HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001/05/09 - Agenda PacketCITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA
WEDNESDAY MAY 9, 2001 7:00 PM
Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center
.- Council Chamber
10500 Civic Center Drive
Rancho Cucamonga, California
Roll Call
Chairman McNiel __ Vice Chairman Macias
Com. Mannerino Com. Stewart Com. Tolstoy
April 25, 2001
The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-
controversial. They will be acted on by the Commission at one time without
discussion. If anyone has concern over any item, it should be removed for
- METAL COATERS OF CALIFORNIA - A request to vacate excess
portion of Center Avenue between 7th and 6th Streets - APN: 209-
The following items are public hearings in which concerned individuals may voice
their opinion of the related project. Please wait to be recognized by the Chairman
and address the Commission by stating your name and address. All such
opinions shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual for each project. Please sign
in after speaking
establish a community building use (residence museum) in the
relocated Isle House within the Community Services Overlay District
of the Etiwanda Specific Plan, located at 7086 Etiwanda Avenue,
APN: 1089-071-26. Related Files: Landmark Designation
DRC2001-00119 and Landmark Alteration Permit DRC2001-00116.
This is the time and place for the general public to address the commission. Items
to be discussed here ara those which do not already appear on this agenda.
The Planning Commission has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an
11:00 p.m. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, they shall be heard
or~ly with the consent of the Commission.
I, Gall Sanchez, Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Rancho
Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the
fo~'egoing agenda was posted on May 3, 2001, at least 72 hours prior to the
meeting per Government Code Section 54964.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive,
Rancho Cucamonga.
Page 2
Vicinity Map
Planning Commission
May 9, 2001
19th/210 Fw
' Foothill
City of Rancho Cucamonga
DATE: May 9, 2001
TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
FROM: Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer
BY: Joe Stofa, Jr., Associate Engineer
METAL COATERS OF CALIFORNIA - A reouest to vacate excess
portion of Center Avenue between 7TM AND 6TM Streets - APN: 209-
On July 6, 2000, the City Planner approved Minor Development Review 00-19 to
construct a warehouse addition at 9123 Center Avenue.
In conjunction with this processing, Metal Coaters of California has requested the
vacation of the excess portion of Center Avenue between 7th and 8th Street. The
original subdivision map (1887) created 80-foot wide street rights-of-way. Present
standards only require 66-foot wide streets. In this ama, the public improvements exist
within a 66-foot street area, thus the extra seven feet on the project side of the street is
excess and should be vacated and added to the front yard.
The vacation is consistent with the goals and objectives of the circulation element of the
General Plan. The streets in this area of the City are also not included or required as
"community travel mutes" of the General Plan.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission make the finding through minute
action that the proposed vacations conform to the City's General Plan. This finding will
be forwarded to the City Council for further processing and final approval.
Respectfully submitted,
Senior Civil Engineer
Attachments: Vicinity Map
S fRe rt
DATE: May 9, 2001
TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission
FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner
BY: Shonda Bello, Planning Aide
a community building use (residence museum) in the relocated Isle House
within the Community Service Overlay District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan,
located at 7086 Etiwanda Avenue - APN: 1089-071-26. Related files: Landmark
Designation DRC2001-00119 and Landmark Alteration Permit DRC2001-00116.
A. Historical Si.qnificance: The Isle House dates back to the founding of the Etiwanda Colony
in the early 1880s by George and William Chaffey. The Chaffeys formed a partnership for
the purpose of developing an irrigated agricultural colony. They then divided their holdings
into 10-acre lots and named the new colony Etiwanda after a Lake Michigan Indian Chief.
Sales began in the spring of 1882 and a preliminary subdivision map was filed on December
22, 1882.
The colony was the site of many "firsts" in Southern California history including: the site of
the first development of hydro-electric current, the first house and community to be lighted
with electricity, the first successful mutual water company, the first irrigation project to use
underground concrete pipe, and the first long distance telephone. All were the results of
George Chaffey.
The structure presently known as the Isle House was built for Annie and Emma Chaffey,
George and William's mother and sister. This house was also one of the first to be wired for
electricity. After the Chaffeys moved to Australia, the house passed through many owners,
but finally came into the possession of the James C. Isle family. On February 20, 1883, Mr.
Isle moved the house, using log rollers to the corner of Highland and Etiwanda, to what is
now the Route 30 freeway.
J. C. Isle continued to actively farm the acreage he acquired, as did his descendants. By
1951, J. C.'s grandson, A. W. McGuire, was no longer solely dependant upon farming for
income and became the first constable of Etiwanda.
DRC2001-00115 - ISLE HOUSE
May 9, 2001
Page 2
B. Landmark Desi.qnation: Staff recommended Landmark Status for the Isle House to the
Historic Preservation Commission at their regularly scheduled meeting on May 9, 2001. If
the Historic Preservation Commission recommends approval of the Landmark status of the
Isle House, the City Council will make the final determination.
A. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: The house is a 1,768 square foot structure situated
on a parcel of land approximately .5 acre in size and rectangular in shape. The site is
relatively flat. Low-Medium density housing units (4-8 dwellings per acre) are located to the
north and west of the subject site. To the south and east of the site, the Isle House joins a
neighborhood of other historic structures, such as the Chaffey-Garcia House, Etiwanda
Congregational Church, and the Pacific Electric Railway. To the east of the site is the
Etiwanda Depot.
The applicant is proposing to utilize the Isle House, a Historic Landmark, as a community
building. The building will host events promoting the history of the Etiwanda area. These
events will be hosted and staffed by members of the Etiwanda Historical Society. Currently
the structure is undergoing rehabilitation and the structure will resemble its 1903
appearance when completed.
At a later date, a barn structure, similar to that located at the Chaffey - Garcia House, will
be constructed to serve as a showcase for large artifacts as well as a caretaker's residence.
The Etiwanda Historical Society will lease the Community Building from the City of Rancho
Cucamonga. The Society encompasses approximately 130 members, including a
governing board of approximately 6 members. The Isle House is proposed to be in use year
round for events that promote the history of the Etiwanda area.
B. Land Use Compatibility: The premise of all Conditional Use Permit reviews is to ensure the
compatibility of adjacent uses and separation of potential nuisance activities. In reviewing
the potential land use compatibility, the primary issue to consider relates to the potential
impacts and hours of operation of any proposed outdoor activities of the Etiwanda Historical
Society and contiguous properties to the north and west. Considering the proposed
community building's hours of operation, staff does not anticipate a conflict between the
community building and the adjacent residences.
C. Environmental Assessment: The project is categorically exempt under Class 1.d of the
guidelines for the California Environmental Quality Act.
D. Parking: A total of 10 parking spaces will be provided as on site parking; of those 10
spaces, 2 will be reserved as disabled parking. The Etiwanda Congregational Church
parking lot, located directly to the south of the site, will be used to satisfy overflow parking
CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Valley Daily
Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were sent to all property owners
within 300 feet of the project site.
DRC2001-00115-1SLE HOUSE
May 9, 2001
Page 3
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Conditional Use Permit DRC2001-00115
through the adoption of the attached Resolution of Approval with conditions.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brad Bullet,
City Planner
Attachments: Exhibit "A' - Location Map
Exhibit "B" - Floor Plans
Exhibit "C" - State Evaluation Form
Resolution of Approval with conditions
Isle House Site Location
5'- ~,' tO'-Zl,
County- Route - Postmila: SBd 30 0.0/22.8 ( ) LISTED ( ) DETERMINED ELIGIBLE
1.Common Name: McGulre House
2.Historic Name: James C. Isle House
3.Street or rural address: 6490. EtJwanda Avenue
City: Rancho Cucamonga (Eliwanda) Zip Code: 91739 County: San Bemardino
4.ParcelNumber: 225-171-14&19 Present Owner: AlfredandAnloinetteMcGuire
.Address: 5995 Etiwanda Avenue City: Rancho Cucamonga (Eti~vanda) Zlp Coda: 91739
5.Ownership Is: ( J Public (x) Privale
ti. Present Use: Residenlial Original Usa: Residential
7s.ArchltecturalStyle: Second Empire
7b. Brlefl¥ describe the present PHYSICAL CONDITION of the site Or structure and describe any major
alterations from Its original condition:
The Isle House is an excellent example of Second Empire. ~.tyling ol the 1880s, executed on a small scale. The
house was built in 1883 on a nea~y lot, and was moved to ils present site about 1903. A historic photograph in
Fliwanda. The First 100 Years (p. 9) shows the house on its original site about 1892. It appears to be essentially
the same, revealing vel'7 little modilicalions were made as a result ol the move, or in later years. (CONTINUED)
Estimated: ( ) Factual: (1883)
; ' ': 9. Architect: Unknown
.: - ' Acreage: 18.9
12. Date{a) of enclomed photogl'aph(a):
13.Condttlon: Excellent ( ) Good ( ) Fair (x) Deteriorated ( )
14.Alterations: Early reiocalion ol, building, addition of wlng on wast, construction of new shed, loss ol groves
15.Surroundings: (Check more than one
Residential (x) Industrial ( ) Commercial ( ) Other:
16.Threats to site: None known ( ) Private Development ( ) Zoning ( ) Vandalism ( ) Public Works Project (x)
17.1stheatructure: On its original site? ( ) Moved? (x) Unknown? ( )
18.Related features: Modern shed, house trailers, irrigation 'cistern' in field, palm trees, windbreak
19.Brisfly state historical and/or architectural Importance (Include dates, events, and persons associated with
the site):
The Isle house is an excellent example o! and 18g0s Second Empire residence constructed on a small scale;
a/though somewhat deteriorated, the house still represents well its type and period, and is one of the rare surviving
examples of Mansard- roofed architecture in southern California. A few such examples still survive in the Los
Angeles area, including the Valley Knudsen Garden Residence, moved to Heritage Square in Highland Park. In the
local area, the major example of Second Empire styling is the large, two-story brick Barton House near Coiton; it has
been listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Several small, wood frame Mansarded houses still survive in
San Barnardino. Never plentiful in the area, houses representing this style have virtually disappeared from the
amhitectural landscape. A/though altered after the c. 1903 move, most notably with the addition of a rear wing, the
expansion of the front perch around the south side, and window and door modifications on the south elevation, the
house still is a strong qualifier for the National Register u~dar critericn C. (CONTINUED)
Location skelch map (draw & label
site and eun'ounc~ng s~'eets, made,
and prominent landmarks): See Map
20.Main theme of the historic resource: (If more than one
is checked, number in order of importance.)
Architecture (x) Arts & Leisure ( )
Economic/Industrial ( ) Expioration/Se[lJemenl ( )
Government ( ) Military ( ) Religion ( )
Socia[/Educstion ( )
21 .Sources (List books, documents, surveys, personal
interviews and their dates.)
Etiwanda. The'Flint 100 Years. EtJwanda Historical Society, 1982; A
History of [:tlwanda. by Robert L. Hickoox, 1981 (MS copy in City of
· Rancho Cucamonga Planning Department historical survey files).
· Designated and Potential Historical Site List', City of Rancho
Cucamonga, March 1988; City historical survey property file for 6490
Etiwanda Avenue, Planning Department, City of Rancho Cucamonga;
San Bernardino County Assessor, Lot Books 4 (1895- 1916), 3, 15,
33, 64 and 122 (1917ol 948); Fairchild Aerial Pholo Collection, Whittier
College (Photos C--4061-15, 1936; C-5042-19, 3/13/1938).
22.Data form prepared: February 1, 1989
By: Aaron A. Gallup
Organization: Caitrana
Addreaa: 1120 N Street
C~ty: Sacramento Zip Code: 95814
Phone: (916) 920-7672
7b. Brlefly describe the present PHYSICAL CONDITION of the site or structure and describe any major
alterations from Its original condition:
As origirially constructed, this small, wood frame house was one and a hall stories in height, with a steep, bellcast
Mansard roof at the second level; the upper part of the roof terminated in a Iow pyramid. Rows of pattsms<:l
shingles of varying designs enciroled the roof slope, which was broken only by paired dormers on the facade and
the two sides. The plan st the house was roughly square. The recessed, transomed entrance was centered in the
facade, and was flanked by two large 2/2 double hung windows. A porch spanned the front, with the roof supported
by four posts; there was no porch rail, and the entrance was accessed by lhrae centralyplaced steps. A brick
chimney arose through the center of the roof.
After Jh.e move, the building remained essentially the same, but'some minor changes were introduced. A small
addition was constructed at the rear of the building; it is built of cobblestones, a typical conslruction material in the
local area after the turn of the century. The porch was extended to wrap around the south side of the building,
connecting wi~h the rear addition; it was redesigned to echo tho Mansard shape of the original roof. The squared
pomh supports were replaced by turned Posts, and a 'Chinese Chippendale" railing was added; the central entrance
steps were removed, and steps were constructed at each end st the porch, with main entrance steps placed
diagonally al the southeasl corner connecting with a walkway leading to a gate at the corner of the lot. All three
sets of steps were flanked by Iow cobblestone side walls with concrete caps. Later alterations include the creation
of a new central doorway on Ihs south side, and its subsequent modification. The roof was damaged during a
severe windstorm in 1988, but has been repaired; the porch is also undergoing repair at the present time. Although
altered, many of these alteraticns were made at the time of the move during the association of James C. Isle with
the property; they should be viewed as part of the h~storic fabric, rather than modifications which detract from the
significance of the property. Although the loss st Ihs grove is uhiortunate,'aod results in a loss of historic setting,
the architectural character of the house is so strong'that it still remains an importan[ example of the early
architecture of the community.
Other property features inclbde three mature palm trees in front of the house on Eliwanda Avenue, and one at the
rear on Highland Avenue; several ci~rus trees and an olive tree still stand near the house. An early ooncrete
irrigaticn 'cistern' or ser~Jing basin stands in the lield to the west of the house, it is associated with the former
irrigation system which dJslributed water to the large citrus groves which occupied Isle's property; the groves have
now been removed. The property slill relalns the old eucalyptus windbreak to the north. Later additions lo the
property include a c. 1950 wood frame shed/~ormar garage norlh of the house. A Iow concrete brock fence has
been constructed across the front and side of the yard adjacent Io the two inlersecting streets. A modern house
trailer stands at the rear st the house.
19.E]rlefly state historical and/or erchltecturel Importance (Include dates, events, end persons associated with
!he site):
The house is featured in several local histories; it is one of the oldest surviving buildings of the early days of the
Etiwanda Colony. Research in the San Bemard~no County Assessor's lot books traced the property back Io 1895,
when it was owned by Charles Charley. The house had been built on another parcel nearby, and was under the
ownership of Anne Chaffey; local histories date the construction of the house at 1883. After a series of sales, the
house was sold about 1903 to James C. Isle, who moved it on log rollers to its present site. Isle acquired the
present property in 1901, but transferred it to William P. Myers two years later. Isle re-acquired the lot in 1906, and
continued to own it until 1937, when it Was transferred to Martha E. Isle. In 1943, it was acquired by Atfred W.
McGuire, the present owner, who is James isle's grandson. Although the date of the relocation is unknown, it is
' ' highly likely to have occurred in 1903, when Isle purchased the house and was still the owner of the corner lot
before it was sold to Myers. it was on the new site in 1915, when the assessor's lot books began noting separate
assessments for improvements. Isle also acquired numerous other lO-acre lots of Etlwanda Colony lands,
eventually amassing large citrus holdings; he and his son- in-law, George P. McGuire, were said to have owned 125
acres of citrus land in the community (Hickcox, p. 102).
Although James C. Isle owned one of the largest citrus ranches in the Etiwanda ~ea, his contr~utions to local
history do not appear to be well-known. However, the Isle house is an unusual survivor of the early days of
settlement in the Etlwanda Colony, dating from the founding years in the 1880s. The house is widely published in
local histo5as, and remains surprisingly unaltered, considering its 106-year age. Although moved, the relocation
occurred at the turn of the centu~, and the house remained in its original neighborhood. It continues to be one of
the rare surviving examples.of its type and period, not only in the local community, but is also rare in southern
California. In spite of some deterioration, it slill remains a notable, example ol small-scale domestic Second Empire
styling, and appears to meet Nalional Register criterion C at the local level of significance.
SUPPORT THEREOF- APN: 1089-071-26.
A, Recitals.
1. The City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Etiwanda Historical Society filed an application
for the issuance of Conditional Use Permit DRC2001-00115, as described in the title of this
Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Conditional Use Permit request is referred to
as "the application."
2. On the 9th day of May 2001, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga
conducted a duly noticed public headng on the application and concluded said hearing on that date.
3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred.
B. Resolution.
NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission
of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows:
1. Part A of this Resolution and true and correct.
2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above
referenced public headng on May 9, 2001, including wdtten and oral staff reports, together with
public testimony, the Planning Commission hereby specifically finds as follows:
a. The application applies to a .55 acre parcel of land located at 7086 Etiwanda
Avenue with a street frontage of 60 feet; and
b. The property is located in the Community Service Oveday District of the Etiwanda
Specific Plan; and
c. The community building will provide a site for events promoting the histo~j of the
Etiwanda area with operating hours being one day a month between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
with the exception of occasional special tours and events.
d. The site is presently improved with one structure totaling 1,768 square feet. The
addition of a 2,500 square foot barn/caretaker's residence will be added at a later date.
3. Based upon substantial evidence presented to the Planning Commission dudng the
above referenced public hearing, and upon specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2
above, the Planning Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows:
a. The proposed use is in accord with the General Plan and the objectives of the
Community Service Overlay District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan in which the site is located; and
DRC2001-00115- ISLE HOUSE
May 9, 2001
Page 2
b. The proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be
detrimental to the public heath, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or
improvements in the vicinity; and
c. The application, which contemplates operation of the proposed use, complies with
each of the applicable provisions of the Development code and the Community Service Overlay
Distdct of the Etiwanda Specific Plan.
4. This Commission hereby finds and determines that the project identified in this Resolution
is categorically exempt from the requirements of the Califomia Environmental QualityAct of 1970, as
amended, and the Guidelines promulgated thereunder, pursuant to Section 15301 of the State
CEQA Guidelines.
5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1,2, 3, and 4 above, the
Planning Commission hereby approves the application, subject to each and every condition set forth
PlanninR Division:
1) This approval is contingent upon approval of Landma~ Designation
DRC2001-00119 by the City Council.
2) Approval shall expire, unless extended by the Planning Commission, if
building permits are not issued or approved used has not commenced
within 5 years of this date.
3) Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with any sections of
the Community Service Oveday District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan,
State Fire Marshal's regulations, Uniform Building Code, or any other
City Ordinances.
4) If operation of the facility causes adverse effects upon adjacent
businesses or operations, the Conditional Use Permit shall be brought
before the Planning Commission for consideration and possible
termination of the use.
5) The facility shall be operated in conformance with the performance
standards as defined in the Community Service Overlay District of the
Etiwanda Specific Plan including, but not limited to, noise.
6) Any signs proposed for the facility shall be designed in conformance
with the City's Sign Ordinance and the Uniform Sign Program for the
site and shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission,
pdor to installation.
7) Expansion of the community building, or change in hours of operation
will require the approval of a modification to this Conditional Use
8) Future development of the remainder of the site will require appropriate
City review and approval.
DRC2001-00115 - ISLE HOUSE
May 9, 2001
Page 3
9) Hours of operation shall be limited one day a month with hours being
10 a.m. to 3 p.m., except for occasional special tours and events.
10) All extedor site and building modifications shall be in conformance with
the plans and descriptions as contained in the Histodc Preservation
Commission staff report dated May 9, 2001, and shall be in
conformance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for
11) Approval is granted for the alteration and restoration of the Isle House
into a community building as a museum and meeting place for local
historical societies to promote the history of the Etiwanda area. The
use of the building shall be formalized by wdtten agreement between
the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the local historical societies.
12) Construct a paved parking lot of at least 10 spaces, including 2
handicap accessible spaces.
13) install a decorative metal fence with pilasters along the easterly and
southerly property lines.
14) Plant trees along easterly and southerly property lines.
15) Construct a handicap access ramp to the rear of the building.
6. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution.
Larry T. McNiel, Chairman
Brad Buller, Secretary
I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby
certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the
Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning
Commission held on the 9th day of May 2001, by the following vote-to-wit:
PROJECT #: Landmark Alteration Permit DRC2001-00116 & Conditional Use Permit DRCCUP2001-00115
SUBJECT: Isle House
APPLICANT: City of Rancho Cucamonga/Etiwanda Historical Society
LOCATION: 7086 Etiwanda Avenue
A. General Requirements
1. A copy of the signed Resolution of Approval or City Planner's letter of approval, and all Standard
Conditions, shall be included in legible form on the grading plans, building and construction
plans, and landscape and irrigation plans submitted for plan check.
B. Site Development
1. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include
. site plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, sign program, and
grading on file in the Planning Division, the conditions contained herein, Development Code
regulations, the Etiwanda Specific Plan and the Community Services Overlay District.
2. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon, all Conditions
of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Planner.
3. Occupancy of the facilities shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Building Code and
State Fire Marshal regulations have been complied with. Prior to occupancy, plans shall be
submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety Division
to show compliance. The buildings shall be inspected for compliance prior to occupancy.
4.Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be
submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits.
5. All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for
consistency prior to issuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment,
building, etc.) or prior to final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, or approved
use has commenced, whichever comes first.
Project No. DRC2001-00115. DRC2001-00116
ComDletion Date
6. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, __/____
all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community or Specific Plans in effect at the
time of building permit issuance.
7. A detailed on-site lighting plan, including a photometric diagram, shall be reviewed and approved __/____
by the City Planner and Police Department (477-2800) prior to the issuance of building permits.
Such plan shall indicate style, illumination, location, height, and method of shielding so as not to
adversely affect adjacent properties.
8. Trash receptacle(s) am required and shall meet City standards. The final design, locations, and __/____
the number of trash receptacles shall be subject to City Planner review and approval prior to the:
issuance of building permits.
9. All ground-mounted utility appurtenances such as transformers, AC condensers, etc., shall be /
located out of public view and adequately screened through the use of a combination of concrete
or masonry walls, berming, and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the City Planner, For single
family residential developments, transformers shall be placed in underground vaults.
10. The project contains a designated Historical Landmark. The site shall be developed and /
maintained in accordance with Historic Landmark Alteration Permit No. DRC2001-00116. Any
further modifications to the site including, but not limited to, exterior alterations and/or interior
alterations which affect the exterior of the buildings or structures, removal of landmark trees
demolition, relocation, reconstruction of buildings or structures, or changes to the site, shall
require a modification to the Historic Landmark Alteration Permit subject to Historic Preservation
Commission review and approval.
11. Six-foot decorative block walls shall be constructed along the project perimeter. If a double wall
condition would result, the developer shall make a good faith effort to work with the adjoining
property owners to provide a single wall. Developer shall notify, by mail, all contiguous property
owner at least 30 days prior to the removal of any existing walls/ fences along the project's
C. Parking and Vehicular Access (indicate details on building plans)
1. All parking spaces shall be 9 feet wide by 18 feet long. When a side of any parking space abuts
a building, wall, support column, or other obstruction, the space shall be a minimum of 11 feet
2. All parking lot landscape islands shall have a minimum outside dimension of 6 feet and shall
contain a 12-inch walk adjacent to the parking stall (including curb).
3. All parking spaces shall be double striped per City standards and all driveway aisles, entrances,
and exits shall be striped per City standards.
4. Plans for any security gates shall be submitted for the City Planner, City Engineer, and Rancho
Cucemonga Fire Protection District review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. For
residential development, private gated entrances shall provide adequate turn-around space in
front of the gate and a separate visitor lane with call box to avoid cars stacking into the public
right-of-way. ~
5. Bicycle storage spaces shall be provided in all commercial, office, industrial, and multifamily
residential projects or more than 10 units. Minimum spaces equal to five percent of the required
automobile parking spaces or three bicycle storage spaces, whichever is greater. After the first
50 bicycle storage spaces are provided, additional storage spaces required are 2.5 percent of the
required automobile parking spaces. Warehouse distribution uses shall provide bicycle storage
spaces at a rate of 2.5 percent on the required automobile parking spaces with a minimum of a
3-bike rack. in no case shall the total number of bicycle parking spaces required exceed 100.
Where this results in a fraction of 0.5 or greater, the number shall be rounded off to the higher
whole number.
Project No. DRC2001-00115. DRC2001-00116
Completion Date
D, Landscaping
1. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan, including slope planting and model home landscaping in
the case of residential development, shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and
submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits or prior
final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision.
2. Existing trees required to be preserved 'in place shall be protected with a construction barrier in
accordance with the Municipal Code Section 19.08,110, and so noted on the grading plans. The
location of those trees to be preserved in place and new locations for transplanted trees shall be
shown on the detailed landscape plans. The applicant shall follow all of the arborist's
recommendations regarding preservation, transplanting, and trimming methods.
3. Within parking lots, trees shall be planted at a rate of one 15-gallon tree for every three parking
stalls, sufficient to shade 50% of the parking area at solar noon on August 21.
4.All walls shall be provided with decorative treatment. If located in public maintenance areas, the
design shall be coordinated with the Engineering Division.
5,Landscaping and irrigation shall be designed to conserve water through the principles of
Xeriscape as defined in Chapter 19.16 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code.
E, Signs
1. The signs indicated on the submitted plans are conceptual only and not a part of this approval.
Any signs proposed for this development shall comply with the Sign Ordinance and shall require
separate application and approval by the Planning Division prior to installation of any signs,
F, Other Agencies
1. The applicant shall contact the U.S. Postal Service to determine the appropriate type and location
of mail boxes. Multi-family residential developments shall provide a solid overhead structure for
mail boxes with adequate lighting. The final location of the mail boxes and the design of the
overhead structure shall be subject to City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of
building permits.
G, General Requirements
1. Submit four complete sets of plans including the following:
a. Site/Plot Plan;
b. Foundation Plan;
c. Floor Plan;
d. Ceiling and Roof Framing Plan;
e. Electrical Plans (2 sets, detached) including the size of the main switch, number and size of
service entrance conductors, panel schedules, and single line diagrams;
Project No. DRC2001-00115. DRC2001-00116
Completion Date
f. Plumbing and Sewer Plans, including isometrics, undergi'ound diagrams, water and waste
diagram, sewer or septic system location, fixture units, gas piping, and heating and air
conditioning; and
g.Planning Division Project Number (i.e., TT #, CUP #, DR #, etc.) clearly identified on the
outside of all plans.
2. Submit two sets of structural calculations, energy conservation calculations, and a soils report.
Architect's/Engineer's stamp and "wet" signature are required prior to plan check submittal.
3. Separate permits are required for fencing and/or walls.
4. Contractors must show proof of State and City licenses and Workers' Compensation coverage to ____/__
the City prior to permit issuance.
5. Business shall not open for operation prior to posting the Certificate of Occupancy issued by the ____
Building and Safety Division.
H. Site Development
1. Plans shall be submitted for plan check and approved prior to construction. All plans shall be __
marked with the project file number (i.e., CUP 98-01). The applicant shall comply with the latest
adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National
Electric Code, Title 24 Accessibility requirements, and all other applicable codes, ordinances, and
regulations in effect at the time of permit application. Please contact the Building and Safety
Division for availability of the Code Adoption Ordinance and applicable handouts.
2. Construct trash enclosure(s) per City Standard (available at the Planning Division's public __
I. Utilities
1. Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water, gas, __
electric power, telephone, and cable TV (all underground) in accordance with the Utility
Standards. Easements shall be provided as required.
2. Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the
Cucamonga County Water District (CCWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the
Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bemardino. A letter of compliance from
the CCWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first.
Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval
in the case of subdivision or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential
J. Water Plans for Fire Protection
1. Prior to issuance of any building permit, the applicant shall submit a plan showing the locations of /
all new public fire hydrants for the review and approval by the Fire District and the Water District.
2. Fire flow requirements for this project shall be 1,000 gallons per minute at a minimum residual /
pressure of 20 pounds per square inch in accordance with Fire Code Appendix Ill-A, as
amended. The required fire flow shall be delivered by fire hydrants located in accordance with
Fire Code Appendix fiI-B, as amended.
Project No. DRC2001-00115, DRC2001-00116
Completion Date
K. Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems
1. RCFPD Ordinance 15 or other adopted code or standard, requires an approved automatic fire / L
sprinkler system.
L. Fire Access
1. Residential: Prior to recordation of a subdivision/tract/parcel map, the applicant shall obtain __/ /
approval of the Fire District for all Fire District access roadways and fire lanes. All roadways or
fire lanes shall comply with RCFPD Ordinance FD32 and other applicable standards.
2. Roadways within project shall comply with the Fire District's fire lane standards, as noted: __/ /
._.~_ All roadways per RCFPD Ordinance 22.
._~_ Dead end exceeds 150 feet without approved Fire District turnaround.
3. A Knox rapid entry key vault shall be installed prior to final inspection. Proof of pumhase shall be ..__/ /
submitted prior to final building plan approval. Contact the Fire Safety Division for specific details
and ordering information.
4. Gated or restricted access requires the installation of a Knox rapid entry system. Vehicle access ----/ /
gates shall be provided with an approved Fire District Knox Key Switch. Additionally for vehicle
access gates, an approved, compatible traffic signal preemption device will be required to open the
gate. The gate shall remain in the open position until reset by Fire District key switch. Contact the
Fire Safety Division for specific details and ordering information.
M. Building Use Letter
1. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall submit a detailed letter of intended / /_
use for each building on-site to the Fire District for review and approval. Contact the Fire Safety
Division for the form.
N. Architectural Building Plans
1. Prior to approval of a site development/use permit, or the issuance of a building permit, whichever / /
occurs first, the applicant shall submit plans for the review and approval of the Fire District. Call the
Fire Construction Services Unit at (909) 477-2713 for the Fire Safety Site/Architectural Notes to be
placed on the plans prior to submittal.
O. Fire Alarm System
1. An automatic fire alarm (and detection) system is required by RCFPD Ordinance 15, based on use /___/
or floor area, or by another adopted code or standard.
P. Fees
1. Fire District fee(s), plus a $1.00 microfilm fee per "plan page" will be due to the Rancho Cucamonga ~/ /
Fire District as follows:**
_~.¢_ $132 Conditional Use Permit Fee (CUP)
**Note: Separate plan check fees for tenant improvement work, fire protection systems (fire
sprinklers, alarm systems, fire extinguishing systems, etc.), and/or any consultant reviews will be
assessed upon separate submittals of plans.
Project No. DRC2001-00115. DRC2001-00116
Completion Date
Q. Hazard Control Permits
1.As noted below Special Permits may be required, dependent upon intended use:
a. Operate a place of public assembly.
R. Plan Submittal Required Notice
1. Plans shall be submitted and approved prior to construction in accordance with 1997/98 Building,
Fire, Mechanical, and Plumbing Codes; 1999 Electrical and RCFPD Ordinances FD15 and FD32,
Guidelines and Standards.
NOTE: Separate plan check fees for tenant improvements, fire protection systems and/or any
consultant reviews will be assessed at time of submittal of plans.
NOTE: A separate grading plan check submittal is required for all new construction projects and for
existing buildings where improvements being proposed will generate 50 cubic yards or more of
combined cut and fill. The grading plan shall be prepared, stamped and signed by a Califomia
Registered Professional Civil Engineer.
S. Security Lighting
1. All parking, common, and storage areas shall have minimum maintained l-foot candle power.
These areas should be lighted when open to the public and on photo sensored cell.
2. All buildings shall have minimal security lighting to eliminate dark areas around the buildings, with
direct lighting to be provided by all entryways. Lighting shall be consistent around the entire
3. Lighting in exterior areas shall be in vandal-resistant fixtures.
T. Security Hardware
1. One-inch single cylinder dead bolts shall be installed on all entrance doors. If windows are ,within
40 inches of any locking device, tempered glass or a double cylinder dead bolt shall be used.
U. Security Fencing
1. Ail businesses or residential communities with security fencing and gates will provide the police
with a keypad access and a unique code. The initial code is to be submitted to the Police Crime
Prevention Unit along with plans. If this code is changed due to a change in personnel or for any
other reason, the new code must be supplied to the Police via the 24-hour dispatch center at
(909) 941-1488 or by contacting the Crime Prevention Unit at (909) 477-2800 extension 2474 or
extension 2475.
V. Windows
1. Ail sliding glass windows shall have secondary locking devices and should not be able to be lifted
from frame or track in any manner.
W. Building Numbering
1. Numbers and the backgrounds shall be of contrasting color and shall be reflective for nighttime