HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999/03/04 - Minutes - Library Board of Trustees CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA
Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was held on March 4, 1999, in the Council
Chambers of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho
Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. and the pledge of allegiance
was led by Vice President Swistock. Present were Boardmembers Bradshaw, Dredd Lee and
Also present were: Deborah Clark, Library Director, Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, Renee
Tobin, Children's Services Supervisor and Vivian Garcia, Administrative Secretary.
B1. Approval of Minutes: October 14, 1998
December 3, 1998
January 7, 1999
February 4, 1999
Vice President Swistock asked to remove the minutes of January 7. Since he did not attend the
meeting, he would need to abstain. Boardmember Bradshaw stated she also needed to abstain.
Minutes will be brought back to the next meeting.
MOTION: Moved by Vice President Swistock to approve the consent calendar, seconded by
Boardmember Womack. Motion carried 4-0-1 (with Howdyshell absent).
Cl. Library Status Report: oral report presented by staff.
Deborah Clark, Library Director, gave an oral report on the status of the Library.
Renee Tobin, Children's Services Supervisor, stated that the afternoon storytime sessions are full
for each date offered and no additional youngsters can be added, due to room occupancy limitations.
In terms of Telethon involvement, Nina Cole and Gail Thomas of Children's Services have been
working with Principal Librarian Robert Karatsu in the taping and editing of the reading moments
for the Telethon.
Library Board Minutes
March 4, 1999
Page 2
Renee Tobin, Children's Services Supervisor, stated that she had been working on the Junior Trivia
program for the Telethon, the first time this element of the program has been offered.
Under Adult Services, Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, stated that staff has been working on the
taping and scheduling of acts for the Telethon. Saturdays in Cyberspace, MS Word97 and Resume
Making and Create Your Own Web Page are classes being advertised in the spring Grapevine. They
are being offered during April at the Library.
C2. Budget Report: presented by Deborah Clark, Library Director.
Deborah Clark, Library Director, gave an oral report to the Library Board on the status of the budget.
She also stated that staffreceived notification from the State Library that the Direct Loan payment
would be $11,280, up from $8,000 last year.
C3. Update on "Back to Basics" grant: oral report presented Staff.
Renee Tobin, Children's Supervisor, stated that over 120 applications have been received for
participation in the Back to Basics tutoring program. Ms. Tobin stated that 13 tutors have received
training and would start tutoring the following week. Three students are assigned per tutor. Marsha
Bracco, Project Coordinator; Lori Hopkins, Literacy Coordinator and Rose Manela, Literacy
Coordinator Assistant, along with Renee Tobin assessed students during the past week. Ms. Tobin
reviewed the materials the tutors would be using to tutor youngsters with the Board.
C4. Telethon Update: oral report presented by Deborah Clark, Library Director.
Deborah Clark, Library Director, stated that $20,000 had been pre-pledge for the Telethon so far.
Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, talked about the different acts which would be appearing on the
The video, "Our Favorite Place", emphasizing the children's department was shown to the Library
D 1. Joint Meeting with City Council: oral report presented by Deborah Clark, Library Director.
Deborah Clark, Library Director, stated the two upcoming events, the Budget Process and the Central
Park Focus Group and survey would before Council soon. Either item would make good topics of
discussion for a joint meeting.
Library Board Minutes
March 4, 1999
Page 3
Boardmember Dredd Lee asked if the Library might be involved with the questions asked on the
survey. Library Director Clark responded that the survey was scientifically designed and it would
not be open to input. Staff will be keeping the Library Board informed on upcoming events related
to the survey and Central Park.
El. Status of patrons who were put on probation from the library.
E2. Rules for Board of Library Trustees
E3. Central Park Task Force
E4. Telethon
MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Bradshaw to adjourn meeting to Thursday, April 8, 1999 at
7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the City of Rancho Cucamonga, seconded by Boardmember
Dredd Lee. Motion carried, 4-0-1 (with Howdyshell absent). The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Vivian Garcia
Administrative Secretary
Approved: April 8, 1999