the east~ and Humboldt on the south. 4) Assessor=s Parcel Numbers (attach additional sheet if necessary): 209-101-18, 209-101-23, 209-1_01-36, 209-101-35, 209,[04~34, 209-104-06, 209-103-06, 209-121-22, 209-112-0, 209-112-17, 209-104-35 '5) Gross Site Area (ac/sq. ft.): N / A *6) Net Site Area (total site size minus area of public streets & proposed dedications): Total area of al I 1 ors: Approximately 85,500 sq. ft. Average: +7,773 sq. 7) Describe any proposed general plan amendment or zone change which would affect the project site (a~tach additional sheet if necessary: N/A I:\PLANNING\FINAL\FORMS\COUNTER\INITSTD1 .VVPD 3/00 Pac]e 2 8) Include a desc~ption of all permits which will be necessary from the City of Rancho Cucamonga and other govemmental agencies in order to fully implement the project: Building Permit, Demolition Permit, Hook:up Permit CCWD. 9)Describe the physical se~'ng of the site as it exists before the project including information on topography, soil stability, plants and animals, mature trees, trails and roads, drainage courses, and scenic aspects. Descdbe any existing structures on site (including age and condition) and the use of the structures. Attach photographs of significant features described. In addifi~)n, site all sources of infon'nation (i.e., geological and/or hydrologic stud!es, biotic and archeological surveys, traffic studies): All lots are vacant. All sites have vegetation of varying types such as shrubs, fruit trees, deciduous trees, and several mature deciduous. The sites all front on improved public streets. Several lots have evidence of preiious structures such as old foundations. These will ~)l be removed with site preparation construction. The lots are all relatively flat with a _+2% grade from north to south. 1 O) Descdbe the known cultural and/or histo#ca/aspects of the site. Site all sources of information (books, published reports and oral history): Several sites have evidence of previous residential structures. No k~oWnrt~4storical or significant structures occupied these sites. I:\PLANNING\FINAL\FORMS\COUNTER\INITSTD1.VVPD 3/00 P~n~ :~ 11)Descdbeanyno~esoumesand~e~vels~atnowa~ct~es~ ~irora~ madwaynoise, e~.)andhow ~eywilla~ct proposed uses: The Atchinson and Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way, Metrolink, is to the south of Humboldt. Noise sources are irregular and will not affect proposed use differently than existing residences in the n~ighborhood. l ~ Desc~be ~e proposed p~je~ ~ ~ This ~ould provide an a~qua~ ~scdp§on of ~e site ~ terms of ulNma~ use which will ~s~ from ~e proposed pmjecL ~dica~ ~ ~era am proposed phases for ~velopmen~ ~e extent of development occurwith ea~ phase, and ~e anticipa~d completion of ea~ ~cmmenL A~ch additional ~eet(s) ~necessa~: The Northtown Housing Development Corp. will develop the third phase of their Infill Housing Program which consists of 11 single family detached residences on existing lots of record. All.lots are currently uninhabited. Units will be single story with detached garages in keeping with the existing housing stock within Northtown. l~Descdbe ~e surrounding pmpe~ies, ~duding ~ation on plan~ and an~a~ and a~ cultura~ h~a~ or scen~ a~ects. ~dica~ ~e ~pe ~ ~nd use (msiden~ commemia~ e~.), ~tensi~ of ~nd use (on~mily, ~a~ment houses, ~ops, depa~ment stora~ e~) and sca~ ~ ~velopment ~eigh~ fmn~ge, se~a~ mar ~ e~): Northtown is developed with single family homes predominately one story in size. Surrounding property is residential with industrial to the east towards Haven and south of the railroad and 8th Street. 14) Vi/ill the proposed project change the pattern, scale or character of the surrounding general area of the project? NO h\PLANNING\FINAL\FORMS\COUNTER\INITSTD 1 .VVPD 3/on 15)Indicate the type of short-term and Iong-ten'n noise to be generated, including soume and amount, How will these noise levels affect adjacent properties and on-site uses. Whet methods of sound proofing ara proposed? None of any consequence. '1 ~ In.cate proposed ramova~ an~or raplacemen~ of maxum or scenic ~es: Several small fruit trees, deciduous trees of ill health will be removed. l~ln~ca~anybo~esofwater~cludingdomesticwaters~p§e~in~ which~esitedrains: None ) Indicate expected amount of water usage. (See Attachment A for usage estimates), For further clarification, please contact the Cucamonga County Water Distdct at 98'[-2591. x ( oo x x a, Residential (gal~day). , Peak use (gal/Day) I 3 ~ 2 0 0 b. Commemial/Ind. (gal~day/ac) Peak use (gal/min/ac) 19) Indicate proposed method of sewage disposal. __ Septic Tank X Sewer. If septic tanks ara proposed, attach percolation tests. If discharge to a sanitary sewage system is proposed indicate expected daily sewage generation: (See Attachment A for usage estimates), For further clarification, please contact the Cucamonga County Water Distdct at 987- 2591. a. Residential (gal~day) ( 2 7 0 x I I 2,9 I 0 b. Commercial~Ind. (gal~day/ac) RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS: 20) Number of residential units: Detached (indicate range of parcel sizes, minimum lot size and maximum lot size: Minimum lot size: 50 x 145 = 7,250 sq. ft. Maximum lot size: 50 x 170 = 8,500 sq. ft. h\PLANNING\FINAL~FORMS\COUNTER\INITSTDI.VVPD 3/00 Paae 5 Attached (indicate whether units am rental or for sale units): 21)Anticipated range of sale prices and/or rents: Sale Pdce(s) $ to $. Rent (per month) $. to $. 22) Specify number of bedrooms by unit type: Plan 1: 3 bedroom, 2 baths - 4 units Plan 2: 4 bedroom, 2 bath - 5 units Plan 3: 4 bedroom, 2 bath - 2 units 23) Indicate anticipated household size by unit type: P]an 1: 4 people Plan 2: 5-6 people Plan 3: 6-7 people 24)Indicate the expected number of school children who will be residing within the project: Contact the appropriate School Districts as shown in Attachment B: a. Elementary: K through 8th grade 9 (.82/housebo]d) b. Junior High:' Cucamonga Schoo] District c. SeniorHigh 20 1.5/3 bedroom: 2.0/4 bedroom per Charley Unified School District COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL PROJECTS 25) Descrfbe type of uso(s) and major function(s) of commemial, industdal or institutional usesF 26) Total floor area of commercial, industdal, or institutional uses by type: h\PLANNING\FINAL\FORMS\COUNTER~INITSTD1.VVPD 3/00 Paoe R 27) Indicate hours of operation: 28) Number of Total'. employees: Maximum Shift: Time of Maximum Shift: 29)Provide breakdown of anticipated job classifications, including wage and sala/y ranges, as well as an indication Of the rate of hire for each classification (attach additional sheet if necessacy): 30) Estimation of the number of workers to be hired that currently reside in the City: ,For commercial and industdal uses only, indicate the source, type and amount of air pollution emissions. (Data should be verified through the South Coast Air Quality Management District, at (818) 572-6283): ALL PROJECTS 3~Have~ewa~sewe~fire, andfl~dcontmlagenciesse~ing~epreje~been~n~cted~ ~tenwine~eirability~prcvide a~qua~se~ice~epreposedpmject? ffso, p~ase~dica~ ~eirre~onse. No, however, all utilities are available in public streets which front all lots. Water, sewer, gas, power, telephone, and fire hydrants. ~-i h\PLANNING~FINAL\FORMStCOUNTER~INITSTD1.WPD 3~00 Page 7 33~ In the known history of this properly, has there been any use, storage, or discharge of hazardous and/or toxic mate#als? ~ Examples of hazardous and/or toxic materials include, but are not limited to PCB=s; radioactive substances; pesticides and herbicides; fuels, oils, so/vents, and other flammable liquids and gases. Also note underground storage of any of the above. Please list the materials and describe their use, storage, and/or discharge on the property, as well as the dates of use, if known. None 'chat: we ar'e awar'e 34) Will the proposed project involve the temporary or long-term use, storage or discharge of hazardous and/or toxic materials, including but not limited to those examples listed above? If yes, provide an inventory of all such materials to be used and proposed method of disposal. The location of such uses, along with the storage and shipment ereas, shall be shown and labeled on the application plans. No I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and ~t the data and information Yequirad for adequate evaluation of this preject to the best of my abillty~cts, ~ ~ment~, and i~fo~/nation presented are true and correct tot he best of my knowledge and belief. I further understa, pc[that addi~d~ 'nfo~ation jTfa.,t/be required to be submitted before an adequate h\PLANN~NG\FINAL\FORMS\OOUNTER\INITSTD1.WI:'D ~/o0 o~.~ ~ City of Rancho Cucamonga ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM INITIAL STUDY PART II BACKGROUND 1. Project File: Development Review 00-53 2. Related Files: Development Review 95-03 and Development Review 97-35 3. Description of Project: A request to construct single family residences on 11 in-fill lots in the Low Residential Distdct (2-4 dwelling units per acre) within the Northtown area along Center Avenue, 24th Street, and 25th Street, east of Hermosa Avenue - APN: 209-101-18, 209-101-24, 209-103-06, 209-104-06, 209-104-34, 209-104-35, 209-112-17, and 209-121-22. This is the third phase of affordable single family homes to be built by the Northtown Housing Development Corporation within the Northtown neighborhood. Phases I and II have been constructed. All subject lots are currently uninhabited or vacant. 4. Project Sponsor's Name and Address: Northtown housing Development Corporation, 10171 25th Street, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730. 5. General Plan Designation: Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre). 6. Zoning: Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre). 7. Surrounding Land Uses and Setting: The lots are located within the Northtown neighborhood, which is characterized primarily by older single family residential homes on small lots. The subject in-fill lots are scattered throughout the neighborhood, and typically are surrounded by existing 1- and 2-story single-family homes. 8. Lead Agency Name and Address: City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division 10500 Civic Center Ddve Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 9. Contact Person and Phone Number: Rudy Zeledon Assistant Planner (909) 477-2750 10. Other agencies whose approval is required: None Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Development Review 00-53 Page ? ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is "Potentially Significant Impact," "Potentially Significant Impact Unless Mitigation Incorporated," or "Less Than Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages, Land Use and Planning ( ) Transportation/Cimulation Population and Housing (X) Biological Resoumes ( ) Public Services ( ) Utilities and Service Systems Geological Problems ( ) Energy and Mineral Resoumes ( ) Aesthetics Water ( ) Hazards Air Quality ( ) Noise ( ) Cultural Resources ( ) Mandatory Findings of Significance ( ) Recreation DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: (X) I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project, or agreed to, by the applicant. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. Signed: ~ /~ucl~edon As~is~t Planner October 31,2000 EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Pursuant to Section 15063 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, an explanation is required for all "Potentially Significant Impact," "Potentially .Significant Impact Unless Mitigation Incorporated," and "Less Than Significant Impact" answers, including a discussion of ways to mitigate the significant effects identified. Issues and Supporting Information Sources: 1. LANDUSEAND~ Would the proposab a) Conflict with general plan designation or ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) zoning? Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Development Review 00-53 Page Issues and Supporting Information Sources: P~.U.,y u.~.. T~. b) Conflict with applicable environmental plans or ( ) ( ) (X) policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project? c) Be incompatible with existing land use in the ( ) ( ] (X) vicinity? d) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an ( ) ( ) (X) established community? Comments: a-d) Consistent with the Genera; Plan and zoning for district. 2. POPULATIONAND HOUSING. Would the proposal: a) Cumulatively exceed official regional or local ( ( ) ( ) (X) population projections? b) Induce substantial growth in an area either ( ( ) ( ) (X) directly or indirectly (e.g., through projects in an undeveloped area or extension of major infrastructure)? c) Displace existing housing, especially affordable ( ( ) ( ) (X) housing? Comments.'. a-c) Proposed housing units will replace units lost through deterioration and demolition and increase the supply of affordable housing in the City. 3. GB3L(~IC PROBLEMS. Would the proposal result in or expose people to potential impacts involving: a) Fault rupture? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) b) Seismic ground shaking? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) c) Seismic ground failure, including liquefaction? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) d) Seiche hazards? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) e) Landslides or mudflows? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) f) Erosion, changes in topography, or unstable ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) soil conditions from excavation, grading, or fill? g) Subsidence of the land? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) h) Expansive soils? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) i) Unique geologic or physical features? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Development Review 00-53 Pa,qe 4 Issues and Suppoding Information Sources: ~,y u.,~ T~. m~a~ Inc~qx~ ed mpact Commen~: a-i) Development will occur on vaunt lots within an established neighborho~. No known faults pass through any of the sites and the sites are not in an Ea~hquake Fault Zone nor in the Rancho Cu~monga Ci~ Special Study Zone along the Red Hill Fault. 4. WATER. Will the proposal result in: a) Changes in absorption rates, drainage pattems, ( ( ) ( ) (X) or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? b) Exposure of people or property to water related ( ( ) ( ) (X) hazards such as flooding? c) Discharge into surface water or other alteration ( ( ) ( ) (X) of surface water quality (e.g., temperature, dissolved oxygen, or turbidity)? d) Changes in the amount of surface water in any ( ( ) ( ) (X) water body? e) Changes in currents, or the course or direction ( ( ) ( ) (X) of water movements? f) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either ( ( ) ( ) (X) through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations, or through substantial loss of groundwater recharge capability?. g) Altered direction or rate of flow of groundwater?. ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) h) Impacts to groundwater quality? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) i) Substantial reduction in the amount of ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) groundwater otherwise available for public water supplies? Comments: a) The absorption rate will be altered because of paving and hardscape proposed. Development will occur on vacant lots within an established neighborhood. All runoff will be conveyed to existing drainage facilities, which have been designed to handle the flows. b) The vacant lots are not located within the 100-year flood plain as indicated (Zone X) on The Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Insurance Rate Map. c-e) The vacant lots are located near the Deer Creek Flood Control Channel. All storm runoff from each lot will convey to existing facilities. Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Development Review 00-53 Page 5 Issues and Supporting Information Sources: ~..~y unless l~an f-i) The project will not inted'ere with groundwater management practices in the same area, as the site is not used for groundwater discharge. 5. AIR QUALITY. Would the proposal: a) Violate any air quality standard or contribute to ( ) ( ) (X) an existing or projected air quality violation? b) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants? ( ) ( ) (X) c) Alter air movement, moisture, or temperature, ( ) ( ) (X) or cause any change in climate? d) Create objectionable odors? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) Comments: a-b) Potential impacts to air quality are consistent with the Public Health and Safety Super-Element within the Rancho Cucemonga General Plan. Dudng construction, there is the possibility of fugitive dust to be emitted from grading the sites; however, the sites are too small (less then 0.5 acres) to generate significant PM~0 contamination that would exceed the SCAQMD thresholds. Therefore, the impact is not considered significant. c-d) The proposed housing units will replace units lost through deterioration and demolition. The project will not generate emissions that could cause climate changes and objectionable odors. 6. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Would the proposal result in: a) Increased vehicle trips or traffic congestion? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) b) Hazards to safety from design features (e.g., ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)? c) Inadequate emergency access or access to ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) nearby uses? d) Insufficient parking capacity on-site or off-site? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) e) Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) bicyclists? 0 Conflicts with adopted policies supporting ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) alternative transportation (e.g., bus turnouts, bicycle racks)? g) Rail or air traffic impacts? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Development Review 00-53 Page 6 Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Pot..t~,y u.~ ~.=. Comments: a-c) The project will result in a slight increase in vehicle trips. The proposed residences are in-fill within a developed residential neighborhood in which the street layout (curb, gutter, intersections) exists. The streets provide ample access for both routine and emergency purposes; therefore, no circulation problems are anticipated. d) The project design of the homes meets the parking standards within the City of Rancho Cucamonga Development Code. e-0 The proposed residences are in-fill within a developed residential neighborhood. As a result, the project will not impact pedestrian or transit uses. g) Located approximately 2 miles north of the Ontado Airport, the proposed sites are offset north of the fight path and will not be dangerous to. users or aircraft. 7. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal result in impacts to: a) Endangered, threatened, or rare species or ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) their habitats (including, but not limited to: plants, fish, insects, animals, and birds)? b) Locally designated species (e.g., heritage trees, ( ) (X) ( ) ( ) eucalyptus windrow, etc.)? c) Locally designated natural communities (e.g., ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) eucalyptus grove, sage scrub habitat, etc.)? d) Wetland habitat (e.g., marsh, riparian, and ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) vemal pool)? e) Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) Comments: a-*e) The proposed residences are in-fill within a developed residential neighborhood. Proposed housing units will replace units lost through deterioration and demolition and increase the supply of affordable housing in the City. There ara no endangered, threatened, or rare species existing on these vacant lots. A number of dead, diseased, and dying trees will be removed subJect to a Tree Removal Permit and tree replacement policies of the City's Tree Preservation Ordinance of the Development Code, Section 19.08.100. Most of the trees scheduled to be removed are fruit and nut trees, which are exempt from the ordinance. However, there is a total of 9 trees that are proposed to be removal which are identified as heritage trees. As mitigation these trees shall be replaced on a one for one basis, with minimum 15-gallon size. Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Development Review 00-53 Page 7 Issues and Supporting Information Sources: .o~..~a~y u,,~ -~ 8. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a) Conflict with adopted energy conservation ) ( ) ( ) (X) plans? b) Use non-renewable resources in a wasteful and ) ( ) ( ) (X) inefficient manne~ c) Result in the loss of availability of a known ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State? Comments: a-c) The project will not conflict with any energy conservation plans nor be wasteful. 9. HAZARDS. Would the proposal involve: a) A risk of accidental explosion or release of ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) hazardous substances (including, but not limited to: oil, pesticides, chemicals, or radiation)? b) Possible interference with an emergency ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) response plan or emergency evacuation plan? c) The creation of any health hazard or potential ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) health hazard? d) Exposure of people to existing sources of ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) potential health hazards? e) Increased fire hazard in areas with flammable ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) brash, grass, or trees? Comments: a, c-d) The proposed residences are in-fill within a developed residential neighborhood. There is no evidence of pdor commemial or industrial uses. No evidence of discarded drums, containers, hazardous wastes, or discolored soils has been observed. There was no indication of underground storage tanks or illegal dumping of refuse on-site. b) The project is within a developed residential neighborhood, which has been designed to accommodate emergency vehicles. e) The project is not located in a fire hazard area. 10. NOISE. Will the proposal result in: a) increases in existing noise levels? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Development Review 00-53 Page 8 Issues and Supporting Information Sources: b) Exposure of people to severe noise levels? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) Comments: a) Proposed housing units will replace units lost through deterioration and demolition. The project will increase noise in the general sense of replacing vacant lots with homes. The small size of the development ensures the increase to be less than significant. b) Noise levels will be consistent with existing levels within the established neighborhood. There are no sensitive receptors in the area and impacts to noise are not considered significant. 1'1. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal have an effect upon or result in a need for new or altered government sen/ices in any of the following areas: a) Fire protection? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) b) Police protection? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) c) Schools? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) d) Maintenance of public facilities, including ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) roads? e) Other governmental services? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) Comments: a-e) The proposed residences are in-fill within a developed residential neighborhood in which public services are available. 12. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS. Would the proposal result in a need for new systems or supplies or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a) Power or natural gas? ( ) ) (X) b) Communication systems? ( ) ) (X) c) Local or regional water treatment or distribution ( ) ) (X) facilities? d) Sewer or septic tanks? ( ) ) (X) e) Storm water drainage? ( ) ) (X) f) Solid waste disposal? ( ) ) (X) g) Local or regional water supplies? ( ) ) (X) Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Development Review 00-53 Page 9 Issues and SuppoSing Info~ation Sources: ~y u~ Commen~: a~) The proposed residents are in-fill within a developed residential neighbo~ood in which systems and utilities am available. The proposed proje~ will not require major modifi~tions or alterations to the existing utili~ systems. 13. AESTHETICS. Would the proposal: a) Affect a scenic vista or scenic highway? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) b) Have a demonstrable negative aesthetic ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) effect? c) Create light or glare? ( ) ( ) (X) 0 Comments: a-b) The proposed housing development will blend with the existing residential homes within the established neighborhood. c) The project will create new light and glare, as the sites are currently vacant. The new light and glare created by the new in-fill residences is not considered significant. 14. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the proposah a) Disturb paleontological resources? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) b) Disturb archaeological resources? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) c) Affect historical or cultural resources? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) d) Have the potential to cause a physical change ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? e) Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) the potential impact area? Comments: a-e) The vacant 'lots have been previoucly disturbed by residential development. The proposed housing units will replace units lost through deterioration and demolition. The likelihood of affecting historical or cultural resources is minimal and impacts are not considered significant. 15. RECREATION. Would the proposal: a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) regional parks or other recreational facilities? b) Affect existing recreational opportunities? ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Development Review 00-53 Pa,qe 10 Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Comments: a) The project will not increase the need for park and recreation services through population growth because of the relatively small size of the development. The developer will be required to pay the appropriate fees in accordance with Development Impact Fee Schedules adopted by the City Council. Old Town Park, a neighborhood park, was constructed to serve this neighborhood. The Northtown Housing Development Corporation is in the process of constructing a community center next to Old Town Park. b) The proposed housing units will replace units lost through deterioration and demolition; therefore, the proposed project will not affect existing recreational opportunity within the established neighborhood. 16. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. a) Potential to degrade: Does the project have ( ) . ( ) ( ) (X) the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restdct the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of Califomia history or prehistory? b) Short term: Does the project have the potential ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time. Long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) c) Cumulative: Does the project have impacts ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively consid~,'able" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects.) d) Substantial adverse: Does the project have ( ) ( ) ( ) (X) environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Development Review 00-53 Page 11 Issues and Supporting Information Sources: P~,,t~,y u,,,, mn Comments: a) The proposed residences are in-fill within a developed residential neighborhood. There is no habitat suitable for rare or endangered species and there are no locally protected species on the vacant sites. The vacant lots are not located in a wetland area and are surrounded by existing single-family residences and therefore cannot serve as a wildlife corridor. b) The proposed residences are in-fill within a developed residential neighborhood. The lots are less then 0.5 acres, and would not generate significant amounts of cdteda air pollutants dudng site grading. No short-term impacts will result from the proposed project c) The proposed residences are in-fill within a developed residential neighborhood in which public services are available. There are systems and utilities available within the established neighborhood. The proposed project will not require major modifications or alterations to the existing utility systems. The developer will be required to pay Development Impact fees established by the City Council. d) The proposed in-fill development will not cause substantial adverse effects on humans, either directly or indirectly. The vacant lots are located within an established neighborhood. EARLIER ANALYSES Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiedng, program EIR, or other CEQA process, one or more effects have been adequately analyzed in an eadier EIR or Negative Declaration per Section 15063(c)(3)(D). The effects identified above for this project were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in the following eadier document(s) pursuant to applicable legal standards, and such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the eadier analysis. The following eadier analyses were utilized in completing this Initial Study and are available for review in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Planning Division offices, 10500 Civic Center Ddve (check all that apply): (X) General Plan EIR (Certified Apdl 6, 1981) (X) Master Environmental Assessment for the 1989 General Plan Update (SCH #88020115, certified January 4, 1989) Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Development Review 00-53 Page 12 APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I am the applicant for the project described in this Initial Study. I acknowledge that I have read this~ ~Q-fh-'~oposed mitigation measures. Further, I have revised the project plan~s~ prop~:)s~e~s l~/~?~/?',~e~by agree to the proposed mitigation measures to avoid the eff~ or mitigate ~ct~to ~ point where clearly no significant environmental effects ~~ru ~~~/ ~ ~ ~/ Date: D ~ .' . City of Rancho Cucamonga NEGATIVE DECLARATION The following Negative Declaration is being circulated for public review in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act Section 21091 and 21092 of the Public Resources Code. Project File No.: Development Review 00~53 Public Review Period Closes: November 21,2000 Project Name: Project Applicant: Northtown Housing Development Corporation Project Location (also see attached map): Located along Center Avenue, 24th Street, and 25th Street, east of Hermosa Avenue -APN: 209-101-18, 209-101-24, 209-103-06, 209-104-06, 209-104-34, 209-104~35, 209-112-17, and 209-121-22. Project Description: The review of detailed site plan and elevations single family residences on 11 in-fill lots in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre) within the Northtown area. Related files: Development Review 95-03 and 97-35. FINDING This is to advise that the City of Rancho Cucamonga, acting as the lead agency, has conducted an Initial Study to determine if the project may have a significant effect on the environment and is proposing this Negative Declaration based upon the following finding: [] The Initial Study shows that there is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. [] The Initial Study identified potentially significant effects but: (1) Revisions in the project plans or proposals made or agreed to by the applicant before this proposed Negative Declaration was released for public reviewwouid avoid the effects or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no significant effects would occur, and (2) There is no substantial evidence before the agency that the project as revised may have a significant effect on the environment. if adopted, the Negative Declaration means that an Environmental Impact Report will not be required. Reasons to support this finding are included in the attached Initial Study. The project file and all related documents are available for review at the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division at 10500 Civic Center Drive (909) 477-2750 or Fax (909) 477-2847. NOTICE The public is invited to comment on the proposed Negative Declaration during the review period. November 21,2000 Date of Determination Adopted By RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. 00-53, A REVIEW OF DETAILED SITE PLANS AND ELEVATIONS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES ON 11 IN-FILL LOTS IN THE LOW RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (2-4 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) WITHIN THE NORTHTOWN AREA ALONG CENTER AVENUE, 24TH STREET, AND 25TH STREET, EAST OF HERMOSA AVENUE - AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 209-101~18, 209-101-24, 209-103-06, 209-104-06, 209-104-34, 209-104-35, 209-112-17, AND 209-121-22. A. Recitals. 1. Northtown Development Corporation has filed an application for the approval of Development Review No. 00-53, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Development Review request is referred to as "the application." 2. On November 21, 2000, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a meeting on the application and concluded said meeting on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites pdor to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced meeting on November 21,2000, including wdtten and oral staff reports, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to 11 properties with an average street frontage of 50 feet and lot depth of 150 feet, which are presently vacant. All lots front-on improved public street; and b. The property to the north, south, east and west are vacant, developed with single- family residences, or developed with an improved flood control channel. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced meeting and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. The proposed project is consistent with the objectives of the General Plan; and b. The proposed use is in accord with the objectives of the Development Code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; and PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR 00-53 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEV. CORP. November 21, 2000 Page 2 c. The proposed use is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code; and d. The proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 4. Based upon the facts and information contained in the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration, together with all written and oral reports included for the environmental assessment for the application, the Planning Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect upon the environment and adopts a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Monitoring Program attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference, based upon the findings as follows: a. That the Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the State CEQA guidelines promulgated thereunder; that said Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Initial Study prepared therefore reflect the independent judgment of the Planning Commission; and, further, this Commission has reviewed and considered the information contained in said Mitigated Negative Declaration with regard to the application. b. Although the Mitigated Negative Declaration identifies certain significant environmental effects that will result if the project is approved, all significant effects have been reduced to an acceptable level by imposition of mitigation measures on the project, which are listed below as conditions of approval. c. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 753.5(c) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, the Planning Commission finds as follows: In considering the record as a whole, the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project, there is no evidence that the proposed project will have potential for an adverse impact upon wildlife resources orthe habitat upon which wildlife depends. Further, based upon the substantial evidence contained in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, the staff reports and exhibits, and the information provided to the Planning Commission during the public hearing, the Planning Commission hereby rebuts the presumption of adverse effect as set forth in Section 753.5(c-l-d) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and eve~j condition set forth below and in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Plannin,q Division 1) Provide property line and return fencing or walls. 2) Chimney materials may be stucco or siding. 3) Construct walkway from back door to driveway. 4) Wood trim surrounds shall be provided on all windows. 3-% PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR 00-53 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEV. CORP. November21,2000 Page 3 5) Composition shingle roof material is approved as consistent with the architectural style and context. En.qineedn.q Division 1) The rear drainage flow for Lots 4 and 5 shall be contained on*site or wdtten permission to drain off-site from adjacent property owner shall be obtained. 2) The Alley Easement for 10364 25th Street along Lot ~' can not be vacated or acquired as a portion of the property unless the property owners for the entire alley between Center Avenue and Madne Avenue are in agreement and file for a vacation with the City. 3) Protect existing curb, gutter, sidewalk, drive approach and/or repair to City Standards as required by the City Engineer. 4) The street tree species will be determined by the City Engineer and shall be installed pdor to occupancy of each individual building. 5) The additional street easement shall be processed for vacation to meet the standard "Local" requirements of 60 feet right-of-way or 30 feet half width. Environmental MitiRation 1) Tree Removal Permit 00-42 is approved. The removal of 9 hedtage trees shall be replaced, on a one-for-one basis, pursuant to the City's Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 276. Each lot shall be reviewed by the City Planner to determine appropriate replacement. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 21ST DAY OF NOVEMBER 2000. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Lamj T. McNiel, Chairman ATTEST: Brad Buller, Secretary PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR 00-53 - NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEV. CORP. November 21, 2000 Page 4 I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 21st day of November 2000, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: City of Rancho Cucamonga MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Project File No.: Development Review 00-53 This Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP) has been prepared for use in implementing the mitigation measures identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the above-listed project. This program has been prepared in compliance with State law to ensure that adopted mitigation measures are implemented (Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code). Program Components - This MMP contains the following elements: 1. Conditions of approval that act as impact mitigation measures are recorded with the action and the procedure necessary to ensure compliance. The mitigation measure conditions of approval are contained in the adopted Resolution of Approval for the project. 2. A procedure of compliance and verification has been outlined for each action necessary. This procedure designates who will take action, what action will be taken and when, and to whom and when compliance will be reported. 3. The MMP has been designed to provide focused, yet flexible guidelines. As monitoring progresses, changes to compliance procedures may be necessary based upon recommendations by those responsible for the program. Program Management - The MMP will be in place through all phases of the project. The project planner, assigned by the City Planner, shall coordinate enforcement of the MMP. The project planner oversees the MMP and reviews the Reporting Forms to ensure they are filled out correctly and proper action is taken on each mitigation. Each City department shall ensure compliance of the conditions (mitigation) that relate to that department. Procedures - The following steps will be followed by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 1. A fee covering all costs and expenses, including any consultants' fees, incurred by the City in performing monitoring or reporting programs shall be charged to the applicant. 2. A MMP Reporting Form will be prepared for each potentially significant impact and its corresponding mitigation measure identified in the Mitigation Monitoring Checklist, attached hereto. This procedure designates who will take act;on, what action will be taken and when, and to whom and when compliance will be reported. All monitoring and reporting documentation will be kept in the project file with the department having the odginal authority for processing the project. Reports will be available from the City upon request at the following address: City of Rancho Cucamonga - Lead Agency Planning Division 10500 Civic Center Ddve Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Mitigation Monitoring Program Page 2 3. Appropriate specialists will be retained if technical expertise beyond the City staff's is needed, as determined by the project planner or responsible City department, to monitor specific mitigation activities and provide appropriate written approvals to the project planner. 4. The project planner or responsible City department will approve, by signature and date, the completion of each action item that was identified on the MMP Reporting Form. After each measure is vedfied for compliance, no further action is required for the specific phase of development. 5. All MMP Reporting Forms foran impact issue requiring no further monitoring will be signed off as completed by the project planner or responsible City department at the bottom of the MMP Reporting Form. 6. Unanticipated circumstances may adse requiring the refinement or addition of mitigation measures. The project planner is responsible for approving any such refinements or additions. An MMP Reporting Form will be completed by the project planner or responsible City department and a copy provided to the appropriate design, construction, or operational personnel. 7. The project planner or responsible City department has the authority to stop the work of construction contractors if compliance with any aspects of the MMP is not occurring after written notification has been issued. The project planner or responsible Citydepartment also has the authority to hold certificates of occupancies if compliance with a mitigation measure attached hereto is not occurring. The project planner or responsible City department has the authority to hold issuance of a business license until all mitigation measures are implemented. 8. Any conditions '(mitigation) that require monitoring after project completion shall be the responsibility of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Development Department. The Department shall require the applicant to post any necessary funds (or other forms of guarantee) with the City. These funds shall be used by the City to retain consultants and/or pay for City staff time to monitor and report on the mitigation measure for the required pedod of time. 9. In those instances requiring 10ng-term project monitoring, the applicant shall provide the City with a plan for monitoring the mitigation activities at the project site and reporting the monitoring results to the City. Said plan shall identify the reporter as an individual qualified to know whether the particular mitigation measure has been implemented. The monitoring/reporting plan shall conform to the City's MMP and shall be approved by the Community Development Director pdor to the issuance of building permits. MITIGATION MONITORING CHECKLIST (INITIAL STUDY PART III) Project File No..' Development Review 00-53 Applicant: Northtown Housinq Development Corporation Initial Study Prepared by: RudyZeledon Date: October 31, 2000 · The removal of 9 heritage trees located on CP D As Necessary A 3 lots B3, E3, F3, G3, H3, 13 and K3 shall be replaced on a one-for-one basis pursuant to the City's Tree Preservation Ordinance No. 276. Key to Checklist Abbreviations ODD - Community Development Director A - With Each New Development A - On-sita Inspection I - Withhold Recordation of Final Map CP - City Planner or designee B - Prior To Construction B - Other Agency Permit / Approval 2 - Withhold Grading or Building Permit CE - City Engineer or designee C - Throughout Construction C - Plan Check 3 * Withhold Certificate of Occupancy BO - Building Official or designee D - On Completion D - Separate Submittal (Reports / Studies / Plans) 4 - Stop Work Order PO - Police Captain or designee E - Operating 5 - Retain Deposit or Bonds FC - Fire Chief or designee 6 - Revoke CUP COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STANDARD CONDITIONS PROJECT #: DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-53 SUBJECT: 11 DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES APPLICANT: NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. LOCATION: VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN THE NORTHTOWN AREA ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DIVISION, (909) 477-2750, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. General Requirements Completion Date 1. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 2. A copy of the signed Resolution of Approval or City Planner's letter of approval, and all Standard Conditions, shall be included in legible form on the grading plans, building and construction plans, and landscape and irrigation plans submitted for plan check. B. Time Limits 1. DevelopmentJDesign Review approval shall expire if building permits are not issued or approved use has not commenced within 5 years from the date of approval. No extensions are allowed. C. Site Development 1. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include site plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, sign program, and grading on file in the Planning Division, the conditions contained herein, and the Development Code regulations. 2. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon, all Conditions of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Planner. sc.,0 0 , L Project No, DR00-53 Completion Date 3. Occupancy of the facilities shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Building Code and State Fire Marshal regulations have been complied with. Prior to occupancy, plans shall be submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety Division to show compliance. The buildings shall be inspected for compliance prior to occupancy. 4. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. 5. All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for consistency prior to issuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment, building, etc.) or prior to final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, or approved use has commenced, whichever comes first. 6. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community or Specific Plans in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 7. All ground-mounted utility appudenances such as transformers, AC condensers, etc., shall be located out of public view and adequately screened through the use of a combination of concrete or masonry walls, berming, and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the City Planner. For single family residential developments, transformers shall be placed in underground vaults. 8.Ail building numbers and individual units shall be identified in a clear and concise manner, including proper illumination. 9. For single family residential development, a 2-inch galvanized pipe shall be attached to each support post for all wood fences, with a minimum of two Y~-inch lag bolts, to withstand high winds. Both post and pipe shall be installed in an 18-inch deep concrete footing. Pipe shall extend at least 4 feet, 6 inches above grade. 10. Wood fencing shall be treated with stain, paint, or water sealant. 11. On comer side yards, provide minimum 5-foot setback between walls/fences and sidewalk. 12. For residential development, return walls and corner side walls shall be decorative masonry. D. Building Design 1. Ail roof appurtenances, including air conditioners and other roof mounted equipment and/or projections, shall be shielded from view and the sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets as required by the Planning Division. Such screening shall be architecturally integrated with the building design and constructed to the satisfaction of the City Planner. Details shall be included in building plans. E. Other Agencies 1. The applicant shall contact the U.S. Postal Service to determine the appropriate type and location of mail boxes. Multi-family residential developments shall provide a solid overhead structure for mail boxes with adequate lighting. The final location of the mail boxes and the design of the overhead structure shall be subject to City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of bu!lding permits. Project No. DR00-53 Completion Date APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION, (909) 477-2710, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: F. General Requirements 1..Submit four complete sets of plans including the following: a. Site/Plot Plan; b. Foundation Plan; c. Floor Plan; d. Ceiling and Roof Framing Plan; e. Electrical Plans (2 sets, detached) including the size of the main switch, number and size of service entrance conductors, panel schedules, and single line diagrams; f. Plumbing and Sewer Plans, including isometrics, underground diagrams, water and waste diagram, sewer or septic system location, fixture units, gas piping, and heating and air conditioning; and ~ .g. Planning Division Prdject Number (i.e., 'ir #, cuP #, DR #, etc.) clearly identified on the outside of all plans. 2. Submit two sets of structural calculations, energy conservation calculations, and a soils report. ,Architect's/Engineer's stamp and "wet" signature are required prior to plan check submittal. 3. Separate permi!s are required for fencing and/or walls. 4.Contractors must show proof of State and City licenses and Workers' Compensation coverage to the City prior to permit issuance. G. Site Development 1. Plans shall be submitted for plan check and approved prior to construction. All plans shall be marked with the project file number (i.e., CUP 98-01). The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Title 24 Accessibility requirements, and all other applicable codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of permit application. Please contact the Building and Safety Division for availability of the Code Adoption Ordinance and applicable handouts. 2. Prior to issuance of building permits for a new residential dwelling unit(s) or major addition to existing unit(s), the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but are not limited to: City Beautification Fee, Park Fee, Drainage Fee, Transportation Development Fee, Permit and Plan Checking Fees, and School Fees. Applicant shall provide a copy of the school fees receipt to the Building and Safety Division prior to permit issuance. 3.Construction activity shall not occur between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday, with no construction on Sunday or holidays. H. New Structures 1. Roofing material shall be installed per the manufacturer's "high wind" instructions. Project No. DR00-53 Completion Date Grading 1. Grading of the subject properly shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City __/____ Grading Standards, and accepted grading practices. The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved grading plan. 2. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to __/____ perform such work. 3. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the / time of application for grading plan check. 4. The final grading plans shall be completed and approved prior to issuance of building permits. __/____ 5. A separate grading plan check submittal is required for all new construction projects and for / existing buildings where improvements being proposed will generate 50 cubic yards or more of combined cut and fill. The Grading Plan shall be prepared, stamped, and signed by a California Registered Civil Engineer. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEERING DIVISION, (909) 477-2740, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: J. Street Improvements 1. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited.to: / Street Name I Curb & I A.C. I Side-I Drive I Street I Street I Corem I Median I Bike I Other I 26th Street ~ 25th Street Center Avenue 2. Improvement Plans and Construction: a. Street improvement plans, including street trees, street lights, and intersection safety lights on future signal poles, and traffic signal plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Security shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public and/or private street improvements, prior to final map approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. b. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and a construction permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office in addition to any other permits required. K. Public Maintenance Areas 1. A signed consent and waiver form to join and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting Districts shall be filed with the City Engineer prior to final map approval or issuance of building permits whichever occurs first. Formation costs shall be borne by the developer. Project No. DR00-53 Completion Date L, Utilities 1. Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water, gas, electric power, telephone, and cable TV (all underground) in accordance with the Utility Standards. Easements shall be provided as required. 2. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary. 3. Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the Cucamonga County Water District (CCWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino. A letter of compliance from the CCWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first. Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval in the case of subdivision or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential projects. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE FIRE PREVENTION/NEW CONSTRUCTION UNIT, {909) 477-2730, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: M. General Fire Protection Conditions 1. Fire flow requirement shall be: 1500 gallons per minute, Per '97 UFC Appendix Ill-A, 5, (b) (Table). -OR X A fire flow shall be conducted by the builder/developer and witnessed by fire department personnel prior to water plan approval. X For the purpose of final acceptance, an additional fire flow test of the on-site hydrants shall be conducted by the builder/developer and witnessed by fire department personnel after construction and prior to occupancy. 2. Fire hydrants are required. All required public or on-site fire hydrants shall be installed, flushed, and operable prior to delivery of any combustible building materials on site (i.e., lumber, roofing materials, etc.). Hydrants flushing shall be witnessed by fire department personnel. 3. Existing fire hydrant locations shall be provided prior to water plan approval. Required hydrants, if any, will be determined by the Fire District. Fire District standards require a 6-inch riser with a 4-inch and a 2-1/2-inch outlet. Substandard hydrants shall be upgraded to meet this standard. · Conta~:t the Fire Safety Division for specifications on approved brands and model numbers. 4. Hydrant reflective markers (blue dots) shall be required for all hydrants and installed prior to final inspection. 5. Fire District fee(s), plus a $1 per "plan page" microfilm fee will be due to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District as follows: X $132 for Single Family Residence Development sc.,0 0 '3 5 I Project No. DR00-53 Completion Date APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, (909) 477-2800, FOR COMPLIANCE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: N. Security Hardware 1. A secondary locking device shall be installed on all sliding glass doors. 2. One-inch single cylinder dead bolts shall be installed on all entrance doors. If windows are within 40 inches of any locking device, tempered glass or a double cylinder dead bolt shall be used. 3. All garage or rolling doors shall have slide bolts or some type of secondary locking devices. O. Security Fencing 1. All businesses or residential communities with security fencing and gates will provide the police with a keypad access and a unique code. The initial code is to be submitted to the Police Crime Prevention Unit along with plans. If this code is changed due to a change in personnel or for any other reason, the new code must be supplied to the Police via the 24-hour dispatch center at (909) 941-1488 or by contacting the Crime Prevention Unit at (909) 477-2800 extension 2474 or 2475. P. Windows 1. All sliding glass windows shall have secondary locking devices and should not be able to be lifted from frame or track in any manner. Building Numbering 1. Numbers and the backgrounds shall be of contrasting color and shall be reflective for nighttime visibility. sc. o 0 8