HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999/04/08 - Minutes - Library Board of Trustees CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Adjourned Meeting A. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was held on April 8, 1999, in the Council Chambers of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. and the pledge of allegiance was led by President Howdyshell. Present were Boardmembers Bradshaw and Womack. Also present were: Deborah Clark, Library Director, Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian and Vivian Garcia, Administrative Secretary. B. CONSENT CALENDAR BI. Approval of Minutes: January 7, 1999 March 4, 1999 President Howdyshell stated that a quorum was needed to pass the minutes. He requested that the minutes be held over to the next meeting. C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS C 1. Library Status Report: oral report presented by staff. Deborah Clark, Library Director, gave an oral report on the status of the Library. Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, stated that March was a record month for the Library. Not only was March of 1999 the month with the most items checked out, but Telethon III was held and the Back to Basics Program started. C2. Budget Report: presented by Deborah Clark, Library Director. Deborah Clark, Library Director, reviewed the budget sheets with the Library Board, showing 70 percent of library funds expended or encumbered. Boardmember Swistock arrived at 7:08 p.m. Library Board Minutes April 8, 1999 Page 2 After discussion of the 1999/2000 budget process and in response to an offer from staff to do so, President Howdyshell requested that staff hold a budget workshop for the Library Board. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated staff would contact the Board for a convenient day. C3. Update on "Back to Basics" grant: oral report presented by staff. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, gave an oral report. C4. Telethon Update: oral report presented by Deborah Clark, Library Director. Deborah Clark, Library Director, reviewed handouts with the Library Board on the Telethon. She stated that the Executive Telethon Committee felt that this year's Telethon was a good mixture, the number of days and hours. They enjoyed the variety of entertainment. The production company also liked the event being held over the three days. D. BOARD BUSINESS D1. Telethon Issues: an open forum for the Library Board to discuss the Telethon, recommend changes. Boardmember Womack enjoyed the Junior Trivia. She suggested that two or three months prior to the Telethon, a representative from each school could be invited to attend an informational meeting on the Telethon. Boardmember Swistock stated the feedback he had received on the Telethon was extremely positive. President Howdyshell stated that the Telethon was a great event. He enjoyed the Junior Trivia. He commended staff on their hard work. Boardmember Bradshaw stated that at this year's Telethon, the camera work had improved. President Howdyshell returned to the Consent Calendar and asked for a motion for the minutes for March 4. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Swistock to approve the minutes for March 4, seconded by Boardmember Bradshaw. Motion carried, 4-0-1 (with Dredd Lee absent). D2. Central Park Task Force: Status report from staff, questions from the Library Board. Library Board Minutes April 8, 1999 Page 3 Deborah Clark, Library Director, stated that the survey had just been completed and more information would be available from the Community Development Department at the next meeting. D3. Rules for Board of Library Trustees. Questions from the Board. Boardmember Bradshaw requested that this item be held for the next meeting when Boardmember Dredd Lee would be present. E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING El. Central Park Task Force E2. Rules for Library Board of Trustees E3. Problem Patrons - memo from staff E4. Budget E5. Collection Agency F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM TItE PUBLIC None G. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Swistock to adjourn to Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the City of Rancho Cucamonga, seconded by President Howdyshell. Motion carried, 4-0-1 (with Dredd Lee absent). The meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Vivian Garcia Administrative Secretary Approved: May 6, 1999