HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993/07/14 - Agenda PacketCITY OF
JULY 14, 1993
7:00 P.M.
I. Roll Call
Commissioner Chitiea
Commissioner McNiel
Commissioner Melcher
Commissioner Tolstoy
Commissioner Vallette
Approval of Minutes
Adjourned Meeting of June 1, 1993
June 9, 1993
June 23, 1993
IV. Consent Calendar
The following Consent Calendar items are expected
to be routine and non-controversial. They will be
acted on by the Commission at one time without
discussion. If anyone has concern over any item,
it should be removed for discussion.
WILLIAM LYON HOMES. INC. - A request for a time
extension for a residential tract subdivision
of 10 lots on 124.76 acres of land to create
planning areas for future development of
Victoria Lakes South within the Victoria
Planned Community, south of Base Line Road and
east of the future Day Creek Boulevard -
APN: 207-161-35 and 38 and 227-171-03, 08, 20,
22, and 23. Associated with this project is
Tree Removal Permit 90-37.
development of a 5,362 square foot custom
hillside residence within the Very Low
Residential District (less than 2 dwelling
units per acre), located at 8933 Laramie Drive
- APN: 1061-801-05.
V. Public Hearings
The following items are public hearings in which
concerned individuals may voice their opinion of
the related project. Please wait to be recognized
by the Chairman and address the Commission by
stating your name and address. All such opinions
shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual for
each project. Please sign in after speaking.
request to construct a fast food restaurant
(with drive-thru) within an existing shopping
center in the Neighborhood Commercial
designation, located on the east side of Haven
Avenue between Highland and Lemon Avenues -
APN: 201-271-65.
VI. Public Comments
This is the time and place for the general public
to address the Commission. Items to be discussed
here are those which do not already appear on this
Commission Business
The Planning Commission has adopted Administrative
Regulations that set an 11:00 P.M. adjournment
time. If items go beyond that time, they shall be
heard only with the consent of the Commission.
July 14, 1993
Chairm~n and Members of the Planning Commission
Brad Bullet, City Planner
Steve Hayes, Associate Planner
- A request for a tim~ extension for a residential tract
subdivision of 10 lots on 124.76 acres of land to create planning
areas for future development of Victoria Lakes South within the
Victoria Planned Co~unity, south of Base Line Road and east of the
future Day Creek Boulevard - APN: 207-~6~-35 and 38 and
227-~7~-03, 08, 20, 22, and 23. Associated with this project is
Tree Removal Permit 90-37.
BACKGROUND= The City Council approved a conceptual area development plan for
the Lakes South Village area at their meeting of March l, 1989 (see Exhibit
"A"). The area development plan established planning areas, land use
densities, road aligTunents, street sections, location of park sites,
designation and location of a 2.9 acre site for development as a co-~unity
facilities site, and the m~ter plan for trails for the Lakes South.
Following approval of the village concept, a "superblock" Tentative Tract Map
was proposed to create larger planning areas for future development, which
would be subdivided further in the future for single family residential
development or a specific design reviewed in detail for multiple family
residential, commercial, or community facility development, as applicable.
This map, Tentative Tract 15060, was conditionally approved by the Planning
Commission on June 12, 199~.
The applicant, William Lyon Homes, Inc., is now requesting the first one-year
time extension of the Tentative Map in order to allow additional time to
record the final map. The State Map Act, Section 66452.6, allows for up to 36
months of extension. Extensions may be granted in ~2-month increments.
ANALYSIS: Staff has analyzed the proposed time extension request and has
compared the proposal with current development criteria as outlined in the
Development Code. Based upon this review, staff has determined that the
subdivision map still meets the land use plan for future development in the
City's General Plan.
FACTS FOR FINDINGS= The Commission must make the following findings in order
to approve this application=
July 14, 1993
Page 2
A.- There have been no significant changes in the Land Use Element of the
General Plan, Development Code, or Victoria Community Plan or character of
the area in which the project is located that would cause the approved
project to become inconsistent or non-conforming.
That the granting of an extension would not be detrimental to the public
health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or
improvements in the vicinity.
RECO~4ENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Convission approve the
first possible one-year time extension for Tentative Tract 15060 through
adoption of the attached Resolution of Approval.
Respectfully submitted,
City Planner
Attachments= Exhibit
Exhibit "B" -
Exhibit "C" -
Exhibit "D" -
Exhibit "E# -
Exhibit ~F" -
Exhibit "G" -
Exhibit "H# -
Exhibit #I" -
Exhibit "J# -
Exhibit "K# -
Resolution of
Site utilization and Lakes South Area
Development Plan
Tentative Tract Map
Conceptual Streetscape Plan
Street Sections
Victoria Park Lane Entrance
Church Street Entrance
Conceptual Gra~ing Plan
Phasing Plan
Tree Preservation Plan
Letter from A~plicant
Resolution No. 91-75
Approval of Time Extension for TT 15060
I'rEM: '7F/$'oO o
TrrLE: '~,-,+-A T,~
EXI'II~iT: // ~ SCALE:
18.3 ACRE8
~3~ AC~E$
rrEM: ~ fs-e(,o
/// ~
~TY 0~" '~'~ :C~O=C~CAMONGA
I'I'~ O1;'i 'R~;N "CI;I'O-'Cf~CAMONGA
~ 'TT 15'o~, o
/ ·
~ me ~c:m's /
'P,' O}"R~N<HO'¢dCA~ONG,~ rra~
4490 VON KARMAN, P.O. BOX 7520, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658-7520 .. (714) 833-3600 * FAX (714) 476-8604
June 8, 1993
Mr. Steve Hayes
Planning Depu~t,nent
City of Rancho Cucamonga
10500 Civic Center Drive
Rancho Cucamonga, C.: 91729
Re: Tentative Tract #15060 Extension
Dear Mr. Hayes:
I am hereby requesting that the approval of Tentative Tract Map ~15060 be extended for an
additional 12 months.
Enclosed is a check in the amount of $549.00 to cover the City~ fee for processing this extension
I would appreciate notification as to when this request will be plqc. ed on the Planning
Commission's agend~
Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you need any additional information, please
call me at (714) 476-5415.
Vice President
90-37, TO CR~.~'I~ PLANNING ~ t~OR ~ Dr~L~OPM~I~ OF
THEREOF - APNz 207-16~-35 and 38 and 227-~7~-03, 08, 20,
22, and 23.
A. Rec£tals.
The WillAran Lyon Company has f/led an application for the
approval of Tentative Tract Hap No. 15060 am descrtbmd tn the title of this
RosoXutAon. HermLna£tmr Ln this Resolution, the sub~ect Tentsteve Tract Hap
request An referred to am "the applecation."
(AA) On the 12th of June 1991, the Plmnntng Canalsseen of the Ctty'o£
Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed ImbXtc hearing on the applAcitton
and concluded saAd hea~tng on thio date.
(At£) All legal preroqutmAtem prior to the adoption of this RemolutAon
hive occurred.
B. RemolutAon.
NOW, 'Iq~q~IPORB, tt tm hereby £ound, detmrmLned, Ind resolved by the
Planntng ~Lmmton of the City of Rancho Cucamongm &m £olXowms
1. This Coostsetse henby mpm~L£tcalXy fends that ill of the facts
met £orth An the Recreate, PArC A, of thee RaseluCian a~e the and correct.
2. Based upon mubmtanttil evidence proemneed to them Comm£ssAon
during the above-referenced pubItc hea~tng on~une 12, 199X, tncludtng wr£tten
and oral staff :eporte, together etch pubItc teettmony, this C~amtss£on hereby
spectftcalXy finds am folloum~
(a) The application appltem to propor~y located south of Base
Lane Road, east of tim future Day Creek Boulevard, etch a Base Line Road
frontage of X,167 £HC and lot depth o£ 2,508 fmm~ and .,is presently
(b) The prOpmL~Cy to the noL~ch of the subject sate £8 an
existtee venery and mangle fmntly residences, the property to the south of
Chic leto consraCe of vacant land;. the propercy to the east to an ex£et£ng
church and vacant; and the property to the eeoc to vacant.
~une ~2, 1991
Page 2
(c) A concsl~cual area dsvelolxnsnt plan for the Victoria Lskss
South area including pr~n&ry and collector street locations, land uses, trail
locations and widths, and lakes' dss£gn was sdol~csd by the City Council on
Hitch l, 1989, and the proposed tentative tract mainreins consistency w£th the
previously spprovod plan; end
"superblock" parcels for future development, of which sspo~ate tentative tra~c
or development review spplicstions will be required for ~he future subdividing
~d/or d~e~n~ of each maa~er p~co~; ~d
(e) The proposed 25 scre Lot 2 centsatiates the development of
Victo~£a Lakes Park, which wss rsview~d and spproved by the Parks and
Recre&t£on c~nmission on August 17, 1989.
3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this COmmiSsion
during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of
facts sot forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Cstssion hereby finds and
concludes ss fellowes
(a) That tentative trs~c is consistent with the Genstel Plan,
Dsvelopemnt Code, and specific planm~ and
(b) The design or improvements of the tentsfive trsct Is
with the Genstel Plan, Development Code, and specific plans; end
(c) The site Is physically suitable for the t~ of development
proposed; and
(d) The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause
substantial environmental dosage and avoidable £nJury to humans and.-w£1dl£fs
or their hab£tat; and
(e) The tentative tr&c~ Is no~ likely to cause serious publ£c
health problems; and
(f) The design of the tentat£ve trac~ will not conflict with
any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access
through or use of the property with£n the proposed subd£vision.
4. Thio CeilliOn hereby finds and cir~lfiil that the project hal
been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Env£ronmental
~uality Act of 1970 and, fullher, this Commission hereby lllUll i Negative
S. Based upon tbe findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs
l, 2, .3, and 4 above, th£s C_----Lesion hereby approves the application subject
to each and eveL~ condition set forth below and in the attached Standard
Cond£t£ons, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
June 12, 1991
Page 3
Plsnnina Division~
Pursuant to provisions of California Public
Resources Code Section 21089(b), this
application shall not bo operative, vested or
final, nor will building permits be issued or a
map recorded, until (1) the Notice of
Determination (NOD) regarding the associated
environmental action is filed and posted with
the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the
County of San Bernardino; and (2} any and
required filing fees meleeBed pursuant to
California Fish and G~mo Code So.ion 711.4,
together with any required handling charges,
are paid to the County Clerk of the County of
San Bernardino. The applicant shall provide
the Planning Department with a stamped and
conformed copy of the NOD together with
recellfC showing that all fees have been paid.
In the event this application is dete~nined
exempt fr~u such filing fees pursuant to the
provisions of the California Fish and G~me
Code, or the guidelines pro.mlgated thereunder,
eXCel~ for payment, of any required handling
charge for filing a CeL~cific&te of Fee
Exeml~cion, this condL~ion shall ~ de~d null
The master tentative tra~c map is approved for
the purpose of creating smaller parcels for
future subdivision and/or development;
individual applications for subdivision and/or
development of each "super block' parcel will
be required.
The Jagged edges along the esstern edge of
ParCel VII Ihell be smoothed out to provide a
~re natural end gradual transition between the
future development on Parcel VII and the trail
system &long the western lake edge.
The landscape palette along Day Creek Boulevard
through Victoria may be slightly different than
the Day Crook Boulevard streetscape through the
Btiw&nda North area. A landscape design
consistent with the intent of the approved
landscape palette for Day Creek Boulevard in
the Victoria Community Plan should be utilized
with a donee hedgerow of fast growing,
Juno 12, 1991
flowering evergreen shrubs along the east s£do
of Day Crook Boulov&rd to protect debris from
bluing into the Southern Californl& Edison
Utility Corridor, os well ae to increase
screening of the Utility Corridor from public
vim. This hmdgor~ should also he continued
along the Gardens Loop, Bose Line Road, and
Church Streo~ as needed to the satisfaction of
the Planning Division.
The pedestrian pleas and vehicular intersection
at Vittorio Park Lane and Victor/& Gardens Loop
shall include ~ubstantial concrete interlocking
pavers, for ease of nmLntonanoe and a
decorative appearance. The final design of
this area shill be reviewed and approved by the
Planning Division and Engineering Division
prior to ~ap recordation.
Individual per~aetor th~ walls shall be
reviewed ae each individual tr&~c is processed
through the dmvmXopmmnt r~vl~ process.
The developmr shall provide all median
l~ndmcapLng and landscaping betwmmn the ~urb
and the front of the midmwolk with the prLumry
street conmt~uo~Lon and rough grading for the
project (phase 1). Details indicating those
requirements shall be provided on the street
improvement and rough grnding plane, which
shall be reviewed and approved b~ the Planning
Division and Engineering Division prior to the
issuance of a ~ough grading permit.
The sidewalk along the meet aide of Day Crook
Boulevard shall be deleted with the eXCelfelon
of prov£dtng a walk from the future bus stops
to the nearest intersections.
9) The applicant mhall select lendscape elements
from the Church Street median in Terra vista
for umm in the Lakmm South area to create
conslatency along the median.
10) A bicycle lane shell continue south on Victoria
Park Line from Boom Line Road to Victoria
Gardens Loop to provide a continuous connection
with the bike lane which exists noah of Base
Line Road.
~une 12, 1991
Page 5
On the legend for the conceptual ItrletlCal~
plln, the "12-foot pedestrisn/bicycle/Maergenc~
access" shall be changed to a "pedeet~ian/
e~ergency ACCelI."
The 8 foot pedestrian/bicycle trail along the
south pOL~:lon Of the middle lake ihmll not
continue on to the intersection of the
deccxnpoled granite path and the 12 foot
e~ergenc~ access. Initend, the 12 foot
podnifties/emergency aCtill Ihall continue in
ltl place.
A 12 foot wide pedestrian/bicycle path shall be
provided on the west side of the lakes rather
than the 8 foot path proposed.
Connections fr~n Blocks Ill IV and VZ! shall
be provided to the trail systilalong the l~kem
at the t~ae individual trac~ maps are
The eeltern side of the likll shall appear ala
natural edge enphslising the Ull of native
plant materials, rocks and boulders, to the
satisfaction of the Planning Division.
The final design of all bridges, fences, walls
and water elszests shall be revievid and
approved is each individual pro~ec~ withi~ the
L~kes South area is submitted.
Trail Connectclone and Landscaping shall be
provided between the regional center and
Victoria Lakes Park across the restaurant
parcels (Lots XV and Vl). The final design
shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning
and Engineering DiviilOnl and the Design Review
C~tttee prior to the recordation of the final'
The trail connection along Church Street,
between the Terra Vista and Victoria Greenway
Systems, shall be rev£owed and approved by
Southern California Edison and the Planning and
Engineering Divisions prior to issuance of
building permits.
Juno 12, 1991
Page 6
Enriched pav~nt crossing locations shall be
provided, as dotemined by the Planning and
Engineering Divisions during the plan check
Tree Removal Permit 90-37 lo hereby approved
subJoc~ to the following conditions in
accordance with the Tree Preservation
All unhealthy trees on mite, as identified
by the arborlot's ropoL~c, mhall be r~vod
and replaced with 1S-gallon Eucalyl~cus
Maculata (8po~ted Gum) trees at roughly
the same location as the rm--~ved trees.
All trees proposed to remain in place
shall be protected by fencing around their
perimeter d~lp lines. The. fencing shall
Planning Division prior to the issuance of
a rough grading permit.
Any wood infested with Longhorn Borer
Beetle shall be chipped, removed and
buried at a dump site or tarpod to the
ground for a min~mom of s~x months,
reinfeetim3 o~her trees or wood.
Approval of thin Tree Removal PoEmit No.
90-37 shall be viXld for a period of 90
days, sub~oc~ to ex~onoion. The 90 days
shall start: £~mn th~ date o£ final map
recordation or grading perm£tl, whichever
ccm# ~iret.
The Planning Division (and if applicable
Engineering Division) shall be contacted
within 30 days of the planting of the
trees to conduct on inspection.
include a master plan to address circulation
access to the Not A Pa~ l~rcol to the east and
June 12, 1991
Page 7
Enaineerino Division:
An in-lieu fee am contribution to the
undergrounding of the overhead utilities
(telecommunication and electrical) shall be
paid to the City prior to approval of the final
map. The fee shall be one-half of City's
adopted unit amount as follows:
For future undergrounding on the opposite
(noz~ch) side of Base Line Road from the
centerline of Day Creek Boulevard easterly
to the east bound~cy of Lot IX.
For future undergrounding noz~h of Lot X,
(south of Base Line Road) from the west
boundary of Lot X to 272 easterly.
For previously undergrounded utilities on
the north side of Base Line Road from the
centerline of Victoria Park Lane to 262
feet west of the. e&sterly property line of
Lot X.
For the previously undergrounded utilities
on the north side of Base Line for the
length of the frontage of Lot I.
Construct the following streets full curb-to-
curb width including street lights and median
llllndl al foilowl=
Base Line Road from Day Creek Channel to
Etiwanda Avenue, including sidewalk on the
south side from Btiwanda Avenue to
Victoria Park Lane.
b) Day Creek Boulevard from Base Line Road to
Foothill Boulevard.
c) Church Street (Miller Avenue) from Day
Creek Boulevard to Etiwanda Avenue.
Reconstruct the west half of the
Etiwanda/Church intersection including
sufficient width for left turn lanes and
sidewalk within the south parkway.
June 12, 1991
Page 8
Construct all parkway improvements
adjacent to the Southern California Edison
easement on Day Creek Boulevard (from Base
Line to Church Street), Base Line Road and
Church Street (Mille= Avenue).
Sidewalk on Day Creak Boulevard shall only
be provided from the bus stops to the
Construct all parkway improvements on
Victoria Park L~ne, Victoria Gardens Loop,
and the noz~ch side of Church Street
(Miller Avenue), eXCel~C per, ion from
Victoria Gardens Loop to Etiwandm Avenue.
The developer shall be eligible for fee
credits against ~nd re{m~ursement from the
transpo~ation development. fee for the
port£on of the improvements determined by
the City Engineer to be of supplemental
size, Length, or capacity over that needed
for the impacts of th£s development, in
conformance with City policy.
egra~nt to recover the cost of
constructing off-site street ~mprovements
not otherwise reimbursed ae specified
above, fro~ futura development/
redevelopment &s it occurs on adjacent
The minimum curb leperetlon for Victoria Garden
Loop (west side of the lake to Day Creek
Boulevard) shall be 44 feat. The parkway width
shall be 14 feet adjacent to the park end 12
feet wide on the oppolite lite of the itreet.
COmplete the items necessary to accomplish the
relocation of Day Creek Boulevard to the west
side of the southern California Edison easement
Tha vacation of tha unimproved Portion on
tha east side of said easement batween
Foothill Boulevard and Church Street
(Miller Avenue).
June 12, 199!
Page 9
b) Obtain the approval for and relocate the
Edison easement easterly as necessary.
Construct traffic signals at the intersections
of Base Line Road/Day Creek Boulevard, Church
Street (Miller)/Day Creek Boulevard, and
Foothill Boulevard/Day Creek Boulevard. The
developer shall be eligible for fee credits
against and re{m~ursement from the
Transpor~ation Development Fees for the
construction of the traffic signals beyond
those needed to mitigate the impacts of the
development, in conformance with City policy.
Vacate the portion of Old Base Line Road
located north of Lot X and negotiate in good
faith with the adjacent property owner,
Nabisco, Inc. (APN 227-111-27) to provide legal
ItCIll from Ball Line to the Diamond property
(APN 227-171-21) or quit claim all rights to
any property that would rever~ to Lot X
following a future street vacation.
Drainage facilities shall be constructed
generally as proposed in the approved
preliminary drainage study. Drainage
facilities may need to be added, altered,
extended, or SiZll modified in the final
analysis. In addition, the facilities shown as
twin 96-inch diameter R.C.P. may not be
accel~cable in the final analysis and the
reconstruction of the existing channel parallel
to the freeway may be necessary.
The paleo lhO~ between Lots Ill and IV shall
be labeled Lot A.
Victoria Lakes Circle shall be eliminated as a
public street and shown as a part of Lot IX.
The driveway shall be 50 feet in width with
20-foot drive aisles and a 10-foot center
median or al otherWile approved by the City
Day Creek Channel shall be operational prior to
release of any occupancies.
Decorative pavement to be constru~ed within
the public right-of-way shall be approved by
the City Engineer.
June 12., 1991
Page 10
12) All public improvements shall be constructed
with Phase I.
Co~unitv Services DePartment
Completion of the approved park on Parcel I!
shall occur prior to occupancy of the 500th
unit and prior to issuance of building permits
for 501st unit.
Rancho Cuc~monaa Fire Protection Dlstrict~
All pathways leading to or adjacent to the
lakes shall be 12 feet wide, all weather
driving surface, cap,hie of supporting 70,000
GVW of fire apparatus.
The land bridge located between the noah lake
and center lake shall meet the requirements of
Item Number 1).
Vehicular access to paths leading to or
adjacent to the lakes shall have engineered
approaches complying with established Fire
District standards.
Turf blocked access at tha northwest lake
perimetar shall ba constructad as to provida
turning radiuses of 21 feat inside and 47 feet
5) Vehicular access paths shall haver 14-foot
vertical cla&rancal.
If accals paths ara to be locked, blockad, or
othlNlll rlltrictld, a Knox entry system or
padlock shall be furnished.
Each lake shall ba furnished with a boat
launching/racovery ramp, located from the side
with the concrete paths.
A minimum of two points of access shall be
provided at all times to the entire lakes
6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption
of this Resolution.
June 12, 1991
Page 11
· Lar .~rman
ATTE7 Br w~ar~
I, Brad Bullet, Secretary of the Pla~n£ng Co~miesion of the City of Rancho
Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and
regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Co~mission of the
City of Rancho Cucamonge, at a regular meet£ng of the Planning Co~mission held
on the 12th day of June 1991 , by the following vote-to-wit:
~ ae~ c~ ~ ~ of ~.
2. D~velo~,,~.,4/DeltgnRlvlewlhllllm~pdm'l~ / / ._./ /
3. Ap~of TenlltMTrl=No. ilglmlll~l~l~thel~lmvlloi .~/ I
S. Prior to r~,c~,dallotl o~ the fl~ map ol' the to~uan~e o~ IDuiklkt0 ~, ~vgr ~s ~/
f~l. ~,~ ~ ~
FSdlaM D~, t~ ~ M, In ~ 'Ic;,. ~, ~ W ~ ~W M tm
d~ h~ ~ ~ I ~l ~ F~ ~ ~ ~ ~ from
sc - 2/91
I o( 12
This cxmditton shall Ix waived ~ the ¢~ receives notice that the aliicant and all affected
school ~ have entered into an agreement to pdvateiy ac~onmmclate any and all school
impeot8 is a re.lit of thM pro~K:t.
6. Pdor to reoorda~on of the final map or prior to issuance of building permRs when no map is
· involved, maten cenmcatlon from the affected wa~er distdot that adequate sewer and water
facilities are or will be avalla~e to serve the pro~ pmjeot shall be submitted to the
Department of Community Develolxnent. Such letter must have been issued by the water
district within go days prior to final map approval inthe ~ of subdivision or pdorto issuance
of penMs in the rase of all other msldenUal projects.
__/ /
program, and grading on fie In the Planning Division, {he conC:l~.~ corlalned heroin,
Develolxnent Code ragure, ~
/ /
2. Prior to any u~e of the pmleot site or mM ic~vity being oo,,.,JKld thereon, all __/
ConditioM of Approval shall be compWted to tim eZ~/%'tl~n ofthe Clly Planner.
3. C.:=:~panc~oftbefacillyshallnotcommer~eunlll~uc~ttimemallUnilormBuildingCodeand ~
State Fire MamMrt {._.J,. :&;r~. heve beencomlXledwlh. Pdorto~, iXan~ shall
be 8ubmlUad to the Randto Cur. lmcmgl fire Pr(Xeotion DilMGt Ind the Building Mtd Safety
Revisedsitepiamandbuik:llngelevadonlk'x=c,,~;,,. l',k]dC~xJlion~ofAppmmllshallbe _.._/
suUmat~ for Cay I=lanner review mxl al~uva{ IX~to Wuanco of bua~lng pem~.
v~ 5. AIIsite, grading, landacalme, i~gation, amla~Nt&,Oev&,..nll~n~shallbee~,~?'tatcdfor ---/
building, ~,.), o~ IX~' to final map aplxuVal in the ca~ of a cu~um IM mj~livt~n, or
8plxovld Ul~ h~ 00..,.11~ Id. W~;t I~lr (~x~tei firlL ..
~ 6. Al~xovMofthMmqueillhlilnmwMveoM,~'-~iwi~llllemk~loftheDevek~mem --/
Code. II o~er ~p~-~11 Cty ~ Ind :~'l.f; '11 Communly ~ m' ,t~4citic
PW kl eff~ I~ the time M Bljding FroTim Mirarite.
~ 7. Adetailed~ll~lXarlshall13emvlewedamlN~l~ the Clly Pllnnerand /
She~'s L~F~ b,L".i (9ee-M1 i) pdM k) the imw~e M ~ petalre. SuGh pmn sh~i
In~WIl~l, IUW J, Itl~11, II~dmMhQdof Ihlek:l~ lellnoflo Idvlrsely
affect IdJlolfil I:h~.pld:11
8. Ifnocl. 4,-" :dtralhn(apldllamlxovidad, altrl~hplck-upilall beforlnclvidullunits
wtth all rl;li:tl~il shilkled froin publi~ vW. ..
9. Trl~hfKePllcle(s)l~lrlqulradlndlhlllmeMCly-lB~=- Oil. Thefinllcl~gn, QUons,
.andlhlnumbMoflfllh ,~:11,llfill IhlllbllUl:ltlclto ClyPllllnlr rlvtlwll~d II:q)n:)val
10. All grourld-mouflad utllly aRXlllenances sucll II ~,,ic~.. AC cofic~n~.,,. etc., shall
be located out of public view and adequately ~cmenad tNough the ute of a combination ot
concrete ~ ma~orvy wal~, bem~ing. and/or lanclacal~ to the sateaction of the City
11. Street names shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval in accordance witl~ .~/ /
the aciolXed Street Naming Policy p~tor to al~)roval of the final map.
12. All building numi~rs and Individual units shall be identified in a clear and concMe manner,
including proper illumination.
v//13. A detailed plan indicating tra# widths, maximum slopes, physical conditions, fencing, and
weed control, in accordance w#h City Ma~te~ Trail drawlngl, shall be ~ulxnitted for City
Planner review and aplxoval Ixforlo appnwal and reoOlClMion of the Final Tract Map and
to aPlxOValof street improvement and gredlngplana. Deveioper $hel upgrade andconstnJct
all trails, including fencing and drainage ~, in conjunction with ~tmM improvements.
/ /
14. The Covenants, Cond#ion~ and ReStdGtions (CC&R$) litill not probib#the keeping of equine
anitaale where zoning requirements tot the keeling of ~ anitaale have been met. Individual
lot ownera in lulxIivleiorl shall have the olXion of keaplng lalcl Inimallwithout the nsceldy
of aplxalklg to boards of directors or ho.J=wr~.=' --I(x~tk)na for Imendmentl to the
15. The Covenants, Conditions, and RealltCtion~ (CC&RI) and Attide~ of Incoqx)ralfon of the
Homeownem' Aelociation are aul~ to the al~ of the ~ and EnginNdng
Divisions and the Cly Attorney. They shai be reefclad conmnenay W the Final Map or
__J /
16. AllpadoNayl, opln ImM, andllndl-~o~.nglhll be pl,,,,-'~:JUt,,,v'it~-'.tc.'l bythelXopelty
landscape maintenance shall be luWnltted IM CIy Planner and CIy Engineer review and
__/ /
17. Solar a(=cl~ easemer~ shall be dedicated foe the ixJqmll of a~uming that each iot or
dwelling unit Ihal have the rtgM to rlcMve lunligN actual IdJaeenl ~ or unl~ for use of
a sollr Inefgy lyltem. The t~ll.,j.~l nmy be W in i Ol~,t: l~n of Rlll~t~lions for
the sulxlivt~ion wNclt aM# t~e rM:o~}ed m~euffent~/MII~ I~e ¢~ a.~ ,~n ol the !lrml map or
i~uance of permJtl, wl':Dhl~ir cornel fk~ The .,~c ,~1.~ M ~hM me cMang of
sm~r oNere, ixnuam k) C~¥~t~p.,J.v Code Section
18. The I:XO)Kl m · dll~gl~ lid HilIxIcM Llndmllt~. The llil M be dl'4~pld and
n~JntlJned in K ;;.~1~4 MIh the ~ Lindreek Alelira1 ~ No.
C. BuiMIng DMIgn
An aJternative energy system is required to im)vlde M hot wlW for all clwelling units
and for heating any uA,.,dng pool or spa, unleM MhM altemllive energy syalems are
time M in,ill .CllviL~,J:i M be I~11,,: 1.111d will1 ~ol~ hllling. DMMil Ihlii be
included in the buildtng pllnl and Iha# be lubm#ted lot Cly Fllnnef review and alexoval
2. All dwelling~ shall have the front, side and reit elevatiMm ~ w#h architectural
tmatrne~, dMailing and incma~ecl delineation of ~uHac~ traMmerit auNec~ to Cly Planner
3. Standard patio cover plans for use by the HomeMvners' Association ahall be submitted for .~/ /
City Planner alnd Building Official review and a0pr0val prk)r to issuance of bullcling permits.
D. PaWing and Vihic~iar M (indicate detalia on building pllne)
1. AllpaWinolotiancllcl~l illandlihallhivelminimumoutlide~n(dGfeetand~ait
contain i 12-inch wak IKijicont tO the pmtdno Itlll (incluclin0 cult)).
Textured pedlltdl~ pathwiyl and rexlured p~vtmm~t m drcuiaUon ~ M be
provided throughout the,devalo~,~,, 4tO m:mnect~mWngl~ with open epices/
plazai/rec, reMionM ua~.
pawing ~ shall be double SbilXcl per City Itondal~ and ai (kivewiy aims,
emrancee, and exb ahel be striped per City sWld~dl.
/ /
__/ /
.._/ /
4. Aiturdtaahelllxpmvidedwithoar10eciooropenerllfddviwly~lm ieMthln18feet in ~ I
ck~Xh from U~k o~ sk~wl~
S. TheCovenlnia, CordtJoniandRaAk, lio~ltalrem~cttheitmlOeO~mcmltionaJvehiolse ----/,, /
on thl8 s#e unleM they Im the pdncil)11 mxJ~e M b J~r roll :'nn Io~ the owner and pmhi)il
parking on intemr circuiation IIIMI (XhM thon In dilate'did viiifix ~ ~re~.
6. Plan~forany~gate~mlbemb~tedlortheClyPtmmer, CltyEnginonr, and ---/ /
Rancho Cuc~mongl Fire Prolec~on Distrial roysaw Ind IINXOvli pdOrlO lllumv:4 M building
E. i -~Cll'~plng (for publicly mintMned 11/t;11G t; I Ilil, Itfg Io 9titlolt N.)
permits or i:nx finll mlp W in the tale o( I cullom iat !~b ~It~en.
~/' 2. Eximingtmllrlq,irldtobti~,llrVldinploltlllbllnttadMhl~itn~;ti~nW ..--/ /
in acmrdamewlmlhe MmidpiCode 6actira 16.0~.110, and m) noted onthegrading plans.
The iocMkmMIhoMIrNItObep, illrVldinpiaoe Ind newloMtionlfo~trln~ianted t~
ahalbelhownonlhecIiIMI-'~f :~rlpllM. Thell:MM~Mfolowdottheld;QHst'a
3. Aminimumd trNipergmMlae,(x.,~'lKIollhelc)lovdnglizes, shMI0epmviclecl ---//
within the Plolecl: %. 48- inch box ot larger. %. 36. inch box or i~3er.
__ % - 24- inch box (x IIqlM, %- 15-galon. and
4. A minimum ol % of treel planted witNn the prelect ahli be apldmen size tree~ -
24-inch box or irgM.
L/'6. Withlnpmtdnglots, tmel ehall be planted at arateolone 16-galkmtrNIorevery three
parking stalll, ~ to ~hade 50% ol the IPmking Iml It re)lit noon on August 21.
/ !
/ /
SC - 2/91 4 of t2
6. Trees shall be planted in areas of public view adjacent to and along structures at a rate of one
tree per 30 Iineer feet of I~ildlng.
7. A#pdvlteslopebenksSfeetorlessinver~lcall~eigntandof5:l orgreaterslope, putles-,trmn ~ /
2:1 slope, shill be, at minimum, irrigated and 18ndm~lped w#h KQI)fopdate ground cover for
erneicn cornmi. Slope planting required by th~ ~ctbn shill include a p~mlnent iffig~icn
system K) be inslllled by t~e developer pdor to cocuplncy.
AIIprtvateslopesinexnessofSfeat, botlesstl~nBfeet Invertic~ll~etgNandof~:lorgreater ---/ /
slope shall be land~ and irdgated for erosion control and to soften their ippelmnce as
follows:one 15-g~llon or I~rger size tree 1=w II~h 150 Iq. It. 0t slope itel, 1-gillon or larger
size slvub per e,~ch 1 O0 ~. ft. of sicpe ere~. m~d qX)fopdie ground cove. In ~clclllion. slope
5-gallon or I~rger size tree per ~ ~)0 sq. It. ol Ilopt ~ Treel Ind ~ shill be
sectkin shd indudl I pe.,,11~l. 4 intglllon lyatern Io be inatllld by tbe dlvll~ pdor to
9. For $ingle flmily residentllldcvelop,~l:d, illllol:~pllntinglndirdglltonshlllblcontinu- ~
oully mlintlined In I belllhy and IIYIving condition by the dlvlloped'urlil tlOh Indlvidull un#
L// 10. FormullHm~lymsidemilllndnon-resldem/I.d,vel~,,,s;d, pmpeftyownemamrespon- ---/ I
11. Front yird 18ndeclping 8hll be re(Nimd per the De~4top.,,ent Code and/or ~
al~:)rovll and(:~x,~l'~_lld foroor I%llrk. f wlifllltypldiWly liftill- ~r k%lpllnwttich rely be
required by the Enoi,we,~g Oivlek~
1// 14. Landacyk'101~dkdglllo~lyltlmlrlqukldlobeimtlllldwtN~thtpublodOht-ol-wlyon __./
the perVnll~oflNI Ixt)jl(=llm Ihll be coflJftuoully. ~"r-':ld bylhl di~ltoplr.
l$.Afiwaleahdbel~OVidedwlthdeco~ ,!.etmatmerl. ffiocatedinpublc,,,-'r~r,-,tceaream, ~
the design ehal be coo~11naled with the Cngineedng OIvleioo.
F. S~gn~
The e~gm indicted on the .ulxnitte~ plarm am concel~al only and not a ~n ~ thi~ aiX~oval.
Any signs proposed for thi. clevelopmem ~all comply with the Sign Ordinance and shall
require ~eparlte N~#cation and approval by the Planning Division prior to installation of any
2. A Uniform Sign Program for this development shall be submitted for City Planrmr review and
aPlXOVal prior to m of building pMmi~.
3. Oirec~o~ monument slgn(s) shall be pmvtd~ for ~oartmenl, 0onclomirdum, or townhom~
prior to occu;mncy and sMII require separate ,'~pll::t~n anti Ipproval by the Planning
Division pdor to m of building pem~iW.
G. Environmental
_./ /
The developer shall ixovide each proa0eottve buye~ written notlo~ of the Fourth Street Rock
Crusher IXO#Ct in a ~ tomml a~ ;llt~:,,.~,.d by the City Pla~n~r, prior to aoo~i~ng a
cash deport on any pmpMty.
The developer s~al provkle each I~pe_~'e Uuyer w~t~n noUoe ~ the Cly A~pted
,~ SludMs Zont fo~ tl~ Rod HIll Fault, M I Itandl~ forest Is ~Mem~ln~l by tl~ City
._/ /
The c~,valopar shall powide each I~,.,;a tire buyer written notice of the Foothal Freeway
project in a randam 1o,,m ,- M¢e.,,Jmd bytm ely Promet. ;rkx to accepting acaah
4. A final acoustical report sl~all 1=e sulm~ed Ior CId/Planner review and approval pdM to tile
mum of ~ildlng pemdm. ~ ~ r~ ~ ~ Ifm I~vE4 M ~mtor noise
__/ /
~/' 2. Emergencym~allbelamvid~mainWtMtoelrNaaddNr, a mmo126feetwide ---/ /
at al time~ dUrklg ~ in a;::.,~-,~ wlh Ram~ Cu~ ,~orr~ Fire Protection
Diltrk~ r_., ~:,,
/ 3. Prlortoill11~ollxddMgplml~kx'o~txilll~cl~lllMctk~,~ Ih~lbe __/ /
sulxrdt~ k) the Rancho ~ Fire P~,A._~ 0 n DieMot th/ta .,qx., ~/wmr.upply for
_./ /
Iocltiofi of roll Ix)xtl. MUIi-flfi1Ily rll~ll.iV.~lVIM~.,J.il Ihll pQvtdl · Ioki ovlflld
to the Woance of IxlildlnO penWtL
For i~ u~ng se~ tank facies. wfitWt .ceftin: '~n M ~, ~ all /
Tam Pe~s, ~ ~ W m M ~ ~
eof,2 ~ ~ I
I. Site DevMopment
ordin~'loe~, ~ reguWUon~ in effe~ ~l the time ol i81uInoe of relmJve ~nn#s. please
contact the Building and S~fety Dlvislon fo(, coplel ol the Code AdolXion On:finance and
2. Prior to i~m,lln~e M building pen'~ for a new resiclenU~ citing unl(8) or fTmJOr addition ~ /
to exMtk~g un#(I), ~e ~ ~h~l p~y.dl~'ela p:,~.al fNI lithe I_:-~ ??lhid rMe. ,tuch fees
may ir~, but ire not lirrdled to : C#y Belut~ Fee, Pld~ Fee, DrlJnige Fee, Syltems
Devek)pmem Fee. Permit and Plan Checkklg FN~, and ~m)M Feel
3. Prk)r I~ IMulnce ot buCcirig perrob/or · new ocm.,J.,.'-' ~r Indul~M divek~.Jnt or ..._/ I
~SditJon to an exi~ing developmerl, the ippicim M ply developnmm !ee~ At the
e~lMIhed rMe. Such feel n~y k~dude, bM Ire nM VJl~ed k): ~/11eml Ol~,lL~,~:~d Fee,
Drainage Fee, School Feel, Permil and ~ Olteokl~ Fee~.
4. Streetm:ldreBeeesMIIbeprovidedbytheB4JdinoOffk~,dterb ~¥~.;Imlpre~ion .__/ /
and prior to issuance of building peTnil.
J. Existing ~tructuree
,- 1. Provide complMnce with the Un#orm Bugdlng' Cocle IM the properly fine confidedrig use, Iml, Incl lke-millivemll of ~illing buildlngl.
2. Ex~ngbu,cingllhllbemldi~)(x~Fiyw~(wn~lb~ldklglndzc~ngmgu~k)nsk~r ---/ /
the Iraended ule ortho buildlnO IhlJI be .dl.,Whl~
3. Exming~ew~gedlepaMJfKilleemmlbemmoved. fledmWorempedtOmml~wimthe ~J /
UMo~n Plumbing Code m~l Un#orm Building Code.
4. UndM~orl-dleuIglUlllretoblloglledlrldlllOWIIMIbuikJlgpll/11 mJbmWclfor _._/ /
bui~llng pern~ 'vplic t:Dn.
K. Gilding
~/ 1. O~d~gMthe~mMK~pm~4nyMbeinlc;o..~-~MhmeUMmmBui~ngCode, Cay ~ ,
I/' 2. Aso.ewlhllbepmpemdbyaqualifiedenginemlicemedbytheStateofCalUomlato --/ /
pMfofm lueh wad~.
3. The cllvilof.,j.~llllocltldwlhintheloleroeioneoflrolboundldll;aSoiDtilurbance __./ /
4. Ageologicalrepmlshall)eprepamdbylqualifkldengineMmgeologietandsubm#ted at
the time M ~q~c~n for grading plan check.
~ 5. Thefinalgradingplansshallbemm~edandal~pdorloleaoanceofbuikangperm~s
/ /_
~. AS ~ custom-lot 8ulxlivision, the folfowing requirements shall be met:
e. Sumtyshlliloepoetadandanagreementexecutedguaranteeingcomplet~nMalloms~e .i/ , /
drainage frail#es necessary for dewatering all i:mmMs to the satisfaction of the Building
and Safety Divisfon pdorto final m~p approval rand prior to the is84JinCe of gridlng permits.
b. Appmpdme eramerits for sate disposal of chainage warn' that are conckJctad onto
or over adjacent pameis, are to be delineated and recx)cded to the _-,,t~t_:ion of the
c. On-site dmirmge irnlxovemenm, neceeMry for ¢;wat.ring m'lcl r,'Mecling the rubdivided
prol~dle~, am to be Iratilled pdor to ismrace of building pefm#s for consbuclfon upon
anypemM thlt mlyhe 8ubJe~lodminlgeflow~enledng, islving. orw#h~al)m'cat
relative to which a building permit is requeatecl.
_..J /
._./ /
__/ /
allemlltvemathedoferoeiond=M~bol ihllbe~c.,~,~UlldlO~ee lJ~'~ t:Qnofthe Building
CXfiGM. In iddlfon a p..,,,-':,;d Intgatfon eyreera M be pmvidl(L 'rhit rK~ktment
does r,o( ~ the ~Bdi0p0r fn)m (X)ffq~ wire Ihe ~ pls~b~
requimmenls d Sec0on 17.08.040 1 of the Dovabp.,J.d Code.
I.. Dedlcl#on Ind Vehk=ullr &Kiel
SC - 2/01
.._/ /
. for MI ~ atmMs or ddveL
.foetwidlKIdwlytv':.,J.liMbtmade .--../ / ...
4. FLY)-vlh:cJl--Ix~lllhllbeM ~:l~d IolheClylMthelolioMMig/mMl:
S. RecipmcII I~esS euemems s~l ~e pmvk~ emudng ~cess to 111 plrMII by CC&Rs ~ /
bulking penT~, where m nmp i ~.a~ ~2~ ~ L~
6. Private draimige ea~ernents for cross-lot drainage shall be provided and shall be delineated
or noted on the final map.
7. The finll romp ~ clearly delineate a 10-foot minimum I~Jilding remdctlon area on the
neighboring lot adioining the zero Io! line wall and contak~ the following language:
'~/Ve I~ dadOate to tl~e City of ~ Cucamonga tl~ ~ to pmttit~t
constn~tk~ of (residential) twadings (or otl~er structures) v~tl~in those areas
on ~e ma9 as building re~,-~on areas. ·
A maintenance agreement shall aleo be granted from each lot to the adlammt lot througl~ the
~// 8. AJlexletlngeaeementslyingwithinfutumdgNl-ol-wlylhlllblqu~m'clelineatedon ---/ /
the finll rolO.
~" 9. Eaeement~forpubllc sJdewaksand/orsir~ltmeaplaosdoutsidethepuln#cdgN-of-way ._./ /
turn lane, a parallll sirlet INc ~ ca#merit Ihd I)t providld.
11. 'rhe4~.:vilop mr Ihlll mak~ a good tailh ~gort Io Icxluirl the r~quirld off-lie pro)Perry ~MeStl ---/
rm(~laaP/1o ommUuct the required pub#0 h,....,~1., lale, and I hl/ehe Ihould Id tO do ~o,
the ,dsv~l~plr shall, at leaIt 120 dlyl I:xtor to mJtmdtti d the IInll mlp lot Ipl:xovll, enter
into an aO, ie.,.l~d to (x)nT)Wte the k,~.,/~.l.,~l.lli pmlulnt Io Cbsvl.,w,~l.'a. Code Section
Such .~G el:,, !.d sha# pa)vldl Ira, plymerit by the dl ~laplr of II COIII InmJnwd by the City
to Iciqukw the off-I#e property inletill rlclulrld In O~'ln ! ~lc n w#h the lulIxlvtlklfi · SeCuritY
for Ii portk)fi cd W COOTS I1~11 b4 in the fore1 c4 1 ~11h dipoil In the gllOUnt given in u
apprmimal repod obtaingcl by the Wr, at.di ~i!oplt'i col. Ttte apl~adger M hmve
been al~ by the City ps'k~ Io r.G,,.,~l~a.,~i.~l 01 the aR)mial.
1. AIIl~h,~)vl.,~lrlll(l~ltrllW, dllil~fld~ll#,Q(XlVlludlytrlill, plllot, .. --../ /
land~ amae, elo.) ahown on the plme and~o~ ternalive real) ehll I~ oreretracted to
City SLIM. Intldor I#111 k,,k.~.Yl,,~l;dll Ihii W. I~ Irl I1~ Brailid Io, curb and
Notel: (.) Median i~and includes I~ndscaptng and imgatlon on met~. (b) Pavement
reconstmc~ion and overliys will be determined during plan check. (c) If ao mml<ed, side-
walk shall I~ ourviiinear per $TD. 304. (d) ff so ma~ked, an in-lleu of construction fee shall
4. Irr~mvement p14ms ~
a. Street Improvemere pm~ incdud~ ~treet trm and stre~ ~ht~, Ixepare~ by a regis-
tered Civil Engln~r, ~ be m~l=m#t~l to and approval by ~e 0~/Engin~er. Secud~/
Pmi,~ .~o.:7"7'/,-~'~& 0
._../ /
con~molion pen'n# ~ I~ ol~in~l from the Oily Englrm~s ~ In addilion to any
other permlW mquimd.
__/ /
c. Pavemerl rodping, marking, traffic, aa'eet name clotting, a~d Ime.~orre_: concluit
sl~11 be insruled I~ the ~mid~ of the City Engineer.
_../ /
.._/ /
street ~t 3 fe~l out~cM of BOR, ECR or Inyolhef k)oliml Ippfovid by irm City ~.
(1) All pul box. dall bl NO. 6 unllll oth~ Wild bythl Cly Engt~.
(2) Condu, shal be 3-klch galvaniz~d etNI with pul~.
W~NI ~l~lir mrnl~ .~1 I~ ImWl~ on d 1our oom~m ol ~ i~r CIly
Standram oru clir~.cl ~the Clly Enginefl.
__/ /
__/ /
5. Sb'ell ihq~lO.l.,~i.d pillll ~ Cly ~'-'1~"11' ~'ll fol'il pdvlll ml11~lbll)l~)vtdld for
review and appmvl b/the Cly Erlgineff. Pdortoany wod~bdngpe,t~,,.,clonme pd-
Engk~ee, Offk~ in addWon Io any oth~ pemla tlquimd.
6. Street tr~e8, I m~dmJm of l$.gaJon liZe or la~g~., ahd I~ inllkd m C~y $Wndlrd8 In
a.;~lanc~ with th~ Cl~l ~tm~t true I~ogram.
IO of 12
V/ 7. Intersection line of site designs shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance
tree e~lmem.
~ 8. A pem~c~4~ II~ c~;~, from CA/TRANS Io~ Irly wo~ wlhln the foilroving right-of-way:
9. All I~ imlxovemen18 on the folowing ~ M lie ,o1~1., t'on-~' oomplMe pdor to the
isaulnc:e of building permits:
_.J /
__/ /
__/ /
._../ /
_._/ /
N. Pul)IM I~lnlln-q~l
2. Asigneclconserl~clwiverfomttoloMincL'ocformthe r;.~31~tltet m,~Cll~fp~ mtdLighting
O~trcts mmi~e file with the ely Engirmer IMOttofin~lmK)~mv~lor imum~e ofixJilc~g
perrrds wl'~'.'~lvlr occurs timt. Fc,,,,V'= n c=4~ ~ be borne by Ihe.d~l~plr.
3. AIImquireclpul~iolm' ~.:~",tg mtcllrdg~ion~mlem~ M~llbeom111nummlf n~ilMne~bythe
clav81~:p,r umil m:loeplecl I=y the City.
__/ /
42. Drainage ~ FMod
pmtecl~ mN~um s~l ~e ~K~Wl m c~aecl ~y a r&,~l.i~ C~4 EngmM
8 )vecW/m Cly Engmec
nece~Mrympmll, pl~nl.~ndhlJ~cg~l~k ufa =~'~/a~larL ACo~Lelle~
of M~p Rev~lon (Ct.OMR) sMI be oM~r~ Irom FEMA Ix~or to I~1 m~) ~1~v~ o~
~ulnce M ~dlclng plmdl, '~f';hiv~r occurl IklL A LMIMM MI~ ~ (LOMR) ~a,
be ismJed by FEMA ~ k) cccupln(,f M i.~,.vl.,:lal ~c;I,~- ~1, .M J;hivir oocum first.
A final ~ ~dy 8h~ll be mlu~dUed to ~nd ~lR)rov~d by tl~ Cly Enok~ i)dor Io final
map approvM or the iuu~n~ of building pernlra, whichevw o~ arm. All dmlrmge
facililM ~ I~ instlMd Is r. quim<l ~ tl~ Clly Englm~.
11 a~'!3
/ /
Y/ 4. A pertall from the Courlty Flood Control District is required for wod< within its right-of-way.
I/ 5. Tree! aim pn:)hib#ed wahin 5 feet of the outside diameter of any public storm drain pipe
meaaured from the outer edge of a mature tree trunk.
V/ ~ 6. Public storm drain ea~,~.4s shall be graded to (x)nvey overflows in the event of a
blockage in · lump ratch balin on the pub#c street.
p,,i,~ No..:7'T'/.~O & o
/ /
/ /
__/ /
y/' 1. Provide separate utility 8ewice8 to each pan:el including sanitary sewerage system, water, .__//
gas, electftc power, telephone, and cable'rv (all underground) In a-:~:.rdance with the Utility
Standards. Easoments shall be provJdod as required.
2.The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities a~ nece~ary. __/
3. WatorandoowerpMf~shlllbodos~lndeofietllJCtOd tomoMthoroquJroment8oltho --./
Cucamor~l County Water Otltdct (CCWD). ~ ~ Fire ProtoctJon DIstrtct.
and t!~e [~[,~Ol[ HellIll DII~' b, !.~l M ~ Co~fily ol ~ b.,- ~:l~1o. A I~M' M '
whichever o~curs firat.
Q. Giniill RlCllJIrllllnm Iilcl Approvlm
2. An euemefVkxajoinl useddvewaysl~ail)elXOvidedpdorto flnli mapapl)roval or
issuance of building pMm18, ~4~h~4r o~cum Ilmt, foc.
_-/ /
._/ I
3. Prior to approval of the finll map I ellpod shll be poltecl 'Mth the City (xwedng the
eltknlllcl cx)11 ol .yp uAIMinl] h anll IJndM.611 III ,, l,d DilIri:I
.__/ I
4. Etiwlndl/SlJlSevlktlAJllRlglOnllMlifilnl,.el=ondl,yRlglOfili, lndMIItlrF)lln .. _--/ I
Drain~gl Fm Ilml bl plid pdor Io finli roll) ipl)mvll or pdor !o building pMmt ismrance II
6. A righid 00111111111d wllvlr rolm to Join IJld/M 1orm the LAw [rd~.~_ I,,.!.'ll CommunNy
Factl#iel DIIIdal allIll bl IIIId wllh Ihe Clly GrigtheM pdor to finll mlp IGN:Xovll M the
ismJanM M buldino pMmb, v4, ~h ivlr o(x:um Ilrlt. FormMlon Goltl IhMi be home by the
7. Prior to finlNzltion M Iny divllop,,I.d phiIt, lufficilfl ih(,Y,~O;,, l-d planl M be corn-
pieted beyond tho philo boumlrloo to aMuro. i c 0ndlry line81 Ifid drlkuoe protoction to
the satidlGtiOn of the Cly ~. Ph~e boundlMi ihlll (xh,uF o~ 1o lot ~ shown
.on me 8pl:mved W mtl~
.._/ /
of* 13
2/0 !
APN~ 207-161-35 AND 38 AND 227-171-03, 08, 20, 22, AND
A. Recitals
(i) William Lyon Homes, Inc. has filed an application for the
extension of Tentative Tract No. 15060 as described in the title of this
Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Time Extension
request is referred to as "the application."
(ii) On July 14, 1993, this Commission adopted its Resolution No.
91-75 thereby approving, subject to specific conditions and time limits,
Tentative Tract No. 15060.
(iii) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution
have occurred.
B. Resolution.
NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the
Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows:
1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts
set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct.
2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission,
including written and oral staff reports, this Commission hereby specifically
finds as follows:
a. That prevailing economic conditions have caused a
distressed market climate for development of the project.
b. That current economic, marketing, and inventory conditions
make it unreasonable to develop the project at this time.
c. That strict enforcement of the conditions. of approval
regarding expirations would not be consistent with the intent of the
Development Code.
d. That the granting of said time extension will not be
detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious
to properties or improvements in the vicinity.
July 14, 1993
Page 2
3. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs
i and 2 above, this Commission hereby grants a Time Extension for:
Tract ADDlicant Expiration
15060 William Lyon Homes, Inc. June 12, 1994
4. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption
of this Resolution.
Larry T. McNiel, Chairman
Brad Bullet, Secretary
I, Brad Bullet, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho
Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Reaolution was duly and
regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Co~mission of the
City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held
on the.14th day of July 1993, by the following vote-to-wit:
July 14, 1993
Chairman and Members of the Planning Co~nission
Brad Buller, City Planner
Steve Hayes, Associate Planner
DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 93-07 - BAUSMAN - The proposed development of a
5,362 square foot custom hillside residence within the Very Low
Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre), located
at 8933 Laramie Drive - APN: 1061-801-05.
SITE DESCRIPTION: The site is currently vacant and void of any significant
vegetation or natural features. An existing comunity trail, constructed with
Tract 1~626, runs along the south property line. The lot was rough graded and
hydroseeded with the construction of streets and trails within Tract 11626.
Following rough grading, a relatively uniform slope of approximately 9 percent
currently exists on the lot. Curb, gutter and a driveway approach exist along
the site frontage.
General: This custom residence requires consideration of the Planning
Commission due to the proposed cut/fill in excess of 5 feet from the
existing grade on the property. The areas where the depth of cuts or
fills exceed 5 feet are concealed underneath the building footprint, where
a subterranean basement and elevator is proposed. The 5,362 square foot
custom residence has been designed to meet the technical aspects'of the
Hillside Development Ordinance by fitting the house within the required
building envelope and stepping the residence with the natural slope of the
terrain. Furthermore, the plan includes only minimal retaining walls,
consistent with one of the primary intentions of the Hillside Development
Ordinance. Special consideration was given to design the house with a
single story, low-profile appearance as seen from Laramie Drive.
Although the house has 5 garage spaces, only a 2-car garage is provided on
the front elevation of the house. The 3-car garage is planned on the
subterranean level at the rear of the house, thereby minimizing the
potential prominance of the garage on the front elevation of the house.
Since the original plan package was su~itted to staff, the applicant has
included additional landscaping and a turf-block strip within the driveway
along the east property line, an additional landscaping area along the
west side of the residence, a landscape turf block section of driveway in
the front yard to reduce hardscape areas, and more substantial landscaping
at the base of the rear deck to screen the structural elements from
downslope views. Overall, the design of the house is similar to the
existing residence immediately to the east, but with substantial
improvements as noted above.
DR 93-07 - BAUSMAN
July 14, 1993
Page 2
Design Review Committee: On June 15, 1993, the Committee (Vallette,
Melcher, Coleman) reviewed the conceptual plans and recommended approval
of the project.
Grading Committee: The Grading Committee reviewed the project at its
meeting of June 15, 1993 and found the plans technically acceptable, but
felt the depth and amount of the proposed cuts and fills should be
considered as part of the overall project design at the Planning
Commission meeting.
RECOmmENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve
Development Review 93-07 through adoption of the attached Resolution.
Exhibit "A" - Site Utilization Map
Exhibit "B" - Site Plan
Exhibit "C" - Conceptual Grading Plan
Exhibit "D" - Conceptual Landscape Plan
Exhibit "E" - Building Elevations
Exhibit "F" - Building Sections
Exhibit "G" - Floor Plan
Resolution of Approval
· / .' 1 / /
//' /,
/ /
T T~ T T T
i i i
~-X I+l B IT "(r
IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 1061-801-05.
A. Recitals.
(i) Wayne and Laurel Bausman have filed an application for the
approval of Development Review No. 93-07 as described in the title of this
Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Development Review
request is referred to as "the application."
(ii) On the 14th day of July 1993, the Planning Commission of the
City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a meeting on the application and concluded
said meeting on that date.
(iii) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution
have occurred.
B. Resolution.
NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the
Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows:
1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts
set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct.
2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission
during the above-referenced meeting on July 14, 1993, including written and
oral staff reports and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in
paragraph 1 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows:
(a) That the proposed project is consistent with the
objectives of the General Plan; and
(b) That the proposed use is in accord with the objective of
the Development Code and the purposes of the district in which the site is
located; and
(c) That the proposed use is in compliance with each of the
applicable provisions of the Development Code; and
(d) That the proposed use, together with the conditions
applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or
welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity.
July 14, 1993
Page 2
3. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs
1, and 2 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to
each and every condition set forth below and in the attached Standard
Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference:
Plannin~ Division
The new man-made slopes in front and at the
rear of the house shall be designed with
varying slope gradients, and rounded-off toe
and tops to provide a more natural appearance,
subject to review and approval of the Planning
Division prior to issuance of grading permits.
Material samples of the proposed brick pavers
and turf block shall be reviewed and approved
by the Planning Division prior to the issuance
of building permits.
The final landscape/irrigation plan shall
include sufficient landscaping to screen the
structural framework of the rear deck and the
downslope elevation of the residence, as
required by the Hillside Development Ordinance
to the satisfaction of the Planning Division.
The proposed retaining walls shall not exceed a
maximum height of 4 feet above proposed grade,
per the Hillside Development Ordinance.
A Minor Exception application shall be filed,
prior to the issuance of grading and wall
permits, for any combination block/retaining
walls along the side property lines that exceed
6 feet in height above average finish grade.
En~ineerin~ Division
Concentrated run-off shall be dissipated prior
to entering the Community Trail along the south
property line.
4. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption
of this Resolution.
July 14, 1993
Page 3
Larry T. McNiel, Chairman
Brad Suller, Secretary
I, Brad Euller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho
Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and
regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the
City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held
on the 14th day of July 1993, by the following vote-to-wit:
~TY G~
Those items checked are Conditions of Approval.
A. Time Limits ~,,, ~
'/ 1. Approval shall expire, unless extended by the Planning Commission, if building permits are ---/ /
not issued or approved use has not oommenced within 24 months from the date of approval.
2. Development/Design Review shell he Kapmved p~tor to I I _._j /
3. Approval of Tentative Tract No. is granted subject to the approval of _../ /
4. Thedeveiopershallcommonce, pa~ticipatein, andconsummateorcausetobecommenced, ~ /
participated in, or consummated, a Melio-Roos Community Facilities District (CFD) for the
Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection Distdct to finance construction and/or maintenance of
a fire station to serve the development. The station shall be located, designed, and built to
all specifications of the Ranche Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and shall become the
District's property upon compiaffon. The equipment shall be selected by the Distdct in
accordance with its needs. In any building of a ~tation, the developer shall comply with all
applicable laws and regulations. The CFD shell be formed by the District and the developer
by the time recordation of the final map occurs.
SC - 2/91
5. Prior to recordation of ttm final map or the issuance of building permits, wbichevercomes / /
first, the applicant shell consent to, or participate in, the establishment of a Malio-Roos
Community Facilities District for the construction and maintenance of necessery school
facilities. However, if any school district has previously established such a Community
Facilities District, the applicant shell, in the altematNe, consent to the annexation of the
project site into the territory of such existing District pdor to the recordation of the final map
or the issuance of building permits, whichever a3mes first. Furlher, if the affected sctxx)l
district has not formed a Mello-Roos Community Facilities DtMrict witbin twelve months from
the date of approval of the project and prior to the rm33rdetion of the final map or issuance
of building permits for said project, this condition shell be deemed null and void.
I o f "'~
This condition shall be waived if the City receives notice that the applicant and all affected
school districts have entered into an agreement to prtvateh/accommodate any and all school
impacts as a result of this project.
Prior to recordation of the final map or prior to issuance of building permits when no map is
involved, written certification from the affected water district that adequate sewer and water
facilities are or will be available to serve the proposed project shall be submitted to the
Department of Community Development. Such letter must have been issued by the water
district within 90 days prior to final map approval in the case of subdivision or prior to issuance
of permits in the case of all other residential projects.
B. Site Development
~ 1. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which
include site plans, architectural elevations, exterior metehal8 and colors, landscaping, sign
program, and grading on file in the Planning Division, the conditions contained herein,
Development Code regulations, and
Specific Plan and
Planned Community.
/, /
2. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon, all __/ /
Conditions of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Planner.
3. OccupancyofthefacilityshallnotcommencauntilsuchtimeasallUniformBuildingCodeand __/ /
State Fire Marshall's regulations have been complied with. Prior to occupancy, plans shall
be submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety
Division to show compliance. The building shall be inspected for co.,p;ianca prior to
Revised site plans and building elevations incofi~x~rating all Conditions of Approval shall be
submitted for City Planner review and app~val p~tor to issuance of buildirtg permits.
All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and ~reet Improvemere plans shall be coordinated for
consistency p~ior to issuance of any permits (~uch as grading, tree removal, encroachment,
building, etc.), or prior to final rna~ approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, or
approved use has commenced, whichever comes first.
Approval of this request shall not waive con. lance ~ all sections of the Development
Code, all other app#cal~ie C#y Ordinances, and r~'p"c ~le Community Plans or Specific
Plans in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance.
/ /
/ /
__/ /
A detailed on-site lighting plan shatl be reviewed and approved by the City Planner and
Sheriff's Department (989-6611) prior to the issuance of building permits. Such plan shall
indicate style, illumination, location, height, and metl'~nd of shielding so as not to adversely
affect adjacent properties.
/ /
8. If no centralized trash receptacles are provided, all trash pick-up shall be for individual units
with all receptacles shielded from public view.
/ /
SC - 2/91
Trash receptacle(s) are required and shall meet City standards. The final tiesign, locations,
and the numl~r of trash receptacles shall be SuI:~K:t tO City Pianner review and approval
prior to issuance of building permits.
All ground-mounted utility appurtenances suc~ as transtormers, AC condensers, etc., shall
be located out of pul~lic view and adequately screened through the use of a combination of
concrete or masonry walls, betming, and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the City
Planner. ~ lID
:z of'"7
11. Street names shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval in accordance with
the adopied Street Naming Policy prior to approval of the final map.
12. All building numbers and individual units shall be identified in a clear and concise manner,
including proper illumination.
/ /
13. A detailed plan indicating trail widths, maximum slopes, physical conditions, fencing, and
weed control, in accordance with C~y Master Trail drawings, shall be submitted for City
Planner review and approval prior to approval and recordation of the Final Tract Map and prior
to appmvai of street improvement and grading plans. Devaiopar shall upgrade and construct
all trails, including fencing and drainage devices, in conjunction with street improvements.
.__/ /
14. The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) shall not prohibit the keeping Of equine
animals where zoning requirements forthe keeping of said animals have been met. Individual
lot owners in subdivisions shall have the OlXion of keeping said animals without the necessity
of appealing to boards of directors or homeowners' associations for amendments to the
/ /
15. The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and Arficlas of Incorporation of the
Homeowners' Association are subject to the approval of the Planning and Engineering
Divisions and the City Attorney. They shall be recorded concurrently with the Final Map or
prior to the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. A recorded copy shall be
provided to the City Engineer.
16. All perkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained bythe property
owner, homeowners' association, or other means acceptable to the City. Proof of this
landscape maintenance shall be submitted for City Planner and City Engineer review and
approval prior to issuance of building permits.
/ /
17. Solar access easements shall be dedicated for the purpose of assuming that each lot or
dwelling unit shall have the right to receive sunlight acr~ adjacent lots or units for use of
a solar energy system. The easements may be contained in a Declaration of Restrictions for
the subdivision which shall be recorded noncurremly with the recordation of the final map or
issuance of permits, whichever comee first. The easements shall prohibit the casting of
shadows by vegetation, structures, fixtures or any other object, excepl for utility wires and
similar objects, pursuant to Development Code Section 17.08.060-G-2. ' *
/ /
18. The project contains a designated Historical landmmk. The site shall be developed and
maintained in accordance with the Historic I andmatt( Alteration Permit No.
· Any further modifications to the site including, but not limited to, exterior alterations and/or
interior aiteratibns which affect the exterior of the buildings or structures, removal of landmark
trees, demolition, reiocatibn, reconstruction of buildings or structures, or changes to the site,
shall require a modification to lhe Historic landmark Alteration Permit subject to Historic
Preservation Commission review and appmvai.
C. Building D~lgn
An aitemative energy system is required to provide domestic hot water for all dwelling units
and tot heating any swimming pool or spa, unless ofher alternative energy systems are
demonstrated to be of equivelarlt caiNIcily and efficiency. AJI ~,.,d~lg I:X:~)is installed at the
time of initial development shall be sul:~)lamanted with solar heating. Details shall be
included in the building plans and shall be submitted for City Planner review and al~roval
prior to the issuance of building permits.
SC - 2/9!
All dwellings shall have the front, side and rear elevations upgraded with architectural
treatment, detailing and increased dolinaation of surface treatment sul~ect to City Planner
review and approval prior to issuance of building permits.
/ /
3. Standard patio cover plans for use by the Homeowners' Association shall be submitted for
City Planner and Building Official review and approval prior to issuance of building permits.
V// 4.
All roof appurtenances, inctuding air conditioners and other roof mounted equipment and/or
projections, shell be shielded from view and the sound buffered from adjacent properties and
streets as required by the Planning Division. Such screening shall be architecturally
integrated with the building design and constructed to the satisfaction of the City Planner.
Details shall be included in building piens.
D. Parking and Vehicular Acc~ (Indicate detalia on bulk:ling plans)
1. All parking lot landscape islands shall have a minimum outside dimension of 6 feet and shall
contain a 12-inch walk edjacem to the parking stall (including curb).
Textured pedestrian pathways and textured pavement across circulation aisles shall be
provided thrmJghout the development to connect dwellings/units/buildings with open spaces/
plazas/recreational uses.
3. All parking spaces shall be double striped per City standards and all driveway aisles,
entrances, and exits shall be striped per City standards.
4. All units shall be provided with garage door openers if driveways are less than 18 feet in
depth from back of sidewalk.
The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shell restrict the storage of recreational vehicles
on this site unless they are the principal source of transportation for the owner and prohibit
parking on interior circulation aisles other than in designated visitor parking areas.
Plans for any security gates shell be subm~ed for the City Planner, City Engineer, and
Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District review and approval prior to issuance of building
/ /
/ /
/ /
__/ ./
___/ /
__ /
._J /
/ /
E. Landscaping (for publicly malntalr~d landm~pe area~, refer to Section N.)
1. A detaiied landscape and irrigation plan, including slope planting and model home landscap-
ing in the case of residential development, ~ be prepared by a licensed landscape'
architectand submltted for City Planner revlaw and approval priorto the iesuance of building
permits or prior final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdiviMon.
2. Existing~reesrequ~redtobepreserved~npla~esheitbeprotectodw~thac~nstruofi~nberrier ~.J /
in a__,~_ rdance with the Municipal Code Section 19.06.110, and ~o nofedonthe grading plans.
The k~c, ation of those tre~ to be preened in place and new locations for transplanted trees
shall be shown on the detallad ~ plans. The appltcam ~hall follow all of the amorist's
recommendations regarding preservation, transplanting and tdmming methods.
3. Aminimumof treespargrossacre, comprisedofthefollowingsizes, shell be providecl -~/ /
within the project: % - 48- inch box or larger, % - 36- inch box or larger,
% - 24- inch box or larger, % - 15-ga#on, and ~% - 5 gallon.
4. A minimum of ..~O % of trees plamed within the project shall be sp~imen s~-e trees - / /
5. Within parking lots, trees shall be planted st a rate of one 15-gallon tree for every three / /
parking sialis, sufficient to shade 50% of the parking area st ~olar noon on August 21.
SC - 2/91
6. Trees shall be planted in areas of public view adjacent to and along structures at a rate of one
tree per 30 linear feet of building.
All private slope banks 5 feet or less in vertical height and of 5:1 or greater slope, but less than
2:1 slope, shall be, at minimum, irrigated and landscaped with appropriate ground cover lot
erosion control. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation
system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy.
Allprivate slopes in excessof 5 feat, but lassthan 8 feet in vertical height andof 2:1 orgreater
slope shall be landscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as
follows: one 15-gallon or larger size tree per each 150 sq. ft. of slope area, 1 -gallon or larger
size shrub per each 100 sq. ft. of slope area, and appropriate ground cover. In addition. slope
hanks in excess of 8 feet in vertical height and of 2:1 or greater slope shall also include one
5-gallon or larger size tree per each 250 sq. if. of elope area. Trees and shrubs shall be
planted in staggered clusters to soften and vary slope plane. Slope planting required by this
section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to
For single family residential development, all slope planting and irrigation shall be continu-
ously maintained in a healthy and thriving condition by the developer until each individual unit
is sold and occupied by the buyar. Priortoreleasingoccupartoyforthoseunits, aninspectlon
shall be conducted by the Planning Division to determine that they am in satisfactory
10. For multi-family residential and non-residantlal development, property owners are reepon-
sibte for the continual maintenance of all landscaped areas on-site, as well as contiguous
planted areas within the public right-of-way. All landscaped areas shall be kept free from
weeds and debris and maintained in a healthy and thriving oonditlon, and shall receive
regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing, and trimming. Any damaged, dead, diseased, or
decaying plant material shall be replaced within 30 days from the date of damage.
11. Front yard landscaping shall be required per the Development Code and/or ~tL~-I.~-
[J ,,.v~.f~ ~,~1 ~,,,,,,~u . This requirement shall be in addition to the required
street trees and slope p4anting.
12. The final design of the perimeter parkways, walls, landscaping, and sidewalks shall be
included in the required landscape plaJ~ and ~ be su13ject to City Planner review and
approval and cooMinated for consistency with any parleray landacaWng plan which may be
required by the Engineering Division.
13. Special landscape features such as muunding, alluvial rock, specimen size trees, meander-
ing sidewalks (with horizontal change), and intensified landscaping, is required along
14. Landscaping and Irrigation systems required to be installed within the public right-of-way on
the perimeter of this project area Shall be continuously maintained by the daveloper.
15. All walls shall be provided with decorative treatment. ff located in public maintenance areas,
the design shall be coordinated with the Engineering Division.
16. Tree maintenance criteria shall be daveloped and submitted for City Planner review and
approval prior to issuance of building permits. 'rhe~ criteria shall encourage the natural
growth characteristics of the selected tree species.
17. Landscaping and irrigation shall be designed to consewe water through the principles of
Xeriscape as defined in Chapter 19.16 of tile Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code,
5 of"~
._/ /
__/ /
/ /
__/ /
/ /
/ /
._./ /
F. Signs
The signs indicated on the submitted plans are conceptual only and not a part of this approval.
Any signs proposed for this development shall comply with the Sign Ordinance and shall
require separate application and approval by the Planning Division prior to installation of any
2. A Uniform Sign Program for this development shall be submitted for City Planner review and
approval prior to issuance of building permits.
Directory monument sign(s) shall be provided for apartment, condominium, or townhemes
prior to occupancy and shall require separate application and approval by the Planning
Division prior to issuance of building parmits.
G. Environmental
._./ /
/ /
/ /
The developer shall provide each prospective buyer written notice of the Fourth Street Rock
Crusher project in a standard format as determined by the City Planner, prior to accepting a
cash deposit on any property.
The deveiopar shall provide each prospective buyer written notice of the City Adopted
Special Studies Zone for the Red Hill Fault, in a standard format as determined by the City
Planner, prior to accepting a cash deposit on any property.
The developer shall provide each prospective buyer written notice of the Foothill Freeway
project in a standard format as determined by the City Planner, prior to accepting a cash
deposit on any property.
A final acoustical report shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the
issuance of building permits. The final report shall di~___,ss the level of interior noise
attenuation to below 45 CNEL, the building matedais and construction techniques provided,
and if appropriate, verify the adequacy of the mitigation measures. The building plans will be
checked for conformance with the mitigation measures contained in the final report.
H. Other Agencies
1. EmergencysecondaryaccassshallbeprovidedinaccordancawithRanchoCucamongaFire*--/
Protection District Standards.
2. Ernergencyaccessshallbeprovided, rnalntenance free and clear, a minimumof26feetwlde ---/
at all times during construction in accordance with Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection
District requirements.
3. Prior to issuance of building permits for combustible construction, evidence shall be /
submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District that temporary water supply for
fire protection is available, pending completion of required fire protection system.
4. The applicant shall contact the U.S. Postal Service to determine the appropriate type and /
location of mail boxes. Multi-family resldenfial developments shall provide a solid overhead
slmcture for mail boxes with adequate ligNing. The final location of the mail boxes and the
design of the overhead structure shall be su~ect to City Planner review and approval prior
to the issuance of building permits.
/ /
.__/ /
/ /
SC - 2/91
For projects using septic tank facilities, written certification of acceptability, including all
supportive information, shall be obtained from the Sen Semardino County Department of
Environmental Health and submitted to the Building Olfioial prior to the issuance of Septic
Tank. Permits, and prior Io issuance of building pa_mlits.
6of '~'
I. Site Development
1. The appiicant shall corrply with the latest edopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform M~hani-
cal Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, and all other applicable codes,
ordinances, and regulafions in effect at the time of issuance of relative permits. Please
contact the Building and Safety Division for copies of the Code Adoption Ordinance and
applicable handouts.
Prior to issuance of building permits for a new residential dwelling unit(s) or major addition
to existing unit(s), the applioant shall pay developmant fees at the estabitshed rate. Such fees
may include, but are not limited to: City Beautificstion Fee, Park Fee, Drainage Fee, Systems
Deveiopment Fee, Permit and Plan Checking Fees, and School Fees.
Prior to issuance of building permits for a new commercial or industrial deveiopment or
addition to an existing claveiopment, the applicant shall pay ddveiopment fees at the
established rate. Such lees may include, but are not lin~tad to: Systems Development Fee,
Drainage Fee, School Fees, Permit and Plan Checking Fees.
4. Street addresses shall be provided by the Building Official, after tract/percel map recordation
and prior to issuance of building permits.
J. Existing Structurel
Provide co.,pliance with the Uniform Building Code for lhe property line claaranoes
consldedng use, area, am fim-resisliveness of existing bullclings.
Existing buildings shall be made to comply wah correct bu~ing and zoning regulations for
the intended use or the building shell be demolished.
Existing sewage disposal facilities shall be removed, filled and/or capped to comply with the
Uniform Plumping Code and Uniform Building Code.
K. Grading
Underground on-site utilities am to be located and shown on bullcling plans su13rnittad for'
building permit ap~ication.
Grading ol the sul:~lect property shall be in ~nce with the Uniform Bullcling Code, City
Grading Standards, and accelxad grad~g practices. The final grading plan shall be in
substantial conformance with the approved grading plan.
A soils report shell be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to
perform such work.
The development is located within the soil erosion confrol boundaries; a Soil Disturbance
Permit is required. Please cont~t San Bemarcllno Counly Del~lrtmenf of Agriculture at (714)
387-2111 for permit appacation. Documentation of such permit shall be submittad to the City
prior to the issuance of rough grading permit.
A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at
the time of application for grading plan check.
The final grading plans shall be completed and approved pdorto issuance of building permits.
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July 14, 1993
Chairman and Members of the Planning Co~nission
Brad Buller, City Planner
Scott Murphy, Associate Planner
MC DONALDS CORPORATION - A request to construct a fast food
restaurant (with drive-thru) within an existing shopping center in
the Neighborhood Commercial designation, located on the east side
of Haven Avenue between Highland and Lemon Avenues -
APN: 201-271-65.
Site Characteristics: The site is a free-standing pad within the Haven
Village Shopping Center. The pad is located imediarely north of the
signalized Haven Avenue entry. The pad was rough graded with construction
of the initial project phases.
B. Parking Calculations:
Number of N,,mher of
Type Square Parking Spaces Spaces
of Use Footage Ratio Required Provided
Fast Food 2,882 1 space/ 38 43-'
75 sq. ft.
Retail 4,000 1 space/ ..3.6 1--6
250 sq. ft.
TOTAL 54 59
Background: The Master Plan for the shopping center was originally
approved by the Planning Comission in 1985. The plan did not provide for
a drive-thru restaurant at that time. Subsequently, the developer
submitted plans to modify the Master Plan to allow a drive-thru restaurant
at the proposed location. The plans combined two free-standing commercial
buildings into one 5,180 square foot fast food restaurant with a drive-
thru lane. The new master plan was approved by the Planning Commission on
November 29, 1989.
On August 18, 1992, the Planning Commission conducted a Pre-Application
Review workshop to review new plans submitted for a drive-thru restaurant
and retail pad. Because of changes to McDonalds' operation, the drive-
July 14, 1993
Page 2
thru restaurant was scaled back to 2,400 square feet. A 5,000 square foot
retail pad was proposed to the north. The drive-thru lane was proposed
between the two buildings. The Co~nission's main concerns centered on the
relationship between the buildings, poor distribution of parking, location
of the drive-thru lane, and location of the drive aisle in proximity to
the signalized intersection.
General: The applicant is now proposing a 2,882 square foot building
located at the south side of the site, adjacent to the main entry. The
facility has been designed in a mmre conventional drive-thru restaurant
layout with the drive-thru lane parallel to Haven Avenue and the main
entry. A 4-foot high wall (with rock veneer) screens the west and south
sides of the drive-thru lane. The building architecture is consistent
with the center.
A 4,000 square foot retail building is shown at the north end of the
site. The footprint is conceptual to demonstrate that the additional
square footage and parking could be provided. The specific building
design would be submitted for Planning Co~mission review and approval
prior to construction.
Design Review Committee: The Design Review Committee (Melcher, Tolstoy,
Coleman) reviewed the project on May ~8, ~993, and requested that
revisions be submitted for staff's review prior to scheduling for Planning
The landscaping along the south side of the drive-thru lane should be
expanded. The landscaping should extend to a point in line with the
north side of the planter to the east.
The applicant should explore a site plan that. relocates th~' future
pad building to the northwest corner of the site.
The drive-thru lane median should be reduced to a point just north of
the loading area.
The parapet used for the sign band should be designed as an
architecturally integrated element.
The sign area should be painted the same base and trim color as the
balance of the building.
The Uniform Sign Program could be amended to allow the use of red
7. Rock veneer should be provided on both sides of the screen wall.
The applicant has been working with staff to address the Committee's
concerns. The plans submitted for Planning Commission include:
July 14, 1993
Page 3
1. The landscaping south of the drive-thru lane has been expanded.
2. The future building pad has shifted to the north side of the lot and
the parking area has been redesigned to provide a better parking
Environmental Assessment:
Assessment and determined
impacts on the environment.
Negative Declaration.
3. The drive-thru median has been reduced.
4. The sign band has been redesigned to be architecturally integrated
into the building.
The remaining items (Numbers 5, 6, and 7) have been included as Conditions
of Approval.
Staff has completed the Environmental
that the project will have no significant
Therefore, staff recommends issuance of a
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve
Conditional Use Permit 93-08 through adoption of the attached Resolution and
issue a Negative Declaration.
Respectfully submitJ~d,
BB: SM/j fs
Exhibit "A" - Overall Site Plan
Exhibit "B" - Site Plan
Exhibit "C" - Landscape Plan
Exhibit "D" - Building Elevations
Resolution of Approval
0 · It · I! · ~)
$,(FIVNO~O# J.
- APN: 201-271-65.
A. Recitals.
(i) McDonald's Corporation has filed an application for the issuance
of Conditional Use Permit No. 93-08 as described in the title of this
Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Conditional Use
Permit request is referred to as "the application."
(ii) On the 14th day of July 1993, the Planning Commission of the
City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the
application and concluded said hearing on that date.
(iii) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution
have occurred.
B. Resolution.
NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the
Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows:
1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts
set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct.
2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this commission
during the above-referenced public hearing on July 14, 1993, including written
and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby
specifically finds as follows:
(a) The application applies to property located on the east
side of Haven Avenue between Highland and Lemon Avenues with a street frontage
of 275 feet and lot depth of 210 feet, which is located in an existing
neighborhood shopping center and is presently rough graded; and
(b) The properties to the north, south, and east of the
subject site are developed with a shopping center and the property to the west
is designated for residential uses and is developed with garden condominiums;
(c) The development of the drive-thru restaurant is consistent
with the Neighborhood Commercial designation of the Development Code and the
General Plan; and
July 14, 1993
Page 2
(d) The application, together with the attached conditions of
approval, will comply with all applicable standards of the Development Code.
3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission
during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of
facts set forth in paragraphs i and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and
concludes as follows:
(a) That the proposed use is in accord with the General Plan,
the objectives of the Development Code, and the purposes of the district in
which the site is located.
(b) That the proposed use, together with the conditions
applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or
welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity.
(c) That the proposed use complies with each of the applicable
provisions of the Development Code.
4. This Commission hereby finds and certifies that the project has
been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental
Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Commission hereby issues a Negative
5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs
1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject
to each and every condition set forth below and in the Standard Conditions,
attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
Plannin~ Division
The sign area shall be painted the Same base
and trim color as the balance of the
building. The final plans shall be reviewed
and approved by the City Planner prior to the
issuance of building permits.
Rock veneer shall be provided on both sides of
the drive-thru screen wall and playland wall.
The final plans shall be reviewed and approved
by the City Planner prior to the issuance of
building permits.
Extensive landscaping shall be provided
adjacent to the drive-thru lane. The final
plans shall be reviewed and approved by the
City Planner prior to the issuance of building
July 14, 1993
Page 3
Truck loading and unloading shall be restricted
to the area designated for truck parking.
All colors, materials, and architectural
details shall be consistent with those used
throughout the shopping center.
The play equipment shall be colored to match
the building.
The following conditions shall be incorporated
into the final landscape plans:
Vines shall be planted at the base of the
trellis screening the pick-up and cashier
windows on the east side of the building.
Dense shrubs shall be planted to screen
the entire drive-thru lane from public
The signage shown on the elevations is
conceptual only. The proposed signage requires
a separate review and shall be subject to the
provisions of the approved Uniform Sign Program
for the shopping center.
The premises shall be kept clean and the
operator shall make all reasonable efforts to
see that no trash or litter originating from
the use is deposited on adjacent properties.
Trash containers shall be required and
employees shall be required to pick up trash or
litter originating from the site, upon the
site, and within 300 feet of the perimeter of
the property daily.
All graffiti shall be removed within 72 hours.
No undesirable odors shall be generated on the
A copy of these performance standards and all
Conditional Use Permit Conditions of Approval
shall be posted along with the necessary
business licenses and be visible at all times
to employees.
July 14, 1993
Page 4
Bn~ineerin~ Division
Reconstruction of the southerly drive approach
and construction of the Haven Avenue median
south of the southerly driveway shall be
completed and accepted by the City prior to
Complete Phase II street improvements on the
east side of Haven Avenue, between the
project's south boundary and Highland Avenue,
as shown on Drawing 1463, prior to occupancy.
6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption
of this Resolution.
Larry T. McNiel, Chairman
Brad Bullet, Secretary
I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of''Rancho
Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and
regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the
City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held
on the 14th day of July 1993, by the following vote-to-wit:
Those items checked are Conditions of Approval.
A. Time Llmltl c..~o. ~.,,.
'/ 1. Approval shall expire, unless extended by the Planning Commission, if building permits are .~ /
not issued or approved use has not commenced within 24 months from the date of approval.
2. Development/Design Review shall be approved prior to / / ~ /
3. Approval of Tentative Tract No. is granted subject to the al~roval of ~ /
4. The developer shall commenoe, partictpatein, andconsummateorcausetobecommenced, ---/ /
participateq in, or consummated, a Melio-Roos Community Facilities Distdct (CFD) for the
Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District to finance construction and/or maintenance of
a fire station to serve the development. The station shall be located, designed, and built to
all specifications of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and shall become the
District's property upon completion. The equipment shall be selected by the District in
accordance with its needs. In any building of a station, the developer shell COm!31y with all
applicable laws and regulations. The CFD shell be formeel by the District and the developer
by the time recordation of the final map occurs.
5. Prior to recordation of the final map or the issuanoe of bullding permits, whichever comes / / .
first, the applicant shall consent to, or participate in, the estal:~ishment of a Melio-Roos
Community Facilities District for the constnJction and maintenance of necessa~/school
facilities. However, if any school district has previously established such a Community
Facilities District, the applicant shall, in the alternative, consent to the annexation of the
project site into the territoq~ of such existing Disfitct prior to the recordation of the final map
or the issuance of building permits, whichever comes first. Further, if the affected school
district has not formed a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District within twelve months from
the date of approval of the project and prior to the recordation of the final map or issuance
of building permits for said pmje~, this condition shall be deemed null and void.
I o[12
This condition shall be waived if the City receives notice that the applicant and all affected
school districts have entered into an agreement to privately accommodate any and all school
impacts as a result of this proiect.
Prior to recordation of the final map or prior to issuance of building permits when no map is
involved, written certification from the affected water district that adequate sewer and water
facilities are or will be available to serve the proposed project shall be submitted to the
Department of Community Development. Such letter must have been issued by the water
district within 90 days prior to final map approval In the case of subclivislon or priorto issuance
of permits in the case of all other residential projects.
B. Site Development
v/" 1. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which
include site plans, architectural elevations, extedor materials and colors, landscaping, sion
program,' and grading on file in the Planning Division, the conditions contained herein,
Development Code regulations, and
Specific Plan and
Planned Community.
/ /
Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon, all
Conditions of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Planner.
Occupancy of the facility shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Building Code and
State Fire Marshall's regulations have been complied with. Prior to oc~_~pancy, plans shall
be submitted to the Ranoho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety
Division to show compliance. The building shall be inspected for compliance prior to
Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be
submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to issuance of building permits.
All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for
consistency pdor to issuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment,
building, etc.), or prior to final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, or
approved use has commenced, whichaver comes first. '
Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development
Code, all other applicable City Ordinances, and aFpll;-'-is Community Plans or Specific
Plans in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance.
A detailed on-site lighting plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City Planner and
Shartff's Department (989-6611) prior to the issuance of building permits. Such plan shall
indicate style, illumination, location, height, and method of shielding so as not to adversely
affect adjacent properties.
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8. If no centralized trash receptacles are provided, all trash pick-up shall be for individual units
with all receptacles shielded from public view.
Trash receptacle(s) are required and shall meat City standards. The final design, locations,
and the number of trash receptacles shall be sul:~ct to City Planner review and approval
prior to issuance of building permits.
10. All ground-mounted utility appurtenances such as transformers, AC condensers, etc., shall
be located out of public view and adequately screened through the usa of a combination of
concrete or masonry walls, barming, and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the City
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11. Street names shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval in accordance with
the adopted Street Naming Policy prior to approval of the final map.
12. All building numbers and individual units shall be identified in a clear and concise manner,
including proper illumination.
13. A detailed plan indicating trail widths, maximum slopes, physical conditions, fenring, and
weed control, in accordance with City Master Trail drawings, shall be submitted for City
Planner review and approval prior to approval and recordation of the Final Tract Map and prior
to approval of street improvement and grading plans. Developer shall upgrade and construct
all trails, including fencing and drainage devices, in conjunction with street improvements.
14. The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) shall not prohibit the keeping of equine
animals where zoning requirements forthe keeping of said animals have been met. Individual
lot owners in subdivisions shall have the option of keeping said animals without the necessity
of appealing to hoards of directors or homeowners' associations for amendments to the
15. The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and Articles of Incorporation of the
Homeowners' Association are subject to the approval of the Planning and Engineering
Divisions and the City Attorney. They shall be recorded concurrently with the Final Map or
prior to the issuance of building permits, whichever o(:~urs tiret. A recorded copy shall be
provided to the City Engineer.
16. All parkways, open areas, and lanclscaplng shall be permanently maintained by the property
owner, homeowners' association, or other means acceptable to the City. Proof of this
landscape maintenance shall be submitted for City Planner and City Engineer review and
approval prior to issuance of building permits.
17. Solar access easements shell be dedicated for the purpose of assuming that each lot or
dwelling unit shall have the right to receive sunlight across adjacent lots or units for use of
a solar energy system. The easements may be contained in a Declaration of Restrictions for
the subdivision which shall be recorded concurrently with the recordation of the final map or
issuance of permits, whichever comes first. The easements shall prohibit the casting of
shadows by vegetation, structures, fixtures or any other object, excapl for utility wires and
similar objects, pursuant to Deveiopl?~nt Code Section 17.08.060-G-2. -'
18. The project contains a designated Historical Landmark. The site shall be developed and
maintained in accordance with the Historic Landmark Alteration Permit No.
· Any further modifications to the site including, but not limited to, exterior alterations and/or
interior alterations which affect the exterior of the buildings or structures, removal of landmark
trees, demolition, reiocation, reconstruction of buildings or structures, or changes to the site,
shall require a modification to the Historic Landmark Alteration Permit subject to Historic
Preservation Commission review and approval.
C. Building
SC - 2/91
An alternative energy system is required to pmvicie domestic hot water for all dwelling units
and for heating any swimming pool or spa, unless other alternative energy systems are
demonstrated fo be of equivalent capacity and efficiency. All swimming pools installed at the
time of initial development shall be supplemented with solar heating. Details shall be
included in the building plans and shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval
prior to the issuance of building permits.
All dwellings shall have the front, side and rear elevations upgraded with architectural
treatment, detailing and increased delineation of surface treatment subject to City Planner
review and approval prior to issuance of building permits.
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3. Standard patio cover plans for use by the Homeowners' Association shall be submitted for
City Planner and Building Official review and approval prior to issuance of building permits.
All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners and other roof mounted equipment and/or
projections, shell be shielded from view and the sound buffered from adjacent properties and
streets as required by the Planning Division. Such screening shall be architecturally
integrated with the building design and constructed to the satistaction of the City Planner.
Details shall be included in building plans.
D. Parking and Vehicular Access (Indicate detalia on bulkling ptana)
1. All parking lot landacape islands shell have a minimum outside dimension of 6 feet and shall
comain a 12.inch walk adjacent to the parking stall (including cu~o).
Textured pedestrian pathways and textured pavement across circulation aisles shall be
provided throughout the development to connect dwellings/unifs/bulldinga with open spaces~
plazas/recreational uses.
3. All parking spaces shall be double striped per City standards and all driveway aisles,
entrances, and exits shall be striped per City standards.
4. All units shall be provided with garage door openers if driveways are less than 18 feet in
depth from back of sidewalk.
The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shell rest ~,'t the storage of recreational vehicles
on this site unless they are the principal source of transportation for the owner and prohibit
parking on interior circulation aisles other than in designated visitor parking areas.
Plans for any security gates shell be submitted for the City Planner, City Engineer, and
Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District review and approval prior to issuance of building
E. Lanesraping (for publicly malntaln/d landlcape areas, refer to Section N.)
/ 1. Adetailed landscape artlirrigation ;gan, including slope planting and model home landscap-.
ing in the case of residential development, shall be I~'epared by a licensed landscape
architect and submittedfor City Planner revlaw and al:~X~val priorto tbeissuance of building
parmits or prior final map al~:~'ovai in the case of a custom lot sulx!ivision.
Existing trees required to be preserved In place shell be I:x~tacted with a construction barrier
in acco rdance with the Municipal Code Section 19.08.110, and so noted on the grading plans.
The location of those trees to be preserved in place and new locations for transplanted trees
shall be shown on the detailed landscape plans. The applicant shall follow all of the arborist's
recommendations regarding preservation, transplanting and trimming methods.
3. A minimumof trees per gross acre, comprised of the foliowing sizes, shell be provided
within the project: % - 48- inch box or larger, % - 36- inch box or larger,
__ % - 24- inch box or larger, __ % - 15-gallon, and __ % - $ gallon.
4. A minimum of /"~ % of trees planted within the project shall be specimen size trees -
24-inch box or larger.
5. Within parking lots, trees shell be planted at a rate of one 1S-gallon tree for every three
parking stalls, sufficient to shade 50*/, of the parking area at solar noon on August 21.
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SC - 2/9!
6. Trees shall be planted in areas of public view adjacent to and along structures at a rate of one
true per 30 linear feet of building.
All private slope banks 5 feet or less in vertical height and of 5:1 or greater slope, but less than
2:1 slope, shall be, at minimum, irrigated and landscaped with appropriate ground cover for
erosion control. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation
system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy.
All private slopes in excess of 5 feet, but less than 8 feet in vertical height and of 2:1 or greater
slope shall be landscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as
follows: one 15-gallon or larger size tree per each 150 sq. ft. of slope area, 1-gallon or larger
size shrub per each 100 sq. ft. of slope area, and appropriate ground cover. In addition, slope
hanks in excess of 8 feet in vertical height and of 2:1 or greater slope shall also include one
5-gallon or larger size tree per each 250 sq. ft. of slope area. Trees and shrubs shell be
planted in staggered clusters to soften and yap/slope plane. Slope planting required by this
section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to
For single family residential development, all slope planting and irrigation shall be continu-
ously maintained In a healthy and thriving condition by the developer until each individual unit
is soidandoccupledbythebuyer. Prlortoreleasing _oc_,',__,pancyfortheeeunits, an inspection
shall be conducted by the Planning Division to determine that they are in satisfactory
10. For muitHamily residential and non-residential development, proparty owners are respon-
sible for the continual maintenance of all landscaped areas on-site, as well as contiguous
planted areas within the public right-of-way. All landscaped areas shall be kept free from
weeds and debds and maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, and shall receive
regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing, and trimming. Any damaged, deed, diseased, or
decaying piaht material shall be replaced within 30 days from the date of damage.
11. Front yard landscaping shall be required per the Development Code and/or
· This requimmant shall be in addition to the required
street tmee and slope planting.
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12. The final design of the perimater pad,rays, walls, landscaping, and sidewalks shall be ~ /
included in the required landecape plane and shall be sub~ to City Planner review and.
approval and coordinated for consistency with any pa~;way landscaping plan which may be
required by the Engineering Division.
13. Special landscape features such as mounding, alluvial rock, specimen size trees, meander-
ing sidewalks (with horizontal change), and intensified landscaping, is required along
/ /
~/' 14. Landscaping and irrigation systems required to be installed within the public right-of-way on__/ / .
the perimeter of this project area shall be continuously maintained by the developer.
~ 15. All walls shall be provided with decorative treatment. If located in public maintenance areas,___//
the design shall be coordinated with the Engineering Division.
v"' 16. Tree maintenance criteria shall be developed and subelitted for City Planner review and / /
approval prior to issuance of building permits. These criteria shall encourage the natural
growth cttaracleristics of the selected tree species.
v/' 17. Land~--3ping and irrigation shall be clesigned to consewe water through the principles of / /
Xeriscape as defined in Chapter 19.16 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code.
SC - 2/91
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F. Signs
The signs indicated on the submitted plans are conceptual only and not a part of this approval.
Any signs proposed for this development shall comply with the Sign Ordinance and shall
require separate application and approval by the Planning Division prior to installation of any
2. A Uniform Sign Program for this development shall be submitted for City Planner review and
approval pdor to issuance of building permits.
Directory monument sign(s) shall be provided for apartment, condominium, or townhemes
prior to occupancy and shall require separate application and approval by the Planning
Division prior to issuance of building permits.
G. Environmental
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The developer shall provide each prospective buyer written notice of the Fourth Street Rock
Crusher project in a standard format as determined by the City Planner, prior to accepting a
cash deposit on any property.
The developer shall provide each prospective buyer written notice of the City Adopted
Special Studies Zone for the Red Hill Fault, in a standard format as determined by the City
Planner, prior to accepting a cash deposit on any properly.
/ /
The developer shall provide each prospective buyer written notice of the Foothill Freeway
project in a standard format as determined by the City Planner, prior to accepting a cash
deposit on any propew.
/ /
A final acoustical report shall be submitted tot City Planner review and approval prior to the
issuance of building permits. The final report shall discuss the level of Interior noise
attenuation to balow 45 CNEL, tbe building materials and construction techniquas provided,
and if appropriate, verify the adequacy of the mitigation measures. The building plans will be
checked for conformance with the mitigation measures contained in the final report.
/ /
H. Other Agencle~
Emergency seconcla~y access shall be provided in accordance with Rancho Cucamonga Fire
Protection District Standards.
Emergency access shall be provided, maintenance free and clear, a minimum of 26 feet w~e
at all timas (~uring construction in a__~_rdance w#h Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection
District requirements.
Prior to issuance of building parmits for combustible construction, e~dence shall be
submitted to the Rancho Cucemunga Fire Protection District that temporary water supply for
fire protection is available, pending completion of required fire protection system.
The applicant shall contact the U.S. Postal Service to determine the appropriate type and
location of mail boxes. Multi-family residential developments shall provide a solid overhead
structure for mail boxas with adequate lighting. The final location of the mail boxes and the
design of the overtmad structure shall be subject to City Planner review and approval prior
to the issuance of building permits.
For projects using septic tank facilities, written certification of acceptability, including all
supportive information, shall be oblained from the San Bernardino County Department of
Environmental Health and submitted to the Building Oflicial prior to the issuance of Septic
Tank Permits, and prior to issuance of building permits.
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,. Site Development
V/ 1. The appllcant shail comply with the letest adopted Uniform Building Code, UniformMechani-
cal Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, and all other applicable codes,
ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of issuance of relative permits. Please
contact the Building and Safety Division for copies of the Code Adoption Ordinance and
applicable handouts.
/ /
2. Prior to issuance of building permits for a new residential dwelling unit(s) or major addition ----/
to existing unit(s), the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees
may include, but are not limited to: City Beautification Fee, Pa~ Fee, Drainage Fee, Systems
Development Fee, Permit and Plan Checking Fees, and School Fees.
3. Prior to issuance of building permits for a new commercial or industrial development or
addition to an existing development, the applicant shall pay development fees at the
established rate. Such fees may include, but are not limited to: Systems Development Fee,
Drainage Fee, School Fees, Permit and Plan Checking Fees.
V'/' 4.
Street eddresses shell be provided by the Building Off'K:ial, after tract/parcel map recordation ___/
and prior to issuance of building permits.
J. Existing Structur~
1. Provide compliance with the Uniform Building Code for the property line clearances
considering use, area, and fire-resistivenass of existing buildings.
2. Existing buildings shall be made to comply with correct building and zoning regulations for ~
the intended use or the building shall be demolished.
3. Existing sewage disposal facilities shall be removed, filled and/or capped to comply with the ~
Uniform Plumbing Code and Uniform Building Code.
4. Underground on-site utilities are to be located and shown on building plans submitted for '
building permit application.
K. Gredlng
v/' 1.
v'/' 2.
Grading of the subject proparty shell be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City
Grading Standards, and accepted grading practices. The final grading plan shall be in
substantial conformance with the apl:m:wed grading plan.
A soils report shell be prepared by a clualitied engineer licensed by the State of California to
perform such work.
The development is located within the soil erosion control boundaries; a Soil Disturbance
Permit is required. Please contact San Bernardino County Department of Agriculture at (714)
387-2111 for permit application. Documentation of such permit shell be submitted to the City
prior to the issuance of rough grading parmir.
SC - 2/91
4. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualitied engineer or geologist and submitted at
the time of application for grading plan check.
5. The final grading plans shall be compieted and approved prior to issuance of building permits.
6. As a custom-lot subdivision, the following requirements shall be met:
a. Surety shall be posted and an agreement executed guaranteeing completion of all on-site
drainage facilities necassary for dewatering all parcels to the satisfaction of the Building
and Safety Division priorto final map approval and priorto the issuance of grading permits.
b. Appropriate easements for safe disposal of drainage water that are conducted onto
or over adjacent parcels, are to be delineated and recorded to the satisfaction ot the
Building and Safety Division prior to Issuance of grading and building permits.
c. On-site drainage improvements, necessary for dewatering and protecting the subdivided
properties, are to be installed pdor to issuance of building permits for construction upon
any parcel that may be subject to drainage flows entering, leaving, or within a parcel
relative to which a building permit is requested.
Final grading p~ans for each parcel are to be submitted to the Building and Safety
Division for approval prior to issuance of building and grading parmits. (This may be on an
incremental or composite basis.)
All slope banks in excess of 5 feet in vertical height shall be seeded with native grasses
or planted with ground cover for erosion control upon compMtion of grading or some other
alternative method of erosion control shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Building
Official. In addition a permanent irrigation system shall be provided. This requirement
does not release the app#cant/developer from compliance w#h the slope planting
requimmants of Section 17.08.040 1 ol the Development Code.
Com~t¢~.o~ Dam:
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L. Dedication and Vehicular ~
1. Rights-of-way and easements shall be dedicated to the City for all interior public streets,
community trails, public pasoos, public landscapa areas, street trees, and public drainage
facilities as shown on the plans and/or tentative map. I:htvate easements for non-public
facilities (cross-lot drainage, local feeder trails, etc.) shall be reserved as shown on the planS*
and/or tentative map.
2. Dedication shall be made of the following rights-of-way on the perimeter streets
(measured from street centerline):
total feet on
total feet on
total feet on
total feet on
3. An irrevocable offer of dedication for -foot wide roadway easement shell be mede
for all private streets or drives.
Non-vehicular access shall be dedicated to the City for the following streets:
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/ /
SC - 2/91
Reciprocal access easements shell be provide~l ensuring access to all parcels by CC&Rs
or by deeds and shall be recorded concurrently with the map or prior to the issuance of
I:xJilding permits, where no map is involved. C_~ ~.~ O
8 of 12
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6. Private drainage easements for cross-lot drainage shall be provided and shall be delineated
or noted on the final map.
__ 7. The final map shall clearly delineate a 10-foot minimum building restriction area on the
neighboring lot adjoining the zero Io/line wall and contain the following language:
"l/We hereby dedicate to the City of Rancho Cucamonga the right to prohibit the
construction of (residential) buildings (or other structures) within those areas designated
on the map as building restrict/on areas."
A maintenance agreement shall also be granted from each lot to the adjacent lot through the
8. All existing easements lying within future rights-of-way shell be quitclaimed or delineated on
the final map.
g. Easements for public sidewalks and/or street trees placed outside the public right-of-way
shall be dedicated to the City wherever they encroach onto private property.
10. Additional street right-of-way shall be dedicated along right turn lanes, to provide a minimum
of 7 feet measured from lhe face of curbs. If curb adjacent sidewalk is used along the rignt
turn lane, a parallel street tree maintenance easement shall be provided.
11. The developer shell make a good faith effort to acquire the required off-site properly interests
necessary to construct the required public improvements, and if he/She sheuid fail to do so,
the developer shall, at least 120 days prior to submittal of the final map for approval, enter
into an agreement to complete the improvements pursuant to Government Code Section
66462 at such time ss the City acquires the proparty interasts requirad for the improvements.
Such agreement shall provide for payment by the developer of all costs incurred by the City
to acquire the off-site property interests required in connection with the subdivision. Security
for a portion of these costs shall be in the form of a cash deposit in the amount given in an
appraisal report obtained by the developer, at developer's cost. The appraiser shall have
been approved by the City prior to commencement of the appraisal.
M. Street ImprovementJ
All public improvements (interior streets, drainage facilities, community trails, pasecs, ' '
landscaped areas, etc.) shown on the plans and/or tentative map shall be constructed to
City Standan:Is. Interior street improvements shall include, but are not limited to, curb and
gutter, AC pavement, ddve appmachas, sidewalks, street lights, and street trees.
2. A minimum of 26- foot wide pavement, within a 40 -foot wide dedicated right-of-way shall be
constructed for all half-section streets.
3. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to:
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._U /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/, J
,/ /
Ob~ [=,R PVMT WAL~ APPR. 1,1OH'l~ ~ TRAIl. [St,AND
Notes: (a) Median island includes landscaping and irrigation on meter. (b} Pavement
reconstruction and overlays will be determined during plan check. (C) If SO marked, side-
walk shall be curvilinear per STD. 304. (d) If SO marked, an in-lieu of construction fee shall
be provided for this item.
4. Improvement plans and construction:
Street improvement plans including street trees and street lights, prepared by a regis-
tered Civil Engineer, shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Security
shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satlstaction of the City Engineer and
the City Attorney guaranteeing completion ot the public and/or pdvate street improve-
ments, prior to final map approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs
Prior to any work being performed in public ~ht-of-way, fees shall be paid and a
construction permE shell be ootained from the City Engineer's Office in addition to any
other perutits required.
c. Pavement striping, marking, traffic, street name signing, and Interconnect conduit
shell be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
Signal conduit with pull boxes shell be installed on any new construction or reconstruction
of major, secondary or collector streets which intersect with other major, secondary or
collector streets for future traffic signals. Pull boxes shall be placed on both sides of the
street at 3 feet outside of BCR, ECR or any other locations approved by the City Engineer.
(1) All pull boxes shall be No. 6 unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer.
(2) Conduit shall be 3-inch galvanized areal with pullrope.
e. Wheel chair mrnpe shell be Installed on all four corners of intersections per City
Standards or as directed by the City Engineer.
Existing City macIs requiring construction shall remain open to tfa;;ic at all times with"
adequate detours dudrig construction. A street closure permit may be required. A cash
deposit shall be provided to cover the cost of grading aml paving, which shall be
refunded upon completion of the construction to Ihe satisfaction of the City Engineer.
g. Concentrated drainaga fiows shall not cross sidewalks. Under sldewalk drains shell be
installed to City Standards, excelX for single family lots.
h. Handicap aooess ramp design shall be as specified by the City Engineer.
i. Street names shell be approved by the City Planner prior to submittal for first pian check.
5. Street improvement plans per City Standards for all ;xivate streets shall be provided for
review and approval by the City Engineer. Prior to any work being parlormad on the pri-
vate streets, fees shall be paid and construction pertnits shall be obtained from the City
Engineer's Office in addition to any other permits required.
6. Street trees, a minimum of 15-galion size or larger, shell be installed per City Standards in
accordance with the City's street tree program.
__J /
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SC - 2/91
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7. Intersection line of site designs shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with
adopted policy.
a. On collector or larger streets, lines of sight shall be plotted tar all project intersections,
including driveways. Walls, signs, and slopes shall be located outside the lines of sight.
Landscaping and other obstructions within the lines of sight shall be approved by the City
b. Local residential street intersections shall have their noticeability improved, usually by
moving the 2 +/- closest street trees on each side away from the street and placed in a street
tree easement.
C-.om~clion Dam:
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/ /
/ /
8. A permit shall be obtained fro91CALTRANS for any work within the following right-of-way: ___/ /
g. All public improvemeNs on the following streets shall be operationally complete pdor to the / /-
issuance of building permits:
N. Public M~lntermnce Area~
T//' 1. ^ cep~'ste cot of ~ o~ i~.~ien p~na ~r E~i~ed~ ~bl~ We~ ~a~ards
shall ~ 6~,,~ed to the O;~ ~ineer for review a~ ~.al p,l~ to I~M .~p ~preval
eF isaua~e ~ ~iM;,~ ~.,~, ~r ~,o Ih~. ~ ~1~1~ ~ ~ays,
m~ians, ~s~s, easelS, tmi~, or ot~r am~ are m~ir~ to ~ annex~ i~o the
Landscape Maintenance District:
/ /
2. A signed consent and waiver form to join and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting
Districts shall be filed with the City Engineer prior to final map appmvalor issuance of building
permits whichever oc__~_,rs first. Formation costs shall be berne by the developer.
3. All required public landscaping and irrigation systems shall be continuously maintained bythe
developer until accepted by the City.
4. Parkway landscaping on the following street(s) shall conform to the results of the respective
Beautlficetion Master Plan:
I /
O. Drainage and Flood Control
The project (or portions thereof) is located within a Flood Hazard Zone; therefore, flood
protection measures shall be provided as certified by a registered Civil Engineer and
approved by the City Engineer.
2. It shall be the developer's responsibility to have the current FIRM Zone
designation removed from the project area. The developer's engineer shall prepare all
necessary reports, plans, and hydrologic/hydraulic calculations. A Conditional Letter
of Map Revision (CLOMR) shall be obtained from FEMA prior to final map approval or
issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. A Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) shall
be issued by FEMA prior to occupancy or improvement acceptance, whichever occurs first.
~ 3. A final drainage study shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer prior to final
map approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. All drainage
facilities shall be installed as required by the City Engineer.
/ /
/ /
4. A permit from the County Flood Control District is required for work within its rignt-of-way.
5. Trees are prohibited within 5 feet of the outside diameter of any public storm drain pipe
measured from the outer edge of a mature tree trunk.
6. Public storm drain easements shell be graded to convey overflows in the event of a
blockage in a sump catch basin on the public street.
P. Utilities
1. Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water,
gas, electric power, telephone, and cable 'rv (all underground) in a -~:,~rciance with the Utility
Standards. Easements shall be provided as required.
__/ /
.~/ /
/ /
/ /
// 2. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary. ~ /
V/ 3. Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the ----/ /
Cucamonga County Water District (CCWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District,
and the Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino. A letter of
compliance from the CCWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of parmRs,
whichever occurs first.
Q. General Requirements and Approvals
1. The separate pareels contained within the project boundaries shall be legally combined into / /
one parcel prior to issuance of building parmits.
2. An easement for a joint use driveway shall be provided prior to final map approval or .~/ / ..
issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first, for:
3. Prior to approval of the final map a deposit shall be posted with the City covedng the
estimated cost of apportioning the assessments under Assessment District
among the newly created parcels.
4. Eftwanda/San Sevaine Area Regional Mainline, Secon~ Regional, and Master Plan . '
Drainage Fees shall be paid prior to final map approval or pdor to building permit issuance if
no map is involved.
__J /
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5. Permits shall he ol~ained from tbe following agencies for work within their right-of-way: _._/ /
6.A signed consent and waiver form to join and/or form the Law Enforcement Community
Facilities District shall be filed with the City Engineer prior to final map alexoval or the
issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first. Formation costs shall be borne by the
Prior to finalization of any development phase, sufficient improvement plans shall be com-
pieled beyond the phase boundaries to assure secondary access and drainage protection to
the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Phase boundaries shall correspond to lot lines shown
on the approved tentative map.
12 of 12
~ ~ C,A 91Y37
Neighbors of McDonald's say
they deserve a break today
By Allass Sandford
Daily Bulletin.
UPLAND -- Soeeders and
liJ: r~es are cauTmg problems
nts who llve on either
side of the famous fast-food
eatery with golden arches.
Motorists are ignoring the
speed b-mps in two alleys
behind the double-decker Mc-
Donald's Restaurant on Foothill
Boulevard and Euclid Avenue.
They've also throwing ha/n-
burger wrappers ~Od soda cups
out ot' ~h~.;r car, windows as
[l~y make their way down the
narrow roadways, each lined
with homes.
The alleys are positioned be-
tween Euclid and First avenues
and between First and Second
"(In) the time it takes them
to eat in the car and then drive
to where we're at they're at the
point where they may have
finished eating the item,~ said
homeowner Steve West, upset
over the food wrappers that pile
up at his backyard fence.
Like other residents near
First, Second and Euclid ave-
nues - just south of Foothill
Boulevard - West has put up
with fast drivers and litterbugs
for about two dozen years.
He and neighboring residents
want closure of the two alleys
that parallel their properties
between Foothill Boulevard and
Feud . rorr, B3
11th Street so the recurring
problem will finally end.
If gating entran__~e~_ to the
alley" isn't feasible, residents
suggest bigger speed hnmps,
posted speed signs and/or punc-
ture fingers that would flatten
ting there is a problem in tb_e
alleys, residents say.
City traffic counts show 144
each ~7.a through the alley.
COmmUt~3~ generally use the
roads to byga~ Euclid Avenue
the tires of drivers. traffic or to get acoe~ to and
"A lot of the traffic "~t from McDonald's, Pomona Firet
doesn't slow down," said Federal Savinp and Loan and
Street resident Jane Stov~I!~ nearby businesses.
who favore better speed deter- But the amount and noise of
rents if the alley. aren't clo~ed. traffic, at all hours of the d~y,
The city's Street and Light 'is enough to wake West from a
Committee has been asked to deep sleep.
investigate the homeow,kere' ~/hen they hit that first
complalnts asecond~ime. speed bump it sounds llba
Initially, committee members they're going to come right
recommended keeping the el- through my fence," he said.
ley" open because closing them.
would force more traffic onto
Second Avenue and_ 11th Street,
said Deputy City Engineer
M~ke Hudson.
But saying closure of the
gates would cause traffic over-
flow on nearby streets is admit-
cessible to rescue ~m~ts, police
and fire tracks in emergency
cases ff they wers blocked.
"i bought my property be-
catme of the access from both
sidoe," she said. "i'm not in
favor of closing them."
An option to close the road-
way. with blockwalls would
cost about $39,000. A cheaper
solution, under consideration, is
to opt for chain-link fences.
Meanwhile, plsns to contact
McDonsld's ministers about the
tr~_sh problem have since fiz-
Bulldiug and safety ~rector
Don Ramsey said random
checks of the restaurant lot and
Homeowner Betty Lackey is neighborin~ alleys didn't turn
one of the few residents op-
poeed to sealing the alleys up unygaroage.
because she prefers having ac; "It was spotlesef said l~m-
cess to major streets. eey. 'there was no trash or
Lackey, who has lived on debris at all .... We can't put
Second Avenue 27 years, wor- the pressure on them to clean
r~el the ~lley" would be ~_c- up if there isn't a problem."
~_~.. 1.1o.r.,,~5021~, Jul 14,9.5 15:29 1'.1o.015 P.02 ·