HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995/03/02 - Agenda Packet - Library Board of Trustees AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETING First Thursday 7:00 p.m. March 2, 1995 Civic Center Council Chambers 10500 Civic Cemer Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 City Councilmembers William J. Alexander, Mayor Rex Gutierrez, Mayor Pro Tern Paul Biane, Councilmember James V. Curatalo, Councilmember Diane Williams, Councilmember Boardmembers Jacqueline Bolda, President Robert Howdyshell, President Pro Tern Gina Gregory, Boardmember Laura J. Muna-Landa, Boardmember Edward E. Swistock, Boardmember  PAGE ~ Board of Library Trustees Agenda 1 Regular Meeting, March 2, 1995 A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Roll Call: Bolda __., Howdyshell __, Gregory Muna-Landa __., and Swistock B. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Boardmember or member of the audience for discussion. 1. Approval of Minutes: Februa~--y 2, 1995. 1 C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1. Library status report: oral report presented by Library Staff. 2. Proposal to purchase a banner for National Library Week. 5 3. Proposed budget package presented by Library Staff for initial review SA and approval. 4. Plan of Service Program for adoption: presented by Library Manager. 25 D. BOARD BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the Board of Library Trustees for discussion. They are not public hearing items, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1. Literacy Program Efforts: requested by Boardmember Gregory. ,~~ PAGE Board of Library Trustees Agenda 2 Regular Meeting, March 2, 1995 E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING This is the time for the Board of Library Trustees to identify the items they wish to discuss at the next meeting. These items will not be discussed at this meeting, only identified for the next meeting. F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC This is the time and place for the general public to address the Board of Library Trustees. State law prohibits the Board from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. G. ADJOURNMENT I, Vivian Garcia, Library Administrative Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on Thursday, February 23, 6:00 p.m., 1995, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54953 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting A. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, February 2, 1995, in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. and the pledge of allegiance was led by President Bolda. Present were Boardmembers Muna-Landa and Swistock. Boardmembers Gregory and Howdyshell were absent. Also present were: Deborah Clark, Library Manager and Vivian Garcia, Administrative Secretary. B. CONSENT CALENDAR B1. Approval of minutes: January 5, 1995. B2. Approval to adopt policy on public access to library records. B3. Approval to adopt closing policy. Boardmember Muna-Landa asked if staff was currently having problems with patrons who stay longer than necessary. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that the policy was created by Karen Schneiderwent, Circulation Supervisor, Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian and herself to address some of the areas where they need to stop service prior to closing, and so that the Board will be aware of those instances. One of the areas is library cards and the other is computers. Boardmember Muna-Landa requested that written notification also be placed near the computer room. President Bolda requested that if staff has more instances of parents not picking up children until after closing to bring the information back to the Board. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Muna-Landa to approve the consent calendar, seconded by Boardmember Swistock. Motion carried 3-0-2 with Gregory and Howdyshell absent. 1 Library Board Minutes February 2, 1995 Page 2 C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS Cl. Library status report: oral report presented by Library Staff. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, presented an oral status report on the library. Boardmember Howdyshell arrived at 7:07 p.m. Boardmember Howdyshell stated that he was impressed with the Friends of the Library Bookstore opening on Wednesday evening, February 1. The aesthetics of the Friends Bookstore is an asset to the Library. Also, the Bookstore is a great service and revenue to the community. C2. Projections of budget expenditures and library revenue requested by Boardmember Howdyshell. Report presented by Library Manager. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, presented an oral report and stated that there were some changes on Attachment A. A new handout was given at the meeting. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that you will see under Account 3900, Maintenance a $0 amount for Bindery and Collection Agency. A dollar amount was not budgeted for the 94/95 fiscal year; however, the Board will see a dollar amount in the account in the 95/96 budget year. C3. Plan of Service Program for adoption: presented by Library Manager.. President Bolda requested that Item C3. be placed as the last Item on the Agenda tonight. D. BOARD BUSINESS D1. Library Committee Opportunities: follow through on original request by President Bolda. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, asked if she could receive further direction from President Bolda in regards to committees. The Plan of Service outlined a number of committees that would be appropriate for Board inter-reaction. The Library Manager asked if there was something President Bolda had in mind over and above those that were suggested? President Bolda stated she was happy with the committees which were suggested by staff. Library Board Minutes February 2, 1995 Page 3 D2. Literacy Program Efforts: requested by Boardmember Gregory. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that Boardmember Gregory had called staff and wanted to re-emphasize the Literacy Programs and asked if it could be placed on the Agenda so that she could address a few of her concems. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, requested that this item be delayed for Boardmember Gregory to the next month's meeting. D3. Report on the Entrepreneur/al Library Forum: oral report by President Bolda. President Bolda stated that she has a report prepared and once it is typed up, she will have it and also some brochures sent out to all the Boardmembers. The Forum was excellent. The ideas and thoughts shared by other staff of libraries was very informative. President Bolda moved back to Item C3. Plan of Service Program for adoption: presented by Library Manager. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that staff suggests the Board hold this item over to next month's meeting to have the Board to adopt and approve the Budget at the same time the Board adopts and approves the Plan of Service. Staff will be presenting next month the balanced budget based on revenues that staff has indicated and approved by Finance, coupled with expenditures. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that starting in March, staff will be adding storytime to preschoolers on Saturdays in addition to Wednesdays. This will be the same story told on Wednesday, but offered to children whose parents may work during the week. E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Boardmember Muna-Landa requested staff add another label on the videos which would show that there is a $2 overdue fee per day per video and have another sign posted on the Circulation desk about the overdue fee on videos. President Bolda requested information be available for children on "How to Use the Computer" and also information on computer etiquette. President Bolda asked ifwben patrons are purchasing the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library cards, they could be told that the key chain library card does not work on the shelf-check machine. Library BoardMinutes February2,1995 Page 4 F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC No communications were made from the public. G. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Muna-Landa seconded by Boardmember Swistock to adjourn to an Executive Session to discuss (1) Pending Litigation with Baker & Taylor, Inc. with the Executive Session to adjourn to March 2, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. Motion carded, 4-0-1 with Gregory absent. The meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m. with no action taken in Executive Session. Respectfully submitted, Vivian Garcia Administrative Secretary Approved: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DATE: March2, 1995 STAFF REPORT TO: President and Members of the Board of Library Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: PROPOSAL TO PURCHASE BANNER FOR NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK RECOMMENDATION Approve proposal to purchase a banner to hang across Archibald and Foothill to promote National Library Week at the cost of $629 and that the Friends of the Library be approached for funding half of costs. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS National Library Week will occur fi;om April 9 through 15th. A banner to celebrate the event, to be located at Foothill and Archibald, would promote library use and would include the address of the new library to aid the public in awareness of oar new location. The banner, purchased at the cost of $629, can be reused each year. The banner is updated with the new dates for a charge of approximately $100. Present City policy allows the banner to be hung for a two week period. The banner space is currently available for those dates and times. e~ ctfully submitted, LDiebbf r ar y~MK aa nY:g eC/~ k~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: March 2, 1995 TO: President and Members of the Board of Library Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO ADOPT INITIAL BUDGET PROPOSAL RECONEMENDATION Approve adoption of the statTmg requests and the concepts of the proposed budget submitted by the Library Manager with the understanding that alteration to the budget proposal may occur through meetings with the Finance Manager (March 2) and the City Manager (April 6) and the full document will be back to the Board for review of changes and alterations at the Regular Board Meeting May 4th, 1995. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The attached budget package represents proposals from the Library Manager and the Facilities Maintenance Manager. The package is based on four major priorities: 1) Responsive open hours 2) Effective, prompt public service 3) Good materials collections 4) Well maintained facilities The package proposed is balanced within approximately $1,000 and will be adjusted by Finance prior to this meeting to balance completely. Further budget concepts in this document are as follows: 1) That all personnel costs coming fi-om the Library budget should be within the control of the Library Manager. This includes the elimination of facility maintenance workers positions and the replacement of those positions with Library Page employees. Them will be no loss of jobs by this change, merely a change of classification. There will be some alteration in the job specifications, since the employees will be expected to perform routine page tasks in addition to cleaning and janitorial functions. 5A 2) That communication is essential throughout the year in continuing to balance out accounts that are accessible by facilities maintenance as well as library personnel. Finally, this balanced budget is based on a certain level of income from fines and fees collected during the next fiscal year. Should these estimates fall short for whatever reason, the following priorities for reduction are recommended: (Item one would occur first) 1) Reduction of the library materials budget (up to $10,000) 2) Reduction of part time hours in this order: Page Library Assistant Clerical 3) Closure of Library hours Depending on the severity of the shortage, the combination of the above might vary. At this point in the library's history, the materials budget would be of less importance than open hours. While that might change from year to year, depending on circumstances, the challenges of serving a community of 115,000 with only 26,000 sq. ft of space cannot be overemphasized. iectfully submitted, Deborah Kaye Library Manager 1995-96 BUDGET CALENDAR * AMEMDED ,January 23, 1995 Monday Preliminary General & Special Revenue Budget Work, beets distributed to Departments. February 6, 1995 Monday RDA & FIRE DIST's General & Special Revenue Exp. and Revenne Budgets due back to Finance Dept. February 13, 1995 Monday CITY'S General & Special Revenue Expenditure and Revenue Budgets due back to Finance Dept. February 22, 199S Wednesday Budget Review - Redevelopment Agency & Finance February 23, 1995 Thursday Budget Review Sessions - Fire District & Finance March 2 - 8,1995 Thurs /Wed Budget Review Sessions - Departments and Finance March IS, 1995 Wednesday Notice of Intent setting all assessment district hearing dates - a consent calendar item presented by Engineering. March 2?, 1995 Monday Preliminary Budget Presented to City Manager. April 4 - I1, 1995 Wed / Tues Budget Review Sessions - Departments, |~ ¼roar,, Ap6119, 1~5 W~nesday - 1st Public Heating for all Landscape Maintenance District, Street Lighting D~tfic~, and Park Dist~ct 85 pr~ented to Ci~ Council by Engineering Depn~ment - S~ff Repo~ to be p~ented by Admin~t~tive ~ices for all other Assessment D~tfic~. April 26, 1~5 Wednesday Amended Prellmlna~ Budget Presented to Ci~ Manager. April 26, 1~5 W~nesday PrescriPtion of Capi~l Projec~ Budget to Planning Commission. May 3, 1995 Wednesday 2nd Public Hearing for all Landscape Maintenance Districts, Street Lighting Districts, and Park District 8~ presented to City Council by Engineering Department. May 4, 199~ Thursday Fire District To Publish Public Notice re Mello Roos Rates May I1, 1995 Thursday Distribution of 1995-96 Preliminary Budget to City Council (City, RDA, Fire). May 17, 1995 Wednesday Adoption of Amended 199495 Budget (Consent Calendar Item) Fire District Hearing To Set Mello Roos Rates · May 18, 1995 Thursday 1st Budget Study Session with City Council (City, RDA, Fire). L i Id) t"oa-k~ June I, 1995 Thursday 2nd Budget Stud)' Session with City Council (City, RDA, Fire). ~ ~Vcr y June 8, 1995 Thursday Adoption of Fiscal Year '95-96 City & RDA Budget and Gann Limit and Fire District's Preliminary '95-96 Budget June 21,199~ Thursday Adoption of Fire District's Final 1995-96 Budget CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: 2/13/95 TO: Susan Stark, Finance Officer FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: Budget Letter 1995/96 The Rancho Cucamonga Public Library promises to complete the fu'st year of operation for 1994/95 with resounding statistical success. Open 59 hours and seven days each week, by June 1995 the Library is estimated to have circulated over 500,000 items, answered more than 90,000 information questions and to have entertained and exposed to the joy of books more than 10,000 youngsters. Going into fiscal year 1995/96, the proposed budget package is based on four major priorities: Responsive open hours Effective, prompt public service Good materials collections Well maintained facility The following budget changes/additions are proposed to support the priorities above: Creation of one full time Clerical position for the Circulation Division Addition of part time hours to provide the most cost effective method of improving public service Expansion of the boolo'materials budget to $100,000 to attempt to achieve a minimum of $1 per capita book budget in the future Expansion of key line and capital accotmts to promote facility upkeep In the creation of this budget, every attempt has been made by the Library Manager to balance expenditures with income for the 1995/96 years. However, should the $100,000 payment to the County of San Bemardino be required to appear in this document as an expenditure with no additional balance on the revenue side, major reallocation will have to be conducted. The 1994/95 year in review has prompted me to make the following budgetary recommendations for review: 1) To avoid double expenditure of accounts, all personnel expenditures should come under the Library Manager. This includes the consideration of an alteration fxom Maintenance Workers to a team of Library Pages only. The Library Page traditionally is the 7 classification of choice for everything fxom book processing, to shelving to basic janitorial work during daytime open hoars. Those currently serving as maintenance workers could be absorbed into the budget under the Page classification. 2) The Library Manager and the Facilities Maintenance Manager must continue to share budget information and work together to provide the maximum building maintenance for the minimum dollar. While the Library Manager accepts that to defer maintenance is to increase the eventual cost, the bottom line impact of potential budget overruns on a budget with no flexibility or reserve funds must be recognized. Finally, I would like to thank the Finance Officer, Susan Stark and the Assistant to the City Manager, Jerry Fulwood, for their on-going assistance in creating this first budget document based on "real experience" of the new Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. Sincerely, Deborah Kaye Clark Library Manager xc: Jerry Fulwood, Assistant City Manager CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: 2/13/95 TO: Susan Stark, Finance Officer FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: Budget ReQuest: 1995/96 Attached, please find the budget document figures and supporting worksheets. The following areas still require clarification before we can attempt to balance the figures: 1) $100,000 payment owed each year to the County. Where is it accounted for? This document does not reflect a payment owed for the forthcoming fiscal year. 2) Assumption: All capital requests, if approved, could qualify for remaining Redevelopment funds. 3) Still some confusion regarding the Maintenance part time salaries for this current year. If the Library Fund is to account for them, an additional approx. $20,000 should be added to part time salaries expended this fiscal year. 4) The charges for this fiscal year for the County Library transition is a guesstimate. We have not received a bill from the County for any of the services in spite of repeated calls and requests. I sincerely hope that this first attempt of mine to deal with your style of budget accounting is correct. Please call me if you wish any portion of this document redone or redesigned. My written documentation for the increased part time library staffhours will be delivered to your desk by 5 p.m. today. Thank you for your assistance, Deborah Kaye Clark CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: 2/13/95 TO: Susan Stark, Finance Officer FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: Justification for additional staffing-library submissions FULL TIME LIBRARY CLERK (1 FT): Priority One Presently, all employees working in the Circulation Division with the exception of the Circulation Supervisor, are part time. This Division is currently responsible for collecting all fines, fees and overdue income. Responsible for the revenue stream of the Library, which runs approximately $250 per day, this Division is operating 59 hours each week. With a Supervisor present only 40 of those hours, it is strongly recommended that a full time position be created to assist in revenue management and supervision of the 11 FTE positions that operate under this Division. The current proposal would create a full tLme position at the pay rate ofent~ level Clerk. In exchange, the library proposes to reduce the current allocation of part time clerical hours by 40. The only real cost will be the additional fringe benefits the full time position will accrue. LIBRARY ASSISTANT (.5 FTE): Priority Two Currently, a .5 FTE Library Assistant position allows Sunday coverage, provides flexibility in coverage of Adult and Children's Desks for Saturday rotation of staff and is available to provide public service in either of the desks in the event of illness or vacation. PAGES (.6 FTE): Priority Three Presently, the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library is circulating twice the number of items as the previous Branch. While the self-check machines assist in the checkout of these items, the remm of the items to the shelve remains in the hands of Pages and volunteers. Library Pages perform a multitude of tasks in addition to shelving. They process book materials, assist as the second staff member at the Circulation Desk and perform routine maintenance, clean-up and assembling tasks for the Library. By far the most flexible in terms of hours and tasks, Pages are also the most cost effective labor. To assist in the efficient return of items to the shelves, critical in terms of maintaining an accurate on-line catalog, the Library proposes an additional 60% in FTE support. 10 LIBRARY ASSISTANT (.5 FTE): Priority Four The incredible demand for programming for preschool and grade school youngsters prompts the Library to propose an additional 20 hours per week assistance for the Children's and Adult Information Desk. The addition of these hours would allow the Library to accomplish the following: Offer preschool storytime four days each week instead of the current one. This would redirect some of our attendance to days of the week less impacted. We are presently receiving complaints on the excessive number of youngsters attending storytime. Allow some double coverage of the Adult information desk during critical after school hours. Presently, it is not unusual to see a line of 5 or more individuals waiting for assistance. Finally, additional Library Assistant time would replace the Library Manager on Sunday coverage. This will make more effective use of her time by allocating four more hours to management activities and placing her in the Library on Fridays, a day critical for training and staff meetings. 11 LIBRARY BUDGET Current Estimated % ESTIMATED REVENUE Year FY 95/96 Change 1020 Library Property Tax $935,560 $935,560 0.00% O2-3900 4600 Interest Earnings $0 $0 O2-3901 1501 CLSA Database $0 $0 O2-3901 1502 CLSA Direct Loan $0 $0 O2-3901 1503 CLSA Intedibrary Loan $0 $0 O2-3901 1504 Community Room Rental $100 $100 0.00% O2-3901 1505 Direct Mail Solicitations $6,000 $5,000 -16.67% O2-3901 1506 Library card sales $700 $1,000 42.86% O2-3901 1507 Library Fines & Fees $44,000 $89,000 102.27% O2-3901 1508 Media Rentals $23,000 $52,000 126.09% O2-3901 1509 Merchandise Sales $0 $0 ERR 1510 Private Contributions $2,000 $5,000 150.00% O2-3901 1511 Public Library Foundation $20,300 $20,300 0.00% 02-3992 8000 Transfer In $0 $0 APS Copier funds $2,300 $3,500 52.17% TOTAL LIBRARY FUND $1,033,960 $1,111,460 7.50% 12 LIBRARY BUDGET Current Actual Proposed % DETAIL Year Spent FY 95/96 Change FY1995/96 PERSONNEL 1100 REGULAR SALARIES $311,790 $296,000 $379,240 21.63% Addition of FT Clerk $24,200 1200 OVERTIME SALARIES $1,000 $100 $1,000 0.00% 1300 PART TIME SALARIES $116,870 $116,870 $183,750 57.23% Library Assistant 50% 100% $20,300 Clerks 403% 380% $76,000 Pages 442% 500% $56,000 Maintenance Worker 200% 300% $31,460 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS $117,700 $117,700 $142,896 21.41% Addition of FT Clerk $9,196 TOTAL PERSONNEL $547,371 $530,670 $706,886 29.14% OPERATIONS 3100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS $3,200 $2,700 $3,000 -6.25% 3300 MILEAGE $3,250 $3,350 $3,500 7.69% 3900 MAINTENANCE/OPER Office Supplies $18,000 $20,130 $16,000 -11.11% Printing/Postage $8,000 $6,400 $8,000 0.00% Special Program Supplies $5,500 $2,000 $4,000 -27.27% Advertising/Promotions $500 $500 $500 0.00% Books $50,000 $50,000 $100,000 100.00% Audio Visual Materials $10,000 $5,000 $0 -100.00% Magazines/Publications $5,000 $700 $3,000 -40.00% Training $500 $500 $500 0.00% Bindery $0 $500 $600 Newline item Collection Agency $0 $2,385 $1,000 New line item 3912 MAINTENANCE DEPT Janitorial Supplies $4,260 $4,260 $4,260 0.00% Facility Maintenance Supplies $3,500 $3,500 $5,710 63.14% Graffiti Removal Supplies $200 $200 $200 0.00% Landscape Maintenance Supplie $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 0.00% Water/Fire Service $0 $0 $440 New line item 3956 DUES Amedcan Library Assoc. $400 $410 $450 12.50% California Library Assoc. $600 $600 $600 0.00% Professional Publications $1,000 $500 $0 -100.00% Library System membership $2,000 $1,150 $1,500 -25.00% 13 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY $4,330 $4,330 $4,330 0.00% 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES Of'ftc Equip/Maintenance $3,000 $2,000 $4,000 33.33% Computer Maintenance $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 0.00% Book Processing & T.S. $20,000 $10,000 $20,000 0.00% lAC $14,000 $0 $0 -100.00% County Transition/Payment $80,000 $100,000 $0 -100.00% Computer Tech Services $21,250 $10,000 $30,000 41.18% Self check maintenance $0 $0 $5,000 6032 CONTRACT SERVICES Janitorial Services $35,610 $35,610 $37,400 6.03% Security Service $3,360 $3,360 $3,360 0.00% Elevator Service $3,500 $3,500 $6,160 76.00% HVAC $8,730 $8,730 $15,420 76.63% Electrical $1,570 $1,570 $6,160 292.36% Plumbing $450 $450 $450 0.00% Pest Control $670 $670 $670 0.00% Fire/Life Safety $670 $670 $670 0.00% Structural/Roof $2,910 $2,910 $2,910 0.00% Exterior Grounds Maintenance $19,450 $19,480 $19,450 0.00% 8019 TELEPHONE $16,800 $9,200 $16,000 -4.76% 8020 GAS UTILITIES $2,240 $2,240 $2,240 0.00% 8021 WATER UTILITIES $3,300 $3,300 $3,300 0.00% 8022 ELECTRIC UTILITIES $73,390 $50,000 $73,390 0.00% TOTAL OPERATIONS BUDGET $437,440 $379,075 $410,470 -6.17% TOTAL LIBRARY BUDGET $984,811 $909,745 $1,117,356 13.46% CAPITAL OUTLAY 7044 Equipment Install AC in computer room $9,000 Reduct Children's Story Room $7,500 Repair Roof Leaks $8,900 Replace Roof $25,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $50,400 Bold print indicates Facilities Maintenance Request LIBRARY BUDGET SUMMARY DETAIL AND JUSTIFICATION FOR % CHANGES PERSONNEL: 1100 REGULAR SALARIES From $311,790 to $379,240 Description of Account: Budget account for all full time positions. % Change: 22% increase This increase has occured for the following reasons: Addition of full time Clerk: Justification appears in budget memo page 10. The original budget figure £or 1994/95 was an estimate based on un-filled positions outlined prior to library opening. Staffing changes made prior to opening impacting this figure included the upgrade o£ a Librarian II to a Principal Librarian position, (approved by Council in June 1994), and the hiring at control point of key management positions which resulted in higher personnel costs for 1995/96. Finally, an increase, determined by the Finance Department, is built into the amount to account for step increases (up to 5%). 1200 OVERTIME SALARIES From $1,000 to $1,000 Description of Account: Budget account to contain overtime expenses. These will only be incurred by Maintenance Facilities workers to contain damage or respond in emergency situations. % Change: No change 1300 PART TIME SALARIES From $116,870 to $183,750 Description of Account: Budget for all part time workers, including Library Assistant, Clerical and Page. % Change: 57.23% 15 Reason for Change: Additional requests for part time personnel justified in Budget Memo pages 10 and 11. 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS From $117,700 to $142,896 Description of Account: Budget account to handle health and management benefits. % Change: 22% This increase was caused by the fact that the budget amount for this figure is based on a percentage (37%) of the total dollar amount of the full time salaries. Therefore, this increase is the same percentage growth as the percentage growth in the overall Regular Salaries budget. OPERATIONS 3100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS From $3,200 to $3,000 Description of Account: Budget to handle conferences and meetings. % Change: -6.25% Lower cost reflects an area where the Library Manager prefers to mn lean. This amount will cover the California Library Association conference for the Director and one Board Member; and the Public Library Association Conference for one staff member. The Friends of the Library will be asked to sponsor an additional staff member to the PLA Conference if the program offerings appear worthwhile. 3300 MILEAGE From $3,250 to $3,500 Description of Account: Budget to handle Library Managers car allowance ($3,000) and all other short trips by other staff members on library business. % Change: 7.69% Increase is due to the mileage requests for city hall deliveries, Board packet deliveries, etc. 16 3900 MAINTENANCE/OPERATIONS Office Supplies: From $18,000 to $16,000 Con~Jns all requests for paper, stationery, pencils, paperclips, etc. % Change: -11.11% Decrease is due to the fact that 1994/95 saw the opening of the Library and the purchasing of all core supplies to support thc Library function. In 1995/96, those costs should decrease. Printing/Postage: From $8,000 to $8,000 Obviously, all printing of fliers and brochures as well as postage for library purposes. % Change: No change Special Program Supplies From $5,500 to $4,000 Description: All cataloging materials, video processing materials and Reference special supplies come from this account. % Change: -27.27 Reduction proposed since the Friends of the Library will be approached to fund all special children's programs and Summer Reading Game. Advertising/Promotions From $500 to $500 Description: All banners, special advertising for programs or events will come from this account. % Change: No Change It is expected that this fund will be supplemented by requests to the Friends of the Library. Books From $50,000 to $100,000 Descriptions: Actually library materials, this account includes books, videos, audios, CD's and Reference resources to support the 4 main areas of selection for the Library: Children's books for 17 educational support, Reference materials for the business community, Young Adult materials for teens--and best sellers. % Change: 100% While the standard per person materials budget in California is $2.69, the Library is straggling to move to $1 per capita to continue to grow and serve the population. The $50,000 in the 1994/95 budget was acceptable since it was only stretched to cover 1/2 of the year. The opening day collection, paid for by Redevelopment Funds, provided a solid base from which to work and further supplemented that $50,000 in the first year of operation. Audio Visual Materials From $10,000 to $0 Description: Formerly held all media purchases for the Library. % Change: -100% These funds were combined with the regular materials budget of the Library. Differentiation by media type is not necessary in a culture where so many of the resources are a form of media apart from print. Magazines/Publications From $5,000 to $3,000 Description: All of the subscriptions for journals for the public as well as for staff are included in this budget. % Change: -40% Description: Tiffs is a temporary savings. Redevelopment funds were used to purchase multiple year subscriptions to many of our magazines. Since these journals are not up for renewal for sometimes two sometimes three years, this account can be minimalized for this year, budget will see substantial increases over the next three years. Training From $500 to $500 Description: Funding for stafftraining is contained in this budget. % Change: No Change 18 The funding for training this year will be applied to long range planning as addressed in the 1995/96 Plan of Service. The Friends will be approached for additional funding as well as participation in this process. Bindery: From $0 to $600 Description: This account is for the repair and rebinding of damaged materials. % Change: New Account Collection Agency: From $0 to $1,000 _ Description: This account handles the $7 charge per account currently paid by the library to the collection agency. A series of 5 letters, including an attorney letter, are sent to delinquent patrons to retrieve library materials or fines owed in return for this fee. % Change: New Account 3912 MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT These accounts are all submitted by the Maintenance Division. Janitorial Supplies: From $4,260 to $4,260 % Change: None Facility Maintenance Supplies From $3,500 to $5,710 % Change: 63.14% The facilities maintenance department claims 1994/95 figure was based on 1/2 year open. 1995/96 reflect full year of high-density service. Graffiti Removal Supplies From $200 to $200 % Change: None Landscape Maintenance Supplies From $1,300 to $1,300 % Change: None 19 Water/Fire Service From $0 to $440 % Change: New Item 3956 DUES American Library Association From $400 to $450 Description: Allows all members of the Library Board, the System Advisory Board Member and the Director membership in ALA. California Library Association: From $600 to $600 Description: Allows all members of the Library Board, the System Advisory Board Member, the Director and the Principal Librarian membership in ALA. % Change: None Professional Publications: From $1,000 to $0 Description: Formerly used for professional subsciptions, the Magazine budget currently is absorbing these costs. % Change: -100% Library System Membership: From $2,000 to $1,500 Description: Allows for membership in the Inland Library system and affiliate membership in Metropolitan Cooperative Library System. % Change: .25% Reflects $1,400 charge for Inland and $100 for MCLS affiliate. 3960 GENERAL LIABILITY From $4,330 to $4,330 Description: 20 Account handled by Finance and determined for each City service division. % Change: No change 6028 CONTRACT SERVICES Office Equipment/Maintenance From $3,000 to $4,000 Description: Covers xerox maintenance, and select typewriter maintenance. % Change: 33.33% Increase due to coverage of one full year. Computer Maintenance From $5,000 to $5,000 Description: Covers in-house CD Rom Lan terminals % Change: No Change Book Processing & T.S. From $20,000 to $20,000 Description: The account for thc $3.75 per book charge for cataloging and processing from Brodart; the fees for cataloging on OCLC, a non-profit database designed for that purpose. % Change: No Change IAC From $14,000 to $0 Description: The account for Information Access Corporation for on-line periodicals and index. % Change: -100% This is a temporary savings caused by thc purchase of a 3 year lease for the lAC database by redevelopment funds during the Library opening. County Transition/Payment From $80,000 to $0 21 Description: This was the account to handle the provision of Library services from July 1994 through September 1994 by the San Bemardino County Library system. % Change: -100% Phased out with opening of the new library. Computer Tech Services From $21,250 to $30,000 Description: Account for the maintenance of all Dynix computer system equipment. % Change: 41.18% An 8% inflationary increase as well as a greater number of terminals and software modules added to the system accounts for the percentage increase in 1994/95. Self check Maintenance From $0 to $5,000 Description: Each self check machine is contracted for maintenance at the cost of $2,500 per terminal. % Change: New Account 6032 CONTRACT SERVICES Janitorial Services From $35,610 to $37,400 Description: Account for the contract janitorial care. % Change: 5.03 % Adjusted for inflation. Security Service From $3,360 to $3,360 Description: Account for alarm system. % Change: No Change Elevator Service rom $3,500 to $6,160 Description: On-call and preventive maintenance for elevator. % Change: 76% Reflects change of maintenance company and high rate of repairs on elevator. HVAC From $3,500 to $15,420 Description: Heating and ventilating system maintenance contract. % Change: 76.63% Change proposed to reflect an entire year's service. Electrical From $1,570 to $6,160 % Change: 292.36% Change proposed to reflect an entire years service. Plumbing From $450 to $450 % Change: None Pest Control From $670 to $670 % Change: None Fire/Life Safety From $670 to $670 % Change: None Structural/Roof From $2,910 to $2,910 23 Description: Emergency repairs on roofing. % Change: None Exterior Grounds Maintenance From $19,450 to $19,450 Description: Contract for clipping, mowing, ~xee trimming of library grounds. % Change: None 8019 TELEPHONE From $16,800 to $16,000 Description: All telephone lines including public service, data lines, telecirc lines, etc. % Change: -4.76 While the rates have increased, the original estimates of telephone service appear to have been somewhat high. This account will be monitored closely for changes. 8020 GAS UTILITIES From $2,240 to $2,240 % Change: No Change 8021 WATER UTILITIES From $3,300 to $3,300 % Change: No Change 8022 ELECTRICAL UTILITIES From $73,390 to $73,390 % Change: No Change CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: March 2, 1995 TO: President and Members of the Board of Library Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: PLAN OF SERVICE BACKGROUND The attached plan of service reflects the goals and direction to be established for the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library for fiscal year 1995/96, running from July 1, 1995 through June 30, 1996. The plan will give the Library Manager a document from which to fashion the proposed budget for 1995/96 and will form a major component of the Library's portion of the City budget process, planning for which will occur from February through May of 1995. The plan currently reflects the roles selected by the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Board of Trustees, current operating hours and staff, the traditional work plan for a public library of the size and technological complexity of Rancho Cucamonga, and a book budget that is still minimal but twice the exiting book budget. It also reflects the spirit of entrepreneurism that has been predominant through the planning and opening of the new library. This is the opportunity for the Library Board to critically evaluate the proposed components of service, to indicate to staff any additional program(s) that the Board would like to see established or alteration of any current emphasis in service. Critical in this process is the limitation imposed on the Board and staff by finances and the understanding that any proposed service enhancement must be balanced by a reduction of current services offered or the discovery of a new revenue source to support the new service. ANALYSIS There have been no further changes. (/~]~ect fully submitted, RANCHO CUCAMONGA PUBLIC LIBRARY PLAN OF SERVICE 1995/96 The following plan of service focusse_s on anticipated highlights of projects to be accomplished by Library Staffworking with the Board of Library Trustees and the Friends of the Library. In addition to the below activities, Library Staffwill be circulating and shelving an estimated 500,000 items; answering approximately 90,000 information questions and selecting and processing some 6,000 titles in the course of the year. GOAL 1) MAXIMIZE USE OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PUBLIC LIBRARY Objective 1.1: Provide convenient open hours of service Action: Maintain the existing 7 day per week schedule through creative budgeting and agressive fundraising By Whom: Administration & Library Board By: Annually Objective 1.2: Provide new and timely materials Action: Through budget, fees and fundraising, provide a minimum of $1 per capita for library materials. (Statewide average: $2.69 for libraries serving populations over 30,000.) By Whom: Administration & Library Board By: Annually Objective 1.3: Provide convenient access to information services off site Action: Establish fee based dial-up access for Internet By Whom: Reference & Technology Staff By: July, 1995 Action: Provide a community database of a minimum of 300 entries By Whom: Reference & Technology Staff By: December, 1995 Objective 1.4: Provide programming for families, including programs with multi-ethnic appeal Action: Plan and present a minimum of 6 programs/displays, including: Career Program: September Holiday Program: December Chinese New Year: January Black History Program: February National Library Week: April Cinco de Mayo: May 26 By Whom: Programming Committee By: Annually Objective 1.5: Provide information services to the employees of Rancho Cueamonga Action: Create a plan to address the assessed needs of employees in terms of frequency, depth and types of information needed to perform most effectively on the job By Whom: Municipal Reference Librarian By: July 1, 1995 Action: Provide reference assistance, perform database searching and package material in its most effective form to Rancho Cucamonga City employees. By Whom: Municipal Reference Librarian By: Annually Objective 1.6: Ensure the community is well informed about library service Action: Create a marketing/public relations plan for the Library focussing on publicity and program promotion By Whom: Public Relations Committee By: September, 1995 Action: Develop a speaker's bureau on library topics By Whom: Library Staff, Board of Trustees By: September, 1995 Action: Promote awareness and understanding of library procedures services through library promotional materials such as brochures. By Whom: Library Administration By: December, 1995 GOAL 2) SEARCH OUT NON TRADITIONAL APPROACHES TO FUNDING AND SERVICE DELIVERY Objective 2.1: Increase the funding base of library services Action: Apply for a minimum of four grants By Whom: Administration By: Annually Action: Appoint Entrepreneurial Committee, composed of Staff, Board and Friends members By Whom: Administration/Library Board By: July, 1995 Action: Identify value-added service packages or cost recovery fees for selected services By Whom: Entrepreneurial Committee By: September, 1995 27 Action: Identify potential community partnerships to support library programs including Summer Reading Program, Literacy and Young Adult/Youth at Risk activities. By Whom: Entrepreneurial Committee By: December, 1995 Action: Contact all potential partners on the list to request support By Whom: Entrepreneurial Committee By: February, 1996 Objective 2.2: Establish a Library Foundation Action: Create Bylaws and apply for State and Federal tax exempt status for the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Foundation By Whom: Administration By: April 1, 1996 Action: Develop a Fundraising Master Plan for the Foundation By Whom: Administration By: June 30, 1996 Objective 2.3: Investigate new ways to provide "old" services Action: Explore new technologies to provide the newest of information services on a cost recovery basis By Whom: Reference and Technology Entrepreneurial Committee By: Annually GOAL 3: PLAN FOR FUTURE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Objective 3.1: Begin Creation of a Long Range a Plan Action: Establish a Strategic Planning Committee, to be composed of Staff and Boardmembers, interested Friends to plan for future growth and expansion of library services to Rancho Cucamonga residents. By Whom: Administration/Library Board By: January, 1996 Action: Develop a Strategic Planning workshop By Whom: Strategic Planning Committee By: June, 1996 GOAL 4: PROVIDE SKILLED, EFFICIENT AND FRIENDLY SERVICES AT EVERY PUBLIC SERVICE DESK Objective 4.1: Increase the ratio of "staff" to public Action: Maintain current level of professional, paraprofessional and clerical staff. By Whom: Administration, Library Board By: Annually Action: Increase the number of volunteers by 10% and the number of volunteer hours by 20%. By Whom: Volunteer Coordinator By: July, 1995 Objective 4.2: Increase staff training Action: Provide formal training on safety and emergency procedures for all staff By Whom: Administration By: July, 1995 Action: Formalize training for volunteer corps By Whom: Volunteer Coordinator By: September, 1995 Action: Provide monthly informal workshops of staff, utilizing video training tapes on topics selected by staff By Whom: Administration By: Annually Action: Provide one major workshop annually for full and part time staff emphasizing a particular aspect of library service. By Whom: Administration By: April, 1996 Objective 4.3: Provide policy, procedures manuals for all divisions Action: Complete a policy manual for all library functions By Whom: Administration By: June, 1996 Action: Complete divisional procedures manuals for Circulation, Reference & Technology and Children's By Whom: Division Heads By: June, 1996 GOAL 5: SUPPORT FORMAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS Objective 5.1: Increase cooperation with schools and teachers Action: Work with school district personnel to identify major assignments in a timely manner By Whom: Children's/Reference Staff By: Annually Action: Provide a minimum of I school visit per week by library staff By Whom: Children's/Reference Staff By: Annually Action: Provide class visits for a minimum of 10 classes per month By Whom: Children's/Reference Staff By: Annually Objective 5.2: Offer offsite opportunities to expand library use Action: Explore possibilities of linkages between schools and the libraries on-line catalog and resources. By Whom: Principal Librarian By: September, 1995 Objective 5.3: Provide materials support for school curriculum Action: Purchase heavily of primary and secondary resources to support school curriculum By Whom: Selectors By: Annually GOAL 6: PROVIDE LIBRARY SERVICES TO COMMUNITY YOUTH OF ALL AGES Objective 6.1: Provide consistent youth programming of interest to a variety of ages Action: Provide weekly preschool storytimes By Whom: Children's Services By: Annually Action: Provide monthlyAfterschool Specials for school aged children By Whom: Children's Services By: Annually Action: Provide annual Summer Reading Program for all ages, including Read-To-Me and Teens By Whom: Children's Services By: Annually Action: Conduct a minimum of 6 special events programs By Whom: Children's Services By: Annually Objective 6.2: Provide Library services to Youth at Risk Action: Investigate grant funding for Teen Literacy program By Whom: Administration By: December, 1995 Action: Investigate grant funding for a Student Study Center By Whom: Administration By December, 1995 Action: Provide a minimum of 4 programs of interest to teens By Whom: Young Adult Services By: Annually 30 GOAL 7: PROMOTE INFORMATION SERVICES TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY Objective 7.1: Increase membership & involvement of Business Friends Action: Host 2 sessions or focus groups of members to solicit possible future purchases or services desked by business By Whom: Reference Services By: Annually Action: Submit a monthly article to the Chamber of Commerce Bulletin By Whom: Reference Services By: Annually Action: Develop newsletter designed for Business Friends By Whom: Reference Services By: July, 1995 Action: Host a minimum of two workshops designed to assist business people in the use of library business technology By Whom: Reference Services By: Annually Action: Perform a minimum of two speaking engagements focussing on library services to the business community By Whom: Reference Services By: Annually Objective 7.2: Continue to investigate offering state of the art services on a cost recovery basis Action: Investigate and remain current on all advances and possibilities of mutual opportunities for library/business partnerships in the area of technology By Whom: Technology & Reference By: Annually GOAL 8: FACILITATE SELF EDUCATION FOR ALL RESIDENTS Objective 8.1: Provide adult literacy services Action: If grant funding is received, initiate Adult Literacy Program in the City of Rancho Cucamonga By Whom: Literacy Coordinator By: November 1995 Objective 8.2: Provide materials support for independent learning Action: Purchase heavily in the area of self-help to support the role of independent learning 31 By Whom: Selectors By: Annually Objective 8.3: Provide adult programming Action: Provide a minimum of 4 programs per year of interest to adults By Whom: Programming Committee By: Annually 32