HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995/04/06 - Agenda Packet - Library Board of Trustees LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETING First Thursday 7:00 p.m. April 6, 1995 Civic Center Council Chambers 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 City Councilmembers William J. Alexander, Mayor Rex Gutierrez, Mayor Pro Tem Paul Biane, Councilmember James V. Curatalo, Councilmember Diane Williams, Councilmember Boardmembers Robert Howdyshell, Presidem Pro Tem Gina Gregory, Boardmember Laura J. Muna-Landa, Boardmember Edward E. Swistock, Boardmember ,~ PAGE Board of Library Trustees Agenda 1 Regular Meeting, April 6, 1995 A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Roll Call: Howdyshell , Gregory , Muna-Landa , and Swistock __ B. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Boardmember or member of the audience for discussion. 1. Approval of Minutes: March 2, 1995. 1 2. Approval of proposed fee for rental of Children's Storytelling Room 6 and various equipment. 3. Approval of proposed fee change for the following video rentals: 9 Best Selling Video Business Video tapes 4. Approval of proposed fee of $.50 per disc for "best seller" new 10 releases. C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the President may open the meeting for public input. I. Library status report and budget update: oral report presented by Library Staff. 2. Presentation of Grant proposal for computer networking: Robert 11 Karatsu, Principal Librarian. 3. Presentation of Grant proposal for CD Rom workstations for youth: ! 7 Robert Karatsth Principal Librarian. ~ PAGE Board of Library Trustees Agenda ". 2 Regular Meeting, April 6, 1995 4. Discussion of proposal for handling Children's Storyfime: presented 19 by Library Manager and Renee Tobin, Children's Supervisor. D. BOARD BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the Board of Library Trustees for discussion. They are not public hearing items, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1. Follow up on goals distributed by President Pro Tern Howdyshell at the March meeting. 2. Report by Boardmembers Muna-Landa and Swistock covering the 23 CALTAC meeting attended Saturday, March 11, 1995. (Written report attached.) 3. Discussion issues regarding the joint meeting of the Council and Board to take place on Wednesday, April 12, 1995. 4. Report by System Advisory Boardmember John Wang covering the meeting of March 8th held at Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. 5. Options for the Board regarding reorganization due to the resignation of former Board President Bolda. Options received from the Office of the City Attorney. Oral report by Library Manager. E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING This is the time for the Board of Library Trustees to identify the items they wish to discuss at the next meeting. These items will not be discussed at this meeting, only identified for the next meeting. F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC This is the time and place for the general public to address the Board of Library Trustees. State law prohibits .the Board from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda.  PAGE Board of Library Trustees Agenda Regular Meeting, April 6, 1995 G. ADJOURNMENT MEETING TO ADJOURN TO APRIL 12, 1995, AT 5:00 P.M. IN THE TRI-COMMUNITIES CONFERENCE ROOM FOR A JOINT MEETING WITH THE CITY COUNCIL. I, Vivian Garcia, Library Administrative Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on Thursday, March 30, 6:00 p.m., 1995, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54953 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting A. CALL TO ORDER The regular meefmg of the Library Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, March 2, 1995, in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, Califomia. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. and the pledge of allegiance was led by President Pro Tern Howdyshell. Present were Boardmembers Gregory, Muna-Landa and Swistock. Also present were: Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, Deborah Clark, Library Manager, Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, Karen Schneiderwent, Circulation Supervisor, Paul Williams from the Friends of the Library and Vivian Garcia, Administrative Secretary. President Pro Tern Howdyshell read a letter from Jacqueline Bolda stating that her resignation had been accepted by the City Council on March 2, 1995. B. CONSENT CALENDAR B1. Approval of minutes: February 2, 1995. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Gregory to approve the consent calendar, seconded by Boardmember Swistock. Motion carried 4-0. C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS C 1. Library status report: oral report presented by Library Staff. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, presented an oral status report on the library. The Compact Discs will be available for patrons on Friday, March 3. Staff expects to receive twenty-two boxes of books, completed and repaired, consisting of children's and adult non-fiction titles from Baker and Taylor by Monday. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated Telecirc will be available to the patrons very soon. A "rough draft" brochure was given to the Board explaining how Telecirc works. Other flyers produced this month were, "How to Find Newspapers and Magazines" and "Instructions for Searching the Computerized Catalog" with diaMn instructions on the back side. 1 Library Board Minutes March 2, 1995 Page 2 Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated she had received a telephone call from a parent concerned about the condition of the children's books. Staff surveyed about 200 picture and beginning reader books and found only one which had been damaged. Staff is still proceeding with the bookmark alerting parents to watch the picture books and to report damages when they see them to Library staff. Staff is also watching for any damages. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that staffhas ordered a stamp to be placed on videos to alert patrons of the $2 fine on overdue videos. An additional sign was posted in Circulation. Staff will be working on a flyer to make patrons aware of the Library's policies on overdue fines. Staff is still working on a brochure for children's, a guide on how to use the catalog, and computer use and etiquette as well. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that the Library had received another sign for the self-check machine on the first floor which can easily be seen by those waiting in line. Also, bookmarks are being handed out explaining how to use the self-check machine. Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, went over the Statistics for February handout given at the meeting with the Board. More books were retumed in February than in months past. For the first time since the Library opened, more adult materials were checked out than children's. Medical books along with Biographies and American History were the subjects of interest circulating this month. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, went over the Library Budget spreadsheet with the Board. C2. Proposal to purchase a banner for National Library Week. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, suggested it might be appropriate of the Board to purchase a banner promoting National Library Week at a cost of approximately $629. The banner is re-useable each year with a cost of $100 to change the date on the banner. Staff also proposed that we spilt the cost and ask the Friends of the Library to co-fund this project with us. The banner which staff preferred was the second one on the handout which states the Library's address. The banner will be hung on Archibald, just north of Foothill Boulevard. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Swistock to approve the purchase of the banner to be located at Archibald and Foothill and approach the Friends on co-funding this project, seconded by Boardmember Mnna-Landa. Motion carried 4-0. C3. Proposed budget package presented by Library Staff for initial review and approval. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, presented an oral report to the Board with handouts of adjustments from the meeting with the Finance Department today. 2 Library Board Minutes March 2, 1995 Page 3 Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated staff would like the approval of the Board for the concepts presented of the funding and budget proposal. The report will then go to the City Manager. MOTION: Moved by President Pro Tem Howdyshell, seconded by Boardmember Muna-Landa. Motion carried 4-0. C4. Plan of Service Program for adoption: presented by Library Manager. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that if the Board does not have any changes for the Plan of Service and approves it, this will go with the Budget to the City Manager. MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Swistock, seconded by President Pro Tem Howdyshell. Motion carried 4-0. President Pro Tem Howdyshell stated he would like to assign some of the goals to each one of the Boardmembers to look at for the next meeting and incorporate some of the committee requirements. Boardmembers were assigned goals based on some of the comments and personal interest by them. Boardmember Swistock was assigned Goals 1 and 7, Boardmember Muna-Landa, Goals 2 and 4, and Boardmember Gregory, Goals 5, 6 and 8. At the next meeting, the Boardmembers will talk about the committees they would like to start. D. BOARD BUSINESS D1. Literacy Program Efforts: Boardmember Gregory. Boardmember Gregory asked where staff currently is with the Literacy program efforts. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that she has the application for California Literacy Campaign 1995-96. The application deadline is May 5, 1995. With the Board's approval, staffwill complete the application for adult literacy and will have the entire application packet back to the Board at the May meeting before it goes to the State Library for approval. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that what the State Literacy program offers is a grant start- up of between $80,000 to $90,000 which includes staffing, literacy materials to assist in tutors and development of new readers. Also included is a certain amount of money for promotion of the program and for special program events. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that the program offers a first year funding of 75 percent - which means the funding will not begin until September. Funding for the second and third years 3 Library Board Minutes March 2, 1995 Page 4 is 100 percent and 75 percent in the fourth. For the fifth year, funding is reduced to 50 percent with this supposedly being the last year of the program. MOTION: Moved by President Pro Tern Howdyshell to approve staff to apply for the California Literacy Campaign, seconded by Boardmember Gregory. Motion carried, 4-0. E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING El. President Pro Tern Howdyshell requested Boardmembers to review their goals and form some objectives for the committees. E2. Deborah Clark, Librmy Manager, stated that staff will be bringing before the Board policies for Storytime. E3. Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian, stated that another grant will be presented to the Board next month. E4. Deborah Clark, Library Manager, stated that the Friends of the Library will be presenting a quarterly status report to the Board. Paul Williams of the Friends of the Library stated that the bookstore has been opened for one month. There are presently twenty-four volunteers on rotation for the bookstore. The bookstore hours are the same as the Library. During the month of February, the Friends took in just over $4,000. They are concentrating on purchasing bookmarks ranging in price from $1 to $10. F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC No communications were made from the public. Library Board Minutes March 2, 1995 Page 5 G. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Swistock seconded by Boardmember Muna-Landa to adjourn to April 6, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried, 4-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Vivian Garcia Administrative Secretary Approved: 5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: April 6, 1995 TO: President and Members of the Board of Library Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF PROPOSED FEE FOR RENTAL OF CHILDREN'S STORYTELLING ROOM AND VARIOUS EQUIPMENT RECOMMENDATION Approve adoption of schedule of rental fees as presented in' the attachment. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The attached list of fees for the rental of the,Children's Storytelling Room is based on the following facts: 1. The room is currently kept locked unless occupied during a program. This is wasted space ifa group could be using the facility for a special meeting. 2. The Storytelling Room, able to be closed off fxom the rest of the Library, could be an ideal space for meeting involving or dealing With children. 3. Fees are proposed at the same rote as those in place for the Community Room space. While the capacity is less, the amenities are greater. The attached list of fees for the rental of the equipment available at the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library is based upon the fees currently charged by other libraries in the area. ~ Respect fully submitted, FEE SCHEDULE FOR FULL COMMUNITY ROOM Accommodates up to 100 individuals Rancho Cucamonga Based Groups: Nonprofit local community groups: $10 per reservation Government groups: $25 per reservation Commercial groups: $25 per hour/$100 per day Other Groups: Nonprofit community groups: $25 per reservation Government groups: $50 per reservation Commercial groups: $50 per hour/S200 per day FOR PARTIAL COMMUNITY ROOM Approximately 400 sq. ft., accommodates up to 30 individuals. Divided by partition. Rancho Cueamonga Based Groups: Nonprofit local community groups: $5 per reservation Government groups: $10 per reservation Commercial groups: $10 per hour/S50 per day Other Groups: Nonprofit community groups: $10 per reservation Government groups: $25 per reservation Commercial groups: $25 per hour/S100 per day FOR STORYTELLING ROOM Approximately 100 sq. ft with tiered seating and drop down screen. Ideal for youngsters. Accommodates up to 40 individuals. Rancho Cucamonga Based Groups: Nonprofit local community groups: $10 per reservation Government groups: $25 per reservation 7 Commercial groups: $25 per hour/$100 per day Other Groups: Nonprofit community groups: $25 per reservation Govemmem groups: $50 per reservation Commercial groups: $50 per hour/S200 per day EQUIPMENT RENTALS The following equipment may be rented at the following rates: 45" TELEVISION AND VCR COMBINATION $10 for all groups COMBINATION 12" COLOR TV/VCR (Desktop) $10 for all groups MICROPHONE SYSTEM $ 5 for all groups OVERHEAD TRANSPARENCY PROJECTOR $10 for all groups OPAQUE PROJECTOR $10 for all groups OVERHEAD DATA PROJECTOR (COMPUTER) $25 for all groups CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: April 6, 1995 TO: President and Members of the Board of Library Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT:' APPROVAL OF PROPOSED FEE CHANGE FOR BEST SELLING VIDEOS AND BUSINESS VIDEOS RECOMMENDATION Approve a $2 charge for a loan period of 3 days for Best Selling Videos and Business Videos. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The proposed fee changes and borrowing lengths concern collections not yet introduced to the public. Best Selling Videos: Originally proposed: $2 for a 2 day loan Current proposal: $2 for a 3 day loan Change proposed to accommodate an existing 3 day loan sticker, rather than accruing the costs associated from producing a 2 day sticker; longer loan period will help reduce foot traffic in an already crowded facility. Business Videos: Originally proposed: $5 per tape set for a 1 week loan Current proposal: $2 per tape for a 3 day loan Change proposed to limit variety of due dates in media for the sake of our public; the wide ~__~vvariety of the number of tapes in a set also makes this pricing schedule "more fair" to our public, no~ used to being charged "per piece". Resp~ectfully submitted, Library Manager~J CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DATE: April 6, 1995 TO-' President and Members of the Board of Library Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO ADOPT PROPOSED FEE OF $.50 PER DISC FOR "BEST SELLER" COMPACT DISCS RECOMMENDATION Approve adoption of $.50 fee per disc as a rental fee for best seller or new title releases of compact discs. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Staff strongly recommends adoption of this fee to help create a popular title collection for our palxons. Staffbelieves the $.50 fee is extremely reasonable for new releases. It will enable patrons to determine the quality of new titles at a reasonable loan fee. Loan period would be the same as the regular CD collection to avoid confusion in due dates. t~.?;pectfully submitted, LD~bbf rary~MKa~a~k CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: April 6, 1995 TO: President and Members of the Board of Library Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF GRANT SUBMISSION: "IMPROVED RESOURCE SHARING" RECOMMENDATION Approve grant submission requesting $7,800 in state funds. Full grant request attached. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS As stated in the attached grant application, approval of this grant would allow the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library to purchase Dynix equipment establishing the capability of networking electronically with Ontario and Upland Public libraries as well as Chaffey College Library. Budget impact: The only impact will be assuming the on-going maintenance costs of the Gateways Module and the modems. Estimated at approximately $300 per year. e~Pectfully submitted, ~ Deborah Kaye Cla~ Library Manager California State Library CLSA STATEWlDE DATA BASE LINKED SYSTEMS PROJ~ Application Form California Library Services Act FY 1994-95 1. CLSA FUNDS REQUESTED: $ 7,800 2. PRIOR_trY: Improved resource sharinq between automated Library CLSA - Libraries in California 3. 3~PPLICAN"r: RANCHO CUCAMONGA PUBLIC LIBRARY 7368 ARCHIBALD AVENUE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 Library Director, System / Coordinator, or Consortia Authority: Telephone: ( 909 )948-9900, extension 5022 4. FISCAL AGENT: Susan Stark, Finance Officer City of Rancho Cucamon§a 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 For Systems: 5. SYSTEM ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL APPROVAL (check one): This application has been reviewed and approved by the System Administrative Council. This application is submitted contingent upon review and approval by the System Administrative Council. 12 ~ 6. LINKED SYSTEMS PROJECT SOFTWARE, HARDWARE OR TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT NEEDS. Brief Title Cost Dynix Gateways $5,000 Codex Modem (2) 1,400 each TOTAL $ 7,800 13 ~ 7. SOFTWARE, HARDWARE, OR TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT REQUEST (Duplicate this one-page form for each distinct item on #6} a. Request type (check one): × Software __ Hardware __ Telecommunications Equipment b. Specific description of the item to be purchased and its costs: Dynix CPU Gateways - $5,000 c. Number of units of this type, where each would be housed, and total cost: d. Relationship tooverall project: Gateways is a software product produced by Dynix, the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library's automated vendor. What Gateways does'is offer controlled menu access to specific library catalogs or telnet sites on the Internet. Because of this controlled menu system (all phone numbers, telnet addresses, logins, baud rates, etc.. are pre-programmed and executed transparently to the end user). Gateways is ideal for use by the general ~ublic as an option on the Library's catalog menu. Library catalogs the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library intends to put on the Gateway menu would include the Ontario and Upland Public Libraries, the two neighboring public libraries as well as Chaffey College (Chaffey is the junior college in Rancho Cucamonga). Direct access to these catalogs would be extremely useful to the public for both interlibrary loans ~or just to browse for holdings which may not be available at the Rancho Cucamonga Pu61ic Library. In addition to the local library sites, Gateways would also give access to Internet sites such as )~ELVYL (the University of California's Library catal!og), the Library of Congress and non-library specific sites such as the California Legislative Information data base. Finally, because Gateways mould be an option on the Library's main catalog, it could be accessed remotely. In other words, by dialing into the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library catalog, the public could peruse not only our holdings, but also via Gateways, search other library catalogs such as Ontario's or Upland's. RY. iy.a.'d-ba~e.pro R?-I 2t95 14 ~ 7. SOFTWARE, HARDWARE, OR TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT REQUEST (Duplicate this one-page form for each distinct item on #6) a. Request type (check one): __ Software X Hardware __ Telecommunications Equipment b. Specific description of the item to be purchased and its ex)sm: Codex 3270 t~odems ~ $1,400 c. Number of units of this type, where each would be housed, and total cost: d. Rdationship to overall pr~ect: Additional modems would be used as part of a "modem pool." (T~ere are six modems available at present.) These modems would work in concert with the ~ateways software, facilitating the dialing out to other library system's catalogs. RY. ly.a.'d.-~e.pro RI'-I d~ 15 State of California California Library Services Act CLAIM FORM 1994-95 Funds - Chap: 139, Statutes of 1994, il~m 6120-211-001 (d) Slatewide Data Base Linked Systems Projects (Educ. Code Sec. 18767) The claims the indieau:~d allowance for the purposes of carrying out the functions stated in Chapo~r 4. Article 6. Section 18767 of the Education Code, Section 20101 (b) of the Code of CaliJ'omia Regulatinra. [ herdmy certify under penmaky of penury: that the public library, public h~orary system or public library conso~ia named above shall uae this allowance solely for th~ purposes indicated above. Library Director or Syst~n Chairperson Typed Name of Signature Claim for Payment of Grant Claim of: Name of Authorized Library, SysU:m or Consortia Address: Datc: For: Amount Claimed: CERTIFICATION I hereby certify under penalty of perjury: that I am thc duly authorized officer of thc claimant herein; that claim is in all true, correci and in accordance with thc law and ~at paymcnt has not previously bcen rcccived for thc amount claimed herein. By Official Rcprcaentative of Fiscal Agent TiHc NOTE: Warrant to be issued for payment to bc addressed to: (Authorized Agency ~o r~ceivc, disbursc and account for CLSA funds) (Addr, r~s of abovc Agency) Approvals by State STATE LIBRARY BUDGET OFFICE BY: DATE: CLSA 71 - 2/95.1y 16 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DATE: April 6, 1995 TO: President and Members of the Board of Library Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF GRANT SUBMISSION: "ELECTRONIC LEARNING LIBRARY" RECOMMENDATION Approve grant submission requesting $9,500 in state funds. Summary of grant request attached. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS As stated in the attached grant application, approval of this grant would allow the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library to purchase two multimedia ready, IBM-compatible computers. and relevant CD Rom software geared to pre-school and elementary school-aged children. Budget impact: The only impact will be assuming the on-going maintenance costs of the CD Rom Mini-Lan. Estimated at approximately $300 per year. ~iy/''aye su~ '~~-~ Library Manager ~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIVIONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: March 29th, 1995 TO: Library Board of Trustees, FROM: Robert Karatsu, Principal Librarian SUBJECT: Grant Pronosal to Weingart Foundation The Library will be proposing a grant to the Weingart Foundation. The amount the Library will ask the Weingard Foundation for is $9,500. This is an abstract/overview of our proposal: "The Rancho Cucamonga Public Library is a municipally-funded public library. A single-site facility, it serves a population of approximately 115,000. In addition to providing traditional library services such as children's story times, regularly scheduled after-school programs, and providing popular reading materials, the Library is also committed to utilizing the latest in current library technology. It is the basic philosophy of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library that information in whatever format (i.e. online, CD-ROM, the printed page) should be made widely available to the people of Rancho Cucamonga. As part of its mission statement, the Board of Trustees of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library has adopted as the number role of the Library to be one of supporting school curriculum. With the decline of public school libraries (both on the elementary and secondary levels), the public libraries in California have had to assume the de facto responsibility to assist students of all ages with their homework assignments, curriculum support and leisure reading. The Rancho Cucamonga Public Library has accepted this responsibility, but at the same time realizes that it has limited resources to do the job necessary to help all students who come to the Library. The Library, with assistance from the Weingart Foundation, would like to establish a prototype Electronic Learning Library, which would utilize the latest in multimedia CD-ROM technology, to assist the students of Rancho Cucamonga with their school assignments. The Rancho Cucamonga Public Library would like to purchase two multimedia ready, IBM- compatible computers, and relevant CD-ROM software. These work stations would be geared specifically to pre-school and elementary school-aged children and their parents. The emphasis of these computers would be on materials to help with regularly assigned school assignments, reading and mathematics fundamentals. A third computer would be purchased and loaded with Kids Cat, an icon-based menu system which would give access to the Library's book holdings. Once these work stations are procured, Library staff will generate publicity via press releases and school visits announcing the availability of the new technology. Library staff will also arrange and schedule class tours that will emphasize the new and evolving library technologies that areavallable at the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library". CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: April 6, 1995 TO: President and Members of the Board of Library Trustees Jack Lam, AICP, City. Manager FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Manager SUBJECT: PROPOSAL FOR QUARTERLY REGISTRATION FOR STORYTIME RECOMMENDATION Staffreconunends thc Board approve adoption of quarterly registration plan proposed by staff. Staff recommends the Board consider thc issue of charging a minimum fee for storytimes. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On the quarterly registration plan: Since thc opening of the Library in September of 1994, children's progranuning has attracted a maximum of attendees. In the interests of securing for each child the best possible library experience, the attached proposal makes the following recommendations: 1) Following thc structure created by Community Services, offer storytimcs as a seasonal program, with 12 weeks in each session. 2) Offer three sessions: Wednesday at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. and Saturday at 11 a.m. 3) Limit attendance to 40 children only. 4) Require children to enroll. 5) Allow one week after each session for staffto plan, organize and make ready materials for the next session. Positive aspects of proposal: Will allow storytime area to be used for every session; will guarantee each child enrolled a place in the program; will maximize the value of storytime for attendees. Negative aspects of proposal: After maximum of 40 is reached, will not allow children to register until the next session--could be as much as 11 weeks later. Will require us to mm away children after we reach 40 limit. Will deny parents access to the storytime after the first session. On a registration fee: Following the concept of structuring storytimes after Community Services events, staff proposes the Board consider a fee of $5 per child per 12 week session. (Community Services presently offers a stnrytime session that includes a craf~ that charges $17 per child for a 5 week session.) If40 attendees enrolled, the library would garner $200. Dividing that amount per session, the $16.67 would cover the costs of a Library Assistants salary to offer the program, and would cover some preparation time as well. Positive aspects of the program: The major advantage would be the ability to add additional stoofdmes as needed to reflect demand. Costs would be covered by added enrollment as long as we had a minimum of 20 children. An additional benefit--if a parent wanted to pay the $5 for themselves, they could attend with the child. Negative aspects of the program: Having storytimes as a fee based service would be the only negative. (~spectfully submitted, r a Ydg 20 Storytime Plan for quarterly registration Given the growing attendance at Wednesday storytimes and the limited staff available, holding registration for quarterly sessions seems a reasonable solution to maintaining worthwhile storytime experiences for the children attending. We have outlined the following plan to begin registration for the summer quarter. I. Storytime will be performed by staffthree times a week, Wednesday at 10am and 1 lam, and Saturday at 1 lam. These 3 sessions could accommodate the number of children presently attending storytime. A. During the summer an additional storytime maybe performed by volunteers on Friday afternoons. B. The summer sessions will begin Wed. June 7, Fri. June 9 and Sat. June 10 and continue through Aug. 23, 25 and 26 respectively for 12 weeks. C. Each session is 12 weeks long for a total of 48 weeks a year with storytime not held for one week between each session. II. Registration for June sessions could begin the week of May 8 and close Sat. June 3. A. Registration would normally close the week before the quarter begins or when all slots are filled. B. No more than 40 children could register for each session. 1. Children must be at least 3 years old (and potty trained!) by the first meeting to register. 2. Chidren attending first grade would not be eligible to register 3. Parents, siblings or guests would not be able to attend. 4. No waiting lists will be maintained. If all 40 registrants do not attend one week, another child will not be able to attend. C. All registrations must be made in person in the children's room, no phone or mail registrations, and none accepted on Sundays. 21 D. When summer session ends, child must reregister to attend fall session. III. Publicity A. Publicizing these changes can begin immediately with flyers and posters in the library. B. Newsrelease to appear prior to the May date for opening registration. C. Registration for fall and subsequent sessions could appear in The Grapevine. IV. The sessions A. Each storytime during a week will have the same theme, books, and activities B. Permanent nametags will be made for each child registered which they may take home after the final session. C. A flyer will be available at the first storytime of a quarter outlining themes so that kids could wear a hat on "hat day". Book titles could be included for parents' info. V. Tasks A. Create registration form by May 4 B. Write newsrelease by April 25 C. Make flyers and poster by April 20 D. Determine themes, assemble materials by May 20 E. Make Week 1 Summer handout of themes for parents CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES AND COMMISSIONERS WORKSHOPS IN LIBRARY LEADERSHIP Restructuring Libraries March 11, 1995 · 92-93 Major budget cuts which dramatically hindered services. 75 percent of cities served by counties - public unaware - they thought cities did. · April '94 - Advisory board was in place and charged with examining the practices of libraries in California. · June '94 - Study began (task force) Task Force Recommendations: 1. State Constitution should place power of governance and financing with local governments which will enhance efficiency. 2. Libraries should be evaluated for efficiency and cost effectiveness. 3. Libraries should coordinate services with other agencies when missions will be enhanced or cost savings realized. 4. Libraries should be governed at local level, not state level. 5. State government library support should focus on statewide issues of cooperation and resource sharing. 6. Local jurisdictions which contribute funds to another local jurisdiction should have representation in the governance of that library. 7. Locally based, publicly funded library resources should be available to all library users regardless of location. 8. Local government should address libraries in the overall planning process of the community. 9. There should be n._~o further erosion of local government revenue for funding libraries as a result of state action. 10. Basic services should be free and available to all. 11. Local libraries should be able to charge for services above the basic level. 12. State should adequately fund a statewide system of inter-library cooperation and resource sharing. 23 13. State Constitution should enable local government to raise revenues for library services by a simple majority vote of the people. 14. Statewide dedicated funding source for the public libraries should be established. 15. Libraries should maximize the use of technology to provide information services to their users. Where to go From Here... · Much work to be done. · Needs to be passion for solution, like passion for the problem · Fee vs. Free... · Basic services should be free. The question/debate is what is basic? · Fees along, no matter how aggressive are not enough to mn a library. · Fees should be a local decision based upon the needs of the community. 24